#she has done so many bad things and we forgive her for all of them
in-asterism · 1 month
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lynaferns · 11 months
FNAF Steampunk AU
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That I never finished because I couldn't figure out what was going to be the story and character dynamics, and the role of each character, and yeah… I also spend many days writing, rewriting and changing thing, I didn't even get to finish the first draft and I got artblock.
I think my problem in the first place was that I wanted to make this AU stick to canon. A mistake, I know lmao. Later I thought of just making up most of the things but having to rewrite what I had already done dismotivated me.
So I thought of at least showing this character height chart I made a year ago. And maybe, idk, some of the wips that I never finished.
Maybe some notes and interactions I wrote under a cut.
If you ever want to ask me about what I had planned for this AU go ahead! Some main things about this story are:
All of the events of the story happens in a week (or so).
Gregory acts a little more scared than what is shown in the game.
DCAs arms can stretch up to 100 ft (30 m). He bends them to write or make shapes in the air.
Sun has some nowlege in animatronic repairs and maintenance due to being abandonent, having to repair himself.
Vanessa/Vanny have a biger role than in the game.
Burntrap also apeared more.
All animatronics are equiped with dart guns (for safety!). There are some places that require to leave the dart guns behind to continu.
Pizza is scuare (this is not important, I just felt like adding it).
Also, first idea and some doodles.
Gregory gets to escape to the locker rooms leaving Chica behind him. While searching for an exit Gregory gets surprised by Sun who was searching for him, and out of fright takes out the camera and flashes his bad eye damaging him for a few seconds.
Sun- "you were carring an object capable of blinding animatronics with you and you didn't use it against Chica to escape?!"
Gregory- "I didn't remember! I was more focused on running than taking a camera out of my pocket!"
Sun-pointing at himself with his hands- "And you had to remember when you saw ME?!"
Monty grabs Moon by the neck and throws him like a stick doing a spinning motion on the air, Roxy chases after him. She comes back carrying Moon with her mouth.
Freddy has an existential crisis by seeing endos. Moon is there awkwardly watching him. He gives him a pat on the back.
The auxiliary arm of the protective cylinder is broken, Gregory has to repair Sun manually. Trying to put his face plate back the nose falls off and Gregory nervously catches it juggling. They look between each others and the nose.
Sun-"..." "Gregory"
Sun-"come on, say it"
Gregory-"..." "Got your nose~"
Vanessa is explaining something to the group. Moon is behind her copying her movements. The others are trying not to laugh. She notices and throws a flashlight at Moon.
They divide in groups. Moon gets on Monty's backs like a gremlin.
Moon-"go gator boy"
Monty-"I hate you"
One last, this is a whole scene that needs a bit of context. The current team members are Gregory, Freddy, Sun/Moon. They have figured out that the safe mode prevents animatronics from acting weird/hostile (found out the hard way in an encounter with moon and a fuse box). Though Moon seems not to attack Gregory anymore they wanted to test it with the rest of the band and found Chica, some things happened, they left her in her room in sleep mode and went to roxy raceway. This begins when they head to the west arcade to repair the service bot's head and on their way they encounter Chica out of the sleep mode but more normal.
(Forgive my poor writing, this was more of a script)
The four of them stare at each other until one decides to react.
Sun–”HELLLLO” Chica– holding her left arm–”A- Hiii, umm” Freddy– “He-hello Chica! What got you here??” Chica– “I-uh…patrol? I- think?? There… There is a child lost in the pizzaplex and we were, like- told to go find him, remember?” “Actually, wait, why are you out of your room? I thought maintenance put you on lock down- And what is the Daycare attendant doing out of the Daycare? it’s not the end of the hour yet- Oh!”–she just saw Gregory behind Freedys legs–”hey! you got the kid-”–flashback of the garbage compactor–”GET HIM”–she points at him with a dart gun– Sun–gets in the way–”WOAH WOAH WOW easy there!” Freddy–”Chica- wait! It’s ok he’s with us” Chica–”T-that-that kid is a menace! He- we should-HAVE to take him to the officer Vanessa–” Gregory–*gasp * Freddy & Sun– “NO!” Chica–”????wha-?
Freddy– “We must not take him to her.” Chica- “You guys kidding?” “These are literal-plain-instructions that you are- just-” “That kid threw me through the garbage compactor!” Gregory–”You tried to kill me!” Chica–”what?! No! I couldn’t do that, that’s against my programming!” Sun–”Uuumm, about that miss-” Chica–”YOU”–points at Sun with the gun– Sun–”?!” Chica–”You were there too!” “You have been with this kid all this time!” Sun–hands up-”Iwastryingtostophim” Freddy–”Chica, calm down, I know what this looks like but-” Sun–”OHMYGOSHWAITGUYS, she’s not hostile!” Chica–”wha-?” Freddy–”what…?” Gregory–”what??” “She’s literally pointing at us with a gun” Sun–standing next to Chica, pointing at her while looking at Freddy and Gregory–”I just noticed! her behavior changed-!” Chica–redirects the gun to re-target him–”you’re getting too close” Sun–ignores that–”She’s back to normal! That means the safe mode worked, we can use this!”
Chica–”What are you talking about?” Freddy–”You’re right! That’s a relief” “right Gregory?” Gregory–”...Yyyyyeah? I guess, yeah” Chica–”seriously, what do you all mean?” Freddy–”Well, It’s a little long story-” Sun–”And we will explain it to you!” “BUT not now, we are in a rush!” “To repair this bot-head so Gregory can ride the racecar” Chica–”...” “‘you serious?” Sun–”yep!” “Say, Gregory! You still want to ride?” Gregory–”uh-yeah” Sun–”Then let’s go!” “TO THE WEST ARCADE!”–grabs Freddy and Gregory and takes them there–”You can come if you want~!” Chica–”...” “OH- GOLLY, WELL” “I guess I’ll just go with you even though I don’t understand what is happening! And no one is going to give me an explanation!” Freddy–”-I promise that I’ll give you a wide explanation once we are done with all this… But in a more private place”
There are actually a couple more of scenes before this one (and after) but I'm not very confident of showing those (or any actually but I don't want this to be buried in my documents and forgoten because I really want to at least make a decent story)
Also, I know that the canon heights for the animatronics are like 6 ft but I prefered my height variety headcanons. Maaaaaybe they are a little too tall looking at it now that I look at it again but, eh.
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soracities · 1 month
how do you cope with knowing that you gave your whole heart to someone for so many years and they chose someone else? i loved her for over ten years and we were together for four of those years but she's getting married in two weeks. i don't know how to forgive myself for loving her so much and i don't know what to do with all the love that's left.
i don't believe you need to forgive yourself for giving love to another person. giving love isn't a wrong you need to correct, and it implies the relationship you once had was never worth anything to begin with, which is deeply unfair to both of you and disregards the reality and sincerity of the love you did feel when you were together. i don't think you need to recall the love you gave, i think you need to look at why you believe being the honest version of yourself was the wrong thing to do: why do you need to forgive yourself for being you? why do you need to scrub yourself of your past to be worthy of a future moving forwards? why do you think the only version of yourself worthy of anything is the one you were with her and cannot be without her, with someone else?
at the end of the day, love isn't bookeeping. it's not a tally of incoming and outgoing expenses, or a series of investments you need to account for and justify based on if x was a bad transaction or y turned a nice profit etc. you respond, at any given moment, in any given relationship, with the love you have at that point, with the way you know how to give it at that point. sometimes this will allign with whomever you're with; sometimes what they need and what you can give, what you need and what they can give, will be one and the same and feed and nourish the other. and sometimes it won't--but that doesn't mean it's a moral failing on your part as a human being. sometimes, things simply will not fit any longer and i think it is vitally important for you to realise that someone who cannot reciprocate your feelings or the extent of them is, ultimately, not the person for you no matter how deeply you felt (or still feel) they were The One. that feeling has to be mutual to be true, and you haven't failed at being a person if it isn't.
heartbreak is different for everyone and there is no set timeline for moving on from somebody--all the love that's left over requires different outlets for different people so i don't know of any surefire way of dealing with it. but i do believe you won't find the outlet that you most need as long as you keep holding on to what you lost and all the ways you think you failed, or weren't good enough or the litany of if onlys that promise an alternate ending if only you'd done or been different. you cannot will yourself into a different ending for a past that has already happened, and no amount of keeping that past on life support will change this. all that love that remains is painful because it has nowhere to go, but the person you love isn't the only place it was ever destined for, either--i think love is receptive and dynamic and has a capacity to bloom into countles different things if you let it. but it cannot do this unless you begin to loosen your grip on it and allow yourself to find something other than loss or a condemnation of your entire being in it; otherwise it will continue to have nowhere to go and in the meantime only grow heavier and heavier. but once you let go of what was and what you wish had been, what you had finally takes different forms as a result of that new freedom--it becomes new awarenesses or new lessons or opens up new paths and understandings for yourself. it becomes knowledge, becomes tools, becomes something you can actually use in your life going forward to shape it in a more fulfilling and healthier way for yourself: but you have to let go for that change and learning to take place, without seeking to erase it or shame yourself for it not turning out the way you wanted.
clichéd as it sounds at this point, the only thing i really hold to, in anything, is that all rejection is redirection. and if you are able to love and give so boundlessly to someone who ultimately wasn't the right fit for you, then allow yourself to imagine how much and how vibrantly you can give to the person who is the right fit. what will your life look like when you allow yourself the opportunity to find the right pair of hands for that love? what will your life look like when you give that love back to yourself? when you let go of what isn't and cannot be and let new air into those old, locked rooms? when you stop trying to shame yourself for your care and your generosity? painful as it is, you won't be able to clear any space forward for yourself as long as you hold on to whatever you feel you lost: you can't go back to the relationship you had with her and for as long as you keep revisiting it you're only digging a deeper and more painful hole for yourself that will be harder to get out of in the end: you will remain stuck, while everyone else moves forward, and that will make you feel even more hopelessly stuck and the cycle repeats.
i'm not saying it's easy; it will be unspeakably painful to fully accept and admit that this is, truly, over and turn your back on what has been, i'm sure, a formative part of your life. but you can't grow there--you won't grow there, anon. and if you want a way forward for yourself, you have to go all the way through it. it sucks. it's not fair. but condemning any and all of your future happiness for a situation you can't change is not fair, either: you won't earn anything for this suffering except more suffering. and you need to realise this
so if pain in this process is inevitable, you may as well choose the pain that will get you somewhere. if she's moving on, you owe it to yourself--for your own sake, no one else's--to do so too.
i don't know if any of this helps, but please know i'm sending you love and rooting for you that the journey through this will lead you to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling place, anon.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 10
Just two more chapters to go and then this little story is done. I'm glad I wrote it. It was very cathartic for me. I hope it brought some comfort to you too.
Here we find out who Steve has been grieving this whole time and that Eddie mourned them too.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Steve was quiet and contemplative on the trip back. And Eddie let him be. That was quite the roller coaster of emotion he had gone through and he knew Steve needed time to sort out all of his thoughts and feelings.
As they neared Ashland, Eddie asked, “Are you okay? It got pretty heavy back there.”
“Sorry,” Steve murmured.
“I wasn’t asking for forgiveness,” Eddie admonished gently. “I was asking if you were okay.”
Steve sighed. “I guess I just had so many things bottled up that it all came out in a rush.”
“So talk to me,” Eddie said softly. “I know you think you can’t talk to anyone else because they’re all younger than you. But I’m not. So spill.”
Steve let out a long shuddering breath as if he had been holding it in for years.
“It’s just there have only ever been two adults involved in the whole Upside Down shit,” Steve murmured. “Well, there have been others, but either they haven’t been trustworthy or they’ve died. And I’m not going to lie and say I’m not bitter about Mrs Byers taking her family out to California and leaving me as the remaining adult.”
“Oh shit,” Eddie said softly. He hadn’t even thought about that. “That wasn’t right. I get she was trying to get Will and El as far away from Hawkins as she could, but considering the frequency of the U.D. coming back, it does seem selfish when looked at from your point of view.”
“El wasn’t the only one grieving Hopper’s death,” Steve spat out. “Why were only her feelings taken into consideration? Why was his funeral ‘a private family’ affair instead of one benefiting a hero where the whole town could attend? Why was El the first one that got to see him? Why did it take days before anyone else was informed?”
Eddie saw a shoulder and pulled off onto it, the Bimmer crunching the gravel as it slowed to a stop.
“It must have been so hard on you,” Eddie murmured. “You mentioned back at the diner that he always looked out for you and then suddenly he was gone and no one thought to ask you if you needed time to grieve, right?”
Steve nodded. “I just felt so stupid after it was announced that he was alive, you know? Like how dare I mourn someone who hadn’t even died. But I thought that once everything settled down we would get a chance to talk, but nope. He went off to California with the Byers. They’re supposed all be back before school starts, but who knows if that’s even true.”
“Steve it isn’t stupid you grieved,” Eddie murmured. “But I bet if you told him what you’ve been feeling, he’d pretty upset that he hurt you like that.”
Tears started streaming down Steve’s face. “I just want to be loved as much I love them, is that really too much to ask for?”
Eddie unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled him in for a hug. “Of course it’s not. And I don’t doubt if you stopped to really think about it you can name at least a half a dozen people who love you as much as you love them.”
Steve let out a watery chuckle. “I could probably fill up all ten of my fingers, if I was honest to myself.”
Eddie wiped away his tears. “There you have it, big boy. But it’s okay to cry and if you feel like you need to fall apart, call me. I’ll come over with beer, weed, and bad horror films to mock until you laugh.”
Steve wiped his nose on his arm. “You promise?”
Eddie leaned back far enough to hold up his pinkie. “I pinkie promise.”
Steve hooked his finger around Eddie’s and shook on it.
“You ready to face the road again?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded. After a moment or two of silence, he spoke up. “You remember when ‘fake’ cried for Keith?” He used his fingers around the word fake to put it into air quotes.
Eddie, who was about to pull into traffic again, cut the engine. “Holy shit. It was Hopper, wasn’t it? That’s who you were remembering.”
Steve nodded. “It’s easy to cry when thinking about him, you know?”
“Because it’s new and even though he’s not dead, you never got your resolution?”
Steve nodded again. “I just feel so selfish about the whole thing, you know. He wasn’t my dad. I wasn’t related to him in anyway. But I thought I meant something to him, you know?”
Eddie turned the car back on and eased into traffic. “I’m sure you meant a lot to him, but there could be extenuating circumstances that prevented him from expressing that. Like I said before, I bet if you told him how you felt he’d be gutted.”
Steve just shrugged.
Eddie glanced over at him and then back at the road. “You tell anyone about this and I’ll tell Dustin about the time you flirted with his mom to get the brownie recipe.”
Steve’s went wide. “That was not flirting! I was just buttering her up a bit. That’s not the same thing.”
“Oh I know that,” Eddie said with a grin. “But would Dustin know the difference?”
Steve thought about it for a moment. “You drive a hard bargain, Lord Eddie.”
Eddie giggled. “You know, sometimes I forget you like ‘Star Wars’, you just aren’t great with their titles.”
“The third one is my favorite, after all.”
Eddie cleared his throat. “So back when I was just little metalhead, dealing for the first time one of my best customers was the Chief.”
Steve blinked. “Oh wait, I think I did hear something about that. I’m surprised he wasn’t fired.”
Eddie shrugged. “He wasn’t up for re-election. Sheriffs are elected. And small town like Hawkins, change is difficult. Hop would have to straight up murder babies in town hall and smear their blood over the church walls to get people to not vote for him.”
Steve snorted. “I doubt even then. It would take him being soft on homosexuals before they ousted him.”
Eddie laughed. “You’ve got me there.”
Steve smiled at him.
“So,” Eddie continued, “the reason I bring it up is that despite what people think, I’ve never been arrested for dealing and Rick hadn’t either until Hop ‘died’.”
Steve straightened up in his seat. “What do you mean?”
“Hop always said it was better to steer Rick away from certain places because he could,” Eddie said, “then it was to arrest him and have an all out war with the new supplier.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “That’s why Rick didn’t get arrested until Powell took over because he didn’t have the same philosophy that Hop did.”
“Right in one,” he said. “And it did get bad with people trying to fill the void he left behind. Uncle Wayne convinced to stop selling once I was out until Rick was released because I couldn’t trust the new suppliers not to cut their shit with something dangerous.”
“Holy shit, yeah,” Steve agreed. “So why are you telling me this?”
“Because Hop looked out for me, too,” Eddie said. “Especially when my old man rolled into town. He would make sure he got to the carnage first and made sure I never got a record.”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “That makes since I always wondered why the police or Jason never brought up your arrest record. It’s because Hop made sure you never got one.”
“So this is me saying,” Eddie finished, “I get it. I get mourning him. Because in my own way I mourned him, too. Because between Hop and Uncle Wayne they made sure I could get out of Hawkins when the time came.”
“This is exactly why I pushed for a public funeral,” Steve grumbled, sinking back into his seat and crossing his arms. “I don’t know who had the final say on that, but it makes me mad that just because they didn’t have a body people in town wouldn’t want to come see anyway. It blows.”
“Here’s that,” Eddie agreed.
Too soon they were pulling up the Nelsons’ and the sun was starting to set.
By silent agreement they both got out of the car and sat on Steve’s hood to watch the sunset in a beautiful array of blues and purples until the sky darkened and the stars came out.
“Thank you for today,” Steve murmured. “For all of it. Getting me out here, taking me to my grandmother’s grave, sitting with me when I talked to Uncle Percy. Helping me with my grief even though yours is far more fresh and painful than mine.”
“Grief is grief, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “You don’t get to decide when it heals over. You were there for me when my dad showed up, so I was more than happy to return the favor with your family.”
“Thanks, man,” Steve said.
“So...” Eddie said. “You want to tell me why you and your uncle weren’t keen to let your other uncle see you?”
Steve snorted. “He’s the one that was the most against my mom getting any kind of inheritance. He didn’t think she should have gotten anything because she was a girl child. He kept saying that she got her money in the form of the lavish wedding she had when she married my dad.”
He ran his fingers through his hair.
“He’s sued her at least three times that I know of. If he had seen me he would have started screaming about how my mom didn’t deserve that money and that I was just as complicit in its ‘theft’ as she was.”
“But he got the house or whatever it was, right?” Eddie asked.
He nodded. “Yeah and the two acres of land it sits on. If he were to sell it would go for at least a few million, easy.”
“I’ll bet,” Eddie said, whistling long and low. “Which means Percy got the business?”
“Which another thing that upset Uncle Jasper,” Steve said. “But Uncle Percy is the oldest and had the best business sense, but he can’t let it go that he thinks his siblings got the better deal.”
“I heard this quote once about how some people are content in life, but that others just can’t be. That they will always seek more. Nothing will ever be enough.”
“Uncle Jasper is definitely one of those.”
Penny poked her head out the front door. “Come on in, boys, it’s really getting late.”
Eddie and Steve stood up and walked back into the house, feeling lighter then they had since before March.
Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster @r0binscript @awkotaco24 @ilikeititspretty
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inthisvaleoftears · 22 days
(Urgent) I’m taking commissions
Hello my loves, I never thought I would have to do this again, but I really need help right now. I am doing art/translation commissions again, if you’ve known me since the pandemic you will remember I started to work in order to help my parents after my dad lost his job and got depressed, and was at the time too sad to do anything. I thought my parents were doing fine post pandemic since my dad got the will to study to get a masters degree, but my mom told me very recently that she is in debt (around S/ 20k peruvian soles or maybe more) and I’ve been weighing the options we currently have.
I know I haven’t been a good child to them. I dropped out of uni, and then dropped out of art school because I am too sick (clinical depression) to go. I am currently looking for a job as a waiter, and that money will go towards easing my mom’s debt. My best bet is looking for expensive restaurants, because foreigners come and go, and I’ve heard they leave big tips. I only speak spanish (mother tongue) and english (second language) fluently and I have faith that this privilege will help me. I’m trying, I really am.
Aside from doing this separately in order to help my parents, I am working on commissions (both art and translation) to help my partner. If I thought that my family had it bad, when I met and started dating my boyfriend it became clear that what we were going through is nothing. He is a very sweet boy, and he treats me like I am an angel, but he is my angel. He’s had it very rough. He’s struggling with addiction and I fret over him constantly, because he lives very far from where I do and if he were to be in any danger I wouldn’t be able to reach him in time.
Aside from struggling with drug addiction since he was a child, he left his home this year, and started living alone. I know that it is not ideal, but he was desperate to get away from his mom. I don’t want to be judgemental, but she is not a good person, he’s told me many things about her and I cannot trust her. To beat your son, to insult him, to make him feel like he’s a bad person, to make him feel like he’s nothing is so terrible. He once told me the last time she beat him he was sixteen years old, and she beat him so many times his back started to bleed.
Two days ago, he told me in tears that he’s scared of going back to that house because after he left his relationship with that woman started to improve, they had become friends. But apparently, his mom said after mother’s day that he only came back when he needed money (I honestly see nothing wrong with that. She is his mother, and it is her duty to take care of him until he is stable. She has abused him all his life, and I don’t understand how she expects better treatment from him after everything that she’s done. I don’t understand how he could forgive her, when I would have barely been able to even look at her in the eye. He truly is a sweetheart) and made him feel bad. And the worst part is, he had saved some money from his many jobs in order to take her and his grandmother out for dinner, and she never went. Only his grandmother was there. His mother went on a date with his stepfather.
Today, he has told me the landlord (landlady?) is kicking him out. I’m thinking this has something to do with his drug use or the fact that he’s been barely surviving, thus being unable to pay the woman consistently. She is insisting that he owes her and didn’t let him in since yesterday when he pleaded with her to open the door (he forgot his keys and phone in his room) and he had to sleep on a bench. It’s winter, and it is not safe where he lives.
I’ve pleaded with my family and they’re willing to help him find an actual apartment somewhere close to us, and a job. My mom told me she would help with rent until he was economically stable to do so himself. But until we find an apartment and a job and even after that, I know it’s going to be very difficult. His father is very irresponsible, and doesn’t help or even talk to him frequently (his father lives comfortably in Germany and can even travel abroad whenever he wants). I want to help him in any way that I can, whether it be food and groceries, shelter, anything. Right now I know he really needs it. And, perhaps, with enough help, he will be stable…
Please DM me for any information, my prices range from $15 to $45, no more, depending on the complexity of the piece. The only thing I will not draw is heavy gore and cp. I can also translate from english to spanish and spanish to english, if anyone’s interested. I’m charging $0.10 per word, because this is new for me despite being fluent. If you’re interested, you can check my tags: #my art // #translation for examples… I’ll tag them below to make accessing this information easier.
Please… help me help him. I am desperate. I don’t mean to bother anyone, I hope you can forgive me, friends.
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1lenii · 11 months
Ma.. (TWIN AU)
Miles Morales/Milo G Morales x F!Reader
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Which Miles? It’s up to preference it can b read for both! Ya can switch it around if wanted
Twin au, got the name Milo from another talented writer so if you see this hi sweetie<3
Somewhat headcannons/story, miles a self apologetic, (Y/N) doesn’t know what she feels until the end. Read and find out<3
⚠️CHEATING!! Violence(slapping), empty threats, they are aged up(for the drinking in one bit)
Notes: fill my inbox it 🏃🏽‍♀️ and check out my other works! Masterlist<3
* Miles didn’t mean to do it. It’s just.. happened you know?
* Did he regret it? Yes.
* Did he know you wouldn’t forgive him? Yes.
* That’s exactly why he couldn’t let you find out.
* It’s was a class party, someone spiked the drinks, that’s someone was ofc Edna
* Taking advantage of (Y/N) absence and Miles out of mindedness
* HE led her to a room @the party and one thing led to another
* This became a common reoccurrence ever since (Y/N) came back from her family trip
* All while Milo observed and watched from a far
(Y/N) was coming out of calculus to go to Miles double period of Spanish, which was now in the 2nd half.
Literally oblivious to the fact of what her soon to be ex lover had done.
Quietly coming into the classroom she walks over to her desk taking a seek and taking a peek at Miles who heads a gift on his desk with a note, while he was staring out the window.
“For this project, you’ll be doing groups of four, each of you will be studying a different country of Spanish origin, such a Spain, Mexico these are 2 of the many. Do not fail me young scholars. as for your groups it will be the person to your left and their front. You may start planning now.”
The teacher gave some long ass speech (Y/N) couldn’t be bothered to listen to
About to face Miles she went to go poke him “MILES!!!” A terrifying screech came from right in front of them. It’s was Edna…
Edna Stacy.
(cousin of Gwen Stacy cs I love her I don’t want her to b the bad guy, you feel me?)
“Oh hi..” miles mumbles facing away from her to finally face you, “Mami we need to talk”
Milo scoffs rolling his eyes, “now you wanna talk cheater” he mumbles only miles catching wind of what he said
Completely ignoring Edna as she sat on his desk, (Y/N) nodded hesitatingly turning her head back to her paper not saying a word, heart now racing with ‘talk about what’ with a little ‘oh great, her.’
Edna took this as an invitation to leaning closer to Miles, “you enjoyed my present pretty boy? You didn’t even open it”
“Excuse you? You do realize he has a girl right? That’s fucking dirty” (Y/N) glances at her
“Well clearly not if he—-“
“THATS enough, erm- can we finish this later at one of our dorms, class about to let out” Miles says clearing his throat
(Y/N) eyes him weirdly before eventually agreeing with him, sooner or later the bell rang signifying the end of the day.
“Milo won’t you be a dear and tell Miles ima come over later I gotta get the textbook for the project from the library, Oka?” (Y/N) says giving a closed eye smile to the much more seemingly emotionless twin
“Oh..? Matter a fact lemme come with you, ion wanna b with that brain dead idiot” Milo says while giving (Y/N) and side hug and arm to link around (platonic for now)
‘He’s been so distant.. what’s up with him.’
‘Ever since I came back’
“Did you hear? I Hurd Miles got a lil sum from Edna at last weeks party” said some random kids from behind the shelf
“Oh yea? But doesn’t he have a gf?”
“Doesn’t seem it” the guy shrugs
Milo caught on tryna distract (Y/N), covering her ears, even training her eyes on him, but it wasn’t enough as she ran out of the library with Milo trailing behind
(Y/N) didn’t even remember when she dropped the textbook in the dorm complex, tears running down almost blurring her vision almost tripping up the stairs to twins floor.
“Ma wait” milo says I’m attempts to calm (Y/N) down
Her heart heaving and hurting from the pain of her legs as well the hurt from her lover.
“It isn’t true, we’ll go to miles confirm and it’s not gonna be true. Right? Right?”
Before (Y/N) could even open the door she heard gasps groans and slight moans
She enter the complex along with Milo who started at his twin in dissatisfied, the door was completely unlocked, (Y/N) stares. Eyes wide.. not from shock. No. From hurt and surprised.
“So that’s what they meant” (Y/N) mumbles
“Wait! Mami it isn’t. I mean- it’s is but I didn’t mean for it— it was Js- ma im sorry it was in the momen—“
“I don’t care Miles..” (Y/N) says drying her tear stained cheeks, clicking over to fall in front of him
“I genuinely don’t care Miles, this is the worst downgrade that could possibly happened”
Milo knowing it wasn’t the time tried to stifle a laugh
The room fell silent as (Y/N) hand was in the air from the previous action
“If it was because you didn’t love me, or because it was a dare, I don’t care. Miles you’ve completely lost my trust and we’re done. After this project I don’t want you near me”
(Y/N) grabs Milo’s hand going up even more stares, as they eventually get to the roof, situated on the edge with the safety rail
“I’m.. my bad. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t wanna seem.. idk” Milo trails off
(Y/N) sighs leaning her head against his shoulder.
“It’s Oka.. you only did what you had to do to protect any feelings I had left.. so thank you”
Milo’s face darkens into a shade of red which can only be seen by the flashing lights of the cars passing by.
With a content feel of the area and each others presence they are now staring at each other, tension getting thicker by the minute,
Till eventually their nose touch, bending at the contact of their Lips moving together in sync and in harmony.
(Y/N) had found it. The piece of the her aching heart
Kinda fast paced but I think it’s cute, lmk what ya think<3
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leidensygdom · 2 months
OKay! So, our campaign ended! Yesterday was the 81 session, and last one of it- Our DM did a wonderful job at running it. We basically got to ask them for the scenes we'd like to see, and the session was built around that. It's been three years, so it was wild to see it come to an end! Here's a recap tho (a lil bit more focused on my blorbos since they're the ones you know)
The epilogue happened two years after the campaign's end, with a couple of flashbacks going some time back
First scene was welcoming Blasma (one of the party members), who had been on a trip all this time to heal her soul at her grandpa's dubious laboratory. She's pretty okay currently- if we ignore soul healing is something theoretically impossible. Probably many questionable things happened there. Osten traveled with her to make sure she was doing okay
Next scene was her welcoming party. A bunch of shenanigans happened. Yxala tried so play cool aunt, got her a motorbike. They ended in somewhat odd terms and my girl was trying so bad to get her trust again
Pulsar and Tephra- each polycule's kids- appeared to be overall terribly adorable. Yxala talked a lot about her Sweet Potato. Tephra is Yxala and Relé's biological kiddo (as evidenced by the branched horns), 6 months old, and just one of these big hefty babies who is starting to munch on everything (here's a token of baby her, and what she's like grown up!)
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we also got to see the closure of Mythannae, Yden and Jorven's polycule! Myth and Yden recovered their enchanted clothing business. They specialize in magical clothing adapted to specific needs- Like fireproof clothing for fire genasi, helmets with bag-of-holding like pockets so you can put them on with horns, that stuff. Jorven has now been working on music again. (For context, Myth was my previous character before I switched for Yxala!)
Blasma's player also had an epilogue for his previous character- she's a tired old lady, who is now joining another tired old lady to get in politics. An improvement, given they were cops before that
Centi got to resurrect the weird celestial wife of an old teacher of hers- Who had been snatched up by Sol Ascensus and transformed into a monster. I can't wait to show Niereva to y'all tho, she's a bit of a weird aminal (a mantis/naga-like aasimar)
She may have done a fucked up pact with a psychopomp tho-
We had Yxala's, Relent's and Uri's wedding, we knew that was coming! It took Urion a long while to recover from after the Deep Lab, and they still struggle a lot with that they did as The Onirist
We had a scene of Urion's recovery. Initially they didn't even want to come to terms with being Urion- They were The Onirist. Relé had a hard time forgiving them too, bc they DID hurt Relent a lot. Yxala was a bit more fine about it, even after having her heart carved out by them.
they're all going to therapy lol
There's actually a cult to The Onirist/Ataraxia now though! Some people loved the idea of a godly machine that could solve everyone's hurts and ailments, and they're asking for them to come back and fix the world. maybe the mind control microchips were fine, y'know
(uri isn't doing great about this)
We had the ceremony- Money and seeds are given to the partners as a sign of prosperity and life. They're gonna have a great garden.
The polycule drank (alcohol-free) wine imbued with each other's blood too bc ceremonies there go hard- (this one is seen as a bit more archaic)
And a major exchange between marrying partners is expected. They exchanged basses- They had them custom made many decades ago, with Urion's being based on clouds (after Relé), Relé's being based on fire (after Yxala), and Yxala's being based on bismuth crystals (after Uri's). Now Uri has the fiery bass, Relé has the bismuth one, and Yxala has the cloudy bass
Urion was the bassist for Demonwire, a group they were a part of with some other anarchist friends. This bass has a very long history and it's very significative. Yxala was a bit shocked.
After that, the wedding after-party took place. Blasma set a date with Osten- They didn't actually get romantically involved up until now (and it's probably gonna be very slow still gfhudhdgf)
I forgot to mention this but Urion and Relent are now involved with an organization to help the people who were affected by the Deep Lab and The Onirist's actions. Uri had a very awkward interview about it.
We had few other closure scenes here and there. Finding out two other npcs are marrying, the fact the weird undead guy somehow has a new kid, that stuff- and then we went onto the final one
Which was a concert by Demonwire. Urion played with them for the first time in 12 years, and gave an awkward speech, and it was super sweet and just a great point to end the campaign in!
With that, we're now set to go play the next campaign- Which will happen 8 years after this epilogue (ten years after the end of the major campaign events). I'm going to be playing Siegmund, one of Yxala's kids, and I'm very excited for that.
Yxala won't be doing any major stuff- She's gonna still go fight corpos in the streets and she's going back to the Mecha Derby (did y'all know she was a mecha pilot in a sports competition lmao. I'm working on her pilot fit, it's cool!). Urion is going to be back on Demonwire, mostly to raise funds for those hurt by The Onirist and Ataraxia, and will have a bigger role coming up- Specially given Siegmund's (and Vyxander, his twin) have a lot to do with that. Relent will also be doing some major stuff, but it will remain spoilery for a time. He's got some big things to handle!
I may have cried a bit at the end because it's been so long. I'm glad the characters won't be fully gone. Next campaign will have a lot more lore stuff to gush about- We're going to adventure outside the city, and meet people from all over the world. There's a country that uses souls in place of nuclear fission. It's gonna be wild! (And thank you for reading-)
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bonefall · 8 months
what is the crow/night/breeze family dynamic like in this au? you've mentioned crowfeather being the one still emotional over leafpool so that would definitely affect breezepelt, but im curious of the wider scale of it. love this au btw!
I'm trying to infuse more nuance into all three of them like they're a cold brew tea.
HOLD UP THOUGH; let me be CLEAR!! I don't think Nightcloud has done anything wrong in canon (besides the rebellion which they forgor about anyway). I do not like how the narrative put a lot of blame on her in Po3/OotS/field guides when her greatest sin was... loving her child.
So in BB she is going to do bad things because we support women's wrongs <3
I keep going back and forth on when she was born, if she was nabbed as a kit after the WindClan Massacre or if she was a young warrior during the BloodClan battle.
In either case, she is the sister of a cat named Tawnyfur, and their Mi is Hillrunner. They were born to Hillrunner's identical twin Downwind, but she was killed during TPB.
Hillrunner was incredibly traumatized by the horrors. She was obsessed with strength and phobic of ShadowClan for her entire life.
If you met Hillrunner, you'd think Nightcloud was a sweetheart in comparison (and she will be)
Tawnyfur was killed in the BloodClan battle.
Nightcloud hated Tallstar agreeing to trade with them, and she was easily recruited by Mudclaw based on her fury at Leo, Snapper, and Spagbol joining WindClan.
When they got to the Lake, Nightcloud joined Mudclaw's Rebellion. She spoke out against involving cats of other Clans in the cause, but fell in line quick.
The rebellion sabotauged a muirburn. The controlled burn became uncontrolled FAST.
I think she wanted to blame the cats like Hawkfrost for how far it went, but after the rain doused the flames and WindClan had to keep putting out smouldering peat fires, she realized it didn't look good to keep blaming others.
Plus how Mudclaw got smote. THAT put fear of StarClan into her
So it wasn't neccesarily out of regret that she apologized for her role and begged forgiveness, but a mix of guilt, fear, and genuine desire to fix the collateral damage.
I think she did take Crowfeather as a mate for reputation purposes, but she did also like him and want a mate. It wasn't an Honor Siring, for her it was more of an "arrangement" which she hoped would strengthen
She wanted to prove her loyalty, but also that she is a good and loving cat.
When Breezekit came around, she tried her hardest to be a good mom. She really didn't want to be like Hillrunner.
But she hadn't worked through anything else. Still had a distaste for Brushblaze, Snapstorm, and Cranberrysplash. Strongly valued strength and aggression. Only approved of Onestar when he pushed for violence and rejected the notion that you can trust cats of other Clans.
Breezepelt struggles with it for most of Po3, because he gets very close to the Three and considers them friends. But when the reveal drops, he believes she was right all along
I don't know how to preserve it yet but I do want Nightcloud to keep the housecat friend she makes in CT. Eventually.
Basically... she's dealing with a lot of anger of her own, not really knowing how to sort it, following along with what she was taught.
And Breeze inherits many of those problems.
Significantly different from canon. Not aloof; dramatic
He's also a REALLY good cook. He was Mudclaw's apprentice and it shows.
I'm actually going to wrap him up in the rebellion. He endorsed Mudclaw's claim over Onestar-- and over the word of Brambleclaw.
But he snitched and fetched help on the night of the sabotauge.
After that and then Leafpool, he was also looking for a way to boost his reputation. Having kits was a way to do that, and he's a cat who was chosen by StarClan to go on a great journey, son of an old deputy and a new deputy, with an honor title, who ran to fetch help and thwart the assassination attempt.
He knows he is a bit controversial but also that he is undeniably a big shot. And he's not going to pretend like he's not proud of that. He's not even 5 and hasn't even had an apprentice but he's the most significant cat in WindClan
So when Breezekit comes along? He should be grateful. But he's not, he's a snot nosed little brat (child) who backtalks (child) to his own father (adult)
And he sure doesn't appreciate Nightcloud always trying to fight him. How dare she tell him how to be a Ba?
She won't let him BE involved in the way he wants, turning his kit against him, this is all her fault.
"If it wasn't for her, Breezepaw would know discipline!"
The whole world is out to get Crowfeather and anything bad that happens around him is someone else's fault.
So obviously the mateship falls apart fast.
He doesn't respect anything about Breezepelt, and blames all of his kid's problems on Nightcloud.
In a furious fight, he likes to compare Nightcloud to his other lovers. He says Feathertail, even if he IS talking secretly about Leafpool, because she is dead and can't confirm it, and it always hurts Nightcloud to be compared to an outsider.
This is an exhausting person to be around, and the boost in status and resulting ego makes him insufferable in contrast to the young warrior he was on the Sundrown Patrol.
After the Secret Reveal though, when Leafpool is stripped of her Cleric status and Crowfeather starts talking openly about his love, it is the LAST straw with Onestar. He rips his warrior name off and exiles him for a month-- begone CROW, NO SUFFIX. No you're not going back to CrowFOOT either. Not even an entire Dishonor Title. Just Crow.
He does start improving after that, but he needed a drastic punishment
The kid was only born as a status symbol. Do you blame him for being a special kind of messed up?
He really cannot remember a time where his parents weren't fighting. Never liked it when Crowfeather did parental duties either. Kids are really sensitive to bad vibes.
Was, and still is, really close to his mom. But he always spent a lot of time with his buddies.
Harepaw, Kestrelpaw, Breezepaw, and Heatherpaw were the oldest apprentices in WindClan, the first ones born in the new territory. They all hung out together, except Kestrelpaw who was in Cleric training as soon as possible. Not even 6 moons.
When he's in a good environment, Breezepelt really shines. He isn't like Crowfeather says he is, he's actually fine at making friends and getting along.
When Crow or Night are around, he will often noticeably get more rude and xenophobic, eyes darting back at them like he's looking for approval. Night is always approving of this and giving light chuckles, Crow will engage in it too, but snap if he feels like Breeze embarassed him somehow.
When they go away it's like it drains out of him.
His worst choices in BB always go back to him being pretty desperate for approval, snapping between idealizing people or thinking they're the absolute worst.
So yeah. It's a screwey little dynamic. They hate Crowf, Crowf hates them, the arrangement was massively based on status, Breezekit was always in an unstable environment from the get-go, Nightcloud did contribute to Breezepelt's mindset especially post-reveal.
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
Online Discourse, Redemption Arcs, and Jane Austen
There is a story in the Bible where Jesus is brought a woman who has cheated on her spouse. The officials ask Jesus what to do, he knows they are trying to trick him into breaking the law with mercy, so he says, "Go ahead, throw rocks at her until she dies, that's the law, BUT whoever has never done anything wrong throws the first stone." Eventually everyone leaves and Jesus forgives the woman.
This post I shared a while ago really makes me think of that story, because online commentary of characters seems to so often break into two groups:
People so unforgiving, so unwilling to allow a single misstep in a character that they would start throwing stones immediately
People who will twist themselves into knots to prove that everything the character did was justified (and since we have zero backstory for the unnamed woman in this story, it would be easy to give her a sympathetic one. She did it because of trauma!)
Let's apply this to Emma Woodhouse. At Box Hill, she mildly insults an older woman, it is a poorly timed and placed joke:
“Oh! very well,” exclaimed Miss Bates, “then I need not be uneasy. ‘Three things very dull indeed.’ That will just do for me, you know. I shall be sure to say three dull things as soon as ever I open my mouth, shan’t I? (looking round with the most good-humoured dependence on every body’s assent)—Do not you all think I shall?” Emma could not resist. “Ah! ma’am, but there may be a difficulty. Pardon me—but you will be limited as to number—only three at once.”
There are basically two reactions to this insult: BURN EMMA AT THE STAKE and Eh, not that bad. Now I think with this particular insult, it really wasn't that bad and we are told about the surrounding extenuating circumstances that caused Emma to slip up. However, I'm probably wrong because Emma does feel guilty and she does make amends. While she does not directly apologize, it's clear in the novel that what she did was a relationship repair.
What makes me feel like a crazy person is how many people throw first stones! How many people are SHOCKED by what Emma said and they could NEVER imagine insulting Miss Bates in such a cruel way! Get over yourself! I feel fairly certain that every human being on earth over 25 had insulted someone to the same level as Emma has insulted Miss Bates. That doesn't mean it is excusable, Emma should apologize and so should we, but I'm left amazed by how many people feel blameless in the face of this extremely human and relatable error.
And yes, it makes me wonder about forgiveness in their real lives. There are some things that I believe could be hard and fast "never forgive" rules, like your SO should never hit you, but people make mistakes. We should have room for forgiveness, we should understand circumstances. People get tired and sick and angry and overwhelmed and sometimes they screw up. It makes me wonder if this is an online persona effect, where we never show our negative sides, or is this a true opinion. Do people forget their own mistakes?
There also seems to be this idea that once someone has done something once, it's already a pattern even if the novel is full of counter-evidence. Emma is very polite throughout the novel, she endures people that annoy her a lot, she is endlessly accommodating with her father, but a single insult to Miss Bates and people start retroactively making her worse. When she visited that poor family she must have been insulting them! (Nope) Suddenly she becomes a villain through and through, instead of a normal girl who made a few mistakes.
That's not even getting into the real "villains" of Austen's works. The amount of people who tell me that Lydia (16), Henry Crawford (probably 24), Mary Crawford (22-24), Willoughby (25), and so on and so fourth ARE INCAPABLE OF CHANGE and will never improve. Like excuse me? Have you not changed and improved since you were 16-25? How early do you give up on people? Do you really think a young adult is fully formed?
Is this how you think of people in the real world too?
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 1: Welcome to Hawkins
(Slowburn) Billy Hargrove x Reader
...Part 2, ...(Masterlist)
A/N: I would like to say that I have recently tested positive to Covid and will be out of work until the 17th of July. This sucks, kind of, because I love my job. But, it also means that 98% of my time will not be dedicated to this fic… It has kind of spiralled out of control and I have written so much already. I hope you guys like this and although the main character's eventual pairing will be with Billy Hargorve, this is a SLOW burn, it is going to take a while because the reader knows how valuable they are and would never settle for the abusive asshole Billy is when he is first introduced. We are here for the DEVELOPMENT. No matter what, I enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy reading it.   Word Count: 2,472 Warnings: mentions of death, trauma, guilt
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Billy Hargrove was an asshole. There was no way around it. He was rude, crude, drank like a fish, and smoked like a chimney. He had his mothers eyes and his fathers temper.
In a seemingly random series of events you found your fate tangling with his. It’s hard for you to say exactly when this convergence began. But, it was most likely around the time your world turned upside down. 
When Will Byers disappeared in November of 1983, you were one of the first people questioned. You were 17 at the time but you had been babysitting in Hawkins since you were 14. It was just your mom and you for as long as you could remember. Your mom was a nurse at Hawkins General Hospital and worked the night shift. She always made sure you had enough but that didn't stop you from helping with the bills where you could. 
You regularly worked for the Wheelers, and even got paid extra on campaign nights. Normally it wasn’t a bad deal. Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas were always well behaved. All you really had to do was watch them, feed them, put them to bed, and make sure they didn't die. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, Hawkins was cursed. 
Will didn't make it home that night and your life would forever be altered by the madness that ensued. 
You had been wracked with guilt when you heard one of your kids had gone missing. Nancy tried to reassure you that there was nothing you could have done. You had been watching them all day and when you had left that night, they were still playing D and D. There had been plenty of people in the house, including Nancy. She even tried to invite you to come along with her and Barb to Steve’s party. She said it would help get your mind off things and just relax, like the three of you always did. You almost accepted. Almost.
You would never fully forgive yourself for turning them down. Even when Barb had called you that night, begging you to come so she wouldn’t have to be the fifth wheel. You refused, giving her some half baked excuse about having a headache. 
That would be the last conversation you had with her.
You planned to apologise to both of them the next day, after school. You would make it up to them. Rent a sappy romantic movie, eat popcorn, and they could tell you all about the party. Those hopes would soon die when Nancy explained what had happened at the party and how she hadn't seen Barb since the night before. The two of you went over to the Harrington’s place, looking for any sign of your lost friend. That afternoon in the woods would be your first brush with the paranormal. 
Going to the police got you nowhere. The guilt ate at your insides until you were desperate for answers. So, when Johnathan Byers  told you about monsters coming out of walls, you believed him. 
That night in the woods, when Nancy disappeared, it nearly broke you. How was it possible for you to lose so many people. It just wasn't fair. You cried when Johnathan pulled her from the hole in the tree. Your relief would be short lived. When Nancy described the other side it turned your insides. Just imagining Barb trapped in a place like that… you would have done anything to rescue her. 
You had never had many friends but Nancy and Barb were the best friends a girl could ask for. The three of you had become instant friends when you first met as children. They were a year behind you in school but were so smart and always helped you to understand the subjects you were weaker in. They were the only reason you were passing pre-calculus and that you had any socialisation outside of babysitting. Whatever that thing was, you were going to find a way to beat it and rescue Barb. 
You, Nancy, and Johnathan made plans to lure in the monster and kill it. There was a slight snag in the plan when Nancy saw what Tommy H. had written on the theatre board and Johnathan ended up in handcuffs. Luckily, Jim Hopper was the closest thing you had to a dad. Well, more like a drunk uncle. You were thankful he believed all of you when you explained what was happening. Having Hopper in your corner mady you feel a million times better. Unfortunately, the feeling was not mutual. Hopper made it very clear how he felt about you being involved in all this. If you weren’t as stubborn as him, he would have made you go home. 
When he saw how determined you were to save Barb he couldn't help but smile, pulling you into a tight hug. He grumbled that it was no use, that you were just like your old man. It always made you weirdly happy and sad at the same time when he said things like that. You couldn’t remember much about your dad, he had died before you got the chance to really know him. You knew that He and Hopper had served together in the Army. But, Hopper didn't like to talk about it much. 
When you were all on the same page, you managed to contact Mike on the radio after you remembered it was how the little group liked to communicate. Seeing the kids all together again made you happy they were safe but you couldn't help but feel the void left by Will. You knew Nancy felt it too. There was something unspoken between the two of you. Like you couldn’t look each other in the eye without thinking of Barb. It made your heart ache. 
When the time came for El to find Barb and Will, you could barely breathe. Then you heard the young girl murmur a single word. 
Gone. Barb was gone, and it was all your fault. It felt like someone had scooped out your insides. All you could think about was Barb and how you should have been there for her. But now it was too late, she was gone forever. You didn’t realise you were crying until Hopper pulled you into his arms.
“It wasn’t your fault, kid.” he had said, squeezing you tightly. His words fell on deaf ears. You felt numb, like the world wasn’t really there. You watched him leave with Joyce, on the way to rescue Will…
You sat alone in the empty halls of the Middle School, drowning in your own thoughts, until you felt Nancy sit next to you. She didn’t look at you, only taking your hand and stating, in an eerily calm voice, “We’re going to kill it.”
Then the numbness inside of you gave way to a new feeling. It was a hot feeling that spread through you, burning. Vengeance.
You, Nancy, and Johnathan gather your supplies, set the trap, and slit your palms. Then, you waited. There were a thousand things you thought could happen that night. But, Steve Harrington showing up was the last among them. And it only went south from there. 
After the first attack you were shaken. You would have run out of the house with Steve if it weren’t for the thought of Barb alone. That thing was the reason you felt this way. It was the reason your friend was gone. You were going to kill it, or die trying. You gripped your father’s colt .45 and stood with your back against Nancy and Johnathan.
It all happened so fast. The gun in your hand jerked as you fired round after round into the monster. You turned around and for a split second, your eyes locked on Nancy’s. You saw the fear there an instant before sharp claws raked through the flesh of your back. You felt the warmth of your own blood gushing down your back, then the pain. That’s the last thing you remember about that night.
You don't remember Steve coming back, saving you with the spiked bat, Jonathan setting the thing on fire, or when all three of them hauled your limp body into the back of Steve’s car.  
You wouldn’t be there for the reunion with Will or for the celebration of his return. You would miss Christmas and New Years. You wouldn't regain consciousness until the second week of January, 1984. Sometimes you would get flashes, little pieces of that time. Nancy’s voice, someone squeezing your hand, the beeping of monitors. But mostly it was your mom crying. 
When you woke up you were alone. It felt like your mouth was made of sandpaper and when you opened it to speak, nothing came out. It took you a moment to realise you were in a hospital and when you moved to sit up, pain shot down your spine. Every bone in your body was aching and each movement sent new waves of pain along your back. Before you had another second to think, you heard a gasp from the doorway. Your mother dropped the coffee she had been carrying in her rush to your side. Her eyes were filled with fresh tears and she was rambling a million miles a minute. Asking you questions, looking you over, making sure you were actually awake. You were happy to see her but little did you know that this would be the norm for the coming months. 
You were never alone. There were always nurses, or doctors, or men in suits. Everyone had questions. How were you feeling? Where was the pain? What do you remember? After a week it got old and after a month it was downright maddening. 
As far as anyone knew, you had fallen victim to a bear attack. It would have been simple, if it was only the flayed flesh of your flanks that needed to heal. Unfortunately, the infection that set in made things complicated. The government sent specialists to look after you and keep things under wraps. They kept you in a facility, only allowing certain people to care for you.
The fevers were hard to shake, they were treating you with so many different drugs you lost track. When your fever broke, you always started to feel better, but somehow it always came back. 
They concluded that it was most likely some type of virus that had been transmitted to you via the creature's claws. There was only so much they could do. As the weeks went on, the time between flare ups grew longer. When you were finally well enough to have visitors, all interactions were closely monitored. 
Your most frequent visitors were your mom, Hopper, Nancy and Steve. Jonathan stopped by sometimes, but not often.
When school started again you were still unable to sit up on your own. Nancy and Steve undertook the task of keeping you up to date on your school work. With not much else to focus on, besides your pain, you had a lot of time to study. Your grades weren’t half bad, all things considered. 
When you weren't doing catchup work for school or visiting or being poked and prodded by doctors, you wrote. It had always been a passion of yours and more recently it had become a means of escape. Being trapped in that sterilised linoleum prison was driving you mad. So when you felt the walls closing in around you, the only way out was with a pen and paper.
Before everything, you would write about fantasy worlds and romantic adventures. Stories where the heroes triumphed and love conquered all. But now, you couldn’t seem to conjure up those scenarios. The tales that came to life on your page now were darker. There were no good guys or love stories, there were only tales of fear and those things that haunt us when we are alone at night. Stories about the horrors hiding in the shadows all around us.  
No one read these stories but you.
After 6 months of treatments, recovery, and rehab, you were finally discharged. Going home somehow made you feel even stranger. Things were the same but somehow profoundly different. Your mom had taken a couple shifts off work to look after you when you got home. You were thankful for her but there was no hiding the amount of stress she had been under while you were in the hospital. She had always had circles under her eyes but in the past few months they seemed to grow darker. 
You tried to go back to the way things were. You hung out with Steve and Nancy, listened to them talk about their lives and plans for the future. You were happy for them, it seemed like they had really grown. But for some reason, it left a sour taste in your mouth. You felt like all they wanted to talk about was the future but all you could think about was the past. You eventually stopped going with them, always giving excuses about headaches. And eventually, they stopped asking. 
You found yourself alone a lot. Not that you minded. After having 8 months of constant supervision, you could use some alone time. The walls in your home started to remind you too much of being stuck in the hospital. So, you liked to be outside. You would go for long walks almost every day. It felt good to be outside. Freeing. 
You would leave your house early in the morning, after your mom got back from her shift. You would take a small bag, packed with a water bottle, a book, and your journal. You would pick a new direction every day, always finding new places you haven't walked yet. When you got tired you would find a quiet place to sit and read or write or just think. 
You thought about Barb often. You tried to think about all the good times you had together. How she always managed to explain things so you could understand. All the sleepovers the two of you had. She was so smart and kind. You missed being able to call her just to talk. You avoided thinking about how her last moments must have felt. How alone and scared she must have been. Each time your thoughts turned to it you could feel yourself recoil. It felt like touching a hot stove. 
Sometimes you couldn't help it. You would think about that last conversation you had with her. How you had been so selfish and dismissive of her. Then you would cry as you walked. 
That's the way things went for a while. Then, one day in the middle of July things changed. You would never forget the first time you met Billy Hargrove. 
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A/N: Hope you guys like it so far! This was just a little background before the actual story starts. Let me know what you guys think!
... Part 2, ...(Masterlist)
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sickflowerbed · 4 months
One thing I hate about Naruto is that Kishimoto wasted so much potential for Sakura, Team Gai, Hyūga clan, Kurenai, Shino, and so many others.
For me, Sakura is the most wasted because she's one of the main characters, yet it didn't seem that way. Compare Sakura and the other mains. She is more like a side character who's a fan favorite like Shikamaru, expect a lot people hate her.
It makes sense to not like Sakura in the beginning. That's what character development is for. Sakura was supposed to go from boy-crazy to the strong independent heroine, and if you read the manga, it does feel that way but, in the end, she ends up with Sasuke now, that would be a problem if she didn't immediately forgive him, she was the one who told Naruto to stop seeking Sasuke because she could tell, that it was pointless and the damage is evident. Kishimoto himself said he regretted Sakura's character, failed, and said that even if he expanded on her it wouldn't raise her popularity. It was too late the damage was done. Kishimoto knew Sakura wasn't popular yet chose moments for Sakura that needed understanding of her badly written character.
All of the team members of Gai had so much potential, Gai & Lee being the best Taijutsu users, Neji being the genius of the Hyūga clan, and Tenten even though we don't see her a lot, in the manga, we don't see the fight between her and Temari, but we see a few scratches on Temari. Of course, we didn't see the official fight, and Tenten still got folded, but it's the thought that counts. It's a shame we never got to see her get better. She could have used her chakra and infused it with her weapons like Asuma does. We never got to see them fight after the Kazekage Ark, and we never saw them fight as a team, a beautiful dysfunctional team.
The Hyūga clan at the start was shown was the strongest clan, and we learned a lot about the clan during the chūnin exams. With the Hyūga clan, I see the loss of potential with using about them. Personally, I'm fine with Hyūga clan being put in the sidelines for the Uchiha clan to shine. But we only had two main characters from Hyūga clan, Hinata, and Neji. Compared to the Uchiha clan, we don't see any other characters aside from fillers. I just wished we got to learn more about the Hyūga clan and their connection to the Ōtsutsuki clan, which we only saw during the last movie.
I always feel bad for Kurenai because she was done dirty. We were told she was one of the greatest genjutsu users, and the only time we see her fight is against the greatest genjutsu user, Itachi Uchiha. Of course, she gonna lose against him, and that's the one time we see her fight apart from fillers. Then she ends up pregnant and boom she's nothing but a mother, which is fine. Most of the mothers in anime are dead, but we are told that Kurenai is a genjutsu specialist and we never got a chance to see that canonically.
Shino has shown potential in the fights we have seen him in, but we never went into depth into Shino how he uses his bugs and gets better at using them. Apparently, the Aburame clan can identify and counter genjutsu because their kikaichū don't have the brain structures for it. I mean it's a shame we didn't see especially since the show later was centered around the Uchiha clan.
Overall, the reason many characters got left out of the series or ignored was that Kishimoto focused everything on Naruto, Sasuke, and popular characters due to the fans.
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twin-wings · 1 year
Vash and Knives' dynamic in the manga is extremely compelling to me. I really like how their conflict isn't a matter of innate temperaments, but the different ways in which they react to their experiences.
When they were kids, Knives was the one with the strongest desire to connect with humans. He had so much hope – and fear of rejection – that he literally started crying when he felt accepted by Conrad, the second person after Rem to learn about the twins' existence. And it's important that it was Knives, and not Vash, to say something like this:
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I've always found it so interesting that between the two of them, Vash was the more cautious one. He was more reserved, quieter, and less emotional compared to Knives. And most importantly, he had fewer expectations about humans and whether or not they could become friends with them.
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Vash has never been naive. He's very aware of how difficult it is for people to come to a mutual understanding – and how two beings as powerful as them will likely be seen with suspicion and fear by humans – but this doesn't mean that trying isn't worth it, not matter how many times it might fail.
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What this moment conveys is not naive idealism, but an impossibly strong determination. Vash does believe that humans and plants can coexist peacefully, but he also knows it's an uphill road to get there.
Obviously Knives doesn't share the same hope. All the hope he had about humanity was crushed when he found out about Tesla. That was the day his innocence was irreparably lost.
But Knives wasn't the only one who was affected by that discovery. Vash's reaction was just as strong: we see him adamantly refusing food, trying to kill himself because he couldn't stand to be in a ship full of humans. We see him lashing out, angry and scared and unable to trust humans at all, not even Rem.
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The whole flashback adds a lot of nuance to Vash's character: he knows humans are capable of terrible things, he doesn't just blindly trust them and doesn't see the world through rose-tinted glasses. But he still chooses empathy and forgiveness instead of resentment and vengeance again and again, because he knows humans are also capable of good, of changing and learning from their mistakes. Rem herself was proof of that: how she did all she could to prevent the tragedy of Tesla from happening again; how she gave her own life for everyone else, to grant everyone a ticket to the future. It was Rem who convinced Vash to have hope and gave him a reason to keep living, and it's her legacy that Vash tries to protect with his life.
Knives, on the other hand, bottled up his emotions, refusing to share his pain with Vash and Rem and using it to fuel his hatred. Knives was afraid of humans as much as Vash was, but instead of facing that fear head-on and overcoming it, he decided to eradicate the source.
The main conflict in Trigun isn't just about two brothers' ideological divergences, nor is it simply about stopping the "bad guy": it's about how good and evil coexist in human nature. Vash and Knives were bound to discover the dark side of humanity sooner or later, and they were bound to make a choice. While Knives only sees the evil that humans have done and refuses to give them a chance, Vash chooses to believe in people's potential for goodness.
They are two sides of the same coin. Both are incredibly powerful beings with the ability to exterminate humanity if they so wanted, but the way they choose to use their immense powers is completely opposite.
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Would you be able to do another Alicent Hightower x fem reader headcanon/imagine? Maybe where the reader is a targaryen/velaryon but enjoys fighting/hunter instead of normal “lady” things?? I’m not great at coming up with prompts so srry if it’s bad, but there’s a lack of Alicent content and I really need some. Thanks!
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Title: Green With Envy
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Alicent Hightower x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,482
Summary: Y/n Velaryon is the best of both of her siblings. She’s a cunning warrior and skilled in fighting like Ser Laenor, and is one of the best dragon riders in all the Seven Kingdoms, like Lady Laena. Alicent would be a fool not to notice this.
Warnings: Anxiety, mostly. Alicent’s riddled with it.
Author’s Note: It’s a short one but I loved the idea of it, nonetheless. I hope you enjoy!
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
“Cousin Y/n. Walk with me. I wish to hear about the years we’ve been apart.”
Alicent could feel her face twist momentarily into a frown against her will as she watched Y/n and a pregnant Rhaenyra leave the room, arm-in-arm, behind her wine cup.
Between the chaos of Vemond Velaryon’s death and the King’s wish for a family dinner, Alicent hasn’t had her usual warrior to stand by her side. Y/n had been reuniting with her nieces and nephews and allowing her mother to dote on her. Alicent couldn’t feel envy from this. Princess Rhaenys lost two of her children in a short span of time, and she would no doubt want to spend her days in King’s Landing beside her last living child.
No, what truly thrusted envy into Alicent’s heart was Rhaenyra, once again taking whatever she wanted without ever facing the consequences. Surely, the princess wasn’t stupid enough to take Y/n away from Alicent as well as everything else. Nothing will take the Queen’s sword shield from her. Nothing.
Y/n has done the impossible. She fought all odds and survived her birth. She claimed the Bronze Fury, Vermithor when she was only ten years old. She rose to the ranks of knighthood even though she was a woman. She put herself in the King’s court and swore fealty to the Queen... She even stole that queen’s heart.
Ser Y/n Velaryon is a perfect mixture of both her brother and sister, therefore a storm, not even her father could tame. And like any storm her family avoids, she swallows up and takes what she wants without mercy. But like many storms, Y/n is also forgiving and gentle, proving the fruits of her labor is well worth her knighthood. She believes in faith and justice, much like a true knight often portrayed in a little girl’s fantasy.
If Alicent was still a little girl, she would have considered Y/n the knight of her fantasy. Now a woman grown, she looks at Y/n and sees so much more. Y/n is more than just the Maiden or the Father. She is the Warrior as well, all of them reincarnated into this woman to tempt the Queen Consort.
Y/n was a powerful ally to the Greens, which made Alicent all the more concerned at the thought of Rhaenyra stealing her away. Should the Blacks want to take her sworn shield, Alicent would be sure to make their efforts a living hell.
These thoughts kept her awake for most of the night, waiting anxiously for her sworn shield’s return. A knock suppresses her door, and the Queen bids whoever was there to enter. Ser Y/n marches in, her helmet under her arm as she dutifully bows her head to Alicent, “Your Grace.”
“What did Princess Rhaenyra want from you?” Was the first thing Alicent could find within herself to ask, standing from her chair by the hearth.
Y/n smiled slightly as she raised her head, “She wanted to know how my days in court have been. She congratulated me when I told her how I was your sworn shield.”
Suspicious and on edge, Alicent clasped her hands together so as not to pick her nails, “That’s all you spoke of?”
��We talked about the baby for the most part. She’s very confident it’s a girl.”
The Queen forces herself to relax, unwinding her hands to lean on the back of the chair. Alicent takes a deep breath, watching the flames dance in the hearth, “I see.”
She hears Y/n’s armor as the female knight takes slow steps forward, and with each step comes the beating of Alicent’s heart, pounding in her ears, “Your Grace, I fear I have news from my mother that may concern you if you mind me telling.”
Her heart sinks before Alicent forces herself to remain undeterred, briefly nodding her head in her shield’s direction, “Please do.”
“She spoke of my father and his health and then mentioned a letter he had sent to her before he sustained his injury. As you well know, with Laenor and Laena dead... Lord Corlys no longer has an heir to Driftmark until Prince Lucerys comes of age. His legacy is dwindling... and so he wishes me to go home and marry the son of a Sealord of Braavos.”
The crackling of the fire fills the room and drowns out the silence. Alicent’s eyes finally move to meet Y/n’s gaze as her stomach drops with dread, “... What?”
Y/n’s sigh was heavy, internal mourning shadowing her features as her eyes dance over Alicent’s, “I am Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys’ last living child... and I am unwed and childless.”
“But you’re a knight!”
A scowl takes its place on the knight’s lips as she spoke ill of her father, “Not even Lord Corlys believes that my vows ring true because of my sex.”
Alicent scoffs in disbelief, turning around and drawing closer to the fire as her nails finally rise to her mouth. Her fingers shake against her lips, her teeth desperately wanting to tear at the skin around her nails, desperate to feel the familiar sting to relieve the stress of her troubles. It was as she feared. The Blacks wanted Y/n, as powerful as she is, with her dragon and her lust for battle. Rhaenyra, yet again, wants to take everything as hers knowing that there is no one able to tell her ‘no’. The princess wants nothing but to cause Alicent pain, as she always has. Even when they were girls, lovesick and innocent of the world, Rhaenyra did as she pleased and gave Alicent grief for worrying so much about her public figure. Either Rhaenyra was blind to life’s expectations of her as a woman, or she just didn’t care and wanted to fly her dragon with Alicent at her back. It was stupid, wishful thinking at the time, and even after all these years, Rhaenyra seems determined to prove her point by taking whoever she wants whenever she wants.
And yet, Alicent also couldn’t help but think of this small betrayal as a political move. House Velaryon was, by all accounts, loyal to Rhaenyra and her succession to the Iron Throne, through her marriage to Laenor and Corlys’ ambition for power. If the Sea Snake felt threatened by the Greens in any way, he would want his daughter removed from her service to Queen Alicent. Rhaenyra might have been aware of this prior to her arrival at the Capitol and could have wanted to persuade her cousin Y/n to the Blacks.
This hardens Alicent’s heart, her back straightening until she’s the regal queen the public believes her to be, her fingers falling from her lips to draw to her sides. Remembering her station and place in this world, Alicent’s persona becomes stern and confident, unlike the young lady she once was, full of crippling anxiety. Turning away from the hearth, Alicent points her gaze back to Y/n.
The change in her posture must have been obvious as Y/n slowly straightens to attention, watching her carefully as Alicent stepped closer. The Queen took several steps until she was close enough to feel Y/n’s breath on her forehead, then proceeded to lift a hand to rest on her sworn shield’s chest plate. With determination and authority, Alicent spoke as clearly as possible, “You are sworn to me. You made your vows to me. As your Queen, I forbid it. I forbid you from leaving King’s Landing. I pray for your father’s recovery... only so that I can tell him this myself.”
Her hand trails further up until it rests on the side of Y/n’s face, and finally, the knight relaxes against Alicent’s touch, shoulders slouching in relief as if she was worried the Queen would obey her father’s wishes. In a small whisper, Y/n nods to Alicent, “Thank you, Your Grace.”
Alicent nods sternly despite the hammering of her heart and her wish to smile. Instead, she pulls away, immediately missing the feel of Y/n’s flesh against her skin, but refused to show it. Clasping her hands together to keep them from touching Y/n again, Alicent lifts her chin high, “Tomorrow, I wish to meet Vermithor officially. You must introduce me.”
Y/n’s eyes widen in shock and Alicent can’t entirely blame her for the surprise. She didn’t know what came over her, but Alicent didn’t dare take it back. She was always wary about dragons, even as a girl. She always refused a ride when Rhaenyra offered to take her on Syrax, yet to Alicent, this felt entirely different. Y/n is not Rhaenyra, and Alicent always feels the need to be a part of Y/n’s life, in every way she can be. Knowing her sworn shield to be a dragon rider didn’t bother Alicent like she thought it would, and perhaps that’s how she knew she was in love with Y/n.
Her sworn knight smiled widely, her eyes gleaming against the flames of the hearth, cheeks warm as she bowed, “As you command, My Queen.”
A/N: Please leave your support and if you want a request, send a raven and leave it in the ask box!
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ae-neon · 16 days
Regarding the sex pet introduction. I remember reading this post from The Lady Of Bloodshed and it was an ask about Feyre standing in the Spring Court VS Night Court. I think it was an old post, please forgive me if I recall it wrong. Please correct me if i got it wrong.
But yes, it also disturb me the fact Rhys introduce her as a whore VS Tamlin introduce her as the "next SC lady". I remember Tamlin set the party and everyone was joyous, respectful to Feyre. Mind you, Tamlin introduce Feyre to his close circle, his childhood friends and we know this friends has influence in SC political structure and dynamic. Tamlin trusted her and I would say he respect her and want the SC to respect her too (Credit to Tamlin from Acotar 1).
But rhys? Suddenly out of nowhere he bring a whore to the Hewn City event/party? No introduction, no proper gathering, no introducing Feyre who is who in HC. Suddenly, Feyre a whore.
If you see this from HC people POV, wont they be disgusted with Rhys and especially Feyre? "The HL kidnapp a Spring Court bride and made her a whore in our court" and of course HC people hated Feyre. Their position os vulnerable because of their HL kidnapped another HL bride. This is emphasize by Cressida when they visit Summer Court.
I get Feyre will be clueless of this but Rhys? It was as if he wanted to isolate Feyre and control Feyre narrative of other. All other court they visited or have history is bad IF rhys think they are bad. Spring Court,? Bad history and suddenly Feyre destroy the court. Summer Court? Rhys somehow dont like them and lie to them and have Feyre stole the book. Autumn? Yeah, they got beef in the HL meeting and Feyre accidentally burn the Lady Autmn hands and then proceed to bully,make fun Lucien and his band.
Urghh I hate the whole thing Rhys introduce him as a sex pet. Feyre was a mortal that got through the trial and can be seen as hero to Prythian but now she is a whore, kidnapped bride from SC and your man dont even do a public marriage with you. It really make me itch thinking Rhys did not do a proper wedding with Feyre. He is a HL, establishing a proper ceremony with his wife is important. It legitimaze Feyre position and guarantee safety of his future heir from being ostracize in the succession line. It would be silly for a 500 years old male not knowing of this.
While all this thing of wedding, confirming Feyre position is not done by Rhys. Tamlin at least acknowledge this thing and were ready to handed it to Feyre.
Yeah yeah, I get Feyre dont want to this docile pretty pretty Wife. But the narrative of her position can be set up and change later after she got married (Though it dont happen because tamlin got paranoid). The least was, she will be wed to Tamlin and recognize as Lady of SC. Any attempt to hurt her is seen as hurting SC overall and challenging Tamlin as HL. Now, Feyre introduce as whore in Night Court. No one would careless if she die why? No paper work, no ceremony,no legitimazation frkm the HL himself.
Thats all, thanks coming to my Ted talk. I shall go lunch and back to Email Factory
Hello Email Factory anon
it's morning for me, I already typed a long reply to this, but Tumblr is fighting me, so I had to get out of bed and fetch my laptop.
(keep in mind i have not read SF and likely never will)
For many fans, Feyre's status of High Lady isn't something they question. Acotar Elon Musk aka Riceball said it is, so it is.
For some antis, they question the validity of it. the argument being: The HL title is not something the current High Lord can pass or share with whoever he chooses, HL is chosen by the land. there is no evidence, lore wise, that supports Riceball being able to make Feyre HL.
my personal theory is that Feyre could actually be HL of ANY or ALL courts due to her having a part of their magic. my evidence being that she was able to bypass the security of that temple in Summer because the magic recognised her as Tarquin. i think Feyre essentially has a skeleton key to every court.
and i think Rice knew that.
i think he recognised not only the threat, but the potential there and not just isolate her, as you pointed out, but fool her too. by having a private ceremony in which he makes her think it was him who granted her the status of HL.
I also think, to varying degrees of intention, he then went on to undermine her authority in each section of his court
The title of Cursebreaker, which should have been the key to his diplomatic strategy in MAF and WAR, was instead replaced
in Velaris:
Feyre could have easily secured lots of love and respect from her actions as the Saviour of the Rainbow. But fast-forward and post war all she has done is a little bit of philanthropy, have sex in the sky, build a 5th house and paint.
Im not sure what she could do for Velaris but what we do get is more about herself and the ic than the people
in Illyria:
Lets start with the fact that because the only Illyrians Feyre knows personally are Rice, Casserole and Adzuki Bean - she should have a more positive or at least optimistic view of Illyrians. but she wastes no time in absorbing and identifying with their racism. and sjm's racist narrative is not going to confront Feyre even when Illyrians only actions on paper are fighting and dying in the war against Hybern.
the books and it's fans will cite the fgm-like cultural practices but not confront that Rice and Co. have done nothing to actually stop or punish it, and admit to needing Illyrian's as fodder - something that is only possible when the society is kept at the brink of anarchy and war, necessitating the continued brutalization of its women and children
Feyre should have gotten the Valkyrie plot. yea, it's a white saviour trope but she is the official ruler of these people so the least she can do is help them, immerse herself in their culture (instead of just wearing their skins willy nilly) and maybe even adopted some kids idk
in the Hewn City:
first we need to set straight that the HC - not Velaris, a secret city - is the offical capital of the Night Court and the seat of it's HL. the people who live in it are the nobility. in a world of eugenics and lesser classes like acotar, this matters
we have already seen that the HL title can skip a royal line and fall to not directly in the line of succession, regardless of gender. (in Summer, the title skipped not just Princess Cresseida but also Prince Varian, to pass to their cousin, Tarquin)
we have also seen that age, even within the direct line of succession, is not a determining factor. (With Tamlin it skipped his older brothers and with Lucien, though we know he is not Beron's son, his older brothers legitimately believed him to be next in line)
given all of this, it is entirely possible that someone from the HC might be next in line. and yet Rice makes no attempt to truly bridge the gap between his Court of Dreams and Court of Nightmares. he introduces the person he knows is his mate to them as a pet.
Again, she's not just a stolen bride of spring but THEE CURSEBREAKER, she could have shown her off like a trophy or a token of his power if he really wanted to tie her power directly to his but no, he introduces her like a thing he owns, a thing that is beneath him.
it doesn't matter that later he says she is HL or that he puts a throne besides his, the narrative is already set: she is what she is, because he said so
a better idea would have been to throw a ball with her as the guest of honour, for her to stop Riceball from tormenting his subjects - would he listen to her? probably not so nvm
in contrast, Tamlin - who given his personality and attitude towards being HL in book1 - might not have wanted a grand ceremony but understood it would be good for his diplomacy and his court
he wanted to publicly marry Feyre - someone who was not his mate - tying them together in front of his court so they could all acknowledge their bond both personally and politically
he wanted her to be recognised and respected as the Lady of Spring even if he didnt think she could be High Lady of Spring
ignoring the similar situations of control and abuse Feyre faces in both - doesn't matter if she decides she likes Rice's, it's still control and abuse
it's kind of undeniable that Rice went about things in a way that is at best stupid and at worst manipulative
sjm tries to walk many lines between politics and love stories but she not every good at either so it just turns into a mess
though i will say: Rice would at least be interesting if he was doing all of this on purpose but so far sjm seems too in love with him to let him be intentionally heinous towards his love interest
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anavi-vrg · 2 months
Undead Unluck Cinderella!AU: The Masterpost
Hi :3 it's been a while, but i had been non-stop drawing to bring you all the Cinderella!AU cast with UU characters, i will write the basics of the story later bc i'm incapable of writing long paragraphs.
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The drawing that made me start this AU
Let's start with our protagonist, Fuuko as Cinderella:
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But our dear protagonist needs her mice friends:
We got our mains first: Haruka, Top, Gina, Sean and Chikara, taking the places of Jaq and Gus
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I remember that there were mice kids/children, the younglings!
Phil, Bunny, Tatiana, Lucy and Betty (almost forgot her)
Mice! Veronica and Tella are here to take care of them/protect them from the evil cats
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With how many chores have to be done everyday around the house, there have to be some specialised mice:
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In the kitchen, Billy works with the sweets, Enjin helps with the almost everything (he's too passionate for this job) and Rip cuts the veggies. Yusai can´t be let near the drinks alone, but she always knows the best one for the occasion.
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There's so many clothes that need mending and cleaning, the Sewing Team: Latla, Kurusu and Leila, are the right mice to do the job.
(ps. i bet Kurusu and Gina smugled that book to make cute dresses for Fuuko)
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Sooo many books to keep clean and organised in this house, good thing Mice Anno Un and Akira are doing their damn best to keep the house library in peak condition, they even have the time to dramatise Fuuko's favorite romance books for everyone
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Mouse Feng does everything around the house, why? because he wants to be better than Fuuko in everything
Miscellaneous Mice bcs i don't know in what role do they fit: Grandpa Isshin, Creed, Mei, Shen, Mui, Mui's little brother (do we even know his name?), Ms. Hawkins and Void.
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And we can't forget our dear doggo Burn, taking dog Bruno's place
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This Au is not complete without some villains
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Human! Luna as Lady Tremaine, BUT she's not Fuuko's stepmother, Lady Luna is a distant relative, grandfather's niece and further kinda deal
Lady Luna has three kids:
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Big Brother Soul, the kind of person to say "BuT wE aRe FaMiLy" when he does something bad to Fuuko but would absolutely not tolerate any of Fuuko's mistakes
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Middle Brother Apocalypse, evil? no, no, no, he's a tsundere, the kind to say "i'm not washing the clothes because i want to help you or anything! it's just that you are too clumsy". Fuuko sees right through his bullshit and thanks him eveytime she can to Apocchy's embarrassment
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And Little Bother/Sister Ruin (i'm more inclined to fem!Ruin), she's considerably more aggressive to Fuuko than the rest, her aggressiveness spurred on by her mom Luna and big brother Soul. Apocalypse has tried to help her to no avail.
THE CAT! Why should we limit ourselves to one evil cat, when we can have FOUR?
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Shadow hides in the dark corners and stairs, waiting for an unsuspecting victim, putting themselves in the middle of the path to make them trip
Blood wakes up and craves violence, he scratches the furniture, the curtains and people... Fuuko stays the fuck away from this evil cat
Spoil can't be let alone with the food, he steals it but he doesn't eat it, no, he enjoys watching it spoil and the faces of disgust from the people that find his masterpiece, fortunately dogo Burn is always guarding the kitchen.
Seal enjoys watching the desperation in peoples' faces as he slowly pushes the fine glassware from the top drawer to the cold hard floor, unfortunately for Seal, Mouse Feng is always watching
Do you remember the Gran Duke? the poor man was so close to die, but for this AU, we have the Grand Duke and Duchess, Nico and Ichico (Which one is who is up to you)
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We got our King! King Juiz, KING JUIZ, KING JUIZ!!!
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If you saw the third animated Cinderella movie, you would remember the Queen's paintings, and i decided that we need a Queen (an alive one), salute our dear Queen: Queen Victor!! (do you forgive me for putting him on a dress? 🥺)
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At last, we need our prince for this AU, but why have only one?!
Crown Prince Andy and Second Prince(ss) Julia
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We need our Fairy Godmother to bring some miracles to life! And i couldn't pick anyone else for this role than my beloved, Spring 🌸
Let him have some fun!!
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This is the real last one, but although it wasn't a sentient character, it would be unforgivable not casting Clothy as Fuuko's dress
(Can you imagine what Andy would do to Clothy once he discovers that he's Fuuko's dress? 💀)
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That's all the character designs for this AU, and now i can start drawing some scenes for this AU.
Enjoy this AU compiled timelapse for all the designs in the meantime!
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taylortruther · 4 months
I've been following the discourse on The Alcott, which I love, and I couldn't resist chiming in (long-time reader, first time sending an ask hehe). I agree a lot with everything that has been said, and even though The Alcott is canonically about Matt and his wife, I do think aspects of Taylor's dynamic with Joe towards the end inevitably bled into it.
In the song, The Alcott is a place sacred to the lovers bc it's where one of them runs off after a fight and the other one chases after them, and in the Alcott (could be a bar or cafe), they manage to reconcile. To me, "I get myself twisted in threads to meet you at The Alcott" is the charcater saying that he will do whatever is neccessary to meet his lover at this place of reconciliation in order to fix things after a fight, no matter how hard it might be, but in a way it's also the character saying that he will pick fights over silly things, as in having to do mental gymnastics ("get twisted in threads") to find something to fight over just to get the chance to meet her at the Alcott, bc even if the rs is going through a horrible rough patch where they're emotionally distanced from each other, causing a fight would force them to at least feel something towards the other and talk, and that is better than feeling nothing, even if the emotion is anger. He knows exactly where she will be bc that's where she retreats to when they fight ("I'd go to the corner in the back, where you'd always be"), and seeing her there reassures him that that's where she (and him) will continue to run to in the future: not away from each other, but to this place of reconciliation. She's "writing something about someone that used to be me [him]", which could be a way of saying that she's now writing about someone else that she might be falling in love with as she's falling out of love with him. However, to me it feels more like a reference to how in the last couple of years (see the Joe songs on Midnights) Taylor reverted to writing about the beginning of their rs, back when things were good and joyful, bc at the present things were very bad and she desperately wanted to get back to how good it once was; hence why she's writing about it. I agree that "the last thing you wanted" and "the first thing I do" is referring to saying "I love you"; the reason why it's the last thing she wants could be bc that's how he usually tries to fix his wrongs in an easy way and she's tired of him saying that but not actually making an effort with his actions, which I do think Joe was guilty of towards the end. Or, alternatively, it could be bc the charcater has fallen out of love with him and therefore doesn't want him to say "I love you" bc she can't truthfully say it back. "I tell you my problems, you tell me the truth" could also be in this context: he tries to apologize by telling her his issues, she tells him that the truth is she no longer loves him. In the context of Joever, however, imo it refers to Joe telling her all the problems he has with her excessive fame and the public attention on them that it implies etc, and Taylor being honest about how songwriting and performing are an essential part of who she is, and giving it up forever would be devastating to her. But that she would do it for him if it could save them.
The fact that he waits for her to look up makes me think that he's cautious bc she might still be angry and/or that he doesn't have the courage to initiate the apology, and instead waits for her to do it or tries figure out what to say that will earn her forgiveness. "How many times will I do this and you'll still believe?" shows that he knows he screwed up badly and has done so repeatedly, yet she still always forgives him bc that's how much she believes in their love and wants to fight for it. How long can the relationship withstand and survive his repeated offenses again and again though? (which goes back to "how long could we be a sad song till we were too far gone to bring back to life?").
"Tell me which side are you on" is very interesting in reference to the "you fire off missiles cos you hate yourself" in Renegade and the "I tried to be your bravest soldier, fighting in only your army, frontlines don't you ignore me" in YLM. She's saying "why are you fighting against me, when we're supposed to be fighting together? I'm not the enemy, I'm always on your side and fighting for you", yet he still (consciously or subconsciously) treated her like the enemy, blaming her for things that were completely out of her control and all the outside stuff that they thought was the cause of their rs problems, instead of being on her side and fighting for her too. He left her all alone on the frontlines and not only ignored her efforts but also contributed to the missiles fired her way. Will be very interesting if she further develops the Archer metaphor in TTPD, under the theme of "I had only arrows as defense from your angry missiles and your love bombs" or something akin.
"Have I become one of your problems?" seems like her conclusion to him telling her his problems: apparently, they all have to do with her/her career. Yet, she's clearly exhausted and drained by their fights, and desperately wants it to be easy for once, so she puts the blame on herself ("everything that's mine is a landmine"), knowing that her continued forgiveness and desire to love him could redeem and heal him but it could also very much enable him to keep hurting her ("did my love aid and abet you?").
Then, as the lovers sing "I'll ruin it all over for you" together, they're both accepting the blame for the fight equally, which is the ideal conflict resolution (but sadly, not at all how I think it went with Taylor and Joe towards the end).
The back and forth in the last chorus is particularly gut wrenching to me. In a way, it echos the desperate begging and pleading in the bridge of YLM, but in this case it's softer, more hopeful perhaps, and as you and anon said, it alludes to pain and pleasure (both emotional and sexual): she's telling him "go ahead, shit on my art and my job, rip it off me, set the terms and conditions you want ("read my sentence out loud"); anything to save our love" but there's also a darkness to this, where she would rather he use her for his own physical pleasure even when still mad at her bc that way he at least feels something for her, which is very 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it goes to back to how in the beginning of the song he says he will pick fights in order to at least make her feel something (anger/rage) towards him, instead of remaining in the coldness and disconnect in which they were before. Florence + The Machine's song "Dream Girl Evil" describes this type of dynamic very well imo (which is even more😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫), where sex is used as both a weapon during conflict and as a means of resolution. I do think this was the case with Taylor and Joe after their honeymoon phase (False God, Afterglow) and also towards the very end, hence the TTPD cover. During folkmore it seems like they had a couple of years where they learned to use their words to resolve arguments instead of resorting to sex, but unfortunately went back to that dynamic when the rs started to fall apart.
In this way, the metaphorical Alcott for Taylor and Joe was the bedroom ("you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis"): it became their sacred place of reconciliation. Their love, once a blessing, is now a curse, but a curse that she loves and cherishes bc it's theirs, it keeps them together, within this home (both physical and metaphorical) they have built together over the years; she sees no other option but loving him (as we know, Taylor thought she would die if she lost him). All of this is emulated in the beautiful yet vulnerable and almost sad way in which Taylor sings the last "back in love with you": in The Alcott, sacred place for the lovers, they reconcile and fall back in love with each other.
I didn't mean for this to turn into an essay but oh well 😅 those are my two (or twenty) cents. Would love to hear what you and the anons think! Also, I love reading your blog, your takes are brilliant :)
i don't have much to add, because i like just letting this interpretation just sit on its own! but i do love that your interpretation of the alcott being the bedroom fits in perfectly with the discussions we've been having the last 2-3 days.
other things i really liked here:
Will be very interesting if she further develops the Archer metaphor in TTPD, under the theme of "I had only arrows as defense from your angry missiles and your love bombs" or something akin.
me too!!! how will the combat theme she discusses so often evolve in ttpd?
also intrigued by this:
"Tell me which side are you on" is very interesting [...] She's saying "why are you fighting against me, when we're supposed to be fighting together? I'm not the enemy, I'm always on your side and fighting for you",
Or, alternatively, it could be bc the charcater has fallen out of love with him and therefore doesn't want him to say "I love you" bc she can't truthfully say it back. "I tell you my problems, you tell me the truth" could also be in this context: he tries to apologize by telling her his issues, she tells him that the truth is she no longer loves him
this was my first take!
but what i've noticed is that everyone has a different opinion on which role taylor is occupying (the one going to the alcott and confessing, or the one receiving the confession.)
also, i feel the need to address this for the readers: no, we do not know which parts specifically that taylor wrote, and she did write this from the pov of matt berninger's wife. acknowledged!
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