#she comes tonight
steampunkforever · 1 year
She Comes Tonight fits in a very specific niche of pulp horror that I’m only now further understanding, having made films exactly like it myself. See, every so often the onward march of tech democratization catches up to the onward march of tech advancement. It’s happening again if you can’t tell. Did you know that GoPros shoot 4k? And they’ve been doing this for awhile?
Basically, throughout history we’ve hit points where cinema-grade production equipment gets cheap. Or at least cheap to rent. Something in the great supply chain in the sky twists just right and schlubby directors with a few grand can crank out projects within a few degrees of camera quality from big names in studios. It’s never AS good but it’ll play OK in theaters without looking like it was shot on a handicam.
Recently you’ll see this with cell phones getting better cameras (and some schlub will roll out a film “Shot on iPhone” where you can’t critique it for being bad because shooting on a phone is impressive for anyone) but that pattern tracks to cameras. This means we’re in another renaissance where young horror directors are putting their brains to work just like George Romero and putting out something much worse than George Romero.
She Comes Tonight is one of those films. In a way, it’s a return to grindhouse pulp of the past. In another, it’s a complete failure to return to what we need: gore-filled exploitation horror to balance out an A24 imitator-filled ecosystem.
Now my main point when I opine on these things was that Pulp films from the past look so good because at the end of the day, they’re shot on film and new digital films don’t have that. What makes the Blair Witch project nice is the handheld cam aspect of the whole deal. She Comes Tonight and movies like it simply don’t have that charm to save them, but they’re basically analogous. But I don’t think that this is what ruined the movie for me.
My next point was that the movie could feasibly have saved itself if it had lowered its scope some and focused on production value on the other side of the camera lens. I’ve seen tons of low/no budget flicks really pull off stories that would be way outside their price range through costumes, set decoration, and other little things that go a long way toward making them professional.
The thing is that both of these points don’t matter. I loved the first Evil Dead and it has neither of these, really. Not that the first Evil Dead is necessarily oscarbait but it has a charm to it, just like a multitude of lesser horror films that I have enjoyed despite lack of production value and a contextual knowledge preventing overt use of nostalgia glasses.
What killed She Comes Tonight for me was that even as a “Horror Comedy” the movie simply failed to understand that self aware horror stopped being fun around the time that the Scary Movie Franchise started to flag, and that even if you can pull off self aware horror in an oversaturated market, you don’t do it with MCU-level “he’s behind me, isn’t he?” dialog. The overt nudity in the film didn’t even come off as fun exploitation but rather more like an instagram skit video mimicking a porn opening where it’s just stilted and awkward.
The gore was fun though. And the soundtrack rips. The practical effects and synthy soundtrack had no business being that good for a movie with an orgasm joke in the title.
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chubbychiquita · 5 months
oh my god i weigh more than tammy slaton
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manderleyfire · 7 days
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I lied for you taking that mining money. This is different, Ava. I guess me taking you in and building you up was a mistake. Just set you back to square one. That's not true. You took me in, and you healed me, Ava. You give me a reason to wake up in the morning. For that, I'll be eternally grateful.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 65
“Oh what the fuck-” It was supposed to be a quiet night- no breakouts in Arkham and for once the asylum is actually full of most of their rogues. And the others were already taking care of Scarecrow and Penguin was- as far as he knew- doing legal things at the lounge at the time. So somebody tell him why there’s this giant… thing that could give Grundy a run for his money in should be dead a thousand times over was pulling itself out of a sewer tunnel. Like seriously, he can see the blood and infection and whatever else dripping from honestly filthy bandages all on its arms that look a hint too long the more he looks through the binoculars, and it’s glowing this sickly green that reminds him way too much like the Pits. That isn’t even getting started on the mouth- the only part visible of their face due to the wild mane of what might be white hair but was hard to tell under the amount of blood- that stretched far too wide. He even swore he could see fangs! Not to mention the cloak that he wants to say is a knockoff of B’s, but honestly he can swear he sees it moving, twisting like lashing tails of shadow, or like Ivy’s vines. Its hands are long and gnarled, tipped in claws that dig into the concrete as it pushes itself to a frankly horrifying height. And oh fuck, not only did it have some sort of giant sword, but there was a small child sitting on its shoulder without any sign of realizing the danger they were in-
Danny is having fun, his ghost-mom Amity is out on a date with another city spirit, Mr Bludhaven- so he gets to hang out with grandma? grandpa? (honestly who has time for gender when there’s curses to beat back!) Gotham! It would perhaps be better if he wasn’t unknowingly making said city spirit visible to those who aren’t death-touched or liminal… Oh well! 
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pdouwes · 8 months
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First look at Willemijn Verkaik as Elsa in Die Eiskönigin das Musical in Hamburg
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backjustforberena · 11 days
Corlys "Heart Eyes" Velaryon:
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I gotta say I do absolutely adore that Fig Faeth who’s entire relationship with romance up to that point is tied to deception finds her match with a person whose defining trait is her honesty
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becca-e-barnes · 6 months
I’m feral for subby Bucky. I need him on the floor crying and begging for my pussy, a babbling bitch of a mess.
Okay love youuu💜
Maybe I've got too soft recently but I'm so into the thought of being sweet and gentle and encouraging with subby Bucky?
I can't stop thinking about how pretty he could look on his knees in dim bedroom lighting and the way it would accentuate those muscular thighs. He's naked, watching you, stroking his cock a little more frantically than you'd usually allow.
"Please." He sounds more composed than he looks and he's not afraid to keep eye contact with you while he begs.
"I need to feel you." He watches as you trail your finger gently across your own glistening sex, spreading your legs nice and wide so he's got a perfect view from the floor.
You don't respond. There's no sense in breaking a silence that heavy. Not when you know his mouth is watering, imagining the way you'll feel when you engulf his cock and then the way you'll taste while he licks his cum out of your freshly fucked pussy.
"I need you." He whispers, his mouth running faster than his brain. His dick throbs in his hand, precum dribbling down his shaft, over his fingers, making each stroke a little more slick.
"Then have me, sweetheart. I'm all yours." He didn't expect the softness in your voice or the way you tenderly hold his chin to pull him in for a kiss.
He's slipping just a little faster than he wants to but it feels lovely. He's safe, he's loved, he's free to explore interests he's never given much time to and it's all starting to feel quite comfortable and natural to him.
"I love you, I hope you know that." You whisper, kissing his forehead while you line his tip up to your entrance.
"Oh God." He whimpers, his head falling onto your shoulder because he can't look at you now. Not as he's pressing into you and you're being so gentle with him. It'll be overwhelming and he simply can't have that.
"I love how you make me feel. I love getting to see you like this." You coo softly, stroking the back of his head, enjoying his hot, erratic breathing on your neck.
Inch by inch, he slides inside you. It's slow and reverent and considerate and downright perfect.
"You don't need to last, sweetheart. Let me take care of you for now and we can go a little bit longer later." Your offer isn't one he can turn down. He's been too aroused for too long and taking the edge off is exactly what he needs so he can focus on your pleasure.
His thrusts from then on are much faster, his tip rubbing your sweet spot delightfully and while it's not enough to get you off, it leaves you arching yourself closer to him.
It doesn't take long for him to become a babbling mess, panting and moaning against your neck, begging to be allowed to cum inside you.
"I'm so proud of you." You remind him, holding him as close as you can. There is no closer than this; not with him inside you but it still feels important to be unreserved in how much you want him. "I'm so proud of you. It's okay sweetheart, I've got you. You're okay, I've got you."
You feel his hips stutter, his shaft pulsing and throbbing as he shoots his first load into you, buried as deep inside you as he can manage. There are a few tender moments where you just hold him, kissing his broad shoulders while he catches his breath, letting him get comfortable on your chest.
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brookiidookiii · 7 months
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i am manifesting axelle next season.. i need them to be toxic yuri
i wanna see axel try and take charge of her team but nichelle grabs her face and is like "nope we're not having a repeat of lastt ime!" and tries to take control and in that moment axel has a realization.
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remyfire · 3 months
Had a houlihawk meltdown tonight and didn't wanna lose it, so here we are.
I always feel like I love houlihawk the most if they never get the suburban home with the white picket fence, but if they get to be mobile in a freedom-centric way outside of, like, Margaret's childhood of Army transfers—just them renting instead of owning so they can travel all across the country and see new things and reconnect with their friends. Ending up in New York City for a year, mischievous, making out in elevators going up through these tall tall buildings as a race to see how stirred up they can get the other before the elevator dings at their floor. Going overseas, seeing Europe, touring France, Margaret playfully singing "C'est Magnifique" as a little street band plays for her and Hawk sweeping her into a passionate kiss as the crowd that had gathered around them applauds her performance. Just playfulness, adventure, discovering who they are in these whole new ways.
I had the image of Margaret who is terrified to ever get married again and Hawkeye who is still so fearful of marriage just. Agreeing that they don't want to get married. They want to just be together until they might not want to anymore. But I got emotional about the idea of Hawkeye giving Margaret one of his mother's old necklaces as a kind of symbol of commitment all the same and Margaret finding the finest watchband for Hawkeye, and them wearing those symbols year after year after year.
Imagining them spending a year or two working in free clinics around an overcrowding city, providing international aid as medical staff, always hand in hand, never one without the other when it comes to providing care. Spending a few years in California renting a room from the Hunnicutts while Hawk, Margaret, and BJ work tirelessly through the AIDS Crisis even though for all intents and purposes they should be thinking about retiring from medicine.
One day an 80-year-old Hawkeye is reading his newspaper and just tips his head back and yells, "Hey, Margaret?" and she shouts back, "Yes, darling?" and he goes, "D'you wanna get married tomorrow?" and Margaret is silent for a moment before she yells, "Sure!"
Which is when I realized that it would be the year 2000 if they were driving down to the courthouse while in their eighties to get married and that the Backstreet Boys would come on the radio on the way and Hawkeye would be trying to sing I Want It That Way to her while she's laughing her head off about how he's ruining the lyrics. And I exploded.
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Parents will say something so devastating to you but will forget they ever said it. Meanwhile I can’t form emotional connections with anyone because of what she said to me
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doctorwhoisadhd · 9 days
im going to throw up why does blaseball have to be dead. i miss her so much
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ladybugsimblr · 14 days
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If Bailey has your number and loves you, just know you will wake up to text essays because she does her best thinking/worrying at night.
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satans-knitwear · 3 months
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justafewsmallsteps · 5 months
Currently crying in a corner because I remembered that Inuyasha visited the well at least every three days.
And I don’t think he was waiting for Kagome to “come back”
As much as he was waiting/trying to see if the well would open for him
So he could go to her
Because he chose her. Because he thinks they were born for each other. Because since she has people who love her in her era, maybe that’s where she belongs
But he truly believes that he belongs with her, wherever and whenever.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
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Hey daddy
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