#she has ram horn(s)
thunderboltfire · 7 months
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Poor battering ram of a woman, how come you've chosen so badly who to follow?
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briar-ffxiv · 23 days
FFXIV Write #01 - Steer
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #1 - Steer
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Briar frowned in a mixture of concentration and concern as he watched Jack circle his little herd of sheep. The slim half-Elezen squeezed his fingers around the comforting, smooth wood of his staff and sighed. The bobtailed merle sheepdog was barking now and then while occasionally taking a small charge toward a sheep to get them back in line. For less than a year old, Jack was doing quite well. At least Briar thought so.
The problem came that his sheep had lived in the woods for years and dealt with more than a few predators. So at least some of them were not interested in listening to the barking pup, especially after having known him since he was barely ankle-high. In particular, Imogen, the old matriarch of the herd, and Ajax, the small but stocky ram who made it his personal quest to chase away anything he considered a threat to his herd. The rest of the ewes, at least, were either timid enough or easy-going enough to allow Jack to guide them, if a bit clumsily where Briar directed him.
Imogen, on the other hand, was not dignifying such nonsense. Instead, she stood with her nose up and eyes hard as she watched Jack. She occasionally stomped a hoof at him but refused to budge, no matter how close Jack got to her. This wasn't helped by the fact that any time the sheepdog was too close, Ajax was more than happy to charge at him. While he wasn't a big ram, his horns were impressive, heavy spirals and he'd managed to almost catch Jack a few times.
Briar huffed in frustration as it happened again. Ajax charged, bleating angrily as he swung his horns at Jack. The dog twisted agilely out of the way, facing the ram and ruffling his fur up.
"Lie down!" Briar called, a hint of worry in his voice.
Jack froze and glanced between Briar and the ram before obediently lowering his belly to the grass.
Ajax snorted and stomped, giving Jack a dismissive look as he turned back to the small herd. Ajax won that battle, at least in the sheep's mind. Jack gave a restless whine, giving Briar a puzzled look.
"You are not aiding him, Erdene," said a calm, accented voice.
Briar blinked and turned to look at Tokhtai, the Mol warrior who had made it his business to follow the half-Elezen. Briar had never quite understood why. When asked Tokhtai's response to the question was a calm smile and the reassurance that 'the old gods wish it so'. After a time, Briar had stopped asking. "What do you mean?" he said, tilting his head and lifting a hand to brush strawberry-blond hair out of his eyes.
"If the sheep do not respect the dog, the dog is useless," Tokhtai said serenely. "You must let your Jack show the sheep he is not weak or to be ignored."
Briar grimaced a bit. "But I don't want the sheep to get hurt…or Jack to be hurt either! Ajax is strong."
Tokhtai laughed. "Jack is a fine guardian. He will not harm the sheep. If he has not done so yet, he shall not now. He is frustrated and not once set teeth to them." He turned deep blue eyes to Ajax, lips twitching in a small smile. "Although he is a poor breeder, he is a tough sheep, but he will not catch the dog if you let Jack follow his instincts."
Briar stared a moment, biting his lip nervously. He would admit that he was still learning and, if nothing else, he was grateful to the Mol for teaching him. Books could only give him so much knowledge and there were no finer shepherds on the Azim Steppes than the Mol. And he had certainly never trained a dog for anything, let alone herding. Fortunately, it was in Jack's blood and he seemed to often know just what to do.
"You're s-sure?" Briar asked quietly, a hint of stutter displaying his worry.
"I am sure," Tokhtai nodded. "Let the dog follow his instincts. Encourage him. He knows what must be done."
Briar sighed again and looked at Jack, still lying in the grass, but his mismatched eyes were fastened on the sheep. The poor sheepdog's merle coat practically shivered with the desire to work and Briar felt a touch of guilt. Ajax was still between Jack and the herd, giving the sheepdog a hard look. It was clear that to get to the herd, Jack would have to go through Ajax.
"Okay then," Briar murmured to himself. He straightened, squeezing the staff to help settle his nerves. "Jack," he said, waiting a moment for the sheepdog to look at him. "Walk up."
Jack rose immediately, although he kept his stance low, stalking toward the sheep. Ajax gave an angry meep and dug his hooves in, lowering his head at the dog. He held that position even as Jack came closer and closer. "Steady," Briar called when Jack gave a glance at him to make sure he was not about to be called away like before.
Jack walked forward until he was nearly nose-to-nose with the ram, who pawed and grunted with irritation, shaking his horns. For a few long moments, the sheepdog and ram stared at each other, unmoving. Briar frowned, half-hoping Ajax would take a step back, but the stubborn ram was not budging. Briar glanced at Tokhtai, who nodded with a slightly amused smile.
Briar set his jaw and took a breath before giving the command. "Push." Jack's ears shot up and he glanced at his master if he hadn't heard the half-Elezen right. Briar nodded and called again. "Push, Jack!"
Jack's eyes hardened and he glared at Ajax, hackles rising just a bit. Ajax snorted, but for the first time, a hint of worry showed in the nervous flick of his ears. The ram grunted and swung his head back and forth again in a threat. Instead of backing off as he had before, Jack darted forward, jaws opened. Sharp teeth snapped shut an ilm before the ram's face as Jack gave a surprisingly loud growl for a half-grown pup.
Ajax snorted in surprise and jerked back, head tipping to stare at Jack. Stomping his foot, the ram gave an offended bleat. Ajax tensed and started a charge, only to give a loud baa as Jack snapped at him again. He spun away, heading a few steps toward the herd before turning again. Jack stood tall, nub of a tail wagging wildly as he looked at Briar for confirmation.
"Well done!" Briar said, gesturing toward the herd. "Push, Jack!"
There was no hesitation this time as Jack darted forward, a few more snaps enough to break Ajax's nerve finally. The annoyed ram snorted and trotted toward the herd. He refused to bolt, but the wary glance he gave to the dog displayed a newfound caution in the ram. As they passed Imogen, Jack headed for her as well, eyes intent. Without the backing of Ajax, the old ewe gave an offended meep but also jogged to join the others.
"Come-by," Briar said, giving a little smile as Jack circled the herd, getting the sheep in a tighter group. He opened the gate finally and called to Jack again. "Walk-up!"
Jack slowed to a more sedate pace, occasionally darting to catch a sheep trying to slip away, steering the herd toward the gate and then through. Once they were out into the new grazing area, Briar shut the gate and smiled. "That'll do, Jack!"
With an excited yip, Jack raced to Briar, standing up on his hind legs to put his white paws on the half-Elezen's thigh. Briar was happy to ruffle his ears and scratch his back, leaning to hug him. "Well done! Good boy. What a good lad, you are!" He beamed as Tokhtai happily, ignoring the fact the Mol looked just a little smug.
It wasn't only Jack who needed a little reassurance and guidance to gain confidence.
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erose-this-name · 5 months
The Lone God and the Loneliest God
Narinder opens the heavy door of the temple, it’s hinges creaking through the empty pews. His footsteps echo through its hall.
Lamb greets him, head down over their desk in their office, clawed fingers running through tangled wool between their horns. “... Hello, Nari’.”
“Evening, Lamb. What still keeps you up, after the sun is down?” Narinder says. 
The Lamb yawns, “Accounting, for the year’s grain crop.”
“You gave such tasks to Heket, did you not? You are not quite a god, yet. That body still requires rest.” Narinder says.
“She’s behind on the paperwork, it’s quicker if I just finished it myself… That’s not why you’re here, is it?” Lamb says, still hunched over the desk, not looking up from their work.
“No. But, I suspect you know already why I am.”
“... We can get by without that sacrifice, Narinder. Don’t worry about it.”
Three eyes are narrowed at the Lamb. “You make me your disciple, yet you refuse to let me perform the duties entailed. You ask me for advice, yet you refuse to listen. The Red Crown needs death, Lamb, let him die.”
Lamb sits up in their desk, staring at the stained-glass before them, “You know, I’ve been running the cult with pretty minimal bloodshed ever since you chose me, it’s worked out just fine. You underestimate the alternatives.”
Narinder crosses his arms, “This fear of getting your hands dirty is unbecoming of the god of death. You should revel in it! Even after slaughtering hundreds, thousands, in your crusades… To think a mere sacrificial lamb has become the last god, still frightened of the headsman’s ax.”
Lamb croaks, "... a 'sacrificial lamb’? … ‘sacrificial’ ‘lamb’? ... Is-… is that really all you think of me, Narinder? S-still?”
Narinder rolls his eyes, “Well, I have not said you were a very good one-”
Lamb turns around, pain across their tired face, “We used to just be sheep… But, I don’t even remember that time. Running and hiding from genocidal sacrifices, in the name of YOUR prophecy, is all I’ve ever known. Because of YOUR rebellion! … T-they forced me to watch my family die, Narinder, and then they killed me. And you didn't even have the decency to let me join them… But… But I DID die, Lambert died. And no matter how many times you resurrected the Lamb, I’ve only ever come back as this… lifeless shell. Devoid of choice, of freedom, of rest. All because of this accursed prophecy. Even as a god, I’m even less free. I have nothing but responsibility, can change nothing. Death can not flow backwards…”
“Why not??”
“I DON’T KNOW!” The Lamb yells.
The cat crosses his arms, “You may blame nothing on me, Lamb. You chose to steal the Red Crown. You chose to betray me. Were you to obey me, you would be with them now. And I would have the Crown.”
Lamb screams, “THAT WASN’T A CHOICE! That was an ultimatum, at best! At worst, igniting years of nightmares… You’re no better than the bishops, not one has thought a word of remorse... I was loyal… I trusted you… I didn’t betray you, YOU BETRAYED ME! Yet… in my infinite benevolence… I saw fit to spare you. AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO COME INTO MY TEMPLE, BUILT BY MY CULT, AND CALL ME A ‘SACRIFICIAL LAMB’? I AM YOUR GOD. WITNESS ME AND DESPAIR!”
“SILENCE !” Bellows the God of Mercy, what was once known as Lamb.
Narinder, through his third eye, sees standing before him not a little lamb, but a towering Bishop. A glimpse of the New Death, the future order, here and now. Summoned by the wishes of the Red Crown.
And that God stares back at former death with four eyes, each smoldering with restless hatred. A predatory ram, the Red Crown between Their spiraling horns. Wool and fleece from the neck down stained black by Their own ichor, and red by the blood of the yet-to-die.
In place of chains, They bear a broken sacrificial blade, symbol of all They will abolish. And in Their hand They wield not a scythe, but a shepherd's cane. Not a harvestman, but a guide. Not an end, but an oscillation. Not a judge, but a jailer, a slaver, a tyrant from which not even death will be an escape from Their flock.
And Mercy’s coming will be heralded by the tolling of church bells hung around Their neck, and the chanting and pounding of war drums of a bloody crusade of the undead and deathless, forever matching across a land where no divine laws of nature will ever again hold sway except for decay and stagnation.
And chief lost amongst those eternal legions and hordes will march a cat, Narinder, forgotten. The lone god and the loneliest god, as much trapped ghosts as the rest.
The Shepherd of Souls will speak back to Their once master, in voices not Theirs, “Nar-in-der?… I remember you, yes. Do you know why I spared you, and the other bishops? Why I continued to allow you five… to live?”
Narinder’s resolve breaks, for only the third time in his eternal existence, he is afraid. “Lamb, I beg of you, calm down. Your body cannot take this… You are not ready, yet…”
“It was not an act of my m e r c y, cat. I wanted to see you five humbled. I wanted you to understand the hope, and the love, and the mourning, and suffering, and the despair of ‘mere mortals’, I wanted you to understand all you’ve done… Were I to slaughter every cat, every worm, every toad, every squid, every spider, I would have been justified. That would have been equal. But no, that is not enough. Perpetual torment would not be enough. No punishment can ever be enough. I will never let you go, One Who Waited. Your soul is mine. Now, bow.”
“… I-… I’m s-sorry…”
“BOW.” The deep command reverberates through the cathedral, shaking it to its foundations.
The former god plummets to the floor, kowtowing before the demon.
“Good… kitty…”
The Shepherd of Souls deflates, retreating back into their physical form, into the Red Crown, into time and possibility. 
The little lamb sways before the cat, spent. The Red Crown sated. Tears roll down their pale, trembling face, over dark bags from twinkling bloodshot eyes. 
Dying words and sobs slip through dry lips, between their pointed teeth and a bleeding tongue, “Nari… s-save me, please…”
The lamb faints, falling into Narinder’s arms.
Narinder sighs, looking down at the wretched creature in his lap. “You're an idiot, Lamb.”
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
Do you have any Mountain/Reader and or Mountain/OC fic recs?
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yesss, anon(s)! let's love on the big boy.
recs under the cut.
x OC
A Ghoul By Any Other Name - @bethbruttenholm - Mountain x OC
Our Mountain meets the girl of his dreams. A whole lotta fluff and drama ensues.
Let's See What You Like Most - @iamthecomet - Dew x Mountain x OC
A sister plays a game with her ghouls. Everyone wins. “Why are you acting like we’re done,” he whispers. She startles, her face must twist in confusion because he laughs at her, low and dark. “C’mon sister, did you think it was going to be that easy?” She shakes her head. Doesn’t understand what he wants. She’s drunk off of his smell already, wants to go to her knees for him, wants to give him whatever he’s looking for. “I don’t—” “Run,” he breathes.
Petal - @mac-and-thefox - Mountain x Swiss x OC
Amaryllis has a really terrible day. Mountain, Dew and Swiss make it all better.
x Reader
our little remedy - @gravehags - aether x mountain x reader
Two ghouls at once was unprecedented for you. But you love a challenge.
golden hour - @p1nkcanoe - mountain x reader
Mountain is an unholy creature; a ghoul summoned from the pits of Hell to serve and conform to the demands of his summoner. Equipped with a impressively massive build and ghoulish features, sharp claws, and thick horns that mirrored that of a ram, the last thing that anyone expected was his raw devotion to a mortal human being.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, leave kudos and/or comments!
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simothys · 2 months
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[ Image description: a digital painting of Illuska (any pronouns) and Sohvi (she/her). Illuska is a satyr with tan skin and curly red hair pulled into a singular braid. Shorter horns curl up and back from their head, and has brown goat legs patterned with white spots. They have gold glasses, and a singular vibrantly pink eye casts the rim in pink as well. She stands on the left, a glow of pink and purple magic floating above her hand. He leans on a cane in a wary posture, his gaze outwards and face in profile. A creature hovers behind her. The creature is vibrant pinks, purples, and blues, and has a spiderweb sort of shape, but with a jellyfish-like appearance in how it floats and moves. Its casts Illuska in harsh shadow and colored highlights.
Sohvi stands with her back to Illuska, right next to him. Sohvi is a fat satyr with calico markings on her legs. She has coiled shoulder-length grey hair flowing freely, and white fluffy sideburns. Her hair has brown and white streaks, and grey ram horns cover some of it. She stands with her back straight, and a glowing yellow dagger hovers above her hand. An impossibly large bright red centipede curls around her. It comes down from beyond the image, then over a portion of her face, around her back, under her upper arm, then over her forearm, where it continues out of the image again. The centipede shines from the yellow gleaming light of the dagger on one side, and the purple and blue light of the creature on the other side. Sohvi is bathed in red light in areas where the centipede is close to her. End description. ]
drew @overqualifieddog 's Illuska & @cooldogjpg 's Sohvi!!! i definitely went perhaps too hard on this but i had fun soooo yay!!!
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I deleted my post from the other night on all platforms, including youtube.
I'm struggling with my utau, so... I believe that keeping her original design is best. I don't want to go down a path I've been down before of constantly reworking a character into the ground.
She is going to remain as Otonashi Ramu, and her info is under the cut! :3
~ General information ~
Name: Otonashi Ramu (音なしラム)
Name Interpretation: 音なし (otonashi) meaning "obedient; docile; quiet;" combined with ラム (ra-mu) meaning "sheep" or "lamb". Together, her named reads as "Docile Sheep/Lamb". It's a play on words, similar to Ooka Miko's name playing on her wolf aspects.
Nickname/Alias: Lamb
Vocal Range: D2 ~ A4
Height: 152 cm / 5'0"
Weight: 47 kg / 103 lbs
~ Supplemental Information ~
Hair Color: Quarter Spanish White
Headgear: Small ram horns (appendages she was born with)
Eye Color: Deep, wheat brown
Dress: Wool armwarmers and legwarmers, a wool scarf or wrap around her neck, and a dress with varying shades of purple, four buttons on the chest, and a wool underside/trim.
Nationality/Race: Olde English 'Babydoll' Southdown sheep
Favorite Phrase: "Mnn!" (the sound when you stick your tongue out)
Character Item(s): Matcha Frappuccino and Vanilla Lattes
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Birth Date: July 1
Likes: Cottage core, tarot, coffee, baby animals, daisies & sunflowers, rivers, ponds and streams, and rain.
Dislikes: Animal and child cruelty, arguments, anything spicy, and fire season.
Code: T-11
Lamb is probably a lot stronger than she realizes. Being very shy, she has trouble relating with anyone, and is never seen with others for long. She often keeps to herself, preferring the company of animals to people.
At times, when she sings the notes have a bit of a rasp to them. This is due to Lamb having GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). When her notes gain this short raspiness, its usually due to her stomach acid and gases rising up to her throat. She often times has to take prescription antiacids to quell the burn in her throat.
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svperluminous · 2 months
Some ideas from my Space Pirate Finnegrin AU
The premise of the story is that Callum needs to go somewhere or is looking for something (I still haven't figured out what he wants actually) but he's a prince and he doesn't want his parents to know what he's planning (both Harrow and Sarai are alive) so he hires an infamous space pirate who is known as a skilled pilot (one of the best pilots in the system, actually) and smuggler.
His crew are three of his crew from the show (the purple haired ram horned Earthblood elf I named Salma, the red curly haired human I named Rudy and the green haired tall and muscular Earthblood elf I named Theo) plus Elmer. Finn is more like their friend than their boss and he calls Elmer by his real name.
Thus begins their unlikely alliance. They do argue a lot in the beginning, Finn's ship breaks down at one point, they get attacked fairly frequently xD
At one point Callum's life is in danger because another pirate is pointing a gun at him and Finn shouts "you don't wanna kill 'im! He's [name]'s nephew!" and the person he name-drops is a pirate no one wants to cross. Finn later calls her and asks for a favor to pretend to be Callum's aunt. She's a Katolian and doesn't have any kids but her brother has some and no one actually keeps track of how many he has. She's not happy about it but she agrees. They later contact her brother, just in case. He immediately recognizes Callum as the prince of Katolis and gets super mad at Finnegrin for 1. getting Callum in trouble and 2. creating this whole charade. Finn doesn't understand why he's angry. Only later is it revealed that this is Callum's bio dad. He knows Callum is his son but for whatever reasons could not take part in his life.
One time they stumble upon a freshly killed Startouch elf and Finn's eyes see money! This universe still has magic and dark mages would pay looooooots of money for a fresh Startouch corpse! He puts it into the stasis chamber of his ship but Callum complains the whole way that this is wrong and that the body needs to be returned to their family. Finally, Finn caves in and agrees to bring the body to the closest Startouch embassy.
In this universe, Startouch elves live on a remote station and act like a sovereign nation. Aaravos lives on Earth, on the Xadian continent and is known as an eccentric rich guy. He doesn't like other Startouch elves but no one knows why (yet).
So it's the middle of the night and Finn and his crew, accompanied by Callum, are carrying the body wrapped in a rug through the sleepy streets xD well, Elmer is doing the carrying. They place the body at the entrance and are about to leave, when the door opens and a Startouch woman looks at them. They all freeze, Finn reaches for his gun but she tells them not to panic. She introduces herself as the dead elf's sister and tells them she saw them coming here in a vision. She knows they didn't kill her brother and she's just happy to get his body, so she can say goodbye and bury him.
She wipes her tears and invites them inside. Finnegrin is absolutely against it but she offers tea and cookies and Rudy and Theo just run after her. Finn follows them grumpily xD
The Startouch elf tells them how and why her brother was killed as well as about a conflict yet to come. A conflict in which they will take part. She breaks off a piece of her brother's horn and gives it to Callum, saying that he might need it at one point.
In this universe, dark magic is not necessarily evil and Aaravos can't control dark mages. If an ingredient was given willingly and the castor's intentions are good, then there's little to no damage from casting a dark magic spell.
I don't have everything figured out yet but the conflict is basically a Startouch civil war that Aaravos starts and our heroes just land smack into it and somehow help stop it xD Finnegrin learns to be less selfish by following Callum's example.
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theterribletenno · 1 month
Endymion the Shepherd Warframe
I was genuinely surprised to see Endymion perform so well, handily scoring a joint first place with Macbeth in the first round. Can't seem to fathom what made Endymion work where the old "Duviri Beastmaster" fell short. It must have been the tightness of Endymion's scope, choosing to do fewer things but do them better.
The method for obtaining Endymion and her signature primary weapon the Orpheus is slightly complex. Every time the player(s) complete a Duviri animal conservation, Tamm hearding, or Corrupted Jackal assassination objective they will be rewarded with a Tamm Horn. Tamm Horn rewards are doubled if playing steel path. Players can then exchange their collected Tamm Horns with Mathila in her courtier form at her farm during any spiral other than joy. Mathila's Tamm Horn exchange options are as follows
Endymion blueprint (6 Tamm Horns)
Endymion chassis blueprint (6 Tamm Horns)
Endymion neuroptics blueprint (6 Tamm Horns)
Endymion systems blueprint (6 Tamm Horns)
Orpheus blueprint (4 Tamm Horns)
Orpheus barrel (4 Tamm Horns)
Orpheus reciever (4 Tamm Horns)
Orpehus stock (4 Tamm Horns)
1 Aya (6 Tamm Horns)
Ayatan Hemakara Sculpture (8 Tamm Horns)
Ayatan Zambuka Sculpture (8 Tamm Horns)
Random Riven Mod (10 Tamm Horns, limit 1 per day)
Health: 500 (600 at rank 30) Shields: 100 (200 at rank 30) Armor: 500 Energy: 150 (200 at rank 30) Sprint Speed: 0.9
Passive: Each of Endymion's abilities can be used in one of two ways: tap to cast as a buff for Endymion, or hold to summon one of Endymion's battle Tamms. These two modes are mutually exclusive, if the buff from an ability is activated while its associated Tamm is summoned the Tamm will disappear, and if the Tamm is summoned the buff offered by that ability will be disabled. Each active buff improves damage dealt by summoned Tamms by 10% and each active Tamm increases the intensity of currently active buffs by 10%.
By default each of Endymion's summoned Tamm have twice her max health, half of her shields, and armor equal to hers. The AI behavior of these Tamms is based on regular animal companions such as Kubrow and Kavats. The Tamm's standard attacks deal 100 times 1+X (where X is equal to the enemy's level divided by 10) impact damage with 20% status chance, 20% critical chance, and a 2x critical multiplier. The Tamms also have a special ramming attack with a 15 second cooldown which can be used on enemies that are between 10 and 20 meters away which deals double damage and is guaranteed to stagger the target. Each Tamm has special characteristics that separate it from the others. Summoned Tamms last for 20 seconds or until killed. If a Tamm takes fatal damage there will be a 10 second delay before it can be summoned again.
Ability 1: Michael the Unstoppable, 50 energy (summon) or 25 energy to activate plus 3 per second (buff toggle).
When Endymion embodies the strength of her legendary Tamm Michael she becomes an unstoppable force, recklessly crashing through enemies with ease. While the buff The Unstoppable is active Endymion becomes immune to stagger and knockdown while also dealing 300 impact damage to enemies she runs into with a guaranteed stagger, causing the enemy to stumble away from her.
As a summon Michael's unique attribute is his immunity to status effects, knockdowns, and staggers.
Ability 2: Raphael the Swift, 50 energy (summon) or 25 energy to activate plus 3 per second (buff toggle).
Raphael's agility is legendary as the swiftest of Endymion's Tamms and by embodying him she can borrow this great swiftness. While the buff The Swift is active Endymion's sprint speed & parkour velocity is increased by 30%, and her jump height is increased by 50%. Both of these effects scale with ability strength.
Unlike the other legendary Tamms, Raphael's ramming attack has a minimum range of 5 meters, maximum range of 30, and a cooldown of 10 seconds allowing him to make use of it more often.
Ability 3: Gabriel the Unwavering, 50 energy (summon) or 25 energy to activate plus 3 per second (buff toggle).
Gabriel is one of Endymion's most fearless Tamms, with his tremendous strength of body and spirit he is perhaps most worthy to be hailed as a legendary beast. While the buff version of this ability - The Unwavering - is active Endymion gains 25% bonus armor and regenerates 40 health per second. Bonus armor from this ability ramps up by 5% every 5 seconds, up to a maximum bonus of 50%.
Compared to the other Tamms Gabriel has 1.5x more health, shields, and armor, making him easily the most durable of them all.
Ability 4: Phanuel the Raging, 50 energy (summon) or 25 energy to activate plus 3 per second (buff toggle).
Phanuel's story is told most often of the four legendary Tamms in Endymion's flock, for he was born disfigured, a tragic runt with no horns. The great shepherd Endymion used her unknown powers to heal his deformity and make him strong, giving him not just the majestic curved horns of a Tamm, but making them unbreakable, with a deadly serrated edge. When Endymion enbraces The Raging of Phanuel she gains a multiplicative +150% weapon damage bonus which applies to all of her equipped weapons. This bonus ramps up by 5% every 5 seconds up to a maximum of +200%.
Phanuel's unique characteristic when summoned is his attack damage. Instead of a base value of 100 impact damage Phanuel's tooth-bladed horns deal 50 points each of impact, puncture, and slash damage for a total of 150 points before applying the level-scaling multiplier. Furthermore Phanuel's attacks have their critical and status chance increased from 20% to 30%.
Subsumed ability: Raphael the Swift
Signature Weapons Orpheus: Endymion's signature primary weapon categorized as a shotgun with a held-beam style trigger. The Orpheus is quite different from other beam shotguns, firing only a single beam which deals abnormally high damage in a large spherical blast radius of 6 meters at the point of contact or beam termination allowing it to hit multiple enemies at once. Both of these advantages are offset by its extremely short maximum reach of only 12 meters and its unusually slow ramp-up compared to other beam weapons. Damage ramps up from 15% to 100% over 1.0 seconds when firing. After firing stops for 0.8 seconds, the damage decays back to 15% over 1.5 seconds. The Orpheus also has an abnormally thick beam allowing for easier contact with enemy bodies. To better support continuous fire the Orpheus has a very large magazine offset by a slow reload. Orpheus deals pure magnetic damage with high critical chance and above average critical multiplier at the cost of very low status chance. As Endymion's signature shotgun the Orpheus's damage decay takes 3 seconds instead of 1.5 when she wields it. Pan: Endymion's signature melee weapon, a pair of beastly fists used for barbaric hand-to-hand combat. The Pan fists can be unlocked for the Drifter's use in Teshin's cave in exchange for 50 Pathos Clamps. Doing so unlocks the Pan's blueprint for Warframe use which is crafted using a variety of Duviri materials. Pan has a quick attack speed at the cost of below-normal damage, deals mostly slash damage with moderate puncture and impact, and has very high status chance at the cost of low critical chance and below average critical multiplier. Guarding heavy attacks with Pan perform a double-fisted ground slam, pumping energy into the ground which then erupts upwards beneath all enemies in a 10 meter radius around the wielder. This eruption applies a guaranteed heat status proc and launches enemies into the air causing them to become ragdolled momentarily. There is a 30 second cooldown on this special attack which is reduced by 1 second each time the wielder scores a melee kill. As Endymion's signature melee weapon heavy attacks gain +20% heavy attack efficiency when she wields it.
Closing Notes: Endy's four Tamms are named after the four angels "who stands before God in the Book of Enoch (ca. 300 BC)" Aside from that Endymion, Orpheus, and Pan are all shepherds from legend or myth. Nothing else here is really a big clever Easter egg. The overall idea I was chasing down with this design was a monstrous tank. With all four buffs toggled on Endy is a juggernaut, and with all four Tamms summoned she's a zookeeper. Of course finding your personal favorite combination of buffs and Tamms is where her real core gameplay loop is going to come from. And then I gave her a novel shotgun to pair with that juggernaut playstyle. I genuinely think that Endy has a kit that everyone will use in their own special way and not just enslave themselves to the meta. Also GOD DAMN this is a big wall of text. Do you love the color of the sky type of post.
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um-jammer-rammy · 2 months
i have seen people making headcanon lists so i wanted to make one too starting by rammy because like she's one of the most irrelevant characters lore wise (appears twice on um jammer lammy, only real context given on website bios is that she's skillful at the guitar but never can be in a band because she gets fired instantly)
anyways i made some headcanons about her before but those are outdated so have these instead
rammy headcanons
* real name is ramona, rammy is only a nickname unlike lammy's name being genuinely lammy.
* 18 years old
* australian/chilean (speaks english and spanish)
* bipolar
* trans girl and bisexual, as in the opposite of lammy she's more into guys than girls
* orphan
* actually a ram, not a lamb, unlike lammy. you can't really tell since they both cut their horns short, but if you let them grow rammy's horns would be bigger.
* favorite genres are goth rock, darkwave, nu-metal, death metal, and black metal. but also enjoys things like shoegaze when in a less energetic mood.
* anything she wears instantly turns grayscale for unknown reasons
* lowkey thinks she's superior for celebrating christmas in summer, halloween in spring, ect.
* doesn't have many friends, the closest to her is colonel noodle who she met through him accidentally summoning her with an ouija board
* huge twilight fangirl, she drags noodle to watch the movies with her in the hell theaters (poor guy)
* usually screams in a guttural metal tone when frustrated about something
* has a monster high doll collection she thinks is embarrassing to show
* absolutely can't cook. she lives off pepsi, coffee, and quick ramen/mac n cheese meals.
* slowly has developed a crush on colonel noodle and flirts with him to call his attention but his dumbass never catches her indirect signals of affection.
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next up, we have parappa because he's the 2nd one i have most headcanons of
parappa headcanons
* japanese/south korean
* 18
* cishet ally (has no idea what what lgbt is but tries to be supportive)
* has adhd
* dating sunny funny since 1999
* best friends with colonel noodle (he's fairly short on money so colonel noodle tends to give him many discounts to the point he at times gets free food)
* considers katy to be like a big sister for him, she usually helps him with his music videos and was the one who pushed him forward to get into a musical hobby.
* relationship with pj is eh. they don't actually like eachother much.
* allergic to chocolate (he's a dog, duh)
* favorite genres are nu metal and rap
* favorite artists are snoop dogg, eminem, beastie boys, linkin park, and limp bizkit
* dresses like the nezquik rabbit, according to katy
* bald, since he was playing with pinto as hairdressers and pinto accidentally fucked up his hair so he had to cut it off so that's the real reason he's embarrassed of taking his hat off (as a human i also headcanon he would be deathly pale to the point he easily gets sunburnt as an alternate reason for always wearing the beanie)
* very hot headed and can come off as mean since he takes no shit from others and will fight for people in trouble on his neighborhood but has a heart of gold
* grew up in tokyo in an era where western things like rap/hip hop/rock were considered taboo but was always against it.
* i scream was initially gonna have more serious and vulgar themes but due to his parents' influence he decided to make it more friendly and try to be a good example for his little sister, pinto, as mentioned before those topics weren't well seen in that era. that's why the name is i scream however he rethemed it to ice cream as a coverup.
* huge fan of videogames, specially violent ones like mortal kombat, but he's only allowed to play them while pinto is not around.
* has one of those do not enter signs on his room's door like the average 90s teenage older brother
* hydrohomie. doesn't love anything more than a good glass of water. this freak's favorite way to drink water is a straw.
* chop chop master onion is like a secondary father or even grandfather to him and his biggest inspiration. he actually got his i gotta believe catchphrase from him just like lammy did.
colonel noodle headcanons
* real name is yoshihito omohiyama
* transmasc and a straight ally
* 18
* japanese/german (from osaka)
* polyglot
* autistic
* his hair is actually straight and he feels ashamed of it. his hair without curling is a little longer than shoulder length
* parappa is his best friend, he's however not that close to the rest of the friend group since they are kinda afraid of him after the war, specially tamanegi sensei and takoyama for the way he treated them.
* has kind of a double identity with his glasses (colonel noodle) his glasses have a more tough and violent persona that is destined to help him with his tougher moments in life which usually backfires, like him accidentally killing his dad during a heated argument. only his colonel noodle persona is aware of this incident.
* dislikes girly things with a passion such as teriyaki yoko's music.
* lives off coffee, noodles, and a compliment from a few years ago
* very close to rammy and is unaware of her crush on him
* hates casual clothes such as hoodies and always wears an apron over his clothes. in his colonel noodle persona he dresses in a rather extravagant way. his wardrobe is mostly black.
* refuses to sleep because it's "a waste of time and for the weak". tends to pass out at work in inconvenient moments.
* was a hikikomori for most of his teenage years as he fell into a deep depression.
* not a fan of videogames since they are a waste of time for him but everytime parappa challenges him in the arcade he wins
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furiouspatience · 2 months
Stitch Family
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A couple of middle-aged animals traumatized by their own family. They sometimes think about having a child so that they can surround them with care and love that they did not have in childhood.
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Animal: Ram
Age: 43
He came from another country to start his life anew and fully study psychology. He speaks with an Italian accent. Henry grew up in a family with his mother and a fanatical stepfather, a priest who sawed off his "son"'s horns (because he considered them a sin) at school age, and then sent him to a school for believers. But unable to stand it, Henry runs away from home. Diana introduced him to Timofey.
He often uses passive aggression in his defense, because he does not know how to express anger and discontent in another way. Cowardly. Sometimes he does not understand what is wanted from him and what he wants right now. For Diana's sake, he tries to be better, and for her sake he becomes a priest (although he does not really like doing this for a number of reasons). He doesn't believe in God, but he believes in psychology. Therefore, he perceives all the appeals of the townspeople as "a trip to a specialist (i.e. to him)." He is neutral towards other religions, but does not tolerate fanatics.
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Animal: Fox
Age: 39
The owner of the bakery. She tries to treat everyone with kindness and care, and respond in kind, but at the same time she will have her own opinion in some situations. And she won't apologize for him. She grew up in a family where great success and achievements were demanded of her, as well as every step was controlled. As a result, Diana grew up with a sense of anxiety and inability to rest. But over time, she learned to control such attacks, although not completely.
She has a weakness for things made with her own hands. It doesn't matter what quality they are, the main thing is that from the heart and soul. She tries something new herself, starting from knitting and ending with baking, which is why the bakery was opened.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
That Hermitcraft hero AU list I promised
yeah. here you go (:
edit: no art for y’all lol if you saw the original post congrats, but if you happened to have aphantasia or are just not good at visualizing, sorry! no art, it doesn’t go over well lmao
happy reading!
Impulse: SV
powers: electricity + thunder
info: he’s really good with press lol he usually goes on missions with kids because they all love him- during the day, the iDimpy factory ‘bought’ the Hermit Compound and ‘converted it to a chocolate factory’ and Impulse runs it lol (dw it’s still for superheroes, the bottom couple levels were just edited a bit HE MAKES REALLY GOOD CANDY)
appearance: MR. IMPULSE AS WILLY WONKA MY BELOVED (his super suit is metal like Iron Man and has a glowing yellow i in the middle)
Zed: Worm Man
info: fs a mad scientist- he teaches middle school science during the day XD
appearance: blond, blue eyes, ram horns that he tells his students is just a headband, lab coat + goggles even when not in the lab lol- his super suit is just. Worm Man. you know
Tango: Blaze
powers: fire + can change back and forth between super form and civilian 
info: he’s super funny lol 
appearance: yellow hair that looks like fire (it is actually on fire in super form), red eyes, sharp teeth in super form, if you’ve seen @lunarcrown ‘s Tango art that’s the fit style I’m thinking for the super suit
Keralis: Cyclopes
powers: siren Keralis my beloved
info: he loves kids but has kind of a spooky look to him- don’t worry, they warm up to him eventually and even call him Papa K!!
appearance: larger than average eyes but is otherwise basically normal lol his super fit is just like Aquaman style yk lots of scales
Bdubs: Apollo
powers: photokinesis
info: shreepy boi, moss hoodie, short (don’t tell him)
appearance: floofy brown hair held back w/ a red bandana, Latino, super fit is just a Greek chiton lol (he’s glowing bright enough you can’t even see him most of the time)
Ren: Red King
powers: werewolf
info: he can control which form and how he acts in said forms pretty much always- scary wolf hulk for bad guys and fluffy puppy for kids
appearance: in human form he has ears and a tail :DD
• Doc: 77
powers: let’s imagine a cross between the Hulk, the Winter Soldier, and a creeper
info: he is very good at fighting (: he’s cyborg and has green in super form
appearance: literally like seven feet tall
Scar: the Wizard
powers: telekinesis, magic
info: he is actually disabled, he just uses telekinesis to walk around as a super lol (HE HAS A MASSIVE MAGIC CAT THAT HE DISGUISES AS A NORMAL ONE DURING THE DAY)
appearance: covered in scars (obvi), bright green eyes, suit is Hot Guy fit
Cub: Bear
powers: Vex wings, skulk
info: he’s very friendly, but his super state is, uh… possessed. by the Deep Dark. I’m sure it’s fine
appearance: dark curly hair, galaxy eyes in super form but otherwise normal blue, super fit is just him covered in skulk- I’m thinking Venom vibes (SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS CONCEPT)
Grian: Evo
powers: BIGASS PARROT WINGS (and advanced sight)
info: pesky bird boy lmao he does the Jurassic Park claw tap thing when he’s hunting + on stealth missions
appearance: yeah he’s got bird feet lol he doesn’t leave the compound very much bc he can’t really disguise or lie about that
Pearl: Moth
powers: moth wings + antennae
info: she is in fact an alien but it’s okay she’s very nice unless she’s hunting with her dogs
appearance: again wings and antennae, brown hair with lighter streaks, purple eyes, super fit is like Storm/ Starfire
Gem: Dawn
powers: fire but in sunset yellow/ orange/ red/ purple colors lol
info: she’s actually descended from Gaelic royalty lmao
appearance: deer horns, orange hair which in super form turns to a fire ombré like Starfire, suit has pink honeycomb patterns
• Cleo: Medusa
powers: necromancy and turning people to stone (:
info: she died in Ancient Greece and rose as a zombie after Hades, who fell in love with her, granted her “life”. she is immortal 
appearance: a zombie lol (but a hot one I promise you) with orange snakes for hair
Stress: Monster
powers: flower queennn
info: she doesn’t like dark/ stealth missions as much, but she’s all for patrol whenever
appearance: always has a flower crown for some reason?? eyes glow pink when she uses her powers and the suit is like that one fanart of Isabella from Encanto as Spider-Man
Iskall: Doom
powers: lmao they’re just a cyborg
info: a very nice person, they just can’t seem to say hello correctly
appearance: brown hair, cyber eye, tol, they pretty much wear the suit everywhere and tells people it’s cosplay and they’re their own biggest fan
Etho: Kitsune
powers: snow/ ice/ illusion mist
info: he may have accidentally adopted the New York Governer lmao whoops (he hates kids except for this one)
appearance: white hair, mask to cover scars, one red eye damaged by redstone, really tall, white fox ears and nine tails in super form
xB: Crafted
powers: Black Widow style with a big white wolf (he and Jellie get along I promise)
info: we love him but he’s an antisocial dork
appearance: black hair, blue eyes, literally just. a guy. he’s a guy. he wears fins behind his ears so people think he’s more dangerous lol
Hypno: Memorizd
powers: memory wipe + telepathy
info: he’s the main one who deals with civilians lol especially if they saw something they weren’t supposed to 
appearance: aaaalways wears the black bandana over their hair, tol, emo /j- the suit is like a ninja
Wels: the Knight
powers: lmao he’s a knight idk what to tell you
info: he’s a knight with standard knight principles, but he’s chill about it. he likes theater but makes fun of the fact that he likes theater lol
appearance: blond, blue eyes, tol, he fights in a modern-looking suit of armor that keeps most of its medieval design
• Jevin: Slimer
powers: slime boi (like Frozone x Honey Lemon but slime yk)
info: he’s in the same boat as Grian- there’s really no disguising being made entirely of slime
appearance: teal slime lol (it runs in the family) supposedly he’s got a way to turn more human-looking but he hasn’t quite figured it out yet
Xisuma: Void
powers: time, space, and interdimensional portals!!
info: he and his twin are the leaders of their own groups, and they’re actually from another dimension and can’t breathe oxygen
appearance: that’s why he always wears a helmet! it’s his bones suit :DD
powers: superstrength, but she doesn’t use it very often
info: she’s like the Hermits’ resident suit maker that’s what she does lol
appearance: blonde choppy hair held back with welding goggles, brown eyes, covered in freckles
powers: none unless you count exceptional redstone skills
info: tech guy!! when someone busts something, they go straight to Mumbo
appearance: black hair, mustache (because of course), tol??, suit. always. Mumbo what
powers: none
info: the medic, because lord knows they need one
appearance: green hair lol
powers: none, but he’s really good with knives 
info: he makes the food and potions, but the Hermits keep telling him not to wear that bloodstained apron around everywhere. it’s suspicious
appearance: again with the apron, and he’s scarily buff. kids are scared of him but he’s very nice really
Impulse had known for a very long time that he wasn’t exactly… normal.
Which isn’t a bad thing! But, the static shock people got when they touched him while he didn’t feel a thing, storms brewing when he had less-than-ideal days, and really mostly the fact that his phone never died when he held it- the charge almost seemed to be going up- all that did not seem ordinary.
So when he was recruited for a hero team because everyone at his school had apparently reported his strangeness, he wasn’t exactly surprised. But he was definitely ready to make a difference.
So Zed was some kind of sheep/ human hybrid. Did that make life a lot more difficult? In some ways, yes, but mostly no.
See, he had really good hearing. And he never had to worry about riding his skateboard, because his balance was always perfect and his skull was uncrackable. Plus he can jump like five feet on solid ground, which is pretty sick.
But people still thought he was weird. They all knew he’d grow up to be a hero… or a villain. So there was always a thin line of separation from the rest of the world, like they wanted to treat him like a fragile thing that could potentially attempt to end the world in the near future.
He would never, of course. But the only place he could really find contentment was with the Hermits.
Tango had discovered his powers in a… less pleasant manner.
Basically all he remembered was yelling. It was scary, he was seven years old, and… something just broke.
Then there was fire.
His parents, as far from that title as they were, did not make it out. Somehow, he managed to escape unscathed. Physically, anyways.
Foster care was pretty lame, but it was better than his old home life. Still, the only people he views as family are his team.
Keralis had loved singing for as long as he could remember. Especially because everyone loved to listen!
His mother had come from the sea, and his father was a fisherman. Keralis liked that his parents were sort of like a fairy tale. His mother taught him how to sing when he was young, but especially to control what he sang. She said he could really hurt people, and while at the time he didn’t know what that meant, he went along with it.
Until one day at a summer camp, they had a screaming contest (they were middle schoolers, don’t question it). Every window in the camp shattered, and six kids had to go home with ruptured eardrums.
He was immediately handed over to the American Hero Monitoring compound. There, he met X and Bdubs, and they didn’t mind his voice. Plus his parents visited on weekends! The only thing he loves more than singing is being a hero.
Bdubs and his brother had learned early on that not everyone likes heroes.
Maybe they shouldn’t have shown people that the two of them could play catch with a ball made of actual light, because they were then immediately accused of witchcraft. Witchcraft, really? Is this the sixteenth century?
Their family was forced to move to New York, and the AHM got ahold of both boys not long after. Because they bragged once, to a bunch of classmates in a small-town school that they’d been going to their entire lives. Bdubs opted to be a hero; show people that he can be good, but Puncenge wasn’t quite ready to forgive them all. He promised he wouldn’t ever use his powers for bad, but when he broke out of the compound with X’s twin, Bdubs didn’t go with.
The rest of the Hermits would probably kill him if they found out he was still in contact with one of America’s biggest supervillains.
There was a famous werewolf cryptid in Britain, and a lot of people were after him.
The original Hermit Initiative Program, with only Keralis, Xisuma, Tango, and Bdubs- well, their first mission was to capture him. Luckily, it wasn’t all that difficult.
See, Ren was not a monster. Most of the time he lived in town and was just… a normal dude. On the days where he was too sore or lazy to put a hat on and hide his tail somewhere inconvenient, he just let people believe he was a furry, because he couldn’t give less of a fuck.
So tracking down a guy with literal wolf ears and a tail wasn’t difficult, especially when he wasn’t doing much to hide. Ren was more than happy to get away from the hunters and to a place where he could just live and be normal.
Doc was the result of several government experiments- none of them good.
When scientists had discovered a new species of what looked like furry green things that walked on three legs and looked sad all the time, they figured whatever it was should be kept hidden from the public.
Especially after one of them blew a crater in the side of a mountain and killed three people. 
A recently convicted scientist himself was selected to be, uh… tested on. It was a lot of blood and pain, but hey, that’s not a bad exchange for immortality and infinite explosive material.
Scar lost mobility in his legs thanks to a particularly risky mission in his rookie days- he got every civilian out, but there was definitely a cost.
It’s okay though!! His telekinesis allows him to move freely when he’s super-ing, and he has a big magical cat to keep him company at home. He was more than thrilled when there was an offer extended to him to be a Hermit, although he found it funny that it took them so long to locate him (a disabled person could never be a hero! *cough* Daredevil haters *cough*)
Cub was a scientist who… may have flown a little too close to the sun. See, he wanted powers, and he was successfully able to give himself wings! Unfortunately for him, he was too curious to stop there.
See, he’d found something called skulk deep, deep underground, in a buried city he and his team were excavating. Something big and very, very loud kept killing them whenever they took more than a few steps in, though, so the site was declared off-limits to everyone.
But Cub snuck in by himself, all the way to the center of the city. There was a portal there, and when he stepped through it… well, he either met God or Satan. Either way, now he’s basically Venom but with a much better color scheme, and he can no longer die! The only catch is that he’s a little bit possessed when using his powers, but the Hermits are there to look out for him.
Grian learned how to hunt very quickly and very suddenly, on the day superheroes were made illegal around the world.
Because, well, the best of the best were after him.
A bird boy! And a pesky one at that! Who used to be a hero! Everyone wanted to get their hands on Evo, and unfortunately, Grian was forced into hiding. Not that it was difficult- he had wings and razor sharp talons, so it wasn’t like anyone non-super could really get to him, but that didn’t stop people from trying.
He’s all for staying in the Hermit compound all day. It means he can lay out pranks while all the normal people are at work.
So maybe Pearl was born in Area 51. That didn’t exactly make her an alien. Maybe. Probably. 
Listen. She has wings and antennae, plus a big pretty spaceship DNA-encoded to her, but did that mean she wasn’t from Earth? Of course not! There are plenty of weird people there. Plus, her ancestors were worshiped by the people of Sanctuary. It’s like… fine.
She’s happy to be a hero, of course. When she got an in on the most prestigious hero group in America (Australia was totally dominated by some clown who looked like a gingerbread man), she was absolutely all in. Hermits are better than some lazer beam, anyways.
When Gem transitioned, she didn’t think it would come with fire powers. But hey, bonus.
She kept her antlers, but she actually liked that part. Her people didn’t see her as any less of a princess or priestess, if anything they loved her more for bringing that kind of power to their city, Dawn, which she took for her hero alias.
She had two groups she was a part of, actually, plus with the business of being Gaelic royalty to a group of people previously thought to be extinct, she had a full schedule. But she of course wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Cleo lived in Locri, Italy, way back in Ancient Greek times. She loved her patron goddess, Persephone, and didn’t actually mind Hades. She worked in the city’s mausoleum and crypt, so she got used to death pretty quick.
Well, Hades took a particular interest in her. Not that he could do anything, of course, she was a priestess of both him and his wife. But he harbored a crush of sorts all the way through her life.
She did die. She was mortal, after all. But she was so gorgeous, Hades couldn’t bear that loss, so… he granted her eternal ‘life’. She was green and missing a few pieces and was messily sewn together, plus her fiery orange hair had turned to snakes like Medusa’s, but she walked the earth again.
She never died again. She can’t, which makes her the ideal hero, although she won’t hesitate to paralyze you for a comment about her hourglass shape-
Honestly, Stress didn’t even want to be a hero, mostly. She owned a flower shop and she’d gotten there with the help of exactly zero men, and she didn’t have an interest in changing the world or anything.
Only problem- she had superpowers, and they were sort of hard to contain. Whenever she got antsy, cacti started to grow out of her carpet under her feet, and after getting those stupid invisible thorns stuck between her toes one too many times, she decided to get out and do things with her powers.
The Hermits were happy to have her, and she’s happy to report that she and the other girls are almost their own little team within the big group- and they’re fine-tuned to perfection.
Iskall’s modifications were actually their choice. There was an offer by some mysterious guy in a suit to be rich and powerful beyond belief, and since they were sick of living on the street, they took it.
So they ripped an arm and an eye out. Was it worth it? Definitely. 
No one makes fun of them anymore, for being NB or anything else, and they did pay them a lot. The only catch was singing onto a government sanctioned hero organization, and they were happy to go with their girlfriend to the Hermits. She slapped them for being an idiot and allowing themself to be experimented on, but she was happy to have them along.
If you don’t know what a Kitsune is, it’s a Japanese mythical creature that has two forms: fox and human (usually female). They’re kind of like sirens, and they’re absolutely stunning, but very manipulative and usually malicious.
Etho picked the name for the fact that he’s like half fox lol not that he’s evil; his ears and nine tails match the color of his hair. He is in fact immortal, but he doesn’t find that out until someone tries to off him and it just… doesn’t work. He can scar and be wounded, yeah, but death can never catch him.
There are a number of ways to become an assassin. Maybe you were raised since you were a kid. Maybe you were drafted by the government to cut back your sentence Suicide Squad-style. xB signed on in high school for extra credit.
Yeah, his history teacher was secretly a hitman, and students could sign a contract of silence to go on missions for extra credit. Sounds sketch, but it wasn’t terrible. He learned how to kill a man in over a hundred ways just with his hands and didn’t have to learn a thing about the Cold War through all of high school.
He decided just killing people was sort of immoral… although mostly that if he got good enough heroes would start to notice him. He figured if he couldn’t outrun them, he’d better join. And it was a good thing he did- he got his car-sized dog because of it.
Hypno was the most popular kid in his school for one reason: he had control over people’s memories. When someone asked him to make their teacher forget a due date, it magically happened. If an admin found out and tried to stop him, he wiped that as well.
Maybe he got a little carried away. He panicked one day and used it on his parents, only he put in too much effort in his lack of control, and… next thing he knew they were asking who he was and why he was in their house.
He hid from the AHM for as long as he could, thinking he’d be arrested. When they finally did track him down, they agreed to not throw him in a cell on one condition: join the Hermits. Honestly, not a bad deal.
In high school, Wels was… a huge nerd.
Yeah, he was on the varsity football team. But all his real passion went into theater and larping.
He and his twin brother, who was in the same boat, were exploring an abandoned excavation site behind their house one night, when the floor caved and they fell into the depths of what looked like an old buried building.
There were voices. The boys were knighted by ghosts and gifted unbreakable suits of armor. They left that site and had to pretend like everything was normal and fine with their lives. It came with a dope sword though, so who’s complaining?
Being made entirely of slime was cool because you couldn’t really be injured, but not as great because of how plain weird that made you.
Jevin and his cousin Charlie, who was also a hero, were in fact made of slime, as is their whole family. It’s just a weird gene that no one will specify on, but Jev doesn’t really mind.
The thing is, he’s resistant/ immune to pretty much everything. Extreme temperatures just sort of make him slower, and everything else goes through him or gets stuck in him. Not all that convenient, but it’s a nice perk when saving people. He doesn’t have to worry about himself.
Xisuma and his twin are the most powerful beings to ever exist.
Both of them can open portals through space, time, and other dimensions. They’re the only recorded people with that kind of power, ever. It makes them good leaders, but when one is constantly trying to destroy the world while the other is always trying to stop that from happening, scales balance out. If they were on the same side, there would be zero crime anywhere. Ever.
False started her business building little robots to make people’s lives easier, like a Roomba modified for carpet or a drone that pathfinds from your fridge to your living room to deliver drinks, and then it evolved from there. 
When it started to get a bit too big to handle, that’s when she conveniently met Mumbo.
The two of them had been working on something highly illegal- a weaponized drone in the shape of a person to be piloted around like a dummy hero- when Evo and Medusa fell right through their warehouse roof, singed around the edges and badly hurt.
Mumbo and  False’s service was so highly rated, the Hermits decided to officially adopt them into their team.
Joe and Beef share a kitchen/ lab, which is a good thing, because they’re kind of in the same field. Beef makes potions and food, and Joe is the healer. They’ve always been Hermits, as in assigned by the AHM always.
When various Hermits come in to steal food Beef usually throws either the nearest piece of fruit or a knife, whichever is closest to his hand. Everyone knows you don’t touch the cookies until you have express permission.
And Joe has patched up so many burns, bullet wounds, and stabs, that stitches are literally a no-brainer and he can be watching a movie in the background without a problem. It’s much more fun when heroes are made legal again so he can actually repair real damage made by supervillains.
The Hermits love them, don’t worry, no matter how many needles or knives are pointed their way.
so! there you go! please, PLEASE ask me to write stuff for this au, because I’m more than happy to do any hero scenario you can think of! if you want a villain list I’m sure that can be achieved, and although they’re mostly just Helsmits, it’s a fun concept.
so you know, think up a mission and send it my way. I’m so ready. what did you think?
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calamaricollie · 4 hours
if the marshmallows are gonna be trained when they're older, which weapon(s) do you think they'll like?
That's a fun question actually!
I'm gonna assume they'd be around young adulthood for these:
I imagine Lari would always stick mostly to curses, I can imagine her wearing something similar to the fleece of cursed crusade when she's older to be able to use curses without needing to wait, but if she had to use a weapon ... She'd get the glock LOL
Amber would be a Gauntlet guy, VERY close combat, he has the horns to ram into enemies and then he'd use the gauntlets to beat the ever living shit out of them, considering he inherited agility from his cat side he'd be considerably fast and even without the gauntlets he's got claws AND very sharp teeth, he'd definitely be the scariest of them all to actually fight as an adult (tho he might struggle with far away enemies), that's only if you really pissed him off tho, imaging Amber would be chill af grown up.
Cinder doesn't want anything to do with battling, they hate conflict and only learns curses so that they know how to control them enough not to destroy things, and maybe for some sort of utility.
If Cinder HAD to choose a weapon they'd go with archery or something cuz then they wouldn't have to get close to the actual conflict, that and some long distance curses that require aim
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dandylyins · 2 years
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some wuvvy style/design experiments! some referencing of claudia's (? i don't watch iwv) masquerade outfit for the far right and middle left busts. i had the idea of her with a little goatee and got very attached last night, so i also drew an alt of that middle left one with a goatee :) because there's quite a bit here, ids are in alts and below the cut.
ID 1: a page of digital sketches of Wuvvy from Dimension 20's A Court of Fey and Flowers. The background is a cream orange, and the sketches are added in either a slightly darker orange or dark brown. From left to right, the sketches are as follows: a full-body sketch of Wuvvy in a slightly cartoony style, depicted as a round-faced satyr with forward-facing horns and curls bangs. She's wearing a pale suit jacket with epaullettes and a matching cape, and a string of flowers is around her neck. She is standing with a serious expression and in a ready stance.
Next to this is a semi-realistic bust, studied from Claudia's masquerade outfit. Wuvvy is shown here with a more human-like face, though she has long, elfish ears and enormous, curling ram's horns. Her curly hair is parted slightly off-center, framing her face and revealing a masquerade mask over her face. A pearl earring is visible in her left ear. She looks watchfully into the distance.
Below this is a simplistic full-body sketch of Wuvvy with long curly hair, curling horns, and a tail. She is mid-step, her pose perhaps a dance, and a smile can be seen on her face as she looks backward. She is not wearing clothes.
Next to this is a cartoonish profile of Wuvvy. She has goat eyes and long ears, and at the end of her chin a sprig of fur can be seen, like a goatee.
The final sketch shows Wuvvy in a semi-realistic, but stylized sketch, looking pensively toward the viewer with one shoulder raised. Her hair, like before, is referencing Claudia's masquerade outfit, parting slightly off-center and falling away from her face. Her horns curl far back and then come to an outward-facing point below her ears. Her hair is pulled to the right into a ribbon, the ends of which fall over her shoulder, and she has a short, soft goatee. The sketch has some rendering in yellow highlights and darker orange in the face, neck, and shoulders. End first ID.
ID 2 & 3: Close-ups of the two Claudia busts, showing greater detail in the rendering. Both sketches were done in a textured brush, like charcoal pencils. End IDs 2 & 3.
ID 4: A close-up of the realistic bust, but some rendering has been added, and a goatee has been added to her chin. End IDs.
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pmknfilth · 6 months
Renee meets an old friend in the woods and has her way with him (by letting him have his way with her!)
Content: blowjobs/throat fucking, rough sex, enthusiastic consent to rough/mildly violent acts
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Agvith did another sweep of their surroundings. Sylthana and Lerana were making their camp cosy, while Yadani tended the fire. This was their routine. When they first set out together he realised that his looming presence made the halfing and firbolg uncomfortable while they were at work. The opposite was true of the tiefling. He didn’t like the way that the firelight glimmered across Yadani’s exposed flesh, glinting against her golden adornments. He didn’t like the way the tiefling’s staring, pupil-less eyes made him feel.
He learnt to make himself both scarce and useful while the others set up camp. The forests here were dangerous, and a thorough sweep of the area had more often than not revealed something for them to keep an eye on, or at least keep in mind, while they took turns sleeping in their tents.
Agvith turned his broad back to the campfire and Yadani’s prickling gaze. His discomfort caused him to rest his hand on the hilt of his weapon, but he strode into the night all the same.
The breeze was cool on his bare, tattooed torso, causing his nipples to harden. He didn’t like that either, the way the wind felt like a tender caress that left him with skin raised in goose flesh. He tried to focus on the way his heavy boots crunched on the undergrowth, how his strides waded through the little shadow spirits that rose from the earth after sunset. They tried to cling to his legs but he easily carved a path through them, leaving them reeling in his trail. He walked to shake off the discomfort, trying his best to keep an eye on his surroundings, but the zen that occasionally washed over him while surveying the landscape refused to come. That prickling discomfort lingered.
He picked up the pace into a light jog. He ran til the slight burn in his legs began to overwhelm the prickling along his spine. It helped, but it wasn’t enough.
A drop of dew dripped onto the nape of his neck. Agvith slapped at it. He grunted in frustration and stumbled to a stop. He kicked a tree. The crunch reverberated through the foliage.
He heard a giggle.
Suddenly his senses were on high alert. His breath caught in his throat as his ears strained to hear the source of the sound.
The forest was quiet.
Not a single animal scratched in the dirt or flitted in the branches. The trees were large and dark. Anything could be hiding in the shadowed spaces between them. He stared into the void searching for the source. No movement. No sign.
A sudden clarity of his mind told him that he was a long way from camp. A long way from help.
Slowly he lowered his hand to his weapon. The shaft of it slid smoothly from its straps, but the sound was loud in this deathly silent place. Once its familiar weight lay safely in his hands the burning drone in his head settled to a high pitched whine. His breathing quickened. His vision was starting to turn red at the edges.
A twig snapped behind him.
Agvith whirled and swung his greataxe with a roar. The blade struck home with a thunk. A colour swam before his eyes but it wasn’t the red of spilled blood. It was… pink?
A hand wrapped around his own on the axe shaft, long pale and delicate hands. Pretty shining nails.
“Hey, easy mister! You almost gave me a haircut.”
The voice was high and lilting. And there was that giggle again. Agvith blinked and shook the rage from his mind.
Swimming into view was a woman he’d met before. Long pink hair, shiny black rams horns, thin and narrow shoulders which bowed to show off her… he dragged his eyes back up to her face. Her plump pink lips formed a coy smile.
Her eyes, the strangest thing about her, seemed to suck in the darkness of the gloom.
She was leaning against a tree. His axe was sunk firmly into the bark mere inches away from her head. She looked at him, doe eyed, and rested her temple against the flat of the blade.
“I could have killed you”
“No, you couldn’t have”, she lilted.
Agvith ran a hand down his face to try shake off his adrenaline.
“How long were you…?”
She smiled, her eyes creasing into delicate moons. Her long eyelashes brushed against her cheeks.
“You were never gonna notice me. But if I stayed hidden I never could have said hi. And I wanted to say hi! Hi!!”
She didn’t say anything more, just looked at him with that uncanny gaze. He felt that prickle again, that uncomfortable prickle, but this time was a little different. He liked it.
The heat of his rage was washing away from his body in waves. But his cheeks still felt hot, and his…
Agvith cleared his throat.
“How is your mission?” He asked stoically, while pulling experimentally at his axe. It was wedged in deep.
Her expression dropped. She reached out to touch his hand again. She trailed her fingers across his knuckles. It sent a shiver through him.
“Bad. I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“Honestly I was really happy to see you. I was hoping you could distract me?”
“If you have time. It’s fine.”
Agvith couldn’t believe how close they were. She was just as he remembered her, and he remembered her more often than he would admit, despite the fact that they had only met once.
He subconsciously leant closer to be near her. He could smell her scent - soft flowers mixed with animal fur. He could see each of her long eyelashes, could see that there was a tiny peppering of light freckles on her shoulders. He liked that he didn’t tower over her, he liked that she was tall. She wasn’t like the goliath women he knew, though she was a similar height. She was willowy, and slight. Delicate, like if he touched her too roughly she might break. He could feel his blush growing, knew his red markings were fading into the hue of his skin and his white markings standing out bright and stark.
“I’m not a great conversationalist” he managed to grumble.
“That’s ok,” she murmured in return, “that’s not what I had in mind.”
She lifted his hand from where it still lay on the shaft of his axe and raised his fingers to her lips. They were soft and plush.
“This ok?”
He nodded quickly, not trusting his voice.
She kissed his fingers tenderly, then singled out a digit and sucked the tip of it into her mouth.
He watched, mesmerised, as his finger slid into the soft, warm and wet depths of her mouth. He shuddered as she sucked. She playfully licked the webbing of his fingers with the point of her tongue.
The string of spit that trailed from her lips when she let go proved to be too much for his resolve.
Almost unbidden, his other arm pressed into the tree, pinning her between it and his body. She gasped.
“Don’t be.”
She looked up at him from under her lashes. She raised herself on tip toes and he met her half way. Their lips touched together chastely at first, but she quickly deepened the kiss. His heartbeat quickened. He felt himself getting caught up in the tide of her hunger. Her hands fell to his pectorals, sliding along his skin and leaving a trail of fire.
He dared to touch the pale skin of her shoulder, tried to treat her gently while his other hand was white knuckled clenching into the bark of the tree. Her skin was so soft. His large, rough hands tingled at the sensation of caressing such a creature.
Soon a slender hand was guiding his hand from her shoulder, down to her chest. At some point she must have unclasped her leathers, because his hand slid easily under soft fabric to cup her breast.
He couldn’t help it, a moan escaped him. He broke the kiss to glance at her face, to gauge her feelings, and had to clench his jaw to stifle another noise.
Her lips were plump and swollen from kissing, her cheeks flushed, and an expression of pure lust filled her eyes.
“Would you like to?”
A hand palmed his groin. His instincts had him rutting into her touch like a bull in heat. Some small part of him was embarrassed at how quickly and easily he was coming undone by her, but the rest of him just felt fire and need.
“I think I can take that as a yes.”
He grinned despite himself, and pressed his forehead against hers.
“Yes. Please, yes”
She murmured something about manners, and something about if he always asks for things so nicely. Something about getting him to beg next time. He was too distracted by the way she managed to unlace his breeches while also providing the sweet relief of friction and pressure to pay much mind to anything. He simply agreed, eyes screwed shut and losing himself in the sweet smell of her hair.
Once his cock was free he almost held his breath anticipating her direct touch, needing it. He rocked forward to where he hoped her waiting hands would be but just met more cool night air. He whimpered in desperation and opened his eyes to see her, if she had suddenly disappeared as a figment of his hopeful imagination.
She was there still. Her eyes were fixated downwards. She was biting her lip.
He had never felt shame for the fact that he was endowed in proportion to his stature. But he was very tall, and it suddenly occurred to him that she was not one of the sturdy mountain-faring girls he had previously known.
“I’m not too…?”
She glanced up at him with those big eyes. Pools of darkness with pinpricks of light reflected from the moon. Her eyes cast downward again.
She dropped to her knees.
He sucked in a breath in anticipation. He loved the sight of her on her knees, and she hadn’t even done anything yet. He could see the tuft of her goat tail twitching behind her, and the curve of her ass.
Her tongue curled up to lick the tip of his cock. He shoved a fist in his mouth as his cock bobbed in response. He couldn’t be moaning like a common whore at her smallest attention.
Her eyes flicked up to meet and there was that coy smile again. That small part of him that previously felt embarrassment now felt fear. He suddenly felt like a mouse before a cat, but he couldn’t explain why.
Her gaze didn’t shift from his as her lips wrapped around his head. She gave a gentle suck. His hips jerked forwards and she let him loose with a sinfully wet pop. She smiled. He clenched the tree harder.
Renee once more took him into her mouth, now more confidently, sliding his length fully into her maw, then gently back out. She methodically bobbed, flicking her tongue along the underside of his shaft in a way that made him twitch and clench. He held back as much as he was able. The bark was turning into splinters beneath his fingers.
The mental willpower it took to not simply thrust into her throat was substantial, but doable. As long as he had somewhere else to concentrate his strain, as long as he didn’t watch too closely the way her soft lips wrapped around him, the way spit was running down her pretty chin.
She was taking him deeply now, had swallowed down most of his substantial length. When he felt his head touch the back of her throat he almost lost his resolve, the lovely noise she made.
She slid off him with another pop and he gasped at the loss of contact, in disappointment and relief in equal measure.
Agvith looked down at her. She cupped and stroked his balls, sending him twitching, but the expression on her face held a tiny frown between her eyebrows.
“You’re holding back” she whined, placing a kiss on his tip.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
A nasty look flashed in her eyes. She let out a bratty “hmph!”
He was confused when she began pumping him in earnest, long beautiful fingers wrapped around his girth. She sporadically kissed and licked his head, and he hissed a swear to the gods through his fist.
“I liked the way you looked at me when you swung that axe”
He swore again, strangled and pathetic. She swallowed him in one swift movement, delaying his response with a wave of pleasure.
“N-nobody wants that. I was trying to kill you.”
“I want it” she sniped, punctuating her words with a nip to his balls. He yelped, instinctively reaching down to her head. His hand grabbed one of her horns and she gasped. It was a slatternly, wanton sound that made his pulse race. What he wouldn’t give to hear it again.
“I want to see that look in your eyes while you fuck me like your toy”
He groaned in earnest, the thought of it sending a wave of heat through his body. He thrust into her mouth, her pretty wet hole taking him in before he withdrew in shame. But still, there was red creeping into the edges of his vision, a growing heat in the back of his mind that was hungry to be set free.
“Renee,” he cautioned, hoping this one word could explain the consequences of what she asked for.
“Fuck my throat til I can’t even call for help.”
He growled as the red crowded in.
She wrapped her lips around his tip and he thrust into her mouth. Both of his hands now grasped her horns, and the last coherent part of him hoped that Renee knew this was the last time she was coming up for air without his permission.
He fucked her readily and thoroughly, savouring her choked whimpers and whines. When her noises gained a note of panic he quickened the pace, pushing her to the edge of discomfort before wrenching her away from his cock. She gagged and panted, gasping for air. Her hair was a mess, her fringe plastered to her forehead with sweat. Her face was shiny with spit so he wiped a portion away with his thumb. She saw the offered digit and licked and sucked it keenly, panting between laps.
“Hungry little bitch.” He grumbled, and yanked his thumb from her mouth. He took her horns in hand again and fucked her mouth slowly, loving the vibrations her moans sent to the base of his spine.
He closed his eyes and lost himself in the feeling of using her. Fucking fast and slow at his leisure, pulling chokes and sobs from her, and whining panting breaths. At some point he noticed her noises sounded different, we’re coming in faster and more desperate.
Agvith looked down to see she was touching herself. Those long pretty fingers of hers were reaching inside herself to stroke the soft layers within. He tutted and wrenched her arm away. Her responding whine was weak and pathetic.
He grabbed her hand at the wrist and pulled her up to her feet. She stumbled, legs shaky and unsteady.
“Do you need something to fill your cunt, little lamb?”
Her raw throat croaked an unintelligible answer. Tears grew in her eyes and threatened to spill over. She mewled a small cry. He laughed as her tears welled up, but to her credit she swallowed them down and tried again.
“That’s a good girl,” he growled, and hauled her up by the knees. She yelped, hands scrabbling for purchase, and finding a lifeline in the form of his axe handle, blade still embedded in the tree. “Let’s see if your pussy feels as good as your throat.”
He pushed her against the tree while he lined himself up with one hand, easily lifting her with the other. He marveled at how light she was, how he could manhandle her with little effort. He pushed in slowly, smirking as her hips desperately rocked forward hoping to hurry his pace. She was tight, hot, and delightfully wet.
He grunted in satisfaction as he buried himself in her again and again. Her tits bounced beautifully, full and heavy, as he fucked her. He gave them a slap. The cry she gave was beautiful, like snapping a bird’s neck.
The red was growing in strength, muddling his vision, turning his thoughts into feral instincts.
Her hand reached back for her clit but he pushed it away, opting instead to rub her roughly til she threw her head back with a cry. He could feel her beginning to clench down around him. He doubled his efforts, quickened his pace. He slammed into Renee with force, giving her more than she could possibly handle.
Her velveteen walls clenched and fluttered. She mewled a cry and held on for dear life as he fucked her through her orgasm.
The red was consuming him now. He railed into her, desperate for more, more, anything more.
He sank his teeth into her shoulder, canines bursting blood vessels and filling his mouth with the tang of iron.
He came at her pained cry, pumping his seed deep into her til the red faded into a high pitched ringing.
He collapsed against the trunk of the tree.
He hunched over her, sweaty and exhausted, clarity washing over him with every breath.
“That was…” he groaned.
Terrifying. Dangerous. Embarrassing.
“Incredible.” Renee breathed, resting her head against his temple.
If he wasn’t so awash with endorphins he would have been ashamed. But instead he rumbled a deep chuckle and buried his face into the crook of her shoulder.
She hissed in pain.
“Fuck, I bit you!”
Agvith pulled away and lifted her hair up to reveal a huge welt of punctures. Renee lifted her hand to touch it and when it came away wet and red she didn’t recoil. She laughed.
“I love it, thank you.” She whispered, and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.
Agvith shook his head. He was too fucked out to dwell on what was going on. He gently extricated himself and set to cleaning the two of them up, blushing as she watched him unblinkingly with those dark eyes.
Eventually, after he had tucked himself away and re-laced his breeches, he leaned next to her against the tree. They sat that way in silence for a time, contemplating the quiet forest and the distant moon and stars above them. They breathed each other's air.
Renee sighed, and rose to her feet.
“I’ve gotta get back, the bird boy will be worrying about me.”
He nodded, and tried to ignore that red part of him that wanted to reach out and make her stay.
He watched her stretch languidly, give him one final kiss on the jaw, and then silently disappear into the gloom between the trees without a trace, like she had never existed at all.
Agvith wrenched his axe out of the tree. He touched a finger to the place where his clenched grip had ripped chunks from the bark. And then he too turned on his heel and left for camp.
“Where did you get off to?” Elorrin admonished Renee as she strode into camp. Shadow spirits crowded around their campfire, the bigger ones pushing the small ones closer to the coals and watching them squirm.
The pink haired satyr thoughtfully played with her hair that was artfully draped over one slender shoulder.
“Oh, you know, I ran into an old friend.”
The owlin fluffed his feathers out. In the middle of the forest? Weird.
“Do we know them?”
“Yeah! Remember that big scary guy from when we first met?”
The owlin’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. I think I remember.”
Renee sighed. She furrowed her brow and then blew air through her lips.
“Mmm… nope, can’t remember his name.”
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
My little OC (may or may not have made a request hinting at him) 🫣
Onyx Ozzyborne is a Ram Hybrid who died around the same time as Al (a little after). He has short, fluffy, brown hair and blue eyes. He’s also FTM
He’s a singer, much like Frank Sinatra, and  was big at back alley Speakeasys.  
He was born around 1895-ish and grew up in New York. He had to move to get more business since people there didn’t really like him, thus his staying in New Orleans. 
(Totally an OC I ship with Al, sorry lol. My headcannon was that Al and Onyx may have gotten married in 1925, but definitely not confirmed cause it was the early 1900’s)
He was good friends with Rosie but hasn’t seen her since he died. She introduced him to Alastor
He died on February 14th, 1932. 
He went on a hunting trip with his father. One of his dad’s hunting buddy’s, who went along with them, didn’t like onyx’s father very much and tried to stab him but stabbed Onyx Instead. 
Onyx appeared in Hell with a Ram appearance (Horns, Ears, Tail, and Hoofs) cause of how hard headed/determined he was.
He gained a branching power where he could produce vine like things from the ground that look like black branches. Idk how to explain it well lol
His demon form is basically how Garbiel’s face looks in Mandela Catalog (with the creepy eyes) and his voice gets really loud—like microphone feedback.
He’s also a singer in hell and convinced Al to let him work at the hotel as ‘entertainment’.  
He has his own little stage in the dinning hall >:)
thank you for reading all of this! :D 
(He was very much inspired by Frank Sinatras Songs ‘Rain in My Heart’ and ‘My Way of Life’)
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katyspersonal · 2 years
1 and 2 for Logarius
3 And 4 for Maria
5 and 6 for Caryll
8, 9, and 10 for Bloody Crow (he gets three because he’s my blorbo)
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Oh well, this will be a bit of a ride, huh? But thank you!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Hypocrite on main, nuff said. Would post plenty of short posts "spreading some positivity", encouraging others to be kind and good, some wise thoughts etc. Often some fake-deep quotes plastered on aesthetic pictures of nature. Sometimes they're ACTUALLY deep thoughts. But his comments section is the utter Hell as most of the comments are people sharing something bad he did/said earlier and calling him out on being hypocrite. The funniest part is that he doesn't moderate his comments section at ALL - never bothers to block any users or retort or just close the darn section! Granted, there are plenty of white knights that defend him in the comments. Every darn post has like 5k comments worth of online battlefield djfsdds
2) What animal they remind me of
For some reason, this is ram!
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I tried to disconnect from cold aesthetic because that's Cainhurst stuff, but I keep saying that he is 'just evil Ludwig', haha. So he feels like a hooved animal for me, but whereas Ludwig is indeed like a stallion himself, Logarius would need to be an animal who is associated with both stubbornness (to a fault, because Gold Ardeo symbolises being a total blockhead determined to crash everyone who you deem impure) and majesty. I think their horns ARE pretty graceful!
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
Alright, if I completely empty my head from all lore and just look at her... For some reason, overall impression on her design is no very... 'impressive' for me? She indeed wears a costume of a fighter prioritising agility over defence, and seems like just a blonde, and is indeed a woman with sword(s)... Like this is indeed a female action figure, sure? However, it is all in the DETAILS. It is when I look at filigree on her clothes, and how she is not just blonde but actually ashy blonde, and how pretty her pale eyelashes against dark eyeshadow, and how beautiful that green brooch looks against white collar, and take closer look at her eyes. THEN I actually appreciate her and think she is very beautiful! From what I know, many people were absolutely swayed by her merely appearing instantly, so I am not sure why it was different for me? I think her design is good enough, but the REAL beauty of it all lurks in intricate and elegant details for me!
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
She's is the type to have trouble falling asleep without some sort of audible stimulation. It has to be something - humming, burning wood in the fireplace, someone reading and shuffling pages, all that. Funny enough, this is the exact problem my Brador has! (Cute date idea - falling asleep peacefully while listening to Simon cry <3 sdjhdhs) That naturally subdued when she was torn between dream/nightmare, we talking about her "physical" life!
Kind of on a brink between physical and psychological, but her favorite way to stim is to push her whole face against plants full of morning dew, especially bushy flowers such as hydrangea!
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Sitting near a puddle or another shallow body of water and sticking her hands down in it is also a favourite.
The dark area under her eyes is not a makeup nor it is dark circles of Constant Exhaustion, it is just a feature that tends to appear in most people with Pthumerian blood in them! I generally headcanon that Pthumerians and humans can have children, so some characters in Bloodborne are mixed species; Maria is certainly mixed between human and Pthumerian like other vilebloods, a branch that has long history of being super selective with the spouses to basically combine strong features of both species. I also decided to take her eyebrows being white not as creators being lazy with coloring the model, but as a legit feature - again, a hint of some Pthumerian blood.
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She is cursed with only ever feeling appetite to the foods that are not healthy - be it less refined kind of alcohol, exceptionally fat meat, food that got burnt beyond saving, overly sugary pastries and cakes etc. That is her unique developed reaction to being able to eat very good and high-quality foods as someone living in the rich castle, so when she left Cainhurst, she had to put extra willpower into eating normally now that no one will bring her meals on the plate. It is just that the highest restaraunt quality meal she has to force herself to finish without even feeling pleasure, when a burnt potato that was also overly salted will make her drool.
She is physically strong without training and was born this way - again, Pthumerian genes showing. So instead of training to lift weights and hit stronger, Maria had to learn somewhat of an opposite, to stop hurting people's hands with merely handshake or accidentally sending objects to fly while trying to move them. So, most of her training as a hunter had to do with agility and applying this force the right way; prior that, she was having to learn to apply her strength towards other people in reasonable amount. Basically her arc was not to become ripped, but to learn how to be ripped in a way that HELPS her rather than works as a destructive liability.
Continuing theme of a power she had to learn to control + that can be dangerous! As a child and teenager, if she was bleeding in some way (like cut or damage from falling), she would start to accidentally ignite things around her from anxiety... And people who'd try to help, too. The worst that happened so far was burning half of Ludwig's face in panic and anger. The power of pyromancy and quickening draws itself from the blood. So, when she started having periods, she had to actually seek guidance from elders in Cainhurst to not like... burn everything around her or keep teleporting away from people in fear. However, she didn't have many people to talk about it with, because such powerful genetic combination is rare. She suppressed the pyromancy quite well though, to the point she has to focus very much (and to hurt herself very much) to awaken it again (something Gehrman resented, as she was "burying her hunter potential"). Maria was, however, able to teach Gehrman and his other hunters how to use the quickening (teleportation) because everyone who imbibed holy blood could master it! But pyromancy, alas, IS inherited genetically!
She ended up giving into a habit of having a glass of red wine in like, every other several hours, later in her life as a hunter and then as overseer of Research Hall.
Natually, she has some scars on her belly area from previous attempts to see how to tap on her powers of blood and fire if she has to. I am yet to decide whether Gehrman had the balls to reflect them on the Doll or left any traces of her pain out; he did know about them though, as he had to care for Maria after one of the unlucky attempts.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Caryll does believe in respecting the elders - which is convenient, because he was one of the older Byrgenwerth scholars, together with Damian! It is a bit not conceivable for him that sometimes someone much older than you can be dumb as shit, as in his life older people were offering nothing but a wise advice, years of valid experience and predictions that turned out to be right in the end! But, yes, he will take it nearly personally if one of the scholars disrespects Willem, Gehrman, Dores, Damian, Carolee (memory altar witch) or Custodio (gatekeeper)... and if they disrespect him, too.
He does share Willem's 'the only thing that will teach the fools is their failure' philosophy, so he will often refuse to intervene and only open his yap when he is to explain the person WHAT went wrong and WHY they failed. He is also the type to learn at the expense of the mistakes of others, so at times it gets as dark as letting the other people endure their failures to see what happens and apply to himself. However, he likes quite a number of the people he knows. It is less direct indifference and more of a 'sadistic' type of caring: Caryll finds enjoyment in watching his acquaintances become smarter and stronger with harsh life experiences.
On the other hand, he believes that the 'ultimate' language (runes) will significantly speed-up evolution of humanity, as a single experience will be able to be communicated to everyone else through only one symbol. He made several attempts to capture very personal and intimate yet very important personal experiences, there exist some runes that 'player' never finds that could serve as valid life lessons. People who know of such practice are all Byrgenwerth scholars, so they do not find anything callous in distributing personal experiences and feelings 'for common knowledge'. Yurie/Julie is an exception, and thinks truth of Great Ones is quite enough - there is no need to utilise intimate feelings 'for common good'!
Caryll is a true artist that admires the shapes, views and people's bodies and faces as they are, believing in his ability to communicate the unique beauty and features of every individual via portraits. He doesn't have a 'type' and is able to praise the physical quirks of every person; not because he has no standards, but because he can see beauty in how every person is built! He feels a little antsy when someone is insecure about their "imperfection" and wants to obscure something with hair, make-up or clothes. The type of an artist that will tell you to move your hair behind so he could capture your big Dumbo ears, you know! If you get this lil shit to actually speak with words, he might praise you right into accepting your body.
Caryll is not very interested in relationship; besides, again, his trait of wanting to capture and pass on what he can plays out. He is more interested in watching healthy (or not so much) relationship of other people and capture them in a book. However, he still needs love of course, just different type of it, such as friendship or platonic admiration or master's patronage.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Caryll dives into nonverbal behavior very often, sometimes able to only offer strange noises, gestures or doodles as means of communication. If it wasn't for Byrgenwerth introducing him the runes, he'd study music to communicate his feelings, as he believes that visual art, albeit good, can't be understood at the same extent as the sound. He might reach stressful state where he just gives a single frustrated sound every time someone asks what's wrong - and then gets upset when nobody gets what DOES he need ;-; A rare person is able to cooperate with this 'barrier' - Rom, for example.
Caryll's anger is cold and passive-aggressive. He will never yell or snap, but rather taint with no end. One knows Caryll is angry with them when Caryll starts to verbally communicate more eagerly - and it is all some subtle hints or 'clever' remarks! Caryll gets more nonverbal when he feels vulnerable; but also, when he feels safe.
Past his arc of creating alphabet of inhuman sounds, Caryll feels dark joy upon learning that some human language is going extinct. However, if it wasn't for the runes, he'd have had opposite reaction. Normally he believes that no language can be universal as each has unique nuances worthy of celebrating! Runes language, however, showed the way to transcend this limitation.
He is extremely happy when he can cuddle someone, be it a person or an animal. Tactile contact is very important for him! He has a history of overstepping his boundaries with cuddling animals that would end biting/scratching him. As a human, you can easily earn a place amongst his best friends by letting him hug you without 'making it weird or have it be sexualised'. He subscribed to the fact that most people would never understand his feelings or intentions correctly, but he does have a secret rune that gives no benefits except for understanding how he sees the world and people, that he would gladly give to those who care about him enough.
He is confident in his own beauty in an interesting way, loving to wear boots to highlight his legs and often posing like some sort of model when he does speak xD His voice might appear monotonous most of the time, however.
He is 35+ whereas other scholars barely reached their 20s, yet is able to cry from too much fear or confusion easily. Realising that he was drastically misunderstood might absolutely ruin him mentally, and he resorts to just sitting in the corner and whimpering, only answering questions with some noises.
Him inventing language of inhuman sounds was not a blessing of chosen one, not something done with his body, but simply him being a nerd and a genius enough to crack the (accurate enough) code towards ultimate way of communication. He analysed the ancient Hunter-like symbol of Pthumerians and other symbols a lot; just like that, he is very good with picking the exact sound tone every time.
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Crow of Cainhurst (Eidinghardt)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
Maria - They are not blood-related (from what I imagine yet, but hell knows those darn victorian royals), yet they see each other as brother and sister for the most part. It borders between 'friends who are like siblings' and 'friends who are like a tsundereish couple', but the former, honestly, wins. In either case, they are pretty close with each other! They are able to be rude with each other and have conflicts without drastic consequences, their arguments are mostly healthy and natural. Just that they were always capable of both being rivals OR getting up for the shared goal. Eidinghardt was also really jealous when Maria decided to leave Cainhurst and join the hunters, after Maria left he proceeded to take it out on some friends without fully realising how vulnerable he was left.
Elias - his blood sibling. Similarly to how things were with Maria, Eidin was striking conflict with Elias quite often - except Elias was fighting him back verbally rather than arm-wrestling him like he deserved. There is just something about the Crow that makes him have very tense and charged relationship with people truly dear for him, being close with him is both a blessing and a curse! Aware of Elias having a crush on Annalise, he liked to tease him that he was the only one 'actually having a chance to marry her' that'd bring Elias to tears (and have Crow be punched hard by Maria fhdhsf). But he did not know what kind of ancient Hell Cainhurst was to strike thanks to Byrgenwerth being nosy about ancient secrets, and in a way he misses the vulnerable and soft but also brave and heroic sibling, after Elias was 'reborn' into a manic and cursed Cain XIII. He still has pangs of pain for how he was treating Elias, never having realised envy that he felt towards him and how much he was bearing with dignity.
Cainhurst executioner - By executioner, I mean of course not a faction of the Healing Church, but the guy that was delivering the death sentence to those that royal court deemed worthy of it. He is the father of Eidinghardt and Elias, passing both of his gloves down to each sibling.
Annalise - He was fearing her for the biggest part of his life, feeling as though he just 'had' to be her friend because for Maria and Elias she was important; but Annalise showed great grace, honor and self-esteem since even young age. He just never seen anything great about her and just rolled his eyes at her as at 'yeah yeah great noble princess everyone loves'. It was much later when he was able to see her determination, insanity even, her dignity and her ambitions, when he realised she was a worthy companion he was blessed to have had all along. Consuming her blood only made it worse, indeed; the awakened admiration turned into a full-on love. He knew, however, that he lost her to his sibling years ago, so for him it was the best fate to just stay by her side. Separated from Cainhurst, memory about her is just what he holds onto.
Every woman with long red hair - Sorry, but there are LARGE chances that if he sees one similar enough to Annalise, he will treat her as his princess/queen and be overly protective and overly subservient of fdsjhhfds I headcanon that he had spent a LONG ass time away from Cainhurst.
Alfred - Eidin crosses the paths with Alfred at times, not able to be detected by him to his surprise. He found strange enjoyment in trolling Alfred sometimes, though. Like, Alfred would speak of wanting to exterminate all "unholy clan" and Crow would go "ooooh, those vilebloods are very nasty people, aren't they~?" on him and just internally DIE at his reaction fhdsdsf I am yet to figure how would he feel in the scenario where Alfred finishes his quest, and Eidin learns it, though... By default, he certainly takes Alfred for an edgy looser.
Arianna - I like the idea (so far) that Arianna's mother fleed from Cainhurst with Arianna still being a little baby, so Arianna grew up in Yharnam with only very brief idea of her heritage! As result, Crow could've been the one to share more about her history as a noble with her - whereas her mother wanted to keep her safe from such a heart-breaking fate. But I just like the mental image of little Arianna clinging to the Crow as her father/mentor figure, with him really not being up to such a honor but not knowing how to turn her down, hahah; Bonus points if her mother died early and Crow failed Arianna as a caretaker, leaving her to figure out adult life and means for survival on her own, because he was too caught up in his insanity </3 Like, imagine him deciding to commit to checking on her all too late, when she, a descendant of a noble line, already became a sex worker. </3
Henriett - I feel like he'd pester Henriett a lot, challenging her all the time with the threat of harming Amelia/Emilia whom Henriett never wanted to harm unless she fell for beasthood for good. They were throwing hands quite often. As well, Eidin would enjoy watching Henriett and Alfred throw hands.
Eileen - I don't know whether it counts as 'made up' because implication is strong, but come ooooon, it IS Bloodborne! I used to think that he simply imitated Eileen's crow-themed hunter look to not attract much suspicion as hunter that hunts other hunters, but... hmmm, being her apprentice that betrayed her works waaaay better! So I think he got under her wing - when she was intending to kill him in the state of his despair, and he gave a tirade about honorable death and meaning of life that made Eileen not only realise he was not quite blood-drunk (just a bit unstable!), but also that he had a right spirit to continue her quest. She picked him up and was teaching him.... well, more like trying to teach him. He would unmistakeably detect any blood-drunk hunter anyways, with his vileblood senses. They had a problem of Eileen having nothing left that she had to teach him, until they stroke the communication issue! It was Eileen who had to teach him to be civil with the so-called 'League' and to comfort desperate hunters rather than provoking them to go 'crazier'.
Viola - I am stealing your headcanon that Crow killed Viola to provoke Gascoigne into despair - and Henryk, as a result, sorry </3 This just works so well. I headcanon that it was a strange mix of both hatred and longing; if Viola was to cheat on Gascoigne with him, he would probably risk his life protecting her. I feel like he is the type to have a very thin line between hatred and love towards someone. In the least likeable way.
Fauxsefka (Zhosfika) - he tried to strangle her at least once in order to obtain the one remaining Cainhurst summon from her, to see Cainhurst once more. Thankfully, he had enough reason to understand that another name was already written in the one she possessed, as was promised. Was a shameful decay of the relationship though, as they were friends back in Cainhurst. Crow was even willing to put aside her joining the church/Choir, thus betraying the vilebloods - he just hoped she'd at least help HIM, but alas.
9) Headcanons about their past
Crow was preparing to become the next guy to deliver the death sentence in Cainhurst's walls after his father, but discovery of hunters of blood dregs shifted his plans. He was even thankful for the change as he was not looking forward for the executioner fate- heck, he loved playing with his victims way much more than to just having to kill them and make a sad face about it!
He was one of the first guardians of the Queen of Blood that Annalise eventually became, yet also commanded to flee Cainhurst even before he had a chance to fight the Healing Church's crusaders. He did not dare to object, being told that he had more important things to do than to die for Annalise, and fleed. He mediated to her words for quite a while, and continued to seek blood dregs for her that he was not able to even gift her with the bridge being destroyed. He's been consuming them himself though (consuming blood dreg gives you +1 Insight), attempting to recreate telepathic bond with Annalise. If not to be loved by her, then at least to simply be by her side.
Some of the most important books from the Cainhurst library are missing because of him! Before Cainhurst and the rest of Yharnam picked such a large antagonism, Eidinghardt passed many books to commoners to spread the knowledge from. Loosely, it is the way how every single basic yharnamite can use blood bullets magic. Caryll would probably approve of his wish to not hoard the knowledge.
He was training his fighting skills obsessively, not being given any special powers by birth but having just his determination and spite for more gifted people to keep him going. Often, he'd hone his blood-bullets skills on animals, bringing prey back in the castle rather often. On the bright side, he has been a great help in destroying the giant maggots that would settle in blood-drunk vilebloods.
He was not a promising heir to the (Cainhurst's) executioners' line, and had to prove his worth, born initially weak and frail. In a weird way, picking unnecessary fights and conflicts has been a great help in shaping his character and physical proves from the start. The fights were the best teacher in his eyes!
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
Please, develop something about his interactions with Annalise and/or Maria, I beg you ;-; (I say, as I am doing it myself fdhds). Him interacting with Eileen is very good, him interacting with Alfred..... well, it depends on a person, really, it is not everyone's cup of tea admittedly. But there are so many other vileblood characters! Or even hunter friends that Eileen could have introduced him to xD
Whew, it was fun! Thank you for the very varied asks!
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