#she is definitely not evil but I think she should get to destroy more things and go really apeshit after-
odessastone · 1 year
on the topic of my "Illari gets recruited by Talon" theory, today I got a kill streak on her and she says "I've done worse, and I'll DO worse."
Doesn't sound like a very heroic thing to say lol
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
M!Reader : Woooooooah....
[Y/N stares around the beautiful forest]'
M!Reader : it's so beautiful....
[Y/N pulls out a notebook from his adventure pack and starts drawing inside it]
[Noises start being heard near a bush]'
M!Reader : !!!!!!'
[The bush starts shaking]'
M!Reader : Hello?
[The bush starts shaking even more startling Y/N]
M!Reader : .......
[A tiny bunny hops out of the bush]'
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader : Awwwwww! Now How can I NOT pet that!
[Y/N put his notebook back into his adventure pack and walked up to the bunny and starts petting it]
M!Reader : This forest is seriously the beautifulest!
M!Reader : Especially with you around here little guy!
[The bunny starts leaning into the touch]
M!Reader : Awwww!
M!Reader : But... I seriously can't be here for too long... I do NOT want to mess with that tree guard... I'll see you soon little guy.... Maybe next time I'll bring you some carr-
[A winged shadow starts appearing behind him]
M!Reader : Huh? When did the sun-!!!?!?!!
[Y/N looked up behind him and sees maleficent floating Infront of him with a not so pleased expression]
M!Reader : Oh....My.....Pixies
[Maleficent floats down and stares at him still with a not so pleased expression]
[M!Reader thought 💭]
Oh my g-gosh she's tall.....
M!Reader : Y-y-your t-t-THE m-maleficent!
Maleficent : And you're an uninvited guest...
[Maleficent starts walking up to Y/N]'
M!Reader : W-wait! I didn't mean to-
[Maleficent starts gripping Y/N's hand]'
M!Reader : Hey! Ow! I thought you weren't so evil anymore!
Maleficent : And you assume I wouldn't be angry if I found someone sneaking in and starts writing something about my forest......
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader : Okay fair point....
M!Reader : but I swear I wasn't doing anything bad! I just wanted to see what the forest here looks like! And I-
[Maleficent drags Y/N to a nearby tree grabs his head pins it to the tree]
M!Reader : Ouch!
[Maleficent walked to him from behind bends down a little and leans into his ear]
Maleficent : if you ever tried to sneak in again... Things... Will... Get.... Ugly....
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader blushing : ......
Maleficent : .....
Maleficent : Are you.... Blushing?
M!Reader blushing : you're literally a tall woman with horns, wings and wearing lipstick that is pinning me Against a tree how do you think I should react!
[Maleficent stops pinning his head against the wall]
Maleficent : Why are you here.... Speak now...
Maleficent : Are you here to destroy my kingdom...
M!Reader : N-No! Not at all! I just wanted to check out the forest near your kingdom!
Maleficent : Then why did you sneak in....
M!Reader : Have you seen your tree guard? That thing is TERRIFYING looking!
Maleficent : Then why are you here to check my forest... There's gotta be another motive...
M!Reader : There really isn't! Here check my notebook!
[Y/N pulls out his notebook and gives it to her]
Maleficent : .....
[Maleficent opens his notebook and sees drawings of the trees, the tree guard, other creatures and ......Herself?]
Maleficent : Hm.... drawing?
M!Reader : Y-Yeah... Not really good but it's bearable...
Maleficent : You certainly are... You draw my left horn a little bit longer...
M!Reader blushing : Hehe I told you I wasn't that good....
Maleficent : .....
[Maleficent slams the notebook into Y/N's chest]
M!Reader : Ough!
Maleficent : You can continue if you want to...
M!Reader : Wait really!?
Maleficent : You want me to take my words back....
M!Reader : No! no!
Maleficent : What I thought...
M!Reader : Thank you! Male-..... Ummm... Is it okay if I call you-
Maleficent : Yes....
M!Reader : T-thank you maleficent... But I think it's time for me to go back... I've been here for quite a long time now...
Maleficent : agreed.... But... Before you go.... I must say....
M!Reader : ???
[Maleficent grabs his under chin and lifts it up to make proper eye contact]
Maleficent : You're definitely an odd one...
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader blushing : T-thank you?
Maleficent : Your face is blushing again-
M!Reader blushing : OOKAY! I think it's time for me to go now! I'll definitely come back again when I get the chance! Later!
[Y/N leaves while still flustered]'
[M!Reader thought 💭]
Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh OHMYGOSH! DID THAT SERIOUSLY JUST HAPPENED!?
Maleficent : .....
Maleficent : Chuckles a strange one indeed...
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xxtha-blog · 2 months
Why Horrortale Sans is Definitely Evil
Horrortale Sans is evil. This is the opposite of a defence post, I am calling out this character and his many misdeeds! I do not know how people legitimately defend his actions or claim he’s just a normal guy who tries really hard not to eat people. I do not think we read the same comic. This is a comprehensive deep dive into why Horror is evil.
First a chronological look at Horror’s dubious actions. Not all of theses are evil and some have good justification as standalone events, but provide wider context for things:
1. He has to be convinced into helping repair the Core which he knows is broken, and has inside info he knows could help get it fixed, only when Grillby begs him to because as revealed on another page, the loss of the Core means “the fire eats at [Grillby’s] very soul like acid, perpetually burning him alive”
2. He spends a total of 12 months trying to figure out how to repair the Core but based on Undyne’s statements about how he rarely works, either means he’s a. Not actually putting enough effort into it (if we believe her and not Sans) or b. Not telling Undyne and Alphys how his work is going which is probably pertinent information for them to have (If we believe Sans, but want a reason as to why Undyne has that impression)
3. He finally brings her a solution to the Core after knowing he’s going to die (but if you want to be generous, maybe it was just really bad timing and he really did only needed a few more days to bring her a solution) and claims it’s a “long shot” meaning he doesn’t even know if it will work.
4. Undyne, thinking that is an insane plan, tells him she has a different plan. Sacrificing him to save everyone. Sans makes it clear he would never let himself die to save everyone.
5. When a guard begs him to sacrifice himself to save his wife and children, Sans launches him into the stratosphere saying: “fuck off.”
6. Even though Undyne attacks him first, it’s actually Sans that takes out her head and eye first.
7. Sans brutally murders the guards who helped Undyne.
8. When Alphys, showing Sans that her plan has objectively work and he is not dead (bonus!!), Sans destroys the Core.
He destroys the thing that will keep him, his brother, and literally every person in the underground alive. Grillby now suffers eternally, and everyone will die a slow and painful death. This does not help him in any way, does not change the fact his head is broken, he does it purely out of malice. The equivalent of getting shot, surviving, and then nuking the town you were shot in. He does not take his eye back if you thought it was to take his eye back. It’s still in the broken Core.
9. He lobotomizes Alphys
10. He gets Aliza to become a cannibal
11. He tortures and maims Aliza (let’s her get cut in half by a bear trap, pulls her hair so hard it bleeds, let’s her freeze to death in a puzzle, sends her to Grillbys where she gets partially cooked alive, cuts her arm off)
Really great guy here.
Secondly let’s get some of the common defences out of the way:
1. Sans had a plan that would save everyone! Undyne was therefore making a bad decision by trying to killing him
a. Sans says his plan IS A LONG SHOT
b. Alphys explains Sans’s plan would have taken a lot of time and magic ie. time that would get a lot of other people killed
c. Undyne’s plan actually goes better that expected! What was assumed would kill Sans doesn’t end up killing him at all. Literally a win-win for everyone involved.
d. Undyne/Alphys’s plan works, and therefore objectively saved more people. 0 net casualties if Sans had a single ounce of humanity.
2. Sans worked really hard and Undyne betrayed him. Undyne should have told him first
Undyne doesn’t tell him because she doesn’t want to consider hurting Sans despite monsters dying. Moments before Sans shows up, a child dies in a mother’s arm. Then Sans explains his plan is to dismantle the Core, which ‘might’ work, and will take a lot of effort and magic to do so, which is time they do not have (it’s been 12 months. He has had 12 months.). He also blames Undyne for getting them into this mess and mocks her for letting people die. She then attacks him. They end up both losing half their head and eye in the fight, making them perfectly even. The core’s power is restored.
But, whether or not Sans feels betrayed or not is irrelevant to the fact that Undyne makes the most reasonable and moral decision in this moment and also Sans has kind of done everything in his power to not sell his idea and piss off the person he knows is considering killing him so big L on his part for that one.
It also does not in any way shape or form justify destroying the Core, which is probably the most evil thing you could possibly do in that scenario.
3. They both are at fault for the Core/Both Evil then
There is literally a world of difference between:
“Sacrifices 1 person who ends up not dying, to save everyone. Which succeeds.”
“Destroys the thing that will successfully keep everyone alive, thus dooming everyone including yourself to die a slow and agonizing death, because you are angry your friend tried to kill you in an effort to save everyone”
That’s not even including the 10 other things on my list that are definitely also evil, but I cannot take people seriously if they put these two things on some sort of a moral equivalence. Undyne is in the right. 1 person for everyone is a worthy sacrifice. If anything Undyne’s only flaw is waiting so long to do it.
4. (Unrelated to the Core incident) Sans is actually morally grey, he doesn’t eat humans like everyone else which is a complex character motivation
You’re right, Sans doesn’t eat humans. Instead he finds enjoyment in torturing them brutally, a much worse thing than eating to stay alive.
His fight with hunger is also entirely self-made. Both because it’s not morally wrong to eat another living being to survive (and it’s not cannibalism to eat a human as a monster) and because he is the reason this is still happening 7 years later. It is literally his fault he is hungry. There is no interesting moral conundrum here, he does not care about hurting people. He is just out of his mind.
In conclusion, Horrortale Sans is a deeply selfish and uncaring person. Whatever minor good deeds he does throughout the comic are so immensely overshadowed by his absolute depravity that they might as well not exist. He is the reason every single monster in that underground continues to suffer, including himself, and while in his mind maybe there’s some weird justification, no outsider observer should look at these actions and think, yeah, that was reasonable. Much less think Undyne or Alphys are somehow WORSE. He destroys the Core because he didn’t die after everyone is saved, solely to be vindictive. He does not gain anything by doing this. He doesn't even take back the eye he lost which is still in the broken core! He lobotomizes Alphys because he’s mad he looks like a freak. He murders people who wants him to help everyone stay alive. He maims and tortures children and no amount of not eating them afterwards makes that any less morally apprehensible.
None of this is meant to say you can’t like him as a character. It is just to explain why characterizing him as a poor lil guy who did nothing wrong, is a little… wrong.
i believe this is an extensive look into why Horrortale Sans is evil.
Thank you for reading :)
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yuikomorii · 9 months
// Ok I didn’t want to go this far but at this point, you guys are hating on Ayato just for clout and it shows. It’s okay not to like a character but straight up spreading misinformation about him is not okay. If you lack reading comprehension, just admit it.
What makes Ayato’s past so sad isn’t only the fact that Cordelia was mean towards him. She mentally and physically abused him, yet what genuinely hurt Ayato the most was the way Cordelia treated ALL the triplets. A part of him didn’t even want to kill her, given that he CRIED in the MB flashbacks because, despite being a huge abuser, he STILL felt sympathy even for someone like her. No matter how horrible Cordelia was, Ayato still wished for Karlheinz to reciprocate her feelings only to finally see her happy.
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Don't even get me started on the Adam curse. He was practically used as bait and abandoned to death by his own brothers, but he still hoped for their safety after escaping. That curse literally destroyed his entire life because its purpose was to make the person who ate the fig drown in despair and go insane. That's why he was sooo obsessed with Yui's blood. Heck, he's cursed in routes other than his own, as he goes insane in Ruki's MB one, to the point that his brothers had to lock him inside the dungeon. In addition, in his MB Vampire Ending, he falls into a coma because he refuses to hurt Yui and keep drinking her blood.
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Other than that, Laito was the one who made him believe that he wasn’t special, hence he adopted the “I will never make someone special again” mentality. He also wanted to kill him when he was younger (no hate towards any of his brothers though). Kanato was the only one who never did something bad to him, considering that when Ayato was a child, Reiji called him the disappointment of the family after failing a test.
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Ayato did twisted stuff too; no character is a saint, but he always tries his best to fix things. Even when not dating Yui, he’s capable of showing compassion, support and a desire to improve his relationship with his brothers BY HIMSELF. Check this analysis for example.
Other than that, despite every time being hurt when trying to show kindness, he still became a very selfless guy who’d sacrifice himself for anyone at any given time. What makes this even more admirable is that according to Karlheinz, he’s literally the only one who actually VALUES his life. This guy who loves life would risk it all for Yui, even when not dating, or for any of his brothers.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations and tournesolia on Tumblr
On top of that, he's incredibly empathic?? He forgives everybody, no matter what they do to him, and seeks to maintain good relations with them. In Kino's LE route, for example, he tortures and burns Ayato, but Ayato is the first person to recognize him as his brother because he wanted Kino to feel that he, too, belonged to a family.
Last but not least, nobody silences Karlheinz as good as him. He was also the only one who connected the dots by himself about his dad being the root of all evil (Laito too but that was after the letter), including being the only one who didn’t want to kill him only because he didn’t want to fall into his plan. Check this post.
Oh and, Ayato is actually really big; it’s not that only his fans make him that way! This post basically proves that he’s the IT boy of otome games and I should also mention that he’s the character that sells the most in Japan and China! Just look what Japanese fans think of him. ;)
You can dislike him as much as you want but nobody can deny how brave and pure-hearted he is. He’s the definition of from zero to hero.
As I mentioned earlier, it's fine to dislike him, but don't become obsessed with it, lol. At the end of the day, he's merely a fictional character with endearing characteristics and the male lead. It's really not that deep. Besides, it's embarrassing when the hate comes from Yui stans because she definitely wouldn't be happy of any of you talking about her man in that way.
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littlefireball · 2 months
CS|Cruel Angel and Kind Evil pt.1 (A/F)
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San's Birthday Week~~ Evil! San (Santan) x Angel! Reader Angust| Fluff| Angel and Evil AU|Enemies to lover|Forbidden love|Fight scene|San love teasing reader|Reader is poisoned Word count: 1.8K Summary: You, as an angel who specializes in destroying demons, are cruel by nature; San, as the most advanced being among demons, shows kindness that is inconsistent with his temperament. Was your meeting a joke, or was it really a fate?
"One more." You stared coldly at the lifeless body collapsing before you, the blood belonging to the deceased sliding down your cheek, dripping onto the scorching floor, dispersing into crimson smoke. Nonchalantly, you wiped off the red blood stains from your blade, unaffected by the passing of a life before you.
For he was a demon.
Demons should never have existed in this world-they wreak havoc, plunging the world into misfortune. Your killings merely bring peace to this world, nothing objectionable. In the face of any demon, you show no mercy-until his appearance.
"Angel, should I call you like this?" It was your first time meeting him, his casual attitude displeased you. "I have nothing to say to you." You held the blade before him, a sharpness emitting from your eyes, a dangerous atmosphere permeating the air. "Any last words? Evil. Should I call you like this?" "Hey! Calm down! I am not here to fight with you."San raised his arms in surrender, showing a kindness that was unexpected of him.
"No need to say so much, go back to your hell!" With wings as white as snow spreading behind you, you attacked the demon in front of you.
A deadly steel sliced through the air, and in an instant,all the short trees on the side were cut down. The tip of your sword stopped at his neck, but the demon locked the sharp blade in place with his crossed arms.
"Thank you for sparing me, angel."
"You…!" San gripped the sword tightly, the sharp blade penetrating his palm, causing a trickle of blood to seep out. His arm was strong and powerful, forcefully pushing down your sword.
"Huh? Weren't you planning to kill me? Your power seems insufficient." Suddenly, he exerted a forceful pull and unexpectedly dragged you towards himself. Caught off guard, you were startled and unable to resist his immense strength. The distance between the two of you closed rapidly, as if time itself had paused.
His breath sprayed on your face, and his enticing fragrance filled the air. His features were delicate, with bright eyes that curved like those of a kitten, and the dimples on his face added a touch of cuteness, in stark contrast to the hideous appearance of a typical demon.
"Are you blushing? My little angel~" He smiled at you, a smile so sweet that it captivated your soul.
"I… You… Go away!" The rosy blush on your cheeks resembled a quietly blooming cherry blossom. Your shy gaze wandered, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Don't be so rude next time we meet!" He took advantage of the situation and moved even closer, his lips almost touching your ear, whispering softly.
"You…!" As you were about to turn around and swing your sword, he transformed into a purple mist and disappeared into thin air. Your empty attack left you infuriated.
"I will definitely kill you!"
"Lord Santan, why are you so interested in that angel? She's an angel of a demon slaying, you know?"
"Oh~ don't you think she is cute?" His subordinates could never understand his thoughts. How could they see an enemy killer as someone to get close to? They just didn't know, and couldn't comprehend.
"You know? Sometimes, it's a fate, something that no one can explain~"
Perhaps for him, teasing with his opponents was an extremely interesting thing to do. Or maybe, he was curious about the other side of you. You were an angel of demon slaying, ruthless and cruel, completely different from any angel he had encountered before. There was not a trace of angelic presence about you; instead, you seemed like an evil disguised as an angel.
He wanted to know more about everything concerning you because you were so different. Discovering your unknown side was like treasure hunting, both thrilling and triggering his limitless curiosity. Little did he know that he unintentionally fell into a rabbit hole named 'You'.
This was your second encounter.
"Ah-!!" This battle was even more difficult than you had imagined, and your side suffered heavy casualties. On the bloodied ground, cries of agony intertwined with the breath of death. The demon's threat surged like a tidal wave, while your troops, like lambs to the slaughter, had no means to resist.
Its acidic and poisonous saliva targeted your weak point, causing many soldiers to die from the toxins. Your side, uninvited, was scattered like sand, the defense line easily crumbled, and even you, who had experienced countless battles, found yourself in a desperate struggle.
"Tsk!" Black patterns spread up your arm, and a tearing pain engulfed your entire body, as if every inch of your skin was pierced by a knife, even preventing you from firmly gripping your weapon. You managed to suppress the outbreak of toxins in your body with the power of an angel, but the burden on your body is difficult to estimate.
The monster snarled and roared, leaping towards you with its hind legs. You struggled to jump up, barely avoiding its attack. This is not a sustainable solution, as it will only drain your strength and eventually kill you. This is something you can't accept, because you haven't even had the chance to seek revenge on the demon that teased you last time. How can you die before him?
Relying solely on your own power is not enough to defeat your opponent, but what if you use the soldiers? The situation might be different then. You gather the power within you, murmuring and manipulating flames that ignite the ground and spread towards your teammates. The flames consume the soldiers' bodies, distorting their muscles and bones. The raging fire devours their strength like a ferocious beast, causing the air in your vision to tremble with fluctuating waves.
You gather your strength, flames enveloping the tip of your sword as you swing it across the monster's throat. The raging fire explodes upon contact with the venom. The sound of the explosion, along with the soldiers' cries, rises and falls, finally ceasing as the monster falls.
Victory in battle is obtained through the sacrifice of soldiers - how cruel.
"Is it really this cruel? Will your God forgive you?" A mocking and slightly puzzled voice resounds in your ears. You sit weakly under a tree, looking up to see the demon with his hands crossed behind his back. Him again.
"Their deaths were worthwhile."
"Are these really words spoken by an angel?"
"As long as I can kill demons, I'm willing to be the executioner." Despite the pain from the toxins tormenting you, you refuse to show any signs of suffering. This is your last bit of stubbornness before "death."
He slowly walks to your side, his handsome face appearing in your sight, and a charming smile appears at the corner of his mouth once again. Seeing your blackened and decaying right hand, he reaches out meaningfully, as if taunting but also doubtingly asking, "Have you been poisoned?" You so desperately want to push away his filthy hand, but your arm is already powerless.
"You can just kill me directly, no need to pretend to be pitiful here."
"Oh don't say this, my angel. I said I was not here to fight with you." You stare at the man in front of you in disbelief, unable to understand his actions.
"So, what do you want? Insult me and watch me die from poisoning? Or do you want me to beg you to save me?"
"Why are you always so aggressive? Are you really an angel but not a demon?"
"I don't need to show my kindness to you, Evil."
"My name is not evil. I am San." He sighs helplessly, then his sharp nails pierce into your blackened wrist. You can't help but hiss in pain, and you weakly squeeze San's palm.
"Endure it, it will be fine soon." His words are as gentle as silk, and his gentle tone seems capable of melting any ice in people's hearts. "You endured the stimulation from the toxin, but you are in pain from a needle in your wrist?"
"I don't…" Like a mischievous child caught misbehaving, you stubbornly retort.
"I get it, I get it." He smiles indulgently. The black patterns on his hand gradually fade away, returning to San's fingertips along the contours of your arm. The pain gradually leaves your body, and the furrowed brow that was caused by the pain unfolds.
"Mmm, turning white~ Look at this~" He presents his fingertip and licks it, like a child eagerly awaiting your response. You look at your healed right hand in disbelief. Did he heal you? Why? Aren't demons and angels sworn enemies?
"You save me…?"
"What? Aren't you going to say thank you?" He pretends to be angry, pouting his lips slightly, and his eyebrows furrow slightly. This cute expression leaves you with no choice but to smile wryly.
"Oh~ So you can smile?" His eyes twinkle mischievously, once again teasing you. You quickly suppress your smile, crossing your legs and folding your arms, trying to keep your distance from him.
"Why did you save me? Shouldn't you kill me for revenge?" He looks up, pursing his lips and pondering for a moment, then meets your gaze again.
"Because it is fun~"
"What?" His nonchalant response leaves you speechless. What could be so fun about this?
"Mmm~ Didn't you say you wanted to kill me? How could you die before me?"
"Do you really not want to live longer?"
"No. I just want you to kill me, only you." He emphasizes the last two words with a serious tone, and his eyes, which were originally filled with smiles, suddenly become serious. He once again leans closer to your face, his voice sounding like a Siren in your ears. "You are the special one, my pretty."
"You…!" You struggle to push him away, but the moment your hand touches him, he once again turns into smoke and disappears, then reappears in front of you.
"Try harder next time, angel."
"Hey!… My name is not angel. I am Y/N." You don't know why you told him your name, and you don't know why you didn't attack him. A series of abnormal behavior surprises San. His lips twitch slightly, as if he can't help but reveal a smile, but he forcefully suppresses it.
"See you next time, Y/N."
Little do you know, the gears of fate between you and him had already quietly started turning from the moment you first met.
"Forgive me for being ignorant, why did you want to save her? Didn't you send the venom demon to attack the angel just to kill her?" His subordinate asked again in confusion. A terrifying smile appeared on San's face, he played with the gem containing the soul of the venom demon in his hand, slowly turned around, and met his subordinate's eyes.
"Who asked him to challenge my position?" He smashed the gem in his hand with one hand. The intact stone suddenly turned into millions of fragments. The soul inside floated away like smoke segments, and was finally absorbed by San.
"She's very useful, and…" He walked over to the crystal ball that glowed with purple light, reflecting your appearance on it.
"My nature told me…I want her."
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Terry McGinnis is the only person who can be the next Batman
I don't normally make hard statements like this. I typically hate it when somebody makes hard statements like this, but hear me out.
No prior Batfamily character can be the next Batman. I'll keep it brief and explain why going person by person (obvious headcanon warning)
Dick is definitely a likelier candidate than most. He can cover for Batman if the need ever arises. But I believe that Dick Grayson hates the idea of actually becoming Batman. He can play the role. He was a circus kid and he's got the heart of a theatre kid, he can play the role all day long. But he was the first. He arguably saw Batman at his natural worst. He and Alfred, anyways. I'm going to drop some OP lore to further elaborate. My dad's a pastor. He's a really good pastor. He's a good man, and he may be an ass, but that's because I know him as "dad". For YEARS, people would tell me that I was just like him, and for a long time, I wanted to be him. It's what boys do when their dad is at the very least decent. But, as I got older, I saw the tapestry and saw the flaws. I saw how tired being a pastor made my dad. I saw how much of his life being a pastor was taking up. I would never tell my dad to stop being a pastor, because that's him. That's his calling; and if he was anything else, then he'd be a soulless, husk of a man. But I've seen what being a pastor does to you, and I don't want that. I want to be better than that. Dick Grayson has seen what The Batman does to a person. He's seen Bruce do things that Dick would never do, and the idea of being the next Batman is something that got soured to him. And it definitely doesn't help that that's what a lot of people used to do to him. So yeah, traumadumping aside, Dick would never STAY Batman. Even if he doesn't know it.
I honestly think it's best if Jason stays as far away from the idea of The Batman legacy as possible. Jason's at the best possible spot right now. He's taken his trauma and has turned it into his empowerment. I don't care what Three Jokers says, that's dumb. Joker's an ass, we don't listen to him. ESPECIALLY if he's swapped out his gun for a crowbar and has a no-kill rule, Jason could be Red Hood until he's 90 and it'll be narratively fulfilling.
Tim is one I see get thrown around a lot. However, I believe that The Batman would absolutely DESTROY him and he would be too stubborn to acknowledge it. One common denominator I believe every Robin goes through is the realization of "oh wow, Bruce is not okay" and trying to be better than that. While I do believe that Tim went through that, I also believe that Tim is arrogant enough to believe that he's better than that. Even putting all of the "alternate Tim evil gun toting Batman" futures aside, I think that Tim is obsessive enough as is. Giving him the mantle of The Batman would cause him to obsess even more to be like Bruce thus causing ANOTHER evil gun toting alternate future Batman. Tim is best as Red Robin. An independent agent that can go well with ANY Batman to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Babs is best as Oracle. No I will not be elaborating. If you want her to be Batgirl, then say that she can Batgirl every once and a while but doing it stresses out the microchip in her back.
Steph is best as Spoiler. She backdoored her way into the Batfamily by being competent enough as Spoiler. I honestly wish that she could be like Batwoman and establish herself as Batfamily adjacent and have her own supporting cast and such. If she does have one, then I'm sorry. Cassie is kind of a blind spot.
Sadly, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, and Harper Row are even bigger blindspots of mine. From what I've seen of them, I can't think of any reasons they couldn't be Batman. However, I can't think of any reasons why they especially should be Batman.
Damian Wayne is my personal vote for becoming the next Batman out of everybody pre established. Not for any birthright reasons. That's dumb. Admittedly, DCeased really turned me on to the idea. I think that the idea of Damian being the child raised by Bruce that turned out the best is a really good idea. In retrospect, I guess the idea of birthright is technically why I'm choosing Damian. BUT, understand I'm doing it with the caveat that Damian is fully developed as a person and as a character. That is the END of his arc.
HOWEVER, Terry McGinnis takes the cake for me in terms of Batman successor. This is going off of the idea that he isn't a Bruce clone. I don't know how canon we've made that, but canon is relative, so I'm saying it's not for the sake of argument. Terry is an outsider. He has no baggage with the idea of The Batman. He's just a guy working through some grief with The Batman being used as a vehicle. He doesn't know any of the Bruceisms. He never had to explain to his friends that his dad is crazy and he's sorry he made contingency plans for all of them. Terry McGinnis gets to make Batman his own. And, luckily, he gets to have a fully realized Bruce to guide him along the way. I also think that it opens so much more story potential. It's essentially a soft reboot for The Batman as an idea. Everybody else can be out doing their own thing. But I think this works in the same way that Miguel O'Hara can ALSO be Spider-Man. I believe that every intimate Batfamily member would follow Bruce's footsteps by making Batman an UNHEALTHY obsession. Terry would be different, he'd lead the pack by turning The Batman into something HEALTHY.
Or maybe I don't read enough comics and all my interpretations are super surface level. Let me know. I'm willing to be wrong.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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More confirmation that Vriska really did die - probably to Aradia - and is currently inhabiting her Dream Self. She's lucky she wasn't on Prospit when the Demon showed up, or she would have died for good.
ARADIA: its really weird that y0u keep antag0nizing me ARADIA: i c0uld snap y0ur neck with a twitch VRISKA: Yeah 8ut you won't!
You probably think that predestination will protect you, since Aradia won't violate it - but should you really trust your safety to the whims of the Alpha timeline?
I mean, it's already sanctioned the loss of your arm, your eye, and one of your lives. I don't think it likes you very much.
VRISKA: You saw the demon up close, right? You fought him! Or at least your doppelgangers did. [...] VRISKA: What was he like! [...] VRISKA: Primarily I'm interested in your take on his weaknesses, tactical disadvantages, stuff like that. [...] ARADIA: are y0u seri0usly intending t0 fight him
Throwing hands with a First Guardian is suicide.
They're not just powerful, they're also blindingly fast, and if the Demon fought intelligently, it could teleport Vriska into a black hole before she could blink. She simply has no answer for a technique like that - not unless she's been holding back this whole time, and that definitely isn't Vriska's style.
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Vriska could always cheat, though.
She may be overconfident, but she's not stupid. I have no doubt that she's fully aware that in a traditional battle, she's screwed - so if she's actually serious about killing the Demon, she must have something up her sleeve.
For example, she could:
Cause him to use up his energy reserves, which might not actually be infinite.
Send him aeons back in time. We know they can live for billions of years, but how about quadrillions?
Trick or manipulate him into destroying himself.
Separate him from his First Guardian powers. Perhaps the MEOW code can be erased from his genes?
A superintelligent First Guardian like Doc Scratch would see through most of these plans - but a superintelligent First Guardian would have already located the trolls. The Demon is apparently on a rampage, and his attacks don't seem to be all that calculated - so I suspect he's a creature of instinct, like Bec.
It's also possible that the Demon isn't actually a First Guardian, and is just using their powers somehow. This could be a good thing, since he might be less dangerous than the entities he's mimicking.
But it might also mean he's Lord English, and I have a horrible feeling that English is significantly more powerful than a First Guardian.
Either way - good luck, Vriska. Make sure your corpse falls somewhere Kernelsprite-accessible.
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She might only play Chaotic Evil, but I do appreciate that Vriska's willing to roleplay with Nepeta.
NEPETA: :33 < i changed my mind, why dont we just not do any roleplaying instead VRISKA: ::::(
Half of Vriska thinks she's better than everyone else, and the other half just wants to be included.
VRISKA: [...] I demand that you spend the next several hours mastering stairs. [...] VRISKA: [...] Now hop to it, and don't think twice a8out it, or I'll know. We don't want to have to do it the hard way now, do we?
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Kanaya is ten feet away, and she's pissed off enough as it is.
Vriska had better be careful, or she'll be buried under a Load Gaper Pile to match the Horn Pile across the hall.
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I love that Vriska's quarters are just, inexplicably full of spider webs.
Like, where did she get them? Did she alchemize them for the aesthetic?
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Who knew that something so terrible was stalking the depths of this laboratory?
This poor chess mutant didn't, that's for sure.
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God damn. Well, she clearly wasn't kidding about having all the luck.
Vriska, the Thief of Light, steals favorable outcomes from her opponents, leaving unfavorable outcomes in their wake. Light represents luck - or, perhaps, good fortune.
I'm not sure how well that gels with Rose, though, since Jaspers didn't allude to luck when he was explaining her Quest. I'll have to go back over his speech.
...wait. I just realized something.
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This really was an impossibly lucky roll! I was suspicious of it at the time, but so much else was going on that I forgot about it.
The probability of this outcome was less than 0.00001%, and Vriska still forced it into being. The ramifications of her being able to do this are staggering. Vriska can make miracles happen, and she's now the most cracked character in the entire comic.
She might actually have a shot at the Demon. This changes everything.
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I feel like y'all should know what's going on here today.
Today is election day in Mexico, it's also the day we'll probably get our first woman president (the first one in all northamerica actually) Claudia Sheinbaum, yet it isn't exactly something to celebrate. Yes it's groundbreaking to have a woman as president, however she is not a good woman. She was essentially handpicked as a successor by AMLO, our current president from within his political party, Morena.
Morena was the driving force behind the Tren Maya (a train running all the way through southeastern Mexico, an area full of indigenous territories, archeological vestiges, protected ecosystems and species, that he been negatively affected if not destroyed by this project. The Asamblea Maya is heavily against it), the Felipe angeles airport (an airport settled over an area full of paleontological remains, and a huge disruptor to migratory bird routes, so yknow another ecological disaster, plus it endangers the preservation of the Teotihuacán archeological zone due to its closeness, as well as being a nuisance for the people of San Juan Teotihuacan), plus many other megadevelopments in the name of "progress" and the "people first", most of which have actually made life worse for people or have been directly opposed by indigenous communities. It's also important to point out that AMLO and Morena used the grieving families of the Ayotzinapa 43 (forcibly dissappeared students, a tragedy committed by the army and covered up by the government) and promised the army and everyone involved wouldn't go unpunished and then betrayed the families by painting them as opportunistic sell outs to the opposition, never actually releasing the information or punishing the people involved in the disappearance of the students, and giving more and more power to the army, effectively militarizing the country.
While Sheinbaum was head of government in Mexico City there were a lot of protests, most of which were confronted by a lot of police brutality condoned by her government for example they gassed feminist protesters and escalated violence against propalestine protesters, among others. Her government was also bad for the infrastructure of public transportation in the city, with these last few years having been some of the worse for the Mexico city subway in recent history. She also spearhead "mobility projects" to allegedly help the flow of the city traffic and maintain our environment, all she did was destroy wetlands to make more roads, which have had horrible consequences for the biodiversity of the city (destruction of the original ecosystem and disruption of migratory bird routes) while suppressing and intimidating the originary people of the area that rightfully questioned this projects, that not only hurt the ecosystem, but actively took water sources away from their communities.
She is also a zionist and has filled her party with terfs and a known rapist.
This election was unfortunately another choose the lesser evil election in Mexican history, since the other two presidential candidates are also a terrible choice (Xochitl Gálvez is the representative for the conservative paty in Mexico and Jorge Álvarez Maynez is very similar), and the fact that very single politician is trying to distance themselves from PRI the most prominent party in Mexican history and also the orchestrator of a lot of the bad things in our country, however most of them worked in or with the PRI at some point, including most of Morena's representatives. This has lead to most people not wanting to vote, annuling their vote, or voting for missing people to visibilize them and the incompetence of the authorities.
So yeah, I guess finally having a woman as a president is something good, but it is definitely not a good thing, don't let the media fool y'all into thinking this is some "socialist" or "leftist" win for Mexicans, when at best it won't change anything.
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happyk44 · 1 year
actually annabeth joining luke's army as a double agent for chb but percy doesn't know this so he just thinks alright and grabs grover and hooks it over there bc annabeth does what she wants and he knows there's no convincing her otherwise bc she's a stubborn ass and also ares fucking sucks so as far as percy's concerned the gods can suck it based on that alone
grover is just ??? bc he does NOT want to be over here and percy's just like "look, we can't convince annabeth to not be part of monster army, so the only option is to be part of it ourselves" and annabeth walks in on them trying to join (or rather percy trying to join for both of them and grover looking on the verge of tears) and she's just ??? bc what the fuck percy why are you two here
whole time percy is going on a rant about ares and how he sucks and how he's pretty sure the god has abused clarisse ("maybe we should get clarisse to sign up with us") because no one believes that he wants to join luke's army and they just thinkk he wants to spy on them so he's trying to show that he thinks gods (well at least one god) is a total ass and can get obliterated and percy will be happy to do that bc he did it once before, he can totally do it again! and if they get clarisse she can deliver the final blow as an FU
someone asks why grover's there and percy is like "um. he's my best friend? he has to come with me? what, you think I'm gonna fucking fight my best friend? are you stupid?"
meanwhile grover is having the worst panic attack of his life. like why is this how he discovers percy has no morals. couldn't it be something smaller like putting french fries in a strawberry milkshake?
and annabeth is resisting the urge to start screaming and now she's gotta vouch for percy and her vouch for percy is basically "if it came to saving me and grover or a bus full of people about to plunge into the atlantic, percy would save us, no hesitation" and everyone's like "jesus christ, the hell is wrong with this kid" because like maybe they're on the side of a cannibalistic titan but they're not fucking evil
ofc once they're let into the group, annabeth drags them both to the side and wrings percy a new one for fucking up her double agent plans and they're both whisper-arguing bc it's not his fault he didn't know she didn't really shack up with the enemy, but like fuck off percy, you didn't have to follow me here! why the hell would you choose to come here, were you going to try and kidnap me and bring me back to camp by force??
and percy is just like "yes that is 100% what i was going to do, i was definitely not joining with the intent to be by your side and blow up olympus because i'd rather destroy the world than fight my friend" and grover turns to annabeth and is just "he's fucking lying" "yeah i know"
anyway grover is released as a double agent for the monster army (but actually for CHB) bc the idea is that he can help them get more demigods to their side as a searcher being sent out to grab kids and he's mentally banging his head bc NOW he has to figure out how to get unclaimed demigods safely to camp without making it look like he took them there on purpose and if it looks like he defected back to CHB, they'll probably kill annabeth and maim or imprison percy and good gods, percy i hate you so much rn
percy? idk. it's past summer so he just goes home and luke is like "bro you can't just fucking leave" "um no offense luke but if you try to stop me from going home to my mom who i love more than life itself i will legit eat you" and then he goes home
come december, grover is calling percy up like "hey i found these fucking powerful ass kids, plz help me get them to camp without making it look like i got them there on purpose" and so they gotta loop annabeth in who's just mentally banging her head and cursing percy out over this whole thing as she strategizes a way to get the army there but have them fuck up so badly it would look super suspicious if grover just shoved them over
so first she yells at percy then she makes grover call thalia up so she can help him and it'll be okay 'cause she's in the same area as him so it won't look suspicious, it'll just seem like camp sent her in with him, like they do sometimes when there's dangerous monsters that a satyr might not be able to handle by themselves.
and then she makes percy go with them as support for grover's "nefarious" deeds since thalia's there. and it's a whole fucking thing, and mentally she's just like "oh thank fuck" when artemis and the hunters show up.
they retreat back to wherever the monster army was at this time (not the boat, but like idk. atlas' post? were they all chilling there or was it just luke and some ppl being assholes and everyone else was still on the boat, i can't remember) and curse their loss of two powerful and clueless demigods, only for percy to call annabeth up a couple hours later like "hey, remember those kids from a couple hours ago with the manticore and the hunters and everything"
"percy it was two hours ago, ofc i remember it, my memory isn't as shit as yours" "right right, you're elephant" "oh my- why are you calling me!!" "oh yeah. uh. well. they're kinda in my house" "what??" "yeah they're sitting right across from me. my mom's giving them some hot chocolate."
"how the hell?"
"i have no clue. they also have no clue. they just, uh, didn't feel safe at camp, bc grover was being weird about trying to save them. which, um, yeah, makes sense. and they don't like thalia because her spear scares them 'cause they don't like lightning. and also the girl said the hunters keep trying to convince her to join them which is freaking her out, so they didn't want to stay at camp. and then suddenly they were in my house."
"what do i do?"
this time annabeth bangs her head physically on the closest wall. and somewhere in the fine forests of new york, grover is banging his head on the nearest tree, both of them unified in their feelings of "for fucks sake percy i hate you so much rn"
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cosmerelists · 1 year
AITA Posts on Roshar: Part 2
[You can find Part 1 here!]
Once again, we are imagining that the Reddit forum “Am I The Asshole” exists on Roshar, and that the main characters from Stormlight like to post on it. What might those posts look like?
1. AITA for talking about poop on a first date?
I really need help here, Reddit. I (LE/M/24) am not good with women--well, I’m very good at flirting with them and getting dates, but I am NOT good with keeping them. I’ve never had a relationship last longer than a few months, and my dad is always me grief about it. In fact, it got to the point where my cousin arranged a casual for me with a woman (LE/F/17) I’ve never met. So I’m engaged now! But it is only a casual, and if this woman does not like me, the engagement isn’t going to last. I’m lowkey stressed about this, because she’s really pretty and really smart and I think I like her a lot.
Okay but to get to the actual situation. I arranged a sort of first date with the woman I’m engaged to (I’ll call her S) at this wine house. Classic, right? And I was telling her about all of my heroic battles and stuff, like you do, and she seemed to be pretty into it. But then suddenly S interrupted my battle story to ask me how I, well, poop while wearing shardplate. So that’s the first thing--she brought up the poop thing first! So I answered, of course, since she asked, but then she was asking MORE poop-related questions, and I ended up admitting that yes, I have shat myself in Shardplate on multiple occasions. My shard-plate wearing bros know what I’m talking about.
Anyway, weirdly, I felt like the date went well?? But later I was telling people about it, and they all said I DEFINITELY messed up because no woman wants a man to talk about poop on a first date.
Plz help. I really like her. AITA? Should I apologize?
2. AITA for wanting to destroy evil?
Humans are so weird about it! I’m a sword (NE/NG/1000) that was literally created to destroy evil! But every time I destroy evil, people say things like “Oh god the bodies” or “please stop trying to eat my soul” or “I am going to lock you in a closet. You are a menace.” What gives? AITA? 
3. AITA for being against murder?
In before “but we’re at war.” I know we’re at war. When isn’t there a war? The fact of the matter is--violence is never the answer. You can’t save someone through killing. I know--I am a surgeon (oh right--DE/M/50), so my business is saving people.
I have one son (DE/M/20) (my other son died). I raised him to be a surgeon, and he was really good at it. And before anyone says “why did you force your son to be like you,” I didn’t FORCE him. He wanted to be a surgeon. But he ended up being drafted into war, and then he never came home. Well he did, technically. But it wasn’t him. It was a murderer.
He is ALWAYS killing people. He says he’s a soldier now, and not only does he keep killing people, but he keeps killing people in front of me! We’re occupied right now, and the other day, some of the enemy soldiers came to my surgery and wanted to move some of the unconscious patients. Just move them. No evidence that they intended them harm. But my son FREAKED out and MURDERED the solider who came to take the patients! Just straight up murdered him! In a place of healing! And when I told him this was NOT okay, he grabbed his unconscious friend (who definitely needs medical care) and ran away. And now nobody knows where he is.
My wife is pissed at me. I can tell she thinks I drove away our son. But AITA for not wanting my son to be a murderer??
4. AITA for saving my friend?
I (DE/M/20) am a soldier in an occupied city. I’m also one of the radiants, and almost all of the other radiants in the city have fallen mysteriously unconscious. My dad is a doctor, and he’s been watching over them. Only my dad doesn’t believe in resisting occupation; he’s a pacifist--like, an extreme one. So when the enemy soldiers showed up to take away the unconscious radiants, I resisted. Because I knew what they were going to do with them--they were going to kill them (or worse). Otherwise, they would have just left them there. And one of the unconscious radiants is a dear friend of mine, a man who stuck with me through some of the worst moments of my life, and I wasn’t going to just stand aside and let him be taken. So I fought back. And I managed, barely, to stop them. Then I took my friend and left so that I could hide him and protect him.
But my dad started freaking out about how I had killed someone in a place of healing, and he called me a monster. I’m not saying I’m not a monster. But I think I did the right thing in saving my friend. AITA?
Edit: Wow so apparently people found my dad’s post? 
5. AITA for stealing?
I (LE/F/17) can’t go into too much detail without potentially doxxing myself, so I will have to be vague. My brothers and I had a very rough childhood. We are talking physical abuse, mental abuse, all of it. And now both of our parents are dead, and we’re about to lose everything thanks to some bad decisions our father made. But there is one thing that might save us--there is this woman (a heathen!) who owns an item, and if it were ours instead, it would fix all of our problems. I can’t go into too much detail, so I will call it the thingamajig. 
The thing is, no one knows where the woman got the thingamajig in the first place, and it’s probably not something she should have as a heathen. She doesn’t HAVE to have it--like it isn’t keeping her alive or anything--whereas my brothers and I are in fact doomed if we don’t get one. So we decided to steal it. It’s not nice and it’s not ethical but sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive, you know?
And it all sounded good when it was abstract, but the thing is, the woman is actually pretty cool and very pretty and once I got to know her, I didn’t even want to steal from her! But then she did something horrible. Again, I can’t get into detail, but trust me when I say it’s like “haunts your dreams forever oh god the screams” sort of horrible. So I figured--storm it. If she’s going to be terrible, then I’m going to steal from her and I’m going to save my family. So I did.
But tbh the guilt is eating me alive! She STILL hasn’t noticed that the thingamajig is gone unless she HAS noticed and she’s just waiting for me to CRACK under the pressure!
You guys have to help me--AITA?
6. AITA for being stick?
I am a stick. I am not fire. AITA?
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soupbitch-moneybitch · 4 months
comprehensive list of how ofmd characters would fare if tasked with destroying the ring of power in the fires of mount doom
would be immediately corrupted by the ring:
badminton twins
prince ricky
would use the ring for evil and/or chaos for fun:
calico jack (and it would get Weird(tm) )
spanish jackie (jackie loves her some eternal power over all living creatures in middle earth)
roach (love the guy, but the chaos would be too enticing)
ned lowe (duh)
anne bonnie and mary read (sometimes you gotta spice things up. god forbid women do anything amirite)
evelyn higgs (god forbid women do anything x2)
pre-stede, peak blackbeard era ed (his heart wouldn't really be into it, but it would be expected of him, and he'd do it for the image more than anything else)
would make an attempt to get to mordor but wouldn't make it:
pirate queen zheng (has too much power already, she'd pull a boromir, or more likely, pull an aragorn and accept that she can't be the one to take it, and instead would take down saruman and lead the battle outside the black gate)
ivan (has good intentions, but is too much of a traditional pirate and would inevitably get corrupted)
the swede (he would give it the ol' college try, but would get lost, and fall into the dead marshes, or get stepped on by a tree ent or something)
ed and stede (they would try, but would 10000% lose the plot, probably as early as rivendell when they start dicking around dressing up as elves and pretending to be elven royalty, and then, through a series of wacky misadventures, would somehow end up opening an inn in the shire and being completely unaware of the fact that all the hobbits really don't love having men living among them, but they sell cheap drinks and good food, and that's all hobbits really care about so they let them stay)
wouldn't go to mordor in the first place:
lucius (um, that sounds like a LOT of walking, and he has much better things to do)
pete (would volunteer, but it would be unanimously decided that "maybe you should sit this one out, bud")
wee john (the ring is too basic and tacky and wouldn't go with his Look(tm), and also he'd prefer to stick to what he's good at: napping, sewing, and arson)
archie (would be prepared to go, but the second she gets her hands on it, she would start using it as a party trick like, "lol, look guys, i'm invisible!" and then would inevitably get murdered by ring wraiths)
could go to mordor and destroy the ring, but wouldn't:
auntie (she could definitely destroy the ring, but she's too busy making sure the red flag stays afloat, and keeping the pirate navy in check--she doesn't have time for petty concerns like "the fight between good and evil")
buttons (mad galadriel energy--would be able to refuse the ring, and this would then elevate him to the next phase of his transformation into an all-knowing, all-powerful being, who is also probably a bird)
would make it to mordor but wouldn't destroy the ring:
frenchie (he gets to the fires of mount doom only to realize he dropped the ring somewhere along the way and has no idea where it is)
mary (could make it to mordor, but the feeling of power for the first time in her life after years of being subservient in a shitty society would make the allure too strong in the end)
jim (would probably become corrupted if they were the one carrying it, but could 10000% act as a cutthroat body guard throughout the trek)
would make it mordor and would be able to destroy the ring:
oluwande (the purest of heart, perfect cinnamon roll, too pure, doesn't know how to pronounce "china"--he would never become corrupted)
doug (he would be the sam to mary's frodo, but in a very casual chill way, like "oh, you're being corrupted? no worries, babe, i got it")
is gollum:
izzy hands
my assessment is perfect and correct, but feel free to add your thoughts if you think i'm wrong (but i'm not)
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Any advice on how to write overprotective giants or other large monstrosities? How do I make them strongly morally gray, know when to limit the dehumanization and adoration of tiny person of interest, and how the giant seems to believe they are in the right with detaining a tiny person? Asking for a friend! Definitely not me, a lurker questioning if I should start writing on tumblr or any other writing websites....
Ooooh, fun!!
It definitely all boils down to what your giant views their brand new tiny as and whether or not they can understand each other. You can take Edix and Jacob, for example, where Edix solely sees Jacob as a pet which is heightened by the fact Jacob cannot verbally stand up for himself to disprove that. Of course Edix loves him and would never intentionally hurt him, but that love is only as strong as that for a puppy at best. It's pure adoration at the cost of being a plaything and because Edix assumes that Jacob is so weak and helpless, he fully believes he's in the right to do whatever he feels is necessary to protect him.
Comparatively, you have Ben and Milo, who can perfectly understand each other and have a tentative parent-child relationship. The problem is that Ben doesn't know how to be a legit parent, especially to something so small and foreign to him, so he has to rely on what he knows as an exterminator to keep Milo safe (trapping and caging). He's not trying to be cruel on purpose or upset him, but he can only use what limited knowledge he has at his disposal until Elysie can put him on the right track. In that case, the dehumanization can't really be helped, but Ben still recognizes it for what it is and feels guilty all the while.
Then you have someone like Taiyo who is more morally grey. His mission is to destroy all the parasites festering on Earth, which will in turn save humanity, but if humans also happen to get caught in the crossfire of a fight, well...oh well. He doesn't go out of his way to hurt them, but he's not too pressed if they are, and the only human he actively protects is Kumiko for his own personal reasons. He respects her boundaries for the most part, but that doesn't stop him from grabbing her, moving her, or shielding her when she's in immediate danger, despite what she might protest. That's an example of balanced adoration and dehumanizing, in which he'll give her some of the space she asks for to keep her content, but he'll be damned if he ever lets her try to hold her ground even though she's more than capable of doing so.
All in all, it really depends on how the tiny is first viewed by the giant. A pet, a toy, a friend in need, a crush at first sight? What kind of love are they blinded by that would make their morally grey views shift in favor of keeping this tiny from harm, and is there any real harm to begin with? Do they think the tiny needs defending simply because they small and weak in comparison to the giant, or is it because they're young, or injured, or recently defenseless?
Can the tiny ever sway their opinions that they don't need to be coddled either by telling them or showing with their actions, or will there always be some reason that the giant won't budge on despite conceding on other points? Does the giant feel guilty for their behavior, are they able to imagine themself in the tiny's shoes and knowing they'd also detest the same kind of treatment, or is it still a necessary evil in the grand scheme of things? Are they worried for the tiny's safety, or are they just possessive and want them all to themself?
If the tiny is deemed a pet or a toy, the giant probably isn't going to care much, maybe even joke about how much tiny puts up a fight despite living a new life of snuggled, babied luxury. If the tiny is something of a platonic or romantic interest, the giant might be more willing to meet them halfway on some treatments, even if they can never fully give in on leaving them totally alone in fear or something happening.
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
Okay so. BtVS s7. It’s bad, but not unsalvageable I don’t think. We’re going going to have to tear it down to the studs, but there’s some good bones here.
Firstly, I do like the threat of trying to end the Slayer line. It’s unique in terms of threats but it’s also easy to understand and clear to see how it would be a very bad thing. Plus it allows us to dig more into the lore of the Slayer more which is nice in the last season. Mixed feelings on the scythe, but I suspect if they fixed the pacing so the storyline around the scythe were spread out and not jammed into the last 3 episodes, I would like it better (and if they got a better prop). I’m also overall a fan of the Slayer activation spell at the end with the very important caveat that the spell should give every Potential the right to choose if she wants to accept the powers or not. Having it go from “one girl in all the world” and “is chosen” to many girls who get to chose is actually a fairly cogent feminist critique of the show itself, which would also be fun in the final season.
I also like that we’re opening the Hellmouth for the end here. Bringing it back to where it all began. And destroying the Hellmouth and the whole town is an incredible way to be like I swear to god you guys, we are done done for real this time. Just obviously we can’t have this done via a magic necklace that Angel randomly turns up to hand over to Buffy with zero set up and minimal explanation in the very last fucking episode. Staggeringly awful writing.
And related to both the above points, I think it needs to be made a little clearer how they connect. Specifically that destroying the Slayer line and opening the Hellmouth are the two prongs of the First’s plan to flood the world with evil. The explanation is there but it could be clearer.
Speaking of the First. I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I like it as a villain, in theory at least. Admittedly the it’s the original evil or whatever thing is kind of cheesy, but it already existed as a character in the series anyway, so might as well bring it back. But the actual threat the First poses and the things it can do make for an excellent villain. I mean it’s incorporeal! How is Buffy supposed to beat an enemy that’s incorporeal? But instead of treating this like an amazing opportunity, the writers apparently saw this as a problem to be solved by inserting a minion who can punch & kick harder than anyone Buffy has ever fought before — the Turok-Han — and then when they were afraid that was getting stale adding another minion who can punch and kick even harder — Caleb.
The Turok-Han in the Hellmouth can stay; we do need a big action set piece for the finale. Which also means Buffy can still have her vision of them and Giles can still explain that they are super old and extra strong vampires. But the one Buffy has that big confrontation with as well as any other ones running around Sunnydale all need to go. Firstly as already alluded to they time away from the First and the unique threat it poses in favor of more of the “this guy is even stronger” stuff that is starting to get really stale by now. And then also if our only experience and knowledge of Turok-Han is that they are extra strong vampires then that’s enough of a framework for us to understand this huge army is definitely a threat, but it’s also vague enough that it’ll still feel reasonably plausible in the finale when our protagonists start taking them out left and right.
Caleb I waffled on but ultimately I think you need to keep some version of him if for no other reason than it’s a useful storytelling device for the First to have a minion it can have conversations with. You know, they can have scenes where the two of them are discussing the progress of the evil plan so the writers have an excuse to tell the audience what the evil plan is. But obviously don’t wait until episode 18 to introduce him. Have him pop up in the beginning as a random recurring side character only to have a reveal midway through that he’s evil. If Robin is meant to be a suspicious red herring, let’s have Caleb be what he’s distracting the audience from. I’m kind of ambivalent as to whether Caleb should be super strong or not — I just don’t have a clear enough picture of how the plot looks to know if that’s necessary or helpful — but if he is going to be strong then we should see the First power him up before we see how strong he is. We want to make sure any focus on him is as a tool of the First, not an independent threat.
And now on to the First itself. The biggest problem is it’s all tell and very little show. The characters can talk about how they can sense something big coming and about the overwhelming feeling of ancient power coming off the First, but that means very little to me, the viewer. I can’t feel the power while I’m watching this on my couch. The idea that the First is even more powerful than Glory was always going to be a hard sell, because conceptually I don’t really even know what that means, that it’s even more powerful than a god. So stop trying to sell me on that and instead focus on the First’s strengths. Let the theme of s7 be paranoia.
The First can appear as any dead person it wants. But not just appear as them, it in some respects becomes them, perfect recreation of the mannerisms, their speech patterns, every little quirk about them. It’s the First, but it’s also your loved one. How much of what it says is lies to manipulate you and how much is really what your loved one would think and feel?
And that’s just the people you know are dead. Any random stranger you meet could be the First, disguised as a dead person you’ve never met. And then there’s the people that you know, the ones you know for a fact are alive. But do you? Do you really know that for sure? When’s the last time you touched them? Do you know for a fact that they’ve never had a brief near-death experience? Maybe they also received a timely bout of CPR.
So maybe you touch them. There, proof positive they aren’t the First. But how do you know the First isn’t in the room talking to them right now? Maybe they’re more convinced by the First in their loved one’s form.
Or maybe they have a trigger. Spike has a trigger, who’s to say he’s the only one? And yeah sometimes he turns feral when it’s used, but sometimes he acts perfectly normal right up until he sinks his fangs into your throat. How do you know that whoever you’re talking to doesn’t have a trigger? How do you know that you don’t?
And then there’s the Hellmouth. The end of the season has this whole thing where apparently the Hellmouth is giving off this crazy energy, making everyone flee town. What if that was a slow build across the season? Start off small and innocuous, Dawn mentions need to make new friends because Janice’s family moved away and Buffy is pouting about her favorite shop closing. But then it builds, more and more people leaving. Buffy walks down Main Street and half the shops are boarded up. People stop moving away in favor of just picking up and leaving in the middle of the night. We see Buffy walking down through the school for the last day of work and the halls are practically abandoned. By the time we get to the end of the season, the entire town being empty just feels like the natural conclusion that we’ve been building to all this time.
And it’s not just people leaving, we also see the Hellmouth heighten anger and aggressive urges. So again maybe in the first episode again it’s just a casual mention from Xander about how one of his guys, nicest guy you’ve ever met, totally snapped at work that day. But you know he’s been under a lot of stress at home, Xander gave him the day off to relax a little, he’ll be fine. Except again, it just gets worse and worse until you’re hoping that stranger you pass is the First because at least it can’t attack you.
And so maybe Willow has to cast a protection spell around the house. As long as you’re inside you’re safe. But the second you step out that door, that Hellmouth energy starts seeping in. Slowly, there’s time to run out for errands if you need to. But be careful. The longer you’re out there the more and more seeps into you. And who knows who you’ll run into. Better to stay all of you crammed on top of each other in this little house. Better stay inside where it’s safe.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
The thing that gets me about the 'Remember her message' crap is like... Remember what? Her message wasn't some inspiring speech or moral lesson, it was essentially saying "Shit is going down, here are people who know more. And Ironwood is a bitch ass mother fucker.". What, does Winter think people will forget the important details?
Though Ruby's message is definitely generic, I personally have no problem with that. Generic can be great when it plays to a genre's strengths and the audience's expectations. Ruby does spend the second half of her broadcast asking the people not to panic, telling them to pull together, and reassuring them that they can in fact beat Salem. On paper, it sounds like a pretty solid speech that, yes, is worth keeping in mind after she's supposedly perished and things have well and truly gone to shit. Hell, part of what Ruby asks is that the people of Remnant keep moving forward even if Atlas falls, with the implication being that she may die too, but they should heed her warnings even if she's no longer around to remind them. The scraped epilogue shows the people doing just that.
The problem—multiple problems, really—is that this message within RWBY's specific context is nonsensical. I spoke a lot about this back when Volume 8 first aired, but it's worth repeating in light of the epilogue. Ruby's speech is heard as one unbroken transmission, yet Ruby skips over a ton of crucial information, implying that the people of Remnant have heard it off screen... yet, given how this is written (both that unbroken stream + they have literally one shot at this message with Penny buying them time), that's simply not possible. Ruby admits that the Maidens and the Relics sound insane, but she never told the people what those are. She reassures them that Salem can be beaten even though she can't be destroyed, but she never tells them that she's immortal in the first place (which is HUGE given what went down with both Ozpin and Ironwood). Ruby announces that Ironwood can't be trusted, but provides no reason or evidence for why that's the case. She further tries to provide reassurance by saying that they must be a threat to Salem because if not, she would have attacked long before now, but that's another huge, baseless assumption. (Plus, the viewer knows there's no in-world weakness that Salem is hindered by, one that Ruby is strategically alluding to. She just didn't attack earlier because the show didn't start earlier. Salem, as a character, waited around for Ruby to grow up enough to fight her.) Perhaps most damning from our perspective, Ruby talks big about stopping Salem without once even considering how they might beat her, let alone coming up with a viable plan to present to the people.
In short: she's pulling an Ozpin. Ruby knows that saying, "Our enemy is immortal and we have no idea how to stop her, but you should keep fighting anyway!" is a very bad gamble, so she doesn't lie exactly, but implies that she has a much better handle on the situation than she actually does. She is, on a literal level, doing precisely what Ozpin did to the girls except on a world-wide scale. And unlike Ozpin who at least offered information that made sense to people based on what they already knew, Ruby references things on the fly that are either a) meaningless to the people or b) entirely unpersuasive. This is a kid who hacked every screen in the world to say, "Hi, it's me, someone you've never seen before. An entire kingdom is about to fall to grimm, but it's okay! See, everything bad that's ever happened in history, from those grimm to the White Fang to random crime around Vale, is all orchestrated by a woman named Salem. We can't beat her, but we can totally beat her. How? I won't say. Also, a world leader is evil now. How do I know this? I won't say. Also also, "maidens and Relics." Don't worry if those words don't mean anything to you. So see? If you just band together everything will be fine!"
And then the world... did that, with the side benefit of not panicking and drawing grimm like everyone agreed would happen back in Volume 7. But that's a writing decision entirely separated from the reality RWBY's built. From the perspective of Remnant, Ruby's speech is unsubstantiated nonsense. At best it comes across as a conspiracy-theory obsessed child playing a prank. At worst it's panic-inducing without providing a shred of explanation or reassurance. If there was ANY consistency in the show the girls would arrive in Vacuo to find the majority of the people going about their daily lives because... wait. You actually thought we were going to listen to you when you spouted all that ridiculous stuff? Meanwhile, a handful of believers are now ready to fight ... because they think Salem can, in fact, be beaten. She's an enemy, yeah? We're brave! Let's go kill her! All Ruby would have done is put those people in the same position they were pre-Volume 6, with information they probably should have been able to use to figure things out (how is Salem still around after centuries if she's not immortal?) but more likely they just jumped to the easiest, most reassuring conclusion. You said there was an evil lady controlling everything, but that we could beat her. So... let's go beat her? And Ruby is standing there, sweating, because oh yeah, she has no idea how to beat Salem. She is ACTUALLY speed-running Ozpin's choices except she pulled the entire WORLD in instead of just a few, choice hunters already committed to half the fight and instead of damning her for that like Ozpin was the show goes, "Yes. This was a lovely message worthy of murals in her honor."
So Ruby did have something akin to an inspiring message alongside the "Shit is going down, others know more, Ironwood is an asshole" spiel. But it's only an inspiring message when removed from eight Volumes worth of world-building and arcs that show precisely what happens when people do this. In that light, Ruby's message isn't inspiring at all, it's just another lie undermined by her giving no explanations and no proof that she can back up her reassuring claims.
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buildarocketboys · 3 months
Just a couple of notes from things I've highlighted in Frankenstein chapters 4-8:
Chapter 4:
The astonishment which I had at first experienced on this discovery soon gave place to delight and rapture. After so much time spent in painful labour, to arrive at once at the summit of my desires was the most gratifying consummation of my toils.
I think the use of the phrasing "painful labour" is super interesting here - obviously labour can just refer to work, but the double meaning of giving birth, coupled with the description of it being "painful" definitely implies Frankenstein "giving birth" to his creation. Shame he's a terrible father.
Talking of Frankenstein being a terrible father...
No one can conceive the variety of feelings which bore me onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success. Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs.
The idea that the species (thinking big there, Victor!) will and should be grateful to him just for being the cause of their existence is uh..very interesting. I think the fact that Victor is a man is very pertinent here, since women are expected to give birth to new life, but since Victor is a man, him creating life is a big and amazing thing the species should be grateful for. Even if you're a deadbeat dad.
(for whatever reason I didn't highlight anything in chapter 5 or chapter 6 even though they're pretty fucking important)
Chapter 7:
“Come, Victor; not brooding thoughts of vengeance against the assassin, but with feelings of peace and gentleness, that will heal, instead of festering, the wounds of our minds. Enter the house of mourning, my friend, but with kindness and affection for those who love you, and not with hatred for your enemies.
I just think Frankenstein should listen to the wisdom of his father, who's actually a parent. He knows what he's talking about.
I considered the being whom I had cast among mankind, and endowed with the will and power to effect purposes of horror, such as the deed which he had now done, nearly in the light of my own vampire, my own spirit let loose from the grave, and forced to destroy all that was dear to me
I thought the use of vampire was interesting here - I had a quick Google and in fact, Frankenstein was published a year before the book considered the first vampire story - The Vampyre by John William Polidori. However, The Vampyre was based on a story Lord Byron told as part of the same contest in which Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein. Anyway, previously to the popularity of the vampire novel, vampire basically just meant a dangerous spiritual entity that people believed could appear at rituals for the dead. So essentially a synonym for spirit, but specifically bad/dangerous/evil. Idk I could probably have some more coherent thoughts about this if I tried but it's just... interesting
Chapter 8:
The tortures of the accused did not equal mine; she was sustained by innocence, but the fangs of remorse tore my bosom and would not forgo their hold.
I mean like, I get what he's saying here, but he really does sound like a massive twat. Like, poor Justine is facing execution for a crime she didn't commit, and that you know she didn't commit, and you're all like "boo hoo I feel even WORSE than her because it's MY FAULT!" like maybe if you didn't immediately abandon the child you'd made because he was kinda creepy looking then none of this would have happened. My sympathy is limited for you here, Vicky boy.
Anyway, that's where I'm at for now @tumbleclub! It's fun to reread this after so long. Looking forward to the creature's chapters.. 👀👀
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