#she thinks my surgeon is a bitch and has an ego
snzluv3r · 4 months
gf officially went through being gaslit at the doctors with me 🎉🙈 held me while i cried afterwards so that was a nice little touch
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miekasa · 3 years
feeling semi-called out because i wear my name tag on one of the pockets of my scrub top, like that's my waist not crotch but i'd probably get a side eye 😭😭 i have so many things and thoughts about the scouts in a hospital au, and omg all your posts about it is bringing it out!! hange in ortho taking in eren too. yes. hange amd all those tools especially the drill LMAO it's perfect. eren is scared at first, but he's also hammering and drilling away in no time. jean in pedia looking like he's holding a football as he holds the little babies 😭 levi being the unexpectedly fair and kind dude from neuro is a fave!! him in oncology is also very special to me tho, like it could be surgical or medical oncology, but he would be so good at both and his juniors would do a double take at how he isn't charming per se, but he has such a way with patients!!!!!! mikasa the smartest girl, endocrinology plus a masters in clinical genetics 🥰 connie in a nonpatient department 😭 i can see it, he is a disaster but an expert at reading those images!! sasha his partner down in pathology or smth, always gets reprimanded for having food out but no one smells out cancer in those specimens like her!!
also...imagine the reverse too, roommate au with levi, but this time he's the one in healthcare and you get to watch him strip at the door after work because of the pancetta. heh. lemme dote on (and bark at) you 🥰🥰
bye i finally had time to go on tumblr and this spilled out, im sorry 😭😭 -💉
Hange as Eren’s attending just makes SENSE!! Eren is hesitant (isn’t he supposed to fix things); but also because a part of him feels like he’s a disappointment for not taking interest in/being gifted at cardio (daddy issues galore). But Hange brings out the best in him, encourages him to use all that feistiness and personality to the best of his ability, and that being a doctor isn’t just about being technical and intelligent on paper; there’s real life application, and personality is a big deal! Honestly, if it weren’t for Hange, Eren might have honestly considered something else, even if he was this far along. They’re the best pair. The loudest too, with the most provocative music taste in the OR, but still the best.
Jean in pediatrics is so near and dear to me. You know he loves the babies so much he’s scared shitless about dropping them that’s why he look so awkward holding them at first. It just takes some practice tho, and soon he’s a pro. It’s kinda... sexy to see how good he is with children, and how easily he can calm a crying infant, and explain complex things to a toddler. He’s such a dream. He knows the white coat thing is a bit pretentious too, but damn if he doesn’t look good in it. 
Levi in neuro... it’s just so GOOD. Of course he of all people would handle the brain and all its complexities, and handle it well. Not only is he a dedicated surgeon, but he’s done his fair share of research, his contributions are crazy, even if they’re (literally) microscopic analyses. He’s pretty decorated, but he never flexes it. When his residents find out they kinda freak, “What the hell is he doing mentoring us?? I’m pretty sure this guy is gonna have a newly discovered brain activity/region named after him in 5 years at least. He’s published in Nature. THRICE.” All that, and he’s good with patients, too, it’s unfair. He’s not peppy or “nice,” to them, but he’s gentle; he’s got that charm about him that doesn’t bullshit, but doesn’t fear monger, and is careful to explain things in layman’s terms so his patients fully understand what’s going on. And when his patients are children? God. Godddd. 
Mikasa best girl, Levi is/was her attending, at least for a period of time, and he never said it but she was his favorite. She’s smart, competent, flexible, and doesn’t have an ego about it. Truly, a blessing. She still/frequently goes to him for advice, and she’s the only resident to ever enter Levi’s office for a non-offense. Just to talk... maybe even have lunch and talk shit about Eren and Hange’s playlist. Mikasa wants to bitch about a difficult patient, and Levi reminds her about HIPAA violations... but gossips (without names) nonetheless. 
So right about Connie in a non-patient department PLEASE. To think Connie considered EMS at first and swiftly shut that idea down when he saw a real life broken bone protruding through skin for the first time, he was SICK LMFAOOO. The bone part was cool to him tho, so radiology turned out to be a great alternative; that way he doesn’t have to see and blood or severed skin, so problem solved! It’s easy to think he’s a slacker or a dunce, but give him labs or imaging to analyze and he’s got it done with ease and accuracy. 
Sasha as a nurse is precious, but I can totally see her in pathology. She literally studies disease for a living/interacts with people with these diseases and other illnesses and is still like, “Can’t believe the human immune system was caught slipping like this. Embarrassiiiiiiiing. Simply be vaccinated.” The rage she feels when she hears about parents not vaccinating their children... Sasha’s usually pretty cheery and always finds fun and hope in her work, but that’s one thing that’ll set her off. 
The reverse roommates au!!! I see the vision!!! Also might I offer: they both work in healthcare, maybe at different hospitals, but kind of on opposite shifts (Levi in the morning, OC in the afternoon/night), all to come home and shit talk their respective hospital boards and healthcare systems. Mutual understanding of their situation and finding time to dote on the other even tho they’re barely holding it together themselves. Peak romance
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another-dr-another · 4 years
watch inoris motive video,,,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tomori - We should... probably get it over with, yeah?
Inori - Mmm... fine, whatever.
Taira - Monokuma, would you please start the video?
Maeda - Just casually ask the murder bear to share the murder video.
Monokuma - Is Any Student Unprepared?
Tsurugi - ...Hold on a second. I thiiink I may know what's happening in your video, Inori.
Tsurugi - Even if I'm wrong, to help soften the blow of having your video displayed...
Tsurugi - Should we all share what was in our videos?
Ōtori - No.
Ōtori - No, no, nope. That's dumb, and we aren't doing that.
Tsurugi - It's settled, we are!
Tsurugi - It'll help us feel a sense of kinship, and what do any of us have to hide?
Maki - Personally, I'm all for it.
Maki - Can I nominate someone? With that reaction, I want Ōtori to go first.
Ōtori - What the hell!
Maki - Cmon, don't be a bitch.
Tsurugi - Here, how 'bout I go first?
Maki - Talk about un-confrontational...
Tsurugi - Diffusing situations is helpful, and something I'm good at!
Tsurugi - For me, it showed the entirety of my close family, all in various forms of danger.
Tsurugi - One of them's been getting used to a new prosthetic, so I was already a bit worried, and seeing the circumstances everyone was in has me really panicked.
Tsurugi - But I'm certain everyone will be fine, and I know that me killing someone won't help anything, even if I were willing to.
Maki - Thanks to someone, you all already know who was in my video.
Maki - I... didn't see my brother the day I left home to travel to HPA, he's younger than me,
Maki - And I was the only one trained in sniping, let alone self defense.
Maki - Sooo... he's probably fucked over.
Yamaguchi - ...
Yamaguchi - Whole family gone, sister in danger...
Yamaguchi - I believe in my sister though! Hopes Peak was already taking an interest in her athletic skills!
Hatano - Huh... seems like the family being missing thing is pretty universal?
Hatano - Is there anyone here who didn't see their whole family in some sort of danger, or something?
Iranami - ...So many siblings... not a single remaining...
Iranami - A-ah, I didn't mean to interrupt...
Iranami - Since I'm already talking, I'll share though, to get out of your way.
Iranami - It was my big brother, the sibling closest to me in age.
Hatano - I'm sorry... both of my little siblings, for me.
Higa - ...Breaking the sibling trend, it was my Father in my video.
Mekaru - So does that make me the only person who's friend was targeted?
Taira - No, that's the same as my case, Mekaru.
Kobashikawa - I have two older sisters, I think it was the one closer to me in age in my video...
Tomori - Oh! Same here, Kobashikawa, it was my older sister.
Uehara - Little sister here!
Uehara - Though... I'm the only member of my family who was in Japan, so maybe it was faked?
Uehara - Which I promise I'm not just saying for wishful thinking, but shouldn't we try and gauge the influence of those behind this?
Maeda - ...No, I don't think so. For me, I saw a few of... my siblings, then it showed the youngest one dead.
Hatano - D-dead?!
Taira - Really...?
Maeda - Either dead, or left to bleed out... I think?
Higa - What, did you seriously forget something like that?
Maeda - S-shut up!
Tsurugi - Hey, hey, let's handle that later, okay? We can talk about what it may mean regarding this situation, but not now.
Tsurugi - Thank you all for being brave and sharing! That's almost everyone, all that's left is...
Tsurugi - ...Ōtori? I won't pressure you, but I think it could help you to tell us.
Ōtori - ...
Ōtori - My dad. That's who I'm worried about.
Tomori - And that's all you need to say.
Tsurugi - Thank you for telling us!
Inori - ...I wanna talk about my family, after we watch the video.
Inori - We're all ready now... you can play the video.
Tomori - Inori... I'm sure your reasoning was-
Inori - Just wait... please, just watch the video.
Tomori - ...As you wish.
Monokuma - Please Stay Silent And Pay Attention. Notes Are Not Required.
/On the monitor, the video begins to play. Maeda watches as it loads... right on to the serene scene from his video, with all four children going about their idyllic tasks shown earlier, exact same as Maeda watched before. "MAEDA" is written across the top of the screen, as it plays out.
VIDEO - The chance you all couldn't be driven to murder was a likely one known from the start.
//"TAIRA" has been written across the top of the screen. A brunette girl, seemingly younger than the class, and a blond boy... (possibly older?) both seem to be hard at work. The brunette has arms full of storage bins she's carrying, while the blond attempts to not trip over the bedding sets he holds.
VIDEO - But luckily, a motive was devised, certain to strike a nerve with at least one student.
//"ŌTORI" has been written across the top of the screen. A middle-aged man, with hair the same green as Ōtoris, reads from a recipe book, before turning to an oven, and pulling bread from it. He places it on a display shelf, which has a sign reading "Fresh goods, baked daily - Anything unsold donated to families in need."
VIDEO - In fact, this helped to generate more possible motives, should they be needed!
//"KUROKAWA" has been written across the top of the screen. A boy with blue hair is leaned over a desk with his back to the camera, and to the man who just entered the room. The man pulls out his phone, types something, and the boy motions him closer- whatever is on the desk starts to smoke, and both rush into action.
VIDEO - Except... a bump was hit, as loved ones were found and endangered.
//"KINJO" has been written across the top of the screen. A woman leans down to embrace her husband in his wheelchair, before dropping off bags full of case files, as can be seen through the slightly-opened cover. She kicks off her shoes, and follows him further into the house.
VIDEO - First step was always to look at siblings, and parents, then friends should that fail.
//"HATANO" has been written across the top of the screen. A man, with black hair starting to turn salt-and-pepper, chases two squealing kids, who appear to be twins. It's a game of... tag? As the trio races past a variety of athletic awards located around the house.
VIDEO - But a certain little orphaned only-child got in the way of that format.
//"KOBASHIKAWA" has been written across the top of the screen. A young adult is seen in a lavish garden, arms full of plants, which she seems to be carrying towards a older woman, working away at the garden. In the background, a older teenager is seen running, spinning, and screaming, with pure glee.
VIDEO - And so, coworkers were added to the mix.
//"IRANAMI" has been written across the top of the screen. A blue haired boy is seen alone, in what appears to be a dressing room of sorts. He wipes sweat from his palms, then, certain he's alone, begins to perform what tricks he can do in the small room, flipping and spinning- before he's called out of the room.
VIDEO - And yet even then... no hit.
//The scene shifts from other students motive videos, to a group of adults all in medical garb.
DOCTOR ONE - Another day, and no Inori? She only applied for a days leave, she was supposed to keep coming in until the start of the school year...
DOCTOR TWO  - If I have to tell another patient that their operation is getting pushed back because we can't find anyone,
DOCTOR TWO - And it's because their surgeon ditched with no warning, I'm gonna lose it with that girl!
DOCTOR THREE - Kids these days...
DOCTOR TWO - Don't you mean Super High School Level's?
DOCTOR FOUR - She's right, going to Hopes Peak is a sure way of knowing that a kid is an entitled brat.
DOCTOR TWO - Remember her reaction to being accepted? We get it, you're oh-so-special.
DOCTOR FIVE - Her ego got even bigger than before... why does her mail even get sent her anyways?
//The video changes again, returning to other motive videos.
VIDEO - Talk about swing and a miss!
//"UEHARA" has been written across the top of the screen. A small brunette boy sits up in a peach tree, at ease in the branches, pulling a peach off, which he passes down to a girl- older than him, but still younger than the class, who happily accepts the gift.
VIDEO - So, what to do? Maybe someone who cared for you wasn't necessary, just someone you cared for.
//"MAKI" has been written across the top of the screen. A teenage boy with ombré hair is seen dancing around with a crowd of others with only one thing in common- their more... alternative style. Someone taps on his shoulder, and he turns around to face them. After a brief discussion, he begins to help them with their makeup.
VIDEO - But even then, we couldn't find anyone... maybe that's the reason no one felt anything but anger towards you at your disappearance.
//"YAMAGUCHI" has been written across the top of the screen. A young girl with short black hair is shown swinging on a swing set, getting herself higher and higher. Right as she jumps off, an adult enters the frame, grabbing her attention- and she wipes out on the ground, quickly recovering and getting up.
VIDEO - A violent teen who only cares about bringing money in for herself, getting excited about others pain because it means there's more cash in her bank account.
//"TOMORI" has been written across the top of the screen. A teenager seemingly a few years older than the class, is seen sitting on a couch by herself. Shortly after the video starts, she's joined by a middle-aged woman, who shares a plate of snacks with the teen.
VIDEO - What to do, what to do... you've already got your reputation here, don't you see how scared they all are, how they distrust you?
//"HIGA" has been written across the top of the screen. A man with burgundy hair is kicking a soccer ball around in what seems to be a fenced-in back yard. He kicks the ball up to his knee, bounces it into the air, then moves back, bringing up his opposite foot to send the ball flying.
VIDEO - How safe do you think you are, here among all these students, who are now motivated to kill... who do you think they'll target?
//"MEKARU" has been written across the top of the screen. A white haired teen sits on the ground, with a storybook open in her lap. She waves her hands at two smaller children who seem to be bickering, causing them to still... for only a moment. The girl sighs, and turns her attention to the rest of the children surrounding her.
VIDEO - Who do you think they'll feel least guilty about killing? Who has nothing to lose?
//The screen flashes between various shots from the videos, the moments showing the loved ones in pain, or in danger, before switching to Monokuma, talking into the camera.
VIDEO - There's a whole world out there, of people for you to actually form bonds with. All you have to do is escape. You already know how to accomplish that... and you already know that it won't be any weight on your conscious.
//The video ends abruptly, with that final line. In the trial room, no one dares to break the silence, other than Inori, who's breath hitches as she tries to hold back tears.
Maeda, narrating - ...What the hell was that?
Maeda - I...
Maeda - What is...
Maeda - ...
Maeda - .....I feel... sick...
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queseraone · 5 years
From a Tumblr prompt: "Jay is a doctor and Erin is a nurse. They are married but nobody knows they are in a relationship and their coworkers find out." I put my own spin on this idea, hopefully you like it!
Thanks to my lovely ladies @suttonbradyy and @halsteadpd for putting up my millions of questions and all of their input.
Obviously I know nothing about medicine, sooooooo…
(Also thanks to Grey’s Anatomy for lots of inspiration - you might recognize a few things I borrowed from that show! And some Med characters too!)
Jay sighed, flopping back on the mattress and staring up at the ceiling. “I just don’t understand why you don’t want to tell people?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell people. I just… it’s different for me.” Noting the look of confusion on his face, Erin continued. “Okay look, if people find out that you’re sleeping with a nurse, they’ll high five you or think you’re a stud or some other sexist bullshit. But if people find out that I’m sleeping with a doctor? I can already hear the whispers—Lindsay is screwing a doctor to get ahead. That’s why Lindsay got that promotion. Lindsay is cheating the system. I just want people to see me for me, to respect what I bring to the table.”
“I can appreciate that,” Jay stood up, reaching for her and taking her hands in his own. “And I know how important your job is to you. It’s just going to be really, really hard for me to see you in the cafeteria or pass you in the halls and not be able to touch you…” Jay’s fingertips danced along her skin, trailing up her arms before settling on her face, drawing her ever closer. “…or kiss you senseless…”
Erin smiled against his lips, savouring the moment before reluctantly pulling back. “I know. I feel the same way, but—”
“It’s okay babe, I get it.” He pressed his lips against hers one more time before taking a step back and sitting on the edge of the bed, watching as she got ready for work. His girl in scrubs might just be his favourite sight. She looked strong and powerful and so damn sexy. He would never get tired of that sight, thanking his lucky stars that their paths had crossed in the first place.
It was a total fluke that they even met. He was fresh from Afghanistan, completing his residency in trauma surgery at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital, and she was on loan there from Gaffney Chicago Med, helping to cover when most of their nursing staff was sidelined by a particularly brutal bout of food poisoning. Jay still liked to joke that a bad pot of chili was the best thing to ever happen to him, because it brought her into his life.
They were assigned to the same case—a woman was brought in with life-threatening injuries after being impaled by a falling icicle—and later found themselves seated side-by-side at a nearby bar after shift. After unpacking the intensity of the day, their conversations shifted to more personal topics as they laughed and drank together. It was no surprise that the night ended back at her place, and they had more or less been waking up together ever since.
There had always been an element of competition between them, playfully arguing about whose hospital was better. Sure, Lakeshore got high-profile cases and tons of publicity, but Gaffney had a state-of-the-art emergency department that rivaled some of the best hospitals in the country. And now that Jay was starting his fellowship at her hospital, Erin was excited for him to admit that she’d been right all along.
Jay was just looking forward to seeing more of his girlfriend. Working at different hospitals—often on opposite shifts—sometimes meant going days without seeing each other. So even though he agreed to keep their relationship a secret at work, he was still thrilled to be closer to her.
“You know,” he began, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin. “This whole sneaking around thing could be kind of fun.”
Erin laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, crossing the room to playfully swat his arm. “I’ll see ya.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before grabbing her bag and heading out the door.
Collapsing into an empty seat at the nurses’ station, Erin was thankful to finally have a few minutes to update her patient files and hopefully wolf down a granola bar. She noticed that a couple of the other nurses were deep in conversation, throwing furtive glances across the ED. “What are you guys whispering about?”
“Have you seen the new trauma surgeon?” Doris asked, her voice hushed as she leaned closer to Erin.
Knowing full well who they were talking about, Erin pretended to be engrossed in a chart, casually shrugging her shoulders in response.
“Oh my god Erin, look at him! He’s so hot!” Monique gushed.
Erin stole a quick look across the ED, chewing on her bottom lip as she tried to hide her reaction to the sight of Jay. ‘Hot’ did not do her man justice. She watched the fabric of his scrubs straining against his biceps as he worked on a patient, and if she listened close enough, she could just make out the sound of his voice as he gave orders to an intern.
Trying to remain calm—her plan to hide their relationship wouldn’t exactly be successful if she ran across the ED and jumped his bones in the middle of shift—she just shrugged again. After taking a long swig from her water bottle, she continued, her tone much more relaxed than she felt. “Yeah, I guess he’s kind of cute.”
“Kind of cute?” A wide-eyed April chimed in incredulously. “Erin, you need to get your eyes checked or something. That man is fine as hell!”
Fighting the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes—Jay’s ego was already big enough, she could only imagine how that kind of comment would go straight to his head—Erin continued, “Whatever, I have a boyfriend. So it doesn’t really matter if I think the new guy is cute.” She stood up abruptly, more than ready for the conversation to be over. “Anyway, don’t you guys have work to do?”
“I have been wanting to do that allllllll day,” Jay murmured against Erin’s lips after pulling her into an empty exam room.
Erin sighed blissfully, her eyes fluttering shut as his lips moved lower, kissing a trail down the column of her neck. Before she even had time to fully appreciate the feeling of her boyfriend’s muscular body pinning her against the wall or his strong hands roaming her body, they were interrupted by an obnoxious beeping.
“Son of a bitch,” Jay cursed under his breath as they both fumbled around for their pagers.
She groaned, knowing their moment was over before it even started. “You or me?”
“Me,” he grumbled, pausing as he read the message. “Incoming trauma.”
Erin wrapped her arms even tighter around his torso, burying her face in his chest and inhaling his familiar scent. “Noooooo.”
“Gotta save lives babe,” he grinned, leaning in for one last kiss. “Love you.”
“I think I’m going to go for it,” Monique proclaimed out of the blue a few days later.
They were gathered around the nurses’ station, taking advantage of a rare moment of quiet to load up on coffee. After all, five quiet minutes usually meant five hours of crazy was on the way.
April’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Ooooh, really?”
“Go for what?” Erin’s brows quirked up in confusion. Clearly she was out of the loop on something. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Monique is going to ask Dr. Halstead out.” And then, somehow mistaking the look of sheer horror on Erin’s face for misunderstanding, April continued, “Dr. Halstead is the new trauma surgeon.”
“The hot one!” Monique added with a wide grin. Grabbing a compact from the pocket of her scrubs, the young blonde nurse quickly surveyed her appearance in the mirror. Apparently satisfied with her reflection, she immediately popped it back into her pocket and faced her colleagues again. “Wish me luck!”
And then it was like a car accident—try as she might, Erin just couldn’t look away. Her eyes were trained on Monique, watching as the younger woman crossed the ED to where Jay was standing, reading through a patient file and jotting down some notes.
He looked up when Monique stopped in front of him, offering her a small smile. “Hey, did you need me for a consult?”
“Um, actually,” Monique began, nervously tucking her hair behind her ears. “I was sort of wondering if maybe you might want to… go out with me some time?”
Jay was completely silent, his mouth hanging slightly open as he tried to find a way to respond.
Erin swore she could feel his eyes on her, practically burning through her skin from across the ED. It took every ounce of self-control she had to stop herself from making eye contact with him. She focused on keeping her head down, feigning interest in whatever was on the computer screen in front of her.
She couldn’t react. She couldn’t say a word. Not without giving everything away.
It had been over a week, and despite a couple of close calls—like the time Erin instinctively reached out for Jay’s hand after a particularly emotional case, only remembering at the last second and awkwardly covering by knocking over a stack of files, pissing off the charge nurse in the process—they had been doing a pretty good job of keeping things under wraps.
But in that moment, standing there watching as her colleague hit on her boyfriend? All Erin could do was wonder what the hell she was thinking wanting to hide their relationship.
Still refusing to look up, she could hear Jay clear his throat loudly, and in her peripheral vision she watched as his hand moved up to rub along the back of his neck—a nervous tic of his. Even from a distance she could faintly hear him hemming and hawing, tripping on words as he tried to apologize and find a way to let Monique down easy.
After another minute staring at the computer screen, Erin saw Monique dejectedly plunk herself back down in an empty chair.
“He turned me down,” she explained sadly. “Apparently he has a girlfriend.”
Word about Jay’s relationship status spread quickly around the hospital—not that it mattered. It seemed like the entire nursing staff was infatuated with him, regardless of the fact that he was off the market.
And it was driving Erin absolutely crazy.
She knew it would be a challenge to work so closely with him while keeping their relationship a secret. But she never could have anticipated that it would this hard.
When she wasn’t being driven mad with lust—seriously, could he stop looking so damn sexy all the time?—she just wanted to scream for her colleagues to back the fuck off and stop ogling her boyfriend.
It was getting out of hand. She had never been the jealous type before, but there was just something about having to stand there and listen to everyone talk about how attractive Jay was (as if she didn’t know that already) that was making her lose her mind. One of these days she honestly thought she might smack someone.
She came awfully close to actually smacking someone a few nights later. Working overnight always brought out an interesting set of characters, and that night was no exception. After treating a sweet little boy who had fallen out of his new bunk bed, Erin headed into the next exam room, cringing inwardly at the smell of cheap alcohol and cigarettes filling her nostrils.
The middle-aged man waiting there was beyond drunk—it smelled like he’d bathed in booze—and he was practically falling off of the hospital bed. He glanced up at the sound of the curtain opening, looking her up and down.
Figures she’d get the creepy drunk again.
She’d only been in this man’s proximity for a few seconds, and Erin already felt like she needed to shower. Doing her best to hold her breath—his stench brought back memories from her childhood that she had no interest in thinking about—she approached him, plastering a fake smile on her face as she tried to ignore him leering at her.
“Hi there Mr.,” she paused, scanning the intake form for his name, “…Lowery. Is says here that you were found passed out on a park bench? Little too much to drink tonight sir?”
He managed to tear his eyes away from her body, looking up at her with a sleazy grin. “I’m fiiiiiiine,” he slurred. “Better now that you’re here sweetheart.”
Erin bit her tongue, fighting the urge to give him an earful. “Mr. Lowery, I see there’s a note here that you were bleeding when you came in, that you might have hit your head? I’m going to need to take a look and make sure you don’t need stitches, okay?”
She reluctantly took a step closer to him, pushing his greasy hair aside to examine the nasty gash across his forehead. He was definitely going to need stitches. She was just about to step away when she felt his hand reach around and grab her ass.
“Get your hands off of me!” she hissed, ready to deck the guy as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Hey!” A male voice shouted, loud enough to startle Mr. Lowery.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he spit out, a look of blind rage on his face. “You’re here to be treated, not to manhandle our nursing staff!” Taking a deep breath—which Erin knew was in an effort to calm himself down—Jay turned to her, his face immediately softening. “You okay?”
She nodded quickly. It wasn’t the first time a patient had gotten handsy with her, and unfortunately it probably wouldn’t be the last. “I’m fine, Ja—um, Dr. Halstead, nothing I can’t handle.”
Jay knew she could handle it; he just didn’t think she should have to. “I don’t have anything right now. I can take him from here.”
Erin nodded again. “Thanks,” she added quietly as she ducked out of the room, leaving Jay to stich him up.
“Hey babe,” Jay smiled feebly at her when they met at the L station around the corner from the hospital an hour later. It had been a long night, and they were both eager to get home and rest.
“Hey.” Erin was silent, keeping her head down as she fell into step alongside her boyfriend. Neither said a word as they climbed the stairs leading to the tracks.
When they reached the top—the train wouldn’t arrive for fifteen more minutes—Jay sighed, grabbing Erin’s hand and pulling her closer to him. “I’m sorry about before. I know you can take care of yourself, but the security guard was off doing who knows what and I just couldn’t stand there while that asshole put his hands on you.”
“I know.”
“But you’re still mad.”
“No, it’s not that,” she began, pausing as she pulled Jay with her to sit on an empty bench. “I just—wasn’t that kind of… I don’t know… making things—us—a little bit… obvious?”
“Fuck. I didn’t even think of that.” He leaned back against the bench, feeling foolish for not realizing how his actions may be interpreted. Despite wanted to shout from the rooftops that Erin was his girlfriend, he respected her desire to keep their personal life separate from work. He hated to think he might have compromised that. “I’m so sorry babe. But you know, I honestly would have done the same thing if it was April or Monique or Doris or any of the other nurses in there. It’s such bullshit that scumbags like that think they can manhandle you guys.”
Erin nodded. It was true, Jay was one of the good ones. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have intervened for anyone, it just so happened that she’d been stuck on that case. She smiled softly as she rested her head against his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“We okay?” When he felt her nod again, Jay leaned down to kiss her forehead.
When Erin returned to the hospital for her next shift, she discovered that her concerns were in vain. Sure, the ED was definitely abuzz with talk of Jay stepping in with a bad patient, but miraculously there was no mention of her name.
Of course, Jay’s heroic behaviour only made the nursing staff that much more infatuated with him.
Frankly if she heard another word about ‘Hero Halstead’ she thought she might throw up.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Erin cursed under her breath, slamming the refrigerator door.
It had been the shift from hell—scratch that, the week from hell—and as far as she was concerned it could not be over soon enough.
A terrible late-night car accident had brought in a slew of victims, overwhelming the ED. Within a few hours, most had either been treated and released, or admitted and sent upstairs, so things were finally starting to quiet down a little—at least enough for Erin to get something to eat and catch up on her charting.
At least that’s what she had thought two hours earlier.
But instead of getting off her feet, she’d been running around like a madwoman. Apparently every single patient had banded together to drive her absolutely crazy. She had just cleaned up vomit for what was probably the twelfth time, only to get to the nurses’ station to discover that someone had eaten her turkey sandwich.
She just wanted to scream. Or throw something. Preferably at the asshole who stole her lunch.
Normally she wouldn’t get that upset about someone eating her food, but she and Jay had been on opposite shifts, which meant they had spent all of about five minutes together all week.
She was tired and cranky and missed her boyfriend.
And then right on cue, the elevator doors chimed and she looked up to see said boyfriend striding into the ED in his street clothes, looking happy and well-rested and sexy as all hell.
He smiled and said hello to a few people before glancing over to the nurses’ station, no doubt looking for her. They made eye contact for a split second—just long enough to say I love you, I miss you without words—and then he turned the corner toward the doctors’ lounge and was out of sight again.
Erin sighed dramatically as she headed for the vending machine. She leaned her forehead against the machine for a minute—internally debating between Doritos and a Hershey bar—before jabbing her finger at the buttons. The chocolate fell with a satisfying plunk, and she quickly snatched it up, taking a big bite as she made her way back to the nurses’ station.
When she glanced out the window on the way, she was appalled to see flakes of snowing falling from the sky. It was October. Some days she really fucking hated Chicago.
By the time she returned to the desk she had managed to rally a bit. She kept reminding herself that she only had to get through one more hour. Just one hour until she could go home and hibernate under her fluffy duvet for two whole days.
Her moderately good mood—if you could even call it that—disappeared immediately. There were a few other nurses at the station, and every single one of them was openly gawking at her boyfriend. Again.
He was chatting with his attending as they updated the OR board, and those bitches—bad mood was back in full swing—were drooling over him like he was a piece of meat.
Erin couldn’t deny that he looked damn good in his scrubs. He always did. But that day was like a whole other level of hot. Maybe it was just because it had been a while—damn the long hours and opposite schedules—but whatever the reason, she could already feel her blood pressure spiking at the sight of him.
Yanking her phone out of her pocket, she stormed down the hall in a huff.
Erin was pacing around the on-call room when there was a gentle rapping at the door. Before she had a chance to respond, the door creaked open and Jay poked his head around it.
“Hey,” he greeted, carefully closing the door behind himself. “You paged me? What’s wrong?”
“I need you.”
“Babe, you paged 911—do you need a consult or something?”
If she wasn’t so wound up, she probably would have laughed at his question. “No, I need you,” she breathed out, her voice husky with desire as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his. Her hands moved lower, grabbing the drawstring of his scrubs to pull him closer, her fingers quickly slipping beneath the waistband.
Jay grabbed her wrists, removing her hands from his pants and taking a deep breath as he stepped back. “Erin, we’re at work.”
“So? Haven’t you seen Grey’s Anatomy? People fuck in on-call rooms all the time. It’s practically what they’re for.”
Any hesitation on Jay’s part went out the window as soon as her hands found their way back, stroking him through the fabric. “Fuck,” he groaned as she pushed him down onto the bed, throwing her leg over him and straddling his waist.
The bedsprings creaked obnoxiously as they moved together, so when Erin climbed off of him to strip out of her scrubs, Jay took the opportunity to pick her up and push her back against the wall. As he thrust into her, he kissed her deeply, swallowing the cries of pleasure spilling from her lips. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, locking her ankles against his lower back, driving him to go harder, faster, deeper.
She came with a wild moan that sent Jay over the edge right along with her. Her body went lax in his arms as they both struggled to catch their breath.
“You’re going to kill me,” Jay panted, peppering soft kisses across her bare shoulder. “But wow, what a way to go.”
They were almost dressed by the time Jay’s pager started beeping incessantly. He straightened his shirt as he looked at the screen. “Shit, this really is 911!” He crouched down to tie his shoelaces before jumping up to kiss her quickly. “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta run babe. I’ll see you at home.”
They had developed a pretty perfect system to keep their personal and professional lives separate. When they worked the same shifts, they rode the L to and from the hospital together—usually with Erin half asleep and resting her head against Jay’s shoulder—then held hands until they were a block away from the hospital. She took the elevator; he took the stairs.
So despite the occasional close call or near miss, they had managed to keep their secret pretty well.
Until that day.
Jay had been in surgery for hours—the way bullets flew around in Chicago, he might as well be back in Afghanistan—and was just getting ready to close when an intern burst into the operating room. “What’s going on Schmitt?”
“Dr. Halstead, they need you in the ED,” the intern explained, unable to hide the shakiness in his voice.
“I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
“Yes, I know, but… shots were fired.”
Jay’s blood ran cold at Schmitt’s words—Erin was on shift. “Was anyone hit?”
“I’m not sure. It’s locked down.”
Jay turned to the junior resident who had been working alongside him. “You okay to close up?” Before the young woman could even finishing nodding her head, he was already rushing out of the OR, yanking off his gloves and mask and running toward the ED.
Even though he knew it was on lockdown, he was still taken aback by the police presence. The halls were filled with officers, most dressed in full tactical gear as they gathered together to hatch out a plan of action.
He whipped his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through countless messages and notifications, desperately looking for any word from Erin. His heart pounded in his chest as he read her messages—she was in there. He didn’t know if she’d be able to answer, but he quickly typed a response asking if she was okay. He needed her to be okay.
When his phone vibrated in his hand a few seconds later, relief washed over him.
I’m fine, but Monique was hit. She’s losing a lot of blood, Jay.
Jay rushed forward, pushing past the throngs of people to where the police had blocked off the ED. “You need to let me in there!”
“Halstead,” Goodwin piped in, holding up a hand to stop him from going any closer, “you need to take a step back and let the police do their jobs.”
“I’m sorry Ms. Goodwin, but I can’t do that.” He turned to address the officer in charge, trying to keep his voice steady. “I need to go in there. There are innocent people back there—patients, nurses. And at least one of them is down.”
“Dr. Halstead, I assure you we have the situation under control,” the sergeant explained.
And then another round of gunshots rang out.
While most of the other people gathered in the hallway ducked or screamed, Jay pressed on. “With all due respect, it doesn’t seem like you have anything under control! There’s at least one person in there who’s bleeding out right now. I’m a trauma surgeon, I can help.”
“Sir, this is more than just a medical emergency. We can’t just put a civilian into a live and clearly dangerous situation. It’s against CPD protocol.”
“Fuck your protocol, my girlfriend is in there!” Jay bellowed, no longer caring who knew about their relationship. He just need her to be okay. He’d transfer to another hospital if he had to. Or flip burgers at a fucking McDonalds. He’d do anything, he just couldn’t lose her. “I’m not a civilian, I was in the military. I’ve been trained for these types of situations—and for worse ones. Now let me through!”
Maybe it was the desperation in Jay’s voice, or maybe it was just because they didn’t have any other options, but the police managed to negotiate with the shooter. He was just a scared kid, no more than fifteen years old, desperate to get treatment for his sick mother. Knowing he didn’t want anyone to die, they convinced him to let a doctor—Jay—come in.
“You sure about this?” The sergeant asked as he fastened a bulletproof vest over Jay’s scrubs.
Jay nodded resolutely as they held the door for him. He had never been more sure about anything in his life.
He entered the ED slowly, his hands held up in front of him, showing the shooter that he was not a threat. His eyes quickly scanned the room, taking in every detail of his surroundings. Most of the exam room doors were shut with the curtains closed, as was standard practice in a volatile situation. But he saw a few patients and staff members sitting in the waiting area, visibly trembling in fear.
But there was no sign of Erin or Monique anywhere.
“Where…?” Jay asked the shooter.
The boy didn’t speak; he just waved his gun at the desk.
When Jay finally saw Erin, he wanted take her in his arms and never let her go. But she was otherwise occupied, her hands busy pressing against Monique’s abdomen, applying pressure to stop her colleague from bleeding out. Falling to his knees beside them, Jay lifted Erin’s hand from the wound, squeezing it in his own as he assessed the injury.
She definitely needed surgery. And soon.
Knowing that time was of the essence, Jay quickly explained to Erin what they needed to do to stabilize Monique. When his girlfriend nodded in understanding and began following his instructions, he turned his attention to the shooter, his hands once again held in the air as he spoke. “Hey buddy, my name’s Jay.”
“Shut up!” The kid yelled across the ED, waving the gun around.
Jay wasn’t phased by the weapon in front of him, he just continued, figuring that as long as the kid was talking, he wouldn’t be shooting anyone else. “Listen, I know you’re worried about your mom, but this isn’t the way.”
“She’s going to die!” He cried, tears flowing down his cheeks. “They couldn’t help her! It’s not fair!”
“I know. I lost my mom when I was about your age, and it sucks. But buddy, trust me when I say she wouldn’t want this for you. I know you’re scared, but I really need you to put down your gun and let me to get this woman into surgery.”
“No, no one goes anywhere!”
“If we don’t operate soon, she’s going to die. Killing this woman doesn’t help you or your mom. It doesn’t make things any better.” Jay could see the boy’s resolve breaking. “Please.”
Jay watched as they wheeled Monique to the OR.
He had managed to convince the kid to drop his weapon, and the police breached the ED seconds later, cuffing the kid as hospital staff checked on the other patients. Fortunately, no one else had been hurt.
Jay knew he needed to get down to the OR too, but before he followed Monique’s gurney, he turned to Erin, pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly as he captured her lips with his own. It was the kind of kiss that said more than any words ever could—how much he loved her, how scared he was of losing her, how relieved he felt that she was unharmed.
And in that moment, even Erin didn’t care who saw.
“So you’re the girlfriend,” Monique stated, smiling sheepishly as Erin entered her hospital room the next morning. She had only been awake from surgery for a couple of hours, and news of Erin and Jay’s relationship had already spread around the hospital.
Erin nodded her head as she settled into the chair beside Monique’s bed, taking the younger nurse’s hand in her own. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before.”
“Well I’m sorry I hit on your boyfriend,” Monique joked, wincing as pain shot through her side. “You’re a lucky woman.”
Erin nodded again, smiling as she glanced out the room and into the hallway where Jay was hard at work reviewing a chart with an intern. “I really am.”
As nice as it was to finally stop worrying about hiding their relationship, they did find themselves missing the added layer of privacy. It had been nice to have one thing that was just theirs.
So when Jay got down on one knee and asked Erin to be his girl forever, it was in the comfort of their own home, dressed in sweatpants on a quiet Sunday evening.
And when they got married a few months later, it was a quiet ceremony at city hall, with just their families present. Rings would get in the way at work anyway, so they wore them on chains around their necks, keeping their love for each other close to their hearts, safely hidden away under their scrubs.
Their little secret.
85 notes · View notes
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@sarahreeese​ here’s your reesker prompt! merry christmas! 
She’s sitting on Sarah’s lounge chair. Her feet up casually on the end. Her long milky-colored legs are hypnotizing. She’s a painting, she’s a masterpiece. But who hung it? How the hell did she get in Sarah’s apartment? 
“The fruit really is better here,” Ava takes a deep bite into her peach.
Sarah’s peach.
“Dr. Bekker?...uh, what, how-what are you doing in my house?”
She went back to the peach, it was true, they really were better down here. The sweetness clean after each bite.
“I heard the weather was similar here as in Pretoria.”
Sarah casually threw her bag in her armchair, still not taking her eyes off the painting in front of her. She knew very little about Ava. A talented surgeon who often butted heads with Connor. Sarah could relate. His ego and sway in the hospital was one of many reasons Sarah had to go. Her fathers were the first. 
“That doesn’t answer why or how you got in here.”
Sarah’s moving to the kitchen. Ava rolls her eyes and goes back to her peach.
“I admire the move Dr. Reese, what an adventure! Oh, and the hair.”
Sarah puts a few curls behind her ears, the ones that always fall in front of her eyes. Her long curly bob makes sense for the hot Texas weather but the observation makes her blush. As does the perplexity of this uninvited visit. Ava’s so high on her ego she isn’t paying attention to Sarah, who’s in her kitchen plugging up her dead phone. She’s going to call the police. This behavior is a deviation of the norm. A social violation. She begins to make some iced tea. Ava is still enjoying her peach. Sarah walks to the living room and sits. Her long legs crossing under her flowing skirt. Her presence is enough for Ava to actually pay attention. Sarah isn’t the unsure resident anymore, the woman sitting across from Dr. Bekker feels formidable and her curiosity isn’t satiated by a so called “adventure” explanation. The rube she was hoping for doesn’t live in Texas. Ava rolls her eyes again.
“Fine, I had a bit of a falling out with Connor, I don’t think Gaffney is where I belong.”
Still not pleased. Fuck.
“Everyone is so loyal there, turns out Connor has a few more allies than I do...I know you left too, men can be so disappointing amirite?”
Ava giggles nervously at the end. Sarah’s gaze is unnerving, one she never gave much attention to. Obsession will do that, all Ava ever saw was Connor, Sarah was one of the only memories of anyone she could recall, someone who didn’t seem like a such a goody-goody...and then there was the subject of her parentage.
“Why are you here?”
“Haven’t you ever wanted to get away from a place where your name is sullied?”
Now Sarah is rolling her eyes. She goes to the kitchen and slices a few lemons. The tea has steep long enough. She fills two glasses full of ice, freshly brewed tea, and garnishes it with lemon. Her phone is at five percent, she’s left her good charger at work.
“Ava, why are you here? In my apartment? How’d you get in here?”
Ava looks down at the nut from her peach.
“And don’t tell me it’s because ‘the froot is so much betta heyre.’”
Her mouth is agape at Sarah’s impression of her, but then she smiles and so does Sarah.
“You didn’t talk past me like Connor was the only one capable of surgery, everyone else did...I didn’t make very many friends when I was in Chicago.”
Sarah’s raises an eyebrow. Bitch.
“Fine, I didn’t make any friends other than Connor.”
“How did you get in here?”
“The building manager, I told him you were my girlfriend and if he just let me in I’d tape us and let him watch.”
Now they both are laughing. He’s fired. Between his butt-crack showing, his bad breath tainted with chew, and his constant unwanted advances, Sarah has had it. She’s pretty sure he messes with the hot water heater so she’ll have to deal with him.
“I admire what you did, I mean that, you left and didn’t look back and I want that too.”
Sarah knows it isn’t the entire truth but it’s enough, the details aren’t her business. Sarah’s phone is still too low to turn on and she’s getting hungry. She pulls a pot out to begin boiling water, her eyes periodically on Ava who is doing something strange. She hasn’t looked at her phone once. She wasn’t reading anything on it and she hasn’t checked to see if she’s missing any calls or texts. Sarah knows it’s the part of the details she hasn’t gotten. 
“Who are you avoiding?” Sarah asks as she sets a plate of pasta in front of Ava.
“People are so boring, is there really any other way to deal with them other than to avoid them?”
Fair enough. Sarah’s phone is at twenty-five percent. She could make the call but she keeps catching herself staring at Ava’s long neck, the way she licks her lips after slurping up her noodles, the lure of her hazel eyes which seem to have the same curious gaze as Sarah’s upon her.
“She did make that girl-on-girl joke.”
Sarah allows Ava to tag along on her plans. She was planning a walk along the lake and then grabbing a bottle of wine before tucking in a movie. Ava has other ideas. She tells Sarah to leave the bottle in the car and soon they are at Pegasus. Does Ava know? Sarah’s been visiting a few of these places lately. 
“I’ve decided I’m done with men, you with me?”
Ava’s invitation is more than enticing, it’s how Sarah’s been living her life here in Waco. They walk up and hand their I.D. to the doorman and Sarah gets an eyeful of Ava’s and realizes for the first time what seems different about her. Ava’s hair is brown but her I.D. is blond. Immediately the bartendar who looks too gay to function recognizes Sarah. He starts with her favorite mix drink and gives her a look at the woman to her side. Sarah blushes a little as Ava orders two shots and a glass of whiskey.
“Oh, no I’m good.”
Sarah is frowning at the drink,she isn’t a shot girl.
“Come now, don’t make me drink these alone.”
The shots go down easy and energize Sarah to the dance floor. She’s a better dancer than Ava would think. She can find a beat, and Ava can’t help but pull her towards her. Their thighs meet as they gyrate. Her stare is more intense than a minute ago. What does she want from her?
“I have to work in the morning!”
Sarah yells over the music so they grab a Lyft home leaving Sarah’s Prius at the bar.
When they open the door Ava is pulling Sarah in to kiss her. Her lips are so soft. Ava seems prickly but her skin, her lips, they’re soft. Sarah pulls away.
“You can take the couch if you need somewhere to crash.”
She’s not going to let Ava sleep her way to a bed. Besides, no matter how nice the day has been Sarah can’t shake those hidden details of Ava’s impromptu visit.
“Do you really want to end the night this way?”
Ava leans in for another kiss and Sarah kisses her back. But it is. She has trust issues.
“I can’t.”
Ava huffs as Sarah opens her linen closet and pulls out a couple of blankets. She tosses them Ava’s way. They lay awake on opposite walls. Sarah wondering how the energy of her little apartment has been thrown off by the stranger in the other room. Ava is wondering how long she can keep her secret.
Sarah is making coffee, her movements wake Ava who follows suit and is in the shower. There’s a loud shriek coming from the bathroom.
“Ah, it’s cold!”
“Oh, yeah give me a second!”
Sarah sets off down the hall to the building manager’s office. The knob twists but the door won’t open. Sarah pushes at it using minimal strength to no avail so she has to bust at it using her shoulder. 
“Damn! Tony, where are you, what’s going on with the door?” she started as she walks towards his office, “The wa-.”
She’s stopped in her tracks. Tony is sitting in his chair but he’s not moving, he’s so stiff. His eyes are still open, they are somewhat opaque. He’s not there. Her hand quickly goes to her mouth, poor Tony.
Sarah’s heads back to her apartment, she’s somewhat dazed. She’s seen dead bodies before but on her terf, her time. Not like this. She grabs her cell phone.
Ava is out of the shower, obviously cut short because of the temperature. Sarah’s already dialed 911.
“I don’t know why I didn’t use the office phone,” she says to Ava, “-Yes, I’m here, there’s a man downstairs, my building super... he’s dead…-yeah, no-my name is Dr. Sarah Reese, trust me he’s dead.”
Sarah hangs up the phone and turns to talk to Ava, who is packing her things, quickly.
“-What are you doing?” Sarah asks, “You might need to stay to give them a timeline, he looks like he’s been dead a while.”
Ava isn’t listening she’s piling her things in.
“You have a medical background, between you and the coroner I don’t see how I’m going to be helpful.”
“You spoke with him earlier you may have been the last-.”
Sarah stops. Deviation from societal norms. Ava is zipping up her bag.
“Why did you dye your hair?”
Ava is putting on her shoes, she’s in flight mode. Sarah can hear the dispatch on the other line.
“I’m still here, send a patrol too.”
That stops Ava. She stands up.
“Just give me 20 minutes to get ahead.”
She plows past Sarah and is running down the hallway. Sarah is still too shell-shocked; confused. Ava doesn’t need twenty minutes, the police and EMT’s arrive in thirty. It’s not like it’s an emergency. 
“Just to confirm she’s about 5-7 or 5’8, 120lbs hazel eyes and blonde hair?”
“Yes, blonde.”
Why did she lie? She doesn’t know the cause of death for Tony and this is just stupid. But she holds to the statement, goes to work and goes back to her life. 
She takes her normal Thursday night stroll on the lake. She lets a few ashes go at a time. They are the ashes of the newspapers of her father’s case, the missing posters, and blurbs of his victims. She lets those pieces go here. 
“What do you drop in there?”
The unmistakable accent, her voice. Sarah’s heart is racing. What is she doing here? 
“What are you doing here Ava?”
Sarah is trying to hide her fear. She knows now what Ava’s done. To Cornelius and probably Tony too.
“I told you I like it here.”
She takes a step toward Sarah and Sarah takes a step backward.
“Dr. Reese, you’re not afraid of me are you?”
Sarah takes a step forward. She’s doing her best to hide her fear.
“No, you don’t scare me Ava.”
Ava takes a step closer, her face inches from Sarah as she smiles. She lets Ava kiss her, she wants to kiss her. She wants to remember her lips. Their night dancing and drinking. 
“Come with me,” Ava breathes.
“I can’t, you’re a fugitive Ava.”
Ava steps back, her brown hair makes her eye color sing, it’s a tune Sarah would gladly hum if she hadn’t already sang like a bird to the police.
“What is it about you?” Ava wonders as she studies Sarah’s face.
“I’m still finding that out,” Sarah answers.
Ava steps back again and is quickly gone. 
A postcard once every few months from Oklahoma, California, Alaska, London. Always the same message.
“Come with me.”
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lilacsos · 5 years
Doctor!AU: Awsten pt. 1
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A/N: So fun fact, this is the third time I have tried to post it and I’m going crazy. Anyway, I’m very excited about this series and I’m looking forward to Awsten’s story and not just because I have his planned out the most. I hope you all enjoy this series as much as I do!
*Warnings*: Language, mentions of surgery on a child
Word Count:
Masterlist  Character Info  Taglist
Day 7: Surgical Interns
   No one likes a cocky intern and Awsten was cocky. He made himself sound amazing and constantly threw himself into a conversation. He fought hard to be the best surgical intern his resident had and the truth was, he did a great job at it. He worked extra hours and he made sure everyone knew about it. If his shift started at five in the morning, he was at the hospital no later than 4:30. He refused to be late and he refused to be given the boring cases. If he wanted to prove he was the best, he needed his talents to be used in the best way they could.
The residents and attendings all took notice of this. Awsten’s hard work was not in vain. While this was only his seventh day of work, his reputation easily floated around the hospital. He quickly became known as the intern that put himself on a pedestal above the rest and he deserved to be. The chief of the surgery department has even mentioned him in passing before and called him the best intern since Leah. Which said a lot about Awsten and his talent. He was really amazing and he knew it.
No one likes a cocky intern but everyone hates an intern that’s cocky and has the talent to back it up.
Awsten waltzed his way into the locker room, changing into his scrubs when he reached his locker. He was excited; today was another day he had the chance to prove that he was the best. It was also another day to make Sage Peterson eat her words. Bitch knew nothing about him. Awsten was amazing and he was going to be the best surgeon in the country and it’s her fault for not believing him. When he reaches the top and she’s begging him to be his friend and work with him, she’s going to wish she believed him in the first place.
Dr. Stevens, Awsten’s resident, pushed the locker room door open and glared at his interns. “Alright, here’s what’s happening today. Williams and Davis, go down to the ER and help them out. Knight and Peterson, you’ll be doing rounds with me. And French, congrats, Dr. Hood requested that you scrub in on a surgery with him today.”
The group all went their separate ways while Awsten ran to catch up with Stevens. “Sir! I just want to know why French gets to work with Dr. Hood today and I have to do rounds.”
“Knight, they did rounds yesterday. You’re delusional if you think that you don’t have to do rounds at some point. Besides,” Stevens spoke, a smirk gracing his features as he continued, “Hood requested to have anyone that wasn’t, and I quote, ‘that cocky intern that Leah isn’t fond of.’ So Knight, you think you’re hot shit but the best surgical attending hates your guts.”
Awsten stood in shock, staring at his resident. Did Dr. Rosario really hate him? How could she? She’s only spoken to Awsten a handful of times so why did she already have an opinion on him? Well, Awsten might have known the reason why. If his reputation really did travel around the hospital, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to believe that she heard how cocky he was. So, his next step on his quest to becoming the best, is making Dr. Rosario like him. Peterson slowed her stride to walk next to Awsten as they followed Stevens to a patient's room. “He called you out. Even the best surgeons have to talk to patients. You seem to think you’re the best.”
“Because I am. Everyone says that I’m the best.”
“Except for Rosario. She finds you annoying.” Sage whispered with a wicked smile as she passed him on her way to catch up with Stevens.
   At lunch, Awsten took a seat next to Vanessa and Michael, throwing his tray down next to theirs. “Rosario apparently hates me and she’s hardly spoken to me. Do you know how crazy that it? This is so stupid. Just because I’m good at what I do doesn’t mean anything about me as a person. She hasn’t even met me really. I’m amazing and I am a great surgeon! My very first day I did amazing work and I took a doll head out of a kid. They don’t allow any intern to do that and I did it. I showed my worth to everyone in the room and they were beyond impressed with me. I’m amazing.”
Vanessa sighed and took the pudding cup off of Awsten’s tray. “Listen buddy, you’re cocky. We all know this and the fact is, nobody likes cocky people. And from what I’ve been told, Rosario hates them, because it’s just a matter of time before they mess up and need to get their ass kicked. At least that’s what Ashton told me.”
“Ashton? You call your boss by his first name?”
Vanessa blushed darkly and gathered her things. “He told me to. And you know what Awsten, if you’re so worried about Rosario liking you, stop being so cocky and be an intern. You know, someone who’s there to learn because they don’t know everything. You’re one of us so act like it.” She huffed before storming off.
Michael, who had been trying to keep quiet now looked at Awsten with a frown. “She’s right you know. Interns don’t know everything and they do this program to learn from the best. You can’t learn if you already think you’re so great. Why are you so cocky anyway?”
“Because I’m the best. I’m going to be the greatest surgeon ever. That’s why I’m cocky.”
Michael could tell that he was lying but if Awsten didn’t want to tell him the truth then what was he going to do? He hoped that one day Awsten would trust himself and the others to share why he really acts like that but at this rate, Michael didn’t know if that would happen. He had an idea about what was going on in Awsten’s head and he was pretty sure he was right but he can’t tell unless Awsten wants to share. Michael stood and grabbed his trash. “Look Awsten, this cockiness is gonna come back to bite you in the ass. Someone is gonna get pissed and they’re going to do something about it. Look out for yourself.”
Awsten sighed and stared down at his food. What was Michael even talking about? No one would seriously sabotage him or anything. Right?
   “Knight, tell me about your patient.” Stevens huffed, arms crossed over his chest.
“This is Mrs. Jenny Phillips. She’s 37 and she’s here because she needs a new heart. We’re waiting on a donation for her so we can replace her ticker and get her back to having a normal life.” Awsten stated with a large smile, feeling like he had done everything right.
“Good. What’s her blood type?”
Awsten’s smile faltered as he looked at his patient. He didn’t remember. How could he possibly forget his patient’s blood type? Frantically, he grabbed her files but when he flipped it open, the pages were gone. “Sir, her chart is missing.”
“You lost a patient's chart? Knight, how stupid are you? This is not something you can lose and hope you’ll survive without it. That chart has everything about the patient and without it she could die! What happens if you give her a pain killer and she’s allergic to it? What if she has a history that completely changes how we proceed with her surgery? Get out. You’re done for the day.”
Awsten huffed and stormed out of the room but not before he caught a shit-eating grin on Sage’s face. Fucking bitch hid his papers. Awsten paced around the hallway, wondering if he should even bother to tell Stevens what happened. He had no proof and since he didn’t like Awsten, the chances of him believing him were very slim. This was insane. Michael had said that someone wasn’t going to like what he did and the guy was right. Peterson had it out for him since their first day but he never thought she would go this far. He was going to have to get back at her for it somehow but he couldn’t do the same thing to her. Awsten was already walking on thin ice with Stevens and one wrong move could end his whole career. He had to be sneaky. Or, he could get back to being the best and showing off so everyone likes him again and they all hate her. That sounded like a very good plan in his mind.
“Knight?” Awsten looked around him and saw Dr. Rosario at the other end of the hall. Holy shit, was she talking to him? He didn’t see anyone else in the hall so she could only be talking to him. He was also the only Knight in the hospital but that wasn’t the point. “Good, that is you. You, your resident, and I are talking to the chief. Follow me.”
Awsten stared at her for a few seconds before he ran after her, meeting up with Stevens on the way. The three of them sat in the chief’s office, listening to her speak. “This needs to stop. Dr. Knight, you need to step off your pedestal. You may be a good intern but that does not mean you get to walk around this hospital telling patients that you’re the best doctor they’ll have and no one else will compare.”
Awsten quickly shook his head and looked at Stevens briefly. “With all respect Dr. Keller, I have never said that to a patient.”
“Then why did Dr. Stevens tell me that his other interns have heard you say this?”
“They’re lying then. Peterson, she stole my chart this morning so I couldn’t tell Dr. Stevens everything about my patient.” Awsten cleared his throat and looked down at his lap. “Ma’am, I know I’m cocky but I’m not stupid and I would never put another doctor down like that.”
“Even if you didn’t, Dr. Stevens has said that your ego is so large it’s hard to work with. You cannot be a successful doctor if you never get to work with others because you have a big head.” At this, Leah snorted but quickly silenced herself with one look from the chief. “So here’s what is going to happen. Stevens, tell Dr. Greene that you need one of her interns. Knight is no longer your intern.”
Stevens smiled brightly and nodded his head, leaning back into his seat. “Then why am I here?” Leah asked, suddenly terrified that she was going to have to babysit Awsten.
“Knight isn’t kicked out of the program because of his ego. He just needs someone to deflate his big head. That’s where you come in Leah. Awsten will be shadowing you for the rest of his internship or until his attitude improves.” Before anyone could protest, Dr. Keller stood and walked over to her office door, opening it and gesturing for everyone to leave. Reluctantly, they all stood and stepped out of the room.
“He has to follow me wherever I go?” Leah asked before the office door closed.
“Everywhere. When you work, he works. No exceptions. You want to be chief one day Leah, prove to me you can work under,” she paused, looking at Awsten who was standing across the hall, “difficult circumstances. You can do this.”
Stevens laughed as he walked away from the two, leaving them in silence. Awsten was almost certain that they would be in silence in the hallway forever until Leah spoke. “Alright, you don’t talk to me unless you have to. Keep your distance. I know you have to follow me but that doesn’t mean you need to be in my personal space. When I’m in surgery, you do exactly as I tell you. I don’t care if you think you know best. I am in charge of you.” Leah grumbled, seething with hatred. She began to stomp out of the hall, causing Awsten to run after her. “And one last thing, if I’m with my friends you keep your mouth shut and don’t talk to them. Got it, Intern?”
“My name is Awsten.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes as he continued to follow her.
“I’ll kill you. I’ll stab you in the middle of surgery and no one will know. Shut up and let’s go.”
On his very first day, Awsten said he wanted to work with Leah. He knew she was an amazing surgeon and all he wanted was to gain a little of her wisdom so that he could one day be as incredible as her or at least a little close to her level. He wanted to be great and learning from Leah would do just that but he didn’t think that she would be this rude to him. She really thought that he was going to be a total piece of shit. Well, he was going to have to make sure that she saw a different side to him. He was going to be a perfect surgeon and he was going to be a great person. At least, he was going to try. “My name is Awsten. Call me Awsten or Dr. Knight. I went to medical school and I was the best and the top of my class; I am a doctor. It would be nice to be treated like one.”
Leah sighed and rubbed her face, turning to look at Awsten. “Don’t talk to me like that. You are my intern now and I will call you Intern if I want to. And then if you somehow manage to earn my respect, then I’ll give it to you. Now, shut up and follow me.”
Awsten couldn’t stop the small smirk that crossed his face as he watched Leah walk away. He was going to get her respect and she was going to like him. And she’s pretty hot when she’s mad too.
@emilyxvalentyne @valentinelrh @loti18  @lustingfor5sos @mycollectionofnuts @ohhmuke @softboycal @norawashere @who-do-you-love-5sos @aftermidnightclifford @buggy-blogs @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt
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bowics · 6 years
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( cis female ) haven’t seen ELEANOR “ELLIE” CLARKE around in a while. the LAURA HARRIER lookalike has been known to be (+) VEHEMENT & (+) INCISIVE, but SHE can also be (-) MATERIALISTIC & (-) INDULGENT. The 23 year old is a SENIOR majoring in LAW. I believe they’re living in POTENTAS but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. 
it is i, again, dumb bitch ingrid. back with my second intro as promised. took a little longer than expected but we out here fam,,, come plot w ellie too...
yall thought i wouldnt make a pinterest board for her too?????
full name: eleanor clarke nickname: ellie, el age: 23 birth date: august 15th, 1995 birth place: rochester, new york sexual orientation: bisexual spoken languages: english
eleanor was born into a wealthy, religious family in rochester. a family that worked to get to where they are. her mom, a renowned surgeon and her dad a flight engineer. they were barely around, both had demanding jobs and eleanor often found herself at the hands of numerous nannies throughout the years. 
she’s an only child, she got a little spoiled by her parents but it came from guilt more than anything else. 
she went to an all girls private school, a catholic one where she was taught a lot of things she didn’t particularly agree on, she never learned how to keep quiet which made her seem troubling and “disrespectful” according to her teachers. 
ellie never heard the end of it, especially from her dad. she always got told the same discourse about how he’d worked his ass off to send her to the best school and whatnot. she knew it by heart, and could probably still recite it to this day. 
she excelled in high school, mostly because that was the only way to keep her parents happy. eleanor had already decided on a career path, she wanted to be a model. her parents didn’t say anything at first when she brought it up, instead they let her dream about it and participate in local photoshoots and whatever opportunity she found on her own. 
however by her senior year, her dreams were crushed when her parents made her apply to universities and choose an “acceptable” major. she only applies to lockwood’s pre law because of a friend. 
she’s good at it though, and quickly found a liking for it. she still likes to pretend she’s some sort of instagram model though which really boosts her already too big ego. 
extra deets !
she’s kind of a closeted bi ?? like, she’s not sure what her parents would do if they found out she’s bi so she likes to keep it very lowkey... but not entirely... just u know ... it’s probably not a super known fact
tatiana was her childhood friend, definitely the friend who convinced her to apply to lockwood too
she spends too much money on stupid shit ,,, someone make her stop
she kinda likes arguing ?? like ... she LOVES being right and just going off on people ... mayb why shes a good lawyer ,,
shes super organized. like everything has to be all neat. 
probably was late to all her morning classes bc she was doing her makeup nkjfne 
wc’s !!
childhood friends !!
people she knows from church mayb (( she doesnt go to church anymore but she did growing up ))
ppl she has beef with... probably hella petty and dumb beef
hookups, fwbs, all that good shit ,,, u know what i mean 
exes ?? ma ..y b?? 
i think a crush would be :// cute and angsty :// like if ellie has a crush on this girl but shes too scared to pursue her romantically bc she doesnt want to fully come out ya know ://
friends !! all types of friends pls !! 
neighbors ?? idk ?? 
literally anything please ,, , :/
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Richie Tozier ~ Detention
Request/Prompt:  "Ok so, for the prompt list u posted, can u somehow combine "i'm gonna marry her one day" (this wasn't on the list but it's so cute to me for some reason???) "don't be an ass" and "you're such a bitch" with 16/17 year old Richie? Like just overall super fluffy ?? Idk I'm just in the mood for sum fluffy richie... Love your writing by the way! ❤❤❤" from @evelxn-cruz on tumblr. 
Ship: Richie Tozier x fem!reader 
Summary: Richie gets the reader into detention, so she gets revenge by putting him into detention. 
Type:  fluff.... But not super fluffy, I'm super sorry to the person who requested!
Warning: Only warning would be swearing, I think. 
Word count: 2971 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! 
This isn't great, and it's quite different to what I usually do, and it's not very fluffy I don't think sorry!!! Let me know if you want another, more fluffy, one! Seriously just tell me to get my shit together lol. 
Also, I know the teachers I'm using are from the elementary school in Derry, but let's pretend they're high school teachers as well lol. And idk the janitors name (I couldn't find it on the wiki) so I called him Jimmy and I didn't know of the shopkeepers name so I called him Mr. Davidson (no reason, just two random names I picked). 
Not my gif, gif credit goes to @imultifandomstuff
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Richie fucking trashmouth tozier. That son of a bitch. How dare he think he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I swear to god that god damned boy was going to be the death of me. 
I stormed out of detention, earning a warning glare from Mrs. Casey, who had been marking papers for the last three hours that I had spent in the stuffy classroom. 
I strode out of the school, passing only the janitor, Jimmy. I smiled and nodded to him. 
We were on a first name basis because of the amount of time I spent in detention, which usually involved helping Jimmy. I did have a reputation of getting into trouble for the things I did. I had become infamous throughout the school, most known for the buckets and buckets of off milk I had tipped throughout the principal and staffs offices. It was worth the weekend I spent cleaning with Jimmy, who kept giggling as he watched me scrub with a surgeons mask over my nose and mouth. 
This time however, was not something of my doing. I had just spent three hours writing out the dictionary because Richard Tozier had taken it upon himself to proclaim his "undying love" to me. 
He did this by blowing up thousands of balloons and spreading them all around the school, each with a compliment, gushing about me, using my full name. 
This wasn't all he did though, oh no. 
He had also spray painted the words "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N is the most beautiful person I have ever seen." In big, bright letters across the lockers. 
The school staff thought very lowly of the loving declarations, and because Richie had somehow managed to evade all suspicion (God knows how, we had been dating for nearly a year), the blame fell on me. 
 Not surprisingly, as I was known to have an ego 'as big as her tits' as Richie had once described. 
The very few who did believe me when I said it wasn't me who had done this, told me that if I suffered the consequences, the person who obviously loves me so much would also be suffering to know they put me in detention. 
 I know for a fact Richie has no remorse and is definitely not suffering. He's probably even planning his next big plan. 
 As I pushed open the squeaky doors to the great outdoors, I took a big deep breath in of the sweet, sweet air of freedom. 
I jogged down the steps, my doc martens hitting the steps rhythmically. I shrugged and pulled the collar of my leather jacket out, so that it rested more comfortably. 
 I heard a wolf whistle, and I snapped my head towards the loud, sharp sound, to see the guilty culprit leaning against the brick wall with a cigarette in his hand. Stan the man sat on the wall beside him, shrugging an apology to me. 
I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head. I walked slowly over to him, crossing my arms.
"You, Richie, are a dickhead." I said, laughing slightly.
I stole his cigarette from between his fingers and took a drag. Stan laughed and jumped down from the wall. 
"Well," he said, slapping Richie on the back, "good luck, buddy" he chuckled, "see you later, Y/N/N" he strode off with hands in his pockets.
"DON’T THINK THAT I DON’T KNOW THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HELPED HIM PULL THIS OFF, STANLEY, YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN." I called after him, laughing as he turned and blew me a kiss jokingly. 
I turned back to Richie as he tried to grab his cigarette back from me. Pulling it away from him and out of his reach teasingly, I looked at him with raised eyebrows. 
 "So,uh, Richie. I have to be honest with you..." I paused, biting my lip and he looked at me with alarm, suddenly nervous, "today... someone" I took a deep breath before continuing, "someone declared their love to me. And wow. Seems like you've got big competition. If you're not careful, this mysterious anonymous admirer will steal me away from you ." I shrugged, taking a drag. 
His mouth dropped open and gave me a gentle shove. 
"You're such a bitch! I was seriously worried about what you were going to say!" He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me, connecting our lips slowly.
"You have to admit though, it was fucking impressive, right? I bet all the teachers and students are jealous now. I could have anyone I wanted..." he frowned, pretending to think about who he would choose. 
I laughed and shoved him. 
"Oh, don't be an ass, rich. They're all obviously wanting me, not you" I smirked and winked. 
 We both laughed, starting off down the street. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him stealing glances at me. I slid my fingers through his and swung our entwined hands between us. 
 As we walked, Richie told me in great detail of how he managed to pull his master plan off. 
 I giggled as he gestured wildly with one hand and cockily told me the extreme lengths he went to, to pull off his "prank of the century", as he called it. 
We reached my house in what seemed like no time at all. Being with Richie did that; made time go faster. He seemed to soak up all of my time and attention whenever I was with him, and I would never even realise until later on. Not that I was mad when I did realise, how could I be when it was Richie? That jackass always did something or other that should piss me off but instead just makes me grin and shake my head. 
 We stopped at my front door and turned to each other. He grabbed both of my hands and smiled. 
"I really do love you, Y/N/N." He grins and winks before continuing, "and I mean that fucking body, hot damn!" He wolf whistles and smirks, kissing my cheek. 
I pull away, teasingly as I laugh at him.
 "And here I was thinking we were having a moment... Maybe we could have another.." I whispered, leaning in so our lips were mere millimeters away from each other, before turning my head to whisper in his ear, "but I don't think you deserve one" I pulled back, a smirk on my face as I opened the door and stepped inside. 
I slowly turned back, almost as if he was an afterthought. 
"Oh, and Richie? Karma's a bitch, and she's on her way... But I may get to you before she does, so watch your back, Tozier." I smiled sweetly, and closed the door on Richie's gobsmacked face, with admiration in his eyes.
That night, all through cooking and eating dinner, my mind was swamped with ideas on how to get my revenge. As I helped my dad do the cleaning up, a plan formulated in my mind and I was gonna have fun with it. 
I turned in for an 'early night', much to my parents delight and snuck out my bedroom window with my pocket money in the deep pockets of my warmest jacket. 
I speed walked to the corner store close to our family home, wanting to get started. 
The bell trilled and I sighed, glad to be in the warmth. I grabbed a basket and searched the isles for my weapons. 
 I guess I looked a tad weird going up to the counter with over 100 golf balls, over 200 plastic cups, and about 50 bottles of dish soap. And of course a can of spray paint. 
 Mr. Davidson looked at me with raised eyebrows. He knew the family, and my notorious pranking history, so as he rung everything up, I smiled sweetly.
"So, Mr. Davidson, how's the family? Good? Now, listen, I need you to do me a huge favour. It's easy though. All you need to do is to not say anything about seeing me tonight or that I brought any of this stuff? Okay? Think you can do that for me?" I grinned, trying to look convincing. 
 He looked apprehensive about it, so I slid him an extra $5 that I had been saving for an emergency. He simply nodded and told me my large total.
 I grumbled but dug out the cash and passed it to him in coins. 
I picked up my bags awkwardly and nodded goodbye to him.
"See ya later Mr. Davidson!" I called behind me. 
"It was nice not seeing you, Miss Y/L/N" he called out, a smile clear in his voice. 
I grinned and waved behind me, the bell once again ringing as I left.
I reached the school what seemed like hours later. I grinned and used the key I had 'borrowed' from good ole' Jimmy to get in through a side door. He had passed a comment to me about losing it, but I knew that he knew I had it. I think the old fellow has a soft spot for me and my pranks. 
 Once inside I tied my hair up and got to work. I started by filling plastic cups with dish soup and put them in awkward places; on top of lockers, on tops of doors, random places on the floor that were destined to be stepped on and spilt. I struggled to carefully pick my way through the full cups without tipping them when it was just me. Imagine what the hundreds of people during the day would do. 
 Next, I dipped the golf balls in the soap and spread them out. Some in lockers I knew the codes for, some in random plastic cups, some just on the floor. 
 Soon, the somewhat narrow main hall of the school was a mine field, ready for someone to detonate my strategically placed bombs and slip over. 
 To top it off, I started to pour the remainder dish-washing soap over the clear ground before abruptly stopping. 
"Crap." I whispered, despite no one else being around. 
 I dropped the bottle I was holding and picked up my red spray paint can, shaking it. 
“Definitely should've done this first." I scolded myself. 
Carefully and painfully slowly, I made my way through the minefield of my own creation, trying to not trigger any bombs too early. 
Miraculously, I managed to get to the lockers that faced the main entrance at the T-intersection at the end of the hall without spilling any slippery soap. 
I shook the can once more, before painting the lockers in big, bold, easy-to-read words. 
I stepped back slightly, narrowly missing a golf ball and looked over my artwork. I frowned in thought, then crouched down to add a few extra words. I stood up and smiled. 
Happy with myself, I made my way back to my abandoned bottles. I finished off my job by spreading the last of the soap in the bottles all over the squeaky clean floor, so it was a slippery, sticky mess (much like the situations I frequently managed to get myself into). 
I laughed evilly to myself, clapping my hands in achievement as I looked over my beautiful creation one more time, the red letters standing out to me. 
Quickly, I picked up the waste products from my master plan and set off for home, not before locking up. 
I yawned as I hauled myself silently through the window of my bedroom. I chucked the empty bottles and can into my wardrobe, wincing at the slight noise they made as they landed. I kicked off my boots and fell into bed, not bothering to get changed. I was so tired, I had barely glanced at the clock, that read 2:19am, before falling into a deep sleep.
That same clock woke me up with a drilling urgency at 7am. Groaning into the pillow, I reached blindly for the murderer of my sleep. As I pulled myself up into an upright position, I managed to stop the blaring. I grinned sleepily, remembering the night and my own brilliance. The smell of waffles wafted through to my room and in a rush I got ready for school and ate lightening fast before heading on my way. 
 I reached school, with a grin on my face. I pushed open the entrance doors to be greeted with beautiful, beautiful chaos. Perfect. 
Everywhere, teachers and students alike were slipping, sliding, tripping and falling in the hallway of soap. It worked better than I ever could have imagined. I looked around, smirking at the detonating bombs causing people to fall with a comic-like 'splat!'. And those words on the lockers stood out more than ever, perfectly framed by people sliding to the floor in front of them. 
 And in smaller writing beneath it was: "I THINK STAN URIS PUSHED ME THOUGH." 
I moved out of the doorway and to the side so any newcomers could get the full experience. And as I reread the red words with a sense of proudness, the men of the hour walked through the doors. 
Both Richie and Stan's mouths fell open - with sheer amazement, I'm assuming - and they looked from the chaos, to the words, to each other and back again. They burst into laughter, the type of laughter that makes you hold your stomach because it starts to hurt. Once they were able to bring down the cackling to small giggles, they wiped the tears from their eyes and scanned the squealing and squawking crowd of people for me, and just as they spotted me and started to walk over to me, Mrs. Douglas spotted them. Somehow, she got through the minefield, only skidding a few times, using students as support, and reached the two alarmed boys. From my position I couldn't hear what was being said but she seemed angry. I wonder why. And the boys looked sheepish, unable to get a word in edgewise to tell her it wasn't actually them. Hello? Karma? Is that you? Oh good! Perfect timing. 
Mrs. Douglas dragged both Stan and Richie by their elbows towards the detention room. Except the minefield was between them and said room. 
 With Mrs. Douglas refusing to let go off the boys, they managed to all fall victim to my slip 'n' slide a grand total of 12 times. That's gotta be a record for the short distance they had to go. 
Just before they disappeared into the room, Richie turned back and locked eyes with me. We grinned at each other, across the war torn zone of the hallway, staring at the other as if we were right in front of each other. 
 "Well played." He mouthed at me from across the hall. 
I blew him a kiss and winked as he gave me the middle finger and got pulled into the room. 
Stan and Richie were sentenced to writing a minimum three page essay on what had happened, why they were in trouble, and any other information they could give on the prank in total silence. At least that's what they told me afterwards when they emerged from their prison to where I waited for them with a cigarette. What I didn't know was the specifics of what happened during detention. 
So, I didn't know that ten minutes in; Stan had one sentence and Richie had a blank piece of paper. 
I didn't know that Richie had turned to Stan, fiddling with his pencil, deep in thought. 
I didn't know that when Richie turned to Stan, he said, "i'm gonna marry her one day." 
I didn't know that he meant it wholeheartedly.
I didn't know that Mrs. Douglas had immediately shushed him. 
 And I didn't know that Stan had simply smirked and replied, "I know, Richie." 
A/N: I'm really sorry about this lol it's super bad. Please let me know ways to improve! I'm super sorry there's not many cute fluffy couple moments. I tried something different and I'm not sure if I like it or not! Let me know if you do or don't and why!
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justwritingscibbles · 7 years
Fate is a Bitch Sometimes
Didn’t quite turn out like I expected it to, but if I ponder over it more, I’ll never submit it. This is a story based on the Time Travel idea I sent in. Hope you enjoy!
You had gotten sloppy. You cursed yourself as you walked along the dark street in nothing but a 19th century nightgown and a coat, your toes feeling like ice on the wet pavement. Both the coat and the pajamas were already soaked through by the steadily falling rain.
It had been so long since your last jump that you had neglected the maintenance of your satchel that you always kept by your side as it held everything you owned. You were a time traveler, albeit an involuntary one. At random times, you would suddenly jump to another time. Sometimes centuries in the past, but never more than a few years in the future of your original present. After your fifth jump you had stopped trying to maintain friendships. It was just too heartbreaking to have to leave them at random times.
You pushed a hand through your wet hair, grumbling as water dripped from your forehead into your eyes. Your stomach growled but there was no food in your satchel. Stupid. Sloppy. To actually think you would be allowed to settle down in a time. You sneezed and pulled your coat tighter around yourself for what little good it would do, soaked as it was.
You stepped on a piece of broken glass and cursed, sitting down on what turned out to be a doorstep. You inspected your foot and carefully pulled the shard out, frowning at the bleeding wound. You wouldn’t be walking any more tonight. With a sigh, you slumped against the doorpost, relishing in the little protection from the rain the small roof over the door gave you. Eyes heavy with exhaustion, you soon fell asleep.
When you awoke, the first thing you registered was how dry you and your surroundings were. You were laying in a soft bed, a mountain of blankets on top of you and what felt like several hot water bottles around you. You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself in a room that definitely belonged in the 21st century. Over the years of jumping, you had gotten very good at recognizing rough time periods with just a glance. You sat up and ran a hand through your still slightly damp hair. At that moment, the door opened and a man wearing a white coat stepped in. He had bright blue eyes behind dark-rimmed glasses and a surgeons cap over his green hair.
“Ah (Y/N) I see zat you are awake! Wery gut. How do you feel?” The thick German accent made him hard to understand to your still sleep-muddled mind.
“Good, now that I’m dry?” You replied confused. How did this man know your name?
“Gut, gut.” The man mumbled. “Ze ozzers are anxious to see you again. It has been some time, (Y/N).”
“I… I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are.” You said. This man must have been mistaking you for someone else. And you knew from quite a few movies that it wouldn’t end well if you tried to play along.
The man faltered and pressed a gentle hand to your forehead, frowning. “Your temperature is fine. Do you feel any ozzer symptoms? Dizziness? Nausea? How many fingers?”
“No. No. Three.” You replied with a sigh. “Listen, I’m sure you’re mistaking me for a different (Y/N).”
The man stepped back and slowly sat in an armchair by the bed. He took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Heilige Maria Mutter Gottes.” He muttered. When he looked back up at you, his eyes were glistening. “You really don’t know who I am, (Y/N)? I guess… you told us zis day would come. Please excuse me.”
He abruptly stood from the chair and left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Henrik von Schneeplestein descended the stairs, heavily leaning on the railing as he processed what his best friend had just told him. She had no idea who he was or who any of the others were, for that matter. As he entered the living room, the others jumped to their feet, bombarding him with questions.
“How is she?” “Is she awake yet?” “Did she ask for me?”
Henrik just shook his head and slumped in his armchair.
“She warned us zat zis day would come.” He said, effectively silencing the other Septic Egos. “She does not know who we are.”
“WHAT?!” The single word out of that many mouths made Henrik flinch. Silence followed as everyone thought over what they just heard. Finally, Marvin spoke up.
“If she doesn’t know us, we’ll just introduce ourselves again, give her time to get to know us.”
Agreeing murmurs filled the room. Chase left for the kitchen, saying something about tea.
“Maybe you should go back up to her.” Jackieboy-Man offered, looking at Henrik. “Check her over, we have no idea how long she was out in the rain last night.”
Henrik nodded. He had not finished his check-up before leaving the room. He pushed all thoughts of hurt aside and got into Doctor Mode, standing up and straightening his coat and cap as he went back upstairs.
You were still sitting in bed, fumbling with the blanket, unwilling to leave the warmth yet as memories of the cold street still clung to you. The door opened again and the doctor came back.
“I believe I should introduce myself. I am Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein. But you may call me Henrik or Schneep. Most of the ozzers in zis house do ze latter.”
A small giggle escaped you at the slightly annoyed tone he took at the last sentence. You decided to simply call him Henrik, the name suited him very well. The snap of latex gloves pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Now, I wasn’t done wiz my check-up before I left.”
He checked your vitals with a gentle efficiency, making sure you were okay with him touching you every time he had to place his hands near any private areas. Once he was done, he took the gloves off and discarded of them.
“Your vitals are fine. The hypothermia you had when we found you is not an issue any more.” He said. “Just one zing: When you meet ze ozzers, do not be afraid. None of us will ever hurt you.”
With that he opened the door to the room, only to almost run into a man who looked almost identical to him. His hair was a more faded green and he wore jeans, a t-shirt and a snapback. He held a tray with two mugs in his hands.
“Be gentle wiz her.” Henrik muttered before pushing past him and leaving.
The other man entered and closed the door with his foot before placing the tray down on the table under the window.
“Hey, (Y/N). It’s good to see you. I’m Chase, Chase Brody.” He introduced himself with a friendly smile and took the (favorite color) mug from the tray, holding it out to you.
You took it and sipped at the tea inside, eyes widening at the fact that he had prepared it just the way you liked it.
“Yeah, weird story: We’ve known you for ages, even though you apparently don’t know us at all. But hey, you can always get to know us again, right?”
Chase’s bright smile was infectious and you couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Yes. That sounds nice.”
Months passed and you found yourself letting the Septic Egos into your heart. They always knew how to cheer you up when you were sad, knew how you liked all your food and drinks, knew your quirks and hobbies, likes and dislikes. It would have been creepy, if they had not been so endearing. Even Anti. Still. You would not make the same mistake again. Your satchel was always fully stocked and firm by your side, whatever you did. And it was a good thing as it seemed that fate was not quite done with its cruelty. One morning, as you were watching Marvin’s little bunny hop around its enclosure in the garden, you felt the tell-tale pull of a jump. Clutching your satchel, you screwed your eyes shut as you were yanked away from all those wonderful men you had so gotten used to.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself sitting in an alley not far from the house of the Septic Egos. You got to your feet, hoping that you had not jumped too far and could just go back to the boys. To your relief, you found the house where it was supposed to be and walked up to ring the doorbell. Marvin opened and smiled brightly when he saw you, immediately pulling you into a hug.
“Everyone! (Y/N)’s back!” He called into the house as he pulled you into the living room.
A glance at the calendar there told you that you had jumped a few years into the past. The others came running to hug and greet you and before long, you were sitting with a mug of tea on the couch, Robbie snuggled into your side. You closed your eyes, allowing the feeling of peace to fill you completely.
Unfortunately, the peace didn’t last. Only a month later you jumped again. And again you found yourself years in the past. The boys still knew you, but far less than you had hoped. Just as you had settled again, you were forced away. It turned into a cycle. With every jump the boys, your dear friends, knew you less while you knew them better than yourself.
Then came the day you dreaded from the moment you noticed the cycle. You found yourself knocking on their door. Henrik opened and looked at you with not a trace of recognition in his eyes.
“Yes, how can I help you?” He asked.
You bolted, running down the street away from the house of your friends who didn’t know you any more. Hot tears burned in your eyes but you held them back. Just long enough to check into a hotel and throw yourself onto the bed before you started crying your eyes out.
Years in the future, Marvin had been forced to watch you vanish into thin air. He realized that the clothes you wore that day were the same as the last time you had arrived at the Egos’ house. And just like that, the pieces connected. You were a time traveler, most probably involuntarily. He ran back into the house and called the others together to explain the situation. They quickly came to an agreement: They had to get you back and keep you from jumping. With no hesitation Marvin started going through his spell books, looking for time travel spells and ways to stabilize an unstable time stream. It took a few weeks of tireless work, but he finally had the right combination of spells.
Schneep drew the required runes on the hardwood floor of the living room while Chase got candles into position and lit them. Finally, the egos formed a circle around the runes and Marvin and took each other’s hands. Marvin started chanting the spells, putting all of his concentration into doing it right. There was no telling what would happen to you if he made a mistake. A golden mist started to form over the middle rune and Marvin started chanting louder.
You paused in your sobbing when you saw the golden mist form around your fingers and feet, slowly crawling up your arms and legs until you were fully enveloped in it, the mist swirling around you, caressing your skin. A warm tingle overtook your body and the hotel room faded into the living room of the Septic Egos. The mist slowly dissipated and you were suddenly tackled in a hug by Marvin, Chase, and Robbie.
“You won’t jump again.” Marvin murmured. “I stabilized you. You’re staying here.”
You started crying again. But this time out of joy from being reunited with your friends instead of grief from losing them.
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margsld · 7 years
Outlander Epi 3.04 Recap
Of Lost Things you think quite a bit about.
Toni Graphia wrote this highly anticipated episode - it's the favourite thus far of the original author, Diana Gabaldon.  Again, this season is cramming a lot of details from the book and the additions and deletions are mostly good (don't get me started on Cheating Frank). It's bothering me a little that it jumps between times so often and making me OCD with my screencaps. Hold on tight. We are going on a bumpy ride.
Scotland 1968. Claire is still in Inverness hunting down her highland ginger biscuit like a Wight looking for Jon Snow.  Bree and Roger are using it as a chance to flirt at every opportunity *ah young love.... as finding your loved one’s secret loved one is like adopting a puppy together. It takes commitment.
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Fiona is not letting Bree get in the way of her giving Roger a coronary and stops by the researchers, to nourish them with her baked goods.  We all want a Fiona Roger, you ungrateful oaf.
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Claire pops up from the table shouting ‘Ginger Bingo’ (or is that 'Gingo'?) and shows them a list of Prisoner names from Ardsmuir. They are off again but it soon becomes a dead end.  They head to Edinburgh for a last laugh, take the time to stir up the locals with their outrageous womanhood etc & to look at some mouldy ship logs as prisoners were usually transported to the Colonies. They should have asked Jamie's Ardsmuir cell mate for help.
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 It’s 1756 in Helwater, England. Jamie is living tough with a new name (Alex McKenzie) and with the Dunsaneys.  He’s sulking because they won’t let him grow his hair longer than his shoulders but that mop will not be ruled. Lord Dunsaney has a quick word on their arrival back from a holiday in Italy, Molto Benne! He knows who Big Red is and suggests keeping it from his wife.  I think it’s a ploy to keep the Hot Scot away from his wife for other reasons. *wink wink nudge
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Roger has faked a broken down car just so he can see what other skills Bree has up her sleeve.  After some Scottish boy noises, Bree takes over the mechanic-ing and spots the trouble straight away.  Silly boy look, Rog. It was that sneaky distributor cap going all loose and now so was Roger’s feelings. Awwww. So romantic.
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Geneva Dunsaney wakes and the devil says ‘Oh crap, she’s up’ as does half the Helwater staff. The stablehands draw short-straws to see which poor sod will be her ‘escort’ during her leisurely gallop in the woods.  Jamie cops abuse from her and dutifully bites his tongue.  Geneva’s exit is her sister Isobel’s cue to arrive just as Jamie is fantasising about kicking Geneva’s arse.  She’d like a ticket to that event and front row please.  Isobel is crushing on Jamie’s Chess buddy, Lord John Grey and naturally finds it appropriate to share this with Jamie.  She is only human. Jamie is a lady whisperer.
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Claire gets a call from her surgeon buddy Joe Abernethy.  He’s sick of doing her workload and asks when she’ll be back in Boston instead of flunking around Scotland’s dusty Archives.  Claire isn’t sure but encourages Joe to operate on her fave patient as a treat.
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Helwater, 1757.  The stablehands have all rallied and found Geneva a husband.  They party for days.  Mr Groom-to-be is that old that Geneva is stoicly trying not to vomit as he kisses her hand in farewell. They are to be married soon. Ick.
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Geneva now has Jamie in her sights.  She's like a sailor looking for land after being at sea for 27 months.  She forces him to escort her on her daily horse ride and quickly puts the 'Bitch' in 'Bitch'.  Jamie trieds to stand his ground but dang, she looks like Claire, no? Plus, lady whisperer.....  Geneva is a brat and races her horse ahead, all the while laughing like a woman with a screw loose. Shortly after, Jamie hears her scream.  He finds her unconscience on the ground and goes to help.  He picks her up and she becomes animated again, laughing at her having tricked him.  Disgusted, Big, Grumpy Red promptly dumps her face first, into a big slushy mud puddle and we all cheer like it’s a Queensland win at State of Origin. Geneva is a bit nuts though and embraces her impromptu mud mask.  Chick logic. Life gives you lemons, you make a facial out of it, right, Ladies?
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The handsomest redcoat in history, Lord John Grey, is visiting from London and we find them playing Chess in the Helwater gardens with Jamie.  Who knew chess was an outdoor sport? Lord John swells with pride that Jamie’s report card is in and it’s glowing.  Yayyy!  *high fives.  They are soon interrupted by Isobel, Hal (John's big bro), Hal’s ego and Geneva aka Mega Beyotch.  After introductions are made, it’s clear to Gen-baby that Hal knows Alex McKenzie and not just from his horsey-skills. She's a moth to the flame that one.  Of course it doesn't help when Alex aka Jamie aka can't this guy settle on one name, doesn't stop looking at his feet. Suspicious factor 50+.
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Just a few days before the big nuptuals take place Geneva corners Alex and threatens to reveal his true identity to her mother, ensuring Jamie gets another stretch in HMS Ratfarm.  To keep his secret, she demands he takes her maiden-head so that Lord Crusty McEllesmere doesn’t have that privilege.  He tries to reason with her but she’s seen his backside in breeks and well Duh. 
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Jamie’s sex class has attracted one eager student.  Professor Tight Breeks arrives and without hesitation performs Magic Mike’s striptease with the flair of a dead frog. That bum though is fiiiiiine!  He tries to turn her off the job at hand *cough by showing her his back scars but she’s impervious.  She’s seen that fuzzy butt peach for real and there is no letting this opportunity go.  He’s patient and she’s nervous and for the first time we see her vulnerable side and her nipples.  Jamie softens to her (no not that kind, he’s Scottish af) and starts to enjoy himself too.  Good class, sir. Good class. I reckon that's the best wedding gift she'll get.
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Condoms didn’t exist in 1757 so when Geneva next visits Helwater about 7 months into her marriage, it’s very obvious that the father of her bulging waistline is Jamie.  He nearly has a conniption at the sight of her but keeps his cool because he’s Fraser. Jamie Fraser. Carry on, old chap.
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Roger and Bree, kissing in a tree manse, K>I>S>S>I>N>G 
Bree & Roger are discussing giving up the search for Jamie.  Roger says feelings and so Bree grabs Professor Brown-Beard and smacks one on him. *Woot woot. He doesn’t want her to go back to Boston. #Broger
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Nothings ever rosy for long in TV land and we find ourselves scurrying with Jamie to Ellesmere Estate.  There is some big emergency with Geneva.  She has gone into labour and all is not well. So of course a stable dude is just what she needs.  When they arrive, Lord Crusty McTightjocks has started chucking his toys out of the cot.  He has finally realised that Geneva was not a virgin when they married. Seriously? It took him a whole pregnancy to work out he’d forgotten to tap that?  *smacks forehead  Along with his toys, he threatens to kill the baby and Jamie arrives just in time to save the day by shooting Ellesmere, D.E.I.D.  Noone knows how the baby survived the fall to the floor because we all just cried as Jamie was seeing his son for the first time.  Awwww.  Blood gushing nearby, nope, don't see it.  Awwww, baby blinked at daddy.
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The coroner found that Ellesmere died from severe arse-holeness and we all moved on.  Well, he really ruled it as misadventure, due to stress.  The stress of receiving a bullet at high speed probably. Just guessing.  Lady Dunsaney thinks Jamie is pretty HAWT now.  He saved her grandson and so he’s earned his ticket back to Sunny Scotland. Jamie chooses to stay though as he's wanting to see how this fathering business turns out.  He tells Mrs D that Scotland sux right now so he’s going to hang aboot in H-water for a bit longer, thanks.  PS>When’s payday?
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Teaching your secret son to ride a horse like a boss is Jamie’s new hobby.  Wee Willie is starting to resemble his daddy though and even though he lacks the flaming red hair, it’s the cock of his head and the way he rolls his R’s that is starting to cause suspicion.  Even the neighbours are onto it.  Jamie realises it’s time to go before people put two and two together so Sayonara English bitches.
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Lord John arrives at Helwater just as Jamie is about to leave.  Jamie asks him a favour; Would he look after Willie in his absence and in return LJG can have the use of his peachy playground.  When Lord John comes back down to earth from shock, he announces he’s to marry Isobel Dunsaney and raise Willie as his own anyway.  Jamie is pleased that all seems to be working out.  What's with the handshake here?  In the book it was a kiss and I wanted to see that. Tsk.Tsk. At least give the man a big hug....
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Willie is distraught at Mac leaving and goes to visit him in his room.  PS. The security and supervision is terrible in this house, it’s a wonder anyone is alive.  He interrupts Jamie lighting Stinking Papist candles and wants to join his fire party.  Jamie explains he’s lighting them to remember all the people he’s missing or has lost, including his Wife.  He gives Wee Willie McCutey a hand-carved snake with his name on it to remember Mac by.  He wants to give Mac something in return so he'll remember Willie too but *sob Big Red will never forget *sob him *sob.
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Things get a bit blurry here and tear ducts need to recover.  When it comes to saying goodbye we parallel bounce between times.Bree and Claire are also giving up the search and heading home to Boston while Jamie is leaving Helwater for Lallybroch.  Pause.  Just pause here.  Can't we have two more episodes with wee Willie?  No?  *grunts 
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 Can we just have one happy ending ffs?  Is it Monday yet?
The End.
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chemistfail · 7 years
I’ll probably add more to this but this is for me
Gataki (Pericidel) Shut Me Up-Mindless Self Indulgence. Straight to Video- Mindless Self Indulgence Teeth-Lady Gaga Kill EVERYBODY- Skrillex Don’t Mess With Me- Temposhark Death by Glamor- Toby Fox He’s a gross narcissistic demigod on an ego trip, don’t expect anything less
Movoc Hunter- Ken Ashcorp think that’s about it for him? It’s hard to but a song to a “force of nature” monster type yknow?
Riley Piper Little Pistols- Mother Mother Hopeless Wanderer- Mumford and Sons Babel- Mumford and Sons Short Change Hero- The Heavy Glitter & Gold- Barns Courtney My favourite gunslinger coyote. He probably thinks hes cool.
Danny Androm Attack- 30 Seconds to Mars Fighting Fish- Dessa Stand Alone- Chris Lake & Lazy Rich Chelsea Dagger- The Fratellis Kill Your Heroes- AWOLNATION Head strong stabby girl that has to constantly fight her way? And is gay.
Circe Girls/Girls/Boy- Panic at the Disco The Sea is a Good Place to Think About the Future- Los Campesinos Mama’s Broken Heart- Miranda Lambert Control- Halsey Oh No!- Marina and the diamonds She’s beautiful, she’s grace, she’ll break your fucking face.
The Pythias Feeling Myself- Nicki Minaj Boss Ass Bitch- Nicki Minaj. Monster- Only Nicki’s Verse Empire- Dar Williams Py runs everything and will destroy any opposition
Mizuchi Nintoku IV. Sweatpants- Childish Gambino Money- Mystery skulls Uma Thurman- Fall out bou Rich Dragon boy that rejects his family wealth but still enjoys the privilege that came with it.
Cana Alnair Nonstop- Hamilton Obedience Servant- Hamilton Demon politician? Demon Politician
Mephiles Alnair Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums- Perfect Circle Bodies- Drowning Pool Sound of Madness- Shinedown Power- Kanye West Closer- Nine Inch Nails Spooky beefy demon man. I’m not sorry
Massit Alnair Infra Red- Placebo Cain- Cousin Marnie Animal Impulses- IAMX Can someone say Fraticide?
Ibikus Alnair Brothers on a Hotel Bed- Death Cab For Cutie Ode to Sleep- Twenty One Pilots Birds Nest- Jordaan Mason and the Horse Museum Runs in the Family- Amanda Palmer Ashtray Heart- Placebo
Wess Mantys Broken Bones- CRX Little Lion Man- Mumford and Sons Drag- Placebo High and Dry- Radiohead My name is Human- Highly Suspect. Edgy punk boy with daddy issues
Basil Mantys Follow You- Bring me the horizon Vegas Lights- Panic at the Disco Needy kiddo with a gambling habit
Samuel Mantys Broken Crown- Mumford and Sons I’m Sorry- Joyner Lucas Howling for You- Black Keys Hot Blooded- Foreigner The word was wide enough- Hamilton Look he’s a tired dad that’s been through a lot. And is an insufferable flirt (only to his husband)
Michael Kevorkian The Noose- Pet Arsonist Lullaby-Hosier Piano Wire 12- Shone Night Surgeon- Repo the Genetic Opera Legal Assassin- Repo the Genetic Opera Sinster Kid-Black Keys Frontier Psychiatrist- The Avalanches Murder doctor. Just. Murder doctor. probs gets off on it tbh
Meadea Androm Alibi-Dessa Seamstress- Dessa All Men are Pigs- Studio Killers. She’ll be your alibi, she’ll piece you together, she’ll break your fingers. Danny was in good hands.
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It Only Gets Much Worse (Grey’s Anatomy: Season 13, Episode 13)
1. I really like April, but I really don’t like how Bailey just replaced Mer without one thought.... She suspended Meredith.... she didn’t FIRE Meredith... so... What is Meredith supposed to do when she comes back? Work under Dr. Kepner? (I’m not putting April down. April is a great doctor, and I really like her as a person... I just.. ugh.) Meredith could probably leave Grey-Sloan and be Chief of General Surgery elsewhere and STILL have a board seat and ownership at Grey-Sloan without working there.
2. My opinion on Catherine Avery still stands.... She’s a witch, and shame on her for sandbagging her husband.... You know good and well that you told Bailey what to do... What did you expect to happen after you said the residency program needs a revamp without talking to the director of the program, i.e., your HUSBAND....... Ah. I cannot stand that woman... She is terrible. Literally, Richard deserves so much better than that crappy, evil woman.
3. Minnick is such a bitch too. Every time I see Minnick’s face, I want to PUNCH HER IN THE FACE.
4. “She’s slinking.... traitor. No offense [to Avery]” -Maggie
5. I would still NOT feel comfortable having a resident do my (or my family’s) surgical procedure entirely start to finish......... No.... Not until you’re in that last year where you’re almost board certified would I be kind of okay with a resident operating on me... Otherwise, please just do parts of the procedure with an experienced surgeon helping.... :o 
6. “Special treatment... from your chief-wife.....”
7. Stephanie needs to CALM down that ego of hers..... Girl, you’re still in training... you aren’t a full-fledged surgeon yet.. Chill out. You’re acting like you can do no wrong... (Side note: I’d definitely not let her operate on my when she’s so full of herself.)
8. Also, how can April just take away Dr. Webber’s surgery? He’s on payroll to be a surgeon... not a babysitter.  
“You can assist... and help... ONLY when requested.. but it will be Dr. Warren’s OR.” -April..
Uhm... excuse me........ One thing goes wrong in that OR and Ben could lose his license because he is doing a procedure by himself when he’s not ready for it..... GAAH
9. Stephanie is such a suck up.
10. I don’t know why Jackson’s surprised his mother’s behind the shit show... He knows his mother is a sneaky, conniving woman.... 
I think Jackson’s probably hurt that his mother would do something like this to her HUSBAND....
Poor Jackson... It’s a wonder he grew up and because a good man.. Because with her as a mother, you’d think he’d grow up to be a bitch.
11. I’d be so pissed if I were Murphy and Minnick just took away HER patient..... (I don’t really like Murphy...but really, Minnick....?)
12. “Dr. NOT DR. GREY. Dr. Grey knows my roots!” --> I’m liking this patient...
13. “That kind of loyalty is appreciated... Loyalty is so rare in this kind of world...” -Maggie says [while she glares at Kepner]
14. Oh my gosh.. Stephanie is sooo happy to do surgery on that little boy... What happens if she kills him in surgery?! :o Then she wouldn’t be so happy... and she’d have ruined a family.
15. “No.. No.. you won’t talk to him. I have enough problems...being the first lady......” -Ben [to Bailey] (Poor Ben... he’s in such a shitty position...)
16. Bailey: Warren is doing his start-to-finish surgery.... I thought I’d observe.
Webber: Really? Observe him? Or observe me? [turns to Warren] Did you ask her to come in here? Do you not trust me to follow the protocol?
Warren: No, sir. I didn’t even know she was going to come. 
Really Bailey??? You’re going to make this uncomfortable situation even more uncomfortable for your husband? [Again, poor Ben.]
17. Maggie: Shut up! Just shut your face!
April: Maggie!
Maggie: I thought you were with us. I thought you were with Richard. And then you go and do this?
April: I took a job. It was an opportunity. 
Maggie: It’s aiding the enemy.
April: I’m not saying I agree with Bailey.
Maggie: But you are saying that it’s not a deal breaker. Not for you. Not if it gets you what you want. TRAITOR.
April: I’m doing my job!!! This is my job, Maggie!! Someone here has to act like an adult.
18. Bailey: Dr. Warren, did you know my first solo surgery was also with Dr. Webber?
(Yea.. bailey.. because Webber raised you.. he trained you.. he taught you EVERYTHING you know.. He got you to chief... and this is how you repay him? Stabbing him in the back?)
Webber: Yea, the difference between then is now is that Dr. Bailey forgot that I know how to teach. 
19. Webber: [to Bailey] Let me see.. You fired me. Then, you fired Grey. 
20. Webber: It’s tough to be a leader when you have no one to lead. [to Bailey] 
21. Arizona: [to Minnick] You’re not letting a resident operate on a kid! You’re NOT a peds surgeon! You’re a sports medicine ortho surgeon.
Dear God, if I were the parents of that child who a resident is about to operate on, I would be taking my child to a different hospital or getting an actual pediatric surgeon to operate on my kid... 
Minnick acts like the bodies on the surgical table are corpses.... These bodies mean nothing to her... NEWSFLASH: These bodies are someone’s child.. mother.. father.. sister.. brother... NOT PURE FLESH TO EXPERIMENT surgery on. 
22. Arizona knows this is a bad idea..... she knows something bad is going to happen to that boy.... (I do not have a good feeling about this “solo surgery.”)
23. “This is my first. I’m never going to get another one.” -Dr. Warren
24. Edwards is still acting like she owns the world....... Girl... stop. 
25. “You know who was nice? Dr. Grey.” --cancer patient
April: You know who’s nice? Me. I’m the nicest in this hospital. Ask anyone.. In a contest of who’s nicest -- I take that win. I win by a lot. I AM the nicest. 
[Way to act like an adult, April... because talking to your patient about who’s nicest and bad-talking your fellow surgeon is certainly what an adult would do.]
26. Minnick acts like she’s the boss of all the attendings...... She’s NOT. What the actual hell? She may be the new resident director, but that doesn’t mean she can order around attendings.... (also owners of the hospital... Because Arizona owns part of the hospital and has a board seat... If someone ever talked to a member of the board of directors like that in the actual business, he/she’d be fired so fast, he/she wouldn’t know what hit him/her.)
27. What the hell?!?!!? APRIL STOP BEING A BITCH..... (I really HATE how the writers are once again making us hate April..........) UGH!
28. I called it.. that boy is going to die because Minnick let an inexperienced resident operate on a child, while Edwards has always practiced on adults.
I’d sue the hospital if I were the parents. 
29. Minnick is frozen in the OR... Are you really a surgeon? Like.........
30. WTH Minnick? You’re not even talking to Edwards? Explaining what happened in there? what went wrong?.... You’re obviously a crap teacher. Then you just walk away without saying one word to Edwards?!?!?!?!? 
31. Arizona better not go comfort that witch.
32. Webber: You know, I was always a fine surgeon, but I’m an excellent teacher. And today I was a complete failure. I know you thought this program had problems.. well it sure as hell does now.
Catherine: Richard
Webber: Bailey was my favorite student. I brought her in as an intern. I saw her through all the way to chief. She was MY start-to-finish, and you turned her against me. 
33. This conversation between April and Jackson is painful to watch... GAH! WTH Shonda. Jackson & April deserve to be happy... and once again you’re ruining it...
34. Arizona: What kind of teacher are you? You don’t just teach them what you do with their hands, you teach them what to do with this. how to live through this. 
Minnick: I know.
Arizona: You don’t. You’re the attending - win or lose. You take the hit because if you put it on her, she might quit. You might think she can’t survive it.. so you show her she can. You tell her when this happened to me...
Minnick: It hasn’t. 
(Wth.. you’re a surgeon, and you’ve never lost ONE patient? I find that very hard to believe.... Oh. She said she’s never had a kid patient die.... Hmmmmm.. well you’re not a peds surgeon, so maybe you shouldn’t be teaching with children’s bodies as teaching experiments. You had NO business letting Edwards operate on a child.)
35. Gosh... I wish Arizona would scream at Minnick more... stop comforting her. She deserves to feel like shit. (I probably sound like a bitch right now, but this show has got me stressed to the max :0 :[ )
36. If she wanted Edwards to do that surgery “start-to-finish,” then, telling the child’s parents should probably fall on Edward’s shoulders.......
37. Gosh, now Edwards comes crying to Dr. Webber.... (Dr. Webber was always a mentor to Edwards, and she treated him like crap so she could get some “flashy surgeries with Minnick..”)
Also, I bet Edwards doesn’t feel all high and mighty now that she accidentally killed that boy... 
38. Edwards: He was my patient, and he died.. He was a little boy. 
39. Dr. Webber is such a good mentor/teacher.. He knows just what to say to residents... I don’t know why Bailey and Catherine think he’s a bad teacher.... He’s wonderful, and he knows how to calm people down.
(Obviously he’s done something right since he raised you, Bailey..... And taught your son, Catherine.) >;[
40. I know Minnick knows that she’ll never be half the teacher Webber is.... 
41. Oh my gosh.... I cannot stand Catherine Avery... What the hell.. now she’s lying to April about how everything “was Bailey..” 
42. Catherine might’ve had to work for it in the beginning, but the minute she married Jackson’s father, everything fell in her lap.... I don’t think Catherine is “just like April.” That’s bull.
43. “Put that away, and let’s celebrate this.. I don’t exactly have a party waiting for me when I get home...[to April] ” ---Catherine ... HMMMM I wonder why?!?!?!?! You betrayed your husband..... and you’re tearing April away from her baby’s father and all of her friends.
44. Don’t do it, Arizona.... I literally cannot stand Minnick..... At the point, i’d literally pick anyone to be with Arizona over Minnick...... I’d even prefer Leah, who I really don’t like either.... CALLIE, COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45. “You know, you could have friends here, if you wanted to....” -Arizona to Minnick... (uhm, what “friends” are you talking about?? If Minnick’s there then, Webber’s out....so....)
I’m sorry this post is so long... I just have so many feelings, and that episode drove me up the wall... If Grey’s keeps going in this direction, I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it anymore.
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docjanefoster · 4 years
“A woman in trauma? No one has even considered a thing.” A nurse said, decked out entirely of pink, proud of her position in the hospital. If a doctor were a female, she automatically fell under the categories of either Pediatrics, Genitourinary medicine, Gynecology, or the many maternity departments. All easy, womanly fields of medicine. All places Jane was sure to avoid as much as possible. Pink’s and purple’s never were her colors. Plus, she would be the only one wearing a set without obvious wrinkles from ever so classy wrestling in the supply closets.
“Please, she won’t last a day. I heard the bitch even turned down Doctor Walker’s advances.” Another nasal, high pitched voice chimed in as the members of the clique ate their lunches. “She must be loony, Sherry!” The other nurse added in shock, hands up in the air for emphasis. Doctor Walker was the man for any woman with a preference for dark chocolate and a mighty ego. He was a neuro surgeon, who could blame him? Only the ladies who did not think with their libido could tell he possessed enough brain cells to count on one hand. His preference included thinking with the other head. Falling head over heels for the dick with legs certainly did not settle on her list of priorities. Jane preferred tending to her work over sleeping her way through the ranks to achieve popularity and it clearly was not on her friend’s, either.
Groaning rumbled from the body across the table. “They’re seriously right there, Janie. Acting like we /can’t hear them/.” Leon commented, raising his voice ever so slightly to troll with the gossiping nurses. The bottle blonde staff had nothing on the duo’s success as true doctors in the facility. Jane was a highly skilled trauma surgeon while he was one of the day shift anesthetists. Unfortunately, his sexuality sparked seclusion by the majority of the staff, leaving the man to himself and to his work. On the other hand, one could say Jane’s lack of sexual preferences hindered her opportunities to socialize. So, naturally the outcasts took company in one another with each acting as the other’s anchor from ripping all their coworkers a new one like they deserved.
Shrugging her shoulders, Jane slumped back into her chair. “I don’t know where they find all that time to day dream and to suck dick. Honestly, I barely have enough to my day to do anything other than work, eat, and sometimes sleep.” The doctor commented as venom dripped slowly and calculated from every word. Was popularity truly worth all the work and the hype? Surely the blondes grew tired of sleeping around, fixing their scrubs, refusing to allow their eyes to blink from staring at men, and putting down others who did nothing to them. How could someone yearn to fill their daily schedule with such vile and rude actions? They were selfish, that’s how.
Leon leaned ever so closer to his partner in crime. “I heard Whitney over there,” A single thumb gestured to their left at the raven haired psychiatric PA as he spoke. “skipped her shift the other day to go off pining for the attention of attendings. Let’s just say her efforts amounted to nothing when Chief found out. Not a single man tried saving her from the repercussions. Apparently, she even played it off that she was a nurse to Wyatt, one of the new interns.” The man slowly shook his head as a smirk pulled at the corners of his lips. “Of course, the kid fell for it, ya know? New bodies to keep the cycle going in this hell hole.”
Her coworker’s complaints were not alone as Jane shared his opinions with every once of her soul. The environment mirrored times in high school as if the staff never grew up and wished to relive the glory days, or the workers wanted to create their own glory days they were robbed of in their teen years. In this society, people are known to stay with their groups they’ve had since the beginning of the hospital. The building was fairly new compared to other medical facilities in town, but the cliques and rivalries ran old and ran strong. Snagging a position in NYB Medical Center was an event along the lines of a miracle. Its staff rarely branches out unless a current worker can vouch for the newbie. Everyone flowed in directly from Columbia University, leaving little to no room for a variety.
One would believe once they got the job, the hard work was over, wrong. If a newly hired employee was not a legacy, there were two options: sleep your way to the top or continue to waste away at the bottom. Humans are social creatures who naturally crave the attention and the feeling of belonging. Greedy, vile people walked the halls in wait of a crack in the structure to slither in for the kill. Some people did not care to be snakes in the grass and simply let everyone know of their intentions. A tactic of bluntness to scare off any weak threats. Only the people lacking fucks to give survive the shit talking and the harassment. When someone new comes into the perfect little world they control, the threat must be eliminated immediately.
Jane’s appearance at NYP Medical Center rather than another New York hospital was solely caused by the high recommendation from Columbia’s dean. NYP could not turn down her application even if it wanted, so there she sat on the side lines dodging any and all bullshit. Not much time had passed before the staff quickly realized its new trauma doctor was in no way interested in sleeping with the superiors. This choice brought hell and fury down upon her. Fortunately, Jane had completed her internship and her residency in another facility, or she would have gone completely crazy from initial advancements and expectations. Of all the men, one approached her rather than believing she should do the hard work and inflate the other’s ego even more than it already stood.
His name was Brian Greggory, the hospital’s largest investor, and Jane had received pure hatred for turning him down. Luckily, the man still decided to contribute to the facility’s finances. Who would not when women practically fell on their faces for the guy? He believed only a fool would turn the chance down and a bigger fool to turn him down. His ever inflated ego had taken a hit, for sure, but he still wandered the halls from time to time, filling open legs and glaring at Jane’s closed ones. The woman did not believe in sinking so low and she would continue to stand firm against the burning despise.
Fortunately, Jane’s stance was not a lonely position. Over the weeks, she had befriended the shy, quiet souls floating around the halls and living their lives under the radar. Dottie worked among the shelves of medication in the pharmacy downstairs, a level above the morgue. A soft featured and soft spoken woman who was not even given the time of day after she had been harassed into sleeping with Brian. Apparently, one time was enough for him because his actions blurred the lines of rape. Rather than fucking the poor woman further, he threatened to fire her if she said anything to her superiors about the incident.
After Jane heard word of this, she made it her mission to befriend the woman. To be violated and to be harassed even further, Jane presented herself ready to take on anyone who called Dottie a slut, a whore, or anything of the nature. Men were not used to Foster’s no bullshit attitude and it completely threw them for a loop. In response to their wounded egos, titles were thrown out left and right, anything to place Jane in the bad eye of the public. Sadly, for them, she did not give a damn what everyone thought of her. She was a doctor in a hospital, not a child in a playpen. It is an environment for adults to work and to fulfill their purpose, not a place for immature kids to call each other names. Jane is an educated woman and that fact scared her male superiors. The thought nauseated the men employees, a female reaching their level? Skills in which she could quite easily surpass them? How ridiculous and how threatening.
That’s reality.
Glancing across the cafeteria, Jane’s nonchalant look turned to one of disgust. How low will people fall for the approval of others? Obviously too far. Before Jane could reply, a thunderous boom echoed throughout the room. Her head shot to the ceiling in an effort to figure out what the hell happened. Sneakers squeaked across the white, pristine tile floor, and a familiar, rushed voice followed as the owner reached Jane’s table. “Doctor Foster, you’re needed in the emergency room. It seems as if Timothy escaped his restraints again! Please hurry, the staff’s in pretty bad shape. Security is scouring the facility for him somewhere in the air ducts.”
Amy Addison, head nurse of the ER, gave Jane no time, instead taking off from the direction she came from. Sending Leon an apologetic look for cutting their precious lunchtime short, Jane’s head shot over to glare at Whitney. “Way to go. Maybe you should try keeping your patients in hand, hm?” The trauma doctor left without giving the other woman a chance to snap back. This is what Jane lived for, the rush and the ability to help, not the drama. Leon’s gossip and glares of shallow ladies would have to wait. She had work to do.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                    SEPTEMBER       2019  
 July 2019 was the hottest month in human history.
This Ordinary Life has sent the world their new EP, Sadderdays!! Give it a listen!
Judd Apatow is putting out a book about Garry Shandling.
Debbie Harry: Face it will be out on Oct. 1
This year the Kennedy center will honor Big Bird, Linda Ronstadt, Earth, Wind and Fire, Michael Tilson Thomas, and Sally Field.
Kentucky principal Phillip Wilson who banned books from his high school in 2009 for homosexual content has been arrested on possession and distribution of child porn.
In Illinois, the capital bill is funded through a doubling of gas tax and an increase in license plate fees. The money is supposed to be for roads, public buildings and bridges. The state constitution tells us the state shall not pay for aid in any school, academy, seminary, college, university or other literary or scientific institution controlled by any church or sectarian denomination. Organizations that are now receiving some of the funding are, Catholic charities, The ARK of Sabina, Inner-city Muslim action network, Gifts from God ministry, Chicago center for Torah and Chesed, Hatzalah, Keshet, Jewish united fund, Lewis University, St. Ann Catholic school and Mt. Sinai hospital, among others.
Gary Busey will appear in the off Broadway musical, Only Human where he will play God.
Eastwood’s The Ballad of Richard Jewell is in production with Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Kathy Bates and Jon Hamm.
For a look into Brian Jones death catch the doc ‘Who killed Christopher Robin?’
Dale Jr. and family were in a plane crash but everybody seems to be ok.
I hear that Porn hub is planting a tree for every 100 videos watched.
Days alert: Rex is out. What about Chloe? Who will love her now? They still had the chemistry. Oh, never mind, Chloe is gone too!** Ted is out. Tripp is out. Jordan will be back briefly.** OMG How my heart fluttered when Tony and Anna saw each other again. Oh, the magic of a soap!! **At last Robin Strasser is on the way as Vivian. ** Greg Vaughan is dating Angie Harmon and they are a pretty adorable couple.**Why don’t they try to charge Kristen with Holly’s murder? She may want to tell them where they are then.  And I am so sick of Eric leaving sweet women to sniff after Nicole, enough. He used to be one of my favorite characters but it has gotten old. ** Please Please put Xander and Sarah together!!!!!
Dolly Parton’s America: A podcast will begin this fall.
The new owners of the LA sex club that was known as Snctm are taking apps and promising carnal bliss.
Scary Clown told workers in a GM plant in Michigan not to sell their homes. He promised the plant would not shut down and guess what? Lie!** Trump owes El Paso 470 thousand for his MAGA rally. ** Perhaps we should all refer to him as he refers to himself, Ttump.** A Nazi rally in Germany handed out hats inspired by the Trump campaign that read: Make Germany Hate Again.** We have to hit him where it hurts..$.. This is all he understands.** The evangelicals finally got a little upset when Trump took the lords name in vain. ** Trump wanted to buy Greenland, they wouldn’t bite and he cancelled his trip to Denmark.** Now he is The King of Isreal? The chosen one? The second coming of God? ** Word is that half of Trumps twitter followers are fake. Also, the US Labor Dept. says America created 500,000 fewer jobs in 2018 and 2019 than previously reported. **Rural farmers are 50-50 on Trump like the rest of us. Why do we categorize people? Things like this show that our differences don’t usually have anything to do with our religion, the color of our skin,$, job or location. We are different at our cores in what we think and feel about others and the world around us.** Scary Clown has told some staff to get this wall started no matter the coast and to just, ”take the land” if necessary and he will pardon them later. He has taken FEMA money to get the ball rolling as a hurricane bears down on the U.S.
Why do we vote in those that allow the drug, insurance and credit card, lender companies to make all the dough?? Let’s ALL enjoy America.
A newly invented bag can be dissolved in water after use.
Pardon Blagoevich?? What??
The Black Jewel Coal Co. has filed for bankruptcy. The miner’s last paychecks bounced. Nobody will answer their questions about their 4o1k’s. Since they are not technically laid off yet, they can’t receive unemployment. The company got 5 mil in emergency funds from the bank and they owe 976 thousand in fines.
Kelly Craft, a major Trump donor is the new UN ambassador.**US ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman is out.
I have to say, I don’t get why people aren’t more excited about the democratic candidates. There are a few that could go away but there are some really fabulous ideas there. I hope they put their egos aside when the last is standing. The lot of them would compose a great cabinet. And how do you not get excited about the future of our country?? How can you be so inside your own head that you put our own day to day ahead of your country? We all have to pay our bills, work, care for others and enjoy our passions from time to time but this is crunch time people!!! Pay attention!!** Beto’s REAL reaction to the El Paso shootings did more for him than all his relaunches. He was himself and not what he thought he should be. Trump and Biden were giving sympathy to the wrong cities for goodness sake!  Trump couldn’t even show any true feelings as he gave the thumbs up beside an orphan and tweeted about how lousy Shep Smith as he flew to the next photo op of victims.** It’s hard to look away from the freak show.** The next Dem debate is Sept.12.
With no notice, immigrants who are here for life saving treatments have been given 33 days to clear out of the country.** Scary Clown is fighting with Comey again. What an unhappy schmuck this President is.
It seems to me that if 2 people had run for student council president and the winner cheated and abused his office, they would make him step down. Would they have another vote or let the opponent step in?? The President of the US post is a bit more important than student council President. ** Now Trump is thinking that nuking hurricanes might be a good idea.
If elected, Bernie says he will tell us what is known about aliens from outer space.** Hickenlooper is out.** Seth Moulton is out.**Jay Inslee is out (oooh, that one hurts). I love ya Jay!! He is now running for reelection as Governor.** Gillibrand is out** Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts  Governor Bill Weld are in for the Republican side.
Some studies show that over 50% of inmates have dyslexia.
Jim Gaffigan made some jokes about craft beers including how labels might have say a penguin wrestling a cactus. Well, a small brewery in NY has made it happen with their blend called Penguin and Cactus
6000 people of Oklahoma are dead from opiods and Johnson and Johnson have been ordered to pay $572 mil per the court verdict.
The International wildlife regulator has banned the capture and export of baby African elephants.
Leslie Jones is out at SNL.
“Under the Trump administration, the pledge ”the right to bear arms,”  has morphed into “Don’t just stand there, shoot somebody.” – Carl Reiner
In the event I am killed, organize, mobilize and get the peace plan passed and put my body on the NRA’s doorstep in Fairfax, Va. – David Hogg
The trailer for this Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix, Marc Maron and Robert DeNiro looks fucking amazing!! Hurry up Oct.4!!
The NRA has 5 million members but one still has to wonder why the rights of gun owners supersede the rights of everybody else. Why don’t we hear more about their money scandals? Just when you hear that Trump is asking his people behind the scenes if the NRA still has power, he and LaPierre talk and the Pres backs off his tough gun talk. We know who is Wayne’s bitch. ** A group of surgeons have been showing X-Rays of what a gun can do as they protest gun violence.** The world now has bulletproof backpacks.**New schools are being designed to cut down the number of victims of a shooter. Hallways are curved and classrooms can lock.
The Firearm dealer license certification act in Illinois requires those who hold a Federal firearm license to also obtain a state certificate of license and comply with state regulations. All dealers will be required to have security alarms where guns are stored in case of intrusion. Dealers will also have to keep electronic records of their inventory. Gun dealers and the Illinois state rifle association are challenging, of course before this all takes effect in 2020.
“We don’t have an actual Presidency right now. We have a reality show whose ratings have begun to slide and whose fading star sees cancellation on the way.” – Eugene Robinson.
The Bruce Lee philosophy , Be Water, is being used by the Hong Kong protesters. Be Strong like ice. Be fluid like water. Gather like Dew. Scatter like mist.
As the crackdown on immigrants continues, word is that Trump still employs many undocumented workers. And why aren’t the employers arrested?** The administration wants to make it easy  for the wealthy and educated immigrants to come to this country. Again, only the rich have rights.** Trump has moved $150 mil from FEMA to the immigration courts as hurricane Dorian heads this way. ** He is telling his staff to just “take the land” and build the wall, disregard environmental rules and he will pardon them. A joke?? I wouldn’t be so sure.**
Jews against Ice really let ‘em have it. They shut down Amazon as they marched against the internment of immigrants. The rally cry: We will not stay silent while tech companies profit off of cruelty.
Jeff Epstein is dead and the conspiracy theories have begun. Many are glad that Epstein is dead and some wish he had lived to pay for his crimes. Would he have turned on his high end friends?  David Koch is also dead.** Word is that in 2008 Epstein bought female undies from the jail shop.
A recent survey shows that 45% of people wear underwear for 2 days, 13% for a week. Tell me this can’t be true.
Chris Christie and Anthony Scaramuchi are always everywhere and now Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars?? OMG.. Can we stop seeing these people?** Sarah Huckabee Sanders is joining Fox news.
White Supremacy is officially the majority of domestic terrorism in the U.S. Now, let me see, who seems to want to be their leader?** Advertisers pulled out of Tucker Carlson’s show after he called white supremacy ,’not a thing.’
Truckers have been really hurt by the tax cuts. Longer hours and less money have come since they can’t deduct expenses the way they used to. Regulations have been relaxed that limits hours on the road.
The Department of labor is proposing a rule that would allow government contractors to fire workers who are unmarried and pregnant or LGBTQ.
David Gilmour sold his guitars for 20 thou and used the money to fight climate change.
Michael Cohen claims that Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife and a pool boy they met at a hotel became fast friends. Eventually Cohen had to intervene because of some lurid photos. He claims that the Falwell’s are quite kinky. The couple gave the pool boy over a mil to buy a resort that has become trendy with the LGBTQ community.  Apparently nobody else knows what is on those photos that Cohen brokered a deal for.
Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a story won the Freedom of Speech award at the Traverse city film fest. She announced the release of the film by giving a heads up to hashtag emmyless Donald.
California is trying to make those that run for President show us their tax returns. Illinois rejected that idea.
Blaze it forward
U.S. Fencer, Rick Imboden took a knee during the national anthem after taking gold at the Pan Am games.
Stumptown looks like a good show but boy what a terrible name.
Check out the new book, Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow.
Ron Burgundy has been making the rounds.
Yada Yada Yada politics has made its way into our thoughts with Marianne Williamson warning us of business as usual.
Geena Davis is getting the humanitarian Oscar.
In a joke that Seth Meyers told he said, ”Cleveland Browns win Super Bowl!”  So it may never happen but it was nice to hear.
Chairman of the parent company of Equinox and Soul Cycle and owner of the Dolphins, Stephen Ross, caused a stir when he held a fundraiser for Trump.
Liam and Miley broke up.
Someone started a little joke about renaming the street in front of Trump tower. But people have started to take it seriously and NY is considering the name President Barack Obama Avenue.
The administration is rolling back regs on the endangered species act. It has been a great success but Trump and the lobbyists think it just stands in the way of their profits.
28% of delivery drivers have eaten some of your food.
The Rolling Stones are trying to push a green agenda on the latest tour. At some venues fans can purchase a tones cup for $3, use it all night and then take it home or turn it in for your $3 back.** In 1964 the first Stones album came out and the Mariner 4 fly by satellite had its first look at Mars. In November last year the Insight lander thrusters disturbed a rock on Mars which has been dubbed Rolling Stones rock.
Studies show that the most dangerous years of our lives are the year we are born and the year we retire. Depression spikes 40% after retirement. In Okinawa, Japan they don’t even have a word for retire. On the whole they eat a lot of fresh seafood and eat smaller portions. They seem to live the longest, healthiest lives.
The green shirt guy was a thing for a few minutes.
Wal Mart is really cracking down on security, one store at a time. Some people are asking the store to stop selling guns and donating to NRA backed lawmakers.
The Black lady sketch show is Robin Thede’s new thing which is good but her last show was good too.
 R.I.P. Saoirse Kennedy Hill, Hal Prince, the El Paso and Dayton and Odessa/Midland shooting victims, D.A. Pennebaker, Toni Morrison, Jimmy Aldaoud, Valerie Harper and Peter Fonda.
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Dublin street chapter 18
Fuckity, shit, f**k.
Maybe I expected him to up the ante after that but Justin seemed to do the exact opposite and just… disappear.
I wondered if it was a new tactic.
So I was on alert when he didn’t show up with Ellie and Adam on Wednesday when I was covering the shift. He’d dragged them into the bar the week before when I’d picked up extra shifts, after Ellie demanded I get out of the apartment—I think I was hovering—and he’d sat on the sofa across from the bar, in my direct line of vision, dividing his time between watching me and flirting with pretty girls. I was guessing this was the ‘pissing me off’ part of his promise.
So I was surprised he wasn’t there Wednesday.
Ellie was still awake when I got home from work. She came out of her room and closed the door softly behind her. “Adam’s sleeping,” she whispered, following me into the sitting room.
I grinned at her over my shoulder. “No wonder. You must have worn that poor boy out.”
Ellie rolled her eyes at me and slumped down onto the couch beside me. “It’s not really like that. Well… kind of,” she blushed, her eyes bright with happiness. “Mostly we’re talking a lot. Sorting things out. All those misunderstandings. Apparently, he’s been in love with me for a while.”
“Oh you don’t say.”
“Speaking of funny, Justin didn’t turn up at the bar tonight.”
His sister eyed me carefully. “His new manager needed help tonight. Were you disappointed he wasn’t there?”
“No,” I answered quickly. Probably too quickly. Dammit, I missed pre-Justin Selena. “I just noticed a lack of ego in the room and thought ‘hey, where’s Justin?’”
Ellie didn’t laugh. She gave me a mothering look of disapproval. “Justin’s right. You’re in love with him. So why are you giving him the run-around? Are you enjoying him chasing you? Is that it?”
I raised my eyebrow at her. “The tumor’s brought out the snarkiness in you, huh?”
She made a face.
“Too soon for tumor jokes?”
Her eyes narrowed.
“Is there never a time for tumor jokes?”
“Never, Selena. Never.”
I winced. “Sorry. That was mean.”
“No. Mean is using my tumor as a tool for deflection. I love you to bits, Selena, but I love my brother too. Why are you doing this to him?”
“I’m not doing this to him. I’m doing this for him.” I turned into her, my eyes sincere as I tried to make her understand. “I don’t handle bad things very well. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. Look how I just walked out on you when you needed me. When Justin needed me.”
“But you came back,” she argued. “You were in shock, but you’ve been here every second since.”
“Justin talked me into it,” I confessed. “He had to shake some sense into me. And as he did that I realized that I can’t protect myself or the people around me from bad stuff happening. And apparently, bad stuff follows me around, so it’s probably going to happen again sometime. When it does, I can’t guarantee I won’t go off the deep end, and I just can’t do that to Justin. His life would be unstable with me and after that bitch wife of his put him through hell, he deserves someone who can give him peace.”
“Selena, you’re talking as if you’re some mental case. You’re not. You’re only problem is that you won’t face what happened to your family and start dealing with it.”
I slammed my head back against the couch. “You sound like Dr. Pritchard.”
“My therapist.”
“You’re seeing a therapist? How did I not know this?” she slapped her hand across my arm.
“Hey.” I winced, pulling away from her.
“This is what I’m talking about.” Ellie was angry; her eyes flashing just like Justin’s did when he was pissed off. “I’m your best friend and you didn’t tell me you were seeing a therapist. Does Justin know?”
“Yes,” I answered like a sullen teenager.
“Well that’s something at least.” She shook her head in disbelief. “You have got to start dealing with your family, Selena. I think if you do that, everything else will start to feel not so big and overwhelming. And you’ll realize you can take each day at a time with Justin. You don’t have to protect him from being with you. He’s a big boy, and clearly he knows a lot more about you than I do, and miracle of miracles he still wants to be with you.”
“Funny. You really do sound like Dr. Pritchard.”
“In all seriousness, Selena, I think you need to stop playing around.”
“I’m not playing.” I studied her carefully though, catching something in her face. “What? What is it? What do you know?”
She took a minute, almost as if she wasn’t sure she should say whatever it was that was on her mind. Suddenly, I got this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Adam and I went out for lunch today.”
“I know. I was in here, staring at a manuscript I haven’t touched in days.”
“Well.” Ellie couldn’t meet my eyes. “We met Justin for lunch and he brought the new manager of Fire with him.”
Her eyes flicked up to me and I tensed at the concern in them. “His new manager is Isla. Isla is a five foot ten, stunning blonde who also happens to be smart and funny.”
I think I felt my heart plummet into my stomach.
“Selena, they seemed into each other.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want to believe it, but they were flirting and Justin was… was very attentive. They seemed… close.”
Jealousy is a horrible thing. The pain of it is almost as consuming as heartbreak, and I would know because I was feeling both at the same time. I felt like someone had ripped open my chest with their bare hands, removed my heart and lungs, and replaced them with a bunch of rocks and stones. I stared at the Christmas tree, my mind whirring. This was why he hadn’t been around lately.
“Selena?” Ellie touched my arm.
I looked at her, determined I wasn’t going to cry. I gave her a sad smile. “I guess I was right all along then.”
Ellie began to shake her head.
“No this is good.” I stood up, needing to be alone. “I broke up with him because he deserves to find someone decent and normal. And now I don’t have to feel guilty about it because I was right all along. He doesn’t love me. You’re not into someone else after just breaking up with the love of your life, right? This is good.” I moved towards the sitting room door and heard Ellie scrambling out of her seat.
“No!” Ellie hissed. “That’s not what it is, or why I told you.” She followed me into the hall but I wasn’t really listening since I had a lot of blood rushing in my ears. “Selena, I told you so you’d stop messing around and just be with him again. Listen, I may-” I slammed the door in her face.
“Selena.” She banged on it.
“Night, Els!”
“Shit,” I heard her mutter and then her footsteps faded away.
I tried. I really did. But when I curled up in my bed, I couldn’t stop the tears.
“Ellie’s surgery is tomorrow.”
Dr. Pritchard nodded. “You’re nervous?”
I nodded, my stomach churning. “Her surgeon has great credentials and he’s really confident that this is fairly straight-forward for brain surgery, but I’m still worried.”
“That’s only natural.”
I exhaled slowly, the exhale turning into a small smile. “I’m booked onto a flight to Virginia at the end of January. I’m flying out there after Ellie’s two week recovery at home.”
Dr. Pritchard eyebrows hit her hairline. “Oh? What prompted this?”
Ellie’s bravery and Justin moving on. “Justin’s met someone, just like I wanted him to. But Ellie is really the one who gave me the courage. She’s been really brave about everything and we were sitting talking last night, and there she is with this huge surgery ahead of her and she’s worrying about me, worrying that if I don’t start facing up to my past, I’ll never get better.”
Dr. Pritchard gave me a sad smile. “Ellie convinced you in one conversation to do what I’ve been trying to get you to do for almost six months?”
“I guess you needed to be diagnosed with something scary and be really brave about it so I’d feel like the worst kind of coward.”
“I’ll need to add that to my repertoire.”
I laughed, that laughter trailing off into tense silence. “I’m scared,” I finally admitted. “I have my family’s things in storage. I’m going over to visit their graves and maybe finally do something about all that stuff.”
“You never told me you kept all of their things.”
“Yeah. Put it in storage and pretended like it didn’t exist.”
“This is a really good step you’re taking, Selena.”
“Yeah. I hope so.”
She frowned now. “Justin’s met someone?”
I ignored the pain. “It’s what I wanted.”
“Selena, I know you told yourself that, but still it can’t be easy to see him with someone new so soon. Especially after chasing you and promising you that he wouldn’t give up.”
“It just proves me right. He doesn’t love me.”
“And he’s definitely seeing this new woman? There’s no misunderstanding?”
“Not according to Ellie.”
“Then a trip to Virginia might be exactly what you need right now.”
“Oh it’s not a trip.” I shook my head. “Well, it is and isn’t. I’m thinking of moving back permanently once I know Ellie’s going to be okay. I’m going to shop around for a place when I get there and come back to Edinburgh and sort out my affairs…”
Dr. Pritchard shook her head. “I don’t understand. I thought Edinburgh was your home? I thought Ellie was your family?”
“Ellie is my family. She always will be.” I smiled sadly. “I can’t watch him be with someone else,” I admitted. “He was wearing me down all right. You, Ellie, him. All of you were wearing me down about it. You don’t think I know chasing him off is irrational?” I found myself raising my voice. “I know it’s irrational. I couldn’t stop myself—it was like someone else was inside me, pushing him away because I was so terrified of losing him.”
“Selena,” the good doctor’s voice was soft, soothing, “Irrational, yes, but understandable. You suffered a lot of loss as a young girl. Justin knows exactly what you were doing. That’s why he wasn’t giving up.”
“He gave up at the sight of the first long pair of legs that came along.”
“That’s really why you’re leaving?”
“I know I sound like a crazy person. One minute I’m adamant I don’t want to be with him, and as soon as I find out he’s with someone else, I freak out. Thing is, nothing’s changed. Except now I don’t want to be with him because he clearly doesn’t love me the way I love him. It’s always been the thrill of the chase with him.”
“Well, I’d have to have Justin in to speak with him to have an opinion on that, but I do think you need to communicate with him. You need to tell him this before you leave for Virginia, or you’ll always wonder, Selena. Do you know what’s scarier than taking a risk and losing?”
I shook my head.
“Regret, Selena. Regret does awful things to a person.”
We all went to the hospital for Ellie. Even Hannah and Dec. When they came to take her down for her surgery we all took turns reassuring her. Lastly, Adam gave her a long sweet kiss that would have melted even the most unromantic heart. It sucked that something as major as brain surgery had finally made him step up to the plate, but life was like that sometimes. Some of us needed a swift kick-up the ass.
We sat in a waiting room even though the doctors told us we should probably go home and come back in a few hours. None of us wanted to leave. I sat next to Elodie, Hannah on my other side. Clark sat across the room, watching Dec play his Nintendo on silent. Justin sat on Clark’s other side with Adam on his right. We barely spoke. I got coffee for everyone and soda for the kids. I took Hannah on the hunt for some sandwiches and tried to ask her about the latest book she was reading, but neither one of us were feeling it. Dec was the only one who ate all of his sandwich while the rest of us just nibbled, our stomachs too full of nerves to make room for anything else.
Did you know that time stops in a hospital waiting room? No joke. It just stops. You look at the clock it says twelve o’ one and you look back at it in what feels like an hour and it’s only freaking twelve o’ two.
Ellie had painted my fingernails last night when she needed something to do to take her mind off of surgery. By the time the surgeon came out to us hours later, I had picked every last bit of the polish off.
We shot to our feet when Dr. Dunham finally entered the waiting room. He smiled at us, looking tired, but perfectly calm. “Everything went really well. We removed all of the mass and have sent the tumors for biopsy. Ellie’s been taken to the post-op wing but it’ll be a little while yet before she comes out of the anesthesia. I know you’ve been here all day, so I suggest you go home for a few hours and return for tonight’s visiting hours.”
Elodie shook her head, her eyes bright with worry. “We want to see her.”
“Just give her some time,” Dr. Dunham replied kindly. “I promise she’s fine. You can return tonight. I’ll warn you now, she’ll probably still be very groggy, and the right side of her face is swollen quite badly from the surgery. That’s perfectly normal.”
I squeezed Elodie’s arm. “Come on. We’ll go get the kids some dinner and come back later.”
“Yeah, mum, I’m hungry,” Declan complained quietly.
“Okay,” she whispered, still sounding unconvinced.
“Thank you, Dr. Dunham.” Clark held out his hand and the surgeon took it with a kind smile. After Adam and Justin shook his hand and Elodie and I offered him a grateful smile, Dr. Dunham left us to gather ourselves. A tension had eased between us all knowing that she’d come through surgery safely, but we were still anxious to see her.
It wasn’t until we were leaving the hospital and Justin edged up to me to draw me into his side for a hug, that I realized for once in God knows how long I hadn’t thought about my drama with him. I’d just been thinking about Ellie.
As soon as he touched me though I remembered Isla and I tensed.
He felt it, his body turning hard against mine. “Selena?” he asked questioningly.
I couldn’t look at him. I shrugged out of his hold taking advantage of his surprise, and hurried to catch up with Hannah.
That night the nurse led us to the post-op wing and we were allowed into see Ellie. Her curtains were drawn around her, and Elodie and Clark were in front of me so I didn’t see her at first. When they greeted her quietly and stepped back I flinched.
I hadn’t expected to feel so scared.
Dr. Dunham was right—her head was pretty swollen and kind of misshapen on the right side, her eyes still glazed from the anesthesia. White padded bandages were wrapped tight around her head and I felt my stomach lurch as I thought about the fact that today her brain had been cut into.
She gave me a lopsided quirk of a smile. “Selena,” her voice was hoarse, barely audible.
I wanted to run. I know. That’s horrible. But I wanted to run away from this part. People ending up in hospital had never concluded well in my life, and seeing her there, so vulnerable, so exhausted, just reminded me of how close we might have come to losing her.
I felt a hand squeeze mine and I turned my head to see Hannah watching me. She looked as pale as I felt, and her fingers were trembling between mine. She was scared too. I smiled reassuringly at her, hoping I was pulling it off. “Ellie is okay. Come on.” I tugged on her hand and pulled her with me to Ellie’s bed side.
I reached out for the hand Ellie had held out for her mom, and I slid mine into it, feeling relief and love as she gave me a gentle squeeze. “Am I pretty?” she asked with a little slur, and I laughed softly.
“Always, honey.”
Her eyes dropped to Hannah. “I’m okay,” she whispered.
“Are you sure?” Hannah pressed in close to the bed, her frightened eyes glued to Ellie’s bandaged head.
She was still tired. We shouldn’t stay long. I gently eased Hannah back so Justin and Adam could get in with Declan. Declan thought she looked cool of course. Once Justin said hello, Adam wouldn’t leave Ellie’s side.
Her eyes started to flutter closed.
“We should leave her to rest,” Clark ordered in a hushed voice. “We’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Els,” Justin murmured, and her eyes fluttered back open. “We’re going. We’ll be back tomorrow.”
Adam grabbed a chair from the side of the room and put it beside her bed. “I’m staying.”
We nodded, not really wanting to argue with the determined clench of his jaw.
With soft goodbyes we left them, Justin and I trailing at the back as we walked in a solemn fog through the hospital.
“She looked tiny,” Justin observed hoarsely. “I wasn’t expecting her to look so bad.”
“The swelling will go down.”
He shot me a careful look. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine.”
“It’s been a tiring day.”
We stopped at—actually I didn’t know where. The hospital was kind of confusing with lots of a little parking lots and different entrances and yellow barricades. I didn’t know where the hell I was. We were standing at an entrance anyway, and Elodie sighed. “Are you two getting a taxi back?”
Clark’s car wasn’t big enough for everyone to get a ride in. I’d gotten a ride going in but Adam and Justin had gotten a cab. I supposed it would be rude to suggest Justin take a cab and I get a ride.
“I’ll get a cab. Justin, you should go with them.”
He smirked knowingly. “We’ll get a taxi together.”
I reluctantly let Ellie’s family go, and waited as Justin called for a cab. I then stood at the entrance doors, keeping an eye out for the cab.
I smelled his cologne as he pressed close to my back. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to block out the fact that even though I’d ripped the bedsheets off my bed, I still hadn’t washed them because I could still smell Justin on them. I really was that girl.
“Do you want to tell me why I’m getting the silent treatment?” He asked gruffly, his breath hot on my ear.
I hunched up my shoulders, pulling away. His voice had an effect on my body and I didn’t want him to know that. “I’m talking to you.”
“I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“When have I ever wanted to talk about it?”
I felt the heat grow hotter as he stepped closer, his hand sliding down my hip. “You used to talk to me, Selena. Don’t pretend you didn’t.”
Seeing the familiar black cab of the city turn the corner into our part of the building, I pulled away quickly. “Cab’s here.” And started off toward it.
When we settled in the cab I could feel he was annoyed. I also knew him well enough to know that he was going to try to talk to me about it even if it meant following me home. I gave the cab driver Jo’s address in Leith.
Justin shot me a look.
I shrugged. “She asked me to come over.”
After a few more inane questions and a few more one word responses from me, Justin gave up, but not before sending me a lethal ‘this isn’t over’ warning look.
I got out at Jo’s without a goodbye and watched the cab drive away. I called Jo to make sure she was home, and I went up to her apartment and spent almost all night there.
Avoiding Justin took skill. Well, no it just involved me not spending any time at the apartment. It also meant getting a cab out alone to visit Ellie. Every day without fail Justin sent a text asking if I wanted him to swing the cab by my place to pick me up for visiting hours at the hospital. I sent him a polite ‘No, thanks’ back each time. Visiting hours were all about Ellie so I was safe there. She had a private room, was bored out of her mind and desperate to get home, but she had a whole week here. The swelling was going down more each day, but I could tell she was exhausted. She let us all, and by all I mean Elodie, chat around her, smiling and taking it in. Thankfully, I didn’t get to see the sad part, when her eyes would inevitably get all weepy as we left her. I didn’t get to see that part because I always left before everyone else. I saw not only the questions in Ellie’s eyes when I did this, but everyone else’s too. I tried to make up for it by bringing her a silly present each time I visited, but I knew she was dying to ask me what was wrong.
I wasn’t at all surprised that Justin didn’t chase me out of there.
He had moved on, so he didn’t really need to know why I was avoiding him.
Or so I thought.
New Years’ Eve I spent with Jo. I got a call from Rhian. Texts from Craig, Alistair, Adam, Elodie, Clark and the kids. I got a text from Justin.
Happy New Years, Selena. I hope it’s a good one for you. X
Who knew a text could be so heartbreaking? I text back… wait for it…
Back at ya.
Yeah, I did. I did do that. I’m an idiot.
As I began staying away from the apartment, swimming at a different pool and avoiding the gym we shared, I think it must have begun to dawn on Justin that I knew about Isla.
Four days into Ellie’s recovery at the hospital and only a few days before she was to come home, I got another text from Justin.
We really need to talk. I’ve come by the flat a few times but you’re never in. Can we meet up?x
I didn’t text him back. Obviously, he wanted to tell me about his new manager.
It didn’t matter if I didn’t text back. Fate already had plans for us to meet. Two days after the text, I was dodging the apartment and having lunch at this great pub on the Grassmarket. I was going to head up along George IV Bridge to Forrest Road where there was this little kitschy store that Ellie loved. They sold these umbrellas that were like old-fashioned parasols and she’d been going on and on about buying one but never had. So I was going to buy it for her as a little present for her return to the apartment the next day.
I had just finished my lunch and had stepped out onto the Grassmarket, trying to shove my purse back into my bag, when I heard, “Selena?”
My head snapped up and my heart did that thing where it beat so hard it unhooked itself from my chest and took a swan dive into the pit of my stomach. Justin was standing before me, and at his side was this tall, stunning blonde. She was wearing a pencil-skirt and Victorian-style suit jacket, sexy stiletto heels, her long blonde hair was perfectly tousled, and her make-up was as flawless as her face.
Was she for real?
I hated her instantly.
“Justin,” I murmured, my eyes flying anywhere and everywhere to avoid his gaze.
I should mention I was wearing my jeans with the worn out knee, a ratty t-shirt that advertised a famous beer, and my hair was in its usual knot on my head. I wore no makeup.
I looked like hell.
I’d really made his choice easy huh.
“I text you,” he said in an annoyingly stern tone.
My eyes flew to his at that. “I know.”
His jaw clenched.
Isla cleared her throat politely and he tried to relax, although his penetrating gaze didn’t leave mine as he said, “Isla, this is Selena. Selena, this is Isla, the new manager of Fire.”
Putting on my best acting skills I smiled politely and held out my hand for her to shake. She smiled back at me curiously. “I’ve heard all about you,” I told her meaningfully.
Justin’s whole body froze at that and I sent him a bitter smile, my eyes sending their own message—yeah I know all about her, ass**le.
Isla turned to Justin with an attractive and exceptionally flirtatious tilt to her mouth. “You’ve been telling people about me?”
He didn’t answer. He was too busy killing me with his eyes. “Isla, can you give us a moment please?”
Uh oh.
And then miracles. Bon Jovi saved the day. I’d reset my ringtone.
Yeah, I hadn’t been feeling subtle that day.
Justin raised an eyebrow at it, a stupidly amused smile curving his lips as I pulled my cell out. Rhian. Thank God. “I have to take this. I’ll catch you later.”
His smile quickly turned into a glare. “Joc-”
“Rhian,” I answered with affected cheer, giving Isla a little wave goodbye, one she returned obliviously.
Rhian snorted. “You sound wired.”
I hurried past the pubs heading for Candlemaker Row, a shortcut up to the bridge and Forrest Road. “I didn’t give you a good enough Christmas present, do you know that.”
“Uh, why?”
“Because you just saved my ass. I’m sending you a little something as a thank you.”
“Ooh, chocolate please.”
I let her talk to me about everything and nothing for ten minutes in a desperate attempt to dull the excruciating ache in my chest at seeing Justin. It didn’t last long. I went home, curled up with the unwashed bedsheet that smelled like him and cried for three hours, before I finally got up the courage to put it in the wash.
Perhaps I was still feeling guilty about flaking out on Ellie that first night, so I went a little overboard on getting the apartment ready for her return. It was clean from top to bottom, but I’d held back my own inclination to ‘tidy’ and left her clutter out since I knew it made her feel at home. I ordered this gorgeous pale green luxury bed set online because she loved green, I bought a few decorative cushions, and made her bed up into a princess bed. I bought a breakfast-in-bed table that rolled up to the side of the bed and swung over so she could eat in bed. I bought flowers. Chocolate. I packed the fridge with her favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. There was a pile of every latest issue of every magazine I’d ever seen her reading on her bedside cabinet. A couple of Sudoku and crossword books. And the most extravagant… a small flatscreen television with a built in DVD player. It was probably a little much for a patient who was only supposed to be on bed rest for two weeks but I didn’t want her to get bored.
“Oh my God.” Ellie’s eyes widened as she walked into her room. She was standing with her arm wrapped around Adam’s waist, and Elodie, Clark and Justin were already in the room, smiling at everything. The kids were back at school so they’d missed out on ‘Selena goes overboard’. Ellie’s eyes swung to me. “You did all this?”
I shrugged, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. “It’s not much.”
Ellie laughed and came over to me slowly. “You’re a little bit awesome.”
I huffed. “If you say so.”
“Come here.” She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her, like always feeling like a little girl hugging her mother because she was so tall. “I love it, thank you.”
“I’m glad.” I gently eased her back and frowned. “Lie down.”
Ellie groaned. “This is going to be fun.”
As Adam helped Ellie off with her shoes and into the bed, Elodie came over to me. “The doctor says you need to make sure her bandages don’t get wet when she’s showering.”
“She can take baths for now.”
“Good. And, she’s to rest. She’s allowed to walk about, but not constantly.”
“Got it.”
“She’s to go back in two weeks to get the bandage off.”
“And then she has a check-up three months after that. If everything’s fine, it’ll be a year after that.”
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