#she didnt loose anything in the process
callme-holly · 5 months
Yoo, like the fic you did of tim in readers house, and shes trying to get him out.
could you possibly do maybe a blurb or fic of having two-bit in readers rrom and them getting caught with their clothes still off? But they didnt do anything, they were just changing and readers brothers (curtis's) think they did smth🤨🤔😏😏
In reality they were just cuddling (as a couple not besties) and two-bit gets chases out the house, and reader is super embarrased.
I think this would be a really funny fix, LMAOO
Then at the end reader is SUPER embarrased, and they both get teased by thr gang in the afternoon. (bc this is in the mroning, like the tim sitch)
if you dont wanna do this ask, its alr!! Love ur work btw!!♥♥♥
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 [𝐭𝐰𝐨-𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐱 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - in which two-bit mathews isn't the most subtle boyfriend
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - it's been a little while but i'm back ya'll. kinda considering going on a long break bc i was unsure if anybody actually read my shit but im in too deep now!! asks are still open for requests!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 1.4k words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - mild swearing
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A cool breeze swept in through your open window, and the sun was already high in the sky, casting long shadows that stretched from corner to corner of the bedroom. The curtains are open just enough for a ray of light to slip through, warming the sleep-rumpled sheets pooled around you. 
Beside you, with his arm draped lazily around your waist, lies Two-Bit Mathews, his rust-coloured hair sticking up at a variety of odd angles, his lips parted ever so slightly as he sleeps soundly. He looks unusually peaceful, and you take a second to admire him, gently tracing the freckles dusted across his bare shoulders with the pads of your fingers. There’s a small scar just above his brow, barely visible beneath the messy strands covering it, but you know it’s there all the same. It’s just one of the many things that you find yourself loving. 
Carefully, you brush his hair back into place and press your lips to his forehead, hoping to wake him before your brothers get out of bed and inevitably come knocking at your door. A soft groan rumbles through his chest, and you can see his eyes flutter open for a fleeting moment, bleary blue irises meeting yours as he tries to process where exactly he is. Then those eyes fall shut again, and you sigh heavily, leaning over to shake his shoulder lightly.
“Two, c’mon.” You whisper softly, earning another moan of protest as he pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to the crook of your neck. 
“Five more minutes,” he murmurs against your skin, his voice thick with sleep and his breath tickling your sensitive skin. It's rare to see him so disoriented, so out of it, and you can’t help but feel amused at his behaviour. 
However, your amusement quickly evaporates when you hear the telltale ring of Darry’s alarm, the sound shrill and piercing as it cuts through the silence. You cringe at the sound. Two-Bit grunts in displeasure, burying his face deeper into your shoulder. 
“It's not fair,” he whines, peering up at you. “How can they be awake already? It's Sunday morning. I want to sleep in.” Despite his words, his hold on you loosens slightly, and he pushes himself up onto his elbow, blinking hard until he focuses on your face, his eyes brightening significantly when he meets your gaze. 
The covers pool loosely around your waist as he shifts, and he immediately notices your bare torso, a broad grin spreading across his features.
“Woah, hey, cover up!” A loud laugh escapes him, and you're quick to slap a hand over his mouth, glaring down at him. 
“Shh, you idiot. Darry will hear you.” Two holds his hands up placatingly, his smile still in place as you pull your hand away, rolling your eyes in feigned annoyance at his antics. He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours in a silent apology, one you accept easily, your fingers tangling in his hair as he pulls you closer. It’s sweet and simple, lasting no longer than a couple of seconds before you break apart, a soft smile playing at your lips. 
Two-bit stretches out beside you, propping his head up on his hand as he watches you intently, an unreadable expression in his eyes. You roll off of the mattress, ignoring the quiet whine of protest you get in response, padding across the room in search of your discarded clothes, which lay in a crumpled pile by the door. 
One glance at the clock tells you you've only got a couple minutes to get your very stubborn and very lazy boyfriend dressed and out of your window before Sodapop or Ponyboy come barging in.
With a heavy sigh, you pick up a pair of dark blue jeans, tossing them haphazardly towards Two, who catches them with a broad grin. 
“Put those on.” You mumble, turning back to search for your own clothes, only succeeding in finding your shirt before the door flies open, slamming against the wall and making both of you jump.
“Y/N, Darry wants—” Ponyboy stops short when his gaze lands on Two-Bit, whose jeans are halfway up his thighs, an almost comical look of confusion crossing his features before it's replaced with something akin to horror. “Oh my God,” he breathes out. “You guys...” He trails off, glancing over to you before slapping a hand over his eyes when he realises how very little you're wearing. 
“Get out!” You shriek, your cheeks turning a brilliant shade of red, and Pony doesn’t need to be told twice, turning on his heel and fleeing from the room, no doubt to go tell Darry about his new, and rather horrifying, discovery. 
You turn to look at Two-Bit, who, despite the situation, is still grinning like a madman as he pulls on his shirt, seemingly unfazed by everything that has happened in the last few seconds. That grin quickly fades, however, when a loud crash sounds from the kitchen, accompanied by Darry’s all-too-familiar bellow of your name. 
“Shit…” You curse, tugging on the remainder of your clothes, trying to usher your boyfriend to the window despite his protests. His arms wrap tightly around your midsection, preventing you from even attempting to escape, and though you try to kick and squirm out of his grasp, he simply refuses to release his grip on you, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Keith Mathews, I swear if you don't let me go right now—”
Your threats are interrupted as the door flies open for the second time that morning, and there stands Darry, his hands on his hips, his eyes blazing with a look that could only be described as murderous. You freeze, staring at him helplessly, and Two-Bit offers him a sheepish smile, slowly releasing you and backing away towards the open window. Before he reaches it, however, Darry steps forward, grabbing him by the back of his shirt roughly and dragging him back. 
“Darry!” You exclaim, sounding slightly exasperated as you watch your brother pull Two-Bit out of your room and down the hallway, cursing under his breath as he goes. You trail after them, pausing beside a rather surprised Sodapop and a very guilty-looking Ponyboy as Darry shoves Two out of the front door, crossing his arms and glaring down at him.
“If I find you sneaking in here to see her again, I'll skin you, you hear?” He growls, pointing a threatening finger at the younger greaser, who has the decency to look appropriately terrified, flashing you a pleading look. 
With a sigh, you step forward, placing a gentle hand on your brother’s forearm and forcing out a tight-lipped smile. “Darry, c’mon.” You try, “He wasn’t doing anything wrong.” 
It seems, however, that your pleas fall on deaf ears, and Darry turns sharply to glare at you, his expression stony. You quickly fall silent, listening as your older brother continues to scold Two-Bit, whose eyes are wide with a slight fear. Darry could be really frightening when he wanted to be; you’d learn that the hard way. 
“I mean it,” Darry barks, his attention seemingly back on the redhead still standing on the porch. “From now on, you use the front door, and that bedroom door stays open whenever you’re around. I don’t want any ‘funny business’ going on under this roof. Especially not while I’m sleeping next door.” 
You know exactly what he means by 'funny business', and the implication causes your cheeks to flush crimson. Two-Bit, who looks just as embarrassed as you are, nods hurriedly, and you don't think you've ever seen the greaser look so guilty in all the time that you've known him. 
Darry must notice too, because he relaxes slightly, his tone softer than it had been before, as he speaks once again. “Don't hurt her; you got it?” 
“Got it.” Two nods: “I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Darry huffs, clearly not entirely satisfied with the whole situation, but deciding to drop it nonetheless as he glances between the two of you. He runs a hand through his dark hair, which is still slightly mussed from sleep, and lets out a long sigh. “Ya’ll are going to kill me someday.” He mutters, shaking his head, before turning from the door and heading back in the direction of the kitchen.
Once he’s gone, you shoot Two-Bit an apologetic look, but he merely smiles and winks reassuringly at you before turning on his heel to jog down the porch steps. You close the door with a loud sigh and hear Sodapop chuckle behind you, his arms crossed and a smug smile spread across his features.
“So…” He drawls, looking impossibly pleased with himself. “Two-Bit Mathews, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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nockfellblues · 1 year
Integra with a partner who is an artist (painter/ singer/ all around performer) :D
Yes! I’ve always envisioned Integra as a lover of the arts- especially traditional art? She seems like she’d enjoy a peaceful trip to an art gallery or museum. Sorry for the delay on this one, between work, the Summer games showcases and being sick I didnt do much besides veg out whenever i was free this week lmao Anyways! Have some Integra being soft because, dammit, she deserves it 😤
Warnings: None
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Integra definitely reworks her entire study so there’s room for her SO to work in the same space as her
Artist!SO will get a whole art corner with a beautiful custom easel and comfy desk space right next to the windows for optimal lighting and an inspiring view- whatever they need to spark and stoke their creative process
Would immediately say no if her SO asked her to model but secretly is super flattered. If they draw or paint her anyways, she’ll pretend to be annoyed but will cherish the hell out of it- They’ll find the work later tucked away in a safe place, framed safely so it wont smudge or crack.
Keeps a portfolio hidden in her desk of sketches her SO deemed not good enough and meant to toss. Alucard and Seras have caught onto this and actively keep an eye out for other loose drawings- they sneak them into her study between paperwork and folders like a fun little surprise. Seras finds her reactions soo sweet- its so hard to not say anything when she sees Integras eyes soften at the half-hearted sketch! So cute!
Integra finds the sounds of sketching comforting- that little scratchy noise as her SO absently hums to themself is like catharsis, especially when she’s dealing with a lot of stress
If her SO is sighing or muttering, having a tough time with conceptualizing something or is going through art block of some kind? She does get a little annoyed with it, but she understands.
Sets her work aside and comes up behind her SO to wrap her arms around their shoulders from behind. “If you sigh at it anymore im going to toss that canvas out the window. What’s the matter, love?” She means this entirely lovingly, but will absolutely do it.
Musician!SO would absolutely have a space in her study too- She’d move offices to a whole different room if the acoustics are good enough, she doesn’t care.
Maybe not the biggest fan of hearing her SO practicing a new peice of complex work- the repetition of practicing the same sections over and over to perfect them would get on her nerves after so long.
“Love, I adore you, but if you play that part one more time i’m going to lose it. Please, play literally anything else.” She means this with the utmost love and care, but hearing the same section over and over is killing her.
Adores when they play free form compositions. Just starting with a generally familiar melody and letting the music develop a life of its own? She could listen to them for hours. She will listen to them for hours.
Definitely will lose track of time listening to them play- Sometimes gets a little too distracted and zones out to the melody when she’s working on a particularly boring bit of paperwork. Before she knows it, its nearly dusk and she’s gotten little to nothing done. Honestly? worth it.
She cherishes her SOs hands so, so much. She knows how much of their passion is dependent on them and how devastating their loss or degradation could be.
In quiet moments Integra will softly trace the callouses on their hands, massaging their palms and wrists, setting a gentle kiss to the back of their knuckles- absolute reverence for the beautiful hands that can create so much that she loves.
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Integra being soft with an SO makes my brain go fuzzy- I just want her to be happy dammit 😭
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HI i am having Thoughts about your necromancy au and i need to talk about it. i was trying to convince my sister to read it so that i could have someone to talk to about it. but then i realised. yknow who definitly also has Thoughts about YOUR necromancy au? you. feel free to delete this ask i just wanted to ramble(about the later chapters specifically)
Call this my toxic trait buttt I dont think Rae did anything wrong in raising his mom from the dead. LIKE why the fuck shouldnt he?? His mom(and grandpas) didnt deserve to die, why the fuck should he let them, when he HAS the power to bring them back?? like??? Also not Momboo being a massive bitch telling Isla her son deserved to die. LIKE GIRL. i know you have issues but that is NOT how you talk to a grieving mother. ABSOLUTELY DESPICABALE behaviour. ALSO im pissed off at Fenris, Caspian and Aax. Like not them confirming Rae's worst fears when he actually tells them about Momboo and sends HIM away. and blah blah blah its their magic reacting badly but they dont even TRY to sympathise with him. Als.o like Fenris you are literally dating another necromancer. You cannot give Rae shit for being a necromancer without then applying that to your BOYFRIEND???
ALSO funny how when Rae raised HIMSELF from the dead, taht didn't trigger their magic or whtv, but when he was revived by Momboo it DID. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 (I dont think this will go anywhere but. thats beside the point.) Actually wait no maybe im onto somethign here. Maybe its because momboo fucked him up while reviving him!! maybe she did this on purpose!!! wait no i think im wrong. whateverrrr im being silly 😋
i cant wait to see how other characters react to Rae's new situation. I think(hope) that Athena and Jamie will still eb on his side.... actually maybe not. But i will hope.
At least Rae has Isla, even though everyone thikns hes a monster(THE EPIC PARALLELS ARE REAL) at least his plan didnt fail and his mom;s alive. slight consolation.
If i was Isla i would be HOSTILE to the afformentioned people (Fen,cas,aax momboo) if the situation gets resovled and doesnt end with Rae's eternal death. Hell id be hostile the entire fucking time. I want to see ISla kick someones shit for Rae because how DARE they call her son a monster for saving HER. do you think that would cause her guilt though? since she kinda maybe sorta ruined her sons life? that he ruined his own life to bring her back?
OKAAY ANYWAY thats most of my thoughts. can you tell that Rae is my favourite character no matter the universe? Can you also tell how unwell i am about this au? i think about it..frequently.... again feel free to delete this i just needed to share my thoughts ad feelings with SOMEONE
I also have so many thoughts about my necromancy au, it's just rotating in the back of my brain 24/7. I'm really hoping this all makes sense.
I agree with you, there's very little reason that Rae shouldn't bring his family back and Momboo's reaction (while coming from a place of trauma and fear) was unreasonable. However, I raise this to you, Rae is dead, he can not age or die. At this moment with how it stands he is going to watch Isla grow old and die, if he brings Raemond and Everett back the same thing will happen. He brought Isla back and he's going to loose her again and why would he be any better at processing his grief. Necromancy can not stop old age.
As for what happened with Momboo bringing Rae back and then Aax/Fenris's magic reacting badly to that, I have so many thoughts about it bc it's also how I imagine magic working in this au. I'm going to try to make this make sense.
I imagine that everyone's magic inside them is like a well, you can take water out of it (to perform magic) and more water will flow in to replace that lost water. You can deepen the well to increase how much water can be taken out of it without it running dry (strengthening your magic) however, if you try to deepen the well too quickly then parts of it might cave in (think exercising without warming up leads to hurting yourself, you try to perform too much magic that you're not ready for and you get weaker because you pushed yourself too far). The thing is is that you don't want your well to collapse or run dry. Rae bringing back Isla caused both to happen. When Momboo brought him back she just refilled his well with water so he could rebuild his well (bring himself back to life because Rae relies completely on his magic to live, other people can survive their well of magic being emptied but he can't). Because of that there was life magic in a well meant for necromancy, it was like dumping a bucket of muddy water into a mountain spring, and it will take days for Rae's magic to replenish and wash out the life magic. Fenris and Aax sensed the life magic in him (magic that wasn't supposed to be there, magic that was wrong for who Rae is) and it set alarms bell off in their heads because that's Rae's body but that's not Rae's magic that's reanimated his corpse. That's what Len's magic and reanimating the hordes felt like, that was a necromancer's magic filling bodies not meant for that form of magic.
The same thing didn't happen when Isla or Centross were brought back because they are both necromancers and so is Rae. That is necromancy magic filling wells meant for necromancy. I don't think Momboo felt as much "wrongness" with bringing Caspian back either because of a combination of Caspian not having magic and Momboo being a life witch.
Rae being called not human is a correct statement because he's dead, he's a corpse that's walking around. He's an abomination/unnatural because he's "living" off of magic that is nothing like his own.
Rae is an abomination, he is a monster. He is both Len (the traitor, the monster, the original sin) and the hordes (the horror, the grief, the terror) that marched on cities. He is a reanimated corpse with the singular goal of bringing his family back no matter the cost.
This is not because of what type of necromancer he is (because there are types, I just haven't been able to talk about them yet), he brought Centross and Isla back with both of their desires being completely separate from his own. He has no control over them. His situation is a bit more like Len and the horde which Len has/had complete and utter control over. Rae didn't have enough magic to bring himself back to life completely (hence the no heartbeat/breathing/just being alive) but he did have enough magic to bring himself back as one of the "mindless undead" which have singular goals according to the necromancer who raised them, his goal being bringing his family back. He's not being rushed into doing that/given the illusion of free will because his "soul" inhabits his body since it was reanimated. Think of it like Rae's soul/ghost is possessing his body, if that helps, but ghosts usually are formed with some goal in mind like revenge, in Rae's case that goal is simply bringing his family back.
Anyways, I could keep talking about this but I feel like I'm making less and less sense as I go on. I'm always happy to answer asks about this series bc I am unwell about it. I hope this made sense and I'm glad you're enjoying the series!!
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sillycowboys · 5 months
Bad batch finale spoilers
My thoughts
But that motherfucking awful bitch Hemlock dying made my year
Hunter with that salt n pepper look just made me want him more #zaddy
“clone force 99 died with Tech” — okay so basically you want me to kill myself? wow
Was lowkey still delusional till the very last second that clone x was Tech but you know what it’s actually better this way bc tech didn’t have to get tortured. I still miss him more than anything in the world
I fully thought wrecker was gonna die bro I was mentally preparing myself
“You’re our kid. Always will be.” Yes she will. But And so what happens if Omega dies fighting in the rebellion or what if old ass Hunter crosshair and wrecker have to go and help her, what then? WHAT THEN, DAVE???!
I still can’t believe tech is dead I’ve been telling myself he’s alive the entire season but now I just have to grieve. I don’t want to. Thank god none of the others died otherwise I’d have to grieve multiple at once bc I’m still not over tech
Echo had so many mommy moments it made me very happy. Emerie asking him how he knew it was echo who let the zillo beast loose…”It’s what I would’ve done” HE IS HER MOMMY.
I’m ngl I’m surprised they all made it out
When they cut off crosshairs hand I was both devastated and also relieved for him bc he doesn’t have to deal with the shaking anymore, but also I think screamed
I think we rly need to push the concept that mom and dad don’t need to be in love, like yes Hunter is dad and Echo is mom, yes they are brothers, no it does not mean they aren’t mommy and daddy because THEY ARE
Crosshair is the really cool uncle who also lives with them
Wrecker is the fun older brother
Tech is, well, dust
JK. Tech is honestly the annoying younger sibling that you say is annoying but you actually love more than anything oh and also he’s always right
And Omega is just Baby
Hemlock is like, the creepy uncle who married into the family but isn’t allowed to any family events…plus he’s also dust now too
I wish Phee was in the finale lowkey. Missed her
I could talk more but I need to process first.
Anyways bye love you gonna cry some more now
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 5 months
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky & Y/N - Part One - Marching On
Hey everyone! Again, thank you so much for all the ove on my first fic, I'll Look After You. I've decided to try my hand at a new fic, this one will be more angsty. Each chapter will be loosely inspired by a song. Music really inspires me and I often think of different little scenarios when listening to my favourite songs. These are not stand alone chapters and will all accumulate into one story. This first chapter is inspired by Marching On by OneRepublic. Enjoy!
It had been a long, hard day. Y/N was still processing everything she had seen since first showing up at Thorpe Abbotts. The wife of Colonel Clarke, she didnt need to leave her home to live on the base, but she wanted to be close to her husband and help where she could. It was unusual, a Colonel's wife deciding to work in the kitchen of the base, but Y/N was a profound baker. Everyone and anyone who knew of her knew that her cookies, pasteries, cakes and anything else you could put in an oven was amazing. So when Y/N found herself at a lose end, she headed into the kitchen of the mess hall and asked the staff would they let her use the kitchen to make baked treats for the men. They agreed, mostly because they were afraid of saying no to her, being who she was.
Now she stood in the middle of the mess hall, looking at all the empty seats. So many good men lost, some of which she had grown quite fond of. It became suffocating, she needed to go for a walk.
She would herself walking towards the B-17s, or at least what was left of them. Some of them needed serious repairs, and she on Lemmons and other mechanics working on them. She looked over to the intact planes when movement caught her eye. There he was, Major John Egan, sitting on the wing of a plane with a bottle of whiskey. He saw her staring, and gestured the bottle to her. 'You thirsty?' he said. As much as she shouldnt, she felt a swig of whiskey was exactly what she needed. She walked over to the wing of the plane and hoisted herself up so she was sitting beside him. He passed her the bottle and she took a big gulp, enjoying the burn as it went down her troat.
Bucky was tired. Tired of missions, tired of the war, tired of his friends dying. They had lost so many today, including Curt. And there wasnt a damn thing he could do about it. So he did what he could do; drink. He saw her walking around the airfield like a lost sheep, she wasnt normally out here, she was one of the few wives living on base and of them, she was the only one to be seen outside their quaters or the officers club. She must have felt his eyes on her because she turned to him, a question on her face wondering what he was doing sitting there. He saw her eyeing up his whiskey bottle and thought that sharing it with a pretty lady might not be the worst thing in the world.
They sat in silence for a long while, passing the bottle back and forth until sadly, they reached the end. When Bucky put the bottle to his lips and was met with nothing he sighed, 'Great, first Curt, now my whiskey.' Y/N's eyes darted to him. 'Curt? You mean Curtis?' realisation dawned on her. 'Oh no, poor Curtis.' She had gotten to know Curtis Biddick well, he always complimented her baking; particularily her muffins. She found his thick New York accent endearing, and he always did his best to make her smile when they spoke. She was sad to know she would never hear his voice again.
'It's sickening' Bucky finally said. 'We keep losing our men, our friends, our brothers. And we just gotta keep going. Gotta get back in the sky and-' 'Keep marching on.' Y/N interrupted, lost in her own thoughts.
'What?' he asked, confused. 'It's something my mother always said. When something bad happens, and you feel like you cant cope, you keep marching on. I think thats why I go for walks when I'm sad.' she said with a slight chuckle. 'Your mother sounds a lot like your husband.' Bucky said dryly. Y/N then let out a rather loud laugh. 'She's no soldier, but she's tough that's for sure.'
After another bout of silence, Y/N felt the need to speak. 'You have to do it, for them. If you give up now they died for nothing.' Bucky sighed, 'I know, I'm not actually giving up, just fantasising about it.' 'You need better things to fantasize about Major.' she laughed. He smiled, the whiskey making him more improper than he should be around the Colonel's wife, 'Got any ideas? What do you fantasize about?' She feigned shock and disgust, hitting him lightly on the chest. 'A lady never tells.' He laughed again, it felt good to laugh.
The sun was starting to set, and she knew Albert would be looking for her soon. 'I better get going, Albert will be wondering where I am.' She made to move off the wing of the plane, but found it much more difficult to get down than it had be to get up, her fear of heights kicking in. Bucky saw her hesitation and jumped down, he held his arms out to her in a gesture for him to lift her. 'May I?' She nodded, and soon his hands were on her waist as he gently lifted her down. 'Thank you Major.' she said, blush keeping up her cheeks at his proximity and the intimate nature of his lifting her off the wing. 'Call me Bucky, please.' 'Thank you Bucky.'
She turned to leave walking back towards the quarters. Bucky started walking along side her. 'You dont have to walk me back.' she said. 'I'm not.' he said with a smile. She looked at him slightly confused, she knew that his quarters was in the same direction, as was the mess hall, but she didnt expect him to leave when she left. He looked at her with that signature devil-may-care smirk,
'I'm Marching On.'
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fanficfanatic000 · 6 months
Edward fucking munson
Eddie Munson x fem reader enemies to lovers 18+ TW no minors
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Hawkins was a small town but you were always quiet and a loner you didn't really have many friends at all. You worked at the arcade and it was a decent job except for certain customers like a blonde haired basketball player to a adult slob that greased up the machines..It was a normal work day. You were on your lunch break on a normal Saturday the usual customers came and went until a shadow of a short frame came up behind you short curly hair and a lighter voice "hi um one of the games are not working can you check it out?" You were just about finished with your lunch and he seemed pretty kind compared to others you stood up "uh yeah sure just lead the way." He grinned "hi im dustin." "Im y/n glad to meet ya dustin""So do you like nerdy things?"he said walking slowly "mmm i guess yeah i am considered a nerd...." you thought he was trying to make small talk... "do you like dungeons and dragons?" "Well ive never really played but yeah it kinda interests me "He led you to the arcade machine and it wasn't processing the coins hmm there must be a wire loose or a jam but that wasn't in your skill level "sorry kid its jammed or something ill try to get it fixed tomorrow" he looked slightly disappointed You barely noticed the group of people looking at you 2 other boys younger than you and one much younger girl..all wearing the same t shirts Then you looked at dustin as he spun around to maybe his friends "guys this is y/n i think she should join hellfire" a taller much sarcastic boy says "what! But shes a random girl!!" A dark skined boy says back "but eddie said to recruit people he didnt say male gendered"The smaller girl shouts "look mike shes all we've got.. its better to show up with her than no one!" You just watching this happen not knowing what to say The sarcastic one Mike rolled his eyes "fine but if eddie says no im throwing you all under the bus!" Dustin nodded his head"So y/n hellfire is a dnd club at Hawkins high after hours every other day if you want to come play some dnd just meet me outside of Hawkins high at 4:00pm" you nodded "okay i will be there" they left after that and the rest of the night was pretty normal. Sunday passed so fast you basically cleaned your room and watched your favorite movie than fell asleep and it was Monday you got dressed in a tank top your favorite color some ripped jeans and your converse and your favorite jewelry and threw your jacket on. You put some black eyeliner on and you were ready You listened to one of your favorite bands on a cassette player and it was 3:40 so you drove to Hawkins high and you parked and saw dustin he was kinda like a little brother you stepped out of your car and "Y/N yes! You're here!" "Just on time " you look down at your watch and see it change to 4:00 "okay lets go" you followed dustin through the school halls you remembered see you went to public school until freshman year and you got bullied so bad you had to do homeschooling instead you were graduated now though. You watch the door open to reveal a dimly lit room full of people. Mike. Dustin. Lukas. Erica. And 4 others you walk in and dustin moves out from infront of you "eddie this is y/n."A tall handsome intimidating man stands up from a throne of some kind he stepped around the table and stands infront of you his frame slightly towering over you" this is who you found Henderson " he pinched his nose bridge "this girl is what you found she probably wouldn't know anything about dnd or anything!" You felt attacked but little did they know is that you can snap back " this girl probably would probably win anyways" you said with a smirk he stepped closer smugly bending slightly "you think so Princess?" His eyes meeting yours and they felt familiar for whatever reason. "Okay lets play!"
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pichuxcreatesthings · 2 years
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Lightkeeper Hank longing for Merm Connor to come back
Story ramblings under the cut (2700 words)
  A young Hank living at his uncle's place by the lighthouse, when one night while walking on the beach, he sees glowy lights. Upon closer inspection he finds a wounded merm Connor. Turns out it was mating season and Connor wanted to lay his eggs but he got attacked in the process and got his eggs destroyed  Hank carries Connor home and tends to his wounds, he cares for him until Connor regain consciousness. Luckily Connor wakes up and slowly heal but realizes the wounds did ireversible damage and Connor cannot reproduce anymore.
Despite all the pain, Hank and Connor manages to grow closer as weeks go by, and eventually fell in love. Turns out Connor can turn into a human during the day which allows both of them to walk around on land and enjoy some human festivitivities. Although this one time they didnt realized it was getting this late, and Hank had to carry Connor back to the sea
But as time pass and mating season comes to an end, Connor feels a pull, like a calling back to the sea he cannot resist.  One night, Hank and him are cuddling by the sea falling asleep, and by morning, Connor is gone.  Hank knew this would happen, but despite all of this, his heart ache for Connor.
Connor told Hank he would be back, but merfolk sense of time is so different from humans. A year go by,  and Hank  goes back to the place he first met Connor, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Hank ends up moving to the city studying marine biology in the hope he could learn more about Connor and where he went. Once a year he'd come back  to his uncle's place to wait for Connor.
Years go by and still no sign of Connor. And despite being sucessful in his studies, Hank's research on merfolks are often looked down by his peers.  Who can believe mermfolk exist?
A decade pass, Connor seems like a distant memory, or a dream. Regardless, Hank still comes back to their place, hoping to see him again, hoping Connor left a sign or a message, anything.
He puts Connor in the back of his head for a while, as he met his now wife, they were happy for a while and even have a lil kid Cole.  His feelings for Connor are probably gone, but he still wish he could meet Cole to see how much happened since they parted ways.
It lasted as much as Hank could, and life went downhill after the lost of Cole, after fives years of hapiness came five more years in which Hank hit rock bottom,  the feeling of guilt after his son's death led him to  years of alchoholism which ended his marriage.  He was a joke among his peer, just a crazy man thinking fairy tales are true.
He drank way too much this night, there he was lying on the floor in his own vomit, the bottle of vodka broken on the floor.  For some reason he dreamt about Connor this night , how he felt happy, at peace when he was here, but then in an instant, he is gone, while Hank is swallowed by darkness, loosing his breath in this dark sea....
Until he wakes up in the hospital, his ex wife is here,  as well as Ben. They both looked tired from stayin awake all night.  They both gave him a (light) scolding for what he just did. She leaves pretty early but Ben stays with Hank a little longer, chatting about mundane things.  Hank wishes he has a drink, but he also knows he went too far this time, and for the first time in these past years, he asked for help
The next months weren't easy on him,  but he knew he couldn't go back to that place, he still wishes he had a drink once in a while, but Ben and his sponsor are making sure he 's only allowed to drink pinapple juice.  Eventually he hits the one year mark,  he feels so proud but empty at the same time,  he doesn't know what to do with his life anymore.
He gets a call one day,  it's his old uncle, asking how he's been. He realizes it has been a while since he visited him, and his uncle probably won't have much time left .   So he packs his bags and leave to see him.
The town hasn't changed much since the last time he went there.   Hell it hasn't change a lot since he met Connor all these years ago.  He still reckognise the places both of them visited,  the spot where they kissed for the first time, the beach  where they fell asleep.
Despite his old age his uncle still hugs him tight when meeting him,  by the time they finish catching up it's already night time. After a warm meal, his uncle goes to sleep while Hank decides to stay up.
It is cold outside,  but walking by the beach soothes him somehow,   he doesn't know where he is going, he just wants to walk while listening to the sound of the sea. Regardless, he ends up at that same spot he first saw Connor. If he ever left him a message it is long gone.  He decides to sit there for a while, looking at the black sea.   He tries to draw or write something in the sand but the lack of light makes it difficult to see what he's doing.   After a while the cold got the better of him and he decides to leave  but not without hearing a sound by the water
His heart skip a beat He can see a vague silhouette, but the darkness make it hard to see anything. Hank gets closer, his heart beating harder by the minute,  his hand reach out before calling Connor's name.
Something is licking his hand, he quickly pulls it away in disgust. "wtf is that"
He hears a quiet whining coming from it. He pulls out his phone and put on the flashlight.
 In front of him was laying a young wet shivering puppy. No collar nothing that suggest he belongs to someone. He probably fell in the water and ended up washed up here.    Hank took out his coat and wrapped the cold puppy with it before rushing it home.
He took the little puppy to the bathroom to give it a warm bath. As he was watching it warming up, his mind rushed back to the time he brought Connor in that same bathtub. And for a moment he felt silly he took a little dog for a big fishman. Sailor mistake he thinks.   He makes sure to give the little thing something to eat before going to sleep.  He lays a towel for it to lay on in the living room, but turns out it prefered snuggling with Hank in the bed the better option.   Hank gives up pretty quickly, and turns out snuggling with that furrball is not so bad after all.
His uncle asks him what the dog name. "Sumo" he says.    They quickly have their own routine, and turns out routine is not so bad after all.  Everyday during their walk, Hank would go to the spot he first met Connor and leave a message, hoping Connor would see and wait for him.  Part of him feels that Connor is never coming back. Does Connor even think about him? Would he even reckongnise him after all these years?    He lets out a sigh as he finishes writing his message. "I am still here"
Eventually his uncle offers him a job : being a lightkeeper.  Hank never expected to become one but he didnt turn it down.  He actually enjoys it, just being him and Sumo, taking care of the lighthouse. It's peaceful. At night, he gazes into the sea from the top of the lighthouse. Sometimes he swears he sees glowing lights moving under the dark water that quickly disapears upon closer look. "Just the moonlight reflection" his uncle says.  It probably is.   He suggests that he goes out sometimes or he'll go crazy staying in that lighthouse all the time.  It doesnt bother Hank too much but for the sake of his uncle he's willing to go out in town.
You can often see Hank at the town pub, always Sumo by his side.  One pinapple juice for him and a big bowl of water for Sumo.  He chats with the bartender and other regulars when they are around. He offers help if people are asking. It helps keep him focused and not getting lost to that place again.  He quickly becomes some kind of in between a local celibrity or town legend. People enjoy his company, but the truth is, he doesnt share much of himself or his past.  Too ashamed of what he did.  Despite it all, Hank feels content.
Weeks turn to months, and unfortunately, a year after moving to town, his uncle passes away.   It is a hard time for everyone, as he was a beloved figure in the community.  Some days are harder than others, and the need for a drink arises from time to time. Keeping Sumo close is probably what prevents Hank from falling for it. That and his daily visits at the pub.  People were quick to offer him support after his uncle passing and he's unsure what to do with all the food he had gathered.
There he was standing on top of the lighthouse, eating some warmed up soup to fight against the hard winter.  And he sees it again, or he thinks he sees it, some glowing lights under the water.  In the end it doesn't matter, because all Hank wanted to do in that moment, is let out the loudest scream in the world.
And so he screams, he screams for his peer not believing him, he screams for the years he lost to alchohol, he screams for loosing his uncle, he screams for feeling like such an asshole, and finally he scream for Connor. Connor who forgot about him, Connor who promised he'd come back but never did, Connor who took his heart and shattered to pieces.
It feels good to scream, Sumo even joins him and starts howling.  It's a good thing they away from everyone because they are so noisy! Whether it was the cold wind or that release of emotions, Hank feels the tears coming. He hasnt cried since Cole died. He can't stop crying. He is now sitting on the floor sobbing.  He can hear Sumo whining quickly followed by his tongue trying to lick Hank's face.   He wraps his arm around the big dog and pull him close. He still cries into his furr but it does ease the pain.
He doesn't know how long  he stayed there. Sumo fell asleep onto his lap, and Hank's legs are numb.   He gently wakes Sumo up before both of them going to bed.
He dreams of Connor this night, there they are both laying on the beach, kissing ever so gently. He remembers this moment. Hank slids his hand along Connor's tail.  His hands stop on one of Connor's scale. It could easily be pulled off if he wanted. But before he could say anything Connor pulls it out for him. "That way you will always think of me"   It was a beautiful light blue iridescent scale. Hank couldn't stop looking at it. It feels like looking at the sea.
He wakes up the next day, eyes still puffed up from last night crying, but he feels just a little lighter.  Little steps he thinks.
It feels like a nice morning, the sky is clear and you could see the warm colors of the sun rising. Hank gets a sip of his cup of cofee before remembering his dream. He gets up and looks through his old stuff he left before moving in to the city.  He found the old box where he stored Connor's scale. Still perfectly intact, as if no times has passed.  He gently strokes the smooth surface and takes it with him.
He eventually makes a pendant out of that scales, so he can carry it around with him always.
When he feels down, or anxious, he likes to hold it, he swears he can hear the sound of the waves crashing on the beach but maybe he is just slowly becoming crazy.
The cold winter leaves it place to spring, then summer, then fall, and so on. Fives more years go on.   Hank doesn't leave messages as frequently as before. He is here after all,  and he carries a piece of Connor with him.  That time with Connor feels like such a distant memory. He just wishes he could see him one more time. He likes to shout a huge "HEY" when he sees these glowing lights in the water at night.   Sometimes he is affraid to forget Connor all together. So he started sketching and painting.  He tries to draw these precious moments they had together.   He remembers when he learnt Connor couldn't lay eggs anymore, and how he now know the pain of loosing a child. He wished Connor was here when Cole was gone, how he could've told him how to live with the pain.
These days Hank loves just starting at the sea whenever he can, he just sits there, Sumo by his side, and his mind just wanders, where do merfolk go he wonders. He likes to lay down and watch the stars. "Does Connor ever look at the stars"   Connor never told him much about merfolk truth be told. Hank wished he asked more questions,  maybe if he showed more interest, Connor would've stayed... probably not.
He fell asleep there, he shouldn't have, it was still a cold hard winter out there, and without Sumo here, he probably would have not ended up in a hospital bed.   Luckily he didn't get to stay long, and after a quick check up and some stern talking from the doctor to not fall asleep on the beach in the middle of winter again, he was discharged.He picked up Sumo on his way home so they could have their morning walk. It is a beautiful day, and despite a cold night, the morning light felt warmer. Sumo is walking ahead, sometimes stopping to check if Hank is still behind him before strotting ahead.  The waves are softly crashing on the beach and you could hear the seagulls in the distance.
Sumo suddently freezes. Hank tries to look in his direction. Nothing to see but the sea.  He  turns around and  tries to push Sumo to keep walking but the dog wouldn't budge. "Come on Sumo get a move on!"
"... Hank?"
It's Hank's turn to freeze this time. His heart starts beating He knows this voice. Despite all the years, and the memories fading, he can still reckongnise his voice. But he doesn't want to turn around. What if it's just a dream, what if he's still delirious from the night before. Maybe he just died and this is the end.  A flow of memories are going through his head, he remembers how warm he felt every time he called for his name.  He holds the pendant so tightly it starts to hurt.  Finally he gathers the courage to slowly turn around.
He was standing in front of him. The warm morning light caressing his body. A soft expression on his face while tears are starting to show. He still looks the same as he was 25 years ago.  The same doe eyes, the same little strand of hair on his head, the same hands that hold his and the same soft lips he kisses all those years ago.
He tries to take a step toward Hank, reaching his hand for him. Hank looks at it for a moment, he doesn't know how long he has been staring at it before gently holding it, caressing it with his thumb. His hands feels so old against his soft hands. He finally let go of his pendant and offers him a smile;
"Welcome Home Connor"
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
After School Assignment...
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After School Assignment...
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents : Highschool/College AU. Fluff, a single kiss at the end, not much actual Scara content, but its there,
Summary : You get paired up with Scaramouche for an assignment and have to go to his house to work on it.
Requested? No.
Wc : 1.3k
Not posting to ao3
Requests? Open!
this has been in the writing process for a few days so, sorry if it doesnt make much sense, i didnt want to proof read it lmao I also may write a part two to this, as the ending didnt sit right with me, but it depends i guess.
“You two are paired…You two are paired…and you two..” Your teacher went around the class, handing out a page for each pair of students. Everyone had a deskmate, so it was no surprise that your teacher just decided to do the pairs like that. It was the easiest way.
You sighed inwardly, sinking into your seat, and pulling up your mask as the sudden realization of who your partner was dawned on you. You questioned why you had picked this spot in the first place at the beginning of the year.
Your teacher didn’t say anything as she put the paper onto the shared table. You didn’t dare grab the page and expose your pitiful excuse of a hiding spot. You were right next to him anyways! Why even attempt at hiding?
Now, you knew there was nothing wrong with your partner. He worked swiftly and precisely. But…his communication skills were… something to say the least.
Scaramouche sighed and leaned forward to grab the loose page, skimming over the contents quickly as he was not listening to the entire lecture, to begin with. He had no real need to as the student with the highest marks.
“Got any ideas?” He asked, still staring at the page.
You shook your head in reply, not truly caring if he saw or not. You could care less for this assignment, you didn’t even know what it was about. You sure weren’t listening. You needed to though, as the student with the lowest marks that is.
Maybe that is why your teacher had pointed Scaramouche to your table when he arrived a few weeks ago.
He turned to face you, expression nothing short of foul. “Are you deaf or just stupid?” He asked, clearly having not seen you shake your head a few seconds prior. 
Once more, you shook your head. Giving him a small glare. 
He huffed and shook his head, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. “Fine. We can do it in Inazuma history then.” He tossed the paper to you, letting you read over it before the bell rang for the next class.
The teacher started to speak, going on about how the assignment was due in a week, and that it was best to do planning over the weekend with your partner.
Like hell, he would even agree to that.
With that, you took a picture of the paper and stuffed your bag with the rest. The bell was surely soon to ring anyways. 
Your desk partner didn’t say anything as he packed his own bag up for the day.
The bell rang, and the halls filled with a plethora of other students fleeing to their next class. You stood up from your seat and shuffled, pulling up your mask quietly before grabbing your bag and tossing the strap over your shoulder, and making your way to your next class.
You may share the same general class schedule with the foul male, but you surely did not care to share each seat with him.
One class was enough. Thank god this one had single seats rather than double tables.
You sat in your seat, looking between the board and your paper, you felt your phone vibrate. You quickly finished up your rather messy notes and picked it up, not caring if the teacher saw you on your phone.
You were ahead in the note-taking anyways.
You quickly skimmed over the message. And typed in your half-hearted reply.
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You sighed and set your phone back down, wanting to get these notes for your upcoming test. 
He wasn't too bad of a partner. You knew that much. He took on more of a lead role and liked to make most of the decisions when it came to a project. Which…worked out with you per say.
Humming softly, you decided to keep up with the notes, not caring for the other notifications from your phone.
__ Once your class had finally finished, you packed up your items and slung your bag over your shoulder, giving a quick look over your phone to see Scaramouche had left a message for you. His address it appeared.
“This guy is… something.” You mumbled to yourself, shaking your head as you walked down the hall and to the nearest door to leave school. 
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You walked swiftly to the nearest bus stop and waited. Soon you would be at his house and start on this stupid assignment. You just hoped you two would get a high grade- though with him you were sure you would.
While on the bus to his place, you thought about all the other times you’ve worked with him. Which would be none. No one ever seemed to like pairing up with him, though you never really understood why.
He worked diligently and supposedly got high grades. Why wouldn’t they want to work with him? 
Sighing as you got off the bus, you thanked the driver and walked down the street and to his house. You had to do a double take at the address he sent you and the address you were at. Was this really his house?
You had to remind yourself who his parents were and the type of family he had. Rich people things you’d guess.
You ran your hands across the hedges as you approached the front door, marveling at the look of the front garden. They looked foreign yet so well-grown.
You shook your head from the clouds and made it up the steps and to the door, working up the little courage you had to knock. You flattened your shirt and pushed some of your hair out of your face. 
Why were you trying to fix your appearance? He was just a classmate- an attractive one yes. But why did that matter? Maybe it was because of his family's high status. Yeah, it was that.
It took a few moments for someone to answer the door, you heard quick and angry footsteps approaching the door. It opened to show an irritated Scaramouche, his school clothes now discarded and replaced by a different outfit.
“Who is it?” He asked, brows furrowed before he noticed it was you. “Oh, it’s you. Come in.” He stepped to the side, letting you in.
You stepped inside the rather spacious home, quickly taking off your shoes to follow the quick male.
“My moms are out. This would have been a lot easier with them, since our family… yknow.” He sighed, knowing full well most of the world knew of his family's lineage. He opened the door to his room and once more stepped to the side to let you in.
You nodded at him, walked into the room, and stood near his bed. You looked around quickly before your eyes landed on Scaramouche once more. 
“Do you ever talk? Or are you mute?” He suddenly asked, having picked on the fact you don’t talk often. His facial expression was rather, unreadable. Why did he even bring this up? 
“I- uhm…” You tried to answer, and he gave you next to no chance. He walked closer to you and put a hand on your shoulder, pushing you down so you could sit on the bed. 
“Now that I think about it, you’re always wearing this mask.” He whispered, the proximity of you two close enough to hear him.
“Well I-” He cut you off once more by grabbing your mask, pulling it down quickly and smoothly.
“I never said you could speak. I simply asked if you could. And you’ve since answered my question.” He said, shaking his head slightly while eyeing you.
“Be quiet.” He whispered and leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips.
To that, you sat there stunned, and flustered. 
Maybe he didn’t want to work with anyone but you.
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supernaturalkickparty · 2 months
ok so it's been a few days i can process the chaos of the back to school event on wednesday.
So as of recently both the pediatrician and psychologist have said they highly recommend my son go to school, for me to put him in pre-k and he'll get speech therapy and occupational therapy there.
I cried, talked it over with my husband, cried some more, argued with my mom that since she wont allow any therapist in the house or for us to do much of anything with him, this is my last option.
Signed him up, went to the administration building, went to the school, went to the special education department, and now i wait for my meeting on what modifications he will need in class.
oh dear lord where do i even begin?
first off the event started at 5 but I told my husband we should leave early because we're a small town and i know a lot of people rely on this event.
hell we're a family that relies on these events.
get there at 4:25 and theres already people waiting outside, it's 108 outside. we grabbed the umbrella and my sons water bottle and we waited outside.
as soon as 5 o'clock hit, they only allowed so many people in at a time, my child was fussy because he wanted to run around, he did make a friend in line though so that was cute.
by the time that it was our turn to enter the building we rushed him to the bathroom so he could go potty, well my husband took him because if i had left to take him they said we'd loose our place in line, like why don't yall count his dad in this but count me? lol make it make sense.
get in line and im like sweet i see the backpacks, lets grab it and go.
they hand you a backpack, then you have to go in line to each table and they hand you supplies.
it would be so much easier if they had backpacks already filled with the basic supplies instead of you going in a line. it was crowded, we got looks for wearing mask but im sorry the lady like 2 or 3 people in front of us was hacking up a lung and no thank i do not want to get sick.
they're playing music because its supposed to be a fun event but all the vendors for the games and stuff canceled so they just had the dj playing music and my son was dancing in line lol
it was too crowded, too hot, too overwhelming, too loud, my son knocked over 2 balloon arches, i was so fucking embarrassed, i felt like everyone was judging me, we get to the end of the line of school supplies and he got sad because they were also handing out bicycle helmets and vouchers for kids bikes at walmart or academy i think and we didnt get one but they gave him some books instead and he liked those.
by the time we left there was still a huge line of people waiting to get inside and i hope they at least got something because they were starting to run out of stuff by the time we were leaving.
the plan was to homeschool my son, to avoid all this, to avoid people and my plan has been shot to shit and now im struggling to get his supplies.
we went to another event last night but it was drive through only and tbh it was a hell of a lot more organized than the one hosted by the city.
the pastor had all the basic supplies in a backpack and just asked how many kids and gave us a domino's gift card.
theres one on wednesday and i'm hoping since its being hosted by community action its a lot more organized.
wish me and my child luck!!!
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astro-naut9 · 3 months
I know nothing about your OCs, so consider this a request for any infodumps about any characters you feel like talking about.
Educate me about your lil' guys.
OH BROOOTHHERRRR OK SO !!! PREPARE TO READ VERY CONFUSING STUFF !! and trigger warnings for mentions of self-sabotaging and anything related to it.
this is Francis Wry !!
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They're 16 and they use he/she/they pronouns! Their identity is loosely based off of me but so are my other characters tbh. ANYWAY!! He's a very chaotic person but also very caring towards his friends (alex)! They love destruction and they also love peace, which makes his morals questionable. Francis will do anything for his wants, as long as it doesn't affect his friends at all. He will go through lengths for it (will include self sacrifices and world destruction). BUT!! overall, he's not too complicated to understand. jsut that friends > others
ANYWAY !! story time
Francis, was legally named Vanessa, was born in a poor family of three (including him). She spent her time ltierally working for her family. anyway, no, she did not live with peace when she was with her family. BUT, she did find a friend, Neil, when they were both 7 years old and then they grew up together cuz their family is friends with each other and they have the same hobbies. (unfortunately i dont have pics of them tgt) however, this did not cure francis' depression (she didnt know she had it), so yeah !! anyway, long story short she unalived herself by jumping off a building BUT GUESS WHAT !!!! SHE DIED, BUT SHE GOT REVIVED !! TO ANOTHER WOOOORRLLLDDD !!!
with that process, lets go to the revival thingy first.
in order for people to be revived, alien scientists grab their wandering souls in their planet and bring them outside the universe (to the multiverse) where a rogue sun and planet travel. The souls are then magically revived by a god who the alien scientists had held hostage (the god does not mind the reviving too much, however, he wishes for them to treat him kinder). ANYWAY, the aliens then take dna from the deceased bodies and put it in a cloning machine.
no, the scientists does not care who they revive. it is for the sake of experiment.
so, that implies Francis was taken as an experiment :3
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niszen is the scientist in charge of him. they have some sort of sibling bond as the scientists are tasked to act very kind to the subjects as a manipulation tactic, so their relationship is either genuine or just a hoax. Anyway, you could tell what francis went thru with the experiments as it had always been painful and exhausting. then one day he couldnt take it anymore and js went batshit crazy. with the mix of other dnas mixed in his blood, his strength and abilities were a bit crazy. with that, francis escaped from his cell and went to the fuel room. he grabbed jugs of gasoline and poured it eevrywhere he went. the aliens had a room filled with stuffs that are alien to them which was where he found the match box. this then led to him burning down the laboratory, causing it to explode yada yada. (there are details i didnt include because it will take this very long)
then he proceeded to live in the wild. since the planet, Astrylis, was made for the preference of different species, the woods was js like the woods from the Earth. anyway, he lived there for like 2 weeks until a grandma saw him and then helped him with ways and stuff. then he was exposed to the outside world after 4 months of in denial.
then he met uhh Alex!!
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alex was 14 when they were 13 !! then they uh became best friends for 4 years (present time, which is 6036). anyway, i actually have no more to add unless im asked about specific things auuughgh but
anyways here are some of the uhh arts w them :33
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i have more ocs but,, idrk,, i cant seem to describe some stuff without the questions beign specific for some reason??? but hey i hope i did give u a little about my guy here !!
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t1rkb · 5 months
I constantly get dreams of a GF, TOH and Amphibia Crossover so i'm gonna list all the stuff I remember distinctly from it.
Part 1 The Crossover was mostly Hexsquad (Luz bringing the portal door with her, and Odalia carving a small bug palisman to spy on Amity secretly following and listening on everything) and The Calamity Trio heading to Gravity Falls for a fun trip taking place after the Amphibia Timeskip The Pines Family are mostly grown up (Except the Stans who accidentally touched a magic artifact that made them 20 years older) and uh... Waddles lived his full life Dipper and Mabel discussed about waiting till they were old enough to go their seperate ways only for that to backfire and them still being together Dipper had a makeshift plasma gun that still had a missing part and a small dagger in case he needs to resort to melee Mabel... Kept her old Grappling Hook and it still works Pines Family have a family trip to the Alien Crashsite to get the last piece to finish dipper's plasma gun (with Hexsquad and Calamity Trio trailing behind curious about what they're doing) Suddenly Stan holds the other pines Hostage and Bill's shown to be living in Stan's Head.. and the hostage situation didnt last long after Willow restrained him and finally the 3 groups meet so back at the Shack Bill loses control and Stan is back and they still need to find a solution. till realising they could put a metal plate (a spare one for Ford) in Stan's head since it worked well for ford, but they'd need magic to implement it Which Luz calls up but during the process they need someone to hold bill down in the Mindscape But they still need someone outside to keep an eye on everyone Ford decides on Mabel coming with him to the Mindscape with Dipper being Fine with the plan So while Mabel and Ford deal with Bill, Dipper decides to give them all a trip around the shack, where Luz and Marcy fall thru loose floorboards into Ford's Lab and Dipper calls Soos to fix the floor while he goes down to help the two Luz and Marcy find DD and more D and join dipper in Playing before Marcy accidentally finds the Infinity Sided die and accidentally rolls it ...and suddenly Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, and Frobo are transported to the human realm with a set timer before they return to amphibia
In the mindscape Ford and Mabel had a one to one talk, Ford knows Mabel was part of the deal with weirdmageddon because Bill kept talking about it, But Bill ALWAYS assured Ford Mabel was just a pawn and that it was all HIS doing. Ford brung Mabel because he wanted her to have closure against Bill Meanwhile Gus finds Dipper's DVD collection of the Tales of Arcadia Trilogy and Everyone ends up binge watching it while Ford and Mabel lock Bill in the metal plate Part 2
After getting that mess sorted out Hexsquad and The Calamity Trio decide to see more of Gravity Falls and its wonders, but meanwhile Odalia's bug secretly makes its way to a mysterious statue in the woods and makes contact with it, Moving Bill out of the metal plate and into a different mindscape where She makes a Deal with Bill to possess Amity Meanwhile Luz realises that the Tales of Arcadia trilogy felt unfinished so she confronts Dipper about it, He fesses up about rise of the Titans but said that it kills the franchise and he doesnt want to ruin the franchise for them. Now uh... This part is very clunky, forgive me i only really dream the action parts Dipper finally finishes his Dual Plasma guns with Infinite Fuel, With three different modes, Blast, Beam, and Shield only downside is, whenever he fires away he's always knocked back by the recoil.
Meanwhile, Bill takes over Amity's Body in secret and makes their way to Odalia Blight so they can discuss on how to unleash Bill into the 3rd Dimension again, Their plan being to rebuild and reactivate the portal under the shack
Filler and other plot points that makes the other characters Relevant i just cant think of anything rn
After all that succeeds and Weirdmageddon is unleashed ugh... again Luz activates the portal door and evacuates a bunch of people from Gravity Falls and they seek refuge in the boiling isles and need to plan for another Revolution against Bill But... bill is prepared and sits right in front of the shack waiting so while that happens everyone starts planning a bunch of things like a Shacktron 2.0 but made with better parts since Polly and a Few others we're a lot more experienced in that field, some Training with weaponry (and Mabel gets a Mace)
They all end up realising Amity is Missing, Luz decides she'll go find her and when she does she finds out Amity is possessed and tells the rest of the team Dipper suddenly has an idea, tells Mabel to make a sock puppet of Amity and to just put it on the ground, where Amity (Currently in the mindscape) can communicate with everyone since Bill is puppeting her body so, they need to find a way to free amity from the possession permanently
Meanwhile Bill ends up recruiting Terra and Adrian since his Henchmaniacs don't trust him anymore and tasks them to kidnap them all, especiall the Pines Family Everyone Came to the conclusion to Free Amity from the possession they need another Metal Plate, only... they used the last one on stan, Thing is Ford remembers He had a few of them in the old Bunker so Dipper decides he and a few others will go get it and chooses Hunter, Marcy, and Willow to help him, but for them to make it there they need to get past bill, so Gus uses his illusion magic to fool bill into killing the four of them while the real ones ran off to the bunker. Bill is satisfied with "killing" the illusions so he retreats back to the Fearamid since he knows theyre probably gonna be kidnapped When he does everyone starts putting their plans into action and start building a better shacktron while also finding a way to stop bill without the Zodiac Ford realises if the Shack can stop bill from entering then what if they could seal him in to give them more time so tells Dipper Marcy Hunter and Willow about getting the Mercury, Moonstone, and Unicorn Hair so they get all the materials when suddenly.. in the Boiling isles, Terra, Adrian, Odalia and Amity (Being possessed by Bill) raid the Owl House and took almost all of the inhabitants (Except Gus) after the 4 return they see the Shack in Shambles and Find just Gus The Portal Door was ransacked too! So They hatch a plan to get them all back from the Fearamid
Meanwhile Terra suggests that they use the memory tweezers except it doesnt work due to the metal plate Gus will illusion Himself as Dipper and get Odalia, Bill and Terra to chase him, while Hunter lays down the Unicorn Hair outside Willow will deal with Adrian and Amity and subdue both of them while Dipper frees everyone and Marcy preps an Airship as an Escape Vehicle The plan works well and Bill is locked on the top of the fearamid till Dipper realises Ford is missing, turns out he's been taken somewhere else so while Marcy evacuates Everyone (And a Knocked out Amity) Dipper and Hunter go back in to find both the Portal Door and Ford, Dipper finds Ford but Hunter comes by and tells them that Adrian, Odalia, and Terra found them, and they couldnt find the door so they decide that will be something for another day As the three escape Dipper hops off before closing the door behind Hunter and Ford, Tells both of them to get out of there while He deals with the witches meanwhile Amity woke up and got ready to attack till Luz lunged at her and knocked both of them off the airship. Luz fights off Amity and tries to get her to the shack so the possession will wear off meanwhile Dipper is in a stand off with three different witches at once... Next Part coming soon...
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pipermint8magic · 1 year
Warning! :
Mention of wanting to do suicide.
Jack /J= Joker
No ones pov.
It was dark, stormy and about to rain, but did J care? No. He ran to a rooftop. He had to face it, that he is a monster who nobody loves. That everything would be better without him. Atleast how he thinks. After all, one less of a problem.
Everyone has told or hinted that.
First, Bruce who used him until he had enough of him and then Harley who told him that she would help him if he helped her.
'Help heh...' J thinks to himself.
'Forced into bed after I told her Im into men. Then getting mad and forced me into becoming Red Hood.'
'Maybe you should kill her? Hmmm? Or youreself! Hahaha!'
Joker tought about it.
'At this point i have nothing else to loose.'
'That's the spirit.'
He grabed a knife he took from the manor before running away.
But before he could do anything he was stoped by the Big bad bat who was the reason for his looks.
"Jack! Put the knife down and -"
Jack looked at the knife but then laughed the creepiest and sadest laugh Batman has heard.
"No... No, I don't think I wont. Its better if I just do it."
"Do what? Kill yourself?! I don't think so! Let me help you!"
"Help me! Youre one of the reasons I became this... This monster! "
Remembering how painfull it felt. He was weak and how he was forced to do stuff... No too much!
"You didnt save me. And after that you throw me in Arkham where I was attacked. And no one believed me! "
He was crying and shaking. It was starting to rain.
"Maybe just throw me back there! It would be better for everyone..."
Batman was silent looking at him trying to process.
'No, Jack, babe, Im sorry! Just come back! " But he needed a better way to say it.
" No, I wont. Jack come back to the Wayne manor. Im sure- I... I mean Bruce wont be mad."
Jack stood still for a moment before letting the knife drop and himself droping on the rooftop, putting his head on his knees.
"Im a mess up..." He mumbles and cries.
At the next moment he feels a hand on his head, petting him and being wrapped in a cape. He looked up at Batman and saw him smiling.
Then out of nowhere Batman kissed him?
'Did he just - "
They looked at eachother.
' That kiss, that feeling. Could.... '.
"Who are you?"
Batman didn't answer. He looked around and pulled of his mask.
At first J was confused but then he recognized him.
' No it cant be-'
"Batman youre Bruce Wayne!"
Bruce gave him a small smile and said
"I miss you and want you back."
J was more then confused that he fainted. Bruce pulled him close and checked if he was okay. Then put his mask on and left with Jack in his arms.
(sorry about bad english)
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
I CRIED DURING CHAP 4 OH MY GOD the way Jake actually cares but gets such bad tunnel vision that he actually looses sight of what he's trying to protect:(
what if the conversation he has with reader at the tree of souls isn’t like any actual conversation??? but it’s like a barrage of memories and visions, possible futures and dreamlike visuals that portray both people’s feelings.
like obviously there would be a conversation but like when Kiri went to see grace, their location and physical state changed, so what if since jake and reader are both very emotional but also emotionally constipated they can’t get everything out through actual words?
when reader finds out Ikran (my vote is for the name is yom’tsyeyk cause it means “eat jake” 🙏) can’t fly anymore :(( maybe the ikran can just get really good at running… OR PULL A HTTYD ‼️ either way you go the metaphorical and emotional meaning behind it can do a LOTTTT. i just love the way you write, it’s so GOOD
like the way you describe emotions, actions, thought processes??? i’m currently writing my own fic and i aspire to be you fr
The anger Neytiri felt and how she lashed out at jake, THE ADOPTION CEREMONY THING??? i love the way ur brain works, are the kids mad at jake too?? like they’d probably never show it cause of how intense it gets when reader does but i can’t imagine the anger the kids might feel, wether it be directed more at Jake or reader or if it’s just anger at the situation and their relationship, id actually cry if we got some sibling angst up in there.
as someone who watched many conflicts between their sibling and authority figures, there’s always that kind of habit unconditional siding with the sibling even if they might be wrong. The sibs are definitely gonna be traumatized by this but how are they gonna respond and how will that manifest? isolation? attachment? anger? Would Kiri stay the pacifist or would she try and become some kind of protector or shield for reader? each kid would def have their own response and opinions and what if they clash?
Bro imagine the tension if the kids’ emotions manifest negatively like that :( would reader feel responsible?? WILL THIS BE THE REASON THEY MOVE TO THE REEF??? (assuming we’re going in that direction) THE DRAMMAAAA
tbh it could have a tiny little romance subplot 🤭
(SAPPHIC READER???? TSIREYA😍😍 Rotxo being sweet and balancing reader out??? rivals to lovers ao’nung with a not really secret soft side??? the possibilities are endless)
IM GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF AND RAMBLING SO MUCH😭😭 anyways, that’s just my thoughts and theories abt how this could go, im sooooo excited for the next chapter and where you go with thisssss :)))))))
OUF so. from movie-canon its like a blend of the souls living in their best memories, neteyam wasn't aware he died but the moment jake didnt follow the memory his soul knew something was wrong, but jake put things back in order again. grace, however, knew she was dead - and we saw how the sceneries could change. im planning to take FULL ADVANTAGE of what we've been given AHAHAHAH
about jake and sister!reader's conversation though, HHHHHHHH its hard to have a heart-to-heart, but im sure you'll like what ends up happening since it's hurting me to write it BDBSBD
About the siblings-parent conflict... I haven't written much of it because I don't think it's in character for either of them to be angry at Jake for it, they never are for Jake's actions even in TWOW. Lo'ak's generally frustrated and Neteyam gives the slightest bits of attitude, and Kiri is moody. They are too young for the kind of anger you're talking about, in my opinion. Sully family also is one of the healthier families in media. But there are tidbits of it in the new chapter, but it doesn't really go anywhere because Jake isn't his old self where wouldn't listen any of it. He takes full blame of it, and sort of reconnects with Neteyam and Lo'ak through it because Neteyam full on blames himself and Lo'ak is flabbergasted as to why Jake isn't affected. Jake listens to Neytiri's advice on transparence here. I'm going for sort of a healing-route! Though of course they'll be traumatized in their own way.
And this IS heading to the awa'atlu plot! I'm just making it more solid.
Also I've NEVER considered what kind of romance plot there would be, but sister!reader to me is kind of fruity LMAO She has a mix of Korra, Ellie and Vi vibes in my head. Like, girl-preferring with stupid attraction to men she gags at. Idk if I'll ever write it though BSHDBSS The general outline in my head is that she sees tsireya as a goddess and aonung as a pest she'd like to step on. rotxo is nice though she rocks with rotxo
ALSO!! ITS ALRIGHT ILY <3333 Have an amazing day!
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planetary · 9 months
here i answered some of those bg3 character asks on my own 👍 if any of this is inconsistent with Actual dnd lore sorry i dont know shit. my city now ^_^ IO BLAST 💥
1: Where in the Faerûn is your Tav from?
underdark. scary spidery part of it
2: What is your character's alignment?
chaotic good. mostly.
3: Race and subclass?
seldarine drow, tempest domain cleric of selûne
4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
probably around that temple ruin you discover withers in at orrr at the goblin camp breaking into the selûnite temple lmao. she’s been there before so she just wants to get to a familiar place to sit while she processes wtf is going on
9: Is your Tav from Baldur's Gate? Why are they travelling there?
i dont think so. she doesn’t really live anywhere she just fucks around. she’s going there bc her companions want to and she doesnt have anything else to do. she left the underdark thru that temple in the game so unless she wandered pretty far, shes from around the act 1 area
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
no and she’s actually hilariously awful at it. when she played the spider lyre the drider that showed up was like good fucking lord knock it off
11: Weapon of choice?
i always draw her with the blood of lathander but i think right now she has a deva mace i got from killing a deva after robbing a shrine and getting cursed. so. maces
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
its not really her first choice but it is her second one. like if just being friendly doesnt work out after 2 minutes shes like well gang i guess we just have to kill these guys.
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
i think she likes sewing and robbing people and breaking into places and stealing
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
yeah she loves just fucking off doing whatever
18: What would your Tav be doing if they weren't kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
fucking off doing whatever. worshipping selûne and just being loose in the woods i think. maybe breaking into someone’s basement
19: How do you think they'll meet their end?
either trying to forgive someone who does not want to be forgiven OR that assassin that’s hunting her is going to fucking get her. you know how it is with the assassin
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
22: What languages is your character fluent in?
um. common. drow…? is that a thing. she’s learning the githyanki language also. and apparently she knows infernal
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
yepyep since im pretty sure thats a selûne thing right
25: What arcana major best represents your Tav?
ah man i have to think of all of them. major arcana… fuckkk. ill get back to u. whatever the future tense of the tower is. she already burnt everything down and rebuilt from the ashes. her character development at this point is learning not to lace her corset so tight and being really proud if her friends
26: What animal best represents your Tav?
maybe a birdie. cute little bird. or a snake. not a hostile snake though just one of the ones that hangs out and chills
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?
she was born into house helvindar in the underdark and was raised as a war cleric of lolth (EVIL SPIDER GODDESS!). was a really good one. made a lot of sacrifices and had a looot of potential. people knew of her and were sometimes even impressed by her ruthlessness and devotion. but she started realizing that lolth didnt really have a goal, she just wanted to create chaos. they weren’t working towards anything. there was no purpose for any of this. and as she started doubting her faith she started developing empathy and got resentful of all the things she’d done just for ultimately nothing, not even her goddess’s favor. eventually she discovered that abandoned selûnite temple down there and made up her mind that she was going to flee the underdark. her elder sister found out and followed her there, they fought, but ultimately io escaped into the surface temple and stumbled outside all bloody and disoriented. she saw the moon for the first time and since it was an old selûnite temple that’d granted her escape she sought out others and eventually became a cleric of selûne. her eye was damaged in the fight with her sister, and has been replaced with a moonstone as a gift of recognition from selûne. she’s very devoted but due to her beginnings as a lolth worshipper she doesnt take any issue with whoever serving shitty or people. she’s like well shit happens. I’d like if you stopped torturing people but i believe in freedom and choices so no pressure
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
yeah she is but she does kind of consider lae’zel to be running this shit sometimes since she knows the most about mindflayers and all that. she just happens to be a good influence on everyone by accident by being so chill and accepting of everything
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
i like her kind of like. internal conflict sort of? like she’s very sympathetic and open to forgiving/helping people who are fucked up bc she used to be fucked up like she was ritual sacrificing kids which apparently drow do, crazy shit!!! but she struggles with knowing like, how far to go. she knows not everyone can be helped/saved and she’s ultimately fine with killing them if she’s gotta. but she wonders sometimes if she gave up too early or if she gave the other person too much leeway. like… at what point is it not worth trying to help someone anymore. she also worries that her nonchalance and acceptance of “evil” people is going to put her friends in danger cuz she likes to trust people. she forgets people can and will lie. every betrayal is a surprise for her bc she wants to believe everyone is as upfront and open and honest as she is and then shes like FUCK. which is fun :)
and finally here is the desc for tempest cleric that i love so much for her;
Your faith has made you the very thunder that quakes the black firmament, the lightning coursing through the veins of a terrible storm.
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theviceadmiralswife · 10 months
Alignment fever chapter 2 part 3
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tell me the truth, i can handle it.!", she demanded.
"Easy girl… its well, it might be strange to you but your in HEAT y/n !", Dalmatian explained, mustering up his concentration. Her eyes widened in shock as she felt more feverish then ever :" Heat?? Like an animal… like a bitch in heat?? Are you serious right now?". Dalmatian nodded, he could tell y/n wasnt happy with that answer but he had to tell, her heat affected him too strongly as his tail started to flick eagerly. "Your body has chosen me to mate with you y/n, back in my office and I wont be able to resist this urge for much longer and you..", Dalmatian pointed at her, "… and you girl must submit to your own call of your heat if you don't mate you stay sick!". Y/n looked at him in shock before replying a bit pissed off about this situation:" What is this some stupid devilfruit power thingy?". Dalmatian shook his head, it was more deep and he didnt know what overcame him , probably her scent , it started to affect him reallly badly at this point as he moved closer to her. His heart pounded in his chest and his pupils dialeted as he put an arm around y/n. Dalmatian sighs :" It has nothing to do with a devilfruit, cause I dont use a devilfruit I'm a hybrid by birth my parents are a human and mink!", he stroke her hair back behind her ear," This is how I know that your in heat , that you need to mate that your body made the choice already!".. y/n stares at Dalmatian, she felt so hot and bothered. y/n shakes her head :" IMPOSSIBLE interspecies breeding is forbidden… this cant be…". Dalmatian face grew concerned , why did he just share that with her, why did it feel so right..?? was he bonding with her?? What was this undeniable connection??? He growls slightly upset:" Yes its taboo because most hybrids are conceived by force, however I can proudly say my parents love each other as intenseley as when they met first", his ears droop, he wasn't supposed to say anything since the marines had done verything in their power to hide this from the world, hide who he truly was. y/n was gobsmacked, beside feeling as if she was burning inside consumed by a fire, she started to smell the air , she could smell Dalmatian??? What was going on?? His musky scent hit her nose. His parents loved each other a human a mink???
y/n head was spinning this was so much almost too much to process, she started panting slightly. Dalamatians ears perk up as he hears her breathing change, her scent shifted, besides the smell of her heat her scent was saturated with hormones of fertility, she was ready to breed, that fact alone started to get to Dalmatian into breeding mode and he started to loose himself to his instincts more and more..she needed IT , he needed IT..it was fate that they meant to be with each other.. but before he could process what was happening y/n embraced him and kisses Dalmatian deeply, his tail instantly wraps around her waist. He mumbles into their kiss:" You know you like me, you like this, you want this, you need this!", Dalmatian pulls y/n into his lap , his breathing gets harder and he cant hide his lust as the bulge in his shorts grew bigger and bigger.
end of chapter 2
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meiko3323 · 3 months
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Julien (Chiovreuse kiddo)
ok full disclosure - i actually dont know how i feel abt the final colours, i think i may have overcooked my boi a bit QQ chiefly the bottom "flames" part of his kimono (which turned into like grass or sth), and his sunset gradient socks. PLEASE lmk if its downright terrible and what would look better instead, im at a bit of a loss 😵‍💫
alright, now to transcribe+ elaborate on my chicken scrawly design notes:
- he is left-handed! and thus the fingers of his right hand have bandages covering numerous cuts/ nicks from his needlework (oof i notice i forgot to flip the J in this closeup and its bugging me now QQ)
- he has the same embroidered arm band as Max, except w a (teyvatian) J and as you may guess, he is the redacted friend that made it
- he wears his vision around his neck like a choker pendant thing
- the kimono design is meant to be a zig-zag of pressed rainbow roses
- wears his right sleeve loose and left sleeve rolled up, and held in place by a rope that loops around these shoulder buttons (i rly did miss a letter in diamonD smh)
- the bottom part of his outfit is meant to be a pleated skort* ik i wrote shorts but it looks like a skirt anyway, so mb the middle ground is what it is
- the golden yellow ribbon on his back is tied into a rabbit, and he has a similar, smaller one on the front
- and finally, a pic of young Julien, from before he started wearing a mask to hide his buck teeth
and finally some lore!
Name: Julien (or Jules for short)
Pronouns: he/ him
Vision: Pyro
Weapon: catalyst
About Julien (childhood):
Jules was interested in fashion from an early age. Chiori used him to model her various designs, and it is through this process that he zeroed in on his more Inazuma-style attire, preferring it to the more constricting Fontaine garb. when he got older he even started sewing his own clothes.
though Chevreuse has her hands full catching criminals, she did take time to teach Julien some self-defense and how to handle a musket. but being a much less confrontational person than his parents, he dislikes using force to solve his problems. also, being very compassionate, Julien fears he will hurt the other party if he retaliates. instead he rolls with the punches and bottles up his pain.
About his mask:
Julien was born with very prominent front teeth, and was relentlessly bullied by his peers for this. he took to covering them up with bandanas and scarves, and eventually made himself a mask. he never leaves the house without it, and only takes it off while eating. as a consequence, Julien also doesnt like eating in front of other ppl/ strangers
Least favourite food:
Juliens young tormentors would among other cruel things, throw carrots at him while chanting for him to eat them. as such, hes developed a strong aversion to this vegetable. his parents of course accomodate this dietary choice, and will omit carrots from his dishes.
About Julien (hobbies):
under Chioris diligent tutelage, Julien masters all aspects of clothes-making, but has a particular affinity to embroidering. he even made arm bands for Max and [REDACTED] as a token of their friendship.
and thats it for the introductory lore drop for Jules! i didnt realize till actually writing it all out how very close he is with Chiori, Chevvy barely got a mention lol. theyre not at odds or anything! but due to the nature of his interests and talents, he bonds w Chiori more.
and ofc i had to tease my 3rd child in a redacted mention 😉
oh, id like to include a footnote about how i picked Juliens name cuz its kinda incredible how well it lined up. so here was my process: im like ok, hes the son of a fashion designer and himself has interest in that, lemme name him after a famous couturier. *google list of couturiers, open the wiki page* hm no.. no.. nah.. ooh Julien, i had an old coworker i liked named Julian (w an A tho), how abt that? *click to that wiki page* turns out before getting into fashion bud went to uni for biology/ medicine! and Jules is a healer! also his last name means like furnace or sth and Juliens element is pyro. i must emphasize, these are all aspects of him i worked out BEFORE choosing his name. isnt that crazy? its like the universe aligned for me to make this boi 😸
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