#not to mention the squad being so upset with new baby
ladybugsimblr · 4 months
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If Bailey has your number and loves you, just know you will wake up to text essays because she does her best thinking/worrying at night.
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stillsaltyaboutmcr · 2 years
I will always be here for you- Jake Seresin
this is a series, so I will link parts one and two below. I wanna write more parts for this than 3 so we aren’t to the birth yet. This is just lots of angst and fluff and Rooster throwing a tantrum (per usual). Hangman becomes more domestic and protective, aka the good stuff. 
part one l part two
Part 3: A Jake Seresin x f!reader where the Dagger Squad finally finds out you’re pregnant. It’s also time for the uranium mission.
Warnings: cursing, Rooster being a dick, mentions of blood and gore from an injury, Phoenix being the bestest friend
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It’s been a week since the situation at the beach happened. You’ve been staying at Hangman’s place for the time being, his excuse being he can take better care of you. He’s cooked for you, ran baths for you, let you use his hottub; with restrictions of course. Jake’s been amazing ever since you told him about the baby. He’s always making sure you’re comfortable and healthy. You get to sleep in his spare room, equipped with a queen size bed and it’s own bathroom. To say you were living comfortably was an understatement. 
Everything was going great until today. Your doctor told you not to fly this mission, so you had to meet with Maverick today. 
Maverick beat you to it though. “C/s, I need to see you in my office, time now.” You were so anxious, although you already knew what he wanted to meet over. The uranium mission was tomorrow which meant today was for packing and last minute training. Upon entering his office, he sat down and offered you a cup of coffee, which you declined politely. 
“How’s everything going? I’ve noticed you’ve been grounded lately.” Yup, you knew it. He knows, and Bradley’s the one who most likely told him. 
“Mav, Bradley told you didn’t he?” Maverick’s face turned pale as you cut to the chase. He swallowed hard before clearing his throat to talk. 
“Yes. I don’t know all the details, just that you’re pregnant. May I ask who the father is? You know our rules on fraternization.” You could tell he was trying to tread carefully on the matter as to not upset you. 
“Bradley is, but he wanted nothing to do with the baby, so Jake stepped in. He’s been taking care of me and acting as the father since then.” You fiddled with your hands nervously. 
“Okay. Bradley told me Jake was the father, that’s why I ask. Bradley wanted nothing to do with it?” 
You sighed at the new information. Of course Bradley would lie. He doesn’t want to be caught up in a misdemeanor. “Yeah. He and I started being more than friends way back when we were first here at Top Gun, it’s been on and off since then. Just a month ago, right before training we met up again and here I am. When I confronted him about it, he told me he’d pay half for an abortion and that he wanted nothing to do with the child.” Maverick’s face tensed up at that, knowing that he couldn’t do anything about Bradley, not without breaking your trust in him. 
“You said Hangman stepped in?”
“Yeah,” you caught his puzzled look. Anyone who knows Hangman would give the same reaction to what he was willingly doing for you. “He came over after training that day I confronted Bradley. He comforted me and told me no kid should go without a father, even if he wasn’t biologically the dad. He’s done so much for me this past couple of weeks. He’s doing more than Bradley would’ve ever done.” You let go a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
“Okay, you’re doing well? Everything look on track?” You nodded before he continued. “Unfortunately, you will not be able to fly this mission, but I don’t see why we can’t stick you in range control.” He smiled at you before giving you orders to see Hondo. 
Walking out, you immediately bump into Phoenix, who immediately bends down to say hello to her future niece or nephew. As she reaches eye level again she smiles at you, as if silently asking how you’re holding up. “I’m in range control from now on. At least I don’t have to deal with Rooster though.” You let out a small chuckle before she speaks up. 
“At least I know someone is in there who has my back.” She smiled and you both laugh before going your separate ways. 
You hadn’t seen Jake all day, not since you both arrived this morning. Since you were staying with him, you both rode to and from work together in his truck. 
You were getting ready to head out and meet him before an emergency meeting was called. 
It turns out, you’re all shipping out in an hour. 
Everyone hurried to the locker rooms to shower and change back into their flight suits, and some ran to their cars to grab bags they left in there. You ran out to Jake’s truck with your spare key and grabbed your bag, his already missing from the backseat. 
You were worried at the sudden ship out, you all weren’t supposed to leave until the early morning, but plans change. 
You all were in the front of the building, bags and uniforms ready. You noticed Jake across the tarmac from you where you all were waiting. When you made eye contact, he quickly grabbed his things to come be by you. “I thought you were grounded, how are you still coming with?” It wasn’t meant with malice, but pure curiosity. 
“Mav put me with Hondo, I’m in range control. My voice will be telling y’all what’s in the sky with you.” You smiled and saw his shoulders release the tension they were holding. Now that you were out of the running, you knew Hangman would be flying the mission, or at least be a spare. 
From boarding the ship until now, everything was going smoothly. Rooster was a wingman and Hangman was put on spare. You were halfway glad Hangman would stay on the ship unless called out, but you knew he was disappointed that he didn’t get picked. He was first up if anyone called for backup, with Coyote right behind him if requested. You were sitting in range with everyone else, a GPS locator in front of you. You could see the four planes, instructing them to dip below radar. Once they disappeared from your sight, you switched modes, being able to still locate them. 
You did your job, and listened as they landed both missiles, the mission successful thus far. You listened as they communicated through coffin corner. 
You even heard Maverick go down. You heard Hangman request for take off, and get denied. Everything went numb in you, even when Rooster turned around and both of them were presumed dead. 
That was until you yelled for Admiral Simpson, because something had lit up on your radar. “We have an F-14 entering the airspace.” 
“An F-14? How could- Maverick.” You watched the realization come onto his face as he told you to release Dagger Spare, which was Jake. You had to give orders to send out the one person you prayed stayed grounded. 
“Dagger Spare? Do you copy?” 
“To you? Always darlin’.”
“You have permission to take off, request of Admiral Simpson. We have an F-14 in our airspace we believe to be carrying Maverick and Rooster. We need you to find them and bring them home.” 
“You got it. I’ll see you soon, I promise.” As if Hangman knew your secret worry, he reassured you he’d be back. 
You watched on the radar as he shot down an enemy aircraft and both planes approached the carrier. You heard his cocky banter with Rooster. As soon as they both got into range of the carrier, you all double checked to make sure nothing was following and headed out to the tarmac to witness Jake land safely and Maverick do his infamous fly by. 
As soon as everyone got out of their planes, you rushed over to Jake who swooped you in his arms. “Good job, you did great.” He said, his arms still around you. 
“Me? You just landed another air to air kill! Look at you!” He smiled before you both fell silent. He slowly leaned in, a hand coming up to hold your face as he placed his lips on yours. You reciprocated the gesture and wrapped your arms around his neck. Soon, he pulled away looking at you.
“I’ve wanted to do that for awhile now.” He smiled, a blush coming to decorate his cheeks. 
“Well, you can always do it again.” He quickly swooped you up and kissed you feverishly, this moment was amazing and you hoped to stay in it forever, until you heard your names. 
“Are you kidding me? We just come back from a dangerous mission where I saved Maverick and risked my life and all you two can do is make out? In front of everyone?” Rooster walked over to where to two of you were still by Jake’s plane. 
“Congratulations, really. You were great out there but what you did was reckless and could’ve gotten you both killed. I’m celebrating the fact that Jake came back safe. That the mission was a success and we didn’t lose anyone. I can celebrate the way I want to. You have no right coming over here and judging me for that.” You beat Jake to it, he mouth was still open, but nothing was coming out. “I really wish you’d grow up a little and move past this all. Jake stepped in when you didn’t and became the father figure I wanted for my child. You lost the privilege to be in my life and my baby’s life when you told me to get rid of it. It’s my body that makes the child, not yours. I wanted you in the kid’s life. Please leave us alone. Come back when you’ve matured and don’t throw a tantrum every time you-” You quickly look down, cutting yourself off when you noticed Rooster’s flight suit. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Rooster stepped forward and puffed out his chest. 
“No, Bradley...you’re bleeding.” His eyes go wide and Jake quickly follows your gaze. Your eyes were stuck on Bradley’s side, where blood was quickly soaking his uniform. Bradley quickly reaches his hand down and touches the spot, wincing and revealing a red-soaked hand in return. “Come on, let’s get you to the med bay.” You turn to Jake and he nods, telling you to go. You smile apologetically in return before helping Rooster to the nearest medic, who takes you both to the med bay and quickly starts cutting off Rooster’s flight suit to reveal an open wound on his side of his body by his ribcage. He must’ve gotten caught on something during his ejection when saving Maverick. You sat there and watched as the medic cleaned and stitched up the wound. 
“I’m sorry for the way I treat you. It just pisses me off when I see you and Jake having the life I’ve always wanted with you. Let alone, with the baby I helped create.” 
You sighed, looking down at Bradley. “Honestly, that’s a bullshit apology. You shoved me off the moment I told you about my pregnancy. You wanted nothing to do with me, wouldn’t even look at me. Don’t start feeling guilty now and telling me you’ve always wanted this because you lost that chance.”Just then your phone buzzed, it was Jake. “I have to go.”
Before he could say anything else, you walked out to find Jake. He was still out by his plane talking with Phoenix, apparently filling her in on everything that just happened. “Hey girl, how ya feeling?” She hugged you, giving you a small smile. 
“Rooster just tried to apologize. I walked out on him.” They both look at you with wide eyes. 
You told them both what he had said and Phoenix sighs before taking off. “Where are you going?” You shout. 
She turns around and looks at you before shouting back, “To give him a piece of my mind!!” She was gone in a blink and you couldn’t help but laugh. Jake snaked his arm around you and gazed into your eyes. 
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He said it with such admiration in his voice, it took you by surprise. “Do you want to move in with me?” Your mouth fell open in shock as the question left his lips. 
“Really? Are you sure?” 
“As sure as I’ve been in awhile. If we’re raising this kid together, then we should be a little more official don’t you think?” 
All you could do for an answer was kiss him. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He laughed a little before you looked at him fully. 
“I’m so lucky to have you.” You returned his statement from earlier, basking in the setting sun and living in this moment as long as you could. 
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moobloom-mention · 9 months
Is a Good Night's Rest Really Too Much to Ask For? (Yes. Yes It Is.)
Summary: Macaque is...a lot of things. But he'll take the title of "a busy monkey" just for time's sake.
Whether he's listening to the Sisterhood's neverending list of complaints or grooming rowdy infants, he's never not trapped in a state of constant motion.
It's why he doesn't ask for much back from the troop. Only that he's allowed to get whatever sleep he can at night.
It's too bad that a certain Sister's kid has different plans.
Content Warning(s): Fluff, Mentions of violence
Word Count: 1528
This is apart of a self-indulgent AU that plays into the natural hierarchy of Rhesus Macaques. It started as a joke with Blame about Macaque having a "Bitch-Squad" he gossips with and it just...this baby's now got like 8 drabbles and a whole story for MK's involvement.
Macaque wouldn't call himself the most efficient when it comes to getting sleep.
He'll follow the rest of the troop's lead, finding a kind branch to rest on just as the sky begins to paint itself in shades of orange and pink. He'll sit, curled up against Wukong and think about how nice it would be to finally submit to the thrall of sleep.
But a twig would snap. Or Wukong would snore just a bit too loudly and his mind would wake once more.
The sound never mattered, the fear it'd elicit from Macaque was indiscriminate. Danger was noisy. And sound guaranteed trouble.
It was an old mantra- one that screamed of a past life in which Macaque was never enough and that he was not important enough to sleep in the branches of trees.
His mother had amounted to nothing; why would the troop ever think her daughter son would either?
And so, laid at the base of the troop's tree, Macaque had learned. He'd memorized every aching pattern the forest followed, desperate to understand the sound of imminent danger less he find himself in the jaws of something.
The troop would not have mourned his death. But Macaque sure of fuck would've.
His paranoia hadn't stayed with the ravaged troop he'd once called "home", following him into a new life he'd built at Wukong's side. He still doesn't find sleep to be an easy accomplishment.
But tonight is a pleasant surprise- as the forest, for once, seems to find peace with itself. Above the gentle hum of wind he can hear the gentle rustle of birds settling down, accented only by the continuous buzz of crickets.
It's chaotic in its own right. And it spoke more of peace than a quiet forest ever could.
At least, it had been peaceful.
Macaque forces his head to turn toward the high-pitched voice, eyes tugging themselves open in a weak attempt to grasp at consciousness. Even he can admit he wasn't trying too hard, the lack of effort obvious in whoever had bothered him.
"I'm- I'm up," the shadow yawns, teeth slightly bared. The voice definitely hadn't been shrill enough to belong to anyone in the Sisterhood, so sue him for not being in a hurry. Despite his disgruntled mood, his arms still reach to grab whoever's infant had managed to scamper away from their mother.
Cold hands press into his fur and Macaque's lips smack to try and quell any fears that the older was truly upset.
Even in his state of borderline unconscious he knows he's not annoyed. He's more so...curious?
Macaque had always been a light sleeper, and considering how clumsy infants tended to be, it was rare to find someone able to sneak up on him.
Y'know what, maybe "curiosity" would be better described as "suspicion". Only one member of the troop tended to be that stealthy.
He dares to glance down toward the bundle of thin fur, just barely able to catch a glimpse of the infant's facial features. Even in the dim moonlight he can make out hints of scarlet across their face.
Yep. Macaque's sanity be damned, that's Martha's kid.
Fitting, he thinks dryly. Sneaky, just like your mother.
Speaking of which...
"Y'know," he murmurs, hands already beginning to groom the infant's fur. He pretends it's only because he's still exhausted. "Your mom isn't gonna be happy if she wakes up and you're missing-"
Macaque freezes as clumsy hands force his lips closed, the infant making a harsh "shh" noise that sounds a bit too much like Martha's hiss.
"I'll be gone in the mornin'," they swear, pressing themselves further into Macaque's chest. It's a movement born from desperation and he faintly wonders if it's related to how Martha usually pries unwanted infants off herself. "I couldn't sleep."
That's great, kid. But I don't want my throat torn out-
Blood pools from where Macaque's fangs sink into his tongue, thankful to still hold a filter despite the soothing sounds of the forest.
Martha would have a fit if the kid wasn't able to wake up before her. And it certainly isn't Macaque's job to take care of a Sister's kid.
Maybe in his old troop. But not in this one.
"...fine. You can stay."
Macaque gently corrals the infant closer to his chest, tucking his knees inward in preparation to fall back asleep. The sun still wouldn't be up for another few hours; he might as well try and get more rest.
"I caught a cool bug today."
Ah fuck. What was the gimmick with Martha's kid again?
Right, he thinks, pressing a hand to his eyebrows. Quiet walker, constant talker.
Macaque spares a glance toward the kid's wide, entertained eyes. There's a beat of silence and- to his own surprise -Macaque's lips tug upward into a grin.
You're the one banned from the gossip sessions, he hums triumphantly. In all honesty, it's an impressive accomplishment; infants had to be extremely rowdy to get banned from those.
There's respect in being able to annoy the Sisterhood that much.
And so, Macaque finds himself nodding, eyes already closed as he tucks the infant closer. "Oh yeah?"
If the kid's a talker, he might as well let them tire themselves out.
"Tell me more, kiddo."
"It was so cool; it was all smooth and green and had the biggest wings-!"
Slowly but surely the younger's voice begins to turn muffled, far too weak against the fog of sleep beginning to seep into Macaque's mind. It's a nice feeling; nothing beats a full night of sleep, especially with the gossip session happening tomorrow.
Jannett had mentioned something about prioritizing food for the Sisterhood, right? It was some entitled opinion like that- there seems to be a lot of those.
They wanted first claim to food, to branches...just so many claims to what the Sisterhood deserves.
Macaque quickly waves aside the thoughts, soothing the headache that'd begun to arise.
Who cares? he thinks, irritated. It's an issue for tomorrow.
For now he can rest on this nice...comfortable branch and get the best, most relaxing and much-needed bout of sleep he's ever had...
But what would the world be if not cruel to Macaque?
A hand smacks against his back and Macaque instinctively flinches, an excuse for holding a Sister's kid on the tip of his tongue as he whirls around.
Only, it isn't Martha's bared teeth and ugly snarl that greets him. His nose wrinkles. It's so much worse.
Macaque's lips curl as Wukong's hand sleepily taps at his fur again, the king clearly not coherent enough to handle this situation. Martha's kid had probably just spoken a little too loud and managed to rouse Wukong's terrible instincts that something was amiss.
A tiger could rip the king to shreds and he'd still ask Macaque what was going on.
"That's not ours, is it?'
Macaque can't help the way his cheeks flood with color, suddenly thankful it's far too dark for anyone to notice his embarrassment. He lunges for some form of retort, anything to recover from how flustered he is.
"No, Wukong. And he's not an it, he's Martha's son. Now go back to sleep you big lummox-"
There isn't an ounce of complaint, the other's hand going limp against Macaque's back at an instant. Macaque's eyes roll. Heavens above, why he entertains Wukong's attempts to make sense of the world around him will never have reason behind it.
The king can't even comprehend that Macaque might need a little help with getting the infant to go to sleep.
But it seems that by just lifting his hand, Wukong had done just that.
"Is that really King Wukong?"
For Martha's iconic "constant talker", Macaque nearly has to strain to hear the question that'd been whispered out. He can't possibly understand why there's so much trepidation in that small voice, the infant's limbs rigid against his chest like they were facing a snake.
Oh. Right. Because it's only time to be quiet when Wukong's involved.
Heavens forbid Macaque gets a bit of relief.
"Mhm," he whispers. As pissed as he is for Martha's hateful teachings, he could definitely use this to his advantage. "We've gotta be super quiet to make sure he doesn't wake up again, yeah?"
"I can talk quieter."
"That's cute, kid. But can you at least try to go to bed?"
"I can't!"
"Listen, Paul, I have a lot of things I need to do in the morning and if you keep talking then I swear-"
Macaque’s limbs lock, frozen in place as his fur ruffles. Oh fuck, there's no way he just got this kid's name wrong. 
Think, think, think, Macaque. You've got one more guess before this ticking time bomb explodes. 
Okay, okay. Martha's the one that hates obscure names. She's had...fuck how many kids? Thirty? There's Paul, Jackson, Isaiah- 
The infant blinks and Macaque can practically hear a loud buzzer declaring his doom. 
"My name's Henry," Henry chirps. "Did you forget my name-? That's okay, Mama forgets my name all the time and confuses me for my brothers and sisters. Can you believe that! She's called me Jared before but-"
Ah, so much for sleeping tonight. 
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Author Self-Promotion?! OKAY!! ;)
Rule: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. I was tagged by the lovely @dangraccoon, thank you!! 
(Sweet baby Jeebus I have 36 fics on Ao3 😬) 
Please heed the warnings and tags on these stories if you decide to read them. Most of them deal with very adult topics, have content in them that is not for everyone or that could be potentially triggering, and/or may be upsetting to some. Please do yourself a favor and check before deciding to read if you do. I try to tag everything, but I may miss stuff, so if what you see seems too much for you, then don’t put yourself through it and read it. 
1. Instinct
Din Djarin x reader/Din Djarin x OC (Depending on which version you prefer)
“I have something for you. A gift, you could call it.”
Din sighs. “What is it?”
“A surprise. But trust me, you want it.”
Din stares at the hologram of the ex-bounty hunter turned daimyo. He could only imagine what kind of gift Boba Fett could have for him. “Fine. I’m on my way.”
2. Experiment
Part of the Midnight series. Tech x reader, implied poly Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest) 
“I need you.”
Tech doesn’t give her much of an option as his hand wraps around her arm, tugging her away from a baffled Hunter and down the hall. They had landed in Tipoca City just a few hours ago. Midnight had gone straight to the barracks as she normally did, wanting to avoid the stares of the regs as much as possible. Half of them hated her presence, hating that a simple civilian had imposed in their space. The other half looked like they were picturing her naked. That doesn’t bother her much, she’s used to those kinds of looks, but it has her worrying. Like somehow they knew she was doing something very forbidden and fucking her squad.
3. Comfortable
Part of the Midnight series. Echo x reader, poly Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest) 
Midnight sits around the table with her boys, enjoying the quiet for once. They were all exhausted still from a hard mission. Even Wrecker was less excitable than normal. They were all focused on eating, waiting for their arrival at the location of their next mission. They were back to back again, with the war continuing, things were getting more and more tense. She can tell things are beginning to shift. Were they coming on the end of the war? Were things shifting for the better or worse? None of the guys had hinted they felt the same, and none of them had mentioned how they thought it was going to end.
With the little they interacted with other battalions and legions, she couldn’t get a good sense of the direction the war was going. It seemed when things were going bad, they were sent on more missions. When the Republic began gaining victories, their missions slowed.
She knows something’s happening. She just can’t place what it is.
“Do you ever compare us?” Tech breaks the silence, looking across the table at her.
4. Codename: Midnight
Part of the Midnight series, no pairing since this is a prequel to the series. 
Her knuckles are sore. Out of everything that could hurt, she’s lucky it’s just her hands. Another night, another fight. Another round of meager pay outs to add to the too-light pouch she kept on her person at all times.
For a winner, she sure does feel like a loser.
She debates stopping to get something to eat, but a quick press of her hand against the small bump of her pocket changes her mind. She’s sure she can scrounge up something in the kitchen of the communal living house. They got the days-old leftovers and bits of food even the unfortunate in the absolute ass of Coruscant don’t want from the restaurant below the house.
Just cut off the bad parts.
That’s what her mother had taught her. Cut off the bad parts and it’s almost like new.
5. Unexpected
Din Djarin & teen OC - platonic relationship, OC is a foundling. 
“What’s going on?” She asks, practically being dragged across the floor by the Nikto. His grip on her arm is tight, likely enough to leave a bruise.
“Shut up.” He hisses at her, shoving her to the ground against the wall. “Stay there.”
The gun fire had started just as she had finished her food. She was lucky it hadn’t been before. As soon as the fight had started, she’d been forced from the table and into the storage room. Someone was attacking them. Were they here for her? For Grogu?
A tiny green hand appears in front of her face and she takes it, the little claws closing around her finger.
“I know.” She whispers. “Me too. It’ll be okay. I promised I’d keep you safe, remember?” She looks into those big brown eyes, Grogu cooing softly at her.
She flinches as the shots get louder. Were they moving closer? She picks Grogu up out of his pram, holding him against her chest. Maybe if she got the chance, she could escape. She could run away, find somewhere safe to hide.
6. Human Studies 
Original Yautja character x OC
Audrey steps slowly through the snow, trying to keep as quiet as she can in the ankle deep snow. She grips the shotgun in her hands tightly, trying to keep them from shaking. Her breath steams out in front of her, heart pounding loudly in her ears. She can hear the scuffling inside the barn as she presses herself against the wall, shadows moving in the light through the open door. Audrey presses the gun close to her chest, taking a deep breath before turning the corner, pointing the shotgun in front of her.
The barn is empty and silent, no sign of anything inside. Audrey takes a step in, eyes scanning the open areas she can see. There’s nothing. She slowly moves forward, checking every stall as she makes her way to the far wall.
She realizes her mistake as soon as she senses something behind her. She turns on her heel, coming to face a creature like she’s never seen before. It’s horrifying, something completely alien. It towers over her, teeth bared as a horrid hissing sound leaves its mouth. Audrey fires at it, the bullets seemingly useless as it charges her. She stumbles back, continuing to shoot until she’s out of bullets. She throws the rifle at it, turning to the wall.
7. I Was Made For Loving You
Eddie Munson x reader
Your thighs chafe a bit, another painful reminder of the shittiest night of your life. Well, it might not have been the shittiest night, but it certainly was high on that list. It’s cold. You’re shivering in your lack of layers. The thin sweater and exposed legs beneath your skirt did little to stave off the cold spring night. It was well into spring in Hawkins, but the nights were still filled with an unforgiving chill.
You were walking along a dark road, one of the many that sprawled Hawkins. The sidewalk and street were still cracked and broken, remnants from a few weeks ago. You had missed it, the whole debacle that had gone down. Your parents had decided it was time for another spring vacation, and you had been in Sweden visiting family while your friends were preventing the destruction of Hawkins once more.
You’re debating jumping a fence to find someone with a pool and risking hypothermia when the van appears. It’s driving rather fast and erratically down the road when it suddenly squeals to a stop on the opposite side of the road from you. You can hear muffled rock music from inside, the music getting louder and clearer as the window rolls down. A familiar curly haired figure appears out the window, calling out your name.
Eddie Munson.
8. Sharpshooting
Part of the Midnight series, Crosshair x reader, implied poly Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest)
Midnight creeps slowly down the hall, walking on her tiptoes to avoid waking the sleeping clones in the bunks. She couldn’t sleep. Even the gentle humming of the ship wasn’t enough to ease her mind so she could drift off for a few hours rest. Instead she found herself lying awake, mind thinking far too much to let her relax.
So she decided to seek out the only other being on the ship that would still be awake.
She finds him in the hull, bent over some project on the floor. She carefully approaches him, sinking to the floor near him, leaning against the worktable.
“What are you doing up?” He asks, glancing at her before looking back to what he was working on.
“Couldn’t sleep.” She says, pulling her knees to her chest. “What are you working on?”
“Your new armor.” He says, holding up a piece of white plastoid. “I picked up a few pieces when we were on Kamino. Thought I’d try repurposing them.”
9. Detonate 
Part of the Midnight series, Wrecker x reader, implied poly Bad Batch x reader (no clonecest)
Midnight wakes rather abruptly when her face smacks into the metal floor with a bang. It startles her, and the other five clones who had all been peacefully sleeping. She lets out a groan, rubbing her forehead. She had rolled right off Hunter’s bunk, landing hard on the floor below.
She rests her face on the cool floor, laying still for a moment. She’s in nothing but her underwear and breast band, her tactical ones. Nothing special as they were stopped on Kamino for a few hours. She only pulled out the special ones when they had a longer layover, or when she knew one of the guys was going to want her...attention.
Things between them had progressed...awkwardly. None of them quite knew how to approach this new relationship. Wrecker seemed to be having the easiest time, though he was always the most affectionate even before their conversation. Though, he had yet to pass the unspoken barrier that had been put in place. That line that crossed between normal affection and more...romantic or even sexual. Tech and Wrecker had both been toeing that line, Wrecker more often, but the two had yet to cross it.
10. Torment
Original Yautja character x OC
She’s running off pure adrenaline. She’d lost the feeling in her legs and feet long ago. Her blood is pumping in her ears, blocking out all other noise. Not that it mattered. They didn’t make noise. It’s behind her, but she can’t see it. Not that she would bother with the two-second delay looking behind her would cause.
It didn’t matter anyways. They were fully capable of outrunning her. Their stride and stamina outpaced hers ten to one and she knows this. They’re letting her run. They want to see how far she’s willing to go.
Despite the time she’d spent on the planet, the gravity was stronger here than she was used to, and her body was still adapting to the pressure. Just the fact she could run at all was a miracle of human adaptation.
She pushes herself onward, unsure of where she’s headed, but even she’s curious just how far they’ll let her go this time. She never made it any significant distance from camp, yet she insisted on playing this game.
Something whistles through the air, hitting a tree inches from her face. It hadn’t been a miss, just a warning. Despite this knowledge, she can’t help the yelp at the exploding bark. She pushes herself faster, legs threatening to give out at any moment from exhaustion. A second one hits a tree to her left, the third coming straight at her. She drops, crawling forward as it slams halfway through the tree in front of her. She’s quick back on her feet, but a force hitting her back has her flying, hitting that same tree with a crack.
Tags (I know like no one on this blog 🥺):  @hunnythebee, @amyroswell
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halotopicecream · 2 years
𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐀𝐭𝐳 𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐅𝐭: Poly!Ateez x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, crack
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluffy, polyamorous relationship, mention of insomnia
𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐨’𝐬 𝐅𝐀𝐐: and hereessssss… my first post on tumblr that I really put thought into! Hurray! I hope whoever reads this has a lovely day/night♡︎
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In you morning you don’t even use an alarm… because Jongho will always do you the pleasure of belting whatever song comes to mind to wake you up
When you ask Mingi to grab something off of a high shelf for you, he looks down at you with those big puppy dog eyes and says “you need me?”🥺
Seonghwa took the title of blanket boyfriend because he was always the one to throw himself over you like one
He gets pouty when anyone else does it and takes his well earned position
He gets pouty when anyone else does it and takes his well earned position
Hongjoong had made it a habit to have his hand resting on your knee whenever he sits next to you
You, San and Wooyoung are the official protect Yeosang squad who protect his cuteness and faint when he does something hot
When Yunho catches you staring at his hands he shoves them in your face and pushes you face back and starts singing ‘how you like that’
San went through a vampire phase and to this day he still bites you for no reason
You don’t know what to wear out? Easy, just ask Hongjoong he’s literally already sitting in your room
When you guys play hide and seek Yeosang always hides in your closet. You don’t know why but he always says it’s because it’s so messy no one will look there
But it’s really bc he likes the way you smell
Doesn’t matter what hair type you have, Seonghwa can AND WILL braid your hair
He’ll watch hour long tutorials if he has too
You spend so much time with Yunho when your allergies are acting up he things you gave him your allergies
You two even sneeze in sync… it’s weird
San’s that bf that will sit in a pool with you for hours just so he has an excuse to grab your bikinied ass in public saying he’s ‘holding onto you so you don’t drown’
Wooyoung has molded you into being his partner in crime and you cannot get out without him pouting
When Yeosang and Jongho find a book they think you’d like to read with them you all sit in your bed and read it together when you have time🥺
Yeosang blows out your birthday candles if you start taking to long
You and Mingi bought a pair of those magnetic rings so instead of holding hands in public you hold each other’s pinkie finger and let the rings stick to each
Yunho always asks for your opinion of his dance to a new choreo so he has always had an honest opinion
Someone once asked if Jongho was your body guard instead did your bf and now he takes great pride in that
You always walk arm in arm with him instead of hand in hand
When any of them are stressed you all get into a big cuddle pile and watch stupid comedy movies to lift their spirits
You and Seonghwa are the breakfast squad
Aka you’re the only ones allowed in the kitchen alone
Wooyoung bumps his hips into yours whenever you bend over so make you stumble, and if you actually fall he starts feeling bad and babies you the rest of the day
When you’re upset with him San will make his eyes go big and bring his voice up a few octaves to make you soft for him again and push his body against yours so you’ll give in and cuddle him
When you got out with Yungi, expect no one to approach you— not with these two mountains next to you
Instead of regular karaoke, you all have a competition to see who can sing the worst
And somehow Jongho always ends up winning
When Hongjoong first saw you he literally almost fell on his face from how pretty you were
And you choked on your yogurt when you first saw him because he was so freaking handsome
When you’re Insomnia decides it wants to rear it’s ugly head, Seonghwa is always there to lull you into a deep sleep and stays with you until you wake up
Wooyoung will do aegyo to make you pay attention to him, don’t think he won’t
You and Yeosang talk shit about anyone and everyone when you go out
Literally all you do is gossip with each other, people started thinking you were planning something when you’d suddenly stop when someone looked over at the two of you
Never go out alone with WooSan… you’ll always end up doing something stupid
And I say that bc the one time you did, you came back home with hair that was three different colors and a heart full of regret
SeongSang is your go two duo for when you wanna have a quiet night in and just watch dramas
Yunho is your literal therapist
He made a certificate and everything with the words ‘Y/n’s therapist’ written across it
Mingi is your ice cream buddy who will always be down to go out and buy ice cream with you whenever you want some
Jongho is your gummy bear, and he gets pouty whenever you give anyone else a nickname that has the word ‘gummy’ or ‘bear’ in them
When people first see you all out in public they think you’re a cult
When the talk of marriage pops up, they all start giving really bad arguments as to why you should take their last name
Seonghwa said because they last name Park just goes good with any name and when people think of play parks they’ll technically bde thinking of you (which was really disturbing)
Hongjoong said because Kim is really classy and it goes with your eyes (which almost made sense if he didn’t say the last part)
Yunho said because having his last name might make you taller (and out of spite you’re not taking his)
Yeosang said because K=Y and Y=you so you should take his (you never thought you’d hear something like that come out of his mouth)
San said because Choi rhymes with Boy and he was your favorite boy (which they all disagreed with and said it was them)
Mingi said because he asked very nicely (and it almost worked)
Wooyoung said because being a Jung made him the Ateez sexy guy and if you took his you could he sexy to (you were offended he didn’t think you were already sexy)
Jongho said because being a Choi made him and San good singers, so if you took his last name you could he a good singer too (you were very offended he didn’t think you were already going at singing)
After that, you just decided to keep your last name
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Favorite ( Wrecker x reader)
A/N: I did you guys! I now have officially one fic per squad member ( including Omega) written before the finale aired!!! At least before it aired where I am. Anyway I love all the boys equally but I do have a soft spot for the Big Guy from time to time. I had a lot of fun writing this one, so please enjoy
Warnings: Mild harassment, SOMETHING important maybe broke, and fluff.
Plot: When Wrecker accidentally knocks something of his brothers onto the floor, he panics. There is only one person he trust that would be able to fix it without his brothers knowing...you.
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As a munitions officer you meet all kinds of clones from every battalion. However ones that always caught your eyes were the ones apart of Clone force 99. Sure every clone you met who came for a pickup usually just checked in, signed a confirmation of the order, and trusted the others you worked with to deliver the order. However Clone Force 99 always made sure to inspect the order thoroughly. You didn’t mind, it was actually better to have the boys check every piece of equipment. You wished more clones did, but as your co-workers reminded you constantly was that it would take much longer. “Better safe than sorry.” was how you liked to reply back to them. Plus it was nice because it gave you a welcomed break from the boring old clones that just wanted their weapons as well as some clones who tried to hit on you.
The bad batch was very particular about their weapons. You always assumed that it was due to their mutations. Due to this you were always more than willing to help them find, get, or fix exactly what they needed. As time went on they always made sure that you were the one that made and worked on their order. This annoyed your coworkers to no end because there were times where if it wasn’t your name on the order slip, the Batch would request a redo of their order. They trusted you and knew you would make sure everything was perfect.
The more you worked with them the more a certain member with enhanced strength started to grow a little crush on you. The armory was one of his favorite places to visit anyway, but seeing you there made it even better. You were always so kind to them, which is what they really needed especially when certain regs were picking up their items too. When they were planet side Wrecker would come and see you even when they didn’t have an order. He just liked being around you.
You didn’t make him feel like he was dumb, or that he was too clumsy, or even that he was too childish. On more than one occasion when he was upset with his brothers he visited you and he felt like he could talk with you about anything. The same went for you, he was very good at being emotionally responsive. When regs or your coworkers became too much he was always there to listen. You guys were very close, luckily all it seemed to be was friendship until one day it quickly shifted.
A shiny has been hitting on you and attempting to flirt with you all week. At first you just shrugged it off, the comments weren’t anything new for you to deal with. There had been clones in the past who have tried the same thing, but this reg couldn’t take a hint. “Come on, I heard the other guy mention that you were going on a break soon. How bout you and me go somewhere private?” You rolled your eyes and commented “ Sorry, no can do.” Attempting to finishing filling out some papers he kept on going. “ Give me a try, baby. You look like you could use some fun.”
Sending him a glare you retorted “ Well my fun is my work and right now your blocking the window for other people who actually need the armories services.” With a smirk he glanced around saying “ I don’t see anyone else here do you.” Before you could say anything that could get you fired you saw Wrecker walking very quickly. “ Hey, there’s my favorite clone!” You smiled and waved to him. The shiny gave you a puzzled look “ Really. Him?” You repeated back to him “ Really. Him. Now you have a good day.” He sighed and grumbled as he left and Wrecker made his way over. Your posture began to relax until you realized the look of panic on Wreckers face. “ Hey Wreck, what’s going on?”
“ I-I messed up. I really really messed up. It’s bad, I’m going to be in so much trouble-“ you were forced to interrupt “ Easy, breath.” He watched and imitated you as you moved your hands slowly up and down breathing in and out. This helped him slow down a little bit, it was just enough so that he could coherently tell you what was going on. “ Now tell me what happened.” You calmly said. “ I was alone in our barracks and I wasn’t payin’ attention. So I accidentally knocked Crosshairs weapons kit on the floor!”
“ He’s going to kill you.” You replied with your eyes so wide that they might pop right out of your head. “ I know! I don’t know what happened. All I know was that it fell and made a weird noise and now I need you to come and take a look at it!” Without hesitation you explained to him “ Give me two seconds to get my stuff and I will be right there.” As you grabbed your things you repeated every possible thing that was in his kit in your head. This helped you remember all that you might need and how to fix it.
Of all the members of the Bad Batch Crosshair was the one that never let anyone touch his riffle. He always took excellent care of it. One time when it was damaged you offered to fix and he refused. It wasn’t that he didn’t think you could do it , it was just that it was his riffle and he knew exactly how he liked it to work. So having to touch it let alone fix it was going to be a nightmare. An even worse nightmare if he found out.
When you reached their room you asked “ Okay where is it?” Wrecker then pointed to his bed where you saw it peeking out from under a blanket. He tried to hide it incase any of his brothers came back. As you opened the case you asked “ Where is everyone?” He then told you “ Hunter and Crosshair are in the gym and Tech and Echo are working on the ship.” You nodded. It was a good thing everyone was not only just out but doing something that kept them busy. That meant you had some time before anyone came back.
You carefully inspected each and every piece thoroughly. Looking for anything that was out of place even if it was something as small as a scratch. “ You want to tell me what happened?” You asked. Groaning a reply he said “ I was messin’ around with some explosive you gave us and some sparks came out of it. I jumped back and hit the shelf. “ You continued your inspection as you nodded acknowledging his story. After a couple minutes of silence he came close to you and quietly asked “ Did I break it?” As you put back the last piece you let out a sigh of relief before responding “ Luckily nothing is broken, or at least none of the pieces are broken. The latch on the case is though. That’s something that will take less than a minute.”
Once that was fixed you closed it up and put it right back on the shelf where Crosshair kept his things. “ All done!” You said with a little bit of showmanship. The excited Wrecker you knew and loved came back after a big sigh of relief and happiness came out of him. Next thing you knew he scooped you up into a hug and said “ Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I knew I could count on ya! I’m so happy you came. You literally saved my life (Y/N)!”
You giggled as the large clone quickly twirled you around before putting you down. “ Of course Big Guy, I’ll always be here to help you.” As you cleaned up your things Wrecker shyly admitted “ Hey (Y/N), I’ve been meaning to ask ya something...” you then raised your eyebrows letting him know you were listening.
“ Did you just tell that reg that I’m your favorite!?” He asked with a cute grin on his face. You then smiled and said “ Of course I did, why wouldn’t you be?” Pride started to swell in his chest as he shrugged “ I don’t know it’s just, your my favorite person in the whole galaxy to be around. So it was just nice to hear you say that I’m your favorite.” A blush started to creep into your face. “ Do you really mean that?”
He rubbed the back of his head explaining “ Yeah. You’re just so cool. I mean you’re soooo nice and your funny. You always know what to say and what to do. I really like being around ya. It’s like it doesn’t matter what’s goin’ on or what I’m feelin’, when I see you I feel happy. I know if I’m with you everything will be okay. Plus you like explosives as much as I do!” You smiled as he finished that last part. You didn’t notice the tears start to well in your eyes until one came out. A small look of concern appeared on Wreckers face. He wondered if he did anything wrong or if what he said upset you. So he asked “ (Y/N), you alright?”
You nodded and responded with “ I am, you are just too sweet.” You stretched out your hand to place it on the side of his face. He nuzzled into the soft touch as he admired every ounce of you. You had no idea how hard you made his heart beat, he felt like he could explode at any minute. “ I think I love you.” He admitted in an uncharacteristically low tone. “ I think I love you too.”
His larger hand covered yours. He stroked the back of you hand with his thumb savoring this moment. Running his opposite hand over your head and landing it on your cheek to mirror your action he asked “ Can I kiss you?” You let out a little giggle as you approved “ Well, since you asked so nicely.” Wrapping your arms around his neck he pulled you in gently by the small of your back into a kiss. You didn’t expect soft and gentle kiss from such a large man, but the more you thought about it you knew that it fit Wreckers personality.
Despite its tenderness you felt sparks with each passing second. You both smiled as you parted after what felt like forever. You wish it did last forever but reality came in and you knew you had to get back to work. You lightly patted his chest saying “ I should probably get back.” He side stepped out of your way so you could reach the door. Before you walked out he called after you “ Hey (Y/N), when you’re done, do you want to get something to eat?” With a wide smile you nodded “ Anything for my favorite guy.”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 27 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon (but mostly relates to she/her)
↳ request : (aged-up!AU) Hey there !! Is your request box still open? If it is, may I order a classic black coffee with megumi where the reader gives birth and him as a dad. Thank you so much<3
↳ barista’s notes : hi everyone~ barista violettelueur is back at the cafe making your orders and i just counted them.....i didn’t realise there were 40 coffees i needed to make in total ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ well....better get working violettelueur! moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again to the cafe soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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↳ During your pregnancy:
When you got pregnant with Fushiguro, just know that it was on the borderline of being planned but sort of not planned.
What I mean by this is he was probably getting a new book from your local bookstore and saw the ‘self-care for up and coming mothers’ book to which he brought out the whim leading you to find it on the coffee table later - and if that ain’t a secret message then what is it?
Of course, you are wary of the situation since Fushiguro didn’t really have a stable household since he doesn’t remember his father but you knew that he was going to be an amazing father never-the-less.
When you revealed to him that you were pregnant, you probably told him to sit down as you informed him. He will have a shocked face for quite some time - and this face of his will probably make you nervous as hell - but he will have a soft look instantly before pulling you close to him while gently resting your head on his stomach.
Please know that there will be tears threatening to leave his precious green eyes, so please comfort him.
Remember that book I mentioned, he will go back to the bookstore and buy more for you and himself so you both can be prepared - to be honest, it’s cute to imagine you between his legs while you and him are reading.
If you need anything, just know Fushiguro is on it right away. Need tea? It’s already brewing. Feeling tired/fatigued? Fushiguro has already got his hands on your shoulders and has a bath prepared for you. If you want ice cream at 2:30 am? Fushiguro will groan but he will bring you ice cream since he always had some of your favourite stocked up in the freezer.
Fushiguro will become extremely protective of you, so if Itadori, Kugisaki and Gojo become a bit too irritating for his liking, he will move you away from them - Gojo will beg to be the child’s grandfather but Fushiguro will flat out refuse because he knows what’s going to happen to his child if he does agree to it.
Like when you are sick, Fushiguro will summon his divine dog to keep an eye on you when he needs to go somewhere (other than missions) and it will follow you everywhere but it will also rest his head on your bump.
When it comes to the labour, Fushiguro will become extremely worried and will have your hand in his the entire time he is at the hospital - he looks tense I tell you.
When it’s time for the child to appear into the world, just know Fushiguro will probably be the one holding your hand tightly rather than you - he is that worried - and will try his best to comfort you as best as he could - will accept any abuse from you at this point because you are in extreme pain.
At the end of it, he would comfort you and hold you really tight in his arms - he doesn’t care about the sweat - and comfort you while thanking you for giving him a family.
When the baby is born, he probably has tears in his eyes when he sees you and the child together - like he really has a family now.
Fushiguro is nervous holding the child - no matter how many books he has read, it will never prepare him for the real thing - but on the low looks like an expert while doing so because he is probably recalling the information from one of his books in his head.
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↳ Fushiguro as a father :
Fushiguro as a father, he still has difficulty expressing his emotions but he will try his best for his child since he wants them to have a better childhood than he did.
If his child has a bad day or for some reason is upset, he would carry them in his arms and rub their back as a way to calm them down - to be honest, it’s an adorable sight because the child is looking at you over Fushiguro’s shoulder probably demanding a kiss from you.
Fushiguro is like the child’s shadow - haha get it? - because when they start walking, best know that he is slowly walking behind them in case they drop before carefully lifting them up again on their feet.
I don’t think he will spoil his child, he probably wants them to appreciate everything they have but once it’s their birthday or a holiday has arrived, best know Fushiguro will buy something his child has been wanting for a long time - he remembers small details.
When you wake up in the middle of the night and don’t find him next to you, you know that you’ll find him in the child’s nursery leaning over the crib while stroking the baby’s cheek with his finger.
Just like how you and Fushiguro link your pinky fingers together, Fushiguro really adores it when the baby wraps his hold hand on his pinky - sort of reminds him of you.
When you have to do something, Fushiguro will offer to babysit while you are away but just know when you arrive home, his divine dog has taken over the job while he is either sleeping on the couch or the floor.
Known fact, wherever the child goes, his shikigami’s will follow - protective squad.
When the baby meets Itadori, Kugisaki and Gojo, best know the baby will cling onto you but will slowly warm up to them - just with a straight face like his father and they will tell you this resemblance.
“Y/N, why does the baby act like Fushiguro? They were supposed to be cute and nice as you!”
The only person he will trust with his child other than you is his sister - and she adores the baby so much that she will ask to babysit almost every day.
Overall, Fushiguro as a father is someone that is extremely protective of his family since he doesn’t want to lose this happiness that he has right now and sometimes he feels like he’s not the best father figure to his child - so please slap his head and tell him that he is wrong.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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anthrogothic · 3 years
so, here we go to the second part of the fic. ours has been exciting to write this. I hope you like it <3 (originally written in Brazilian Portuguese. sorry for any error).
Third part here
Pairing: Echo x f!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Mentions of trauma, anxiety, panic, a little violence but nothing much and ~some physical mentions~ (and echo being a baby who needs care)
Heading towards the lab, you went through documents and reports on your datapad connected to the data network, finding the files of your newly known atypical clones, seeing that there were still three to meet in person.
One of them, with a rather traumatic past in your opinion. Another look like someone who is difficult to deal with. And lastly, one similar to your fellow nerds from college. Already imagining your scientific conversations.
You find your sweet auxiliary Omega standing at the door of the lab. She is also a clone, young and adorable. With short hair, the same color as the sun (if you remember the last time you saw one).
But with Jango Fett's pure DNA in her cells. Only you and Nala know this. Your conscience always brings you that painful twinge whenever the memory occurs to you.
"Y/N! I was looking for you!"
The girl came running towards you, with a scared face, taking your right hand and pulling you with her.
"Hey Omega, Stars, what's up?"
You almost shuffled your legs trying not to fall.
"I've been sent to help with clone ratings today! But Echo is very upset and I can't get him to calm down!"
Before you could ask for further explanation, you were already being dragged to the door of the room.
Stopping at the door, Omega pushed you inside when you spotted the trembling clone sitting with his back to the door, on top of the gurney, aiming his blaster at the three doctors ahead.
"Echo! I found her!"
The girl's voice was a mixture of relief and determination. The other three doctors in the room are clearly pissed off, hands up in front of the clone.
"Y/N isn't even a doctor, Omega!"
He yelled one of them, straightening and clasping his hands at his sides.
"You should have brought security!" yelled the other.
"She'll do it! She is better than you all!"
Screamed the little girl, pointing a finger at the three. You put a hand on her shoulder, signaling her to calm down. Gently you addressed the clone, froze as he stared into your eyes.
It was him… that clone whose record you were horrified to read. He was pale. With metallic accesses on his shaved head, a cybernetic prosthesis that covered his ears, his right forearm also cybernetic and thinner than most strong clones you know. Only the legs, also robotic, were covered by his blacks. His eyes were frightened and his limbs locked together at his sides, his good hand, shaking, still holding the blaster.
"A-Are you Doctor Y/N?"
His voice was deep, shaky and fraught with anxiety.
You, already with your heart sinking at his state, approached slowly, removing your white jumpsuit and leaving it on a small metal table nearby, catching the clone's attention with your tight black outfit.
"Yes… Echo, right? I assume you have a panic attack due to your accident… you shouldn't be brought into environments like this."
Your voice was calm and sweet. Looking at doctors with dislike in your last words. Echo looked away, clearly uncomfortable. The hand that was armed, wavering, and your hand slowly landing on top of the blaster, lowering it slowly, the clone giving way.
Suddenly one of the already impatient doctors approached abruptly and grabbed your shoulder from behind you.
"Let's go! We don't have time for theaters! Sedation didn't work this time, but nothing a dose would not do well on rebel clones!"
Spotting the syringe the doctor was pulling out of his lab coat, Omega jumped on his arm as she screamed. You turned, startled, seeing the fist that the doctor was already closing to hit the girl. In a rush of adrenaline, you punched him in the nose, he staggered backward, and Omega took the syringe from his hand. The other two came to help the doctor, who pushed them away claiming he was fine, looking at you with hate.
"You're in big trouble, girl! And you too, stuck-up scientist!"
His voice really was scary. But suddenly, Echo's voice came from behind you like thunder.
"Do something with them, and you'll have to come to terms with me and my squad."
His voice, full of hate and gravelly. His arm trembled as he aimed the blaster at the doctor, finger on the trigger.
"Not to mention the possible murder he was going to cause with so much sedative in a clone with a body not yet fully mapped to know the consequences."
Snorted Omega right beside you, all proud with the syringe in her hand.
"Uh, Nala Se will love to hear that."
You said, crossing your arms and looking at the doctor in defiance.
The attacking doctor flinched, growling as he left the room. The other two fearful:
"Please, it's our first week here. Don't hand us over to Nala Se. We just obey orders."
Begged one of the doctors, this one was much younger than the aggressor, probably doing residency with another colleague.
"Withdraw then. And let the rest of the team know the behavior of that bantha in the lab coat! He doesn't deserve to be your supervisor. He is the one who has to be supervised!"
Your voice was authoritative and even. All that remained was for the men to nod and leave the room.
Echo threw himself onto the gurney, breathing wildly and running a hand across his forehead. You stopped in front of the clone and slowly sat down beside him on the stretcher. Instructing him to take a few deep breaths, then slowly exhale for a few more, repeatedly. Echo tried to follow your directions, faltering a few times but picking up his pace eventually.
"There is! We make an amazing team! I told you, Echo!"
Omega's voice trying to bring relief to the tense environment. She continued.
"Y/N is the best! She will be nice to you!"
You, realizing the responsibility that Omega gave you, nodded with the girl's words.
"Well… I'm not exactly a doctor, as we've heard… but I know enough. You can trust me, Echo."
The clone looked at you with less awe, bearing in mind what you did.
"I- I feared that I would go through the physical evaluations again. I know they are mandatory, but... they remind me of the Citadel..."
His gaze roamed the metalized room, filled with stretchers, huge equipment, and light panels.
The doctors just didn't care and sedated him whenever it became impossible to assess him. Putting gadgets into his body, pushing him into big gadgets and treating his cybernetics like pieces of scrap metal.
"I don't want to be a problem again... I know I have obligations as a soldier, but I can't be okay here!"
He squeezed the biceps of his other arm with his hand, trying to stay in control as he felt a new wave of anxiety.
You gently placed your hand on his back, feeling him recoil involuntarily.
"Unfortunately it's standard procedure… but if you promise me secrecy, we can only do the basic assessment, and it could be in your room, a theoretically cozy place for you. I can do that from now on if you want."
Echo sighed, relieved at the option before looking at you again. His expression is lighter. Omega already excited to see her clone brother a little more relaxed. You smiled and calmly guided him to the dorm.
All the way the three of you were shot with stares and comments. You scolding each one with your furious glare, Omega stuck out his tongue at the attackers, while Echo lowered his head every time. His tall stature, allowing you to see his depressed expression from below.
Omega opened the door as you arrived soon after, still next to Echo. Omega pointed to the bunk and you asked permission to sit, Echo, growing more and more stunned by your sweet attitude toward him, nodded.
Placing the small silver suitcase you brought along on the floor, you took Echo by the hand, inviting him to sit beside you.
You asked permission with each movement and touch the soldier's body, trying to be gentle, as if his body were the most sensitive of porcelain. You were curious about his cybernetics, but you chose not to bring it up.
Omega was sitting by your suitcase, legs crossed on the floor, handing out all the little devices you needed to gauge the clone's basic physical parameters, but never looking away from him.
You explained what you were doing and why, warned of any movement or approach of the small devices and their purpose. Echo just nodded, getting a lot more confident in you.
You can't help but notice the tight, visible muscles. The heat radiating from the clone's body. The sharp, attractive shape of his body in that tight black outfit. Feeling the slight reactions whenever your fingertips touched him. The shy look he gave you.
Omega looked uncomfortable, pacing back and forth when you were wearing the last device on Echo's body, checking his heart function.
"Omega, what is it?"
Echo said low but firm, surprising you by the contrast to the voice that trembled earlier.
"I lied to Nala Se, saying that I went to get more supplies with Y/N, that it would take her time to get to the lab, so I could take her to you. If the confusion gets to her ears, she'll find out."
Omega ran her hand constantly over the back of her neck and through hair, the little eyes fearful.
You widened your eyes at the girl, remembering that you was requested earlier and for her boldness with the doctor (as if you didn't know her). Already trying to devise a plan to cover up the improvised procedure with Echo.
"Hm... I can talk to some clone friends to claim that we left Kamino for a few hours… I don't want Nala Se mad at us. And about the fight, well, we just defended ourselves."
You said with a smug smile on your full lips, forgetting your hand resting on Echo's covered chest, your hand already warming the spot. He watched your hand standing there, your skin seemingly smooth, the fingers small and delicate, rising and falling with his breath and causing a strange sensation deep in his racing heart.
The way you welcomed him and tried to keep him safe. You defended him. Just like your brothers before it all happened. He hadn't experienced this in a long time. But like a knife, he slashed his thoughts and threw them aside. He no longer allowed himself to wander through such things, after all, what kind of relationship could he have, being like that.
He came back to consciousness with your movement, withdrawing you hand and standing up, Omega already picking up the small suitcase from the floor.
"A-Are we done yet?"
A slight disappointment was clear in the clone's voice. You crouched down between his spread thighs, looking him in the eye, giving the clone's eyes access to your light cleavage and your silvery cord that went between your breasts.
"We've finished the basics, Echo. You are strong and healthy. I'll be back to do the rest tomorrow, after my shift, if you're comfortable."
Your eyes were like adorable little twinkling stars. So comforting and sincere, just like you, all the time with him. He nodded, a slight smile breaking his pale lips, bringing a slight, sweet swell to his heart.
You stood up, carefully taking the clone's hand, pulling a pen out of your pinned hair, and jotting down your personal communicator code in the palm of his hand.
"Let me know anything, Echo. Drink water and do the breathing exercises before going to bed."
Smiling, you turned around, heading for the door, being caught up by Omega just after she gave your brother a hug. The door closed as you remembered to scold the brave little girl for her attitude earlier.
Echo was left alone. Only with the sound of his heart pounding in his ears in the dim light in the room. The raindrops hitting the glass.
He put his hand where yours was moments ago, reading your code by pulling his palm away from his chest. He was calm. Something impossible after days of evaluations.
But beyond that, he felt real, alive, and eager to see you the next day, as much as his guts and gears wanted to say otherwise.
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yan-twst · 4 years
Hello ! Can I have a scenario with Lilia. The reader is a Fae warrior who fought alongside Lilia a long time ago. There's always been something between them but nothing happened because a relationship between warrior was forbidden. After several years they meet again at NRC when the reader brings something to Malleus. It's been in my mind for a while, so I'm trying! Thanks !
pairing: lilia x gn!reader
word count:  2910
warnings: mentions of war, like one mention of blood
There really wasn’t time for love during war. There wasn’t even a chance to get comfortable, really- the fae warriors were supposed to be quick, efficient, ruthless: things like romance between warriors weren’t allowed, it was too risky, it could turn them reckless. Lilia, of course, knew this; he’d been well-warned a long time ago, and he’d seen the horrors of war upclose. It always hurt to lose a friend, but it’d hurt more if it was a lover. He didn’t care, really, he was there to fight in the name of the Witch of Thorns and not to build relationships.
Or at least that’s what he’d say when his fellow warriors would ask him if he had his eye on anyone. He was one of the more seasoned fighters, with lifetimes of experience under his belt and strength that betrayed his appearance, along with his powerful magic. It wasn’t unusual for the younger fighters to gather around him for chats or to hear stories, it was one of the few ways to lift the spirits in the barracks in the sparse times of quietness. Dating, or romance in general, was forbidden, sure, but it didn’t stop the younger soldiers from prodding and asking if he wasn’t getting a bit too close to a certain someone.
“You are all certainly nosy, aren’t you?” laughed Lilia as he put down his canteen. His squad had arrived at a small base in the Valley of Thorns’ border a few days ago as prevention, having received intel that some of the enemy army would probably try to get in while the greater part of the Witch of Thorn’s army was fighting off in the main battleground. Of course, the more elite warriors had been sent to safeguard said point in the border; amongst them two of the army’s best, those being Lilia and...
“Aw, c’mon, you can’t say you don’t like them at least a little! You’re always sticking by their side, sir!” one of the youngest fae spoke up, crossing his arms.
Them. Lilia and [name], two of the most skilled warriors in the Witch of Thorn’s army, and also the source of countless rumors. Lilia let out a sigh- it was always the young kids trying to tease him. Did they really think he’d just go and admit he was breaking rules and romancing a fellow warrior just because some rumors said so? Not only was it not allowed, they shouldn’t be concentrating on silly relationship rumors. There was a war going on.
“Now, now, you know very well that’s not allowed, young man.” Lilia gently tapped the boy’s helmet, shaking his head. “If you keep worrying over every rumour you hear in the barracks, you’re not going to be able to keep your head on your body out in the field.”
“But yesterday I saw you two talking, and you almost put your hand on their hip-”
“You’re polishing everyone’s armour today.” Lilia quickly cut off the young warrior, assigning him a task as a punishment. The young fae groaned, knowing full well that if he kept pushing he’d get assigned even more work, as the rest of the fae laughed. The door to the room opened, making Lilia look up; speak of the devil, there they were. Out of armor, they still looked fearsome, their sharp eyes scanning the room.
“You all, what are you doing here?” they asked, tilting their head. “You were supposed to go check our weapons and make sure nothing is damaged from transportation. None of you have done that, have you?”
The warriors quickly scrambled out of the room, not wanting to get assigned any punishment. Lilia chuckled; he liked this squad, sure, but he’d never quite seen so many airheaded fighters. Oh, they had proved themselves on the battlefield before, surely- but in regular tasks, they certainly weren’t the best. His fellow warrior chuckled from the door, then looked straight at Lilia.
“You weren’t distracting the young ones, were you?” they said. There were many things that made Lilia be particularly more friendly to them than to others; shared interests, experience, but perhaps something more was the fact they were one of the few fae warriors nearly as old as him. They shared the wisdom and experience that came with years and years and years of living, something not many could say they shared with Lilia. “I think the enemy will be here in about three days.”
“Three days? Oh my, that’s quicker than expected.” said Lilia, humming. He wasn’t worried- really, if it was just him and them, he knew it’d be enough to hold back the enemy’s whole platoon if necessary.
“Mhm, our informants sent the intel just now.” they replied, taking a seat next to Lilia. “The way things are going, this war might be over soon.”
“Wouldn’t that just be lovely?” said Lilia. ‘Soon’ probably meant a couple of years, of course; and the consequences of the war itself would permeate for longer, but a handful of years really wasn’t much to him or them. He didn’t love wartime, sure, but there was some melancholy in thinking of it ending: after all, the warriors would be once again spread through the kingdom once they weren’t needed in battle. He’d be stationed somewhere, with new people, and... Well, he shouldn’t dwell over it. It’d be good for everyone.
“Well, it’s not like that means much.” the other warrior stretched, and Lilia couldn’t help but stare. They weren’t in armor, not when just hanging out at the base, but they still had an air of strength to them. The glow of the fireplace in the room cast an amber glow on their skin and hair, their sharp fae ears sticking out of their slightly messy hair. If he weren’t also so ancient, he’d have a hard time believing they’d lived for so long: in moments like these, they felt so young, so beautiful. “After this war ends, who knows how much time we’ll have until the next one? Peace just never seems to stick around.”
“Tragically, you’re right.” sighed Lilia. “It seems like conflict just increases every passing decade, doesn’t it? I still remember when these wars were small enough they’d only send one of us to deal with trouble.” said Lilia with a sigh. “Now every kingdom has an army and a motive to attack, it seems.”
“I know it’s impossible, but... Can you imagine if peace really did stick around?” they didn’t say anything else, but Lilia understood what they meant as their hand softly rested upon his. Extended peace- time for them. Away from the army, away from their duties as fae warriors, away from rules that forbade romance. Neither of them ever discussed the topic, always skirting around it, but it was clear they were both waiting. “Hm, as if. There’s always going to be conflict, isn’t there?”
“It sure seems so.” replied Lilia, softly gazing at their face. “It’d be a miracle if the world could ever truly be at peace for just once.”
But then there was peace.
The war ended messily, with more losses to each side than either kingdom had expected. Nothing was truly won, other than some territory and the usual honour of winning battles- the usual spoils of war, mostly worthless to the warriors themselves. Of course, Lilia couldn’t be upset: he knew exactly what being a warrior entailed, and he’d sworn to serve the Witch of Thorns with his life. Perhaps that was why he was appointed to take care of Her grandchild, once he was born- it was a shock, to be suddenly playing the role of a caretaker when he’d spent so long as a fighter, but he was proud to say he’d adapted to it quickly. He heard [name] had been sent to continue working as a warrior under the Queen’s name, guarding the newly captured territory, but he was in no place to inquire. He had a new job, after all- and he knew very well fae warriors weren’t allowed romance.
Memories of the war quickly became something he kept merely in the back of his mind, vague images that would sometimes show up in dreams but never quite bother him. After all, taking care of Malleus was simply much more important. It wasn’t just out of a sense of duty, at least not anymore; he’d grown to genuinely care for the child. He’d never have imagined himself as a father, and yet, as time went on, he played perfectly into the role- going as far as to raise a human child as his own, once Malleus was grown. And then there he was: attending school once again, as if he was a teenager, along with Malleus and Silver- from a warrior, to a father, to a student.
“Lilia, the messenger from home will be arriving today. They should bring the herb with them.” Malleus distracted Lilia from his videogame, causing his character to fall and the game to display the ‘you have died’ screen. The elder fae didn’t seem fazed, instead just nodding.
“Great, that’s wonderful! I’ll be sure to make the paste as soon as they hand the herb over.” said Lilia, putting down his console and walking up to Malleus. The shorter fae patted the prince’s head, making the prince turn his head to the side to hide his embarrassment. “Now, now, there’s no need to get embarrassed, I used to do this all the time when you were a wee little baby!”
Neither Lilia or Malleus were quite sure why, but lately, Malleus’ horns had started to ache. It wasn’t an illness or a curse, but rather something Malleus was familiar with: it was the same dull ache he’d felt in his childhood as his horns grew. They’d long since stopped their growth, but from time to time, the ache would return for seemingly no reason, and the only way to get it to stop was a paste made from an herb native to the Valley of Thorns. Lilia had written to the palace a while ago requesting some of the herbs to be sent over, and it seemed they’d sent a messenger today.
When he was notified to go meet the messenger in the hall of mirrors, Lilia insisted Malleus tag along. It wasn’t often he could get Malleus to interact with others in a casual setting, with most people being so scared of him, but surely, staff from the palace would at least properly greet and hold a conversation with the prince, right? Perhaps it was still his fatherly instincts telling him to help his child grow out of his shell, but Lilia ended up dragging Malleus along to the hall of mirrors.
“Good evening, we’re here for the package-” Lilia froze once he saw who stood by the mirror.
The last time he’d seen them, they’d been in full armor, holding their weapon, covered in the enemy’s blood. That’d been the last battle in the war- so long ago, yet he could remember it perfectly- the last time he’d seen them. He’d been sure that would be the last time he saw them, or that it’d take for another war to brew for him to be reunited with them under the strict rules of the army. And yet there they were, dressed in traditional Valley of Thorns clothes, holding a parcel under their arm, looking as young and beautiful as ever.
“... Lilia?!” they seemed surprised to see him there. Sure, they had probably heard the prince was attending NRC and accompanied by some guards and a caretaker, but they’d probably expected some old soot from the palace, not Lilia, not an ex-warrior. They almost dropped the package, quickly regaining their balance.
“This is-” even Lilia was at a loss for words. Time truly hadn’t done much to damper his feelings; even after centuries of not seeing them, he could feel his heart speed up, much like it had back then when he sat next to them, basking in their presence. They looked at him, then at Malleus, then back at him, and it seemed they quickly realized they were in presence of the prince, because they suddenly kneeled.
“My lord, here is the package of herbs you requested.” they said, addressing Malleus. Despite not being very social, Malleus had enough experience dealing with formalities to not be flustered over this- however, he looked quite confused at Lilia’s reaction. He took the package, then turned to his caretaker. After a few seconds, he set his eyes on the messenger.
“Thank you.” he said, quickly adding, “Are you familiar with Lilia?”
“We fought in the war together.” they replied quickly, but it looked as if though they were picking their words carefully. It made sense- it was weird to explain their relationship with Lilia. It had absolutely been more than just fellow soldiers, something past a regular friendship, and yet it hadn’t quite been a romance, neither daring break the rules and take the first step. There wasn’t a comfortable way to explain such a thing, no way to say we were in love but neither of us dared do anything about it because we weren’t allowed to.
“Oh, seeing you brings back memories I thought I’d forgotten.” Lilia chuckled, although he seemed to be acting off. Nervous, almost? Luckily, the subtle changes in his attitude went right over Malleus’ head, and he just nodded. “Malleus, would you mind returning to the dorm with the herbs? The fresher they are when we begin the better- ask Silver to boil some water so I can start preparing them soon.”
“Are you staying behind, then?” replied Malleus, and Lilia chuckled, then nodded.
“Oh, you must understand it’s not often I get to chat with an old friend like this.” said Lilia. Malleus didn’t seem like he quite understood, but nodded nonetheless, and bid goodbye to the two ancient fae before disappearing, leaving only small wisps of green fire that slowly faded away in the air.
“... The prince is as powerful as they say, isn’t he?” they said, staring at the fading green lights. 
“He certainly is. Oh, but he’s also a sweetheart, don’t believe those who say he’s coldhearted or meanspirited.” said Lilia with a smile. “He’s a little cold right now, but that’s just how teenagers are, you know.”
“... You’ve certainly been busy since last time I saw you. I knew they’d appointed someone to take care of the Queen’s grandson, but I never would have imagined it’d be you.” they said, looking off to the side. “I’ve been working around the palace- you know, I really can’t believe I was wrong, but it seems peace is here to stay for a long time. Not much use for a warrior nowadays.”
There were a few moments of silence as both fae stared at each other. It’d been so long- by now, anyone else would have moved on, gotten to someone else, built new relationships. And yet neither of them had to say it for the other one to know; neither had truly moved on. They weren’t warriors anymore: right now, they were just two adults, two people in love, despite never having said it. And before he could really think about it, Lilia’s arms were around them, his mouth pressed into theirs.
Oh, intimacy. How long had it been since he’d been this close to someone? He’d had his share of throwaway flings in the years after the war, but his full attention had been on raising Malleus. Besides, nothing could quite compare to this: he’d been imagining how it’d feel to hold them close, to have his lips on them, to kiss them deeply, ever since the war. How had he gone so long without this? Truly, he couldn’t understand how he’d had enough self-restraint to never act upon his feelings back then, how both him and them had been obedient enough to not act on their love just because the rules said so. 
“... I missed you.” they murmured once they separated their lips from his. They were staring right into his eyes, their face slightly red and eyes full of love. “Back then, in the war- every time I was alone with you, I... I thought about how badly I wanted to be with you. I thought about how much I loved you, and god, it hurt, it really hurt to have to keep it all locked inside.”
“You’re taking my words right out of my mouth, my love.” said Lilia, pressing his forehead against theirs. His arms wrapped around them, he could feel their heartbeat in their chest- their heart was going fast, but once again, so was his. “I can’t believe I waited so long to do this.”
Wordlessly, they kissed him again. Lilia vaguely thought it’d be rather embarrassing if Crowley were to walk in to lock the hall of mirrors now, but he couldn’t be bothered; he’d been waiting centuries for this moment. It wasn’t often Lilia felt young (truly, he was ancient), but right in that moment, he felt like he was being kissed for the first time. Two fae ancient enough to be recorded in history textbooks holding each other, letting the emotions they’d held onto for hundreds of years finally blossom- it was an odd image, but a charming one.
“I love you.” he murmured, burying his head into their neck. “You don’t know how happy I am I finally get to tell you that.”
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ampintherain · 4 years
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My Baby Love
*GIF NOT MY OWN- creds to theothersideoffantasy*
Owen Patrick Joyner x reader request!!!
Maybe the reader is part of the JATP cast and once at a gathering the cast starts teasing the reader about who she’d date among the boys. She gives her opinion on each boy but Owen gets upset when she says she wouldn’t date him because he’s a baby (even though she’s only 2 years older). She knows it’s stupid but it’s the only excuse she can find to fight her feelings. Everyone notices how oblivious they both are so at every occasion they keep mentioning how a great couple they’d make ? At the beginning Owen and the reader stay close but eventually the reader becomes more and more flustered and tries to distance herself to suppress her feelings. At the end they just have a heart to heart convo and kiss ? I need major fluff 😂
Requested By: @shimmeringfrenchie
I LOVED THIS REQUEST! I hope I can create the story you want💜
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When I got the call to be in season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms, I never once imagined that it would end up like this- me falling for someone two years younger than me, I had never been attracted to someone younger than me before, I always went with older guys it was just something that I had always done so when I met Owen, I thought that he’d end up being like a little brother to me and that was what I had hoped. 
“Hey Y/n!” I heard Charlie call my name as I was leaving the lot, I turned around to see the brunette running towards me with Owen close by, my heart began to race as I saw the blue eyes belonging to the gorgeous boy, 
“H-hey” I stuttered, clearing my throat before regaining my confidence, “wassup?” I questioned, looking between the two boys, catching Owen staring at me, I smiled and tore my gaze away, focusing my attention back onto Charlie, 
“Well, Owen and I are having some of the cast over tonight for takeout and we were wondering if you wanted to come? Savannah really wants you there” the brunette asked, I nodded happily,
“Well, if Sav wants me there, I guess I have no choice” I joked, just as Savannah walked past us, tucking me into her side
“That is very true, I wouldn’t want to endure a night with the cast without my best friend being there!” Savannah smiled. I had developed a very close friendship with Savannah within a week of filming, the first day of bootcamp she had showed me around and always made sure I was alright, we later realised that we had very similar interests and decided to move in together for the filming of the season and the friendship stemmed from there, she was most definitely my best friend and the truest friend that I had ever had. 
“Fine, I’ll be there. What time?” I questioned, looking back over at the boys as Savannah squealed happily beside me,
“Does 7 sound good?” Owen asked, I looked up at him and my breath caught in my throat- he was single-handedly the most attractive person I had ever laid my eyes on and it was almost painful how much I liked him.
“Yep, sounds perfect. I’ll see you then” I smiled, waving the boys goodbye before walking off with Savannah, we wandered through the parking lot before reaching my car, we both hopped in and Savannah took a hold of the aux cord, playing her created playlist of all of Justin Bieber’s hits. 
The time to leave for Charlie and Owen’s place soon came round, I changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie before slipping on my Converse and heading to the door with Sav. “Should we walk or no?” I asked, Savannah shrugged her shoulders, soon going for the option of walking considering the boys didn’t live that far away from us and it was a nice evening in Vancouver, “so, you and Owen?” Savannah questioned after a short silence, my heart rate quickened at the mention of his name, I turned to her with a confused look etched across my face, 
“What?” I laughed, as we entered the boys’ apartment building and making our way up to their apartment, “I have no idea what you’re talking about” I rolled my eyes, knocking on the door lightly, the door swung open, revealing Owen smiling his award-winning smile, pushing his hair back from his face before stepping to the side, “hey O” I smile, 
“Hey Petal” he said, giving me my usual nickname before pulling me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a tight squeeze, “Hey Sav” Owen continued, letting go of me and giving Savannah a quick hug, I walked further into the apartment seeing Madi, Charlie and Jeremy all sat in the den chatting away, 
“Hey Losers” I joked, sitting next to Madi, she pulled me in for a tight side hug, pulling away just as quickly before crossing her legs and settling further into the coach. Savannah swiftly joined the group alongside Owen, sitting beside me whilst Owen sat next to Jeremy.
We had been at the boys’ apartment for around an hour or two, just eating pizza and chatting, “oh guys!” Savannah spoke excitedly, shuffling in her seat comfortably, 
“oh what?!” Charlie mimicked Sav’s excitement causing her to glare at him
“We should play Honest” she suggested, looking over at everyone’s confused faces towards the game suggestion “Honest? You guys, it’s self explanatory, it’s like the best game. You ask someone a question and they have to answer honestly.” she shrugged, I turned to the girl sat beside me, raising a singular eyebrow, “Y/n/n, it’s the best game. Honestly. Come on, please guys” she whined, 
“I think it’ll be fun�� Madison smiled enthusiastically, as always, bringing the mood up and tempting the group into the activity that Savannah had suggested, Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and I chorused a small ‘fine’ causing Savannah to squeal with excitement, reaching over my head to give Madi a high-five. 
“Okay okay, I’ll go first... Madi, what’s the worst thing about filming?” Sav questioned, Madi thought about it for a second or two, her eyebrows furrowed as she chewed lightly on her lip,
“I’d say the super early mornings and really really late nights, I’m definitely not used to this new sleep schedule... um... Jeremy, what’s your favourite thing about Carolynn?” Madison smiled, “I only ask because I love seeing your face when you talk about her... it’s so cute!” Jeremy blushed and looked down at the floor for a small moment,
“Okay, I have a lot of favourite things about Carolynn but, one of the things I love most about her is her heart, she has the kindest soul, she cares about everyone she knows so deeply and she is really willing to do anything for the people she loves, she puts other people’s needs before her own and I just think it’s the most beautiful thing” Jeremy gushed, causing the girls and I to ‘aw’ at him, he was totally loved up and it was something that I could only ever wish for, 
“I wish someone spoke about me like that” I said, Jeremy smiled at me before asking Savannah which show she preferred to film- Julie and the Phantoms or Knight Squad to which she answered Julie and the Phantoms, giving the reasons of being able to sing and dance and she also mentioned how she loved the closeness of the cast, saying that we were more like a family. 
“Okay... Y/n, who would you date out of the boys- y’know out of Owen, Booboo, and Charlie” Savannah questioned, refusing to mention Jeremy as we all know that he would never have been an option based on the pure fact that Carolynn was his soulmate, 
“Right... well,  I’d say, probably Charlie because as much as I love Boo, he’s more of an annoying brother and I’d just find it weird if we dated and Owen’s a little baby” I explained, 
“Oh some I’m only your option because of process of elimination, great. Thanks y/n/n” Charlie joked, I rolled my eyes at him and looked over at Owen, I watched as his eyes lowered and his mouth turned down, he quickly faked a yawn before standing up off the couch and stretching, yawning again,
“Right, well I’m gonna head to bed, I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Night” he said shortly, promptly leaving the den and making his way to his bedroom, he quickly stole another glance at me before shaking his head and entering his room. After that, the rest of us slowly started to disperse, Madi left first, then Jeremy and then Sav and I. 
I crawled into bed and stared up at my ceiling, I couldn’t fight off the feeling that I had really upset Owen, it must’ve been me, I mean he was fine all night- he was engaged, laughing, cracking his stupid jokes and then everything changed once I said that he was a baby... I didn’t really feel like that, I mean, I liked him. A lot, it’s just that I’ve never really gone for younger guys before, I always dated much older guys. But there was just something about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, something about him had me hooked and I couldn’t figure out whether it was a nuisance or something that I wanted to happen, all I knew is that however I was feeling, it was something beyond my control. 
I just didn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t say that I was a control freak but I definitely didn’t enjoy not being able to have any type of control of what was happening in my life, I always planned on dating and marrying someone a few years older than me as that is what my mum did, my grandma did, and my great grandma. I don’t have any understanding on why I wanted to do the same as them, maybe it was because of my desperate need to impress the women in my family. They’re all successful and they always used to build up this pressure on me to be the perfect woman, I had no room for mistakes. So my falling for Owen, was not in the plan, something out of my control and quite frankly, it was driving me insane. 
For the next few days, I tried to talk to Owen but no matter how hard I tried, it seemed that he was trying even harder to avoid me at all costs. “I don’t know why you would say that...” Charlie said as he sat beside me at the lunch hall, “it’s obvious you both like each other” I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the boy, scoffing
“Yeah, right” I said, rolling my eyes and picking at my food, essentially just pushing it around the plate aimlessly, a silence fell over the two of us as I peered up to see Charlie staring at me with a look on his face as if it say ‘are you serious?’ 
“Y/n/n... you do like him. I don’t care what you have to say and how much you’re going to deny it. You like him” he shrugged just as Savannah sat across from us
“What are you guys talking about?” She asked breathlessly as she had just finished her dancing scene, I gave her an obvious look that she immediately picked up on “ohhh, Owen?” she questioned as I nodded slowly
“I was just telling our friend here, that she likes Owen and that it’s so obvious that she does” the Canadian explained blatantly, to which Savannah agreed, informing me that it was written all over my face whenever I saw Owen, or even whenever his name was briefly mentioned.
“You’re just caught up on the fact that you want to be like your mum and date older guys. The heart wants what is wants Sweetie, and your heart just so happens to want a 20 year old with lucious blonde hair.” Savannah joked, I rolled my eyes and stood up from the table, 
“I refuse to stay here any longer with you guys just talking absolutely nonsense” I replied, shortly. I looked at the two people I was previously sat with before gathering my food and quickly throwing it away as I walked past the bin. I walked out of the small lunch hall and made my way to my trailer.
“Uh.. hey y/n. Wait up” I heard a familiar voice call, Owen. I turned around and smiled up at him nervously. We hadn’t spoken in days, only having fictional conversations as our characters but after that? Strangers. “Can... can we talk?” he questioned, rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded, unable to form any kind of functioning sentence, I silently ushered him into my trailer, closing the door behind me. Owen sat on my small loveseat and patted the spot next to him which I reluctantly took.
“Uh... so what’s up?” I questioned, spluttering slightly, I placed my hands in my lap, closing them and fiddling with my thumbs- a habit I picked up in middle school, whenever I was asked a question by one of my teachers, I would twiddle my thumbs over each other in a circular motion, I wasn’t too sure whether it was something to do with my anxiety or it had links to my thinking process and to this day, I’m still unaware of what it roots to but I have never been able to wean myself off of it. 
“Did you mean what you said...” the blonde boy questioned me, “y’know, about how you wouldn’t date me because I’m a baby?” I glanced up at him quickly before diverting my attention to the plain wall in front of me. I inhaled sharply when I felt Owen’s slightly calloused hand make contact with my cheek, he held on to my face lightly as he brought my eyes to meet his own “because I’m not a baby Y/n, I’m just two years younger than you, it’s not like you were in high school when I was born. You were two. I’m not a baby” he reiterated, I nodded and sighed
“Yeah O, I know... I don’t know why I said it. I regretted it the second it left my mouth. Look, ever since I was younger, I was surrounded by women who all married men older than them and my mum always told me that that is how it should be, but it doesn’t feel like that with me... yeah I’ve dated olderguys but-” I cut myself off, worried that if I let all my emotions out to Owen, he wouldn’t reciprocate and I would officially ruin the entire friendship alongside the whole cast dynamic because there would be this awkward tension between Owen and I but just times by a million. 
“But what?” he pushed, his thumb running along my cheek causing me to instinctively close my eyes at the blissful feeling it was giving me, the simple touch melted away all of my anxieties “actually wait” he spoke, causing my eyes to shoot open, the anxieties to come rushing back in, I glanced up at him and furrowed my brows together “Y/n, I like you. A lot, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anybody before. Hearing you call me a baby made me feel like you would never see me in that way, and it’s fine. Totally fine. If you don’t feel the same way but I just feel like I need to tell you everything I feel. Y/n, when I see you, everyone else just fades away. I physically can’t picture my life without you in it in any way, even if we just stay friends. I need you with me, you calm me down... so yeah” Owen said, the confidence in himself slowly fading as he continued to ramble, watching my face to see if I expressed any indication other than confusion, I slowly reached up and took a hold of his hand bringing it down in my lap and enclosing it with both of my hands.
“Owen, I like you too... that’s what I was going to say. I’ve dated a few older guys and they just never made me feel the way you do. Owen, you make me laugh so much, you make me feel protected and always cared for and I have never experienced that. Growing up, I had this pressure put on me by my mum, grandma and even my great grandmother, they all used to tell me that ‘dating older men is the way it should be’ and that’s all I thought of, I never thought that a younger guy would come along and sweep me off my feet but you did Owen Patrick Joyner, you really did and I can’t keep denying my feelings for you to everyone and especially to myself.” I breathed out, looking up at Owen with tears welling in my eyes just threatening to spill, Owen abruptly yet gently grabbed my face pulling me in close to him, his lips ghosted over my own as he let out a shaky breath
“You’re all I’ve ever wanted” he said before he pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss, I could feel butterflies erupt in my stomach at the feeling of his soft lips on mine, one of his hands moved from the side of my face to the base of my neck, pulling me in closer and deepening to kiss, my hands traced up his arms and draped themselves over his shoulders, toying with the ends of his hair. 
This. This felt right, this was how it was supposed to feel. Electrifying, loving and passionate. I never thought I’d fall for someone younger but here he was, Owen. My baby love. 
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #791: Wrath of the Certified Moms (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
4:23 p.m. at Smash Mansion's Dining Hall......
It was quiet and Intense afternoon at the Mansion of Smash as everyone hides away and watch an unfazed Kazuya have himself a conversation with the Certified Moms Squads, who are not very happy with him at the point.
Peach: Mr. Kazuya. (Crosses Her Arms in a Not Pleased Yet Professional Like Manner) I take it that you are wondering why we wanted to talk to you at this very moment, yes?
Kazuya: No. I don't actually. But since we're here.....(Slams Two of his Feet On the Table One By One) Let's talk.
Samus: What the hell are you doing?
Kazuya: (Raised an Eyebrow at the Bounty Hunter Glaring at Him) Pardon?
Daisy: (Glares at Kazuya as Well) You heard the lady, buster. Why the hell do you have your crumby feet on the table!?
Kazuya: What? Am I not supposed to do that here or something?
Rosalina: (Simply Nodded) That is right. It's very rude and thoughtless.
Isabella: Not to mention unsanitary.
Tifa: This might be our first time meeting one another.....(Glares at Kazuya Harsh) But I know for a fact that you weren't raised on a damn farm.
Samus: Exactly. So if you know what's good for you going forward....(Starts Gritting her Teeth) We suggest you take your feet off the fucking table. Right now.
Kazuya: (Starts at the Glaring for a Brief Second Before Scoffing a Bit in Defeat as He Reluctantly Did What He Was Told) There. Happy?
Samus: (Glare Pierce Harder at the Man) Very.
Peach: ('Sigh') Now with that out of the way, Mr. Kazuya, after you fought Ganondorf and threw him off a cliff, is it true that you tried to do the same to Pit and Kirby afterwards?
Kazuya: What? You mean the Angel Boy and Pink Puffball? ('Heh') Yeah. I did. What of it?
Palutena: (Immediately Gets Up and Angrily Slams her Hands on the Table) ('SLAM') WHAT OF IT!? YOU ALMOST KILLED MY BABY, YOU MURDEROUS PIECE OF-
Bayonetta: (Immediately Got Up and Place Her Hands on Palutena's Shoulders to Calm her Down) Paulie dear, please. Calm yourself.
Tifa: (Gently Place her Hand on Top of Palutena's) Bayo's right. Don't let him get to you like this.
Palutena: How can you all expect me to be calm in a time like that!? (Tears Starts Falling Down on her Face) Have you forgotten what that bastard done to Pit!?
Peach: (Turns Around to Palutena with a Worried yet Understanding Frown on her Face) We understand how you feel completely, dear. Which is all the more reasons why you should let me do all the talking. You do trust us, right?
Palutena: Of course I do. ('Sniff') You girls are my family...('Sniff') I just....I just can't help not being upset, you know?
Bayonetta: (Gently Pulls Palutena into a Loving Hug) I know, my sweet, beautiful goddess. I know. But we all need to pull ourselves together and get Peach handle this. For our babies sake.
Palutena begins to looks up and see Pit, Kirby, and the Phantom Thieves hiding behind the living room's wall, witnessing everything going down in the dining hall.
Palutena: (Sighs While Finally Calming Herself Down) Right. I do need to pull myself together. (Turns to Pit While Quietly Saying 'I Love You' to Him With a Sad Smile Before Sitting Back Down)
Pit: (Smiles Softly) I love you too, mom
Kazuya: (Suddenly Starts to Chuckle Evilly For Almost Everyone in the Mansion to Hear)
Peach: (Raised an Eye Brow at Kazuya in a Very Unamused Manner) Something's funny to you, Kazuya?
Kazuya: Yes, actually. Here I thought participating in this kind of tournament would be somewhat interesting. I'd never imagined how pathetically soft amd weak minded all of you really are. But I suppose be too shouldn't be surprised by the outcome, since you have an embarrassment of a tyrant king and an annoying puffball as one of your competitors.
Ganondorf: (Growling Angry at Kazuya from the Distance With the Other League of Villains Members)
Kazuya: And worthless angel boy of yours was easily the weakest of them all that it's laughable at best.
Pit starts to frown sadly by Kazuya's words until Ren place a hand onto his shoulder while giving him a reassuring look that feels him to not to believe a single word he says. This, in it if itself, actually helps calm the angel down immensely.
Kazuya: Hell, he's better off being dead if any-
Without a second thought, Peach angrily punched down the table I front of her, the ladies, and Kazuya so hard that it crumbles to the ground, easily breaking it into small, tiny pieces, much everyone's surprise and shock.
Bowser: Holy........
Samus: ........Shit........
Ryuji: (From the Living Room) EXCLAMATION MARK!!!!
Kazuya: (Starts Smirking at the Angered Princess While Being Unfazed by the Sudden Event) What's this now? Did I do finally struck a nerve, your highness?
Peach: (Immediately Grabs Kazuya By the Collar While Giving the Most Darkest, Piercing Glare Imaginable, Even For Her) Listen here, you insufferable, arrogant creep! I don't what made you the way you are right now, and frankly, I don't give a single damn about it at this point! All you need to know that if you're planning on continuing to set foot in this mansion, you don't EVER insult my babies and harm my family ever again! YOU HEAR ME!?
Daisy: (Immediately Got Up to Calm Peach Down) Woah there, cuz. Take it easy for us, okay?
Samus: (Got Up and Calm Peach Down as Well) Daisy's right, Peach. He's not worth the trouble at this point......
Peach looks back and forth the girls and Kazuya for a few seconds before finally calming herself down.
Peach: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay......(Finally Let's Go of Kazuya) I suppose I should apologize for what happened just now. It wasn't lady like of me.
Daisy: (Chuckles Lightly) Are you kidding me? That was most badass thing I've ever seen yet! (Happily Hugs Peach) And it was all caused by my favorite cuz~
Peach: (Giggles Softly) I'm your only cousin, Daisy.
Samus: Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with Daisy this on. (Smirks a bit Playfully at Peach) I did not expect you to be this hardcore. I'm proud. Though, I think we might need to replace that table in a little bit.
Peach: (Giggles Softly Some More) I know. Thanks, you guys.
Kazuya: (Watches the Trio While Fixing his Collar and Shirt) ('Tch') Knew I should've ignored them if I had the chance.......
Peach: Kazuya Mishima!
Kazuya: (Turns Back to Peach) Yeah? What?
Peach: (Crosses her Arms While Glaring Darkly at Kazuya Again) Remember this well: If I EVER hear you pulled this stunt again, I will NOT hesitate to kick you out of this mansion and ban you from ever taking part of this tournament! Do you understand me!?
Kazuya was able to say something to the princess until his eyes suddenly begins to widened, as he comes to the realization that Peach's glare is starting to remind him of a woman from past. Who happens to be his deceased mother, Kazumi Mishima. It wasn't too long until he suddenly begins to get down on his knees and bow himself down to the princess in a traditional like manner, much everyone complete surprise.
Kazuya: I apologise for my foolish actions. It will never happen again.....
Peach: (Couldn't Believe What She's Seeing in Front of Her) Oh my.......I-I Mean! (Starts Clearing Her Throat Before Turning Away From the Fallen Man) As long as you got message, we'll hold you to it. Let's go, ladies. (Begins to Walks Away with Other Ladies Following Her)
Palutena gives one last harsh glare at Kazuya before walking away with the others. Leaving him to his lonesome self altogether. (While Still Being in a Bowing like Position).
Bowser: (Eyes Widened After Witnessing Everything That Went Down Just Now) Well.........That happened?
Hades: (Starts Snicking) I know, right? Who would've thought the Devil Boy got whipped so easily?
Sephiroth: (Carrying Pichu in his Arms) I'm more surprise on how strong the princess has gotten. Mario's a lucky man.
Bowser: ('Tch') (Crosses his Arms While Looking Away) Yeah. Lucky jackass, bastard.....
Ridley: (Turns to Ganondorf) What gotten you in a good mood?
Ganondorf: Seeing this warm grovelling on the floor! (Crosses his Arms While Smirking Evilly and Triumphantly) Knew he wasn't shit from the beginning.
Ridley: But didn't he still beat you and threw you off a cliff?
Ganondorf: (Slowly Turns to Ridley with a Deadpinned Glare) Do you want me throw you off a cliff instead, Ridley?
Ridley: ('Sigh') No.......
Bowser: (Looking at Kazuya Shaking Slightly in the Ground From a Distance) Uhh....Guys? I think the new guy's crying over here. Saying about missing his mom or whatever.....
Hades: Ah yeah. Forgot to mention this sooner, but his mom died when he was little. Just found that one out when I was reading his inner thoughts earlier. So.....oops.
Sephiroth: The loss of a loving mother is never an easy feeling. He has my pity.
Pichu: (Nodded in Agreement) Pika. Pi.
Ganondorf: ('Scoffs') He can cry about her all he wants. (Starts Walking Away) He'll no sympathy from me.
Elsewhere in the Fitness Gym.......
Ike: (Paused his Training Session For a Moment) Hm?......... (Shrugs Before Resuming his Workout)
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cower-before-power · 4 years
Another Piece of the Puzzle
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*gif has nothing to do with this story i just like it haha*
Summary: Charlotte and Yami add another piece to the puzzle of their shared life
Pairing: Yami x Charlotte
TW: swearing, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
Link to A03 here
A/N: So I had another baby this past summer so I guess I’m in my baby feels ha and just had to write something fluffy for the OTP. Also Yami with a baby makes my ovaries go wooooooooo. Enjoy, sweet potatoes!
“Why’s it so red?”
She rolls her eyes, the tiny movement feeling overwhelmingly exhausting. “That’s just how they come out. And she’s your daughter, not an ‘it’, you moron.”
The being in question gives a quiet little grunt, as if agreeing. Yami chuckles quietly.
“Already siding with your mother, I see,” he says, shifting the tiny bundle in his arms. She feels her heart swell at the sight; Yami Sukehiro, the rough, uncouth, take no shit Magic Knight Captain, cradling a baby with the utmost delicacy. Not just any baby: their baby.
Holy shit, she is a mother. Even though she’d went through nine months of carrying her, and then unimaginable hours of labour, she still can’t quite wrap her head around it. She’d always had a constant sliver of anxiety and fear ever since she’d found out she was with child. She didn’t know anything about being a mother, what if she was terrible at it?
Surprisingly, Yami had been very level headed and reassuring throughout the whole thing. “It’s normal to be scared. Hell, I’m terrified. But after all the shit we’ve seen and done, a baby can’t be that hard.”
(Except for the labour. He’d been a hot mess for that. She hadn’t known whether to laugh, cry or punch him in his stupid face when he’d shouted “Surpass your limits Charlotte! Surpass them right now!” during a particularly rough contraction.)
Well, whatever came their way, they’d figure it out. To think there was a time she could barely hold it together in his presence, and now she is watching him with their child.
“She still needs a name, you know,” she says, reaching out to stroke the dark downy hair that covers their daughter’s head. “Are you sure you don’t want to give her a name from your home country?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, she’s already gonna have my last name, that’s a good enough connection to the past for me. Besides, this is my home now.”
He says it casually, but his eyes meet hers with a softness that takes her breath away. He doesn’t mean the Clover Kingdom. He means here with her, with their daughter. Tears pool in her eyes, and she hastens to blink them away. Was he trying to kill her today? Her heart was going to burst if it was filled with any more happiness. “Do you have any ideas then?”
He hums in thought. “She needs a badass name. She’s got two super badass parents, after all.” His brow furrows for a moment, then his eyes light up.
“Katana!” He shouts, and the little bundle in his arms wakes with a cry at the noise. He quickly rocks it with a few shushing noises, and the sound subsides. She’s vaguely impressed by how good he is at that already.
“You can’t be serious. You want to name her after your sword?”
He grins, his trademark cigarette bouncing with the movement. “Why not? Nothing’s more badass than being named after a deadly weapon.”
Her mouth drops open. He is serious, that asshole! She crosses her arms. “We are not naming our baby after your stupid sword!”
“It’s not stupid!” He says defensively. “She’s gonna grow up to be an ass kicking tough gal with a ton of strong magic, it’s a perfect name. Better than some wishy washy royal name that the King of Hard Noses would pick for his kid or something.”
He softens his face into a puppy dog pleading look, the kind she once thought she’d never see on his face (but was surprisingly common these days, he knows it usually makes her cave). “Come on, Prickly Queen. You can even call her Kat for short.”
Kat Sukehiro. It doesn’t sound half bad.
“Awww come on, Charlotte.”
She stares into his begging face, so stupid and so damn good looking. She sighs, feeling her resolve crumble into dust. It really isn’t a bad name. Damn this man and his effect on her! She’d give him the bloody moon if he asked her.
“Alright, fine. But everyone is going call her Kat, not Katana, understood?”
He grins that stupid shit-eating grin she’s grown begrudgingly fond of. “Your wish is my command, Prickly Queen.”
She lets out a “hmmmmph,” crossing her arms. “It better be.”
He laughs at her, and adjusts the newly named Kat so he can lean in and press his lips to hers.
“Thank you,” he murmurs into their kiss, and she knows he doesn’t just mean the name. The tears are back; it should be her thanking him. For breaking her stupid curse. For respecting her. For encouraging her strength. For loving her with a fierceness that can’t be rivalled. For making this perfect creation with her.
She kisses him harder, words stuck in her throat, and she knows he understands.
Feet pound down the hallway. Voices yell. The door to her room shakes as multiple fists knock in unison.
“Mister Yami!!! Where’s the little brat??”
True to Black Bull fashion, his unruly squad interrupts their moment by trying to break down her door.
“I told you not to come up till I said so, you dumbasses!” Yami growls, pulling away from her. “We’re having a damn family moment here!”
“Sorry Sir! Sorry Captain Charlotte!”
“I’ll kill you, you idiots!”
She laughs, wiping away the lone tear that managed to wend its way down her cheek. “It’s alright. They’re your family too. Let them meet their new little sister.”
“Tch,” Yami sighs, but she can hear the fondness in his voice. “Alright, idiots. Come in and see her then. But no touching! And don’t crowd me, dammit!”
They don’t listen of course. They’re in the door and immediately crushing around him, shouting and cooing compliments. They are a million times more rowdy than her Knights will be when they visit later, but she can’t bring herself to be upset. Little Kat is only hours old yet already surrounded by so much love.
“I said don’t crowd me, morons!”
“Sorry sir!”
She smiles at the scene. Her already full heart is spilling over in a fountain of boundless happiness. Yami meets her gaze above the sea of bobbing heads, face stoic but his eyes betray him. He’s deliriously happy too; they’re fulfilling a dream that once danced far out of reach. Magic Knights, Squad captains, lovers, parents. An eccentric blended family tied by bonds far greater than blood. Each a piece added to the intricate and beautiful puzzle of their shared lives.
It is not complete. It won’t be until they depart for whatever lies beyond. But it will be a joy to build it, to interlock each piece. Even the ones painted with hardships and sorrow; she will place them will strong hands, for she knows brighter ones will come.
And the final picture, she thinks as she watches Yami proudly show off their daughter, will be beautiful.
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lonestarbabe · 4 years
The Definition of Good Parents
Carlos confronts TK about his time in the minefield + TK tells Carlos about the baby + Carlos getting protective over TK after hearing what Owen said to him = a deadly mix. I said, “Let’s just put it all into one tiny fic.”
Carlos gives T.K. a stern look as soon as he sees him coming through the door. He can’t believe the things his boyfriend does sometimes. He wouldn’t trade T.K. or any of his traits for the world, though.
“I heard you volunteered to go into a minefield,” Carlos says, eyebrows raised. He admires T.K.’s commitment to the job, but his nerves cannot take T.K. being in the hospital again. (Or worse, but he can’t think about worse).
T.K. smiles like he’s proud of his endeavors, and Carlos can’t blame him. Carlos is proud of T.K. too. That pride is mixed with a lot of fear. “Where’d you hear that from?”
“Marjan made a group chat.���
“Without me?” T.K. pouts, and Carlos has learned not to let that pout get the best of him, but he can’t help thinking how cute T.K. is as he does it.
“You can’t be part of everything. It’s called, ‘T.K. Strand is a Reckless Dumbass.’ I’m sure she’ll add you if you want.”
“She’s the one who dove into a damn steaming lava pit.”
“You went into a minefield,” Carlos emphasizes. “You’re not the bomb squad.”
“You sound like Pearce,” T.K. grins. “I’m not an asshole who puts my perfect record above saving a life.”
“Thank god I wasn’t there. I would have killed you.”
“Babe, it’s fine. Nothing bad happened to me.” T.K. pulls Carlos in for a kiss. “Mr. Perfect, couldn’t take the heat, so I stepped in.”
Carlos wraps his arm around T.K., thankful to have him there and to be able to hold him. “I thought you were trying to get out of the dog house.”
“I am,” T.K. gives him another kiss. “I think you’ll like the decision I made today.”
“And what’s that?”
“I’m switching teams.” That gives Carlos pause.
“Oh, yeah? I happen to like the team you’re on,” Carlos says with a chuckle, and he wants to do unholy things to T.K. He remembers T.K. saying they made a pretty good team. He knows that’s not what T.K. is talking about, but that’s the only team he can think about.
“Not like that.” T.K. rolls his eyes. “I applied to be the new paramedic.”
“What? I didn’t even know you were a paramedic.” T.K.’s never mentioned that.
“I was a dual-function medic.”
“That’s sexy. How many tricks do you have up your sleeve, T.K. Strand?” Carlos has seen only a portion of the tricks that he’s sure T.K.’s had. They’ve only been together for a few months, but he’s sure that there’s plenty more about T.K. to learn, and he’s looking forward to discovering every square inch T.K. has to offer.
T.K. licks his lips. “So many.” He shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. I had to do something while I was waiting to be eligible for the fire academy, so I figured I might as well get some of my hours in. With how many medical calls we take, medical qualifications make your resume stand out. I wanted to make it without my dad’s influence.”
“It seems like a pretty big deal.”
“I can’t do everything wrong,” T.K. jokes, and Carlos can’t laugh along because self-deprecating humor feels a little too self-deprecating when T.K. uses it. It hits Carlos in all the ways that make him concerned.
“You saved that kid in the minefield. Seems to me that you do a lot right.”
“The minefield was the best part of my day, believe it or not,” T.K. says. He looks Carlos in the eyes, “Second best.” Carlos would melt if he didn’t feel himself going into protective boyfriend mode.
“The rest of the day couldn’t have been that bad.” Carlos can’t imagine what could one-up a minefield.
“Nothing dramatic. Just tiring bullshit.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“I’m overwhelmed.” Carlos knows that overwhelmed is T.K.’s codeword for not mentally okay, and he feels a chill in his bones.
Carlos leads T.K. to the couch to sit down because this conversation isn’t one that should be had hovering by the kitchen counter. When they’re comfortable, he asks,“Overwhelmed? By what?”
“Things have been weird with my dad. We’re okay, but they’re still weird.”
“Is he upset about the career change?” Because if he is, fuck that. T.K.’s worked hard to get to where he is, and if Owen can’t at least be proud of T.K.’s accomplishment, then Carlos will have to be twice as proud— one hundred times as proud.
“Maybe. I don’t know. He’s more focused on the baby.”
“The what?” Carlos feels like he’s missing something important, and he tries to search his mind for any memory of a baby.
T.K. seems to realize what he’s said, and his eyes widen. “Shit. I’m supposed to keep it on the down-low, but I’ve already confessed twice today. Once can be taken as necessary venting, but twice is bad. ”
“Wait, T.K. Slow down. What are you trying to say.”
T.K. winces. “My mom’s pregnant.”
“Oh, shit.” Carlos can hardly process what he’s hearing. He knew Gwyn and Owen were trying to work things out, but he had never expected that.
“They get to be parents.” T.K.’s voice is scratchy.
“Again,” Carlos adds. “They don’t stop being your parents no matter how old you get.”
“They’re already thinking a lot about this baby’s future, and they want to be around to raise them.  My dad even decided to go through with that surgery to get rid of his tumor.”
“That’s a good thing, right? You’ve been pushing him to do it.”
“Yeah, I have been.” T.K.’s quiet for a moment. “Want to know the reason he gave me?” T.K. doesn’t wait for Carlos to reply. “He said that he was going to be a father as if he wasn’t a father before.” Carlos feels rage spike in his core, but he’s not going to make this moment about what he is feeling. He’s not going to say how much he wants to give Owen Strand a piece of his mind. “I know it’s stupid that a comment like that bothered me, but I haven’t been able to get it out of my head.”
“Passing comment or not, what he said is shitty.”
“He didn’t mean it like that. He was talking without thinking.” T.K. grins. “It’s a family trait. I’m just being a little bitch, just like always.”
“Don’t say that. You’re entitled to your feelings.”
“My parents are so happy, and I’m the rain cloud that they can’t shake.” It’d be cheesy, but Carlos would call T.K. his sun if it made him feel any better, but Carlos knows that there are no words that he can use to take the hurt away. Just as T.K. couldn’t say anything to make the situation with Carlos’ parents better, sometimes, all you can do is be a safe place.
“Parents don’t always give us the love we want or deserve,” Carlos says, “But that isn’t because you carry too much darkness. It’s not because you aren’t bright enough. It’s not even because they don’t have enough love to give.” Carlos thinks of his parents, unable to say the word gay but throwing around the words “I love you.” “Some parents try so hard to meet the definition of good parents that they forget to be your parents.”
T.K. drops his head on Carlos’ shoulder. “Is that supposed to make me feel better.”
Carlos shakes his head, “No. It’s just a reminder.”
“I hope they’re better parents for the baby,” T.K. says with watery eyes.
Carlos kisses T.K.’s temple, “And if they’re not, that kid will have the best big brother.”
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the-hopeless-haze · 4 years
Somebody Hurt Me Too Deep (Being Alive Ch 14)
Previous Chapter
A/N: I AM BACK omg ok like I’ve been through it in the last month..... yeah. This was of course based on “Being Alive” but also “champagne problems”... thank Taylor Swift for any emotional distress I cause :)
CW: talks of mental illness, brief mentions of past trauma and car accidents
Taglist (thank u all for reading ily): @caked-crusader @thatesqcrush @law-nerd105 @blackeyedangel9805 @moon-river-drifter @the-baby-bookworm @dianilaws @xecq @lv7867 @arabellathorne  @teddybluesclues​ @averyhotchner​ @houseofthirst​
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“Carino? I’m home,” Rafael says as he steps through the apartment door, placing his briefcase down on the recliner. It was only 3pm, early for him to be finished with work for the day, but he had been getting out earlier recently to accompany you to physical therapy appointments. You were doing well, at least physically. It had been a long six weeks, but today might be the appointment that cleared you to go back to work full-time and maybe get out from behind the desk a little.
Mentally, though, it was a mixed bag. Some days were easier than others, and that was to be expected, but it was hard to tell the squad you were doing better when you couldn’t even bring yourself to text them back. Still, he pleaded otherwise, said every day was a new day and carried on even if they didn’t believe him.
Today, though, today was the turning point, he could feel it. You were doing so well, and eventually, your brain would have to catch up with your body. So tonight, he booked a reservation at a restaurant… not any restaurant, but the Cuban restaurant he took you to the night you asked him out and he barely used your first name and he swore he hated you with nearly every fiber of his being.
Right. As if he hated you even then.
You’re in a good mood, albeit not as elated as he hoped, but the physical therapist approves you for work but to “take it easy” and you’re laughing at his wry remarks and squeezing his hand in the back of the taxi on the way to the restaurant. His nerves almost dissipate, but they don’t. And maybe that should’ve been his first sign that tonight was not going to go as planned.
Rafael was never a superstitious man, but you order the same dish you ordered the first time he took you out, and he can’t help but think this is a sign to push forward.
“Oh, fuck it,” Rafael murmurs, a surge of anxiety overcoming him. “I was going to wait until after dinner… but…. I have something I want to ask you.”
And just like that, your face falls, but Rafael can barely take that in, he just keeps talking, his mouth moving faster than the neurons in his brain that tell him to stop, now isn’t a good time.
“I love you so much, (y/n), and I know these past few months have been so hard, and this isn’t the way either of us have wanted this year to start, but… we got through it together. I never thought I’d be in a position in my life, with someone who I love… that I’d be willing to do this, but… (Y/n)... will you marry me?”
You don’t say anything for a few seconds, but it feels like hours, days, months. “Can you get up off the floor, Rafael? You’re embarrassing us,” you finally say hollowly, and it’s true, the whole restaurant is stopped in their tracks staring at the two of you. Rafael couldn’t possibly care less, though, he couldn’t comprehend anything that was going on - he was just thinking “well, she hasn’t said no…” and then you’re getting up, throwing your napkin on the table, shaking your head, saying “I can’t do this.”
Rafael gains some of his senses back, enough to follow you outside into the tempering late February air. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, Rafael, I don't,” you say stiffly without turning around to face him. “I’ll get my stuff in the morning. I need to be alone right now.”
“I just… I didn’t know you weren’t happy,” Rafael says, his voice breaking, and that gives you enough impetus to turn around.
“You didn’t know I wasn’t happy? Goddamn, Rafael, do you even live with me? I’ve been unhappy for months.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you know?”
“Jesus, (y/n), maybe because I’m not a fucking mind reader?”
“Right. You honestly thought we were in a good enough place to propose tonight?”
“Obviously! Or I wouldn’t have done it!” he snaps. “You honestly think we’re in a bad enough place that you couldn’t say yes?”
“Obviously! Or I would have done it!” you throw his words back at him, and god do they sting.
“You never told me anything. You just withdrew.”
“Yeah. Maybe that should’ve been a sign. Look. I’m moving back home. I was going to tell you tonight.”
“What? Is that all it was? (Y/n), if you want to move back, I could work something out--”
“No. No, you can’t, Rafael. You’ve never been able to work anything out in your life because you’re too scared to! You just operate on fear - and this is no exception. You thought I was going to die six weeks ago and that’s the only reason you’ve been acting this way, and I’ve been slipping away recently and you’ve just been trying to consistently deny it so you just get on one knee and think that’s going to solve everything, think that’s going to make me stay. That’s not how it works! I’m not happy. I need to go home.”
“Oh no. You know what it is? You’re afraid. Don’t try to put this on me. You’re the one who’s walking away. You’re the one who’s running back home.”
“Fuck you, Rafael. Your family is all here. Mine isn’t. My brother’s getting a job for the first time, my mom just got on disability, I miss my dad… I’ve spent too long here. I’ve spent too long with you.”
“What happened? What the fuck happened?”
“What the fuck happened every other time, Rafael? You’ve gone through this plenty of times before.”
Rafael scoffs, shakes his head, leans against the outside of the restaurant. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I’m fucking sick, Rafael!” you’re screaming now, your cheeks turning red, your eyes leaking angry tears. “All this time, since the accident, I’ve been fucking drowning and you didn’t even notice!”
“Depressed, Rafael. Anxious. Liv wanted me screened before I came back and the therapist said so. AGain. For the fucking umpteenth time in my life. But this time, I thought I had someone who cared--”
“How the fuck was I supposed to know if you didn’t tell me?”
“Couldn’t you see?”
Rafael shakes his head slowly, but now it comes back to him, all these subtle signs, the days you wouldn’t make it out of bed until 3 pm, all the days and nights you spent staring listlessly at the walls, the inability of anything he said or did to make you feel better. But it came and went, and Rafael just took it as you being upset sometimes at the limitations placed on you by your injured leg. Never did he think there was something more serious going on. Or maybe he just didn’t want to think that, and he ignored every signal.
“I’m sorry, (y/n),” he whispers, but he knows that’s too little, too late. Both of you were at fault - that was clear to him now - but was it clear to you? “I really didn’t know.”
“Evidently,” you mutter, crossing your arms over your chest.
“But you can get help. We can work this out.”
“I just… Rafael. I’m not ready. You of all people should have some sympathy for that.”
Ouch. You were going for the jugular now, hurting him where only you could, rejecting his proposal, leaving him crestfallen on one knee in the middle of a restaurant, but somehow your words hurt worse. Anyone could reject a proposal. Only you could psychoanalyze him and hurl the worst remarks his way, things no one else would be able to come up with.
“Then okay,” he sighs. “We won’t get married yet, or ever, if that’s what you want. But you really want to throw this away entirely?”
“I don’t know, Rafael. I don’t. Look, I’m sorry too. I just… I can’t deal with this right now.”
“Do you think… do you think maybe--”
“I don’t know,” you say firmly. “I don’t even know if I really want to go back home. I just know I don’t want to live like this anymore, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“But it isn’t going to drop. I just fucking proposed. I’m in this for the long haul. And fuck it, if you want to go back home, I’ll work it out.”
“This fake optimism isn’t you.”
“This lack of optimism entirely isn’t you! What happened to the woman who got through some of the worst shit imaginable and landed on her own two feet? You got into a car accident, (y/n). You lived! You should be thankful, not sitting here sulking like your world’s gone to shit.” Again, his mouth moves too fast to register the look on your face as it falls, and tears start to stream down your face. He can’t stop but push it further, hurt you in retaliation.
“Seriously, Rafael, how insensitive can you be? I tell you I’m struggling and you invalidate my feelings? Fuck off.”
“I didn’t mean--”
“Why’d you say it then? You know what, I’m done. Goodbye, Rafael.”
“No. Give me space. You owe me that.”
He does. And god, it hurts to watch you walk away, his abuelita’s ring burning a hole in his pocket when it should be on your finger. But maybe.... maybe this isn't the end. Maybe all you need is space.
Maybe Rafael's wishing on a pipe dream. He doesn't know anymore. All he knows is the sting of this pain.
You walk alone in the dark, your leg still aching slightly, and you just feel like utter shit. You can’t remember ever feeling quite this low, but you can’t remember feeling rage like this, either. No one’s hurt you like Rafael.
But that’s because you loved him enough to let him.
You still love him even now, but spending day in and day out with him coddling you, you couldn’t handle it. And maybe you should’ve acted like an adult and told him and stopped pretending everything was fine when you knew it wasn’t. If only you weren’t so fucked in the head, right? Just how it always went, your life, cycles of feeling fine and cycles of feeling like you’re scraping at the bottom of a barrel for a will to go on. And yeah, sometimes even you would question why you were taking this so hard - so what, it’s a car accident, you were lucky to have lived - but Rafael didn’t understand and you didn’t know how to make him. How were you going to get in a passengers seat again without having a panic attack? Would your leg ever fully heal? You’d wasted six weeks staring at the walls of Rafael’s apartment, doing menial paperwork for Olivia that anyone could have done. How could you not feel entirely worthless? And then for Rafael to make it seem like you were overexaggerating like you should just get over this… you hated him.
But you didn’t, really. You know deep down he’s just angry the night didn’t go the way he wanted it to, with you promising to be his for the rest of your life. Still, rage is a truth serum of sorts, like cheap wine, and it makes you wonder how deep that resentment runs. How could he not notice you were upset, though? That’s a hell of a blind eye to turn.
At least back home you had Ben if nothing else.
But here, you had everything else. The squad, your career, Rafael… You couldn’t even begin to think about marriage right now - Lord knows Rafael isn’t ready either - but did you really want to throw in the towel? How do couples move past a rejected proposal, though? Hadn’t you hurt him deeper than anyone else could have? And would he ever figure out how to propose again?
Maybe to someone else, you think, someone who didn’t have all these fucking issues.
Before you know it, you have a cigarette in your mouth and a lighter in hand and you’re leaning against the side of a convenience store, watching girls walk by in stilettos hanging on to their men or giggling with their group of friends, the taxis blurring past. Then you realize you broke the first promise you made to Rafael: you bought cigarettes in New York.
Had he really wanted to collect on that promise? It wasn’t like you were addicted, it was just a stupid habit you started in high school to take the edge off, but you supposed some people had the inclination to start and never stop, but you always could when you wanted to.
Your vice wasn’t cigarettes, no, it was love. You gave all you could to whoever would take it because you were so used to people wanting nothing to do with you since you isolated yourself due to your past trauma. Once you got to college, you refused to hide in the background, and you took chances you weren’t used to taking and loved in color, you loved until it made you blue when the boys would cheat or your so-called friends would find different cliques.
You were still like that, albeit in so much a desperate way, and you had been loved in return, now, not just by Rafael but by the squad too - even if you had your squabbles. You loved them to death and back.
But friends were easier to keep than lovers.
Maybe it is scary to think Rafael was going to be the end. That he’d be the last man you ever kissed in love or passion. That you’d be the last woman standing in his long list of ex-lovers - the only one who didn’t get crossed off.
How do you love someone that much? You always said you wanted that, but the thought always terrified you anyway, and maybe it’s why you did push people away when they felt too close because you felt like you didn’t deserve it, like you were still atoning for some sin you didn’t remember committing but you still feel guilty for all the same. You wonder if Rafael feels just as guilty.
You inhale the smoke, feeling the familiar, carcinogenic burn in your throat, causing yourself pain to cause Rafael pain only to cause you pain in return; an endless cycle of hurt.
With ambivalence, you put your cigarette out and hail a cab, and tell him to drive you to your apartment which you haven’t seen in weeks. There’s dust on every surface, it’s freezing as hell, and you don’t know how you’re going to sleep tonight, alone, so you light up another cigarette, sitting solitary with your nerves running haywire underneath your skin. What the hell were you going to do now?
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Dare To Forget Me
Ch. 32: One More Time
Previous chapters // Montserrat's masterlist
Fandom: SVU // Pairing:  Rafael Barba x OFC
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​ @averyhotchner​ [If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Chapter Summary: Montserrat and Rafael are losing their minds away from each other over the course of one month...
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1 Month Later.
"Oh, he's adorable," Montserrat gushed at the baby boy in her arms. The baby, in return, gurgled as if he was trying to agree out loud with her. Montserrat shifted on her chair to switch the baby to her other leg. "Olivia, I can't believe you actually adopted him," she told the sergeant sitting across the desk.
"Not adopted," Olivia corrected as she watched Noah fiddle with his hands. "His name's Noah and for the time being, he's going to live with me." She had explained the situation since Montserrat had been out of SVU for a good while now. She only came back and forth every once in a while and this time, she came to the surprise that Olivia had become a foster mother to the very child she saved almost a year ago.
"He's really cute," Montserrat loved Noah's rosy cheeks. "Definitely livens up the place, huh?"
"Yeah," Olivia chuckled and reached over her desk to toggle with one of Noah's hands. The baby gurgled with a toothless grin.
"So then...Ellie's...dead?" Montserrat lowered her voice as if the child in her arms would understand that his biological mother was dead.
"Yeah," sighed Olivia. "We had her in a safe house but...she left in the night and…we couldn't save her then."
Montserrat hadn't seen the pictures - not that she wanted to - but she assumed they were thoroughly graphic since Ellie had been burned to death along with other terrible things they'd done to her. "Do you have any ideas who might've done it?"
"Well, we assume it was someone from the high up but, for now, Little Tino is taking the fault."
"If he's taking the fault then it means he's scared of whoever actually did it." Montserrat stood up with Noah and gently handed him back to Olivia. "And, speaking out of experience, the person who did it might be the one in charge of the whole operation Ellie was part of." Olivia had no doubt it as well. "I should get going. I'm meeting with Damian and Calhoun again."
"How's your brother doing?" Olivia asked as the two slowly went for the office door.
"Well, he's better in that he's not in jail but...he's on trial now and things aren't as well as we hoped." Montserrat shrugged. "Things aren't adding up, Liv. Damian and Gael swear they did the final evaluations and the thing is...that footage is missing. Like, it's not where it should be."
"What - the company misplaced it?"
"No, the company is actually helping us look for the footage. Not having it makes them look just as bad as Gael."
"Well, I really hope you find what you need," Olivia said. "We really miss you over here. Plus, we're understaffed since Nick's doing cop work in Queens."
"Yeah," Montserrat's smile was a bit tight but Olivia didn't seem to notice. She was genuinely sorry Nick had to go back to being a regular cop for Queens, but at least with that he would eventually be able to come back to SVU as a detective. It would just take a bit of time. He'd gone for a month now without any problems, so...he was doing good.
"Honestly, I can come back if you really need me," Montserrat told Olivia wholeheartedly. She wouldn't want Olivia to go crazy trying to cover all their cases with only 3 detectives. "I'd just like to ask time to go Gael's trials."
"Thanks Montse," Olivia could breathe a bit in relief. She wouldn't call the detective in unless they truly had to, but it was nice to know Montserrat was up for the early return.
After leaving Olivia's office, Montserrat went for her things she left on her desk.
"So, any word on when you'll be back?" Fin asked from his seat. "Not that we're complaining but Carisi's a bit too much to handle."
"Ha, ha," Sonny rolled his eyes.
"Oh c'mon, he's not that bad," Montserrat swung her bag's strap over her shoulder. "Just give him some candy and he'll be good."
"One of these days, your jokes will stop being funny," Sonny frowned.
"But it's not today," Amanda chuckled.
Montserrat smiled at her squad. She missed them terribly. "I gotta go meet with Damian and Calhoun so I'll see you guys around," she wiggled her fingers and turned to leave.
"Hey Montse," Sonny called and easily caught up with her in the hallway. "Listen, I know things might be a little awkward, but…"
Montserrat turned so that she was in front of him, making him bump into her. "Awkward?" she repeated and tilted her head. "Why would things be awkward?"
"You know what I mean," Sonny gave her a meaningful look until she shifted on her feet. "I was there, remember?"
"Sadly," she flatly said. "But you know what? Over it. Done. It's been a month and I'm over it."
"I know you're mad-"
"Oh no, no," she shook her head. "I'm not mad."
"Really?" Sonny knew that tight, sour smile meant Rafael was still in her bad graces.
"Yeah," she shrugged. "Even though he lied and chose to be with some woman who manipulated him, he has all the freedom to do it. I-" she gestured at herself, "-am simply removing myself from the situation because I'm pretty sure if I had him in front of me I might murder him - wait…" she pretended to think about it for a second before saying, "No, I'm sure I would murder him."
Sonny sighed. "Montserrat, if you would just listen to what Rafael has to say then you would see that it's not what it looks like."
Because it wasn't like Rafael hadn't already tried. He'd struggled to get Montserrat to listen to him for just a minute, even more to just stand still but...Montserrat was adamant that the choice had been made. He made it so it was only fair that she make hers...even though her choice was being made out of spite, something Rafael had mistakenly pointed out which brought out a whole new type of argument. (Sonny may or may not have sat Rafael down afterwards to go over everything he'd done wrong).
"Sorry," Montserrat waved Sonny off, "I have better things to do."
"Montserrat-" Sonny called as the woman backtracked towards the elevator.
"Seriously," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "And feel free to mention that murder part. I may be over it, but I hold a wicked grudge. I've been lenient this past month but I'm done now."
"Maybe this is another reason why we shouldn't be together - I might kill him on the first date," Montserrat shrugged ever-so-casually with her wide, innocent smile.
Oh yeah, she was still furious. It was the quiet type of furious which, generally, turned out to be worse than the loud, screaming fury.
~ 0 ~
"See, this is the only video we have," Damian played the security feed of the final evaluation he and Gael did before the building collapsed.
Montserrat, Gael and Calhoun leaned forwards on the table to see the computer screen.
"But that's not it," Gael pointed with a deep scowl on his face. "That's the very last one - the one after I had checked for everything. It makes me look like I barely did my job."
"Okay, so we have to find that other security feed," Calhoun said. "And in the meantime, I'll be taking that video-" she pointed at the screen, "-as part of the evidence."
"But it's got me showing that I did nothing!" Gael exclaimed. "Why would you want to show people that?"
"Because the label is wrong," Calhoun said sharply. "And that means someone intentionally labeled it wrong."
"So it's part of the bigger evidence," Montserrat said for her brother's sake. "Proves that they were switched intentionally."
"Okay, then we gotta go back to work and find that other video," Gael rose from his seat but both Montserrat and Calhoun brought him back down.
"You cannot go back there until the investigation is over," Calhoun practically snapped so Montserrat went ahead and explained.
"If you go back, the D.A will make it look like you were going to plant something to prove your innocent. It's better if you stay far away from there until we figure things out."
"But what am I supposed to do!?"
"Be with your daughters?" Montserrat very wisely reminded him. "They really need you, especially Juliana."
Gael sighed. He learned of his teenage daughter's 3 day suspension when he first got out on bail and was overly upset with her, though he did understand her behavior sprang from his situation. Now as his trial had begun, he really strove to make sure both his daughters weren't in the fires of the media. "I suppose they do."
"Let us take care of it," Damian said. "I can go back and look for that video."
"If you do, be sure to have another employee with you so they don't claim you planted it," Calhoun warned then pointed a finger at Montserrat. "You're banned from that building as well."
"I know," the ginger woman rolled her eyes. "I'm not new at this, you remember right?"
Calhoun's smile was the definition of a frenemy. "Just do your job detective and I will do mine."
"This is my job right now," Montserrat reminded the woman as the latter prepared to leave the apartment. "So keep me updated at all times."
"I know," Calhoun playfully rolled her eyes. It was truly novelty being on the same side. "See you in court tomorrow."
When she was gone, Gael readied to leave as well. "I'm picking up Ivana and then Juliana early. Maybe we can have lunch or something."
"Honestly, that's the best thing you can do right now," Damian told him. "Just be with your girls. Montserrat and I have this."
"He means I got this since, reminder, being a detective is my job," Montserrat folded her arms over her chest. "It's literally what I do to eat."
"Still, I don't want you guys overexerting yourself on my case," Gael looked between his sister and best friend. "So please get some sleep and just take care of yourselves."
"We're fine Gael," Montserrat smiled at him.
"No you're not," he said too fast for her liking. "You've got something going on and you won't say anything. And don't try denying it."
Montserrat rolled her eyes. She would not be discussing any of these problems with anyone. She hadn't even told Kara about it - though Kara had assumed who Montserrat's problem was before actually hearing the story from Sonny later on - and Montserrat planned to bury that awful moment. Was it healthy? Probably not. Did she care? Nope.
Damian and Montserrat had stayed in the latter's place going through more of the files Damian took from his job. Being as thorough as possible meant neither noticed the time pass by until Kara and Sonny walked into the apartment.
"You guys are still working?" Kara wasn't surprised at all. For the past week this had been the way she'd find her best friend, not to mention her apartment kept looking like a storage room than an actual apartment.
"Well, my brother's still being accused of murder so…" Montserrat's sarcasm made Kara roll her eyes. "And he's on trial."
"Did you guys find anything useful?" Sonny asked. He hoped the afternoon had been used only for work purposes and nothing else.
"I mean, I guess so?" Damian looked over to Montserrat for confirmation. "I found some papers that Montserrat thinks Calhoun can use."
"It's just the previous signed evaluations indicating Gael did previous evaluations for each stage of construction before the final one," Montserrat explained.
"That's great," Sonny smiled for her. "It's definitely helpful in the case."
"Is it?" Kara smiled almost like him.
"Yeah," the detective nodded his head. "It establishes that Gael did the required evaluations before the building was finished."
"Yeah, except we still don't have that security feed of the final evaluation," Montserrat sighed. She leaned back on her chair and folded her arms. "If we had that, we would end all of this once and for all."
Damian put down his side of papers and moved to Montserrat's side. His hand went on her shoulder as he bent down beside her chair. "Hey, first thing tomorrow I'm gonna go back to work and I'm not gonna leave until I find that video."
Montserrat met his look with a soft smile. She would love nothing more than to finally put an end to this nightmare. "I really wish I could go there too."
"You heard Calhoun. It's best if you don't. I've got an idea, why don't we grab some dinner?"
Sonny scowled. Wow, the guy didn't miss a chance did he?
"Or we could order in?" suggested Kara who walked up to Montserrat's other side.
Sonny then smiled. That's why I love her.
"Thanks guys, but I think I'll just head to bed." Montserrat pushed herself up to her feet and offered both Mackies a polite smile. She loved that they tried so hard to cheer her up, but she just wasn't in the mood. Lately, she wasn't in the mood for anything.
"Are you sure?" Kara asked. She shared the same disappointment as her brother.
"Yeah, I'm tired." Montserrat shrugged again. "I'll see you tomorrow. Oh-" she stopped by the doorway and looked directly at Sonny, "-and I may come back a little earlier to SVU. My desk better be cleaned up."
"Oh that's great," Kara was relieved to hear that at least some part of normality would come back to Montserrat's life. "I really hope this can all end. It's taking a toll on Montse and I'm worried about her."
"I'm gonna go to work tomorrow and find that damn video," Damian promised as he went back to the table to clean up the mess of papers.
"Do you have any idea where it could be?" Kara asked. She started helping him put the papers together. "I mean, what guarantee do you have that it's even in there?"
"Because the video disappeared the same day the building crashed and there's been more security ever since. No one could slip out with the video much less not be noticed on camera they're trying to leave with it." Damian neatly stacked the papers on one end of the table then looked up at his sister and Sonny. "I'm gonna find that video if it's the last thing I do. For Gael. For Montserrat." Once everything was set, he bid them goodnight and left.
"If this trial doesn't end soon, I'm afraid both my best friend and my brother are going to lose their minds," Kara sighed once they were alone. She expected more commentary from Sonny, but all she got was a small nod and a distant expression. "Sonny?" she called and because her voice was sharpened, he finally looked at her. "What's the matter with you?"
Sonny shook his head, one hand lightly tapping the top of the chair Montserrat had sat in. "Nothing."
"Do not take me for an idiot, Dominick Carisi. You've been acting strange and even though I know you and Rafael have formed this newfound, closer friendship, it doesn't account for this strange behavior." Kara made a gesture at his current stance and though she walked up to him he seemed to move away. "What are you doing?"
Sonny exhaled and made a gesture towards the hallway, meaning to indicate Montserrat but all that came out of his mouth was a sigh. He didn't mean to do that, but what was he supposed to say? That he was frustrated two of his friends were equally hurting? That his girlfriend's brother was actively trying to win over Montserrat?
His face scrunched. "I should go, Kara. There's work tomorrow, after all."
Kara raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you really going to do this?"
"Do what?" he flashed her a smile but the moment he did she pointed a finger at him.
"Don't you dare use that charming smile on me. Why won't you tell me what you're up to?"
"Because I'm not really up to anything?"
Kara rolled her eyes. "Oh please, I know that's a lie. You think I don't know when Rafael tries to talk with Montserrat? She comes home with a face as red as her hair."
"Sorry, doll, but I'm not up to anything."
"Mhm," Kara pretended to fix the lapels of his jacket by pressing it down. "Listen, I'll believe what you say but...if you do happen to come up with a way my best friend can be happy again, I'll love you a thousand times more."
There was a brief smile on Sonny's face before Kara looked up at him. "I gotta go," he said softly.
"Aha," Kara smiled and leaned on her toes to kiss him. "Go on then. Do nothing. Goodnight."
Sonny had to smile as he left the apartment.
Each night when Rafael visited Forlinis, it was usually always done to grab some nice dinner that he had no intention of cooking at home. It was usually accompanied by the drinks he just generally loved. But as of late, the entire past month, he came to drown himself in alcohol. And since Forlinis had a wide variety of drinks, he had a vast option list.
"I would hate to think how bad your liver is," Sonny came to take the empty stool beside Rafael. The ADA rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. You always drink but now you're overdoing it, don't you think?"
"I think I should be allowed to drink however much I want to," Rafael raised his glass in the air, showing off the tiny bit of alcohol left. He then drowned it all in two seconds and called for a new one.
Sonny nodded and watched the bartender go get a new drink. He wasn't surprised, least not anymore. It had been a very tough month. "This solves nothing."
Rafael graciously accepted his new drink filled to the brim. "I never said it did. Look it's been a very busy day therefore I deserve to end it however I want to." He pretended to salute with his glass then drank it down.
Sonny knew that was bullshit. He let Rafael finish his glass, once again, before speaking up. "I saw her, if you're interested."
"Mhm, and I saw her yesterday and two days before that…" Rafael pretended to do some calculations of how many times he'd seen Montserrat that always ended with an argument. "Yeah, and none of those times have gone well."
"Well, you just have to keep trying."
Rafael shook his head. Each day the discouragement became more and more evident on his face. And how could he not be? Each time he attempted to talk with Montserrat she would either a) shout at him to leave her alone or b) very calmly, but equally angry, tell him everything was done. She was done.
"I think I have finally expended my attempts," Rafael said. "Montserrat despises me and with good reasons."
"Yeah, but the thing is-" Sonny tilted his head, face scrunching, "-she doesn't really hate you. Hate would imply she's over things which is a clear lie. And you should know that Olivia has asked Montserrat to be on standby in case SVU needs her back earlier."
But Rafael didn't seem so surprised. "Yeah, Liv mentioned it to me earlier in the day."
"And what did you say?"
"Nothing, was I supposed to?"
Sonny once again tilted his head at him, his expression seeming more accusatory than anything.
"What do you want me to do!?" Rafael scowled and looked away. The fact that Sonny may have heard him huff was just another novelty. "I'm not gonna further ruin Montserrat. She wants to come back? That's great. It just means I'm going to have to talk with her about something else." The matter of 'when' was just one of the problems.
"You know I could facilitate that-"
"No," Rafael pointed a finger at the detective, warning him not to even try. Montserrat didn't need to be angry with Sonny as well. Even if he was irritating sometimes, Rafael appreciated Sonny's constant help throughout this horrible month. "You're not going to do anything anymore. Just tell me...how is she doing?"
"... she's alright, in what fits. They're getting new evidence for the trial which, actually, is really good. Damian's taking it upon himself to find that missing a video - the very video that would exonerate Gael from all charges."
Despite not facing Sonny, Rafael could see from the corner of his eye that the detective was waiting for him to say something. "Well I hope he does find it, then. Someone should make her happy."
Sonny rolled his eyes. "We're not doing this - you-" he snatched Rafael's glass right out of his hand, "-are not doing this."
"Doing what!?"
"Wallow in self pity, what else? That's unbecoming of you, not to mention plain weird," Sonny put the glass down on the counter, by his side.
"It's not pity, I'm just tired," Rafael slowly corrected as he glanced at the detective. "You can understand why, right?"
"Yes, I can, but it's not really over. Not yet."
"That's all great, Carisi, but it's over for tonight at least. I'm taking a break, one that I'm sure Montserrat would deeply love." Rafael pulled out a couple bills to cover his drinks then promptly got up from his stool. "So, thanks but...why don't you just go back to Kara or something? Don't want to make her mad too."
It took a lot of courage for Montserrat to walk into the D.A's building, much more into the office of the person she wasn't quite ready to see yet (not that, that had stopped him from trying to talk to her). She drew in a deep breath before walking - striding - into Rafael's office.
"Morning, we have to talk," she said in a jumbled tone.
Rafael was stunned to see her plopping down into the chair across his desk. "Morning…"
"So Olivia's asked me to come back - officially sometime later this week - and of course I agreed," Montserrat shrugged. Her tone was fast but she couldn't quite look Rafael in the eyes. "I'll only be away to attend my brother's ongoing trial but I'm pretty much back."
"Well, that's great for you. Honestly," Rafael was slow with his words, cautious really. He never expected her to come into his office and much less willingly speak to him without shouting.
"I'm just here so that we can both get on the same page about what happened. I think it goes without saying that I don't want anyone to know. Nothing happened. We're just normal co-workers."
"I understand what you want but I have to say that I'll have some trouble with that…"
"I had trouble with your choices but I made it through," the sourness covering Montserrat's words were out of her control. But if it stung, oh well. "Think you can do the same for me."
"I can certainly try but I have to say it would be a lot easier if you would just allow me 5 minutes to explain--"
"And we're done," Montserrat got up.
Rafael frowned at her and got up as well. "No, we're not."
She matched his frown with one of her own. Equally matched, the irony.
"You realize if you would just give me those five minutes we could end all of this."
"That would mean I would have to give in and I'll be damned if I do that anytime soon."
Montserrat's smile was both endearing and frustrating. "Get a taste of what you'd be in for." She was attractive yet about to kill him.
"You're making yourself miserable, Montserrat," Rafael moved around the desk until he was standing in front of Montserrat.
"No, you did that all on your own," she glared.
"So then let me fix it. Let me explain and if you still hate me afterwards I'll leave you alone for good. Five minutes and if you still don't want to talk to me, then I'll stop trying. You'll have some peace."
Montserrat looked away but there was a slight look of inclination. She might give in…
But it all disappeared when Olivia herself walked into the office. She was, of course, surprised to find Montserrat already there.
"I was waiting for Casey to finish her some paperwork so we could go to the trial together," Montserrat easily supplied the excuse then discreetly threw a look at Rafael to warm him not to say anything. "Thought I'd wait here in the meantime."
"I hope it all goes well," Olivia said, nonethewiser of went went on with those two.
"I'll be back to the precinct afterwards, though," Montserrat promised. "Are there any new cases I should know about?"
"We've got a new girl, Luna, who might tie back to Ellie Porter's death," Olivia looked at Rafael and Montserrat for that piece of news. "But we're going to need some help since Nick is the only one who can help bring closer our two connections."
"Nick?" went both Montserrat and Rafael. They then gave each other looks for their unintended synchrony.
"No wait a minute, I thought Nick was stuck doing deadbeat cop stuff in Queens?" Montserrat asked.
"He's the one who arrested Luna, actually. But we want to use him to get to Luna's pimp and make him think Nick is on his side."
"It could be believable since 1PP did sentence him to a lower status," Rafael considered the opportunities this little gig would bring them in their case.
"That, uh, sounds…" Montserrat scrunched her face, "Honestly, I just sounds like I have a lot of files to read through to catch up."
Olivia sent her a smile. "It's all waiting for you when you get back."
"Goodie," Montserrat chuckled and started on her way out. She didn't bother looking back. Why should she? It wouldn't change a damn thing.
There were various trials going on in the courthouse. SVU had one going for an earlier case, at the same time Montserrat had her brother's trial.
She painstakingly sat through her brother's trial and silently listened to all the baseless accusations the prosecutor, Geraghty, threw at her brother. My God she hated that woman. 
"I hate that I can't find that video," Damian muttered after they walked out of the courtroom.
"We'll find it," Montserrat tried her best to sound as positive as possible, but that missing video was seriously screwing them up.
Calhoun had already told them - warned them - that if they didn't find the missing video, their chances of winning were half and half. Montserrat wanted the full 100%.
From the other end of the hallway, Olivia was leading the way out of their own trial. "Tell me we've got this guy."
"It's basically a done deal," Rafael told her and Sonny. "No matter what he says, he's screwed."
Olivia seemed to believe him. She nodded and motioned Sonny to follow her out.
Of course for some reason Rafael called Carisi back all of a sudden. The detective in question slowly returned after getting the ok from Olivia.
"What is it, councilor?" Sonny asked but for the first few seconds Rafael didn't answer.
He was watching something, or rather someone. He finally understood what Sonny had been trying to tell him all month. There was Montserrat with Damian, talking yet the latter seemed to be unable to keep his hands off the former.
And it made his blood boil.
The worst bit was the fact Montserrat seemed to be taking comfort in Damian's touch. She had that warm, relieved smile on her face and her glossy eyes which could only mean she was close to crying. And about what? Her brother's trial. It had to be going bad.
"Councilor?" Sonny broke through Rafael's concentration. "Did you need something?"
"Yes," Rafael answered in a low mutter. He grabbed Sonny's arm, a bit harder than he intended to. "You know that stuff I said about giving myself and Montserrat a break?"
"Yeah…" Sonny was now giving him a strange look.
"Forget about it. One more time. I'm going to do it one more time and you're going to help me."
"Really?" Sonny's eyebrows raised. He didn't think Rafael would get over it so quickly, but then he noticed what Rafael had been looking at and completely got it. "You're jealous, aren't you?"
"Shut up," Rafael ordered and pointed a finger behind them. "Now listen because you're going to bring Montserrat into the conference room. Got it?"
"Got it. How do I do that?"
Rafael's smile was promising.
"Look Sonny, I haven't actually caught up on the cases," Montserrat trailed after Sonny down the courthouse hallways. "Actually, I haven't read at all. I'm gonna need a few more days before I actually return to SVU."
"That's okay, Liv just wanted a word with you," Sonny turned the conference room's doorknob and gestured for Montserrat to go in first.
"Well I don't imagine what about considering I'm way behind," the ginger walked in and went around the table only to see Olivia wasn't anywhere inside. "Where's Liv?"
"She's back at the precinct, where else?" Rafael came striding in much like she when she'd visited him the day before.
Montserrat tilted her head, eyes squinting a bit as she thought.
"What are you doing?" Rafael asked her. He expected her to start yelling the moment she realized she'd been tricked. The fact she was quiet was scary. Yes, she actually managed to scare her sometimes. That idea was still troubling to him.
"I'm thinking…" Montserrat answered in an eerie calm voice.
"About how to talk calmly?" Sonny went with the most hopeful reason he could think of.
"Noooo," Montserrat whispered, still thinking, "I'm thinking that a premeditated murder would get me a longer sentence so I won't think about murdering you -- I'll just do it!" And she actually ran, almost charged, for the detective.
"Montserrat, stop!" Rafael moved in front of Sonny as if the woman would actually cause him harm. "This is between you and me so let's finally finish this, alright? One more time and then we're done. I swear!"
Montserrat turned her head slightly, looking him over with a natural suspicion. "Is that a promise?"
"I give you my word."
Montserrat backed away and gestured Sonny to leave. Before the detective actually left, he stopped by Rafael's side and whispered. "You know what you're doing, councilor? She's pretty pissed."
Montserrat walked towards the other end of the room, mentally preparing herself for this awful moment.
"I just need 5 minutes with her, I know it," Rafael sounded pretty convinced which led Sonny to wonder what the ADA had up his sleeve. All Rafael knew was that he almost had Montserrat yesterday if Olivia hadn't interrupted them. That was what gave him hope that it wasn't all over.
"Good luck," Sonny said with all the genuine care he had. He might actually dream tonight about Montserrat charging at him.
When she heard the door close, Montserrat finally pulled her gaze from the mahogany table. "That was a low trick and you know it."
"It was the only thing that would get you here, isn't it?" Rafael countered with the perfect argument. Montserrat folded her arms, lips pressing against each other since she knew he was right.
She absolutely hated that he was always right.
"What do you want from me?" came her quiet question. "Because, frankly, I'm a little confused. You told me to move on and I tried but now you're here trying to unravel what I've been working on so hard. I don't get it…" her voice cracked towards the end.
"That's what I've been trying to explain this past month, Montserrat, but you haven't given me the chance--"
"Don't you dare pin this on me!" she snapped. She stormed up to him with the deepest scowl that could mar her face. "I gave you ample time to speak up, but you always told me the same things. 'No, we can't.' 'It's unprofessional.' 'We need to stop'. It's only now - when I finally realized you had Yelina on the side - that you want to talk with me."
Rafael's hands shot in front of him, curling and uncurling in frustration. "For the last time - there is nothing between Yelina and I!"
Montserrat laughed in his face and turned away from him. "Sure. She's only the reason you were late to my brother's arraignment and you know, Kara pointed out to me that you didn't have to come. I should've just been grateful that you showed up. But that's not true. You made a promise and you blew me off for the woman who tried manipulating you."
"I didn't know she was going to suddenly drop back into my life. And the only reason I accepted to meet with her is because I didn't want her coming into my office - which she clearly did anyways. But I swear to God, all we did was have lunch - well, we danced around with words but that was it."
Montserrat shook her head. She kept her back to him so that could buy some time and get rid of the tears in her eyes. "Why lie about it, then?"
"Because I didn't think it was important?" Rafael flinched with her humorless laugh.
"Didn't think it was important," she repeated.
"It wasn't!" He had enough and grabbed her arm to turn her around, forcing her to finally look at him. "She wasn't important and I just didn't want to bring that up when you already had so much problems. I wanted to help you find the solution, not add to your list."
"How'd that work out for you?" Montserrat looked him dead in the eyes.
Rafael could look her in her glossy eyes and openly admit it. "You're in pain and I'm the reason for it. Worst mistake of my life."
Montserrat's scoff was a low and quiet one, like she was making herself do it. She didn't exactly have anymore words to keep fighting. She was too tired to keep arguing.
"Montserrat, please," he touched her face, immediately freezing her. She watched his hand as it stroked gentle circles over her cheek and then near her jaw. She had to physically stop herself from shuddering. He let her slowly walk her backwards until her back pressed against the edge of the table. "I've messed up several times and I am so sorry. I only wanted to do what was best for you but...I may just be selfish by coming back to you." His hands ran down the sides of her body, sending tingles down her back but she wouldn't push him away. 
"I hate you," she whispered, sounding like she was out of breath. 
"I know," he whispered back. "But if you give me a chance…" he nuzzled his nose on the side of her face, letting her feel his patterned breath against her cheek, "...I would really like to make you happy. You deserve to be happy."
Montserrat let her eyes fall close. She was so weak for his touch it was honestly ridiculous. When did this happen? When she first started in SVU, she was very sure that she didn't want any of his hands on her because he was outright annoying. Now she never wanted his hands to let her go...and she really wanted him to stop toying with her and move those lips of his onto hers.
Seriously, when did all this happen?
She moved her hands to press against his chest and push him away a bit, though it didn't really seem to do much since they only had minuscule inches between them. "That night...in your office, why was Yelina coming to see you?"
"Montserrat, is that really what you want to keep discussing about?"
"I need to know. She walked in like she owned the place..."
"That's just her personality. She came in because I cut our lunch short. That was it."
"She's someone clearly important to you and I...I'm really tired, Rafael. I don't want to keep arguing, much less fighting with some other woman."
"Yeah, she was important to me...once. But that ended a very long time ago. You are important to me now," he pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes at the same time she did. "I've laid everything out for you. In conclusion, you basically own me." Montserrat couldn't help but chuckle and hearing her laughter gave Rafael new hope that things were turning out good.
"Bring in your job why don't you," Montserrat opened her eyes.
"It's bound to happen at some point," Rafael did the same and opened his eyes. "You'd find out if we, uh..." 
Montserrat's breath hitched when he purposely came closer to let his lips hover over hers. All Montserrat could smell right now was him and his cologne and that alone was enthralling. Her hands gripped the lapels of his blazer and the little bit that she tilted her head up brought them to the point that they were one move away from a kiss. "I want to kill you," she said flatly, though a small smile spread across her face in the next minute. "But I think I might just be saying that more often now." She rolled her eyes when he smirked not-so-subtly. "And wipe that smirk off your face."
"Make me," he challenged.
She'd save the snap for his smugness for another day. She kissed him like she'd been wanting to for such a long time. It was a hungry kiss that let all their initial feelings and tension out of the cages they'd worked so hard to keep shut. Rafael could finally throw that caution away and would never have to think about it again (or maybe just a tiny bit for later who knew). He wrapped his arms around Montserrat's waist and hoisted her up on the table. There was a slight laugh murmuring against his lips but his rough kiss silenced her. But with seconds passing he came to realize that Montserrat had her own tricks and ways because no matter how much he tried to be in control, she was pulling the strings. And the right ones too. She had him following her lips in whatever way she moved them. Her hand had found a way to tug his neatly-kept hair at the right moments that would inadvertently make him kiss harder each time, and once she figured it out she took good advantage of it. 
Eventually, they parted to catch their breaths but Montserrat showed her widest smirk possible. She passed her tongue over her teeth, almost inviting him to come back. She passed her hands over his chest, letting them drift under his blazer until they found his suspenders and she was able to pull him right up to him.
"You've surprised me, detective," Rafael murmured, still breathless.
Montserrat arched an eyebrow at him. "Really? Well...just in case you were thinking about going back to...that woman." He rolled his eyes at her. "I dare you to forget me after that kiss...and the ones to come."
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leviackermansbrat · 4 years
Sacrifices (LevixOC) Chapter One
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Utopia District: Year 847
Only my younger sister Layla survived the fall of Wall Maria. I was horribly mistaken to believe once I escorted them to the safety boats in Shiganshina that they would be okay. Before Armin and his grandfather arrived, a riot broke out over who would be allowed on the boats first. Unfortunately my family was caught in the crossfire. My father, a gentle and kind man, stood no chance against the angry and violent civilians who were fighting for their survival. He was trampled to death before he could step foot on the boat. My mother and brother were thrown overboard and left to drown. The only person who survived was Layla. In the end my efforts to keep my family safe were in vain. It wasn't the fault of the titans that my parents and brother were killed, it was humans who forced their fate. Humanity is ugly. But even so, I fight. I fight because I want to live in a world where the weak are not trampled by the strong. I fight to live in a gentle world. Because in this world, humans are just as dangerous as titans.
Jade tied her hair up in a high ponytail and made her way down to the fields where the cadets were patiently waiting for her arrival. She wore a black sports bra and green sweatpants with the Wings of Freedom badge sewn onto the left back pocket.
The blonde woman was never one for uniforms and seeing as she was now a squad leader and interim trainer for the cadet corps, she was allowed to follow her own dress code unless commander Erwin or Shadis stated otherwise.
"And you are?" Jade asked, looking at the new recruit with a buzz-cut.
Unlike the head instructor of the military corps Keith Shadis, Jade was not one to intimidate the new incoming recruits. She served as a nurturing and approachable figure in direct contrast to Keith's fear inducing presence.
This isn't to say that Jade couldn't be intimidating, that was far from the truth. However like her brother Kyo, Jade was a lover and not a fighter. This was very ironic for people who joined the Survey Corps whose sole purpose is to fight for humanity.
"Franz Kefka, miss Tojo!" the boy shouted, saluting to Jade.
Instead of intimidating the boy like Shadis would do, Jade gave him a smile.
"Nice to meet you cadet! I hope our next three years together will be lovely," she responded, making the young boy blush.
Jade, aware of her effect on people, always used it to her advantage. Her beauty was something that most people marveled at. Her long blonde hair that was normally tied in a ponytail was a direct contrast to her brother Kyo's short and loose brown hair. In fact, Kyo took after their father along with Layla, while Kai and Jade took after their mother with her blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Most wondered if Kyo and Jade were actually siblings, but their personalities cleared everything up. Both were kind and gentle but at the same time fierce and strong. A few differences were spotted, like the fact that Jade is more wild and carefree while Kyo is more protective and reserved, but the two were inseparable.
"M-me too!" Franz responded, averting his eyes from Jade's.
Jade simply chuckled at how uptight Franz was and moved on to the next cadet in the row.
Eren watched Jade as she maneuvered from cadet to cadet, bright smiles lifting their spirits and making them think that despite Keith's looming presence, the next three years wouldn't turn out to be actual hell.
The young brown-haired boy had admired Jade since the day she saved him and Mikasa from the titan following Hannes as he carried them. She was like a beacon of hope in his dull world. After his mom died Eren was angry, depressed, and miserable. Not even Mikasa could manage to make Eren feel better, but Jade managed just fine.
Once Mikasa and Eren retreated into Wall Rose, Jade visited them and offered them a place to stay within the Trost district. Although Jade became an older sister figure to Mikasa, Eren ended up developing a 'minor' crush on the young blonde.
Mikasa was slightly upset while Armin was absolutely mortified that his best friend had a crush on his older cousin. It was especially mortifying because of how close Armin was with Jade. After his grandpa died on the mission to take Wall Maria, Jade came around to spend as much time as she could with the blonde boy whenever she was given time off. Kyo accompanied her on these visits and eventually Kyo and Jade became like older siblings to the younger trio. Eren especially took a liking to Kyo and admired the boy more than he could say.
Eren was brought out of his thoughts as Jade passed him, not bothering to inquire about his reason for joining the military. It ticked Eren off, seeing the smirk on her face as she ignored him. If it was one thing Eren hated, it was being ignored by the person he had fallen in love with.
"Your name cadet!" Jade demanded from the bald kid.
The bald boy saluted incorrectly but was too busy to correct himself due to the hearts in his eyes after looking at Jade.
"Connie Springer! I am from the Ragako town miss Tojo!" Connie responded proudly.
Jade snickered at his incorrect salute and adjusted his arms so that he was saluting the right way. Connie blushed and apologized to Jade, which she shrugged off.
"We all make mistakes kid, but I implore you not to make that mistake around instructor Shadis. He will in fact have your head on a platter as a midnight snack. I don't want that for you cadet, so get it right," Jade scolded lightly.
Connie nodded sheepishly while Jade walked away to find her next victim.
One shared potato, a few injuries, and several hours later, Jade dismissed everyone to go eat. While she watched the cadets scramble to dinner, she sent Eren, Mikasa, and Armin a smile and waved them off once she saw Hange, Kyo, and Moblit approaching her.
"What brings you guys here?" Jade asks as Hange wraps her arm around her shoulder.
The young blonde welcomes the affectionate touch of her best friend and leans in to savor the moment. It doesn't last long as Kyo gets jealous and snatches Jade away from Hange in order to capture Jade in a hug of his own.
"Kyo you're suffocating me!" Jade whined, attempting to pull away from Kyo's hold.
Jade was unsuccessful and the brown-haired boy cries hysterically in his sister's embrace.
"I haven't see you in so long and that's all you have to say to me?" Kyo wails. "You're so mean to me Jade! I missed you so much and you left your big brother all alone to take care of your squad full of hooligans!" Kyo continues, crying onto Jade's shoulder.
Jade only rolls her eyes and pats Kyo's back. When Shadis requested an interim instructor to take the burden of training the cadets off him, Jade leaped at the chance knowing that she would see three of her favorite kids. However she didn't anticipate Kyo acting like a little baby at her departure.
"There there you big baby," Jade emptily consoles her brother.
Kyo glares and pouts at Jade which makes her laugh.
Hange cleared her throat in amusement in order to interrupt the two, and Jade happily skipped back over to hug Hange's torso.
Jade and Hange have been inseparable for years, only being four years apart. Wherever Hange was, Jade was soon to follow and vice versa.
"Why are you guys here though? Don't you have paperwork you should be doing?" Jade teased Hange knowing the older woman hated the mere mention of paperwork.
"We actually came to relay some news," Hange started, her demeanor becoming serious.
This immediately alarmed Jade because Hange was never serious unless it was absolutely required.
"Erwin has fallen gravely ill. I have scouts and medics monitoring his condition around the clock but it isn't looking too good. There is no known cure within the walls, except for the underground. Moblit and I came to inform you about this, and Kyo will be your replacement since you and Levi will be setting out to look for the cure. Levi has knowledge about where to find the cure in the underground, and I need you to back him up. You guys are the best soldiers humanity has to offer-"
"Wow Hange I'm right here," Kyo retorted, making Jade snort.
"Anyways, we need you two to find the cure, if there even is one. You won't be leaving immediately, we still have a few things to prepare before you can go, so you'll still be training the cadets for a day or two more. I just hope Erwin can hang on," Hange finishes.
Jade looks at Hange with a sad smile and nods her head.
"I know he will. He has to."
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