#she actually has a threatening grin on her face in the full picture but I like that if I crop it like this it looks like a death glare
thunderboltfire · 7 months
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Poor battering ram of a woman, how come you've chosen so badly who to follow?
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leahsgf · 2 months
Ooh could write about Bubba's first word?? Maybe at a training session with Leah going from serious football player to an emotional softie because her bubba has just said her first word
FIRST WORDS - leah williamson
leah williamson x child!reader | bubba masterlist
this is such a cute idea :( i can just picture her getting so emotional at every little milestone her bubba has
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leah could tell that you were on the verge of talking any day now. your babbles were slowly becoming more and more understandable and frequent, and as much as her teammates made fun of her for it, she felt like you were beginning to grasp and react to what she was saying when she spoke to you.
she had been desperately trying to get you to finally say your first word at every possible moment, even getting the england girls to call her ‘mama’ when around you on international break in hopes that it’d encourage you.
of course, that didn’t happen, and typical williamson style, you picked an absolute moment to actually do it.
you were in the arsenal changing room, toddling around aimlessly (your newest skill that you’d picked up randomly the week after your first birthday - skipping crawling entirely and just standing up and walking one day) whilst leah lectured the team after a particularly weak training session.
they just let you be, knowing that you’d only be properly content for more than a few minutes in your mother’s arms especially now viv was gone, and with how enthusiastic her angry hand gestures had become as she spoke, that wasn’t possible.
you were happily playing with your stuffed gunnersaurus, your all time favourite toy, not that leah would allow it to possibly be anything else, when it was ripped from your hold and held behind someone’s back - just out of your reach.
you didn’t even need to look up to know who had taken it, a certain young australian having a tendency to tease you often, in exactly the same way every time.
you whined and pulled at her shorts, a grumpy expression, much like the one your mum was currently also wearing across your features.
“kyra stop it, give it back to her.” steph whispered through gritted teeth, kicking her subtly - not wanting to disturb her vice captain, especially not mid rant.
“i don’t have anything!” kyra protested, her voice a notch too high, earning a slight glare from kim, who stood beside leah, nodding in agreement and pitching into the conversation every now and again.
only kyra would have this fight with a one year old.
your whines very quickly turned into whimpers, and you were heading towards a full blown meltdown unless you were given back your teddy, which never happened that easily, or comforted. usually, you found kyra’s teasing funny and would giggle along or playfully smack her until she gave it back to you - but this talk had run over into your nap time, and you had suddenly become very sick of not being cuddled.
so, you did the only thing you could think of.
“so we need to go into these games with the attitude that we actually want to be there! cause at the moment it’s looking-” the entire room fell into silence as they turned to face you, leah choking on her own words as she looked across to you in disbelief - the realisation of what you just said hitting her.
“did she just-”
leah could only nod, not even knowing who she was replying to as her frown immediately switched to the biggest grin, and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, a complete contrast to how stern she had been minutes, seconds even, prior.
“mama” you whined, frustrated still and not understanding why the room had suddenly gone silent - running over to her and not even having to use your grabby hands for once as she instantly scooped you up into her arms.
“oh my clever, clever girl! i’m here bubba, mama’s here.” she peppered kisses all over your face, throwing you up in the air and catching you with pure joy - as you giggled and beamed at her, your incoming meltdown long forgotten.
“well it’s official kyra the baby is smarter than you! how does that feel?” caitlin cackled, earning a wave of laughter across the room.
“hey technically you should all me thanking me, so you’re welcome?” she responded in an attempt to be clever - it instead coming out like a question as she handed leah back the dinosaur, still slightly intimidated by her, but to her relief the blonde simply shook her head in response, too overwhelmed and now soft to care.
she’s sure that one day she’ll find you saying her name constantly a little much, and would learn early on that you very much take after her in the yapping department.
but for now - as she cradled you and you gently patted away her tears, repeating her name over and over, it’s one of the best days of her life.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 4 months
amelia shepherd x fem!reader that’s an intern or resident who keeps logging in hours on neuro when they aren’t really interested in it just to see amelia. and eventually amelia noticed and asked why. i don’t really have an idea for an ending but like fluff
Summary: They’re so pretty it hurts.
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x female!reader
Warnings: my medical knowledge is zero, Scout doesn’t exist
Word count: 911
a/n: Amelia is keeping the whole show together
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“Y/N.” Amelia smiles as she sees the woman she has gotten to know well these past months. “More neuro hours, huh? Should I feel threatened you’ll take my spot as the head of neuro one day?” She grins, holding onto the tablet with all of her patients’ information.
Y/N laughs, following Amelia as they start walking. “No way. I don’t think you should be threatened by anyone.”
“I agree.” Handing the tablet to Y/N, Amelia opens the door to a room full of MRI scan images. They stand there for a moment, watching the images. “What do you see?”
Straightening her posture, she clears her throat and stares at the pictures more closely. “Uhm…a brain tumor?”
“Are you asking me?”
“No.” Y/N shakes her head quickly, turning her gaze to Amelia. “It’s a brain tumor.”
“It is.” Amelia takes down the pictures. “What do we have to do?”
“Do a biopsy to figure out what type of tumor it is.”
Nodding, she puts the pictures aside and gestures for Y/N to follow her. They walk through the hospital hallways, all the way to the patient’s room. “Good morning, Mrs Noceda”. Amelia smiles as they settle into the room. She gives Y/N a look, giving her the moment to present the patient.
“Mrs Noceda, 53 years old, came to the hospital yesterday due to multiple complications, a MRI scan was made and a tumor was found.” Y/N lists, her eyes staying on the patient and Amelia. “Today’s agenda will be biopsy, which will tell us how to proceed.”
“Does that sound good?”
“Of course, you know best, Doctor Shepherd.” Mrs Noceda has a gentle smile on her face despite everything going on.
“Then we will get you into biopsy right away. Y/N will come and prepare you in just a moment.” Amelia takes the tablet from Y/N after they walk out of the room. “Make sure we have an OR ready soon, then prepare Mrs Noceda for the biopsy.” She writes the new information down on Mrs Noceda’s file.
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.”
“You’ll join me on the biopsy.”
Y/N’s eyes widen momentarily, but she manages to keep herself in check. “If you wish so, Doctor Shepherd.”
“If you wish so?” With furrowed brows and a confused grin, Amelia turns her attention to Y/N. “A little more excitement would be great.”
“Sorry, I truly am very excited to be in this with you.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but there’s no time to dwell on the details. “Alright. Go get everything ready.”
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” With that, Y/N is off to book an OR and prepare Mrs Noceda for her biopsy.
After the biopsy, Y/N and Amelia are waiting to hear back from the lab to get the results. The latter is tapping her fingers against a table as she moves back and forth on the chair. “Y/N.”
“Yeah?” Y/N is sorting through papers. They’re cases from different branches, ortho, peds, general, cardio, and so on.
“Don’t take this as an attack,” now Y/N’s attention moves to Amelia, “why do you keep logging hours in neuro? You don’t seem too interested in it. Which I don’t get, neuro is easily the best and you’re really good at it.”
”Oh.” Y/N avoids eye contact. She didn’t think Amelia would notice her lack of interest to neuro despite the many hours she spends with the doctor. “Well…” she searches for words, though it’s clear she isn’t finding any.
“Are you here because of me?” Amelia has a playful grin on her face, which changes immediately as she notices Y/N somehow becoming even more uncomfortable. “You are?”
She lets out a breath, her cheeks puffing as she nods. “Maybe.” Her voice is a quiet mumble.
Amelia doesn’t know how to answer, not expecting this to be the actual reason for Y/N’s decision to spend time in neuro. She sits up straighter, pulling the chair closer to Y/N with her legs.
“I understand if you wish me to stop doing neuro.” Y/N says quickly.
She shakes her head. “I want you to do neuro if you enjoy it. I don’t want you to be here while wishing to log more hours into something else.” Her voice is gentle and comforting. “You are an intern, and I am in a position of power,” Y/N opens her mouth, but Amelia raises her hand to stop her, “however, I would be lying if I said I haven’t gotten…attached.”
“Yes.” Amelia smiles when Y/N’s whole face brightens. “Don’t get too excited. All of this, whatever it is, has to happen slowly and discreetly, preferably out of the hospital.”
“I understand.”
“And you have to start logging hours into the branches you’re actually interested in.”
Y/N’s face falls momentarily, but she smiles quickly. She knows it’s for the better, she won’t become a good doctor by pining after someone while doing something she isn’t interested in. “Okay. I’ll start logging hours on other things too.”
“So…” Y/N fidgets with her fingers. “Does that mean we could go on a date?”
“We’ll go on a date. After we help Mrs Noceda with her tumor.”
She giggles in excitement. “Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” Amelia rolls her eyes with a grin, patting her arm before moving her chair right next to Y/N, curious with the other cases she’s studying.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
today is my first day on my new job in an elementary school and i've spent all morning watching kids do kids stuff so here's a crumb of modern au sanemi:
since no demons and family still alive his trauma is obv not as severe as in canon but due to his dad being awful and him helping his mother raise his siblings he still missed out on a ton of childhood. so some things which are "childish" or are supposed to be "boring" to adults but fun for kids (fountains, rainbows, balloons etc, it's also why he has such a sweet tooth) gets him stupidly excited. it's very rare for him to actually show it so when it happens for the first time everyone is completely taken off guard but also ends up thinking it's so cute
like they're out at night and kanae just hears "holy fuck" and she turns around to sanemi watching some firelights with the biggest smile on his face. tengen and obanai get him a stuffed animal for his birthday as a joke and he literally starts crying. him and akaza bond over getting super hyped for some fireworks when no one else wants to go out in the snow and watch. he'll never ever say it out loud but blowing out candles is his birthday highlight every single year.
Rey! *hugs* First of all: Congrats on the new job!!! I hope the day is full of fun and excitement for you and the kiddos! They're gonna love you! :3
Secondly: KWEJEJKLREKJLRJKLERJKEJJ AHHHHHHH?!?!?! That's so dang CUTE! *sobs* I'm obsessed with this holy-
Sanemi being such a kid over this stuff but then getting all flustered because "I'm an adult I shouldn't act like this" while everyone else is dying from how cute these rare moments are is so akjrjearjej The first time they see fire lights and he's grinning like that Kanae has a mini heart attack and is fighting everything in her being not to squeal and hug him because she doesn't wanna make him feel self conscious but at the same time she wants to take a picture so bad!!! (She might have ala fake selfie- it's her new wallpaper)
AND THE STUFFED ANIMAL!!! It would be something cute too- maybe a wolf? (Or a turtle. I don't know why- Sanemi just looks like a turtle to me akljrjkearjejkrjk) It's not a huge cry but his eyes get all misty and he's hugging it close and Tengen and Obanai are all: "!!!!" like "ah crap we went too far" but then Sanemi' smiling against it and kinda wetly thanks them
Obanai and Tengen are just:
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Literally have to walk away a few steps cause it's just too damn CUTE! Tengen might be a bit dramatic cause of course he is and fall to his knees holding his chest while Obanai has to lean on something. Then they go right back to messing with him and goofing around like usual on his birthday kjrjaerjkaekj
The fireworks THE FIREWORKS! Akaza's already running up the hill dragging him like: "Let's go come on, come on! They're about to start!" They're like two little kids and spend all night up there side by side as the fireworks go off. Sanemi loves it cause he never got the chance to enjoy fireworks like this and Akaza loves it cause now he gets to enjoy them with company (Rengoku isn't a fan of them- the popping and explosions make his skin crawl with anxiety) so it's a win win all around!
The candles oh my! He gets all eye-rolly like: "I'm a grown man- I don't need candles." But everyone can see the light in his eyes before he closes them momentarily, making a wish before blowing them out. It's the one thing they don't tease him on; mainly cause they get him for everything else and this is the thing they want to stick around for as long as possible. (okay maybe they tease him alittle- Tengen once coated the cake with 20+ candles for jokes until Rengoku threatened to spray him down with a fire extinguisher. Since then they've stuck to the number candles.)
Thank you for sharing- this was so sweet! TwT
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Gilded Family
Rating: Teen and Up, Gen
Ch 19/?: Homecoming
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6 , Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17, Ch 18
In which none of the previous golden guards or wittebro died, actually, they're all fine and living happily together as one big dysfunctional family
“Alright!” Amity waved the scroll around in the air. “Luz is at her mom's vet clinic putting tiny little bandages on…” her face scrunched up, and she made air quotes. “...’hedgehogs?’ So today, we're going into town to solve this code.”
“Ears!” Gus reminded everyone. He drew a circle in the air, and his hat moved on its own to cover his ears. Jason tugged the hood of his flannel up, hiding his ears from view.
“Routes!” Vee affirmed, holding up a map.
Willow twisted around, displaying a bag full of bags. “Snacks, check!”
“Human disguise?” Hunter said from the behind them, “Check!”
“We already said eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrsssssssssss,” Jason trailed off as Hunter emerged from a back room, wearing… Jason didn’t even know WHAT he was wearing. Some kind of jumpsuit, yellow and black, with a… device on his head.
Willow grinned, snapping a picture. “Oh, that is a look.”
“What’s that on your face?” Jason asked, “Did you build it?”
“Uhhhhhhhhhh kind of?”
“What’s it do?”
Hunter grinned. “Well, it’s not as impressive as an exploding door electric door, but…” He pushed a button on the side, and the red center lit up. “Ha! Analytical eye!”
Hunter strode forward, gesturing towards the outfit. “According to Cosmic Frontier, this is what the modern human male wears!”
Vee took the book from him. “This was written in the nineties about the year two thousand eight.”
“Yeah!” Hunter waved a hand. “Can’t wait for that New Year’s Party!”
“Are humans even close to getting to the stars?” Jason asked.
“They went to the moon,” Willow offered, “I saw it in Luz’s science homework.”
“They went to the moon?!” Jason yelped.
“Did you get to the last chapter?” Gus asked Hunter.
Amity clapped her hands. “We’re getting off topic! Hunter, I don’t think the world is ready for the brave fashion choices of the year two thousand eight. Please change.”
Willow gasped, covering Amity’s mouth. “Don’t listen to her!”
Vee shifted to her human form, shaking the map. “We’re going to miss the bus!”
Hunter held his hands up. “Oh, it’s okay! I’ll catch up. There’s a transport worm every half hour!”
“I’ll wait with you,” Jason volunteered.
“Nah, go. No sense getting rid of an extra pair of eyes just to wait here with me.”
Jason shrugged. “Alright. Don’t forget to hide your ears?”
“Go, Jason, you’re going to miss the worm!”
“I’m going, I’m going!”
Jason ran out of the door after the other kids. They raced towards the bus station, barely sliding on the vehicle as the doors started to close. Jason sat down next to Willow, his leg bouncing up and down frantically. He looked back out the window.
“What if he misses the next bus?” He broke out.
“Then he’ll get the one after,” Willow answered calmly.
“What if he doesn’t get off at the right stop, and he goes out of Gravesfield?”
Willow put one hand on his knee, stopping the bouncing. “Then he will get on a bus coming back. He’ll be okay, Jason. He’s a big boy, he can take care of himself.”
Jason nodded. “Right, right. You’re right, I know. He can.” Jason stared out the window again with a sigh. “But what if he gets off at the right stop and then he can’t find us?”
“Jason,” Amity said in a cheerfully threatening voice, her eyes fixed on the scroll, “If you do not quit fussing like a worried mother griffin, we will ditch you at the bus stop.”
Jason shut his mouth, sinking into his seat. “Yep. Okay. Not fussing anymore. Totally cool and fine and not worried about Hunter at all.”
“He’ll be okay,” Willow repeated, “You’re psyching yourself out.”
“Yeah. Yeah, he’ll be fine.”
The bus pulled to a stop, and Amity pointed towards a store. “First stop! The Magic Circle!”
The inside of the store was dimly lit, the walls packed with costume materials and decorations. Jason roamed the aisles while Amity talked to the store owner. Nothing in here seemed to actually be magical. Even the crystal balls were battery powered.
If that was an earth holiday, it was newer than Dad’s time. Or at least Jason had never heard of it. He poked at a set of fake horns.
Dedicated to the Boiling Isles?
Stuff had leaked between realms before, Jason knew that, but an entire holiday’s worth of stuff?
Jason heard yelling from the front of the store, and he ran to the front to see the cashier chasing the kids out of the store. She glared at Jason. “OUT,” she thundered.
He scooted towards the door. “Yep, bye, so sorry about them, so sorry, I—”
“Just! Get!”
Jason nearly slammed into Willow as she dashed back to drop a couple of snails in the cashier’s hand before dashing off again. They ran across the street to a park, and Jason stopped dead.
“Whoa,” he breathed, staring up at a huge statue.
Willow and Gus came to a halt next to him, tilting their heads. “Is that…”
“My dad,” Jason said with a small smile, “Ha. This statue makes him look like such a stick in the mud. Look at it!” He struck the pose that the statue was making. “I’m going to go hunt something and mount it on my wall!”
There was a flash of light, and Willow held out the photo, still murky as it started to form. “Here. So you can show him when you get back.”
Jason grinned, tucking the photo into his pocket. “Oh, he’s going to hate it.” The grin faded as his gaze shifted towards the other part of the statue. “Oh.”
Amity circled back. “Come on, guy—oh, that’s weird, it looks just like you and Hunter, anyway, come on. The library. Let’s move it.”
Vee waved for them to follow and led them to a huge building filled with rows and rows of books.
At any other time, Jason would have been ecstatic to be here. He knew that the stack of books on electricity and machinery that Camila had brought to him had come from this building. Maybe there were even books that would tell him how humans had gotten to the moon!
But he paced in front of the building instead of skimming over the shelves. “Shouldn’t Hunter have caught up to us by now?”
“The busses go every half hour,” Vee reminded him, “He’s probably just gotten to Gravesfield. He’ll be here, Jason.”
Willow and Gus escorted a bright-red Amity out of the building, shaking their heads. “Nothing.”
“I yelled,” Amity said in a hushed tone, “In a library! I’m a monster.”
“You just got startled,” Gus assured her, “Could have happened to anyone.”
Amity solemnly held out a card attached to a lanyard. “Jason, I need you to destroy this. I don’t deserve it.”
Jason took it from her. An employee nametag for the Bonesborough library with Amity’s name and picture on it. “Have you just had this our whole time here?”
“I thought if they knew I was a librarian, maybe they’d be more willing to share secrets. But they’d never believe it. Not after my failure to access the card catalogue, and my disgraceful shouting.”
Jason plunked the lanyard around her neck. “I’m not ripping it up. You’re not a bad librarian, Amity. Where else are we checking?”
Amity gulped. “The zoo,” she whispered.
“The zoo?”
Gus’s eyes lit up, and he bounced up and down. “Yesssssssssssss!” He took off down the street, and everyone else chased after.
Jason tugged on his hood, struggling to keep his ears covered as he ran. “What’s at the zoo?”
“Giraffes,” Vee supplied.
“Giraffes? Got themselves jailed here, too, huh?”
“Gus has always wanted to reestablish contact with them,” Willow told him, “It’s been his lifelong dream.”
“You really think they’ll be able to help us?”
“They’re the only thing in this realm that we know came from ours, so it’s worth a shot.”
“You don’t think they’ll… I don’t know, eat our faces?”
“They do that?!” Vee yelped.
“Saw one strip a witch’s bones off their flesh in a matter of seconds once,” Jason said grimly.
“Er—did you mean strip the flesh off their bones?” Amity ventured.
“No. I didn’t.”
The kids gulped, linking arms as they headed towards the enclosure. Jason followed, scanning the area for anything that could be used as a weapon. Gus bowed to the giraffe, offering it the scroll. It didn’t respond except for a flick of the ears.
Jason squinted as they backed away. What are you up to?
Willow snapped a picture, and the giraffe blinked, irritated at the flash, before screeching, its face opening and revealing its mandibles. Jason grabbed Willow’s collar, yanking her back and herding all the kids towards the gate. “Go, go, go!” he yelped, “Before it eats our bones!”
They all ran for the exit, collapsing at a bench. Gus headed towards the food stand, and Jason raised up a hand. “Okay, raise your hand if you didn’t get eaten.”
Willow, Amity, and Vee all raised their hands. “Can’t believe you saw one of those when they were still in the isles,” Amity shuddered, “That must have been terrifying.”
Jason winced. “I was lucky I wasn’t the one who got my bones eaten.”
Gus shook his head, plopping down a plate of nachos. “I don’t blame our ancestors for banishing those guys. Eesh.”
Jason snagged one of his nachos. “Told you. They’re awful creatures.” He took the scroll from Amity, holding it up to the light. Still nothing. Whatever the symbols meant, he didn’t know.
What were you trying to say, Mom?
“Where else can we check?”
Vee sighed. “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but… I think I know where to go next.”
“Great. Where?”
“Gravesfield History Museum. I haven’t been there since… I mean, it’s old, if there’s anything, it’ll be there. Hopefully. Yeah. Let’s just go.”
Gus scarfed down the rest of his nachos, and they headed down the road. Jason glanced around. “Hunter’s still not here.”
“This is our last stop,” Vee promised, “We’ll find him right after. He probably just got lost, or is a couple of steps behind us. We’ll all meet up back at the house, I bet.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I bet.”
Jason, Amity, and Gus all headed towards the museum, Willow and Vee following after a moment. Vee kicked down the door.
“HAAAAHHuuuuuh? You’re not Jacob.”
The clerk at the desk snorted. The tag on their desk read ‘Masha.’ “We can all thank Goddess for that. He got fired after he started making ‘edits’ to the exhibits. I work part time now!” They leaned forward. “Say, have we met? Something about you seems… familiar.”
Vee laughed nervously. “Uh, no. I’m new in town. I just have one of those faces.” Her eyes widened. “But—just the one. The normal amount of face.”
Jason winced, but Masha just leaned back with a laugh. “What a coincidence! Me too!” They held out a pamphlet. “If you ever need a tour guide, hit me up!”
Amity stepped forward, unrolling the scroll. “We’re actually here to ask about this old puzzle. Do you know how to decode it?”
Masha reached out, taking the scroll from her. “Oooo, a rebus! They dug up a bunch of these in Old Gravesfield!”
“This is a rebus?” Gus asked, moving around the desk to look at the scroll with them.
“Yeah. It's like a riddle where pictures and symbols make up a word. Like—Come here.” They jabbed at an image of an ear on the rebus, and everyone moved a little closer. “What do you think they were trying to say?”
Gus tugged on his hat. “CHOP OFF AN EAR!”
“No. See the H that comes first? Then combine that with the ear and maybe it means "hear" like, to listen. Or, "here" as in a place. Maybe something is waiting somewhere.”
There was a ringing sound, and Masha jumped up. “I’ll be right back,” they promised, disappearing into a back room.
Jason shook his head, peering at the rebus. I’m listening, Mom. What is it you’re saying?
Amity picked up the scroll again, walking away. “If this is a portal door then what about these? A—a ribbon and… tanning a hide?”
“That ribbon is tied,” Willow pointed out.
“Next to that hand with a cut,” Gus supplied.
Willow frowned. “You don’t think…”
Gus’ eyes widened. “This is leading us to…”
“Tie… tans… blood?”
All three of them gasped. “Titan’s blood!” they chorused.
Jason started pacing. “Mom and Dad! They used to jump back and forth between realms, Dad would come and visit her, then go back to the human realm! Of course they needed titan’s blood for that, and of course she must have hidden some here for him to use! There might still be a vial left!”
Vee ran her hands through her hair. “It’s like you’re reading each other’s minds! You must have been friends forever!”
The three separated, and Amity looked down at the ground. “It… wasn’t always like this.”
Willow smiled. “These past few months have been… weird… but…” she pulled out a scrapbook, opening it up to show them a pictures pasted in. “look at all the new memories we have now! It's been nice to finally spend some time together.”
Amity flipped through the scrapbook, a small smile appearing on her face. “Yeah. I can’t wait to show everyone at home.”
Vee tapped her fingers together. “Maybe… the scrapbook could use one more?”
Willow grinned. “Aw, c’mere, Vee!” She pulled out her camera, handing it to Vee and pulling her in.
Gus slung an arm around Jason’s shoulders, yanking him in as well. “You, too. Everyone sayyyyy ‘giraffes are still terrifying!’”
Jason laughed as the flash went off, warmth bubbling in the pit of his stomach.
Vee squinted at the photo, then jumped. “Hey!” She grabbed the rebus, turning it sideways. “That map of Old Gravesfield looks exactly like this. Do you think it's a map to a stash of Titan's Blood?”
A map!
Thanks, Mom.
Willow turned towards Amity. “With that, we could actually build a portal!” She winked at Jason. “Not that your electric door was a bad idea.”
“It exploded in my face, so I think I’ll take the other.”
“I can't wait to tell Luz!” Amity pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, advertising a Halloween festival. “And I know just how to surprise her.”
“Victory milkshakes?” Gus asked, “Please, please, please?”
Jason raised a hand. “I’m going to go back home. In case Hunter’s there.”
“Alright, go,” Amity told him, giving him a push, “Let him know what we found!”
Jason nodded, dashing for the bus station. His leg bounced up and down the whole way back to the suburbs.
He’s fine.
He can take care of himself.
Jason bolted back towards the house. His hood flew off, exposing his ears, but he’d stopped caring. The car was back—Luz was home. No telling Hunter right now, then. He ran inside, tearing down to the basement. “Hunter?”
He heard a mournful chirp, and his eyes widened as they landed on a cage, a small red bird inside. “Flapjack?!” Jason unlocked the cage. “What happened?! Who did this?! Where’s Hunter?!”
Flapjack bit on the curl of Jason’s hair that refused to comb back, yanking him towards the stairs.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!”
The bird let go and soared up the stairs. Jason ran after, rushing out of the door and chasing it up towards the old house.
Please be okay, please be okay, please…
Hunter and Luz trudged towards him, holding a rake and a baseball bat. Hunter’s eyes were red, as if he’d been crying.
Jason skidded to a halt, reaching out towards Hunter. “Where—permission to touch?”
Hunter nodded, and Jason shook his shoulders. “Where were you?! You didn’t catch up with us in town, and I’ve been wondering where you were all day, and I came back and found Flapjack in a cage-!”
Flapjack chirped at that, landing on Hunter’s shoulder and giving his ear a fierce peck.
“Ow! Sorry, I’m sorry, Flapjack, I shouldn’t have done that, and I’m sorry I worried you, Jason, I just…” Hunter took a deep breath. “I thought I saw Belos, and I freaked out, and Luz was checking with me, but it’s okay! It was nothing, just my mind playing tricks on me!”
The world slowed at ‘Belos,’ and Jason struggled to heave air into his lungs, his legs wobbling. He clutched Hunter’s shoulders tighter, barely able to keep upright. “You saw Uncle Belos?” he whispered.
Hunter winced, grabbing his forearms to keep him up. “Yes—Jason, it’s okay, it’s fine, it was just my imagination.”
“No,” Jason whispered. He shook his head, looking up at Hunter. “Hunter, it’s—I’ve been seeing… I don’t know, flashes of blue eyes, I thought I saw his cursed mud, it’s been happening as long as we’ve been here, but it was only ever out of the corner of my eye, and it was never there when I looked closer, so I… but if you’re seeing him, too, then—then—”
Hunter glanced at Luz, but guided Jason calmly to a fallen log, sitting him down. “Then nothing. We both… look, both of us had to live with him, and both of us were hurt by him. So it makes sense that when we’re stressed… and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first time I saw him was after I spent all night up reading that book. If you were seeing him, it was probably because you weren’t getting enough sleep, and now that I pulled an all-nighter, I saw him, too.”
“Belos is dead,” Luz said firmly, “It was just a possum.”
“He’s gone,” Hunter agreed, “Jason, he’s gone.”
“He’s gone,” Jason mumbled, “I just…”
Luz nudged his shoulder. “Hey. We’ll all keep an eye out, just in case. But if there was never anything there when you looked closer… Hunter’s right. You both were hurt by Belos. It makes sense that you’d share that kind of hallucination when you’re tired and stressed.” Luz offered him a hand up. “Come on. Let’s go back home.”
Jason accepted her hand, glancing back at the old house as she tugged him back away.
No blue eyes.
No goop.
Just a regular house.
When the entered the house, the other kids and Camila were in the living room looking through boxes.
“Oh, you found him,” Gus remarked cheerfully.
“Yes!” Hunter said too loudly, “We’re back! And we bought some, uhhhh, cars!”
Luz elbowed him, while Jason nodded vigorously.
“For me! To take apart!”
Luz let out a soft half-sigh, half-groan.
Amity looked up from one of the boxes. “Luz! We’re designing our costumes for the haunted hayride!”
Gus bounced to his feet, sliding up to Hunter. “Guess what I’ve got planned?” He slammed a pair of headphones over his ears. “I’m gonna be Captain Avery, and youuuu’reeeee…” he held out a little box thing, and Hunter gasped, taking it from him.
“Chief Engineer O’Bailey!”
Camila gulped. “Uhhhhh howwwww do you know about Cosmic Frontier?”
Hunter smiled. “Oh, the books in your basement.”
“Oh. Funny how things just show up in basements, right? Without you hiding or putting them there!” She laughed nervously. “Life sure is full of surprises!”
Beginning to see where Luz got her level of lying ability from.
Gus looked at her for a moment, and then shrugged. “Cool! Humans freak out just like us!”
Willow dug through one of the boxes. “It’ll be fun! We want to experience your weird human traditions.” She popped in a set of fake plastic teeth, cackling.
Amity put a hand to her chest, holding up the TV remote. “And I thought you and I could take inspiration froooooom…Good Witch Azura The Movie 2: The Betrayaning!” she clicked the button, and the TV clicked on, playing one of Luz’s movies. “I could be the Hecate to your Azura. What do you think?”
“Oh, wow,” Luz murmured, “Yeah, let’s do it!”
Gus nudged Jason. “What are you going to be?”
Jason plopped down next to Willow, pushing aside bits of costume inside the box. “Hmmm. Everyone else seems to be matching. Got any more of those teeth, Willow?”
She grinned, offering him another set. Jason bit down on them and hissed at her. The plastic was awkward in his mouth, but that was fine.
She hissed back. “Creatures of the night! I will be the lord of bats, and youuuuuuu…”
“House of crows! How about a dark pact?” Jason suggested, “We are allies, once of houses at war, now we fight against the forces of light that seek to destroy our clans!”
“Nice. While we attack, we find out that we are actually… long lost siblings, our parents torn apart by the war of the clans! Each took one of us with them, hoping that one day, we’d end the war and unite the two!”
Jason laughed. “Perfect.” He glanced out the window, straining to see any sign of blue eyes, or mud oozing across the ground.
He’s gone.
It was all in your head.
Jason yawned as he climbed onto the hay cart. He’d been up all night again, occasionally patrolling outside. Not that he’d seen anything. But every time he’d gone into the basement and curled up in his spot near Hunter and Gus, the hairs on the back of his neck rose, and his gut started to churn.
Masha grinned at them from the front of the cart. “I hope you’re all prepared for a truly scary ride!”
“Make us cry!” Willow and Gus chanted, “Make us cry!”
“…because there’s NOTHING scarier than knowledge,” Masha continued.
Gus drooped. “Booo, just lie to me!”
The cart rattled forward, bumping and shaking.
“Let me tell you about the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield…”
Jason fiddled with the plastic teeth in his mouth, wiggling them into place more firmly.
“The tale of the Brother’s Wittebane!”
Jason bit down on his thumb with a yelp. He shook his hand, looking up at Masha, then to the side as lights clicked on, revealing cardboard constructions that made a picture of an older gravesfield.
“The year is 1613. Two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield.” Two cardboard puppets of children’s profiles dropped down, and Jason traced his own nose looking at the younger image of his father.
“Their names? Phillip… and Caleb. Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother. They tried to fit in with this town, and its unsavory practices. They became witch-hunters!”
Willow and Gus glanced at Jason, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, sinking low into his seat.
A cardboard cutout of a witch swooped down from the sky, flying around. “Local lore suggests that the Brothers Wittebane met a real witch from another world! Her name was Evelyn. And the older brother was spirited away.”
A smile started to play on Jason’s face, even though the cardboard cutout of the witch looked nothing like his mother. He leaned towards Hunter. “Mom and Dad’s love story,” he whispered, “I’ve heard this part before.”
Hunter made a discontented ‘hm’ noise in response.
“She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place. They used a secret code to travel between worlds. Philip set off to save his brother and bring the witch to justice. But neither were ever seen again! Maybe Philip saved Caleb, and they went on to lead peaceful lives. Or maybe…” Masha turned the flashlight on, pointing the light at their faces. “…he's still chasing his brother, caught in a cycle of horror and strife!”
“Oooooorrr maybe Caleb’s living secretly in the woods with his wife and twenty-five clones of himself,” Jason whispered to Gus. The younger boy snorted.
Masha turned off the flashlight as the ride came to a stop. “Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset. But that's just me.”
Jason barked a laugh, then covered his mouth with his hand when Masha’s eyebrow quirked up at him. “Sorry.”
He got off of the hayride, stretching. He waved to the cardboard cutout of Evelyn.
See you soon, Mom.
Hunter beckoned towards him. “Jason, over here,” he hissed.
Jason glanced around at the other kids, then followed Hunter behind a building. “What’s up?”
Hunter took a deep breath. “I think Belos is here.”
Jason’s heartbeat pounded in his ears at the words, his vision tunnelling in on Hunter. “You’re sure? You saw him again?”
“I did, and I thought I was just imagining things, but I saw him again, Jason, he’s here.”
“Okay.” Jason gulped. “Okay. So—so… okay. Okay, then we need to call off the surprise.” He turned around to go back to the others. “We can’t go after the blood if he’s around, we can’t risk him follo—”
Jason didn’t know what happened. One moment, he was walking back towards the main fair, and the next, he was on the ground, blinking stars out of his eyes. His head was screaming in pain, and his ears were ringing, but he could hear a voice creeping in.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”
Was it a warning?
He’s not just in the area.
He’s here.
Jason rolled to his feet, facing Hunter—but not Hunter, his eyes were blue, horrifically, glowing blue. “No,” he whispered, stumbling back. Something sticky was dripping down his neck from his head, and his fumbling hand found a gash where he’d been hit.
“You thought that story was cute, did you?” Belos snarled, advancing, “You thought it was a love story?!”
Jason’s back hit the wall. “Hunter, you’re going to be okay, we’ll figure something out. We will. You’re g—”
Hunter’s hand lashed out, gripping Jason’s throat. His face was uncomfortably close, the smell of decay seeping into Jason’s nose. “Hunter is gone.”
“You’re lying,” Jason gasped, prying at Belos’ fingers. He could still breathe, for now, but it was a struggle. “He’s in there, I know—”
“What are you fighting so hard for?” Belos snarled, squeezing harder.
“We’re—going—home,” Jason grated out. Tears ran down his face, and he tugged on Hunter’s arm. Have to get free. Can’t hurt Hunter. “Back—to Mom—and—Dad—they’re waiting for us—”
Belos pulled him away, then slammed him against the wall. A whine escaped Jason’s throat, and his hand dropped from Hunter’s, too heavy to hold up. “They’re not waiting for you,” Belos hissed, “Your ‘father’ doesn’t wait for people. He abandons them.”
“Let me tell you the other side of that cute little love story. Your father abandoned me. He left me without a second thought. Oh, Caleb is a wonderful caretaker, at least until he sees something he likes better than you.” Belos’ grip around Jason’s throat tightened even further, and Jason’s vision started to go black. “Where do you think I got the idea to replace my family?” Belos’ voice hissed, “He left his first family. And he’ll leave you, too. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He pulled Jason back again, but Jason barely even felt the impact with the wall, barely felt his body crumple to the ground, barely heard the whispered stay here.
“Jason! Jason, wake up!”
“Do we call an ambulance?”
Jason stared blearily up at the night sky, partly obscured by faces hovering over him. “Mrgh?”
Why didn’t he kill me?
“Let him breathe!”
The faces disappeared, and Jason sat straight up. “Hunter,” he gasped, “Oh—agh—”
His head throbbed, and Camila’s hands caught his shoulders as he sagged. “Easy! Easy. Take it slow.”
I don’t have the time to be able to take it slow!
Jason’s head felt like it was about to fall off his neck and then explode, but he tried to get back up anyway, leaning on the wall for balance. “We—ah—Hunter, where is—”
“He and Luz disappeared, and so did the rebus,” Amity explained, “I don’t know why he’d do that, he knew we were planning—”
Jason took a couple of steps, blinking. The world spun and tilted, and he squeezed his eyes shut to banish the queasiness. “It’s Belos. It’s Belos, he’s here, and he has Hunter, it’s a trap, he’s using her to lead him to the titan’s blood, I—”
Willow grabbed his shoulders. “What do you mean, he has Hunter?!”
“Hunter wouldn’t betray us to him!” Gus protested, “He wouldn’t!”
“He has him captive?” Amity guessed, “But how would he be tricking L—unless Belos has Flapjack, OH, if he’s threatening Flapjack—”
“Let him talk,” Vee shushed, “Jason, what’s happening?!”
Jason put a hand to his head. “He’s got some kind of… control over him, like possession or something, I—”
Camila put her hands on his shoulders, steering him back towards the main street. “We’ll find them. Stay in the car, sweetheart, you’re hu—”
“NO!” Jason broke away from her. “I have to help you find them! I’m responsible for him, he’s family, I have to—”
I’m so sorry, Phoenix, I failed.
I messed up so bad
I let this happen, I knew something was up, I should have insisted
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry
Vee held up her phone. “I’ve got Luz! We just have to get there!”
Camila took the phone from her. “Vee, take Jason to a hospital, I’ll—”
“I’m going,” Jason insisted, shaking off Vee’s hands, “We’ll get there faster if you don’t try to stop me.”
“Ai. Fine. But stay back, Jason, you’re not okay!”
Camila peered at the phone, then started to run, following the dot on the screen. Jason’s heart pressed against his ribcage, trying its best to burst free.
We’re coming
We’re coming for you, Hunter
Titan, please don’t let him hurt Luz
“Flapjack,” he gasped, “Flapjack, Belos eats palisman, Fl—”
“We’ll stop him,” Willow promised, “We’re going to get him back.”
“I think she’s this way!” Amity called.
“Mija?” Camila yelled.
They emerged from the woods in a sunken graveyard, water flooding the whole area, save a small island in the middle where Luz and Hunter were facing off in front of a stone archway. Horribly familiar horns had sprouted out of Hunter’s head, and green mud covered his arms.
Hunter tilted his head. “See, this is why you’re so useful, Luz! You’re so desperate to help people that you even helped me meet the Collector!”
Jason’s heart dropped to his stomach.
“What?” Amity whispered
That’s what was bothering her
That’s what…
Luz took a step back. “I—I didn’t mean to! I th-thought I was doing something good!”
She helped him meet the Collector
And that’s how…
Belos held Hunter’s hands out. “You did do something good. I thought this one was another lost cause. Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting—with—them!”
His arms lashed out towards them, and Amity summoned her staff, smacking the arm apart. Jason froze as the other kids dashed forward, trying to subdue Belos.
How do I save him?!
Vee leapt forward. “Hang tight, Hunter!”
She inhaled, and Belos’ magic turned blue, draining away from Hunter. Jason saw Belos rear back, and he jumped forward to grab her, even as Amity shouted a warning and Vee was safely tossed backwards.
It’s not working, Jason realized as the kids were slapped out of the air. Trying to appeal to Hunter hadn’t worked. And brute force wasn’t working either.
Uncle Belos is in a mood.
Manage it.
Jason stepped forward, shaking off Camila’s hand on his arm. “You were right,” he called. Belos stopped, tilting his head at Jason.
Jason stepped gingerly over Amity, gesturing for them to stay back. His heart was in his throat, but he took another step forward. “Caleb shouldn’t have left you,” he continued. He made it to the other side of the bridge, and stood in front of the fallen vial of titan’s blood, tracing an ice glyph in the dirt with his foot. The vial was pushed up, and he palmed it, holding it behind his back. “It hurts,” he said softly, “When someone you trust betrays you… it’s the worst pain you can imagine.” He took a deep breath. “And you keep going through it, every time a Grimwalker turns on you.”
“You were one of them,” Belos snarled.
“I know. I hurt you.” Jason swallowed back nausea at the words, keeping his face not neutral, but tilted upwards, a small, adoring smile on his lips, his eyes wide. “All you wanted was a brother who wouldn’t betray you. I know I messed up, but I can do it right this time.”
“Jason,” Camila called, shocked.
Jason waved a hand at her behind his back. “I can make up for what D—what Caleb did to you. I’ll stay here, with you. That’s what you want, right? That’s what you’ve always wanted, that’s why you keep making Grimwalkers, to give Caleb a chance to make the right choice and stay here, in the human realm. To choose you.”
“You had your chance.”
“If you gave me another, I’d do it right. I only messed up once, let me try again. I’ll stay here, with you. That’s why you didn’t kill me back there when you had the chance, right? Because y—” Jason bit down the ‘you think.’ “Because I can still be saved.”
Belos’ eyes softened, he tilted Hunter’s head. “Can you?”
Jason swallowed again. “If you save me.”
Don’t drop the face
Say everything right
Be what he wants you to be, what he needs you to be right now.
Jason took another step closer. “It could just be the two of us. Phillip and Caleb. Like it’s supposed to be.”
“Phillip and Caleb,” Belos muttered.
“Phillip and Caleb,” Jason repeated, “Just us. No Evelyn. No witches. No Hunter. Just us.” He took another step forward. “The curse startled me when I first saw it. But I won’t be scared again. Leave Hunter behind, make it just you and me. I won’t be scared, whatever form you have to take, but I don’t think we should have a Grimwalker with us. Just you and me.”
Belos considered him for a moment, and Jason held his breath.
Please work.
Please let him go.
Belos held his hand out. “Give me the titan’s blood, Caleb.”
Jason’s heart dropped in his chest, and he took a step backwards, stumbling over his words. “We don’t need it. We’re never going back, we’re staying here. I mean, actually, let’s use it now, let’s send these witches back to their home, and then there won’t be any witches left in this realm. That’s what y—what we want. To rid the human realm of witches. So let’s just send them back, and we’ll stay he—”
Belos snapped his fingers. “Give it to me, Caleb.”
Jason turned and brought his arm back, ready to hurl the vial. “Luz! Ca—”
His arm didn’t make it over his head. Belos’ arm had extended and held Jason’s wrist. Tears formed at the corners of Jason’s eyes as he tugged. “We don’t need it,” he tried again, “We—”
Belos twisted Jason’s wrist, and Jason dropped the vial with a cry of pain. It clinked to the ground.
“Jason!” Luz yelped. Flapjack fluttered towards her, shifting into his staff form.
Belos whipped his arm around, and Jason was jerked backwards, flying through the air. His back slammed into the stone archway with a crack.
The world went black in a whirl of pain.
Somewhere, Jason heard Luz shout, and he blinked up at the sky, full of unfamiliar stars. He was slumped against the archway. There was something dripping down his face from his nose, and he slowly, sluggishly reached up to touch it.
His hand came back red.
Jason’s head swam, but he looked up just in time to see Belos’ hand crack into Flapjack, green magic bursting out.
Jason tried to get up, but the world started to go black again, and he squeezed his eyes shut.
“NO!” Hunter’s voice yelled, and Jason opened his eyes again. Hunter was stumbling towards the water, moving back and forth unsteadily.
“You know what I'd like, Belos?” he grunted, “I'd like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step foot in that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic, and learn how to carve palismen. I'd like to attend Hexide as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends.” He glanced back at Jason. “I’d like to get to know the rest of my family. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never—hurt—anyone—again!”
He hurled the vial of titan’s blood into the lake, and then howled no, in Belos’ voice, jumping in after it.
DO SOMETHING, Jason’s mind screamed, but he couldn’t, he could barely make himself sit up with the help of the stone archway.
“Move,” Camila yelled, and jumped into the water after Hunter. Jason’s heart thumped in his chest, more blood trickling down the back of his neck from his first wound with every beat.
Camila broke the surface with a gasp, hauling Hunter out of the water.
Jason’s eyes closed again, and when he opened them, the archway had transformed into a shimmering gate. Belos’ monster form stood above him, and his hand reached down. Jason flinched, but the hand just rested on the side of his face, slimy and cold and rotten, the scent of decay filling Jason’s nose.
“I’ll come back, Caleb. And we will stay here. But first, I will save you.”
Jason gagged as Belos pulled his hand away and backed into the doorway. Jason managed to slide his way up the archway, and Gus rushed forward, taking his arm and helping him limp towards Hunter.
Willow sniffed. “Guys! Hunter isn’t moving!”
“Vee, call an ambulance,” Camila ordered.
Willow teared up. “Do human doctors know about possession?”
“Or Grimwalkers?” Luz added. She twisted towards Jason. “Jason, you’re a grimwalker! What—what do we do?!”
Jason ran a hand through his hair. Do something, do something, do something! “Uh—ugh—I—Mom. Mom can—she can fix him, she’s fixed all of us, she can do it, she can fix him! The door’s right there—we just have to go, we have to find her—”
“We need to do something now!” Willow yelped.
“Okay—okay—” Jason slowly moved down, kneeling next to Hunter’s limp body. “I can—okay.” He took a deep breath. “Healing is feeling, healing is feeling—” he held out his hands towards Flapjack. “I know you’re hurting,” he said softly, “But I need your help to save him.”
The bird chirped an agreement and fluttered into his hands. The palisman started to turn into wood, but stopped halfway through with a pained chirp.
“No… no, no…”
“Uh, Jason?” Gus whispered, “Look.”
Jason followed his gaze to his hands. Where the blood on his hands met Flapjack’s green magic, it had started to glow gold, and warmth spread through his hands. His heart beat just a little steadier in his chest. Jason blinked. “Okay. Okay, okay, okay.”
He reached to the back of his head and dug his fingers into the cut on the back of his head. He cried out as his head seemed to split in two, but forced himself to keep his eyes open. He slowly moved his bloodstained fingers to Hunter’s chest, tracing a shaky circle on his shirt, then reached towards Flapjack.
“We’ll fix you up in a moment, buddy,” he mumbled, “But I need you to be my jumper cables first.”
He gathered up a bit of Flapjack’s blood in his cupped hand and poured it onto the circle of blood. He put his hand on Hunter’s chest. “Please,” he murmured, pushing down on his spell circle, “Please!”
The circle glowed, then faded.
Nothing happened.
Until Jason’s heart stuttered in his chest, beating at random intervals. Jason slumped forward, wheezing, clutching at his chest.
Gus’s voice was faraway, all Jason could hear was the thudding of his heart as it evened out, beating steadily again.
And he heard another heart start beating.
Hear was the wrong word. He didn’t hear it with his ears exactly. He just sort of felt the beat somewhere in his mind.
Hunter’s eyes slowly opened. “Nnnngh… Hey… guys… is everyone okay?”
Everyone glanced at each other. Gus hissed in. “Jason and Flapjack are… pretty banged up. But we’re all alive.”
“Good,” Hunter said faintly, starting to sit up. “Ungh—”
“Sit up slowly, baby,” Camila advised, “Are you in pain anywhere?”
“I’m okay,” he mumbled, “Flapjack…”
Jason held out the bird. “You need to… stop the bleeding. He might uhhhhhhh…” he lost his train of thought, staring over Hunter’s shoulder.
“Mm? Right—sorry—he miiiiiiiight go dooooormant for a bit to heal. So you won’t be able to do magic for a while. Sorry.”
“That’s okay.” Hunter started tearing pieces of fabric off of his costume, using them to bandage Flapjack’s wounds. “As long as he’s okay.”
Camila held a tissue up to Jason’s nose, stemming the blood. “Okay, look at—Jason, can you focus on anything? Can you follow my finger?”
Jason blinked, holding the tissue in place and squinting at the moving blur that was her finger. “Mmmmmmmmmmmm…”
Camila shook her head, pulling the hat of Jason’s costume off and pressing the fabric to the gash on the back of Jason’s head. His head throbbed at the pressure, and he slumped against her with a groan.
“Vee, how’s that ambulance coming along?”
Vee shook her head. “I don’t have any reception out here.”
“Ay. Okay. Hang in there, Jason, we’ll get you help.”
“I want to go home,” he whispered.
Amity shifted. “Um, Luz?” she asked quietly, “What did Belos mean when he said you helped him meet the Collector? I mean, that was a lie, right?”
Jason knew the answer even before Luz moved away. Belos had told a lot of lies, but that wasn’t one of them.
“No,” Luz said quietly, her voice cracking, “it was true.” She walked towards the shimmering gateway, but turned towards them, hugging herself. “If it weren't for me, the Day of Unity would have never happened There was this time pool, and I met him. I met him when he was still just Philip, and I taught him the light spell. I introduced him to The Collector. I set everything in motion.” Tears started to run down her face. “I'm sorry, everyone.”
Amity shook her head. “Why did you keep all of that a secret?”
Luz walked the rest of the way to the archway, putting one hand on the nebulous magic stretched across it. “I was scared. I thought you'd hate me for it.”
Camila transferred Jason to Hunter’s arms, brushing herself off and striding towards her daughter.
“’m sorry,” Jason mumbled, “I knew something was wrong.”
“I did too,” Hunter said softly, “But I wanted so badly to believe Luz, to believe that he was gone that I… I ignored the evidence. And you guys got hurt.”
“Ahhhhhhhhh…” Jason tried for a grin. “Hardly the worst injury I’ve ever had. He wasn’t even trying that hard to kill me!”
I’ll come back.
Jason shuddered, his skin where Belos had touched him crawling. He’s not done yet.
Luz sniffed. “Which is why I've… made a decision. I think it'd be in everyone's best interest if—”
“You took your mama to the demon realm!” Camila interrupted her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Luz blinked. “What?!”
Amity hugged her. “I couldn't hate you, Luz. The fact that you still stand up for us means enough to me.”
Camila stood tall in front of the archway. “Mija, now that I've seen what you're up against, there is no way I'm letting you go back there alone. It is our duty to help your friends get back to their families.”
Hunter got to his feet, pulling Jason up with him and hobbling towards the door, one of Jason’s arms around his shoulders, and his arm bracing Jason’s back.
Luz stepped forward. “But—”
Hunter stopped next to Luz. “You were tricked. That's what Belos does. He tricks people. But if it weren't you, it would have been someone else, and then there'd be no one left to fight back. So let's do that. Let's fight back. Please? For Flapjack? And Jason?”
“Easy, we’re not dead yet,” Jason mumbled, leaning his throbbing head on the shoulder Hunter was propping up.
Luz nodded. “For Flapjack. And Jason.”
“Who needs to go to a hospital,” Camila insisted.
The doorway flickered, and Vee gasped. “The portal’s closing!”
Jason blinked back tears. “Please, Camila,” he whispered, “This might be my last chance. I want to go home.”
Her face softened. “Alright.” She held one finger up. “But we’re finding you a doctor, or whatever the Boiling Isles equivalent is first thing!”
Luz gestured towards the portal. “Then we better head in.”
Hunter paused at the doorway with a shuddering sigh. He glanced sideways at Jason. “Ready?”
Jason nodded, and Hunter took another step forward, half-carrying Jason. “Time to go home, Flap,” he whispered.
And they stepped through the portal.
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luminari-mc · 3 years
(Mammon x MC/Reader)
Prompt: "She doesn't compare to you. No one does.”
Genre: Angst, hurt(emotional)/comfort.
Pairing: GN!MC/Reader x Mammon
Summary: You and Mammon finally get to enjoy a well-deserving shopping trip just between the two of you. Just as you are about to hit the next shop, your attention is caught by an image advertised in the street.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I wanted to try my hands at a prompt that is tagged as "fluff", but of course I ended up turning it into something angsty instead. But I like sad stuff, so that still works for me.
It wasn't often that you got to spend time with Mammon without having any of his brothers around to bother you. But you had made it very clear to them that these few hours after school would be spent with Mammon, and only him. And for today's trip, you two had decided to go shopping in one of the busiest streets in the Devildom.
Clothes and jewelry stores, malls- you had done them all. When most of this time had been spent doing window shopping, Mammon had still insisted on getting at least a few bags of purchased goods for each of you by the end of the day. After all, what was the point of going on a shopping trip, if you didn't end up emptying your bank account only to regret it later?
And so, thanks to the demon's wonderful influence, your arms had now several bags hanging off of them. There was a certain guilt still looming over your head as you realized way overboard you might have gotten with your purchases, but Mammon promised he would take care of any financial problems you could encounter in the near future because of that. You still wondered how he was going to manage it, him being Mammon and all...
"Damn, now THAT'S what I call a good haul! Look at ya!" The white-haired demon grinned as he watch you hop out of the store, the glass doors opening automatically at your presence to let you out. He placed his wrists on his hips as his own bags dangled in his hands. "What'cha got for yourself this time?"
"They actually had that jacket I saw in a magazine the other day!" The doors closed behind you as you showed the white bag which contained the jacket. "You were right, that store was amazing. I can't believe you never showed it to me before."
"Ha! Told ya the Great Mammon knew where the best treasures were! Consider it an exclusive info, because I ain't gonna share more if any of my brothers are around next time." Mammon turned around before flipping a few of his bags over his shoulder, as you instantly began to trot to get to his level.
"What? So all this time you knew about it and you didn't tell me? Just because Asmo comes with us sometimes?" You expressed shock, right before your eyebrows joined together. "Really, as if you couldn't have told me over text or something."
"And have you go without me?! Nah, ain't gonna happen- you'd just get lost and end up in the worst store possible." Mammon glanced your way, and you could only smirk at his poor excuse.
"Sure, you're right. I forgot that humans don't have the same flawless sense of orientation as demons do." Despite your obviously sarcastic tone, Mammon didn't seem to register it as he nodded at your words.
"Exactly! Even if I gave you the full address, who knows where you'd end up? I don't want ya to come and complain to me afterwards, so it's gotta be with me or nothin'."
Even as you rolled your eyes, you noticed Mammon's face slightly turning away from yours, probably to hide the extra shade of color that had appeared on his cheeks ever so discreetly. Even when he was in his usual tsundere mood, it was endearing to see how concerned he was for your safety. And just how badly he wanted to be alone with you.
"So, where to next?" You asked without really thinking, surprising yourself that even after your extensive purchasing, you still wanted to do more. Or maybe it was that you didn't want this date to end right away. The past few weeks had been nothing but the brothers interrupting each other when any of them found themselves alone with you, so getting to spend some alone time with one of them, especially with Mammon, deserved to be extended a bit more.
"Glad ya asked!" As if a battery had been plugged into him, the demon brandished his arm into the air, the bags swinging by his face and missing him by a few inches. "I got this whole place where they're sellin' tons of stuff for pretty cheap, but it's actually authentic branded things. See, they're actually sold to that one guy who then has to sell them to another guy, and..."
As you listened to Mammon explain how he was able to find "authentic stuff" (probably not that authentic, you were pretty sure about that) for less than a quarter of its original price, your eyes found themselves drifting to an impressive ad plastered on a building the two of you were walking by. Recognizing the habit of Majolish to put their models on display for everyone to see was pretty easy, but that wasn't what caught your eye in the moment.
What tuned Mammon down completely in your ears, were the models themselves. The second born, sitting on a stool with a ripped shirt and pants, a few accessories hanging off his neck and barely covering anything of his exposed chest. He looked serious, staring straight at the objective- and at you, while the light shined on him to completely capture his frame for the picture.
And sitting down in the middle of the shot, between his legs, was a female demon wearing a red leather dress, her head resting on top of Mammon's leg. The clawed hand dangling off his knee- covered in golden rings, seemed to taunt you, as well as the piercing yellow eyes she had. Saying she wasn't beautiful would be lying. In fact, she was absolutely stunning. A perfect model for a perfect shot. Just looking at her made you feel small, like a prey that was about to be devoured by a hungry beast, the longer you were looking at her.
But that's what demons were supposed to make you feel like, right?
"Hey!" Mammon called out from the distance he had put between the two of you since you had stopped walking beside him. "Yo, MC!"
Watching as you kept staring into nothing, Mammon rolled his shoulders with a furrowed brow before walking back toward you, his head tilting to the side as he noticed your dead expression.
"Huuh hello, Devildom to MC? In which realm did ya get lost this time?"
"They replaced it." The words that left your mouth were weak, almost too silent for him to hear. It's as if all of the energy you had had evaporated from your body in an instant.
"Huh?" Mammon grew a bit concerned at this sudden change. His eyes perked up at the ad you were looking at, as you continued.
"The shoot we did together." Finally, you spared yourself from the sight, your gaze dropping to the ground. "They already replaced it with another one."
As soon as Mammon understood why *this* ad in particular seemed to be upsetting you so much, his jaw was already clenching. He remembered the stars he had seen in your eyes the previous week when you saw yourself on the Majolish ad, posing beside him- a shoot opportunity you had gotten while accompanying him after RAD a few days prior. In the middle of his shoot, he practically didn't leave any choice to his agent and had insisted that you be included in the shots to promote one of the new pieces of jewelry the brand was planning to release in the upcoming months. Asmo, who was there to witness your reaction on that day the three of you went out, had even taken a hundred pictures or so of you posing in front of the ad.
Except that, the jewelry you had posed with, was now present on the new model posing alongside Mammon.
He had made sure to engrave that smile of yours in his head at the time, even going so far as to snap a picture of your face while you were too focused on Asmo to notice him. But now, there was absolutely no trace of that same happiness anymore.
"The fuck?" The snarl that left him shook the walls of his throat. "That wasn't supposed to be advertised before another month! Why'd they have to take ours so soon?!"
"It's okay, Mammon." The demon stopped growling as his eyes lowered on the hand that was clutching his arm. "I mean... I'm not a model. Figures they wouldn't put it up for long... I-I mean, look at me. Seriously, who would want to see my face being exposed for longer than they can bare? It's hard to imagine. I wouldn't probably have sold their product anyway, so... it's okay."
The look on your face was devastating. Despite trying your best to smile, the tears pricking in your eyes were threatening to roll down your cheeks at any second. Mammon felt his heart being stabbed with a thousand invisible daggers, he couldn't bear to watch you feeling insulted in such a way.
His bags were immediately dropped onto the floor, the demon no longer caring for any of the fragile items he may have bought. His hands swung forward to cup your cheeks, forcing your face up to look at him straight in the eyes.
"Hey hey, MC. C'mon, look at me."
You did your best not to let your vision turn blurry because of the upcoming tears, and stared back at Mammon, your bottom lip trembling weakly.
"I don't care what anyone, model agents or not, can say- you'd sell a thousand more times than any fuckin' models out there, okay? In fact, you're worth even more than their stupid jewelry!"
His thumb quickly brushed away a tear from the corner of your eye as his other hand came to rest on your temple.
"They just put that one up there because that model is famous. They don't care about what's really beautiful, they just want to boast their popularity to the rest of the world." The blue of his eyes seemed to radiate the closer he moved towards you. "But I know what's beautiful. And her? She doesn't compare to you. No one does."
You could only look down in shame as his hands never left you, closing your eyes shut to let a couple tears out before Mammon grabbed a tissue from his pocket to dry your face. He patiently waited a few seconds for you to calm down, soothing you with slow caresses of your hair until your shoulders stopped shaking.
"I'm sorry..." you muttered, sniffling as you passed a wrist over your eyes. "I don't know why that upset me so much..."
"Ya got nothing to be sorry about." Mammon retrieved his hands from your head, only to grab the bags that were hanging off of your arms. He somehow manages to hold them alongside his own behind him, before wrapping the other arm around your shoulder.
"Hey, I'd call this a day. How about I prepare ya a bath when we're home? Courtesy of the Great Mammon."
You nodded, your lips arching into a smile as you grabbed the hand hanging off your shoulder. The day was cut too short for your liking, but you didn't feel up for any additional purchases, or to properly enjoy your outing anymore.
"Will you wash my hair?" You entertwined your fingers with his as he gave them a gentle squeeze.
"Pah, of course! Who else but me could do that?" He huffed through his nose, shaking his head at such an obvious question. Your laugh ringing in his ears gave him a brief moment of respite.
But the demon furrowed his brows as he lead you into your walk back home, keeping you snuggled at his side. Holding the bags in his left hand, his white nails sharply digged into his palm the more steps he took alongside you.
Making them cry? Such a big, big mistake. One thing was sure, Mammon wasn't about to let that one pass.
"But before that..." The hiss that escaped his throat went unnoticed by the two of you as your head rested against his shoulder.
"I'll have a few calls to make."
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
The Family Tree is... a Disaster
Takes place in the TCW Leverage AU. It does contain a few deviations, namely that the narrative ended up shifting Plo's role in Ahsoka's life, and Ventress's role overall.
This is mostly just dialogue where I outline the fuckery that is the disaster lineage family tree, not actual fic. It stemmed from my incessant need to justify "25yo Obi-Wan somehow got custody of 9yo Anakin without Shmi dying."
Warnings for: canon character death (modernized), canon violence (modernized), and references to Nazis and white supremacists (Palpatine collects WWII weaponry as a parallel to his canon display of Sith artifacts in his office as chancellor, and Ahsoka thinks it's sketchy)
"Okay," Cody says, setting down a glass of whiskey as he drops into the seat across the table. "What the hell is your family tree like?"
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow, and continues cleaning off the definitely-not-stolen crystal komodo dragon he'd won in today's job. "I beg your pardon?"
"You and Skywalker," Cody says, gesturing between Obi-Wan, who is just sitting there minding his own business, and Anakin, who is across the closed-for-tonight bar and doing something inadvisable on the pool table. "You've said he was your brother, and mentioned raising him, which, sure, I'm over twenty years older than my youngest brother, people take over parenting roles all the time. But you have different last names, have mentioned stepfamilies that the other doesn't have, reference things as 'your aunt, not mine,' and I am just getting... very confused. I figured it was personal and I could leave well enough alone, but considering your older brother almost shot us today--"
"Okay, Xanatos is not my brother," Obi-Wan immediately says. "Just. I just have to stop you right there. Xanatos was a student of my father's for a time, but I promise he's not family. Nobody except maybe Komari would consider him even close, and she doesn't count since she's in prison for life and the farthest thing from stable."
Cody gestures. "That, Obi-Wan. That's what I'm talking about. I don't even know who Komari is."
Obi-Wan purses his lips in a failed attempt to not smile. "Do you actually want the explanation? It's long and unnecessarily complicated."
"So's mine," Cody snorts. Obi-Wan waits, patient and pleasant, and is rewarded when Cody sighs. "Please."
"Of course, my dear. To answer your first question, though, Anakin is my half-brother." With a smile, Obi-Wan digs a piece of paper and a pen from his briefcase. "So, center of the chain: me, my father Qui-Gon, my grandfather Yan, and my great-grandfather Yoda. With me so far?"
"Easy enough. Do you have to go back that far?"
"Great-grandfather Yoda is still alive and regularly escaping the old folks' home to terrorize younger relatives, so yes," Obi-Wan says. "Given that you may just meet a tiny, meddling relative of mine when he's bored, we do in fact have to go back that far."
"...how old is he?"
"We don't know for sure. A hundred and eight-ish is the best guess." Obi-Wan shrugs. "It's not a huge deal, mostly he likes bothering Anakin these days. Anyway, grandfather. Yan Dooku. Inherited a minory duchy from his maternal grandfather decades back. Mostly hangs around there because he's on terrorist watchlists in the States."
"Oh, lovely."
Obi-Wan grins. "Trust me, it gets worse. Anyway, grandfather never actually married, but spent most of his time with his 'best friend' Sifo Dyas, who died about a decade back."
"Well, we know that now, but they got together in the seventies, and this was back when they were both working government jobs, so, you know. It happens."
"Good to know," Cody says. "So, Yoda's kid is Yan, who inherited a title and land from a maternal relative, and had a life partner but never married. With you so far."
"All of Yan's kids were adopted," Obi-Wan continues, sketching out the first branch away from the Yan/Sifo partnership. "Rael was actually grandfather's cousin, maternally, and ended up in his custody after getting orphaned at five. These days, he does most of the stewardship duties at the Serenno Duchy. His daughter Nim is teaching military history at a university in Germany."
Cody nods. "Uncle number one is named Rael, technically your dad's cousin, has a daughter. Got it."
"About a decade after Rael, they adopted my father, Qui-Gon. He and grandfather fought, frequently, but they did care for each other. My father was a botanist, did bio-engineering. We'll get back to him later, because he's where things get complicated." Obi-Wan made sure to leave room around the name. "Just a few years older than me was--is--Komari Vosa. She is... serving a life sentence. I think she fought Jango once."
"She fought my father?"
"To the best of my knowledge, they both almost died, yes," Obi-Wan says. "She's in maximum security these days. She was an assassin. I'll get a call if she breaks out, and I'll let you know along with everyone else."
"Bad news auntie, got it."
"Last adoption, sort of, is Ventress," Obi-Wan finishes off. "A few years younger than me, is technically grandfather's personal assistant and does secretarial work and the like, but we all know he's planning to leave as much of the inheritance to her as he is to the rest of us. She's aggressive and unpleasant, but she takes care of him and hasn't actually threatened to kill any of us yet, so that's fine."
"How'd she join?" Cody asks.
"Ky Narec was a friend of Qui-Gon's; Ventress was his daughter. Ky died a few years after Qui-Gon did, and Ventress was a mess, after." Obi-Wan shrugs and scratches that connection into the little sketch of a family tree as well. "Grandfather offered her a job until she got herself back together, and then she just kind of... stuck around."
"Youngest aunt, more of a cousin." Cody summarizes. "Now we go back to your father?"
"Qui-Gon Jinn was a man of many skills," Obi-Wan says drily. "Adequate birth control was not one of them."
It's almost a pity that Cody wasn't drinking anything, because going by the way he chokes, Obi-Wan's pretty sure the spit take would have been spectacular.
"I'm sorry," Cody says. "Can you repeat that?"
"I was an accident," Obi-Wan says, not even bothering to hide his smile. "So was Anakin."
"So that sounds like... a story."
"It is," Obi-Wan confirms. "My biological mother has never been in the picture. They had a fling, she wasn't sure if she'd want to abort or give me up, just that she wasn't ready to be a parent, and Qui-Gon volunteered to take full custody so she could go back to her life after the birth. I've never met her, but I kept her family name. You can consider her irrelevant beyond that."
Cody nods.
"So, when I was about a year old, Qui-Gon reconnects with an old flame, they get married two years later. Step-mother number one is Tahl. Lovely woman, I absolutely adored her, and she had a daughter, my stepsister, Bant Eerin."
"I met her, right?" Cody asks.
"Yes, she was the doctor who patched up my bullet wound a few months ago," Obi-Wan says. "With the giant glasses that make her look a little fish-eyed."
"She was nice."
"She is," Obi-Wan agrees. "At any rate, that was our family for a while, and then Tahl died when I was fourteen. Bant wanted to go to a magnet school for medical studies, and Qui-Gon's grief was... not optimal for taking care of multiple teenagers, shall we say, so Bant moved in with her paternal uncle, Kit Fisto, and Kit's son Nahdar. He's a marine biologist, incredibly friendly, and has no idea of any of the rest of my side of the family's questionable activities. If you ever meet him, you will pretend that we are a legal firm with a team of security consultants."
Cody raises a brow. Obi-Wan despairs. "Best you could do?"
"We're not that likely to run into him." Obi-Wan draws out a new line. "So, Qui-Gon deals poorly with grief. This is also around the time that Xanatos came around to ruin our lives a little. He was a very rich and unpleasant man, but he's dead as of four hours ago, so you don't have to worry about him. Or his son."
"His son?"
"Anakin handled that," Obi-Wan says. "Thoroughly. Granta Omega is no longer an issue. He's not dead, but... well. Anakin has his ways. Er--I should probably mention Feemor; he was my father's assistant at the university for a long time. Anakin and I still call him our uncle."
"Also a person to avoid mentioning criminal activity to?" Cody prompts.
"Well... no, but only because I don't think he'd care. The man is, forgive me, more of a 'walking sweatervest' than I am. He's a very bland and unassuming man. He once described himself as the background character of the soap opera that is my family's existence."
"Sounds like a charmer."
"Oh, he's very kind and clever, and witty as well. I adore him, and he really is family. He's just also very, very normal. Not boring, but..." Obi-Wan trails off and shrugs helplessly. "He's an editor for an agricultural research journal. Also not someone I anticipate us running into."
"Right, so, Qui-Gon dealing poorly with his grief didn't involve much drinking, but there were a few months of him trying to... lose himself in the pleasures of the flesh?" Obi-Wan tries, and then deflates at the look on Cody's face. "He was slagging around. Shmi got pregnant with Anakin, who was born when I was sixteen. Shared custody at first, Qui-Gon got him weekends and every other holiday, that sort of thing, and then they got married because they actually did like each other well enough, and it was easier on the taxes."
"So Shmi is stepmother number two."
"Shmi is stepmother number two, yes." Obi-Wan sketches in Anakin and Shmi. "About nine and a half years after Anakin was born, Shmi and Qui-Gon were in a car accident with... well, it later turned out it wasn't an accident, there was a hitman called Maul involved, he's actually Ventress's second cousin or something, I don't know. Grandfather handled most of that problem. Qui-Gon died, Shmi was in intensive care, and I got custody of Anakin as his nearest adult relative. We weren't very close before that, because I was off at university by the time he was old enough to form memories, but that changed once he started living with me. I more or less raised him as a single parent from that point."
"This is why he jokes that you're like a father to him."
"Precisely," Obi-Wan says. "Shmi took about a year to recover enough to move again, and grandfather covered the costs. She still had to live with a dedicated carer and attend daily physical therapy. At that physical therapy, she met Cliegg Lars, whose son Owen was also a patient there. They hit it off, and three years later, they married. When Anakin refers to his stepfamily he's talking about the Lars out in Nevada."
"They have a farm. A very, very normal one. We don't drag them into our activities, unless we have an at-risk person who needs a safe house." Obi-Wan pauses, and then decides this really needs to be stressed. "This is important to me and Anakin, that we don't get them involved unless there's absolutely no other choice. Shmi's been through a lot, and the Lars are busy enough running the farm."
"Works for me," Cody says. "We've got enough safe houses that it shouldn't be an issue. I'm guessing this story doesn't end there, though."
Obi-Wan grimaces. "My own love life has been... a bit of a mess."
"I already know about Kryze, at least."
There's that. "I was temporarily engaged to a friend, Siri Tachi, shortly after high school. We were in a relationship, but this was mostly something done to appease a relative of hers that was getting overbearing to the point of absurdity, and she couldn't just cut them off. We broke off the engagement after the relative passed, and we're still friends."
He notes that down, then adds the other embarrassment of his early years. "First marriage was actually a drunken joke between myself and my best friend when we were in college. We got it annulled a few months later because we just didn't have time to drop by the courthouse before then, and he's actually engaged to Asajj now."
"Asajj?" Cody asks, watching in fascination as Obi-Wan tries to mark in both his own short marriage and the newer, long-term engagement without crossing any lines. He settles for just writing the name twice and including an asterisk with 'this is the same person.'
"Ventress," Obi-Wan clarifies. "Yeah, Quinlan's a fun guy. His little sister, Aayla, treats Anakin like a beloved younger cousin."
"Are they also off-limits for criminal activity?"
"No, Aayla's the one that taught Ahsoka how to vent-crawl," Obi-Wan says. "And I'm pretty sure Quinlan has contacts in every major government branch, criminal organization, and Fortune 500 company on the planet. I reach out to them regularly."
"Resources, then."
Obi-Wan nods. "Some time later, I married Satine. We had a son; you've met Korkie. We split due to incompatibility a year and change before Qui-Gon's death. Satine doesn't engage in criminal activity, but Bo-Katan is..."
"I've met Bo-Katan. I know what she's like, Obi. You don't have to explain."
"She works with Maul sometimes."
"...the man who killed your father?"
"Yes. It's all very stupid and convoluted." Obi-Wan still writes her in. "So, that's them. Korkie goes to boarding school, and I try not to involve him in anything. Anakin and Ahsoka like to teach him self-defense and the like, but Satine is adamant that he stay unaware of my less legal dealings until he's an adult."
Cody shrugs. "Makes sense. Is that every--wait, no, Skywalker's married."
Obi-Wan grins. "Yes, and Padme's got twins on the way."
"I was there when he told us," Cody says drily. "He was very loud about it. Okay, how does Ahsoka fit in?"
"Hold on, I forgot Beru," Obi-Wan mutters. "Owen's fiancee. Same rules as the Lars. Okay, you asked about Ahsoka. Right. So. Um."
He dithers. Cody waits for him, and then Obi-Wan just gives up. "Ahsoka, dear, would you like to explain how you joined the family, so to speak?"
Ahsoka looks up from whatever she and the boys are doing--there are multiple beer glasses and straws and duct tape involved, and Obi-Wan doesn't really want to know--and then flips off the table and over to Obi-Wan and Cody. She looks over the family tree chart, and then says, "Oooh, did you tell him about the cult?"
"You were in a cult?" Cody demands.
"No, Komari was. She was head priestess or something. I dunno, it's why she's in prison and stuff."
"I did not tell him about the cult," Obi-Wan mutters, already regretting this. "The Bando Gora aren't a problem anymore. I've already gotten to explaining how you and Anakin know each other."
Ahsoka rolls her eyes, steals his pen, and starts sketching in around Quinlan's name, over by Asajj since Obi-Wan's section is too crowded. "Okay, so, Quinlan's adopted. His dad is Tholme, and Tholme's dad is Plo Koon. Plo Koon is good friends with my Auntie, Shaak Ti, who raised me. They live next door to each other, out in the country, and I'd play in his yard a lot, because he had puppies, and he took me to visit his bees. Whenever Auntie needed a babysitter, she asked Quinlan or Aayla to do it since she knew and trusted them, and Aayla needed pocket money."
"This is so unnecessarily complicated," Cody mutters.
"It is!" Ahsoka chirps. Her grin is far too sharp. "So, this one time, Aayla was watching me when I was fourteen, and she was just helping me with my physics homework. BAM, the door slams open, and in stumbled Skyguy with his arm missing. I've never met him before, and my first introduction is him shortly after he's gotten an unplanned amputation."
Anakin, on the other side of the room, giggles. Obi-Wan just sighs. The Fett brothers appear to be in the land of 'horrified fascination.'
Ahsoka revels in it. "There's blood everywhere, I'm screaming, Aayla's panicking, Anakin's halfway to unconscious and insisting we can't call the hospital, and nobody can get Obi-Wan on the phone. Quinlan's in another country, and Auntie Shaak and Uncle Plo are at a movie, so they've both got their cellphones off. Tholme was faking his death at that point to get away from an incident with the Irish Mob, so we didn't even try him."
"What the actual fuck," Rex breathes.
Ahsoka continues with relish. "We get Bant to pick up, and she's there an hour later with Padme, because Padme knows how to drive the way Skyguy does, and the entire drive there is just Auntie Bant on speakerphone telling Aayla how to stop the bleeding and get him stabilized while Padme's screaming at traffic at the top of her lungs."
"I owe Aayla a fruit basket," Anakin muses aloud. "The anniversary of her saving my life is coming up, it's warranted."
"Five years, baby!" Ahsoka crows. She fist-pumps.
Obi-Wan just drops his head into his hands. "You're killing me, children."
Anakin shrugs, grinning. "You know, I think Fett Senior might have been involved in that fight."
"My shitty dad cut off your arm?" Rex demands.
"No, I think he was busy fighting the Interpol guy," Anakin says. "But he was definitely there. I think. Blood loss kinda got to me after a bit, but I'm pretty sure Jango Fett was there, and also Boba might've been hiding in the getaway car?"
"I need another glass," Cody mutters. He doesn't stand up, though.
"Wait," Rex says. "So who cut off your arm?"
Anakin shrugs with an unsure noise. "Someone tried to convince me it was Grandpa Yan, but he was in the middle of a court case in Italy for some kind of parole violation when it happened, so he had an alibi."
"...did he actually violate parole?" Cody asks, and Obi-Wan thinks he looks like he doesn't know if he actually wants an answer.
Ahsoka shrugs. So does Anakin. Obi-Wan carefully looks at a spot behind Cody, and doesn't explain anything about wine tastings used as covers for illicit arms deals.
"The arm?" Rex prompts, sounding a little desperate to get back to the question he likely thinks is the most important.
"I still say it was Skeevy Sheev," Ahsoka chimes in.
"It wasn't Palpatine," Anakin snaps.
"Your creepy older friend who took you to operas and gives you fancy gifts and knows way too much about swords who was conveniently there to talk to the police and cover for you so you didn't get arrested for getting in the middle of a gang war in the first place, yes," Ahsoka says, dropping into a chair and sighing dramatically. "The guy who definitely hasn't been trying to convince you for a year and change that your wife is cheating on you with your older brother."
"What? He is."
"Anakin," Rex says, "your life sounds like a trainwreck."
"I'm not going to assume a frail, elderly man cut my arm off!" Anakin protests. "Even if he wanted to, he doesn't exactly have the muscle for it!"
"Grandfather's older," Obi-Wan points out, even though he knows it won't help. "And he definitely still could."
"Ha!" Ahsoka shouts.
"He could have hired someone?" Cody suggests. "Doesn't need to do it himself, if he has enough money."
Obi-Wan has a sneaking suspicion that Cody is deliberately stirring the pot as revenge for Anakin sending him eighty-seven cat memes inside an hour during last night's dinner.
"You all suck," Anakin declares. "Also, what the hell do you mean 'knows way too much about swords,' Ahsoka? You know way too much about swords!"
"Yeah, but I'm like ninety-percent sure that his antiques are Prussian and mid-century German military officer dress uniform relics, and pairing that with the Nazi pistols he's got on display--"
"He's just a history buff! And his family's German, of course he prioritizes that region, it's not like he doesn't have Russian or French or English antiques in there too, it's all sides of the war and--"
"I'm just saying he's almost definitely sending me sketchy glances like he thinks I'm planning to steal the silver on the three occasions you've had me with you when you stop by, and I'm pretty sure it's got less to do with my criminal record and more to do with me being, you know, not white."
Anakin looks ready to blow, so Obi-Wan interrupts. "Ahsoka, you were explaining how Anakin passing out on Aayla and scaring us all half to death led to your friendship?"
Ahsoka blinks at him, and then sticks her tongue out at Anakin and turns back to the chart. "So basically, Skyguy had to recuperate in Uncle Plo's living room for a week or two, and I kept showing up to bother him because he was bored and nobody would give him a laptop for 'security reasons,' because he had to lay low and stuff. He made me help him sketch out designs for a prosthesis and do all the writing for the math he had to do for the 3D printer, and we got to chatting."
Ahsoka hops up and back onto a table, legs swinging below her. "I decided he was cool and started following him around while he was getting used to only having one hand, mostly because I was bored. He showed me how to hotwire a car, and explained the best places to put a bug if you were looking to make it sneaky, and he picked my pocket to show off so many times when he was walking around Uncle Plo's house that I made him teach me that, too. And, uh, then Aayla found out and they got into a shouting match about it and decided they both needed to teach me parkour so I could get out of any mess I got myself into, since I was obviously going to follow them into a life of crime."
"And you did," Anakin says, far too proudly. "You're the best thief in this half of the country."
"Only because Aayla moved out east."
Anakin rolls his eyes and pulls Ahsoka into his side, digging his knuckles into her skull. "Best thief! You are the best thief! Be proud of yourself!"
"Let go!"
Obi-Wan sighed heavily and rubbed at his forehead. "Children, please."
"You're not my dad," Ahsoka growls out at him. "Skyguy, I'm going to bite you!"
"Good luck, the only arm you can access is the one that's going to break your teeth."
Ahsoka shrieks in outrage and stomps on Anakin's instep.
It's almost funny, for all that Obi-Wan's seen it play out a million times before, but the really interesting part is seeing Rex's look of fond dismay.
Obi-Wan thinks he might be adding a branch out to the Fetts soon. He's not actually sure if Rex is interested in Anakin or Ahsoka, and he's smack dab between them in age, so that's not a help either, but... well. The expression is familiar enough.
"Please tell me you don't match-make," Cody mutters to him.
"No, I plan to let the pieces fall where they will," Obi-Wan responds, just as low, and far more amused. "I'm simply trying to predict where those landings are to be."
Cody looks at him, and then back at the roughhousing trio, and sighs heavily. "You know, I really didn't think that you technically being minor royalty was going to be the least convoluted thing in your story, Obi-Wan."
He laughs, because it's true. "I'm first in line to inherit the title, since Rael denounced his claim. Nim isn't interested, and Qui-Gon's dead, so... I'm next."
Cody makes a face. "Delightful. I'm guessing that's not a connection we can safely make use of."
"No more than the Kryze or Naberries, I'm afraid." Obi-Wan claps him on the shoulder. "Chin up, I've plenty others in the metaphorical rolodex, all far less legitimate and far more amenable to work with our little outfit."
"Rolodex, really?" Cody snorts. "You're not that old."
Obi-Wan smiles winningly. "You don't know how old I am, Cody. All my IDs are fake."
"Anakin's twenty-four, and you're sixteen years older than him, going by the story you just told me," Cody points out. "I do know how to do basic math, Obi-Wan."
"I had to try," Obi-Wan admits. "I threw a lot of information at you all at once; I'd hoped you missed some of the ages in there."
"I have eight brothers," Cody scoffs. "And literally dozens of cousins, plus niblings, uncles, aunts, and so on. I have experience on this."
"If I asked you to list of the age of every single relative you have, you'd be able to do it?"
"Do you want me to draw a chart? I can draw a chart."
Obi-Wan can't help but laugh. "I'd be delighted, my dear."
Cody rolls his eyes, but Obi-Wan thinks--it's hard to tell in the dimmed lights of the closed bar--that there's a hint of a blush on the man's face. Obi-Wan lets himself slouch to the side, drops his head to rest on one fist, indolent debauchery in every line of his body. Cody does his best to ignore him, but Obi-Wan knows how to smile lazily and blink slowly and draw a man in.
(The whole 'indolent debauchery in every line of his body' phrasing is Anakin's, from back when he was a teenager trying to read highbrow literature to impress a cute girl... and to come up with new insults for his older brother.)
"So," Cody says, with a cough meant to somehow distract Obi-Wan from whatever's showing on the man's face. "Why, uh, why is your grandfather on terrorist watchlists?"
"Well, he didn't initially do anything," Obi-Wan says. "He was just a gay man who didn't hide it quite well enough, and had too much money and too white a face for someone to just call the cops on a faulty report. The Red Scare was technically over by that point, I think, but if a few people made suggestions that he was more loyal to the country that gave him a noble title than to the United States... he received a few warnings, of course, and it could have all blown over..."
"But my grandfather is not a man to do things by halves, and instead decided that if the government was to list him as a threat, then he would oblige and make himself a threat," Obi-Wan finishes. "Living up to their labels, rolling with the assumptions, whatever you'd like to call it. It all irked him, and so he made some incredibly questionable decisions to make the government's lives harder. Some weren't bad, like donating to anti-war foundations that were protesting the Gulf War and the interventions in Yugoslavia, that sort of thing, and some were... nobody really looks well on gunrunning, you know."
"For fuck's sake..."
"Indeed," Obi-Wan chuckles. "Ironically, he has minimal opinion on the optimal form of economics, for all that virulent xenophobia and the remnants of anti-communism were involved in the whole mess. He just wanted to create problems for the people that were causing him problems."
Cody shakes his head. "I want to judge that, but you've met my father."
"Jango Fett is, indeed, also not a man to do things by halves," Obi-Wan agrees, attempting to nod gravely but breaking into a smile at the end. "That man is absurd."
"At least he's not dragging Boba into it anymore," Cody mutters. He drags over the fresh sheet of paper and pen that Obi-Wan offers him. "Okay, right, let's start with Jaster..."
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Pairing- James Potter x werewolf!Lupin!female!reader. (That's a mouthful)
Summary:- reader has a tiny bit of crush on school's golden boy and she finds him very gorgeous but she can't say anything to his face.
Word count:- 4.3k (damn)
Warning:- mentions of scars, alcohol, insecurities. (I think this is but inform me if any other) also lets pretend James has ocean blue eyes.
A/N:- so here it is the one shot promised based on the song Gorgeous, I wanted to make something silly kind of but it turned out different than that but alright. It is based on the song called gorgeous by Taylor Swift but I changed something. If you find any errors please inform me. Enjoy read! And thanks to @ultarviolence for actually suggesting to with whom the oneshot be. Credits for the pictures goes to their rightful owners, I only own the collage. Tiny bit of wolfstar too. Also a reblog will be helpful.👉👈
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Petrichor. The earthy smell filled your heightened senses as you felt him coming near you. As much as it intimidated you, it was bliss, somehow it relaxed you. But maybe even in that bliss you were aware how he affected you. Your back still towards him you started walking away from him, everyone was congratulating him on quidditch pitch after his marvellous performance against Slytherin, and here you were walking away from him.
You told Remus that you rather snuggle in your blankets and relax before the full moon but he was stubborn, just like you, and dragged you to quidditch pitch. It was even alright till you had to sit in the rain and watch the match but it all blew up when he saw you sitting in the stands, still on his broom he caught your eye and winked at you, causing a rush a shiver to run down your spine and feel the gross butterflies (it's not like you were looking for him all around the pitch). Alright maybe you were. But that doesn't mean it meant something.
Actually it meant everything. He was gorgeous, more than beautiful. He was breathtaking.
You almost were out of the pitch when a hand wrapped around your scarred one and you internally groaned. Turning around and coming face to face with your worst fear.
He looked at you with those freaking ocean blue eyes. Inhaling deep breath, you stared back at him, directly in his eyes.
You didn't know if he was intimidated by your glare or just trying not to laugh at your cowardice, when his throat bobbed when he gulped.
He released a airy laugh and said,
"Won't you congratulate me for my amazing performance?" He tilted his head, acting innocent. And honestly, he was looking adorable.
Shut up.
'All I want to say is that you are gorgeous.'
"Your ego is big enough without me inflating it." Your words betraying your thoughts. It did nothing to him but made him smirk a little more.
You rolled your eyes and turned around and started walking away.
"At least come to the party!" His voice bounced and reached you.
Merlin, why he is so gorgeous.
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You internally groaned as you felt Lily shaking your shoulders.
"Female Lupin, if you don't get up right now, I am going to get male Lupin and make you have a good conversation with him."
"But Lils!" You whined. You had no intention in going to that ruddy party, where James bloody Potter would be.
She sighed and sat down next to a lying figure on the bed. She started running her hands in your hair, humming softly.
You looked at her. Actually looked at her. What was there not to like? She was perfect in studies, had the most magical eyes, the softest hair and kindest heart. On the other hand you were nothing like her.
You were a monster.
Each full moon, you hunted for lives, each full moon, you became a monster.
But no one knew that, except a handful of people. And unluckily, he too knew that. What phased you more was that he was ready to take a risk upon his life by being with you and your brother in those dark nights where you both lose yourselves to your inner monsters.
You always felt comfort in thinking that it was all for Remus, you just got to be a part of it due to you having no other place than the Shack. Who knows that if it hadn't been because of your condition, he would have noticed that you existed?
You were shaken out of your thoughts when you heard a loud bang on the door. Lily looked at you in confusion but gave you a look when found you doing the same to her. She got up and opened the door and found Marlene smiling giddily at both of you.
"What are you two doing here?" She exclaimed.
"The party has started!" She exclaimed and now did you notice that her words were slurred.
At least there is alcohol.
"Marlene...the party just started and you are drunk." Lily said with sigh, disappointment evident on her face.
Marlene just grinned, flipped her hair and started descending the stairs whilst saying something along the line,
"It's just the starter."
Lily turned towards you and opened her mouth to say something but we're stopped by the sudden thumping sound that came from the stairs. You got up quickly from your bed and looked downwards with Lily on your side.
On the stairs, Marlene was laying face on the top most stairs, her hair sprawled on the floor just outside your dormitory.
A gasp left Lily's lips and she crouched down to look at your friend, while you were trying your best to stop the laugh that was about to leave your lips. You too crouched down to her level but before you could say anything Marlene suddenly jumped and sat with her legs crossed, facing you both.
Lily gasped and your eyes went wide with shock but when you both looked at Marlene, she was just giving you both a cheeky smile.
"Merlin, women! Thought you were possessed for a moment!" You exclaimed with a hand on your chest.
You got no reaction from her, instead she just stood up and pulled you both too in a standing position.
"I forgot that I was bribed to drag both of your arses downstairs."
You squint your eyes and raising a brow you said,
"Who bribed you?"
Her face light up and smiling widely, she threw her hands in the air and exclaimed,
"Pames Jotter!"
Lily smacked her hand on her forehead, you winced just thinking how painful it would have been, assuming by the sound.
You heard Marlene's giggles and turned towards her.
"Get it? Pames Jotter is James Potter!" She giggled harder and smiled widely.
You visibly shivered at the name. You eyed the blonde in front of you and started thinking of all the things that you could use to convince her and let you go.
You slowly approached the opportunity,
Marlene who had broken into a dance, swaying Lily with her stopped abruptly and looked at you. All humor was wiped away from her face.
You sighed then looked at her,
"You are not drunk, are you?"
She turned towards you and smiled sheepishly,
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"You are forgetting that I am the twin of Remus Lupin. We notice small things."
Marlene sighed and looked to be contemplating something before breaking the facade.
"Yeah, alright, I was acting." Lily hit her arm as soon as the words left her mouth and Marlene grumbled about how she was kind of pissed off by the Lupin siblings in a not so respectful way.
"Why?" You whined to Marlene.
She rolled her eyes and said,
"Because I know that you were not going to come unless practically dragged down.
"So? So? Just because you have a crush on the school's golden boy doesn't mean that you should rot in the dorm when everyone else is having a swing."
You felt flustered about how obvious were your feelings for him, you opened your mouth to retort but you couldn't find a better reason. Afterall, it was the reason you refused to be down at the party. You sighed and tried to ignore your friends' pitying faces.
"Okay, let's do this, we go to the party, have the time of your life, whilst we find something that you don't have to interact with him."
"And how we do this?" You raised an eyebrow, seriously questioning your friend's mind,
"I mean, how are we going to do this? He was the one who organised the party."
Marlene let a smirk form on her face and said,
"Technically, the party was organised because of him, not by him."
"Yeah, and that helps a lot." Lily rolled her eyes.
"You don't get it Lils! We are going to be so drunk and stay as far as possible from him."
You clapped your hands and said,
"Yes! We will get drunk and stay in our dorms! Go Marls, bring some drinks!"
Marlene rolled her eyes and took a threatening step towards you.
"Okay, enough, now you are going to get ready or I am dragging you just like this."
You opened your mouth to say something but,
"Nope! No, no more whining!" She cut you off.
She then clapped her hands and said,
"Alright, both of you get ready, I'll see you downstairs!"
She smiled and kissed your cheek before descending down the stairs.
You looked at Lily and sighed. When you saw her smirking you gave her a dry look and finally accepted your faith.
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"Alright, girl, slow down." Remus said from your side, where he had been standing and rubbing your back for the past fifteen minutes.
After you came to the party, you were convinced that Lily and Marlene were not going to leave your side. But who were you kidding? They left you ten minutes in the party, saying that you need to live up and actually let James have his way with you.
You almost scoffed at the thought. James wanted nothing but to tease you by just assuming you fancied him. Only if he knew how true that was.
You were about to take a sip from your cup when it was snatched away from your hand,
"Hey!" You hit Remus on his arm for it but he did nothing other than shrug.
"You almost had enough to last you a lifetime."
When he saw your sour expression he sighed,
"Listen, I don't have any problem with how much you drink. If I am being honest, I love it when you get drunk, you spill all your secrets but I don't want you to grumble when you have the baddest hangover."
You gave him an odd look with your arms folded over your chest, you said,
"I don't tell any secrets when I'm drunk."
"Oh you so do."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Tell me about one."
"You got the biggest crush on James."
You opened your mouth to counter his remark but your words died in your throat. Swallowing hard you whispered,
"I didn't…"
A smirk formed on his lips,
"You did."
You held your head in your hands and propped your elbows on the drink table near. You wanted to have the time of your life and here you were, finding out that you told your brother about your crush on his friend.
"You don't have any problem with it?" You mumbled with your head still in your hands.
Remus saw your sour expression and pulled your arm lightly and said,
"Hey, don't be sad now."
"Yeah, my brother found out that I have a crush on one of his best mates is not concerning."
"If it makes you feel better, I think he likes you too."
You gave him a dry look and took one more cup and gulped it in a single sip. The liquid burned your throat but atleast it was good enough to lighten the pressure on your head.
"Have you heard the way he talks?" You asked Remus who raised an eyebrow, clearly finding amusement in your condition. You gave him an annoyed look and continued,
"He talks like he knows all about everything. 'At Least come to the party', bloody buffoon. He–he knew that I would react this way and still! His voice is like the clawing of nails on iron. It gives me headache!" You looked at Remus who still had an annoying smile on his face,
"Why are you smiling?" You asked him annoyed.
"Why don't you say this to his face? Maybe he will go away" He suggested and you thought about this, maybe he was right. You found him looking behind you, you followed his eyesight and you frown deepened. Another glass down.
In front of you was James Potter goofing around with his best mate Sirius Black when other people were gawking at their sights.
"Doesn't he feel scared about how much people are attracted to him?" You mumbled to yourself but Remus heard you anyway and chuckled. You turned and glared at him.
"Honestly, why don't you just say all this to him? You know, it would be better." He said.
"You wait Remus Lupin till I find out about the person you like, then we will see." You turned towards the table again only to find the person you were not so subtly judging only to find him gone from there. Frowning, you raise your cup back to your lips and empty its contents in your throat. A shiver ran down your spine as the liquid burned your insides. You were starting to feel the outputs of the alcohol inside your system, your head started feeling dizzy and it felt really light. You turned around to find Remus surrounded by the Marauders this time and one of them was looking at you, he was looking at you.
Sirius draped his arm around your shoulder, breaking you out of the trance. You stumbled a bit as the alcohol in your system started taking a toll on you.
"Where's your boyfriend Y/N?" He asked you in mock concern.
You rolled your eyes but it did nothing other than increase the slowly growing headache you had.
A chuckle passed James's lips making you look at him, and unfortunately (or fortunately) he looked at you at the same time. You quickly diverted your eyes and shoved Sirius's arm from around you.
"Very funny, Black."
He grinned at you whereas you were slowly getting more and more dizzy.
"He still looks so scared whenever he looks at James."
You tried to hide your smile but it slipped anyway. Maybe you didn't know but your smile made James grin.
"Wait, why is he scared of James?" Remus asked suddenly. Your eyes widened at his words.
Oh shoot he didn't know.
It seemed like they too realised their mistake. They started stumbling over their words and you knew it was all on you.
"Where is Peter?" You asked, trying your best to change the topic.
Remus gave you a curious look but didn't question further.
"Er—Remus, come dance with me, won't you?" Sirius offered his arm to Remus, his nervous expression fading into a wide smirk. His words caused a blush to tint on Remus' cheeks and a small smile to form on his lips.
"Sure." And with that, they both left your drunk self with a very sober looking James Potter.
"Um–I think Marlene was calling me, I am going." You were about to walk away before he caught you by arm and pulled you back. You stumbled a bit, clearly due to intoxicating alcohol, or was it because of him.
"You never spend time with me." He pouted looking at you with those ocean blue eyes.
You were in such a daze that you didn't even react to his words. One reason was that now you were completely intoxicated and the other was that it was him.
"Well...you should take it as a compliment that I talk to everyone but you."
He was about to reply when suddenly darkness spread across the room. Shouts and protests rang out in the room, all increasing your headache.
Your hands frantically searched for something to hold on, when a bigger hand enveloped yours in it. It took time but your eyes adjusted in the darkness and you could lightly make out the face of the person holding your hand. Suddenly all the voices seemed to dim, suddenly the darkness was enough for you, suddenly you felt calm. Your stomach was churning but you were damn sure it wasn't the firewhisky.
You should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room.
He pulled you closer to him by his grip on your hand. He wrapped his other arm around your shoulder and instinctively your head leaned on his shoulder.
You felt his breath hitch but you chose not to say anything.
"Someone was informed that McGonagall was on round, the candles will be lit again soon." He almost whispered to you. And just then the candles were lit again.
James expected you to draw away from him as soon as the candles were lit again but you didn't move from your position. Still wrapped around his side.
And he was definitely not complaining.
"James...dance with me?" You asked, lifting your head from his shoulder. You looked so innocent and adorable that he couldn't deny your face.
Or because of the fact that he was never in a lifetime going to lose this opportunity.
And just like that you both started to sway along the rhythm, so lost in your world that no one else existed for you two.
"You know what, you always scared me." He admitted, making you giggle.
"Why?" You asked, your head on his chest as he guided you both in a swaying way.
"First, you are Remus's sister, second, you are damn good with your tongue." It took him a while to understand what he said but till you were in a giggling fit. You were laughing so hard that you had to hold him so you wouldn't fall.
"Wait—wait, I didn't mean it like that!" He exclaimed, his hand wrapped around yours which was holding his shoulder. But you couldn't stop laughing, and that resulted in you missing the smile on his face.
When you finally stopped, you looked up to find him waving to someone. Following his gaze, you found a beautiful brunette from Ravenclaw giggling and waving at him.
Something inside you bubbled, whether it was the alcohol in your system or you were actually being brave that time, you nudged his arm and made him look at you.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
His eyes widened at your words, he whipped his head between you and that girl before shaking it violently.
"Merlin, no! She's actually the daughter of one of Mum's friends."
James looked at you and the way your shoulders visibly relaxed at words and your head went between his shoulder and neck, resting there.
"If it makes you feel better, I'm single."
You again, moved your head from his shoulder and this time he found an adorable pout on your lips.
"It doesn't." You said. He raised an eyebrow and said,
"It doesn't?" And you shook your head.
"It's worse actually, because you are so gorgeous that it hurts."
Your eyes fixed at his face, and even intoxicated, you were able to appreciate his beauty. He was gorgeous in every way, he was a good person, he had an aura around him that made everyone around him happy, one of the reasons you hated him, he was beautiful. He was gorgeous. And his eyes, his eyes were enough to make you feel like, sinking, drowning, dying.
"Don't I make you feel happy?"
"You make me feel so happy that it turns back to sadness," your bottom lip jutting out.
"There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have, and you why? Because all my life, I lost so many things that I don't want to hope for what I can't have. And I'm so furious at you for making me feel like this."
James moved his hand and rested it on your cheek, making you look at him, he chuckled.
"It's not funny." You said, removing his hand from your cheek. Again resting on your head on his shoulder.
James kept swaying you both, still processing everything that had happened in such a less amount of time. He was slowly feeling you relax around him, the whole night taking a toll on you.
"Hey, honey, you can't sleep like that." He said lowly to you. When you didn't budge, he nudged your head from his shoulder,
"Don't sleep like that." He said, making a frown take over your lips.
"I'm not asleep, my mind is alive." You grumbled in a sleepy voice. You felt his shoulder shake from the soft laugh escaping his lips, making you look up at him.
James could see the exhaustion and sleep in your eyes and decided that it was about time, you both called it a night.
"Alright, I think it's time you leave."
A frown formed on your lips, removing any traces of the sleepy face that you had. A dramatic sigh left your lips, you said,
"Guess, I have to stumble home to my cats. Alone."
"Y/N, you don't have any cat, and you just need to go to your dorm." James said, too used to these kinds of antics, all because of a certain Gryffindor.
You pouted, moving yourself to hug him and resting your head again on his shoulder.
"But, Remus always takes me with him, whenever I'm drunk."
"Yeah, but I'm not Remus, and he might actually murder me for doing so."
You looked up at him, trying your best to do puppy-dog eyes. Your idea seemed to work as he sighed in defeat.
"Alright, but if Remus kills me in the morning, it will be your fault."
It took time but you both finally reached the Marauders dorm, and there was only one person there. Peter, and he too was sleeping.
James took you and made you sit on one of the beds in the corner. He was still standing over you, looking quite flustered. You ran a hand on the messy bed sheet and looked up at him again to find him filling a glass with water.
"Is this Remus's bed?" You asked.
"Yeah." He said before handing you the glass of water, which you quickly downed and handed him the glass back.
James crouched in front of you and started removing your footwears. You ran a hand through his dark curls and giggled when they got messier than before.
When he was done, he looked up at you, still sitting in the same position, he asked,
"You can sleep here now, Remus will manage, or at least Sirius would be happy to share his bed."
You pouted again at his words, making him frown a bit.
"What happened now?"
"You won't kiss me?" Your question took him by surprise. He didn't expect you to say that.
"What do you mean?"
You tilted your head at side and said,
"You don't like me?" Your voice was small, making him feel bad.
"Is it because of my scars?" Your eyes were slowly filling with tears making James panic. He jumped up and sat beside you, and quickly took your face between his hands. You were slowly sniffing till then, making his heart hurt.
"No darling, why would you think that?"
"My previous boyfriend left me because of that, didn't he?"
James pursued his lips at the thought of your previous boyfriend, remembering how heartbroken you looked that day.
"It's not because of that, love. It's because you are drunk." You scrunched your nose at his words and said,
"Did you just quote those stupid clichè books?"
He raised an eyebrow and said,
"I do remember you loving those cliche books."
"But, I want you to kiss me now." You said while your lower lip jutting out.
"How about, I kiss you in the morning?" He said with a hopeful look on his face.
You whined at his words,
"But James, I am sober enough to remember this."
He sighed in defeat knowing how bad it can get. After a while he said,
"Okay, so I will give you a peck on your forehead right now, then in the morning, I will actually kiss you?" That seemed to work and you quickly agreed. So that night James kissed your forehead and made you fall asleep. And still in your sleepy form, you actually told him how you felt for him,
"You are so gorgeous James."
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When you woke up the next day, you found yourself reliving all those things you did the night before and it certainly didn't help with your headache. You got up from the bed, trying your best to escape before things could get more awkward.
You almost reached the door when someone said your name,
You cringed, totally aware of the person to whom the voice belonged.
You turned around and came face to face with your worst fear. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off,
"Don't worry, everyone is downstairs. You were sleeping, so I thought it would be better to leave you. I didn't want you to commit an arson as soon as you woke, I have seen the way Moony gets if you wake him up early."
Suddenly there was an awkward silence settled between you two as there was nothing else to say. You clutched your head to stop the throbbing pain in your head.
James noticed this and made you sit on his bed. When you did, he took the spot beside you and handed you a vial. You looked at him confused, the he explained,
"Hangover potion, er—we kind of need it really often." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. You tried to stop the smile forming on your face and drank the potion.
"Y/N?" He asked, his voice soft, full of warmth. You hummed, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
"Did you mean everything you said last night?"
You turned to face him, only then realising how close you two were. You started feeling lost again in his eyes, so you just hummed.
"Even about the kiss?" He whispered.
"Even about the kiss." And just like that his lips were on yours, moving gently and slowly, afraid that this moment might get lost if used in heat.
Your lips parted after what felt like an eternity, but even that didn't seem enough. He rested his forehead on yours then he said,
"You are so gorgeous, my love."
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I’m Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 6
Batfamily x Batsis Story
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy @foreverthefloor @natatawa-ako (I discounted the names of those whose blogs I couldn't tag! Y'all gotta get that figured out on your end!)
Author's Note: And here we are with the long awaited PT. 6 after like...five days of hiatus. FLASHBACK TIME. Enjoy! -Thorne
The silver doors closed in his face and Wally couldn’t find it in himself to turn around and face the family behind. She wasn’t wrong for being upset and hostile, but something deep down inside naively assumed there would’ve been a teary reunion at the end of the night.
He hung his head and sighed heavily, turning around to pay the piper. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I thought…I thought I could—”
“How could you keep this from us!” Dick interrupted, angrily thrusting the letter towards Bruce. “We could’ve done more to find her! Released some statement about this! Told her earlier that she was wrong!”
Bruce’s face still held that indomitable impassivity as he responded calmly, “Dick, it would’ve caused more problems for us all if we’d released something pertaining to the information on the letter.”
“And making up some bullshit about (Y/N) fucking off to Europe was the betteroption?” Jason retorted, pointing at his father as he accused, “All those letters and pictures she supposedly sent were bullshit too, weren’t they?” He scoffed. “Of course they were. She’s been living here for the last three years.”
Tim, who’d been silent as his brothers delivered their harsh criticisms, murmured, “Bruce has a point guys.”
“Seriously?” Jason replied, eyes wide in shock. “You’re defending this?”
“Putting out the information in the letter would’ve made it seem like Bruce was irresponsible and inattentive to us.”
“But we—”
“Jason, Child Services would’ve conducted investigations into the manor.” Tim leveled him with a serious expression. “They could’ve taken me and Damian if they found things not to their likings.”
Jason went silent in agreement, but his pursed lips told Tim that he didn’t like it, and the rest of them matched the stillness.
Wally collapsed into the seat beside Dick. “I’m sorry, Dick,” he murmured remorsefully. “I thought I could help fix things.”
Dick was silent for a long time, then he sighed and shook his head. “It’s not your fault, Wally. You did the best you could.” He turned his blue eyes onto the speedster. “If anything, it was ours for cornering her.” He rubbed his temples. “I should’ve listened to you the first time when you told me to meet in Central instead of doing…this. She might’ve felt less threatened if we hadn’t ganged up on her.”
Wally looked away, the memory of (Y/N)’s disappearance still fresh in his mind and replaying as if it was still happening.
He could count on one hand how many times things had actually unnerved him to his core, and this one by far topped every instance of dread filled panic. And it certainly wasn’t the ecstatic atmosphere of Wayne-Family-Pizza-Fridays that was drilling him so hard—it was the confession that kept slipping onto his tongue, forcing him to swallow it down to avoid ruining everything.
“Wally, you good?”
His eyes darted to Jason’s, who were uncharacteristically concerned, and he gave a tight smile. “Yeah man, just chilling.”
Jason snorted. “You look like you’ve got a stick up your a—your butt,” he finished when Alfred’s glare hit him.
“Sorry, just thinking about some things.” He took a piece of pizza from one of the boxes, handing it to Cass who silently held her plate out, then proceeded to get himself one. “Don’t let me stop the story,” he quipped, and Jason shook his head, but went back into some story about kicking Two-Face’s ass the other night.
Maybe he should tell Dick later? Wouldn’t that be better than telling the whole family? A frown etched onto his face as he chewed, but it all tasted bitter. (Y/N) didn’t want to be found and she seemed pretty adamant about it as well. Maybe she was right? Maybe they did ignore her a lot. Bruce doesn’t exactly have the best track record of keeping up with all his kids, I mean look at Jason. And then everybody else gets sidetracked in their own lives and things just get forgotten along the way. Was she one of those things? Their own sister? No, they couldn’t—
Laughter exploded across the table, Cass pressing her face into Tim’s arm to stifle her giggles, Stephanie cackling at Tim for snorting soda out of his nose, and that just set everyone off again. Dick and Damian pointing at Tim while their faces turned red from laughing so hard, Jason was crying at that point, and surprisingly, Barbara and Bruce had their heads in their hands. The only one not laughing was Wally.
“I know where (Y/N) is.” He blurted and the table went dead quiet as everyone stared at him.
For a full minute, no one said a word.
“What did you just say?” Dick asked and Wally swallowed, looking at him.
“I…I know where (Y/N) is.” He looked at Bruce and that weighted stare made the words fall right out of his mouth. “She’s been living in Central under the alias Melisandre Hale. Has been for the last three years.”
“What,” Dick started, but shook his head like he couldn’t comprehend. “What are you talking about, Wally? (Y/N)’s in Italy.”
Wally shook his head. “No, Dick, she’s not. And she never was. She left three years ago and has been living a completely different life up until now.”
“Until now?” Jason repeated. “What do you mean until now?”
“Dick and the other Titans came to hang out in Central two months ago and Melisan—(Y/N)mentioned herself. Rather curiously I might add.” He shrugged. “Now that I think about it, that was her way of dipping a toe into the water to see the ripples. To see where she was in the grand scheme of things.”
His eyes drifted to Dick’s. “When I showed you her picture you offhandedly commented on how similar they looked to one another and that night—”
“You went to confront her,” Dick finished, eyes flashing, and Wally wasn’t sure if it was from anger or sadness or some other heavy emotion the eldest brother was feeling about his baby sister. “…How’d she react when you did?”
Wally sighed, slouching in the hardwood chair. “Not in the positive, Dick.” He glanced at Bruce. “She doesn’t want to be found. And she certainly doesn’t want to be met by anyone. Especially…especially anyone here.”
“(Y/N)’s our sister,” Tim retorted. “What do you mean she doesn’t want to meet us?” he was already rising from his seat and that seemed to spark every brother to do so.
Wally’s hand shot out, wrapping around Dick’s wrist. “Dick, I’m being serious. Don’t corner her. Let me handle this.”
Dick tried to pull away, but he held tight. “You will handle this. We’ll all handle it together.”
“You don’t understand, Dick. If you want this to play out the way you’re planning, you need to come to Central alone with me.” He gazed at the others. “We need Dick to do this himself and then we can see about bringing her back here.”
Jason scowled. “With all due respect Wally, she’s our sister. Not yours.”
And with that, Dick pulled away firmly and Wally watched as the lot headed for the cave, the young women and Bruce still seated at the dinner table. He groaned and put his head in his hands, knowing this was going to come back to bite him in the ass.
“Wally,” someone said quietly. “Is she okay?”
He looked up, meeting Bruce’s eyes. His mouth opened, ready to lie, but he sighed and shook his head. “No,” he answered honestly. “(Y/N) isn’t the shy girl I remember. Especially when I confronted her. She was…cold and indifferent.” His mouth drew into a taut line and he stared at Bruce. “This isn’t going to end well, isn’t it?”
Bruce wiped his mouth on the napkin in his lap then stood from his seat, pushing in the chair behind him. “No, Wally. No, it’s not.”
He shook the memory away and instead of looking at any of the brothers, he looked at Bruce. “So, what do we do now?”
“We go find her and bring her back to Gotham, that’s what we do,” Jason griped, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No,” Bruce said firmly. “If (Y/N) wants to stay here, then we’ll let her.”
“WHAT?!” all three of the boys around him shouted in unison, their eyes practically bulging out of their heads.
He merely looked on. “We’ll wait for her to meet us halfway.”
“And what if she tries to leave again?” Dick questioned angrily and Bruce turned his slate gray eyes to him.
“We’ll know.”
“How?” Tim asked. “If she left the first time, what’s stopping her from leaving again?”
Wally cleared his throat and if he were a lesser man, he would’ve cowered under their withering glares as he admitted, “Actually, I tagged (Y/N) with a bug.”
“You did what?” Jason questioned, brows furrowing.
“I tagged a pocket in her purse with a bug when she wasn’t paying attention earlier in the car.”
“And you’re sure she won’t just throw that purse away? She left the house with money and a suitcase of necessities. A purse doesn’t seem that way.”
Wally snorted and crossed his arms. “(Y/N)’s purse is a Givenchy black bag that she found at a thrift store for thirty dollars. She might be a different person after living on minimum wage, but deep down she’s still a billionaire’s daughter who can’t help but love expensive things.” He grinned rather cockily. “She’s not going to get rid of a two-thousand-dollar purse she found for thirty. Even if she throws away everything else she’s got.”
He shifted his gaze to Bruce. “I think waiting for her is a good option, but you might want to do something more.”
“Like what?” Tim asked.
Wally shrugged. “Write her personal letters. The semester ends in three months and she won’t leave before it does, or she’ll have to pay those classes off.” He stared them down. “You’ve got three months to wear her down into staying on grid before she goes off again.” His eyes hardened. “And you know as well as I that if she goes off…we won’t find her ever again.”
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Mostly Pleasant Surprises Part 1 of 4 Birthday Presence
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This is the final installment of "how they finally got together." I promise. 😊
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick & Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Rating: Teen Category: Mostly Fluff, a little angst Words: 2,200
Series Summary: It's been months since the chemical attack, and "kind of" exes-turned-friends Tobias & Casey have been stubbornly denying their feelings for one another. But when a series of events threatens to come between them, how do they find their way back together? Part 1 Summary: It’s Tobias’s birthday, and Casey's not sure how to acknowledge it. With the help of Sienna, she she puts a plan in place, and it seems to be going well... and then, it doesn't.
A/N: The maybe 2 or 3 people who were around when I first wrote this birthday fic will notice the similarities to the original, but it's completely revamped. I just left it attached to the original link. I always said by the time I got to writing how they actually got together, there would be no one left in the fandom to care, lol, and I may be right! But I'm doing this for me... because my baby's story deserves to be told. This takes place just four days after they spent Valentine's Day together.
I expect this to be told in four parts, though it may be three.
Series Masterlist || Tobias x Casey Masterlist Full Masterlist
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Casey was involved in an intense stare-off... but the peculiar thing was, it was with her kitchen cabinet. She stared at it with such intensity it appeared she was expecting it to provide an answer to a question she hadn’t asked. An awfully big ask of a dull slab of wood that had seen its best days back in the 90’s. She removed a box of cake mix, placed it on the countertop, then put it back. Repeating the process several times before Sienna entered the room to break the stalemate.
“Casey, what are you doing?”
“Si!” Casey jumped. “You startled me!”
“I’m sorry. But I want to know what's going on between you and that box of cake mix? More importantly, which one of you is playing hard to get?"
Casey slumped into a chair, the indecision taking its toll. “I was thinking of making a cake, but I’m not sure.”
Sienna raised a brow, silently encouraging her friend to continue.
“Today is Tobias’s birthday.”
“I don't know what to do. I just returned to work, so money is tight... I really can't buy him anything. But I feel like I should acknowledge it. So… maybe a cake?”
“You know baking is always a good idea in my book! But why so indecisive?"
“I don't know," Casey sighed. "Maybe it’s because I'm not sure what we are to each other, and I don’t want to... confuse things.”
“Not sure what you are?” Sienna mocked. "I thought you were 'just friends'? At least that's what you tell me thirty times a day."
"We are just friends," Casey replied with narrowed eyes. But the smirk on Sienna's face made it clear that she was unconvinced.
“Well, those pictures you posted on Valentine’s Day tell a different story."
“You know that wasn’t a date, Si! I love what we have, and when we tried dating, you know it was disastrous...."
“That doesn't mean it would be disastrous if you tried again. Casey,” Sienna said, taking her friend's hand. "A lot has changed since then. He's changed, and so have you. It's obvious how much he cares for you.”
“But what if it was all because he felt guilty about the attack? What if it was all him taking pity on me?”  
“Casey Rose MacTavish!" Sienna scolded. "Has he said or done anything to indicate that?"
“Well...no, but....”
“No buts! Stop making crap up in your head! As far as I can see, he's as happy to spend time with you as you are with him. But none of this matters right now. What matters is that it’s his birthday, and I don’t see anything wrong with acknowledging a friend’s birthday. So, what are you going to do?”
The apprehension washed from Casey's face, replaced with a tentative grin. “I guess I should get baking!”
“Perfect! But not some boxed crap! We can do better than that!”
“Of course! Do you think I'd let you handle this on your own? What does Tobias like?”
“He did love the coconut macaroons we bought in Philly.”
“I just happen to have a recipe!”
“Of course you do,” Casey grinned. “Shall we go get the ingredients?”
Sienna was already putting on her coat. “Lead the way!” 
A few hours later, with the batch of delicious treats cooling in the kitchen, Casey texted Tobias.
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If Casey had known her arrival at Kenmore would be a TMZ-worthy event, she might have dressed better. But from the moment she gave her name to the guard at the front desk, all eyes were on the doctor and the bow-bedecked package in her hands.  
Tobias had been working at Kenmore for over a decade, and his reputation as a confirmed bachelor was set in stone. Seeing him seated next to a beautiful woman at a local bar was commonplace, but one showing up to visit him at work? Unfathomable. Yet, here she was, attempting to evade the whispers, smiles, and even a few glares as she walked down the hall leading to his office. She was becoming more apprehensive with each step she took, but that all melted away the moment she saw Tobias’s bright smile headed her way.
“Casey,” he beamed, walking toward her with more than a bit of spring in his step.
“Happy Birthday!" She sang, immediately placing the present in his hands. "For you!"
“I told you. You didn’t need to do anything.”
“And since when do I take orders from you?” she winked, and he swore his heart skipped a beat.
“Oh, really?” He simpered, not letting the moment go.
“I’m just teasing," Casey giggled. "I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.”
“And I appreciate it.” He adorably bopped her nose with his pointer as whispers around them grew louder. The offenders were silenced with just one look from Tobias. “Why don’t you come into my office?” He said, touching Casey’s elbow to guide her. “Where we won’t have an audience,” he yelled while shutting the door.
"Is everything OK?"
“Sure, but you know how hospital gossip is,” he shrugged. “If we stay out there much longer, they’re bound to have us engaged by the end of the day."
Casey wanted to answer, but words were hard to find. Knowing she’d be a sputtering fool if she spoke, she remained awkwardly silent as a unique shade of pink found a home on her cheeks. Fortunately, Tobias noticed and was eager to put her at ease.
"Now, what’s in this box?" he said, gently shaking it next to his ear. "You know I’m not a patient man.”
“Then you should probably open it,” she smiled. “But it’s really nothing big.”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll love it,” he smiled, slipping his fingers under the carefully tied bow. "But your visit is already the highlight of my day.”
“I hate that you’re working," Casey frowned. "Your birthday should be special.”
“And now, it is.”
Forcing his eyes away from Casey, they opened wide when they landed on the treats.
“Oooohhh! Are these the ones we got in Philly?”
“A little bit closer to home. My kitchen, to be exact. I made them.”
“You made these for me?”
"Mmm-hmm," she nodded. “Well, with Sienna’s help.”
“Wow! That makes them even more special.”
He eagerly popped one into his mouth, and his eyes screwed shut; a slow, lingering moan escaped him, and the sound did more to Casey than she would readily admit.
“Ohmygoood,” he droned. “These are soooo good!”
Casey stifled a giggle, wondering what the gossips stationed outside his door must have been thinking right now.
“Would you like one?” He offered.
“Nah. I sampled plenty while baking. These are all for you.”
“Awesome! Because while you’re probably the only person I’d be willing to share these with, selfishly, I’m glad you said no.”
A loud knock startled the pair, and Tobias turned to the door with a grimace.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake…," he muttered. "Come in!”
A raven-haired intern nervously entered. “I...I’m sorry to interrupt, but Dr. Diaz needs to speak to you about Mr. Donaldson in room 620. He’d like to see you in his office in ten minutes.”
“Tell him I’ll be there,” he grumbled. “I’m sorry, I wish I didn’t have to….”
But Casey waved him off. “Don’t be silly! I’m a doctor, too. I get it."
“Yep, you are,” he smiled.
He offered to walk her out, but Casey insisted she could find her way. Besides, she figured the stares would be less intense if he didn’t accompany her. But any chance of that ended the moment he placed a goodbye kiss on her cheek. The kiss was as chaste as could be, but it was enough to supply the Kenmore rumor mill for weeks to come.
“This was the highlight of my day,” he whispered. “I mean that.”
“Are you sure consulting with Dr. Diaz won’t top it?” She teased, to his delight.
“Not a chance."
With a final smile, Casey turned and headed toward the elevator. She only took ten steps before nearly colliding with a stunning woman who seemed to go out of her way to make herself noticed. If not for her scrubs, Casey would have assumed she was a movie star and not just another employee at Kenmore. Tall and lithe, her creamy complexion was devoid of a single blemish, and a mane of red hair trailed down her back like a stream of fire. She looked like a porcelain doll, but a porcelain doll could never be that enticing.
“I’m sorry,” Casey apologized, even though she wasn't at fault.
“It’s fine,” the gorgeous woman smiled confidently, giving Casey a quick look over her shoulder as she strode away.  
Suddenly uncomfortable, Casey bounced on her feet as she waited for the elevator. Something told her to keep her eyes on the elevator doors, but ignoring the angel’s voice, she succumbed to the devil’s instead. Her eyes turned toward the redhead just as she stepped into Tobias’s office. Their eyes briefly met, and the stranger offered a smug, satisfied smile before closing the door. Casey heard the click of the lock some twenty feet away. The elevator doors opened, and a chill came over Casey as stepped inside. "It's nothing," she said. Attempting to convince herself that the foreboding feeling was all in her head.
Tobias looked up at the unannounced visitor, nodding curtly to acknowledge her arrival.
“Tobias," she grinned, taking the seat across his desk. “It looks like the birthday boy is getting a lot of visitors today.”
“I got one,” he half smiled. “What’s up, Audrey? I have to meet Dr. Diaz in ten.”
"What’s up? So much," she taunted. "But I just came by to say happy birthday.” Her eyes were suddenly drawn to the package on Tobias’s desk. “Oooh! Those look so good!"
“They are,” he confirmed. “Very good.”
“Are you going to offer one to me?”
“Nope,” he said, shutting his laptop. “I’m going to be selfish.”
Audrey’s beautiful green eyes rolled skyward. “How unlike you! Did that incredibly beautiful blonde make them for you?”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play coy, T. It's the talk of the floor—scratch that—the talk of the hospital.”
“Let them talk," Tobias shrugged. "I don’t see how it's any of their business.... or yours.”
"I'm hurt," she mocked, but Tobias sensed a tinge of real pain in her voice.
“Audrey. We haven’t been… together… in a long time. And, even when we were... together... we weren’t exactly….”
“I was a booty call,” she sighed.
“I didn’t say that!”
“That’s because you never were a fan of the truth. Did I rise to the level of being your friend? If so, we could say I was your friend with benefits. But, honestly, I was your booty call.”
“Call it whatever you like. But the bottom line is that it was some time ago, so I don’t need to explain Casey.”
“Casey!” Audrey snapped her fingers. “I knew I recognized her! She was the woman in the chemical attack, right?”
Tobias was finding it hard to fight his increasing annoyance.
“Audrey, thanks for the birthday wishes, but Dr. Diaz is expecting me, so...”
“I don’t want to detain you. But, any chance you'll be celebrating your birthday at the Puddingstone tonight?”
"I don't know... It's been a long day. I'll probably head home and curl up on the couch with a Corona and a good movie."
"Hmmm... need any company?"
With one look, Tobias provided the answer. "Audrey... I..."
"I know, I know," she chided, enticingly swiveling her hips as she walked to the door. "We've been over a while. But... if you settle down on that couch and find yourself lonely... I know my number’s still in your phone. Feel free to use it."
Later that day, Casey was stretched out on her couch, reading the latest in the pile of books, when Sienna returned from her evening run.
“Hey," her friend huffed. "How did it go with Tobias?”
Putting her book aside, Casey sat up and tucked her legs underneath herself.
“Good... I guess... He was happy to see me, and he loved the macaroons. Thank you for helping me with that.”
“Oh, anytime!” Sienna waved. “So, are you seeing him tonight?"
“He didn't mention anything,” Casey frowned. “If he has plans, they don't include me."
Sienna's brow furrowed slightly, but she wasn't one to give up easily. "Well, why don't you check his Instagram? The Kenmore crowd usually heads to the Puddingstone, and there’s nothing preventing two chicks from Edenbrook from showing up for a few drinks.”  
"Oh, I don't think so, Si. That would be overstepping. If he wanted to include me, he would have."
"Suit yourself," Sienna shrugged. "I'm going to shower, but Iet me know if you change your mind.”
Casey leaned back, attempting to forget the idea Sienna had planted in her head. But hard as she tried, it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore. She wasn’t about to crash a party she wasn’t invited to, but was there a party? Curiosity got the better of her, and she grabbed her phone and started scrolling. A wave of relief washed over her when she saw Tobias hadn’t posted anything to Instagram all day, but that comforting feeling was short-lived and her blood went cold when her eyes landed on...
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @darkswagamerpiratecowboyclown @differenttyphoonwerewolf @dorisz @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @parisa-kh @peonierose @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @rosebudde @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @trappedinfanfiction @txemrn @writer-ish @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @fayeswiftie @kachrisberry
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @onikalover @peonyblossom @toadfrog26 Tobias Only: @icecoffee90
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Torn Apart (2 Final)
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Pairing: Surprise! x Reader
Warning: Smut, Sadness, Angst Maybe? Mean People
Word Count: 5.4k
It had been weeks. 
Weeks of sobbing into your pillow, weeks of feeling like things were going to get better, until you found the most insignificant thing that belonged to Chanyeol and you broke down all over again. You missed him. You missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, the way he made you laugh when you were sad. You missed it all. You were broken, and it was all Chanyeol's fault. 
Until you scrolled through Instagram, and saw pictures of him with Maya, that bitch. You had never hated anyone in your life until you had met her. You couldn't even begin to fathom what even slightly redeeming qualities Chanyeol saw in her, but apparently there was something to that wench.
You were curled on your couch in the fetal position as you cried at the ending of Strong Girl Bong Soon. You wished you had a love like that. The way An Minhyuk loved Bong Soon was the relationship you wanted, the one you would strive for. He loved her so much and you just wanted to be loved by someone like that. 
You groan loudly as your doorbell rings, and then whoever pounds on your door. You didn't want visitors, you didn't care who it was, you wanted to hermit. 
"What?" You yelled from the other side of the door. 
"Y/N, let me in." You hear from the other side. You recognized the voice immediately. 
"Baekhyun, I look like a troll. Kindly leave." You sigh. 
"Y/N, if your trolly ass doesn't let me in, I will break down your door." He threatens, which makes you laugh for the first time in days. You both knew he would never be able to do that, and he would likely end up hurting himself. 
"Baek, you would break your leg." You say, pulling the door open. On the other side was a sympathetic Baekhyun, who had tissues, ice cream, chocolate and a bag full of movies. You smile at his kindness. "You know I have Netflix right?" 
"Shut the fuck up and move, this shit is cold." He barks, moving past you and into your kitchen. "Look, I have all the necessities. We will get you through this. Because I for one, cannot stand the sight of Mayeol and I want to gouge my eyes out, and I need someone to do it with." 
"I don't understand how that has anything to do with me." You say, grabbing two spoons.
"Sehun is gone, he's so in love with those two, hes bordering being a psychopath, Jongdae and his wife are just tolerating, Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo are avoiding them like the plague and Minseok and Lay have been MIA, so you're my last hope, Y/N." 
"I really don't want to talk about him, Baek." You admit, the hole in your heart somehow feels larger than before. 
"That's fine, I'll stop, let's start a movie." He suggests, grabbing a random one out of his bag. 
And for the next few hours, that's all you guys did. You watched movies, making comments, laughing and you genuinely had a good time with him. It had been so long since you actually felt happy and you were grateful to Baekhyun for bringing at least a little joy back into your life. 
Until he left, and you were alone again. All the feelings came rushing back, except they hurt a little less this time. You didn't miss him quite as much. 
The next day, at the same time, your doorbell rang again. You open the door, your eyes puffy and bloodshot and you see Baekhyun standing there again, a new flavor of ice cream in hand, a new kind of chocolate, and a new bag of movies. This time he said nothing to you, instead pushed his way past you and through the door, setting everything down on your living room table as he popped in the movie. You smiled to yourself before turning around to join him, it felt nice to be cared about, and the fact that he was going out of his way to do this for you, and make you feel better. You truly appreciated Baekhyun. 
As he sat there and watched the movie, you watched him. The way his eyes lit up at a part of the movie he enjoyed, the face he made when he took a bite of his ice cream, the wrinkle he had in his nose when there was a cheesy scene. You never truly noticed how handsome Baekhyun was until now. His distinct jawline, his large hands, his toned body, you briefly.. very briefly began to wonder how large his..
"No Y/N, no. Do not go there with your existing bestfriend." 
You quickly shake off the thought, moving your eyes to the TV screen, trying to focus. 
"How are you feeling today?" Baekhyun asks, sliding his phone back into his pants pocket. 
"A bit better, I guess." You answer. Before Baekhyun could say anything there was another knock at the door. "That's good." He smiles, standing up. "There are some people who wanna see you." He says, opening the door. 
Minseok, Suho and Kyungsoo file through the door, looking at you with pity as they all sit, surrounding you.  
"Hiiiii." Suho pouts, protruding his bottom lip. "How are we feeling today?" 
"Um, hi." You laugh. "I'm fine." 
"Oh good, so we can go." Kyungsoo pipes up, standing up and walking towards the door. 
"Sit." Minseok sighs, pointing back at the seat. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shuffling back to his spot and flopping down. 
"She's fine, Chanyeol is fine, so why are we here? Everyone is fine." He groans. 
"Have you seen him? Is he fine?" You hesitantly ask. You weren't even sure if you wanted to know. 
"Oh he's more than fine." Kyungsoo groans. "He and Maya are all over each other all the time. It's honestly nauseating. Like I want to be able to eat my sandwich without hearing your girlfriend moan when you kiss her." He gags. 
You bite your bottom lip as you slowly nod your head, tears welling in your eyes. These were most definitely details you did not need to hear about your ex and the girl he cheated on you with. All the men whip their heads to look at you, who now had your head hanging low as your shoulders shaked. They all look back at Kyungsoo, with only one speaking up.  
"That's it." Baekhyun growls. "Kyungsoo, get out." He spits, pointing to the door. 
"What did I do?" Kyungsoo asks, innocently. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, looking at you, softly whimpering into the sleeves of your sweater. 
"Out. Now." Baekhyun says, giving him the middle finger before flinching as Kyungsoo stands up, whispering "Don't hurt me."
"Don't listen to him." Minseok sighs. "Kyungsoo has zero social cues, he also could not read a room if his life depended on it." 
As Kyungsoo opened the door to leave, in rushed Lay, who looked at the man leaving and just nodded his head, realizing he had probably said something rude and was asked to leave. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last either. 
"Y/N." Lay breathes. "How do you feel about tall, muscular men who sing?" He asks. 
"I do enjoy them. Why?" You ask. 
"I have a friend from the hospital.. I think you two would get along really well. He's in his third year of surgery residency and is looking to date. I may have shown him your picture and he instantly said yes." He tells you. 
You look around the room, Suho and Minseok are nodding enthusiastically, while Baekhyun sits with his arms crossed against his chest, and a pouty look on his face. 
"What do you think?" You ask Baekhyun. He looks up at you, his face softening immediately. 
"I uhh, it's up to you. Yanno, if you're into muscular, tall men.." he mumbles.
"You know what? Sure, yes, I will. Chanyeol and Maya are out there living their best lives while I'm sitting here sulking, mourning a love that clearly didn't mean as much to him. So yes I will go out with him." You announce, perking up already. "When?" 
"Tonight." Lay says. "More specifically, an hour." 
"I need to get ready." You smile, jumping from your seat to rush to your room. You slowly peak your head around the corner, softly smiling at your friends. "Thank you, you guys. You've all really helped me these last weeks. I greatly appreciate you all." You finish, heading back into your room to quickly throw yourself together. 
By the time you were done, you had 15 minutes to spare, and you were damn proud of what you accomplished in the last 45 minutes. You showered and shaved to become a hairless human from the eyelashes down, you managed to get the knots out of your hair and it looked in decent shape, as well as hide the semi-permanent redness of your eyes with a lot of makeup. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror when you looked. You didn't see the heartbroken girl anymore, you saw someone confident, hot and worthy of a great love. 
Stepping out into the living room you blush at all the 'oohs and ahhs' from your friends. 
Except for Baekhyun. 
When you looked at him, his eyes shined and for some reason it made your heartbeat a little faster. You watched his eyes trail up and down your body, seemingly taking in every curve, every inch of you. When he notices you staring, he clears his throat and looks away. "You look prettyish." He mumbles as he walks away, there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun is the one to answer and looks up at the tall man. 
"You must be.." he begins, moving out of the way, letting the man walk in. 
"Hi." He smiles at you. "I'm Matthew." He says, holding out his hand. 
"Hi Matthew." You grin. "Y/N." You finish, introducing yourself. 
"It's really nice to meet you. You look phenomenal." He says, holding your hand up to spin you around. You can't help but let out a loud laugh as a blush spreads across your cheeks. 
"Thank you." You whisper. "Shall we?" 
He waves to Lay and everyone else before taking your arm in his and leading you out the door. You left three excited men behind you and one who felt annoyed but didn't quite know why. 
You hadn't laughed so hard until tears rolled down your cheeks and you held your stomach for a very long time. You honestly were surprised at how much you and Matthew had in common. You both enjoyed the same type of music, food, and pastimes. You had yet to meet someone who loved the same authors as you, who enjoyed doing your favorite activities and who genuinely seemed like a great person but here he was, sitting right in front of you at this nice restaurant. 
"I have to admit something." Matthew begins. Your stomach drops as you feel like he's going to tell you he's married or has a girlfriend, something that's going to make you lose trust in men, again. 
"Go on." You say, forcing a smile before taking a sip of your drink. 
"I really like you." He grins. "It's insane, I have never met someone I had so much in common with until tonight." 
"I was just thinking the same thing." You laugh, feeling relieved at his confession. You liked Matthew, he seemed as though he would be good for you and treat you right, although you thought that Chanyeol would do the same and look how that turned out. 
Matthew's pager beeps incessantly. He takes it from the waistband of his pants, checking the page and stands up abruptly. "I'm so sorry." He sighs. "I have to go, there was an accident and I'm needed in the OR." He explains. 
"Go." You say, waving your hands to emphasize. 
"I had a wonderful time Y/N, and I hope I get to see you again." He grins. He places down a few hundred bills on the table before kissing your hand, and with a wink he was off and your heart was pumping fast as red spreads across your cheeks. 
Oh boy. 
Your blush is still present as you walk through the door of your apartment. You see Baekhyun sitting on your couch with his arms crossed as he watches a show, not even acknowledging your presence. 
"Why are you still here?" You ask, tossing your purse on the chair. 
"I wanna hear all about Matthew." He mimics, rolling his eyes. "How was your date?" 
"It was really nice. We have a lot in common, which is strange. He seems really nice and we get along amazingly. He was paged into surgery so it ended early." You tell him. "So cool." 
"Oh wow, surgery huh?" Baekhyun says, nodding his head. "Did I tell you I'm auditioning for a band?" He smiles. 
"Are you really?" You ask, a little shocked. 
"Maybe." He says, clearing his throat, turning back to the show. 
You sit beside him, you dress riding up just a little to expose your thigh. You're focused on the show, barely realizing that Baekhyun has now rested his hand on your bare thigh, his thumb lightly rubbing the same spot. 
Why did you feel butterflies? Why was your pussy throbbing? It's probably just friendly, there's no way Baekhyun has feelings for you. 
As the show played on, your eyes became increasingly droopy, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of today finally catching up with you. Your eyes slowly close as you lean your head back onto the couch. 
You weren't sure when it happened, but you woke up, what you're assuming is a few hours later with your head on Baekhyun's lap while he gently rubbed your head, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shivered at the gentle sensation and you closed your eyes once again, feeling safe and happy as you dozed off. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on the couch, alone with a blanket draped over you. Your eyes searched your apartment and there was no sign of Baekhyun.  You had no idea when he had left but a part of you felt a little hurt that he left without saying goodbye to you. You rolled yourself off the couch and shuffled into your room, changing your clothes to something more comfortable. 
When you were done you made your way to the kitchen to find food when your front door opened. In walked Baekhyun with a large bag from your favorite food place. 
"You didn't." You grin. "It's so far away." 
"I did, and it was worth it to see the look on your face." He laughs, setting the bag down on the table. 
The two of you sit down, and have breakfast together and chat. You hadn't realized that Baekhyun actually had a lot in common with you as well. You didn't know why the two of you had never talked about these things but you felt like it was a crazy coincidence that two men match with you so well. Although you knew Baekhyun's feelings were strictly platonic, there was no way that he felt anything romantically for you. 
"I gotta go to work, but we'll hang out later, if you're up for it?" He asks, throwing his garbage away. 
"Of course." You smile. You look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes and you just want to melt. You liked Baekhyun, alot. Maybe it was just from how good he's been treating you lately, or maybe the feelings were real, you would never know because you were going to focus on changing your feelings for Baekhyun to feelings for Matthew, someone you knew you actually had a chance with. 
Later that day you were doing some work on your computer for the company you work for, luckily you're able to do your work from home, giving you plenty of time to be free during the day for activities. You're brought out of your zone by a text from Matthew, asking you if you wanted to grab a late lunch around 2pm, and immediately your mood changed, and you happily replied that you would love to. 
At 1:50pm, you sat at the restaurant, a drink in front of you while you waited for Matthew. Seeing him walk through the door, your heart did a mini dance as he smiled at you, heading towards the table you had already gotten. 
"Hey there beautiful." He grins, sitting across from you. 
"Hi." You giggle. "How has your day been?" 
"Busy and stressful, but that's all been forgotten now that I have you in front of me." He says. You smile widely, burying your head in your hands. He was so sweet, and you didn't know how to react to it. After the two of you order, you're in the middle of a conversation about a movie you had each recently watched, when out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone familiar. You look over and at a table that was too close for your liking sat Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Maya. Your attitude, demeanour and mood completely changed when you noticed them. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you looked away. You look at Matthew who instantly looks concerned. 
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asks, leaning in closely to whisper to you. 
"T-that's my ex.. and the girl he chose over me, and his best friend who I'm still friends with." You whisper, nodding your head towards them.
Matthew discreetly looks over and notices the blonde man looking in your direction, pain in his eyes from the moment he saw you. 
"Look at me." Matthew whispers. You look up at him, trying to control the tears. "That boy is an idiot for giving you up. You are one in a million. You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring and an all around amazing person to be around. Don't give them anymore of your tears, princess. They don't deserve them, and you don't deserve to cry over them." He smiles. 
You sit up, taking a deep breath, smiling at the man across from you, staring at his beautiful smile. You glance over to the table and see Chanyeol staring at you, sadness in his eyes while Maya glares at you and Baekhyun, he stares at you with what seems like a look of anger. He glares in your direction, his face like stone and you had no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. 
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" Matthew asks. 
You nod your head, knowing you didn't want to be in the same restaurant as Mayeol, it was bad enough to have to be in the same city as them. Matthew grabs the check, escorting you out, his hand hovering over your backside as you walk out, the feeling of eyes watching you burning into your back as you exit the restaurant.  You and Matthew stand outside your door, and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry about the date." He sighs. 
"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be sorry." You say. 
"You did nothing wrong." He tells you. "I have to get back to the hospital now, but I'll call you." He says, leaning down he presses his lips to yours quickly before pulling away and saying goodbye. 
You walk into your apartment, feeling a little confused. That didn't go how you imagined it at all. As you're trying to get out of your sundress, there's a knock at the door before someone walks in. You turn around and see Baekhyun standing there, watching you. 
"You looked pretty comfortable and intimate with what's his name." He blurts out, walking towards you. He stands closely behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as he pulls down the zipper of your dress. 
"Yeah well you looked pretty comfortable with fucking Maya and Chanyeol." You retort, trying to storm away from him. Your dress slips off your body, landing on the floor. Baekhyun follows you, reaching out to grab your wrist. He spins you around to face him. He pulls your body closer to his. 
"What do you want?" He asks. You don't answer, your lips parted as you try to form a sentence. Baekhyun's eyes drop down to your lips. He licks his lips and sighs. You can feel his breath, so close to you, almost kissing you. "What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asks. 
Your heart is practically beating out of your chest. You look into his eyes, one word on the tip of your tongue. 
You. Just say it. You want him. Tell him. 
But you say nothing. 
Baekhyun sighs. "That's what I thought." He says,  moving away from you and picking up your dress from the floor. He hands it to you, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. "Call me when you know what you want." He says, walking away from you and out the door. 
What did that mean? Did he want you like you wanted him? Why couldn't you have just told him right then and there? 
You were scared. You were scared of rejection, you were scared he didn't mean it, maybe his feelings towards you weren't real. But then again, you would never know unless you talked to him. 
Later that night you laid in your bed, thinking about Baekhyun. You couldn't sleep, so you grabbed your purse and your keys, drive aimlessly around town. A little while later, you glance at the clock that reads 2am, you park your car and you pull out your phone and call him. You felt like you were going to vomit as the phone rang. 
"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 
"You." You whisper through the speaker. "I want you."  
"Y/N." He breathes. 
"Open the door, Baekhyun." You whisper. 
You can hear him get out of bed and stomp towards the front door. He pulls it open and there you are, your phone pressed against your ear, wearing a nightshirt and shorts. 
"I want you." You say again, pulling the phone away from your ear. 
Baekhyun pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you before pinning you against the front door. 
"Fuck it." He groans, crashing his lips against yours, pulling your body in closer to his. His hands roaming your body as he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands move under your shirt and up your torso, cupping a bare breast. He groans into the kiss as he pinches your hard nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He presses his crotch into your leg, allowing you to feel his hard cock pushing against his boxers. 
You reach your hand down, sliding it into his waistband, grabbing his cock and slowly pumping, making his knees buckle. 
"Fuck." He murmurs, breaking the kiss. He leans his head into your neck, placing small kisses as you stroke his cock. 
Suddenly he stands up straight, pulling your hand from inside his boxers. He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom. 
"Take off your clothes." He growls. 
You maintain eye contact as you slip your shirt off your body, dropping it to the floor and the shimmy off your shorts, letting them pool around your ankles. You stand there naked in front of Baekhyun who takes in every curve and crevasse of your body. 
"Get on the bed." He whispers. You move to the bed, slowly climbing on and laying on your back. 
"So fucking beautiful." He moans, crawling on top of you. "I just wanna be inside you." He whispers. You nod your head, giving him all the consent he needs. 
Baekhyun spits on his hand, pumping his cock. He lifts your legs over his shoulder before lining him up with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, stretching your pussy out, making you cry out loudly. 
It had been so long for you, you forgot what it felt like to be fucked. Your hands grip the bed sheets as Baekhyun slides his cock in and out of you slowly. 
"How do you want it, baby?" He asks, moving slowly still. 
"Faster." You moan. "Fuck me Baekhyun." 
His eyes become dark after hearing your words. His hands wrap around your ankles as he starts thrusting harder into you, the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
"Oh god." You cry out, your hands cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples as he pumps his cock into you. 
Baekhyun releases one of your legs, placing his thumb between your lips to rub your clit. He rubs in circles, making you clench around him. 
"Just like that." You cry out as you buck your hips. You knew you were going to cum soon, you hadn't had an orgasm since Chanyeol left. 
"Fuck." Baekhyun groans. 
"I'm gonna cum." You scream as he fucks you harder, and continues to rub you. 
Your orgasm hits you, making you scream out in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tighten around Baekhyun once again. 
He groans loudly, suddenly cumming, shooting his load inside of you, breathing heavily as he works through his orgasm. 
"Holy fuck." He sighs, pulling out of you. He lays next to you, and you snuggle into him, not caring about the mess, just being completely and utterly happy in the moment.
"So.." Baekhyun starts off the next morning, as you lay in his bed, tangled in his sheets. You have one leg and one arm sprawled across him as you snuggle in closer to him. "What about Matthew?" He asks.  
"I called him yesterday after you left, and I told him I didn't think things were going to work out, but I would like to remain friends." You explain. 
"And he was fine with that?" He asks. 
"He asked if there was someone else." You sigh. "I told him I wasn't sure, but I hoped and he wished me luck." 
"I didn't like you seeing him." Baekhyun admits. "It hurt but I felt like I couldn't do anything." He says. 
"Why?" You ask. 
"Because.. Chanyeol is my best friend and you were his." He tells you. 
"Chanyeol made his decision, and he chose Maya. I'm free to date whoever I want, and I want you." You whisper. 
"Oh baby girl." Baekhyun growls. "You have no idea what you do to me." He whispers, rolling over on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, never having felt so wanted or loved. 
It has been a few months of you and Baekhyun dating, and you've kept it under wraps for the most part, wanting to stay in your little bubble of happiness. But now your friends were getting suspicious and you felt like it was time to tell them. And what other perfect time to tell them then at a dinner party that everyone is attending. 
That night you and Baekhyun had brought a spinach and artichoke dip that you made together and it was the best thing ever. You told Jongdae and his wife the news first, and they were both extremely happy for the both of you. 
Next, Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai and Lay were told and they were all happy for you two, except Lay who was disappointed that things didn't work with Matthew, but he was happy that you were happy. 
You all sat around the dinner table when Chanyeol, Sehun and Maya walked in. Things instantly got tense and quiet the minute they entered the room. They hadn't noticed you yet and you could feel the knots forming in your stomach. 
"Hey guys." Chanyeol smiled, looking around the room and then his eyes landed on you and his smile dropped. 
"Hi friends." Maya chirps up, not realizing you were there until Sehun pointed it out, quite loudly and rudely. 
"Why is she here?" He asks, nodding his head towards you. 
"Because she's our friend." Jongdae pipes up, glare at Sehun.
"It's just weird." Maya comments, sitting down at the table. You ball your hands into fists under the table. Baekhyun reaches under the table, grabbing your hand to calm you down, showing you he's there and has your back. 
"It's not weird, actually." Baekhyun pipes up. "What's weird is coming to a gathering when you know no one here likes you. That's weird." He says, looking at Maya. 
"Baek." Chanyeol sighs. "She's my girlfriend." He says, as if that's a good enough reason. 
"Okay." Baekhyun says. "And she's mine." He says, nodding towards you. "So tell your girl to show some respect." 
"You're what?" Chanyeol asks, staring at you and Baekhyun, not even acknowledging the fact that Maya is sitting there with her mouth open and offended. "You're dating my ex-girlfriend?" 
"I am." Baekhyun says, not caring about Chanyeol's reaction anymore. 
"You.. you can't do that." He says. 
"And why not?" Baekhyun wonders. "You left her. You chose that over this amazing woman. You have no right to be angry here. You broke her, tore her apart and I'm putting the pieces back together." 
"I don't want her here." Maya pouts. 
"And no one wants you here." You chime in. You were tired of her and she had only been here for a few minutes. 
"Chanyeol." She whines, nudging him but he's still not paying attention to her, only looking at you and Baekhyun. 
"So.. what did you guys bring?" Lay asks, nodding towards their dish.
"Buffalo chicken dip." Maya says, with a smile.
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "You mean you're still making the recipe that Chanyeol and I made together?" You ask with a smile on your face. 
Maya's smile instantly drops, looking at you with disgust. "Chanyeol." She yells. 
"What?" He snaps, turning to look at her. 
"Do something." She whines. 
"You don't have to do anything, man. We're gonna go. Thanks for having us, Jongdae. It's been interesting." Baekhyun says. He looks at you and holds out his hand. "Ready?" He asks you. You smile at him, taking his hand and walking out, hand in hand with the man who made you the happiest you've been. 
A few days later you're in your apartment, singing and dancing as you clean up the place. You no longer missed Chanyeol, his name no longer brought pain to your heart, seeing things that reminded you of him no longer made you cry. You had Baekhyun now, and he treated you like a queen. 
You're walking past your front door when you hear a faint knock. You open it slightly and see an exhausted looking Chanyeol standing on the other side. 
"Can we talk?" He asks. 
You didn't want to hear what he had to say, but you decided to be nice and let him in. 
"What?" You ask, sitting on your couch as he stands in front of you. 
"I fucked up." He blurts out. "I should have never chosen Maya over you. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, Y/N, please forgive me. I miss you. I miss us. We were great together." He breathes. 
You're shocked. You had spent weeks crying over him, wishing for him to come to you and say these words to you but now it was too late. 
"You're a little too late now." You say to him.
"I know you're with Baekhyun, but I had you first." He says. 
You scoff at him. "How dare you? How could you come here months after you left me for Maya and beg for me back when I'm finally happy again? It took a long time for me to be okay. Baekhyun has been there for me, he was the one who helped put me back together. You chose Maya. You made your bed." You yell. "Get out Chanyeol." 
"Y/N please." He begs. 
"No, you need to leave. I don't want you. I don't love you anymore." You tell him.
Chanyeol walks out the door, looking back at you with tears in his eyes. You felt no remorse for him. You had felt the way he was feeling, it was his own fault and you refused to be torn apart by him  again. Chanyeol was now your past, and Baekhyun was your future and you couldn't be happier about it. 
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
the Other Lane.
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pairing : Clark Kent x Reader
requested by: @dashingcavill [Hope you like this! 💛]
warnings: Angst with a happy ending, and a lot of fluff in the end.
A/N: Ah, I'm really sorry I couldn't help but put some major angst in here, but I swear the ending is happy and I added the right amount of feels and fluff to make it hurt less. 💛
[The Masterlist]
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You often wondered if you were born to your parents only to become a commodity that could be compared to your sister, Lois , at all times. Yes, the two of you were different, she had glamourous blonde hair and sparkling blue irises that made her strike out, while you had sombre [Y/H/C] hair and dull [Y/E/C] eyes that peeked out from the tint of your glasses. If the glasses weren't enough to fit you perfectly into the category that was termed as 'nerds', the fact that you loved to bury yourself into mounds and mounds of books, and literature was sure to fit you into that bill. All that comparison, but that didn't lessen the bond that you shared with Lois though.
However, things slowly started changing, the dynamics messing up when Clark Kent came into your life, as a friend and as a colleague.
Lois worked as a reporter for Daily Planet, and you, well you were mostly working in the background, struggling to make a run with your tiny little column on relationship advises. It wasn't like you were any less intelligent, but maybe you just were okay with how everything was going.
It didn't mean that there weren't times at all when Lois made you secretly jealous. To be fair, it didn't bother you when you heard stories of how Lois got herself into trouble yet again, with none other than the Superman came to her rescue. You could still take that, considering the fact that Superman took his duty towards the civilians as his topmost priority, but when you began noticing obvious changes in your sister's behaviour when she talked to Clark, his alter ego; your colleague at work, you couldn't help but start feeling the little pangs of jealousy.
It all began subtly— starting from lingering glances at the workplace, to hands brushing with each other's, almost innocently, yet the two of them had a sparkle in their eyes when it did. At first, you decided to ignore them at work, trying your best to not run into Clark Kent while you were in your office building. The reason for this was still inexplicably strange for you. You didn't even know the man that well, yet you could do nothing in your control to keep your budding feelings for him under check. It was like, the more you avoided Clark Kent, the more you began aching to get a glimpse of him.
As the days passed, you realized that your crush on Clark was slowly getting more prominent, and you started feeling scared, dreading if there ever came a day that your secret crush on him with finally be out. To top it up a notch, you wondered how Lois will react, knowing well aware that there was something blooming between the two of them, although she had never admitted this to you herself. Also, you kept hoping that whatever this was, between Clark and Lois, it was maybe all in your head and that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't even true, and you hoped it wasn't.
Soon, days grew into weeks and weeks flew by as long months, and you realized that what you felt for Clark wasn't just a silly crush, but you were actually falling in love with the man. It was the littlest things that he did that made your heart melt. You would, sometimes, run into him in the cafeteria, where he would be filling up his mug of coffee. He was a gentleman, he would smile and greet you warmly, your eyes meeting his sparkling bright ones as he would move out of the way and insist that you went ahead first. You would often end up taking elevator rides with him, and he would make sweet small talks with you, talking to you about everything, ranging from the weather to a possible alien invasion.
The plan that you had cooked up to avoid Clark Kent went down the drain from those days onwards. Instead, you almost began running into Clark almost everyday. The gossips about Clark and Lois had, by then, died down and you couldn't help but feel relieved, relieved that maybe you had just been dreaming, and there was nothing between Lois and Clark.
"Hey [Y/N], can I borrow your turtleneck? I can't seem to find mine?"
You looked up from the book that you had been binge reading on, flustered and embarassed, as you immediately tossed the book unceremoniously into your blanket. Of course, you couldn't let your sister in on the fact that you were secretly reading the fifty shades series. She would tease the living hell out of you. And then there was the fact that you felt ashamed of the fact that you could practically imagine Clark Kent in your mind as Christian Grey, and it was making you all heated up and bothered.
Lois raised an eyebrow when she saw you red you had turned, "Are you okay? You look like a massive human sized tomato."
"Gee, Lois, thanks?" You mumbled, still reeling from the way she had suddenly barged into your bedroom, as you pushed your glasses over the bridge of your nose, "couldn't bother to knock?"
"Since when do we do these formalities?" She wiggled her eyebrows dramatically, and dashed towards your closet, throwing it open as her fingers began working through the hangers, looking for what she was looking for. She was practically messing up your closet, so you sighed and decided to give her a helping hand. Abruptly, you slid out of the covers, forgetting about the novel that you had hidden underneath and the novel suddenly slipped off the side of the bed and fell to the floor, it's covering full on display.
You facepalmed, burying your face into your hands as Lois walked up to the book and picked it up, smirking obviously as she read out the title out loud just to tease you.
"Looks like my baby sister is finally growing her wings."
"Stop it, Lois. Don't embarass me," you grumbled, looking away. Instead, you dashed up to your closet and pushed her to the side, roughly pulling out your turtleneck as you handed it to her.
"Come on, [Y/N]" she laughed, shaking her head, messing up her perfectly styled blonde waves as she ran a hand through them, "We all have done this. You're not the only one. Nothing to be embarassed about. It's not like you're watching porn."
"It is technically still porn if I'm reading it," you whispered, watching her as she examined the turtleneck and smiled, as though she had pictured just the best trousers to go with it in the back of her mind as she absentmindedly replied back, "Again, sis, we all have done it."
You noticed the way she kept glancing at her phone, with a smile threatening to spill across her features. You raised your eyebrows and smacked your lips together, blinking curiously. She finally looked up and saw that you were staring at her so she grinned, "Guess who has a date tonight?"
"A date?" You asked, absentmindedly.
"Clark asked me out, [Y/N]. He is taking me to this really good Thai place that opened up in the suburbs and I just couldn't decide on what to wear!! This will just go perfectly with my jeans."
It happened so suddenly, but it still did. You felt like someone had just ripped your gut out with bare hands. You suddenly felt empty, was an understatement. You suddenly felt strange and cut off, and everything around you suddenly felt cold and distant and gloomy. You looked up at her, your earlier warmth having dissipated into a cold, dark look and you gave her a smile, biting your lip, "That's great, Lois. Have fun."
Lois noticed the way your face fell, but she couldn't understand or take the hint. She kept watching as you moved away, turning your back towards her and didn't utter another word. She parted her lips, wanting to ask her what had gone wrong suddenly, but decided not to, or rather, keep the discussion for another time. She didn't want Clark to reach before she had even gotten ready. You didn't step out of your bedroom, that night when Lois returned from her date with Clark, and Lois frowned when she saw that the lights to your bedroom were already switched off. You were a late sleeper.
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Two months later,
Lois looked up from the article that she had been reading to find you enter the dining room with a breakfast plate in your hand.
"Mornin'," you mumbled, your voice barely audible as you sat down on a chair in front of her, next to your father, Sam Lane. Your father looked up from the newspaper that he was reading, and glanced at Lois who shrugged her shoulders in response and he cleared the throat.
"Honey, don't you think you've been locking yourself up in your room for long now? When was the last time you actually did something that didn't involve either the bed, or your office desk?" The cutting crispness in his voice was enough to slice through your heart, but weirdly, you felt nothing, ecen when you heard Lois gasp and mumble something to her father in protest.
"What do you want me to do, dad?" You asked, sipping your juice, your eyes fixed to your plate.
Ignoring you, Sam turned towards his elder daughter as he narrowed his eyes at her, his loud, booming voice echoing through your house, "Lois, what the hell happened at work? She just quit? And didn't even give a damn valid reason as to what on earth happened?"
"I don't know, dad. She hardly talks to me anymore," Lois replied.
You chuckled dryly to yourself, wondering when you had become so invisible to the world. You were right there with them and yet they regarded you like you weren't even there.
"It was difficult to get you job at the Daily Planet and look at you, throwing it away for whatever the hell the reason was." Your dad barked.
Your fingers clenched into a fist and Lois visibly tensed. Hurriedly, she stood up and announced that she was leaving. You stood up too, but not for work, but rather to go back to the place that you had locked yourself in for the past two months. When you reached the door, you turned around and regarded your father, mumbling, "Why would you care anyway? You never really did before."
You kicked open your room door and slammed it back shut again as you ran straight for your bed. You were trembling like a leaf trying to detach itself from the tree when you buried your face into the pillow and screamed as loudly as you could into it. You were a mess, a walking , talking, living, breathing mess.
You cried, for almost thirty minutes, until you were out of tears. You then sat up and rubbed your eye sockets, finally taking a deep breath. You were letting Clark and Lois affect you so much, you had forgotten what it was like to live normally. How were you supposed to go on like this? If you wouldn't take a command of your own life again, then how would learn to get back up on your feet? When would you learn to accept that you would never get Clark? He wasn't the one for you.
Feelings are so transient, it's like you can feel them slicing through your insides one minute, and then the other minute, you feel unrealistically numb.
With those sorts of destructive thoughts in your mind, you sneaked a bottle of whiskey that night from your father's liquor cabinet at two am at night. You rolled the window pane and snuck out onto the fire escape until you were climbing up towards the roof the building of your apartment, the bottle in tow.
You fixed yourself on the ledge, using your teeth to twist the bottle cap as you took a swig of it, feeling the warm liquid burn your relentless thirst for relief. Sip after sip, you kept staring at the starless sky, mediating your gaze from the sky down to the glittery buildings.
"Will I ever forget you, Clark Kent?" You whispered, into the thin air, laughing bitterly at yourself as you took the last sip from the bottle before it rolled away. The way the lights glimmered in front of you, and one of two cars drove past your building, looking like tiny little blinking lights from the height you were at, you realized one thing. No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.
You were lost in a turbulence of your own thoughts, so entangled into them, you didn't hear the soft thud somewhere behind you, neither the sound of the faintest footsteps that got closer to you, with every passing second. You took a sharp breath, and slowly stepped over the ledge, feeling shudders all over your frame as the winds hit you all over you. You footing, however, slipped, a sharp scream erupting from your lips as you fell backwards against gravity, your heart almost stopping.
Someone suddenly reached out towards you, gripping your wrist, leaving you hanging from the ledge, your body flailing in the air.
He pulled you with a jerk towards you, and your body hit his front, your hair falling all over your face partially covering it. You felt intoxicated, so much, that you had almost died by falling off the building but you didn't feel the scare, the only thing you felt was a sudden surge of adrenaline.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Superman growled, through gritted teeth, his eyes sparkling as you jerked you by your shoulders.
"Clark? Is -- that you?!" You slurred, holding on to his cape tight to hold you in place. You were in a weird state of mind, you could see that it was him, but you couldn't figure out if it really was him, or if it was your mind that was playing an illusion on you.
"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Clark fumed, still holding on to you by the low of your back. He suddenly jumped off the ledge, with you in tow, away from the edge, so the two of you were in the middle of the roof now.
"K-Kill myself? No, I.. I.." You stammered, struggling for the right words but your brain felt frozen.
"Two months, and you don't show yourself. And when I finally see you, you're trying to jump off a fucking building?!" His eyes just then fell on the empty whiskey bottle. He growled, clenching his fists tight as he let go off you and walked up to the where the bottle lay, his cape flying behind him. He bent, lifting it up as he examined it, noticing how the neck of the bottle had your lipstick imprints on it. "And you're drunk. To top it up a notch."
Your nostrils flared in an anger you hadn't experienced ever before, your secret feelings finally crushing you completely, mixed with the alcohol that was rushing through your blood. You growled, like a cornered animal, that was wounded yet didn't want to back down. You pushed him, once, twice, throwing out all your pent up anger and frustration into his steely body like he felt no hurt. You screamed, you lashed, you scratched and you cried, finally coming undone, like beads of a rosary coming apart and scattering all over the floor.
Clark's heart broke at the sight of you. He had always seen you as a strong, happy woman, always smiling for him whenever he saw you at work. And this woman, that stood in front of his eyes right now, was far from it.
"I am not weak! I wouldn't kill myself! You give yourself too much importance, to think that someone would give their life for you!" You lashed out.
You were tired of hitting him like a punching bag. He grabbed you by your wrists, holding them together in front of you, pressed against his chest. He slowly moved, so he was towering over you, his back shielding you from unwanted, prying eyes as he gazed into your eyes, trying to find the answer to where all of this was coming from.
"You don't know what you're talking about. Come on, Lois is worried about you."
You couldn't stop yourself when your hand jerked itself free from his hold, and your palm struck his cheek. There was a crackling noise, of skin against skin, and tears formed in your eyes when the realisation hit you, all the intoxication washing off of you. You had just slapped Superman, a man that could snap your neck by grabbing your throat. Yet, he just stood there, too shocked to even register that you had slapped him right across his face and what was worse, he couldn't understand the reason you had done that. Anger was surfing through his veins, but worse than the anger that he was feeling, he was feeling like someone had pulled his heart out, ripping it to shreds right in front of his eyes.
"Why?" He let go off your other hand, his own palm coming to rest against his cheek as you gave you a look full of hurt.
"Why did you even save me, Clark? You should have let me fall. Atleast, it would have spared me the pain of listening to her name flow out of your lips again."
"Why do you hate her so much? She is your sister, [Y/N] and she cares for you. She worries that you're killing yourself and she doesn't know the reason why--" Clark was losing his temper, slowly but surely. He didn't understand you and that was eating him up.
"The reason why? WHY??! Oh Clark can you stop? And listen to yourself. I love Lois, but she needs to stop trying to govern my life. I'm allowed to feel sad, I'm allowed to feel a fucking heartbreak--" You didn't realise, but your lips were trembling now, your eyes leaking salty tears. You shivered when you felt Clark hold you by your shoulders but you didn't push his arms away.
"Who broke your heart?" He whispered, his voice cracking.
"You're fucking daft for a man who saves the world--" Hissing bitterly , you pushed yourself away from Clark's grip and turned towards the ledge but this time, you didn't try anything that would risk your life. You simply revelled in the cold feeling of the wind striking your tear stained face as you took a punctured breath, feeling Clark's breath on the side of your neck.
"Who broke your heart?" He asked again, but this time it was much softer, and it made you bite down on your lip to hold yourself from breaking into a hysterical crying.
"You did, Clark. You broke my heart." You finally whispered, staring into the abyss in front of you, your eyes cloudy and your throat parched as you continued, your lips trembling, "I loved you. Always did, but you never looked at me. It was always Lois. And it killed me, watching you love her, knowing that you will never love me the way you love her--" Clark let you speak, he wanted to listen to you, for you to let it all out, all those bitter things that you had locked up inside your mind, that was slowly eating you up and killing you from the inside. "I am tired of everyone, for you, for my father and for the world to see me as the Other Lane, as Lois Lane's little sister. My name is [Y/N]. I like to draw although I am shit at it, I can sing in the showers and I hate partying. That is me. I want a normal relationship too, but it seems that the world is against me. I fell in love with one man, and turns out, he isn't even human, he is a freaking superhero from Krypton?"
Clark let out a gruff sounding snort, as he looked down at you. Reluctantly, he reached for a strand of hair that was sticking to your tear coated cheek, removing it and gently tucking it behind your ear. He felt a shudder run down your spine, with just a gentle touch of his hand and he smiled, biting his lip. How was he supposed to tell you what the truth was?
"You remember how we met at the cafeteria every morning ? And I let you take the coffee?"
You nodded, listening to him, trying to control the crying that had now turned to sniffles, as Clark kept speaking.
"And the countless times I ran into that elevator with you and me stuck inside for just two floors?"
"You must have been thinking how weird I was. How unlike Lois--" You began, but you were cut off by Clark's voice.
"I used to wonder if there was anything I could do to make the elevators stop working, so I'd get to spend more time with you. Wretched elevators, not once did anything go according to what I wanted." He mumbled, but he had a small smile playing on his lips, while you just looked on, staring at him in disbelief, wondering if your mind was playing jokes with you once again.
"I thought I would take Lois' help, to you know, figure out if you felt the same way, but you never said anything to her."
"What about the date? Lois and you went on?" You asked.
"Well, I --" he shrug, looking down at his feet, sheepishly, " Lois thought you would confess how you felt for me if we pretended to--"
You were too numb to react; so you just blinked in retaliation. Your blood ran cold, and you suddenly felt light headed. All this while, while you had secretly been pining for Clark Kent to love you back, was it actually the other way round? Was Clark going through the same thing wondering if you felt the same for him?
"That was cowardly." You hissed, through pursed lips, "Trying to pretend to be in love with my sister."
"I was in love with the other Lane," he bit his lip, his face slightly inclined towards you, so he was looking down at you, and you up at him, "I think you are amazing. You are intelligent, and smart. And you're unique. There are these little things I adore about you. The way you greeted everyone whenever I was around-- ranging from the security guard, to the building keepers at the Daily Planet.. the way you forgot to wipe your lips after drinking coffee, and you had this froth all over your upper lip giving you a faint moustache?" He chuckled because you literally let out a gasp, suddenly embarassed.
"Then there were those days you had a bad day and you locked yourself up in your cabin, working all day. I wondered if I should just knock, but I was scared you will tell me off--" he continued, his blues peeking into yours. Your stomach fluttering, you couldn't help but laugh, as though a weight had been lifted off your chest suddenly and held him steady with your hand on his arm. Finally mustering enough courage, you pushed yourself on your toes, and reached up, letting your palm graze delicately over his cheek, caressing his cheekbone with your thumb, "I would have never told you off, Clark. Though that's not what is bothering me right now."
"What is ?" He asked, innocently, relaxing under the touch of your thumb.
"You said you're in love with the other Lane, Clark."
His lips creased, slowly tugging upwards into a smile that was enough to make you feel giddy. Superman wrapped a sturdy arm around you and felt yourself being lifted off, until he was practically holding you in his arms, "Mhm, yep? You got a problem, Miss Lane? Or do Kryptonians don't fit the bill ?"
"Oh, hush, Clark. You're such a dork. But will you be.. my dork?" You bit your lip, holding on to him as though your life depended on it.
"I thought... you'd never ask?" He began, unsure of how to properly weave the complexity of his feelings , churn them into words, something only Clark Kent was good at , and not his alter ego, but found himself halted by the soft press of your index finger against his lips and the sweet whisper of your voice against his ears as he held you close.
“I know, neither did I.” You whispered as he clasped your face in his massive hands and gently touched his lips to yours.
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Three years later,
This had probably been the longest that Clark Kent had been away from you, his lover, his best friend, his wife-- four months to be exact. Needless to say, he was excited to be able to see you again, to hold you again.
The familiar silhouette of the cottage on top of the hill came into his view, flowers hanging into tiny earthen pots hanging out on the front porch. The freshly painted white picket fence looked beautiful, and inviting as Lois stood with Martha by the gate, both the ladies sipping tea from their respective cups and saucers. They couldn't contain their smiles when they saw Clark, even though he was covered in what looked like grime and blown up alien intestines?
"I don't even want to know what happened," Lois chuckled, while Martha hugged her son and he kissed the side of her cheek before she scrunched up her nose in disgust at how awful he smelled.
"Well, I guess I'll draw you a bath, you two can talk out here until the baths ready." Both Clark and Lois watched as Martha Kent disappeared into the home and he smiled, when Lois spoke again.
"FYI, she is at the orchard, harvesting the apples for an apple pie," Lois gave him a smug look, fluttering her lashes, "Oh don't pretend you don't want to see her. I can see your eyes darting around, trying to find her. I'll be inside, both of you, just come back in for supper."
He nodded, watching Lois leave and slowly, his fists clenched on either of his sides, he found his way into the tiny orchard that his lovely wife loved to spend most of her time at. He fixed himself by the wooden gate, his eyes admiring you from afar, as you stood on your tiptoes and picked out apples, tossing them into the basket that you held in your arm.
"Need help, Mrs. Kent?"
The basket dropped from your hand as you turned towards the source of the voice, your lips parted in shock. Clark's eyes travelled from you down to your beautiful swollen bump that your loose maternity dress was doing nothing to hide. He chuckled at your response as he walked towards you with longer, faster steps while you simply waddled towards him.
"Jesus, Clark-- I thought you'd miss the birth," you cupped your husband's cheeks in between your swollen fingers as he nuzzled his nose against yours, before kissing you.
"How is my monkey?" He brought his palm to rest against your nine month old baby bump, stroking over the fabric as he whispered against your lips.
"Moving around, not letting me get an ounce of sleep," you smiled, letting your fingers rest over his hand that rested against your stomach, "but I cant really complain now, can I? After all the little nugget's got Kryptonian blood running through their veins."
Clark chuckled, his blue eyes crinkling slightly as he knelt down in front of you, his face in line with the base of your bump as he planted a kiss on the curve of it.
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"Come on, Kal Jr, will you stop bothering your mom? She needs all the sleep she can before you push your way into the world and steal our goodnight sleeps for a while," you smiled warmly, as you peered down at him, running your fingers through his hair and he looked up at you, planting another kiss against your bump.
You suddenly frowned and looked at the brown mess on your fingers that stank.
"God, Clark? What the hell? Did you seriously take a dive in a shit pool?"
He chuckled as he pulled himself up again and his hand once again found the base of your stomach to lay his hand protectively upon.
"Alien blood. You should have seen the intestines that covered me. It looked like noddles dipped in black bean sauce and meatballs--" You smacked him hard against the chest to shut him up, but instead he began laughing, his laughter rumbling out of his stomach as you began dragging him inside with his stained cape.
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I found this fun random idea where Vanessa was related to Mrs. Afton and they came from France, so maybe Vanessa calling Gregory petit ours? ("Little Bear")
Oooh, that is fun! Sorry about not posting a story/update yesterday, I got kinda busy in the afternoon. Instead, here’s the first of the tumblr ficlets from the ideas and stuff a bunch of you sent me! This takes place in a nebulously canon divergent situation. I… wrote out way too much backstory in my notes for this one, haha. This has full AU potential, oops.
Price to Pay
Vanessa didn’t know much about the rift in her family—not the cause, not who it started with, not why it was never really healed. She and her parents had traveled a lot when she was a kid, for both work and pleasure, so it wasn’t like she saw evidence of the rift very often.
Her aunt’s family was relatively unknown to her, even now, when she was an adult. She knew she had cousins, at the very least. And as of today, for the first time, one of them had reached out to her. With her parents in New Zealand and her missing the familiarity of family, it felt like something of a sign.
Turned out, her eldest cousin, Michael, knew about as much about the rift as she did. In his letter, he mentioned he was pretty sure his dad had done or said something to piss someone off all those years ago, but neither of his parents had ever explained before… well. Before it was too late.
His mother had died recently, was the thing. And Michael had taken custody of his younger siblings—eleven and sixteen, a brother and sister—which he wrote about with the tightness of someone who was still angry and really didn’t want to talk about it.
With something she might dare to call sheepishness, Michael had asked if she had any interest in getting to know the three of them, since life was short, and a different generation’s argument shouldn’t really affect them, and please don’t think I’m only writing to you because being a guardian, even of my siblings, is scary and I could kinda use some moral support from a fellow young adult.
What a coincidence, Vanessa had written back, I’ve also recently acquired custody of an eleven year old. Want to set them loose on each other and share horror stories over coffee?
It ended up working out that Vanessa and her… kid—son didn’t feel right, honestly, and when she’d mentioned as much to Gregory, he’d scrunched his nose up and stuck out his tongue, so they were on the same page, at least—would meet her three cousins at Michael’s place of work. And wasn’t that a surprise, finding out that Michael was one of those Aftons.
The pizzeria was nice—bright and colorful and bustling with energetic children. They had to get their hands stamped at the front desk, where Vanessa also relayed the message Michael had told her to give one of the employees, about them being the guests he was expecting.
They were led through one of the “employees only” doors and down the hall to an office. Their guide left them as the door swung open almost violently at Vanessa’s knock, revealing a ginger-haired teenage girl grinning almost triumphantly.
“You Vanessa?” she demanded. Behind her, a man groaned, “Elizabeth! Don’t—”
“I need more girls in the family,” Elizabeth hissed, half behind her and half to Vanessa. She glanced down at Gregory and made a face. “That’s terrifying.”
Vanessa double-checked that her gremlin of a kid wasn’t baring his teeth at her or something—he had an understandable habit of biting people when he felt threatened—but Gregory was actually behaving himself and looked somewhat offended.
“Elizabeth!” the man said scandalously, nudging her away from the door and taking her place. Michael was a little taller than Vanessa, with brown hair, and looked just like he did in the picture he’d sent. They’d exchanged photos so they had some idea of who each other were before meeting. “Sorry,” Michael told Vanessa. “She’s just…” He trailed off, staring down at Gregory. “Huh.”
Gregory did bare his teeth that time. “Something on my face, mister?”
Vanessa was always kind of impressed with Gregory’s ability to make the most innocent words sound like the worst insults. She wished she could do that, but she was better at plain old sarcasm.
“Sorry!” Michael said again, jumping a little. “It’s just—you look like you could be my little brother’s twin.”
“It’s creepy!” Elizabeth called from somewhere in the office.
Michael sighed. To Vanessa, he said, “Not the first impression I planned on making, so, sorry about that.”
“You apologize a lot,” Vanessa replied, sticking her hand out. “So I guess we’re already off to a better start than our parents. This is Gregory. Don’t touch him without his permission, please, or you’re liable to get bitten.”
“That’s—okay.” Michael shook her hand. “Nice to meet you both. The demon behind me is my sister, Elizabeth.” Smiling down at Gregory, he added, “You’re eleven, right? Our brother, Evan, he’s the same age. He’s somewhere in the arcade, I think, if you’d rather hang out with him than us boring grown-ups.”
Gregory considered it for a moment, nodding slowly. “I do like exploiting arcade games.”
“He’s a little shy,” Michael warned him, kindly ignoring Vanessa’s budding criminal of a kid.
“Try not to bite anyone?” Vanessa pleaded.
Her gremlin grinned and saluted her. “I’ll do my best!” And with that cheeky response, he turned and ran off back toward the sound of screaming children.
She caught the look on Michael’s face and shrugged. “It’s a long story.” And they were still too much of strangers.
“We all have one of those,” he said, in an agreeing sort of way. Stepping back and gesturing at his office, he asked, “Coffee?”
• • •
Turned out, Vanessa and Michael did get along. And so did Vanessa and Elizabeth, once she got used to the teenager’s blunt, almost harsh, way of speaking. Conversation flowed surprisingly easy, mostly picking up where Vanessa and Michael’s letters left off. Mentions of their parents were tactfully avoided.
Until they offered her a picture of her deceased aunt, one with her own mom in it, from when they were younger. She stared at with a small smile.
“I don’t think I even knew what she looked like,” she admitted. It was evident where Elizabeth’s ginger hair had come from, just as Vanessa was as blonde as her mother.
“We didn’t even know we had a cousin,” Michael replied. She’d passed him one of her own family pictures, of her and her parents. “She told us right before she died.”
“Better late than never,” Elizabeth mumbled, playing on her phone.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, before Elizabeth asked, “So, where’d the ankle bitter come from?”
“Liz!” Michael sighed. “You don’t have to answer that, if it’s part of the long story.”
Vanessa chuckled. “Some days are better than others; it’s easier to talk about on the good days. I adopted him because of some shared trauma, though he got the lion’s share of it. But the two of us met when some creep kidnapped and tried to kill him. Bit the guy to get away, then he found me.” She shook her head, staring into the middle distance. “We avoided everything to do with the case afterward; Gregory would sort of…” She forgot the word the therapist used. “He’d get too deep in the memories, otherwise.”
Elizabeth nodded along, looking rather impressed. But Michael suddenly looked like he’d seen a ghost. Before she could ask if he was okay, the door popped open, admitting two giggling little boys.
And hell, her cousins hadn’t been kidding. Gregory and, presumably, Evan were nearly identical. Even their choice of clothing today was eerily similar. The resemblance was uncanny, and Vanessa found herself forgiving Elizabeth for her initial outburst. She’d have to keep on eye on her gremlin, though. This situation was ripe for some The Parent Trap-ing, and, yeah. No thank you.
Despite Michael’s warning about Evan’s shyness, it looked like Gregory had lured him out of his shell. The two were grinning at each other, already thick as thieves, and given the presence of Gregory and the two large plushies in Evan’s arms, she wouldn’t discount that saying being literal.
“You bite anyone, you little menace?” she called over.
Gregory sent her a sharp-toothed smile. “Not yet!”
Something about their exchange, short as it was, sent Evan into another fit of giggles. He buried his face in the head of one of his plushies, peeking shyly over at her as he edged slightly behind Gregory.
“That’s Vanessa,” Gregory told him, letting the slightly smaller boy huddle against his shoulder. “She’s cool.”
This seemed to mean something more to Evan, because he straightened slightly and clumsily waved, what with his arms being full. “Hi,” he whispered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Evan,” Vanessa replied. “Did your brother tell you about me?”
“Mhm. We’re cousins.”
“Those are some pretty impressive plushies you got there,” Michael said. “You guys play the crane game?”
The boys exchanged mischievous glances.
“I didn’t give you money for the arcade,” Vanessa said, resigned. “Please don’t tell me you climbed inside a crane machine again, Gregory.”
“I didn’t climb inside a crane machine again,” Gregory dutifully repeated, the little liar.
“Oh, what have I done,” Michael moaned, but Vanessa was no fool. She could see the way his shoulders trembled with suppressed laughter.
“Sorry,” she told him, reaching over to pat his shoulder. “But me and the brat—we’re a package deal. Your crane machines are gonna pay the price if you want us around.”
The two of them looked back over at the boys, who Elizabeth had joined. Gregory matched her snark for snark, and though Vanessa couldn’t have known, Michael was so, so relieved to see his little brother looking less like a shell of himself.
Vanessa turned back to him when he chuckled lightly, just in time to catch a flash of sadness and regret in his eyes. Nonetheless, he was smiling when he said, “I think some arcade exploitation is a small price to pay.”
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Could you repeat the question?
pairing: Taehyung x reader, oc x Yeonjun (TXT)
premise: a joint interview with your group, BTS, and TXT two months after you met your soulmate.
word count: 2k
[2/2] continuation of Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself
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requested by anon - a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! 
“Please don’t tell them.”
“Me? Why would I say anything?”
“You...you have that look.”
Yeonjun whirls around to face Taehyung, who just entered the room. “Do I have a look?”
Taehyung winks at you in greeting, something that nearly makes you swoon and your group members snicker. 
“A look?” He frowns for a moment before giving his dongsaeng a pitiful smile. “Oh yeah, you do. Definitely.” Taehyung smiles at Jiwoo, my band member who is busy sending death glares at her soulmate. “He’s gonna spill it.”
Yeonjun jumps up from his seat at the same time Taehyung settles down beside you, placing his arm on the back of the couch and brushing your hair off to the side. It’s enough to make goosebumps rise on your skin, which of course he notices. 
Oh, how you’d like to wipe that knowing little smirk off his face right now. 
“I can’t believe this! I’m not going to say a thing-”
“Yeonjun, and I’m saying this with love, if you say a single thing about it, I will personally unplug your refrigerator when you least expect it.”
Your attention is pulled away when you feel Taehyung leaning in to whisper something in your ear. “So, do we know what they’re arguing about?”
You can’t help but giggle. “Nope. Jiwoo won’t say anything.”
“Neither will Yeonjun.”
The smitten couple have been teasingly arguing for the entirety of the morning, leaving the rest of us in complete and utter confusion. 
Oh well, I suppose it’ll help make the broadcast a bit more exciting. 
It’s been two months since Jiwoo and I first *ahem* teleported to our soulmates at the MAMA awards. Or rather, since I landed in Taehyung’s lap and Jiwoo was nearly knocked unconscious when Yeonjun was thrown into her at full force. Of course, Jiwoo claims that it was horribly embarrassing, to which I’m always quick to say that she should feel lucky that at least she didn’t end up in a grown man’s lap. For all to see, no less. 
Ari, our other group member, just rolls her eyes and tells us that beggars can’t be choosers. 
Yeah, whatever that means. 
The past two months have been busy, with hardly enough time to spend with my soulmate. Between the busy schedules and BTS and TXT and our own schedule, we’ve had to settle for late-night FaceTimes and the occasional lunch at the Bighit building. I’ve become really good at sneaking in and out of that building in broad daylight - so far I have yet to be discovered. 
Today, however, is an important one. It’s our first official schedule together as soulmates. Naturally, all three groups have come together for the interview/variety show. 
“Alright, time to head on!” A manager shouts into the room, and suddenly there’s a flurry of movement as we all head toward the door. “I need all the soulmates to stick to their own groups, ok? We don’t want to be causing a riot today.”
Right. With a gloomy expression, Taehyung parts from me to head back to his members. Jiwoo and I glue ourselves to Ari’s side, much to her chagrin. “Ready?”
Both you and Jiwoo respond simultaneously. “Nope.”
Ari just sighs, feigning annoyance. Together, the three of you await your cue as one by one, your groups are introduced. 
TXT goes first, the hosts making a big deal out of swooning over Soobin who now has a cult of his own due to his MC abilities. They make a show of handing the microphone over to him, begging him to take it over from there. He politely declines, while the rest of the boys bicker and chat in the background. 
Then your group is called out, and you find yourself walking out before a huge crowd. You didn’t realize that many people could fit in this building, but here they are. And all of them are here for the same reason: to get a look at the soulmate couples that have newly formed. 
And that have been trending on Twitter and Tumblr for two solid months, breaking all kinds of records. 
As BTS is introduced with an almost reverent tone, you understand why you’ve been trending for so long.
It has a lot to do with one of the men walking out right now, smiling at the crowd and waving, graciously bowing his way across the stage. 
Taehyung wears a gray casual suit which has him looking like he just stepped off a photoshoot. Hair perfectly styled and eyes glowing with adoration for the fans that roar and wave, he commands the entire room with a single raise of his eyebrows. 
Your soulmate, ladies and gentlemen. 
Today is the day where you prove to the rest of the world how much of a perfect match you are for this man. The notion is terrifying. 
“Wow!” The host, a jovial man named Donghyun shouts out, exaggerating how amazed he is by the crowd’s reaction to all three groups sharing the same stage. Indeed, it’s a rare sight. “Ok! Should we get started?”
After a few minutes of more introductions, a few cursory questions (he asks Yeonjun what he’s been up to recently and you’re pretty sure Jiwoo manages to telepathically threaten him, because he chooses the most vague answer imaginable), and instructions on how to begin the next activities, you’re off to the races. 
Painting races, that it. 
Donning a frock and eyeing the empty canvas before you, you glare at your opponent across the way. Taehyung, to his credit, refrains from winking at you. He thinks you’re adorable when you’re flustered, but now’s not the time. 
Taehyung blinks up at Donghyun. “Yes?”
“Are you going to let your soulmate win?”
The game is simple: paint the listed object with as much detail as possible in a sixty second period. The others will have to guess what it is. 
Taehyung pouts his lips a bit, glancing over at you with a glint in his eye. “I’ll have to see, I think.”
Donghyun chuckles into the mic, turning to face you. “What about you? If Taehyung-ssi falls behind, will you help him win?”
You wiggle your eyebrows at your soulmate, heart soaring when he delivers a boxy grin. “Oh, of course not. I came to compete, not hold hands.”
The crowd bursts out laughing, and someone yells out, “I’ll hold his hand for you!”
You all dissolve into a fit of laughter at that, your cheeks blushing madly. “Yeah, thanks for the offer,” you say between giggles. Readying your paint brush, you wait for the signal. 
You’ve been given the word ‘Iceland’, which you figure shouldn’t be too hard. 
What you failed to account for was the fact that you’re perhaps the worst painter you know. What should look like a globe looks like a basketball and what should be a cube of ice instead looks like nothing more than a cardboard box. 
In the end, you’re pretty sure you laugh more than you paint. Your team members, consisting of a mix from both teams, look utterly confused at the end product. Eventually it’s Jin - who happens to be on Taehyung’s team - that accidentally calls out the answer. 
The rest of the games pass by in a blur of laughter and covert glances toward Taehyung. He always manages to find a way to make you laugh, even though he remains on the other side of the stage for the most part. You don’t miss all of the fans that look at him dreamily, and you can only hope that they’re happy with your overall performance today. 
At the end, you all squeeze onto a couple of couches. Donghyun makes a fuss over allowing the soulmates to sit together, and you can’t hide your smile as a beet-red Yeonjun sidles down to the couch to sit beside Jiwoo, placing his hands in his lap and trying not to do anything that will go viral. 
Taehyung sits on your right, crossing his arms in a way that pulls on his suit jacket enough to expose the outline of his biceps. You catch your eyes wandering, snapping your attention back to the front where Donghyun reads some questions off of a card. 
“I believe that this was the first time soulmates have met while performing at MAMA, is that correct? What were your first thoughts when you suddenly found yourselves face to face with your soulmate?”
The four of you that now have all the attention riding on your shoulders look to each other for help. Finally, with a racing heart, you answer first.
“I think the obvious answer is that I was shocked,” you smile as knowing chuckles ripple through the room. “But I was also really grateful, because Taehyung was so kind and understanding. The staff were very professional and helped us quickly. Overall, I really can’t imagine it having happened in any other way.”
There’s a few ooh’s and aww’s that greet your ears, but you look down at your lap as you blush. Taehyung slightly nudges your knee with his own, and in that simple movement you feel the comfort that he’s trying to give you. 
“I’d actually been talking to Jiminie earlier about soulmates,” Taehyung pipes up. 
“Oh, yeah! That’s right!” Jimin says, giving his friend a slap on the shoulder. “What are the odds?”
Taehyung flashes a shy smile. “I told him that I felt like I was ready. It can be strangely lonely sometimes, and there are times when I just felt like I was missing something. Now, all I have to do is pick up my phone and my missing piece is on the other side, ready to talk with me.”
Now people are really swooning, you included. You dare to peek over at your soulmate, heart nearly melting when you see that his shy smile is paired with pink cheeks. You wish that you could snuggle up to him right now, but that would definitely not end well. Instead, you lightly nudge his knee with your own, returning the little slice of comfort he provided you earlier. 
“And you two?” Dongyun asks after wiping fake tears away from his eyes. 
Yeonjun chews on his bottom lip, Jiwoo too lost in thought to notice that he has that look again. 
“I, er...” Yeonjun begins, squirming a little in his seat. “I was...really happy.”
Donghyun urges Yeonjun to continue. “Of course you were! What about finding Jiwoo made you so happy?”
Jiwoo looks up in horror, but it’s too late. Yeonjun has already opened his mouth and begun to speak. 
“I was so happy because the first thing she said to me was that she thought I was so hot.”
Radio silence. 
And then-
“Oh-ho!! Yeonjunnie you’re so dead!” Hueningkai laughs, and soon everyone follows suit. Even Donghyun has to throw his hand over his mouth to keep himself from snorting with laughter. 
Jiwoo looks at Yeonjun, who completely avoids her gaze as he stares unblinking at the floor. Then, quietly enough for nobody to hear except for you who sits beside her, she whispers, “Say goodbye to all the perishable items in your fridge.”
In the chaos that ensues, Taehyung discreetly traces circles against your arm and mumbles, “Why didn’t you say that to me when we first met?”
You smack his shoulder. “I should be asking you the same thing!”
Just before everything calms down again, Taehyung leans over to grab the abandoned canvas on the ground. Taking the still-wet paint and dipping his finger into it, he draws something out on it. Nudging you to get your attention, he flashes the canvas for you to see, hiding it from the cameras. 
It’s hard to keep a neutral expression as you see his handiwork. It’s just six words, but they’re enough to have your entire face flushed a moment later. 
I think you’re hotter than Yeonjun ;)
Stifling a laugh, you roll your eyes. “I hope you know I’m keeping that,” you mumble. Taehyung grins.
“Great. We’ll get it framed.”
A few days later, you do. It hangs in the front room of your apartment, for all to see. And for Jiwoo to loathe, as it serves as a constant reminder of her embarrassing first words to her soulmate.
Oh well. In the words of Ari, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Jeff The Killer with Camgirl S/O
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How fucking dare you?
Just sitting there with slutty clothes presenting your lovely flesh and figure for other men to see for men who don't own you. Who don't love you, fuck you, or hold you. Something that was his job as he was crowned your boyfriend.
He watches you from across the room as he sat on an old office chair, growing more and more pissed off as you giggle innocently at the webcam sporting on your laptop. The same innocent giggle that you did when you would purposely get him jealous just so he would dick you down later.
He was more than aware of your games and this was just one of them.
His fist clenches nails digging into his clothed knees, threatening to rip the fabric of his jeans. The way your leg slides up and the fishnets showing more than enough of your skin. As far as he knew, that skin only for his eyes to see and of course these disgusting assholes paid to see those parts of you.
The only thing that kept him from not stomping over there and ripping the cords to shreds, shutting the scene down and deactivating your account was because 1. None of them actually get to touch you. They're just seeing from a screen 2. It did bring in money but it was the point of it.
His ears perk up at the familiar ding of when someone pays you a tip, making your smile turn into a toothy grin before licking your lips and spreading your legs a little more, sliding your hand teasingly downwards. "You're willing to pay that much for me to just play with myself? How generous." he snickers, rolling his eyes as that was your fake appreciative voice.
The same way people worked in customer service have but you obviously made more and were happier, it was present in your voice. And it irked him to no end.
Of course, you happened to just pick a perfect shade of lighting for tonight's show. One that happened to be his favorite especially compared to your body.
Cherry red lights with some neon lights in the back, creating the picture perfect shadows for your curves, accentuating the best of you possible, which was every part to him. But red was such a lustful color as well and oh honey, how greatly you were wearing it tonight.
His leg began to bounce up and down in aggravation, slowing feeling the need to chew his nail till they were all bloody.
Ha. How great would it look for you to suck on his fingers, lapping up all of the blood with big doey eyes silently asking for more to taste.
You were such a beautiful creature to break and mold to his perfection.
"Alright then!" you giggle, using your hands to pull down your lacy underwear, swinging it around your finger before making the point to throw it far enough to where it lands on his face.
You watch for a moment admiring the sight of his shoulders tensing as he was sniffing the underwear where your pretty cunt was hiding behind moments ago.
Oh, how sweet you smelled.
But then you pay attention back to the crowd, sliding just one digit down to your puffy folds, beginning to fake moan which almost makes Jeff laugh from behind the scenes.
You were such a liar. You didn't know yourself more than he did. He knew the twists and turns, inside and out and everything else just by how much his dick had paid your cunt a visit. You were his personal cocksleeve anyways.
A few more dings come through, wanting you to use more than your fingers to please yourself. You really wanted to use Jeff's knife handle but you had a feeling the men on this platform were too boring and vanilla for that.
Holding in a sigh, you turn around and get on your knees letting the camera get a nice view of your ass and pussy as you lean towards the lower shelf on the nightstand where you and Jeff kept your plastic box of toys. You smirk as you hear a low growl but roll your eyes his way, sending him a wink but not making it noticeable enough to raise questions.
You hum, turning back around the shirt you wore right now gave visual access to your cleavage.
The urge to claim you in front of others was getting stronger, almost a painful knot in his stomach as he watches you with eager eyes rummaging through the toy box, asking which one they would like to see you use to abuse your cunt with.
Though he didn't want to blow your cover of being 'single' as that was what you claimed because people would want to offer more money to someone who couldn't get help from someone else especially these filthy bastards who think if it wasn't for them, you would be homeless and no way to buy things to customize certain requests and make more money.
His heart started beating faster his breathing harder before he marched over there and the second your eyes connected you knew this was game over.
"Oh shit." you mumble, before being pushed onto your back already knowing to listen to whatever he wanted as he was your real savior.
He turns to the camera with an angry look on his face, several usernames exiting out of the room but plenty remained but the chat stopped with the emojis and suggestions. He continues to stare down at the screen before snapping his head over to you.
"You want to show them who you really belong to?" Oh how quick your submissive side caved for him and you nod, whimpering a little as he was taking a bit too long for your liking.
"That's a good girl." he smirks, taking out his knife from his hoodie the bit of light making the blade glint, moving a little to the side so the audience had just enough of a view to see what he was going to do.
He reverses the knife so it was the handle that teases your sopping sweetness that was begging for him already muscles pulsating and working themselves in preparation for him.
You whine, exposing yourself more for him as he shoves more of the handle into you the blade cutting his hand as he gripped it. His eyes narrow at you as he uses one of his hands to go to your lips. "Lick, slut. Show them how freaky MY girl is."
Well you were definitely going to be known for something on this platform.
Taking a moment to shared lock eyes it was enough to part your lips open for him to slip his long manly fingers into your mouth blood mixing with your saliva.
Such a delicious combination.
The two of you mixing so well.
Your moan grow louder in the room and with it not being soundproof, they only echoed.
Small spaced out dings could be heard as you both collected money from horny cocks. You were absolutely losing yourself to him once again as he continues with the handle before pulling it out.
"How cute...you've already creamed on it...this all for me doll?" he asks with a teasing tone as the handle shows hot white liquid over it. You nod frantically, whining while tears begin to build and threaten to fall from being teased and nothing more.
He was usually talkative during sex like his own words turn him on as well along with how your body responds to them.
He licks his lips slowly before sliding his tongue over the black cover of the knife, licking up your sweetness and swallowing it. He was quiet compared to you, he would not dare to make a single noise especially on camera. No. If anyone was going to be loud it was going to be you.
"You want my cock, sweetheart?" He asks, grabbing you and moving your body so once he fucks you he wouldn't be blocking the view. He gave the camera a side view and your face was now visible.
"Yes, daddy." you said respectively in a desperate tone, squeezing your thighs against him to trap him in your grip, but he just snickers grabbing some pink rope and quickly tightens your wrists together before stretching your arms over your head. "Beg." he says, taking his clothes off to reveal his overly sexy body.
Abs for days with prominent muscles and bones showing with his back and collarbones and oh fuck, his shoulder. He had a deep cut v line with a pretty thick dick that was around 7 inches.
What was enough to make you so full and slutty.
You hated when he did this because you could feel yourself growing shy but it was worse this time as there were eyes watching you. You look at him, silently sending him a message to just fuck you without saying anything. But he just smirks, leaning down to kiss your knee and to your thigh while making sure his dick teases your entrance.
You were in so much pain and all you could do was use your legs to touch him and nothing else. "P-p-please daddy.." you begin, making him tilt his head. "Please what? finish your sentence."
You swallow thickly, pressing your body against his trying to gain more of a chance for him to slip inside of you, but he pushes away. "Finish your sentence."
"Please daddy fuck me dumb like the stupid slut I am." you whine your cunt growing more and more wet and needy.
"Was that so hard?" he asks before ramming himself into you making you cry out in pleasure and some pain as he didn't let you adjust before continuing to thrust.
"This. This is my fucking cunt. I don't even have to pay for some lousy show with some fake ass moaning-" He growls, obviously sending a message to the remaining people.
"I own her. She's my little slut. My girl, to love, to hold, to FUCK! And guess what? I get it for free." He laughs seeing tears streak down to your cheeks.
"How pathetic that you only touch yourself, imagining how it would feel to be inside of her, well that's not enough." He grunts, grabbing his knife to make small cuts on your hips before leaning down to lick them up. Making some more cuts and spreads it around your stomach with his hand.
"She's my little freak." He only continued to get you bloodier and that was enough to make everyone leave.
He immediately pulls out making you kick your legs in a tantrum as he goes over and cuts the wires, disconnecting from everything and takes his time deleting your account. "I hope you learned your lesson." He says, eyeing you as you struggled to get the rope off your wrists watching as puts his pants back on and leaves the room.
Leaving you a bloody, horny, wet whore surrounded by toys and the memories of him using them on you. His scent all around. Everything in the room was his.
Including you.
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sparkledfirecracker · 3 years
Sunny Fall Out
Synth’s 5K Follower Challenge / How it started – How’s it going?
@syntheticavenger , again congrats on reaching 5K 😊!
Title: Sunny Fall Out
Pairing: Frank Adler x Female Reader
Challenge: Frank Adler / Babysitting Mary
Warning: Swearing and fluff
My blog is an 18+ only zone, minors do not interact. Don’t let the fluff fool you.
A/N: My second entry for Synt’s 5K follower challenge. This fluff entered my brain while working on this dark filthy twisted mobster story. Took a break to write up this fluffy drabble for the lovely anon who requested this for the challenge. Lightly proofread, so all mistakes are my own. ENJOY!
Pictures for moodboard found on Pinterest, credit to the respectful owners!
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How it started:
Frank Adler, your next door neighbour, with his complicated character. He was your weakness, his toned physique, his hard working ethic and his devotion to Mary. Exhaustion had overtaken your body when Frank ambushed you. There he had stood; practically begging you to watch Mary for a couple of hours. Roberta being out for the day and he had no-one else to turn to.
You loved that little girl and wouldn’t — nor couldn’t — say no to an opportunity to watch her. Even when you were exhausted and all you wanted to do was catch up on some much needed sleep.
Hours had been filled with chatter, pillow fort building and currently; watching a movie allowing you to doze off. It hadn’t been long when your nap was interrupted, the snuggled up girl moving with impatience.
“How about we paint some nails?” You croak
“YES!” An exciting peep from the small human. “What colour?”
“We can check, there is tons of different shades.” You smiled, getting up and grabbing your keys out of your bag. “I’ll be right back, don’t burn down the house, okay?”
“I won’t.” A mini promise before you hurried next door.
Only briefly getting used to the comfort of your home. You grabbed the small basket with nail polishes and remover. Running back and settling back down in the homemade fort. It hadn’t taken you long to decide on a colour, pink with a glittery shimmer.
“Mary, sit still.” You chirped firming your hold.
“You’re tickling me.” The foot in your hand tried to wriggle out of your grasp. Loud giggles erupting from the small body on your opposite.
“If you keep this up you’ll have more nail polish on your skin than the actual toenails.” You giggle, hearing the door open and keys being tossed on the table with a loud thud.
Frank leaned his hands down on the table. He looked like he had a rough day with whatever he had to do.
“We’re painting toenails.” Mary gleamed showing him the foot we were working on.
“Are you serious?” He sounded aggravated. Mary’s face dropped at Franks annoyed words. Assuming she’d experienced a minor outburst from him before. You couldn’t get a good read on him and opted for the immediate apology.
“Sorry, I thought it might be okay, since it’s only her toenails -- they can be hidden.” Screwing the brush back on the bottle. “I should have asked first.”
“You should have indeed.” He growled
“Mary come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” The disappointed pout on her pale face made your heart sink. Getting up and holding your hand out for her.
“Thanks for watching her, but I didn’t expect to come back to all this girly nonsense and fucking mess.” Frank grumbled. His impatience growing when you weren’t moving fast enough “Just leave it and get out already.” His annoyance had softened when he spoke the harsh words, too late for an apology now.
“Shut up Frank, I thought it was a nice gesture.” Dropping Mary’s hand and pushing past Frank’s body. You turned around to look at him. “You just didn’t have to be a dick about it.” Slamming the door on your way out.
Large steps taken to your house next door, balled fists by your side while you mumbled angrily to yourself. Fighting the tears that were threatening to fall from being exhausted and emotional, clearly the lack of sleep coursing your body. A squeal escaped when you were tugged -- a little too roughly -- on your arm, making you spin around. Frank!
“Leave me alone, you ignorant prick.” You tried breaking free from his grasp, hitting his arm with your free hand.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry won’t cut it.” You spat tears now streaming down your cheeks from the overwhelming tiredness consuming your body.
“It’ll have to do”
“It won’t and you know what,” You took in a sharp breath “You’re such an asshole you know that? I did something nice for Mary and here you come, barging in and being all rude and taking your shitty mood out on me. She looked devastated about having to take off some innocent nail polish. I did you a favour when you practically begged me to babysit her. It is just nail polish, Frank, not a full blown makeover to become the next pageant queen of the state…”
The anger unleashed onto him had made you feel slightly better. Before you could speak two large hands had pulled you in and enveloped your lips harshly. The shock made time stand still and then your thoughts recollected themselves at what was happening. Trying to push him off.
“I am really sorry,” Frank looks down at you taking in your features, his cheeks blushed. “I shouldn’t have taken out my rough day on you, it’s just -- it’s just Evelyn making life difficult for a second time ‘round”
You knew his mother was ruthless when it came to Mary. He had told you some small stuff, but knew their relationship was complicated. You’d seen her once and she made shivers run down your spine. She didn’t look like a pleasant person to be around.
Your face softened at his explanation “You want to talk about it over a couple of beers?”
“No, I don’t”
“You don’t want beer? I am truly shocked.” You feigned a gasp, clutching your chest in shocked surprise.
“I want the beer; I don’t want to talk -- I want to make it up to you.”
“For what exactly, Frank?”
“Being an asshole, can I persuade you with an offer of beer and pizza?” It wasn’t really a question, but it was a nice sincere suggestion.
You contemplated for a moment, you grabbed his face and risen to your toes. Pulling him down in your cradled grip and pressing your lips gently to his.
“Does this mean she can paint my nails again?” Mary shouted from the door. Breaking away from the kiss, Frank let’s out a grunt and you both turn your head towards the blonde girl grinning widely in the opening.
“MARY! Get inside”
“Play nice asshole.” With a giggle you slapped his chest playfully.
How’s it going – 6 months later
Your sundress clung to your body, yelping at the cold water from the exploded water balloon. You’re quick to grab the hose holding it in Mary’s direction, joyful shrieks filling the air.
“STOP! STOP!” She yelled, trying to fight her way towards you.
“No, you started it, you’ll finish it.” You laughed continuing to pour the cold water on her.
She fell down and let out a frustrated sob. You initially thought she’d gotten hurt, but when you reached her she full blown sprayed you with her water gun.
“That’s cheating.” You protested, you turn your head at the large grumble from the familiar truck you had been waiting to see. Mischief coursing through your body and you look down at Mary who expresses the same delight as you. “Let’s get Frank.”
“YES!!!” The exhilaration clearly visibly, jumping up and down.
Hiding around the corner you watch Frank approach the house, unknowingly, scanning through the mail. Mary runs up to him with her water gun and you throw some water balloons his way. Hitting him on his head and arm.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!” Frank growled looking at the both of you giggling. “This is how I get welcomed home?” He opened the door and tossed the mail inside, before returning with a wide grin, grabbing a filled bucket by the door and running your way.
“RUN” Mary shrieked heading off, Frank followed in her tracks. Grabbing her by the arm and locking her between his legs. Her frantic movements were no match to his firm hold and she screeches when the cold water is poured down on her.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction. Frank whispers something in her ear and she nods. He lets her go and he waves at you, raising your eyebrow in confusion, but soon realize that Mary is running your way.
“You traitor.” You chuckle pointing towards Mary.
Running away quickly, sprinting around the house trying to dodge Mary. She launches her small body at you, hanging onto you like a Koala. It has clearly slowed you down and before you know it Frank catches you, securing you in his grasp. Mary let’s go and runs away.
“I missed you.” You muse giving him a quick peck on his lips, batting your eyelashes at him.
“I missed you too, but that cute look is not going to charm me.” He places a gentle kiss on your lips, pulling back giving you a devilish look. “We’ve got other ways to deal with naughty girls like you.” With ease Frank lifts you over your shoulder, you slap his ass animatedly trying to get him to put you down.
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