#she really gonna leave me all this extra shit so SHE can leave early when I ASKED to leave early and got PERMISSION
totheblood · 1 year
more modern!ellie headcanons
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a/n: just a little something... as always AI AUDIOS AT THE END... replies and reblogs are appreciated
ellie is a complete night owl
like you actually are concerned about when she sleeps
if you have an early morning class together she is always running late
or just doesn't show up so you would have to call her and wake her up
"hey baby, what's up i just woke up"
"ellie, class is about to start."
"oh shit, we have class today?"
she would sit next to you in any class you shared and scribble little doodles over to you
or communicate with you through notes
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ellie hates going out in public but she loves going with you to do your errands
you're going grocery shopping? ellie is there
you need to find new shoes? she is there
barnes and noble? she would probably be there before you
she likes to do this thing where she will pick out a book for you and you will pick out a book for her and you will sit in the back and spend your day reading together
sometimes she hates the books you pick out for her
"ugh, another colleen hoover book? i gave you a cool book and you give me colleen fucking hoover?"
"little women is cool?"
"i can't believe you just said that."
if you two are out in public together she likes to pretend that the two of you are a married couple
like for example if you're at the cash register and she brings an item up to you and asks if she could get it
"no ellie, put that back."
she would turn to the cashier and say something like "what the wife says, goes... am i right?"
even when she's not with you and she's out drinking at the bar with dina and jesse she would randomly be like, "the wife's not gonna like this one" and take another shot
or when she buys you lingere that is obviously not for her she would be like, "you know what they say, 'happy wife, happy life'"
ellie is really not a social person either
unless she is a few drinks deep which leads us to... drunk!ellie
drunk ellie is soooooo clingy and sentimental
not that she isn't regularly, she's just way more affectionate when drunk
her usual comments would be like, "you're so lucky i love you so much..." or "you're so cute when you're not patronizing me..."
but her drunk? "i think you're the best thing to have happened to me, please never leave me."
"being in love with you is all that matters to me right now... take your clothes off."
she's always touching you in some way if she's drunk
if she's drunk at dinner and she's next to you, her hand in on your thigh or her head is resting on your shoulder
if she's drunk at a party, her hands are on your waist at all times whether she's dancing with you or talking to others
she just wants to be around you
she also can't sleep without you if she's drunk
you would be trying to put her to bed and she would just grab your wrist and mutter a, "please stay"
ellie always orders something you like so you can pick off of her plate
"you want some, baby? i knew you were going to ask for some anyways."
she's always thinking of you
when she sees little trinkets she's like "aw my girlfriend would love this."
or when she sees someone trip in public she's like "i wish my girlfriend was here, i know she'd die laughing."
ellie reads you books so you can sleep
if she knows you had a particularly rough day she will be like, "you okay, babe? want me to read you something?"
and then your climbing in her bed and resting your head in the crook of her neck as she reads to you
she will send you a picture of any animal she sees on the street
loves getting you things because she loves your reaction to gifts
... the two of you study by getting to take an article of clothing off each time you get something right
let's just say you pass most of your tests
ai audios:
what the wife says, goes
happy wife happy life
the wife's not gonna like this one
you want some baby?
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yeeterthek33per · 6 months
Loved and Landed (Steph Catley x Reader)
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A/n Requested
Steph lives a busy life.
There's her football life. Obviously.
There's her schooling life.
There's the life she lives with her friends and family.
And then there's the life with-
"Steeeeeph, come on, I wanna get there early, I'm not dealing with Katie leaving something for me to find, again."
There's incessant tugging at the sleeve of her red Arsenal hoodie.
Of course, her football life keeps her the most busy.
Especially when she has to drive it to and from home all of the time now that Kyra's living in the house as well.
It had been a hectic process, but the young midfielder had settled in quickly, taking in the familiarity of the Aussie herself and her club teammates' closeness around them.
Quickly becoming a child amongst the older girls on the team, much like a sibling to them, within but a few months.
That being said.
Kyra was a little shit.
And she knew it too.
A demanding one at that.
Hence why Katie had taken to knocking the young brunette down a few pegs.
Her cockiness was starting to show under the protection of the older girls, so the Irish captain had been messing with her enough to take the invincible mindset away from her.
Leaving her ultimately latched onto Steph now.
A lot.
"Seriously, Steph, please, I can't deal with her leaving shaving foam in my boots again."
The older woman raises an eyebrow at the pleading look on Kyra's face.
"You did this to yourself, Ky. Katie's only retaliating because you decided you were king shit enough to put hair dye in her shampoo."
The younger girl whines.
"Don't you think she's retaliated enough? I've had my shoes violated, my shin guards replaced with slightly smaller ones. I mean, the other day, my water bottle was filled with pickle juice. Pickle Juice! For gods sake."
Steph sighs, rolling her eyes slightly, grabbing the last of her stuff to shove into her pack, she gestures to the front door, to which the midfielder eagerly hurries out of and towards the car, waiting impatiently for the defender to unlock it.
"You've seriously gotta apologise to Katie or something. The girl has ten siblings, I can't imagine she hasn't spent her whole life dealing with bratty behaviour from little shits like you."
Kyra scoffs as she hurriedly buckles herself in.
"The truth."
Steph smirks at the small pout that forms on the other girls lips.
"Hurry up and drive."
"So bossy."
As expected, they arrive with hardly any other people around, decidedly much earlier than any of the other girls. Katie wasn't the earliest of player's anyway, so Kyra really shouldn't be worried about her beating them there.
Still, the youngin looks exceptionally nervous as she peaks into the changing room and gingerly makes her way over to her cubby, scanning it with a ridiculous level of detail.
Steph can only shake her head, watching the young girl sheepishly wander around the room, checking for what may well be hidden traps.
Maybe she should talk with Katie about getting her to take it down a notch.
The Irish woman was nothing if not relentless when it came to getting back at someone.
The last thing the team needed was a midfielder with serious trust issues stemming from their infamous yellow card magnet of a winger.
"Ky, relax. She's not even here yet."
"Yeah, but you never know."
"Seriously, it's game day, relax, she won't-"
"Oh, hello, you two. Stephy. Kyra."
The ever so loud and joyful Katie enters the changing room with a bang of the door as it slams open and hits the wall.
Her smirk quirks up a little wider at the sight of the midfielder, who's looking rather sheepishly around her rather than at the Irish woman herself.
"You two extra early today, eh?"
"Ha, something like that."
Steph gives her a look as she nods in Kyra's direction.
"Give the poor girl a break, would ya? I think she's been thoroughly humbled."
Katie snorts in amusement, eyeing her up.
"Eh, she’s fine. I wasn't gonna do anything."
Steph raises a brow at that.
There it is.
"Of course. Don't mess around too much, though. We still have a game to play, McCabe."
She lets out an unconvincing hum in response, right as some of the other girls start to filter in, Caitlin one of the ones to settle into her cubby beside the defender.
"What's up with the kid?"
Steph snorts.
"Ask your girlfriend. She's been torturing the poor girl."
Caitlin rolls her eyes, turning to Katie, who's now got a cheeky glint in her as she eyes up the younger of the three.
"What? I didn't do any-"
She stops at the look she gets from the Australian, grumbling as she relents and turns back to her cubby.
Kyra's finally able to escape the locker room out of sight of the defender the moment the Irish woman is distracted.
Heading down the hall towards the physio room, she ends up coming face to face with and bumping face first into someone.
She groans when she rubs at her face and her backside from where she landed on it as she stands up again with the help of her assailant.
The person is stood in a royal navy uniform, a patch on her shoulder with three horizontal gold stripes and a small circled loop on the top, hair slicked back and tight into a bun behind her head.
'L/n-Catley' the name badge reads.
Confusion crosses her face which you quickly notice.
"You're Steph's teammate right?"
"Uh yeeaah? Who are you?"
"It's a long story and sorry about the bump there. I uh, I don't know if y'all know yet but I might need your help. The staff were nice enough to let me in but I need an escort here."
"Where are you going?"
"I got told to wait for one of the trainers in the staff room?"
"Can I ask what you're doing?"
"Waiting to see Steph, but don't tell her, it's supposed to be a surprise."
Kyra is extremely sceptical, but she leads you down the hall to where the trainers are situated and one of them recognises you immediately, hugging you and dragging you into the room.
She's even more confused when the staff member is nearly in tears.
Navy uniform.
Here to see Steph.
L/n-Catley on the name badge.
There's no way.
"Are you... Are you married to Steph?"
You chuckle softly, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Yes I am. If you can't tell it's been a little while since we've seen each other."
"Yeah, I can tell, her house is far too empty for the size of it."
"Ah, so you're the new roommate. Kyra, right?"
"She's been talking about me?"
You nod.
"We would call every two weeks. When she found out you were moving to Arsenal, I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad because you'd already trashed her white towels."
"Hey! That was not my fault, the wine just fell... on it's own."
There's a sheepish look on her face.
You chuckle softly.
"She'll be fine, the pattern was ugly anyway, we needed new towels... Don't tell her I said that."
Kyra smiles at that.
"It's great to meet you, then... How are we planning this out?"
"I'll have my sister here sneak me somewhere I can wait and surprise her at the end of the game."
She nods.
"Alright, I better get going then before the girls come looking for me for pitch inspection."
You nod back and give her a warm smile.
"Oh, I'm Y/n, by the way, Lieutenant Commander Y/n L/n-Catley."
The roar of the almost entirely red and white crowd as the girls enter the pitch is as usual, deafeningly loud.
Home games are always the most adrenaline instilling games, ones where their fans are always the loudest, chanting and screaming every time one of their own touches the ball.
Steph can still hardly believe it.
The growth in the game. Breaking records every single home match so far.
The FA Cup semi-final was no different it seems.
Her eyes subtly scan the crowd as she jogs out behind the others, shifting from clapping fan to clapping fan. There's an air about the crowd.
A massively high inducing air, one that she can feel in every nerve ending in her body as she practically bounces around the pitch in warmups.
She brushes it off as it being a semi final type of high.
Aston Villa would be a difficult opponent and she assumed that was the reasoning.
It seems she's proven wrong in the first ten minutes.
It doesn't take long for Stina to score, the home crowd immediately losing their minds, and they barely have time to recover just two minutes later when the Swede swoops in for the double.
By the fourty-fifth minute, they know they have the game. Four to nil over the Villans thanks to a Stina hattrick and a goal from Frida. Her heartbeat is thumping in her ears as they approach the final minute.
This is the part they're in the dark. How many minutes left of stoppage? How much longer does she have to defend?
The players are taught not to worry about that. To just play until the whistle blows. And she does.
But she can't help the nagging awaiting of the whistle, wondering when it will go.
The moment it does, there's celebration, relief, and a lot of cheering and screams and congratulation from the air around.
A pair of arms and legs wrap around her from behind as Kyra jumps on her back, the young Australian whooping into her ear.
"Onto the finals, Stephy!"
The defender chuckles and celebrates with the team, the announcer shouting out the home teams win to wind up the crowd once more.
As they do the celebration walk around the pitch, the announcer announces player of the match, and then one more announcement catches her ear.
Her head snaps toward the tunnel the moment she hears it, heart stopping at the words of the female announcer.
"And finally, one last round of applause. Let us congratulate and welcome back someone very special to one of our own. Lieutenant Commander Y/N L/n-Catley returning from fifteen months of duty at sea with the Royal Navy."
And truly, there you are, her wife.
Dressed to the nines in your Black, long sleeved uniform, hands clasped behind you, standing with a wide, almost teary smile as you watch Steph bolt across the pitch towards you, catching her with little effort as she jumps into your arms, knocking the cap off your head with the force.
The rest of the Arsenal girls stand shocked, looking between themselves and their left back at the sudden appearance of a totally new member of the Catley family.
Before they can even try to work out who you might be to Steph, the defender has her lips pressed to yours tightly, tears streaming down your face.
The sensation of finally being able to kiss you, her wife. HER wife, has her trembling against you, her stomach twisting and curling as you hold her tight against you, your own hands shaking as they rest on her back.
It had been the longest stint you'd gone without seeing each other, having been on a cramped ship for the majority of that time.
Even having been used to long times apart, the immense relief of being able to hold your person, your love, YOUR wife, after so long. was like nothing else you'd ever experienced.
And you were glad you had all the time in the world to experience it now.
When Steph's finally able to pull back and look you in the eye, hands holding your face, eyes scanning your features, noting a small scar under your right brow, and then returning to make eye contact again with you, albeit very tearily, much like yourself.
Lifting your own hands, your thumbs swipe away the tears on her cheeks, leaning down once more to kiss her, forehead leaning against hers.
You take in the immensity of the screams of the crowd all of a sudden, especially the crowd around the players' tunnel.
With that, she buries herself back into your hold, her nose buried into the crook of your neck.
Your eyes scan the pitch, watching the applauding or shocked expressions of the players.
You'd already known her teammates didn't know she was married, however their shocked expressions still have you chuckling.
All except Kyra's wide smile as she watches the two of you and you give the girl a wink.
"I can't believe it. You're here."
It's half whimpered into your shoulder, and you just barely hear it over the crowd.
"I'm here. I'm home."
"They finally let you on leave?"
She's using a half joking tone beneath the watery chokes and sobs.
"Better than that, Love."
She pulls away shocked.
"You mean.."
You smile down at her teary eyed.
"I'm home for good, not retired but they're giving me an office in London. Full time hours still but I won't be needed for duty anymore."
She frowns softly after a second.
She knew you'd always hated the idea of an office job.
Catching the look on her face, you knew what she'd be thinking about.
"I don't care where it is, or what I'm doing. I'm just glad I'm home, with you. I've had my fill of travelling and front line work for a lifetime."
Leaning your forehead back against hers, you let the moment sink in.
You'd known it was coming for months now, haven spoken to your superiors, and them letting you know there was a position available remotely, you'd taken it in a heartbeat.
If it meant coming home to your girl, you'd have done anything.
A small throat clearing a couple feet from you, the team had moved to stand around the pair of you, eager to ask questions of the brunette in your arms.
You nudge her softly with a small giggle in her ear.
"Babe, I think they have questions."
"They can wait a little longer."
You don't fight her on it just letting her settle into you again, holding you tightly.
The moment she does let go, she's grabbed by the shoulders and interrogated by the team rather swiftly.
Leah stands arms crossed.
"Now Stephy, when did this occur?"
Steph sheepishly smiles around her at her.
"Alright alright, Gunners, meet my beautiful wife, Y/n. She's been in the navy since she turned eighteen, we met five years ago when she was on leave in Australia. We started dating less than a month later and she left on duty about four months later. We got married after three years, bought a house right before she left a year and a bit ago. We haven't seen each other in person since then. Until now, that is."
And just like that, you're immediately dragged into the group rather swiftly, squished into several hugs.
A firm handshake and then a tight hug from their captain, especially. The Scot making firm well you know how quickly she'd bury you should you hurt their defender, despite the fact you'd known Steph longer and you chuckle, nodding in agreement at the stern look turned cracked smile she lets go.
When you're finally free, Steph takes no time tucking herself under your arm and wrapping hers around you, looking up at you slightly with a proud, elated smile, eyes still slightly teary.
Returning the expression, you press a small kiss to her nose.
"Welcome home, Baby."
You shake your head.
"Congrats on the win, Baby, this is your moment right now. Go celebrate for a bit, we've got all the time in the world now."
She pouts but relents with a small peck and nudge.
The shouts of the Irish captain make her jump but chuckle a little as a gloating midfielder teases the rest of the girls.
Yeah. She was in for it.
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amyispxnk · 11 months
Be strong like you should've been.
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Summary: You're grieving already and you almost lose Joel. You're not gonna let that happen.
A/N: if I can be bothered and people care enough I might make this into a multiple part slowburn thing
Joel Miller x f!reader, platonic!Ellie Williams x f!reader
Word count: 2009
Frankly it was embarrassing.
Embarrassing when you would be walking through the forest, Ellie's puns from that dumb book becoming muffled as your thoughts clouded your mind once more, and the two of them noticed you were crying before you did, the realisation making you quickly wipe away the tears you pretended didn't even spill.
Embarrassing when you bolted upright from your sleep in the early hours of the morning, panting heavily and feeling the dried tears on your face as you saw her staring at you awkwardly, averting her gaze as soon as yours met it and staring into her can of food. You didn't miss the feeling of his gaze burning holes through you either.
Embarrassing now as you sat before Joel, fumbling for a med-kit or anything of use in your bag.
"Shit!" You cursed as the latch on the box came undone by itself, causing the roll of gauze to unfurl across the floor.
Ellie was scrambling to help get it back together as he groaned in pain, fingers digging into his palms.
"I'm so sorry, fuck, okay it's gonna hurt. I'm sorry." Your voice quivered at the end of the sentence as you choked on a sob, willing the tears away as they gathered at your waterline.
"You gotta hurry up!" Ellie said in a panicked voice, hands already reaching for your pistol as you tried your best to tend to Joel's wound. It wasn't anything detrimental, but they got him in the leg with a bullet and thats why he was currently on the floor, feeling useless since he genuinely couldn't move or get you both away from the danger.
"No, Ellie listen! Just give me that. You stay here, okay? I'm gonna get them away and then you-"
"Absolutely fucking not." He gritted, already reaching for his rifle.
"Joel, you can't move. I need to get them away." You argued, handing Ellie the supplies as you got up. He couldn't really stop you now and you all knew it.
She nodded slowly at your instructions, feeling a little weird since she was going against Joel's order by doing so, but taking the med-kit anyway and accepting your pistol as you told her it was 'strictly for an emergency' and to 'just focus on getting out of here'.
You waited until the pair had safely made some distance before you left the barricaded room, sneaking outside the other way as you hid behind a crate. The gunfire had quietened down when the raiders lost you, so you figured the best way to go about this was to kill them as quietly as possible.
You listened out for their voices and footsteps and crept up behind your first victim, jumping up and clasping a hand over his mouth before driving the blade into his neck, laying him on the ground and quickly moving on.
You did the same with three more, until you got to the fourth one. You had just stabbed him and you were holding him up until he died when another one of the men came behind you, foolishly stepping on a bottle and giving you just a split-second extra of time to evade his attack. You quickly moved to the side and dropped the man, leaving him to choke and gasp on the floor as you reached for your gun, firing it rapidly at the man across from you. He fell to the floor as you heard the shouts of at least a dozen other men once they'd heard the gunshots. So much for being quiet.
You darted out the door, running across the outside of the building and quickly looking around for Joel or Ellie, seeing neither of them. Good, you thought. That means they got away.
After ensuring they were safe and far enough from the building, you made a break for the forest nearby, praying that that was where they went. It would be the most logical decision, as Joel couldn't get much further fast enough.
You fired blindly at this point, just wanting to hit anything to slow your attackers down, barely even stopping when you got to the forest until you noticed a marking on a tree. It was a little design that Ellie noticed on a patch on your backpack one day, asking you about it. It was something from before the Outbreak even, an old design on it which lead to a long enthusiastic conversation about life before the world ended. She had remembered it and wanted you to be able to tell they were nearby without anyone else knowing. Smart girl.
You concealed yourself behind a few trees as you waited for the sounds to dissipate, reloading your ammo and wiping your knife.
It must've been almost 2 hours before you finally got back to them, immediately going back to worrying over Joel, and Ellie now too.
"Did you get hurt when I was gone? Did you stop the bleeding? I should've told you to clean the wound too, did you do that? Fuck." Words spilled out of your mouth as you frantically checked the two of them for injuries, until you felt Ellie's hand on your shoulder.
"It's fine. We're fine. I stopped him bleeding and neither of us got hurt. Chill out, man." She chuckled slightly at the end as you finally calmed down.
"I'm so sorry." You sighed, standing up and going to get some food out of your bag.
"If he can't move, then we'll have to stay here for the night. Can't say it'll be very safe, but I'll stay up and keep watch, okay?"
"I can walk fine." He countered, getting up with a heavy groan of difficulty before leaning against the tree.
"You sure about that old man?" Ellie teased, finding his struggle kind of amusing now that you were all out of danger and okay.
He gave her a look before turning to you.
"C'mon, gimme that." Joel reached for his bag, making you swiftly pull it away from him.
"Absolutely. Not. It's gonna make you even slower, and if you want to move we have to do it quick." You said, gesturing to the sun which was already making its descent to below the horizon.
After that you got quiet. The three of you found an empty house which you barricaded before giving Ellie and Joel some food before she went up to bed and it was just the two of you in the living room.
"Y' should eat somethin'." He muttered, breaking the silence which had enveloped you after Ellie left.
"And you should get some rest." You argued, your back to him as you stared through the window, hands ready on your gun to shoot at anything you didn't like the look of.
You had been too weak lately. You let it get the better of you, and you got distracted. Now you were paying the price. She would've been disappointed in you.
You had lost your older sister almost 2 months ago now, and it still hurt just as bad as it did on the day. It was right before you left the QZ when you had snuck out with her to go watch the snow by your lake, wanting to enjoy it without the sound of gunfire and the bothersome guards on your ass every 5 minutes when you were outside and not doing something useful.
She had taken you there spontaneously, normally you would have planned a little better for this trip but neither of you expected it to snow so beautifully and she really wanted to take you.
But it was truly amazing, and definitely worth the risk, you concluded. The lake was still slightly frosted over as January was just coming to its end, tree branches and bushes had dustings of snow adorning them, and you both had a lot of fun building snowmen and making snow angels that night.
On your way back, you had to go through an old town which you had cleared last month.
It wasn't clear anymore.
One second you were creeping through a house and the next rotten teeth were sinking into her flesh as you watched in pure horror. Horror which quickly turned to rage as you raised your gun and shot the clicker once, twice, three, and four times in the head, watching it twitch before crumpling on the floor.
She had forced you to kill her so she wouldn't end up like that.
You shook your head, shuddering at the memory before getting up and walking over to him.
"Let me check it." You told him before slowly pulling up his left pant leg and undressing the wound. Ellie had clearly done her best at patching him up, but it needed to be fixed up a little.
You worked quietly as he watched, tying the final bit of gauze and cutting off the excess before standing up again. You looked down at him.
It had been too close. Too fucking close. He literally fell whilst you were running away and you had to pick him up again, dragging him to the nearby room whilst shooting at the hunters. Blood poured out of his leg and you thought he was really going to die. You fucking blinked and he was on the brink of death. Just like she was.
"What's up with you lately?" He asked, having noticed the clear change in your attitude. You had known him before this whole adventure began, having done deals with him a few times and him having known your sister too. He didn't actually know she was dead though, having asked where she was when you turned up at his place one day and all you responded was that she had to leave for something, leaving it at that.
Then Ellie came along and you set off for the Fireflies, almost halfway through your journey now.
"I'm fine. You should honestly get some rest Joel."
"You're not fine." He said, grunting as he got up and walked over to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You can talk t' me. I don't know if you're scared or what, but don't be. 'm here for ya." He assured you. He wasn't great at this whole comforting people thing, but he'd try for your sake.
"Cassie, she-" you began after a brief pause and he immediately tensed. Of course he sensed something was wrong all those weeks ago when you turned up without her, it wasn't like you to go anywhere alone but there you were, alone at his door.
"She's gone, Joel." Your voice cracked again as you finally let yourself cry, your entire body shaking with sobs as he turned you round and pulled you tight into him, rubbing your back soothingly and shushing you.
"Oh, sweetheart.." He didn't know what to say. You and Cassie were as close as sisters could be, he knew that. He knew how much you loved eachother and how you had stayed so strong these past 8 weeks amazed him.
"I'm sorry." You choked out. "I should've been faster earlier, I- I let you down."
"Shh, you didn't. You were so amazing out there. Don't say that." He said softly, moving back slightly from you and brushing your tears away with his thumbs. "You did the best you could, and that was enough. You didn't do anything wrong sweetheart, okay?"
You nodded slightly, gaze moving to the floor before he tilted your head upwards and looked at you.
"You should really go to sleep." You mumbled.
"I'll stay up with you." He offered.
"It's not gonna do us any good if both of us are tired tomorrow."
Joel sat back down on the couch with that. "Well I'm gonna stay up until you fall asleep, 'cause I know you will." He teased, making you let out a watery laugh before wiping your face again.
"Okay, I'm gonna go clean my face then."
"I'll be waitin'." He responded as you walked up the staircase.
Thank you SM for reading, I hope you liked it! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open. 💞
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
STEVE + ARGYLE + READER, afternoon palm tree delight
Warnings: absolutely filthy smut (18+ only, minors DNI), voyeurism?, public sex, drug use, fingering, unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up), male masturbation, pet names
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Ziggy didn't give me a place in this ask, so I asked her privately and she said the Wheeler basement. So that's where it came from.
“Forty-seven, forty-eight—shit, babe, you totally made me lose count!” Argyle groans as you tug gently on his hair to get his attention. 
You roll your eyes. “You were counting the wood panels on the wall, not performing brain surgery.” Your sarcasm garners a laugh from Steve, and Argyle flips you both off. “I was gonna ask you to pass me a joint,” you continue, pulling out your lime green lighter. It’s been a long day, and you could really use some Purple Palm Tree Delight.
Your boyfriend wrinkles his nose. “Won’t the Wheelers get mad if we smoke in their basement?”
“Doubtful,” you scoff. “Nancy told me that Mike once hid a girl down here for, like, weeks. Their parents were oblivious.” You stretch out your hand as he takes the joint from behind his ear and places it in your palm. “Thank you!” you trill, pressing a kiss to his cheek and lighting up. 
“Speaking of Nancy,” Steve interjects, rubbing his palms on his jeans, “do we have an ETA for her, or…?”
“Emergency newspaper club meeting,” you tell him. “But I’m surprised you didn’t already know that, loverboy,” you tease, inhaling and passing to him. He looks at it before taking a hit, shooting you a puzzled look. 
“Don’t try to act coy with us, Harrington,” Argyle laughs, plucking the joint from Steve’s fingers and placing it between his own lips. “You’re gonna sit here and say you’re helping your ex-girlfriend plan a surprise party for her boyfriend out of the goodness of your heart.”
“Yeah, okay, sure,” Steve mumbles, breaking the puff-puff-pass rotation and taking the joint before you can. “Yup, I’m still in love with Nancy.”
You lean over to snatch it back from him, and he gets a perfect view of your cleavage peeking from your tank top. “Wait your turn!” you scold him, but you’re smiling as you say it. 
“Aw, c’mon, princesa,” Argyle nuzzles into you, already feeling the effects from the weed, “cut him some slack. It’s exhausting pining over Nancy all day.” He kisses your neck and snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer. He always gets extra frisky when he’s high. 
“Ugh, enough with the PDA!” Steve grumbles as you and Argyle shotgun smoke into each other’s mouths. “Seriously, I’ll leave right now.”
“Someone wishes he was doing this with Nancy Wheeler,” you giggle, only interrupted by your boyfriend nibbling on your earlobe. 
“I don’t want Nancy!” Steve shouts a bit too loudly, startling you. “I’m just being a good friend. That’s all.”
“Bullshit,” you retort. “You love her. Why else would you always offer to drive us to work, when the mall is out of your way? Or bring us coffee when you know we have an early shift? Or how you come to all of my volleyball games,
because she’s the one who reports on girls’ sports?”
A deep blush sets into Steve’s cheeks, and Argyle adjusts his position to sit up straighter. “Uh, babe?” he starts. “I don’t think Steve wants to be with Nancy. I think he wants to be with…you.”
“Oh my God!” Steve buries his head in his hands. “Tell me this is a bad dream, and I’m gonna wake up any second now.”
“Wait, seriously?” Your eyes widen. “Dude, why didn’t you say anything?” 
“Yeah, man,” Argyle says smugly. “You know we’re always down for a third.”
Steve shakes his head. “Nah, I’d feel too weird…like, touching your girl, y’know?”
There’s a brief silence before you have an idea. “So don’t touch me,” you grin mischievously. “You tell Argyle what you want him to do to me, and he’ll do it. And you’ll only be touching yourself.” You bite your lower lip; you’re already getting wet at the idea of Steve watching you. 
“O-Okay,” Steve stammers, swallowing thickly. “If it’s cool with you guys.” He feels his jeans tightening around his crotch. 
“‘S cool with me,” Argyle chimes in. “What about you, princesa?”
You nod, climbing onto your boyfriend’s lap and straddling his waist. “Whenever you’re ready, Stevie.”
Steve already looks flustered, but he manages to tell Argyle to kiss you. Your boyfriend chastely presses his lips to your cheek, purposely ornery. “Like that?” he goads Steve. 
“No, fuckin’…kiss her, man. Kiss her like you wanna fuck her.” His animalistic side is starting to show, but you barely have time to enjoy it before Argyle’s tongue parts your lips. You moan into it, and Steve palms himself over his jeans. 
“You like her pretty little sounds?” Argyle instigates, chuckling as Steve nods weakly. “There’s plenty more where that came from, Big Boy. Keep going. And, uh, make yourself more comfortable.”
Steve unbuttons his pants obediently, tugging them down along with his boxers. He takes his hard cock in his hand and spits on it. “Is she wet?” he asks. 
Argyle slips his hand under your skirt, bunching up the material and running a thick finger over your panties. “Soaked.”
“Shit,” Steve breathes, using his saliva as lube and pumping slowly. “Rub her clit. Make her feel good.”
“You got it, boss.” Argyle takes your lace thong off and tosses it to Steve. “A little souvenir,” he says with a wink, bringing his attention back to your pussy. 
“Touch me, please,” you beg. “Need your fingers.” He obliges, circling your sensitive bundle with the pad of his middle finger. “S-So good, babe. Right there. I’m gonna…” You grind your hips as he quickens his pace. You feel your orgasm creep up on you, just within reach—
“Stop!” Steve cries out; you and Argyle freeze. “Don’t let her cum yet. Make her work for it. Need to hear her fuckin’ scream.” He’s put your panties over his cock, thrusting into them as he gives instructions. “Go nice and slow.” Argyle complies, and your pathetic whimper only turns both men on more. “Thassit. Now, put one finger in her. Not too fast, though.”
Your fingertips dig into Argyle’s shoulders as you bounce on his thick digit, desperate for some sensory input. Steve notices, clearing his throat in disapproval. “Hey, Cheech,” he calls out, “our girl’s getting greedy. Better put her in her place.”
“Oh, she’s our girl now, Harrington?” Argyle smirks, tilting your chin so your eyes meet his. “You heard him, princesa. Only take what I give you.”
“Y-Yes sir,” you whine, silently praying that he’ll slide another finger inside you.
After a few agonizing minutes that feel like hours, you hear Steve finally mutter, “‘M close. Pull out–fuck–all the stops.” His fist flies over his erection, groaning as the fabric from your panties adds friction. “Wanna see her ride you.”
You couldn’t be more grateful as you pull your boyfriend’s cock out of his pants, grazing it along your wet folds. “Someone’s eager,” he teases lightly, but you have no patience to think of a witty comeback. Instead, you line him up with your wanting cunt, hissing gently as he stretches you.
“T-Tell me how she feels,” Steve pleads. A bead of sweat trickles down from his forehead. “Bet she feels perfect, huh? Bet our girl always feels s’perfect.”
“She’s so fuckin’ tight, dude,” Argyle agrees, throwing his head back as you grind down, allowing his length to hit every square inch of your walls. “Got the tightest little pussy; makes me cum in seconds.”
“Baby?” you squeak out, and both Argyle and Steve turn their attention to you. “C-Can I cum now? Please?” Argyle looks at Steve for approval, and he manages a nod. With that, Argyle pins your thighs against him as he pistons harder and faster, spilling into you as you finish all over his cock. Steve’s panting breaths echo around the room as he cums in your already ruined panties.
“Holy shit,” he says to no one in particular. “That was–wow. Didn’t know I was into that,” he adds with a chuckle. He cleans himself off with the lace, and Argyle reaches for the tissue box to wipe his own cum from you. “Wait–I wanna see. If…if that’s okay?” He realizes that he’s just asked, his ears tinging pink with embarrassment.
Argyle waits for your consent, which you give enthusiastically. “Just no touching,” he warns him, and his possessiveness makes you wet all over again.
Steve nods, feeling his cock twitch up as he watches Argyle’s load drip out of your pussy. He’s speechless for a moment, mumbling, “Clean her up before I get hard again,” tucking your thong into his back pocket.
You’re about to argue that that might not be a bad thing when you hear Nancy’s voice call out to her parents that she’s home. “Shit!” You tug down your bunched-up skirt as Argyle quickly cleans up. You’re all trying to act casual as Nancy bounds down the stairs, crinkling her nose. “Were you guys smoking down here?”
“Mhm, yeah, sorry,” Argyle blurts out. “Won’t happen again.”
Nancy narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Did I miss something?”
“Absolutely not,” you chirp too enthusiastically, and the two boys nod in agreement. 
Steve stands up suddenly, perspiration still clinging to his face. “I, uh, gotta pee,” he says lamely, but as he walks to the bathroom, your panties fall out of his pocket.
“Is that–” Nancy starts, shaking her head. “Actually, I don’t wanna know.”
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I have so many feelings about Khaos Reigns and it isn't even out yet. UGH. Mostly good feelings, but still.
If you're averse to musings that involve internet rumors, reported leaks, etc. avoid accordingly.
Unless we've been cruelly teased, the story is paving the way for a Bi-Han redemption arc and I'm all-in. It may just be hinted at for now and not actually happen until next DLC/next game. Shelving him so early on would be a mistake, IMO. I also think there are existing dialogues that imply it as well. Johnny Cage announcer calling Kameo Sareena "Bi-Han's Future Bestie" definitely implies they have, well, a FUTURE together, and that she will likely be a key factor in his redemption. Unsure if it'll be romantic future or not. I’m cool, either way.
However, this whole thing presents some issues. If Bi-Han regains his cryomancy and takes up the title of Sub-Zero once more, that removes Noob from the narrative unless his lore is changed. IE: Noob separates wholly into two entities, one being restored Bi-Han and another being his corrupted self. And then his corrupted self has its own even more corrupted 'hold my beer' self???
But if Bi-Han stays Noob, albeit a reformed, free of his curse version, that leaves us without a Sub-Zero. And it would be so weird to make it Kuai Liang in this universe. Because that would ~drumroll~ remove Scorpion from the timeline. So there's obviously gonna be some character musical chairs. Some people are convinced Hanzo will be the new Sub-Zero, thus completing the Freaky Friday action between him and Kuai Liang.
Others have suggested Frost will be the roster cryomancer going forward, which just seems like a really good way to shit on her popularity even more. I like her, but I do feel like she's an acquired taste and a lot of fans won't take kindly to her ascending like that (although there is that Shao/Bi-Han dialogue where Shao warns him that Frost means to eclipse him...)
My ideal but wholly unrealistic and way too self indulgent outcome would probably be Bi-Han remaining Noob and keeping his chaos/shadow powers but regaining his overwhelming good looks. And I am aware how shallow this makes me sound. But there have been some really great alt type versions of characters. I know I lost my shit in the best way when MK9 gave us human Cyrax and Sektor. MK9 human Cyrax is the very best version of that character, period.
Still, it seems like this is going to be an instance where no matter what choice is made, a certain (and quite possibly large) portion of the fan base are going to be disappointed and alienated.
I really need to get over this. I mean, I love extra crispy Kabal. I can learn to love Noob.
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laneydays · 2 years
you owe me, part 2 // billy showalter x reader
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i dont rlly like this put here u go the long awaited part 2.
part 1 here
we're gonna IGNORE the fact that i was supposed to publish this like 5 days ago im so sorry for lying i had school and family stuff and guitar lmfao
anyways school is cancelled for the rest of the week cuz of a hurricane, i might start writing another oneshot ;) maybe vance? dont know! but i hope u guys like this, felt i couldve done better but eh :)
after billy showalter had showed up by your house on his bike, your day was just a little brighter. he had really cared enough to go out of his way to deliver one more paper, just for you. he remembered, that you read the paper and kept it to make art or decorate your room with. even if reading the paper made you look like a total old man nerd, he went that extra mile for you. or in his case, a few blocks down from his route. the thought made you feel giddy and high.
you had came back in the house with a little more pep in your step, a stupid grin on your face that kept coming back whenever you looked at the flower pressing that you preserved on your dresser. the muscles in your face hurt from how good you felt. it was funny, to you. teachers would always say how one small thing a person can do can make another person's whole day. no one ever listened, including you. you thought it was bull, so it was amusing how the paper delivery boy proved you wrong. even if the flower seemed to shrivel slowly after a few hours, you couldn't help but think about it. billy showalter, of all people. he must be a goddamn saint if he can make me change my mind about him after a day, you thought. 
"holy shit," donna had blurted out from the phone when you told her. you had hushed her, even if no one was there to hear you besides your sleeping dog early in the morning.
"he totally likes you." she teased. you almost stumbled, clutching the phone in your hand a little tighter. "thats funny, donna. well, i don't like him," you scoffed.
you told her that to get her to leave you alone about it. (you doubted she would) but you would be lying if you said billy showalter didn't intrigue you with his actions toward you. nevertheless, you owed him big time. so, begrudgingly, on the monday before school, you emptied your piggy bank and counted the dollar bills and cents to pay billy back for everything he did. it was five bucks. you sighed, it was a decent amount of money to owe a boy. and it made you realize just how nice he was being to you.
you pocketed the money, getting ready to go to school. you jumped down the stairs, alerting your dog. they circled around your feet, barking and jumping excitedly. you rubbed their ears, talking to them in a high pitch.
your parents said your name, making you look up. "i thought we told you not to jump down the stairs. you'll break something," they instructed with a disappointed voice. your mother was at the table, and your father cleaning dishes at the sink. you winced slightly. "yeah, sorry."
you sat down at the table, eating the slightly burnt piece of toast your mother had set out for you. chewing on it, you watched your mother open up the paper as she sipped her coffee. you nearly choked, coughing. she was reading the paper.
she looked at you. "yeah, where did you get this? we don't get the paper," she asked. drinking your water, you tried clearing your throat before you replied. "yeah.. you know billy showalter delivers the paper, right?" you said slowly. your father chimed in, "of course. he stops by every sunday to get what we type up." your mother turned back to you, finishing for him. "but he doesn't stop by our house." 
you smiled sheepishly. "yeah. well, we're partners in class for a project. he stopped by yesterday because i told him i read the paper."
your dad looked over at you with a confused smile. "you read the paper?" he said, obviously making fun of you. your mother gave him a look before sipping her mug again. "how sweet. he's such a lovely boy. i'm glad you're becoming close," she said to you. "yes, it's about time you got a boyfriend," your father finished. you finished your toast, extremely flustered while your mother scolded him for assuming things.
you took a shy drink of water. "i have to go to his house later today. for the project." smiling, your mother held your hand. "good, that's good." 
"don't come back late," said your dad. you stood up, grabbing your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. "yeah, don't worry." you kissed your mother on the cheek, and hugged your father goodbye. 
"be polite, and tell billy and mrs. showalter thank you," she said before you left. you agreed, closing the door. you took a breath, trying to console yourself and your embarrassment.
you walked to school. it was starting to get colder out, now. and you wished you had brought a thicker jacket. you spotted more kids walking as you got closer to school. you rubbed your arms, feeling the chill of the weather.
hearing your name being called, you turned around. gwen was jogging to catch up to you, finney following right behind her. "hey," you said to the small girl. "hi," finney finished for her, as she was catching her breath. you three walked together to school every day. it was a shame donna couldn't, her house was further away from yours. "kinda cold out, huh?" gwen said. you scoffed, "no kidding. wish i had brought a different covering."
as you got closer to school, you turned to the siblings. "i have to go to the library, i'll see you later nerds." gwen hugged you goodbye. "why the library?" finney asked. you turned away. "for a project. see you." they waved you goodbye as you entered through the double doors. there were less kids in the halls because you were a little early. 
you weren't lying to finney, you really did have to go to the library. you wanted to put effort into it the same way billy was, so you thought you'd find a book or two to help you with research.
upon entering, the library was pretty much empty. it was silent except for the pages being flipped by the librarian behind the counter. she muttered a 'good morning' under her breath as you walked in.
the isles were empty, but you saw a silhouette of a young boy. you searched through the books, in the history section. taking out many, reading the backs and then returning them to the shelf. you were impatient, and already becoming antsy. you wish you could just find a book already.
you turned the corner into the next isle, stopping when you saw the boy. it was griffin. he was reading a book, when he noticed you standing there and looked up. he was surprised to see you, you noticed. "hi, griffin," you said with a smile. "hi." he replied. you approached him, sitting next to him. "what are you reading?" griffin tilted the book so you could see the cover. it was the shining by stephen king. "stephen king? he wrote carrie. you like him?" he nodded at you. you were a bit shocked that a kid as young as him would be into that stuff. but he was smart, so it was probably okay.
"what are you doing here?" griffin asked you this time. he was right, you weren't usually in here. "i'm looking for a book. for a project."
"is it the one with billy?" he asked quickly. you almost stuttered, he was fast. you swallowed. "yeah. how'd you know?" you asked. griffin closed his book. "he told me." you smiled. "oh yeah? what else did he say?" you joked. the boy looked up at you. "he said you make him nervous sometimes."
you pressed your lips together tightly. a weird tight feeling in your stomach. "oh." griffin shook his head lightly, his curls bouncing. "but in a good way, he said. i don't know." the weird feeling was replaced by a new once, a weird kind of knot. you smiled sheepishly. 
"he likes you. you should be friends," the boy said. you looked away, trying to tame the heat in your face. "o-okay. i just need a book first," you laughed. griffin asked what type of book you needed. you told him what your project was about, and he got up enthusiastically, taking your hand and dragging you into an isle.
"this one," he said, taking out a book and holding it out to you. taking it gently from his hands, you read the back. it was great for your project. you looked back up at him, smiling. "this is perfect. thanks, griffin!" 
he smiled bashfully, his freckled cheeks rosy. you looked up at the clock, at the time. "the bells gonna ring in a minute," you looked at him. "want me to walk you to your first period?" griffin smiled wider. "okay. but its in the sixth grade hall," to which you replied that it was okay. you checked out your book, and the younger boy hung onto your hip the whole time. 
the bell had rung as you walked out the door with griffin, the book tucked into your backpack safely. griffins classroom was a little further than expected, but it was okay. you said goodbye to him and went back to yours. you kept thinking about him as you sat down, and how you really saw him as a little brother. it was a sweet feeling. 
the period was unfortunately very boring. you were learning about the layers of the earth, and honestly, you weren't really paying attention. you were just doodling all over your paper. until you felt a pinch in your back. you turned around to see robin arellano. "you free after school today?" he whispered. you shook your head. "no, i have to work on a project with billy showalter. sorry." robin's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "huh? showalter? for real?" you nodded, shrugging with a smile before turning back to your paper.
you continued drawing before a piece of wrapped gum dropped on your paper with a smiley face and an '-R' written on it messily. you turned around, blowing robin a joking kiss. he 'caught it' in the air, and held it to his chest. you held your hand to your mouth, trying to stop yourself from laughing as you unfolded the gum wrapper and placing it in your mouth. 
the bell rang, the class was over. you didn't listen to whatever your teacher was saying, and you just packed your stuff to leave, stopping by the door to wait for a slow robin. he caught up to you, and you walked together.
"so, you and billy?" he asked. he had a teasing look on his face. what was it with people joking about you and billy? "yeah, i have a project with him in civics." robin rolled his eyes, looking off. "just say you're going out with him. i've seen you giving him heart eyes across the lunchroom before." you turned to him swiftly, pushing him harshly. "shut up! i do not!" you growled, a furious heat in your cheeks.  robin held his hands up, trying to defend himself from your wrath as he giggled uncontrollably. 
you sighed angrily. "i'm serious, though... its just a project," you mumbled. robin flashed a smile. "sure, okay. i'll see you later." you were about to make him stay so you could keep defending yourself, but you just sighed once more as you watched robin head off to his next class. you would keep getting teased. and you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on billy showalter.
you sat down in your next class, trying console yourself. it's not like you liked him that much. maybe the reason you disliked him at first, was because you wanted an excuse. but it was hard, with his stupid smile and his stupid laugh, and his stupid hair and his stupid job. it was stupid. you were stupid. you hated having crushes.
the rest of your classes went by faster.  they mostly consisted of you laying your head on the desk and sleeping, and or ignoring anyone who tried to ask what was wrong with you. the only person you'd answer was donna.
"you're a mess," she shook her head. you peeked up at her. "no kidding." she sighed, slumping down next to you. "maybe you should just talk to him." sitting up straighter, you took a deep breath. "i will. when i see him." 
donna looked at you pitifully. she knew how much you hated these type of things. you looked back at her, reading her eyes and sighing. "don't look at me like that. i'll get over it, i always do." donna pushed your arm slightly. "but do you want to get over it? it's nice when someone likes you, yknow," she told you. you didn't reply, you only put your head in your hands and groaned.
lunch came quickly. you sat down with robin, finney, donna, and gwen, chewing on an orange slice. they were talking about whatever while you zoned off, thinking about the upcoming week and your assignments. until there were fingers snapping in front of your face. you looked up to robin leaning toward you and snapping from across the table. you smacked his hand down with a growl. he sat back with a grin. "stop daydreaming about your boyfriend," he giggled. your eyebrows furrowed and you stood up in your seat, your hands placed firmly on the table. leaning forward, you gave robin a mouthful. "he is not my boyfriend!" you exclaimed with a heated face. finney and gwen looked at you both with puzzled expressions, while donna seemed concerned.
"leave them alone, robin," she whispered. taming your outburst, you looked away shamefully. you saw griffin and billy sitting with each other. and bruce yamada, was his name? sat with them, too.
"wait, you have a boyfriend?" gwen said dumbly. you sighed with a dry chuckle. "no. it's a long story." gwen and finney looked at each other before the curly haired boy shrugged. he looked at you again. "is it billy?" he questioned innocently. you shut your eyes tightly. "ugh," you groaned, and that told the siblings what they needed to know. 
you felt the dread set in your stomach as you walked to your period after lunch. it was funny to you how people described getting butterflies as a cute fluttery feeling. you didn't get those. it was more like fuzzy worms crawling inside your organs. both of them still came from the same thing however; and it was liking someone. the someone that happens to be out of your league, and the someone you completely denied your feelings for a few days ago. you huffed, you weren't gonna be a pussy about it.
you sat down in your seat, watching as students piled in after you. you didn't care, until billy walked in. your chest tightened a little and you watched him sit down in his seat, his hair framing his face perfectly. he looked back, and caught your eye. he gave you a comforting smile, and your heart squeezed, giving him a simple wave back.  
no! don't let him seduce you with his attractive antics! you furiously told yourself, placing your fuming head in your hands.
everyone was seated, your teacher beginning to speak. "settle down. settle down," she projected. people got quieter.
she interlaced her hands together. "alright, this period will be dedicated to working on your project. i will pass out a paper to fill in information, but remember it will have to be put on a project board. you may use your notes for it aswell," your classmates got louder once again. she cleared her throat angrily. "don't think this is a free period. i will be watching you and making sure you're actually working," she snapped. they muttered words under their breath.
"thank you. now, you may join with your partner while i pass out the paper."
everyone stood up, giggling and gossiping. you pushed your chair back dramatically, making your way to billy. you made eye contact, but you immediately looked away as you sat next to him. "hey," he greeted. "hi," you replied.
he coughed awkwardly when your teacher came to you, giving you one paper. you looked up at her confusedly. "don't we need another?" she nearly rolled her eyes at you. "we're sharing," she sighed. you slumped down in your seat slightly at her annoyed tone as she walked away. 
billy looked at you again. "so, do you have any ideas?" he asked. he wanted to get you talking. he wanted you to talk to him, and hear your voice.
you perked up. "yeah! i do. i actually went to the library this morning because it felt like you were doing all the work, and you're probably smarter than me and i wanted to carry my own weight, y'know? so i got a book," you rambled, taking out the hardcover book. you mentally pinched yourself at what you said. sometimes billy made you want to talk ten times more or never talk again. the latter seemed more appealing when you looked up to see an embarrassed look on his face, his cheeks flushed. 
"i-i'm sorry," you stuttered. "i didn't mean-" you cleared your throat. just stop talking, you screamed internally.
"you're smart, too," billy mumbled. you almost crumpled the paper from how tight you gripped it. you laughed nervously, averting your eyes to the paper. you tapped your pen anxiously on the table, extremely aware of the noise it made. "so, do you still want me to come over after school? to study, i mean. you got the supplies, right?" billy nodded at you. "yeah, i did. my mom freaked out i was having a friend over."
you stopped tapping the pen. "oh, was she not expecting it? sorry," you fretted. billy shook his head. "no, no." he looked away bashfully. "it's just, erm. she- uh," the boy stuttered. he cleared his throat when he saw you blink. "nevermind," he muttered. 
it took a lot in you not to laugh at his embarrassment. and billy recalled the conversation he had the previous morning with his mother, and it made him even more embarrassed.
he had just gotten back from delivering papers, feeling extra good about the gratitude he saw on your face. his dog barged in before him, alerting his mother standing by the coffee maker.
"what took you so long?" she tapped the counter suspiciously. billy hung up his bright jacket on the hook by the door. "i delivered an extra," he replied. his mother sighed. "you know you're supposed to stick to your route, billy."
he shrugged, sliding into a chair at the table. "it was just someone from school.." he said shyly. unbeknownst to him, the woman felt a knowing switch in her mind. 
"and i hope you don't mind them coming over after school. we have a project together," he stated innocently. she folded her arms, a grin on her face. "are you two dating?" 
billy choked. "mom! no, i- they're just-" he stumbled over his words angrily, a furious flush on his face. he stood up, stomping upstairs to his room while his mother giggled. 
he shook his head back into the present. "let's just work on this," he sighed loudly. you grinned at him warmly.
the class period consisted of billy doing most of the talking. he was really serious about school. you would add on your own knowledge and he would smile excitedly and scribble it down on the note paper. it made the wormy feeling in your stomach disappear. maybe the worms actually turned into butterflies.
eventually you took out the book you had checked out after you two went through all of the notes. you opened it up to the table of contents, sliding it over between you two and letting billy read the contents. you pointed your finger at a chapter, "i thought this one had a lot of good information." he nodded, flipping the paper to the right page number and leaning towards you to read what was inside. you held your breath as you saw the details of his face, the curl of his eyelashes. he looked up at you again to find you were already staring, and he swallowed, leaning back after he saw your face close to his. 
you checked your watch awkwardly. "it's almost time to go. we can finish the notes at your house, yeah?" you asked. billy agreed. "yeah."
the teacher tried to tell everyone goodbye, but without success. the bell rung and everyone bolted. you waited for billy by the door as he got his stuff, and you two walked out together. 
the halls were crowded, you and billy pressed shoulder to shoulder to get through without running into someone. you felt a sharp tug at the back of your hood, making you step backwards and grab billy's shoulder for balance, making him stop as well. 
you turned around to see robin with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking from you to billy and back to you. huffing, you fixed your hood. "you scared the shit out of me. come on, you're crowding the halls," you snapped, taking robins hand and dragging him forward next to you and billy as you kept walking. the bandana wearing boy couldn't help but giggle at you two, and you almost pushed him into the wall telling him to shut up.
you made it out of the school, turning to robin. "fuck you," you said bluntly. he held a hand to his heart, "you make me blush." you sighed. "you make me blush too, unfortunately. tell finney and gwen i'll see them tomorrow, i'm going with billy for the project."
robin winked at you. "right, the project." you held back an angry remark, holding your breath instead and grabbing billy. "let's go.." you muttered. the blonde smiled awkwardly as he led you to the bike rack by the school. 
you stopped as you watched him put in the lock combination for the bike. he held the handlebars. "wait, i don't have a bike," you said quickly. billy hesitated. "oh, right."
he thought for a moment. "you can ride on the back. just.. hold on," he told you, swinging his leg over. you nodded slowly, stepping over and sitting down, holding onto the sides of the bike. to say this was a very awkward situation was a huge understatement. nevertheless, billy pushed onto the pedals, harder because of your extra weight. he tried very hard to not show how weird he felt in the moment. he had scooted forward so you had room to sit, but it was tight, and you were nearly pressed against his back. he didn't know if it was the sun but he felt incredibly warm in the moment.
he must have ridden over a tree root, because you both felt a bump, and you reached forward on instinct and clutched billy's shoulder so you wouldn't fall over. "sorry," you breathed onto his back. "it's fine," he said. no, it wasn't fine, he almost crashed the bike but it was okay, he didn't want you to fall.
finally, you arrived at his house. you stared up in awe at it, the front door a pretty blue color. you finally jumped off the bike, billy kicking the kickstand down by his garage. "sorry if my mom is weird," billy told you, unlocking the front door with the key in his pocket. 
he opened it, and you walked in. the inside was even prettier. you knew billy lived in a pretty white kid home, but it was still nice. until you heard barking, and saw a golden blur and felt a pressure on your chest. you were on the ground now, a golden heap of fur between your legs and barking at you. now winded, billy's dog began to lick your fingers. 
he immediately grabbed it, yelling "no," or "bad dog." you held yourself up with your hands. billy turned to you after calming his pet down, rushing to help you up and rambling nervously. "are you okay?" "i'm so sorry," "are you hurt?" he helped you up on your feet, and you patted his shoulder reassuringly. "i'm okay, don't worry." he sighed. 
"who's this?" a voice said. you turned your head, to see a woman with a striking resemblance to the boy next to you. puffy blonde hair, with pink lips and glittery blue eyeshadow. you smiled. "hi, i'm billy's friend. i came to work on a project with him, i hope you don't mind." the woman smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. "oh, yes! billy told me about you, it's so nice to meet you!" she gushed, grabbing your hand and clasping it between her red nail painted hands. 
"would you like anything to eat, or drink?" she asked cheerfully. you shook your head. "i'm okay. thank you, ms. showalter." 
she smiled. "of course. you two hurry on up and get your work done," she ushered. you and billy looked at each other. he pointed to the stairs.
you sat down on a chair in his room, spinning and admiring the interior. the habitat of billy showalter. he had a few posters up, and a messily made bed. "cool room," you said. he sat down on his bed, opening his notes. "thanks. i have the poster board over there, so we can start working on it now," he got straight to the point. you sighed, throwing you head back as you spun. "oh, right," you groaned. 
billy stopped for a moment, watching you spin around endlessly, and then back to the binder in his hands. he looked back up. "we don't have to do this, you know." 
you stopped spinning, feeling dizzy as you turned to him. "i thought you wanted to?" you asked, confused. he sighed. "you think i actually like doing schoolwork?" you bounced your leg. "yeah, you're like, the grade golden boy," you stated, waving your hand around. billy shrugged. "i'm still a teenager."
you watched him as he put the binder back in his backpack. "then what did i come here for?" ouch. did you not want to be here? billy inhaled. "we could do teenager stuff?" 
"i don't do drugs!" you said frantically. billy stuttered in shock. "i don't either! i meant like, cards or something!" 
you blinked. oh, that was embarrassing. you couldn't ever see billy doing that stuff either. "okay, okay, good. keep being golden."
speaking of golden, billy's dog burst through the door, trotting laps around you and the boy excitedly. you ran your hands through its thick fur, it turned around to sniff and invade your personal space in reply. you laughed, it tickling your ears with its breath. "what's the name?" you asked. billy watched you carefully. he was glad you liked dogs. "cooper." you rubbed cooper's ears, staring into his big black eyes. "he's cute."
he watched you, his heart swelling. he was really, really glad you liked dogs. 
"so, you got a girlfriend?" you asked out of the blue. you were actually curious. not that you would be jealous or anything. he just looked at you, a furrow in his brow. "what? no." you looked at him in return. "a boyfriend..?" billy shook his head furiously. "i don't have anyone." you gave him an 'oh' face. he hesitated, looking away. "do you?" 
you set your hands in your lap, cooper licking your fingers. "no, i don't. do you like anyone?"
"maybe," he replied. "what about you?"
you broke eye contact sheepishly. "maybe." 
it was quiet for a few moments, neither of you looking at each other. you coughed. "so, what about those cards?" billy got up from his bed, you on the floor. he got the pack of cards from his bedside and sat down on the floor directly in front of you. "you know how to play uno?" you squinted. you had seen them in the grab 'n go, but you never cared to buy them. "no." 
he smiled at you. that god awful, perfect smile that made you want to crush him. "cool, i'll teach you then." 
he distributed the cards between you, each getting seven. you had grinned idiotically while you watched him struggle to shuffle the cards. 
"okay, so basically, you have to match the card to the one the other person puts down. so if i put down a green 8, you have to put down a green card or an 8. but there are also special cards, and they can make the other person draw more cards, or skip them. but the objective is to get rid of all your cards. you get rid of them, you win. got it?" he looked up at you from his eyelashes. you nodded. he explained it well. "okay."
he set down his card. a red 4. you looked through your cards, making sure he didn't see any as you set down a red card. he set down his, and it kept going between you. either of you would put down a plus two or plus four and the other would groan dramatically, the other laughing. billy won, eventually. so you played again, over and over. and billy beat you every time.
"you've gotta be cheating," you huffed. you were a sore loser. he squinted. "beginners.. misfortune?" he said questionably. you threw your cards up. "man, thats not even a thing, you just wanna make me feel better." he chuckled at you. "yeah." billy scratched cooper's chin. he sat next to both of you the entire time, wagging his tail when either of you got excited. 
you were interrupted when billy's mom called you and him from downstairs. "i made dinner!" she sang. you checked your watch. "ah, i didn't realize it was that time."
billy and you headed downstairs. you smelt the food she prepared, and it smelt good. "thank you for dinner, mrs. showalter. i hope you don't mind." she set down the hot plates on the table, your silverware already out and ready. "of course not! billy's father is coming home late because of work, so i really appreciate the company. and billy does, too," she winked at you, making your cheeks warm. you sat down at the table, billy across from you next to his mom. she instructed you to eat, and you started. it was delicious, noodles and cheese and bacon bits sprinkled on the top. good thing you remembered your table manners, or else you would have wolfed the whole thing down.
"so, you two. how's the project going on?" she asked you. you stopped eating for a moment, looking at billy who was already looking at you. you tried to hold back a smile. "it's, uh, going good. we have the notes ready." 
she nodded. "that's good." it was silent after that, just the sound of the forks on the plate as you ate. you looked at billy again, who was trying to hide his smile as well. you decided not to tell her that you two were just playing cards the whole time.
you all finished up, bringing your plates to the sink to wash them. "billy, would you take out the trash, please?" his mother asked over her shoulder. he nodded, pulling the trash bag out of the trashcan and leaving your view. mrs. showalter stood next to you, drying the plates you cleaned. "so, are you two dating?" she asked innocently. 
heat bloomed in your cheeks, and you scrubbed a little harder. "aha, no, it's not like that, we're just friends." whether you were trying to convince her or yourself, it didn't work. she sighed. "denial, denial. from a mother, i see how my boy looks at you. and i see how you look at him. look a little harder, okay?" she murmured sweetly. you handed her the last plate. you hated it, but she was right. 
billy came back, and told you it was getting late. almost 7:00. you went upstairs to retrieve your stuff to go home. 
you had to say something to him now. "i never got to thank you, by the way. for the newspaper," you said slowly, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. billy was sat on his bed.
he shrugged. "it's no big deal."
you sat down next to him, looking away and fiddling with your fingers. "no, it is. i don't know why you did it. but thank you."
thats why billy did it. he would never admit, but he was a sucker for praise. hearing it coming from you felt ten times better. he could have kissed you, if you were looking at him.
"you're welcome," he whispered. 
you turned to face him. his heart was beating, and he wouldn't be surprised if you could hear it. the air felt thicker and heavier than it did a minute ago, as he stared at your face, which seemed to get closer the more he looked.
his eyes were so pretty, and so brown. his skin seemed glowier than it did in school. 
you looked away again, trying to steady your breath. "christ, showalter." 
billy frowned. "what is it?"
you ran your fingers through your hair. "i don't even know. you make me feel things i don't want to," you huffed. billy's chest squeezed. reluctantly, he touched his pinkie to your hand next to his. you flinched slightly, but interlocked pinkies with the boy. a simple, innocent gesture that made you feel fuzzy. 
you inhaled sharply. "i should go home now," you said quietly.
billy stood up, holding his hand out for you to take it. fighting a smile, you slid your hand in his and got up.
"you're free to come any time," mrs. showalter said gently. "it's our pleasure having you here," she winked. you grinned faintly, thanking her for her hospitality.
"i'll walk you home," billy volunteered. you furrowed your brow, "are you sure? i know its-"
"no, i want to walk you," he insisted. you nodded, smiling at him. "okay."
he pushed the door open for you. the sun was down, the sky a beautiful mix of purple and orange. you walked silently, side by side with the delivery boy, your hands interlocked. 
you didn't want to hide your feelings from him anymore. when you did, you felt that wormy feeling. but when you were with billy, it wasn't there. mrs showalter was right, he did look at you. he saw you. he saw the way your hair rounded over your head, the curve of your brow and the dip in your nose. he saw the way you looked away when you got shy, and the way you fidgeted and held your fingers, and the way you would flinch ever so slightly when he made contact with you. and he loved every part of it.
you saw billy, not just in the halls, or on the streets. you saw the corner of his lips twitching upward into a smile, the scars on his palms, the golden glow of his brown eyes. and you were attracted to him.
your house got closer, the slightly scratched up door in your line of sight as you walked beside billy on the sidewalk.
just say it.
you breathed. "i think i like you, billy." 
both of you kept walking. you didn't hear the quickened pace of his heartbeat, or see the growing hotness in his cheeks, or feel the slight sweatiness of his palms.
"i think i like you, too."
you stopped, your front door not even 15 yards away now. you turned to him, slowly. he looked at you, from the corner of his eye. you gave him a closed-mouth smile, to which he smiled back instinctively. a pure, genuine smile. both of you laughed slightly, your hands still interlocked. 
you felt weird now, like you had just taken multiple shots of pure caffeine. but you stayed in place, your knees threatening to give way as you and billy showalter stared at each other.
you slipped a hand into your pocket. "right, i, uh. i wanted to pay you back for, everything. i owed you," you told him awkwardly, holding out the crumpled dollar bills. he frowned at you, asking if you were sure, that it was really okay and you didn't have to pay him. 
you shook your head. "no, i want to. let me do this." you flipped his hand over, sliding the money in his hand. "so we're even now." 
he closed his hand around the money, a smile growing on his face. "yeah, we are." 
you averted your eyes bashfully, looking to the ground. his converse were almost touching yours, by an inch. you stepped back, a sweet, nervous look on your face.
"i'll see you, then?" you said unsteadily, backing towards your house.
billy nodded, shuffling his feet. "yeah. you bet." 
you grinned, your fingers wrapping around your doorknob. "okay. bye, billy." 
he raised his hand in response, watching you close the door, and standing there for a second before turning around and making way back to his house. all with a stupid smile on his face.
you stood behind the door for a while, rubbing your eyes and your warm cheeks. it felt like a dream. a really good dream.
you ran immediately to your room, ignoring the yelps of your dog and your parents greeting as you dialed donna's number with shaky hands.
you liked billy showalter, a lot.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 4 months
New Love, New Skin (Chapter 2)
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A few months after Vincent's arrival in Hell, his relationship with Kora takes its first turn.
Chapter 1
Tags: fast burn lol; 69 (Sex Position); Blow Jobs; Cunnilingus; Baby's First Bluescreen lol
Chapter 1 📺 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 3 📺  Chapter 4  💛 Chapter 5
September 1958
Kora was running late from work, and Vincent was only a little worried about her.
He knew that she could handle herself, like he could, but that didn’t make the vague sense of unease any easier to stomach. He had come to care for her in his own way- they were friends now, easily better friends than any he had had when he was alive. She didn’t really want anything from him, never expected him to give up more than she would give him back. It was a change from his life that he was remembering more and more about every day- people that clung to him because they thought he could help get them further in their career, thought that he could do more for them than should have been expected. It was a nice change of pace but she was almost a little too doting, sometimes; always making sure that he got his fill before she took hers whether it was food, coffee, the next book that she wanted to read.
They had established a pretty regular routine in the eight months that he had been staying with her. She would leave the apartment early in the morning for a walk, coffee pot brewing before he awoke, and he would have some form of breakfast on his own before she returned and got ready for her courier duties, delivering postage and packages all over the two rings of Hell. The woman was Hell on wheels, her bike getting her most places faster than the shitty public transit system ever could with how often it was breaking down and getting held up by turf wars. The days that she worked that job he would wait to shower until after she left; when she had the morning off he would do it while she listened to the morning news and read in the living room. She usually got home at ten these days and would go work her second job at Viv’s from noon until ten, when she would come home with some version of leftovers and tales of shitty customers. Today was a rare day that she had off from Viv’s and it was approaching 11:30 with no sign of her, and the antsy, unsettling sense of something in his gut was persistent.
Vincent had gotten his own part-time job at the news station, even if he hated it. He felt like there was so much more that they could be doing, other markets that they could be capitalizing on, other kinds of shows they could be putting out to make more profit. For now though he was just a production assistant, running scripts and coffee. He would much rather spend his time at the apartment with Kora, but he felt it was fair that he contribute at least a little after all that she had done for him- letting him stay with her rent free for months now, making sure that he had clothes and food and such before he started going out into the world, filling him in on how things worked in Hell.
The front door finally bursts open and Kora rushes through it soaked head to toe in mud, her golden hair and fur a gross shade of blackish brown. “Fucking assholes,” she seethes, “you would think some of these Overlords have better things to do than douse women on the street with their shit cars.” She crosses the living area as quick as she can, dipping into the bathroom. “Sorry, Vincent, I can’t stay long- Viv asked me to cover a shift since Eris never showed so I’m gonna be out later than usual, she’s usually scheduled til 2…” Her voice is drowned out by the shower being turned on, the faint rustling of clothes that Vincent could hear fading out.
He was a little put out by the news- he had been looking forward to hanging out with her one night off from Viv’s, which was now a full blown second job instead of just a gig for extra cash. They had agreed to stick together and try to find a bigger place, two bedrooms instead of just the one so they both had their own space. He had been missing her, how close they had been for a good while before he said something stupid and ruined it.
Kora had been getting physically closer to him over the time he had been staying with her- the distance between them on the couch ever-dwindling; her feet propped on his lap or head slumped close to his shoulder while they listened to the radio and read together; her entering the bathroom to grab something while he was naked and showering. A physical kind of closeness that he had never shared with anyone before. He had thought she was coming onto him, when she crowded him against the counter where he was leaning one day to reach around him for something instead of asking him to move or to grab it for her.
“You know,” Vincent had said, his voice low and suave, “you keep getting close to me like this and I might start getting the wrong idea.” He had been sure, so sure that she would take the bait, admit that she wanted him. Push up onto her tiptoes to close the last couple of inches between their faces like he had been craving for weeks, since he had noticed with startling clarity that he was attracted to her, and could want more.
Instead she had blushed, whined in her throat, backed away from him. Kora muttered an apology and scampered off that day and hadn’t been any closer than two feet from him since. It was driving him mad- he jerked off in the shower more days than he didn’t, both for easy cleanup and since it was really the only place he could get any privacy. She had only walked in during that one time, and the sudden shock of hearing her “sorry, Vin, I need this real quick” had had him spilling into his hand with a barely concealed groan, covering it up by coughing hard and throwing her a thumbs up through the curtain with his unoccupied hand. Since she had stopped touching him, stopping coming into the bathroom, he was constantly hard, constantly frustrated. 
The bathroom door squeaks open, and when Vincent comes out of his head and looks down the hallway he nearly chokes on his tongue.
It’s quick, a few seconds at most, but Kora is crossing the hallway from the bathroom to her bedroom in nothing but a towel, wrapped around her body under the arms and falling to her thighs. High on her thighs. He lets his eyes flick from the hem of the towel down her shapely legs and strong calves, reveling in the sight of her skin. Back up to the curve of her breasts, pushed up slightly be her crossed arms holding the towel in place before she disappeared into the bedroom. This felt different from when she wore her oversized shirts to bed, even though they hardly covered much more; here and now, besides the towel, she was bare. He could see it in his mind, how easy it would be to remove the cover with a mere brush of his hand, have her naked before him-
He was half-hard, he realized with a start, his prick stirring in his pants at the thought, and he’s mortified, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and throwing it in a heap over his lap. Vincent had no qualms about masturbation, but he didn’t relish the thought of Kora witnessing his erection caused by an accidental peep show as she crossed the hallway.
Good timing, as she emerged from her bedroom in the next minute. “Gotta dash,” she tells him, throwing her hair up into a ponytail. “You should probably be sleeping by the time I come home but help yourself to the leftovers in the fridge for dinner!” And she’s gone as quickly as she had come, door slamming behind her and leaving Vincent in a state of arousal and longing.
He watches her go, unlocking her bike and giving him her usual wave before she takes off. He stays seated as he is for a moment, wrestling with his subconscious; to rub one out or let it go away on its own? He had already showered once today, he didn’t really need to have another one. But the memory of her towel-clad frame was fresh on his mind and far too tempting; the dark shadow the towel cast on the space between her thighs, the droplets of water that dripped from her hair and down the expanse of her back, face flushed from the heat. 
He stands with a growl and heads to the bathroom, his plan being to splash some cool water on his neck- he didn’t think doing it to his face would help much- and ignore the now prominent hardness in his pants. But as soon as he enters he’s struck by the overwhelming scent of her soap, soft and feminine, like almond and honey and something that was so distinctly Kora . Vincent is already bent over the sink, and he sees his eyes change when the smell registers, the pupils getting wider, the pixels that act as eyelids dropping as his screen tints pink. She had just been here not fifteen minutes before, rubbing at her naked body, possibly dipping her hand between those plush thighs-
Vincent hardly has his hand shoved down his pants and wrapped around his cock enough to manage a full stroke before he’s coming, Kora’s name leaving him with a gasp, grasping the porcelain of the sink hard enough to cause a hairline fracture.
He throws his soiled clothes in the hamper and changes, determined now to not think about Kora for the rest of the evening. No matter how lovely she had looked in nothing but her towel. How lovely she looked all the time, really, in whatever she was wearing-
No, Vincent. Fucking stop.
He reminds himself that she doesn’t want him- he had offered her an invitation and she declined it. But fuck, if only that was enough to stop himself from wanting her. He would have to move out eventually; he couldn’t just stay here, wanting her when she was within arms reach and never being able to have her.
He reads to distract himself, having finished what was currently out of the Narnia books and moving on to Kora’s Agatha Christie collection. They kept his brain busy enough that he went a couple hours without the thought of her crossing his mind, mostly- sometimes he would get a little flash of an image, like a screensaver, of her face, of her body wrapped in the towel or covered with one of those damn t-shirts she wears. He would glare at the wall for a moment to clear his thoughts and go back to the book, more and more frustrated every time it happened. 
He finally ends up more hungry than bored, so he does bust out the leftovers that she had mentioned, planning on having a light meal before turning in for the night. Apparently the part of his brain wired to his prick had other ideas though, since his thought process went ‘chicken legs > regular legs > Kora’s legs > wrapped around waist?’ and rerouted all of his blood between his own legs. 
“Fuckin’ christ,” he snarls at his traitorous body, appetite vanishing at his once again ridiculously persistent bodily urges. It had only been a few hours since the bathroom, since he had taken himself in hand to the fresh memory of Kora’s wet body; he hadn’t been insatiable like this when he was alive, he was positive. He throws the leftover container back into the fridge with a groan, looking at the clock that hung on the wall. 
It was only ten in the evening- in theory, he had time to jerk off a second time before Kora came home from her later shift, rid himself of the pulsing ache in his groin when he thought of her today. 
Vincent settles back into the couch, pulls his shirt off to catch the mess he was sure to make and fists his cock. If he was going to do this he would do it right this time- let himself savor the mental images of Kora instead of trying to banish them. His eyes close and he pictures her again in the hallway, in the towel, but she comes towards him this time, lets the towel drop to the floor as she approaches so he can see her in all of her glory. 
He imagines reaching for her, cupping the warmth of her cunt with his large hands and pressing a finger in, already wet and ready for him. She would whine like she had that day in the kitchen but it would be because she wanted him, was ready for him to spread her legs and have his way with her already. Vincent would tease her, let his free hand run over her body, pinch and kiss and lick at her skin and her breasts, leave a trail of little marks in his wake that would show the world that he had had her. She would buck her hips into his hand, desperate for him, say his name in that sweet voice of hers.
And he would indulge her- he would let her ride his fingers until she was dripping with desire, lick her essence from his hands before laying her out on her bed and sliding into her slick heat. She would clench around him so perfectly, he knew she would. And she would want it slow and sweet at first, until it was too much, until she was begging him to fuck her harder, faster, more , and he would give it to her however the fuck she wanted. He wanted to lose his mind at the feeling of her walls pulling him into her, wringing every drop of ecstasy from his body with a cry of his name-
“Kora,” he moans, before he recognizes that the voice in his head had actually come from the door of the apartment, that the woman he was fantasizing about was standing not five feet away from him, eyes wide and trained on where he was jerking his cock to the thought of her. Vincent wishes he could say he had any sense of self preservation- instead he groans in his throat and strokes back down himself, instead of taking his fucking hands off his dick.
He closes his eyes again, doesn’t want to see the disgust on her face when she kicks him out for being a goddamn pervert. “God, Kora I’m so-“ 
“Vin.” Her voice is closer, much closer than he would have anticipated, and when he opens his eyes again he almost dies a second time at the sight of her knelt on the ground before him, hands coming up to rest in his knees. “Were you… thinking of me?”
She doesn’t look upset about the prospect- if he’s reading her right, she’s intrigued. Interested. “Yes,” he murmurs, helpless to lie or deny or put his fucking prick away, still held in the light grip of his fist. “Fuck, you know I was, baby.”
She bites her lip, eyes flicking between his screen and the leaking head of his dick. “I- can I?” She asks, reaching her hand towards his, and he doesn’t even care that the way he nods is desperate, so eager to have her hands on him that he doesn’t care how stupid he looks, eyes closing since he’s sure the sight of it would be too much. 
Imagine his surprise when instead of her hand, a warm, wet mouth closes around the head of his cock. He swallows back a curse as his eyes fly open, taking in the image of Kora bent over into his lap, pulling off the tip to lick at the fluid that drips from his aching erection, eyes closed like she’s fucking savoring the taste of him. “Fuck me, that’s sexy,” he mutters, and Kora’s lashes flutter to look back up at him and take him in her mouth again, sucking lightly. Her tongue laps at the underside, traces the vein that she finds and makes him groan. His fingers clench at his side, fighting back the urge to twist them into her golden locks and pull ever so slightly. 
Was he so sensitive back on Earth? Vincent couldn’t remember ever having a mouth on him that felt so fucking good before, but whether that was a testament to Kora or his still-new demon anatomy he couldn’t tell. “God, Kora,” he groans, “so fucking good, you’ve no idea-“
Her tail swishes across the floor behind her, a whine vibrating in her throat that ripples down his length, makes him buck his hips up into the wet heat of her. “Sorry, sorry,” he’s quick to say, but she takes him further into her mouth anyway, claws digging into the fabric of his pants where they grip his knees. It’s fucking divine, the feeling of her throat when he bumps it with the head of his cock, and the pleasurable tension in his abdomen is tightening, threatening to snap when he notices that Kora’s hips are shifting, subtly grinding into the air like she’s subconsciously searching for friction- something that he’s suddenly desperate to give her. He wants to lick into her cunt while she takes him into her mouth as far as she can- he’d only done something similar a few times on Earth, certainly hadn’t done it since he had come to Hell. But he thinks he might just about die if he can’t taste her.
“Stop, Kora, wait,” Vincent mumbles, finally wrapping his fingers in her hair so he can pull her off of him.
Her eyes are glazed, flicking between his erection and his face, her own face flushed and panting. “Am I- did I do something wrong?” She asks quietly, her hands leaving his knees and moving like she means to pull back entirely until he shifts his grasp from her hair to the side of her face, cupping her cheek.
“No, doll,” he says, taking a moment to breathe and stroke his thumb over her cheekbone. “I’m just too close- and I want you to come, too. Can I taste you? We can- at the same time, you know?” He hopes she’s understanding what he means, prayers answered when she hesitates only a moment before nodding and standing, pulling him behind her to the bedroom.
Vincent strips Kora down slowly, relishes in the gradual exposure of her skin and fur, so much better than his fantasy of letting her towel fall from her body. He gets to watch her shiver as his claws trail over her limbs and down the plane of her stomach, suck in a breath when his fingers dip below the waistband of her pants to tug them off of her. The shaky whimper she lets out when he undoes the clasp of her bra and cups her breasts is going to live in his mind forever, he’s sure of it, and he can’t help bending down to meet her lips, licking into her mouth and moaning at the taste of himself.
She clutches at his shirt, fingers fumbling to get the buttons undone and off his body. She whines when he presses a finger between her slick folds, mindful of the sharpness of them now and as careful as he can be with it when he pushes into her and loses his breath at her tightness. “Please, Vincent,” she’s whispering into his mouth between delicious slides of their tongues against one another, trying to drag his pants the rest of the way off of him, and he thinks he would rather choke than not give her what she wants. He would never deny her anything if she asked him in that tone.
They discard the rest of their clothing, and there’s a brief moment of awkwardness from Kora when Vincent lays back on the bed and encourages her to crawl over his body. Her face flushes; “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she says, unmoving from the edge of the bed, and his cock aches with his need for her.
“I promise you it’s fine,” he reassures her, “and you’re going to love it. But we can stop, if you want to.” It might kill him not to get his tongue inside of her, but if she was uncomfortable he wouldn’t push the issue.
Her brow twists and she straightens her shoulders, climbing up onto the mattress on her knees and situating herself opposite him, her hair tickling his thighs where she’s bent over him, breath hot over his straining cock. “Like this?” She asks, looking down her body back at him with a shy smile, and with a groan he situates his hands on her skin and drags her hips down to his mouth.
When his tongue dips into her Kora cries out, and for one of the first times since getting to Hell he’s glad for his new form- the muscle in his mouth is long and flexible, strong. He didn’t really have a jaw; he could eat her out for hours and probably never get tired or sore, he realized, and the thought drives his hips up, head of his cock bumping against her cheek where her head has fallen forward. And the fucking taste of her is intoxicating, the slick moisture of her folds on his tongue sending whatever constituted as a brain for him reeling at it. 
Her mouth finally closes back around the head of his cock, moaning when his tongue pushes into her cunt and flicks against her walls. The muscles of her thighs are tensed around his head where she kneels, hips subtly grinding down onto his mouth and screen, her arousal dripping from her core as she whines around him, bobbing her head in time with his tongue thrusting into her and pulling back to lick and suck at her clit. “Fuck, Kora baby, that’s fucking perfect,” he mutters into her pussy, “taste so sweet- perfect- f-f- fuck-” Something seems to be happening to his vocal cords; a strange tightening of them in his throat that, while not painful, is making it harder for words to come out. It makes sense he wouldn’t have noticed this before- he wasn’t usually so vocal on the cusp of an orgasm. But he needed her to know that she was being perfect for him, and the words simply fell from his mouth.
Kora seemed to enjoy it if the faint quivering swishes of her tail were anything to go by, brushing against the parts of his screen that weren’t buried between her legs as she takes him deeper. Her claws dig into the skin of his leg on one side and her throat convulses around him when he hits the back of it, a sinfully good squeeze around him while her tongue works tirelessly at the underside. Her free hand comes up to cup the delicate skin that rests below his cock, massaging gently with her fingers in a way that makes him grunt, the pleasure making his head hazy with want.
He tilts his head up, pushes his screen as close to her as he can possibly get, grabs her tail to hold it out of the way while he works. He tightens his grip on the appendage’s base for a moment before releasing it, and he’s rewarded with Kora freezing in his arms for a split second and then trembling uncontrollably as she comes, her hoarse shout of his name muffled by Vincent’s cock. He bucks his hips up, can’t control the action, and when she gags he struggles to bring his pelvis back down to the mattress. He coaxes her through her orgasm with his tongue, flicking gently at her sensitive clit and cleaning up what he can reach of the mess she’s made between them. He runs his hand down the flank of her back, fur damp with sweat from the exertion of her pleasure, of holding herself up above him. “So perfect, baby,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her thigh and rolling them both to the side.
She gives an inquisitive moan when he pulls out of the sweet slickness of her mouth and repositions, crouched over her bare form with a hand slid under her head to twist into her hair, the other wrapping firmly around his cock. “God, Kora, I’m so close,” he breathes, impending release making his voice waver in the air between them, and she reaches down to lay her hand over his as he jerks himself, the taste of her still fresh on his tongue and the absolute vision of her spread beneath him. 
“Vin, please,” she pleads, bringing her unbusy hand up to grip at his bicep, her voice low and needy, and this is what sends him careening over the chasm into his release, vision going white with the force of it.
There’s a few blissful moments of nothing. Vincent feels like he’s floating, body non-corporeal and light.
When his vision returns he’s looking up at Kora, her expression concerned and teary-eyed, hair hanging over his screen like a curtain. Evidence of his orgasm splatters her chest and abdomen, fur streaked with it in a way that makes his brain fuzzy with a sort of possessive satisfaction. “Jesus Christ,” she whispers. “I thought you fucking died.”
“Huh?” His head is still a little blurry, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek. “Whadya mean?”
“Your screen went blank,” she says, and drops her head to his chest. “Just blinked right out, and you weren’t responding. I thought I- I thought you might have been hurt.”
“Oh. No, I’m fine. More than fucking fine.” He grins, shark teeth on proud display as he looks down at her, guides her head back up to look at him. “Must be something about the TV head getting overloaded. We’ll look into it so it doesn’t happen again, how’s that sound? Take it as a compliment this time.” She lays down beside him, head still resting on his chest and trying to calm her frantic breathing. He smoothes a hand down her hair, giving one of her ears a little scratch like his mom’s dog used to enjoy. “Really, I’m okay.”
She sighs, the exhale hot against his skin. “If you say so. Please let me know if anything starts to feel weird?”
“What are you, my nurse? I’ll be alright, don’t worry.” 
She’s quiet for a second and he thinks maybe he’s upset her until she says, “I was a nurse. Before Hell, I mean; just a general staff nurse, not anything crazy. But head injuries were always treated really seriously and I just- panicked, I guess.” She curls further into his wide, tail waving anxiously behind her. “Sorry.”
She hadn’t given him so much information about her life before Hell before- he figured she had done something in the medical field from the anatomy textbooks but this was the first time she had really been forthcoming with the information. “I’ll let you know if anything feels weird,” he promises her, and snakes a finger under her chin to tilt her face up to look at him. “Don’t apologize for, you know. Caring. Being you. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Her eyebrows scrunch and Vincent can’t resist the urge to tease her a bit. “Come on, where’s that post-orgasmic glow I was expecting? How’s a guy supposed to enjoy pillow talk with a pretty girl when she’s worried about the wrong head?”
She knocks her fist against said head but still laughs, the huff of her breath fanning across the expanse of his chest. “Idiot,” she says, but her tone is vaguely affectionate. “So, what do we do now?” She lets her fingers dance over the skin of his abdomen and his lower half twitches in interest.
If just one orgasm was enough to short circuit his head though, going for a second so soon was probably not the move. “We could shower,” he offers. “Though I suppose the pillow talk could still survive the blow to my ego. What made you come home early?”
Kora’s face pulls into a grimace. “Eris showed up- hours late, of course, but Viv said that since it wasn’t crazy busy I could go home at my normal time. Eris is great, of course, but her time management is just non-existent.” She gives him a sweet smile. “I take it you don’t usually touch yourself on the couch like that when I’m at work?”
“Not usually, no. But I-” His screen crackles with a faint static- his new brand of blushing, he supposed, which was only a bit embarrassing. “I might have noticed you stepping out of the shower in just your towel earlier. It might have made me a little crazy.”
Her laughter is a smooth, rumbling thing against his chest, almost more like a cat than a dog. “I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get an inkling to try and seduce you on purpose,” she says, and then she’s rolling away from him, sat on the edge of the bed and stretching her muscles, the flex of them subtle and strong. “Speaking of showers though, I’m going to take one.” She looks at him over her shoulder, eyebrow cocked playfully. “You could join me, if you want? Save a little water.”
At the renewed thought of her wet and naked, his dick throbs with interest- but fuck, he needed to have some semblance of control over himself when it came to Kora. “Trust me, doll, I want ,” he says, and delights in the pink that rises to her cheeks. “But I think my body needs a bit of a break- don’t want to go dark on you again, especially not in a wet environment,” he adds, knocking lightly on the side of his head. “Maybe since it's not too late though we could watch the news? I was looking forward to hanging out with you today before you got called in to Viv’s, we could still do something else. I can give you all the gossip going on down at the station?”
Her eyes crinkle with her smile. “I would like that. I’ll be quick- you could throw some popcorn on the stove?”
“Do you insist on adding that sickeningly sweet shit to it?”
“You know it.” With a wink she exits the bedroom, the rattling of the water through the pipes echoing through the bedroom a moment later. Heaving a sigh he sits up and gathers his clothing, pulling his boxers on and bringing everything to the living room to put in the bathroom hamper when Kora was finished. He washes his hands and gets the corn kernels out, throwing some onto a pan on the stove with some salt and a slab of butter. He can hear Kora singing softly to herself in the shower and feels the mouth on his screen quirk up on one side.
Kernels popping, he gets her little container of cinnamon and sugar out of the cabinet and splits the snack between two bowls, dumping some of the concoction on Kora’s portion when he hears the bathroom door open. He resists the temptation to glance down the hallway, instead switching the television in the living room on and switching to the evening news channel.
They’re just coming off commercial when Kora comes out of the bedroom, large t-shirt covering her frame and settling on the couch beside him, knees under her body to prop herself up a bit. But this time she’s not sitting a couple inches away like she had been the last couple weeks- their thighs are pressing together, close enough for him to feel her skin, to throw an arm over her shoulder if he wanted to. She takes her popcorn with a smile, laughing at the face he makes when she pops a couple pieces into her mouth. “You’ve never even tried it before,” she tells him, and throws a couple pieces into his bowl. “Give it a taste.”
Vincent sighs but still submits, tosses the pieces into his mouth along with a couple of his own. He has to admit that it’s good- a hint of salty with the sweet, its a tasty contrast in his mouth, as loathe as he is to give in to her. Instead of feeding her ego he simply grabs a handful from both of their bowls and swaps them so they both had a bit of each, and Kora’s laughter rings in his ears.
She listens to him rant about the newscaster for a bit- “fucking Richard , thinks he’s so goddamn cool because he gets to cover the late news when all of the interesting shit goes down. You think anyone would believe a word out of his shit mouth if they knew what I knew? This just in-” he lets a bit of old-timey static into his voice, a fun trick that he had learned, leaning forward like there’s a desk or a camera in front of him. “Big Shot Richard from Nine Rings News has been repeatedly spotted just begging for one of his PA’s to fuck him before the 3AM news flash, and cries like a little bitch when he tells him no!”  
She giggles, leaning further into his side to hide her face in his shoulder, and his heart thumps inside his chest. “You should get into news,” she tells him. “Richard is fine but you would really catch people’s attention I think- your head is even a TV, you’re just meant for people to watch you!”
He runs his hand down her spine even as he shakes his head. “I was a broadcaster on Earth,” he admits, honest with her like she had been with him earlier. “Worked at the news station like I do now but behind the desk- morning news though, not evening. I don’t know if I want to get back into that down here but maybe I’ll look into moving up the ranks. Ah fuck, here comes Joy Jagoff, you’re going to hate her-”
Hours pass, Vincent making Kora laugh with tales about the people at work, their popcorn supply dwindling, Kora’s head dropping fully against his shoulder when the late hour gets to her and she falls asleep on the couch with him. He debates moving her back to her own room, but decides against it- the temptation would be too strong, he thinks, to have her again, and despite how good that sounds he still figures he should give his body a rest.
Instead he repositions so he’s leaning back against his pillows, Kora held gently spread along the planes of his body. He pulls the blanket down from the back of the couch and covers the two of them, his screen blinking out while Joy Jagoff runs her mouth in the background, lulling him to sleep with the steady breathing of the woman sleeping on his chest.
Chapter 1 📺 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 3 📺  Chapter 4  💛 Chapter 5
12 notes · View notes
aritamargarita · 2 years
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hey guys. so i decided to upload the regular installment instead, it would make more sense chronologically (when do i ever follow timeline though lmfao) since there’s one match in the Christmas episode that’s really important and it ain’t the eggnog match LMAOO
ik after last chapter being a complete mess we need a break. reader said she'll make lita scream but now they're chillin getting snacks smh... its like..."cant stand her fake ass!!" 10 minutes later: ME AND THE BESTIEEE
nellieee & rated: sweethearts readers. this one is for you..the girls that get it GET IT
to all my fellow jeff fans, this is a love letter from me to you. i hope you enjoy, i felt kinda eeerrrhhh this chapter but only cause i had to keep rereading it lol
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THE SHOW’S OVER! You felt really, really hungry. Not for actual food, you wanted some junk food. It’s a candy extravanganza.
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You took the liberty to ride with Lita, with you two leaving as early as possible in order to stock up on snacks. The both of you had that segment together so it was pretty easy for the both of you to meet up afterward.
She mentioned Matt left his camcorder in the car, so you picked it up and started to record. He may be pretty iffy on you, but you figured you may as well leave a gift for him.
Just because you can.
“Hello world!” After making extra sure that it was actually recording, you turn the camera towards yourself. “And hello Matt’s camera. I’m sorry for taking most of your film!” You then turn the camera towards Lita, zooming in slightly. “Your little girlfriend is driving.”
For a split second, Lita takes her eyes off the road and swats at you.
“Woah, woah, woah, focus on the road!” You complain. For someone who was so insistent on driving, she sure enjoyed trying to be a passenger. She’s been messing with you for this whoooleee ride. More than likely it was because of your Mapquest directions….
“We’re gonna stop for some snacks. Don’t Canadians have chocolate smarties??” You question.
“Pretty sure they do.” Lita nodded. “Trish mentioned it before.”
Oh shit! SHE IS CANADIAN!! You forgot! Now that you think about it, most of your coworkers were Canadian too.
The hotel wasn’t that far, but the detour you two were taking probably was going to make it a bit longer than that. Not that bad, you two were just getting back a little later tonight.
“I need my fix of candy,” You say, turning the camera over to the 7/11 sign that was now coming into view. “Something that’ll make my teeth fall out.”
“Then you can put them under your pillow for the tooth fairy.” Lita suggests. “I’m sure you’ll get a lot of money for it.”
“Yeah, right. If the tooth fairy was even real.”
There’s silence for a moment before Lita stops the car just as she’s about to park. “…The tooth fairy isn’t real?”
You look at her slowly. Did she really ask that? “No. No, the tooth fairy isn’t real.”
“Damn. I’ve been lied to my entire life.” She says, running a hand through her hair. She looks absolutely destroyed by this new information.
You’re just surprised she even thought the tooth fairy was real. “No one told you this entire time? Ma’am…y…”
“Listen, I need some time away to think about this.” Lita says dramatically. What, were you going to say that Santa Claus wasn’t real either?! You do believe in Santa, so she’s safe for now. “Grab what you want. I’ve gotta get gas, I’ll be in to fill my arms with as many snacks A-S-A-P.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” You wave your hand at her. “…Oh, shit, there’s a Subway here too. Is that Tim Horton’s? I haven’t had that in a while. Let’s grab—“
Lita shakes her head. “Nope. I’m in charge tonight, we’re going to IHOP. No ifs, ands, or buts. I printed out the directions! Look in the glove compartment.”
You pop it open and pull out folded paper. You look at her and she motions her hand towards it, making you unwrap it into it’s true form. A huge ass map with directions printed clear on the side.
Wow. She was serious.
“…Let me get out of here.” You open the door and get out of the car, tossing the map back into your seat.
Mission 7/11 was in full effect. Once you enter the convenience store, you look around. It was pretty empty. Maybe one or two cars were around. It’s only about 10 pm, so you wonder where everyone’s ran off to.
The bright lights of the store make you blink a few times. Damn, they turned the brightness UP. Your eyes had gotten used to the dark car. “Evening.” You greet the cashier at the counter.
He looks up from the magazine he was reading for a second. “Evening.” But then he does a double take. He couldn’t believe it. You’re [Name] from the WWF! “Holy shit—hey, excuse me?”
You’re about to walk into one of aisles, but you stop, turning over to the cashier. “Yeah?”
“Are you…” He pauses for a moment. “You’re [Name], right?? The wrestler.”
“I do!” You confirm with a nod. “You know me?”
“You’re literally my favorite wrestler.” He says. “I know there was a show tonight, my boyfriend’s been paging me like crazy! I got him to tape it for me since I’m working, but I don’t want him to spoil it.”
“You won’t get any outta me either.” You reassure with a smile. Your eyes look down to his name tag curiously. Jean-Pierre, huh?
“Well, wait….is Lita in it?” He asks, quickly caving in. It be like that sometimes. “I’ve gotta know. She’s my favorite too.”
Man, wouldn’t he be surprised. “Oh, she’s in it alright…...”
“What does that mean?! No, don’t tell me!” He shakes his head, looking away from you.
You’ve always enjoyed meeting fans. People who appreciate what you do in the ring was always pleasure.
…It gives you a idea, actually. You hold out a finger to him. “One second.” You hate to be one of those customers, but you had to! You wanted to take a picture with him. But he wouldn’t know until you check out, that is. It’s the least you could do!
Especially since Lita’s traveling with you. It just works, man. Speaking of that lady, where the hell did she go?? Gas does not take that long to pump. She’s crucial in this plan. You go back into the aisles, not only searching for cameras, but for Lita as well.
The place isn’t huge, per say, but it had a lot of items. There’s giftcards, magazines (is that a Raw magazine?), just about anything you could think of. It’s a convenience store, after all…
You totally got distracted for a minute looking at the Stacker 2 bottle. You really hope they give you a commercial for that, even if you don’t really use fat burners.
Finally finding a small aisle for miscellaneous items, you lean down to look at your options.
There’s only two FujiFilm cameras left on the shelf. You’re feeling greedy, so you just take both of them. Heading back up to the front, you place them on the counter. “Just these:”
He doesn’t exactly catch on quite yet, so he rings you out without a second thought. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
You weren’t exactly ready for the question he had next though.
“Jeff Hardy or Raven?”
It immediately makes you laugh. Whether it was out of nervousness or just the fact you found it hilarious, you truly didn’t know. “Can’t tell you. Who do you like with me better?”
“Gotta say…” He thinks about it for a moment after bagging your items. “Jeff Hardy. You two are really cute together.”
Huh….interesting. People really liked you and Jeff together, you couldn’t see it, but hey, an opinion is an opinion.
Lita finally comes in, waving at the cashier and shooting you finger guns. “Sorry. The pump wouldn’t take my card. I got it this time though.”
Somehow, the surprise was a bit ruined in your eyes. Jean-Pierre looked like his eyes would pop out of their sockets. Both of his favorite wrestlers were here!! He rubs his eyes, trying to wake up from this dream.
Holy shit, this is reality! He doesn’t even know what to say at first, completely starstruck. You take the opportunity to speak up for him, waving one of the cameras.
“…Want a picture?”
He sure as hell did, why was that even a question? The fact you two came to this location is amazing. It’s small, so it’s fairly easy to miss. This has gotta be the best shift he’s ever had.
“Wait, hold on, let me get snacks first.” Lita says, rushing into one of the aisles. You playfully roll your eyes and unbox the camera.
“We don’t need her! Let’s take a picture with just us two.”
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You, Lita, and the young man at the register were chatting up a storm for quite a bit after checking out and taking pictures. You all talked about your favorite matches in history and things you felt inspired by.
All good things have to come to an end unfortunately. You both wave to him goodbye, letting him keep one of the cameras that had your photos on it. There’s twenty seven exposures in total, so he could use the rest however he pleases.
You’ll have to come again sometime, maybe when Raw or Smackdown is in town. Very convenient place too, you’d get Subway, but Lita forced you to go to IHOP. It’s like she has a gun to your head.
You’re behind the wheel, meanwhile Lita’s holding up the directions and reading out the directions to you. Every so often, she’d look out the window to make sure you were going the right direction.
No more mistakes. Tonight, Lita’s about to enjoy her time at the International House of Pancakes. She’s been waiting for this all week! “Okay, [Name], make a left here…” She’d guide you.
You could tell she’s excited. You don’t get why she’s so excited. You’re ordering a Belgian Waffle to spite her. To spite her and give an ode to RVD saying it’s the capital of Brussels. Bless him.
In little to no time, you pull up to the restaurant. Lita says it’s all thanks to her directions, but you pay her no mind.
You two get out of the car and head to the doors. You open one up and immediately try closing it quickly behind you, making Lita pull on the handle to try and open it again.
“Oh, you fucking—“ She curses, lightly hitting you in the back as soon as she gets in. You laugh as you walk towards the front counter.
Before you can ask for a table, Lita shakes her head and grabs your hand. “No need. I’ve already called it in.”
Huh. She was serious about this pancake situation. She must’ve called it in while she was outside or something. You go along with it, letting her drag you to one of the tables nearby a window.
…Wait, didn’t a hostess have to sit you down? You’re just about to question her when your eyes fall on two familiar people sitting in a booth.
It’s Matt…..and…..Jeff. Both of them were there. Matt didn’t seem too surprised, but Jeff on the other hand seemed shocked you were even here.
Lita lets go of your hand. “Wow! What a coincidence,” She says, putting her hands on her hips. “I had no clue you guys would be here tonight…”
You slowly look at Lita. There are no words to describe how irritated you were. It’s no wonder she merrily skipped past the desk and any hostesses. Does she think you’re stupid?
You want to leave. Seeing Jeff was starting to make you sick to your stomach.
“Are ya’….gonna sit?” Jeff suddenly asks, scooting over. It’s obvious he wants you next to him.
“…I guess.” You have no choice, so you sit down right next to him as Lita sits next to Matt.
Across from you, the two of them spare glances to each other, almost like they were communicating telepathically or something.
“We have to use the bathroom.” Lita announced, jumping out of her seat. She reaches over and grabs Matt to bring him out.
He nods with her. “Yeah. We’ll be back.” The two leave you and Jeff alone, but unbeknownst to you two, they weren’t too far away..
You hate them. They’re doing this on purpose. This must’ve been premeditated. You’re going to kill Lita and then yourself. Damn it.
“If you’re wondering, I’m not mad at ya’ or anything.” He says, setting his hand on the table.
Unable to look him in the eye, you turn your attention toward his hand.
He painted his nails…cute.
“I’m mad at Raven,” He continues. “He doesn’t deserve you. I think he’s just using you. I know we had something, [Name]. Don’t tell me it was nothing when we kissed.”
The more he talks, the more guilty you’re starting to feel. You’re not entirely sure what to say, either. Your mouth starts to feel uncomfortably dry as you look down under the table. “Did you get any water? Phew.”
“….” He doesn’t say anything at first, instead pushing his glass of water towards you. “Didn’t drink out of it. It’s all yours.”
You happily open a straw lying on the table and drink some.
“It would’ve gone further if my neck wasn’t hurting.” He admits. “It’s risky, but I just wanted you all to myself on that table.”
You look around as you sip your water. Thank goodness his voice was pretty quiet. He sounded tired and you couldn’t blame him. You’re starting to feel a little worn down from the show today, too.
Without you staring at him, he doesn’t think you’re taking him seriously. “Look at me, [Name]..”
You don’t.
Even as you can see him expectantly staring at you from the corner of your eye, you just decide to stare straight ahead.
And Jeff has already had enough. He takes his hand and decides to pull your face towards him. You’re taken aback by it.
He too, seems surprised that he’s even done it. “I…sorry. I just want ya’ to look at me…”
You’re conflicted. You don’t know whether you want to slap him down or just kiss him. Even if the latter made you feel guilty.
“I would say you’re my muse, darling.” The pet name makes you flinch. “I’ve..painted you at least 3 times now.”
“Three times?” You repeat. “Three times….when can I see these paintings?”
Three times is crazy to you. You’re hoping he isn’t too crazy for you right now, this is just a horrible time.
“I don’t have it with me right now. Maybe next time I see you.”
Jeff feels like he’s making progress with you. He feels like the luckiest man in the world because you haven’t shoved him away yet.
He feels even luckier when you don’t reject his advance. He takes your hand into his own, the two of you quickly interlocking fingers with one another.
You still think this was wrong. However, your heart was telling you otherwise. The moment he squeezes your hand is when you feel like Jeff’s the one you want right now.
“WE’RE BACK!” Lita announces, a smile on her face. Matt trails behind her, nodding to the both of you. The two slide right back into their seats and the waitress comes over just in time.
Lita seems to eye you and Jeff holding hands on the table, a smirk playing on her lips. You remind yourself to strangle her when you get the chance, though that time may come after Vengeance.
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Even the trip back to the hotel was calm. Jeff wanted you to go with him instead. Lita almost pushes you towards him, eager for you two to actually be alone. She knows her and Matt were having issues, but she definitely wants you two to sort shit out.
She can tell that Jeff really likes you. He always has, just didn’t know how to go about it.
Hand in hand, you two make your way upstairs. “Are you scared for your match?” You suddenly ask, swinging your hand.
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “It is what it is. If Matt wants a challenge, then so be it. I just wish he didn’t bring Lita into it.”
You make a noise, signifying that you agree. Poor Lita, she’s in the midst of their rivalry.
“Hold on, my room is right here.” You start to pull out your keycard. “Are you coming in or you just wanted to walk me?”
“I can come in if ya’ want.”
The answer is absolutely. You do want him to come in. “Feel free.” You unlock the door and the both of you walk in together.
And now that Jeff’s here, you’re not entirely sure what to do. It’s a hotel room, not your house, so you didn’t have a lot to entertain him with.
“Wanna sit?” It’s a tentative offer, but truly this situation was getting more and more awkward by the second.
“Yeah.” He takes a seat on the bed, watching you as you pace around for a minute. Eventually, you come over to sit next to him.
“…[Name].” He calls. Jeff turns over to you and grabs your shoulders. “…Who do you see me as?” He asks. “Do you see me as less than Raven?”
“No, it’s just—“ He interrupts you by pulling you into a kiss. It’s almost like he wanted you to start talking just so he could cut you off.
You exhale through your nose once he parts away. He tasted like syrup, hehe.
Jeff kisses you again, but this time changes direction and makes his way down towards your neck. It makes you laugh. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing.” You replied. You just can’t believe how you got in this situation. “Hold on, hold on,” you say.
“…I’m going to be honest, [Name]. You’re making me nervous.” He admits. “I feel like my legs are gonna give out if I stand up.”
You’re about to pass out yourself. “I’m not feeling any be—“
And then, the phone’s ringing. It just takes you out of the moment. You groan. No way you just got the ick from the phone. Problem is, neither of you want to stop the direction it’s heading.
You crawl over the bed towards the nightstand. Whoever’s calling sucks.
“Hey, Nitro Girl.” Hunter greets, his voice as chipper as ever. “Been a while.”
“This isn’t a good time.” You say, letting out a huff of air. “If it’s important, make it quick.”
“Didn’t know you were the type to rush things. Whatever you say. Listen, I’ll cut to the chase. That lingerie I gave you. I need you to use that and bring Jericho to a hotel room. I’m gonna ambush him.”
Because Jeff was still there, trying to catch his breath as much as you were, you do your best to keep things as vague as possible. “Are you seriously gonna do that?”
“Yeah. Everyone will go crazy over it. Just think of it as a hookup. You won’t have to try and seduce Jericho after this again. I’ll even let you hit him once.”
“I knew it wasn’t just some gift out of the blue. The fact you never explained was confusing.”
“Didn’t have time. Steph’s been hassling me all week. She’s really excited for me to come back. Honestly, I feel like I’m ready to go.”
“Right. Excited to…” You think for a second how to phrase it. “—see you again. Have a good night.”
“Wow, it’s almost like you REALLY don’t want to talk to me.”
You sigh. “It’s really not the best time.”
“Then I’ll call you tomorrow night. Goodnight.”
“Night.” You hang up the phone and turn to Jeff with an apologetic look on your face.
“Who’s that?” He asks, scooting back and laying down. You decide to join him, laying right next to him and staring up at the ceiling.
“Old friend of mine.” You lied. “…Wanna stay the night?”
Better luck next time…
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ITS DONE PLEASE DONT KILL ME PLEAAAASESSD. VENGEANCE IS NEXT BUT I NEED TO FIX CERTAIN PARTS OF THE MATCH!!!! and other matches. because reader is coming to fuck with everyones match YEAH!
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
New Moon with Billy
Warnings: references to Twilight, fluff
Word Count: 600ish
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“What was he thinking, dumpin’ her in the woods like that? That’s a dick move, that’s what that is.”
“It really is,” you agree with a sniffle.
“Aw, baby, are you crying already?”
“Hey, I gave you full warning and he was super mean.”
Billy just chuckles softly and continues to trace his fingers up and down your back.
“She’s gonna get herself killed for some guy 5 times her age.” Billy shakes his head in disapproval. “I really don’t get it.”
“She misses him. They had an emotionally intense relationship and she probably had trauma bonded with the whole family onesidedly and then he just leaves her with nothing to help her process it. That makes people do crazy things.”
Billy leans back to look at you. “You speakin’ from experience?”
“A bit.”
Billy frowns and gently grabs your jaw with his hand, turning your head to look him in the eye. “No one is ever worth you gettin’ hurt. You got that?”
“I know, Billy.” You did now, your teenage years and early twenties were another story. Bill had been with you for most of that, but you’d hid a lot of the shit you went through.
He seems placated by your answer, pulling your face towards his and pressing a kiss to your forehead before he tucks your head back onto his shoulder.
“Oh come on, I was rooting for the Jacob guy and he blew it too!”
You giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.
“Are you laughin’ at me now, baby?”
“Nope. Definitely not.”
“I think you’re lyin’, sweetheart.”
“I just think it’s funny that you were so opposed to starting the Twilight Saga and now you’re invested. It’s cute.”
“I am not ‘cute’,” Billy insists indignantly.
“You totally are.”
“Only when I'm with you, you dork,” Billy says affectionately.
“So I’m your best friend, right?”
“Uh uh, I ain’t fallin’ into that trap. You and Frankie can keep your competition to yourself.”
“Damn, I thought I had you for a second there.”
Billy continues to insult the intelligence of the characters in the movie, especially Edward. “He doesn’t even check to confirm everything before goin’ to off himself. Utter bullshit. He’s over a hundred years old, the man should have better common sense.”
“You can’t fix stupid,” you respond sagely.
“No you cannot,” Billy agrees.
When the movie ends, Billy is still complaining and you listen to it goodnaturedly.
“And now it looks like he’s gonna actually get her killed.”
“Eh, we’ll see,” you say. Both of you yawn simultaneously. “You wanna stay over? I can make waffles in the morning.”
“Sounds good, sweetheart.”
It’s not unusual for you and Billy to share a bed after movie night. In fact, it happens so often that you have a drawer of his stuff and an extra toothbrush at your apartment. The two of you go through your nightly routines, purposely bumping into each other and fighting for the sink in your tiny bathroom. 
When you finally climb into bed, you know you’re going to sleep well tonight. The both of you are on your sides and Billy grabs you and pulls you close until your back is flush against his chest.
“Don’t hog the blankets this time,” you warn. You don’t really need them, but you like to tease Billy any chance you can.
“I wouldn’t have to hog them if you would just stay where I put you.”
“It’s not my fault I wiggle in my sleep and I always stay by you, you just somehow, end up with all the blankets on your side.”
“‘Cause you kick them off, sweetheart.”
“I am admitting, nothing, but if that is the case, it’s because you run hotter than a frickin’ werewolf.”
“I got that reference.”
“‘M proud of you. Now go to sleep.”
“Good night, baby.”
“Night, Billy.”
Billy Russo Taglist: @snowkestrel, happydeanpotter, jvanilly
Everything Taglist: @kayhi808,
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nukenai · 7 months
My job is a little boring and they could pay me more I guess, and we've been insanely slammed with work since like, last July, and it hasn't let up at all.
But idk. I've been there for I think 6 years now. And I just think about things like how the manager of our department keeps making sure we know she's paying attention to how hard we're working. And has told us a million times not to break ourselves with getting more work done than usual, and to just do what we can every day, because "we know you are not robots and I will not entertain any expectation that implies otherwise" (cool actual quote)
And then I think about how the morning Oma died, I texted my supervisor, and she replied in regards to bereavement stuff, "I will handle everything, please don't worry about it". And then a few days later I received a care package from upper management with a personalized card expressing condolences for the loss of my grandmother, along with a candle, some hand lotions, and a stuffed dog. Apparently this was because my supervisor told upper management about it, and they decided to do that.
I hear so many horror stories of jobs that are awful about shit like that. And it's like, I tell my supervisor "I have to leave early today because xyz thing with animal" and she'll be like "hope everything's alright, just let me know whenever you're back!" with no further questions. Could I find a job that pays more? Probably. But would it be a job where I can work from home with my animals all day, and I really feel treated like and appreciated as a human being that means something? Probably not.
In one meeting when I expressed slight frustration over being called into a meeting because my production metric slipped, my supervisor immediately went off on a tirade about how much she appreciates me, how good of an employee I am, how I always show up and never call out and I'm extremely reliable and good at my job, and how she loves seeing pictures of Sammie in the Teams chat and I'm a joy to the team...
And I was like damn Amy I'm not quitting I was slightly annoyed LOL. But it was nice to hear, yknow?
Sorry I just saw an awful instagram reel where a woman's boss was terrible to her after her mother in law died and it hit me hard. I'm forever sending everyone I love (that's you if you're reading this) the best vibes ever and I hope you can find a job where you get stability and feel appreciated. Even if it's a little frustrating sometimes.
oh also they let me switch to a 4 day work week so I have an entire day off on Wednesday and also we have like infinite overtime available and I'm not doing anything else but making tons of extra money! lmao (the overtime is not remotely pushed. it's just like. hey who wants it. and like, i'm gonna sit on my ass at a computer anyways!)
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wesawbears · 2 years
Midnights (AFTG Version)
Because I am unwell, I bring you a comprehensive guide of all the lyrics on Midnights that make my chest hurt when I project them onto All for the Game characters. Please enjoy.
Under the cut because long
Lavender Haze:
Overall vibes- Andreil early on, when they’re just making out in secret. Could also be directly after the books.
“Staring at the ceiling with you, oh you don’t ever say too much. And you don’t really read into my melancholia”
“I’ve been under scrutiny, you handle it beautifully, all this shit is new to me”
“I find it dizzying, they’re bringing up my history, but you weren’t even listening”
“I just wanna stay in this lavender haze”
Overall vibes: JereJean for the first verse. It gets sad, but we won’t mention that, unless you want to write that AU
Kevin/Jean for the second verse
JereJean: “Laughing with your feet in my lap like you were my closest friend. How’d we end up on the floor anyway?”
“And I chose you the one I was dancing with”
“The burgundy on my tshirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks so scarlet”
“When the silence came we were shaking, blind and hazy, how the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbing with your head in my hands, ain’t that the way, it always ends?”
“And I lost you, the one I was dancing with”
“And I wake with your memory over me, that’s a real fucking legacy to leave”
Anti Hero
Overall vibes: Genuinely most of the Foxes but I’m gonna split it up for more specific vibes
All foxes: “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me”
Kevin: “When my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room. I should not be left to my own devices they come with prices and vices I end up in crisis”
Neil: “I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving cause you got tired of my scheming for the last time”
“I stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror”
Jeremy: “Did you hear my covert narcissism I dress up as altruism”
Jean: “I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all it’s meaning”
Snow on the Beach
Overall vibes: Andreil and JereJean
Andrew: “and life is emotionally abusive and time can’t stop me quite like you did and my flight was awful thanks for asking I”m unglued, thanks to you”
“I can’t speak, afraid to jinx it, I don’t even dare to wish it”
Andreil: “And it’s like snow on the beach, weird but fucking beautiful...you wanting me, tonight feels impossible”
Jean: “And it’s fine to fake it til you make it til you do, til it’s true”
You’re on Your Own Kid
Overall vibes: Again, many of the Foxes, but I will focus on Kevin and Allison
“I gave my blood, sweat and tears for this”
“You’re on your own kid, you always have been”
Allison: “I hosted parties and starved my body, like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss”
Midnight Rain
Overall vibes: Kevin/Jean
“I guess, sometimes we all get just what we wanted...and he never thinks of me, except when I’m on TV”
“I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted...and I never think of him, except on midnights like this”
Overall vibes: Renison, though I could not explain to you why. Like, I don’t have lyrics, but just listen to the song and you’ll get it
Vigilante Shit
Overall vibes: Once again, many of the Foxes, but I’ll split it up
Andrew: “You did some bad things, but I’m the worst of them”
“I don’t start shit, but I can tell you how it ends”
Neil: “She needed cold, hard proof so I gave her some.”
Fox Girls: “Ladies always rise above, ladies know what people want, someone sweet and kind and fun, the lady simply had enough”
Foxes: “They say looks can kill, and I might try”
Overall vibes: The Fox Girls
Allison: “Best believe I’m still bejeweled, when I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer”
Renee: “Baby boy, I think I’ve been too good of a girl”
Dan: “Did all the extra credit and got graded on a curve”
Overall vibes: Andrew catching feelings
“You know how scared I am of elevators, never trusted if it rises fast, it can’t last”
“Oh no, I’m falling in love”
“I thought the plane was going down, how’d you turn it right around?”
“You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back”
Overall vibes: Kevin and Jean to Riko
Jean: “Karma is my boyfriend”
“Karma is the guy on the screen, coming straight home to me”
Both: “My pennies made your crown”
“Ask me why so many fade when I’m still here?”
Sweet Nothing
Overall vibes: Andreil. “And you always said you want nothing” anyone?
“Neil: They said the end is coming, everyone’s up to somethin’, I find myself running home to your sweet nothings”
Andrew: “All you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing”
Overall vibes: Andrew. “No, but I’ll still solve you” vibes
“and the touch of a hand lit the fuse, of a chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you”
The Great War
Overall vibes: Andreil post-Baltimore
Andrew: “My knuckles were bruised like violets, sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep talked”
“You said I have to trust more freely, but diesel is desire, you were playing with fire, and maybe it’s the past that’s talkin’, screamin’ from a crypt”
“It turned into something bigger, somewhere in the haze got a sense I’d been betrayed”
“That was the night I nearly lost you”
“There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair”
Bigger than the Whole Sky
Overall vibes: Allison to Seth
“Your were more than just a short time”
Overall vibes: Andreil dodging the press
“Did you see the photos? No I didn’t but thanks though”
“No I didn’t see the news cause we were somewhere else”
“Romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours”
Overall vibes: Andreil
“I think there’s been a glitch, five seconds later I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch”
“I was supposed to sweat you out”
High Infidelity
Overall vibes: Neil
“I didn’t know you were keeping count”- the countdown
“I bent the truth too far tonight, I was dancing around, dancing around it”
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
Overall vibes: Kevin to Riko (not shippy, to be clear. Just referencing a toxic relationship). Andrew to...life
Andrew: “And if I was a child did it matter, if you washed your hands?”
Kevin: “And now that I”m grown, I’m scared of ghosts, memories feel like weapons”
“But Lord you made me feel important, then you tried to erase us”
“God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be the tomb won’t close”
“I can’t let this go, I fight with you in my sleep, the wound won’t close, I keep on waiting for a sign. I regret you all the time”
“If clarity’s in death then why won’t this die?”
Dear Reader
Overall vibes: Neil, the unreliable narrator
“If it feels like a trap, you’re already in one”
“Get out your map, pick somewhere and just run”
“Burn all the files, desert all your past lives. And if you don’t recognize yourself, that means you did it right”
“Never take advice from someone who’s falling apart”
“The greatest of luxuries is your secrets”
“When you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss”
“I prefer hiding in plain sight”
“You wouldn’t take my word for it if you knew who was talking”
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Early Leave [GuyRissa]
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Larissa thinks her day at work can't get any worse until a certain redheaded Green Lantern strodes in and demands her time.
Pairing: Guy Gardner/Larissa Malone | Furiosa (OC)
Rating: T and up
Warning(s): Swearing, workplace mistreatment, Guy being Guy
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Larissa groaned at her name being called. And just when her day was getting better, too. She turned to see her boss, Simon, stomp up to her with an angered look on his face.
"Are you tryin' to make us bankrupt or something?! I've been getting complaints all night about you bein' a distraction!"
Larissa honestly couldn't see why. She was dressed in the usual 1920s flapper style the other waitresses wore complete with a feather headband and pearl necklaces. The dress wasn't even form fitting so her body wouldn't have been the distraction.
"I honestly don't get what you mean. I'm obeying the dress code," Larissa said. "Of course guys are gonna stare. That's what they do when they see us walking around bringing them drinks and other shit."
"Don't you get smart with me! Do you want your pay deducted?!" Simon got all up in her face, which only pissed off Larissa more. "If the customers say you're being a distraction, then you're being a distraction!"
Something inside her told her this wasn't about her being a nuisance. "This is about the deadline for my three weeks notice, isn't it?"
Simon chuckled dryly. "Of course it is. I hope you know how disappointed I am in you. How dare you be so selfish?!"
Larissa rolled her eyes. She was surprised it took him this long to bring it up, let alone even know about it. And he was extra irritating today because it was her final day here.
"You really think you can get better than this, huh?! You think anyone will take you?!"
"Last time I checked, this is Las Vegas where there's a casino on every street corner."
Both Simon and Larissa looked behind them to see a tall, well built man leaning against the wall. He had fiery red hair slicked back into a small ponytail and dark green eyes. Another groan escaped Larissa as soon as she recognized who it was.
Guy Gardner, I am going to fucking kill-
"Who the hell are you?!" Simon barked. His sudden outburst cut off Larissa's thought early.
"Name's Guy. I'm taking the lady with me." Guy motioned to Larissa. "She's clocking out early."
Larissa rolled her eyes. Great, that's just what she needed. She'd rather take a hundred verbal lashings from her bosses than go wherever Guy was planning to take her.
"She's on the job!"
"Listen, bro, you have two options. One: I cause a scene that ends with you getting a broken nose. Two: I could get my friends to deal with you while I take the lady out." Guy made his way over to Larissa. "My friends tell me I have a habit of being unreasonable so I'm trying to be, yknow, reasonable."
Now that Larissa thought about it, she wouldn't mind Guy punching Simon in the face. Sure it may get her fired but it's Vegas after all. She was sure that another casino would be right at her doorstep to take her as a waitress.
As the two Lanterns made their way to the exit, Simon lunged at Larissa and grabbed her pearl necklace. True to his word, Guy socked him right in the face.
A sinister, sadistic grin turned the corners of Larissa's mouth as she and Guy darted the door and straight to his car.
"Thanks for saving me back there." Larissa glanced at him. Sometimes she wondered why she hated him so much. Was it because they were different yet the same? Was it because she was afraid of love?
"No problem." Guy smiled at her. "Now lets get you away from that guy and to the classic car show."
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avengers-bucky · 2 years
You and Valkyrie were at the bar drinking and laughing. You were so glad you met her because you got along great. You knew she was running from something and the same with you but at this point in your friendship it was an unspoken understanding that neither of you wanted to talk about it yet. You were cracking up at the bar when you both went to walk and sit down at a table. But, out the corner of your eye, you saw that familiar dark hair and those green eyes. Shit. It was Loki. What the fuck? Why the fuck was he here?! You quickly turned to valkyrie “um, I think I’m gonna get an early night,” you were extra viligant and restless as you tried to hide yourself as you tried to leave the bar. Valkyrie looked at you confused. You noticed Loki moving closer to where you were and you automatically gave him a quick glance, prompting Valkyrie to look over to where you had looked. She raised an eyebrow at you. “So, er, the dark haired dude..you sure you’re not hiding from him?” She chuckled with a smirk. “Can we please just get out of here?” “Fine, but you have to tell me now what the deal is.” You laughed, “yea in your dreams.”
“Tell me,” Valkyrie asked sitting on a chair in your room, drinking another bottle of beer. You were standing behind the counter making a very strong cocktail out of anything you could find. “Nothing to tell,” as you started to pour in the vodka. “Who is he? Why you hiding from him, huh?” You mixed the drink and poured a glass for you both and sat down too. You took a massive gulp of your drink before saying, “my ex.” “Ahhh that makes more sense,” she winked, “haven’t seen him around hear before though.” You took another gulp, “yea I really don’t know why the hell he’s here! Val, you have to find out for me or I need to get off this planet. He can’t find me. Ugh I dunno what the hell to do!” “Hold on, did this man hurt you? Because if he did then imma kill him!” “No.. he never hurt me..” “so why you running from him? Yea, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that that’s why you’re here.” You took another big gulp and sighed, “I left him... cos.. I dunno.. I got scared?” “That’s a lousy excuse!” “It’s a lot more complicated than that...” “Do you love him?” “Yea... a lot.” “So what’s the problem?!” “I just...” Valkyrie sighed. “Fine, I’ll dig around and see what I can find out.”
“Thor?!” “Y/n! What on Earth are you doing here?! You just... vanished!” “I know.. I just...” Thor stopped you knowing that you didn’t want to talk about it quite yet but also knowing that he new why you’d vanished. “Er, so what the hell are you doing here?!” Explains about hela and getting lost here. “Erm y/n, there’s something I have to tell you... Loki’s here..” “I know,” you said guiltily. “I saw him the other night but I kinda just ran.. again.” “Do you know how to get off this planet? How did you end up here?!” “Well.. I’m pretty sure Heimdel’s not happy with me.. he brought me to the bifrost and then I kinda tried to teleport and then didn’t know where I was going and ended up here... But y’know, I like it here. I’ve made friends.. I’m free..” “You already have friends and they’re back home,” he said with a sad face and it made you feel even more guilty that you had left them.
Thor tells Loki you’re here. “What?” He turns around surprised and angry at the same time. “Did you just say y/n here?” “Yes... This is where she’s been all this time.” Loki didn’t know what to think of feel. “Why on earth is she here?!” Loki was secretly happy that you’d been found but he was still so bitter and angry at you (you’d left about 6 months ago now). “She.. teleported here..” Thor answered hesistanyly.” “To get away from me I guess?” Loki asked sarcastically. “I think that’s a conversation you and y/n should have.” “Listen we don’t need her help. Let’s just find a way out of here and deal with hela ourselves.” “Brother, you know just as well as I do that we can’t defeat hela alone.” Loki wouldn’t admit it but Thor was right, plus you may be the only hope of getting them out of here.
“So Loki knows I’m here?” “Yep,” replies Thor. “So... where is he?” You were desperate to see him but at the same time you were scared - you felt immensely guilty for leaving him especially without saying a word and you weren’t sure how he was going to react. “Ah, she lives,” Loki walked in the room with that fearless and not caring demeanour. You were taken aback by his sudden appearance and you weren’t sure what to say. “Hi..” was all you managed but he just ignored you and turned to Thor. “So what’s the plan then?” Loki said, continuing not even acknowledging your presence. Valkyrie was looking back between you both, stifling a laugh.
Thor and Valkyrie had left to do something leaving you and Loki in the same room. It was awkward and the silence was deafening. You cleared your throat, “would you like a drink? I make a great cocktail, it’ll get you good and drunk.” “I’m a god, it’ll take a lot more than that to get me drunk.” He still wasn’t even looking at you. He went to go and leave instead. You grabbed his arm and he turned around to shake it off of him. “Loki..” but no other words could come out of your mouth. Loki seemed so cold and like he just didn’t care but if you knew him like you thought you did, then underneath all of this, he cared deeply. He turned around again ready to leave. “Wait,” you heard yourself saying but Loki continued walking to the door so you teleported in front of him before he could go any further. “Get out of my way y/n.” “We need to talk.” “We don’t. I’m glad you left. It made me realise how much of a mistake I’d made being with someone like you.” You hadn’t expected those words to leave his mouth and you felt your heart break. He laughed, “You are nothing, just a mere human that nobody needs in there lives. I am a god and you are beneath me. I never truly loved you. Ever.” You stepped further away from him trying to stop the tears from falling. Loki’s expression didn’t change. Instead, he pinned you up against the door and displayed that “evil” smile you knew all to well. “You are NOTHING to me, understand? I can’t believe how low I’d sunk to be with someone like you.” You looked in his eyes but he didn’t falter for a moment. You teleported away.
You deserved every single word he’d said to you. Every single word. However, Loki was still in the room, trying to keep the “strong” appearance up but he felt nothing but pain and guilt. Of course he never meant a word he’d said... maybe that’s why she left, because he really was a monster. You’d hurt him, yes, but he never wanted to hurt you and he knew he just did. But Loki would be damned if anyone saw him hurting - he thought it made him weak and pathetic.
You’re all on the spaceship to Asgard to stop hela. Everyone woke up after you’d all passed out from going through the portal but you hadn’t woken up yet. Loki undid his seatbelt and immediately went to you. “Y/n, wake up,” but there was no movement from you. “She’ll be okay Loki, it’s just from going through the portal,” Bruce called back to him (have to work Bruce into the story.) Loki tapped you cheek with his hand, “y/n wake up.” Despite what Bruce had said, he was still worried. You slowly opened your eyes to Loki smiling at you. You sleepily smiled back but Loki realised what he was doing and suddenly moved back from you, going back to his seat. “Ah y/n, you’re awake!” Thor called back. “Yep, that was one hell of a trip! You’d think it’d be okay for me considering I can teleport,” you groaned sitting yourself back up. You looked at Loki but he was just staring ahead. Even if it was for a split second, at least you knew he still cared. “Well Prince Charming there nearly tried to give you the kiss of life, I think!” Valkyrie called back laughing. A slight smirk appeared on Loki’s face but still not looking at you. Still, it’d been a while since you saw him smile a little.
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justtogetthrough · 2 years
It'll be a week til I get the feedback forms from foster parents but my colleagues and upper management were THRILLED about my training today. I didn't finish it early enough to memorize so I was freaking out and so stressed out. My manager called me 30 mins before it this morning for the kind of pep talk she used to give me before meetings. Speak loud and strong, etc etc. Things i used to struggle with but haven't in a long time. I was so short with her bc I was anxious and trying to get another read through in before it began and she was wasting my time. So I let her speak for as long as I could tolerate before saying look, I'm busy preparing, is it okay if I let you go?
I ran out of time in the training which I wasn't expecting to (the script should have timed out well but again, not memorized, so) and I had to improvise a little. Missed the last couple slides but I can add to the follow up material being emailed out. I got through the academic part of it successfully though, IMO - this is the part I was most worried about losing people.
I had a foster parent and one of the managers text me during the break half way that they were LOVING IT and then after the training I had more staff reach out. What kills me though is the executive director herself called me after it all. I was so scared when she asked me to call her back so vaguely and sternly. She had to sit in on it because with any sensitive trainings that there's a chance people will be offended and complain, she ensures she is present for it to see what exactly is said. The last time we had a sensitive training it never even made it to the foster parents because of how rattled the white people on staff got. So I was very prepared for this to be deemed inappropriate or too upsetting and figured she was calling to be like yeah, pulling the plug on part 2. No more.
But... the ED called me and just absolutely raved about how amazing it was and how much I impressed her. We don't work together at ALL, ever, to the point where if I dye my hair she hasn't even recognized me lol. She *does* hear about me now and then through my manager in supervision and stuff, and the ED is kept abreast of me going on emergency medical leaves about once a year due to my mental health going into crisis and so I chronically worry she and my manager will decide I'm too unstable to be relied upon for this job. No reason really, I'm just scared bc of stigma and shit. And especially bc the ED doesn't know me at all, or see me doing my thing at work - so in my head I worry that all she sees me as is someone who's mentally unstable and unreliable lol.
So... I was absolutely freaked out that she'd be watching this training, my first run of a brand new training I literally only finished yesterday, and I was very worried because if extra people were gonna sit in (tons did) I wished it was the second or third run through not first. When she called she did explain that she wanted to be there primarily for liability purposes which makes way more sense at least, less judgey and more just back up in case ppl got mad.
But damn, the things she said. I cried. I covered my face because I was smiling so much it hurt - she had so much praise for me and she said she was so impressed at how I presented and handled the topic and just, how effective and warm and knowledgeable I was. She acknowledged she's never really seen me do anything in a professional capacity so she was extremely blown away, the way I carried myself and extended so much compassion and respect to our foster parents on a difficult and controversial topic she said exceeded her expectations and she wanted to personally congratulate me on a job well done.
It took me hours to recover emotionally from that honestly lol.
It was so nice.
This training is why I've been collecting things under the #trans tag for a year. It's been over a year of working on this training on gender identity. I present part 2 in December which is longer than I hoped for but meh. I have put so. much. work. into this. The feedback today has made it feel so worth it. Besides serving as the final thing that gets me my masters degree, which is itself huge, but these are non academic people. This is real world. Direct impact on people and their lives. It's so surreal.
I'm also just so glad to have this off my plate for now. The last 3 weeks of finishing it for todays deadline has been intense, it has taken up so much of my time. I work from 9-5 and then have been spending 6-10 or 11 preparing this training every single day. So stressful. To present the first half of it today and to have IMPRESSED so many people has been exhilarating. I'm so happy. It's been so wonderful.
I also really hope I get a good raise this summer now that my ED knows how awesome and skilled I am 😂 My talents are not exactly used to their fullest in my role, but my agency is really great about letting me do things like trainings and other forms of advocacy when I feel drawn to, especially when it comes to certain topics (especially queer stuff, but other things too), and it's a neat thing. My salary sucks balls but the work is so fulfilling and great for me in almost every other way.
But yeah this training preparation has been a big reason why I've been quiet lately. Spending all god damn day on my computer makes me really not wanna go on my phone at night once I'm in bed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway. That's a lil joy from my life today. A huge joy really. I cried from happiness and was euphoric for hours 🙂
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mythica0 · 2 years
A collection of cases of Marilyn’s aggressive positivity.
🎂: MHA (including OC’s)
🧁: Payton,Midoriya , Todoroki, Kirishima
🍫: Marilyn
Summary: Marilyn is infamous for her aggressive positivity. Don’t even think about not talking care of yourself around her!
TW: some swear words.
A collection of cases of Marilyn’s aggressive positivity
Case 1:
Payton was sitting in the mostly empty dorm rooms. Considering only Her and Marilyn lived there, because they needed somewhere to go to sleep while staying in Japan, it was a pretty empty space.
“Ugh. I should be training, not sitting here like a lazy piece of shit.” She spoke.
Marilyn was going past the halls to get a snack when she heard something coming from behind Payton’s door. “…Not sitting here like a lazy piece of shit.” Wait a second.
Payton just insulted themself. ‘Oh, I can not let that slide. ‘ Marilyn thought. She grabbed her snacks and water, as well as some extra in case Payton wanted any.
Payton was just starting to work up the energy to get up when she heard her door slam open with a loud *CRASH* “AH- jeez Marilyn you scared the be-jeezus out of me! “
“Sorry not sorry!“ the plant girl replied, her foot still out from kicking in the door. “anyways, I brought snacks!”she said, throwing them onto Payton’s bed before flopping onto the desk chair.
“Do you know why I’m here?”
“No officer, I don’t know why you pulled me over.” Payton replied in a joking manner.
“Pfft. Okay, no need to be sassy about it. “
“And your one to talk about not being sassy, how?”
“Jeez , jeez , i didn’t visit to be attacked. “
Payton just raised their brown in question.
“I’m here , because, I couldn’t help but overhear you call yourself a …. Let’s see here… “ she pretended to pull out a notepad; and look it over. “Ah, here it is. A ‘Lazy Piece of Shit’ “ she said with air quotes.
“I simply can not let this violation slide!”
“So you really are a police officer, huh.”
“Oh, sush. Now , Inorder to dish out the correct treatment for this … horrible condition called ‘self-deprication’… I need to know the context behind your statement. “
“Well, I was just sitting there, doing nothing! When I could be cleaning, or training, or coming up with new songs, and instead I was just scrolling through TikTok. Sounds pretty Lazy, doesn’t it?” Payton said, trying not seem non-chalant, but it was actually a pretty big deal to them.
“Would you say that about someone else?” Came the calm reply .
“Well….” She hesitates , before breathing out and finishing with “…no.”
“That’s what I thought. Taking time to rest and do things you enjoy isn’t lazy, it’s self care. “
“Self care, self shmare. I don’t -“
“Don’t what. Don’t need it? Or do you just think you don’t deserve it. “
“That’s what I thought. Now, this is a pretty severe case, so intense treatment is required.”
“What… does that… mean?”
“You’ll see” Marilyn said before jumping onto Payton and knocking her onto the bed. Then she started squeezing Payton’s sides rapidly .
“They say laughter is the best medicine for a reason, patient! “
Payton only laughed more at Marilyn’s silly ness.
After a while, Marilyn let up , leaving a giggly Payton laying on the bed.
“Good thing I brought water with these snacks, huh?”
“Heh… heh…. Yeahah. “ Payton giggled out, taking a water bottle and drinking a bit before grabbing some snacks .
“Oh, and By the way, this will happen every time you are self deprecating around me, understood? I don’t take any of that shit.”
Payton gulps a little before replying “..ay ay captain.” Nervously.
Case 2:
Midoriya was working himself down to his repeatedly broken bones . He was staying up late, getting up early, and training /studying all day, never taking breaks. He was gonna give himself burnout, and then work through that too!
Everyone , teachers included, were starting to worry about him, but no one knew what to do.
At least, until Marilyn decided enough was enough. Everyone had heard of the incident in the dorms a few weeks ago. Now that everyone had asked their parents and decided to stay in the dorms as well, (to keep their friends company and so they were closer to school) Payton had warned them of Marilyn’s, now infamous, ‘aggressive positivity ‘ TM.
This also gave Marilyn ample opportunity to stop Midoriya from this cycle.
*knock knock knock* came a sound on his door. Midoriya wasn’t one to deny a friend, so even though he was studying , he called out “come on in!”
He was expecting Kaminari asking for help on his English, or Bakugo asking to spar.
Who he didn’t expect to be behind the door was Marilyn.
“Hello fellow green man!” Marilyn shouted out as she entered.
“Oh, uh… hi. What did ya need?”
“You to take a break with me. “
“Oh, sorry, I can’t. “
“On the contrary, you have too. Working this much isn’t good for you. Take care of yourself! “
“I am. I’m making sure I’m hygienic and getting all my work done.”
“Yeah, but you need to take time to relax. Even if I have to make you.” Marilyn said with a mischievous grin.
“Huh? .. oh. OH!” Midoriyas eyes grew wide.
A few minutes later, there was a slowly falling asleep Midoriya giggling on the floor.
“Here. “ Marilyn said, handing the other a snack bar. “Eat something before you fall asleep.
“Ok. “ the other replied sleepily, before munching the snack bar and passing out.
“That should fix that problem ! “ Marilyn said walking away , whistling.
Case 3:
Todoroki was feeling a little upset. His dad was being extra mean on the days Todoroki worked up the courage to go home in order to see his mother and siblings.
He was beating himself up and feeling guilty for not being able to see his family as often do to his cowardice.
Marilyn, as always, quickly picked up on the issue and decided to do her thing!
She was gonna comfort him first, though.
After making some cold soba for Todoroki, Marilyn knocked on his door.
Slightly startled from his self deprecation zone-out , Todoroki said “huh?! Oh, come in”
Marilyn walked in carrying the bowl of cold soba and gave it to the peppermint man.
“Here, I made this for you.”
“Oh. That’s rather unexpected, thank you. “
“It’s no problem. I just needed to talk to you. I’ve seen you beating yourself up in your head, what’s going on?”
After only a moment’s hesitation, Todoroki spoke “my dads being extra mean recently, and I haven’t been visiting my family because of it, I feel bad.”
“It’s okay! Your family has eachother, and I’m certain that they’re okay. You have some severe trauma from your dad, avoiding that is not something to feel bad about. “
“…thanks . I needed to hear that.”
“No problem. Now let’s get a smile back on your face, hmmm?”
“What? Hehehehehey! “
And a few minutes later, what did we have?
That’s right, you guessed it! A giggly Todoroki lying on the floor.
“My job here is done! Have a nice rest of your day!”
Case 4:
Next up on Marilyn’s hit-list was Kirishima. He was getting self conscious about the small amount of pudge he has……again.
All his friends knew about this insecurity, and tried to comfort him, but to no avail.
Finally, they sent in the big guns.
Marilyn walked up to Kiri while he was in the couch with the rest of the Baku-squad.
“Hey, Kiri!”
“Oh, sup Marilyn?”
“Just know, this isn’t personal. I was told to help you out!”
That was the only warning Kiri got before Marilyn started to pinch his pudge.
“Look at this! So happy and ticklish! How could you be insecure about such a beautiful thing?!”
Next thing you know, there’s a giggly Kirishima, but it on the floor this time! He was still on the couch, being group hugged by his friends. Even Bakugo, reluctantly (it was not reluctantly, but Bakugo has an image to uphold)
————————— THE END —————————
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bluepandastarfish · 6 months
Chocolate Cake And Blood Wine: Chapter 3
Lady D x OC
More staff entered the room in preparation for the ladies dinner. Once the meat was brought up, a majority was cooked while some was left raw for lady Daniela as she prefers when it's 'extra bloody'. The cooked meat tonight was going to be prepared into 2 dishes for each lady, the 3 cooked will have a stew loana prepares as well as just a slab of meat cooked like steak served with an assortment of vegetables. Lady Danielle will only be having a slab of meat with vegetables (she probably won't even eat the vegetables).
Today I was helping with dessert, which I had never done before. One of the girls also doing dessert had reluctantly informed me that lady Daniela hates chocolate, all chocolate, which I found a bit unbelievable because chocolate is basically all I live for. So instead of chocolate I made lady Daniela an apple crumble with custard, which I wasn't sure if she'd like but considering she said we're friends now I doubt I'd get killed for it.
When I was making the Apple crumble I was given a lot of dirty looks and glares from a few of the maids, some even watched me intently while I was making it to see if I put anything dangerous in. Probably looking to snitch and get me killed. One of the younger looking maids attempted to throw some kind of powder in the crumble while I wasn't looking, only for me to interrupt her and threaten to curse her with my witch powers if she touches my crumble again, she looked panicked and ran across the kitchen to tell loana.
Finally my crumble was done! And the ladies were almost finished with their dinner by the sound of it. I loaded the dish onto one of the maids trays and sat back to watch them leave, they returned a moment later carrying the dirty dishes from the main courses.
Some of the girls snickered when they walked past me, which has me very worried… they could just be being arseholes though.
"Hey witch." One of the girls, Susanna, said. I raise an unimpressed eyebrow. "I warned lady Daniela that your dessert might be poisoned" She snickers.
I look unimpressed for a moment. Chances are that Daniela won't take it seriously if Susanna told her, one of the other ladies might though. I just hope this girls lying. "And… What are you hoping to achieve by lying to your employer?" I ask squint at her.
She scoffs "hopefully they'll finally take you down to the basement, maybe that will fix you." She says quietly, the other maids try to hide their grins. I tilt my head And hold back my tears.
I harden my expression and lean into her face. "If I ever got into that basebent and come back alive, no one- not even the black god will be able to save you from me" I watch as she becomes afraid and give her a fake smile, before leaving the room.
"Andreeeeaaaaa" I hear lady Daniela sing. I sigh and sit up against the wall.
I had been on my way to bed (early, as I thought it would be best to skip dinner now that I threatened one of the girls). Might as well just give up now, I mean I don't know if she would believe Susanna or not but I'm not gonna waste my time running away when Daniela catching me is inevitable. She toys round the corner and stands in front of me looking confused.
"What are you sitting on the floor? That can't be very comfortable" she says. Then she narrows her eyes at me and frowns "I heard you made my desert today?" Ah shit.
"Uh yeah…" I look up at her and bite the inside of my cheek.
She giggles and claps her hands "oh! It was the best thing ever! I told Mother and she said that you can make my dessert everyday." she grins at me and suddenly sits down in front of me. "It was really tasty, you know."
I smile slightly at her "Thanks Daniela, Apple crumble is just about the only thing I can cook. Glad you liked it." I sigh and lean my head back on the wall. "None of the maids… said anything?"
She tilts her head and thinks for a second "nope! Not that I can remember. But I don't listen to any of them anyway." She shrugs. "Oh, by the way you-" "Daniela! Why on earth are you sitting on the floor?" The voice of the lady asked.
My head snaps in her direction, now having to Strain my neck even more than usual to look up at her. She glares down at me, her hat casting a terrifying shadow over her face so the dim glow of her golden eyes were the only part of her face that I could see. "Mother" Daniela smiles up a t her mother. "I was just telling Andrea that she has to make all my desserts from now on" she jumps up excitedly.
The lady fixes the messed hair on top of Daniela's hair and smiles gently down at her daughter. "Lovely… I was just about to ask your sister about changing the girls schedule." Her voice dripped like honey, it was calm when talking to her daughter, completely unlike a moment ago.
"Oh good. I'll go talk to bela 'bout it now, Mother. I'm faster than you after all" The lady looked like she was about to argue with her daughter but before she could get a word out Dainela had transformed into a loud cloud of flies and darted down the corridor. The lady grits her teeth and straightens out the front of her dress.
"Shouldn't you be dining with the other maids?" She asks without looking down at me. Honestly it's a blessing in disguise, her eyes are haunting. "It's rude to stare, darling." I hadn't even noticed that she was now looking at me, too lost in thinking about her eyes. She tilts her head and smirks "Although it's awfully flattering, I detest being ignored."
I stutter and trip over my dress as I stand up. "O-oh" I love making a fool of myself. "Ye-yes" I clear my throat "of course my lady, I apologize. I thought it best to have dinner after the other maids had finished, I am not well liked among your staff" I point my gaze at the bottom of her dress as I talk.
She makes an unhappy noise before coughing lightly "And, why are you unliked, darling?" She places a gloved hand under my chin and lifts my gaze to her's. "I hope it's nothing too serious." From this angle her hat is no longer casting such a harsh shadow over her face, her features are visible but not detailed. She does not have fangs like they said in the village, nor does she have a hollow expression. She was excruciatingly beautiful, no doubt she would be admired if she were human. Her skin was pale white while her lips were a deep red.
She smiles with her teeth and tilts her head slightly. "Gawking, pet?". I snap out of my trance again and my eyes widen.
"W-well i was not liked in the village my lady, an outcast of sorts. It is why I was sent" (dragged out of my home and brought) "here". I blink up at Her, now finding myself unable to break eye contact. She is no longer holding my chin and instead has her hands by her sides, her smile dropped.
"Ah, yes. You were brought here weren't you?" She has clear distaste in her voice, she must know why the villagers dragged me up here-she must hate me for it. For some reason my heart stuttered at the idea of her hating me. "Well, I shall have a word with the head maid about 'bullying'. We can't have my Danielas 'best friend forever' being unhappy, can we?" She says almost mockingly, with a small smirk on her lips.
I bow my head "yes, my lady" she stops me away with her hand and I scurry down the hallway.
"Pet," I pause but do not turn around. " My Dainela is a forgetful little fruit fly. But if I hear about my daughter's food being tampered with again, I will not hesitate to punish you." The amusement is gone from her voice, no teasing anymore. She sounds deadly. This is the Lady Dimitrescu I've heard about.
I nod quickly and rush around the corner and in the direction of the maids quarters. Lady Dimitrescu was scary, she was also smoking hot. Lady Dimitrescu was going to have a word about 'bullying' amount the maids-
Wait. Oh shit. They'll know I said something, I'm the only one they all hate enough to 'Bully'. Oh it's just gonna end up biting me in the arse.
But still, Lady Dimitrescu was smoking hot.
Then again, she also threatened to 'punish' me which I suppose could be fun depending on what she was hinting at. But she could also take me down to the basement and torture me.
But still, Lady Dimitrescu was smoking hot.
Next part
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