#she still told me to pratice the lines for next day
marstectomy · 5 months
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you know that feeling when youre having a lot of fun but it gets spoiled
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Drive With You Forever
Chapter Three: showing you me
Summary: The reader has been used by her father for many things, resulting in some interesting quirks. When her father ends up under house arrest, she finds herself tangled in a world of fast cars, love, and inhuman abilities.
Chapter summary: Max and our clueless reader finally explore their feelings for each other.
Warnings: Jos Verstappen, mild age gap if you squint, Max and Reader have no idea what they are doing
Notes: I bad so much fun writing this chapter! I promise that next chapter, we get to see Charles.
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It was an odd feeling to be on the cusp of stepping into adulthood. Seb had said that they would take things slow. He wouldn't just shove her into responsibilities she either didn't understand or didn't know about.
He'd also said countless times over the year that her feelings towards Max are completely normal. Even going as far as to reassure her that is she shows him her powers that it's up to her.
The voice in the back of her head kept saying no. The fear of him being terrified of her stopping her from telling him.
Max had figured she wanted to tell him something. He'd caught on after she litterally choked on her words. But he didn't want to push her. She'd opened up to him about some of the things she'd lived through and seen. It made sense that she may not want to talk about it.
It didn't alter their friendship. He still went to her on good days and bad days. They practically read each other like open books now.
Max had convinced her to let him plan something for her birthday. Small and comfortable, of course. She agreed hesitantly.
He'd flown to Germany to see her. The off weekend falling on her birthday is incredibly helpful.
He was greeted by Seb at the door when he arrived. He'd talked about this for months. Seb was pratically giggling at him, and Hanna had just shook her head in exasperation but smiled nonetheless.
Seb had also been talking to the now adult, but still little girl in his eyes, about the possibility of letting Max in.
She was absolutely terrified about it but wanted to show him. She had told herself she'd do it soon. Now was probably the best chance she would have.
Max drove them up to a field. One shed been to plenty of times with Seb. She used it as her safe place when things got overwhelming. It was open, and there always seemed to be a breeze.
It was sunset now. Her nerves settled in her stomach as soon as she woke up this morning. She'd been careful not to let vision in since Max convinced her. She wanted to let him surprise her. However, that also meant she had no clue how he might react to her.
Max parked the car and dragged her further up the hill. Laughing as she just let him. He had his backpack slung over his shoulder and a Box in his hands.
When he found a spot on the other side, he pulled off his backpack and unzipped it. He pulls out a blanket and makes quick work spreading it out for them to sit on.
He pulls her down onto it. Her body practically collapsed at the unexpected force.
The sun was filled with the beautiful hues of the fall sky. Oranges and reds line the sky in a gradient. The warmth settled on their faces and the breeze ruffling through their hair.
It was perfect.
"Happy birthday." Says Max., pulling her body closer to his. He hands the box over to her.
She opens up the cardboard to reveal a notebook. Similar to the one she used to communicate when they first met. This one, though, was filled with Max's writing. Pictures, notes, ticket stubs, and poorly written poetry littered every page.
"I won't lie, I definitely had help from Victoria... and possibly Daniel." He admits. His hand reaches for the back of his neck.
She loses her words. Three years' worth of memories in one book. The emotions overwhelm her. So she does the only thing that might be able to express her thanks. She kisses his cheek.
She's done it before. Quick and sweet. Something Max got addicted to faster than he would have liked.
He can feel the fear rise back into her for a moment. The way her body seems to barely shake and the slight change in her breathing.
"I want to show you something." She not looking at him. For a moment, his mind goes to every terrible possibility. "Dobyou trust me?"
She pulls out her pocket knife. The same one everyone had tried to keep away from her. She always seemed to get it back somehow.
She rolls up her sleeve and drags the edge along her forearm. Small beads of crimson form along the thin line. The action leaves Max confused and concerned.
Then, she focuses. Her other hand manipulates the wound. Weaving the skin back together. The energy is warm as iflt flows through her. Sweet beading at the top of her head from the power she's exerting.
Then it's gone. The only proof it had been there was a faint line and dried blood.
Max is speechless. Completely and utterly stunned. His mouth had fallen open when she pulled out the knife, and it stayed like that as she looked at him for some kind of response.
It was weird, he didn't understand it, but god did he find cool.So he did something stupid in return.
"Do you trust me?" It was his turn to ask. He was grinning because he'd been wanting to do this for awhile now.
She nodded her head. Curiosity takes hold of her.
Max takes her face gently in his hands. Her eyes are swimming with confusion as he inches closer and rest his forehead against hers.
She'd seen this in some movies. But this felt much different compared to just watching it.
Then his lips are on hers. The feeling is different than cheek kisses or forehead kisses. This was derived from a deep set of emotions she'd yet to explore.
It was good. Great, even. She had no clue what she was doing, so she let Max guide them through it.
He pulled her closer. Never wanting to let go.
But air is an unfortunate necessity.
He pulled away, eyes her wet lips, searching her eyes for some hint that she liked it. Nerves building the more she stayed silent.
"Pleade say something." He pleaded.
"I think I can get used to that." She laughed.
Max had asked her questions for days. He even ended up staying in Germany for longer then he expected.
Seb kept laughing at them. Max would ask, she would answer and show him, then roll her eyes. Seb reminded her that it was new and exciting to see something like this. She was just glad that he liked it and wasn't screaming in terror when she fixed the toaster with no tools.
It didn’t take long for the paddock to figure it out. Max had come into the Redbull hospitality practically beaming. Daniel didn’t even need to interrogate him.
They kept away from the public eye for now. She was still wary of people and nervous her father could come back at any second.
Max's dad was on another level of annoying after he found out. Seb had to step in multiple times because it was one thing to defend Max, defending herself felt entirely different.
Seb basically adopts Max after getting fed up with Jos. It didn't matter what place he came in, Seb was there and congratulating or consoling. He made sure to show Jos what parenting should look like.
Max and her didn't fight often. More like arguments about small things that were just a matter of communication. It took Christian and Seb to get them through the first few.
It was nice knowing they weren't alone and had people they trusted to go to. Something neither had grown up with.
They’re creating their own little family.
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Tags: @styles-sunflower @purplephantomwolf @boiohboii @reblog-princess-blog @jjsprobablywrong @Ipab @jayda12 (comment if you want to be added)
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kttiuh · 4 months
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pairings gojo, geto, toji, nanami, sukuna, choso x black ! chubby ! reader (seperate)
content reader is described as 'chunky', and excplicity stated to have a tummy, large chest and large butt. some are suggestive ( satoru's , sukuna's ) while others are explicit ( suguru's , toji's , nanami's , choso's ) nsfw.
a/n small little thing while i'm still busy irl !! this is very very self indulgent, and just something to get me into writing for jjk.
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stumbling upon a pretty, chunky girl in the subway one day has 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 turning his head back so quick you'd think he'd get whiplash. before, if you'd told him he'd be eyeing up a bigger girl — he'd laugh — but right now? oh, he needs to have his first taste of chubby pussy, certainly he can't miss out if every girl looked like the one in the subway.
he's living out each and every chubby chasers' fantasy when his grubby hands finally gets to you !! you mean to tell him there was just fat bitches walking around with his much ass ?? and tits ?? nobody bothered to let him know... </3 ... he genuinely feels like he's the best he's ever been when he meets you. fat pussy has him floored and feeling rejuvinated — his attraction isn't even competely sexual too. knowing him and his sweeth tooth, he associates sugar with his sweet, plump baby. (god he needed a fat girl in his life.)
complaining about difficulties finding clothes that fit without your chest, tummy or ass spilling out has gojo ready to drop whatever amount of cash on custom fitted clothes on you. despite his initial complaints of 'you don't want your ass hanging out?' — he'll understand, give you a pat on the ass before telling his precious girl to spend however much she needs. not without sending him a photo or a dozen of you in a victorias sectret changing room, though !!
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𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔 needs an anchor in his life. badly. an anchor that's soft, sweet and so doughy he could sink his fingers into and feel something real. in comes you. he subconsciously gravitates towards a fuller partner without realizing,, and when you had planted the fat of your ass next to him on a day he was sulking — geto was whipped. you're so sweet, stupidly so, like the pastries satoru would drone on and on about. tummy spilling over the band of your skirt and brown skin kissed by the gentle lines of light on the two of you.
his touches start off innocently enough, gripping your tummy, feeling the pretty brown skin mold and spill from his big hands. pulling you taunt into his lap to feel the extra, added weight rest on his owned tone thighs, pulling and holding any bits he can. ''s nice, you're so nice 'n soft, sweet girl.' he'd murmur while trailing kisses along the back of your neck.
what touches were first lovely and soft soon became more desperate — along with sugu's aching cock. grabbing at the fat of your ass with a purpose, rutting his insistent buldge between the heavy weight. and there's just so much of you to rut into, fuck into, and cum on !! will sink his cock in/between whatever part of you looks the fattiest on a particular day he's feeling out of it. just the feeling of your warm, plush skin has him fogetting what he was even stressed about, too busy moaning and groaning out songs of praise to you.
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𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎 is a fat pussy enthusasiast, plain and simple. before he'd met you, all his freetime between missions and being a bum was taken up by bbw porn. toji is a big man — it's the first noticeable thing about him, and with just how big he is, he needs a fat girl with an even fatter pussy to fuck on when he sees fit !! <3
toji is all over you — doesn't matter if he's horny or not, just seeing his pretty, chunky baby gets him going. doesn't help when you're so insistent on walking around pratically naked, you should honestly commend him for what (little) self restraint he has ! between the fatty parts of you spilling out the slutty clothes you parade yourself in, and how stupidly naive you act while doing so — yeah, he'd muse, you're lucky he doesn't constantly have you split on his dick.
just the little tid bits of you in his imagination, bouncing on his cock, heavy breasts in his face has him pratically jumping you all times of the day. to him, chubby girls easily have the best pussy — 'somethin' bout it is so greedy 'n syrupy, sure you don't want me to fuck a brat into you?' — he'd tease, his big arms guiding your hips down to meet his cock halfway.
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𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎 finds the natural weight and extra curviture on you to be 'quite appealing' as he'd put it. even when greedily gawking at your tummy and occasionally cusping it, he still somehow ends up not being crude in his admiration for his sweet, chubby darling. he hadn't been big on dating and relationships — too weary of being too rough on the cute, petite girls he'd see around. like toji, he's big, needs a girl he won't have to tip toe around when he's had a tiring day and needs good pussy to get lost in.
truly, and utterly feels like he must've been in some higher power's good graces when you came into his life. big tits, a fat ass and tummy, and the softest thighs that spill out between his fingers. bonus points if his pretty girl has a penchant for domestic activities. he's prone to resting his big, (surprisingly) soft hands on your full, wide hips, resting his face between the junction of your neck 'nd shoulders, and just... sighing in content. <3 "y'cooking for me, dear? always so good for me." he'd murmur with a sigh, his hands slowly moving up to rest under the heavy weight of your chest.
he's such a giver. <3 always puts your pleasure before his, making sure his pretty 'lil lover is always accounted for when it comes to making you feel good. he doesn't mind getting his bedsheets sticky with his precum as he ruts into the sheets, an equal mix of pleasure and pain as he feels his cock rubbing raw. not at all when you're moaning and crying so pretty. thick, brown thighs doubling as earmuffs against the sides of his head !! he's got a hand intertwined with yours — a little reminder he's here, while the other is sprawled against ur cushiony tummy, holding you in place to ensure none of your cum gushes out anywhere but on his eager tongue !!!
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𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍 is terrible — doesn't matter if yuji is his vessel, or if you'd been unfortunate enough to know him in his true form. will manhandle and bully you — genuinely so. molding your body in uncomfortable positions whenever he feels just to mold your pussy in the shape of his cock(s). doesn't matter if he has two arms or four !! he's so mean 'n strong that he will have you dumb on his dick all the time . <3
i'd like to imagine he didn't have chubby concubines in the heian era — so when you, chunky and dressed like a doll in frilly clothes, talked to yuji for the first time, sukuna is more focused on the generous amount of cleavage spilling out your chest and the skirt your wearing that barely covers your ass. will call you a slut and mean it — to him, it's pratically an open invitation for him to take control of yuji to grope and pull at you, surely. he values your (his) pussy more than he does the average human life, for what that's worth !!
thinks you sound so pretty 'n pathetic, begging for him to switch back with yuji. he won't of course, but he'll entertain the idea if it means getting to keep you under him. "let me use you f'some more time, then i'll switch back with him, yeah?" and you're just so...dumb, that you sniffle and nod, watching his mean hands move from your love handles to the fat of your butt, smacking, watching the brown skin ripple. he'll definitely have to you keep around once he's got his old body back. <3 you'd look too sweet split on his dual cocks.
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soft and comforting is all that comes to 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎's mind when he thinks of chubby girls. (or what little experiences he has with them.) he personally doesn't have the best self image due to his half-curse heritage. thinks of himself as jagged and rough. but you? you're so warm, and inviting and pretty. choso is pussywhipped before even fucking you. <3
has absolutely zero knowledge about romance, no less sexual intimacy. though, he isn't aware of the fact that's something he should be 'embarassed' about, so he's very compliant and attentive when you're letting him understand how to pleasure you. puppy-like is the best descriptor for him, his hyperfocused gaze and hands gingerly exploring you. cupping, squeezing, and kissing. rough lips leaving light pecks along your soft skin, occasionally meeting your brown eyes for a silent confirmation, that he's doing something right for his darling.
"'s good, right? tell me 'm doing good," he'd whine out, flipping, twisting, and folding your body to hir different angles in your fat pussy. when he finally gets comfortable to initiate intimacy betwen the two of you, he's insatiable. constantly overstimulating the both of you, to dump just one last load in your creamy, sloppy heat. it's so hard to say no to him — of course you can't when he's got his head burrowed between your chest, slobberin' and moaning.
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© 𝐊𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐔𝐇 do not copy, modify, or otherwise repost my works to any other sites.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 20: This Time I’ll Stay
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You hold the white item in your hand, staring at the two red straight lines on the small screen-like box. Tears run down your cheeks, a wide small on your face. All types of emotions washing over you like a big tide. Your trembling hands take your phone off the marble, calling the first people who you want to share it with.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” Akaashi asks you worriedly, hearing your sobs over the phone. Kenma joins the call, shocked to hear your short breaths.
“Why are you crying?” You hear Kenma shuffling on his bed. “Do you want me to go to you?”
“Keiji... Kenma...” You call them, crying even harder, the happiness in your heart overflowing. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m jus-”
“You’re what? You’re worrying me so much right now.” Keiji sounds like he’s mad so you stop yourself from wailing to be able to talk.
“I’m crying,” you say, not able to form sentences properly.
“Yes, you are. Why?” You feel Kenma roll his eyes even if you don’t see him.
“I’m pregnant.”
There is silence for a while until you hear Kenma’s chuckle. Keiji then follows. Your cries are tampered with laughter even though nothing is funny.
“Congratulations. I didn’t expect another child from you this early,” Keiji tells you, Kenma humming in agreement.
“Me, too. I can’t believe I’m pregnant again.” You hear a small gasp from the side, making your head whip to that direction. You see Kia standing at the doorway of the bathroom door. She’s staring at you with her mouth gaped and eyes widened.
“Mama’s pregnant...” She mutters, taking slow steps back. She runs out of the room and you quickly follow her, knowing what she’s going to do. She goes to the living room and opens the drawer where Kiyoomi keeps her phone that she uses for emergency calls.
Speaking of Kiyoomi, your fiancé, is in another city in the country for game. He’s supposed to go home the day after tomorrow. You plan to tell him that day, in person.
“Kia, put your phone down. Now.”
“No. I have to tell papa.”
“Kia, no.”
“Kia, yes.”
“It’s a surprise for your papa. We’ll tell him together.”
“No surprises.” Kia shakes her head, pressing the number 2 button in the dial pad for a long time. You hear the ringtone from a far so you quickly grab it from her hands.
“Kia?” You hear Kiyoomi speak from the other line, you push Kia’s face away with your empty hand, the other bringing the phone to your ear.
“Omi,” you speak awkwardly.
“Why are you calling me using Kia’s phone?” He asks in suspicion.
“My phone died and I had an urgent question, but it’s okay now,” you reason. “Good bye, baby.”
“(Y/N) wa-” You end the call. You look at Kia and she is glaring at you.
“Papa has to know!” She whines, folding her together and pressing them on her chest.
“He will, when he comes back home.”
2 days pass by fast, especially if you have to constantly stop Kia from spilling the beans to her father who calls at least 5 times a day. Kia waits for Kiyoomi to arrive, standing by the front door. You also stand behind her, securing that she won’t say anything. The door finally opens, KIyoomi getting surprised to see the two of you standing like dogs waiting for their owner to come home.
Kiyoomi lifts Kia first, then gives you a kiss. “Why are the two of you so tensed?” He asks you as the three of you go to the living room. You watch Kia, giving her ‘don’t-you-dare’ look.
“I’ll make dinner. Go take a bath,” you tell him, ignoring his question. You kiss his cheek, taking Kia away from his arms. He raises an eyebrow at you, but goes to the bathroom anyways. You sigh in relief when he’s not in sight, thinking that you are able to keep the surprise from him.
But Kiyoomi knows, because of Akaashi.
Sakusa was on a break, sitting on bench. His phone rang, so he checked who was calling. ‘Akaashi?’
“Hello, Sakusa-san,” the former setter greeted. Before Sakusa could even say anything back, Akaashi continued, “Congratulations on baby number 2.”
“What?” Sakusa cleared his throat, his mind going blank. Did he hear him right? He said baby number 2. He was sure he said that.
“I don’t think (Y/N) has told you yet,” Akaashi laughed awkwardly. “Can you pretend that you don’t know until she tells you? She’ll kill me if she finds out I told you before she did.”
“Okay,” Sakusa let out, still in shock. The call ended, but his phone was still on his ear, his body not able to move.
“Hey, it’s time to go back to pratice,” Atsumu called him, but he didn’t answer. The blonde setter goes to him, waving a hand in front of Sakusa’s face. “Are you dead?” Suddenly, the dark haired spiker pulled him into a hug. “What the fuck? Did you reprogram or something?!”
“Thank you for being a good setter to the team,” he told Atsumu, patting his back. “Do you want to eat out dinner later? Just to relax before our game tomorrow.”
“Is the world ending?!” Atsumu gasped dramatically.
“No, not at all. I think the world is doing great to be honest,” Sakusa responded, showing off a smile. Atsumu froze on his spot while the other man went back to the court.
The practice started once again, Kiyoomi playing better than ever. He was smiling the whole time, his teammates were creeped out. “Why is Omi smiling like that?” Bokuto whispered to Atsumu. Hinata leaned in also, wanting to join their conversation.
“He even hugged me a while ago,” Atsumu murmured back, side eyeing Sakusa.
“I’ll ask for a hug, too,” Bokuto claimed. He walked close to Sakusa, then poked his shoulder. “Can you give me a hug?”
“Sure,” Sakusa responded with no hesitance, taking Bokuto in for a hug. The grey haired man was astonished. After that, Bokuto went back to the other two, still stunned.
“Is Omi dying? Why is he so nice? Are his days getting counted,” Bokuto blurted, dazed.
“Maybe he’s repenting for all his sins, so he can go to heaven,” Hinata added, agreeing with Bokuto’s theory.
Sakusa heard all of their words, but all he could feel is happiness. He couldn’t explain what he emotions he were experiencing. All he could of at that moment was the growing child inside your stomach, your child.
Sakusa finally comes out of his shower, acting like usual but inside he is screaming. He already wants to tell you about the names he has come up with. He is so excited to shove it to his teammates that he’s having another child that will no longer consider them as boyfriends.
“Omi, you’re spacing out,” you point and he shakes his thoughts out of his head.
“Ah, sorry,” he says then continues to eat. You notice his little mannerisms: constant tapping of fingers on the surface, bouncing legs, hair running through hair. All of that means that he wants to say something. ‘Does he know?’
After dinner, he puts Kia to bed, you watching closely. He looks so smiley and excited. You lie down beside him, and he looks like he’s going to burst. Now you’re sure he knows. “You know, don’t you?”
“The what baby?” He asks innocently, suppressing a smile. You pout and he starts laughing. “I can’t do this anymore!” He comes to you, protectively wrapping his arms around you.
“How did you know?” You ask him, burying your face on his armpit. He smells good so you sniff even closer. ‘It’s kicking in. The weird pregnant things.’
“That’s a secret,” he chuckles. He pulls away from you and you whine, your nose wanting to smell him. “Don’t you want a kiss?” You kiss him then stick your nose back to his armpit. “This is already weird and it’s just the start!”
“Shut up. I was supposed to surprise you.” Your voice is muffled but he hears you clearly. His hand rubs circles on your lower stomach, his lips planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Can we name him Kin?” he blurted out so you snicker at how excited he is. “What? Don’t you think it’s a cute name?”
“We’re not even sure if it’s a boy. Why are you so excited?” You push your upper body up, so you’re looking down on him. A pout forms on his lips, squinting his eyes at you.
“Are you not excited?” He pulls you back down. Your face is pressed on his chest, his hand returning on circling your stomach.
“Of course I am!” You reply to him, hugging him tightly.
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1st Trimester
“Are you done yet?” Sakusa yawns, holding your hair for you while you vomit on the toilet. The moon’s still shining yet you’re already in the bathroom throwing up. “Why do they call it morning sickness when you throw up any time of the day?”
“If you’re gonna complain you should not have asked for another child!” You growl at him. He sighs, not wanting to argue. He knows that when he says anything in disagreement, you’ll start crying. Your hormones are playing with not only you, but also him.
You feel less nauseous so you stand straight, panting. He gently pulls your hand, leading you to the sink. He takes your toothbrush and starts brushing your tooth for you. He insists on doing that ever since the first time you experienced morning sickness with him around. He thinks it’s disgusting but it’s the least he can do for you.
“You want to eat something?” He asks as you spit the foam out of your mouth. He wets his hand and wipes the foam on that got stuck on your chin.
“Are you really asking me that after brushing my teeth?” You complain as he wipes your mouth with a dry towel.
“I don’t want you to go to bed with an empty stomach,” he reasons, fixing your hair. You hum, thinking about his question. So far, you have not been having weird cravings yet, which Sakusa thanks for because he won’t feed you disgusting combos of food.
“Just ice cream,” you finally answer, and he nods. The two of you go to the kitchen quietly, not wanting to wake Kia up. You take a seat at the dining table while Sakusa scoops an ice cream for you. As he hands it to you, the soy sauce bottle catches your eye. Something inside you tells you that you want it, so you point at it, but he doesn’t get it. “Soy sauce.”
“No,” he tells you in disgust. You feel yourself tearing up and Sakusa immediately grabs the bottle and hands it to you. You clap in excitement, pouring a good amount of soy sauce on your ice cream. Looking at you makes him want to vomit but at the same time the smile on your face warms his heart. ‘7 more months.’
2nd Trimester
You and Kia wait for Sakusa outside the gym. You are scheduled for your 18th week ultrasound today, and Sakusa insisted on going with you. You’re finally gonna find out about your child’s gender and he doesn’t want to miss any ultrasounds. He wants to make sure you and your child is healthy and in great shape.
“Are you excited to spend some time with Mu-chan?” You ask Kia and she excitedly squeals. Kiyoomi decided not to bring Kia at the appointment with you so you can surprise her at her birthday which is in a week.
You see his teammates come out, and Kia greets them one by one. Sakusa and Atsumu finally arrive, so you and Sakusa head out, parting ways with Kia. Before you leave Kia, Sakusa threatened Atsumu that if something happened to his daughter, he’ll drag his body around the court during practice.
“What do you our baby will be?” Sakusa asks you, intertwining his fingers with yours. He plants a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes on the road.
“To be honest, I feel like it’s a girl,” you answer.
“You know what that means,” he teases and you let go of his hand. “What? You said we’ll not stop trying for a son.”
You stay silent, the smile on his face halting your anger. You can tell he’s excited and it’s hyping you up, too. It feels like you’re through your first pregnancy again. You arrive at the hospital and you walk to the clinic hand in hand.
A nurse greets you and heads you inside the clinic where the OB is waiting for you. She gives you a hospital dress and you change into it. You lie down the reclining chair. The doctors splatters gel over your lower abdomen, the coldness of the fluid making you giggle. Sakusa is standing beside the chair, his fingers playing with your scalp.
“Oh... you see that? Your baby is a...”
“Happy birthday, Kia!” Everyone cheers after singing for her. Kiyoomi lifts her, then blows the candles of the cake with her. It’s her first birthday with her father.
“Before we start eating, we want to tell Kia what her sibling’s gender is,” Kiyoomi announces. He takes a box where either a girl’s clothes or boy’s is in. Kia excitedly rips the box open, gasping at the item inside the box. She lifts the dress up, showing it to everyone.
“A baby sister!”
Third trimester
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“Kiyoomi!” You scream, your voice echoing through the whole house. He rushes to you and sees the liquid dripping down your legs.
“Shit! Shit! The baby is coming! The baby is coming!” He panics. He calls your midwife, notifying her about your condition. He runs out of your shared room and heads to Kia who is scribbling in the living room. “Kia, your sister is coming. You know what to do.”
Kia immediately takes her phone out of the drawer, prepared on what to do. She and Kiyoomi has been practicing for weeks for your birth. They panicking but prepared. Kia calls her grandparents first, telling them you’re finally giving birth. Next, she calls Akaashi and Kenma. Then, she goes to you, helping you calm down by holding your hand. She’s telling you bedtime stories and rubbing circles on your stomach from time to time.
While Kia is comforting you in your room, Kiyoomi’s in his bathroom, running a bath for you. You have opted for water birth at your home, which Kiyoomi had convinced you to do since it was said to be less painful than normal birth.
Your pregnancy have been nothing but smooth thanks to Kiyoomi. He never complained about your mood swings or 3AM cravings. He went to every appointment with you despite his busy schedule as a pro-athlete. He and Kia were there all through-out and you couldn’t be more thankful.
Minutes later, your midwife arrives, helping Sakusa transfer you to the tub. You take your dress and panty off, then wear a comfortable sports bra. They guide you into the tub, making sure you don’t slip and fall.
Kia waits on the bed, just like how she was trained to. She wants to go to you and hold you because she know you’re in pain, but she’s afraid that she’s going to be a nuisance to your delivery.
“Omi, can Kia go in the room?” You request in between pants, the contractions getting even stronger. He nods and calls her in. She slowly goes to you, sad that you are crying because of hurt. She caresses your sweaty forehead, then plants a kiss on it.
“You can do it, mama,” she cheers you up, grinning at you. She’s trying her best to calm you down and it magically lessens the pain. You hold onto her tiny hand, Kiyoomi standing by your side the whole time.
3 hours later, you hear voices from outside of the bathroom. You take a glance at the doorway and see your best friends waving at you. You manage to let out a smile, your weak hands waving at them. The Sakusas have also arrived, not wanting to miss the opportunity to see the new family member. You hear Akaashi’s parents voice, and it soothe you.
“Do you want me to join you in the water?” Kiyoomi asks, brushing your hair off your forehead, his other hand has been holding you for hours now. You nod eagerly, letting go his hand. He takes his shirt off and gets in the tub with you. He positions himself behind you, his legs on your sides. You lean your back on his chest, your skin contacting with him. He intertwines your hands again, placing it over your bulging stomach.
Kia enters the room with Akaashi and Kenma, a drink in her hand. She holds it out you with both of her hands. “It’s your favorite juice mama. Drink.” You take a sip from the straw, the drink hydrating you. Then she holds it out too, Kiyoomi. “You too, papa. You’re working hard, too.”
“You’re working the hardest, Kia,” Kiyoomi tells her, patting her head. You can’t speak now, but you definitely agree. Kia is just a child, but she’s trying her best to understand what’s going on. She’s comforting you as she knows you’re in pain. She’s helping Kiyoomi in handling the matters just like how she promised him. She’s working so hard for you, Kiyoomi, and her soon to be born little sister and it’s all paying off.
After a few more hours, you see your baby’s head. Your midwife tells you push, so you do. But it’s painful, it hurts so much. You stop pushing, crying hard due to too much pain.
“Baby, you can do it,” Kiyoomi whispers into your ear, holding your hand tightly. He kisses the top of your head, wanting to take the pain you’re feeling. If he could, he would definitely transfer the pain you’re feeling to himself. But he can’t so he’ll try his best to soothe you. “Look. Our baby’s almost out. Don’t stop pushing...” You gain motivation from his words and with one last push, your baby girl’s finally out.
The midwife catches your child quickly, then brings it on your chest. Kiyoomi’s arms wraps around your stomach, looking down at your child that is on top of you. The midwife gives him a pair of umbilical scissors. He gets to cut the umbilical cord for the first time ever. It’s something has been looking forward to. He tears up as his cuts the cord.
“Omi... she’s finally here,” you cry, hugging your newborn.
“Yes, she is. And it’s all because you did a great job.” He kisses the top of your head again, his hand softly landing on the back of your child. His hand is wider than her back it’s scaring him that she’ll hurt him.
“What are you going to name her?” The midwife asks the two of you. You stare at your child, waiting for Kiyoomi to answer.
“Mina. Sakusa Mina.”
Kia finally wakes up from her nap, missing the rest of delivery. She quickly gets up, her blankie still in her hand. “Is my sister here?” She asks Kenma and Keiji who are in the living room. They nod at her with a smile.
They lead her to Kiyoomi’s bedroom where you are sleeping in. Mina is on the crib beside your bed, also sleeping. Kiyoomi sees Kia enter so he gently wakes you up. You had told him that you didn’t want to miss Kia and Mina’s first meeting. “Kia’s here.”
“Kia, come here,” you pat on the space beside you. She slowly climbs up the bed, not wanting to hurt you.
“Where’s the baby?” She asks you softly. You look at Kiyoomi and signal him to take Mina out of the crib. You put a support pillow on Kia’s lap, your daughter nervous and excited to meet her new sibling.
“Mina... your big sister is here,” Kiyoomi coos at the newborn as he lifts her out of the crib. Mina squirms, waking up. He puts her down on the support in Kia’s lap.
“Kia, it’s your little sister. Mina,” you tell Kia, softly petting the side of her head. Kia stares at the baby on her lap. The first thing she does surprises you and Kiyoomi. She places her blanket over her little sister, then softly cups Mina’s small cheeks. Kia places a gentle but tender kiss on her forehead. She starts crying, and so do you and Kiyoomi.
“Hi, Mina. I’m your Kia-neechan.”
Newborns has been hearing sounds since way back in the womb. Mother's heartbeat, the gurgles of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice and the voices of other family members are part of a baby's world before birth
Water birth might help you relax and help you feel more in control. Floating in water helps you move around more easily than in bed, too. Some science suggests that the water may lower chances of severe vaginal tearing.
Only 5% of babies are born on their due date. 50% are born within a week of the due date. 90% are born within 2 weeks of the due date.
The most popular day for babies to be born is Tuesday, followed closely by Monday
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Taglist:  @elianetsantana​ aoi-turtle ptv-hades  aquzairus a-applepi  justoneofthefangirlsarianna-r13 morenabambinii chaelysian @loser-keiji​ mxngy ne-kuroon1fangirlsblog d-efend missalicebaskervillemarvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea bonkyandloki kimi09 ntimacy @mkazuyuh  ushi-please minty-mangos-world @dearest-kiyoomi​ yeehawslap  onlyshinji obsessedwhxre adrasteiaxandromedaa abuliawrites song-of-storms162 tnu-ree keichainn
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 9) | The Boyz Imagine
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Ep 9: in which Mae and Kevin try it out and Hyunjae feels ‘something’. 
The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series.
Main characters: Kevin, Juyeon, Hyunjae and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz
Genre: fluff, slice of life, BROMANCE BRUH
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
The first thing that Mae spots the moment the door to her office slides open is Kevin's slim frame leaning against the corridor wall. 
She instantly pinks, clearing her throat and biting down to chew on her lower lip so as to stop herself from combusting into a fireball right then and there.
"Hey," she smoothes a self-conscious hand down the side of her head, "what's up?"
It takes everything in her not to turn around and run away as fast as she possibly can when Kevin slowly straightens from his slouch, "nothing. Just thought I'd drop by."
"Ah," she murmurs, "right."
She can't meet his eyes. The awkwardness stuffs up her throat and she swallows it back down in an attempt to keep her head afloat. 
"Listen I--"
"So you--"
Their voices tangle into each other as they share a panicked glance. Great, she thinks sourly to herself, as if this can't get even more awkward than it already is. 
Kevin lets out a short chuckle, "this is awkward."
"No shit."
Despite the nervous knots twisting inside her stomach, Mae can't help but notice how cute it is to see Kevin so flustered because of her. That's definitely not something that would've happened before. 
Or if it did, she wouldn't have noticed. 
"Listen Mae," he starts off slowly, a hand rubbing the back of his neck while he clears his throat, "I really don't know a whole lot about that dating stuff. All I know is that I--I like you, way more than I've ever liked anyone else before. So, uhm--yeah."
He pauses, but her silence keeps him going.
"I mean, would you want to--would you mind if we could--" he exhales shakily then, briefly squeezing his eyes shut before meeting hers, "are you doing anything right now?" 
"Nope," she replies a little too quickly and her cheeks flush a deep red at her eagerness, "I don't mind--sure, that works."
“Okay,” a small smile curves up the corner of his lips. It’s soft and slow, but it’s there and it makes her heart flutter, “I know a place.” 
Turns out that the place in question is none other than the small snack shop which took up most of their fond memories of growing up through high school and college, a place that was not only special to the pair but to their whole group of friends in general. Maybe it had been intentional on Kevin’s part so that Mae wouldn’t feel as awkward about the fact there is definitely something in the air between them, that bringing her to a familiar spot that feels like her second home would make her more at ease. In any case, Mae is more than happy to settle into her usual stool by the window with Kevin opposite her, two vacant seats at their table where Juyeon and Hyunjae would usually join. Even back then, Mae still remembers crawling to this place with Kevin in tow because of her sudden nightly cravings. They’d usually share a plate of noodles and would compete for the biggest beef slice through a competition of rock paper scissors. 
“The usual?” Kevin’s voice brings her out of her small inner monologue. She nods and busies herself with taking out the utensils from the metal can placed in the middle of the table while the young man proceeds to the counter. 
The more they chat about the most trivial things happening at work, the more comfortable Mae feels in her own skin. From shy, side-eyed glances to full on laughing about their past memories filled of drunken nights and turning up late for classes. Kevin tells her about that one time Hyunjae stumbled into pratical chemistry with only his underpants while Mae recounts the story of Juyeon’s little ‘trip’ with the joint that one of their seniors had given them as a gift. Soon enough, the chatter eases off the tension and Mae almost forgets that they are on a date, until Kevin suddenly asks: 
“Since when?”
Her forkful of noodles freezes halfway to her mouth, “Since when what?” she asks, blinking. 
“Since when have you felt this way?” Kevin doesn’t look at her, focusing on grabbing a piece of beef and stuffing it in his mouth. 
The nervousness shoots back up as though it’s never left, but Mae inhales softly, mentally steeling herself for the awkwardness that might follow. It’s okay, she thinks, it’s normal to feel awkward. It’s all new and foreign. And Kevin had been just a friend...until now. 
“Uhm...I guess it was--well, I guess it was when you--when you started dating.” 
“More specifically?” 
She coughs slightly, “Jina.” 
“What? All this time?! That was like--five years ago!” 
“Yeah well,” Mae’s cheeks are practically on fire at this point, “you know what they say, that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I think that’s what happened. With you.” 
“And here I thought I was the one who’s been crushing on you forever.” 
“It’s not a competition.” 
“Oh I know,” he grins, “I suddenly feel a lot better about myself right now though.” 
Mae chucks a napkin at his face with a scowl, “please don’t. It’s not like you were at the forefront of my mind all the time.” 
“You’re right. But you still liked me first.” 
“So,” Kevin has a shit-eating grin on his face, so wide that Mae has the sudden urge to smack it off. He looks so smug at this particular moment that all nervous butterflies initially roaming through her chest suddenly fall flat, “you want to know when I started liking you?” 
“Do I want to know?” 
“Of course you do. It’s an important, eye-opening moment that has led to this,” he gestured between them with his chopsticks as Mae does her best to hide the growing smile that mirrors his expression. 
“Okay,” she leans forward, “go on.” 
“For starters, you were never really my type to begin with--OUCH!” he yelps in mid-explanation when Mae’s hand shoots out to slap his shoulder. He rubs his shoulder while throwing her a puppy-eyed expression, “I’m just telling the truth, woman!”
“That’s not really the right way to showcase your love now, is it?” 
“You didn’t even let me finish. I was going to say that the more we spent time together, you kinda grew on me, and--and that I just really appreciated you helping me out through those late nights.” 
“You mean, when we worked our butts off to get decent B grades?” 
“When I worked my butt off to get a decent B grade. You were fine. You didn’t need to spend as much time as I did. You understood things quickly. Yet, you stayed and helped me.” 
Mae shrugs then, “isn’t that normal?” 
“It’s not only that though,” Kevin continues, voice softening as he allows the memories to flow through him, “it’s all the little things you did, for all of us. Like how you brought Juyeon’s lunch for a whole semester straight because he didn’t have time to cook. Or how you left your notes for Hyunjae when we had the same test the next day, because you knew he needed it the most. Or how you’d always bring over congee -- fair enough it wasn’t the best made congee-- whenever one of us fell sick.” 
“That’s just what friends do,” Mae is quick to protest as her neck prickles with embarrassment, “I don’t think--” 
“That’s exactly why I like you so much,” he blurts out. 
Heart skipping inside her chest, Mae bites the inside of her cheek as she dips her head down so as to avoid his gaze. She isn’t used to all this attention about how she does things, about her behaviour and her actions, but somehow Kevin pointing them all out as though it’s something as rare as a special jewel causes her chest to tighten with part embarrassment and part affection for the said man. 
Hearing someone appreciate all the little things she does, as small as they were, makes her glow with happiness. 
“You--I--You’re not--” she fumbles over her words like a child walking for the first time, “You’re not very smooth.” 
“Oh I know,” Kevin replies with a teasing glint in his eyes, “you want smooth? Hyunjae is smooth.” 
“What happened to you being so embarrassed about your crush that you had to hide?” Mae shoots back in hopes that this will make him falter. 
“Yeah I guess I was embarrassed,” placing his elbow on the table and allowing his head to rest onto his palm, he says, “and teasing you just makes it fun.” 
“Oh shut up, Kevin.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
“I said shut up.” 
Her face flames when he reaches out and pinches her cheek without warning, “you’re so cute.”
“S-Stop it!” 
Hyunjae’s fingers move at lightning speed over his keyboard as he tackles monster after monster appearing before him in the arena. Eyes flitting back and forth and working with a coordination that only experienced gamers would have, he doesn’t even flinch upon feeling the familiar buzz of his phone chiming from his pants’ pocket. 
He tries to ignore it at first, knowing that he’s off for the night shift. That leaves his friends or his mother, and that definitely can wait after the game. 
But the buzzing is insistent and with a strained sight, the GP pauses his game before fishing the device out of his pocket only to notice the name blinking on his phone screen. 
He debates for a few seconds. Should he call her back? Should he just take it? But he’s really not up for socializing at this time of night. It’s late, and he doesn’t feel like communicating with humans much.
But then, something -- guilt maybe -- wriggles at the back of his mind. He sighs once more, before accepting the call and pressing it to his ear. 
“Yes?” he leans back in his chair, legs extended before him. 
“Hyunjae,” Sarang’s voice echoes at the other end of the line, “What’s up?” 
Hyunjae spares a glance at the computer screen, “nothing. Why?” 
Lies, his mind nudges him. He ignores it.
“You at the hospital right now?” 
“Yeah. Why?” 
“I have tteokbokki for you.” 
He straightens up instantly, “you’re joking!” 
“Nuhuh. Come on out.” 
He doesn’t have to be told twice. He practically bolts out of his office, down the corridor and out of the main doors before his eyes settle upon the figure waiting at the front of the entrance, decked in yoga pants and a sports jacket that gives the illusion that Sarang has just gotten out of a tough workout at the gym. 
She spots him almost instantly, before waving. He jogs over until he’s just a few meters away, “what brings you to this side of the neighbourhood?” he asks, nose already twitching at the scent of fresh tteokbokki seeping from the plastic bag in her hands. 
Sarang offers the bag out to him, “I was trying out a new gym in the same area. So I decided to drop by, see how you were doing.” 
“Aw you’re so sweet. Careful or your mother might really think you’re into me.” 
“What if I am?” 
He blinks, “what?” 
Sarang bursts into laughter, “joking, Hyunjae. Relax.” 
“What’s so bad about me?” the said man huffs, slightly offended that she’d diss him so casually when he prides himself in being quite a catch, if he can say so himself.
Catching the soft smile playing at the corner of her lips, he can’t help but mirror her expression, “nothing bad,” she says, “let’s just say that I crossed you out the moment my mother told me that you were going to be my blind date.” 
“Trust me honey, that’s exactly what I did.” 
“I’m not offended. Why are you?” 
“Do you know how many women want this?” Hyunjae wildly gestures towards his body in a mocking manner, “they’re head over heels for me!” 
“Sure, sure,” she shakes her head with a short chuckle, “do you work late tonight?” 
“Nah. I have a night off.” 
“Cool. Want to share the tteokbokki with me then?” 
“Like--right now?” 
“Why? Are you doing anything important?” 
Hyunjae’s mind flits back to his game for a moment, still unsaved. But he guesses that it can wait, considering that Sarang has come all this way just to deliver this dish. And it would be rude not to share it with her, right? That’s only what he’s doing, he’s only being polite. 
Though his heart tugs slightly at the thought that maybe he genuinely enjoys spending time with her. He brushes it off. Not the time, Hyunjae.
“Nope,” his mouth shoots off a response before his brain can actually process it, “wanna go eat it at the park?” 
Sarang grins, “sure.” 
tagging: @juyeonzz​ @thesingingfae1905​ @gratefulmaria​
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! 
Also, for all those who have sent me requests, don’t worry I’m working on them! they shall be up soon! <3 
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simplysoriya · 4 years
Reprieve from Chaos
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A breath of fresh air was hard fought. Every breath in the midst of chaos was labored. After months embroiled in the turmoil of the Vale, seeing nightmares play out both in mind and in reality. Watching friends, family, and ideals unravel and fall apart was a daily occurance. Seeing pain became second nature. Every day was a new horror; people in cages awaiting their fate, the spirits of the dead ripped from their grave and fed upon, otherworldly creatures roaming the hills as their haunting counterparts scoured the skies. Vying for favor or power the Mogu and Mantid had swarmed and sowed destruction in their wake, making a bad situation nothing but worse. Every single day there was a new source of heartache, a new feeling of sinking as a place so peaceful was destroyed before their very eyes. The fighting had calmed, if only minorly, but the pain had remained fresh renewed by yet another harrowing event after another.
Soriya was grateful for the time away from the Vale, even if not for the reason. Kirollis’ wounds had been worse than they were able to treat with nothing but the triage tents and wartime supplies sent in. He needed treatment to stem the blood loss, made worse by the Mantid poison that replaced it. The fighting had yet to spill in the Jade Forest, and the Temple dedicated to the healing arts of Mistweaving- a discipline she praticed herself. Nowhere else in all of Pandaria would be better for recovery.
Yet even with sound reasoning she could not keep the pangs of guilt at bay. Every ounce of her being screamed to rejoin the fight. Her mind constantly flipped through each situation where she felt she made a difference out in the field, only to concede that without her aid things would be considerably worse. Every warrior she had healed enough to get back into the fight or back to safety, every enemy that she had faced herself, each effort to help fight back the darkness. Every second she spent away was another life lost because she was here, resting, relaxing, recharging- while those brave men and women put their lives on the line for what they believed in.
Silently she wished she could do the same. Even when she was there, doing everything she could, it never felt like enough. It never felt like the difference was made no matter how hard she tried. No matter how much of herself she poured into it. It did nothing to shake off the feeling that it wasn’t enough.
Gentle was the spring breeze as it passed through the ancient grove. Rustling the milky pink petals of cherry blossoms, coaxing them down to the ground from the endless canopy above like a snowstorm without the cold every time the wind whipped. Hoisted high by the ancient and mighty tree trunks that rose from the rolling emerald hills. Carrying the faint but ever constant aroma of freshly sheared lilacs mingled with vanilla and almonds through the picturesque woods.
Well-worn cobblestone path running through the mountains led to the secluded cliffside grove. Breaking off into walked-in dirt pathways that led deeper into the mystic cherry blossom fields of Pandaria’s Jade Forest. Locals still toiling away at keeping the grounds walked whimsically though as they finished their tasks dutily tending to the Arboretum.
It was serene there in the Arboretum as peaceful energy was cultivated and promoted as carefully as the tended area itself. A serenity that was lost on Soriya as she sat and stewed in everything that upset her over the last few months.
Lazily she leaned forward on the railing of a wooden bridge as the babble of the brooke below added to the atmosphere. Her forearms planted on the banister as she leaned forward with an absent and dull look in her eyes. Simply staring out to the cliffs that sat above the Great Sea, littered with long rocky spires that obstructed the horizon as Cloud Serpents young and old slithered through them.
More often than not a sight that would inspire a look of awe and wonder in the young woman who frequently travelled the world. Yet one of her favorite locales in all of Azeroth failed to bring a smile to that weary face.
The sound of footsteps behind her wasn’t enough to stir her from the thousand yard stare she wore.
“Your father mentioned I might find you here.” The voice of an elder Pandarian rasped in a gentle tone.
Long elven ears stood perked at attention as she recognized the voice as Grandmaster Zheng. Almost immediately Soriya stiffened her posture and stood up straight before she turned to meet the mild-mannered Pandarians gaze. Her head dipped down respectfully, shoulders following suit as her hands clasped together before her chest in a bow.
Resetting her posture the young monk paid him a quizzical look with a single auburn brow hoisted in surprise, “I didn’t know you were looking for me, if I had I would have stuck around the Temple.”
The Grandmaster chuckled softly as he shook his head, “I don’t mind excuses to stretch these old legs. Besides, you were far easier to find than the other times I’ve tried.” His words came gentle as he referenced her penchant for exploring. They had always shared a close relationship and Zheng had often taken an interest in her life outside of their order.
Drifting forward with slow and deliberate steps Grandmaster Zheng took purchase of the space next to her on the bridge. Resting his forearms against the banister much like she had just before as he looked out over the Cloud Serpents hatchery. “This is one of my favorite places in all of Pandaria. Have I told you that?”
“Mine too.” Soriya agreed as she remained facing the cherry blossom trees as she leaned her back against the railing. 
“You certainly don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.” Zheng noted.
Soriya grew quiet a spell as her arms folded under her chest. Always did she try and focus on the positives, of the good, even in the worst of situations. But that stubborn belief was all but extinguished as she stared out silently. Not wishing to bring to attention all the harrowing events that Pandaria had seen recently.
Zheng continued in her silence, “With everything that’s going on… it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To lose yourself in the negativity that surrounds the creatures that embody it.” A wizened rumble emanated from his throat. “Darkness is always easier to accept when we feel it is the only thing left.”
Auburn brows knit together at the statement. She didn’t speak a word and still he honed in on exactly what was bothering her. Finally, after another long pause that was met with nothing but understanding, Soriya spoke, “I just feel so useless.” The admission came in a quiet tone.
“Have you not been doing everything you can to help those in need? Struck by hardship? Too weak to help themselves?”
“Does it even make a difference? No matter what I do I’m not strong enough to stop what’s here. I can’t save anybody from this.. it’s... I’m… not this amazing hero. I can’t just step up and… I can’t even help the people I care about.” Her voice shrank to a quivering peep by the time she had finished.
With a slow and singular nod of his head Zheng replied, “Spared the people from their suffering you have not. Not even the Celestials could circumvent the nightmare that descended on the Vale. But to say you have offered them nothing…” Seemingly offended by the ideal, “Master Duskhaven you give people hope. Reminding the people that there are those that will stand up when tragedy strikes can be as simple as offering a hand when all seems lost.” Turning to look at the monk he posed, “A lesson you knew very well once upon a time.”
Zheng continued, “Wars like this are not fought with weapons or troops. They are fought with ideologies. Darkness will never concede to light, just as light must never concede to darkness. For us to lose that hope, now, of all times? That is the true devastation that darkness wants.”
Soriya grew silent once more as he spoke. Her face grew longer with each passing word. The guilt she felt only amplified by his assessment of the grander scheme and how lost she was from it had never been more clear. He was right, of course, even if she didn’t immediately see it. And suddenly she was left to wonder why she let it get as bad as it did. Why she let those thoughts eat at her, consume her, putting aside all the good she had done in place of the abundance of bad.
“Times like these are never easy, my young friend. But we endure because we must. We endure because if we do not… then the darkness wins.”
Slowly Soriya nodded her head in understanding as she did her best to take his words to heart. In a muted voice she asked, “What if I’m not strong enough? Grandmaster I… I made a mistake.” She paused, swallowing the growing lump in her throat. “There’s a creature out there that wants something from me. Something it thinks I stole from it.”
“The last egg of the Eternal Serpent.” The Grandmaster added without missing a beat, much to Soriya’s surprise.
“How did you know about that?”
“It’s not every day a student of mine uncovers the truth behind a longstanding Pandarian legend…” Though he was always more in-the-know then he projected.
That reasoning, however, was fair to her. Continuing her explanation of her battles with one of the newly appointed Paragons. “He keeps going after everything I care about. He’s in my head… he almost killed my dad.”
“Kirollis filled me in on the details.”
“I don’t think I can beat him… I just… after all this time, all I’ve learned, it still doesn’t feel like enough. How am I supposed to use my fists to beat an opponent like that? How can I fight against these things if I can’t vanquish them…”
The elder monk smiled softly before placing a hand on Soriyas shoulder, “Monks do not always fight with their fists. You study the healing arts but wish to take on the monsters of this world. Perhaps you need a tool that would compliment your skillset.”
“I still use a staff, and I have these punching gloves…” Soriya interjected as if that was the answer to it all.
Rubbing a paw over his elongated beard Zheng would ponder this for a moment longer. Mentioning after that moment passed, “There is an old swordsmith that I know of who may be able to help you with this. Though it will be a hard path to follow. The last I spoke to him he was living in the Kun-lai mountains enjoying his retirement.”
“You think he’ll make me a sword? I don’t… even- I’m not too great with those.”
The elder monk smiled broadly as he corrected, “He will make your sword.”
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sheepy-snow · 4 years
Fic Collection No.1: Nayuta Asahi x fem!Reader
Chapter 1: Familiar Hugs & Pick-up Lines...?
🌟 Notes: (won't be in the next chapter so please read!)
• Each chapters might or might not connected to each other. (timeline and events wise)
• Readers in here will have characteristics, meaning that she will have personality. It's pretty obvious so read to found out!
• May mentioned other characters in, but won't focus on them.
More notes will be added in future!
As you lying lazily on the couch and look through your phone, you saw a very... Interesting photo on the internet. It was a list of pick-up lines base on your Zodiac Sign.
- ( Hehe, what if I use this on Nayuta~? )
Being a person that love teasing and make others blush, you always found a chance to tease Nayuta whenever he's around you. His reaction is always amusing and cute to your eyes. Though sometimes he can be mean, but you know for sure that he didn't really mean it. Which make him even cuter. Since today is Sunday, which means: break day for GYROAXIA! ( According to Nayuta himself )
Decided to look through the contacts on your phone to call him, it only took around 20 secs, as he's the only one that you give a nickname to after all. ( "Nayutan😾" )
- Hey Nayutan~ You up?
- ( Nayuta ) What it is?
- I'm bored~ Can I come to your house right now? We can cuddles together~
Silence. Guess it was a yes then.
- Alright~ I'm coming over!
- ( Nayuta ) I haven't even said anything...
- I take that as a yes! Wait for about 15 minutes okay? Love you!
With a soft smile on your face, you turn off your phone and slowly sit up and do a quick stretch. Can't wait for his reaction when you tease him with those cheesy pick-up lines~
~Time Skip~
The moment Nayuta opened his mansion's door, the first thing he saw was always you with that bright smile on your face. Although he is pretty tired with the pratices lately, your smile is like a cure to it. It always make him feel at ease, and not to mention, you're pretty cute when you smile like that. ( though being a tsundere he is, he just won't admit it. )
- Nayutan~ I miss you!
You said as you quickly engulfed him into a hug with your smaller frame right when his silver hair meet your eyes. The familiar coffee scents on his shirt tickle your nostril, it always ease your heart almost immediately. You can tell how much he loves coffee from the scent alone, and if you smell a little more closely, you can smell a scent that similar to cats. Speaking of cats...
- Hmm? Where's Nyanko-chan? _You said as you peek up from Nayuta's chest, both arms still wrapped around him.
- Gone to Akebono's house. That guy said he want to take care of Nyankotarou today. _He respond back with his usual low, raspy voice.
- Awww... That's a little disappointing...
- Do you come here just to meet Nyanko or what?
- Nope! Well, if she's here then I'll pet her, but I guess I'm gonna cuddle with you today only then~
- And how long are you planning to suffocate me?
- Just a little more~ _You said as you snuggled closer to his chest. The world around you seems to melted away as you bathed in his warmness. This feeling, to you, will always be a blessing.
- At least let me sit down first...
Nayuta, after a while staying silent, finally speak up. Well, truth be told, they have been standing there for at least 5 minutes now. Although Nayuta already get used to this, he still prefer it better when sitting down. After a few more seconds hugging him, you finally look up and said:
- Fine~ I also have something to tell you too after all!
Finally, something that actually peek his interest. Your small body slowly let go of him before both of you go and sit down on the sofa. In one swift movement, you take out your phone and search the pic you've just found earlier. Now then, here comes the fun part~
- Nayutan!
Instead of responding back, he just look at you, as a sign for you to continue. A half mischievous smile form on your lips, before you slowly lean closer to him and said:
- Shut up and kiss me, please!
A moment of silence and staring.
Patiently waiting for his response, you keep staring straight into his eyes with round (e/c) orbs. The silence continue until–
- Pfft. Didn't know you were that eager (L/n).
Realizing what he meant by that, your cheeks quickly flushed red, much to the silver head's amusement. His smirk also didn't help you either. It always make you blush almost immediately, which is why you "hate" it.
- N-No! That's not it! It's just a pick-up line I found on my phone!
- Pick-up line, you said? Let me see it.
Although you questioning why he want to see such a cheesy things, you still show him the picture anyway. Speaking about base on Zodiac sign, isn't he a Virgo? Doesn't that mean–
- You’re perfect and amazing and you seem really cool and we should talk more and now I’m rambling just make out with me.
Nayuta said, no, more like, read the entire thing with the straightest face you could ever see. You look at him with confusing eyes, as if you still proceed of what he just said.
- According to this. Since I'm a Virgo.
As if he can read how confused you're just now, he explain. Well, it's actually you that explained to him before about the Virgo - his constellation, it's impressive that he can still remember it.
- Geez... You can't say a pick-up line right that. Also that's way too long for a pick-up line.
- Then should we skip it and go straight to the making out part?
Quickly realized of what he mean by that, your face immediately flushed a bright shade of red, which to him, is always amusing.
- I-I– That's so sudden you dummy!
- Isn't you also like that earlier?
Fair point. You thought.
- I-I... Ugh! Fine! You got a point! And here I thought you gonna blush to that...
- And I thought you gonna blush easily. I was correct after all.
- S-Shush!
- ...So, want to cuddle or not?
- Eh? Of course!
You quickly respond back with a big smile before engulfed him into another hug, this time, he wrapped his arms back to your small, frail body. You immediately blush to this but fortunately, he can't see this because you already snuggle your face up in his chest.
- Nwayutan... Uwarm...~ _You said while snuggle up to him with a muffled voice
- I know. You're warm too. _Nayuta respond back while playing with your hair and rest his chin on your head. You couldn't help but smile at this gesture of his. Everything surround both of you right now is slowly melted away, as if the entire room has been bathed in warmness. To you, this kind of moment will never be enough. Although you can't see his expression right now, surely, he looks very peaceful and perhaps, smiling at this time.
- I love you! _Move your face away a little bit so that you can talk easier, you said with tinted pink cheeks and a soft smile.
- What's with the sudden confession?
- Dunno, I just suddenly want to let you know that~
- I already knew it.
- I know~ Saying it a lot isn't a bad thing after all~ And I'm sure you love it too right~?
Silence. Guess that's a yes then.
- Ehehe, I really love you Nayutan!
- I know. Love you too.
You blush even harder right after those words slip off his mouth. It's very rare of him to say such a cheesy thing to you after all, so you can't help but blush to it.
Not that you never mind it, though~
And I'm done with my first chapter! This is a small fic series I made featuring fluff moments with our favorite tsundere catboy Nayuta with (Y/n)-chan! Since this is the first time I wrote fics so criticism accepted! Anyway, thank you for reading until the very end and have a nice day!
(If you saw this on ao3 then yes, that's me too!)
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angelinwhy · 5 years
Almost in Love
Description: after a couple of weeks debating, on a warm Californian night, Y/N was ready to reveal to Harry that she was slowly falling in love with him.
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Y/N wasn’t one to sit and just dwell on her thoughts as she let the world pass her by, or let herself fall into a world where she could be herself. Where she could make up her own scenarios and pretend like they are real, and that they exist in the real world - like a child playing with their dolls, or doodling something that is a figurative of their extraordinary imagination. She wasn’t a daydreamer by a long shot, she was merely even a dreamer, but could make the odd exception.
The born and raised Londoner had a pretty standard life, par from the fact that she liked to do a little bit of singing from time to time. Her life had been nothing short of boring when she grew up. Y/N’s family had forced her to take piano lessons (yes she was part of one of those families) and was sent to private school, as that’s where her parents believed she’d get the best education. So, like any child who was raised in a household like that, most believed that she was a stuck up snob, who only cared about herself. Oh how they were so wrong about that. She is naturally just a quiet person, very reserved and would rather sit at home baking or watching a movie, than going out to a party like most of her friends did.
A complete opposite of her boyfriend, Harry, then.
It was a warm February morning, when they had met for the first time, and the two of them hit it off almost instantly. Back in London, she had been playing the piano in a tube station, that had been left purely for the people’s entertainment, and Harry had happened to be waiting for one of the trains to come. And when he heard the amazing sounds of the piano, it was like all he knew and all of his plans had left the window. Or better yet, been carried away by the train, as he had missed it to stop and listen to Y/N play. Once she was done, he had mentioned how in awe he was of her, and she had just blushed and thanked him. Harry had never heard the piano being played so beautifully in all of his life, and better yet, he had never seen a woman so beautiful in all of his life either. Her nose a bit red from a cold, yet, he found her completely breathtaking all the same. Though, he wasn’t going to say that to her face. He didn’t know her right then.
Not wanting her to slip away from him, as he wanted to know more about the mysterious piano player, he had asked her out for coffee at his favourite little cafe down in Soho. They sat at a table in the corner, in their own little bubble, and got to know each other over a flat white and a hot chocolate. Harry hated to admit it, because he had only just met her, but he had found her completely infatuating. From the way she spoke so effortlessly about her life, to how she winced when her got chocolate burnt her tongue, as she had tried to drink it before it had cooled slightly. He never let himself fall so easily, plus they had only met that morning, yet there was something about her that made him way to stick around with her for the rest of the day. But, he was already late, so he had left her, but not before putting his number in to her phone, so they could arrange to meet up again.
From then it went to little meet-ups in cafes, to the two of them chilling at each other’s houses. Harry had told her about his profession, as it was better for her to find out sooner instead of later, but she didn’t seem to mind all that much, and she loved that he sung. She had made him sing one of his songs for her, and after going through the track list for ‘Harry Styles’, and Harry telling her what the song was like, she had picked From the Dining Table. She was in awe of his voice, and it all made sense - perfect voice to match an even more perfect man.
A couple of months later, and it may seem quick to some, the two of them had started dating. It was a mutual thing, them both falling head over heels fast, and just wanting to be around each other all the time. The paparazzi and media had an absolute field day, the day where they were spotted in Kensington. All of the pictures got out online, and fans speculated pretty quickly, and that scared Y/N because they are so overprotective of Harry, but they had settled down once they realised Harry had found someone good for him. And that’s all they wanted for him. They were both extremely happy, being with each other. All of the little kisses they shared when no one was looking at them, Harry’s snide, sexual comments that still make Y/N go bright red in the face, and the way she would play the piano as he sang along to the sound. It was a complete match made in heaven.
Now, 7 months down the line and their relationship had only gotten stronger.
The two of them were now in Harry’s residence in California, and had been for a couple of days. He had been busy filming with James for the Late Late Show and doing an interview with Zane. And whilst doing all of that, Y/N had been scratching about on her own, with her own thoughts.
She sits on one the benches outside, her elbows on the table next to it so she can keep herself steady as she stares out onto the gorgeous view in front of her. It was slowly getting darker, and the sky had gone an amazing mix of purple and orange, which was a nice contrast against the inviting sea, where waves rolled. Y/N had been sitting out here alone for a while now, as Harry was inside napping due to his busy day, so she had been trying to write out her thoughts down onto paper. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, there was a lot on her mind and when alone, she had to let those thoughts in before she went bonkers.
And the main thought was : am I in love with Harry?
It had been on her mind for about a week now, and it seemed to be the only thing that her bloody mind was able to focus on, even though there was so many exciting things going on around her. She knew that he had caught her in a deep daydream as she dwells on that really scary thought, and when asked what’s wrong, she just merely brushes it off and tells Harry that she’s fine. But love to her, was this huge, scary thing that could completely take over your life, and it was hard for her to think about the fact that she might be in love with Harry. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to love him, because just thinking about how it would all be when she is excites her, it’s the more the fact that she’s never been in love before.
Love was never something she thought about, until she met Harry. Sure, she had seen movies such as The Notebook (only because of Harry), and loved the way it was portrayed, but to her it set unreal standards about what love is actually like. Most girls who are young, and quite possibly naive, will grow up thinking that boys will fall at their feet and basically beg them to be in love with them. But she had learnt that the hard way. No boys had ever shown interest in her, they always cared more for her friends who, to Y/N at least, were much prettier and funnier than she was. That’s what she thought anyways. Her two older siblings were also very lucky when it came to being in relationships, and it always made Y/N wonder if there was something wrong with me. It was just her way of putting herself down, as someone was yet to tell her that she was good enough and deserved better.
She was scared to be in love with Harry, because what if it isn’t what she was expecting?
“Fucks sake,” she mumbles in annoyance as she tears out the page in her book, yet another letter that had been screwed up because she couldn’t think of the right words to say. It wasn’t like anyone was going to read the letters, but she feels like she owes it to herself to find a way to get her feelings out.
As she goes to flip over the page, a hand reaches over her shoulder and grabs a grape from the bowl of fruit, that she had set out as a snack. She tilts her head back, to see Harry standing above her as he eats the slightly sour fruit. He leans down and pecks her forehead, holding the sides of her head with his large and ring clad hands. “Y’alright, my love?” She would never get tired of the endless amount of pet names that he had for her, and the way he says them all. Y/N nods her head as he takes a seat in front of her, his hands resting in his lap.
“You feel better after your nap?” She asks softly as she gathers up the screwed up balls of paper.
“Yeah,” Harry nods as he stretches. “Probably won’t go down as easy tonight, so if I’m not in bed during the night then don’t be worried. I’ll more than likely be in the living room watching the TV or something.”
A habit resurfaces, as Y/N reaches out and grabs one of Harry’s hands, pulling it closer to her so she can play with the beautiful rings that were on his fingers. Her eyes admire the beautiful blue and pink that had been painted on his nails, and her heart gets happy when she remembers that they’re the colours of Fine Line. Harry watches her gently, his eyes soft as he takes in her actions, and she twiddles the rings on his fingers, playing with them and just admiring them all together. It was something she did when she didn’t have much to say, or was trying to distract herself from certain situations. This was something Harry had noticed earlier on in their relationship, when they had been out for a meal and the fans swarmed them, and she had got nervous. Right away, she had went for his hand to play with the rings to calm herself.
Harry knew that there was something up with her, as he could pratically read her like a book. To most their relationship was still pretty fresh and knew, but a lot of the time, Harry likes to think that he knows Y/N a lot better than she thinks he does.
“What’s with all the paper?” He asks, nodding his head at the pad, and all of the screwed up balls.
Y/N chuckles softly as she looks at them, her hands still playing with Harry’s rings. He did love that about her. She almost felt pathetic, telling Harry why she had the notebook out and why it looked like a scene out of Horrid Henry where he couldn’t do his work properly, so he screwed up the paper. “I thought that because you’ve been out a lot, it would be good for me to take some time to myself to kind of figure out some things that are going on in my head, that being said, writing out thoughts was like my first idea of how to vocalise how I’m feeling. Turns out, it isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be, it doesn’t flow naturally. It just comes out as a hot mess, if I’m being completely honest,” she laughs it off, feeling stupid.
“What’s been on your mind?” He simply asks.
Y/N shrugs her shoulders as she looks at him, “this and that. It isn’t much to worry about though.”
“You can talk to me, Y/N, y’know?”
As her fingers still mess about with his rings, she looks at him through her eyelashes, trying to distract herself and divert her mind so she didn’t have to speak to Harry about what was going on with her, as she was worried that a talk about love would scare him off. Although she was battling her own thoughts about whether she was in love with Harry or not, she would also worried about he would take it when the time came for them to say those three meaningful words. Y/N was more scared of the rejection, that he would tell her that he doesn’t love her.
But, what she didn’t know, was that Harry was in love with her already, she just didn’t have a clue because she wasn’t able to recognise the signs. Harry wasn’t one to love easily, it took him time because he had to look for the warning signs before letting himself fall all in a girl. There was no warning signs with Y/N, it was as simple as that. In an interview, when he was asked about to knowing when you had met the right one for you, his response was ‘when you know, you know’. And that’s how it was with Y/N. Ever since he had met her, Harry has had this gut feeling that she’s the one he is meant to be with, that she is the one he will spend the rest of his life with. He had never felt so strongly about someone before, and him falling in love with her so quickly was proving his point that she was the one for him. She’s the one he’s going to keep around. She’s the one who he’s in love with.
It had all started a month ago when they were back at her little, yet cosy apartment in London where the two of them spent the most of their time. She has a grand piano, and they had decided to sit on the bench together and play. Well, she would play and he would sing along, and their song of choice was Ruth B’s ‘Don’t Dissapoint Me’. A beautiful song about being in love, but not wanting to be let down by your other half, in case the feeling of love wasn’t mutual on their part, so you had to make sure they weren’t going to disappoint you. She had played and despite not knowing all of the words off by heart, Harry sang along.
Then, for a split second he stopped singing and she carried on playing. It was like a scene out of a movie when he turned to look at her, and she glanced at him with a huge smile on his face. That’s when he had realised that he was in love with her, and although it was pretty scary for him, he was ready to take the plunge, no matter how deep the water was.
She snaps out of her thoughts, as she had just been staring into the abyss as he hands mindlessly moved Harry’s rings about, taking them off his fingers and then sliding them back on. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” He muses, reaching out to tap her forehead with his finger. “Tell me what you’re thinking about, I might be able to help.”
“Love,” she tells him simply.
Harry’s brows furrow again. “Love?”
Yes, Harry. Love. Y/N nods her head, letting her hand slip into Harry’s big one, and he holds her little one gently, like if he added any more pressure it’d shatter like glass does. His thumb rubs over the back of her hand, in a more soothing manner, and she looks down at their intertwined hands and smiles a little. It had never really occurred to her, all of the little things Harry does to/with her, that are so simple yet mean so much. She always wondered how she had found someone like Harry, and why he stuck around. “If I’m going to be honest, it’s all that I’ve been thinking about over the last couple of weeks. When we talked, it’s all I thought about it, when you were sleeping and I couldn’t, it’s because that was keeping me awake. It shouldn’t even be a big deal, but to me it is and I do not know why. You know what I’m like, I overthink all of the things that I dwell on, and love just happens to be one of those things I overthink, unfortunately.”
“Is it that you’re scared of it? Because it’s a pretty big thing, so if you do then I understand,” he tells her but she shakes her head with a small smile.
Y/N laughs lightly. “More like if I’m in it? Is that the correct way to say it.” The then questions herself.
“You think you’re in love?”
A silence fell over the two of them, and it was a nice and comfortable silence, as they both took in their quick chat. Y/N watches Harry as he looks around his back garden, the wind ruffling his mop of brown and fluffy curls. One of her favourite things to do was run her hands through his hair. When they were cuddling, kissing, or just simply laying on the couch, his head in her lap as they watched whatever show they liked. Harry loved the feeling of her playing with his hair, it was enough to make him fall asleep wherever he was. He looks back to her, and his green eyes catch the light of the setting sun, making him look even more gorgeous then he already is. “Who do you think that you’re in love with?” Harry asks stupidly, like it wasn’t already so obvious that it was him she might love.
She shrugs as she runs her spare hand through her hair. “Timothée Chalamet.”
“Ah,” he hums, “like every other girl on the planet.”
Y/N laughs a little as Harry smiles at hed. He knew that she was joking, but she did have a crush on Timothée. Who wouldn’t?
Suddenly, Harry grabs her legs and pulls her forward, making her squeal in shock. Then she was sitting right in front of him, their faces level. “Now, I want you to tell me what’s actually going on in that head of yours. Okay?” He hums, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and she nods her head with a smile.
“I honestly don’t know where to start,” she explains as her hands reach out to play with the hem of his hoodie, that was a deep blue colour. “I guess the first thing I could say is that I’m pretty confused about all of this love stuff, because I don’t know how to notice or identify a feeling that I’ve never felt before, like I don’t know the signs, nor do I know what something like that is supposed to feel like. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t spoke to Gem and your mum and couple of times to see if they could help me, to see if they were able to give me some guidance or advice. Your mum said something along the lines of ‘don’t overthink it, when you’re in love then you’ll know straight away’. Gemma told me the same thing, that thinking about it too much would only make matters worse, it would only make me more stressed and confused about it. But you know me, overthinking central right here.”
“Sure, I love people, such as my mum and that, but I’ve never been in love, y’know?” She pauses for a moment to look at Harry, and he nods his head. “It is scary to me, because it’s like giving your all to one person, and knowing that you may not get the same in return. I think rejection scares me the most, as being in love in someone in clearly a big thing, so like what if I tell the person, but those feelings aren’t reciprocated? If that makes sense,” she rants to him.
Harry nods. “It makes perfect sense, bab. But love is this thing that has no boundaries, and you cannot be scared of it because at the end of the day, you’re in love with someone and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Yeah, it’s a big thing - it’s like jumping into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim, so the best thing you can do is try to float, until you learn to swim. Or in this case, figure out love and how to handle it in the correct way. I’ve been in love before, I have. Trust me, it broke me to pieces but it is one of the best things ever. You’re all for this one person, and only them, and you’ll find yourself thinking of them all of the time. It’s like they decided to fill that vacant space between your ears and start living there. Of course you’ll be scared, it’s love. It’s one of the biggest feelings a person can have, even if you have never felt it before, which I guess is one of the scariest parts about being in love with someone.”
“What is love to you? Like how would you describe it to someone whose never felt an emotion like that before?” She asks, looking at him like he had hung the moon and the stars.
“I don’t think I have the words to explain a feeling like that, because it’s so different for everyone,” he tells her as she watches him, hanging onto every single word that rolls out of his mouth. She could listen to his voice for hours on end. “But to me, it’s like a good and yearning ache in your heart and soul for that one person, even when they are around. Because when they aren’t around you’ll find yourself thinking about them all the fucking time. But it’s good, it’s really good. Just knowing that you’ve matched yourself to this one person is exciting, yet extremely terrifying at the same time because it’s like ‘hey you, I’m going to give my all to you and I hope you accept it, because if you don’t you’ll break my heart’,” Y/N chuckles lightly at Harry’s tone, and he smiles down at her. “It’ll make sense when you feel it, trust me on that one Y/N.”
Y/N reaches a hand up to caress his stubbly cheek, which makes him smile wider as he leans his head into her palm. “That’s beautiful, Haz.”
“It’s like my mum said, when it happens you’ll know. It’s just one of those instinct things,” Harry tells her.
She then leans into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his chest. Harry’s arms wrap around her shoulders and her holds her close, and tightly so she felt comfortable. Y/N then let out a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding in the whole time her and Harry were talking to each other. He rests his chin on the top of her head, and drags his fingers up and down her back to soothe her. They still hadn’t got the bottom of what they needed to speak about, that was only the start and there was still a little bit more to come. Y/N was just too scared to tell him what was really wrong.
All of this was now calming for them. As their were both silent, they were able to hear the wind brushing through the branches on the trees, and the waves crashing against the sand. The occasional car going past the front of the house, and the odd bird singing it’s song in one of the trees, or a helicopter whirring overhead. Both Harry and Y/N longed for moments like these ones, where it felt like nothing else mattered because they had each other, and that’s all they needed. Just the simplicity of being able to sit in each other’s arms and not say a word, instead just enjoying each other’s company, was their favourite. It was a common occurrence, on most of Harry’s days off they’d just cuddle on the couch, or sleep in bed. All the little things that mattered so much. It really is special to the both of them. It meant so much.
“Why did you ask me all of that?” Harry breaks the silence with his question.
Y/N pulls away from the hug and sighs, “because I think I might be falling in love with you, and I don’t know what to do.”
Harry’s face falls.
“No, no!” She quickly says, realising the ‘I don’t know what to do’ sounds bad. “I mean that I don’t know how to handle it or go about something like this, as I’m not really sure if I am in love with you yet. I’m a bit scared.”
“You don’t need to be scared, bab,” he laughs gently at her, now his turn to hold her face in an endearing way, and also to keep her calm because clearly this isn’t easy for her. “It’s hard, I know. Trust me the first time I was in love with someone it was a mess due to me not knowing how to handle an emotion like that, sometimes I look back at it and laugh about how stupid I was. But you don’t need to be scared. Shit like this comes naturally and it isn’t something that you need to dwell on, or stress yourself out about. It’s a big thing, I know, but it’ll make sense soon. You just need to let it happen, because the more you think on it, the more you’ll confuse yourself because your mind will keep on telling you different things. I know you’ve never been in love before, that’s why you need to just let things happen, instead of using all of your thoughts to force these feelings out, okay?”
She groans as she tilts her head back, Harry holding on to her arms so she doesn’t topple back and fall off the bench. “It’s so hard to not think about though.”
“I know, bab. I know. But trust me it’s so much better for yourself if you don’t overthink it.”
A sigh leaves her mouth. “I know I’m not in love with you yet…”
Harry nods.
“But I know that it’s gonna happen soon, y’know. Like just because I know I’m not in love with you just yet. doesn’t mean I can’t feel myself falling in love with you.”
It was as simple as that. Although she knew that she wasn’t in love with Harry yet, and that it could take some time before those feelings were true and she is able to express them, she couldn’t deny the fact that she could feel herself falling in love with him. She didn’t know much about love, but knew enough to know that it’s completely different for a silly little crush like a school girl would have. She was scared, scared of what Harry would say the day she is able to say ‘I love you’ to him (he’s going to say it back), and she’s worried for that. But just knowing that she has him by her side, is enough for her because he’s so good to her. So, so good. Harry’s in love with her, but he wasn’t going to tell her so until she’s ready. He thinks that if he tells her now, it’s going to put some pressure on her to say the same back, so he doesn’t want to do that. He’s going to wait until she’s ready.
“Promise me something,” he says to her.
She hums. “What?”
“That when we go back to London, we can go back to the tube station where we met and play the piano then go home and have spaghetti for dinner,” he tells her, and she laughs.
“Seriously?!” She giggles loudly. Harry laughs with her. “Here I was, thinking that you were going say something romantic like ‘please don’t ever leave me’ or ‘promise be you’ll always be around’, but no! You want to play the piano and eat spaghetti,” she gasps jokingly as she gets up from her chair and grabs her bowl and notebook, throwing one of the paper balls at Harry’s head. He chuckles as he gets up from his chair, and follows her through the patio doors and into the beautiful house.
“Babe,” he whines like a child. “Promise me you’ll always be around.”
Y/N turns around with a soft look on her face, her items now on the countertop. She walks over to the man she’s falling in love with and puts one hand on his face, and the other around his shoulder. She leans in, their lips barely brushing over each other, and Harry smiles as he snakes an arm around her waist. She goes to kiss him, but just as their lips touch, she smiles cheekily at him, patting him on the chest.
“Nah, I belong to Timothée now.”
“You little shit.”
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tyrustrash · 5 years
Hoodie Stealer
TJ woke up to the sound of his annoyingly loud alarm clock, which isn't even a real clock, more so the alarm on his phone. After turning off the alarm, he sits up and rubs his eyes in an attempt to wake up. Yawning, he stretches his arms. Looking around his room, he smiles at the mess. His room has clothes scattered all over the floor, dresser drawers wide open, and sport related material preventing any sort of easy movement. He has always been the odd one out in his family when it comes to cleanliness. Something about messes and the stench of the mixture of body oder and sweat didn't bother him. His mother's constant nagging to clean his room never did anything other than wanting him to make it a bigger mess. His room is a complete opposite of his sister's. Whenever he has to enter his sister's room, he enters a mini state of shock. Her room is so pink that it's literal kryptonite. Stuffed animals and dolls lined up the walls, posters of boy bands on the ceiling so that would be the last thing she sees before she sleeps, and all the trophies from ballet on her desk. TJ thinks that their parents are prouder of her than him because he never has won anything for basketball. Although they tell him all the time that trophies don't matter, they don't act that way when his sister gets another one. Finally getting off the bed, TJ steps on a stray lego from his dinosaur set. His face turns red, nearly swearing, which would've ended up in more pain if his mother heard. He simply kicks it under the bed. The path to his closet wasn't much easier. Random basketballs had to either be stepped over or kicked to the side. Even though he admits his room is a total mess, it's his mess. He finds comfort in there where others might faint from the smell. To him, this is his castle and he has control over how it is kept. However, Cyrus has everything to do in how the castle looks. Whenever Cyrus comes over, TJ suddenly turns into The Flash and cleans his room. By clean, he means shoving everything under the bed and using a can and a half of air freshener, the berry scented kind. It's worse when Cyrus comes over unannounced. TJ's gets too caught up in the moment seeing his friend take the time to surprise him, then freaks up because he hadn't prepared his room yet. He ends up making some excuss for Cyrus to stay downstairs for a minute while he fixes his room. Opening his closet, TJ looks through his collection of hoodies. Nothing really stood out to him for today. No special event or anything, it's only chocolate chocolate chip muffin day. So, you know, the best day ever. Throwing random hoodies to the already clothes filled floor, TJ started to get flustered at not finding the right one. He shuts the closet door. He drops to the ground and begins going through the hoodies that were already on the floor. Sure, it wasn't the most sanitary choice, but it's worth it if he finds the perfect one. Besides, it's not just muffin day, it's also the day he and Cyrus are set to attend the dinosaur museum after shool as a treat for getting through lunch detention yesterday. Upon reaching the third pile, the top hoodie stood out to him. It's cyan with a penguin eating a popsicle while saying "chill out" on the front. Smiling from adorableness, he put it on. It was a little snug on him, but figures he was growing out of it. Doesn't matter because he knows Cyrus will like it. After the nerve wrecking drive to school, he was finally able to leave his talkative sister that pratically wished he could ride the bus. He walks into the school and sees Cyrus at his locker. He waves and walks towards him, but Cyrus doesn't notice and walks away. Later at lunch, TJ stands in line. Andi, Buffy, and Jonah are behind him, talking secretly. Buffy nods her head, resulting in Andi to tap on TJ's shoulder. He turns around and notices them smiling. "Yes?" They all grin harder, somehow seeming like they were enjoying something. Andi clears her throat. "Um. Where did you get that hoodie?" All TJ does is shrug. He really doesn't remember the details of all 562 hoodies he owns. So why would he remember this specific one. "On my floor." "What?" Jonah asks. "Doesn't seem like the kind you would own." Buffy says. She pulls out her phone and opens her messages with Cyrus and starts typing. "Did someone give it to you?" Before he could answer, it was TJ's turn for food. He grabs his tray along with two muffins, ignoring the groans from other students. He heads to his usual spot he shared with Cyrus. After waiting for sixteen minutes, TJ had already eatin his food, except for one of the muffins. The frown on his face couldn't get any lower even if he tried. Cyrus had never missed lunch with him since they started eating together, heck, Cyrus even joined him in lunch detention. When the bell went off, he threw the trash away and carries the muffin to his next class. On the other side of the school, Cyrus was being comforted by his friends. He's stressing out and over-thinking the situation like he always does. When Andi had told him that TJ's wearing his hoodie, he lost it. That's when he remembered he had left it at TJ's house the other day, but he would never expect him to wear it. Was it a sign that the jock likes him more than a friend, or thinks that they're already something more? "Calm down." Andi tells him. She places a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "He might think that it's one of his." "Yeah right." Jonah interferes. "We've seen his style. He was just playing it off. He totally knows it's Cyrus' and is crushing on him." With that, Cyrus freaks out even more. His knees weaken and falls back on the lockers. "Don't talk like that! He doesn't even know that I'm gay! And besides, he's straight." All three raise their eyebrows. Buffy chuckles a bit. "Wanna rethink that?" "He plays sports, therefore he is straight." Jonah shakes his head. "Buddy, we've noticed how he is around you." "Yeah, he's different." says Andi. "He seems happier around you, like he's more open about himself that he can't be any other time. You even said you're the only person he can talk a certain way with. Although he's not the smartest guy in school, he must know that that hoodie is yours and is wearing it for a reason. He must like you. That, or he just wants a way to show off his abs without breaking the dress code. Because, let me tell you, that hoodie is tight on him." "He has abs?" Cyrus gasps. He starts panicking again. "I can't handle it." Buffy sighs and picks up her friend. "Just go talk to him and try figuring things out." "But where do I start?" "Just tell him that he's wearing your hoodie that you left behind. Then engage in simple conversation to figure out his feelings." Cyrus thinks for a second. On one hand, there's a chance that TJ likes him. On the other hand, he might just make a fool out of himself. "Fine." Once school ended, TJ stands at the flagpole, waiting on Cyrus so they can walk to the museum. He still is holding the muffin from lunch. His frown has gone away, well just barely. The thought of them enjoying the museum was on his mind. Cyrus walks out of the school and notices TJ. He nearly chokes as he confirms that TJ is wearing the hoodie he left behind. He moves closer, but slowly as he hasn't fully prepared himself. His fingers are shaking, knees still slightly weak, and head feels like it's spinning. He manages to stand in front of TJ, who is now grinning like it's the only thing he knows how to do. "Hey, Underdog." Cyrus gulps, for once silent out of fear. He opens his mouth to speak, but the words seem to the broken and barely understood. "My hoodie." "What?" The confusion on TJ's face wasn't anything new. "You're wearing my hoodie. I left it at your house yesterday." "Oh, that's why it's tight." TJ takes the hoodie off and hands it to Cyrus. All Cyrus managed to do was stare at his friend, who really did have abs. TJ pulls out another hoodie from his bag and puts it on. "Good thing I always carry a backup hoodie for emergencies." Cyrus mumbles, "Yeah." "Ready to go?" Cyrus blinks rapidly. "Huh?" "To the dinosaur museum." "Yeah, that." The two start walking. Along the way TJ hands Cyrus the muffin and eats it. The two couldn't stop making cheesy dinosaur jokes that dads would tell. Time went by and they were soon standing in front of the museum doors. TJ looks at Cyrus. "Ready for our first date?" In shock, Cyrus looks at him. TJ has his arm reached out, to which Cyrus accepts with a smile. The two walk in, holding hands.
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First Encaunter <3 - a Junhoe scenario:
word count:1.2k
Ps: song: iKon - Only you
Ps²:If there’s any grammar mistake, I apologize!
Since a very young age I always loved books, any kind of books really and as I grew older I knew that whatever I did I should be connected to books somehow, maybe a teacher or Korean literature. However, life started showing me a reality I did not like at all, a reality where parents should shower their daughters with dolls and fashion magazines, rather than what they actually wanted, of course some girls could just really play with dolls and they’re free to do so because that’s what they like, but if they don’t then they don’t need to.
The stereotype embeved not only in Korean culture, but in all cultures, that girls have to grow up to fulfill this mother and wife role really bothered me to the point where I’d argue everyday with teachers and classmates.
One day at this random old library I used to go to, the old lady who owned it approached me after seeing the books I had been reading for the past weeks and I remember her saying loud and clear that  I should fight against the tide to stand my ground, she then gifted me a book called ‘The female Eunuch” by Germaine Greer and from that day on I always carry it with me, like a Lucky charm.
A year after this encounter my mom received a call from a friend in Italy saying that he got her a scholarship in this famous art course. I was fourteen then and because my dad had a ridiculous amount of working hours to do, my mom ended up taking me and my sister along with her and we lived there for two long and eye opening years.
Coming back to korea I felt like someone totally new, I learned so much about feminism and ways I could change little by little the society I’m a part of. I learned a lot about political and social Science and that brings me to where I am today.
My lectures for the day were all finished and I had to go to my mom’s gallery in order to help her with the new paintings that arrived. I took the subway since her shop was in Itaewon and Yonsei was about thirty minutes far away. As soon as I got there she greeted me with a big smile.
“Oh! You’re here” She said giving me a hug. My mom has always been a very loving person, but after living in Italy she was very much into skinship.
“Yes yes” I said smilling.
“Come here, you need to take a look at these amazing paintings that came in today” she said excitingly and grabbed me by my hand.
We reached the storage room and there were so much paintings spreaded out.
“Mom, I told you to wait for me” I shook my head upon the mess she made.
“Sorry honey, I was so excited” Sometimes she sounded like a little girl, but at least I know who I got my intense passion from.
The new paintings were beautiful and as the new season was approaching the shop would be crowed for the next few days, filled with very wealthy people who came to buy exclusives for their collections, that means we have to get everything ready by next week, however, dealing with paintings requires so much care and caution.
It was about nine p.m when I finished my part and my mom was still there finishing up some work. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve stayed and helped her close but she pratically kicked me out. So, after taking a bus here I am at this convenience store getting ramen. As I waited in line to pay a tall person stood behind me, I knew she/he was tall because a shadow came over me, so I decided to peek to see who was it and once I did I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.
We both were staring at each other intensely not knowing what to say, I mean that guy standing right there was my childhood crush and oh God, I haven’t seen him in so long that now he feels like a stranger.
“Hi’ He said quietly while scratching his head.
“H-hi” I bowed.
“So long” He said trying to look unbothered but I still knew that expression and it meant ‘what the hell am I doing?’ It was hard to get him embaressed but apparently I did.
“Yes, you’re a singer now huh” I said casually, doing the same as him and paying for my food.
“Yes, what about you? You moved to Italy and I never heard of you again” He said putting his stuff in the counter.
“Well, I study at Yonsei now” I said. It was funny seeing us act unbothered and ignoring the tension.
“Wah, knowing you I thought you’d never come back” He said.
“I am here right?” Lots and lots of things might have changed but me and Jun Hoe would always be pulling each other strings. “Anyway, what’s with the clothes?” I asked after seeing his flannel shirt and adidas pants, he looked like a beggar.
“Oh, this? It’s style...You know it?” He asked with a dirty smirk and raised eyebrows.
“I do, but do you?” I said back and he just twirled around as an answer.
After that we just stared at each other a bit without saying a word, there was a lot to catch up but I’d rather just accept that we changed.
“I’ll get going now” I said breaking the silence.
“Ah sure, go safely” He said and I bowed.
I decided to just walk back home, I definitely had some thinking to do but I don’t know if I want to. It was crazy to think that my childhood crush is now an idol that still makes thirteen year old girls swoon, older ones as well. As expected from him.
This encounter got me feeling nostalgic and reminiscing the times where we would play together at school, we were a duo for sure, even though he was a year ahead of me. I quickly shook those thoughts away and entered home, I took off my shoes and my dad greeted me.
“You’re home! Where’s your mother?” he asked.
“She insisted in staying and finish up work” I answered while making my way to the kitchen.
“Oh, that woman, seriously” He said like he was mad at his little kid “Go put on warm clothes, it’s cold” He then scolded me, probably because he can’t scold mom for being sttuborn. In moments like these I miss my sister living here so we can share the burden.
I showered and put on comfortable warm clothes, I was in the bathroom brushing my hair when his image came to my mind.
“What the hell? Stop this now” I said to my reflection while pointing at it with my hairbrush.
I went to the kitchen and ate my ramen, after finishing I cleaned up everything and went to my room. I then read a chapter of my beloved book like it was a bible, and stopped when I heard the front door close signing my mom was home. Finally I could sleep.
A/N: So, first of all, I hope you enjoy this “scenario” and yes, there will be a continuation since it’s kind of a series/fic idk what to call it yet…
ALSO, very important, I try to be realistic when writing something, so, given that the characters are korean I wanted to showcase some sort of realness with the “wah” and other ‘slangs’ if you may. I am in no way trying to copy them, just give a more “real life” feel to it!!!
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canimarrymycat · 6 years
Kussun's gift
So heyyy, I wrote a fanfic about Jolks in commemoration of Kussun's birthday. Although it's not my first fanfic that I've ever written, this is my first time posting it to the public. I hope you guys enjoy reading this but please keep in mind that there might be grammar mistakes as English is not my first language >.< Happy reading!!
"Thanks for all your hard work!"
Aina got up from her seat in a hurry, wanting to meet a certain someone who was waiting for her in front of her workplace.
The staff was somewhat surprised by Aina's eagerness to finish work. Before they could even say anything, the girl had dissapeared from their sights in a heartbeat.
Aina ran from the recording room with all her energy towards the entrance of the company building. She could already see the face of her beloved one, standing in front of her car while holding a bouquet of flowers. Aina ran into her arms in which her lover welcomed with a warm smile.
"Nan-chaaaan!" Aina exhaled, nuzzling her head into Yoshino's collarbone. "I missed you so much!". Yoshino could only respond with a chuckle, shaking her head at her girlfriend's actions.
"But we just met last week though?" Yoshino said in an amused tone. Aina gripped the back of Yoshino's clothes tighter.
"It's- It's still not enough!" Aina pouted. Yoshino was enjoying this spoilt side of her girlfriend since it rarely shows.
"But we even send each other video calls on LINE and exchange text messages-"
"Still not enough!" Aina grumbled with an upwards glance at her lover. Yoshino could only sigh at her girlfriend's childishness.
"Well aren't you acting like quite the spoiled princess today, hmmm birthday girl?" Yoshino teased in a sing-song voice which only irked Aina more. She pulled Yoshino by her collar and aggressively kissed her lips to get her back. Yoshino
stumbled backwards, her back now leaning on the car. She touched her lips with her trembling fingers, unable to process the incident well. She's shocked honestly. Sure, Aina was the one who'd initiate the intimancy between them but she was never this forward before.
Aina then flashed what you would call her 'victory' smile and leaned closer to Yoshino's ears. She blew a whiff of wind which easily sent shivers down Yoshino's spine.
"Let's see who'll be the one begging to be spoilt by the end of day, shall we?" Aina whispered huskily into Yoshino's ears. Aina then proceeded to grab the keys from Yoshino's hands and got in the driver's seat, leaving Yoshino more flustered than ever. She cursed herself internally for letting Aina have her way that easily.
Aina started the engine with Yoshino beside her, sitting in the passenger seat. Yoshino listened attentively as Aina told her about the day she had at the studio.
"And you know, when the director came out with the cake, he tripped over his own shoelaces and fell on the floor, his face falling on the cake!" Aina said in between giggles. Even Yoshino could not contain her laughter. She knew the man very well. He was a collectively calm and cool person so the thought of him falling flat on his face with cake all over him seemed so unreal.
"It was so funny that I didn't even mind the cake going to waste" Kussun added with a chuckle. The end of Yoshino's lips began to unconciously curve upwards. It surely has been a long time since she could see Kussun's face beaming with smiles. She usually got complaints about how stressful Aina was at work and how her voice kept straining. This was a nice break for her. Soon, the car had came to a stop before Yoshino knew it.
"We're here".
Yoshino indulged in the spectacular sight that never failed to amaze her. The duo often took long drives to the cliff above the beach, just to rewind. To be at peace and tranquillity at most times. To escape the hectic life of being a singer and voice actresses for a moment.
Yoshino then decided to gaze at more spectacular sight which happened to be sitting next to her. Kussun was leaning forward on the steering wheel, her arms folded as she put her chest on it. She seemed to be deep in thought while staring at the waves washing up on the shore. Yoshino always took pleasure in staring at her cute girlfriend. Doesn't she totally sound like an old geezer right now?
"Nan-chan" Aina called out her name so softly, not looking up.
Yoshino hummed in response, wondering what her girlfriend wanted to say.
Aina then lifted her head from the steering wheel and leaned back on the driver's seat.
"Y'know, I appreciate everything that you've done for me" she said, smiling tenderly with her warm gaze. Yoshino's heart skipped a beat.
"Jeez, why'd you bring this up all of a sudden Kussun?" Yoshino pouted, intertwining her fingers with Aina's. Lightly squeezing Yoshino's hands, Aina grinned in response.
"Just felt like saying it".
Yoshino grumbled and smiled to herself. She was already used to Aina's sudden affection of words. For example, when they were waiting for their order to arrive at an empty restaurant, Aina would shower her with all the cheesy lines you could think of. Not to mention, the manager and workers kept staring and smiling michievously at them during the whole time they were eating. Up until to this day, she would constantly get teased whenever she comes alone to the restaurant by the manager who she was quite close to. But Yoshino never complained about it. Aina's sweet words were always pleasant to hear.
Aina then shuffled around, making herself comfortable in her seat and faced Yoshino. She squished the older girl's cheeks with both of her hands, making Yoshino furrow her eyebrows in confusion.
"You're the best gift yet no one could ever give to me Nan-chan!" Aina smiled sheepishly. Yoshino felt her ears getting warmer. She never thought the younger girl would consider her as a gift. She remembered how her girlfriend used to help her relax before any live. She used to rely on those words of motivation. But now, they were both supporting each other through tough times. Nanjolno slid out a small box that was kept in her pocket. She's waited for 3 years and she's never been so sure of something before but she's sure of this. She wants this. She wants to be with Aina for all her life and she hopes her lover thinks the same as well. Yoshino opens the box, revealing a gold band with small crusted diamonds on it. She spoke the words that were kept deeply in her heart.
"Happy 30th birthday Kussun." Yoshino smiles brightly. " I want to grow old with you and spend our remaing lives together".
Aina's eyes widen in surprise. Her lips were trembling and her body was shivering. She could feel tears pooling around her eyes. Her beloved Yoshino had such a beautiful smile plastered on her face. She felt like she was on cloud nine. She was utterly speechless.
"...So, what's your answer?" Yoshino asked nervously in a quiet voice. Aina thought she was cute. Her shy look was definitely one of her many good attributes. She felt like a simple yes was not enough to convey her strong feelings. She wrapped her arms around Yoshino's neck, pulling her in as she closed the distance between their lips.
"Of course it's a yes you dummy".
Aina could pratically feel Yoshino smile against her lips. They broke the slow kiss and giggled as if they were children.
'Its true' Aina thought to herself, smiling. 'No one could give me a gift greater than Nan-chan".
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jess-irenes-fics · 7 years
Cherish This Birthday
A/N: This is my entry for my big sis’ bday challenge. @oneshoeshort
Words: 2,291 (with lyrics) 1,825 (without lyrics) 
Warnings: None, I used ass once 
Links to songs: Easy Like Sunday Morning, Lionel Richie  Galway Girl, Ed Sheeran (I copy-pasted lyrics from Google)
"Happy Birthday Y/N" Dean says as he steps downstairs. You were enjoying a mug of hot coffee, just the way you liked it and you hadn't even dressed as you were still in a robe and your underwear with a t-shirt underneath, and a pair of socks. You loved when you were lucky enough to spend time like this, just quiet and relaxed, not out hunting some monster or demon or angel gone rogue. You had woken up early today to snatch this chance up, today was a special day. It was your birthday, you didn't tend to make a big fuss over it, and since you were a hunter with the Winchester's now and almost Mrs. Samuel Winchester you didn't know what today, or any other would bring. You smile at the ring on your finger, the ring that was there and the sparkle of the rock reflecting like rainbows as the light in the kitchen hit it. You smiled and leaned back taking a sip and letting your eyes close. "Hi Dean, good morning...and thank-you". "So, I thought you would love a day off today, to just relax...." he says sitting with a mug across from you, looking down at his hands and taking a sip. "But...." you sighed, just having a feeling. "But what?" he looks up, his brows coming together, before his lip begins curling into a smile. "Really? Nothing today?...like at all?" You lean forward, he does as well. You were now nose to nose with Dean,locking eyes. "Nothing." he smiles. Your eyes sparkle as your eye's light up and you reach over hugging him tightly. "What's going on?" Sam asks, smiling as he walks in. You walk over and reaching up to hug him, on your tip-toes. You give him a quick peck on the lips. "Dean told me we're taking today off" you bite your lip as he leans down kissing you. "I know~ That is why we stayed up all night" Sam chuckles, rubbing his eyes. "Seriously, neither of you slept....just for me? So we could take today easy?" You asked, looking between them. They answer by sharing a smile and Dean winks, he gets up and walks over to turn a radio in the corner on.
Oh that's why I'm easy I'm easy like Sunday morning yeah
He looks back smiling at you as Lionel Richie's voice fills the room and you begin to sway. Your hips swing slowly side to side with the music. Your eyes close and your hand makes it's way to the air beginning to wave. You were feeling the music deep in your soul, the sound of slow, relaxing, smooth, you felt it from your heart to your toes. Sam smiled at you as he watched, making himself some coffee. As he waited for it to be done he grabbed your hips and held you close, swaying with you. Dean smiled at you both as he sat drinking his coffee, with his feet on the table. A few minutes later Sam's coffee was done and he let's you go so he can turn and pour it. He leans against the counter as he drinks it and watches you. You had began to hum so Dean stands up, he holds his hand out and gestures you over with his head. "Com'er" he smiles. You smile and slide over to him.
Know it sounds funny but, I just can't stand the pain Girl, I'm leaving you tomorrow Seems to me girl you know I've done all I can You see I begged, stole, and I borrowed (yeah)
Dean begins singing along as he takes you and spins you around before wrapping his arm around your waist, holding you close from behind. You giggle ans Sam shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "You do know she is marrying me, right?" he asks teasingly and Dean shrugs. "Yeah Sam, things could change." You smirk at him and kiss Dean's cheek. Dean smiles as he raises his eyebrows, making them jump. "Come on, I know you wanna sing Y/N, go ahead. It is just us" "Dean, I don't know-..." you say nervously. "Promise, there is no one is here but us, I'll just be listening to your pretty voice and Sammy I'm pretty positive is watching your ass away back and forth." he pleads. You blush and look down, then to Sam. "Really?" Sam smirks and shrugs. "Maybe~" You chuckle, slipping your hair behind your ear. "Alright" you say before you begin to sing. You're still dancing and using your socks to slide around the room as they sit watching.
Oh that's why I'm easy I'm easy like Sunday morning yeah That's why I'm easy I'm easy like Sunday morning
Dean does close his eyes and enjoy it. His eyes close. "Yes, birthday girl woo~!" his hand had found it's way to waving in the air. You chuckle seeing that and continued dancing and dancing. Your back was turned as Dean high fived Sam.  A few minutes later the song ended. "Poo" you say slumping against the table. Dean only chuckles. "Don't worry it's a mix tape I made you, well a mix CD...Sam she is going to want help on the next one, hold my coffee" he shoves his mug to Sam. Sam, who was leaning on the counter and watching still and now had a brow raised in confusion. Dean walks over next to you. "I practiced for the next one" he says smiling proudly as the Cd goes to the next song. Then Ed Sheeran's voice filled the room.
She played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Said, "baby, I just want to dance"
"You...praticed?" you ask Dean confused, your brow raised now. "Uh-huh, just wait and start dancing when you always do" "Alright." you shrug in agreement as you wait for the line of the song you always begin Irish River dancing at. You and SAm share a look and shrug but you could both tell that his brother and your soon to be brother in law was indeed very proud of himself. It had to mean he spent a lot of time perfecting something, you wanted to know what, and you and Sam loved and cherished seeing him this way. It was are to see him that happy, carefree and excited. Finally after a few seconds which felt like forever, the line finally came and you began to dance. One leg kicking over across the other, Sam points, making you look over bringing your attention to Dean who was doing the same. You began to sing along to this song as well as Sam shook his head at the both of you. "You guys are dorks~" "Shutup Bitch~" you and Dean say together.
You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Said, "baby, I just want to dance" With my pretty little Galway girl You're my pretty little Galway girl
You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool After dancing to Kaleigh, singing to trad tunes I never heard Carrickfergus ever sang so sweet A capella in the bar using her feet for a beat Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Said, "baby, I just want to dance" My pretty little Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl And now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night I walked her home then she took me inside To finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine I swear I'm gonna put you in a song that I write About a Galway girl and a perfect night She played the fiddle in an Irish band But she fell in love with an English man Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand Said, "baby, I just want to dance" My pretty little Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway girl, hey
You were thrilled that Sam and Dean did this for you, that they were up all night so you could take your birthday easy, that Dean made you a mix CD, that he was dancing and singing along with you, most of all you loved and cherished the time like this with the brothers. The man of your dreams, and the brother you never asked for but couldn't be more glad you had found, they were your world. There is no that way that  you would rather be spending the morning, or your birthday, or any day. You almost wished everyday could be like this, but, you knew better and were always one to be careful what you wished for. If days like this and moments like these weren't as rare as they were to the three of you, you knew they wouldn't mean as much. You knew none of you would care or enjoy it as much. They were rare though, you all did lead a hard life, there was lots of heartache. You were all traumatized, you had loved and lost everyone and everything you had ever come to know and grow close to, if you were blessed enough to even be so lucky to have the chance to grow close to it to begin with. It was busy, and it was dirty, and it was tiring, but it was also what you did. Saving people, hunting things, the family business, but you three had to do it, sure there was sometimes more than the three of you, so yes, you had to call in help. However, when all was said and done, it always came back to you three, it all ended up being you, there was no one like you. No one with as much experience with all the the creepy crawlies, the boogy mans. or the things that went bump in the night. You three had done so much, from saving the world, to saving people. It was always something different. Your lives were always in danger and you had all lost your lives at some point. As a unit you have been to heaven, hell, purgatory, the cage and back. All three of you have had to make deals and work with the enemies, you haven't always agreed on everything either. There were times where the life, the job, this business, would take all of everything all three of you had, and then some, plus interest with that. There had been countless times you have all came back filthy, covered in blood and ghoul. There were the crappy motel rooms with the disgusting continental breakfasts you had to deal with, the long rides where you grew stiff. You had all been beaten, bruised, broken, ripped, shredded, dragged, punched,cut, stabbed, kicked, tortured, tied up, chained, shot. All three of you had been used and abused. Anything that could ever go wrong had and it never seemed to end, there was always more right around the corner. Constantly watching your back behind you, not trusting the job, sleeping with a gun or a knife or something under your pillows, having to keep it at arms reach and be at full alert no matter what, taking shifts on sleeping, that was all part part of it. Yet you did it, most of the time, getting little to noting out of it, but, you had saved people though you hurt some, there were people sleeping safely at night now, and that was one thing that kept you going. Honestly, you wouldn't change anything about your life since you had met them but you really did cherish every second,minute,hour and day you had with them. You would also cherish this birthday, your first with them, as long as you lived. You didn't expect what was about to happen though.
"Yoohoo~" Dean was waving a hand in front of your face. "Oh! Hmm? I was thinking...what?" "Sam...you wanna tell her or should I?" "Tell me what?" you look up to them. The music had now stopped as you had stopped singing and dancing and zoned out. They were sharing a evil glare.
"Honey, you haven't gotten your real gift yet" Sam says. "This wasn't my gift?" "No, she is" Sam turns you around, there stood your younger sister. The one you had lost, about four years ago. Your eyes filled to the brim. "S-She-"
"Happy Birthday" they say at once, arms crossed over their chests as they smile to each other, watching you run to her and hug her as tight as you could. You turn. "Wait...how?" "I found a spell....." Sam reassures you.  
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vrepitsorrynotsorry · 7 years
Suuuper Late Black Paladin Week Day 2
I’m both lazy and busy, but I’m currently at the dealership getting an oil change and am using the waiting area time to write. Sorry, @blackpaladinweek!
Title: All in Your Head Theme: Divergent Rating: PG Pairing: Intended Gen, but feel free to interpret subtext as you so choose. Warnings/Spoilers: There’s some mild violence. I also intend no offense regarding mental health issues. Spoils through the end of Season 4. A/N: I have found I really enjoy having Lotor annoy Allura and by extension, pretty much everyone else... This one’s a little late because I waited too long to start writing and got sleepy. (Bad me!)
Shiro awoke in his quarters from a strange dream he couldn’t quite remember. It had something to do with space, and oddly, lions. He hadn’t been assigned a mission since their successful return from Kerberos months ago, so he wasn’t sure what had prompted it.
For a few moments his right arm seemed oddly heavy. He must have slept on it funny because the sensation disappeared quickly.
At the back of his mind, there was a nagging feeling that something was off, but he had things to do. It was probably just that strange dream.
The Garrison had promised him further missions in the future, but at the moment he was guest lecturing at the Academy. He enjoyed being close the Keith and able to see him on a daily basis.  Matt’s younger sister was starting at the Academy as well, and she might be too clever for her own good.
Life wasn’t perhaps as exciting as he’d imagined when he started at the Academy, but he’d flown into deep space and brought his crew back safely. His life was comfortable. What more could he want?
He went for a jog around the campus before heading back to his quarters for a quick shower before lunch at the cafeteria. The special was a stew that filled him with nostalgia for his own days as a student.
It was Wednesday, so Keith’s lunch break didn’t line up with his own, and Shiro sat alone at a small table in the corner. He was so engrossed in his meal, he didn’t notice someone had approached his table.
“Shiro?” a woman’s voice asked, and he looked up into an unfamiliar face. The woman had warm, brown skin and very light hair and eyes. It was a combination striking enough that he was sure he would remember if he had met her before. She was dressed in a stylish but professional outfit rather than a uniform, but she didn’t appear to be much older than some of the students.
“Yes. Can I help you?”
“It’s me, Allura.”
Shiro racked his brain for any connection to the name, but nothing sprang to mind. “Have we met before? I’m sorry to say I can’t recall.”
Allura sat down across from him. “Yes, we have met. We’ve worked together for quite some time now.” Shiro started to protest, but she carried on over his objections. “I know that’s hard for you to believe, but it’s true.
“Everything around us right now is an illusion. You’re not on Earth at all.”
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “I’m not?”
“No. You and the other paladins went to investigate an abandoned Galra outpost after Keith and several Blade of Marmora agents didn’t return. It was a trap. It wasn’t abandoned at all! They left behind a telepathic spy who picked everyone off one by one and trapped you in false realities inside your own minds. It didn’t work on me for some reason, and I managed to get the rest of you out of there.
“Matt and Coran found a way to program the training deck on the castle ship to allow a connection to your consciousness so an outsider could penetrate the illusion. I need you to focus, Shiro. I need you to come back to reality.”
They stared at each other in silence for a few moments after she finished speaking. Shiro wasn’t quite sure how to respond. This young lady was either delusional or this was some kind of strange prank. He decided to assume the latter for the moment.
“Has someone put you up to this? I have to tell you, I’m really not finding this amusing.”
She frowned. “This is not a joke, I assure you. I know you must have picked up that something isn’t quite right here. When is the last time anyone here, besides myself, spoke more than a few words to you? Look at the people around us--they’re not even really saying anything to each other and there are a limited number of unique faces because that kind of detail would take too much time for the telepath to arrange.”
It was true that he couldn’t make out any of the conversations at nearby tables, but the acoustics in the dining hall were horrible. Yes, many of the students looked the same, but there were regulations on hairstyles and they were all dressed in uniforms.
“Look,” he explained in a firm but gentle tone, “I’ve only been into deep space once, and that mission went fine. I have no idea who these ‘Galra’ or ‘Blade’ people are. I think perhaps you’re confused. I can bring you to the administration offices-”
She huffed and rolled her eyes, cutting him off with a raised hand. “No, the Kerberos mission did not go ‘fine.’ The telepath picked up on it as a place to diverge the timeline in a realistic way that would eliminate knowledge of what happened after. Please, try to remember! It’s all still there in your mind somewhere.”
She stopped speaking abruptly and cocked her head to the side as though hearing a voice he did not. “No,” she mumbled under her breath, “I don’t think a sudden shock will be helpful. I can reach him if you give me more time. I only need a few more minutes.”
The main doors to the dining hall slid open again and a tall, thin man in an officer’s uniform walked briskly over to them. It was odd that he hadn’t even had to scan the room to find them, he just made a bee line for their table.
“We don’t have the luxury of doing this nicely,” he told Allura as he stood next to her chair. The man was very pale with platinum blond hair. Shiro didn’t recognize him, so he must have been a recent transfer.
“Who let you in?” Allura glowered at the man. “What makes you think you’ll be able to get through to him? You barely know him.”
“Never underestimate the power of shock value,” the man replied, glancing around the room and then heading for the stand where the eating utensils were stocked. He grabbed something Shiro didn’t see and returned to the table.
“Right.” He made eye contact with Shiro. “Hold out your right hand, please.”
Shiro reluctantly slid his hand onto the table, and in the blink of an eye, this new stranger stabbed the back of it. Allura let out a surprised squeak and Shiro himself jumped, but there was no pain.
He looked down at the back of his hand to see that all the tines of the fork the man had used as a weapon were bent away from the back of his completely undamaged hand.
“What just happened?” he murmured. He’d meant it rhetorically.
“Deep down,” the man answered anyway, “you know that your right arm was replaced with a metal one. You know instinctively that a...frak?” He looked at Allura for confirmation of the word.
“Fork,” she corrected him sullenly.
“You know a fork won’t hurt it, and this thing isn’t even real.” The stranger waved the mutilated fork in a little circle and then tossed it over his shoulder. “You’ll notice that nobody in here reacted to a stabbing in their midst, either.”
“You certainly have a flair for the dramatic, don’t you, Lotor?” Allura sniffed in disdain and crossed her arms.
“Look at us again,” Lotor instructed. “And really focus. We both have pointed ears. I’m purple and she’s got little pink marking on her cheeks.”
Instead, Shiro was still staring at the back of his hand. Everything seemed to shimmer for a moment, and then everything came back to him and he was standing in the training deck of the castle ship.
“Is everyone else all right?”
“Well,” Allura began, a little flustered, “we’ve gotten Pidge, Hunk, and Lance out of their illusions. Pidge pratically pulled herself out when she realized how off everything was around her in the fake reality. Hunk was also fairly easy to convince--mostly because the telepath didn’t know how to fake the flavors of food very well, apparently. We sent Hunk in for Lance since they’ve known one another so long. Kolivan was also able to pull his own men back to reality.”
“You haven’t mentioned Keith. Why didn’t you send him in for me?” Shiro asked.
“We thought it would be best in your case to send in someone who clearly didn’t belong in your divergent reality,” Allura told him, refusing to make eye contact. What was she hiding?
“Also,” Lotor added offhandedly, “Keith is still stuck in his illusion and we’ll probably need you to help pull him out.”
Allura socked the Galra prince in the arm. “I was trying to break it to him more gently!”
“Again, we simply don’t have time for that.”
“I’ll do it,” Shiro volunteered. “He’s right. Keith’s been in longer than the rest of us. There’s no time to waste.”
“Just signal if you’d like any assistance,” Lotor offered with a smirk.
“I don’t think I’ll need it, and Keith would probably stab you back, just so you know,” Shiro informed him. Then he walked out of the room so they could set things up to save Keith. He had a job to do.
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caucuskollektiv · 4 years
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LaRadioKollektiv Recordings #4
La Radio Kollektiv features Caucus co-founder and member, Alicia. Having been attracted to the music industry at a young age, she hoped to create a place where people would comfortably express their art without having the pressure of being a veteran in the industry. Her set and interview will help you understand her passion for music, and her selection will send good vibrations your way.
CK: What drew you to the music industry?
A: My undying love for electronic music started when I was 17. I remember my first party at Rubik, looking at my friends and thinking “how do you dance to this music?”
After that I was there every week, an underage girl with a different ID everytime, trying to sneak in. Every weekend I’d go someplace different, always looking for new sounds. I used to stay up at night listening to electronic music and trying to create playlists. I always told my friends that I wanted to be a DJ and they always used to make fun of me (spoiler: we are not friends anymore).
I actually have two cousins who are DJs. One has a collective in Paris, and the other is in Canada and headlined his first big festival. My uncle was a DJ himself in the 90s. It’s like a family thing.
What always attracted me to this industry is that it is open to everyone, and I especially believed that after seeing how it gathered people from different backgrounds in the country. Electronic music emerged from the minorities and is universal, people don't differentiate between race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion (even if Lebanon still has a long way to go). The music scene is where I felt accepted and free to be who I always wanted to be.
CK: Caucus Kollektiv defines itself as a multicultural movement, what does that represent for you?
A: I come from a very diverse background. I spent nearly 15 years in France where the culture is very diversifed, my family is multi-religious. Same goes for Celine, she pratically lived all of her life in Jeddah. We both come from a background that is very different from the Lebanese one.
Caucus is based on the values we developed in the places where we grew up that went on to be mixed with the ones we developed here. For me multiculturalist represents, firstly, the people behind this collective, and it also represents the content we create, the events that we make and the music that we do. Like I said in the first question, electronic music is all about this multicultural aspect that is present but overlooked in Lebanon. I’m not basing this on color, race or religion, but more on social background. The club became a place where, without a wasta, what should be a good time turns into a nightmare.
For Caucus, we wanted to build a place where everyone would be treated the same and everyone would feel comfortable, no nepotism, no invasion of privacy, no discrimination.
CK: The music industry attracts a big crowd, has that ever lead you to deal with performance anxiety?
A: Anxiety is something that I have been struggling with since I was very young. I’m getting anxious answering this question! If someone had told me that one day I would be playing in front of people at an event we did I would have laughed at them. Learning how to mix was a challenge for me; fortunately I am surrounded by people that always know how to calm me down. I also have the best mentor, Elias Hraoui, who always gives me constructive feedback and pushes me to be better.
However, perfomance anxiety happens to me all the time, be it in front of people or in my bedroom when I record a set, and it’s not the best feeling to have when you want to be creative.
I remember not a long time ago, Celine and I had a live for Behind The Doors, I got super sick 10 minutes before starting and I couldn't see in front of me. At one moment I wanted to exit the loop mode I started and suddendly the track started all over again. My anxiety makes me think about it ‘till this day.
Being a newbie sometimes makes you hunt for perfection and it is hard to accept that perfection doesn't exist in music, you can learn all the techniques you want but at the end of the day it is what you play that people will remember (watch me giving this advice and never respecting it).
No one shows this side of the industry, you feel like everyone has it together and each time I talked to someone about the fear of doing mistakes they would be like : Who cares just go for it?
When you're starting it’s hard to just “go for it”, we always are our own worst critics.
CK: What do you have to say to women who hope to work in a men-dominated scene?
A: Do NOT let people pit you against each other. Do NOT let the imposter syndrome get to you. If you’re passionate then you're always an added value.
When we started Celine and I, I always had people telling me: Why is she getting more gigs than you? Why do you play in this place and she doesn't? Why does she have this and you have that? Her music is better than yours, and vice versa. Same for other female DJs who started at the same time as we did. People always want to compare women to each other and always have something to say about the music we do, how we dress, how we look.
I had this conversation with a friend not so long ago, I told her that every time I was listening to a track made by a woman in the industry I saw comments that I don't usually see on men’s profiles. For example, people saying that Amelie Lens has a ghost producter, or that Peggy Gou comes from a rich family that's why she was able to become famous. They criticize their faces, their outfits, if they touched this button instead of this one. You don't have to dislike a DJ because she's woman, the most important thing is their music. Who cares if she's wearing pink, a short, if she's smiling or not?
Thankfully, I didn't experience any kind of sexism in the local industry yet, I felt the opposite. Certain people were very welcoming and supportive of me, Celine, and our project. Some people were even excited to see a female founded (and I have to specify not female only) collective and fresh new faces.
CK: One of Caucus Kollektiv’s many mission is to express the voices of local artists, why is that?
A: Because our locals are the most talented obviously! We got tired of seeing the same line-ups with the same non-Lebanese artists while our locals are really hidden gems. We felt that Lebanon lacked a platform for them so that's why we decided to strictly host locals back in August, be it in our events or in the content that we post. Lebanese people are the most passionate  and the most inspiring people I have ever met. The music industry is not an exception but the circle is so small because it lacks a platform where locals would be valued. When you start DJing, not everyone welcomes you with open arms, especially the clubs. We wanted Caucus to be a place where the fresh talents can come and be helped, be valued, and can express their art.
CK: Being a member of the most recent generation of artists, what obstacle do you think you face compared to older generations?
A: When the older generations started, the international lines up weren't a big thing in Lebanon, the locals where more valued and respected. Now, being a local can be a bit harder as you're overshadowed by the big names. I know a lot of people who wouldn't go to a party if it was headlined by locals only. They would be like "why would I pay this price to see a Lebanese DJ when the club next door is having an international line up at the same price"?
I think that post-Corona things are going to change, people's mindsets are shifting to be more supportive of the local industries, especially with the crisis we’re facing.
The second obstacle for me is the over-presence of social media. Don’t get me wrong, social media is a great tool and a great pleace for inspiration, but it also becomes a place where we always compare our life to other people’s and the electronic music scene is not an exception.
CK: Like many projects, Caucus Kollektiv was made possible by a team of people, including yourself. How did that work out?
A: With a lot of communication that's for sure.
We have very different tastes and point of views but we always find a way to make it work. Would it be too cheesy if I say we have the best team ever?
We all complete each other and I think that Caucus wouldn't have been the same with other people.
Without Elias for example, Caucus wouldn't even have existed. He is our mentor, our technical expert, our sound engineer. He is the one who helps us execute our crazy ideas (like me waking up and announcing that we have to shoot a video in less than 24 hours). He is the one we always turn to when we want advice or feedback and one of the people I admire the most.
Pamela and Lee are the ones who helped us create our movement, from our logo to our manifesto to the invitations people receive. Without them we wouldn't have a real visual identity.
Celine, when she is not asleep and after making sure she drank her morning coffee, is my number one inspiration in life. She is the one behind our whole strategy. When we had the idea of creating Caucus, she came to me with a crazy PowerPoint and she took our ideas to places I woulnd't have imagined, and she is always here to remind me when we have meetings.
Sometimes, when people see our collective, they don't imagine that we really do have a big team behind us, who believes in the movement we are creating. When our close friends saw all the work that was put behind this project they were amazed by what we were able to create in such short period of time. And none of that would’ve been possible by any other people.
We asked Alicia to share a track with us, and #CaucusKollekts Kawasaki’s “2000 And One”.
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REAL (full story)
initially published on r/nosleep
My best friend Alice recently got a job in a big law firm in London, where I've been living for the past few years. I was excited to see her more often, but apart from helping her moving in and one brunch together on a Sunday about a month ago, we barely saw each other. Not that I'm blaming her. I know how demanding her job is and I'm aware she'd rather be drinking beers with me on friday evenings than work until 10pm, but when you're young and ambitious, you've got to make sacrifices.
But after 3 months of cancelled dinner plans, we finally managed to schedule a dinner tonight! I'm taking her to one of my favorite restaurants in London, a real italian trattoria (ie no « Alfredo » pasta nonsense on the menu and no garlic bread as a side- that's rare in London).
I noticed immediately that she seems absolutely exhausted. Her new job was definitely taking a toll on her.
We've been talking about everything and anything for a solid hour, when she whispers :
« Alexander, I have something I'd like to tell you about.  
Sure, go ahead !
It's going to sound weird, but I know I can trust you... I swear I'm not going crazy, I'm not sleep deprived - I'm not having a burn-out, or anything like that !
What's going on ? You're getting me worried here !
You have to believe me. All this... It's not... »  She whispers : « It's not real. »
« What's not real ? »
But she doesn't answer. She's looking at me, looking absolutely terrified. For a second, I don't understand.
But then I notice the silence.
A second before, the restaurant was filled with sounds of conversation, laughter, cutlery...
Now there isn't a single sound.
I look around, and what I see chill me to the bone.
Everyone is staring at us.
The couples eating their pasta, the family with their four kids, the group of friends sharing an aperitivo platter and wine, even the waiters... Everyone.
Staring at us, not saying a word, just staring blankly at us, unmoving. Some of them have their mouths full of food, but they're not chewing.
I hear Alice say, in a fake joyful voice :  
« Wow, those pasta are really delicious ! ».
Confused at hell, I shoot her a look. Her eyes are pleading.
I'm so scared.
To her obvious relief, I play along « Yes, yes, they sure are... ».
And the noise resumes. Once again, we are surrounded by happy chatter and everything looks like your normal, average friday night at the restaurant.
No one mentions it. It's as if it never happened.
I can see that Alice is scared, too, but it's obvious that speaking about it isn't smart. I don't know what's happening, but it's not ok.
Alice keeps talking about mundane subjects : the food, the wine, how she bought a really nice dress online today... I try to keep the conversation going, but my mind is racing and I really struggle to focus. The way they were staring at us... It was unnatural.
We quickly finish our dinner, pay and go out.
Once on the pavement, I start : « Alice, what... », but she grabs my hand, squeeze it really hard, and exclaims « What a nice night, isn't it ? I love spring in London ! ».
I don't want to be alone tonight. I don't want Alice to be alone either, but she refuses categorically to come to my place or to let me sleep at hers.
I'm scared shitless.
The next morning, I wake up exhausted. I barely slept. I felt like I was followed the whole journey home, and I still feel watched even in my appartment, even though nothing out of the ordinary happened. I still don't know what to think of what happened last night.
I know I didn't hallucinate, because Alice definitely saw it.
I tried texting her, but she keeps answering as if we were having a totally different conversation. It's unnerving.
-Alice are you ok ? What the hell was that ?!
-Yeah I got home safe, thanks for chekcing up on me !
-Alice what's happening ? Should I call the police ?
-It was lovely to see you tonight ! We should definitely go out more !
-Is there any way we can talk ? Please ? I'm worried out of my mind ! Are you in danger ?
-Going to sleep now ! Talk to you soon !
Something is very wrong. I don't know what she got herself into, but I don't think she's safe.
I was making myself some coffee, in hope that it would help me wake up, when I got a phone call from Alice.
I grab my phone and answer immediately, and all I hear is her screams.
I start yelling into the phone :
More screams.
There's a sudden silence.
When she finally talks, it's a whisper.
« It's all fake, Alexander. Everything. It's not real, ok, it's not real, wake up, WAKE UP ! »
Another bloodcurling scream and the line goes to static.
I try calling her back. I get the automated voice :  « The line you're trying to reach has been disconnected. The line you're trying to reach has been disconnected [static] The line you're trying to reach has been disconnected, Alexander. »
I'm calling the police. I don't know what's going on, but it's bad. It's very bad.  
« Police, how can I help you ?
My friend ! She's being hurt ! Or kidnapped ! I don't know, she was screaming, I don't know where she...
Have a nice day, Alexander. » Beep.
What.. What ?
I call the police again, but there's only static.
Something is wrong.
Did Alice discover something about the government ? The MI-5 ?! Her firm is a huge one, they must be involved in some sketchy legal stuff. Maybe she learned something she shouldn't and they're trying to shut her up ?
I'm going to her place now. I have to start somewhere. I have to help her. She's like family to me.  
I pratically run to the Tube station. I catch a train, sit and try to think about where she could be, if I don't find her at her flat.
That's when I notice the silence.
They're staring at me. No one is moving. I freeze, and as soon as the doors open, I run out and escape to the surface.
I come out of the station, panting, my heart racing, sweat dripping off my forehead.
I've never been that scared in my life. An old lady bumps into me, as I'm standing in the middle of the stairway. « Sorry », I mutter (I'm British, saying sorry is an automatic reflex for me).
She answers with a sweet smile « No problem, Alexander. ».
I start running again, bumping into people left and right. I don't stop, but I hear them all say « Be careful, Alexander ».
I'm starting to get thirsty, with all that running. I could really do with some fresh drink.
I decide to stop at a little café down the road. I've heard they make great smoothies !
I'm trying to decide which one to get (the tropical one sounds really delicious : mango, pineapple ; papaya, and coconut water, and you can even add kale if you want to make it healthier!), when I notice my best friend Alice sitting at the counter !
I'm so happy to see her. It's been like, a month since I last saw her, what with her busy job and crazy work hours.
It's such a beautiful spring morning here in London !
It's weird, though, that I got a text from Alice's number while we were drinking our smoothies together. When I told her, she said someone stole her phone last night on the Tube. The text was short, but it was strange. Why did the thief send me a text saying « WAKE UP » ?
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