#sharky edit
sharkologydesign · 1 year
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Gintama is what they mean when they say "Boys will be boys"
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catsharkie · 6 months
QUICK post julian spice girls edit while no ones looking
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totallycynically · 3 months
Yall tiktok editors need to chill istg those cunty ass transitions are lethal weapons used to propagate me into developing a crush ANYONE at this point.
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vctrvn-ls · 11 months
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Saturday •| Niko | •
summary: you persuade Niko to go clubbing, but things don’t turn out so great
warnings: language, slight angst, alcohol use, kissing(?)
word count: 2.5k
"The club!?" Niko's eyebrows expressed all his current emotions.
"Yes!" You bounce next to him with an excited grin "It'll be so fun! I used to go all the time!"
"All the time?" He quoted.
"Yess, we'll go together, it's gonna be so fun. Trust!" You beam at poor Niko who's heart rate was through the roof just thinking about clubbing.
"And the cocktails at Fabric are so good! Better than Rosé in a bottle."
"First of all what do you have against Rosé in a bottle?" He referred to your classic Saturday nights, when the two of you would order takeout and have a bottle of Rosé while watching an old horror movie.
"And second of all, FABRIC!?" His voice went high pitched. "The most famous club in England!?"
"Well it's London, and secondly we're turning old! We're only in our early twenties and already spending our great Saturday nights sitting at home." You spoke your mind.
Niko sighs, looking away and not knowing what to add.
"Niko," you purr, leaning onto his shoulder, trying to get him to ease up and approve your desires.
He glanced down at you. He could tell you really wanted to go.
"Fine." He selflessly agrees, making you squeal in excitement and place a chaste kiss onto his lips. He watched you run up the stairs to get ready with hooded eyes, contemplating his decision and wondering how badly it would turn out for him.
"I don't even know what to wear." He walks into your room, eyes meeting your body that was dressed in a black slip.
You turn around, smiling while putting your hair up in a messy bun "Hey." You chirp sweetly.
"Wow, you look," he takes a sharp breathe in as his eyes wonder all over you "Breathtaking."
You giggle shyly and twirl in front of him
"It's cute right?"
"Yeah, it is." He takes ahold of your waist as you spin right into his arms. His slender fingers smoothly glided up and down the fabric on your back, he leaned down to kiss you, hands traveling lower and lower.
"Niko." You say sternly as you break the kiss, feeling him on the small of your back.
He chuckles "Sorry, really can't resist."
You place another kiss on his lips before walking over to the mirror and continuing to fiddle with your hair.
He watched you with a dreamy expression, drowning in your charm, for a second even forgetting about how much he didn't want to go out, tired from the long week and endless days of shooting, but he didn't want to ruin your thrill by seeming boring or, as you mentioned earlier, old.
"A-are you going out like that?" Niko suddenly says in a rather surprised tone, noticing how thin the dress was.
You turn around "Yeah." You shrug "I mean it's Uber there and Uber back. It's warm outside."
You say with such simplicity that it worries Niko.
You slam the door as the car drives away right behind you.
"Kinda chilly." You comment as Niko walks up to you. He settled on a black turtleneck and had his blazer in his hand just in case. He looked so leng that you had to fight your want to get your hands all over him before leaving the house.
You take his arm and lead him to the entrance of the club that looked suspiciously empty.
A man dressed in a dark blue suit stopped you with his palm out "Sorry guys I just sent everyone away-"
You swiftly pull out your phone, showing him a QR code to which he replied with a "Welcome."
As you step inside the leading hallway, you could feel Niko's perplexed eyes on you.
You look up and raise a brow.
"What-Where did that come from?"
You smile proudly "Perks of being an ex-party machine."
"Party machine? When di-"
But his words were instantly cut off by deafening music as you opened the heavy metal door.
You felt a rush of adrenaline course through you as the loud melody boomed through the atmosphere, bass vibrating the floor. Purple and blue lights shimmered and shone all over the walls, crowd and ceiling. Your mouth fell open into a smile as you saw people dancing and energetically jumping up and down, drunk and carefree. Everything felt so nostalgically familiar that you even forgot that you hadn’t been to a place like this in almost a year.
Niko on the other hand was wincing from the wordless noise, he couldn't even think of it as music. People pushed him from left and right as he tried to catch up to you in a hurry.
He shielded his eyes from the annoyingly bright lights that kept coming from every direction, blurring his vision.
"Two Manhattans please!" You yell to the bartender, leaning on the counter and smiling.
He winked at you and nodded, knowing from experience that there was no point in shouting over the music.
"Two what?!" Niko's voice rung through your ear and you turned around.
"Manhattans?" You repeat.
"Isn't that a place?" Niko quizzed, to which you just laugh and turn back to the bar, leaving him in genuine confusion.
Where did this side of you even come from? He didn't know you even partied, let alone knew names of drinks he had never heard of in his life!
You turn around to him and hold up a glass.
Niko observed it, he had never held one of these in his hand before, it was like a usual glass but squished to the top, making it look funny.
'Very Wolf of Wall street' he thought as he saw red liquid with a single cherry floating inside.
"Wha-" Niko was about to ask you what was in it, but he paused in shock as he witnessed you finish your drink in one gulp.
You stick out your tongue and cough from the bitter taste of alcohol, before opening your eyes and turning back to the bar table to ask for another one.
Niko's eyes are as wide as plates at this point, watching you innocently look up at him, like that didn't just happen.
"Try it!" You shout to him with a wide grin on your face.
His looked at the drink in his hand.
"Cmon!" You urged him.
He brought the glass up to his lips and took the tiniest sip, eyes instantly screwing shut as he tasted the insanely strong whiskey that stung his mouth.
How did you just wash that down in an instant!?
You laugh at his cute reaction while taking your second glass from the counter.
"How is it?" You tiptoe so you wouldn't have to shout as loudly, but that didn't help the slightest, instead you felt the alcohol wash over your head, which made you lose your balance and slightly tip to the side.
"Aye!" Niko catches you with one arm, propping you up by the waist.
You laugh at your own clumsiness and begin to drink again.
"Hey maybe it's better-" Before he could finish you were already done, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Jesus." Niko mumbled as he watched you give away the empty glass back to the bartender.
"You done?" You ask, glancing at his drink.
He shakes his head, not really wanting it anymore.
"Cmon!" You gently push the glass up to his face so he would drink it.
Niko furrows his eyebrows and tightens his lips, shaking his head.
"Nikooo!" You whine, evidently disappointed, which was the last thing he wanted, so he hurried to finish at least half of it, forcing it down.
"Disgusting." He spits, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his turtleneck and putting the glass on the counter.
You smile with your teeth, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor, right into the crowd.
The music was so loud that Niko couldn't even recognize the song, while you jumped up and down in unison with the rest of the people around you. As you swayed your hands around you felt yourself bump into something, or rather someone, with your butt.
You turned around seeing an unfamiliar man instead of Niko standing behind you.
"Sorry!" You shouted with a friendly smile on your face.
"It's ok!" He smiled in response, his pearly white teeth glowing under the blue lights. "What's yo-"
But before you could hear the rest of the sentence you felt yourself being pulled away by your shoulders. Your head was spinning like crazy and when you finally opened your eyes you met Niko's displeased face staring at you from above.
You smile lightheartedly and take his hands to make him join your wave of fun, but he stiffens under your touch.
You're confused in your gone state, wondering what was stopping him from having as much fun as you were currently having.
You bring your hands up to his neck and pull him down for a kiss, sure that that'd ease him up. You move your mouth in a messy and, obviously, drunk manner, kissing him like you were touch starved your whole life. With the help of alcohol your feelings enhanced like crazy, lust overtaking as the kiss got hotter.
On the other side, Niko was bewildered by the state you were in. Your hot palms held onto the back of his neck, forbidding him to pull away.
You finally felt his hands on your shoulders and shuddered from the contact on your bare skin, thinking that your idea had worked and Niko finally lightened up. But those thoughts were quickly brushed away as you felt a forceful push. You stumbled backwards, struggling to hold balance, eyes opening in confusion.
"Let's go." Niko pronounces as he pulls on his blazer with an irritated expression painted on his face.
"What?" You laugh shaking your head in perplexity. But Niko wasn't laughing.
He wanted out. Now.
He grabbed ahold of your arm and pulled you after him, pushing past all the people.
You clutched onto his wrist as his grip tightened.
"Ow." You whined with a frown as you finally got outside into the empty and dimly lit street.
"What the fuck?!" You exclaim, rubbing the area, more hurt emotionally than physically, feeling the drunk-anger rise inside you.
Your look shot up at Niko, who’s eyes were darting around the street. But you didn't notice his concern, you were on the verge of being completely wasted and your desire to party was through the roof.
"Niko!" You shout angrily.
"What?" He turns to you.
You spread your arms out "What the hell was that?"
He took a pause before replying "It was time to go."
You raised your eyebrows and laughed dryly "We just got there."
"It was too loud." He pulled out his phone to check the time, clearly lying about his reason.
"Oh my god." You roll your eyes "Are you that lazy? How boring do you have to be to leave as soon as it's 'too loud'?" You scoffed. You didn't mean any of it, you were intoxicated and the alcohol was talking for you, you couldn't control your boosted emotions, struggling to notice Niko's genuinely upset state.
"Hey I-"
"Why'd you always have to ruin everything." You narrow your eyes at him and tilt your head, leaving him stunned by your words.
"Why are you acting like this?" He asked softly, trying his best to not cause a scene.
"Me!?" You exclaim, enraged by how he accused you in response to your own question "You're the one who got me all excited by the fact that we were finally going out. Only to come here and leave in a fucking hour!"
Even though you were drunk, you still had a pretty good grasp on reality and you knew your words were coming off as hurtful and nasty, you just thought that Niko's actions were aimed at you. You though he didn't want you to have fun because you were enjoying yourself too much and he didn't like the way you were too active, especially after his surprised reaction to finding out about how you used to always go out.
"Why can't we just do something interesting for once!?" You huff and look up at him with fury sparkling in your eyes.
Niko scratched the back of his head and sighed, looking away "I just-" he began mumbling his response, but he was speaking too slow for your juiced brain.
"You what? What, Niko?"
"I was uncomfortable!" He raised his voice.
Your eyebrows dropped from the unexpected statement.
Niko? Uncomfortable?
He brought his hands up to his face as he let out a heavy sigh.
"You're drunk, I'm worried, then we also got all the other guys who want to get close to you." He referred to your previous encounter with the man at the dance floor.
"It's loud and everyone's either stoned or drunk. I don't care if you're mad at me. I'd rather you be mad, than me letting you go back in and risking whatever." He motions at the club entrance, with the guard awkwardly still standing there, watching both of you from afar, thankfully not hearing your conversation.
Realization hits you like a bus. You did over do it, you had gotten way too carried away. That realization was enough to make you sober up a little and walk over to Niko, hugging him tightly.
He sighed.
"I'm sorry, Niko." You closed your eyes, pressing your cheek against his torso as his arms wrapped around your back, indicating that he wasn't mad.
"I didn't mean it." You squeezed him.
He nods to himself "I know you didn't." He replies softly. It was almost scary how easy it was to apologize to him, he never held grudges let alone reject an apology.
"You wanna get pizza?" You say suggestively, as you glance up at him with big guilty eyes.
"At 1am?"
You smile "Everyone knows that next to every night club there is a 24 hour restaurant."
"Clearly I'm not everyone."
"Come." You take his hand and lead him, not able to properly walk in a straight line making, Niko chuckle.
“Oh, not bad.” Niko nodded, chewing and looking at the pizza slice that was in his hand.
“Right?” You agree with your mouth full.
The pair of you were sitting outside a small pizza place, eating and enjoying the night atmosphere. It was quiet and the street lamps lit up the roads in warm tones. You sat in Niko’s blazer, practically sinking in its size, every time you moved you’d catch the smell of his cologne, powdery and not too strong.
You talked and talked, about everything, enjoying each others company.
“You know what?” You say, straightening your back and smiling.
“We should eat out on Saturdays. That way it won’t be boring and not too crazy.”
Niko nods with a grin “Yeah.” He shrugs “Sounds good.”
requests r open <3
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mysicklove · 19 days
ibruh. 😭 youre calling me out i have a slvtty waist and thunder thighs but wear baggy clothes 😭✋
go off icon 💅💅💅💅
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sharky857 · 9 months
"Why yall like Hassian so much?"
The title is a half-quote of a question dropped on Palia Discord, and of course my hands started itching.
Not because the question ticked me off.
It's because that simple question alone set my brain on "I will be brief" mode. And the "will be brief" mode is always, without fail, this one:
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WIthout further ado, here's my widdle essay, copy-pasted from the notepad file as it was intended to be shared on that server at some point (so if there's any weird self-censoring like "strong dislike", you already know why).
This is gonna be very much spoiler-y in a lot of points, so if you haven't reached max friendship + romance and/or don't like spoilers in general, pls skip this ramble.
That being said…
Having reached max friendship and also romance with Hassian, I see his being overall "cold" (or "sour", as someone else in game would define it) as some kind of psychological defense/self-preservation mechanism.
When you reach enough friendship with him, he will openly confess/admit that it's not like he doesn't like humans, but he is wary of them. He admits to be like that towards anything new/unknown, and humans are, in fact new/unknown to him. He even has a random dialogue where he actually thank you for giving him a chance to know humans better through your (friendship) bonding.
According to other dialogues, Hassian is also seen playing cards with Auni at the inn, and quite often too, apparently. This is met with mixed reactions from a few of the other locals: Reth makes jokes about it, saying that he always thought that Hassian would come at the inn only to see how other people could disappoint him (or something on that line), Nai'o is straight up worried that Hassian could be a bad influence or something on his little brother, and Sifuu has a more indirect line about it, saying that Hassian has a liking/soft spot for animals and children (which gives her a glimmer of hope that her sone, one day, might settle down and start a family). This is a first clue that Hassian is actually a gentle soul.
In regard of Reth's aforementioned remark, I have this feeling that this might have something to do with the way Chapaa are generally viewed by the locals. Everyone sees them as cute & cuddly & fluffy animals (you even have Tish straight up cooing about them, in one of the Maji market-related dialogues), despite how Chapaa have come to be in the valley and the consequences. Hassian will tell you that the Chapaa are not a natice species, but have been introduced at some point by Kenli, with the intentions of breeding them as pets. But the Chapaa at some other point escaped into the wild, where their population started to grow uncontrollably; the fact that they lacked (and still lack, apparently) natural predators means that Chapaa are now an invasive species that need some sort of "pest control" system. But apparently Kenli has been refusing to take any action of sort in this sense because "but Chapaa cute :(" reasons, while every other villager seems to have a similar line of thought about those critters, leading Hassian to take matters into his hunter-hands. This would explain why Hassian seems to look at everyone in disappointment when he drops by the inn.
Another clue that Hassian is more than meets the eye lies in a random dialogue of Auni, when you reach enough friendship with either that child and/or Hassian; our mail boy will kind of break confidentiality with you and tell you that Hassian always gets romance novels delivered from the library all the times. He also says that they are "very mushy stuff", which confirms that Hassian may be actually quite a sensitive person. This trait of Hassian is also confirmed by other things/dialogues. For starters, he writes poetry (or at least he has tried to, at some point), and you can even see some of those writing by yourself in his grove, upon finding a book with torn pages (he didn't rip them btw, it was some Chapaa's fault). At the beginning of that side quest, Hassian will try to deny the book is his, despite... ye know... his name is right there. And at the end of the quest he will asks you not to mention that book to anyone, because he has "a reputation to uphold".
You can also get some more clues upon finding an abandoned letter in one of the camps in Bahari (somewhere in the northern half, more precisely). That letter will also reveal that Hassian and Tamala had a short-lived affair (that letter is also the ultimate reason why I "strongly dislike" Tamala's guts with a passion, for the records).
Tamala and Hassian's story could be also the reason why Hassian is now even more prone to not let his feelings on. According to what I could grasp about this ordeal, one day Tamala spotted Hassian "snooping around" her house (he was just minding his own business, hunting and also selling some stuff). It is unclear which one aprroached the other first, all we know is that Tamala bought a Sernuk rug from him, then asked him to enter her boudoir (aka: her bedroom), unofficially to ask for his opinion on where it could've been placed. Officially… completely unrelated things happened. Tamala never says what, exactly, but the way she tells that bit leaves very little to one's (naughty-naughty) imagination. And apparently, Hassian instantly fell head over heel for Tamala, but it looks like Tamala never made her intentions clear from the very beginning; the whole time, Hassian probably thought that her intentions were serious, while Tamala was in only for "some fun". It is also implied that Tamala herself may ahve pretty much treated him like her personal "toy boy", while Hassian kept on misinterpreting all that as her way of courting a suitor back, to the point that he presented her his own pin; if you romanced anyone in this game, you know what a big and important step this is considered. This is apparently when Tamala finally decided to dump Hassian; her random dialogues say that she broke with him when he tried to talk about a marriage, while Hassian's dialogue (at the end of his max romance quest) seems to add some more details to that, saying something like "I thought you would've come back to throw my pin in my face". Now: think about what a pin signifies, keep in mind what big deal these pins are, now imagine someone straight up throwing said pin back to the sender's face while telling them to pretty much F off and never come back. That ought to cause some damage on an emotional level. Even Sifuu herself, at some point, confesses with you that she was worried that you would "pull a Tamala" on Hassian (not to mention: Sifuu is still also all set on wanting to kick Tamala's rear, after all these years), but she is also glad that, with you, she had been wrong.
As cherry on top, Hassian might have unprocessed childhood trauma, which might lead him to constantly keep his feelings in check (and being awkward when trying to disclose them) as well. At some point we get to know that he had two moms: Sifuu and Taylin. Hassian was clearly more attached to Taylin than Sifuu, and even after all this time the loss of "momma" still stings real bad to him. When Sifuu made him proof-read her own autobiography, Hassian simply flipped because of what he sees as complete lies on how "mother" and "momma" first met, considering that altered story as an insult to Taylin's memory (whereas Sifuu was only trying to spice things up for artistic reasons). Some time after that thing with the book, when Sifuu asks for his help to clear Taylin's belongings, Hassian do agree that they both needed to finally move on and and also tried to help his mother, but soon he found out he couldn't bring himself to do it.
The loss of Taylin could mean that Hassian is now subconsciously "afraid" to love someone as much as he loved "momma", probably fearing to suffer that same pain all over again. And the ordeal with Tamala might have left him extra wary of disclosing his feelings as well, which would all bring us to his aloof and seemingly cold demeanour in game.
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saintemarvel · 1 year
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Sharky & Hurk
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munch4march · 1 year
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your needs, my needs pt. 1 // we’ll all be here forever // noah kahan + marcheron
Oh, well, who was I Who was I to watch you wilt? You ain't gotta tell me what it means Trace the outlines of your dreams You'll always be a flower on my skin And the pain that I am in Mm, it's all the same The losing touch, the waiting game Cross that county line I promise to be there this time
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stephibee · 2 years
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idle sharky
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jadethirlvvall · 3 months
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sharkylass · 10 months
I finally found you! Saw your art laying around here and there but finallyyyy. I can look at it from your blog \(T^T)/
You don’t have to answer I just needed to vent how happy I am.
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Im genuinely curious tho, where do you guys see my art outside of my profiles? I kiiiind of know some pieces of mine have been floating around, but I'm really curious as to which ones and where you spot em.
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survivoirs · 11 months
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If you’ve come to eat ass and take names — Wait — That’s not right. I mean kick ass and take names — well then you’ve come to the right place, Amigo.
𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜��𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑔.     𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡.
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catsharkie · 5 months
gul dukat ruler of everything. what has it come to
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sharkieboi · 5 months
my dad: “you should come home earlier so you can spend time with your mother”
me, internally: why the fuck would I do that
#shhh sharkie#I’m specifically a) lying to him about where i’m spending the night tonight#and b) spending as little time at home tomorrow as I can before I come back to the city#I have zero desire to spend any quality time with either of my parents rn#I’m driving to nyc to spend the night with my person tonight and sleep over with them#and then finishing the drive to ct tomorrow to drop off the car and then amtrak the fuck out of there#he’s trying to guilt trip me into spending the night in ct instead of nyc but like why would I do that#yeah i’d love to have an uncomfortable evening with a group of passive aggressive people who judge me and my life#and watch a shitty movie i’ll hate and be judged for how many glasses of wine I have#definitely better than getting free drinks at a gourmet restaurant while i wait for my SO to finish up work#and then go smoke/drink and get lovingly railed within an inch of my life#definitely time with my parents is worth more than that 🙄#edit: coming back to this about a month later (2/2) and i kinda do wish i had arrived earlier to say hi to mom but still#more in that like. my parents have this preconceived notion that I hate them but that isn’t true#and i’d like as many opportunities as i can to disprove that#but also my mom is a self-centered narcissist and any slight against her is the worst crime in the world#so i’m okay missing her. but i did still want to see her.#or any of my siblings. it was just my dad and the pets.#which is great! i love how each of the dogs greet everyone#have to deal with Daisy first cause she needs to be Held and tell you she loves you#and then Dolly needs to lick all the moisturizer off your face and be a little potato#and Odie whines and patiently waits his turn but then he gets swaddled with affection#it’s a whole routine i love them all so much#and i miss my girl so much
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Rules For Requesting/About me!
⚠️ TW: Mentions of non-con, r∆pe ⚠️ (I am against these!!)
About me!
Name: Sharky Boshaw
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him/Elf/Elvenself
About me: I am autistic with possibly ADHD, I am a transgender man, I am hyperfixtating on video games: specifically far cry 5! I am currently learning to become a video game developer!
A heads up:
Unless specified, default y/n will be:
I only write for Male/GN/neopronoun readers!
body positive!
Disability friendly
Nonculture specific unless specified!
I TAKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!!!!! (Trolls are blocked 💕)
Spam like is welcome!!! ♥️💕✨
Fandoms I write for:
Far cry (3,4, 5 and New Dawn, not the twins tho)
Hitman series
Cyberpunk 2077
Fallout: New Vegas, 3 and 4
Resident Evil Village
Dead By Daylight
Team Fortress 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
I WILL ALSO WRITE F/O IMAGINES (I am self ship friendly!!)
The Lost Boys
Night Vale
American Gods
Undertale (not for underage characters unless it's non-romantic: including papyrus who in canon is like.. 13 I think?)
Call of duty
Dragon Age Inquisition
Mass Effect
Bioshock series
Cult Of The Lamb
Non con
Anything sexual
The glorifying of mental health (if you request it: I will write the realistic parts of it)
Romanticized ab*se
Possessive relationships
✨ DNI: ✨
Pro shippers
Ageless blogs (not an 18+ blog, but i prefer that minors do not interact)
If you're anti-LGBTQIA
If you're anti-abortion
If you're anti-Semitic
Abelists (seriously.. if you think autism is just some perky thing.. get off my blog.)
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simonxriley · 1 year
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"Ellie, just like her mom is a force to be reckoned with." - Kim
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