#she is unbelievably slim and she does not look
lovelysakuryay · 5 months
yo why the fuck would you offer your home to me as an escape from a) my home life b) my brain but every time i ask you when i actually need to and not just to hang out it’s always no.
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thedoctorisgroovy · 17 days
Slim Pickin's
» Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
» Word count: 1655
» Warnings/Tags: Spencer has a gf(non canon made up name), mentions of sex (but no detail), alcohol consumption (no one is drunk though), using people to get over someone, reader sleeps with people as a coping mechanism, angst, idiots in love, fluff, happy ending!!!
» A/N: I heard this song and couldn't resist writing something based off of it. Who else is obssessed with her album?? If anyone was gonna make me break my streak of bad dating it was be our boy Spencer.
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I realised I was in love with Spencer after the 3rd time hooking up with my friends with benefits that month.
Over a bottle of wine at my best friend Penelope’s house, we’d discussed my boundaries and expectations and after the douchebags I’d been out on simple first dates with, the bar was still unbelievably low and yet was still clearly unattainable.
“I just want someone who’s jacked but kind ya know? Literally just nice and is alive and breathing, not much to ask for.” Close to slurring every syllable that came out of my mouth and essentially on the verge of tears. I wanted to follow it up with something about wanting Spencer - my other best friend and colleague - but I didn’t need to. She knew well enough what I was insinuating after hearing me pine over him for months already.
“Okay get that cute and sexy butt up, we’re going out and finding you someone that you can move on with!”She exclaimed, reaching out to tap my butt as I stood with her.
“I already have someone, I have Jake.” Reminding her of my frequent friends with benefit situation that developed about a month ago.
“Well you can have multiple ‘someones’ until you get over him, so lets go!” And with that she dragged us to the nearest bar to find me someone new to drink up and drown my sorrows in.
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After a thoroughly disappointing evening of fancying and talking to exactly no one, I decide to part ways with Penelope and go home, it was 1am on a work night after all and no more drinks or men would distract me from Spencer the way that sleep could. I finally crash into bed and receive the ever so romantic text from Jake.
“You up?”
“Yeah, just got home from the bar. Long night lol”
“Could I come over their?”
I groan dejectedly before screenshotting the message and sending it to Garcia captioned “Why am I sleeping with a man who doesn’t know the difference between their, there and they’re?” I can almost hear the giggle in her reply.
“Ooh get some girl, see you in the morning, don’t be late!” I send her an upside down smiley face emoji before flicking back to Jake’s name in my messages list.
“Sure. See you in 10. Don’t plan to stay over, I have work at 8.” I reply before dashing off to the bathroom to freshen up and look presentable. I debated sending Spencer the screenshot, knowing he’d get a kick out of someone’s appalling grammar but decided not to, not wanting him to 1. know that I’m sleeping with strangers and 2. give me a lecture on the importance of dating people who are “on your level.” He would never judge me, but he does want what’s best for me, even if he doesn’t realise that it’s him. I hear his familiar knock after a few short minutes and go to open the door. When I do, Jake is immediately on me - obviously pleasantries don’t exist when you’re horny - and we fall into the pattern we’ve developed over the time we’ve been sleeping together.
As Jake did his best attempt at having sex with me, my mind wandered to Spencer. His beautiful curls, his grin that reached both ears and lit up his eyes, his laugh, his wonderful brain full of science and facts and trivia. The way he smelt when he allowed me to hug him sometimes. I knew it was wrong to think about him this way, especially in this moment and especially since he has a girlfriend, but I couldn’t help it. This past case hadn’t helped either. We’d been paired together on every aspect which meant a lot of one on one time in the car, the office or coffee breaks. Everything about him drew me to him like an invisible thread and my heart broke thinking that my current situation would never happen with him. Jake finishing brought me back to my reality and I pretended to while he leaned down to kiss me. He wasn’t a bad kisser by any means, I just didn’t care.
The guilt set in after he left, knowing that I was just using him to feel some sort of connection and satisfaction. I’d been playing him like a slot machine, except I was still losing.  I’d been complaining about these men, all the time knowing that I’m the problem purely because I can’t have what I want. I know that he’s using me too otherwise we’d probably be officially dating instead of just hooking up, but it doesn’t alleviate the embarrassment of knowing I won’t be able to look my co worker in the eye in a few hours time. I hug my knees to my chest and close my eyes, the feeling that I’ll probably end up alone finally getting through to my thick skull. Just as I started to doze off my phone suddenly buzzed. I grab it, only to see Spencer’s name flashing under the text notification.
“Sorry to disturb you so late, are you awake?”
“Hey Spence, it’s okay. I’m just about to head to sleep but we can talk if you need to. Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry, I’ll let you sleep. Can we talk at work instead, in private?”
“Of course. See you soon. Goodnight Spencer.
My heart pounded in my chest at the possibilities of what he could want to talk to me about. If it was something personal, surely he’d go to Emily or JJ, they’re his best friends.Some sick, petty part of me hoped he somehow knew about my night-time escapades and was jealous. I ended up convincing myself it was work related just to be able to fall asleep that night.
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I barged open the door to Garcia’s magical tech cave without looking up from my phone and immediately started off loading to her.
“Ooh girl, it is slim pickin’s out there I swear.. OOF!“ I look up at what I bump into and am met with Spencer’s tear stained face and red eyes, he looks so hurt that my heart breaks in regards to him for the 2nd time in 12 hours.
“Spencer? What’s wrong, are you okay, are you hurt?”
“He broke up with Allie.”
“Oh my gosh, sweetie I’m so sorry. Is this why you wanted to talk last night?” He nodded slightly, wiping his eyes with the backs of his sleeves.
“Please don’t call me sweetie” He pleaded, laughing almost incredulously, the bitterness on his tongue tainting the usual sweet melody of his laughter.
“Okay..?” His sudden change sent me reeling, I always called him pet names and he’s never once had a problem with it.
“You’re the reason they broke up…” Garcia lilted teasingly.
“Garcia!” Spencer snapped her surname back at her, desperation flooding his features.
“Me? What did I do?” I bit back, I knew that I had been nothing but kind and respectful to Spencer so how the hell could this be my fault? Spencer stood there looking mortified and frantic, his frazzled curls sticking to his forehead slightly. I stared at him before begging,
“Spence? Please talk to me.”
“Okay. What Garcia means is, we broke up because I realised that I have feelings for you. On this case, all the time we spent together, I started to fall for you. But it wasn’t just this week, I realised I liked you since you started working with us. And when I got home you weren’t there but I wanted you to be, but I knew that wasn’t fair to Allie so I called her and she came over and we talked and I broke up with her.” He rambled off animatedly, running his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was stressed or preoccupied. I just stood there frozen, mouth hanging open like I was trying to catch flies or something. I couldn’t believe what I’d heard or thought I’d heard. ”You.. you like me?” I thought I was going to faint.
He crossed the gap between us in one stride and wrapped his hands around my waist. His touch was so careful and gentle that I melted into it without hesitation. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a few seconds before looking up into his beautiful eyes. Everything I wanted and needed was right here in the moment, and I was afraid to let go. He lowered his voice just close enough to a whisper, words meant just for he and I to hear.
“I wanted to talk to you last night but you said you were going to sleep, so I spoke to Garcia instead, and she told me that you’d been hiding this from me all this time. I know it was out of respect but I’m sorry you were hurting. Would you like to go to dinner with me? On a proper date?”
A squeal that left Penelopes’ mouth was quickly silenced by Spencer and I turning to shoot her a death glare. I reached up to stroke his cheek, eyes softening again as I turned my gaze from Peneople to him. Everything in me wanted to scream yes. I wanted to jump onto him, kiss him, wrap myself around him, live in the question for however long I could. But I knew I had to give him an answer, and a real one at that.
“Spencer that’s not fair to you or Allie. You just broke up and I don’t want to be a rebound. I would love to go out with you, okay please know that. But I’ve waited this long, I’m happy to wait a little longer.” He beamed at me, one of his signature ear to ear grins that I’d fallen for long ago.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Unbelievably So - Matty Healy Fic
He lies on his bed, his bare back against the soft comforter she insisted they bought. His right arm is hooked around her shoulders, her head resting gently against his chest. Her fingers trace the tattoo under his rib, his caresses the part of her arm he can reach, pressing soft kisses to her head. A cigarette sits unsmoked on his bedside table, aside it a scented candle is alight, it was something sweet, Matty didn't care for them but they reminded him of her.
He sighs deeply and this alerts her, her head flicks upwards checking he's okay and it wasn't an unhappy sigh. He smiles down at her, knuckles find her cheek and smooth across the surface. Fingertips grip her chin, tugging her towards his awaiting lips, they merge and her sigh becomes his.
"You okay?" She murmurs against his lips once he pulls away, the kiss quenching his need for her for now.
"I'm happy" he says simply, his shoulders shrug and he lets out a laugh, as if the phrase was amusing. Her face lights up at this, it pleases her soul to know when he's with her he's happy. Truly happy. She doesn't speak yet, knowing he might want to rant for a bit, something she knows helps quiet his ever loud mind.
"For years I always put this pressure on finding what makes me happy. I thought 'making it', selling out shows, being successful would make it happy. And it did... Partly. But once it wasn't there anymore I felt shitty.... Whether I'm with you or not, I'm happy now, incredibly so. You've made my soul happy" he says and she smiles.
"I love you" she says simply and it's enough for him. He appreciates how she knew he didn't need her to say much, he needed her too listen, to understand and she did.
"And now everything else feels better. We're making great music and it's not about what it used to be about. We don't care if there's seats empty, or if some people don't like the songs. We like it and you like it. Right?" He asks and she nods.
"Yeah" he smiles, looking at the ceiling, her lips press against his chest, his fingers find her chin again, he gently presses against it, pushing her face upwards until her eyes meet his.
"You're happy right?" He asks, a slight, unsure frown resting against his lips.
"Unbelievably so" she says, she hesitates. He knows she's about to ask one of her infamous hard hitting questions. Another reason why he loved her. Most people wouldn't ask him the questions they knew he'd struggle to answer. They'd think he was too fragile to answer them. She pushed him and made him answer them and in turn it healed parts of him. At the beginning of their relationship, Matty would get annoyed, thinking she was being pushy, he soon realised he never answered them because he didn't want to have to admit certain things weren't right.
"What would happen if this was to end? You'd still be happy right? Your happiness isnt dependent on me right? She asks and he pauses for a few minutes, thinking about her question.
"Would you be happy if we broke up?" He asked, turning it back on her, something he sometimes does to deter from the question.
"I'd obviously be heart broken, I love you, truly and I never want it to end and it won't. But for the sake of the slim chance it does, purely hypothetically... My whole existence, my... I wouldn't die. I just don't want all your happiness to be dependent on me... Because mine isn't" her words seem harsh but he understands them and understands why she's asking this.
"I'd like to think I would still be happy in the end still.... But I love you so fucking much and I honestly think it would break me. I suppose my life wouldn't be totally fucked though... It wasn't just you and your presence in my life that made me happy... You were like this catalyst, you sparked this idea ... You made me realise that being negative about life is shit... You changed what I valued. You made me value the smaller things more, like the band and my mates and the beauty of the world... So I suppose, if you were to leave, that would hopefully remain and I would be happy... In the end" he explained and she nodded. He felt another wave of relief hit him, he loved the realisations you unfolded in him.
"In the end" she agreed. He pushes at her waist, turning her on her back as he moved to hover over her, his grip on her waist tighten slightly and she let out a little giggle.
"Yeah after months if not years of being depressed that I lost you" he jokes, her fingers push back the parts of his hair that flop in front of his face.
"God the guys would hate you, mopey Matty annoys them" she jokes and they both laugh. "They'd hate me more thoufh" she says seriously.
"They could never. And I could never'
"It's not going to happen though, you won't lose me" she says and he nods, they both truly believed it, leaning down to connect their lips. The kiss is sweet but firm and always passionate.
Their lips move like clockwork, each knowing the others like a map. His tongue makes a calculated swipe against her bottom lip and her mouth opens on instinct. His tongue finds hers and they mold together easily, moving naturally against one another. She sighs as his hand moves down from her waist, gripping her hip and pulling her upwards, her body arched, their cores flushed against each other. Matty groans into her mouth, breaking away for a breather. Her lips quickly find his neck and his hips move harshly against hers. Her sighs, moans and groans have him hardening to a painful extent.
'Im yours" she murmurs against his ear, something she knows he just thrives off of.
"Fuck, say it again" he murmurs, lips moving back to hers.
"I'm yours" she repeats, lips moving quickly against his again, not allowing much time to pass without them being connected.
"Your mine" he confirms. His lips smash against hers again.
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creatchie8 · 11 months
Yellow Soul: Chapter Three
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Chapter Summary: You want to regret Sunday, but you don't. You find Rhett does not regret it either.
Pairing: Rhett Abbott/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Protected PinV sex, Choking (light), Cheating, Religious talk/references to Christianity, Fighting (not physical, just some strong words)
Word Count: 5,000ish
A/N: Wow... just... wow. Is all I can really say without breaking down and getting all sappy. The amount of love I have received on this series is absolutely unbelievable and never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that would happen. I would like to apologize for my lack of communication and tardiness on getting this chapter out. Life happened... like GETTING ENGAGED! So thank my engagement for pulling me out of the slump I was in.
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter - Masterlist
The soapy water softened up the skin of your hands, your body repeating the same scrubbing motions since you had been there, two times a day, at least. Though you had only been there for a few days you had already fallen into a rhythm of helping Cecilia around the house. You hoped soon you would be able to visit your family more.
It was unusual of you not to visit your family more, but considering your truck barely made it to the ranch, and there was hardly anyone available to drive you home, you were grounded right where you were. 
As you were washing dishes, Perry kissed you before he walked out the door with Royal, going to check the cattle in the east pasture to see if they needed to be moved. Subconsciously, you wrinkled your nose at the smell on his jacket. That cold, empty smell of outside made you cringe. 
You had plans with Cecilia to go shopping later, and you were relieved at that. It had been planned ever since you got back from church when you two had looked around the pantry for certain items of food but never found them. The chances of a store being open on a Sunday was slim, which is why the task was saved for Monday. Then things got busy on Monday, which was why it was Tuesday and you are only now going shopping. 
But now you were panicking on the inside. By the way Cecilia was talking about the pain in her back, you knew she was not going to go with. Hopefully leaving you with her truck and not waiting in the house for when she feels better. 
“You should really go to the doctor, Cecilia. Have your back checked out.” You muttered over your shoulder, glancing back to see her stretching with her arms over her head.
“Don't have time for the doctor. Plus, laying in bed for a bit does the trick.” She quipped back, now shaking an ibuprofen or two into her palm before washing them down with some orange juice. 
“Maybe it’s your bed that is making your back hurt.” You joked.
Cecilia snorted at your comment, coming up behind you to put away the dishes you already washed. “Yeah, maybe miss smart-college-girl. Do you want a list of what I need? Or do you already have it memorized?”
Shrugging, you dried a hand off, itching your eyebrow. “I’ll probably need a list, thank you.”
She nodded and left to grab some notebook paper, the stairs creaking with each step she took. 
Not three dishes later, you heard two sets of feet walking down the stairs. Two voices, one Cecilia’s and the other sending trails of spiders crawling down your back. Your jaw locks up as you turn, you quickly dry your hands with the rag on the counter just before they stop in the kitchen before you.
Pulse quickening, you watched as Cecilia held the paper to Rhett, pointing and seemingly explaining the list. Rhett’s eyes flicker from you to the list, crossing his arms almost defensively in front of his chest. 
Cecilia calling your name draws your attention back to her, explaining that she had added a few bags of feed to the list and that Rhett was going to help haul all of the things you buy into the truck. Shyly, you smile and agree, accepting the paper to fold and shove into the back pocket of your jeans. 
Neither Rhett or you said a word as Cecilia went back up the stairs to her room, both of your heads turning simultaneously to watch her leave. 
Silence. Still. 
Since your incident in the parking lot, things have been the same. Quite literally the same. Painfully the same. 
Rhett acted like nothing had happened between you. When he drove out of the parking lot that was the last you saw of that particular side of him. He was friendly when he needed to be, but never went out of his way to talk to you or interact with you. 
But you felt his eyes on you more. Was it just an illusion, you didn't know. You catch him staring as you walk past his room, catch him staring when you help his mom make food. He was trying to be sneaky about it, you could tell. Rhett’s eyes only lingered when he thought you weren't looking, memorizing your body. Trying to see what he didn’t in the truck. 
You couldn't decide if the sudden lack of attention was relieving or if it was hurtful. The pang in your chest screamed the latter but your brain knew it was for the best.  
“I uh, just need to finish-” You turned away from him and to the sink, the porcelain glaring at you in the morning sun, “-finish putting away the dishes. Then we can go.” 
“Your truck or mine?” He asked simply, unmoving from where you left him.
“I say yours. Mine has been acting weird. Like I told you.” It was rude to be acting so short with him, but if you dared to speak with any more vigor you were sure you would die. Already your body felt hot, like you were a piece of paper thrown in a fire. 
“This fuckin’ sucks.” 
Shocked at his sudden words, your body whips around to see that he had come a few steps closer, the dining table was the only barrier between the two of you. He was no longer crossing his arms, hands now placed firmly on the table, leaning over them and looking at you as if he could see right through your clothes. His look made you weak in the knees, a twinge of pleasure settling in your hips. 
“Wha- excuse me?” Your voice came out squeaky, making you flush in embarrassment. The look on your face was probably comical, mouth agape, eyebrows furrowed in complete shock. 
The fear you felt was unimaginable as you watched him push himself off the table, rounding it and coming right for you. Only your frantic breaths and the swishing of his jeans could be heard in the kitchen. Bracing yourself on the plasticy-feeling counter behind you.
 It only takes a few strides til he’s barely a foot in front of you. Your stomach turns as his fingers flit up the sides of your body, pulling up your shirt the tiniest bit. Rhett’s quick breaths fan over your face, making you dizzy with excitement. You had not been this close to him that morning in his truck, that same sharp smell of his cologne mixed with the soothing scent of gritty earth wrapped around you in a familiar fashion. 
“I said-” Rhett started, his warm fingers digging into your sides now, “this fucking sucks. You and me.” He emphasized the words slowly, dipping down so his mouth was right next to your ear. 
Quietly, you ask, “Do you regret it? What we did?” You had cottonmouth, the nervousness drying up your throat. Resting your forehead on his shoulder, you close your eyes tight, preparing yourself for the answer. 
After a beat of silence he slowly shakes his head ‘no’, pulling you away from the counter and closer to him, “You make me wanna be so god damn selfish.” 
You make me wanna be so god damn selfish.
The grip of his hands tightened as you pulled back, eyes half-lidded and searching his window-illuminated face. Rhett was holding you there like you could float away with a light breeze. He looked worn. Heavy dark circles rested under his blue eyes, his lips bitten and cracked due to the weather. Even with his somewhat jarring appearance, you still saw him as the most handsome man you have ever seen. 
It is upsetting you are just now seeing him. Your heart panged with want. The want to be loved selfishly, the want to turn back the clock.
Rhett was the first to lean in, his blushed lips skimming yours, stealing your breath before diving head-first with teeth and a bruising force. 
It took no time to fall into a rhythm of kissing and touching, your bodies seemingly familiar and at ease with each other now more than ever. Rhett crowded you back against the counter. This time away from the window above the sink, a direct shot to the barn. 
Rhett shoved a jean-clad thigh between your legs, leaving you no choice but to grind down. The rough scratch of pleasure caused you to gasp, breaking the kiss. He took that time to kiss along your jaw and up your neck, whispering, “Gotta stay quiet, don’t want anyone to know we’re down here.” 
Biting your lip, you nodded, fighting the urge to whine again as he shoved his thigh higher. The seam of your jeans rubbed over your clit, leaving it aching. Rhett let his hands explore your body more freely than he did in the truck, fingertips sneaking higher and higher under your shirt. Greedy for more. 
You weren't much better. Pulling him so close he basically phased into you, shamelessly rutting against his thigh. 
“More- please…” You whined against his neck, gently suckling at his throbbing pulse. Light enough not to bruise but hard enough for him to let out a growl deep in his chest. 
“Turn.” Rhett muttered, guiding your body so you faced away from him. Backing up, you press your ass into the front of his jeans, grinning as he hissed in response. You teased him for a few more seconds, experimenting with how hard you pressed against him and the movement of your butt. Rhett soon had enough of it and placed a firm hand between your shoulder blades, pressing you down till you were leaning on your forearms against the counter. 
Suddenly, it made you nervous. You knew what was coming next and all you thought about who was upstairs and who was outside in the barn. You were about to bare it all in the Abbott’s kitchen to someone who shouldn’t be seeing you this way. 
All of that melted away though when Rhett moved his hand around to your stomach and slipped his hand into the waistband of your pants, above your cotton panties. Spreading your legs so you encourage him to dip lower, he presses his crotch into your ass and covers your back with his front. 
Your head drooped when he pushed the head of his dick in, tentatively stretching the tight ring of muscle. You gasped as he slid out and pushed back, deeper this time and with more force than the last. Inch by inch until he was fully seated in your burning heat. 
The jeans around your knees prevent you from spreading your legs further, no matter how hard you strained against them. 
One of his hands slid from your waist and started rubbing the base of your spine in soothing circles, trying to get you to relax at the sudden intrusion. 
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ, baby-” He mutters before pulling out and pushing in, “Squeezin’ my fuckin’ cock.” 
Your pussy clenched at his praise, tearing a little gasp from his throat before he dug his fingers into your ass hips and started railing you into the counter, like he couldn't help himself. Squeezing your eyes tight, you panted like a dog into the countertop, your moist breath making it slick to the touch. 
It was almost painful trying to stay quiet, your lungs burning as you buried your mouth in the crook of your elbow. Little whimpers and groans slipped out occasionally, the noises becoming more frequent as Rhett thrusted harder into your wet pussy. 
As much as you wanted to, you did not dare to lift your head to try and peer out the kitchen window to see where Royal and Perry were. You knew Rhett was keeping an eye out for you two, also not wanting to get caught in this position. You prayed Cecilia could not hear the wet slapping between your bodies, but you were almost positive her room was too far up to hear it. 
A particularly hard thrust startled you, sending you further up the counter, your fingers scrabbling for purchase on the smooth surface. Consequently your mouth slipped from your elbow and you let out a guttural moan. Rhett stilled his movements, seemingly listening for any movement upstairs. His thumbs rubbed against your naked hip bones gently, the callouses scratching ever so slightly. 
Roughly, he snaked an arm around your middle and peeled you off the counter. A soft squeak left your mouth but was cut short by Rhett’s free hand clamping around your throat. He held you there with enough pressure that you would stay put, but not enough to hurt you. To avoid looking out the window your eyes drifted up to the ceiling, cobwebs littering the surface. 
“Quiet.” He warned before fucking into you again, returning with the same force as before. The slight cutoff of your airway made it almost even more pleasurable, your vision going fuzzy around the edges, synchronized with the warmth rapidly spreading through your body. Rhett’s chest was pressed against your back, firmly there and heaving in time with his pants. 
The danger in his voice hung over you, draping you in vulnerability. This just spurred your pleasure instead of stopping it. The threat of someone coming in and seeing you two like this was oddly thrilling, being intimate with another man in his brother’s house.
Scruffy stubble scratched against your cheek, letting you know it was really him and not a dream. The gentle press of his fingers reminded you too, your own hands grasping at his wrist tightly. This new position changed how he was fucking you, his dick reaching an insanely pleasureful spot. Heat warmed your belly, your orgasm so close to overtaking you aided by your fantasy. 
Rhett mouthed at the joint between your neck and shoulder, the collar of your shirt pulled aside as he nips and sucks, never hard enough to leave a mark. The arm secured across your stomach dips lower and his fingers start to rub at your aching clit. 
“Rhett- shit, I’m gonna cum. I’m so close-” You wheeze out, back arching and lifting off his chest as you start to lose focus and eventually close your eyes in ecstasy. The grip on your throat tightened as you came, mouth open but no sound coming out. It was almost scary, this feeling of complete weightlessness. You could feel your heartbeat everywhere, from your feet to your fingertips. You were positive Rhett could feel your whole body pulsing as well as he fucked you through it. 
A grunt and a gasp sounded, Rhett burying his nose behind your ear as he finally came. Stilling after one final thrust into your pussy he filled up the condom separating you and him.  
When he removed his hand from your throat, it left a sweaty mark around it. In fact, your whole body was slick with sweat, t-shirt clinging to your body. You gulped for fresh air, your whole body vibrating in a raw state. Relaxing, your head dropped to Rhett’s broad shoulder. He was still holding you up, both arms wrapped around your chest and middle.
Gazing up at him was quite a sight. He was rather handsome, beads of sweat gathering on his brow. You couldn't tell if he was actually looking at you, or his eyes happened to be the tiniest bit open. Either way he nuzzled your cheek softly, drawing a small sigh from your lips. 
“W-We should get cleaned up and go to the s-store.” It literally took all your might to utter that one sentence, voice wavering like crazy. Rhett nodded behind you, his nose still pressed tightly into your head. He was slow to unravel his arms from you, taking his time brushing fingertips along your quivering stomach. 
Thankfully your hands shot out before you could fall face first into the counter when Rhett let go to pull off his condom and shove it in the trash can on the wall furthest from you. Without his warmth you were reminded of the cold Wyoming winter surrounding the house. Even with bleary eyes you managed to pull up your jeans, wincing when they went over your sensitive thighs. 
How Rhett managed to recover so fast amazed you. While you were still fumbling with the button on your pants, he had already cleaned up and was waiting for you by the door with a baseball hat on. Or maybe you were still too blissed out so you were moving at a snail’s pace. Whatever the case was, he still gave you a small smile when you arrived at the door, watching you pull on a sweater from the coat rack. 
When he noticed you struggling to get it situated he reached out and helped you pull it down to cover your exposed middle. The small gesture erased any worry you unknowingly were holding in your stomach. You thanked him quietly and returned the smile. It was oddly domestic, the way he was treating you. 
Out at his truck, Perry waved at you from the barn, seemingly hard at work with Royal. Guilt buried itself deep within your heart as you walked, offering a small wave back before Rhett caught your attention. He was standing at the passenger door of his truck, holding it open for you. When you approached him, you expected another smile, but he wasn't looking at you. No, he was looking over at the barn, a stony expression pressed firmly into his normally soft features. 
Was that… jealousy? You wondered as you sat down in the seat. It smelled the same way you remembered on Sunday. As Rhett walked around the truck you dared to take a peek at the back seat. You weren't sure if you were expecting anything to be back there. In fact, it was more cluttered since the last time you were here, with a jacket or two and maybe a box of tools. 
The shutting of a door startled you, whipping your head around to see that Rhett had entered the truck and had started it a moment later. Settling back in your seat, you stretch your legs out and buckle as the vehicle starts moving. 
Tension settled in the air, like thick fog. It was rolling off the man next to you in thick waves. His brow was crinkled as he stared intently at the snowy road ahead. The weather had not let up, and it was well into winter by now. Snow piled up high beyond your reach and gathered in the fields that once held crops and cattle. It lessened as town got closer, the mandated snow plowing starting once you got out of the county and into the small town. 
“Where first?” Rhett broke the silence, prompting you to pull out the paper his mother gave you. 
“Uhm…” You cleared your throat and looked at the crinkled paper, “It looks like… grocery, feed store, oh and then my momma’s house? I just remembered that she wanted me to pick up quilting scraps for Cecilia.” You finished, running your thumbs over the words. Rhett nodded and continued driving, always looking forward. 
The domestic feeling followed you like a lost puppy throughout your day with him. Pushing the cart as Rhett led, his hand always settled on the end of the basket, even if you insisted you could handle it. You read him off the list and followed him down the isles to what you needed. 
In public, he made no move to be close to you, as expected. There was too much risk to be seen by old friends or anyone who could be looking for gossip. But that didn't stop him from giving you invisible touches. A soft hand on the back, eyes lingering for longer than acceptable. Still high on the feeling of your orgasm, you leaned into the touches, welcoming them in the deserted aisles of the store. 
In the cereal aisle he reached up to the top shelf to grab a box of Special K and his flannel lifted up the tiniest bit. Your mouth practically watered at the sight of his taut stomach being exposed. Then, you had the realization that both the times you had fucked, never once did you get fully undressed. Your skirt was shoved up and this morning your pants were just pulled down. As you watched him place the box in the cart, you wondered to yourself. 
Would there be a ‘next time’ to get fully undressed? Would it be even worth it to try?
“What’s the hold-up?” Rhett inquired and you realized that he had been trying to pull the cart down the aisle but you had been standing like a statue, hands gripping the metal bar of the cart. 
“Oh, nothin’. Just thinkin’ to myself.” You offered up a weak smile but could tell he wasn't buying it. You could tell by the way he let out a long breath through his nose and how his fingers twitched by his sides. 
“Nothin’?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow in question. You nodded, starting to push the cart in the direction Rhett was trying to pull it. 
“Nothin’ that needs to be said here.” You finally answered after a few seconds. Rhett looked puzzled for a second, but then nodded, humming in agreement before going back to finding the boxes of uncooked pasta. 
At checkout you stood awkwardly by Rhett’s side as the cashier rang you up. She was a pretty brunette with nice teeth, probably only a little younger than Rhett. She beamed at him like he hung the moon, talking to him about how her daddy is so excited for the upcoming spring, and how she is too because that’s when rodeo season starts. 
Rhett obviously enjoyed the attention, smiling back at her and continuing the conversation. Your teeth clenched slightly, Rhett made a stupid joke and she laughed, pausing scanning the block of cheddar that was in her hands. It was dumb to get upset over this. Especially because the girl couldn't be older than twenty, and probably every young adult girl had a crush on The Hometown Hero Rhett Abbott. 
You forget that not everyone knows him like you do. Jesus, you had known him since he was born. Your momma literally has a picture in a photo album somewhere of you holding him as a baby, wailing his lungs out while you sat there with a pained smile on your face. Before he was mildly famous, before everyone loved him. 
When it came time to pay, you pulled out your wallet and handed the cashier the money Cecilia had given you for the trip. The brunette’s smile fell a tiny bit upon fully noticing you were there with Rhett, but was nice to you all the same as she counted out your change. Which made you feel better that she wasn't a jerk to you. 
But as you walked out into the freezing parking lot side by side with Rhett, your jealousy grew. Your hands clenched the plastic sacks of groceries as you walked. She was still nice to you, like she didn't see you as a threat. Like she knew you had no chance with Rhett. 
Speaking of Rhett, why was he shamelessly flirting with her when his cock was just buried in you not even two hours ago? You still ache between your thighs, your knees are just now not being wobbly. Anger bubbled inside you at that thought, jealousy making your stomach flip and feel nauseous. 
Fuck. Or maybe (the most possible answer) she knew you were Perry’s girlfriend. Gosh, Rhett does say that he talks about you a bunch. And you always forget that just because you went to college doesn't mean everyone forgot about you at home. As much as it sometimes felt that way. 
Inside the truck your anger and jealousy was replaced with guilt, a sensation you have grown used to ever since you arrived at Wabang. It hardly phased you anymore, the pit in your stomach. The pit was there for you to throw all your emotions into so you didn't have to worry about feeling for the time being. 
“Okay. I can practically hear you thinking. Tell me. Now.” Rhett demanded sternly at the wheel, a bit of annoyance in his tone. You narrowed your eyes at him, becoming irritated at his annoyance. Huffing, you turned back to the road leading you to the feed store. 
“I don't know, it just throws me off a little when you fuck me silly then turn around and flirt with the cashier!” You snark back at him, crossing your arms defensively. 
“Really? Well it throws me off when you practically beg me to fuck you and then still be with Perry Why dont you just break up with him?” He growled, hands white-knuckling the steering wheel. Rhett glanced at you a few times while you struggled to come up with something to say.
His statement absolutely floored you. 
“Break up with him?” You ask, as if you hadn't heard what he said the first time, “Break up with him?” You repeat louder and Rhett gives a curt nod of his head, “Rhett I can't just do that! Break up with him and what? Be with you? You realize how horrible that would turn out for the both of us?” You laugh in disbelief, feeling like you are hyperventilating as he parks the truck in the feed store lot. 
He turns the key and cuts the engine, turning towards you, “Why do you care so much about him? You literally just told me that you hate him at church, how you feel like he just wants to have a housewife.” He reminds you, brow furrowed and talking quite loudly. Now you were definitely hyperventilating, looking at him with wide, searching eyes and your mouth goes dry.
“Because I’m scared of him, Rhett! Because he gets so mad when I act wrong, I can’t imagine what he would do if he found out I was fuckin’ his brother of all people! He’d kill you and me both.” You trembled in your seat and shoved your face in your hands, trying to calm your erratic breathing. Rhett was silent, but you could feel his eyes on you as you tried to hold back tears. You knew Rhett had seen Perry’s rage before, even as kids his attitude would turn on a dime and he’d snap over the smallest things. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for yellin’ at you.” Rhett starts quietly, his hand resting on your shoulder tentatively, “Please- please don't-” He murmurs and slowly rubs your back as you sniffle, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes. 
“No, it’s fine-” You start, wiping your cheeks on your sleeve.
“No, it’s not. I’m sorry.” He apologies again, interrupting you. 
Looking at him, you nod, sighing deep before continuing, “Well I’m sorry for being unfair to you.” You conclude and flip down the sun shade, looking at yourself in the mirror and drying up your snot with your sleeve. 
“Should we go in?” You ask and Rhett nods silently, following your lead as you get out and head into the store. 
It was quick and simple, just grab a few bags and load them up into the bed of the truck. You forgot how nice feed stores smell, always like wood chips and grass.Thank god the cashier was an older man who said no more than three words to the both of you. 
Lovely. Someone Rhett wont flirt with. You thought bitterly. 
Next, you gave instructions to your mother’s house. You would have figured Rhett would know how to get there by now since he spent so much time there with your younger siblings. 
The exterior of the house was decorated in greens and reds, even if it was a week till Christmas. Your family was always big on Christmas, matching pajamas, holiday cards, caroling, the whole nine yards. It was crowded when you were a kid but even more crowded now that your older siblings had kids. 
“You should come inside. My mom would kill me if she knew I left you out here.” You advised before getting out of the truck and heading for the front door. You heard his door shut before ringing the doorbell, Rhett’s feet crunching over the ice melt to get to you. 
The smell of the wax warmer hit you in the face when your momma opened the door, squealing excitedly before hugging you tightly. After she was done smothering you she then did the same to Rhett, who looked shocked at her outward display of affection. 
“Oh come on you guys! Don’t let the warm air escape, get inside!” She ushered you in and shut the door tightly, locking it like that would shoo away the cold outside. 
“Wow, the house smells wonderful. What’s the name of this wax melt?” You ask as you wander from the front foyer and into the kitchen, of course taking off your snowy shoes at the mat at the door. You didn’t wait for Rhett. 
“Spun Sugar Flurries. Your dad went to the Walmart in Lander to get it for me.” She answered matter-of-factly before turning on her electric mixer and turning off the stove. Your mother was an absolute tornado in the kitchen. She always had to have about five different things going at once to keep her happy. If she could she would grow an extra arm to carry a grandbaby around with her too. 
“Smells wonderful, ma’am.” Rhett added from behind you, looking around at the very decorated kitchen. Your mom blushed at the compliment, swatting his shoulder playfully as she walked past and to the pantry. 
“So mom, where is all that stuff you wanted me to grab for Cecilia?” You call, hoping she can hear you over all the rustling she is doing in the tiny room. 
“Oh! In the craft closet upstairs. It should be in a red and yellow reusable bag… Do me a favor and also bring down my embroidery stuff too!” She replies, emerging from the pantry with a few bags of something, “Rhett, darling. Will you stay down here with me and be my taste-tester for a tiny bit? I have something I will be pullin’ out of the oven in a second.” 
Rhett glances at you before answering, “Of course. I’d love to.” 
Taking that as a sign to leave, you bound up the stairs and down the hall to the smaller door. It was always weird coming home after being away. How things change without your input. Like, this wall in the house wasn't always this light teal blue color. Last time you were here it was cream like the rest of the house. You wanted to explore your room too to see how your sister might have changed it, but you decided against it. 
Your sister had a sixth sense and could totally tell if you had messed with her things. 
The supplies were right where your mom had said they would be, in that red and yellow reusable bag. It was heavier than you expected but still held it with one hand as you grabbed her embroidery things as requested. 
You find your mom and Rhett hovering over a silver baking sheet on the stove, the both of them turning around as you come down the steps. Pulling out a chair at the dining room table you drop the embroidery down on it, striding over to them. 
“Rhett, we better get going. Don't want your ma to have to wait longer for her groceries.” You gently remind him and he nods, but not before snapping off a piece of, is that peppermint bark? And popping it into his mouth. Your sweet mother quickly packs up a ziploc bag of little candies for you to take back with you, but not before hugging and kissing you both goodbye. 
Out at the truck you are silent, again. The drive back is silent, again. You fear the fight may have damaged your relationship more than you thought. 
Catch me on AO3 under Creatchie8 too! See ya laterrrr!
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
February Filth Fest - Day 19
Post Date: 19th February 2023 Pairing: Seonghwa x Fem!Reader x Hongjoong Content: Smut - Double Penetration WC: 524 TW?: Dom!MATZ/ Sub!Reader/ Double penetration (unprotected, nonono)/ Praise/ Biting/ Marking/ Slight Fingering
February Filth Fest Masterlist                         Prompt list
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“What was that pretty girl?” Hongjoong smirked, with you on his lap, probably soaking through your panties with his cock pressed up against you, restricted by clothing.
“Did you say you wanted both of us inside you princess?” Seonghwa grins behind you, “Don’t be shy, tell us. Use your pretty mouth to speak”.
Flustered in so many ways you struggle to make eye contact with either of them, especially when both of them are literal gods, making you putty at their fingertips grazing over your bare shoulders and down your back.
Seonghwa’s already got his cock in his hands, lazily stoking it as you look back, seeing the huge length of it and choking on your spit.
“I- I- Need you... Both.” You whisper, wide eyed as you try and ignore the fact that you’d pounce on them both there and then, “Both of you, to fuck my cunt”.
There were no questions asked beyond that point, with the help of Seonghwa you’re only lifted a little off Hongjoong’s lap so he could let free his own cock, spitting on it whilst Seonghwa does the same to his once you’re hovering over Hongjoong’s.
“Who knew such a pretty bookworm like you would love to take two cocks at once, huh?” Hongjoong groans, sliding his cock into you first, just to get a feel as you turn into mush there and then with his cock hitting the right spots instantly.
You’re screaming his name as Seonghwa momentarily enjoys watching your face contort from the side-lines before lining himself up behind you, slowly easing himself into you with Hongjoong.
This makes you bite down hard on Hongjoong’s shoulder to help deal with the stretching sting, instantly turning into pleasure when they start to thrust into you in sync.
The lewd sounds of moaning, your slick covering their cocks whilst they start to pick up a pace, almost slamming into you whilst you scream their names.
Hongjoong’s so focusing on eating your moans with his lips purses against yours, tongues tangling together whilst Seonghwa’s arms wrap around you, playing with your breasts, kneading them and pinching your nipples to make you moan more into Hongjoong’s mouth.
“Fuck, she’s taking us so fucking well, like a good girl.” Seonghwa hisses from behind, feeling you clench around both lengths as you grasp onto one of his forearms, nails digging into the flesh.
The other digging into Hongjoong’s shoulder as you try to keep yourself upright and steady, luckily Seonghwa’s arms around your torso and Hongjoong’s hands firm on your hips to support you.
Screaming their names again and throwing your head back in pleasure, Hongjoong and Seonghwa take each side of your neck to kiss, mark and make you quiver under their touch whilst you ride through the euphoria that is your orgasm.
Hongjoong only adding to the pleasure, making your eyes roll back to your head and make you lose control of your breathing when his slim fingers make their way to your clit, circling on it as your screams are now silent, only a quivering mouth and rolled eyes to represent the unbelievable pleasure you’re going through.
Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @whatudowhennooneseesyou​, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007, @icyllic​​, @atinytinaa, @toxicccred
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yandere-fics · 7 months
Raphael's NSFW Alphabet
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♡ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) ♡
She up and ready to procure anything you may need even if she's the one who just got completely wrecked, it doesn't matter if she was the top or the bottom this time around she's going to be running around to get you whatever it is you need. If you did completely drain her though and you do attempt to give her aftercare she's going to start praising you and want to go another round so she can show her gratitude for you caring for her like that.
♡ B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) ♡
How could she possibly pick, that's just impossible for her! She just loves it all too much to ever pick something. She loves your hands and how nice it feels to kiss them or to have them on her shoulder and you waltz together. She loves your feet and how they sound hitting the ground when you walk towards her chambers to spend time with her and she can tell it's you by the sounds. She loves your eyes and how they look at her in a silent demand to meet you in the bedroom, it's just too hard for her to pick.
She likes her arms. She likes how sturdy they are when you wrap your arm around hers as you stroll in the garden together. She likes how they wrap around you keeping you safe in her arms at night. She likes how strong they are picking you up and moving you around the bedroom as you request of her, and she especially loves how they look when you pin them down while having your way with her.
♡ C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) ♡
She's very easy to make cum because she's just too sensitive but she has a slim period before she's there again so it's very easy to overstim her or to edge her cruely. When she cums, she's very wet which is shocking cause you know undead vampire and all that.(you'll see her drinking extra blood later because she must regain her strength and lost fluids. In the omegaverse she doesn't want to cum in you because she is unworthy of something so amazing, she'd prefer you get a napkin and allow her to cum in there so she doesn't dirty you too badly. She'll be whining and shaking if you do insist she come inside though.
♡ D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) ♡
One time you held her hand and she got unbelievably horny when she remembered them pulling on her hair as she serviced you the night before, she didn't want to interrupt your walk however she also felt the deep need to excuse herself to deal with it which made her feel guilty for dirtying your walk.
♡ E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) ♡
There's no experience here, she has never even kissed before and you have to take the lead in all things, even when she's topping you, you have to give exact directions on how you would like her to do it. She's also just a very shaky and whiny baby about it, she never fully gets used to it, even if she gets better and knows you ask for the same thing every time she still asks for explicit directions just to make sure.
♡ F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) ♡
For topping she needs to see your face the entire time so she can make sure she's doing it exactly the way you would like it, for bottoming she likes sitting with her back to your chest as you finger her slowly and she can hear you talk in her ear about how good she's being allowing you to have your way with her.
♡ G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) ♡
This is very serious to her, she has been given the opportunity to service her darling and she must enjoy every moment of it while it lasts for who knows how long it will be till you next deem her worthy of this gift. It might sound a little bit goofy since she's crying as she tells you everything she loves about your body which is everything, however she is being so serious about it.
♡ H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) ♡
She keeps neatly trimmed for her darling, her darlings body is absolute perfection so the very least she can do for them is keep herself well groomed. She does have a happy trail though, the rest of her body is pretty clean shaven.
♡ I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) ♡
It's an extremely intimate moment no matter where it's happening, you have given her the privelege of serving you and she shall take pride knowing she is the only one who is worthy of servicing you this way, she'd kill any bastard who would even dream of being worthy of such an intimacy with you, even she herself is hardly worthy of this but as your most devoted follower she is the only one who comes close.
♡ J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) ♡
How could she not when absolute perfection is walking around and she does not want you to have to deal with her desires constantly, if she has just shown her devotion to you she would never dare ask for reciprocation unless you show her this is something you very much want so most of the time she is dealing with the issue on her own once you have gone to sleep peacefully.
♡ K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) ♡
Praise kink on both ends, she will praise you an embarrassing amount and she also would appreciate some praise even if it's just a light moan and tug on her hair, she also enjoys when you tell her exactly what to do and command her as someone as wonderful as you rightfully should. She also has a light somno kink and if you would allow her to rouse you from your slumber by pleasuring you, she would be over the moon.
♡ L = Location (favorite places to do the do) ♡
Really anywhere you would like as long as it gives her time to savor you fully, she does not mind during it in public so long as no one looks at you, she doesn't mind if they hear you, it only shows that she is the only one capable of pleasuring you this much and no one else is worthy. She does prefer her chambers or perhaps on a picnic blanket in a secluded meadow.
♡ M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) ♡
You and specifically doing things for you, she gets extra horny after you have done things recently but even if you haven't done it in awhile she will still remember the last time you allowed her the privilege of serving you and will get turned on again.
♡ N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) ♡
She won't let anyone look at you and she will not degrade you in any way, she also will not hit you in a sexual context, if you truly want her to roleplay punishing you she will try but if you're too good at roleplaying your part of not wanting to be punished then she'll stop instantly and cry.
♡ O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) ♡
She prefers to give, she's not the most skilled when giving, it sounds very sloppy but then again even when drinking blood she is a very messy eater so it makes sense she'd be messy with this as well, it still feels wonderful though. If you decide you would like to give she will be squirmy and constantly worrying if she's being good enough for you.
♡ P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) ♡
She would never dream of being rough on you or to do anything but take her time with you unless you explicitly command her to do so but even then she'll try to stay on the gentler side until you tell her to be really really rough, you're just too perfect for her not to be gentle and slow but she also loves giving into your whims so she will adjust her pace for you.
♡ Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) ♡
As often as you would like, she would prefer to have plenty of time to properly show her devotion but she would also feel awful denying you something you truly want so although she would like to take you back to her chambers and properly savor this time with you, she will give in if you only wish for a singular round.
♡ R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) ♡
While she would prefer not to dirty you needlessly, she's mostly willing to do anything you ask of her, if you would like to do it outside while on a picnic then who is she to deny you, she'll service you any time you demand though she would prefer no one be capable of seeing you but most people would avoid looking over for fear of her anyways.
♡ S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) ♡
When she's topping she can go for as long as you can be awake for and even longer than that if you give her permission to keep going in your sleep. If she's bottoming there isn't much she can handle before she's gripping the sheets and whining for just a bit of mercy because it's just too much plus now she's crying because she also wants the chance to worship your body but you simply aren't allowing her.
♡ T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) ♡
She's not going to buy anything but the most high quality seex toys because you deserve them, even the ones she's using on herself are extremely high quality because she doesn't want your hand to hurt if you decide you would also like to use them on her, not that she expects you to but it's just preparing for that remote possibility. Use them on her and her hips will completely fly off the bed.
♡ U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) ♡
You get what you want as soon as you want it, how could she say no, you want to cum all over her tongue this second, dearest sunflower? She's crawling under your skirt in the hallway of a ball right now, you had better hope no one is going to enter the hallway in the next few minutes, she might edge if you ask her to do it but she gives in and forgets what the two of you were doing just hearing one small whine from you.
♡ V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) ♡
She's loud as fuck when she's topping, praising you constantly, she's making the loudest slurping sounds as she eats you out or if she's using a strap she's fucking you in just such a particular way to make the most noise because it just is so beautiful to her and she must have more. If she's bottoming she does her best to stifle her sounds because while she would like you to know how good you make her feel, she also wants to sounds refined for you because she thinks her sounds might be a bit unappealing in comparison to the music that comes from you.
♡ W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) ♡
She might die of pure joy if you allow her to drink your blood during sex, if you want her to faint finger her and then right as she's about to cum make her drink your blood and she will little pass out from overstimulation right then and there.
♡ X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) ♡
Smaller but cute boobs, almost an A cup but not even quite there, her nipples are very sensitive, a little bit inverted but easier to poke out with just a bit of tugging at them. She has a massive scar on her back and shoulder that look like a bomb went off near her and she's very insecure about the scars. She's not as muscular as the others are but she is still decently fit.
♡ Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) ♡
It's not the highest, just whenever she can smell her darling is aroused, she is also aroused and when her darling dominates her or degrades her a little bit she's also turned on. When she is turned on it tends to make her extra weepy so you can always tell she's in the mood because she cried five seconds longer when you smiled at her today.
♡ Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) ♡
As long as you don't need anything afterwards she is knocking out, sure vampires don't need sleep but she just had a religious experience so she must recover from it. Of course you can wake her up to get some things for you afterwards but otherwise she's going to be out with her arms wrapped around you tightly and happy tears streaming down her face.
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justnerdy15 · 11 months
A Game of Twenty Questions (Flash Fiction Friday/NaNoWriMo Snippet)
wip: Daisy Chains wc: 581 prompt: @flashfictionfridayofficial I can't tell notes: my inability to write in chronological order will be the death of me lmao. this is like, probably, an act two scene. but! liked writing it. prompt gave me some good inspiration.
The room is too warm. Heavily perfumed air cloys her senses, floral and damp, and Mara suppresses a gag as she makes her way to the large windows, shoving them open with urgency, hoping it help eases the smell and cools her off. She breathes in, slightly fresher air slipping inside, and sits down on the cushioned bench that lines the curved windows. Mara slumps down, squeezing her eyes shut, and fists her hands against the soft velvet fabric beneath her, sinking into the overly plush cushions.
What in the hell has she gotten herself into?
She swallows tightly, panic creeping in as the situation finally crashes into her. This is unbelievable. A dream. A nightmare. It cannot be real. But she thinks about the dead phone in her pocket, the monstrous greenery that surrounds. . .wherever she is, the otherworldly inhabitants that she’s unfortunately met.
This isn’t Grenville, that’s for goddamn sure.
Her silent guard takes point at the entrance, facing the interior of the room, and Mara knows that they’re watching her, gaze burning into her despite the mask covering their face.
She wants to tell them to get the hell out, but Mara doubts they will listen to her.
A guard. Christ. More like a warden.
Mara scoffs and opens her eyes to glare at the guard. “I guess you won’t tell me where I am?” she asks, sitting up just a bit.
Silence answers her.
“Could you tell me your name at least? Or what I can call you?”
They don’t even twitch. The black shiny armor mocks her, covering the guard from head to toe, meanwhile she feels more exposed than ever despite her loose jeans and sweater. She crosses her arms over her chest. “You can take off the helmet, you know? Not like I can hurt you,” Mara says the last part under her breath, noting the sword sheath at the guard’s side.
Even more nothing. Fantastic.
“Do you even understand English?” she asks, frowning. Mara got lucky — or, well, unlucky — with Wyn and his father, but if this is some anachronistic void or whatever, maybe the guard doesn’t know the language.
Mara huffs, rubbing a hand across her face, when she hears a slow creak. She drops her hand and looks back at the guard whose nodding, metal helmet protesting the movement.
Straightening up, Mara arches an eyebrow. “Can you talk?”
The guard shakes their head slowly, with a considerable amount of effort, before resuming that same frozen stance.
Her face heats up. “Sorry, dumb question. Forget I asked.”
The guard’s fingers flex at their sides, a slow curl of long slim digits, and Mara watches, fascinated yet disturbed, at the jerky, stilted movements of the guard’s arm as it raises from their side. Almost like they were fighting against something to move their own body at will. It takes a few moments, but then the guard reaches up to press their hand against their covered throat with another slow shake of their head.
“Is it —“ she groans; Mara can’t believe she’s about to ask this “— magic? Is that what’s stopping you?”
A nod. The arm falls back to their side.
“Does it hurt? Trying to answer?”
The guard nods once again.
Mara grimaces. No more questions then. She bites at her lip, looking at the guard, at the vast room they’re both trapped in, and breathes out deeply.
“I’m sorry,” she says, lost as to what to say. “That sounds like it fucking sucks.”
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sunny6677 · 2 months
Just kinda what it sounds like. Mainly short stories about my OC Tom—who is an overly energetic and hyper girl who's kind of annoying, but is still a sweetheart deep down. Her job is unknown, but she definitely does something to do with writing—her bestie is Patty, but she thinks she's best friend with Carmen who actually hates her. And her main love interest is Kevin. She's also based off of Papyrus lmao.
Chapter 4: A Date With A Princess. - Kevin x Tom (Part 1)
The crisp night had overtaken the air, filling anyone who walked within the confinement of the town with such a chill. Vehicles drove along the road—bursts of air blowing out from the tires and up against anything it passed by. The trees rustled in the wind.
Before a big yellow house on the street was a pink vehicle. It silently drove foward for a few moments. And then it slowly turned—making its way slowly onto the pavement of the driveway. The sound of its tires screeching to a halt once it slowed. Crickets filled the faint ambience in the air. The car stood still—bathed in the moonlight from above.
After a few seconds.. the vehicles door slowly opened. And from out of the door came a man—Kevin in fact. His black sleek hair was slightly brushed. Well.. sort of anyway. It at least looked less messy than it usually did. His slim face wore a nervous frown while he looked down at his body, his thoughts racing about whether or not he perhaps looked nice like this. Dressed in a short-sleeved pink polo shirt, with black pants wrapped around his slender legs and black sneakers.
He looked down at his wrist where a watch was wrapped around it. The time simply read 8:42 PM. Held in his other arm was simply a bouquet of sunflowers.
He just stared, and then let out a sigh.
Slowly, he shut the door. The door gave a slight click as he began to walk around the pink vehicle. He walked to the path that led all the way to the doorstep—passing by a couple of bushes that were sat still beneath the windows on the lower part of the house. Once he came to a stop, he stepped onto the white (almost porcelain it seemed from how shiny it was) doorstep.
He swallowed. He didn't know if this would go right or not. He didn't know if anything would go wrong, or.. if she'd even enjoy this little date of theirs.
He shook his head. Lifting his free hand, he pressed the pale yellow doorbell. A ring sounded from the doorbell, sounding automated and slightly high-pitched as it repeated itself a few times before it came to silence.
Yet still, nothing came. He was about to ring it again—until..
The door finally slowly came open with a creak, and a familiar round freckled face slowly peeked its way out of the crack in the door. A smile appeared on the faces lips—one so eager and so unbelievably happy that he found himself mirroring a faint smile back.
"..hey, Tom."
He spoke those words with a smile still on his lips as he cocked his head to the side. The door slowly opened a little more, revealing her body as she stepped out onto the doorstep in front of him with a hand on her hip. He found his mouth slowly becoming agape as he stared at her though, blinking slowly in astonishment.
Compared to her usual mustard yellow sweater, and dark orange skirt that she always wore—she was wearing a pastel yellow dress around her body, the skirt part of it appearing almost flows as she moved closer. Her sleeves were shoulder-less, but lined perfectly around her freckled and slender arms. On the left part of her hair was a pin. A sunflower pin, in fact.
Noticing him staring, she cocked her head to the side with a nervous smile. "SO, ERR.. UH.." She whispered rather loudly, "DO I LOOK NICE?"
He chuckled, feeling a warmth spread onto his cheeks. "Yeah. You—you do, actually. Heh. Uh.." He held out the bouquet he held in his hands with a glance away from her gaze. "Here."
She looked upon the delicate bright yellow flowers that rustled with the slight movement of the bouquet, her eyes twinkling as she leaned in closer to look at it. Tom reached out her freckled hands, taking the bouquet in her grasp.
A smile slowly appeared on her lips. The same grin that always made him feel that strange warmth inside.
"Do.. uh—do you like it?"
"..LIKE IT? I LOVE IT!" Tom giggled. She took a sniff from the flowers, looking up at him for a few moments as her eyes glimmered. She gave an excited gasp—practically throwing herself foward.
"OHHH—YOU LOOK NICE TOO! I LIKE THE SHIRT!" She exclaimed, shaking her other fist. "EHEHEH.."
He took a step back at the increase in proximity, and laughed. "Thanks. Uh.. so.. you ready for our date?"
"OF COURSE I AM! THE GREAT PRINCESS IS ALWAYS PREPARED!" She gave the same haughty but squeaky laugh she always did, "OHOHOHO!"
Kevin rolled his eyes. "Alright—let's go then."
She then fully stepped beside him. He wasn't sure why, but right then, he reached his now free hand down. He hesitated. And then slowly, he slipped his hand in hers. He swallowed. Kevin felt a fluttering, tingly sensation rise in his chest. It felt uncomfortable almost. He wasn't used to openly feeling this way around her. But it—it didn't feel wrong either.
Tom's eyes fluttered a little, gazing up at him from surprise. Alas though, she only gave a little grin.
He laughed lowly again. Slowly, he began to make his way off of the doorstep with her hand now in his.
The drive to the place he was taking her was.. well, it wasn't quiet. Nothing was ever quiet when it came to her. They made some conversation while the radio from his car played in the back. They drove past different buildings. Different streetlights. Different trees. In the bright lights of the cars front though—glowing upon her freckled face, she only grew harder and harder not to look at.
As they drove, she spoke excitedly, "SO, PRINCE KEVIN, WHERE EXACTLY ARE YOU TAKING US?"
He softly smirked in return. "Heh.. I don't really wanna tell you yet."
"Eh.. you'll see."
"...MMMF. YOU'RE A VERY SECRETIVE PRINCE, AREN'T YOU?" She uttered aloud, arching a brow. He could only laugh softly in response.
The sound of the radio filled the air for a brief moment, bathing them both in the blissful silence of the night. Tom held onto his hand slightly tighter as he turned the wheel with his other—turning around a certain part of the road.
Her high-pitched voice softened, "HEY—ERR.. PRINCE KEVIN?"
"You.. really didn't think I would?"
He thought for a moment, frowning as a slightly heavy feeling began to fill his chest. And then he finally let himself speak again. "Well, you're welcome, I guess. But.. you don't really need to feel so nervous about me. I like you a lot, okay? Even—even if I don't really sound like I do sometimes. Even if I didn't say yes to you, I'd still wanna be around you."
"Yeah. Really."
She only looked at him—and then her lips finally began to form into a slightly more grateful smile again. Her curls fell to the side as she tilted her head. "..THANK YOU, MY PRINCE."
"No problem, Tom." He replied, looking back down at her briefly as his thumb slowly rubbed the top of her hand. His eyes then gazed back at the front of the road. And upon seeing a bright brown building with artifical neon red writing for its logo, he began to slow the cars pace, driving foward to where the building had been. The roof was red. Few vehicles were parked in front of it.
It was perfect for a night like this, oddly enough.
"Here we are." He smiled.
Tom got a better look at the place, squinting her eyes at the logo on the very top of the building. The logo simply read—"PIZZA PLAZA".
She widened her eyes, and gasped, "WAIT—YOU DECIDED TO TAKE US TO A PIZZA PARLOR?"
"Yeah.. that okay with you?"
"OF COURSE IT IS! I LOVE PIZZA!" She giggled, responding almost immediately. He flinched at the rise of volume in her tone. And chuckled back at her.
"WAAAHHHH.. THANK YOUUUUUU.." She practically squealed, shaking her other hand with such excitement.
He rolled his eyes, saying again, "Yeah, yeah. No problem."
After turning into a slot at the parking lot, he came to a stop. They were here now. They were.. actually here. Dressed up, with the bouquet he had gotten her resting beside Tom as she sat. They weren't just hanging out like usual. No.
They were.. actually going on a date.
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dekko-61 · 8 months
Will worried at the incoming web slinger slams his staff into the ground as it causes the ground to shake 🫨 specially the spots of the ground where Spider-Girl is standing. Everywhere else was perfectly normal. Will grins as his reality warping attack specifically effects his target. “Woah! What’s happening?!” The sexy heroine asks in confusion as the ground shakes violently beneath her. Spider-Girl stumbles and loses her footing, falling to the ground. She tries to get back up but struggles. Will:”hahahahaha Are you serious! This is my opponent!”, he laughs pointing at her as some in the crowd laugh with him. Will then looks at her smirking,”Guess your spider powers don’t work on me lady, how about you surrender now, and walk away, do you give up?” “No! Of course I don’t give up! I’m taking you down one way or another!” Spider-Girl shouted while still stumbling and unable to get back on her feet. She was almost embarrassed that some members of the crowd were rooting for the villain! Will fine then! Guess we’ll have to do this the old fashion way!”,Will throws up his fist before opening them in the form of claws. He closed his eyes before they open with a glowing passionate yellow within his pupils. Will:”Art Of The Tiger…” His finger nails glow white as he charges in Spider-Girl’s direction swing them at her belly, arms and throat, but he was surprised to discover his claw attack didn’t injure her at all as his fingers just bounced off her skin, what he didn’t notice was the ticklish sensation it had on Spider-Girl. “Huh?! Wait- Hahahahahaha!! Wahahahahait!” The spandex clad heroine bursts into laughter as she wiggles around from the ticklish sensations. “Whahahahat are you dohohohohoing?!” She giggles helplessly. She tries to retaliate with a punch to his face but she feels too weak from his ticklish claws.
Will:”ARE YOU SERIOUS!”,he growls. Will:”My attacks are supposed to disembowel you! How strong are you?!” “Ahahahahare you seheheheherious?! Thahahahahat just tihihihickles!” Spider-Girl giggles cutely as he claws all around her. All of these pedestrians seeing her be tickled was a bit humiliating so she’d try her hardest to avoid his tickling. She tries to push him off weakly. Will looks frustrated as his claws don’t seem to hurt her but instead make her laugh,”Don’t you mock me!”,he yells growling at her as his claws tickle across her belly button, armpits & breasts. “Stohahahahahap!! Dohohohohont tihihihickle meee!!” Spider-Girl giggles uncontrollably from the ticklish claws tickling all over her slim body. She loses her balance and falls to the ground as she can’t stop laughing. Will:”Wait a minute…tickling is what weakens you? Seriously? Your interesting,”Will starts to laugh. Will bends down on his knees as he continues to tickle Spider-Girl scribbling his fingers across her armpits. “Nohohohohoho! Plehehehease stohahahahahap!! Gehehehet off!!” She laughs as she squirms on the ground from his unrelenting tickling. She tries to move her arms to protect her armpits from being tickled. Will giggles,”what happened to that strength you had earlier, you seem to be as weak as a regular girl now? Odd, your one of those super people right? Come on show me something impressive, he says as he starts to grab her legs in an armlock and tickle her spandex covered soles. “NOHOHOHOHO!! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHRE!! NOHOHOHOT MY FEHEHEHEHEET!!” Spider-Girl shouted in hysterical laughter. The one spot she did NOT want him to touch was her feet! Even with the boots on, her soles were unbelievably ticklish. Her booted feet kicked and pulled, trying to escape his armlock. Will:”Whoa! You really are ticklish?! Does super powers give you super sensitivity?!”,he laughs as he continues to scribble, skitter & skatter his fingers across her soles noticing that her feet can feel his fingers through the spandex boots she’s wearing. “How sensitive are these feet,”he pondered. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHONT!! LEHEHEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHOHO!!” The masked heroine howled with adorable laughter as her soles were tickled through the tight boots. She was terrified at the thought of him interested in her feet, they were secretly her biggest weakness… Spider-Girl noticed some of the crowd becoming more interested. It seems as if they wanted to see the heroine tickled!Will:”You look pretty tired right now, why don’t help you get some air?” Will pulls off her thin spider spandex boots as he lightly scratches one finger nail down her bare left sole. “NO!! NOT MY BOOTS!” Spider-Girl shouts as her spandex boots are peeled off and tossed aside. Her sexy, bare feet now fully revealed and exposed… “LET ME- HEHEHEHEHE!” She giggles loudly as he lightly scratches her smooth, silky sole. Her cute toes wiggle in response. Will:”So you finally ready to give up and let me go,”he asks as he scratches three more fingers across both her soles and even tickles up to her arches. “NOHOHAHAHA I CAHAHAHANT!! JUST GEHEHEHEHET OFFA MEHEHEHEHE!!” She laughs hysterically as her hyper sensitive bare soles are playfully tickled. Her sexy feet wiggle around and attempt to kick him in the face. Will:”Geez, why should I listen to you , when you won’t grant my request, your not the most fair person to come across, plus let’s be honest, this isn’t your best look right now, do you really think your gonna be trusted as their protector after what this crowd saw today, if I were you, I’d run away any chance I got, but no you prefer to stay and suffer,”he says slightly Aggravated as he scribbled his fingers across both her soles, arches and toes tickling them at high speeds. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!! DOHOHOHOHONT TIHIHIHICKLE MY FEHEHEHEHEET!!” The masked heroine bursts into laughter while frantically struggling and trying to get her feet free. Her soles feel incredibly soft to touch. Her toes desperately curl in defense. Will:”Alright I’ll tickle your belly instead!”
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Different, But The Same
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; Jungkook x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
: Word Count: 1.6k
; Synopsis: It's a lovely day to hang out in the park.
; A/N: Another drabble! Inspired by the Sowoozoo Jungkook 😫 lemme know what you thought! Written and published from my phone...not proof read!
Jungkook stands in the centre of a grassy area, his tanned skin dappled from the sun that shines through the leaves of the trees above him. A gentle breeze rolls through the open park, flowing through the soft strands of his black hair.
It's safe to say that all eyes are on him, even if he's completely unaware of them. From your position just down the path, you can see the way he's standing with laser focus.
Broad shoulders strain beneath his simple black shirt, the muscles of his back being framed delightfully and leaving almost nothing to the imagination. A sleeve of intricately designed tattoos paints its way up his left arm, the black and white designs contrasting sharply against his skin whilst the red of his eyes tattoo adds a subtle pop of colour.
As you get closer, shoes crunching lightly on the gravel beneath your feet, you take note of the much smaller tattoos on his hand. Jungkook had never looked back after getting first tattoo, instead gaining an undeniable itch to add more and more to his skin.
His black shirt tapers neatly to his waist, equally black jeans held around his slim hips with an elegant belt before sliding beneath mid-calf length boots with silver buckle and thick soles. His entire appearance screams 'rockstar on a break', but you know he's nothing of the sort.
The reflective aviators perched on his nose do nothing to hide his strong brows, nor the two balls of his newest piercing on his right eyebrow. You hadn't been too sure of it at first but sure enough, you'd been won over.
It's a good job he's wearing those sunglasses, as his eyes would ruin the strong and defined image he's going for. Because nothing could hide the warmth of a thousand stars that glittered within his eyes.
He may look lust and wrath personified, but you knew that Jungkook was quite possibly the sweetest and most sensitive person on the planet. And those pretty doe eyes did nothing but give that away.
Still, you supposed he needed at least one flaw. It wasn't even a flaw really, as his eyes were perhaps your favourite part of him.
You're soon distracted away from admiring him when the tiny little girl in front of him falls onto her even smaller butt. There's a brief moment where you feel the world hold its breath, wondering if she might inhale before screaming out for all to hear.
But Jungkook is there, crouching down next to her and stretching his jeans to outrageous levels. The man has never heard of missing a gym day, much to your dual joy and sorrow.
His lips curve into a sweet smile and you hear a soft laugh leave him, the sound just loud enough for you to catch as you move closer at a faster pace. Reaching out with one tattooed hand, he gently clasps the little girls hand and helps her stand on wobbly legs.
"Good girl! You did so good, bumblebee!" Jungkook coos, his voice pitched low with a soothing note. It doesn't stop you from tensing slightly, awaiting the imminent arrival of screams from the toddler but they never arrive.
Instead, she lets out a high pitched giggle as Jungkook let's go of her hand to rest one palm on her back to steady her. He's smiling at her, his expression unbelievably fond and you just know if he wasn't wearing those glasses that his eyes would be almost closed with how much love was filled in them.
"Dada!" She squeaks, reaching out a pudgy hand and slapping it down on Jungkook's arm. The contrast of his tattooed skin against her baby soft own melts your heart, and that's to say nothing of how tiny she looks next to him.
"Yeah, dada is here, don't worry. I've got you." He murmurs, shifting forwards slightly until he can press his nose against her own. She giggles once more, this time far more shyly before pressing a wet kiss against his cheek.
There's no complaint from him though and he accepts the gesture of love from his daughter with grace. In return, he kisses her forehead before straightening back up and reaching for her hand.
Your heart contracts as she lets him take it and you note the juxtaposition of the sight before you. Jungkook, looking like a rockstar in all black, and his tiny daughter, dressed in soft yellows and whites. Without even realising, your phone is in your hand and you're snapping a photo of them both.
The quiet shutter sound catches Jungkook's attention and he looks in your direction. There's no surprise in his expression and you realise he'd probably heard you coming.
"Mommy's here." He sings lightly, his voice note perfect and so unbelievably sweet. As he does so, he swings Seoyeon's hand gently and grins in your direction.
Your daughter immediately lights up, her eyes brightening and nose scrunching. It's delightful how much she looks like Jungkook and you can't help but grin in response.
"Momi!" She screams, her feet stamping in pure, uncoordinated excitement. In fact, it's only Jungkook's strong grip that keeps her from falling over once more and you laugh as he carefully picks her up to prevent anymore accidents. Seoyeon automatically shifts into a comfortable position, letting her short legs dangle around Jungkook's side before leaning slightly against his shoulder as she smiles.
"Okay  bumblebee, let's not have anymore falling, hmm?" Jungkook grins at her, his teeth pearly white as they flash. "And look, mommy got you ice cream!"
He points with his free hand, distracting her away from his sunglasses which she was currently trying to pull off. When she looks away to you, he quickly takes off his glasses and slides them to hang on the neck of his shirt.
It makes the neckline pull even further down, revealing more of his defined collarbones and delicious expanse of golden skin. He doesn't even notice your reaction because his own eyes are also on the extra cone you'd bought.
Rolling your eyes in amusement, you hand one to him before carefully letting Seoyeon take hers. Not wanting to potentially ruin his shirt, which is likely with a toddler, he gently let's Seoyeon down and snorts when she happily thuds onto the ground.
Sighing, you get down on the ground next to her and make sure she's okay before cleaning off some dirt. It's pointless though as she's already stuffed half the ice cream into her mouth, leaving the creamy sweetness to smear across her face. 
You don't even say anything as you reach into the bag you always keep on hand when taking Seoyeon out and pull a wet wipe from the pack. Ignoring her grumbles of displeasure, you clean her face before letting her get back to her summer treat.
Jungkook is eating his a little more elegantly than his daughter but you can't help but snort at your husband. Twenty-nine years old and he still gets ice cream on his nose.
Realising you're laughing at him, he gives you a wide eyed look and you marvel at how sweet he looks right then. The mystery of how Jeon Jungkook can shift from sexy to innocent in the space of seconds was something that you'd been trying to figure out for ten years now and you were positive that you'd never figure it out.
Still, you were always happy to try.
"What?" He asked, his tone suspicious and you just smile angelically at him, shrugging your shoulders slightly. Eyes narrowing, he reaches over to poke your shoulder gently.
"Nothing! Just marvelling at how you and your daughter are so alike." Now his brow creases and his eyes dart from you to the apple of his eye, wondering what you're on about. Smiling, you reach forward and clean off his nose and enjoy the rose that dusts his cheeks when he realises.
"Still the same Jungkookie, hmm?" You tease lightly, using the nickname that you'd used when you first met him, twenty-five long years ago.
"Not quite the same," He smirks, rebounding from his misstep and glancing down to his tattoos before looking at his daughter. "There's a few differences."
For a moment, you simply let your eyes take him in and enjoy the fuzzy warmth in your heart. You've been together so long now, known him even longer, and yet he still made you feel like a teenager experiencing their first love.
Hopefully, it would never stop.
"I love you," The words slip from you without you even realising, but you feel no embarrassment at them. "And I love us."
Pulling Seoyeon into your lap, you give her a gentle squeeze of a hug before resting your cheek on her dark hair. So like her fathers, only his was far shorter. The greatest present that Jungkook had ever given you.
He doesn't tease you at all for your sudden declaration, instead just watching you both in turn with increasingly soft eyes. There's almost a tinge of red to them and you wonder for a moment if he was going to cry; he did that sometimes.
Instead, he just leans over and kisses Seoyeon's head. His nose brushes against yours as he does so and he takes the opportunity to whisper to you.
"I love you too, both of you." And with that, he lifts your head just enough for him to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. There's no rush to the movement and you revel in it, not letting him go immediately and tasting the sweetness of his ice cream on your lips.
In the shade of the tall trees that sway gently in the breeze that rolls through the park, you both simply enjoy your little family and the pure love that you had for each other.
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Hiii congratulation for 1000 followers! U deserve it! So i was thinking of bakugou!prohero a reader where he's always busy and always hv this photoshoot with these hot models or hot pro hero that made reader feel left out. And the last straw was when a newly magazine publish of him kissing other girls cheek (or mouth) (u do u;)) and thats when they had a bad fight that caused reader to run away. I would like it to be heavy angst with a happy ending. I love angst but after a heavy angst i like a happy ending to soothe my heart 😂 if u do choose this, gudluck!
Blinded by the Fame
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: Thank you so so much for this request! I was actually so excited to do this piece because I already had an idea I wanted to use and this scenario was PERFECTO~! So painful yet so good!
Thank you for the congratulations and I hope this request met your needs! Please let me know your thoughts!
Who said dating an upcoming hero was going to be easy? It certainly wasn’t easy, not in the slightest. You definitely had hard days. There were times when it got so difficult that you wanted to quit. But was loving the hero worth it and fulfilling? Absolutely.
Bakugou Katsuki was the love of your life. Relationships were never easy. Couples always have obstacles and challenges they have to overcome. Even when you were in tears, screaming at each other at the top of your lungs, even if you gave each other the cold shoulder the entire week, nothing could replace the warmth that was Bakugou’s arms. You would never much refuse his touch every tine, but that wouldn’t stop Bakugou from having you in his arms every night, whispering sweet nothings in your ears despite all the things he said prior. And you would forgive him. Of course you would. How could you not?
But being with a rising hero came with bearing a lot of burden that you had to keep to yourself. You didn’t like how he was working all the time. You didn’t like how he came home bruised up, sometimes not even going to the hospital if it means not being able to see you for the night. You couldn’t bare seeing him like that. But that was part of his job and that was never going to change. So no matter how much you absolutely hated the sight, you let him do his hero work because that was what he loved to do. You couldn’t interfere with his dreams of becoming the number one hero.
But the thing that itched you the most was when Bakugou was forced to promotional shoots to get his name out there. The memory of when he first started made you laugh. Being the Bakugou that he was, he flat-out refused to do it. He didn’t like getting his picture taken. He’ll dress up once in a while, and when he does it’s real clean, but he wasn’t a fan of constantly dressing up. But when he finally let go and tried it once, he saw how much fan votes and popularity he was getting and eventually, would do more here and there.
And you didn’t mind if the shoots were by himself, but most of the time, they were with other pro-heroes or very attractive models. And that you feel insecure. How could it not? Your boyfriend getting close to other women while you looked nothing like these women? You didn’t have the body, the face, the money, or the fame these women brought to the table. You would never admit it, but you hated when other women were in the picture. And you hated when one of the women would be touching him. It left a sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. You were so sure that he was going to leave you for one of them. But he proved his love by dropping down on one knee with the most gorgeous ring.
“Come with me to the shoot,” Bakugou proposed but you hesitated.
“I can just meet you at the restaurant,” you decided. The mention of being on set for one of his photoshoots seemed like a bad idea.
“I want to go together. It won’t even take long. One hour tops,” he swore and brought you by the waist, your body flushed against him. He takes your face in his hands and gently puts your foreheads together.
“I know you’ve been wanting to go to this restaurant forever. Let’s go together,” he whispers and you couldn’t help but fall for that voice over and over again.
“Okay,” you whispered back. He smiles at you, places a small kiss to your forehead, then your lips, before taking your hand to lead you to the car.
The set of the shoot was intimidating. People were running around everywhere, cameras were set in all positions, lights were blinding and hot, the space just looked so busy. And you felt like you didn’t belong. But Bakugou was so used to this kind of scene. He leads you to where the photographer and the director were talking.
“Ah, Pro-Hero Dynamite, you made it!” the director greeted your boyfriend. “Your stylist is in the next room. Go ahead and get changed and we’ll get started.” Bakugou nodded and turned to you.
“I’ll be right back,” Bakugou said and kissed you on the forehead. You watched as your boyfriend disappeared in the sea of people and then you were left all alone.
This was fine. You would just wait in the back patiently for him to be done. And then you two could enjoy a nice evening out at that fancy restaurant you’ve always been wanting to try. Just relax. You closed your eyes and took deep, but slow breaths. There was nothing to get worked up over. Afterall, it looked like Bakugou was doing this shoot by himself.
But you spoke too soon. Bakugou had appeared from the dressing room, looking all dashing and handsome. You felt your heart skip again. He was wearing a red shirt that was unbuttoned to the third button, exposing his broad and muscular chest. Over, he wore a black jacket with leather gloves and pants. His hair was styled slightly back, forehead showing. He was mesmerizing to look at. But shortly after his appearance, two women walked out behind him. Two gorgeous, fit, and slim women who wore skin tight, elegant dresses were doing the shoot with him. And for some reason, your heart began to hurt. The pang in your heart was constant that you had to beat at your chest to calm yourself down.
They were beautiful. And you had recognized one of the women: Pro-hero Miruko. You knew their history together. Bakugou had worked under Miruko during his school days and eventually worked along side with her after he graduated. You knew she was a flirt. She flirted with everybody. And that was fine, until she got alittle too touchy with your boyfriend. And that bothered you. But Bakugou was so used to her behavior that he didn’t even notice.
You couldn’t say anything. They are old time friends and co-workers. What? Are you supposed to say that he can’t be friends with her anymore just because you didn’t like it? And then you would look like the possessive girlfriend? You were fine with him being friends with other women, but they did make you nervous. Nervous because all the women he’s surrounded by are so unbelievably good looking, it put you to shame. Why would he want to be with you when he could have all these women to choose from?
But you tried to shake these negative thoughts away and playfully tugged at the ring on your ringer. There was a reason why he chose you. There was a reason why he gave you this ring. You shouldn’t think this way. But you couldn’t help it. You tried not to let it bother you, but in the end, it did. It really did. It bothered you so much that you couldn’t stop fidgeting.
You watched at Bakugou sat on the couch with both women on each side of him. His arms were lounging on the back of the couch while one girl sat next to him and Miruko stood behind him. Looking at his facial expressions, he didn’t seem interested in any of the girls. Which is a good sign?
And so the shoot started. Nothing else could be heard besides music playing in the background and the loud click of the camera. Everyone else was watching the shoot take place. Everything looked okay so far. Their outfits were scandalous but nothing scandalous was happening. The only directions the models were given was to look sexily at the camera. Bakugou delivered that perfectly with his go-to signature look. But now the photographer wanted more.
“Can the two women get a little closer, please?” the photographer asked and put his camera up to his face once more. The girls did what they were told and Bakugou didn’t even flinch. But you were growing nervous. There was more skin happening, more touching and it was making you uncomfortable. You gasped when you saw Miruko grab Bakugou by his chin to lift to towards her direction. Then she leans in, her lips ghosting over his ever so slightly, like they were about to kiss. Tears were spilling out and your cheeks heated up in anger until you finally exploded.
“Stop!” you yelled, stopping all production. Heads from all around turned to you. Mirko looked at you shocked and Bakugou was wide eyed with curiosity and concern. You gripped the handle of the purse that was slung around your shoulder, feeling anxious now that everyone was looking at you.
“Sorry, give me one moment,” Bakugou apologized to the staff. He got up, rushing towards you. He takes your hand and brings you in the dressing room. The door slammed shut and Bakugou turns to you in a huff.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he hissed. With tears streaming down your face, you were shocked by his reaction. But you were going to stand your ground.
“I don’t like how she was touching you,” you say.
“It’s my job,” he sighs in exasperation.
“Well she should learn her boundaries, whether it’s a job or not. And if you respected me at all, you would tell her no,” you stated firmly. But all Bakugou did was roll his eyes.
“You’re overreacting.” You scoff and it was your turn to roll your eyes.
“Oh, I’m overreacting? Is it wrong that I don’t like when other women are touching you?” you started to raise your voice and talk back.
“Do I have to say it again? It’s my job. If I’m going to make it big, I have to do it. What? You think I like her? You think I was going to let her kiss me? It’s just for the pictures. Geez, how sensitive can you get?” he stabbed you right in a sensitive topic. You stayed silent because you weren’t expecting him to say that. The moment you think he’s going to stop there, he keeps going.
“I might need to save lots of women who are in danger. What? You don’t want me touching them? You’re going to get jealous because I’ll have some stranger in my arms? You’re afraid that she’s going to cling to me for dear life because I’m saving her? You don’t like that?!” he was practically screaming now.
“No! I don’t like that!” you screamed right back, giving back the same amount of energy. The tension in the air was so thick, anyone could feel it. Hell, they were all listening from outside and they felt uncomfortable with the ambiance of the situation. Both parties’ chests were heaving up and down from the labored breathing. And you just glared at each other. Bakugou turns away from you, breaking the ice.
“Fine. If you’re going to be this jealous, then maybe… maybe we shouldn’t be together,” he said. That was it. That was when your heart broke into a million pieces. You felt like if you stood there any longer, you would have suffocated.
“Fine,” you whisper. He doesn’t even spare you a glance. With teary eyes and a heavy heart, you tighten your jaw as you take off your engagement ring, wiggling it off your finger and then setting it down on the counter beside you. The sound of the metal hitting the hard desk was loud enough for Bakugou to hear, but he still chose not to turn to you. You thought that maybe, just maybe, if he turned around and said he didn’t mean it, then you would have been okay. You would have forgave him for those mean things he said. And then you would have apologized to him. But he looked set on his decision.
Without another word, you turned around and sped out of that building, tears never stopping. Everyone saw you go. Miruko laid her sad eyes on you and her broke for you. Shortly after, Bakugou walks back to the couch, plopping down with a huff.
“Let’s continue,” he says begrudgingly. But nobody moves, still shell-shocked about yousr argument. But this causes Bakugou to explode.
“Are you not going to start? Let’s get on with it!!” he hollers and everyone rushes like mice to get back to production. Bakugou lets out a long sigh, face in a permanent frown.
Miruko sits on the back of the couch and looks down at her old friend. She could tell that he was hurting just as much as you, if not more.
“Idiot~” Miruko sang.
“Ha?” Bakugou glared up at his past mentor. Mirko looked at her nails, not paying mind to the hot head who was on the verge of exploding.
“You need to go apologize,” she told him, more like ordered him to.
“Like it’s my fault.”
“You didn’t take her feelings into consideration,” Miruko pointed out, silencing Bakugou on the spot. “If she was feeling a little jealous, then her feelings are totally valid. You need to do something about it and make her feel like she doesn’t need to worry about anything.” Bakugou was only getting more annoyed.
“Whatever. It’s just business. If she can’t understand that, then we don’t need to be together,” he tried to convince himself. But that only hurt himself more.
“Whatever my ass. Then if you can’t be a good boyfriend and comfort her instead of making her feel insecure, then she doesn’t need you. She can find a better man who treats her good.”
“I do treat her good,” Right?
“Oh yes, I can tell,” Miruko said sarcastically. But in all seriousness, she knew he was hurting and she was trying to give advice from a woman’s perspective, but he is so stubborn and hard-headed that he doesn’t want to admit that he was in the wrong.
“Look, you let her go home like that right now, you’re not going to get her back. Go after her,” she advices on a serious note. Bakugou takes a moment to think but it’s all too much. He ruffles his hair and shoots up from the couch.
“Fuck this shit. I’m not doing this anymore,” he announces and storms out of the building. But not before shoving the metal jewelry in his pant pocket.
You didn’t know where you were going. You just walked and walked until you wind up somewhere. And god, you were so hungry. But you couldn’t go to that fancy restaurant that Bakugou had already made reservations for. God forbid he walks in while you were eating. And with another woman? How embarrassing. You couldn’t use his name or his fame anymore. You didn’t want to go back home. What if he shows up at your place? It probably wasn’t likely. He said he was done with you. You left the ring back with him. You guys were over. He wouldn’t show up uninvited. He has no reason to. You didn’t have money on you. You didn’t have any mode of transportation. The only think you had was your phone but the battery can only last so long. So you continued on walking until you hit a park and sat down on one of the benches. You were left alone to bathe in your thoughts until the set sun.
“Where the fuck did she go?” Bakugou mumbled to himself. He checked all the alleyways, in between streets, high and low, but he couldn’t spot you. No matter how he was frustrated he was feeling, he started to get nervous. He wondered if you were okay and safe right now. You hadn’t eaten all day. Wait. There’s no way…
“Hi. Reservation for 2. Under Bakugou,” Bakugou told the hostess. He arrived at the restaurant, in hopes that you came in. But when the hostess said that you hadn’t shown up, his shoulders deflated. Back to square one. So if you weren’t here, then where were you? Had you eaten yet?
Trying his luck, he went to your apartment, but after many attempts, you didn’t open the door. You could either by ignoring him or you weren’t home yet. Knowing you, you probably weren’t home. Then he was going to wait until you came home. Taking a seat next to your door, Bakugou waited. And he was going to wait until he could see your face.
You watched as happy couples and families walked by you, having the time of their lives. You smiled sadly seeing all their smiles and laughter. How you wish you could be like that. But now you don’t even know if or when that was going to be possible. That was all you wanted. Was to be happy. You didn’t want to be in this rabbit hole of sadness. You didn’t want anybody to pity you just because you were crying. But you did long for somebody to listen to you. For somebody to tell you that it was going to be okay and that you are loved. Love… You wanted someone to love you. He just wasn’t the one for you. Then who is? Will you ever find it? Was this your only chance and you ruined it all just because you couldn’t help but feel jealous?
Stupid (y/n).
You always ruin everything in your life. The one time you got something good, it’s gone in an instant. You knew it was too good to be true. But there’s no going back now. It already happened and now you have to move on.
By the time you noticed, the sun had already set and darkness fell upon you. You wanted to stay longer. You debated whether or not you were going to sleep on the park bench. But after recalling new articles of kidnappings happening around the country recently, you decided to go home.
It took you a while to go home. You walked as slow as you could, taking your sweet time returning back to your apartment. All you want to do is snuggle up in bed and go to sleep. You were so exhausted. Mentally, physically and emotionally. You just needed some rest and then you can worry more in the morning. You were coming up to your apartment and saw a person sitting on the floor what looked like in front of your apartment door. No. But there’s no way.
Blonde hair.
That was all it took for you to turn back, go down those stairs and back to the park. You couldn’t face him right now. You were already broken up so why was he there? He said all he needed to say so why was he there?
You thought you were being sneaky but Bakugou caught you. He saw you going back down those stairs and he immediately got up and chased after you.
“(y/n)!” he called out to you but you ignored him. The sound of his voice made your heart clench.
“(y/n)!” he called again, but louder. Again, you continued to ignore him.
“(y/n)!” he called for the last time, this time grabbing your arm. But you shook him as fast as he grabbed you.
“No, leave me alone,” you managed to say. Just keep on walking. Maybe if you walk long and far enough, he’ll give up. But he wasn’t giving up.
“(y/n), stop!” he grabbed you again, yet this time tighter so you couldn’t escape. Then he traps you in between him and the wall, forcing you to face him.
“Stop! Let me go! Leave me alone!” you cry. Your tear stained face and puffy eyes broke Bakugou’s heart. He did this to you. Fuck. He was the worst. You thrashed around, forcing him to let go, hitting him to push him away. Anything so he could get away from you.
Bakugou let you hit him. He deserved it. Every hit that you take at him, he deserved. Slowly but surely, he pulled you in for a hug. You were so drained that you let him. And as soon as you were in his embrace and your cheek hit his chest, you cried. You let it all out and didn’t stop. Bakugou didn’t say anything. He just held you, patting your head until you calmed down.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. He kissed the top of your head and rested his head there. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He continued to say. Your cries were muffled by being buried in his chest.
You held onto him tight, continuing to cry your heart out. You thought you were never going to see him again. You thought you were never going to hold him again. Or smell him. You world was crashing down on you but was slowly being put together again.
“Do you want to go inside?” he asks you softly. Your voice was too hoarse and sore from all the crying, so you nodded your head, not letting go of him. Bakugou got the hint and picked you up princess style and led you into the house. There was going to be a lot of talking happening soon in that tiny apartment. It was going to be a long night.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Best friends Brother - G.W
Part 1 of my slow burn mini-series, inspired by and dedicated to @amourtentiaa , want to be tagged? Let me know!
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Part 2
George Weasley x Fem Reader 
About: The Reader is falling for her best mates older brother, she confines in Ron who is already afraid of losing his best friend to the brothers he’s so pressured to be like.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mention of food and eating, but of angst, George punching a creep.
Walking away from Hagrid’s hut towards the castle, thoughts about the more quiet Weasley twin filled your hazy head - you were planning on shooting your shot, but first you needed some advice and the only person who could do that right now is your best friend Ron - currently chewing your ear off about Hermione and the house elves. 
“She doesn’t know when to stop does she? All the S.P.E.W nonsense, if she brings it up one more time-”
“Hey, do you think George likes anyone?” you asked as cool as possible, trying to contain your nervousness and excitement. 
Although you and George had only spoken few words to one another, he was all you could think about, all you ever thought about, day in day out. You would share sweet glances and looks across the common room in the evening, the beautiful amber glare coming from the flames projecting onto George’s face, making him look like an angel. 
As much as you liked him, you were terrified that he wouldn’t feel the same, that he only saw you as his little brothers best friend - you hated it. 
Ron slowed down from his brisk walk and he continued to stare at the ground “George? As in.. my brother?” 
“yeah” you smiled shyly, swallowing hard. 
Ron could feel his heart flutter, the idea of another person - his best friend - favouring one of his legendary twin brothers over him made him sick to his stomach, he couldn’t lose anyone else, he wouldn’t let it.
He pondered his thoughts, perhaps you were asking for someone else, someone Ron didn’t care about - the desperation in his stomach kept churning to find out. 
“I don’t know” he replied in a huff “we don’t really talk much, why you asking anyway?” 
You went quiet, suddenly finding interest in the scenery as the two of you edged closer to the castle. 
“uh, no reason” you lied, running your hand through your hair. 
For all of Ron’s flaws, he could tell when his best friend was lying - he never failed calling you out for it in the past, you learnt not to play any card games with him - especially when galleons were on the table. 
The two of you entered the loud castle, pushing past students in the hall, making your way to the Gryffindor common room.
“you like him, don’t you?” Ron muttered under his breath, making sure everyone else around you couldn’t hear.
You sighed and made eye contact with Ron, his facial expression even more sour than when he puked up slugs in first year. 
You walked up the stairs and held on to the rail, looking around for the Fat Lady “I suppose I do, I was thinking of asking him to-”
Ron could feel the sweat form in his palms and under his arms, images of you and George being together all the time instead of him flashed before him.
“I don’t know, Y/N, you’re two years younger than him, you haven’t spoken more than ten words to each other.” 
Your heart pained for a moment, your spirits crushing like the ingredients in one of Snape’s potions.
“I just don’t think he’ll like you that much, I don’t want you to get hurt.” he finished, the two of you finally reaching the portrait. 
“I guess so” you mumbled “you know him better than I do.”
Over the next few days you couldn’t stomach being around George, each time you looked into his gorgeous eyes and seeing him smile, caused your heart pain, a lump forming in your throat, and hot tears filling your eyes. 
At first George didn’t notice but when he would wave and smile - only to be ignored, he couldn’t help but overthink; wondering if he had done something wrong. 
It wasn’t just George who you ignored, you kept away from your best friend Ron too - Ron felt like shit but you were away from George and that gave him enough of a clear conscience to sleep at night. 
You couldn’t sleep, you missed your best friend even when he hurt your feelings, you also felt hopeless, the only person you ever showed an interest in wouldn’t even give you a chance.  
“What’s been up with Y/N lately? George asked his younger brother, buttering his toast, causing Ron to almost choke on his. 
“What you on about?” 
George rolled his eyes and swallowed his food, “unbelievable you are, she’s been avoiding you like the plague and she won’t even look at me.”  
“So, did you make up your mind yet?” 
You swore silently under your breath, recognising the voice who called out to you - an attractive and charming Hufflepuff student in George’s year with short black hair kept asking you over and over to go on a date with him in Hogsmeade, each time you said no had failed to satisfy his desire. 
“Uh” you were trying to figure out the best way to tell him to fuck off, but then again, what did you have to lose? “yeah, I’ll be there” you faked a smile. 
Ron watched in the distance and felt relieved, from his perspective, the possibility of you and George seemed incredibly slim to none. He walked over towards you as soon as the lad split, a smile creeping up on his face. 
“Y/N, alright?” he smiled, his hands in his pockets. 
You stared at him, yes you were hurt, but you missed him - he could do much worse to cause a much bigger fall out between the two of you. 
“I suppose” you sighed “walk with me to Transfiguration class?” 
Ron smiled “can do”
“and took your bloody shirt in!” you scolded him, bumping into him playfully. 
As much as you enjoyed visiting Hogsmeade, you couldn’t help but want to go back home and climb back into your warm bed, hiding away from the world - but your habit of trying to see the best in people lead you here - waiting outside Honey Dukes for your date to arrive. 
“Look at you!” he called out, walking over and kissing your hand “ready for the best day of your life?” he grinned.
Best day of my life? with you? I should’ve stayed in bed.
“Sure” you replied, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
The best day of your life wasn’t too bad, you had someone new to talk to, to try and get your mind off things - but your heart couldn’t help but yearn for George. You looked around the shops thinking of the products he liked, disliked, and what he bought for Ron at Christmas. 
Your date had more to blab about himself than get to know you, he held your hand and bought you a much needed Butterbeer - but he talked so much that he didn’t even get round to drinking his own. The more he had to say, the more he tried to impress you, the more you disliked him, making you fall for George even more. 
Finally breaking out from the busy and overwhelming pub and out into the cold, your date stood in front of you with a strange expression on his face. 
“So?” he shrugged
“so, what?” you stared at him, your patience wearing thin. 
The shared laughter between George and Ron came to a halt when George spotted you with his classmate, he knitted his brows together. 
“Why’s Y/N around that plonker?” he asked his younger brother. 
Ron looked at you then back to George “she’s on a date”
George shook his head “he’s an absolute creep” 
The two of them stared, the student took a hold of your hand and tried to pull you in for a kiss, you pulled away and glared at him, trying to not make a scene. 
“Fucking pervert!” George hissed, storming over towards the two of you “Hey!”
George clenched his jaw, his nostrils flared and his glaring gaze settled on on the lad, he bunched his right hand into a fist and swung, everything went in slow motion as George punched him in the face. 
You were speechless, you didn’t know what to say, all you could do was stare and watch the fight unfold. 
“Stay away from her or my foot will rip you a new one!” George threatened him, he turned to you, his facial expression instantly turning soft.
“th-thank you” 
“you don’t need to thank me love, are you alright?” George searching your eyes with his, full of care and concern. 
Your heart fluttered, his voice, him speaking to you sounded like the most fascinating birds chirping, and his caring face caused fireworks in your stomach to erupt into the sky. 
You wanted to take your chance, ask him out and start over but before you could do any of that, let alone reply, Ron hurried over and interrupted; putting you back in your place and making you remember how his brother felt about you. 
“Proper shiner he’ll have in the morning” Ron laughed “sort your knuckles out George, if anyone sees they’ll send a letter home.” 
The fluttering in your heart died down, the chirping of the birds instantly turning into the most dreadful squawks, and the fireworks in your stomach burning out, starving the embers before they could relight.  
“Thanks again” you murmured quietly, flashing George one last smile before walking away, wanting to retreat to your bed and hide away. 
George had to admit, he felt quite hurt that you went back to ignoring him after he had your back the other week - he knew that you didn’t owe him anything, not even an explanation - but he couldn’t understand why even after making up with Ron, you still refused to look at him.
Sitting on the sofa in the common room in your pyjamas, you flicked through your Quidditch magazine and blinked over and over whilst you looked across the page, sleep trying to pull you in. 
“Georgie, I’ve already said-” 
Jolting awake, you looked behind you and stared at the twins, long roles of parchment in one hand and a map in the other, you yawned and rubbed your eyes, closing your magazine. 
“It’s okay boys, I’m going to bed anyway.” you yawned again, slowly getting off the sofa. 
Fred and George shared a look, the older twin nodding his head towards you “go on then, mate, I’ll be upstairs.”
Fred walked past you, he whispered a “goodnight!” and went off to his dorm, leaving you alone with the person you wanted more than anyone in the world. 
George pursed his lips, standing around awkwardly before approaching you “Y/N, can we talk?” he asked softly. 
You nodded slowly, the nerves piping up in your tummy. 
“What’s up?”
“You’ve been ignoring me, love” he said softly “have I done something wrong?” 
This was your moment, not to ask him out - but to tell him the truth. 
You pushed your stray hairs out of your face and sighed, the lad of your dreams standing beside you, looking down on you. 
“I have feelings for you George” you admitted, your mouth going dry “and that’s why I have to stay away from you, because I know you’re never going to feel the same.” 
George went quiet, the embers from the fire spreading and making it set alight, the amber tones coming from the flames resting on his face. He smiled for a moment and licked his lips, looking into your eyes.
“Tomorrow night” he whispered softly in your ear “where we first met”
Tag list: @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl  
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Okay rockstars, settle down
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rockstar!bucky barnes x assistant!reader x rockstar!loki laufeyson / masterlist
summary; having previously worked for loki, it causes a heat to burn within bucky’s already accumulated hate towards the musician / warnings; threesome, smut, mxf and mxm sex, mentions of sex with other characters, oral sex (male and female receiving), creampie, unprotected sex, double penetration, degradation, swearing, orgasm denial, cum eating
“Can’t believe you worked for that wanker.” Snarked Bucky as an image of the well known, musically spread, and acoustically acclaimed, Loki Laufeyson was shown on the screen of the dressing room television, as the other artist stretched his clothing bare arms across the back of the couch. “Come here sweet cheeks.”
At his command, you dismissed the paper work for a moment, trailing over and straddling the inked hunk’s chain belted lap, digging your manicured set of nails into his shoulders, as you seated yourself over his crotch. “I’m happy I work for you now Buck, you treat me so good.”
Punctuating your words, you pressed your teeth into your bottom lip, giving it the appearance of being more plump, as you batted your dark eyelashes up at your employer. “I do, don’t I?” He rhetorically asked, skimming his fingers across the length of your arms, before moving them to sloppily cup your jaw, ensuring that you would not look away from his wild and dilated pupils. “Tell me what I do better than the lead singer of the god of mischief.”
At his words, a small yet peaceful contortion of uncomfortableness split a skin grafted line through the centre of your forehead, stating that you had no wish to do so. And thus, as punishment for your self aversive silence, Barnes braced his knuckles into your skin, causing you to keen out, and tap his shoulders in verification for surrender.
In turn, you lowered your hands, dragging the tips of your nails, absentmindedly running them down the expanse of his waxed chest, conveniently passing the silver hoops that were attached to his nipples on the trail to a less dominant ground. “I prefer the way that your songs have a heavier bass and-“
“Uh uh uh, not the music. Think of something that has you, let’s say, screaming, but definitely not in a crowd. Though, we may have to try that one sometime; show the world how hungry you are to assist me.”
“You, James Bucky Barnes,” he loosened his grip to your relief, which lead to you hugging in spite, “are the best fuck I have ever endured. Loki has nothing on you, he deems himself a god of the arts, but he doesn’t see how you paint me so perfectly with your cum, nor how you bend my body to your whim, as though I am a tool in the midst of your creations, useful, but disposable.”
“I like the sound of that doll. Disposable, now that really does you make you sound like my personal cum dump.”
“That’s was certainly interesting to listen to...”that voice had your body jolting in shock, and it appeared that Bucky too was surprised by the presence, though, he steadied his well versed hands on your hips, claiming you to the intimate spot.
“What the fuck are you doing in my dressing room you greasy haired weasel?” Bucky sneered, his nose turning up at the sight alone of his competition in the lyrical world. Loki, he had graced you with his presence, and you had to look away; he admittedly looked good.
His shirt was open chested, leaving you with the memorable impression of all the times that you had left crescent marks upon that particular surface, a few times you had even drawn blood, but that had only fuelled his mission to fuck you into a propeller of urgency.
“Our new album Laufey has just been released, I can confirm my dear, you shoulda stayed around and knelt in our success. The records are certainly going to have more sales than what was it called again? Ah yes, the red star. I could tell it was about this one, so much passion, a sultry tune, that did little to justify what it means to be with her.”
Loki’s hands waved around as he spoke, and you could only picture the past whence he penetrated your with those long and talented fingers of his. He had drawn orgasm after orgasm out of you, resulting you to be nothing more than a withering mess, as he digressed the option to simply stop. There was nothing simple about him, nor the time that he demanded that he shared you with his brother.
That thought alone had you mindlessly grinding upon Bucky’s covered cock, plucking at your lip with the keys of your teeth, though Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality, causing you to pause your movements embarrassingly, venting a clear out of your head to process the situation that was before you. The two were bickering like two teenage girls, and it was quite exhausting to listen to.
“Answer the question trickster, else I’ll have you fed to the infamous black panther, and let’s just say that he is the best bodyguard I have ever hired. So, are you going to speak, or will I have you dragged out of here like a damned serpent with a noose around its neck?” Bucky threatened, gritting his teeth together, his nose straining in frustration, drawing more attention to the small stud on the right side of his nose.
“Looks like she needs me Barnes, perhaps your reputation does not proceed you. But to answer in full, my band have made quite the rise, and I thought it would be... fitting to pay you a visit. Though I had no idea that this wonderful woman would be here, pining on your lap like some feline in heat. I see she’s fucking you now, after all my suspicions are never wrong. Or we’ll, Heimdall’s train of thought always ends up at the right station.”
“Can the pair of you stop, for one goddamn minute!” Your hands obscured a path into your hair, as you glared back and forth between the pair of rival rockstars. “I am here, dammit! Stop talking about me as though I am not here, a part of me wishes that I wasn’t so I didn’t have to listen to your bitching.”
Without any thought, you clambered from your perch on Bucky’s lap, walking towards the raven haired gentleman, pointing your finger in his face as you accused him. “You’ve got your point across, but I’ll tell you something. If you don’t leave, Heimdall will see me putting my foot up your ass.”
“Does she speak to you like this Barnes? I thought she had loosened up in more ways than one when I allowed Thor to stretch her cunt, but it appears that that mouth of hers has gotten a little out of hand also. You should do something about that, or else you’ll lose her to someone else like a did. Who knows, could be Romanoff, heard she has a thing for brats.”
Natasha Romanoff, a diverse woman in her ways and songs. She was the queen of the rock culture, tormenting her workers with her verbal abuse and it would undoubtedly be no different for her assistant. If you were to be under her employment, it was certain that you would not get out alive, nor work for another talented person for the rest of your life. To cross her, was a vow to sign your own death certificate, it was plain stupidity, yet people still hustled with her and her limits, resulting in their chances of ever getting hired for any job, vastly slim to none.
At the lack of defence that Bucky provided you, you felt small, your shoulders slacked as you were tortured with Loki’s cold and silky gaze, more so when the man stood up, pressing his bare chest against your back. You could feel the rings that hung off the buds that adorned his chest coil and dig into your back, shrouding your demeanour substantially.
A part of you wanted nothing more than for Bucky to abuse Loki’s face with his fist, specifically the right, since it was the bearer to a chunky silver ring. It’d leave quite the print, however, the unexpected unravelled as his enquiring tone was aimed not at you, but Loki instead.
“You let your brother fuck her, hmm. Maybe she should learn her manners by being shared, that way her retrospective spattering of bullshit may be contained, to a limit of course.” It was unbelievably, you could not believe that Bucky was conferring with the enemy! And not only that, they were talking about experiences of having you literally become speechless from their unprofessional administrations upon your body. “I’d get T’Challa in here, but I know she’s already fucked him. Can’t quite fire him for it though, because who could ever say no to those pretty eyes, and that mouth, god, it is definitely one of her most persuasive attributes.”
“Bu-“ you didn’t even get to finish imploring his name off your lips, about to defend yourself and your previous actions, though, you were interrupted, starved from the opportunity of coming up with an explanation.
“No.” Loki told you, the roles now reversed as he was the one with his index finger aimed at you. He tapped your nose with it, as he began to pace in the room, his wild locks remaining in their place as he spun, before facing Bucky, a sly tranquility of a truce veining out from the pools of his evergreen orbs. “You don’t speak a word to me y/n, not whilst I’m having a conversation with James here.”
James. It was too far a polite way for him to address your boss. They were all hot and ready to tear out each other’s throats a moment ago, and now here they were, having a silent conversation without your inclusion. It had you reeling your mind as to why, until Bucky gathered your hair in his hand to the side, sliding you y/h/c locks over your shoulder, and finally deemed it acceptable for you to hear his voice.
Though, he still was not directing his tensive words in your direction. “Since you had dealt with this subordinate behaviour from her, perhaps you’d like to join us; help me train her to become more...” His breath fanned your the top of your ear, making your skin crawl by not only his warm and inviting breath, but also the offer that he had supposed to the other man.
“Obedient?” Loki asked in turn of his wispy ended offer of optimism, his leather, sharp tipped boots taking a prominent, heart clenching step towards you. He reached his finger out, grasping a loose strand that had fallen out of Bucky’s grip and before your face, tugging lightly on it, as his lips came dangerously close to your own. “Rules aren’t your forfeit, are they my dear? The best assistant I ever hired, with all those unique ideas floating around in that independent head of yours, but you’ve always been troublesome. I remember the time that you bit my cock that day you had attitude. I reckon Bucky here could do a better job.”
“Then why doesn’t he?” You hissed as said man tugged on his handful of your hair, instantly making you regret your phrase in the moment. To a halting surprise however, Bucky released you, lightly shoving you to cause you to fumble forwards, and away from him.
“Maybe I will.” He dared, earning a nod from Loki, whom seductively began to unzip his loose trousers, as Bucky descended to the ground, his hands running up his rival’s thighs, as the material dropped around Loki’s ankles. It would seem, that he had gone commando, and as Bucky grasped Loki’s shaft, you felt a pull in your chest inherently demanding that you play some part in this fornication.
“Wait.” Your hand shot out, as though you had some force to stop them from continuing with their war path to exact all of their developed spit onto you. “What about me?” You were ss
“Oh no doll, you are not pulling any strings here, if you wanna do something useful, come here and warm my cock, you can watch me blow your old associate.” A slither of a whimper fell from your lips, it wasn’t exactly what you were prying towards, but you sure as hell were not going to refuse the contact that Bucky was obliged to give you.
Thus you wandered towards him, your pinkies curling around one another, as you sashayed to the ground beside him, watching as he paid Loki no mind for a moment, ruthlessly in a desperation fuelled motion, unbuckled his thick belt, and shoved the material of his leather trousers to be held accountable against his lower thighs, just above his tense knees.
He too, as their exteriors supposed, had forgone the extra layer that kept his cock tucked away, though it was exposed as he tugged those tight trousers down, and the sight of both his and Loki’s cocks bobbing in the same vicinity had you close to quivering.
It was somewhat of a dream portrayed in the viscous space of reality, the two men half undressed in then proximity of yourself, it was something that you had always imagined, even before you had left Loki’s side, and opted to work for Bucky, but the idea was definitely short lived. They hated each other, but apparently they were willing to put all their issues aside to prohibit you from freely running your mouth.
Bucky’s cock twitched as he patted his own thigh, ordering you without the aid of his voice to commence it as a servant’s throne, or in your case, a stool for you to rest on as he tended to intimate needs of the man that you had once worked for. Finally, with the decision of better judgement, you allowed your grey jumper dress to slide down your body, leaving you nude, and the aspect of the two men’s unforgiving and locked gazes.
“No underwear, and you wonder why your men have no difficulty in her allowing them to fuck her.” Bucky took ahold of his cock, squeezing his cock with one hand, whilst his other aided you in sitting on his muscular legs, as he lightly growled up at the opposing rockstar.
From the stiff grip that Bucky affirmed around his sceptre, Loki gasped, his pale lips instantly shutting once the sound wantonly abandoned him. The last thing that he wanted was for Bucky to see him in vulnerable poise, though with that said, it’d be rather difficult considering the smutty circumstances.
Bucky took Loki’s long, alabaster prick into his mouth, starting from the primrose tip and descending down, reciprocating the action that you did yourself as you sheathed yourself onto his cock, but instead with his lips. A grunt rendered along Loki’s length as the man bit back a whimper, the vibrations running through his veins like a transpiring pulse of sorcery.
Bucky opted for bobbing his head, as you endured the liberation of his very slightly gyrating movement inside of you. Though, despite him being almost completely still and leaving you full to the brim with his thick length, his balls resting against the partition where he was delved into you, you remained transfixed.
The motion image, recording first hand through your own eyes, of him blowing Loki was sinful, but you were drawn to it. If that made you a sinner, one endorsed by the graphic scene, licking your lips from the sight of Bucky running his studded tongue up the length of Loki, dipping the ball of silver metal into his slit, then so be it.
Your heart raced as you were met with an opportunity. A globe of saliva, strung by the lapping muscle of Bucky’s tongue dropped down; you practically saw its fall in slow motion. It was done before you could register your actions, you had leant forwards, catching the trickle of spit in your mouth, thinking not for a moment as you gulped the subjective liquid down.
Bucky’s pace increased, he gagged lightly as he jolted him further down his throat. Loki hummed, harshly grabbing Bucky’s dark brunette locks, biting his lip as he reimagined your little catch. It had him feeling close, and just as he was about to finish, precum furiously pooling out of his tip, Bucky pulled back, a smirk marking his features.
“You’re not cumming in my mouth, I don’t mind sucking dick, nor swallowing, but I have to practically listen to you jizz over your own talent, and prowl over my girl.” The name he labelled you with had your heart fluttering, but not nearly as much as when he lightly pulled out of you, infuriating you with the lack of any pleasurable esteem. “Don’t you worry babes, you can finish with me inside of you, like always.”
That used to be him, Loki thought with a brewing rage in his chest. Though he instead shrugged out of his dull patterned striped shirt that was already loose on his shoulders. The fabric hit the floor, leaving all of you barren to the subject of nudity.
“Always doesn’t suppose the past Barnes.” Loki stated, referring to all the various times that he had found refuge in your spongey walls, you willingly clenching around him, and pleading for him to hit a deeper spot within you. “And I do not prowl, I don’t need to. The evidence is there between her legs, coiling in juices surrounding her ever so willing folds, that are prepared to endure the harshest of penetrations.”
“What are you trying to do, write a fucking song about this?” Scoffed Bucky, rolling his crystallised orbs at the guts that this man had. If he so much as wanted to, he could stop this passage into a three way all together, but he did not, at least he had yet to. He was enjoying the way that you were squirming to yourself, thinking that he didn’t notice, squeezing the sides of your thighs together in an aroused matrimony.
“A fucking song would’ve the correct term - literally.” Was the affirmed words of Loki, as he shoved Bucky to be sat beside you, tilting his messy brush of crazed hair, his untrustworthy eyes drifting to you. “Who’d you want to fuck you, you fangirling slut?”
It was truthfully a difficult decision. “Both.” You admitted, your bones jumping as Bucky pinched one of your erect nipples, continuing to hold a sturdy clasp of his pads around the sensitive flesh; you couldn’t jut choose one of them. Not when they were both in such close range, bore in nothing more than their birthdays suits, talking about your quivering and diversely accepting cunt.
They knew that you couldn’t possibly refuse one or the other. You were vastly too hungry to be filled like you had never been before, shagged by two of three most well known artists in the industry, earnestly and mindlessly earning yourself a title within the circle of uptight yet simultaneously chill performers.
Perhaps, if Bucky we to ever potentially fire you, there would be another pursuer for your articulating talents on standby, awaiting for the moment that you walked out of his complex door to swoop you up as though they were a predatory falcon, flying off into a stationed sunset, those around seeing you as nothing more than a shadow of the ambient orb, but the one who had employed you finding you to be a sufficing inspiration.
Large hands swallows your hips, firmly controlling their angle as they grasped you in their strong, almost super human hold, lifting you so that you were tentatively tucked in a reverse cowgirl position on Bucky’s lap. It was the third time that you had been this close to him, it would almost be intimate, if your legs weren’t strewn in an open, all revealing splay, so that Loki could see your boss tease his tip around your entrance before sliding you down his length, extracting a strong wail from your churning throat.
Your own hand resented down, applying swirls of pressure down on your clit; it appeared that they were willing you to continue without interruption. Bucky lightly, despite the power that he was promoted to in this position, began to bounce you on his shaft, spewing small mewls out from your agape mouth.
Fisting his cock, Loki approached, Bucky reachin this seen hands down to spread te lips of your pussy, so that the other man was guaranteed a crude glimpse of you being stufffed. Though, you weren’t quite filled enough, for Bucky raised a brow and prompted Loki to allow himself to be pulled closer by your axed and whining aura.
He brushed his tip languidly against your buzzing clit, dragging through your slick and jab i at your delicate fingers before probing at the base of Bucky’s cock, and pushing inside, right along his rival’s length, the pair moaning out in a pleasured union. On the other and, you had tears falling from the crescents of your eyes, the stretch so much that it was a blistering pain to your cunt.
“Don’t go all meek dear, you and i both know this is far from the first instance where you’ve had more than one cock in this nasty, betraying cunt of yours.” Loki taunted, gripping the vulnerable expanse of your throat from behind, his icy glazed skin sending provocative shivers down your spine, making your pussy pulse from the chill that ran through your body.
And then, i a split instant, both cocks began to piston into your walls, as though you were nothing more than a rag doll, meant o be thrown around and handled in a disorderly fashion. They ere ruthless, groaning out symphonies in the cursive air around you, as your walls engulfed their pricks more than snugly.
You felt so wide down there, they were taking a pirating toll on your body stealing every breath that dared wither from your lips, tweezing their nimble fingered around various parts of your body, all in due retrospect or coerce you into fucking them back, making all actions in the mass of bodies a mutual effort.
Loki lowered his head down meeting Bucky for a sloppy, brash kiss. It was clear they were simply doing that part to fulfil a greedy desire in your stomach, but you were not one that minded. It was, like the rest of their frenzy of collaborations, a competitive mess. They nipped harshly at each other’s lips, ravenously all in the meanwhile ploughing your body with their har girths.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” Your tongue dribbled, earning satisfied, lust induced smirks from both parties that were currently penetrating you, making you writhe harder against their lengths a new flow of moisture weeping out from your hole, lubricating their movements further, it encouraging them to do nothing more than continue what they were doing, despite their better judgements.
The truth was, they were rockstars. They had no better judgement, which is why everyone like them needed someone like you. Their thought were clouded with one mission, and for once in their spent lifetimes, it was not to beat the others, at least not to a certain extent anyways. It was their assignment, delivered by their own hands, to bring you to the edge, and that’s physically what they reformed to do.
One of them were groping your nipples, whilst the other confined the same treatment to your ass cheeks. Loki found your Rocky enables of positive feedback to be icicles and they were beautiful, he stared at them, as though they were divine ploys extracted from the mythical kingdom of Jotunheim, their residence in the realm to be the peacemakers of all bountiful creatures, much like himself and Barnes.
A rich euphoric groan exuberated from Bucky as he allowed himself to spoil, but he tutted whence he watched Loki’s features suppose that he was to follow shortly behind. “Not inside of her.” Bucky growled, sufficing Loki to roll his eyes, and pull out, the man behind you furiously replacing your hand, rolling our clit in his grasp until a sinful scream enveloped the air, commencing them all to the fact that you had just came.
Loki found the show to be unfair, and instead, spilled his priceless seed onto the huffing skin of your stomach, you eyes fluttered shut at the warm feeling pooling onto you. You leant back, drawing your neck into a crooked angle as you swiped your tongue wordlessly over the piercing on Bucky’s right nipple, metal providing a relief to the heat that your body was and had been swarmed with. “ Last chance you’re gonna have t taste her sweet cunt.”
“You do certainly have some faith in this one Barnes, but I do doubt that it will be the last instance in which i am todo so.” His silver tongue pried at your cum soaked flesh, drinking up all the essence that you had to offer, onshore the flavour that Bucky had brought to the table, i the form of a succulent drizzling of Snow White cum.
As Loki finishes swabbing his tongue over your cunt, Bucky adoringly kisses you, much sweeter than he has before. It was sort, and almost chaste, but his blue eyes roamed your face, delicately observing the high points of your face, that were covered with a sheen of great force making you as he would put it, glow.
The pair of you weer exhausted, there was still some swollen was to his lips from where he had sucked off Loki. His hands cradled you around your waist, his feet kicking Loki back as you whimpered from opaque sensitivity. “I guess that was you bidding me a dew.” Sneered the trickster, fishing for his clothes, as he spared you a spark filled glare, to which you ignored.
Once he was situated back into his attire, he left the sex scented room,a hollow smirk chapping his lips as he strutted th a purpose out into the hallway, taking a left instead of a right, and creeping into barnes’ studio to see what the man was working on in the midst of his enduring tour/ He was always the trickster, and nothing different was to ever be expected out of him.
“That was good.” You mumbled, rubbing your ode lovingly across the scruff that coated his jaw. His fingers made small circles upon your tummy, humming contently as he remained sheathed inside of you. He had to admit, he preferred it when it was just him, but his lonesome, sheathed within your walls, feeling the small trembles of your walls around him. It was practically heaven, and he would say so if he believed in such a place.
A deliberate knock ruined the moment, as the man entered,he quarrelled with himself where her to casually look in the direction of the pair of you or to avert his sight around, and blankly at the all. “What is it T’Challa?” Grumbled the man inside of you, quirking a thin brow at the timing of his presence.
“Loki; he managed to get into ur data, and he’s leaked a whole bunch of your music.” Of course, Loki would not come here to simply gloat, there was alas something extra up his green sleeve, and now it was revealed.
“Son of a bitch!” Bucky made a move to stand, but instead prohibited a whimper out of you as hi ships jutted angrily tip on instinct. “Get Odin on the phone, we’re going to have a little chat about his slippery hands son!” Barked Bucky, prepared t do anything to bring his greatest threat down, compiling him into the put of hate industry, until he was forgotten about, unable to ever produce new music again.
“Talk to Sif.” You whispered, becoming the image of his assistant once more, even if his cum lathered cock was prevailing within a rut of required stress relief, growing in the conjunction of your wall with his body guard there. “She loathes him, and rightfully so. He got her kicked out and she has dirt on him that nobody else has ever heard. If you want to take I’m down, she is your in.”
The strict tone grammatically supported by your logical information was definitely turning Bucky on again. He could handle you more than fine without Loki’s aid, he was just a means to an end, as it was clearly shown in his priorities.
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jj-5656 · 4 years
The Fight
With; Newt (TMR)
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A/N: Kind of a long one guys. Thank you again for all the love. I appreciate every like, reblog, and comment. Enjoy!
Warnings: mention of suicidal thoughts/attempt, anxiety, minor panic attack, Minho being an ass (I promise it’s not all depressing and sappy there is a good amount of angst/fluff ofc)
“Bugger off Newt, I want to be left alone.” The boy trails behind as you stomp over to the forest, figuring collecting fertilizer would be better than having to tolerate the pestering blonde any longer.
“Don’t you want someone to keep you company?”
“Am I still speaking English? Leave me be.” It’s been a long day, and a part of you is still getting used to the harsh, mundane work days of the glade since you’re arrival a few months ago. It’s been a lot of pressure, but surprisingly you’ve managed to hold it together. It’s impressive too, you’ve managed to adapt better to your new life better than any other glader had. Perhaps that was why the boy was so drawn to you.
It’s not like he had wanted to be. In fact, Newt would have been more than happy treating you like any other glader. But it just so happened the one and only girl in the glade just had to be a natural track-hoe, so there was no avoiding her. Not her smooth skin, glistening eyes, or her infectious laugh-
“Hello? Would you quit it, shank? It’s like you want to get me jacked.”
“Maybe I just like seeing you all riled up.” You can feel the smirk playing on his stupidly Cherry-red lips as he teases you, quickening his pace so he can grab the straggling branches of the thick forest out of your way. Your stomach flips at his words, but it’s quickly filled with hot anger as the nervousness fades. He won’t quit flirting, and despite your quit wit you’re finding it harder to snap back at him when he says things like that. He doesn’t even mean it
“You’re infuriating!”
“And you’re gorgeous.” The words slip past his tongue before he can catch him, and your footsteps stutter over a stray twig amongst the brush on the ground. You almost trip, but the glader behind you is quick to catch your forearm. It’s silent, and you’re darting your head around just fast enough to catch the stunned look on his face, informing you he hadn’t meant to voice the compliment aloud. Your eyes narrow, trying your best to ignore the longing temptation within you begging to kiss away the stupid blush in his cheeks.
“You know, instead of searching the forest for fertilizer, I should just pick up all the klunk that comes out of your mouth.” The harsh words come without much thought, but you don’t completely regret saying them. If he was actually interested, he wouldn’t be so keen on making you annoyed every minute of every day.
His eyebrows narrow, but if your snarky comment provoked any thought he doesn’t voice it.
“Shuck, sorry then newbie. I’ll slim it.”
“Listen, I was a newbie four greenies ago! So you can stop calling me that.” You spin on your heel to face him, standing your ground when he stops short in order to not run you over. When you meet eyes, he gives a kind smile, studying your features intently. Almost as if you were in a daze, you do the same. Relishing in the sounds of the nature around you and the warm sun beaming through the tree tops, perfectly illuminating the lightest streaks in the taller boy’s hair. You hadn’t notice before, but there are small puddles of gold in his deep brown eyes, speckled about in his irises and disappearing when he tilts his head to the side in feigned curiosity. He licks his lips before letting his accented voice break the silence.
“What’s up with you?”
“What? Nothing.”
“You’ve got that look about you.”
“What look?”
“That look.”
“I don’t have a look.”
“Well, I’m looking at you right now, and you have a look.”
“What look?!” He grins at your suddenly aggravated persistence, holding back a laugh when you let out a dramatic groan and start to tread deeper into the woods. 
Later that night, you’re making conversation with Frypan as you help with the dishes. He’s good company, and most times mundane chores like cleaning up after other gladers seem to fly by when he’s around. You let out a sigh when a familiar hand reaches out to help you take out one of the heavier pots from the drying rack. 
“Didn’t know you were a cook, greenie.”
“Maybe I;’m just trying to avoid you.”
“Impossible, you’d miss me too much.” 
“What do you want, shank.”
“What, I can’t help out too?”
Just then, you’re pulled away by the forearm with a strong yank. Releasing yourself from Mihno’s grip and rubbing the excess suds off of your hands quickly.
“What the hell?”
“Listen, you want him to quit being a shank towards you right?”
“Of course I do Minho, but-“
“Then flirt with me.”
“Flirt with me, squeeze my arm and laugh like I just said something really funny.”
“You’re already saying something funny. You must be jacked.” You attempt to blow your friend off and walk away, but he pulls you toward him again.
“Just humor me for a minute, yeah? Let’s see how riled up this shank gets.”
“Minho, he’s not going to get mad. He lives to annoy me, he’ll be happy to see you’re joining in on the fun!”
“Y/n, you’re not seriously this dense? The poor shank likes you, he’s just got no idea how to show it. The playful banter you two have, although it’s cute, is starting to get old. So, because I’m an amazing friend and wing-man, I’ll help you shanks out. Now squeeze my arm and laugh.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Don’t believe me?” His challenging smirk is enough for you to give in, determined to prove the raven haired boy wrong. Setting aside your irritated mood, you adjust your hunched stance before giving Minho your most charming smile. Muttering idly and pressing his bicep with a dramatic laugh. He shoots you a glare when you pinch with a little too much passion, but a smirk stays on his face nonetheless. He moves just a bit closer to you, eyes darting across the glade and smile widening.
“See she-bean? He’s practically fuming.” The boy does all he can to contain his laughter, pulling himself together when you offer a subtle glance to the blonde across the glade. He’s leaning against the now empty sink with his arms crossed. Looking too angry to even begin to make his death glare towards Minho any less obvious. Admittedly, you don’t think you’ve seen Newt ever look so flustered. When you lock eyes, his lips remain tightly pressed together. Not long after does he turn back around to continue attending to the dishes. All whilst muttering something under his breath and shaking his head.
“Don’t get so cocky, you’re blushing too you shank.” You swat Mihno’s hand pinching your cheek, genuinely laughing when he nudges you out of the homestead hut.
“I’ll probably be banished by sundown for that.”
“You think he’s really that upset about it? I mean, I know we’re good friends and all but I never expected Newt to see me like that.”
“It’s a good thing I’m one of the only shanks around here with a brain.”
“Y/n, mind if I talk to you for a bit?” Alby approached the pair of you with a soft expression, his gentle nature filling you with a bit of concern. You nod hesitantly, feeling as though every damn glader needed to pull you from one conversation to the next tonight. You follow Alby closely as he leads you back into the homestead, sitting on one of the hammocks and motioning for you to do the same. There’s a contemplative silence before the head glader speaks, only taking him a few moments to gather his thoughts before meeting your eyes.
“I gotta be honest greenie, I’m a bit worried about you.”
“Why me?” Your eyebrows narrow in confusion, and the older boy’s worried tone makes your heart sink.
“Most of the newbies are jacked the first couple weeks. You know, lashing out one minute and crying like a baby the next. But you’ve been quite, collected. That leaves a lot of room for me to be concerned.”
“Alby, you’re upset that I’m not...Upset?”
“I’m upset that you remind me of myself. I was a lot like you, I kept everything in when I first got here. I was reserved, and I kept everything bottled up inside. And I’m no therapist, but that quickly tore me apart. I understand being a girl might...Complicate things, seeing as some of these shanks expect you to be weaker. You don’t have to prove yourself greenie, at least not in that way.” You take a minute to consider his words, chewing on the inside of your cheek in thought. He studies you for a moment, seemingly thinking about his next words with caution. “I don’t mean to jack you up, just think about it.” He finishes carefully, nudging your shoulder with his own before exiting the hut. Giving you a tight lipped smile and curt nod before disappearing from view. Was that supposed to be a pep talk?
The past weeks had been confusing, terrifying, and downright unbelievable. That was clear, but didn’t you have no other choice than to accept what was going on? You still had millions of questions, and a certain ache in your heart that felt like it was pulling at you. But there wasn’t time to break down, not yet anyway. Is there even a right time? The conversation with Alby seemed to have made you worse off than before. You shuffle for the hundredth time in your hammock, letting out an exasperated sigh at the restless situation.
Despite your efforts, sleep never comes. For the past week, you’ve been exhausted just about everyday. Today had been no different, except when you try to relax, anxiety crawls in the air around you. Suddenly, the warm night air is absolutely suffocating. It’s too much pressure, too much unknown for you to handle it any longer. When your pounding heartbeat begins to drown out the cicadas and other sounds of the glade, you can only think of one thing. Alby was right
Stumbling out of your hammock, you start making your way out of the hut. It doesn’t matter where, you just need to escape. Even when you’re outside, there’s still not enough room. The four walls that once felt like a barrier between you and the horrors of the ominous maze, now feel like a cage. Trapping you inside and shrinking impossibly smaller until they eventually crush you.
Without thinking, you begin to sprint over to the west wall, pounding at the menacing stone and letting out a chocked sob. All at once, every emotion you’d suppressed since your first day in the glade releases from you. It’s nauseating, and you grip your stomach in an attempt to latch onto some sense of stability.
Who put you here? Why was everyone so indifferent to their lives here, and why had you eventually become the same way?
There’s been this ache, some rotting substance in your core that’s been emanating within you since you first woke up in the box. A horrible, indescribable hollowness that is the result of the loss of what must have been your life before the maze. Suddenly, you miss your mom. Or maybe a woman who resembled one. It’s mortifying, to know you must have parents somewhere out there. But you can’t remember them, can only feel the ugliest parts of you that aren’t whole without them. Your vision blurs, and there’s an awful white noise that drowns out any and all sounds of reality surrounding you. Completely immersed in your own thoughts, even the ground beneath you feels as though it’s been meticulously sculpted by whatever monsters put you here. It’s impossible to breath, feeling as though every beat of your heart, every blink of an eye is in the control of the creators. So caught up in your own panic, you don’t sense the boy calling your name behind you.
You attempt to squirm out of his strong grip, his stature never showing how strong he truly is from his long hours in the gardens. It’s no use to keep pulling away when his back hits the stone wall of the glade, using his strong grip to hold your hands against your chest as he slides you both to the floor. Weaker leg giving out from the sheer strength needed to restrain you. Newt’s not sure if he’s helping or making your panicked state even worse, but he’s reassured when you begin to calm. Erratic cries faltering into small whimpers as your head uncontrollably jerks at each sharp intake of air your body forces you to take. You can feel his heart beat rapidly against your back, informing you just how scared he is despite his stoic nature on the outside. You try to release from his grip once again, instincts telling you there’s too much to worry about to calm down. The blonde pulls you closer to him once more, hushing your cries and leaning his chin atop of your head. The world feels authentic again, and you silently think out a plethora of thank you’s to the boy for immersing you back into reality. Doing your best to cease your cries and gain control of your breathing, you grip onto the fabric of his long sleeve sleeping shirt with a terror-induced strength. It’s all too much
“Just breathe y/n, breathe with me.” He mutters softly, chest filling with pride when you mimic his dramatic intakes of air.
The ringing subsides, and the white clouding your vision finally clears when your heart begins to slow. Eventually, Newt releases your arms. And in an instant, you clutch onto his hand in fear the crippling panic will return. Rip you away from everything you’ve come to know in only seconds.
“You’re alright now love, just breathe.” He soothes again, not even flinching at your harsh grip on him. The minute you had left your hammock, something within him beckoned him to follow. You’d been off the past couple of days, and somehow the boy knew you couldn’t be alone. His eyes well with tears, you having reminded him so much of himself his first year in the glade. He wonders what you would have done if he hadn’t caught you in time, and what lengths you would have gone to if the pain never stopped and the maze walls opened. He wills away the thought with a shake of his head, reminding himself that you’re still here, and in dire need of a friend.
“I miss my mom.” You stutter out eventually, soft lips trembling and pulled into a pitiful pout. “I don’t remember her of course, but it’s like I can feel her. I feel everything and nothing at the same time, you know? There’s so much death here, it’s been hard to find something to live for. How am I supposed to do this, how are we supposed to survive this? I mean...This has gotta be some sort of sick joke, nobody could be this shucking cruel right?” You let out a pathetic scoff, still shaking uncontrollably in his arms.
“Listen to me y/n, I’ve been where you are. We all have, and I can promise you there is so much more than that feeling. You have to believe me.” You shake your head, refusing to accept his empty promises. He sighs before continuing, trying to gather his thoughts in preparation to confess what he’s kept secret from almost all other gladers until now. “A couple weeks into my first year here, I couldn’t shake the same feeling you’re describing. That dark, ominous part that sits inside of all of us here. The unknown, the memories begging to re-enter your mind. I hated it, I hated this place, and I hated myself.” You lift your head from his shoulder at that, wanting to study his contemplative expression as he carries on. “Eventually, I couldn’t take it. So I ran out into the maze....And I did what I assume you’ve been thinking about the past couple of days. And I can assure you, nothing you do to yourself with get rid of that pain. That’s why we survive, we persevere, we fight. It might have taken a shattered leg and permanent limp for me to realize, but I know now the only way to beat that feeling is to escape this shucking place. What comes next doesn’t matter, we have to show whatever slintheads put us here that they won’t ever win. Do you understand?” His expression becomes stern, willing each word to bore into your mind as a permanent oath. Stunning brown eyes boring into yours as if they’ll cement each syllable into your mind. You nod, unsure of how to respond.
“You have to promise me.” He mutters softly, eyes welling with tears at your empty expression. “Please love, promise me you’ll fight.” He’s holding your head in his hands now, silently willing the overwhelming demons your facing to escape that beautiful mind.
“P-promise. I promise.” You reassure weakly, overcome with love for the boy under you. Instantly, you encase him in a tight embrace. Heart swelling even more when he plants a soft kiss to your temple.
“Good that.” He breathes gently, pulling you impossibly closer to his heart. Just to hold you for a little while longer. You have to fight, and you’ll do it together.
Tagging: @8avery8 @jenny33996
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Hello!! Can we have an couple of HCs of the safehouse bois (COD: Cold War) loving their curvy fem s/o? (and maybe trying to make her feel happy in her body if she's insecure of feels weird?)
Thankie and sorry for the oddly specific request 😅
Djsjsjsj ok ik you have like two other requests, and they'll be coming!!! But this struck such a mood I had to skip the line lol.
Honestly, like the way I tried to treat myself to some ✨ s p i c e y ✨ lingerie that just arrived and it fits literally everywhere else except that, ofc the cup size is an absolute JOKE, i-
Anyway, I digress lmao. Thank you for the request(s) btw, and enjoy!!!
Personally, he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to have a particularly strong preference for any one "type"
But in the era where the super tall, super slim, super models reign supreme, he understands that sometimes it's hard to feel pretty if you're built like anything else
After all, I don't think any of the guys know how it feels to see yourself as "unattractive" more then he does
I mean, if he'd been cut a little deeper or on a different angle, he could've needed whole skin grafts, or even physical therapy for his jaw
And who wants a guy as messed up and broken down as that, right?
But you... Oh, you're gorgeous
Adler is very soft and gentle when it comes to his appreciation for you and your body
While he does know how to express himself, he's not really the grand gesture type, like some of the others are
He is the biggest self love hypocrite, always quick to get down on himself and his facial scars, but absolutely cannot STAND to see you upset over you body
You chide him for this now and then, but he usually jokes it away
I know I said Adler doesn't really have a type, but don't think for a second that he'd pass up on a great thing when he gets it
I don't want to say "handsy" but he definitely likes to just... Touch you, when you're alone together
Not even necissarily in a sexual way, he just likes to appreciate the shape of you, you know?
Very into hugs from behind, or really at any angle, as long as he gets to feel his arms around your waist
Also, you can catch him absent mindedly caressing your hips with his knuckles or a lone finger whenever he's standing around with you
Oh y'all ain't ready for this one lmao
I am 99% certain that behind that steely facade, is a man who loves nothing more then a THICC juicy Queen™
I'm so serious, like the curvier the better for this dirty dog lmao
The best part is, that the fun isn't in that he just goes feral when you two are alone (although he certainly could, in a rare mood)
He's actually really shy about it, and he doesn't want you to feel like that's the only reason he loves you
And while you do appreciate the respect he has for you, you'd be lying if you said you didn't like to tease him
A favorite of yours is to walk into his home office half or fully naked and watch him, very obviously, struggle to stay focused on his paper work
He knows he's weak, but damn it he can never last long before giving in and handing over whatever kind of attention you're seeking
You know, whatever that may be 😏
When you're feeling insecure however, he can sense it immediately and always seeks to get to the bottom of whatever is causing you to feel that way
Although he's rather direct, he's tactful and tries his best to know the right thing to say
He's a great listener, and will never hesitate to tell you how beautiful and special you are to him
Lmao, I don't think there is any universe in which Lazar would not be in full support of being with a curvy woman
Especially as a big guy himself, you two are an absolute power couple
He is both literally and metaphorically your biggest hype man when it comes to your appearance
Also, 10/10 likes to give you gifts of clothes and the like that he thinks you might appreciate/look pretty darn good in
Honestly, it is rare to feel down about your body when in a relationship with him, but everyone gets insecure sometimes, and he gets that
Thankfully, he's a master comforter, and is always at the ready to give you the treatment you need to feel better
Typically you can expect snacks and cuddles if you're just feeling sad, and stuff like a massage or body kisses and so forth if you need a reminder that you're literally the most gorgeous woman on earth
Oh, and he's very protective of you and defensive of your looks
I kind of hate to use this terminology lmao, but Lazar is the Alpha™ everywhere he goes, and he has no problem reminding other guys of it
So if he sees someome else checking you out, he'll be sure to block their view and do something like make direct eye contact until they leave you be
Have you ever had a 6'4, powerlifter looking, tank of a man sneer directly at you before?
Not a good feeling, I assure you
Needless to say, you don't have to put up with much, if any harassment or other stupidity on Lazar's watch
Alex strikes me as the type who doesn't buy into the paper thin beauty standard that society like to push
Obviously that's great if you're just naturally thin and all! But mostly he's totally down for the curvy, "built like a brick house" type of woman
He appreciates the way that you can keep up with him when he has to do physical things around or outside the house
Alaska is a rather unforgiving place after all, so he finds great comfort in the support and companionship you have to offer him
You're like his little amazonian goddess, and he's always in awe of not only how unbelievably beautiful you are, but also how hardy and tough you can be
In fact, you and your body are so normalized and loved by him in his mind that it genuinely catches him off guard when you say you're feeling insecure about it
But in times like that, he loves to tell you how beautiful your body is, not just for the way it looks but for the things it can do
You're built so strong and tough, but also soft and feminine... he can't even think about being with anyone else
He's very into body worship, like Lazar is, but Alex is a lot more gentle and is extremely conscious of making sure you're alright as he goes along kissing and caressing
If he could only show you how beautiful you are to him, he would in a heartbeat, but for now he just hopes his words and actions are enough
Oh, you already know Sims loves a thicc, curvy snack of a woman lmao
Skinny guys always love the curvy ladies
He doesn't really go feral when you two are alone, but he's not exactly shy about having this hands all over you either
For sure he always greets you with a compliment, whether it be a look, a whistle, or words... he's prepared
Also, he's very vocal in having you understand that there is not a single outfit you look "bad" or "unflattering" in, even if it's just sweats and a t-shirt
In fact, he is so confident in you, that he loves to show you off when he can and if you're comfortable
Always introduces you as "his girl" and is never afraid to point out your new outfit, hair-do, nails, ect
I feel that Lawrence would be another case where it's quite rare indeed to feel insecure about your body, and so when such times do arise he takes it seriously
He's basically a gentler, more emotional version of Hudson
By that I mean, he's the type to want to talk it out (if you're up to it) and ask what's wrong or if someone said something to you
You'll always have a reliable listener and food advice giver in him, and somehow that seems to always do the trick
Honestly, Woods is Hudson part 2, except that he has all the vocalized pride of loving curvy women as Sims and Lazar
He's still careful to make sure he doesn't come off as a creep or something, mind you, but complimenting and loving on your body just comes naturally to him
Extremely handsy in private, and you've definitely swatted his hands away from your hips, waist, back, ect more then once
In public, I wouldn't exactly say "handsy" but he's determined to make sure everyone knows you're with him
He usually escorts you places with a hand gently placed either just above your tailbone or protectively wrapped around your waist
As independent as you may be, you must admit, it's nice to feel like a princess everywhere you go, escorted around by your knight in shining flannel
He'll even offer you his arm if he's feeling particularly gentlemanly, because yes, miracles can happen
Unfortunately, Frank is probably the worst wordsmith of all the gang, and is next to clueless on what to say if you're feeling down and insecure
At least to his credit he'll usually start off by admitting to that fact before giving it a try
"Well, you know I'm shit with words, but... I hope you also know that I love you the way you are"
Thankfully what he lacks in words, he makes up for in physical affection
Even if you're really only comfortable with some cuddling, he's gonna cuddle you so good!!! He's determined and will stop at nothing
After all, whatever it takes to make you feel every bit as amazing as he knows you are
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merci-bitch · 4 years
Her Lover
Alma LeFay Peregrine x fem!reader
Warnings: abuse, swearing, death, fluff, angst
Words: 5k
A/N: it’s been a while, hasn’t it. Lol. I’ve been having my exams and shit and I’ve been working on this for the longest time so I’m really sorry if there’s a word that’s not supposed to be there, I don’t really proof read. But hopefully more stuff shall be coming soon. Ta ta! Xx
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Jake was surprised, it was all real. What his grandfather had told him, all those stories. They were real. It was unbelievable. At first, when he saw the boomed children's home he didn't really believe it. As that man said at the pub. 3 September 1943. No one survived, but then how come Miss Peregrine's letter had only come 2 years before to his grandfather. How was that even possible?
When we first entered the loop, he of course ran away and nearly got himself killed. Thankfully his new friends saved him from those angry Walsh people. The house looked so different from those ruins he saw. It was actually a very beautiful house. Big and tall and all those flowers growing up on the sides. Completely different.
Miss Peregrine wasn't anything like he'd expected. Not at all, despite from all the stories he'd got from his grandfather. Apparently she was the bird flying above him and his father when they first arrived to Cairnholm. Ever since Jake arrived, he'd notice that on the bird's right hand, her ring finger. There was a small ring with a single diamond. Jake knew it wasn't probably wasn't his thing to ask, but he didn't see anyone else then the people he'd already seen. His grandfather had never really mentioned anything or anyone else then the ones he'd already talked about.
He had helped Emma with the baby squirrel, it was a bit awkward wrapping the rope around her waist. He'd noticed Miss Peregrine's glare, it was uneasy. As if she felt some sort of jealousy? But that was ridiculous. Absurd. Jake had agreed to join them for supper. Emma was helping him in his grandfather's old room. He just couldn't but ask.
"Emma, could I ask you a question?"
"Jake, I told you that there are questions I can't answer." Emma said as she tied his tie.
"I know, but it's just. Does Miss Peregrine love you? Like, that way?"
Emma stilled. Almost uncomfortably.
"Jake. What's got you to even think of such disgusting things?!"
"I'm sorry! It's just, I saw her glare." Jake held his hands up in defeat.
Emma let out a sigh. Looked down before looking up again. "You must understand. Miss Peregrine, well all of us lost someone dear. It's taking her long time to actually get back to who she is. So please, stop asking questions." As she finished speaking the bell rang. They both walked down together and Jake almost sat down on Millard.
"Millard. Go and put some clothes on. Polite persons do not take their supper in the nude."
Jake almost felt sorry for him, he didn't mean to take his place really. He couldn't see him, obviously. He was, well he is invisible. During dinner, he couldn't help but stare at Miss Peregrine's right hand with that ring. Her long slim fingers with those long nails. The ring was silver. The small diamond was pretty. And shiny.
"Claire, why aren't you eating?" Miss Peregrine asked, looking with worry to Claire. Chewing on the piece of food.
"She's embarrassed in front of Jake." Hugh said, leaning over to Claire.
Jake shook his head. "Don't be. Please."
Claire looked over at Miss Peregrine with a small smile and Miss Peregrine sent Claire a wink before turning back to her own food. Claire grabbed the chicken leg and put it behind her head and a few seconds later she put the clean bone back on her plate.
"So Jake, what's your peculiarity?" Horace asked. Leaning over the table a bit to see Jake as he asked.
"Oh, I'm not peculiar." Jake stammered.
Enoch put down his fork and knife and said, "And that, my friends, is why he will not be staying with us. No matter how hard we try to persuade him."
Miss Peregrine spoke up again. Her voice light but firm. "We've spoken about this. Jake is just visiting."
Hugh opened his mouth, "He might want to say."
"Don't you want to stay, Jake?" Olive asked.
"Tonight? Or..-" Jake didn't get a chance to finish of his sentence before Claire irrupted him.
"Forever! You should stay forever." Her smile big.
"Why would he, if he doesn't have to? He can live out there, grow older, have a good time instead." Enoch said. Trying to make a clear point of why he didn't want Jake in the house. Jake could feel Emma slightly lift from her seat despite being strapped down. She was getting uncomfortable.
"He'll leave, just like his grandfather did." With that, Enoch started eating again and Emma got up and practically ran out of the room despite her heavy shoes. Miss Peregrine's call for Emma didn't stop her. As Emma left, a clothed Millard came into the room. Excusing himself. Sitting down and starting to eat his own food.
"Deep breathes Alma, you know how dear Enoch gets with new company."
Miss Peregrine closed her eyes at the voice inside her head. She was right. She slowly got up as the telephone rang. "I think you should all get ready for movie time while I answer that."
"But you always let us stay for it." Claire begged. Miss Peregrine turned around and gave the children a glare that almost scared Jake. She was a strange woman, yes she was. Miss Peregrine stepped out to the hallway, to the ringing telephone. This time, she nearly didn't answer it. Wishing the voice inside her head would come back. Missing the touch of that person with the voice nearly threw her off guard. She nearly kicked herself from going off schedule. Shaking her head, she answered the telephone and went on with the schedule.
The time went on, again. Horace's projected his dreams. One particular dream made Alma tense up. She couldn't watch it. She turned on the lights and heard all the groans from the children. It was almost re-set time. Olive asked Jake to stay and see the re-set. Enoch clearly didn't want him to. Alma felt herself chuckle softly. The arguments between Enoch and re-set. Alma stepped out in her raincoat and put on her gas mask after putting on the music. Run Rabbit Run. She would always sing along to the song-Alma kicked herself mentally again. She stopped her clock, she turned it 24 times to represent the 24 hours of the loop. She took of the gas mask and smiled towards her children.
She said her goodnight to the other children as Emma and Jake made their way out the door. Her smile faded as they disappeared from her view. She closed the door, knowing Emma would lock it. She slowly made her way up the stairs, to the end of the hallway, to her bedroom. She opened the door and walked in and closed the door again and locked it. Leaning against the door and closing her eyes.
"You know me better then I do. Can't seem to keep nothing from you. How you touch my soul from the outside. I still love you even though I'm scared. Learning to be grateful of myself. I wish I could love me like you did, how I wish I could trust myself like you did."
She moved from the door and towards her desk and sat down and started unpinning her hair. Brushing through her hair slowly. That black-blue hair. The little curls. She got undressed and dressed in her lacy nightgown and brushed her teeth and took off the makeup she'd been carrying during the day. She laid down in the cold bed, shivering slightly. Falling asleep after a few minutes.
"Clarice! Clarice come on. We have to get back. We can't stay in La Pari forever. We've been gone 7 years too long!" Claire let out a groan and stopped walking. "But Y/N! I love Paris!" Y/N shook her head. Her little sister was definitely a number. "Well, you wrote to Alma we'd be home, so let's go." Clarice didn't move. "I? I didn't write. She's your wife." Y/N felt herself tense up. Oh no. Y/N had forgotten to write, and she'd hopped her darling sister had written.
"When was the last time You wrote back home Clarice." Y/N looking over at her sister, with a glare almost identical to Alma's. Clarice bit her bottom lip. "5 years ago." Y/N felt her head spinning. She sat down and rubbed her forehead. Clarice started laughing. "What's so funny?!" Clarice threw her head back in laughter.
"Oh lord, the handful you will get when you get back. I mean Abe will definitely be in her side." Clarice said while patting her older sister's shoulder. "God. She'd kill me. I swear, I didn't mean to forget and I thought you'd been writing." Clarice shook her head. "But you're right. Let's go home."
"Jake, you're back. How wonderful." Miss Peregrine said as she held the Ymbryne tight to her.
"How's it doing?" Jake asked. "Emma said it was an Ymbryne."
"She. Not 'it'. Ymbrynes are always female." Miss Peregrine said as she looked up at Jake. "And Emma was quite correct. This is Miss Avocet." Miss Peregrine continued to give Miss Avocet the medicine.
"Her loop's in Blackpool, England." Jake said. Miss Peregrine slowly turned her head up towards him and saw him holding a piece of paper. "That was a private letter, Jake." She said as she put down the medication.
"Who is Mr. Barron?" Jake asked, slightly raising his voice.
Miss Peregrine's face expression turned blank and her right hand came almost protectively over Miss Avocet.
"Miss Peregrine, if my grandpa was involved with dangerous people. I need to tell the police." Miss Peregrine looked up at Jake again, her brows knitted with confusion.
"Police? Are you implying Abe died an unnatural death?" Her voice going quiet.
"I found him in the woods, with his eyes missing. I'd say that was pretty unnatural." Jake said as he watched Miss Peregrine raise from her chair. Miss Peregrine looked at Jake in disappointment, snatching the letter out of his hands.
"Unless essential, I don't discuss unpleasant matters. An Ymbryne's duty is to protect children, Jake." With that, she left the room, almost in a hurry.
"I'm not a child! He wanted you to tell me everything!" Jake shouted after her. Jake let out a sigh of frustration and walked down the hallway and was stopped when both Enoch and Olive came into his view.
"Oh. How frustrating for you. Between Miss Peregrine's rules and my housemates' little pact not to scare you off, it's like no one's telling you anything." Enoch was sarcastic. Olive stood quietly behind him. Jake leaned forward.
"Why don't you, then? It's not like you want me here."
This time, Olive spoke up.
"Enoch, you can't. You promised." Enoch looked back at Olive before answering.
"Olive's right. I do know someone who can get away with breaking rules though. Want to meet him?" Jake looked a bit uneasy at Enoch before following him up the stairs. Olive behind them.
"Enoch, don't do this. Please!" She grabbed his arm, begging him not to do whatever he was going to do.
"You want to spend time with me and Jake, we can all play together. That's what you said." Enoch said as they reached a door at the end of the hallway. Olive stood in front of them. Not letting them pass through the door.
"Well, here we all are." Enoch said. Olive looked up at him with a bit ready expression. "Move Olive."
"If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend." With that, Olive left. Sobbing quietly to herself while walking down the hallway.
"Enoch, leave Victor alone. It really upsets Bronwyn." Fiona said as she walked up to Enoch and Jake. Enoch put both his hands on Fiona's shoulders, "Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't you think Jake should meet everybody?" He said while looking over at Jake.
"He's trying to frighten you away, Jake. He's always jealous of Abe. And now he's jealous of you. Come and play with us instead."
Enoch crossed his arms and looked at Jake, waiting for an answer. Jake didn't really know what to say.
"I'd quite like to meet Victor." Jake said after some time. Enoch smiled and ruffed Fiona's hair. Enoch opened the door, letting Jake walk in. "After you."
In the middle of the room there was a bed, covered in thin layers of fabric, and Jake saw Victor, lying there. He slowly walked in, moving with small steps towards the bed.
"Hello, Victor. I'm Jake. I'm sorry to disturb.." Jake looked down at Victor. His eyes were missing.
"Yeah, he can't hear you." Enoch said. Enoch got on his knees and opened Victor's shirt and put the heart he held down into Victor's chest. Jake saw how Victor's chest started to heavy. Almost like a jump scare in movies, Victor sat up and looked over at Jake.
"Hello, Jake. I'm Victor. Do you want to know what killed me?" Almost like a puppet he was. It scared Jake and he ran out of the room, downstairs where Miss Peregrine and the rest of the children were waiting.
"Ah, there you are. Is Enoch with you? It'd time for our daily walk." Miss Peregrine said.
Alma walked into the room where Victor lay. Sighing once seeing Victor's covers down. She pulled them up, making sure they covered him and slowly sat down. Noticing the tear falling down his cheek. Softly wiping it away and pulling him up and held him against her chest.
One of the most disappointing things she'd ever done. How she couldn't be able to save Victor, how she'd let her poor child die. She never meant for him to die, she never meant for Bronwyn to lose her brother. Alma felt herself tear up.
"It's alright Alma, you did what you could and for that, Victor will forever be grateful."
She really wanted to believe those words. Oh, how hard life could be. She couldn't let herself to cry. She'd always say it was alright to cry, but Alma just couldn't. She slowly put Victor back in his place and looked at her watch. She had a few minutes before the children would be back, but she had to keep schedule.
Alma walked out of the room, closing the door. Walking down the hallway to the right and then further down that hallway and then into her own bedroom. Closing the door behind her, locking it. Just in case. She quickly walked over to the dressed against the wall, opened a drawer and pulled out a shirt that didn't belong to her.
Sticking her nose deep into the fabric, closing her eyes and breathing in the familiar sent. Holding onto the shirt tightly. Alma felt her eyes sting.
Why did life have to be so cruel? Why couldn't just one person live a life and be happy. Is it only fairytales that get their happy endings and not people in the real world? Was the 'perfect' life all just a big lie that you were told on the television outisde loops? Why couldn't you just live yourself in your dreams? Wouldn't life be so much better if you could? It would save all troubles from people.
Alma slowly sat down on the bed. Still holding the shirt tightly to her. Breathing in the sent again. Letting her eyes roll back for just a second. Accidentally losing herself in the sent. Letting a soft moan escape her mouth which caused her to blush. Hand covering her mouth as she blushed even more.
"My shirt hm?"
Alma turned around with a gasp. No one was there, she let out a sigh. Alma got up again, checked her clock and put the shirt back in the drawer and walked downstairs. Waiting for the children to arrive back home.
"Clarice, where was the loop again?"
"You can't be serious. We lived with Alma for years, you're married to her for gods sake!" Clarice sat down in the damp grass, crossing her arms. Letting out a huff.
"Awh, stop acting like a bloody kid! Maybe help me instead of acting like such a bloody moron!" Y/N answered to her sister.
She let out a huff and sat down on a rock. Y/N felt bad. She'd been gone 7 years too long and Alma probably thought she was dead. Just because her little sister didn't write as she used to. Y/N reaches into her pocket and pulled out a few photos. Photos she took, before she left.
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Most were of Alma. It was one of the only times she'd let her time be taken from her. She missed the bird.
"Could you stop sobbing and perhaps do something to help? You cant stare at th-hey. Y/N. Was that Abe?"
Y/N looked up and saw nothing. She turned to her sister and hit the back of her head.
"Very funny."
The children were packing after they're realisation that they couldn't stay. As Alma had finally gotten the suitcase to close, thanks to the twins, the doorbell rang. How odd. She hadn't expected anyone. Alma walked up towards the door and opened the door and felt her whole body tense.
"Miss Peregrine, what a pleasure to meet you at last!"
Mr. Barron was holding his hand shaped knife against Jake's neck. Alma felt her breathing stop for only a second. What on earth was happening?!
"May we come in?"
Alma took a few steps back, letting him inside the house. Her children standing on the stairs.
"Children! Would you make your way down the stairs, please?" Mr. Barron shouted.
Alma raised her voice. "I give the orders in this house, Mr. Barron." Looking at him sternly.
"Not today. You should know that Jake has served his purpose. If you value his life, I suggest everyone does as they're told. Children!"
Alma raised her finger and shushed him. "No one tells my children what to do!" Alma turned around, a split of disgust in her expression. "Children, come down here, please." Her voice was strong but soft.
The children made their way slowly down the stairs.
"Miss Peregrine-"
"I thought I told you to be quiet." Alma snapped back at him. Giving him one of her famous death glares. She slowly made her way around again to look at her beautiful children. Knowing she might never see them again.
"Children, for Jake's safety, we're going to do what Mr. Barron asks. He wishes to take me with him to his rendezvous in Blackpool. So, for his protection, he'd like me to assume bird form, preferably caged. And he'd like you to make your way into a lockable room, such as the parlour." Alma turned her frame towards the parlour then back to her children before turning around to look at Mr. Barron.
"As he won't release Jake if he fears an attack could be mounted upon him once he loses his leverage. Correct, Mr. Barron?" Alma raised her chin, showing how she awfully despised him. Mr. Barron was at loss of words.
"You're sacrificing yourself and all of us, for Jake?"
Came behind her, Alma turned around and looked at Enoch.
"Me. Barrons travels with a Hollow, Enoch. Once it arrives here, we're all dead." She could almost feels Mr. Barron's wicked grin behind her. Alma saw Horace lean in to whisper something to Enoch but didn't bother to listen. It took everything not to shed a tear. She'd lost everything now. The woman she loved the most, her dear children. Everything.
She moved towards the parlours door and said her goodbye to each child that passed her, ending with a hug from Emma and the twins which made her she'd a tear. Once every child was inside the parlour, she grabbed the door handle to each door and took a deep breath and looked over her children.
"It's been my privilege, to care for you all. Goodbye my children."
Alma closed the doors and turned the lock and turned to face Barron, showing her anger through her tear stained cheeks. Taking steps forward.
"Now let him go."
"Oh, but the fun's just begun Alma." Barron let out a low chuckle.
"How dare you speak my name, filthy bastard." Alma tightened her tone. Growing more impatient by each second that passed.
Barron let out another chuckle, this time of surprise.
"My my, what words those pretty lips let out. Tell me, how's dear old Y/N doing?"
Alma clenched her jaw. Feeling as she might explode.
"How dare you speak her name?! How dare you come here, act like you own everything I have. You took her from me! How dare you mention anything of her's. I know what you did to her family, how her parents practically coward before you. On their knees begging to not die. Letting their dear children's lives pay their depth."
As Alma continued, Barron only chuckled. Jake was confused. Who was Y/N? What did this woman mean to Miss Peregrine?
"Technically I wasn't the one who sold her, her mother was. Her dear parents are still loyal to me as ever. I'd never gotten a chance to meet dear Y/N. So tell me, where is she?"
This time, it was Alma's time to be confused.
"What do you mean by that. No tricks Mr. Barron. I want the honest truth."
As he let Jake go, letting out a groan. "Listen, lady. I'd never meet her. If I had, do you think I'd be asking you? So come now Miss Peregrine. Where is she. Her mommy and daddy just wanna say hello."
Alma felt herself start to tremble. Y/N hadn't been in Barron's possession.
She'd spoken to Jake. Begging him to care of her children before turning into bird form. Flying into the cage. Leaving with Mr. Barron. If her dearest was really alive, she'd never see her again. Nor her beloved children.
"Emma, I have a question. Look-I know you don't answer them but it's about something Miss Peregrine said before she turned into a bird. Who's Y/N?"
Emma went quiet for a moment, not really wanting to speak. Jake let out a sigh and continued to talk.
"Mr. Barron said he'd never meet Y/N before. What does this mean-who is she?" Jake looked t Emma who's eyes looked at his. A slight tone of happiness appearing on her face.
"So, that means she could still possibly be alive." Emma's smile got bigger.
"Who is she? Is she another peculiar?" Jake was growing impatient.
Emma sighed. "Alright, if I tell you. Will you stop asking?"
Jake nodded his head and sat down and waited for Emma to speak.
"Y/N came to our home years ago, before Miss Peregrine had made the loop. She came with her sister Clarice. When they came they were both pretty young. I think Clarice was 15 and Y/N perhaps 20. I heard Miss Peregrine talk with them about what had happened to them. It wasn't really, nice."
Emma sat down herself and took a deep breath.
"Mr. Barron came to their house, in the middle of the night and killed their brother, well took his eyes. He was around 8. She talked about how their parents had sold them to Barron for their own safety. But before Barron could touch them they'd ran away. They'd taken the boat and arrived here."
Jake listened as she explained more about Y/Nk's past. But there was just one question bothering him.
"What about the ring on Miss Peregrine's finger?" Jake asked.
"Y/N and Miss Peregrine kinda fell for each other. A few years after the loop was created, they got married. Then again a few years later, perhaps 7 years ago. Both of them left, Y/N and her sister. But after two years they stopped writing back home. We heard nothing from them and since Barron wanted to recreate the experiment Miss Peregrine told you about.”
Jake nodded, shocked. He had nothing against the LGBT community but he’d never thought Miss Peregrine was a lesbian. Perhaps she wasn’t, maybe just fell for the one person she trusted most.
They went on, the plan to save Miss Peregrine.
“Clarice, fix it. Please. Something has happened.”
Y/N was panicking. The loop was gone, not a child in sight. Alma wasn’t here either. Clarice had the peculiarity of restoring time, she restored the loop. Made everything go back to normal. The house looked itself again but no child was there. What the hell happened. How long has the house been like this? Clarice was too busy walking to her room.
Y/N looked around, saw suitcases. Were they leaving? But why, and where? It felt strange being back in the house, but with everyone gone. Y/N walked around, touching the walls and everything. Y/N walked upstairs and into the bedroom she once shared with Alma and closed the door behind her. Alma’s perfume hitting her like a smack in the face. The scent of smoke, flowers.
She pulled open the drawer and pulled out one of the dark blue lacy nightgowns and spelled. Alma. Y/N looked out the window. It was dark and it was raining. Y/N loved the rain. She walked over to the window and sat down by the window and opened it to listen to the rain and felt herself drift off into sleep.
Alma opened the door and walked in. How in the hell was the house still standing? She hadn’t reset the loop. She was wet and she was tired and drained. She quickly walked into the bathroom connected to her room and took a warm, long and hot shower. She wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out. Looking in the drawer for her nightgown but it wasn’t there. Alma turned her head to the figure she saw sitting by the window and nearly had a heart attack.
She grabbed her pillow and hit Y/N with it multiple times.
“You reckless little-“
“Alma, hey! Stop hitting me!”
“I have every right to be angry at you! I thought you were dead. For 7 years you’ve been gone and then you stop writing?!”
Y/N could see Alma’s cheeks turning red from anger. She stepped forward, grabbing the pillow out of Alma’s hands and kissed her knuckles. Which made Alma shut up.
“Why’d you do that to me, to the children.” Alma’s voice was on breaking point.
Y/N looked up, into those blue eyes. “I never meant to. I forgot to write-“ Alma cut her off with a snort.
“Of course you did.” Alma took the nightgown from Y/N and dropped her towel and put it on. Feeling Y/N’s eyes on her. It made her shiver. Then she felt arms wrapped around her waist and a soft kiss on her right shoulder. “I’ve missed you. Please don’t leave again.” She felt Y/N shake her head and turned around in her arms and kissed her lover on the lips softly. Nearly losing herself in her lover’s lips. Laughing softly after feeling Y/N’s hands tickle her sides.
“I hate you.”
“You love me birdy.”
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