#she just said “excuse me you're in my seat” and I'm still like a day later thinking “oh god she probably hates me” like???
I don't know how people can commit actual crimes.. I can't even sit in the wrong seat in a movie theater without feeling like a terrible person..
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Summary: anon request - "Hey so it's my birth day tmr and was just wondering if you could write something for me like Zach justice x reader and he has a guest on the podcast and he gets jealous and the at the end of the podcast they have a cute moment before leaving and going home for like a rough but passionate smut" 
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, Matt Rife Warning, Zach being Zach, banter, guest flirting with reader, Zach getting jealous, kissing, biting, hair pulling, slight choking, slightly rough and unprotected sex, fluff with a dash of filth 
Word count: 4.9k | unedited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"So are you finally going to tell me who the special guest is?" You ask as you look at Zach through your phone screen. 
He laughs, "Mm, what's in it for me?" 
"Because tomorrow is my birthday and you'll be making me happy?" You say slowly and laugh, "come on." You pout into the camera and Zach sighs, "Stop being cute." 
You smirk slightly and tilt your head as he continues, "or at least come be cute in my bed." You let out a laugh, "I think that that's my cue for going to bed." 
"Laaaame." Zach drags out loudly. You scoff, "excuse me?" He laughs, "I said saaame. Goodnight." 
You roll your eyes, "goodnight." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You show up to the house and walk through the door. Tara is standing with Alyssa and you walks up to them, "Hey." 
"Hey!" Tara says, "Are you excited for today's show?" 
You roll your eyes, "Zach wouldn't tell me who's coming." Alyssa laughs, "Really?" You nod, "I called him last night to see if he would tell me.. nope." 
"Oh, well it's Matt Rife." Alyssa fills you in, "I have a feeling that Zach is going to be very jealous today." 
Your brows furrow and you look between her and Tara, "Why.. um, why do you say that?" Tara rolls her eyes, "Please. That man is head over heels for you, y/n." 
You laugh, shaking your head, "There'a no way." 
"Alright party people, let's get ready to get this show on the road." Zach yells as he walks to his seat, "Special guest will be here in five." 
You roll your eyes and make your way to your seat. Matt is going to sit where you normally sit, which is right next to Zach, so you sit in the seat next to Matt's. 
"Fuck, sorry I'm late." Matt says as he rushes in through the door, "I'm here now." 
Zach holds his hand up, "There he is. What's up, brother?" Matt walks up to Zach and give him a hand shake. He looks over at Jared saying hello to him and Tara before he look at you. 
You're not looking at him, but you can tell his eyes are on you, and Zach secretly hates it already. Matt sits down and he waves to Alyssa, "Hey." 
Alyssa smiles and puts her headphones on, along with everything else.
"What's up everybody, welcome back to drop outs." Zach says and you all cheer, "We have a special guest with us today, and it also happens to be very special day for someone else." 
"Haaa-py biirthday.." Jared initiates by singing and soon everyone joins in. 
"Happy birthday dear y/n. Happy birthday to you!" 
"Thank you." You smile, "Thank you." 
"Alright, now moving on to the more special part." Zach says and motions to Matt, "Matt Rife everybody." 
"What's uppp." Matt smiles before looking to Zach, "Don't be mean to her. It's her birthday." 
Zach looks taken aback for a split second before covering it up, "Yeah, you're definitely new here." Zach rolls his eyes, "Anyway." 
"Oh. Wait!" Tara yells and stands up as she takes her headphones off. She runs off the set and over to her bag. Everyone is watching her and she comes back over with a tiara that says Birthday Girl in cursive, "Here!" 
"Weird way to propose, but my answer is still yes." You laugh and look up at her from the tiara in your hands, "Thank you." 
She takes it from your hands, placing the tiara gently on your head and fixes your hair, "You heard it here first everyone, this bitch is mine." 
Zach raises an eyebrow as you look over at him and you roll your eyes as you smirk, "Zach." He shrugs, "What? You were thinking it too because you wouldn't have accepted Tara's marriage proposal if you didn't." 
You tilt your head, raising your hand as you shrug, "Okay." You look over at Tara, "You got me there." 
Tara puts her headphones on and leans in with a smirk, "I think I actually just fell in love with you, y/n." She laughs and you smile as you look around. 
As the rest of you get lost in conversation, Zach's eyes zone in on the tiara resting perfectly on your head. His mind goes to watching you drop down to your knees and bob your head on his dick with it on. 
"I think Zach fell asleep on us." Jared teases, "What the hell man? Are we that boring today?" Jared laughs and Zach looks at everyone, "I'm just not feeling it today." 
"Everyone hold on." Alyssa laughs, "He's up to something." 
"Are you okay, Zach?" You ask looking at him and he nods slightly, "Yeah," Quickly changing the subject, "So Matt, your profession is comedian, right?" 
Matt nods, "Something like that, yeah." 
"Huh." Zach nods, "What is your favorite thing to do within the show?" Matt purses his lips as he thinks, "Crowd work." 
"That was my favorite thing to do at our live show." Tara nods, "getting to interact with the people was so fun." 
"Exactly, exactly. And most of the people who come to my shows, know exactly what they're in for." Matt continues and you nod, "I can can agree that." 
Matt turns his head, "You've been to one of my shows?" He smirks slightly and you smile, "I have." 
"Which one?" He tilts his head and you laugh, "Liberty, I think? Cincinnati or something. I don't know but you went back and forth with someone who was a stripper." 
Matt laughs and that causes Zach to clench is fist. He reflexed when Tara started talking, but he resorted to picking at his nails. 
"Wait wait wait you need to eleborate." Tara laughs, "Please." 
"Yeah we need context of this stripper incident." Jared laughs and Matt sighs, laughing as he starts to tell the story. 
You look past Matt and stare at Zach. 
His stare is on you and you squint your eyes at him. He  purses his lips slightly and quickly winks at you. You smirk and so does he because he has you blushing. 
"so yeah, but like I said, people basically pay to come get bullied by me." Matt nods, eyes flicking from your eyes to your chest. 
"Have you ever hurt anyone's feelings by doing that?" Zach asks and Matt laughs, "Dude, are you not caught up with me?" 
Zach sighs, "What the heck." He pulls out his phone and starts to google him, "Matt Rife Controversies." 
"I love how he made controvers-ies, like more than one." Alyssa laughs and Jared nods, "Uh huh. Right." 
"So while we wait, "Y/n. Are you excited about your big birthday bash tonight?" Tara says moving around to get comfortable, "I can tell you that I am so fucking ready to drink." 
You nod, "Oh my god. I actually can't wait. I just got pictures of the venue being set up and it looks so good so far." You pull out your phone and go to the pictures. 
You hand your phone to Tara and she swipes through, "Oh hell yeah." 
"What time does it start?" Matt asks and you look at him, "You can come anytime after eight." He nods, "anytime after eight, got it." 
This had Zach's blood boiling, "So you have made a lot of people mad." Zach chuckles, really wanting this podcast to be done and over with already. 
Matt laughs, "Yeah, yeah. But I mean, that's honestly party of the gig." He shrugs, "I'm not for everyone and that is something that actually took a while for me to come to good terms with." 
You carry on the conversation and a few others for the next hours and a half. 
Zach couldn't wait until Alyssa said you all were good so he can finally get you alone for more than a few seconds. 
Once the time comes he rips his headphones off of his head and rests them on the mic, "Thank you for coming onto the podcast, Mr. Rife." 
Matt stands up, shaking his hand, "Thanks for having me." He points to you, "I hate to rush off but I have a few other things to do, but I'll see you guys later, yeah?" 
You nod, "See ya." You wave and Tara waves, "Bye, Matt!" Alyssa waves and says by to him and right before he walked out he turns back, "Happy birthday, sweetheart." 
Zach wanted to mock him horribly, but that would just be so out is the blue that people would start to question it, so he turns his eyes to you. 
You smile and nod, looking back at him, "Thank you." 
Matt gives you a wink and you turn back around, "Are we getting ready at my place or.. where do you want to meet?" You ask Tara and Alyssa. 
"We can do it at my place." Alyssa nods, "Plus, I am close to the venue, so if we did need to we walk it's not far at all." 
"Yes that works." You nod, "Okay. I'm going to go home and get my stuff ready. I will meet you guys at Alyssa's say.. six?" 
They both nod and you give them a thumbs up, "Love yas. See yas." You go to turn and walk away but Zach walks up to you, "Hold your horses for a second." 
You laugh and you turn around, mocking him, "I don't have horses." He smirks and tilts his head, "C'mere for a sec would ya?" 
"Why?" You sigh, tilting your own head, "I need to go shower." He smirks, "You'll get a shower, I promise now come here." 
He pulls you into the hallway leading to the stairs and he looks down at you. You and Zach have been good friends for a while now, even made out when he took you home drunk the one night. 
You know the look he's giving you. You take a quiet breath, "Who told you?" 
He smirks, "Eyes talk, sweetheart." 
You bite your lip and you smile, "So are you coming home with me because I need to get my shit around." 
He tilts his head, "Do you want me to come home with you?" You chew on your lip, this wave of boldness washing over you. 
You lean in, "I have my own house. No one can hear anything." You lean back and smirk as you tilt your head towards the door, "Come on." 
He follows you out to the car and gets into your passengers seat. You get in and look over at him, "So can I ask you something?"
You start your car and start to back out of the parking space and Zach nods, reaching over to slip his fingers into the rip of your jeans. 
His gentle touch right above your knee driving you absolutely insane, "So, why now?" You glance over at him and he furrows his brows, "not following." 
You sigh, laughing slightly, "why did you wait until now to finally tell me that you liked me, too?" 
"I didn't say a word." 
You look over at him, tension building rapidly the longer your eyes hold on his, "You didn't have to." 
You lick your lips and look away, beginning to drive when the light turns green. His finger still brushing against your leg, itching for you to grab his hand and hold it within yours. 
"So how do you feel about Matt being on the podcast?" You look over at Zach and he shrugs, "It is what it is." You roll your eyes, resting your arm on the consol as you dangle your hand right above his wrist, finger tips barely grazing his skin. 
"Why are you acting like it wasn't a good podcast? I mean other than you being pouting and flirting with me on the down low." 
You poke his arm and Zach groans, "Alright, you yanked my dick enough." He laughs and you roll your eyes, "You wish I did." 
He points to you and smirks, "And that my friends, is a true statement." 
You laugh, "Get on with it." You say as you pull into your driveway. You put the car in park and reach down to unbuckle, "We're not leaving this car until you tell me what I wanna know." 
Zach opens his mouth, repeating exactly what you say at the same time you do, "It's my birthday, Zach. You have to be nice." 
Your mouth drops and he gives you a nod, "Yes, princess. It's your birthday. Now.." he tilts his head, fighting back a laugh, "we needed to talk, and it needed to be somewhere you could take your clothes off.. " he fights back a smirk, "So, we can fuck in here or we can fuck in there." He points to your house and looks back at you. 
You smirk, "who said anything about fuckin'?" He lays a hand on his chest, "Oh is this not why you brought me to your house? My apologies." 
You roll your eyes, "You sound so jealous right now." 
He scoffs, "Jealous of what, y/n?" 
You press your elbow into the center console and rest your chin in your palm, "You know, you flirt, I mean.. fuck around with me every time I'm on the show and every time you see me, but never.." You hold up your pointer finger, and right now he's doing what you're doing and his face in an inch away from your finger. 
"Not once." You move your hand and look into his eyes, "Did you pull me aside and give me that kind of a look." 
"Explain this.. this look." He tilts his head, cheek now resting in the palm of his hand, "But you might want to make it quick because I don't want you to bitch because I made you late." 
You roll your eyes, "You looked at me like you were in love." He slowly grows closer and you lick your lips quickly as your eyes bounce from his to his eyes. 
"You ever think that maybe I am?" He whispers and you can't help but smirk, "I mean.. not like I was going to make that my birthday candle wish or anything."
He laughs, "Okay. I'll give you that one, that one was funny." You laugh and look at him, "Was Matt flirting sure me the final straw?" 
You see him nod slightly and you bite your bottom lip.
His eyes flick down to your held lip and back up to your eyes, "Hey, um don't you have a party you need to get ready for?" 
"Fuck." You laugh, nodding, "Yeah." You look at the house and back to Zach, "Come on." Zach stays still, "Where are we going?" 
You smile and lean in, "So I can show you that you are the one that I want." You press your lips to his and his hand lays on the back of your head, not wanting you to pull away. 
"Mm. Zach." Your giggles muffled by his lips on yours and you manage to lean back, "Hey. Come on." Zach huffs, "way to be a cock block, sweetheart."
He gets out, following you up to your door and his hands are roaming all over your body as you get your key from your key ring. 
His hands slip under you shirt, "Runnin' outta time." Zach mumbles against your head and you push your door open. 
He walks you in, hands on your hips and he uses his door to swing the door closed. You spin around and his body is on yours, a hand on your hip and a hand on the back of your neck, holding you to him as your lips meet his once again. 
By this time, you had totally forgot you were still wearing the tiara that Tara got you and Zach's eyes fixate on it as he remembers what he first thought about. 
"Knees." Zach says as he places his hands on your shoulders. You slowly drop down and you look up at him. He bites down on his bottom lip at he watches you undo his belt, "You know. As soon as that thing sat on the top of your head, I picture you exactly like this." 
You feel your cheeks grow warmer and you let out a breath, "I totally forgot I had that on." Zach smiles, "I didn't." 
You work to get his throbbing dick from his boxers move you've tugged his pants down. Your hand gently gripping the base of it, squeezing gently as you rise up to run your tongue over the head of his leaky head. 
He lets out a groan and bites down on his lip, groaning lowly, "Mm." He looks down at you, "That's it, baby." He lays a hand on the back of your head, fully taking in everything about his fantasy that's coming true. 
He moans lowly as you bob your head up and down, earning a gasp as you take him in fully, "Fuck, babe." Zach throws his head back, "That's my-" he looks down at you and pulls your head away from him. "-girl!" 
You smile up at him and bite down on your lip, saliva dribbling down your chin. He swipes it away with his thumb and he nods towards your bedroom, "Lead the way."
You stand up, taking his hand into yours before you lead him up the stairs and into your bedroom. 
You pull him in and close the door before Zach pulls you into him, lips meeting yours once more. 
You let out a whine, gripping his shirt, "Zach." You whimper, "Please." You push your hips into his, reaching down between you to stroke his cock a few times. 
He groans, hands gripping the hem of his shirt to rip it up over his head, and he places his hands on either side of your neck, "Shit." He breathes out, moving his hands down to your hips, "Get back there." He walks you backwards and it wasn't long until your knees buckled from hitting the bed. 
Your back meets the mattress and Zach's lips meet your neck, "I really.." he speaks in between kisses to your neck, "..want to watch.." he kisses up to just below your ear, "..the birthday girl ride me." 
You nod eagerly, "Please." You beg, "Please; Zach."
Zach chuckles, "And if I'm being honest, your whining and begging is completely boosting my ego-" he very quickly corrects himself, "I mean completely makes me want to cum inside that pretty little pussy." 
You roll your eyes, "your head is swelled either way, Zach." You laugh, "But I'll take the second option please." 
You bite your lip and his grip on your hip tightens before he rolls over to pull you on to his lap. He stares up at you for a few seconds before he nods while glancing towards your shirt, "C'mon now, you just told me you want me to cum inside you. Don't be shy now." 
You smirk, laughing slightly as you pull your shirt up over your head, discarding it to the floor, "Happy now?" 
You smirk at him and his hands move to your boobs with a nod, "oh hell yeah." 
You watch as he looks up at you and with a swift motion, his hand is pulling you down to him by the back of your neck so he can kiss you. 
Your lips move in sync for a few minutes then you suddenly remembered, it's my birthday!
But in panic mode, "Mm." You lean back, "What time is it?" You ask and Zach, obviously frustrated, lets out a short sigh, "Do I look like Father Time to you?" 
"Well if you didn't still have your pants on, I could be on top of you already." You roll your eyes, leaning over to check your phone. 
Zach scoffs, planting a gentle slap to your ass, "Sor-ry, I didn't know taking our time to enjoy this, wasn't on your agenda,too." You bite down on your lip to hide your laugh and you lean back over, looking down at him. 
"I have a little under two hours." You whisper and he nods. His hands move to grip your waist and he slowly rocks your hips over his dick, that's straining against his pants. 
"Zach." You whimper out, "stop teasing." 
He rolls you over onto your back and his hands move to take off your jeans. He slips them down your legs and tosses them. 
His bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes focus on your lace panties lying perfectly against your skin. He leans down, his lips lacing your skin with fiery, open mouth kisses as his fingers drift up your legs. 
His fingers slip into the band of your panties and your hips rise as he pulls them down. His eyes flick up to you and back down to your soaked cunt. 
He drops your panties beside him and locks eyes with you as he pushes both his pants and boxers down before moving to make his way in between your thighs. 
You smirk, tilting your head as he lifts your hips slightly, "You know, you're incredibly hot when you're jealous." 
You feel his dick brush against your clit and you gasp. Zach smirks and pushes the tip between your folds, "Me? Jealous?" He fakes a laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, "Over you? Yes." 
He thrusts into you and you let out a loud moan, "Fuck." You whimper out, "That's why it's so hot." He smirks and presses his lips to yours, and you accept his invite to make out. 
His hips roll slowly into yours and you moan into his mouth. He swallows your moans with ears, kissing back towards your ear, "You're so beautiful." 
His voice is low and you slide a hand down his arm and grab his wrist. You drag his hand up your body and place it around your neck.
You look up at him with such a pleading look, Zach can't help but not resist. 
His hand tightens around your throat and you moan out, and your moans quickly grow quieter the harder he squeezes. 
He leans up on his free arm and watches down at how your pussy swallows him with such great ease, "Fuckin' hell baby." 
He looks up at you and his jaw literally falls slack to the scene below him, "Shit." He breathes out as his she's scan over your slightly reddened face, your eyes are rolled back with your lips slightly parted. 
You're just absolutely loving being fucked by him right now. 
His thrusts remained slow as he loosens his grip and you let out a quiet gasp. Zach stops thrusting and gently taps your cheek a few times, "Oh no. I killed her." 
You smile and he sighs, "Phew. Great, because I did not want to have to put necrophiliac on my resume tonight."
You let out a laugh and lean up to push him to him to his back, "I mean, you know you have consent either way." You laugh as you straddle him.
Zach sits up, his face close to yours as he fixes the tiara that's slightly crooked on your head, "Hold on, baby." 
Zach calling you baby and even sweetheart and especially princess, gave you butterflies. Even his jokey insults like slut, and bitch, and yapper number two, but especially slut because you would be his slut. 
Any time of day. 
"Better?" You ask watching him lay back, an arm tucking behind his head, "Better." He bites down on his lip as he watches you lift your one leg to reach down and hold his dick steady. 
You spit into the tip of your fingers and smear it on him which causes him to gasp slightly. You smirk as you slide down onto him, eyes locking with Zach's. 
His hands fly to your hips. You grip his forearms as you pant, gasping out at how deep he feels inside of you. 
"Move. Sweetheart." Zach squeezes your hips, urging you to move in some type of way. You let out a whine as you roll your hips slowly, crying out Zach's name and other curses lowly. 
"Use me to get yourself off, sweetheart." He winks, "I just wanna watch." 
You smirk and you lean back, placing your hands on his knees for support. You bite down on your lip and keep your eyes locked on his as you start to move your hips up and down. 
Zach positions one arm behind his head again, and places his hand under your thigh. His eyes move down to your pussy taking his dick, then he looks up at your tits bouncing each time your body meets his. 
His eyes roll closed and his hips buck upward, "Goddamn." He groans out, "S-swe-etheart.. you're gonna make me cum." 
You lean down, pressing kisses to his before you lean up, "Isn't that the point?" You ask, rolling your hips into his, moaning out quietly, "Zach." 
He sits up and flips you over so your hips are pinned to the mattress, "I'd say you got about, maybe an hour to shower and get all your stuff around before you have to leave to get ready." 
"Just fuck me." You whine, sitting up as you pull him towards you. His lips crash onto yours and you feel his hands push your thighs back, knees to chest type of deal. 
You moan loudly, arching you back as Zach slides his dick back in to you, "What's the birthday princess want, baby?" Zach pants out and you dig your nails into his back, "I-I need you to cum in me." 
Zach bites his lips, laughing slightly, "It's a risky move. I love it." He picks up the speed of his thrusts and sloppily presses a kiss to your lips, "I love you." 
You freeze, "W-h- wai-" you laugh slightly, "Zach." He kisses up to your lips, "Mm. Wh-Wai- what, baby?"
"What di-"
Zach cuts you off, "I'll tell you later." He presses his lips to yours and you let out a loud moan as he thrusts his dick into you fully. 
"Your arms tighten around his neck and you whimper in his ear, "I love you, too." 
You feel his body tense and his grip on your hips tightens, "Say it again." He mumbles, turning his head in to kiss your neck, "Please." 
You slide your arms down, laying your hands on his neck, moaning out as you squeeze his dick with your, desperate for release walls, "F-fuck.. Zach." You whimper out, "I love you." 
You let out a moan, arching your back as you feel yourself quickly become engulfed with an intense pleasure. 
Zach fucks you through your high, listening to every sound he can pull from you, "So fuckin' pretty." Zach grips your chin and his thrusts grow sloppy and slow. 
You bite your lip as you feel his dick twitch inside of you and you look up at him. He raises his brows and lets out a sigh, "You told me to." 
"I know." You laugh and reach over to grab your phone, "Fuck." You jump up, "If you're showering with me, let's go. But we're not fucking around." 
Zach stands up, following you to your bathroom, "Yeah, you say that now. How much time you have?" 
"Forty five minutes." You turn the shower on and Zach bites his lip, "Give me five of those minutes while we're in here."
You smirk and pull him into the shower with you, "Let's see it."
You were still shocked that Zach got you both off in five minutes before you rushed around and went to Alyssa's, but that was only after Zach trapped you in the car for another make out session while dropping him off. 
Your party was going very, very well. 
Everyone was having the time of their lives, and honestly so were you, you loved the attention but the only attention you wanted was from one person and his eyes have been on you all night. 
His stare begging to get you alone. 
You had to admit, Zach losing his final straw today was the best birthday gift ever, his jealously was super sexy.
"You look bored." You say walking up to him, "My party not good enough for you?" Zach laughs and leans in, "Nah, I just can't stop thinking about how pretty you sounded earlier." 
You feel your cheeks darken and he smirks, "Happy birthday, Princess." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you liked this! I'm going to get some Sam snippets out so in the mean time, tell me what you thought about this. Ilysm! 🖤
likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
I totally fell in love with Princess ❤️ My heart broke when mc broke down saying she just wants to go home, poor baby must feel so lonely and exhausted 😣
I can already imagine JK being super protective of her. Like say her superior from the company (maybe a manager or something?) is super harsh with her, thinking they're in private, but JK overhears them?
Thank you for writing such wonderful stories, I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds!
I didn't know if it was a drabble request but I'm writing it anyways haha (trigger warning for: food restrictions)
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"Since when do you eat those?!" Your manager scolds loudly, and Jungkook can clearly hear the man through the slightly open door. Maybe he forgot that hybrids have heightened hearing- or maybe he thought Jungkook had left the area entirely during his break.
Either way, he doesn't like that tone at all.
"Its just one.." you mumble meekly, which surprised the wolfdog hybrid a lot. Never has he heard you this.. submissive. Like you're trying to pacify the guy.
"One every day, possibly more, we both know you're lying right now!" He yells. "You've gained already, how do you think you'll lose that weight again before the competition?!" He scolds harshly. "All your measurements have to be consistent! We talked about this!" He tells you.
"I'm sorry.." you answer quietly.
"I'm taking those." Jungkook hears a plastic bag rustle. "You're only eating the food staff makes you, am I clear?"
"Yes.." you answer again, noticeably disappointed.
"I'll talk to Jeon, a few more hours of training each day will make that extra weight drop quickly-" He starts before he almost runs straight into the man he's been talking about, who's leaning against the doorframe with a more than dark expression.
"Thats mine." Jungkook nods towards the plastic bag. "I brought it for her to eat."
"She- I.. excuse me but she's on a very strict diet plan." The manager explains a lot more carefully now, voice entirely different. "She has a dietician-"
"Then that dietician will agree with me when I say that she needs a lot more food each day to have enough energy to burn." Jungkook explains, still blocking the doorway, before he holds out his hand, wordlessly.
"Thats not for you to decide." The man denies.
"Then we have no reason to continue working together." Jungkook says, making your eyes widen in the background, panicking. You don't want Jungkook to cut the contract so soon. He said he'll help you, what is he doing?
"...she better work that off until the contest." The man grumbles, pushing the bag into Jungkook's hand before he pushes himself past the wolfdog hybrid, who glares after the man. It's only when you pull on his shirt that he looks down on you, no anger left in his face.
"You didn't have to argue with him." You say. "He's.. always like that. I should've known he'd get angry."
"I don't care." Jungkook denies, walking into the small break room to sit down, slapping the seat next to him. "Now come here and eat. I didn't lie when I said I brought them for you."
"But-" you start, only reluctantly sitting down, though you can't talk more because he's already ripped off a piece of the sweet donut to stuff into your open mouth.
And while you glare at him with stuffed cheeks, he can't help but smile to himself.
You really are all bark and no bite to him.
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empressgetou · 1 year
husband poseidon x wife goddess reader
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posiedon may be called as the most fearsome god or the god of gods or the tyrant of the sea, but all these titles meant nothing when it comes to his wife. y/n would call it as a facade considering that his attitude is the complete opposite of what the gods known him for.
the king of the seas had met his better half way back when he was still a boy. whenever he would visit the library of valhalla he somehow catches her just around the corner reading quietly all alone.
days turned into weeks that turned into months of visiting the library, he never misses her innocent figure by that very corner who seems to be on her own world. then one particular day, she finally approach him making his heart skip a beat by her voice.
"excuse me, lord posiedon. i don't want to interrupt you but i wanted to borrow the book you have got there since i wanted to finish the novel i am currently reading." she asked politely. little did she know, posiedon has taken interest of what the girl has been reading these past few days and have read in advance to finish the book first.
her voice it sounds alluring, as if the sirens were to hypnotize the humans in the ocean. he thought.
he nodded in response and gave the book. well he already finished the novel might as well let her borrow it.
"it is quite a surprise that my lord has taken interest in these types novels?" she then closely leaned into his side.
"would you mind if i seat here beside you? i'd like to know what your thoughts on this right after i read."
"no, but are you comfortable being with me?"
"hmm? why shouldn't i, my lord? as long as you're not feeding me to your piranhas back at atlantis then i dont mind." she innocently giggled as if there were no rumours of the young prince going around. not that she knows about those, the young goddess is too busy to gossip with the other young ones her age.
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and with that interaction started their romance. with millions and millions of years have gone by and the gods have been happily married to each other, they are also known to be one of the most powerful couple in valhalla. with the two of them working together nothing seems to stop them. y/n being the goddess of healing and peace and poseidon being the god of the seas and waters sounded terrifying for the humans even for the gods. and with y/n's every step bringing happiness along the way there will always be poseidon following closely to him who keeps other gods or humans especially intimidated which results to y/n scolding him back at their place.
and just like any other day in the kingdom of atlantis, y/n all by herself in their very own library reading peacefully was cut off when a knock was heard.
"i'm home." said by a gentle voice.
"you're back home early, my beloved. did something happened?", y/n replied as she rose from her seat and greeted his husband with a light kiss.
"that half human happened. the gods have agreed to that filthy woman to have a fight between humanity and us gods, a ragnarok." he said full of frustration in his face.
she guided him to seat and ease his anger.
"i'm sure brunhilde has her reasons as to why she had done this, after all she is still a part of their kind."
"what made you upset?"
"i do not wish to participate in their foolish games. i am a god that is nowhere near a humans ability to reach and they dare try and compete with me? that is unacceptable!"
"you could withdraw from it if you don't wish to join them"
"the pantheon has already decided. no matter. i shall win of course those humans will not be in my way."
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currently, zeus and adam fighting in the arena with a time of 5 minutes now. y/n seated beside his husband watching from the booth with hermes and other gods. they were informed beforehand that poseidon were to battle after his brother. y/n was anxious, not because of the fight she knew his husband was capable of defeating them, it was actually her secret that she may have been keeping from his husband a little while now. he looked at her and this made poseidon think that his wife was worried about him.
with now adam defeated by zeus, poseidon stood up and y/n following him by the back door.
"i'll be back this won't take long, my love." he said while cupping her face and his voice with no trace of arrogance but rather a soft one.
"i'll cheer you on, husband. and when you are done, there is something i'd like to tell you." this made poseidon curious.
is this why she had been spacing out lately? he thought.
she then kissed him good luck and said her i love you's.
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during the battle y/n remained uneasy, kojiro sasaki is indeed a good swordsman with his skills and speed no doubt that he would've defeated a god. but not this god, posiedon managed to be much quicker to attack than sasaki's. and with that it ends as the god of the seas declared winner of the match. making it a score of 3 and the humans 0.
y/n stood up and rushed down into the doors going to the arena meeting his husband on the dimmed alley. posiedon caught by surprise his wife rushing towards him with open arms.
"i was worried about you! i glad it is over now!" she hugged him tight as if the world depends on it.
"i told you i would be back, though it did took me a while to finish." he could hear her quiet sniffles and decided to just walk off to the infirmary still holding her like a baby supporting her back with his right hand and her bottom with his other hand.
as soon as they were inside the room, he seated her beside him while the aids have come to heal the injured god.
"leave us, my wife shall take care of this." declared the god and were left to be alone with his spouse.
y/n did not hesitate and began her healing magic while doing so she could not help whether it is the perfect time to tell his husband of what she have been keeping these days. poseidon knowing his wife like the back of his hand can feel her uneasiness and decided to ask.
"there is something you wanna tell me." that made y/n taken aback a bit. no doubt that his husband would notice much sooner. she is not the type that keeps secrets after all, the goddess is more of an open book to poseidon.
"remember, i have something i'd like to tell you after you have finished your fight?" he nodded urging her to continue.
"i only found out recently and had been trying my best to keeping it for myself." she giggled.
"hera has spoke to me the other day when we were at the pantheon. she told me that eileithyia has informed her that i am with... a child." that made poseidon's world stop.
a child? he thought. they both have been trying for an offspring quiet some time now. he would always watch merfolks back at antlantis with their young ones. with their cute little fins and soft features and loud laughter's, no wonder the king of the seas would want one his own.
he pulled her towards him and hugged her tight depending his massive size into her delicate body. he would've bursted into tears if it weren't for her chuckle.
"i'm guessing you are happy with the news i brought, my love?"
"happy? no, no not just happy, dear. i am thrilled that we are finally able to have a child on our own." he looked deep into her eyes and kissed her passionately.
"thank you. this is the most precious gift that you have given me." he continued while still holding her close to his chest.
"we have been trying my husband, i'm glad that the goddess of labour has bestowed us such gift."
"although you are still horrible at keeping such secrets, i keep noticing you fidgeting from time to time." he smirked making y/n lightly smacking his chest.
"i love you, my dearest. and our child as well." he said with with full adoration while trying to hold his nonexistent baby bump.
"i love you much more, my husband."
"now, let's fix that hair of yours hmm? it does not look too good after that swordman cut if off unequally." she laughed when she noticed it, that's because his hair can and only be touched by his wife and no other beings. that is when poseidon realized his hatred with humanity once more.
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remuslupinslittleslut · 7 months
Can I request a poly marauders fluff one shot where the reader feels insecure about whether they still love her? The reader is jealous of the relationship between Lily and the boys and thinks that they want to date Lily instead of them; especially because the whole school keeps saying how good they would be together.
Thanks if you'll do☘️
Here you go luvvie, hope you like it!
This is Part One, Part Two Here! CW: lil angsty but happy ending :)
Sitting at your house table, you look over to your boys, normally, this would bring comfort to you but not today. Today, they're sitting in a group of four, with Lily Evans. You liked Lily, she was sweet, kind and smart, but knowing that James used to have a huge crush on her makes you feel a bit funny about their seating arrangement. He's sitting next to her, leaning closer to tell her little jokes, while Sirius and Remus sit across from them, joined in the conversation.
It would feel better if your relationship was made official to the rest of the school, but you had all agreed that you'd keep it private for a bit, keep it for yourselves.
"Aren't they just so cute", your friend says from next to you, "do you think they all have the hots for her?"
Your heart drops, they do look cute. But they look cuter with you. Sighing, you decide you're done with dinner, and excuse yourself to the library, for some late studying.
It doesn't get better the next day. You decided to sit with your roommate for history of magic, making Remus the odd one out, as James and Sirius sit together. Of course, Remus ends up sitting with Lily, and everytime you hear Remus' low chuckle from something she said, the clump in your throat grows bigger. Your friend makes another rude comment about Remus and Lily, making you speed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rings.
That same night you're sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Remus, as the other two boys have practice. Feeling that green monster everytime that full head of red hair comes around, you decide to sit closer to Remus, show everyone that he's yours, putting your legs across his knees.
"Are you okay, princess?" He mumbles, kissing your head.
"Yeah, fine", you say, not looking up from your book. He humms, not fully believing you, but deciding not to press the matter.
When the clock hits 8 pm, you know it's not long before James and Sirius come back up to the tower, and when they come back, the four of you will retreat to their dorm, and everything will be good again.
That doesn't happen, however, not really. They come back, with Marlene and the rest of their team, and they give the entire common a very intense retelling of practice. It feels good, your legs still over Remus' and James sitting on the armrest next to you, Sirius walking around the room, dramatically showing his great save, pretending to be holding his beater's bat.
It all comes to an end, when Lily tells him to shut his mouth and he quips back a "make me, Evans". Now, even Sirius is flirting with her, while you're sitting right there. Your eyes roll back far enough to see your own brain, so sick of them all liking Lily Evans more than you.
Your eyeroll, however, doesn't go unnoticed. "Guys, time to shower, come on", Remus says, tapping your thighs, showing you that you should follow.
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you upset over something?" He asks as the four of you enter their dorm. You sigh, looking down. It feels silly, they shouldn't have to take care of your feelings, if they'd all rather be with Lily.
"I'm fine", you say, quietly. They share a look, before sitting you down on one of their beds, standing above you. "You're not fine, you've been avoidant with us for days, what's wrong?" "Yeah, you've gotta talk to us, we can't make it better if we don't know what we did wrong."
You sigh, again, knowing that they're right, but not really looking forward to the conversation that is to come, "do I have to be worried about Lily Evans taking my place in this relationship?" You decide to go the straightforward way, wanting to ask before they tell you, letting them know that you know that they like her.
They share another look, and then Sirius is laughing, "oh, baby, is that what's up?" You look up at him, "oh darling no, no one's ever gonna take your spot here, we love you so much-" James is interrupting him, "yeah, we don't like her, not like that, it's just nice being friends with her now that I have a girlfriend, she doesn't have to worry about me hitting on her" "Did you really think we'd like anyone but our little princess? You're our good girl, and we love you so much. And Lily knows about us, so she doesn't think anything else is going on", Remus fills in.
Oh. Oh... Lily... knows? About your relationship with the boys... Well that changes a lot of things, but you still feel the doubt in the pit of your tummy, "It just seemed like maybe you wanted to try to see someone else..."
Coming down next to you, a post-practice-sweaty James pulls you into his lap, "but baby, you're the only one we want, I'm so sorry if we haven't shown you that enough", he starts kissing all over your face making you giggle.
"Yeah, babes, you're never getting rid of us" "maybe you could let us show you how much we love you?"
They all envelope you, holding onto you, gripping you and holding you close, leaving soft kisses and whispering sweet words. You know that tomorrow you'll have to apologize to Lily for assuming the worst, but right now, you're perfectly happy just laying with your boys.
The next day, the whole castle knew about the four of you. <3
Part two here.
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libraryofgage · 6 months
Harlequin Prince
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One Harley Quinn One (you're here!) 10th Doctor and Rose (on the way! might take a little, I have plans for this one) Scooby Gang (there are also plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz)
I'm a simple woman who believes Steve deserves to be a little unhinged sometimes, and having Harley Quinn as a mother is the perfect excuse to make that happen lol
Anyway, I know I haven't updated some of my other series in a hot minute; I've just been busy with work and a little sick ngl
If you'd like to be tagged for any new parts in this series, let me know!
And, as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Steve's earliest memory is of being tucked into bed with a Batman night light plugged into the wall and his mother squeezed in next to him. She's wearing her softest pajamas, and Steve idly rubs the fabric under his thumb. In her lap is a huge book that she flips through, humming "Pop Goes the Weasel" under her breath before finally stopping on a page. "Okay, Dumplin', let's read about Narcissistic Personality Disorder," she finally says, wiggling some to get comfortable before clearing her throat.
Her voice is soft and a little nasally, and Steve obediently closes his eyes when she starts reading. After a few minutes, she gently cards her fingers through his hair, her palm warm as it slides over his scalp. Eventually, he drifts off, his dream so vivid that he still remembers the oversized hammers with their white doctor coats and floating clipboards.
The first time Steve's mother is sent (back) to Arkham, he doesn't realize anything is wrong until Uncle Bruce picks him up from school. Steve had been waiting long after the other kids were picked up by their parents, a misshapen pink-and-blue coaster for his mother that he made in art class in his hands, when one of Uncle Bruce's fancy cars pulled up to the school.
The passenger window rolled down, and Bruce looked almost pained as he met Steve's eyes. "Hop in," he said, leaning over to open the door from the inside.
Steve walked up to the door but didn't get in. "Mom said I should only go home with her," he said, "unless you know our secret code."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy."
Steve stood for a moment longer before nodding and climbing into the passenger seat. He closed the door, pulled on his seat belt, and carefully held the coaster in his lap. "Where's Mom?" he asked, watching as Bruce turned down the radio and slowly pulled away from the school.
"Your mother is....going to be away for a while," Bruce said, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "She did something bad, and now she's going to stay in time out because of it."
"Mom says you shouldn't dumb things down just because I'm young. She says it's not good for my development."
Bruce got a slight smile at that, his lips twitching up as he glanced at Steve. "Is that so," he said, his grip on the wheel loosening some. He seemed to think for a moment before saying, "Your mother blew up a warehouse. She was apprehended by Batman and has been sent to Arkham for a few months. Since I'm listed as your godfather, you'll stay with me until she's released."
Steve didn't reply. He just looked down at his coaster and wondered if he'd be able to convince his Uncle Bruce to visit Arkham so he could give it to her.
He did not, in fact, get to visit her at Arkham during that stint. But Steve did get to visit on her next one, which was almost three years later to the day. Steve's first visit to Arkham was on his 8th birthday, and he was chaperoned by Uncle Bruce and Nightwing (he wasn't allowed to call Dick by his real name when he was in costume, so Steve just didn't call him anything at all).
That was also the first time Steve truly experienced Arkham's lax security. Through no fault of his own (and he would continue to argue this point; how did two superheroes let an 8 year old wander off?), Steve had somehow ended up in another part of Arkham altogether.
This hallway had large cells with reinforced glass walls that allowed Steve to look inside. He could name most of the people he passed, recognizing Killer Croc and Riddler and the Penguin by his mother's descriptions of their defining features. Most of them tried talking to Steve, but he pushed ahead, eager to see if his mother was at the end of the hall.
She wasn't. Instead, Steve found another woman. She had green skin and bright red hair and Steve hadn't been able to contain himself. He'd practically squished his face against the glass and asked, "Are you Poison Ivy?"
"Oh, her he talks to," the Penguin said, his tone mean and his voice carrying.
Poison Ivy ignored him, choosing to instead open one eye from where she lay on the bed. She stared at Steve before sitting up. "Do I know you?" she asked.
"Nope! But my mom knows you. She talks about you all the time. She said you're the baddest badass to ever badass," Steve said.
"Oh. You're Harley's kid," Poison Ivy replied, walking over to the glass and crouching down to meet his gaze. "What are you doing all the way over here?"
"It's my birthday, so Uncle Bruce said I could see Mom."
"Well, happy birthday. Now, what are you doing here?"
Steve blinked, looked around the hall again, and realized for the first time that he was, in fact, a bit lost. "Uh, I'm not sure. I was with Uncle Bruce before."
A moment passed between the two of them in which Poison Ivy said nothing while Steve tried to remember how, exactly, he'd ended up here. When he came up blank, he simply shrugged and looked back at her. "Hey, you like plants, right?" he asked.
"Yeah, kid, I like plants," she said, her tone taking on the same inflection his mother's did when he asked something she thinks is obvious.
Steve didn't linger on the tone. Instead, he dug around in his coat pocket for a few seconds, pushing past candy wrappers and erasers until his hand closed around an acorn he'd picked up off the ground a few days ago. He pulled it out and presented it to Poison Ivy on his palm. "Is it still a plant if it fell off the tree?" he asked.
"Yeah," Poison Ivy said, her voice soft like she was staring at something unbelievable. Steve watched as a huge grin spread across her face, her eyes lit up, and she pressed her hands to the glass. "Can you do me a favor, Steve?" she asked.
"Sure! Mom said you're a person I should listen to," he said, starting to close his fingers around the acorn. Now that he was thinking about it, he didn't actually know how to give the acorn to her with the glass between them.
"Your mom is right. You should always listen to me. And her. But mostly me right now," Poison Ivy said, her gaze a bit softer as she looked at Steve. "So, go ahead and put the acorn on the ground and stand as far away as possible."
Steve didn't question her. Whatever Poison Ivy wanted to do would probably be fine. After all, Uncle Bruce didn't warn him about talking to her like he had about the Joker. So, Steve put the acorn down and hurried to the other end of the hall. "Now what?" he shouted.
The only response he got was the acorn shuddering, spinning across the floor, and then bursting open. In the blink of an eye, a tree grew, its roots breaking through the ground and its branches shattering the glass of Poison Ivy's cell. Steve was just thinking that was probably why Poison Ivy told him to stand back when she walked out, rolling her shoulders and breathing like the air is fresh.
She looked at Steve and walked over, standing in front of him for a moment before sweeping him into her arms. "Thanks, kid," she said, opening her hand and letting a tiny purple flower grow from her palm. She tucked it behind Steve's ear. "Now, let's go find your mom."
Of course, Poison Ivy's escape had set off numerous alarms, and Uncle Bruce just about fainted when he saw her carrying Steve while Nightwing looked two seconds from laughing. But Steve's mom had smiled so wide that her cheeks must have hurt after only two seconds when she saw them.
It was, by far, the best birthday Steve had ever had.
Hawkins, Indiana, is...boring. Steve has only been in the town for a few weeks, and he's bored out of his mind. He could have been sent to Metropolis or Central City. Hell, he would have preferred Bludhaven to the absolute snoozefest that is Hawkins. But, no, Uncle Bruce insisted on somewhere safe, which means somewhere boring, which means...Steve will just have to make his own fun.
That's why he's found himself in a dive bar on the edge of town, sitting at the bar as the owner (a woman named Bev who definitely killed her husband; Steve would know, he's met plenty of women who definitely killed their husbands) refuses to give him anything alcoholic. "Listen, kid," she says, her tone hard and unyielding, "I can give you water, a Shirley Temple, or a permanent ban. Which do you prefer."
After a few seconds, Steve sighs, slaps way more money than is necessary on the bar, and says, "Gimme a Shirley Temple."
Bev nods, swipes up the cash, and starts making his drink. He watches her with a slight frown before looking away, noticing another boy his age wiping down a table. He looks, and Steve cannot say this affectionately enough, like a wannabe goon for a motorcycle gang. Between the bandana stuffed into his back pocket, his slightly frizzy hair falling to his shoulders, and the leather jacket/vest combo, the guy is the first reminder of home Steve has seen since arriving in this sleepy town.
When he notices the guy's shoulders tense, Steve looks away to keep from being caught staring. A Shirley Temple is placed in front of him, and Steve represses a sigh, missing the sounds of fights happening behind him as he drinks with Jason.
"Aren't you a little young to be hanging around here?"
Steve slowly takes a sip of his drink, the saccharine cherry flavor washing over his tastebuds, and glances at an older man a few seats down from him. He looks the man over, lingering on the half-tucked shirt, muddy loafers, and circles under his eyes. Without permission, his mother's DSM-V rushes through his mind, a blur of his mother's voice accompanying the page flips. They finally settle on "Adjustment Disorder," accompanied by his mom saying, "Sometimes, that's just a fancy term for a mid-life crisis, Dumplin'."
Without thinking, Steve asks in return, "Aren't you a little old to still be going through a mid-life crisis?"
In Gotham, that might get him a laugh, an eye roll, and possibly an elbow to the ribs from whichever friend accompanied him. Here, it gets him a tense silence that he only thought happened in bad movies gearing up for a fight sequence. Seriously, what is wrong with Hawkins?
"I'll give you one chance to apologize," the guy says, clearly thinking he's being sufficiently threatening.
It takes every ounce of Steve's self-control to keep from laughing at the guy. Does that usually work? Do people usually find this guy threatening? He's got nothing on Alfred, so Steve just can't bring himself to even fake intimidation.
"Yeah, don't hold your breath, man," Steve says, rolling his eyes as he takes another sip. The Shirley Temple isn't bad, but it's not what he was expecting, and it feels like just another disappointment atop a pile of them.
They're building in his chest, now that he thinks about it. Steve is slowly suffocating under the weight of them. They buzz in his lungs, surging through him until the energy is so overwhelming that he has to bounce his leg and tap his finger against his glass to expel some of it. He shouldn't have agreed to leave Gotham, or at the very least, he shouldn't have left the location entirely up to Bruce. Holy shit, that was a dumb decision. He ought to know better.
A sudden, annoyingly harsh drag of chair legs against the floor rings in Steve's ears, making his shoulders tense and his fingers twitch. He looks over to see the guy standing over him, glaring down at Steve like that's supposed to scare him when nothing else has.
Steve sighs, drinking the last of his Shirley Temple before standing. Over the guy's shoulder, he can see the boy his age watching them, and...well, Steve kind of wants to make a good impression on the first person to remind him of home. Plus, a fight sounds great. He'd love a chance to expel some of this disappointment-fueled energy.
The guy suddenly snorts, pulling Steve's attention back. "You're young, kid, so I'll let you off the hook this time around, but learn some respect."
What? Seriously? All of that, and the guy doesn't even start a fight? Does he know how rude that is? He'd get killed in Gotham. "Oh," Steve says, his voice flat, "you're scared of getting your ass kicked."
Somehow, that's what the guy considers the final straw. It wasn't even that good. Like, that's just fucking small talk in Gotham, and Steve can't bring himself to understand what about it was so infuriating that the guy swings his fist.
Either way, Steve happily embraces the fight. His eyes light up, and adrenaline rushes through his veins as he ducks and kicks the guy's left knee. The familiar sound of a bone snapping rings out. Steve's ready for more, hands curled into fists and held up to protect his face, when the guy drops.
After one kick, he drops. Steve blinks, staring down at the guy cursing and holding his knee. He slowly lowers his hands when he realizes this isn't some kind of fake-out diversion and looks at Bev behind the counter. She's frowning at him, hands on her hips, and Steve comes to the conclusion that bar fights are not, in fact, a thing in Hawkins. "Do they usually go down so easy around here?" he asks.
"They usually don't fight at all."
Oh. Holy shit, this place is boring.
Steve sighs and pushes some hair out of his face, frowning slightly. "Well, uh, sorry about the disturbance, then. I'll just...get going," he says, awkwardly pushing his chair in and doing the same for the guy whose kneecap he kicked. Nobody says anything as he leaves, and Steve shoves his hands into his jacket pockets, frustration and disappointment and homesickness building in him.
He's halfway to his car when somebody shouts, "Hey! Wait!"
With a huff, Steve stops and turns, his mood only lightening when he sees the boy that was wiping down tables. He waits patiently, watching as the boy runs up to him and holds out a wad of cash. "Bev said to give this to you," he says.
"What, is my money not good enough?" Steve asks, raising an eyebrow at the cash before looking up and meeting brown eyes.
"No, no," the boy says, "Bev only gives change to people she likes. She said you're welcome to come by and kick Phillip's ass whenever you want."
Steve blinks, studying the boy for any signs of lies. When he doesn't find one, he takes the cash and nods. "Good to know," he says.
"Yeah. Right. Um, I'm going back inside now."
"Hold on," Steve says, grinning when the boy listens and stands still. He takes a step closer, holds out his hand, and says, "My name's Steve. I'm new around here, if you couldn't tell."
The boy stares at his hand for a few seconds before taking it, the rings on his fingers pressing against Steve's skin. "Eddie. I could tell," he says, his shoulders relaxing some. "Where you from?"
"Holy shit, no wonder you looked so ready for a fight," Eddie says, staring at Steve like he's incomprehensible. Steve tries not to preen under his gaze. "Hawkins must be dead compared to Gotham."
"Yeah," Steve agrees, glancing down at his and Eddie's hands still clasped together despite the handshake being over. "But I think I'll have some fun anyway."
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Hi, babe, it's me again!
I've just had a trying day and need a cute fic with Eddie.
Eddie and reader is a couple but she becomes insecure when another girl (maybe another heavy metal singer, I feel like the Cheerleader trope has been done so many times) hits on him. But Eddie just brushes the girl aside, because 'there's only one girl for him' and then he gives Y/N one of his rings, saying that she can hang on to that until he can afford a better one? :)
Hi! So, this is quite short and not my best work. I'm struggling with writing at the moment but trying to give you guys at least something. Even though it's short and crappy, I hope it still gives you a warm feeling <3
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His ring
Y/N knew she and Eddie would be together forever. The love she felt for him was stronger than anything she's ever experienced. They were so alike and had a lot in common. They barely argued on anything, and if they did it wouldn't last long. They understood each other.
She was insecure in many ways, and he knew that. She was always afraid someone would be perfect for Eddie, just a little bit more than she was. Eddie lived to reassure her. He never grew tired of proving why she was the only one he wanted. She tried to believe his words, but some days it was hard.
Like the day when a gorgeous metal head singer performed at the bar. She was an amazing singer, a real performer and she somehow looked beautiful while sweating. Y/N was not born a singer, she couldn't play an instrument, and usually, she wasn't insecure about that. But watching as Eddie was sucked into her performance had her head spinning. She knew he was invested in the music aspect of her, but her gut was thinking something different.
"She was really good!" Eddie said, turning his body to face Y/N as the singer walked off. Y/N smiled and agreed. Trying to focus on just him, he was all hers. Everything was fine.
"Want another?" She asked as she stood up. Eddie nodded and kissed her lips before she walked back up to the bar. Y/N breathed through her nose as she ordered another drink for herself and Eddie. She needed a shot right now. She waited patiently at the bar, just a few feet from where they were seated.
She looked over her shoulder, her eyes catching Eddie's as he watched her with a smile. She blew him a kiss, he smirked as he sent one back. She turned back to the bar as the bartender handed her the two drinks.
As she made her way back to her seat, she noticed the girl from earlier took the spot. Y/N put on a small smile as she continued to get closer. The girl was even more beautiful up close. She could see the flirty smile on her face and the suggestive look in her eye. She was hitting on him and that made Y/N's stomach clench.
Y/N walked up next to Eddie, across from the girl as she set down their drinks. The girl greeted Y/N with a smile.
"There she is!" Eddie cheered, his arm immediately wrapping around Y/N's waist. A proud smile on his face. "This is my gorgeous girlfriend, Y/N, Y/N this is Kace."
After a minute of silence, Kace excused herself and walked off. Y/N took back the open seat, a nervous look on her face. One that Eddie could easily read.
"Nothing to worry about, I only want the gorgeous girl in front of me," Eddie reassured her, reaching for her hand and holding it gently.
"Still doesn't erase the fact she was beautiful and sings the exact songs you like." Y/N pouted the familiar taste of jealousy on her tongue.
"I don't look at girls, I don't look at guys. I don't look at anyone that isn't you. I love the way you sing my songs. I think you are the most beautiful person I've ever met, you're my girl, forever." He said as he slipped off his black ring and slid it on her ring finger.
"Use that as a little reminder until I can replace it with an engagement ring." She smiled as he kissed the ring, then leaned over the table to peck her lips.
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ezwezz · 1 year
mean girls - bp x reader
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genre: imagines :) summary: the 'mean girl' develops an interest in you. pairings: ot4 x reader
jennie was your classic 'you either wanna be me, or be with me' kind of mean girl.
your first encounter with her was through a seating plan. she begrudgingly obliged to sit next to you as the teacher separated her from her rowdy friends.
each lesson you found yourself progressing in small talk with her- it went from "what's the answer?" to "oh my god you won't believe what happened earlier..." as you were opening up to each other.
you were actually beginning to look forward to the lessons despite being acutely aware of jennie's mean girl status.
eventually, as the end of term neared, jennie asked for your number to keep in touch with you over the holidays.
one thing led to another and you were attending one of her house parties. you instantly gravitated towards each other, both in a drunken stupor, and spent almost the entirety of the party at each other's side, oversharing unfiltered life stories and having a raw heart-to-heart conversation.
she even shoo'd away potential hookups in order to continue hanging out with you.
in the early hours of the morning, one mutual confession of interest led to a heavy makeout session with the mean girl.
from then on, your relationship progressed into something of a fwb situation. you'd receive random texts throughout the holidays from jennie, asking you to come over.
sometimes she was intoxicated after hanging with some friends, therefore you took it upon yourself to take care of her instead of doing what was routine at this point.
you and jennie returned to school hand-in-hand, much to the student-body's surprise.
jisoo was a bit of a bully and had a tendency to target people she disapproved of, with her group of peers.
an unfortunate incident involving one of jisoo's crushes being friendly with you, caused you to become their next target.
jisoo confronted you before school the next morning, so you decided to toy with her a little.
"why were you talking to [redacted] yesterday?" "they're kind of cute...i was just testing the waters." "back off." "i'm surprised you're lowering yourself to that." "excuse me?" "it seems a little desperate. not what i'd expect from a pretty girl like you."
jisoo was at a bit of a loss for words after that encounter, she simply scoffed- a light blush tinting her cheeks as she stormed away.
from then on, you found that jisoo would intentionally find you throughout the school days to shoot you a bitchy comment, which you would respond to with a comment of equal bitchiness.
the school became your cold war arena- however, it never verged on unpleasant the way actual bullying would do. it felt progressively more like lukewarm exchanges of banter.
one particularly smart remark from you caused jisoo to crack and let out a giggle- surprising both you and herself.
"cute laugh!" "shut up."
you received a text from an unknown number after school that day: 'it's jisoo. erase my laugh from your pea-brain, i still hate you'.
you replied: 'charming as always, i guess this is one way to start a conversation with me ;)'
the conversation continued into the early hours of the morning. it was frosty at first, but by the time you finally said goodnight there was an undeniable warmth to her replies.
she greeted you the next day, not with the usual middle finger, but with a small "good morning" and a smile as she passed by.
lisa was the rich girl. from what you'd heard, money lacked value to her, it was simply a constant in her life.
one day you were alone in the bathrooms sorting out your appearance in the mirror when someone came barrelling in, instantly locking themselves in the nearest cubicle. you could hear distinct sounds of sobbing coming from inside.
"uh...everything okay?" you felt obliged to ask. "obviously not! my boyfriend just broke up with me." a voice replied, it clearly didn't take much for them to open up.
you spent the next 20 minutes conversing with the person, indicating for random people to leave when they stumbled across the scene.
when the door finally opened, you were shocked to see a red-eyed lisa staring back at you. "you're really nice to talk to." she stated after a moment.
from then on, you'd be subject to random little gifts from the girl in gratitude. she claimed that now she didn't have a boyfriend, there was a gap in her spending to fill and none of her friends deserved the gifts more than you, but that was the extent of your interactions for a while.
you caught rumours of lisa's birthday coming around, and while you surely couldn't match her expectations on a spending-scale, you could certainly put some thought into a gift- as a thanks for all the ones she'd given you.
you slipped a small necklace with a moonstone pendant into lisa's locker on her birthday. attached was a note explaining the qualities of a moonstone such as inner growth and emotional balance, in light of her recent relationship ending.
the next day, you spotted the necklace adorning the girl's neck and smiled to yourself. when she found you later on, you were greeted with a hug, catching you by surprise. "thank you..so much." she whispered, before slipping a note into your pocket and rejoining her friends. it was her phone number.
from that day forward, lisa wore the necklace every day, and you wore your new matching bracelet.
rosé was captain of the cheer team, a role envied by many as a clear symbol of status. you'd known rosé years before school, and long before she'd become 'popular', due to your parents being friends.
you'd naturally drifted apart, but were still acquaintances in some ways- despite not even sparing each other glances in the hallways.
one day, in a strange turn of events, you found yourself inside rosé's house attending a dinner party with her family.
there was a definite air of awkwardness surrounding you two when you were left alone by your parents, but the conversation picked up when you began the gossip session.
you eventually found yourself in rosé's bedroom, completely abandoning the dinner party as you two joked around carelessly, forgetting about the divisions you faced in school. it felt strangely normal all of a sudden.
the following days were pleasant, instead of ignoring each other, you and rosé would say hello in the hallways. then it didn't take long for the friendship to rekindle as rosé would start asking to eat lunch together and hang out after school. much to their disdain, you'd eventually replaced a few of her popular new friends.
one thing led to another and you were once again in rosé's bedroom, this time as closer friends than before. you were finishing up some homework as she scrolled absentmindedly through her social media, both lying on the bed.
"i'm bored." she exclaimed with a sigh for emphasis, shifting so that she was directly beside you and her face inches away from yours. "i want to do something..." "like what?" you met her gaze, the proximity undeniably intimate. "i dunno!" she giggled while unsubtly glancing at your lips. "you sure?" you replied, smirking.
before you knew it, her lips were on yours and you were breathlessly making out with the cheer captain.
the small pecks in the hallways prior to that night seemed only natural.
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greythemed · 11 months
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ perverse behavior. ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1875.
"would you ever fight me?". the question came from nowhere, in gun-woo's opinion. the ringing sound of the seoul traffic outside of his mom's apartment high enough for the boxer to not pay the deserved attention to you, his ears getting cold from the snowy weather out-of-doors.
gun-woo was tired.
his mom had to reheat the food because of his delay and he felt bad about it. plus, you were waiting for him to watch boyz n the hood for the very first time, after weeks of complaining he didn't watch proper shows on his teenage years.
what do you mean you've never watched the last game and asphalt man?! you are not korean if you've never watched those! you have said it in such a thrilling way that gun-woo hadn't the heart to say no to you, and now it's been three weeks that both of you are marathoning different korean tv series every thursday night.
he was still carrying his boxing gear on his shoulders when you had jumped him into the entryway, making the man almost lose his balance while his mom excitedly greeted him from the kitchen.
"woah, when did you get in here?", was his first question when he felt your arms trying to wrap around him, two kisses pressed on your face as usual, before kicking the door closed behind him and lifting you in his arms.
"turns out I and your mom are besties now", you had said with so much confidence that he had to turn around to look at his mom to confirm it in the kitchen. "she taught me how to properly cook samgyeopsal and i was stunned with the amount of gochujang comes with it!".
gun-woo giggled at the surprise, tapping at your leg three times so you could get up and help his mother with the dishes. his tense physic was viscerally beaten by his coach today, and he doubted he could stand for more than two minutes without collapsing on the floor.
that's why your question had him exceptionally shocked while devouring his mother's samgyeopsal minutes later, salty lips outlined in a 'o' form while looking from his mother to you in confusion.
"what?". he asks.
"would you ever fight me?". you repeat genuinely curious for the answer.
"no". gun-woo answered simply, round innocent eyes staring right back at you as if you had grown another head.
you slouch back in your seat. cheek pressed to the couch as you look disappointed at your boyfriend eating at the table.
"why not?". you both could hear gun-woo's mother laugh on the other side of the table, finding something to quickly excuse herself from the living room and eavesdrop on the entire ordeal from her room.
"w-why?", gun-woo analyzed your posture to see if you were pranking him or something, but he found none. "i d-don't think that would be nice... for any of us". he replied with a terrified look on his face, the scar on his cheek hid underneath his right hand.
"just for your information, i was a gold medal in taekwondo once in school". you defend yourself.
"when you were 8 yeah, i know".
“and!”, you continue, ignoring him. “woojin-oppa already told me i was quite strong for someone my height”.
“baby, woo-jin just wanted you to pay for his dinner that day, you know that”. gun-woo explains blatantly, making you gasp at his lack of manners.
"i wanna fight you though, i could totally beat you", you said getting no response from the fighter, which was starting to infuriate you even more. "kim geun-woo, do you love me or not?". you asked starting to get up from the couch.
"stop looking at me like that, you're scaring me". you roll your eyes, getting up from the couch and walking towards your very tall and built boyfriend who refuses to fight with you. "what's up?". he looks up at you, wondering what the hell happened to his girlfriend that night.
"fight me". your serious tone shouldn't have a strong man like gun-woo scared, but that's what it does.
"look, i'm tired today okay? give me a second". he whines like a child and you would be finding him adorable because of his pout if it wasn't for the scar across the right side of his face staring right back at you.
hot unaware boyfriend indeed.
"kim geun-woo, don't you love me?" you hold the collar of his shirt, brows knit together in fake intimidation as gun-woo raises a brow your way.
“ya, you’re scaring me”, he repeats the statement looking at you as if challenging you to do what you are thinking. "you're not going to let me live if i don't fight you right now, are you?". he rubs the plush of your clothed thigh and you slap his hand away, glancing in the direction of his mother's room with your brows still furrowed, surprised at his bold antics.
"mister kim, you are under arrest for perverse behavior with your ring opponent".
"arrest?". his brows shoot up and a big smile emerges from his mouth. "aish-, don't be so hard on me, judge". he plays along, rubbing your waist quickly before taking your hands off his collar. “if you succeed in moving me from the chair, i’ll fight with you”. gun-woo had that stupid smirk he has when he’s about to win something.
you were about to prove him wrong.
in instant seconds, you’re already beside him, using your entire body weight to push your boyfriend off the chair. the clock begins to tick away as gun-woo calmly finishes his dinner, enjoying a little too much of your little grunts as if you were not even beside him.
“how…much….did…you…eat today?”. a stupid grin was displayed on your boyfriend’s face when you gave up and you did not appreciate it.
it seems mister kim liked the ego soothing, after all, he was still just a man.
“why are you even smiling like that?!”. immediately, his grin was erased as if it was never there in the first place. “i’m 100% sure it is just because of the samgyeopsal your mom made. have you seen how much pepper that woman put into that?! no? i have!”. gun-woo laughed loudly at that, wondering in which standup comedy mister hong found you.
just when he thought it was over, you kept pushing his shoulders in the other direction, making him laugh even more.
“you’re not giving up, are you?”.
“never!”. gun-woo had to breathe calmly to steady his laughs and gently push your hands away.
“c’mon let’s clean this and go to bed, right?”. the gentle smile his lips displayed was hands-down playing unfair in your opinion. you could tell it in his eyes he was tired, defeatedly letting him go. “if you keep grunting my mom will come asking if everything is alright”. his gaze was so gentle that it almost made you angry.
“it is not alright”. you played the puppy eyes on him, hugging his figure while he moved from the table to the sink to clean his dishes.
that's when you noticed his little wince when you hugged his torso.
“my boyfriend didn’t let me win, he doesn’t love me”.
“you’re just weak, admit it”. again, the smirk was there and you hated it.
“where do you think you’re going with this audacity, mister?”. you unglued him and crossed your arms in front of the sink, taking the dishes from his hands and stopping him from doing any more work today. you both stared at each others eyes with fondness, silently speaking your concerns.
kim geun-woo, you do not fool me.
“anywhere i want, since you can’t stop me”. he laughed out loud, and you knew then that your boyfriend was more tired than he was showing. he only showed his boldness in other situations, so it was really surprising you his sense of humor right now.
which made you worry.
“ya, how much you and wonsuk-subaenim trained today?”, you asked concerned, putting the dishes aside to analyze his eyes on your tip toes. “you should’ve eaten more before training this morning”. there was an unconscious pout on your lower lip and gun-woo noticed that, smiling weakly while gluing your body into his.
“don’t worry, i’m okay”. he smiled grateful, even bowing his head a little in gratitude for you, a peck left in your brow that made you temporarily dumb. "he just wanted to test some more of my limits".
"are you sure?". starry eyes staring right back at him was hands-down an unfair playing, in his opinion. "can i see it?".
of course, you would notice it, gun-woo knew that much. but even so, he didn't want to make his mom worry more about him, and so did you.
"can we do that when we get home?", he politely asks while rubbing your arms, tone not much louder than a whisper now that the topic was more serious. "i wanted you to take a look but mom's here and i don't want her finding out about the championship yet". he explains.
"are you sure?", you ask worried, soothingly rubbing the balmy spot you could feel underneath his sweater next to his left rib. “it feels damp, oppa”.
gun-woo glanced at you and stopped your hand in the rem of his shirt with a silent plead, silently asking for you to let go. his kind smile and polite nod convinced you that the bruise could wait a little more, and you had no other option than to trust him.
“what happened?”.
“we used the machine again”, he starts explaining sensing your curious concern. gun-woo knew that you needed a little more reassurance, since you weren’t used to leaving patients with bruises behind in your line of work. “it presented a little malfunction, two sizes above mine and i almost went flying across the wall”.
“you and your stupid machines”. you scold angrily, making him laugh. “why train with a fucking machine when you pay thousands to have a coach like him?”.
“it’s solved now, don’t worry”. you looked in his eyes searching for any sign of discomfort. you knew about his surprisingly high pain tolerance, even for a fighter, plus your boyfriend tend to have a habit of hiding his sorrows from you.
intensively staring at him, gun-woo noticed by your eyes that you were quickly going to get lost in your own thoughts, so he had to react rather fast.
“hey, i’m good now, okay? we got 8 months for the tournament and i’m doing pretty well, i’m not going to lie”. he took your face in his hands, making you focus on his pretty eyes and his innocent smile. “do you trust me, baby? i’m okay”.
"okay", you nodded understandable and he left another kiss on your right brow, proudly looking at you.
“you could’ve told me, i would have brought the food to your house so you wouldn’t have to drive more”. still not yet convinced, you check his temperature with your bare hands to check if everything is okay, guiding him to the couch so he could rest. “i will clean everything and then we can go, ‘kay? i’ll drive”.
“no, no, no, i’m okay. you don’t have to”. he excuses, refusing to sit down and taking your hands with him.
you hated his excessive politeness sometimes.
“ya, i’m calling your mom if you don’t obey me”. you threaten him and he lightens up a little. “now sit and wait, i’ll be quick”. when he finally sat down and smiled at you, you felt his grip on your wrist tighten again.
“you look too cute taking care of me”. a kiss was stolen from your lips and quickly your eyes were as round as your mouth.
“gun-woo! you’re crazy!”, the slap was maybe a little too much, but that’s not really your fault, now was it? “we are on your mother’s apartment!”.
“ouch! she is not even here right now, don't go nuts". he said rubbing the shoulder that you slapped. "for someone your height, you are quite strong, did you know that? jesus christ”. he mocked you with a pout.
"that's it, i'm suing wonsuk-subaenim's ass for making you delulu". you pretend to run away and gun-woo laughs at that, pulling you onto him one last time to kiss you.
"i am wounded, woman, have mercy". sometimes, you miss the unaware, irritably-innocent, and extreme-shy gun-woo you met a few months ago after he became friends with your cousin.
"kim geun-woo, behave or i am going to let you die on the streets".
"i'll accept it if you don't drive".
"are you calling me a bad driver?". the insult-
"no". he said nonchalantly, placing a last kiss on your cheek and letting you go. "let's go so we won't be late".
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heya! a little disclaimer: everything i post is part of a one-universe post-ep8 that i've created, if that's okay. hope you liked it xx
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hellcat8908 · 6 months
Hello. Hope your doing well. I have had this idea in my head for a while know. And it can go 3 ways. It involves reader and rhysand
So the reader is pregnant. U know that rhys was under the mountain. So... The reader is mated to rhys. She either goes utm pregnant. She can be trapped and lose the child because of a tourture method, or she can give birth secretly and hide the child utm Or she never went and rhys meets his child after 50 years. U can decide this. Thank you! Have an amazing day.
Returning Home Rhysand x Female Reader
"You are staying in Velaris, I will not risk you traveling in your condition. I want you to stay here and just focus on taking care of yourself and our child." Were Rhys's final words to you before he went under the mountain and became trapped. You were 6 months pregnant when he had left. Once you received word of what happened, you were devastated. You almost lost the babe from the stress and heartbreak. Thankfully, you had the inner circle to help you.
It wasn't always easy, and you're not sure how you managed some days, but you had raised your son. Of course, Azriel and Cassian helped you keep him in line when you needed them to. You were grateful for their support along with Mors. You were finishing setting the table when Rhys walked in. You dropped the plate you were holding, and before it shattered on the floor, you were in Rhys's arms.
Cassian, Azriel, and Mor all came to see what the commotion was. You reluctantly let go of your mate, allowing Azriel and Cassian a chance to welcome him home. You notice Ryker come in and take in the scene in front of him. His family gathered around his father. His same violet eyes stared back at him as Rhys saw him for the first time. You hold your breath as you worry about Ryker's reaction.
Just as Rhys takes a step towards him, he turns and runs out. Rhys politely excuses himself and follows Rykers exit. He quickly finds his son leaning against the railing over looking velaris. Rhys cleared his throat as he approached and joined him. "I know this awkward for both of us, but I would like for it to become less awkward with time." Rhys says. "Where do we even start? What are we even supposed to say?" Ryker asks as he runs his fingers nervously through his hair.
"Why did you go? Why did you leave us behind?" Ryker asks in sudden frustration. "Neither were easy decisions to make, I regret leaving every day. I don't regret not taking the two of you with me, though. Once I'd learned what had happened, I knew I had made the best decision in ordering your mom to stay in Velaris. I knew the two of you would be safe, and I shielded the bond from her to protect her from my agony and the things I witnessed."
Ryker remains silent as he takes in what Rhys said. "I want us to get to know each other and become a family, I don't expect it overnight, but I'll continue to keep reaching." Rhys says before turning and heading back inside to the rest of his family. Ryker remains still as he tries to sort through his feelings and thoughts.
You excuse yourself to check on your son. "It's a beautiful sight, the city." You say as you stand beside him. "I've waited my whole life for him to come home and had dreamt of it so often." He says. "It's nothing like you dreamt it would be, is it?" You ask. "I'm so confused. When he came home, I expected to feel happy and have some sort of connection, but when he does I'm angry and full of questions. "Why now? Why after so long? Am I what he was expecting or hoping for?" He rubs his face. "I need to go."
In an instant, you're left standing alone before you can offer any words of comfort. You let out a sigh and return inside for dinner. Cassian and Azriel are questioning Rhys while Mor just smiles and listens. You take a seat next to Rhys and feel him tugging at your mind. "Later." You convey to him. He relents and continues answering all of their endless questions.
After dinner, you retreat to your bedroom where Rhys joins you a few minutes later, looking upset. "You need to give him time. He'll come around." You tell him softly before helping him undress and get ready for bed. You get yourself ready for bed and cuddle up next to him for the first time in 50 years. "I'm sorry." Rhys says softly. "For what?" You ask, enjoying his warmth. "For leaving you alone to raise him on your own through it all." He says barely loud enough for you to hear.
You reach up and tilt his head so he's looking at you, "You have nothing to apologize for. You had no way of knowing what would happen. Besides, I didn't do it alone. Our family helped, and I always made sure he knew about you." You say before kissing him softly. "I can't help but feel like I failed you both." He admits. "We were safe because of you. You did everything you could, and there is nothing wrong with that. Please don't punish yourself for this." He lets out a sigh and gives you a nod.
Eventually, you drift asleep together. Rhys becomes restless, so he changes into training leathers and heads outside. He makes his way towards the training ground when he hears someone already out there. He assumes it's Azriel since he struggles to sleep some nights. When he rounds the corner, he's surprised to see Ryker. He observes as he notes how well Cassian and Azriel have been training him. His heart hurts that it wasn't him teaching him all these years.
"You look like you could use a sparring partner." Rhys says as he steps closer. "You sure you're up to it, old man?" Ryker retorts. "You could still learn a thing or two." Rhys says confidently. "Let's find out." Ryker says while taking his stance as Rhys follows suit. "Let's see how easy your uncles have been taking it on you." Rhys taunts him.
Ryker lunges for Rhys but is easily blocked as Rhys land a hit to his side. "Someone is impatient." Rhys comments before trying to they continue each one blocking most of the others' attacks but still landing some lucky ones. They seem to be fairly even matched as they wear each other down. Finally, Rhys sees his opening and brings down Ryker after he leaves his left side exposed.
"Looks like this old man has still got it." Rhys says, extending a hand to help Ryker up. "Only one thing you forgot." Ryker tells him. "What's that?" Rhys asks. "Expect the unexpected." Ryker says before sweeping Rhys's legs out from under him, sending him to the ground beside him. "I see Cassian training ideas haven't changed." Rhys says laughing. Ryker joins him, "No fighting dirty is one of the first things you learn with him."
"Come on, let's get some ice for that eye." Rhys says before standing and starting towards the house. "You got lucky on that one." Ryker says as he follows. "Luck had nothing to do with it, son." Rhys says arrogantly. "Whatever you say, old man." Ryker says as he falls in step beside him.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 18
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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July 30th 2021
Airielle numbly walked around the arena before the show started. She didn’t have a destination, she was just walking, trying to distract herself from thinking about Josh. Because, it wasn’t the fact that she didn’t want to be with him, she did. She was in love with him and if he never asked her to move in with him, they would still be together. 
It wasn’t his fault though, he didn’t know the full story of what went down with Christopher. The thought of living with another man terrified her. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, she felt herself shut down. She remembers stuttering out an excuse to leave his apartment, she remembers the look of confusion on his face as she all but ran out of the door and she remembers the pain in his voice as she told him she didn’t want to be with him anymore. 
Airielle let out a sigh as she looked at her watch. It was 15 minutes to showtime so she decided to get her makeup touched up.As she sat down she noticed Yara, a new backstage announcer and Zelina Vega were sitting in front of her. She was about to speak and say hello but something Zenlina said made her freeze. 
“You’ve been smiling at your phone all day. Is it Josh again?” Airielle’s world stopped. Of course he would move on. She was the one who ended things with him. She zoned out for the rest of their conversation as she was pretty sure she had just lost the best thing that had happened to her. 
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“Hey Airielle. Can I sit here?” Airielle blinked as she was brought out of  her thoughts. She didn’t even remember walking to catering. “Airielle?” She looked up at Raymond and nodded her head. “You alright” he asked her as he sat down.  She blinked again and forced a small smile on her face. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She said, 
“”You sure, you look zoned out or something.” 
Airielle was about to be sick. Yara and Josh walked into catering with Josh having an arm thrown around Yara’s shoulders. They were both laughing and Airielle wanted to know what the fuck was so funny.  
She needed to get out of there fast. She abruptly stood from her seat and without saying another word to Raymond she walked out of catering. After making a stop at Hunter’s office, telling him she was too sick to work tonight. She made her way to the locker rooms to find Trin. 
 “Hey baby girl you okay?” Trinity asked as she opened the door to The Bloodline’s locker room. Airielle felt her bottom lip tremble and of course, Trinity noticed. “Airielle what’s wrong.” Trinity asked getting the attention of Jon and Joe and they immediately came to the door to see what was wrong. 
Fuck. Airielle thought as she felt the first tear slide down her face. Jon immediately jumped into big brother mode. “Who the fuck did it!” 
“Guys, I'm fine.” She said but her voice cracked and more tears started falling. “I’m gonna head back to the hotel and probably find an early flight home. I just wanted to tell you so y’all weren’t waiting for me.” 
She turned to walk away but was stopped by Josh standing right behind her. Should have just sent her a text. 
Josh noticed her tears and cupped her face, making her look at him. “What happened.” 
“Why don’t you ask Yara.” She said, glaring at him while she pushed him away from here. 
“Oop.” Trinity said, pulling Jon and Joe back into the locker room and closing the door.  
“Wait.” Josh chuckled. “You mad at me? For hanging out with Yara?” He scoffed. “I mean i’m single right?” Airielle wiped her tears and nodded her head. 
“You’re absolutely right, you are single. So if you’ll excuse me.” She said shouldering her way past Josh. 
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July 31st 2021
Paul had granted Airielle her two week vacation early and she was beyond grateful. It couldn't have come at a better time. She had just walked out of the gym when her phone pinged with a notification. 
Raymond : Hey, i’m in Pensacola visiting my grandma. You wanna chill or somethin?” 
Airielle bit her lip as she contemplated  his offer. 
To Raymond: sure. Give me a time and place & ill be there. 
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Raymond had decided to take her to a local lounge/bar that she had visited with Jon and Trin multiple times and was very grateful that they were not there tonight. 
“How many times am I gonna let you hustle me?” Airielle laughed as she placed the fifty dollar bill he just handed her into her bag. 
“Lets just call it payback for looking at my ass every time I bent over to hit the ball.” Raymond looked shocked then shrugged with a smile on his face causing Airielle to shove him lightly. “ Thank you for inviting me out tonight. I really needed this.” Raymond shrugged and wrapped his arm around Airielle’s shoulder and started leading her to her car.
“It’s not a  problem Airielle, really. I like hanging out with you.” Airielle smiled and pulled her keys out of her purse. 
“I like hanging out with you too.” Airielle’s eyes widened as Raymond started lowering his head towards her. She was about to push him away but… If Josh was moving on, so could she. 
Raymond let out a groan as their lips met. Airielle wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening the kiss. 
“You know.” A voice called out, startling the two of them. “Here I was feeling bad because you seen me hanging out with Yara.”  It was almost comical how wide Airielle’s eyes were as she turned to face Josh.  
“Josh,” She started. Taking a step towards him but he took a step back and started shaking his head. 
“I’m done Airielle. Whatever games you playin.” He shook his head. “I don’t wanna play anymore. You got it.” Josh sighed as he pushed past Airielle and Raymond and started walking towards the bar. 
“Fuck.” Airielle muttered, before getting in her car and driving away, without saying goodbye to Raymond. 
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Airielle... smh..
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
It's time I take a stepback (Mick Schumacher)
Becoming parents of three makes you and Mick wonder if a change in the routine is the best option
Note: english is not my first language. I'm a sucker for dad!driver as I've said before, so here's another piece!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"So no more work for me?", you frowned. For all you knew, this was going to be a regular check up with your OB, but it didn't seem like the ones you had been in before.
"It's my advice, yes", she noted, "even though your last pregnancies were fine, and we are expecting this one to be, too, its better to be safe. The guidelines we have for people your age and with these numbers suggest that, whenever it is possible, you should rest more towards the end of the pregnancy". As she typed what you assumed your leave on the computer, your husband grabbed your hand in his, resting it on your thigh, squeezing it lightly.
"Should we keep an eye out for anything?", Mick questioned, "the usual signs, really. I know it's only busier now since you have your two little ones at home, but resting as much as possible while still keeping active, drinking loads of water and good eating. If there is anything suspicious, you can just call me or text me", she smiled, handing you the copy and getting up, "thank you so much, have a nice day", you managed to say.
The walk back to the car was done in silence, Mick closing the door on your side before getting to the driver's seat, "whatever you want to say, you can say it now, liebling. I've been with your for a long time and I know when you are keeping something, and you know I won't judge your thoughts", he teased, finding his attempt at making you smile successful.
"What does she mean 'with people your age and numbers'? Was she calling me fat? Or old? Probably both of them", you grumbled, looking to see your husband in a fit of giggles, "Liebling, I'm sorry", he excused himself, "I don't think she meant it in that way, she's just looking out for you and our babygirl. And, fortunately, we can work with what she advised", he reasoned, "besides, Sebastian and Aurora will love the idea of having us around a little more now".
"Still think she called me old and fat", you mumbled, seeing one of your favourite bakeries, "Oh, Mick, can we go there, my love? A croissant would be really good right now", you pouted, smiling when he flickered on the turn signal, "I have the best husband in the world!".
On your way home, you stopped by your workplace, handing in the maternity leave and saying a "see you soon" to all your colleagues before you went to pick up the kids. Aurora couldn't hide her surprise when she saw both of her parents by the gate, "Hey, mama! Hey, papa! Why are you both here today?", she quizzed, holding her hands out so the three of you could walk side by side, "I'm going to take some time off work, so we can spend some more time together from now on", you said as you checked of she fastened her seatbelt properly once you got to the car, "and to rest, too, let's not forget that part", Mick chipped in.
It started raininh when you arrived at Sebastian's pre-school, so Mick grabbed an umbrella and left you and Aurora in the car. "You are okay, right, mama? You're staying home because you need to rest, that's all, right?", your oldest asked, looking into your eyes through the rear view mirror. Unbucklibg your seat belt, you moved around in the space you had so you could face her, "yes, Rora. I'm all good, there's nothing to worry about. Mama just needs rest, and it's always nice that we get to spend more time together, right?", you soother her worries, seeing Seb and Mick walk to the car, "uh-oh", your daughter said, "Sebastian just walked into a big water puddle", she pointed out. Chuckling at your little boy's antics as his father picked him up, you couldn't help but shake your head, "see? It's always nice to have more hands on deck".
"Hi mama! Hi, Rora!", Sebastian greeted, pressing a sloppy kiss on his sister's cheek, "how are you and baby sister?", he asked, "we're doing good, my love. And how was your day?", you asked, fastening your belt again while Mick drove home, "it was good! But now my feet are wet, I have to change when I get home".
While Mick took care of dinner with Seb's help, you helped Aurora with her homework, coming out of her bedroom when Sebastian called, "Mama, Rora!", he yelled as he walked inside after knocking on the door, "Papa and I made lasagna! It's not as good as Oma's, but it's pretty close!", he smiled proudly at their achievement, holding your hand as he helped you down the stairs.
"I hope you didn't start eating without us", Sebastian threatened, "of course we didn't, we know mama takes a little longer on the stairs now", Aurora reasoned, tapping your baby bump cutely as she went around you to sit at the table, "I want that crispy bit, please".
The bedtime routine went smoothly as you both read stories to Aurora and Sebastian, kissing their foreheads goodnight, "I'm so tired I feel like I could sleep right here", you chuckled, arranging the pillows on the sofa.
"Do you want to go back upstairs? I can finish this here quickly and I'll join you in a bit", Mick offered, seeing you contemplate, "you really don't mind?", you squinted, "no, I don't. Go upstairs, beautiful", he added, kissing your lips as he ushered you up the stairs.
As much as you didn't like to admit it, this pregnancy was taking a big toll on you. You had two kids that despite being pretty good and calm still required your attention and energy, and as you approached the third trimester, you started to feel that the mandated rest from your doctor was actually a good decision.
"Oh, you're in bed already?", Mick asked when he closed the bedroom door, seeing you tucked in bed. He quickly did his nighttime routine, grabbing the bottle of oil on his way so he could sit next to you.
"Hi, baby girl", he began, taking the cap off and depositing some on your bump, "you're going to be a lot calmer, we hope, since mama is taking some time off", he kissed your belly button, "we are all going to do something to help her and make sure she doesn't run herself ragged".
"And what is papa going to do? Everytime mama looks at him, she gets even more flustered", you ran your fingers through his hair, teasing him slightly and not expecting his answer, "well, papa had been thinking about retiring", he gulped, looking up at you as his hands continued the ministrations on your skin.
"What?", you fixed your position, sitting properly against the headboard so you could face your husband, "where's this coming from?".
"It's not new, before you think this is because of today's appointment", Mick began, "I've been thinking about retiring so I can be home for you and the kids. With Rora, it was the first time so we managed it, and with Seb we just winged it and went along, but three kids? It's a whole different experience. I can tell that it's a lot more tiring, and while some things get easier because of experience, I wouldn't want you to have to manage three kids on your own", he explained.
"And you'd just leave motorsport? You would stop racing?", you asked, unsure of you were getting his point.
"Yes. I have won championships, I've raced competitively to my heart's content. I have a career that I'm proud of, that I'd like to tell my children about when they grow older. And I also want to spend more time with them, with you. I want to be able to help and be more present in their lives", he reasoned.
"You are present in their lives, Mick", you reasoned, "I know, liebling. But retiring would mean that I'm almost always here, and I want that", he rubbed his thumb on your hand, smoothing the skin, "I've spoken to Toto, and the team are okay with waiting a little bit. They have plans for either way, so it's just a matter of my decision, of our decision".
"You've given this some thought", you mumbled, "and no matter where this goes, my position is the same. As long as it makes you happy, we will be here to support you", you smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing it before placing it back in your bump, playing with his fingers, "I would never want you to give up something that you love so much, but if you want to do it, then me, Rora, Seb and Harriet are going to be here for you", you smiled.
"Thank you, liebling", he kissed your lips, "I love you. Also", he pointed out, "Harriet, hm?".
"I've been thinking about names and Harriet came up. Just trying it out and see how it flows, you know?", you cuddled him, kissing his chest, "I love you so much, Mick".
Arriving at home, Mick helped Aurora and Sebastian out of the car before they walked up to the living room together, "when I left them here to go and pick you up from Oma's, Harriet was still asleep, so we have to keep quiet, okay?", he checked, seeing the kids nod as he opened the door.
"Can we come in? I have an excited big sister and big brother here", Mick said as they walked inside. Aurora held her brother's hand in hers, urging him to go in front of her, "go, you can do this", she whispered on his ear.
The small encouragement didn't go unnoticed by you and Mick, deciding to comment on it later, "she was just asleep but she woke up, I guess she's very excited to meet you two", you smiled, arranging the pillows so both kids could sit on either side of you while they peeked at their baby sister, Mick crouching in front of you, "can I give her a kiss, mama?", your son asked, carefully kissing his sister's cheek when you nodded. The baby made a noise that caught him off guard, "Oh, she didn't like it?", he pouted, tears welling in his eyes.
Quickly, Mick caught on the moment, "no, Seb, none of that. She just didn't expect it, maybe. You know when me and mama go to your room to wake you up? You don't like it a lot, right? It's almost the same for Harriet, she wasn't counting on it, that's all", he encouraged, gesturing for his son to try again, this time seeing Aurora do the same as the baby sighed in content, "see? She's happy now, she loves those kisses", Mick finished, looking up and seeing you with teary eyes.
"It's our family, let me cry all I want", you sniffed, "they're happy tears anyway", you announced, kissing all of the children's foreheads before puckering your lips to kiss your husband's.
Later, Mick found himself feeding Harriet while you played with Aurora and Sebastian. He hadn't been home for long, but he could see how you were juggling it. You were still recovering from giving birth, but like he had predicted, three kids was a lot. His mother had stopped by for dinner, taking control of the kitchen as she baked one of her roasts.
"Thank you for this", he said to Corinna, "I don't know how you two have managed this when I wasn't here", he admitted.
"We found it in ourselves", Corinna began, "and she also spoke to me about your plans, or the option that is on the table, I guess", she clarified, wanting to hear more about it from her son.
"I feel accomplished in my career, for now at least. And I want to be involved in their lives. I never felt like dad was not involved because he always made the effort, and I want to do the same. And I want to be there when they wake up, to get them from school, and three kids requires a lot more juggling. I don't want Y/N to have to do all of that juggling, or to stop chasing her dreams because of motherhold", he reasoned, "we're in this together, and I think it's time I take a stepback".
"Corinna, they are asking for you. I may be biased, but they have some pretty cute drawings to show you. Ambiguous when it comes to what they represent, but cute nonetheless", you smiled, seeing your mother in-law wipe her hands on the kitchen towell and heading to the living room where you just were.
"Hi, little bug", you cooed, seeing Harriet resting happily in her father's chest, "you just found the comfiest spot ever, didn't you? I have to share it with three of you now".
"It's a good thing that I'll be here more often then", Mick stated, kissing the top of her head and moving to kiss yours too.
"Are you sure about that?", you asked, looking for any uncertainty in his eyes. You had known him all your life, so it wasn't hard to look for the light fog in his eyes or his nervous eyebrow twitch. But you were met instead with a peaceful expression, eyes glossy and happy. "I'm sure, liebling. I spoke to Toto this morning and I'm retiring. I want to be here with you", he confirmed, feeling your arms wrap around his torso, "I'm so proud of you, Mick, we all are. And I bet the kids will love having your around even more".
"Are you saying their mother won't love having me around more?", he teased, smirking at you, "Oh, as soon as this is all working, their mother knows exactly what to do with that time".
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hoetolegist · 1 year
Let me have a taste
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Summary: Getting married is not something you want to do right now but sucking off the son of your mom's boss is
Warnings: sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), face-fucking, semi public, 2 seconds of jealous Stefan, oral sex (f receiving), protected sex, dirty talk, language (y'all know I like to curse), y/n is a riding pro, slight choking, explicit kinda
Authors note: this story was low-key an excuse for me to practice my blowjob writing skills lmao so the sex and the ending wasn't really thought out much nonetheless I hope you like it. p.s there's more plot than I thought oop-
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Every time you flew down to Mystic falls to visit your parents, your mom always ended up talking about how disappointed she was about you being 24 and single. This time was no different. You sat at the round glass table with your mom and your dad, eating a casserole that your mom made a few hours prior to your visit. It hasn't even been 10 seconds into eating before your mom cleared her throat to speak, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come
"Y/n" she began "you're twenty four. You need to settle down and start a family"
You inwardly groaned and rolled your eyes. This is a conversation that you were never able to avoid, not when you were 21, not when you were 22, not when you were 23 and not now. What your parents don't understand is that you are a very busy woman. It's not that you don't want a boyfriend, you'd love to have someone to come home to and talk about your day with but you just don't have time for one right now. Not only were you a young and attractive woman who just wanted to have her fair share of fun before she couldn't anymore but you also had a serious job that requires a lot of your attention
Your mom got married to your dad when she was 22 and then went on to have you at 24. She wants you to follow in her footsteps and start a family early so by the time you're older you don't have to worry about raising children. The thing is though is that your grandparents were millionaires, they coddled and spoiled your mom endlessly, to the point where she didn't need a job or to do anything for that matter so she decided start a family. Although your mom inherited her parents riches when they passed away, you refused to be spoiled rotten. You wanted to work hard for what you have and you did. You love and respect your mother but you refuse to sit around all day in a house too big, being a stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and clean
"Please don't start. I came here to see you and dad, can we not focus on my love life today" you said as you pushed your food around the plate with a fork, avoiding eye contact
Your mom placed her fork on her plate and sighed. "Honey I just want the best for you. I want you to start a family like me. What about that adorable Matt" she replied
"Mom no" you scoffed "wh- why would you even suggest that?"
Matt was a childhood friend of yours from middle school. You still hang out with him probably once or twice a year but you guys drifted apart a long time ago, there were no hard feelings, it's natural. Your mom loves Matt though, every time you see her she says "you and that Matt kid would make a great couple" or "he'll be your husband one day I'm telling you" but she hasn't even seen him since you guys were 18
The sound of your chair scraping the floor filled the room as you pushed back in your seat to get up. "I haven't talked to Matt in a while" you sighed and grabbed the plates before walking through the door that connected the dining room to the kitchen so you could wash your dish "and please stop telling your friends that I'm looking for a husband. If Mrs. Lockwood calls me one more time, I'm pulling my hair out" you said loud enough for her to hear
You began scrubbing the dishes as your mom walked in and leaned on the counter next to you, her brown bangs fanning messily over her forehead. "Okay I'm sorry honey. I just want you to find a ni-"
"nice guy and settle down" you finished for her "I know and I will. Just not now. There's so much I want to do for myself before I have to share my life with anyone else" you turned the faucet off and shook your hands before drying them on the kitchen towel
She sighed but prodded no more, just tapping the counter "okay honey, we have guests later today" she said before heading to the living room. Your dad leaned against the door frame and you knew he was going to say something, having heard that whole conversation. He shook his head before walking over to you and placing his dish in the sink. "She's just looking out for you in the only way she knows how" he kissed the top of your head "I'll talk to her about it okay?"
You nodded as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. You released a heavy sigh and grabbed your phone off of the counter before leaving through the backdoor to get some fresh air. You had many messages from your friends, they must be worried since you haven't talked to them since you landed which means it has been two days now
Y/n, are you okay?
I said text me when you get there remember??
Bonnie is gonna spam call the group chat if you don't answer
Hey! Just checking in
I stg you better not be dead
I'm calling
[2 missed calls from Bonnie]
[4 missed calls from 'the girls who care']
You chuckled to yourself upon seeing those messages. You decided to three-way call the group chat so you didn't have to go back and forth texting both of your friends. You sat down on the rocking chair as your phone rang
"You bitch" was the first thing you heard once the ringing stopped. Caroline picked up first then Bonnie, they were both scolding you at the same time and you just sat back on the chair and sighed since you couldn't get a word in yet
"Do you understand how worried we were?!" Caroline shouted into her mic
"Seriously, we were about to pack and fly down there" Bonnie added on a bit calmer but you could tell she was just as upset
You waited for them to get silent before you responded "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think things were going to be hectic as soon as I arrived"
They sighed because they knew exactly what you were talking about. The first and last time you ever invited your friends down to visit, your mom embarrassed you endlessly. Not the cute embarrassment when she talks about your baby pictures and coo over your squishy cheeks. No, the embarrassment that comes with getting yelled at in front of your friends for not wanting to get married at 22, the embarrassment of your mom practically telling your friends that they might as well kill themselves if they don't start a family early
"You need to put your foot down y/n" Caroline said with a huff "just cuss her out or something"
"She's my mother Care, I can't cuss my mother out"
"Sure you can" you could picture her rolling her eyes at you "all because she's your mom doesn't mean you have to take the constant disrespect"
Caroline was the one you don't go to for advice and the times you do, you don't really listen to her much. This time, maybe she was right, maybe you do need to put your foot down but if you were going to do it, it wouldn't be today. You waited for Bonnie to say something, anything. She's the calm one, the one that talks some sense into them when things were going wrong and you needed some sense right now
Bonnie sighed exasperated "Y/n, don't cuss your mom out. Caroline, stop suggesting stupid shit like that" you nodded as if she could see you "just sit her down and talk to her about it, your dad is on your side so both of you could team up and make her see that you can make your own decisions about your life and you don't need to be hassled for it"
You face palmed yourself "I've done that already Bonnie. I can't- I can't talk anymore, I've done enough talking with her"
That's when Caroline decided to speak again "well..." she started. You and Bonnie were prepared for her to say something absolutely useless but she said something that actually kind of peaked your interest. "Why don't you just tell her you already have a boyfriend? To get her off of your back at least for the rest of your visit" she said nonchalantly
"Wait- say that again" you demanded, getting up from the swing and pacing the back porch
"Uh, just tell her you have a boyfriend already?" She said it like it was a question "I mean it might be stupid but it could work. Your mom just wants you to settle down, tell her that you will and she'll be excited enough to leave you alone"
"Care you're a fucking genius!" you shouted, you kept your phone stable by using your shoulder as you pumped your fists in victory as if you had the idea yourself. "Gosh I love you guys so much. I'll have to talk to you later okay?"
This plan was absolutely fucking genius. Caroline can be on the dumber side sometimes and her ideas were over the top but there are times where she has those moments that made you want to grab her face and kiss her silly and now was one of those amazing moments.
"Wait" Bonnie tried "Y/n think it through first you can't just-"
You hung up. Of course Bonnie was going to have protests and you'll call her to talk about her opinions later but for now you have a plan and you want to get everything in your head situated first. You texted the chat saying sorry for hanging up so abruptly then you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans before flinging the back door open
Nobody was in the living room so you threw yourself on the couch and turned on the TV just for some background noise while you sat deep in thought. Deep in the back of your mind you knew this plan would never work but if it did end up working out the way you hoped, you'd have a relaxing rest of your visit. Now you're certain that she'll ask a shit ton of questions, things like "what's his name?" And "when did you meet?" Or "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" So you came up with an answer for all of those questions. Once you came up with your fake backstory and a name to go with it, you decided to go up to your room and take a nap
You knew that you should probably get started on dinner but you were burnt out from the day and the constant nagging you had to put up with. The stairs creaked as you walked up two steps at a time. Your bedroom was still decorated the same from when you were 17 years old. Tacked onto the pale blue walls were multiple BTS posters, a light brown, wooden desk was pushed into the corner closest to the window and right in the middle of the spacey room sat a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets to match the walls and a heavy black comforter because your parents loved to keep the house cold
With a heavy sigh, you closed the door and went to the bathroom that was connected to your room. After washing up and cleaning your face you threw yourself onto the soft bed and curled under the comforter. Later you'll think things through more but right now you need to get some serious shut eye
"Y/n!" You heard a muffled voice shout out. It was your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs calling for dinner. She had a phrase for waking you up when you were a kid "two shouts before I come in and throw ice water on you". You realized that was her second shout once you heard the stairs creak with every step she took to come up
You rolled out of bed, your butt thumping the ground pretty hard. "Shit" you grimaced and lifted yourself to rub your right ass cheek before you heard your doorknob turn. Your mom flung the door open and stood in the doorway with a big blue cup in her hand, no doubt full of the coldest water she could find. "Hi mom, I'm up" you said groggily as she eyed you like you were crazy. You were sitting on the floor half asleep with one eye open, just your bra and panties on, rubbing your bruising ass cheek while your blanket was tangled around your legs, you could be seen as crazy. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it right away, just nodding and shutting the door quickly with a thud
Okay, so not the best way to say hello to your mother but if she knew how to knock she wouldn't have caught you in such a compromising position. You placed one elbow on your bed and another on your bedside table to hoist yourself up with a grunt. "Jesus fucking Christ" you mumbled as you dragged yourself to the bathroom to make yourself presentable. Your mom was inviting one of her co-workers over for dinner and she briefly woke up earlier to tell you to dress your best because there was someone she wanted you to meet
You thought that maybe she was trying to get you to talk to one of her friends so you could get a job in town, you knew how badly she wanted you to move back in with her and your dad. So when you walk down stairs in your black, tight fitted long sleeved shirt, camaflouge print cargo pants - cinched at the ankles, and black, leather converse high tops, you weren't expecting to see one of the most gorgeous men you have ever seen before in your 24 years of living. Your mom was talking to a lady who you assumed was her co-worker while the man looked around the living room, smiling at family pictures and touching the plants
"Oh Y/n you're here!!" Everyone looked at you at the announcement of your arrival. You waved shyly then walked over to your mom with your arms stiffly at your sides. She introduced the woman as Vanessa Salvatore, the CEO of Salvatore inc, the largest car company in all of North America. Your jaw damn near touched your toes, when your mom had said co-worker you wouldn't have thought that she meant the CEO of the goddamn company she worked at
The woman shook your hand firmly and called over the man who was walking around the living room. "This is my son" she said as he walked over. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt, paired with a grey suit and brown shoes, his dirty blonde hair was gelled back, a missed curl falling prettily in front of his eye. As he planted himself next to his mother you noticed that his eyes were a beautiful emerald green and his jaw was chiseled to perfection, it could cut through diamonds if he tried. He was devastatingly gorgeous, taking your eyes off of him would not be easy
"Hello, I'm Stefan Salvatore" he held his hand out and flashed a beautiful, toothy smile. You smiled right back at him and took his hand, shaking firmly like your mom taught you. "Y/n Smith, nice to meet you" you replied, trying to sound professional, this must be something important, pertaining to your mothers job. You pulled your hand back while he stared at you, intensely like he was trying to read you through your eyes. You were starting to feel kind of hot under his gaze so you turned around to go help your father set the table
Your father greeted you with a smile when you walked through the doors "hey honey" he said as he grabbed a stack of napkins "help set these plates, will you?" He kissed your cheek then walked past you to set down the napkins. While you grabbed the plates you heard the kitchen door swing open, you turned around to see who it was and there was Stefan, waving hello to your father as he walked toward you
"Y/n right?" Stefan grabbed the glass cups that were stacked on the counter next to you "sorry if I stared a little back there, you are a gorgeous woman" he said, you could see a slight smirk on his face, he's confident, that's either a good thing or a bad thing. "Thanks, you're a very handsome man" you returned the compliment before going to set the plates down. He followed you to the connected dining room and set a cup down beside every plate you placed on the table. A comfortable silence wrapped around the two of you as you both worked to set the table
After the table was done being set up you called everyone into the dining room to eat. Your mom cooked since you had taken a nap (you reminded yourself to apologize for that later). She made baked macaroni, sliced ham, sliced turkey, yellow rice with gravy and baked chicken. You were ready to dig in but guests first was the biggest rule whenever you had company over. You waited until their plates were fixed then you eagerly stood up and placed some of everything on yours
"So Michelle, I heard that the idea of two engines was your idea" Ms. Salvatore held a hand to her mouth as she talked. Your mom nodded her head "I was quite shocked at hearing that but after learning so much about you I could see that you are a smart woman". You smiled proudly upon hearing this, your mom had been working on that two engine idea for the better part of a year, when she finally got the chance to pitch it to her higher ups she was a big ball of nerves, calling you every two seconds before she had to be in the boardroom
Your mom bowed her head shyly "thank you so much Vanessa" she said gratefully, a hue of pink faint on her cheeks
Conversations flowed perfectly after that. Ms. Salvatore asked you questions like where you worked and where you lived now and you had answered truthfully. You were the head photographer at the modeling agency you worked at in New York, Lights up studios
Mrs. Salvatore's eyes lit up "Oh! A photographer? My Stefan is a model and he lives in New York too" she pat his shoulder "It's hard to get him to come visit since his schedule is very tight but he manages"
"Me too, I visit whenever my schedule dies down a bit" you cleared your throat and looked at Stefan "a model? You are very handsome" you noticed the way your mom looked between you two with a big smile on her face. "Which companies have you worked with?". You wanted to know if he ever worked with your company before, maybe before you began working there he had done some shoots
Stefan shrugged "uh, nothing big just-" he looked at his mom and sighed, she was obviously very proud of his profession "Gucci and Louis Vuitton, places like that" he scratched the back of his head, for some reason embarrassed
Your eyes widened and you put your fork down "Oh wow that's totally big. I would love to see your pictures one day". You could tell he was about to decline but his mom already had her phone in hand and pictures pulled up. Stefan's photos were amazing, he was a natural and whoever his photographer was, they were so very talented. Your breath caught in your throat at one specific photo from an underwear photoshoot, it was hot but it weirded you out that you were looking at it from his moms phone. You sat back up and started chewing on a piece of ham while his mom showed more pictures to your parents
Dinner was great. After you and your mom had finished clearing the table, everyone gathered in the living room. After thanking Mrs. Salvatore for coming over, your dad went upstairs to his room because he had to get to work early tomorrow. Your mom sat next to Mrs. Salvatore on the couch and they seemed to be talking about something important. Stefan was sitting on a recliner, looking a little lost so you decided to sit on the one next to him
"Hey" you said as you sat down "I apologize, I wouldn't have asked if I knew you were going to be a bit uncomfortable". You were feeling bad about his obvious discomfort when you asked to see his pictures. He obviously didn't like talking about his profession much and you didn't mean to pry
He flicked his wrist dismissively "It's fine. I wanted to show them, I just uh, get a little embarrassed when my mom starts to talk about it" he lowered his head "it's stupid"
You shook your head "it's not stupid, I know how you feel". Hearing your parents brag about you is the worst, especially when it's about something as big as what Stefan does. You couldn't even imagine your mom pulling out pictures of you to brag to anyone she has a chance to brag to
"I'm surprised I've never bumped into someone as sexy as you up in New York" Stefan suddenly leaned over and whispered into your ear, deep and raspy. Heat immediately pooled in your stomach at the sinful sound. He's obviously not shy when it comes to flirting, is what you thought to yourself
You chuckled "is that so?". What you did next was bold but you didn't care. You turned your head his way, he was still leaning close to you so now your faces were only inches apart, you could see the shards of gray in his eyes and the way his lips formed a lopsided heart. "Well Mr. Salvatore, now you know where to bump into me" you whispered against his lips. His eyes flickered to your lips then back to your eyes
Just as he was about to reply, Mrs. Salvatore called you both over. You got up at the same time and walked over to the couch. Your mom was looking around nervously and that made you nervous but you didn't say anything, you waited for whatever was about to be said. "Uh, we think you two should go out and get drinks. Let the adults talk some more"
You looked at your mother and just like you thought, she wasn't making eye contact with you. No way was she trying to set you up with her boss's son. "Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen" you said with a fake smile on your face
"Honey" she laughed awkwardly "we have guests"
"Just for a minute"
You turned around and walked to the kitchen, knowing your mom would be right behind you. "Mom what the fuck?" You whisper shouted once she walked in and the door was closed "your boss's son? Are you serious right now?"
She raised a brow "excuse me young lady? Watch your mouth" she sighed "now it's just to see how compatible you two are. He's a sweet young man and if you're going to get married soon then-"
You threw your hands in the air and interrupted her with a groan "I don't want to get married mom, what don't you understand!"
She was pleading with her eyes now "Y/n just try, you might like Stefan, he's a sweet boy. And he has seemed to take a liking to you already"
"Mom I don't-" You sighed tiredly, you have no more fight left in you and no more strength left to even finish that sentence. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other, you can't do it anymore so you just agreed. You glared at your mom one more time before leaving the kitchen, mumbling a quiet "nice to meet you" to Ms. Salvatore before snatching your car keys from the hook by the front door
"Let's go Stefan" you said with a little sass as you threw the front door open and walked out into the night. Stefan was right behind you, closing the house door and scrambling to sit in the passenger side of your black Mercedes E Class. Once in the car, you started it and exhaled heavily "do you mind if I bluetooth this?" You asked Stefan as you held up your phone, indicating you needed to make a call. He shrugged and sat back, buckling his seat belt
As you pulled out of the driveway the sounds of your phone ringing filled the car. You needed some sense right now before you angrily killed you and Stefan by driving off of the next bridge you cross so you called the only person who could give you some sense. "Hello?" A voice whispered, she was obviously sleeping and you would feel bad if you weren't completely pissed
"Bonnie, why the fuck do I put up with this shit? I can't talk to her and to hell with the fake boyfriend plan, that wasn't going to work anyway and I knew it wasn't the minute I put my head down to nap" you were going on and on, to anybody else the silence would mean Bonnie doesn't really care but you know she's just listening intently "I can't do this shit anymore. I can't keep coming down here and hearing the same shit and worrying about the next man my mom is trying to marry me off to in Mystic Falls. It's exhausting Bonnie"
You weren't even angry anymore just exhausted. You tried to understand your mom, you tried to sympathize with her, you tried to be angry with her but none of it is working. Nothing you do is going to stop the constant nagging and the constant questions about your love life and the silent judgement you get from her friends whose kids are already married
Bonnie hummed "what happened y/n? Did she tell another one of her friends that you want a husband"
"Basically. She invited her boss and the lady's goddamn son to the house for dinner then sent me out to get drinks with the fucking son" you chuckled dryly "she thinks I didn't notice her smiling at us like we were going to get married right there in the fucking living room"
Stefan was looking at you like you were crazy but you paid him no mind. He knew exactly what you were talking about because judging by the way his mom was smiling from ear to ear upon introducing him, she definitely told him he needed to start looking for a wife too
"Is he ugly?" Is what Bonnie asked, you saw Stefan smirk out the corner of your eye and this time it pissed you off so you said the logical answer
"Yes" you bit back a snicker when you saw his eyes widen "and he's shorter than a troll"
"Hey! You're a liar" Stefan said, pointing an accusatory finger at you
"IS HE IN THE CAR?" Bonnie shouted, you winced at how loud it was, leaning over to turn the car volume down a little
You released a laugh, high pitched and squeaky "yeah he is" you laughed harder "you should see the way he's glaring at me"
Before you knew it, all three of you started laughing. It felt nice to laugh like that and you felt less pissed. Bonnie then stopped laughing and called your name, you hummed in acknowledgment. "Just make the most of it okay? Don't think of it as your mom sending you off on a date, think of it as you meeting a new friend" she said
You nodded your head, she's right you need to think more positively. Stefan is funny and handsome, you won't marry him but you sure would fuck him if you had the chance. So why not make the most of it? "You're right Bon, thank you" you sighed "I don't know what I'd do without you". You said your goodbyes and apologized for waking her up then you hung up
"Great friend. Mine would've told me to push you out of the car and take the next flight back to New York" Stefan said once the call ended
You laughed and glanced at him "if I had called my other friend, she would've said the same thing" you stopped at a red light then leaned back in your seat "you're not ugly by the way or short" you said quietly, your joking demeanor long gone
"I know" he replied smugly. You scoffed in disbelief and amusement, so he's definitely not one to turn down a compliment
You shook your head as you started driving again "Salvatore you're something else" you replied, hearing him release a breathy laugh in response
It's a sound you've come to like, maybe a little too much
The music was blaring and you could barely hear the story Stefan was trying to tell you. You both agreed to go to a local night club called "Mindy's", great bar service and great bathrooms to suck someone off. Stefan was leaning back in the booth across from you, his legs were spread out and he had both arms propped up behind him, he threw his head back in a deep laugh at one of his own jokes and you swear it was one of the sexiest things you ever heard
You were still kind of upset about your mother trying to set you up to get married but you tried not to think about it here. You were with Stefan and more than likely going to get fucked tonight, why ruin that with complaints? You tapped on the table "do you want another drink?" You asked Stefan as you slid out of the booth to go get yourself your fourth one of the night. He nodded and allowed his eyes to roam your body as he handed you his empty glass. Your fingers grazed his as you grabbed the cup and you felt tingles from the warmth
You walked away confidently, certain that he was staring at your ass. "Two gin and tonics please" you said with a smile once you reached the bar. The male bartender smirked at you before fixing the drinks
"Here alone?" The bartender asked, his shiny black hair was messy like he had been running his hands through it and his eyes were a striking blue "I'm Landon by the way"
You hummed and replied "with a friend" then you let yourself stare at his plump, red lips as he ran his tongue across the bottom one. "I'm Y/n", the bartender looked at you with some type of intensity in his eyes, you knew he wanted you but you just wanted to flirt. Flirting always calls for a good time
He slid you your drinks then leaned forward "I'd love to take you out sometime" he whispered "I don't see many beautiful women like you in the falls". You almost rolled your eyes, these men don't seem to see beautiful women anywhere. You grabbed the drinks, lifting your brow at an extra he slid over, saying it was "on the house"
You smiled at him and thanked him for the drinks and compliment. "Maybe you'll see me around more" you said, knowing that you'll be leaving soon and not coming back for a couple more months. After telling him that you should get going, you turned around and headed back to your booth
When you got back to the table, Stefan was looking at you with his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. You decided to sit next to him instead of across from him. "Got an extra!" you shouted into his ear. He smiled, tight lipped and his eyes were sharper like he was angry. You asked him what was wrong but he just shrugged and said nothing so you hummed and started swaying in your seat to the music
"I want to dance"
Stefan just looked at you and raised a brow as if questioning why but you just grabbed his hand and drug him out of the booth. "Humor me" you said, placing a hand on his chest "just one dance"
He stared into your eyes for a few minutes then he took your hand and walked onto the dance floor. He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest "hm, I think someone else was expecting a dance too" he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your neck. Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer, sliding his left hand down your left arm to intertwine your fingers
He was jealous. You realized it in the way he held you possessively and the way he chose a spot right where the bartender could see you guys. It's not everyday you find a man as sexy as Stefan that wants you so badly so you caught yourself from smiling and decided not to comment on his jealousy
Instead you pushed your hips back as he placed his other hand on your waist to guide your movements. You could feel his heart beating rapidly on your back and you reveled in the feeling, you were making him feel like this. Eventually you were grinding up against him faster and harder and you could feel his breath picking up from the constant friction. You put your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth when he started to leave feather light kisses down your neck. "Mm" you hummed as arousal swirled in the pits of your stomach, you needed to fuck him now
"I want you” Stefan confessed, low and deep in your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe. “I would fuck you so well” he added, nipping the lobe of your ear afterward
You let out a little gasp when Stefan released your entwined fingers then spun you to face him. You were drunk off both pleasure and alcohol, a dangerous combination. Stefan then kissed you, so deeply and passionately that your knees almost buckled from the feeling. His lips were softer and warmer then you could have ever imagined, not that you had much time to imagine since you just met him not too long ago
You panted as he pulled back just a little "show me then please" you begged. You weren't even going to resort to begging at first but every time he touched you a fire ignited throughout your whole body and the only way to put it out is to feel him inside of you
“Begging already?” Stefan said, his lips still against yours
You whimpered and closed your eyes as he kissed you again. You needed Stefan and it's now or never but before you could tell him to take you to the bathrooms, he was already letting go
“Come on then” he teased in a low voice, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands trailed lightly down your back, just a teasing touch, before he gripped your ass. Then the touch was gone and his warmth was gone. You opened your eyes to see Stefan walking toward the bathrooms, he walked with his head held high and the crowd parted for him like the red sea
Before you knew it you were booking it to the bathrooms. As soon as you opened the door, you were pulled in and pushed against it. Stefan locked it then connected his lips with yours hungrily. You melted into his touch, enjoying the softness of his lips and the taste of alcohol on his tongue as he licked into your mouth. Stefan slid his hands under your shirt to squeeze your waist and the touch sent a lick of heat through your stomach. You pulled back and scanned his body
"Let me suck your dick" it was a demand but a question at the same time
He nodded with a groan "yeah okay". Stefan switched spots so his back was against the door and you were in front of him then he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down enough to get his dick out. Your eyes widened, you almost wanted to slap him for having such a perfect dick – it was long, thick and his pretty red tip was already dripping with pre-cum
You quickly sunk down to your knees and stuck your tongue out, licking a broad stripe along the vein on his cock. Stefan released a drawn out moan, letting the back of his head hit the door with a thud. "Fuck" he cursed under his breath as you started to suck on the tip. He put a hand in your hair, not pushing your head but just keeping it there
This turned you on though, you wanted him to grip your hair and fuck his cock down your throat. And you let him know that by sinking down as far as you can, then looking up at him with tears pricking your eyes. His grip in your hair tightened and his breathing picked up. "Okay shit, I get it" he said, smiling down at you and boy was his smile beautiful. "Tap my thigh whenever you want me to stop" he added before pulling his cock out to rub his tip on your lips
When you opened your mouth he took that opportunity to slide in, slowly, just until he hit the back of your throat then he pulled back again and slammed in harder. Your eyes watered but you just breathed through your nose, you wanted this. "So good baby" he breathed as he looked down at you with half lidded eyes. The praise make your pussy clench around nothing, wanting him to fill you up
Stefan gently fisted your hair with both hands as he began to thrust, moving your head along with him. "Those pretty lips were meant to be stretched around my cock" he said as he started thrusting faster, moans getting louder. You're sure anybody who was waiting for the restroom could hear him but that made it even hotter
Drool and tears ran down your face as Stefan brutally hit the back of your throat with each thrust, you closed your eyes and thanked the universe for not giving you a gag reflex. You moaned around his length, hearing him let out a curse from the vibrations just like you thought he would. You continued to look up at him as he stared down at you, he was breathtaking. His forehead glistened with sweat and his tongue swiped across his bottom lip every few seconds. He smiled at you in between a moan and it was the sexiest thing you had ever seen
Soon his thrusts were faltering and his cock was twitching against your tongue with the need to release. "Fuck- I'm gonna cum" he moaned as he put his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. His grip in your hair tightened as he thrusted one more time, stilling with a loud groan as he came hot and salty down your throat. You swallowed it all quickly then sucked on his tip a little more until he was pulling you off from over stimulation
"You're a fucking dream" he breathed out, his eyes following you as you stood back up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand
"So I've been told" you replied with a laugh as you turned around to walk to the sink to wash your face and fix your hair
After Stefan tucked himself back in and buckled his belt back up he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't have condoms on me" he mumbled as he kissed your ear. You tried not to pout in disappointment. You were really hoping to get fucked tonight but you were fine with it, you didn't care much
"It's fine I don't need anything in re-"
"But I have my own place a few blocks away" he interrupted with a face as if he was trying not to laugh and coo at you. That was all he had to say before you were grabbing his arm and unlocking the bathroom door. Of course you cared, you wanted Stefan and he didn't seem like the blowjob and go type of guy anyway. You didn't care about the people staring at the both of you as you flung the door open and walked out
You and Stefan walked to the car in silence because if either of you spoke you'd probably just say fuck it and have the nastiest sex on your backseat. Electricity was buzzing through your veins and you were already wet from earlier, you know he could fuck you good and you're ready to be pinned down and fucked rough
Stefan had already typed his address into your phone's GPS so in just a few minutes you were pulling up a huge driveway. Your eyes widened as something akin to a mansion came into view. His house was fucking huge, there is no way he lives here alone and of course you talked first and asked that very question. "You live here? Alone?" You asked your car came to a halt by the entrance
He shook his head and replied "not alone". You raised a brow and asked with who and he told you that he has a three year old puppy named Rose that he keeps with him every time he visits Mystic Falls, giving the puppy to his parents whenever he isn't here. For some reason you felt a sense of relief at the confirmation of nobody else living there but you ignored it because what would you be relieved for?
When you walked in the house you didn't even have time to process how big and beautiful it was inside before Stefan was grabbing your waist and smashing ypur lips together. You yelped as he picked you up and you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist. "You're so fucking sexy" he said in between nips on your bottom lip. He carried you up a flight of stairs with his lips still connected to yours, not pulling away until he threw you on a big bed in a bedroom way too big for one person. You sat still and looked around as Stefan went to go grab condoms out of his dresser
The room was huge but very bland like something you'd imagine a guest room to look like but you knew it was his room because of the single picture of him accompanied by a tall man with black hair that sat on his dresser. You wanted to ask questions but you didn't want to pry too much
Soon Stefan came back with three condoms, you lifted a brow and giggled. "Three? Are you trying to kill me?" You asked in faux disbelief. You can handle three rounds but you aren't sure if he can, not with you
He laughed lowly while moving to hover over you. "Just hoping you can keep up" he said before pressing his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist as you pulled him closer and kissed him back harder. You could kiss Stefan forever, it was like your lips were made to be on his
You both grinded against each other before Stefan pulled back to start kissing down your neck. "Tell me what you like" he said as he nipped a sensitive part on your neck "I'm open to anything" he continued, detaching his lips from your neck so he could pull your shirt off, you complied by lifting your arms
"Mm" you moaned as he kissed around your breasts, you indeed wore no bra. Your breasts are big but not too big so you were able to pass without a bra sometimes. "I like rough but not too rough, I don't want to bleed. I like to be choked and please don't hesitate to leave marks, it turns me on". You placed a hand on the back of his head as he started sucking on one of your hard nipples. "If you're too silent I might get up and leave in the middle of it" you laughed when Stefan softly bit your nipple trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm serious, be vocal, I like to hear how good you feel" you said, looking down in time to see Stefan wink at you
"Of course I'll be vocal baby" he mumbled against your skin as he was switching to the other nipple. You shuddered at the pet name again and closed your eyes thinking of more things to tell him
"If I say pineapple that means stop"
Stefan released your nipple with a pop "you better pineapple the shit out of me if you feel any bit of discomfort, got it?" He said with a small smile. You replied with a simple yes before helping him pull his shirt off
This man was carved by angels then double checked by the Greek Gods, you've never seen abs so chiseled and defined. Your mouth hung open as you shamelessly swept his torso with your eyes. Is it weird to say someone has pretty nipples? It probably is but that didn't stop you. "You're nipples are so pretty" you blurted, mentally face palming yourself once you said it
"Thanks" Stefan smiled then pinched one of your nipples "so are yours"
"Just fuck me already" you huffed with a playful roll of your eyes
Stefan kissed you again as he pulled your pants and panties off, quickly pulling his pants and boxers off as well. He stared open mouthed at your pussy and you were about two seconds away from covering up before he began to run his fingers along your glistening folds. He spread you open with two fingers "fuck you're so wet" he removed his fingers and brought them to your lips, you willingly opened your mouth to taste yourself like he wanted you to
He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes which spurred you on more. As much as you wanted to get fucked, you loved the foreplay, you know your orgasm is going to be so much more intense when he does get around to fucking you. You dragged your tongue in between his two fingers and you sucked hard, reminding him of the blowjob you gave him back at the club. "Shit" he whispered, voice heavy with arousal. You released his fingers then watched him move down so his head could be between your thighs
"Gonna taste you first" he said then he stuffed his face into your pussy
You arched up and released a sigh when he licked a stripe up your core and to your clit. He wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard as you grabbed the sheets on either side of your head and squeezed your eyes shut. It felt so good and you wanted so badly to hump his face. "So good Stefan" you whined when he swirled his tongue around your clit then moved to push his tongue through your pulsating hole, using his thumb to rub your clit
It was messy, you were so wet for him and you could hear the way he slurps on your pussy, it pushed you closer and closer to the edge. He pushed two fingers into your hole at once and it felt so good with just a small sting. He hooked his fingers, hitting your g-spot right away. "Right there" you whined breathily, pushing back on his fingers
He was so good at this, knew exactly what to do with his fingers and mouth. But you needed more, you wanted to cum on his cock. You tapped his head "fuck me" you looked at him through half lidded eyes and squeezed your own nipples "I want you so bad" you said, moaning softly when his pressed a kiss to your core
Stefan nodded and quickly sat up on his knees and opened one of the condoms. You watched as he rolled it on then pumped himself a few times. It was hot, he was hot. "Relax for me, okay?" Stefan whispered, rubbing circles into your thighs as he lined himself up with your hole. A quiet moan left you as he pushed in excruciatingly slow, his eyes stuck on where you two are now connected. He rests his hand down on your mound, thumb rubbing small circles into your clit as he rocked his hips into yours
"Shit" Stefan muttered softly to himself. He hadn't really set a pace yet, just lazily rolling his hips and enjoying the feel of your warm, wet pussy squeezing him so tightly. "Fuck you feel so good" he grunted out as he began to speed up his thrusts, fucking into you so hard that his neighbors could probably hear the slap of skin against skin
Stefan slid his hand up your torso to squeeze one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. "Oh my God" your eyes rolled into the back of your head, his cock hit your g-spot with each thrust inside of you. You gripped his sheets to keep yourself from sinking your nails into his biceps. "Deeper please Stefan" you whined, not knowing how he could get any deeper but you need him to try
"Ride me" is what he replied "if you want it, then ride me" he challengingly quirked a brow and smirked. He was obviously teasing you but with no hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, allowing his cock to slide out of you so you can hover above him
"You're so fucking sexy" He whispered as you positioned yourself above his cock and sunk down, he was just in you but the stretch was still there, it was a dull pain. His fingers dug into your sides harshly, hard enough to leave bruises and you'd smile about it if you weren't trying to fit his cock in you
You circled your hips a few times before lifting yourself up and slamming back down. You set the pace and made the movements quick and harsh. Stefan slid his hands down to your ass, helping you bounce up and down on him. "You ride me so well" Stefan groaned, eyebrows furrowing out of pleasure
You couldn’t help but clench around him from the endless praise, the action causing him to buck his hips as he moaned “yeah, just like that”. One particular swivel of your hips had you both groan in unison as you worked his cock to find your sweet spot. You locked into the feeling desperate to find it by grinding his cock deeper because it was right there, making your eyes roll backwards into your head. "Oh F-" you shuddered as you found the spot you were looking for
Stefan looked at you with eyes fogged with pure lust. There was no way he could close his eyes when you moved like that above him. He lifted his hips up to meet yours and although you weren't planning on cumming so quickly, that pushed so far over the edge, you couldn't even see straight as your orgasm knocked the breath out of you. Your vision was blurred, the dull ringing in your ears made your head pound and your body convulsed embarrassingly on top of Stefan
Your pussy fluttered violently around his cock, gripping onto it in a way that made Stefan's body shiver from pure pleasure. He’s moaning loudly, no longer being able to hold back. He brought a hand up to wrap around your throat as he planted his feet on the bed, sat up slightly and started fucking up so hard into you that you damn near saw stars
Both of you were sweating heavily and your skin was burning hot by now but you didn't want to stop, no matter how far you were pushed into oversensitivity
You could tell he was close when you felt him twitch inside of you so you used all of your energy to circle your hips to meet his thrust. "Fuck y/n" was the last thing you heard being whispered near your ear as he spilled inside of you, collapsing on top of you but not entirely as to not crush you
You both layed there for a few minutes breathing heavily. You tapped Stefan's shoulder to tell him to get off of you. With a sigh he pulled out of you and flopped onto your side, pulling off the condom and tying it up. "You're really a dream" he chuckled softly as he threw the condom into a small garbage bin by his bed
"So you've said" you looked at him and smiled. The silence was comfortable, just both of you basking in your post orgasm glow and waiting for your breathing to calm down. Suddenly your phone rang loudly, you sat up quick and felt around for it, picking your pants up off the floor and pulling it out of the back pocket
It was your mom calling, you looked at Stefan with wide eyes and put a finger over your lips. "Hello?" You stood up and paced the room, not bothering to even put your undergarments back on
"Y/n, where are you? It's almost one in the morning"
You bit back the scoff you so badly wanted to release "I'm with Stefan mom. Did you forget that you sent me off to get married to your boss's son?"
She sighed heavily, you could picture her leaning against the counter, rubbing her temples. "But that doesn't mean stay out all night doing God knows what! You still stay under my roof while you're here"
This time you did scoff, rolling your eyes as well "mom excuse my language but what the fuck?" You shook your head as Stefan looked over at you in concern "you begged me to leave the house with a random guy in hopes of me getting married so you can relive that through me, you don't get to lecture me when I don't come home for a couple of hours"
"Now Y/n watch-"
She tried to speak but you just needed to let this out so you interrupted her. "He could've been a serial killer or a kidnapper and if anything had gone left you wouldn't even be hearing my voice right now" you felt your eyes sting with tears, trying as best as you could to blink them back before they could fall "you're lucky that I'm with someone who actually makes me feel a bit safe. I'm not coming home tonight and I'll be packing tomorrow and going back to New York. I love you but I don't love the constant nagging about my love life, you don't respect me or my wishes mom. I'm sick of it" you tried to catch a tear before it slipped but it was too late "get some sleep okay? Goodnight, I love you" you hung up the phone and just stood there, butt naked and facing the wall with tears silently rolling down your face
You wiped your face and took breaths before turning around "uh, I'm gonna go" you walked to the bed and started putting your clothes back on and Stefan just watched. You didn't know if he wanted to say something or if he just didn't care but either way you just wanted to go. As you were putting your shirt on that's when Stefan got up, quickly going to his closet to rummage through a whole bunch of clothes. He pulled out a pair of black gym shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt
"It's not much but if you uh, want you can take a shower here and stay here for tonight" he scratched the back of his head with one hand while he held out the clothes with the other, it even looked like he was blushing a little, you couldn't help but crack a small smile
You bit your lip to try to hold the smile back "are you sure? I don't want to impose or anything" you said while grabbing the clothes from him
"You're not imposing" he walked up to you and lifted your chin up with his fingers "don't let your mom force you to do anything you don't want to do" the look in his eye made you want to obey every word he said so you nodded your head. He searched your face "I'm serious y/n. I love my mom but if I had allowed her to force me into marriage I wouldn't be who I am today, doing what I love. You're a beautiful woman with a lot going for you, if marriage isn't what you want then don't do it"
Without really thinking about it you pulled him in for a kiss. Both of you were still naked but it wasn't a sex hungry, heat filled kiss, it was passionate and slow and it made butterflies flutter in your belly, you've never felt that before. You pulled away with a big, dopey smile on your face "I won't do anything I don't want to do" you whispered, biting your lip to conceal yet another smile
"So you wanted to kiss me like that?" He teased with a huge smile on his face. You turned away from him and began walking to the bathroom, answering his question by looking over your shoulder and inviting him in with a tilt of your head
"Come shower with me and I'll let you know what I really want"
He laughed loudly and you couldn't help but join in, it was so contagious. "Oh you crazy crazy girl" he said as he followed behind you, ready for whatever you had to offer him
Maybe you don't plan on getting married anytime soon or dating to be honest but Stefan has become a constant in your life and you'd like to keep it that way and when the time comes when you both want to settle down, it wouldn't be too bad if it was with him
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vex91 · 1 year
Hirai Momo - She doesn't have to know
Pairing: Hirai Momo x Female Reader
Fandom: Twice
Summary: Momo starts having troubles in controling herself around Nayeon's younger sister which leads to a secret moments between them behind Nayeon's back.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Momo
A/N: My first smut had to be Momo okay? I'm not sorry! There will be a part 2✌✌ Please don't attack me if it's bad, like I said before it's my first smut I've ever written!!
Part 2
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3rd's POV
It was wrong.
Momo knew that.
But the temptation was too strong. Having to look at you, your lips, your body and not being able to touch you was too much of a torture for her.
Everytime she had to look away she excused in her mind as being considerate but it never made her feel better. The only thing that could fully satisfied her and make her feel better is getting a taste of you.
But she couldn't. You were Nayeon's younger sister, her bandmate's sister, her best friend's sister. Wanting you felt wrong but she still wanted it.
Whenever she looked at Nayeon, she felt guilty. Guilty of all times she jerked herself off to the thought of you, to the thought of your taste, thought of your body and thought of your moans and screams of her name. She never heard them but still couldn't stop herself from imagining them in her head every night.
All these nights. All these days that she was forcing herself to look away made her lose control that night.
You came to the dorms after Nayeon invited you to their movie night and it seemed like luck wasn't on her side because on finished seat arrangement, you were sitting next to her. Since Momo spend all this time trying to not want you, it was harder for her to control herself. You just by sitting next to her made her dizzy from your sweet scent.
At some point during the night Sana wanted to check something on her phone that was laying not far from you so she asked you to pass it to her. Since Sana was sitting on Momo's other side, you passed it to her in front of Momo. Everything would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that you accidentally brushed your hand against the front of her sweatpants. It was enough to make her hard.
She wasn't planning to get hard because of Nayeon's sister when Nayeon was literally in the same room that night but it happened and she couldn't stay in that room in this state so she stood up and excused herself, walking out of the room and going to the bathroom.
Being the caring person you are, you went to check up on her. You knocked on the door and after you heard an okay from inside, you walked in. When you walked in you saw Momo facing the other direction with her body, she only looked in your direction while staying in the same position.
"Momo? You're okay?" You asked her and she only answered with a short fine. It didn't convinced you so you started getting closer. "You sure? It doesn't seem like it. You know that I'd like to help you in whatever you need" You said making Momo's breath to hitch, all sorts of scenarios of you helping her came to her mind and none of them was innocent.
"I-I'm fine, really. You don't have t-" She stopped herself when she felt you behind her, really close.
No matter how good Momo is at controlling herself around you, she's still a human who has needs. And she was ignoring hers for too long it seemed.
"You want to help?" She asked you lowly making you confused of her sudden change. Your confirmation was enough for Momo to quickly turn around and pressed you against the wall with her own body. Face close to yours, she looked into your eyes and you saw it. The lust in her eyes and the hardness down in her sweatpants, it made you gulp because of the sudden arousal that you felt.
"I ask you again. Do you really want to help me?" Momo asked you, emphasizing a word really. You thought about this for a few seconds before you whispered "Yes Momo, I want to"
It was enough for her to connect your lips in messy and hungry kiss that made you're heart speed up. While you were trying to keep up with Momo's speed and intensity, Momo couldn't seem to stop. She was keeping herself in check for so long that she just couldn't stop now.
Momo tapped you on your leg, signaling you to jump which you did. She took you into her room and locked the door while still kissing you. Momo putted you down and turned around to press your front against the door while she pressed herself against your back.
She started grinding her hard cock against your butt, you both still fully clothed but it still made you moan. Momo groaned from hearing you, already loving how you sound and speeding her movements up.
None of your clothing was pulled off yet and you both already were groaning messes. When the clothes started becoming a bother for her Momo pulled you to sit on her bed while she took of your shirt and pants leaving you in only your underwear. Not long after she took her own shirt off making you gulp when you saw her abs.
Then she took your hand and guided in onto her hard cock that was hidden under her sweatpants. You took of your bra and got on your knees in front of her while pulling off her sweatpants.
When her pants and boxers were fully pulled off, your mouth dropped. She was pretty big.
You started stroking her slowly, earning a low grunt from her. A few seconds later you decided to speed up your movements making her thrown her head back with a moan. You continued your actions making Momo a moaning mess but not for long because when she felt like she is getting closer to her climax, she stopped you and signaled you to lay down on her bed.
She positioned herself in between your legs and took your panties off, licking her lips at the sight.
"So wet for me huh? You want my cock?" She asked you to which you frantically nodded, she chuckled "Well sorry doll but you will have to wait, I need to have a taste of you first" She said and you whined, getting more wet.
Momo touched your clit lightly, earning a moan from you making her chuckle "I love your sounds so much baby but maybe you should be careful. There are still people down there, you wouldn't want them hearing you right? Or maybe you want them to hear huh?" She teased you making you whine more.
Momo turned her attention back to your clit and started licking and sucking it like a hungry animal. You became a moaning mess because of Momo and she loved that. You tasted so good, Momo couldn't get enough but she pulled away when she couldn't stand the feeling of not being inside you.
When she started to stand up to find the condom, you stopped her. "Don't! I want to feel you inside me without it" You said making her even more aroused. It wasn't a smart idea but she just couldn't think about it at the moment so she went back on top of you and positioned her cock at your entrance.
Momo slowly started entering you making you both gasp at the feeling. It wasn't anything like she imagined before, it was the real thing and it felt even more amazing than she thought that it would be. The feeling of your walls inviting her in made her crazy. She pushed herself inside slowly until she was fully inside you, then she stopped to let you get used to it and when you did, she was ready too.
But before she could start moving you both heard knocking making you panic slightly. "Guys? You okay? You disappeared for a long time" You heard Nayeon's voice. Momo stayed calm "Yeah, I just felt kind of... bad and Y/N went to check up on me. I'm staring to feel better so we should be back soon" She yelled. It was silent until you heard Nayeon's okay and heard her footsteps getting further away.
You sighed but it quickly turned into a gasp when you felt that Momo started moving. It didn't took her long to speed up her movements "We don't have a lot of time unfortunately" She groaned, feeling too bliss at the moment. You nodded, your moans enough for her to hear and not the girls down.
You started reaching your climax and you felt that she was too. "Inside" You whispered in her ear making her go even faster, not long after you cummed. The feeling of your walls clenching around her were the last straw for her. With the last thrust she came inside you making you both moan in pleasure.
Momo collapsed on you and pulled you into her chest.
"What if my sister finds out?" You asked her while you snuggled into her chest. Momo thought about it for a few minutes.
It felt wrong. Fucking you not far from your sister. But it felt so right at the same time.
Now that she got to taste and feel you, Momo won't be able to keep herself in check anymore.
"She doesn't have to know"
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darkdarkstucky · 1 year
Enchanted, S. Rogers and C. Kent.
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SUMMARY: In a world where Omega's were scant and decent alpha's even more so, you think you're one in a million to be in a relationship with Alpha's who not only take care of your every whims and need, but also love and respect you unconditionally. However, your marital bliss of two years is interrupted by the concept of ‘true mates’.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Clark kent.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst.
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“Wake up, buttercup!” Natasha cheerily exclaims, clapping her hands together after successfully pulling back the curtains to let the sunshine in your desolate quarters. You groaned sleepily turning your head towards the other direction, until she peeled the covers back from you.
“Uh-uh, we are not letting you sleep in the bed for days on end again.” the red head tuts, pulling your limp arm and ushering you towards a seating position. “Today, we're going out and walking on sunshine vampy.”
“No. Let me wallow in doubt and sadness.” you whine, eyes shut. You were still in dreamland, nestled in the covers with the ac on full blast— and you could literally spend days in the bed it feels like. You were always so sleepy and tired.
Part of you blamed it on over-thinking. Your brain must have been fueling up for all of your racing thoughts. Or it was only during sleep that you weren't thinking anything.
“Can't. The sun is up and the day is to be conquered. Where's your fucking spirit?”
“Oh wait! I remember where i left it, let me check.” you wiggled, making her hold loosen before you dived back into the sheets.
Comfy. So so nice.. you rub your face in Clark's pillow, sighing out in bliss. Just as you were about to doze off again..
“Nat!” you bellow, feeling yourself get lifted off the bed and towards the en suite.
“We're going out and fucking things up dollface! No excuses!”
“I feel like richard gere and you're my bitch- well, technically not one, but you get my point.” Nat nonchalantly puts down the menu, staring at you from across the table.
There was an astounding array of shopping bags placed neatly along the floor, both of you going haywire on different shops and swiping daddy's plastics, and only when you calmed down did you realize how much clothes you bought.
You'd feel bad, yet both Steve and Clark had gaslighted you early on that it isn't real money princess. So you went on your merry way each time and thought as if you were only playing pretend.
“Why can't i be a bitch?” you mutter, inbetween bites of garlic bread, basically inhaling the small tray of decadent pastry. It was crunchy, and soft on the inside with hints of melted cheese. Ohmy, you wanted to gobble it up.
Nat looked at you as if you were stupid. “Because.. you're rainbows, and butterflies and shiny shimmering glitter.”
You made a face, “You're saying i'm made of nice things? Aww, naty.”
“Yes, and if i put you in my mouth, you'll melt like a cotton candy.” she flippantly voices, which made both of you stare at eachother— silent and intent gazes, before bursting into laughter. Giggling at the unknown double entrede.
“Hello, madamme.” Your head snaps towards a slightly familiar older man decked in a pristine suit, an easy yet flattering grin on his face. “How are you finding your lunch? Has anyone taken your order yet?”
“Oh, hey ben. It's pleasant, as it always is. We've actually just placed our orders,” You smile in response.
“Oh that's great! and you're here with Mrs. Barnes, i see.” He politely nods to the red head. “Will you be joining Mr. Kent at the second floor? He's got an entourage, but i doubt it's concerning business. It appears to be more casual.”
“Is that so? I mean, Clark did say something about a lunch. Who's he with?” Your mouth moves faster than you could think.
In reality, the only thing you've recieved from both of them were casual goodmornings and update as to where they were. Steve was in France, Clark said he was in Russia. Atleast, that was what they told you.
“The usual, madamme. A couple of security details, and a new secretary. She seems to be new, atleast from who Mr. Kent usually keeps in his payroll.” The host narrates, thinking nothing of it. Everyone was already well aware of how much you meant to your husbands— to the point where nobody would bat an eye if they were seen out with another woman. Nobody could possibly believe they would replace you.
And you hated to jump into conclusions, but why would he need to lie?
Your heart wanted to lurch out of your chest. Nat's clearing of her throat made you snap out of your spiral; and you schooled your features back into a cheery expression once again.
“Well, if Mr. Kent wouldn't mind our presence.”
“.. I was actually a scholar of Kent foundation. Can you believe it? Our fates, so intertwined. It was really as if we were meant to be.” Lois gushes, leaning over in her chair, looking at him as if she were about to jump his bones.
Frankly, it made him quite uncomfortable. Nothing about this - if you could even call it a date, it was more like a formal gathering or a meet of sorts that he was inclined to arrange- felt natural, nor right.
Clark wanted to rely on his base instincts for direction but he couldn't grope for a shred of connection. Not even a silver of fondness, which is strange, considering thag they were supposed to be compatible— the person oppsite of him bore the genetic compatibility, as per several tests.
Though, what she said piqued his interest. “Which part of town would you say?”
“Upper east side,” Lois responds. Clark shifted in his seat, a smile making it's way to his features which held a considerable sway in her judgement. He asks a few more questions in that honeyed voice of his, to which she absently replied at.
“Huh, would you look at that.” He leans back in his seat, gears in his head turning but he maintained an easy smile on his face, mirth dancing in the darkened blue of his eyes.
“How about i permanently move your residence in, say, one of my towers?” Lois' breath hitched at the proposal.
“I-i mean, sure if that's what you want.” she gathered herself for a while, before remembering to act bashful and blinking up at him rapidly, smiling coyly. “I'm yours afterall. Your mate.”
You can hear the jeers and the laughter, staying through the conversation, until you found yourself feeling literal pangs of hurt in your chest. Fuck. What does all of this mean?
“Let me kill this son of a whore,” Nat was about to angrily storm inside, but you managed to stop her, putting an arm out.
“Don't even bother.” you murmur, finding it hard to find your own voice. At that point, you felt almost numb— as if your brain was shutting down from what you've heard, finding it difficult to process at all.
You woke up with the hope of your marriage still intact. Thinking, rather stupidly, that this was just a rather difficult hurdle in your marriage. Thinking that perhaps, this was all just a big misunderstanding like what you were repeatedly assured of.
But this was beyond even your wildest dreams. Nothing made sense. It was as if your world was crashing down on you all at once. True mates? It mocks you repeatedly.
Steve and Clark told you that you were the one. You believed them, because why would they lie to you? They had no reason to!
To get in your pants, silly. The rational, or was it pessimistic part of you said.
You blinked away the tears, turning around, and indulging in the manical urge that clouded all your rationality— run.
So you fled.
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iiotic · 2 months
You have my heart | chapter 2
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Human! Alastor x Fem! Reader
❥︎ You have my heart | Navigation
Prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3..
❥︎ word count - 1.1k
please read the tws before reading this story!! You may find them in the navigation.
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You looked up at the man before you. A charming gentleman with brown hair and caramel eyes. Putting your purse down, you decided to respond to his ridiculous question.
- Leaving, and who might you be? - You questioned him as you stood up, only to realise that he was much more taller than you.
- Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you miss..? - He extended his hand for, you thought, a handshake. As you gave him your hand, you were surprised by him kissing your knuckles.
- Charmed - You said, before introducing yourself. You truly didn't want to engage in any small talks nor conversation. You were so tired of this day after your "future husband" didn't even show up. You just wanted to go to bed and take a nap after a hard day.
You tried to excuse yourself from the situation, saying that your cat is home alone, begging for some affection.
- Nonsense, my dear! I assure you cats are very smart creatures and they can take care of themself. - Alastor assured you. Pointing to the table he added. - Would you like to sit down for a nice talk? the dinner is my treat.
You looked out of the window at the chauffeur waiting for you for hours by now, considering his offer. You didn't want to come back home, nor did you want to explain to your arrogant mother that the man didn't show up. However you were so tired and didn't want to stay awake any more minutes. But how are you suppose to find your true love if you didn't talk to anyone?
You sat down at the table, as Alastor did the same beside you. What were his intentions? You didn't know. You couldn't help but to glare at him, yet he still looked so comfortable and calm in his seat.
As he asked you what would you like, you answered harshly unintentionally. The atmosphere seemed tense, as the restaurant was filled with mostly silence. Most of the people already left, leaving you witt just a few people left waiting, not including staff.
You tried so hard to interact with the man before you, but the little voice in your head told you not to, for some strange reasons. Looking out of the window, once again, seeing countless cars and people walking. Pheraps some just went for a walk and others just came back from work? Maybe some of them just got groceries, maybe some of them are going to a important event. Your thoughts were interrupted with a sudden cough.
- Sorry, what were you saying? - You asked hurriedly, seemingly embarrassed by the whole situation. You hadn't had a normal interaction in a while.
- I'd like to apologize for being so pushy earlier, however i wish to get to know you. - He said with his signature smile. Before you could respond your food was delivered by the same young woman. 'Bon appetite' she said before running away.
- If you don't mind me asking, where do you work at? As far as I know the clothes that you're wearing aren't exactly cheap. - He asked, looking up from his now fresh food. - Before you ask "why? ". I'm asking out of curiosity.
You didn't know what to say, you were so embarrassed. You decided to try to dodge his question.
- I accept your apologies for being so "pushy" as you said. And also i don't mind you asking any questions, that's how conversations work, don't they? - You jokingly-asked trying to lighten the mood and make him forget about his question.
Alastor didn't respond, waiting for you to say something, his eyes saying everything. He relaxed a bit after hearing you sigh and finally answer his question.
- If you really must know, I don't work anywhere. - You mumbled quickly, as another sigh of relief could be heard from you. You were so reliefed that you already said it.
- I'm sorry, dear? I didn't quite catch that.
Shit. You truly didn't want him to know that you were unemployed. What would he think of you? When you said it the first time you didn't think correctly. What were you doing? You didn't know but before you acknowledged what you were doing it already slipped.
- I am an medical secretary. - You lied but didn't know what the fuck is a medical secretary. - It's a truly exhausting job if you'd ask me. Where do you work at? - You asked nervously before he could any more question about the job.
- Well, dear i thought you figured out who I am? - he chuckled slightly but when he say the look of confusion on your face he got a bit confused himself. - I am the radio host.
- I'm sorry the Radio host? - You questioned him being confused by his big ego. Frustrated, even.
- I'm sorry, so bold of me. - He fixed his composure. - I'm a radio host, just a radio host.
He was so reliefed that you didn't hear about him. So reliefed that you're not a psycho fan of his.
You thought it was an pretty easy yet exciting job. Sharing your thoughts about his job to him you were interrupted by someone walking in. Your chauffeur. You knew that you weren't the only one tired of waiting. You had to think of an plan quickly. You didn't think that medical secretary makes that much money. But it was too late he was already standing beside your table.
- Ma'am your mother told me that we need to get going now. - Your chauffeur said. Cursing under your breath, you decided to improvise. Just as you were about to say that you didn't know who he was. Alastor interrupted.
- Dear, you didn't say that you had a husband. - But you didnt? You looked at him like a deer at the headline, before fully understanding what he said. Now you had a plan. You stood up from your seat, excusing yourself, standing next to your chauffeur.
- I don't, yet. This is my boyfriend..uh.. - You looked at the chauffeur, trying to remember his name but failing miserably. - yes.
You saw the look of confusion in your chauffeurs eye, not wanting to look at him, you nooded at him to play along. Unfortunately for you, he didn't understand.
- I'm not sure you heard me correctly. Your dad ask- The chauffeur was interrupted by Alastor this time.
- I didn't know you had a boyfriend. - Alastor said glaring at the poor chauffeur.
- Because I don't! - You said after you realized that it was a terrible idea. Your hands sweaty from the whole situation. - This is my dad!
- Your dad? - They both asked confused at the same time. You were in a truly terrible situation. You didn't know what to say so you just nodded and tried to see what will happen next.
However despise your best effort to stay, you stormed out of stress, feeling the tears in your eyes. Gosh, why did you have to be so embarrassing?
Sitting in the car, you tried your best to not burst into tears. Your chauffeur soon following you and driving you home. It was too much for you. You just wanted to be normal, to have a healthy marriage, to love.
Is it that hard?
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@cherry-cola-100 @alastorssimp @cyganep @mutifandomkid @happytacojudgepalace @spirit-of-the-hollow @phisen
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