#jaeden lieberher fluff
evereinefaust · 6 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Jaeden Lieberher/Martell X afab!Reader
Synopsis: MC hadn't experienced happiness as often in recent years. The only sanctuary that she had was that one time she watched a movie and fell in love with the main character. And after a fateful meeting with that actor, reality finally dawned on her.
Word Count: 2,690
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I groaned as the sun's rays invaded my room through the windows. I really hate it when the light shines down my closed eyes, it makes it harder to sleep. Though I know that I have to wake up and do my usual shit. I rubbed my eyes and tried to remove the sleep while I propped my elbows on the mattress to lift my upper body. I can hear the birds singing and the noisy people outside. It's just another usual day in my hometown. 
After stretching my body, I got off the bed. I went over to my closet to pick my clothes for today which were white, long-sleeved, off-shoulder, cropped top with a black bunny design, a black sleeveless shirt underneath it, a high-waist, black, flared skirt, and lastly, black heels. I planned on eating breakfast outside since I'm too lazy to make something to eat for today. My parents are very busy this week and are barely home. I didn't let it get to me though, considering how distant I am from them, I'm already used to being alone most of the time. 
I closed my closet and with the clothes in my arms, I went to the bath to do my usual stuff. After 30 minutes of preparation, I then went out of my house and walked towards the nearest Starbucks in town. My eyes scanned over my usual surroundings and admired nature. Every time I decided to take a walk outside, I always brought my journal and sketchbook. It is my only way to escape from reality, after all.
A sigh escaped my lips as I slowed my steps, letting my gaze fall onto the concrete sidewalk. I don't usually let loneliness get to me, but there are really times that I can't help but feel depressed. I let my mind wander off for a bit as I continued my walk down the town, my legs automatically moved to where Starbucks is. I was pretty sure that I was nearing the cafe so I returned my gaze up, only to have my eyes widen in shock.
I am utterly surprised by what I saw — or rather, who I saw. That brown hair. Those green eyes. He is here. Exiting the same Starbucks that I was about to go in. Unconsciously, my feet dragged my body towards him. He was about to leave and I practically ran towards him.
"Excuse me," I gently tapped the male on his shoulder.
The boy turned around to look at me. Shit, he is too handsome. I saw that he was surprised but nevertheless smiled at me.
"Hi, what can I help you with?"
Honestly speaking, I can't believe why I haven't fainted yet. My heart was rapidly beating against my ribcage, my face was flushed due to nervousness and I could feel my whole body heating up. You could even say that I'm blushing right now. I mean, who wouldn't? The one and only Jaeden Lieberher is here, standing in front of my very eyes. His gentle smile sent butterflies fluttering in the pits of my stomach and I could literally melt from his gaze.
Shit. I can't believe I stuttered in front of my idol.
"You're Jaeden Lieberher, right?" I asked, even though I already knew it.
Call me crazy but I just wanted to make sure my crush and idol was really standing in front of me, not just any person looking similar to him.
Jaeden nodded. Thank god it's really him.
"Um... I'm a fan and I was wondering if I could have a picture with you?" I let my gaze downwards, feeling embarrassed to even ask him such a request.
I was pretty sure that he would decline my request. I mean, he is a famous actor and thousands of thousands of fans out there also want to take a picture with him. A lot of people wanted to meet their favorite idols in real life and I am lucky enough to be able to spot him here in my hometown. Even though it is just a simple request, I'm pretty sure that he is too busy to fulfill my stupid request.
Ugh! I'm so annoyed with myself! Geez, [Name]! You're already lucky to even spot Jaeden in your hometown, yet you still took the liberty to disturb him in his daily life. He has better things to do rather than entertain you, you stupid! I was so busy reprimanding myself that I didn't realize that Jaeden was speaking to me. I snapped out of my short trance and glanced back at him, my cheeks blushing in embarrassment.
"Huh? I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said?" I feel so awkward. If Jaeden wasn't here I would face-palm due to my stupidity.
The brunette just chuckled. "I said, sure. I won't mind having a picture with you."
My heart skipped a beat yet again. I can feel myself smiling a bit despite being in such a confounded state. My hand instantly fished out my phone from my small sling bag. I opened the device and switched to the camera. While I held the phone up, Jaeden scooted a bit at my side, making our arms brush against each other. This unexpected outcome made me even more flustered. And that's not all! Jaeden offered to take the picture instead!
I pursed my lips, trying to fight the urge to hug the boy and calm myself down. I know that I'm being a bit unsettled, but who wouldn't be when in the presence of their favorite idol? Anyways, Jaeden lifted the phone up and adjusted himself so that we could fit in the screen properly. He rested his hand on my other shoulder as he neared his face to mine, our cheeks almost touching. I tried to contain my huge smile and retain a calm exterior, despite having internal chaos within me.
I clenched my heart, hoping that it would somehow make my heartbeat slow down. After three consecutive shots, Jaeden returned my phone and I instantly thanked him for fulfilling my request. Even though I knew that this meeting was purely coincidental, I still believed that it was fate that made us meet.
I scanned the pictures Jaeden took and a smile etched on my face. "These photos are great... Thanks again."
"It's no problem."
Though, as soon as he said that, my smile turned into a frown. I can't help but think about today. Sure, I meet my idol and have a picture with him. A part of me says that this interaction is enough, however, the other argues that I should spend more time with him. You know, cherish the moment. After all, don't let an opportunity slip past you. If you don't take the chances given to you, it might never return and you might regret it.
I stood there for a while, staring at the screen and clenching my sketchpad with my other hand. I can see my reflection through the glass screen. My eyes contained sadness that I never once knew I had. My lips sported that same frown I always wear every day. It just... hurts.
"Hey," a soft voice broke my trance.
"Huh?" I whipped my head back to the speaker, and surprisingly, it was still Jaeden.
I thought that he would leave by now. But recalling our last conversation, I really didn't bid him goodbye. He must've waited for me to say it so he could go. Though I thought he would be the one to initiate that, especially if he's busy and wanted to avoid another fan. Maybe he's too shy to do so, who knows...
"I realized that you were holding a sketchbook earlier. If you want, I can give you an autograph," he offered, sending me a shy smile as he scratched his temple a bit.
Jaeden really does melt my heart. Not only he was good-looking and talented, but he also had a sweet personality. This is one reason why I started to admire the boy.
I nodded to his reply, handing him the sketchbook in my right hand. My eyes watched as the brunette opened the pages and stopped at a blank one. He got out a black marker from his pocket and started writing his autograph. As I waited, my eyes were subconsciously stealing glances at the boy. I can't help it. He's just... something.
"Here you go," the male handed me back the sketchbook.
I smiled. "Thanks again, Jaeden. It's really kind of you to offer an autograph and answer my humble request. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome," he returned the smile with his own. "It's nice meeting you here. I hope your day will be great. I'll be going now. Goodbye."
"Bye," I waved as the figure of my idol walked away.
I remained in my spot. My hand clenched the sketchbook on my quick beating heart which eventually slowed down. My whole face was regaining back its normal color and my temperature wasn't that warm anymore. My eyes were glued to the direction Jaeden left. Another minute had passed and I let out a tired sigh.
I scolded myself for wasting my time outside the cafe and decided to return back to the routine. The bells chimed as I entered Starbucks. The female behind the cashier greeted me and even told me a great job. I just politely smiled at her. I knew that she was observing us from the inside. It was kind of awkward when I realized it. But nevertheless, what is done is done. I can't contemplate it any longer.
I went to the counter and ordered my usual breakfast, paid for it, and seated myself next to the windows. I placed my sketchpad down and fished out my journal from my bag. My eyes scanned the cover, glossing over the leather with my favorite color in it. With a defeated sigh, I opened the journal. I’ve gone through each written page, each containing my thoughts, troubles, and desperation.
Desperation is mostly brought by my secluded fantasy for a specific male. I was never a fan of any idols, to be honest, however, Jaeden was the only exception. There was something about that boy that drove me crazy. It’s funny, actually, since I’ve only seen him two times. The first was in the movie The Book of Henry and the second was the best-selling movie IT. Other than that, I’ve never seen him almost anywhere. And ever since watching those movies, I’ve started to gain interest in him.
“Ugh…” an annoyed groan escaped my lips. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and slowly brought my head down on the wooden table, closing my eyes as I did so. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Here’s your order, miss,” I heard the clank of a cup against the table followed by a plate.
I quickly regained my composure and smiled at the same lady from earlier before she went back to her spot behind the counter. Maybe some nice beverage would calm my nerves down. I picked the cup up and put it in front of my lips. With a few air blows on the hot liquid, I took a sip from it. I felt the liquid travel down my throat and it calmed me down. After placing the cup back on the saucer, I proceeded to write down today’s journal entry.
March 13, 20xx
When was the last time I felt happy? I actually can’t remember anymore… With this life of mine, there was nothing else really happening. Everything is just monotonous. My routine, my environment, my school… heck! I can’t even seem to remember when I last bonded with my parents! They were always so busy with their work that they completely forgot about me. I don’t know anymore. I’m not particularly sad, I’m just…what do you call it? Yeah, right. Empty. It’s like there was something incomplete in my life. There was no excitement, no sparks. This had gone on for many years now, and I would admit that I was used to it.
I smiled bitterly at the memories of when I was always alone at home, my parents rarely came home for dinner or family time together. It was just only me in our house. Nothing more.
However, despite the darkness, there was light. It was dim and distant, but still… it’s light. After many years, I felt somehow…alive. Hopeful. Call me stupid, but… he was my hope. I found sanctuary in Jaeden. I know that I’ve only seen him in movies, but still…! Ugh! Explaining my feelings before wasn’t that difficult. Why is it difficult to express myself now?! Of all times, why now? Ugh… anyways…
My lips were pursed together in annoyance. I paused for a while, letting my pen down on the paper. My feelings were completely jumbled. I don't want to continue writing like an idiot without any proper idea after all. I took a moment to observe the surroundings outside before continuing on. It works for me to think straight.
Jaeden…he… He’s kind and friendly, albeit shy. I felt like I was in a whole new world when I was with him. Meeting him was fate. I wouldn’t admit that it was just a coincidence. No. I wouldn’t accept that. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast when speaking to him. My body was sweating bullets when near him. My face was blushing when we were seeing eye to eye. It was just…wonderful. It was like I was in a fantasy. My fantasy.
Not only that, when I first saw him, I felt like I had a purpose in life. His acting skills inspired me. It was like I was drawn to him. I know that I’m a loner and only good at drawing, but…it doesn’t hurt to try…right? After watching him in movies and observing him on his blogs, I had this sudden urge to experience being with him. He had made friends. Great friends. While I… I’m just a loner. Whenever I think about him, my life seems to become better. My spirits were lifted like he was the cure. 
I didn't realize the smile etched on my face as I wrote this. 
I was so ecstatic that I didn’t want to wake up. It felt like a dream. A wondrous dream. But…dreams don’t last. Just like always, we have to wake up. Despite having him as an inspiration, my insecurities are still killing me. I had no talent for acting. I’m not good with people. I am shy. I am awkward. I’m…. helpless. Just by looking at us, the answer was very obvious.
Though, as soon as it was, my smile transformed again into a frown. 
There is no way for me to stand in the same podium as he is. I have no rights. I’m just a petty commoner. He’s a great actor. I have no friends. He had tons. I am talent-less. He is brilliant. And so on and so forth. The differences are just many. Our gap is too big. While he shines in the light, I am here, watching him from the darkness. He is so far away that all I can do is look up to him. I can’t seem to reach him at all.
I let out a defeated sigh, pausing for a bit. I twirled the pen in between my fingers as I let my gaze fall onto the scenery outside. It was such a wonderful day today. The skies were blue, there were some white, fluffy clouds drifting through the horizon, the trees were swaying softly, the fallen leaves were floating, and the citizens were going on their daily tasks. My eyes gradually softened and tears quietly cascaded down my cheeks.
Maybe it’s better if I should give up… After all, we live in opposite worlds.
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Jaeden Lieberher ~ Naruto
Request:  “This was amazing! lol could you maybe do a jaeden x reader, (it doesn’t have to be perfect or long) with the prompt "So let me get this straight, you decided to sneak through my window at 3am with  a billion snacks and the intention to cuddle and watch Naruto?” idk i thought it was pree cool lolol" Summary: pretty much the request? Let me know if in the future you’d prefer to know more about the plot than just the request. Type:  pure soft fluff. Warning: Only warning would be swearing again, I think. Oh, and a kiss. Idk if that’s a warning. Sorry I’m new to this whole thing lol. Word count: 1454 (including A/Ns) Hope you enjoy it. Let me know!
(not my gif, credit goes to @maanthestaan !)
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It was a peaceful summer night. My curtains were parted slightly so that from my position in bed, I could see out the window. A cool breeze swept gently through, from outside and rustled my curtains. I sighed contently, with my hands behind my head as I gazed at the clear night sky with bright stars scattered through out it. My wind chimes tinkled together softly, slowly luring me to sleep. My eyelids drooped and I gave in to the fatigue. I smiled and pulled my blanket up around my face, and not moments later I drifted into a dreamless sleep. - It was hard to say exactly what woke me up, since there was a lot of different possibilities. It started with a crash, and a clutter. Then footsteps, a creak, a shuffle, a smack, and finally a yelp. I sat bolt up in my bed and was about to scream, when a hand clamped over my mouth. There was a dark figure on my bed, having come through the window and was now trying to keep me quiet. Alarm bells rang. With wide eyes, I was frozen in place. I didn’t know whether to fight or run. “Y/N, shh, it’s only me, Jaeden. I didn’t mean to scare you sorry…” The figure spoke in a whispered tone, and I immediately relaxed. It was only Jaeden, my next door neighbour and best friend/ crush/ boyfriend? I didn’t know what we were to be perfectly honest. We often held hands and did couple-y things… We never denied people that assumed… But it wasn’t official. “Are you going to remove your hand from my mouth or what?” I asked, my voice muffled because of his hand. He quickly pulled his hand back, smiling apologetically. In the dim light I couldn’t clearly see the details of his face, only the basic features. “Sorry..” He whispered, looking away. I shifted my legs, and sat upright, so that he would have enough room to sit down. We didn’t talk for a wile before I glanced over at my alarm clock. “WHAT THE HELL JAEDEN,!?!? It’s 3 in the fucking morning!” I whisper screamed at him, and rubbed my eyes. ‘It better be a good reason for him being here, otherwise I will push him out the window’ Y/N thought to herself. Jaeden smiled sheepishly, reached back through the the window and grabbed something that I couldn’t see from the veranda thingie. He held up multiple bags of various snacks, and I looked at him with a questioning stare and eyebrows raised. “I wanted to cuddle and watch Naruto with you, so I brought snacks as a peace offering.” He said so sweetly, and so innocently, I couldn’t even pretend to be angry. I sighed, and rested my head in my hands, trying to process what he was telling me. “So let me get this straight, you decided to sneak through my window at 3am with a billion snacks and the intention to cuddle and watch Naruto?” I asked to make sure I was on the same page. He grinned and nodded. I chuckled softly, pulled back the covers and patted the bed beside me. Jaeden looked at me hopefully but didn’t move from where he was sitting on my bed. His eyes roamed the room, looking for answers to a question he hadn’t asked out loud. I shivered, without the blankets surrounding me and rolled my eyes at how adorably shy he was acting. “Dude, hurry, I’m a tad cold here. You’ve come this far, and probably woken up the whole neighbourhood with all the noise you were making.” I prompted looking at him expectantly. He chuckled and shrugged, awkwardly clambering into bed beside me. I wasn’t instantly warm again with his body right beside mine. I got a whiff of his cologne and had to stop myself from sniffing him creepily. “Good. I mean I’m awake now, so we might as well go through with your plan. Can you grab my laptop? It’s just down beside my bed. ” Jaeden rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment “yeah, uh, sorry about waking you…” He reached down and grabbed my laptop, and watched patiently as I set it up for Naruto. I was very aware of his eyes on me, and I felt I had to break the silence. “Uh, How exactly did you manage to make so much noise?” Jaedens eyes widen and he blushes. “Uh, good question.. Well the gap between our houses is actually bigger than I originally thought… Also it’s hard to jump from one house to another, two stories up, carrying A LOT of snacks. And after I managed to complete that mission, all I had to do was get through the window. Also harder than it looks… And I managed to hit my head on the window as I was trying to get through it. Being as gangly and uncoordinated as me is a curse.” He hid his face in his head, not making eye contact. I burst out laughing and covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn’t wake anyone. “Aww Jae! I didn’t realise how much Naruto meant to you! Is your head okay??” I giggled. Jaeden looked at me confused “I could’ve easily watched Naruto at mine… I just wanted to cuddle with you while I watched it. If anything means that much to me… It’s you, Y/N/N.” He bit his lip, nervously smiling “but, yeah I think my heads fine…” I searched for the right words but couldn’t find them. I tucked my hair behind my ears and fiddled with my fingers, unsure of what to say. Eventually I looked up at him, to see that his soft green eyes hadn’t left me. “I’m glad you risked your life, woke me up, got a concussion, just to see me.” I whispered, not afraid to wake anyone, but afraid to ruin the moment if I spoke too loudly. He threaded his fingers through mine and grinned. “Well I’m bloody glad that my efforts weren’t in vain” he whispered back, “ hey, Y/N/N?” “Yeah, Jae? ” Would you… Do you want to be my girlfriend? Officially? I mean… It’s okay if you don’t want to be…“ I broke out into a grin and leaned forward, closing the gap between us, and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back after a brief moment of shock, and the hand that wasn’t entangled with mine found its way to my check. After a while, I slowly pulled away. "If you couldn’t tell, that was a yes.” I teased Jaeden chuckled and bit his lip. His eyes kept darting back down at my lips “well I’m glad…” He eventually looked away from my lips to the laptop sitting slightly toppled off our knees, forgotten about briefly. “Still wanna cuddle and watch Naruto?” He asked sheepishly. I grinned widely “more than ever.” I pressed play as Jaeden wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest. I opened a bag of chips and offered some to him. He simply opened his mouth wide. I giggled and put a chip in his mouth, before settling in to watch the episode. We stayed like that, curled up together, watching Naruto and eating snacks, for a couple of hours before we were both yawning so often we decided to put the laptop down. We both fell asleep, as the sun was slowly rising, wrapped in each other’s arms, and soft smiles on our faces.
A/N: holy shit I’m bad at endings. Actually I’m bad at writing in general but my endings are worse than bad. Advice is welcome as usual. Second imagine up! Don’t expect me to post this often, I just had these already 😂❤️ I’d love to hear more requests!! Hope you enjoyed this even if it was cringed and badly written! Xx
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
Hey! Can I request a jaeden martell x reader where basically their charters are dating on a tv show and they are really really good best friends in real life and they they both go on the Jimmy fallon show and he keeps on asking if they’re dating because everyone thinks they are and when they say no he obvi doesn’t let it go lol and it ends up slipping up that jaeden did/ does have a crush on reader and they maybe end up sharing a kiss in front is Jimmy & audience & stuff😶just an idea i had 😂:)
i love this idea wow, thinking i’m going to put my own little twist on it but i think you’ll still be pleased ;)
just friends
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warnings!: suggestive topics, fluff
word count: 2.1k
your face was being touched up with powder, the cotton pad dabbing at your nose as the white powder absorbed into any oil your face may have had.
you look over at jimmy, this wasn’t your first talk show, but it had been the biggest one with the most following. it was intimidating, you bounced your foot up and down and played with your hands.
behavior jaeden had grown to recognize. he knew you better then you knew yourself, your anxiety was worse then you put it out to be. “you ok?” he questioned, “fine, i’m fine” you painted a small smile on your face. but he wasn’t easily fooled.
he grabbed one of your hands and rubbed circles into your palm, this sent vibrations of relaxation down your spine.
his eyes locked with yours, you swore they were a different color each time you saw them. sometimes more blue, sometimes more green, sometimes dark with mystery, sometimes light and playful.
‘aaand where on air’
you wiped the hand that was interlocked with his off on your dress, it was clammy. the curtain came up fast, and your vision was soon flooded with bright lights and silhouettes of bodies.
making out the faces in the sea of people was impossible, but you knew your friends were out there. they had flown out to see you, a) they could go see new york and b) you were on national television, and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
jimmy was talking, you knew that much, but your nerves took over and honestly you weren’t registering a damn thing he was saying. the crowd cheered, you snapped out of your daze.
“and here tonight, we have jaeden martell and y/n l/n from the new HBO tv series: turning tables”
he turned to both of us, and gave everyone time to clap. he tired to speak over the loud hands, moving on with his show, but the crowd made that difficult. eventually the clapping died out and he could continue.
“now, i’ve watched all of the episodes but, for the people who haven’t seen: can you explain what the show is about?” he looked a jaeden, you let go of a breathe you had held in.
“s-sure” jaeden turned to face the audience more, he was soft spoken and shy, so it was important he projected as much as he could.
“turning tables is a teen drama. it’s about families of poverty in the seattle washington area and how they struggle to go to school and work. my character, jennings cooper, is the main protagonist. the show is mainly from his point of view, and how he struggle to support his family.”
jimmy nods and smiles, he looks pleased with his explanation. i’m truth the show wasn’t that simple, he knew that. but, it would take so long to explain.
“and y/n, who do you play?” he knew the answer to this obviously, but you were becoming a crowd favorite. everyone loved your personality, and you were an up-and-coming a list celebrity.
“i play parker marlow, jennings girlfriend” you blushed at this statement, the crowd giggled and ‘ouuu’ed. jimmy rubbed his hands together, getting excited at the upcoming topic of discussion.
“so, your romance on season one was steamy” you thought back to the scenes you did together. all of the kissing, which felt normal at this point. he wasn’t a bad kisser, in fact- you didn’t mind it at all. your romance through the season built up to a sex scene, your mind flashed through the memories of filming it.
filming those scenes isnt half as steamy as you think it is. it’s awkward, you laugh a lot. you had never felt that exposed in your life! however watching it was different, it looked so real, so perfect.
you blurred out your thoughts, mr. fallon still speaking on the subject. “can we expect more -“ jimmy searched for your ship name, it was on the tip of his tongue. the combination of your first names on the show didn’t make an attractive combo. it was either jarker or pennings. your last names matched a little better.
“-carlow” jaeden finished for him. jimmy nodded and smiled “yes- carlow- can we expect more carlow next season?” you both looked at each other and smiled. the writers for the show already had the next four seasons laid out. you knew that carlow was a continuing relationship on the show.
“yes, you should expect more of that sort of content from us” you stated. the people in the crowd had a positive responce to this, the applause lapping until it died out once again.
“right, your characters have so much chemistry in the show. two struggling teens just trying to break even.” jaeden agreed “yes, our characters balance each other out, and being from the same background helps them associate. jennings is kind of a bad boy-as the ladies say- he’s a felon, he steels cars and sells them to counterfeit manufacturers and dealers for money. parker, y/n’s character, has a job at a diner. she shows him the light at the end of the tunnel if he chooses to go down a good path.”
“yes, parker gets jennings a job at the diner with her, and he falls for her sweet disposition even after everything she’s been through” you add.
jimmy licks his lips and pops another question: “so id imagine the chemistry in the show heightens the real life thing?” he cocked an eye brow, the group gasping at the intrusiveness.
“jaeden and i are just friends” you blurt out, your nerves working up again. it was hard, you liked jaeden ever since you had your first kiss with him.
“y-yeah” he stutters, he obviously wasn’t expecting this either “friends” jimmy shakes his head and puts his finger on his lip “recently, you both have been showing a lot of pictures of you two together on social media.”
the audience ‘awwwed’ at the photos that displayed behind you. on the screen, there were pictures of you and him that were on both of your instagrams. you two at gardens, getting food, even watching movies at each other’s houses.
“for just friends, these photos looks intimate , wouldn’t you say” a bunch of ‘yes’’s and ‘mhm’’s came from the crowd as both of your faces became red.
“we’re just best friends, honestly” jaeden laughed nervously, he fixed his hair with his hand has he always does.
“right right- can you tell me when this photo is from?” jimmy asked, the last picture flashing on the screen. it was of you both, you had just filmed your first scene together.
the first scene you filmed together was episode two, he saved you after you fell into ice cold water. it was how the characters met, and it was filmed at a cove on a windy august day.
the picture was a little blurry, but it added character. he had his arm around you, both of your hair soaked, and you share a huge towel. you remember how cold you were, your teeth chattered so rapidly. his hair was stuck to his forehead and more small pieces went up. and your lips were almost purple, half from the makeup, half because you swore that was the coldest water you had ever went in.
“that’s from when we first started filming, it was the first time we met in the show” you recited, re living the memory in your head. you remember jaeden pulling your head into his chest when the wind began blowing. you remember his thumb trying to create friction on your back to make you just a little warm.
“yes yes- you two look so adorable!” jimmy squealed, he was the most teenage-girl-grown-man you had ever met. his hand opened one of the drawers in the faux desk he sat behind, pulling out a small blue camcorder.
the camcorder.
you know how on tv shows, there is special footage? sometimes it’s just behind the scene specials but sometimes- sometimes - it’s footage the actors document when they were just having fun? yeah it was one of those camcorders.
the camcorder was brought in by the two other co hosts wyatt oleff and finn wolfhard (i know this cast is sooo original not really) they played jaedens two best friends on the show. while they weren’t filming, they’d dick around and talk about stupid stuff. you’d never seen what they filmed, but you had been featured quite a few times; their by them pranking you, or invading your personal space.
you looked over at jaeden, you watched his adam’s apple bob and a thin layer of sweat flush over his face. he bounced his leg slightly, a habit he had picked up from you.
“let’s just review our material here” jimmy teased, his tongue darting out between his teeth. the video began to play, the sound was loud; assumingely for jaeden quiet voice in the tape.
the video started with wyatts unsteady hand, him and finn were running around set, they stopped at jaeden, he was playing on his phone in his trailer.
“jaeden wesley we have come for you” finn yelled. you could see jaeden shoot up from his chair. “hey guys” he waved. they talked for around a minute, jokes and all. then finn started to giggle, wyatt zoomed in on jaedens face.
“so jaeden, how’s y/n?” he chuckled, jaeden blushed “she’s ok i guess dunno.” wyatt stopped zooming in when the only thing in frame was jaedens head. “the kiss was good hm?” wyatt asked. jaeden continued to play on his phone, he nodded. “yeah, she’s pretty cute too.”
the video cut to another segment, this was filmed after the sex scene. you knew because jaeden laid on the bed you, in the same underwear that he wore during the scene. the boys were jumping on the bed, and jaeden took the camera and talked to it.
“this is for memory and memory ONLY! h-hey y/nnn” he was talking to the camera like it was you “you’re amazing and cool” you could hear finn explode into laughter as he stole the camera back and started running “yeah! and he wants your babies and loves you so much-“ “SHUT UP FINN!!!” and jaeden chased him around.
the video was taken off the screen. your face had become close to ghostly white. it was weird, it was almost like he was dumb enough to think finn wouldn’t give jimmy this blackmail goldmine. you looked at jaeden, he hit his bottom lip until it was red, he itches his neck and laughed it off.
“yeah ok-ok jimmy, maybe i liked her back in the day” jaeden tried so hard to be casual, but jimmy hit him with a heart stopper: “but mr martell, the last clip was filmed less then a month ago!”
your mind flickered with memories and ideas of him.
your first time meeting, how good his hand felt in yours. when you wiped icecream off his chin, and him dotting icecream on to the top of your nose. the way his hair always fell perfectly above his eye brow. and SHIT how he always smelt so fucking good. how he let you fall asleep in his arms and how he never complained when you put on some stupid romcom and-
“y/n?” jimmy questioned. “huh?” you spaced, come on y/n you gotta stop doing that. “i asked how you felt about all of this.” “well, there isn’t a right word i can use.”
jaeden took this has a bad reaction, he did a small wave to the crowd and stood up to get off the stage.
you stood up, grabbed his hand, and laid one right on him. kissing him felt normal, but now that there was emotion behind it, it just felt so right.
you both stopped for air, the crowd went wild. jimmy was clapping too, you could barley hear them, your heart was pumping throughout your whole body. you swore jaeden could hear it.
after the show, you sat in your dressing room for a bit, contemplating the events of tonight, and how they were all broadcasted for your embarrassment. but it was only the beginning. only the beginning of what was to come for mr. and mrs. jaeden martell.
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loversclwb · 4 years
my boy - bill denbrough x reader
warnings: none, pretty much just fluff.
authors note: hi everyone, i hope you enjoy this little fic :) let me know if i misspelled any words haha, thank you for reading <3
“billy?” you mumbled sleepily, moving out of the way of your window so your boyfriend could climb in.
it was about two something am, you had been peacefully sleeping until you woke to a knocking on your window.
at first you had been scared. you had thought that maybe IT had returned, or that henry bowers and his goons were trying to break into your room. but when you peaked through the blinds, you found bill sitting on your roof in his pajamas and his dads old sneakers that were a little too big for him.
of course you immediately opened the window, but you were still breathing a little heavy from the fright.
“what are you doing here, bill?” you huffed, pretending to be annoyed. “i was having the most incredible dream until you so rudely interrupted it.”
bill grinned, “well i’m s-sorry, i di-didn’t realise i was-wasn’t allowed to miss m-my girlfriend.”
he put his hands on your waist and tugged you closer to him. the warmth of his body gave you a sense of comfort and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. you cupped his jaw in one hand while your other laid flat on his chest.
bill pressed a loving kiss to your forehead. your face grew pink and you were glad that it was dark in your room, the only source of light being the moonlight that shone through your window.
“seriously, bill. what are you doing here? its so late” you whispered to him. a small frown settled over your face, not because you were mad, but because you were worried.
ever since that summer two years ago, none of the losers have been the same. it effected everyone differently, but for bill it had been sleeping troubles.
when he turned fourteen, his sleeping schedule started to regain pattern again. but recently the nightmares have been coming back, leading to bill asking you to spend the night multiple times a week or staying over at one of the boys.
bill turned away from you.
it embarrassed him that he had to rely on you all the time for help. it made him feel helpless and child-like. he believed that he should be the one protecting you, not the other way around.
“hey” you said softly to get his attention. you didn’t want him to be embarrassed for expressing himself.
“ni-nightmares” bill replied shakily. you turned his face back to you, and the two of you gazed at each other for a moment.
“come on then” you weakly smiled at your love, grabbing his hand in your own and walking over to your bed. bill happily followed you, sitting on the side of your bed to take his shoes off before cuddling into the blankets.
you opened your arms and beckoned for him to come closer. “c’mere, baby” you cooed.
bill shuffled towards you. he buried his head in your neck and wrapped his arms tightly around your middle, breathing in your scent like he would never see you again.
you hooked your leg over his hip, running your hands through his hair before nuzzling your face in his brown locks.
the two of you stayed silent, enjoying each others presence. this is what you loved most about your relationship with bill, the little things that neither of you acknowledged, but you both were grateful for.
you couldn’t be happier with your relationship, and bill couldn’t be happier that he had found someone as caring as you to call his own.
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sleepyimpala · 4 years
face timing jaeden because of self iso includes
FANDOM: IT (CAST). PAIRING: jaeden martell x reader. GENRE: headcanon. WARNINGS: none. REQUESTED: yes. FROM MY OLD BLOG: selfish-archipelago (not the one that’s around now, whoever they are took my old username)
Can I request a hc about having cute face time sessions with Jaeden cause of the virus and you can't see each in person? Maybe there's some guest appearances from the it cast? :) 💖
ahhh yessssss
+ you have attatchment issues lol
+ jaeden does kinda
+ you starting the phonecalls
+ he’s always doing something but he’s always dropping whatever he does to face time you
+ “i miss you so much babe”
+ “i know I wish you could at least walk down the road” because let’s be real you guys live in the same neighborhood
+ “yeah my lawyers suck,”
+ “It’s ok though,”
+ it gets really cute
+ so many jokes
+ just remembering old times
+ sometimes you’ll watch movies together
+ like play it at the same time
+ “Sorry!”
+ “nah it’s ok lol”
+ Wyatt joining the call halfway through
+ “Wyatt what the fuck is wrong with your hair”
+ “iT’s NoT LiKe I’m LeAvInG tHe HoUsE anY tImE sOON,”
+ “good boy,”
+ “shut up,”
+ “hey we should play animal crossing”
+ “we should”
+ you DO play animal crossing
+ filing skits separately and then sending them to Wyatt to compile them (is that possible idk)
+ tik tok collabs
+ yah sorry it’s short lol
MASTERLIST (requests for jaeden are closed)
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good-doctor-imagine · 4 years
The Losers Getting Jealous
A/N: my first headcannon! i’m open to doing headcannons/reactions now... so if you want to request 👀
Pairing(s): Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh x Reader
Bill Denbrough
let’s be real: bill gets jealous easily
talking with a close friend that he knows likes you? jealous
hugging another person? jealous
he doesn’t want to hold you back from friendships tho so he tries to keep himself quiet
the only time he really gets mad is when someone blatantly hits on you
will stomp up to you and hold you in some way
arm over your shoulder
hand on your hip
a kiss on the cheek
he needs to be reassured that you like himmmmm
he may be a bit upset, but he really does care about you
Stanley Uris
sweet baby 🥺
he doesn’t like being jealous
he doesn’t get jealous that often, only when people are really trying to get with you
or when richie’s hitting on you
almost doesn’t know what to do when someone’s hitting on you
if it’s richie, he’ll just shut him down real quick
stan knows that you don’t like richie like that anyway
if it’s someone random he will start to glare at them
if you show any sign of being uncomfortable, he’ll be ready to throw hands protect you
he doesn’t exactly like confrontations but will do it if you’re involved
please show him love ughhhhh
Richie Tozier
okay so richie is a real flirt but he can be a bit oblivious when someone’s hitting on you
like if he isn’t focusing on you, then he won’t even notice the situation
but once he does he’s upset
tbh he will not be afraid to start throwing punches (i don’t know what damage those arms can do tho)
if the person that’s flirting with you leaves you alone, he’ll just be pouty the whole day
he’ll be whiny and want your attention more
wants to feel loved 😭
if the person is persistent and doesn’t leave you alone
Eddie Kaspbrak
okay i don’t think eddie gets as angry as bill or richie
he knows that you like him and he trusts you
if he sees someone flirting with you or you talking to someone he knows likes you, he gets sad
like he starts to doubt himself a bit
but eventually you can get him out of it
and once you understand that he’s unhappy when people do that, you learn how to avoid those situations
if one person just won’t stop, eddie will just leave the area
tbh i don’t think he likes confrontations either
reassure him that you love him, even if he insists he knows
he loves you to death ugh
Mike Hanlon
now mike is a strong boy
anyone who sees his arms is like 👀
mike gets a bit jealous when it comes to you and being flirted with but not to the point where he has to get involved
he knows that you like him and you know that he likes you
but if you show any signs of being uncomfortable, he is right up on the situation
he will try first to intimidate the person because he never wants a physical confrontation if he can help it
he will make sure that you’re okay and stays near you for the rest of the day
Ben Hanscom
ben is probably the sweetest boy out there let’s be real
like yes, he can get jealous but at the same time he thinks he’s overreacting
he never really gets jealous over people just talking to you but if someone is not leaving you alone, there’s a problem
he’s probably the most non-confrontational person out there
he hates starting fights or arguing with others so when he puts himself in the situation you know he’s serious
mainly tries to talk out of it but if that doesn’t work then he’ll leave with you
Beverly Marsh
bev is badass okay
she does get jealous but never acts on it unless it’s serious
she knows that you can handle yourself in small situations but once someone tries touching you or won’t leave you alone, she goes off
usually she keeps her cool when she interrupts the person but she’s very snippy when it comes to conversation
she also can become touchy with you in order to make your relationship more obvious
when it comes to that she normally scares the people away but if the other person escalates the situation, she’s not afraid of throwing hands
she’s confident in your relationship tho so it rarely happens anyway
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lavenderruris · 4 years
       (*)- smut
LOADING... ██████████████]99%
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Feed on your Fear / Bill Denbrough Imagine
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Request: Y/N Denbrough, a member of the Losers club, and the wife of Bill, is kidnapped and taken hostage by Pennywise and held until Bill and the rest of the Losers come to rescue Y/N. When Bill spots Y/N, he goes all protective mode over his wife. 
Thank you so much @thebeckyjolene​ for helping me! <3
Warning: some strong language!
Comments are much appreciated!
The smell. The smell was almost unbearable.
It was much worse than you remembered, but then, none of you remembered much. It came back in waves, hitting you in the face with every waft of metallic and waste. 
From the sewer, he was enjoying some delicious smelling humans as he began to purr, softly at first. When no response came from Y/n Denbrough he licked up the drool pooling down his chin and began to growl. He could, of course eat the last few inhabitants of his lair in a violent rampage, but then the meat would be less tender.
Struggling against the chains, you barely noticed him at first. Pennywise. The clown. All you could feel was the burning of your wrists and the wet ground spitting little splints of stone into your knees. He just stood there for a while, in the darkness. At first his face was obscured by the dim, but then he shuffled forwards and the feeble light from the whole in the roof, glowing over the floating children was enough to illuminate his features.That bluish hue made him all the more pale, but it was clear that he was wearing thick white make-up; his mouth was huge and garish red. The hair on his head was garish and slightly curly,but it was the smile on his face, the unsmiling smile that made you feel sick to your stomach. 
It took a moment of unsettling silence before he spoke.
‘Do you want to hear a joke about the girl who went walking into a sewer late at night?’
‘My husband, my friends will find me, and this time, we’ll stop you for good you freak.’
‘I can smell your fear... taste it... and I’ll have eaten every last morsel, sucked every last drop of your little human bones before they find you.’
‘You think I’m afraid, but I know you are. You couldn’t even defeat a bunch of teenagers.’
He huffed, before stomping over and grabbing your face with his claws.
‘I carried you down here, your feet dragging against every step. Bop! Bop bop! I sat you in a sitting position and chained you to the wall.The dim light made your skin sparkle and glow. And now, now I’m thinking about how good it will taste... your flesh.’
The scream that warbled through the air down one of the sewer’s side tunnels was as good as a siren. Nobody screams like that unless it is terror beyond endurance. It was unmistakably a child, and a young one at that.
Neither of you hear the voices coming closer from the opposite tunnel.
‘Come on guys, we need to get out of the water, it’s n-not f-far now.’
‘Is that supposed to reassure us?’, Richie whispers with a sigh, slapping his wet leg up onto the jagged stone mound as Eddie reaches down to help him up, his flashlight bouncing around on his head and illuminating different patches of the water in a shimmering light.
Bill reaches down to help Ben up, but lets him slip back into the water as his face falls slack. His white knuckles begin to hurt from clenching his fist too hard, and his gritted teeth hurt enough to make his head pound. He slightly hunched, exuding an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent, his face red with suppressed rage.
‘What is it, Bill?’
‘M-my wife. He’s g-g-ot my f-fucking wife.’
There is a scream from deep within him that forces its way from his mouth, as if his terrified soul has unleashed a demon. All he feels is anger, all he feels is that blinding white heat that burns his eyes and makes his heart sink into the pit of his stomach.  
Suddenly, his fist was slamming into the clown’s face. They stumbled apart for a brief second, dodging his claw as the other Losers’ just stand there momentarily, shocked; for a brief instant, his blue eyes widen before he managed to tilt her head back and slam it into Bill’s. Stars burst in his vision but he shook it off, blinding throwing a sloppy kick. 
‘Bill! Go get Y/n, we can deal with this motherfuck!’
He stumbled forwards as Richie pushed him out of the way, and he slumped onto his knees before you. Tentatively, he reached out, taking your cold, shaking hand in his and squeezing as gently as possible. 
‘I knew you would come, Bill Denbrough.’
‘L-losers gotta stick together, r-right? I’m s-s- sorry, I’m so sorry-’
His arms encircled you tightly, holding your frame close to his chest. When you moved your chin to look up at him, he grabbed your face gently placed his lips against yours, not caring that his cold tears were dripping down onto your eyelashes.
‘I promise, I promise, I’m g-going to get us home. T-this time, I will.’
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sejanusbaby · 5 years
Bill Denbrough Having a Crush On You...
A/N: The request I got wasn’t specific when it came to the age of Bill, but baby Bill is a cutie, so I figured it would fit more for a crush. This is young!Bill.
Anonymous asked: OMG I LOVE YOUR WORK! Could you do crush headcanons for Bill Denbrough?
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff. Enjoy.
Bill would be really quiet about having a crush on you.
It would start out with him inviting you to be a part of the Losers as a way to spend more time with you.
He’s always checking up on you when you don’t show up to school or you stay home from hanging out.
He stutters a lot more when he’s around you, that’s for sure.
This boy will be extremely protective over you, with everything going on in Derry at the time.
He always called your house to make sure you made it home on the days he didn’t walk you home.
Lots of teasing from the Losers.
“Look at this fuckface. He’s in love.” Richie would laugh.
Bill blushes a lot when you talk to him.
He’s so soft for you!!!
Lots of sharing the hammock together.
You, of course, weren’t that aware of his crush on you.
Well, until after your battle with Pennywise, when he presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you he loves you for the first time.
“Y-You just mean a lot t-to me, Y/N.” He would stutter, looking down at his feet.
The Losers being relieved when he finally tells you.
This boy is such a little gentleman though, it kills me.
After that, you two spend a lot of time together. Whether it’s at the arcade, movies, or anywhere in town.
You help comfort him about Georgie whenever he gets upset about it.
This lil’ boy is head over heals for you, and you know it.
You eventually leave Derry and slowy lose contact with him.
It kills him when he doesn’t get those daily phone calls from you anymore.
Who knew a phone call 27 years later would bring you two back together.
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Wait... WHAT? (Richie)(part 2)
A/n: Here's some x Richie lmao sorry
Warnings: Same pairings, but things are shifting in this story. Cursing, homelessness, It, angst, the usual
Writer: Pidge
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Bev had begun to drag me everywhere with the Losers. I guess we were Losers now too. I always felt separate from them, even though Bev's constant pushing me and Stan together worked only to create some sort of acquaintanceship between us.
"How long are you going to drag this out?" Stan asked me as we walked, drifting behind the others.
I sighed. He asked this often, but as time passed, I could see definite chemistry between Bev and Bill and I just felt that I couldn't butt my head in. "You know why I'm not saying anything, Stan."
Our usual duo was interrupted by Richie sidling up next to me. "What's up, Hot stuff?"
I snorted. "Nothing that involves you, Trashmouth."
Richie wiggled his eyebrows. "Does it involve Stan?" He leaned close, draping his arm around my shoulders.
Pulling away, I rolled my eyes. "Not Stan either."
No matter how hard I tried, he kept up conversation without problem as we walked, talking about the Quarry and school and Eddie's mom. I found myself easing around him. His jokes always got me to laugh and his presence was easy to get used to. At some point he put his arm around my shoulders again but I let it stay this time.
This whole time I'd been so focused on losing Bev to the Losers and losing Bill to Bev that I hadn't really reached out to the other Losers. I mean, yeah, Stan and I talked but that's because Bev kept shoving us together. I'd even meant to make friends with Ben and bond over losing Ben and Bev to each other. If just never gotten the courage or the right moment to approach any of the others. Richie had some sort of magic or initiative or mix of both, though, because he found endless openings to suddenly approach me and start talking. He had popped up here and there, joking and talking to whoever would listen- which was usually me. The others seemed to listen to him fairly often but in those moments when he'd exhausted all of them he would come and talk to me.
He was easy to talk to and be around. There was no awkward silence I felt obliged to fill or probing questions I wanted to avoid. There was no hesitation or straint or anxiety. It was just him talking, leaving the spaces for me to respond in such a way that he was basically telling me what to say back to him. No conversation was boring or lulled and even though I relied heavily on him to carry it, he didn't mind. In fact he was quite happy that I just sat and listened to him without losing attention, more easily than either of us thought I would be able to as he talked and bounced around and then ended in the complete opposite direction of where he started going.
Recently he'd started flirting more and it got me to laugh if nothing else. It was only too easy to fall into step with him and tell him everything.
For the first time since we'd begin talking, though, he seemed to sense that my subconscious had something to say because as one second stretch to two and we kept taking or in syncronized steps, I found myself mindlessly beginning, "I just don't be-" My words cut off, eyes widening. Richie was the closest of the Loser to actually being friends with me. Stan and I were acquaintances for sure, but I was thiking he was more intrigued by me than actually wanting to be friends.
Richie tilted his head. "I mean, we’re the group of those that don’t belong." I blushed, feeling exposed and vulnerable without being prepared. "I think that’s the biggest thing we have in common. We don’t belong anywhere else. We make it work somewhere else and friendships form but that’s how it starts." He shrugged, his grin sudden;y coming back. "We all know that I’m a Loser just because no one can deal with my size."
For a second my eyes had searched his face, surprised by the love for his friends and the thoughtfulness he was showing. But the last comment ruined it and I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Yeah Rich I don’t know what else it would be,” I stated sarcastically.
"Guys keep up!" Eddie called. I wa sure if he was irritated or worried. We were in the middle of the woods and Richie and I had fallen really far behind. Either way, I lengthened my steps, catching Richie’s hand to pull him after me when it dropped from my shoulders.
Once we had caught up, I dropped it without much thought. My eyes were caught by Bill, but not for the same reasons as usual. Right now, to my horror, I was watching him sift through the little nook under the Kissing Bridge (distracted by Richie, I hadn’t at all realized where we were in the woods. We’d just planned on meandering around lazily on this Saturday that didn’t hold anything to do that we weren’t bored of doing.).
My heart began racing, seeming to grow in size as it pressed painfully against my ribs, rising into my throat and choking me.
"I wonder who lives here," Beverly mused, Pitt and sadness in her face.
Eddie shuddered. "No one sanitary. Look at how disgusting it is. Do you know how many diseases we could catch just standing here..." he shuddered again and I flinched, feeling shame fill me to he brim, triggering my anxiety.
“They must feel so alone,” Beverly mused quietly as she moved to Bill’s side. Her face drooped, her eyes wide and sad. “Being out here in the cold every night. Alone, in the dark... It doesn’t look very comfortable.”
Sta tilted his head. “It’s weird to think someone lives here. Ferry’s a small town and people come to the bride all the time. Wouldn’t someone have seen or heard someone?”
“Maybe th-they aren’t always- aren’t always here,” Bill offered. “Like in the day- the day time too, you know?”
“Well if they’re busy in the day and gone at night, when they hell do they come back here and sleep?” Mike asked, crossing his arms.
Ben shuffled. “Guys maybe we should leave. They could be back any moment and the sun’s gonna be going down soon. This is where someone lives. It’s like walking into someone’s house and poking around.”
Bev’s gasp caught everyone’s attention. “She’s a girl.” She held up a tattered, faded box held together desperate with duck tape, holding my extra clothes all neatly folded and my cleaning supplies. She then put it down, running a hand through her hair. “Looks to be our age, too.”
“Guys I think Ben’s right,” I rushed, feeling my panic start to overwhelm me as I shoved my hands behind my back to hide their shaking. “These are someone’s things. We shouldn’t be poking around in it.”
The Losers frowned but nodded, Eddie, Ben, and Stan leading the group eagerly as they wanted to get away. Bill and Bev lingered as I met with Richie and Mike, following after the three in front of the group. “Come on, guys, no underwear is worth poking through that long,” Richie drawled, making Bev and Ben both blush and come join the others as Beverly shot her middle finger in Richie’s direction.
It occurred to me then that Richie, despite his reputation, had stayed quiet the whole time. He hadn’t made any jokes or rattled off any insults or innuendos. He’d been completely quiet for the first time since I’d known him, choosing to pull his friends away from the scene instead of investigating it for humor material like he did everything else.
Maybe there was more to Richie Tozier than I gave him credit for...
As Ben had predicted, the sun began to sink dangerously low. We all made our way back to the piles of bikes we’d left at the bridge, which is why we’d headed back in this direction. Our walking adventures were over and everyone was turning in for the night. Goodbyes were exchanged and I drove Beverly home.
Hopping down, she caught my wrist before I could take off. Our eyes met and I recognized the same sadness and concern the young woman had shown while under the bridge, looking at my little makeshift house. “Y/n, I can’t bare thinking about someone living like that. Someone our age. I bet they go to our school, have friends they hang out with just like us.”
Trying to keep myself calm, I sighed. “It’s probably one of the dickwads that push us around. It would explain why they’re either bored or insecure enough to be so mercilessly brutal to other people.” Bev’s face didn’t change so I continued. “Or worse, it’s one of the kids that sit back and watch or bow their heads and pretend nothing is happening. The ones who do nothing and pretend that that’s okay. That doing nothing somehow doesn’t make them just as guilty.”
Bev sighed, the sound even heavier than mine had been. “They’re still a child though. We’re all still just kids. Stupid kids doing stupid things in situations none of us should have to deal with. The kind of trauma someone would endure, living on their own at this age. And why did they leave? We’re they abused? Kicked out?” Her eyes grew watery. “Raped?” I flinched. She’d hit too close to home with both of us.
“You’ve never said it out loud before,” I whispered.
She cleared her throat, never one to show weakness for long if at all. “Help me figure out who it is?” She asked quietly. “So we might be able to at least make another friend? Give them something? Anything?”
I almost told her right then and there. Almost let it all come out and broke down and was vulnerable and open. Almost told her about my parents and fears and the cold and loneliness and how everyone seemed so far away and how sometimes weeks would pass and it would feel like hours, causing weeks and months and years to blend together into one mass of general events with no time line. I almost told her about how much it hurt me to see her with the Losers when I felt no part of them. How much it hurt to see her with Bill when all I’ve ever wanted in this shitty life of mine was to feel his arms around me and his lips on mine. See him draw me. Hear him say my name differently than he said everyone else’s...
But I didn’t.
“Yeah sure Bev.”
She smiled. “Thank you, Y/n.”
“No problem. Goodnight.” She returned my words and then turned away, her shoulders sagging and the life draining away from her as usual as she approached her house, the dread taking place over the strength and bravery she had anywhere and everywhere else.
How did she think she could help me? She couldn’t even help herself. It was better that I kept my mouth shut- the Losers had their own problems to worry about without me adding mine to the pile.
I biked back to the Kissing Bridge the exact way I had just come from the get to Bev’s house. I was exhausted and it was completely dark, the cold seeping into my skin and musicle straight into my bones. My back hurt with how tense my body was. I dropped my bike in the same spot I had picked it up from not too much earlier, taking an extra precaution to cover it with branches and leaves and general foliage unlike I had done when I had been with the Losers. And then I moved around to the bottom of the hill, maneuvering between trees and undergrowth to the bottom of the bridge where I settled in my bed without changing my clothes, pulling my blankets around me.
Unfortunately for me, this seemed to be one of the nights that sleep didn;t overtake me. I thought my exhaustion from all the biking and walking would overtake me the second I was laying down but nope. I wasn’t so lucky as to have that pleasure. INstead, I started crying. I started crying and crying until my eyes could only see black and dark blue blobs of the nighttime colored world around me. My soft sobs - I had long since learned how to cry silently but I was slipping on the control factor tonight and the sounds made me feel even worse - exchoed against the underside of the bridge, like lighter in an empty house.
Except I was crying. And all this echoe did was remind me how empty I was inside and how lonely I truly was.
There was a sudden, loud POP that made me jump and stopping my crying instantly. I sat up, raising my arm to wipe my tears so my vision would be cleared and I could see what was going on. When I lowered my arms, though, I screamed and scrambled back. There was, for just a second, a pair of glittering golden eyes inches from my own. When I was far enough back, though, they had turned into Beverly’s green eyes as she stood up straighter.
“Bev?” I whispered, shaking already as I realized that she had seen me here, at night, all alone, sleeping in this dingy little nook.
Her face wasn’t full of pity as it was before though. It was full of anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Something was off. She looked like herself, but she stood without any... life. She looked at me with nothing behind her eyes, her body sagging despite her animated facial expression in a way it only did when she was absolutely exhausted. She always stood up as straight as was comfortable, making herself bigger and as strong and intimidating as possible. “What you don’t trust me?” She sneered, sounding more like Greta from school than the bets friend I knew and loved. “You were just going to let me worry and wonder, weren’t you?” She scoffed. “You’re a terrible friend. I’m glad I have the Losers. They’re so much better than you.”
My heart began to ache as I sat there, eyes wide and lips in a soft ‘o’ as I tried to process. “Wh-what?”
“Now you sound like me.” I jumped as Bill walked into view, crossing his arms over his chest and standing beside Beverly. Except this Bill was different too. He stood straight, his eyes the same empty and dead as Bev’s, his face twisted with the same anger as well.
Bev smiled when Bill came up, but it was more creepy than genuine. “Hey Bill,” she mewed in a way that made me shiver in disgust. And then she leaned over and they kissed and my insides twisted.
They only parted when Stan and Richie came from the same direction Bill had. He looked ore disgusted than angry as he called to the two, catching their attention. I looked at the curly haired, tall boy for comfort - which surprised me - but there was none to be found. She scoffed, taking a step away. “It’s time to go,” Stan sneered. “I don’t want to be here anymore. It’s disgusting.” And for a moment, even though he said ‘it’ and not ‘her’, I wondered if he was talking about me and not the location we were at.
My eyes fell to Richie, but the boy was silent. He wouldn’t look at me and a sense of dread sunk into my soul, replacing the cold and heartbreak of Bev’s harsh words and Bill’s rejection and Stan’s insults. There was something about Richie not even giving me recognition or time or attention. Something about his lack of acknowledging my existence with a look, let alone dropping a dirty joke or a snide remark or an innuendo to make me laugh or blush. There wa something about his silence that sit me so hard and deep I started crying again. I sat there, raw and exposed, as the only four people who could hurt me (more than I thought could, it here we are) left me to my own devices.
To my own surprise, I scrambled to my feet. “Richie?” I croaked. He paused, the others already gone somewhere in the woods. He paused, but he didn’t look at me. “Richi?” I whispered. He had to look at me. I just needed him to look at me. “Richie please? Please don’t leave.”
And, before my eyes, Richie turned to me. But I blinked and when his eyes found mine, he wasn’t Richie anymore. He was my father. My throat closed and I froze, eyes wide in horror. “Leave,” he growled. “Leave... and never come back. You ungrateful, stupid little shit.” The exact words he had told me the night I’d run away. Except he wasn’t drunk or swaying. He met me with even eyes. “LEAVE!” I stumbled back, slamming my back into the wall of the bridge. He growled and began to run at me and I screamed, turning my head and pressing as for into the wall as I could, too perizlized by fear to even think about escaping.
Silent stretched. Pain didn’t come. Nothing did. I opened my eyes, looking around, and my eyes landed on a single red balloon. It floated in one place for a few beats and then moved up, crossing towards the bridge and out of sight.
I didn’t move for a long time but once I did, I numbly moved back to my bed and lay down, pulling my covers over my shoulders. My eyes remained wide with panic, my heart never slowing and my body never ceasing its shaking.
At some point I fell into a half sleep daze, my eyes closed and my ody relaxed but my mind still screaming, the image of Bill and Beverly making out and the balloon hovering and my father, come back, running at me at full speed, and their eyes too vivid and horrifying to truly settle.
Their eyes. All of their eyes. Richie. Bill. Beverly. Stan. Even my father. Empty and blank. Lifeless.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
It’s Okay to be Broken Richie Tozier x Reader
Warnings: Abusive parents, cussing
Hey,  you also have a brother in this :)
Requested: NOPE, but I would appreciate requests since I LITERALLY HAVE NO BRAIN AND CAN’T COME UP WITH GOOD IDEAS (note: this is my idea, I’m not taking someone else’s, its just based on my personal life and I think its kinda crappy)
Summary: Richie’s parents aren’t the best...everyone in the Loser’s club knows that. You find yourself an outlet for his rage, a way for him to voice his thoughts, opinions, and rant about them. You don’t mind at all. In fact, you find it strangely nice in a way to be alone with this boy, the real Richie. The one who isn’t contantly making innaproptirate jokes and trying to show off. However, he catches something going on in your life that makes him wonder; Why had he told you so much when you haven’t brought up your issues?
You found yourself with alone with Richie again, watching the sun set from the edge of the quarry. The two of you had spent many days like this, talking through personal issues, confiding in each other to keep the secret.
Today, it was yet another of Richie’s dilemmas. His father, a man of 40 who possesed a commanding aura, had kicked Richie out for the day, again. The boy had arrived at the quarry with the rest of the other Losers, a frustrated grimace on his face. But as soon as he came within a few feet of them, he put on his mask.
Richie Tozier had on a mask. An ‘Its-Okay-I’m-Alright’ type of mask that he wore almost every moment of every day. The mask that joked, laughed, and teased. Nobody knew the boy under the mask. Nobody except you. 
You two sat on the thick trunk of a fallen tree, one arm around Richie’s shoulder, as the boy leaned into you. You were both silent, looking out over the edge of the quarry at the calm water below. Richie’s hair was ruffled and damp from swimming earlier, looking as fluffy as ever. You inhaled deeply, taking in the surroundings. 
“I just don’t get it. Why would they decide to have a kid, and then treat me like this?” Richie groaned, and you sighed. 
“Bad things happen to good people all the time, Rich. It sucks ass, but in the end, we all find a way to deal with it” you murmur, and close you eyes. The boy grumbled something under his breath before falling silent once more. Today had been particularly rough for him, and you knew it would be best to let him get out what he had to say. You said nothing.
A sudden breeze whisked across the clifftop, and you drew your arm away from Richie to grab your sweater, which lay discarded beside you. You wrapped it around yourself, glancing around. 
“How late is it Richie?” you asked, and the boy glanced at his watch. 
“Uhhh...7:43 I think” He said, blue eyes flickering down to his pale wrist. You cursed, standing up and brushing yourself off. 
“Shit. I’m supposed to be home by 8″ You groaned, and Richie glanced up at you. 
“Are you gonna get in trouble?” He asked warily, and you nodded before catching sight of his face. A troubled expression had found its way onto his face, his eyes dark behind the smudged lenses of his glasses.
“Nothing serious, nothing serious!” You amended. “What about you? Are you able to get home by now?” 
While you knew most everything that went on in the bespectacled boy’s life, he knew close to nothing about yours. He knew you had strict parents, who would get you int trouble and were fiercely ‘overprotective’, as you liked to say. But other than that, most of your evening together were spent talking about him. It was nice, and you didn’t mind it the slightest. You just thought that Richie had enough going on without worrying about your issues.
“Yeah. If not, I’ll go to Ed’s house or something. Maybe if I’m gone until tomorrow my dad will forget he was mad at me at all” Richie said with a bitter laugh, and you groaned, shaking your head at the boy. 
“’Chee, things will get better alright? I’ll make sure of it” You comforted, and the pair of you began through the undergrowth, towards the area where the ended. Scuffing the dry earth with the toe of your sneaker, you pushed passed the thick trees. Emerging into the clearing, you looked back at Richie.
The lanky boy shot you a half-grin, turning towards Jackson Street where he would turn onto Wickham Road, on his way home. “See you tomorrow, Y/n!” He called, and you smiled. “Thanks for...today...making me feel better” 
“No problem Richie. I don’t mind it” you reply, as the boy begins to disappear into the darkening night. You turn around just as his voice echoes out of the dark one last time. The faint echo of Richie’s laughter.
“Maybe tomorrow you can meke me feel even better...” 
You rolled you eyes at the flirty remark, and it was only later as you walked the dark, deserted streets of Derry, that you realized he had once again put on his mask.
“Y/n, howabout you actually help out?” Your father said sharply, as you stuggled to fold a large sheet. You huffed in annoyance, before throwing the sheet back into the basket in frustration.
“Wha-What do you think you’re doing?” He asked, wide eyes and a voice filled with quiet anger. 
“I can’t fold it! I can’t! It’s 4 times my size, and not even my sheet” You said, and your father got closer. You had been folding laundry on the table for the past 2 hours, and your legs ached from standing, putting you in an awful mood. Your father however, didn’t seem to understand.
“So I’ll teach you how” He said, cutting across you with a thick arm to snatch the sheet. You groaned, looking up at the ceiling. “Come on. Grab that end, now” He said, and you loosely held the end.
Later, after finishing your entire basket of laundry you turned back to your dad. “I’m done. Can I go sit down now?” You asked, gesturing to the array of clothes folded in the counter in front of you. Your dad scoffed, turning to you as he set a folded shirt down in the neat pile he had created.
“No way. You’ve barely done anything. We’ve done all the work” He said, and your brother looked at your from beside him with wide eyes. He shrugged his shoulders in a helpless sort of gesture, and you gaped at your dad.
“What? I did an entire basket!” You exclaim, eyes wide. 
“So? Start helping”
You turned furiously to the nearly empty basket they were working on, and your dad handed you a sheet. You fumbled with it for a minute, struggling as you tried to hold back tears of anger and weariness.
“I can’t! I’ve been working since 10:50. It’s almost 2:00, and I’ve been standing the whole time” You burst out, as the sheet grew into a small messy ball in your hands. Your dad turned to face you. “And? Look at your brother, he’s doing his work! Why can’t you be more like him” Your father grumbled, taking a step closer.
“Well, he was literally sitting down and playing 30 minutes ago! I’ve been standing the past, like, 3 hours folding these damn clothes” You burst out, unable to contain your frustration. Your dad turned to you with a livid look etched upon his face. 
“He’s two years younger than you Y/N! I’ve said it a million times!” He said, and dropped the pair of jeans he was holding ont othe counter to take a step towards you. You took a deep breath.
“You’ve been saying that forever. When I was his age, I had to do all the same stuff I’m doing now, and he was doing less and less”
Your dad slammed a fist down on the counter, and your brother flinched from behind him. You, however, held his angry gaze with equally upset eyes. “Watch how you talk to me. Show some respect” he growled in a low voice.
“respect? You literally treat me like dirt half the time I’m at home! Why do I need to treat someone with respect, when they don’t respect me?” You said, before your father moved forwards suddenly so his face was inches from your own.
You moved backwards slightly as he yelled at you, spit flying from his mouth. “fuck. I’m your dad, Y/n, not your friend. You can’t talk to me like that. I give you whatever you want. Whenever you want to hang out with your friends at the quarry, I say yes. I give you money to go eat ice cream with Bev and the other girls-”
“Boys, Dad. The others are all boys. Me and Beverly are the only two girls” You cut across him. You knew you would get in trouble for this, and in doin so you would be able to prove a point. 
Your father froze, his eyes blank. He looked as if you had slapped him, before his eyes narrowed. “What?”
“You heard me”
“So you’ve been lying this whole time?” He hissed, his face growing redder by the second. 
“It’s not lying if you never asked. And if I had told you, you wouldn’t have let me hang out with them” You added, before stepping back.
“You’re DAMN right! Now, you need to start talking in a respectful tone before-”
“I’ll start treating you with respect when you start acting like my parent”
Silence. Like the calm before a storm. You stood defiantly, chin tilted up as you stared at your father with blazing eyes. He seemed to not know what to do for a moment, but then changed, a look unlike any other appearing on his face.
“Go to your room. Now. I’m getting the belt” 
“What? No!”
You backed up, and your father reached to his shorts to start undoing the brown leather belt he wore. Your eyes widened. Not again.
“Y/n. Now. You need to learn how to treat me with respect” he said in a frighteningly calm voice, pulling the belt through the last loop and examining it in his rough hands.
“No!” You let out a scream, before turning and running through the door. Running through the hall, you reached your bedroom and grabbed your bag. It was a small pink backpack, succeeding in cuteness more than than storage, but you kept your most important belongings in it. Wallet, keys, and other small emergency items.
Grabbing it, you threw it over one shoulder before you heard your fathers angry steps echoing through the hall. You ran over to the door, slamming it and flipping the small chain lock. A second later, you flinched backwards as he began pounding on the door, shaking the walls.
“Y/n. Let me in. It only gets worse for you” He yelled, and you felt your eyes well with tears, taking steps back.
You shouldn’t be scared of upsetting them. You shouldn’t be scared of them going through your things. You shouldn’t feel like you’re trapped and wanting to go home while you’re sitting in my living room. You shouldn’t be like this. 
Sliding against the opposite wall, you curled into a small ball on the floor. Sobs began to shake your body. You let out a hollow scream as he pounded the door, and a sharp crack sounded. A small metal screw, presumably one of the ones holding the lock in place, landed a few feet from you. 
“Sto-STOP!!” You yelled as the pounding continued, relentless. Just when you feared he would get in, he stopped. 
“Who’s there?” He yelled, voice sharp. You shook as you heard a distant yell from downstairs, and a moment later your fathers footsteps could be heard stomping down the stairs.
“Who the hell are you?” 
The reply sounded muffled. Or maybe your father pounding on the door had just made it seem quiet in comparison. Whoever it was, you were certain it would only cause more trouble for you. Stepping up carefully, you made sure to step slowly and quietly through the room. You had memorized which floorboards creaked a long time ago, after your parents had developed a habit of sending you to bed without dinner. That way, you could go downstairs during the night to take food from the cupboards.
Yes, you had numerous hiding spots for food scattered around the house; Behind the thick blankets in the closet, under the TV cabinet...even under your bed you kept a small cardboard box which you occasionally refilled with snacks. It wasn’t often that they did this, but it was often enough that you were prepared. Plus, if the floorboards creaked, you wouldn’t be able to hangout with the Losers psat curfew or go to sleepovers.
Peering out the hallway and looking downstairs, you caught sight of Richie, standing with a furious look on his pale face.
“What the fuck is going on?” you heard him yell. “Where’s Y/n?”
He looked up towards the entrace to the stairs, and you knew he had seen you. You made a quick motion for him to be quiet, hoping the boy would stay quiet for a minute.
“She’s in trouble. Now’s not a good time” Your father said gruffly, and made to grab Richie. The boy ducked quickly, and caught a glance at the belt which your father had attempted to hide behind his back. 
“You--you--” he stammered, and you let out an audible gasp. Your dad turned to look at you, and when you met his eyes...
He had a look of such rage in his eyes. “Go back to your room, Y/n. Now” He snapped. He used the voice he used whenever you were in trouble and your friends were near. Your chest heaving, you took a breath to attempt and calm yourself. 
Stepping down the stairs, you jumped the last few steps, running to Richie and taking his hand. “What?” Your father said menacingly, beginning to advance. He would continue, whether or not Richie was there.
“I said No!” You screeched, and took a few steps back, pulling Richie with you. The boy had a look of pure shock on his face, and you thought that if you hadn’t been pulling him he probably would be standing still.
“Get away from me!” You let out one last screech at your dad, before he lunged towards you sharply. You yanked Richie back, before turning to the open door. Stumbling, he followed, and you quite literally slipped through your fathers arms. 
He missed you by a literal second. Arms extendeded, he brushed your arm and you shivered. It was like time had slowed. His nail grazed your arm, but despite the sting you held onto Richie. He let out a bellow of rage, and you took off, Richie in tow.
You don’t look back until you reach the quarry.
Gasping and panting, you two stopped by the edge. You turned around, expecting to see him standing there, chasing and yelling at you. But he wasn’t. He was gone, and you knew you weren’t going back.
What were you going to do? You might be able to stay with Beverly. She was now living with her Aunt, who had since moved into her house with her. Her father was in Shawshank Prison, and Bev was happier than ever. You’d ask her later, since the Losers were all meeting up anyways for a movie. As you pondered what you would say, Richie’s voice sounded, tugging you back to reality.
“Okay, pardon my French, but what the fuck is going on”
“And then you got there, and you saw what happened. How did you get in, anyways?” You finished explaining what had happened to Richie. He sat in silence, hanging onto every word you spoke, eyes dark. You swallowed nervously, barely brave enough to look at him after all you had just told.
“Your brother let me in, but does that fucking matter? How long had this been going on?” He asked in a carefully steady voice. 
“...honestly, I can’t remember. But, it’s over now, so it’s alright” You said, attempting to smile. The wind whisked through the branches overhead, but other than that, there was silence.
“This-This whole time you’ve been listening to me. My problems. But you’ve had a whole word of your own. You listen to me talk about my parents hitting me, or kicking me out, while yours have been doing similar things. How has this never come up, Y/n?” Richie asked, his voice taunt with emotion. You inhaled shakily. It was evident that Richie was worried, upset even. His face was paler than usual, and his eyes were blank. Instead of the constant fidgeting, he was still, holding your gaze.
“I-I...I guess I didn’t want you to worry” You choked out after a minute. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well...you already had enough to worry about. And the others...I don’t talk to them about this kind of stuff too often so..I dunno I just-” You began to feel tears welling in your eyes, and Richie’s gaze softened. 
“Y/n...” he murmured, before wrapping you in a hug. 
You don’t know how long you two stayed like that, but it felt like it could have been forever. You almost wish it had been. With Richie’s hands, one on your back and the other near your waist, you felt warm despite the cool breeze. Your hands looped over his shoudlers, reaching to clasp each other behind his back. His head rested against yours, his curly hair brushing your forehead and ear.
You were certain he felt the tear that rolled down your cheek.
Pulling away, you gazed at Richie with watery eyes, contrasting the small smile playing your lips. The boy gazed at you with an unreadable expression, before reaching for you again and pulling you into a kiss.
His lips were surpisingly soft. He tasted like cigarettes and airheads, an odd but utterly intoxicating combination. Pulling closer to him, you wrapped your hands around his neck, where they buried themselves into his dark, tangled halo of curls.
Smiling against his lips, you pulled away, gazing up at Richie. “Promise me you’ll tell me if something like that ever happens again?” he mumbled, and you nodded, though you had no intention of ever going back.
“Of course” came your soft response, and Richie smiled a genuine smile. A ray of light shining through a broken person. 
“Good” he said, before pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. You let out a soft laugh, before wiping your damp cheek with your hand, ridding yourself of the remnants of your tears.
You two stayed close for a few more minutes, blissfully peaceful, happy even, as you stared through the bushes at the calm water below, which reflected the midday sunlight. 
A bird called from a nearby tree, its warbling lightly echoing the deserted area. Perhaps it was a dove, you thought, as you watched it fly away, loosening the leaves of the Birch tree where it had perched. You would have to ask Stan later. If the bird did one thing, it pulled you out of the small trance you had been in. 
“Come on Richie” You said softly, and grabbed his hand. He smiled at your sudden action. “We’re gonna be late to see the others. They’re gonna suspect somethings up if we take too long” You pulled him along softly, and youu two began to walk, fingers intertwined, shoulders brushing.
You may have been broken, but two broken halves make a whole.
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Wyatt Oleff ~ Ice Cream by the Ocean
Request/Prompt:  “Do you think you could do a fluffy Wyatt x reader where they go on cute little spending the day exploring town kind of date?” From Anonymous on tumblr.
Ship: Wyatt Oleff x fem!reader
Summary: the reader and Wyatt are going on a date in town… So basically the request lol.
Type:  fluff 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing. And slight sexual innuendos?
Word count: 3670 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! I kinda got carried away with the beginning and didn’t do a big long town date part, so if you want me to redo it I’m more than happy to! The gif doesnt fully fit the story but its the outfit i was imagining. but i mean hes really cute even when hes not smiling, so, ah well. Not my gif, gif credit goes to @staruris ! xx (Btw, Y/S/N means Your Sisters Name, instead of your ship name, in this)
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I shook my head at my reflection for the 100th time. Nothing was working with me. I took the clothes that I was currently wearing off and chucked them on the ‘no’ pile that was growing rather steadily on my bed. I dove back into my wardrobe, trying to find something actually half decent, shuffling through hangers and folded clothes. I screamed quietly, throwing my hands up on the air.
“I give up! I’m not going” I groaned.
I turned around, running my hands through my hair, to see my older sister, leaning on the door frame of my room, smirking. 
“Shut up, Y/S/N” I grumbled, folding my arms.
She chuckled and let herself into my room and starting skimming through my wardrobe.
“Yeah, no, please, come in, make yourself at home” I muttered sarcastically.
My sister smiled sweetly and shrugged “thanks!”
I rolled my eyes, but simply sat on my bed, waiting for her to finish what she was doing. She turned to me with a sigh. 
“You really don’t have anything good to wear…. come on, I think I may have something in my wardrobe.” 
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her own room.
I sat down on her bed as she opened her wardrobe with a dramatic flourish. I rolled my eyes at her and sighed.
“There’s no point. I’m not going to look good anyways. I don’t think he even likes me. I might as well not go.” I grumbled, staring down at fiddling with my fingers. My sister just glared at me.
“I think the fuck not, Y/N/N, you’ve been looking for to your date with Wyatt for ages!” She put her hands on her hips, drumming her perfectly manicured, purple nails against her floral patterned dress. 
I looked down at my own bitten nails and my rather fat thighs that I hated. I frowned and darted my eyes away before I overthought it, as I usually did.
Y/S/N grabbed my hands and held them, speaking softly,
“Y/N/N, don’t worry. You’re beautiful, and he knows it.”
I looked at her cautiously.
“How do you know, though.” I whispered, scared. 
She smiled at me as if she knew something that I didn’t.
“Well,” she replied, “I can tell because of the way he looks at you, with so much love and admiration. The way he talks about you, nonstop and with affection, and that smile he gets whenever you’re mentioned. And that’s only the beginning. But, enough of that. Let’s find you something to wear” she grinned and patted my hands before disappearing into her wardrobe.
 I didn’t pay attention to her occasional mutterings of “not this”, “never in a million years” and other similar comments as I mulled over her previous words. Did he - did he really think and do those things?
Y/S/N broke my thoughts by squeaking excitedly. I quirked an eyebrow up at her, unsure about what she was harping on about. She grinned at me brightly and pulled out a cute casual summer dress that was black with thin horizontal white stripes. I looked at it doubtfully but took it from her nonetheless. I pulled it on over my head. The material was light and comfortable. Y/S/N stepped out of my way so I could see myself in the reflection. I peered at the figure in front of me as they did the same. The dress had t-shirt sleeves, a scoop neck that wasn’t low enough to show anything (thank god) and it went down to my knees. I turned around and looked over my shoulder so I could see the back. The waist was elastic, meaning it pulled in, slightly showing the curves that I did have, in an innocent flattering way. I spun around once, the already slightly flared skirt spinning with me. 
Y/S/N squeaked with joy and clapped her hands.
“Oh yes. 100% yes. I’ve had it for, like, ages and its getting quite tight on me. You might as well keep it.” She winked and grinned at me, “Aw, you look so adorable in it, Y/N/N! Do you like it?”
I smiled softly, biting my lip. I continued to stare at this familiar stranger behind the glass, and nodded. 
“Yeah… Yeah I do!” I said slowly getting more confident.
Y/S/N nodded, happy with my answer.
“Wait here for one second.” She said gesturing for me to do as she told me. I shrugged, curious as to what she was doing.
She was back within the minute holding multiple accessories, including a pair of white converse- my converse.
“You do realise I’m capable of grabbing my own shoes from my own wardrobe, right?” I asked, slightly sassily.
She grinned and rolled her eyes.
“Why, I would never make your royal highness do that, now would I?” She curtsied lowly, pulling her skirt out. 
The shoes dropped awkwardly out of her arms and I snatched them up from where they had rolled to a stop on the floor.
I quickly pulled them on my feet, and as I stood up Y/S/N shoved a floppy, wide-brimmed, creme summer hat onto my head. I rolled my eyes and moved the hat so that it was on properly.
My sister looked me up and down, as if I was a complicated algebra problem that she was trying to solve piece by piece, analysing every part of my body and outfit. I started to get uncomfortable under her critical eyes, so I folded my arms, turning my head away from her, embarrassed. She nodded slowly, having solved the problem in the complex algebra equation that was my date look and outfit.
“Hair and makeup, then we’re done. I promise.” She reassured, sensing my unease. 
I nodded slowly, smiling ever so slightly. No matter how annoying she could be, she really did care about me. 
She lead me to the bathroom and got started.
“Y/N! Wyatt’s here!” My mothers voice echoed done the hallway to the bathroom where my sister was finishing up on my ‘look’. 
My eyes filled with fear, horror, excitement, and a range of other emotions.
“Y/S/N! Hurry up! I don’t want him to talk to mum for too long, who knows what she could say!” I urged her on, but she just laughed. 
I looked in the mirror and saw my face with light, simple makeup that was almost not noticeable. My hair was out and flowing in waves down my back.
“Okay, okay, I’m done.” She smirked and looked at her handy work and nodded happily. She handed me my over the shoulder bag containing my wallet, phone and camera.
“Here you go! Have fun, hun.” 
I gave her a hug whispering a quiet thank you in her ear, before running through to see Wyatt and my mum deep in conversation.
I groaned and blushed, accidentally turning both of their attentions onto me. My eyes widened realising what I’d done. Neither seemed to mind though.
Wyatt’s eyebrows went up as he smiled, and I heard a small “wow” slip from his lips. I blushed a deeper red and I lowered my head awkwardly.
“Oh honey, you look beautiful!” A voice broke the silence and my head darted up to see my mum clasping her hands, with a look of awe on her face.
I winced, embarrassed.
“Muuuum! Please stop….” I tried to tell her without words that she was deeply embarrassing me. 
Wyatt just chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Your mum is right, you know, you do look beautiful.” He said softy.
I bit my lip and I let my eyes run over him.
He was wearing skinny jeans, and a simple white tshirt with his blue reflective sunglasses hanging off the neck line of his tee and he had a black bag over his shoulders. His curly hair looked perfect as usual and I couldn’t help but grin. 
“You don’t look to bad yourself, Oleff….” I smirked shyly, looking at him directly for once.
My mum awkwardly cleared her throat, breaking up the moment Wyatt and I were sharing.
“Okay, well you kids have fun… Not too much fun, though. And be home in time for dinner. ” she paused, wondering if she should give them “the talk”.
I quickly nodded, and grabbed Wyatt’s hand pulling him out the door.
“Okay, will do, thanks mum, bye! Love you!” I called over my shoulder hurriedly.
When we were out onto the street I let go of his hand slowly.
“Uh, sorry about that… She didn’t say anything weird or make you uncomfortable while you were waiting for me, did she?” I asked, with fingers crossed.
Wyatt chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. We both started strolling down the street, no destination, just walking together.
“No, no, don’t worry. She was just asking me about filming, my parents, how excited and nervous you’ve been for this date, school, my siblings, that kind of thing, ya know?” He shrugged grinning at me.
I nodded slowly before stopping as realisation dawned on me.
“Wait. She did what?!” I put my head in my hands and groaned “ohmygod that’s so embarrassing, I’m so sorry…” 
Wyatt smiled softly and nudged me.
“Yeah, but do you know what I told her?” He asked me.
I shook my head, peering through the gaps in my fingers.
“I told her, that I too was feeling that exact way.” He said blushing, keeping his eyes on the path ahead. 
For a minute or so, the only sound was our footsteps on the pavement. Oh, and my extremely loud thoughts, all screaming at me telling me different things all at once, but, thankfully, he couldn’t hear those.
I cleared my throat, trying to clear my head at the same time. It didn’t work. 
“You-ah-you did?” I asked, looking down, letting my hair fall with it, afraid to look at him.
“Mmhmm” Wyatt nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets, nervously, worried that he shouldn’t have mentioned anything.
I smiled, my mouth hidden behind my hair. 
“Uh, why were you…. Why were you nervous?” I asked, finally looking up at him.
He grinned and shook his head, shrugging.
“I don’t know….. Why were you nervous, Y/N?” He said, teasing clear in his voice as he bumped my arm with his elbow. 
I simply scoffed and playfully glared at him, rolling my eyes.
“Oh, shut up, Wyatt.” I laughed trying to hide my embarrassment.
We walked in silence for a couple of minutes, looking around at our surroundings of trees, houses and cars going past. It wasn’t awkward, it was simply natural, as we walked in a content silence. Wyatt took his hand out of his pocket to rub the back of his neck. He let his hand drop to his side awkwardly. I noticed his awkwardness and turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. Wyatt looked at me and opened his mouth before turning away, not saying anything. Before I can say anything, he turns back around to speak.
“Okay, but seriously, Y/N/N, why were you nervous?? Do I make you nervous?” He said with a soft, teasing smile. 
I blushed and shyly slid my fingers between his so that we were holding hands.
“Well, Wyatt… It’s because I really really like you, and I’m always nervous and I get butterflies whenever I’m with you and I’m worried that I’m gonna muck up what we have. And I don’t want it to end, because you make me feel so happy and I love spending time with you…” I spoke quietly, ironically nervous to say so.
 I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at him to see that he was blushing, with the widest smile on his face. It may be cheesy, but, one look at his genuine smile, and all of my worries dropped away.
Neither of us could stop smiling as we walked, hand in hand, down the street. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Wyatt keep stealing glances at me. I laughed lightly and looked at him teasingly.
“Take a picture, Wy, it’ll last longer you know.” I teased, winking at him, all the while grinning. 
He coughed awkwardly, turning away, muttering a small “sorry”. 
He paused to think, before letting go of my hand and grabbing his camera from his bag. My eyes widened and I shook my head.
“No! Wyatt, I was joking! Don’t you dare take a picture of me” I said groaning, half joking, half serious. 
I loved taking photos, and I loved the photos Wyatt took, but I hated to be in front of the camera. He looked at me with a pout and a pleading look, his chocolate brown eyes melting my stupid heart. I groaned and glared at him slightly.
“Fine, you asshole. Just hurry up and take the damn picture” I said smirking. 
He grinned and held the camera up to his eye. I blushed but smiled anyway, awkwardly standing on the path. 
The flash went off and I breathed a sigh of relief, as Wyatt checked the photo. He muttered something that I didn’t quite catch and I bit my lip, unsure of whether to bring it up. He put his camera back in his bag and we resumed walking. 
“Uh, wy? I didn’t quite catch what you just said…” 
Wyatt turned red.
“Oh. I-uh, just said that you, uh, you look really gorgeous…” 
My eyes widened and I looked down at my feet, kicking a stone across the street. 
“Oh, um, thanks…” I turned and softly kissed him on the cheek. 
Now we were both as red as tomatoes. I couldn’t believe I had just done that, and neither could he. Not that he was complaining. 
We were approaching the small ice cream shop that was on the corner. It was somewhere we often went, before and after we had started dating. We had been going out for a little under two months, but had been friends for a lot longer, and yet we were both incredibly shy about the whole 'dating’ thing. We both saw the small shop and grinned at each other, previous awkwardness forgotten.
“Ice cream?” He asked with a smirk, grabbing hold of my hand again so that they were entwined.
“Ice cream.” I replied simply.
“On your marks?” He asked, setting a challenge.
I stuck my head up high, took off my hat so it didn’t blow off and smirked.
“GetsetGO!” I said quickly, sliding my hand out of his, and preceded to sprint off in the direction of the shop.
His mouth dropped open and he began to sprint to catch up.
“You little shit!” He called out to me. 
I laughed, happily, throwing my head back. He was quickly gaining on me, and I could hear his footsteps getting louder behind me. So, I pushed myself harder. 
I skidded to a stop at the doorway of the finish line, breathing heavily. Wyatt was so close behind me, he didn’t have time to stop before crashing into me. We landed in a heap, giggling together.
Wyatt stood up and offered a hand to me. I gratefully accepted and he pulled me up so I was a little under eye level with me.
“How does it feel, Oleff? To be beat by me?” I teased.
He shook his head, grinning.
“Nope. You cheated, you got a head start, Y/L/N. Therefore, I win by default.”
“I did not cheat! I won fair and square! You’re just upset that you aren’t as good as me.” I scoffed, winking at him. 
I turned to walk into the shop, but Wyatt grabbed my arm softly and pulled me back. We were mere centermeters away from each other 
“Okay, fine. You won. Don’t you want your prize then?” He whispered
“My prize? What pr-”
He cut me off by closing the small gap between us and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, closing my eyes. I kissed back slowly, before hesitantly pulling away. Holy shit. My first kiss. Wyatt Oleff just kissed me. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and he had a matching one on his. I stood there shocked for a minute, before my senses kicked back in.
“Uh, you still up for ice cream?” I asked in a pitch higher than normal.
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” He grinned, and we walked inside.
“One orange chocolate chip ice cream and one goody goody gum drop ice cream. That’s $6 thanks.” The bored cashier said with a strained smile.
I reached into my bag for my wallet before Wyatt rolled his eyes at me.
“They’re on me, Y/N/N” 
He payed and grabbed the ice creams for us, and gave me mine. Not before licking some of my ice cream though. I chuckled and gave him a light shove as we left the shop and into the sunny spring day. 
“You didn’t have to pay for me, Wyatt”
“I know…”
“That was a thank you, by the way…”
Yeah, I know" 
I grinned and slid my free hand into his own free hand. 
We walked along the street and down to the harbour, ever so slightly swinging our locked hands between us. 
We sat down on a bench with a view of the calm ocean, the sound of waves washing up on the beach a comforting noise, the squawking of the seagulls; not so much.   
We sat and licked our ice creams, the sea breeze occasionally blowing my hair into my ice cream. I grumbled, annoyed, and pulled my hair out, slightly smearing some of the ice cream on my cheek. Wyatt laughed, shaking his head at me. I glared, playfully, poking my tongue out at him. I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand to get rid of the cream. Wyatt smiled softly, biting his lip.
“What?!” I asked him, confused at his actions.
He chuckled and lifted up his hand, tentatively.
“May I? You’ve still got a little bit of ice cream riiiight…” He said slowly, before quickly dipping his finger in his own ice cream and smearing it all over my cheek, “there.” He grinned, proud of himself.
My mouth fell open, but I started laughing along with him.
I moved so that I was fully facing him, a smirk on my face, and a plan formulating in my mind. 
“Oh? Is that so, Wy? Funny you say that, because you happen to have ice cream riiiight…” I grabbed his hand that contained his ice cream and quickly guided it so that it gently smeared across his cheek, “there”.
He burst out laughing as I raised my eyebrows, pleased with myself. He wiped the ice cream off with his index finger, and licked his finger clean, winking at me.  
We constantly joked around and made innuendos because our senses of humour were relatively the same, and one reason our relationship worked so well was because we could make each other laugh all the time. I’d constantly be in stitches over some lame joke that Wyatt had told me, or he’d be gasping for air over some stupid pun I had made. 
I did the same with the ice cream on my cheek and blew him a kiss. Wyatt grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, staring out at the horizon. Melting into his arms, I lent my head on his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful view of the ocean. In that moment, I couldn’t have been happier, and little did I know that Wyatt was feeling the exact same way.
It could had been minutes, or it could’ve been hours that we sat there, together on that bench. We would occasionally break the silence to tell the other a joke, or comment about something we could see, such as a boat out on the horizon, or a cloud that was shaped like a tree, but other than that we simply sat together enjoying each other’s company. 
With my head still on his shoulder, I smiled brightly.
“Thanks, Wy. I couldn’t have asked for a better day.” I said softly.
We both had our eyes on the two seagulls gliding through the air together as he replied.
“Well, I recon we can beat this day, and have an even better day another time… But only if you’d like too?” He said shyly.
“Are you asking me out on another date, Wyatt Oleff?” I grinned.
“Indeed I am, Y/F/N.” 
“Well, i guess I have to say yes, I need to see if it’s possible for a day to be better than this.” I teased, looking out over the ocean where the same two seagulls were dipping and diving at the water with each other.
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I’ve been having writers block, and school has definitely not helped lol. Xxx This was kinda not really “exploring town” so, if you’d like for me to write that, let me know! And I’ll add it to Tommys to be written! HOLY SHIT! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200+ FOLLOWERS!?!? This is crazy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
@nctzenaf here's the one I was in the process of writing.. Don't worry I'll still write another!
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
Jaeden martell head canon where he meets your family for the first time( like your aunts and cousins and stuff) & he’s really nervous & thinks they won’t like him but they do ofc & when your watching him play with your little cousins you’re just stood there like🥺 because he’s so good with little kids ahhh i love him & your aunts and grandparents & stuff are like 🥺 aswell because they love you together & couldn’t find a better boy for you & afterwards you cuddle and it’s just really fluffy🥺:)
jaeden martell ‘meeting-the-family’ head canons
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jaeden is driving you both to meet your family, because it’s a holiday and you’ve been dating for some time now
he hasn’t met your family yet and he’s literally sweating to the COREEE
he literally questions his own existence on the way there
“shit y.n, what if they don’t like me?”
“you’re too good for me, they’re gonna know it”
“fuck my hands are so freaking clammy I can’t grip the steering wheel!”
& you literally have to TELL HIM
“jae, youre an award winning actor I DONT THINK THEYLL BE COMPLAINING-“
you can see his hands shake as he opens the car door he is so nervous :((
you hold his hand and rub into it and tell him
“jaeden, they’re going to love you”
he gives you one of those half smiles and you guys go in
once you guys step in they’re alllll so welcoming and you can see his body ease
he isn’t as tense, and EVERYBODY WANTS TO TALK TO HIM
you spend the first two hours sitting with him on the couch as your relatives interval through him
they all ask the same questions ‘how did you guys meet?’ ‘how is being an actor’
you’re grandpas a little stubborn LMFAO
“what are YOURE intentions with our y/n?”
cliche, yet expected
“just to love her, she’s the greatest”
ok, even your grandpa likes him
you literally step out of the room for TWO SECONDS and when you come back in: jaeden jungle gym
poor jaeden, your little cousins and nieces/nephews are climbing ALL OVER THIS POOR BOY!!!
but he is taking it like a champ!!!
“all aboard!”
he is taking turns carrying them all around, pretending to be a rocket ship
he even plays pretend with them- awww
your heart is going crazy he is amazing with kids
they all want to go outside and they drag him with them
you felt a liiiiittle jealous, HES your boyfriend too BAHABABDBA
but you let it happen
he pushed them all on the tire swing one at a time, and when it was time to eat he sat with you and the older people at the table
you heard your aunts saying how handsome he was
and your uncles saying that they were impressed and that he has accomplished a lot for his age
he heard all of this too and you saw a small smile form on his face
one of your aunts yelled across the table:
“so jaeden, do you want to come to uncle bobs birthday on the 25th?
he was SO FRICKIN HAPPY that they wanted him to come over again
OFC he said he’s
he kissed you on the check while you were both dating he was just so darn happy!!!!
it was getting late and you both had to get home because you guys had to wake up early tmrw
before you left your grandma pulled you aside, and said:
“you know he really is a keeper y/n, you don’t let him go.”
“gram i won’t.”
she walked over and hugged him good bye and he felt his eyes water
he hugged her back and said:
“thank you so much for having me! and thank you all for being so great, just like y/n.”
and that just about did it for you-
you were so sure he was the one now
like you knew you loved him before but you knew for sure you HAD to marry this man
when you both got back in the car you grabbed both sides his face and kissed him
“I love your family, y/n”
“I love YOU jaeden”
the drive home was silent but NOT in a good way, he held your hand on the way home over the stick shift (because he’s cool and drives stick)
you both went inside and you tackled him on the bed get KO’ed JAEDEN WESLEY !!!
he giggled and wrapped his loooong lanky arms around you
he rubbed his thumb into your back
& he smells so warm and homeyyy
you both get under the covers
and you both just kinda drift off to sleep
jae is exhausted from all of the activity he had today
and you’re just always tired because your his sleepy girl (yeah he calls you that)
before you’re like 100% asleep you hear him whisper sweet little things in your ear like:
“i can see me spending all of time with you”
“one day your going to be my wife”
“i really do love you”
“baby are you sleeping? Awe sleepy baby”
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losers-witch · 7 years
study sessions (bill denbrough)
requested by anonymous: “omg hi i️ love you can you write one where bill and you study and he tries to quiz you but he stutters like the angel he is!!! and it’s just cute and soft!!! thank you 💞💞💞💞💞”
bill is an angel, you’re so right! hope you like this!
pair: bill x reader
warnings: FLUFF
prompts | request here
it masterlist
“okay kids, don’t forget! final semester quizzes tomorrow!” mr. matthews announced right when the bell rang. you gather up your books and bag and start to walk out the class.
“y-y/n!” you turn around and saw bill coming out the class, as well. you instantly smile at the sight of him and you stopped walking so he could catch up to you.
“hey billy boy.” you say and continue walking with him to your locker. 
“s-so i w-was w-wondering, y-you w-want t-to s-s-study t-together? o-only i-if y-you w-want t-to,” bill asks and you notice his stutter got a bit worse and his cheeks were turning red. you open your locker and put your other books in there, purposely putting in your history book in there.
“yeah, of course! come to my house after-school?” you say as you close your locker, leaning against it.
“y-yes! i m-mean y-yeah, s-see y-you l-later.” bill broke into a grin and ran away, probably to stan or any of the others. as you walk to your next class, you were practically skipping down the hallways. just four more hours.
you probably dashed out ms. humphries’s classroom when the final bell rang and you knew you were going to get in trouble tomorrow by the way she screamed out your name but you couldn’t care less. bill’s coming over.
you hop on your bike and pedal your way home, throwing your bike by the perfectly trimmed bushes your mom sought to maintain every week. you flung the front door open and quickly closed it to dash to your room.
“hey honey, how was school?” you hear your mom ask from the kitchen, mixing some kind of batter.
“it was great! hey mom, bill’s coming over!” you shout from your room, shoving articles of clothing under the bed.
“that’s fine! i’m making cookies and i need to bring your little sister to her recital later, anyways.” your mom shouted back and you let out a sigh of relief, you’ll at least be alone later. less embarrassment and less disruptions.
you continue tidying up your room or in this case, shoving everything under the bed or in the closet. you finally finish and flop down on your bed, at least you’re ready. bill denbrough was a sweet and cute boy that you’ve been friends with for a while now but you always made sure you made a good impression everytime. 
“y/n? someone’s knocking!” you hear your mom yell and you jumped from your bed and walked to the front door.
“i got it!” you yell back and opened the door, “hey bill, come in!”
bill sheepishly said hi back and stepped into your house. you lead him to your room after saying a quick hi to your mom as well. once you got to your room, he sat down on your bed and brought out his history book.
“oh shit, i think i accidentally put my history book in my locker!” you fake exclaim, rummaging through your bag. you weren’t a terrible liar but you had to will your cheeks to cool down to not make it oh-so-obvious.
“th-that’s o-okay, y-you c-can b-b-borrow m-mine,” bill offered, pushing his textbook a bit closer to you.
“really? thank billy!” you lean into bill, placing your head on his shoulder before going back to how you were, a usual sign of gratitude from you. your eyes start scanning the book, reading highlighted words and the words surrounding them. when you went to turn the page, you accidentally touched bill’s hand and the both of you pulled away quick, faces getting red.
you swore that you felt a little spark but that may be a reach. you mentally tell yourself to not think ahead and focus on studying.
“y-you w-want t-to q-quiz e-each o-oth-other?” bill looked at you, his fingers drumming on his knee.
“sure! you quiz me and then i’ll quiz you. sound good?” you smile, pushing the book over to him. he grabs it and props it up so you couldn’t see what he was reading.
“o-o-okay, w-w-what w-was- sh-shit- h-h-ha-hamilt-t-ton’s p-p-p-lan f-f-for a-a-merica?” 
“to build a national bank and take the states’ debt and put it all into one, huge debt- bill, you can slow down, you know that right? there’s no rush.” you put your hand on his knee in an effort to comfort him.
“y-y-yeah, i kn-know. i j-just g-get n-nervous.” bill looked down at his lap, fidgeting with his thumbs. you take his cheeks into your hand and tip his head to look back up at you, your eyes connecting with his.
“why be nervous? it’s just me.” you whisper in the softest voice you could mutter.
“b-be-bec-cause- well i- fuck.” bill was struggling getting what he wanted to say out and you pressed your fingers into the hollows of his cheeks and shook his gently. your eyes softened and bill took comfort into that.
“b-bec-cause i l-like y-you.” bill said, his voice a little muffled due to your fingers pressing against his cheeks. you slowly lowered your hand and your mouth dropped ever-so-slightly. in the spur of the moment, you lunged at bill, engulfing his into a hug before pressing a soft kiss onto his lips. 
“you’re the cutest, you know that?” you bit the corner of your lip in efforts to stop the humongous grin forming on your face. not to mention the shade of red you and bill were in.
“n-not a-as c-cute as y-you,” bill smiled and it melted your heart completely.
who would’ve thought something good could come out of a study session?
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sleepyimpala · 4 years
dating jaeden martell includes
FANDOM: IT/Knives Out (cast). PAIRING: Jaeden Martell x Reader. GENRE: headcanon. WARNINGS: none. FROM MY OLD BLOG: phenomenally-thrombey. REQUESTS FOR JAEDEN ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED, SORRY!
Jaeden is the worlds sweetest boyfriend
He’s so cute
He likes to cuddle you
Even though he’s super shy and quiet
He’s taller than you
So he has to bend down to kiss you
He’s such a smol bean
He’s so pure ahh
Ok now I’m just talking about Jaeden
Wyatt is your best friend
Everyone ships you
Like i swear
They betted on it
On you guys getting together
He’s super gentle
Cheek kisses
Forehead kisses
Lots of kisses
Hand holding
He gives you his jackets and stuff when you’re cold
You wear it like a blanket over you
Cause they’re really big
They all smell of him
He likes to constantly ask if you’re okay
He’s so quiet and ahhhhhhh
Sorry xD
All nighters with Wyatt
Kicking his ass at Mario
“You so cheated!”
“I did not!”
He kisses you a lot in public
Like the passionate ones
Finn’s always the one telling you to get a room.
Sophia’s taken the job of helping you get ready for dates and stuff
Jaeden looses it at interviews tho
Like when people ask really rude questions about you
Bc ur character in IT was an OC
There’s compilations of him getting pissed for you, smh
It’s embarassing
Whenever he’s filming stuff you watch all the movies his in
Then you get sad again
And Wyatt has to go comfort you tbh
But he’s laughing at Tiny Jaeden at the same time
Jaeden teaches you how to skateboard
“Hot damn, that’s my girl,”
I swear tho literally everyone from the IT Cast has walked in on you.
Binging stuff together
He loves cuddling with you
Jaeden is just the best
Don’t even get me started on how smooth his voice is…
Ok I’m done
MASTERLIST (requests for jaeden are closed)
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ar1aa · 7 years
Dating Chosen Jacob would include:
Him singing to you
Extra fluffy
He prefers cuddles over making out
Him singing to you
Trying to sing
Failing miserably
Going to museums together
Loves you with all his heart
Playing with your hair
Watching movies
Helps you study
And you help him too
Sleeping together
He is always the big spoon
Sometimes tho he lets you be the big spoon
He thinks its cute
You think he is the most handsome boy ever
People on Instagram probably blocking you cause you post EVERY FUCKING HOUR on insta stories
Listening to music together
Texting non stop when you are not together
Spoiling you hard
Neck kisses
As i mention he doesn't likes PDA but he will do it in front of others to piss them
If it happens to ever date him pls love him and dont make him sad💘
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