#she just now realized Richard has a lazy eye
marimayscarlett · 11 months
currently on my way home from vacation and still 7 hours of driving to go, sitting in the backseat of our car, boredom is almost palpable
in comes my mom, who's watching Rammstein in Amerika at home for the approximately 17th time, texting me minute by minute what happens on screen with exact quotes and screenshots
So I kind of have a textual live stream of Rammstein in Amerika on hand, current topic: Flake's Sex instructor shirt, Schneider's dreamy looks and Richard's Kiss enthusiasm
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hi I would like to make yet another request if that is okay.
hear me out actress! reader and richard madden is in a private relationship. now on the golden globes 2019, they didn't go together since they wanted to keep their relationship low-key. then once richard was announced as the winner the reader couldn't contain her excitement for richard. so she went and hug him. richard also unexpectedly thank her on his acceptance speech for supporting him (and the camera shot where her face turned from 😍 to 😳 since she was so surprised!)
😫🥺 I'm sorry if I'm asking for much with the long detail. couldn't wait this idea of mine that has been inside my head for a long time to be turned into a fic that I can read. thank you so much for opening your request and have a nice day!
a/n: ooooooo lemme tell ya! i'm a sucker for any celeb!reader secret romance type fic so i'm always excited to write this kind of stuff!!
pairing: richard madden x actress!reader
warnings: secret relationships, lots of fluff
words: 2,159
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"This feels a bit silly, Y/N." Richard chuckled as two separate cars showed up to your shared Los Angeles home, the two of you dressed to the nines for The Golden Globes. You smiled and stepped closer to him, the train of your gown sweeping the stone beneath you as walked. Your hands slid up his chest, the luxurious fabric of his tuxedo feeling smooth against your fingertips as you reached to adjust his bow-tie. He gave you a content and lazy grin as you looked up at him, your hands migrating to the back of his neck. "We should just ride together, love."
"I don't want to even risk the chance of ruining your night by making it all about dating rumors." You insisted, pulling him down lightly until his lips were pressed softly against yours. When you both parted, he rested his forehead against yours for a moment, sighing in defeat before kissing the spot his head was just resting against.
"Fine, but ye' know people are going to find out one day." He argued with a smug smile, his hands holding onto your satin-covered hips. With a pat to his chest, you walked backwards and turned towards your car, shooting him a smile as you allowed your assistant to help you inside the backseat. "Ye' can't hide me forever, my love!"
"No one is hiding anybody, my dear!" You shouted back at him as you sat in the back seat, the window rolled down. With a chuckle, he walked over to your door, resting his elbows on the open window. He looked so good dressed up like this, and his inability to leave you alone for more than a minute told you that he thought the same of you.
Richard gave you that sweet closed-mouth grin that made your heart skip inside your chest, making it hard to deny the pretty boy of his wish to ride with you, but you knew what would happen if he did. You knew the way rumors or romance drama could overshadow someone's entire career if they let it, and you did not want that to be the case for either of you. You were determined to slowly, bit by bit, make your relationship common knowledge to the world, but until then, it was important to you not to make a scene--especially tonight.
"Can I at least have a parting kiss, my love?" He batted his eyes at you dramatically, his tone snarky as he realized he wasn't going to charm you into letting him have it his way. With a giggle you nodded, leaning over to the door. Richard held your face in his hands as he kissed you deeply, much different than the one you shared moments before. You felt like your head was spinning as he pulled away and gave you a cocky grin. Shaking your head at him, you grinned down at your lap, face flushed pink as you avoided the stare of your lover. "I'll find ye' at the ceremony, dove."
"I love you, Richard." You looked back up as he started to walk to his own car, but your words caused him to stop dead in his tracks. Neither of you had said it before, although you both knew how serious you felt for each other. It just never felt like the right time to properly say it until now, and being the first one to do so made your stomach flip. Richard turned around and tilted his head at you, his mouth flipped into a heart-felt frown. He jogged back to you and swept you up into another heated kiss, this time only stopping because your assistant had returned. Richard pulled away, his thumb blotting your lips to ensure your lipstick hadn't smudged too much.
"Oh, I love you, Y/N." He swore in a tender and quiet voice, his eyes peering deeply into yours.
"Richard, we have to go now!" His assistant called as she guided his parents into the backseat of his car. Richard gave you another longing smile and walked away, hand pressing to his lips to blow you a kiss as he climbed into his SUV. You sucked in a breath and released it slowly as you rolled your window up, a content grin on your face as you thought about how lucky you were to find a love so authentic in an industry full of inauthenticity.
"You're going to marry that boy." Your assistant joked as your car followed his, a flush still on your cheeks as you laughed at his statement, knowing just how right you hoped he was.
Your car had lost Richards in the busy LA traffic, so you weren't sure if he had already walked the carpet or not, but either way you knew you still had an appearance to make as a presenter. A bodyguard opened up your door as you pulled into the carpet, helping you out of the backseat while your makeup artist touched up any spots that had worn off on the drive. With one last touch-up on your hair, you began the anxiety-inducing walk, cameras flashing and crowds of photographers and press shouting at you to look in different directions. You tried your best to tune them out as you posed, your heart and mind already occupied with thoughts of your lover.
With one glance over at the celebrities that had come just before you, you caught glimpse of Richard at the end of the carpet, taking his last few pictures. As is he could sense your gaze, he turned and locked eyes with you, the distance between you making it hard to distinguish if he was actually looking at you or just in this direction. You contained the urge to wave at him and turned back to the cameras, your acting hitting its peak as you pretended not to be swept away in thought.
After leaving the carpet, you realized that this was the only non-televised time you had to wish your boyfriend luck without millions of people trying to read your lips. Your poor assistant tried to keep up with your quick pace as you searched through the press area, hoping Richard was already done with his interviews for the night. But before you could find him, he found you.
"I've missed ye'." He whispered in your ear as he gave you an all-too polite hug, his awareness of the cameras stronger than your own at the moment. "I have to go do interviews, but I wanted to see ye' and tell ye' good luck before I lose ye' for the next few hours."
"Oh, baby." You gave him a frown before chuckling. "I'm supposed to be wishing you good luck."
"Luck to us both, love." He winked at you before being pulled away by his publicist. Thankfully, your team had the same idea, pulling you into an interview right beside Richards.
"Y/N, how are you doing tonight? Do you enjoy the madness of the awards season?" A journalist from E! asked in a bubbly tone, reminding you of your least favorite part of your job--the press.
"Oh, I hate it so much. So much." You joked in your dry sense of humor that either caused people to love or to hate you. "No, it's fun. I'm a very chaotic individual so I thrive off of a chaotic environment."
"Well, this is just the place for you, then! What are you wearing tonight?" The woman gestured at your long, black, satin gown and bright jewelry you were wearing. You looked down at yourself and ran your hand over the smooth fabric as you answered.
"I'm in all Georgio Armani tonight. I just wanted something very classic and understated, but the jewelry adds a bit of something." You shrugged before feeling a familiar hand on your upper back, Richard cologne unmissable. You turned with a surprised smile as Richard interrupted your interview, acting as though this was his first time meeting you.
"Richard Madden, everybody!" The interviewer looked delighted to have a two-for-one interview, while you simply wondered what Richard was doing.
"I just wanted to say 'hi'." He smiled at you and gave you another polite hug before waving the interviewer goodbye, walking off towards the ceremony.
"That must be every girls dream, Richard Madden coming up to introduce himself! Are you guys friends or was that the first time you met?"
"No, we've met before, but he definitely caught me by surprise." You chuckled your nerves away and finished up with the interview so you could go inside and swat your boyfriend for making you blush in front of everyone.
Luckily, your table inside the ceremony was next to Richards, and you made a beeline for him before the cameras began rolling. With a tap on his shoulder, you interrupted a conversation between him and Idris Elba, making him look over his shoulder at you. He beamed with joy as he hugged you tightly, kissing your cheek.
"Do you enjoy making me blush on camera?" You asked, a hand on your hip. He tossed his head back and laughed at your dramatics, the dimples around his mouth deepening as he chuckled. "No more surprises!"
"No promises, dove." He pressed his finger to your nose as they started playing music, signaling the cameras were now rolling.
The ceremony droned on and on, actors and actresses gracing the stage, collecting awards for their brilliant performances, but all you could think about was the man sat five feet from you. Your chairs were directly across from each other, and you'd been making longing glances his way since you sat down. The closest you came to making full heart eyes at him was while you were presenting, Richard being the loudest person to cheer as you stepped on the stage, and laughing the hardest at your not-so-funny prewritten jokes. Thankfully, you were a professional and contained yourself...until...
"And the winner for Actor in a TV Series, Drama, is..." You and Richard shot a hopeful look at each other, both of your fingers crossed under the table. "Richard Madden for Bodyguard!"
The whole room faded away as you stood up and clapped loudly for him, surprising yourself as you found yourself jumping into his arms for a hug. Richard surprised you back with planting a passionate kiss on your lips, leaving you flushed red as he pulled away and walked onto the stage. Your hands were shaking as you sat back down, your smile so wide it hurt.
"Thank ye' so much to the HFPA, I didn't see this coming at all. Ehm, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the amazing crew and cast who made Bodyguard. They worked really hard over the course of five months to make this show, and really, ye' guys made it--" He nervously stumbled through his speech, one hand holding a piece of paper that his speech was no doubt scribbled on, the other holding his award. "Most importantly, my friends and family, and mum and dad who flew all the way from Scotland--wouldn't be here without ye'. And lastly, I need to thank the person who was there through the entire filming of this show, who loved me even when I may have allowed the character to swallow me a bit, Y/N. I love ye', dove. This is as much yers as it is mine. Thank ye' very much."
Your jaw dropped right as the camera panned to you in the audience, tears in your eyes as you listened to the man of your dreams profess his love for you in front of the entire world. You quickly covered your face and giggled at your obvious fluster, the camera soon moving away from your face so that you could properly have your moment. Instead of waiting for him to return, you carefully snuck off backstage to congratulate him. Richard stood talking excitedly with a few actors as you reached him, his eyes lighting up as he spotted you. He left his group to jog to you, sweeping you off your feet and into a tight hug.
"Oh, I can't believe it!" He swayed you back and forth as he held you, your face buried in his neck until he set you down. Your hands cupped his handsome face, wiping the tears that had spilled from his eyes.
"I guess everybody knows now, so I can do this." You pulled him in for a passionate kiss, the backstage camera finding the two of you and filming your tender display. Even though you both still didn't care for the attention, neither of you could bring yourselves to care in this moment. "I'm so proud of you, Rich."
"God, I love ye'." He squeezed you close again before letting you go, his hand holding yours. "Come on, love. Let's find my mum and dad and get out of here to properly celebrate."
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justcourttee · 4 years
could you do one where dami and mari are dating but they havent told the waynes yet and they keep seeing hints of their relationship (like clothes around the place, dami talking to on the phone and smiling, stuff like that) but they cant figure out whats happening!!!! the ice prince is softening and theyre like wtf!!!
I’m sorry, it’s a little different. I got carried away! I hope you still like it!
Tim is Like a Genius or Something..
It was official. Tim had lost it.
At least that was the sentiment the family shared as they watched him tumble down the rabbit hole that he had sprawled out across the dining room table.
“-and then he smiled at me. At me! That has never happened before, at least not a genuine one.” He paused to catch his breath, allowing his theory to sink in.
“Timmy, don’t you think you’re giving the boy too much credit?” Jason was the only one able to voice what they all were thinking, at least the one with the best chance of not getting their head torn off. “I mean, he has trouble communicating with his own gender and now you’re telling me he’s been able to woo his female lab partner?”
Tim slammed his hands on the table in frustration before sinking back into the chair he had started in. For weeks now he had been gathering evidence of his brother’s oddities and for weeks he had been haunted by a softer and friendlier Damian.
“Think about it guys, please!”
His pleads seemed to fall on deaf ears as one by one they left the table, each offering their own look of sympathy until he was the only one in the room. It wasn’t long until he himself had given up, collecting his pictures from the table, tearing them in half one by one.
Maybe Dick was right. His hallucinations were getting the better of him. After all, even if Damian was changing, it couldn’t be because of one girl, right?
Absolutely nobody in the world could wield enough power to reign in a demon such as him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim had survived another week of hallucinations. He had tried sleeping more, laying off his coffee, and even cutting his hours back from Wayne Enterprises. But as he sat in the kitchen, going through his emails, his mind remained drowning in thoughts of his replacement.
“Timmy, do you know who this jacket belongs to? The ladies say it’s not theirs and if it’s one of Brucie’s night friends, I bet it’s worth thousands.”
Tim spared a glance from his laptop to where Jason stood in front of him, his fist clenched around a small black pullover. He had half the mind to wave him off when something pink flashed from the corner of his eye.
“Jason, let me see the jacket.”
Jason tossed it, his face cautious as if Tim were about to dart with his next paycheck, but it was the furthest thought in the younger Wayne’s mind.
“The girl that Damian is always bringing over, it belongs to her. His lab partner.”
“You mean Marinette? Damn, then I probably won’t make much off of it. Guess I’ll probably give it back next time I see her.”
Tim waited, his face showcasing the perplexion he felt as Jason seemed to walk away thoughtlessly. How he could come to the same conclusion that he did? How? It felt like it was so obvious.
“No.” His voice was firm, barely above a whisper as he shook off the thought, returning to his laptop. He agreed that he would drop it and that’s what he was going to do. “Marinette was just a nice girl trying to help out Damian and he probably views as some intriguing toy, yeah, that’s all.”
Besides, it was just one jacket and why would he want to damn the girl over one jacket.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He should have damned her. That was the only thought that plagued his mind as he listened to the conversation at breakfast.
“Did you guys know that the Demon uses his phone during patrol?”
Bruce looked up from his paper, his face a mixture of disappointment and interest.
“Can you elaborate Dick? What do you mean by uses his phone?”
“Exactly that! We took a break on a roof in our sector and right as I was about to turn around to ask him where we should check next, he was answering a phone call! We sat on that roof for an hour because he said ‘he couldn’t hang up yet’.”
Tim nearly choked on his coffee as he slammed his mug into the table earning a glance from both the men.
“Richard, who was calling him?”
“Hmm? You know, I tried asking him but he waved me off instead.”
“You mean he didn’t try to tear your head off?” Tim watched in horror as Dick shook his head in denial, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Maybe he finally has a friend other than Jon!”
Bruce nodded as if the notion weren’t completely insane, his eyes returning the newspaper in his hands. Dick smiled, returning to his crossword as if there was nothing wrong with the world as if he didn’t drop the largest bombshell in history.
“This is so wrong, why can’t any of you see how wrong this is?”
Neither spared him a glance as they continued their morning routines with thoughtless giddy expressions.
At this point, Tim wasn’t sure he could drop it anymore. There was so much evidence piling up, so much pointing that Damian obviously liked the girl at least. Why was he the only one who could see that?
It was decided. The next time Marinette came over, he was confronting this once and for all.
.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tim waited and waited. Weeks passed between her last visit to the manor. Damian had left several times and random hours of the day, always giving him vague answers as to where he was going. It was as if the little demon read his mind and decided it was safer to meet her outside the manor.
He was so close to giving up when a truly diabolical thought crossed his mind. His smile was sinister as he approached Bruce’s office, his plan foolproof. He gave a slight knock on the door, two voices asking him to enter.
“Hey Bruce, Dick. I was just thinking the other day, we haven’t seen Marinette around lately. You both know that Damian is terrible at keeping up with his acquaintances. Maybe we should invite her for dinner one night! I mean, we all adore her, right? She is such a good influence for Damian too.”
It was like clockwork. Both Dick and Bruce jumped on the opportunity each pulling out their phones to let both kids know the details of when this dinner party would occur. As Tim left out the room, he couldn’t help the hysterical giggle that escaped from his lips. For good measure, he made sure to linger by Damian’s room, awaiting the reaction he was longing to hear. Surely enough, a soft ‘shit’ could be heard followed by heavy footsteps echoing as if he was pacing his room. It was the best sound Tim had heard in weeks.
Three agonizing days passed before Tim found himself waiting at the manor door to welcome Marinette into the manor. Damian had volunteered to bring her to the dining room himself, but Tim argued that it would be rude if not a single one of them were also there to greet her. In the end, Tim and Dick were volunteered to accompany one angry demon to see Marinette to the dining hall.
“Thank you so much for having me! I was surprised when I received a call from not just Damian, but you too Dick. I was under the impression that Damian hadn’t said anything yet.”
Damian’s face paled as his eyes darted to Dick’s as if Marinette said something damning. Tim caught onto immediately, his eyes also watching Dick’s face for any indication that he had realized the weight in her statement.
“Said anything? You mean about your friendship? Well, it’s impossible to pry anything from him, but we couldn’t let him keep you all to himself!”
In all of his blissful ignorance, he turned on his heel, dragging Marinette with him, chatting idly about whatever came to mind. Damian raced after him, his face a mixture of panic and hatred. It was a sight that warmed Tim to his core.
All dinner he watched as Damian stirred the conversation off Marinette only for someone to inevitably bring it right back. He relished in Damian nearly pulling his own hair out to ensure no one asked the question that Tim had been pressing for weeks now.
As the night drew to an end, Damian couldn’t rush her out of the manor fast enough. The doors slammed shut with a loud thud ricocheting through everyone’s ears.
“So, we’re in agreeance right?”
Tim turned his attention to where Jason leaned against the entryway, his lazy smirk building hope in the younger boy’s chest.
“Very much. They are definitely courting, or what is the phrase you call it now? Dating? Hangin’?” Bruce chuckled at his own joke before his gaze dropped to meet Tim’s. “It looks like we owe you an apology.”
Words never sounded more beautiful to Tim, he honestly felt like he might shed a tear. A heavy weight caused him to stumble as Dick threw himself onto Tim’s back.
“Tim is like a genius or something, right guys? I mean who would have ever guessed that Damian had a girlfriend! Hey, do you think they’ll get married? Does that mean at this point Damian is your best chance at getting grandkids?”
Tim dealt with the picking and jokes and the onslaught of fake apologies as they remained crowded in the entrance, waiting for Damian’s return. To him, none of it mattered as much as seeing his replacement’s face the minute they walked through the door.
After all, it was a large reward for a small price to pay. It all comes with being a genius.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 3
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
Winter soldiers on, the cold and occasional snow giving way to the promise of spring. Her birthday comes and goes, celebrated at her mother’s with her family as it had been before there was someone else to lay claim to her time on special days. The vacant spaces in her apartment that had been occupied by Ethan’s books and clothes, his toiletries, and VHS collection, begin to be filled by evidence of her new, single life. Her solitary toothbrush in the cup by the sink starts to look normal, the indent on her finger where his ring lived begins to fade, and the silence she arrives home to at the end of her workday becomes mundane instead of painful. Though this change was initiated and welcomed by her, change is always hard. She goes through the motions of being okay until one day in early April, she realizes that she is. The budding crocuses bring with them the optimism of a new life, another chance. A third chance, as it were, to get it right. Now she only has to figure out what right is.
Though they’ve always been close, she and Missy become even closer, taking up the space in each other’s lives that would otherwise be consumed by boyfriends or lovers. They are each other’s better half, sharing the minutiae of their workdays and staying available for unexpected illness or the need to move heavy furniture. While every human needs other humans to thrive, the Scully sisters fill that need with each other, shunning the idea of casual dating simply for the sake of companionship. There is no companion more perfect than the one who has known you since before you could understand the need for such a partner in life, and who is by your side not out of obligation, but because their soul is stitched so firmly to your own. They have always pledged their dedication to each other through thick and thin, and the new year of 1997 proves that to be a sincere promise on both their parts.
As such, they sit at their favorite local coffee shop on Sunday afternoon when Missy finally dares to ask her sister the question she’s avoided for the past four months. Not because she was afraid of her reaction, but because she knew Dana wasn’t ready to talk about it.
“Have you heard from Mulder at all?” she asks so casually that Dana flicks her eyes up and stares in disbelief, not sure that she heard her right.
“What?” Dana asks, her heart having lept for one single beat at the mention of his name.
“Mulder. Have you had any contact with him, or seen him?” Missy is misleadingly casual, acting as though this is not a question she’s been waiting months to ask.
“No,” Dana says flatly, her eyes dropping down to her coffee cup. “I wouldn’t expect to.”
“Does he know that you and Ethan split?” Missy asks next, her feet folded underneath her in the oversized armchair.
“I don’t see how he would,” Dana posits.
“Have you considered reaching out to him?” Missy tries, watching her sister for signs that she is going to shut the conversation down.
Dana shakes her head glumly. “After what I put him through, I’m sure I’m the last person he wants to hear from. That was nearly nine months ago, he’s probably long since moved on.”
“Have you? Moved on?”
Dana pulls in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I don’t know how to answer that. What does it mean, to move on?”
“Do you still think about him?” No assertions, just gentle questions, leading her sister to the conclusion she knows she needs to come to.
Dana nods softly. “All the time. Every day.”
“Then I think your answer would be no. You should contact him, Dana. It feels like unfinished business.” Missy has a thing about unfinished business. She believes it prevents you from achieving your full potential in life.
“Missy...what would I even say? ‘Sorry I broke your heart, good news is it didn’t even work out so it was all for nothing’? I don’t want to cause him more pain than I already have.” Her tone is resigned and defeated. Another regret she will come to live with, pinned to her lapel with a collection of other mistakes that she can never quite atone for.
Missy shrugs. “You know what I think. The rest is up to you.”
Missy is right. The trouble is, she doesn't trust herself to make these decisions anymore. She’s proven to herself that she doesn’t know how to make the right one.
“Excuse me,” a rough, nasally voice calls from behind her. She turns to see a red nosed young man in the doorway of the pathologist’s office, slumped against the doorframe with watery eyes. “I’m here to pick up an autopsy report, for, um...I think it’s Richards or something.”
Scully has worked with this courier before, and compared to his typical demeanor it’s easy to tell that he’s unwell.
“Are you alright?” she asks as she uses her feet to push her rolling chair over to the file cabinet, retrieving the report in question.
“Uh, not really, no. But if I call out sick one more time I’m gonna get canned.” He leans his head against the cool metal of the doorframe. She suspects he’s feverish.
“You don’t look well enough to work. Where is this headed?” she asks, still holding the file in her hand.
The young man blows out a stream of air and she holds her breath for a moment, not wanting to inhale whatever he’s infected with. He pulls a slip of paper from his pocket. “Hoover Building, Behavioral Science Unit. Agent Kissop.” He stuffs the paper back in his pocket and looks around, taking refuge in the extra chair near the end of her desk.
She feels a little flutter in her belly; what are the odds?
“I’ll tell you what,” she begins, “I was just about to head out for the day and I live in Georgetown, so I’m going that way anyway. Can I drop this off for you? You don’t look well enough to drive and I’d hate to see you on the news in the morning if you cause an accident.”
He sighs deeply, the biggest display of excitement he can muster. “Are you sure? I’d really appreciate it,” he says, his eyelids barely maintaining half-mast.
“No problem at all,” she replies, gathering her coat and purse. “You get home and take some Tylenol, okay? And get some rest.”
He nods weakly and she leaves him there, climbing into her car with the file and a pounding heart. She can’t help but feel like this is a sign. She’s been thinking about signs a lot lately, and she’s recently resolved to start paying attention to them.
Mulder stands beside the copy machine, doing his Wednesday afternoon ritual of fighting with the toner cartridge and cursing profusely. From around the corner, he can hear AD Kirkbride drumming up his own song of profanity, which is more of a daily ritual than a weekly one.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Kirkbride is shouting. “Now that dipshit is conning goddamn doctors into doing his pathetic job?”
Another much softer voice answers him, but Mulder can’t quite make out the words. He moves closer to the open door, bored enough to bother eavesdropping and seeing which of his colleagues is going to get their ass handed to them today.
“Yeah, I’m sure he is sick, that fucking lowlife. He’s sick every fucking week, it’s always something with him!”
“Sir, I don’t know what the history is between you and the courier,” answers the other voice, and it’s familiar in a way that makes him stop in his tracks, his stomach clutching in a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Can you direct me to Agent Kissop, please? Then I’ll be on my way and you can work it out with the courier service.”
It’s Scully. It’s her, he’s sure. He’s been dreaming of that voice for months, the soft sibilant S’s and the way her plush lips rest against her adorable overbite. Without thinking, he enters Kirkbride’s office and sees her standing in front of his desk with a file in her hand and an exasperated look on her face.
“Scully?” he asks, and she turns to him. Her hair is a bit longer, now just past her shoulders, and she’s wearing black slacks and a white blouse. She’s as beautiful as ever, maybe even more than he remembered. She doesn’t look all that surprised to see him. If anything, she looks relieved. Emotion boils up in his chest immediately and he feels his throat constrict.
“You know her?” Kirkbride asks, gesturing to Scully, and Mulder nods. “Great, then show her where Kissop sits so I can call the fucking courier service and tell them to fire that lazy asshat before I strangle him.”
Scully walks towards him and he turns wordlessly to show her out of Kirkbride’s office and down the hall to where Kissop sits. His heart is beating slowly but firmly, his pulse resounding in his ears. What is she doing here? Did she come here to see him? And if so, why? When they arrive at Kissop’s desk, Scully hands her the file and they exchange words that Mulder doesn’t bother to listen to. Then Scully looks at him hesitantly and slowly turns to walk away, towards the exit. He feels suspended, unsure if he can believe his own eyes that she is really here, and entirely conflicted over what to do about it if she is. He’s spent nine months trying to forget her, but she’s as real and alive as ever, standing before him. His self-protective instinct says to let her go, but his heart says to run after her.
“Quit standing here like a dumbass and go talk to her,” Kissop orders him, clearly picking up on some tension though she doesn’t have the faintest idea what’s causing it.
Shaken from his daze, Mulder follows Scully into the hallway.
“Scully,” he calls out, and she stops walking but doesn’t turn around. When he catches up to her, he touches her shoulder and she turns to face him with wet eyes.
They stand there for a moment, looking at one another, an expectant feeling hanging over them. He wants to touch her, to feel the press of her body against his again, but he doesn’t dare. That would seem like a relapse, of sorts.
“Would you have coffee with me?” she finally speaks, her voice small and unsure. It’s an invitation she is not at all confident he will accept.
“Okay,” he answers, and they walk out of the building side by side, silently.
They seem to understand without saying so that Mulder will lead them to where they ought to go, which is a little cafe called Burial Grounds just a block from the front doors of the Hoover Building. They stand in line stoically, tension crackling between them like static as they order something that will occupy their hands and give them a safe place to avert their eyes while they talk. They sit at a small table near the door and wait, glimpsing at each other’s faces and then away, summoning courage. Because this was at Scully’s invitation, it seems like she should have the floor.
“Ethan and I aren’t together anymore,” she finally blurts out, and his first instinct is to look at her hand, which is indeed bare of any jewelry. Next he looks at her face, considering her expression and whether she takes this to be good news or bad. She looks pained, but not about what she’s just said. She’s had this look on her face since he first spotted her in Kirkbride’s office. He’s unsure if he should be offering congratulations or condolences, and irritated that he’s being put in the position to figure it out, so he says nothing.
“I’m sure that I’m just about the last person you want to see,” she continues, her ocean irises tracing the logo printed on her cup. It wasn’t a question, but if it were he’d tell her that she’s the only person he wants to see, the only one he ever thinks about. The reason he can’t sleep and, when he does, the only thing he dreams about. “If it’s okay, there are some things I’d like to say to you. I understand if you don’t want to hear them.”
She flicks her eyes up to meet his for a moment and he nods softly, keeping his expression neutral. She returns her gaze to the skull and crossbones bearing the name of the coffee shop.
“I have always believed that life is about making the right choices. That we are presented with an ongoing series of options, opportunities and situations, and that we are tasked with determining the right choice that will put us on the path towards the best possible life. But as of late,” she pauses to take a sip of her coffee, stealing a glance at him before she continues, “I’ve come to believe that there is actually only one choice. One path we’re supposed to be on, and there are signs along the way to pay attention to. The choices might not always make sense at the time, but in the grand scheme of things, they are the ones you need to make in order to have the best possible life. Or the right life, the one you’re supposed to have.”
She pauses and slides her hand across the table, covering his with her own. The soft warmth of her skin electrifies him a little, sending a flush to his belly. She brings her eyes up to meet his, her brows knit with emotion as her chin gently puckers. She’s so beautiful it physically hurts.
“I ignored the signs,” she says tightly. “I made the wrong choice, Mulder. I thought I was doing the right thing, the best thing, but I was wrong. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”
He feels his chest tighten, a telltale precursor to tears, and he looks away from her. Why is she doing this? To make herself feel better? She pulls her hand back and sniffs, then stands and slings her purse over her shoulder.
“Thank you for having coffee with me,” she says, and then he watches her leave. He sits there, staring at the pink lipstick that stains the rim of her cup, wishing she’d given him some more time to absorb it all. Wishing she’d never made the wrong choice.
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sparkle9510 · 5 years
Baby Robins and Tiny Ladybugs Ch. 2
Hey guys! Happy holidays! I’m so terribly sorry this is so late! Honestly, I got lazy, wanting to do other things (making presents and drawing stuff), but writers block kept getting to me. I wasn’t satisfied where this was going, so I decided to let inspiration hit me and I am so glad I waited cause indeed it did, and I am much more satisfied with this chapter than my previous idea. With that said, let’s move on with the show!
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It was a beautiful day at the city of Paris, France. It was peaceful and quiet. All until laughter filled the air near the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.
“Grayson did what?” Marinette giggled. “I can’t believe he burnt the pancakes.”
“Grayson was always inept in cooking. Though everyone in the family is. You should see father burning the water,” Damian rolled his eyes. “We’re lucky to have Pennyworth with us.”  
Marinette chuckled, understanding that Damian was actually showing that he cares for his family. It has been 2 years since they had first met and exchanged numbers. They had exchanged emails very frequently, and emails then turned to phone calls before it turned into video calls. All that time spent talking to each other helped them both know each other’s quirks. At least, she hoped so.
“I’m glad your father’s back safe and sound,” Marinette smiled. 
Damian had informed her that his father, who was missing or most likely dead, had been found. He was injured and needed time to heal, but overall, was relatively safe and sound. She was so happy to hear that, especially since his mother figure was not a part of his life anymore so he said.
“I am too, although,” Damian frowned. “now that he’s back, things will be different.” Will I be accepted? He seemed to radiate, from what Marinette can tell.
“Damian,” Marinette decided to interrupt his thoughts. “you are amazing, and from what I hear, your dad will love you.” 
“Angel, thank you,” Damian gave her a small grateful smile.
Marinette grinned, opening her mouth to respond when her mom called her. 
“Dami, I got to go,” She frowned. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
Giving their goodbyes, she ended the call before heading downstairs. Down in the kitchen, her dad was kneading some dough and her mom was nearby, a phone in hand.
“Maman?” Marinette called. “What did you need?” 
“Marinette, we just got a huge order of catering, though the location is pretty far.”
“Where Maman?”
Damian sighed, hands in the pockets of his jackets. He observed his father looking over the decorations and progress of the setup. His father had decided to hold a gala in honor of his return. He had understood his father had to show he wasn’t fazed and pick his playboy facade back up, but Damian so did not like these meaningless social interactions.
“Why the sigh, Lil’ D?” Dick asked. “You’ve been doing it more often.”
“Probably cause he hasn’t done his weekly thing,” Tim yawned, typing away on his laptop. “Whatever that is.”
Damian scowled and looked away. He couldn’t be bothered with Drake at the moment. It’s been around 2 weeks since he had last called Marinette. She hadn’t shown up and picked up the call the last two times he called, the most recent being yesterday. She had said she was busy and went awol. O-of course he wasn’t really worried, he told himself. She could just be really busy.
“Ooh, you may be right, Replacement,” Jason smirked, leaning onto Dick. “The demon spawn hasn’t stayed his room for hours. I wonder, maybe he’s hasn’t been-” 
Before he could continue, Dick elbowed Jason in the ribs, earning a yelp from the latter. Jason glared at his older brother, only to receive an annoyed look that said, ‘Are you serious?’ In return, he stuck his tongue playfully. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying Todd,” Damian scoffed, narrowing his eyes when he felt someone ruffle his hair. “Cease that, Grayson.”
“Dami, you know what you need?” Dick grinned. “Sugar. And you know what? they have some desserts at the cater table and I’ll bet they’ll let you have something sweet.”
“You know I don’t care for sweets.”
“Just have something, Lil’ D. If anything, you can check on the food,” 
“Very well.”
And with that, Damian begun heading over to the food, but not without hearing Jason whispering to Dick. 
“Dickie Bird, you’re up to something. Spill,” Jason interrogated Dick.
“Just being a good big brother,” Dick cheerily replied.
A good brother? Very unlikely. Damian rolled his eyes. When he got to the area, he saw a large man and a woman setting up the food. It smelled good, and somewhat…familiar? There was one place he thought up, but how could it be here when it was at-
“Maman, Papa! Here are the rest of the order!” a girl, carrying multiple boxes tried to rush past him. 
However, she didn’t notice him and bumped into him, sending her almost tumbling down. That is, until Damian helped steady her. 
“I’m sorry,” the girl replied. “I’m so clumsy. I-”
Damian’s eyes widen. He knew that voice anywhere. Adding the clumsiness, that could only mean…
Marinette’s eyes widen, realizing who it was that stopped her. She figured there was a good chance of seeing him, but she thought it would be more of her telling him than running into him.
“…We’ve got to stop running into each other,” she smiled, slightly embarrassed she had yet again, ran into him. 
“I don’t mind,” Damian chuckled. “Let me help you.”
Grabbing two-third of the boxes, he begun to walk to the table. Marinette immediately followed, still stuck in a dazed state. 
“Oh! Thank you, sir,” Sabine quickly relieved Damian’s load. “I hope our daughter didn’t cause you any trouble.” 
“It’s no problem, Mlle.” Damian smiled. “It’s an honor to finally meet Marinette’s parents. She told me so much about you during our chats.”
“Chats?” Tom questioned. “Oh! You must be that boy she calls frequently. She mentioned how-”
“Papa!” Marinette called. “Don’t you need to finish setting these up or something?”
Her dad chuckled before going back to his work. Marinette sighed, feeling the heat still on her face. Damian didn’t need to hear what she said about him. 
“Marinette,” her mother called, catching her attention. “We’re almost done here. If you want, you can go spend some time with your friend.” 
“Really?! Thanks Maman!” Marinette kissed her parent’s cheeks before grabbing Damian’s hand. “Let’s go!”
“So that’s the Wayne Memorial Clock Tower, that’s the Wayne Animal Sanctuary, and here we are at the Gotham City Central Park.” Damian pointed out to Marinette. 
“The park’s beautiful Damian!” Marinette grinned. 
The plants looked really taken care of. The flowers planted were blooming and bright and beautiful. But before she could say anymore, she felt her stomach rumble, and it wasn’t quiet at all.
“…I’m feeling a bit famished.” Damian looked away. “Do you want to accompany me?”
“I know the perfect place.”
“Welcome to the Wayne Manor,” Damian smirked and gave a playful bow. 
“Damian, a-are you sure?” Marinette seemed unsure. “It’s a bit sudden and what if your family doesn’t like me?”
“It’ll be alright. They're probably still handling the arrangements for the gala anyways,” Damian assured her. “Nevertheless, they will like you, I’m sure.”
After all, Damian inwardly, this was all set up by at least Dick.
“Welcome home, Master Damian,” Alfred greeted them. “And I see you brought a guest. I hope he has been well behaved?” 
Marinette giggled and stuck her hand out.
“He’s been quite the gentleman,” she replied. “Though I’m guessing that might not be normal? I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng. Is it safe to guess you’re the all knowing Pennyworth?”
“How right you are Mrs. Dupain Cheng,” Alfred confirmed, reaching out and shaking her hand. “Just Alfred is fine. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m glad Damian made a friend. As you may guess, he has some difficulty getting along with many of his age.”
“He has his quirks,” Marinette admitted. “But he’s a sweet guy once you get underneath the tough layer.” 
“Pennyworth,” Damian interrupted. “I would like to request a meal prepared for both of us.” 
Alfred nodded. “Very well, young Master. While I do that, you may keep yourself occupied in the living room.”
Damian took that time to do a quick tour of the house. Of course, he avoided the areas that could reveal the family’s nighttime occupation. They may have made it hard for visitors to figure it out, but Marinette wasn’t normal. Of that, he knew. She probably will figure it out within the day if he wasn’t careful enough.
He did show her a quick view of his room. It was the place where they chatted anyways, so Marinette was somewhat familiar with it. She complimented many of his drawings hanging on the wall (No, he was not blushing. It was just kinda hot in the room), and was curious about his weapons in the room. Not long after, they decided to hang in the living room, where they quietly conversed.
“Alfie!” Dick’s voice rang out. “We’re home~ We got hungry and thought we might as well have some of your wonderful cooking.” 
Oh no. This is going to get troublesome pretty quickly.
“Hey, look who the demon spawn brought in,” Jason’s voice rang from the door entrance of the living room. “Looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” 
“Close your mouth before you sprout even more ridiculous ideas, Todd,” Damian spat. “What are you doing here.” 
“We got hungry,” Tim replied, walking into the room while typing on his laptop. “We didn’t want to go out and eat.” 
Damian scoffed. “Nice cover up. Did Grayson tell you to say that?”
“Chill, Lil’ D,” Dick appeared right behind him. “Let’s not have our usual fights while your friend is here. Speaking of which, introductions are due. Hello miss, I’m-”
“Grayson,” Marinette interrupted. “And you’re probably Drake, and that’s Todd. A-ah! I’m sorry I interrupted! I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng.”
“It’s all good cupcake,” Jason grinned, “but call me Jason. Jason Todd’s my full name.”
“Tim Drake’s mine.”
“Richard Grayson, but call me Dick.” 
“D-dick? But isn’t that…?” Marinette questioned, but decided to drop it, deciding to turn to Damian. “Wait, I thought- Damian, you didn’t tell me that those were their last name.”
“It wasn’t important,” Damian shrugged. “They’re not of importance.”
He looked at Marinette to see her eyebrow raised. A silent scolding clear on her face that made him feel a twinge of guilt.
“Ignore him,” Marinette turned back to the group. “He doesn’t say it often, but he does care about each of you.”
“Marinette,” Damian glared at her, but unfortunately it didn’t seem to faze her.
“So, the Demon Spawn actually cares for us,” Jason grinned, earning Damian’s death glare, “How sweet~ The devil has a soft side.”
“Todd,” Damian began before he was interrupted. 
“Demon Spawn?” Marinette asked. “Isn’t that a bit harsh?”
“It’s a bit of an inside joke,” Tim explained. “Though he does acts like one sometimes.”
“It’s a term of endearment,” Dick whispered to her. 
Marinette nodded, “Ah. Wait, Dami, is that also why you call me Angel now and then? You know, Demons and Angels are...?”
Damian winced. Maybe it was a mistake bringing her to the manor. He wasn’t going to escape with his dignity intact.
“He calls you Angel?” Jason’s eyes bulged in glee. “Ah, this is good blackmail.” 
“Don’t you dare,” Marinette warned. “You’re not gonna use this as blackmail.”
“And what are you going to do about it, munchkin?” Jason smirked. “You can’t stop me.”
“Can too,” Marinette stuck out her tongue. “Bet this tiny girl can beat your butt.”
With that, they decided to have a match after lunch. Damian knew she could take care of herself. Hell, that was a part of why he quickly was taken in. But Jason was older and had more experience, he was sure. Plus, his violent tendencies might take over, and he didn’t want her to get too hurt.
Marinette was in awe when she got into their workout room. It was huge, with many equipment that she had not seen used as a workout as well. But luckily, there was a large empty area, with mats she assumes is the area where they spar. Damian had told her they do that to practice their self defense.
“Ten bucks that Marinette is going to beat Jason,” Tim grinned, looking over to Dick. 
“Fine,” Dick agreed. “She’s a firecracker, but don’t think it’s enough to beat Jason just yet.”
“Tt,” Damian scoffed. “Imbeciles. Betting over things like this?”
“Dami, it’s alright,” Marinette grinned, feeling a bit mischievous. “It’s nice that Tim believes in me. And if anything, it’ll be fun to rub the fact I wiped the floor with Jason to both him and Dick right?” 
“No mercy,” Damian smirked. 
Marinette shared his smirk, taking position on the mat.
“I’ll go easy on you,” Jason announced. 
“Big mistake,” she chuckled. 
With that, they began. She sent a big punch followed by a side sweep, predicting where he would move next. He was good, dodging and landing his own hits, but she also was able to land her own. After a few minutes, she did see a certain pattern. He tended to reply on his fists more than his feet and left his side open. It wasn’t a big blind spot from what she could tell, but a blind spot, nonetheless. It was obvious that he spent some training making sure his weaknesses were minimal.
Looking for the right opening, she noticed he still had his leather jacket on. Maybe she could… She looked at her surroundings. Okay, nothing else to work with but she could still do something.
Dodging a right punch, she spun behind him. Before he could react, she grabbed onto the back of his leather jacket, and flipped over him, letting the jacket go over his head. She yanked on it so that it started to come off, but before it completely came off the sleeves, she dived under him before using that sudden weight and pull to keep him pretty subdued as she dragged them both on the floor, her being on top of him.
“Owned by a pixie,” Dick teased. 
“Fuck you,” Jason replied. “though he’s right. You got me. Nice job kiddo. Clever idea. Though… hm, I think there might be a slight rip now.”
“Ah! Sorry,” Marinette apologized. “I tend to use my environment to help me, and your jacket was the only thing…”
“It’s alright,” Jason waved off. “I can get Alfred to fix this.”
“No, wait, lemme fix it since I caused it.” She insisted.
Relenting, Jason handed over the jacket. Quickly, she grabbed her sewing kit that she carried everywhere with her. Taking out the necessary items, she quickly went to work. It took 10 minutes, she fixed up the jacket. It was just the stitching that came undone.
“Good as new,” she cheered, handing it back to him. 
“Thanks Tinkerbell,” he grinned. 
“Tinkerbell?” Tim raised his eyebrow. 
“Yeah, she can find things and make something new out of it, assuming she can, and she can fix things,” Jason shrugged. “Plus, she’s as small as a pixie.”
Marinette rolled her eyes at his jab at her height. Damian walked next to her and gave his hand.
“Good job Angel,” he praised. “Knew you could do it.” 
“Thanks Damian,” Marinette smiled. 
“Dick, you lost the bet, so pay up,” Tim cackled. 
“So you were betting instead of getting ready for the gala?” 
Everyone turned and standing at the doorway was a man in a suit. Tim and Dick had quickly walked over to him and informed him of what was going on, from what Marinette was hearing. 
“Welcome to the manor,” the man smiled, sticking his hand out. “I’m Bruce Wayne. Thank you for taking my son down a peg or two.”
“A pleasure,” she replied. “wait, Wayne, then does that mean?” 
She swiveled to Damian, who only smirked and nodded. Oh dear. Ooooh dear. She was with the Waynes. The rich billionaire family, and she just beat one of them. 
“Wait,” Dick was laughing when he realized. “Marinette, you didn’t realize we were Waynes?” 
“I-I just thought,” Marinette sputtered, rambling off a bit. “the W-waynes were pretty common. I didn’t think you guys were the Waynes. Though I guess the manor and butler should've tipped it off.....”
“… I like her,” Jason grinned. “Can we keep her?” 
Marinette still felt a bit embarrassed, though Damian gave her a small pat.
“She’s not a pet,” Bruce joked back. “Marinette, I know your parents will be catering during the Gala, but how would you like to accompany my sons and keep them entertained during that time? They tend to find trouble when bored.”
And that was how Marinette got swept up into more of the Wayne’s shenanigans (with her parents’ permission of course). They gave her a beautiful dress to wear (where did they get it so quickly?). And at night, they came to the gala by limo. 
“Ready, Angel?” Damian offered his arm as Marinette came out of the limo. 
“It’s now or never,” Marinette took it, letting him lead into the building. 
 The night was fun. She danced with all of the members of the Wayne family. Jason, pulling her into a very energetic tango. But she danced with Damian the most. Though like Bruce had predicted, she had to stop the boys from starting bits of trouble here and there, especially when they would try to do it behind her back. Jason did take a picture and suspiciously began typing on his phone, but she did not give it any thoughts. Before they knew it, the night was over, and they dropped her off to the  Gotham Royal Hotel.
“I had a great time,” Marinette chuckled. “Thank you, guys! I had a great time!”
“No prob, Tinkerbell,” Jason grinned. “We’ll keep in touch.”
“We’ll come visit,” Dick winked. 
Waving them off, Marinette stood by the doors for a few seconds. She then felt the vibration from her phone. Pulling it out, she saw she had a new message, from Damian. It was a link followed by a, ‘Todd is an imbecile’.”
She pressed it, noticing it took her to the social platform, Tweeter. 
Welcoming Tinkerbell as an honorary member of the Wayne family. Don’t let looks fool you. This pixie can beat your ass.
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The picture earlier! She realized. At least, he didn’t actually show her face, not completely where people can identify her. But this tweet he sent was already at 1.3K and counting. 
And after that, they did meet up more often. Sometimes Damian and his family would visit her, and sometimes they flew her over. She felt bad and didn’t want to keep having them fly her over, but they insisted.
After the first social media fiasco, Marinette did appear more frequently on their social media, though hidden. She ended up making an account for it though, but everyone didn’t know who she was, only knowing her as Tinkerbell.
It was a fun time, and she was really happy. She had another family that cared for her, who she cared for. And she wouldn’t change it any other way.She hummed softly, sewing her newest idea when her phone rang. 
“Hello? Jason?” Marinette greeted, a bit curious.
The other line was silent for a while, making her worry.
“Jason what-”
“He’s gone.”
“What?” Marinette’s eyes widen with worry. “Who are you talking about? Who’s gone?”
“Damian, Marinette,” Jason replied, his tone dead. “There was an accident and…”
“He’s gone.”
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ANNNNND THERE WE HAVE IT! THE NEXT CHAPTER FINISHED. AND THIS WAS TOTALLY LONGER THAN THE LAST ONE AS A TREAT. (Ahhh I wrote a lot of interruptions haha ^^;)I hope you guys liked it!! Any questions, then let me know here or in my ask, whatever’s fine! Btw him disappearing is during the time he died from Heretic. So, he’s gonna be dead for a bit 0w0. 
Taglist (let me know if I forgot anyone):
@mooshoon @bluerosette23 @zestyzealot @luciferge @gingerdaile @crazylittlemunchkin @queenmj10 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @razzledazzle247 @dorkus-minimus @this-is-vander​
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whereflowersbloom · 4 years
Sweet sin.
She sensed his presence in her vicinity before he actually approaches her, the way she always has ever since she locked her eyes on him. Raven detected a shift in the air and then he is at her back, her skin immediately feels him breathing on her long neck. Her shoulders sag in relief but she does not dare turn around, in case it will shatter everything.
There is something different about him. But then again, she supposed there is something different about them now as well. "Raven” her breath hitches as he pronounces her name like a prayer, quietly and her eyes fill inexplicably. There are suddenly a thousand things to tell him, as there always is when they spend time apart. And it had been an unconscionably long time for her liking.
He abruptly grabbed her tiny hand to pull her closer to him and she exhaled. "Brother in law.”
The soft exhale through his nose indicates his arrogant smile. They stand there completely still, as if making sure the other is truly there before Jason shifts his weight from one foot to the other and bends his head to speak to directly to her small ear. “Could you get away tonight?" Jason whispered eagerly, breath hot against her throat. She so many questions but realized it is not the time, and they have to be careful, there’s no handmaidens or servants around fortunately, but one must be wary at all times, so she swallowed hard and nodded instead.
There is a window in the room, facing the setting sun. It bathes the room in golden light, seemingly setting her dark hair on shining like night sky. The light makes her skin look luminescent, soft and playful and perfect. And he wished they were alone, to let his hands and lips roam freely the smooth skin he has kissed innumerable times, yet he couldn’t get enough. He can’t help it as his left hand settle on her waist discreetly, pulling her closer. His thumb grazes the underside of her breast, because he is wicked and can’t think to stop himself. She silently removes his hand from the side of her breast, and his eyes spot the exquisite gold band in her ring finger, reminding him at the eyes of the world she was not his. He knitted his brows instinctively, in frustration, wild anger.
Wide dark blue eyes, almost violet, those enigmatic orbs he adores lock with his, and he can tell the exact moment when comprehension settles in, when she understands just how much he hates being forced to share her with his own brother. He suddenly feels he’s too greedy, burdening her with this knowledge. But he wants her like no other, and she was belonged to him in ways his brother would never have her.
“Come to my room when your husband is asleep, little bird.” He waited for her to nod again, subtly glancing at the corners in case there’s a spy or unwanted witness and then he is gone in an instant. They couldn’t let anyone suspect. She held in the gasp that almost escapes her mouth when he is no longer pressed against her back, pushes down the urge to whirl around and run after him and profess her longing for him all those weeks he was gone. Raven Wayne stands tall, looks down the corridor for her husband. Richard was too concentrated reading a book when he half consciously catches her eye, smiling at her immediately. Sweet and distant Richard never said a word about her close relationship with his younger brother. Jason.
Jason couldn’t stay anymore, having her so close in proximity, yet so very far away, left Jason filled with something like despair. Suddenly, he couldn’t bear to watch her anymore. He ached to touch her, publicly claim her as his. It had been so long, and yet the memory of her under his fingers occupied his every thought.
Contrary to popular belief, Jason Wayne was not accustomed to sharing the bed of beautiful women. Not the whole night at least.
Being a loyal customer to the finest brothels in Rome, he had learned that money only granted you a certain amount of time and services and cuddling your beloved of the night in the aftermath of lovemaking wasn't one of them. Not when she was married to your older brother. There had been other women, of course, before her, the world wasn't divided between noble ladies and whores, after all. But Jason had never spent the entire night through the morning with one of his conquests. There had been kisses, primitive passion, and many goodbyes. He was a warrior of the nation. But there was no other like her. His little Raven. She was different in a very unique way.
He wasn’t granted the privilege to spend lazy mornings with his secret lover, explore her body until he was terribly exhausted and make her scream his name until there was no doubt she was only his. That wasted honorable and admirable Richard’s right. It makes his skin burn with anger, blood rising to the surface. His hand itches towards his sword, closer every second, to cut anyone who was close enough neck and he decided training with Timothy outside for most of the day, would relieve some pressure, to avoid the house and the people within it. Specifically his brother and wife together.
Later that night after welcoming his brother in law back. Raven slides carefully out from under the white sheets, not glancing at the husband she is leaving in his bed alone. Their bed, she reminder herself. No, she thinks sternly, its his. There is a moment when she paused, almost turns to look at Richard with guilt and regret. Sweet and kindhearted Richard, who smiled cheerfully whenever she walked into a room and kissed her tenderly as if she was made of glass. In that moment, she considers what her life has become, what she has become, and wonders what is going to come next. If only she had married Jason, but her betrothal had been decided before he came back from France, before they had time to suggest a different suitor. Her eyes flutter closed, begging one day God forgives her for her adulterous sins. She leaves in the silence of the moonlight. In minutes, she’s at the massive wooden door of his bedroom. Their bedroom she said in her mind.
“I do not think I was followed.” she admitted nervous even after numerous nocturnal encounters. She finds herself unease somehow, unable to determine why exactly. Her lover seemed different, more serious, as if he had matured while he was away from her. Raven remembers the young boy he was once dressed in red tackling her to the ground playfully, childhood playmates, eyes still full of hope and naivety. The promise of a future they could choose a partner, no worries or concerns for political marriages or brutal and devastating wars. She had a spouse now. His brother.
There is a moment of silence before he sighed “Its not the first. I trust you were careful enough, as always.” He made a gesture inviting her to sit beside him with his open arms. She obliges, her mind imagining the things they would do in that bed, noting how his gaze never leaves her, drinking her up as she is drinking him. They say nothing for minutes. Leaning in, Raven kissed his cheek affectionately and his hand tightened on her hip possesively.
She saw the shudder in his throat as he swallowed. He tilted his head down, towards hers, until their foreheads leaned together and she could feel his nose to the side of hers, his breath on her mouth. That was not new, either, but nevertheless something in her belly fluttered after being weeks apart. “Did you miss me sweetheart?” He rasped, and the crack in his voice stirs her stomach and she clings to his neck like it’s the only thing she can hold onto, before he leaves for a battle or under his father’s command.
Raven gave a solemn nod and set her hands on his broad shoulder. She dutifully closed her eyes, when he kissed her slowly but with ardor at the same time, and she kissed back giving into the pleasure of his mouth, feeling his lips give way just a little under the pressure. Excitement burned through her veins once more, to be in her beloved’s arms once again. She tried to mimic the slow press of his lips, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Her heart was pounding. Then his thumb ran down her throat, almost to her collarbone, and Raven gasped against his mouth. “As always, my love.”
“You’re playing with Fire, sister in law.” He muttered smirking at her mischievously. He felt fever mad with endless want for her. His skin must be as warm as hers. Raven burning him up, both of them burning each other up.
“Then burn me with your touch, Jason.” She whispered with heat and desire, pressing a hand to his solid chest. “I never wanted his heart, I wanted yours.” Forgive me Richard for I am falling into sin again with your brother. But I cannot say wholeheartedly I regret it, nonetheless.
@ravenfan1242 @niahti I blame youuuuuu 🙈😂😂😂
Sneak peek 👀👀👀👀 🙈🙈🙈
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11:11 // Zabdiel de Jesús
Reader x Zabdiel de Jusús
A/N: This is for @cnco-hoenesty, I hope you like it <3. Special thanks to @zabdidaddi for helping me plot it out, and @laverdaderababy for describing to me what Zabdiel’s hugs feel like from personal experience.   -m.n.
Warnings: mild angst, mild verbal abuse from (Y/N)’s mother
Word count: 1.3k+
“So, I was thinking the song should sound really happy, but the lyrics should be sad,” Erick said, strumming a few chords on his guitar. 
You and the five boys were spending the day writing songs for their new album.
“That could be interesting, to add depth,” said Joel. “What do you think, (Y/N)?”
“Oh, I don’t know, just make the whole thing sad,” you said softly.
Your eyes were locked on your phone and the text you received from your mother: You are the most selfish person I’ve ever met. I’m disgusted with you. Get back here now.
The thought of going home to deal with your mother made you feel sick and your stomach was tight with dread. You hardly even noticed the pointed silence in the room around you, until you looked up and realized there were five pairs of concerned eyes on you.
“Are you all right, (Y/N)?” Zabdiel asked tenderly.
“Yes,” you lied. “I just have to go home now. I forgot to… feed my fish.” You slipped off the grand piano you were sitting on and pulled on your jacket.
“Do you need a ride, shawty?” Richard asked.
“No, thanks,” you said, walking to the door. “It’s not far.”
But with your vision blurred by brimming tears, you collided clumsily with Zabdiel in the doorway. Seeing your teary eyes, he took you in his arms and spun you gently to the other side of him so that your face was hidden from the other boys by his broad, tall shoulders.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” he whispered. His expression was so concerned that you forgot anyone else was there.
“Nada, Zabdiel.” You didn’t want to explain how awful your mother could be. You just reached up to rest your hands on his shoulders and let him hold you for a while.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he said softly, and you were close enough to feel his body vibrate as he spoke. “But I am here for you.” He leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you,” your voice trembled. You felt so safe with him, and you wished you could stay there forever, but you knew your mother would kill you if you weren’t home soon. “I’ll see you later, Zabdi,” you sighed as you pulled yourself out of his warm arms.
The air felt chilly without him, but you left quickly before he could stop you.
“You quit your job!” your mother shrieked at you at dinner that evening. “I don’t think you understand how selfish you are. We do everything for you, and you repay us by quitting your job applying to music school.”
“Mom, I’m sorry. I just-” your throat was tight with emotion. “My friends have taught me so much about songwriting, and I really love it-”
“I don’t want to hear about your friends!” she yelled. “You hang around them all the time, and it’s pathetic. You’re not the sixth member of their little band. Wake up and realize they don’t care about you. You’re nothing.”
The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” you said at once.
You let out a long sigh before you opened the door, but once you did, you saw-
“Zabdiel?” You wanted to kiss him, but you contented yourself by flying into his arms. “What are you doing here?” you asked when you finally pulled away.
“I wanted to check on you,” he said, smiling down at you. “And I wanted to give these to you, too.” He held out a small bouquet of purple wildflowers.
“They’re lovely -”
“Who the hell is it, (Y/N)?” your mother's harsh voice erupted from inside. The sound was like hammering nails after hearing Zabdiel’s honey-sweet words.
You peeked your head through the door and said, “It’s Zabdiel de Jesús, Mom. Can he stay for dinner?”
“Fine,” she said. “But hurry up. The food’s getting cold.”
“Would you like to stay, Zab?” you asked, your eyes more pleading than you realized.
“Of  course,” he said.
Once you were sitting inside beside him, you felt relieved. There was no way your mother would continue to attack you when your friend was there, you thought. Until-
“Can you pass the carrots, (Y/N), or are you too lazy to do that, too?”
You blushed deeply, but passed the dish of carrots along silently. Zabdiel placed his hand on your knee, and when you looked up at him his expression was shocked.
“When I think of all the things this family has done for you,” your mother continued, spitting out the words as if they were disgusting in her mouth. “All the places we’ve driven you, and the food and clothes we’ve bought you. And you can’t contribute to anything beyond yourself. You’re a brat.”
At this point, Zabdiel put his arm around you protectively. The initial shock of your mother’s insults was gone from his face, and now he looked strong and fierce.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean, ma’am,” said Zabdiel in a controlled voice.
“I know you and your little band live in a dream world,” she said, “but now you’ve got my daughter thinking she can just quit her steady job and study music at college.”
Zabdiel looked down at you softy. “They accepted your application?” You nodded. He kissed the top of your head and said, “I knew they would.”
“Don’t encourage her, boy!” your mother shrieked at him. “There’s no way she’ll make a living out of this. She doesn’t have the talent; we’ve all heard her singing in the shower. She’s just selfish.”
“(Y/N) is the most kindhearted person in the world, and she has the most beautiful, creative mind,” he said, more to you than your mother.
“I won’t stand for this in my house,” said your mother, standing up wildly. Her face was contorted with rage and it was frankly terrifying. She started toward you, screaming, “You will go right back to your boss and beg for your position back or so help me-”
Instinctively, Zabdiel stood up between you and your mother, his tall body acting as your shield. He didn’t seem afraid of her the way you usually were; it was like watching a golden god from a myth facing a pathetic demon.
“Don’t talk to (Y/N) that way,” he said in a calm, strong tone. “She deserves to be treated so much better than that.”
“You have no authority to tell me how to talk to my daughter,” she muttered savagely.
“Yes, I do, ma’am. I love her.”
Your heart fluttered. “Truly?” you asked.
“Truly,” he said, looking down at you like you were the whole world.
You stood up and threw your arms around him, and he held you firmly and gently. “I love you, too, Zabdiel,” you said.
“Well, if you won’t take your job back,” said your mom, at a loss for words, “then you’re not welcome to live under my roof anymore.”
“Then she’ll live under mine,” Zabdiel said, smiling softly at you. 
That night, you were curled against Zabdiel on the couch, wearing one of his t-shirts like a dress since you didn’t have any clothes at his house yet. It seemed like everything around you was him: his arms were pulling you into his chest and your feet were entwined around his knees.
“Mi amor,” he said, “look at what time it is.”
“It’s 11:11,” you laughed. “It’s time to make a wish.”
“What would you wish for?” he asked. “I’ll do anything I can for it to come true.”
“I have nothing to wish for, my love,” you said, “now that I have you.”
A smile prevailed his sleepy face, and he leaned down to kiss your lips slowly.
“Te amo, mamita.”
“Te adoro, mi amor.”
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Blackbird: Beautiful, Gorgeous.
A.N.: It’s senior prom, and Beth still needs some help deciding on a dress. Maybe some of her friends can help. Comments, likes, reblogs are appreciated. Enjoy!
*in the blackbird universe, Cindy again isn’t a bitch and Artemis has befriended them. Also to note, the more melanin one has the less blush will show up. That’s why I mentioned that Beth can’t blush in the fic. The blood will still rush to her face, it’s just it won’t show up.
Beth pursed her lips in the mirror and smoothed down her dress. Senior prom was in a few weeks and she was trying on dresses. Courtney and Yolanda were coming over soon to help her narrow it down between a red velvet dress or a yellow velvet top with matching tulle for the skirt. She was wearing the red dress currently and examined herself in the mirror. 
Like every other school dance since they became friends, Rick, Beth, Yolanda and Courtney were going together. Usually that entailed Yolanda and Courtney wandering off half-way through the dance leaving Rick and Beth alone. At first she almost dreaded it. It was Rick and she liked him and they were alone together during a school dance. Now though? Now they were dating... in secret, but dating and she couldn’t wait for some alone time with him. 
Beth heard the doorbell ring downstairs and hurried to answer it. “You can come in! She called. Beth adjusted her earings, confused when she didn’t hear Courtney or Yolanda say one thing.
“Is mum the word from you two?” Beth chuckled. She started to turn around. “Should I try on the- oh.” 
Rick, not Courtney or Yolanda, stood before her, mouth agape. Beth smiled softly and went to close his mouth. He was in a plain white shirt and bright yellow hoodie that beth has definitely going to steal soon. “See something you like, Ricky?” She had to stand up on her tip toes to whisper that into his ear. Pulling back, she saw him nodd furiously. 
Beth laughed. “You look great, really great. Beautiful. Gorgeous,” Rick pulled her into a hug and kissed her a few times across her face. 
“Not that I don’t love that you’re here, why are you here?” 
Rick looked at her confused. He was positive that she had texted him to help her pick out her prom dress. “Because you asked me to?”
Now it was Beth’s turn to look confused. “I didn’t...”
She pulled out of his hold. He followed her up to her room where she pulled out her phone. “Shoot. I meant to send that text to the girls. My dress was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to surprise you.” Beth pouted at him. 
“I can act surprised. I can go and you can pick another dress and I swear I’ll have the same reaction.” Rick told her jokingly, but they both knew he’d think she was a knock-out no matter what she wore. 
Beth shook her head. “No it’s fine, stay here. Instead of Courtney and Yolanda, you’ll tell me which dress I should wear.” Beth motioned for Rick to sit down, so he sat down on the edge of her bed facing her closet. He watched happily as Beth did a little dance, showing off her dress. 
“And look-” Rick was pulled out of his train of thought by Beth’s voice. “It has pockets, and a little bow!” Beth exclaimed happily. She bounced over to him with her hand in her pockets and showing off the bow. Her smile was blinding, oozing happiness. It was infectious too and it had Rick smiling along with her. 
“That’s wonderful Bethy. You look great in it.” He settled his hand on her hips and gazed up at her. If she could, she would be blushing up a storm under his gaze. He put his head on her stomach. Beth rested her hands on his shoulders and rubbed her thumbs on his neck. He made a happy noise and rested his head on her stomach. 
“You’re too kind. I love you.” She whispered the last part softly to him. They had only been dating shy of a year and had just started saying I love you for about a month. It still felt new to say and she felt that she had to say it reverently, hence the whisper. Her fingers carded through his hair slowly.
Rick looked up at her and gave her a lazy smile. “I love you more. Beautiful, gorgeous. I’m telling the truth.”
Beth just hummed in response. “You want to see the other dress?” 
“You only have one other dress?” Rick asked her curious.
“Well yeah, only two caught my eye. The others were too expensive anyways.” Beth slowly walked away from her boyfriend. “Stay there lemme change.” Rick nodded as Beth slipped into her closet. She carefully unzipped her red dress and hung it up on a hanger. She slipped on the yellow dress and smoothed it down. Beth twirled herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good before leaving. 
Similar to before, Rick was struck dumb by his girlfriend’s beauty. This dress was bright yellow, halter-neck, with a tulle skirt that went down to her knees. “What about this one Ricky?” 
Rick opened his mouth but no sound came out. Beautiful, Gorgeous. He wanted to say. Beth walked over to him and put her legs in his lap. “You know, you’re not too helpful picking out dresses. I think I’ll just text the girls chat two photos of my dresses and see what they think.”
“I’m sorry. I think you look great in either of the dresses. Beautiful, Gorgeous. Like always. I guess I’m not too helpful. Do the girls know... about us?” Rick buried his face into Beth’s neck and his breath tickled her. She carded her fingers through his hair methodically. Rick started to mouth at her neck making her gasp.
“No, although if you act like this during the dance, they might.” Beth pointed out to him. He pulled her onto lap making her squeak in surprise. Rick kissed her on the lips, resting one hand on her neck and the other on her upper thigh. 
“Maybe it’s okay if they find out.” Beth quirked her eyebrow in surprise. Rick’s always wanted to keep their relationship a secret especially because of his uncle. None of them have even been allowed near his old house before. 
“Well, my uncle doesn’t have custody over me anymore, so he can’t- he can’t hurt you. What’s the harm in letting the cat out of the bag?” Rick and Beth started dating before Pat got custody of him, and Rick was constantly worried that Mat would hurt Beth because he liked her. After a lot of arguing, she agreed to keep their relationship secret. Maybe on some level Rick was being dramatic, but he’d rather be dramatic then let Beth anywhere near his uncle. 
“Maybe. If that’s what you want.” Beth told him. She cupped his face and gently turned it towards her. Before, he used to have at least one bruise on his person. Now, he has no bruises in sight. It helps her sleep easier knowing that he won’t get abused at home. That was the only problem that she had with the secret keeping. She didn’t want their relationship to be a secret if he would be in pain.  
Rick looked at her surprised. “You wanna keep up the charade?”
Beth shrugged. “We’ve been dating for a year and none of them noticed. I wanna see how long it’ll take them.” She gave Rick a devilish grin. “Of course that means not mouthing at me in public.” 
“I think if we’re careful.” Rick gave her a sly smile causing Beth to laugh out loud. 
“You think you could do it, Richard?” Beth said teased. 
Rick groaned. “No, no that’s a horrible name. Rick. I’m Rick, Ricky, to you and only you.”
“There are so many nick names for Richard. Ricky, my favorite. Richy, Rick... Dick.” Rick’s full on blush made Beth laugh even louder. He moved her so she was lying on her back and he started tickling her. 
Beth’s uncontrollable laughter was music to his ears. “Rick, Riiick.” She drew out. 
“What? I thought you wanted a laugh.” All Beth could do was giggle. 
Rick smiled down at her, happy. “Jerk.” She spit out, no heat behind the words. 
“I love you.” He sat on her bed, head against the headboard with her in his lap.  “Sap.” she teased him, poking his side. “I love you too.”
Later, after Rick left, conveniently just before Mrs. Chapel arrived, Beth texted the girls the pictures of the two dresses. 
Beth: Hey which one do you guys like better?
Courtney: Ooh the yellow one would make your skin glow more
Cindy: But the red one... 🥵🥵🥵
Yolanda: 👀🥵👀 Cindy has a point. Sorry babe
Courtney: 😭😭😭
Artemis: if you want to impress someone go with the red, if you want to impress yourself, go with the yellow
Yolanda: Impress someone??? 👀👀👀
Beth to Artemis privately: not one word
Artemis to Beth: 😏🙄 fine I won’t
Beth would end up picking the red dress and paired it with red heels and blood red lipstick. Like always, Rick and Beth ended up alone at the dance. I see the light from Tangled came onto the speakers. Rick smiled happily at his girlfriend and asked her to dance. 
“Of course, Dick.”
“You’re killing me, Bethy.” She just smiled at him in response. Rick placed his hands on her waist and Beth snaked her arms around his neck. They quietly danced the night away basking in each other’s presence.  
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Not so First Day
So here is a three part story the focuses on bullying. So a slight warning right there. This story does get angsty mainly in the 2nd part of this three part story, but the angst and hurt/comfort is still there in all three.
Also for the bullies I based them off the Lazy Paw Gang, reason was I’m too lazy to make three new characters so I just said “How about if I just made them based off of some enemies from AHIT”
“You boys ready for school?” Angela asked.
Luka and MJ smiled as they put away their plates. It was the first day of school for them and they were excited. It was a new year and that meant their 4th grade life was behind them; it was their final year of elementary school and time to prepare for middle school.
After putting away the dishes the boys went to grab their backpacks and were ready to dash out the door. “Hold it boys!” Richard called out. The boys skidded to a halt as they looked up at their father. “Now, its your first day of school and all, but this year is different. You know why?” He asked.
Luka and MJ looked at one another confused. “Um...We’re 5th graders now so this is our last year of elementary school?” MJ guesses.
“And were no longer kids and soon we’ll be young men.” Luka added.
Richard chuckled. “No. You guys magic now.” He corrected them. Luka and MJ looked at each other forgetting they got their powers over the summer, and now was their first time going to school with them. “and with that you boys must promise me something. Don’t use your magic.” He wanted them.
MJ and Luka looked at each other and sighed. MJ was hoping he can use his powers for going up against the Lazy Paw Trio, a trio of bullies that’s been picking on him since 4th grade. “I promise!” Luka replied, which got MJ out of his thoughts.
Richard smiled at his youngest son and then turned to his oldest son. “Michael.” He said waiting on his oldest son’s answer.
MJ sighed.”I promise.”
Richard gave a soft chuckle and ruffled his boys hair making them laugh. “Richard.” Angela sighed. “I just did the boys hair and now your messing it all up.” Angela sighed. She gave her husband a light shove before fixing her sons hair once again. “There you two look great.”
MJ and Luka chuckled. Soon they heard their bus arrive and realize they’ll be late. “Oh the bus!” MJ shouted before running out the door. “Bye mom! Bye dad! We’ll see you after school!”
“Bye mom! Bye dad! We love you!” Luka shouted.
“Love you boys too!” Richard and Angela shouted at the same time.
MJ and Luka finally made it on the bus and as usual sat down next to each other. So far they saw many of their old classmates and school mates all talking about their summer and their excitement for school. MJ and Luka gave a small smile, while they both had each other, they didn’t have that many friends. Being sons to a lawyer and being slightly rich it meant kids avoided you or bother you in hopes it would boost their popularity.
There would be times where one kid would like to be with MJ and not Luka and vice versa. There were like two or three kids who liked both the brothers as they are and not use them due to their status, but they were in a different class then them. The twins hoped they had a class with one of them.
The bus then made its stop in Horizon Elementary School and the kids ran out to the playground to meet up with their other friends. The twins stepped out of the bus and went to the playground themselves, but before they got to play kickball or just hang around MJ grabbed a red marker.
“Give me your hand, Lulu.” MJ commanded. Luka rolled his eyes, every year MJ had to write down the twin’s classroom number to make sure they won’t forget. MJ wrote 54 on Luka’s hand before writing it on his own. “Alright. Remember that in case we separate to do our own thing?”
“Yeah. Yeah MJ I know.” Luka sighed.
MJ chuckled before putting the marker back into his bag. As he put away the marker someone threw a ball to his head. “Ow!” He groaned. He turned hoping it was just a kid who missed the catch or a kid who threw the ball too hard. However, surprise, surprise it was three known kids MJ was hoping to avoid.
The Lazy Paw Trio: Robin, Blake and their leader Scott.
“Well, well, well look who it is gang?” Scott said. Blake and Robin chuckled as the trio walked towards the twins. MJ gulped, but Luka stood by his brother hoping to protect him from the trio. “Hello there, Mikey and mini Mikey.” Scott spat.
MJ and Luka glared at their bullies. Mostly they were MJ’s bullies, but that didn’t stop them from picking on MJ’s little twin brother.
“You two are still lame as usual.” Robin insulted.
Luka smirked ignoring the insult. “We’ll we've matured over the summer!” He beamed. “What about you three?”
Robin glared and was ready to swing at the younger twin before MJ pulled him and himself down and Robin punched Blake on the nose. “You missed!” Blake shouted.
“Sorry the runts escaped!” Robin shouted back. Scott noticed the twins were gone and looked around the entire playground for them. However, his two knuckleheads were ready to fight each other and he had to stop them before finding the twin brats.
Luckily, the twins hid behind the big tree of playground and peeked to make sure the bullies weren’t looking for them. MJ sighed and slid down to the ground, “That was close.”
“Yeah.” Luka replied. “Glad I saved your butt.” He nudged his older twin brother.
MJ chuckled and put his arm around Luka pulling him close. “You and your tricks, Lulu.” Luka giggled as his brother wasn’t mad that he was at the risk of being punched in the face. The two stayed behind the tree the remainder of the morning till the bell ran to go back to class.
“Remember our room number?” MJ asked.
Luka smiled and showed his hand where MJ written the number. “I have!” He replied. MJ smiled as her and Luka started their first day of class together.
However, MJ was disappointed on who else joined them in class. That’s right, the Lazy Paw Trio and they also sat behind the twins giving the trio an advantage to throw things, and even put stuff behind MJ’s back.
Luka gulped and gave a smile to his brother as a sign to tell him “it can’t be that bad”, but the glare his older twin gave him made Luka quickly frown and faced the board. Since it was the first day back at school, there wasn’t much other then to relax, get to know each other, and learn what 5th grade had to offer them.
As they were reading and taking notes about what the class had to offer MJ’s eyes started to blur out the words on the board. Like a few kids he sat closer despite he and Luka sitting two rows from the board. The teacher of the class, Miss. Alpine looked at the older twin with worry. “Michael are you okay?” She asked.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine just can’t see.” MJ replied.
Miss. Alpine frowned and went over to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. She wrote down on it and placed it on Luka’s desk. “Give it to your brother.” Miss. Alpine whispered. Luka nodded and went back to writing.
The Lazy Paw Trio looked at one another and smirked, now they just needed to read what their teacher had gave to their victim. Robin was able to look over Luka’s desk and saw the letter and chuckled at her two members.
“Glasses.” She whispered. Scott and Blake held their laughter so they wouldn’t get caught laughing. As they were holding it in Luka looked behind the trio and saw they were playing it cool now to avoid suspicion. The younger twin glared and signaled to them he’s got his eyes on them before finishing writing down notes.
When MJ was done, he sat back down and Luka handed him the note. MJ read it and sighed; first his bullies are in the same class and now he needed reading glasses. As much as MJ wanted to groan and faint he just put his head down for a moment.
By lunch and recess, the twins were happy to get out of class and at least hide out in the playground to be away from their bullies. As they made it there Scott and Blake pushed the twins away with Scott patting MJ in the back.
The older twin glared as he tried to feel his back and felt a piece of paper. “Read it for me Luka.” MJ said glaring at the bullies.
Luka did what his older brother told him and saw the piece of paper. On it was a poorly drawn picture of his older twin brother with large big glasses over his eyes with insults written all over the paper. MJ glared and crumpled up the paper and throwing it away before walking away.
“M-MJ?” Luka asked.
“Leave me alone Luka!” MJ snapped. Luka jumped from his brother’s anger and stood there as MJ walked away to be alone. Luka frowned and waited a bit before following his twin brother. It didn’t take him too long to find his brother sitting down at the same tree they were sitting under earlier. MJ looked up at his younger twin brother before turning away not wanting to talk.
Luka sat down next to MJ and the two sat in silence as they watched their classmates play together. Luka kept glancing at his twin brother trying to say something to cheer him up. It took him a while, but Luka was able to speak up. “I-it may be bad now, but its just the first day.” MJ looked up and turned to his younger brother. “In the coming weeks I’m sure it will get better.”
“You sure?” MJ asked.
Luka nodded. “Positively.” He replied.
MJ really wasn’t sure, but seeing how positive Luka was being despite yelling at him a moment ago showed how much Luka still loved him no matter what. MJ gave a smile and put his arm around his little brother. “Sorry for snapping at you Lulu.” MJ apologized.
Luka chuckled. “Its alright Mikey!” The two brothers smiled and sat down till it was time to have lunch.
A week has passed, and the bullies continued to mock the twins. MJ finally got his glasses and was worried about wearing them today. “Hey welcome back four eyes!” Blake shouted. The trio laughed as MJ looked down realizing he had to wear glasses today.
“Welcome back Geek!” Scott shouted as well.
“Real mature guys!” Luka replied. The bullies stopped laughing and looked at Luka. “Those jokes about glasses are so 3rd grade. Come up with some 5th grade jokes.” The bullies glared at Luka and surrounded the younger twin. Luka wasn’t scared at all of these bullies.
“Luka stop.” MJ begged trying to pull his little brother away so he wouldn’t cause a fight. Soon, Scott shoved MJ aside making him fall.
“Stay out of this Geek!” Scott snapped.
Luke glared. “Hey don’t push my brother like that!” Luka shouted pushing Scott aside. Scott glared and kicked Luka in shin making the younger twin yelp and hold his knee tight.
“Luka!” MJ shouted.
Scott chuckled. “See you two, I told you MJ’s wimpy little brother was just as week as him.” He revealed. The Lazy Paw Trio laughed as Luka looked up at them with a glare on his face. He found the trio’s backpacks and glared at it.
Since they Lazy Paw Trio were focused on laughing, Luka was able to get away with what he was about to do. His eyes glowed golden yellow as smoke started to come from their bags. MJ took notice of his younger twin using magic, and before anyone could notice he grabbed his little brother, picked him up which made Luka stop using magic.
“You okay?” MJ asked.
“I-I’m fine.” Luka replied. MJ took Luka somewhere private to discus what the peck he just did.
They decided to be at the back of the school away from the playground and once they were alone MJ glared at his little brother. “Are you crazy!” MJ snapped. “What did dad tell us about our…” he paused to see if any kid was hearing them. “Magic.” MJ whispered to be on the safe side.
Luka sighed. “Look, I wasn’t going to have these fools keep picking on you like that!” He shouted. “You’ve been picked by them since 3rd grade and all I’ve done was make side jokes and made sure you weren’t going to be sent to the nurses office!” He explained. “They need to be taught a lesson and I will give them the lesson they deserved!” Luka growled his hand turning black as flames re-appeared.
MJ gulped and grabbed Luka’s hands to hide the flames. He looked around and sighed, “I know you want to stop those jerks, but remember we can’t use our magic.”
Luka frowned feeling guilty he disobeyed his dad’s order. “I-I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He whimpered.
MJ frowned and hugged his brother. “Same here. I’d rather take a beating from those fools then seeing you end up hurt.” Luka was ready to cry and hugged his older brother back. Despite the bullying and the first week of school not going as they hoped, the twins knew they had each other’s back no matter what.
The two brothers hugged each other for a while till the bell rang. Once the bell rang the two brothers let go of each other and walked to class together.  “So what did you do to the bullies backpack?” MJ asked.
Luka chuckled and smirked. “Not their backpack, but their homework.” He corrected. MJ and Luka shared a laughed going to class. They couldn’t wait too see the look on their bullies face at what happened to their homework.
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chellybear98 · 5 years
Proposal 💍
This one is for my babe, @cnco-much !! I really hope you like it bebecita! 😭❤️
Flashbacks are in italics.
Also if anyone wants to request anything feel free ☺️ I write fluff and angst 😂
Taglist: @ericks-mala-actitud (if anyone wants to be added to the taglist hmu 👀)
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“Mami! Can I wear this one so I can match with papi?” You and Aaliyah were currently getting ready for the concert the boys were having in Miami. Richard had left earlier on in the day because he had rehearsals, so you and Aaliyah decided that you would both meet him there in time for the concert.
“Of course you can princess! I’ll wear mine too so we can all match!” Aaliyah’s face instantly lit up. Richard was wearing his half denim half camo pants so both you and Aaliyah were gonna wear your camo jackets.
Richard and you have been together for about 3 years now. It’s been a rollercoaster but you both managed to make it through every obstacle. Each time, coming out stronger than before. Aaliyah has also been a huge part of the relationship. From the minute you met her you knew that you both had an amazing bond.
“You ready to meet the other love of my life?” Richard said with a smirk on his gorgeous face as soon as you pulled up to his parents’ place. To say you were nervous would’ve been the understatement of the year. Aaliyah was the only person in his family who you hadn’t met yet. Her opinion of you would either make or break your relationship. Richard had noticed your anxious state and gently held your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips to place a soft kiss on it.
“Relax nena. She’ll love you just as much as I love you. No te preocupes.”
“I really hope so.” You said with a sigh. You both exited the car and slowly but surely made your way to the front door. Just as Richard was about to knock, the door flung open.
“Papi!” Aaliyah yelled and jumped onto Richard.
“Hola mi amor.” Richard said while holding her close in a tight embrace. You were just standing there, awkwardly twiddling your thumbs and staring down at the floor. Richard once again noticed your anxious state and grabbed your hand with his free one that wasn’t holding Aaliyah. You instantly looked up to see him softly smiling at you while Aaliyah was staring at you with a poker face. You had no idea what was going through her pretty little head.
“Princess, this is Y/N. Remember I told you that I wanted you to meet my friend who was very special to me?” The way Richard spoke to Aaliyah melted your heart. That was one of the things you admired most about him, how soft and loving he was to the people he cared so much about.
You were so caught up in admiring Richard that you almost didn’t notice the little girl flinging herself toward you. You instantly let go of Richard’s hand to hold her securely with both hands. She immediately wrapped her little arms around your neck to give you a hug.
“Hola Y/N! My papi talks about you all the time! He really likes you.” Aaliyah said with a cute little giggle. You felt you anxiousness begin to fade as you realized that you really had nothing to worry about, just as Richard had said.
“Well I would hope he does because I really like him too.” You said while giggling along with Aaliyah. Richard just looked at the both of you with all the admiration in the world.
“See I told you that you had nothing to worry about.” Richard said. You just gave him a little smile and refocused on Aaliyah.
“So you said that your papi talks about me all time.. what does he say about me?” You asked with a laugh. Aaliyah just laughed along with you ready to tell you all the cute things her papi said.
Because you and Aaliyah both had such a strong bond, it was quite easy for her to become comfortable around you. It is because of this comfort that she calls you mami. You remember the first time she called you mami. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.
You, Richard and Aaliyah were all having a lazy day since Richard was finally home after being away for over a month. You and Richard were cuddled up on the couch while Aaliyah was right in front of you both playing with her kitchen set that Richard had bought her. She was pretending to make you lunch. You and Richard were just quietly talking, catching up on each other’s lives when it happened.
“Mami! Do you want fried chicken or chicken nuggets for lunch?” She asked while not even realizing what she had said. Both you and Richard had a look of pure shock written over your faces.
“What did you just say sweetheart?” You slowly asked, wanting to make sure you heard her right.
“I asked if you wanted fried chicken or chicken nuggets.” She said, patiently waiting for a response.
“No baby, what did you call her?” Richard finally spoke up. Aaliyah looked absolutely confused as to why you and Richard were acting so strange.
“I called her mami. Is she not my mami?” She asked. You instantly started to cry. It touched your heart that she thought of you as a mother figure. You didn’t know what else to do so you scooped her up in your arms and gave her a tight hug.
“Of course I’m your mami babygirl! I will always be your mami.” You said while tears were still running down your face.
You were snapped out of you little memory when Aaliyah spoke up.
“What did you say babygirl?” You asked not really hearing what she said as you were so deep in your thoughts.
“Why are you crying mami?” It was then you realized that you had started crying, thinking about that day.
“Oh it’s nothing mi amor. No te preocupes. Are you ready to go see papi and your tios perform?” You asked while grabbing picking up your purse and Aaliyah’s bag.
“Si!! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
When you both got there the boys were getting ready to go up on stage. Aaliyah ran up to Richard while you walked up to Ali to rest the bags down.
“She is the cutest thing in the world. When are you guys gonna make her a big sister?” Ali asked with a little laugh. You laughed along with her while responding, “When he puts a ring on this finger then you can ask me that question again.” Ali just looked at you with a big smirk that made you extremely confused.
“Two minutes boys. On stage in two minutes.” You heard someone yell. Richard then ran towards you with Aaliyah in his arms. He gently placed her down. “I have a surprise for you after the show so don’t run off before the end.” He said with a little wink and then gave you a quick hug and a kiss before scurrying back over to the rest of the boys. Once again Ali looked at you with a big smirk and you were left completely confused.
It was now the end of the show where the boys thank the fans and tell them goodnight, but that’s not what happened. Chris ran off stage towards you.
“Come on Y/N! It’s time for Richard’s surprise!” He said with a wink. He grabbed your hand and yanked you onto the stage. You were beyond nervous. You never did well infront of huge crowds. Chris led you to a single stool placed directly in the center of the stage and made you sit. He and the other boys then walked to the side of the stage, leaving you and Richard at the center. Richard looked at you with his gorgeous eyes, winked and turned his direction to the crowd of cncowners.
“Okay guys, so I have one last song I’m gonna perform. This one is dedicated to the love of my life. The person who always seems to make me smile even when I’m in the most horrible moods. The person who pushed me to be the best version of myself. The person who I honestly wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with.” Richard said, looking at you while saying the last sentence. You didn’t know what to do so you just sat there staring at him and blushing. He then began singing ‘Marry you’ by Bruno Mars.
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you
When he sang the last line, he got down on one knee and looked up at you with tears in his eyes and asked those special words.
“Will you marry me?”
With tears running down your face, you jumped off of the stool and tackled Richard in a bear hug while repeating whispering, “Yes!”. When you both pulled away Richard stood up and placed the ring on your finger, pulling you in for the most loving kiss ever. All that was heard were cheers from the crowd, the crew and the boys. In this moment, you felt like the luckiest woman in the entire world.
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ikaris-whore · 5 years
Fighting Temptation Part 2
Pairing: Richard Madden X Reader
Prompt: I am pretty sure this started out as a “giggly sex with Madden” prompt that I got and it very much is not that anymore. Sorry anon. Enjoy the first thing I have finished in far too long. 
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The next morning you awoke his face nuzzled into your chest, one of your arms was wrapped around him while the other rested under your head. Was that? Yup, drool, pooling between your skin and his. Stirring, you groan and quietly chuckle “Jesus Madden, that’s gross.” This results in him also waking and laughing, resulting in a raspberry being blown against your chest on accident. Wiping the drool off you and then his face, he looks up at you sort of sleepy still, but with big, puppy dog eyes as he apologizes for being a handful the night before. 
The look he is giving you reminds you of the one he gave you the night before. You rubbed your thighs together as a result while you told him “Oh you were quite the handful last night.” 
“How can I make it up to you?” he asked in a serious tone. You pretend to think about it for a moment. You bite your lip -- which makes him think one thing -- but then you tell him “You can start with making me breakfast.” 
He eyes you suspiciously because he caught you rubbing your thighs together. Giving you a kiss he gets up anyway, heading to the kitchen to start on breakfast. While he makes breakfast you threw your hair up in a messy bun, brushed your teeth, and finished a lazy morning routine before heading out to the kitchen. 
There he was in the kitchen trying to ignore his persistent morning wood while chewing on some fresh bacon he had just fried up because he just couldn’t wait until everything else was done. You walk up behind him and press your self to his back, wrapping your arms around his middle. He holds a piece of bacon over his shoulder and you pop up on your toes to take a bite with a thankful hum as you chew, your cheek pressed to his shoulder as he happily continues making eggs. 
“I’m trying my best not to be painfully hard right now but she is pressing herself against me and it is not helping.” he thinks to himself as he cracks the last egg. You innocently start to rub his arms, venturing to his pecs and abs. He lets out a groan of frustration then a laugh. 
“What?” You ask your voice short. 
“Do you really not know what is going on love?”
“Obviously.” You add quickly “you’re making breakfast” 
He lets out one of his little high pitched giggles at your feigned innocence, “No, love, that is NOT what I am talking about.” 
The sound of his giggle is infectious and now you are fighting back your own “Then, no I really don’t.” 
He sighs while dropping his head in defeat, but there is a hint of a smile there if you look hard enough. Putting down the spatula he slowly turns around, revealing how hard you have made him over the course of the morning while giving a mock disapproving look your way. Covering your mouth with your hand and working hard to hold back your laugh, your eyes go big, and then you finally burst out laughing. 
“Love you are going to regret laughing at me. I know you were aware of your little teases.” he growled.
You bite your lip innocently looking up at him with doe eyes “I honestly didn’t realize I was making you so flustered.” you look back down at your hands “I was just trying to be sweet.” 
You hear a low dark chuckle fill the air and you look back up. He shakes his head a tuts at you, returning to finish making breakfast without another word. 
The two of you silently plated your food, sitting at the table across from each other to eat. You decide to push how far you can tease him before he stops giving you the silent treatment. You lean to grab the orange juice, making sure to push yourself forward so he can see down your shirt, it gets the desired effect when you see him try to sneakily adjust himself under the table so you wouldn't know.
After pouring your glass you pick up a piece of bacon and take a bite, you can feel him watching you as you pull it away. You lick your lips from one corner to the other as slow as you can under the guise of licking up crumbs. He clenches his jaw as his eyes follow the line your tongue draws. 
While making idle conversation you cut into your pancakes with a grin you bring it to your mouth. The syrup is threatening to drip off it, you dart your tongue out and quickly catch the falling liquid. The muscles in his jaw twitch, his erection grows impossibly hard under the table. You flip the fork upside down before taking a bite, pulling it away slowly making sure to get every last, sweet drop of syrup while the two of you lock eyes on each other. 
There is a low growl coming from his side of the table and you grin, silently going for another bite looking down at your plate you hear a Screeeech. The sound of his chair moving across the floor. The next thing you know his hand is wrapped around your arm pulling you up, the fork falling from your fingers, hitting the table on it way down. His lips crash into yours turning you and pushing you towards the table until your butt touches the edge. He turns you around and bends you over the table palming your ass with one hand the other holding your wrists together behind your back.
“Teasing me all morning? Can’t even make it through a meal without my bad girl riling me up?”
“Nuh uh.” You shake your head as it comes out. 
“What was that?” He leans in to whisper in your ear, massaging your ass in the process. 
“No. Sir.” You grit out as he applies pressure on your wrists.
“That’s my good girl.” He lilts as he leans back up. “Now since you wanted to tease me and feign innocence…” your body lurches forward as his hand makes contact with your ass. You whimper not having expected it. 
He doesn’t wait for you to finish stammering it out before he pulls back and hits you again. 
He picks up a piece of bacon and eats it leaving you in anticipation for the rest, you whimper and move slightly and he places his hand at the small of your back holding you still while he finishes. 
There are five more, each one harder than the last. He can’t take it anymore he is impossibly hard from all of your teasing and seeing your red ass on display for him as you lean over the table, knowing you are absolutely dripping waiting for him to fill you. With no warning he lines himself up with your entrance and pushes in hard and fast. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust before he is setting his punishing pace. He grips your hair and tugs on it pulling you up off the table with a moan as he hits your g-spot.
You are a moaning, writhing mess as he wraps on arm around your midsection and pulls you up, the one from your hair wrapping across your chest, gripping your shoulder. His chest is pressed to your back as he continues his thrusts, moving his hand to your neck and tightening his hold while pulling you towards him, he whispers all the dirty things he is going to do with you after you are a good girl and cum for him. He is drunk on pleasure and you and his accent is heavy. 
“You’re just gantin for me, I see right through your little act. You’re going to fucking regret that little stunt by the time I am through with you.” You moan his words pushing you over the edge. “Fuck. That’s right. Let me hear you love, I want to hear how good it feels to have my cock inside you.” 
You thank god that he has a hold of you as your orgasm takes over, and you whine out his name and your body gives out. His teeth drag across your shoulder as your body coaxes him to his own and you tighten around him again. 
He pulls out, making sure you are okay, and carries you to the bedroom where he lays you out and ties you down to continue his fun. He lets out a low dark chuckle as he hovers over you. 
“This is just the beginning, I am going to have my fun with you all afternoon.”
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writingformadderton · 4 years
Ship: Madderton
Word Count: 2089
Summary: Taron and Richard both think it’s time to propose and go shopping. Taron takes Sophie with him hoping she can help to find the perfect ring, Richard takes Joe with him. They go on a date and think it’ll be the perfect time to propose. What they don’t know is that their better half is planning on doing the exact same thing...
Additionial Tags: FLUFF, proposal, date, soft
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Richard’s eyes scan the section of jewelry, admiring the way they reflect against the light of the shop. He bites his lip, dropping his gaze to one ring before moving onto the next. The sound of light tapping can be heard directly next to him, but he doesn’t pay it any attention until a throat is clearing, almost in a tone of annoyance.
“Yes?” Richard turns to look at Joe, giving him his full attention.
“We’ve been here for well over an hour. Do you have anything in mind?” Joe gestures to the large section in front of them.
“I’ve got a few,” he walks to the far right corner of the small shop, pointing down at a particularly expensive wedding band. “this one specifically.” A smile spreads across his lips.
“I like it, too.” Joe places his hands on his hips, clearly hoping for a settlement on the ring.
“But I also like--”
“Rich. Go with your heart. What would Taron like most?” He asks, leaning lightly against the counter.
“Taron wouldn’t care, honestly. It’s always been hard to tell with him. He never tells me whether or not he likes a certain brand, or even a simple promise ring. He says he doesn’t care, and he’s said it for so long that honestly,” Richard pauses, thinking. “I believe him.”
Joe stands still for a second, considering. “Then go with your gut, mate.”
Rich nods, and waves the shop clerk over.
Taron bites the skin around his nails, feeling his nerves kick in as he begins to realize what exactly it is that he’s doing. His eyes scan the large section of wedding attire, hoping to find the perfect ring for his lover.
“Taron,” T turns his head to give Sophie his full attention. “I think you should go with the one that you spent twenty minutes inspecting.”
“Yeah, I was thinking that same thing,” he pauses to bite his lip. “I just want this to be perfect. Rich, he-- he’s perfect. Our relationship is perfect. This proposal needs to be.”
“Taron, Richard loves you. He won’t care what the ring looks like, because he has you. You know that better than anyone, I shouldn’t have to be telling you this.” She smiles gently, earning that in return from T.
“You’re so right. Okay, yeah. Let’s do it,” He leaves to find the employee on the other side of the counter.
“Rich, I’m home.” Taron calls out and kicks the door shut behind him, his arms full of groceries.
“Hi, beautiful.” Rich jogs to the front door, smiling at the sight in front of him. It’s nothing new, but it’s him. It’s his Taron; his love. The man he fell in love with all those years ago.
“How was shooting today?”
Rich hums and places a light kiss to his lips, “Actually quite good. We finished some costume measuring toward the end of the day, so I got a bit of a break.” He grabs a good chunk of the groceries while saying this, giving T some relief in his arms.
Taron smiled at this. “Good, you deserve a break.”
“What about you, Mr. Lazy Pants? Get anything productive done?”
Taron scoffs, “I won’t answer that. You just called me lazy.” He pushes past Richard jokingly, placing the bags of groceries on the table.
“Oh no, not tonight. I’ve missed you too much.” Rich turns to follow Taron just in time to scoop him up off his feet and into his arms, earning a yelp in surprise from the younger man. He plops himself down onto the couch, bringing Taron down with him.
“Why are you like that?” T sits up so that he’s sitting in Richard’s lap.
“Like what?” Rich tilts his head to the side, running his hands up and down Taron’s hips lightly.
“I don’t know. So easy to love?” Taron lowers his voice as his green eyes meet Richard’s blue ones.
“Ditto, babe.”
The two share kisses for a while, talking about their days and what they have planned for the upcoming weeks. Taron eventually leans his head down so that it rests in the crook of Richard’s neck, sighing in content.
“T?” Rich mumbles.
“Mmm?” Taron hums in response.
“I wanna take you out for a nice dinner on Friday, if that works for you. It’s been so long since we’ve been on a proper date.”
“That sounds lovely, Madden.” Taron sits back up and smiles, cupping Richard’s cheeks admiringly.
“So it’s a date?”
“Yes, definitely.” Taron nods, but his mind is racing with the thought of proposing and how the timing will be perfect and the setting will match the mood for getting down on one knee and oh God should he get down on his left knee or his right knee and should he wear something nice or something casual or should he ask Richard what he’s wearing…
Richard is in the exact same head space, so the two sit in a comfortable silence for a while, unaware that they both are thinking the same thing.
The week flies by after that, and Friday night comes far too quickly. Taron feels his throat clench as he stands in the mirror, looking himself up and down, questioning. He feels gently in his coat pocket to be sure that the ring is there, in its box, where it belongs, and sighs in relief to feel its presence. Richard appears behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, kissing his neck before leaning down to place his chin on Taron’s shoulder.
“You look stunning,” he spins T around to get a better look at his handsome boy. “my handsome boy.” he brings his left hand up to gently trace over the light stubble on Taron’s cheek, earning a furious blush from the other man.
“So do you, as always.” Taron replies.
“Are you ready to go, then?” Rich pulls away to stand at the door.
“Just about, yeah. Go wait in the car, I’ll be there in a few.” He gestures toward the stairs, and Rich nods.
Giving the mirror one last glance, he inhales deeply before shaking his hands loose, cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders. You’ve got this, he thinks to himself.
You’ve got this.
The ride to the restaurant is full of giggles and small innuendos, causing both men to loosen up a bit. The nerves are forgotten and the smiles take over any suspicious facial expressions that could give anything away. Richard watches admiringly every time Taron speaks, struggling to keep his eyes on the road. Taron does the same thing, not caring where his eyes wander due to the fact that he’s in the passenger seat.
“Alright,” Richard pulls the car into park. “We’re here.”
Taron narrows his eyes before they widen slightly, then turns to Rich with a look of disbelief written everywhere. “This is…”
“This is where we had our first date, yeah?” Taron recalls that time. It was years ago, four to be exact. But it feels like it was just yesterday, with how wonderful it was.
“Is this alright?” Rich mentally crosses his fingers, praying for a positive reaction.
“Of course it’s alright, you idiot. It’s more than that. It’s perfect.” He leans over to press a kiss to the Scottish man’s temple.
“Alright, let’s head in then, shall we?”
Richard practically races out of the car to open Taron’s door for him, earning a chuckle along with a small ‘love you’ in response. They walk into the front doors of the restaurant and are met by a friendly waitress who shows them to their table, which happens to be much further back than Taron expects. In fact, she takes them outside, onto the private patio.
“Can I get you started with any drinks?” The waitress-- Louisa, her name tag reads-- asks.
“I’ll have a Rosé wine.” Rich smiles.
“I’ll have the same, thank you.”
Louisa nods, “Alright, I’ll be back with you shortly,” she pauses on her way inside to turn around. “we are quite busy tonight, so I’m sorry if it’s a bit of a wait.”
“It’s no problem, we’re in no hurry.” Richard waves it off and she nods, giving him a side glance before heading inside.
“Busy, huh?” Taron begins, picking up his menu and flipping through options. “honestly didn’t seem too busy when we came in.”
“Yeah, I thought the same thing.” Richard chuckles nervously, hoping Taron can’t tell how worked up he really is.
“What are you thinking for food? I remember our first time here, I got--”
“Taron,” Richard’s voice shakes slightly, and he mentally curses at this.
T raises an eyebrow, “Yes?”
Well, it’s now or later, Richard thinks, because if I do it later, I’ll surely throw up my food.
He slides off the chair, and everything suddenly feels so real. The fairy lights twinkling around the backside of the restaurant, the sudden silence that fills the air. The way the wind has calmed down, and the moon is shining brighter than usual-- it’s all perfect. So, he gets on one knee, and Taron’s eyes widen.
“Taron, I,” he chokes on his words slightly, already feeling tears well up in his eyes. “God, I’m sorry. I just love you so much,” he pauses again, taking a deep breath. “When we first met on the set of Rocketman, I could tell right off the bat that something about you was different from anyone else I’d ever met. You treated me as though we’d known each other for years, and we got along so well, so unrealistically well. I found soon into shooting any scenes between the two of us that I was falling for you, so trust me when I say that the love scene was torture,” he laughs. “I could go on and on, I actually memorized a lot more than this, but,” he pulls out a small black box from his pocket, and Taron still hasn’t moved a muscle. He opens the container, revealing a beautiful wedding band that will suit his boyfriend perfectly. “Taron David Egerton, will you marry me?”
“Rich,” It was Taron’s turn to allow his voice to shake. He stands up quickly, startling Richard. He fumbles around in his coat pockets, momentarily forgetting which one held the prized possession. Once he felt it, he ripped it out without hesitation, and held it in front of his lover.
“No fucking way,” Richard’s eyes lit up about as fast as he stood from his spot, hand covering his mouth in shock. “There is no way.”
“I-- I thought this was such perfect timing, and, fuck.” Tears well up in his own eyes now, and he sniffs slightly.
“I’m hoping this means yes?” Richard is crying now, and once Taron nods enthusiastically, he joins right in.
“Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.” He gently pulls Richard in for the most surreal kiss they’ve had yet. The entire moment still feels unreal, it feels as though it’s for a movie, and the director will yell cut, but no. No one yells cut, and nothing ends. It’s all real, and it’s all perfect, just like both men wanted it to be.
When they pull away, Richard giggles as he gently slips the ring onto Taron’s left finger, and both men are shaking by the time Taron places his purchase onto his fiancé’s.
“I love you so, so much.” Taron whispers, still crying.
“I love you, Taron.”
Louisa steps outside with a smile on her face, and Richard laughs, “Oh, I forgot! Taron, this is my friend, Louisa,” she smiles and shakes hands with Taron. “She may or may not have been in on this, too.”
“I saw the whole thing, sorry to be a creep. But it’s incredibly rare for two people to have a proposal planned at the same time like this. You guys have something special.”
The wind picks back up, but just enough to leave a slight breeze. The moon is covered by clouds once again, and the sound of cars honking in the distance returns. But somehow, their fantasy still feels so real. It feels as though it’s all just beginning.
“Yeah,” Richard wraps his arm around Taron’s waist, tugging him closer. “I sure do.”
@taron-eggmcmuffin @sarahegerton96 @multicoloredchicken @primaba11erina @anxiety-at-the-classroom @maddertonmyheart @madderton-obsessed @naptitimadderton
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finalhxaven · 4 years
Send me ♫ and I will make a 5-10 SONG PLAYLIST for our muses! (Still Accepting)
Special Edition: Break Up Cloti and Feel Good Cloti (I’m here to break your heart and then piece it together again lol)
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Break Up Cloti
1. Good For You (from “Dear Evan Hansen”)
And you say what you need to say So that you get to walk away It would kill you to have to stay trapped When you've got something new Well I'm sorry you had it rough And I'm sorry I'm not enough Thank God they rescued you
Tifa to Cloud. An angry Tifa upon realizing he would rather be at the church than at home has a few words to say regarding their relationship. She doesn’t tend to be angry much, but at some point with Cloud’s lack of communication reaches all time levels, she would reach a breaking point and say something much like she did in AC. It sounds almost like she’s hurting him on purpose, but there’s another poignant line that sounds very Tifa in this song, being: 
I'll shut my mouth and I'll let you go Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?
Where she would be openly saying that she really doesn’t know what she could do to make him happy. 
2. Explosions by Ellie Goulding
And as the floods move in And your body starts to sink I was the last thing on your mind I know you better than you think 'Cause it's simple darling, I gave you a warning Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces So watch them fall with you, in slow motion I pray that you will find peace of mind And I'll find you another time I'll love you, another time
Tifa to Cloud, and I KNOW I’ve sent this to you before ;) She spends so much time trying to make sure he is okay that she loses self confidence that she as a romantic partner can BE that for him. That if she is always attempting to help keep him together, she gets consumed in it too. And she leaves, even if it might mean someone’s not going to be there to help him pick the pieces up. It’s so bittersweet because he does love her, but his mind is so scattered and still making the effort just to gather itself up, but due to those efforts, it doesn’t leave much for her to have someone. 
Even so though, maybe another time... If things were different...
3. Honest by The Neighborhood
Patience, test my patience. If I made it too hard for you maybe you should've changed it. Say it, you should say it, 'Cause I'd say I was wrong just to make it fill all the spaces. Waiting, always waiting. If I gave you control would you say that (We could've saved it?)
Cloud to Tifa. As much as I love Tifa, if they were to end their relationship this would NOT be all on Cloud. Girl is never honest with him, she always hesitates and almost handles him with kid gloves because she doesn’t want him to break. To not treat him with honesty is painful, and it would make Cloud doubt himself too. 
4. Recover by Chvrches
I'll give you one more chance To say we can change our old ways And you take what you need And you know you don't need me Blow by blow Honest in every way I know You appear To face a decision I know you fear
Tifa to Cloud. But what if she DID be honest? At the culmination of their incapable asses to say ANYTHING, she explodes and tells him he has to be the one to do it. To end it, or to change things. But one thing she DOES want to have affirmed or denied, is whether he feels he even needs her. 
5. Terrified by Among Savages
Yeah, it has been such a long, long time I've been asleep trying to sleep away my life Cause I'm terrified and I'm ruined by this mess Cause I needed you more than I needed to be blessed
I swear I’m not TRYING TO REGURGITATE SONGS FFFF. Cloud to Tifa. The guys been through so much and having uncertainty in a relationship doesn’t help when he’s over here still trying to figure out who he is as a person. He DOES say he needs Tifa, that she helps make him whole, but to see her have doubts also UNDOES him rather than helps.
6. I Hope by Rebecca Ferguson
Loving ourselves comes so easily Forgiveness was like the biggest sin to me And where there was war I wouldn't walk away But after a time I realized that for me to grow I've got to let go
This one is really rough and really particular, if he was interested in Tifa but fell in love with Aerith. The whole song is pretty self explanatory, it’s about Tifa moving on. 
7. Miracle by Madeon
I've been trying to be every man you saw in me But in my eyes I just flicker out And blur like ghosts Before I go, I know Can you show me a miracle? I wish I'd stay the night, but I've got to go to America And this could take a while (mm-hmm) Isn't it time that I come alive? Endless in this life but I don't know how And so I'll go So I'll go
I give up, I’m giving you all the songs I’ve talked to you about I’m just SO SORRY REALLY I AM. Cloud to Tifa. 
So many expectations on a single person’s shoulders makes them crumble rather than thrive. He leaves to find who he really is, and yet. At the same time... 
Can’t you show him a miracle, Tifa?
And what you actually came for: Feel Good Cloti
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1. Sway (Chainsmokers Remix) (I’m not linking this one you KNOW IT ALREADY)
Stop! Take it slowly, darling This time I'm feeling a change Stop thinking too much about it Love's gonna heal us again and again Sway! Just move with me, darling And I'm going to move with you too Can't stop, now you got me started On top, such a beautiful view
Words aren’t the only way, right?
2. Mountains by Emeli Sande
He said I'm going to have a bed with lots of pillows And that we're going to build a house with lots of windows And when we have the kids we'll tell them to remind we Of where we were now so we never get lazy
Tifa to Cloud. This is a visceral understanding on how Tifa feels towards him, that even if everything isn’t perfect or luxurious or grand, she really doesn’t care so long as they build something together. But more so than that, they will have a future together based on the dreams and wishes they make now. Also the mountain metaphor and them being from Nibelheim, a mountain town is...
I’m clever okay??? Tell me I’m clever!
3. You and Beautiful World A vocaloid song by Yuyoyuppe
There is something I need to tell you, and though I look for the words I cannot find them. Even though the things to say Are overflowing, I still can't do it. Look at me... Repeating this... All over again...
These words have no heart behind them, just a closed mind; Unconcerned actions are becoming bright. I don't need love like in dramas and such. Just to be by your side That alone is enough for me That alone is enough for me... That's all...
A love confession is hard for Tifa, she was never so good with words and especially when it comes to Cloud. But she’ll try again until she gets it right. For the one she loves, she’ll do anything, even if it scares her. 
4. You Can Be King Again by Lauren Aquilina
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again
Tifa to Cloud. There’s a reason she stays by his side the entire time, and it isn’t for shits and giggles. The love she has or him as pure, and is inspired by the true belief she has in him that he can be more than what he is right now when losing his mind. In OG, she stays by him because she still BELIEVES in him. And that’s some true kind of love right there.
5. Break The Silence by Richard Haddock
I can feel it coming and it's falling down on me I've been losing all control of everything I see Am I losing all my mind on my own? You have been here all along, I know Trying to break the silence My mind speaks in between Feeling trapped and isolated Like it was only just a dream
Cloud to Tifa. Plotwist he knows she’s been by his side the entire time and it motivates him to keep going until he breaks free to the real him.
6. Ultimately by Khai Dreams
Ultimately I don't understand a thing I try to do the best I can I know you try to do the same We're just so bound to make mistakes You could call it a disposition I apologize for all your tears I wish I could be different But I'm still growing up Into the one you can call your love I don't know if I'll ever be enough I'm throwing in my chips I guess I tend to push my luck
Cloud to Tifa. He’s loved her for a long time, but from the very beginning felt he needed to earn you. Grow to become someone worthy of her. Because for all his self loathing and unusual way of going about things, he never stopped going AFTER her. And Tifa finds that so damn charming that he’s always fighting for her, despite the fact she never needed him to. She just wanted HIM. 
7. Omoide Kakera by Nano
I hear the sound of your voice, I hear it echo inside my dreams Turning into memories as they start to fall away And the tears that I cry, washed away by the rain I promise this is where I'll be, Waiting for you
Tifa to Cloud. She’s always waiting for him, to come back. To her, to home, to who he is. But the one constant he will always have, no matter what. 
She’ll always be there. No matter what.
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cloudfiveclub · 5 years
in need of some smut on richard asap 😩😩💦
i saw richard smut and typed as quickly as i could
uhhh a little degradation cause i’m a slut, not really smut it’s just a lot of dirty talk because who doesn’t love that shit, no capital letters cause my default keyboard is all small letters and i’m lazy but i like the aesthetic. will be added to my masterlist because uh this is hot lol enjoy
talk dirty ➵ r.c.
richard’s fingers danced along your waist, skimming across and tickling you lightly. you shiver as he pressed kisses to the side of your face affectionately, working his way down until he reached your neck. you giggle, his scruff tickling your skin as placed sensual kisses on your neck.
“i kinda want to try something different today,” he murmured, pressing his chest into your back.
“what?” you hummed, leaning back and resting against his shoulder as he continued peppering your skin with kisses.
“i’m always kinda... hard and rough,” he began. “maybe we could take things slower today.”
it did sound nice, and he did have a point. richard usually had zero patience and was quick to shove his dick inside you. this would be a nice change of pace.
“it’ll be different,” you replied. “i don’t mind.”
“good,” he smirked against your shoulder, bringing his lips close to your ear and causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. “cause i intend on taking my time with you.”
his right hand slithers down your body, and it wiggles its way past the hem of your shorts and down your underwear. his fingers come into contact with your clit, and you gasp as he lightly danced across it, but not fully applying any pressure.
“just wanna take my time with this pussy today. get a good meal out of it,” he whispered, fingers finding their way down towards your entrance. you’re already wet, already ready for him.
he swipes at your entrance, collecting your juices and bringing his fingers up to your clit again. you moan as he coats your nub in your arousal slowly, the erotic action making your entire body burn.
“you’re soaked, princess,” he comments, a hint of tease in his voice. “you already ready for my cock?”
“yes,” you reply immediately, face blushing when you realized how fast you had answered. “i’m always wet for you, daddy.”
“is that right, baby?” he hums. “do you want to know what daddy is going to do to you tonight?”
you catch on pretty quickly to what he’s trying to do. he’s trying to focus more on the build up, and you have no issue with it if it meant you got to listen to all sorts of filthy things he’ll be saying, and you’re nodding yes to him again.
“mhm gonna use my fingers first, baby. i know how much you like it when i bury my fingers inside you. make sure you’re nicely stretched out for daddy’s cock.”
his fingers slide down when he says that, the pads of his fingers tapping at your soaked entrance to slick them up before he pushes two digits into you. you moan softly, head lolling back onto his shoulder as your walls stretch out.
“i want to get a taste later too. gonna bury my tongue deeepp inside you. you’d like that huh? always such a good slut for me.”
“only for you, daddy,” you simper, turning around and letting him press a kiss to you, a big smirk on his face.
“that’s right baby. only i get to use this pretty pussy. gonna make sure i fuck you good tonight.”
“you say that like don’t already do that every night,” you laugh through your moans.
he scissors his fingers inside you, making sure your pussy is opened up nicely and your eyes almost roll back at how delicious it feels.
“i know my little sex toy likes when i cum inside her too, doesn’t she?” he eggs on, reaching his thumb up to massage slow circles into your sensitive nub. you gasp, a moan tearing through as you arch your back in pleasure. you don’t find any words to reply him, but he continues on anyway.
“i’m gonna fill this tight, tight pussy to the brim with my cum. just the way you like it, baby. i feel like indulging you today, i think my princess has deserved it.”
his sentence ends with an expectant tone, and you know he wants to you to show your gratitude like the good girl you are. so you thank him.
“good girl,” he praises, and just when he says that, he reaches his fingers up and presses against your g spot like a button. you moan loudly, almost collapsing against him if he wasn’t somehow properly holding you up. you shake against him as he keeps the pad of his digits there, slowly massaging your sweet spot. your eyes are at the back of your head now, and you just need a little more for you to reach your high.
“i’ll plug you up after that,” he continues on, whispering into your ear. “make sure all of my cum stays in your little fuckhole. or maybe i’ll clean you up with my tongue. i know my dirty girl likes it when i eat her out after i’ve cummed inside her slutty cunt.”
his filthy words push you over the edge, and you’re convulsing as your orgasm washes over you. you’re crying out loudly, and richard helps draw out your high as you cum all over his fingers, soaking them even more.
you’re panting as you start to recover, and he pulls his fingers out of you, bringing them over to your throbbing clit and smearing your slick all over it. it’s a mess in your pants, but don’t you mind because of how insanely hot it is.
“you have such a dirty mouth,” you laugh lightly, the two of you sharing some cheeky kisses in between your words.
“it can get even filthier,” he drawls. “you wanna hear the rest?”
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chiseler · 4 years
“You think I’m the only one in this town who doesn’t like people?”
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Following the JFK assassination, and especially after Charles Whitman climbed the Texas Tower in August of 1966, shooting and killing 14 strangers over the course of a lazy afternoon, lone mad snipers became an easy thriller standby. Targets, The Day of the Jackal, Two Minute Warning and dozens of other films since the late ‘60s have focused on a man, a rifle, and a perch. While snipers weren’t unknown to Hollywood prior to 1963 (Suddenly, Murder by Contract—even The Manchurian Candidate was in production before the assassination), they focused almost exclusively on gunmen with a purpose, paid assassins who were after a single, specific target, a politician or a mob hit. 1952’s The Sniper was not only one of the earliest films centered around an urban sniper, but remained an exception, really until the moment Whitman began pulling the trigger.
While on the surface The Sniper is a standard, straightforward police procedural about the hunt for a killer, what made it different was that the killer in question was a presumably unbalanced presumed vet who was killing random brunettes around San Francisco with a high-powered Army-issue carbine rifle. What also made the film different for the era was its focus on the psychology (some boilerplate Freudian hoo-hah) driving the killing spree. But beyond even all that, deep down it’s a profoundly strange picture disguised, for all its groundbreaking elements, as any other B thriller.
But let me back up here a second and come at this from a different angle.
In 1945, like so many intellectuals and Hollywood types (and when was the last time those two appeared in the same sentence?), director Edward Dmytryk began his little flirtation with the Communist Party. A few years later, like so many others, he found himself dragged in front of HUAC where he was  asked to name names. When he refused, he was thrown in stir along with the rest of the Hollywood Ten on charges of contempt of Congress.
After a few months in prison, though, Dmytryk had a change of heart and called his lawyer. In 1951 he was released from prison, appeared before HUAC again, but this time in a far more cooperative mood, providing interrogators not only with 26 names, but also detailing how he’d been pressured to slip subliminal Commie messages into pictures like Crossfire. After this, having lost his martyrdom and no longer beloved of Hollywood’s Communist community, Dmytryk found himself  just as effectively blacklisted as he had been before. So he moved to England and teamed up with producer Stanley Kramer, who would put him back to work for the next several years.  
This is not the place to discuss Dmytryk’s politics, his justification or damnation, to pass self-righteous judgments long after the fact. But it is interesting to consider the first film made by a man fresh out of prison would be a message film about a rogue gunman picking off Californian brunettes, and one has to wonder if his time behind bars in any way influenced the film’s opening crawl.
Written by a powerhouse trio at the time (script by Harry Brown from a story by Edna and Edward Anhalt), The Sniper opens by informing us that present-day laws and law enforcement were useless when it came to dealing with sex crimes, and that the story we were about to see concerned a man “whose enemy was womankind.”  
In the film’s first few seconds we meet the man in question, Eddie Miller, and it’s clear he’s teetering on the edge of something bad. Arthur Franz hadn’t yet established himself as a genre stalwart, playing rational, low-key, friendly sorts in the likes of Invaders from Mars and Monster on the Campus, and here turns in a remarkable performance as a believable psychopath. He never goes over the top and bug-eyed, instead playing Eddie as a tightly wound but always self controlled young man who may get occasionally twitchy and sweaty but always remains nearly emotionless.    
A former mental patient who is well aware that things are going wrong in his head again, Eddie does what he can to get himself committed, but no one’s cooperating. In fact seen through Eddie’s eyes, the entire world is simply one slap, one humiliation after another. To some of us anyway, he’s an extremely sympathetic character.  
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Marie Windsor
Although later in the film the police come to the conclusion that he must be an ex-soldier, we are never given any proof of this apart from his weapon of choice. It doesn’t matter—now he drives a delivery truck for a laundry service. One of the regular customers along his route  is attractive young  nightclub pianist Jean Darr (Marie Windsor), who appears to be one of the few people, and certainly the only woman, who’s nice to him. So when what he believes to be a seduction turns out to be, well, not only not a seduction but  ends with Jean treating him like any other errand boy, he snaps. It’s the only scene in the film in which his face reveals any emotion at all apart from confusion or cold boredom. That night he waits on a rooftop across from the bar where she works and shoots her as she heads home.
Enter the police, which adds another layer onto the external story behind the film. As Det. Kafka (if there is any significance to that name it’s never made clear), Adolphe Menjou, is also playing against future type as a gruff, less than suave, and mostly hapless cop. A few years prior to the film, Menjou was known as one of the fiercest defenders of HUAC in the business, which of course made his pairing with Dmytryk here a potentially disastrous one. By all accounts, however, it was a perfectly amicable working relationship, so much so that Dmytryk would use him again in a few of his subsequent films . But that’s irrelevant, too.
As more seemingly random dark haired young women are being picked off around the city (which in spite of all the location shooting is never identified as San Francisco), the police bring in criminal psychologist Dr. Kent (Richard Kiley) to work out a profile. With precious little evidence, the doctor jumps to the remarkable conclusion that these are in fact sexually motivated shootings. And that leads to the first head-scratching scene of the film.
Taking Dr. Kent’s very broad conclusion at face value, the cops round up every pervert in town for a line-up. Now, given that there have been no witnesses who saw the shooter, a line-up is pointless. Perhaps the cops realize this, which explains why the chief interrogator (sitting at a table in front of an auditorium full of officers) runs the line-up like a routine from an old Bob Hope special, introducing and dismissing the peeping toms, gropers, and rapists with well-prepared one-liners.  To a schlub who writes obscene mash notes to strangers he begins, “So, Bob, they say the pen is mightier than the sword...”
It’s an oddball comic scene completely out of step with the rest of the film, and a scene that makes no sense within the context of a serious police drama. It’s darkly  funny, yes (especially considering that we’re dealing with convicted sex offenders as the butt of bad jokes), and had the rest of the film been handled in this tone, well, it would have been a very different picture. As it stands it’s merely jarring and leaves viewers wondering what the hell it’s doing there. Personally I can’t recall another cutaway even remotely close to this in  any other Dmytryk picture. Logically enough, though, the scene ends with dr. Kent muttering “this is pointless” before leaving the room.
He then goes on to deliver the film’s heavy handed message to the mayor, the press, and the other investigators—namely (and here’s where I wonder if Dmytryk’s prison experience is being reflected)  that anyone arrested for a sex crime of any kind should be locked in a psych ward until they’re cured of their personal glitch. And if they aren’t cured, they should be left there locked away for good.    
That leads to another delightfully baffling line of dialogue as Kafka orders a teenager with a broken antique rifle be sent to a nearby bughouse. “I don’t wanna be looking for this kid again in a couple years,” Kafka explains, “when he’s got a real gun...or maybe an axe.”  
(An axe?)
In spite of a few weirdnesses along the way The Sniper still played like most any boilerplate thriller while at the same time being years ahead of the game both in terms of subject and solution. Extrapolating a bit on Dr. Kent’s recommendation, the kid being sent to the psych ward had not been convicted of a sex crime—he was just acting weird. Likewise, following the latest school shooting the do gooders are once again calling for the  psychological incarceration of anyone who thinks differently, acts differently, isn’t like everyone else, as they represent a very tangible future threat. But the answer to this hamfisted solution can also be found in the very same scene. Before being sent to the local Bin, the above-mentioned teen with the broken gun tells Kafka, “You think I’m the only one in town who doesn’t like people? There’s millions of ‘em!” And we’ve been proving him right since 1966. So maybe it’s time we stop talking about locking these people up pre-emptively, and finally come around to accepting the simple fact that mass shootings might well be nothing more than  a rational response to an insane world. by Jim Knipfel
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misterewrites · 5 years
Milo Murphy Prompt
Hi everyone, it’s Mr.E here with another small writing! This is a Milo Murphy’s Law prompt for my good friend @hains-mae birthday! That was forever ago! haha my bad.I got busy. 
So basically it’s a little prompt Mae showed me as an idea for Melissa and Milo because Milo Murphy’s law has great ships and it’s hard to pick but we love that Melissa Milo ship.
The prompt was Milo visiting Melissa to hang out but Melissa has been playing with a chemistry set and well you’ll see.
So once again happy late birthday mae! I might do another prompt for her because usually I gave out full chapters and this is a little lite but we’ll see. I hope you all enjoy it and have a great week!
Richard Chase considered himself a patient, if seemingly over cautious, man though you could hardly blame him: As a firefighter, he knew how to prepare for the unexpected and the dangerous of inattention.
Of course he should’ve known Milo was coming over today given that his refrigerator began belching out ice cubes all over his floor and his favorite coffee mug was now somewhere in deep orbit.
“Hello…..Milo” He grimaced, trying his best to suppress his fight or flight response to the young man’s presence.
“Hello Mr. Chase!” Milo beamed, cheerfully greeting his best friend’s father with a wave “I’m here to see Melissa.”
“Right. Of course. You know where her room is.”
Mr. Chase peered out the doorway, taking in the strange normality of the outside world in for a moment.
“It looks like your Murphy’s law is a little lazy today.” Mr. Chase probed quizzically.
Milo gave a hearty chuckle “Oh don’t worry sir. I made sure to take the long way around so I could get Melissa and leave before anything else happened.”
Mr. Chase opened his mouth when a loud crack filled the air. He turned just in time to see an ice cube hurtling towards his face at top speed.
He flinched out of reflex, scrunching his eyes waiting for the icy chill of pain.
“I got it!” Milo called out, pulling out a catcher’s mitt from his pack and catching the projectile midair.
Mr. Chase breathed a sigh of relief “Thank you Milo. I….I think you should hurry up.”
“Good idea. Bye Mr. Chase.”
Mr. Chase rubbed his temples tiredly “Goodbye Milo.”
“Look at that sun, look at that sky. Look at my sweater vest I look so fly.” Milo hummed to himself, bobbing his head back and forth to some unheard music.
“Hit the deck!” Melissa’s voiced shouted, coming not from her room like Milo was expecting but rather from the side.
“Hi Mel...” Milo turned only to find his best friend sailing through the air, arms outstretched with determination etched all over her face.
Milo relaxed his body, allowing the airborne teen to crashing into him, sending both of them skidding backwards as Melissa wrapped Milo in a protective embrace, shielding him from some unknown threat.
Milo bit his lip, forcing down the blush from spreading to his cheeks as the pair laid on the floor and waited for whatever was going to happen.
Melissa cracked open an eye, carefully watching her My First Chemistry set shake violently, the greenish mixture bubbling and engulfing the beaker, the glass cracking the pressure grew and grew until….
The set stopped as the beaker coughed out a tiny penny sized puff of smoke that harmlessly floated in the air.
“Huh.” Melissa frowned, unsure what to make of that “That was anticlimactic. I mean once it started shaking I knew you were here but I was expecting some more BOOM! I guess that’s all Murphy’s law could do with that tiny chemistry set.”
“Yeah!” Milo clenched his fist nervously, trying to slow his heart at the sight of Melissa so close “I guess it was.”
Melissa gave a casual shrug before her gaze snapped back to the pinned Milo, her blues eyes beaming with joy.
“Hi Milo!”
“Hi Melissa!” Milo let the smile slip onto his face “What’s with the chemistry set?”
Melissa shifted to make herself more comfortable though she made no effort to free Milo from her grip “I was going over some notes from school and realized that my chemistry is a little rusty.”
“Oh, finally decided to become a chemist?”
“Dunno. Still trying to make up my mind.”
“So did you finally give up on being queen of the universe?” Milo gave her a cheeky grin.
“Of course not. I just like to keep my options open.”
Milo chuckled “Well I think you’d make a great queen of the universe.”
Melissa could feel her cheeks burn brightly.
“Fair and just.” Milo went on “And only a little distracted!”
“Only a little?” Melissa scoffed “I am never distracted.”
“Melissa, you’re still holding onto me”
Silence as Melissa realized he was right: The two were still sprawled on the hallway floor, her arms wrapped around Milo protectively.
“I...” Melissa began slowly, her mind racing at possible excuses for her behavior “Wanted to make sure the chemistry set wasn’t going to blow up! You know how chemical are! Unpredictable. Delayed reactions!”
“Actually I wouldn’t know. Every chemistry set is unstable when I’m around.”
“Right” Melissa coughed as the memory of what actually happened played back.
She had playing around with the set when she heard her father curse at the sudden ice cubes that littered the floor and when his mug reached maximum velocity she knew Milo was outside.
Of course he started talking in his chipper, positive voice and Melissa might’ve stopped paying attention to what she was doing and by the time Milo’s footsteps broke her out of her stupor, the mixture was already green and shaking in a way that screamed I am going to blow up. Diving at Milo was pure instinct, honed over years of experience with Murphy’s law.
“Umm, Melissa? Melissssssa!”
“Wha?” She shook her head, scattering the thoughts in her mind “Sorry. Was thinking.”
“I know” Milo’s smug smirk was too much for her “Have we determined the set is not going to explode?”
“Right. Right!” Melissa coughed, freeing Milo from her embrace reluctantly. Her heart skipped a bit as her cold hand slipped into his warm one, his grasp firm yet gentle while she helped him to his feet.
“Better safe than sorry.” Melissa said confidently.
Milo opened his mouth to respond when he saw the foam form quickly, the cracks in the glass splintering as the set angrily shook once more.
“Hit the deck!” Milo yelled, slipping a helmet onto both his and Melissa’s head before tackling her to the floor, arms wrapped tight around her as he shielded her from the presumed blast.
“Thanks Murphy’s law” Milo thought to himself as the set coughed up another tiny puff of smoke.  
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