#she does it's more like she's just. an incredibly reckless parent
nguyenfinity · 1 year
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Me when I get a little silly and commit extreme child neglect
Here’s mother Shiina as promised but okay he had to get the blep from somewhere right--
Bonus made with malicious intent (to inflict emotional damage):
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Thinking about a Nerdy Prudes Must Die swap AU
Steph---the mayor's kid who was put under a lot of academic pressure growing up, resulting in her getting lumped in with the nerds despite her struggling in school. She has to try twice as hard as everyone else, which gets seen as her being a buzzkill who does nothing but study, which makes teachers expect more from her... and, yeah, she's infinitely stressed. So stressed and burnt out, in fact, that when a pop quiz gets thrown at her out of nowhere, she finally breaks and asks to cheat off of...
Pete---one of the few popular kids who's popular not because he can play football or soccer or whatever, but because he's genuinely nice. He's taken Ted's advice just enough so he can seem cool without actively being a sleazeball, and he's even managed to be class president. Of course, he's still got a lot of nerdy interests he keeps under the rug, and he's also a lot smarter than he passes himself off as---so he never in a million years would've suspected that the mayor's cute nerdy daughter would want his help on a test, but he's prepared. Until, of course, they get caught by...
Max---the pastor's son who's well known throughout the school to be a judgmental and self-righteous asshole, holding himself and others to ridiculously high standards. He's still an untouchable menace, but instead of it being because he's a football star, it's because every single teacher and authority figure is swayed by his Good Christian Boy attitude, despite the fact that he has a C average (hey, you don't need to worry about grades if you're just going to take over running the church when you grow up). By all accounts, he's pretty much perfect---except for the fact that he has a secret thing for...
Grace---the head cheerleader who still grew up in a very Christian family, but she's embraced her crazy and has successfully talked her parents into letting her do more stereotypical high school stuff like, well, cheerleading ("it looks good on my college transcript, and it's a way for me to get steady exercise and keep myself in shape") and the occasional party ("it's just a fun thing between friends, and if any of them do anything reckless, I want to be there to help"). In reality, of course, she's the most unhinged popular girl in the history of ever, and nobody fucks with her because she's the type of girl who will bite you if you give her shit.
Brenda and Kyle are Steph's fellow struggling nerdy friends---Brenda got lumped in with the nerds because she's in the fandom zone, despite the fact that her head's usually in the clouds and she can barely pass classes, and Kyle's the awkward theater guy who's a total romantic but can't even properly talk to people he likes. By contrast, Richie and Ruth are Pete's friends, and while they aren't exactly cool, everyone knows Richie as the weirdly funny school mascot, and Ruth is Pete's incredibly cocky vice president. So, social clout.
And, uh... yeah
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utilitycaster · 10 months
(this is tagged for it as well, but putting it here: the below involves some non-graphic mention/discussion of suicide in relation to episode 3x78)
I think it's important to keep in mind, regarding the most recent episode, that while Ashton's behavior was extremely dangerous and reckless, it was not suicidal in intent. Ashton thought it would work. They thought that they would fix things, and they ignored all the smart people warning them against it because it would imply a lot of negative things about their parents. That doesn't mean it wasn't an action taken out of a certain lack of self-regard (Ashton's realization of this is what drives much of his conversations in the first half of the episode); but it's much more akin to an accidental overdose, or a drunk/reckless driving, or other dangerous choices. It feels very true to the idea of punk that Taliesin is going for, in which dying young is always very much a possibility, even perhaps an expectation; but not necessarily a goal. Ashton did not expect taking the shard to result in their death, and is incredibly shaken specifically because it did.
With that in mind I think the party's reactions seem very real and very understandable. The fact is, when someone does something very risky and nearly dies (or even is briefly clinically dead, using real-world terms) but ultimately survives it's extremely normal for one of the emotional responses to be anger that they put themselves in such danger. It is not, perhaps, rational, but most emotions aren't. It hurts a lot when someone one is close to does something that harmful to themselves. I don't judge the other members of Bells Hells for expressing those feelings. Frankly, them not expressing similar feelings in the past might very well be why Ashton made the decisions he did: the party lacking trust and walking on eggshells around each other is why he didn't confide in them, and why they fell apart so completely here.
I think it's relevant that Chetney tells Fearne, after stating he likes Ashton, that either she or Ashton can talk to him if they "want out", and he pretty heavily implies that this indicates not just leaving Bells Hells, but suicide, and that he has considered the latter in the past. It's clear that initially Chetney considers that a possible reason for Ashton's actions. He then gives Ashton the "You should leave" speech only after everyone present has been talking at dinner, after Ashton has indicated that he will help find Laudna. It only comes out after Ashton's emotional state is made more clear to him: it's pretty bad, but not actively at risk of self-harm (and indeed, desperately trying to avoid it and to change).
Finally, it's worth considering how important anger is to Ashton. Obviously I don't think having Imogen, FCG, and Chetney yell at them feels good. I also think it's going to feel better than apathy, and more honest than any other option. I don't think a forced gentleness would be better; in fact it might be worse, with them taking a break because clearly Ashton is having a hard time and needs to recover (shades of how Marisha mentioned Laudna feeling like a burden following her resurrection), rather than "we are clearly all in disarray and all have been not dealing with a lot of emotions, and this could have been any of us, and we should all regroup." I mentioned before that ultimately what's important is, angry as they are, Bells Hells undeniably stayed, and FCG and Imogen at least made it clear early on that they would, even if they were angry. Ashton was abandoned in the past by people who weren't even angry, is the thing. I don't think they cared enough to be.
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rascheln · 1 year
The thing I find both hilarious and infuriating about Oshi no Ko is actually the adults and how they know Aqua is scheming and using and manipulating the girls and all they do is essentially just stand by and watch and simply tell him "you know that's wrong" without actually doing anything about it at best or helping him at worst.
Miyako seems to have made it pretty clear that while she thinks of Ruby as her daughter, the same can't be said for Aqua. She acts like his legal guardian first and foremost, but apart from telling him off for manipulating the girls, she doesn't do any actual parenting. Maybe that's because she thinks Aqua needs to make his own mistakes or that she can't control him anyways, but it still makes her an onlooker to his actions. (Though to be fair, due to her lack of involvement with him she also misses a lot of the shit he pulls and probably thinks he's still relatively harmless. It also doesn't help that he acts much more like an adult and has done his best to hide his trauma, which makes him sort of invisible as a 'problem child.')
Mem-cho in a way tries to subtly get involved when she realizes both Akane and Kana have feelings for Aqua and that he's using both of them. Her conflict is over the feelings of her friends, though, and so she tries to slightly counteract Aqua by helping both girls... But that means she spreads herself too thin. She can't have it both ways, for one girl to be happy the other is going to be miserable and she doesn't have enough of a close relationship and access to Aqua to influence him in a meaningful way.
At the same time, she hides a lot of this drama from both Kana and Akane. She can't tell either of them what she knows about the other, least of all what she's observed about Aqua, without hurting their feelings. She's an outside observer who doesn't have the courage to speak up.
And then there's the director, with the most insight into Aqua's mental state, who could overlook Aqua trying to keep Ruby from becoming an idol because he knows how much that scares Aqua. He knows probably most of the background shit Aqua has been pulling and the connections he's made over time and instead of recognizing Aqua's plans as self destructive, he enables him.
Maybe he does this because just like Miyako he doesn't think he could stop Aqua. Or because he wants revenge, too. But ultimately I find him helping Aqua the most egregious, because what Aqua is doing is reckless, is destroying his still existing personal relationships and is leading him directly towards someone who is clearly very dangerous.
(There's also something to be said about Akane withholding her insights into Ai's murder/Aqua's father multiple times to "protect" Aqua, which technically would have been the right choice in order to keep him from spiraling further but was an incredibly naive thing to do since it was impossible to keep those secrets for long. So it just had the opposite effect of delaying a much worse emotional reaction and heightening Aqua's desperation to get his revenge and making it clear to Akane that while he never trusted her anyways, he now especially doesn't have any reason to confide in her.)
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Character/Headcanon analysis: Koushirou Izumi and his parental tendencies
I like to call Koushirou "parental" when it comes to his 02 self - and I'm aware that may also be a very self-indulgent headcanon of him taking after Kae, even though she is more into soft parenting, whereas he himself is pretty occupied to make sure that his children are not blowing themselves up...
But of course you can also just call that him being a naturally supportive and caring person - always has been, ever since Adventure, even if certain events had to trigger him to not only be theoretically but physically helpful (such as whenever it comes to saving Mimi, Sora and Hikari - or telling Taichi to take it easy for once). The same attitude can also be found in Tentomon - though in his case, it's being protective on one hand and quite literally parental on the other (particularly in Tri).
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Koushirou being thoroughly protective is the reason why like to parallel him to Sora (and Hikari and basically Taichi too and thus Team Light validates me again), because them having self-sacrificial tendencies towards the others has ALWAYS been a thing - to various degrees. Again, Koushirou was ALWAYS taking on responsibility to make sure that others are safe (which is literally 90% of how his interactions with Hikari go, heck, Atlurkabuterimon trying to protect Angewomon is the biggest metaphor for that!). Unfortunately, my art did not become canon, but yes, I still maintain he was cut out of The Beginning (even as support) to give the spotlight to others for once. They still couldn't fully ignore him, hence why the "If Koushirou-san can't figure this out, how are we supposed to?" quote exists - the 02 kids have always relied on him and looked up to him, so it makes perfect sense. And Takeru acknowledged his support in his fanfiction as well! But they naturally didn't want him to get the spotlight, because it was about the 02 kids. 100% valid.
But then you also have the show vs. tell problem. Mimi says Koushirou is ignorant - and a lot of people take that at 100% face value. Taichi even defends him since he is pretty much aware of his quirks - and the scene above pretty much implies that Mimi herself knows how Koushirou is (= getting into hyperfocus mode and becoming ignorant towards everything he doesn't deem important in the process, hence being ignorant in urgent situations, but NOT in general). Stageplay!Kou is in a league of his own anyway, because he was allowed to voice his frustrations with "not being allowed to help by Taichi" again - and because he made everyone question how they really felt (like a good parent would always encourage their children). There are tons of examples, but to sum it all up: He is a connector, he is basically second in command, he is protective. His way of phrasing that may be awkward and not always understandable by others (hence why Yamato needs to explain it to Kae and Taichi to Meiko, IT'S A PATTERN), but...
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Again, I just feel like 02 made him incredibly paternal in how he watches over the 02 kids, every time he talks to Iori, Miyako or Ken, he's kind and reassuring - yes, he does scold them and his potential suitors, ahem for being reckless, but also knows when to give praises.
(It also makes sense that he also mainly gets angry whenever he is being left out of things - especially if he knows he could have done something to support.)
We also all know that he has a very loving mother himself and, as mentioned, even if their parenting style might be rather different, he knows what is important, so... How can I not think it's because their relationship got better and he takes after her? Yes, Tri onwards didn't maintain the mom/dadness in him the same way, but he still feels responsible for everybody's safety, he gives advice and guidance all the time and that doesn't change.
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On the Winx Club reboot... Lightrock? Also, how does it go for Diaspro? In the early seasons, the poor girl always gave me the impression most of her bitchiness was caused by knowing she'd have to spend her life saving Sky and Heraklion from his recklessness (and eventually snapping when he was about to risk a civil war to marry Bloom), plus Bloom being revealed a princess suddenly stripping her of the one working solution to the love triangle she knew, that is marrying Sky for duty and let him have the red-haired commoner as a lover.
Diaspro my darling!! She deserved better lmao.
this is gonna get long so
So like.
Diaspro is from a high-ranking noble family on Eraklyon, and her parents have some deal going on with the Royals for her to marry Sky. This has been a fact of life for her for as long as she can remember.
Now, Diaspro does care about Sky. She grew up with him. She thinks she's in love with him because she's supposed to be. Because she never had a choice not to be.
She never really had a choice for much of anything, really. She was to be Sky's trophy wife. She didn't really need to do anything, he'd take care of it all. She could have a hobby here or there, something to entertain herself. But why bother worrying about a career or politics or anything when Sky will do it for her?
Sky breaks out of this mindset earlier and has tried to do more gentle rejections. But things kinda. Explode out of hand. Because when we're in Season 1 we have Sky and Brandon doing their swap thing, then Diaspro shows up and blows their cover and introduces herself as Sky's fiance when he's dating Bloom and....
Like he explains before anyone gets too mad at him, and it's. Being confronted with Sky actually dating someone else is the first time it really hits Diaspro that he may not actually want her, ya know?
Which. Has her hurt and confused because she literally doesn't have anything else in her life except being his future wife. And she does initially take that out on Bloom, seeing it as a 'he would be happy with me if it weren't for you!' thing.
This doesn't last long though. Because Sky puts his foot down on a lot of things as he's like. Aware of the problems on Eraklyon and wants to fix things and wants to actually be a good King to his people. (Like remember what I said about his parents being kinda assholes? And the reason for the Sky-Brandon swap is a whole 'political unrest that is causing assassination attempts' thing.)
During the end of Season 1 and the inbetween of Season 1 and 2, Diaspro does a good bit of thinking and reflecting on Sky's words and actions, and the potential freedoms opening up if she can be whatever she wants instead of just 'his wife'.
While her acceptance of this is shaky at first, she does start looking at the prospect of getting her life on track without him. Ofc her parents wouldn't let her actually do that but... well. If she tells them 'how about you let me enroll in Alfea so I can be closer and keep an eye on Sky and try to win him back from that harlot's clutches?', then they're totally gonna throw money at her education.
She has little intention of actually doing so and is like. Quickly dragged into the friendgroup during Season 2 because they realize she's actually going to be incredibly helpful to have. (her powers are earth/rock-based and they're going underground).
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jugheadvarchoni · 15 days
𝗥𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀
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This was soooo fun, but also really difficult! All the characters at some point, display attributes from all the houses. Everyone has moments of immense bravery, they’re all loyal to someone(s), they all have their own creative or intellectual abilities, and they display ambition or determination in what they do.
The trick was for me to decide which traits I thought defined them the MOST. And who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind one day, but rn, I think I’m happy with these decisions.
As always, let me know what YOUR opinion is if you want. This is by no means an expert opinion. Just my own thoughts. ✌️
- ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴇ: ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ)
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I think the biggest thing that pushes him into Gryffindor is his reckless chivalry. He doesn’t think about the consequences before doing something and is unable to acknowledge the affect of those decisions long-term (his vigilantism, for example). He’s constantly making choices that are completely reactionary and not ever really thought-out, sometimes to his own detriment. But it’s almost always for the right reason, at least in his eyes. His loyalty to the people he loves is a strong motivator, but so is his need to do the right thing. His moral compass is incredibly strong and not only dictates the decisions he makes (which can be misguided for sure… GRUNDY) but also the friends he keeps and people he associates with. He is very passionate about everything he does, especially music/poetry and football, which can fully encompass his entire being when he’s locked into them. There is a big piece of Hufflepuff in him, with his strong determination, loyalty to his friends, and hard-working mindset, mainly thanks to his father Fred. But I do think his recklessly brave, honest, and trusting personality just leans more heavily towards Gryffindor.
- ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ: ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ)
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Veronica is VERY ambitious and cunning, confident and self-reliant in almost everything she does. When she cares for people she cares for them HARD! But not everyone is deserving of that loyalty from her. Her resourcefulness and cleverness, which go hand in hand, is unmatched, even without her parents money. She’s always scheming and thinking on her feet (thus the Ravenclaw aspects: wise, analytical, and idealistic) especially when dealing with her father, which happens soooo much. BUT, her schemes are almost always motivated by a desire to do the right thing by those she loves. She’s ruthless (tho not in the same hard, flippant way Cheryl can be) because she is DRIVEN to always succeed at everything she sets her mind to, it’s how she was raised for better or for worse. Her tendency for success is greatly aided by her resilience, charm, and clever nature. She’s a Slytherin for sure, but more open-minded, accepting, and meticulous than stereotypes about Slytherin’s might say.
- ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Betty was kinda tough for me. She feels so different throughout every season. When it comes down to it though, I think her most defining attributes are how hard working she is, how fiercely she loves (even to a dangerous degree), and determined she is. She has a hunger for justice and finding the truth, TENACIOUS. She’s passionate about everything she sets her mind on doing and will see things through to the end. She’s smart like a Ravenclaw & sometimes reckless like a Gryffindor, but those don’t feel like defining characteristics for me. She could, however also be strongly considered for Slytherin as that hunger for justice can be seen as driven and determined, sometimes leading her to make ruthless decisions that hurt other people for her own gain or for the gain of her mission. Depending on the season, she does have a tendency to be very judgemental and deceptively manipulative or cruel. In the end tho, I think she is really just a workaholic, someone who just wants to do the right thing and see that people get what the deserve, an eye-for-an-eye sort of thing. She will do anything for the people she loves, ANYTHING. Fairness. Justice. Determination.
- ᴊᴜɢʜᴇᴀᴅ: ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Jughead is ECCENTRIC. He’s weird, he’s a weirdo. He doesn’t fit in, and he doesn’t want to fit in. He’s very much an introspective wall-flower, who is not only quite intelligent, but also wildly creative. He’s a writer, tortured soul, he’s cynical. An inquisitive mind if there ever was one! This can sometimes lead him down a dangerous and condescending path where he holds himself and others to too high of standards, and gets upset when they fall short. He can be vain and maybe a little pretentious sometimes because he’s passionate about what he does. He seeks justice through truth and observation, often for the greater good. Like a Slytherin tho, he uses his intelligence to achieve his goals and is VERY determined, to the point where he can sometimes lose himself in the mystery and let relationships fall to the wayside. He’s incredibly ambitious and self-reliant, but that is by far overshadowed by his curious and creative nature that often makes him the driving force for the shows’ entire narrative.
- ᴄʜᴇʀʏʟ: ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ)
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This one feels like kind of a no-brainer, because it’s what everyone says, but I actually think she’s more complicated than JUST being a Slytherin. Cheryl is confident! She’s ambitious and resilient, calculating, and can be very manipulative. Like Veronica, she’s a schemer. But her loyalty is INCREDIBLY selective. She trusts very few people in her life, but those she does, she gives her ALL to (see Toni & Jason) and she desperately wants to take care of them and be loved by them. She follows her own path, constantly trying to break out of her families’ dark, dark shadow. She is big on self-preservation and that can lead her to make selfish decisions that hurt others. BUT, I also think she has a major creative bone in her body that shines in the later seasons (she’s literally an artist). And I think a very strong case can be made for Gryffindor. She’s rebellious (especially against her family!), is stubborn as hell, proud to a fault, and can be quite boastful and arrogant. She IS red, it’s her aesthetic! In S6 & S7, she’s more reserved and kinder too, willing to give her life for the town. But in the end, her ambition, confidence, and ruthlessness to achieve her goals make her a Slytherin imo.
- ᴛᴏɴɪ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ)
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This girl is LOYAL. Damn, is she loyal and patient and dependable. Toni is basically the textbook definition of a Hufflepuff. She has a crazy strong work ethic that stems from a prideful and practical personality. She may be one of the most responsible people on the show (forgetting about S6 and how they made her a bad mom). She’s giving and compassionate. She’s HONEST, not just to others, but with herself. She knows who she is and she’s doesn’t let anyone tell her otherwise. Her loyalty and kindness can sometimes get her into trouble tho, because she often lets people dictate or make decisions FOR her because she thinks it’s what they need (Cheryl & Anthony!). But I also think the Gryffindor in her is VERY overwhelming too. She’s rebellious, has a strong moral compass, is incredibly chivalrous, and very passionate about her hobbies and the people she loves. As a serpent, she is PROUD, overwhelmingly so. She takes pride in who she is and what she and the serpents stand for. I just believe her undying loyalty, patience, and dependability are what really makes her who she is.
- ʀᴇɢɢɪᴇ: ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ)
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Reggie is extremely proud, reckless and is not one to think before he acts. Emphasis on RECKLESS. He’s loud and boisterous, every bit the stereotypical jock, especially in the beginning. Like Cheryl, he’s part of a family legacy and grew up conceited, with all the wealth and power at his disposal. It made him cocky and made him THINK he could do whatever he wants (arrogance). He’s playful and likes to crack jokes and keep things light, sometimes not even on purpose. Like typical Slytherin’s, he’s confident and charming, finding ways to achieve his goals at any cost. However, unlike a Slytherin, I don’t think he is often shown to be very cunning or self-reliant. He’s not particularly clever or calculating, and is usually more of a follower than a leader. BUT, I think he’s very protective of those he loves, chivalrous, one might say. He’s stubborn and refuses to back down from the choices he and his friends make, even if it puts him in physical harm.
- ᴋᴇᴠɪɴ: ʜᴜꜰꜰʟᴇᴘᴜꜰꜰ (ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ)
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Another tough one for me. I think his open-mindedness and kindness are what defines who he is and how he interacts with the people around him. His tolerance is motivated by his own life, by the way he’s grown up knowing he was gay and wanting to ensure nobody felt uncomfortable in who they are. Similar to Toni, he KNOWS who he is and is not ashamed to be that person. He’s often the moral support for his friends and just loves being around the people he cares about. He is proud, but not in a cocky way, like a Gryffindor would’ve. He has a full-fledged confidence in himself and the choices he makes, which can lend itself to being a Ravenclaw, as does his blindly accepting and loquacious nature. But his loyalty and unprejudiced outlook on life make him a definite Hufflepuff to me!
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
1 for the ask game
from: choose violence ask game
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Err... all of them? I'm not even kidding. More on this here.
Bellatrix: fortunately there's been progress in the fandom, but for years everyone loved to describe her as an overly sexualized, crazy, shrieking mindless slave, when she's actually quite the opposite. She is sadistic, but not insane, she's passionate but not irrational (she is the only one who knew Snape was a traitor; to me, it's because of a peculiar mix of rationality and intuition that shows her to be actually quite intelligent). Nothing suggests her being promiscuous in the text and I would actually argue the opposite of her (why would she ever lower herself to sleep with someone who she deems her inferior - so basically everyone -, even just to satisfy mere physical desires? This post, to me, is Bella at her core).
Narcissa: this is canon Narcissa, all of you are perfectly entitled to your soft babygirl headcanons, of course, but then again you are perfectly entitled to be wrong <3 [also, shameless self-promo: x]
The blorboification continues for every single member of the Black family and I hate it so much you have no idea:
Andromeda: somehow described as a soft little girl who loved her mean, mean sisters so much and had to run away? Bitch stood up to seven centuries of tradition, and abandoned her sisters and parents, to marry a boy she had fallen in love with maybe two years prior (we know this based on Tonks' age). Good for her, but as I have said previously, both Narcissa and Andromeda (and Sirius, really) strike me as a bit selfish. The one with the romantic attachment to the idea of her family, the child most like Walburga, is Bellatrix.
But this is nothing, NOTHING, compared to what this fandom does to Regulus and Sirius.
Regulus: canonically a Voldemort fanboy, with newspaper clippings of him everywhere, and a blood supremacist. Sirius says it better than anyone: Reggie is soft. But not in the way the fandom believes, nope. He's just a coward who, much like Draco years later, was super excited to be like Bellatrix (Lucius) until he realized what killing really meant, what fighting a war really was, and most importantly because Voldemort touched him personally (Kreacher, whom he loved). Voldemort was probably a little more deranged than he had been at the beginning of the First War, and someone that had inherited the Black pride/haughtiness probably didn't like being branded like cattle and treated like a slave, on top of everything else.
Sirius: fanon Sirius is basically another character. Canon!Sirius is: tall, canonically incredibly handsome, quite masculine (in an explicit and toxic way, especially as a teenager in the fucking 1970s - the skirt-wearing, feminist one-liners spouting version of Sirius is something I just cannot get behind), a dick, a bit classist ((don't come @ me with your "oh, but what about Moony?!" because a) we don't know Remus' wealth when Lyall and Hope were still alive, we only know he can't get a job as an adult because of his condition and b) Remus is Sirius' exception, in the same way Lily is Snape's when he calls her a Mudblood - everyone else is in his eyes)), brave to the point of recklessness, quite cruel, funny, witty, magically talented, loyal to a fault, extremely charismatic and everything else outlined here. For the same reasons, I'll say Remus too.
Don't even get me started on Severus Snape. Other people have spoken on this better than I could ever. At least here on Tumblr, though, it seems to me that things are getting a little better after years of absolutely bizarre takes. Or maybe I've blocked all of the idiots idk.
Dumbledore. More on this here and maybe I'll outline my ideas better in a future post.
Also: I do not accept any characterization of Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch jr, Reggie, and Rabastan Lestrange as anything less than violent blood supremacists. Yes, they can be nuanced and gay (and only for each other might I add), but these people are the KKK (metaphorically, of course, because I hate comparing real-world tragedies to completely fictional ones, but still).
Lucius: a complete dick, but definitely not abusive. The man couldn't raise a hand to Draco if the Dark Lord threatened to kill him over it.
Speaking of which: my darling Lord Voldemort. Not much to say about him really because I know that some people do write him in a very interesting way (and I am open to interpretations of his character even if they are different from how I see him - and I have a very fucking specific vision of him). The problem is that perhaps three (3) of these people write him with Bellatrix and that saddens me.
Now, I mostly read First Wizarding War stuff or Death Eater stuff so I can't really speak to many other characters, especially in Harry's generation, but anything other than cowardly Draco is not a good Draco characterization to me. Ron is hands-down the best one in the Golden Trio and Ron Weasley bashing is pathetic. Hermione has faults but is ultimately a strong, take-no-bullshit girl and I'll take that over basically any and all female YA protagonists. And Harry is sassiness personified, but with a heart of gold, and oh-so-caring. Which is also why I can't read dark!Harry for the life of me. It just makes me giggle.
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captmickey · 26 days
Threepwood Fam + Anger 17
“What were you thinking?!” Elaine shouted. “Did we or did we not tell you to not climb that ledge?”
It wasn’t often that Lucas got in trouble, maybe the occasional scolding or reprimand, but nothing really more than that. And for the reasons he would get into trouble were mostly in part to curiosity. 
But as he sat in the kitchen, with both his parents standing opposite of him with their arms crossed, something in the back of his mind gave him the inkling of a feeling that this wasn’t one of those light hearted scoldings. Because if it was, it would be just one of them… not both.
Never both.
Both means he was, as Uncle Winslow once said, up a creek without a paddle.
Lucas sat at the table, fidgeting just slightly with his hands and finding it difficult to look either of them in the eyes. He was caught. He was in trouble. But he didn’t understand why. He helped his friends, he did a good thing… that had to have mattered, right? Why was he getting lectured over doing the right thing? And by both his parents?
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Elaine asked.
“I don’t get why I’m in trouble.” He admitted. “I was just helping my friends…”
“Right cause, wrong action, kiddo.” Guybrush pointed out. 
“Jumping off a ledge is single handedly the most reckless decision you could make.” Elaine glared.
“But our stuff was thrown off from there!” Lucas countered. “And I landed in the water!”
“That’s not an excuse!” Elaine then said. “One wrong move and it would be over for you!”
“Dad does it all the time!”
“Not anymore, I don’t.” Guybrush said, clearing his throat after feeling the burning fury of Elaine’s side-eyed glare. “B-but that’s not the point. Your mother is right, what you did was just careless.”
“So you can do that but I can’t?” Lucas’s brows furrowed.
“Do as I say, not as I do. And in this case, it’s to not fling yourself off of ledges.”
“This is dumb.” Lucas huffed and leaned back in his chair, his own arms crossed. “I was getting back our stuff that was thrown over.”
“Your safety isn’t dumb, Lucas.” Elaine said sternly. 
“Jumping of ledges for materialistic things, however, is incredibly dumb.” Guybrush added.
“I was helping my friends!”
“You stupidly risked yourself over nothing.” Guybrush reprimanded. 
“It’s not nothing!”
“I hate to break it to you, but it is.”
“Says the pirate who was obsessed with a fake treasure…” Lucas muttered.
“What did you say to me?” Guybrush’s voice went from soft to sharp.
Panic began to slowly seep in. He really and truly did not mean to slip that outloud. But he did, and now he reignited that anger in his parents and all he wanted to do now was hide from their undoubtedly strong wrath if Guybrush’s hands slamming into the table was any form of an indicator. 
“Lucas Threepwood. Look at me. Now.” 
Hesitantly (nervously), Lucas looked up and was met with very cold and very angry blue eyes. Seeing his mother angry was rare. Seeing his parents angry was rare.
Seeing his father livid was even rarer than the Secret of Monkey Island itself.
From the side, he saw his mother standing back, her arms still very crossed and clearly not showing signs of stopping Guybrush. She was angry too, even he could clock in on that with how she was staring at him. 
He gulped as he found himself unable to leave without making things worse.
“You disregarded what your mother said and went to an area you weren’t supposed to go to, you flung yourself off a ledge for junk, and now you’re sitting here arguing with us. Tell me does ANY of that sound reasonable to you?”
As it was laid out like that… Lucas shook his head, gripping tightly to his seat.
“What you did was reckless - No ifs, ands, or buts to it, and we’ve let a lot of things slide, kiddo,” he spoke firmly, “but the one thing you do not do is that you do not get to speak to either me or your mother like that. Are. We. Clear?”
His mouth suddenly felt very dry as the feeling of guilt grew more and more in his chest. But he nodded.
“You are still a child and if anything happened, we couldn’t have helped you… and that’s the most terrifying thing for us.” Elaine said slowly, though not with any of the anger from earlier. “Everything we do, even now, is because we love you and we will always worry about and for you. Your father and I listen to every single thing without judgement… concerned, always, but never with judgement.”
Lucas lowered his eyes, looking back at the table. His chest hurt and he just wanted this to end already. 
“I’m… I didn’t mean to worry or say what I did…” Lucas mumbled, though he did mean it. “I just wanted to help…”
“I know you did.” Elaine said quietly. “But that wasn’t how you do it. There are some things best to let go of.”
Lucas gave a small nod of understanding. “I’m… I get it.”
“Good. Because you're grounded for a week.”
“What?!” Lucas looked back at Guybrush who was standing upright again, his arms crossed. “B-but I’m sorry!”
“I know, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I’m not letting you get off this scot-free, kiddo.” Guybrush said.
“But that’s…! I don’t….! Wha–!” Lucas sputtered, looking between his parents as his mother just gave a shrug. 
He was up a creek without a paddle… but at least the creek was calm now.
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ja9-animations · 9 months
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These are the main characters in my oc story (excluding the antagonists)
Kandid is 18 and can control weather and elements. Because of his ability, he is highly respected and somewhat feared by people who don't know him. Kandid is a bit reckless and arrogant but very loyal to his friends and family. Kandid leaves his island to find out what happened to his mother, who was called to fight in a revolution 9 years but never came home.
Lyke is also 18. He has the ability to heal people's wounds. He and Kandid grew up together and are best friends. Hey, maybe they'll be more than just friends later on but for now Lyke is too shy to say anything. He is incredibly smart and caring to everyone. He takes care of his younger sister, Mayn, and is very protective over her. When his home and island is attacked by the kingdom, he escapes with Mayn and Kandid on a small boat Kandid planned to use to leave the island to search for his mother.
Mayn is 10 years old. She doesn't have any abilities unlike everyone else around her. As a baby she was found alone. People suspected her parents were killed in the revolution and therefore she was put up for adoption. Lyke's parents adopted her when she was 1 years old. Mayn doesn't talk much and always carries her frog plush with her. She loves and trusts Lyke and Kandid.
Kya is 20 and is a revolutionary leader. 9 years ago when the first revolution happened, the kingdom was ruled by Shapeshifter monarchs who abused their powers. The king and queen were killed but their heirs escaped. A few years passed and all of the other Shapeshifter heirs were found and killed. Kya, who grew up during this revolution, decided to help build the new kingdom. However, she realized the new rulers were as unjust as the Shapeshifters and decided to lead the second revolution. Kya can create thought into reality. For example she can create weapons out of thin air which she does a lot. Kya is strong, smart, and outgoing.
Ronan is also 20. He has the same ability as Kya but a different aspect of it. Like Kya, he helped build the new kingdom but also saw the corrupt ways of it. He was almost executed for his betrayal but Kya rescued him and some others. He joined Kyas revolutionary group and became her second in command. Ronan is very intimidating to everyone except Mayn, who likes hanging around him.
So basically
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hello hello
I know you only posted it to a03 last night, but I would love to see more from "marriage of inconvenience." 💛💛💛
you're not the only one <3 and i'm glad so many people like it! I realize now that I could have just combined all the prompts for more marriage of inconvenience but that honestly didn't occur to me.
so I'm writing separate ones for each! i hope you enjoy and thanks for the prompt
so there is a piece that goes before this in alec's pov
there and now this
Magnus is seething especially because he suddenly realizes that Alexander doesn’t know who Clary is, not as much as he should for someone he was expected to marry.  At the very least, Alec should have had a dossier. 
“Do we need to pick up your things? A go bag? Anything for my handsome eloping shadowhunter?” 
“Ah-” And under him Alexander is blushing but he’s grinning as he says, “I may have burned most of my wardrobe. In a completely accidental fire that took out my wall and caused Clary and I to be moved to opposite sides of the Institute.” 
Alexander looks smug as he says it and Magnus rewards them both with a kiss. Because every time Alexander opens his mouth he gets more and more delightful and Magnus needs him to stop before Magnus doesn’t let either of them leave bed.
“It sounds horrendous.” And Magnus wants to know every bit, especially since Jocelyn conveniently never mentioned a word that she was returning to shadowhunter life and the shadowworld.
And neither has Dot.
Alexander seems to get that because he gets this distant look, like he’s going over something only he can see. Magnus gives him time, smoothing out the little creases on Alexander’s brow when he thinks too hard for a moment.
“Jocelyn Fairchild arrived at the Institute six months ago. She requested to speak to Hodge Starkweather who is a known Circle member and when I alerted the clave, the entire Institute was put on lockdown. When we came out of it, Jocelyn had a position of power in the Institute. Not a commander, but high enough and my parents came back to make sure she wouldn’t make a permanent grab for power. And then Jace and Clary found out they were siblings and ruined my life. Because Jocelyn and my parents decided to consolidate power and Clary was apparently so heartbroken over Jace being her brother, that she agreed to it.”
“Ruined your life?” Magnus asks, because Alexander really does look and sound incredibly frustrated.
“After they forced the engagement I had to play nice with Jocelyn because of the clave and because of my family. But Clary is an impudent, disrespectful, reckless, insubordinate toddler. Magnus three of my personally trained people were injured because of her antics. And Jocelyn and Jace would dress me down, like it's my fault Clary throws herself at danger. Because the only thing that Jace and Jocelyn can agree on is that Clary is perfect and needs to be protected and nothing is ever her fault and I’d better be a good husband or else.”
“You’d better only be my husband, or else.” Magnus promises and Alexander grins up at him in delight.  
“You’d kill anyone who looked at me?” Alexander asks, like it’s even a question.
“Obviously.” Magnus says and then he’s saying nothing much for a good few minutes as Alexander sloppily but eagerly kisses him.
“And what do you think I’d do if you looked at someone else?” Magnus asks when Alexander finally drops back to the mattress, breathless and hazy eyed.  Magnus finds that he’s curious for the choice in criteria and Alexander scoffs and gives him an incredulous look. 
“Magnus, why would I look at anyone else when I can look at you?” 
And Magnus finds himself flustered as he looks down into earnest, soulful eyes that are gleaming with overwhelming sincerity.
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hk33b · 4 months
headcanons of kuruk with his failed team avatar in the early years (no angst, no suffering, only peace and imagination …) (i forgot many canon wise things.. forgive and forget)
• He’s Jianzhu’s first true friend, though he’d never admit that. Jianzhu understands Kuruk in a way others fail to. He sees the incredible things Kuruk does and the corrections he’s made upon teacher’s who are meant to be teaching him. It makes Jianzhu think that the Avatar’s greatness is inevitable. He wants to stay around and be a witness to it.
• One of the first things Kuruk came to learn about the young earthbender was that besides them being a year apart in age— he was very afraid of losing everything he worked for. In one of their many talks to pass the time after training, he admitted this. Kuruk tried to understand, using his status as the Avatar— ‘I’m scared to mess up. I don’t want to lose people’s faith in me,’ but Jianzhu shook his head, it wasn’t the same.
“You’re the Avatar. You have something to fall back on. The entire world opens their hand for you.”
And it’s such an intimate thing to learn about him. That he’s scared to lose who he is, what he owns, what his family built. [This ties into evil-old-man-Jianzhu who used his companionship with the late Avatar to his advantage. He’d do anything to maintain control and power; the fear of losing something that’s his stunts him]
• smart on their own, idiots when paired together.
•Kuruk was fired as a wingman for Jianzhu, he’d only been one once or twice, but both times were a shitshow. Jianzhu would try all the moves Kuruk taught him, even said a handful of cheesy lines that made his ears red to a person who caught his sights. And it was a bust, because they barely past a glance at him. No, because they were too busy staring at Kuruk.
“Maybe you aren’t doing it right, friend…”
“Oh, is that what it is.” Jianzhu barely hid the sarcasm dripping in his voice. Either Kuruk’s being polite, or he didn’t realize the problem in question was him! He’s handsome (DOWN).
• Jianzhu lost 10 times over while playing against Kuruk in Pai Sho. On the 11th rematch Kuruk pretends to make a faulty move for his friend’s sanity. Jianzhu knows its a pity win but takes it. He’s mostly amazed about the reckless moves Kuruk uses because it still aides him into victory!!?
“There’s just no way.” Jianzhu gasps, astonished. “Teach me how you did that,”
Kuruk laughs, “Ah. The student becomes the teacher.”
“On second thought...”
• They’re most likely to butt heads over trivial matters like similar folklores that their own nation has renditions of, but they think the other is ruining the story.
They’re all camped out, Kelsang fast asleep, and Jianzhu decides to tell Hei Ran a haunting tale she’s never heard of. Kuruk cuts him off once he’s halfway through the story.
Kuruk groans, “That is so not how it goes.”
Jianzhu snaps his head to the Avatar. “Yes it is?! She back talked to her mom six different times and turned into a lizard-snail for six weeks!”
“Uh. No! She didn’t accept her mother’s arranged marriage for her, so her mom cursed her into a lizard-snail until she did for six weeks! That’s why it’s called Mother’s Curse. Idiot.”
“That’s not—! What—! You…! Okay, let’s say that’s how it went. What would be the lesson? The whole point of Mother’s Curse is that the child shouldn’t have backed talk.”
“The whole point of Mother’s Curse is that the mother was evil, and didn’t care about what her daughter wanted?(???!) It’s to make kids appreciate how their parents wouldn’t do something sinister like that to them!”
“That… is the stupidest thing I ever heard.”
Safe to say that Hei Ran doesn’t stick around and goes to her tent, away from the idiots who continue to argue about who is more stupider.
•oh and during Kuruk’s hoe era Jianzhu turned a blind eye and said ‘well shit, he gotta do whatever he can to go about his day. Not my business.’
•silly silly silllllllly vibes. Silly. Ridiculous. One piece level of comedy.
•In conclusion … Jianzhu feels a deep connection with Kuruk. He’s amazed with him!! He believes this guy is the real deal, and its a honor to see what Kuruk could do or will be in the near future. Kuruk isn’t nervous by the blind faith Jianzhu has in him, it actually keeps him going. Friendship Is Magic…….
Song that remind me of their dynamic: It Wasn’t Me
• started off at a rocky start since Kuruk did try to steal his sky bison, but being around someone as silly as Kuruk became contagious. I imagine Kelsang laughing before Kuruk even got to the punchline, and this kinda drew the two together. There’s so much seriousness and rules and customs, it becomes tedious after a point, yet Kuruk makes it all so laughable …? Unserious? A sort of ‘what was I so worried about’ feeling. Childlike almost. FREE.
• Kuruk instantly got air bending in his first lessons from the air nomads, which fits due to his laid back go with the flow personality. He tries showing Kelsang random moves and ideas that keep popping off in his mind like rapid fire. Kelsang thinks it's... pretty impressive.
“This feels so much more different than the other elements. Everything is so… weightless. Are there any personal moves of yours that you’ve created?” Kuruk asked while balancing himself on an airball.
Kelsang shook his head no, confused. At this, Kuruk immediately got up and starting flailing his hands around, creating motion. “Oo! I wanna show you this idea that I haven't shown anyone besides like-- Jianzhu. I think it could really be helpful!
As he demonstrates a peculiar airbending maneuver with ease, Kelsang stands up straight, in awe. Maybe he had judged him too quickly.
• because of his height and rather serious resting face, Kelsang can come across as intimidating, but that is all destroyed by seeing him with Kuruk, he looks his age and more approachable. Kuruk calls him baldy as a nickname, to tease. Kelsang occasionally answers back with ‘pretty boy’, because, *drops hands* well, that’s what #they keep telling us about him.
• It is my personal belief that out of all of them, Kelsang is who Kuruk would’ve confessed to about the spirits. Not that he would ask him for help or go into the exact details of what its doing to his body, but in a complete what-if scenario,,,, the air nomad would have the words that could reassure Kuruk of this enormous responsibility he feels on the daily. [Remember, Kuruk ran into Kelsang with his poem he had written for Hei Ran. It’s less humiliating and less shameful seeking the air nomad out for matters that he can’t hold inside anymore. There’s never judgement. Maybe a shared fear? A frantic voice that could tell Kuruk right from wrong, in his best way. Never judgement.]
• okay i lied a little angst just this once DAMN… So as we know. Everyone who mattered in Kuruk’s life felt this enormous guilt that they failed him somehow. I like to believe that finding Kuruk in his next life, being a parental figure for Kyoshi, loving her like a father would love their own— while believing Yun was the next Avatar. Not realizing until she read Kuruk's poem word for word. To learn that he had still managed to bridge this connection with his old friend again. Without even intentionally doing so? Without even KNOWING. I think the weight of his failures as a companion left right then. Because he made up for it. Whatever it is he believed he lacked in, he pulled through for his final moments with Kyoshi. Not that Kuruk's spirit ever held blame for Kelsang. It’s just so interesting because we know the whole: do you really think friendships could last more than one lifetime? but they usually know who their deceased friend is in their next life. (((Kelsang you reallll as hell. Idc about the typhoon shit, YOU ARE REALLLLLL.))))
song that reminds me of them : Lean On Me
• Kuruk doesn’t know when to shut up around Hei Ran, he’s kind of … obsessed. Loser-lover-boy.
• Hei Ran thought of him slightly childish, but overtime, similarly to Kelsang, the atmosphere around Kuruk was drawing her in. There was something contagious about the northern water tribe boy.
While teaching him how to firebend, she wasn’t really surprised that he’d have such difficulty with it. His personality didn’t really mesh with what it would take to punch and kick out bursts of flames. Kuruk’s kind of frustrated with himself because he was getting the hang of all the elements with little to no effort, and here he was in front of the beautiful Hei Ran of all people, huffing and puffing because small smoke was all that emits from his inner flame.
Hei Ran does one last command, tells him to let the fire in him erupt, to let the flame in him out, (don’t you want to go ape shit ? essentially) and finally something clicks within Kuruk and he’s firebending in front of the best firebender he knows.
“I did it! I really did it!”
“Good job, though there’s gonna be many more lessons for you to learn, so don’t get too ahead of— And he’s burning down a tree.”
“Hei Ran! Help!”
• Kuruk likes to stay behind during their group walks to other villages because Hei Ran is usually there walking gracefully behind Kelsang and Jianzhu. She eyes Kuruk suspiciously, wondering what he’s up to. Its a game they play, where he says something to see if he can get that overly serious no-funny-business wall of hers to crack, get her to smile or laugh or even tell him off. All three works most times, and for the other, she holds a set stare ahead and Kuruk grumbles, giving up his charade and walking besides her in silence. Missing the slight tilted ends of pink lips. She likes seeing him try so hard, the dude never knew what it was like to try to win someone over. Is this what Jianzhu feels?
• He’s a great listener. Hei Ran can talk and talk and talk, and he’d retain it all. It makes her feel good. That someone cares, that Kuruk is genuine and (corny alert) wears his heart on his sleeves. She wants to protect him. She wants to know everything about him, and so he tells her everything. There’s this earnest about Kuruk. He doesn’t hide from her. He doesn’t deceive her. She can read him so well, and in turn, so does he.
•Hei Ran never imagined she’d be friends with someone like Kuruk, recalling her bit harsh judgement, but now she can’t imagine knowing anyone else. A part of her yearns to stay by his side. And Kuruk feels like he’s on cloud nine whenever Hei Ran so much as scoffs at his lame mannerisms. His heart thuds, hands clammy, lips forever smiling.
•They’re laying down on a field of grass, watching the sky in an array of pretty colors as the sun sets over the horizon; Kuruk insisted they catch a break after all the firebending training.
“My folks really want to meet you.” Kuruk says.
“You talk about me to them?” Hei Ran tries to keep her tone leveled, but her heartbeat picks up, fiddling around a strand of Kuruk’s hair on her finger.
“Yeah. Maybe too much. Not enough if you ask me.”
“I’d love to meet them. When should we?”
“Hopefully soon, it’s not freezing cold around this time of year. Heh, I can’t imagine you near snow. You’d look so out of place,” he laughs, eyes crinkling. Hei Ran fought off laughing along for dignity sake.
“Please. You make it sound like I’m gonna freeze and die.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll hug you the entire way there. I won’t let you catch a cold or anything, just stick beside me and—” Kuruk reached for her, face ridiculously close, lips puckered up and leaning. Hei Ran rolled her eyes at this lame show, shoving him away. He burst into a fit of laughter.
Hei Ran turned her attention back to the endless sky while his laughter faded in the background. Going to the Northern Water Tribe. Meeting Kuruk’s family. It’ll be an honor to meet the people who shaped him and made him what he is.
song that reminds me of them : >\\\< You Don’t Know My Name
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Steddie Hogwarts Au?
I need someone to take the internet away from me. I have massive writers block, but my brain also has this stupid- stupid idea I don't have the energy to write between My two WIPs- but god. My Non-binary ass is truly trying my own patience at this point. The massive urge, to write a Steddie Hogwarts Au??? (Fuck JK Rowling) But it's- like, not through the years, and it literally doesn't involve the actual cast of HP, because fuck that- that's boring. Yeah Dark wizards, but more like Dark forces kind of thing. Tw: Child abuse, child death (unnamed child)
Anyway- Stevie- Born into a very rich, pureblood family- all Slytherin's or Ravenclaw's. At least on his father's side, his mother is French and she went to Beauxbatons- Steve's got a, King Steve thing going on- Quidditch chaser, and he's good at it. He's the top of his class in Charms but not really anywhere else, and he's is a perfect. (so I'm thinking 6th year-) He's the third year and under "whisper" the younger years flock to him, it's on the down low. But he's really good with kids. Crying because of Tests? You miss your Parents? Steve's got you, just quietly and out of the way. Eddie is a half-blood, father is a muggle, and his Mom is a Witch. Her line of families jumps from houses to houses, no real lineage to uphold. Wayne was a Gryffindor. (That's not important to the story, but it's important to me) Eddie is the guy to go to if you are in need of something. He'll walk you to class if someone bothering you, he still stands on the Tables in the great hall at Lunch. It's a commonly know thing that if anyone needs anything that Eddie will help without asking too may questions. No matter what house. As long as you aren't a bully. (there is asshole tax, but he respects the grind) Steve is a Slytherin (Hang in there with me please. I promise I'm not a lunatic) Eddie is a Gryffindor (That's a brave boy, he's a reckless boy, and a man with a lot of courage.) I haven't fully figured out the like semantics, lore and general details- because I'm desperately trying to refrain from writing anything. But I'd say 5th or 6th year- (6th or 7th for Eddie) Steve's brutality attacked. It's in a Muggle Village within a few hours of walking of the Harrington Manor- and Steve goes down there when he needs to get out that house, with a pocket full of Muggle Currency and no Wand. When his Dad is pissed off and not above hexing or cursing his own kid. When his Mother is passed out drunk in the sitting room. He always gets the same thing, Hot Chocolate from the little family owned Café that's better than any house Elf could ever make- The Woman and her wife adore Steve and he hasn't had to pay since he was 7. He always leaves the amount in the tip jar. Walks to the candy store two fronts down, and buys whatever the little group of kids pressing their hands all over the window out front whatever they want with what's left over in his pockets. Like he always does. Might be The Party, might be just a group of Muggle children. It's not even a magical attack. It's not an attempt to kill the heir to an incredibly wealthy house. It's just some muggles who took offense to Steve's and a group of little kids existence. However it does maul up half of his face, his ribs and his hands. The blunt force trauma of the attack leaves him with little of his hearing left. The assault almost kills him. (Despite his attempts to keep the angry attention all on him. It does kill a little boy, Steve sees his head split open on the pavement every time he so much as blinks.) He doesn't talk much either after. Little things, yes or no- but that's about it. And that's far in-between. He won't tell anyone what actually happened, or at least can't. Anyone who wants the story has to get it from the Muggles who looked on in Horror- and the man who called emergency services. Both his parents had already written him off as useless before- but not even more so.
When he returns to Hogwarts for the School Year, he's basically been abandoned and shunned by the rest of the pureblood peers in his house and in the other houses. His friend group wasn't restricted to one house, but all of them leave him when it's clear he's a shell of a human being and can't use him to further themselves in Wixen society. not when he can hardly hear and refuses to talk. They come back to school, and Steve ends up "The Outcast" A worse Fate than Eddie "The Freak" Munson. It doesn't help that Hargrove who before hadn't liked Steve but they had the same friends- but they kept mostly to themselves- just steps to kick the dog while it's down. Tells Steve loudly, and aggressively that his "Pretty face and pretty words couldn't save him. He was taking his crown." Pushes him around, mocks him, all but bodily removes him from their compartment on the Train. It hurts more when no ones says anything about it. A lot of the kids from years previous are unnerved by his appearance, and the next set of first years are terrified of him. And that's only the Train ride, the carriage ride (he can see the thestrals now), and Welcome Feast. By the time they get down to the Dungeon and under the lake to the common room- The Castle refused to let him in. He's left stranded in the chilled hallway, and no one cares. He doesn't know where his trunk is, his things, and his Cat even are. Steve bathes in the Perfects bathrooms as is his right with his position, Sleeps in fits. In History of Magic, and sometimes empty classrooms between his classes, and homework. Uses quick cleaning charms on the robes he wore when he first arrived. Steve see's it as his atonement for letting that little boy die. Eddie's actually the one to notice somethings far more wrong that Steve just being traumatized. The younger boy was completely withdrawn and almost totally ostracized from his house and no matter how many other students attempt to reach out. Eddie watches as they are all treated with a almost hostile kind of fear. Slytherin and Gryffindor share History of magic. 5th, 6th and 7th years took it together, (staffing issues) so Eddie watched more than once as Steve's pale, scarred up face- develop even deeper bruises under his eyes. It's a sudden thought, one that he makes on his own and without talking to anyone about it- not even thinking to owl his Uncle for advice. That he was going to befriend Steve Harrington, and make sure the dude actually got some fucking sleep. It takes weeks, Eddie walks him to and from Classes whether the younger boy wants him to or not when he realizes that, the reason there's been a lack of bullying in the younger student body is because almost everyone has been targeting Steve. He keeps a notebook within that he only ever uses to talk to Steve with. Takes in stride every single little giggle he can pry out of the others lips. He celebrates Steve making noise in response to him talking in the privacy of his dorm room. Steve sits with him at lunch, and sometimes breakfast if he can find the boy before classes start. He's a strike of green among Red. The Gryffindor's take to Steve slowly but fall in line with Eddie glaring over his shoulder.
Gareth tells him that he's Harrington's guard dog one day, and Eddie takes that in stride too. Steve needs a guard dog with the way Hargrove looks like he wants the brunette 6 feet under. It's halfway through October when Eddie realizes that Steve can't get into his own common room. He beats himself up over it for the rest of the year too- because he notices that there's a roughly done patch on Steve's robes sleeve- and Eddie hates that it takes him almost a week to recognize the same spot. See, Eddie made the patch. Because it was Eddie's fault that Steve ripped a hole in his robe anyway. They'd been walking along the edge of the Forbidden forest, Eddie talking, Steve laughing. (he was pretty, with or without the scars- Eddie was all but tripping over himself to see that smile. No matter how weak it was) Steve had tripped, because Eddie had knocked their shoulders together. Ripped up his robes, and scrapped up his arm. Eddie was quick to clean that up first, he hadn't liked the way Shell Steve had come back at the sight of the blood covering his skin. Eddie took the cloak when they parted ways at the Great Hall after dinner. Steve had been hesitant, but handed it over. He returned in after staying up for far too long with a patch of soft green cloth. Eddie knows he could have repaired it with magic- but, there was something in watching Steve's whole face light up at the sight of it. At first- Eddie had just thought Steve had just really liked the patch, that Eddie had fixed it. But then the weekend came, and he realized for the first time. That he hadn't seen Steve out of uniform the entire time so far. And that the washing day had passed and Steve was still wearing the same clothes. He waited a week, the same. Eddie had no idea what he was supposed to do. Steve clearly wasn't being either allowed in the common room, didn't have extra clothes- But, other signs pointed to other things. That Steve couldn't get in the common room. Broken quills, lack of notebooks, the change of clothes- the same robes. How he always slept in History of Magic when Eddie knows before that the other didn't. They'd shared the same class for awhile now. Eddie hates, hates that he doesn't bring it up to Steve- but he knows enough now that Steve would just ignore him on the subject, and blow him off and hide for weeks. it had happened about something before- So Eddie went to his Head of house for the first time since 1st year.
Steve's pulled from all classes for two weeks, he's not even on the castle grounds. Eddie looked, and Eddie asked. When Steve comes back, he looks a little healthier, and he comes back in Hufflepuff yellow. Eddie smiles wide when he slips onto the bench at his elbow, stares at the new soft looking sweater under his robes, and the pants with yellow thread. His eyes find the green patch on the sleeve. Leans over and presses a kiss to the youngers temple. It doesn't magically get better. Steve still doesn't talk, he talks some now, short sentences 2 or 3 words at most. (his longest so far is 6 words and Eddie kissed him on the nose for that one, right on a scar). But only with Eddie, and eventually with Robin- a girl in Hufflepuff who attaches herself at Steve's hip and declares herself his bestfriend. They don't start officially dating until just after Yule either. Eddie kisses him in the middle of the Great Hall after Steve gives him the biggest laugh he's heard out of the other since the beginning of the year. There's bad days, and worst days, but the good days- the good days make it worth it. School is hard, on both of them. Its harder when Steve returns from Yule with less words than when he left. It's hard when Steve sometimes finds himself sleeping in empty classrooms out of mindless habit. It's hard when sometimes all Steve can think about is drowning, can see the boy whose name he doesn't know, but his body he can never unsee. It's hard when Eddie graduates. It's hard for the both of them knowing that Steve will have to go back just one more time. Steve Stays with Eddie and Wayne over the summer between his own 6th and 7th year- only goes back to his parents the first week and arrives on their doorstep at 12 in the morning with tears running down his face, his trunk and cat in hands and never goes back. Eddie works in a small bookstore, and Steve joins him when he finally graduates. They both learn Sign Language, for days when Steve is completely non-verbal, and because it's easier on his brain. And Eddie loves him.
--- I clearly thought about this far more, than I had wanted to. And Now that I've written it down I have even MORE Ideas. This was counter productive to my plans of just spitting out the idea. I was just- "Traumatize Steve Harrington who doesn't fit in his house anymore and the castle just pushing him out- and Steve seeing that as a "this is what you deserve for failing to protect a child who didn't deserve to die- this is what you deserve for not being fast enough, for being too stupid to bring your wand-" and not as a. "This house won't help you in your journey anymore," but when has magic ever been like, straight forwards. And then ofc Eddie's here. :)"
This was far longer than I thought it was, I'm so sorry- I'm emotionally invested in this Au now- Damnit.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
This makes me question though what do Jake and Neytiri do when's it's there turn to have custody over spider I like I imagine that Netyrai just teaches spider how to use bow like Archer is there common ground
Meanwhile Jake is telling spider and lo ak not to do anything dangerous and spider and lo'ak as soon as Jake even blinks are gone to do something incredible reckless
I think spider would probably spend most of his time with the kids, at least at first, when the relationship between him and the sully parents it still rocky.
I think they would both try to be better for him, include him more, but it just isn't meant to be, you know? he still prefers to sleep on his own pallet or between the kids if absolutely necessary. he still feels weird eating with them as a family. there's too much pain there, too much damage.
neytiri would feel guilty for it all though, and while she still fails to really connect with him, she does try; I imagine her sitting with him in quiet, not interacting, my simply coexisting. it becomes their thing. spider continues his crafting and beadwork no matter who he's with, so while he's working at his current project she will find a reason to sit close by.
he is still very much a menace, constantly causing and partaking in many the antics. jake is exhausted, cause not saying anything means they will do anything they can think of, say something and they will do the complete opposite of what they're told, while also being smart enough that neither can be reversed psychology'd into behaving.
things are easier, the sully's are better guardians, but the custody is really for the kids, cause spider will never be jake or neytiri's son and that's ok now.
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I'm not a Jocelyn fan either. She's toxic and vile, but I find her more compelling in a lot of ways than say, Lily Ortiz – especially when the writers want the readers to see Lily as this pure as the driven snow angel who can do no wrong. Jocelyn is horrible, but she did put her life at personal risk to save others at Homecoming paid a steep price for it. She was also hit hard by Cody's death, so there's some humanity there too, even if it's just a drop.
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There’s a lot to this ask so I’m going to tackle the littler bits first, starting with the ILITW cast and their weaknesses.
The It Lives characters are all incredibly flawed in their own ways. Their stans don’t think they’re innocent: they acknowledge and embrace those flaws because those are what make the characters so human.
Ava’s biggest flaws are that she’s kind of reckless, and that she’s sarcastic toward people who are easily angered which endangers her.
Andy’s biggest flaw is that he gets angered very quickly, though he has good reasons for it, he still does fly off the handle at times. Anger leads to rash and not very well thought out decisions, which can very easily get you hurt or killed, especially in a horror series.
Stacy’s biggest flaw (which we do see going away as the book goes on) is her fixation with appearance and status.
Lucas’s biggest flaws are unwillingness to ask for help and biting off more than he can chew, which are also behaviors that are dangerous enough in real life, but potentially deadly in horror series.
I can’t really say what Dan’s biggest flaws are because we get so little interaction with him in the series, and all of Noah’s flaws can be attributed to the trauma he’s faced throughout his life, as even before Jane died, his parents had a lot of issues with their marriage, which was something he was aware of and tried to shield his sister from.
If Noah dies and takes Jane’s place, the ILITW crew is shown and stated to be completely unaware of it, the MC being the only person who knows of Noah’s true fate. Given this, the same could probably be said if the MC dies and takes Jane’s place. It’s not that the ILITW crew used the MC: they simply aren’t aware of the true nature of their death.
And given all the chaos and trauma that took place in the book, it’s perfectly understandable why the ILITW crew would want to move on in their lives without revisiting the ordeal more than they need to. I’d probably do the same. However, they’re more than willing to help out in ILB, and they still meet for pizza every year so they never fall out of touch and never forget what happened and those they lost.
It also makes sense why the MC can’t and won’t let go of their supernatural experience. Jane, their best friend, died right before their very eyes, was stuck as a shadow monster for a decade, and then Jane’s brother Noah (who arguably becomes MC’s closest friend as a result of their shared loss) dies and takes her place. The MC probably feels some survivor’s guilt and feels as if they’re to blame for what happened, and wants to make it right by “fixing” things if they can, which is why they’re devoted to becoming a monster hunter/tracker.
None of these characters are perfect. Absolutely none of them. But what person is? To have a flawless, completely innocent character who has done absolutely no wrong is completely unrealistic.
Moving onto Lily, who I’ll admit isn’t my favorite of the bunch.
It is true that the ILITW crew is dealing with some heavy shit. Abuse, blackmail, estrangement, familial neglect, PTSD, struggles with identity, struggles with ostracism. That is very true.
Lily’s big life-or-death issue isn’t merely that her crush doesn’t like her back, that’s kind of an oversimplification. She’s mercilessly bullied because she’s fat (and maybe there’s a bit of homophobia thrown in there too, I’m not actually 100% sure) and she’s preyed upon by her crush and her crush’s friend who think manipulating Lily and humiliating her on homecoming night is funny.
Lily is not a physically strong character. She can’t fight, she runs away, and is generally no help in a fight. But not every character can realistically be an action hero and badass. She also suffers from low self-esteem from the bullying (which she mentions occurred throughout her childhood as well) and has little to no confidence.
To be frank, to say she thrives off of playing the victim comes across as victim-blaming.
Lily does shove Ava and yell at her for almost killing Jocelyn in the fight, and I’m not trying to excuse that because that’s pretty harsh, but I’d probably chalk her reaction up more to adrenaline and fear than trying to pin all the blame onto her. Lily did foreshadow early on in the book that the monster could enthrall Ava using her powers and was probably aware that the monster had some form of control over her during the fight.
Additionally, she doesn’t seem to give Jocelyn a free pass either: she was visibly scared and upset during the fight where Jocelyn had the upper hand and after all is said and done, the principal is the one who tells her (and Stacy) to help Jocelyn to the nurse’s office.
Lily doesn’t blame Ava and doesn’t hold any rancor over the fight after everything has settled down. Her reaction is pretty much on par with everyone else’s emotions in the ILITW crew after the fight: fear, helplessness, and guilt. I mean, she almost watched someone get strangled to death in front of her.
She does acknowledge the possibility that Britney changed and began treating her better because of Redfield, but doesn’t want it to be true. She acknowledges it and probably deep down knows it’s true, but still wants to give Britney a chance because they used to be close in childhood. She even states at one point that Britney used to defend her from bullying when they were young. Lily wants to give Britney a chance to change because she remembers all those fond memories as kids, but also, her confidence is so depleted from the years of bullying that she just wants someone, anyone to show some semblance of care for her, even if it isn’t completely genuine.
Hell. I’ve been bullied throughout my whole life, and I’ve dated people who treated me like absolute shit just because they paid attention to me. Lily is absolutely the type to do the same. I empathize.
Should Lily survive the events of ILITW, she goes on to create a successful indie video game with a sequel in the works. That didn’t surprise me because she mentions having gone to a coding camp, and she also had a 4.5 GPA in high school. She’s used her wildly smart brain and incredible drive to find her own success and further her own life, just like everyone else from the ILITW crew.
Which is why your statement about everyone else bettering their lives “while she gorges on pizza” comes across as incredibly and unapologetically fatphobic.
Lily is not my personal favorite. She’s actually my least favorite of the ILITW crew. But every character brings something to the group. Lily is timid, meek, and suffers from a lack of confidence. She’s not a fighter and she’s frequently terrified throughout the book.
But she still helps the group. She helps research, she helps obtain the hospital records when the group visits Dan, she risks life and limb to go into the woods and perform the binding ritual, and she does it again to save Andy. She faces her fears time after time after time.
So in a way, though Lily is fearful and afraid throughout the book, she’s actually the bravest character of them all.
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seriousbrat · 8 months
Will we see more Lily and Sirius moments in Falls the Shadow? Would love some more headcanons on their relationship🤗
Yesss actually their friendship is quite a big focus from chapter 9 onwards. They don't even know it yet but they're about to be besties. Here's a little excerpt:
Sirius sighs, tossing the book back down onto the table. “Yeah, you’re probably right. You sound like Prongs.” “Prongs…” Lily repeats thoughtfully. “What does that even mean, anyway— why do you lot call him that?” “He likes forks,” Sirius says without missing a beat. “Forks?” Lily says, laughing. “Yeah, right— what about… Padfoot, then?” “I’m dead stealthy.” She snorts. “And, er— Wormtail?” “Someone’s been paying attention,” Sirius says, playing for time while he thinks of a good explanation. “Don’t change the subject.” “He tried to grow a moustache in fifth year,” Sirius says, grinning at her. “And that’s what it looked like.” “It looked like a worm’s tail?” “Yeah, like half a worm. The arse of the worm, if you will.” Lily shakes her head in exasperation. “You’re lucky you’re so good at lying.”
Anyway headcanons (also just what I'm developing in my fic)
So something Lily really ends up liking about Sirius is how brutally honest he is about pureblood society. James is somewhat sheltered from this imo, his parents are progressives and they're new money, they're not really part of ~pureblood society~ the way the Blacks are. So honestly although James obv has some idea he doesn't really know, intimately, what those sorts of people are like the way Sirius does. And Sirius doesn't try and protect Lily from this, he just tells her:
“...anyway, look, I know these old pureblood families, I know how they work, better than James does— play their little games all you like, they’ll never accept you, never.” Lily looks back at him, resolute. “I know. But thanks for being honest with me about it.”
moving on:
Another thing they share is a sense of humour and a sort of reckless, anti-authoritarian streak. Yes, James has this too, but I see him deep down as being somewhat more thoughtful and circumspect. James has had an incredibly privileged life; on the face of it you'd say Sirius has too, except that his parents were the scum of the earth lol and he was disowned by them. On some level, Sirius can understand Lily better because he knows EXACTLY, intimately, what she's up against in the wizarding world.
Sirius also greatly appreciates intelligence and basically as soon as he starts giving Lily a chance he immediately recognises that she has it in spades. He likes having intellectual equals, that's what drew him to James in the first place and it's also a draw towards Lily. She can match him dig for dig, razor wit for razor wit. Even when they're in disagreement about something it's fun for him, and that's important to Sirius.
In order for Lily to have written Sirius a letter like the one she did, they had to be really close imo. And I believe he loved her deeply, and she him. They become really good friends in seventh year and it only grows from there. Lily really admires the fact that he turned his back on all the beliefs that he was taught as a child. Sirius, for his part, admires someone who is brave enough to stand up to what he fully knows is extremely dangerous and pernicious in wizarding society.
it's mutual respect baby. obv in my fic they also bond over: not really giving a toss about Quidditch but only caring because of James, and of course their shared vendetta against Professor Buttercrambe, which James is a bit more cautious about. Despite their initial misgivings/hostility they both deem each other more than worthy of being the most important people in James's life.
Anyway that's what I've got off the top of my head but I love their friendship so much and I have a lot of fun writing them together. So expect lots of sirius+lily interactions in short order!
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