#i’m so drained from dealing with doctors like this
snzluv3r · 1 month
gf officially went through being gaslit at the doctors with me 🎉🙈 held me while i cried afterwards so that was a nice little touch
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petitgalaxy · 1 year
#btw this isn’t like a sad vent i just can’t sleep and figured i’d talk on here for a bit#so i have an ear infection (pain i wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy fr it is so bad)#and the pain for the first 3 days was AKSJQJWJSJJAJAJAJSJWJSJSJSJSHSJSJSHSH like i was writhing in a hot bath with my eyes shut#gripping the tub walls and shit couldn’t play music or anything to distract myself bc it hurt too bad#and i went to doc the day after it developed and got antibiotics and was taking a shit ton of ibuprofen and acetaminophen#and the pain reduced a lot after those first few days (thank fucking god. the only thing more painful that i’ve experienced was foot surgery#and that was on my bones). but my ear is completely clogged#can’t hear shit at all and for the past week it’s been draining tons of disgusting pus and other fluids#like fucking soaking and staining parts of my pillow from all the liquid 🤢#but i finished my course of antibiotics and was trying to go abt my life#messaged the doctor after a while like ‘hey i’m done with the antibiotics and the pain is better but i cant hear anything#and i’m literally leaking everywhere all the time’ and they were like ‘your symptoms will resolve w time’ and i said ‘how much time’#and they said ‘weeks idk’ and i was like fuck alright but i guess this isn’t that bad#and THEN the day before yesterday i was eating lunch and noticed that my bottom lip felt numb or something like weird#and i kept having to wipe drool and food off the corner of my mouth which is not normal for me and it was freaking me out#and by evening by eye is constantly watering and i can’t figure out why like there’s nothing in it to irritate it#and the next day i go to work and by the time I’m done with work I’m like this is not right and bc i’m a hypochondriac i’m like#‘am i having/did i have a stroke’ and so i go through the FAST stroke symptoms thing (face / arms / smile / time)#and i realize that i cant SMILE like the right side of my mouth will not do it and it’s all lopsided so i freak out and call my mom#she’s not sure that it’s a big deal at first but then she’s like okay make a dr appt bc something is up#so i call dr and luckily there’s an urgent care w our insurance that’s still open and she takes me there an hour later#turns out 1) the ear infection never went away and it’s still swollen and inflamed to all hell 2) i’ve developed swimmer’s ear on top of it#(which i’ve had many times before when i was an active swimmer so that’s not that bad)#and 3) and most importantly i’ve developed something called bell’s palsy which is partial facial paralysis#caused by the infection damaging my facial nerves#so the right side of my face (infection side) is partially paralyzed#most noticeably in my bottom lip and my eye#in that i am having trouble doing things like blowing air out of my mouth#sucking on a straw or eating food (soup was a nightmare) or smiling or drinking etc#and my eye can’t fully close bc the muscles don’t work so i’m constantly crying out of that eye and it’s getting more and more irritated
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nana-au · 2 months
JJK bf's take care of you when you're sick
₊˚ପ⊹ N.Kento & S.Gojo
₊˚ପ⊹ wc: 1.1k
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The moment your throat so much as tickles, Nanami does his damndest to get you back to your usual self. It feels strangely paternal how attentive he becomes, not allowing you to lift a finger for yourself. 
You first notice that you woke up sweating, your throat dry, and your eyes heavy. You check to see you still have another 3 hours before work but God you need some water. It’s all you can think about and you stumble into the kitchen, filling a glass. You drain the cup of its lukewarm water clearing your throat repeatedly as you notice it doesn’t go away. You fill it up twice. Then thrice. You begin to panic, realizing you feel freezing cold and boiling hot all at once. 
“Baby? Where’d you go? Come back to bed sweetheart.” He stumbles out, entering the threshold of the kitchen. You hate the fact you are trying to blink back tears, you always become such a baby when you get sick. “What’s wrong doll?” he asks you, pulling you into his bare chest. You babble out that you don’t feel good and his big hand goes to check your temperature. His cool palm feels good against your burning forehead and you can almost make out the concern in his eyes. He clasps his hands in yours and walks you into your shared bathroom, helping you down on the toilet seat before rummaging in the medicine cabinet. He pulls out the thermometer and you stick your tongue up for him to place it under. While you two wait he strokes your hair wordlessly. You can tell he is barely awake, eyes squinting and his hand in your hair forgetting to move. 
The thermometer beeps and he pulls it out from under your tongue. He puts the results up close to his eyes, forgetting his glasses on the bedside table. He doesn’t tell you the number because he knows it will only make you upset. “Looks like we’re gonna spend the day at home.” 
The two of you call out of your respective jobs and Nanami gets to work. He draws you a warm bath with lavender soaking salts, helping you strip from your night clothes. You sniffle and you hardly notice the fact you are giving him pathetic puppy eyes once your shirt comes off. He clicks his tongue at you, telling you that you have nothing to worry about. “I’m here,” he reassures you. 
While you soak he sets up the couch for you with a pillow and blanket. When you're out and after he assists you in putting on clean clothes and fuzzy socks he already has your breakfast on your lap. “Do you need me to feed you too?” he teases, squeezing the plump skin of your cheek. He puts on your favorite show and rushes to get you a pain reliever and vitamin c gummies. He makes sure to sit on the couch with you so you don’t become lonely but is quick to get up when you need a cold cloth against your face. While you nap he runs a few errands, grabbing your favorite sport drinks for extra hydration and the soup from your favorite place. He spends the rest of the day with you, tending to your every need. Nanami refuses to entertain you when you babble about how guilty you feel that he is taking care of you. “Focus on getting better and I’ll focus on making you better,” he promises.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
Gojo knows that he can’t take away your cold, but he will make sure your high-strung personality doesn’t get in the way of you getting better.
He can’t take you seriously when you throw your head back and groan. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought you got news the world was ending. You went to the doctor for your yearly check up when they discovered a fever and swollen lymph nodes. You were shocked, you felt completely fine. That was until you woke up the next day with the worst sore throat of your life, paired with a perfectly obnoxious cough. When Gojo called you that morning you made a huge deal about it, telling him not to come over and to cancel your plans for the rest of the week. He mentioned dropping off some cough syrup and you frantically told him to skip it. You would be fine! He just had to stay away. You would die if you got your boyfriend sick. 
At around 6pm, the white-haired sorcerer was at your door carrying a grocery bag of goodies for you. You groaned, exasperated that he showed up. You were fine! It was him who needed to stay away. He flashed his teeth at your reaction, pushing past you and setting out the supplies he got you on your coffee table. “I got you the cherry flavored cough drops, I hope you don’t mind. I wasn’t sure what you would like.” You made sure to thank him before feebly attempting to kick him out. He crossed his arms at you, eyebrow raising, “Or what bunny?” You throw your hands up and sit down on your couch in a huff. The abrupt action causes you to break out in a coughing fit and Gojo rolls his eyes. He unwraps a cough drop and once your coughing fit calms he pushes the red menthol past your lips. You start to speak up before his finger hovers over your mouth, “Quiet,” he commands. If you felt even an ounce better you would have rolled your eyes, but instead you obeyed. He began moving the couch pillows down to one end before sitting down, leaning against them. He pulled you close into his arms and laid your head against his chest. Grabbing the remote, he turns up the volume of the movie you had playing and sits there in silence with you. You two hadn’t been dating for very long and it was odd to be quiet with him. Your relationship was founded on the chaos you two thrived on. But here the two of you were, dead silent with his slender fingers rubbing soothing circles on your skin. You grew incredibly sleepy from soaking in his warmth, the dialogue in the movie turning into radio static in your mind. Satoru’s chest was moving you up and down to the rhythm of his breathing and his left hand was tangled in your hair, massaging your scalp. You were probably drooling from how relaxing it was but you couldn’t muster the strength to bring your hand up to wipe it. “Just rest,” his voice broke out from your fading thoughts, “Satoru’s got you,” if you were any more conscious you could have heard the smirk that his words broke through. 
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this is for the girlies (or anyone) that sometimes forget to eat or drink for a while until they feel really sick, and need a personal stevie to force feed them sandwiches.
robin and eds had just left steve’s house, leaving you both there alone. and once you told them goodbye you were hit with a wave of nausea, along with a crippling headache. you staggered into steves kitchen whilst he was cleaning up the board game in the living room and leaned over the sink. trying to breathe deeply in the hopes it would make you feel less like you were going to pass out. steve came in, and was going to pick you up and spin you in his arms when he saw your position.
“baby, whats wrong? you okay? what happened?” he asked, worry lacing his voice.
you turn around to answer him, but you don’t feel like you are able to form words. thankfully, steve can tell enough by how pale you look, like all the color has drained from your body.
“jesus christ baby, woah, sit-sit down” he said, picking you up and placing you onto the kitchen island.
your head felt heavier now, and you slumped over onto his shoulder. he attempted to ask you more questions, to which he only received a whimper from you. he needed to get you water but he couldn’t leave you unsupported, so he carried you into the living room and lowered you onto the couch.
“ill be right back, babydoll.” he said, mostly to himself before he performed the quickest water-run known to man. coming back and propping you up slightly and putting the straw you your lips, “drink.”
you did as you were told, and after sucking on the straw and lazily staring at him until the entire glass was empty, you took a deep breath.
“what the hell was that, baby? what happened?” he asked softly.
“i dunno, jus’ don’ feel good” you replied.
“yeah? what have you eaten today?” he asked.
you stared at him as you recalled your day. and slowly he watched your eyes turn from contemplation to guilt.
“baby,” he warned, “what have you eaten today.”
you sunk into the sofa behind you.
“i forgot, stevie.” you frowned at him, and he sighed.
“have you had any water?”
“you just gave me some!”
“i mean before that, doofus.”
you shook your head no, pouting moodily at him and lying back onto the couch. you felt tears well up in your eyes, everything seemed to be much bigger than it was. you were very embarrassed; and in your hungry, dehydrated brain, steve was very disappointed in you, and could not believe his girlfriend was so stupid as to forget to eat or drink. this was obviously very much not the case, and steve did not think that about you. as the flood came, you attempted to hide it, but he tool your hands and began soothing you instantly.
“hey, hey, look, its okay. you’re okay. shh.” he brushed the sweaty hair out of your face, “need you to lie down while I get you somethin’ to eat, okay? youre probably tired too, honey.”
you nodded tearily, and let him lie you back down. he went into the kitchen and made you a nice toasted sandwich just the way you like it, with a glass of water and a coke. he came back and sat next to you, giving you the food and setting the drinks onto the coffee table. you ate quickly, and were more than halfway through your sandwich when you looked up at him and realized how much better you felt. he raised his eyebrows at you, and you giggled.
“you feel better?” he asked. which only reduced you into a fit of more giggles. he shook his head and pulled you into his lap, whispering into your ear, “you drive me crazy, lady.” he laughed. “your hangry-ness needs to be psychologically evaluated.”
you stuck your tongue out at him and finished your meal before turning back around to him and wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your noses together.
“i’m sorry, thank you stevie.” you said, and kissed him softly.
“it’s okay lovey,” he took your hand into his, “no big deal, just gotta remember to eat, goofball.” he replied.
“why’d i do that when i have a perfectly good personal chef and doctor here?” you said, receiving an eye roll.
“alright sleeping beauty, lets get you a nap. and then all your needs will be full.” he said, taking your hand and guiding you into hie bedroom.
“well… not all of them.”
you received yet another eye roll, but this time it was accompanied by a deep scarlet blush.
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morganski-19 · 2 months
part 1, part 2
Dustin visits the next day, sitting next to Wayne with the same book he’s had for the past few days. Turning to the page that was dog-eared, reading. Voices and all. Just like Eddie does when he’s practicing for one of those campaigns. Claiming that it’s better to get it down with someone else’s words so he can improvise. So he doesn’t have to memorize some script and can be in the moment. Let his mind do the workings along with the players. 
It’s one of the many parts of Eddie that Wayne sees in this kid. The dramatics, the drive. The snobbiness about certain things that don’t really matter to the rest of the world. But it matters to them, so it matters to the people who care about them too. 
If Eddie were awake, he might yell at the kid for turning the corner of a page instead of using a bookmark. Even though all the books he gets are second-hand and already torn and bent in all sorts of ways. But it’s about keeping the art pristine. The author put their heart and soul into this work, it’s not meant to be sullied. Wayne saw Eddie bend the corner of a page a million times over though, he just likes making a big stink about nothing. Just to get a rise out of people, make them laugh. Wayne can imagine that Eddie liked to make Dustin laugh a lot. 
“Have the doctors said anything new?” Dustin asks after finishing the chapter. 
Wayne shakes his head. “Same old, same old. Don’t worry about it too much though, he wouldn’t want you to.”
“He wouldn’t want a lot of the things that happened over the past week. So he’ll have to deal with it.” After a pause, he asks, “How are you doing?”
That makes Wayne laugh. “You don’t have to go worryin’ about me either. You’re just a kid.”
“And you’re just a man waiting for your kid to wake up. The same way I’m waiting for my friend to wake up. At the end of the day, we’re all still people. That sometimes need a break. So, how are you doing?”
It’s scary how much Wayne sees Eddie in this kid. “It’s hard comin’ here to hear the same thing every day.” That’s all Wayne’s willing to say to a kid. 
Hard is definitely a word most people would use to describe his situation. Difficult, disheartening. Maybe even hopeless. But there’s still some hope in this old heart that keeps Wayne coming back day in and day out. Keeps him moving while only getting a few hours of sleep a day. Cause as soon as the night comes around, it’s right back to the plant. Making the money to pay for the care his boy needs to keep living. To pay for the roof over his own head enough so he’ll live to see it happen. 
Truth is, Wayne’s dying here. From the fatigue. From the endless waiting. From the slowly draining pool of hope. Nothing seems to change. Nothing gets better. Six days in a medically induced coma with no hopes of ever waking up. Wayne’s not dumb enough to think that the chances increase the more days pass without him showing any signs of improvement. 
Part of him says that this is the state Eddie will be in for the rest of his life. Wonders if it’s worth all of this just to keep him alive. If he’s really suffering in there and would be better off resting forever. But then the heart monitor keeps beeping and his brain is still active. Wayne’s boy is still in there, he’ll come back soon. 
“Yeah, I bet that’s hard. I still have hope though, I was there when he came in. He looks a lot better now.”
There’s a knock on the door that keeps Wayne from responding. It’s the Harrington boy, in normal clothes this time. Discharged. 
“Sorry to interrupt but your mom said it’s time to go home.”
Dustin dramatically rolls his eyes. “Which one, my actual mother or you?”
“Your actual mother, but I happen to agree with her. Come on, you got school in the morning.” Harrington crosses his arms, looking like he’s ready to start a standoff. 
But instead of fighting Dustin stands. “Have a good night Mr. Munson. I’ll still try to visit as much as I can even though school’s starting back up again.”
“Thanks, kid, I’ll try.”
Harrington ruffles Dustin’s hair as he walks out the doorway. Standing there for a beat before turning back to Wayne. “We’ve never officially met, I’m Steve.”
Steve holds out his hand, waiting for Wayne to shake it. Wayne debates whether that’s a good idea or not. Apparently, it takes too long as Steve returns his hand to his side. 
“I wanted to apologize for the scene I made the other day, you didn’t deserve that. I was just so shocked that they actually cuffed him to the bed. Still have him cuffed to the bed.” Steve looks at Eddie with a guilt that Wayne doesn’t understand. Like he’s the reason Eddie’s strapped to the bed. 
Wayne continues to say nothing, not quite sure what would be appropriate. Tell him that it’s ok, that it didn’t bother him. Or thank him for believing that Wayne knew was true. That his boy was innocent. 
There was more to this story than he knew. Something to do with the kid being there and the rich boy standing in the doorway looking like this is all his fault. When Wayne knows the same scars mark Steve just as much as they do Eddie. Steve made sure that everyone knew that. Using it as proof that Steve was there, and that Eddie was innocent. 
Steve was ready to offer himself up as a witness for a man that the town hates. Wayne should be grateful for that, but it doesn’t seem right. They were part of different worlds. Different status, interests. It didn’t make sense for them to be in the same place at all. Yet here they are supposedly having gone through the same vicious attack. 
“Let me know if you need anything,” Steve continues when Wayne stays silent. “I’m more than happy to help out. Eddie was kind of a new friend and I hate seeing him like this as much as you do.”
“I seriously doubt that,” Wayne snaps. He hates charity, especially from this kid. For some reason he doesn’t really understand why. 
Steve is taken aback. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”
“I’m sure you didn’t, but you did. I know my boy and I know how my boy thinks about people like you. So don’t go ‘round gaining sympathy points from the real people who are suffering.”
“I, I wasn’t,” Steve stammers. “I would never.”
“Steve,” Dustin yells. “Get your ass moving, we’re your ride too.”
Steve sighs. “Coming, Jesus. I’m sorry for offending you. I won’t bother you again.”
Wayne shakes his head when Steve leaves, letting out a deep sigh. Maybe he was too harsh, maybe he wasn’t harsh enough. He’s not sure. 
He’s not sure about a lot of things anymore.
part 4
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar, @tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda, @fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77, @here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium, @resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly, @gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight, @devondepresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug, @greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake, @morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs,
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
I know we may not know him too well but how about Dream Come True- Steve and 29 from the kiss prompts 😏
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Word Count: ~1300
A/N: This takes place a couple of years before Dream Come True. Ask is based on this post.
Warnings: Drugging of a character
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Steve had his best fake smile plastered on. He was hosting a party, he had to appear approachable and friendly, even if he didn’t feel like it. The conversations could be so boring and draining. His one reprieve for the night was that he was hosting the party at an art gallery. The last night of the display of one of his favorite artists. Every chance he got he was appreciating the art.
At least until he saw you. Steve knew everyone at the party, they’d been vetted by his team, but he didn’t know you. There was no recognition, no faint memory of ever seeing you before and Steve’s memory was better than most. Your dress was just shy of the quality he’d expect from his guests, indicating you weren’t in the higher echelons of the city’s social circles. You were definitely a party crasher who shouldn’t be here. 
He should call security, have them discreetly take you away, but as he watches you he realizes that, unlike other party crashers, you’re not here for the people. You never take a glass of the expensive champagne offered to guests. You barely talk to anyone and excuse yourself from conversation quickly. You’re looking at the art. You’re flitting from piece to piece like a hummingbird and smiling at each one. You might be a party crasher, but you’ve clearly got good taste and good manners. He decides he’ll let you stay but keep an eye on you.
Pretty soon he realizes he can’t stop watching you. Your genuine joy with each new piece of art you look at is endearing. Especially as he keeps having to deal with fake smiles and false promises. It also makes your frown stand out even more. 
You walked over to a man who appeared to be taking away a woman who’d drunk too much. While you hadn’t had any of the champagne, you couldn’t imagine it would get someone so drunk they could barely move. You approach, ignoring the glares the man gave you, and ask, “what happened?”
“It’s nothing,” the man replies. “She just had a little too much to drink. I’m just getting her home.”
“She doesn’t look drunk,” you retort. “She looks like she needs to go to a hospital.”
“She’s just a lightweight is all,” he sneers. “I’ll take good care of her. Now get lost.”
“Let me take a look at her, please. I really think she needs a doctor.”
“No,” he barks. “She just needs to get home and get some rest.”
“Walker,” a deep, stern voice behind you started. “Do you need some help?”
“Rogers,” Walker stammers. “Seriously, I just need to get the lady home. That’s all.”
“Walker, if I get security over here and search your pockets, are they going to find some pills?”
Walker stammers a bit before dropping the girl and trying to run for it. He only makes a couple steps before Rogers has him slammed against a wall, signaling security to come in. You’re already picking up the young woman from the floor, checking her pupils for dilation, getting her into a more comfortable position. 
Rogers is talking to a few people as security quietly takes Walker out of the gallery, “Sam, go get Strange or Badr. She probably needs a doctor. Bucky, go get Danvers and Rambeau to come help their daughter.” They head in separate directions and he turns to see you checking the girl. He bends down and turns her face towards him, “Monica, we’re getting your mothers. You’re going to be okay.” She seems to relax at that. 
Before long a few people come over and you step back so they can take care of the girl. You figure you should leave before your status as party crasher gets found out but Rogers gently grabs your arm, making you stay in place as he gets the situation sorted. You try to squirm out of his grip a few times before he pulls you to him and whispers, “settle down, Hummingbird. You’re not in trouble but we need to talk.” You’re unsure where the nickname came from but you take comfort in his words and stop trying to escape. 
They’re getting Monica to an ambulance but a tall blonde woman turns to Rogers, fury in her eyes. He points to the door where security took Walker and she storms in that direction.
Once you’re alone you try, one more time, to pull away, “I guess you should get back to your party, Sir.” The look he gives you makes you freeze.
“I’m not generally one for repeating myself, Hummingbird,” he begins. “But I understand you might be out of your depth tonight. You are not in trouble but we still need to have a chat.”
“Yes, Sir,” you lower your head. 
He chuckles and lifts your chin, “call me Steve.”
“Yes, St…Steve.” 
He smiles at you before turning and leading you to a separate wing of the gallery that had been closed off for the party. You know you should pay attention to him, but your eyes keep looking at the beautiful art around you. When you finally do turn back to Steve his smile has grown.
“So, what brings you to my party?”
“I…I just wanted to look at the art.”
“Why not look during normal gallery hours?”
“Work,” you confess. “I got so swamped I didn’t have time to come see the show. Jack Russell is such an amazing artist and I was desperate for a chance to see his art in person. I put on my nicest dress and slipped in with a small group. I’m very sorry.” You hang your head in apology, waiting for some kind of punishment or consequence for your actions. He said you weren’t in trouble but there had to be some kind of repercussion. 
“I believe you,” he states. “I was watching you almost all night.” You lift your eyes at his words, confusion written all over your face. “You weren’t invited, it’s true, but you weren’t drinking any champagne. You didn’t annoy any guests. You were just flitting from piece to piece, actually enjoying the show. I figured as long as you weren’t causing trouble, I’d let you be. And I’m very glad for that.”
“I wasn’t planning on staying long,” you sighed. “Didn’t want to get caught so I moved quickly between the pieces.”
“Flitting like a hummingbird,” he chuckled. “But in coming here, breaking into my party, you saved a young woman. In doing so you also saved my party and, quite frankly, my reputation. I can’t be known as someone whose parties are unsafe or cater to creeps like Walker turned out to be. As such, I would like to reward you.”
Steve’s bright blue eyes seemed to shine with your response. “And I think I know the perfect reward. I’m friends with the curator here. I’ll give you her information and any time there’s a show you really want to see, but can’t get to, call her and she’ll make sure you get in at a time that’s convenient for you.”
“What?!” Your eyes grow wide at his words, “that’s far too generous, Sir! I can’t accept that!”
“It’s ‘Steve’ little Hummingbird,” he lowers his face to your level, his voice lowering with it, “and you will accept the reward. I’ll also make sure you get invited to every party I host at this place. Watching your genuine enjoyment was the highlight of the party tonight. I’d love to see more of it.”
“Are…are you sure about this, Steve?”
Eyes never leaving yours, he gently grabs your hand and kisses it, “I promise, I want nothing more than for you to accept.”
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Many thanks @yenzys-lucky-charm for the ask! It really helped push the scales towards making a full mob/mafia AU. 😆
Part 2
Series Masterlist
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Star Patient: Chapter 3 (ONGOING SLOW BURN SERIES)
WARNING: This series will include; possible inaccurate medical procedures and medical setting, gore, toxic relationships that should NOT be replicated in real life, murder, yanderes, cursing, suicide mentions, implications of misandry (male misogyny), and possibly more.
Inaccurate canon-timeline (this is before Ashley and Andrew murdered their parents).
Reader has a small fear of adult men/rape and has a history of suicide attempts.
Incest is not Wincest.
Amnesiac! Obsessive! Patient! Andrew Graves x Yandere! Nurse! Reader:
Wordcount: 8,650 words (a big chapter since the next chapter will take some time to complete).
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, current chapter, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (in the works)
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Andrew’s brain surgery to drain the excessive blood was a success! Andrew felt loopy from all the twilight anesthesia they injected into him so he was asleep during the surgery, but he’s no longer suffering from double-vision, maybe soon he can start remembering things again.
        Andrew locked his wheelchair in place and refused to move from the hallway. He was dead set on waiting for (Y/N). Any nurse or doctor that tried to come near him to bring him back to his room (or get him out of the way) would be slapped away and assaulted with the most vile curse words that would make a nun have a heart attack. Whenever Andrew heard footsteps coming, he’d look over, eyes sparkling in excitement, before dropping once noticing it wasn’t in fact (Y/N).
        Another set of footsteps could be heard walking down the hallway. Andrew looked over and resisted the urge to smile or seem excited that she came.
        “Hi, Andrew! Sorry I’m late. I was watching the infants until the NNP came back.” (Y/N) explained.
        God, he loved how she said his name. Did it have to do with how damn cute she was, or was her voice really just that enchanting?
        “How do you feel? Tired? Dizzy? Loopy? Hungry? Thirsty?” she questioned, bombarding him with questions.
        “Mm.” Andrew shrugged his shoulders, resisting the urge to wince, but failing.
        “Oh, does your head hurt?" (Y/N) questioned. "Oh, well obviously it must! You had surgery!” she commented, realizing how stupid her question was.
        “It just hurts a bit…” Andrew muttered.
        “Let’s get you back to your room, then I’ll give you some painkillers.” She spoke.
        Andrew unlocked his wheelchair and started rolling away without (Y/N)’s help, stopping in front of her with a pointed stare glare as if to say “are we leaving yet?”
        “Oh! You got the hang of it. Good job, Andrew!” (Y/N) praised, causing him to advert his eyes and huff.
        “It’s not a big deal… It's a pretty easy thing to learn.” Andrew explained, ignoring how his heartbeat increased.
        “Aw, don’t be like that. You did it all on your own in only a few minutes, and you learned how to turn the wheel! That’s impressive!” (Y/N) smiled, only causing Andrew’s face to get more red.
        “Are you done?” Andrew huffed.
        “Okay, okay. Let’s get going.” She chuckled. “Follow me.” 
        Andrew didn’t exactly trust her sense of direction, especially considering earlier’s wild goose chase, but Andrew didn’t mind getting lost with her—it meant he got to spend a little extra time with her.
        “Before we go to your room, do you mind if I make a quick stop to a friend?” she questioned as they entered the elevator together.
        A friend? Andrew thought, a sore and red hot bubble starting to simmer in his chest. Who the hell is it?
        “Her name is Hailey. She has cancer so please be nice to her. She doesn’t have many visitors anymore so maybe you two could be friends!” (Y/N) cheered, excited at the possibility of the two of them getting along as she pressed the second floor button.
        At least it’s a girl. Andrew thought, the bubble of jealousy losing its fire-like temperature, but still having a bit of flame to it. 
        They exited the elevator when the doors opened and strolled down the hallway, (Y/N) stopping at a door and knocking on it.
        “Come in.” A girl, Hailey, spoke.
        She opened the door, keeping it open for Andrew to wheel his way in before she shut the door behind them.
        “Hey, Hails. I have a friend of mine I’d like you to meet. He might have a grumpy face, but he’s nice when you get to know him.” (Y/N) teased.
        Andrew shot her an unimpressed glare as he looked at her, before redirecting his attention to Hailey.
        “Hi…” he muttered, not quite interested in the conversation.
        “Hello…” she whispered shyly.
        With how long it’s been since she’s socialized with anyone except the nurses, she’s most likely insecure of her appearance. This is a good opportunity for her to re-learn how to make friends and have confidence, and now Andrew has someone he can visit and talk to when I’m off of work. She thought to herself.
        “Andrew, this is Hailey. Hailey, this is Andrew. I hope you both can be good friends.” (Y/N) introduced, a smile on her face. 
        Fat chance. Andrew thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
        They both stared at each other awkwardly before (Y/N) spoke up.
        “So, Hailey. How is the book so far?” she questioned.
        “I’m interested in it. I don’t understand why Nora wants to die though.” Hailey spoke.
        “Oh, I see.” She nodded. “This is one of my favorite books to recommend. After reading it, it really makes you look at life in a different perspective. Nora wants to die because she lacks happiness, or fulfillment, in her life. She hasn’t found a motive in her life to carry on because she’s so caught up in her own burdens and feelings.”
        “But why is she sad? She gets to go outside and live.” Hailey questioned, genuinely confused.
        Nora has what Hailey doesn’t, and Nora’s taking it for granted. (Y/N) thought to herself, understanding what Hailey means.
        “Do you want a simple definition or the long one? Like, science or no science.” (Y/N) questioned, taking a seat on Hailey's bedside Andrew silently huffing and glaring as she did so.
        “No science.” Hailey smiled.
        Hailey prefers subjects that are sugarcoated, they’re much easier to understand. She is ten, so (Y/N) supposes that's understandable.
        “Well, Nora is missing something in her life, but she doesn’t know what it is yet. Everyone is made differently. She is sad because she doesn't have anymore passions in her life because she never stuck to pursuing them, and she felt like she couldn’t confide in anyone.” (Y/N) explained. "Humans are social creatures, we need communication and care from others in order to functional normally. Nora doesn't have that, or at least, she has very little of it."
        “So Nora wants to die because she doesn’t know what she’s missing and she's alone?” Hailey questioned.
        “In a way, yeah.” (Y/N) nodded. “Because she’s so sad, she’s not even trying to live the life she was given. When people are as sad as Nora, they don’t eat or shower or take care of themselves because it all feels meaningless.” 
        Why does that sound familiar? Andrew thought to himself. 
        “I understand now.” Hailey nodded.
        “Andrew, do you like books?” (Y/N)questioned, the two girls directing their attention towards him.
        “I’m not too sure. I don’t read much.” Andrew answered.
        “Maybe you just haven't found a good book yet. What genre movies do you like?" (Y/N0 questioned.
        Movies? He just watched whatever was on the TV when he was locked in that apartment, but he was so hungry that he didn't have the willpower to actually focus on what was on the screen half the time. 
        "I don't know... anything really..." Andrew mumbled.
        "Let's find a book genre you like! We'll start with Hailey." (Y/N) smiled. "Hailey, do you have any suggestions for him to read?" 
        "Maybe... The Outsiders?" Hailey suggested at a moment of thought, a bit hesitant but starting to warm up just slightly with the new presence in the room.
        But what about your special pick for me you said you'd give? Andrew complained inside his head.
        "The S.E. Hinton one?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "Yes." Hailey smiled.
        "Oh, that's a good one. My favorite character was Sodapop." (Y/N) commented.
        "I liked Darry. He was smart and cool." Hailey chimed in.        
        "What about the book you wanted to show me earlier? The one specifically picked out for me for when I get out of surgery?" Andrew questioned, not exactly caring if it sounded rude to reject Hailey's suggestion.
        "Oh! Yeah. The book is called Eye of the Minds by James Dasher. He made the Maze Runner series if you had seen the movies." (Y/N) explained. "It's a sci-fi. I figured we could give that a try and see if you enjoyed it." 
        "I remembered when you showed me that book! The main protagonist was funny." Hailey commented.
        Andrew briefly wondered how long these two spent together everyday. The more he thought about it, the more he started to get jealous again. By now his headache was subsiding while his anger just grew.
        I never thought I'd be jealous at a little kid... he thought to himself. ...Why even am I jealous? 
        "(Y/N)..." Andrew sighed, succeeding in gaining the nurse's attention. "My head still hurts and I'm tired." He spoke.
        "Oh! I'm sorry, Andrew. I was excited to hear Hailey's input to the book. I didn't mean to neglect you." (Y/N) spoke, immediate guilt forming in her chest as a frown drew on her face.
        I didn't mean to make her feel bad... Andrew thought to himself, resisting the urge to sigh.
        "I'll see you later, hails. I'm going to take Andrew back to his room. I'll make sure to visit before leaving today." (Y/N) spoke, waving to Hailey as she opened the door for her and Andrew.
        "Okay." Hailey nodded, returning the nurse's wave as she watched them leave and shut the door behind them.
        "I didn't mean to ignore your pain, Andrew. I'm a bit of a scatterbrain, but that's no excuse." (Y/N) sighed, walking with Andrew to the elevators.
        "It's okay. You didn't mean it..." Andrew murmured.        
        "I won't do it again." She promised, a smile on her face as she and Andrew made it to the elevators and got an open one, walking into it.
        She pressed the fourth floor button and waited for the elevator to go. Even if she was growing to enjoy Andrew's company, she did feel a little uneasy being in the same elevator as him all alone.
        "So, Andrew. Do you have any favorite shows?" she questioned, trying to make small talk.
        "..Huh?" Andrew voiced, confused on where that came from.
        "I'll be seeing you pretty often now. I want us to build a connection." She explained. "A good way to do that is finding out each other's likes and dislikes." 
        Andrew huffed, ignoring the warmth in his chest that her confession made him feel. They walked out of the elevator and down the hallway, stopping at the staff's room.
        "I don't really like anything." Andrew admitted.
        "I refuse to believe that. We'll find something!" she smiled, determined. "Wait here a second." She instructed, pulling her lanyard from out of her shirt and grabbing her keys, unlocking the staff door.
        "Hi, Penelope." (Y/N) greeted once seeing the female present.
        "Ah. Hello, (Y/N)!" Penelope cheered, her strawberry blonde hair swaying as she stood up from her seat. "How was patient 402? Did he-" she looked behind (Y/N) and made an "eek!" sound, backing up.
        "Don't worry about him, just taking him back to his room. I had to grab painkillers first though." (Y/N) spoke, unlocking the medicine cabinet grabbing a pill bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water. 
        She grabbed a napkin and opened the pill bottle, putting two small tablets on the cloth. She walked over to Andrew with the napkin and water.        
        "Here, Andrew." She spoke, gently grabbing Andrew's hand and placing the pills in his palm.
        He accepted it and put them in his mouth without any hesitation. (Y/N) opened the water and tilted his head up, bringing the water bottle to his mouth, just in case he couldn't hold it on his own because of the weakening limbs from the surgery's sedation. He took greedy sips before tapping her hand, allowing her to move the bottle and screw on the lid.
        "There you go." She cooed. "Good job." 
        Why is she so much better at this job than me? She's a student! Why is my patient so trusting of her? Penelope thought. Aw, they look like such a couple! They're both so attractive too! This is too embarrassing! 
        Instead of doing what Penelope was thinking, she just spoke her mind.
        "W-wow..." Penelope muttered, utterly confused, shocked, and a bit flustered.
        "What?" (Y/N) questioned, turning to look at the young nurse.
        "Ack! Nothing!" she exclaimed, her face red as she covered her eyes with her hands.
        "Pen, are you feeling okay?" (Y/N) questioned, taking some steps towards Penelope. "Did you get enough sleep? Do you need food? Water?-"
        "N-no thanks!" she shouted, her face growing even redder at the thought of (Y/N) tilting her head and nursing her with a water bottle instead.
        Andrew understood immediately what was happening as he watched the two interact.
        Damn that nurse... Andrew thought to himself, glaring daggers at Penelope from behind (Y/N)'s shoulder.
        (Y/N) jumped, moving back a little, completely dazed and confused as she looked at the nurse. 
        THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING! Penelope screamed instead her head, resisting the urge to curl up in a ball and scream her heart out.
        Penelope has a problem with loving people too much. It's one of the reasons she became a doctor, to find someone in need and nurse them with her medicine and love. Unfortunately, she's a very shy person and stresses too easily, so her bursts of lovesickness can sometimes be too much for her heart and mind (it's one of the reasons Ruby from day shift can't stand her).
        "Okay...?" (Y/N) spoke, hesitantly. "If you need any help, call me. Okay?" 
        Penelope nodded quickly and spoke, quick to have the pair leave. "I understand! Bye now!" 
        Penelope shoved (Y/N) out of the room (Andrew just about ready to stand up and fight her, if it could walk, that is). Penelope locked the door behind them both as (Y/N) looked back, confused.
        "Huh, that's a little more of a panic attack than usual..." (Y/N) muttered to herself. "Okay, Andrew! Let's get you to your room." She smiled, acting as if nothing happened.
        (Y/N) walked down the hallway and grabbed a security guard that was stationed nearby, having them pick up Andrew and place him in his bed since she wasn't strong enough (she worked with picking up kids, not adults).
        "Alright, Andrew. You're probably really tired after your surgery. I'll leave you be." (Y/N) explained, watching as the security guard left.
        Just before she leaves, Andrew spoke up.
        "Will you be back later?" Andrew questioned, hesitant as he hid his flustered face by turning his head to the side, away from her view.
        "Of course! You can't get rid of me that easy, ya know?" she smiled.
        "Great..." Andrew sighed, not-so-sarcastically as he wished.
        "Oh, before I leave. Make sure you're behaving with the other nurses, they're only trying to help you." (Y/N) lightly scolded.
        I don't want their help. I want yours... Andrew thought to himself, resisting the urge to grimace at her words.
        “Ah, and before I forget too!” she gasped, reaching into her medical back and grabbing a book. “This is a sci-fi dystopian. You might like it! If not, no worries. We’ll find a genre for you.” She spoke, placing the book on his nightstand. “Don’t worry about reading it right now. Just sleep.”
        Andrew looked at the book, then her, before nodding. 
        (Y/N) left the room and shut the door behind her, letting out a sigh. 
        What do I do now? she thought to herself. Today feels so slow... I guess I can go back to the clinic and see what Doctor Ryan's doing. Or maybe I should go check on Penelope? She was panicky today.
        (Y/N) decided to check out Penelope and see what's up with her. (Y/N) is aware of Penelope's random bursts of lovesick confessions (Penelope has gotten into too much trouble with HR because of it, so everyone in the hospital knows about it), but (Y/N) had never really seen it take ahold of her that bad. Usually Penelope resorts to compliments (and light stalking), not full on shutting her brain down and panic.
        Did she find a new crush? (Y/N) wondered.
        Ever since (Y/N) became a student studying general pediatrics here at the hospital, she’s had her fair share of taking care of a patient every once in a blue moon for the psychiatric brand in case a nurse had a emergency and needed to leave. She met Penelope when Ruby had to leave because her daughter was in labor, and the usual nurse that took over Ruby's patients for the night shift had come up with the flu. (Y/N) had taken over Ruby’s patients that night and met Penelope, Penelope explaining what (Y/N) would have to do as a psychiatric nurse for the day.
        That was four months ago. They can technically be considered friends but they have the habit of being a little distant, though it’s slowly fading away ever since they agreed on hanging out every Saturday. Their Saturdays consisted of shopping and running errands together since it’s a day they’re both off. 
        (Y/N) walked back down to the staff room and unlocked the door, finding Penelope on the table face-down.
        “Are you okay?” (Y/N) questioned, standing a good distance from Penelope in case she needed some space.
        “How do you do it?” Penelope questioned, lifting her face off the table.
        “Do what?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “How can you be so calm with such cute guys?!” Penelope shouted, balling up her fists as her face went red.
        Does Penelope have a crush on Andrew? (Y/N) thought to herself.
        Her stomach twisted in either disgust or anger, probably both. She felt like throwing up as she thought about Penelope and Andrew together.
        Andrew was supposed to be Penelope’s patient, but (Y/N) swept him away from her after caring for him one day. Penelope had worked day shift that day since she was taking over one of the day nurses shifts because they were taking the day off for her son's graduation, so Penelope switched shifts with them for the day and worked their day shift, resulting in working with Andrew. However, apparently Andrew didn't like her care enough, or perhaps (Y/N) just has a more calm aura around her compared to Penelope. How she won Andrew over, she’s not sure, but he chose her. He chose her, not Penelope.
        “Ah, well… I guess I’m just really good at hiding what I feel?” (Y/N) smiled, feeling her polite smile twitch.
        “I’m hopeless. How can I ever find someone to love if I just freak out like this...?” Penelope sighed.
        “There, there, pen. I’m sure you’ll find someone one day.” (Y/N) comforted her, patting Penelope’s shoulder.
        Yes, not today or tomorrow. Not Andrew. (Y/N) thought to herself.
        “What will I do without you?!” Penelope cried, throwing herself on (Y/N) and hugging her tightly as she wept into her chest.
        (Y/N) resisted the urge to push Penelope off her. This was seriously unprofessional and she's certain if one of her coworkers (or worse, her superior and trainer Doctor Ryan) walked in, they'd possibly be sent to HR for how this may look. As much as they’re decent-ish friends, she’s not on the hugging level yet, but she doesn’t want to push Penelope off in case Penelope starts crying about that instead. 
        “Aw, pen. You’re too pretty to be crying about boys! Your eyeshadow is getting ruined.” (Y/N) spoke, diverting the subject. 
        “Aw jeez! Look what I did! I’m such a klutz…” Penelope sniffled, grabbing her phone and opening the camera to selfie-mode. “Aw! It was my good eye too! That took forever to even out.” 
        “How about I help you fix it?” (Y/N) offered.
        “You’re the best.” Penelope smiled, wiping the tears out of her eyes, only smudging her eyeshadow worse on both sides now.
        “Don’t mention it. Do you have the makeup on you?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Yep.” Penelope spoke, cheering up as she grabbed her makeup purse from her staff locker.
        She sat down on the staff room table and handed the bag to (Y/N), allowing the girl to look through her most prized possessions that kept her feeling cute and confident.
        (Y/N) found an eyeshadow box and opened it, browsing the colors and looking for the right one Penelope had smudged all over her.
        “Cute colors.” (Y/N) commented, adoring the light shades of pinks and nudes.
        “Thank you.” Penelope blushed, watching as (Y/N) grabbed a small bag of makeup wipes and opening them.
        (Y/N) grabbed a wipe and scooted closer to Penelope, grabbing her chin and angling it down so (Y/N) could see better. Penelope ignored the blush rising in her face and her heartbeat increasing, instead opting to close her eyes to ignore the closeness the two shared as (Y/N) wiped the makeup off Penelope’s face.
        (Y/N) noticed the blush on Penelope’s face and decided it’d be best not to acknowledge it or tease her. The first time (Y/N) noticed Penelope’s blush when they first met, she made a joke about it that left Penelope speechless around her for a few days. (Y/N) would rather not experience that awkwardness again. 
        If anybody walked in right now, (Y/N) prays that it’s anybody but a manager or Andrew. With how close they are right now, anyone would get the wrong idea.
        She wiped off the remaining makeup before grabbing a small brush and dabbed it in the light pink shade Penelope applied earlier, fixing her eye makeup. It took a few minutes before (Y/N) finished it.
        “Ta-dah!” (Y/N) cheered, resisting the powerful urge to say “you were my star patient today, have a sticker.” (It’s grown in her vocabulary now).
        “Thanks.” Penelope smiled, grabbing her phone and admiring herself in the camera.
        “No problem. I’m going to get back to the pediatric branch. If there’s any problems make sure to come find me.” (Y/N) explained. “Oh, we're still meeting up tomorrow, right? Think about what doughnuts you want! See you later!” (Y/N) waved, quickly shutting the staff door without waiting for Penelope’s farewell.
        Now that that’s all out of the way… I should get back to Doctor Ryan. (Y/N) thought to herself.
        There was a lingering feeling dwelling inside of her. She still felt sick, like kneeling down and spilling her guts out on the floor. Her chest still bubbled with anger, feeling as though steam is escaping through her ears. 
        It’ll probably take all night for me to calm down. (Y/N) figured, letting out a sigh. What was I angry about again? she thought.
        She walked away from the staff room and down the hallway, heading to the elevators. She boarded on and pressed the second floor button, leaning onto the handrail. The elevator’s movement only worsen the discomfort in her stomach.
        (Y/N) exited the elevator when the doors opened, walking down the hallway to the staff room. She would’ve made it there if she didn’t hear obnoxiously loud whispering in the room next to her, sounding similar to a toddler bickering. She peeked in the room and saw two little boys huddled together in front of a hanging white sheet, speaking to what appears as themselves. She noticed the hospital wrist bands on their arms, confirming their admission here.
        “What are you two doing?” (Y/N) questioned, crossing her arms. 
        They both jumped, letting out their own squeals as they turned around and looked at her.
        “N-nothing! Just… playing!” one smiled.
        They both looked like twins, (Y/N) noted.
        “You both should be in your rooms. What are your names?” she questioned.
        “I’m Tom, that’s Jerry.” The other toddler introduced themselves as.
        “Like the cartoon?” she questioned, a smile on her face.
        “Um… yes?” he spoke, hesitantly.
        Wow. Am I that old? They obviously haven’t seen it… she thought to herself.
        “Well, it sure matches you both, since you sneaked out of your rooms. Who are you talking to?” (Y/N) questioned, resisting the urge to peek behind the curtain.
        Yeah. Like I’m that dumb… I’m not going to die like Psycho from a killer hiding behind a damn curtain. She thought to herself. And there’s no way I’m investigating either. I don’t mess with ghosts.
        “Come along, now.” (Y/N) spoke.
        (Y/N) watched as they walked away, shooting each other glares. She looked at the curtain once last time before shutting the door and walking away. If she looked behind the curtain, she would’ve saw Ashley hiding from the security guard, a scalpel in her hand and ready to attack (Y/N) and the kids if the curtain was opened. Ashley was still mad at Andrew, and now she was mad at all the nurses in the hospital, but especially Andrew’s new nurse he grew to favor. 
        (Y/N) led the two kids to the staff room and unlocked the door, peeking in and looking for any nurse that recognizes these two. She saw one of the pediatric nurses, Wally, and smiled.
        “Ah, Wally. Do you know these two?” (Y/N) questioned, bringing the two kids into the room.
        “I thought I locked their doors. They kept trying to escape…” Wally sighed, standing up from his seat.
        “I used a pen to escape.” Jerry smiled. “Then broke Tom out.”
        “Well, thank you for telling me how you got out, because now there’s a no pen policy in your rooms.” Wally spoke, giving them a stern glare.
        “Aw! You just had to run your mouth!” Tom huffed.
        “You didn’t stop me!” Jerry poorly excused as Wally dragged them back to their hospital rooms.
        “How was I supposed to know what you were gonna say?” Tom questioned.
        I wonder what they’re in here for. (Y/N) thought to herself. They sure seem energetic for being sick or injured, but I supposed it could be something internal. 
        She decided to ignore it and refill her medical bag. She grabbed a new bottle of water and pretzels since she gave her old pair to Hailey earlier. 
        She walked out of the room and locked the door, heading back to the clinic. She found Doctor Ryan’s office and stood outside, waiting a few minutes in case there was a patient, that way in case a patient was getting a shot they wouldn't get startled and jump, accidentally breaking the needle or causing harm. She heard nothing from inside the door and assumed there was no patients, so she knocked gently.
        “Come in.” Doctor Ryan spoke.
        “Hello, sir.” (Y/N) greeted, entering the room and shutting the door behind them. “Is there any new patients today?” 
        “Only walk-ins, remember?” Doctor Ryan reminded.
        “Yeah, but I’m so bored…” she sighed.
        “I’ve never met a student that’s actually excited to work.” Doctor Ryan admitted, chuckling.
        “Not all that excited, but I woke up today to go to work, and I get paid to work, so I wanna work. Time is so slow when there’s nothing to do.” (Y/N) rambled.
        “I agree. Hey, I heard you got Andrew admitted for surgery. Internal bleeding in the brain?” Doctor reminded.
        (Y/N) felt a flash of worry and she grimaced.
        “Was that… the wrong call?” she questioned, not even bothering to hide the discomfort and worry on her face.
        “It was the right call. Good job. I just wanted to see you squirm.” The doctor laughed.
        “Sheesh, you worried me! I thought I got fired before evening getting the real job.” (Y/N) sighed.
        “Sorry, sorry. How is he doing? Social-wise? Is he still stingy towards the other nurses?” he questioned.
        “I introduced him to Hailey today. They both were quiet, but they interacted for a bit, which is good considering Hailey hasn’t seen a new visitor in a while.” She explained. "He saw Penelope too and didn't throw anything at her. So that's... good?"
        “How’s Hailey’s condition?” Doctor Ryan asked.
        “She’s only getting worse. I really don’t think she’ll live for long.” (Y/N) sighed, a frown forming on her face.
        “That’s unfortunate. Sadly, it’s part of our job to see them go sometimes.” Doctor Ryan spoke, patting her shoulder. “But hey, we’re here to help prevent that.”
        “That does remind me, when is Hailey’s next chemotherapy session?” she questioned.
        “It’ll be Sunday, but you and me won’t be here. With our day off and all.” Doctor Ryan explained. “Any plans?”
        “I’m hanging out with Penelope from the psychiatric branch tomorrow. Sunday I’ll catch up on sleep.” (Y/N) informed.
        She noticed his smug expression and glared at him, but that didn’t stop him from making his joke.
        “Well, I bet Andr-“ 
        “Don’t finish it.” (Y/N) warned.
        “Okay. Okay.” He chuckled.
        “What do you plan on doing?” she questioned, redirecting the conversation. 
        “Hanging out with my wife and kids. Probably get no sleep.” He shrugged.
        “Poor you, family man.” (Y/N) teased.
        “You don’t understand what it’s like trying to sleep in a house with two toddlers during the day. It’s not very easy.” He explained.
        “How’s the wife and kids anyway?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Jax just celebrated his third birthday. Piper’s learning to read. And Jane wants me to work day shift.” Doctor Ryan sighed.
        “Well, why don’t you?” (Y/N) questioned. “You sleep in the day and can’t spend time with your family at night since they're sleeping. I think it’d be best.” 
        “Exactly. Everyone does that. We don’t have enough nurses for night shift, especially skilled ones.” Doctor Ryan huffed, then remembered that (Y/N) technically qualifies as unskilled, at the moment at least. “Which is why I teach you! So I can skedaddle!” 
        “I’ll be the best pediatrician here.” (Y/N) smiled, then noticed the stare Doctor Ryan gave her. “Night shift wise, I will be. You’ll be on the day shift.”
        Doctor Ryan’s walkie-talkie went off, catching both of their attention.         
        “Doctor Ryan, a nurse is bringing a patient to you. Possible UTI.” The walkie-talkie spoke.
        “Aw, poor kid.” (Y/N) spoke.
        “Yeah, poor kid alright.” Doctor Ryan grimaced, just imagining the pain and discomfort.
        “Well, let’s get it checked out then prescribe antibiotics if they’re right.” She sighed, stretching her arms out and cracking her knuckles.         .         .         Thirty minutes before (Y/N)’s shift and she felt exhausted. The work day went by pretty fast and now she was walking down the hallway to see Hailey.
        She slowly opened the door, not wanting to knock and accidentally wake up Hailey, but she wanted to make sure Hailey was still breathing.
        She expected to see a sleeping girl but instead she saw that she was wide awake, using her nightstands lamp as a light so she could read.
        “Hailey!” (Y/N) lightly hissed through her teeth, quiet so she doesn’t accidentally wake up any nearby patients sleeping in their rooms.
        “Hello, Ms. (L/N).” Hailey smiled, unphased that she got caught. 
        “It’s 5:30 in the morning and you’re still up. You should’ve been long in bed sleeping.” She scolded, walking up to Hailey and sitting down on her guest chair. “But, since you’re up. How’s the book?”
        “I think it’s really interesting, the way her decisions could have such consequences. I never thought decisions would mean so much.” Hailey explained.
        “Of course. You know, I had to decide if I wanted to be a nurse or a writer.” (Y/N) admitted.
        “Well, you’re a nurse now.” Hailey smiled, before it dropped. “Do… you think if you weren’t a nurse, would we have never met?” 
        “Probably not.” (Y/N) admitted, not bothering to sugarcoat it to her. "But that's just a consequence from my decision. Not all consequences mean bad things. I don't regret not being a writer either. I'm here with you, aren't I?" she smiled, patting Hailey's hand reassuringly.
        "Uh, that boy from earlier..." Hailey started.
        (Y/N)'s smile disappeared as she felt a bolt of lightning strike her. She felt sick again, and her chest started to pop and boil, and her hands started to tremble. She dug her nails into her palms once more and tilted her head, leaning in close to listen to the girl.
        "He was scary..." Hailey muttered, causing (Y/N) to let out a forced giggle.
        "Ah, yes. I supposed Andrew was. But he's real sweet when he opens up." (Y/N) smiled, giving her a small white lie since she really didn't know herself if Andrew was sweet, but she at least wanted to ease the girl's nerves.
        "I think he likes you." Hailey teased, letting out a girlish giggle.
        "Everyone apparently thinks that." (Y/N) laughed, recalling Doctor Ryan's words. 
        "Well, do you like him back?" Hailey questioned.        
        "Oh, hails. I just met him yesterday!" (Y/N) pointed out, shaking her head as she smiled.
        "It's true love at first sight!" Hailey declared.
        "Where'd you learn that saying?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "I'm serious! I think you two would be really cute, you're like polar opposites!" Hailey claimed, ignoring (Y/N)'s previous question.
        Really, personality-wise, I don't think we're too different. Hailey doesn't understand my outside-work persona. (Y/N) thought to herself as she just smiled and went along with what Hailey said.
        "You should confess!" Hailey encouraged. 
        "What's with you and this?" (Y/N) questioned.
        "I know I won't live long enough to experience love like in the books... so I figured the second best thing would be having you live it." Hailey smiled, her smile fake and twitching.
        "Oh, hails..." (Y/N) sighed, getting up from her chair and walking to Hailey's bedside.
        Hailey scooted over so that (Y/N) could sit on the bed with her. Hailey immediately wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s torso and dug her face into (Y/N)'s chest, her shoulders heaving up and down, giving away that she was crying. (Y/N) sighed and wrapped one of her arms around Hailey, the other she used to gently caress Hailey's bald scalp, a permanent reminder of her condition.
        (Y/N) wanted to tell her that Hailey would be alright, that she would make it through, but she knew she couldn't promise that, especially to a little kid. She wasn't going to accidentally give the girl false hope and have her miserable on her potential death bed. 
        "You're such a sweet girl, any boy would fall for you instantly. Your cute little button nose and brown eyes would have any boy smitten. Your laugh and sweet personality would have any boy confess their love for you. If you made some friends with the boys here in this branch, you'll have so many guys surrounding you, you wouldn't know what to do!" (Y/N) reassured, poking Hailey's nose and causing her to giggle.
        "Do you think they'd still like me even without hair?" Hailey questioned.
        "Course they would. If a boy only likes you for your looks, punch him for me." (Y/N) joked, smiling.
        "I will." Hailey giggled.
        "Hey, I'll tell you what. When I come back on Monday, I'll take you out to the garden. The flowers are in bloom this year!" (Y/N) spoke.
        "Promise?" Hailey gasped.
        "I swear on my life." (Y/N) smiled. "Now, I'm going to go pay Andrew a little visit. You better sleep when I leave this room, understand?” (Y/N) questioned.
        “Yes.” Hailey nodded.
        “Thank you. And good job today, Hailey. I’m so proud of you for talking with Andrew and staying strong as always. What color star would you like today?” (Y/N) asked, reaching into her medical bag.
        “Purple.” Hailey smiled.
        “You got it.” (Y/N) smiled, placing the sticker down onto Hailey’s nightstand. “Goodnight, hails. I’ll see you Monday.” 
        “Goodnight.” Hailey smiled, getting comfortable in her bed.
        (Y/N) walked out of the room and closed the door, making her way to the elevators. She got on and pressed the fourth floor button, waiting for the elevator to stop moving. The doors opened and she walked out and to Andrew’s room. She made it in front of the door then knocked.
        There was no answer.
        Ah, Andrew must’ve went to bed like I asked. It’s good that he actually listens to me. (Y/N) thought, a smile appearing on her face at the thought of having possibly tamed the cannibalistic murderer (however she did, she does not know).
        (Y/N) opened the door quietly, just to check. It’s also a possibility that he could’ve died in his sleep due to the anesthesia or a error in the surgery. It could also be a possibility that he jumped out of the window since he’s on suicide-watch (not like any other nurse had the nerves to come in and actually leave with no bruises).
        She opened the door and noted that he was still in bed, sleeping peacefully. His heart monitor was still on and showed his vitals, all sounding normal and looked it too. Her heart sped up a bit as she watched him sleep peacefully.
        He looks so peaceful. (Y/N) noted, admiring his vulnerable and slumbering figure. 
        He was handsome when he wasn't frowning. Well, even when he did have a scowl on his face, he was certainly able to make such an ugly face a pretty one. His pale skin in comparison to his dark hair was breathtaking, and his green eyes were simply divine, like Granny Smith apples; sour and tart, but a hint of sweet when you bite down just right.
        She eventually snapped out of her trance after remembering that she was still in the hallway and what she was doing was no doubt creepy, and shut the door. It probably would’ve been a good idea to have told him that she would be gone for a few days, but she’s sure he’ll manage decently. 
        She walked away and to the branch’s staff room, unlocking the door. Lucky, there was no one in for her to have to converse with—nobody except Penelope. Penelope patients were always the most tamest and laidback since HR knew her.. questionable... personality.
        “Hey!” Penelope smiled, just finishing clocking out.
        “Hello!” (Y/N) greeted back, walking towards her and grabbing the clipboard and pen from her hands as Penelope handed it to her.
        “How was patient 402 today?” Penelope questioned.
        “Ah, he had surgery so I didn’t see much of him. He saw Hailey for a few minutes before he went to his room and slept.” (Y/N) explained. 
        “Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m so glad he’s doing okay and I’m glad he’s getting along with Hailey.” Penelope squealed.
        “Mmhm.” (Y/N) hummed, finishing her clock-out.
        She used the computer and typed up today's report for all her patients. When she got to Andrew's she typed: get casting on leg done immediately while he’s still asleep so he or his sister doesn’t get hostile. 
        Penelope read the screen from over (Y/N)’s shoulder, then spoke.
        “Oh. His sister? I haven’t seen her since yesterday!” Penelope explained.
        “Huh. Well, maybe she had something to do today?” (Y/N) reasoned. 
        “Maybe! But I heard from Ruby that she was kicked out of the hospital after she got aggressive with Andrew. She probably got banned from returning.” Penelope explained.
        (Y/N) physically grimaced, a scowl forming on her face at Penelope saying Andrew’s name. She really didn’t like it when Penelope said his name and she’s not sure why.
        “Is there something wrong? Did you forget to do something?” Penelope questioned.
        “Oh, no. I just made the face because I can’t believe his sister could be so mean to him while he’s injured.” (Y/N) smiled forcefully.
        “Right? Poor Andrew… I really hope he doesn’t have to see her anytime soon! It makes me wonder how she usually treats him uninjured.” Penelope frowned, pitying the poor patient who wasn’t in the room.
        (Y/N) grimaced again, hating her saying “Andrew” just as much as she hated it the first time, if not, even stronger.
        “I agree.” She spoke through her smiling teeth, another forceful grin. "Welp!" she smiled, clapping her hands together. "See you tomorrow, Penelope!" she spoke, quick to clock out and leave. 
        (Y/N) quickly walked down the hall to the elevators, hopping in and pressing the lobby button. She took a moment to compose herself, leaning against the railing.
        I feel so weird today. My chest feels like it's being squeezed and I feel almost angry... She thought, confused of her emotions. 
        Maybe she didn't eat a big enough lunch. When she gets home, she'll eat dinner and drink lots of water before heading to bed. Yeah, she could use the meal and the sleep. It can be really difficult being the caretaker when you have no one to care for you, but in her own words, "in order to care for another, you must first learn to care for yourself."
        She got in her car and drove back to her apartment, shutting the door and locking it before she collapsed on her living room's couch. She laid on her back for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling blankly, no thoughts crossing her mind.
        She needed the few minutes to gain some energy. It’s always so exhausting smiling and being positive, especially in such a depressing and brooding setting such as a hospital where many meet their end, even worse that its children. 
        She doesn’t regret her decision in going through with becoming a pediatrician, but it does get heartbreaking seeing young kids die. She tries her best to help them, but sometimes there’s just some things out of your control.
        She knows that when Hailey dies, she’ll be absolutely devastated. Out of all the patients she sees and talks to, she always makes sure to give Hailey the most of her attention and time. 
        Hailey was first admitted into the hospital when she was seven. After weeks of in and out tests at the hospital, MRI’s and blood withdraws, she was diagnosed with cancer. From then on, she spent her days at the hospital. Hailey’s parents were always busy, one was a lawyer and the other was a traveling diplomat. The nurses were basically babysitters for her while her parents were working.
        Her parents loved her, they loved her so much that they couldn’t bare to see her slowly deteriorate in front of their eyes, so they forced themselves away from her side and indulged in work to rid the thought of their only daughter dying. They didn’t realize how lonely or terrifying it was for Hailey, to suddenly be surrounded by white walls and white floors and white sheets. Surrounded by the stench of heavy bleach and aroma of lemons. By radiation machines and clumps of lost hair on her pillows. 
        She watched out of her window as other patients walk in and out of the hospital, their families walking by their side, supporting them during their times of need. Her visitors weren't family, but nurses and doctors entering and exiting her room, no longer bothering to smile or give her white lies of how she'll heal soon.
        (Y/N) couldn't try to understand or emphasize, she wasn't sick in a hospital bed balding. She wasn't bedridden, and she had the fortunate ability to move her legs unlike Hailey's legs, the clumping of leukemia cells in Hailey's knees making it hard to walk on some days. (Y/N)'s been Hailey's nurse for five months now, she had started nursing Hailey before she decided to change her career.
        (Y/N) was originally going to be a pediatric nurse, make sure children are sticking to their proper recovery path and taking medications that they're doctors are prescribing them, provide utmost comfortability and nurturing to them as they could, and constantly run tests on their weights, diets, and symptoms, but she changed her studies to become a pediatric hematologist-oncologist after meeting Hailey. 
        (Y/N) graduated high school a year early by taking Advanced Placement (college-level) courses and getting a head start by going to classes during school breaks and on the weekends. It was exhausting and downright infuriating at times, but she managed and graduated with her high school diploma along with a certificate in child care after completing a three-year course in high school for early childhood education; allowing her to get a part-time job after high school by working in a daycare. Then she moved out from her parents, heading to college and completing one year of adolescent medicine (originally, it was supposed to be four, but her AP classes counted for college-credit and high school credits). She finished college five months ago, and now she's learning from Doctor Ryan JTED general pediatrics while taking online hematology-oncology classes to graduate med school early. 
        She had always been an over-achiever, aiming for success to please her parents and earn what little praise she could. It had been a goal ever since she was a child, to hear such little words from them with actual meaning, not just false words spoken on auto-pilot to shoo their child away.
        Her father wanted her to be successful and rich in life, so she wouldn't have to deal with poverty in her future anymore, and her mother... well, her mother really didn't care what she did. In fact, her mother never cared at all. Her parents were always working all the time. Her father worked as an overworked and underpaid mechanic who worked 6-8, never having any time for his daughter as he worked in the day and slept at night. Her mother was also a nurse, specializing in cardiology; she slept in the day and worked at night. Even on her days off, she slept and ignored (Y/N)'s needs. 
        From two years old to five, (Y/N) was locked alone in a room with a bed, TV, and a bathroom. She was locked in a dark room for 16 hours a day, with no food and the only water source was from the sink's faucet. All she did in that room was sleep, watch cartoons on the TV, and cry; begging to be let out of the room, begging for food, begging for any sort of affection or tenderness from her mother who slept in the room next door so that (Y/N) wouldn't interrupt her sleeping. Instead, the only affection she received in her life was the embrace of her bed's sheets.
        All her time in her hands caused her to sleep so much she developed a sleeping disorder, hypersomnia; the inability to remain alert, woke, or refreshed in the daytime despite having an excessive amount of rest. That condition became chronic, even now she struggled with it, which made her excessive daytime sleepiness so much worse due to working eight hours at the hospital for her JTED classes of general pediatrics (at least she got paid for her apprenticeship, working from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.), and studying online for hematology-oncology for at least 3 to 4 hours after work. She's eternally grateful for her med school being paid, earning a scholarship due to all her high grades in her AP classes and completing college with her adolescent medicine degree. Medicine was a part of her mother's side of the family, and (Y/N) naturally became a caretaker after learning to care for herself her whole life; touch starved from the hands of her mother and father. 
        If (Y/N) had been the patient in the hospital bed, would her mother have cared then? Would she have shown a bit of sympathy? Even just touch her arm for a few seconds to feel for a vein and inject a IV needle in? The answer was no. Her mother didn't care when (Y/N) had been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, fainting after days of neglecting her needs of food and water in order to complete her piling school work. Her mother didn't care when (Y/N) pleaded for help at ten years old, saying she believed she had depression and needed help. 
        Instead of helping her, her mother shook it off as hormones from puberty, and even told her to stop overreacting that: "You can't be depressed. People have such worse lives than you, dying alone in hospital beds, and here you are, crying about a few hormonal mood swings." 
Her mother didn't even care when (Y/N) had tried to kill herself when she was just eleven years old. For a nurse, whose job is supposed to protect and care, she was cruel.
        Her father cared, he really did, but he just didn't have the time for her. While her mother slept and ignored her, he was at work busting his ass off to earn money and support their family. He had grown up poor, living in immense poverty, sharing a bedroom with his sister, unsure of when their next meal was. He never graduated high school, he went to the military but after a few years was rejected due to heart conditions, which led him to coming home and getting his GED so that he could go to college and become a mechanic. Money was always a problem for her family, even in a two-income household it was hard to meet living standards. A big reason she piled all that work on her and neglected her health was so she could get her schooling paid for. 
        Remember her saying from earlier? "In order to care for another, you must first learn to care for yourself." Well, she had to teach herself that the hard way. She realized she couldn't be a nurse and preach others to care for themselves if she couldn't even care for herself. So, she took on hobbies to help her mental health, forced herself to make friends and gain confidence, made an oath to stop her self-harm when she was young. This was a challenge, but it presented opportunity for growth, for success, for happiness. 
        Opportunity is everywhere, so long as you choose to believe it. You don't need to see things to know it's there, so long as you have faith. Opportunity is everywhere, lurking and waiting to jump out from the corner and get you! Even the corner of your bedroom, while you lay thinking of nothing and everything depressingly on your couch. Opportunity is stalking, waiting patiently for you to walk through your bedroom door so they could give you a big hug! Or a stab! Or multiple stabs! 
        Opportunity comes in many forms. Education, money, experience, decisions, and even people; such as Ashley Graves! Opportunities to pursue your goal of nursing, or if we use Ashley's motivation, a wonderful opportunity to stab a little nurse out of jealousy all because she just happened to get too close to her brother after he made a minor slip-up. A Grave consequence, really. 
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A cliff-hanger! This is where the next chapter will take some time to come out since all the previous chapters were drafts I wrote for fun before I started writing for Tumblr.
Also, Penelope is one of my first yanderes I created myself, an OC! While she won't play a major role in this series, she'll have her own headcannons and such one day once I get around to it, maybe you'll find an interest in her yourself!
Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is OPEN for questions about the story and new plotlines/ideas, not for request!
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, current chapter, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (in the works)
202 notes · View notes
kiddbegins · 9 months
Good Girl - Connor Rhodes | 18+
Requested: yes
Word count:
Warnings: smut [vaginal sex, brief fingering, dirty talk, orgasm denial kinda, sort of degrading? Like just kinda?]
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Take the other from behind [connor rhodes]
Connor Rhodes. Hot, attractive Dr. Rhodes from the emergency department was in your bed and honestly? You couldn’t be happier. You weren’t looking for anything serious. After a major breakup a few weeks ago with the man that broke your heart you just needed to live a little.
The last four years of your life down the drain so yeah, maybe having sex with someone with no strings attached was the way to go. And it just so happened that the person you bumped into on your way out of Med was looking for the same thing.
So you ended up at his place, more than once. Like right now where he was pushing you up against the wall in his bedroom, hands wandering all over your body. Before it all started you hadn’t even thought about Connor in that light.
He was usually the brooding surgeon that always had his eyebrows knit together. Whose ex-girlfriend was a little crazy. Your coworkers' words, not yours. You happened to know Robin well enough to know that what happened wasn’t horrible.
But now? Now that you’d had your taste of him, all of him, it was all you wanted. This was supposed to be the era of sleeping around but instead it shifted to screwing one person multiple times a week.
No complaints though, cause Connor was good, nay, amazing at what he did. Because of course he was. The man was practically perfect. He squeezed softly at your hip, digging his fingers in to pull you into him as he pressed against your body.
Normally he’d change out of his scrubs before leaving the hospital, but he was in too much of a rush to change out of them, instead deciding to deal with them the entire ride to his house. A lot of what he did was different today.
He’d offered the ride there, for one, knowing you usually would follow behind him. Kept his hand on your thigh the entire time. Teased you while he drove. The whole nine. And to say you were worked up right now was an understatement.
“Connor-” You breathed out, feeling him bite at the skin on the side of your neck, clearly going to leave a mark. His hands slipped under your shirt, the one you actually took the time to change into before being interrupted by one other doctor.
Your hands gravitated to the back of his scrubs, one lowering to grip at any part of him you could get your hands on. “Please, I want you,” You muttered into his ear, not expecting him to pull back, looking down at you.
His hand came up to cup the side of your cheek, “How badly?” He teased, sensually stroking his thumb across your skin, dragging it across your lower lip. Faltering as if he expected you to take it into your mouth.
“So badly.” You muttered, gazing up at him, lust fogging your mind. Slightly you shifted, crossing your legs to get some sort of friction to your core. Connor grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to the bed, nudging you down onto it.
He pushed you back, crawling over on top of you, a dark look in his eyes as he leaned down, kissing at your open skin. “I’m gonna need you to tell me exactly what you want me to do darling,” His gaze found yours as he kissed over your shirt, mouth grazing your covered chest.
A whine left your lips, even his feather light touches burned as you laid there. “I want you, in me, on me, touching me. Anything.” You weren’t a beggar, but today seemed to be one for all the differences. So the word please slipping from your lips when he finally pushed your shirt up, egged him on.
His mouth was on your exposed stomach in seconds, leaving hot, open mouthed kisses up your body until he’d gotten to your breasts. Slowly he reached behind you, skillfully unlatching your bra with one hand to pull it off.
“It’s scary how easy you do that,” You muttered, letting out a light gasp as he responded by latching onto one of your nipples, flicking his tongue across it. “Connor-” His name slid off your tongue professionally at this point.
The amount of times you’d been together he’d learned what gets you worked up pretty quickly and he sure knew how hot and bothered his mouth on your boobs made you. Not that he minded. He already was a boob guy so getting to keep his hands and mouth on them? A win in his book.
Connor moved, kissing at the other nipple, eyes looking up at you as he did so, his hips bucking against yours as you moaned out. He couldn’t help but feel himself going warm with every touch you gave him.
His hands slid up your thighs, stopping when he decided to lean up, finally pulling his top off, throwing it aside. You reached up, pulling him down by the back of his neck, kissing at his collarbone. Sucking hickies into every divet you could get your lips on as he gave way to you.
The surgeon hooked his fingers into the sweatpants you had put in, pulling them down. “I’m going,” He pulled away from your kisses to place his own on your skin, “To have so much fun with you tonight.” His voice was low, hands gripping onto your hips as he rubbed against you, the lack of clothing between you two making your body shudder.
“Shit…” You mumbled under your breath. Everytime felt like the first time, your body knowing how to react to his touch, to how he moved against you. Before you could do anything, he pulled you closer by the hips.
Connor pressed one quick kiss to your jaw before moving off of you. “Hands and knees, facing that way,” He pointed to the head of his bed, smirking as you immediately obeyed his commands. The rustling of his clothes was all you heard as he pulled off what remained of his clothes.
His dick was hard, precum spilling out of it rapidly. “Good girl, I love the way you listen to me,” He spoke, crawling onto the bed behind you. Connor’s hand firmly gripped your ass, pulling you against him, just slightly letting you feel what he was setting you up for.
Roughly he leaned forward, kissing down your back, “You gonna continue to be a good girl for me?” He asked, running his hands over all of your most sensitive areas.
Instantly you nodded, whining when his hand rubbed at your clit through the cloth of your underwear. “I want you to say it.” He spoke, moving his fingers faster, your body trying to press back against him as you nodded again.
“Yes, yes. I am.”
“You are what?” He encouraged you to speak, removing his hand from your heat and instead sliding them up your thighs. The wet spot on the cloth grew, his words doing nothing but making you more wet, more needy.
And Connor knew that. “I’ll be a good girl for you, please Connor,” You wanted to reach out and touch yourself, but being bent up on your elbows made it difficult to do so. And that wouldn’t exactly be good girl behavior would it.
The man slowly pulled your underwear down, his hands reaching down first, grabbing handfuls of you as he pulled you apart. “Oh baby girl, you getting yourself all ready for me?” He spoke in a teasing tone, his thumb pressing slightly against your entrance.
As soon as you tried to move back against him he slapped your ass, shaking his head. “Ah, you only move if and when I tell you to. Understand?” You nodded. “I said, do you understand?” Connor repeated himself more firmly.
You sucked in a breath, “Yes, I understand.” Your mind was so filled with him, his words, his touch. Your need for him to just touch you, fuck you, anything was becoming too much. “Please touch me, Con, please.”
It was nearly impossible for him to say no when your pleads sent vibrations through him, his dick twitching. But he wasn’t going to give in that easily. Rather, drag it out as much as he could. So he did what you asked by slipping a finger inside of you.
Your head dropped, feeling as he hooked it, stroking the golden spot right inside. “More,” You tried to ask, forcing yourself to keep still as he moved, denying your request. Instead he kept moving, feeling every move you made, watching each breath you took.
As soon as you started to clench around him he pulled his hand away, popping his finger into his mouth as he leaned forward. His length slightly brushed against you, teasingly. “You taste so good honey, maybe you can try next time,” He gave you a couple seconds to come down from your near high, this time slipping two fingers inside.
A loud whine came out of you, eyes squeezing shut as you tried not to fuck back onto his fingers. “Good girl still listening to me,” Connor cooed in your ear as if he knew you were trying not to go against his words.
The feeling of him knuckles deep in you was almost too much. Especially as he built you up again, retracting himself right before you finished. Like you ran the marathon but never crossed the finish line. “Connor,” You whined his name out, your insides feeling like mush the more and more times he did it.
Seven times. He brought you right to the cusp of your orgasm seven times with just his fingers, a smirk permanently on his face as he watched you try and control your breathing. “What’s wrong? You seem a little on edge,” He muttered, sucking a mark onto your lower back.
“Please,” Your words were jumbled, pulsating as you tried your hardest to keep a grip on what was happened. “Connor please fuck me, I can’t take it anymore.” You spoke shakily, thighs feeling like jelly as he tried to keep yourself propped up for him.
He wrapped his hands around your hips, “Alright baby,” He slowly guided you back, slipping right into you as he did. There was enough wetness in your folds that he slotted perfectly inside, the stretch of him just enough that it felt amazing.
As he leaned over you, you grabbed your arms, holding them behind your back as he thrust into you. Connor crossed your arms, interlocking his fingers with one of your hands, using that as a grip as his pace picked up.
Your face went straight into the mattress, pushed down as he moved. It wasn’t long until you were built up again, craving to finally be able to release, “Connor, I’m close, please let me,” You turned your head to speak.
He simply rolled his hips into you in a new way in response, his other hand pulling your hair back, “Cum for me.” Connor spoke into your ear, kissing your shoulder as you came undone underneath him.
Your knees gave out, falling against the bed as your body trembled. He shifted slightly, his movements rapid as he slammed in and out of you, your cum adding to the slickness that was already there, covering his length in entirety. “Good, good job,” His muttered, stuttering slightly as he worked you through your orgasm.
He slowed slightly, letting go of your arms and moving so he was on his side with a leg bent up, your legs spread apart in front of him. Connor looped his hand around your leg, lifting it up as he continued to fuck into you, the new angle sending shivers up your body.
“Fuck, y/n, you have no idea what you do to me,” He bit your shoulder gently, pushing his face into your skin. The sound of him slapping into you was horrid, but it played like music to his ears as he let his other hand come over to circle your clit again.
You leaned your back against him, your hand going up to the side of his face, the only part of him you could reach. “Say my name again,” You breathed out, the tone of his voice along with his groan brought you unspeakable pleasure.
He practically pressed his mouth to your ear, “Y/n,” Connor repeated lowly, moving his hand from your clit up your body, teasing its way to your throat.
Of course he remembered how you acted last time. His hand lightly wrapped around your throat, a couple kisses to your shoulder as well, “you tell me if it’s too much,” Connor instructed, applying pressure after you nodded.
The feeling of his hand and his dick inside you had another orgasm rallying up, ready to burst in seconds. “Oh baby, you like what I hold you like this?” He whispered in your ear, jolting his hips up with each thrust, hitting hard against you.
“You like when I have complete control over you? I tell you to do something and you listen, just for me huh?” He egged you on, his words making your heat tingle. “You like when I use you?”
Connor felt you clench around him, a tsk and shake of the head, “Are my words turning you on, y/n? You like when I call you needy? Like when I make you cum three? Four times? Go ahead. Show me, show me how much you like having my hand around your neck.”
His hand clenched just enough that it sent you overboard, your body shaking as he held you against him, keeping his movements up enough as he could, on the brink of his own orgasm.
“So dirty,” He mumbled into the skin of your neck, letting his hand fall from your throat and back to your hips, fucking into you.
Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, insides still clenching as you came down. Connor was quick to pull out, last second shooting off onto your leg as he let go of the one that was still up in the air.
As you settled onto your side, sure to keep your legs from touching so you didn’t smear anything, Connor get up, grabbing a soft wet rag from the bathroom, cleaning you up as quickly as possible so you could slide under the blankets.
After a couple moments he sighed, “You're so beautiful,” He muttered, admitting something he could never bring himself to say in a pre-sex moment. The man was always more open and clingy after.
His arms always found their way around you, always held you close to his chest. And if you guys hadn’t committed to the friends that had sex bit then maybe, just maybe he’d like himself kiss you.
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Join Connor’s Masterlist here!
Tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @mrspeacem1nusone @thebejeweledwatercat
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nhl-stories · 7 months
midnight love – Anthony Beauvillier
Summary: Hannah was ready to accept her fate as second choice, but a newcomer just entered the picture
Author’s Note: Oh my god I've been working through this for so long and then bam that trade happens. And changed how I was going to end this so I'm a bit distraught.
Word Count: 3.9k
Album Series Masterlist
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I can't be your midnight love When your silver is my gold
She wishes she had enough of a backbone to disappoint people, if only in self-preservation. But no, instead Hannah is spending another night as a stand in.
It’s not like these people aren’t her friends, but there’s a hierarchy; they’re Brock’s friends and teammates first, then Cora’s friends and fellow significant others, then at the bottom of the list is Hannah.
At least it’s just a team dinner, not some event where she has to explain over and over again that no, she is not Brock’s girlfriend, just a friend. Usually throw in a joke about taking advantage of an open bar or nice dinner.
His real girlfriend is prettier and more talented, just busy with her emergency medicine residency. Hannah is just a placeholder so he doesn’t have to go somewhere alone.
Don’t worry, Brock isn’t slumming it with the plain-looking girl who works in a fish market.
He’s with Cora: head cheerleader and prom queen in high school, first in her class in college and med school, Miss British Columbia who probably would have been Miss Canada if she wasn’t too busy studying to be a fucking doctor.
Hannah’s only a little bitter.
To be fair, she did it to herself. She spent her whole life as Cora’s less-than-impressive sidekick, she should have seen it coming.
Hannah should have thought twice before introducing Cora to Brock, should have known Cora would charm him and ask him out before Hannah could even tell her how she felt about him. And then it was a year and a half of worming her way into Brock’s heart down the drain.
Brock and Cora are good match. They look like a Barbie and Ken set and then they’re personable and kind on top of it.
Still, Brock can’t seem to take Hannah off a pedestal. It’s a little lower than Cora’s, but a pedestal nonetheless. Maybe if she jumps off, it will put her out of her misery.
“You’re Brock’s girlfriend? The doctor?”
Hannah’s head snaps up from stabbing the cherry in her drink, to see a new face. Anthony Beauvillier, her brain supplies.
“Oh no, just a friend filling in,” she bites back her initial reaction of a barking laugh, “You’re Anthony, welcome to Vancouver.”
“Thanks, so just a friend, what’s your name?”
“Oh, right, Hannah.”
“Hannah since you’re here and not a significant other, I can assume you know all the dirt.”
Hannah blushes under his gaze. His eyes are so blue she can’t seem to keep direct eye contact. So, they keep drifting to his hair, she hadn’t realized he had such soft looking locks since she mostly had seen him on TV with a helmet.
“I guess, what do you want to know?”
She tries to be coy; she definitely knows more than most. She’s so present but so unassuming she guesses she must be easy to open up to.
“Is it really a big deal that Petey brought around a girl?”
“There hasn’t been a lot of exciting off-ice news this season. But I’ve known him for almost 4 years and I’ve barely seen him flirt with a girl, so to bring a girlfriend is kind of big deal. Although between you and me I think he’s been hung up on her for a while.”
Anthony nods.
“The only thing before this was Quinn broke up with his girlfriend from back home and then just started showing up with a new girlfriend like a month later. But Samantha has been accepted into the fold so it’s not really gossip anymore.”
“You really do know the low down.”
“I can’t give you much on-ice info, but off-ice dynamics, I’m your woman.”
He gives her a crooked smile and starts to say something, when a hand grabs her elbow a bit too tight.
“Dinner is starting, I got us seats,” Brock tugs her towards the table that’s filling up.
“Nice talking to you Anthony,” she gently pulls her arm out of Brocks grip.
“Yeah, let’s do it again sometime.”
“You smell like fish,” Cora says as Hannah sits down next her in the stands.
She pulls up her collar and gives it a sniff, she doesn’t smell anything, “I changed before I came here.”
“I think it’s just embedded itself into your skin at this point.”
“You smelled like a barn when we met and I still became your friend, even though everyone said you smelled like horse butt.”
“Well, the tables have turned and now you’re the stinky friend.”
“Fuck off,” Hannah laughs and flips her friend off.
Cora reaches in her purse for a tiny spray bottle of perfume, “I got you covered my fishy friend,” she gives her a spritz.
“Did I miss anything interesting?”
“I just got here, like 10 minutes before you. Had a last-minute surgery.”
“So, we were both working with guts before we came.”
“Yeah, and hopefully after this, number six will be rearranging my guts.”
Hannah laughs, but it’s hollow. They’ve been together long enough it shouldn’t still sting, but somehow it does.
Thankfully, there’s a big hit on the ice to shift their focus.
“The new guy is pretty cute,” Cora says when play settles.
“Yeah, you met him at that dinner thing, right?”
The tone in Cora’s voice makes it clear that she knows something Hannah doesn’t. That she’s toying with her food.
“Mm-hmm, he seems nice.”
“Brock said he was flirting with you. He was all worked up about it too, like ‘this new guy comes in and just charms the first girl he sees, what if Hannah was my girlfriend?’”
Hannah forces herself to focus on the puck traveling down the ice. She can’t look at Cora, let her see something she might jump on
The puck is blown dead, icing, and Hannah tries to keep her face blank when she turns, “He was just trying to meet the group and be friendly.”
“That’s what I tried to tell him. Why would he be trying to flirt with you?”
Hannah bites her tongue, she knows Cora means why would he be flirting with someone at a team dinner, when most women there would be taken. It doesn’t mean it’s any less hurtful. Like Cora isn’t digging her finger into the soft flesh of her biggest insecurities. 
“Brock’s just protective of what’s his,” Cora adds like that’s not another sharp jab.
A wave of nausea rolls over Hannah.
The boys win by one in a mostly winless season, which is good reason to go out and celebrate. Hannah is wrangled into one of Cora’s dresses, and doused in her perfume, and dragged to a club.
One out of three of those things is Hannah’s choice.
“You smell nice,” Brock leans over to whisper in her ear, reaching across her body to steal a gulp from her drink.
Her body involuntarily flushes, like it always does when Brock casually invades her space. So completely unaware of the effect he has on her.
“I smell like your girlfriend,” she hates the way her voice wavers.
“Where is she anyway?” He stares out into the crowd, arm casually thrown over Hannah’s shoulder.
“Dancing with some of the girlfriends,” she waves in the direction the group went.
“Not like you to not join in,” he gives her a smile that used to be reserved for her only.
“It’s been a long day,” she shrugs, “which reminds me, Cora said certain things that mean if I want a good night’s sleep, bring her back to your place.”
“So, I’m scoring off the ice too?”
Hannah gags, “second star on and off the ice.”
Brock laughs and gives her gentle shove.
“I’m gonna get a drink, need a refill?”
Hannah gives him a thumbs up.
She watches him walk towards the bar and Cora appear out of thin air to wrap herself around him. Hannah knows she’ll be waiting on that drink forever.
“Looked like you could use a refill,” a solid wall of warmth slides up next to her, a drink placed in front of her.
She should have been expecting it to be Anthony, but she’s surprised. A warm feeling rolling over her thinking about how Brock thought he was flirting.
“Thanks, Brock’s useless,” she holds up the glass in cheers and takes a sip.
Over the rim of the glass, she catches two blondes sucking face, having their foreplay in front of everyone.
“Do you want to get out of here?” She blurts without thinking of the implication, maybe not caring.
Anthony gapes at her forwardness before Hannah’s brain catches up, “Like to a quieter bar?”
Hannah takes him to a dive bar, where they drink crappy beer in tall boys and play darts. She’s too dressed up for the location but it doesn’t matter, they only have eyes for each other.
“You worked on a crabbing boat?” Anthony asks incredulously.
The alcohol is already having her run hot, but the focus from Anthony- or Tito or Beau as he said people call him- feels like a direct sunray. She’s the listener not the talker. Yet, there’s something disarming about Anthony, makes her walls fall away, makes her want to talk as much as she listens.
“Yeah, it was a quick way to make a lot of money in a few months, and it was exciting. There aren’t a lot of crabs the past few years so I haven’t had a chance to go back. And I’m not very smart so I have limited options.”
“You’re talking to a hockey player, I’m also not very smart and have limited options.”
“That’s probably explains why Brock and I became such good friends, although he did go to some college,” she grins and throws her last dart.
Anthony doesn’t make a move to start his turn, “so you and Brock were never–“ he cuts himself off with a throw.
“More than friends?” Hannah supplies.
“Yeah,” Anthony visibly tinges pink even in the darkened bar.
Hannah can’t quite vocalize her answer, worried the timbre of her voice will give away all the thoughts and feelings she’s been hiding. She shakes her head instead.
“If Brock was being weird, I think he was just vetting you. As a teammate and if you were worth my affections or something. Not that you were actually flirting with me.”
“I was,” Anthony looks her straight on, no doubt on his face or in his voice.
Something snaps inside Hannah, bursting red-hot in her veins. She’s not going to sit back and wait this time; she’s going to lean into what she’s feeling and grab it tight.
She drags Anthony towards to the back of the bar, pushing him into the bathroom and pushing him against the door once inside. She feels a little depraved, but she drives through the feeling and kisses Anthony.
He’s quick to kiss back, tongue slipping past her lips, gentling her erratic movements. He grabs her hips gently, but firm. He’s a wave of cold water crashing into her molten lava body. Nature in symbiosis.
“I don’t normally do this,” she says between kisses.
He moves his hands up to her waist, he doesn’t stop kissing her, just moves down her jaw closer to her ear, “and this is what you want?”
He sinks in his teeth into the hinge of her jaw, she gasps.
“I want–“ her voice is shaky.
She doesn’t know how to say it or ask for it. She just wants the light of his attention, on her, his whole-hearted focus directed at only her, like no one else exists.
“Cause I want more than a bathroom hookup, but I’ll take what I can get,” she can feel his smile against her skin.
There’s a bang on the door then someone yells, “You don’t have to go, but you can’t stay here!”
It’s like being dunked in the ice-cold Pacific.
She gives him one more peck, “Another time?”
They find themselves in another bathroom, this time in Demko’s house while the team has a party. Hannah on the counter and Anthony in a vice grip between her knees.
“Sorry, couldn’t wait until after the party.”
Hannah can’t hold back her smile. Hasn’t been for almost two weeks now. They hadn’t seen each other again, but had been texting. If Cora asks, she says it’s Brock being stupid. If Brock asks, she says it’s Cora being dramatic.
“I like it,” digging her fingers into his hair, it’s as soft as it looks.
 “But we can’t take too long,” she adds, though she doesn’t kiss like someone with an exit plan.
“I’ll take my time tonight,” he whispers against her lips.
Voices drift closer to the door when they finally decide to peel apart. Hannah fixes where she mussed his hair as best she can, before peeking to see if the coast is clear.
She makes her way through the kitchen to casually grab a drink and slides up next to Cora and her conversation with the other better halves.
She’s trying to ease herself into the conversation but her mind is elsewhere. In the future and whatever tonight is going to be and in the present glancing over to see Anthony trying to do the same.
Cora elbows her before leaning in, “Classic hot mess Hannah.”
“Your very dumb, signature move,” Cora grins, “you forgot to wipe your lipstick off his mouth before you reintegrated back into society.”
Hannah tries to casually glance back at Anthony, he looks towards her at the same time and grins. His lips a shade too pink to be natural. Hannah mimes wiping her lips with the back of her hand, hoping he’ll get the message.
“You dirty girl, I’d recognize that nude berry on any boy’s lips, which honestly let me find you a new color, you’ve been using that for like a decade now.”
Hannah tries to smile through her worry, but Cora knows her well enough to see through it.
“I’m very proud of you for getting him while the getting’s hot, but if you’re worried about me telling Brocky babe or something, don’t worry, secret’s safe with me,” she zips her lips and throws the key over her shoulder.
The giddy nerves in her stomach start fighting the anxious nerves in her stomach.
A heavy arm drapes over Hannah’s shoulder, “There you are, Cora said she saw you but I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
That’s the thing, Hannah trusts Cora to keep a secret, she doesn’t quite trust herself.
“Almost feels like you’ve been hiding from me,” Brock laughs at the thought.
Cora joins in and gives Hannah a desperate look to join in as well, Hannah can feel her own laugh is too erratic, but Brock doesn’t seem phased.
“Babe, she’s allowed to have her own life, she’s not just our personal third wheel,” Cora pulls him into her own side.
“Technically Cora, you’re the third wheel to our friendship,” he grins and gives her a peck.
Hannah feels nauseous.
“Oh honey, you’re the third wheel to Hannah and I’s friendship, it’s been around the longest.”
They’re not even acting like Hannah is involved in this conversation, she takes the opportunity to duck out. She grabs another a drink and goes out to the unused balcony. It’s still too cold to hang out there at night, the air is the kind of wet-cold that you can feel in every breath.
“How long have you been in love with Brock?”
Hannah jumps at his voice, barely managing to keep a hold on her bottle of beer.
“I’m not really in love with him anymore,” there’s no use in lying if she’s that transparent.
“Is that why this all secretive?”
Anthony’s eyes are so big, endless blue that Hannah isn’t sure how to read. She wants to learn.
She has reasons lined up: she doesn’t want to effect team chemistry, doesn’t want to ruin her friendships if this goes south, doesn’t want to fall in love with another hockey player.
But all those reasons are logical and rational. And this is emotional in a way she’s not sure she can find room for in her body.
“It’s nice to have something that’s just mine,” she furrows her brow, feels like it’s not quite what she means.
“I’m not the smartest or the prettiest or the most anything, I’m just Hannah. But you act like that’s enough. I’m not just a consolation prize or silver you’re settling for because you can’t have gold.”
Anthony doesn’t say anything for a long time, Hannah feels like maybe they froze outside.
Then he takes a step forward, cupping her face with hands so warm they burn her cheeks. He kisses her slowly; Hannah doesn’t think anyone has ever kissed her like this. Like she’s something precious, worth savoring.
He pulls away and smirks, “I’ve kind of been wishing for silver my whole life.”
“Jesus Christ, is that a Stanley Cup joke?” her smile grows so big it swallows her face.
“Like I’ve said I’m not that smart or that clever either.”
Hannah just has to kiss that stupid smile off his face, not caring who can see them through the windows.
Brock is pissed.
He acts like everyone doesn’t know what it’s about. Like they don’t notice the glares he sends Beau when he walks into the locker room or how his knuckles go white around a beer bottle when he sees Hannah dance with Anthony at club.
They all let him sulk for a week, without saying anything.
Teammates start to chirp him when it lasts longer.
It comes to a head when Brock goes to a team event alone and brings his mood home to Cora.
“You’re not even his ex or something,” Cora is pretending to be the slowest customer of all time at the fish counter while she complains.
Hannah sort of wishes it was a rush so she could usher her friend away, she’s so over dealing with Brock. The jealousy that she would have killed for a few months ago is starting to become overkill and Hannah kind find it in her to be bothered.
It’s funny that the first time she’s all Brock can think about, is also the first time she doesn’t give a shit about it.
“He’s never had to share you with someone else and now I’m like invisible or something.”
That make Hannah pause.
In all the years she’s known Cora she’s the never been self-conscious, never had a reason to be.
She has to bite back the spiteful smile, it’s nice to be reminded that Cora is a mere mortal too.
“I’ll talk to him, can’t have you feeling lesser than me.”
Cora scoffs, “Hey, don’t talk about my best friend like that.”
Hannah rolls her eyes.
“I’m serious bitch, I don’t know why it took so long for it to get through your head, but I’m glad someone finally makes you feel on top of the world.”
The next night Hannah and Anthony are at Brock’s door.
He opens the door and almost shuts it in their face, but Hannah catches the door with her foot and shoves Anthony through the door.
“It’s an ambush babe,” Cora squeezes Brock shoulders, trying to make him unclench an iota.
“I come bearing the traditional British Columbian peace offering, a fillet of fish,” she nobly holds out the wrapped package in her arms.
Brock almost cracks smile.
“Brocky babe, why don’t you help her prep the fish and I will fix Beau here a drink.”
Hannah drags him into the kitchen before he can argue or pout.
She doesn’t really need prep; she knows her way around the kitchen already and the recipe like the back of her hand.
She pulls out a knife and points it at Brock.
“I’ll let you be upset for the time it takes me to cook this fish, and then you’re going to snap out of it.”
She gets to work, “You love Cora, you love that she loves hiking and boating and your dogs. You love that she’s as passionate about her job as you are. You love that she moved the fucking earth to make your dad passing as easy as possible for you.”
Brock’s face is set in stone.
“So why the fuck are you so bent out of shape about me dating someone, to the point where your perfect girlfriend is jealous of me?”
“Of all the people in the world you had to go for one of my teammates? What if something happens and I can’t even think of passing to him or it makes things weird with my teammates.” Brock snaps.
“Cause you’re doing a great job of that right now, Petey says he’s worried you’ll throw a punch soon.”
“Were you just using me until you could land the right hockey player?”
“Not everything I do is about you Brock. Sorry I let you think that for so long.”
She throws some of the fish in the hot pan, it sizzles like her nerves.
“I’m sorry it happened this way, it’s the last thing I would purposely try to do. But can’t you tell how happy he makes me?”
She feels her tears start to fall, hot and heavy. They’ve been locked and loaded for years.
“You didn’t want me when we met all those years ago, and that hurt. And then you fell for my best friend like instantly, and that hurt worse.  You don’t want me that way, so you don’t get to be mad that someone else does.”
Brock looks like he might cry, too.
“I love being your best friend. I love your dumb jokes and you’re stupid fucking laugh. But I can find that somewhere else if you can’t accept this.”
Brock squeezes her tight, she can feel his tears on the crown of her head.
“I want what’s best for you,” he pulls away, “sorry I have a dumb way of showing it, is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“Pay my rent when you ask Cora to move in?”
Brock lets out one of his stupid fucking laughs, “maybe by next season you’ll also have a new place to live.”
Hannah shoves him away and plates the last of the fish, “the instant acceptance is appreciated, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
She goes to the dining room where the others are waiting with bated breath, pretending like they weren’t eavesdroping on the whole conversation.
“Hope you guys are ready for some tear-brined salmon for this very emotional and awkward double date.”
Anthony takes her hand when she sits down, she can’t help but kiss him. She likes the view off her pedestal.
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
Soon You'll Get Better
Chapter One: Doctor's-Office-Lighting
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↢ prologue | series masterlist | chapter two ↣
summary: revelations of max's mental and emotional health come to light when you and steve take her to a check-up. determined to do whatever you can to help her, you and steve work on getting her to open up about her life. max comes to realize that the support is genuine and that she isn't alone, whether if it's about her state of mind or relationship.
word count: [12.2k] kinda proof-read
: ̗̀➛ pairings: big-brother!steve x max & big-sister!reader x max
: ̗̀➛ romantic pairing: steve harrington x fem-college-student!reader
: ̗̀➛ warnings: talks about mental and emotional health, billy's death, self isolation, panic attack, crying, talks about attempted sewerslide (max almost says it, but steve stops her), mentions of breakups, overall a lot of fluff despite the angst.
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With the sun beaming down at Hawkins and the skin tickling breeze passing by, it would’ve seemed as though nothing bad had ever happened in this small town, but that would be far from the truth.
Max hadn’t felt the warm enveloping blanket of the sun and the gust of wind against her skin in days. Instead, she spent the dwindling hours of summer locked in the trailer, watching the same VHS tape on repeat like background noise while she paced back and forth cleaning up the pile of messes and lost in her own thoughts.
The only time the depths of misery in her mind paused was when the telephone rang. She would stare at, contemplating on answering, but just being too drained to even reach it or utter a single world. Her best friend El, leaving countless of voicemails asking when she would like to hangout next or simply if she was ok.
She didn’t like worrying El. It wasn’t her fault that she was feeling like this. At the end of the day, it was no one’s fault. But shutting people out just seemed to be her default way of dealing with everything, especially something like this.
“Max, honey,” A few more knocks tapped on her door. For once her mother was home, but spent the day figuring out payments with the bank and handling a bunch of adult shit that she was too far to care about.
The young girl sighed, kicking off her blankets, and staring up at the ceiling. One. Two. Three seconds before she mustered the energy to get up and open the door. “What’s up?”
Her mom looked over behind her shoulder, then back at her daughter, “Your friend El is here. She’s worried about you.”
Max brushed past her mom, heading straight down the narrow hallway of the trailer until she saw her best friend along with Steve and you, his girlfriend, on either side of her.
“Hey—” She couldn’t even get the whole greeting out before El had stepped forward and bound her arms securely around her best friend, a sigh of happiness leaving her mouth.
Slowly, Max hugged her back, not knowing that El was this concerned about her and if she had known that her best friend was going to show up unannounced like this, she would have picked up the last seven calls she had missed.
“Why haven’t you picked up my calls?” El wondered, pulling away and observing the features on Max’s face that seemed to have dulled.
The apparent bags under her eyes, a tell-tale sign that Max had not been getting enough sleep and was fatigued.
“Busy doing chores, I’m sorry, El.” Max felt terrible, she didn’t mean to treat her friend like this, let alone make her worry so much, but El just gave her a reassuring smile and shook her head mouthing, “It’s ok.”
“Did you ask them to drive you here?” She looked at you and Steve as you two nodded, him stepping forward first to give her a hug.
Max didn’t share many hugs with Steve, but today she granted him one knowing he took the time out of his day to drive here, “She was worried, which then made us worry, so we wanted to come here to make sure you were alright.”
When he pulled away, he took notice of the way Max forced a laugh just as quickly as it died in her throat when you stepped forward and hugged her strongly.
“Are you doing ok, sweetheart?” You inquired softly against her hair, and she only replied with a “yes,” before you had nodded and pulled away, not wanting to poke and prode.
It wasn’t long before her mother came back into view, resting a hand on Max’s shoulder and smiling at you three. You could tell she was worn out, the same way Max was. But the only difference was that her mother was good at trying to hide it. Meanwhile Max tried to, but the discomfort on her face said it all.
“I actually wanted to ask a favor from you two if that’s ok?”
Max glanced behind at her mom, raising a brow, but she squeezed her shoulder warmly, “Max, why don’t you invite El in for a little bit? I just need a word with these two, ok?”
She wanted to ask why, but not wanting to make the situation sticky, she grabbed onto El’s hand and led her inside of the trailer and towards her room where they could catch up in private.
Her mom stepped outside, closing the door behind her and smiling at you two, “I just hope this isn’t too much to ask, but, Max actually has a check up tomorrow morning, but I can’t take her because I’ll be working.”
You and Steve’s eyes caught the way her fingers fidgeted against one another, a distinct perception of stress and anxiety, just because of her asking for the favor.
“We could totally take her!” You chirped, taking away the embarrassment she had felt for asking such a favor from some teens.
Steve nodded, wrapping his arms over your shoulder and pulling your side into him, “Yeah, the two of us are both off, so it should be no problem.”
Her mom shifted eye contact between you both, “Are you sure it ok? The appointment is at nine, but I could reschedule it if that’s too early.”
You shook your head, looking over at Steve with a smile, “We’re usually up before then, so nine is perfect.”
When you looked back at her, she was more than relieved, placing a hand over her heart gratefully.
“Thank you! I would send Max there herself, but they need someone over eighteen to be with her in case, and I know she really trusts you two the most.”
Max wasn’t always particularly close to you and Steve, but as she had caught more rides from you both, she had warmed up to you two out of all the older teens.
“We’d be happy to take her. Do you have the address by any chance?” Steve sought before Max’s mom nodded, gesturing back inside the trailer.
“I’ll go write it down and I’ll be back out.”
You watched as she hurried back inside, leaving you and Steve there waiting.
“Maybe we could stop by a little cafe and get her some breakfast before we pick her up?” You suggested, leaning your head on his shoulder.
He kissed the top of your head first, “I’ll need a coffee. Do we really look like we’re the type of people to be up by nine in the morning?” Steve half joked with a short laugh.
You snorted, nudging him softly. “I didn’t want to make her feel bad…if this is the least we can do to help them, we can sacrifice a few hours of sleep.”
“I know, I know, you’re right.” He apologized, resting his chin on top of your head while they waited around for a couple of minutes before her mom and the two girls had come emerging from the door.
You reached for the small piece of paper with the scribbling of the address written on it with a faded blue ink that was still readable. Steve took it from you when you passed it to him, placing it in his jean pocket and creating a mental note to not forget it was there.
“Do you think I can stay for dinner?” El requested kindly towards you two, who were just offered to stay a little longer by Max’s mom.
Steve hummed, checking the time on his watch, but sadly shaking his head when he saw the time, “Sorry, El, we promised Hop we’d have you home by five remember?”
She pouted nevertheless, but smiled when Max hugged her and told her that it was ok.
“Maybe tomorrow you can head over to Will and El’s after your appointment?” Her mom suggested, “But you’ll have to ask her and Steve for a ride since they’re taking you tomorrow.”
The redhead grumbled, pulling away from her friend and looking at her mom begrudgingly, “Can’t we reschedule?”
Her mom shook her head, taking a deep breath. “You’ll need to go, Maxine. My insurance plan finally is in effect and it’s covering all our medical expenses, thank god.”
“Fine.” She puffed, crossing her arms over her chest a clear sign that she did in fact not want to step foot into any doctor’s office whatsoever.
“C’mon, hon, let’s get you back home before your dad freaks.” You smiled delicately, reaching a hand out for El who took it, and stood by your side.
Steve pointed at Max, a small smile on his face, “We’ll see you tomorrow morning, alright?”
Max just nodded, forcing a smile as she watched the three of you get into the car with El in the backseat, waving goodbye to her best friend as they drove off into the late afternoon.
“Maxine, I know you’re upset.” Her mother spoke apologetically, resting a hand on the small of her daughter’s back, guiding her back into their home.
She moved away from her mother’s hand, settling onto the couch to bring her knees up to her chest, “I just don’t understand why you can’t take me? Can’t you just go to work late?” she argued.
Her mom sighed heavily, grabbing dishes from the small cabinet and placing them down on the even smaller corner table of the trailer, “Honey, we’ve been through this a million times.”
Max rolled her eyes, the script she had memorized time and time again flowing out of her mouth before her mom had anytime to beat her to it, “Going in late means missing hours which means less money, which means no food, no electricity, no money, no rent, no home.”
Her mother took a deep breath in and out, approaching Max and kneeling at her side. “I’m sorry, Max. You know I have to do this for you.”
“Yeah, I know, it’s whatever.” Max brushed off, resting a heavy head on her kneecaps with an unsatisfied frown.
With the windows rolled down, El relaxed in the soft leather seats of Steve’s BMW. The only sounds were the soft hum of the icy cold air conditioning cooling the hot air and whatever that was on the radio playing faintly.
“You ok back there?” Steve said, looking into the rear-view mirror catching the sight of the young girl who wrenched her shoulders.
You turned back and gave her a one over. The pout was still on her face and now her arms crossed like Max had hers a few minutes ago, “What’s the matter, hon?”
“Max….she is sad.” She told you two obviously.
Steve pursed his lips, glancing quickly behind at her, “Did she tell you that?”
She shook her head, but spoke, “I know she is. When I asked if she was ok, she didn’t answer.”
“I’m sure she just wants some time to herself,” you assured her. “Her and her mom are still trying to adjust to life without Billy and his dad around.”
It had been a little over a year since the battle at Star Court where Billy had sacrificed himself to the mind-flayer in order to save Eleven’s life. You and Steve could still recall the memory vividly. How you two watched from the second story of the mall where you two had been throwing fireworks alongside Lucas and Max in order to deter the monster.
Yet it all happened so quickly, Billy putting himself in between El and the mind-flayer, before getting brutally wounded by the creature and the blood oozing through his white wife-beater and splattering in the air.
Max couldn’t believe her eyes, dashing down the stalled escalator stairs and dropping to her knees beside her slain brother. His eyes blanking out and only a few words escaping his mouth before he had died. She was in shambles, shaking him, screaming at him to wake up, but he had accepted his fate.
You and Steve had rushed down the same steps, nearing the two girls who had been weeping. El had pulled Max into arms, letting her cry there, and shielding her eyes from her brother who was bleeding out in front of them.
“I’ve got Max.” Steve declared, running up to the girls and guiding Max out of Eleven’s hold and into his arms where he led her outside of the mall.
El had immediately sprung to you, crying into your shoulder as you walked the two of you behind Steve and Max as the sirens resounded through the air.
Ambulances, firetrucks, and military vehicles overflowed the mall parking lot as they all hastily assessed the well-beings of the children first.
Hopper had found El in the back of an ambulance, the scar on her forehead being dealt with before he embraced her in a tight hug.
Nancy wrapped a blanket across the shoulders of her brother Mike, rubbing her hands and down his shoulders to create warmth.
Lucas and Erica ran to their parents as soon as they saw them stopped at the bright yellow caution tape, baring them off from seeing their kids.
She watched as everyone reunited with their family while she had no one waiting for her. But you and Steve, stuck by her side in the back of the ambulance, letting her rest her head on Steve’s shoulder while you soothed her.
Steve shook his head at the horrible remembrance, thankful that the worst was over and finally everyone in Hawkins could live in peace away from all that supernatural shit. He had you and his friends, something he was grateful for, but a part of him still felt the heaviness of it all, especially for the young girl Max who never seemed to fully recover from the year ago attack.
“I’ll tell you what,” Steve started, catching El’s eyes in the rearview again, “If she’s up for it, we’ll swing by tomorrow and take you guys to the arcade.”
El erupted at that, smiling broadly with an excited nod which made you laugh, hopeful that Max would feel a little better and would want to have some fun with her best friend that missed her greatly.
The next morning, Max was out of bed earlier than usual not wanting you two to wait around for her if you two were to show up earlier. She had gotten dressed in her usual baggy jeans, a stripped t-shirt and Billy’s oversized jean jacket to go over it.
A note hanging on the refrigerator read, “Have a good day, Max…Mom loves you, always!” She left it hanging there, switching on the TV while she waited.
When a soft knock followed by her name, came against the door, she knew you two had arrived. The clock on the stove read 7:15 just a few minutes early. She promptly grabbed her keys and her walkman, hooking it onto her jeans and opening the door.
“Morning sunshine.” You radiated against the morning sunlight, holding out a small cup of hot cocoa and a breakfast sandwich for her.
She actually smiled a little, locking the door before taking the items from you as you both walked the short distance to the car where Steve had been waiting in the driver’s seat.
“Hey Max, the cocoa good?” Steve turned, watching the young girl open the door as she took a sip of her drink.
She hummed warmly, and you shut her door before getting into the passenger, “I told him you were more of a latte type but he supposes that sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be drinking coffee.”
Steve rolled his eyes, picking up his now empty cup of black coffee, and shaking it side to side, “Kids shouldn’t be drinking this shit.”
“So you’re calling yourself old?” Max proposed, opening up her bacon, egg, and cheese taking a bite.
“I think he is.” You tormented, jabbing at Steve’s side while he fussed and Max snorted quietly at the scene.
You and Steve looked so happy—not only as a couple, but just as humans.
For the most part, you all had gone through the same things last summer—except you and Steve were locked in the Russian base while Max and the others dealt with the mind-flayer stuff. Nevertheless, the anguish and memories of what had happened all remained the same throughout their group of friends, yet everyone else seemed to get over the hump of what happened.
Everyone except her.
She wanted to be happy again. Happy with herself. With her friends. With her boyfriend. With life. But everything just seemed as though it wouldn’t pass.
The sadness, the guilt, the nightmares would never be something she would be able to escape.
As you drove to the doctor’s office, you tried to make small talk with Max, asking her about what she had been up to lately. She gave short, one-word answers, and you could tell that she was still feeling down just like yesterday. Steve remembered what El had told them about Max being unhappy and decided to try to see if he could get her to open up.
“Max, is everything okay?” Steve finally asked, breaking the silence that passed after a couple of minutes.
Max shrugged, staring out the window of passing buildings and slower cars, “Just tired, I guess.”
You exchanged a worried peek with Steve, but didn’t push her to talk. It would only make her more uncomfortable and irritable, something you both wanted to avoid.
The doctor’s office was a small clinic a little further into town, nevertheless you three were on time, avoiding the morning bustle of traffic on this Friday. Steve greeted the woman at the front desk, checking Max in while she helped you fill out the necessary forms.
“Maxine Mayfield?” A nurse called out as she walked into the waiting room.
You patted Max on the shoulder, giving her an encouraging smile. “Just call out if you need us, ok?”
“I will.” She assured you, following the nurse into the exam room.
The appointment wasn’t anything special, just a yearly exam to make sure everything was going smoothly with Max’s health. They checked her ears, eyes, reflexes, and asked her a few questions.
“One last thing,” the nurse smiled, putting down her stethoscope and grabbing the clipboard and pen resting on the counter, “This is just a short questionnaire I need you to fill out. I’ll leave the room and give you a few minutes ok?”
Max nodded, grabbing the clip board and begun filling out the form. Reading the questions in her head and thinking for a few seconds before appropriately determine where she fell in each of the boxes. After ten minutes, the nurse came back, collecting the form and allowing her to head back into the waiting room while the doctor reviewed the report.
Steve sat up when he saw her emerge from the doors. He recognized the jean jacket to be Billy’s, practically too big and swallowing Max up whole. “How was it?”
Her pointer and middle finger gestured to her eyes then back at him, “I still have 20/20 vision and impeccable hearing.”
“That’s what we like to hear.” You grinned, patting a chair between you and Steve so she could sit awhile until she’d be seen by the doctors and discharged.
The waiting room was quiet. Just the small talk of the receptionists and replay of I Love Lucy playing through the TV filled the comfy space. You conversed with her for a short while, talking about the Kate Bush tape she had in her walkman. She let you have a listen to her favorite track, “Running Up That Hill,” telling you about the meaning of the song before her name was called, prompting you to take off the headphones.
“Guardians of Maxine Mayfield?” The doctor wore the typical white coat with a stethoscope cloaked over her neck and a clipboard in hand with Max’s files.
“Here.” Steve stood up, and the doctor smiled, nodding her head gesturing for you and Max to come along into her office.
“Are you her brother?” She called for, holding the door open to a small room.
Steve looked at Max unsure of how she wanted him to answer that, and the redhead shrugged, “Something like that.”
The doctor chuckled, offering you three a seat in front of her desk. Max sat in the middle with you and Steve on either side of her.
She glanced through the documents once more, and nodded to herself before looking at you two, “Everything seems to be looking good with her physical health. She did great on the vision exam and even better on the hearing test.”
Max smirked, nudging both you and Steve with her elbow. “Told you so.”
The doctor looked over the last page of the clipboard, the questionnaire that Max had filled out moments ago, all indicating worry, “But we do have an area of concern when it comes to her mental and emotional wellbeing.”
Max could feel the space suddenly become thicker, all eyes shifting towards her and the painful quietness lingering as you all expected her to say something, but she didn’t. She didn’t want to admit that there was something obviously going on in her life that she had been hiding, but now was eating her alive.
Steve coughed, tearing his eyes away from a very uncomfortable Max and looking at the professional, “W-what’s the matter?”
She pulled off one of the pages, and slid it towards him, “On a scale of zero to five, five being everyday, have you been feeling down, depressed, irritable or hopeless? She checked off five.”
You gulped, looking at Max who now seemed to be burying her head in her shoulder, looking towards the door closest to Steve.
“Max, do you want to talk about it?”
She shook her head, her shoulders sulking deeper, “It’s nothing. Everyone feels like that sometimes. It passes. Normal teenage shit.”
“Hey,” Steve pointed, shaking his head at the explicative, “language.”
The doctor shook her head, understandingly, “No, it’s okay. Max, these feelings your having isn’t normal. I know it may seem like it, but if you’re constantly feeling bad about yourself everyday, then it may be a bigger issue.”
She reached for a pamphlet in her desk drawer, gliding it towards Max who finally peered at it. A girl crying in bed on the front page, with some sort of statistic in bold font above.
“Most teenage girls your age are more likely to develop depression and anxiety, especially if there are contributing factors like bullying, isolation, a rocky home life—”
Max snapped her head, suddently triggered and fed up with the conversation, “Nothing is wrong with me!”
Your eyes enlarged, attempting to soothe her with a touch of your hand on hers, “Max, hey, c’mon—”
She recoiled, retreating from your hand, “No!” she shouted, standing up, directing her anger towards the doctor in front of her who didn’t take the outburst personally, knowing there had to be an underlying issue.
“You don’t know what I’m feeling. You don’t know my life. You don’t know a damn thing about me or my family.”
With that, her feet thudded against the floors, tearing the doctor’s office door open and hurling it shut. She didn’t care about the stares she got from the other patients in the waiting room and the receptionists calling out for her—she wanted one thing and it was to get the hell out of that place.
You and Steve had never witnessed a frenzy like this from Max. It was out of character for her to take help defensively. She obviously had her guard up for a reason, but you two had no clue what it was about.
Steve only glanced at you once, before he was following behind her. “I’ll check on her.” You nodded, remaining in your seat as you shot the doctor an apologetic look that she lifted.
“I want Max to know that I’m here to help, not to judge her. Her answers to the questionnaire is extremely concerning. Do you maybe have any clue as to what might be causing these feelings?” She asked you and your thoughts for a moment, shrugging your shoulders.
“I mean,” you gulped, “s-she lost her brother over a year ago, but she hasn’t really opened up about it too much to know.”
The doctor nodded, reaching for another pamphlet and passing it to you, “That could be it. Especially for girls her age, it can be hard to talk about what they’re feeling. All of these emotions she’s been dealing with could be starting to build up and bubble over.”
You took a deep breath, nodding, trying to process what had just happened and what were the next steps to helping Max. Telling her mom would probably make her more upset, yet you didn’t know if it was right for you and Steve to keep it a secret.
Steve raced out the clinic doors before it could close shut and Max was even faster darting towards his car, tugging on the door to try to hide away in the backseat, as if she wasn’t going home with either of them seeing her breakdown.
“Max! Stop!” Steve pursued, clutching her shoulder tenderly, to try to get her to look back at him.
Through the reflection of the glass window he could see her scrunched face, reddening cheeks with tears pushing past the brink of her eyelids where they tumbled down. Her chest heaved up and down heavily as her fingertips tightened around the door handle, still trying to tug it open.
“O-open the door, Steve.” She choked, pushing her shoulders back to try to get his touch off of her, which he complied with, dropping his hands from her shoulder, but never opening the car doors.
He sighed, moving beside her, stooping down a bit to look at her.
“I’m not opening the door until you talk.”
She shook her head, fingers wiping her cheeks when she finally met his eyes that were full of concern, “T-talk about what! How f-fucked up my life is? Is that what you wanna hear?”
Steve swallowed thickly, shaking his head with immediate regret. That wasn’t what he wanted. For her to think he pitied her or wanted to force her to open up. He just wanted to be let in, to know why she was feeling like this and why she hadn’t asked for help sooner.
Her eyes kept on him, the tears never stopping their journey down her cheeks. Her jaw trembling as she started to speak once more.
“God, Steve, I mean, isn’t it obvious that my life is total s-shit? I don’t need a doctor to tell me that I’m fucking sad! I already know that! She doesn’t think that I already know that I’ve contemplated to—”
He didn’t let her finish her sentence, “Hey, hey, c’mon,” smoothly guiding her head to his chest where she ultimately ceased talking and open mouth sobs left her instead. She let herself fall into Steve’s hold, her finger tips falling from the car door and instead clinging around Steve like an anchor, which would be the only thing to keep her from floating away.
Her sobs grew louder by the second, every single suppressed emotion she had been bottling up inside of her finally overflowing into tears that now drenched Steve’s polo. But Steve didn’t mind at all, holding her tighter as he closed his eyes tightly and begun whispering soft words of reassurance to her.
As you tightly held onto the pamphlets the doctor had given you; you pushed open the doors of the clinic, instantly met with the scene of Max in Steve’s arms. Your heart sank, quickening the pace of your footsteps as you shoved the papers into the back pocket of your jeans.
When Steve had finally opened his eyes, with his arms still engulfed around the young girl he held, he saw you, face full of concern as he mouthed, “she’s not ok.”
You winced, nodding your head, still calmly approaching as you placed a loving hand on her shoulder. “Hey, I’m here.”
She slowly retracted her face from Steve’s chest to look at you. Her features were twisted in heartache—brows furrowed and the tears streaming down her face, leaving a trail of wetness in their wake. Her lips quivered as she tried to catch her breath to speak to you, yet she couldn’t.
Instead, she unwrapped herself from Steve, hurrying into your arms where you immediately wrapped your arms around her securely.
“Shhh, I’m right here, sweetheart. It’s gonna be ok, ok?”
You held her close, clinging to her shaking body with each sob she took, rubbing her back gently and offering her the comfort she desperately needed. Steve watched the scene unfold, his own eyes filled with tears and without hesitation, he moved closer to both of you, wrapping his arms around you and Max.
Together, the three of you stood there in silence, holding onto each other as if your lives depended on it. Max continued to cry, but her sobs grew weaker as the moments passed. The only sounds in the car were the occasional sniffle or hiccup as she worked to regain control of her emotions.
When she finally did begin to pull back, Steve immediately let go, as did you, watching her concerningly as she mopped her tears with the back of her hand as she asked, “can we g-go home?”
“Of course.” Steve nodded firmly, finally opening the back door where he let her get in first.
You quickly got into the passenger seat, rummaging through the glove box where extra napkins were kept, and you passed her a few to dry her tears with and she let out a quiet, “thank you.”
The drive home from the doctor’s office was subdued, the only sounds in the car the soft hum of the engine and Max’s occasional sniffle. You and Steve exchanged worried glances, both of you unsure of how to help Max in her current state, but still determined to, nevertheless.
When you three finally pulled into the trailer park, you’d fully expected for Max to wave her goodbye and let that be the end, but instead she invited you inside.
The trailer was clean and tidy, not a single pile of mess could be found in the space, but it was mostly because Max had spent all her days in here trying to use up her time in any way shape or form that didn’t deal with facing anyone.
“Do you want me to make you some lunch?” You offered politely, shrugging off your jacket and slinging it over one of the kitchen chairs.
Max went over to the small sofa into the middle of the living room, shrugging her shoulders as she pulled Billy’s jean jacket over her body like a blanket.
“There’s some crackers and peanut butter in the pantry. That’ll be ok for me.” She said, and you nodded, grabbing a plate and butter knife from the dish rack and heading for the pantry.
Steve sat on the other side of Max, still placid as he wanted to wait for you before talking to Max about the events that just unfolded. After a few minutes, you returned with a plate of crackers and a small dish of peanut butter on the side. You offered it to Max, and she happily took it, beginning to munch down on the snack.
You looked at Steve, his eyes silently telling you whether it was ok for him to speak about everything and you nodded lightly, just enough for him to see.
“Max, uh, do you wanna maybe talk about how you’ve been feeling?” He proposed, resting his elbows on his knees, watching her chew her last bites before she swallowed and shrugged.
She was hesitant to open up. She had never really told anyone at all about how she was really feeling inside. It wasn’t something that she normally talked about…her feelings that is. She thought it was just better to suppress everything, but today was the breaking point and she knew that it was time.
“Sometimes, I feel so lonely,” Max expressed, her voice barely above a whisper. “I know I have you guys a-and my friends, but sometimes it feels like nobody understands what I’m going through.”
The pain she felt. The loss. The sadness. The guilt. That’s what nobody knew she was going through.
Steve reached over and placed a comforting hand on Max’s shoulder. “We may not know exactly what you’re feeling, Max, but we’re here for you. Always.”
Max nodded, her eyes misting over with tears as she felt comfortable to say a little more. “It’s just that...I’ve been feeling so guilty lately,” she continued, her voice trembling. “About Billy’s death. Like it’s my fault somehow.”
Her eyes finally turned to yours, first, ocean blue orbs looked like a flood of waves crashing with the tears beginning to form.
Then her head turned to Steve, blinking where the salty tears leaked again, “I-I just keep picturing his face. The…the blood. E-everything comes back to me and I can’t escape it.”
The words poured out of her in a rush while you and Steve listened attentively. Distress coating both of your gazes as you watched Max’s tears begin to pour quicker, her voice nearly breaking, and her hands shaking as she went on.
“M-maybe if he was here, then I wouldn’t feel this way, but…but I know that I can’t do anything. And I hate it! I hate that I can’t do a-anything about it!”
Steve could see the panic rising in Max’s eyes, and you both knew what was coming. Sure enough, a moment later, Max let out a strangled sob and clutched at her chest, her breathing ragged.
And so Steve quickly got up, stretching towards the kitchen for a glass of cold water while you scooched closer to Max, holding her hands in your palms and soothing your thumbs over her shaky knuckles.
“Hey, take a deep breath for me, Max,” You guided, breathing along with her as she kept her eyes on you and followed your directions.
In and out. Breathe. In and out. Breathe.
The cold condensation from the glass cup dripped on top of your hands where Steve was holding the glass above. Max instantly reached for the cup, gradually gulping down the ice cold water every so often as she continued the breathing routines.
Steve remained standing in front of you two, ready to spring into action if Max needed to be rushed to the hospital or anything like that, but thankfully she began to calm down, handing the cup back to Steve once she had finished it.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered shaking her head, annoyed at herself for not having any control over her emotions that she had to act out like that, “I didn’t mean to freak out like that.”
You and Steve both shook your heads, him moving to take his place back on the couch beside her, “Don’t apologize, Max…sometimes it happens. Nothing wrong with that.”
You nodded in agreement, slinging one of your arms across her shoulder while the other rested on her knee, “We’re here for you, alright? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Max didn’t know how to react. She wasn’t used to this level of sympathy, or at least not since she was a younger child. Nowadays, her mother didn’t have much time to comfort her like she used to. Instead, she settled for simple phrases like, “It’s just in your head Maxine,” or “You’re just having one of those days, it’ll get better.”
A part of her, missed the comforting talks and hugs that she and her mom used to share, but she knew that it was a part of growing up and getting older.
She wasn’t expecting to be coddled all her life, but it was nice having you and Steve around to make her feel assured. To know that you both were actually here for her and trying your best to understand where she was coming from and all of her feelings rather than brushing it off.
“Thanks for being here.” Max spoke gratefully, reaching either of her hands out around both of your shoulders and pulling you in for a squeeze.
Steve let out a small puff of relieved air from his mouth along with a, “Yep,” while you leaned in and hugged her closer, kissing her temple before pulling away.
“Why don’t we go to the arcade?” Steve suggested, knowing that it would be a good opportunity to get some of the heavier things off of Max’s mind especially after the eventful morning you all had.
You nodded, nudging the young girl slightly. “I’m sure El would like to hang out, right?”
She sniffled, nodding her head as she sat back against the cushions and your arm, “Yeah, she did tell me she misses me a lot…I miss her too.”
The three of you spent a few more minutes on the couch, just sitting and talking about what games she wanted to play at the arcade after not being there for a couple of days. After Max finally settled completely, she called El and invited her to the arcade, even Will, but he was busy working on a new painting but offered to come next time around.
The car was now filled with music as the four of you drove to the arcade. Steve seemed to sneak more glances at the backseat through the rear-view mirror. A smile on his face as he saw Max loosening up with the presence of her best friend while they softly sung to the radio and talked amongst themselves.
Once you finally arrived at the arcade, Max seemed to feel a lot better already, laughing and screeching excitedly as she and El played their favorite games while you and Steve stood off to the side in order to give them some space.
“Max looks like she’s having fun.” You nudged Steve playfully, watching the way his face lit up, knowing his idea was so far working.
He grinned sneaking his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“She deserves to have some fun. She’s been through a lot today…and god knows for how long.” he sighed sadly, resting his head on top of yours.
You understood how Steve felt—if only you two had known what was going on with Max sooner, maybe then you’d both would be able to help her earlier. Yet you knew there was no use in regretting the past but just hopeful for what was to come.
“C’mon, I think I want that pink unicorn.” You dragged him towards the claw machine on the other side of the arcade, still in view of the girls to keep an eye on them.
Max and El continued to compete the high score on Pac-Mac while you and Steve took turns at the claw machine trying to win the fluffy bright pink plush you wanted. After a many tries, Steve was successful, happily presenting you with it and you thanked him with a kiss.
“I think we have a winner!” Steve whistled, strolling behind Max and El with two other plushes in his hand that he had won after a few more attempts.
They turned around, smiling as they each reached for one. El picked the baby elephant and Max got the koala bear. Each of them satisfied with their gifts as they laughed and thanked Steve with smiles.
“We gotta get you girls home.” He announced, looking at his watch for the time, followed by some whines that were quickly eased away by you.
“In a few days we can give you two a ride here again, alright? Steve has work tomorrow and y’know how he is about his sleep.” You smirked, squeezing Steve’s cheeks as he groaned but leaned back into you.
“Oh, we know! Remember that time you fell asleep, and we drew a mustache on you?” El piqued enthusiastically, causing you and Max to laugh out loud.
Steve glared, reminiscing of how he volunteered to host movie night at his place for the kids only for them to grab the markers and begin doodling all over his face. He only realized it the next morning when you popped in with breakfast and couldn’t stop laughing when he greeted you at the door.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon you twerps.”
El was the first one to get dropped off, already wistful about having to leave her best friend, yet excited for the upcoming plans to come. As you and Steve drove back to the trailer park, Max sat quietly in the backseat, fiddling with her stuffed animal and lost in her thoughts.
Today felt like one of the most relaxing days she had in a long time, despite how the morning had started off. It was nice being able to be consoled and not having to feel like her feelings were such a bad thing. She wanted this feeling to last, but she knew today would eventually come to an end.
When Steve finally pulled up in front of her trailer, her mom’s car was already parked in the grassy space, indicating she was home from a long day of work.
He turned around to face her, watching her unbuckle her seatbelt, “We had a great time, Max.”
Max gave him a smile in return, wiggling the plush he had won her today, “Thanks for taking me…it means a lot.” she said quietly.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you said kindly, maneuvering in your chair to face her as well, “We’re always here for you.”
For her. Always there for her. You two.
The words itself were like a warm embrace to Max’s cold soul that filled her with comfort and security. Just like the hug that you three shared earlier in the day in the doctor’s office parking lot. You two had no idea how much that hug meant to her. How nice and safe it was to feel like she was protected, to feel like she was heard and listened to instead of interrogated and shunned.
Max nodded, her eyes filling with tears. “I know,” she said, her voice breaking. “And I appreciate it so much. Especially with everything that’s been going on lately.”
You and Steve exchanged another set of concerned looks that was familiar from this morning, but you two knew you wanted to do everything you could to support Max through what she was going through.
“Max, we’re here for you no matter what,” Steve said firmly. “You can call us anytime if you need to talk or help with anything, alright?”
Max nodded, sniffling as she wiped her tears away, pushing a smile onto her face, “Thank you,” she said softly. “And thank you for taking me to my appointment. It means a lot.”
Steve smiled reassuringly. “Of course, Max. We’re happy to help.”
As she gathered the rest of her belonging, ready to exit the car and call it a day, she turned back to you and Steve, “Can we do this again soon?” she asked hopefully, her voice filled with need. “I had a lot of fun today.”
You and Steve grinned, nodding your heads as Steve reached out to ruffle her hair, making her laugh freely.
“Absolutely, I’ll give you a call tomorrow and let you know when Steve is off next.” You told her, and she beamed with excitement as she got of the car.
“Thanks…I’ll see you guys soon!” she said, closing the door behind her as she got out.
She waited there to watch you both drive off, waving goodbye as you and Steve watched her in the rearview until she was out of sight into the afternoon sunset.
The car ride was quiet, the both of you not wanting to spark up the conversation around Max’s mental health. You two would never truly be able to understand what she was going through, but there seemed to be a silent agreement that the both of you were going to be there for Max every step of the way.
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It wasn’t the fact that Steve didn’t like working at Family Video—He got to work with one of his best friends, Robin. He got first dibs on new tapes for date night. He didn’t have to do much beside stock shelves, count inventory, and work the register.
But the pay wasn’t much, and the days were slow…sometimes too slow, like today.
Barely any new customers came in to rent some tapes and the old ones had yet to return their way over due tapes, something Robin would take care of with a phone call. He just needed to stick around for a few more weeks until he’d hopefully get promoted now that Keith was leaving his position as manager and he would get a little more money.
The money, of course, was going to a good cause: getting to move in with you and helping you with rent.
Though you never asked Steve or made him promise to help you with rent once you got your own apartment after graduation, but he just wanted to be considerate. He knew it wasn’t easy being a college student and adding on working a part-time job, so he wanted to do all he could to help you out if he was going to move in with you.
“Harrington!” Steve exhaled thickly, the chime of the front doors ringing followed by the voices of the teenage boys who loved badgering him on the job.
He turned around, being greeted by Dustin, Will, Lucas, and Mike, “Hey shitheads.” He joked, followed by a snort that came from Robin in the aisle over.
Mike and Will ignored the repartee, heading off into the horror section to see what new tapes were available, while the other two boys followed Steve as he headed towards the front desk to check off some of the inventory lists.
“You took Max and El to the arcade yesterday?” Dustin queried, watching Steve nod as he worked the pen.
He glanced up at the boy and shrugged, “They wanted to spend some girl time together…are you jealous you weren’t invited?”
Dustin rolled his eyes, shaking his head, “Never, it’s just that Eddie said he saw you and your girlfriend pick up Max early in the morning.”
Eddie Munson lived right across from Max’s trailer with his uncle Wayne. The two were never particularly close, but after Dustin started hanging around the dude and joined his DnD club, it was kinda inevitable that they’d become somewhat friends through the kid.
“Yeah,” Steve bowed his head, placing down the clipboard and resting his elbow on the desk, “We had to take Max to take care of a few things…have you spoken to her recently?”
He looked towards Lucas, her boyfriend, hoping to hear that Max was doing better, but instead, the young boy seemed to tense up at the question, shuffling from foot to foot.
“W-we actually broke up a few weeks ago and I haven’t heard from or seen her since. I think she’s avoiding me.” Lucas confessed quietly as Steve’s eyes widened at the announcement.
Dustin elbowed Lucas pointedly. “Dude, you didn’t tell him!?”
For a while, everyone knew about Max and Lucas’ split. Everyone except for you and Steve who were too busy to be probing into the lives of the kids they occasionally babysat. But in hindsight, it seemed to all make sense. Steve hadn’t seen the whole group of kids together at once for a while—Max was always missing. And Max seemed to only hang out with two other people El and sometimes Will.
Lucas sighed, shaking his head, “No! It’s embarrassing alright…I don’t even know what I did wrong. She just kinda dropped the bomb on me out of nowhere. I-I tried calling, but she never picks up.”
Steve’s heart sank, the words coming from Lucas reminding him of how El had phoned him the other day to tell him how concerned she was that Max wasn’t returning any of her calls for a while.
He knew that it might have something to do with what was going on with her emotional and mental wellbeing, but the breakup wasn’t the main thing. Max was strong and independent even before she and Lucas began dating. Steve knew that Max didn’t need a boyfriend to survive, but he had a feeling that maybe just maybe her emotions had pushed her to break it off with Lucas so suddenly and that was concerning enough for him to excuse himself into the break room to use the phone in there for more privacy.
The phone rung a few times before you finally picked up, “Hey, baby,” Steve said breathlessly when you answered.
“Stevie! How’s work?” You requested, closing the textbook you were studying and giving your boyfriend your undivided attention for a few minutes.
“Slow as per usual. The boys actually dropped in.” He told you, and you hummed, guessing they were probably causing some trouble that Steve needed to get away from.
“Yeah? Have they been poking fun at your vest?”
He chuckled, looking down at the pin you got made that said, “Best Salesmen” followed by his name, “No, no, actually it’s about Max.”
You furrowed your brows, sitting up in your desk chair as you listened more for the information that Steve was hurling at you.
“I asked Lucas how Max was doing, but he said that she broke it off with him a few weeks ago and he hasn’t been returning any of her calls. Completely out of nowhere.”
“Shit,” you moaned, rubbing your temples as he let out an agreement on the other side of the line.
“Right. And…I don’t know. I know she doesn’t need Lucas, per se. I mean she’s smart, and witty, and cool, but—but, maybe, do you think it has anything to do with what the doctor said?” He proposed, thinking back to the conversation in the doctor’s office.
You thought to yourself, nodding your head and responding, “Possibly, I mean, the doctor did say that isolation is a big thing that she could be doing to avoid talking about her feelings. M-maybe she broke up with Lucas because she felt bad about her feelings and didn’t want him to worry?”
“Yeah, yeah, that could be it,” He rubbed his chin, checking the time on his watch hoping that his lunch break was soon so he could stop by Max’s trailer to see if she was ok and was coping with the breakup alright.
But still, his break wasn’t until another hour, and the worry was eating him up alive, “Do—”
“I can go and pick up some of her favorite things and go check up on her?” You offered before he could ask, and a sigh of comfort left his mouth.
“Please…and let me know how she’s doing?” He asked almost desperately, as he heard you putting your highlighters and pens away.
“Of course, baby, I’ll call you when I get back.” You told him, gathering your keys that were a short distance from the phone before getting ready to hang up.
“Sounds good…OH! And maybe you could get her the Hershey’s bars with the almonds inside? I know she likes those.”
He remembered the movie night a few months ago, the same one where they all drew on his face. Max had gone straight for the candy bar, monopolizing it to herself and only giving pieces of it to El and a few to Steve, since he was the one who bought it.
You laughed, making a mental note and adding it to the list of things you were already planning to get Max in order to cheer her up, “Got it, babe! I’ll head out now. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He replied, hearing you smack your lips giving him a telephone kiss as he chuckled and did the same before hanging up first and getting back to work. He had hope that the more he worked the more time would pass and he would hear back from you with good news.
The grocery store had all you needed for the pick-me-ups that Max would surely like. The chocolate almond bar that Steve told you to get, a few more bags of candy, some tissues, and a small bouquet of flowers for the extra touch.
You stood there in front of the trailer, tapping gingerly and calling out her name a few times before you could hear the footsteps from inside coming closer until the doorknob twisted and there was Max dressed in an oversized t-shirt with her hair in a messy bun. Your smile faltered slightly when you remembered why you were here in the first place.
“Hey,” she greeted, opening the door wider when she saw it was you. Furrowing her brows with the items in your hand, you smiled apologetically, handing her the flowers first.
“Hey Max. I brought some stuff to cheer you up,” you said watching her take the florals and look at you confused, “I’m so sorry if this is awkward, but Lucas told Steve about the breakup and he told me, and we just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
Max’s expression softened, stepping aside to let you in, “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize…this is actually really sweet.”
You smiled weakly, walking into her trailer and feeling relieved that she wasn’t upset. “No, yeah, we just wanted to make sure you’re doing alright since we had no idea about it.”
The two of you sat down on the couch, and you watched as she grinned when you gave her the rest of the treats. The chocolate bar being immediately ripped open as she broke off a piece and offered it to you first, which you accepted before she began indulging in it.
You chewed on the sweet treat, swallowed before you spoke, “So, uh, Steve and I were just wonder…did Lucas do something to hurt you? Or is it just that you’re not interested anymore?”
Max felt the knot in her stomach, sighing as this would be the first time she was explaining it to anyone. Even when Lucas asked why and even El, she simply brushed them off and told them it was normal or nothing.
“It’s not that. I still love and care about Lucas, but I just…just don’t think that a relationship is good for me right now. I’m not in the right mindset, y’know?”
You nodded, understanding where she was coming from and it all washed over you, “Yeah, I totally get it. And I’m sorry again if we were prying or anything. Just want you to know me and Steve are here for you, through anything and everything.”
The young girl smiled, feeling grateful for the kindness and time you took out of your day to come in and check on her when you could’ve simply picked up the phone and called. The effort mattered, and she was appreciative of that.
“Hey…and if Lucas loves you, he’ll understand and be patient,” you added, smiling softly and resting a hand on her knee, “take all the time you need, and when you’re ready, you two can work things out.”
She didn’t bother speaking a word to you. Her smile and arms that she wrapped around you were enough for her to express that she was thankful for everything you and Steve had done in the past three days.
“Do you think I could spend the night at yours? Girls’ night with me and El, if you’re not busy or working tomorrow?” She sought, pulling away from you as you smiled and nodded.
It was a Friday and thankfully you didn’t have much work to get done for school and you didn’t pick up a shift at the general store until next week so you were practically free, “Sure, but just in case can you call your mom and make sure it’s alright with her?”
She nodded, getting up for the phone before she turned to you, “There’s some lemonade in the fridge that I made this morning. Eddie’s uncle gave us a whole bag last night…apparently some guy at his plant has a huge lemon tree.”
You snorted, nodding your head as you got up, heading for the kitchen and pouring yourself a refreshingly sour glass of lemonade while Max called her mom’s working place to get through and ask if it was alright to spend the night at yours.
Once she got the green light from her mom and calling El to invite her, she headed for her room, packing some of her things that she would need while she was at yours, along with some cassettes that she wanted to show to you and El. You washed up your glass, tidying up a bit before you used the phone to call Steve and let him know that everything was ok and that Max and El would be staying with you for the night.
She shut her bedroom door, walking out with her duffle bag slung over her shoulder, “I’m ready,” she announced to you as you smiled, still holding the phone to your ear.
Steve was concerned about Max and asked if he could speak to her over the phone to check up on her, “It’s Steve. He wants to talk to you if that’s ok?” You asked her, and she agreed, dropping her bag down on the sofa and accepting the phone you held out for her.
You could hear Steve talking her ear off the moment he knew that she was now on the phone with him. Max kept humming out “mhm’s” and “yes’s” nodding her head along with whatever Steve was telling her.
“You made a really brave and good decision, Max.” Steve spoke, his voice soothing, “Putting yourself isn’t a bad thing and if anything I’m so proud of you for doing it. If Lucas can’t see what an amazing girl you are it’s his loss at the end of the day. Take some time for yourself and when you’re ready, maybe you both will find your way back together.”
God, he felt like such a dad right now, but he said all the right words, the ones that Max needed to hear.
Her cheeks rose with a smile on her face as she thanked him, grateful for his support.
“Thanks, Steve. It’s just hard, you know? I still care about Lucas so much, but I just don’t feel like I can be in a relationship right now.”
“I get it,” Steve responded. “But I want you to know that you’re smart and don’t need a boyfriend behind you. You’re good enough on your own right now, and when you’re ready, you’ll find someone who deserves you.”
Max felt a sense of comfort wash over her. Sure maybe all the teens, including herself would make fun of Steve of being such a dad with all his lecture and advice, but he had this special knack for knowing how making people feel better, even in the toughest times and today it was no different with her situation.
“T-thanks, Steve. That means a lot,” Max’s voice cracked, feeling her eyes start to well up with tears out of nowhere.
You moved beside her, hoisting an arm around her shoulder, and you pulled her into a side hug, and brushed the tears off her cheeks with your thumbs. You knew she was massively touched by everything you and Steve were doing for her, and it was heartwarming to see her so vulnerable when it came to you two.
“Hey, don’t cry,” you could hear Steve say through the speaker, his voice gentle. “I know this is tough, but we’re here for you. Whatever you need, we’ll be here to support you.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Max spoke, smiling up at you as you continued to brush away her tears. “I really appreciate it. I just hope that one day, Lucas and I can patch things up.”
“I’m sure you will, Max,” Steve said, his voice reassuring. “But for now, just focus on taking care of yourself. That’s the most important thing, alright?”
She assured Steve and thanked him once more before he let her go. Yelling out an “I love you” for you before Max placed the phone back down on the receiver. She locked up the place, petting the stray cats outside the porch before she got into your car and you two drove off to pick up El.
Once the three of you were in the car, the party was already started. Madonna blasting through your radio with the windows down as you all shouted out the lyrics and danced in your seats. You decided to stop at the store to pick up a few more things to make it a bit more special. Wandering the aisles, you picked out face masks, microwavable popcorn, and all the other things that would make a sleepover fun.
When you finally arrived at your apartment, the girls couldn’t wait to make themselves at home, springing up the steps until they got to your floor, already hearing you doggie, Ollie, barking from inside.
You smiled, unlocking the door and letting them in first, watching as they dropped their bags and went straight for your pup. Cuddling him in their arms and giggling at his playful antics while you began unloading the bags from the store on the coffee table in the living room.
“Okay, tonight we’re going to have fun, but there’s just one rule!” You announced, dusting your hands off as you plopped onto the couch, watching the girls tilt their head up towards you and nod.
“No boy talk! None at all! Nothing about current boyfriends, ex-boyfriends…I don’t want to hear about your romantic lives and I’m sure you don’t want to hear about mine—no boy talk! Capiche?”
The girls snickered, nodding their heads, as they got up from the floor and decided to join you on the couch, reaching for a bag of chips and opening it to share with each other.
“So, how is college? Is it harder than high school?” Max sought before stuffing her mouth full of the crunch chips.
You breathed, nodding your head wistfully as their faces dropped.
“It’s definitely more rigorous, but it helps to have a routine. I’m getting used to it.”
El sat up, nodding her head in agreement, “Jonathan says that college is tough…he gets sad when Nancy is busy and doesn’t call because of study or exams.”
Jonathan, her half-brother through Joyce, had decided to stay in Hawkins, pursing his career of photography in town by booking some weddings and birthday parties. Nancy headed off for college the same year you did, but she went out of state at a university while you stayed back and decided to attend a community college to save some money first.
“Yeah, but it’s all worth it in the end,” you assured her, patting her shoulder as she went on, with wide eyes.
“I’m so nervous about college,” she pressed her hands on her cheeks as you and Max giggled, “what if I don’t get in?!”
You knew how she felt and it wasn’t too long ago when you were a senior feeling totally lost in the mix of applying for colleges and hoping for an acceptance letter.
“Don’t worry, you have plenty of time to figure it out,” You criss-crossed your legs together and looked between the two girls, “You two are gonna be sophomores in a few weeks and maybe then you’ll figure out what you wanna pursue and that will be something to check off your list.”
They looked a bit more relived yet nervous, realizing that they were in fact entering sophomore in a matter of days. The summer had flown by quickly and a new school year was about to be in session. Freshman year wasn’t too bad considering the fact that the group stayed together, but as time goes on, they knew that new friends would sprout and growing apart was normal.
“Hey…and when your senior year comes, I’ll be there to help you both with college applications and I’ll even read over your essays and make sure they’re ready to go.” You assured them, making them smile broader, no longer fearful about the future, but more so glad that they’d have you to go to for any college advice.
“We’ve got this,” Max smirked, high-fiving her best friend before Ollie had joined in on the excitement, barking cheerfully and running around in circles, making all three of you giggle at his cuteness.
As the day slowly dwindled into night, the three of you had changed into more comfortable clothing: big t-shirts and sweatpants. The couch was now situated with fluffed up pillows and even softer blankets. Your faces now glazed in the clay face masks with a movie playing on the TV and a big bowl of the popcorn being passed around the three of you.
Only the knock on the door made you three tear your eyes away from the TV. Ollie immediately running towards the front door, sniffing then barking. You got up, and Max paused the movie, as the two sat up, watching you open the wooden door first, revealing Steve on the other side of the outer screen door.
“Did someone order half pepperoni and cheese and half pineapple for a girls’ night?” Steve tries his best to deepen his voice as if his own girlfriend and the girls wouldn’t recognize him.
You rolled your eyes, stifling a laugh as you opened the door, to greet him, “You’re such a dork!” you say, giving him a kiss as he chuckles against you making sure his lips don’t touch the mask on your face.
He enters the apartment with the pizza box balanced on his palm, shooting a smile to the girls and Ollie who races in circles around Steve’s feet—the usual Ollie greeting.
The girls get up. El taking the pizza box from him and setting it down on the coffee table while Max picks up the small container of the clay face mask. He looks at them, puzzled, as El begins to speak, “You can stay, but you have to follow the rules!”
You’re highly entertained, listening to their conversation as you locked up the door and headed for the kitchen to grab some plate and napkins.
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “Lay it on me.”
“No boy talk!” El declares firmly with a pointed finger, and he nods. Steve can totally do that.
Max steps closer. “Annnnd you have to put on the face mask,” she says with a mischievous grin.
Despite his protests and even begging for you to back him up, he eventually agrees, letting Max dip her fingers into the goopy product and smear it across his face. El grabbed the extra scrunchie on her wrist, tying back Steve’s hair into a wonky ponytail when he complained about it getting in his hair.
You couldn’t help yourself, jogging into your bedroom to snatch your polaroid off your desk in order to snap a picture of the scene in the living room. Steve sat on the couch with his face scrunched up, while Max laughed and swatted his hands away when he tried to stop her from putting more on. And El in the background giving a thumbs up with a massive smile on her face. The photo was definitely going to be one of your most prized possessions now.
Soon enough, Max’s hands were now free of the clay and all four of you had some pizza while you continued on with the movie before talking to each other about life. Steve was about to say something about Eddie entering the dating scene, but before he could finish, the three of you were shouting and groaning, “No talking about boys!”
Steve laughed, shutting his mouth as he apologized and you all laughed, “Sorry! Sorry. I forgot the rule!”
You smiled, shaking your head as you cuddled into his side, rubbing his arm up and down comfortingly, “We just want a night without talking about guys…I mean it’s pretty stereotypical, but sometimes it’s exhausting talking about boy…no offence, baby.”
Steve chuckled, nodding his head in agreement with your statement, “None taken, doll. And you’re right, boys aren’t the end-all, be-all, of life. All three of you can make it on your own without any man,” he looked down at pouting, “but like, totally, don’t break up with me because I just said that.”
Max groaned, garnering the attention of you both as you looked at her, “This is the only time, I’m breaking the rule,” she pointed at you two as you both nodded, “You and Steve do make a pretty good couple—caring, funny, and surprisingly reliable.”
El piped in, “Don’t forget cute!”
“Oh, and cute!” Max added, as she and El high-fived each other and you and Steve snorted at their amusement.
Steve wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, “Thanks, and now I can say that me and my girl are the cutest couple in Hawkins! You heard it here first!” He announced, making you laugh while the other girls sighed, shaking their heads.
“Oh god, we shouldn’t have said that!”
Soon all your faces are now cleansed and refreshed and the night is slowly simmering down with yawns and sleepy eyes filling the living room. You tidy up the kitchen, washing the dirty plates and cups, as Steve helps you out while the girls get homey in the living room, getting ready for bed.
“Thanks for letting them spend the night here.” Steve murmured from behind you, kissing your neck as you hum and close your eyes, letting him stay them for a moment before you turn your head and kiss his lips.
When you pull away, the two of you are still smiling, before you pat his chest, “C’mon lover boy, you need your sleep remember?”
He nods with a grin, taking your hand and kissing it before the two of you are walking back into the living room, standing in front of the couch where the girls are fluffing up their pillows.
“I’m heading out now, I’ve got a shift in the morning,” He told them as they nodded, getting up and each going in for a hug.
You smiled at the scene, heart-warming up as he wrapped his arms around them and pulled them a little closer, savoring this moment that was so simple yet meaningful to him. And especially for Max who held on a little longer, quietly whispering a “thank you,” before she pulled away and got comfy on the couch.
“Goodnight, Steve.” The girls yawned out tiredly, as they pulled their blankets up over their bodies.
Steve grinned, looking at how comfortable they were already, “Night bugs.”
He opened the front door, bending down to pet Ollie goodnight, before he was off running towards the couch and settling between the two girls comfortably. You wrapped your arms around him, inhaling his scent before you rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him as he looked down on you, pressing your lips together again.
“I love you, drive safe ok?” You told him and he nodded, kissing your forehead, then one more time on your lips before you had to unwrap your arms.
“I will, and I love you too…I’ll call in the morning before my shift.”
You nodded, smiling as he parted ways with you, walking down the steps of your apartment building and into the parking lot below where he waved at you before he drove off into the night.
Closing the door and triple checking that you had locked it, you made your way over to the girls, already beginning to doze off slightly as they forced themselves to stay awake to say goodnight to you.
“I’m gonna let you two have the couch with Ollie tonight, but I’ll just be in my bedroom and I’ll keep my door open if anything, alright?” You told them softly, and they nodded their heads, with dopey smiles on their faces.
“Kay, goodnight,” they singsonged as their eyes fell and you quietly giggled, bending down to press a warm kiss to the tops of their heads.
“Goodnight, sweethearts…night Ollie.”
As Max laid there listening to the slight snores already coming from El, she couldn’t help but think about how uncomfortable she felt a few days ago in the doctor’s office. The bright fluorescent lighting and the cold, sterile environment made her feel uneasy and anxious. She was on edge about everything the doctor was saying and how it all erupted before her eyes.
But now, as she lay on the couch in your living room, with the soft glow of the moon seeping through the curtains and her eyelids, she felt safe and at peace. The warmth of the blankets and the gentle hum of the air conditioning made her feel calm and relaxed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the tension in her body melt away.
As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but feel hopeful about the future. She knew that there would be challenges and obstacles to overcome, but she also knew that she had the support of her friends and especially you and Steve. With a smile on her face, she whispered a quiet “thank you,” grateful for this moment of peace and comfort.
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a/n: i hope you guys liked chapter one of this series!!! i know it is angsty and there is a lot of talk about mental and emotional health, but i really feel like it's something worth talking about. opening up is never easy and i hope this story depicts the high and lows of what that's like from max's eyes, but also the blossoming relationship that max and steve (and reader) will start to form as time goes on. a big big thank you to @translatemunson for always listening to my ideas and giving me some to incorporate as well!! i love you, effie <3 going to start working on chapter two soon!!! in the meantime, let me know what you think: reblogs, tags, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated!!!
taglist (if you would like to be added just leave a comment!): @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @wanderlustaflame @fruitbutt @thegaysaretired
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ovaryacted · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking about Leon with an s/o in the healthcare field. Like a doctor, a nurse or a therapist of some kind.
I mean, Leon would see you, with a drive to help people. To cure. To end someone’s pain. Your hands were clean. Almost spotless.
Compared to his, bathed in blood. He’s a monster. A demon, who ended lives where you’d save them.
He’d look at you and think he’s unworthy.
You were a healer. A guardian wearing white. While he was a killer, always clad in dark blues and blacks.
I’m not saying having a healthcare worker s/o would make his mental state worse. But I’m sure it would bring up some deep guilt to see you save lives while he’s ended them.
Idk. I’ve been thinking of that recently, lol.
-angsty anon
Yeah, I feel like if Leon were to have a partner who's in the medical field, I think he would second-guess himself frequently and would feel like he is tarnishing his own relationship.
Besides, his survival guilt continues to make him believe that he is a monster of his own making, and being able to see someone save people the way he wishes would bring a certain bitterness he will try to hide. It's not that he's jealous per se, or that he would compare himself to his own partner, but instead, he would play the what-ifs scenarios on a loop about what would've happened if he wasn't forced to become an agent and fight bioweapons.
Leon is so numb to violence and killing that it's second nature to him, he is used to having to shoot or stab things that were once considered human. The more he does that, the less he feels tied to his own humanity, as if it was draining from him with every bullet he shoots or swing of his tactical knife.
His hands are tainted with blood that he can't wash away, and he continues to blame himself for not being able to save anybody in Raccoon City and forward. Leon is always comparing every mission he goes on back to RC, which was the worst moment of his life until every other traumatic event he finds himself in continues to be worse than the last. It's just trauma on top of continuous trauma he can't seem to control.
He originally wanted to be a cop to help people, and that dream got ripped away from him before it could even start. Leon can still count and remember the people he wanted to save but simply couldn't, and as he gets older and the number rises, he believes it's better if he just stops keeping count, clearing his conscience of the guilt that suffocates him.
His partner doesn't have to deal with that level of trauma, their entire existence is equivalent to that of an angel in real life, and their hands are magic. They make people better, they save others and bring them back to life, something he can't do even if he pretends that his job somehow does contribute to saving "good people". Sure, the healthcare field still has its bad days, because it's not a perfect system. People still die and capitalism doesn't help to put fewer people in the ground, but the fact that you still try and have the ability to keep going is what Leon envies. He's run himself empty, and even though he is forced to do this job, he always finds himself close to giving up.
He supports his partner's dream and ambition of wanting to bring people back to health and their dream actually came true, unlike Leon's dream of changing the world by becoming a cop. To him, their significant other can be considered an irreplaceable member of society, while to him he's always thinking the world will forget about him, or even be better off if he didn't exist.
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abbythewritor · 10 months
"Fairness" One Piece x Saitama reader, 1.
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"Just a Normal girl looking for an everyday life. At least, if you call sailing across the seas with idiots with useless dreams a simple task, then you might wanna see a doctor. Seriously."
Warnings: Blood, gore, mentions of Luekimia, and heaps amount of blood and strength. It might be a little cursing, but not bad, and maybe some flirting in there, but it's mostly clean.
Other things:
-You didn't get bald due to your powers; you got bald to an extreme illness.
-You part of the straw hat crew, but others are interested in you and your power.
-Everyone that is a male is taller than you.
-Monsters from the OPM world will appear in One Piece, and I'll make some new monsters you will fight.
Enjoy the first chapter, everyone.
-15 years later-
-Location: Impel down.-
“And yeah, that’s how I got my powers, and how I ended up here is a long story."
I was held in a prison of some sort, as I was chained next to a black hair dude and a giant ass sumo-looking man who looked like a fish. They both listened to my story as the fish dude hummed in response. “I see, so you were fighting someone and woke up here, as you killed the monster who brought you here, bringing you to have no way back? That is interesting, ma’am; your clothing is quite odd, so I knew you weren’t from this area.” He explained as he sighed, my body leaning against the wall. “Yeah, but it’s exciting; the people here are stronger than where I’m from; you all have powers, too? What’s both of your deal? Why are you arrested?”
The black haired male laughed, as a skull with a mustache was tattooed onto his back. “Well..how I got here is a long story. I was fighting a pirate named Blackbeard, who murdered a crew member of mine.” My eyes widened. “Pirate? So theirs pirates here?” He laughed. “Man your clueless, no wonder, but yes, the whole world is filled with pirates, I’m one as well, apart of a strong crew, the white beard pirates.” My head tilted. “I’m guessing the tattoo on your back is the marking of your captain?” He smirked. “Close, it’s white-beards Jolly Roger, every crew member has a marking of it on part of their body.” “I see.” I smiled slightly. “So it’s like a tribal thing? A promise?” The boy nodded. “I guess, I wouldn’t call it tribal, I’d call the tattoo meaning, fearful and exciting.” I smiled more. “It looks cool, though you never told me why you got here?” He sighed.
“After Blackbeard got a kick of me, the marines captured me, and here I am now, probably to get executed.” My eyes widened. “Executed, what for? Being a pirate?” He nodded as the fish man spoke. “Fire fist ace is one of the strongest members of the white beard pirates; any pirate in the world that roams these seas will get executed, no matter how low or high the bounty is.” I looked to the ground. “Doesn’t seem fair, since this black beard guy seems to be why you here….?” “The name's Ace.” I nodded. “Right, Ace. Don’t you not want to die?” He chuckled lightly From my question. “Y/n, a pirate in a life and death situation, always has to make a choice for the better of his crew or the people. Even though I’m not a threat to most, but to the naked eye, I am, so the Marines give them what they want, but me, if I do die on that platform, I’ll die doing what I loved, sailing across the world.” My heart broke slightly. "But, from what I heard from evidence, aren't pirates supposed to treat their crew like family, Ace? Isn't your crew basically your family?" "Of course." Ace smiled more. "But, even a pirate has to die, even if the family is against it." I nod again. "That seems understandable. Too bad these chains drain our powers; I would get us out of here. Say, fish man, what's your deal?" The fish male looked to the floor as his legs were crossed. "My deal, hmm? Well, first, my name is Jimbei, and I used to be one of the warlords of the sea."
My head tilted. "Used to be?" He nodded. "Indeed, I was against the marine's actions to go against the white-beard pirates and arresting Ace, and for that, I'm here." My brows furrowed with irritation. "That's dumb for wanting someone to not get executed; you say he said they shouldn't mess with your crew, Ace-san. How strong are they?" Ace laughed. "That's a good question, Y/n, but my crew is pretty strong, as my Captain is a Yonko himself, as all of the seas fear his name; it's pretty impressive, as he's rather old and sick now." "Ah, I'm sorry to hear that, but he must be the best captain to you and your crew mates." He nodded. "Indeed, without him, I'd probably be forced to be a Marine and to walk without freedom." I smile gently. "You made a great choice then; freedom sounds nice; you guys must have gone on many adventures." "We did, and it was terrific; I'd never forget the people and creatures I've met; my life grew more since I joined him, and I could never repay him." My heart warmed with his explanation as I looked to the Jail floor, feeling terrible that this friendly stranger was getting executed for something so simple, living his life.
As silence arose through the three of us, footsteps came to our cell as guards stood before Ace, probably getting him for his execution. I stayed silent, as Jimbei, as we just watched, our hearts ill and disgusted as they showed no emotion. "Oi Y/n, Jimbei." We looked at him as he turned with a smile. "Don't let other people tell you what you should do or look like; that's a decision you should make yourself. Besides, Y/n, too bad I'm getting executed, or I'd take you out, but it was nice to meet a cute girl like you." His wink didn't affect me, as I smiled. "Thank you, Ace; I wish your death to be quick and painless and that you will be in a better place." He chuckled. "I hope so, but..I have a favor, Jimbei...if..you ever see my brother...tell him I love him..ok?" Jimbei hesitated, sad that he said this, as he nodded sternly, accepting his request before the guards took him away, leaving me and Jimbei in the cell. An empty feeling was in my heart, as the thought of that Ace guy dying from what he didn't even do in the first place made me angry.
The silence was heard for an hour or two until new voices rose as your head perked up. Jimbei raised a hand to be quiet, as the voices didn't sound like Marine guards but a younger singer, a masculine-gay-like voice, and a deeper elegant voice. Confused, I saw a boy with a straw hat that described the brother Ace was talking about me, and Jimbei's eyes widened as a unique-looking woman and man were following him. He seemed to be looking around for Ace as he stopped in front of our cell, looking straight at the fishman. "Oi?! Have you seen Ace?! Where is he?!" I frowned. "I-uhm sorry, sir, they just took him a few minutes ago..." His eyes widened with fear as he turned to the group, telling them they needed to find him, but Jimbei and I were confused about how they could get there until Luffy explained the situation.
My eyes widened at how he broke into this place as the lady-man beside him explained how she lived here for words, as they all planned to escape and go save Ace. As he called for him, I wanted to help, as did Jembie, causing the straw hat boy to turn. "Let us help you!" I nodded., as Luffy's head tilted. "Help? How should I trust you both? How do you know my brother? "I only knew Ace for 5 hours, but he is lovely and deserves a little fairness instead of death," I spoke as Jimbei explained. The straw hat boy smiled brightly and then laughed. "Alright! Any friend of my brothers is a trusted ally for me!" Soon enough, the man with white and orange clothing cut our cell with his scissors hands; as both of us were free, I smiled, turning to him. "Man, that's a cool power you got." He bowed. "Thank you, madam!" I nodded while turning to Jimbei. "Are you alright?" He nodded. "Just a few grazes from the cuffs, but I'm stronger that, what's the plan, Mugiwara?" Jimbei looked to him and continued. "We can still get to your brother, as they are just transferring him now, but we must hurry!" He nodded simply. "Sure, but who are you?" Bianca's eyes shot open, surprised that Luffy didn't know him. "Luffy! That's Jimbei! One of the warlords of the sea!!" His eyes widened this time. "REALLY?! COOL!" Jimbei shook his head. "Used to be, not now, but we must not chat; we need to get to the ship they are transferring Ace to!" Luffy nodded. "Yes! But, how do we get out of here-" He was interrupted when a weird laugh arose, and I saw Luffy freeze, turning in the direction of another cell, where a man with stitches across his face was laughing and smirking at him. "If you wanna get out of here, set me free...I can create a hole in the ceiling! What do you think?" I was surprised at this man's height, as he had a golden hook for a hand. He looked straight at Luffy with a sly smile still on his face. "It's been a while......"
"Straw hat..."
"Luffy, do you know this guy?" He seems pissed and irritated as both of them stared watch each other down, the tall man still holding a smirk on his face. It was silent as your question wasn't answered until the hookman spoke. "I thought there was no reason to get back on the street. But Whitebeard and the Navy are gonna start a war? It's my chance to finally bring down that old man..." He honestly spoke, my head tilting. "Wait, white beard, you mean Ace's captain? How are you supposed to defeat him when Ace says he's one of the Yonko's? Aren't they supposed to be strong?" Your question was ignored again when Crocodile looked you up and down, not recognizing you immediately as he turned back to Luffy.
"I don't care how strong he is; this war has piqued my interest. And with my power, you and I could get out of here." He spoke, still looking at Luffy, who clenched his fists. "It's not bad, huh? We both get what we want, after all...." "His voice was defiantly deep, as it didn't affect you, but it was pretty attractive, as my arms crossed.
"Why should we trust you? Are you an ally of Luffy's or something?" His face fell annoyed as he looked at me. "I'm never or never will be an Ally...just making a deal with this brat...and how should he trust you or the fishman either..? You look like a dangerous girl yourself, cute, but probably untrustworthy..." My head tilted. "Untrustworthy? Is it because I'm bald? It always confuses people, but Luffy here seems angry towards you, which means you must have been in his past, correct?" The man chuckled. "You are smart, girl, but yes, I was...this brat ruined my plans..." "SCREW YOU WERE GONNA DESTROY VIVI'S HOME ASSHOLE!" As I understood the situation, Luffy snapped as the man blankly looked at him. "That was a long time ago. I lost interest in that country." He spoke, Luffy glaring harshly at him, as Crocodile smirked and Bianca stepped forward. "Straw hat, boy, release him." My and his eyes widened. "Wait, are you serious?!" He asked, as I was confused. "Yeah, why would we do that as Luffy feels in danger from him?"
She smiled, looking at us both. "His power will aid us greatly." "AH! Ivan-chan! If you knew what he's done-" "You wanna keep going right?!" Jimbei spoke as Luffy paused, then nodded. "Then free him because we need Crocodile to make it to Navy HQ!" Crocodile scoffed while looking at Ivonka as She smirked at him. "Long time no see, crock boy." Luffy was shocked. "You know him?!" She nodded. "Just a passing acquaintance. I met him when he was just a rookie!" I smiled. "I see." Ivanka laughed. "So don't worry; if he does something funny, I can bring him under control in case he betrays us." I nodded. "Sounds like a plan; step back, you three." Confused, the three stepped back as I got close to Crocodile's cell, as I just quickly grabbed the bars, and Yanked the door off. "WOAH! SO STRONG!!" Ivanka yelled, her eyes shooting out of their sockets, as the tall man emerged. I looked at him. "Hey, is your power sand?" He seemed surprised as his eyes widened slightly. "Yeah..kid, how did you know?" I pointed to the sand under him. "Lucky guess, that's pretty cool." He smirked at you. "Thanks. You pretty strong yourself, lady." "Y/n." His head tilted as I smiled. "The name Abby, nice to meet you all." Luffy smiled as Ivonka smirked, Bowing back with respect. "Nice to me, you Y/n-san! I'm Ivonka! My My, you are quite cute, dear! Never met a bald girl before!~" My eyes widened. "How did you know I was bald?" She smirked. "I wear wigs myself, dear, so I know what's real hair and what's fake, so how did you lose your hair? A battle?" I sighed with a smile. "It's quite a long story, but it's a time for later; we should get out of here, Crocodile, right? How can you get us out?" He smirked down at you as sand flowed around his body; soon enough, he shot up it towards the ceiling, creating a giant hole to the next floor. My eyes widened slightly, impressed. "Let's go!" Luffy ordered, jumping up first, followed by Jimbei, Crocodile, and Ivanka, as the scissors man helped me up, all of us soon running to the exit.
But. as we escaped the hole, we ran into some other people, like a ballerina man named Bon-chan, as Crocodile got his regular close on. "Oi, Y/n." He spoke as I turned, us waiting to head deeper on this floor. He held up a cloth, looking down as a cigar was in his mouth. "Can you help me out?" He asked, as I looked at his dirty shoes, and I nodded. "Sure." As he sat on a box, I gently grabbed his foot as I cleaned his fancy shoes. "These must be expensive; how rich were you?" He smirked. "I'm still rich; it seems like you never were around money." My head shook. "Nah, I really wasn't into money, but seriously, you must have been in a powerful position to earn a lot of money." He chuckled. "I was a warlord, actually." My eyes widened. "You mean like Jimbei?" He nodded. "Yeah, but my actions removed me from my position, as Straw Hat kicked my ass.." I snorted as he glared harshly at me. "Why are you laughing?" I shook my head. "Think it's funny a kid like him kicked a grown man's ass. You must have done something terrible to the kingdom he talked about." He sighed. "Yeah, that was a long time ago...now I'm striving for something different, don't know what yet." I finished as I set the cloth aside. "Well, whatever it is, I hope you don't get caught by the Marines again." He chuckled. "You can say that again..." "ALRIGHT! LET'S GO!" Ivanka yelled as I nodded, everyone soon following her. We managed to get to the snowey area, as I was in the same clothing, the cold not effecting me as all of us surrounded Ivanka, as she told us the plain.
Crocodile was next to me, as I was next to Luffy, the group listening carefully.
She warned us if we still manage to get to through front, their will be enemies and marines everywhere, as we still will be fighting hard to get out of here. She said we should also steal a Navy ship, as it's our best chance of being able to get to the marine Headquarters ace was going to be at.
The plan sounded good, as she said we still need to get more people to fight with us. Jimbie nodded with agreement. "We already have a lot, but this place is still dangerous, and there might be a chance only little of us make it out alive, so it's best to free more prisoners." I nodded as well. "Yeah, and who knows how this 'war' is going to go on, and how strong you say Ace's crew and the marines are." Ivanka smiled. "Right! So, when doing to these different floors, our Job is to free as many prisoners as we can! So let's unleash mayhem in this place like it has never been seen before!" Everyone cheered, except crocodile, Luffy and I, as we were already ahead of the group.
I was next to Jimbei as the four of us were climbing up stairs, as Jimbei spoke up. "It's 10 before morning!" He spoke, then continued. "The execution is at 3 in the afternoon! They'll defiantly do it on time!" He finished, as Luffy ran faster, as we all followed, as I looked to Jimbei. "Why don't they do it earlier? I mean, it's like they are asking for something to go wrong." Crocodile smirked. "Because Marines are idiots..." I nod. "I see. well then..."
As we stopped at the lock door, I ran forwards, spinning, as I kicked the door right off, smoke arising as the boys eyes widened, but soon then smirked as I cracked my Knuckles, looking ahead as Marines began to surround us.
"Let's make sure to get there on time."
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i don’t know how to describe what the past few weeks of my life have been like. i don’t know if it’s physically possible to put into words just how much i’ve been dealing with.
i’ve been in a terrible flare since the weekend before my birthday. and i feel betrayed.
i feel betrayed by the american medical system, by the lack of compassion i’ve witnessed first hand. and while i’m no stranger to the judgment and gaslighting that’s in the medical community, seeing as i fought for two years for my pain and voice to be taken seriously before i got my amps diagnosis. i fought and fought, went to doctor after doctor, pleaded and begged, and only until something horrific happened to me did they take what i had to say seriously. and i don’t know if it’s the humanity in me or the hope that resides deep inside of me that thought this time would be different, that the doctors would take me seriously, that they would put in the effort or at least give me options on where to go or what to do to help me. but once again i was proven wrong.
i feel betrayed because i know that i can’t live a healthy lifestyle right now, i physically can’t do the things people my age can. and it’s frustrating and devastating because i know somethings not right with me, and i’m pretty sure i know what it is just through my own personal research and communities i’ve found during all of this, but everytime i go to my primary doctor she writes me off. in fact i was in such severe pain i screamed my head off the night prior, was convinced one of my collar bones had gone out of place, and was terrified. but when i showed up the the pediatrician she didn’t even look me in my eye, gave me the fastest work up ever before dismissing my concerns, and telling me and my mom that i should visit a pain clinic place that is a deep rooted sense of trauma for me. for they prescribed me so many medications that messed with my head and gave me horrific side effects. she also told my mom i should see a psychiatrist. basically saying idk what the deal with you is you’re probably just crazy.
the problems i’m dealing with, subluxations, joint pain, rashes, welts on my skin, gi issues, and a lot more i don’t feel the energy to share right now, aren’t symptoms a psychiatrist can help. i’m not crazy. i’m not insane. i’m not making this up. you can watch my collar bone move back into place after it subluxated. you can see the welt on my skin appear after i rub it. you can see the blood pooling happening in my feet and hands everytime i sit down or stand up. i’m exhausted and while my flare is calming down, i’m drained. and it’s disappointing that no doctor cares.
following the visits with my pediatrician, i was in such pain from the car ride and the movement that i was in hysterics that night. the pain in my collar bones and shoulder and neck were unbearable. it felt like my spine wasn’t being held properly together, it felt unstable, if felt terrible. i almost collapsed in the kitchen as i was in so much pain as i screamed and begged for any kind of relief. the next morning we went to the emergency room just to make sure everything was in the right place. and thankfully it was, but the er wasn’t really helpful other than that. they gave me some meds that made me sleepy and that helped distract my mind from the pain, but that was it.
we also reached out again to the cardiologist that’s been helping me with pots. and while the medication he gave me has extremely helped significantly lessen my pots symptoms, he was no help either. in fact we called multiple times over the course of multiple days and received no reply. only to find out, he was planning on sending me to that same pain clinic that i still am severely traumatized by. even though we specifically have mentioned that we cannot go back to that place.
me and my family have been left alone to figure out how to deal with the daily struggles i have experienced without any medical help. we got a shower stool so i don’t faint in the shower, we got a cane so on my rough days when my hips pop in and out i can still somewhat walk around, heating pads and pain patches to try to relieve the pain the best we can, tylenol and advil around the clock.
my body and mind are exhausted from being in a constant state of fight or flight from the pain. this flare was extremely rough. but i survived.
when you’re in so much pain that your body goes into a state of shock, you can only focus on pain. all you can feel is pain, all you can sense is pain, all you can breath is pain. it feels like you’re trapped in an eternal loop of never ending pain. the days seem longer, the hours seem to go on forever, the minutes feel like months. it’s almost impossible for your mind to comprehend that the pain will lessen at some point eventually. this time, it took over 3 weeks for it to lessen. but it did. and i survived.
i’m not alone in the betrayal of the medical community ignorance. my family has been betrayed as they are forced to witness me deal with all of these issues and receive no useful information or help. thousands of others with the same disorders and conditions i have, have been treated exactly as i have. i know this. i know not to get my expectations up when i see someone ina white coat. but i just wish one doctor could care a little about me. because all they see is the chart. they see my medical history, my files. but they don’t see me.
they don’t see how creative i am. they don’t see how compassionate i am. they don’t see how unique and intelligent i am. they don’t see my artwork. they don’t see my stories. they don’t see my voice. they don’t see me.
i wish they would though. because my symptoms and my pain has been limiting my ability to do the things i love. it’s pulled me out of school, which i love. it’s limited my writing abilities, which is my passion. it’s limited my ability to shop, which is my favorite thing to do.
even though i’m dealing with way more than most 17 year olds are, i know one day i’ll be able to say wow i did that. and i got through it. my story is chaotic and unpredictable to say the least. but it’s not over, i won’t let these disorders write my story for me. i will. this chapter is just darker than others will be.
if you take anything from me, don’t write off a person because they look “healthy”. or what society has painted the idea of what healthy on the outside looks like anyways. you never know what someone is dealing with. your words matter. they hold power. they can heal, but they can also damage. please be compassionate to one another.
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eomayas · 1 year
may i ask a baekhyun scenario? unplanned pregnancy and he doesn't want the baby. reader resists. anything about cold/bad/fucboy or what else 🤣 but happy end please. 🥺🥺 I want to see s/o's happiness.
omg 😭 anon i’m so sorry for how this turned out i hope you like it 😭😭😭 fuckboy baekhyun makes me feel insane i feel crazy for writing this! beware of the worst baekhyun you’ll probably ever read on my page ! i do not condone this behavior at all yall.. have fun with this. thank you for the ask also!! 🩷🩷
unplanned • bbh [req]
pairing: fuckboy!baekhyun x pregnant!reader, fwb (?) relationship
synopsis: you find out you’re pregnant with baekhyuns baby, and he wants nothing to do with you (or it).
warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, baekhyun is awful, like really awful. reader has a poor sense of self worth/respect :((. but the ending is kind of happy (ish??).
two red lines only mean one thing on this test; so does the word ‘pregnant’. three pregnancy tests lay on your bathroom counter, all concluding the same thing: you’re pregnant.
“well?” your friend, chaeyoung, asks on the other line. you called her when you woke up vomiting, after feeling nauseous for the last three days. she’s the one who bought you the tests, dropping them off at your work on her lunch break and telling you to call her immediately when you take them.
you don’t even know how your lasted at work today, feeling sick the entire day and vomiting every time you went to the bathroom. you had hoped it was just food poisoning, and had managed to convince yourself all day that it was, even when chaeyoung brought you the tests. up until now, your hope for food poisoning was going strong.
letting out a shaky breath, you say, “well, im pregnant,” your voice breaking on the last syllable. a nasty sob escapes your mouth and you drop the phone onto the counter, covering your mouth as the tears start streaming. your whole body shakes as you bawl into your hands, your tears gathering in your hands and sliding down your arms.
“i’m coming over,” you hear chaeyoung say, and you start shaking your head as if she can see you.
“no, chae, it’s fine,” you cry, wiping underneath your eyes with the back of your hand, though it does nothing because the tears keep flowing. you’re not ready to have a baby, not even close. it wasn’t even planned.
“y/n, i’m coming over,” your friend says. you can hear shuffling, and you panic as you try to find the nicest way to tell her to stay the hell away from you.
“chae, stop please! i just want to be alone right now,” you sniffle and hear her sigh.
“you need support.”
“i haven’t even told baekhyun,” you moan out, the realization crashing down on you. that alone makes you start bawling again, not ready to deal with him and his reaction to this.
“oh god. y/n, i feel like i should come over,” chaeyoung says, and because she’s your best friend and you don’t have any energy to fight with her, you mumble an ‘ok’.
twenty minutes later, chaeyoung arrives with boba and a few snacks. you feel drained, and your skin feels tight due to the dried tears on your face. chaeyoung throws her arms around you once she’s inside of your apartment and all of her items are on the counter.
the two of you don’t say anything as you hug tightly, silently crying on her shoulder. chaeyoung rubs your back soothingly and tells you that it’ll be okay, but you don’t believe her. there’s so many things that you need to do, like tell your family, figure out doctors appointments, build a nursery, talk to the father of your child. but nothing feels possible, it all feels overwhelming and out of reach. “cmon, let’s sit,” chaeyoung says, grabbing the drinks and walking into your living room.
the both of you sit on your couch and pop the straws through the film lid, and drink. you barely take a sip, letting your lips wrap loosely around the straw, your mind everywhere but here. “talk ti me, y/n. let it all out,” chaeyoung says, scooting closer to you and wrapping her arms around you. you lean into her and let out a shaky breath.
all you can think about is baekhyun, and his reaction. you know it’ll be bad, and you’ll probably end up crying like you always do. he doesn’t spare your feelings ever, and can’t imagine him doing so when you tell him, and it makes your heart ache in the worst way. if your relationship wasn’t already messy and bad enough, it just got incredibly worse.
“i cant tell baekhyun,” you say. you feel chaeyoung let out a breath, and you’re grateful that you can’t see her face, because her expression would definitely make you cry. chaeyoung hates baekhyun, to put it simply, and has made ir clear that she doesn’t support you fucking with him to any degree.
“you know you have to,” she says. you close your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “do it now, before it’s too late.” and by too late, she means before you have 3 months to figure out if you’re going to be a single parent, or not.
you’d like to think that baekhyun wouldn’t be against raising this baby with you, but you know, deep down, that he he is going to be. hell would have to freeze over before he’d even consider playing the role of this baby’s father.
you pull yourself out of chaeyoungs embrace and lean back against the couch. you feel her eyes on you, and you take a drink of your boba to busy yourself. “you know i’ll always be here for you,” she says, and you nod. chaeyoung and you have been through a lot, emotionally, and it all started when you began sleeping with baekhyun. she hated (and still does) the way he treated you, like you a toy he could play with when he was bored. he’d call you up in the middle of the night and tell you to come over, hed show up unannounced and expect you to be ready and waiting for him, hed message and go out with other women, and you’d still stick around. for some reason, you defended him from all of her criticisms, which was the main reason the both of you stopped communicating for awhile.
“i know,” you say quietly.
“and i care about you. which is why this is the one and only time i’m going to tell you to call him, because he deserves to know,” she says, running a hand through her hair. you think back to your phone that you left in the bathroom, and you wished you would have flushed it down the toilet instead.
you can’t even think about what you’d even text him. you rarely ever ask him for favors, like to call you, nor do you ever really text him. you once tried to keep a conversation with him, but by the third text he stopped responding, and didn’t respond for days until he told you he was on his way to your house.
begrudgingly, you get up and walk to the bathroom to retrieve your phone. you open it and click on your messages with baekhyun, and start to scroll.
y/n: are you busy?
6:23 pm
baekhyun: come over
11:53 pm
y/n: come over?
7:30 pm
y/n: come to onyx tonite
8:50 pm
baekhyun: come over
10:35 pm
y/n: ok omw
10:37 pm
you could cry, looking at the messages. it’s pathetic, really. you guys never really communicated beyond being in the bed with each other. the only times you both talked, was during the beginning, but once he figured out that you were at his beck and call, the talking dwindled. sometimes, all you got from him were grunts, not even a greeting.
you sulk back into the living room, phone in hand and dignity in the garbage. “what do i even say?” you ask your friend.
“tell him to come over,” she sighs, rubbing her forehead. you bite your bottom lip and aimlessly type the message and send it without second thought. you gingerly take a seat on the couch, your phone burning a hole in your hand.
you expected silence, and after ten minutes and no response from him, you sigh and pick your phone up, contemplating if you should text him again. “just do it,” chaeyoung says, reading your mind. and so you double text him, for the first time since you two got involved. in the beginning, you didn’t feel uneasy about double texting, but that fear quickly seeped in when he simply wouldn’t respond, like ever, to any message if you sent more than one.
when you don’t get another response after a total of thirty minutes, you dial his number, almost blindly. you can’t even remember the last time you called him, but you have this number memorized despite it all. it’s tattooed in your brain from all the times you wanted to but didn’t.
the line rings and rings, until you get the message to leave a voicemail. so you do. “hey, baek… come over when you get this,” you say, and quickly end the call. your stomach has dropped to your ankles, and you want to die.
chaeyoung anxiously chews at her fingernails. “call again,” she says.
“but he’s not going to answer. and i dont want to tell him over the phone,” you say, tightly holding your phone between your hands.
“just try again. trust me.”
so you do. and to your surprise, he answers towards the last couple of rings, pure agitation in his voice. “fuck, y/n, what?” he asks. baekhyun pushes the forehead of sohee, the girl currently on her knees in between his legs, away from his crotch. “what do you want?” he asks, running a hand through his hair. sohee rests her cheek against his thigh and looks up at him, and baekhyun smirks down at her and drags a hand down the side of her face before pulling at her bottom lip with his thumb.
“i-i just wanted to see if you were free,” you say, cursing yourself mentally and not having your shit together. baekhyun didn’t like when you were unsure or nervous about something; it turned him off. if you were indecisive about going to his house or yours, he’d just cancel all together. “just come over when you can, ‘kay?” you say, pacing the living.
“yeah, okay, whatever. that it?” he asks, pulling him thumb out of sohee’s mouth.
“yes, by-“ he doesn’t let you finish and hangs up, tossing his phone behind him and looking down at the poor girl between his legs. if she had any bit of brains, she’d leave now and never look back. but like most of the women baekhyun is involved with, they never do.
when baekhyun is done with sohee, he leaves without as much as a goodbye. he vaguely tells her he’ll see her again, but never specifies when. she watches him leave, feeling confused and empty and wanting more. and maybe that’s why they all stick around for him, because he leaves them feeling like a piece of them is missing and they’re desperately chasing it, trying to get it back.
he decides to entertain you and come over, despite your neediness. that’s another thing baekhyun didnt appreciate; clingy and neediness. he hated when women wanted him so much, it made him feel trapped and confined. baekhyun didn’t like feeling trapped or tied down to anything.
baekhyun doesn’t text you that he’s on his way, he just shows up at your door. when you hear the knocks, you jump up, having forgotten that he was supposed to come over because two hours feels like ages ago.
when you look through the peephole, your heart drops and your palms start to sweat. you pull the door open and baekhyun up-nods at you and let’s himself in. you close the door behind him and lean against it as he comfortably makes his way through your house. that is all about to change in a few seconds.
you make your way into the living room and see bakehyun sitting on your couch, scrolling through his phone. he looks up when he hears your foot steps, and frowns. “why are you acting weird?” he asks.
“i’m not,” you definitely are.
“yes, you are. stop it,” he says, going back to his phone. it’s now or never.
“baekhyun, i need to talk to you,” you say, still standing in the entry of your living room. he lets out a sigh and looks at you, his expression a cross between irritation and panic.
“about what?” he all but groans out. when you asked him over, he had expected (and hoped) for less talking and a lot more sex.
you lick your lips and shyly cross your arms in front of your chest. “i’m… im pregnant,” you say, looking him in the eye. he stares at you blankly, his mind unable to process your words.
“baekhyun…” you say, taking a step towards him and then retreating. you really can’t say it again; it’s already too real.
“you’ve got to be fucking with me? you’re fucking with me, right?” he says, running a hand through his dark hair. you only shake your head, and he scoffs. “well, it’s not mine.” he says plainly, going back to his phone.
at this, you frown. “what? yes it is, baekhyun. i’ve only slept with you,” you say, a storm brewing in your head at him insinuating that you’ve been sleeping around. if anybody’s been sleeping around, it’s him. when you two first got together, he had asked you not to sleep with anybody else, and you didn’t see anything wrong with that. but now, you feel like maybe you should have.
“i don’t care; you don’t have any proof, y/n. that baby isn’t mine,” he says harshly. tears come to your eyes and you blink them away.
“this baby is yours! and you’re going to help me raise it!” you say, wiping at your eyes.
“like hell i am. i don’t give a fuck, y/n. i don’t want this baby, and you shouldn’t either. we aren’t even fucking together,” he spits, shaking his head, and that weight settles. you and baekhyun don’t even have a relationship label. you wouldn’t even know how to refer to him if somebody asked you who he was to you. friend was too mild, because you do things most friends don’t do to each other, and you don’t know that much about him. lovers isn’t even remotely true, because there is no love between the two of you. you’re somewhere higher than a friend, but lower than a lover, which is practically hell.
your mind drifts off to remember the time he invited you to his family’s barbecue. you practically met everyone in his family, danced with his grandma and little cousins, helped his mother in the kitchen. you thought he’d ask you out after that, but he never did. instead, he constantly reminded you that you two were not together.
“i don’t care,” you say quietly. “this is your baby. you’re going to help.” you tell him.
“y/n, i always use a condom. this baby isn’t fucking mine—what don’t you understand?”
you shake your head. for all of the times he’s used a condom, there is, of course, the one time he didn’t. and you remember it clear as day. you were the one who told him to get one, even though both of you were tipsy, you were still able to understand that. he told you he’d pull out, and did everything but. you can still remember the feeling of being so full of him. it still makes your knees weak.
“you didn’t the night after sehuns party,” you say.
“it was one time!” he shouts, as if he never took sex-ed. one time is all it takes—everybody knows that. “fuck, y/n. why do you want to keep this baby. are you trying to ruin my life?”
“i’m not trying to do anything. you think i want to be pregnant? baekhyun, i’m only 27! i’m not ready to be a fucking mother, but this is my reality right now!” you yell back, and it dawns on you that this is the most you’ve both ever spoken in a single meeting.
he shakes his head. “what do you want from me, y/n? i’m not raising this fucking baby with you—i’ll pay for you to get rid of it, but i’m not raising it. there’s no fucking way,” he says, standing up. you start to panic, stepping closer to him.
“what are you doing?”
“getting the fuck out of here,” he says, trying to push past you. you stop him, putting your hands on his chest. “y/n, move.”
“no. we need to talk about this.”
“there’s nothing to talk about! i’m not raising this baby with you, and that’s it. i don’t care what you do with it, but leave me out of it,” he says, removing your hands from his chest and brushing past you, his shoulder bumping into your arm in the process. “and lose my fucking number.” baekhyun says as he pulls your front door open and steps out, slamming it as he goes.
you can’t help but crumple to the floor, feeling like a rug has been swept from underneath you. you shake uncontrollably as you sob, fat tears rolling dons your face for the nth time today.
for some reason, you feel like a weight has been lifted off of you even though your world feels like it’s been flipped on it’s axis. you know you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life, as long as this baby is alive, whether either of you like it or not. but at least he knows, and maybe he will grow up and come around.
and you feel a sense of peace for the first time ever since he’s ever departed from you. usually, you feel hollow, used, and muddled; always in a constant state of anxiety when he’s around or when you think about him. but him leaving was probably the best things he’s ever done for you. now you can be sure he won’t be coming here unannounced, interrupting peaceful sleep at ungodly hours. now, you can rid yourself of unnecessary stress and drama, albeit unfortunate circumstances.
yes, you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life. but there are definitely worse things that could happen to you. and who knows, maybe he’ll change his mind.
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akewanchan · 1 month
[Break My Case] R Card Story - Taiga Tsukimoto "Accountant and mama."
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Translation by akewanchan. Source is mobile game Break My Case.
Taiga: Haruhi you lil’ prick, how about you get it together and call it quits already
As I said that, a muffled voice could be heard.
After finishing with prepping breakfast, I went to wake up Haruhi as always, however he’s being awfully stubborn today. 
Taiga: Look at you being fully wrapped around in your futon like that, are you a bagworm or something.
Haruhi: …..It’s ‘cuz I know you’ll forcibly yank it off me
Taiga: And that’s because you keep refusing to wake up till god knows when… Ah, oi. Don’t you dare take advantage of this mess and roll yourself back up, don’t hide either
Haruhi: I stayed up late gaming, don’t have a choice here, y’know… mmh… 
Taiga: Which is just business as usual for you. No nitpicking, get out of bed
Haruhi: …………..
Taiga: The silent treatment now, huh
Taiga: Geez, I’ll give in then. You’re allowed to have one cod roe rice cracker in the morning
Haruhi: So what, I’mma eat these for lunch anyway
Taiga: Aaahn? Having the guts to bluntly refuse a person’s kindness… 
Taiga: And you made me get serious too. My bad but I’ll need to resort to brute force here.
Haruhi: Did do nothing…
Under his futon, I could tell Haruhi was curling up as an act of putting up a defensive stance. In turn, I raised my hand as if I was a doctor standing in front of the operating table. 
Taiga: Prepare yourself
Haruhi: Wait, what are…
Haruhi: Ngh!? Kuh…
Taiga: You’re surprisingly sensitive to being tickled, aren’t you.
While it was through the futon, it seemed to be more than enough to do the trick. Haruhi was twisting and turning around, making all sorts of big movements. 
Taiga: After your armpits… soles next?
Haruhi: Cut it out, stop, wait…!
The following moment, Haruhi’s face popped out from under the futon. He was in a bad mood… and the fact that he needed to wake up didn’t seem to be the whole reason. What can I say, you reap what you sow. 
Taiga: That you dare to waste my time like this, give up already
Haruhi: Seriously what’s your deal………
As he was catching his breath, Haruhi cast a glance full of hatred at me. Seems like he used up every ounce of energy he had.
Taiga: Well, sure did your best there, didn’t you. Nice fight.
Haruhi: Haaah… Drained of all my life in the morning…..
Taiga: That’s my line!
Taiga: Wash your face, change your clothes and go eat your breakfast. …Ah. I’m airing out the futon so not a chance you can go to bed again.
Haruhi: Nagging ma…
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blorbologist · 7 months
Architect of our demise: Chapter 3
Aeor is profoundly unwelcoming when it wants to be. Which suits Percival just fine, given he has a lead. Totally fine.
They soon find that Delilah Briarwood’s notes are a scattered mess of petty missives, stunning dissections of inhumane research, and grand plots of godhood. Typical of a member of the Somnovem, but for the fact her schemes center around a long-gone archmage.
“Vecna,” Vex’ahlia explains. “An imitator of my -” she pauses, painfully sharp, as though she does not expect it “- patron, my god. He failed, obviously, but has been a nuisance ever since.”
“Hm.” Percival holds his thoughts as she hands him another gem. It only takes him a second to crack its sigils, Lady Briarwood’s murmur filling the air. With a lens he spills illusory letters on the table, transcribing the message. “I had a relative - distant, three-four generations back - try something similar. So the story goes, Erathis’ justice descended on her for the hubris, struck her dead where she stood.” A quick skim reveals discussion of some Ozwyn Gruude - interesting. “Poetic flavor for ‘failed ritual splattered the room with fine red paste’, most likely.”
She snorts. “That’s usually how it goes. Any luck?”
“Perhaps,” he admits. 
He had begun to doubt if rushing to decode these notes was the right call. His neck is tender, likely bruised, and with the adrenaline drained of his limbs everything is heavier than it should be. Rest might have been wise.
Rest might have been possible if not for the fever burn at the back of his skull, cooking every thought until it came out smoking, wreathing the image of Ripley on the other end of his gun.
Vex’ahlia scoots closer. Percival points out the name that caught his eye. “Gruude,” he says. “The man has come up in articles and publications tied to the doctor I’m looking for. They seem to have been collaborators, associates. Mostly dated ten years hence, but…”
She reads, overtop Delilah's slower diction, “Dear, I found word that a gentleman going by Ozwyn Gruude has been paying handsome bounties for biological material from magical monsters. His office is located in Vasselheim, in case you would like to deal with the pest. Call it a favor.” Vex’ahlia grimaces, reading the letter over again. “Looks like the bitch never got to send it. This is addressed to one Gloria Cyn. Does that name mean anything to you?”
“Vaguely,” says Percival. “To my knowledge they are another researcher in the Genesis Ward. Not that narrows anything down, and I’d, ah, rather not waste time finding them for a second-degree connection given -” he gestures vaguely at the dried blood on his coat and the looted recordings.
Percival leans back in his chair, kept from toppling only by brumestone ornamentation. He feels almost lightheaded. A lead, a real lead, in his hands. Finally.  
Prologue | Keep reading on AO3!
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