michelangelou · 18 days
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Genny Shawcross
Follow @michelangelou for more!
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bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 months
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Great news for who couldn't afford the FIRST subscription!
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The way my fight or flight response is triggered when I read a bad take or someone just blatantly misreads RWBY or it’s characters is so insane. I don’t think I’ve ever been this defensive of a show before.
I think part of it is just the amount of absolute vitriol this show gets for no reason. If you don’t like the show that’s fine. There are plenty of shows other people love that I have zero interest in or just don’t care for. Sometimes a show just isn’t made for you. And that’s FINE.
But there’s just so much purposefully bad takes and bad faith criticism, and it feels so relentless sometimes. You can’t post something positive about it without at least one troll deciding that you liking and celebrating something you love is an insult directed at them as a person.
It can just be a lot when it feels like something you love is just constantly getting crapped on.
So let me say this again, with nothing but love and conviction:
I love RWBY. I love this show so freakin much. This show, even with all its flaws and stumbles, is my favorite show. Possibly ever. Most certainly of the last decade.
I love its themes and its message. I love the characters. I love the music. I love the animation, was even endeared by the Poser era. I love that it feels like the people behind the show love and care about it just as much. I love how each volume is another milestone, another mark to look back and go ‘see how far we’ve come?’
And not to be so melodramatic, but none of the trolls can ever take that away from me.
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matt0044 · 3 months
Regarding the "Does RWBY like women?" poll (yes, yes it does BTW).
You know... the whole poll debacle reminded me of something.
RWBY helped me expand my media diet by telling me that just because people hate something enmass, it could just all be bullshit coupled with mob mentality.
Instead of hatedoms getting me to think:
"Damn, I don't even wanna be associated with that show based on the rage it inspires."
My more skeptical brain is like:
"Okay, so why is it reeeeeeeally hated? Is it reeeeeeeally bad or are people going along with the crowd because critical thinking is too much of a burden in this capitalist hellscape?"
Because bad media literacy is in part a result of the fact that most geeks and normies alike aren't out to be legit critics but rather just want to enjoy the thing, gush about the thing and so forth. They can't exactly articulate their reasonings why like they're trying to get an A+ in Therapy Studies.
And THAT is how the YouTube Video Essay and Angry Critic scene takes off.
We dunk on the Nostalgia Critic (often for VERY real IRL grievances) but his catchphrase: "I remember it so you don't have to" is something many who'd come after would take to heart. These video maker people are taking about a thing you like and are explaining it in a way you not only agree with but makes you feel vindicated.
Be it for love... or for hate.
Because hatedom circles like the RWDE looks to video essays that reassure them, keep them from doubting their stance on the thing and how they enforce it.
With the burden of actually seeing the thing and thinking hard taken off of them, people can confidently say things like "RWBY prioritizes Jaune" despite not looking at any potential evidence in the show that might contridice it.
Which is why this is a call for everyone to question the popular opinions.
Does Jaune Arc reeeeeeally get that much narrative importance at the expense of the main girls?
Was Jaune reeeeeeeally a self-insert?
Was Ironwood reaaaaaally derailed in his character arc?
Was Adam reeeeeeeeally representative of the Faunus?
Was the Faunus reaaaaaally offensive?
And of course...
Was Monty Oum reeeeeeeeally the only one who's vision matter to the show above all else?
Ask yourself these questions and do the work to back them up. If people are giving you responses that contridict you, responses that take evidence from the work itself more often than not, then try to do the same in turn.
Think about that show or movie being panned? What if... you actually like it?
Not everybody is a critic... but we can at least try to.
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asm5129 · 3 months
RWBY has always been a scrappy indie production that beat the odds and hit the mainstream despite everything going against it.
Looks like it still is <3
what I’m being told is that Viz is primarily a licensing and distribution company. They’ve done some stuff in house but not much. I rewatched the announcement video, they said Viz will be the home for production as well but that’s a wide term so since details aren’t available yet obviously so I’m not 100% clear what the approach to production will be.
However, I’m being told Viz have lots of money, lots of experience, lots of respect and lots of connections.
This seems like objectively good news in every way
The petty part of me also adores how thoroughly this announcement *destroys* HTDM narratives 😅
Not only is RWBY valuable enough for a company like Viz to both want it and have such faith in it, but they *also* guaranteed they had Kerry—one of the people who supposedly “ruined” it
I mean just
Hot damn I would not want to be the people who celebrated RWBY dying right now
They must be absolutely scrambling to figure out how to spin this
How humiliating
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cephaloheath · 3 months
You know, I still don't think it's entirely hit me yet that RWBY is continuing after all.
When I heard that Rooster Teeth was shutting down, I was absolutely distraught. For the past 8 years, I had been deeply engrossed in a series that had brought more emotion out of me than any other series has. And now, with no warning, I was being forced to deal with the potential reality of that series never being brought to its conclusion. It felt like a slap to the face; like I had spent all this time getting immersed in this absolute masterpiece of a series…all for nothing. I just couldn't accept that. And I was prepared to write my own ending if that was what I had to do.
But it makes me REALLY happy to know that that reality has been avoided.
I really can't express how grateful I am to CRWBY for their absolute refusal to give up after Rooster Teeth's shutdown and for putting in the time and effort to find RWBY a new home. In their shoes, a lot of other creators would simply throw in the towel and look for work elsewhere. But CRWBY stuck it out. They didn't give up. And it was thanks to their perseverance that the series has found a new home.
RWBY is a series that I hold very dear to me. It has touched my heart in a way that no other series has. It has made me laugh, almost made me cry (which is saying a LOT for me), made me jump for joy, terrified me, and made me genuinely love and hate fictional characters more than any series I've ever watched. And I am truly overjoyed to see it avoid being shelved and get a second chance with Viz Media.
Rooster Teeth's shutdown damn near killed RWBY. But it DIDN'T kill RWBY. The series is going to continue onwards, and that makes me really happy. Here's to a bright future. I'm really excited to see what comes next.
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n1blakelover · 1 year
for anyone that hasn’t seen the table read live from volume 1 that arryn talked about in always open today, here it is
“can i mention that my character and another character are lesbian lovers” 🤪🤭😏
“no absolutely not” 💀😭
“not yet” 👀🤭👁️👁️
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yangfanbb · 1 year
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Everyone got a Twitter? If you do tag them to let them know you want V10
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lilithfairen · 1 year
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You are enough. Just the way you are. 💗🤍🖤💛
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oldenoughbynow · 6 months
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Source: Twitter (X)
This answers a question I've had since watching the animatic and hearing how Kerry and Eddy spoke of the possibility of Volume 10.
Yeah, I'm not giving up hope.
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bobauthorman · 24 days
How to Muck the Nuck
I wanna talk about how the final battle against the Nuckelavee went. This monster has been terrorizing Anima for a decade, maybe longer, and when it first shows up it is clearly a force to be reckoned with. But once Team RNJR (Mostly Ren) get their heads in order they take it down semi-easily. This might seem like a bit of an anticlimax, but consider this.
In Mountain Glenn, Dr. Oobleck states that older Grimm are more dangerous because they've developed the ability to recognize threats and pick up on patterns, using the line of elephantine Goliaths as an example. The Goliaths don't attack Vale because they that if they do, the Huntsmen defending the kingdom will wipe them out. They only attack when the surge of pent-up negativity is release, drawing in so many lesser Grimm to help overwhelm the kingdom's defenses.
Now, let's look at the Nuck's attack patterns (Spelling out the name every time is a pain, so I'm abbreviating it)
The first time the Nuck''s presence is felt, it's in the aftermath of Shion Village's destruction. Said destruction was also caused by the raid of the Branwen Tribe, so it's most likely the Nuck taking advantage of the bandits distracting the village's defenders to launch its own attack.
In Ren's flashback, the Nuck attacks his village, a place where hiring a Huntsman was seen as the final desperate move, not the first instinct. Ergo, it was a place that was outside the regular sphere of protection from the kingdoms.
In the present storyline, the Nuck attacks Team RNJR because, from a purely superficial view, they are no threat. Teenaged, runaway students, and Qrow is slowly dying from poison. So it attacks without fear.
But while Team RNJR may not have the strength advantage, they make up for it by fighting smarter. Ren's Semblance allows people to become invisible from a Grimm's negative-radar, giving them the opening to take it by surprise. And then they pin down the Nuck's arms, taking away its maneuverability. This allows Ren to finish the beast off.
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So, yeah. I like it when characters win by acting clever.
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 months
I wasn't sure about writing this post.
Even right now, as I am writing, I still don't know if I will actually post this or just add it to my drafts as nothing more than a personal vent. Regardless, I guess that if I am here I just need to talk about this.
So let's talk.
The way the FNDM has been acting all defeated all month long has really grown to annoy me, and I am tired.
RWBY's future is unsure right now, and all this uncertainty is painful. My feelings are all over the place, swinging from terror and sadness to hope, all the time. I constantly check Kerry's and RWBY's Twitter page in hope to find any kind of news.
I can't give you a certain answer because, again, this is all uncertain. But that also means that there's still hope.
My point is, acting as if we have already lost isn't going to help anyone. Not RWBY, not CRWBY, and not ourselves, the fans who love this show so dearly.
I don't know what is going to happen, but I know that I refuse to stand around and do nothing. It's why I keep checking for news, why I am playing the show both on rooster teeth and crunchyroll all the time for views (I think that on CR I already replayed the whole series at least twice). It's why I am spamming tags, and being loud about my love, and looking and sharing all RWBY and CRWBY posts to give engagement, why I am watching every rwby_vt live on twitch.
I want to know what is going to happen more than anything, not knowing is killing me, but at same time I am terrified of the answer. Despite that, and despite my feelings swinging all around, I am still choosing to have hope.
Hope is a conscious choice, and a brave one. Because I know that being pessimistic is easier, it avoids setting us up for disappointment... but if we rob ourselves of the chance that things could turn out alright then all we're doing is decrease the chance that it will happen, and just anticipate our pain and disappointment.
As Yang said, no hope means we have already lost, and that's not the case. CRWBY, Kerry, is working really hard to save RWBY. Acting defeated already isn't just a disservice to us, but to them specifically and to everything they are currently doing. It's like telling them that it's all useless, that they've already lost, and I find that insulting. I refuse to. They deserve to see that we care and believe in them.
RWBY is THE show about hope. Shouldn't we follow the example?
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I want to clarify that I’m not giving up hope that things will work out in some capacity. I still want to believe that the little web show that could will find a place that will let it finish its story.
This show is so freakin popular, not only in the states but also in Japan, who not only dubbed the series but even made their own anime for it.
This show is so popular that it got a two movie crossover with the Justice League.
WB may not care about legacy or passion or creativity but they do care about money. And while I’m just some faceless voice on the internet I’d like to think WB are at least smart enough to see that RWBY is profitable. It can make them money.
My preference would be for them to also keep the writers, VAs, and music team the same. That would realistically be my most ideal scenario.
Will we get it? I don’t know. But I’m not about to doom and gloom a situation when there’s still a shot, you know.
“Blind optimism isn’t great, but no optimism means we’ve already lost. We need hope. We need to take risks.”
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matt0044 · 2 months
Something that I feel is essential viewing for SMMR of RWBY.
Can I get a boost, @foulfirerebel @tumblingxelian @citadelofmythoughts @sir-adamus?
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grayskyzephyr · 7 months
I wanted to make this its own post and add some stuff.
Miles and Kerry are the reason Rwby went to shit and Rwby stans refuse to acknowledge it because they see these two white men as their gods. They even go out of their way to downplay Monty's part in his own creation by reducing him as "the animator who does cool fights," while giving majority of the credit to these two wackadoos.
They don't want to admit they prefer Miles and Kerry's version of rwby, because they also have to admit it's no longer Monty's work post vol 3 and on top of that, Miles and Kerry's version of "Rwby" sucks ass. Thats why they're hellbent on the "Monty planned everything since the beginning and Miles and Kerry totally knows his vision" while at the same minimize Monty as the creator in the same breath.
This is also why they are terrified of Dillion buying the rights to rwby when they found out Shane works with him and is close friends with him. They spent years slandering Shane as nothing more than a "bitter and disgruntled ex employee" when he released his letter because they don't want to believe their "besties," their "fam," they're "little meow meows" in crwby could possibly be terrible people. I mean, why would anyone ever lie about themselves on the internet guys??? /S
They purposefully "forgot" about the abuse scandals that were exposed once again just two years ago and are thanking Rooster Teeth for the fond memories. They're thanking the people they saw on that live stream because thats all who they care about. The animator who had to endure crunch time with little to no pay, who found out through twitter they no longer have an job? Who cares about them? They're a nobody. Miles and Kerry are not nobodies, they're celebrities on Youtube and in RT. That's who the rwby stans truly care about.
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