#she already means the world to me and she is so cute
its-weeping · 1 day
You sit courtside of an MSBY game and Bokuto falls for you and plays extra hard to show off for you so you talk to him after the game
i wouldn't be surprised if he misses a shot bc he's too busy looking at you or js messing up a spike 😭
also thank you guys sm for your requests pls keep doing so if you have any ideas for me! <33
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𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 ! ‧ ₊˚ ʚ
𖥻 is it the results or is it you keeping him so determined?
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𖥻 cw: suggestive content if you squint, use of 'pretty' for the reader
𖥻 pairing: bokuto kotaro x reader
notes: the reading flow might be a tad bit odd but uh pls excuse that. i might go over this again to make some changes, but nothing that'll change the storyline.
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bokuto kotaro, no. 12 and outside hitter for the msby black jackals. who knew he'd fall for someone at first sight?
well, practically everyone.
because it wasn't long before his teammates began noticing his overly chipper mood. bokuto's serves and spikes were more vigorous than usual, his form perfection. and they had figured out the reason for his outstanding performance wasn't only because he wanted to win, it was because he wanted to impress someone.
you didn't know much about the black jackals, merely surface level information being that they were everywhere. billboards, magazines, social media, the faces of their players were on everything you caught sight of. but you didn't mind though—admittedly they weren't bad to look at.
the roaring yells of the audience reels you back to reality and you turn to where the source of the commotion was. it turned out to be the team's very own ace.
"why is everyone cheering for no. 12?" your words catch your friend's attention.
"the crowd does that whenever he serves because it gets him hyped up. it's like he's saying 'c'mon world, cheer for me!'. isn't it cute?!"
you nod, giving her a small smile as you recast your attention onto bokuto once more, "yeah, i guess it is pretty cute.."
your friend raises a brow at this. normally when she'd drag you to volleyball games you'd be uninterested in the players and solely mind the results of the game, although it seemed this time something else had caught your attention.
she calls your name, awaiting your attention to fall back on her. only you were too fixated on the game, eyes darting from player to player and team to team.
she continues nonetheless, "you know, i've noticed bokuto-san seems to look at a certain someone whenever he serves. or when he celebrates after scoring, he points at a certain someone in our section. but that could mean nothing."
her accusation doesn't go unnoticed and your eyes abandon the match in front of you.
"what are you trying to say?" you narrow your eyes, curiosity peaking. she only shrugs, suddenly finding the volleyball game unusually interesting.
"score! and bokuto steals the final point for the black jackals, earning them the victory for this match!"
a mix of instruments and cheers erupt into blaring sounds, echoing throughout the whole stadium.
both teams come to bow and shake hands with one another as soon as the game ends, and once they are able, the crowd begins to disperse to meet with the volleyball players.
you're one out of the mass of people currently in line to meet with the players of the black jackals—well, a player. and despite wanting to believe it was your friend's words that was at fault for this, you had to admit the owl captured your interest. from his skills and his spikes, to his personality and body.
so here you now were, face to face with player no. 12 of the msby black jackals after what felt like an hour of waiting.
although you aren't able to get the first word in as bokuto does it for you, automatic greetings spilling from his mouth. you try to speak over him but with the already bustling stadium and his overpowering voice, it's difficult. bokuto unexpectedly cuts himself off when he finally peers over at you, eyes widening.
"oh–! wow you're even prettier up close.."
you give a shy thank you back and he grins, just happy you're here and talking to him—even if it was only a simple thank you.
"uhm, i just wanted to say you were amazing during the match. you looked really cool too."
"really?! i hope so!"
"yeah, you're really good! i'll have to see more of your games from now on."
the volleyball player smirks, god your compliments truly had him overconfident. he couldn't waste the opportunity.
"you definitely should, then i'll have the motivation to play extra hard like i did today. i mean i just had to show off my skills when i saw you!"
well it looks like her observations were correct.
safe to say his words stunned you, and suddenly your voice doesn't come easy; you're mousy under bokuto's gaze. he's looking at you with so much interest, so much fascination, and a hint of desire.
"then," you muster up your remaining courage, "how about a celebration dinner? you do need a reward for your hard work after all."
bokuto perks up at the offer, winking, "it's a date."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 !
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© its-weeping — do not plagiarize or translate.
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lynzishell · 2 days
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There's a slight chill in the air today. One of those days where the heat of the sun is beating down, but every now and then, a breeze kicks up causing goosebumps to raise on my arms as it flutters through leaves that are starting to turn to various shades of gold but have not yet fallen. Still holding on along with the last remnants of summer.
As promised, I’m walking with Asher to the bakery for a decent cup of coffee. He invited Lex to come along, which I’m glad about. I always enjoy hanging out with her. She keeps things light and easy.
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She’s ahead of us now, alternating between skipping forward and hopping backward so she can gesture to us as she tells her story. She reminds me of a child in a bouncy house recounting a grand adventure. Exaggerated, out of breath, and constantly trying not to laugh as she stumbles about. It’s infectious.
Just being in her presence, I feel lighter, like the weight of the world has taken a break from my shoulders, allowing me to relax and breathe a little easier.
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It’s easy to see that her and Ash have been friends for years. They act more like siblings with their constant inside jokes and play-fighting. I’ve already given up on trying to follow their conversation about people I’ve never met and places I’ve never been, but enjoy the sounds of their banter all the same.
“Hey, Atlas!” Lex jumps over and smacks my arm with the back of her hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. She’s affectionate in an almost violent way: slapping, poking, wrestling. Her hugs are the kind that leave you gasping for air. Affection is not something I’m used to, nor does it come easily to me, so Lex’s heavy jostling is somehow more palatable than softer, more intimate forms of contact, even if I still rarely reciprocate.
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“Have you caught up on Somnium yet?” She asks me this every week, but at least today I won’t have to disappoint her again.
“Yeah, Dawn and I caught up the other night.”
She squeals and claps her hands together, excited to finally be able to talk without spoiling, “So, what do you think of your precious coffee shop boy now?”
I roll my eyes at her, “Jesus, Lex, I said he was cute once, and now you’re always up my ass about it.”
Asher perks up and asks with a grin, “Ah, so that’s your type huh? Pale boys with black hair?”
I look over, surprised by his sudden interest, and noting the way he pointed out literally the only thing he has in common with the character. The truth is, Wyatt isn’t really my type. But Asher, with his relaxed confidence and playful smile, very much is, so I decide to play along, shrugging casually, “I mean, it’d be better if he dyed his hair a bright color like blue, or green, or something, but close enough.”
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He laughs and then squints up at me, “See, now, I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me or flirting with me.”
“Pourquoi pas le deux, hm?” He is cute, isn’t he? Especially the way he’s looking at me now, chewing on his bottom lip, his gray eyes searching mine as he tries to determine how serious I am. As we look at each other, the air suddenly feels electric between us, and I have to avert my gaze before my face gives me away. I’m relieved to see we’re approaching the bakery, and I jump ahead to open the door before he can respond.
As I hold it open, Lex walks through giving me a sideways glance and an amused smile. Asher follows close behind, saying, “Thank you,” and flashing me a quick wink that catches me off guard. My stomach flips as I fall in line behind them, dropping my head to hide my face as I smile to myself.
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The Past 💛 Atlas Prev // Next
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razorblade180 · 2 days
Silver Wolf:*gaming*
Firefly:*swings door open* Can you keep a secret?
Silver Wolf:If I couldn’t, everyone’s IP address would be in danger. What’s up? Accidentally set one of the Trailblazers on fire?
Firefly:No, not this time. I have a date with Caelus soon and I’m pretty nervous. I wanted some tips considering you two have been acquainted longer.
Silver Wolf:Firefly, do I look like the type to go on dates? Caelus and I eat junk food and play video games whenever we interact. Well, for the most part anyways.
Silver Wolf:Do you see that water bottle over there? *tilts head*
Firefly looks towards the window and sees a long metallic cylinder covered in purple markings.
Firefly:Is water actually in that?
Silver Wolf:Yeeeep. Typically I wouldn’t care much about my water intake, but being dehydrated and dealing with Caelus is the shittiest thing you can do for stamina.
Firefly:Wait…*red* You’re that far in your relationship!?
Silver Wolf: *pauses game*….Firefly, that was basically our starting point. It’s nothing serious. The two of us just chill. *resumes game* You know me. I don’t really dabble with emotional stuff much. It’s of a physical thing.
Firefly:You sound so calm about it. I don’t think I can handle a moment like that without feeling the pressure.
Silver Wolf:Oh don’t get me wrong, I was freaking out! He’s twice my size as a person. He’s twice your size. He could probably throw you with one arm.
Firefly:You aren’t inspiring confidence here, Silver Wolf.
Silver Wolf:Oh, is that what you wanted? In that case I don’t see why you’re worried. You’re better at social queues. Also Kafka always went on about “making Caelus with me in mind” whatever that means. I naturally had a disadvantage. You’re more equipped.
Firefly:Huh…I wonder if Kafka did anything like that in Stelle’s case.
Silver Wolf:Why? Having trouble with her too?
Firefly:No we’ve already slept together. Hehe, I rocked her world. *puffs chest out* She was really cute about the entire-
Silver Wolf:*drops controller*…..Sam?
Silver Wolf:If you’ve conquered one challenge, why the heck are you shaking in your boots now!?
Firefly:Boys are different! I don’t know what I’m doing! Plus Caelus is so aloof. I can’t tell what he’s thinking.
Guinaifen:Sup my beautiful chatters! Today I’m going to be doing a chubby bunny contest with a very special guest.
Caelus:Wooo! Bring on the marshmallows!!! I’m going for fifteen!
Bailu:You will stop at ten. I don’t think I can save you after ten.
Caelus:Then what if we do the cinnamon challenge instead?
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borathae · 12 hours
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↳ Index [Chapter 08 - Lake]
Warnings: good days and good feels and people being happy <3, emotional conversations by a bonfire, this is pure comfort, ah yes there is also skinny dipping by the lake, and a cute picnic date <3
Wordcount: 10k
a/n: now this is the end :( thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, i hope that you guys could find comfort and healing in this story and here to so many more stories about this universe 💙
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Taehyung startles awake, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. The latter is standing over him, staring at the peculiar scene with scrunched brows. 
“Hyung”, Taehyung clears his sleepy throat and sits up, “what are you doing here?” 
They are whispering. 
“Just checking if any of you are awake. How did you manage to share this small bed?” 
Taehyung looks to his side where you and Jungkook are cuddled together. Jungkook has both his arms wrapped around you. You have your chin against his chest which results in your neck to be bent into a weird position and for your mouth to be agape. Jungkook sleeps with his chin almost swallowed in your mouth and his own lips widely agape. 
“These two seem completely gone”, Taehyung stifles a laugh. 
“Yeah, doesn’t look comfortable at all.” 
“Agreed. Come, let us let them sleep”, Taehyung says and rolls out of bed. He makes sure to tug you and Jungkook back in and leaves the room with Yoongi.
“You look better.” 
“I do? What do you mean?” 
Yoongi points at Taehyung’s ankle. 
“You’re not in pain anymore.” 
“I am? Oh! I am!” Taehyung widens his eyes in joyful realization, “oh this is remarkable. I can walk again.”
“Mhm good. You guys were reckless yesterday.” 
Taehyung clicks his tongue, “why can’t you merely be happy for me once? Why must you always turn everything into a lecture?” he is teasing, which makes Yoongi laugh. 
“It’s the age, I can’t help it.”
He jogs down the stairs in a light step. Taehyung does the same. 
“Good morning”, your grandmother greets them. She is knitting, sitting on the window seat with a mug of tea by her side.
“Good morning, Agatha. Did you sleep well?”
“I did, thank you for asking, Yoongi dear. And you?” 
“Like a baby.” 
Your grandma scans her eyes over Taehyung’s ankle.
“How are you doing today, Taehyung dear? ___ told me that you and Jungkook had a little accident yesterday. We were worried.” 
“We stupidly jumped down the hayloft.”
“You did? Oh my, oh my”, she gasps, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“Indeed. Jungkook jumped first and I followed in blind worry. Truly, you must know that in the real world we could jump down buildings without hurting ourselves.”
“Oh my, oh my. It was instinct then.”
“Indeed it was and we paid the price. Silly us.”
“But you’re okay again?”
“I am. It feels as if nothing ever happened. Yoongi’s spell truly helped. As did whatever was in the porridge yesterday. I thank you for making it. It was truly remarkable.”
Your grandmother smiles mischievously, “that’s good to hear.”
“What did you put in it for it to taste so healing?” 
“Magic, my dear. Just a little bit of magic.”
“I see. Well, it was truly wonderful. Thank you. Like this, I can enjoy our last day here.”
“Is it already the last day? Oh my, time flies by too quickly”, she says and looks back at her knitting, “what a shame, I got so used to having you here with us.” 
“We will definitely come back many more times”, Taehyung promises.
“Good, oh that is very good to hear”, she snickers mischievously, “I will have to beat you at Schnaps one day.”
Taehyung laughs, “then I must tell you that I will not lose without a fight.”
She laughs, “good. I wouldn’t want an easy fight either way.” 
They exchange a mischievous look with each other and then Taehyung turns his attention to Yoongi instead. The latter is busy making coffee and tea. 
Taehyung comes up behind him to hug his middle, resting his chin on his shoulder. The melody once leaving Yoongi’s lips, gets stuck in his throat, his body tenses up. 
“What are you doing?”
“Friendship hug. I have a lot of catching up to do now that we are friends.”
“Does it have to be hugs? Can’t it be a handshake or a friendly nod?”
“No. No, it has to be hugs”, Taehyung says and gives Yoongi a little squeeze.
“You’re so weird”, Yoongi murmurs, but gives Taehyung’s hand an awkward pet. Just twice then he already pulls back, “okay enough. It’s getting uncomfortable.”
“You held out longer than I imagined”, Taehyung says and steps back, “you are very huggable, hyung.”
“This feels like a curse when you say it”, he jokes and follows it up with a gentle nudge to Taehyung’s chin and a fond, “brat.” 
Then he turns his attention back to the coffee. Taehyung smiles, feeling flutters in his chest. 
“Have you thought about our plan more?” 
“What plan?” Yoongi asks.
“The plan to find your friends.”
“Ah”, Yoongi says and shakes his head, “not yet. I need time.”
“I understand. Well, if you need company on your endeavours, you can always count on me.”
“Thank you, Tae. I appreciate it.” 
The eye contact is fleeting because Yoongi is shy. He clears his throat, scratching the side of his neck.
“Uhm”, he begins and clears his throat again, “carry the tea.”
He walks off with two mugs of coffee and Taehyung is left alone with two mugs of tea. He takes them and follows Yoongi upstairs.
“What are we going to do with them?”
“Wake the others. It’s the last day here, they should spend it well, not sleep till noon.” 
“Yes. I agree. Oh hyung, I am very excited. We could take a walk in the forest or make music together.”
“Mhm, sounds nice.” 
Yoongi uses his elbow to open the bedroom door.
“Wake up you two”, he says as he carries the coffee to the bedside table. He places the mugs on it then gives you and Jungkook a little shake, “wake up.”
Jungkook wakes first, flinching aggressively which in return wakes you. You whine, rolling to your other side so you could bury your face in the pillow. Jungkook grumbles quietly and hides away in the pillow instantly to continue sleeping.
“No snoozing, wake up”, Yoongi tells you in a soft voice and his fingers tracing your hairline. He is smiling fondly, thinking to himself that you look especially beautiful in the morning.
“Go away”, you mumble into the pillow.
He laughs and bends down to kiss your temple, “I’m not leaving.”
“I was dreaming so well, you’re so mean.”
“And you’re missing out on a nice day. Wake up”, he kisses your cheek then straightens up to reach over you to Jungkook. He shakes him gently, cradling his cheek afterwards, “you too, Kookie. Wake up.”
“Five more minutes”, he lulls.
“You two”, Yoongi laughs and steps back, “you’re gonna miss the entire day.”
“Listen to him”, Taehyung says and throws himself over you and Jungkook. He rolls around on top of you, earning himself loud whines, “wake up or I will tickle you.”
“Tae please”, you whine.
“Get off”, Jungkook whines.
“No”, Taehyung says and pinches his side.
Jungkook squeaks and sits up instantly, hitting his hand away.
“It’s not cool, don’t do that”, he whines with a pout.
“But it managed to wake you”, Taehyung says and pinches your side next.
“Tae”, you squeak and writhe away, “don’t do that.”
“Wake up, darling”, Taehyung coos and tickles you again.
“God, you’re so annoying”, you laugh, swiping his hands away as you roll onto your back.
Taehyung laughs and leans down to kiss your cheek. His hands are still on your waist.
“Are you going to fall back to sleep?”
“No god, just don’t tickle me again.”
Taehyung gets off bed, grinning at Yoongi.
“Mission accomplished.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement, “you definitely did. Coffee and tea are on the bedside table. Come down once you’re ready. We’re making breakfast.”
“Oh brekkie”, Jungkook coos with sparkling eyes.
“Mhm, we’re gonna eat it by the lake”, Yoongi says and leaves the room.
“Oh my god, picnic”, you gush, sitting up in excitement.
“Mhm, come on Tae we have lots to do.”
“Do you truly trust me with the kitchen, hyung?” he is teasing, bumping his shoulder with Yoongi as a snicker leaves him.
“No, but I’ll make sure you don’t burn the whole house down”, Yoongi throws back jokingly, making Taehyung laugh and then hug his arm.
The door falls closed behind them. Only you and Jungkook are left. You exchange a look with him. His hair is messy, the pillow is still marked onto his face in red streaks. He meets your eyes and grins sleepily, leaning in to kiss your lips before moving past you to get the coffee.
He sips on it, turning his back to you so he could sit by the window and look outside.
You take the mug of tea, then climb onto his lap. He wraps his arm around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks.
“Mhm yeah. My neck’s killing me though. What did I do?”
“Don’t know”, Jungkook kisses your neck as he talks, “probably slept weird.”
“Mhm probably”, you say and take a sip of the tea, “mhm Yoongi definitely made this.”
“Yeah, the coffee too. It tastes Yoongi made.”
Jungkook rests his chin on your shoulder again, travelling his hand up and down your waist mindlessly.
“Did you sleep well too?” you ask him.
“Mh-hm so well”, he says, “I didn’t even notice that the bed’s so small.”
“Yeah, it’s probably magical because I also had enough space.”
“Magical. Mhm that could be it”, he says and gives you a soft squeeze, “can’t we just stay like this forever? You’re so comfy on my lap.”
You giggle, snuggling closer into him, “I wouldn’t mind. You’re very comfy too.”
“My knees don’t hurt anymore, by the way.”
“They don’t?” you turn in his lap, “Kookie this is amazing. So the magic worked?”
“I think it did. Look”, he lifts you off his lap and hands you his mug so he can lie on his back and kick his feet into the air, “I can do this and it doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m so happy. I was so worried.”
“You did really well”, Jungkook sits up and kisses your cheek, “you’re so cool.”
“Yoongi did most of the work.”
“Yeah, well you helped so this makes you just as cool”, he says with a cute smile.
“Thank you, oh god”, you mumble, feeling shy.
He kisses your cheek, then sits back to sip on his coffee, letting his eyes race over your features.
“What?” you ask him shyly.
“I like looking at you”, he smiles softly, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Oh god”, you instinctively reach up to fix your hair, “I just woke up though.”
“And? I woke up too and do you think I’m ugly?”
“Of course not.”
“You’re not ugly either.”
“Gah Jungkook, stop it”, you gasp and nudge his chest, having to giggle, “you’re so sweet.”
“Heh, you too”, he says and kisses your cheek.
You wash your face and brush your teeth while Jungkook showers. Once he is done, you are already finished, having left the bathroom to get dressed and leave for downstairs. 
Yoongi and Taehyung are in the kitchen. They have the radio running. Taehyung sits by the dining table, slicing fruits while Yoongi is in the midst of filling up containers with breakfast. 
“This already smells amazing.”
They turn their heads in synch, looking at you.
“My darling, you are finally here.”
“I am”, you greet him with a kiss, “how is your ankle?”
“It is as good as new. Look, I can move it without pain.”
“That’s so good to hear. Gosh darling you, I was worried yesterday”, you say, ruffling his hair.
Taehyung grins and looks back at the fruits.
“And you”, you walk to Yoongi, hugging him from the back, “how are you doing, my love?”
“Good. I made breakfast and your grandmother made bread which we can take.”
“Gosh, I’m so happy. Where are they anyways?”
“In town again. Deborah needed that favour today.”
Deborah was one of your grandmother’s friends. Last night, your grandmother told you that she met her friend in town and that she needed help with fixing the lightning and that it could happen that they needed to leave for town today. 
“I see. Gosh, now I’m sad. It’s our last day here and we can’t see them.”
“They promised to be back before dinner.”
“Good. Yeah. I think I would have cried  if we had to leave before saying goodbye to them”, you say and look around the counter, “can I help you with something?”
“No, I’m almost done.”
“Yes, I can manage”, Yoongi assures you and leaves the hug so he can store the finished breakfast in baskets.
Now without a task and with Yoongi very obviously busy, you sit down next to Taehyung.
“Can I at least help you with something?”
“No, thank you. I am almost finished.”
“It seems that I’m really useless here”, you joke.
“Not useless. We simply enjoy spoiling you”, Taehyung says with a kiss to your cheek.
“Gosh, you guys are all so sweet.”
“Mhm this already smells amazing”, Jungkook comes downstairs, dressed in a modern hanbok and with his long hair in a ponytail.
“You look very handsome”, Taehyung says, gazing at him.
“Thank you. It’s a modern hanbok, I thought I’d save it up for the last day”, Jungkook says, posing for all of you.
“It’s very pretty”, you say.
“It fits you”, Yoongi says.
“You are so handsome, truly”, Taehyung says.
Jungkook smiles, then looks around the cottage.
“Are your grandparents outside?”
“No, they’re in town again.”
“Ah. Sad, I would have loved to see them again before we leave.”
“They’ll be back by dinner”, Yoongi assures him and shoulders one of the baskets, “take the second basket, we’re leaving.”
“Okay, hyungie.”
Taehyung takes the third basket and you are tasked with carrying the fabrics bag. Like this and with good mood all around you, you make your way to the lake. The song of birds and the buzzing of insects accompanies you just like every day and the scent of the forest is especially nice today.
The spot, where you and Yoongi had the picnic last time, is already under the shade of the tree. You like that it is because the sun is very hot today. You and Taehyung lay out the blanket and pillows, while Jungkook and Yoongi lay out the food afterwards. It is also important to mention that Taehyung excused himself for a moment and disappeared into the forest. None of you knew what he was planning to do, but you suggested that perhaps he just needed to relieve himself.
You sit down in a circle, leaving a space for Taehyung between you and Jungkook. Yoongi sits opposite of the empty space, pouring lemonade into four cups.
“You can already start”, he tells you, not looking up.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Tae to come back?”
“We should. Where is he anyways? It’s been ten minutes.”
“Maybe he went back to the house because he needed to poop.”
“That could be it, yeah.”
“When I first met you and you ran away from me, I thought that maybe you really needed to poop.”
Jungkook laughs, while Yoongi glances at you awkwardly.
“You did?”
“I did, yeah.”
“Oh god, this is bad. Now I’m embarrassed”, Jungkook snickers.
“I know better these days”, you joke.
“You guys are weird”, Yoongi murmurs, handing out the cups.
“Hey, I didn’t know that you guys don’t have these urges back then”, you defend yourself, making Jungkook chuckle and Yoongi glance at you.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says dryly and looks up, “where were you?”
You and Jungkook look at the path. Taehyung is walking back to you with his hands behind his back.
“I got something for the picnic”, he says and sits down on the empty space. He pulls his hands from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of forest flowers.
“Wow Tae, this is so pretty”, you gasp.
“I plucked them myself. We passed a very big field of flowers when we walked here, so I went back to get some. Do you like them? I thought that perhaps they could add beauty to the picnic.”
“We love them. They’re so pretty. Thank you for plucking them”, you say, pecking his cheek.
“They’re really pretty. Wow, you must have worked so hard”, Jungkook praises him.
“Thanks Tae, you can put them in here”, Yoongi says and fills a fifth cup with water.
Taehyung smiles at all of you with flushed cheeks. You each compliment the flowers one more time and then finally begin with the breakfast. It is useless to say that the breakfast is the best breakfast you have ever tasted. Yoongi’s food has this effect. It is prepared well and it is prepared with love – not only for the food itself but also for the people he makes it for – and one can truly taste it in every bite.
Some time passes where nothing truly significant happens, except that the food gets less and less and your tummies get fuller and fuller. You talk about things just as insignificant and it was so perfectly good this way.
You have reached the sweet part of the breakfast, snacking on the fruits Taehyung sliced when Jungkook lets his eyes run over the wood cutting spot.
“Is this were you cut wood last time, hyungie?”
Yoongi glances at it for a moment, then nods his head.
“Nice, that’s cool”, he looks at the lake, “does anyone wanna take a swim later?”
“Definitely”, you say.
“Me too”, Taehyung agrees, “would it bother you if I painted for a while however? The sunlight looks so beautiful right now.”
“Of course not. I could paint something as well”, Jungkook agrees.
And so it happens that the day of insignificant happenings continues after breakfast. Taehyung and Jungkook paint, while you and Yoongi loose yourselves in books. You read and he writes. Truly there is no day more insignificant than this day and that is exactly what makes it so perfect to all of you. It is peaceful, sunny and nice. God knows, you haven’t had such days in a very long time. Knowing that nothing will happen may seem boring to others, but not to your family. Because as long as the most exciting thing of your day is painting and books, it means that the world is at peace and your family is safe.
Jungkook places his pen aside when his drawing is halfway done. He rolls his neck and shoulders, letting out the kind of sound a person makes when they stretch their rusty bodies. Taehyung looks up from the painting.
“Do you want to swim?” he asks him.
“Just taking a short break. I sat in the same position for too long”, he stretches his arms high above his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he groans, “how do humans do that? Aren’t you in constant pain?”
“Are you okay?” you ask him in a chuckle. You are resting with your head on Yoongi’s tummy while the latter uses the basket as a back rest.
“Yeah, just really stiff”, he says mid-stretch. Then he drops his arms again, smacking his lips, “ah, that was nice. What are you painting?” he asks, getting on all fours so he could glance at Taehyung’s painting, “damn, the detail.”
“Do you like it? I find these flowers so beautiful that I needed to paint them.”
“It’s really pretty. Do you wanna see what I drew?”
“I do.”
Jungkook flips his sketchbook. He captured the current moment in black ink. Taehyung with a concentrated pout painting the flowers, Yoongi with the pen between his lips as he thinks of poetry and you with your widened eyes glued to the words in the book. The details aren’t perfect yet, but it is clear which silhouette is supposed to be who.
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“Do you guys wanna see too?”
“Of course, show us.”
Jungkook flips the book.
“Kookie, wow”, you sit up, “this is so beautiful.”
Yoongi gawks with parted lips, which means that he is totally enchanted by the drawing.
“Thanks yeah. I still need to draw the details, but my eyes are tired. I need a break”, Jungkook says.
“It’s so pretty, I love it so much. Can I see what you painted too?”
“Of course.”
You crawl over the blanket to look at Taehyung’s canvas. The latter, drapes his arm around your waist and kisses your shoulder.
“Gosh, this is so pretty too. The colours are so nice.”
“Thank you. Do you like the book you are reading?”
“I do. It’s really captivating.”
“I am glad that you do.”
You and he exchange a soft kiss, then you sit back down again, preparing a new cup of lemonade because you feel thirsty.
“Tae, do you wanna take the swim now?” Jungkook asks.
“I do”, Taehyung says and begins undressing himself. Jungkook stands up as well, following his example.
Yoongi glances at them, while you run your eyes over them nonchalantly.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi gasps, ogling their briefs. He regrets it when seconds later, Taehyung pulls it down and exposes everything. Yoongi holds his breath in shock, gawking into his notebook with big eyes.
“Going for a swim”, Taehyung says and takes Jungkook’s hand, “the last one in the water is a stinky loser.”
“Tae wait, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook follows him with laughter.
The two men play fight for a little, pushing and pulling each other to stop the other from getting into the water first. Jungkook ends the fight by suddenly wrapping his arm around Taehyung’s thighs and throwing him over his shoulder this way.
Taehyung squeaks, trying to fight his grip, but he can’t. Jungkook walks into the water with him, only letting him down once his head would be under water.
“Now there’s no winner”, Jungkook says.
“You are awful”, Taehyung whines, splashing his face with water.
Jungkook chuckles and drags Taehyung further out the lake with his arm around his waist.
You avert your eyes from them, studying Yoongi. His face is red.
“I didn’t expect them to strip.”
“Me neither”, he says, lowering his book so he could look at you, “I saw Tae’s dick. I didn’t wanna know how he looks.”
“I mean, it’s a good view.”
“You’re not funny.”
You chuckle, “sorry.”
“Brat”, Yoongi says, running his eyes over your hand, “what’s wrong, love?”
“What do you mean?”
“You keep touching your neck.”
“Ah that. I think I slept weird. It hurts, it’s giving me a headache.”
Yoongi sits up and places his hands on your shoulders.
“Lie down, I’ll make it better.”
“Really? Oh my god, I love massages”, you say and lie down so your head was resting in the crook of his crossed legs.
Yoongi fixes your hair for you so it wasn’t tugging and pulling, then runs his palms along your forehead and scalp. You grin, closing your eyes.
“This is already amazing.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums and begins his massage. He pays special attention to every inch of your tense neck, traces your features and massages your scalp and shoulders. He even dances his hands up and down your arms. All while the background is filled with Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s inaudible chatter and the song of birds. A slow wind has picked up which makes the leaves dance and babble as well. The sunlight breaks through the canopies, dancing behind your closed eyelids in shades of red and black.
“I can’t believe that today’s the last day. I want this to last forever”, you say after so many moments of nice silence.
“I know. We had a good time here. Although I’m a little sad you didn’t spend the night with me.”
You look up at him.
“Yeah. I looked for you when I didn’t see you in bed, but you were already sleeping when I found you.”
“Gosh no, I’m sorry. The porridge knocked me right out.”
“It’s okay, I figured.”
“The next time we visit, I will make it up to you. I promise.”
“Mhm”, he traces your brows, “I don’t doubt it.”
He leans down and kisses your lips, smiling fondly when you caress his cheeks.
“I hope you’re not too sad or angry.”
“No. I just wanted to tell you that you owe me cuddles now”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Min Yoongi, are you actually talking cute right now?”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes at you fondly.
“Maybe. Don’t tell anyone.”
You roll to your tummy and sit up, resting your weight on your hands so you could kiss his lips. He cradles your cheeks for it, letting you show him the rhythm with a fluttering heart.
You break the kiss with a gentle bite to his lower lip, eliciting a sigh from him.
“My lips are sealed, lover boy”, you whisper, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“That’s a dumb nickname.”
“Yeah? Just like Boongie was?”
“No”, he chuckles, “Boongie was never bad.”
“I see”, you say, closing your eyes when he pulls you into a kiss. He shows you the rhythm this time around, sending flutters through your chest. His kiss tastes so goddamn good. He breaks it with a stub of his nose, sliding his big, tender hands to your neck.
“How’s the headache?” he asks you, rubbing circles on your skin.
“I can’t feel it anymore. You really helped.”
“That’s good”, his eyes soften, he caresses your chin, “princess.”
You lean into his touch, feeling so incredibly giddy.
“Boongie, can you watch me?”
You sit back and lift your hand, closing your eyes to focus on the energies around you. The trees, the water and sun, the flowers. You focus on the sweet scent and dancing colours, using their good energies to create a flower. You open your eyes, presenting the flower to Yoongi with a blinding smile.
“You’re such a good girl, princess. Look at you making flowers all on your own”, he praises, making you giggle and do a little happy dance.
“It’s for you”, you say, “can I put it in your hair?”
He tilts his head to you, closing his eyes as you put the blue flower into his hair. You give his ear a little rub before you pull back, gazing at him.
He leans in to kiss you, kissing you on the cheek afterwards.
“My little witch”, he whispers. 
“Yoongi, stop”, you gasp, feeling your heart skip a beat or two.
He smiles lazily, tracing your lips before he pokes your nose.
“Yoongi, oh my god”, you squeak, falling around his neck to cackle into the crook of his neck.
He laughs, hugging you in order not to fall on his back from the intensity of your love attack.
“What’s wrong? I didn’t even do anything”, he says calmly, even if his racing heart gives him away.
“Oh stop it you, you know exactly what you did. You did the boop”, you say, sitting back to poke his nose, “the boop.”
He ogles your finger, swiping it away gently to hold it instead.
“You’re cute.”
You and Yoongi turn your heads upon hearing your name being called. Jungkook is coming out of the water with his eyes glued to you, seeming very determined. He is trying very hard to look cool and mysterious, but the slippery stones and pokey roots make it very hard not to wobble. He is definitely cute.
“Already cold?” you ask him.
“You”, he points at you with furrowed brows.
You point at yourself, “me?”
“You’re coming with me.”
You glance at Taehyung in the background, who obviously waits for Jungkook with a mischievous grin. Almost as if these two made up a plan. A plan to get you.
“I don’t seem to follow.”
Jungkook reaches your side. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, giving your butt a playful spank. He flicks water into Yoongi’s face, calling it a “distraction tactic” when the older man complains in a whine.
“Now you’re mine”, he says, walking back down to the lake.
You finally understand. He is going to carry you into the water.
“Wait Kook wait”, you squeak, wiggling in his hold, “let me at least take off my dress.”
The water is coming closer and closer.
“Kookie please”, you laugh.
Jungkook changes his grip on you so you are in his arms bridal style. He steps into the water and squats down slowly.
“Kook, wait my clothes please”, you beg and wiggle in his arms with lines of laughter on your face.
Jungkook snickers and turns to place you on dry land.
“You are lucky that your begs are my weakness”, he jokes.
You slap his chest gently, “you meanie, you”, you snicker and hurry to get undressed.
You drop your stuff on the ground, squeaking loudly when Jungkook sweeps you off your feet again the second you are naked. Now there is no stopping him. He is walking into the water with you in his arms, smiling oh so brightly at the happy squeaks and squeals you let out.
“Oh it’s so cold! I’m gonna pay you back so bad!” you complain and then you are already submerged completely.
“It’s not even that bad”, Jungkook laughs, carrying you further out onto the lake.
“Yes it is. I was forced to my luck, you meanie you.”
Jungkook giggles when you bite his neck gently, feeling his heart skip a beat.
Taehyung takes over for Jungkook, carrying you in his arms and with his lips nibbling on your jawline.
“Hello there, my beautiful. It seems that our plan to kidnap you was successful”, he coos.
“God you two are awful. Brr it’s so chilly”, you laugh, snuggling yourself closer to Taehyung.
“We’ll warm you”, he purrs, snuggling you back.
Jungkook presses himself close to you on your other side so you are cocooned between them. You must admit, their technique helps splendidly. You are so warm and cozy between their heated bodies despite the cold water. The three of you snicker and laugh, exchanging little kisses as you enjoy the carefree moment.
Soon Taehyung lets go of you, giving you the freedom to swim on your own.
“We were thinking of swimming to the middle of the lake”, Taehyung says, “are you with us?”
“Of course I am”, you say and look at Yoongi, “my love, we’re swimming to the middle. Okay?”
He gives you a thumbs-up and lies down, covering his face with the edge of the blanket.
“He seems happy”, you say and look at your two boys, “loser gets his butt spanked. Go!”
You swim off quickly, cackling mischievously when your two boys whine in complaint.
“Spanks weren’t part of the deal”, Taehyung laughs.
“Hey, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook whines.
They catch up with you soon. Taehyung pulls you back gently by your ankle.
“Come back you”, he warns with fondness in his eyes.
“I was only kidding”, you laugh and slow down so you were swimming between them, “let’s not race.”
“You are just scared that we would have beat you”, Jungkook says.
“Excuse me, mister? I am a better swimmer than you.”
“Mhm sure you are.”
You flick water at his face, earning yourself a flick of water back.
“Okay, okay truce. Truce”, you cackle.
“Fine, truce”, Jungkook agrees and looks around at the scenery, “it’s so nice here.”
“It truly is”, Taehyung agrees, “and it is the perfect weather for swimming. We must arrange more swimming days at the lake once we are home again.”
“I’d be down for that. It’s gonna be hot in the next few weeks, so it’s perfect.”
“I heard that too. I bet the lake’s gonna be really nice”, Jungkook says.
“We must take Jimin with us as well. He loves to swim in the lake”, Taehyung says, feeling nervous for a while because of past distaste between his best friend and the others.
“Sure, the more the merrier”, you agree.
“I won’t go easy on him by the way, so warn him”, Jungkook jokes, “I will beat him in swimming.”
Taehyung relaxes in relief, “he hates an easy win, so this is perfect.”
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You stay by the lake until the sun begins its slow decent. You went for two more swims, taking Jungkook and Taehyung with you each time. Yoongi never went into the water and you didn’t pressure him. He seemed very content in lying under the tree and enjoying the silence.  
Your grandparents have already cooked dinner when you arrive back home, welcoming you with smiles and amazing food. You talk a lot during dinner, taking more time than usual because nobody really wanted this last dinner together to end. In fact, you take so much time that your grandparents excuse themselves straight to bed after dinner, telling you a good night. You decided to stay one more night and leave by the morning, which is why you were only a little bit sad when you watched them leave.
It is Taehyung, who suggests keeping the night going by having a bonfire outside. You and Jungkook agreed instantly and Yoongi did too after he saw how happy you seemed about the idea.
So now bundled up in warmer clothes, you are outside, preparing the fire.
Taehyung hurries to the pile of wood, picking up as many as his arms can carry. Like this, he waddles to the fire pit, peeking over the pieces of wood.
“Help me. I cannot carry all of it alone”, he says.
“Do you even know how to make a fire?” Yoongi teases, walking to the wood pile as well.
“Of course I do. I was born in a time where the only sources of heat were fires”, Taehyung explains, hurrying back to the pile after dropping the logs next to the stone circle.
“It doesn’t mean that you spoiled brat didn’t unlearn it again”, Yoongi says.
Taehyung sends him a look.
“I shall poke you with a stick soon, hyung” he warns, making Yoongi chuckle.
He squats down next to Taehyung and picks up firewood.
“The question is if you still know how to start a fire”, Taehyung says as he nudges him with his shoulder.
“Why?” there is amusement in Yoongi’s eyes as he meets Taehyung’s gaze.
“Because you locked yourself up for most of your life like a little baby.”
Yoongi laughs and slaps his arm gently, “I think we’re equal now.”
Taehyung laughs and nudges Yoongi’s arm. They did enough teasing for now. They both stand up with firewood in their hands and waddle to the fireplace. Taehyung places his stacks down first, sorting them into a pile. Yoongi goes next, letting Taehyung do the sorting because he seems to have his own technique behind it.
“Where should we put it?” you ask with a pile of firewood in your arms.
Jungkook is beside you, carrying even more.
“Put it aside for now. We’ll use it once the fire’s shrinking.”
“Okie dokie”, Jungkook says and helps you set down the wood. He claps into his hands afterwards, resting his hands on his hips, “what now? How are we gonna start the fire?”
“___ is gonna start it.”
“Me? But I have no idea how to.”
“Yeah, you do”, Yoongi says and snaps his fingers to let a small flame appear.
“Wooah”, you and Jungkook gasp, while Taehyung seems as if he already knew the trick.
Yoongi closes his hand. The flame disappears.
“The important thing about fire magic is to remember that fire will always be stronger than you. There is nothing about fire which doesn’t want to consume you if you let it get out of control.”
“And you want me to do what you just did? What if I lose control?”
“You won’t. It’s fairly easy to create a flame and to keep it small”, Yoongi says and starts a flame again, “it’s also important to remember that for as long as the fire you create is still connected with you, it can’t hurt you”, he explains as he allows the flame to consume his entire hand.
“Yoongi, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself”, you gasp and try to reach for him.
“I don’t feel it at all. The danger is in setting it free. Once the fire leaves your hand, it will do what fire does best. Consume. That is when you can get burned, so never set it free unless you need to.”
“I don’t know if I can do this. I’m scared.”
Yoongi stops the fire in his hand and brushes your cheek gently. His hand feels warm, but not hot. So it truly isn’t dangerous for the person creating it.
“You don’t feel ready?”
You shake your head, “I, I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“Okay, then I’ll do it. Yes?”
You nod your head, “yes, please.”
“Good job, princess. A good witch knows when a spell is too difficult for them. You’ve done very well in knowing your own limits”, he praises, sending flutters through your tummy.
“Thanks”, you mumble with heated cheeks.
“So how are you going to light the fire now?” Jungkook asks.
“Easy”, Yoongi says and squats down in front of the wood pile. He lights his hand on fire and grabs one of the wooden logs. He grasps it tightly, infecting it with the hot flames until it glows all on its own. He places the log under the other pieces and grabs another one to light it as well. He extinguishes his hand and stands up. His eyes flash orange for a second as he forces the fire to grow. It pulsates rhythmically like a heartbeat and within seconds, the entire pile is aflame in bright, hot fire.
“And you thought that I could do that? This was seriously so impressive.”
“Seriously, hyung. You’re so cool.”
You and Jungkook gush, making Yoongi’s cheeks flush rosy.
“It’s not even that difficult. Fire magic is actually very easy to learn because fire is such a powerful source. It’s dangerous, but easy, which honestly makes it as dangerous as it is.”
“Because every idiot can learn it, right?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi nods his head, “exactly. Every idiot can learn it and many pay the price because of it.”
“I can imagine. Fire has always been scary to me. I really respect it.”
“And you should. Fire isn’t something to play with.”
Taehyung chuckles, making the rest of you look at him.
“Why are you laughing?” Jungkook asks.
“Just because our dear Yoongi can never stop preaching.”
“Yah, I’m just saying”, Yoongi complains, but relaxes when he hears you and Jungkook snicker. He scoffs, softening his features, “I guess I really can’t stop preaching.”
“You’re like a dad”, Jungkook teases.
“I literally said on Tuesday that he’d be the type of dad who would be overly worried at all times and who’d always tell the kids to be careful.”
“Yes, this would be so him”, Jungkook laughs, caressing Yoongi’s back fondly.
“You guys are brats”, Yoongi mumbles and escapes his giddy feelings by sitting down on the ground.
“Wait, hyung I’ll get some blankets and pillows”, Taehyung says and disappears to run to the house.
“Why’s he running? Dirt never hurt anyone before.”
“You’ll complain about it later”, you say. You stand right behind Yoongi, running your fingers over his scalp in a tingly massage.
Yoongi tilts his head back, resting it against your legs.
“Whatever, brat”, he mumbles and closes his eyes, “that feels good.”
“You’re so cool, my love.”
Yoongi hums, but his face stays stoic otherwise. You know him well enough by now, that you are aware that this is his way of showing gratitude for a compliment.
Taehyung soon returns with the pillows and blanket you used for the picnic. You help him set it up, using the tree trunks, your grandfather laid around the fire pit to sit on, as your backrests.
You sit between Yoongi and Taehyung, while Jungkook sits on the other side of Yoongi. You are bundled up like this, sharing both the warmth of the fire and that of your bodies.
“So what are we gonna do now?” you ask into the silence.
“I don’t know”, Jungkook answers you.
“We could roast a few marshmallows”, Taehyung suggests.
“I’m not really hungry though.”
“I must admit, me neither”, Taehyung says and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slight pout.
“What if we read something?” Jungkook suggests.
“But I don’t really want to.”
“Yeah, me neither actually”, Jungkook gives up with a pout.
“What if we play UNO?”
“No, this game is awful”, Taehyung instantly says.
“It’s only awful because you always lose”, you laugh.
“And must there be another reason for it to be awful? It is impossible to win.”
“No, it’s not. You’re just bad at it”, Jungkook teases.
“How dare you”, Taehyung gasps, clutching his imaginary pearls and making you and Jungkook laugh with it.
“Ah, you’re so funny”, you say and sigh contently, letting your eyes run over the endless flames. Their dance is almost hypnotising. Never ending and rhythmic, “have we reached a point in our day where we’re bored?” you ask, eyes still glued to the flame as if you were zoning out. It is so relaxing to watch the fire.
“Perhaps, we have.”
“Wow, that’s something new. I genuinely can’t remember a day where we were genuinely bored. Either one of us had to be somewhere or we were fighting some evil or we were too busy hunting shadows or being mad at each other. I don’t think that we had a day where we were all bored together.”
“True, yeah.”
“I must admit that I prefer the boredom.”
“Yeah”, you snuggle into Taehyung, “yeah I kinda do too.”
Jungkook rubs Yoongi’s upper back.
“Do you like it too, hyungie?”
“Yeah, I guess”, he says, touching his own ear nervously.
“You don’t seem like it.”
“N-no I do. It just…makes me nervous.”
“The boredom?”
“The peace said boredom means.”
Jungkook kisses his cheek even if that flusters Yoongi immensely.
“Do you wanna talk about it? We’re here for you if you do.”
Yoongi shakes his head, “I guess I’m just paranoid.”
“I’m sorry you feel this way, my love”, you say, caressing his thigh.
Yoongi gives you a shy smile, “it’s okay. Thanks”, he takes a deep breath. The darker aura still surrounds him however. You exchange a worried look with Jungkook.
“I have an idea”, Jungkook says.
“Tell us.” 
“How about we each write down something we want to get rid off and then we throw it into the flames?”
“Like a cleansing ritual?”
“Yeah. I think we could all use that. We’ve been through a lot lately and I think we have a few bad things weighing us down. Maybe we could use the last night here to leave the bad things behind.”
“And come back from this journey as people further up their paths of healing”, Taehyung says.
“I love this idea very much. I know that I have quite a few things weighing me down.”
“I can think of a few things as well”, you say.
“Me too”, Jungkook agrees, “and you? Do you wanna join, hyungie?”
Yoongi falters for a moment, picking at his own skin.
“You don’t have to.”
“No, I”, he says, rubbing his neck shyly, “I want to.”
“Awesome, then we’ll do that. I’ll get the paper”, Jungkook says, leaving the fire.
“Don’t forget the pencils!” Taehyung calls after him.
Jungkook returns very soon, handing out papers and pens. He sits down cross legged, keeping a little distance to all of you so nobody could peek. Soon silence surrounds you where each of you writes down something you want to leave behind. Writing it down already feels healing. It comes easy to Taehyung and Jungkook and feels freeing to you. Yoongi looks around for the first few moments, refusing to write down what burdens him even if he knows every fucking word of it. He repeated it in his head over and over again to the point where he has created its own burdening poet about it. He knows what weighs him down, but is scared to put it on paper. Because writing it down finally makes it real and he doesn’t know if he is ready for that. And so it happens that each of you have finished your papers while Yoongi’s is still empty. You each return to the fire, sitting around it.
“Did everybody write something down?” Jungkook asks.
“I did.”
“Of course I did.”
“Yeah”, Yoongi lies, glancing at his empty paper.
“Nice, then let’s gather by the fire”, Jungkook says and stands up to walk to the fire. You follow his lead.
“Can I start?” he asks.
He lifts his hand over the flames, looking at the dancing fire, “I want to keep the uncontrollable hunger here. I know I’m not at the end of my journey to control and that I still have lots to learn, but I want to leave the uncontrollable hunger here. I want to return as a Ripper, who can kiss his lovers the way he was able to kiss them here. I want to return as a Ripper, who might not be able to drink human blood yet but who doesn’t go crazy at the mere sight of it. That’s what I want to leave here, those uncontrollable surges of hunger and violence”, he looks at you and the others, giving you a smile.
You and Taehyung return it, while Yoongi is too shy to do so. Jungkook looks back at the fire and opens his hand. The paper dances down and down until the flames finally swallow it. Jungkook takes a deep breath, folding his hands in front of his chest and closing his eyes as if he was praying.
You and the others do the same because it seemed important to Jungkook. You only open your eyes once you hear Jungkook sigh in relief. He smiles at all of you.
“That felt good. Who wants to go next?”
“May I?”
“Of course, Tae.”
Taehyung lifts his hand, looking into the fire.
“I want to rid myself of the traumatic memories haunting me. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, I am aware of them, so I want to leave this side of me here as well. I want to return as someone who uses his immortality to do good, to create art and make people happy. I want to be someone who stops doubting his place in this family because I finally became someone whose deeds are worthy of it. I want to return as someone who can heal from what was done to him so that one day I will be happy again. And, I know this isn’t something I want to rid myself of but a goal of myself, I want to help Jimin heal as well. He is my best friend and my true mate and one day, I want to see his smile reach his eyes again.”
Taehyung opens his hand, letting the paper sink into the flames. He folds his hands and closes his eyes, you all follow his lead, keeping them closed until he sighs in relief.
He wipes at his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am more than fine”, he assures you, smiling honestly, “my heart feels lighter again. Thank you, Jungkook. This ritual was immensely healing.”
“I’m glad that it could help you. I like what you said”, Jungkook says, intertwining his fingers with Taehyung.
“My turn next”, you say.
“Go ahead.”
You lift your hand, looking into the flames.
“I was raised thinking that I’m unworthy of love, that I’m a burden and that for as long as I’m useful and make no mistakes, I’m wanted. I want to rid myself of this. Being here with you guys and spending time with my grandparents again made me realise that I am very easy to love unconditionally. I know that I’m far from perfect and that I make mistake or do stupid shit sometimes, but you guys and my grandparents never make me feel as if I’m loved less because of it. So I want to come back as someone who loves herself and who doesn’t beat herself up because of small mistakes. I’m human and humans aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t make them less worthy of love.”
You open your hand and let the paper fall into the flames. Just like Taehyung and Jungkook, you fold your hands and close your eyes, thinking your wishes far, far into the endlessness of the universe. Your boys only open their eyes once you sigh in relief.
You smile at them, “I feel so light all of a sudden. This really made me happy.”
“I’m glad it did. You also said really nice things”, Jungkook says, holding your hand as well.
When Yoongi doesn’t immediately start, you all look at him.
“It’s your turn, my love.”
“I know”, he whispers.
“We’re ready whenever you’re ready.”
“I know.”
He lifts his hand. He hesitates. He lowers it again.
“I lied. I didn’t write anything down”, he confesses, showing you the empty paper.
“Why not? Did you not think of anything?”
“I did, but…”
“But what?”
“If I write it down it becomes real.”
“Exactly and then you can throw it into the flames and watch it burn. You could try, maybe it will help.”
“I don’t know”, he looks into the fire with furrowed brows.
“You can also just tell us and throw away the paper as a symbol”, Jungkook suggests.
“I guess I could do that, yeah”, Yoongi whispers.
He needs a few moments to gain courage and when he finally does, he has crumbled the paper in his damp hand.
“I’m scared. I’m not nervous, I’m scared.”
Yoongi’s confession hangs heavy in the air. You are all looking at him. Yoongi doesn’t often confess that he is scared.
“Why are you scared, my love?” you ask him, holding his hand.
“Because one day you’ll have learned control and then we can create the cure.”
Taehyung and Jungkook exchange a look.
“And that means we have to see Namjoon again”, you say.
“Yeah”, Yoongi whispers, nodding his head and squeezing your hand, “I’m scared of that.”
“Because he’ll be mean to you?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi shakes his head. 
“Are you scared that he might break free and use it on you?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi shakes his head again.
“I’m scared that I won’t be able to do it and I guess…I guess I’m also scared that it might kill him.”
“Why are you scared of that? He deserves it”, Taehyung says snappishly, but flushes in embarrassment when you nudge him in warning.
“It’s because he was his best friend once. Let’s try to see his side as well”, you say.
“Is that so?” Taehyung asks, glancing at Yoongi.
Yoongi nods his head, staring into the flames.
“What if it kills him? Then I’m so alone.”
“No, you’re not. You will always have us”, Jungkook says.
“I know, but nobody who gets how it is to be a Creator. I don’t wanna be alone.”
“Oh, my love”, you get out, hugging him from the side.
“I’m so angry at myself. I know that he is a monster and that he is everything which makes vampires wrong. I know that he tortured too many people and killed far too many and yet I still don’t want him to die. I’m so angry at myself for feeling this way, for being so scared and, and being a, a fucking hopeful coward. I keep wishing that the cure will bring him back, that he will become the gentle, kind man he was in the past and I know that this is wrong of me to wish. He became a monster, he hurt people I should wish him dead, but I can’t. Why can’t I fucking want him dead?”
“My love, stop that. You’re being really mean to yourself right now.”
“Why shouldn’t I? I’m the worst.”
“No, you’re not”, you gasp.
“Yes, I am. I’m the reason why so many people burned in the Eternal Scorch, why we were cursed, why vampires exist. I’m even the reason why we are hated. Because I lost control we became hunted, my friends died and Namjoon was shot in the head. He became a monster because of me. I’m the fucking worst.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaims in shock.
“Yoongi, please don’t say that”, you exclaim, “your past mistakes don’t define you anymore. Yeah, you did a lot of shit, but you learned from it and not everything bad which happened was your fault.”
“I can’t feel this way.”
“Do not speak like that”, Taehyung gasps, “you are so very far from being the worst”, he says, hurrying to Yoongi’s side so he could take his hand. Like this, they are clutching Yoongi’s crumbled paper together. 
Yoongi glances at him shyly.
“I have learned a great deal about you during this holiday. You are so very far from being the worst. You love people and you show it through a multitude of ways. Eventhough you always say that you seem cold and rude, you aren’t. You love to cook because it means that your family is fed well, you love to help because you cannot stand to know that people struggle alone, you always carry a fond word on your tongue because you want the people around you to feel good about themselves. You are filled with so much love, hyung, with so much love that you cannot shake the love you once felt for Namjoon.”
Yoongi tightens his jaw, trying so hard to keep the burning in his eyes from producing tears.
“___ always says that I’m full of love”, he whispers.
“Because she speaks the truth. You are. You are full of it and you will never be alone. I understand your hesitation and your fears, so do not struggle alone for you have people by your side who are willing to help you as well.”
Yoongi smiles, “thank you, kiddo”, he whispers and slides his hand out of Taehyung’s gentle hold. He lifts it over the flames.
“I’m scared, but I’m not alone. I guess, what I want to burn is my self-loathing. I get so angry at myself whenever I feel something unpleasant and instead of looking for help, I blame myself for my emotions to the point where I start hating myself. I guess, I don’t wanna hate myself anymore. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll try.”
“Trying already means that you are beginning to love yourself. If you still hated yourself, you wouldn’t want to try”, Jungkook says.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it does. Fuck, you guys, stop making me fucking emotional.”
You all laugh fondly, cuddling closer to Yoongi.
“Fuck, this is so stupid”, he says, but continues, “I want to burn my self-loathing and the fear of stuff I can’t control. As much as I try to control the outcome, some things are out of my control. Maybe Namjoon will die, but I can’t control this outcome so instead of being scared of it, I have to learn to live with it.”
He hesitates with opening his hand.
“Can I still wish that he doesn’t die?”
“Of course you can.”
“Then I wanna wish that he doesn’t die and that he becomes the gentle, kind man of the past again”, Yoongi says and opens his hand.
The fire swallows his paper, Yoongi squeezes your hand and Taehyung’s, staring into the flames until the paper is truly gone. He takes a deep breath, releasing it through his mouth.
“How do you feel?”
“I liked what you said, hyungie.”
Yoongi smiles at Jungkook.
“Thank you, kiddo. You had a good idea.”
“I’m grateful that you guys did it with me. Hoseok and Seokjin always do it with me whenever summer ends, so this tradition means a lot to me.”
“Maybe we can do it with them this year. We’ll include Jimin and Emma as well and have a barbeque in the garden”, you suggest.
“I love this idea so much, wow baby”, Jungkook gushes with sparkly eyes.
“I like it too. I wanna make the food”, Yoongi says.
“I bet it’s gonna be so delicious, my love.”
“And we shall each bring our instruments and make music until late into the night”, Taehyung says.
Yoongi smiles, “that’s a good idea, Tae. You know what we could do right now?”
“Tell us.”
“Make music.”
“Hyung, yes!” Taehyung exclaims, “we haven’t made music together in too long!”
“Okay, we’ll do it”, Yoongi says and reaches into the air to pull a guitar and violin from nothing.
“Woah, did you just pull a guitar and violin out of thin air?” 
“Yeah”, Yoongi says, handing the violin to Taehyung, “manifestation magic. The object’s not really permanent, but it’s gonna stay long enough to have fun with it.” 
“What do you channel for that to work?” 
“Yourself in a sense. You reach into your imagination and pull out whatever you imagine.”
“Wait. Like this?” you ask and try it only to fail, “well, bollocks”, you pout, sagging your shoulders.
Yoongi chuckles fondly, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 
“You’re cute. That’s difficult magic to learn, give it time.”
“I see. God, you’re so cool Yoongi.” 
‘Mmh”, another kiss then he sits down on the ground. He looks at his guitar and begins tuning it. Its soft clinking and strumming fills the air together with Taehyung tuning his violin. 
The rest of you sit down next to them.
Yoongi relaxes after a few moments by lying down and resting his head on Jungkook’s lap. He is playing the guitar softly, gazing up at him.
“Hey there, hyungie”, he says, combing his fingers through his bangs.
He blinks his eyes at the younger man slowly and gives him a toothless smile. Jungkook continues to play with his hair as Yoongi strums the guitar and gazes at him. 
“Done. Your magical violin was terribly out of tune”, Taehyung says and lies down as well, resting his head on your lap. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums. 
You meet Taehyung’s eyes, retorting his smile.
“Very, you have comfortable thighs.”
“You’re cute”, you say, combing your fingers through Taehyung’s soft locks.
Taehyung lifts the violin to his chin and begins playing. 
Something truly magical happens then. Yoongi and Taehyung sync within seconds, complimenting each other’s melody until it becomes one lively song. You imagine flowers blooming in spring and the beginning of a trickling stream. It is soft and gentle like a new beginning which will turn into something bigger with them. For now it dances shyly through the air, making the fire shine brighter and the scents of the night stronger. You glance at Jungkook, exchanging a fond smile with him. Life is well. Life is truly and honestly well.
The next song is lively, showcasing the happiness of life being so, so well. Yoongi and Taehyung have to sit up for it, matching each other’s tempos and supporting the other’s melody perfectly. There are parts where Yoongi’s guitar shines and others were Taehyung’s violin has its moment, while other parts are there for them to harmonise.
You think of running through fields or dancing in pubs when you listen to the melody.
They must have played together like this countless times before. Yoongi knows exactly what notes to play to support Taehyung’s vigorous play and Taehyung knows exactly when to slow down to give Yoongi his time to shine. You never figured that guitar and violin go so well together, but they do. Oh you want to jump up and dance. 
“Kookie, do you wanna dance with me?” 
“Dance with you?” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “yes. Oh my god, I would love to dance with you “ 
“Awesome. Come on”, you say and pull him up by his hands. 
And so it happens that you and Jungkook dance under the forest trees while Yoongi and Taehyung accompany you with music. The melodies and your squeaky laughter echoes through the forest, letting every way of life know that time together was a wonderful time.
It will always be a wonderful time.
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aureum-lepus · 5 months
Araminta Tobbat - 'Exist for Love' Moodboard
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Moodboard for my HP OC Araminta Tobbat and the upcoming fanfiction 'Exist for Love'! I wanted to share a bit of her aesthetics. I am a little bit nervous to share some infos for her but also excited!
Severus Snape version
A little profile for her under the cut. 💖
Also if you want to be tagged in future writing or edits like these, let me know!
Please forgive any mistakes. English is not my first language 😊
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Name: Araminta Tobbat 
Gender: female
Code name: Minty Delaney (will be explained once I flash out her background)
Birthday: 10 October 1963
Height: 164cm
Special: Animagus, unregistered, shape: white rabbit with floppy ears and pink eyes 
Hair color/form: gray, after a long time in the state of animagus they shimmer white; reaches a bit over her shoulders; she wears it mostly open, when she works she pins them up with a clip
Eye color: Pink with a red glow
Special features of her appearance: beauty mark under her right eye
Blood status: Half-blood
Profession: Nurse in a Muggle hospital/healer/assistant to the professors at Hogwarts (will also explained later in the story)
Mother: Merope Tobbat formerly Delaney, Muggle nurse, deceased
Father: Grawp Tobbat, wizard, magical zoologist, deceased
Brother: Leland Tobbat, Ravenclaw, born 24 January 1960, whereabouts and status unknown. 
Wand: Cypress wood with a unicorn core 11 ¼" and slightly yielding flexibility
Hobbies: Reading, baking and cooking
Favourite colors: pastel, light pink and purple, white
House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Minty is a quiet and sometimes somewhat introverted witch. Despite being sorted into Ravenclaw, her skills in magic are slightly above average. She shines more with her sharp mind and can combine things quite quickly. She cares incredibly about others, often overshadowing her own wants and needs. Despite her friendly exterior, she is very ambitious, which often ends in boisterous self-confidence. The form of her animagus is probably also due to her timid behavior. She is not very courageous and shies away from confrontation. She very much wishes that she could help Muggles as well as witches, wizards and other magical creatures, if it is in her power.
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derpinette · 3 months
i hated airpods & phones with those big fugly cameras in the back when they were announced as a concept & i hate them even more each time i see that hideousness in person
#i remember when i was 11 ( sorry for being a zoomer ) getting into an argument with an online acquaintance#over airpods because i thought they were retarded but she thought they were cool as if bluetooth ear pieces were a new invention#remember how the world used to make fun of them not even that many years prior. she was like nooobut you can hide them for cheating#& against thievery ( OK the only fair point I GUESS ) but they are just so ugly to me & stupid not practical too easily lost & damaged#especially with that pricetag like they could have made something COOL or Kawaii but of course sleek Nothing design is “in”#still after a decade now ♯MAKEITSTOP#honestly only like bluetooth for file sharing when necessary anything else is devilwork#as for the new giant multiple cameras design i mean use your eyes has there ever been an uglier decision#even if i had money i could never own a touch screen phone without a middle button & a normal camera lense in the back#like just looking at them makes me angry BUT mostly apple products i think android ones are less hives inducing#but TBH i have no headphone jack so... on my old broken phone i did but not this one -_- where are my principles......#well i will wear this one down until it dies i already have a cracked arse screen so until it breaks i will downgrade#also remember how cute silicone phone cases were in the early to mid 2010s ♯BringThatBack#honestly can you even i think phones today are just too damn big Not mine Doe 🦌 mine is almost perfectly sized for my hands (iphone7)#at least people have more charms than ever in my city at least i see people with cute lanyards & zoomer style JesusBeaters so great ^_^#sorry for complaining all the time but also if you are not here for my Kvetching then what else could you be here for...#*jumps into a well from shame*
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thedeadthree · 1 year
TAGGED BY the dearest @unholymilf to share a few things ive been working on ! ty ty so much ash dear!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @risingsh0t, @kingsroad, @griffin-wood, @jendoe, @phillipsgraves, @marivenah, @leviiackrman, @chuckhansen, @denerims, @queennymeria, @aartyom, @blissfulalchemist, @shellibisshe, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @corvosattano, @jackiesarch, @wayhavenots, @pegxcarter, @malefiicarum, @nightbloodraelle, @roofgeese, @morvaris, @jacobseed, @nuclearstorms, @carminasolis, @girlbosselrond, @anoras, @fragilestorm, @shadowglens, @arklay and you!
teehee i AT LAST got around to introducing the t*lou dears clowns with the one and only template from ash! so far i have tlou!olga and gianna <3 with this cutest coloring as well !
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the VERY early stages of a piece for the dearest marta in honor of fh's release ! with orions cutest template!
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another early stages but in honor of oc kiss week a piece for kenny and @griffin-wood's dear raylene with this template !
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and now a bit of writing! moments before disaster if you will a piece for alva and rhaegy with a bit of rhaemion and enya lore connecting them to vanna and daemy and their babies !
Summerhal was beautiful at this hour. those fleeting moments before midday and after the morning when the sun was well off to reaching its zenith made even the hardest of hearts gaze in awe.
Alva descended from her horse, vermillion. To her left by a relatively small pond were the horses of Lord Rhaemion Targaryen of Starfall, the princess Elia’s dear longtime friend (and rumored paramour, he too a close and beloved friend of the prince as well, the nature of things was a topic for another morn). And the other of her dearest Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
She recalls when Rhaemion spoke of reason for choosing his horse. The almost pearlescent mane of his chosen mount reminded him of the scales of his dragon, Parthunaax known by the histories as the Burned Overlord. The Targaryens of Starfall or the Amethyst or Dawn Dragons still possessed the ones belonging to the riders they were bound to during and following the dance. Baelor and Parthunaax, Calla and Nahvintaas (a ilmestian dragon of Vilemyr), and Valaerra who was Rhaemion’s ancestor and her she-dragon Numinex. Though the most notable among them was the Ethereal, the Violet Star of Starfall herself once bound to the mistress of mists Iovanna Dayne, Starspire. The two year old daughter of Rhaemion recently began to speak her first words and has declared her favorite word to be the name of the ethereal. If this is any prediction that the girl at two has already declared her mount will not be a horse, but Starspire herself, one cannot fathom anything else. She laughed when he mentioned he will have to tell the girl when she’s older that the dragons are not to be flown in westeros and she will have to have a horse as he does. Lest the Dragon of myth and prophecy see her end by scorpion bolt.
On leaving vermillion by Rhaemion and Rhaegar’s. She makes her way by the remnants of the stone walkway closer towards the ruin. The three spent a lot of time in summerhall, her and Rhaegar spending the most.
#only if you want to! 🤍🕊#and if you've done this already please feel free to pass <3 i am AT LAST catching up on a few tags! <3 ty ty again ash for the tag!#oc: olga litvinchuck#RETURN OF THE QUEEN <3 and ty ty alyssa for encouraging me to bring her into t*lou <3#olga is either calculating or ambitious i haven’t decided which one fits more aksjjzjx ✨😖#its turning out so cute already and im loving that the coloring compliments olgas hair so well ? that's baby!#have had tlou!olga brainworms alongside the usual suspects the asoiaf clowns AND marta returning to the fold all day hehe <3#were doing fine! the high stakes tennis match between the clowns vying for control of the braincell is going splendidly <3#to get ye olde writing brain gears a workin a cute ship edit for ray ray and kenny <3 BABIES BABIES BOTH OF THEM#and also will make one as well for vik and nessie for the oc kiss week <3 IM SO EXCITED AHH#MARTA MARTA RETURN OF THE LEGEND i missed her dearly! and her beloved! that's the first if oc and if i was introduced to!#she means the world to me! that's dearie right there!#AND OF COURSE ALVA AND RHAEGY BEING THE CUTEST EVER AND IT MAKES ME SAD! they were so in love! im not sobbing at all!#and of course daevanna being the moment the way they just....... APPEAR EVERYWHERE i love those dears sm <3#leg.tagged#leg.writing#leg.ocs#leg.edit#AND SUPER SUPER LOOKING TO DO AN EDIT AS WELL FOR MAEKY AND AERY we are working! the creative process at work!#oc: alva amaranthine#x: alva x rhaegar#oc: marta chaykovski#oc: gianna villareal#oc: kendall lawton#x: kendall x raylene
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bunnihearted · 2 days
sorry but ppl on the internet are so naive when they genuinely believe the majority of people "hate capitalism".... that isnt anywhere near the truth. most people are sheep that just go along with what society says is right. when im out there and talk to "normal" people and listen to their convos they are literally pro capitalism. they talk about how the 8-5 work day 5/week is GOOD bc they get to work a lot and make "a lot" of money. many people will complain about unfair work hours and too big of a work load but they dont do anything more than complain... they wont vote for the left, they wont join unions, they wont stage protests or demonstrations... most ppl are like "omg fuck capitalism lmao ahhhaha fuck capitalism am i right???" but they still dont actually do anything to change it... because the entire point with capitalism is that it is comfortable and convenient. netflix and spotify is capitalism. ordering takeout is capitalism. having packages arrive to your door or close by is capitalism. concerts by your fav artists is capitalism. flying a plane to resorts all over the world is capitalism.... ppl only say "fuck capitalism" bc yes they're overworked and underpaid, but they dont actually want to live in a society without capitalism. it would mean a profound change of our entire reality as we've known it for centuries. it would be extreme. it would actually feel like it does in movies where the world is ending and society resets. it's too scary to actually go through with, and no one wants to do that. saving the planet and tearing down capitalism... would mean an extremely different world and life. no more driving your car to work and to the store and to the gym and back and forth to your parents or friends. no more going to multiple concerts every year. no more going to luxury resorts in ibiza or greece. no more online shopping. no more ordering takeout. the truth that nobody wants to admit, because no one wants to admit that they would choose to continue living in comfort even if it means destroying this planet, is that no. you dont hate capitalism. not truly. most people do not hate capitalism. if most people did... we wouldnt have the world we have now and always have had since capitalism was introduced. humans make this world. we get the world we deserve. and nature trying to kill us is what we deserve. it's like when we're sick and our bodies get fever to burn the virus. we are a virus. we could choose to stop. but we dont. only a small handful of people are willing to actually do what it takes to save earth. most ppl who make silly comments about oh my god fuck capitalism tihihihihi are not part of that small amount of people. it is sad, especially for the people who do get it, who do want to save earth, because we are such an extreme minority we have no power at all. the masses win. and the masses have chosen to live in greed and consumerism and comfort even if we'll pay the highest price thinkable.
#it's funny that it is called 9-5 when it is in truth 8-5 and many ppl work longer.....#not expecting anyone to read but i need to rant#i feel so alienated because i truly cannot relate to anyone#i wish i could find people like me in this world#but there seem to be so few of us it pains me to be this alone#i just dont respect people#people LIKE online shopping and owning things and travelling and going to concerts and and and and#they like it so much they think it's worth to sacrifice literally everything for it#i could live without any of that if it meant not hurting humans or animals or earth#i dont think humans need to have millions of concerts or every artist needs to have a concert#im just going on abt concerts bc that's one of the things that are the worst for the environment#and one of the things ppl conventiently forget to talk abt when it comes to environmental damage and capitalism#and like fireworks.. and bombs.. and nuclear power. we dont NEED any of that#but literally 10/10 ppl of you who read this will think that ummm u are dumb#ofc we need fireworks and bombs and nuclear!!! that's all profitable and fun and useful#so like yeah idk i truly cannot connect with any human i come across#and i dont respect any of the empty bullshit ppl talk abt everywhere#'fuck capitalism' 'save the earth' .. none of y'all give a fuck if it means u have to give up things u like and find fun#but yeah sure if it makes u feel better abt urself to parrot empty mantras go ahead#y'all have already won and we're on borrowed time#it's cute watching y'all plan for the future as if u have one#at least im not alone in dying bc we're all gonna suffer for what we've chosen#and also at least i have my mom to talk to bc she gets it and agrees#she doesnt agree fully when i talk abt how eco fascism is the only real thing we can do#ppl cannot be trusted to be given a choice#we need to declare martial law and force everyone to reset#no more capitalism no more waste no more environmental damage#but yeah my mom says fascism is always wrong but the way i see it.. we either do the hard thing to save us all#or let all the millions of fuckheads choose to kill the earth and us all with it for literally nothing#after manyy years we could start going back to 'democracy'...
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
istg one of these days.......
#ya know that post thats like texting lesbians: its throw bowling balls down the stairs day u better be game#one of my fave posts ever in the world#anyway my lesbian flatmate texts like the straight female friend part of that post and i love her but its killing me#its endearing but its so hard not to read it as flirty stoppitttt im already dedicating so much work to repressing this little crush 😭#ALSO THAT POST THATS LIKE FLIRTING W GIRLS WILL HAVE U ADDING :3 TO UR TEXTS literally so true but I dont think she means it like that 😭😭#like she talks to everyone that way I remember when I first met her me + my ex spent ages trying to work out if she was gay#bc we were so sure she had a gay vibe but every text felt like it was pointing the other way..... the vindication when I found out she WAS#anyway my resolve weakens with every 😘 emoji like im already thinking abt it dont give me any more ideas !!!!#its not even embarrassing anymore like how am i supposed to exist near someone like her WITHOUT ever having a gay thought#so im not sorry if she sees this. i take rejection like a champ dont be shy#but genuinely tho i dont think shes interested shes just cute like that. and idw make things weird cuz we're still living together next yr#itd be suchh a pain if i made things awkward right when we need to find a place. and anyway my best case is our 3rd flatmates WORST#i wouldnt do that to him god forbid#buuuut...... nope ok enough of that im going back to bed its almost 1am#this is what HAPPENS when u have insomnia tuning into the crazy radio every night#need to get onto dating apps and find smth new to distract me before this gets out of hand....... buttttt i dont want to >:|#its ok my patience is infinite i like playing the long game. i was into my ex for 2 and a half years before i made any moves#i can wait this one out too either itll happen eventually or itll pass. we're good#ok thats GOODNIGHT from me if u read this far wow ur nosy arent u...... jk ily sleep well everyone#muah all round#.diaries
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bangcakes · 23 days
#going wacko insane for the same guy again yep !!!!!!!!!@@@@#we both could have seen each other this weekend but JJDJDJZKZKZ DRAMAA#not with us but the other ppl JDJDJDJJD#i was so over it so i decided not to go. so i told him i wasnt n he said he wasnt either#in my delulu world i think he didnt go bc i didnt go HDJJDJDJZJZJ#bc he was online the whole weekend. plus i asked him if he wanted to just hang out with me n our other friend this week or next and he said#yes so HDJJDJDJDNDNSNS#god im just. i think i should just ask him out already#but our friend also hasnt answered me so im like...... hope everythings okay HNDJXNXNXNX#god inagine she cant make it or doesnt answer and i have to meet him one on one... o DJJDJDKDKDJDJJ#im trying not to be upset that shes not answering tho. its really not like her... its the long weekend so maybe shes doing something idk ..#ik shes also down about not having had a job offer yet#n me n the guy have jobs so... idk !!!#i was literally just in that headspace so i understand if shes reluctant to go out#it feels Awful when ur putting out a bunch of resumes and hearing nothing....#but yeah... idk whats gonna happen#but i dont wanna leave him hanging for too long so if she doesnt message me back by wednesday im gonna text her#she might just not be checking dc.... hhh idk JDJJDJDJXJZ#hitting that like 6 month mark since graduating and ya..... relationships are starting to dwindle tbh so i wouldnt be surprised#i was surprised she even wanted to keep in touch with me LOL but yeah#its crazy to me that out of everyone .. im closest to the guy. and like ik i always say that but it#doesnt become less surreal like. ever lol. like he answers me faster than my bffs... LOL what in the world#personal#wait omg im not done JDJJDJDJD when the drama was happening with the other ppl. i just wanted to talk to Him but i didnt have the energy#n when i finally did.. oh i felt so much better. love that we're always on the same page like.... what the fuck JDJDJDJXJX#idk i just think hes so sweet n cute n kind..... also prickly but i like that HDHJDJDJX#he always just says what he means. like hes v straightforward. and i really like that. bc im also that way and also bc im bad sometimes at#social stuff JDJJSJDJZJZJ
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yamujiburo · 2 months
Why I Love Hanamusa
I get this question very frequently but have never given a really in depth, definitive answer. All just kinda implied through my comics and spread out asks. So here's this I guess! Long post ahead:
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First, as a Pokémon fan in her mid 20s, I love seeing a ship where the characters are both in their mid/late 20s. Already, they’re much more relatable to me and my current experiences. Most Pokémon ships are between preteens, which can be cute but ultimately don’t interest me as much as they used to when I was a kid myself. Not enough to get super invested in and draw a lot of fanart for anyways haha.
I’ll also start by saying that canon doesn’t always influence whether or not I’ll ship something. I’m much more drawn to potential. Could the characters work together? Do their personalities work together in a nice way? I feel like this so much of fanon is anyways. Especially with queer relationships because they’re rarely depicted in the first place. A lot of the context for these ships is usually up to the fans to piece together or make up in general. And that’s the fun part to me!
Jessie and Delia have only met in the anime a handful of times. Any interaction they’ve had has either been pleasant, or just a typical Team Rocket interaction, with Delia dismissing them/not seeing them as a threat. Already a great jumping off point for me since, truly, they don’t have any actual beef or true, ill feelings towards each other. It’s not TOO out of the realm of possibility for them to potentially fall for each other. “But Jessie chased Delia’s son around trying to steal his Pokémon!” That’s where that dismissive and aloof attitude that Delia has comes into play. I’ll go more into Delia’s whole deal a bit later but I do think this aspect of her personality is a large reason why this ship can work. It’s not that she doesn’t care that Jessie has a bad past, but she can tell that, on the inside, Jessie’s a good person. And, in a scenario where Jessie is trying to become a better person, is forgiving enough to give her a shot. I feel like this is such a solid foundation for a ship. A character who has done wrong but is trying to be better and another character who is willing to help them be better. A classic dynamic!
It’s not just one-sided though; where Jessie is the only one benefitting and learning from the relationship. I believe Delia could get a lot out of being with someone like Jessie. To understand why, I think it’s important to know these characters’ respective backstories.
Jessie is an orphan/foster child who grew up in poverty. Her mother Miyamoto (from The Birth of Mewtwo) was a Team Rocket operative herself, who went on a mission to find Mew. In order to do this, she had to leave Jessie when she was just a toddler. Unfortunately, Miyamoto went MIA on her mission leaving Jessie to more or less fend for herself. Jessie went through life with zero stability, evident by her MANY different careers and constant moving around. It’s implied in the show that she went from foster home to foster home, and later in life tried being an idol, weather girl, florist, wine connoisseur, actress, most notably a nurse and finally a Team Rocket field agent. And even while in Team Rocket, she, James and Meowth were always doing odd jobs to get by. We see that Jessie used to be a sweet kid, and even adult, but the world and her circumstances repeatedly did her dirty, leading her to become the character we know today. Hot tempered, mean, selfish, etc. But despite this, her soft side does still shine through for the people and Pokémon she cares about. She is incredibly loyal.
Delia, unbeknownst to a lot of fans, also had a rough past (see Pocket Monsters: The Animation). Like Jessie, she had a lot of dreams and aspirations like wanting to be a model and even a trainer. But when she was 10, her mother didn’t let her, telling her that she had to stay home and learn to run the family restaurant (she’s an only child). Delia’s father left her and her mother to be a trainer, and never returned. When she was 18, she married Ash’s father and became pregnant shortly after. But right after Ash was born, he also set off to be a Pokémon trainer. And soon after that, her mother passed away, leaving Delia with just the restaurant and baby Ash. This gives so much context to Delia’s attitude in the show. We see that Delia is pained whenever Ash leaves on a journey, but she never shows that pain to anyone. ESPECIALLY Ash. She’s very quick to shoo him off when he shows any sign of wanting to go on another journey and even when he returns home, she acts more excited to see Pikachu than him almost every time. Without all this backstory, it’s easy to just read this as a funny gag, BUT with context, I think it really shows how quickly Delia shuts down and detaches in order to not confront her own feelings. She’s afraid of losing people and getting hurt again.
All that said, I think Jessie and Delia provide each other with EXACTLY what the other needs. 
Aside from becoming rich and famous, Jessie’s biggest aspiration is to get married. In my opinion, this is more so an underlying want for love and stability. There is no one more stable in the show than Delia. Delia’s lived in Pallet her whole life, she’s worked at the same restaurant since she was young and she is always there when Ash comes back home. She has all the love, patience and stability Jessie needs and craves. While forgiving, Delia’s not stupid and can keep Jessie in check. Delia’s also just an angel, which I feel, would make Jessie want to be better. And on top of all this, on more of a surface level, Delia’s a chef and excellent cook. She shows love through cooking and Jessie, who grew up poor, regularly starving and eating snow, happily receives that love. Jessie’s able to live a happy and healthy life with someone like Delia.
Delia, as stated, is very stable. Likely pretty monotonous and solitary, especially living in such a small town like Pallet. This isn’t a bad thing but it’s a little sad when you consider that Delia also had dreams of traveling, being a model and a trainer. She had to give up so many dreams in order to fulfill her duties as a restaurant owner and mother. And even now, when Ash is off on his journey, she feels the need to always be home and be that stable pillar, leaving behind any ambitions she had, thinking it’s too late for her (she’s only 29 btw). But then along comes Jessie, dangerous, passionate, an absolute firecracker. Someone who’s whole life has been about chasing dreams and either, never giving up on them or finding a new dream to chase. Upon learning about Delia’s past aspirations, I could see Jessie pushing her towards them, letting her know that life’s too short and she has nothing to lose from trying. On top of this, Jessie’s also loyal. She, James and Meowth are depicted as doing anything for anyone who gives them food or shows them kindness. Delia does both so there’s no way Jessie would leave her. This fulfills an essential need for Delia, who is afraid of the people in her life leaving her.
There’s so much potential for mutual growth and learning between these two and I adore that. They compliment each other, they help each other and they bring out the best qualities in one another.
I’m not really sure how to end this and I could truly talk about them even more but I don’t want this to be tooooo long haha. OH I could end it with maybe the most funny aspect of this ship that I've brushed over and also what drew me to it in the first place. Jessie. As Ash’s stepmom. THE END.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚ It's Like That *:・゚✧*:・゚
You decide to accept Itadori's invitation to the movies. It turns out better than expected.
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Pairing: Itadori x GN!Reader
CW: Fluff, SFW, hand holding, potential friends to lovers, it's technically a date 💕
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“Do you guys want to see Human Earthworm 4 with me?”
The three of you minus Itadori, who posed the question, share a lukewarm look. You’re on the edge of the shopping district, trying to decide what to do after your mission, if anything, and that’s the first idea that floats out amongst the group. 
“What’s it about?” Nobara asks.
After Itadori explains the horror romance, there’s even less enthusiasm amongst the group to watch the movie with him. Sensing this, he ups the bargain.
“I’ll pay.”
You wince when you see Fushiguro pull out his phone. “I don’t really have the energy to sit through a movie,” he excuses himself, fingers going a mile a minute to escape the situation of friendship for today. “I’m going home.”
Your broody classmate holds his ringing phone to his ear and briefly glances at Nobara.
“I’m going to hit up the shops," she responds to his silent question.
Megumi leaves the three of you behind in no time flat. Nobara only stays behind long enough to ask if you want to go shopping with her. While you normally love to go with her and are in dire need of new shoes, you notice a lonely sullen shadow building over your slit-cheeked classmate and throw up an apologetic smile to her. 
“I think I’ll go with Itadori-kun today.”
You miss the way his head perks up as you wave her off. Before you have a chance to collect your thoughts, Itadori is already on top of you, his fists drawn in front of him excitedly and chestnut irises filled with happy stars.
“You’re going to love it,” he tells you. It’s cute how he nearly shakes with excitement, you can even hear it growing in his voice and shining in his eyes. “It’s such a good series! I mean, I know it sounded weird, but it’s so much better on screen that— forget any of what I said, you gotta see for yourself!”
He wastes no time taking off in the direction of the theatre, and you jog to keep up with the speed of the Tiger of the West. It isn’t until he notices you lagging behind that he slows up to grab your hand and pull you with him.
“Come on, come on, we don’t want to miss the opening.”
“Is this one of those movies where I need to see the first three to know what’s going on?”
“Well, there’s a few returning characters, like Dr. Richter, but I can fill you in on the important stuff so don’t worry.”
When you get to the theatre, Itadori immediately jumps in the ticket line, huffing in relief when there are still seats available. You begin to pull out your wallet but pause when he hands you a pink paper ticket.
“I told you it’s on me,” he reminds you before going down the line and ordering a large popcorn, two drinks, and beating you to grab a packet of candy that you were staring at for two seconds too long. 
He hands the bag of sweets to the cashier to scan. “And this please,” he asks before handing the candy to you. 
“That’s okay,” you tell him, but he laughs it off.
“It’s fine. That’s your favorite, right?”
You shyly nod and hold onto the envelope of overpriced candy like it’s the most precious thing in the world causing the cashier to smile at you as she finishes preparing your items.
“Aren’t you two the cutest,” she comments. 
You squeak quietly at her comment, crumpling your candy in surprise. It’s not a big deal she mistook you as a couple, it’s not like Itadori was someone you didn’t like after all, and it’s not like there was any need to correct her but you didn’t know if he felt the same way about the situation. 
Curiously, you look at him, waiting for him to make the decision on the matter. Surprisingly, he blurts out a quick and happy, “Thanks!” before moving on to fill his drink.
As you watch him, you fight the urge to ask why he didn’t correct her; and when you notice that he’s way more interested in finding the right theater, you decide he must have said it because it wasn't worth a fuss.
The two of you get seats at the back of the theater, and you shift over people carefully to avoid falling into Itadori’s back as you find your seats. You can finally relax as he sets the bucket of popcorn on the armrest between you.
Soon enough, the movie begins to play.
It starts off like every normal horror movie. A mad scientist, a hapless victim, and an escape followed by a romantic subplot of the human earthworm discovering that the woman he met indeed loves him even if he is a worm. 
That’s about as much as you can keep up with. There are too many easter eggs that keep flying over your head and too many callbacks to the previous movies in the series. Itadori does his best to try to help you whenever you whisper questions at him; but eventually, you’re too distracted by the couple in front of you making out to pay attention to the movie.
It’s so obnoxiously grotesque, their arms wrapping around each other and a soft moan every so often that’s drowned out by the guttural sounds of the earthworm children. You can’t really believe they’d do that in public, and why did they have to be so close to you out of all people?
Itadori looks at you and then finally catches on to what’s making you squirm. When he does, a faint hint of red starts to coat across his nose, and he becomes equally uncomfortable. 
Deciding to make it a little better for the both of you, you nudge him then make a silly disgusted face with your tongue stuck out to mimic a gag. You’re rewarded with a snicker from him and his own silly face in turn, and it makes the awkwardness of it a little easier to take as you try to focus back on the movie.
It’s another half hour in before you wonder exactly how the hell are they still going at it. 
“Society really needs to bring shame back,” you think before a warm breath hits your ear and fans down your jaw. 
You nearly jump before the smooth sounds of Itadori’s voice greet you. 
“So, that guy—” he begins but you’re way too focused on how close he leaned into you this time, how low the timbre of his voice goes to keep from disturbing those around you. It makes your feet curl in your shoes and your breath catch in your chest when his shoulder connects with your arm.
You feel heightened to his presence and the heat of him so close. It wasn’t like this earlier, but your heart is racing and your skin tickles the more he whispers. You think he’s so close that he could almost kiss your earlobe. 
It’s a path that you didn’t know you had in your mind, and it leaves you rattled as the smallest brush of pink hair hits your skin as he straightens back up and reaches for another handful of popcorn. 
Every time he touches your arm after to get your attention or your hand scoops by his in the popcorn bucket, you start to become flustered and jittery like a child after too much sugar. 
It lasts until the movie reaches its apex.
There’s a combined scream that fills the theatre, and you tense at the splatter of blood hitting the camera, leaving the few remains of your popcorn scattered across the floor as you unwittingly knock it over and squeeze Itadori’s hand tight. 
Your fingers slot with his and your fingertips bury against his palm, and it’s the only thing keeping you from bursting into a scream. 
When the lights flash back on, you notice how pink his hand looks under your tense hold and mumble out an apology. 
“Oh, that?” he asks followed by the same charming laugh as always. “It was pretty funny. You should’ve seen your face, like a blowfish,” he comments, teasingly mocking your blow-eyed expression as everyone around you begins to exit. “I never took you for a scaredy-cat.”
“You’re one to talk. You screamed in my ear at least a dozen times,” you remind him as the two of you also make your way towards the exit doors. “Sounded like you were on fire.”
“Don’t say fire in a theatre!” he scolds with a hiss.
“You said it louder.”
“To remind you not to say it!” 
You giggle at how offended he sounds as you break out into the light of the late afternoon. You walk with Itadori back to your pickup spot on the edge of the shopping district. It’s surprisingly quiet especially considering who you’re with, and it makes you worry a bit. 
You thought Itadori would be more excited after watching the film and practically forcing you to run 500m dash to get there, but he’s barely said two words about it since leaving the theatre, briefly mentioning how he’s still glad they used a real costume for the main earthworm instead of CGI.
But since leaving, his mood seems to have dampened. You thought about bringing something up from the movie, but you couldn’t really catch more than a few bloody scenes and a little evil monologuing from Dr. Richter outside the moments when Itadori would have your attention, with his voice in your ear or his hand excitedly clasping around your wrist each time he enthusiastically info-dumped a scene to you.
“Hey, um,” he begins piquing your interest. He seems to lose his nerve when you catch his eye; his gaze flutters to his feet before nervously picking back up to glimpse at your face but only for a few seconds. “Thanks for coming with me.”
You smile. “Don’t mention it. It was…different.” 
“Yeah,” he agrees but he still seems down. 
“Itadori-kun? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah…It’s just…I could tell you didn’t really like the movie. I mean I knew from the start it wasn’t really your thing. You and Nobara usually like to shop together more than watch horror movies. But still—” he breathes in deep, a shy color blossoming across his face. “It’s been a while since it felt like I did something normal, so it was really nice having someone to come with me. I appreciate it.”
There's something about his explanation that makes your heart hurt. He hasn’t been a sorcerer that long yet; and coming from being a normal kid to the world you were born into was probably scarier than you all could understand. 
“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it! I just couldn’t really follow the story between that annoying couple smacking the whole time, and I felt like I barely follow anything at all!” you reason with him, but he still has that kicked puppy look on his face. 
You sigh with soft empathy before offering him a reassuring smile.
“Hey, Itadori-kun, you know I think I’d like to come back and see it again with you. After we watch the first three movies of course."
He gives you a curious look, his eyebrows raised with disbelief. 
You give a cute and short nod. “Mhm! I can’t really give it a fair chance if I haven’t seen the ones leading up to it. Besides, I want to know why Dr. Richter was trying to kidnap the baby H.E.s in the first place? Couldn’t he make more Enhanced H.E.s from the DNA left from the original experiment victim like he did at the beginning of the movie?” 
It’s like you open the skies back over him when your words sink in, and he moves so happily, speaks so fully, and it makes you happy to see him simply be happy. 
“They explain it so good in the third movie,” he says, unable to hold in his excitement. “I know a great site, it has subtitles and everything, and a special director’s cut at the end of the second movie.”
You laugh. “Sounds good!”
“We should pick up some more snacks; the original is actually pretty long,” he warns and starts to lead you towards the convenience store. Your smile only breaks when you feel the tug on your arm and look down to notice his hand still fastened around yours. 
You freeze, feeling your face warm a bit when you realize he’s probably been holding it since before you left the theater. This makes him pause and turn towards you.
Softly, he calls your name and asks if you’re okay, making you drop your head bashfully.
“Oh, it’s nothing really but you’re still holding my hand,” you point out.
Itadori looks down between the two of you and confirms that his fingers are still locked with yours, a comfortable fit.  
“Huh, oh, I guess I am,” he states matter-of-factly before he blushes. “Oh, it’s probably all gross and oily right? Yuck.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s not actually,” you correct, making no move to force him to let go because you honestly don’t want him to stop this good feeling pouring from him into you through the simple act. 
Your soft expression makes his cheeks warm for a different reason this time. 
“Oh, well, w-we should probably hurry,” he stammers out, and your hand tightens around his hand just a little bit more as you agree and find the closest convenience store to prepare for your first movie night. 
Nobara stops outside the convenience store, hand to the glass as she stalks back and forth, trying to catch glimpses down the aisle. 
She could have sworn she just saw the two of you walk in from the other side of the street, and she was going to come to say hi – partially to ask how the movie went and partially to make Itadori carry her shopping bags if the two of you were done – that was before she noticed how close the two of you looked.
Weirdly close. 
When she finally catches you in the foggy glass, hand in hand, looking at the mini gacha inside the store, she gasps and quickly shuffles her bags around in search of her phone. 
Kugisaki quickly scrolls through her contacts, impatiently tapping her foot as she waited for the line to pick up.
“Fushiguro get here quick,” she harshly whispers into the device.
There’s a lazy voice on the other end asking what she wants, and she vaguely explains the situation to be met with resistance.
“Well then have Ijichi drop you off again! What do you mean ‘No’?" she growls. "Shut up and listen to me. They just went into 7/11. Ugh. Fine, fine, I’m sending you some pictures,” she argues. 
Kugisaki quickly starts to snap some pictures through the glass and frantically sends them off before bringing the phone back to her ear.
“That’s what I’m saying so hurry up and get here! Yes, it’s like that!” 
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fastandcarlos · 24 days
Family Affair ~ Max Verstappen
Summary: it’s a family affair at the singapore grand prix as the entire verstappen family come to cheer max on
ynusername just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 103,382 others
ynusername: I’ll give you three guesses as to where we’re off to 🏎️
tagged: maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1: well aren’t I just the luckiest dad/husband in the world 🩷
username1: we love when the verstappens all show up
username2: I can’t deal with how cute you all are
charles_leclerc: yesssssss!! leo can’t wait for all the pup cuddles this weekend
ynusername: nvm the kids, all the cuddles will come from me
danielricciardo: it’s been too long, can’t wait for the fam to reunite
maxverstappen1: @/danielricciardo you do know you’re not actually family…don’t you?
danielricciardo: @/maxverstappen1 can you stop ruining my dreams please and thank you
redbullracing: we’re preparing ourselves for all the chaos 🤯
username3: watch max be exhausted before even getting in the car dealing with the kids and y/n
username4: cannot wait for the verstappen spam all weekend 😍
maxverstappen1 just posted
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 2,291,202 others
maxverstappen1: project verstappen junior is well underway, checkout y/s/n learning the ropes during practice this morning 🏁
schecoperez: when I’m next in need of a new engineer I’ll be sure to give y/s/n a call!
ynusername: @/schechoperez he would absolutely love to work for uncle checo ❤️
username4: just when we all thought these kids could not get any cuter, max posts this
username5: it’s the baby uniform for me 😅
oscarpiastri: y/s/n already looks like he does a better job than anyone at mclaren
mclaren: @/oscarpiastri we’ll pretend we didn’t hear that
ynusername: I’m never gonna be able to escape f1 am I??
username6: max must be the proudest parent seeing his son so in love with what he does
pierregasly: little guy is looking good in blue max!!
redbullracing just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynusername and 492,971 others
redbullracing: when all the verstappens are wearing blue, it only means one thing 🏆🏁
tagged: maxverstappen1 and ynusername
maxverstappen1: another big push this weekend team, with my favourite mascots I’m sure p1 has my name all over it
username7: petition for team verstappen to come and cheerlead for me instead
username8: asking for a friend…can your ovaries burst just from a photo?
ynusername: team max! (and @/schechoperez 🎉)
username9: if anyone was wondering where all the good genes went…look no further
username10: pls tell me that is max’s helmet that y/d/n is wearing, it’s drowning her 😭
ynusername: @/username10 don’t worry, it is, she insists on trying it on when max finishes it, the stench is gross
maxverstappen1: @/ynusername excuse me, I always smell a million dollars
maxverstappen1 just posted
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liked by redbullracing, alex_albon and 3,032,583 others
maxverstappen1: on pole for tomorrow, job done for another day, now to rest up and relax for tomorrow. not sure how possible that will be with the kids, the pink bow was a new low 🥺🩷
estebanocon: mate the bow should stay…really brings out the colour in your eyes
georgerussell63: sorry max, I’m never going to be able to take you seriously again
ynusername: damn love, y/d/n really has got you wrapped around her little finger 😂
maxverstappen1: @/ynusername what can I say? she really is a daddy’s girl 😊
username11: look at his smile, that’s a true proud dad smile going on there
username12: I swear max you have never looked better 😍
carlossainz55: almost at smooth operator level there max!!
maxverstappen1: @/carlossainz55 from you sir I will take that as a complete
pierregasly: that reminds me, I really must update your photo contact on my phone
fernandoalo_oficial: you lose all street cred the moment you become a dad I’m afraid max
username13: not all the drivers finally taking revenge and getting back at max 😂😂
ynusername just posted
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 729,492 others
ynusername: the three stages of race week with children. 1) run around with loads of energy. 2) begin to tire but remind yourself how cute your children are when they give you cute notes. 3) completely collapse after the race when you realise your children have tired you out before the lights even went out. sorry bub, but remember we love you dearly 🩷🩷🩷🩷
tagged: maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1: I’ll be good as new for tomorrow, spending time with you guys will always be my priority. I love you all so much more 🥺❤️
landonorris: I remember the days when max used to write me cute notes like that 😭
danielricciardo: @/landonorris and the days when he used to play tag with me around the paddock too
landonorris: @/danielricciardo he’s abandoned us now for the kids…my heart is broken
yukitsunoda0511: that looks like a man trying to get five minutes peace from his kids on the right 😂
maxverstappen1: @/yukitsunoda0511 guilty as charged
username13: just when I think we possibly couldn’t get anymore cute dad max photos for the weekend, we end up getting more
username14: you just know that max absolutely dotes on his two angels
oscarpiastri: petition for the two of you to adopt me, I want to be part of all this fun too 🥺
maxverstappen1 just posted
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liked by ynusername, schecoperez and 3,382,503 others
maxverstappen1: singapore p1 🏁🎉 couldn’t have done it without my incredible team cheering me on, having them beside me constantly reminds me of the sacrifices they all make. y/n, y/s/n, y/d/n, you guys are the best. thanks for all the support team, now to soak up all the daddy cuddles before the next one 🔥
tagged: ynusername
ynusername: words cannot begin to express how proud we are of you!! nights like this simply don’t get better my love 🤩
redbullracing: congratulations on a great week of racing max, enjoy the time with your family now
username15: poor y/d/n looks so exhausted, it must be hard work cheering for daddy
landonorris: are those daddy cuddles just from y/s/n and y/d/n????
maxverstappen1: @/landonorris what exactly are you implying?
landonorris: @/maxverstappen1 🫢🫢🫢🫢
charles_leclerc: congrats on a great week max, an honour to share the podium with you again
lance_stroll: lovely to finally meet all the family my man, enjoy the rest and recovery with your little ones
username16: are we all just going to pretend like we don’t know what lando is hinting at back there?
username17: max screams daddy material…literally 😅
georgerussell63: we couldn’t not let you win this one…we just didn’t wanna upset the kids 😂
ynusername just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, lewishamilton and 629,402 others
ynusername: husband, father, grand prix winner, is there anything that this man can’t do? we are so proud of you max, every time I think you can’t achieve more, you go and prove me wrong. thank you for the best weekend with our little team ❤️🔥
tagged: maxverstappen1
carlossainz55: he’s yet to beat me at fifa…that’s something he can’t do 😂
logansargeant: I swear you guys are the ultimate goals, if anyone asks, this is how I want my future to look!!
maxverstappen1: thank you for cheering me on, I hope you guys know that I do all of this for you 🥺
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 ofc we do, and once again you’ve reminded our children that hard work really does pay off
danielricciardo: I remember the days when he used to hug me like that 😭
ynusername: @/danielricciardo MOVE ON AND LET IT GO 😂😂😂
username18: he’s lucky to have someone as amazing as you in his corner y/n
username19: pls tell me this is the last post this weekend, my heart can’t take anymore adorableness 💔
landonorris: go team verstappen!! (I’m secretly rooting for you guys!)
redbullracing: remember y/n you’re always welcome in the paddock, we’ve loved having you, y/d/n and our future world champion y/s/n with us this weekend 😊
I hope you enjoyed this little smau, any feedback or requests would be gratefully received 🥺🥺🥺
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Can We Get One
The youngest Leclerc loves baby Leo. So why the fuck won't her boyfriends let her get a puppy?
Norstappen x leclerc!reader
Okay I found out one of 'my' dogs died while writing this
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"Hi Baby Leo," she gushed as she scooped her little puppy into her arms. He was like a little shark with the way he went to bite at her sleeve.
But she didn't much mind, gushing over the dog that she had dubbed her nephew (well, if Arthur and Lorenzo weren't going to make her an aunt, Leo it would have to be).
"I'm gonna kidnap you," she said in that baby voice as she stroked under his chin. "Gonna steal you away from your daddy so you can come live with me and Lando and Max."
She was in her own little world as she played with Leo, her brother, her boyfriends, lost to her. Max tried to call her name, but she waved him off to press kisses to Leo's head.
Lando and Max couldn't deny how goddamn cute she looked, holding Leo close to her chest. She scooted around on her ass to face them. "Boys, I'm in love," she said and pouted at them as Leo went to bite her chin.
"Baby," Lando began as he joined her on the floor. "We're not getting a dog."
She turned her attention away from Lando and looked towards her brother. "Charlie, do you need a baby sitter?" She asked as she placed Leo in her lap. He happily sat there and chewed on her skirt.
"No way," Charles said. "You're not babysitting my dog."
A huff left her lips and she muttered something to Leo, something like 'you'd never be this mean to me, would you angel?' "If I move in with you, cook, clean, pay rent, can I get a puppy?" She asked as she looked at him.
Max couldn't stop the laugh that left his lips. "Um, excuse me," he called and tapped her on the shoulder. She ignored him. "Angel, just because we're not letting you get a puppy..."
"That's not it, Maxie," she muttered and scratched at Leo's belly. "Leo just wants me close, that's all."
The Leclercs had always had dogs growing up. It was one of the reasons Charles had gotten Leo. So, seeing his sister so in love with his little puppy, he knew he had to do something.
Charles picked Leo up and pulled his sister up from the floor. She put Leo in his harness, attached his lead and put him on the floor. "Why don't you take him for a walk?" He said and pointed her towards the door.
But she didn't leave. "Cha," she whispered, looking back at her boyfriend. "What're you doing?"
He whispered something in her ear, something that Max and Lando couldn't hear. Something along the lines of 'I'm gonna try and convince these guys to get you a dog'.
She couldn't help but smile as she walked out, Leo at her heels.
Charles began talking to Max and Lando. But what he was suggesting was unrealistic. How could they have a dog when they already have cats? It wouldn't have been fair to Jimmy and Sassy.
But Charles wouldn't drop it, wouldn't drop how happy she looked when she was with Leo. Wouldn't drop how happy she would be if they got her a puppy.
By the time she came back with Leo, they still weren't convinced. But Max couldn't get it out of his head. They were his cats at the end of the day.
It didn't take long for him to work out that he'd do anything to make her happy, including get a puppy.
Charles took her away for a week. He was in on it, happy to help however he could.
And, while they were away, Max and Lando brought home Baguette. The name was Lando's idea, a 'French Poodle for a French girl'. Which pissed her off because she was not in fact French.
It was Max's job to introduce Baguette to the cats. It wasn't smooth sailing, but the boys knew it wasn't going to be. And, by the time Charles brought her home, Baguette and the cats were coming fast friends.
The memory of the first time she met Baguette would always be ingrained into Max and Lando's memory.
She threw her arms around Lando's neck the moment she walked into the apartment, unaware. But then she heard the barking.
"Is Leo here?" She asked, clearly confused as she looked around for the puppy.
But Max didn't emerge with a puppy. Well, not that puppy anyway. The French Poodle puppy was a stranger to her. "We got you something," Lando said as he watched her expression.
"No." It was almost a whisper as Max approached, Baguette in his arms.
"Baguette, say hello to your mommy," Max said as he passed her the dog.
Her mouth fell open as she took Baguette from Max. "This... this is a joke, right?" She couldn't stop herself from asking as Max wrapped his arm around Lando's waist. "You guys got me a dog?"
"We sure did, baby," Lando said as he stepped out from Max's embraced. He stroked Baguettes head, touched his soft, curly ears. "Baby, meet Baguette."
(Baguette below)
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buckyalpine · 3 days
I was thinking about Bucky. A beefy Bucky. A beefy mob Bucky. Who is such a simp. I think now is the perfect time to talk about it cause I need some fluff and look at that, it's also my favorite @wifeofbarnes birthday!
Happy birthday sweet angel, I hope you have one filled with so much love ❤️️❤️️
Imagine a brooding beefy mob Bucky pining after his rivals sweet, shy daughter. He has no business liking her, her father was always teetering on the edge of putting a bullet between Bucky's eyebrows but Bucky couldn't help it. She's too cute. Too sweet. Everyone knows there's something between you both between the fleeting glances and the number of times Bucky's left with a blush on his cheeks whenever your around.
For someone who hates meetings, he's more than fond of going to your estate to talk over business with a man he hates so much. He's going to go to every single one of those meeting if it means he gets to see you. He never gets more than a few moments, no more than a few words before he's dragged away by Steve who isn't trying to get stabbed by one of your bodyguards.
Bucky swirls his crystal glass, the ice in clinking against each other as he takes a sip of amber liquid, seated at a private booth at the back of the club. The alcohol that's already warming his body heats him up even more when he sees you laughing and giggling with your friends, a cute little birthday girl tiara on top of your head.
Fuck, you were so perfect.
"You're staring again, you creep" Steve snorts but Bucky pays him no mind. He's too busy looking at you in your pretty dress, your hips swaying to the music. Tipsy, maybe even a little drunk, love sick Bucky wants nothing more than to get a moment alone with you but he's smart enough to wait.
Well, sort of.
"Go distract her bodyguards"
"You're going to get us killed"
"Then you'll die knowing it was for a good cause"
Sam and Steve shake their head as they wander off to find your security team, quietly instigating a small scuffle to keep them occupied. You step outside waiting for your car to pull up, frowning when a large black truck stops in front of you instead. The door opens and-
"Bucky, what are you doing!" you squeak as he pulls you into the back of his SUV, setting you on his lap before telling his driver to park in a secluded area and to leave for a "smoke break".
"I wanted to say hi" Bucky shrugs innocently as if its the most obvious thing in the world.
"And this is how you decided to say hi?" You giggle, feeling butterflies bustle around your tummy being so close to him. You could smell his cologne and the warm scent of whiskey clinging onto his lips; you wanted nothing more than to bury yourself into him. The pink on his cheeks deepened at you caught him in his little act, pretending he wasn't admiring you from afar the whole time.
"I didn't know it was your birthday" He shrugs again while you try to wiggle off his lap, worried someone might see you but he huffs and holds you tighter. "The windows are tinted" he reads your mind without you saying anything, feeling your body relax slightly.
"Wish you'd said hi to me earlier" You say with a sigh and Bucky doesn't like the way you look sad now. You would've loved to spend more time with him instead of hiding away like this.
"I can drop you home" He offers with a boyish smile and you shake your head because it's far too risky and there's no way you'd be able to get away with it and sneak it past your father.
"Not unless you plan on posing as the cleaning lady-
"I can do that"
"I can pull off a maids dress"
"Then how about a birthday kiss" He cocked his head to the side playfully and you swear your cheeks couldn't get any hotter.
"Just one birthday kiss?" He pouts and you can't believe this mass of tattoos and muscle is giving you puppy eyes with his pink bottom lip jutting out.
"Please, sugar?" He whispers, his fingers tracing nimble little shapes on your hips while you chew your lip nervously, giving him a nod because you can no longer formulate words. He leans down to press his lips softly against yours and you sigh at the little whimper he lets out, his hands pawing at you to hold you closer. He feels all warm and fuzzy on the inside, letting his arms hug your body extra tight.
"Another?" He whispers, lips brushing against yours with a plea in his voice and you giggle, kissing him again.
"One more?"
"Please?" He smiles when you kiss him until you're both breathless, only pulling away when you need air.
Imagine how cute he'd be trying to spend more time with you as discreetly as possible. You're usually at home so that's his best bet so he'll work with what he can.
"Why is this large fuck around my house so often" Your father rubbed his temples seeing another message for a meeting to go over shipments and territories. "Seriously, he's here almost every week"
Bucky is able to pull it off for a bit but honestly not for long. He's sitting across your father and it's gotten to the point his guards don't bother waiting by the door because Bucky isn't even a threat. He always comes and goes like it's his own house and they're not blind, silently betting over if this will end in a war or wedding.
"For fucks sake are you here to see me or my daughter" your father finally huffs, no longer able to take Bucky's blushing and shifting after you left his office to give him a coffee. "You're here to see her, aren't you"
Bucky nods like a school child who got caught cause knows he hasn't been discreet with his crush. Your father contemplates tossing Bucky into the lake with rocks tied to his ankles but he's also seen the way you look at him and there's no doubt the feelings are mutual.
"God damnit"
Imagine wedding and 2 babies later, Bucky is still just as in love with you. The cutest part is he's still trying to be sneaky.
"You're married now, why the hell are you still trying to hide" Your father berates the mob boss while bouncing his grandson in his lap seeing Bucky tug you into the kitchen so he could kiss you. "You're 6 feet tall and built like a line backer, you can't exactly hide, son"
Bucky pouts at you while you giggle hearing your father snort from the living room.
"He's right, y'know" you nuzzle into your husband while he engulphs you in his arms. You squeal when he hoists you up instead and makes a beeline towards the bedroom. You still stir something in him to this day and since your dad was there to babysit anyway...
"Bucky, where are we going"
"To go make baby #3"
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maplesyrupsainz · 3 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙obsessed with u | LN4 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: lando norris x ln4 admin/photographer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, new relationship
warnings: none just a lot of fluff!!
summary: in which a podium means you and your boyfriend hard launch a little bit early <3
a/n: omg i feel like this fanfic revived me and im back fr 🙏 hope it's ok OMG i rly tried to make a good plot but i fear i got no inspo atm anyway i fancy lando soooo badly atm it's rly shocking how bad i want him anyway ENJOY!!!! hope it dont suck ballzzz ahhhhhhhh
request!!!: lando x reader smau where reader is the admin of the Instagram account lnfour. You absolutely have the liberty of what you wanna do with it
fc: various blonde girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 381,117 others
user1 stop soft launching and tell us who she issss
user2 need details
user3 👀 mr lando norris plz spill
carlossainz55 cute
liked by landonorris
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, landonorris, and 18,204 others
yourbff ugh lil cuties
liked by yourusername
user4 so cute
friend1 aww look at you guys
liked by yourusername
lnfour 📍 melbourne, australia
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 183,927 others
lnfour ready for the weekend 🦘
tagged: landonorris
view all 4,013 comments
user5 any sign of the gf then? 👀
user6 i love y/n's photographyyy
user7 same she's got the female gaze downnnn
user8 he's so hot
liked by lnfour
user9 admin leak who his gf is to us plz xxx
user10 i have a good feeling about this weekend's race 🙏
lnfour us too!!! 🕯️
interview ->
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instagram ->
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1, and 201,723 others
lnfour anyone else hoping for a big reveal this weekend then?
view all 6,812 comments
carlossainz55 yes, me
lnfour 😂
user16 HELLOOO???
user17 urm wait guys hear me out
user18 let me guess you think he's dating y/n
user17 👀
user19 who is y/n omg im losttttt
user20 literally lnfour admin and photographer lol
landonorris 🤷‍♀️
liked by lnfour
user22 heart palpitations
yourusername posted a story
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liked by landonorris, yourbff, and 31,022 others
landonorris damn who's that sexy man
yourusername 🙄
user23 HMMMM
user24 lando & y/n dating???
user25 that your man?
yourbff stop coz they're connecting the dots y/n
yourusername what dots?!!!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 96,283 others
yourusername it's race day mi amigos
view all 3,727 comments
user26 mi amigos... muchos debris... they're meant to be perhaps
user27 some of you are reaching doesn't y/n have a bf already?
user28 she's been soft launching but nothing is confirmed so it could be anyone 👀
landonorris keep me in your thoughts and prayers
yourusername 😂 always!
user29 they're in love
user30 dramatic much
user31 wouldn't it be weird for lando to date someone he works with 😭
oscarpiastri let's goooooo
yourusername 💪
landonorris posted a story
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liked by lnfour, yourbff, and 281,114 others
lnfour 💪💪💪💪💪💪 you got this
liked by landonorris
user33 hi y/n
user34 hmmmmmmmm
user35 this is a big enough reveal to me .. 😇
lnfour posted a story
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 22,927 others
user36 🤞🤞🤞🤞
user37 we're gonna win babyyyyyyy
liked by lnfour
mclaren posted a story
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liked by lnfour, oscarpiastri, and 586,711 others
lnfour 🧡🧡🧡
user39 our boyyy
user40 big reveal when?
yourusername so proud
liked by mclaren
user41 p1 next time
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 63,018 others
carlossainz55 so cute of him
yourusername CONGRATULATIONS CARLOS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user42 are you going to celebrate together
charles_leclerc a handsome boy
yourusername 😊😊😊😊
oscarpiastri you'll come out celebrating with us?
yourusername wouldn't miss it for the world
alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 14,928 others
user44 she's such a wag without even being a wag
user45 love her
user46 oh to be in this friend group 😭
user47 she's so mother
oscarpiastri posted a story
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liked by yourbff, landonorris, and 282,016 others
user49 lando and y/n omg??
user50 OMG?????
landonorris delete
yourusername delete
*this story has been deleted*
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instagram ->
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourbff, carlossainz55, and 305,137 others
yourusername not hiding it anymore then?
landonorris guess not 👀
yourbff AHHHHHH ily guys
liked by landonorris
user56 scream
user57 BIG REVEAL?!
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, and 118,045 others
lnfour this weekend hit different
tagged: landonorris, carlossainz55
view all 2,018 comments
user59 just missing charles!!!!
user60 i love lando and carlos' friendship sm
user61 interesting
user62 not her acting like nothing is going on 😝
user63 WE KNOW
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 221,673 others
yourusername hits different cause it's u
view all 4,381 comments
user64 peep oscar
lilyzneimer pretty couple 🫶
liked by landonorris, yourusername
user65 omgggg mclaren wag bffs
alexandrasaintmleux ily y/n
yourusername ilysm❤️🧡
liked by yourusername, landonorris
user66 omg im so excited
user67 best big reveal ever
landonorris wow. look at u
yourusername donttttt. you'll make me blush 😭
user68 i love them omg
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, yourbff, and 599,738 others
user70 god she's hot
yourusername NOOO I SAID STOP I'LL BLUSH😭😭😭😭😭
landonorris you think i dont want that???!
yourusername obsessed with u omg
landonorris obsessed with u a lot more trust
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