#shawl wrap coat
mrs-trophy-wife · 1 year
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smotherstories · 4 months
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Could I get your opinion? Do our jackets make us look too fuzzy?
18 notes · View notes
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Horse-Bit Embellished Sunglasses from Gucci ($420) with the Leopard Shawl (n/a), Icon Belted Double Face Hooded Wrap Coat (4 900,00€), Keepall Bandoulière 50 ($3,300), Horizon 55 Luggage ($4,050) & LV Stadium Sneaker ($915) from Louis Vuitton
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ascendandt · 2 years
speaking of lara i have a complicated relatiobship with her p2 design. i miss the layers and her shirt is boring as hell but there is potential... sighhh
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shaadiwish · 2 years
These super stylish and trending winter wraps for brides and bridesmaids will ensure warm and cozy winter weddings. For more, visit ShaadiWish.com.
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gildedoak · 4 months
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Going to Rosie’s for Sunday Brunch! Alastor made Petit Fours.
Radioapple Week Day 7 - Day Out
Description below the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Lucifer and Alastor walk together, with the king's hand in the crook of Alastor's elbow. Alastor is wearing a different suit - deep burgundy with a gray shirt, a bright red tie and black shoes. In his left hand he's carrying a small basket.
Lucifer is wearing his usual pants and boots, but his shirt has puffy sleeves, and the the cuff buttons from wrist to elbow. The black bowtie is replaced with a white ascot topped with an apple brooch with seraphim wings. He's still wearing a pink vest (though this one has a shawl-style lapel), and he's swapped out his ringmaster coat for a casual pink coat that's draped over his shoulders. He's wearing a wide-brimmed sunhat with his crown, and the golden serpent is now wrapped around his apple-topped cane.
Susan (offscreen): Get a proper haircut, Radio Hack!
Alastor: OH - Bless your heart, Susan.
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cressidagrey · 28 days
Looked to the Sky - Chapter 10
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was, however, Azriel‘s mate with her own mysterious, untrained powers.
Also known as: Azriel tries to court his mate the human way.
Elain Bashing, Low Self Esteem, Eira has a shiny new spine, Azriel threatens to murder and the shadows keep torturing Elaine's floral arrangements and without @k-godling this would have never happened.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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“And if something happens…”
“We do know how to contact you,” Mor drawled drily from her seat on the couch. “Velaris will still be standing when you return, High Lord,” she told Rhys sarcastically. Az bit back a smile while Amren huffed.
"And you're alright with taking care of Nyx?" Feyre checked carefully. It was already dangerous enough for the High Lord, the High Lady, the General and the Spymaster to be out of the Night Court at the same time. There was no need to add the Heir to the Night Court to it as well.
Mor rolled her eyes. "He'll be alive and happy when you return," she promised Feyre.
Rhys sighed as he watched Feyre fuss over Nyx, who was sitting on the ground beside her, playing with what looked like a stuffed toy of some sort. A bat, now that he was looking at it with more interest. 
He wondered where exactly he had gotten that from for a moment. 
"He’ll be in good hands, love," Rhys assured Feyre, walking over to place his hands on her shoulders.
"And don't give her too much milk!" Azriel heard his mate exclaim, fussing about the little kitten that followed behind Eira everywhere. Snow, or Snowflake, as Eira had christened her, would stay with Cerridwen and Nuala...and Eira was fussy about it. Had been for days. 
Azriel had more than once been jealous of a damn cat because it got all of Eira’s attention. And then he looked at Eira smiling at her, at playing with her with a ribbon, at how she coaxed her to eat little pieces of chicken from her hands, and scratched her underneath her chin, all of this with that expression on her face that told him that she was incandescently happy and he wasn’t jealous anymore. Eira loved her. How could he be jealous of that?
Eira appeared just a moment later, Snow still wrapped in her arms. She was clad in a green coat over a cream dress…if one could call it a coat? Azriel had absolutely no clue about fashion but it was a weird coat. It only had three-quarter-length sleeves and the neckline was open, with a shawl collar that bared her clavicle...and right there rested a necklace featuring fat emeralds that he knew the shadows had given her.
His shadows twined around her, whispering their approval for how pretty she looked, and he couldn’t disagree. 
Eira was… She was stunning. She always was, of course. But that simple - yet still lovely - dress, the necklace, and her hair that was pinned up carefully with combs in it...Perfect.
He took her in, the slender, elegant lines of her figure in the dress, the dark gold strands of her hair in the elaborate braided hairstyle that revealed her lovely neck, and those blue-grey eyes that met his as a blush stained her cheeks.
She was beautiful.
"Where did you get that necklace from?" Amren suddenly demanded, staring at the necklace resting around Eira's throat with hungry eyes that made not only Azriel's brows raise.
Eira froze, and her fingers moved up to the emeralds that sat against her skin.
"The...?" she stumbled over her words a little bit, her glance shifting nervously between him, Amren, and Mor and Feyre, who had both also turned to look. "I...the Shadows got it for me," she said quietly, her cheeks darkening further.
What is this about? he demanded from the shadows, which seemed to nearly preen with something.
The Tiny Ancient One wanted it. We bought it first, they answered drily. Petty. So Petty.
He had to bite his lip to avoid snickering.
Of course, the Shadows had stolen something Amren had wanted from right under her nose. Of course, they had.
She still hasn’t apologised to her, the shadows sniped. It’s her own fault.
True. Amren was back in the city because Rhys would prefer his second and third to be there, but that came with strict instructions. Azriel wasn’t quite sure what exactly had been said, but the shadows had promised him that The High Lord had been more than clear with Amren. 
A little mrrrrp from Snowflake in her arms brought attention down to the kitten, and Azriel reached out to fondly stroke the little ball of fluff. Eira giggled as Snowflake leaned into his touch, pressing her face against his fingers and continuing to purr.
"She likes you," Eira said with a little smile, watching the little cat with fondness.
"I think the feeling is mutual," Az murmured quietly, as he gently scratched Snowflake's head, and she just continued to press against his hands for more. Another mrrrp escaped the little cat, and Eira giggled a little.
"There we are!" Cassian exclaimed at that moment, Nesta trailed behind him. "I hope Helion still knows how to throw a party!"
"Or how to host one at least," Azriel grumbled under his breath, as he withdrew his hand from Snowflake's head. Rhys chuckled at the comment, as Feyre rolled her eyes.
Eira next to him stayed quiet, and he could see the nervousness in every line of her body. He offered her his arm and she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow, as she placed Snow on the ground.
"It will be alright," he promised her. It would be alright. It was only a wedding. Even if that meant facing Elain and he knew how nervous Eira was about that…He wasn’t nervous. He had promised himself an iron-clad grip on his temper. It would not flare. He would not actually kill Elain. Regardless of if he thought she deserved it for what she had done to them. “I’ll be there,” he added after a moment.  He wasn’t going to leave her to face her demons alone. Not when she had grown even paler at the thought of facing Elain. Her fingers were gripping his arm almost like a vice.
"Everybody ready?" Rhys asked. "We'll winnow into the Courtyard of Sunray Palace."
A chorus of confirmations met his question, as Azriel placed a little kiss against his mate’s head, while her fingers in the crook of his elbow remained as tight as iron.
“Ready as we’ll ever be, I guess...” Cassian muttered, and Azriel silently agreed.
The shadows wrapped around them, and Azriel took a moment to make sure Eira was wrapped in them as well before they vanished from the River House. And rematerialised in the Day Court.
His first thought was...it was bright.
Very bright.
The brilliant sun was shining overhead, and the courtyard they appeared in was large and lovely, if a bit...showy. Similar to the House of Wind, The Sunray Palace was carved into the stone of a Mountain, that was covered in lush grass. He looked up to see a group of Pegasi fly up to their home in the highest tower.
He turned his head to check on Eira, catching her pale face and the nervous gulp as she took the Palace in, and his worry spiked. She was shaking like a leaf, and her knuckles were white where she clutched his elbow.
And then he watched as her shoulders went back and her chin went up, her jaw clenched nearly imperceptively. "You look lovely by the way," he whispered in her ear, making her blush. "Green suits you. Though I am partial to blue."
The compliment drew a flush of colour to her cheeks, and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly as a little smile appeared on her face.
“Of course, you would say that,” she shot back, the slight tremble in her voice still there. “You’re biased. And don’t try to distract me.”
He chuckled even as he led them forward, the two of them easily slotting into place between Nesta and Cassian, Nesta throwing her younger sister a look. Azriel could read the worry into it but he shook his head nearly imperceptively. Eira was doing well. Better than he thought she would at any rate.
Eira still looked nervous. Extremely nervous. Her hand still had a death grip on his arm, and she was walking stiffly beside him, and yet...she still had her chin lifted high, her eyes forward. He had to admire the courage she was putting on.
The doors to the Palace suddenly opened, and Helion stepped out, grinning brilliantly. “Well, well, well, you all are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, his voice drawling out the syllables in that typical Day Court fashion.
“Don’t you know it, High Lord,” Cassian replied in his usual easy, charming tone, and Helion chuckled as his gaze travelled over the group with a smirk. Suddenly the smirk faltered as his gaze landed on Eira and the shadows wrapped around her.
His eyes widened, and Azriel didn't know what this was about before Helion continued. "We prepared rooms for you all. Why don't you arrive properly and then we'll have lunch?"
The suggestion was casual, but Azriel still thought that Helion's gaze remained on the way the shadows swirled up her body. It did result in the shadows hissing
"Thank you," Rhys drawled, easily matching the Day Court High Lord's tone. "We'll do that, and we'll see you for lunch."
The High Lord nodded, and retreated back into the Palace, while the group headed in the same direction.
When he glanced at Eira again, her face was paler than before, her hands trembling even more.
"Breathe, love," he whispered to her quietly, his voice soft, hoping it would soothe her a little bit. She gave him a weak nod in response, and he could see her forcing herself to take a shaky breath in. Azriel didn't know entirely what was going through her head, but he had the feeling it was not a happy thought, by any means.
They were shown to their suite of rooms, arranged around a shared living room, and he led her to a marigold yellow sofa. She collapsed like somebody cut the strings holding her up.
He had half a mind to curse, but her paler face, the trembling hands, stopped him. Instead, he carefully lowered himself down onto the sofa beside her, pulling her onto his lap without a second thought, and wrapped her in the shadows around them.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” he repeated, as one of his hands stroked gently up and down her back, while the other cupped her cheek.
She leaned against his touch willingly, as another shudder wracked her frame.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," she whimpered.
His heart wrenched in his chest at the tremble in her voice. "There's nothing wrong with you, love," he assured her quietly. "Nothing at all. You are nervous to face Elain. That's alright."
She sighed softly, but relaxed against him, bedding her head against his shoulder.
"Looking awfully comfy there," Cassian drawled and her cheeks flushed scarlet. She moved to get off his lap but Azriel held her in place gently until she stilled.
He wrapped his arm a little bit tighter around her, keeping her from getting off his lap, as he shot Cassian a quick glare, while the hand rubbing her back continued the slow and gentle motion.
He could almost hear the Shadows whispering their own displeasure at Cassian in the back of his mind. Azriel could hear a sharp smack and he just knew that it must have been Nesta.
He turned his head to send a glare in Cassian's direction, as the Shadows snickered in his mind.
"Sorry, I am sorry, Eira" Cassian hurried to add, as Feyre stifled a laugh behind her hand.
Eira said nothing, just curled tighter against him, resting her temple against his shoulder. 
"We got three bedrooms, not four," Rhys said with a sigh, apparently having surveyed the rooms in the meantime. "They clearly expected Azriel and Eira to share a room.”
Azriel wondered if that was on purpose. If that was Elain’s doing. Her attempt at making Eira uncomfortable. Eira, the one of the sisters that kept the most to human ideals of modesty, that blushed if he as much as kissed her cheek…that only kissed him when they were alone. And even then it were quick pecks against his lips. 
Not that he would ever protest against one of Eira’s kisses. He wanted to hoard each touch of her plush, soft lips against his like a dragon hoarded its treasure. 
But now he could feel Eira's body stiffen in his lap once more, and he glanced down at her. She was very pale again, her fingers trembling where they were wrapped around his jacket. He wanted to smack his head against the nearest wall, or at least something, but he refrained from doing that, and instead just pulled her further against his chest with a quiet huff.
"Their error," Nesta said drily. "Eira and I will share."
The Shadows were practically sulking in his head. 
He shut them up with a growl. 
Even when he wouldn’t have laid a single finger on Eira if they did share a bed, that clearly was a step too far for her. It would have made her uncomfortable. And he wasn’t going to push her. Not ever. 
He had never asked, but there didn’t seem to be any human suitors in her past. Kissing seemed foreign to her, making her nervous and excited, her heartbeat quickening and she stared at him with this expression of wonder on her face. 
"Alright, that works as well," Feyre agreed, and Azriel silently echoed that. 
He could feel how tense Eira still was in his lap, though. Still trembling nervously under his touch. He continued to rub her back slowly, still trying to soothe her. 
“Cassian can share with Azriel,” Nesta declared. 
“Oh come on,” Cassian muttered. 
The Shadows muttered their displeasure as well. 
Azriel rolled his eyes, his fingers still rubbing her back soothingly.
"You're a grown male, Cassian," he said, his voice dry. "I'm sure you'll live."
A huff from the General, and Azriel just rolled his eyes again, his glance down to his mate again.
She still looked quite pale. The hand on her back continued the gentle rubbing. 
"Interesting that it wasn't Elain and Lucien that greeted us," Feyre said drily. "Given that it's their wedding we are supposed to attend."
"Very interesting," Rhys agreed, as Azriel continued to eye Eira in his lap.
She was still tense against him, still pale, still trembling a little bit. Her nervousness and fear were rolling in waves towards him, through the bond.
"Elain will be at the lunch, no doubt," Feyre said, and Rhys just hummed in agreement.
The Shadows continued to whisper angrily in his mind, upset at the way their Mate was feeling.
"Or maybe Elain is terrified of what the shadows will do to her now," Nesta quipped darkly.
Azriel couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that.
He could practically hear the Shadows preen. Cassian let out a bark of laughter, and Feyre tried to hold hers back, while Rhys tried to keep a serious expression.
You'll behave, he told them sternly.
Maybe , they hissed back, though they were still clearly preening over the compliment.
He rolled his eyes and glanced down at Eira again.
I mean it. You will behave. You do not attack her, he reiterated in his head. 
A few displeased mutterings echoed in his head, but they did quiet down. He refrained from rolling his eyes this time, and his glance went back to the female in his lap. She was no longer pale, the tremors and shakes having died down, and while she was still nervous, she now appeared relaxed. At least a little bit.
"Let's get changed for Lunch," Nesta said easily.
"You literally just put on a dress before we arrived here," Cassian said with a snort.
"You don't need to understand females, Cassian," Rhys said easily. "Just deal with it."
Cassian grumbled, as Feyre stifled another laugh and Azriel held in a snicker.
Nesta held out her hand for Eira, who took it and let her sister pull her to her feet, giving him a small smile and his hand a squeeze before they, together with Feyre, disappeared into one bedroom.
He watched her go, a strange feeling of loss creeping up once she was out of his sight.
Azriel was tempted, so tempted to get up and go after her, pull her back onto the sofa, onto his lap, into his arms, but he managed to stop himself from doing so.
He leaned his head back against the back of the sofa, and a long sigh escaped him.
"You're absolutely besotted." His head snapped up to see Rhys staring at him, his violet eyes sparkling with smug amusement. The Shadows immediately hissed in agreement his mind at Rhys' observation.
"Shut up," Azriel just grumbled.
Rhys smirked at him in response, and Cassian just laughed. "Whatever you do tonight, if your shadows start sweetly caressing me like they do to Eira, I'll scream," Cassian muttered.
"That won't happen," Azriel immediately shot back, the words practically hissed through his teeth.
At the same time, the Shadows muttered their own disapproval of that possibility. Only our Mate, they whispered.
Cassian just rolled his eyes.
"Do you think she'll manage?" Cassian asked, growing serious. "She seems awfully...nervous."
A heavy sigh escaped him, as he sat up straighter in his seat, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't know," he admitted. "She...is very nervous. But she's trying not to be. She's trying to stay brave."
"And you?" Rhys asked quietly. "How are you holding up?"
He took a deep breath, contemplating the question.
He was angry. Furious. Worried about his mate, his heart clenching every time he felt her distress through the bond.
But he had to stay strong. For her. He needed to keep it together.
"I..." he mumbled, his voice faltering. He had to pause for a moment to collect himself. "I'm hanging in there."
Silence followed his admission, and Cassian and Rhys were studying him. He knew his friends could see through his facade, knew that they knew how worried he was. His face must have given all away.
"You have every right to be angry," Rhys said quietly. "I don't know what I would do in your place."
"What I want to do is to take her home," he admitted, his voice quiet and gruff, his eyes fixed on his lap, where he was clenching his hands into fists. "I want to take her home. I don't want her here. I don't want her to face Elain. Hell, I don't even want her to meet Elain at all. I..." He took a shuddering breath. "But she needs this. She needs this closure. I think Eira knows that herself."
Another heavy sigh escaped him, as he lifted his head and met Rhys' eyes.
"I just hate...seeing her so scared. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to feel frightened and scared because of...Elain," he said, bitterness seeping into his voice as he said her name.
"What did she see?" Cassian said suddenly. "Elain had a vision of you and Eira and worked to make sure it wouldn't come to pass. But what did she see?"
"Cass..." Rhys said carefully, but Azriel shook his head. It was alright.
"She saw...She saw Eira and a little girl in a garden. A little girl with her hair and freckles and my wings and eyes. She saw me coming home to them...picking up our daughter and kissing Eira...they saw my hand on her swollen belly...another child in her womb. She saw our children Cassian." There was a heavy pause after Azriel's words.
Cassian just stared at him, wide-eyed and silent, while Rhys' mouth was set into a thin-lipped grave line.
His voice had started shaking a little bit, towards the middle of his story, and he clenched his jaw against the emotions building in his chest.
"That you didn't outright kill her is a fucking miracle," Cassian seethed.
"I damn near came close," Azriel muttered darkly, while anger coursed through his veins.
His jaw was set, his hands were clenching and unclenching almost of their own accord, while the Shadows kept muttering angrily in the back of his mind. They were furious, furious that their Mate was distressed.
"Why did she do it?" Cassian demanded. "Because she is the prettier one? Because if she couldn't have Azriel, Eira shouldn't have him either? Because of jealousy ?!"
"Jealousy and spite," Azriel said darkly. "That's what it comes down to. Jealousy and spite ."
He wanted to break something. Preferably Elain. He wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze.
He took a shuddering breath to collect himself, as he felt himself slowly losing control of his temper.
But he needed to stay in control. He had to. He wasn't going to explode, not in front of Cassian and Rhys, and certainly not in front of Eira.
"I...hate...her," he bit out, his voice strangled, as his hands clenched and unclenched, even as he tried to keep control over his temper. "I hate her so much. Hell, I want to destroy the very thought of her. I...I want to make sure she can never hurt Eira again. And if it's the last thing I damn well do," he continued, and his voice was venomous. "She. Will. Never. Lay one finger on my mate ever again."
"And I'll make her suffer," he snarled, his voice almost a growl. "By the Mother, I won't just kill her. I'll make her suffer first. For what she did to Eira. For what she did to us. For the thought of that future that she denied me. I will make her pay."
A strangled breath escaped him, his lungs straining with the effort of keeping himself from going on a rampage right then and there.
He closed his eyes, and took a long shuddering breath, as fury continued to course through his veins, while the Shadows hissed and whispered in his mind, their mutterings murderous in nature.
He let out a shuddering breath, as he tried to will his raging temper to abate. He needed to calm down. He needed to, for Eira. She was nervous enough as it was. He couldn't go to her like this. He...He wouldn't do it. He refused to upset her further.
He kept his eyes closed, as he tried to force his emotions to a simmering rage.
Another shuddering breath escaped him, as it took all his strength to calm down. He forced the tension from his body, slowly loosening his clenched jaw. His hands were still clenched into tight fists, but he continued to just breathe deeply, willing his temper to die down.
It felt like an eternity before he finally felt in control of his own emotions again.
He opened his eyes again and met Rhys and Cassian's stares.
Neither of them said anything, silently watching him, and he leaned back against the sofa with a sigh.
"I'm alright," he said and was slightly surprised that his voice was steady, even if he still felt like he was full of rage. "I'm fine. I'm alright," he repeated, and it was more of a reminder to himself than anything else.
"You need to not react like that when you see her," Rhys said quietly, and Azriel couldn't tell if it was a warning or a mere observation.
"I know that," he said between clenched teeth. "I know that, Rhys. But I have every right to be furious. Hell, I have every right to rip her apart."
"You do," Rhys agreed quietly. "But it won't do anyone any favours if you get like this when you see her. You need to keep your temper in check. For Eira ."
Eira was staring at her reflection in the mirror, struggling to recognise the person looking back at her. 
Her eyes were wide and anxious, her breathing quick and nervous, and her hands were trembling. A part of her was wondering how she was even managing to stand at the moment, seeing how her legs felt like they were close to giving in underneath her.
But she was also...she was also dressed in a tissue-thin gown out of pleated silk in a lavender colour, cinched in around the waist by an embroidered ribbon she had made. Her hair was pulled back from her face, diamond encrusted haircombs that she had no clue from where these had come from fastened in her hair...( One day she would need to actually get the shadows to stop buying her things. ), a diamond bracelet tightened around her wrist…They had even clipped earrings to her lobes, diamonds as well, dangly and pretty and in the Human Lads would be considered to be too much for a simple luncheon. 
But here in Prythian, the shadows didn’t seem to think twice about it, to wrap her in more diamonds than most people had ever even seen in the same place. 
Once they judged her ready,  a tendril of shadows curled itself back around her wrist, while another picked up the small train of her dress.
"You know, I am kinda jealous. You have a handmaiden wherever you are," Feyre said drily.
Eira let out an embarrassed little laugh, the sound shaky and weak as her heart felt like it was going to pound its way out of her chest.
"They are...very helpful," she admitted, as she gave a small, nervous glance to Feyre.
Nesta finished pinning her own hair into her usual coronet, smoothing the blue-green fabric of her dress. "You do not need to accept her apology," her eldest sister said fiercely. "Remember that, Eira."
She swallowed, the familiar nervous butterflies back in her stomach, and she gave a shaky nod.
Feyre placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, as she gave her a gentle squeeze. It was a little steadying and helped quell some of her anxiousness, even as the nervous tremors continued to wrack through her body.
"I...know," she said quietly.
Right. There went nothing.
She took a few more, long, deep breaths, to calm her nerves.
She was going to be alright. She was going to be just...fine.
You're going to be fine, she repeated to herself as she squared her shoulders.
Azriel was waiting for her as she left the bedroom, in a quiet conversation with Rhys and Cassian. He looked up as soon as he came out, his expression softening.
His eyes widened momentarily as a breath caught in his throat at the sight of her in that dress, and a small smile started spreading across his lips.
"Eira," he said quietly, taking a tentative step towards her. "You...You look beautiful, sweetheart."
She gave a shaky smile, her eyes meeting his as those familiar little butterflies came to life in her belly.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering at the affectionate endearment.
"Ready?" Rhys asked.
She exhaled, steadying her breathing, willing her trembling body to not shake.
Eira gave a shaky nod, even as the familiar anxiousness threatened to overwhelm her, and she swallowed past the lump forming in her throat.
"Ready," she whispered.
She just needed...She reached out for Azriel's hand before she could help herself, not caring how inappropriate this was. They weren't married, they weren't even engaged and still, she claimed his hand with hers, threading her fingers through his.
The feeling of scarred skin against her home, grounded her, giving her something to hang onto. 
The shadows that kept closer to him than usual, hiding behind the wings he had snapped close to his body, dusted over her arms for just a moment, like they wanted to assure Eira that they were there as well, before returning to their mater, leaving her with a few wrapped around her wrist and another tendril keeping her skirt in place. 
For a brief moment, Azriel looked down at where their fingers were woven together, before lifting his head again and giving her fingers a firm, reassuring squeeze. She felt his warmth through his skin, the steady beat of his pulse, and it was comforting...comforting to know that he was right next to her.
She took a few more, deep breaths, the anxiety continuing to flutter in her stomach, but...
But Azriel was here, she reasoned.
Azriel was right there...right next to her, holding her hand...and she could do this. She could get through this. All she had to do was stay close to him.
They were let to a dining room, with high ceilings, beautifully appointed in white and gold. 
“I swear I told them to put white jasmine and blush roses in here and not yellow carnations and orange lilies!” she heard her sister’s voice before she saw her. 
Seconds later, she got her first glance at her twin sister. Lucien and she made a lovely couple, always had. And Elain did look as utterly beautiful as she always had. Elain had always been extraordinarily lovely, but that hadn't changed in her transformation into a High Fae. Now she was utterly beautiful. 
Even when… with a blink Eira realised how harried-looking Elain was, fiddling with the flowers on the table.  Her heart clenched at the sight of her, mixed with the swirling, anxious emotions in her stomach, and she couldn't help the shuddering breath that escaped her as they walked into the room.
Azriel's hand clenched around hers.
Her eyes snapped to his. His face was a mask of ice. She had never seen him look ...like that before. Never seen...this tightly controlled murderous rage.
The shadow tightened around her wrist. She wasn't sure if it was in warning, but she didn't care anyway.
He was hers. Hers in every bit of this murderous rage. 
They came to a halt, and she felt the way Azriel clenched his jaw as his eyes met with Elain's across the room.
He was furious, she could practically feel the rage simmering under the surface, the only thing keeping him in check was his ironclad control...and the fact that he was holding onto her hand.
She would leave the diplomacy to Feyre and Rhys, the useless pretty words. She didn’t trust herself to say anything that was actually nice. Instead, she tugged Azriel along to find their seats at the table, pasting a smile on her face.
They sat at the table, and Azriel kept a firm hold of her hand, never loosening his grip on her. The shadows kept themselves firmly around her wrist and continued to cling unto her, even as they settled into place at the table.
And a part of her could feel how Azriel was tensed, how he was wound up so tight she was afraid he might snap.
Cassian sat down next to Azriel, with Nesta bracketing Eira's other side, fully ignoring whatever seating arrangement had been put down by the Day Court. 
Eira wasn’t stupid, she knew exactly why Cassian had been put there. In the event of Azriel losing his temper, Cassian may had a chance at subduing him. Though she somehow doubted that would actually work. 
With them right there, and Azriel holding onto her hand, she felt...steady. She felt secure...secure enough to withstand this dreaded luncheon.
Feyre and Rhys sat down next to Helion, Lucien and Elain, and she could feel the tension in the room.
She could sense Elain's gaze on her, sitting directly across from her. , but didn't dare to meet her eyes as the anxiousness roiled in her stomach, even as Azriel's fingers continued to grasp hers, and one of the shadows curled around her wrist, giving a small, reassuring little squeeze.
"It's so nice that you could make it," Elain said, a smile on her face, masking her nervousness. She was glancing at the shadows that were topping up Eira’s water glass, clearly making a pest out of themselves, to put bread on her plate and drag the butter dish closer to her. 
For just one moment Eira wondered if they did that on purpose. Were they trying to scare Elain?
"We wouldn't have wanted to miss this," Feyre said, her voice carefully neutral.
There was a stiffness in the air, palpable enough that it could be cut with a knife, the tension as so thick that one could drown in it, and Eira just sat there, her fingers tightly wrapped around Azriel's hand.
There was a moment of silence, where nobody commented.
And then...her heart hammered against her ribs, her stomach twisting in knots, as those doe-like brown eyes landed directly on her. "You look...good, Eira. Healthy. I hope everything healed well," Elain said sweetly.
Her breath caught in her throat as she fought down the nausea that welled up in her stomach, and she forced a tight smile onto her lips.
"Everything healed up just fine," she said, her voice shaking, only to be steadied by the firm squeeze Azriel gave her hand.
It was the truth. Nothing but a thin white line underneath her left breast. Nobody but her would probably ever see it. 
"And the... lightning ?" Lucien wondered. "I hope your cauldron-given gift didn't give you too much trouble," he quipped, clearly trying to lighten the mood. “Elain mentioned that you…defended yourself quite well.”
The nausea that welled up in her throat was nearly immediate. Defended herself. She had defended herself. She had also killed 4 males. 
"Lightning?" The High Lord of Day asked, sounding fascinated. He was looking at her like she was an exceptionally interesting specimen.  
Her stomach roiled, the nausea continuing to grow inside her, as her heart thundered in her chest.
“No,” Eira said, struggling to keep her voice even. “It...It wasn’t too much trouble,” she continued, even as the nausea continued to rise, and she felt like she might retch all over the table.
"She's learning to control it," Rhys said evenly. "She's doing as well as one could expect."
Her heart fluttered at Rhys’ words. He was trying his best to...deflect the attention away from her. Trying to help.
“So she really can generate lightning then?” Helion spoke up, sounding utterly fascinated.
"She can," Rhys confirmed, his voice even. His words were simple, but the tone of them was almost warning, and she could feel Azriel tense even more next to her. And that was enough to pique Helion’s interest.
“Extraordinary,” he said, and he sounded way too fascinated with her wretched blessing.
Her heart skipped a beat, the nausea continuing to grow in her stomach until she feared she might vomit at any moment. Her hand clenched around Azriel's, fingers practically digging into his skin, while the shadows around her wrist squeezed reassuringly. And all the while, she could feel Elain's eyes on her, her stare practically boring into her.
"Do the shadows help control it?" Elain asked hesitantly. Only now, Eira realised that more had come to swarm around her, banding around her midsection and chest, like trailing black ribbons. Their touch was gentle, and soft. 
"No," came Azriel's reply, and his voice was so filled with cold fury that she was amazed he could even get the words out.
He was tense, like a coiled spring, holding onto her hand like a lifeline, while the shadows continued to cling to her, continuing to twine around her wrist in a firm, reassuring grip.
"They like touching Eira because she's Azriel's mate," Cassian said, his voice icy. Her heart stuttered in her chest at Cassian's words.
His blunt, to-the-point declaration of her belonging to Azriel...the words had stunned her, and it seemed they had stunned Elain too if the way that she stiffened was any indicative.
"Ah, yes...we should talk about that," Helion said with a sigh. "Elain?"
The tension in the room immediately ratcheted up even more higher, and Eira could feel it, as a chill settled over the room. She was so tense, she was struggling just to breathe, and her hand was trembling where it was held in Azriel’s ironclad grip.
"I am sorry," Elain said quietly.
Her heart skipped a beat at her twin sister’s words, her stomach twisting in knots, as her eyes flicked towards her. Elain’s voice was soft but sincere, and her brown eyes were wide and vulnerable, and there were tears in her eyes... Tears in her eyes as she spoke.
"I am sorry, Eira," she said again, her voice trembling. “For...for everything.”
And suddenly...suddenly the fear, the nervousness went away, replaced with ice-cold anger. "You are sorry ," she repeated flatly. Sorry .
The anger in her voice was not missed, and she heard Nesta and Feyre inhale sharply. Elain's eyes widened at the tone in her voice...at the anger in Eira’s words, and she gave a small, shaky nod, her chin trembling slightly.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have tried to keep you and Azriel away from each other. I was...I shouldn't have done that."
Eira clenched her jaw, the anger still boiling in her blood as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze.
"No," she replied, her voice so flat it was as if it was made of ice. "You shouldn’t have done that," she repeated coldly. "But that's not all you did, Elain," she spat out. "You saw that vision. You know what you did." What she had done. Namely, keep Eira's babies from being born .
Her heart lurched in her chest, and she felt Azriel squeeze her hand tightly as if he knew what had been going through her thoughts.
Her throat was tight, and her breathing was laboured, as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze, her eyes cold and furious as she spoke.
"You did a lot more than keeping me away from Azriel',” she hissed.
And the worst part was, her sister didn’t even try to deny what she had done. Didn’t even try to fight back. All she could do was sit there, looking like a wounded puppy, which only fuelled the anger in Eira’s chest.
“You tried to take everything from me,” she hissed again.
"It all worked out!" Elain defended herself. "You and Azriel seem to be..."
She couldn’t be serious, could she? 
It all worked out?
It all worked out?!?
"It is not all ‘worked out’!" she snapped, her voice cracking as she fought back a frustrated scream bubbling in her chest. "You tried to take everything from me!" she repeated, tears burning at the corners of her eyes. The tears weren't for her. 
The tears were for her babies. 
The anger ratcheted in her chest and she could feel the lightning underneath her skin, begging to be released. Begging for her to let go of her grip on it and let it find its target. Let it find Elain. Let it hit her. 
She clenched her jaw, forcing that feeling down, as she met her sister’s eyes with a cold glare. "You tried to take my children from me," she hissed at Elain. " My children. "
The temperature in the room seemed to drop to below freezing, and she could feel Nesta and Feyre’s gazes on her. She didn’t care though. Her eyes were entirely focused on her twin, and the words had come out in a deadly hiss, the anger steaming out of her in waves.
"You tried to take our babies ," she repeated, her words cracking again as she spoke.
She felt Azriel’s grip on her hand tighten even more, the shadows clinging to her wrist once more, as if trying to both keep her grounded and hold her back.
And it was the only thing keeping her from lunging across the table and grabbing her sister by the throat.
Her skin was itchy, that strange, foreign energy writhing underneath the surface, and she fought to keep it reined in, to keep it from escaping, even as the room went silent, the tension so palpable you could taste it in the air.
It hurt, keeping it restrained, and her heart thudded against her ribs, her breath coming in quick, ragged gasps.
Her whole body was tense, and all she wanted was to let the lightning free. To let it roar.
"You are my twin sister, Elain," she said, biting out every word. "We spend 9 months sharing our mother's womb. I trusted you with my life. And you did this to me."
Her sister just sat there, her eyes wide and watery, as if somehow even that had been a shock to her.
"We spent years together," she continued, her words sharp and cold. "I never thought I would need to worry about you betraying me."
Her chest hurt like something was sitting on it, making it hard to breathe, as she continued to hold Elain’s gaze.
Elain’s eyes were wide, watery, and wounded, and she might have been almost sorry that she looked so hurt…if not for the fact that Elain was the one who had caused Eira to be in this position in the first place. Elain was the one who did this to her…hurt her so badly she didn’t know if it’d ever heal.
"I…I…" Elain started, her voice cracking. She looked like she was going to cry, and Eira felt herself waver slightly at the sight of her distraught expression. But then…her mind flashed back to the vision of her daughter , so small and beautiful…and that small, weak flutter of sympathy in her chest died.
"I trusted you," she hissed, her voice thick as she desperately tried to hold back the tears that were burning at the corners of her eyes. "I trusted you and look what you did to me. What you took from me."
Her sister let out a watery gasp, her lower lip quivering, and the tears slid silently down her face. And for a moment, Eira felt her resolve waver…only to remember the image of those two babies. The ones that should have been hers.
Anger flared again at that thought, her heart squeezing in her chest, as her breath hitched.
All the sympathy that she had felt was gone, and all that was left was the all-consuming rage coursing through her veins.
She had every right to be angry, she told herself. She had every right to feel this way.
She was so angry, so incandescent with rage, that her entire body was shaking, and she felt like she needed to just scream. To shout and rage and fight…fighting was all she wanted to do.
She gritted her teeth, her fingers wrapping tightly around Azriel’s hand, as she tried desperately to rein in the storm of emotions warring within her chest.
Azriel’s grip on her hand tightened as if he was sensing how close she was to breaking.
“Eira...” Elain said tremulously. Her sister’s voice was quiet, almost timid, and it was enough to snap something within her.
"Don’t. Don’t speak to me. You are the last person who gets to speak to me right now," she snarled, her voice cold as steel. "I loved you," Eira snapped. "I loved you and you did this to me. And now you want to tell me that everything is alright because it WORKED OUT?!"
Her sister looked like she was going to start sobbing, her lower lip quivering faintly, while her brown eyes were like large, round pools. But Eira was done feeling sorry for her. Done feeling sympathy towards her.
“You don’t get to talk to me about what’s alright or not,” she hissed, fighting the urge to reach forward and throttle her. "I just want to know one thing. Why?" she snapped." WHY? Why did you do it?” she shouted bitterly.
Elain looked like she had absolutely no idea how to answer that. She looked like a lost child, and it took all of Eira’s strength to keep her seat and not lunge across the table to grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
She knew her eyes were probably like ice when they met her sister’s, and her glare was hard as steel as she waited for her answer. "Why?" Eira repeated icily.
Her sister’s lower lip was trembling, just as much as her shoulders, as she raised her head to meet Eira’s furious glare.
"I…" Her voice was small and watery, and her eyes were now wide and pleading. "I…I was jealous," Elain whispered.
Eira’s jaw dropped at the words. At the admission, she had just heard. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting her sister to say, but a quiet confession of jealousy hadn’t been it.
Her sister’s chin trembled, her shoulders hunching slightly as she let out another sniffle. She sounded utterly small and looked almost pathetic in that moment as she slowly raised her head to meet her sister’s eyes.
“Of you and Azriel,” Elain admitted, her voice quiet, and trembling. "You...we just...we just got out of the cauldron and this was...one of the first things I saw. You didn't have visions. You weren't going insane. You...you adjusted so much quicker. Not a week later and you were making soup in the kitchen in the House of Wind and...you…were alright."
Eira thought back to these first few days after the cauldron. Thought back to the terror that had clawed under her skin. Thought back to too loud noises and every piece of clothing feeling like sandpaper against her skin. 
She thought back to how she hadn’t been able to sleep. How she had locked herself in the bathing chamber to hysterically break down because she had never wanted it. How she had pulled at her ears, too big, too pointy. How she had wanted to cut them off. How she had wanted to die. How she had thought that throwing herself off the balcony would be a solution . 
"I locked myself into the closet. I hid underneath the bed. I rocked back and forth and back and forth and hummed to myself to stop hearing heartbeats and breathing and birds," Eira spat out. "Yes, I was making soup. For you. Because somebody needed to," Eira said, her voice icy. “I wasn’t alright, Elain. I kept stuffing my ears with cotton wool for the better part of 2 years so I could sleep!”
Her sister looked like she was going to start crying yet again, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, and it only fuelled the rage in Eira’s chest. 
“You were jealous of that ? Jealous that I was making soup? That I was taking care of you?” she repeated, her tone hard and cold. “Of the fact that I was trying to make a positive out of a shitty situation. That I was trying to move on with my life? That I tried not to give Feyre another thing to worry about? And you were jealous? Jealous of what ?!" 
Of the breakdowns she had daily? 
Her sister didn’t reply, her shoulders shaking as if she was trying to hold back a sob
“You were jealous of the fact that I was trying not to scream, not to break down crying,” she repeated, her voice now dangerously quiet. “Of the fact that I wasn’t moping around feeling sorry for myself, because somebody needed to make sure that you didn’t starve to death? That I was trying not to give Feyre or anyone any more of my baggage?”
"And that you got Azriel," Elain whispered. "You got...I saw you with him. With a kind man. I saw these children and I was...I wanted that. I wanted what that vision promised you. So I thought that if I..."
Her breath caught in her throat at her sister’s words, her heart twisting in her chest.
It was sick, what she had done. Horrible. And part of her had known that Elain had a crush on Azriel…but Eira had never thought she’d be spiteful enough to try and rip her children away from her just for that.
“So you wanted it," she stated coldly, her eyes like chips of ice. "You wanted what you saw me having. So you tried to take it for yourself.”
Her sister’s shoulders slumped, and she looked small and pathetic as she curled in on herself. That rage and anger were still burning hot inside her, but along with it, there was the slightest flicker of sympathy starting to burn within her again.
And Eira hated it. Hated that part of her that still felt sorry for her, even after what Elain had done. 
"And later? After you and Lucien figured things out?" Why did you continue it?" she snapped.
Her sister’s face screwed up, and she looked like she wanted to burst into tears yet again. Her chin quivered, her entire form trembling. And she looked so small and fragile, that that small flicker of sympathy flared again within her, and Eira found herself hating it.
"I was...I was angry," Elain muttered softly. "I was furious. I thought Azriel and I...there was something growing between us and then he...he called trying to kiss me a mistake."
Her sister’s voice was quiet and sad, and Eira could see her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Because it was," Azriel said, his voice quiet. "It was a mistake. You had a mate that was literally sleeping upstairs. I never should have laid a single finger on you."
Her sister flinched at Azriel's words and hunched even further in on herself, as if she wanted to crawl into a corner.  "Later it was revenge on me, wasn’t it?" Azriel said, ice dripping from his voice. 
Her sister looked as if she couldn't quite meet Azriel's gaze, her eyes lowered onto the table, her body trembling. She nodded. 
And part of the anger that was currently roiling within Eira burned hotter at that. How dare she look so pathetic now, like she was the damn victim and everything that had happened was Eira’s fault?
Eira’s free hand clenched into fists, and she could feel the sparks dancing across her skin, the strange energy writhing beneath the surface. Azriel, noticing this, gripped her hand tighter, his shadows snaking around her wrist again as they tried to rein in those sparks of lightning.
She didn’t want to hurt him. 
That was what made her reign it in. 
She was still boiling with rage, the anger thrumming through her veins like fire, and she desperately tried to calm herself, tried to get a hold of her temper.
She didn’t want to cause any damage, to break anything or hurt anyone, and the part of her that was still rational, still logical, forced her to rein in whatever was itching to get out. She breathed in and out, forcing herself to calm as those sparks danced across her fingers, and those shadows snaked up her arm. A part of her couldn’t help but notice how Elain’s eyes kept darting to the sparks and the shadows, her body tensing every time they appeared, and a small, vindictive part of her couldn’t help but be glad of it.
Her head was throbbing as that rage continued to thrum through her, but she took in another breath, forcing her mind to concentrate on the sensation of Azriel’s hand wrapped around her own. His skin was warm against hers. 
"I hope nobody ever does the same to you," Eira finally said, her voice quiet.
Her sister lifted her gaze, her eyes watery, and she looked as if she’d been slapped. She looked as if she was shocked at her words.
There was another pause, another silence, as the two sisters sat facing each other, and her words hung in the air.
Elain’s chin trembled again, as if she was fighting the urge to burst into tears once more. 
"I think we can all agree that Elain did not handle this...properly," Lucien said carefully.
Lucien’s words broke the silence, and Eira couldn’t help but feel a pang of irritation as he spoke. 
"No, she surely didn't," Rhys said, his voice dripping with disdain.
Her sister flinched at Rhys’s words, as if she had been struck, and her shoulders drooped even further than before. 
"I think that's an understatement," Nesta snapped.
Her sister’s eyes widened as if the sound of Nesta’s voice startled her. Elain’s head jerked to look over at her eldest sister, who was scowling at Elain with an almost furious look of disapproval.
Eira almost felt a little bad for her sister at that look in Nesta’s eyes, but that sympathy was quickly squashed as she remembered the pain that her sister had put her through.
Her chest ached, the memory of what she had lost still too fresh and raw, and a part of her knew that it would take a long time for the pain to subside.
And even then, she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to forget what Elain did to her, and that knowledge sat like a lead weight in her stomach, making her feel like she was going to be sick.
Elain shrunk back at the look on Nesta’s face, her eyes even wider as she looked over at her eldest sister. And for a moment, just for a moment, it looked as if Nesta was going to reach across the table and smack her sister. The eldest sister’s hands were clenched into fists, and she looked like she was restraining herself, only just managing to rein in her own temper.
A pause. Another silence. Elain sat, looking small and fragile across the table, Lucien’s chair positioned right beside hers with a possessive arm wrapped over the back.
Azriel’s hand was still gripping hers. He was still sitting beside her, the Shadowsinger’s eyes glittering with fury whenever he looked over at her sister. And his fingers were still rubbing gentle circles on her wrist, the shadows still coiled against her skin, and Eira couldn’t tell if he was doing it to comfort her or himself.
"I am going to say this now," Azriel said quietly. " Once . If you ever do anything remotely similar to your sister again, it will not end well. Do you understand me?"
Elain’s chin quivered, and she looked as if she was struggling to keep herself from bursting into tears again.
She swallowed as Azriel’s words, before slowly lifting her head, forcing herself to meet his eyes with her own. “I…” She took in another shuddering breath. “I understand,” she whispered.
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The ache will go away, eventually. 
That was what the Professor told them, the day they got back. When they tumbled from the wardrobe in a heap of tangled limbs, and found that the world had been torn from under their feet with all the kindness of a serpent. 
They picked themselves off of the floorboards with smiles plastered on child faces, and sat with the Professor in his study drinking cup after cup of tea. 
But the smiles were fake. The tea was like ash on their tongues. And when they went to bed that night, none of them could sleep in beds that were too foreign, in bodies that had not been their own for years. Instead they grouped into one room and sat on the floor and whispered, late into the night. 
When morning came, Mrs. Macready discovered the four of them asleep in Peter and Edmund’s bedroom, tangled in a heap of pillows and blankets with their arms looped across one another. They woke a few moments after her entry and seemed confused, lost even, staring around the room with pale faces, eyes raking over each framed painting on the wall and across every bit of furniture as if it was foreign to them. “Come to breakfast,” Mrs. Macready said as she turned to go, but inside she wondered. 
For the children’s faces had held the same sadness that she saw sometimes in the Professor’s. A yearning, a shock, a numbness, as if their very hearts had been ripped from their chests.
At breakfast Lucy sat huddled between her brothers, wrapped in a shawl that was much too big for her as she warmed her hands around a mug of hot chocolate. Edmund fidgeted in his seat and kept reaching up to his hair as if to feel for something that was no longer there. Susan pushed her food idly around on her plate with her fork and hummed a strange melody under her breath. And Peter folded his hands beneath his chin and stared at the wall with eyes that seemed much too old for his face. 
It chilled Mrs. Macready to see their silence, their strangeness, when only yesterday they had been running all over the house, pounding through the halls, shouting and laughing in the bedrooms. It was as if something, something terrible and mysterious and lengthy, had occurred yesterday, but surely that could not be. 
She remarked upon it to the Professor, but he only smiled sadly at her and shook his head. “They’ll be all right,” he said, but she wasn’t so sure. 
They seemed so lost. 
Lucy disappeared into one of the rooms later that day, a room that Mrs. Macready knew was bare save for an old wardrobe of the professor’s. She couldn’t imagine what the child would want to go in there for, but children were strange and perhaps she was just playing some game. When Lucy came out again a few minutes later, sobbing and stumbling back down the hall with her hair askew, Mrs. Macready tried to console her, but Lucy found no comfort in her arms. “It wasn’t there,” she kept saying, inconsolable, and wouldn’t stop crying until her siblings came and gathered her in their arms and said in soothing voices, “Perhaps we’ll go back someday, Lu.” 
Go back where, Mrs. Macready wondered? She stepped into the room Lucy had been in later on in the evening and looked around, but there was nothing but dust and an empty space where coats used to hang in the wardrobe. The children must have taken them recently and forgotten to return them, not that it really mattered. They were so old and musty and the Professor had probably forgotten them long ago. But what could have made the child cry so? Try as she might, Mrs. Macready could find no answer, and she left the room dissatisfied and covered in dust. 
Lucy and Edmund and Peter and Susan took tea in the Professor’s room again that night, and the next, and the next, and the next. They slept in Peter and Edmund’s room, then Susan and Lucy’s, then Peter and Edmund’s again and so on, swapping every night till Mrs. Macready wondered how they could possibly get any sleep. The floor couldn’t be comfortable, but it was where she found them, morning after morning. 
Each morning they looked sadder than before, and breakfast was silent. Each afternoon Lucy went into the room with the wardrobe, carrying a little lion figurine Edmund had carved her, and came out crying a little while later. And then one day she didn’t, and went wandering in the woods and fields around the Professor’s house instead. She came back with grassy fingers and a scratch on one cheek and a crown of flowers on her head, but she seemed content. Happy, even. Mrs. Macready heard her singing to herself in a language she’d never heard before as Lucy skipped past her in the hall, leaving flower petals on the floor in her wake. Mrs. Macready couldn’t bring herself to tell the child to pick them up, and instead just left them where they were. 
More days and nights went by. One day it was Peter who went into the room with the wardrobe, bringing with him an old cloak of the Professor’s, and he was gone for quite a while. Thirty or forty minutes, Mrs. Macready would guess. When he came out, his shoulders were straighter and his chin lifted higher, but tears were dried upon his cheeks and his eyes were frightening. Noble and fierce, like the eyes of a king. The cloak still hung about his shoulders and made him seem almost like an adult. 
Peter never went into the wardrobe room again, but Susan did, a few weeks later. She took a dried flower crown inside with her and sat in there at least an hour, and when she came out her hair was so elaborately braided that Mrs. Macready wondered where on earth she had learned it. The flower crown was perched atop her head as she went back down the hall, and she walked so gracefully that she seemed to be floating on the air itself. In spite of her red eyes, she smiled, and seemed content to wander the mansion afterwards, reading or sketching or making delicate jewelry out of little pebbles and dried flowers Lucy brought her from the woods. 
More weeks went by. The children still took tea in the Professor’s study on occasion, but not as often as before. Lucy now went on her daily walks outdoors, and sometimes Peter or Susan, or both of them at once, accompanied her. Edmund stayed upstairs for the most part, reading or writing, keeping quiet and looking paler and sadder by the day. 
Finally he, too, went into the wardrobe room. 
He stayed for hours, hours upon hours. He took nothing in save for a wooden sword he had carved from a stick Lucy brought him from outside, and he didn’t come out again. The shadows lengthened across the hall and the sun sank lower in the sky and finally Mrs. Macready made herself speak quietly to Peter as the boy came out of the Professor’s study. “Your brother has been gone for hours,” she told him crisply, but she was privately alarmed, because Peter’s face shifted into panic and he disappeared upstairs without a word. 
Mrs. Macready followed him silently after around thirty minutes and pressed an ear to the door of the wardrobe room. Voices drifted from beyond. Edmund’s and Peter’s, yes, but she could also hear the soft tones of Lucy and Susan. 
“Why did he send us back?” Edmund was saying. It sounded as if he had been crying.  
Mrs. Macready couldn’t catch the answer, but when the siblings trickled out of the room an hour later, Edmund’s wooden sword was missing, and the flower crown Susan had been wearing lately was gone, and Peter no longer had his old cloak, and Lucy wasn’t carrying her lion figurine, and the four of them had clasped hands and sad, but smiling, faces. 
Mrs. Macready slipped into the room once they were gone and opened the wardrobe, and there at the bottom were the sword and the crown and the cloak and the lion. An offering of sorts, almost, or perhaps just items left there for future use, for whenever they next went into the wardrobe room.  
But they never did, and one day they were gone for good, off home, and the mansion was silent again. And it had been a long time since that morning that Mrs. Macready had found them all piled together in one bedroom, but ever since then they hadn’t quite been children, and she wanted to know why.
She climbed the steps again to the floor of the house where the old wardrobe was, and then went into the room and crossed the floor to the opposite wall. 
When she pulled the wardrobe door open, the four items the Pevensie children had left inside of it were missing. 
And just for a moment, it seemed to her that a cool gust of air brushed her face, coming from the darkness beyond where the missing coats used to hang.
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miguelhugger2099 · 9 months
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Summary: You, the Goddess of Life, visit the God of Death in the forest during a snowstorm. Next Miguel x Fem!Reader, Proofread but I was half-asleep, Fluff, A smidge of angst, Word Count: 1,458 This song is what caused this fic to form in my brain.
A blizzard had made its way to the village, its cold and harsh winds slamming against wooden cabins and tiny snowflakes that only piled up into mountains by the hour.
However, by his lonesome, stood a man in the forest. A forest that had once been flourishing with soft green grass, and a gentle blue lake in the middle with the sun's warm rays peeking through the leaves of the giant pine trees.
His black coat and black shawl around his head was a stark contrast to the pure white snow on the ground and in the sky. But it matched perfectly with the splatter of blood that tainted said purity.
He bent down, kneeling before the creature that had spilled blood: a baby deer wounded by its ribs. It was shot for food by hunters right before the blizzard hit, leaving them to abandon the animal.
The fawn wheezed softly, its beady black eyes staring up at the man. It weakly twitched, its hind legs failing to push itself up. The baby had squirmed the closer the man approached it with a gentle hand. Despite the cold weather, the man never shivered when a particular gust of wind blew through the branches, making his shawl slip off his head.
He gently caressed its head, rubbing his thumb comfortingly under its eye. He felt an ache for the poor baby, lost and alone in the bitter cold.
The baby had bleated softly, perhaps a cry to its mother before falling limp–marking the end of its life. His frown deepened, flinching his hand back to his chest and standing up again. The soul of the animal ripped itself from the confinements of mortality, stretching its limbs. He watched it flail around in small hops, before staring at him for a moment, its nose twitching and scurrying away to the afterlife.
He then turned his head down to glare at the dead body until a kind voice interrupted him.
“I apologize for the intrusion, Miguel.” He turned around with his eyes widening slightly. He saw you stand a few feet away from him, your usual soft smile on your face. Quietly, he whispered your name.
You wore a white cloak over a warm thick white cotton dress–he assumed with many layers underneath– and a crown made of branches atop of your head. You seamlessly fit into the background of the snow with your outfit. Your hair was the same, perfect as ever, free and let down from any hairstyle. The cold had gotten to you, snowflakes on your eyelashes and you held yourself close to keep a bit of warmth.
You approached him, the crunch of the snow underneath following you. When you met with him face to face, you gingerly reached over to place his shawl back over his head to protect him from the cold even though you both knew he didn't really need it.
“You shouldn't be here.” Miguel worried, fussing over you as he held you by your forearms. “You're supposed to be resting.”
Every year for a few weeks, you would take the time to sleep after a couple of months caring for Mother Earth. Miguel, the God of Death, offered to help you by taking care of Mother Earth while you slept. So instead of flourishing crops, warm sun and bright scenery, Miguel's cold hands left trees dying, more opportunities for illness, and an even bigger chance of death–the season many humans know as winter.
“I wanted to see you.” You smiled at him which made Miguel scoff at your ridiculousness. He took off his shawl and placed it around you to keep you warmer. Miguel stopped you before you could protest.
“You and I both know that I wear these just so the mortals don't ask questions,” He grumbled, successfully wrapping the fabric in a snug manner. Since you were the Goddess of Life, you were more used to the warmth of the sun shining down on you and the blood pumping through your veins and to your beating heart. For Miguel, all he knows is the coldest feeling there is, so a storm like this could never harm him. You stared up at him with adoration before yawning. Miguel pointed it out. “I knew it. Go back to bed.”
Despite his warning you slip past him to stare at the deer that had fallen into Miguel's care. Your eyes glazed over its body, resting a moment longer on the gunshot wound that was still seeping red into the plush snow, the blizzard slowly covering its body in a white blanket.
He stands behind you as you bend down on your knees to kneel beside the deer, nervously awaiting your reaction. “You tried saving its life, didn't you?” You asked, never turning away from the animal. You began petting it gently as if it were still alive.
Miguel frowned, looking off to the side. “I was putting it out of its misery.” You huffed a small laugh through your nose and got up again on your feet. You turned to him again and reached up to cup his cheek. He melted into your hand, the only source of warmth he could ever get the chance to feel. His eyes softened down at you.
“Thank you.” You whispered. Miguel's face hardened again but he did not stray from your palm.
“For what? For killing your creations?”
You sighed. No matter how many times you've had this conversation with him, he always seemed to put himself down. “You don't kill, Miguel.” You assure him.
“My life's work is to kill. It's my duty.” He retaliated, his eyes glancing at the fawn before looking back down at you.
“You think lowly of yourself.” You slip your hand down to his chest. “Your work is beautiful.”
“There's no beauty in death, my lady.” Miguel placed his hand over yours on his chest. You don't feel a heartbeat drumming inside. “It's grotesque and heartless.”
You scrunch your nose, not believing a word he's said. “And who has told you this? The mortals?” You ask. His jaw clenches.
“They adore you and not me.” He says.
“Are you saying you're jealous, my lord?”
“I'm saying what is true,” He says firmly, not wanting to amuse your upcoming antics. “You are beauty. You are perfection. You are divine,” He cups your cheek and you shiver from the coolness of his fingers.
“Look around you. Mortals are struggling to stay warm, to find food and shelter. I've caused this. They…they curse my name,” He comes closer to you, tilting your head up to meet his ruby eyes. “I fear you shine too brightly, my lady.” Your breath hitches as you look up at him. You shake, not knowing if it's from the puff of wind passing by or your heart stuttering in your chest when he inches closer.
“What are you saying, Miguel?” You whisper.
His eyes dart to your lips, stopping the urge to kiss you. “I want to shine with you. But I'm not worthy. Not with the acts I've done. Not with the blood I've spilled alongside mortals and destroying your works of art.”
“Miguel,” Your heart speeds up, quick to calm the self destructive thoughts he's producing.
“My life has no meaning without you. What good is appreciating life if there is no death? You make living precious. You make it sacred. And when the time comes, you make it merciful,” Your other hand comes up to his hair, running your cold fingertips through his strands. “That is your true nature. Whatever humans do to abuse your power is not a part of you.”
Miguel leans his forehead against you, closing his eyes. You mirror his actions, pressing against him and simply feeling him. His hands move around you, bringing you closer by the waist. The wind passes by with a high pitched whistle. “So…warm.” He breathes out softly.
He pulls away from you, bending at the waist to pick up your hand and kiss your knuckles. You feel your cheeks heat up while he looks up at you through his eyelashes. “You must be tired, mi reina. I'll take you home.”
Miguel reaches down to pick you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled closer to him despite his freezing exterior. You feel him hold you tightly to his chest protectively as he walks out of the forest to bring you home.
The fawn's dead body lies underneath a pile of snow now, hidden from the world. Its remains will seep into the ground, nurturing the future plants that will grow in its place once the winter is gone and spring returns– the cycle of life and death– an eternal harmony.
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A/N: man i fucking love anything to do with gods and goddesses. i might make this a mini series of just snippets of their relationship but ahhhh i dunno if anyone will even like this tbh. i did have fun writing it though
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britany1997 · 6 months
You Mystify Me
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As a woman who loves women, this was a long time coming! I hope y’all enjoy this:):) Note: Star likes The Cranberries because I said so. (And also because I like The Cranberries lol)
Full vampire Star x Banshee female reader
Comment to be added to my Lost Boys Taglist!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Star huffed, wrapping her shawl around herself and dragging her feet along the white sands of the beach.
She knew Paul meant well, he was basically her brother after all, but sometimes…
He’d never developed the sort of filter people seemed to have that would keep his thoughts from immediately spilling out of his mouth.
‘A ninth wheel,’ he’d called her before his sprite had snorted out of his nose while he’d laughed. The others boys had joined in with the teasing, laughing and nudging her, but she hadn’t found it very funny.
She sighed to herself. She knew they hadn’t meant anything by it, she knew they still cared about her, but it was…hard.
Hard to be the only girl in the group. Hard to be the only single one left. Hard to be a newly full vampire with everyone else so busy. It was just too much for her sometimes.
She shivered, running her hands up and down, desperate to bring back a spark of warmth. No one had told her just how cold a vampire life truly was.
She’d found a nice spot under the light of a dim moon beam and sat down, pulling out her ukulele to strum absentmindedly.
As she mulled over her confrontation with the boys, and pondered when would be the best time to head to the cave, she began to hum the tune of Sunday while she played.
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You spotted her mess of curly hair from where you’d been keening behind some columns holding up the dock.
You’d seen some surfer guys throwing a party on the beach, and your instincts had told you they weren’t long for this world.
At least not with those punky looking guys staring the surfers down from the trees behind them.
After years of mourning premonitions, you’d learned to stay back. It was best not to upset the humans.
You sighed to yourself, almost disappearing into your gray mass of cloak.
Death followed you like a dog to a fox, hunting and hounding, it always caught up with you.
You wished you could touch that pretty girl, you wished you could hold her without it meaning certain doom.
It was a curse, waiting close by but never truly close. Watching the humans suffer and die. Crying your doe eyes out until they were permanently red.
Against your better judgement you let yourself become entranced by her humming. You quieted your keening and swayed to the sound, the music moving through you.
Maybe it would be ok; just to approach her, just to sit with her, just to stare at her. You wouldn’t get to close, you couldn’t.
Before you could rationalize your way off the beach, your feet seemed to move of their own volition, as if that girl was the pied piper who played only for you.
You settled down to her side, sweeping your bone white hair over your shoulder and avoiding meeting her eyes. You hoped she wouldn’t notice your unique appearance and ask too many questions.
Her humming ceased, bringing you back to reality just a bit, but not nearly enough to run away. She was even more gorgeous up close. You could hear your heart thumping, threatening to burst out of your chest.
She smiled at you, the first kind gesture anyone had offered you in so long.
Despite your better judgement, you looked up to let your red eyes bore into hers. Your gaze traced every curve and line of her face, memorializing her image in your head where you’d want to keep it as long as you could.
“I’m Star,” she told you, bangles clanging as she offered you her hand.
Your lips turned down a bit at her outstretched arm, as much as you wanted to feel her soft skin against yours, you knew you couldn’t get too attached.
“Nice to meet you,” you offered her a sympathetic smile as you pulled your coat closed, ignoring her gesture.
Star’s bright smile faltered a bit when she dropped her hand, but she quickly moved on.
“Your hair is beautiful,” she whispered, bringing a pink tinge to your cheeks.
She moved forward, reaching out to skim her fingers through your locks, but you leaned back before she got the chance.
You grimaced as she frowned a bit, falling in on herself. “I’m sorry,” she told you, moving to sit on her hands.
The sight hurt. “No no, it’s fine,” your tried to comfort her. It wasn’t her fault death followed wherever you strayed.
“I liked your playing,” you changed the subject.
She brightened like a Christmas tree, “really? I wasn’t really playing anything, just messing around.” She blushed.
You propped your head up on one hand, practically mooning over her. “No no, it was amazing,” you assured her, “best part of my night.”
“High praise from a banshee, I’ve read your singing is life-changing.”
You froze, your heart racing in your chest. How did she know? Besides the obvious markers of your appearance of course. Still, most humans were ignorant of the magical world that intertwined with theirs. Was she a scientist? A professor maybe? A hunter? Your heart leaped in fear at the thought.
Seeming to catch on, Star placed a gentle hand over yours. Your mouth gaped a bit when she dropped fang.
“Sorry to scare you, you really can’t throw a stone in Santa Carla without hitting some kind of creature, I thought you knew,” she said gently.
“I had no idea,” you explained, “what else have you seen around here?”
“Vampires of course,” she began to list, counting on her fingers, “a few werewolves here and there, a Selkie, a fairy, a dragon, harpies, nymphs, sirens…I could go on for hours.”
Your jaw dropped, “that’s incredible.”
“Santa Carla is a safe haven for the weird and wicked,” she winked, “if you want to join up with my friends, you’ll see it all.”
You beamed, awed by the realization that you weren’t alone out here.
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in your head.
“So you’re a vampire huh?” you asked, scooting closer to Star.
“Mhmm,” she nodded.
“And…you’re immortal?” you questioned, hope rising within you.
“One of the perks,” she shrugged.
She couldn’t die. This beautiful, friendly, breathtaking girl, she would never die.
And there was nothing you could do to change that. There was no way you could doom her by intertwining your fate with hers.
You reached out, waiting for her to flinch away, but she didn’t. You let the back of your hand brush across her soft cheek.
“Eternal life becomes you,” you whispered.
She smiled softly as her hand rested over yours, stroking the back of it with her thumb. “Thank you.”
You blushed, certain your entire face was as bright red as your eyes.
“Will you play something for me?” you asked.
She giggled a bit, “all night if you want, beautiful,” she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your cheek, before moving to grasp her ukulele once more.
Warmth flooded through you, happy for the first time in decades, “I’d like that.”
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@sad-ghost-of-garbage @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @hypocriticaltypwriter @crustyboypix @bloodywickedvamp @anna1306 @arbesa-mind @solobagginses @lostboys1987girl @katerinaval @arenpath @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @walmart-cereal @softchonk @vampirefilmlover @chiefdirector @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @its-freaking-bats @f4iryfxies @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @warrior-616 @gothamslostboy @fraudfrog @rynsfandomsfun @mack-attack420 @royaltysuite
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dairyfreenugget · 4 months
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(Alt text under read more)
He's done. I decided to not do the back because it'd be more torture work and nothing about it changed between this and the previous refs so I'll use the previous references exclusively for the back patterns.
ID start: A reference sheet for the Pale King from Hollow Knight as a human done on a grey background. The main focus in the picture is the fullbody artwork of him, his lower two arms are laying down his side while the upper left arm is held behind his back and the right one is held high, gesturing. On the right is a close-up of his arm and three types of legs, open mouth, eyes, two profile headshots and his long braid with two types of chair accessories; a blue ribbon tied into a bow and the same ribbon but with a metal clip resembling his crown. He's an older man with pure white skin covered in plates that give him the appearance of a segmented bug-like body. The lower half of his body is far more bug-like with front two legs resembling that of a beetle stylised to look similar to deer hooves, with a long tail of a centipede with nine segments ending with a pincer of an earwig, the first segment's legs resembling a mix between the beetle and centipede legs. His four hands are stained with void, vein-like stains leading up his forearms, neck, and cheeks up to his eyes. His long hair is parted in the middle by his horns resembling a crown and tied into a long braid going all the way down to the second segment of his tail. He's thin, with a saggy lower stomach covered in stretch marks. The plates on his abdomen are slightly pushed apart, revealing a soft pinkish skin underneath. His crotch and chest are covered in thick white hair. He has a small scar on the lower right side of his chest between his ribs and a large burn scar on the left side of his body, going all the way from his hip to his chest. He has long elf ears, sharp claws and fangs, pink split tongue, and completely white eyes with three eyelashes at the bottom. He has moles, including two below his right eye, one below the elft corner of his mouth and ond on the left side of his neck. End ID.
ID start: The same reference drawing as the previous picture, except he's wearing a white dress with a grey rim on the bottom decorated with white floral embroidery and Hallownest insignia on the front of the rim, grey frilly collar, long puffy sleeves with grey cuffs at the end, and a wide black belt in his mid section that's decorated with small metal buttons the shapes of flowers running along the rim. He's wearing leather feet covering, with a braid pattern in the middle and Hallownest insignia on the top part of the shoe. End ID.
Start ID: The same reference drawing as the previous picture, but he's wearing a white long coat with a blue rim, blue ends of the sleeves and high collar on top of his dress. The coat is tied in the middle with a belt made of cloth, its ends neatly tied and rested in the middle, ending judt below his knees. The belt is blue with white and light blue embroidery on it; a light blue two-lined rim and floral patterns going along it, and white Hallownest insignia in the middle with the king's brand below and a couple of four pointed stars formednin a line separating the two and above them. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the previous picture, but with a thin shawl folded and wrapped around his shoulders with the ends tucked into the belt to keep it in place. It's a white shawl with frilly ends and a light blue rim, it's partially see-through. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the prdvious picture, except with a white mask covering his eyes and white gloves, with slits for his black claws. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the previous picture, but with a cucha/a woollen jacket drapped over his shoulders. It's white with blue and light blue floral embroidery and rim along the edges, collar, and sleeves of the jacket. It's tied at the top with a blue ribbon and metal clips resembling the Hallownest insignia. On either side of the metal clips is the embroidery of the insignia surrounded by two flowers on either side. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as in the previous picture, but instead, he's wearing a full-face white mask and a clip-on hood, held together by a meter clip on the bottom that resembles the Hallownest seal, and buttons at the top, with the hood fabric wrapped around his horns. The hood is white with blue and light blue rim. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as in the previous picture, but he has a long full-body, white, see-through veil with frilly ends drapped over him. End ID.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
ERROR 410: GONE (Yandere Faceless!Kamisato Ayato/Reader)
A/n: thank you for the 5 dollar tip, "anonymous"! I asked them for what they want in exchange and they asked for a fac█le██ ayato fic... Alright then... You did ask for it...
Unreliable synopsis: Your new coworker doesn't seem to be from around here...
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It was a cramped night at the bus stop. Except for the elderly, many people had their phones out since it was nearly midnight and nobody had the stamina to engage in conversation. You recently got promoted as a district manager for an international company, and oh, the work is just too exhausting to drone about. However, in this station, it didn't matter if you were an energetic student or an employee. The bus is abnormally later than their usual "lateness", and such a redundant statement elucidates just how shoddy their schedule is. Everyone was simultaneously stressed and drained and each of their war faces screamed that they would selfishly fight for the seat ride home.
All except for one man.
From the moment he arrived, you were peering at him. He had a similar appearance to the character you were "maining" in the video game you were enamored with for approximately two years. Though you seriously doubt he was in cosplay, he and that favorite of yours look eerily identical. His long-sleeved black coat and simple white turtleneck blend in with modern fashion fairly, save for his elaborate light blue hair, which was organically unkempt and not at all synthetic. His keen eyes led you to believe that he is from an Eastern lineage, most likely Japanese, but you didn't want to make any unfounded assumptions. Because it's simply impossible for someone to cosplay at this time, you were left silently marveling at the incredible coincidence.
He muttered something to himself, but you did not hear it.
“11:56 PM.”
You had a smidgen of knowledge regarding the bus schedule enough to give yourself a pep talk in the hopes that it would motivate you to give him directions. But no amount of psyching yourself up could have prepared you for when another person walked up to him. She asked the question you had been meaning to ask for the past three minutes, assuming she was a college student. He grinned at the worried girl. 
He was stunningly gorgeous when he smiled.
Wholly unfair how he exudes an aura of elegance whilst wearing normal clothes while you look like a sloppy burrito wrapped by a beige shawl this dead of night.
“Oh, no, no. I am not at all lost. I’m simply looking for someone.”
Everyone was fairly sure that person would never arrive, but he stayed roving around the room, pacing back and forth as if the person he was looking for will arrive the next minute. Whoever it was, you were starting to get angry on his behalf. Who would leave such an attractive man waiting? It was improper. 
But to be honest, you have already admitted to yourself that your life is quite dull— so you’re aware that this nonsensical drama you had over this imaginary person stemmed from boredom.
Out of the blue, he fixed his gaze on you.
The stranger’s eyes softened. The simmering panic in his expression vanished in an instant the moment he saw your face, and his mouth gaped open for a short while before he sauntered forward, ignoring the student who awkwardly shuffled back to her waiting spot.
You immediately felt small, upright, and astoundingly nervous. Not ready to be accosted by anyone at all.
“There you are…” He gave you that smile again. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Mx. (Y/n).”
You scanned the area before jabbing your finger at your chest. He nodded as if you were being ridiculous to consider that it may be someone else.
Ah, so the lookalike was waiting for you. 
You were mentally fighting yourself.
“I’m ███████ █████,” he said in a gentle tone— not at all reflecting the stressed out look he sported a moment before. “— The new product manager. I’m an incredibly recent hire, so please do not feel bad for not recognizing my face.”
That wasn’t the reason why your eyebrows were knitted, though. It’s because you DO recognize his face, but you doubt he’d take you for a reasonable person should you start pointing out his physical similarities with a fictional character.
███████ █████, huh? His full name is a bit average-sounding. Sounds like something you may have read on an early 2000s Weaboo forum on "What would your Japanese name be?" which lists down dates, birth months, and the first letter of a person's first name. However, it wasn’t entirely unbelievable— you just chalked him up as an unfortunate kid whose parents were eager to give their son the name "John Doe" when given the chance.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mister █████.”
“P-Please,” he shook his head. “Let’s drop the formalities. We shall work alongside together officially tomorrow. I would like for us to talk more casually if you would not mind.”
His vocabulary was painfully filled with constrictive pleasantries for someone who seemed to be eager to have a casually cordial relationship with you. Since a product manager and a district manager have roughly equal levels of authority in your company, his desire for friendship isn't too shocking.
Yet, you can’t help but stare… It’s still so strange how he also has a mole right underneath his lip.
He looks just like Kamisato Ayato from Genshin Impact, but not for long.
At first, you envied █████’s youthful glow and wanted it for yourself, but upon learning that he will replace Mister Blaiddyd, you mentally prayed that he wouldn’t lose his mind from stress like his predecessor. That’s how stressful being a product manager is. Give him two months and he’d probably start ruining his coiffed hair during crunch times.
“Understood,” your eyes darted back to the bus station, which remained regrettably devoid of any vehicle. You were starting to consider taking a taxi to avoid this awkward conversation but there’s not a single one in sight. “Since you’ve mentioned that you were trying to find me, might I ask why that is, exactly?”
“Ah, yes,” he instinctively adjusted his collar. His sharp and sophisticated face never averted away from you. “You see— Miss Goneril had informed me that I should approach you if I had any concerns about work.”
Ahh… Hilda…
His future plight still doesn’t change how annoying this situation is. Can’t believe you’re already assigned to helping a newbie out as soon as you got your promotion. She’s planning to milk your kindness dry this month, isn’t she? Despite being your best work friend, Hilda doesn’t have to be unkind to someone to exploit them. But you suppose you wouldn’t mind too much, given how he doesn’t look half-bad. Call it vain, call it a “coping mechanism”, but there wouldn’t be any shame on your end to teach a new attractive coworker the ropes of your job. 
You'll treat him nicely. As the good Samaritan you are, maybe you'll also ask him to give up while he's ahead for good measure.
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind helping you out—”
“I'm most grateful!”
“—but it is VERY late.”
You took a quick look at your phone. 11:53 PM—and there were three messages from Miss Goneril confirming that █████ is the new hire. Since Hilda never filtered her remarks when it came to... aesthetically pleasing people, you instantly pocketed your phone. It was a grave oversight on your end that Hilda found out earlier that you weren't paying attention to her babbling earlier. You wouldn't get such a long message on how "hot" █████'s mole was if you were a better pretender. Her thirst was kind of unsettling.
Ah, whatever. You’ll just delete it later.
You held back a yawn, “where’s your stop?”
“███ ███████.”
“Ah, that’s where I drop off too.”
Additionally, it is the bus's final stop, so you would have to spend a lot more time with him. Great. You hoped he wouldn't try to strike up a conversation with some small talk.
He placed his hand on his chin. Now that he’s up close, you realized just how long his sleeves were. The silhouette nearly reminded you of Kamisato Ayato once more. █████ nodded with a half-teasing smile.
“Oh, not to worry, I know.”
Hilda must have told him right away. You secretly hoped that the main reason she paired you two up was because of your shared destination so you could applaud her wise decision-making skills, but you knew better. Once more, Hilda is attempting to match you with someone.
You cleared your throat, “well then, you better prepare yourself with some sleepless nights because the buses around here don’t come around plenty. You’d have to stand most of the time—”
He muttered something again, “three minutes left.”
“Ah, no, it’s nothing. I’ve recently moved here so please do continue explaining.”
“… Right.” You sighed, “do you live in ██████████?”
“Then we’d go in opposite directions. I live in █████ so this is the only bus we share.”
That almost made you snort. Unfortunately? It's not at all unfortunate, though. During these hours, you rarely feel socially motivated to communicate, and you just know deep down that once he starts working, you'll find a method to board buses separately from him.
“If it’s alright for me to quickly digress— may I trouble you with something, (Y/n)?”
“May I take a picture with you?” █████ asked. “I want to upload it in my Instagram Story to show my friends and family that I’m faring well. They’ve been insistent that I should make friends on my first day of work— even when based on technicalities, this doesn’t qualify as my first day.”
He must be the eldest and the breadwinner of the ████████ family. That's admirable. Working with someone like him is not a problem for you. They constantly know how to get the job done.
“I don’t mind,” you said, slightly nervous. “But can you not add any weird stuff?”
“Weird stuff?”
“Like, maybe a “my new coworker is ugly” or something like that.”
“W-What?!” █████ jolted. “I would never do such a thing! Especially towards you, my bel—”
“R-Relax, that was just a joke.” Not really. “Is it okay if I don’t take my face mask off?”
“… Of course, I wouldn’t mind.”
█████ scooted closer to you, placing his phone up and angling it in the direction that mostly showed your face. It’s as if he didn’t want his face to be seen, but with a handsome face like that? You’re highly doubtful that is the case. His hands were trembling. The poor man must’ve been incredibly sleep deprived and running on coffee like you.
Unwittingly, you placed your hand above his to steady his phone and you heard him gasp softly. You quickly withdrew your hand away as though you touched a hot kettle when its anything but warm.
His hands were cold, it almost didn’t feel human.
“Oh— sorry!” You shrugged, cringing. “I didn’t mean to—”
“N-No, it’s fine!” He chuckled nervously. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I have been told that I am terrible at using a Kamera.”
Why does he say “camera” with a hard “K”? You’ve never heard anyone else pronounce it in that way. Possibly a local accent. It was tempting to ask where he’s from but perhaps that topic would be better brought up some other time. Asking that question might just make him miss his family more, and his parents might be wide-awake right now anticipating any form of reassurance that their child is doing fine.
“Then allow me to take the pic for us.”
He smiled eagerly, “I would greatly appreciate that.”
█████ handed you his phone. You set it up at the same angle he had originally intended, although this time his phone's screen displayed both your faces more clearly. Although you made an effort to contain your emotions, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how much he resembles Kamisato Ayato. You mentally readied yourself for the possibility that you would feel his breath on your neck, but you didn't feel him breathe. That doesn’t make you feel untouched, however, since he rested his hand on your shoulder to pull you close enough for the picture.
Is he holding his breath?
“Stay still,” he commanded.
You clenched your fist, trying hard NOT to think about how close his voice is to Chris Hackney’s.
After you pressed the shutter button at least three times, you opened the pictures you’ve taken.
He really does have a beautiful smile.
“Is there something wrong with my face…?”
“Hmm? N-No,” you sputtered out. “I just thought it was a good pic.”
“I’m glad,” he laughed heartily. “I’m still getting used to this face after all.”
… Huh.
Maybe you lack sleep, but the photos remind you of those AI-generated photos on social media— the stolen ones that artists rightfully plead credit for. Maybe you just find him excessively gorgeous because he reminded you of a fictional character you were familiar with, but his appearance somehow seems otherworldly…
“11:55, one minute left.” He muttered again as he crooned above your neck, gazing at his phone.
“For what?”
█████ laughed heartily. 
“For the bus, of course!”
You raised an eyebrow. The station was incredibly empty. You genuinely can’t tell who would lie to him about that.
“Sorry, █████, I don’t know who told you that but there’s genuinely no pattern as to when the bus arrives here. That’s fake news—”
“██████████!!! ██████████!!!”
You immediately snap your neck at the sound of the bus conductor.
“H-Huh?” Your eyes widened.
█████ wore a smug smile on his face as he watched you stare at his phone in disbelief. He was correct; the time was 11:56 pm. But before he had time to gloat and act “mysterious”, you snatched his cold hand and sprinted for the seats— apologizing to the college student you bumped into along the way.
No way in hell you’re going to wait for the next bus.
“We need to go! Now!!!”
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You woke up the next day feeling more tired than the previous morning.
Tuesday means that you will inevitably have to work today. You woke up before your alarm, but instead of being a responsible adult and opening up a parcel of bread with hot coffee on the side, you rolled on your bed to whisk your charged phone from the nightstand. You received notifications from several social media apps and a work email from Mister Gautier, but you'd prefer not to startle yourself by hearing one of your subordinate's absurd justifications for being absent. Instead, you launched the Instagram app that you reluctantly installed because of Hilda.
The picture you took together with █████ is still up on his Story.
The image is just as you recall it. You might even say that your opinion of his appearance significantly increased after a good night's sleep. How did you manage to converse with your new coworker last night without turning into a stammering wreck when he is THIS drop-dead gorgeous? You're confident the picture wasn't edited in any way. After all, you saw him upload it directly to his phone's social media account because you wanted to make sure he wouldn't add any odd captions. Congrats to █████ for being incredibly photogenic. He genuinely looks like an AI-generated person with how flawless he appeared. You would have told Hilda straight away that whatever she was swooning over had to be some kind of catfish if you hadn't met him—
You squinted.
“Wait a second.”
You looked closely at his hand which rested on top of your shoulder.
“… Are those six fingers?”
That can’t be right.
Sure, he does look like an AI-generated person in the flesh but six fingers? Absurd. It’s probably due to the horrible lighting.
You can’t zoom in on a story, so you took a screenshot but—
You had no time to spare. Hastily, you rolled out, tossed your phone on the bed, and staggered to the restroom. You had to go as soon as possible since you have a meeting this morning. At this rate, soldiers who lived ration by ration likely had a healthier diet than you– but your boss is the embodiment of evil.
You’ll just have to look at the image later.
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“Bad morning?”
“Oh, nice to see you here, █████.”
█████ grinned, pointing at the chair beside you, “would you mind if I sit?”
You smiled politely, “I don’t own this place, you know?”
He chuckled, “fair enough.”
It's 4:07 PM. Even though one of your team members arrived later than expected, you eventually built momentum and finished the presentation on a high note. Working with Mr. Gautier is such a headache. Thankfully, district managers have to go out in the field, so before you know it, you've excused yourself to eat lunch at your preferred café. The barely-melted coffee powder you had at home wasn't going to help you get through the day like your favorite cup here. Your cup was no longer a "morning joe", but better late than never.
█████ sank on the cafe’s chair, inhaling the aroma of the rich coffee you ordered. You assumed yet again that it was Miss Goneril’s atrocious wingman skills that led him to this place. His shoulders relaxed a bit afterward as he eyed your cup.
“I do wonder what real coffee tastes like…” █████ mumbled.
You'd give it to him, but you're stressed out—probably more so than he is, given that your supervisor basically holds his hand around the office like a newborn child. The gravity of the problems you carry as a District Manager is nothing to laugh at, either. It’s just a matter of getting used to it.
“Looking already stressed on your official first day, hmm?” You teased before you sipped your cup, pretending you don’t feel his jealous eyes. “Is being a Project Manager not what you had expected?”
█████ shook his head, scoffing with a lopsided grin.
“Oh no, I used to have bigger workloads. I’m only behaving this way since I’m not used to moving this face often.”
This face, huh? What a unique yet expected phrasing. After all, he is so attractive that it wouldn't surprise you if he thought of his face as a separate entity that must be maintained. █████ must be the type of person who cares an awful lot for skin care and self-love. Good for him, good for him.
“Never worked in retail before?” You tilted your head. “Never practiced your customer service smile?”
“In a way, yes,” he chuckled. “I am more accustomed to working behind the scenes since my younger sister takes most of the spotlight in the commi— our family business.”
█████ sure laughs a lot.
“Ah, is she something of an entertainer?” You teased. Knowing a thing or two about other people’s younger siblings, you anticipated some messy anecdotes which served to amplify your opinions on how chaotic having siblings is.
“No. On the contrary, she’s incredibly reserved and poised.”
“Then I bet there’s just something charismatic about her— is she the artistic type?”
“She is. Our family’s beloved princess is quite skilled in the art of dancing and calligraphy. You ought to watch her perform someday.”
You made an effort not to grin foolishly as humiliating thoughts ran rampant inside your head. His sister sounds like Ayaka already. How surreal would it be if you opened up your phone and did your Daily Commissions in front of him—
Oh, right! Your phone— that screenshot!
You ferreted your phone out of your bag, side-eyeing him each time you failed to find it inside its mini-pockets. █████ kept smiling as you busied yourself in hopes you’d locate your phone sooner. To fill in the dead air (and to avoid getting uncomfortable knowing that a man was keeping a close eye on you), you got right onto the meat of the subject by asking questions.
“Hey— I know this is weird, but can I see your hands?”
█████ didn’t respond for a while, lost in a trance before you lightly waved at his face. His soft gaze broke as he blinked fast multiple times.
“My… hands? Alright.”
He pulled his long sleeves— which iconically trailed longer than any other coat in the company— to smoothly show off his slender fingers. █████ glanced at his wristwatch in the process. 4:09 PM. Just one minute more.
Meanwhile, you flinched. He clearly had five fingers in each hand. The normal amount. You didn’t know what exactly you were expecting.
“Hah, I’m definitely sleep deprived,” you spoke humorously. “When I checked our picture this morning I swear I saw six fingers.”
He didn’t laugh. Slowly, he closed his eyes, unamused.
“You’re wrong.” 
█████’s voice dipped low.
You never realized how warm his servile gazes were until he starts looking at you with a cold glare.
You felt your spine tremble as you took note of how he crossed his arms. What’s with this sudden shift in atmosphere? Shouldn’t he laugh at how strange your question was instead?
Why did he sound so offended?
Due to the nature of his tone, you sputtered out an excuse to bring back the light conversation you had before, “must’ve been because its dark— here hold on I took a screenshot of it.”
You opened your gallery, not bothering to scroll deep into it since it should be a recent photo. Yet, you paused, and frantically swiped up and down. You expected that screenshot to be the first image that greets you upon opening the app, but you only saw an entirely black PNG file. Why on earth did that screenshot turn void? You tried searching but you only found recent scans from the last week’s meetings and some “candid” selfies Hilda most likely snapped for herself. 
This makes no sense whatsoever! You swore you took the screenshot earlier and there was no notification that it failed to save it.
“█████” smirked.
11:56 PM M: (Y/n) waits at the bus station.
02:33 AM T: (Y/n) arrives home.
8:01 AM T: (Y/n) has a meeting.
4:10 PM T: (Y/n) looks at their phone at Cafe █████.
4:10 PM. GONE.
You’re so adorable when you have your phone close to your face with your eyebrows knitted like that… Oh, his dear beloved, you nearly got him…
It’s such a shame that he knows your phone like the back of his palm.
“Is something the matter, (Y/n)?”
Kamisato Ayato chuckled behind his sleeve.
You wouldn’t meet his eye, “I was pretty certain I took a screenshot of it this morning, this is so strange…”
Quickly, you opened Instagram to check “█████”’s Story, but the image was missing as well. Since Stories only expire after 24 hours, and it has only been a little over half that time since it was posted, it shouldn't have disappeared. Your eyes remained glued to your phone, unbeknownst to the sinister smile your coworker wore amidst your defeated state.
“Say, did you remove your Stor—”
“█████” slid his phone onto the table.
You picked it up. It’s the picture you two had at the station. You zoomed in on his hand.
Five fingers.
“… Yeah, it’s definitely five,” you whimpered almost inaudibly. “Here I thought I could show you something funny. Damn. I’m really sleep-deprived.”
“I know, you sleep at around 2:30 after all.”
You took a breath and then shook your head. There is no need to be skeptical about that statement; it's simple arithmetic. He reportedly knows a lot about accounting, thus he most likely estimated the length of your ride home as if it were a no-brainer. You gave him a wary smile. He's a lot more calculating than you first thought; he even picked up that you were looking for the photo you took the night before without your having to tell him.
Doing what needed to be done without being asked…
“█████” swiftly took his phone back.
“Now then, would you care to enlighten me as to what tastes good on this cafe’s menu?”
You smiled.
Yeah. You think you’ll get along with the new Project Manager just fine.
“Why, it’ll be my pleasure! First off, the frappe here is not that bad…”
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Word List: Fashion History
to try to include in your poem/story (pt. 2/3)
Exomis - a short, asymmetrical wrap garment pinned at the left shoulder, worn by men in Ancient Greece
Eye of Horus - or Wedjat eye, is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents the eye of the falcon-headed god Horus and symbolizes healing and regeneration and was often worn for protection
Faience - a man-made ceramic material that was often used in ancient Egypt to make jewelry and devotional objects; it is usually a blue color
Falling Band - a flat and broad white collar often with lace on the edges, worn by men and women in the 17th century
Fibula - served as a pin to both hold garments together and to show status of those with prestige or power within society; was popular in Greek culture
Fichu - a triangular shawl, usually worn by women, draped over the shoulders and crossed or fastened in the front
Fontange - a linen cap with layers of lace and ribbon, worn flat and pinned to the back of the head
French Hood - a rounded headdress for women that was popular in the 16th century (from 1540)
Frock Coat - a collared man’s coat worn through the eighteenth to the twentieth century; rose to prominence mainly in the nineteenth century, especially Victorian England; characterized as a knee-length overcoat, buttoned down to the waist, that drapes over the lower half of the body like a skirt
Frogging - ornamental braid or cording that can function as a garment closure, or be solely decorative
Gabled Hood - a woman’s headdress that is wired to create a point at the top of the head and has fabric that drapes from the back of the head
Gigot Sleeve - a sleeve that was full at the shoulder and became tightly fitted to the wrist; also called leg-of-mutton sleeve
Guipure Lace - a type of continuous bobbin lace made without a mesh ground; its motifs are connected by bridges or plaits
Himation - a rectangular cloak wrapped around the body and thrown over the left shoulder worn by the ancient Greeks
Huipilli/Huipil - a woven rectangular shirt worn by women in Central America beginning in ancient times
Jerkin - a close-fitting men’s jacket, often worn for warmth, sometimes without sleeves; worn over a doublet in the 16th and 17th centuries
Justaucorps - a long-sleeved, knee-length coat worn by men after 1666 and throughout the 18th century
Kaftan - (also caftan) is an ancient garment, which originated in ancient Persia but then spread across Central and Western Asia; a kind of robe or tunic that was worn by both men and women
Katazome (stencil printing) - a traditional Japanese method for printing designs onto fabric using a stencil and paste-resist dyes
Kaunakes - one of the earliest forms of clothing; made from goat or sheep’s wool and meant to be worn around the waist like a skirt, it is recognizable by its fringe detailing
Kente - a Ghanaian strip woven textile that has striped patterns and bright colors with corresponding meanings
Knickerbockers - or “knickers” are full or baggy trousers gathered at the knee or just below and usually fastened with either a button or buckle; were initially worn by men in the late 19th century and gradually became part of women’s fashion; the garment was usually worn as sportswear and became especially popular among golfers and female cyclists, hence the term “pedal pushers”
Kohl - a black material made out of minerals such as galena and used for eyeliner and eye protection in ancient Egypt
Labret - a type of lip-piercing worn by various cultures to indicate wealth, prosperity and beauty
Love Lock - a lock of hair from the nape of the neck hanging over the chest to show romantic attachment; it was a popular hairstyle between 1590-1650
Lurex - a shiny synthetic fiber made of aluminum-coated plastic with a glittering metallic sheen
Mantua - a jacket-like bodice with pulled back overskirt that bustled in the back, often in elaborately patterned fabric, first worn in the 17th century
Medici Collar - a collar that stands upright on the back of the neck and opens in the front; this type of ruff was introduced to France by Marie de’ Medici in the 16th century, taking her name two centuries later
Moccasins - a type of soft animal skin shoe that were worn by Indians in North America
Muff - a tubular padded covering of fur or fabric, into which both hands are placed for warmth
Mule - a backless shoe
Muslin - a simple plain-weave textile made out of cotton and available in varying weights and finishes; historically, there were also varieties of muslin in silk and wool
Needle Lace -often known as “needlepoint lace”; is a term referring to the technique in which the lace is made of entirely needle work; it developed in the 15th century and then became very popular throughout the 16th century
Nemes Headdress - starched, striped linen headdress that draped on the shoulders and had a tail at center back worn only by royals in ancient Egypt
Panes/Paning - a method of decoration using long parallel strips of fabric arranged to reveal a contrasting fabric underneath that was fashionable from the 15th-17th centuries
Panniers - an under-structure used in eighteenth-century fashion that created a shape wide at the sides and flat at the front and back
Pantalettes - (also referred to as pantaloons) are loose, pants-like undergarments that covered women’s lower halves in the late 18th and early 19th century
Particolored - the combination of different colors within the same garment along the vertical axis
Passementerie - an additional accent or embellishment in silk or metallic threads, such as an embroidered braid, tassel or fringe
Pattens - wooden-soled platform over-shoes, which were commonly worn from the 14th century to the 18th century
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Fashion History More: Word Lists
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drama--universe · 9 months
Jealousy, jealousy
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Requested by anonymous: Hi 👋 can you please write for Vincenzo, Jang Han Seok, Jang Han Seo about how will they react when their jealous?
Thank you ❤️
Pairings: Vincenzo Cassano, Jang Han-Seok & Jang Han-Seo x reader
Warnings: toxic relationship (Han-Seok)
Vincenzo Cassano:
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Picking you up at work after your shift was normal for him
normally you are right at the entrance, waiting for him
today you're not
instead, you are still inside and talking to someone
it seemed like you were stopped before leaving, clear as you were holding your bag and dressed in a long coat and his shawl
now Vincenzo knew you were an decent person, not one to ever lie or even think of cheating
but the burning feeling in his chest was impossible to ignore
his hands were clenched, fingernails digging in his palm as he watched from outside
receiving weird looks from a number of people that just as quickly left after being glared at
now there are multiple ways this could go after that
one, he'd remain outside and wait for you
more likely to was option number two
he'd go inside and get you
so with a fake smile plastered on his face, he made his way inside
one of his arms made his way around your waist, a chaste kiss on your cheek before he turned to the person
holding out his hand to greet them, he made sure to tighten his grip a bit more than necessary
then he turned to you again
and you could see the slight annoyance in his eyes, so you excused yourself and made your way outside
"You're jealous."
he scoffs and roles his eyes at you
but does not deny anything and instead chooses to remain quiet
"He's already married with three kids. Trust me, he's not interested."
it changes nothing, Vincenzo has seen man do much worse
but he drops it and focuses on you instead
you might get a more clingy Vincenzo for the rest of the day though
Jang Han Seok:
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won't even try to defend him
he gets jealous quickly, doesn't really like anyone talking to you
but he won't act until it goes to far
which basically means if the other person got a bit too close for his liking
touching you in any way is also a giant no
and if that happens, the person would suddenly not talk to you anymore for some reason
worst case scenario, they'd suddenly dissapear
best example of this is your previous boss
a bit too handsy for Han-Seok's liking, even though his actions were meant in a fatherly way
and you knew this of course, seeing no problem with the touches since they were all with your consent
suddenly he didn't show up the next day
or the next
or the next week
and then you're told that you have a new boss since the previous one quit
you're at a complete loss, which quickly turns into a rant as you tell your boyfriend
unaware as he smiles throughout the story
also unaware of your previous boss' screams from your basement
instead, Han-Seok shushes to sleep with a smirk
Jang Han Seo:
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this man makes it impossible for you not to make him jealous
he trusts you fully, but by God does he get pouty
first time noticing this is at a work party
he's standing by your side, arm wrapped around your waist
you talk to a business partner
one from overseas and thus different ways of greeting
more commonly a kiss, or three, on the cheek while smiling brightly
you are accustomed to this, Han-Seo is definitely not
first, a look of bewilderment
quickly followed by a scoff and roll of the eyes
(cause he's sassy like that)
but as the conversation continues and your laughter doesn't seize, he gets pouty
fingers playing with your dress/shirt, trying to get your attention
all while his bottom lip is slightly pushed out in a form of pout
this can end in two ways then
one, he gets his attention and your friend leaves
which makes him happy, of course, and will probably get you kisses
second one, you continue to talk
gets more pouty before leaving your side, just barely though
gets something to drink or eat, gets you one as well
then basically forces himself in the conversation one way or another
will call you his wife on accident, blushes but remains confident in that statement
he's ready to pop the question anyway if you wanted him too, ring always ready in the inner pocket of his jacket/pants pocket
you usually shrug it off to his greatest disappointment
and when the conversation is fully stopped, you will probably be kissed as well
you're getting kissed anyway, so choose your route
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mouwrites · 10 months
Hi!! Just passing here to let you know I really enjoy those lil’ headcannons about Ninjago! Really sweet! 💜💜
Also, i do have a request that would be fluffy and interesting i think, maybe some headcannons about a “the Ninja with a s/o who has cold urticaria”? It’s basically a rare allergy to the cold with buttons and rash and everything.
If you can, thank you! If not, that's okay! :D
Absolutely!! I hope I represented this condition accurately,, I did try to do a little research beforehand ^^”
Ninjago - Ninjas When You Have Cold Urticaria (Cold Allergy)
He gets really worried the first time you have a reaction
He tries to get you to the hospital, even after you explain your condition
“Jay, I’m not dying. It’s just an allergic reaction.”
“Those can be deadly too!! Come on, the emergency room is open 24/7 for a reason—”
From then on he always gets super anxious whenever it’s cold; he immediately thinks of you
He’ll drop everything and try to escort you somewhere warmer immediately
Or if there’s nowhere to go, he rips off layer after layer of his own gear and puts it on you
You’ve had to stop him from taking his shirt off more than once
Either way he puts his arm around you and rubs your arms vigorously, trying to warm you
No matter how many times it happens, he always freaks out when you have a reaction
Honestly you’ll have to comfort him more than he’ll be able to comfort you
And when the reaction passes you’ll have to let him cuddle you under every blanket you own until he feels you feel better
He’s a little alarmed when he finds out about your condition
But once you assure him that it’s nothing too serious, he’s more curious than anything
He’ll ask you tons of questions, mostly just trying to figure out how to help you
He makes sure to remind you to layer up whenever you go out
He also keeps an extra pair of gloves, a scarf, and a shawl in his bag for you
The second it gets a little chilly, he finds you and discreetly asks if you want them
“Hey, do you need gloves? What about the scarf?”
“Yes please. To both.”
He won’t force you to wear them if you don’t want to though
He also carries anti-itch cream if you have a reaction
He’ll rub it in for you before wrapping you in a warm hug
Your hands will be trapped in his own as he breathes hot breath on them
He’s trying to warm your fingers, but he’s also trying to keep you from itching at your hives
Zane had the subtlest of reactions when he discovers your allergy
He was well aware of the condition beforehand; as a master of ice, he knows all about the cold
So he’s very accommodating to your needs
He makes sure to stay far away from you when using his powers
He won’t even think of coming near you until he’s restored a normal temperature
And when it’s cold out, he makes sure you’re sufficiently warm
He always checks the weather before going out, using it to judge whether you’re dressed appropriately
“Y/n, it will drop to freezing temperatures today. You will need more layers. Here, let me get your wool coat.”
“Oh, I had no idea it was gonna get that cold… Thank you, Zane!”
And of course he carries anti-itch cream, lotion, and an epipen at all times
He might not always be at your side when you have a reaction, but when he doesn’t want to get near (when he’s cold/using his powers) he’ll get someone else to deliver the supplies to you
He honestly thought you were joking at first
But when he saw the hives and the dead-serious look in your eyes, he knew you weren’t kidding
He panicked a little, asking if there was anything he could do
He’s always more than happy to use his powers to warm you up
In fact, he automatically places himself beside you the second it gets the tiniest bit chilly
His arm, warm as an electric blanket, wraps around your back, rubbing up and down to distribute the warmth
He doesn’t mind at all; for one, he’s helping you, and two, he gets an excuse for some PDA
You might have to scold him when he gets a little too handsy
He’ll back away with a sly snicker, making you come back to him to maintain warmth
“I thought I was being too handsy?”
“Shut up, dork. You’re warm.”
He was pretty worried and confused when he first witnessed a flare up
He was relieved when you explained things to him
Really, he was just happy it wasn’t anything life-threatening
He offered to hold you to help warm you up
He’s a pretty big guy, and very warm, so of course he’s going to use this to your advantage
Also, he doesn’t get cold too easily, so he’s always glad to lend you his coat
He’ll try to keep an eye on you when you’re out, looking for signs that you might be cold
The second he suspects that you might be getting chilly, he’s making his way over to you to check if you need some extra warmth
“You look a little chilly. Need my coat?”
He’ll try to keep your hands busy as well so that you don’t itch at your hives too much
As someone with a niche allergy herself, she understands right away when you have a reaction
She already carries an epipen, but she starts to carry an extra one for you
She also adds socks, gloves, anti-itch cream, and lotion to her little allergy emergency pack
It’s usually just in her purse, but now she’s extra motivated to make sure she has it at all times
She’ll also check the temperature every day before going outside
“Hmm, it’s pretty cold out today, Y/n. Maybe you should stay inside.”
“But I’ll miss you!”
If you manage to break down her insistence, she’ll bundle you up excessively
She’ll also keep you as close as possible, huddling for extra warmth
If/when you start to have a reaction, her response is quick
She hurries you out of the cold and asks you what you need from the allergy kit
She’ll help you apply whatever you need, whether that’s just some anti-itch cream or a pair of socks
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Thank you for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care loves <33
(divider by saradika)
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biscuityskies · 3 months
For the wip game, Idk man (story)? (very relatable and I’m so intrigued)
So this one actually started out as pure filth in the DMs, and then it… grew legs. And a consciousness. And a plot. It’s called “idk man (story)” bc there’s a planning document called “idk man” which contains copies of the messages that were sent in a very crude format, and THAT one is called “idk man” bc genuinely I didn’t know how to phrase “billionaire philanthropist bachelor sucks dick of local symphony conductor” in fewer or nicer words 💀
Essentially, the city’s most eligible bachelor (Obi-Wan) goes to the symphony after his grandfather (Palpatine) dies and he inherits the estate and all the strings attached. One of those strings is the tax break that is the philharmonic, and Obi-Wan figures he should at least check it out before continuing to commit to the bit of funding it. (And then he like falls in love with the maestro (Cody) or whatever blah blah blah there’s smut eventually)
Here’s a portion of it!!
He remembers the material of his mother’s dress, a lovely green against her auburn hair, a soft shawl wrapped around her shoulders. The blue of his father’s tie, which brought out the mischief in his humour-lined eyes. The swell of the music, the way it swept him along in the ebb and flow. How it felt like he was really in a ship with Sinbad, sailing the seven seas, or fighting in a market alongside him, brothers in arms.
His death grip on the bloodstained program during the ride to the hospital.
“I can take your coat, sir,” Maria says, leading him to the box.
The Eoan and Lena Memorial Box.
Obi-Wan can't help his wince. He’s the city’s favourite orphan, of course they named the box after his dead parents.
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