#she hulk disney plus
janetsnakehole02 · 2 years
My Karedevil shipper heart watching Matt in She-Hulk like
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gif creds @mayclairlumax
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suck-it-and-see-16 · 2 years
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
Luke, the clothing designer from She-Hulk, is really just a discount Pray Tell. If you don’t get that last reference please unfollow me.
I’m late I know.
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
Also yes I too am upset that the first 4 episodes of She-Hulk had midcredits scenes and the latest 3 have not had anything.
Excuse me, you don't just start something and then not follow through!
I'm not picky! Give us more silly shit like the "Captain America Fu-!" bit. Doesn't have to be plot relevant!
(Sidebar I do love the watercolor style credits and the episode-relevant updates in them, I do really love that.)
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aceisferal · 2 years
Disney just hinting at daredevil showing up is kind of genius. It guarantees that people will be watching every episode, if not for Jenn them for Matt.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Druig 🤝 Matt Murdock
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Understanding that shoulder bumping is the highest caliber of flirtation
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ramen-flavored · 10 months
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Matt Murdock: *literally one of the biggest marvel sluts* Me: *loving him in the most innocent kind of love and giggling while looking at him*
Ironic shit
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Jennifer shrinks back to her human form in front of Y/N…
Jennifer: this is how I normally look.
Y/N: wow
Jennifer: I-I know it’s not as glamorous as-
Y/N: you’re still beautiful
Jennifer: I-I am?
Y/N: the hulk persona is one facet of you, if a person can’t love all facets of you then they’re totally in the wrong
Jennifer: so you like me as just Jen?
Y/N: I love her
Jennifer giggles and jumps into Y/N’s arms…
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kartaematita · 2 years
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peach MoMoKo She-Hulk
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janetsnakehole02 · 2 years
I know for the sake of the plot that the call Matt got in the bar was supposed to be about Luke getting kidnapped by Leapfrog but I wanted so badly for it to be from Foggy or Karen instead 🥲
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suck-it-and-see-16 · 2 years
It's not a phase dad!!!
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
Ok, I lied — I’m not late. I haven’t been watching She-Hulk cause I feel like its boring cause Jen is a total godmod. A godmod is a superhero, video game, or anime character who is essentially perfect: They have all of the strongest powers, they can do pretty much anything on the first try, and no matter what they cannot be beaten.
Basically Superman or Goku from Dragon Ball Z.
She-Hulk is a good show. It just bores me. Everything always works out for Jen in every episode — except, opps, her date ditched her cause her hair wasn’t perfect. Yeah, no that guy was an asshole, but that’s also the climax of like every romantic comedy ever made.
And also I didn’t have Disney+ on my phone while I was in the hospital.
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
Man, it feels like Marvel Studios really must have wanted She-Hulk to fail.
I've been enjoying it so far on its own merit, even though I am admittedly excited for the Matt Murdock cameo, but even I can acknowledge that it has been massively undercut by how few episodes it was given with the shorter episode length. (This seems to be a very familiar rant for me.)
Up until this point, every show has been the typical 44-50ish minute type and have been around 10 episodes or less--which that alone has at times felt rushed, especially with Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel and their anemic 6 episodes that feel like they need a good deal of breathing room even though they still both are good enjoyable stories.
She-Hulk has 22-25 minute episodes, of which there are only 9 planned. That's absolutely nothing. Just arguably half of the time than even Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel got and again, they too felt on the rushed side.
22-minute live action comedy shows tend around the 20+ episode count to account for the shorter episode length, and yeah, I know CGI budget and VFX artists are being mauled, but that would make even more of an argument for She-Hulk to have had more breathing room for us to get to know Jen as Jen, and solidify her family and Bruce in it and give them some more time to banter just the two of them. More time with people without CGI or VFX!
Give us more time with Jen and Nikki as friends, with Pug and Mallory, with the people that we are supposed to make emotional connections to, however big or small.
Hell, give us more time with Wong, maybe even cross over with Shang-Chi and Katie while we're at it! They're in San Francisco, it can't be that hard. And doesn't have to use magic!
Give us more about Luke, how big he has been spanning in the hero costuming business given there may have been a demand following Endgame--or hell even before Endgame. Maybe he's been working a really long time after being inspired by the Avengers, which is why he jumped at the opportunity for Jen if she was an Avenger (since Tony presumably made everyone's stuff himself during the glory days and lbr there isn't a real formal Avengers team now).
It just feels like just from the decided episode count alone that Marvel Studios really did not want She-Hulk to do well. Like they planned this thing for a checked box and didn't want to put as much effort into it.
Sure, is the show on the more cheesy and cheeky (and sometimes awkwardly cringey) side? Yeah! It definitely is! But I am actually genuinely enjoying an MCU story that doesn't take itself all too seriously and is more of a sitcom-y show that does let itself be cheesy and cheeky and a bit cringey. I mean, as an enjoyer of sitcom shows can anyone say that they aren't all of those things most of the time? (How I would have loved a sitcom-y Avengers show with the main 6 doing silly stupid cringey shit that they only barely refer to now like that's supposed to make up for the lack of bonding screen time!)
Anyway, I do hope this series isn't sent off to die as some kind of wiping hands clean like, oh see we at Marvel totally did not plan this and are absolutely only responding to low ratings and a lack of interest in this character and story.
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chlomonsta · 2 years
When they’re a lawyer and a superhero >>>>>>
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 2 years
Matt Murdock is Such A Slut Lmfaoooo
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