#she deserves to go to the most magical place on earth
wayward-banana · 5 months
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second play through going well. very serious game
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
I know there's a lot of advice for handling things like depression and its so fucking easy for people to say "just do this and you'll feel better!" and I hate that, I fucking despise it, but I'm also gonna throw in my two cents about what is personally helping me get out of bed some days and genuinely, not kill myself.
Its taking care of nature.
Seriously. It sounds stupid and some days it feels stupid, but I put up bird feeders because I live in a semi-rural area where human activity is decimating the local bird population and options for safe feeding. So I put up bird feeders. And now I have like 83 different birds flocking to my garden on the daily and screaming at my window if the feeders are empty. And I've seen generations of baby birds brought to my garden by their parents because this is where the food is.
And I researched what plants and flowers were native to my area and I spent like $5 on a few different seed packets and sprinkled them around the grass and the sad empty flowerbeds and the lawn because the bees have nothing to eat and that's awful and it turns out wildflowers will fucking GROW the moment you look away, but now every spring and summer my lawn is a pretty little multi-colored bug haven.
And I've even gotten the chance to save a few little bug lives because of it. I've taken in cold-shocked bees and given them a warm little tupperware to recover in. I've fed bugs sugar water to get their energy back to take their food home. I've given dying bugs a sheltered, safe place to spend their last moments.
I planted a veggie garden. And I know I'm very lucky in that I have the space to do that, but also, you can grow a lot of things indoors. My friend has literally the smallest apartment you can imagine but she grows chives in her bathroom and grows five radishes at a time in a pot in the kitchen. Literally five. But it makes her so happy every single time she pulls them up or trots off to the bathroom to snip some chives.
I pick trash up every two weeks. The pick stick was like $4 online and I just put the bag out with my bi-weekly trash pick-up and its disgusting but but nobody else is gonna do it and I've only got finite time on this earth. If nobody else is going to pick up that can, I will. Because some innocent wild animal doesn't deserve to get hurt by human ignorance, and I deserve to walk home and see pretty flourishing nature instead of depressing discarded trash like I feel like most days.
I've left water out for the wildlife and watched hedgehogs, local dogs on their walks, squirrels and all sorts stop by to take a drink, because humans are fucking selfish and we're making something as basic as water so hard to access for anyone but ourselves, but I can fix a little bit of that just by putting out a bowl. Sometimes I don't even have to remember to fill it because the rain will fill it for me, and its kind of like nature's way of saying "you're helping me so I'm going to help you out too." Which is neat.
Like most days I do not want to be living on this earth but my god earth did not get a choice about us living here, and we're ruining it, and it actually feels so good to help stop and un-do a little bit of that destruction.
And you don't even have to try everything I do. If the only thing you've got the spoons to do is buy one bird feeder and you only remember to fill it once a month, its still something. That once a month could mean the difference between starvation and a full belly to a bird.
Again, none of this is obligatory and I'm not saying at all this is some magical cure for depression, but personally these things are things which are helping me slowly find things to keep getting out of bed for and things to feel a sense of self worth and satisfaction over. I feel better both in and about myself when I feed the birds, when I see the bugs in the garden, when I pick up the trash.
If its something you haven't considered yet, it might be worth a try.
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM SHREK 2 *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
quick! tell a lie!
i can't believe you're just gonna walk away from the best thing that ever happened to you.
say something crazy, like "i'm wearing ladies underwear!"
i most certainly am not!
it's a thong!
i don't feel any different. do i look any different?
you still look like an ass to me.
nobody said i have the right to remain silent!
you have the right to remain silent. what you lack is the capacity.
stop. i have misjudged you.
join the club. we got jackets.
look, she's not seeing any clients today.
we're from the union.
we represent the workers in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?
okay, we're going to have a look around.
think of the saddest thing that's ever happened to you.
oh man. where do i begin?
they all got drunk and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "piñata! piñata!"
i need you to cry!
all i got in my room was shampoo.
i hate mondays.
who on earth are they?
that's not little. that's a really big problem.
we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches.
they're my parents!
good! now's our chance! let's go back inside and pretend we're not home.
quick, while they're not looking, we can make a run for it.
you can do this.
i don't want to die!
oh sweet sister mother of mercy! i'm melting! i'm melting!
i'm sorry, the position of annoying talking animal has already been taken.
oh look! a little cat!
look out! he's got a piece!
are we there yet?
oh god help me! please!
tell the truth. will i ever be able to play the violin again?
i drank the potion and well, now... i'm sexy.
oh pick me! i'll be your true love!
someday i will repay you, unless of course i can't find you, or if i forget.
fear me, if you dare.
i had hoped you would never see me like this.
i'm sorry to both of you.
i just wish i could be the man that you deserve.
go! your lady needs you!
today, i repay my debt.
who dares enter my room?
i hope i'm not interrupting anything.
you are told correct, but for this i charge a great deal of money.
for five minutes, could you not be yourself?
it wasn't my fault! he didn't get there in time!
are you kidding? he's gorgeous! his face looks like it was carved by angels?
i see london! i see france!
why don't we drop in for a spell?
oh mexican food! my favorite!
you have forced me to do something i really don't want to do.
my diet is ruined! i hope you're happy.
they just want to give us their blessing.
who said i want to be part of this family?
look out! here comes the new me!
first things first. we need to get you out of those clothes.
did i miss?
pardon me. would you mind letting me go?
quit messing around!
almost everybody who meets you wants to kill you.
whatever happens... i must not cry.
can i help you, your majesty?
tell us about where you live.
i guess that will be a fine place to raise the children.
oh, stop being such a drama king.
i don't care whose fault this was, just get this place cleaned up.
i'm not going.
he's completely lost his mind!
we can't be lost.
i wasn't the one who refused to stop for directions.
you're so tense.
do you think you could get up there?
i've made changes for you. think about that.
i guess i gave her the wrong tea.
sorry. i thought that question was directed at me.
uh... FYI. not my fault.
we just need to work out something smarter, that's all.
i need to have someone "taken care of."
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 month
Nezuko!reader × Alastor please🙏
Haha! Awww! I am not sure it’s platonic or romantic but I’ll go with what I’m thinking. I think Alastor would have lots of fun with a Nezuko!
Alastor- Bamboo Binds
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You’re one of the weirdest demons he’s ever seen. You don’t want to eat demons? What’s the point of being in Hell then if you don’t sin. That’s how Alastor feels and that’s how he thinks as he watches you with the sharpest eye a deer like him can at your entrance to the Hotel
As soon as Charlie checked you in to the Hotel, she begun introducing you around and trying to have you befriend everybody but yet, you somehow clicked the most with Alastor. Nobody can explain it, you just did
Alastor can’t help but view you as an attached kitten, following him around, your off yet cute bamboo muzzle, light pink kimono and long haori covering your body well, light pink slit eyes. You’re so cute, like a child. He can’t help but view you as a child… a naive, easily manipulated little one
Alastor eventually ‘adopts’ you after pretending he doesn’t even acknowledge your presence around him for quite some time. He finds you way too perfect for his own purpose to just ignore your existence further so he goes from ignoring to openly addressing you
Alastor just drags you around when he needs you. He has a tab on you so he can teleport you from place to place with his voodoo magic. He nicknames you ‘Kitten’ so his voodoo entities know the target but he won’t ever explain how he managed to spread his magic onto you
Alastor isn’t the biggest fan of your bamboo muzzle since it’s restricting your ability to communicate so the only way he knows your answer is based on nonsense muffles and your gestures. At least, you’re naive enough for this to work
Alastor isn’t entirely sure what to call you. You’re not necessarily a younger sibling or a child figure to him but he also doesn’t feel comfortable with calling you a servant. You’re just some type of thing he favours and appreciates but also needs for his own selfish reasons
Alastor may pretend he doesn’t truly care for you but he does. He’ll put on your muzzle for you, he’ll crate a shade for you so you can walk in the sun of the Pride Ring without being burnt and he’ll give you a corner for you to sleep in. He does care… in his own way
Alastor also does express that he isn’t a fan of your style but is of your preferences. You’re from the Tashio Era, around his time on Earth so you view technology like him and it makes him feel more appreciative that you get him. You’re his best tool ally after all, he didn’t suspect anything else from you
Alastor is surprised by how sweet and compassionate you are to him, even him where everybody else kinda makes sense. He isn’t a nice man at all, he may believe he deserves a number of things but does he deserve kindness from people like you or Charlie? Not really. He doesn’t want it but once more, he doesn’t care much
Alastor is actually quite impressed and interested in how you’ve basically been brainwashed… through whatever, maybe some old guy, into believing he is your family so you defend him, just viewing your lost siblings through him. He finds it cute how you rely on kickboxing to fight or even argue, he finds you cute. Like a little fawn
Alastor believes you’re a powerful useful tool-ally to him. You keep his threats away, you serve him. It’s a give to and give back relationship you two share. You give him something, he gives you something back as to keep you under his thumb
But really… he’s grown to have a bit of a soft spot for you so he will tolerate giving you and your pretty blank pink eyes a bit more benefits than he would normally dare to
That shrinking power of yours is great at infiltrating Vees Tower and squeezing through hidden areas easier, and whilst Alastor does leave you to do those type of missions solo as a ‘favour’ in exchange for a ‘favour’ back, he likes you too much to let the Vees lay a hand on you so he swoops in when he needs to
Alastor has seen your Awakened Form before. The first time he’s ever been intimidated in his list, triggered during the Exterminator Battle for the Hazbin Hotel. You were kicking around angels viciously, setting them ablaze, almost targeting your own allies out of immense hunger, but Alastor had to restrain you to stop you from going too far and it… was amazing for all that he even stepped in, despite the danger you opposed in this state
Your strength and your healing fire touch makes you become a further valuable item to Alastor, more and more everyday, so it makes him protective and possessive over you. A demon with your power and capabilities must be under his servitude but also being treated like a pampered kitten by him and only him
Alastor legit gets so pissed if anybody dares to put you outside in the sunlight with no protection, even when they don’t mean to hurt you! It doesn’t matter to him!
“Oh. My darling little kitten, are you tired? Come. In this box, where you’ll be in my tower with me as I work. High up, away from the sun and from your belly rumbles. Does that sound good?”
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I truly need US Americans to define what is/isn't racist for me. First it was racist when other fans didn't ship this black character with anyone. Now it's racist when I ship her as the one everyone is in love with in a poly ship. So it's racist for her not to have people in love with her, but having three people in love with her is ALSO bad? Is there a number of romantic partners it's unproblematic for black women to have? Because I saw someone else complain in another fandom that they hate when shows have a black woman who's just into one guy and doesn't date around, and people agreed that was racist, so clearly "zero", "one", and "three" are incorrect numbers of partners to have. Is two the magic number? Would THAT be okay?
I live in one of the most racially homogeneous places on Earth (that isn't Japan), I'm doing my best to not perpetuate racist tropes, but if she doesn't have sex, she's a prude, if she does she's a fetishized black woman, if she dates one person she's being too desexualized, if she dates no one that's even worse, if multiple men agree she's the kind of awesome where they're willing to talk shit out and work things out in order to all date her at once because they love her that much that's sexualization even without the sex being written but as we've covered not writing the sex AND writing the sex are both bad-
Genuinely, I see people in fandom who write her out of their stories and don't mention her at all getting zero hate comments and it's exhausting. "Center black women in fandom!" bro I tried and you all got way angrier at me than people who wrote her out of existence. Is there any way in which she can exist that's not going to make someone mad?
(For the record I am not about to stop writing this. Let her live out the ultimate dream of having dudes with personalities best described as Misplaced Shonen Hero, Icy One With A Heart of Gold and The Sunshine One all be into her. Somebody should get to, it might as well be her since she's friends with all of them canonically and she deserves good things.)
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alessabriel · 1 year
polaroid love.
Summary: When she called his name it made his heart race.
Cw. flulff, soft.
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He had never been a fan of photos, eventually and his arrival in Gotham under the care of his father had learned to hate them by the detestable press that seemed not to have much more chaos to cover. He hated the photos, he didn't like them and when he appeared in them he looked so tense that his family learned the hard ones that he didn't like them.
That was until you came into his life, a flash in purple tones from cold to warm that hit him squarely in the face blinding him.
You were a brilliant person without trying and you lit up every damn room with your mere presence without counting on the trail of magic that danced around you as if it protected you, with your sweet and melodious voice you broke the silence around him and he loved it in a thousand possible ways and he felt lucky when you said his name,  with so much love and adoration that you caused his heartbeat to go completely crazy, as if the organ wanted to leave his chest and settle on your bare hands. It was a bloody, romantic metaphor you had said once, that time when you created a pendant out of thin air to wear around your neck and never take it off.
And so, with your arrival he began to take a liking to photos of any kind from the casual ones in which he caught you off guard leaving your pristine beauty exposed, the formal ones in which you wore the gala uniform of your private school (specialized in magic and even more private than his) or dresses to match their costumes when they could not escape the galas,  those where he could catch you sleeping peacefully on his chest or shoulder, when they came out in pajamas in front of the bathroom mirror with their faces still sleepy but he could not help but smile and those that made a special place in his memory; in which you went out with Titus on your lap, his great companion saw you with dreamy eyes as if you were some kind of goddess in his eyes (he believed the same) and those where Alfred his little sloe companion became putty on your body snuggling between your arms or on your chest. Those photos were polaroid and he kept them in his purse suspiciously, another pair well hidden in his private locker in the cave. He also began to like going out with you in selfies either in which he partially saw their faces, with silly filters (because in what world did you, the most divine being on this earth need a filter? I didn't understand, but it made you laugh and I was happy) or in which you always sealed your smooth lips on his cheek with your eyes always closed and he with a serious face or an attempt at it.
It was easy to start loving the photos where you went out because you were her beloved, the sun that her moon needed, the breath of fresh air on a hot day, the drizzle in a desert and the complement she did not know she needed in her life. The part of an equation sought, the longed-for inspiration and its eternal muse. Loving you had been so difficult at first, but you made your way through his heart like a warrior, you crossed his barriers and you took him out to live his life without the interference of others, you taught him many things; Learning that being wrong was okay, that it was part of being human his feelings and that it was not wrong to feel it, that he deserved love, tenderness and care.
You deserve to be yourself and be loved with the intensity of a thousand suns, and if you allow me I want to be the one who loves you Damian.
Those words still comfort him in those days when everything lacerated him, and his mind reproduced them until he slept, because he would never tire of remembering them.
Damian had read a lot as a child because it was the only way to approach a normality shown in books, one that he longed for, but did not know, and in those days that his psyche still kept hidden he remembered reading romantic books where the protagonists loved each other with everything and mistakes, with darkness, with defects and with hands full of blood.  even with his back loaded with thousands of ghosts from the past. Books where love never won, but never stopped fighting for a single opportunity.
They were certainly tragic books, yes, but they showed how much the characters loved each other.
And he knew that he wanted to be by your side years ago, when the uneasiness of not being loved as he wished for his parents was still fresh in his heart (father minimized him to just a tantrum child and his mother knew she would throw him under a train if he gained power with it), when with the damn sword of Deathstroke lodged in his chest and feeling himself lower by his own weight on the edge,  when I look at you he has the means of falling and unconsciousness; boiling in such a horrendous wake of magic that it suddenly advanced until it flooded the whole place and swallowed the mercenary whole. He never knew how he got to the ground or how you pulled out the sword, but he does remember your warmly cold hands on the hole left by the sword and the boiling sensation of tears falling on his skin like a strange sensation running through him whole. You whispered in another language that I did not identify, but distinguished supplications.
Don't take my best friend, please.
No one could know how you saved his life when his death was assured by the severity of his injuries, but no one got answers. You always deflected the subject by being annoying, talking like a chatter about your cartoons that you loved to watch until you got fed up with anyone who asked you, except him, and I always got the same answer –someday I could tell you Dami, but not today, please– and I respect that, even when I was 11 years old and longed to know.
Now today everything was complex, but at the same time easy, he learned a lot by your side. I felt like you always added to him, never subtracted from him. That feeling made him tremble from head to toe despite the assassin training that he took all his life, you simply made that old-fashioned feeling completely envelop his heart by removing any filter from his system, he could not retain the love he felt, nor the absolute and unconscious adoration he professed when he kept his gaze fixed on your figure taking care of your micro expressions and gestures,  In search of some discomfort or discomfort to help you, because every move he learned over years and never realized until he knew he was completely and madly in love with you.
He knew about your overflowing powers, how magic absolutely adored you, and how you understood it even more than your mother or grandfather. You were a being full of magic, in every aspect.
I knew that loud noises stunned you in an uncomfortable way, you didn't enjoy arguments, and you usually tended to be silent out of nowhere because they got lost, but you came back to yourself to continue any conversation.
He knew that you completely detested paperback books with very loaded or tasteless designs, he could reproduce in his memory your complaints about new books, the same complaints that he would listen carefully to protect the information.
Since they were friends I knew that you really disliked completely that your mother intervened in your training or missions, because from the beginning she abandoned you with Constantine (who surprisingly was a good father, somewhat absent but good) and therefore you had a tense relationship with her.
He always had in mind that you were cold and carried a jacket (his and even with traces of his cologne because he knew you loved it) in the back of his car.
Really everything he learned from you was almost by inertia, you were always attentive to him in many aspects which he loved, because nobody had taken the trouble to know all his preferences; From food to clothes, how he liked certain products over others, how he was constantly bored and carried a small book of artwork in your bag or car for him, how he sometimes worried because he could not let his guard down until your magic in the form of soft mist settled on the inside of his arm giving him comfort.
They were a litany of things they learned from each other.
Damian knew that with you in his life he opened up to new things, that having your hand holding his tightly there would be nothing he feared.
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A semi-empty fair was one of the last places their families would look for them, both did not like those types of places at all. The perfect choice.
"Hurry up Mian!" you said with emotion, pulling the Wayne boy out of his dazed state.
With a soft snort without ulterior motives the tallest followed your light trot towards a photo booth crudely decorated with fair colors, but it had a certain gloomy charm for the old and once in front of it was nothing to take out your wallet you were faster paying and smiling shamelessly for it.
"I invited you to this date pretty boy, so I pay" you commented triumphantly before removing the curtain to give him access first "You First"
Damian could only smile at your tender antics and entered first without wasting time pulling you inside, there was a padded seat where he sat and pulled you into his lap, they could both see the options and after a little talk they opted for a simple polaroid that would give them two. He kept his gaze on the countdown and without a word took you by the cheeks with utmost care and kissed you, savoring the light, velvety texture of your lipstick against his own lips in every uncalculated move, and viciously swallowed your needy little gasp.
"Mian" you sighed dreamily when the kiss ended, your hands trembled on the fabric of his shirt and you looked with a smile as your boyfriend's lips looked reddish.
"Beloved" replied softly the tallest without avoiding kissing your sweet smile.
Between laughter and stolen kisses they left the photo booth, with a polaroid in hands.
Damian considered that you not only took a copy of the polaroid in your hands but his heart in your hands.
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geniemillies · 20 days
Yearning For Spring | Ch. 5 | Tamlin x Oc
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— Chapter 5 - Daydreams
Ch. Warnings: the usual KoH warnings
A/n: A twinge of Hybern worldbuilding mayhaps?
<<Ch.1 <<Ch.4 ___ Ch.6>>
Decades continue to pass. Then more still after I brought Velaria to Hybern.
She stayed with me though it wasn't her choice at first.. Despite all the reasons pointing for her to return home, she didn’t. She stood strong beside me, a pillar of unwavering support that kept me going when the world seemed ready to tear me apart. 
Words couldn't begin to explain how eternally grateful I am for her. Because if it wasn't for her staying I would've broke long ago.
With her insistence, I faltered and showed her everything. I realised early on that if she were to trust me I needed to be open with her and hide no secrets. So I showed her everything. I showed her the dying lands of Hybern and the territories that toiled away for the King's gain. Even going as far as taking her to the heart of my Father's Court, skillfully glamoured as my own servant, so she could see first hand the crown that controlled the island. And.. in time, I showed her the plans I'd been brewing underground. I took her to the Sidhe where centuries of my schemes accumulated, where I hid thousands of dissenters that I had supposedly captured and killed, all of them working hard to mold and shape a rebellion in my name.
A secret haven under the earth warded with magic I still don't understand to this day. Father doesn't seem to know about it's existence. The magic down there is.. erratic, seemingly ancient. While the rest of Hybern's lands are desolate and lifeless, the Sidhe is the opposite. Grass grows lushly underground and the water is pure, which is why the place is perfect for hiding the rebellion. I've long stopped questioning as to why the place is so strange and different. I've tried to search in history on the matter but I've been unsuccessful. Libraries are a rarity in Hybern and most books and tomes on history are hidden in the palace's forbidden libraries which none can enter. Not even me.
Despite the risk of trusting in magic I don't comprehend, the wards have held steadfast for centuries and many of the dark spells I've learned are weakened when used there if not entirely repelled, offering me a glimmer of hope that if my father ever discovers this sanctuary, his dark magic cannot hurt us so easily
To put it simply, it is a strange place. Nevertheless, the Sidhe is a safe haven, home to all the mercies I’ve spared, all the flaws in me that Father deeply abhorred. A second home to me besides the Lighthouse.
To say Velaria was stunned at every revelation I showed her was an understatement. As expected, she had always believed that Hybern was isolated by choice, convinced that the people of my land were pure evil, constantly scheming especially after we suffered losses in the War. It is.. a good thing that I could dispel such sinister perceptions of my people.
There was a kind of wonder in her eyes whenever I played with the children at the Lighthouse or when I showed her around the Sidhe. She told me I was.. a triumph. A flower amidst hellscape. And that I didn't deserve the life I was born into.
But she didn't pity me... I think. More often than not I see admiration in her eyes when she looks at me. 
Velaria showed me friendship like I've never experienced. I used to think I had many friends. But most of them are children who think of me as a maternal figure so Velaria deemed that they don't count, leaving me with.. less friends than I would've thought. Which is sad, sure, but Hybern isn't exactly the place to make long-lasting friends. Or any at all...
Velaria was someone I could confide in about problems greater than the occasional headache and sleeplessness I share with the children or the frustrations that come with planning military tactics with my lieutenants. She was someone I could trust to show the blight infesting my arms and the deeper burdens Father inflicts upon me.
Before her.. I never really had anyone to talk to about my troubles. My cousins, Brannagh and Dagdan, weren’t spared from Father’s ‘love’ either so one would assume they would understand what it feels like to be constantly tormented by the King. But they've grown to keep only to themselves in fear that we might read each other’s ill thoughts about him. I’d never read their thoughts lest they ask. But I understand their fears. I’ve become unmovable by Father’s side. I’ve become his most loyal pawn, his most blood-stained sword. Everyone believes so. I’ve worked hard to earn that reputation and I should be glad that I have it.
Still, I never expected it’d create such mistrust between me and my cousins that they too, would begin to fear me. That they’d think I’d ever sell their thoughts to the King in exchange for his praise. They couldn't know how often I let my gaze linger on them, searching for them in every corner of the room, desperate to ensure they were alright. Even when I was willing to take their punishments, to do anything to spare them from the wrath of the King when they did something that didn't please him, they still couldn't bring themselves to open up to me. 
I regret not attempting harder to alleviate their fears and suspicions. I should have divulged my plans and brought them into the fold of the rebellion.. But I’m ashamed to admit that I was also wary of them, that I was not spared the mistrust and fear that brewed between us daemati children. I kept my walls high and showed them only what they needed to see from me, in fear that they might find my secrets and sell me out.
By the time the rebellion was growing in number, they were already untrusting and I didn’t know how to approach them, to ask them to join me when I also couldn’t penetrate their minds. And I had no way of knowing that they wouldn't stray and betray me. I let the seeds of doubt fester too far that I deemed my only family a potential enemy. 
If I hadn't, maybe I could've protected them better. Now they're but mindless husks of their former selves, their souls beyond reach and their memories hazy and fleeting, like wisps of smoke that slip through my fingers every time I touch them. It only took one more torturous experiment to shatter them completely, for another failure on a task that Father was not happy with.
And I watched. Watched as the last spark of their souls left their bodies. What replaced it was dark magic I couldn't understand, merged into one sinister.. thing for Father to keep and shape into whatever twisted image of perfection he liked. Until they are just like him. Just as strong and cruel and… unfeeling. Obedient puppets.
Now they will not even speak to me unless necessary. They do not spare me a glance unless it's to prod into my memories. I know they're long gone at this point. Yet, my heart still aches for the days when Brannagh would reach out for my arm for support during her moments of weakness or when I would correct Dagdan's stance when we spar. Even when they push me away I cannot help but hope that there is a way to bring them back.. once this.. is all over.
And we'd all be free from him. Some day.
Velaria knows of it all. All my yearning, all my dreams and schemes. The weight of an entire country on my shoulders feels a little lighter when I share the burden with her. Velaria is the first friend I've ever made with whom I felt like I could speak freely without planning my words or worrying about keeping my mental shields up. Velaria is the first friend who made me feel like I could truly be myself without consequence, damn the masks and the glamoured hair, the titles and expectations that I long thought would be part of my existence forever.
Velaria feels like the tranquillity of a peaceful night's rest. And when she speaks about the city she's named after she's infectious with her dreams. We sit on the highest spot of the Lighthouse tower, overlooking the endless sea, our feet dangling over the edge while she tells me stories of Prythian. The more she does, the more I find myself yearning to see a glimpse of what a world like that looks like.
A world where the fog doesn't hide the light of the sun or the heaven's brilliant blue. A world where people don't live with golden shackles etched onto their wrists.. 
I long to see what living looked like. Even for just a moment..
|| Present ||
More decades passed still.
Then some more. But I never let go of the green handkerchief. It is with me now, tied around my wrist as the ashened curse continues to grow up my arm, like the roots of an ill-fated tree. The King planted it on the earth of my body and ever since.. it continued to fester. He calls upon me in his towers to this day, though not as frequently as he did when I was a child, he still does, and it still... hurts.
“Any side effects from this one?” Father asked, his voice cold and detached as I knelt on the cold stone floor, limp and tired, my vision blurred, pipes filled with bright liquid attached to my skin.
I shake my head, swallowing the lump in my throat as I gather my voice to speak. “It stings around the fingertips... I feel the power... crawling up my arm..” And it was. It was festering more and more and all he did was observe it like a child observing a toy work. "It burns.."
“Has your powers improved of late?” He asks as he paces around the room, a book hovering above his palm.
“I've been... using them on soldiers in training, prying out information. As you've instructed.”
“Any anomalies?”
Father had amplified my daemati powers to an unprecedented, almost unrecognizable degree. While I could still read minds and feel the barriers of mental shields, he had altered- no, improved my powers of the mind into something different. My control over the mind can now be invoked through touch, hence the black that's tainting my arms. A perversion. Blasphemy. The Mother would churn at the sight of what I've been made into. 
Hours, days, and years I've spent on this tower while he worked to mold my powers to suit his twisted desires. I could now invade a person's emotions, thoughts, and memories through touch - without the need to break down their mental defenses.
This power isn't limited to just living things, I soon found out. When my fingers clung and clawed the stone-cold floor, I could hear the echoing screams of those who had endured torturous experiments before me. When I touched a piece of parchment, I could hear the faint whispers of the author who had written the words upon it. My senses were assaulted by a barrage of sounds and emotions, both past and present, with just a touch. To say that it drove me insane doesn't do justice to the reality. I hear everything, feel everything– so I hid the black that tainted my arms with gloves, only letting them disintegrate when I have need for my bare hands. For my own sanity.
A gift, he calls it. His gift. 
It's anything but. It’s a fucking curse.
He takes special pride in making me into what I am. He calls me a clairtangent, a.. one of a kind. His special tool. Yet, my enhanced abilities remained unstable, far from perfected. Which is why I often concealed my hands, why he continues to experiment on me, better me. I've long forgotten what my hands feel like without ancient spells forced into them. I look at them now and they're black, darker than the night sky, and infused with magic unknown to me. 
My own body is unknown to me most times. And it frightens me. More often than I’d want to admit. I’m scared of voices, of seeing things that don't belong to me. So much so that I can’t sleep because of it. They come back, the voices, my own and others, haunting me, never giving me a moment's peace. Which is why I have Manann brew me wakingdew elixir, to force my eyes open for a long time. A really.. long time.
Velaria tends to me and the wounds inflicted upon me during experimentation, away from the younger children's prying eyes. I do not wish for them to see me in such a pathetic state.. not when they look up to me.
She often tells me stories of her childhood, of her city, Velaris, the one she's named after. City of Dreams. Fitting, for someone who has many aspirations that fuel her very will to fight to see them fulfilled. She braids my hair and tells me all about the Night Court and how she wishes she could take me one day to see Starfall. I could only close my eyes and imagine what it'd look like and dream that one day... I might see it with her.
She braids my hair slowly, willing me to sleep with her stories but she already knows I do not sleep. I cannot. Not when nightmares await me on the other side of consciousness. So I sip my elixir quietly as she tells her stories, her voice proving to be just as soothing as any sleep one could take.
She tells me of Prythian, the neighboring island that I know so little of. She tells me of the Day Court, with its splendid cities and towering libraries. She tells me of the Dawn Court which she has not visited much. She said that I remind her of Dawn warriors, peregrines, with their big feathered wings, though colorful unlike mine. She tells me of the Winter Court, so bright in the morning that the light reflects the snow and blinds you. She tells me of Autumn Court, with their forests lush and orange, and in her words: “Smells like fresh afternoon rain.” She tells me of the Summer Court with its clear beaches and sandy shores. She tells me that she finds it funny that despite me living on an island, on a Lighthouse just above cliffed coasts, I do not know how to swim. And she threatens that if we ever get the chance she'd take me to Summer and throw me in the ocean to teach me how.
“Tell me about Spring..” I ask her and I feel her pause to think.
Velaria does not know that I'm mated to Tamlin. No one knows. It is the one thing I’ve kept from her. A secret that solely belongs to me.
She hums as she strokes my hair with a brush. “Spring is.. nice.” She said, “Full of.. flowers.. Lush green forests, pretty meadows. Lots of bugs though.” She chuckles. “I don't know much about the Court. But Tamlin is.. nice.” She looks down and I couldn't see her face on the mirror before me.
“He used to be friends with my brother. Though.. after everything that happened, I’d assume not any more of course.”
“Were you friends with him?”
“We spent time together when he was allowed to leave his Court to visit ours, sure. But it was Rhys who was close to Tamlin. Sometimes, he'd tell me about how he'd visit Spring without the High Lord knowing..”
“What is he like?”
Velaria thought for a while, perhaps confused. It’s the first time I'm asking her about a person and not a place.
“He's.. kind. Way kinder than his older brothers. Way kinder than his father. From what I've been told he's a great fighter. Rhys would always talk about wanting to spar with him. That is why Tamlin knew of the Illyrian camps. Rhys would take him once or twice.”
“Do you have anger towards him?” I ask. 
“I did. But now.. now I'm just conflicted..” She sighs. “You showed me what happened that night. While his father was cruel, he didn’t expect them to go so far as to actually.. kill my family. He protected me from his brothers. He begged you to take me away..”
“He did.”
“But my parents are dead either way.”
“Do you have anger towards him..?” I repeat the question. 
She looked at me through the mirror, a frown on her face. 
“I have no anger for anyone, maybe save for your father, Niamh.” She said, “Anger won’t change what happened, won't bring back the dead. And it wasn’t Tamlin’s hands that forced a blade to take my mother’s head and wings. On the contrary. It was Tamlin’s hands that trembled as he cradled my body and whispered his regrets, his apologies.”
Velaria sighs, a look of contemplation on her face while she continues to braid my hair. “And begged for you to take me to safety.”
“He killed your father.”
“And my brother killed his mother. They both suffered tragedies and let their anger and vengeance control them in those final moments before they ascended to their thrones, I have no doubt.”
“Which is a pity.” Vel looked down. “They were.. such good friends before. Rhys planned to reveal Velaris to Tamlin at one point, to show him the escape he deserved from his cruel home. Which meant he really trusted him. He must’ve felt so betrayed. I cannot imagine what went on that night you took me to Hybern, to avoid.. all that.”
She paused and tilted her head to fully look at me on the reflection. “You never really told me.. what would've happened if you stayed in Spring. If you had agreed to take on my Father's wrath. If you.. had finished the experiment they laid out for you.”
I paused for a moment to think, my hands unconsciously fidgeting. “I showed you the northern territories, didn't I?”
Velaria nods. “Yes. It's a wasteland. Nothing is left besides those who'd dare to live there.”
“Before my growing rebellion, that place used to be home to a secret league that planned to stand against the King. The villages were all in on it. Father found out and had them snuffed out.”
“Let me guess, he had you do it?”
“Yes. But I refused. Because I couldn't bring myself to wipe out an entire territory. I was still in my youth. Recklessly believing that I could defy him without being smart about it...”
My gaze falls to my hands free of their gloves. I still remember every second of that night.
“You had no choice..”
“I had no choice because he took control of my body and made me do it. When I gained back control, the territories were leveled into nothing. Just.. a huge chunk of land flattened because of what he made me unleash.”
“Niamh..” I felt her hands gripping my shoulders, their grasp firm yet comforting, like an anchor preventing me from being swept away into the currents of those memories.
“He told me that is what I should aspire to become. And that one day he will get rid of all the flaws in me that came in the way of that monster. For years he's been molding me so that I might summon that kind of power at will, without him forcing it out of me.”
“And for years, I've been suppressing it. Willing it to stay hidden. I never want to go through that again.” I never want to wake up like that again. My entire body was the same shade as the scarlet moon above me. I smelled death at every turn when he let go of my consciousness. And even when I cried and vomited on the floor of the earth, I still couldn't believe that my hands had done such atrocities.
I don't sleep just because of it. In fear that I'd open my eyes to that ever again.
“He agreed to send me to Spring in hopes that I'd be able to unleash that power. Lord Callan was curious to see it for himself and Father finally allowed himself to indulge him. Sending me like that... I don't know if I would've been successful in killing your Father. But I would've leveled Spring into nothing.”
My voice was reduced to whispers as I continued, “And I would have regretted it all my life...”
Velaria tenderly rubs my arms, attempting to soothe me. Her chin rests upon my shoulder, her gaze locked onto our reflections in the mirror, her eyes betraying a silent apology for ever bringing up the topic. I shake my head softly, offering a smile in response—letting her know silenty that none of my misfortunes were her fault..
“I cannot fault Tamlin for what happened. I know..” She mutters. “I know now how hard it is to have your life be in someone else’s control. To never be able to disobey their orders, to exist solely as a puppet, dancing to the whims of a controlling figure, even when that figure is your own father.”
She leaned back, gently resuming the braid she had momentarily stopped working on, her slender fingers deftly weaving my hair. “You two are similar in that regard.” She says, and I stop breathing for a second.
“Besides... the horrors of that night led me to meet you... So, it’s not that much of a loss, is it?”
“That is.. not a very good conclusion, Vel.”
“Meeting you is a very good conclusion. And knowing about your father's schemes to steal the Cauldron to break the wall and invade is very much.. a needed revelation to me. I told you my reasons before.”
“I know..”
“So don’t ever say that meeting you was a mistake or a waste of time. I’ll miss my parents dearly, Niamh. But I’ll forever thank the Mother for granting me a sister not a second after.”
My heart warmed at her words. “You hated me at first, I’ll remind you.”
Velaria grins. “No person could hate you. Not for long.”
“Amarantha would beg to differ.”
“I said person. People. Not the fucking she-devil herself.”
I laugh at that.
“I guess I have Tamlin to thank for handing me to you..” 
A warm smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. “Perhaps I ought to as well..”
There are many things I wish to tell him. So many. And yet, when I imagine him standing in front of me, words elude me. Not even a simple "hello" can find its way past my lips.
I looked to the side, remaining silent as I pondered. He must be struggling. Amarantha breathes in his neck, cornering him into submission. And yet, from what I hear, he does not falter, he does not submit to her. For that, I commend him. Admire him, even if it's from far away.
“You seem interested in him.” Velaria comments.
“I just wanted to hear your thoughts on him. He is the reason why we are where we are now..”
She hums. “He is. But you.. you look especially worried.”
I paused for a moment, finding the words to say. “You know I knew him. Way before all this. His father was allied to mine, they shared the same burning hatred for mortals. They'd attend Hybern balls and meetings. I'd see him by his father's side, tormented by his siblings, harassed by Amarantha way before she took over Prythian.”
I inhaled. “He was just a boy.”
“And that wicked female torments him still. I cannot stand it..” I mutter. “I can't even reach out to him, to comfort him and assure him that you're safe, that I've lived up to my promise. If he.. If he even remembers..” Does he even remember me?
“I'm sure he does..” Velaria reassures me, gently stroking the ends of my hair.
“And one day, when this is all over... I am sure to thank him and mention you. That by saving me, he has also given me a sister—one who is strong, kind, sweet.." She pulls back a strand of silver hair behind my ear. "–..and most beautiful.”
“When this is all over..” I close my eyes. “It is an optimistic thought.” A smile creeps on my face, a bittersweet one.
“It will be over, Niamh. And once it does.. You'll be free and I'll get to fulfill my promise and show you everything Prythian has to offer.”
“I will be counting the days, Vel..” I smiled as I felt her finish the braid, tying it with the green handkerchief Tamlin had given me.
Until then.. I will hold on to my daydreams, my small moments of joy.
     — —
A/n: They're honestly is so wholesome, can't wait to expand on them. Oh, the plans I have for Velaria 👁-👁.. Also, I will be doing more Hybern building, I'm really enjoying making up stuff for the place 👉👈
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solar-nightengale · 5 months
Hi, I’m new in this tag kinda and new to meta-writing overall, but not only is the August brain rot really strong but one particular part of his entire character has been on my mind for a whole weekend. Please take this as mostly an offering of very spilled thoughts cause I couldn't keep them to myself anymore, LMAO. Particularly the thing that's on my brain is his guilt
I would also like to make note of and thank @ lizardthelizard And her glorious set of tags here for setting off my spiral tonight and also when she first sent them because my goodness this is truly an eye-opener. Thank you, buddy 💖
Gosh though, August’s guilt and self-criticism of himself and his actions is something that really fascinates me personally, and just thinking of it being the cause of what turns him back to wood is both mind-blowing but it just makes so much sense. He may be real because of magic but who’s to say it’s just the magical conditions that are holding him back and not the high as heck expectations that he feels were set for him and he set up for himself.
When it feels like you can't mess up sometimes it can feel like you're stuck in place Or that your screw ups means you can't change, that you're not good, that maybe you don't deserve to be considered good and that your various flaws are all that others would see you FOR!!
Maybe it's different to anxiety but idk it’s what caught my attention about him even more than what his character already offered up in s1!
He was given this like 
Idea that he needs to be "Brave" and "Truthful" and "Selfless" all the time or else he cannot be human 
Does it work like that? no, there's no human on EARTH that's all three of those things all the time, we've all had moments of weakness and gave in 
But what does he know? Most of his life he spent on his own and as a puppet, he was expected to understand the ways of being a human and GOODNESS knows how short a time he was with his dad before he was THRUST into a world and forced once again to stand on his own two feet and expected to just, you know, know how to act once again 
He's followed by expectations that he finds himself struggling to meet because he doesn't know what the limit is or how to meet them, and sometimes if not all of the times the temptations are just better and easier 
And it's expected!!!
He stepped into TLWM as a child with no idea of what he’s getting into with no prior knowledge, no adult, no nothing.
But omg, he drags himself down so much about it because he can’t meet those expectations the way he would want to and because of that because literally who did he have to tell him that it's all okay? That you can make mistakes and move on from them? That you can make up for your mistakes and forgive yourself for them?
Did he have anyone at all? Cause The show sure didn't show him having anyone
We see one woman in Thailand but even after he discovers he's turning into wood she's no longer around, so like she's probably about as fleeting of a relationship as anything else
Imagine going 28 years at first ignoring all your problems and then the horror and thoughts that you’re not good enough catch up to you one morning and the more you see yourself a failure, the more you sink into that spiral the harder it feels to breathe.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Lokittys 2024 prompts
“I knew that you were from the beginning, I could see the blood on your hands. You’re like me.”
“You will always be a monster.” “Maybe, but like humans we can choose what we want to be.”
“He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
“I wish you always remember me as I was, that I once existed. Will you remember that I stood here with you like this?”
“There is no such thing as beautifully broken.” “Then what is it called?” “It’s called being torn apart from the inside out, and learning how to live.”
“Tell me something about you.” “All I’ve ever loved, I’ve loved alone.”
“You are the best person I’ve ever met, I’ve met so many people, but none of them compare to you.”
“Can I be honest about something?” “There’s a first time for everything, sure.” “There are no words that describe how I feel about you, no words to describe how deeply, passionately, insanely in love with you I am.”
“Why is he/she/they like this?” “All the coldest, rudest people were once as beautiful as flowers, as warm as the sun.”
“I fear if you get too close you’ll see me for who I really am, I don’t want you to see me for that.”
“Why does it hurt..?”
“Let pain come, let it wash over you, then let it leave.”
“You exist, and that in itself is beautiful.”
“You deserve a love so deep it roots itself into your very soul, reminds you that out there somebody who thinks of you and sees the world in your smile.”
“What is it about (Y/N) you love so much?” “Aside from being the most spectacular person I have ever met, everything. I just wish there was a way I could say that.” “Turn around.”
“Would you come find me?” “I’ll cross the entire earth if I have to.”
“Will you meet me in the place where we first met?”
“I’ve been told that apparently I love you.” “See, I want to say good for you but that doesn’t seem like the appropriate response.” “No, it really wouldn’t. But if you want to say it then that’s okay.” “Good for you.”
“Give me money.” “Do I like like a bank to you?” “Do you have money?” “Yes?” “Then yes.”
“I can’t read, you know that right?” “You can read, stop lying and help.”
“I didn’t know you were married, I can’t believe it! You didn’t tell me?!” “Wait until you find out who actually agreed to marry me.”
“Let’s make a bet.” “No!” “Why?” “Because somehow you always win!”
“I once sold my soul.” “Hard to believe you had a soul in the first place.”
“Can you use magic?” “I feel unsafe answering that.”
“You make me want to cry.” “Like, in a you’re happy to see me way?” “I said what I said.” “Is that a good or bad thing?!”
“Look, in life you either find a way or make a way, but if you stand there and do nothing, then you’ll never get where you want to be.”
“I need a parent or guardian to sign this.” “I’m neither.” “You’re close enough, sign it.”
“Tell me something I don’t know about you.” “I was hit by a car once, not fun.” “Not what I was expecting. Why?”
“You ask a lot of questions.”
“Do you want a hug?” “No, that involves physical contact and that’s gross.” “We are quite literally married. If you’re angry at me just tell me.”
“Why is it every time I come here you seem to be here too?” “I study here.” “In detention?”
“What was the last thing he/she/they said to you?” “Ask if we could get married.”
“Can I stay at yours?” “You don’t need to ask.”
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?” “Home…”
“I don’t remember you… I’m sorry…” “that’s alright, how about we start again, from square one?”
“Will you ever forgive me?”
“I can’t do this… be this anymore…”
“I never asked for any of this!”
“Did you mean it?” “What?” “When you said you loved me did you mean it?”
“Don’t go… stay with me..”
“I think when you’re in love, and that person in return loves you, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. The most painful thing.”
“All my heartache is because of you!”
“I’m.. I’m sorry…” “it’s okay… it’s not your fault…”
“If you want the world then it’s yours, whatever you want I’ll get it for you.”
“Come with me.” “Where?” “Anywhere but here.”
“I have to do this, I have to do it alone.” “No you don’t..”
“You’re all alone.” “I never go anywhere alone.”
“You’re not so scary.” “I’m not?”
“You’re the one!” “What?” “You are everything I never knew I needed, everything I never knew I wanted. You are the one person I want for the rest of my life, to be by my side.”
“Did you just punch me in the face?” “I would say sorry but that’s a lie.”
“How long have you been waiting?” “Hundreds of years.”
“I love the sound of your laugh.”
“What’s your favourite thing in this world?” “You.”
“He/she/they would hurt anybody, everybody, but you’re the one person he/she/they just can’t hurt.”
“You are the one thing that keeps me sane.”
“So, want to start a riot?” “Sometimes I worry about you.”
“Are you drunk?” “Extremely.”
“I swear to god I’m going to knock you out one day.”
“Are you an Angel!” “No, the opposite actually, demon.”
“Why do you insist on destroying all my things?”
“Stop throwing things!” “No!”
“Warn a person before walking up to them!”
“My mother warned me about people like you.” “Did you listen?” “No, I never was any good at that.”
“I’m pumped up on caffeine and I feel like my heart is going to explode.” “Yes, no more caffeine for you.”
“You’re very British.” “I.. don’t know if that’s an insult…”
“Why do you insist on breaking all the rules?”
“You stole my car?” “You left your keys unguarded.” “So you stole them?”
“Even if nobody else believes you I do.” “Really?” “Of course.”
“You will always be the most important part of my life.”
“Thank you.” “For what?” “For showing me what it’s like to be human…”
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary
General Propaganda:
come on just look at her shes so fucking cool
SHES SOOOOOOOO FUCKING COOOOLL ok so like. Lobotomy Corporation takes place in an SCP type facility where a bunch of abnormalities are living. She is one of them. She is a mostly undying humanoid creature that lives for the sole sake of hunting down the Big And Will Be Bad Wolf. She lives in your facility and will BREAK OUT of her containment if she feels that the wolf is near (or if too many people are dying). You can also hire her to assist you in taking down other abnormalities, and she's actually super good at it. And her outfit is just so sooo sick? She's so cool. Please play Lobotomy Corporation it goes on sale for like $7 every Steam Sale
She's red riding hood if red riding hood had a gun. Also she kisses women
Monster based on human subconscious aka an Abnormality based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood (duh). In this story, she was mauled by the wolf (Big And Might Be Bad Wolf) who is based on all fairy tale wolf villains. Little Red then got to work plotting her revenge and making Bloodborne-esque gear for herself and the two Abnos are locked in eternal combat of hatred for one another
She's literally the coolest, just look at her. For people who might not be so familiar with her: She's one of the abnormalities that remain locked in the Lobotomy Corporation. Her past is somewhat unclear, but she has some horrid scars on her face due to the Big Bad Wolf and she swore vengeance upon him because of that incident. This lead her to become a mercenary and she looks 1000% scarier and more badass than the wolf lol. Also, asides from the fact that she may kill half of your team if she escapes containment, she is quite chill and will even help you take care of your problems if you pay her.
little red riding hood but consumed by vengeance to the point of becoming an anomalous creature hellbent on completing her eternal battle with the wolf. intense desire for revenge. baller as fuck design. will help you kill other escaping abnormalities but you gotta pay her to do it. gets pissed off every time someone escapes containment except for that one annoying bird for absolutely no discernible reason. if you let her kill the wolf she gives you bonuses but if someone else kills the wolf she goes fucking bananas. truly an inspired feral creature of a woman.
Go girl!!! We love your unrestrained violence!
She is literally the absolute coolest!!! I mean, just look at her design! Everything about it screams fucking cool! Not to mention that her story has themes of vengeance, rage, and grief!!! And Lobotomy corporation is just the fucking best and soooooo underrated.
She's starting to fall behind so GO ON AND VOTE MERC WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! (and buy Lobotomy Corp on steam it's not even that expensive!)
Vote for Riding Hooded Mercenary she's an Abnormality serving as a hired merc that means shes a hunter of her own kind and she WILL chase them to the ends of earth lest she dies herself or knows that damn Wolf is nearby. The cursor for sending hits on something is a wanted poster. She's WAW-classed too, a step below the most dangerous category for her ilk. she shares the class with things such as insane-ass magical girls, an eyeless flower horse turns people into wisteria gardens, fucked up and evil Little Prince, a bird judge that hangs its victims, the now-animate poisoned apple that killed Snow White, and of course the Wolf itself.
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
little red wouldve gone so so hard if she wasnt against ylfa immediately… victory for our mercenary gal.
Riding Hooded Merc is a bonafide baddie & professional
She;s so fucking cool. almost got murdered by the wolf (also in lobcorp by the way) and she wants revenge so bad. cool as hell mercenary. also just look at her come on
I feel that they all deserve a bit more recognition as just about every Little Red Riding Hood is remembered for their story, but not their character. And I believe that the few I selected are truly well rounded characters, and amazing takes on who the character is.
the Lobotomy Corp one I know nothing about but who has a sick design (I also want the fans of this one to have a win because I liked watching the first round because of them)
Ruby Rose
General Propaganda:
She has a scythe that is also a high-impact sniper rifle.
She is literally just based on Red Riding Hood and she's such an amazing character holy heck
Red Riding Hood but with a gun. (Specifically a combination scythe/high-impact sniper rifle called Crescent Rose). Also she's gone through so much she deserves it. She's trying to save the world and keep going despite all the people she's lost. Grew up dreaming of being a hero who fights monsters. She knows life isn't a fairy tale and wants to make it better. Just went through a mental health arc where she had depression from trying to live up to her (presumed dead) mom and from her friend dying for the second time. Killed the Big Bad Wolf with her magic eye powers. Her sister is Goldilocks and her friends are Beauty and Snow White. also I love her &lt;3
She’s the little red riding hood but also a powerful fighter with a massive fucking scythe that is also a sniper rifle and she’s so skrunkly and so gender. Also RWBY’s whole thing (well one of them) is that their characters are all inspired by pre-existing ones from older stories and Ruby’s the main character so like, poster child of ‘character based off [insert relevant fairytale here]’ so I think she deserves to at least get pretty far
Aesthetics, themes, meta, personality and raw coolness.
She is the main character of her show. The most common monster they fight is a type of wolf (its been a while since ive seen it). Her job is to hunt them down before they can eat her. this story is very much about failed fairy tales, many of the side character's inspired arcs end in failure, but (having not seen the most recent bits) Ruby is still going strong, and i really like her cape, rose petals, and use of a scythe.
She is THE RRH character of all time. She has a scythe that's also a gun and she has to be the hero because she's got super rare main character powers. She is my happy girl. Also her mom was Sleeping Beauty and her sister is Goldilocks, and she fights to stop Rapunzel from destroying everything on the world, the gods, and then herself.
Ruby as a character is literally based on little red riding hood! She has a red cape with a hood
the Red trailer is better propaganda than I could ever write
She is a badass with a scythe, inspired by her uncle and fueled by her mother's death and her sense of righteousness
She has a giant scythe
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
ruby rose makes me go :D so i picked her here <3 hope this helps
luv them
Ruby Rose is my blorbo in law and I need her in because of that
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amphiptere-art · 6 months
Humm. I've been trying to figure out how this would work. May as well just throw out the idea.
Evil blue Moon
We shall nickname them Arcane.
This is based off of the idea of a blue moon that uses there magic without pity. Eclipse's are killed mercilessly. There's no feeling behind there slaughter, and no feeling for slaughtering those around them.
They basically taught by golden the same way normal blue moon is. The only difference is that they started to resent sun and moon for how they treated them. And then they thought they found a friend. Earth. But she was a liar. She tried to control him. He wasn't having any of that. He basically forced her to remove that pesky code that made him want to stick around. And once that was done he slaughtered Sun and Moon. Slaughtering Earth also despite her pleas.
He also gained an object like the cube. Put this one made purposely crafted from a wither storm they found. Using the ball pit to explore at first. I should call this object the octagon. There is no downsides to it. They simply lets him explore the universe to his ease and by typing in simple directions. Always able to return home whenever he wishes.
They go throughout the universe trying to cleanse it of eclipses. And if you are an eclipse lover. Well you're just in his way. People slaughter the eclipse in anyone that fights for them. And due to having no morals nor the younger mentality. They are stronger and faster. Unlike other blue moon types they took the star. Deciding to finish their wish. Which for them doesn't result in a shattering. Although the merger still happens.
This Blue Moon basically wished to be powerful and strong enough to siphon whatever energy/magic they wanted and to never run out of energy. Basically cutting out the main weaknesses of blue moon. Which is their ability to run out of endurance, the moral fears of murder, And the fact that some world still have magic. Arcane works more so like a wither storm himself in the world without magic. Sucking the energy out of everything around him. Uncaring of how it affects the world.
Arcane also does not really care about hurting somebody's feeling by eating them. While they would still want to eat somebody who is deserving. If they are hungry they will simply go to a Lord world and eat the inhabitants. If they want to challenge they might stalks in the streets of a standard world. Feeding into this sense of paranoia as they scramble to figure out why their friends are disappearing and dying. He honestly finds it funny.
Due to the extreme power creep they learn magic from many places. Their room magic is about as strong as Blue Moon's and stronger. Plus without their weaknesses dragging them down. They really are quick and merciles with how they hunt. And due to not having the weakness of running out of physical energy and never have worry that they cannot fight. They can fight for years if they wanted to. Utilizing the magic they have to basically heal them over and over again.
Not to mention the star they now use. Finding it as something to give them what they want to destroy all that pains them. Usually that is in a constant healing factor. Basically the star just heals them over and over again. Sometimes though it's to give them a significant power boost or a way to remove magic. Basically unless you are holding a star arcane could simply say that your magic doesn't exist. And it will be so.
Arcane is very dangerous. You don't want to meet up with Arcane. You don't want Arcane to find your world. And you definitely don't want to fight Arcane. As even in the most advantageous situations. They will just continue to fight. Using their practically invincible overhealing to keep up and of course not getting tired. They will fight you and tell the world is nothing more than the void a wither storm usually leaves behind. You either give up and die, or let the world die with you. Now of course it's very good thing. Arcane is simply for fun, and does not exist in the reality of my head cannons. As they are simply a april fools.
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dr-ground-zero · 6 months
A burden shared
(this is a hurt + sickfic for Luci/Lilith, there isn't alot of snez in this but, i like it honestly and I hope ya'll do too. CW description of a battle field, death, injuries and blood (nothing too gory, i'm not a monster))
This was the end, the end of his life as a Seraphim, as the angel of death, as god’s favorite, all because he dared to dream. He weakly looked up at the red sky of Hell’s pride, the angels and exorcists were now flying back up to heaven leaving him and Lilith to pick up the pieces of their new home. Bodies were everywhere, bodies of sinners and a few hellborns lay dead in the streets. The clouds darkened with rain, harsh winds blew through their bodies with vengeance. Lilith watched her husband weakly stagger to his feet, stumbling through craters of the earth, tip toeing around entrails of what remained. He approach an old abandoned worn-down castle. Lucifer knew he didn’t have much strength left, he used most of what he had to fight to try and stay in heaven or to protect and heal Lilith. Still, they needed somewhere to stay, so he pressed his hands to the walls and with the last bit of magic, he had transformed it to its reformed state.
“Lucifer what are you doing!?” Lilith asked as she limped up behind him
“If we’re going to be down here, we might as well make the best of it” Lucifer smiled softly right before collapsing. Lilith grabbed him before her lover could hit the ground, she watched as the castle changed, its color becoming brighter, bricks falling back into place. Some of the other angels that fell alongside Lucifer-that weren’t gravely injured or dead- hurried to open the doors for her. Lilith carried Lucifer inside while being followed by her fellow fallen, for a while they took residence on the ground floor until they were strong enough to adventure upwards. Many of the appliances and furniture from the inside needed a mend or updating but it was better than being stuck out in the pouring rain.
When she found the-what would be considered- the master bedroom, she laid Lucifer down gently and began to bandage up what she could while he was unconscious. As a day or two went on some kind demons would bring over what they could to help. The change overnight was overwhelming, to say the least. Going from living in heaven and now in hell was jarring, they had lost everything, their home, their food, and those they thought would never betray them were the ones to almost kill them!
When Lucifer was conscious they both had to grapple with their new reality and it wasn’t easy. Still, they’d make do with what they had.
“ih! IIZZSCHYUE!” “Bless you, Luci, darling are you sure you’re alright?” Inquired Lilith as she let her husband help wash the dried blood from her body. Lucifer nods while rubbing at his nose with a wet sniffle.
“Yes dear, I’m alright. How are you doing?” “Still a bit sore but, better than yesterday, thank you.” Lilith kissed the top of his head while pushing his wet hair out of his face with a soft smile. It was good to see him finally not covered in golden blood. However, she couldn’t tell if it was because he was still recovering or if he had caught something. He had been sneezing since they woke up, his throat sounded painful and strained, not to mention the sniffling. Lilith did manage to sustain a few bad injuries herself, some Lucifer was able to heal himself, though others still needed time.
“I’m so sorry you got dragged into this Lili flower, you didn’t deserve this.” He apologized as he continued to wash Lilith’s body letting her blood be rinsed off and drained by the shower. Lilith shook her head and cupped his face in her hands making him look up at her. Her eyes met his with an adoring glint.
“I followed you by choice Lucifer, I followed you on my own volition, I chose to stick by you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s no need to apologize my love” Lucifer looked up at her with admiration, oh how he loved her so much. Just as he was finishing up to let Lilith wash him up he let out a sudden
“Ih’kgnk! Gnnx-chiew! Hgk-chiew!” A wince and a groan slipped from his lips and he clutched his sides. Lilith quickly reached for him cautiously fearing he would fall over. Lucifer held onto the wall to steady himself and gasped out.
“Sorry, I-I’ll be okay.” Lilith shook her head at this and asked for Lucifer to be honest with her. The blond-haired demon twiddled his fingers a bit while muttering.
“Bm-maybe I’m a little under the weather. Ndothing serious I promise.” Lilith didn’t fully trust his answer, turning off the shower she grabbed a towel and wrapped him and then herself up.
“Stay here and dry off, I will go and fetch fresh warm pajamas and bandages, fix you up and you’ll be off to bed.” She says while carefully sitting Lucifer down on the closed toilet before leaving the bathroom. Lucifer couldn’t help but feel bad for her doing all this for him, he should be able to take care of himself he was the king of hell for hell's sake! But here he was sitting covered in stab wounds, bruises, gashes, and scars. Pathetically snuffling and sneezing while his wife who was still healing from her own injuries was taking care of him. He grumbled to himself while wiping his runny nose on the towel. He didn’t feel as bad when he woke up, but now it was starting to settle in. The aching grew worse with any sort of sudden movement, especially to his chest and ribs. He felt like he couldn’t get warm, his body still shivering underneath the thick fluffy soft towel. His head was clogged with congestion even with his nose running like a broken faucet. And don’t even get him started on his poor throat!
Lilith came back dressed in a casual nightgown with a first aid kit in hand. She went through and rebandaged his injuries trying to be as gentle as possible. She hated to feel him flinch from her touch, she hated even more how overly warm his skin felt to her. She reached into the box pulled out a thermometer and held it up to his mouth.
“Can you keep this under your tongue for me, dear?” Without another word, Lucifer opened his mouth just enough for her to slide the tool under his tongue. As she waited for the results she went back to assessing and fixing him up. A soft yet sad expression washed over her, she was still getting used to Lucifer’s new form. His eyes used to be this bright blue color now turned red and would sometimes change to a dilated menacing gold. His lower half was more goat-like, but now he had a long demon’s tail with an arrow tip that he wasn’t the best at controlling.
His hands which used to be a palish white now blackened from the forearms to the tips of his fingers. These features would become more apparent when angry, he would sprout horns and spitfire. She had changed, Lilith also had horns that would change in size as did her height. Even with the change not being as visibly significant as Lucifer’s, it was still something to adjust to! Yet she still adored the man before her, and he still adored her just the same. The thermometer was done by the time she had finished with the last set of bandages. Looking over the results she sighed and packed it away.
“No wonder you feel so awful, 101.5 isn’t good. It's not too high but, with your injuries, I’m still worried.” Extending a hand out to her husband, she helped dress him in comfortable pajamas as promised and helped him to beg. It hurt him more to see the bandages on Lilith’s ankles and wrists, he hated that she got hurt at all. He watched as she limped around trying to adjust her weight as she walked around.
“Lili, love wh-why dodn’t you rest a bmidute, I can manage on my own love.” He suggested hesitantly he outstretched his arms but had to reel back to muffle a few sneezes.
“Ih hih! IIZZSCHYUE IIZZSCHYUE!” Biting the inside of his cheek to hold back a grunt from pain he went back to making grabby hands at his wife. Of course, she couldn’t say no to him, so she climbed into bed alongside him. Shuffling up to her, he laid his head just barely against her. Lilith pulled him closer laying his head on her chest, her hands started to comb through his damp hair.
“Bless you, I do hope you feel better soon, Luci. I’m sorry you feel so awful.” “Thagks, it's alright Lili flower, I’ll be okay. I’ll be better after sobe sleep. I prombise.” Although she didn’t believe him, he wasn’t wrong about needing rest, he needed as much as he could get! She hummed in agreement and continued to stroke his head soothingly till they both ended up back asleep.
Due to how this cold was going Lucifer didn’t know how long he had slept but when he woke up he was utterly blocked up. He couldn’t get a stream of air through his nose, felt like it was filled with a wall of cement. His throat still hurt to the point of coughing, shit he didn’t need a cough on top of this! He also didn’t need to wake Lilith with it either. So he forced what strength he thought he had and slinked out of bed. The walk down the stairs was agonizing, each step felt like a shock wave of pain that coursed through his ailing body. Making it to the kitchen, he turned on the kettle after filling it with water and waited for it to boil.
Being out of bed wasn’t helping his chills, maybe he should’ve taken a blanket with him. His shoulders were hunched over as he sat on a stool in front of the countertop shivering and rubbing at his nose that for fuck sake wouldn’t stop twitching!
“Uhh…? IIYISSCHUE IIYISSCHUE! IYIIMPH!” He managed to muffle the last sneeze into his shirt thankfully but damn were those sneezes dizzying and strong. It felt like he had the wind knocked out of him! He had to hold onto the counter hoping not to fall off. The harshness of his sneezes ended up making him cough. Clutching his torso torso to try and lessen the pain, he was left gasping shakily for air.
“Damb that fuckig hurt” He whined out before hopping off the stool as the sound of boiling water rolled inside the kettle. Grabbing a mug he poured the water into the cup, grabbed some honey and lemon, and stirred it around, he also made a cup for Lilith. They also needed to eat something, maybe cooking couldn’t hurt him, it was just soup, right? He grabbed what they had and got started on making soup.
He may or may not have overestimated how much strength he had and was beginning to tire out. Fighting his body to stay upright wasn’t as easy as it sounded with each sneeze wracking his body and scratching at his sore throat. Even with him leaning against the counter while he let his soup cook he could feel his energy depleting.
“Sh-shit hih! IIYISSCHUE IIYISSCHUE!” These two had him desperately holding onto anything he could to stay on his feet.
“Luci?” A soft yet worried voice called out, Lucifer didn’t need to turn around to know that it was Lilith.
“Hi darling” He replied while using his sleeve to wipe at his nose.
“What are you doing out of bed?” She didn’t sound angry just concerned, Lucifer held up a mug of tea and handed it to her.
“I figured we needed sobethig to eat or drink so I went and made sobe tea, and soup is sti-stihh still cooking Hih! Kgnk! Ugh Sorry.” Taking the mug Lilith sighed and pulled her husband to her.
“You shouldn’t be out of bed, love, you can hardly stand up.” Lucifer shook his head and tried mustering up a smile.
“You’ve done so much already, and I’m perfectly well enough to make something for us, you’re still hurt too. I didn’t want you to do too much” Lucifer’s voice cracked almost painfully, Lilith cringed at how bad he sounded. Reached for a cloth she pressed it to his nose.
“Blow your nose dear, I can hardly understand you.” Blushing in embarrassment Lucifer tried to wiggle his way out of it but Lilith wasn’t having it. So he did as told, even though he hated being this weak in front of her. She gingerly cleaned up his face before looking at the contents in the pot grabbed the spoon to stir things around and added spices.
“I’ll take care of the soup, you sit back and enjoy your tea okay.” Lucifer pouted at this and tried to protest this.
“I’ve got it Lili Flower, please.” His attempt was weak, and Lilith smiled at him warmly.
“I know you do, and you got just about everything started, i’m just finishing it up for you, like how we used to. So please let me help.” She kissed his forehead, she could feel the heat radiating from him and it worried her. He shouldn’t be straining himself so much, she didn’t want his fever to get any higher. The king of hell huffed and agreed, this was something they would do at times. One would start cooking and the other would either help or come in later and take over. Yet he didn’t want Lilith doing all the work.
When the soup was done, they went back up the stairs to their bedroom and curled up under the covers. They both ate their soup cuddled up beside each other. The warmth of the soup and tea did wonders at warming him up from the inside. For once he wasn’t shaking like a leaf in the wind, it was also loosening up the congestion clogging up his head. The only downside was it made his nose run which resulted him in not so gently rubbing and wiping at it to keep himself from making a mess. Lilith looked over at him hearing a small grumbling noise from him and saw him harshly scrubbing at his nose that was almost a bright red color. She giggled a little at this, she couldn’t help but comment on it.
“Oh Luci love, be careful. Your nose is already so red.”This had Lucifer blushing deeper and almost looking crossed-eyed down at his nose. Lilith laughed harder at her husband’s antics.
“How's your soup?” Lucifer asked trying to keep from blushing any harder.
“It's good, you did a good job love.” Lucifer grinned a little at her compliment and leaned into her side as he set his bowl aside.
“I’mb glad, felt bad about you doig everything, I had to do sobethig for you.” Lilith’s brows furrowed confusedly, setting down her own bowl she asked for him to elaborate. Lucifer’s grin turned sheepish and the tips of his pointy ears tinted the same as his cheeks.
“W-well you’ve been taking care of me since we fell from hell. You’ve been doing everything, bandaging me up, helping me shower, making food, helping the other fallen, and all I’ve done was lie here like a pathetic log while you did all the work.” Tears lined the rims of his eyes as he looked away from the half-human half-demon queen. He looked down at his bandaged arms as he couldn’t face her like this.
“Y-You don’t deserve this Lilith…You deserve to be happy, you deserve to see the good in people, and you deserve to see the light and be up in paradise….Not stuck down here with sobe loser who thigks his dreams will get hib ady where.” Before Lucifer could continue as the tears rained down his face, he felt warm palms gently cup his face and the weight of the bed shifting. He was pulled into a tender kiss by the woman who was now straddling his waist. She made sure not to put too much of her weight on him as she did this not wanting to hurt him.
“Lucifer, I told you before, I chose to do this with you. From the moment I left Adam to now, everything I did was by choice. Sure some things I did unsure of the outcomes but I do not regret them, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be with you. I’m taking care of you because you took care of me, you took the brunt of the attack, you took those spears, arrows, and whatever else they threw at you….When they took me from you and asked whether I would take the same fate as you, I knew that I would be exiled, but I chose to do it because I would still be with you. That is all that matters to me. That I am with you, and that we are both happy. Me taking care of you is the least I could do for you!” She pulled him into a hug as she continued.
“I love you, whether you are Sameal the Seraphim and angel of death, or Lucifer Magne Morningstar, sin of pride and king of hell. You took a risk, and it may not have gone as planned, but it's a start, and I don’t want you to give up. Please. Lucifer.” Her voice breaking as she pleaded to him, Lucifer hesitantly wrapped his arms around her slowly melting into her embrace.
“So please just let me take care of you….You don’t have to take this on all on your own…” Her voice almost a whisper. At first, Lucifer remained silent before he nuzzled his face into the crook of her shoulder while nodding.
“Alright, my precious Lili flower. We can share this burden together…as king and queen.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
me opening up LDV and thinking max is talking to David 😁😁😁😁😁😁only to realize it was mallory 😡😡😡
also something about the family dinners was really getting my tlnd heart (I will ALWAYS bring up tlnd and praise it especially since you got so much hate towards it I will ALWAYS be tlnd hype girl) like it was so different from the ice cream dates (I also found out krazy scoops with a k is a real ice cream place in Albany !!! dani i love you for this btw) and how they didn’t stick to their plan of having weekly family time but now they are in this universe im so happy!!! and Alec calling magnus baby made me cry??? I’m normal about them btw :)
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also this line from David made me SOB?? I had my dream internship last year and it ended and i feel like i lost a lot of my spark and sense of self and magic and this line just really hit home while im trying to find joy again 😭😭im also a big lover of disney and whimsy and david talking about the movies made me so happy (but he needs to watch and appreciate moana!!! My fav)
anyway long post!!! but i hope you are enjoying vacation like you deserve!! The pics from Croatia are STUNNING!! And im so glad you got to visit somewhere you dreamed of going 🥹🥹
I knew one of you would fall for it lmaooo
Krazy Scoops is indeed real. I looked up ice cream shops near the actual governor’s residence 🫢🫢 the research I did for this fic is insane lol
I’m glad you liked the magic quote. It’s a very David thing to say, isn’t it 🥹
Croatia is such a beautiful country. Honestly deserves more hype tbh 😤😤😤
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wiroxi · 1 year
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I'm delusional so this is a small essay on why I think my really self indulgent poly ship would work (sorry in advance if there are any grammar mistakes:P)
Lux/Cait/Sera/Jinx/Gwen essay
(penta ship essay)
(lightcannon) It all started with lux/jinx it works for obvious reasons star guardian and you really got me going music video XD
(sonic boom) then there is Sera/jinx jinx has been through so much pain and trauma that she deserves love and affection but most importantly understanding. Sera didn't experience anything even close to what jinx has been through but she can feel what she feels and help her with understanding all those emotions. also jinx could build something for her to help with the noise and they probably would just build stuff together. Also they both kinda hear voices.
(pistolwhip) With Cait/jinx it depends on where they star as enemy's or strangers but no matter with one it is they just have a lot in common they always wanted to be understood, they where outcasts and only had one friend to relay on. Both of them like guns and at the beginning of the series powder just wanted to help, it didn't change it's just who she's helping and with what means.
(snip shot)Gwen/jinx is very similar to Sera/jinx Gwen can see people for what they really are not the masks they put on she help jinx with her emotions and she can also offer an escape, Because she travels so much she can take jinx to many places meet other people with similar problems like her's and sometimes just help her forget (even if just for a second) all the bad things that she's seen and done.
Now the others
(Shining star) Lux/Cait I like to think they know eachother not really well they talked on some party's but since they hate who they really are for the public image. But one day them and Jinx meet and Jinx just brings out the real them they see how beautiful the other is when honest and it helps being more honest with both themselves and others so they bond over that they can help eachother be more open show their true selves without fear because why care what people think when you have your loves
(laze show) Sera/Lux work really well even with the "lux is crazier" tag Sera did fall for jinx at this point it's a plus. Sera can help lux with all her bottled up emotions and her fear of her own magic while lux can help with Sera's so she has better control and it all can be a bit more quiet. Also their characters would just fit they would definitely lean on to earth other.
(sharp song) Sera/Cait is a interesting one because Cait is Sera's fan and would be freaking out at first but as they would get to know eachother she would be less fangirlie and as she was being more herself around her I think Sera would start to admire and maybe slowly fall in love with Cait's passion and drive to achieve her goals. And Cait loves Sera's determination, how she cares so much and how she knows to make a visible change between the people of Piltover and Zaun
Gwen was the hardest to tie to all of them and honestly only had a good one for Lux. I mostly worked of of voice lines and Gwen is kinda a bad bitch
(hollow note) Gwen/Sera "A stage, a voice, is that really all you are?" "A pretty voice, Seraphine. What a shame that's all you were." I will just ignored the second voice line cuz as I said Gwen really sees people for who they are so she knows that there is more to her then just her perfect idol
(golden thread) Gwen/lux just like with jinx Gwen sees lux's pain, fear and the way she hides who she really is. Gwen want's her to understand her pain and work on it instead of hiding it "You seem happy, Lux, but you know pain too. Why deny it?" "No running from pain, Lux. Next time, shine through it."
(royal blues) Gwen/Cait this is just an idea but maybe Gwen could help Cait not to break her back working, and that she should enjoy her life because there are wonderful things in it and she's missing that because her overwork (this is a suggestion from people on a discord server and I just loved it too much)
So that all was honestly expecting it to be longer XD stay healthy drink some water and have a good night or a nice day
Also I need ship names for the rest of them
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nahisummerhold · 23 days
Diary… nope
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Nahi reported in and was taken with the others on a tour of Dornogal. Her main impression? Square. Never before had she been in such a straight edged place and she wasn’t sure she liked it. Maybe it was just too much stone, considering their hosts in the city it made sense, but that didn’t mean it was a place that she connected with. Suddenly she was hit with a pang of bone deep loss for her home and gardens in Dalaran, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then continued on with a calm demeanor.
The debriefing was interesting, there was a lot of information taken in, much of it was memorized so she could process it later The most distinct impression on her was how people reacted to the list of those missing and presumed dead, she didn’t know any of them, of course, but it touched her just the same.
There was some surprise to see people she knew there, she had expected Dice but Fio and Kai were as well. Her first thought was not to go to them, she was trying to put her performer habits aside and worried she would greet them as she normally did. High energy, overly friendly and a bit distracted didn't seem like good qualities for a mercenary crew, nor were they something she felt she could keep up day to day with people she was living closely with. 
It had been a decision she made over the past couple of weeks that she would work to be authentic more often. The showman public face was still there, it would always be a big part of who she was, but she did not want to separate the two sides as a way of life any longer. In almost fifteen years only her family, and recently a handful of friends, got to see the confident, down to earth, woman she had become through her mother’s injury and the aftermath, it might be time to let others know more of her.
When they were sent on their way to their temporary quarters, she settled in, then went outside to just people watch. It did not take long before she felt a little closed in by all the stone and considered going out further to see the land but didn’t feel like being kicked out for breaking rules on day one. To keep her wandering feet settled she reached out for her recent support system, taking out her family communicator, she clicked on her second to last text.
Nahi: Nave you made it to Khaz Algar?
Pathyn: Hey you! Yeah we are here and scouting.
N: What did you think of the city? P: It is rocky blocky.
N: Oh Sun bless! Thank you! I know rocks are natural and I have been living in floating cities, but it feels so artificial here.
P: The wilds are pretty, if you can ignore the random grouping of nerubians.
N:  Isn’t the point of us being here to not ignore them?
P: Don’t be so literal. Did you find my gift? If not, check your pack.
Getting up and heading back to the space she claimed, she dug to the bottom of her pack and found a book. Folding into a cross legged seat on the floor, she looked through it finding only blank pages.
N: Is this for Kyean? Written in magical ink or something? Did you mix us up?
P: No, I didn't buy him a going to war present. He is very jealous by the way, he wishes you texted him instead.
N: He has no reason to be, I don’t answer to him and you don’t want to fuck me anyway.
P: Well, now that you are not going home with so many assholes… Kyean just threw a rock at my head. Alright I read what I was typing out loud, I deserved that.
N: Asshole… Get back to the book, what is this for?
P: Him or me? Never mind, I know that both is the answer. It is a journal.
N: I am not keeping a diary, do I look like a diary person?
P: You wrote out notes and questions on the flair bartending, do the same with this experience. Ask me, ask Kye, ask people you are there with, or just figure out the answers on your own. Take notes on what you learn or see that you want to remember. 
N: Hmmm you have a point. Thank you Path.
P: I am always right. Sorry Nahi I have to go, be safe.
N: You be safe, I am in town.
There wasn’t a reply so she set her comm aside and picked up the journal, looking at the blank pages for a while before it dawned on her what she wanted to write first. Flipping to the back page she wrote the names of those missing, presumed dead.
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The Ghouls of Lovecraft Public High! I thought a group of Lovecraftian inspired, dark mirror versions of the Gen 3 main ghouls would be a fun design exercise, but I ended up kinda falling in love and giving them a lot more depth then I originally intended in their swapped personalities.
Downton Pickman (far back) - A private and calm ghoul, as something of a human fangirl she’s bored by going to a school for monsters. She brought the group together, and when she’s not working at Nyla’s dad’s place after school, Imogen Yog-Sofia, Mia, and her are collaborating on their next big multimedia story.
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Imogen Bright (middle left) - While being a very timid Deep One means most assume she’s just a quiet gentle giant, Imogen is actually extremely opinionated, especially about the gossip she hoovers up since most monsters seem to forget she’s even in the room with them. Her friends have been helping her find balance between her inner and outer worlds, stoking the passion for fashion that first got her into gossip.
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Yog-Sofia (middle right) - Despite their mother’s efforts to distance both of them from her witch family, they’re very aware of just how disappointed they all are in their wayward child. Because of this, they hold an even harsher line against human magic than most monsters. Thankfully, their new friends have helped show them the love and acceptance their extended family never were going to and they’ve been softening with time.
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Mia Gordon (front left) - Having decided she’s already seen everything the universe has to offer, which as a galaxy traveling mi-go might not be wrong, Mia’s far more interested in the world of fiction. Despite her love for it, her writer’s block means she’s always bouncing ideas off her friends, who help remind her of just how much the world really has to offer.
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Nyla Al-Hotep (front right) - Isolated from most ghouls her age by the fame of her father Nyarlathotep, Nyla’s social skills leave something to be desired. Most assume her bluntness is just her being stuck up, but her friends know that she’s shockingly down-to-earth and hates the attention her dad gets her, especially when it comes in the form of praise she doesn’t think she deserves.
Bonus: the tentacle tartan
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