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dmwealth · 1 year
14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India
आज में आपकों 14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India के बारें में बतानें वाला हूँ मुझे उमीद हैं की यह आपकों पसंद आएगी। भारत में लंबी अवधि के लिए निवेश करने के लिए सबसे अच्छे स्टॉक्स कौन से हैं? यह प्रश्न हर निवेशक के मन में होता है, जो अपने पैसों को समय के साथ बढ़ाना चाहता है। लंबी अवधि का निवेश का मतलब है कि आप कम से कम 1 से 3 साल तक किसी स्टॉक में पैसा लगाते हैं, और उसकी कीमत में…
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coinstreetgurgaon · 1 year
Equity Research Platform in India | Equity Research Platform - Coin Street Coin Street's equity research platform is a comprehensive tool for investors. It provides in-depth analysis, market insights, and company reports, empowering users to make informed investment decisions. With a user-friendly interface and robust data, it streamlines research processes and helps users stay ahead in the dynamic world of equity markets.
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Stock to Buy Today- SBI
Stock to Buy Today- SBI
MO Investment Idea – SBI (CMP : INR 612   TP : INR 700, 14% Upside, Buy) SBI delivered robust Q2 with PAT up 74% YoY to Rs13265 crore led by margin expansion and lower provisions. NII grew 13% YoY as margin expanded 30bp QoQ to 3.3%. Fresh slippages moderated to INR24b, which coupled with healthy recoveries/upgrades resulted in GNPA/NNPA ratio improving 39bp/20bp QoQ to 3.5%/0.8% in 2QFY23,…
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vamptarot · 14 days
What Is Tarot?
— an educational post
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— ⭑.ᐟ I am aware many people have made posts like this before, however I still felt like creating my own take on it. What inspired me was a post where someone stated that tarot is fictional. Which is incredibly incorrect. Being misinformed is of course, fine, but they said it with such utmost arrogance and confidence that it annoyed me a little. If you are misinformed, not even educated on tarot as a whole, what gives you the right to be a tarot reader? You cannot guide people if you, yourself are wrong and have incorrect information and assumptions. That is what I would have liked to tell them, but unfortunately due to my then circumstances I did not. I also would like to follow the word of God, and He says to act with love, not hatred. So, instead of calling them out and possibly causing an unnecessary argument, I have decided to educate those who might be curious or confused about what tarot actually is as a whole. It’s your choice if you read this or not. I also won’t go into themes of religion, this will strictly be focused on tarot. I just wanted to share what’s on my mind. not proof read.
what is tarot?
Actually, my dearest, tarot was created in the 1430s - 1450s and was first called tarocchi. It’s a game similar to bridge.
They were created in Northern Italy, Milan. Although at the time it was a game, it was still considered a luxury. The cards were hand painted for wealthy people, not necessarily due to them finding joy in it, but rather to reflect their status. It was a symbol of being wealthy.
Although nowadays the standard of a tarot deck is 78 cards it started off with 56 cards, from which the fool was the odd one out, a wild card. - If you have a hard time understanding, think of the joker card from solitaire. -
It was only used as a form of divination at the beginning of the 18th century, aka the 1700s.
Now, there are several reasons whys this has happened, but I will try my best to explain it to you in simple terms. - Although I won’t be able to go into every detail as these topics are very complex and have a rich history behind them, so please keep that in mind. -
In the early 1700s French occultists made claims about their meaning and history. They were confident in their skills, abilities and knowledge. Due to them grabbing people’s attention this led to people making custom cards for the usage of cartomancy.
At these times Romani and Sinti people were heavily discriminated against. They weren’t allowed to settle, work, buy a house and were banned from most public spaces including ones where one can buy food and such. All because they originated from India. So, as a means to keep alive they turned to earning money with divination, creating opportunities for themselves in order to live.
Another reason for tarot in a form of divination becoming popular is due to conservative Christian’s spreading the misinformation of it being related to Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. Of course, that is not true, never was and never will be. However, they are said to have some parallels. That is as far as it goes though.
Now, you could be thinking to yourself, ‘if it was a game, then it’s not a real divination.’ You are wrong! Let me explain to you why!
Remember how I mentioned that originally it had 56 cards and was named tarocchi? It also originated in the 15th century. The tarot you know of today began in the 18th century, got popular in the 19th century. There is roughly about 300 years between the two events and tarot has evolved for 100 years. So one can argue they are completely different things. Even if they are not, that’s alright.
Objects created for non divination usage can still be used for divination despite the creator’s intent. I will present you with a few examples of this fact.
Some people use their passed on pet’s bones as a form of osteomancy. You throw em, if they touch it’s a yes, if they don’t it’s a no. Sounds pretty messed up, right? For some people at least, can’t guarantee everyone thinks the same. Regardless, that was a living being, a beloved pet. Yet, you can use it’s bones in order to practice spirituality.
If you watch youtube pick a cards this will be easier to understand, regardless, charms can be used as a form of divination. You draw different categories on a paper, throw charms at them, whatever it falls on will have a meaning to your question. Money charms on ‘future spouse’? They might as well be wealthy, or at least good with their money.
Or, if that’s not good enough think about witchcraft. You think every single little thing used for spells, jars, hexes and so on was created for the sole purpose of witchcraft? It wasn’t. Yet it works because it’s intentional, because the person doing them has talent for it, because they were gifted.
how do readers read tarot cards?
I will be honest with you, not all readers are gifted with being able to do so, but they sure believe they do. - Am I saying this out of pettiness? Perhaps, let me be. -
So, if you feel like something is off such as beating around the bush, being too nice, being too mean and so on please trust your gut. Not telling you to be mean to people or accuse them unprovoked, that’s something an @sshole does, and I know you are not one. - Watch out for AI readings though, they suck. -
Moving on, I would like to say that every single tarot reader reads their cards differently. Some only do by visuals, some only does so by meaning, some do by both!
Alongside this, every reader shuffles differently. Some let the cards fall out, some take whatever is on top, some take whatever is standing out of the deck, some let them fall and then organise them neatly.
There is many ways to do this. I personally let them fall out and consider both visuals and meanings simply because I believe that is the right thing to do. - One time, during a love reading they fell out in a heart. I thought that’s cute. - At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter much. I have had several friends with different methods than me give me really good and accurate readings. - Just be catious of people who spread it out and then pick the cards out themselves. -
The most important part is being gifted with claircognizance, or in other words having hella good intuition. - or “6th sense”, whatever you wanna call it. - I believe every reliable and accurate reader is gifted with this, regardless of them being aware or not. You can’t read tarot if you don’t understand what spirit is trying to tell you, let that be your own guides or anyone else’s. Perhaps even your tarot deck.
Often times though, this is not the only thing readers rely on. For instance, I have clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairtypity. I can hear, see and feel what you would during whatever situation I read for you. This is not unique to me at all, every reader has at least one of these, and usually several. I even saw people with clairgustance and clairalience! They can taste and smell what you would! Isn’t that awesome?~ I personally think it’s fascinating, it’s not something that I have ever experienced. It’s cool that there are people out there who can do this.
So, tarot readers read your situation with the help of your spirit guides and their own spiritual gifts that they carry within themselves. As for habits and methods, it varies from person to person.
That is a reason why so many different tarot decks exist! Different people are called to different things. - Plus it’s cool -
how do tarot readings work?
This is the main reason why this post was made.. let’s get into it.
You already know how readers guide you, so I will tell you how do the readings themselves work. What else are they based on. Honestly, the best way I will be able to tell this to you is with examples, so that’s what I will do. Maybe someone else can tell you in a much more detailed and specific manner, but I am not them.
Tarot always reads your current energy. You can look into the past with it, but regardless it reads your current state of mind, thoughts, views, feelings and behaviours.
If you read a pick a card or personal reading that is based on the future - ex.; future spouse - then it will still read on your current energy.
For example let’s say you ask ‘when will I meet my future spouse?’ but you stay inside all day, then it will obviously be a few years or so. However, if the next day you decide to go out more or just put yourself out there in the world more and actually commit to it this can reduce to months.
If it’s a reading on your past then the cards will pick up on what still impacts you, whether you are aware of it or not. Let’s say you ask about your first kiss, how will it be like? Your cards could say that it won’t be as romantic as you think because this and that situation still impacts you.
I sincerely hope that you get the point, as I did my best to explain it.
Yet, there is still a question, ‘if someone is talented, why did that one reading turn out inaccurate?’ well because things change my dear.
If you were to ask me now about the appearance of your future spouse I could say they have brown hair and be correct, but they could go ahead and dye it red 15 minutes after I said that.
Things change constantly all the time and there is nothing we can do about it. That’s just life. It’s hard to hear, it’s hard to swallow, but it’s something we have to accept at some point in time. We can control some things, but not everything.
Change is inevitable.
There is good sides of it, and there is bad. You just gotta live and let others do the same.
Now, for pick a cards it’s slightly different. Maybe, genuinely, something is just not meant for you and you are just meant to ignore that. Maybe it’s for the blond teen in Canada who is asking about that one cute boy in her class. If you read a pick a card reading that is accurate but there is that one thing that doesn’t make sense, consider that means something to someone else. It’s not a personal reading.
That is why disclaimers like ‘take it with a grain of salt’ and ‘leave what doesn’t resonate’ exist. Yes, some people take advantage of it and that’s bad, but they were created with a good reason.
end note.
That is all I wanted to say, I believe. Although I made this post to get something bothersome off my mind I sincerely wish that someone out there has found it useful. My goal was truly to educate so if you know who the OP of the claim was just ignore them. Hating on people for enjoyment is not only immature but is going to have a negative effect on your body, mind and soul. Which I would not like. Please take care of yourselves! Thank you for reading.
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leftoverenvy · 8 months
Tastes Like Sugar (ch. 30)
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Summary: India Mae, or Indi, is a music major, struggling to pay bills, tuition, work, and make good grades.  Emily Prentiss is a BAU profiler, as well as a DC socialite thanks to her huge family fortune.  The two enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement: Emily will pay for Indi's school if Indi accompanies Emily to her social functions for a few months, posing as her girlfriend.  As weeks go by, the lines between their arrangement and their true feelings start to blur.  But money can't buy love, right?
Pairing: India Mae Banks x Emily Prentiss; OC x Emily Prentiss
Warnings: smut; sugar baby relationships; age gap (16 years - but all over 18)
Word Count: 3.7k
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Taglist: @ssa-sapphic 🧸; @5raysofsunshine 🌮; @reidselle 🦭; @swiftfiles 🐝💚; @gaelic-symphony 🎻 ; @sadgirlml 🌻💌; @hotchs-bitch 🦆 ; @multiverse-mxdness ; @madelineleong ; @scorpsik 🎨 ; @heidss
A/n: Watch out for POV shifting in this chapter!
Chapter 30 - Reconciliation
Indi's POV: I stared at the ceiling, my eyes uncomfortable from the ceiling fan drying them out. It was an insignificant ache compared to the one in my heart. Alone I laid. Aching for Emily's arms. With each whirl of the fan I was reminded of each minute passing without fixing what I had messed up.
My night in the city was horrible. It was unbearable to go to bed knowing I had ruined everything with Emily. And as I laid in my tiny bed in my tiny DC apartment, I couldn't help but be annoyed by the sound. Cars were constantly honking, people shouting at all hours of the night. How had I ever preferred this cacophony of meaningless noise? I missed the peaceful babble of the creek and Emily's soft breathing next to me.
As I continued to watch the fan swirl dust particles above my head, I couldn't help the tears that leaked from the corners of my eyes. How could I have left all of that behind? What did I stand to gain by running back to my old life in DC? But Emily was gone. She didn't stop me; she wanted me gone. I had overstayed my welcome in her life.
This was only supposed to be temporary I reminded myself.
Penelope let me be for the night, asking minimal questions about why I had returned home in shambles and tucking me into bed. The only measure of time was the rotations of the ceiling fan and, hours later, the sun peaking over the horizon. Still, I could not sleep. Penelope snuck around the apartment as she got ready for work, trying not to disturb me. Still, I remained tucked away in my bed staring at nothing.
When Penelope returned home from work, she burst through my door without knocking. "What's wrong?" she demanded. I didn't bother to look away from the ceiling, the evening light catching the crystal on the end of the fan pull, refracting the light. "Seriously. Talk to me. Derek said Emily called in today. Spill it."
A breath caught in the back of my throat. Why should Emily take off work? I didn't dare let myself believe it was because she was just as upset as me. But it hurt to think that she was hurting.
Penelope moved into the room and sat at the edge of my bed. "Indi you cannot stay holed up in your room sulking forever. What happened?"
I sat up, tucking my legs up to my chest and curling my arms around them. I opened my mouth to respond but I had no idea how to explain what happened. I laid my head on my knees and sighed.
"Did she touch you without permission?" 
I whipped my head up in horror. "Of course not!"
"Then what? Take your money away?"
I shook my head. "It's nothing like that, Pen."
"Talk to me, Indi. I hate seeing you like this."
"She told me she loved me," I started.
"And that's bad because…?" 
I sighed. "It isn't like how the tabloids have been showing it. This was all just supposed to be a way to get through school. I wasn't supposed to…" I trailed off unsure how much to share.
"You fell for her."
"Bad. I just don't belong in her world," I lamented. "I'm not good for her. And now she's never going to know how I feel because I left all because of a stupid car."
Penelope crinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "You lost me…"
"My car died. And Emily took care of everything. Like, she had it towed and had a mechanic look at it. And it was so so sweet of her. I was just so stressed about paying that bill so I was already on edge," I said without taking a breath. "And then when I got home from school yesterday, Emily had already bought me a brand new fucking Audi. Can you believe that? She's just throwing tens of thousands of dollars away, spending that kind of money on me without a second thought."
I paused, trying to figure out why this had been such an issue for me at all. "I just got overwhelmed. I'm not worth it, ya know? And I just got trapped in my head. Because how could Emily, perfect Emily, want anything to do with me? I'm-"
"But that isn't for you to decide, is it?" Penelope interrupted. "Shouldn't Emily get to decide what's worth it? To have in her life? To spend money on?"
"Yes," I whispered. "Yes, she should. I just can't fathom why she'd choose me. And I flipped out yesterday."
"Nothing's unfixable, Indi."
Tears leaked out of my eyes, overwhelmed with sadness again. "She didn't come after me, Pen." I pawed angrily at my tears, angry that they revealed how vulnerable I was truly feeling. "She just let me leave because she doesn't want this anymore." It all felt hopeless. Even though Penelope had said anything could be fixed, I just couldn't believe that this could. I'd messed up too badly.
"Did she tell you that?" she asked knowingly.
"She didn't have to." Penelope raised one eyebrow at me. 
Before I could respond, Penelope exclaimed, "Wait! If your car died, how did you get here?"
I turned my head to stare at the car key sitting on my bedside table. I laughed dryly at the irony. Four, silver rings of the Audi logo shined back at me mockingly. I reached over and flashed the new key to Penelope.
"You owe Emily one hell of an apology," Penelope joked.
Emily's POV: When the garage door closed after Indi, I flopped on the couch in defeat. She wouldn't even look at me as she scurried out of the house, bag in tow. And why should she? I had overstepped. I had scared her by telling her how I felt. We never agreed this was for love. How stupid I was to let my guard down and fall for her. After all, we had agreed what this was from the start. How could I expect her to feel the same for someone sixteen years older than her?
But how could I expect to be the same without her?
I looked around my empty house. She was everywhere; there wasn't a single inch of this place that wasn't marked by her. I thought about how on this very couch, we shared our first kiss, her thighs straddling mine. I let my eyes wander over to the kitchen island where countless times I had picked her up and sat her on the counter because I just couldn't stand to go a second longer without her lips on mine. I stared at the piano imagining all the times she sat there and how beautiful she was when she immersed herself in the music. Now, the only sound was the deafening tick of the clock passing each second she spent speeding away from me back towards her real home.
I couldn't stand to stare at the piano any longer. Just days ago she had sat on that very bench and played a song written for me.  I shook my head at how foolish I had been to read more into it than was there. I remembered how mesmerized I had been by her fingers trailing over the keys, and how it led me to trail my own down her body as a thank you. 
I stormed out of the room, sick at the memory. Sick at the realization she'd never be mine to touch like that again. 
But she followed me like a ghost in my own home. When I laid down to sleep later that evening, I could still smell her on my sheets. I inhaled deeply, trying to absorb as much as I could. I wasn't one to cry, but Indi's absence left me desolate. Tears stained her pillow as I buried my face in it to be as close to her as possible. This was the closest I'd ever get to her again.
I barely slept that night, tossing and turning, mad at everything. Mad at the cold, empty sheets next to me. Mad at the universe for introducing such an angel into my life and then cruelly ripping her away. Mad at the crickets chirping away outside preventing me from falling asleep. Above all else, mad at myself for letting her walk out the door without protest.
All night, I wrestled with what it meant that she left. But she had left in the Audi. Was that her silent message that she'd be back? That she didn't hate me? I didn't dare let myself think it might mean she loved me too. But she left. Of course she wasn't coming back. She got what she wanted; she didn't need me anymore.
My phone ringing startled me awake around 6:15. Groggily, I rolled over to grab it, wondering how I had fallen asleep with such a heavy heart. "Hello?" I mumbled.
"Em!" JJ greeted. It sounded so wrong out of her mouth. She didn't say it right. It wasn't sweet like when Indi said it. It almost sounded condescending, even as a greeting at six in the morning. "We have a case."
I groaned, flopped on my back and put my hand over my eyes.  No no no.  I couldn't leave the state now. I had to make sure India was sure in her decision. Not to mention, I'd be absolutely useless right now. "No," I whispered. "I can't make this one. I'll call Hotch to tell him."
"What's wrong?" she asked. My skin crawled at the entitlement in her voice – like she deserved to know anything about my personal life.
"Nothing, JJ," I sighed. "Just leave it alone."
"I know something's wrong." Her voice softened, "You can talk to me; I'm still always here for you." 
To shuffle her off the phone, I placated her, "Thanks, JJ. I'll keep that in mind." 
"Is it her?" she asked with distaste. I refused to answer. "Look, we all went along with this for a while because you seemed happy. But what are you doing? You should be with someone a little more appropriate…you know, for your age."
A tear leaked from the corner of my eye.  I know, I thought. Because India deserved someone who wasn't always jet setting across the country, someone who wasn't near two decades older than her. But there wasn't anyone better suited for me. 
Changing the subject to avoid any further conversation with JJ, I reminded her, "I'll tell Hotch I'm calling out for this case," and hung up before she had a chance to say anything else.
I quickly sent a text to Hotch: Need time off. Calling out for this case.
It wouldn't have been unfair for him to question why, but I was thankful when he sent a simple: OK. I'm here for anything you may need.
I exhaled a sigh of relief. I tried to fall back asleep, but was incapable of shutting my mind off. Was it a mistake to call out? What if India didn't come back? Was I just supposed to call out the rest of my life waiting for her to love me back?
I laid in bed another forty-five minutes waiting for sleep to claim me again. I squeezed my eyes closed tightly, begging my mind to shut down long enough to get some sleep. But the harder I tried to quiet my thoughts, the more insistent they became. 
I had to do something – anything – to distract my mind. I rolled out of bed and wandered into my office to draw. I grabbed my favorite sketchbook and pencil set. Immediately, my hand started flying over the page. Quick, dark, angry lines. I filled page after page of a dark horizon, storm clouds looming large over a tree line. I flipped to a clean page, begging myself to draw something less dramatic.
I considered drawing Indi, but I thought seeing her face looking back at mine, even if just a sketch, would hurt too badly. I sighed and set the pencil down. Sketching wasn't going to cut it today. I needed an outlet for this boiling anger inside me. I quickly tied my hair back, grabbed my gun and left for Quantico. I needed to hit the range.
Once I got there, I tried to sneak in the side door, curious if the team had left or if I'd run into them in the building. That would be horribly awkward to explain. 
Once I made it to the shooting range safely, I clipped a paper target up and slid it back into place.  The lingering smell of gunpowder was calming, familiar. I widened my stance, and lifted my gun, rapidly firing several rounds in a row. Before I knew it, I had emptied my clip into the chest of the target. 
I fired bullet after bullet and loaded clip after clip, tearing the paper target to shreds. But none of my anger faded. 
Who was I really angry with? When I tried to parse it out, I realized I wasn't angry at all. I was devastatingly, crushingly hurt. Was my love so repugnant that India would rather leave than be loved by me? Is that why everyone in my life always ended up leaving?
Of all the heartbreak I had had, none hurt like this. It was as if when she packed up her belongings, she reached in my chest and took my heart with her. It didn't matter though, because everything I had – everything I was – was India. Whether she returned my affection or not didn't matter. I would never love anyone like I did India Mae Banks.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Hopeful it was Indi, I nearly dropped my gun to empty my hands as quickly as possible. Disappointment crashed over me when I saw it wasn't Indi calling, but my mother. I considered sending it to voicemail. After all, how could I possibly endure a conversation with JJ and my mother in the same day? Ultimately, I thought a small part of me wanted to talk to my mother. I longed to have that close relationship where we could talk about things like this.
"Hi, mom," I answered softly.
"Emily! It's wonderful to hear from you. How have you been?"
"I'm well," I lied. "And you?"
"All good, not much is new, I'm afraid. How are things with India?"
My breath caught in the back of my throat, tears welling in my eyes at just thinking about talking about her. "Uh, well." I bit at my nail, residue of gun powder bitter on my tongue. "She's…"
"What's wrong?" she asked gently.
"I guess we've just run our course," I lamented. I couldn't get into it all because I refused to tell my mother India had just been a ruse to prevent her from nagging me about being single.
"Oh I doubt that very much. You two looked so in love the last time I saw you." My eyebrows raised in surprise. She had been incredibly unpleasant the entire evening of the gallery opening. I had thought she hated Indi based on the age gap alone. "Emily, I know you probably won't really tell me what's going on – you've always been so closed off. But if she's important, don't let your walls and pride become a barrier to you patching things up.
"You have a hard job," she continued. "You always have. You deserve whoever makes you happy."
Tears streamed down my face. "I don't deserve her," I whispered.
"Do you wonder if she feels the same? Emily, we come from money, status. You're a beautiful and intelligent woman." My thoughts reeled. My mother had never had a kind word to say, preferring to highlight all my shortcomings as a daughter, instead. "Isn't it possible she thinks she isn't good for you?"
"I'll think about it, okay?"
"Don't think about it too long, or you'll lose the one you love."
When she disconnected the call, my heart was pounding in my chest. Could Indi be feeling as insecure as me? As much as I hated to admit it, my mother was right: I needed to put my pride aside. I couldn't give up so easily, sulking alone and feeling sorry for myself. I had to give it one more shot; I had pouted long enough. I wouldn't let her leave us behind like this. This wouldn't be the end of us – we were too special to end like this. I wouldn't let us fizzle out all because I was too proud to ask how she felt about us. I quickly cleaned my gun and re-holstered it, eager to get into the city.
I scrolled through India and I's first messages to confirm her old address, silently praying she did actually go back to her old apartment. Once I punched it into the GPS, I peeled out of the parking lot.  Please be home. When I parked, I practically ran up to her door, cursing myself for not rehearsing the best way to apologize to her. Before I could talk myself out of it, I knocked three times.
Indi's POV: "Just go back, Indi," Penelope encouraged.
"I can't!" I whined. "She probably hates me now. I left after she told me she loved me."
"I guarantee you she doesn't hate you."
Petulantly, I asked, "How would you know?"
"Because!" she huffed. "Derek talks about what a change he's seen in Emily. You don't know how she was at work and how she is now. He said she just lights up when she's texting now. No doubt that's because of you."
Butterflies fluttered lightly in my abdomen. Could it be true? I snapped back to reality. "But that was before!" More softly, "I've ruined that now."
"At least call her," Penelope tried again. She had been trying for an hour to get me to reach out to Emily, gently reminding me how stupid I had been.
"What would I even say? I messed up so bad."
"Tell her how you feel. Tell her-" Three quick knocks interrupted Penelope.
I quirked an eyebrow at her. "Who's that?"
Excitement lit Penelope's eyes. "I have a hunch," she said knowingly. A confusing melange of emotions welled up inside me. Excitement that it could be Emily coming to fix things. Dread that it could be Emily returning my belongings. Anticipated disappointment that it wasn't Emily at all. I smoothed my frizzy curls down and tucked stray hairs behind my ears, certain my hair looked wretched after laying in bed all day. "Get it," she hissed, gesturing to the door.
Before my nerves could talk myself out of it, I pulled the door open, gasping at seeing Emily. For a moment, we just stared at each other, drinking the other in. My heart clenched at seeing her; she was so beautiful. I wouldn't survive hearing her tell me this was over. I looked down, begging my eyes to stay dry.
"I'm sorry!" we blurted at the same time. I wrinkled my brows in confusion. 
"What do you have to be sorry for?" I asked.
"It was too much. I didn't mean to overwhelm you. And I didn't think about how a big purchase would make you feel." I couldn't say anything, overwhelmed by her extending a peace offering, by giving me a second chance. "I'm also sorry for telling you I loved you. We haven't talked enough about our relationship for that to have been fair to just spring on you."
I chuckled ruefully. Emily Prentiss was truly the perfect woman and there wasn't even a small part of me that deserved her. Before I dove in head first, I needed to try one more time to get her to see that she deserved so much more than me. I couldn't help it. I knew that I wouldn't be able to give her up a second time. "You're too good for me, Emily. I don't belong with you. You're so perfect, and I'm just…not," I finished lamely. "I'm so flawed. What could you possibly want with me?"
She cupped my face, a gentle smiling playing at her lips. "Baby, I know you're not perfect. But you're perfect for me. And I want it all with you. I need you." She looked deeply in my eyes, begging me to understand. "Please come home." 
The way she said 'come home' broke my heart. So achingly sweet and desolate. A tear escaped, and she swiped it gently with her thumb. Maybe it was possible she needed me as much as I needed her. 
All I had ever wanted was home, and Emily had become home for me. I fled Washington trying to escape memories of home and family so brutally taken from me, but I'd been so unhappy in DC without home or family. Then I had found both in Emily, and by some miracle, I hadn't ruined it. She still wanted it too. "Yes," I agreed.
An enormous smile slowly spread across her face, showing her perfect teeth. It made my heart skip a beat, how astonishingly beautiful she was. "Yeah?" she asked incredulously.
I pulled her face down to mine for a kiss, silently promising my future to her. She tried to deepen it, her smile preventing her from succeeding. I pulled back, breaking our kiss. "No," she whined, pressing her lips back to mine, her hand wrapping around my waist to pull me closer.
"Wait," I said arching my back slightly over her arm so I could look deeply in her eyes. "I love you, too." If it were possible, her smile grew even wider. "I love you so much, Emily Prentiss." She pressed her forehead against mine and sighed deeply. I wrapped my arms around her neck. "And I'm so sorry. I won't run again. I'm so sorry I left. I love you, Em."
She started kissing me in earnest, pushing me back against the door jamb. Her hands kneaded at my hips, pulling me tightly against her as her tongue laved at mine. "I'm so sorry, angel," she whispered between kisses. "Please don't leave again."
My heart broke at her request. "I swear, babe. Never again," I whispered against her lips.
Continue to next chapter
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busycucumbermelon · 1 year
The rich girl’s never-ending love for one
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Summary— you finally were able to meet a guy after your reputation at school being tarnished little did you know all the requests he made would send your roommate over the edge 
Warning, — kidnapping, obsession, 
You and Natalie were still in high school, but you guys had gotten a apartment together for a pretty cheap price. It was surprising since the apartment was fairly nice you always tried to confront Natalie about the price, but she always said that the two of you paid equally.
You and Natalie didn’t share any classes, but when you’d started asking around the school for people that would be willing to rent an apartment with you Natalie one of the most popular girls in school and happen to be crazy Rich said yes. you had no idea why she needed an apartment maybe, just somewhere she could take boys to have a good time.
You didn’t care ,all you cared about is that you were going to be able to move out of your parents house, if you weren’t under there roof you didn’t have to follow the rules. You wouldn’t have someone constantly breathing down your neck. All you had was Natalie, Natalie that would cook. Helped you get up on time in the morning and split the chores and was overall comforting whenever you needed it
She even introduced you to some of her friends  they were all really nice to you at least to your face. you couldn’t tell, or Maybe you were too naïve and happy to notice that when one of them will make a slightly offhanded comment. Natalie would give them a glare.  of course it was different. When you weren’t around?, It was even more different when Natalie wasn’t around. 
Rumor started  floating around the school that you were gay ruining your chances with  any boys, but after Natalie, gave them a stern talking to ( threaten them ) they understood that you were off-limits for bullying and that rumor stopped. But They didn’t stop the little rumors that were going around. that Natalie was paying for all your rent, and that you would do favors for Natalie, and be her servant as long as she paid for your rent. honestly sometime you wondered if those were rumors or not? what did Natalie talk about when you weren’t around was this the truth or….. or maybe they were rumors maybe you were thinking too hard about this maybe you should stop worrying and mind your business
Little did you know you were mostly the only thing Natalie talked about the only other time Natalie was talking it was to answer teachers questions, yelling at her friends for the rumors they started and forever slandering your name if one of her friends gave you an off look, or any other such she’d promise to take down their fathers with her mothers connections with they’re father. All of her friends, had connections her, and she knew they were all backstabbing and liars. They were all rich and spoiled and acted stuck up. You weren’t like that sure you weren’t rich but you weren’t spoiled. She knew plenty of rich girls that didn’t act like them acted like who knew the difference between right and wrong but they didn’t so they had no right to talk about her perfect angelic, girlfriend well, not girlfriend yet 
Today is where a problem arose. You were bringing a boy you had recently been talking to Jake, Jake a sweet, funny, but he was also known for being a fuckboy, but hey people change, and you weren’t one to judge. he had gorgeous hair, sweet smile, perfect bright blue eyes, he always paid for meals, which was helpful because with not having any degree to be able to be a hairstylist it was hard to get your foot through the door (and make money) Natalie Would , sometimes buy box dye, and let you practice your skills on her, while watching reruns of your favorite childhood shows 
Natalie was cooking curry for you to try. It was something that she ended up loving in her travels to India when she was around five, sure it was a young age for majority of children to completely uproot their life and move to completely a different country, but Natalie always told you it was fine and It was somethings she loved and one day maybe she could bring you up there and show you around. her family only stayed there for a few years before moving back to the US they always moved back so They never got rid of their house, it just happened to be that’s where they wanted her to attend public school.everywhere else they had been. It had been private schools. but she couldn’t be happier but to end up in that school with You her perfect little angelic angel.
That was bringing a boy home that wasn’t just a friend
“Oh hey Jake, I’m so happy you could come!” 
Natalie was around the corner so she could see this Jake guy that you have constantly been talking about for the last few days. He had his nose scrunched up a little enhancing his ugliness which honestly shouldn’t be possible. How can a beautiful, sweet loving girl like you be attracted to someone as ugly as him.
“Umm yeah can we go to your room for a little while so it’s you know the two of us. I just want to hang out and enjoy your company” to you jakes voice was something you could hear on repeat daily, but to Natalie it was something that made her want to vomit until she heard the sweet sound of your giggle as you brought Jake down to your side of the  apartment that’s all Natalie needed to be snapped back into reality. She finished cooking her food thinking about you although there was one thing she was trying to keep in the back of her mind the fact that if she saw this Jake guy  right now she would most likely do some thing that wasn’t in the plans
Meanwhile, as Natalie tried to keep herself from doing some things, she shouldn’t, you and Jake were in your room talking his was at your desk chair, kicking his legs up on the foot of your bed, as you laid on the right side of the bed The same as him Hanging onto his every word, you don’t know why, but this man just seemed to be everything you were looking for  
“Eww do you know what your roommate was cooking because it smelt disgusting it’s smelt straight up like farts you don’t eat that stuff do you because I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to kiss you if you do” Jake sounded so serious and you didn’t know what to do. didn’t smell that bad to you. Sure it smells odd but not bad. You were sure once you tried it you probably like it but you do anything to keep Jake in the room with you right now.  so you told him exactly what he wanted to hear. 
“ewww no you’re right that’s is so gross but hey she’s my roommate and she needs to eat too  I’d never eat something like that no… I’m safe to kiss”
Let’s say those words ended up saving the night and just getting you a very special treatment that you had been looking forward to for quite a long while you if you finally ended up spending a night together and you were so happy that you put the nail in the coffin and the two of you could finally become official little. Did you know while you were sleeping exhausted in your bed, you’re hopefully soon to be boyfriend Jake had just gone  to the bathroom right next to yours and Natalie’s art room. Natalie must have been working on one of her pieces and might’ve been sick or just had a bad head cold as Jake could hear. Natalie blowing her nose on the other side of the wall that put him off girls shouldn’t make it so obvious of things like that it was gross and unladylike, and it shouldn’t happen. 
When you finally woke up, he was gone no letter no text no call. No hey I had to leave early for work, So sorry. Nope. Just completely disappeared. You were totally bummed about it and ended up going to Natalie for comfort.
“Natt’s!!! do you know Jake the guy I was totally into yeah, he just up and left, but I thought after the night we had he totally at least wait until I woke up or maybe text me and tell me like hey I had to leave for a super serious reason” you sat next to Natalie on the couch, cuddling in on top of her. Natalie seem to always love when you lay just straight on top of her chest or buried in her neck and her arms wrapped around your waist so there is no way you can move away from her. although it felt like Natalie’s heart was being ripped apart, because of how sad you were because of the tears is that she could feel burning into the side of her neck the way your shoulders were shaking and your hiccuping, because of how hard you were sobbing.(she shouldn’t have stuck to the plan.)
Still, a small part of her was happy. happy she could have you all to herself again, and the two of you could continue things like before , all the time the two of you had spent in the apartment together, it had felt like the two of you were a happy married couple sure without some of the perks but that’s not what made her fall in love with you
She wasn’t like that guy even if she was one of the most popular girls in school she knew guys like him didn’t like her because she wouldn’t just roll over and show her belly just to get laid Although she would never shame you for sleeping with him. She stayed in the art room last night for certain reasons she wanted to know what the two of you were doing she wanted to make sure you were ok.
She couldn’t,  bring her self to leave the room when the two of you had started, she wished she had she wished she didn’t just stand there and listen because every fiber of her being right here and now was telling her to forget about her plan and take you somewhere safe now forget about how she was going to make you fall in love with her forget about everything besides your safety and making sure that annoying frat boy never comes back never lays a hand on you never looks in your direction again 
“Shhh baby I’m sure he left for stupid reasons how could any guy resist? A girl is sweet and kind as you after all. if you ever gave me the chance I take it?”
“really? think he still likes me? Or do you think He was just using me? I really liked him I just wish everyone was sweet like you ”
the rest of the day, you and Natalie just stayed on the couch casually getting up to eat the curry that you had begun to love so much. you didn’t understand what Jake was talking about but maybe it was just some thing that his nose couldn’t stand. right now all the company, love and affection you needed right now you were getting from Natalie. her undivided attention being able to watch whatever you want and when you weren’t sure if you could sit still for an entire movie, Natalie would open her arms so you could stay in one spot stay in one spot with her and her alone in your apartment together  where no one else should be just sitting here
Until you just had to go and interrupt, it although Natalie can never be mad at you how could she ever be mad at someone who is just a little too caught up in there mind to know this was the wrong timing
“hey can you pass me my phone I just wanna double check I didn’t get any texts, like maybe explaining why he left. oh! and maybe he can come over tonight and explain what happened?”
You were to busy thinking about Jake to notice. Natalie‘s eyes narrowing slightly for some reason that annoying some boy makes you so happy,and right now if you wanted him to just come back here and tell you why he left she could Indore it for you,in the meantime she would just have to do something to distract herself. 
“OK well while you do that, I’m going to make myself deviled eggs if you want any just come and tell me”
For 15 minutes Natalie didn’t even start cooking. She just sat in the kitchen listening to the sound of your typing and the occasional giggle.  Natalie finally turned on the stove and simply watch the pop boil for a few minutes she placed the eggs and there was a knock on the door.
She already knew who it was, and it took everything in her not to tell you to shut the door the minute you opened it, instead she just stayed in the kitchen and focused on keeping her breathing steady even going on her phone just to find things that you might like, thinking about things you like and you in general always calms her down
“Huh hey y/n can we go to your room? I just want to talk a little it’ll clear all the stuff up. Plus I don’t have a lot of time I kind of just got some time right now.”
“Oh umm yeah, of course” Around the corner, just as she watched you grab Jake’s hand and pull him down the hallway with you. Natalie set a five minute timer for the eggs boiling and then went into the art room. She could hear you in your room, if she focused hard enough, and frankly, she had a feeling that somehow he was going to break your heart into a million Little pieces or drive a wedge in between the two of you she knew how he was after all they were exes
“so yeah I know like you in your roommate you’re like super close and she’s the main reason you have this apartment but I just can’t stand her. She’s gross and unladylike like the other day when I was here what was she cooking?
he didn’t even give you a minute to excuse your roommates actions and right now probably wasn’t the best time to do what you were about to do but you couldn’t help it. You’re head over heels in love with this guy and besides, your Left your room to see Natalie sitting on the couch with a blanket on her lap like she always does, she looked at you smiling and told you that she just finished boiling the eggs and if you wanted to you could peel them together 
“Nats? I wanted to just talk about something really important. Jake’s been telling me that he’s ready to take our relationship to the next level but..but there’s just a problem with you you’re just not acting ladylike and the food your cooking it’s just like gross in his opinion and I was wondering if you could maybe stay on the other side of the apartment well his here?…there’s more but..”
Natalie just stared at you. She had heard this all from him, but she wasn’t expecting you to straight up. Tell her to stay away from your side of the house whenever he comes over and him coming over more often. Did you expect her to not spend her usual amount of time with you if she spent any less time with you, she would go absolutely insane. You were one of the only people she could tolerate and you just wanted to Chuck that all away?
“and the box dye , you bought the other day I was wondering if we could hold up on dying your hair because you don’t really need it now and I was hoping after this is all cleared up he might let me dye his hair” 
oh, only if you knew those words would completely set her off. Natalie hated yelling at you. She knew you hated when anyone raised their voice it reminded you too much of your parents fighting, so Natalie didn’t, although she wished  she wouldn’t have to do it this way 
“how about I go cook us a proper dinner and then we can talk about it but before I do I just want you to know Jake is my ex so he might be saying some things that are not correct”
As Natalie prepare the two of you pasta, she made it pacifically so she could hide the sleeping meds She was going to put in your food. Her other plan’s had gone out the window the minute she had heard you were saying the same things he had said. she knew you were too long gone,
she had to make you realize that she was everything you needed. She had money to buy you anything you wanted and anything that could make you happy and she was going to show you first hand. and first things first getting the two of you out of this apartment sure that you could come back to it later when you started to behave more but right now she just needed to get you to her family home. She knew her parents would be too busy to check up or even care who is there?
Natalie,  places the pasta in front of you watching you from the other side of the table as you take a bite 
“Soo how is it?”
“Good really really good, like all your cooking but that’s not the point we’re supposed to be talking about”
Natalie ate some of her pasta as well. She learned from some of her chefs at her mom and dad‘s main  estate she always made really good connections in relationships with staff members which is where she learned this little trick she might’ve put in a little to much in your food because your eyes already looked a little heavy 
“But like I said  I really lik-…”
When your eyes slowly fluttered open, you were in a big California king sized bed with baby pink sheets, and a floral comforter on top of you the sheets felt similar to silk, and the duvet was just heavy enough that you didn’t wanna move from underneath it 
not that you could. You were still so tired and out of it, wait when did you given go to bed, you could see a desk and a wall full of books sitting in the desk was someone that looked oddly familiar to…
Natalie had a few textbooks in front of her just studying up for the next exam then she heard your small audible whimper of her name. She immediately turned around. She didn’t know why she was so happy, maybe it was the fact that you had said her name so pathetically,
no no it was because The dark side of her was so happy that now it was just the two of you it was the best decision she had ever made
“hi my love! Did you sleep well? Did I give you enough sleeping meds I don’t remember the exact name of them so I can’t tell you, sorry. do you like my bed? We can change it if you don’t”
Natalie quickly pushed in her desk chair and walked over to the side of the bed you were laying at you pushed yourself up on the pillows with all of your strength, her smooth hand cupping your cheek.
You try pulling away from it as far as you could, but there was nowhere to go besides the pillows  the soft, comfortable fluffy pillows that had Natalies sent engraved in them. You had nowhere to go, but her and she knew it you both knew it.
“N-Natalie? B-but why?
“Shhh shhh I know sweetheart I know this is all a lot to take in, but I will cook you a nice dinner. I know how much you love my cooking and then we can talk about it and not a word about that annoying boy” Natalie had moved her self closer to you her face inches away from yours. Her eyes flooded as if she was going to kiss you.
Natalie moved to kiss your cheek softly before slowly, moving down to kiss your neck. She stops right before her lips, pressed your neck when she heard you audibly whine and try to push yourself further into the pillows.
She had her other arm on the other side of your neck staying in place, but she knew you weren’t ready for this. 
“Awww i’m sorry sweetheart. I know this must be a lot to take in and I know I can’t rush you I’ll go make us dinner now and you can wander around the room as much as you like. I’m not sure you’ll be able to regain your strength without eating though, so I’ll be fast”
 You watched Natalie walk to the door and shoot you a small smile as she closed it you had so much hope that maybe you could get out of here and just maybe you’d be able to leave this house if she wasn’t inside of the same room, that was until you heard the door lock You still stared at the door in complete shock when you noticed a piece of paper taped to the door that read
“You were always mine just now I’m teaching you I don’t share”
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queka-store · 3 months
A Plea for Peace: End the Romanticization of Victimhood
Give Israelis and Palestinians a Chance for Coexistence
Content Warning: Mentions of violence and historical atrocities
For too long, people from the outside have romanticized the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a gladiatorial arena, a reality show, or a competition of values. By romanticizing victimhood and choosing sides, you allow governments and dictators to stay in power. Your inconsistent support, favoring one side's victimhood over the other, makes it impossible for those of us, both Jews and Arabs, who want to live in peace to actually achieve that goal.
The West and East have chosen politicians on both sides who oppress the weak, buy warfare from them, and lack empathy. Yet for centuries, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in many areas, and there are still those among us who have never stopped hoping for that reality, even in the face of atrocities like the Nakba, Sabra and Shatila and many other horrendous crimes to the one side and bus bombings, rape crimes, and the horrific events of October 7th, where Jewish Arab supporters were slaughtered and burned alive on the other. Brainwashed-hurting-people are hurting people. By dehumanizing each side for its barbaric acts you leave them lonely and hurting, which leads to more extremism.
We are all being brainwashed, and as time goes on, more Jews and Arabs are losing hope, allowing pain and hatred to consume us, and enabling the rise of fanatic politicians who further fuel this cycle. But we are all just people who want to live. If the East and West truly wanted us to find a solution, they would invest in mutual education and acknowledgment of each nation's pain, helping us learn about our shared Semitic Abrahamic roots, rather than selling both of us more weapons.
Many Arabs in Israel-Palestine are not just our cousins, but our sisters and brothers. Not all Jews fled when the Romans came; some of them became Christian and then Muslim. Some of them are the Palestinians of today! And the other part is our closest cousins. Our DNA is so similar; there are no closer ethnicities in the world. The world plays savior while pushing us to fight harder, funding narratives of hate and promoting xenophobia and antisemitism on both sides.
We are all children of the same God, the last remaining Semitic peoples. Please, world, support new leadership on both sides! Invest in peace, not war. Give the Jews and Arabs who want peace a chance to achieve it. Strengthen us, and give the next generations of Semites a chance to live with dignity, compassion, respect, and mutual love.
Since the British Mandate pitted us against each other, as they did in India and Pakistan and so many other places, where colonial empires left the people to fight each other - "proving" the "barbarity of the locals" in comparison to the supremacy of the colonials, the biggest world powers have used our conflict to prove their own strength, choosing a side as if we were gladiators in a ring. Please, stop this game of money, power, and manipulation. No one should have to die anymore. Life is already too short! Palestinians and Israelis should be free together, from this war, from these separative beliefs, from the hatred, to live and move freely, to marry each other freely. To have one shared government that represents us all equally with dignity - with no more brainwashing and separation. This is what I pray for. No occupation nor any slaughter or rape of any kind. We should not fall into traps; if all people open their eyes, politicians lose their power. With the help of decent, honest allies from the world, this is achievable, slowly but surely. This should be the reality. Where all kids know both languages in an Arab-Jewish state, celebrating together, growing and then aging together with the deepest respect for all the mutual and all the unique, beautiful differences. Looking into Arabs' eyes, I see the eyes of my family members. You are not that different. I want peace with you .
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cvsmixnaya · 2 years
happy holi
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pairings: eren x indian!reader
pronouns: she/her
summary: it’s eren’s first holi since he moved to mumbai with his girlfriend y/n and she decides to celebrate it with him and their friends.
cw: swearing cause come on it’s me, mentions of getting drunk
a/n: happy holi my desi lovelies!! if yall didn’t know, holi is one of my festivals celebrated in india and cause it’s so much fun and since i couldn’t celebrate this year cause of my injury i’m writing a one shot😭 there’s gonna be hindi speaking so im gonna put translations. enjoy this piece!!!
Eren was sitting on the couch watching TV. Nothing special. He was in Mumbai or what locals say Bombay sharing a house with his one and only girlfriend, Y/n. She was currently out buying colour but he doesn’t know that. They moved to the city she was born and raised in 5-6 months ago and it’s Eren’s first holi but he doesn’t know it’s today.
Y/n made an excuse to leave the house to buy colour to put on his face. Come on, it’s holi! It’s the festival of COLOURS!! What Eren also doesn’t know is that his friends are in the city to celebrate together along with Y/n’s friends from when she used to live here.
Y/n got the colours ready on her hands and rang the doorbell. The moment Eren opened the door, colour was smeared all over his face.
“Happy holi!!” Y/n wishes while smearing all sort of colours on his face and neck and some even went in his hair.
“Babe, stop! i have colour all over my face! agh fuck” He complains while trying to wipe the colour off which only made it spread more and all of this caused Y/n to laugh making her realise how much she really missed this since she used to celebrate with her friends before.
“Eren, come on! It’s your very first holi and you don’t know how much i missed it so im gonna make you have the time of your life today.”
Eren looks at her with a small smile cause she’s right. She hasn’t done this in a long time and it is his first holi and he wanted to know what the hype was cause Y/n had been talking about this for a month.
“Ya but did you really have to surprise me with a full colour attack?” He asked while still trying to wipe off the colour. It just made him look even funnier.
“Babe, that’s the fun! You get to raid your friend’s house when they least expect it. Plus, it’s holi! the festival of colours of course I’m gonna attack you. Now wash your face and go get changed. Wear your most worn out clothes. We are celebrating” She instructs him.
“Why worn out clothes?” He asks the most stupidest question causing her to look at him like he’s dumb.
Y/n starts explaining, “Are you dumb? Babe, your clothes are gonna get stained really badly cause there’s colour everywhere. It’s pretty obvious but anyways, go get ready, i’ll make some food to eat quickly and then we’ll leave”
Eren groans and leaves to get ready. Y/n prepares a quick snack to eat and after that gets a bag she prepared with extra clothes for after the event they are going to. During all of this she gets a call from her best friend Dhanisha.
She gets excited and answers it.
“Hello? haan bol”
“Tu aana wali hai na? Varne mein tere ko marne wali hu” Dhanisha threatens light heartedly of course.
“Haan mein aa rahi hu. kitna baje aa jaun? dusre logo ko bhi bolna hai” She asks her to confirm
translation: “Hello, ya say”
“You’re coming right? Otherwise I’ll kill you”
“Ya I’m coming. What time should i come. I have to tell others also”
“Come by 1 o’clock and come fast pleaseeee, I haven’t met you in so long even though you came 5 months.”
“Ya ya I’ll be there quickly ok? I’ll see you later, byeeeee”
She said bye and hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” A voice spoke scaring Y/n causing her to jump in fear. She realised it was her boyfriend.
“It was my best friend Dhanisha. I just realised you never met her. Well doesn’t matter cause you’ll meet her soon. Anyways, are you ready cause we need to leave now. It’ll take an hour atleast to reach cause there’s gonna be traffic.”
Eren nods while saying yes and Y/n tells him to get in the car while she brings everything outside. He sits waiting for his girlfriend to arrive and after a minute she’s outside getting in the car with a bag and dumps it in the back seat.
He looked at her confused. “What’s all that for?”
“Extra clothes for us for after the event and some food to eat on the way and back so help yourself”
He nods and decides to eat a little later. Eren gets his phone and tries to connect his phone to the aux but Y/n stops him immediately.
“Ummm what are you doing? I’m playing music because we need the perfect vibe. Sorry Babe, maybe next time.” She says while patting his cheek.
Y/n starts her music and starts driving to the destination. Eren is not gonna lie, but he really liked the music that she was playing. Definitely good taste.
“Wow babe, you really do have good taste.” He compliments her while nodding his head in approval.
She smiles proud of herself and says thanks and continues driving. As she expected, there was traffic and was dying but she dealt with this everyday so she’s used to it. Eren however was impatient and was gonna rage.
After 10 minutes they finally reach. She parks the car and goes to the entrance finding her friends.
She sends a quick text to Mikasa to let her and the others know they’re here and waiting for her and the others. Eren still has no idea about this. His gang is staying at a hotel nearby and will reach in 2 mins.
Her best friend Dhanisha sees her and immediately runs to her. Y/n sees this and gets excited. They jump into a hug and stay like that for a whole minute.
“N/N MY JAAN I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” She says while hugging y/n.
“I fucking missed you too oh shit I’m gonna cry” Y/n says and lets go of the hug. Eren smiles at the reunion and wishes his friends were here with him.
“OH! dhani, meet Eren my boyfriend. Babe this is dhanisha. My best friend since the 8th grade.” She introduces her to him.
Eren smiles and shakes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, N/n won’t stop talking about you. Everyday there’s some new story about you both” He says while chuckling.
“Bro, did you tell him my birthday ka story-”
She gets interrupted by Eren, “Yeah she told me, it was pretty funny but I knew she was capable of it. Did you know one time when we were back at my home town she got so drunk-”
Y/n interrupts him by put her hand over his mouth to make him stop talking
“Okayyyy we can talk about that later but first, turn around Eren, I have a surprise for you”
He does what Y/n tells him and sees his very own friends walking towards him. He turned to Y/n and she just nods to silently tell him that it’s real.
Armin, One of Eren’s best friends ran towards him and tackled him in a brotherly hug. Y/n and Dhanisha were smiling at this cute reunion. He went and greeted the others that were there.
Mikasa, Hange, Levi, Sasha, Jean and Connie were there too. Eren was so happy to see them. Y/n greeted them and gave all of them a hug and introduced her best friend to the gang.
They were happy to meet each other and even gain a new friend. Y/n and Dhanisha looked at each other with a smirk before attacking everyone with colour
Both of the girls smeared colour on everyone’s face and Levi was not pleased. The two girls were laughing at the mess they created. Y/n was so gonna get scolded by Levi but she did not care.
“Guys let’s go inside, there’s gonna be music and everything!” Y/n said and everyone started going inside the venue. It was an open venue with a DJ and colour being thrown everywhere, lots of water sprayed and overall it was a good time.
They danced to bollywood music, they coloured each other and did so many other things. It was one of the best days ever. The group decided to head yo Y/n and Eren’s house. they all squashed themselves in the car and drove for an hour before reaching.
They got inside and everyone was shocked cause it was a really nice place. It looked very comfy and the couple were so proud of that. They all sat down, and started making conversation.
Y/n turned to whisper to her boyfriend, “Soooo… Did you have the time of your life today?”
Eren laughs softly while wrapping an arm around her, “I had the best time today, thank you for this N/n. i had a lot of fun and i got to learn what an amazing dancer you really are”
He gives her a quick peck on the lips making her smile.
“I’m glad you had fun today. Get ready for even more exciting shit over here. I still have so many places to take you to.”
“I’m looking forward to it”
a/n: i had too much fun writing this😭 happy holi again!! i hope you got to celebrate it unlike me</3
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esconpanache · 3 months
Why Owning a 4 BHK Villa is a Smart Investment
Investing in property is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Real estate is one of the profitable fields where you can take your chance and buy a property for yourself,
The question starts here: what kind of property is good for investment. well, there are so many expert opinions all over the internet. One of the best is owning a 4 BHK villa. Let's talk about how it wins the argument.
Owning a 4 BHK Luxury Villa is more than just having a place to live; it’s about embracing a lifestyle filled with comfort, luxury, and numerous benefits. Here’s why investing in a 4 BHK villa is a smart move:
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1. Space and Comfort
A 4 BHK villa offers ample space for you and your family. With four bedrooms, there’s plenty of room for everyone, ensuring privacy and comfort. You’ll have dedicated spaces for living, dining, and even a home office, making daily life more enjoyable.
2. Luxury Living
Villas are synonymous with luxury. From high-end finishes to modern amenities, a 4 BHK villa provides a lifestyle upgrade. Enjoy features like spacious balconies, private gardens, and possibly even a swimming pool, all designed to offer you the best in comfort and elegance.
 3. Better Quality of Life
Living in a 4 BHK villa means more open space, better ventilation, and natural light. These factors contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable living environment. You can enjoy the tranquility of your own garden or the spaciousness of a large living area.
 4. Privacy and Independence
Unlike apartments, villas offer more privacy. You don’t have to worry about noisy neighbors or shared walls. A 4 BHK villa ensures that you and your family can enjoy your personal space without disturbances.
 5. Investment Value
Property values tend to appreciate over time, and villas are no exception. A 4 BHK villa is a great investment that can provide significant returns in the future. The demand for spacious and luxurious homes is always high, making it a wise choice for long-term investment.
 6. Customizable Space
With a 4 BHK villa, you have the freedom to customize your space as you wish. Whether you want to create a home gym, a personal library, or a play area for kids, the possibilities are endless. This flexibility is something you don’t usually get with apartments.
 7. Enhanced Security
Villas in gated communities often come with enhanced security measures. From 24/7 security personnel to advanced surveillance systems, you can feel safe and secure in your 4 BHK villa.
 8. Community Living
Many villa communities offer shared amenities like clubhouses, parks, and sports facilities. This allows you to enjoy a sense of community while still maintaining your privacy. It’s the best of both worlds!
 9. Pet-Friendly Environment
If you have pets, a 4 BHK villa is ideal. The extra space and private garden give your pets room to roam and play, ensuring they are as comfortable as you are.
10. Future-Proof Home
A 4 BHK villa is perfect for growing families. Whether you’re planning to have more children or foresee needing space for elderly parents, a villa provides the flexibility to accommodate future changes in your family dynamics.
Investing in a 4 BHK villa is a decision that brings numerous benefits, from enhanced living space and luxury to better privacy and security. It’s not just a home. That's where Escon comes into the limelight after delivering so many best projects. Escon Panache Villas is one of the best luxurious villas that we are offering. It's a lifestyle upgrade that offers comfort, value, and a promising future. Consider a 4 BHK villa today and enjoy all the advantages that come with it!
Share your thoughts in the comment section. we would love to have a discussion with you.
Visit:- https://esconpanache.com/
Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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metamatar · 1 year
According to World Bank economist Branko Milanović, in 1870 global inequality between world citizens was considerably less than it is today. More strikingly still, from being predominantly driven by class (that is, in Milanović‘s non-Marxist conception, the share of national income), inequality today is driven almost entirely by location, the latter contributing 80 percent of global inequality. Thus, he writes, “it is much more important, globally speaking, whether you are lucky enough to be born in a rich country than whether the income class to which you belong in a rich country is high, medium or low.” What is not said is that the geography of inequality is the product of the economic, legal, military, and political structures of past colonialism and latter-day neocolonialism. These historical factors form the basis for the class struggle that determines what Marx referred to as the “historical and moral” aspect of wage levels.
From here x
This feels so incomprehensible but, it is probably true? I'm in India's top 10% and think of myself as basically as labor aristocrat as it gets here. The quality of my life feels excellent compared to my friends who are struggling and all the various working class people I buy services like food delivery, cab services etc from. This is excluding agrarian poverty entirely. But this is while having an annual income of 7000 USD. Like this is why a large section of my social class aspires to immigrate to the west.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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World Milk Day 
Start your day with a glass of calcium-rich milk, visit a local dairy farm, or see what milk alternatives like soy, oat, or almond milk you might enjoy.
It’s a well-known fact that milk is rich with calcium, a mineral that promotes healthy teeth and bones. June 1st is the date that has been set aside to celebrate Milk Day. And, of course, this is a celebration that can take place anywhere in the world, given that milk is a global food!
The use of milk in food and drink has been happening for thousands of years. As most people can appreciate, milk is an integral part of most people’s daily lives, and there’s an entire industry that revolves around it as well.
Milk is a liquid food rich with nutrients like calcium. It’s a food product that is primarily used by mammals during infancy. Although, in the case of humans, people tend to consume it in adulthood, as most adult humans can digest the lactose in milk.
Of course, milk isn’t only available for drinking. It’s an essential ingredient for dairy foods such as butter, cream, ice cream, and cheese. Milk can also be found as an ingredient used in other types of foods, such as bread, cakes, cereal, desserts and so much more.
There is no denying that milk has become a mainstay of most people’s diets today. It’s also one of the cheapest food products to buy, given the industrial scale of milk production in the world. Some of the largest producers of milk are the United States, India, and China.
History of Milk Day
Milk Day became a globally celebrated event on June 1st, 2001. The global celebration, in general, can be traced back to the United Nations (UN). In particular, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the UN has been responsible for organizing and marketing World Milk Day throughout the globe.
More than two decades ago, the FAO proposed a global Milk Day to recognize the importance of milk and the role that it plays in our world. In addition, this day was also created to provide direct focus to the milk industry and publicize the various activities connected with it. In fact, the dairy industry supports the livelihoods of approximately 1 billion people throughout the world!
But even before this day was created in 2001, Milk Day was celebrated by some other nations throughout history. In the British Isles, for example, a Milk Day celebration (“Imbolc” – Celtic for “milk”) took place in the pre-Christian era.
Considering the fact that over six billion people worldwide consume milk and dairy, it’s no surprise there was a need to celebrate this healthy, delicious beverage!
How to Celebrate Milk Day
June 1st is a day that many people may want to write their diaries. Milk plays such a significant role in the world that should certainly be celebrated in style!
But what can be done to celebrate such a momentous occasion? Try out some of these ideas for enjoying Milk Day:
Get the Day Started with a Glass of Milk
Why not celebrate today with a glass of fresh, cold milk in the morning to kick-start the day?! But don’t stop there. How about enjoying a big bowl of cereal full of delicious milk?
Of course, after drinking that glass of milk, don’t forget to snap a photo of that beautiful milk mustache! Share it with the world on social media to remind everyone else to enjoy Milk Day too.
Join an Official Milk Day Celebration
As a worldwide event, Milk Day comes with all kinds of official opportunities to celebrate! In 2020, more than 400 Milk Day campaigns took place in over 68 countries all over the globe, so there should be plenty to join in with again this year. Here are some events that have taken place in previous years:
World Milk Day Milk Donation. Happening in New York State, USA, several organizations have gotten together to provide a free gallon of milk to the people in their local community who visit a dairy farm.
Live Recipes by Renowned Chefs from Around the World. This live Facebook event has been hosted by Amul, India, which is the country’s largest dairy brand, with the intention of showing the importance of milk throughout different countries and cultures.
International Dairy Federation Raise a Glass Event. Hosted by the IDF in Brussels, Belgium, this event involved hosting a toast to milk from people all around the world.
Check the World Milk Day website to get access to all the needed information to make plans for this day.
Visit a Local Dairy or Farm
For those who have some extra time, especially those with kids who are ready to learn, consider visiting a local dairy to learn the process of milking cows and collecting the milk. This will also lead to learning about pasteurizing and homogenizing milk, methods used to filter milk and keep it long-lasting.
If there are no cow farms nearby, consider visiting a smaller farm that has goats. It’s still possible to learn about everything milk-oriented but may be more accessible because they might be smaller and locally owned.
Enjoy Other Milk Products
For lunch, why not have a mozzarella or Margherita pizza and drink a glass of chocolate milk to wash it down? After that, those who are still feeling hungry could always have some delicious ice cream for dessert!
Other options for enjoying milk products on this day (and every day!) include yogurt, sour cream, butter, custard, cream and all of the recipes that can be made from them.
Try a Milk Alternative
For folks who have trouble digesting dairy easily, why not try other non-dairy milk alternatives? Here are some popular options:
Soy Milk. A favorite as one of the early milk alternatives, this one is made from soybean plants that grow fairly prolifically in many places.
Almond Milk. Made by crushing almonds and blending them with water, and then straining out the mix to remove any solids that are left, this nutty milk is filled with protein.
Coconut Milk. This one uses the white, fleshy part of the coconut, grating it and soaking it in water. The cream rises and is skimmed off, then what’s left is strained to extract the coconut milk.
Whether with a milk product or a dairy alternative, celebrating World Milk Day can be loads of fun!
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coinstreetgurgaon · 1 year
How equity research platforms are transforming investment decisions in India
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Equity research platforms offer access to a wealth of information, including company research, financial analysis, industry trends, and other relevant market information. Investors can leverage this research and information to gain a deeper understanding of companies and sectors, enabling more informed investment decisions. Investors can stay updated on the latest developments and make timely investment decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. The Equity Research Platform in India uses both quantitative and qualitative analysis to analyse potential investment ideas. They provide valuable insights and recommendations based on historical performance, financial ratios, valuation metrics, and other relevant factors. This data-driven analysis helps investors identify investment opportunities and assess the potential risks associated with their portfolio. These platforms offer customization options, allowing investors to define their investment preferences, risk appetite, and financial goals. Equity research platforms enable investors to get access to detailed research and thorough due diligence before making investment decisions. Investors can assess the financial health, governance practises, and growth prospects of companies, helping them make more informed and prudent investment choices.
What is the role of equity research in providing information to investors?
The role of equity research is to provide valuable information and analysis to investors, enabling them to make informed investment decisions. Equity research encompasses in-depth analysis of companies, industries, and markets to assess their financial performance, growth prospects, risks, and potential investment opportunities. Here's how equity research serves as a vital source of information for investors:
Company Analysis: Equity research provides detailed insights into individual companies, including their financial statements, business models, competitive positioning, and management quality. This analysis helps investors understand the company's operations, profitability, and potential future performance.
Industry Analysis: They examines various industries and sectors, identifying trends, market dynamics, and key factors influencing their growth. By studying industry dynamics, investors can evaluate the potential opportunities and risks associated with investing in specific sectors.
Financial Performance Evaluation: Also analyses financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess a company's financial health. Investors can gain insights into a company's revenue growth, profitability, debt levels, and cash flow generation, which are crucial factors in evaluating its investment potential.
Valuation Analysis: They provides valuation analysis, helping investors determine the intrinsic value of a company's stock. This analysis considers various valuation methodologies, such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, and price-to-sales (P/S) ratios, to assess whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued.
How are equity research platforms empowering self-directed investing and transforming investment decisions in India?
Access to Information: These platforms provide investors with easy access to a vast amount of information, including company profiles, financial statements, research reports, and market data. By having comprehensive information readily available, investors can conduct their own analysis and make informed investment decisions without relying solely on traditional sources.
Research Tools and Resources: Equity research platforms offer a wide range of research tools and resources that enable self-directed investors to perform detailed analysis. These tools may include financial calculators, stock screeners, charting software, and portfolio trackers, among others. By leveraging these resources, investors can gain insights, track their investments, and manage their portfolios effectively.
Education and Learning Materials: Many equity research platforms offer educational resources, tutorials, and webinars to help investors enhance their investment knowledge and skills. These resources empower self-directed investors to improve their understanding of investment concepts, strategies, and market dynamics, enabling them to make more informed decisions.
Cost-effectiveness: Equity research platforms provide cost-effective alternatives to traditional investment research. They often offer affordable subscription models, eliminating the need for expensive brokerage services or investment advisory fees. This cost-effectiveness enables self-directed investors to access high-quality research and analysis at a fraction of the cost.
Is equity research part of investment management?
Yes, equity research is an integral part of investment management. Investment management involves the professional management of various investment instruments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other assets, to achieve specific investment objectives. An equity research platform plays a crucial role in the investment management process by providing valuable insights and analysis on individual companies, industries, and markets. Equity research helps investment managers make informed decisions regarding the selection, allocation, and management of equity investments. It involves conducting a detailed analysis of financial statements, evaluating company performance, assessing industry trends, and identifying potential investment opportunities and risks. By leveraging equity research, investment managers gain a deeper understanding of the companies and industries in which they invest, allowing them to make well-informed decisions to optimize portfolio performance. Equity research assists investment managers in conducting thorough due diligence, formulating investment strategies, and making buy, sell, or hold recommendations. It provides the necessary information and analysis to evaluate the financial health, growth potential, valuation, and risk profile of companies. This helps investment managers construct diversified portfolios, manage risks, and generate attractive returns for their clients.
What is the role of an equity research analyst in India?
The role of an equity research analyst in India is to analyze financial data, conduct research, and provide insights and recommendations on investment opportunities in the equity market. Here are the key responsibilities and functions of an equity research analyst:
Financial Analysis
Company Valuation
Investment Recommendations
Building Financial Models
Client Communication
Monitoring and Updates
Market insights and strategy
Empowering investors with data-driven insights and transforming investment decisions in India
Many equity research platforms in India are revolutionizing investment decisions by empowering investors with data-driven insights. These platforms provide comprehensive information, analysis tools, and personalized recommendations that enable self-directed investing and informed decision-making. By leveraging advanced data analytics and real-time market updates, investors gain access to a wealth of information to make informed choices. With increased access, customization, and cost-effectiveness, these platforms, including Coin Street, are transforming the investment landscape in India, empowering investors to take control of their financial future and achieve their investment goals. If you want to know more about our services, please feel free to contact us at:
Mobile: 9004880627
Website: www.coinstreet.in 
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What happened with the Share Market Today
What happened with the Share Market Today
Equity benchmark Sensex climbed over 200 points to reclaim the 61,000 mark and Nifty ended above the 18200 level on account of strong buying interest in auto, financials, and metal stocks. Further, strong global markers along with favorable micro data boosted investors’ confidence.  There was the positive sentiment in the market on account of impressive quarterly results, the strong rupee against…
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foodandfolklore · 10 months
The Origin of the Sweet Potato
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This Weekend is Thanksgiving for my American friends. Or was it Thursday....Regardless, happy Thanksgiving! I'm Canadian, so I already celebrated in October. Our harvest season tends to end earlier than our US counterparts if anyone was wondering why we celebrate early.
I've already tried digging around for turkey themed lore while celebrating my own thanksgiving. Most stories are more modern since turkey is a newer food, though so is Thanksgiving comparatively. So I thought I'd look at foods beloved for the season. I know sweet potatoes are a popular ingredient for many casseroles or pies.
So what is a sweet potato? A lot of people think sweet potato is just another word for Yam. And it can be confusing as some people will use the terms interchangeably. But they are two different foods with different tastes. A yam is a proper tuber with a thicker skin and high starch. A sweet potato is actually a root and can come in many colours. Most yams you buy in North America are imported where as sweet potatoes are home grown.
Sweet potatoes come from North and Central America, and were especially important to the natives of Hawaii. The nutrient dense crop helped keep it's people healthy in times of hardship. There were many different kinds of sweet potato the Hawaiian people could rotate with too, as they understood the importance of crop diversity.
The Sweetness of the Sweet Potato allows us to Invoke energy of Love, Lust, Beauty and Passion. But it also helps us with Stability, Health and Healing. We can also use the Sweet Potato to help Better Connect with a Younger Generation as the sweet potato's orange colour can you adapt and the sweetness of the food will make them more receptive to your attempts. The sweet potato has made it's way around the world, including Asia. I found a story from India that explains the existence of sweet potatoes and how the came to be. Though unlike Pumpkins, we know they came to Indian through the North Atlantic Trade sometime between 1500-1700
How Sweet Potatoes came to exist
Once long ago there lived an old woman who lived alone after the death of her husband. All their children had moved out after marriage. They were all poor and did not have much to share with their mother.
The old woman was also struggling to earn a living. She earned a couple of pennies by selling banana and areca palm(puwak).
One day the mother decided to visit her daughter who lived with her family in a nearby village. She walked all the way with the help of her walking stick. She arrived at her daughter’s home.
Meanwhile the daughter was cooking some rice for her kids. She was also very poor and lived admist many hardships. And when her mother arrived at her home at noon she was not happy about it at all. She invited her mother inside while thinking “If I offer my mother some rice there will not be enough rice for my kids. They haven’t had anything for breakfast either”.So instead of inviting her mother to have some lunch she said “O mother we have been having such a hard time. We couldn’t afford any rice and we haven’t cooked anything today. But if you visit my sister who lives nearby you shall definitely have a good meal”.
The mother replied “O dear then could you please fetch me some water. I wish for all your troubles to go away. May the triple jem bless you”. She drank the water and walked away in the scorching sun.
After her mother left the daughter called her children to have lunch. She went to the rice pot and took off the lid. To her horror she saw that the rice had turned into blood. The entire pot of rice was now a pot of red blood.
“O dear god! Look what happened! This happened because of my wrong doing towards my mother. I should have given her at least a bit of rice. O dear lord please forgive me! I have committed a terrible crime!”. She was very upset and heartbroken. She sat there for hours in grief.
Alast she took the pot and dumped the blood behind her house. She shouted “batha le!”(“the rice is blood”) as the blood flowed across her backyard.
After a few months a red coloured vine started to grow from where she had dumped the blood. This vine was completely red, even its leaves were red. And in a short time this vine grew all across the village it thrived in the surrounding environment. Cattle, goats, rabbits and a lot of other creatures started eating it. The villagers tried to eliminate the vines but they failed it grew everywhere. It bore large red coloured yams.
After sometime the daughter got even poorer to the point that she couldn’t even afford food to feed her kids. Her children were crying in hunger. And finally she decided to eat the red yams which grew in her backyard. She thought “I cannot bear this any longer I will boil it and eat it. Doesn’t matter even if we die at least we would have our stomachs full.” She dug out a few yams and bolied it. She fed it to her children and ate some herself.
The yams were sweet and tasty. They didn’t die. They felt strong and lively. Thereafter they started eating these yams everyday. She told her fellow villagers about the yams and taught them to consume the yams too. She called it “bathale ala”.
Later this bathale ala was grown in many villages and it spread far and wide throughout the country.The people called it “bathale ala” too and afterwards it changed into “bathala”. And as time passed by new varieties of “bathala ala” were created such as “sudupata bathala”(white coloured sweet potatoes), “kahapata bathala”(yellow coloured), “seeni bathala”(sugar like sweet potato) etc. And it remains to this day as a favourite of many.
And that was how “bathala” or sweet potato was created according to Sinhala folklore.
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caralara · 2 years
carraaaaaaa! I watched the doc today. first of all, I am so happy that it was released in India! good god, finally. the doc was so good. before going for the movie or even before buying the tickets I was skeptical if i should watch it or not because people said there were many F contents. but i am so happy i got to experience this. there were so many fans and it was such a nice nice moment. i was afraid and worried that the person sitting next to me might be an anti or solo but noooooooo they were so nice and they didn't believe it was his son either, so the whole time we were like "what is this point of this? the kid is sweet but not his. they keep repeating the Christmas content" and i was happy again that at least the person next to me is also not a believer of babygate. overall it was so good. yes, the scenes were convincing but didn't convince me. honestly biggest 🚩 is no pre 2020 content which again, dude had a camera the whole time (even when i think about it in the light of any possibility of F being his son; he showed so many memories from past but no single thing of F between 2016-2020). yeah, liam and niall were there.. I was so surprised.. yohooooooo!
this has pretty much convinced me that there is infact a plan and Louis knows what he's doing. his script was nice and he does have a bond with him but no, no daddy vibes for me. it's ending. i know now. and there is a proper ending, i feel it in my guts. anyways, have a good day!
ps: it was my first fandom experience and the first timw that i realised the 18.4 m followers isn't me alone. there are other legit real fans 😭😭😭😭
Hi Koko!!!!
First of all what?? You’re so wrong Louis is the daddiest of daddies in this, so many daddy vibes ����! no jokes aside, I 100% see what you mean. Cool uncle vibes yes dad vibes no.
But I am SO happy you got to have this experience??? With other people?? In India?? Im SO SO glad you got to see it in a space with other Louies!
And I’m glad you enjoyed the doc as much as I did despite it being so heavy on bbg!
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely review of the doc and I hope you have a great rest of your evening ♥️
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theresearchblog · 10 months
Online Recruitment Platform Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest released the research study on Global Online Recruitment Platform Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Online Recruitment Platform Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Online Recruitment Platform The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are LinkedIn (United States), Monster (United States), Indeed (United States), CareerBuilder (United States), Naukri.com (India), Seek Limited (Australia), Zhilian Zhaopin (China), DHI Group, Inc. (United States), SimplyHired, Inc. (United States), StepStone (Germany),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Online Recruitment Platform Market Definition:
Online recruitment platform is also known as E-recruitment or an internet recruiting platform that allows businesses to use various internet-based solutions for online advertisement and job listing to hire the best candidate for the particular job role. In today’s time increasing use of internet and evolution of advanced technologies has made easier to scout candidates and conduct the interview. The platforms offer facilities for job seekers to upload their details and resumes online.
Market Drivers:
Increasing Use of Online Recruitment Platforms for Potential Talent Scouting Across the Globe
Increasing Use of the Internet and Advanced Technologies to Reach Bigger Audience
Market Opportunities:
High Adoption by the SMEs Due to Its Cost-effectiveness and Flexibility
Market Trend:
Development of Innovative Features in Online Recruitment Applications by the Providers
The Global Online Recruitment Platform Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Permanent, Part-Time, Internship), Vertical (BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Real Estate, Travelling & Hospitality, Media & Entertainment, Automotive, Others), Enterprise Size (Small & Medium Enterprises, Large Enterprises)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Online Recruitment Platform Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Online Recruitment Platform market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Online Recruitment Platform Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Online Recruitment Platform
Chapter 4: Presenting the Online Recruitment Platform Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Online Recruitment Platform market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Online Recruitment Platform Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Online Recruitment Platform Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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