#she loves her grandma and she loves sitting in my spot on the couch
shrimp-propaganda · 6 months
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she's actually having a great time
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leossmoonn · 7 months
neighborly welcome | mike schmidt
summary - burnt cookies aren’t the only thing mike gives you
warnings / includes - reader is fem, natural time skips. lowk stalker/pervert mike, f oral, brief handjob, intercourse, after he worked at freddy’s, porn w/ plot
18+ below the cut
“you should get her a housewarming gift,” vanessa suggests.
mike’s body whips around from his perch at the window. “give who a housewarming gift?”
vanessa rolls her eyes and gets up off the couch. “the girl you’ve been stalking and are obviously in love with.”
he scoffs, the tips of his ears burning. “i’m not stalking, and i am definitely not in love with her.”
“fine. a crush then. still, you should get her something. welcome her to the neighborhood.”
“that’s not normal.”
“what? of course it is.”
“it’s not normal for me,” mike explains. he glances back out the window, spotting you in the same spot you were since he turned away. you’re gardening, your white tank top clinging to your body thanks to sweat. you’re wearing a visor to protect your face from the sun as well as sunglasses to shield your eyes. you bend down to pick up a pot, unknowingly giving mike a nice view down your shirt.
vanessa scoffs in disbelief. “you’re practically drooling.”
“what, i’m not,” mike denies. he brings his hand to his lips, wiping the corners and feeling a small amount of saliva that’s collected. he blushes and looks down at the floor, knowing he’s stared at you enough today.
“you should introduce yourself before she calls the cops” vanessa quips. “you don’t want a restraining order from someone you don’t know.”
“what do you suggest i get her then?” he asks. “bake some cookies or something. i don’t know,” she shrugs.
“so helpful,” mike deadpans. vanessa chuckles and stands up from the couch. “my grandma has this killer chocolate chip cookie recipe. i’ll send it to you,”
“is this grandma from your mom or dad’s side?” he asks. she rolls her eyes, “do you want my help or not?”
“yes, yes,” he nods. “i’ll send it to you when i get home,” she says. she walks to abby’s room, knocking on her door and biding ber goodbye.
“don’t get yourself arrested, mike,” vanessa warns him as she walks out. mike glares at her, but he knows she’s right. he looks back out the window once her car leaves his driveway. now you’re sitting on your porch steps drinking some water. as you take a sip, you manage to spill some on yourself, making part of your top see-through. mike knows he should look away, but it’s almost painful to tear his eyes away. his jeans are suddenly tight and he looks away in shame. he knows what he needs to do.
“can i have one?” abby’s eyes light up as she sees the cookies on the stove.
“only one,” mike says. “two?” abby changes her mind. mike sighs and nods, handing her two cookies. she grimaces at them, but still takes them. “did you make these?”
“yeah,” mike nods. “you should ask vanessa to make them next time. she’s an expert!” abby grins. she takes a big bite of one, slowly chewing and swallowing. “these aren’t terrible.”
mike’s eyes light up. when they first came out of the oven, he thought they were inedible.
“are you going to give these to the girl next door?” she asks. “i was thinking about it,” mike admits.
“get her something else to make up for the cookies,” abby says. she takes another bite, turning around and walking back to her room.
he takes her advice and goes back to the store. he picks out a bouquet of flowers that matched one of the types on your lawn. he takes a shower and tries on every outfit in his closet, which are all clones of each other. he goes out of his room, being met by abby at the table.
“you look like a robber,” she states. mike looks down at his outfit and back at her. “i do not.”
“you should buy more bright colors! like yellow!” abby grins. “i am not buying yellow,” mike shakes his head. she shrugs, “she’s going to think you’ll kidnap her with the cookies.”
“isn’t josie’s mom supposed to pick you up soon?” mike asks. as he said so, a minivan pulls up in his driveway. “call me if you need anything and behave!” mike reminds her as she rushes out the door. he watches as she gets into the van, making sure it’s josie’s mom who’s picking her up. once the car leaves, you come into view.
you’re chatting with one of the neighbors down the street. mike squints and looks closer, seeing a container of some type of food in your hands. he groans and rubs his hands down his face, his skin dragging along. of course everyone and their mother wanted to come and talk to you. you were the only thing interesting happening in this neighborhood since mike and abby moved in.
but he has to see you, to meet you.
he waits a little while, not wanting to overwhelm you. after an hour of waiting, he can’t sit still anymore. he grabs the container of cookies and flowers and makes his way towards your house.
his hand shakes as he presses your doorbell. he can hear the jingle from inside the house. he glances through your window, seeing boxes still sitting out, some opened and still sealed. he spots you walking towards the door and he steps a quick step back, his heart beginning to race.
you open the door, cool air hitting mike’s face. he can’t help but gawk at you. you’re much more beautiful up close.
you stand there, leaning against your doorframe and wait for him to speak first. he gulps, feeling his throat tightening and becoming dry. he’s parched all the sudden.
“hi, i’m mike,” he manages to say. you smile sweetly at him. “hi, mike.” you say his name slowly, making the ‘k’ sharp. he lets out a breath in response, looking down and remembering why he’s really here
“these are, uh, for you. to welcome you to the neighborhood,” he says, holding out the gifts. he’s never felt more out of place in his life. he feels stupid and uncomfortable, telling himself that this was a terrible idea and he should’ve left you alone. but as you take his gifts, you invite him inside. the offer makes his eyes go wide and jaw almost drop.
“i… are you sure? i wouldn’t want to intrude.” he says this, but he would be lying if he denied having any thoughts about going into your house and spending time getting to know you.
“yeah, i’m sure. you can help me eat some of the desserts other neighbors have given me.” you turn around and leave the door open. mike doesn’t know if his imagination, but your hips sway almost intentionally. you take slow strides, the sides of your body curving in. mike’s jeans get tight once again and he’s thankfully he’s wearing a t-shirt that can cover the tent forming.
his head perks up as you turn to face him, setting his cookies on the counter and putting his flowers in a vase. he’s astounded by how many other containers of sweets you have sitting around.
“wow. you’re popular,” mike chuckles. you sigh and nod, “unfortunately. don’t get me wrong, i appreciate knowing my new neighbors like me, but there’s no way i can finish all of these before they go bad. well, maybe i could, but i live alone and would rather not have pie and brownies for every meal.”
“i could take some home if that would help,” mike offers. “sure,” you say. “i assume they’ll be for your daughter?”
mike shakes his head quickly, wanting to erase any thought of him being with someone from your head. “no, no. i bet you’re referring to abby. she’s my little sister.”
“ah,” you say. he might be mistaken, but you look relieved. “she looks like a sweet kid.”
“she is,” mike nods. he looks around your house, seeing you’ve already started to decorate. his eyes catch a photo of you with a man and a little boy at a carnival. his heart sinks as he looks closer. the man’s arm is around you and you both are holding the child’s hand.
“that’s my brother and his son,” you say. you stand next mike, crossing your arms as you admire the picture. “that was my nephew’s sixth birthday. i won him a toy elephant.”
mike smiles a little. “i take it that picture was taken before you won him the toy?”
“yeah, but trust me, i did. and it was huge. he could barely carry it.”
“he’s a cute kid.”
“yeah, he got all the good genes from my side of the family.”
mike’s head turns to you and he stares at you again. you aren’t wrong. you’re gorgeous. you’re charming and funny, and your smile’s infectious. mike feels unworthy to be in your vicinity.
“do you like banana bread?” you bring him out of his daze. there’s a coy smile on your lips, like you know something about him. hear creeps up his neck and he makes a point to look away from you. “y-yeah, i do.”
you walk back to your kitchen counter, grabbing a couple plates and putting a slice on each. you walk to your living room and sit on the loveseat. you pat the space next to you for mike to join. it takes everything in him not to run over. he takes a small bite of the baked good after you do, lowly moaning at the taste.
“these are amazing. so moist and still warm,” he comments.
“the couple down the street brought these to me. laura and um… peter, i think.”
“oh, yeah. they’re nice. they bought abby a barbie when we first moved in,” mike recounts.
“wow, aren’t you two special,” you tease. mike laughs softly. “that’s the only gift we’ve received, but i didn’t care. and abby was just happy that she got a new doll.”
“well, now abby will have some treats to enjoy over the next few days,” you say.
“it’ll probably be gone in a day,” mike chuckles. “as long as they’re eaten,” you shrug.
a comfortable silence settles over you two as you finish the food.
“thank you for inviting me inside. you didn’t have to,” mike says.
“it’s no problem. thanks for being willing to take some of my treats home.”
“always happy to help,” mike remarks. he stands up, beginning to walk towards the door, but you stop him. you put your plate down on the couch ledge, your hand gently wrapping around mike’s wrist. your hand is warm and soft, making him feel all fuzzy. he turns to you, raising a brow in question. you take a shaky deep breath in, your mind racing with all the words you want to say.
“i want you to know, mike, i didn’t invite you in just so you could eat some banana bread.”
his mind is spinning. he’s confused, but also excited. “w-what do you mean?”
“i noticed you’ve been watching me.”
his heart pounds against his ribcage. sweat starts to form near his hairline. “i… i can explain.”
“there’s no need to because i’ve been watching you, too,” you admit. you take a step closer to him, or maybe he leans forward. he can’t tell who makes what moves. all he can focus on is his heartbeat that’s thumping in his ears and dark look in your eyes. he catches the way your eyes flicker down to his parted lips.
you lean forward, your lips hovering over his ear. he takes a deep breath in, the smell of shea butter and laundry detergent. your warm breath tickles his skin, making all the hairs on his body stand up.
“you should really keep your curtains closed when walking around with a towel on.”
his heart stops and he forgets how to breath. your fingertips skimming along his forearm brings him back to reality. his body feels like it’s on fire. he’s thought about being in this situation with you so many times. wondering how to make it come to life. he’s dreamed about you coming over to watch abby and that’s how it starts, or him helping you move something into your house and things escalate from there. he always thought that he would have to be the one to initiate something. honestly, he was so nervous, always thinking of how to make you like him. but now that you’re standing here, so close to him he could just lean in and close the gap between you two, he feels less foolish and ashamed of his thoughts about you.
you press a hand against his chest, feeling the soft tissue under his black shirt. you step further into him, but not so much to where you’re against him. mike can almost feel your weight and he wants it to be real. he needs to feel you pressed up against his lower half. he needs to feel your skin on his. he needs to know what it feels like to kiss you, hold you, fuck you.
“i know how you think of me, mike.” you say his name lowly. “i know you dream about me. i know you look forward to admiring me from your window.”
he’s so painfully hard. it physically hurts the way his dick is trapped inside his pants. he can feel a wet spot already forming, his pre-cum bleeding into his underwear.
“i think about you while i’m in the shower. i think about your big hands on my body. i wonder how it would feel with be pressed up against the wall, your cock inside of me. fuck,” you gasp into his ear. “i’m already so wet just thinking about you.”
mike grabs you by the hips, your body colliding with his. mike groans just at the feeling of your lips against his. he’s been waiting for this moment for so long. it’s so much more amazing than he could’ve ever imagined.
you take him by the shirt, keeping your lips onto his. your kisses become impossibly more messy as you both walk up the stairs. mike’s kisses are wet and desperate. his tongue slides against yours. your teeth clash with his as you push your body into him in attempt to get closer.
you leave his lips for a moment to open your bedroom door. “sorry, i still have to unpack some things,” you say, kicking some boxes out of the way.
“maybe i can help after,” mike offers. you give him a teasing smile. “after what, exactly?”
“after this.” he grabs you again, sliding a hand under your shirt. his hands are warm against your already hot skin. you sit down on your bed as his hand continues to scale your body, feeling over the underwire of your bra. he can feel your heart pound against your ribcage as his hand ghosts across your skin. you shiver in response. his touch is so gentle, so light. he wants to take his time with you, not believing he’s finally with you. but he also wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you so hard you can feel when you wake up tomorrow.
you scoot back onto the bed and he follows, his lips detaching from yours and starting to wander. you moan softly as presses sloppy kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. he begins to softly suck multiple spots, listening for which one gets the most rise out of you. there’s a spot just under your ear, close to the nape of your neck that has you breathing harder. you feel wetness pool on your underwear and you squeeze your thighs together. between his hand teasing your nipple and his teeth scraping against your skin, you’re tempted to shove his other hand down your pants.
he seems to hear your thoughts, taking his hand out of your shirt. he takes ahold of the collar of your shirt, ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere. you watch as his bicep flexes as he pulls on the material. you’re embarrassingly turned on by this.
“I’ll buy you another one,” he promises. you hum in response, shrugging the shirt off. you unhook your bra, flinging it behind mike. he takes his shirt off and undoes the buckle on his belt. you take the liberty in taking all your clothes off. mike pauses as he’s unzipping his jeans, looking down at your naked body. you quite literally take his breath away. your glistening folds is what catches his eyes and his mouth starts to salivate. he needs to taste you. he need you to come on his mouth.
“better than you imagined?” you ask. his eyes flicker back up to yours and you watch his pupil swallow his iris. “so much better.” he spreads your legs apart harshly, the sheets causing a burning sensation on your skin. he spreads your pussy with his fingers, burying his face into your thighs. his tongue first enters you, collecting your juices with quick swirls. he trails up to your clit where he attaches his lips to. he can feel you throb against his mouth.
“oh, fuck.” you throw your head back and your eyes roll. his fingers enter you and he can’t help but groan at how wet you are. you grip his hair and your thighs clamp over his ears and you begin to buck your hips up.
his fingers pump inside of you, making your legs shake. he sucks your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, his tongue circling every couple of seconds. your legs are squeezing his head so hard, you’re afraid you might burst it open. but he plants a hand on your thigh, his fingertips digging into your skin as he keeps your leg there. your moans become erratic. your chest is heaving up and down, your eyes screwed shut as you focus on the immense pleasure flowing through your body. your pussy gushes around his fingers, the sound turning you on even more.
mike starts to moan into your skin as if he can feel how amazing it is. the scruff of his facial hair prickles your skin as he begins to move his head, burying himself flush against your skin.
“mike,” you whimper, feeling close. you can’t help but shout out his name, your fingers pulling on the back of his head. your thighs tighten once more then loosen as you come. he doesn’t stop until you push his head away.
you look down at him. his lips and chin are shining with your juices. his hair is all disheveled and his face is all flushed.
“tired?” you tease. he shakes his head, taking off his pants and underwear. “i could do this all day.” at first you think he’s just joking. you’ve had men say that to you before, but from the way mike is looking at you, you’re confident he actually means it.
you sit up on your knees, taking him by the neck and kissing him. you can taste yourself on his lips and on his tongue. it makes you moan in his mouth. his hands find your waist and he pulls you into him, groaning just at how your skin feels on his. his fingers move across your back, feeling every inch of you. his hands land on your ass, playfully squeezing and earning a small gasp from you. one of his hands settle on your waist, slowly leaning you back. you fall on the bed, looking up at him with expectant eyes.
“do you, uh, have any condoms?” he asks. “i’m on birth control,” you say.
he’s shocked, to say the least. he would’ve worn a condom without a second thought, but man, he was feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.
he moves down to kiss you again. he can’t get enough of the way they fit so perfectly with his, how in-sync you are with him. he wants to get accustomed to making you come with his mouth, to feel your legs shake around him. he can’t wait to know what it’s like to be inside of you.
he has one hand by your head to keep him stable. his other hand hooks under your thigh, pulling you down closer to him. without a second thought, he slowly pushes into you. the moan you elicit could’ve made him come right then and there if he didn’t have any self control. his girth stretches you out as he pushes deeper.
your walls hug him like they’ve been yearning for him. once he bottoms out, he pulls back out only to slam into you. your hands wrap around his shoulders as he falls into a rhythm. your eyes screw shut as he hits that spot. your little gasps and moans spur him on. he takes a look down, watching as his cock disappears into your cunt.
“fuck,” he mumbles. he looks back up to your face. your chin is titled up and he can see your eyes roll to the back of your head. your lips are swollen and parted, his name tumbling out of your mouth. he could just fall in with you.
“mike,” you say, a hint of desperation in your voice. your nails dig into his shoulders and he knows you’re close. he lets his mind flow free with you in it. he doesn’t even have to focus that hard. your hips push up against his, the angle causing him to go slightly deeper. you both mumble a string a curses as you come. he pants your name as you feel him fill you with hot spurts, quiet whimpers sounding from his throat.
all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ears. you close your eyes for a moment and try to catch your breath. you open them back up once you feel him pull out, his cum oozing down your thigh. you watch as he puts back on his briefs, walking into your bathroom and finding a washcloth.
you can’t help but grin from ear-to-ear at his sweet actions. you let him clean you up, his thumb rubbing circling long your hip. you tug back on your underwear and grab a t-shirt and shorts from your dresser. you walk him downstairs, grabbing a few containers of sweets and handing them to him.
“i’ll, uh, talk to you soon?” mike asks. you stifle a giggle at how shy he suddenly has become. “of course,” you nod. you open the door for him, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
the next day, mike swears what happened with you was a dream. he just can’t wrap his head around the fact that he was inside your house and you let him come inside of you. but as he grabs his mail and sees an envelope from you, he’s assured that it was real.
he opens the envelope as he walks up his driveway, choking on air as he sees a polaroid of you in black lingerie. he takes it out, holding it up close to his face to make sure he’s not imagining things. he flips it on the back, seeing a message from you.
take me out on a date and maybe you’ll get to take that off of me xx
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wordsarelife · 6 months
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pairing: platonic!slytherin group x fem!reader
summary: the reader, who is obsessed with christmas wants to do something her friends aren't particularly happy about.
warnings; none
notes: sorry that i only post now, i didn't have internet for the past two days and thought i had scheduled the christmas calender posts, but it seems that something went wrong anyway, so i apologize
"why are we doing this again?" draco muttered as he watched enzo open the box he had helped you bring into the common room.
"it makes her happy" pansy was sitting next to him, her arms crossed.
"well, it makes me miserable" blaise let himself fall into the cushion and almost onto draco, who dove to the side just a second before.
"look where you plant your arse, you idiot!" he shrieked annoyed.
"this is the worst thing ever" mattheo was rolling himself a cigarette as he watched you across the room.
you were laughing at something theo said, while enzo was still busy opening the package your grandma had send. the two were the only ones who you got to help you with all of this. the rest of the boys and pansy didn't really know why they were here in the first place, but they all knew you were so happy about it, so not one of them dared to leave.
you let out a happy sound when the lid finally flew open. what you picked out next was making the rest of your friends look away in dread.
"i'm not wearing that" draco stated almost immediately.
"neither am i" blaise added
"oh come on" you were now holding the sweater in their direction "you would all look so handsome in them"
"did your grandma knit one for each of us?" theo asked as he took a look into the box.
"of course!" you smiled "she loves christmas just as much as me! and she likes all of you so much since you spend the summer, so she insisted on doing that"
"that was probably so much work" enzo took another sweater out and traced the pattern with his finger "half double crochet huh?"
all of you send him confused looks.
"my grandma used to do crochet" he mumbled, before he quickly folded the sweater and put it back into the box
blaise stood up from the couch and took a closer look on the sweater still in your hand. "grandma chrissie really did that?" he asked, while tearing up a bit "for us?"
"oh calm down, you moron" draco rolled his eyes.
"would you please put them on? for me?" you pleaded and did that look with your eyes your friends hated. it made the part of you stand out, that had also fitted into hufflepuff, before the sorting hat had ulitmately put you in slytherin.
"y/n" mattheo sighed
pansy shrugged and stood up from the couch. "i guess it's kind of cute" she simply said, before she took her sweater out of the box.
as if to not raise much awareness, blaise softly took his sweater out of your hands. theo and enzo searched for theirs silently and mattheo and draco looked at each other, silently fighting who was breaking first.
"sure" draco said bitterly and mattheo laughed in triumph.
each of your friends put their sweater on and you did the same. "now sit down!" you instructed "we're going to take a picture"
"do we have to?" blaise whined.
"for grandma chrissie?" enzo asked and you nodded, which made your friends hesitantly agree.
you set up the camera and directed your friends to sit on or stand behind the couch. then you sat down in the free spot in the middle, smiling brightly. "i hope you are all smiling" you mumbled and your friends did as instructed, to your surprise, without a single word of protest.
the camera signaled with a click that the photo had been taken and you laughed, clapping your hands. before you hugged theo tightly (he was the closest to you) "thank you guys"
without them really wanting it, mattheo, draco, pansy, blaise and theo had to smile at your enthusiasm and the childlike happiness that bubbled out of you. enzo smiled too, but he wanted it.
the picture was printed and send to grandma chrissie, where it found a permanent place on her fridge.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 10 months
Teething baby
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Ghost x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Pure tooth rotting fluff, child, married couple, crying, daddy Ghost, flirting, teething child
Ghost was taking care of the baby while Y/n was away for a Girls Trip
He hasn’t been able to do much on the father experience because of him working
But he does his best to take care of her while she is starting to teeth
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"So, you have everything? Food, milk and my number in case something happens?"
"Love, don't worry everything will be okay. I have everything under control."
"But I'm just worried, I'll be gone for a week."
"I know and you'll have a blast, you'll honestly probably forget we even exist...you'll run off with a Supermodel and start a new life."
"I would never, don't say that," Y/n hits his chest.
"I know, but everything will be okay, and I'll call if anything happens, okay?"
"Good, now, go enjoy the sun in Bora Bore," Ghost said, while he had his hands placed on his wife's waist.
"Okay..." she looked at the playmat that was in the middle of the living room. She walks over and bends down to her baby girl, Luna. "Ohh my baby," she says as she picks up her 3-month-old daughter.
Y/n kissed her daughters' puffy cheeks. "I'll be back Saturday," she told her daughter like she could understand her.
Y/n placed her daughter back on the playmat. She grabbed her bag and stood on her tippy toes to kiss Ghost's lips.
"Bye-bye, love," he kissed her again.
She walked outside and saw her best friend's car sitting in the driveway waiting on her.
"Sorry." Y/n apologized.
"Girl, don't come on, this is going to be EXCITING!! Hi, Simon," she greets Simon.
"Hi, Lydia," Ghost waved bye to both girls.
He back stepped inside the house and looked at his daughter on her stomach hitting the playmat. He rubbed his temple wondering what to do first then he caught a whiff of something.
"Guess my first thing to do is change that bomb of a diaper you have," he said, picking her up and giving her another whiff to make sure it was her, "Ohhhh! Yeah, that's you," he said as he went upstairs to her nursey to change her.
A few minutes later
Ghost sat on the couch with Luna on his bare chest, she was trying to put her fist in her mouth, but Ghost kept moving it from her mouth. She whined anytime he moved it.
"Stop," he grumbles. He was looking down at his phone trying to get advice from Price. Price is a father for 5 and took care of his children when his wife is gone.
Luna is Ghosts and Y/n's first child and sometimes still need help. Ghost was wondering what he did with his kids when his wife was gone?
Price: *We usually have fun like park, waterpark, shopping and sometimes playdate, but since she's still a baby, you probably can't do much*
"Great," he said to himself. "I'll think of something for us to do, while mama is gone."
Ghost looked down at his child and smiled at her. He kissed the top of her head and picked her up. He robbed his nose on hers and kissed her forehead.
"Maybe we can go...to grandmas and grandpas house? Actually, maybe not...they weren't happy when your mama started dating me and married me...maybe not. I do need groceries though," he said to her.
Ghost took her to her nursery and got a small dress on her and placed her in her baby carrier and he got his shirt on, jeans and grabbed some shoes.
He grabbed his keys and drove them to the store. He made sure she was strapped in the car as he drives. Every now and then looked in the rearview mirror to make sure she was okay.
She was asleep, she needed it, she kept Y/n and him up all night, so she needed it along with him. If she stays asleep for a while, he could probably get a nap in as well.
He pulled into a parking spot and got her out of the car. He placed her carrier in the cart and walked in, she was still asleep as they walked through the aisles.
"Mmmm~" Luna stirred in her sleep, he stopped the cart and looked down at her waiting for her eyes to open.
"Hi, baby," he coos.
Ghost jumps and looks down at her crying face. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he picks her up from the carrier. "You have some strong lungs on you, pretty girl."
"Oh, is everything okay?" A girl came walking around the corner seeing Ghost comforting his daughter.
"Yeah, she's...probably hungry..." he digs through the bag getting a bottle. He brings it to her mouth, but she pushes it away.
"Come on, baby," he says.
"Are you sure maybe, she needs her diaper change?"
"No, she's got a bomb on her, I would know."
Ghost looks at and saw something in her mouth, a peak of something white, he started to worry. "What is that?"
"Oh, maybe I can help, I can help a single father with his child," she pushed herself against him, but Ghost moved away from her.
"I'm married, I'll just call me wife and ask," he put her back down in the carrier and walk out of the store heading back to his car.
He placed her in the car and sat in the backseat with her as he called his wife.
"Ghost? Is everything okay?" She asks, worried about her husband and child.
"I don't know, I went to the store, and she was asleep, but she woke up screaming and crying. She wasn't hungry or needed a change, but I saw in her mouth something white. I couldn't get a good look at it, so I don't know what it is." Ghost panics.
"Simon, check her mouth again," poor Luna was still crying and somewhat hard to hear her. He pulls down her bottom lip and saw the white thing again.
"I think...it's a tooth."
"It's okay, little mamas, I'll take care of everything, I'll get her-"
"Teething supplies are at home, Lydia bought some when I was pregnant with her. She gave them to me at the baby shower."
"Okay..." he looks at her crying face as Y/n hung up and Ghost gave Luna a stuffed baby toy to chew on till they can get home.
"Y/n? What's going on?" Lydia asked.
"Simon, called...Luna has her first tooth coming in."
"OH, THAT'S EXCITING!!" Their other friend Zoe came sitting next to them. "I remember when Xander got his first tooth."
"Simon was a little nervous..." she said as the girls laughed.
"Jack Oscar, the famous Supermodel."
"Oh...Supermodel..." Y/n said, while looking at Jack who was very toned. She put her sunglasses back on her face.
"You...look beautiful," Jack said.
"I'm married," Y/n said, crossing her legs and leaned back in her chair.
Ghost got a teething toy for Luna, it was light pink with different textures on it, she snatched it from him started to teeth it.
He chuckled when she looked satisfied chewing on it. Ghost opened the drawer and saw the different chewing toys for her, some were purple and blue with different textures on them, others were circular and had ridges in them to scratch her gums.
"Wow, that's a lot."
*WAAAAA* Luna threw the pink one and made grabby hands for a new one, Ghost dug around and picked another random one, but she threw that one, she wanted to be picked up.
He picked her up and showed her the drawer filled with teething toys. She made grabby hands to a blue one, he let her get it and she started to chew on it.
He took her back to the playmat and laid her back on it. She smiled rolled back on her stomach. Ghost sat on the couch turning the TV on and watched his daughter to make sure she wouldn't do anything.
Luna stopped chewing and looked back at Ghost, she cried for her daddy's attention. He smiled and crawled to his daughter getting down to her level, he laid on his back as she got up top of his chest and she playfully hit his chest.
"Oh ah, ow, you got me," he jokes with her. She smiles and falls on his chest. Ghost chuckled and then he heard soft snores come from her, he looked at his chest and saw her asleep.
"Well, if you're going to sleep...I am too..." he said, putting his arm behind his head and his hand rested on his daughters back.
Ghost woke to the TV still playing and Luna was still asleep on his chest, he smiles and picked her up gently and slowly so he wouldn't wake her up.
He placed her in her crib draping a blanket on her, he turned on the baby monitor and he was about to close the door and he left the lamp on letting her sleep.
"Good night, little baby," he whispers before shutting the door. He rubbed his temple and heard his phone ping. He looked down and saw some pictures Y/n sent.
Ones where she was at the beach, her legs in the photo of the clear blue scene, her drinking from a coconut, her friends in the back having fun and then one with Jack Oscar in the back holding Lydias waist.
"Is that Jack Oscar?" He asks. "A Supermodel..."
Y/n sent another one, she was in a fishnet dress with a black two piece underneath the fishnet dress, she looked incredibly sexy in it. Ghost smirked knowing he has this beautiful, lady as his wife.
Simon: *You look beautiful*
Wife: *Thank you...is everything okay there?*
Simon: *Just perfect...she's in bed asleep...I gave her a few teething toys and she's been calm since we've been home. I saw Jack Oscar was there*
Wife: *Yeah, he's apparently there for a photoshoot, him and Lydia seemed to be getting along*
Simon: *Supermodel...has he said anything?*
Wife: *He said I was hot...*
Simon: *P.O.S. don't worry love...I got hit it on today by some woman, she called me a 'single father'*
Wife: *Bitch*
Ghost laughed. He got in the middle of the bed and looked down at his phone.
Wife: *Did you get groceries?*
Simon: *No...I'll go back tomorrow. This time I'll be more prepared*
Wife: *Yeah and avoid any thirsty and hungry women*
Simon: *I'll try, love...good night*
Wife: *Good night, Simon*
Ghost turned his phone off and placed it on his charger and looked at the baby monitor seeing Luna was on her back instead of her stomach.
He smiled and closed his eyes finally going to sleep.
*WAAAAAAA* Ghost's eyes shot open, and he looked at the baby monitor seeing Luna was awake, she sat up grabbing the bars of her crib with a blood curdling scream.
"I'm coming, baby," Ghost rubbed his forehead and started to make his way out of his bedroom to her nursery.
He pushed opened the bedroom door and saw her teary eyes.
"Alright, come on, baby girl," he picked her up and took her to the changing table, changing her diaper. Her cries soon stopped when he picked her up. He kissed her forehead and picked her back up and took her downstairs to heat up a bottle for her.
He had her in his arms, he grabbed a milk pouch and poured it in a bottle, he set it in the bottle warmer and looked down at his little girl.
"It'll be ready in a minute, baby," he said, kissing her puffy, tear stained cheeks.
The machine beeped, letting him know the bottle was warmed up. He tested the milk on his skin seeing if it was hot or just right, and it was perfectly fine.
He sat down on the couch, leaning back and propping her up so he could feed her. She suckled on the bottle as she looked up at him.
The bottle was done, and he placed the bottle next to him on the couch and put a towel under Luna's chin to catch her spit up. He patted her back and she spit up on the towel.
"That's why I did that, you spit up every time and half of the time we never catch it," he said, wiping her face with the clean end of the towel and tossed the towel in the laundry room.
He took her back upstairs but to his bed, he let her stay on Y/n's side of the bed. She rolled on her back and Ghost smiled down at her. He placed his hand on her stomach and closed his eyes.
Friday 7:10AM
Luna was in Ghost's arms, he tossed her in the air and caught her, he wanted to hear her giggles.
"I'M HOME!!" Y/n announces into the house. Luna giggled and Ghost stood up quickly.
"Welcome home," he said, kissing her lips and kissing Luna's forehead.
"Thank you, handsome."
"Wow...your skin...it's beautiful." He chuckles.
"Thank you, now...I want my baby girl," she turns to Luna with a big smile and taking her from Ghost's grasp. Luna giggled when she was being held by her mama.
"How was it?" He asked.
"I should be asking you that...it was amazing."
"Same, I need to spend some more time with my lovely baby girl," he said, kissing Y/n's lips and his daughter temple.
"You understand how hard it is?"
"I never doubt you, love. I know how hard it is and I try to be there for the both of you but-"
"Work...I know..." She smiles and kisses his lips.
"I'm sorry, love."
"For what?"
"For not always helping you."
"It's okay, Ghost, I know and understand..."
"Anyways, come on let me tell you everything that happened on the trip."
"Okay," he smiles
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
Mine 1 - Matt Sturniolo
(Fem reader x Matt Sturniolo, Stalking, Window watching, obsessive behaviour, talk of violence, idk)
A/n: I love Joe Goldberg so I wanted to write a stalker fic and make it about Matt, I know I already have the HSS series going but this one might not be updated as frequently until HSS is finished!❤️
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Matt’s POV
There she is, fuck. I’ve been trying to find her for the past 10 minutes, she almost saw me so I had to hide and I lost her. Look at her, smiling and laughing. Does she know what she does to me?
I walk after her, keeping my distance. She lifts her phone to her ear, “hey!” She spoke in a cheerful voice, she’s the happiest person I’ve ever loved. “I’ll meet you at my house!” She replied to whoever she was talking to. But it felt like she was talking to me, telling me she wants to see me, to be with me.
She continues to walk and I follow her, I pull out my film camera and snap a quick picture of her. I need more for my collection.
She walks to her front door, unlocking it with her key, the light from the outdoor lamp illuminating her perfect features. She walks in and closes the door behind her. I sit on a bench across the street and pull out my phone to lower any suspicions, not long after someone walks up and knocks the door. A man.
My jaw clenches, how can she do this to me? All I’ve done is love her, she doesn’t know who I am but still I feel like we’ve known eachother for lifetimes, I know all the things she likes.
She opens the door and hugs him, I feel anger rush through me. I walk around the back to get a closer look through the living room window, I’ve done this before so I know the most inconspicuous spots. They sit on the couch, not too close together so mustn’t be a boyfriend. Thank fuck.
While they turn on the tv I pull the window open the slightest to get a sense of what they are talking about. She never locks her windows, it’s like she wants me to listen to her. “Yeah just wanted to talk about grandma, she’s not right is she.” He spoke, grandma.. they’re related. I let out a sigh of relief and she nods. Her grandma has been struggling with her health.
They talk for a good 20 minutes before he leaves. She sits on her couch and lays her head back. I pull out my camera and snap another photo, I make a mistake by stepping backwards slightly because a twig snaps below my foot and her head shoots up at the window. Shit.
I make a quick decision by walking out from by her window and onto the muddy path behind the houses, she pokes her head out the window and I act confused, dropping my phone as if someone just pushed me. “Hey you!” She yells to me. I look up, “were you looking through my window?” She asks me, fear in her voice.
“What? Of course not, some idiot just ran past me and knocked my phone out of my hand.” I bend down and pick it up. “You okay?” I ask her, finally having the chance to talk to the girl that I’ve been following for a year.
“Yeah, maybe the guy who made you drop your phone was the creep looking in my window.” That word rang through my head, even though she didn’t know it was me, she still called me a creep.
“Maybe I should’ve been watching where I was walking.” I shrug, flashing her a smile, “it wasn’t your fault. What’s your name?” She asks me, I walk closer to her, looking up at her through the window. “Joseph.” I lie, “okay Joseph.. is your phone ok?” She smirks and I flip it over and inspect the screen. “Yep, I’m glad it is because I would’ve hunted him down.” I laugh and she smiles.
“I’m gonna go now, to shower.” She spoke, as if she wanted me to watch her. “Didn’t you shower this-” I cut myself off and clear my throat. “You do that.” I smile as I walk away.
Fuck Matt, your first chance to talk to her and you almost blow it. Fucking asshole. I grab my notepad, out my backpack and start to write. her cousin visited her around 9pm on 10/09/23 to talk about her grandmothers health, which has been declining recently.
I get home and instantly walk into my bedroom, I move the pretty much empty wardrobe out of the way from the room supposed to be a wardrobe, but I use it to store anything I can get about y/n. I open the door and look at the board infront of me. Pictures of her sleeping, walking, eating food with friends, shopping, etc.
I add the photographs from today to the board and smile as I admire her beauty.
I grab a piece of paper, and start to write her a letter.
My love for you is unexplainable no, unlike anything i’ve felt. I don’t want to overdo it with the love confessions as you will see my love for you, proven time and time again. Take these roses, I know they’re your favourite, not the light red ones but the deep red colour just as you like them.
All for you.
Shit is that corny? She’s gonna be scared, maybe she should be. Love is a frightening feeling, I need to go to the store to buy the roses. Hopefully she will appreciate the gesture, but she might freak out. It’s fine.
She doesn’t know the lengths I would go to for her, once someone tried to get her to go home with him when she was drunk and she said no, he kept trying and finally gave up. I made sure he could never do that to someone again, especially my love. So I carved the word, pervert into his forehead.
Nobody, can ever touch her except me.
She’s mine.
Y/n’s POV
I hop out the shower, making sure all my curtains are closed, I don’t want another creep to spy on me. I dress into my matching satin red pyjama set.
It’s been about an hour since that creep was by my window, I brush through my wet hair and put on some face cream. As I’m getting into bed I hear a knock on my door. “It’s 11pm..” I sigh to myself and put slippers and a dressing gown on.
I walk down my stairs before opening my door, nobody is there but I look down and see a bouquet of roses and a letter, closed by a red wax stamp. I tilt my head in confusion before picking up the flowers and note and walking inside.
I place the roses on my kitchen counter before opening the letter, it’s handwritten. I read the first line, y/n, my love for you is unexplainable no, unlike anything I’ve felt. My mouth drops open, do I have a secret admirer? I smile to myself at the crossed out word and correction.
I don’t want to overdo it with the love confessions as you will see my love for you, proven time and time again. Whoever this secret admirer is, has a way with words. I feel a sense of happiness wash over me until I read the last sentence. Take these roses, I know they’re your favourite, not the light red ones but the deep red colour just as you like them.
How do they know, are they watching me? All for you. I put the roses in a vase and put them on my shelf before taking the note upstairs with me. I place it on my bedside table.
I can’t help but feel a sense of flattery, whoever this is knows me. And they are in love with me? I wonder if it’s the creep from my window earlier, if so then I take it back.
I turn off my lamp and slide into my comfortably cold covers, before laying my head on the pillow, facing away from my bedroom door.
I hear a noise downstairs but i usually have a draft through my windows.
That is until I hear my stairs creaking..
A/n: did you see what I did there, bro called himself Joseph, Joseph is shorted to… Joe! Litro love stalker Matt, he’s a tad crazy and delulu but we love him all the same.🤍‼️
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind @accio326 @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @stingerayyy2 @freshsturns
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jennay · 9 months
I’m losing it
Request: let's say the reader has to stay at home to look after a sick older relative, but she is neglecting her own life, putting her own life on hold; so Noah pays her a surprise visit so they can spend some time together, so she can have a day to distract herself; just to remind her that she can count on him and that it's okay to allow herself to take care of herself.. That everything will be fine, he's there.
Noah master list
Word Count: 3500ish
No Warnings
An: I Hope this is what you were going for. Enjoy 💜
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Noah waited for several rings before he decided it was time to hang up the phone. He texted you several times throughout the day, hoping to get your attention, but it seemed like you were busier than usual lately. He didn't want to be an overbearing boyfriend, but he also needed confirmation that you were okay, and he wouldn't complain about having some other company than the men in his band. He loved them like brothers, but even brothers got annoyed with each other, and while they were on tour, it wasn't like he could escape from them.
Noah laid back on the couch as he turned the TV on. He needed something to drown out his worries.
"What's got your feathers all ruffled?" Jolly asks as he sits on a stool by Noah. He hands Noah a beer, and he gladly accepts his offer.
"Can't get ahold of (y/n)." He pops the lid of his drink.
"She's probably fine, dude. It's like midnight there. Isn't she her Grandma's caregiver? Old people get up early."
Noah sits up, crossing one leg over the other, still staring at the top of his can, debating if he wanted the alcohol because he was stressed or if it was because he would enjoy it. "She didn't text me today." He frowns, checking his phone one last time. "It's not normal."
"Call her in the Morning-"
"Hold on." He said, quickly answering your video call. "Hey!" He exclaims, getting up and walking to the back of the bus, leaving Jolly behind.
He saw you yawn in the dim light of your lamp. "Sorry to wake you up."
You shook your head and stretched on the bed, holding the phone above you. "You didn't. I was just about to sleep. Sorry, I didn't text you back. I kept forgetting, and I had so much to do today. It's been crazy here, and I feel like I'm losing my mind." You covered your eyes with your hand, trying not to cry. You didn't want to burden Noah with your problems, especially when he was so far away from you. "I should get some sleep." You whispered, removing your hand from your face.
"Baby…" Noah said softly, noticing the tears in your eyes. You looked different. Your eyes were duller than usual, you had dark circles under them, and your cheeks looked hollow.
"Okay," He said gently; he wanted to talk to you more and listen to your day, even if it was chaotic and stressful, but he felt he didn't know the person on the screen. He wondered if it was the camera angle or if you were losing weight again. He felt anxiety at every thought that crossed his mind. Were you sick, was it stress, or was taking care of your Grandma too much for you? It wasn't like you had any breaks, and even when Noah was around and able to help you, it was only for a few minutes while you showered or cooked dinner. There wasn't enough time to relax and care for yourself.
"I love you." He said sincerely. "I miss you."
"I love you more." You said softly, closing your eyes.
"Are you challenging me?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Because you'll lose every time."
You chuckled weakly, and he was glad to see you smile. "I'm too tired to argue with you right now, Love." You pulled the covers over yourself. "I'll talk to you in the morning. Sleep well."
He nodded in agreement, "I will soon. Bye babe, dream of me!"
You smirked, "I always do."
Noah walks to the other guys' lounging, "Where are we going next?"
Nicholas, who took over Noah's previous spot on the couch, gazes up curiously. "Why."
Noah shrugs, "I think I need to go see (Y/n). She looked rough and I’m a little worried."
His bandmates know better than to fight his ideas; once he was on a mission, Noah was not stopping.
"If you left tomorrow and met us out there. It could work, but you'd have what, less than two days to go there, fly out, and make it to the show?" Nicholas tells him.
"Sweet. Well, guess we're making a pit stop."
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Your phone alarm buzzed, and you pressed snooze at least three times before turning it off and getting up. The phone read 7 a.m., and you weren't ready for it.
You weren't the type to complain. You never did, especially in this situation. Even when you felt exhausted, frustrated, or lonely, you kept your mouth shut and your smile on. You didn't want to burden anyone else with your problems or make them think you were ungrateful for what you had.
A part of you guilted yourself every time you thought about what it would be like not to have the responsibility of taking care of your Grandma through her decline.
You loved her with everything you had and didn't regret choosing this path, but you wished you had a better understanding when you offered to help.
You wished you knew how hard it would be to see her forget your name, struggle with simple tasks, or lose interest in life.
You wished you had more support, resources, and time for yourself. But you never said any of this out loud.
Making your way to the bedroom bathroom, you start your routine for the morning. You brush your teeth, wash your face, and comb your hair. You look at yourself in the mirror and try to find some confidence in your appearance.
You put on some makeup and a simple outfit that matches your mood. You exit your room and go to your Grandma's room, knocking on the door and waiting for her to respond. You hear her shuffling to the door, and when she opens it, she stares at you with surprise.
You smile wildly, trying to ignore the signs of her not knowing who you are at this very moment. "Hi, grandma, I was coming to get you for breakfast." You hold your hand for her to grab, remembering your previous training classes.
She smiles warmly and takes your hand. You observe her outfit and note that she dressed herself for the day; that usually meant it would be a good morning.
You take her hand and lead her down the stairs, letting her lean on your shoulder as she descends slowly. You feel her grip tighten with every step and squeeze back reassuringly. You reach the kitchen and help her sit at the table, then go to make some coffee and pop some bread in the toaster.
"What do you want to do today?" You ask.
"I've gotta go to work," She tells you. "That Ranch won't take care of itself."
You bite your bottom lip, knowing she hasn't worked in years. "Well," You say, grabbing her toast and coffee for her to bring to her. "You have today off. Grandpa went and asked that I spend some quality time with you. He said you need to have a girl's day with me." You hated lying to her like this, but you knew it was the only way to help her through these things. She was diagnosed with Dementia a year ago, and you'd been taking online classes and seminars in hopes of learning how to cope and help a loved one with the disease.
"Oh," She says, sipping her coffee. "He's such a good man. You know we've been married for 62 years." She smiles, and you wonder what memories are going through her mind. "We were so young, and he was just as handsome as ever."
You bring your coffee over and sit next to her. "I bet! He'd have to be to score a woman like you!"
She giggles at your remark, "Should we see Betty Lou today?" She asks, referring to her sister.
You must think of another lie quickly before she notices something is wrong, or your mood has shifted. "It sounds like you're trying to get rid of me." You joke.
She smiles, tilting her chin to meet your eyes, "You need a husband."
No matter how far gone she'd gotten or aged, she would never stop giving you a hard time about not having a husband. She often forgot about Noah, and when you'd show her pictures, she would gush and tell you how handsome he was and that someday you'd have beautiful babies; she couldn't wait for that day. She once told Noah she knew a priest who could marry the two of you in the kitchen that day, and when you refused, she scolded you.
"I think we should get some baking done today." You say, changing the conversation. "I love those chocolate chip cookies you make."
Her eyes light up at the thought, and she agrees without hesitation. One of her favorite things to do was bake treats for everyone.
When she finishes her coffee and breakfast, you take her plates, and she follows you to the kitchen. You wonder how this will end; the last time the two of you did this, you nearly lost your cool. You tried to be patient, and you tried to be understanding, but you would grow tired and frustrated just as anyone else would.
You put on some music and start gathering the ingredients for the cookies. You hope the familiar activity will calm her down and bring back some happy memories.
You smile as you watch her hum along to the songs she used to sing to you when you were little. You measure the flour and sugar and hand them to her. She pours them into a large bowl and mixes them with a wooden spoon. You take the time to crack the eggs and add them to the bowl, along with some vanilla extract.
You open the bag of chocolate chips and pour some into a small bowl. You hand it to her and tell her to add them to the dough. She looks at you with a puzzled expression.
"What are these?" She asks, pointing at the chocolate chips. She doesn't remember what chocolate chips are. How could she forget something so simple and delicious? You try to hide your sadness and explain to her. "They're chocolate chips, Grandma. They make the cookies taste good. You love them, remember?" She shakes her head and pushes the bowl away.
"No, I don't like chocolate. It's too sweet." She says, making a face. You stare at her in disbelief. She doesn't like chocolate? That's impossible. She used to eat chocolate every day, sometimes even for breakfast.
She would always sneak you some when your parents weren't looking. She would say that chocolate was good for the soul and that life was too short to deny yourself pleasure.
How could she forget that? You feel anger and frustration. You want to scream at her and tell her that she's wrong, that she's not herself, that she's losing her mind. You want to shake her and make her remember who she is, who you are, and who you were. But you know that won't help. You know that won't change anything. You know you must be patient and understanding, even when it hurts.
You take a deep breath and force a smile. "That's okay, grandma." You say, gently taking the bowl from her hands. "We can make something else if you want." You look around the kitchen and see a bunch of bananas on the counter. You remember that she used to make banana bread with you when you were little. Maybe she would like that better. Perhaps she would remember that.
"Hey, how about we make some banana bread?" You suggest picking up a banana and peeling it. "You used to make the best banana bread in the world."
She looks at you with a faint smile. "Did I?" She asks, taking the banana from you and breaking it into pieces.
You nod enthusiastically. "Yes, you did." You say, hoping that she will believe you. "And I'm sure you still do." You grab another banana and peel it, handing it to her. She takes it and adds it to the bowl with the flour and sugar mixture. Add baking soda, salt, butter, and milk, stirring everything together. You hope that this will work out better than the cookies. You hope that this will make her happy. You hope that this will make you happy too.
She is exhausted after a few hours of work, and you gently wipe her hands and change her into comfortable clothes. You tuck her onto the living room couch with her favorite show, I Love Lucy, playing on the TV. You sit beside her and exhale deeply, feeling mentally drained. You tell yourself you'll close your eyes only for a moment, but that moment turns into a deep slumber; opening your eyes feels nearly impossible. You have been sleeping with your door open at night and constantly listening out for your Grandma. It has been hard to sleep sometimes, and it has only worsened as her condition deteriorated.
It's been hard for you to watch her decline and to be her primary caregiver. Today was a good day, but you still felt overwhelmed. Love wasn't always enough. Your eyes snap open when you hear knocking on your front door. You don't bother getting up at first. It is probably the mailman reminding Grandma to check her mail. He does it almost daily, but you open your eyes and get up when the knocking persists.
"I'm coming!" It seems like whenever you need rest the most, you are interrupted.
You open the door, ready to take the mail from the man, but your mouth drops with surprise. You can't believe your eyes.
Noah stands at your front door, smiling and holding his arms out. He pushes through the door and wraps you in a hug. "Surprise!" He says, kissing you, but you're still in shock. "What?" He says, looking at you with amusement. "You're not excited to see me?"
"Noah," You finally say, tears forming in your eyes. "What are you doing here? How did you…?" You pull him back to you, resting your head on his chest, and hold him tighter.
"I just wanted to surprise you." He says casually. "I was thinking we could go out for a little bit." He pulls back, bringing his hand to cup your face.
You can see the worry in his eyes as he watches you intently. His thumb gently brushes the free-falling tear. "I can't, you know that..." You say, glancing over at your sleeping Grandmother. "I can't just leave."
You close the door behind Noah and watch his eyes curiously bounce around the home. "It smells like banana bread."
"We did some baking...and-"
He cuts you off quickly, "Go shower. You have flour all over your shirt, and your aunt will be here soon, so we can go out for the evening."
You open your mouth to say something, but Noah shakes his head, "Go, besides, Grandma loves me. We'll be fine if she wakes up." He leans down, kissing you again before hurrying you up the stairs.
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You felt like you were in the shower for hours, but in all reality, it had been 30 minutes. It must've been the longest shower you've taken in a while, and it felt so nice not to worry about anything while Noah was downstairs.
You take your time brushing your tangled hair, putting on a little makeup, and getting dressed up in a lovely summer dress with cute wedged high heels, nothing too fancy or flashy. You don't want to draw attention to yourself or make Noah feel uncomfortable. He is already doing so much for you by being here.
As you walk into the kitchen, you hear dishes clink together and mentally slap yourself, remembering all the dishes you left in your sink. You had been too busy and stressed to deal with them, but now you feel guilty for making Noah do your chores. He is scrubbing away with a smile on his face while your aunt leans against the counter, talking to him. She seems to like him, which is rare for her. She usually disapproves of anyone of the male gender.
"You didn't have to do that." You tell him. You rest your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist.
He freezes briefly and then relaxes against your touch. "It's not a big deal, babe." He leans down and presses his lips against your hair, inhaling your scent. "I wanted to help out."
You smile, thankfully releasing your grip from around him. You say hi to your aunt but not much more. You weren't close with your family, and it often showed. You always thought it should be her caring for her mother, not you. But she had her own life and problems, and you had yours.
"Let's get out of here," Noah says as he dries his hands on the stove towel. Sensing the tension, he turns to your aunt, "It was nice seeing you again. We won't be too late."
When you exit the door, you hand Noah your car keys, "Where are we going?"
"I thought we could go downtown, get something to eat, and see where the night goes." He says, opening the car door for you.
You get in and close the door behind you. "I'm so glad you're here." You say, touching his arm. "Thank you for coming."
He pulls out of the driveway, "You don't have to thank me, babe. These are things you do when you love someone."
Noah glances from the road and at you, wondering what's going through your mind now. "I'm kinda worried about you taking this on by yourself." He admits. "I can see it's taking a toll on you."
You feel a tightness in your chest, "I'm okay, Noah. I just need to get into a better sleep routine." You try to sound casual, but your voice cracks.
He rests his hand on your thigh, rubbing your skin with his thumb. "Babe, it's not just the sleep." He looks at you with concern and love in his eyes.
You groan, not wanting to have this conversation with him, "Can we not do this right now?" You wish he would just drop it and let you be.
Noah pulls to the curb next to all the shops and small dinners. He turns the car off, walks to your side of the door, and offers his hand to you. "Well," He says, pulling you out of the car, "I think it's a conversation we need to have." He says as he guides you to the sidewalk. "You're neglecting yourself." Noah sighs when he sees you shutting down, your eyes staring at the ground, and you're hardly paying attention to what he's saying. "You know I'm happy to help, right?"
That gets your attention. Your head tilts up, brows furrowed, and you look at him, annoyed, "It's not your burden. Your job is touring the world and making music, not helping me care for my Grandma."
Noah stops in his tracks, growing frustrated. He pulls your arm back, dragging you to him. He holds both of your hands in his and leans forward, "My first job is taking care of you." He says, voice stern but calm. He wasn't budging on this. He cups your face with his hands and kisses you softly, "I love you more than anything, and I want you to be happy and healthy. Please let me help you." He pleads with his eyes, hoping you will open up to him.
You know he means well, but you feel guilty for putting him through this. You hug him tightly and whisper, "I feel like I have to do everything by myself."
Noah strokes your hair and kisses your forehead, "You don't have to do anything alone. I knew this was a thing from the beginning. We're in this together. Let me show you how much I care." He kisses your temple, "It's you and me against the world."
You look into his eyes and feel a wave of love, "Okay, okay. You win. I'll let you help me."
Noah beams proudly, "That's my girl. Come on, let's get some ice cream. You deserve a treat."
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thisismeracing · 11 months
oooh lewis + holiday + angst(?) 👀
congratulations on 1k bb! i love your writing btw from fellow brasileira
Holiday | LH44
⸺ the one where you are ready to settle down and go back to your home country, but Lewis is not. ✓ mentions of breakup and feeling homesick.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (CLOSED) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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When Yn left to pursue her dream she had barely reached the age of twenty-one. The world was fairly new to her and there were so many things to experience and discover.
Ten years later she felt like she had seen a bit of everything. She was aware that there were infinite possibilities of things to see around, but at that point, she wanted to settle for a bit. She was tired of traveling non-stop and all the different languages she had to use. She missed feeling when speaking, and how one word would bring a thousand memories, because speaking in English, German, or Spanish, would be it: just speaking. But speaking in Portuguese would always be communicating exactly everything she felt and wanted others to feel. Speaking in Portuguese was using the word "Saudade" and remembering how it felt to whisper that to her grandmother every weekend as if they were apart for years when in reality they hadn't seen each other for only five days. Speaking in Portuguese was asking for "Cafuné" and getting her hair messed by her mom, who would look down at her lying on the sofa, and caress her shoulders, somehow getting a bit of the weight for her too. Sharing the pain of missing someone they used to see every weekend. Speaking in Portuguese, more than just speaking was going back to the past in a homesick way that would make you feel warm and cared for. It was feeling whole, and right now, Yn felt in pieces.
"What's up, honey?" Lewis asked, sitting beside Yn and handing her a hot cocoa mug.
She grabbed the mug using both hands and shook her head staring at the foam, but they had been together for over three years and Lewis knew exactly when she was lying or dodging a conversation, so he made himself comfortable on the couch and brought Yn closer, kissing the top of her head. The warmth of his body and clothes made her tears finally spill.
"I'm cold," she choked, and he furrowed his brows. "I'm cold and I'm never this cold when I spend Christmas in Brazil. And it's playing Michael Bubblé, but my grandma would always listen to Roberto Carlos," the tears were freely drifting down her face, smudging her makeup and blurring her vision.
"We can spend Christmas there next year, babe, it's n-"
"I wanna spend every day there, Lewis!" She got up, dropping the small blanket that was on top of her legs. She cried harder looking around the empty house. His family would show up any minute, and some friends would probably do too, but her mom and her dad wouldn't. Her childhood friends wouldn't. Nothing that reminded her of home would. "I'm tired of flying nonstop, working from my computer, and having all my coworkers be online colleagues. I'm tired of the taste of the food everywhere we go because none of them tastes like the food my dad would do... I think I saw enough of the world, I wanna settle down, and...I wanna the safety of home." She blurted out.
Lewis listened to everything from his spot and he almost heard his own heartbreaking when she spoke about home as if her hometown was her home and not him. Because to him, she was her home.
“But- I’m not even close to retiring, I still have so much in me,” he mumbled, eyes cast down. He knew they could make it work with her living in a different country, but it would be exhausting. It wouldn't be giving their love the chance it deserved, but rather turning it into heartbreak.
“I know,” she nodded, feeling her heart clench even more. When their eyes met they knew exactly what it meant. They silently agreed to step back.
For Yn, speaking about “Christmas” would never be like whispering "feliz natal" while Roberto Carlos played in the background of the house. And now, for Lewis, speaking about Christmas would always be remembering how heartbreak felt like after you thought you found home.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: That was a bit self-indulged, I have to confess. But aaa Im happy you’re liking it in here *mwah* I hope this brazilian!reader angsty reached to your expectations.
I hope y’all like it too!! Don’t forget to reblog and leave me a comment 💗
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sin-petal · 2 years
HEAVY SNOW (a christmas special)
male y/n x Le Sserafim’s Kazuha (2100+ words)
TAGS: christmas!!! kinda sweet mc, strangers to potential lovers, unsafe sex, riding, multiple orgasms, and ugly sweaters
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the snow is heavy tonight, you thought, stirring the powdered milk in your cup to melt it with hot water. you thank god that you fixed the heater last week so now you won’t need to worry about being a popsicle overnight. it left a dent on your wallet, but it’s better to pay now than pay for hospital bills later.
with a sigh, you turned around and grabbed the bag of marshmallows, putting it in the chocolate drink. but before you take a sip, you heard a knock. now, you rarely have people you can call friends so visits are very rare, so you froze on the spot as you thought of answering it or not. all the windows are covered with curtains anyway, it’s not like they can look in to check if you’re inside.
more slamming on the door. “hello, is anyone there?” a lovely voice of a woman, which is literally rare, shocked you. you set down your mug and opened the door carefully.
someone you haven’t met before was on the other side, but god was she beautiful. she was wearing clothes that are definitely not for winter, and you could tell by the way she was hugging herself and her body shaking plus the red on her cheeks and nose, she’s cold as fuck. but she’s definitely working that white top and the large denim jacket that’s falling off her shoulder with the matching denim pants.
“c-can i come in?” she said, and it reminded you that there’s a (beautiful) girl shivering in the cold in front of you and you’re staring like an idiot.
“of course, right, sorry.” you step out of the way and invite her in. she shook her head to remove the snow on the top of her hair, before stepping inside and removed her shoes. you could hear the relieved sigh when she felt warm again after you closed the door.
“what are you doing here? and who are you? and why are you dressed like that?”
she laughed, a beautiful sound, before sitting down on the couch and covered herself with blankets. you remembered your hot chocolate and checked on it, and sighed happily when it was still warm. you decided to give it to the girl instead.
“calm down. i’m kazuha. and i… was in a party earlier, but then caught my boyfriend cheating on me so i, um.” she sniffled a bit, and you couldn’t see from where you’re standing if it was from the cold or not. “i lost my ride so i tried to walk from home but the snow got really heavy as you could see and i need somewhere to sleep in the night.”
kazuha smiled and took the hot chocolate, where she closed her eyes and let the warmth from the mug fill her hands. “your boyfriend sounds shitty.” you whisper, sitting next to her. “i mean anyone who dates you would be so lucky and i would never do that,” you stammered out, shrugging. “and i’m um, y/n.”
“you don’t know who i am. what made you think he’s so lucky?”
“well… you’re really insanely beautiful.”
kazuha laughed before taking a sip. “typical man. seeing someone pretty and you go crazy.” she kept drinking for a while before standing up to put it on the table. you watch her, staring at her figure. “that’s not true. i’m sure your good looks match your personality.”
she scoffed, turning around and leaned on the countertop. “didn’t stop him from cheating, right?”
“listen, he’s a piece of shit.” you shake your head and got up as well. “you should change clothes. i have a sweater.” you went to the closet and chose a random sweater, which ends up being a christmas sweater.
“he is a piece of shit.” kazuha confirmed. “also i cant believe you have an ugly christmas sweater and you’re going to ask me to wear it.”
scoffing in fake annoyance, you clutched the sweater close to your chest. “i’m offended that you’ll say it’s ugly. my grandma made that.” kazuha’s eyes widened and you could see the guilt in her eyes, but it disappeared as soon as she saw you were joking. “asshole! i was about to apologize.”
“you can still grovel and beg.” you comment, tossing her the sweater before turning around so you can give her some privacy. you could hear her removing her clothes as she muttered, “you would love that.”
and she’s right, you would. but you keep it to yourself. you bit your lip and kept quiet until you heard some of your things falling on the floor. out of concern, you turn around and gasped when you saw kazuha still in her underwear.
“sorry, i pushed your charger off the table. i don’t think it’s broken so–” she stopped when she saw you staring, her eyes giving a mischievous glint. “do you like what you see?”
at this point there’s no point in hiding it. she’s fit, her skin looks smooth and all you want to do is touch her all over. her breasts look cuppable in your hands, and her thighs would be good around your head. there’s really no point in denying it now, considering you’re growing hard just by the thought.
about to apologize in order not to creep her out, you stopped when you realized that kazuha walked closer to you instead. there was a smirk on her lips before she repeated her question. “do you like what you see?”
“um yeah, i, um. yes.”
with a laugh, she pushed you easily on the couch, landing with a small grunt on your lips. you looked up at her as kazuha sat on your lap, her crotch right on top of your clothed dick. “oh, wow.” was all you could say.
“i should say that. you feel big.” kazuha then slowly unhooked her bra, which caused you to look away. “kazuha, what are you doing?” you ask, your heart beating fast. “this feels wrong.” it doesn’t. but you barely know each other and suddenly you’re fucking?
“listen, y/n. you’re horny, and i want a distraction from my ex. and… consider it payment for the night.” kazuha held your chin, tilting your head. “you’ve never had hookups before? one night stands?”
you haven’t. mostly because you didn’t have a lot of women come in your life to hookup with, but you aren’t saying that to kazuha right now. “um. maybe we can have a date after this. i know a killer place that sells good lasagna, its perfect for cold winter days—”
kazuha simply shushed you with a soft kiss. that kiss was all the consent it took for you to kiss her deeply, wrapping your arms around her waist and pulled her closer. she kissed back immediately with her arms around your neck and her hands messing your hair. her lips feel so good on yours, soft and sweet. her mouth automatically parted to let your tongue in, and both of you let out a small moan when she started moving her hips, and you could feel the wetness of her pussy seeping down on your shorts.
you pull her away only to remove your shorts and her underwear. you sucked in a deep breath when you realized how wet she was. “oh—you’re just ah,” kazuha cut you off by rubbing your tip, her finger spreading your precum. “less talk more sex.” she kissed you again, your hand reaching down to play with her pussylips. rubbing it softly while ocassionally touching her clit got her moaning a bit louder, so you decided to plant hickeys on her neck instead.
“fuck, y/n put your fingers in—god!” you thrusted in two of your fingers at once, knuckle-deep. you look at kazuha’s reaction, her head tilted back, her panting and her hips matching your thrusts. you could see her abs tense, and it’s incredibly so hot you could feel your cock growing bigger.
you took your time spreading your fingers in her pussy and exploring her walls, before pressing on her spot. it made her moan loudly and slightly pull away from you that it made you tighten your arm around her waist. “keep still.” you whisper near her ear before kissing her again and continue to rub her over the spot.
kazuha was shaking in your arms, and it didn’t even take a minute before she came all over your fingers. concerned with how intense she reacted, you asked her if she’s okay.
without any answer, she just quickly positioned herself on top of your cock. “i’m going to ride you and you’ll love it.” kazuha smirked and leaned down to kiss you just as you pushed your tip inside her slowly. her pussy was loose and wet enough to go inside with little resistance.
it felt heavenly. kazuha was warm and soft inside, and there was just no words to describe it. “you’re big,” she laughed softly, a contrast to what they’re doing. you reach up and smoothen the crease going on between her furrowed eyebrows, your other hand helping her go down on your cock. “bigger than your ex, i hope?”
“oh, much bigger. and much better.” kazuha assured you before sighing once she was fully seated, and soon she was moving. soft moans and grunts filled the rv, and you felt brave enough to go a bit rougher. you matched her pace with your hips, thrusting up when she goes down.
few minutes pass by and kazuha’s moans got louder and louder. her pussy was also squeezing and clenching more than usual which is a sign that she’s close. you are too, but you wanted her to be the one who cums first.
“you’re so hot.” you blurted out, and it seemed to be just the trick to make kazuha spill over the edge, her hips shaking and her loud moans near your ear was enough as well to pull out and cum on her toned abs.
kazuha looked down and smiled, before grabbing your chin again so she could kiss you. you kissed back desperately before flipping you both over so kazuha’s the one pinned down on the couch. you pushed inside her again, moving your hips steadily and focusing on hitting kazuha’s spot.
her loud moans were motivations to keep going, and her nails dug on your forearms as she tried to match the pace. “fuck, you’re doing so good, y/n—!”
a burst of pride filled your heart and it made you move faster and harder. it’s rough and you were about to ask her if she’s okay but with how she’s rolling her eyes back and keep blabbering at how it feels so good, then it must be the right thing to do.
it was a surprise that you managed to last for more than five minutes with how good kazuha’s pussy was clenching around you, every time you pull out it seems like it’s asking you not to.
you were focused, one of your hands playing with kazuha’s nipple, rolling your thumb and squeezing it. she squealed occasionally and would always moan your name loudly. she sounded so beautiful. your name sounded so good on her lips.
“kazuha,” you groaned out. “i’m fucking going to cum.” kazuha nodded and reached down to rub her clit, which caused her hips to shake intensely. “do it fuck, cum!”
you pulled out again, cumming all over her abs once again as she did the same. you then sat down beside her, trying to catch your breath and looked at kazuha who’s doing the same.
“that’s one of my best hookups ever.” she laughed, leaning her head on your shoulder. “that’s the first of my hookups ever.” you responded as you leaned your head on top of hers.
“you’re a virgin?!”
“no, dumbass, i’m not. i just don’t do hookups.” you laughed at her reaction and flicked her forehead.
“well,” kazuha shrugged as she sat up straight so she can look at you properly. “it doesn’t have to be a hookup.” you raised your eyebrow at that, making sure you’re hearing it properly. she saw the look on your face and rolled her eyes. “come on. i don’t want to treat you like a rebound but you’re cool and i want to give you a chance. i also want to know you better.”
you smiled and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. one, two, five seconds, before you pulled away. “good thing there’s a coffee shop nearby. just a five minute walk. we should go there tomorrow morning.”
“it’s a date.” kazuha smiled and wrapped her arms around you, kissing you deeply. “good, then you should wear my ‘ugly christmas sweater’.” you reply while doing air quotes. kazuha snorted, nodding. “fine. make sure you pay for everything.”
you pull away from her and grabbed your thick blanket, covering the both of you to keep you both warm. and with a small smile on your face, you both cuddle tightly on the sofa.
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french-goodbye · 2 years
cuidaré nuestra historia la novela de los dos felices
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summary: you have a novela kinda of love. you're not even a little bit mad about that.
pairing: argyle x reader
notes: i may have watched maria del barrio solely so i could mention it in one phrase in passing. but that was like, you know, for research purposes only. 10/10 would recommend tho. also motivated by me being a latina and loving argyle with all my heart. title from the song la novela by boy pablo and cuco.
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every friday night since you began dating argyle six months ago ends the same way, to you driving to his house after work to have dinner with him and his family and spend the night at his place. on saturday you'll spend the day together before going to your place so you can have dinner with your parents, just so they can't complain about you never being home.
when you get to his front porch, the front door's unlocked so you can let yourself in, he does this even though you know his mom will yell at him for it later, claiming he should get up to welcome you in and he'll answer that you basically live there already.
you smile softly as you toe off your shoes in the entrance, seeing all the other shoes lined up neatly against the wall and your boyfriend's sneakers thrown around.
when you walk in, you can see the top of argyle's head in an armchair, his back towards the door, and his abuela in the couch. they're watching one of her telenovelas and speaking a rapid spanish back and forth. before you can go to him, his mother sees you and approaches you from the kitchen.
"hola, querida" she says enveloping you in a hug. you place a kiss on each of her chees.
"hi, ms garcia" you say as you let her guide you to the kitchen island. she ushers you to rest your bag there and sit down on the stool. you can smell the strong scent of cooking garlic in the air.
"those two are still watching their telenovela... they do this everynight." she playfully rolls her eyes as she goes back to chopping onions on a cutting board on the counter.
"really?" you question as you lean on the kitchen island, watching your boyfriend and his grandma together, now watching the tv eagerly as a woman hits another one in a wheelchair. huh.
"oh yes, they're insufferable" she replies cleaning her knife with her finger and starting to chop tomatoes.
"can i help with anything?" you offer even though you'll know she'll say no.
"oh no no, querida, don't worry about it." she waves her hands in your direction.
"he really watches that stuff? he never told me about it" you ask as she offers you a taste of the food that's simmering in a pot on the stove. you try it before giving her a thumbs up.
"hmm... that's really good" she gives you a proud smile before stirring again and answering your previous question.
"sí, i'm telling you. you usually get here after they're done but when he doesn't get to watch it, she tells him about it the next day" she shakes her head fondly, looking back at them.
the episode is now over and the credits are running, so argyle gets up, still talking to his abuela and stretches his back.
"go, you should say hello." she tells you, patting your shoulder gently and going back to her chopping.
you stand up but before you can walk to him, he finally turns around and spots you, his eyes immediately lighting up and his lips opening up in a huge smile.
"mi amor!" he practically runs to you and engulfs you in a hug. his arms wrap in a tight vice around your shoulders and you'd be embarrassed by the display in front of his family if you weren't used to your boyfriend's affection by now.
you laugh into his chest. "hey babe" you fold your arms around his torso, enjoying the closeness and breathing him in, the familiar smell of weed and the cologne he applied that morning.
"why didn't you say hi?" he says sinking his face into your hair and taking a whiff.
"i just got here, was just talking to your mom" you say as he finally pulls away, his arms around your shoulders still keeping you close.
"i'm almost done" his mom says still focused on the food in front of her. "now get out of my kitchen" she shoos you both.
argyle grabs your bag with one hand and interlocks his free one with yours to pull you towards his room. you wave quickly to his abuela as you walk past her, her attention already focused on the next show on the tv and she barely moves her eyes away from the screen as she waves back.
when you finally get to his room he softly closes his door behind you and abandons your bag on the floor. he crowds against you, holding your face with both of his hands.
"hey" he smiles at you.
"hi" you answer smiling, letting both of your hands rest on his hips. he guides your face to his and softly presses his lips against yours.
"i missed you" he tells you, his lips moving against yours.
"you saw me this morning" you laugh into his mouth.
"still missed you." he laughs back, hiding his face in your neck.
"i missed you too"
he walks backwards into his room, still wrapped around you. he guides you to his bed and when the back of his knees hit the mattress he lets himself fall backwards and takes you with him. you squeal as you fall into him.
you settle more comfortably on top of him and his arms move to your waist to pull you closer. you watch the way his hair fans behind him on the bed spread and the smile he gives you.
"you're cute" you whisper as you move to press a kiss on his nose. his body shakes when he laughs underneath you.
"you're cuter" he says as you plant kisses all over his face. his forehead. his brow. his cheek. his chin. his jaw. the corner of his mouth. he giggles.
you kiss his lips before he can continue to argue. he's okay with losing this time if it means you'll kiss him like this.
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kennyfightme · 1 year
★Theo uses he/him in this to make reading a little less confusing.
CW- Weed mention, Drinking, Substance abuse, Very brief nsfw mention (not fully said), Clyde
Theo emoji count: 1
Word count: 2k EXACTLY ★
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Theo took a deep breath, standing outside Clyde’s house. It's just a sleepover. One that YOU planned. He kept repeating those words to himself over and over in his head, but for some reason he was still nervous beyond belief. Almost the second he brought his hand up to knock at Clyde’s door, it swung open.
“What are you doing just standing out here?? Bozo.” Clyde ushered him in while Theo giggled quietly.
“I was about to knock, loser. You interrupted me, Heart break emoji.” Clyde rolled his eyes and huffed, shoving Theo further into the house.
“Stop talking like that. It's not even funny.”
“Snoreeeee.” Plopping down in his designated spot on the couch, he watched Clyde shuffle over and sit next to him. Theo took a deep breath before speaking. “Sooo what are we planning on doing tonight? I was thinking about a movie binge. I brought my weed too, if you wanna smoke?” The older boy flashed Theo a toothy grin, the tiny gap in his front two teeth showing. Most people wouldn't notice it, but it was one of the many small things about Clyde that Theo had memorized.
“Well….I’ll do you one better. Y'know how I've been absolutely itching to get drunk recently? I got grandma to buy us some alcohol!! We could, and should, totally get drunk and watch horror movies.” Theo clenched his teeth. Alcohol? That was a terrible plan. Everytime Theo got drunk he ended up crying about something, and Clyde knew that. Still…Seeing how excited Clyde seemed he couldn't bring himself to say no.
“Yknow, if I didn't know you I'd one hundred percent think you're an alcoholic.” Clyde rolled his eyes at the other brunette, while jumping off the couch. Grabbing Theos hand, Clyde dragged him up. The shorter boy found his eyes lingering on Clyde's hand on his and felt his breath catch in his throat. Fuck. This would be a long night…
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Theo leaned against Clyde's large chest, half paying attention to the movie playing and half paying attention to the other males breathing. Inhaling sharply, Clyde went to speak but stopped almost immediately.
“What's up?” Theo cringed at the slight slur in his words, while Clyde simply sat in silence for a minute, trying to process what he wanted to say.
“I'm just thinking…Is your boss single? Y/n I mean…” Theo felt a deep pang in his heart, not having it in him to respond, and directing his attention to the TV instead. “She's just so pretty…And she's smart and funny..and her eyes too! They're soo beautiful and-” Clyde paused, noticing his friend's clear discomfort. Sorrow slowly started to rise in Theo's chest, quickly being replaced with agony, which only got worse the more he saw and heard the man he had been so hopelessly in love with for so long. “Yo? Earth to Theo?”
“Im uh…Gonna go to the bathroom.” God, His attempt in words really was pathetic. They came out quiet and hushed which only drew attention to how upset he was. This was stupid. What was he even so upset over? It's not like this was the first time this was happening. I mean, He used to witness Clyde and Bebe swooning over each other constantly. A scowl formed on his face at the thought of Bebe. Their relationship was never good, always fighting and treating each other like objects. They were trophies to one another, nothing more, nothing less. The star quarterback and star cheerleader. Destined to be together forever, or something stupid like that. Theo attempted to push himself up, feeling his whole body wobble. When did he get so drunk? God, he was barely able to stand. He certainly wouldn't have gotten this drunk on his own. Maybe it was some desperate attempt to stop feeling. Maybe if he got drunk enough, Clyde would go away.
“Yeah dude no, You’re too drunk i dont think that's a good plan. If you really have to pee, go ahead. But I know you don't. Sit back down, c'mon tell me what your problem is.” Theo groaned, the sound of Clyde’s voice making him more angry than he ever thought it could. Still, knowing he should listen to Clyde, he tried to sit back down on the bed. Well tried. He ended up more…flopping down onto his stomach instead. Clyde accidentally let a chuckle slip and Theo felt the anger start to bubble up more aggressively. How dare he think this was funny? Theo was almost to the point of tears and Clyde was laughing? Finally, tears started to escape his already swelling and red eyes. Much like a torrential flood. Except this had been coming for a while. As much as he tried to keep quiet and pretend nothing was wrong, he just couldn't anymore. First, Clyde noticed the shaking. And then the muffled wails.
"Fuck man… I'm sorry I didn't mean it.." He awkwardly placed his hand on Theo's back, rubbing it up and down. "C'mon… tell me what's wrong dude." Theo sobbed into the bed, trying desperately to get words out but he couldn't. Clyde grabbed him as gently as he could with the alcohol flowing through his system, pulling him up into a hug. "Hey hey… shh you're okay. Get it all out buddy… '' Clyde looked down and cringed at the snot on his letterman jacket, but chose not to say anything for his best friend's sake. Why did he even still wear that thing? He wasn't in highschool anymore. Theo sobbed aggressively into his chest, trying his best to take deep breaths and calm down. But no matter what he did he just couldn't. "Theo please… cmon, tell me what's wrong. I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to be here for this kinda stuff."
"I don't want you to be my best friend!!" Theo wailed louder, sure he had woken up Clyde's grandma at this point but honestly. He didn't have it in him to care anymore. He fucking hated that word. Friend. It haunted him, constantly dangling over his head. The thought that he would never be more than friends with Clyde burned in his chest. He would never see Theo the way that he had been desperately craving since highschool and that thought killed him. Rage, Sadness, fear and surprisingly, disgust flooded through Theo's fragile body. What was he disgusted by? He had no clue. Maybe it was the fact that he was convinced Clyde was just ignoring the signs to hurt him. Or maybe it was that he constantly rambled about Y/n, and other girls.
Clyde sat there in shock. "Theo… what? What do you mean?" Theo aggressively shoved the taller male away, harder than he was intending to.
"You're so fucking stupid!! I've been fucking… fucking… pining!!! I've been pining after you for years Clyde!!! Since fucking highschool! And you just… you… You!!!" Theo hated himself for putting everything out in the open like this, but he couldn't stop himself anymore. His confession was supposed to be romantic, with flowers and those donuts Theo made that Clyde was obsessed with. Not some drunken, disgusting mess. "You pretend not to notice anything and I can't take it!! I can't take it anymore Clyde!! I'm so hopelessly in love with you and it hurts! It feels like you're constantly tearing into my chest and ripping my heart out, Clyde.."
Oh god. He was gonna vomit. The pounding in his chest wouldn't stop. Puke rising in his throat combated the heavy sinking of his heart. He was slightly thankful for the alcohol in his bloodstream. If it wasn't for the vomit, he probably would've kept going. The brunette's eyes kept darting around, refusing to focus on his crush. There was no way he could face him now. No way he could make eye contact. Theo jumped as Clyde put his large, calloused hands on the much smaller man's shoulders.
"Theo…I didn't." He was clearly hesitant, trying so hard to form the right words. "I didn't know you felt like this…I'm so sorry." The sincerity in his words hurt. He was sorry, but could never feel the same. Theo knew what he was getting at, he had seen this happen to his friends many times before. But being in that moment? Actually experiencing it? That was something completely different. There was no way it was supposed to hurt this much. Nobody seemed to have felt the pure anguish that he was feeling in that moment. Or maybe they were just better at hiding it than him.
"I'm sorry I can… I can leav-" Theo froze, being cut off by… Clyde kissing him? He felt large hands dragging down from his upper back, to his lower hips. Oh god, what was he supposed to do? Theo had never been kissed before… He found himself leaning into it though, hands drifting on top of Clyde's. The two pulled away, wide surprised eyes meeting hooded lust filled eyes. "I… " Theos face burned a pale shade of scarlet.
"You don't have to say anything. I shouldn't have done that."
"Can we… maybe do It again?" Clyde hummed, gently grabbing Theo's chin, and pulling him close. Their lips met, and the brunette instantly felt sparks. This kiss felt so much deeper, so much more passionate. Tongues dancing together, like a forbidden tango. The two's hands desperately crawled against each other's bodies, needing to be as close as physically possible. It was almost as if they were trying to crawl beneath the other's skin.
Theo never felt as loved as he did in this moment.
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The next day was long and agonizing. Kneeling on the library floor, Theo whined, holding his head. Fuck… everything hurt. More than it usually did when he was hung over. His brain flashed back to this morning. It was… awkward to say the least. Clyde never mentioned what happened between the two, and Theo spent his time trying to tiptoe around it. A sigh escaped the young man's cracked lips. Who knew kissing someone all night would make them feel so dry and crusty? Thank god he was here, organizing books. At least that kept his mind mostly occupied.
The library's bell dinging dragged Theo out of his thoughts, as he stood to greet the customer. “Welcome to- Clyde?” Clyde grinned at the green eyed boy, speaking slightly louder than needed.
“Hey!! Where's Y/n? I stopped by earlier but neither of you were here…” The 20 year old trailed off, eyes darting around the store. Theo felt his heart sink immediately. Why was he still focusing on her? After last night…He should've been coming into the store looking for Theo. He heard another sigh unintentionally escape his lips.
“We’re in a library, Clyde. Keep your voice down…” Theo walked closer to Clyde. Their height difference seemed bigger than ever, the older and taller man appearing to tower over the smaller, younger one. Theos voice hushed slightly, whispering up to him. “And I'm still hungover from last night…” Clyde's eyes rolled.
“Yeah yeah… Where is she though?” There was that sharp pain again. A frown formed on Theos face.
“She's not in yet…Can we please talk about last night?”
“What's there to talk about? We got drunk and watched movies together.” Theos brows furrowed at that, that feeling of despair and agony starting to come back.
“What? Clyde we…We spent the night making out and cuddling together. You couldn't have forgotten about everything. Clyde you took my-” Clyde almost immediately busted out laughing, cutting Theo off. What the fuck was so funny? Last night was so serious to him. Why did Clyde always seem to laugh during important moments to Theo? Clyde spoke, and immediately his eyes widened. Despair quickly started to pull at his chest.
“Oh my god, what are you talking about? I'm in love with Y/n? You know that… Besides, I'm not even close to gay. "
Fuck. Theo was going to vomit.
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belethlegwen · 2 years
Laundry Day
So I stayed up way too late last night, and being one of the ancient Elder Millennials (and also secretly a 100 year old grandma who's usually in bed by 10) my body is throwing an absolute fit this morning. Here, please enjoy this small little fluff piece of Melanie and Henry being 'domestic' together.
    The sound of the dryer’s musical buzzer woke her out of a comfortable nap, and Melanie’s eyes opened blearily toward the ceiling. To her right the out of focus shadow of Henry was standing from his favourite chair on the coffee table, stretching as the screen of the phone he was browsing on flicked to black. The giant woman blinked with a tired groan, stretching her legs and toes down along the L-shaped couch as the 7-inch man stepped toward her, his smirk becoming visible as the sleep cleared from her eyes.
    “Thought you’d be out for the night for a moment,” he called softly as he adjusted the cuffs of a sleeve. He had taken off his coat and draped it over his small table, and he was standing in just a loose off-white shirt with a high collar, brown vest and pants and his high black boots. “You were almost out mid-sentence once you laid down.”
    She smiled warmly as she carefully pushed herself up to rest her head against the armrest instead of flat on the cushion, Henry holding his hand out for a lift. “I told you, when I don’t have coffee it gets replaced with a three-hour nap whether I want to or not,” she chuckled quietly as her arm swung out to get him and carried him back over, the man stepping off onto her stomach carefully as she rested her hand behind him as a seat.
    “You should’ve had some after you picked up the new roasts, then,” he scolded her gently, rubbing the back of her hand tenderly. She tilted her head down slightly to smirk at him.
    “You’re only saying that because you’re tiiiiired,” she teased in a sing-song voice, her other hand coming to gently stroke his back with a finger, the small man lazily trying to swat her away.
    “Absolutely not,” he said with a playful smile. “If you’re still tired you might as well just go to bed out of it,” the tiny man taunted. “It’s practically four in the afternoon, you’ll never get your sixteen hours of sleep if you don’t go now.”
    “Har har,” she replied, ruffling his hair lightly with her fingertip as he made a face. “I need to finish the laundry first, then we can contemplate dinner if you’re so energetic.”
    “Alright then,” he said, standing back up from her hand and tapping it gently with his boot to flip it over. “We’ll go do laundry.”
    Her eyebrows raised incredulously at his wording, there wasn’t going to be a ‘we’, but she loved the idea of company regardless. She turned her hand over for him and he sat down in her palm with a soft thud, stretching again as she lifted him and moved herself to sit up. “I forgot the ribbon,” she said disappointedly as she looked down at her gray yoga pants with the barely-there pockets and her purple tank top. “Is a carry fine or would you still want to try for a ride?”
    Henry reclined back in her palm, his head resting against the heel as his legs dangled over and between her fingers. “Did we ever decide on a name for this one?” He asked curiously, swinging an arm across his stomach to rest on her thumb.
    “You’ve only ever done it to tease me before, so we could call it the bastard carry,” she retorted sarcastically as she went to stand, her free hand coming to support his legs and feet, he grinned up at her proudly.
    “What’s that phrase you use with Laura?” He asked as she shook her head at him and started to walk to the stairs. She made an awkward hum as she tried to think of what he meant. “The thing you say when you’re both becoming completely ungovernable.”
    “Oh,” she exclaimed in surprise. “Goblin-mode.”
    “Eh,” he muttered non-committally from his spot, hanging like he was resting in a hammock across her hands. “Bastard-mode doesn’t quite have the gravitas I’m looking for.”
    “Gravitas,” she repeated, laughing as they went down the two half-flights to the basement. “I think it’s very fitting, personally, but I’m open to further suggestions.”
    He hummed in thought as she carried him into the laundry room, using her freer hand to take the clothes basket from the top of the dryer and place it on the floor quickly before lifting him up to the top of the dryer now that it was open. “Lounging is a good word for it, I think. We could call this a lounge,” he mused, refusing to stand as she jostled him lightly.
    “Nuisance,” she quipped back, slipping fingers underneath his side and between her palm to literally pry him up as they both laughed.
    Henry stumbled onto the metal platform as she gently pushed him off of her, spinning to smirk at her triumphantly. “I think lounge is a good one, honestly.”
    “I’ll admit it’s got a nice ring to it,” she conceded, stepping to the side quickly. “Mind your ears,” she warned him, waiting for his hands to clamp over them before yanking the heavy metal and glass door of the dryer open, the machine making its ‘I’m finished’ series of dings and beeps as she did. She pushed it fully open and knelt on the other side of the basket, reaching in to grab the still warm sheets and clothes, one at a time. “You should perhaps expend some of your energy thinking about dinner, while we’re here.”
    “Recline?” He mused, ignoring her almost completely as he started to pace back and forth on top of the dryer. “No, I don’t like that one.”
    “Neither do I,” she agreed, smirking, as she fished out item after item, folding them into specific piles and sorting them carefully into the basket. “Relax is kind of in the same vein, but I think we use that word too much in other contexts.”
    He hummed, his boots making soft, rhythmic tapping on the polished surface beneath him, sounding like a metronome. “Point well made,” he remarked.
    “Thank you,” she replied proudly.
    “Suspend comes to mind, but that’s not correct,” he muttered, walking toward the front of the dryer and grunting quietly as he sat, legs dangling over the edge above where she was working.
    “Cradle,” she suggested softly, turning a sly glance up to him as she rummaged around among the last few items in the dryer.
    Blue-green eyes narrowed as he looked down at her, shaking his head slowly with a thoughtful frown. “That sounds too much like I’m being put down for a nap,” he said.
    “You could be,” she shrugged, finishing with the last two pillowcases and reaching in for the shams next. “Doing all this laundry with me probably has you exhausted.”
    “Har har,” he mocked her with a smirk. “I’m actually thoroughly enjoying this, I don’t get to see you be domestic very often.”
    Her eyes shot up to him beneath an insulted, knit browline. “I do literally all of the cleaning and cooking here,” she replied in offense. “You’ve seen me be almost nothing but domestic!”
    He raised his hands in surrender, leaning back slightly with a chuckle. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry-- I should’ve clarified. I don’t get to see you be… how did you phrase it the other day? Acoustically domestic. Normally whatever task you’re doing has some kind of machine involved.”
    Melanie shot him a skeptical look after she grabbed the last item from the dryer: her fluffy purple bathrobe. She gestured with an open palm to the open dryer he was actively sitting on before busying herself with folding again.
    “The dryer’s work is already done,” he said defensively after realizing what she had gestured toward. “I meant folding. You have to fold the clothes without help.”
    “Ahhhh,” she said, just folding the large, purple thing in half after tucking the sleeves and laying it across the top of the basket. “I don’t think that’s necessarily fair, you did say we were doing the laundry. Apparently I’ve been being helped.”
    The tiny sigh from above her just spurred her into giggling, the tiny sailor apologizing playfully. “I’m sorry for misrepresenting myself,” he said with a faux-dramatic air, sweeping an arm out toward her as she looked up at him. “But there were more important things to focus on. Next time I won’t offer to help at all.”
    She grinned warmly up at him, watching him stick out a hand to signal for ‘lift’ and raising her palm up to just underneath his dangling boots, pressing up against them carefully. He pushed himself off of the dryer and stepped into a strong stance. Lowering him slowly as he pointed toward her shoulder with the smug expression still on his face, she cocked her head to the side, raising her eyebrows at him.
    Henry had barely enough time to register that particular expression before his eyes went wide, Melanie’s hand tipping quickly to drop him into the basket just beneath him. A short yelp quickly melted into a curious, pleased moan as he rested, splayed on his back on the still-warm bathrobe resting across the freshly washed and still warm clothes and things beneath.
    The giant woman reached one arm across the basket over him, turning her head down to loom directly over his body with a soft, playful smile. He simply grinned back, bringing his arms up to fold behind his head as he stretched, his feet crossing at the ankles.
    “This is just another way to lounge,” he stated smugly. His eyebrows raised curiously as her hand moved just enough to grab the edge of the bathrobe and drag it gently over him, tucking him into the warm, soft, thick fabric tenderly before retreating back to grab the handle on the opposite side from her again.
    “Cradle,” she replied, equally as smug as she watched him adjust himself comfortably beneath the fuzzy layer. His expression was trying to be playfully defiant, but she could tell he had no desire to actually fight that amount of comfort. She lifted the basket as she stood, holding it against herself carefully as she started to move back upstairs.
    “I told you,” he argued half-heartedly, “that sounds like I’m being put down for a nap.”
    “Yeah?” She asked softly in a whisper. “And what if I am?”
    He gave a quiet scoff, and she watched him shake his head up at her, their eyes locking a moment before he closed his. “Not happening.”
    She smiled to herself, turning her face forward to watch where she was going as she slowly made her way to the main floor. By the time she had placed the basket down on the dining room table, he was sound asleep.
    ‘Cradle it is,’ she thought to herself victoriously, turning back to the kitchen to get started on a dinner neither of them had bothered to think about or discuss.
    Afterall, there were more important things to focus on.
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giggles8899 · 1 year
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3.13 Christmas PT 2
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Written Part Under Cut
You all had managed to make it to your grandma's a week before Christmas, with the plan being to stay until at least after new years. Your grandmother lives in a small town, making 1,000 people or so, much more of a tourist destination and vacation spot during the summer with the nearby lakes being the main focal point. You remember when you moved here during high school, it was quite a lovely small town, the couple's family-owned restaurants, and diners being some of your favorite places to visit. Your grandmother owns the hotel in town, and it was currently in the slow season due to it being winter, not a lot of tourists came during the winter. 
Which was a good thing, since she would be having the 6 of you for the next couple of weeks, she was going to have a handful. 
She lives about 5 minutes outside of town, back in a wooded area. The house she lived in was quite big, with about 6 bedrooms, it was a boarding house back in the day. She usually hosts a few kids to work in the town for the summer so kids that needed help could earn some income while living in a safe place. A lot of times, the kids would work at the hotel and she would shuttle them to and from the house, which honestly was a great thing. Your grandma only had you, having lost your grandfather before you were born. From what she always told you, it was his dream for the two of them to run a bed and breakfast. Your father was MIA still, and you don't know if she counted him as her son after all this time.
You guys arrived around 1:30 in the afternoon, pulling up the long drive to her house. You guys took your SUV and Scaras car, as you guys had to pack for almost a month of staying there. You were giddy with excitement. You were barely able to see her last year, having to cram to graduate early, and with immediately getting a job at the university, you didn't get the chance to see her in a while. As soon as you parked your car, you jumped out of the car and ran to the door, her having been waiting and seeing you guys drive up the driveway. As she saw you running up, she threw her arms open, saying, “Oh, there's my little girl!!!!” You had tackled her into a hug, you two swaying back and forth, happily. You two didn't break for a few minutes, trying to soak each other in. 
You hear some laughter behind you, which finally made you pull away, turning and looking at everyone else who were still getting out of the cars. Your two cousins were next to hug her, her hugging them individually with as big of hugs, happy to see them. You had run back to the car as Kazuha and Xiao were pulling out your bags from the trunk, trying to help before being body blocked by your boyfriend, a smirk on his face. You simply sulked as you knew he wasn't going to let you help him with the bags, so you managed to get into the backseat and grab your backpack which had your laptop in it and other essentials that wouldn't fit into your luggage. 
You all had eventually made it inside, your grandmother going upstairs and showing each couple their respective rooms so the men could put the bags in to get out of the winter coats. At this point, you had thrown your coat and backpack in your old room, before running into the living room, hearing the meows of your two cats, who were excited for you to be home. No sooner did you sit on the couch did the two jump up onto you and rub against you, purring crazily. Lumine and Aether had come downstairs to see you petting your cats, squealing with joy at how cute the two of them were. They had managed to slowly sit on both sides of you to pet them, the cats loving the extra attention. Eventually, the men came downstairs, Xiao and Scara going straight to your grandma to get their “hello” hugs out of the way. You hear her asking them how they were doing, here Kazuha finally comes down the steps. You leaned back to look at him, causing Sweet Pea, the older of the two cats, to put her paws on your chest and try and sniff your face. 
This causes laughter out of the 4 of you, Kazuha leaning down and kissing you before petting Sweet Pea, her purring like crazy and practically climbing you to lean into his hand. All you could do was simply laugh. Eventually, everyone joined you in the living room, your grandma having hugged Kazuha tightly, and him finally introducing himself in person. Everyone was sitting next to their significant other, your two cats sitting in your lap before your grandma speaks.
“So kiddos, what are the plans for the next couple of weeks? You know this old woman hasn’t had this many people in the house since the summer!!” She was sitting on her old recliner, one that your grandfather had gotten her because it was her favorite style. Now that you think about it, their relationship and yours were exactly alike. You simply shrugged, “I’m down for whatever. I know the winter festival is happening next week, so I figured we should go and look at it so that the people who have never seen it can enjoy it.” She nods, “Oh yeah, it's always amazing each year, I know a couple of the diners are also holding specials, and I know Y/n going to have to go at least twice to each just so she can get her to fill.” You all laughed at her before you all talked about what could be in store for the next couple of weeks. 
Your grandma did need help with getting some firewood chopped up and inside, and before you knew it, everyone was doing something to help around the house. Your cats wouldn't leave your side, practically becoming your shadow. Over the next day, everyone had something they wanted to do to help their grandma, which she greatly appreciated. You had looked outside to see Xiao and Kazuha chopping and stacking firewood. You heard Scara in one of the other rooms helping your grandma with some of the lights that had gone out, and she in her old age, couldn't get to those in particular as she couldn't get up and down the ladder that well. You knew that the twins were currently up in the attic organizing some boxes, trying to find the Christmas decorations. That just left you trying to figure out what you were going to make for breakfast over the next couple of weeks. Making breakfast was your specialty, and you wanted to make sure that it was good for everyone. 
After making a list of food that you would need, you started to walk to where your grandma currently was, before stopping and looking at the wall full of photographs. A good ¼ of them were of your grandparents, smiling throughout the years together. One of the biggest ones of their wedding day, to which you smiled at them being so happy. The rest, surprisingly, was of either just you, you, and her, and here recently, newer photos of you 6. You had actually sent her the couple's photo that you took on your porch, the 3 couples standing next to each other, in each other's arms. You smiled fondly that night, before getting startled at your grandmother coming up to you. 
“So many memories, so many good times. To think that in all these years, a life like yours has grown into something so amazing. Makes me happy that all the pain that you went through when you were younger is worth it, I guess.” You look at her, tears welling up in both of your eyes before hugging her. 
The days flew by leading up to Christmas and new years were a blur. Joy and happiness truly were in the air. You all managed to go to the winter festival, enjoying your time there. You were getting so many pictures, simply enjoying the time you had got with all of them. Kazuha barely left your side, enjoying the happy gleam and glow that you had. You were as happy as the concert day, if not happier.  Christmas day had rolled around, and everyone had gotten gifts from everyone. Scara got Lumine a necklace, and Lumine got Scara a flamenco hat. You laughed at it, you remember when he used to wear one religiously, guess he was going to get back into the habit. Xiao had gotten Aether matching bracelets to wear, it was one of those 10+ feet of rope in a bracelet. Aether had managed to get a photo album of him and his siblings together, with help from his Uncle Zhongli. Xiao thumbed through it, simply stunned. You gave Aether a big old thumbs up at his gift. You had gotten a voucher at a local tattoo parlor, and you wanted to get matching tattoos with your two brothers and a different matching tattoo with your cousins. Kazuha had gotten your tickets to a Neoni concert, and you had practically tackled him off the couch, having wanted to go to one. Everyone else was giving out their gifts, before your grandma smiled at you, taking your attention away. She had sat down next to you on the couch, an old photo album in hand. “It seems I wasn't the only one who thought that someone could use memories of people long past.” 
As you opened it, you realized it was a photo album of you and your mother beforehand. It was all of your baby photos, along with a good amount of photos of either you and her or the both of you together. As you got to the end, you were tearing up, before the last photo had gotten you caught off guard. The day before your mother had suddenly passed, you and she had gone to the local park, your grandma having gone with you all. It was the only picture she took that day, but it would be one you treasured forever. You were in her arms laughing, and matching the look on your mother's face. You looked more like your grandmother, but at that moment, you were spitting images of you and your mother. You didn't have many memories of her, but the ones you did were always good. You always wonder what she would think of you at this point.
Christmas break continued to go by quickly, and before you knew it, it was New Year's Eve. Everyone was gathered around the tv in the living room, simply talking and enjoying each other's company while waiting for midnight. You smiled at the fact that both Uncle Zhoingli AND Aunt Buer had managed to come to Grandma's, surprising your respective brothers. You had forgotten something in the room you and Kazuha were sleeping in, so you quickly scrambled upstairs to go get it. It was actually Kazuha's gift, so you secretly hoped that he would follow you. 
As if on cue, you were looking around in your luggage, when you heard him come into the room. “Dove, you need help finding whatever you're looking for?” He asks, coming over to stand behind you. You found it before standing up and turning to look at him, shaking your head. “Nope! Just found it now, close your eyes.” You said excitedly, keeping said surprise behind your back. He quirked an eyebrow at you, smirking, before holding out his hands and closing his eyes. You quickly maneuvered his hands, putting a ring on his ring finger. As you slid it onto his finger, you didn't see him looking at you with wide eyes. As soon as it was all the way on, you looked up at him happily for him to inspect it. It was a simple silver band with your initials on it, followed by the words “my muse.” You had held up your hand to show that you had one the exact same as his initials, only it said “my song”. He continued to look between both rings, before looking you straight in the eyes.
“When did you get these?” He asks, tears edging to well up in his eyes. You bite your lip before replying. “Well, over the last week, grandma had found these stored in the attic. They were my mom's and dad's respectively, and she wanted me to have them. I felt like it was good enough time for me to give them to you. I guess this is just a physical showing of my promise to you, that I'll always love you.” You wrapped your arms around his waist, him returning the embrace, before continuing. “You know, I find it funny how my parents and grandparents seemed to have a similar relationship to us. I guess we really are products of our environment.” 
You stood there for a few moments before he let out a light airy chuckle. You looked at him confused before he simply shook his head. “Well, I was going to wait to do this, but it seems everyone has had the same idea these last couple of days.” you continued to look at him questionably, not quite getting what he was saying, He pulled away from your arms, before swiftly taking something out his pocket, opening it, dropping to one knee and grabbing your hand to look you straight in the eyes.
OH, that was what he meant.
Well, guess you were gonna ugly cry here in a minute. 
“My dove,” Kazuha starts, eyes never breaking contact, “You have made me the happiest man of my life. I know we still have quite a long road ahead of us, but I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side. I love you soo much.” Tears are beginning to flow down your face, though the smile on your face would show how happy you really were. He continued, and you realize he was reciting a poem from memory.
When I met you,
I met my destiny.
My one true love,
You’ll always be.
If you feel the same,
And I truly hope you do,
There’s something very important,
That I want to ask of you.
Instead of “you” and “I,”
Let’s become “we.”
I’m asking you to share my life,
Will you marry me?
At the end of the poem, he holds the ring closer to you, a hopeful but scared look in his eyes. You simply nodded your head, yes, not knowing why you would say otherwise. He smiled before putting the ring on your finger, it now on it with your mother's. In one fell swoop, he picked you up into his arms, your feet coming off the ground. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, before hearing cheering coming from your door. You both pulled away to look, seeing your cousins and your brothers standing in the doorway. Lumine was taking pictures, and Aether took the video of your proposal, smiles on everyone's faces, though you could have sworn Xiao’s and Scara’s were the biggest. All you could do was simply shake your head at them, before turning to kiss Kazuha again. 
You were definitely going to have to thank Venti for the party.
Oh, and Diluc for the paper and pen. 
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@starryeyedkoko @phyot @tokkishouse @eutopiastar
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smokinholsters · 2 years
The Lucky Horseshoes - A Heartland Season 16 AU - Chapter 8
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Chapter 8
They started up the loft stairs and Amy called out “coming up !!”
Finn took a deep breath and reached for Amy’s hand when he got to the landing and stood beside her. She stopped and looked at him for a second and then deciding to take it she smiled as their hands joined.
“Come on in, Tim’s washing up and changing for dinner.” Jessica said waving them in “sit, sit, can I get you anything ? Water, juice ? Tea, hot iced? Coffee ? Beer Finn ?”
“Iced tea would be great Jess.” Amy said siting across from Lyndy at the small table.
“That would be fine Jessica, thank you.” Finn agreed.
Jessica turned and grabbed a pitcher from the fridge and brought it to the table. She smiled and grabbed two glasses off a shelf and her mug of coffee and joined them.
“Lyndy told me you three had an excellent day. You chose a really nice one weather wise, that’s for sure.”
“I’ve always loved that we touch provincial land and can just ride through, it makes for a really nice ride.” Amy said pouring for Finn and then herself.
“We saw a caribou far away and Finn had binoculars !!” Lyndy called out from the couch where she had moved.
“I’ve fallen in love with the wildlife around here.” Jess said “It’s all just there, coming from the city it’s overwhelming.”
“We’re definitely fortunate.” Finn agreed. “I should really dig out my camera stuff because the phones just don’t do it justice.”
“I can help with that.” Jess said “I shoot film.”
“I really haven’t done it since high school and college, life took over and the smart phones.”
“Anytime you want to ride out Finn, just let me know.”
“Thanks Jessica.”
Tim came out of the bathroom buttoning his shirt just then “ride out for what ?”
Amy looked up “Oh, Jess offered to help Finn get back into using a camera.”
“Well she’d be perfect for it, are you staying permanently Finn ?”
“I may have to go back a couple times, I’ve still got stuff in Saskatchewan and my folks but Grandpa’s pretty happy having me around and business seems to be picking up.”
“And ?”
“And your daughter Tim.”
Amy smiled “good answer.”
“It’s Lisa.” Jessica said answering her phone.
“Tim just got done and the kids are having some drinks, how’s 15 minutes ?”
She listened for a second and then nodded, “see ya then Lis.”
Finn smiled and finished his tea as did Amy who looked over at Lyndy who was looking through one of Jessica’s photo albums. “Lyndy, are you ready ?”
She nodded and Tim stepped over to help her with the heavy book. “Thank you Grandpa.”
“You’re very welcome sweetheart, done with your juice ?”
She nodded again and handed him her cup.
Amy stood and stretched and Finn stood a moment later. Lyndy got up and walked over to him then and put up her hand. He smiled down and put his out for her to take. “Your hand is hard.”
“Those are called callouses Lyndy, they’re from my work.”
“From the big hammer ?”
Finn nodded “from the big hammer.”
“Let’s go down.”
He smiled again and glanced at Amy who nodded to go ahead and watched as Finn took a step down and Lyndy jumping down the step he was on. Amy followed behind watching and smiling the whole way down.
Once on the barn floor they waited for Tim and Jessica before heading out with Lyndy reaching her free hand over to Amy so she would walk between them. When they were spotted from the porch where Lisa and Jack were sharing a bottle of wine Lisa got up and walked over to the top of the stairs with a big smile on her face.
“We’re back Grandma !!” Lyndy called out and broke away to run up to the steps and into Lisa’s arms for a hug.
“I see, did you have a fun day ?”
“We did, we rode and saw a caribou and had a picnic and I picked flowers.”
“You did ?”
“Yup, Hi GG !!” She called out when she saw him and then ran over to get lifted onto Jack’s lap.
Lisa waited and hugged Amy and then surprisingly Finn. “Welcome to our home Finn.”
“Thank you Lisa, I’m sorry I don’t have anything to offer.”
“Considering you’ve been riding all day it’s quite understandable Finn.”
Jack gently put Lyndy down and stood with an outstretched hand “Welcome Finn.”
“Thank you Jack, doing Ok ?”
Jack smiled “still getting up every morning. Can we get you something ?”
Finn smiled “Thanks, I’m fine, really.”
“Come sit then, unless you’re all starved Lou and Peter ran into town, they’ll be back soon.”
“Thank you Grandpa.” Amy said and led Finn over to the small bench. Tim and Jessica sat on the other side of Jack and Lisa and Jessica thankfully accepted a glass of wine from Lisa once they sat.
“So as I recall your dad ran a lumber operation, how did you choose farrier ?”
“I don’t know Jack, I’ve always loved working with horses and I really didn’t want to spend a few more years in school after college and my dad had a friend who was retiring from being a farrier. One day Jim, Jim McKay was his name mentioned that he would love a young man to take over his business so I started working for him part-time and I loved it, nice folks, great patients, going from farm to farm and then decided that farrier school might be the way to go so between that and working part-time during and after college it just happened.”
“You finished college ?”
“I did Tim, BS from the University of Saskatchewan. I majored in Animal Sciences thinking that veterinarian might be in my future but life took me this way, I love it.”
“And this Jim ?”
“After farrier school we partnered up officially and on his 65 birthday he took me aside and said it was mine so I took it over. Funny thing is his grandson finished high school about then and I took him on as an apprentice, after time he did his stint at farrier school while working with me and now I’m thinking it’s time to pass the business on to him. He’s a good kid with a nice ranch girl and he’s thinking of getting engaged, really the perfect time for it.”
“Passed on from generation to generation, that’s nice.” Jack said.
“So that’s it ? Just hand him the keys.”
“Well no Tim, not really, I paid Jim his fair share for the business over time when I took over and James which he prefers over Jim, his namesake, has agreed in word for now to do the same for me. One of the reasons to go back is to make that official with the lawyers, accountants and clients. He’s good at what he does, hard working and one of those guys everyone likes so I’m not seeing an issue with it.”
Katie popped out with the message that her folks were delayed a little but were on their way back and seeing Finn and Amy sitting there came over to welcome them home. Lyndy had climbed up on Finn’s lap as natural as could be during the conversation and she started with her.
“Hey Lyndy bug, have fun on your ride ?” She said leaning over to kiss her forehead.
Then surprisingly she leaned over and kissed Finn’s cheek “Welcome Finn, it’s good to have you here officially.”
“Have I been unofficial Katie ?”
“Not to me.” She said with a bright smile before leaning against the porch rail and then lifting herself to sit and balance.
“Well, with Lou and Peter on her way back I should get that grill going.” Jack said standing.
“Can I help Jack ?” Finn said starting to stand.
“No, sit Finn but thanks, it just needs a light and some tending to burn the wood down, I set it up before.”
“Lyndy, come get washed up for dinner.” Amy said standing.
“I’ll come too.” Finn said standing along with Lyndy in his arms “Walk or carry Lyndy ?”
“Walk please.” She answered and he leaned over to let her down.
Finn stepped back and let Lyndy and Amy lead the way. He glanced around as they walked through the house and noted that it was very much like his grandfather’s with some exceptions, one of which his grandfather’s had an air cooler which took care of any latent humidity. He stood outside the open door of the bathroom as Amy stepped in with Lyndy to make sure she washed properly and then washed herself leaving it free for Finn as she walked past him into the hallway.
“Let’s brush out your hair while Finn uses the bathroom sweetheart.”
“Ok Momma.” Lyndy said walking into her room.
When he was done Finn waited and watched while Amy worked on Lyndy’s hair, gently undoing her pigtails and working through whatever knots there were.
“Would you mind taking her back while I change my blouse and brush out ?”
“Not at all. Come on Lyndy.” He said putting out his hand for her to take which she did with a smile.
“Hey.” Amy said making him turn for a second and smile as she leaned up to kiss him lightly. He turned and she watched him walk away holding Lyndy’s hand before going into her room.
“Hi Aunt Lou, Uncle Peter, you weren’t here before.” She said getting caught by Lisa and pulled into her lap giggling.
“Lou, Peter.” Finn said with a smile. 
“Where’d we lose my sister ?”
“Amy’s brushing out her hair.”
“So where did you end up today Finn ?”
“Well Jack, I guess it’s part of the provincial lands, river side and posting rings driven in to the ground, nice trail along the water. I could maybe find my way back. Nice spot.”
“I know the exact spot and I drove those posting rings in, it is a nice place for a picnic.”
Finn smiled “Amy mentioned those rings were your doing, I wasn’t sure if it was a family secret.”
Jack laughed “It was a long time ago, Marion, my daughter, was just out of being a toddler, her first horse and my wife Lyndy wanted her to be able to take Marion there and feel good about the horses so I drove those circle posts in one weekend. Later on Marion would bring her friends down there for the day when they were teenagers and then Amy’s crew, lot of horses have been tied to those posts.”
“Sounds nice, where is this spot ?”
“I’ll take you down one day Katie.” Amy said coming though the screen door. Her hair was down and she was wearing a nice solid plum colored satin blouse and had changed from her boots to moccasins.
She leaned against the rail next to where Finn was standing and was mildly surprised when his arm reached around her waist. She instinctively moved a bit towards him which did not go unnoticed by the family.
“I guess that fire’s down to a hot bed, Peter can I ask you to grab that tray of steaks on the counter ?” Jack called out fro just off the porch.
“No problem Jack.” Peter said starting to stand.
Finn was too fast though “Stay Peter, I’m already up, I’ll grab them Jack.” He called back.
There are two way of doing this, you lift your hand off your partners waist or you run your palm across your partners back making contact the whole time which is what Finn did and what Amy was sure Lou noticed. For the record it once again sent shivers up Amy’s spine.
“How’s it going ?”
“It’s going fine Lou, you two ?” Amy answered nodding at the two of them on the bench she and Finn were on earlier.
“We’re good” Lou said nodding with Peter nodding along. “I never imagined the two of us dating again, weird huh ?”
“Are you dating Lou ?”
“Well, I guess Peter and I are a little different.”
“Your 13 year old daughter by the man you’re dating, who’s your former husband is sitting next to you. I’m pretty sure you don’t get to call that dating.”
“I think she’s got you there mom.”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s still just as weird but …..”
“I get it Amy.” Lou told her. “We’re working thing out, it’s going well.”
Jack used a poker to move around the coals and get the last chucks of wood nice and caught before dropping the grill a notch to heat up enough to sear the steaks.
Finn was there a few minutes later “Is it easier for me to hold the platter Jack ?”
“Can you handle it for a couple minutes ?”
Finn laughed, “I’m a farrier Jack, I look like Popeye without a shirt on.”
Jack nodded “we usually go for medium rare, is that Ok with you ?”
“Perfect, I’m not fussy either way.”
“You know Finn, I don’t know if Amy told you about the whole business with your grandfather and me but…..”
Finn smiled as Jack started forking steaks onto the grill “Jack, I really like Amy and Lyndy if the truth be told and Grandpa did mention he worked here back when and that you were circuit friends and Amy told me the rest. Do we have to talk about this ? Seriously two stubborn cantankerous old men holding a grudge for 70 years, it’s ridiculous.”
“Well, Amy already read me the riot act on that, I just wanted to let you know that I’m Ok with you two seeing each other.”
“You know, this might be the wrong thing to say but it’s not up to you or Tim or Lou or anyone but Amy who she sees. I have no evil ulterior motives in all of this and I’m not about to start defending myself and earning some sort of trust. She’s not a child Jack and more to the point she’s not your child.”
“This looks serious.” Amy said walking over and behind Jack to hug him. “Grandpa ?”
“It’s nothing Amy.”
“Finn ?”
“Forget it Amy.”
“Forget what ?”
Jack pulled away slightly to check the meat “Finn was informing me that no one has a right to an opinion as to who you see romantically but you.”
“Just out the blue ?”
“Not out of the blue, I told him that as far as I’m concerned I was Ok with you two seeing each other.”
“Well, he’s right there.”
Finn looked down at the platter he had laid aside and the pooled blood the steaks had left “I guess this should either be washed and reused or there’s a different serving platter.”
“Come on, there’s a serving platter and this needs to be washed.”
Amy followed Finn into the kitchen and over to the sink where he took the platter and poured the blood under running water and reached for a sponge.
“I’ll do that Finn.”
“That blouse is way too pretty for dishes Amy, I’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, I’m glad you like it.”
“I’m sorry Amy, maybe I shouldn’t have gone there with Jack.”
“It’s fine, why did you though ?”
“Because this whole business just seems weird to me and I’m not that guy. I get meeting the family is important and shows intent and what’s expected and Grandpa says now I have to invite you and Lyndy over and I get that but say my folks live in Saskatchewan and the truth is I’d love for them to meet you and Lyndy over time but their opinion won’t change mine.”
“What have you told them about us ?”
“I talk to them every few days actually, we’re close and this last time telling them about today was a different conversation.”
“How so ?”
“This conversation had feelings attached to it.”
He said it wiping his hands with her pulling a platter out of the cabinet. She turned and looked at him for a second. ‘What kind of feelings ?”
“The feelings that this was important, today, all of it, you, Lyndy and this dinner. About how I’m starting to feel about you.”
She lay the plate on the kitchen table and was facing him at this point.
“And how are you starting to feel about me Finn Cotter ?”
Finn smiled and took a step, closing the space between them and laying his hands on her waist before he leaned down and kissed her, pulling her closer and into his embrace.
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ener-chi · 4 months
Hey, long time no talk! If you're doing free readings, if you can do one on my future given the current stuff going on right now. Have a lot of anxieties about if I even will have one, let alone a good one, and if I'll even meet someone romantically.. My name is Cassie, my identifying color is Violet, my sign is Aquarius, and my identifying element is either Spirit or Water, if that helps.
Hi Cassie!
Long time no talk indeed! I’m sorry that there seems to be a lot going on right now. Let me take a look and see if I can't provide some insight. Here we go:
Immediately... I see their energy... Their aura is buzzing... Like that high pitched sound that lights sometimes make... There is... Or perhaps... Was... A lot in their aura... Which is... Overarchingly... Blue... Feels like... You're kind of underwater right now... I smile... I feel myself relating to you... I feel like I respond to things in a similar way... Overwhelmed... Things feel and get heavy... And you have a tendency to slow down and maybe shut down... Hm...
You're... Feeling pretty down-trodden at the moment... You've had a few bad days... There is... A lot in the aura... I feel that part of the buzzing in your aura... Is partly from the full moon that we just had... Kind of... Supercharged things... And some stuff that was brought up for you...
Hm... It feels like... Perhaps some family stuff... I see a house with tall ceilings and a female family member upset and yelling... Perhaps a mother... I see a pet or a cat somehow related to things... And something in your past has been brought up... Which has been bringing up feelings and memories from that...
Overall... Your aura is... A bit high-strung... Full of a lot of things... And there is this overall feeling of... Dejection, I think is a close word... That is acting like a lens... Filtering the world around you through it... Hm... What now...
I see... You in void space... About 8 years in the future...
I see... You at a train station... Fall weather... You're wearing a scarf and a tan/gray pullover... The air is crisp... You... Have a book or a writing journal that you are working on... Waiting for the train... You get on... It is around November...
Walking through the car... It's actually kind of full... Moving through to an open seat that you've spotted... You ask the person across if the seat is taken... Shakes head...
It's a guy... And he's cute... Mm... You are a bit bashful... But... Feelings of... Insecurity... Not feeling good enough come up... You kind of... Sit in this for a while... Thinking about whether you should try and maybe find another seat at the next stop... But he asks what you're working on... His energy is lovely... Bright... Clear... Dark hair... Wearing like a brown/tan trench coat I think...
You reluctantly talk about it... Ashamed to talk about it at first... Being more broad... As the writing is... Very personal... But... He seems interested... You guys start chatting...
Things fast forward... And... Getting off the train... You exchanged information... I don't know if I see... Anything panning out from this... But... You get off the train... And you have a smile on your face... And a warmth in your heart... You recently had just made some big life changes - I think a move related to career - and have been kind of settling in... It's been good... But something has been slightly on edge... But now... You feel like everything is going to be okay... And you take a deep breath... And walk, leaves crunching beneath your feet...
Channeling... A guide... I believe... Female... Older...
Listen... To me... Cassie... Things... Are goin to be okay... I have an image of you with... A grandma maybe?? A female relative... It's a memory... She's showing you something... When you find yourself feeling trapped or stuck... Remember this... Again the memory... You're younger... Maybe 6-11... Sitting on the couch or on her leg... Eager and entranced in what she is working on and showing you... This relative has... A bit of a magical aura to them hehe...
I see them again... Anything else to view... Shakes head...
Alright! I'm sorry that you've been feeling this way. Tbh, this past full moon was ROUGH for me as well. Still goin through it. ANYWAYS I would recommend that you spend some time clearing your aura, and grounding and being present. Saging works well, and I recommend meditating with some grounding stones, or spending some time outside while holding onto some grounding stones in your pockets. They will help a lot. Something I learned last night - things are easier to hold and carry when you are grounded and present. You have more space for them.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Always nice to hear from you. I hope that things start picking up soon, and I wish you well on your Path.
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remembered that this is gonna be the first met gala I’ll be watching without my fashion roasting buddy, grandma :( every gala and red carpet for awards season, she’d sit in her normal couch spot with her blanket and cup of coffee and roast all of the dresses with me and she always looked forward to it. she especially loved the met gala bc it’s meant to be over the top. it’s just not gonna be the same without her :(
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Sam’s Corner   Sept 8, 2022
Speaking as your Character: What 2 things do you wish the rest of the Family understood really understood about you and why would that be important?
grabbing a blanket to go lay under the stars finding the best place I put my blanket on the grass and lay down looking up at the stars my mind begins to wonder well shit here I go again thinking about my Dad and grandma. thinking back to my mother's funeral even and how the 2 women I loved most are gone little did I know I was only seven. how I wish grandmother had tried harder to stay in touch with me oh daddy why did you run her away thinking back had grandmother been here she could have me how to use my powers and how to understand my visions. But it was Dad that ran her off I know that. Oh how I wish I could get him to understand how important to me it is that he understands why I need be here. Right here with these great and powerful Winchesters a few, demons and throw some angel's in the mix. Along with Ellen, Jo dam even Lucifer himself has helped us win war's. How could my dad not understand how important this is for me? Oh well maybe someday. thinking to myself enough about him it's time to move towards saving my anger towards him to helping the gang live to fight another day  as I lay looking up at the stars I think WOW. how could anyone not want this? Yes we have bad days but that's life we fight to the end.
I rinse out empty beer bottles and put them in the recycle bin.  “At least I think so. What do you think, Sam?” Getting no response from him, I turn around in the kitchen to look at him on the sofa “Sam?”
Hearing my name called, I look up from the article I’m reading. “Humm?”
I know when I’m not being listened to. “You haven't been listening to a thing I’ve said.”
“Sure, I have”
“Oh really” I go into the living room. “Then what did I just ask you?” Getting a blank look, I bend down to get a look at what he’s reading. Surprised, I snatch the magazine out of his hands. “Cosmopolitan?” I start to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding!”
“What? I read other things, too.”
I push over the files and notepads piled on the sofa and sit down beside Sam. Opening the magazine, I read from the Table of Contents page. “Pumpkin Spice Cookies - The True Taste of Fall or When to Know That Your Cat Is Done With You.” I start to laugh again. Then I find the article I’m sure he’s been reading “The Psychology Behind Journal Writing. And there it is!”
Knowing I’ve been pegged, all I can do is laugh. “You’re a shit, you know that? I’ll have you know _Journal Writing_ is harder than you think it would be. It sometimes takes years to understand enough about yourself and your life to answer those kinds of big questions.”
I flip to the article, skim down it and then read aloud. “What are two things that you wish your Family knew about you?  Ooooh, real hard one there, Sam. I could answer that for you.”
Sitting back on the couch and shaking my head. “No, you couldn’t.”
“The two things I’d like my Family to know about me are… Well first, that you don’t really want them to know anything about you that deep… and second, that everything you’ve ever done, in the past or going forward, has been done because you believed it was the right thing to do. It may not have looked like it at the time, or might not look like it now. But, trust me…. Because you rethink everything to the tiniest little degree.” Starts chuckling again and then gets serious “But you will always do the right thing.”
Stunned at Ruby’s unexpectedly spot-on answer, I just sit and stare at her for a minute. Then grab the magazine and turn the tables. “Okay, smarty pants. Now it's my turn… ‘Two things I, Ruby, wish my Family knew about me’.”
“I have no family, Sam.”
“Sure you do. And that’s the first thing… everyone I call Family, you now call Family, even though they don’t know it.” I think about it for a minute more before continuing.
And the second thing is…not all Demons are the same. Whether we’re judging by status, personality, or immeasurable horrific acts… You’re all different. You’re all there mostly because you sold your souls for whatever reason. Granted, you have your fair share of assholes, but some are there, like you, who were willing to sacrifice their immortal soul for the sake of others. To save their children, or the people they loved, or some other noble-type reason and even knowing what you know now, about Hell and what comes after. You’d do it again.”
Sitting dazed, amazed at his analysis, there’s really nothing I can say. After sitting like that for several uncomfortable minutes in silence, just looking at each other. I jump to my feet asking. “How about a beer then, Sam?” 
“Great! That sounds great…”
I sit in a random forest in Scotland. Random to anyone else perhaps, but not to me. I sit underneath a 500 year old Elder tree and close my eyes. Several feet underneath me my bones rest. This was the spot where I first encountered the man with yellow eyes. That was the moment where the world had gotten both bigger, and darker. The place where I go to ground myself and remember my own mortality.
 Sipping some mead as I stare up into the night sky before closing my eyes. “Why can’t they just understand?” The question just hangs there seeming to beg an answer from the darkness. “Why can they understand that…..It’s just an act? I care, I care so damn much? I ask things in return to just keep up the facade. They’re………they’re my friends. I want to trust them but….all they see is the demon. I’m not like Ruby. I don’t have that connection into the group. All I do is…..try to fit in but I don’t know how. I don’t know how to have a family.
 Standing up, still holding the mead I start pacing over my own grave. With a sigh I look up at the tree and close my eyes. “Can’t they understand that I hate myself?” Looking down at the bottle in my hand I throw it at the tree with a scream into the night as it shatters before stopping back to my knees, hands pressed into dirt. I stare down, straight down, feeling the empty sockets of my skull staring back. The stare bores into me, right into my warped soul and a scream tears into my throat.
 Panting heavily, throat raw from screaming I try to focus my breathing before feeling something wet on my cheeks. Wiping it I feel tears and growl in frustration. “Weak. I’m so bloody weak. I claim to be a King. I ACT like a bleedin king. It’s just an act though. Mother was right, she should’ve just killed me. I was a pathetic human. I was a coward, I still am a coward. All I do is run my mouth around them.” I scream again and start hitting the ground, clawing at it “I can’t just haud yer weesht!” Continuing to scream insults at myself as I dig through the dirt, tears pouring down my cheeks from this time of weakness until I find the yellowing remains and pick up my skull, staring into it before screaming “Why? Why are we like this? Why……Why don’t they just understand I……I act the way I do……to hide that I hate what I am? That we…..this pile of bones….is what we should be?” I stare at the bottle shards before conjuring a new bottle, pouring it over my own bones, conjuring a fireball. “It would be so easy. They……wouldn’t even notice. Would probably be relieved” Closing my hand, the fireball extinguishes and i drop my skull and shove the dirt back into the hole. Curling back up on top of the hole hugging myself. “I……I just want them to understand…….that there’s more than just the monster…..”
I sit in my room thinking about everything that’s been going on lately and trying to figure myself out.. I know I don't talk about things in my own head often. Rarely. If only they understood....really understood. Its not easy to express myself and what’s going on in my head. Sammy has tried many times in the past to get me to talk about it. I just rather lock everything in because I don't want them to feel sorry for me. I don't want them to know about everything I've been through. Most wouldn't even be able to handle the things i have been through. I mean how do you explain to somebody what it was like being tortured every second in the most gruesome ways until you agree to be the one to torture others. How do you explain the pain you have endured in hell. How do you explain watching yourself torture others and the satisfaction you felt doing it knowing you shouldn't pride yourself in doing it. Who would actually understand that? Who would understand the hurt of having to make those you love forget who you are just so you can keep them completely safe and not have to worry about the monsters you face killing them?
 I kinda wish maybe they would understand why I can't be with Lisa and be a dad to Ben? I told Sam not to ever bring them up again because its painful knowing that making them forget I even exist. Do I miss them? Yes of course. I have to drink because i can't handle the pain of wanting to be a family with them but knowing I can't in this life.
 I wish they would understand why I can't leave this life of hunting the monsters that kill innocent people and why I have to be here to protect my family. I would lose myself completely if I wasn't doing what I do day in and day out. If I’m not hunting, I am drinking to make all the pain, worry, and lose disappear. I wish they would understand I worry every day about letting them all down. Hoping I don't because I lose myself if I lose them. My life... This life of hunting with this family is who I am. Yes I have died countless times and been brought back. Would I trade any of it? No... Why? Because saving people, hunting things is just what I do.
 I want to do things with this group.... My family. Family gatherings are amazing when we have them. Yes monsters seem to find us interrupting our fun but...even that is done as a family. I wish they truly knew how much it means to me that we all stick together as a family.
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