#she used to always refer to riley as her partner before we knew who he was and i was convinced she was gay
bloodfromthethorn · 3 years
Sleep is the Best Cure
“Jack? What-” Mac blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision even as he automatically relaxed into his partner’s hold, trusting him to keep him up while he struggled his way back to the surface.
“Pretty sure you’re going on about 72 hours without sleep and you’ve had, what? Three? Separate traumatic situations in that time? Not much of a surprise you’re about to crash hard.”
Tag to 2x11 and 2x12. Also on AO3. 
Mac’s eyes surveyed the wreck of his living room with a building sense of dread. The last few days felt like little more than a blur in his memory and he didn’t think he’d had a chance to pause for breath during any of it. Now that he had a moment to himself, he couldn’t help but worry that the world was about to come crashing down yet again, with him standing right in the middle of it. 
Charlie’s attention had been drawn away by one of the team responsible for lifting the barrels out from beneath the floor, while all around them Phoenix personnel were cataloguing every item they could find just in case one of them might grant a clue as to the Ghost’s whereabouts. Mac considered moving to help them - or perhaps back Charlie up in what looked as though it might be descending into some kind of argument about proper procedure - but the instant he took a step to do so, sharp, blinding pain struck him right between the eyes like a lightning bolt. 
It was there and gone in a flash, but it left him so startled he staggered back a step in surprise. A hand snatched at his arm before he could do more than sway, tugging him carefully against a supportive warm body. “Easy there bud.”
“Jack? What-” Mac blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision even as he automatically relaxed into his partner’s hold, trusting him to keep him up while he struggled his way back to the surface. 
“Pretty sure you’re going on about 72 hours without sleep and you’ve had, what? Three? Separate traumatic situations in that time? Not much of a surprise you’re about to crash hard.”
“I’m- I’m okay.”
“Yeah man, ‘course you are. But maybe we should get you some sleep, yeah?”
Mac’s head still felt like it was floating some way above the rest of his body, foggy and distant, but he was still able to feel himself frown as the suggestion stuck a chime wrong somewhere. “Can’t,” he managed. “House is in clean up.”
“Matty’s got it covered,” Jack said, sure and steady. “And while she’s getting everything here sorted, you can crash at my place.”
That did admittedly sound amazing, but Mac forced himself to mumble a negative and reclaim some of his own weight, shaking his head in a vain attempt at clearing out the cobwebs taking root. “No, I need to help Charlie,” he said stubbornly. 
The arm Jack had around his shoulders turned to steel, not letting him move away. “Charlie is doing just fine. He knows what he’s doing and he’s not the one dead on his feet right now. It’s okay man, it’s over. You can hand the reins over to someone else for a bit.”
With his vision steadily clearing, Mac could finally make out Jack’s worried face at his shoulder, watching him closely for any sign he was about to take another nosedive. Beyond the concern though, it was clear as day that Jack was starting to flag just as badly as Mac was, with pale skin and deepening crow’s feet emphasising the slight squint he’d picked up to combat the dryness of his eyes. “You’ve not slept either,” he pointed out unnecessarily. 
Jack huffed something that might have been a laugh if he’d had the energy for it. “True enough, but I also wasn’t arrested and I haven’t spent the last twenty hours working on defusing two bombs simultaneously.” He gestured vaguely around the wreck of Mac’s living room with his free hand as though to encompass everything that had happened. “I’m good to drive us both back to mine and then I’m planning on passing out until at least tomorrow. That plan sound good with you?”
Honestly, now that Mac was aware of his own fatigue, the exhaustion felt like a physical weight on his body and the very thought of handing over his safety to Jack and drifting off for a couple of hours sounded like heaven, but he knew his job. Once an EOD tech, always an EOD tech, and there was still a lot of explosive material in his house that needed dealing with before anyone in a mile’s radius would be safe. He had work to do. 
The sentiment must have shown on his face, because Jack went right back to frowning. “No, man, cut that out. Even if there wasn’t a perfectly capable bomb tech right over there, you’re in no state to be handling explosives. You’re shaking.”
Mac glanced at his own hands to confirm that yes, his whole body was indeed wracked by fine tremors that he couldn’t seem to stop. That… didn’t seem right. Since joining the army he’d had countless sleepless nights, both intentional and unavoidable, and while he knew he must be getting close to his limit of endurance, he was usually steady handed. Sort of an occupational requirement, really. 
“Something’s wrong,” he murmured to himself, still looking at his trembling fingers. 
With a heavy sigh, Jack tugged on him until he was pushed, unresisting, onto one of the bar stools and propped up by Jack’s warm palms on both of his shoulders. “What’s wrong is that you’ve been running on nothing but adrenaline and coffee for two whole days. Just ‘cause you’ve not been dodging bullets doesn’t mean you haven’t been going through the wringer. You’re exhausted. That’s all it is, bud, promise.”
Well, if Jack promised then Mac would believe him. Jack would never lie to him and he always seemed to know Mac’s hurts even before the man himself did. Something about it still didn’t sit right with him though. “Was dodging bullets,” he corrected, slightly petulantly, as he remembered handcuffs around his wrists and the desperation of trying to find a solution using nothing but a bullet and a ballpoint pen. 
One of Jack’s hands drifted up his shoulder to cup the back of his head comfortingly in a move that Jack liked to use when he wanted to check Mac’s pulse without him knowing. “I’m okay,” he mumbled again in protest, but didn’t pull away. 
“Yeah, I know you are. You’re pretty out of it though bud. Reckon you’re not going to remember this conversation tomorrow, huh?”
That was probably a fair assessment, honestly. With no witty retort lined up and thoroughly lacking the energy to search for one, Mac just hummed agreeably, blinking at him as his vision went wobbly again. 
Jack sighed. “Okay, I’m calling it. I know you want to help out here, but you need rest and you’re not going to get it while there’s a Phoenix clean-up op happening in your living room. And since I’m not letting you out of my sight just yet, you’re coming home with me, yes? Good.”
He finally broke his attention off from Mac to cast a glance around the room at large and caught Matty’s eyes, gesturing to his semi-conscious partner with a small head tilt. “I’m taking this one home.” He didn’t leave any room in his tone for argument, but softened it by adding, “If you need us, call me.”
Thankfully, as much as Matty might be a hardass when her job needed her to be, she was also one of the most observant people Jack had ever met. Her eyes took them both in with a single look and recognised the exhaustion staring back at her. She nodded with a soft smile. “Take as long as you need. We’ve got this.”
He spared enough time to shoot her a deeply grateful look before his entire attention turned back to Mac, who appeared to have been trying unsuccessfully to use the brief pause to rally himself. Unfortunately for him, he was long since out of any reserves to draw off; the best his attempts got him was some slightly more aggressive blinking. 
“Okay hoss, think you can stand up for me?” From the way Jack was having to keep him steady, it was obvious that Mac’s balance had completely gone to shit, but he obediently pushed himself upright and managed to at least keep his knees locked to take his weight. “Alright man, you’re doing great. Let’s get outside and get you sitting down again, yeah?”
Getting Mac outside and into the car turned out to be an exercise in extreme patience. Out of it as he was, he seemed to consistently forget where they were going and why, and made several attempts to turn himself around to go and help Charlie even though he could not more obviously be beyond that particular task. Each time Jack would nudge him back in the right direction with a soft push and a string of gentle words that seemed to more or less do the trick. By the time Mac was carefully folding himself into the passenger seat, the kid was scarcely still conscious. 
“That’s right, you just sit there and let Jack get you home, yeah?”
That Mac didn’t even groan in protest at Jack referring to himself in third person said a lot for his mental state. Chuckling to himself, Jack rounded the car and nodded at Bozer who had appeared at the front door to see them off. 
“I’ll get the house sorted as soon as I can,” he promised. “Make sure everything’s nice and clean when he gets back.”
“Appreciate that. But make sure you get some rest yourself, okay?” He said sternly, sending him a steady look. “Today’s been a long day for everyone, you included.”
“We’re good Jack. Matty will take good care of me and Riley. You just worry about Mac.”
Jack snorted, momentarily letting his bone-deep exhaustion show on his face. “As if I ever do anything else.”
Mac was thoroughly dead to the world when Jack slid into the driver’s seat beside him, his head tilted awkwardly against the window and his arms wrapped tight around his middle. It looked wildly uncomfortable, but the journey was only short and now that he was actually out for the count, Jack was loath to disturb him until he had to. Instead, he jammed his keys in the ignition and headed for home without another word. 
Tired as he was, Jack drove more carefully than he was usually of a mind to and as a result ended up taking a full half-hour to make it to his apartment. Mac didn’t so much as stir the entire time. If it hadn’t been for his breath fogging against the glass of the window, Jack might have resorted to feeling for the pulse in his wrist just to be certain that he really was still there, still in one piece. After everything he’d been through in the last three days, the fact that the worst physical damage he would have to deal with would be a few scrapes and a hefty dose of exhaustion was something of a miracle - and Jack would still trade almost anything for the chance to go back and spare him of all of it. Mac had never deserved the shit that got thrown at him day in and day out, but it rarely came so thick and fast. 
And physical condition aside, Jack knew that Mac wasn’t getting away from any of it without some new mental baggage. 
But that was a problem for tomorrow, at the earliest. Right now all he had to worry about was getting 6 foot of mostly-catatonic secret agent up several flights of stairs, preferably without drawing any attention. Easy. 
Mac did make a valiant attempt at consciousness after a few gentle shakes from Jack, but it was clear the window of opportunity for his ability to hold his own weight had closed some time ago. In the end, it was left to Jack to duck under his shoulder and do his best to balance them both as they hobbled unsteadily up the fire escape. The lobby would have granted them an elevator, but with them both on their last legs, Jack didn’t want the attention.
No doubt they must have looked comical - or perhaps just drunk - but they made it in the end, and without anyone falling down the stairs to boot. Jack was going to count that as a win. 
“Mac, you still with me brother?”
There was a vaguely attentive hum. Mac’s eyes didn’t open. 
“You happy to share the bed or are you gonna make me sleep on the couch?”
Another hum that Jack chose to take as ambivalence. In truth the question was somewhat redundant - the pair of them had shared far closer quarters than a king-sized bed before, and Mac would never turf Jack out of his own room, especially when he was just as desperately in need of rest. Asking was more of a formality than anything. 
There was a second brief deliberation when Jack managed to get them both into the bedroom as he tried to weigh up the chances of him being able to bully Mac into changing into some borrowed sleepwear. In the end, he figured it wasn’t worth the hassle and just calmly battled him out of his jeans and his dust-covered henley before tipping him beneath the covers. With his consciousness waning once more, Mac offered little more than a sleepy grumble as he burrowed down beneath the blanket and went still once more. 
With a weary chuckle of genuine relief, Jack ran through his own preparations as quickly as his tired body was capable of before finally, finally folding himself into the other side of the bed. After everything, the sensation was heavenly. 
There was a long stretch of motionless silence, broken only by their steady breathing, and Jack felt the fiercely alert, wary section of his brain finally start to cede control to the comforting embrace of sleep. It was over; Mac was safe, the bomb was defused, no one was in prison, and Cage would be just fine after a bit of recovery time. Jack was free to let his guard down at long last. 
It wasn’t an easy task. For the next five minutes he struggled with slipping into light dozes that broke off suddenly when his adrenaline spiked, bracing himself against some new danger. He knew that he needed the rest and for once it was legitimately safe to do so, but he had too many years of forcing his body through every possible hardship for it to give up the fight so easily. 
Then, as he always managed to do, Mac provided the solution. After the fifth or so time Jack jolted awake, Mac let out a low, displeased huff and wriggled until he was able to reach out a hand and wrap long fingers around Jack’s wrist in a gentle reassurance of his presence. He didn’t even look as though he was awake as he did it - he’d just sensed that Jack needed his help, and had offered it without thought. Lost in his own exhaustion, Jack thought it was almost poetic. 
Not that he would know, of course. 
Safe at long last, and tangibly aware of Mac’s steady presence at his side, Jack finally let himself sleep.
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esmealux · 3 years
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The Devil Doesn’t Do Children
Part: 2 / ?
Setting: About a year after 5a
Word count: 3.5K
Rating: T
Summary: ‘I certainly did not choose to impregnate the Detective, Doctor!’ In which Lucifer doesn’t know how to cope and goes to see the one person who might be able to help him. 
Warnings: Mention of death, murder (and, quite indirectly, foeticide)
When Chloe parks the car a little outside the film set, Lucifer has finally got his thoughts and the threatening sensation in his chest under control. He had stared silently out of the window the entire ride, calculating, weighing the different possibilities; which one was more likely—him impregnating her after being sterile since the dawn of time, or her getting food poisoning from a hole in the wall filthier than medieval England? The latter. Definitely the latter. It is the only logical—nay, possible explanation. He has no doubt.
But then she asks him to get her a gum from her glove box (she still has a bad taste in her mouth), and when he looks inside the small space to find the pack she always keeps there, something catches his eye, something pink and flat, something he usually associates with mood swings and five days of limited access—something that reminds him she’s more than a week late.
He grabs the gum between his fingers and hands it to her, smacking the glove box shut as if it will erase what he just saw and the distressing epiphany it led to. He searches for alternate explanations in his panicking mind, something, anything, that will ease his returned and now stronger fear that she’s… That they’re… But he comes up with nothing. Just obscure theories that even he will admit are far-fetched.
He doesn’t say anything—not because he knows she doesn’t want to have the conversation on their way to talk to a potential suspect, but because he can’t. So he just follows after her like a lost puppy, until they’re suddenly sitting in a cramped trailer, facing former child-star, current man-child Max Steinfeld.
‘Why did you walk away when we asked you about Laura?’ Chloe asks the actor. He had fled? Lucifer hadn’t noticed. Then again, he’s not entirely sure he would have remembered if they’d been in a car chase, or a gunfire.
The sad example of a man slides a tabloid towards them in response to the Detective’s question. The front page shows a picture (undoubtedly shot by a paparazzo) of him and Riley walking down the street hand in hand, smiles plastered on their polished Hollywood faces. Next to the headline promising insight in ‘all the details about the magical wedding,’ there’s a close-up of an offensively distasteful diamond ring.
Lucifer sees a chance at escaping the cacophony of disturbing thoughts in his head and takes it. ‘What, because you’re marrying Miss Riley and didn’t want a murder case spoiling your-’ he takes the magazine and swiftly flips through the pages till he finds the right one, ‘uber-romantic seaside wedding? Is that it?’ Lucifer leans a little forward and stares intensely into the man’s eyes, his best cheshire grin playing on his lips. ‘Come now, Maximillian, what is it you truly desire?’
‘I…,’ he begins, not blinking as he’s sucked into Lucifer’s stare, ‘I want to stop pretending.’
‘Pretending that you didn’t kill an innocent woman because you put a bun in her oven?’
Steinfeld’s brows draw together in confusion before they arch up in worry and disbelief. ‘Laura’s… dead?’
Lucifer’s just about to call him out on his charades, when the Detective jumps in and confirms that she was found in her home, stabbed to death.
Max’ face turns white. His jaw goes slack. Then a cry of raw agony fills the confined space.
Once Steinfeld has calmed down enough to continue the conversation, Chloe decides to go easy on him and begins by asking him where he was between 9 and 10 PM last night.
‘With Moni,’ he says, looking almost ashamed. ‘I had a date with Laura—we were gonna see each other for the first time in weeks—but she didn’t turn up. I figured she was still mad.’
‘Mad?’ Chloe prompts him to elaborate.
‘Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly handle the whole pregnancy-thing very well. I couldn’t- I just- I panicked.’
‘So you killed her,’ her partner concludes beside her. She gives him a stern look and a reprimanding ‘Lucifer.’ He ignores her.
‘No! I would never hurt her! I love her,’ Steinfeld tells them, all kinds of emotions swimming in his eyes. ‘But when she told me, I just couldn’t… deal with it, so I ignored her, for five weeks. One thing was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m-’—he gulps and takes a deep breath—‘was gonna be a dad, but I also had no idea how I was gonna tell them.’
Chloe is just about to ask who he means by ‘them’ when Lucifer opens his mouth. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, my mistake. I’ll refer to them as Mx Riley from now on.’ He sounds genuinely apologetical. Chloe side-eyes him, confused.
‘What? No,’—Steinfeld shakes his head—‘Moni goes by “she”. I meant the studio. They made us sign a contract at the beginning of production in which we agreed to pretend to be a couple in public to-’
‘Build hype around the movie, sell more tickets and boost your personal career?’ Chloe finishes. She’s familiar with the concept. 
‘Yeah, something like that,’ Steinfeld mutters and rubs his brow, his hand still visibly shaking from the shock. ‘But I was growing tired of it. I like Moni, she’s one of my best friends, but nothing more than that, and what I had with Laura was so… real. It was all pretty new, but she made me happy. I wanted her in my life—to share my life with her. Still, I was nowhere near ready to have a baby with her, to become a dad! I mean, I still have a bad reputation in the business, I’ve spent all my savings on drugs and alcohol and a mansion I can’t afford, and sometimes I get so stressed I don’t eat for days. How am I supposed to take care of a kid?’ His voice is laced with frustration and tears stream down his stubbled cheeks. She expects Lucifer to scoff at the ‘dramatics’, or at least show some kind of disapproval of the emotional display, but he doesn’t.
‘Look, I get it,’ Chloe says, laying her arms on the table. ‘When I was pregnant, me and my ex-husband were absolutely terrified too.’
She senses Lucifer looking at her out of the corner of his eye. She’s not sure why, or what it means, so she ignores him and continues.
‘Is that why you did it? Did you go to her place when she didn’t show up for your date and then when she brought up the baby you lost your temper? You got scared?’ She wills her voice to be calm, knowing the man is vulnerable.
Max frantically shakes his head. ‘No! No, more the opposite! I was gonna tell her that I loved her and that I was gonna try. That’s why I went to Simone’s when she didn’t show up. Moni knew about Laura, what she meant to me, so I went to her to talk about how we could escape this fucked-up PR stunt controlling our lives,’ he points angrily to the smiling picture of him and Riley on the cover of the tabloid, still on the table. When he continues, his voice is calmer, but also more emotional, ‘so we could be free, and I could do right by Laura… and our baby.’
Chloe turns to look at Lucifer—to see if he, too, believes Steinfeld is innocent—only to discover that her partner is glowering at the now frightened man across from them. Lucifer is breathing heavily, his fist clenched between them, his knuckles white. His voice is sharp and venomous when he speaks, almost hisses, ‘How exactly were you gonna do right by them? How could you just accept that you were gonna be a… a father, even when you knew, in every cell of your damned body, that you couldn’t?’
He’s standing now, his tall frame shaking, heat rolling off him. She reaches for his hand to calm him down (Steinfeld has faced enough trauma today as it is), but he quickly draws it back, as if he’s burnt by her touch. His eyes remain brown and his face smooth and tan, anthropomorphic—still, a lump settles in her throat. Before she can say anything, he speaks again, his voice lower now, only a few octaves from demonic and flaming with something she can only describe as wrath. Wrath and pain. ‘How could you ever pretend to love something you never wanted?’
He storms out of the trailer, surprisingly elegantly considering his emotional state. She excuses herself to Steinfeld and rushes out to talk to her partner, comfort him, ask him what the Hell is going on.
But he’s gone.
Sighing, she bends down to pick up a large, silky feather from the ground.
The door bursts open, the hinges shrieking in protest as it slams against the wall and knocks down a picture frame in the process. Linda takes a deep breath and slowly turns around to face her intruder. ‘Lucifer, what have I told you about barging-’
The words get stuck in her throat when she sees him. His hair is dishevelled, his clothes wrinkled and disarranged. A dash of colour is missing where a pocket square usually sits and completes his outfit—whether he lost it without noticing or he didn’t pick one out in the first place, she can’t tell, but either way, it’s concerning. Even more so when combined with his face. Oh God, his face. He looks pale, too pale—ghostlike. His pupils are mere specks, his eyes manic. His chest heaves rapidly as he takes in short, ragged breaths.
Last time she saw Lucifer in a state similarly chaotic, dark, leathery wings were sticking out of his back. Before she can ask him what’s wrong, his tremulous voice fills her office.
‘The Detective’s pregnant.’
Not what she’d expected, but his reaction seems about right.
She goes to his side to help him sit down on the couch, pours him a glass of water, and doesn’t sit down till she’s made sure he’s drunk some. Once in her chair, she takes a deep breath, partly to prepare herself for the incoming conversation and partly to make Lucifer mirror her so they can get some oxygen to his head. She’s not sure if angels can pass out, but she’s not gonna take the risk.
‘Okay,’ she says calmly, ‘and how do you feel about it?’ The question sounds kind of absurd as he’s sitting there, practically radiating distress. Nevertheless, he needs to put his feelings into words.
‘How do you think I feel about it, Doctor?’ he growls.
She doesn’t answer that. Instead, she looks at him with a slight smile and raised eyebrows, inviting him to tell her.
‘I feel betrayed, for one,’ he spits, feeding her plant with the sparkling water she’s provided him—before emptying his flask into the glass and taking a large gulp.
‘By whom?’ she asks.
He glares at her and takes another sip. ‘My father, obviously.’
Linda suppresses a sigh of frustration. She’d thought God coming to Earth and their subsequent bonding time had finally made Lucifer bury his manipulative daddy issues. Guess she was wrong. ‘What do you think your father has to do with Chloe getting pregnant?’ She doesn’t miss how he winces at the last three words before his face sets into taut lines.
‘Oh, I don’t know, Doctor.’ His voice is thick with sarcasm. ‘I mean, it’s not like he has ever sent down one of his pathetic thralls to “bless” a barren couple with a spawn.’
‘How are you so sure you’re infertile?’ she asks him with narrowed eyes, leaning back in her chair. They’d thought Amenadiel was infertile, but she has 31 pounds of pure joy at home to disprove that. 
‘Well, it’s simple maths,’ he replies. She gives him a curious and mildly sceptical look, and he leans forward, putting his now half-empty glass down on the table. ‘Right, I’ve been practicing safe sex since the first ever condom came about—you know, for the sake of my lovers’ health—but condoms are only 98% effective at preventing conception, and the ancient prototypes were much worse, which means that, had I not been sterile, I would have fathered one hundred thousand children, give or take, throughout history, and I haven’t. I would have noticed; they would have flocked around me like little rats to get a piece of my fortune every time I appeared on Earth. Ergo, infertile.” He gestures towards his crotch with a dead-serious expression.
‘Right,’ she says, forcing herself to look at his face. ‘And what makes you think that that trait, or whatever you wanna call it-’
‘I call it a blessing,’ he interrupts her, the slightest glint in his eye as he peers at her from over the brim of the drinking glass.
‘What makes you think it’s everlasting?’ she asks him, a theory suddenly forming in her mind.
He furrows his brow. ‘Beg your pardon?’
‘Well, you’re not completely immortal anymore,’ she reminds him, her eyes shifting to his thigh where his first (not self-induced) scar is covered by his creased suit pants. He sends her a hurt look. ‘What a positively shitty way of trying to cheer me up,’ he huffs before downing the remaining liquor.
‘What I mean is,’ she begins to clarify, ‘what if your infertility is like your immortality?’ She lets the words sink in before she continues, ‘What if your aversion to having children, to becoming a dad, has affected your ability to physically father a child? But just like you chose to be vulnerable around Chloe, you’re now choosing to have a baby with her, to grow your family.’
He scoffs, almost laughs, but there’s no trace of humour in it. Only torment. ‘I certainly did not choose to impregnate the Detective, Doctor!’
‘Maybe not on a conscious level,’ she argues. ‘But maybe after the personal development you’ve been through, after seeing you’re worthy of being loved, not just by Chloe but also by Trixie, you’re finally realising, somewhere deep inside, that you’re also worthy of being someone’s dad.’
‘That is…’ he whispers, gazing out into empty air with a thoughtful expression, only to ultimately conclude, ‘absolutely preposterous!’ He sends her a dirty look, as if he’s accusing her of humbug. ‘I don’t want to be someone’s dad, Doctor—I don’t want a baby! The Devil doesn’t do children. I despise them. Always have. You know that.’
‘That doesn’t mean you always will. I mean, do you despise Charlie?’ She waits a couple of beats, watching him intently. ‘Do you despise Trixie?’ She nods in the direction of his chest, knowing his phone is in his breast pocket, nestled against his heart, the screen lighting up with a picture of himself and his two favourite girls every time he gets a notification.
‘Your son appreciates my devil face,’ he defends, ‘and the Detective and her offspring are a package deal.’ Linda knows he tries to appear indifferent, but he can’t hide the fondness suddenly twinkling in his eyes. If Linda wasn’t sure before, she’s now absolutely positive that Lucifer loves Trixie nearly as much as he loves her mother. She sees it all the time; it’s in the way his eyes flash red with hellfire when Trixie is hurt or sad; it’s in the way his chest puffs out with pride whenever he talks about her; it’s in his jealous stare when she and Dan laugh at an inside joke; it’s in his jubilant eyes when he’s the one who makes her laugh; it’s in the immense effort he constantly makes to always be there for her, to never disappoint her.
‘You might call them a package deal, Lucifer,’ she says softly, making him look at her, ‘but they call you family.’
He’s snatched the empty glass from the table and is now nursing it in his hand, unintentionally mimicking his nephew with his security blanket. His eyes are downcast, but she can tell his heart swells at the mention of the F-word. He’d dropped by her place about a month ago, shock all over his face. ‘The urchin referred to me as her family,’ he’d said. Linda had smiled and replied with a simple ‘Of course she did’. As narcissistic and self-indulgent as he is, he is surprisingly oblivious to other people’s affection for him. Then again, what else could you expect from a person who was abandoned by his parents, literally pushed into the abyss, and for eons deprived of any kind of love?  
With Lucifer’s background in mind, Linda steers the conversation back to his feelings about Chloe being pregnant. ‘If you’re being completely honest with yourself, Lucifer,’—she stares at him until he lifts his head and looks her in the eyes—‘what do you think is the main reason you’re having this reaction to Chloe being pregnant? Is it because you don’t want children?’ She lets him think for a couple of seconds before adding, ‘Or is it because you’re afraid you’ll let your child down like your dad let you down?’
Sadness flashes across his still ashen face before the muscle in his jaw flexes and hot fury fills up his eyes. ‘My father didn’t let me down,’ he snarls, putting the glass down with an alarming clank, ‘He banished me from my home and sent me to Hell—after my mother wouldn’t let him kill me! No words cover that immense extent of neglect, Doctor. That cosmic measure of betrayal!’ His voice is shrill and rough as he shouts the last word, accompanied by the jarring sound of the drinking glass shattering to a million pieces as it collides with the wall behind her.
Lucifer takes a few heavy breaths and, once he’s gotten his anger somewhat under control, pointlessly adjusts his jacket and straightens his spine. ‘No one should have to endure even a fraction of that,’ he tells her, appearing strangely remorseful. ‘Especially not an innocent child.’
And there it is.
‘You are not your dad, Lucifer,’ she reminds him. ‘Or your mom. You’re not gonna abandon your child. You’re not gonna hurt them.’ She waits till he looks up at her (his brown eyes are so sad it makes her chest ache) before she says, ‘You’re gonna love them with every piece of your heart and go to the ends of the earth, or Hell, to protect them, because that is who you are. Maybe you weren’t that person when you cut your wings off on the beach eleven years ago, and maybe not even when you first started assisting the LAPD. But that’s who you are now. Just ask Chloe and Trixie.’ She would add all the other people around him who know this to be true, who know him, but there are only two people whose opinions matter to him in this case. 
He doesn’t answer. His lips part, a smidgen of hope and belief appearing in the sea of fear in his eyes.
‘You referred to it as a ��blessing” before, the fact that you couldn’t have children.’ He grimaces at the past tense. ‘Based on that, I assume you think having a child would be a curse?’
He raises an eyebrow, questioning her intelligence.
‘Right. But why do you think that is? I mean, if you think about it, is it really so bad that you and Chloe are having a baby? Someone who’s a beautiful mix of the two you, created out of your love for each other?’
He stops tending an invisible spot on her couch to look up at her. Colour has returned to his face, and the anger from before is gone; only a crease of worry remains. He looks tentative, but not scared to his core like earlier, his gaze warm and soft.
‘I…’ he says, musing. After a few seconds of silence, he answers, ‘To be frank, Doctor, I don’t know.’ His lips settle into a crooked line, stuck between a smile and a frown.
Linda lifts a friendly brow, her own lips tugging up at the corners. ‘Can’t know till you try, right?’
‘Right,’ he admits. It’s still not exactly a smile she sees on his face, but it’s close enough.
‘Have you talked to Chloe about all this?’ she asks him.
‘I haven’t, no. Do you think I should?’
Linda blinks, a little dumbfounded he’s even considering it an option not to talk about his fears with the woman who’s carrying his baby.
‘I’m joking,’ he says then, the smallest of smirks playing on his lips. ‘Of course I’m gonna talk to her! I just thought it best to, you know, sort out my own thoughts on the matter first.’
‘Oh,’ she mutters, realising she might not give him enough credit. He really has come a long way since their first session. ‘That’s very mature of you, Lucifer,’ she praises him.
The minuscule smirk from before spreads out into his cheshire grin. ‘What can I say? All good people know everything below an M-rating is boring and worthless.’
He smooths his pants over his thighs and checks his cuffs before standing and walking to the door. Just before he leaves, he turns to her with newfound courage in his eyes and says, ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a detective I need to have a chat with.’
Part I |  Part III | Part IV (coming soon)
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Silver Service
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Both Madeleine and Lucretia get closer to the truth, and Liam and Olivia fear for their future.
Word Count 3522
A/N Warnings - implied smut, and discussion of attempted murder.
18 Revelations
‘So it’s positive’ Sophia said, referring to Olivia’s pregnancy test. Bastien frowned and put his fingers to his lips before speaking loudly.
‘Yes, the reception for the fashion show was very good’ he replied. He beckoned her over to the desk in their suite, where he had his laptop set up while he organised security rotas remotely with Lewis, who had gone on to Krona. He and Sophia would be following the day after, along with the King’s security detail. He tapped away on the screen and turned it toward her.
Must be careful of eavesdroppers. he had typed Maid cleaning in bedroom. Sophia nodded, but she sat on the edge of the desk.
‘You know, you really did an excellent job modelling’ she said huskily ‘I’d like to see your technique again. It really impressed me how fast you could change. Perhaps if you did it again, more slowly, I could do a little critique’ She made a gesture toward the bedroom with her head, and Bastien frowned for a moment before catching on.
‘I’m not planning on making it a career’ he said loudly ‘But I’m always looking to improve my performance – in all areas’
‘Well, let’s take this to the bedroom then’ she purred, pitching her voice toward the adjoining door. At that, the maid appeared suddenly, her face flushed. Sophia jumped away from Bastien, feigning surprise.
‘I forgot the sheets’ the maid said, flustered ‘I’ll come back later’ and scurried out, head down.
‘Well done’ Bastien said ‘That got rid of her – now I’d better do a sweep to see if she’s planted anything.’ He strode into the room and scanned it, first visually, then skimming his fingertips along walls and under ledges. He reached into his pocket for a small gadget with a button and a dial, and stood looking at it for a while. Finally he turned to Sophia.
‘It’s okay, no listening devices that I can detect. I think she was just eavesdropping.’ He paused by a drawer at the dressing table and opened it. ‘Maybe she was going through these as well’ he speculated.
‘She was acting rather suspiciously’ Sophia affirmed ‘She couldn’t leave fast enough when we said we’d move into the bedroom.’ Bastien looked thoughtful
‘What did you do with the receipt from the chemist?’ he asked. Although every noble house kept stock of various supplies from chemists and pharmacists for general use, he thought it better that she get something for Olivia off premises so it couldn’t be traced. She looked around for her purse, which rested on the dressing table.
‘Stop’ Bastien said ‘Think when you last had it – is it in the same place? Do you think it’s been tampered with?’ Sophia hummed in thought
‘Hmm, I thought I’d left it on the back of the chair’ she said. Bastien cursed under his breath
‘I’m sorry Sophia, I should have told you to dispose of it discretely – preferably not here at the Manor’ She huffed.
‘I wasn’t expecting anyone to go through my handbag’ she retorted. Bastien sighed
‘I forget you don’t have the training’ he said ‘She had time to look through it – let me see’ She took the receipt out of the bag and gave it to him. He groaned
‘That’s pretty specific’ He said heavily ‘She’ll know exactly what you bought if she saw it. I wonder if anyone’s asking her to do this, or if she’s just naturally nosy’
‘She’d think the test was for me, surely’ Sophia said. Bastien shook his head
‘Staff at these places are used to their clients being crafty’ he said ‘Gossip spreads like wildfire, and it’s known I’ve – well’ he paused and reached out to her apologetically. ‘I’ve been as discrete as I can over the years with my romantic involvements, but it may be known that I’ve had a vasectomy – many of the unmarried Guards do’ Sophia sucked in her breath. He rubbed her arm consolingly as she dropped her head. ‘You know I’m just with you now, don’t you?’ he said gently ‘I never encourage anyone else – ever’ She drew a shaky breath and nodded.
‘I know’ she said ‘I just don’t like being reminded’ He stood back and started to unfasten his tie, gazing at her as he did so.
‘Now then, Missy’ he said ‘I believe you wanted to see me undress?’ Sophia perked up and sat on the edge of the bed, biting her lip.
‘Any time, agápe mou’ she purred.
Madeleine sat back in the plush seat of the limo. Her mother snored softly, head lolling on the headrest as they made their way back to Krona. Penelope’s maid had told Madeleine about the purchasing of a pregnancy test, and revealed that Olivia had not been eating at breakfast, but she wanted to be methodical and eliminate the other ladies at Applewood. It couldn’t be Sophia – everyone knew her lover had never gotten anyone pregnant. Either he was firing blanks naturally or was sterilised – though the thought occurred to her that he was just the person who could probably hide something like an unwanted pregnancy. Lady Hana wasn’t seeing anyone, and Madeleine had always had the idea that she preferred women – or would, once she’d admitted it to herself. Drake was too savvy to get anyone pregnant – he’d bedded many of the ladies of the court and a lot of staff too and couldn’t afford any ‘accidents’ so it wasn’t likely to be Riley. Kiara struck her as a very conscientious young woman, sexually active, and most likely on birth control as pregnancy would certainly put a stop to her career ambitions.
The most likely candidate was Olivia then – and she must be sleeping with Liam. He certainly wasn’t stupid or reckless enough to get anyone accidentally pregnant. Had they got some sort of arrangement? When she had them staying at Karlingford she’d soon find out, she told herself.
‘Excuse me’ Olivia’s aide, Ruby, addressed the major domo at Karlingford, who looked up from his clipboard with an air of irritation.
‘I’m very busy, is it important?’ he snapped.
‘It most certainly is’ Ruby gave as good as she got. This snooty soft lowlander wasn’t going to get the better of a mountain dwelling Lythican. ‘Lady Olivia is not pleased with her quarters’ Harold sighed in annoyance.
‘Lady Madeleine allocated the rooms personally, and has given Lady Olivia the second best suite available. May I ask what is wrong with that?’
‘It may be your idea of luxury, but as you know, we Lythicans care nothing for soft beds and gilded ornaments. The placement is not to her liking. Lady Olivia has important business with the King and needs to be close by so he can call on her services at short notice’
‘It’s too late to change anything now’ Harold sniffed ‘Guests have been arriving all morning and it’s simply too difficult to make any alterations to the arrangements’
‘Would you like to explain that to Lady Olivia herself?’ Ruby asked ‘or perhaps the King might make a request in person when he discovers how inconvenient your allocation is’ Harold swallowed.
‘I’ll take another look at the schematic’ he said unsteadily ‘Karlingford is of course honoured to have the new King under our care, and Lord Godfrey has always been a gracious host’
‘Lady Olivia will be eager to hear from you. She’ll be in the King’s suite for now’ Ruby asserted, and went back to report to her boss.
Despite Madeleine’s efforts, the polo match was lacklustre. The weather was overcast and drizzly – not so wet to have to cancel, but enough to make both riders and horses cold and miserable. The stands were half full and spectators huddled in their waterproof coats under umbrellas. The donations were generous enough for the renovation of the main library, but only just managed to scrape past what they had hoped to raise. The afternoon tea served at Karlingford didn’t fare much better as gusts of wind threatened to blow the marquees away and all the bright summer outfits that folk usually wore to such events were discarded for warmer duller clothes.
The Duke was in a foul temper, and the King claimed he had to leave early to return to the Palace before carrying on to Lord Delacour’s residence in the Cormery Isles and the nobles’ golf tournament. Lady Olivia also left not long after.
However, Madeleine did discover that Olivia did indeed skip breakfast each day and was not seen before midday for the few days she was there. She couldn’t get much more information, as the rooms she had set up to eavesdrop on her were reallocated to Lord Delacour when Olivia demanded closer quarters to Liam, and she had her own maid brought over from Lythikos, refusing entry to any of Madeleine’s staff. Lord Neville was only too pleased to be staying in such a grand suite and was insufferably smug for his entire visit.
That fact actually played into her hands, as it meant Lord Neville was only too eager to help her in her efforts to spy on the Nevrakis heir. Sadly she heard not long after that Olivia would not be going to the Cormery Isles, but would be in Lythikos personally assisting in arranging the early winter sports events. She suspected that she and Liam would be spending some time together, but had no way of knowing for sure.
One thing Madeleine could do while she was at her father’s manor was to try and get more information out of her mother. Although she was notorious for bedding younger men, she didn’t do so when her husband was around. She would have spent her evenings with Regina, but the Queen Mother was spending hers with Lord Domvalier. Lord Godfrey spent as much time as he could with the King, and when he wasn’t available, would instead pay a visit to the Beaumonts or Delacoeurs or other worthy noble families.
That left Madeleine and Adelaide in each others’ company one night, and patiently she plied her mother with champagne and let her ramble on about whatever subject she cared to talk about. First of all she bemoaned the fact that Maxwell Beaumont was under her roof and she couldn’t lay a finger on him, then got rather maudlin and complained that Bastien now had a partner and had eyes for no-one else.
‘That man is dynamite in the bedroom’ she sighed ‘Maddy, you need a good man to keep you happy. Are you still a virgin?’ When she didn’t answer, she waved her hand dismissively ‘I can’t believe Leo didn’t at least sample what he could have had’ Madeleine gritted her teeth.
‘Mother, that’s really not appropriate’ she said ‘I might ask you what happened when you disappeared last month.’ Adelaide rolled her eyes and dropped her head back.
‘Okay sweetie, I know when I’m beaten. You’ve got a pretty low opinion of me already, what could it hurt?’ She sat forward in her chair to pour more champagne, but didn’t drink any. She looked at her hands, turning her wedding ring round and round on her finger.
‘I’m listening. I can’t promise not to judge, but I’ll try’
‘I – well, I went to Monaco to meet someone. He likes to play games with – you know being dominant. I’ll spare you those details’ Madeleine’s blood ran cold as she listened ‘He – he tried to kill me, like I said. ‘He…’ She closed her eyes and tears squeezed out ‘He injected me with heroin and left me to die.’ Madeleine couldn’t speak – she was filled with rage against the perpetrator. Whatever her mother was – drunk, lush, cougar – she didn’t deserve to die. It was a while before her mother spoke again, so she handed her a tissue and sat next to her on the couch. She both wanted and didn’t want to know more. Why? Who? Her mind span.
‘If – if it wasn’t for the young man I’d met on the plane going to Monaco, I wouldn’t be here now’ she sobbed ‘He found me and called an ambulance’
‘Who was he?’ Madeleine asked in a strangled tone.
‘He said he’d followed me deliberately – that both Bastien and the King knew where I was going’ she went on ‘They asked if I’d press charges, that he was working with Anton Severus and the Sons of the Earth. I said I wouldn’t, because then you’d find out – and your father – and – and everyone’ She broke into fresh sobs and Madeleine sat trembling with horror and anger, unable to leave her mother’s side. Her hand hovered over her shoulder but didn’t land.
‘In the end I didn’t have to say anything, they caught up with them later. Bastien wouldn’t tell me the details, he wouldn’t even see me, he passed it over to Lewis’
‘This is outrageous’ Madeleine spat ‘How could they let them get away with this? There must be some way of getting retribution without the news getting out’
‘Please Maddy, don’t meddle with things’ Adelaide pleaded ‘I’ve learned my lesson, I won’t fall for something like that again’ Madeleine glowered – she couldn’t see how her mother could keep that promise. She knew who she had to talk to next, and it couldn’t wait.
Bastien cursed as his phone pinged. Sophia lay beside him, fast asleep, and he too had been out for the count. He looked blearily at the screen, blinking at the bright light. Lewis, now on duty for the night shift, informed him that Lady Madeleine wanted to speak with him urgently and she was waiting in her study. He passed his hand over his face and swung his legs out onto the floor. He’d been expecting this though not at such a late hour, and went over the details of her mother’s situation in his head, rehearsing how much he could tell her daughter without compromising security.
Had he been anywhere else, he would have told her to go to his office, but she was on home ground. The only thing he could do to keep the upper hand was to get dressed as if for work, and take his time over it.
‘Mmmm’ Sophia murmured, stirring at his movements ‘What is it, Bas?’
‘Go back to sleep theá mou’ he said gently ‘It’s work – nothing for you to worry about though, a minor matter that I have to see to’ She muttered again, unintelligibly, and was snoring gently before he’d finished getting dressed. He took his time making his way to meet Madeleine, and presented himself with a calm demeanour.
‘Mr Lykel, you took your time’ the so called Ice Queen was uncharacteristically agitated.
‘What can I do for you, your Grace?’ he asked coolly.
‘It has come to my attention that you had some knowledge of an attempt to kill my mother’ she said, voice shaking a little. ‘I demand you tell me what you know, and bring the guilty party to justice’
‘This is a delicate matter, your Grace’ he replied ‘May I sit?’ She nodded in irritation, and also sat behind her desk, but she wrung her hands together as he went on
‘May I ask why you think this is the case, Lady Madeleine?’ he asked
‘She told me’ she said shortly ‘Why haven’t you dealt with this matter already?’
‘I can assure you that the matter is in hand, but it may cause repercussions if it got out into the public domain’
‘I don’t care if everyone knows it, or just you and me. I demand you deal with it in a satisfactory manner’ Bastien sighed
‘Exactly what did Lady Adelaide tell you?’ he asked
‘Enough’ she said, enraged ‘She also told me that a certain Mr Nazario was involved. Who is he?’
‘I can only reiterate that all this is extremely sensitive information and ties in with the security of Crown and State. His Majesty is aware of the situation, and I can assure you that your mother’s assailant will answer for his crime’
‘Mr Lykel, I’m sure you can appreciate that I was at one point close to being Queen of Cordonia, and the King has chosen no-one else’ she said persistently ‘I caution you that in the future you may regret any refusal to assist me’
‘I suggest that you take up the matter with his Majesty’ Bastien said, stony faced.
‘How convenient that he’s not here right now’ she said in a low tone.
‘Then you may have to wait until you see him in person. I cannot break his confidence’ Madeleine practically growled as she went on
‘Mr Lykel, if I am ever in a position to be your superior, your employment will be terminated and I will hire people who will be more co-operative.’
‘If you were my superior I would tell you what you needed to know and serve you appropriately. Unfortunately, I plan to retire from the Guard shortly, so that will not be an issue’ he said, omitting to tell her that he would also be part of Liam’s reformed Council. ‘Will that be all?’ He asked ‘It’s very late and I’m officially off duty’ Madeleine glowered at him.
‘You may leave’ she spat ‘but this isn’t the end of the matter’
Olivia decided to visit Lucretia on her way back to Lythikos. She had been moved from a maximum security facility and was under house arrest in a cottage in the grounds of the Palace. The King’s guard had swept the Palace for explosives and listening devices, but had only come across equipment that the previous King had installed to keep tabs on his guests, some of which were known to them and others that were not. Bastien was not one hundred per cent happy with the security of the Palace just yet, but Liam’s quarters had passed muster, as had all the other accommodation suites in both the main part of the Palace and the staff wing. Places like the ballroom, library and other common areas were still being checked and were off limits to all but the Guard and Army personnel.
Lucretia still refused to talk to anyone about her role in the assassination at the coronation. She was free to move around the cottage as much as she wished, but had a security detail if she ventured outside. She was known to take walks every day before lunch, so Olivia had the Palace cook prepare some Lythican cookies as a gift, and went to visit her in the afternoon when she might be taking tea.  Her aunt was waiting in her lounge, and rose to greet her.
‘You’re looking pale’ she remarked ‘Life in the lowlands doesn’t suit you’
‘If it makes you any happier, I’ll be going there tomorrow to organise the arrangements for the Royal Charity tour’
‘Oh, that’ Lucretia said ‘Constantine’s spawn is trying to curry favour with his subjects’
‘You really shouldn’t call him that’ Olivia flushed with anger ‘He’s nothing like his father’
‘Then he won’t hold on to power for long. If nothing else, his Father knew how to do that at least. Sadly it meants house Severus has had a hard fight to regain their rightful position. How is your husband?’
‘I wouldn’t know’ Olivia said shortly, and put the box of cookies on the table. ‘If you’d like to make tea, I brought Knophlinken.’ For a split second, Lucretia’s pupils darkened. Olivia knew she loved them, as she often had them made when she was a child. They were hard, strongly spiced and barely sweet at all. Her aunt opened the box and inhaled the scent.
‘Almost’ she said shortly ‘Too much cinnamon – but I suppose you can only get the real thing from Lythikos. I’m guessing they were made in the Palace’
‘Indeed’ replied Olivia ‘Liam had some spices sent from the Lodge’
‘Well I suppose they will do’ She rang a little bell for the maid she was allowed to employ and ordered her to make tea for them both.
‘So you refuse to visit your husband’ Lucretia went on ‘I must admit he’s not the man he should be. If he was, I wouldn’t have had to step in and accelerate his ascension to the throne. Sadly he was too slow or too stupid to take advantage of things. That, and Mr Lykel was lucky to spot the assassin I hired before he dispatched the King and Prince.’
‘I think you’ll find that was skill, and not luck’ Olivia said coolly. The maid came in with a tray of tea things. In Lythikos, it was served with hot spiced milk and never with sugar. Olivia found that the aroma of the spices turned her delicate stomach as her aunt went to pour it, and she dry heaved. Her aunt stared at her, narrowing her eyes, and Olivia’s blood ran cold.
‘Are the spices not to your taste my dear?’ she asked archly ‘Or could it be that you’re going to bear a child – the spawn of the Rys dynasty?’
@emceesynonymroll @sirbeepsalot @cora-nova @stopforamoment @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria
@drakesensworld @katedrakeohd @pedudley @indiacater @texaskitten30
@be-still-my-aching-heart @hopefulmoonobject @dcbbw @classylady1234 @ladyangel70
@rainbowsinthestorm @nomadics-stuff @gardeningourmet @furiousherringoperatortoad @kimmiedoo5
@bascmve01  @ibldw-main @addictedtodrakefanfic @trappedinfandoms @princess-geek
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msjr0119 · 4 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 24
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
Book: The Royal Romance (A/U plot switch)
*Majority of the characters belong to Pixelberry*
Please do not read if under the age of 18. If you do, you are consenting that you are over this age. If any of the trigger warnings below affect you, please do not continuing reading the chapter! 😊
Warnings: Swearing, mention of cancer, mention of sex, mention of domestic abuse (past tense).
A/N: I feel like this is a filler chapter, and some of you may hate Riley in this 🤷‍♀️. As always there’s drama 🤦🏻‍♀️
Word Count: 2100ish
Tags: @pedudley @kacie-0156 @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @texaskitten30 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @axwalker @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @desireepow-1986 @choices97
Running out of the bathroom, Riley knew exactly who it was- and she wasn’t going to stop until she confronted the woman.
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, Riley. I do feel for you. Honestly I do. But I hope that you don’t fight this.”
“Take that back Kiara! What are you doing here anyway?” Drake snapped towards his ex.
“I’m paying my respect to my lover, who was murdered if you’ve forgotten. Both myself and Madeleine are here. Then I saw you run off Drake- I wanted to make sure that you was okay.” Moving closer towards him, she reached her arm out towards him- hoping to comfort him. However he dodged it, instead wrapping his arms around Riley’s waist.
“No, I’m not okay- but that is none of your concern. Don’t tell anyone what you overheard...”
“Drake.. I know how much Riley means to you. But I’m here still. I can heal you.” Fuck she said something similar in my dream.
“I’m still here you know! You never deserved someone like Drake!”
“Maybe not, but people change. As I said, I hope that you don’t fight this. I’m still here- and I’ll always be here. Along with your ex husbands money.. we can have a great future, Drake. Don’t worry I’ll keep your little secret, won’t be long until the press find out though...” Walking away with a smirk, Riley didn’t trust her one bit- Kiara would do anything and everything to ruin their relationship.
And that’s it- full time! Well done to the Apples, what a fantastic match.
“Shall we head up upstairs? I’ll quickly change before they all go to the changing room. I’ll meet you up there.” Riley just nodded, knowing that going upstairs was about to be like entering a battlefield.
Arriving upstairs, there were the usual familiar faces- the other WAGS. Then there was Kiara and Madeleine smirking, as if neither had done anything wrong in the past. They shouldn’t be there. They had no right to be there. They were ex partners. Not part of the ‘team’ anymore. Joining Olivia at the bar, Riley ordered a double whiskey. Ever since her cancer diagnosis she had avoided alcohol- but due to her run in with Kiara prior she needed it for Dutch courage.
“Woah, slow down.. what’s the matter with you?” Olivia asked, looking at her concerned. Ordering another, she really didn’t care what anyone thought anymore.
“Kiara and Madeleine are here. Kiara knows something about me. She’s not going to stop.”
“What does she know? Just ignore them. They’ll soon be booted out of here.”
“It doesn’t matter....”
“I killed your husband for you, if there’s something on your mind you can talk to me...”
“Kiara wants Drake back. That’s all.” Partially lying, she didn’t want to disclose the other reasoning as to why she was upset with Kiara’s presence in the room.
“Well Kiara can go and fuck herself with a baguette. He’s yours, he’s smitten with you. Don’t ever allow that French talking moron to steal him from you.” But one day I’m not going to be here, Riley thought to herself. Feeling familiar arms go around her waist, she was going to cherish every moment with Drake from now on.
Bertrand provided a short speech regarding the deaths of Constantine and Xavier. Even though deep down he didn’t want to as he was aware of their true personalities he felt the need to. To prove to the press that the club were fully ‘heartbroken’ about the news. Clearing his throat he quickly changed the subject, the club had some positive news to share.
“Before the chairman passed away, he was in the process of signing two new players to join our club. Since his passing, I completed these contracts with the support of; the head of recruitment, head of performance and analysis as well as the chief scout. I am pleased to announce that the two men who will be joining us will be arriving tomorrow. You may all know one of them, Neville Vancouver....”
“Who’s neville Vancouver?” Riley whispered in Leo’s ear.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know. He thinks he’s better than the rest of us. We played against his team last year, he has some beef with Drake. We don’t know why. He is always determined to break Drakes leg. I think it’s because Drake doesn’t have family who played professional football prior to him.”
“He sounds a snobby arsehole...” Leo high fived her. If his father wasn’t already dead, he potentially would be now. This news would never go down well with the team.
“The second player hasn’t played for Cordonian team before, so it’s a big change for him. I hope that you all make him feel welcome. Riley, you may know him....” Riley’s eyes widened, panic started running through he veins- wondering why she would know him.
“His name is Olivier Berger...”
“Fuck!” Not knowing how loudly that word slipped out, she soon had an audience as Bertrand continued talking about the mans career.
“Fuck?” Drake and Leo questioned her.
“Olivier played alongside Xavier in Manchester....”
“So why is that bad?”
“He’s the reason Xavier ....” Feeling like she couldn’t breathe, flashbacks from her past soon entered her mind.
“He’s one of the reasons that arsehole hurt my sister! Riley helped him recover from an injury and Olivier was forever grateful for her saving his career. That was all. Nothing more but Xavier became jealous.” Without fully elaborating, the gentlemen knew exactly what Lindsey was referring to. The abuse that Riley had received due to Xavier’s jealousy.
“Well it’ll be nice for him to have a friendly face when he arrives.” Drake said in a positive manner. Encouraging her not to worry about it.
“To end this speech, I’d just like to thank you all for putting in so much effort in today’s match. Even with the little disturbance from you Walker. Carry on putting one hundred per cent.....” Bertrand paused his speech as his phone began ringing along with a few notifications. Declining the call he read the notifications- his eyes widened before locking eyes with Riley. Suddenly an echo of gasps surrounded the room.
“Riley?” Bertrand managed to croak out, leading all eyes to land in her direction. Drake could feel Riley’s grip become tighter. Liam and Leo pulled her in for a tight hug, now she knew what was happening. Drake left her side. Not that he wanted to. Storming towards Kiara and Madeleine, they both fluttered their eyelashes towards him.
“Drake I’m so sorry to read about this...” Madeleine expressed in a fake sorrowful tone of voice before smirking.
“How could you do this Kiara?” Kiara pulled him to the side.
“I didn’t. I may have in a way threatened to do it but I would never do that. She’s dying anyway, so I just needed to be patient to win you back.”
“You and I were the only people who knew. So do explain to me how the press know the minute you found out?” Focusing her gaze towards her friend, Madeleine raised her drink into the air whilst winking. This was all the proof Drake needed. Somehow the witch knew. And exposed it. Still not trusting Kiara’s words, he decided to turn his anger towards the blonde. Kiara grabbed his arm, forcing him to face her. Caressing his cheek, she provided him with a soft smile as he tried to force his body away from her. Pulling him closer to her, she placed her lips on to his- keeping a tight grip on him.
“I love you, Drake. I’m always going to be here. I wouldn’t hurt you again.” Drake stood still, in shock that she would pull a stunt like this.
“Riley! Wait!” Pushing Kiara off of him, he saw all of his team mates run after Riley as the door slammed shut.
“Get the fuck out of my life, Kiara!”
Drake kept calling and texting Riley but there was no answer. From his point of view he knew that she was in shock as the Rhys held her tight. Wishing it was him instead. Wishing that he had stayed comforting her rather than demanding the truth from his ex. Instead Kiara forced a kiss up on his lips, and Madeleine was back with her cunning plans. Causing trouble as she always did.
Arriving home, he hoped that she was there. That hope soon disappeared. Heading straight to her apartment, he had the press following his every move. No luck there either. Trying each of his team mates houses, no one had seen or heard from her.
Riley Brooks the Apples physio, loses her ‘ex’ husband. Now according to an anonymous source there is talk of a cancer scare? Is there trouble in paradise, as Drake Walker has been spotted driving around Cordonia- we assume searching for his girlfriend? More news to follow....
Entering the cabin alone, he was worried for her welfare and state of mind. He kept trying to contract her, losing his mind. He hoped that she would return on her own accord.
Please let me know that you are okay. Please come home. I love you so much x
“He’s gone. You can come out now.”
“Thank you for covering for me.”
“He’s going to be losing his mind! Explain to us everything. Now!”
“Yes, I have cancer. I’m having an operation in a couple of weeks time. I didn’t want to worry anyone...so I didn’t want it to become public knowledge until after the op. Kiara overheard us discuss it. She’s the one that went to the press....” Breaking down in tears, her two friends comforted her as best as they could.
“And then he kissed her...” Barely speaking the words out- she felt as if her world had come crashing down in an instant.
“He wouldn’t kiss her on his own accord. It seemed like it was forced.”
“He’s a man, why couldn’t he push her away? If he loved me, he would have stayed with me. Stayed away from her.”
The two of them looked concerned at each other, Drake was a man who couldn’t defend himself against Kiara’s abuse for years. If a stranger looked at her, she looked innocent and sweet- possibly gave the impression of being the doting girlfriend. But she wasn’t.
“You need to talk to him. Let him know that you’re safe at least.”
“I will do. At some point. I promise. I won’t be a burden for you both.”
Two weeks later, Riley was at hospital preparing for her operation. She had stayed at her friends house, but refused to see Drake. Speaking to him on the phone, the conversations hit a dead end- he had insisted on coming to see her just to make sure that she was okay. However, she refused. Just saying that she will see him after her operation. In those two weeks, he kept himself to himself- whilst trying to hunt Madeleine down. To question her about her actions, to ask what benefitted her from doing this.
Arriving at the hospital, he demanded to know where Riley was- Lindsey had text him confirming that she was having the operation today.
“Mr Walker, you can’t see her just yet. I’ll let her know that you are here when she comes out of recovery.”
“That’s not good enough! Please... I just need to see her. Even if it’s for a minute.” Unlike Leo, he didn’t like to use his money for bribery- but in this situation, anything was worth a try.
“Right this way, Mr Walker.” Following the receptionist, she introduced him to the theatre nurse in charge. Knowing that they were going against hospital policies and procedures- the nurse led Drake into the room.
“What are you doing here?” Wondering why the staff would allow him to enter the room, whilst she laid down having her cannula inserted.
“I told you that I was going to be here every step...I’m going to hold your hand until you fall asleep, and I’m going to be here when you wake up.”
“Ki... Kia.. Kiara...” Seeing the anaesthetic quickly work its magic, he knew he had to be quick with his words.
“She forced that kiss upon me... I love you, Riley. We are going to get through this together- we are soulmates, you came in to my life for a reason. We are going to have a baby once this is over. I’m going to continue to play, to provide for the two of us...Madeleine was the one that went to the press, I assume anyway. Please don’t shut me out. I know that you’re upset, we didn’t plan for it to come out the way it did. But I’m here, always.”
“Dr.. Drake...” Forcing his hand off of hers, she may be half asleep but her brain was still fully functioning for the moment. Forcing her hand back into his, he kissed it softly. Letting it linger there.
“Marry me Riley...”
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Get To Know... Riley Liu
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Thanks for the tag @mskaneko​! I may have gone into way more detail than anyone could possibly care about, hahaha!
1. Name (+ bonus  why did you choose that name?)
Riley Liu, or Riley Walker after the wedding
I almost never change first names (I don’t particularly like coming up with names, and I’m always afraid I’m going to give my MC another character’s name, but Brooks just didn’t feel like a realistic surname for a Chinese-American woman)
2. Faceclaim
Kaman Kong
3. Nicknames
Liu, Walker in canon universe after her wedding
4. Birthday
June 17th
5. Height
6. Eye color
Dark brown
7. Hair color
8. Love interest (why did she choose this person?)
Drake Walker
No one had ever understood her and made her feel seen like he did, and he flirted with her by teasing/bantering, which is how she flirts as well. She never felt like she had to watch what she said or how she acted around him, and he still wanted to spend time with her and really get to know her. Plus, she thought he was good looking.
9. Best friend
Hana Lee
10. Personality traits
Snarky, goofy, competitive, fierce, protective
11. Family background
Her mother (Mei) was 19 years old when she had Riley and had been dating her father (Henry, age 23) for 7 months when she found out she was pregnant. Her mother thought that they would settle down and be a nice little family, but Henry had little interest in starting a family. Her parents were a volatile on-again, off-again couple until Riley was 3 years old, at which point they broke up for good. Riley saw him only a handful of times before he moved back to Beijing when she was 6 years old. Her paternal grandparents never even knew she existed, and she hasn’t spoken to her father since then.
Mei struggled with depression and anxiety and turned to heroin to cope. Her addiction made it difficult for her to hold down a job, and she frequently stole from her parents to pay for her next hit. Not knowing how to help their daughter, and not having the money to get her treatment, Riley’s grandparents kicked them out when Riley was 2 years old. They thought that this tough love approach would force Mei to get clean in order to care for her daughter, but it didn’t work as they’d hoped. Instead, Mei and Riley had very unstable housing, often sleeping on the floor of apartments of Mei’s friends, boyfriends, or dealers. When Riley was 10, Mei was arrested for the first time, and thus began a cycle of Riley being placed with a foster family while her mother served time, Mei getting clean and regaining custody, but eventually relapsing and forcing Riley back into the system.
Mei died from an OD when Riley was in her final year of college. In order to pay off her outstanding debts and give her a minimal funeral, Riley was forced to drop out of college. 
12. Hometown
NYC (Manhattan, primarily Chinatown or the surrounding neighborhoods)
13. Education
Completed 6 semesters of college through a combination of loans, scholarships, and service industry jobs before dropping out after her mother’s debt. Riley only applied to college because it allowed her access to subsidized housing away from her mother.
In the It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, Riley does eventually complete those last two semesters.
14. What languages does she know?
English, and she can understand conversational Mandarin (and can speak a little bit, but cannot read or write it) from time spent with her maternal grandparents when she was very young. She’s picked up some basic Spanish over the years as well through friends, coworkers, and a good foster family.
15. Occupation
Duchess in canon, which will never stop feeling ridiculous to her. In the ICWAM universe, she gets a job doing image management for public figures with a PR firm after she completes her college education, at least for a while...
16. Dream job
When she was little, she wanted to be a rock star. Now that she’s older, she’s very much a work to live, not live to work person, so she counts a job that pays her well that she doesn’t hate as a win.
17. Hidden talent
Darts. She’s insanely good, even when drunk.
18. Her strengths
Resiliency, flexibility, adaptability
19. Her weaknesses
Fears of abandonment, avoidance of needed negative conversations, impulsivity, impatience
20. Pet peeves
Passive aggressiveness, bad tippers
21. Guilty pleasure
Soap operas
22. Ideal outfit
Skinny jeans, black leather boots, a bright colored top, and her trusty leather jacket
23. Favorite season
24. Favorite vacation spot
Anywhere with good beaches. In all honesty, she’d only been on one trip before Cordonia (with her first foster family, the Veras), so any vacation feels like a real treat to her.
25. Celebrity crush
Matt Rodriguez
26. Who is her inspiration
The two sets of good foster parents she had, Hana
27. Whats is the craziest thing she has ever done?
She got on a plane to a country she’d never heard of with a guy she met less than 24 hours earlier
28. Describe her dream date
A casual meal and drinks over some sort of competitive activity (pool, darts, poker, giant jenga, you name it) Teasing, banter, and competition are all flirting/foreplay for her.
29. What’s more important for her in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection?
She always thought physical attraction prior to Drake, because she never thought she would be in a long-term committed relationship. But her emotional connection to Drake is something she never could have thought would be something she would experience, and she treasures it.
30. Three things she would take to a desert island
A pocket knife, a lighter, a flask
31. What is one thing she could never forgive?
A partner who stormed out in a fight without letting her know where he was going
32. What gets her out of bed in the morning?
Like, what motivates her? When things are good, a general sense of wanting to enjoy what she currently has. When things are bad, the belief that it will pass and things will get better.
Or, if we are talking what physically gets her out of bed? Her annoyance with her alarm.
33. What does she use more often: her intuition or logical reasoning?
She thinks she is very logical, but if she isn’t careful, her panic response that she built up throughout her childhood masks itself as logic.
34.  Would she rather be alone doing something she enjoy, or doing something she doesn’t like with her best friends?
Definitely doing something she doesn’t like with her best friends
35. What's her biggest regret?
In canon, accepting the duchy. In ICWAM, she comes to be at peace with her life choices through therapy.
Bonus: three random facts about your MC
- She loves New York style bagels, to the point that her social media handles often make some reference to being a “bagel bitch.”
- Her favorite animals are penguins. She can’t explain it.
- She uses a peach body wash, lotion, and body mist from Bath and Body works, even in the canon universe where she could afford nice perfume. Drake likes the way she smells, so she sees no point pretending to have richer tastes than she does.
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dcbbw · 4 years
WIP Wednesday 3-25-2020
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Thanks for the tags @loveellamae​ and @bobasheebaby​
I am working on sooooo many things, but here’s what’s making progress this week.
 Next chapter of Liara (Liam x Kiara)—Plans Fall Apart
He threw his hands helplessly up in the air. “You knew … hell, the entire country knew … the Queen and I were trying for an heir! But each attempt was unsuccessful, and I didn’t see anything … untoward about sticking with the status quo if it meant you were safe from her slander!”
Kiara took a sip of her coffee; it was cold. She set the cup down with a frown, then settled her gaze on Liam again. Her voice was low, her tone tight.
“I would rather be defended than protected, Liam. I am a grown woman who made her choices. I can live with them. When it comes to our future, you should always consult with me first. Now, because you think you know best, we don’t have anything to look forward to, except …  goodbyes.”
Kiara’s voice cracked on the last word; her face fell in her hands as her shoulders shook.  
Liam moved from his chair to the one Madeleine vacated, sidling as close to Kiara as possible. His arms wrapped around Kiara as he pulled her into his chest, her tears wetting his shirt.  
“It’s my fault,” Kiara hiccupped. “I fell in love with you too late.”
“I’m just grateful you love me at all,” Liam whispered into her hair. “We’ll get through this. Together. I’ve waited too long to have you in my life this way. We just need a plan.”
 Next Chapter of Discontent (Liam x Riley)—Same Room
Liam led them to the couch. “Come, love … sit down.”
Riley sat, her breathing heavy and shaky as she disengaged herself from her husband. Liam immediately grabbed her hand; she gently pulled it away.
“I’m sorry,” she hiccupped. “I didn’t mean to intrude.” Her eyes darted around the room.
Liam’s brow furrowed as his eyes filled with confusion. “You’re my wife, Riley. Why would you think you’re intruding? On anything?”
Riley’s eyes were downcast and her voice low when she spoke. “I was referring to your … companion. I know she travels with you.”
The memory of Nina standing outside the elevator doors, holding a plate of food flashed through Liam’s mind.
“She’s not here,” he said softly as his thumb brushed across her damp cheek.
Riley raised an eyebrow.
Liam sighed. “She’s in Vienna, yes. She’s even staying at this hotel. But not with me. I wanted to be alone this trip.”
“Why?” Riley asked as she dug in her purse for tissue.
Liam watched as she pulled a packet of tissues from her purse and dabbed at her eyes and wiped under her nose.
“Because I’m in love with my wife,” he whispered, his voice cracking slightly.
 Next Chapter of DC AU—Out of the Woodwork
“Dude …,” Liam’s voice was low, hushed.
“Where are you?” Maxwell asked curiously.
“In my office. I ‘m taking a break from working on invoices, but I just threatened my staff with HR for goofing off. I don’t want them to know I’m doing the same thing. Can you talk?”
Maxwell booted up his laptop and monitors. “Yeah. Just making sure I have everything ready for my check-in with Jill at 11.”
On his end of the phone, Liam frowned. “Jill?”
“Yeah, our new interim Deputy. The last one lasted all of one month. Jill’s been here almost 7 weeks. Riley and I don’t like her; the temp doesn’t like her. But we’re going to stick it out until her contract is up and see who’s in place then.”
Liam shook his head. It couldn’t be the same Jill. No way did he almost sleep with Riley B.’s boss.
“So, what’s up?” Maxwell prodded Liam as he revised the spreadsheet he had pulled up.
“Oh yeah, I have news.”
“Riley told me! About making junior partner. The chili, the dancing, the kiss, … the date!”
Liam crossed his eyes. Riley B. is jinxing us already!
“Well, I wasn’t going to tell you any of that. Did she tell you what happened between her and Drake?”
Maxwell stopped typing. “Noooooo”, he breathed.
“He dumped her in Target. For Alyssa. And then kind of ghosted.”
Maxwell’s eyes were big. He really needed to call Olivia. Before he could respond, he heard footsteps running down the carpeted hall. Riley appeared in his doorway, her face filled with disbelief and just a touch of fear.
“DRAKE just called me! He wants to talk!!”
Riley and Maxwell locked eyes, identical expressions of shock on their faces. Then Riley turned and ran back to her office.
“Max?” Liam’s voice was slightly impatient.
“Drake just called Riley. He wants them to have a talk!”
“WHAT?” Liam yelled, but he was speaking to dead air. Maxwell had hung up.
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 6
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a new TRR AU I’ve been working on. This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow @aworldoffandoms @dcbbw @ladyangel70 @texaskitten30 @sunandlemons @jlynn12273 @indiacater @jared2612 @rainbowsinthestorm @drakesensworld @badchoicesposts @msjr0119 @katurrade @blackcoffee85 @cynicalworlds
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley gets to know the other important people in Liam’s life and learns about his past.
“Okay, tell me everything!”
Hana and I sit in our usual booth at the Double Tappe, discussing the events of our first day at our new jobs. She tells me about her schedule and the other teachers she’ll be working with this school year. I then tell her about the literal “run-in” with Liam in the kitchen, and the incident with the paparazzi in the park. She listens intently, pausing every few moments to take a sip of her Whiskey Sour. When I finish, she sits back and exhales.
“Whew. That’s intense. “What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to make sure we have someone with us every time we leave the house. I’m not worried about being attacked, but if they get too close, I’m worried they might frighten the kids.”
“That’s not what I was referring to.”
Of course, she wasn’t. I know what she’s hinting at and I’m not taking the bait. She was the one who told me to be cautious when it came to Liam. And as much as I want to throw caution to the wind, my job is more important than some mild flirtation with my boss.
“Hana,” I warn.
She throws up her hands defensively. “Look, I saw how you two were the other night. You can’t tell me there’s nothing there. I’m just trying to get you to realize the gravity of the situation. Getting involved with your boss is one thing. Him being a prominent figure is a whole different animal. Especially given his current marital status.”
I sigh and take a long pull of my drink. She’s absolutely right. As much as I want to argue with her, I can’t. Especially after what happened in the park this morning. The last thing I need is the tabloids catching wind of my little crush. I drag my hands down my face, wishing I could just disappear into the floor. “I hate that he’s a celebrity in this city. This would be so much easier if he was a nobody. Why does this have to be so messy?”
“You poor, stupid fool.”
“Excuse me?” I jerk my head around and come face to face with a woman with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes. She’s wearing a black blazer over a grey skirt and top. She stands next to me; one hand on her hip, and a look that would incinerate me.
“Scoot your ass,” she says, motioning for me to move over. She smirks and takes a seat in the booth next to me. “So, you’re the new nanny.”
“I am. And you are?”
“Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis.”
She holds out her hand to me and I shake it nervously. She then reaches over and shakes Hana’s hand. Hana and I slink back in our seats, eyeing each other. Who is this woman? And what the hells does she want with us?
“I couldn’t help but overhear your little ‘predicament.’”
“Yeah? What’s it to you anyway?” I ask suspiciously.
“Let’s just say I’m an old friend. And I’m very interested in this new person in my friend’s life.”
“You’re a friend of Liam’s?”
She takes a sip of her wine, examining the glass. “You’d think this halfwit bartender would know how to properly clean a glass before serving drinks to his customers,” she states loud enough for the entire room to hear.
From behind the bar, I see Drake shoot her a death glare. “Because gods forbid her Highness has to drink out of a glass with water spots,” he grumbles, then retreats back to the kitchen. Hoo boy, that was awkward.
She rolls her eyes. “Now, where were we? Yes, I’m a friend of Liam’s. Our fathers were business partners a million years ago, so we grew up together. We even dated for a hot minute in college, but we realized we were better off as friends. Then, he married that she-witch.” She chuckles, taking another sip of her wine. “You know, the day he told me he was going to ask her to marry him, I told him he was the dumbest motherfucker alive. You’d think he would have listened to me.”
Hana cocks her eyebrow. “That seems harsh. Even if you didn’t agree with it, a good friend would guide him toward the right path, but support his decision no matter how stupid you thought it was.”
Olivia eyes Hana, smirking. “Oh, sure. If it were anyone else. But that man was so blinded by love and pussy, he completely missed all the signs about her. He wasn’t even her first choice. She had eyes for his brother, but Leo hit it and quit it faster than you can say, ‘Here’s cab money. Now get out.’”
Hana glares at Olivia, then turns to me. “Excuse me. I need to use the ladies' room.” She slides out of her seat and stalks off towards the back of the bar.
“I’m sorry, but why are you telling me this? I don’t even know you.” This all feels weird. This woman I just met is suddenly so interested in my non-existent relationship with my boss, who just happens to be her friend. This entire conversation is completely out of left field.
Olivia shakes her head. “You don’t think I don’t know about his little infatuation over you? We talk every day and he’s told me about you. And now seeing you in person, I get it. You’re young. You’re hot. You’re his kids’ nanny, so the whole idea of pursuing you is taboo. He’s pussywhipped and you haven’t even given up the pussy yet. To be honest, I don’t give a shit about you. I’m just looking out for my friend. He’s still legally married, and I don’t want this to blow up in his face.”
I already knew he talked about me to his friends, but to admit to them he has a thing for me? My head is spinning as I take in the information she’s slinging at me. Before, it was just a stupid crush. Now that I know he reciprocates my feelings for him, I’m not sure what to think.
“Wait a minute. Are you in love with him?”
She laughs. ”Good gods, you're as ignorant as my ex-husband.”
”You were married?”
”Ugh, yes don't remind me. My parents basically forced us into it because it was ’good for business’” she says, making air quotes with her fingers. “The day I married Anton Severus was the day a part of my soul died.”
”Wait...The Anton Severus? Majority Owner of the Lykos Kings?”
She sighs. ”One and the same. The only good thing I got out of that marriage was part-ownership of that damn baseball team. Except I hate baseball. I only keep it to piss him off.”
Hana returns a moment later. She scowls at Olivia as she slides back into her seat. “So, what did I miss?” she asks sarcastically.
“Well, your friend here has the hots for her boss, which I’m sure you already know. I also gather she’s told you about his situation. And to top it off, he’s like a horny teenager over here waiting for his divorce to be finalized so he can make a move on her.”
Hana sighs. “I’m not going to lecture you any more about it. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.” She stands to leave and picks up her drink. “Olivia, pleasure to meet your acquaintance,” she says and moves to the bar to chat up a tall brunette in a blue mini dress who’s been eyeing her all night.
Olivia cocks an eyebrow at me. “You should listen to your friend. She’s obviously the smart one.” She polishes off her glass of wine and slides out of the booth. “Word of advice; keep your hormones in check until the ink is dry. If Madeleine finds out he’s got heart eyes for you, she’ll drag this bitch out until the kids are in retirement homes. Until next time, Riley Brooks.” Then, she saunters away.
“Don’t worry about her. She might seem vicious, but she’s harmless,” I look over to see Drake wiping down the table in the booth next to me. He eyes my empty glass. “Want another one?”
“Actually, do you have Skullcracker Ale on tap?”
“16 or 20 ounce?”
“After the day I’ve had, make it a 20.”
He nods and makes his way to the bar to pour my beer. He returns a few minutes later, beer in hand. He sets it in front of me and takes a seat across the booth from me. “So, you and Liam, huh?”
I groan, dropping my head into my hands. “First of all: there is no ‘Liam and I.’ Second: How many people know about this?”
Drake chuckles. “Not as many as you think. Just Max, Liv, and myself. We’re his three closest confidants, and he trusts us with his life. Even more than his family or that bitch of a wife.”
“Wow. I take it you’re not a member of the Madeleine Karlington Fan Club either.”
“That woman is the devil incarnate. Even before they got married, she was always chasing the ‘next big thing'. He told you why they’re splitting up, right?”
“Yeah, he said she cheated on him with one of her co-workers,” I reply.
He holds his finger up and walks over to the bar. Grabbing a tumbler, he pours himself two fingers of whiskey, then returns to the table. He sits down and sighs deeply. “Sorry, I need a drink for this. So anyway. Yes, she slept with one of her co-workers, but what Liam didn’t know is that it wasn’t the first time.”
“Olivia said she also slept with his brother.”
Drake nods. “Leo and Madeleine ‘dated’ for a few months the summer after we graduated college. Leo was only interested in a fling, but Madeleine was madly in love with him. After he dumped her, she started dating Liam to get back at him. The problem was, Liam fell in love with her. They dated for three months before he moved her into his penthouse, and they were engaged six months after that. They married less than a year later, and she got pregnant with Charlotte shortly after. Come to find out that she was messing around almost the entirety of their seven-year marriage.”
I gasp. “Oh, my gods. Are the kids his?”
“Yes, thankfully. One look at Philip, and there’s no question he’s Liam’s. He’s the spitting image of him as a child. Charlotte looks more like Madeleine, but he had a paternity test to be sure. Especially since she’s asking for full custody and child support in the divorce.”
I shake my head. Good gods, I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around how dysfunctional their relationship is. What’s worse is there are kids involved. Thank goodness they’re too young to comprehend what is going on with their parents. I take a pull of my beer. “So how long have you and Liam known each other.
“Liam, Max, Liv, and I have all been friends since high school. He and I played lacrosse together sophomore year. He and Liv dated for a few months in college. They fought all the time because she’s stubborn as hell.”
“Was it serious? Liam and Olivia?”
He grins. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy?”
“N-no. I’m just...curious. Do I need to worry about a crazy ex stalking me?”
“I’d be more worried about Madeleine firing your ass and ruining your chances of getting another nanny job than I would be about Olivia harboring feelings for Liam. Deep down they love each other, but it’s not romantic.”
I nod and take a sip of my beer. Why am I jealous? Liam isn’t mine, so I have no right to be envious of Olivia or their relationship. Besides, if she was really after him, I’m sure she’d crush me with her bare hands for trying to step in and take “her man.” OMG, listen to yourself, Riley. He’s your boss, not your boyfriend. That means he’s technically off-limits.
“So, what does Liam’s family think of all this?” I ask.
Drake chuckles, but there is no humor in his voice. “Constantine is the one who encouraged Liam to marry Madeline. He said marrying a girl like her would convince investors to do business with the company because it would paint Liam as a ‘family man.’ He knew about her and Leo but said that it wouldn’t matter because Leo wasn’t the settling down type. Leo was actually supposed to take over the family business after college, but he gave that up to travel the world. To be honest, the company is in better hands under Liam. Their revenue went up like 25% last year.”
“Is that a good thing?”
He shrugs. “I guess. At least that’s what everyone tells me. I don’t know jack about multinational investment companies. Hells, I barely know the ins and outs of running a business.”
I cock an eyebrow at him. “But you’re a business owner. Don’t you think you should at least know the basics of running your own business?”
“Yeah, probably.” He notices Hana and her new lady friend flagging him down and gets up from the booth to move back behind the bar. I leave my booth and take a seat a few stools away from Hana. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her lean in and whisper into the woman’s ear, the two of them touching each other’s arms and giggling. Get it, girl!
“So, what made you want to open your own bar?”
He finishes making their drinks, then moves down the bar. “It’s always been my dream to own my own bar. There was this place called The Laughing Seal where we used to drink when we were in college. It burned down about five years ago. Most of the place was destroyed, but the bartop managed to survive. Liam’s dad knew the owner and convinced him to let me buy the bar when I opened the Double Tappe.” Drake says, running his hands along a charred spot on the bar.
“I’m glad you found your passion. And I’m glad you give us a place to unwind. You’re like a modern-day Sam Malone.”
He snorts. “Except I suck at baseball and the ladies don’t fawn over me like that.”
I smirk and glance up at the clock on the wall. Holy shit, how is it already 9 p.m.? I reach in my purse and slap two $20s on the bar top for my tab. “Thanks for the chat, Drake. I’ll talk to you later this week.” 
He nods. “No problem. And for what it’s worth, don’t let the whole Madeleine thing bother you. If you and Liam are meant to be, it will all work itself out.”
I shake my head and turn to Hana, who is currently exchanging phone numbers with the brunette. “You ready to head out, girl?” I ask her.
She leans in and whispers into her companion’s ear before standing up. “Yep, let’s go. I have to finish putting my lesson plan together for the year. See ya, Drake.”
He waves to us as we exit the bar. It’s late August, so the weather is still warm. We decide against hailing a cab and trek the 10 blocks back to our apartment. As we walk arm-in-arm, Hana tells me about her new lady friend. Her name is Meghan and they’re going out this weekend. She grins from ear to ear as she talks, and I can’t help but feel joy for her. All the pressure she gets from her parents to find a man, it’s about time she lives for herself. If my best friend can find happiness, maybe there’s hope for me as well.
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buffster · 5 years
New Moon Rising (BTVS 4.19)
This is part of my ongoing Buffyverse Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the shows. You can find the BTVS list here and the ATS list here. Gifs are not mine.
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It’s interesting to re-watch New Moon Rising, because the first time I saw it I was dreading it. At the time I hadn’t taken to Tara at all and did not want Willow to choose her and hurt Oz (I was already spoiled that she did). Who knew Willow and Tara would go on to become such an iconic couple from Buffy, right up there with Buffy and Angel? In the following season I grew to love Tara and the Willow/Oz relationship became a distant memory. 
I don’t entirely blame myself for these feelings, though. Tara wasn’t really much of a character at this point. Her main personality trait seemed to be shy. We knew Oz was stoic but internally a big thinker, quirky, and liked music, which is much more than we got on Tara. She seemed to exist solely to be Willow’s girlfriend for the fourth and even much of the fifth season (anyone else thinking of that out-of-nowhere Tara thinks she’s a demon plot?). 
I have to really admire the respect Tara gives Willow during this whole scenario, though. She doesn’t get possessive, she gives Willow the time and space to make a clear choice, and just overall conducts herself with dignity. It’s behavior worth aspiring to. Especially since we don’t get even a moment of Tara feeling conflicted when Oz is in trouble. She does the right thing with the full expectation that she’s pushing Oz right in to Willow’s arms. Eventually they would decide Tara is a remarkably mature and level-headed person, but at this point I think they just used her as a plot device. Another note on the relationship: Tara knows the whole Oz story already, which contrasts with Buffy and Riley when it comes to Angel. 
Riley: Gotta say. I'm surprised. I didn't think Willow was that kind of girl.
Buffy: What kind of girl?
Riley: Into dangerous guys. She seems smarter than that.
Buffy: Oz is not dangerous. Something happened to him that wasn't his fault. God, I never knew you were such a bigot.
Riley: Whoah! How did we get to bigot? I'm just saying it's a little weird to date anyone that tries to eat you  once a month.
Buffy: Love isn't logical, Rye. People can't just be Joe Sensible about it. God knows I haven't been.
Oz’s return brings up an issue for Buffy and Riley: they have very different attitudes about supernatural creatures. I’d argue we could also have examined the fact that Buffy has told Riley nothing about Angel. It’s an early sign that she just hasn’t let him in. As I said, Tara knows all about Oz, and Riley and Buffy’s relationship has been developed over the season as much (if not more so) as Tara and Willow’s. I think Angel is to blame for this one. It looked like she was learning to fully rely on Angel as her partner, but when she had to kill him that cemented her role as slayer in her mind and therefore other. It’s hard to entirely blame her for distancing herself and treating her relationships as sort of a side item; after all, what if Riley gets possessed and she has to kill him? Or some other shenanigans? The circumstances won’t matter because slayer comes first. Buffy dealt with having to kill Angel, but I think she dealt with it by hardening her heart to ever being that vulnerable again. I’m not saying this isn’t an issue she could overcome, but it is an issue and we see her fall into these habits even more in the fifth season. 
Before I go full meta essay on Buffy’s romantic relationships (let’s save that for after both shows) let’s get back to Riley’s bigotry. He has to make a clear choice this episode between Buffy’s ideologies and the Initiative’s and he chooses Buffy’s. But I think it would be more accurate to say he chose Buffy over the Initiative. He’s able to return to them later and I doubt they’ve changed their attitudes that much. 
Buffy: Is that regulation or something? You have to do those every single morning?
Riley: No. I do them because it's a good way to start the day.
Buffy: Right. And then you have your perfectly balanced breakfast and call your mother.
It’s funny to hear Buffy react like this because it almost sounds like something Faith would say to Buffy. Hmm. I could have a theory that Riley was a really good match for pre-slayer Buffy and that was a big part of her attraction to him. Ultimately, the black-and-white worldview was broken for Buffy and she was forced to see the grey. Unlike Buffy, Riley actually gets the choice. We can’t say for sure, but I feel like after leaving Buffy he eventually goes back to his old ways. 
Willow and Oz finally get to talk. Willow says that Oz has done all these amazing things while she has just been in Sunnydale, but the truth is she is the one who has changed while he hasn’t. He got her a sari and kept her in his mind like a goal to get back to, but Willow had no idea if he was ever coming back and moved on with her life. Oz really needs to work on more communication in his future relationships.  
It was a little convenient that the Initiative showed up to save Tara from werewolf Oz. And then they just let Tara walk off like it’s no big deal? What happened to the undercover concept? Apparently that was just a plot device to play up the drama of Buffy and Riley learning each other’s identities. 
We get a look at the darker concepts of the Initiative when they torture Oz, but once again see that it’s the personal that drives Riley, not the principal. He’s all for killing the werewolf until he realizes he knows Oz and has a connection to Buffy. 
Graham: This can't end well, man.
Riley: You gonna start killing people?
Forrest: I'm thinking just one.
Riley: You and me trained together from day one, Forrest. But I always outranked you. Come after me, you're gonna find out why. 
Riley pulling out some BDE. Buffy and Riley end the episode hiding out together, and she finally decides to tell him about Angel. Convenient, given we’re going to see him next episode. 
Oz: But I couldn't look at you. It turns out the one thing that brings it on, is you. Which falls under the heading of ironic in my book.
I’d forgotten that it’s really Oz who decides to walk away, rather than Willow rejecting him. I think she always would have chosen Tara but couldn’t bear to hurt Oz. I don’t know; the vibe just seemed more regretful than torn throughout the episode. 
Willow goes to Tara and has sexy times right after, too, so that lends credence to the not-really-torn idea. 
Character Notes:
Willow Rosenberg: She considers herself a dog person, but she loves cats too.
Adam: Parts of him were a boy scout...yikes. He’s recruited Spike to his cause.
Buffy Summers: She makes a reference to William Burroughs. She plays dumb sometimes but is incredibly knowledgeable with her references. 
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The Nice Guy - Part 5 of 6
Mari = Mari McCabe (Vixen) from DC. I do not own her. I merely ship her with Sam most passionately because they’re perfect for each other.
Word count: 2092
Warnings: Fluffffffff
Tuesday came around and you felt a bundle of nerves coiled in your stomach as you and Clint left your apartment to head to Nat and Bucky’s.
“Y/N, relax,” Clint urged as the two of you approached their place. “We’re just gonna be watching an away game with our friends. What has you so tense?”
You snuggled closer to his side, arm around his waist. “It’s just…”
“Hey,” he said, stopping and turning you to face him, “talk to me.”
You sighed. “I haven’t talked to Sam since we started dating. What if he hates me now?”
“He won’t hate you. He’s your friend, Y/N; he doesn’t want to be miserable and lonely for the rest of your life just because you dated his late best friend.”
“I know…” You fiddled with the hem of your sweater, eyes on Clint’s black Vans. “I really do know that. There’s just a part of me that’s unsure.”
“Then let’s go in there,” Clint leaned in to kiss your forehead, “and show that part of you that it was worried for nothing.”
He didn’t bother knocking; no one in the group needed to knock when there was a full get-together. The door was unlocked and everyone else had already arrived. The two of you unloaded the brownies and soda you’d brought at the already overladen snack table that had been set up in the corner of the living room.
When you turned to face your friends, you found everyone staring at the two of you. Nat, Bucky, Steve, and Peggy were all smirking at the sight of Clint’s arm around your waist, while Sam’s eyes were wide with surprise.
“Well,” Sam said, finally breaking the silence that had fallen, “it’s about damn time.”
You felt your face flush as Clint laughed and pressed a kiss to your temple. “My thoughts exactly, man,” he laughed.
After the game had finished, you found yourself sitting next to Sam on the couch. He was showing you a picture of the young woman one of his professors paired him with for a partner assignment. Her name was Mari, and he was smitten but hadn’t yet worked up the courage to ask her out.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked when the conversation eventually hit a lull. “Why were you so instantly okay with Clint and me dating? I mean, I guess I expected part of you to be mad because…”
“Because you used to date Riley,” he finished for you. “It’s not like you and Riley broke up, Y/N. I know you loved him like he loved you, and part of you always will. I’m just glad you’re able to make room in your heart to try loving someone again.”
“Thanks,” you said with a smile, “I really appreciate hearing you say that.”
“Besides,” Sam laughed, “I’m pretty sure all of us but you have known about Clint’s crush on you for years. Riley was afraid to ask you out when he first met you because he thought you and Clint were already together.”
“No!” you gasped. “Why did he think that?”
“You’ve always been so comfortable around each other,” he explained, “and like I said, it was obvious to the rest of us that he’s in love with you. Seriously, as open-minded as Clint is, not even he would volunteer to stay in the middle of a girl’s night and have his toenails painted unless it meant spending time with you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, my friend,” Cline said, popping his head up from behind the couch and cutting into your conversation. “Foot care is important. Your feet are the foundation of your body. If there’s something wrong with them, it throws your whole body off. Why not also make them pretty?”
“Man, you are all kinds of strange.”
“Yes, he is,” you agreed with a grin, “and I wouldn’t change a thing about him.”
The months went by and your relationship with Clint remained steady. Sometimes you would go out on more formal dates (usually to celebrate special occasions like finals being over), but mostly the two of you continued to hang out as you normally would but with Clint showing more physical affection. He always kept it light, a hand to the small of your back or a kiss to the cheek, never wanting to push you beyond what you were comfortable with. You really appreciated it; as much as you knew you still loved him as a friend, you didn’t want to do anything that marked too much commitment while you were still trying to sort out your feelings.
One Saturday in August, he planted his usual goodbye kiss to your forehead on his way out the door. He was on his way to a guys’ hangout at Bucky’s, while the ladies of your friend group were coming over to your apartment. In a few hours the eight of you (Sam had finally asked Mari out and you’d all absorbed her into your group) would meet up at a burger joint for dinner.
“Okay, so,” Peggy started when she opened the door, all three of the girls pouring into the apartment at once, “I had this idea. We’ve done mani-pedis before, but not facials, so I brought a bunch of different products since I wasn’t sure what everyone’s skin types were.”
“Girl, those are expensive,” Mari gasped as she watched Peggy unload the supplies. “How can you afford all that?”
“She’s rich,” you laughed. “Probably didn’t realize they’re expensive to us normal folk.”
“Hey,” Peggy protested, “I’ll have you know I specifically didn’t get anything actually expensive in an effort to avoid this conversation.”
“Little things add up,” Nat pointed up, reaching over to grab a charcoal mask and read the label, “but she’s right about these being mid-range as far as the cost goes. Nice choices, Peg, these are some quality masks for the price point.”
“Thank you, Nat. Just enjoy it ladies. I only supply the activity for girls’ night every fourth hangout.”
She showed you all what she had brought and you each selected the mask you wanted to use. Peggy was right; if she could afford to spoil you guys and wanted to, it didn’t hurt to let her. Girls’ night didn’t come around that often anyway.
You had a vote on what to do while the masks were on your faces, since they tended to make talking difficult. Call of Duty won out, and you and Mari made Nat and Peggy be on separate teams this time to prevent a repeat of what you jokingly referred to as The Great Slaughter. Mari and Nat ended up beating you and Peggy for the first round and losing the second. The four of you were about to make it the best two out of three when the timer went off to remind you to remove your masks.
“So, Mari,” Peggy asked once the masks were off and talking became easier, “how are things going with Sam?”
She shook her head and laughed. “He’s a dolt and I think I’m falling in love. He showed up early to pick me up after my last fitting for next week’s show and couldn’t talk straight for fifteen minutes. I was in a sweater! We’re showing upcoming fall fashion, for goodness’ sake.”
“He gushes about your accomplishments when you’re not around,” you told her with a smile. “All about how proud he is you got your modeling job, how amazing you look in everything, how your eyes light up when you talk about work…”
“That man has it bad,” Peggy added.
“He’d better, I’m amazing,” Mari joked. “Seriously, though, he’s so supportive and it means the world to me. My ex used to get mad at me for trying to model, said he was the only one allowed to look at me.”
Nat frowned. “I hope you dumped his ass.”
“Faster than Clint inhales nachos.”
The comparison had the four of you laughing as Nat restarted your game for round three.
“Speaking of men who have it bad, how are things with Clint?” Nat asked.
“Oh, no,” you replied as you made your avatar duck behind an overturned Humvee. “I am not letting you distract me. Peggy and I are winning this round.”
“I was actually wondering the same thing,” Peggy said as her avatar lobbed a grenade at Nat’s hiding spot.
“Yeah, girl, spill,” Mari added. “We want details.”
“Does no one care how things are going with Steve or Bucky?”
Peggie laughed at your attempts at misdirection. “Steve’s perfect, as always.”
“Bucky’s still an asshole and I still love him,” Nat said, “now stop dodging the question.”
You sighed, acknowledging they weren’t going to let up easily. “I don’t know. I still don’t feel like I’m in love with him, but the thought of living without him hurts, so I don’t know what to do about it.”
“So what I’m hearing,” Nat said, briefly interrupting herself with a curse as Peggy got the drop on her in-game, “is that you’re in love with him but don’t recognize it.”
“Hypothetical scenario.” Peggy took full advantage of surprising Nat, bringing your team into the lead. “You never see Clint ever again. You’ve got the rest of our friend group still, but Clint is gone. What’s your reaction?”
It wasn’t too hard to imagine; you’d lost Riley, after all. But…even when you’d lost Riley, you still had Clint. You’d known him since you were five; every major memory you had from growing up, every milestone, Clint had been there. If he were suddenly gone…
“Y/N, honey, breath,” Mari said, dropping her controller and wrapping her arms around your shoulders. You forced yourself to take a deep breath and suddenly realized you were sobbing.
“I wasn’t expecting my question to hit so hard,” Peggy apologized, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I had no idea…”
“He’s always been there,” you gasped out around your sobs. “Then I thought about losing him like Riley, and I couldn’t take it. My world would fall apart.”
The girls wrapped themselves around you, the game still on the screen but entirely forgotten. It took almost ten minutes to calm you down from your surprise panic attack. Once you were calm, Mari realized that you were all supposed to meet the guys in twenty minutes and had a fifteen-minute walk to get there. The rush to get ready was interspersed with you assuring them all individually and together that you were okay now.
And you were okay, until you saw Clint waving at you right outside the door of your destination. You felt it then, every bit of emotion you felt for him, the gratitude and the joy and the overwhelming need. You needed Clint, you realized, and you didn’t want to stop needing him. You wanted him with you for the rest of your life so that you’d never have to face anything alone and so you could help him in all the ways he helped you.
“Hey, love, how was girls’– mmph!”
You cut him off with a kiss, the first kiss you ever gave him. It wasn’t soft or sweet like you’d always assumed it would be whenever it finally happened; you were pouring all of the want and need you felt into it, and he melted against you immediately, telegraphing his love back. It was desperate and needy and you felt like your whole body was on fire when you finally had to break away for air.
“I love you.”
The hope in his eyes almost made you cry again. You didn’t trust your voice, so you nodded.
“I love you too, Y/N. I’ve loved you for so long.” He was crying, and that did it; tears started falling down your cheeks again.
“I know.” You kissed him again, softer this time but just as passionate. “I’m sorry it took me so long to figure out my feelings.”
“Never,” Clint said fiercely, “ever apologize. You are worth every bit of the wait.”
“As touching and drastically overdue as this whole thing is,” Bucky cut in, “I’m hungry. Can we go eat now? Hey!” He jumped and protested as Natasha jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.
You laughed and rested your head on Clint’s shoulder. “Yes, Bucky, we can go eat now.”
“Say it again,” Clint whispered to you as the eight of you made your way into the restaurant. You smiled up at him, completely taken with the light in his eyes.
“I love you.”
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madelinecoffee · 6 years
Don’t Forget. Ch. 3
Chapter 3-  Riley’s Place 
Summary:Riley’s been an accident, and when she wakes up her memory is askew with random pieces missing. Everyone’s got a different idea on how to help her, but she only wants Lucas.   Fancast: x A/N: We see some more Maya drama in this chapter and some more of what Riley’s life is like. I’m really feeling this story for right now, and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Tagging: @lovelaughlivesmilebright (if you want to be tagged here or below let me know!) Words: 2,048 Previous Chapters:  Ch. 1 Ch. 2
“Lucas really, I’m fine” Riley huffed in annoyance at her boyfriend when Lucas gave her a look complete with a raised eyebrow she crossed her arms, “The doctor said that I can go back to work when I feel ready. And I feel ready” 
It had been a week or so since Riley had come home, and some of her memories were slowly returning. She was less confused and she had more memories of her parents and Maya but she could still tell there was something missing.
Lucas pulled Riley down onto him where he sat on the couch turning her around to face him. He brushed some hair away from her forehead revealing the bandage that covered her fading stiches. “Princess I’m sure you feel ready but I want to make sure you actually are. And you’re not just going because you know I have to go back to the clinic and you don’t want to be alone.”
Riley bit her lit and averted her gaze, she hadn’t wanted to be alone since the accident especially in anyway that would separate her from Lucas. Maya had called her three days after she got home and was infuriated that Riley wouldn’t come to see her, unless she could bring Lucas. Maya wanted it to be the two of them but Riley didn’t feel steady without him. Something she knew Lucas had noticed.
Riley sighed, “Okay that’s part of it. But Lucas I can’t make you stay home with me and I’m worried if I don’t go back now it’ll be harder to. Plus Izzy said she’d come help me with the baking and making sure ‘I don’t wander off’. The staff all knows what’s going on. And I’m hoping that I might see my mom?” Riley tried to act nonchalant but Lucas knew Riley missed her parents, even though most of her memories were times from high school when they were more involved with Maya she missed them. Riley sighed, “Just because when I graduated she handed over the bakery and all that doesn’t mean she doesn’t hang out there anymore. I mean she has in the past I think…”
Lucas took a deep breath trying to reign in his anger at Cory and Topanga they had texted but not made any effort to come see their daughter. It wasn’t surprising behavior considering the last few months. But he knew Riley didn’t remember the whole blow out and he didn’t think now was the time to bring it up. After checking with Smackle that she was indeed all set to be with Riley in the bakery the two of them made a plan for getting her there the next day. Although Riley’s head felt a lot better she was still prone to being disorientated. But Riley assured Lucas that she could do it and Lucas wasn’t one to hold her back, so he agreed.
As soon as Riley stepped into the bakery she felt a wave of peace she usually only felt when Lucas was with her. She smiled as she took a look around her bakery. Instead of going to a traditional college Riley had discovered in late high school that she had a knack for baking and pressured a degree in pastries.
One of the other bakers had done most of the baking, but as always they were running low on Riley Cookie’s. A cookie Riley had invented in college that all her friends swore they had crack in them. But Riley would never tell, they always had to make a few batches throughout the day. So when Riley got to the bakery she tied on her favorite apron and got to work. When she had taken over the bakery she wanted to add her own flair to it and wanted it to feel like home for whoever walked in. A large part of that were aprons, the back had an assortment of aprons that the staff could choose between to wear while they worked. There were those that found one they loved and those who changed it up. But it gave the bakery a fun and happy vibe and Riley loved it, as did the people who came. She changed the furniture as well making everything slightly mismatched; no two pieces were the same. Her and Lucas and occasionally Maya had gone to thrift stores and yard sales and found all sorts of seats and pillows and art and aprons.
When Riley was a junior in college Topanga had been looking to pass off the bakery, she still loved it and saw the value in it. But it needed work and love, and she had just become a senior law partner at her firm. When Riley had expressed interest in working with her mother on the bakery, her mother jumped at the opportunity over a few summers she taught Riley the ins and outs of running it.  Topanga had figured that when she signed it over to Riley that it would stay exactly the same, but when Riley started adding her own touches it became evident that it would not remain the same. And Topanga was less than thrilled, even though part of her knew that Riley was right if it was her bakery it should be her own thing. Topanga though was admit that if the bakery was going to change it’s name had to be changed to. So Riley named it, with the encouragement of Lucas named it Riley’s Place. Riley guessed that’s where the trouble with her parents started but she wasn’t sure. She shook off the thoughts as she got to work   
From Smackle’s perspective Riley looked completely at ease and normal as she made her cookies. She was humming again and as she mixed various ingredients, and before Smackle knew it the smell of Riley’s cookies was wafting through the air. They chatted as they waited for the timer.
“So you’re feeling better Bubbles?” Smackle asked attentively
Riley nodded, “I feel better being back at work, things still get fuzzy though. Which is annoying and like I know things are missing in my head. I’m getting nightmares still…but Lucas is really good about it.” Riley shrugged, “But like it’s better than when I first work up but I still don’t feel 100% myself?”
“I’m sure that with time you’ll get back to a more normal, Riley. If anyone will its you.”
Riley smiled brightly at her best friend, “Thanks Smackle. Do you want a fancy coffee drink while I work the counter? I’m on till close in a few hours.”
Riley got Smackle set up with her coffee as she got to work on the counter, she felt perfectly content. But that all changed when a certain blonde haired girl walked through the door, Riley immediately tensed and started wishing Lucas was here. They were about 10 minuets until close so she knew that Lucas would be here soon.
Riley wasn’t sure how to act around Maya, every time she came by she felt like Maya was analyzing her to find something different and she kind of felt like she should throw up. But she greeted Maya with as much confidence and warmth as she could muster, “Hi Maya! What can I get you?” She saw Maya’s smile fall when Riley didn’t call her by her special name. Truth is told Riley couldn’t remember what it was and she didn’t want to anyone to tell her.
“I’ll take a Riley Cookie and a peppermint tea?” Maya seemed hesitant when she tried to pay Riley brushed it off,
“Maya, don’t be silly it’s on me. And you’re the only one in here. If it’s okay with you I’m going to start closing.”
“Actually Riley I was hoping we could talk.” She glanced at Smackle who was putting on her coat
“Bubbles I’m heading out, Farkle’s here. Let me know when you get home!”
“Okay by Izzy-Fizzy” Both Riley and Smackle chucked at the endearing name while Maya looks pissed. Once Smackle lefts, Maya roughly pulled Riley down to sit with her. Riley winced in pain as Maya tugs on her injured arm but Maya didn’t seem to take notice.
Maya smiles brightly at Riley, “Honey, I’ve missed you.” Riley looks confused for a moment turning to ask Lucas what Maya was talking about but she stops when she remembers it was just her and Maya. Riley shakes her head trying to clear the etcasketch of her mind. “It’s never just us anymore, he’s always with you or Smackle or someone. It used to be just us.”
Riley is trying her best to find these memories but its hard with everything so jumbled around, most of the ones she’s trying to find are fuzzy and blurry. Then she catches on to the he Maya is referring to. “He? You mean my boyfriend? Maya I thought you’d be happy for me. He loves me.” Riley lets a smile overtake her face as she thinks about it
“But Honey…” Maya starts but she’s interrupted when Lucas walks in and Riley’s attention is quickly focused on him and as Riley goes over to hug him Maya pulls Riley back down roughly as Riley cries out in pain and tears prick her eyes as she feels her stiches pop.
Lucas rushes over trying to control his anger at the short blonde he takes a deep breath and counts to five before he addresses her, “Maya. What. The. Hell. Riley’s got stiches in that arm, you have to be more careful with her.” Lucas is still inspecting Riley’s arm as she sniffles trying to hold back any more cries of pain.
“What ever Ranger Rick, don’t tell me how to treat Riley.” Maya makes a move to pull Riley back towards her anger flashing in her eyes at Lucas, but Lucas is faster and pulls Riley gently against his chest.
“You can’t be rough with her Maya.” Lucas states again glaring at her until he hears his girlfriend gasp. He looks down in horror and notices that the wrapping he put over her stiches with tinged red, confirming his suspicion. “See. Now she’s bleeding!” Lucas voice is getting raised and he seems to be about a second away from pumbling Maya. Before he gets the chance Riley steps in,
“Lucas lets just go to a clinic and get this re-stitched. Please. It hurts.” And just like that Lucas allows himself to be pulled away as Maya tries to shout after them.
“But Riley our talk!”
Riley sighs deeply still hurting, “Maya. When my arm isn’t bleeding and you stop being rough with me then we can talk” and with that Riley watches Maya leave before she locks the door on Topanga’s
It doesn’t take long for Riley’s stiches to be redone and for the attendant to inform her she’s going to need to take the heavy stuff at night again. She’s clad in one of Lucas’ shirts content in the smell of it snuggling with their cat when Lucas comes in in sport shorts looking too handsome for her liking. He lies next to her kissing each of her stiches spots before he kisses her soundly on the mouth
“Princess you have to take the meds” Riley just shakes her head and huffs
“I’m too tired, you take it for me. I just want to sleep” Lucas rolls his eyes fondly
“Ri the medicine makes you sleepy so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Riley hums in response but takes it
“I’m sorry about Maya Cowboy…” Riley yawns as she snuggles into his chest and inhales deeply
“Riley you have nothing to be sorry for” Riley shrugs lightly
“Yeah, but I know you got mad. And I know you don’t like getting mad and I was the cause of it. So I’m sorry.”
“Princess, I was mad because she was hurting you. You did nothing wrong.” Riley sighs sleep filling her voice
“Then why does it feel like I did something wrong?”
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mantra4ia · 7 years
Sense8 s2 Favorite moments (updated)
I binged, I had a binge hangover, but I’m better now and I have to talk about some of my favorite moments and things from season 2 (in no real order except my mind’s bounce off process):
Also, feel free to add to my list. I’m sure I’ll be adding plenty more.
How Dani showed us her full blown agent talents in 58 MINUTES!!!
Riley’s dad playing Secret Agent Man on the ukulele
Sun finally reuniting with her dog, who whimpers when she’s gone and knows her instantly when she returns.
Nomi’s toast speech to her sister after their mother “Michael’d” her and said (paraphrasing) ‘now would be a good time for you to get one of your headaches and vanish’ right before she was about to chicken out by faking a headache, forcing a new determination.
Will being a protective boyfriend when Riley is on the plane to Chicago by herself and Nomi having to counsel them both. “He’s only worried because he loves you” and “Please be careful.” BOOM go my emotions.
Will being protective when Riley is going to take blockers, promising to send backup after 5 minutes.
YOU HAVE NO IDEA how grateful I am that Gorski’s partner, D, has been brought into the sense8 fold. It opens up so many opportunities.
Will’s last scene with his father, when his dad could finally see his through the psycillium of the cluster. It was so moving I broke into tears.
Will working his ass off to protect the cluster, especially during Sun’s ambush in prison.
Wolfgang, every Wolfgang scene.
Lito teaching Sun how to wallow, Sun teaching Lito how not to telegraph what he’s acting and speak from the heart with vulnerability and less machismo.
“I think I just caught the sense8 equivalent of an STD”
Sun telling Lito to stop crying which brought me right back to season 1 when Sun was crying and Lito was screaming.
Hernando always saying the right thing at the right time. ex) “I think the fact that we all fit in the tub makes it ours.” and “I have a theory about Lito.” (while pushing up his academic glasses like a fine nerd).
“Mr. Hoy“ being the epitome of the iron-clad Scotsman “I will not be outtrusted by an Icelandic DJ with hair the color of a smurf.“ Also, something about the way he calls her Miss Blue makes me happy.
Nomi’s dad coming in clutch with his brilliant lawyery threats and “That’s the first time he called me daughter” and last but not least cuing the minister to resume his daughter’s wedding after the interruption, #boss, #masterofceremony
Detective Mun, I’m glad they didn’t just have him be a one off reference to Sun from her youth, but if I’m honest I don’t want them to get into a full blown relationship right away, it can slow burn. In terms of Sun’s storyline, I much prefer her flashback scene with Sun’s mom.
The Sao Paulo Pride Parade, oh have mercy the beauty
Actual Marc Jacobs and his boyfriend making a cameo on the show. What even is life!
The inside jokes and throwbacks to season 1 right before Kala blew up the car. Wolfgang and Will were in heavy strategic mood, but Kala takes control like a gunslinger and Sun gives her control instantaneously, because they are on the same page and Kala is queen. Then Wolfgang forces her to duck and both Will and Wolfgang doubt her plan a) like Wolfgang doesn’t remember that she is the queen of explosives and explosions who saved his life  and b) when he says “cars don’t blow up like they do on TV”, he clearly does not remember his RPG missile moment.
Kala venting to Will about Lila
Kala’s molotov moment in her nightie
Truthfully everything about Kala Dandekar, because she’s a loveable hot mess who is smart AF.
The entire concept of Neolithic Google. This show is so smart.
Joong-Ki Bak: “My sister’s a fucking terminator”
Capheus’ “bridges not walls” speech. ABSOLUTELY RELEVANT TO 2017.
Blake Huntington and his immediate chemistry with all three: Lito, Dani, and Hernando.
Riley and Lito screaming in the art museum
Lito watching Kala’s life like an opera while stress eating at she tries to have a conversation with Riley.
Lito tending bar through Sun, with a kiss on the tumbler for show. Really class.
Basically all of Lito’s scenes
Kala’s father lighting up Rajan’s stuck up dad in subtext at the diner table while everyone audibly squirms.
I knew Will had a long game from the moment he talked about ‘not giving away details’ with Riley while they were eating local Icelandic grocery food. So from the moment Whispers said “The seagulls might as well be speaking Icelandic“ and “you f—– amateur,“ it made the punchline when Riley turned off the ambiance sound on the speaker all the more sweet.
Whispers: “I’ve been compromised” music to me ears.
Sun incapacitating the groomsman and Puck.
The whole cluster’s protectiveness of Sun, but particularly Kala’s refrain of “we take everything that matters, push it into this, and fight for it.”
The fact that Wolfgang, in confidence of his best friend, engineered #IndiaPlan
Lila’s cluster vs Wolfgang’s cluster
Will putting Whisper’s head into the table
Capheus: Ah but England has great tea…. I watch a lot of movies.
Also, the music this season was truly wonderful. I think the most iconic piece will always be season 1 with the cover of 4 Non Blondes, but this season was tight.
Wolfgang’s smugness when Rajan kisses them both
And his smirk when Lito is threatened and he’s ready to kick the Joaquin’s ass, v2.0
His barely controlled glee at Nomi’s warning to her brother-in-law to protect and take care of Teagan.
How Wolfgang is a total Sapiosexual for Kala’s craftiness.
Every Wolfgang smile essentially,
The fact that Sun’s love interest is called Mun (it’s perfect)
Capheus, through Sun, saying “can I drive a bus?”
Diego Morales! He is the Daniela for Will and Riley, and on top of that he has such a rich history with Will. I love that he’s featured more!!!
267 notes · View notes
cashmierathoughts · 7 years
Riley ‘Nem “Who Is He?” pt. 4
Despite my utter surprise, I didn't break our unspoken agreement. When Jake approached me, we didn’t speak, we just danced. 
We danced for what seemed like all night. My eyes we closed and Jake’s hands softly guided my hips as they swayed from side to side like drapes being touched by a calm wind. I relaxed my body and let my head hang back and allowed myself to rest on his chest as he leaned down and whispered the lyrics to Usher’s ‘Can You Handle It’ in my right ear. With each word, I could feel the cool tickles from every syllable spiral in one ear and out the next, traveling down, causing all the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. 
I was completely in a trance. Jake positioned my body so that I was now facing him. When I opened my eyes and caught his stare, I fully understood the colloquialism, “windows to the soul”. 
I happened to glance over Jake’s shoulder and saw a figure approaching us from off in the cut. A shorter and less defined version of Jake came over and pulled him to the side. Before I knew it, Jake took me by the hand, kissed it, and promised to call me the next day. 
Moments had passed and I was still standing in the middle of the dance floor on stuck. I was in a daze. Still. I felt a clammy hand grab me by the arm, yanking me back into reality. I looked up and saw that the yanking hand belonged to Jordyn. 
J: “Riley! I’ve been calling your name for like the last two songs. The lights been on, let’s go”. 
I looked around and noticed that the lights were on. I never stayed around for the lights to come on; no one did. Luckily, I had used extra strength edge control that night so I was still looking decent, even after the fact.
We waited for Keesha by the side exit as she pretended to flirt with the promoter, securing our free entry into his future events. He attempted to get her to go home with him. Promising her he’d call Jordyn and I an Uber and “take good care of her”. Unbeknownst to him, there were TWO reasons why that was not going to happen: 1. We came in MY car and 2. Keesha was a virgin. Untouched by any part of the penis, she was not about to let him hit. As she finished her conversation and strutted over to us, twisting her hips in a captivating motion, knowing the promoter was still watching, he lustfully eyed her, imagining all the ways he would never fuck her. 
Jordyn kept up her end of the bargain and got in the driver’s seat. Keesha rode shotgun and I climbed in the back. This arrangement reminded me of college. After the parties, after the AFTER parties, or after the smoke sessions, we’d all pile up in whoever’s car and get dropped off one by one to “our niggas’” spot. We called it the dick-mobile. But this wasn’t college and we were all taking our asses home. 
I spread out in the backseat, finally able to appreciate how spacious my car actually was. It’s kind of funny, but I don’t think I’d ever sat back here before. The smoothness of the ride, along with those six shots and thoughts of Jake’s hands wrapped around me, cradled me into a light slumber. When I woke up, Jordyn had already dropped Keesha off and we were pulling into our parking garage. We took the elevator up to level five, got off, and walked a few steps to our door. We were greeted by a ratty vintage doormat that read, “How are ya?”. I looked down at it and absentmindedly mumbled, “horny”. 
J: “Huh?”
“Huh?.. Oh, nothing”, I replied, almost forgetting she was standing beside me.
I climbed into my bed, set my alarm for church in the morning and went to sleep. 
The next morning, I got up with no signs of a hangover and thought to myself, “God is good”. I went to Jordyn’s room to wake her up for church but she wasn't there. I walked to the living room and there was still no sign of her. I didn't have time to play ‘Where’s Waldo’ with her so I text her and then got in the shower. When I got out, I checked my phone; still no Jordyn. I proceeded to get dressed and on my way out the door, I took a pack of chicken thighs out of the freezer and placed them in the kitchen sink to thaw out. We, Jordyn and I, made it a part of our Sunday routine to cook dinner. 
I got to church about fifteen minutes late, but that was right on time when it came to being a member of a baptist church. Praise and worship lasted well over its allotted time slot and old Mrs. Jones was right on schedule with her ‘Holy Ghost’ performance, pushing the sermon back another seven minutes. When I walked through the double doors leading to the sanctuary, Mrs. Jones was hitting her victory lap, circling the perimeter of the pews. Like I said, I was right on time. I found a seat in the center aisle of the church, next to a husband, wife, and their three small children. I usually didn’t sit next to kids at church because they were a distraction; always kicking and swinging their little feet, going on and on about nothing with their sweet little voices. And worst of all, they were so stinking cute. I had baby fever like a mothafucka, but I knew I wasn't ready. It was two little girls and a boy; they all seemed to be at least a year or two apart. The little boy daintily placed his little hand on my lap and looked up at me with such big and innocent eyes and asked if I had any candy. Before I could confirm, his mother leaned over and said, “Jake, come over here and sit next to your daddy, baby.” I smiled at the irony and at the thought of having my own little one and naming him Jake, after his daddy of course. 
I quickly said a prayer and asked God to refocus my attention to the Word and not on hypothetical baby daddies and children. 
“...and, and, and...GAWD, I said, GAWD! Won’t give you anything you can’t bare!..”, Pastor Joiner went on as the choir echoed him, singing, “HE WON’T!”, all in unison. 
You could hear the church cry out in agreement. “Hallelujah!”. “Praise the Lord!”, followed by the occasional “Won’t He do it!?”, or my personal favorite, “You betta ask somebody!”. 
Shortly after, the ushers surfaced and passed around buckets to collect tithes and offering. I looked to my left and saw the family that I was sitting next to getting their money together. The dad pulled out his brown leather wallet and handed his three children one dollar each and instructed them to put it in the bucket when it came around. I smiled to myself as I bared witness to such a loving, yet simple duty. As the bucket came around to me, I prayed a simple prayer and asked God to bless me with a good man and to allow me to be just as good of a woman to him, Amen.
The whole way home, I smiled. Believe it or not, it wasn't because Pastor Joiner preached his ass off this morning. It was because today was “tomorrow” and Jake said he’d call. I turned the volume back up on my phone because I would be damned if I missed his call. Pressed wasn't even the word. 
I pulled into the parking garage and found out why Jordyn hadn't been answering her phone. Robert’s car was parked in visitors’. I guess they made up. When I got off the elevator and stepped into the hallway, I could hear them arguing. I paused in front of the door, contemplating whether or not I wanted to get caught in their crossfire. Our nosey ass neighbor Becca poked her head out of the door and quickly closed it once she saw me in the hall. I decided to leave and as I was walking away, I heard Jordyn yell, “WELL GO FUCK YA MAMA THEN!”. Yup, I was glad that I’d made the choice to leave. Robert wasn’t the domestic violence type so I knew that they would eventually calm down and find a resolution. They always did. In the meantime, I hit Keesha up and went to post up over her house. 
When I pulled up to her house, I canvased her street for my aunt and uncle’s car. I didn’t see it and figured that they were still at church. I walked up the creaky steps and knocked on the screen door. Keesha answered and rushed back to the kitchen. I followed behind her and was engulfed by fried chicken fumes. Keesha was cleaning off collards in the sink, prepping Sunday dinner for Aunt Bernadine’s return. 
K: “So who was you all hugged up with last night at The Spot?”, investigated Keesha. 
“Who me?”, I asked, trying to act like I didn’t know what she was referring to. 
K: “Who me?”, she mocked. “Yea, YOU, nigga. Who was that tall dude that was all up in yo ear?”.
I gushed just thinking about it. 
“Just this guy I work with”, I tried to keep my response as casual as possible.
K: “’Just this guy I work with’ my ass. Cuz, he was onnnn you! I danced with like four or five niggas and every time I looked up for you, you was still with ya mans. Who is he?”
I couldn't hold back my true thoughts anymore. I was not the best at concealing my feelings, which turned out to do me more harm than good. So I dished it to her, “Okay. Jake is a senior partner at my job. He is smart, he’s successful, he’s fine, no kids..ugh. He is everything. I had no idea that he would be at the party last night and we don't even talk outside of work or nothing. I’ve been checking for him for a while now but after last night... it’s official; I want him.”
K: “Oooh, senior partner you say? He got moneeeyy! So what you gone do about it? You baggin’ that orrr?” 
“Am I “baggin’ that”? Seriously Keesh? I mean, yes I like him. But we work together. Office romances aren't my thing. It never ends well. Then if it takes a turn for the worst, I gotta see him at work. I don't know. Plus everything is still sort of fresh with Bri--”, she cut me off before I could even finish his name. 
K: “Brian!? BRIAN?! After how he dogged you, you still worried about that nigga? Had a whole ba--”. 
“That’s enough Keesh!”, I interrupted. “I’m just saying that I don't want to rush anything with Jake. That doesn’t mean that I’m stuck on Brian.”
K: “Mmm hmm. Yea, okay. Better not be. But hol’ up, you said his name was Jake? That sounds so familiar...”
“Yea, but anyways, what’s up with that promoter guy you was stringing along last night?”, I poked.
K: “Who? Troy? Girl he ain’t nobody. I was tryna get us on the guest list for Fab’s birthday party”, she explained. 
“Us!? Girl I’m not going to that man’s birthday party. You know I don't even hang like that anymore”. 
K: “Well you need to start. I don’t know how else you gone get you a man, shiddd”. 
I just looked at her and shook my head. There was really no point in continuing this conversation with Keesha. We had it every other month. She knew good and well I wasn't looking for a man in the club. That was the last place I thought I’d find Mr. Right. 
“You already know how I feel abo--..” 
K: “...About meeting a man in the club. Blah, blah, blah”, she interjected.
“Eggs-actly”, I said in a matter of fact tone. 
K: “So I guess “Jake”, is it? Don't count? Bettt...”, she laughed.
“Aw, that’s different.. I know him from work..”, I tried to compromise. 
K: “BUT, you also said you don't do office romances. So which is it? You either fuck with niggas in the club or you getting dicked down in the copy room. Right now, it looks like ya mans Jake is oh for two”, she teased. 
I cut my eyes at her. Damn, she was right. If I let anything happen between Jake and I, I would be going against two of my own rules. BUT, if I didn’t, I could potentially be letting the man of my dreams slip away. In reality, how far had those “rules” really gotten me? The last man I was with didn’t work at my job and I didn't meet him in the club and he still turned out to be a fuckin’ dirtbag. With that reasoning. I decided to say fuck it and give it a shot. 
“Don’t worry about me, Keesh. I got this”, I assured her. Although I was not confident at all in my declaration. 
I hung around her house for about another forty-five minutes, then called Jordyn to see if the two of them had ceased fire. When she answered, I could tell by her groggy tone that she had worn herself out and was either half sleep or she was in the middle of getting fucked. Either way, I was homebound. I had to get started on my own dinner. 
When I got home, Robert was gone. Jordyn had seasoned the chicken and had it marinating in the refrigerator. Perfect. I went to my room and plopped down on my bed, kicked my pumps off, and turned the volume on my phone up to high so that I wouldn't sleep through Jake’s call. My final thoughts before I dozed off were that I hoped he didn’t FaceTime me. I hated that.
Shortly after I’d laid down, I rolled over in a half panic, thinking I had missed his call. Even though I didn’t have any missed call notifications, I went ahead and checked my call history anyway; you just never know. Nope. No missed calls, no voicemails, no texts. Nothing. Again, I was pressed. I stood up, stretched, and then headed for the kitchen to start on dinner. Jordyn was sitting on the couch rewatching last week’s episode of ‘Insecure’. I was glad because the kitchen overlooked the living room and I could see the show while I cooked. 
J: “Girl was that JAKE at he club last night?!”, Jordyn shouted over the volume of the TV. 
“Yup”, I said plainly. I really didn't want to have this conversation for a second time today. 
I preheated the oven to about 365 degrees and laced the pan with aluminum foil before I emptied the chicken and all of its marinade into the pan. 
J: “Riley! You gon’ miss it! C’mere. Hurry up!”
I flung open the oven door, slid the pan onto the bottom rack, and rushed into the living room just in time.
“Uggghhhhh!”, we shouted in union. 
J: “I would have diiiieeed bitch!”, exclaimed Jordyn. “I can not bee-lieve that trifling ass nigga nutted on her face like that! We woulda had to bump after that! Fareal”.
I laughed. Jordyn was always talking about fighting somebody. Knowing damn well she wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. 
“Ahhh.. she wasn’t ready..”, I hollered. “I think she over reacted though. I mean, when you pull a trigger, do you not expect a bullet to come out?”. 
J: “Aww”, she covered her mouth. “I knew it.. I knew it, I knew it.” 
“What? Knew what, J?”, I questioned. 
J: “I knew yo ass was nasty!”, she teased. “I just didn't think you was letting niggas bust all on your face!”.
“Chilllll. I’m just saying, he told her he was about to bust. She should have acted accordingly; swallowed and kept it pushing. Imagine if every time we were about to cum, the nigga stopped or got shitty that we squirted on his face. Haha. They love that shit and so should we. But at the end of the day, Issa just ain’t bout that hoe life. Which is fine. I, for one, really don’t think this “hoe-tation” shit is necessary. There are other ways to get over a guy.” 
J: “Aw here you gooo. You’re the most “anti- hoe phase” woman I’ve ever met. There’s nothing wrong with fucking who you wanna fuck, when you wanna fuck ‘em. Even if that means you’re with two or three or four niggas a month. that’s her decision.”, protested Jordyn. 
Mind you, Jordyn was a “relationship” type of woman. She never even slept with more than 4 guys, so the fact that she was so pro- hoe phase was really a trip. 
“So what you not gone do is act like I be judging these hoes. Haha. ‘Cause I don’t. I’m just saying it isn’t the go-to for everybody. At the end of the day, we all grown. If Issa or anybody else for that matter feels like doing numerous dicks, go right ahead baby girl. But don’t justify it with a ‘cause niggas ain’t shit’ or call it a ‘hoe phase’ cause at that point, are you not acknowledging that you are that said ‘hoe’? And bitches hate being called a hoe but wanna claim a “hoe phase”. Make it make sense” 
J: “You must’ve gone to church today, huh? Haha. Pastor Joiner got you feeling all high and mighty?”, taunted Jordyn. “I hear you though”. 
I playfully rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch and waited for the next episode. Just as I was getting comfortable, my phone started buzzing on the kitchen counter. I hopped off the couch and raced over to the kitchen with the quickness. Just as I reached my phone and went to answer it, I stubbed my fucking toe. 
J: “Uhh.. Riley?”, asked a deep yet calming and soothing voice. 
My eyes were closed due to the extreme amount of pain surging from my pinky toe. I hadn’t even looked at the phone to see who was calling but once I heard the voice on the other end of the line, I immediately knew who it was. It was him. It was Jake. I froze, half embarrassed because of the way I answered the phone and half elated because of who was on the receiving end. 
“Hello?”, I answered hesitantly. 
“Is this a bad time? It’s Jake by the way”, he said smoothly. 
“No!”, I blurted out. “I meant, no, this isn’t a bad time. I just stubbed my toe as I was answering the phone. Sorry for yelling in your ear”, I apologized. 
J: “Damn, which toe? I hate when that shit happens, I be ready to fight”. 
I was shocked by his response and I don’t know why. It’s not like I really knew the man. I’d only had a compilation of shared random “moments” at work with him and had used those very moments to create his personality. Sounds crazy, I know. Strangely enough, hearing Jake speak in this way relaxed me. 
“My pinky”, I finally admitted. “Running to the damn kitchen to ---”, I stopped myself. I couldn’t let him know I was running to the kitchen because my phone rang and I desperately wanted it to be him. “--- check on something”, I finished.
Technically, I didn't lie. 
J: “You cookin’?”. 
“As a matter of fact, I am”. Wow, now I really didn't have to lie. I was cooking and actually had almost forgotten with all that had just happen in the last couple minutes. 
“Aw you can burn? or you making stir fry or something that doesn't require any particular skill?”. 
Did this nigga just come for me? 
“Well aren’t you sassy”. 
J: “Whoa. You can't call a man sassy, Riley...”.
He went on to explain why but I was caught up on the way my name sounded leaving his lips. 
“...just doesn’t sound right”, finished Jake. 
“You done?”, I joked. “But to answer your question, I’m making honey glazed baked chicken thighs, side caesar, corn bread muffins, and macaroni and cheese for me and my roommate.” 
J: “Aw yea? You cookin’ like that and didn’t invite me over? Haha.”
His laugh.. I could just melt right here on this kitchen counter. “Cut it out, Riley”, I told myself. I had to keep it cool and casual. I didn’t want to be all open.
I didn't even eat my dinner. The hunger in my stomach was now replaced by what felt like a thousand fluttering butterflies. Before I knew it, we’d been on the phone for hours. I couldn't sit still. I’d done about a hundred laps around our apartment, even went to the roof and walked around some. It was so nostalgic. It reminded me of when I was in high school and would stay up all night on the phone.. just talking. I was really impressed. Up until now, I’d stopped believing in the art of conversation. Jake changed my mind and I was glad that he did. 
We talked about our first loves, losing our virginities and how awful it was; well to be clear, how awful it was for me. Jake on the other hand was a star athlete since the age of eight and lost his virginity at the age of TWELVE, to a fifteen year old. Fast ass. So he’s been fuckin’ for a while now. I wondered how many women he’d slept with but I didn't want to be “that girl” and ask. At the end of the day, I didn't want it to matter, BUT I also didn't want to be with someone who slang dick to everybody and their mama’s for sport. For now, I tried to forget about it. His conversation was way too scintillating to get hung up on such a childish matter. 
We talked about our dreams. Our fears. We talked about the simple shit that doesn’t seem to matter so much these days but mattered to us at some point. Simple shit like: favorite colors, apples or oranges, Batman or Superman, up or down; it really didn't matter, we just TALKED. We allowed ourselves to learn one another. So far, he was everything I could hope for. The night grew later and later. It was almost 2:30 in the morning and we were still going strong. I made the mistake of yawning.
J: “Uh oh, you sleepy?”, he asked. 
“Not at all”, I lied. I didn't want to hang up but I was actually tired and had to be at work by 7:30 that next morning. 
J: “You should get some rest, you have to work in the morning, right?”, it was like he wasn't asking me, but was telling me. 
I succumbed to his passive aggressive way of telling me to go to bed. 
J: “Goodnight, Riley”, he said sincerely. 
“Goodnight, Jake”, I said softly as I let the phone slide from my face and onto my pillow. I didn't hang up though. I watched the screen and waited for the timer on the face of my phone to flash a few times then fade out, signifying that the call had ended. It didn't end though. I put the phone back up to my ear and heard breathing. 
“Jake?”, I asked? 
J: “Mmmhm?”, he responded, all casual like. 
“Aren’t you going to hang up?”. I asked in a half confused, half pleased voice. 
J: “You hang up first”, he laughed.
“No, you hang up first”, I playfully combatted. 
J: “Nope.”, he said childishly. 
We both laughed and talked some more. this time, the conversation got a little more serious. We talked about our exes and how we had gone from being with someone who we would have given the moon to, to reaching a point where they were now apart of our pasts. Linked to a former version of ourselves. They no longer mattered. It no longer mattered. The weird thing is, Jake would never say her name. I might've said Brian’s name two or three times, but he wouldn't say her name. I’m sure I didn't know his ex, but the fact that we’d talked so much that night and had been so transparent with one another about so much and he wouldn't even say her name spiked my curiosity. Still, I didn't ask. From what he told me about her, she did a number on him and I didn't like the direction that the conversation was taking, so I tucked away all thoughts of the subject into the back of my mind, although I didn't let them wander too far back. 
Before I knew it, his steady breathing was echoing through my end of the phone, like a lullaby, and carried me off to sleep. 
I woke up nearly three hours later and started my morning routine: wake up, shower, get dressed, drop Jordyn off at work, and finally, head to the office. However, when I got there, I walked past Jake’s office and saw that he was not there. I figured that we’d stayed up too late on the phone last night and he probably slept in. So I went about my day, constantly checking my phone and IM account, hoping I’d get a ping or a text from Jake. 
Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A whole eight hours later and no contact was made, by either of us. I started to think that I should reach out, but I made no such attempt. I didn't want to seem thirsty, or force a pattern of “we gotta talk everyday” on the man, but I also didn't want it to seem like I was too nonchalant and didn't care if I talked to him or not. After contemplating, I realized that I’d been overthinking. I sent the text. 
“Hey, how are ya?”
I regretted it as soon as I saw the message say “delivered”. “How are ya?”, I deliberated. Why the fuck did I just say that? So corny. I couldn’t think of anything to say and I immediately thought about my vintage doormat. It was simple. Whatever, I reached out. I did my part. 
One..two..three hours later and still no response. I left the office for the day. I definitely felt a way. I tried not to think about it, but every few minutes I’d feel or hear a phantom vibration coming from my phone. Although, when I checked it, there were no new notifications. Wow, I was officially trippin’. 
I decided to stop by the gym on my way home and work out. Working out was a sure way to get my mind off things. I stripped down and sat in the sauna and let the sweat shed my body, dripping down from my temples to my feet. I peeked through one eye, making sure that no one was around before I reached my hand down preparing to pleasure myself. Just as my fingers were about to part my lips, the door to the sauna area flung open and there stood an older black woman in the doorway. I was so embarrassed that I thought I’d die. She side eyed me and copped a seat across from me in the small area. I laid there, paralyzed with humiliation. A few minutes later, I got up, wrapped my towel tightly around my body and headed for the door. As I was leaving, a stern, yet experience voice halted me and said, “Honey, you need a man”. I turned around and flashed a coy smile, both acknowledging the fact that her old ass was right and also concealing my shame. I went on my way, letting the door close softly behind me. 
Could this day get any worse?
I got home and stopped at the door. I looked down and mugged our stupid doormat. “How are ya?”, I read out loud. What the fuck was I thinking?
I quickly dismissed my thoughts and proceeded inside. 
Jordyn was sitting on the couch, flipping back and forth between Animal Planet and Keeping Up With the Kardashians when I walked in. I absentmindedly walked over to the kitchen counter and sifted through the mail; trashing the coupons and fake credit card advertisements and making a separate pile for the bills. I grabbed the important mail and walked to my room. 
“Where did these come from!”, I shrilled. 
J: “I was wondering the same thing when I opened the door for the delivery boy”, said Jordyn as she pranced to my room, pouncing down on my bed. 
I snatched the card attached to the bouquet of gardenias and read it to myself. Warmth filled my chest. Goosebumps crept up my inner thighs. My brief moment of bliss was interrupted by Jordyn’s equal curiosity. 
J: “Well? Who are they from?”, she interrogated.
I handed her the card and fell back on my bed and smiled. My nerves were at ease and my insecurities were laid to rest.
J: “Who’s ‘JT’?”
I didn’t answer her right away. I was too busy relishing the moment. 
Finally, I said... “Jake Taylor”.   
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yetanotherbuffyblog · 7 years
Ethan Rayne’s back!
Seriously is there a name that’s more designed to sound edgy than “Ethan Rayne”?
Oh wait, there’s Cypher Raige.
[Hey, who knew After Earth had its own wiki?]
So things seem to be going well! Buffy and Riley are dating now, and Riley’s slowly introducing Buffy to the Initiative, so that they can work together and be twice as effective at dealing with monsters. And there’s even a surprise birthday party for Buffy, and nothing terrible happens during it! It’s great all around.
Except...for Giles.
You see, the rest of the Scoobies (and Spike) found out about Riley and the Initiative at the end of the last episode. But no one told Giles. And he’s feeling a bit left out because of it. On a stakeout which falls through (because Xander and Willow tell him the Initiative already took care of it, leading him to ask about all of that and get answers), he’s about to go home when he runs into his ex-friend/current enemy Ethan Rayne, who warns him that something’s coming so not to beat the snot out of him.
So he hangs out in a bar with Ethan Rayne for a bit, and that goes about as well as you’d expect.
Because Giles wakes up the next morning having been turned into a demon! And he can’t speak English, he accidentally crushes his phone, and the only one who can understand a word he says is Spike. So the Scoobies are running around looking for a demon they think killed Giles, and Giles has to not be killified--by Buffy OR the Initiative.
Obviously everything gets wrapped up, Giles is fixed before he gets killed by Buffy, and Ethan Rayne is locked up by the Initiative. But when he and Giles chatted, Rayne mentioned the Initiative as a new player, and that demons are terrified of something called ‘314’--and the episode ends with Dr. Walsh, the director of the Initiative, entering a secure door with that number on it.
 -So the Initiative is apparently actually a part of the United States government. Which is terrifying, and weird. Like, they are actual government agents with authority. Which means the government knows about the supernatural and are doing their best to keep it quiet. They’re also not very good at it, given the Scoobies just stumbled over the Initiative, though they’re in Sunnydale and also involved in the supernatural. I asked my friend why they would locate under a college, but he pointed out that Sunnydale’s still over that Hellmouth.
-I suppose it’s no surprise these days that the government would capture, experiment on, torture and execute sapient beings with their own BS justifications though. I’m wondering if the “they’re just animals” line from the last episode is something everyone in the organization believes, or just something that the higher-ups feed the peons to stifle questions.
-That the government/Initiative didn’t think that the Slayers were a thing makes me think that they probably aren’t aware of the Watchers either. Man, they’re pretty slow on this. But we see the benefits of having a full organization: Riley can call for back-up, pull up security intell, and arrest human sorcerers.
-I forgot about Buffy’s birthday. And to be fair, all of the action in this episode doesn’t happen on her birthday, so she gets a happy birthday for once.
-So the Initiative is very full of itself and brags about Riley having killed 17 monsters. And then Buffy wows them by having killed a s***ton of monsters. The TV Tropes recap claims that this discussion with Riley is meant to be similar to someone listing how many sexual partners they’ve had, but I didn’t get that feeling at all?
-Riley just seems to be in awe of Buffy, and I think again this episode emphasizes how out of his depth he is. For him, it’s a job, and one he’s been doing for a short while. Buffy’s been doing this since her formative years, and at this point doesn’t know any other life. She doesn’t know how to not be at this business. It’s who she is--she has to hold back not to seriously injure him in a sparring match.
-Alright so Giles says he stopped trusting Rayne when Rayne began “worshipping Chaos” and Rayne makes a quip about “religious intolerance” and a reference to the Irish Troubles (which was a conflict between Unionists and Loyalists in Ireland but also a division between Irish Catholics and Protestants, of which there is still some tension to this day). I don’t remember Ethan Rayne’s episodes very well, but does he actually worship Chaos? And what does that entail?
-Right so Rayne’s introduction in the episode is that when Giles leaves the crypt saying nothing’s going to happen, Rayne steps out of the shadows and begins monologuing about evil plans, only for Giles to pop back in because he heard something. Leading to Rayne exclaiming “OH BUGGER I thought you’d left!” It made me laugh out loud. I tried to find a gif or video to put here, but all I found were slash videos of Rayne/Giles on YouTube. And this:
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Which isn’t too bad I guess.
-Giles’s enmity with Maggie Walsh, the Initiative Director/Buffy’s teacher is quite fun to watch. The guy hops out of his quest to turn himself human to go mess with her.
-Giles accidentally smashes his phone when he tries to call for help after being turned into a demon, but...does he only have one phone? And couldn’t he write a message?
-Fyarl demons, the kind Giles was turned into, have snot that hardens to encase enemies. That’s gross, but that actually is a useful superpower.
-Spike moves out with his own clothes again! And he’s the one who helps Giles, because he knows it’s him as he speaks Fyarl demon language, having worked with them in the past. Now if anyone was smart, Giles would have sent Spike to the Scoobies to go tell them what’s going on, and had him act as translator. But he doesn’t want to be embarrassed, so he lets him drive him to Rayne’s place.
-And of course Rayne stays put in the hotel until Giles breaks the door down, which is stupid. He even lampshades it though.
-You know how much money Giles offers for Spike to help him out? $200. I think that’s a joke, because even in a pre-super-inflation world, I don’t think that’s really that much. Giles adds another hundred in order to let him break off from the chase with the Initiative.
-Willow practices lesbi--I mean MAGIC with Tara! And...they make a rose zoom around the room. Um...okay?
-As the episode goes on, Giles seems to act more...monster-like. I don’t know if it ever says in the episode though that his mind becomes more demonic as the transformation stays in place. Was that intent of the writing? Yo no se.
-Watching this on DVD means that the dramatic pauses caused by convenient commercial breaks. The music helps though.
-Does Anya actually have a purpose right now other than comic relief?
-There’s a bit where Ethan starts talking about how “You’re so attractive” and it takes a second for the audience (and Giles) to realize he’s hitting on the waitress, rather than on Giles. That’s probably intentional. Because Ship Tease has always been a thing. It is Rayne leaving his room number with the waitress that lets Spike and Giles track him down.
-And the episode’s conclusion has Buffy promise to tell Giles more things. Which is nice of her, I guess.
-The Wikipedia article of the episode claims that we find out that the Initiative “might not be as clean cut as previously seen”...but, like, I was always getting sketchy vibes from them. I never at any point thought they were up to anything good. Torturing sentient beings sends off a lot of red flags for me, you know?
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 23
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Warnings: Swearing, heartache, smut.
A/N: Wow nearly three months on hiatus- sorrrryyy! But it’s back🙌🏼. To refresh your memories click here. Thanks Paigey for reading snippets as always 😘
Tags: @pedudley @kacie-0156 @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @drxkewalker @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @desireepow-1986
Constantine Rhys the chairman of the Apples has been murdered in his own home. Reports initially suggested a knife had been involved in the attack. A neighbour said they had heard someone yell “I’m going to kill you” during an argument prior to the death of Mr Rhys. More news to follow.
Everyone gathered at Liam’s house the morning after the breaking news- neither brother showed any shock, both just nodded their heads whenever Xavier or Constantine’s names were mentioned. Neither giving two shits about the deaths. Feeling guilty that they hadn’t spoken to their step mother, they still felt anger towards the secret that she had kept along with their father. As far as they were both concerned; their friends were their family.
Drake had been over affectionate with Riley ever since his nightmare from the previous night- asking her if she was okay every so often. Too often for her liking. “I’m fine, Drake. At this moment in time I’m still, Riley. I want to keep it that way- Riley the teams physio, your girlfriend, nothings wrong with me as far as every one else is concerned okay?” Her eyes pleaded with him to keep her secret for now, at least until she knew what the future held for her.
“I just... I need to know that you’re okay. I’m sorry. Do you want to go out for dinner later? My treat. Or we could just have a takeaway at the cabin? Watch a movie?”
“Let’s go back. Every second spent with you is going to be precious.” Holding her in his embrace, he couldn’t believe how strong she had been since her ordeal. Knowing that deep down, under the facade she was possibly breaking down in secret- masking her true feelings.
“Hey, Riley. Are you okay?” Liam and Leo interrupted the two of them, each providing her with a soft smile.
“Yes, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine?” She asked in a paranoid, defensive manner.
“To put it bluntly, you got beaten up- Olivia killed your husband infront of you. Now our father, your ex father in law has been murdered.” Liam stated the facts, not wanting to remind her of the horror that she had gone through- but rather to remind her that she had support from everyone.
“And you’re asking me if I’m okay? As you said Liam, your father was murdered as well as your half brother.”
“He deserved it. He was never a father to us. It’s people like him who give the word ‘father’ a bad name. Then there’s men that can’t conceive a child with their partner, who would make fantastic father’s...” Riley’s face faulted as Leo said this on behalf of him and Liam. Knowing that he was just referring to men in general- in the back of her mind that would be Drake. The guilt that she carried, knowing potentially that she wouldn’t be able to give him the family that he had dreamt about.
“You know what, after you mentioned all about it again- I have become slightly upset about it. I’m just going to get some fresh air.” Drake was about to follow her, but she insisted that he stayed. Watching her walk out- he knew why she had suddenly become emotional. He did too. But he was able to hide it better, needing to so no one knew about her condition.
Taking some deep breaths outside, the tranquility outside was more peaceful than the morbid atmosphere inside the mansion.
“What do you want Rhys?”
“Listen, my father and my half brother treat you like absolute shit. You didn’t deserve it. You are one of the most incredible women that I know. You deserve everything. I know Drake will give you that, he’s lucky to have you. As you are him. I know at the beginning he cheated on Kiara with you. He’s not that type, but he knew that you was worth it.”
“I still feel awful about that. I didn’t want to be referred to as a home wrecker.”
“Darling, that so called relationship was a train wreck. You helped Drake realise that he was worth more. I have a confession, and I don’t want anyone knowing- not even Drake. I feel like I can only confide in you....” Riley looked at him with a perplexed expression, not knowing what this confession included. Having to keep something from Drake would be hard, as they had promised to be open with each other.
“I killed my father.”
Drake and Riley arrived back the cabin, Riley was still thinking about those words ‘I killed my father’. There was now two funerals that she was going to have to attend, two funerals in which the deceased was murdered by one of her friends. Feeling that she was to blame for their deaths, it added guilt that would carry on through her mind until she too passed away. Ever since that conversation outside, she had managed to keep a stoic expression in front of Drake, of course she wanted to tell him. It killed her. But she had hoped that once the funeral was out of the way and the press had something else to write about, that the person would inform everyone.
“It’s good to be home.” She said to Drake as they walked through the door.
“I’m glad that you’re referring my home as your home...”
“Wherever you are, that is my home. For however long that may be.”
“Why don’t you go and have a soak in the bath, I’ll order a takeaway and find a movie to watch.”
“Sounds good, don’t choose a horror though...”
“Why not? That’s the only type of film where you snuggle into me.” He winked at her, knowing her preferences he knew what type of film to look for. Watching her walk to the bathroom, he ran to his room- remembering Bastien’s words as well as the outcome of his nightmare, he knew the sooner he asked the longer they would have together if the worse scenario occurred at her hospital appointment.
“Look after your girl, my niece. Have you still got your grandmothers ring?”
“Of course I have. Why?”
“When the times right, make sure you have it on you son.”
Hearing a knock at the door, it was as if the takeaway had a telepathic thought- he had just placed the order and they was there.
“Leo? Linz? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I text Riley five minutes ago- wondering what you guys were up to and she said that you was just watching a film and ordering food. We brought wineee.” Lindsey waved the bottle of wine in front of his face, whilst wearing a big grin. Are you fucking kidding me?
“Erm. I actually wanted some alone time with my girlfriend... no offence.”
“Yeah and you can do once we leave.” Leo said with a smirk as he barged his way through the door. Riley had finished her bath and was shocked that her sister and Leo was there making themselves at home.
“Drake, I didn’t think they’d actually come. I was just being polite. Shit. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry. It was just a takeaway and a movie...” Sighing, he knew that he would have another opportunity to propose- it wasn’t the end of the world.
The day after, Drake woke up before Riley- mainly due to his mind working overtime about how to propose to her. The next match was in two days, tomorrow was her hospital appointment with the results of the tests that were done in New York.
“Hey, what’s up?” Fluttering her eyes open, her vision was blurred but she could tell he was tense.
“Nothing...” laying next to her, he kissed her bare skin delicately- savouring each touch.
“I love you.”
“I love you too...” Just having him lay at the side of her made her feel turned on by every touch that he made. She knew he was too, as she could feel his rising erection grazing against her arse cheeks. Trying to act stubborn, as she always did- she didn’t want to give into temptation. Even though this was extremely hard for her to resist. “You know... it’s rude to point little Walker?”
“He can’t help it. This is what you do to him...”
Moving his hands lower he caressed the outer walls of her already wet folds. “How does it feel baby?”
“So, good.” She barely whimpered. She was desperate to make love to him, even though the hospital had advised that she waited a while. But she knew her body, and would risk it all. “Please, don’t stop Drake.” Turning around to face him, she lift one leg over his- giving him that extra access. He was intoxicating, she craved him at all costs.
“Are you sure?” Nodding, he placed his fingers onto her clit- beginning to move in slow circular motions. With his spare hand he reached up to her breast. Rolling her nipple back and forth between his fingers and tugging on her breast, he thrust up up against her repeatedly as Riley threw her head back- little moans escaping from her lips. Laying her on to her back, he separated her legs as he kissed her inner thighs- before plunging his tongue deep inside of her, the long slow licks made her body tremble instantly. Unable to hold in the orgasms that she was screaming, he made it impossible as he began to use his fingers to help increase her pleasure. One finger was inserted and was soon immediately followed by a second, then a third. His fingers actions begin slow but delved deep- as they curved they knew how to hit that special sensitive spot.
“Dr-Drake... please.... I need you...”
Holding her tightly, he slowly entered her- feeling her walls responding to him with pulsing motions tightening around his shaft. He brought his face down and kissed her deeply, as he looked at her in awe. His lips were soft- his tongue became demanding as he increased his speed gradually. Feeling that familiar rush of happiness building up inside of her every time that they had sex, she was grateful that they took that risk in becoming official- despite her being doubtful to begin with. Their bodies continued to rock in sync, as if they were made for one another. “Drake?”
“Am I hurting you?” Slowing his movements down but keeping at a steady pace, no matter how much he was enjoying it- he didn’t want to hurt her. “No. God. No. I just... you’ve been my rock. Yeah, you was a jerk when I first came here. If I can’t give you what you want in life, I want you to find it somewhere else.” Fuck Riley, just think positive. Slamming into her hard, he didn’t mean to- kissing her gently, he would be lost without her in his life. He didn’t know how he would cope. “I’ve already got what I want in life. A beautiful, gorgeous strong woman- who loves me for being me.” Continuing his movements, he wanted to blurt out those four words- but it was an inappropriate time. “You are my world, I am grateful to have found you. Until you, I didn’t understand the meaning of love. This here, is OUR home. Just the two of us. You’re my family. Any last words to say? Because this man is dying to cum, and you’re distracting me...”
“You and I. Sorry, I love you... thank you again for being my rock...” Drake kissed her softly on the lips, believing that he shouldn’t take all the glory- she too had been his rock. Saving him from a loveless relationship. In the back of his mind, he had wished that Bastien had of made more of an effort with introducing them to the Brooks throughout the past, rather than the odd occasion. Maybe he would have been the one to propose to her back then, it would have saved them both from this heartache. Closing her eyes, her final orgasm shuddered throughout her body- sending waves of pleasure. Feeling his body tense, she felt his cock slam deep into her one last time as he spilled his warm load inside. Both their breathing was hard- in unison, pulling out of her he fell onto the soft mattress next to her. Laying her head onto his chest, his breaths were coming in slight gasps as sweat ran off his forehead. Looking at her, he smiled. Happy that she was in his arms.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he played with her newly formed disheveled hair.
“Yes, thank you for being you.” Will you marry me... marry me... I love you please marry me.. I can’t do it without the ring. Damn she’s like superglued to me. I could ask her, then get out of bed for the ring. No, she deserves a decent proposal- she’s worth so much more than a shit one. Fuck, I just want to marry this girl- make her officially mine.
“Ri.... I want to ask you something...Will you....”
“Will I?”
“Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?” Phew, thank god for Meatloaf.
“You’re a good singer, but you’ve definitely killed that song... yes I’ll love you forever; I need you all the time, I’m never leaving you, I hope to make you happy for the rest of your life.”
“It’s been stuck in my head for a few days...you can’t beat a bit of Meatloaf. I love you, baby. Fancy a walk?”
“I prefer riding...”
“I don’t think you should be riding a horse, it was risky having sex...”
“I meant riding your cock.” Rolling on to him, she smirked seductively at him as he shook his head. Biting her lip, she knew it turned him on immediately- and she soon felt him confirming this fact, feeling his cock rise once again in such a short time. “Any pain or injury inflicted is totally my fault, Mr Walker. I’ll take all the blame....”
Arriving at the hospital, it was the day for the results. They had both decided to get a taxi, and wear disguises to hide from the press. Waiting nervously in the waiting room, she had an inkling about the results- she knew that due to her discussion with the nurse in New York.
“Miss Brooks?” Drake held her hand tightly, promising to never let go and to be with her through ever step. The consultant gestured for the two of them to sit down- her heart began to beat incredibly fast, almost feeling like it was about to jump out of her chest. Drake rubbed her leg as he noticed it shaking, placing his other arm around her waist.
“Miss Brooks, we have your results back from the tests that were completed in New York... I am so sorry.....”
Riley closed her eyes, feeling like her world had come crashing down in an instant. Feeling Drake hold on to her tightly, her mind wasn’t functioning as she overheard Drake and the consultants conversation echo.
It is indeed, cervical cancer...
Did you catch it early enough?
Cervical, I can’t have children. I can’t give Drake what he wants. It doesn’t matter if it was caught early or not.
Yes, it’s in the early stages. There are many routes to go from here...
Can we keep this information quiet from the press. We haven’t told our families about it yet. Can I pay for her to go private with the best specialist- wherever that may be?
Riley slowly opened her eyes, there was only one thing on her mind.
“I can’t have children...” The words just slipped out of her mouth, she wasn’t wanting to elaborate on the treatment options- that didn’t matter to her.
“Miss Brooks, it is unlikely that you will be able to conceive... however...”
“However?” Drake asked, having that bit slight of hope that there could be a possibility of them having a family in the future.
“There are many different routes. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will affect the womb- meaning that it would be impossible to be become pregnant, and it could cause early menopause. If you chose this route, there is an option to freeze your eggs to provide for a surrogate. Or you could use a surrogate, or adopt?”
“That wouldn’t be my baby. I wouldn’t be able carry it- to have moments such as feeling it kick for the first time. Drake wouldn’t feel his baby kick in me. It’s not the same...” Seeing Riley’s bottom lip tremble, the consultant stood up and knelt down by Riley’s side providing her with a box of tissues.
“Those aren’t the only routes. There are other treatment plans in which you will be able to conceive naturally. A biopsy known as LLETZ, is where we remove the tissue. Depending on how much of a sample is removed could cause the pregnancy to have risks such as a premature birth. There is also another treatment known as radical trachelectomy. Again, there are risks such as premature birth or possible miscarriage- the baby would usually have to be born via a c-section.”
“See baby, there are options.” Riley looked at Drake who smiled at her, with hope in his eyes.
“The last option... what does that include?” The consultant informed them that she would need to have a procedure under general anaesthetic and stay in hospital for a few days. The press are going to have a field day, great.
“I’ll provide you with all the leaflets with advise on every treatment. Take it home, read through it together- once you have made a decision ring my secretary and we can start the ball rolling.”
It was match day, Drake couldn’t concentrate. Over the last few days, he had plenty of opportunities to propose, but they had been disturbed or he had chickened out. Shaking, he really didn’t want to play- he knew his mind would be on Riley’s results that she had received the previous day. Noticing Drake not being his usual self, Riley sat next to him, in the dressing room- he had kept her secret from everyone because he respected her wishes. But it was killing him. He knew they both needed support from their family and friends to get through it.
“Come on Walker, where’s that infamous cocky smirk? Make me proud baby. Before I potentially die I want to see you outshine the Rhys’s.” Winking at him, he gave her a stern look. “What?” She asked innocently, not knowing what the issue was.
“Don’t talk like that Ri, we’ve already agreed that you aren’t going anywhere.”
“Not yet....We need to make lots of memories together. Go on, get on the pitch. Score a goal- I’ll give you a kiss. Score a brace- I’ll give you handjob. Score a hat-trick - I’ll give you a blowjob.”
“What if I don’t score Miss Brooks?”
“Then.... you’ll get nothing at all. I’m joking. I’ll give you all three, because I’m a number one girlfriend. Break a leg, not literally though! I love you, Drake.”
“I love you too Riley, more than you’ll ever know.” Carry on making me proud, she whispered in his ear- this positivity from her made him want to work hard on the pitch. Knowing that she was acting strong, she needed him to do the same.
Welcome to the first match of the month on this bright sunny day in Cordonia. With the sad news regarding the chairman Mr Rhys as well as the teams manager Mr Lopez, prior to the match there will be a two minute silence.
I am positive that the Rhys brothers will be determined to win on behalf of their brother and father that they have lost recently.
I’m not even sure that they are too bothered regarding the sudden deaths. Neither Liam nor Leo have made a statement regarding them, and have kept themselves out of the spotlight. We're ten minutes away from kick-off and the stadium is filling up nicely.
“What’s up with you, Walker?” Leo noticed that Drake was in a trance. “Don’t tell me that you’re nervous?”
“Like fuck I am. I’ll run circles around you captain.”
“You can talk to me you know. If something’s on your mind. We all have secrets.”
“It’s fine, Leo. I just want to get this match done- then celebrate the win with my beautiful girl.” Patting him on the shoulder, he was pleased that Drake had finally found happiness.
And we’re off. Leo Rhys is always usually on everybody's radar. I know that other top clubs are interested in stealing him. He moves the ball around well, he's got a little bit of aggression as well as he passes his opponents.
Leo Rhys passes the ball to Liam Rhys- he shoots. Ahh. It's a wonderful save but also a wonderful play from the Apples.
There's nothing that the keeper can do about this one as Walker spins around on the edge of the penalty area before dispatching a powerful, low finish into the net. It came after another flowing move with Leo Rhys providing the assist. The Apples take a well deserved lead.
Leo ran up to Drake congratulating him as the rest of the players did. Riley and Bastien stood up cheering.
Isn’t that sweet, Riley Brooks blowing her boyfriend a kiss. It is unknown as to why she isn’t working today, maybe she is poorly?
I didn’t notice- if he carries on playing the way he has done in this short amount of time, he will deserve more than that. If there is anything up with the physio- I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
This is already turning into a nightmare for the away side, the Rhys’ and Walker are all over the opposition. Is Walker about to score a brace? Yes he is! Doubling his side's lead- he’s on fire today! This time it was Liam Rhys who assisted the goal. Apples 2-0.
We are nearly at half time, the away side have been poor. They’ve had one shot- their defending is terrible today. One minute left, before the half time whistle. Can they increase their lead.... oh... yes. I think they are... Leo and Liam Rhys are passing the ball, they see Walker. Is it a ... HE SCORES! Hat-trick for Walker. What a first half, the crowds cheers are echoing throughout the stadium. Maybe the away side should give up now? And that’s it. Half time.
The team headed towards the tunnels, Riley ran up to Drake before he entered- catching her, their lips crashed onto each other’s in a deep passionate kiss.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, right now.”
“Well I did get bribed... it’s team work. I can’t wait to get you home and celebrate with you. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Mr ‘hat-trick’ Walker.”
Second half is about to start, I believe that this has been an easy three points- I can’t see the away team coming back from this.
No, neither can I. We are two minutes in, and the Rhys’ have had a few opportunities already.
The losing team have just won their first corner. The game is 75 minutes in.
Not knowing why, Drake glanced towards the dugout- hoping to see Riley continue smiling at him, knowing that he was making her proud. Instead, he saw her run through the tunnel, holding onto her stomach. Fuck.
As if the Apples need anymore drama within the club- it looks as though Walker is arguing with his manager.
It’s such a shame that such a good match has come to this- I wonder what the argument is about? Walker has played well, but I’ve seen that he hasn’t been on the ball this half- get it?
Good pun- yes, even though he’s scored a hat trick his eyes have been scrutinising elsewhere around the stadium.
“Get back on the pitch, Walker!” Bertrand snapped towards Drake, he hated being stern towards him as he was his brother in law- but for some reason he was jeopardising the game.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me Bertrand. Riley’s not well.... I saw her run off...she needs me.”
“She’s probably just being sick. This match is important... is she pregnant?”
“No! And Riley is more important to me than a stupid match....”
“Tell me what’s up with her, then we can determine what is more important!” She’s got cancer you fucking moron.
“Just take me off, I’ve done enough in this match....” Bertrand grabbed Drake by the collar- his grip was tight, not knowing what had got into him- he witnessed the team walk over attempting to calm the situation down.
“Get the fuck off of me Bertrand! I quit!”
“Walker! Back on the pitch now!”
“Fuck you!” Bertrand panicked, not knowing what to do or say. They had just signed an eighteen year old from Madrid, giving the kid an opportunity to play and replace Drake was his only option.
“Ri?” Hearing his voice, and studs storm through the toilet door- she wondered why and how he was there. “Are you okay? I saw you run off.”
“Yeah, I just had a bit of stomach ache. Shouldn’t you be on the pitch?” Rubbing her stomach, he hoped that this slight gesture would take away a bit of pain.
“I’ve quit.”
“Bertrand told me to get back on the pitch, but you mean so much more to me. I can quit now and live happily ever after. With you. Wherever you want to go.”
“You’ve quit?” Not quite believing what he had said, she needed to confirm that she had heard him correctly.
“I said it in anger, but honestly- I’m getting old anyway..”
“You’re in your twenties. You’re fit..” Removing his top, he smirked at her as flexed his pecs in a confident manner.
“I know I am, that’s why you love me.”
“I meant ‘fit’ as in healthy.. Drake you can’t quit, because of me...what are you going to do if this treatment doesn’t work- and I become ill. You’ll have nothing.”
“As long as I have you, I don’t care what I do with my life. Let’s get out of here, go home. You have cancer and you are going to fight it....” Kissing her on her forehead, he held her tightly- knowing that the two of them were going to get through this together.
“You have cancer?” Breaking away from Drake’s embrace, she turned to the direction of the voice- seeing the door shut she believed that they were alone as did Drake. Fuck.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Hold On
Part 3- Last Hurrah
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Nobody got injured at the Homecoming ball, they all get separated into different safe houses- for safety.
Riley and Drake had confirmed that they had feelings for each other, however Drake believed Riley should be with Liam. Heartbroken, she moves back to New York. Only keeping in touch with Hana, Maxwell and Olivia.
Riley meets lawyer, Nate Cooper and begins a relationship with him. In Cordonia, Drake begins to court Kiara.
Nine months after Riley had left Cordonia- there is a reunion, but not the reunion the friends had hoped for.
*Characters belong to Pixelberry*
If you are under 18 please do not read this series. If you do you are consenting that you are over the age.
Series warnings: Suicide, domestic abuse, swearing, stabbing. If any of these triggers affect you do not read!
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @butindeed @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519
**Riley’s POV part 2 and present time**
Riley arrived at the “safe” accommodation, not knowing what to do with herself. Did she regret, reporting Nate to the police? No. But also yes. Yes because she felt if she continued to run would he find her? Take it out on her again? But again no, because she thought it would help prevent any more harm to other woman.
Feeling alone, she sat on the edge of her bed twirling her hair, staring at the same spot on the wall in a tranced gaze. Talking about her miscarriage to the detective, made her think about Cordonia. The only ones who knew that she was pregnant , were Hana and Max. They had convinced her to tell Drake the truth. She was close to contacting him- that was until Max ‘accidentally slipped’ that Drake was now in a relationship with Kiara. Slowly she pulled out the scan of her unborn baby- I’m so sorry, I’ll always love you. What was the point she thought? She had lost everything, other than some friends- she felt that they could live without her and her constant fuck ups. After a while, she came to the conclusion of regretting ever going to Cordonia in the first place.
She decided to attempt to drink the pain away- reaching for a bottle of white wine. One bottle turned into two easily- in an instant. The pain was still there- it was unbearable. In her drunk state of mind, she realised one person needed an overdue apology- Leo.
“Hi, Leo. I just want to apologise for what has happened in the last few months. I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve it. And I’m sorry for any pain it caused you. You and Beth meant the world to me and I hope you both have a lovely future together. I’ll miss you both. I’ll love each and everyone of you- tell the rest of them that I’m sorry too, you’ll know who I’m referring to. Ri x”
That was the last text she sent to any of her closest friends, she turned her phone off. She didn’t want to read the response. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, still grasping onto the wine glass- the liquid spilling down her.
Riley later woke up at 4am the following morning- due to the nightmares involving everything that had happened; the social season, Drake, Liam and Nate. Her head was spinning, her body shaking, uncontrollable sweating.
Getting dressed, she decided to go for a walk to clear her head. It would be quiet- as it was only early hours. The only people that could and would be around would be dog walkers, she believed.
Arriving near the river, she heard the birds tweet awaking the city, the water flowing creating a tranquil atmosphere. Thoughts running through her head- the distant memories. Riley had lost the spunk she once had; now feeling hopeless, tearful and overwhelmed by all negative thoughts. All the men she had given her heart to, failed her- making her lose trust and feel unwanted. Since the abuse from Nate she neglected her personal appearance- I am not the woman people know anymore.
I walked towards the river bank, not really knowing why I was here? It was calling me- like a magnet. This was my last hurrah as Bebe Rexha would sing, some of the lyrics of the song related to my life.
“I’m done with the drinking” - no matter how much i drink there is still the pain lingering, stabbing my body constantly, as if I’m a voodoo doll.
“ I’m done with the smoking” -smoking apparently calms stress, not for me. I’d have to have a cigarette one after the other and there would still be stress and pain in between.
“I’m done with the heartache”- I can’t take anymore heartache, I am fully broken and are not fixable now.
“I’m done with the demons”- the demons in my head that are telling me I’m worthless, all the mistakes I’ve made. Seems like the devil has been encouraging my life to fuck up.
“Can’t wait to be normal right after this weekend”- I hoped everything would get better, but no the shitstorm continued. I would never be my normal self again.
“I’m done with the drama I’m fixing my karma”-I tried, nothing was fixing it, I need out.
“Maybe tomorrow I won’t feel this pain, last hurrah”- only one way to stop this all continuous pain, I’m a coward, I’m selfish, I won’t feel any pain anymore.
I took my shoes off, and sat on the edge of the muddy riverbank, taking in the last memory of the beautiful scenery surrounding me. Pulling my purse out of my bag, I stared longingly at the black and white picture- my baby. Raising the picture to my mouth, I kissed it- mommy is coming to be with you angel, I’m sorry, I’ll see you soon and protect you and love you like I should have loved you in this world.
Leaving all my possessions on the side of the riverbank as if they were lost property, I timidly walked over to the water. Dipping my toes into the ice cold flowing water, sent a shock through my body. Could I do this, I thought? Having second doubts, I looked up to the beautiful sunrise, looking around making sure no one was there. I had to jump- no more second chances, no more time to doubt. It was no or never. My heart jumped out of my skin as I entered the water. I gave up. I’m sorry.
Olivia was still sat with her friend, she didn’t know long she had been there. Time seemed to disappear in a flash. Thoughts ran through the duchess’s head. Riley always spoke on the phone as if her life was good- no drama now she was back in her city. There was a knock at the door, she let go of her friends cold hand and kissed her forehead expecting it to be the others. As she turned around, Leo pulled her in for a tight hug- he knew Olivia didn’t ‘do hugs’ and was shocked when she returned it.
“Liv, she’s going to be okay. I’m sorry. I should have contacted you all right away. I... I think I was the last one she text. It was a goodbye text to us all.”
Olivia raised her eyebrows, Leo showed her the text, looking at Riley then back at Liv with sorrow in his eyes.
“What has gone off Leo? Why is she apologising to you?”
“Liv, did you read all the article?”
“No! Why would I? I read the important bits, we all packed and came straight away behind your brothers back!”
“Olivia, you missed out the important part by the sounds of it. Look...”
No foul play is suspected at this time, however Detective David McDonald has requested if any other witnesses could come forward. The previous day before this tragic incident, Miss Brooks had reported her ex partner to NYPD for domestic abuse. It is known that the well spoke about Lawyer, Nate Cooper had abused the victim for months, including hospitalising her on more than one occasion. Leo Rhys, a friend of Miss Brooks also became a victim to Mr Cooper’s violent outbursts. The man is currently in custody with the Boston Police Force.
“No one messes with Olivia Nevrakis or her friends and gets away with it! I’m going to fucking kill him! Leo, stay with Riley and the others. I’m going to Boston!”
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madelinecoffee · 7 years
The Right People Ch.4
Summary: Its Junior Year of college and after the break-up with her ex-girlfriend Riley Matthews wants to focus on school and her friends, most especially her new friendship with Lucas. She’s hoping that with the right people this year will be a great one. Fancast: x A/N: In this Riley is bisexual, and this fic does deal with emotional abuse. If you’re sensitive to that proceed reading this fic with caution. This chapter mentions a pic of Paula and Riley this is the pic I envisioned: x Words: 2,179 Tagging: @iwantyoutochooseme  @grapes-day @ouat2011(if you would like to be tagged let me know) Ch. 1 Ch.2 Ch.3
“Hey Maya!” Lucas quickly slid into the booth with his coffee across from Maya who had her laptop open and was drinking some tea “Is Riley here or coming?” He looked around to see if he could spot the brunette
Maya smirked as she watched Lucas’ head swivel around looking for her usual counterpart, “Nope Ranger Rick, just me and maybe Farkle if he stops by. I left her at home she was napping, thank god.”
“What do you mean thank god?” Lucas asked his eyebrows pinching together
“She hasn’t been sleeping a lot at night, it’s the Paula texts. She’s not reading them but its still upsetting her.” Maya shrugged, “Why were you looking for her? I’m sure she could use a napping buddy” Maya gave him a wink as his face flushed
“Nope, that’s great actually. I wanted to talk to you without Riley around”
Just then Farkle slid in next to Maya, “What’s this about wanting to talk without Riley around? You aren’t like going to tell us you secretly hate or something? Because Maya will jack you up son.”
Lucas gave an exasperated sigh, “No nothing like that…opposite actually.” Lucas took a gulp and avoided eye contact with Maya as Farkle, “I…like her and I um wanted to ask her out but I didn’t know how she’d react. And I love our friendship and if she wouldn’t want to go out with me I didn’t want to ruin it so I figured I’d ask Maya to see if she knew what Riley…” Lucas was cut off by Maya and Farkle laughing
“Oh my god Ranger Rick, you’re dense.” Maya flicked a fake tear away as Farkle spoke up
“Riley is completely smitten with you. There’s some weird draw she has to you, I’ve never seen anyone calm her down as quickly as you did a few weeks ago when the texts started.”
“Plus you two are always holding hands, she never tries to hold anyone’s else’s hand. I mean mine on occasion. But its like it calms her or something, all I know is that even if you don’t notice it that girl is into you.  I’d say go for it Huckleberry.” Maya gave him a smile as she sipped her tea, “You might even see a little more of the Riley we used to know before Paula”
“Do you think you could tell me more about Riley and Paula? I know I know it’s not your story to tell,” Lucas piped up when he saw Maya about to protest, “But I know next to nothing. Just like a baseline of their relationship? Maybe more of Riley before?” Lucas gave a hopeful smile.
Farkle and Maya had a nonverbal conversation before Farkle spoke up,
“Riley was a lot more open before Paula, she was loud and silly and goofy. She was a little sunshine queen.” Farkle smiles as he continues, “When we were in middle school we had to take an aptitude test and hers told her she should be a bunny farmer.”
Lucas smiled he could see Riley surrounded by bunnies, he was shaken out of the thought when Maya spoke up
“She was like that still when her and Paula and her started dating. I think it was what got Paula to say yes when Riley asked her out. Paula was all tough looking and scowling but Riley just went over and put a smile on her face. Well for a while. I don’t know exactly what happened, but overtime Riley’s little sunshine-inner-light started to fade. She was constantly apologizing for doing Riley things. Like Riley loves to sing, well she used to, and she would sing everything she did. I have this one distinct memory when she was dating Paula for a few months and she was making pancakes and Riley started singing as she mixed the ingredients. And she realized what she was doing and got this look of horror on her face and apologized profusely even when I told her it was fine.” Maya shook her head
“And as you know Riley is a super affectionate person, and like over time Paula just wouldn’t hold her hand or let her put her head on her shoulder. Or basically let her touch her. Riley insisted that it was just how Paula was, but they weren’t like that in the beginning”, Farkle added in
“The biggest thing that I think did Riley in is that Riley’s proud of her bisexuality. Like she uses the label a lot and when people tried to call her a lesbian when they knew she also was into guys she went off. At first Paula seemed chill with it, but over time I don’t know what happened but Paula became really bi-phobic about it. Paula’s a lesbian and she too has a lot of pride about it too. Which is great but she started just making really nasty comments about being bisexual, which did not fly with me at all.” Maya shook her head, “Anyway that’s all I can tell you from my perspective the rest has got to come from Riley.”
“Of course, I just wanted to get a better idea of what Riley’s been through, the last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable. Hey do either of you have a picture of Paula? I’ve never seen one of her”
“Oh sure, yeah this will be good you can keep an eye out for her.” Farkle pulled up his phone and scrolled through until he found one.
“This is them, I think they were going out? I can’t remember” Farkle explained as he handed his phone to Lucas. Lucas just started at the phone completely flabbergasted, he was sure he looked like a dying fish.
“I..I know her.” He finally managed to say, he was completely shocked that the girl who had hurt his sunshine was his lab partner at some point.
“Well yeah Huckleberry we all know Riley” Maya gave him a look but Lucas shook his head.
“No. Paula. She was my last lab partner; Tony and me are partners now. Because we switch around in this class but it was her at first, no wonder those biphobic texts to Riley sounded so familiar.” Lucas handed the phone back to Farkle. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, his lab partner Paula and Riley’s ex girlfriend Paula had always been two separate people. He had wanted to punch her in the face before but now he really wanted to.
“I have to go.” Lucas quickly, got up he didn’t know what he was going to do but he knew he wanted to talk to Riley first. Before he fully left the café he doubled back. “And please don’t say anything to Riley about me asking her out until I do, I want my moment to be my moment.” And with that Lucas took off in the direction of Riley, Smackle, and Maya’s apartment.
Farkle moved to where Lucas was sitting and faced Maya,
“Wonder what he’ll do.” He mused at Maya, they both knew Lucas had a history of anger but he had told them he hadn’t fought since middle school early high school
“I’m not sure” Maya shrugged, “He’s probably going to talk to Riley. So probably nothing. She wouldn’t let me do anything to Paula I doubt she’ll let good ‘ol Huckleberry do anything.”
“So what do you think about that? Riley and Lucas? Lucas and Riley, Liley, Rucas?” Farkle questioned with a raised brow
“Oh those two? Totally already in love and they don’t even know it. They’re perfect for one another Farkle! Did you see his face when he first saw her?” Maya gushed, “And they’re already drawn to each other. Did you see how fast he reacted when he came in and she was crying?” Maya gushed as Farkle chuckled
“You seem excited for their potential relationship”
“He makes Riley happy, and ultimately that’s all I really want.” Maya shrugged, “I know we’ll never completely get the old Riley back but he brings out that light I thought we lost. If they make each other happy, we should do everything in our power to push them together if they don’t get there on their own.”
“Agreed” Farkle proclaimed with a smile
Lucas was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that before he knew it he was knocking on Riley’s door.
He couldn’t help but smile at the sight that greeted him, Riley answered the door wearing her hair up in a bun the purple tips peaking through, her face adorned with glasses he didn’t know she wore, and a flannel with cropped leggings. She looked happy to see him as she pulled him for a hug
“Lucas! I wasn’t expecting to see you, what’s up?”
“Um…I wanted to talk to you. Nothing bad…. just yeah. I like your glasses. I didn’t know you wore them?” Lucas touched the legs gently as he looked into her eyes
“Um yeah, I usually wear contacts. I have the ones you can wear for a week straight but they started to mess with my eyes so I got regular ones. But until they come I’m rocking my glasses. I don’t wear them a lot, um Paula said they made me look like a nerd” Riley told him with a shrug and a glance at the ground, like she usually did when she gave him an explanation involving her ex-girlfriend.  
“Well you do look a little like a nerd” Lucas teased with a gentle tone and nudge of his shoulder, “But a very cute nerd” Riley’s cheeks flamed red with the compliment
“You said you wanted to talk about something? You want to come to my room?” Lucas nodded as they sauntered over to her room
“Oh shit!” Riley quickly moved to clean up the various papers and books piles lying around her room “Sorry for the mess I was trying to get inspiration for a poem so I was rehashing old notes and yeah.” Lucas just chuckled and helped her put her notes in a pile on her desk. They sat down on the ground facing each other.
“So Luke, you wanted to talk to me?” Riley gave him a smile and an encouraging look
“Um, well I was talking with Farkle and Maya and the topic of Paula came up,” Lucas saw Riley flinch and try to hide her grimace. But Lucas took note and scooted to be seated next to her as he grabbed her hand. “And I realized that I had never seen a picture of her before, so I asked ya know for reference. And while Farkle showed me and I know her Riley.” He felt Riley stiffen next to him and he gave her hand a squeeze.
“H-how do you know her?” Riley asked, her voice timid.
“She was last lab partner before we switched. But she’s still in our class. And god Riley, I didn’t like her at all before. But knowing that she hurt you? Part of me really wants to just walk up to her and punch her in her face.”
“No! Please don’t!” Riley turned to Lucas as she shouted, looking into his eyes tears were threating to spill out of her eyes, “I just don’t want you to get involved in all the issues with her. It’s my problem, I don’t want you to be dragged in”, tears were spilling out of her eyes now and Lucas moved to wipe them away. Riley was so tired of Paula she had figured when she broke up with her that all these issues would be over, but nothing is ever as simple as it seems.
“Ri shh shh, its okay. If you don’t want me to get involved with it at all, I won’t. I’ll respect your wishes.” Lucas pulled her into a hug hoping to soothe her, and it worked quickly. Once she had calmed down he pulled her head out of his chest and gave him a small smile as she wiped her face.
“Sorry I’m always crying on you about my ex-girlfriend.”
“Ri, I’m here for whatever you need. And I didn’t want to upset you. I just wanted to talk to you about it. One of my favorite things is talking to you.” Lucas grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss as Riley giggled, “You want to go get some pancakes? Or make some pancakes?” Lucas smiled knowing pancakes were Riley’s pick me up food.
“Can we make pancakes? I don’t want to leave and it’ll be fun! I have sprinkles and chocolate chips!” Riley clapped excitedly and pulled Lucas off the ground.
“Whatever you want Sunshine” Riley blushed and giggled at the nickname a warm feeling spreading through her. Lucas smiled as he followed her into the kitchen and started helping her make pancakes. He couldn’t help but loose track of time as he hung out with the brunette. He still wanted to ask the brunette out, but that was for another day.  
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