#she did not make Sidney Crosby feel bad
aprill-99 · 9 months
Every once in a while I am once again forced to confront the fact that my older sister is intermittently Twitter famous for making hockey players feel bad. Then she starts planning to move to Buffalo with her cats and declares herself a comedic genius prevented from her dreams by the simple lack of $700K, which, same…
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thedevilrisen · 18 days
Hospital - 5
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TW: HOSPITALS, nothing bad, just a description of someone in a hospital.
Nova Crosby -
Theorising while sitting in an intensive care waiting room at quarter past one in the morning is never a good idea. Particularly after being given fodder such as an unplanned emergency surgery, both men had their own ideas on what could have happened. Knowing the extent of Nova's condition before she was whisked away at the emergency room Luke was trying to use Sid's aged wisdom to conclude what happened. But both of them had absolutely nothing.
Standing, leaning against the granite kitchenette counter which was more so holding the exhausted form of Sidney up while he skulled the dregs of his third coffee. Religiously Sid only had one coffee a day on decaf, but in such a drastic situation where he needed to be as awake as possible if the promised Nurse ever actually came. Each time a pair of lone footsteps clacked down the hall Sid or Luke, whoever was closest to the door looked out to check if it was a Nurse.
Two times it was the food delivery, bringing in product for the next day, one it was the cleaner and three times orderlies who were moving wheelchairs back to the spots they needed to go to. Every time Sid became more agitated, the patient Canadian niceness was wearing thin, exceptionally fast. Each time it wasn't a nurse with answers and every minute that ticked by that the phone didn't ring with answers his frustration exponentially increased.
"I think I'm going fucking insane Luke." Sid mumbled, pouring hot water into another cup loaded with instant coffee. His incessant grumbling and almost permanently creased brow was giving away the fact that he hadn't had an emotional outlet since he left the game almost six hours prior. He had held Luke through his initial crash when he first arrived and had gave him a pat on the back and or shoulder rub depending on where he was when Luke needed a little extra comforting.
Luke was now almost apathetic, but Sid. Sidney was dangerously toeing the line of complete and utter meltdown. He prided himself on his sturdy and tentative nature. He was kind, never raised his voice, except when Nova goes joy riding with a bunch of college boys to New Jersey for the weekend- ... but thats a different story. Sidney solidly believed that any rebellious situation Nova had been in would be better than this right now. He could control it, make sure she was safe and okay. See with his own two eyes, not matter how red they were hazed with his rage that she was okay.
"I know what you're talking about Sid. I feel like I could drop asleep any minute but it's Murphy's law. I do that and suddenly she's awake and we can see her." Luke half slurred, half grumbled.
"This is fucking ridiculous, where did they say the ICU room is?" Sid spoke firmly, leaving no room for argument, although Luke tried.
"Sid, I'm as upset as you. It's only been a little while since the call, they are probably getting her sorted." The optimism coming from Luke slathered in monotonous tonality fell about as flat as a crepe to floor.
"No, that's my fucking daughter!" Sid launched back, the string holding him up seemed to fray ever so thinner. "Give me th-"
A gentle knocking sounded from the door, as a young Nurse, clad in burgundy scrubs poked her head in, pushing the door open, "Are you with Nova Crosby?"
"About fucking time!" Sidney crows, the clench of his fist in the fabric of his suit pant pocket is enough to give away the fact that he is fuming.
"I'm sorry Sir, we've been as quick as we could, you can come see her now if you want." The Nurse was desperately trying to diffuse Sid's anger, not directed at her but rather the situation.
"We'd love that." He spoke through gritted teeth. Checking Luke was following him as they began down the hall where they met a coded door that the nurse typed in and were led into a a white room with two sinks.
"If you could please wash your hands before coming in, it assists us in making sure the patients aren't compromised." before she had even finished both boys had started scrubbing, very thoroughly for their waning patience. When they finished the nurse led them through the ICU department towards the back where surrounded by a blue medical curtain was a bed. In that bed Nova laid, a fraction of consciousness, behind her bed was a plethora of machines which beeped and rang in their timely fashion. Sidney couldn't figure out when he went from fine to hyperventilating as he stared at his daughter, so young and fragile swaddled in white hospital blankets, akin to the ones she was handed to him for the first time he held her.
The ugly tubes coming out of her arms, cannulas in her elbow and top of her hand, a feeding tube coming out of her nose, a heart monitor connected directly to her chest. It was all too much, he didn't know he was crying and how obvious it had become that his mental capacity for the situation was declining greatly.
"Sir." A middle aged man in a white coat coxed him towards a door, leading him away from Nova. Pushing him outside as he looked a Luke who had sat down beside her, the moment romantic but catastrophic.
"That's my girl!" Sid roared in anguish, "Thats- THATS MY BABY."
"Sir, you need to calm down."
"NO DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING. Thats my baby girl! I have raised her for nineteen years, I of all people deserved to know what happened to her as soon as I arrived! Do you know how much she means to me, seeing her like is equivalent to ripping my heart out and piercing it with a stake!" Sid was hysterically now, loud voice echoing throughout the deserted hallway. "I need to know! I need you to do your fucking job and not be incompetent! Please."
The doctor led Sid to a chair and sat him down. "I'm a father too, I understand your anguish." he took a deep breath, "I will tell you everything but I must warn you, it will hurt and be a shock to the system. My team and I are dedicated to helping your daughter though, I want you to trust we will do everything in our power to help."
Sid took a deep breath, this was going to be a long conversation.
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lamialamia · 4 months
We have a problem: why am I watching this sex scene again?
Ah. Sex scenes. You wild wild beast. The crossroad of many discourses and analyses and opinions and essays and now, here I am, a mere casual ww2 rpf fan, throwing my own hat to the ring. In this blog post I'm going to talk once more about sex scenes -- two in particular -- and why the eff one of them matters, making the ww2 rpf more compelling and the other did not.
Disclaimer: Whether or not sex scenes are needed in media in general or the right way to implement them across the vast spectrum of art is not part of this discussion. Please keep in mind I'm trying to complain about the writing decision in the small scope of the HBO War shows.
I have discussed the problem with the Crosby/Sandra plot line in a previous analysis here. But I think the problem with it requires another (and maybe a third) write-up. Here, I want to talk about why the tiny sex scene between Crosby and Sandra in episode 7 is a waste of screen time.
So, we have the sex scene in MOTA episode 7. It is somewhat explicit and it was clear it is consensual and that the people who are fucking is very into it. In comparison to other sex scenes in HBO War fandom, it doesn't exactly stands out to me with just the imagery of the act (of course this is a personal opinion, whether or not I find a sex scene hot or bad or corny or lovely or [insert adjective here] is not universal).
However, my problem with this sex scene between Crosby and Sandra is that it doesn't matter to the story.
After getting it on with Sandra, and then after she left him, Crosby never talked about this affair in anyway. Not over the narration, expressing some kind of sentiment over it, not with Rosie or any other guy, so me, the audience, have no idea what he think about it or how he might be affected about it. We didn't know what Sandra think or feel about it either because her scenes are about her spy works and that's it.
You might say: well he doesn't have to tell us how he feel if the show can demonstrate to us the same thing.
Yet, MOTA never did that. Furthermore, the show never portray the sex between them matters to the characters beyond getting their rocks off. And then, the sex doesn't matter to the theme of the episode nor the overall theme of the show either. It's just something that happened.
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(Sad to say that maybe this sub-plot distracts me from the rest of episode 7 and 8)
This might be consider 'realistic'. In real life, people can have sex just for the joy of it. Which is true, but in a drama mini-series, the choices to include or exclude details must take in consideration whether what is on screen is valuable to the story the show is trying to tell. Why are they including this sex scene instead of the hundred other real life details that don't make the cut? We don't have a training montage for the pilots, we never learn how Quinn and Bailey get back to base from Germany, we never have the D-Day invasion sequence,...
Let's have a comparison to another sex scene.
In The Pacific episode 3, Sidney Phillips met Gwen in Melbourne and started a romance with her that ended in them having sex before he got shipped back to Pavuvu. Personally for me, it wasn't an awesome sex scene either. Both Gwen and Sidney were awkward, they kissed and the entire thing ended with him kissing her bare shoulder.
But what truly matter happened latter. When Eugene arrived in Pavuvu and reunited with Sidney, he asked Sidney about what combat was like. And to answer this, Sidney mentioned him sleeping with Gwen not to brag about his sexual conquest but to make a comparison with the brutal battles he survived.
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Despite the fact that the two of them grew up together, in just a small amount of times, Sidney have been through things and done things Eugene hadn't. All of that (both combat and his brief romance with Gwen) had changed Sidney to the point that Eugene could not longer connect with him. There was now a chasm between them. Eugene looked at his friend and tried to understand him but couldn't. There were things that must be experienced to be understood.
And then, Eugene himself went through life-changing events. The war changed him so much that when he returned to Mobile, he once again couldn't connect with Sidney
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Or his brother (who was in the Army and was in the euro theatre) -- another person who had gone through the war himself.
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Both Sidney and Eugene's older brother had returned home before him while Eugene had just came back, fresh off the board with his mental wounds, and it showed the chasm had formed between him and these two men who supposed to shared this brutal experience with Eugene.
In fact his brother specifically mentioned how Eugene is still a virgin, which highlight further how he was 'missing out' on that particular experience that both these men have.
And this all started when we were still following H company and witnessed Sidney and Gwen having sex. That small thing compounded over time. It snowballed into all these differences and distance that Sidney would have with Eugene, and then Eugene would be having against his own hometown, his brother, his family, and his best friend. It served to show how war had did its number on Eugene in many ways.
The sex scene between Sidney and Gwen mattered to the story, it served a narrative purpose eventually.
Crosby and Sandra's sex scene did not. And to include it meant there would be less screen time for any other story line, leaving not just the sub-plot of Crosby's arc weaker, but the other ones as well. Overall, this creative decision left MOTA a weaker show in term of its writing.
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toasttt11 · 7 months
the truth
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July 31, 2017
Sidney was brought into a meeting with the Penguins to talk about their upcoming season and players they need to keep an eye on in the lower levels, rookies from the training camp this summer, possible trades.
Sidney was listening and talking through out the meeting but in the back of his mind he wondered why August wasn’t brought up yet for the next season especially with how well she played last year and in her rookie season.
“Any questions?” The head manger looked around the conference room filled with the team at the end of the meeting.
“Yeah.” Sidney cleared his throat, “Where is August?” Sidney didn’t hear her name once, he saw the look traded between his coach and the GM.
“You should talk to August about this.” Mike Sullivan told his player, knowing that August did not want her brother knowing about her trade until it was finalized so he couldn’t talk her out of it and when it was finalized the Penguins were getting close to playoffs and she didn’t want to distract him.
Sidney was unsettled as he walked out for he meeting and got into car driving straight to August’s apartment, he skipped multiple steps using the staircase up to her apartment before quickly knocking on the door.
August looked up from the cake she was decorating and grabbed a hand towel wiping her hands as she headed to the front door. “Hey Sid?” August smiled slightly in surprise not supposed to be seeing her brother today.
“Where are you playing this season?” Sidney demanded at his little sister, he watched as her eyes widen and she swallowed nervously and turned around leaving the door opening and walking back to the kitchen.
“I got an offer.” August spoke out into the silence of her kitchen looking at her cake and not her brother.
“For what.” Sidney questioned stoically.
“To the Knights.” August spoke quietly, still not looking at her brother.
“You traded.” Sidney realized in disbelief and now knew why she visited Vegas a few weeks ago.
“I did.” August nodded looking up nervously at her brother.
“Why?” Sidney softly questioned having loved playing with his sister and did not want to stop playing on the same team as her, he dreamed of the days she would join the NHL and was ecstatic when she joined the Penguins.
“Everything i’ve worked for, every accomplishment i’ve made is questioned because i’m your sister and being drafted to the same team as you was great but i don’t want to be know as your sister or the player who is only good because they are on their brothers team, i want to make my own name and my own mark in this league and i can not do that if i am on the penguins.” August desperately spoke looking up at her brother with tears lined in her eyes.
For years she dealt with the comments because she is related to Sidney Crosby but she didn’t know how bad her rookie year would be. Everything she did during her rookie year was compared to Sidney, she had multiple interviews where they bluntly asked her how much Sidney payed for her to get drafted and to go to the penguins, it didn’t matter how well she played and how amazing she was in the playoffs all anyone ever saw was the little sister of Sidney Crosby.
“Oh Auggie.” Sidney felt his heart break seeing how upset his little sister was and realized how long she has been keeping this in, he didn’t hesitate a second and hurried across the kitchen and swept across the kitchen pulling his little sister in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry.” August choked out between her tears holding onto her brother tightly.
“No i’m sorry.” Sidney felt tears in his eyes, as his eighteen year old sister has been feeling like this for so long and mostly because of him.
“I just want to make my own name.” August whispered calming down slightly in the protective arms of her big brother.
“You already have, but you gonna keep making it bigger and i have no doubt you’re gonna do incredible things in this league and Vegas will be very lucky to have you little sister.” Sidney pulled back and looked at his sister as he spoke and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Thank you.” August wiped her tears and gave her brother a smile having been worried he would be angry about the news.
“Always.” Sidney promised.
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
I just know Jack would give Dove such a hard time for not telling him that she’s THE Sidney Crosby’s cousin. I can just hear him be so offended and butt hurt that she failed to mention that to him. 😭
100% 😭 he absolutely gives her a hard time at first, and then he gets kinda offended when she tells him that she didn’t wanna tell him because she didn’t want him to date her just because of Sid. Jack felt insulted for himself and for her. because he feels like she didn’t have enough trust in him to know he wouldn’t be like that, but also feels bad because he knows that that has to come from somewhere, so obviously someone did do that to her before, which makes him even more upset because he’s angry for her.
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spine-buster · 2 years
To Sail Beyond the Sunset ft. Sidney Crosby | Chapter 1
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gif credit @/sidnyscrosbygifs
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian followers❤️ I can't wait to get this baby rolling! This fic is definitely going to be the much "softer" fic compared to 'That Which We Are, We Are', so be prepared for all the feels! TW: mentions of unrealistic/unhealthy body expectations, controlling food consumption
Sidney didn’t have to be Sidney Crosby around June, and that’s what he loved most of all. Because they had known each other since they were kids, before they could even write their own names, June knew Sidney and Sidney knew June in a way that nobody else did – not even their parents. There was no pretentiousness with them; no airs or graces that they had to put on in front of one another. When they were together, they could just be what they were – best friends.
Sid scarfed down four grilled cheese sandwiches the night before at June’s apartment before reluctantly stopping. June had tried to entice him with a hot chocolate, but he knew if he drank one at that point, he’d probably get sick. His stomach wasn’t the stomach of a 14-year-old boy anymore, made of steel and made to withstand any weird food combination. Despite the four grilled cheeses, the fatigue of the day caught up to him quickly afterwards, and so he and June retired to bed, sleeping at opposite ends of her bed.
They now found their way back up to his house on Shubenacadie Grand Lake with a bag of groceries to make brunch. June, along with his parents, looked after his place while he was in Pittsburgh, so it was basically her second home. Well, it was as much her home as it was Sidney’s, in his eyes, since she spent so much time there. She even helped him pick out the kitchen finishings, since he had “zero taste” according to her. At the end of the day, what she ended up choosing for him may not have been his first choice, but it didn’t matter, because it meant that every time he was in his kitchen, he thought about June. It was all he could have asked for, really.
When Sid parked his car in his driveway, June got out and took a deep breath to smell the fresh, crisp lake air. When she opened her eyes, she knew that Sidney was already looking over at her, smiling. “Nothing like it, eh?” he asked.
“Nothing like it,” she repeated. “I thank God every day you built this house on this lake.”
Sidney knew she felt that way – she repeated similar sentiments every summer when he came back home. But because he hadn’t seen her so long – longer than usual, at least – he felt like teasing her. Just a little bit. “Even better than that apartment you had in Toronto with the view of the CN Tower?”
June shot him a look. “Don’t start,” she tried to be serious but couldn’t stop the smirk growing on her face. The only reason why she was smiling was because the “view of the CN Tower” was quite literally a reflection of the CN Tower on the glass of the neighbouring skyscraper. It had been her first ‘big girl’ apartment in the city and, even if she lived in it only for a year, it was hers and only hers. “I loved that place. You did too! The one time you visited.”
“Sorry. I was kind of busy playing hockey.”
“You don’t say,” she rolled her eyes. “When are you not?”
Sid stuck his tongue out at her. “Come on. Let’s go.”
June was an expert finding her way around Sid’s kitchen. She unpacked the groceries and got out the required pots and pans needed before beginning to cook. Sidney took out two plates, some cutlery, and glasses before setting them on the counter near June’s work station and starting up the coffee machine. He watched as she prepared the toast, fried the bacon, and poached the eggs. He took it upon himself to slice the avocados. It was all very…domestic. Very them. They’d done this at the beginning of every summer after he started in the NHL, win or lose, and this year was no different. There was something so methodical, but also pleasant, about their routines. Being familiar and having a routine wasn’t a bad thing, Sidney thought, especially since it brought such a calming effect to him.
When breakfast was ready, June grabbed her plate. “We’re eating in the gym,” Sidney said suddenly.
“The g…oh Sid,” June mused, knowing exactly why he wanted to go eat in his gym. “Sid, come on. Let’s eat at the table.”
“Gym, please.”
June couldn’t say no to him. Usually, this request happened a bit later – at least a week or two after he got home, not the day after. Regardless, she digressed, and followed him through the house until they arrived at the aforementioned gym – the place Sidney could really think. Think about his life. Think about his future. Think about his career. He would put up pictures of the captain of the Stanley Cup winning team as motivation for him to get back to that place – the place he so desperately wanted to get back to at least one more time.
They created a makeshift table and chairs using most of the box jumps in the gym. Sidney let June get a couple of bites in – toast topped with sliced avocado, poached eggs, and sriracha sauce for her; toast topped with sliced avocado, bacon, and poached eggs for him – before he began to let everything out. “I hate how this season ended,” he said, taking the third forkful of his own breakfast.
Sidney rolled his eyes. “Because it was the New York fucking Islanders,” he grimaced. He sounded pained when he said their name; June understood. They weren’t exactly very high on her NHL-teams-she-knew-about-besides-the-Penguins-that-she-didn’t-mind list. “We can beat them. We have beat them. And we should have beaten them in the series. I just don’t know where we went wrong – where I went wrong. Why I couldn’t do it, you know? I just…I just couldn’t do it this time around.”
Sidney hated to lose – June knew that. He was the most competitive athlete she knew, besides maybe his friend Nathan, who used to absolutely fucking lose it whenever he lost in certain things (Sidney told her he started going to therapy for that, which she was happy to hear). “You can’t put it all on your shoulders…you know that. I’ve told you that for years. You can’t win all the time, Sid. It’s not just up to you and only you. Hockey is a team effort. It’s not all on your shoulders and it never has been. I’m sure Kris and Geno tell you that all the time, too.”
“Yeah, well…” he didn’t want to accept what he needed to accept.
June could read the look in his eye. She could read him like a book, really, so she knew exactly what was going through his mind when he said those words, in that tone, with that face. “You want to win one more, don’t you?” she asked.
He looked at her. “Of course I do.”
“Because you still have it in you.”
“Because I still have it in me.”
“Because the three Stanley Cups championships, two Art Ross trophies, two Harts, three Ted Lindsays—”
“—Hold on, I’m not done – two Rocket Richards, and two Conn Smythes just aren’t enough for you?” she giggled.
It caused Sid to laugh too. “You know what I mean, Junebug.”
She smiled wryly after she stuffed some avocado in her mouth. “I bet it’s because you want to win another Emmy.”
“Oh, Junebug!” he grimaced, laughing but covering his face with his hands out of complete embarrassment. “Stop bringing up the Emmy!”
“No. Shan’t,” she shook her head playfully. “But in all seriousness Sid, I do know what you mean. I—listen, I know you have it in you. I know you do. You play the game unlike anyone before you or after you. If you think you’ve got another one in you, then I think you’ve got another one in you, too. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself.”
I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. They were words that had been said to each other throughout their 30-year friendship; words repeated at almost every stage of life and career. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. They were words that ignited a fire in the other; words that reminded the other of not only just everything they’d been through, but everything they were yet to accomplish. And because they knew each other in a way that nobody else did, it really was the ultimate show of confidence in the other. Not that they ever doubted the other. “Thank you, Junebug.”
“Any time, Sid. I know you’d do and say the same thing to me if I was still dancing.”
Sidney nodded his head. He would. He remembered back to when she was dancing – as one of the principal dancers at the National Ballet of Canada – and he’d say it to her all the time. Whenever a new season was upon her and they’d have their classic three-hour long phone calls to one another; when she had to learn a new ballet and new character that tested her physical and acting abilities. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. If she was able to list all the awards he’d won in his NHL career as easily as she did earlier, he would be able to recite, verbatim, all the praise she’d gotten in her career as a ballerina. A book could be published with every glowing thing that was said about her. Both of them didn’t get to where they were – or, at least, where they had been – by accident. “How’s your mom?” he asked.
June shrugged. “She’s fine, I guess.”
“You haven’t seen her? Or visited?”
“Is she still with Dominic?”
“Of course,” June replied. “They’d never divorce. Well – at least – she’d never divorce him. I don’t think he’d ever divorce her either – it’d be too much of a hassle. Too much money involved.”
Sidney remembered being told about Miss Hockley moving to Newfoundland when he and June were sixteen years old. It had happened while they were both away. Sidney had heard from his mom. It came as a shock to June – the move, at least, not the marriage. Miss Hockley had married a pretty successful businessman from Newfoundland named Dominic Carson and moved to a beautiful house just outside of St. John’s. Her move meant that June had to spend her last summer in Halifax – before moving to Toronto full-time – sleeping on a cot in Taylor’s room since she refused to spend the summer in Newfoundland.
Sidney had distinct memories of Miss Hockley growing up. She was…a different kind of mother, to say the least. She was so unlike Trina that sometimes a young Sidney would wonder how Miss Hockley was even a mom. She treated June so differently than how Trina treated him or Taylor. Even as a kid, Sid knew there were different kinds of moms and dads, but Miss Hockley was the most different.
Sidney usually watched Saturday morning cartoons at his own house, on his own couch, with his own special cup with milk. But dad was working this weekend, and mom was working at the grocery store, which meant that Sidney had to watch Saturday morning cartoons with June and Miss Hockley in the basement where they lived. While he was comfy on the couch beside June, it still wasn’t his house. It still wasn’t his couch. It still wasn’t his own special cup. Sidney found it odd that he was allowed to have blueberry pancakes and a hardboiled egg for breakfast but June could only have carrots.
When he asked Miss Hockley why June was eating carrots, Miss Hockey’s voice was firm. “It’s for ballet, Sidney.”
“Can she have some blueberry pancakes like me?”
“No, she can’t.”
June never told him she was allergic to blueberries. Or pancakes for that matter. In fact, he distinctly remembered June eating a bowl of blueberries at his house and getting them all over her mouth and fingers. Sidney’s face scrunched up, confused by it all. If she wasn’t allergic, why couldn’t she have any? “Can I give her some of my—”
“No, Sidney,” Miss Hockley was adamant, her voice even more stern than before. “June doesn’t get any blueberry pancakes.”
“But why n—”
“—June doesn’t get blueberry pancakes because of ballet,” Miss Hockley tried to explain. “She’s not going to become big and strong like you and play hockey. Ballet isn’t the same as hockey. If June wants to be beautiful, June has to eat carrots for breakfast and not pancakes.”
June wasn’t saying anything, didn’t say anything until Miss Hockley asked if they were all settled and told them she was going to go do her hair in the bathroom. Once the door closed and June heard the hairdryer turn on, she looked at Sidney. “Mommy wants me to be nice and skinny. I mean—when I become a ballet dancer, I have to be nice and skinny. I can’t be big and bulky,” she said. “That’s why I have to eat carrots.”
Sidney felt bad that June had to eat only carrots. Trina would make him oatmeal with dinosaur eggs in it, toast with peanut butter, and sometimes even bacon. He wondered what her other breakfasts were like if, on Saturdays, she could only have carrots. Those other breakfasts must have been so boring, too. “Do you want to have a bite?”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Are you sure? I won’t tell your mom.”
Sidney watched as June thought about the proposal. They did look good. And her mom would never know. Before she knew it, she was nodding her head. Sidney picked up one of his pancakes by hand and held it out to her. He watched as she took a small bite. Almost immediately, he watched as a large smile appeared on her face. “Mmmmm, that’s good!” she exclaimed.
“My mom can make you blueberry pancakes if you come over for breakfast at my house,” Sidney assured her. “And I’m sure she’ll keep the secret from your mom, too.”
“She doesn’t ask you to, like, go and see her or anything?” Sidney asked. “My parents are already asking if I can go over for dinner tonight.”
June shook her head. “You know how my mom is,” she said, her voice ever so slightly on edge. “She’s…she’s not like Trina. Never has been, never will be. I came to terms with that a long time ago.”
Sidney understood. The last way he – or anybody – would describe Miss Hockley was ‘just like Trina Crosby’. “I’m sorry to bring it up, Junebug.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Sid. I know you ask with the best intentions. It’s just never going to be normal between her and I, so I have to make sure I visit only when it’s absolutely necessary.”
Sidney nodded. Nothing was normal between June and her mom, that was for sure. He always felt bad that their relationship was the way it was. “Well, regardless, want to come to my parents’ for dinner tonight?”
A soft smile appeared on June’s face. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Early the same evening, Sidney and June drove back into Halifax and straight into the driveway of the now-famous house in Cole Harbour. To both Sidney and June, the house was home. June didn’t think she knew of a warmer place than the Crosby house, and it was all because of the people who lived in it. She’d never loved a place more – not the basement apartment where she grew up, not any apartment in Toronto that she lived in, not even the apartment she was in now, and she loved her apartment. There was just something so special and so familiar about the Crosby’s house that affected her in ways she couldn’t describe.
The second June walked through the door, just a step behind Sidney who’d joked “Look what the cat dragged in” to Trina, June was engulfed in a hug. Typical of the Crosby household. “How have you been, June?” Trina asked as she rubbed June’s back.
“Good. Busy. You know how busy this time of year can get for me,” June replied with a smile.
“Of course. How could I forget? Auditions, right?”
“Sid, your dad’s out back on the barbeque,” Trina said quickly before focusing her attention back on June. “I’m guessing you two were at the house this morning.”
“Where else would we be?” Sidney countered playfully as he walked by his mom and his best friend. “Where’s Taylor?”
“Showering,” Trina said quickly, refocusing on June once again. “Any standouts this year? Any dancers as good as you?”
June couldn’t help but blush. “Stop buttering me up, Trina.”
“I’ll butter you up all I want, kiddo. There was nobody as good as you.”
Conversation flowed naturally between Trina and June, and when Taylor came downstairs, wet hair twisted into a bun, she added to the conversation seamlessly, asking about the auditions and scholarships and process of it all. When Sidney and Troy came back in with the grilled meat and vegetables on their platters, June and Taylor quickly set the table. Everybody sat at their spots. They passed around the food. The simplicity of it all, the naturalness (because they’d done this thousands of times), the fact that nobody bat an eyelash – it was what June loved most.
June didn’t have to be Juniper Brooks around the Crosbys, and that’s what she loved most of all. There was no pretentiousness with them; no airs or graces that they had to put on. In a career where she dressed up in characters, took on personas, and performed as somebody else for hours on end, June loved how she could be herself.
Sidney looked at June beside him, smiling at something Taylor had said. Her smile made him smile.
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sc0tters · 9 months
Don’t Tell | Sidney Crosby
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summary: sidney isn't so bad to have around when your mom leaves town.
kinkmas: day twelve (stepcest)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving!), fingering, choking, swearing, cheating, legal age gap (reader is in college and envisioned to be 20-23!)
word count: 8.81k
authors note: so I'm gonna start by saying that I don't actually know if this fits the stepcest category because it is Sidney with his fiances' daughter. still, if you are not comfortable with this pairing then here is your heads up to not read the piece! this is the longest fic that I have ever written so it is only fair that it comes at the end of kinkmas. to those of you who stayed through it all thank you and to those of you who do read this one to the end I love you endlessly!
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This winter break was meant to be peaceful.
You had come back to Pittsburgh as your dad was in the Bahamas on his honeymoon and your mom wanted you to be with her and her fiancé for Christmas. On paper that didn’t sound bad, truly it didn’t. But you clashed with him at every opportunity that seemed to arise.
Whilst everyone loved him you wished now more than ever that your mom had a different taste in guys. Maybe one day if you tried hard enough you would wake up and Sidney fucking Crosby would no longer be your soon to be stepfather. Even the idea of him holding that title had you recoiling in disgust.
Usually you could just avoid him as you’d be home in the summers and your mom had only been with him for three years, all of which you would spend your time soaking up the sun and declining any and all invitations from your mom that had you joining Sid on his boat. Christmas had been a holiday your mom and you were so fond of, especially with her having you as a teen the month of December was one she tried to make sure you never knew she was working two jobs to make ends meet.
But fast forwarding through three husbands and more boyfriends than you could have ever counted as your parents never stayed together past your first birthday, you were now twenty one and swore that this partner wouldn’t stick. Thus you truly didn’t see the point in getting to know them. That was a desire that would have worked out really well if things went the way you wanted them to.
Your mom called you down to the kitchen the moment you woke up at whatever late hour of the morning that it was “can’t we send her to her father?” Sidney complained in a low tone, it didn’t bother you as he felt the exact same way about you as you did about him.
She frowned as she shook her head “it’ll be good for you both to actually spend some one on one time together.” She proposed choosing to ignore the vivid memory of how you refused to acknowledge Sidney for a week after he dragged you back to the lake house at 9:00PM because you hadn’t told your mom that you were at a party.
In that moment Sidney swore he could hear his mother’s voice urging him to fight the battles he could win “but if it’s that important I’ll cancel my trip.” You mom could have sensed his hesitancy from a mile away and she didn’t want to force a kid on Sidney, even if you were of legal age already “no babe we will play nice for the week.” Sidney shook his head leaning down to peck your mother’s lips.
It made you gag “ew.” You pretended to gag as you rubbed the sleep out of your eye “nice to see you’ve rolled out of bed princess.” Most girls would have died hearing Sid use that nickname on them, in fact some of your friends still brought up how Sid dropped the simple doll when he decided to interrupt your FaceTime calls with them.
There was a silent moment that you each had letting your eyes sharpen in the direction of each other “y/n love I am heading to Colorado tomorrow!” Your mom blurted out as she clasped her hands together making your eyes go wide “oh hel-” you went to complain and throw a protest in her direction but as she slammed her hands on the table you went quiet.
It made Sidney feel proud as he wanted to smirk as how you finally went quiet “just stay out of my way when she is gone.” You grumbled turning to head back to your room as you refused to believe that this was happening.
Now more than ever, you wished your life was a nightmare that could have ended the moment you woke up.
Unfortunately for you the moment your mom left was quickly upon you as she stood at the front door with her suitcase in one hand and her phone in the other with the Uber app loaded on. Patiently waiting for her driver to arrive “are you sure I can’t drive you?” Sidney hated the idea of seeing your mom leave, mainly because it meant that he was going to be left with you.
She shook her head “you’d be late to game prep and besides I think it would be good for you two.” The last part was more so directed at you as your hand clung to the banister of the staircase where you refused to leave “have a good flight mom.” You mumbled looking at the ground.
Sidney let out a harsh sigh that you were sure even the neighbours heard “hug your mom y/n.” It was clear that he wasn’t asking, Sidney was ordering you to do it “Sid it’s-” your mom placed her hand on his chest trying to stop him “no she can act like a brat most days of the year but today I expect her to behave.” The words that left his lips made your blood run cold.
A laugh left your lips “you think I’ve been bratty?” You finally let go of the staircase stepping down as you had every intention of giving him a piece of your mind “I’ll show you bratty!” You threatened him only snapping your gaze away from Sidney as your mom’s arms went around your body “have a nice flight.” You repeated those words as you felt him glare at you.
The gesture made you childishly stick your tongue out at him before you stepped away from your mom only to flash her your signature smile. Sidney help back his scoff as he crossed his arms helping her take her suitcase outside where he would have his final goodbye. Not only to her but also to his sanity, with you gone he was now expected to make an effort with you.
Years of living the out of sight out of mind mindset were no longer available to him as you were now his responsibility whether you wanted to accept it or not. You made Sidney go mad without ever knowing it as everyone seemed to adore you, his teammates and their partners thought you were a great person for him to know. Nobody knew if he’d ever understand it but they all swore that the negative traits your mother had, you picked up the positive opposite versions of it.
She preferred to be seen, you preferred to be watched. She preferred her group whereas you were making friends with nearly everyone in Pittsburgh, including the equipment managers who made sure to constantly ask Sidney about your life.
You had made it big in high school, you worked your ass off and got into each university that you applied to. So when you got the opportunity to leave the city you called home you went about as far away from Sidney as you possibly could have, LA.
He grew tired of the whole speech your mom would make each time you went back to university, she wouldn’t even be home yet before she would bring up how much she missed you. Sidney’s sunglasses could barely hold his eye rolls anymore but after Geno called Sid out because he wasn’t a father it meant Sidney had to keep his irritated thoughts to himself.
So as he made his way upstairs to see your bedroom door open and what looked like a bomb had exploded in your suitcase that hit your room Sidney tried to bite his tongue. As the last thing that he needed was you going and complaining to your mom.
Your mom leaving you together and unattended for the first time meant that the way you would each react to the situation was uncharted territory. Before when arguments arose she would step in, yet now the boundaries were nonexistent. It seemed the universe though was finding this all amusing in some twisted way. Somehow the idea of making the other persons life a living hell within the walls of the house whilst acting like you were both happy to be there when others were around. Was an idea that found its way into each of your minds, so now it was just a matter of waiting to see who would break first.
Sidney didn’t bother knocking as he walked right in her room to see her sat on her bed with her AirPods in “y/n?” The hockey player snapped his fingers trying to get your attention nothing “y/n?” He repeated waving his hand around to see if that would do anything, still nothing “y/n!” Sidney finally yelled tapping your foot with his hand.
It gave you a fright as you saw him tower over you “what?” You complained pulling your left AirPod from your ear as you paused your music “here is your jersey for tonight.” Your mom had shown him your whole sports jersey collection as you always went to sports games in a jersey.
You mentally rolled your eyes at his pathetic attempt to fuck with you “thanks.” You huffed without a single desire in the world to actually go through on wearing that jersey. It was nothing against Pittsburgh, but you would set on burning whatever merchandise that had his last name on it before it ever got the chance to touch your skin.
Sure he found that weird that you didn’t have any kind of rebuttal but Sidney wasn’t going to question it. With little desire to dig further as he feared he would awaken the devils he swore lived in you, all Sidney did was nodded before he turned to your door. His strides were long to get him out of there quickly, but not quick enough as it seemed that his eyes caught onto the bra and thong that were draped over your chair. The dark red lace that carried through both pieces knocked the wind out of Sidney “oh and clean this room up.” He grumbled pointing to your floor as it made you look up.
Your response was simple though, this time you hadn’t even looked up from your phone as you flipped him off. It meant that you had heard him whilst he was stood over you the entire time, you little shit. Sidney rolled his eyes as he hand his hand around the handle of the door “oh and y/n.” You subtly paused your music, still not looking at him “do not be late tonight.” He pleaded fully aware of how you had the time management skills of a college kid, you were always late.
The first game had gone down a success, Sidney had scored a glorious goal which of course impressed the fans of Pittsburgh. And as the team had completed an overtime win against the Canes leaving the energy around the arena electric. You followed the WAGs through the arena to where the players were meant to meet them. You kept quiet as you watched them all embrace each other as the players poured out one by one. Up until Sidney left too locking eyes with you the moment he stepped out of the locker room.
A harsh breath left your lips as you saw his facial expressions harden “you ready to go?” He refused to bring up the fact that you were only wearing a penguins scarf and a black shirt. The moment he left the house you put his jersey right back onto his bed as you attempted to send him a message “yep.” You nodded following him out of the arena.
Silence drowned the car ride home as Sidney gripped at the wheel “you can drop me here.” You announced reaching to undo your seatbelt “excuse me?” Sidney raised his eyebrows as he shook his head. You were meant to go out with friends from the city that night and the bar was a mere three minute walk away.
You crossed your arms “I don’t remember letting you be in charge of me.” You grumbled growing irritated “your mom did.” The lie came from his lips as he laughed. Your mom had indeed asked him to keep you in check but that was simply because she knew that you would have taken the time to push Sidney’s boundaries. As a result you fell silent as you could have believed the truth behind it.
Two days had passed and you had decided that you would only bring out your elaborate plan on Christmas Eve. Sidney had told you he was bringing you along to the team Christmas party and he hoped you’d behave. With him going to Ottawa for a one game roadtrip before the break it meant you had the house to yourself. You hated to admit it but you were growing to understand why Sidney was loved by so many. You were dragged along to the team shopping spree at target for less fortunate kids.
The effort to spread Christmas cheer amongst the team was refreshing for Sidney as he began to understand why you were loved by his teammates and their partners. At every aisle you were batting your eyes at Sidney silently begging him to add just about every present you could find into the cart as you were certain to make this the best Christmas that these kids could have ever gotten.
Sidney also found himself cooking most nights your mom was gone as you seemed to be more obligated to staying in that way. After the argument in the car Sidney said he didn’t mind if you went out as long as you told him where you were and you had dinner at home.
But every good thing eventually had to come to an end and the true testament would be if you were able to keep up what the two of you had built upon his return. Only time would tell, for Sidney but little did he know that his return was when you were finally going to come out.
It was five a.m when Sidney arrived home to hear the sound of NHL replays echoing through the house. He was prepared to reprimand you for leaving the tv on as you went to bed but instead when he walked into the living room Sidney instead found you fast asleep on the couch. The sight was weirdly amusing to him as he smiled seeing your death grip on the remote. He was careful to lightly pull it from your hand “you win?” You yawned stirring in your sleep as you blinked up at him “we lost in the overtime.” The pout that formed on your lips made him laugh.
The blanket came over your body “I’m sorry.” You apologised mumbling a string of incoherent words “get some sleep princess.” Sidney tapped your shoulder tucking the blanket over you. It didn’t take you long to listen as you nuzzled your face into the pillow as you fell asleep again.
Fresh pancakes and the smell of maple syrup traveled through the house reminding the captain of his times as a kid but instead this time he was the one cooking “good to see you finally awake.” Sidney teased watching you come through with your monkey slippers on your feet “what time did you get in?” You yawned slipping into the seat at the kitchen island.
Sidney wanted to tease you as he smiled “did our conversation mean nothing to you last night?” He faked a hurt expression as his hand pressed against his chest as your cheeks turned red “we spoke?” You blinked hearing his words “yeah princess how do you think you got the blanket?” Sidney smirked seeing it wrapped around your shoulders “I thought that it was a dream!” You gasped making him laugh.
It was a genuine laugh that made your heart feel weirdly warm, like the same warmth that encapsulates you when you get a medal that’s more than just a participation one. A smile formed on your face “is that a smile on the y/n l/n’s face before ten in the morning?” The captain joked letting his jaw drop as it made you pick up the bag of chocolate chips to hit him with it.
Amusement flushed your your system as it hit him square in the face “Sid!” You laughed almost falling over as you clutched your stomach “what happened to being a hockey player?” You teased letting out a snort. In that moment Sidney realised that you actually had a really childish side that was kind of funny.
He found himself smiling as he finally took the chocolate chips so that he could throw them back at you “you dare and I won’t come tonight!” You warned as you shook your head knowing that his hit would hurt “oh don’t be-” Sidney was cut off as he heard his phone begin to ring.
You quickly picked up on the fact that it was your mom as Sidney brought up questions about how Colorado was. As his face dropped it made your eyebrows furrow “okay I’ll tell her now.” Sidney sighed looking at you “love you too.” He hung up as you waited for him to put you out of your misery and tell you what on earth the five minute phone call was about “what was that?” You asked making him smile by your eagerness.
Sidney pressed his hands against the counter as he sucked at his teeth “your mom got stuck in Colorado cause of the snow.” He tried to read your expression as you listened to his answer “oh no.” You let your lips form a pout “she said she will try to get on the next flight out.” Sidney explained as he pushed his hand through his hair as you nodded.
It was quiet as you shrugged “you not mad?” Sidney didn’t know how to read you and it terrified him “gives me a few more hours to piss you off.” You joked letting out a giggle “so you’re seriously fine that we’re probably spending Christmas alone?” He was surprised to see that you were so okay “think I should be asking you the same thing cause you keep pushing it.” You pointed out as he wiped his hands on a cloth.
The captain shook his head “glad to be spending it with you princess.” You felt your heart throb with his words “I should go get ready.” You looked at the ground clutching at your blanket “it’s nine thirty!” Sidney called out watching you practically run to the staircase “it’ll take me a while to pick a dress!” You shot back getting really confused by how you felt.
Quickly turning into night once more Sidney pressed his hand against your back as he ushered you into the venue “now remember-” as Sidney went to lower his voice you cut him off “be on my best behaviour and don’t embarrass you or anyone else on this team.” You rolled your eyes at how you had gotten the same speech when he left you to go to the family box.
It made Sidney smile as he crossed his arms “well I was going to say that I’d like you to just have fun tonight but those work too.” He nodded taking you by surprise “it’s Christmas Eve y/n and everyone deserve to have a little bit of fun.” Sidney shrugged as the last few days had been really good for the both of you as your relationship was at its strongest.
You nodded repeating those words to yourself as you wondered if he would feel that way by the end of the night “y/n!” Valterri smiled as he waved you over to where the younger players on the team where stood “have fun.” Sidney repeated his words as he saw the genuine smile from this morning reappear on your face.
Geno and Kris watched Sidney watch you leave and they couldn’t help but tease him “they grow up so fast.” Kris faked a cry as Geno placed his hand on his chest “just yesterday she was buying herself a beer and today she is talking to boys!” Geno added letting out a snicker as Sidney rolled his eyes.
The group you joined remained blissfully unaware of what the trio spoke about “shut up.” Sidney grumbled noticing how Valterri wrapped his hands around your shoulders “the fiancé have a change of heart this Christmas?” Kris’ question made Sidney cringe as he was reminded of your mom. Sure he had thought about her it seemed that right now you were being held on a pedestal you didn’t even know was there.
Sid blew a raspberry with his lips as he tried to recover to a more comfortable look based on the raised eyebrows he was currently getting from Geno “got stuck in Colorado with the snow storm.” The captain explained making both boys nod “hey well at least y/n is easy.” Kris tapped Sidney’s shoulder as the sound of your laughter erupted in his ears.
It was a sweet sound that reminded him of watching honey drip from a spoon “I’m gonna go get a drink.” Geno announced disbanded the trio leaving Sid to now only pay attention to what you were doing “there you are Crosby!” Seemed to be what was going to be a long night for him. The universe wanted to punish Sidney for something tonight it seemed, not only did he never get a second to talk to you as you were stuck to Valterri’s side the entire night but on top of that it seemed everyone wanted to talk to Sidney tonight. Little did he know you had forgotten to cause chaos amongst his teammates. So you thought that you weren’t even going to get in trouble, oh how that thought came too soon.
There you were walking with Valterri over to one of the doors where it was quieter. Sidney knew he had to stop you from whatever it was that you were about to do “excuse me.” The captain didn’t wait for a response before he left his space clutching the edges of his suit coat as he straightened them. He swore that the angels were singing when he saw you, a mere handful of steps away from the elevator “y/n!”
That voice made you and Valterri both freeze, the boy dropped your hand as he took a step away from you “yes?” By the time you spun around Sidney was already towering over you “you’re going home.” His hand wrapped around your wrist as he shook his head “we were going to go look at the top of the building Sid!” You groaned trying to pull back from him.
It made Sidney laugh at how naive you sounded in that moment. Surely you didn’t just think that Valterri wanted to look at a skyline with you? It infuriated you as the younger player remained silent “I am not going to fight you but we are going home.” Sidney repeated his words before he finally looked back at his the teammate ignoring your protests “you better get back in there before I give you so many extra laps that you no longer have time to live your life.” Sidney’s threat had you swearing that Valtteri whimpered as he scurried away listening to his captains requests.
You scoffed as your feet were planted in the ground “you are such an ass!” You complained shaking your head “you can bitch all you want in the car.” Sidney watched as you remained stoic rolling your eyes “I. Am. Not. Going.” You snapped poking your finger into his chest as your voice was cold.
Sidney could have felt steam coming out of his ears in that moment. He was so enraged that no single coherent thought went through his mind picking you up as he wrapped his arms around your legs hoisting you over his shoulder “Sidney!” You screamed banging your fists against his back.
Geno and Kris watched in amusement as your legs kicked in the air “put me down!” You complained letting out a huff as the boy continued to ignore you “that wasn’t so hard now was it?” The boy found a smirk form on his lips as you went silent “don’t go too easy on him y/n!” Geno teased watching you huff blowing the hair out of your face for a split second.
It made Sidney glare at his teammate “fuck off G.” You grumbled as Sidney began walking back outside. The Pittsburgh air was cool on your skin he pushed the doors open “you ready to finally behave?” Sidney asked feeling you but his ass with your fists “you can still go fuck yourself Sid.” You pointed out wanting to punch his face in that moment.
He laughed like this was some game to him carrying you to the car like you were nothing “get in here.” Sidney didn’t give you a few moments on solid ground before his hand was on your shoulder ushering you into the passenger seat before he pulled your seatbelt over you “stay.” You wanted to protest at the way he talked to you like a dog quickly going to the other side so he could get in.
You gulped replaying how irritated he looked at you before Sidney threw you over his shoulder “glad to see you know how to listen still.” You couldn’t blame alcohol for Sidney tonight, he only had one beer that he nursed throughout the night. For a girl who disliked him so much you truly did seem to notice how much the captain did. You scoffed pushing the thoughts out of your mind “you were out of line tonight Crosby.” You truly didn’t realise how Valterri was probably never going to talk to you ever again.
And part of you didn’t even blame him as you were fully on his side “he wanted to get into your pants!” Sidney almost wondered if he hit your head then maybe he could have knocked the sense you needed to see it too. You tried to stare up at the sky not wanting to look at him “why do you even care what I do?” Your voice was barely louder than the hymn of the engine.
Sidney scoffed not believing that you still couldn’t pick up on it after the last couple of days “I’m marrying your mom.” He reminded you as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel “you’ve never cared about who I fucked before that.” Your words made him cringe as he had the image of you riding a drunken college boy. He hated it as it made his body shake in disgust “yeah but when you start going for my teammates like a fucking sl-” his words had you slamming your hands on the dashboard “like you’re any better as a playboy hockey player!” You snapped back as you watched the car begin to speed.
It made him scoff as he rolled his eye “better than anyone you could have gotten laid by.” Sidney knew it was a low blow but with the level of anger that went through the car he didn’t care “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on earth.” You grumbled looking to the road as you shook your head “wish she didn’t meet you.” The comment had Sidney feeling like his world was crumbling around him.
Maybe it was the fact that everything was now starting to work between you both. The fact that a relationship had been built yet now you were delivering the same blow to his gut that you used to deliver on a daily basis but now it wasn’t something he could have dreamed of. Maybe he was hurt, but the way you two used to be shouldn’t have surprised him. But deep down Sidney had begun to feel doubts about his pending marriage and all of those started the moment he had to pick you up at the airport.
Silence finally fell over the car as Sidney began to plan his response, he honestly needed the time to process what you said more than anything else. So as the car finally slowed down to a stop when you pulled up to the house “wait y/n.” Sidney reached out but as he watched you head for the house running up the staircase.
You were irritated wishing that you had never gone along to the party as you pursed your lips together rubbing your temples. You threw your coat on the ground not caring that Sidney was going to throw a fight with you about that too “we are not done here!” Sidney yelled watching you attempt to go upstairs as you didn’t want to have to see anymore of him “well I am Sid!” You shot back continuing your walk upstairs refusing to dare look back at him.
Tears formed in your eyes as you grew so frustrated not even the idea of pulling your hair out brought you any comfort. You let the door to your bedroom shut closed as you tugged at your dress pulling it off of you as the cool air hit your skin. The slip your wore was white against your reddening skin. Sidney found himself stammering over his words before they even left his lips as he caught himself staring at the sight of you.
In that moment Sid didn't find himself feeling like the successful hockey player and captain of an NHL team. No, in that moment he was transported back to his middle schooler days. Terrified to mutter even a few syllables to a pretty girl "you come to carry on your fucking pride speech, eh?" You spat watching him remain frozen as it was though his brain was no longer connected to the rest of his body “do you want to fuck me or something?” The vulgar words left your mouth as you walked over to him “I’m engaged to your mother.” He mumbled clenching his jaw as he scoffed.
Your arms crossed unintentionally pushing your breasts closer together “then you tell me the logical explanation for what your issue was with Val taking me upstairs?” Anger painted your expression as your lips pressed into a find line “got a nickname for him now?” Sidney ran his tongue over his teeth as he made the mental note to give the younger player extra laps after the next training session “just fuck off you coward.” The new nickname left your lips and sounded like nails against a chalk board as you pressed your hand against the captains shoulder in an attempt to push him out of your room.
As he processed what happened in a quick turn of events his hand wrapped around your wrist pulling it off of him as he held your skin "sometimes you should really learn to keep your mouth shut." He grumbled looking up at you with a glare as his dropped your hand. The look he sent you had shivers going down your spine "you need to know that you are not the goddamn boss of-" you pressed your finger against his chest with each other finally being cut off as his lips hit yours.
It was now your turn to freeze as your ass hit your table, thoughts went through your mind at a million miles per hour. As his hands went to your waist you finally lulled yourself into his trance as his lips were sickeningly rough against yours, scratching a part of your brain that you were desperate for him to reach. When the soft sounds of carolers came from outside travelling up the walls of the house it caused your eyes to snap open "we shouldn't-" you couldn't help but bring your fingers to your lips still feeling his on them.
Sidney could have laughed at the way that your morals finally decided to step in tonight "tell me to leave and I will." His lips ghosted over your ear as his breath fanned against your skin "Sid.” You whimpered as his hands fisted at your satin slip “you are insufferable.” You clicked your tongue as you stared up at him. Sidney smirked as he waited for your answer “words princess, different words.” Just like that the nickname that was once used to tease you in such a way was now making your knees wobble.
You nodded trying to push your hips against his “I need you Sid.” You groaned pressing your head against your cabinet behind you “like hearing you beg.” He pinched the skin on your chin tilting your head up “do something about it before I leave you here.” You warned making him laugh “you’re too fucking desperate to do that.” Sidney mumbled pecking your lips as he lifted you onto your vanity table.
His lips were like a drug to you as your arms wrapped around his neck keeping him close “only proving my point baby.” Sidney watched you roll your eyes “most guys usually get a girl going by now.” You pointed out as you were usually on your knees at this point “you are seriously going to get yourself in trouble.” The captain warned making you grin.
It was devilish the way his hand went down your chest as his fingers danced over the lace that lined the top of your slip “don’t believe it.” You stammered shaking your head as he stared at you “think it’s about time that I shut that fucking mouth up.” Sidney grumbled helping you off of the vanity as his cock throbbed between his legs aching against his suit pants.
You weren’t surprised that he wanted it and you were close to dropping to your knees but your ego stopped you as you smirked palming him through his pants as you undid his belt “that’s one way to make sure I don’t see how shit you are at-” your words were cut off as his hand wrapped around your waist “finish that sentence.” Sidney warned pressing your body against his.
A warm air travelled through your room as your cheeks turned flushed “pretty sure you don’t know how to get a girl off.” Your confession had you crashing onto your bed as your eyes went wide “don’t act like you didn’t know your words would get you here.” Sidney chuckled tugging the tie from his collar “maybe this was your plan all along.” He crawled up your bed watching as your slip began to fall down your knees revealing your checkered panties that clung to your cunt “cute.” The hockey player smiled leaning forward to kiss you so you couldn’t argue back to him.
His slender fingers were rough against your skin as he pulled your panties down your legs making sure to slip them into his pants pocket before he continued “you been thinking about this?” Sidney teased seeing how your core was soaked “n-no.” You lied as his lips kissed your thighs. He wanted to draw it out teasing you as it served as a reminder that you were at the power of him.
You gasped as his lips traveled up your thigh before he watched you whimper “don’t lie to me princess.” The hockey player clicked his tongue as he blew a breath of air against your cunt “please Sid just.” Your jaw went slack as you gripped at your bedsheets beneath you “good girls get fucked properly.” Sidney shook his head kissing your thigh “and good girls don’t lie.” His moved his face to hover over your cunt as he stared down at it.
It frustrated you as your body grew warm drowning in anticipation “if you don’t want to fuck me then I’m sure Val-” the captain didn’t give you the chance to finish your sentence as his tongue lay flat against your slit “fuck!” You yelled almost having the air knocked let of you “you still want to go to him?” Sidney needed to hear you say it yourself, you were done with the idea of his teammates.
Sidney smirked as you shook your head “wanna stay here with you.” Your voice was soft as you nodded “where was this behaviour all those months ago?” The hockey player scoffed as he mimicked your head movements before he dropped his tongue back down “such a pretty pussy.” He mumbled latching his lips onto your clit.
His tongue swirled around your sensitive bud like he was a starved man “don’t stop Sid.” You begged watching him drop his tongue down your slit settling for your core. Your hands were lost without a clue of where to go eventually going to his hair as you tugged at it. Sidney quickly realised that you had probably never had a guy fuck you properly “you’re so good.” You whimpered feeling his nose brush over your clit “such a pretty pretty girl.” Sidney cooed replacing his tongue with his fingers. The girth of his fingers as your cunt stretched out made you writhe against him.
It made you shiver “didn’t think I could get you speechless this early.” He confessed watching as you rolled your eyes “don’t think it’s not too soon for me to leave you.” Sidney added as his fingers formed a come here motion “don’t Sidney.” You pleaded wrapping your hand around his wrist as your felt him try to move away from you in a teasing manner.
He watched as you sat up going eye level with him as he brushed his thumb over your clit “let me see your breasts.” Sidney’s vulgar words had you turning into putty in his hands as you nodded lifting the cream slip off of your body as you threw it off to the side “you really did know you were gonna be fucked tonight didn’t you?” Your cunt clenched around him in response making him groan “desperate to show these pretty tits off to one of those pathetic kids?” Sidney let his voice ooze in jealousy as you bit your lip. It was a red bra with a lace skirting that went along the front only to be met at the valley between your breasts with a little shiny bead that tied the look together.
You looked at him with heavy eyes as you began to drive your hips against his fingers “answer me princess.” He snarled watching as you were too focused on yourself to care about him behind you “like my bra.” You explained letting out a whimper as his thrusts quickened “glad you were smart enough to know you come home with me.” Sidney’s confession installed some weird warmth within you.
As your back went to the mattress craving the release that was coming as your stomach grew tight he followed your lead “you gonna be a good girl and come for me?” The captain pecked your lips pressing his bulge against your thigh as your eyes rolled back with your waterline growing cloudy “please cap.” You cried out clutching the pads of your bra as your body shook.
Sidney didn’t stop as he found your words unlocking a part of him that he didn’t know was there “shit!” You groaned practically collapsing into yourself as your orgasm hit you like cold water in the morning “you enjoyed that?” He teased finally slowing his fingers not wanting to tire you out whilst the night was still young.
Your head bopped as you nodded watching him sit up straight “you want this to continue baby?” The minor change from princess to baby had you pressing your thighs together in an attempt to wean the pressure that was building up between your legs “want to hear you say it.” He smirked as you sat up “want you to fuck me Sid.” The vulgar words that rolled off your tongue hue like butter had Sidney feeling like an excited teenage boy again “that’s not what you called me three minutes ago.” The hockey player shook his head wanting more from you.
You leaned forward to kiss him again as his tongue danced over your lip you pulled away inhaling his scent with your eyes shut before you stared up at his hazel orbs “I want you cap.” With that you couldn’t help but feel offended as Sidney got up and left your room. Not a mumble left his lips as he walked away opting to ignore you before all else. What you didn’t know was that Sidney was sliding his shoes off in his room as he dug through his messy beside table searching for the box of condoms that last saw the light of day when your mom got drunk right before you came home for the summer.
When he finally found them he swore angels were singing in delight “what are you doing?” Sidney walked back into your room to see you pulling your robe onto your body “you made it pretty clear that you don’t want this by leaving Sid.” You grumbled wondering if that was the universe telling him to stop “tell me what’s in my pocket princess.” The hockey player walked over to you settling his feet in front of you.
“Sid I’m not in the-” You shook your head as you went to move past him “humour me would you?” His voice was soft making you roll your eyes as you nodded. The fabric of his suit pocket was soft against your fingertips “what-” you wanted to complain as you couldn’t find anything “deeper.” Sidney grunted watching as you finally gripped at it.
The silver packet crinkled at your touch “oh.” You felt guilty seeing the condom wrapper as it lay in your hands “I still want this but if you don’t then say the words and I’ll go.” His hand went over yours as he wanted you to know that you had a choice with him “pull this string f’me.” You smirked motioning to the bow on your robe.
Sidney nodded tugging at the fabric as he watched your surprise reveal itself. In the time he had run off you had taken your bra off adding to the pile of clothes that formed on your floor “wow.” The hockey player blurted out seeing how your left nipple was accessorised with a titanium bar. You had gotten it over the fall when you and your roommate got drunk “now it’s a little bit unfair that I’m in nothing and you’re still in everything.” You pointed out noting how he even still had his socks on.
It made him laugh as he began undoing his shirt at a painfully slow pace “oh my god stop it!” You complained hitting his hand away as you took control practically ripping his shirt at your pace “someone’s needy.” Sidney teased with a smirk as you scoffed “most boys start stripping before they touch me.” It seemed that even after all of the events tonight you still found yourself running your mouth “you’re making it really hard to behave tonight.” The hockey player pointed out as he tapped his finger on your lips before he pulled his shirt off adding to the pile on your floor.
You sat on your bed taking in the sight as you swore your mouth watered “plenty more of that down here.” Sidney joked as he began undoing his belt letting his pants drop to the floor revealing the bulge in his boxers “can I?” You asked as he kicked his pants off nodding as your cold fingers brushed the waistband of his boxers “don’t you fucking dare.” Sidney warned feeling like you wanted to tease him.
But of course you were far too desperate for that so you bit your lip as you tugged at his boxers watching in awe as his boner hit his torso “wow.” You repeated his words from earlier as you saw his size. You knew it was stupid but you were actually surprised that he was packing and that much too “want to be a good girl and put it on f’me?” Sidney motioned to the condom that was next to you.
The gesture was small but you nodded as you ripped the packaging letting a small string of saliva drop from your lips as it landed on his cock. But Sidney didn’t get to process that as you wrapped your hand around him beginning to pump it as you looked to him with a smirk “fuck.” The hockey player let out a grunt as he stared at you through heavy lashes “I need to fuck you.” When you heard that you gulped finally pushed the condom onto his cock as he saw the latex material stretch to his skin.
Sidney was gentle as he helped you move up your bed so he could be there with you. Being situated between your legs the captain couldn’t help but smile down to you “let me know how much longer you need for that blue pill of yours to kick in.” That moment truly did it for Sidney as he flicked his covered cock over your clit twice before he bottomed you out.
Your face contorted as you drove your head into your pillow “not so strong now are ya?” The captain sat his hands on either side of your face “move please.” You begged tapping his arm as you stretched to his size “god.” You groaned bringing your hips against him “it’s just me princess.” Sidney shifted his weight as he brought his hand to cup your face giving him the chance to kiss you.
His lips were sweet as he caught your lip between his “you’re so big.” You whined as your eyes screwed shut “like stroking my ego baby?” The hockey player joked grunting as your cunt clenched around him “should have done this so long ago.” Sidney groaned as he lifted your legs over his shoulders wanting to get a better angle for his thrusts.
Your breasts bounced each time his hips hit yours “fuck Sid.” You whimpered reaching to hold your breasts as his hand hit yours away “want to taste these baby.” Moans left both of your lips when you nodded “fucking do it then.” You complained honestly surprised when he dropped his head.
Sidney let his nose brush over your neck running down to your breasts “lucky I do this for you.” The hockey player grumbled latching his lips onto your nipple with his tongue swirling around the bud “you’re so fucking hot.” You groaned as the feeling of his tongue tugging at your pierced nipple had you ready to come.
The hockey players laugh went through your body “you gonna let me ruin you for those college boys you’ll go back to?” Sidney asked letting his lips travel up your skin nipping at your neck “don’t like them.” You shook your head as your legs pressed against your sides making your cunt clench as he looked up to you “you gonna be all mine then?” Your eyes screwed shut feeling him suck at the skin of your neck when his fingers ran between your bodies as it latched onto your clit rubbing at the sensitive bud.
You nodded not caring at his possessive words as you felt his cock hit parts of your core that not even your toys had found “don’t stop Sid.” You pleaded kissing his lips as your legs began to close “you close princess?” Sidney smirked as you tugged at your nipples writhing your body against him and your sheets “then fucking apologise for how you were tonight.” He spat bringing his free hand around your neck “you want to cum tonight then say you’re fucking sorry.” The hockey player was serious as not even your whimpers could deter him.
Sidney almost began to slow down his movements “I’m so fucking sorry Sid.” You cried as you could feel him smirk even with your eyes shut “shouldn’t have done that to you.” You shook your head wanting to cry “promise to be a good girl for you.” You babbled on as your body shook again “then go milk my cock f’me.” His voice was tender as he pressed his fingers on your neck making your head heavy.
You weren’t going to question or oppose his words as his fingers sped up against your clit and your orgasm hit you like a truck “fuck fuck fu-” you chanted driving your head further into your pillow as your eyes rolled back when your body writhed against his “there you go baby don’t stop.” Sidney let out a grunt as your cunt clenched around his cock spurring on his orgasm “holy cow.” You gasped for air almost struggling to breath when he slid his cock out of your cunt.
He watched as your cum oozed out of your cunt “holy cow indeed.” He muttered in agreement as he rolled the condom off of his cock tying the end off before he threw it into the trash can “where are you going?” You yawned as he got up “just to get you a washcloth.” Sidney smiled pecking your lips before he sped into the bathroom watching your eyes grow heavy.
But even the sheer speed he used was no match for the slumber that took over you. By the time he was back in your room there were soft snores that left your lips that you would still refuse admit came from you. It made Sidney smile as he shook his head fulfilling his obligations to clean you up before he repeated his actions from the previous morning when he pulled your blanket over you “night princess.” He mumbled pressing a kiss against your forehead before he switched off your light letting you sleep through the night.
Christmas had always been a time you had a tough relationship with. It was the one time in the year your parents used to spend together as they couldn’t bear the thought of not having you open their presents in front of them on Christmas morning. Only when you got me acknowledged the competition they had did you ask that they stopped it. This year Christmas was finally a time you were looking forward to.
Even a week ago you would have sworn this year was going to be like all of the others. But after last night you were looking forward to just a little more time with Sidney alone “mom!” Your eyes went wide as you saw her sat on the arm of the lazyboy that Sidney made his home today, he never sat on that chair “hi honey!” She smiled getting up about to see you “see what you mean by she had a good night.” Her voice was cold as she scowled noting how your neck was marked in hickies.
It was clear that she directed her words towards Sidney who was quick to grow defensive “I said she was home late.” It was a quick lie to let you sleep for a few more hours, rather than being woken up by your mother who just got home “I’m going to go get your gifts.” Her voice was disappointed and you couldn’t understand why it made you feel so small “maybe you should have worn something a little less revealing.” The comment was under her breath as she left the room.
Sidney didn’t even give you a chance to complain as he got up “y/n I’m so fucking sorry.” He went quiet as you raised your hand to shut him up “look Sid yesterday was fun but it can’t happen again.” You ran your fingers through your hair hearing how your mom spoke to herself upstairs “so let’s act like it didn’t.” The proposal went down rough for both of you.
Yet it was harder for him “you saying it was a mistake.” Sidney felt like he had been slapped in the face “exactly that!” You nodded just in time for your mom to come back in as you two jump away from each other.
No matter how hard Sidney was going to try, he could never even consider calling the events of less than twenty four hours ago a mistake.
And if someone looked hard enough they would see through the way you avoided his gaze that you felt the exact same was as him.
In fact wasn’t a mistake no, instead, it was two people who realised they were suited together. Yet in life, things come at a sacrifice, and it was their happiness on the chopping block that day. Because the hands of cards they were dealt simply weren’t in the same suite.
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aprilxries · 2 years
Good Luck Charm//Chapter Two
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Pairing: Sidney Crosby/OFC (no name)
Rating: Teen & up
Words: 1.4k
Chapters: 2/10
(you can find all chapters on my page by searching 'good luck charm' in my tags :) )
The next day I sat at my desk practically vibrating with nerves. I was sure that any moment Stacy would come out and tell me that I was fired, and that was the best case scenario. I wondered if I could be arrested. Maybe that was a little far fetched, but I didn’t know Sidney. He seemed alright on TV but privately he could be the worst person to ever exist. I knew that wasn’t true either though. I thought back to how he had reached for me after I fell, and asked if I was alright. He looked so pretty even under the harsh fluorescents.
With a sigh I pulled myself back to my work. There were some organizational things that someone from the PR team had emailed to me. It made no sense to me but I didn’t want to ask for help. Looking stupid on day two was not the best move, so I tried to puzzle it out on my own.
Alicia came to perch on my desk while waiting for the copier. “Honey,” she sighed, “you have got to decorate your desk. It’s depressing.”
I pointed to the penguin tacked up on the bulletin board. “I’ve got Malcolm. He’s all I need. Plus, I’ve only been here a day.”
Alicia shrugged. “Most people bring things with them.”
Truth is, I didn’t really have anything to bring with me. I didn’t have many things at my grandmothers. “Well I didn’t.” I replied. Alicia rolled her eyes and offered me a stick of gum. “Did you catch the game last night?”
I took the gum, grateful she let the topic go. “No,” I replied, “homework and all that.” It was the truth. I had spent most of the night working on some design details after I had a good long panic about Sidney Crosby.
“Well they won in a landslide.” Alicia grinned at me. “It was crazy. I think Crosby managed like eight points or something.”
“Six!” Called Jonny from his desk. “Eavesdropper.” Alicia muttered, but she was smiling. The copier beeped behind her, and she knocked three times on my desk before going to collect her pages. Alicia had managed to make me feel much more at ease. I felt like maybe I was making friends. Work friends! Who would have thought?
The rest of the workday passed in a blur. The PR work kept me busy and reasonably entertained. There were a lot of quotes they wanted the team to use in interviews. Some of them were very cheesy. Just as I was packing up to leave Stacy came over to my desk. She patted my arm and leaned down. “Hey,” she whispered, “I need to see you in my office. Nothing bad.” She added after catching the panicked look on my face. Still, it felt like a death march as I followed her.
“Close the door behind you.” She said leaning back in her chair. I did and sat in the chair in front of her desk. My hands were so sweaty, I wanted to wipe them on my pants but I couldn’t. Stacy regarded me cooly for a moment. She drummed her fingers on the desk before finally breaking the silence. “Did you run into Sidney Crosby yesterday?”
Embarrassingly, my eyes felt a little hot. This was it. “I’m so sorry!” I blurted out. “Is he okay? I got lost and then I ran into him and I swear I didn’t mean to. It was an accident!”
Stacy stared at me as I wrung my hands together, a nervous habit I never managed to shake. “Uh, no he’s fine. Are you alright? He said you took a tumble. Hit your head on the concrete.”
I shook my head. “I’m okay. I didn’t even really hit my head.” This was a half truth. I’m pretty sure I had a bruise just above my right ear.
“Well,” sighed Stacy, “I’m glad you’re alright. However there is something I need to talk to you about.” I nodded. “Do you know anything about Sidney’s superstitions?” I nodded again. Of course I knew, who doesn’t?
Stacy folded her hands. “As you are probably aware by now, Crosby had a good night last night.” She paused, “And he seems to be convinced you had something to do with it.” I blinked at her. “He has asked to meet with you tomorrow if you are amenable.” Stacy continued.
“Sure.” I replied blankly, there was a buzzing sound in my ears.
“Great!” Stacy smiled at me, “That was easy and painless, huh? Practice is at 11am tomorrow and I would like for you to meet with him before that if you can. I know tomorrow is your day off, but if you could see your way to the third floor conference room at 9am tomorrow morning I’ll pay a full day’s worth of overtime.”
I nodded again, not trusting myself to speak. “Have a good night then.” Stacy said. I took it for the dismissal it was, and made it out the door in record time.
Later that night, as I was rolling out large swathes of shiny fabric on the floor while my grandmother knitted on the sofa, the reality of the situation set in. I poked myself with a pin and sat back on my heels with a swear. My Nana looked up from her knitting. “I’ve never seen you so distracted from your projects. What’s gotten into you?” She looked at me curiously. I shifted uncomfortably, “I don’t know Nana. I’m just nervous about the new job.” Nana narrowed her eyes, “Are they being good to you?” I nodded quickly. She didn’t look convinced, but went back to her knitting without another word.
Then the next day I was awake and dressed by 5:30am. I paced up and down the front hall clutching my coffee. There was no reason to be nervous. I was sure Sidney Crosby was a reasonable man and this whole thing would be cleared up in minutes. Obviously I had nothing to do with his win. I thought about what I would say to him, what he would say back, how he would look at me with his doe eyes. Fuck. Okay. I cleared my head and went to start Nana’s breakfast.
I was finally out the door at 8am, wanting to get this meeting over with. The conference room was shockingly easy to find and I was settled into a ridiculously comfortable high-backed chair by 8:35. Bored, I spun around in my chair, trying to see how fast I could go before I got dizzy. The answer was very fast. I was trying to break my record before someone cleared their throat from the doorway. I shrieked and stopped spinning. Sidney Crosby was standing in the doorway. I stood up quickly and smoothed down my shirt before offering my hand, “Hi Sidney Crosby.”
He raised his eyebrows at the greeting before reaching out to shake my hand. “It’s just Sid.” He sat down next to my chair and swiveled it around a bit. “Don’t you get dizzy doing that?” He asked, obviously referring to my spinning.
“Yes,” I replied, “I just wanted to see how fast I could go.”
Sidney nodded like this was a completely normal thing to say. I blushed, feeling stupid. “I talked to Stacy.” Sid said, “Did she talk to you?” He continued when I nodded, “I have all these superstitions I need to do before games, and, uh, I had a really good night the other night after we ran into each other.”
“I heard.” I said, “I’m sorry for running into you.”
Sidney laughed, “No worries. I was the one who knocked you over.” I didn’t have anything to say to that so I stayed quiet. After a moment of silence Sidney said. “Okay, well, I think you might have given me some good luck the other night and I’d really like it if you would come see me before the game tomorrow.”
I mustered up the courage to tell him, “I don’t think I’m any sort of good luck, Sid.”
Sidney raised his eyebrows. Clearly he wasn’t used to people disagreeing with him. “I think you’re wrong.” He replied. “Will you do it anyway?”
I knew he wasn’t going to let it go so I agreed reluctantly. Sidney’s return smile was blinding. “Great!” He said. “Meet you in the kitchen tomorrow night at 5pm.” It wasn’t a question. He smiled at me again, knocked three times on the table, and left.
“See you tomorrow, Sidney Crosby.” I whispered to myself.
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nolpat0 · 3 years
something like this | s. crosby
summary: sidney has always wanted someone like her and confess as much to her
wc: 1,573
warnings: mentions of hospital/injury, one sexual innuendo
The low, metronomic beeping of the monitor keeps a steady, consistent beat to the familiar, dulcet hum of a female voice. In his drugged, cloud nine-like haze, Sidney does his best imitation of a grin, the gloriously soothing tone of her words easing him out of his concern.
"Sid?" her whisper is followed by the warm press of her fingers against the skin of his upper arm, a sweet reminder of her unwavering support. "Are you awake?"
He is; but the boy fights the grin that is sure to give him away in order to keep the easy flow of her rambles going, enjoying her vivid stories and the giggle at the end of her words as she confesses the minuscule details of her day to him. She believes him to be fast asleep, for her words to be nothing but a useless hum, and he enjoys the unexpected imtimacy of the affectionate gesture.
"I see what you're doing," she speaks again, the edge of her words exploding into the melodic tumble of her soft laughter. However, she doesn't cease her talking. "I'll just keep talking and making a fool out of myself so you can pretend you're asleep."
Sidney can't help the glimmer of love that warms his hospital blanket-clad body, a small, tender smile tugging at the edges of his full lips, revealing himself. Her fingertips trail over the carved outline of his cheekbones and brush against his hair as he finally opens his coffee-colored eyes. He gives her a earnest smile, the edges of his eyes crinkling as his dark eyes travel over her face, his full, pink lips splitting open into a wide grin to reveal shining teeth. She mumbles a soft, calming greeting and caressed his cheek a second time with the tips of her fingertips.
“So you gonna fall asleep again so I can tell you what Mat did next?” She asks, the edges of her lips curled into a playful smirk as she teases him, fingers still running agaisnt the midnight strands of his short hair in a loving manner.
Sidney can’t help the gentle, genuine laugh that rumbles from his chest, his grip on the pale blue hospital blanket loosening as he lets his palm fall flat on the curve of her knee. He nods quickly, eager to keep hearing her soft speech and tease her back, “Yes of course. My bad.”
He doesn’t catch the small smile that lights up her face because his dark lashes are already falling flat agaisnt his faintly flushed cheeks. She doesn’t waste another second launching into a detailed discription of her colleague, Mat’s experience with a particularly awkward run in with their boss. As she gently lulled him farther into the comforting clutches of sleep, Sidney tried his very best to keep his facial expressions netural but failed quite badly, which propelled her further into making him laugh. As the tall hockey player felt sleep finally take him, he felt overwhelmed with the buzzing, delicious feeling of love. He was consumed by the complete love he held in his heart for the girl still talking and running her fingers through his hair. He was too deeply in love to even think properly. And Sidney loved every minute of it.
Sidney couldn’t feel the light press of her palm agaisnt his as the white lab coat clad doctor filled the couple in on his prognosis and what the steps leading them forward would look like, a detailed, and frankly terrifying process that would have Sidney recovering and ready to return on the ice in a month or so. His breath was strained through his lungs, his jaw dancing with a clenched muscle as he tried to reign in his fears and desire to lace up his skates without a practical thought about the nasty consequences. Sidney just wanted to return to the locker room and resume being captain, and knew the only way to that was through the plan the doctor was currently laying out. Which scared Sidney to his bones if he was allowed to be completely honest.
“Sid,” she called, eyes watching her boyfriend closely as the hospital room door clicked closed in the wake of the doctors exit. Nerves clung to her limbs but she shook them off in order to ease Sid and his tense posture. She tried again, more forcefully. “Sidney.”
His chin dips and he finally slides his cinnamon coloured eyes to lock onto hers, trying to mask his evident fears. But she knows him far too well to skip the flicker of fear shining in his irises or the slight quiver of nerves that shook his large hands. Instinctively, her palms slide over his, fingers knitting tightly with his in a subconscious attempt to ease his shaking.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she nods, refusing to break eye contact in order to get her confidence across. She could tell he was scared, as was she, but she understood that in the end, all would work out. And they would be ok.
“I know.” Sidney tries again, blatantly deflecting.
Her lips quirk into a soft, knowing smile, her eyes flickering up distractedly as she brushes his hair back from his forehead. She smiles deeper absentmindedly, a smile that Sidney adores with all his heart. He felt a tiny fraction of his terror fading away like ice thawing in his veins.
“You don’t have to act like you’re not worried, Sid.” her eyes dropped to hold his loving gaze, her lips set in a firm line. “You don’t have to always be the strong one. That’s what I’m here for.”
A tight breath eases from his lips as his eyes close lightly, his heart settling back into its former steady pace of calm at her carefully chosen words. He was grateful, for her presence and the pressure of her fingers in his and the weight of her words. He’d never experienced a love like hers, where she loved him wholly and unconditionally, allowing him to remove all his amored layers and bravado. He revealed his true self to her and she had only kissed him passionately and grinned like he’d given her the best gift she could receive, repeating her daily mantra of how much she loved him. Sidney had never felt more loved than he did at that moment. His heart swelled fondly at the memory, the edges of his lips turning up in a doting smile.
“Thank you,” he breathed, a little unsure of what exactly he was thanking her for, but the statement was truthful.
She responded with a light, fleeting kiss pressed to his temple, her palms reaching up to softly cup the sharp curve of his jaw. He waits with baited breath, but soon relaxes fully under her loving gaze content with just staring at her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, the syllables falling softly from his chapped lips in a unintentional audible confession.
She blinks at the unguarded, genuine compliment she knows he must mean, when she’s been curled up in the uncomfortable hospital chair beside his bed for the past two days, sleepless nights smudged under her eyes and dressed in his old clothes. She feels the burn of her cheeks under his gaze and the compliment. Sidney catches the slight embarrassment and reaches out to brush his thumbs under her eyes. “You’re cute when you get flustered.”
She rolls her eyes in response, mouth curving into a mirthful grin.
“Yeah, yeah, why don’t you fall back asleep?”
Sidney reaches out and hooks his fingers the the belt loops of her jeans, pulling her closer and onto the narrow mattress, shifting his own body to accommodate hers. “Only if you sleep with me.” he replied, coffee coloured eyes gleaming with flirtatious mischief. His fingers don’t loosen their hold, instead going to grip her hips and pull her flush to his side, savouring the warmth radiating from her smaller figure now dwarfed by his size. She curls tightly to his side, fingers digging into the material of his shirt and leg falling over his as his palm cups the underside of her thigh before it gave away to her knee. She hums with a soft laughter, commenting that she’ll think about his desirous proposal, ignoring the fact they both knew she’d already complied. Sidney settled in with a long, adoration filled kiss to her hair that didn’t hold a drop of lust. He grins at the tired lilt to her voice as she mumbles softly into his thin shirt, the reverberations flowing through his chest. His fingertips smoothed over her hair as he breathed deeply, catching her familiar scent. “I love you so much.” Sidney whispered into the layers of her hair as she promptly fell asleep to the barley audible confession, meaning every syllable with his whole heart.
When her breathing has evened out, a soft almost imperceptible whistle of her breath as she falls into a deep, dream-less sleep upon his chest, fingers tightly curled in the material of his thin shirt, as if she can’t fathom letting him go, even in sleep, Sidney reveals his truest confession.
“I’ve always wanted to be loved by someone like you.” his words are hot and hit the top of her forehead before he kisses her skin. Sidney is quick to brush a stray eyelash from her cheek. “And now I have you. And I’m not letting you go.”
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 27
Word Count: 3,429
POV:  Reader
Warngings: Language, NSFW, Smut
Notes:  Here we are again. I think you all might kill me in future chapters so for now, let’s enjoy this one...haha. As always love your feedback and Happy Reading! Let me know what you guys think.
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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It was less than two weeks after your conversation with Mario that you and Sid were traveling to Los Angeles for the All Star game. Geno and Anna were supposed to be with you, but because of an injury, they had to back out. It was better for him to rest up anyhow. For Sid, it was more work than fun, though he did have a more carefree attitude than when he's normally on the ice. The two of you did sneak in some nice alone time over the few days.
Once you were back in Pittsburgh, it was business as normal. Well, maybe normal wouldn't be the right word for you, as you were busy helping with the Stadium series game that would take place at the end of February against the Flyers. Your hours were a little later when you were in town, which Sid didn't mind as he just spent extra time on the ice or watching films while he waited for you. You insisted that you could just take separate cars, but he wouldn't hear of it. It was really quite cute of him. 
The days leading up to the game were packed. The guys were doing media and squeezing in practices with their new equipment, while you worked behind the scenes with the rest of the crew setting things up. You wanted Heinz Field to feel just like PPG Arena did for them. The weather had everyone in a tither as Pittsburgh had got a bit of a warm front. Days leading up to the game saw temperatures in the seventies which was almost unheard of, for a February in Pennsylvania. In fact, on the day of the family skate, you were all literally wearing jeans and lightweight sweaters as you stood around watching the guys practice. 
"Will you hold Scar for me?" Vero asked. You were watching the guys practice with the ladies today, instead of by the bench. It was a rare occurrence that you got to take a game in with them, so it was a nice change of pace. She handed baby Scarlett off to you while she bent down and put on Estelle's skates. 
"Hello, sweetness," you said to the one-and-a-half-year-old, kissing her little cheeks in the process. "Do you see daddy out there?" You pointed out where Marc Andre was and Scarlett smiled. 
"Hi, daddy!" She yelled, but you weren't entirely sure he could hear her, as he was all the way down in net. "Unc Sid!" She exclaimed when Sidney came by and tapped on the glass. 
"Hi Scar!" He waved at her then gave you a look. One you weren't entirely sure you'd ever seen, before skating away leaving you to wonder what was going through his head. Practice ended soon thereafter and you all joined the guys out on the ice. Though most of them shed their pads due to the heat of the afternoon sun. 
"Ice looked a little slushy," you commented to Sid when he skated over to you.
"It's not bad. They said the temperature's supposed to drop tonight and tomorrow so we'll be ok. Come on." He grabbed your hand pulling you out onto the ice with him. It was something you still weren't comfortable doing. Sid could literally skate circles around anyone, while you still had to concentrate if you wanted to go backward. He recognized that and always made sure he held onto you so that you wouldn't fall. "You looked good out there." He said offhandedly as you made your way around the now shiny surface of the ice.
"Huh? I wasn't doing anything. I'm pretty sure I should be saying that to you."
"That's not what I meant."
"Obviously," you said hitting him playfully and losing your balance at the same time. Sid righted you with ease so that to the casual onlooker they never would've seen you stumble. 
"I meant holding Scarlett."
"Oh well, she's easy to love that's for sure. I'm going to miss them when they go." With the expansion team coming to Vegas, it was already widely known within the team that Flower would be the member they would choose. It was crushing, not only to you but to Sid as well. Your friendship with the Fleury's was one of the things you both treasured most; they were the reason you were with Sid right now. And while they would always be some of your best friends' things wouldn't be the same in Pittsburgh without them. 
"I know," Sid replied wistfully. "But we've still got them for now." You skated around a few more times, before he let you go, only so that he could wrap his arms around your midsection and skate with you from behind. It was definitely intimate and you were surprised with all the media around that Sid was into such a public display of affection. Sure there had been the parades, but usually, he tried to keep your relationship out of the public eye if he could. "I just think you really looked good." He whispered in your ear.
"You've seen me in this outfit before."
"Not that, you know…" You had to crane your neck back to look at him, but you noticed he was turning a bit red and it had nothing to do with the unseasonably warm temperatures. "Holding Scarlett." He finally spit out. "It makes me think about having our own."
"OH!" The word came out a little louder than you intended. Of course, Sid had confessed that he wanted kids with you. It just seemed like something that was further away in the future and not something that he'd been thinking about recently. 
"I know you're going to tell me it's too soon, and maybe you're right. I just can't help but think about it on days like today." You looked around then, watching all the guys skate with their significant others, some with kids while others had kids on the way. You could see the allure. As the two of you continued to glide around the ice, you let your mind wander to what it would be like. It was easy to picture, especially after watching Sid this summer with his Little Penguins camp. He'd be holding your son's or daughter's hands, much like Flower was doing now with Estelle, helping them navigate the ice. When Sid's hands tightened around your waist you couldn't stop yourself from wondering what it would feel like to be growing his child inside you. You found yourself relaxing more into Sid's embrace as you daydreamed about your future. 
"It's definitely a nice picture," you finally sighed, letting him know that you weren't opposed to the idea.
"Yeah, yeah it is." His voice took on a dreamy quality and you knew he was imagining the same thing as you. It seemed like one minute you were caught up in your little fantasy and the next you guys were having to leave the ice and it was back to reality. Not that your reality was a bad one, you still had Sid and for now, that's all you needed. 
Sid was right temperatures definitely cooled down. By game time the following day, it was barely thirty degrees and falling. You were bundled up in a coat with the team logo on it along with a matching tossle cap on your head. Sid had been mad that you hadn't worn the one all the ladies got with their guys' number on it, but you had insisted that when you were on the clock you were rooting for the entire team and not just him. At the moment you were wishing you had it so that you could put it on top of your current one. Your teeth were chattering and you kept bouncing on the balls of your feet to keep you warm. 
Midway through the first Sid scored, which had you jumping up and down and cheering along with the team as well as the thousands of fans in the stadium. It did little to help get you warm and you were practically running to the locker room tunnel by end of the first. You grabbed a cup of hot tea while the players went over the first period and where they could make improvements. It went pretty much the same way in the second, even though Nick Bonino scored early the Flyers were able to cut the lead in half with a goal from Jakub Voracek. Again, you raced off to get warm as soon as the horn sounded. 
Your feet were numb by the time Cully scored a goal early in the third, and though the Flyers scored on a power play, Chad Ruhwedel sealed the Pens victory with over five minutes left in play. The stadium erupted with the win, though it did little to warm you up. You stayed long enough to watch the team skate around in their little victory lap, then headed back down to the nice warm locker room. 
Of course, Sid had to do media, which meant you were there even longer. He was afforded the luxury of a nice hot shower before the two of you headed home. "Can you please turn the heat up?" you whined once you were in the car. "I'm freezing."
"It was a bit cold out there, eh?" Sid commented as he turned the heat on your side of the vehicle to max. 
"Ya think? I thought I was going to freeze to death when the snow started to fly."
"Babe, it's all part of outdoor hockey." He grabbed one of your hands in his. "Fuck, you are cold. You should've worn thermals or something."
"Trust me I will next time. I think it's just worse because of how beautiful it was yesterday."
"Well, as soon as we get home, we'll get you in the tub."
"Uh, yes, please." The ride through the city, while mostly traffic free, seemed endless. 
"Head upstairs, babe and I'll bring you up a cup of tea as soon as I get rid of my gear." Not having to be told twice, you made your way up to your shared master bath and started running the water. You hated stripping out of your clothes, as it felt like the only warmth your body had at the moment but as soon as your toes touched the steaming water, you sighed as the warmth heated your skin. You were fully immersed up to your neck by the time Sid came up with a steaming mug full of tea. "Better?"
"A little," you answered taking a sip of the drink he'd prepared perfectly for you before setting it back down on the ledge of the tub. "Still a bit chilly." 
"Well in that case." Sid started to strip out of his clothes. Divesting himself of his suit that he'd worn to the game. He folded it over the chair you used to put your makeup on, so that it didn't get any wrinkles, then made his way over to you and the tub. "Scooch up, babe." You did and he scooted in behind you, easing you back against him once he was comfortable in the water. His arms wrapped around you instantly and you felt engulfed in his heat. "This better?"
"Mmm much." You were completely content wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms with the water lapping around you both, so you rested your head against his chest. "You played really well tonight," you mused shutting your eyes and just giving yourself over to the warmth that was Sid.
"It was a lot of fun. I love playing outdoors. It's so authentic." Only Sid would put it like that, but you knew what he meant. "Though I wish you would've dressed warmer baby."
"I'm fine now." You took another long sip of tea, the temperature perfect. 
Sid kissed your temple. "Good, can't have you getting sick on me." 
"God no, I'll have to sleep in the guest room, if that happens."
"I'm not going to be responsible for getting the star player sick." You told him, turning your head so that you could look him in the eye. "You will not be missing a game because of me."
"I'd still probably end up missing a game because I wouldn't be able to sleep without you in our bed." His arms tightened around you, almost as if you were going to run off to the guest room right then. "But we're not worrying about that now, because we are definitely sleeping in the same bed tonight." His lips captured yours then, stealing your breath away and heating your body all the way to your core. You could feel his erecting grow against you as the kiss went on. It was nothing to reach behind you and wrap your fingers around his length. He moaned into your mouth, before gently sucking on your bottom lip as he broke the kiss. "You know two can play that game." His hand stole down your stomach and slipped between your folds, the water making it easy for him to caress you there. Your hand stuttered on his cock as he slid two fingers into you. Sid took the opportunity to grab your wrist with his free hand so that you could no longer manipulate him as you liked. "Lean your head back and enjoy this for a bit."
"We'll get to that." He told you as he settled you against him once again. He shimmied his legs so that they were in between yours but only for a moment so that he could spread yours wide; your legs now splayed on either side of his. Sid's fingers continued to toy with your pussy, alternating between pumping in and out of you and rubbing circles on your clit, while his other hand tweaked your nipples into taut little peaks. Before you knew it you were panting with need, the chill of the evening game completely forgotten as Sid stoked a fire deep within you. His lips came down on the nape of your neck, his tongue driving you wild just as his fingers were. It was all too much as the water gently lapped at your skin. You felt your body gently rise into his touch, yet he held you firm working you towards that peak you craved. It didn't take long for your orgasm to hit. It washed over you like a wave cresting on the sand as your body trembled, this time not from the cold but the pleasure of Sid's touch. "You're so fucking sexy when you cum." His warm breath sent a shiver down your spine.
You were so sated you almost didn't want to move, but then you wanted him to experience the same ecstasy that you'd just felt. "We should…" you went to tell him that you should move to the bed but Sid had other plans.
"We'll be fine here, just kneel for a second." Your legs were already on either side of him, so it wasn't hard. He adjusted himself a bit, sitting more upright in the tub, before bending his knees slightly for you to lean against. You turned your head to the side to see him stroke himself a couple times, before lining himself up with your pussy. "Now just come back a little." You did as instructed; your pussy engulfing his cock as you basically sat reverse cowgirl on him. With his knees bent you leveraged yourself against them and started to ride his cock. "Fuck baby, you feel so good." His hands were on your hips making sure you wouldn't slip in the tub, but controlling your pace as well. 
Water sloshed against the sides of the tub, some of it spilling over the sides. "Oh shit," you moaned out knowing that you were making a mess of the bathroom floor. 
Sid could see where your thoughts were going. "Forget it, (Y/N). We'll get it later." He accentuated his words by thrusting up deep inside you. The action making you groan with desire. "That feel good, baby?"
"Yes," you cried out as he hit your g-spot again. "Right there," you panted and he hit the spot over and over again until you were convulsing around him in your second climax. 
"Jesus, (Y/N)," Sid moaned as your pussy gripped him like a vice. The grip he had on your hips tightened as he rammed into your cunt. He was so close to falling off the edge and cumming with you but he wanted to hold off, make it last longer, give you one more orgasm before he sought his own pleasure. Sid slowed his thrusts then, as you relaxed momentarily against his knees. "So fucking beautiful." It took you a moment to catch your breath before you started to move again. His thrusts weren't as deep as before, giving you a moment's reprieve before he went at it again. You knew Sid, knew he could keep up this leisurely pace all night if he wanted. The water was cooling though, and even though your body was still on fire after two orgasms you had no wish to be cold again. It was then that you decided to move your hips, rocking in a motion that you knew would drive him wild. And it did. It wasn't long before he was bucking up into you again. The water going everywhere now. Some of it even hitting his designer suit which rested across the room on the chair. "Fuck, (Y/N)," he hissed out and you could tell he wouldn't last much longer at this pace. He let one hand snake around to your clit. His fingers applying just the right amount of pressure there, as he rubbed circles into the little nub. 
"Sid, I'm gonna…"
"Yes, baby, yes," he groaned on the verge of hitting his peak as well. You were both there with a few thrusts. His hot cum filling you up as you quaked around him. The pleasure so intense you swore you saw stars. Sid collapsed against the back of the tub and while you wanted to follow, the position you were in did not make it that easy. It took a little maneuvering on both your parts, but soon you were back to lounging against Sid.
"We should get out." The water was definitely cooled now and this time you shivered from it.
"You still cold?"
"A little."
"Well, let's get you in bed then." The towel you had laid out was completely soaked, so you just laid it across the floor as you moved to get out of the tub. "Careful," Sid warned as you stepped out onto the shiny marble floor. You moved quickly yet cautiously to the cabinet and grabbed both of you a towel while laying down a few more to soak up the water. 
You'd just finished wrapping the fluffy white towel around your body when Sid scooped you up and headed towards the bedroom. "Sid, stop! I need to clean up that mess."
"It'll dry." He must have been anticipating how the night would go for the bed was already turned down as he placed you in the middle of the mattress. He scooted in behind you, discarding his towel in one swift motion, before sweeping the covers over both of you. His hands made quick work of ridding you of the wet cloth that was helping you dry. "They say body heat is the fastest way to warm someone up."
"Hmm, is that so," you said turning in his embrace. 
"Mmmhmm. I'm sure I read it somewhere."
"I'm sure you did. I'm just wondering what else this book said."
His hands were roaming up and down your back and gliding across the globes of your ass. "Oh, lots more."
You kissed his neck wanting to return the favor he had given you a while ago, then you moved to his chest before saying, "such as?" You continued your path downward over Sid's abs.
"I'm sure there was…" he sucked in a breath as you placed a warm kiss on his pelvis. "Fuck I can't think of a word." 
You grinned up at him from beneath the covers. "Let me see if I can make you forget all together." Sid lost all train of thought as your lips connected with his cock. The night continued on like that for a few more hours before the two of you were so sated you could do nothing but sleep. 
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thedevilrisen · 4 months
Good Morning 🌤
The rain has stop and the sun is making an appearance so fingers crossed its the last of it.
Ohhhh no Nova Vivianne Taylor Crosby! I can so see this... just enjoying herself living her best life. She knows this isn't a good idea but screw being the good girl, Sidney's daughter and everything she feels about herself. I'm sure that last shot and offer of something else wasn't her best decision nor maybe the dancing on a table as the Police arrive either. But what ever.
How about instead of the cops calling her dad she somehow gets them to call an uncle because that's the better option rn lol
Woohoo! I hope for your sake it is.
Yeah, she was a naughty girl. Sid was not a happy man. Yeah, 6 shots of tequila in, and a little puff of something that wasn’t the most legal and and a bad decision to jump on a table which the cops didn’t like very much and when asked who to call she slurred ‘not my dad, my uncle geno. He will come get me’
and geno did. With the Calvary
0 notes
savoies · 4 years
three times you told sidney if he wanted kids and one time you told him you were gonna have a kid.
Pairing: sidney crosby x reader.
Summary: the title says it all.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: maybe one bad word and hints of sex.
A/N: thank you to caitee@pierreslucdubois for helping bring up this idea and enjoy my first 3 + 1 fic. also the current divisions aren't present here.
taglist: ​ ​ @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman ​ @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ ​ @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @officialgritty ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa ​ @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
You and Sidney had been dating for a few years now. Seeming more like a married couple overall anything. No one really talking about what the next step was or what your future would look like. Honestly with Sid it was more about just seeing what was to come and that everything would come when the time was right. Being basically somewhat married already except not having the title, rings, and wedding.
It was your three year anniversary. Both of you really not wanting to do anything special since you were kind of over that. He had practice earlier in the day but had asked his coach if he could leave a bit earlier.
You at home making your guy's favorite meal. Setting up everything before he arrived home.
Much later after the meal and a few glasses of wine both of you sat on the couch ignoring the sound of the television and just talking about whatever came up, and for you it was kids.
"Hey Sid have you ever thought about having kids?" You looked questionably at your boyfriend not really ever having brought it up before.
"I mean yeah of course. Teaching them how to play hockey like how my dad taught me, why?" He asked as his soft smile was illuminated by the light of the tv. 
"Just curious" You said as you placed your head on his shoulder and watched whatever silly rerun was on tv.
Before Sidney had gone on a road trip you had spent the night and most of the day in your room. Wanting to spend every single minute together trying to memorize every single inch of each other like you guys didn't already know everything about the other.
Bringing you to one month later. Sidney currently being somewhere on the West Coast and you standing in your bathroom waiting for the five minute timer to go off.
You had been feeling sick the past few days. Thinking maybe it was something you ate but it sooned dawned on you as your friend was talking about her pregnancy symptoms. 
So now here you stood in your bathroom. Waiting. And waiting. And waiting. You had texted Sidney earlier just a quick text along the lines of a hypothetical situation of you being pregnant and what his reaction would be which he replied to with a simple id be excited.
Now weren't sure how to feel as the timer went off. Did you want to be pregnant? Were you gonna be sad if you weren't? Was Sidney gonna be okay with you not being pregnant? Your breath unsteady as you turned around the test and saw that it only had one line indicating that you were in fact not pregnant.
You let out a breath but you felt a sadness overcome you. Then you remembered what Sidney always told you. The right time will come. 
Baby showers. Some people loved them and some people hated them. Honestly some people just thought it was a way for women to tell their husbands they wanted another kid.
Your friend had been expecting and now here you were at her baby shower/gender reveal with Sidney.
Both of you sitting in one of the corners of the backyard participating in all the silly baby shower games. 
Sidney seemed to be quite into them more than you and you laughed at his enthusiasm to win the prizes.
"Sidney honey you do know you don't have to play every game right." Your eyebrow raised as he had his nose stuffed into a diaper trying to guess what chocolate was smeared on it.
"I don't know about John over here but I want to win the prize." He said as he pointed over at your other friend's husband currently in the same situation as Sidney in trying to guess the chocolate.
You laughed as you got up to get a drink and stood by the table overlooking everyone and in the corner of your eye you saw your very pregnant friend waddling to you.
"Y/N!! I'm so glad you are here." She smiled at you definitely having that pregnancy glow that everyone talked about.
"Happy to be here. This all turned great. " you smiled.
"So are you next?" She looked up at you with her eyebrow raised.
You choked on your drink as you processed her words. You definitely did not expect to be asked about kids at her baby shower.
"Wait have you and Crosby not talked about it?" She looked at you as she registered your reaction.
"We have a few times but it hasn't come up recently." You looked over at him still trying to beat your friend's husband in another game.
"Hey Crosby." Your friend yelled across the lawn as she waddled to your boyfriend.
"So you planning to knock up Y/N soon?" She crossed her arms as both of your eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh, i can not believe you just said that." You said shaking your head.
"Well we aren't really trying right now but if she gets pregnant then i'd be happy." He said as he looked at you and smiled.
Sidney had just gotten back from a game. One of the games that really mattered. The season was wrapping up meaning they needed to step their game up and try to get as many wins as possible.
Of course Sidney being Sidney came back with a win. And couldn't wait to show you how much your support meant to him.
You had taken a test earlier in the day after he left. Having been more hopeful this time since your symptoms were definitely stronger.
Now here you sat on the couch waiting for him to walk through the door and tell him that your life was about to be different. 
"Y/N babe i'm home." He spoke up as he set his things down.
"In the living room." You yelled back. "I need to tell you something." You said as you patted the seat on the couch next to you.
"Oh ok. Everything ok?" He asked as he searched your eyes for a sign.
"Yeah, at least i think so. Can you close your eyes for me please." You said as you grabbed his hands, opened it, and placed the pregnancy test on them.
"Ok you can open them now." You said.
"Wait. No. Are you serious? Is this for real? Are you fucking with me?" He asked as his thoughts registered in his mind.
You shook your head as a few tears pricked at your eyes.
"You're pregnant." He said as he hugged you tightly. "Oh I'm sorry, can't be hurting the baby." He said with the biggest smile on his face. Sidney was right, the right time did come.
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princessphilly · 3 years
All Bets Are Off Chapter 12
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Word Count: 
Tag list:  @ohpuckyeah, @joelsfarabee, @besthockeyfics. @dreamer1430 @defiant-mouse​ @miracleonice87 @lovethepreds @linkingdolans @chicagostylehockey @heatherlcrosby87 @hockeywocs @shortstacks-blog @heatherawoowoo @newlibrary @markymarkstrom @iangiemae @puckbitchesgetmoney @missymore @himbos-on-ice @fiveholegoal @no-pucks-given @pagirl6866 @willieshakesqueer @nazdaddy @whatishockey @alphalib22 @romanseggy @laurenairay @konecny-s @cutiesara23 @myhockeyworld87 @extratragic @squidlywiddly87​ @stuff4me2do @allinangel93 @mydarkestsecretlol @t0xickisses2​
Join the tag list here!
CW: smut, filthy talk
This is a bit of a filler chapter, sorry. 
“Are you going to miss me?”
Nina didn’t even look up from her iPad. It was so annoying yet adorable at the same time, how Sidney was desperately trying to get her to tell him how much she was going to miss him. 
“Um, I think you’re going to miss me more than I’ll miss you,” Nina finally replied. She grinned as Sidney huffed. 
The first month of the new year had passed by pretty quickly to Nina. After being together for New Year’s Eve, Nina and Sid separated as the Pens had to finish off their road trip. Nina stayed in Miami for Jason’s game before taking an extra week just for herself. It was nice to have a bit of a vacation, especially when Lauren flew down. Nina basically enjoyed being on the beach, hanging out with a close friend, and shopping. 
The morning of New Year’s Day, after having their first breakfast together of the new year, Sid had given Nina a card. Nina was shocked to see a credit card with her name on it and she had tried to give it back but Sid had insisted. “You don’t treat yourself enough, pretty girl,” he had firmly stated. So Nina took advantage of it to treat herself a bit. 
By the time she came back to Pittsburgh, Sidney’s road trip was over but Nina’s semester had started. They had a couple of weeks where they spent time together as much as possible before the Pens had another short road trip. Now, Sidney was on his way to the Olympics in Beijing for their longest separation so far.
Sidney finally had his bag packed the way that he liked it. Glancing at Nina laying on their, um, his bed, he drawled, “Are you sure you aren’t going to miss me?”
Nina looked up and giggled. “You hog the sheets, Sidney. And you’re like a furnace when you sleep.”
Sidney walked over to the bed, crouching over Nina. “Hurting my feelings right before I have to take a long flight. Tsk tsk.”
“Your flight leaves tomorrow. You’re just making sure you are totally prepared tonight. Stop being so dramatic, Sidney Crosby.”
Sidney smirked as he brushed a hand down Nina’s front. She was clothed, wearing one of his t-shirts. “Still, Nina. 
“Still, Sidney.”
Nina stuck out her tongue at Sidney as he giggle-honked. Sidney brushed an errant strand of hair off of Nina’s forehead as he whispered, “I wish you were coming.”
“It was too short of a notice to take almost three weeks off, Sid,” Nina murmured. “Plus, hasn’t it always just been your family attending the Olympics?”
Nina smiled. “Then, I would be breaking your tradition and your superstitions-”
Sidney opened his mouth to disagree but Nina put a finger over it. “Don’t even start, we both know how important ALL of your superstitions are. Even if you wouldn’t say it, if you lose without a gold medal and I'm there, part of you would be wondering. So quit the bullshit, Sidney.”
Sidney gave Nina a chagrined smile as she laughed at him. She was right, as always.
“Sid, it’ll be fine. You’re lucky I’m a morning person, you can call me crazy early here and I’ll pick up,” Nina reasoned. 
Sidney pouted a bit. “I finally got you to actually date me, I don’t want to be separated from you for that long.”
“How cute, Mr. Obsessed-with-Hockey has become soft in his old age.”
Nina squealed when Sidney tickled her, squirming. “Okay, okay, you’re allowed to become soft!”
Sidney gave Nina a soft smile and she gulped. Something shifted in that look and Nina felt like there was something new. 
Sidney bit his lip as Nina nervously laughed. In that moment, the pure joy on Nina’s face as she squealed while he tickled her, Sidney was sure that he loved her. He loved Nina. But this was the wrong time to admit that. So he chuckled and said, “If I’m soft, it’s only because of you.”
Nina stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
Sidney chose not to respond to that statement, instead choosing to slide his lips over hers. Soft and sweet, exploratory as they kissed, not their usual hungry kisses. Then Nina wrapped a leg around Sidney’s waist and the mood changed. 
Nina ended the kiss first, whispering, “I can feel that someone is going to really miss me.”
“Going to miss you so much,” Sidney replied, grinding his hips into Nina’s core. “Let me show you.”
Nina gasped as Sidney sucked along her neck, just light enough not to leave any marks. “Gonna give you something to remember while I’m gone,” Sidney promised as his hands went under her shirt before pulling it off. 
Nina grinned before moaning as Sidney began to do exactly what he promised to do.
Sidney sighed as he sent the text. Everything was going great, even after a couple of hiccups in their first group stage games. This year, it was obvious to Sidney that this was going to be the last Olympics for him. Except for him, Tazer, Bergy, Tanger, Webs, Price, and Giroux, all of the other players on the team were under 30. Sidney saw his job as captain this year to not just get one more gold, but get the younger guys ready to take over. 
Right now, they were getting ready to play against Germany, their first game after the group stage, the real games. It was before pregame; the players whose families had come to Beijing were giving well-wishes. At this moment, Sidney wished Nina was here with him instead of home in Pittsburgh.
His phone pinged and Sidney relaxed when he saw the message: its midnight here. Good luck. Im g2g2 sleep. Bye
That message was quickly followed by another one: why the hell did they schedule yall for so fucking late? figured canada would be primetime here
Sidney laughed when he saw Nina’s message. Giroux looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Must be the elusive girlfriend.”
Giroux’s wife elbowed him, causing him to say ow. Sidney snickered; they may be teammates for Team Canada but their truce was still a fragile truce. Ryanne Giroux said, “I heard Nina’s very sweet and kind.”
Sidney was suddenly very curious. Blithely, Ryanne replied, “You know as well as I do it’s a small league. People only have the kindest things to say about her.”
Relaxing a bit, Sidney grinned. “Nina’s pretty fucking amazing. I’m lucky she likes me.”
“Oh God, he’s talking about Nina again.”
Sidney’s grin turned into a smile as Tanger clasped him on the back. Tanger continued, “It took five years-”
“Five years,” Giroux asked as Sidney groaned. “Stop giving him chirp material.”
Ryanne snickered as Sidney’s phone pinged again; kris says ur bragging about me again?
“Really, Tanger, really?”
Kris laughed as Sidney narrowed his eyes. “Calm down, Sid.” 
Before Sidney could reply, Nina sent him another text: score a hat trick
Sidney gave his phone a soft smile. It was time to get focused for the game, so Sidney put his phone away as soon as he went back into the locker room.
Nina cracked an eye open. The time difference was a motherfucker; it was 5:45 am but 5:45pm. Yawning, Nina sat up in her bed as she accepted the call from Sid. 
“Nina, really?”
“Good morning to you,” Nina yawned. 
Sid slightly frowned. Nina was wearing a team USA t-shirt. Her shorts were blue. Even her sleep bonnet was blue. 
“I’m not Canadian, Sid.”
Nina smirked as she shook her head. “No, I’m not rooting for you. Score as many goals as you want, I’m Team USA.”
Sidney scowled as Nina laughed. “It’s not even like the US made the gold medal game!”
Nina was disappointed in Team USA. She was hoping they would make it to the gold medal game but they were going to go against Finland for Bronze. Tomorrow, at 8am Beijing Time, 8pm EST, Canada was going against Sweden for gold. 
“Still, you should be rooting for me.”
“I am,” Nina reasoned. “I want you to score all the goals. But, I just cannot root for Canada, yet.”
Nina looked up to the ceiling before yawning again. Sidney was in a snit. She felt a tiny bit bad for Sweden because they were going to get it. But that wasn’t her problem. “Seriously, good luck, Sidney.”
“Thank you, Nina.”
Nina blew Sidney a kiss and he pretended to catch it. Then he licked his lips. “How many days did you take off when I get back?”
“Three, Sidney. Just three.”
Nina couldn’t help the rush of heat in her center when Sidney drawled, “I don’t plan to let you out of my house then.”
“Win the damn gold then,” Nina snapped. 
Sidney chuckled, saying, “You’re ready to go back to sleep then. Sweet dreams, Nina.”
“Bye, Sid.”
Nina looked down at her phone. There were three messages, long messages, all from Sid. She took in a deep, fortifying breath. Canada had one gold and Sidney had two goals. From the highlights, it seemed like Sidney was on a mission the whole game. Sighing, Nina pressed play on the first one. It was just a noisy celebration, nothing big until Sidney started talking. His talking was garbled at first and Nina laughed when she realized that he was drunk off his ass when he called her. 
The second voicemail started just as garbled, then Nina heard Sidney clearly say, “I’m so happy we won, I still wish you were here, you’re my new lucky charm, pretty girl. Fuck, I love you so much, pretty girl, you make everything better now that you’re mine.”
The next one was just sappy as the second, but Sidney was definitely somewhere quieter with this one. But he was also just as drunk, as he ended by saying, “I wanna fuck you when I get back, with you wearing my gold, pretty girl. This gold is almost as pretty as you.”
Nina ruefully laughed, already expecting apologetic texts from Sidney when he was sober. But for the rest of the day, the thought lingered in her mind, the idea that Sidney loved her. However, her patients kept Nina busy and she didn’t get a moment to really ruminate on that. Then, Nina went over to Karesha’s house to babysit her play nephew, AJ, as Karesha went out with her boyfriend. 
Within an hour of leaving, Karesha came back in, heated as she slammed the door. AJ commented, “He must have made Mom mad again.”
“AJ, please go upstairs and play with your Legos, Mommy needs to talk to Aunt Nina,” Karesha asked, trying hard to control her voice. 
AJ quickly ran up the stairs, loudly closing the door to his room. Karesha flopped on the couch, kicking off her expensive heels. “Fuck men.”
Nina got up and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. Pour shots, she passed one to Karesha before sitting back down next to her friend. Karesha gratefully smiled before downing the shot. 
“I’m tired of this shit. I told him it was over through text. How dare he say he’s coming up to Pittsburgh before spring training and then text me after I get to the restaurant to say he’s not coming after all. I’m done. I can’t.”
Nina murmured sympathetically, “Fuck him.”
“I’m so glad I never brought him around AJ though,” Karesha stated. “He had the nerve to say I spent too much time with my kid when I told him it was over.”
Nina’s eyes widened at that statement. “What are you supposed to do? Parent him less?”
Thoughts about Sidney were forgotten as Nina consoled her friend. Deciding to sleep over, Nina woke up early in the morning on the couch, several texts from Sidney waiting for her. Nina quickly scanned over them, starting with a text telling Nina his flight was about to come in to the last one asking if everything was okay. Nina sent him a message: friend had a crisis, be over around 10
It was early, around 7am so Nina didn’t expect to get a response. But Sidney replied: everything ok?
As ok as it’s gonna be, don’t worry, Nina sent back before straightening up Karesha’s living room. She then slipped out, locking the door from the inside. 
“Gonna get you full with my cum, pretty girl. Fuck, look at you, your pussy already trying to milk my cum.”
Nina groaned as she watched Sid fuck her, claiming her. Her legs were over his shoulders, allowing Sidney to fuck her deep. “You missed me, pretty girl?”
“Uh huh,” Nina managed to say. He was fucking her so good, each stroke hitting her g-spot. It was like Sidney returned as a man on a mission. 
“I missed you. Dreamed of you every night, Nina,” Sidney rasped. 
Nina no longer had words, she could feel her high coming. Then she felt Sidney’s fingers, just two fingers on her clit and it was enough to send her over the edge. Nina screamed, her nails digging into Sidney’s back. That was enough to get Sidney to reach his high as well, his grunts wordless as he came. 
Nina sighed as Sidney withdrew, already sad at feeling empty. Sidney sat back on his haunches, watching as his cum started to leak out of Nina’s pussy. “I’ll never get enough of seeing that,” he remarked as he played with Nina’s clit. “Just for me, pretty girl.”
Moaning, Nina closed her eyes. She was sensitive but she felt herself respond to Sidney’s fingers. Then his fingers were replaced with his tongue, his fingers fucking his cum deeper inside of her pussy and the time for rational thought was gone. 
Six weeks later
Nina sighed as she rifled through her bag for the keys to her apartment. Today was her thirty-first birthday and for some reason, she felt weird. ‘Maybe it’s because I’m now on the other side of thirty,’ Nina thought to herself. 
The morning began with happy birthday texts from friends, birthday calls from Mom and Dad, and a facetime call with Jason. Sidney had sent her a funny meme birthday text but nothing else. Nina knew she shouldn’t feel too bad; the Pens were trying to solidify their playoff spot in the division and her birthday, April 5, fell right at the end of the season. As she opened the door, Nina hoped that Sid would at least do something once the playoffs were over. At the same time, it felt weird that she wasn’t going out with her parents either.
Just her luck that for the first time she was in a relationship around her birthday, her boyfriend had reasons not to take her out. Nina sniffled as she turned on the light.
Nina gasped as Sidney, Kris, Geno, Anna, Catherine, Taylor, Alex, Victoria, Mario, Nathalie, Guentzy, Tristan, Hannah, Karesha, AJ, Lauren, her mom and dad, and Aryanna jumped out. Eyes wide, Nina burst into tears. 
“Oh no, what’s wrong pretty girl,” Sidney replied, folding Nina into his arms. 
Nina sniffled as she cried, “I thought everyone forgot my birthday!”
“I told you she wasn’t going to take it well,” Karesha muttered as Lauren kicked her. “Girl, be happy he did this all for you when he could be extra obsessive about the playoffs.”
Nina cut her eyes at Karesha before getting on her tiptoes to press a kiss to Sid’s cheek. “Thank you, Sid.”
The pictures of that night were put into a small scrapbook. Nina didn’t understand Sidney’s love for documenting memories in such a dramatic way but it was nice to look back at the memories in book form instead of having to scroll through her phone. Playoffs were now starting though so Nina was sure that would be the last carefree time until the playoffs were over, this time hopefully with another cup.
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
fwb pt four- sidney crosby
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(gif not mine)
warnings- mentions of cheating, talk of a toxic relationship etc., very badly written angst & kinda rushed, not proofread| word count-912| join my taglist|
sorry its so short!
You woke up to knocks coming from Sidneys front door. Getting out of bed with a groan you snag one of Sidneys shirts to throw on before going to the door. Opening it, you come face to face with an older woman, Sidneys age maybe, you think. She looks you up and down before speaking, “Is sid around?’ she questioned seemingly uninterested with you. “Um he’s at practice, what can i do for you?” Rolling her eyes, “Tell him I had a great time the other night and for him to give me a call.  Say Jane stopped by.” she spoke ending with a smirk before stalking off down the steps of Sidneys home. 
Closing the door, you let your mind start racing. “Who was she? How did she know where he lived? Why was she here so early?  Did sidney cheat? No.. he wouldn't..would he? She was really pretty...” your heart begins breaking at the thought of sidney cheating on you. Your relationship hadn’t been official for long, it had only been a month since he formally asked you out. You didn’t wanna believe it, but it wouldn’t be the first time you’d been cheated on. “I’ll just ask him when he gets back, he’ll explain.” you think to yourself trying to convince yourself you're just overreacting. 
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you connect your phone to the speaker that sidney has residing in his living room, you click on your favorite playlist and begin picking up around the house. Knowing it’s better than just moping around all day thinking that sidney might have cheated. You start in the living rooms knowing it’s one of the most used rooms of the house. And before you know it, sidney is walking up behind you greeting you with a kiss. Having not heard him enter over your music, you jump at his touch. Turning around you see him laughing, and almost forgot you needed to speak with him about earlier. Key word, almost. Your heart skips a beat thinking about how this conversation could go.
Pausing your music, you greet him quickly, getting straight to the point. “Um sid? Can we talk about something?” you begin nervously. Furrowing his brows he nods. You lead him to the freshly cleaned living room, taking a seat on the couch. “What’s up baby?” you look down, fiddling with your hands. “A girl stopped by earlier, said her name was Jane I think. She said to tell you she had a good time the other night and to call her…” trailing off with tears filling your eyes. Looking back up at him, you see his face had dropped. But the look didn’t look like one of guilt, he looked almost scared you thought. “What was she talking about sidney? Did you- did you cheat on me?” you ask choking on your words. His eyes widened, “God no, of course I didn't.” he rushed out. “Then who was she? Why did she wake me up this morning? Why did she know you lived here? Why -” “ She’s my ex.” he blurts out, cutting you off mid sentence. 
“She- she’s what?” “Jane, was she brunette, a little bit taller than you, brown eyes?” Nodding,”yeah that was her.” He shakes his head muttering something along the lines of ‘what the fuck was she here for?’ Speaking up now, “She’s my ex. The one I told you about, remember? She didn’t want our relationship to end. She was using me for my money, had me buy her the most expensive things, would cry if I said no to anything she wanted, she would  always say crap about how bad of a boyfriend I was, or how ugly I was, how boring I was.She even cheated on me most of the relationship. She thought i didn't know, but i saw them together. She even brought him to one of my games. I saw them making out after the game. She was never good to me even though i did everything for her i-” his voice breaks as the tears start falling down his face. You couldn't believe you had even thought he’d cheat on you. After hearing his story you couldn’t help but feel terrible. It was crazy hearing how much she had put him through for the entire relationship. 
You pull Sidney into your chest whispering sweet nothings to him, telling him he was okay now, that you believe him. He looks up at you with teary eyes, “ You- you wouldn't do that to me right?” your heart breaks for what seems to be the hundredth time that night. “No, of course not baby. I love you so much.” you say looking him in the eye. “God babe I'm so sorry she did those things to you. That is so fucking terrible you didn’t deserve it. You know that right?” you mutter. He nods into your chest “Mhm, thanks babe i love you too.” Shortly after, you lead him to the bedroom and help him get settled into the bed. Picking Sidneys favorite movie for background noise, you do your nighttime routine and quickly get into the bed with him. Without a second thought, you let him rest his head on your chest. He pushes his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses to your skin. Running your fingers through his hair, you mutter another i love you to him, and turn the lights out. “Goodnight my love.”
taglist- @bradens-schneider @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @2manytabsopen @only-goalies-allowed @passthehockeyplease @tysonsjosty @leafs-forever @sophiesreadinglist
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spine-buster · 2 years
the hurt/comfort, pt. 2
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A/N: Apologies for no real Rasmus/Lusine interactions in this chapter, but the interactions that do happen are important (as rough as they are) because y'all know I love my character building. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
It was a weird name, Lusine thought, although she had a weird name too. It was spelled weird as well, although, again…pot calling the kettle black. She was at the game because her boyfriend, Kasperi Kapanen (she made that very clear) used to play for the Leafs, so she knew some of the women around – particularly Steph, who had introduced them in the first place. Saylor had invited her friends to the game with her, and there was a whole group of them – Loren, Sadie, Amanda, Jen, along with Saylor. Lusine could have sworn she recognized them from somewhere upon first sight, and when she heard Jen’s voice, she remembered – the coke party. These were Gina’s friends.
She made sure to stay far, far away from them.
Steph didn’t really pay much attention or talk so much with Lusine until Saylor and her friends left to go to their seats in the stands. Bee and Aberdeen were running late, it seemed, and while Lusine sort of clung to Steph because she was a familiar face, Steph seemed to want to do anything but make small talk with Lusine. They didn’t have a lot in common besides their blonde hair – Lusine knew that – but Lusine also knew how to hold polite conversation.
“So, what did you and Rasmus get up to during the All-Star Break?” Steph asked, finally.
“Uh…nothing?” Lusine answered. She didn’t know why she answered it the way she did, but the simple question made her nervous. It was almost like a certain thing that they had to get up to something. “I—I was in school the entire time. Lectures, tutorials, all that.”
“And you didn’t take a few days off with him? It would have been so easy.”
“N—No. It was a pretty busy week.”
“I used to do it all the time when I could get time with Mitch,” she said, waving her hand holding her drink around, her gigantic diamond ring shimmering in the light of the family room. Lusine knew why she was asking – she kept up on Instagram with the trip to Miami that Steph, Mitch, Justin, and Audrey Holl took together. Lusine hadn’t posted anything besides a picture of a stack of books she had to scour for an essay and a few stories of her and Rasmus walking Piper through the U of T campus. “So you guys just…did nothing?”
“Well, we hung out, obviously. We just didn’t go anywhere,” Lusine clarified.
“It would have been nice for you to take the time off so he could whisk you away somewhere,” Steph said. “I know I’d take advantage of that opportunity any chance I got, especially if it meant I could skip lecture.”
Lusine remembered back to what Aberdeen told her. Your partner isn’t supposed to take you away from yourself. Rasmus knew how much she liked school and learning in her lectures. For most people, school was a burden or something they were forced to do, a trap their parents forced them into so they would ‘get a good job’. For Lusine, school meant freedom. School meant a way out from her parents’ grasp. She loved school because he provided her with so many experiences. She didn’t want to give it up for a three-day trip to Miami where she’d undoubtedly get sunburned.
“What’d we miss?!”
Lusine and Steph whipped their heads to look behind them, and Lusine had never been so happy to hear Aberdeen’s voice. She was still bundled up in her coat, meaning she’d rushed up to the family room, and Lusine was grateful. She didn’t know how else Steph was going to make her feel bad in their conversation, but she didn’t want to know. “Hey Aberdeen,” Lusine got up from her seat to hug her hello. “You haven’t missed anything, don’t worry.”
“Good. I want to see Sidney Crosby!”
Many of the other wives and girlfriends began to roll in – Aryne, Courtney, Audrey, Ashley – and then Bee arrived unexpectedly with Aleida and baby Helena. Lusine was happy to see Aleida again, having not seen her since her concert, and another baby in the vicinity was always good news. Helena was just over eight months old, so she was in her prime chubby phase and looked completely adorable in her little baby jersey and tights. Steph seemed to disappear at that point, so Lusine stayed with her regulars.
Before the game started, Lusine sat with Bee in the stands while Aleida changed Helena and Aberdeen went to refill her water bottle. She glanced back to see Steph with a wine glass in one hand, laughing about something Audrey had said. She didn’t realize it before, but both of them still had nice, natural tans – no doubt from the Miami sun. She glanced at Bee, noticing she was still pale. “Can I ask you a question?” she asked Bee suddenly.
“Of course.”
“Did you and Morgan do anything for the All-Star Break?”
“We usually go back to Vancouver,” Bee began. “This year was supposed to be the Olympic break and, well…Morgan had a good shot of making the team. But after everything that happened, and all the rescheduled games, we didn’t get as much time as we usually get, so instead of going to Vancouver, Morgan and I just rented a cottage in Blue Mountain for a few days.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Why do you ask?”
“I…well, I couldn’t do anything with Rasmus. I had lectures and stuff, and an assignment due, and I just couldn’t go to like, Miami or whatever.”
“Ras wanted to bring you to Miami?”
“No! I just—he knew we wouldn’t be able to do anything. He brought it up early but I told him my schedule and it wasn’t an issue with him whatsoever,” Lusine babbled like an idiot.
“…Well then what’s the issue?” Bee asked.
Lusine wondered if she should even bring it up. But Bee was the most responsible, mature, and level-headed person she knew, so Lusine knew she’d have good insight. “Well, I was talking to Steph earlier—”
“—oh Lord, here we go—”
“—and she was saying how it would have been nice for me to take time off for Rasmus so he could whisk me away somewhere. Like I should have just skipped my lectures to be with him during the time he had off. You know, like Miami or whatever—somewhere nice, not necessarily Miami.”
Lusine watched the split second that Bee rolled her eyes. “If you had school, and Rasmus knew you had school, and he was totally fine with not doing anything for the, what, five days we had off? Then you’re good,” Bee replied. She took a deep breath before continuing. “Did anyone ever tell you that the first home opener game Morgan invited me to, I brought homework?”
Lusine’s eyes went wide. “You did?”
Bee nodded. “Nothing came before school for me, especially when I was finishing my Masters. Lusine—I—you don’t have to listen to me if you don’t want to, but I’ll say it anyway so I can say my peace. Don’t let anything get in the way of your education. I mean it. And don’t feel guilty about it. Your education is your education.”
Bee was right. Steph could try to make her feel bad all she wanted, but Lusine couldn’t let her. This was her education. And besides, it wasn’t like she and Rasmus didn’t get up to a lot of fun staying at home. Even just going outside to walk Piper was fun for them – it would usually turn into a gigglefest or makeout session, and that was good enough for her. Not everything had to be about Miami or Mexico or the Dominican Republic. “Thanks Bee,” Lusine nodded appreciatively.
Lusine was trapped.
Saylor caught her during intermission after the first period. Lusine knew Aberdeen, Bee, and Aleida were waiting for her back in their seats, but Lusine didn’t know how to back out. Saylor was nice enough, but there was a fakeness about her that Lusine couldn’t get away from. From her smile to the words she was saying, Lusine just had a gut feeling that none of it could be trusted. Not as she went on and on about her time in Toronto, not as she went on and on about the drama of living here and dating a Maple Leaf, not as she went on and on about some of the other women – women that she had sucked up to when she first arrived. Lusine saw it with her own eyes.
“D’you wanna come sit with my friends and I? I bet you’d have a ton more fun,” she smiled.
“Oh, I’m already sitting with Aberdeen and Bee, but thanks for the offer,” Lusine rejected as politely as she could, knowing she didn’t want to go anywhere near the other girls. They probably already told Saylor about what had happened in the party. Lusine didn’t want anything to do with them.
“I would be careful of Aberdeen,” Saylor cautioned suddenly, stepping closer as if they were about to have a discreet chat, friend-to-friend, though Lusine didn’t even know her. “She seems super-nice but she’s not scared to go behind your back and betray you just like that,” she snapped her fingers for dramatic effect.
Lusine was flabbergasted right off the bat at the way Saylor was describing Aberdeen. Aberdeen was not the way Saylor was describing her. “Uh…really? Aberdeen?” she asked, if anything just to entertain Saylor.
“Mhmm,” Saylor nodded her head dramatically. “She used to work for Brendan Shanahan, so she thinks she, like, owns the team. When she was working here, she made all the guys on the team throw her a birthday party on the road and buy her this huge expensive gift, and because she was buddy-buddy with the videographers, she even got them to film it and post it on all the team’s official channels so everyone could see,” Saylor babbled on. “She was so desperate for relevancy. She even pushed her way to be around my boyfriend every chance she got. I mean, she even pushed her way into the bubble. Can you believe it? I mean, it’s one thing to be assertive, and it’s another thing to be pushy, you know?”
Lusine furrowed her brows. She didn’t know what type of shit Saylor was trying to sell, but it wasn’t working on her. Aberdeen was anything but pushy. All the things Saylor was implying couldn’t be further from the truth. Aberdeen had told her about her time in the NHL Bubble with the team, and she went in because Brendan Shanahan and Kyle Dubas wanted her to, not because she pushed her way in. “What are you even talking about? Aberdeen’s not like that at all.”
It was Saylor’s brows that furrowed now. She looked Lusine up and down, absolutely disgusted. “You must be dumb enough for her to fool, then. No wonder she likes you so much. She’s already brainwashed you,” she said before turning around and disappearing into the stands.
Lusine was taken aback by the outright viciousness of Saylor’s words. She’d never been spoken to in such a way by anyone at any time in her life – not even a TA or professor, and she was sure she’d said some dumb shit in lectures and tutorials before. Saylor’s ability to turn on a dime was astonishing. Was it Lusine’s words? Her tone? Regardless, Lusine knew she couldn’t dwell on it. Saylor was apparently going to be Saylor, and Lusine had to be Lusine.
During the second intermission, it happened again.
Saylor found her again. But she didn’t look at Lusine with a completely disgusted face, like how she left – instead, she was more inquisitive. Lusine had no clue what she would want to know, but she knew she’d be as secretive as she could. Saylor didn’t deserve to know anything about her.
“I want to apologize for before,” Saylor began. For a split second, Lusine believed she was apologizing for her comment, but as she continued speaking, Lusine realized she wasn’t. “I didn’t know that you got into a sticky situation with Gina a few months ago.”
Saylor was a true gossip in every sense of the word, and Lusine didn’t like that. “Uh, yeah,” she nodded slightly, not wanting to talk about it. “I went to a party at her place and it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.”
“You know, it’s sooooo funny how small the world is!” Saylor smiled mischievously. “I’m surprised Rasmus got with you. Did he tell you he tried to hook up with Sadie before – I mean, she’s stunning, so who wouldn’t, right? – but she rejected him. And now he’s seeing…well, you. Which isn’t the same, but, well, not everyone can be as stunning as Sadie.”
Lusine tried to stand tall. She tried not to let Saylor intimidate her. But it was hard. It was hard because she was bringing Rasmus into it – someone she loved. “Yeah. Small world.”
Saylor smiled one more time before turning to walk. But then, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked back at Lusine. “You know they have Bio Oil for that thing on your forehead, right?”
Lusine froze. She was so rigid that her hand didn’t even dart up to her forehead like it usually did. “W—What?”
“That scar on your forehead. And the one on your cheek? I mean, do you even try to hide them? They’re brutal.”
Lusine was deathly still. She wasn’t even watching Saylor walk back to her seat – she was in such shock that she wasn’t really watching or concentrating on anything besides the comment that was just said. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. It was all she could think about; all she could hear in her mind. Just those words over and over again. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. She felt like she was going to be sick.
She ran to the washroom, and only when she was in the privacy of the room did she let out a loud, heavy sob, tears almost immediately streaming down her face as her chest heaved and she tried to catch her breath. Even when she tried to calm herself down, she couldn’t. She’d hear the words they’re brutal, they’re brutal, they’re brutal, and she’d break down all over again, crying even harder than before.
It wasn’t until the doorhandle jiggled slightly, with the door swinging open, did Lusine even remember where she was and where she was supposed to be. In walked Aleida – beautiful, stunning, perfect Aleida – balancing Helena on her hip and her diaper bag over her other shoulder. Aleida stopped dead in her tracks once she noticed Lusine sobbing. Her face went completely serious, just like it had during the dinner at SoHo House when Auston mentioned the situation with Gina. “Who did this to you?” she demanded.
“Why are hockey girls always so mean?” Lusine didn’t answer Aleida’s question, but posed her own instead. “It feels like all the girls in the city hate me because of who I’m seeing.”
“Who did this to you?” Aleida repeated.
Lusine took a couple of deep breaths before answering, if only because she didn’t want to be a bawling, blubbering mess in front of one of the most beautiful women in the world. “Saylor,” she revealed. “She—she caught me in b-b-between p-periods, and Gina told h-her about what h-happed, and as she left she said—sh-she said ‘You know they have Bio Oil for your scars? They’re brutal.’.”
Lusine watched as Aleida’s face went hard. “I’ll take care of it,” she said, opening the change table and setting Helena down on it expertly. “I promise, Lusine. I’ll take care of it.”
“Why do they hate me so much, Aleida?”
“They don’t hate you. They hate the idea of you,” Aleida clarified, focusing her attention between Lusine and changing Helena’s diaper. “They hate the idea that someone they don’t know is living the life they want. They’re trying to intimidate you—”
“—No, no,” Lusine interrupted, shaking her head. “This isn’t about that. This is just evil, pure evil.”
“Because they’re evil. They’re not good people but you’re a good person.”
Lusine stayed silent, shaking her head, tears still falling down her cheeks. “Why would she say something about my scars?”
Aleida could hear the heartbreak in Lusine’s voice, and her heart almost broke too. “People like Saylor and Gina are willing to say and do anything to get their ideal – whatever that may be,” she explained, throwing out the dirty diaper and prepping Helena for a new one. “They go low because they have no morals. You can’t let it affect you. They do it to get a rise out of you because you’re new and they think it’s easy.”
“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so stupid that I fell for their trap and went to that party. None of this would have happened if I knew what I was fucking doing,” Lusine lamented.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it. It could have happened to anybody,” Aleida assured her. She finished putting a new diaper on Helena and put her clothes back on before balancing her on her hip again. “And remember, I’ll take care of it.”
Lusine didn’t care about Aleida taking care of it. She never wanted to see Saylor or Gina or any of the other girls for the rest of her life, and Aleida ‘taking care of it’ wasn’t going to help that happen. She wanted normalcy, she wanted to stop crying, she wanted to not be such an emotional, naïve child. Most of all, she wanted Rasmus. “What am I supposed to do?”
“She cannot see you cry. If she sees you cry, she wins,” Aleida said. “Just stay in here to collect yourself, and come out when you’re ready.”
“I’m never going to be ready. That’s the point!” Lusine emphasized. “I’m never going to be ready for any of this! Why can’t somebody just tell me what to do so I don’t have to go through something like this?” she couldn’t stop sobbing – hadn’t stopped sobbing since Aleida walked in on her in the washroom. She kept playing the line over in her head; it was all she could hear – they’re brutal.
“You have to be the hero of your own story, Lusine,” Aleida said sternly, like the good mother she was – though it was something Lusine’s own mother never told her. “You’re the writer of your own story and if you don’t write it, others are going to. Johnny once told Bee that one of the risks of being quiet is that other people can fill your silence. You can’t let people fill your silence.”
“But how can I fill my silence when I don’t know what to say?!” Lusine wailed. “I’m still learning, Aleida! How can you know what to say when you’re still learning?”
“Whatever you say is better than saying nothing. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to come from you—”
“I’m not a grown up!” Lusine cried out, louder than anything she’d said thus far. The pain and fear in her voice struck Aleida like a ton of bricks. “You’re all older and grown up and you think I am but I’m not! I’m nineteen for heaven’s sake! I don’t know what I’m doing!”
For the first time ever, Aleida saw herself in someone else. With those simple words, Aleida saw herself at nineteen years old. So Aleida did the one thing she wished she’d gotten when she was nineteen.
She gave Lusine a hug.
Lusine bawled in her arms, her entire body shaking as Aleida held her tightly. She didn’t speak – at least not yet – because she knew the action was louder than any words she could say right now. And more than anything, she wanted Lusine to feel comforted. Aleida knew what exploitation was, and there was no way in hell she was going to let that happen to another young girl in this city. She was subjected to so much the second she turned eighteen, and it fucked with her in immeasurable ways – it fucked with her identity most of all. Lusine had much more naivety about her, that was for sure – she definitely wasn’t as ‘street-smart’ as Aleida was at eighteen or nineteen – so it made Aleida even more protective. Knowing that someone – let alone Gina or Saylor – preyed on Lusine because of that naivety didn’t settle well with her. Quite frankly, it made her blood boil.
Lusine knew there were mean people in the world, but she didn’t expect to interact with them in the same timeline that she met the love of her life. It was one thing to be jealous from afar – to Instagram stalk, or simply just watch as another person lived the life you wanted or did the things you wanted to do or interacted with people you wanted to be in the same room with. But that was completely different than being jealous up front and personal – being jealous to a point where the other person saw it; being jealous to a point where you inserted yourself into that other person’s life to destroy it or at least uproot it. That was malicious. That was cruel. That could only be done by a special type of psychopath.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” Lusine said once she had calmed down enough to speak.
“Do what?”
“I don’t know if I can put up with it. I don’t want to be part of their game.”
“Then don’t be,” Aleida told her.
“It feels like all the progress I’ve made since SoHo House and wearing something that shows off one of my scars has just…gone,” Lusine continued.
“Don’t let them take that away from you,” Aleida stressed.
That was easier said than done. On a good day Lusine would be strong enough, but right now she wasn’t. “Maybe Toronto isn’t right for me. Maybe I’m not meant for…this. Maybe up until now I’ve been seeing everything through rose-coloured glasses and this was the hit of reality I needed to see that I don’t belong and never did.”
“You are meant for this city. And it’s meant for you.”
Lusine didn’t know if she believed Aleida, but one thing was for sure – Aleida was making her feel better, even if it was just a little bit. She still felt defeated, and upset, and hurt and angry and helpless, but at least she wasn’t crying alone. At least there was someone there with her…and a baby. A very quiet, well-behaved baby. “When did you know you were meant for this city and it was meant for you?”
Aleida shrugged. “I’ve lived her my whole life. I was never really meant for it – I made this city, and this city made me.”
Aleida saying she made Toronto? Only she would. “I would kill for your confidence.”
“A lot of people would.”
Lusine paused. “Did you ever feel like this when you were my age?”
Aleida nodded. “All the time.”
“What’d you do?”
“Exactly what you’re doing now. Except nobody found me in a washroom and gave me a hug.”
This was already hard, so Lusine could only imagine how hard that was. “I didn’t think this was normal.”
“Being nineteen and not having a clue what you’re doing? Lusine, that’s totally normal,” Aleida almost giggled. “Nobody expects you to know what the hell you’re doing at nineteen. Why do you think you have to?”
Lusine shrugged. “I just don’t want to be seen as juvenile or immature. I came from—I was very, very sheltered, and I don’t know a lot, but I don’t want people to know I don’t know a lot. I want to prove to myself that I can survive here – anywhere – without my parents hovering over me.”
Aleida figured the ‘hovering’ had something to do with the car accident she explained at dinner. She didn’t want to push it. “I’d say, for a nineteen year old, you’re doing a pretty decent job so far.”
Helena fussed suddenly, and Lusine sort of snapped back to reality – here was Aleida, a new mother, comforting her in the bathroom of an arena when she should be paying attention to her baby. Lusine was taking that away from her selfishly. “Listen, I’m gonna have to put Helena back in her car seat – do you want to come back out with me? I’m going to handle it, like I promised.”
Lusine immediately shook her head. There was no way she could show her face out there again. But she wouldn’t tell Aleida that. “I think I’ll wait until I’ve calmed down more,” she lied. “Maybe until my eyes and cheeks aren’t so red.”
“Okay, well…I’ll be back,” Aleida stared her down. “Deep breaths, Lusine. And remember – nobody knew what the hell they were doing at nineteen, either.”
“How’s my sweet baby girl doing?” Bee cooed at Helena as Aleida took her seat beside Bee in the row.
“Ladies, we have a situation,” Aleida announced, handing Helena over to Bee.
“A situation?” Aryne asked.
“I found Lusine crying in the washroom,” she said. “Apparently Saylor found out about the party with Gina and found her. She told Lusine there’s Bio Oil available for her scars and that they look brutal.”
Aryne, Aberdeen, and Bee’s jaws dropped at the revelation. “Are you serious?” Aryne was shocked.
“That motherfucking bitch,” Aberdeen seethed, looking towards the section she knew the other girls were sitting in. “I’m gonna fucking go over there and knock her teeth down her throat.”
“You’re a famous author now, Aberdeen. You can’t risk doing that.”
“Yes I can—I—Aleida, why are you taking out your phone?”
“I told Lusine I was going to take care of it, so I’m taking care of it.”
“What are you doing?” Bee asked, though it was no use.
“Hi, Chris? It’s Aleida Casillas-Andersen,” she spoke into the phone. The girls immediately recognized the name – Chris Henderson, the head of security at Scotiabank Arena. “Chris, I think we have a bit of a situation…Can you check the security cameras? I have it on good authority that some of the guests that we’re hosting of the Pittsburgh Penguins have brought drugs into the arena – specifically into the family lounge and washroom.”
The girls’ jaws hit the floor. They kept listening in on Aleida’s conversation. “Mhmm…mhmm…do you remember Saylor Greene? From when Kasperi Kapanen was on the team? She’s one…Yes, and she also has a friend named Gina.” Bee mouthed “Holy fucking shit” to the other girls as Aleida nodded her head. “Yup – the same Saylor Greene that would always cause trouble when she was here. Some people don’t change, right?...Mhmm…Mhmm…well it was a friend that saw it, and Chris – I really don’t think she deserves another opportunity. I mean this is the family lounge. Can you…oh, they can come with handcuffs? Perfect. Thank you so much Chris. I really appreciate it.”
Aberdeen was holding on to the armrests for dear life. “Aleida—”
“I handled it,” she said simply, putting her phone back in her purse.
The girls looked at each other. Bee was very clearly trying to hide her smile at what Aleida had just done – as was Aberdeen. “And you handled it perfectly,” Aryne piped in, hiding her own pleased smile.
Aleida still had it in her. It was just somewhere deep down.
The girls waited. It wasn’t long before two security officials came through the family lounge and down the steps into the stands, looking around at the crowd. Once they spotted Aleida, she discreetly pointed them to the correct section. They watched. They watched as the officials made people get up, entered the row, and made their way towards Saylor and company. A couple a few rows down who were taking a video of the game heard and noticed the commotion, and turned their camera to film what was happening. A loud shriek emerged from Saylor, followed by a wail from Gina, and lo and behold – they were handcuffed right then and there, screaming as they were dragged out and up the stairs away from the stands.
“Ma’am, there are security cameras. You are under arrest,” one of the officials said to Gina as she kept screaming passed where Aleida, Aryne, Aberdeen, and Bee were seated. They couldn’t believe it actually happened, but Aleida could. She always knew Gina and Saylor would get their comeuppance one day, and she was glad that it came from her.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Aryne was still shocked at what transpired in front of her. “I mean – incredible work Aleida – but wow.”
“I’m going to go check on Lusine. She’s still in the washroom,” Aleida announced, getting up. “You still got Helena?” she asked Bee.
Aleida made her way up the stairs and back into the family lounge. She knocked on the door to the washroom. “Hey Lusine – it’s Aleida. You doing okay in there?” she asked.
No answer.
She knocked again. “I dealt with them, Lusine. They won’t bother you ever again. You can come out now.”
No answer.
Aleida jiggled the doorknob and noticed it was unlocked. “Lusine?” she asked as she swung the door open.
The bathroom was empty.
Lusine barely remembered to grab her jacket before running out of Scotiabank Arena.
It must have been some sort of divine intervention, because the snowstorm had started outside. Yet another 15-20cm expected before morning, which meant it was really coming down. But all the snow falling didn’t stop her from walking the streets of downtown, tears streaming down her face.
Lusine didn’t know if she could do it. She didn’t know if she could put up with it. Which is why she ran away. She wanted zero part in their game. With only a few words, they’d already destroyed any progress she’d made. They fractured the part in her that believed there was more to her than just scars.
Maybe her parents were right.
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flameoutfics · 3 years
We’re Only Young and Naive Still Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
Nora was scratched against Detroit which wasn’t a surprise. She hadn’t had a stellar debut and she hadn’t curried favor with Sutter, but the press had taken her first game and run with it. Everyone had told her to stay off of the internet and to not read articles about herself, but it was hard to ignore the things that popped up on her Twitter feed. There were already some reporters who asked to interview her and there were even a few names that she recognized and wouldn’t mind interviewing with. She had listened to Steve Dangle’s podcast on her morning commute to college occasionally and thought he’d been fair in his assessments. She didn’t think that he’d take cheap shots at her or try to make her uncomfortable. 
She also knew though that the publicity that was being offered to her was something that some athletes worked their entire lives for. Maybe if it was different, if she was naturally talented in the way that Sidney Crosby or Connor McDavid were, the attention would be warranted, but she was just a novelty. So for the moment, Nora politely declined the interviews with the canned rejection that she wanted to focus on contributing to the team and that she would consider at a later time. 
She was on the practice squad for the scrimmage before the game clad in a white jersey with some of the other two-way players skating on the ice against the permanent Flames and halfway through practice, she was already exhausted and soaked in sweat. “Tired, Hallisay?” 
“I’m fine,” Nora said and skated back to the ice with renewed resolve. 
“Take the face off,” Sutter yelled and Nora paired off against Matthew Tkachuk. Off ice he was just aloof but on ice, he was ferocious. He was the type of player that teams hated playing against and everyone wanted on their team. He glared at her from across the face-off circle, his cold, blue eyes almost wild as their coach approached them with the puck. Nora reacted just a split second faster to pass the puck over to Jusso for the break-away. The play was called off and everyone reset with new players at the face-off.
“Lucky,” Matthew said.
“Had nothing to do with luck,” Nora replied. 
“It won’t happen again,” Matthew said, but there was a lightness in his voice. 
“We’ll see,” Nora said, knowing that the odds of her squaring off against Matthew would be few and far in between. She was a fourth-liner at best; he was on the first line. As practice wrapped up, Nora skated to the bench and grabbed some Gatorade. Some of the guys headed straight to the locker room, but Nora lingered rink side. 
“You coming?” one of the trainers asked.
“I’m going to stick around here a little longer,” Nora said, “I want to get in a little more practice.”
“They won’t let you stay too long,” the trainer warned.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Nora said. She skated back on the ice and worked on puck-handling drills. She wished she had the hands of Pavel Datsyuk, but she didn’t. It was never her strong suit on the ice. 
“Move your top hand more, it’ll give you better control” a voice called behind the bench. 
Nora stopped for a moment and glanced over to where the voice was coming from. A small group of players, already showered and changed, watched. 
“Move your hand more,” Matthew repeated, gesturing with his own hand.
Nora shifted her hands to match his, “Like this?”
“Yeah, that’s what they teach you when you’re eight,” Matthew said. 
Nora saw red. Matthew could fuck off. “Well, we don’t all have dads who can get us on the best junior teams.”
A couple of the guys chuckled, but Matthew’s jaw clenched and his face turned red. Nora felt her stomach sink as the barb landed exactly where she anticipated. If things were different, Nora would have been contrite and even as it was, she didn’t like to be the type of person that made other people feel bad, but she wasn’t just going to roll over and take it either. She knew she didn’t have the same hockey knowledge that the other players did. They had had some of the best coaches, had had the time to play for hours after school, and had had opportunities that she couldn’t have dreamed of. So yeah, they didn’t have the same background, but she had worked her way to where she was, and she deserved to be there no matter what anyone else said. 
After they left, she redid the drill following Matthew’s advice. It was better; he was right. Nora gritted her teeth and did it again and again, adjusting her grip when she noticed herself slipping into her old routine. “Fuck,” Nora murmured. 
“You have to go,” the zamboni driver said as he waited for her to get off the ice.  
“Sorry,” Nora said sheepishly and skated towards the locker room. Everyone was already gone by the time she was ready to leave the rink. 
She pulled out her phone and followed the map back to the hotel. A few blocks away from the hotel, a text message popped up on her phone. 
From Liam: Congrats on your debut. 
Nora smiled and pocketed her phone away to respond to him later. She made a mental note to text him back later. 
“A few of us are playing FIFA later, if you want to join?” Mikael said as he caught her coming out of the elevator.
Nora smiled slightly, grateful for the invitation, “Whose room?” 
“Don’t know yet, but it’ll be in the group chat.”
“I’ll be there,” Nora promised. She headed to her room, sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled up the text that Liam had sent her. Thanks, you watched?
Liam’s response was almost immediate: I saw the highlights. How are things with the team? 
Nora wanted to tell him everything, she wanted to say how hard it was, how Sutter didn’t want her there, and the team didn’t want her there, and how all she wanted to do was go home. But she didn’t. Instead she typed out, I kind of fucked up with a teammate today. 
Liam wrote back, You’ll make the right decision, you always do.
Nora sighed. 
As promised, the open invitation in the group chat said they were planning on playing FIFA in Rasmus’s room in fifteen minutes and Nora showed up just a few minutes afterwards. 
“Are you any good?” Milan asked.
“I’m horrible at video games,” Nora said. 
“You’re on their team, then,” Milan said as he nodded over to the other half of the room.
Nora glanced over at Matthew who had been leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, still looking as pissed off as he had at the rink. 
“I think I’m gonna leave,” Matthew said, despite protests from their teammates. Nora couldn’t help but feel as though it was a reaction to her joining, a remnant from their fight at the rink. 
She remembered what Liam had sent her, “You’ll make the right decision, you always do,” and she knew what she’d have to do.  
After a few rounds of watching them play FIFA, Nora stood up to leave. 
“You know where Matthew’s room is?” she asked Elias as a new game was getting set up.
“I think he’s 219,” Elias replied. 
Nora talked herself into going over to Matthew’s room. She sighed and knocked on the door, hoping that he would already be asleep or in the shower. Instead, though, Matthew opened the door and glared at her. 
“Can we talk?” Nora asked. Matthew didn’t answer, but instead pushed the door open and made way for her to come in. 
“I’m sorry, for what I said at the rink. That wasn’t fair and it wasn’t true. You worked hard to be here and it wasn’t right for me to imply that it was because of who your father is or who your family is, so I’m sorry about it. And...you were right,” Nora said, “About my hands, it’s better your way.”
There was a long pause, “This is where you would usually apologize, too.”
“Why should I? I was just trying to help,” Matthew said. 
“No, you weren’t,” Nora said, “You were trying to humiliate me.”
“What’s your problem?” Matthew said, “Why do you think we’re all out to get you or something?”
Nora paused for a moment, “I know you don’t want me here. I know most of the guys don’t want me here, and that’s fine, but it’s hard not to think that way when you know otherwise.”
“What do you mean we don’t want you here?” Matthew asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, “Did someone say something?” 
Nora pulled out her phone and scrolled through the group chat to the incriminating messages, “You did.” She held out the phone for Matthew to read the messages. 
His eyes widened in recognition and he went to apologize, but Nora held out her hand, “Don’t. It is what it is, but I know, so don’t play dumb. And I don’t expect us to be friends or even like each other, I don’t care about that, but I deserved better than that and I don’t deserve the type of comments that you made at practice either.”
Matthew didn’t say anything and to be honest, Nora wasn’t sure if there was anything left to clear the air, “See you tomorrow then.”
She headed back to her room and saw another message from Liam, Do you need to talk?
No, I’m good, but thanks, good night Li.
Nora had woken up before they were scheduled for breakfast and she looked on her phone for a local coffee shop to try before they were set to leave Detroit. She headed to a small, locally owned one just a few blocks from the hotel that they had passed in transit and ordered a vanilla latte. She grabbed a table towards the back and pulled up some of the NHL highlights 
“Can I join you?” A familiar voice asked and Nora glanced up to find Matthew Tkachuk awkwardly standing in front of her with a cup of coffee. 
“Were you following me?” Nora asked. 
“No, yes, but I was hoping we could talk,” Matthew said. 
“I don’t think there’s anything more to say,” Nora said, “I said everything I wanted to last night.”
“I didn’t,” Matthew said, “Can I?” he gestured to the empty chair across from her and Nora shrugged. 
“Is this a conversation that we should have here?” Nora asked.
“There aren’t too many people here and it’s better here than in the hotel, I guess,” Matthew said. 
“Okay,” Nora said. 
“I’m sorry for what I said at the rink yesterday and, more importantly, for what you saw in the group chat,” Matthew said, “You were right, you didn’t deserve that and we should have made more of an effort to make you feel welcome and to treat you like one of the guys.”
“I’m not one of ‘the guys’, though, and I’m not trying to be,” Nora said, “Things are different with me and I can’t help that.”
“I know, I didn’t mean it like that,” Matthew said. 
“I know how you meant it,” Nora said, “And I appreciate your apology.”
Matthew outstretched his hand, “Let’s start over?” 
Nora eyed up his hand, but shook it, “Sure. We better start heading back to the hotel anyways.” 
“What are you drinking by the way?” Matthew asked.
“A vanilla latte,” Nora said, “Why?” 
“In case I need to know for future apologies,” Matthew said. 
“Let’s hope not,” Nora said with a small smile.
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