#share them
franollie · 2 months
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a peek into my mind if you will
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i always think about the wedding traditions of each of the races of tamriel. like i dunno if i believe that the wedding you have in game is canonically a nord wedding. like huh? i wanna learn more about wedding ceremonies around the just bc of this…
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angelsdean · 2 years
when i see ppl say the reason creators stuff isn’t getting as many notes these days bc “the fandom is smaller” now, yet today an ask i got of a screenshot of a tweet got 300 notes in like the span of 5 hrs meanwhile i see creators struggle to break 100 notes and constantly self reblogging......ppl literally just don’t want to reblog creators 
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bearpillowmonster · 1 month
I don't normally do this but I wanted you to see it the way I do even if some of it is just game art (and it still bothers me that Balmung doesn't have a 2D full body render other than the concept art.)
But basically I had to stitch together HD versions of the Outbreak cover
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and find ones that have as little text covering the characters as possible but Elk takes up so much of that space so I had to go and edit it down so it looks like a full body image (yes, all for that little space where R2 and C3PO usually would be)
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I didn't finished the legs because they would've been obscured anyway but I want these assets out there for the future, take them if you're doing fanart. Yeah, I could've copied the left arm but a lot of people don't realize that the two aren't the same, I had to hand cut out everything anyway.
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But I did even more work on BlackRose
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This is all that image has, there's no full image, the one next to it is different and I could've just used it but I wanted the same Leia pose.
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So there's the sword, I went more with the Sign version than the one in the art because I had more references to that and there are differences anyway, like the red thorns on the pants vs gold. For some reason I have an easier time starting from scratch than recoloring or redoing the brightness factor in certain places. I redid those gloves over and over again so that they could see reasonably positioned but man she was the hardest to finish.
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The sky is literally the Skeith fight. Same with the ground to some degree, I pulled from a lot, I was going to do fractured data but the quality just didn't work and I wasn't remaking that orange code because it would never work right. Skeith was hand, not great but I needed that pose for Vader. I did a lot with opacity especially Cubia, some pieces more visible than others. All in all, this piece has more layers than I can count and is the most I've ever had on a project so I hope you really do like it.
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biopanik · 5 months
Me when I see the final death count of tbg
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goldshykitsune · 1 month
I remember in my 5th grade class years ago I had a teacher named Mr. Summers.
He's retired now or that’s the last think I heard about him... that was when I was in 7th grade I think...
Now years later I still remembered the ways he made class fun an enjoyable no matter what.
He was such a great teacher.
He told us kids that he would nrver tell us his age, I have long forgotten by now yow old he was theorized to be. All I know now is that he was old enough to be there for long enough to be able to even retire.
He loved chess. He taught us how to play and even gave us class time just for that. I would usually... no I would like always lose. It was still fun.
I had three really great friends that year... actually way more than that. I miss them...
My teacher also taught us how to play a Ukulele. He said his family knew how to also play the ukuleles since they were young. They also were in a cabin before he let us use them.
He had us read many things and taught us many crafts. He even was surprised with how fast this one kid read yet I can vouch for that that kid, they could actually read that fast and with very limited mistakes. Like maybe 1 and they'd finish an entire paragraph in less than a minute which was cool.
He also had everyone in the class being really friendly. He even made sure everyone had a friend and someone they could be friends with.
He sat me by a kid who loved cars. I sat by that kid and enjoyed sitting there. I think the kid enjoyed it too. He had someone who let them them talk about cars even if I had no idea what he was talking about.
There was another time I got to sit by my friends. I had class with three of my best friends... I feel I can call them best friends. O
I miss them so much...
I miss that class and teacher too.
I miss those conversations. I miss how joyful that class was no matter what.
I remember one of the darker of things he mentioned however. How if... when he died he wanted to be burried under flowers. Sadly right now I cannot quite remember what flowers but if I remember correctly it was white lily's.
He would want all of us there... all his students and family and everyone he could.
It was actually a pretty sweet thought. Most people probably do not remember this. I did.
I remembered and I... I miss all that some days. However time keeps going. We age.
We miss the past... we should all still remember the past. Never forgetting the good moments or the bad or the neutral. We should know how those events changed us. How they made us better or worse in cases of whichever happened.
We should also know that moments are just that. Moments. Moments change. How you see them can change.
Remember one other thing.
Moments will keep happening. Good, bad, inbetween, or whatever they will continue. Keep living and you will see more than you will ever see if you don't.
Live on so you can share your experiences with others.
One thing everyone should do is live.
Once you stop... that is all.
Living doesn't just mean staying alive. It means to have moments. To go and see things.
Technically you can still have moments with doing the same thing over and over... but that could lead to insanity if nothing changes.
Make moments. Make good moments.
Even in a bland and ordinary office you can make moments.
Talk to people, make others gifts, do anything to make everyday good.
And when you're down and unable to do that on your own then maybe, just maybe someone will give you a good moment. Maybe someone else is the reason you have any moments.
Just know, they might need you one day to help them get good moments and you should.
Don't forget everyone can make moments. Now go make some, and try to make them good ones.
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luvbug724 · 3 months
sits next to you :) the thing about kevjeanee housekeeping/accounting is that while kevin is not dyslexic like jeanee i fear that he is not good at math either..... i think he's probably Better at it than jean and renee but he's not of much help i don't think........ last year i overpaid my credit card at least four times because im bad at math so i think kevin would be like that. they trust him and he's basically giving their money for free to the bank. jean (grew up poor in my mind) would be furious. but if they put their three thinking heads together they can surely come up with something!
i like chronic migraines for jean i think he's very bruised bird shot from the sky etc no matter what nothing really works for him........ and he can do something dramatic like drop to the floor like an unwound doll and put his head on kevins or renees lap..... and its ok because puppies do these things....!! in a way i think the most fun of kevjeanee is the potential for hovering + doting for jean it presents because its like two of his biggest supporters. (kicks feet) i also think jean and renee are also two people i can see kevin going easier on/excusing for so its cute to me to think about... renee spacing out in practice and kevin being like well she's trying very hard. or jeremy calling in and saying jean beat up another striker and kevins like he's working on it :) you know? you do know user luvbug724 you have to
also re: kevrenee mass together ITS CUTE... i think sometimes the fandom at large um i guess doesnt really think much about renee's relationship to religion but i feel like another one of the foxes (and especially kevin maybe... in my heart) being there with her would make her very happy. i hope when its ash wednesday she approaches him in practice and puts ash on his gay little forehead :) i hope all the old ladies think they're dating or getting married soon and have no idea of the jezabel in california waiting for them (jean)
kevin fucking up their taxes. HILARIOUS. kevin the loves of your life just want their tax returns please. what the fuck do you mean they owe a million dollars can you do the math again please. this is what jeanee get for trusting a history major with their money.
KEVRENEE DOTING ON JEAN YES YES YES. jean i think will be the type of athlete who is constantly at the trainer bc. you know. the mafia may kill him if he can't play exy ugh i hate when that happens but he has to stay in good shape even though he's dealing with So many longterm injuries. when kevin and jean are pro the moment jean leaves a game renee is already in the med room to hear what the doctor has to say and kevin's there as soon as the game is over.
kevin going easier on jean and renee........ I KNOW I SWEAR I DO. its very cute. how can you blame him? renee looks very cute when she's distracted i'm sure.
kevin and renee walking in late to practice with ashes.... mein gott......................................
the idea of ppl seeing kevrenee and not knowing theres a second european man in the picture is so funny. "renee, darling, when are you and your man going to get hitched?" "oh, i'm already married :)" she's the talk of the next church potluck. martha SWEARS she saw her with a different man with a face tattoo last christmas, but agnes says there's no way renee would cheat on her husband with a face tattoo with ANOTHER man with a face tattoo. kevin must have just gotten a haircut or something. they agree to never talk about it again.
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leona-florianova · 1 year
Another 1000 photos to sort and edit? oh yeah ill do that in a jiffy. a year or three..maybe a decade...
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frozenjokes · 8 months
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if you’re having a bad art day take solace in the fact that I made my ren look like sonic the fucking hedgehog on accident bc I didn’t consider what this little hair tuft thing would look like from the back and my life is ruined
like if it turned down more it would be fine but the section of this animation where he’s headless + the tuft is already ruined /j
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clueless-writer · 26 days
Updates are live! I hope you enjoy them and have a great weekend ^^
Storming Hearts- Chapter 3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/55308355
When All is Lost- Two Chapters (woot) 38 and 39
Put the Pieces Back Together- (almost down to 20 left to go!) Chapter 39
Revitalized- Chapter 15 (only a few left)
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babie-bimbo · 1 year
Thinking about being at a small party and noticing the wet patch on your skirt. Realising that there's nothing but that short skirt keeping you decent.
After that asking you to help out with simple little requests, like grabbing that thing from the very top shelf, and there's something else right at the back of the lowest shelf I need. Letting you know that your shoe is untied. Little things to make you stretch and bend until every single guest has seen first hand what you are missing.
Making sure to get you nice and drunk/high while this goes on. Before anyone else tries anything, I'd say your a bit too out of it, and need to go home, I'll drive you back to make sure you get there safely.
Of course as soon as we take off I'm telling you about everything that happened at the party. Freeing my cock and pulling your head down to suck it, as I find somewhere quiet to park and fuck you properly.
i ,,, i thnk my brain shut off while i was readin this ,,
m having anothr bowl 2 process so i dont just start touchin myself now 😵‍💫💖
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 29 days
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About Gaza Funds
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The math just adds up!
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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skoofie · 3 months
Friendly reminder that you should
Write that fic
Draw your OC
Redesign that blorbo
Plan that comic how you want
Create the content you want to see
Be cringe
Be free
The only thing that matters is you having fun! Not what others think!
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nipuni · 9 months
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the snake of eden 🥰
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