#she wanted to spend time with her kids and friends 🥹
a5tr0naut-und3rwat3r · 3 months
Mini rp stories instead of completionism while playing Skyrim has skyrocketed my enjoyment of the game
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lewisvinga · 2 months
born to die | fernando alonso x fem! reader
summary: after their engagement, y/n realized her and fernando may have different views of the future. it makes her wonder if they were really born to die.
warnings; age gap, cursing, angst/fluff
word count; 1.28k
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; and this is it u guyssss🥹 i enjoyed this series sm and i’m so thankful 4 everyone who read n enjoyed it<33 im gonna miss it sm but keep a look out for my next music f1 series 😁
‘born to die’ series masterlist !
masterlist !
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“But are you really ready to settle down?” Y/b/f asked Y/n during their biweekly brunch dates. The topic of marriage came about after due to Y/n started wedding planning a few months after being engaged.
Her best friend knew her more than anyone. They grew up together. So Y/b/f knows that Y/n never wanted to settle down so quickly. She knew that she wanted to spend her 20s having fun and completing her master's.
Marrying someone who is already in their 40s and wants to settle down as soon as possible meant there was a conflict between their futures.
“I mean, not yet.” Y/n sighed, grasping into the cup of tea as she shrugged. “I love Fernando, I do. I don’t want kids yet. I want to wait a few years and-“
“But does he know that? That’s a man who wants to settle down already and have a house in the countryside. That’s a man who wants children soon.” Y/b/f interrupted her, genuine concern written all over her face. “He’s a great guy and I love that he makes you happy but is that what you really want? Having kids means giving up a lot and you know that I know that.” She added about her own child. “And He just signed another contract with Aston Martin. If you do have kids, he won’t be around to help you much.”
Y/n let out a groan, running her hands over her face. “I was lost before I met him. I was so confused as a little child but he gave me a sense of meaning. I love Nando, I truly do. But It’s just,” She sighed. She looks out the window of the restaurant and watches busy people walking down the sidewalks. “Now that I think about it, we view the next 5 years completely differently.”
Y/b/f reaches out and grabs her hand, forcing Y/n to look back at her. “Just think about it, okay? I love you and I just want the absolute best for you.”
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Y/n sat on the top step of the front patio of her shared home with Fernando, staring out onto the gloomy skies. Despite it being sunny when she was at brunch, by the time she got home it was drizzling. However, the rain usually calmed her and in a moment where she was deep in her thoughts, she definitely needed to be calmed.
She was so lost in her thoughts of her future that she didn’t notice her fiancé’s Aston Martin pulling up to the driveway. The Spaniard was confused as to why his fiancée was sitting on the patio with a sad look on her face.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” He asked. He sat down next to her and caressed her arm. Hearing the concern laced in his voice was the triggering act for her.
“Do you think this is the right time for us to get married?” Y/n asked, keeping her eyes on her fiddling fingers. She hears Fernando’s breath hitch as he sits up straight.
“Why do you think that?”
“Fernando, you’re older than me, like a lot older and-“
“You just noticed?” He asked in a teasing tone in hopes to lighten the mood a bit.
She just sighed in response and crossed her arms over her chest. “Fernando, we both have different views of the next 5 to 10 years and you know that. I’m still young. I want to go out and party and enjoy my life. I just started my master's degree. But I know you want to retire in a few years. I know you want to have kids as soon as possible and settle down. But I-“
Y/n takes a deep breath as she glances up at her fiancé. “I don’t want that. Not yet at least. Not until I finish my master's. I don’t want to settle down just yet. Y/b/f had to stop so many things when she had her son. It makes me wonder if we’re really meant to be. Maybe you and I, we were born to die.”
Fernando’s minute of silence made her heart drop. He looked like he was lost in his thoughts, similar to how she was moments prior. “What are you even talking about, Y/n? We were born to die? Come on, mi amor!” He exclaimed, standing up to his feet. Her eyebrows furrowed up as she copied him by also getting on her feet, ignoring how the rain began to come down harder.
“Maybe it’s true, Fernando!”
“It’s bullshit.” He let out a laugh as he ran his hand over his beard. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s bullshit. Yes, we’re different ages. The road gets tough, it happens and I don’t know why, but we carry on. That doesn’t mean we’re born to die. Come on!” He continued, his eyebrows furrowed up.
“Are you even listening-“
“I am and what you’re saying is bullshit like I said!” Fernando responds, taking a step closer to her. “Amor, yes, I want children. Yes, I dream of us one day living on the coasts of Spain with our kids but that doesn’t mean I want it right away. I want you to achieve your degree. I want you to enjoy yourself first because it’s not up to me when we have kids. It’s all you.”
“Yeah, but-“
“What do I have to do to prove this to you?”
Y/n raised her eyebrows in confusion as she tilted her head. “What do you mean ‘prove’ it to me?” She asked, confused by his words.
He takes a step back with a shrug. “Prove that I don’t care if you want to wait to have kids. Prove that I wanna marry you because I love you, not to settle down.”
“Well, you don’t need to prove-“ She pauses in her words when she sees him take a step down. She lets out a sigh, her hands falling to rest by her side. She knew immediately by the glint in his eyes what he wanted to do. “Fernando, no. You’re going to get sick.”
He takes another step down.
“Fernando, stop that!”
He takes one step back and is immediately met with the pouring rain. In seconds, his clothes and hair were drenched but he didn’t care. Not one bit.
“Fernando, come back! The longer you stay there the more likely you’ll be sick.” She scolded him but he simply smiled in reply.
“I’m not leaving unless you join me.”
Y/n crosses her arms, glaring at Fernando who keeps smiling. She let out a sigh of defeat as she took a couple steps down the stairs and made it out into the rain. He immediately pulls her close by her waist. She lets out a yelp and balances herself by holding onto his shoulders.
“I love you and I want to marry you, mi amor. I don’t mind waiting 5, 10, even 15 years for us to have kids and ‘settle’ down.” He loudly says over the sound of the rain hitting the pavement. “I just want you.”
She laughs in disbelief, resting her forehead against his chest. “We can figure it all out later, right?”
“It’s just you and me right now, mi amor,” Fernando says. He cups Y/n’s face with one hand, forcing her to look up. He took a second to admire her features and her messed-up makeup from the rain. He leans down, kissing her hard in the pouring rain. Her previous thoughts immediately washed away the moment she felt his lips on her. Maybe they weren’t born to die.
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w2soneshots · 23 days
You’re to cute -W2S
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Words: 1.0k+
Warnings: pregnancy, slight worrying.
In which Harry and the boys decide to cheer you up by planning a cute evening for you and the side girls.
a/n: I love this request, so cute🥹. Protective Harry🫶🏼. I hope you all enjoy!!🤍🧸🎀
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Me and Harry have been together for almost five years now. We always knew we wanted kids so when I found out I was pregnant we were elated. It's been amazing so far. We had to wait almost 3 months to tell everyone, which was torture for Harry since he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. But once we could finally tell all of our family and friends it was amazing. I could rant to Faith about the good and bad things that come with being pregnant and Harry felt a huge weight off his shoulders.
This last six months I haven't been feeling the best. I had awful morning sickness at the beginning (which is how I knew to take a test), I'm tired all the time and the hormones have been wild. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm in tears then two minutes later I'm pissed off. But the first scan, listening to the babies heart beat, finding out we're having a little girl and feeling her kick make it one hundred percent worth it.
Today Harry had to leave for a sidemen shoot early so I woke up alone in our bed. I got up, make myself breakfast, took a quick shower then put on some comfy clothes and lay back down on the bed. I sighed as I turned the tv on, then I clicked on my favourite movie. I spent almost the entire day in bed and on the sofa which has been my daily routine for quite awhile now. I've been to lunch with Talia a few times, baby shopping with Faith and Harry always makes an effort when it comes to little dates, mini golf, bowling, stuff like that. But I've still been feeling a little bit left out.
When I finally heard the front door open I smiled. After he'd put his things away Harry pushed open the door to the bedroom. His face beamed when he locked eyes with me. "How are my girls?" He asked as he sat down on the bed, beside me. "We're good. How was your day?" I moved to rest my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me. "Um some of it didn't really go to plan but I think it'll make the video funnier," He replied. "Actually... me n the boys were talking and -only if you feel up to it- we were wondering if you wanted to come out for dinner and we could watch that new movie that just came out in the cinema?" He proposed.
I smiled (tho he couldn't see my face) "that would be lovely. But don't you hate movies?" "Well I don't hate them, they're just not really my thing. But if it means getting to spend time with you and my friends then I really don't mind." My heart melted at his words, then uncontrollably tears began to spill down my cheeks. I sniffled and Harry quickly brought my face up so he could look at me. "What's wrong? We don't have to go if you don't want to." He reassured kindly. "No Harry I'm fine and I really want to go, that was just really sweet." I wiped my face. He laughed lightly then pulled me into a hug.
After getting up I brushed my hair back into a ponytail then slipped on some shoes before grabbing my phone. "Ready?" Harry asked. "Yup! Let's go." I replied with a bright smile. Harry drove (for once) and we were soon outside the cinema. He held my hand as we walked into the building. I looked around and spotted Faith, Freya and Talia standing near the popcorn, along with their boyfriends and Tobi. We walked over to them and a look of pure excitement spread across Talia's face. "You look so cute! How are you?" She pulled me into a friendly hug. "Pretty good, you?" I replied sweetly. We waited a few minutes for JJ to arrive, when he did we scanned our tickets and made our way into the theatre.
The entire movie Harry's hand was intertwined with mine, while my other one sat comfortably on my little bump. "You two are so cute." Faith whispered into my ear. I looked at her and smiled. Once the credits started to play we all got up and grabbed our things. As we walked out we decided on Nando's for dinner, since there's one just a five minute walk from the cinema.
As we were walking down the pavement a pretty big group of fans surrounded us. I was quickly pushed away from Harry as I got trapped in a small sea of people. "Hey!" I heard JJ's voice call out "move!" My eyes scanned around and they met with Ethan's. He lunged forward, pushing the teenagers out of the way. Then he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards Harry. Josh, JJ and Tobi told the fans to politely "get lost." While Harry fussed over if I was ok. "Are you sure? Is the baby ok?" I nodded as my heart rate slowed "I'm fine. They didn't know. It's ok." I reassured him. Since I'm not really in the public eye we decided not to tell the fans that I'm pregnant. We want to just keep it to ourselves for now, our little secret.
With Harry on one side and JJ on my other we walked the rest of the way to the restaurant. Once we got there we found a table and sat down. Then Josh and Simon went to the front counter to order. Our food came just ten minutes after we'd ordered. We chatted amongst ourselves and I talked to Faith about the crib me and Harry had just recently ordered, since it wouldn't come for quite a few weeks and we wanted to have everything finished as early as possible. Once everyone had finished we walked back to our cars, said goodbye and headed home.
"Thank you for tonight Harry." I murmured as I lay on his chest. "I'm glad you had fun it was nice to see you laughing." He replied. My eyes closed "you're so cute." I whispered. "Good night y/n. I love you." "love you too." My voice trailed off as I fell into a deep sleep.
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martiny0rk · 8 months
Mama Bear and Papa Bear
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request;can you write where pregnant mom and quinn’s 3 year old toddler son go to watch quinns game against the devils with quinn’s parents and family friends. and everyone thinks his son is a miniature quinn personality and looks wise. and the little boy absolutely lovessss watching hockey and cheering on his dad and uncles but also kinda shy so he wants his mom next to him at all times and sometimes to carry him which is kinda hard bc she’s pregnant but quinn’s parents are a big help. and then when the games over quinn’s family and you guys all go out to dinner but now it’s kinda late so the toddlers kinda cranky but quinn is so soft and gentle with him during his tantrum 🥹
Rowden Jerome Hughes also known as the quinn clone as He can be seen with the same "i don't want to be here face." He is Quinn's made over, but was a certified mama's boy. You can always find him either snuggled into your side or near his wonderful mumu.
You were sitting in the stands with the wonderful Ellen and Jim also known to Rowden as Mumu and Coach which he came up with on his own and the little hughes was curled up next to your six months belly which was another little boy watching his dad playing against his uncles.
Rowden had on his little canucks jersey just like his dad's but instead of hughes on the back it said daddy with quinn's number on it and to support his uncle's he wore a little devils hat that Jack had gotten him.
if you asked him who his favorite uncle was he wouldn't tell you as he loves them both the same but if it's between you and me he always hugs luke first even though he was technically name after Jack so its fair.
Rowden has been glue to your side the whole game, but every now and then he will go to his mumu and sit with her for a bit while you go use the bathroom.
Both Jim and Ellen are heaven sent when Quinn is always busy and your pregnant with a 3 year old. They have really helped you out with everything you couldn't have asked for better in-laws.
You started really needing to use the bathroom now so you look down at your husbands mini me with a quiet voice "row would you be okay with sitting with mumu while mama goes and uses the bathroom"
Rowden just snuggled into your side more which made the baby inside you kick so you put your hand on your stomach which catches the queen attention.
"sweetie are you alright" she spoke looking at you which you nod looking at her and Ellen notices your struggle with Rowden as she almost is remind of when quinn use to do something like this when she was pregnant with her second oldest.
Ellen notices her oldest son known as rowden dad about to try and score a goal. She does quick thinking and says "row daddy's on how about you go let mama use the bathroom and you can watch daddy"
Rowden nods his head quickly moving away from you so you can go use the bathroom.
Rowden and Mumu watch as his dad scores a goal to which he lets out a big scream clapping his hands screaming daddy.
From where they were sitting they couldn't see it but quinn had the biggest grin on his face hearing his little voice chant his name he gave him.
Quinn only had three soft spots. One was for his parents. Second was for his brothers and lastly You and His nearly two sons.
He was overjoyed when he found out he was going to be a dad especially having kids with the love of his life that he married just four years ago and you were just a bit younger than jack.
As the game went on the devils won, but Rowden didn't care about that as he got to watch his dad pay against his uncle while also spending time with his grandparents.
As Ellen and Jim went to wait out in the car while you rally up their sons to dinner as it was around eight o'clock which also might mean rowden will have a hissy fit if he doesn't get to bed soon.
The first one to come out of one of the locker rooms was luke as he was one of the ones to hit the showers first which meant he would be on rowden holding duties.
Luke made his way out of the locker room where he spotted you and his favorite nephew well his only nephew came waddle his way over to the over six foot tall guy doing grabby hands.
He lets out a soft chuckle leaning over picking up the boy who resembles his older brother while saying "hey there row row did you enjoy the game.
Rowden nods sleepily letting out a big yawn when another voice comes into the conversation "aww is row sleepy?"
Rowden nods snuggling into luke while Jack makes his way over to you saying "How are things going mama bear."
Ellen was the one who started the "mama bear" nickname as she always noticed when her and her husband always came over to Quinn and Your's house that you would make sure they had their dinner first before serving yourself like mama bears cold porriage.
"I'm okay J you and luke both played well tonight. Rowden was the one screaming his lungs out when you scored." You said which made Jack chuckle knowing Rowden loves the games just like his dad,uncles and grandpa.
Jack and you talked until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist which you know all too well and as you felt a kiss on your cheek you softly smile.
As you all get sat at table in the back that when all hell broke loose when rowden started fighting with you about sitting in a high chair then started begging for coke.
Quinn got up from his seat witnessing his little boy burst out into tear and start having a hissy fit which broke his heart.
"bud how about this you can sit in daddy's lap and we can get you sprite but you can only have alittle bit okay?" he spoke to the pouty face boy with brown little curls falling into his face which he pushed them back.
Quinn wipes his son's eyes as he repiles with a nod letting his dad pick him up and soothe him knowing he's just tired and if he's tired he knew you were.
Quinn went back to the table sitting in his sit with his little boy in his arms gently rubbing his back as he sniffs while quinn orders his food while you put your head on his shoulder.
You were so very grateful to have a wonderful husband who loves you as their own.
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ssahotchnerr · 16 days
aaron helping out with little ellie’s ballet class shows whether it’s behind the stage, helping coach them, helping with lighting or stage props
he’s such stage dad material and as jack isn’t interested in it he gets to experience it with ellie for the first time as she does her ballet classes as a toddler
he’d so try to learn how to make and sew costumes for the shows or how to direct or help with music
and he’d invite the whole of the bau, his entire family & friends too and jack & haley’s side of the family as ellie has been raised around them too and they consider her family too
and afterwards, aaron always greets his baby girl with a huge hug, huge smile & kiss and a big bouquet of pink roses & giant teddy before taking her and jack out to their fave kid friendly restaurant
aaron being equally involved with ellie in dance as he is for jack and soccer <333
i can see him being a bit worried about ellie feeling overlooked, like he's jack's soccer coach, so they spend a lot of time together, and he wants to show up for ellie just as much. it starts off with him just simply taking her to dance class, but then he finds more ways to be involved the longer she's at the studio - applicable with his tight schedule of course. plus he never realized how much he would love being a dance dad 😭 it's a whole new experience and he loves seeing ellie shine in something she loves to do.
aaron's totally the behind the stage dad 😭 he has a headset for cues; he's making sure every dancer is ready to go, gets on stage at the right moment, stays hydrated, gives them little pep talks if they're nervous 🥺🥹 he's just everyone's dance dad and everyone simply adores him 😭 but also, since there's multiple recitals, he does set aside one to be in the audience with you and jack, to actually watch the show and to see his ellie bellie dance her little heart out 🥹 and he's 100% filming too 🥹💓💞💓
making costumes!!! he stitches and sequins and sews on the jet, using the downtime to his advantage 😭 just as he does when he's figuring out soccer plays for jack's team. hehe the team clowns him a bit for it🤭, because who would they be if they didn't ??? but as everyone's getting sleep or doing their own thing, aaron's sat in the corner with the overhead light on, sewing ellie's costumes <3🥰
and omg you can bet the bau is front row at the performances. sean comes!! and haley's family too 🥹 they love her just as much as they love jack, they have even before she was born. and again with jessica having kids of her own, ellie LOVES her cousins. hehe after the recital she sees them and her whole little face lights up, running towards them to give soo many hugs <3
aaron's just the most proud dad ever, he can't stop smiling 🥹 for every single performance, he'll get ellie a bouquet of flowers, one that'll sit proudly in her room next to all the pictures of her in her dance costumes 🥰 speaking of, her whole room is themed to ballet too 🥹 and sticking to ellie's love for her chucky doll LOL, he has that in hand waiting for her too (it's mainly brought to soothe any nerves she may have prior to her performance) 🥰🥰 hehe he scoops her up in his arms and tells her how amazing she did, and how proud he, you and jack are of her 🥹💞💓💞💓 after too, he sticks around for clean up, makes sure every kid is accounted for and has found their family amidst the crowd, and then you'll all go out for a treat or dinner and a treat 🥰💓💞
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saintslewis · 6 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc
summary: truly, nothing can break Nadia’s soul.
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, slight angst, typos, it’s a long one 😭 click on the links, i’m watching you 🤨
wc: 6.4k
saint’s team radio 🎀: don’t beat me up y’all! this took more than forever and i am really sorry. hopefully this chapter brings you guys joy 🤭 thank you so much for all the love on renaissance so far! 🥹 i also want y’all to know that Nadia is a thick babe, when she wears shorts or mini skirts/dresses, it’s mini!!! just wanted to remind y’all!!!!
pls like, comment and reblog! 🫶🏽
renaissance: the series masterlist • general masterlist
The thin white thread from the duvet cover couldn't be any longer as Nadia continued to pull on it, clicking her nails together in the process. Her buzzing phone sat on the bed in front of her with the voice of her mother pressing her about the past week.
"I'm sure it wasn't easy being the trophy wife this weekend, people were going crazy this side." Her mother chuckled from the other end.
"Ma, you haven't spoken to me since I signed on that dotted line, you haven't checked up on me yet this is what you have to say to me after nearly 3 weeks without contact?" Nadia said with a strain in her voice.
"Oh come on. I was just giving you time to adjust to that fame you've always wanted and for the love of all that is good, cover up more. Do not need to see more than what I've already seen." Thembi said, not understanding how much she was hurting her daughter.
Quietly wiping her tears with her wrist, she thought back to how much peace she had before she called her mother.
The journey from South Africa to the uk had been a tough one when Nadia was much younger. Although the mother daughter pair had gone through hardships, they were as close as they could be. Residing in South London at the time had been a rollercoaster, from trying to fit in with the other kids to adapting to the new culture around her, it became easier thanks to friends she made along the way.
Within a year and a half of moving countries, Thembi announced to her daughter that they would be moving in with a new man, her 'friend' for the time being all the way in Stevenage. Nadia saw her mother's entire personality change the second the last box was dropped off by the movers, a new demeanour being shown off to the neighbours and a less kind version of her was shown to Nadia.
Conversations were barely there, hugs were rarely given and reassurance was never enough as opposed to the affection she would previously receive from before the move. Wanting to keep the positives on the surface, Nadia decided to distract herself from her feelings and continued to go to school with her old friends even if it meant travelling distances just to get away from her mother.
As Nadia grew older, so did the sudden change of attitude from her mother, finding the need to comment on everything she found wrong with Nadia. In rebellion, the girl would wear whatever would make her happy, get the tattoos she felt she needed and not spending as much time with her mother as she did before. When university opened, she hurried to move out, already planning her life out and visited her home country to find comfort in her family back home, her cousin Rea becoming a younger sister to her.
However after uni, Thembi seeked therapy to better her relationship with her daughter. Happy to go back to the way it was before, their relationship became healthier and happier after years. What changed?
Sighing out, Nadia ignored her mother's harsh words. "When is Rea going to get there? You've cancelled her flight three times already."
"Only next week Thursday. Ooh tell me, has he bought you anything fancy yet?" Anyone could imagine the smug look on her mother's face as she asked the question.
"Bye mom. Greet James." Rolling her eyes, Nadia hung up and gently rubbed her eyes, getting rid of the tears with her knuckles. Texting Rea that she should rather move in with her, she let out a sigh at the thought of her mother's sudden phone call the day after the race.
Walking into the en-suite bathroom, she fixed up her light makeup with music playing from her phone. Lewis had texted her earlier that he would be going on a run, not too sure what Nadia would want to do during the day before their trip to Malibu. She blinked the tears back whilst tilting her head backward to avoid them falling once again.
The cold tiles of the bathroom were cooling off the high temperature of her body, mainly from all the emotions and the overall heat in Miami. All she wanted to do was leave Miami and curl up in her bed - her old bed. The one she would lay on after an incredibly long day of teaching high schoolers. The one that had her plushies that she was gifted by her students. The one where she could be lying in at that very moment but she decided to drive to her mom's house that fateful day.
Deactivating her social media accounts was a no go as instructed by Tia, saying the engagement was good and for her to keep it up, the public unfamiliar with the concept of a WAG speaking to people as if they've been friends for decades. Having not gone too far into the mean and hateful comments, Nadia gets chills just thinking about it. How she's perceived by the world now with her newfound fame. One she did not ask for but she was willing to help her new friend.
That's all he was. A friend. Right?
Not realising she had zoned out and begun picking on her old acne scars, she hadn't heard her hotel room door open, a slightly breathless Lewis stood in the bathroom doorframe watching her pick at her skin whilst looking at a specific tile.
"Nads?" He called out but the girl still hadn't heard anything. Wiggling his neon sneakers on his feet within her vision, she snapped out of it, her eyes widening at the sight of him there. "Oh, hi." She greeted, voice as soft as silk as she looked at the man once then back to the mirror to avoid eye contact. "Everything okay?" He asked, wiping his forehead for any sweat left.
Nadia nodded, packing up her mini makeup bag from the marble counter, jewellery jangling as she zipped it up. "Just woke up a little weird and hungry, that's all. Are you good?" She responded, giving a half smile and she finally maintained eye contact with him.
"Yeah. Yeah, the run was good and ready for the day." He answered, feeling her energy yet just not sure where to put it between sadness or anger. "Still very proud of P2 yesterday, it was insane to see that live." She added, the gold grills matching her jewellery perfectly. Very casually dressed with a tired look in her eyes.
"Nads, are you sure you're good? Have you had breakfast?" He moved to the side as he watched her leave the bathroom with heavy footsteps. "The heat is killing me, not used to such and I was going to wait til the plane for something. Got too nervous to order room service." She slightly chuckled to herself, feeling a slight twist in her stomach.
Not wanting to upset her, he just gave her a look with his eyebrows a little raised and that made her crack. "Oh my days, don't look at me like that. We can go for lunch or something, I don't know." She suggested, looking away from Lewis to avoid looking into his eyes.
"What if I was going to compliment your hair?" He joked and crossed his arms with a slight chuckle.
"Please, I know that look from anywhere. I give it to my kids all the time." Nadia said while rolling her eyes, a soft smile on display. "Now let me change. The room's got stuffy air so we need to take a step outside." She shooed him away as she walked into the bathroom once again and closed the door with a huge smile.
Left standing in awe of her, Lewis shook his head as he headed out of her hotel room to change up for their outing.
The cold granadilla slushy had been freezing up Nadia's hand but she couldn't care less, the heat in Miami unbearable to no end. The pair sat in the back of the Escalade on the way to any mall nearby where Nadia could get some sandals, her feet suffocated by her sneakers.
Tia had advised them to travel by their allocated security cars because the streets of Miami were still buzzing with F1 fans, hungover or sober, hunting around for any f1 drivers that were around.
"Not that it isn't weird, it is, but I have to live with the fact that the women I have dreamed of styling one day know I exist and Pharrell too! Like my colleagues are blowing up my phone like crazy." Nadia emphasised, the slushy swishing around in her hand as she was talking.
Lewis could watch her talk for hours, even more when she was excited about something. He had thought that this weekend would be too much for Nadia with all the attention on her much more than the Grand Prix itself but the way she handled everything from the instagram posts to the multitude of introductions was incredible to watch.
She was graceful but with a spunk to her, expressing her personality to the friend group but not yet to the f1 media, wanting to get a bit more comfortable in that vicinity with Lewis by her side. Already seeing how she could get when someone were to wrong Lewis, the man was certain that they will get through this fake marriage with ease and fun, gaining a friendship within it.
"So what's your biggest goal with being a stylist? I haven't seen your work yet but I feel like it's phenomenal." He asked, smiling once he saw her roll her eyes at him.
"Phenomenal is a stretch but I'm trying to get like Law Roach or even work with a fashion house to be honest. I always wanted a way to show my work but I just never knew how to." She shrugged, taking a sip of the slushy.
"How about you style me for a few events and for a race or two?" He suggested.
"And take Eric's job? Are you crazy?" She stared at him with widened eyes and furrowed eyebrows but all he did was chuckle. "It'll be fun plus Eric knows already, he's more than excited for it." Lewis continued smiling, Nadia stared at him before releasing a sigh.
"When do I start?" She shook her head in disbelief, not believing what just happened. "Friday but the main brief is that we're sitting courtside." And like clockwork, he gave her a smile that she couldn't resist.
"You're just so full of surprises, aren't you? Let me find out there's more events you're hiding from me." Nadia said squinting her eyes at him, his cheeks eventually hurting from smiling at her.
"A magician never tells his tricks."
"Yeah yeah, Hamilton." Nadia replied, shaking her head once more as she got her purse ready, seeing the Miami Fashion District come into her view.
Pulling the bottom of her dress down constantly, she looked around at all the luxury stores that were never ending.
This wasn't the norm for her, she was hoping to see a much cheaper alternative than what was in front of her but she had to remember who she was in that very moment. She felt safe with two security detail walking stealthily behind them, her hands staying at the hem of her sundress.
"Your dress is okay, don't have to worry." Lewis leaned a little closer to her shoulder to whisper, sending back a reassuring smile. All she responded with was to hold his ring-clad hand in sign of appreciation.
Reaching Gucci, Nadia's first thought were those platform sandals she had seen on social media and in that exact moment, her mind went to the comfort she had been wanting since she hadn't packed any open shoes. Pulling him towards the store, everything in that store went quiet.
Sale associates just stopped and stared whilst costumers began whispering and muttering to themselves. Immediately spotting the sandals from afar, they walked slowly towards the shoe section of Gucci, trying to ignore all the eyes on them. From her peripheral vision, she could see someone speed walking towards them, fixing her uniform and her appearance once she reached the couple.
"Hello, welcome to Gucci. I'm Roni and I'll be your sales associate today." The woman introduced herself, looking straight at Lewis as she did.
"Nice to meet you, Roni. I'm Nadia and really we just came for a quick visit, hopefully get a few things whilst we're here." Nadia had on a bright smile as she spoke, the worker's smile fading as she looked at Nadia.
"Of course," Roni said, licking her teeth. "Where would you like to start? Perhaps dresses. It is a hot day in Miami." Looking at Nadia up and down with the slightest hint of disgust shown on her face, the woman continued to smile in her face.
Taken aback by the tone of her voice, Nadia just smiled and averted her gaze back to the shoe section. "It truly is but I have to pass. I'm much more interested in the shoes right now." She said, still holding onto Lewis' arm, who was enjoying every moment of this. "Alright, let me go get some champagne for you guys, racing must be tough in this heat." Roni smiled, turning around to walk in a different direction.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Nadia sighed out as they sat on the large velvet green couch. "Is this the crap i have to deal with? Her eyes said it all." She complained, rolling her eyes and placing her purse down. Following suit, he sat next to her and did not keep a friendly distance between them, relaxing his arm behind her.
"Don't worry about her or anyone else for that matter. People will purposefully piss you off for their enjoyment so let's just have a good time and we'll get ice cream later." He advised, not bothering to look around the shop but had focused all his attention on Nadia.
"Stand on your promise, Hamilton. I don't play about my ice cream." She joked, both chuckling after a beat of silence. Eyeing the store, she saw a few pieces that she knew would look good on Lewis and a few on herself. This one particular top was screaming her name, the Gucci monogram sticking out but it had a level of class to it, already imagining outfits with it on.
"The top is quite nice, I don't know what you could match it with to make it work but it seems cool." Lewis said, staring at the same top, unaware that their heads were tilted the same way. "You think so?" Nadia pondered. "Well you can't not be stylish around me so." He shrugged jokingly, earning another laugh from her. "Okay whatever you say, pookie bear." She patted his knee, watching a completely different sales associate head their way with a tray of champagne.
"Hi, I'm Tracey, my colleague Roni just decided to not help a couple because she didn't like the wife. Crazy I think she's talking about the Hamiltons because they came in here the same time." The new associate rambled off, placing the tray onto the small table next to them.
Finally looking up, Tracey's breath hitched. "Oh shit, that's you guys. Oh god, I'm sorry for my words." The younger girl apologised, eyes widened at the couple who just smiled at her.
"It's okay, lovely to meet you Tracey." Nadia smiled, amused at her actions. "What can I do for you today?" Tracey asked.
After a rather pleasant sales interaction with Tracey voicing how much she loved the both of them as a couple and as individuals, there they stood at the counter waiting for their items to be fully scanned. Lewis was very content with the pieces that Nadia had picked out for him, confident that every single one was going to look tailor made. When it came down to payment, Lewis had no problem in swiping his card as Nadia dug through her purse to find hers.
"Thank you for spending your time with us here at Gucci, Mr and Mrs Hamilton." The lady at the till said, handing the the large green bags that felt so good in Nadia's hands.
"It was really fun and tell Roni we said goodbye." Nadia smiled wickedly as she waved and walked out of the store with Lewis laughing at her words right behind her. "Damn that felt good. Gotta keep it cute and classy until it's not." She smiles as they walk to a different shop.
"I swear, the powder I used for my under eyes is just super cakey." Natalia complained as she walked down the plane stairs onto the asphalt, Nadia following close behind with her carry on bag on her shoulder.
The Californianian air was different from that of Miami, less humid but a little hotter. It was late in the afternoon when the group landed, greeted by a beautiful sunset behind the Los Angeles skyline. After the impromptu shopping session, the plane was already for takeoff so everyone had hurried to be in the air by lunchtime.
Taking the time to catch up with everyone, the group shared laughs and their stories from Miami although it was less than a week that they had spent in the eccentric city. There was a gnawing feeling in the pit of Nadia's stomach, unable to get the guilt of spending Lewis' money as if it was hers. Although he reassured her multiple times that he was more than okay getting her whatever she wanted, she still felt uneasy about it all.
The all too familiar Escalades were parked on the ground, Lewis waiting patiently for Nadia to get down so that they could go to their destination. Seeing her confused face as Natalia, Miles and Daniel waved goodbye to them as everyone went to their respective cars, Lewis then spoke up. "Everyone's going their places, we're going to our house."
Snapping her head to look at him in bewilderment, she almost stopped in her tracks just to recall what he had said. "Another one?!" She whisper yelled, not wanting anyone near them to hear. He nodded with a closed smile as they reached their car with all their luggage inside, all similar to when they landed in Miami.
The morning came quite quick as the rest of the day ended with Nadia yet again exploring a new home, almost screaming when she saw the garage full of cars she only wished she could drive and you can imagine the shock when Lewis told her that in hindsight, they're her cars. In his words, "I don't really like to drive as much so you can use them as freely as you want."
Climbing out of the huge bed of the even larger guest bedroom, Nadia was careful to not wipe her eyes too much because of her extensions. Stretching every limb on her body, she walked towards the bathroom to splash water on her face to fully wake her up. The birds were still chirping from beyond the closed curtains and the sun was shining through the slivers of the curtain, creating a peaceful aura throughout the room.
Her bonnet luckily stayed on through the night, grabbing her glasses from the night stand along with her phone, she walked out of the room with her fluffy slippers on her feet. The trip downstairs was quiet and the aroma of something sweet wafted through the air, making her wonder where Lewis was.
Reaching the last step, she saw something move in the corner of her eye. Rather small, the thing moved towards her with its feet patting against the floor. Looking in its direction, the first thing she saw was the droopy mouth belonging to the short dog and her heart almost stopped, the fear running through her body as she continued to stare at the dog.
"Oh my god, please don't come close." She whispered out loud, hoping the dog would listen. Nadia was frozen in her place and she was too afraid to look anywhere else in case the dog moved towards her. "I see you've met Roscoe. Hope he's been kind." Lewis' voice spoke from behind her, crouching down to pet the dog lovingly. The silence from Nadia was odd, he turned his head to see her frightened state as she didn't move her gaze from Roscoe.
"Nads? Nads? Okay, let's get Roscoe out of here." He called out then whispered to himself, carrying the dog out of the living room then hurrying back to Nadia.
"Well that was my dog, Roscoe. I'm sorry he scared you." With a worried expression on his face, Lewis placed his hands on her arms to snap her out of her frozen state. Finally making eye contact with him through her glass lenses, she spoke up. "I-it's okay. Just have to get used to seeing him." She nodded, wanting to end the awkwardness right there.
"Anyway, good morning. Did you eat yet?" She said, slightly smiling and making her way towards the marble kitchen island, the two plates on top of it were filled with stacks of waffles with a side of fruit next to it. "Uh no, waited for you to wake up so I just took a run in the meantime." He mentioned, following behind her and took his seat across from her.
In that very moment, her heart fluttered at his words. It was so simple yet so sweet of a gesture to do for her. "Thank you for that, Lew. Let's eat up then." She replied, a shy smile on her face as she felt his eyes on her. The two dug in to their breakfast that Lewis had made for them earlier in the morning, wanting the logistics of their relationship.
"So, I need to know how you feel about pda and how much you're willing to show to the public. We have to make this look real." Nadia said, biting down on a slice of apple. "I don't have an issue with it, just as you're comfortable with it." He responded. Just nodding along, she continued to eat the fruit.
"This is just so weird to me. Three weeks ago I would've been in my apartment trying to think how i'm gonna get groceries for the month and now i'm in Los fucking Angeles eating fruit with 5 cars sitting in the garage. It's crazy." She blurted out, everything now properly dawning on her as they sat down in peace.
"Life works in mysterious ways for sure, never thought I would be sitting in my kitchen with my wife on a Wednesday morning." He said, the smallest of chuckles escaping him. "You are very good with your words, sir. A lil too good." She joked, pointing the fork at him.
"What's the plan today? I don't think I can handle anything hectic." She asked, her accent changing when she said 'hectic' . Giving her a cocked eyebrow at the sudden change of accent, Nadia looked smug.
"A little history on me. I moved to the uk at 8 years old and this south african accent stuck with me for a while until I reached high school. By then my mother decided to send me back home with my aunt and cousin to complete high school that side then year 12, I went back for university. The slang and accent never left me along with the 6 languages I know." She explained, almost bursting into laughter after seeing his face morph from curiosity to shock.
"Six?!" He vocalised. "And counting, my kids don't call me Superwoman for nothing." Biting into another piece, she smiled as her phone vibrated multiple times. Looking at the name across the screen, she immediately sighed and got up off her seat and signalled that she would be back.
The school's name flashed across her screen as she walked into the familiar hallway towards the guest bedroom.
"Hello Ms Brown! I hope this doesn't disturb your holiday." Lisa, the headmaster of the school, greeted with such enthusiasm.
"Well, it slightly is but what does that matter. Anything you need? Has the parents evening been postponed?" She scratched her head as she held the phone up to her ear.
"Uh, no. There's something I wanted to discuss with you and I thought it would be great for a one on one. We as the school has noticed you are quite the star these days, bringing much more traction than what you get from school already." Lisa chuckled at the last sentence, seeming to quiet down when she realised Nadia wasn't laughing.
"Oh, yes Ms Crawford. This was a subject I had wanted to discuss with the rest of the staff when we get back from the holidays. Of course this isn't something minuscule, all the media attention has been quite intense." Nadia responded, watching as Roscoe walked closer to her and sat by her feet.
There was a beat of silence from the other end of the phone call. "That was what I wanted to actually talk to you about, Ms Brown-"
"Its Mrs Hamilton." Nadia corrected.
"Ah yes, my apologies Mrs Hamilton. As much as we do appreciate your ways of teaching here at our school, we as the board have been thinking of releasing you from your position as the history teacher. Now I know it's all sudden but we feel it's good for our school." Lisa announced, voice filled with pity.
"Now excuse my manners, Ms Crawford, but I would like to know who all decided to quote on quote, fire me. Furthermore, when signing the work contract, you personally had assured me that you would stand behind your teachers through it all. Am I correct?" She started, standing up straight with Roscoe following suit.
"You are correct however this would ruin the reputation of the school and our relationships with other schools in the district. It truly pains us to do so." With the same false pity tone, Lisa spoke.
"I hope you do realise that we are about to start the second term of the school year after these two weeks and I do not appreciate the current dismissal you are going through with just solely because I married a prominent figure. Neither do I wish to leave my flourishing students because the board does not agree with my marriage." Nadia indicated.
"Not to mention prior to this conversation, no one had contacted me in regards to a possible sacking. So I would like for you and the rest of the board to rethink your approach on this matter. I do not accept this and this issue can be taken to court if you prefer to continue with this. And through a phone call? Really?" With that, Nadia knew she had won upon hearing the sigh on the other side of the phone.
With a few moments passing by, Lisa sighed out. "You are correct about this, I do apologise. See you after the holidays then, Mrs Hamilton." And with that, the headmaster said her goodbyes in defeat.
Crouching down to pet Roscoe, she held his face in her hands. "We fucking did that, boy. Thanks for being there, you not so bad after all." She smiled at the happy dog, standing up straight to back downstairs to finish her breakfast.
"And? What was that?" Lewis spoke up, putting his phone down next to his fruit bowl.
"These bitches tried to fire me so I said no. Can't get rid of their only history teacher." She wiggled her shoulders with the biggest smile on her face, biting down on the remaining fruits.
"And your dog's cool. Sat with me the whole time."
"Damn. Remind me to never get on your bad side. Let's get celebratory croissants?" Lewis giggled, taking both of their plates to wash them off.
"You read my mind, Sir!"
Standing in front of the open garage door, Nadia stared at the two cars in front of her. The sun in the courtyard was hitting her back but she didn't mind, as long as she continued to look at the cars.
Lewis' words rang in her head, unable to shake off the fact that technically, these were her cars as well. The Urus was very tempting to drive but she knew she didn't trust herself with that type of speed yet. The Mercedes GLE however, looked so classy and seemed like a joy to drive.
The decision took so long that she didn't notice that Lewis was taking pictures of the scene in front of him, his wife stuck between choosing cars to drive on the sunny streets of LA. "Can I drive today?" She asked once realising that he was next to her, wearing a comfortable outfit.
"You can drive whenever you want." He smiled, handing her the keys of the suv he knew she was going to pick. "Okay, cute. You'll be my passenger prince." She smiled, pinching his cheek then happily walked towards the driver's side.
Just sighing in content, he walked to the passenger's side, hopping in to see Nadia exploring the interior of the car, matching that of the black exterior. "This shit is huge." She muttered to herself as she leaned over to look at the backseats and all its intricate details.
"And before you say anything pookie bear, Tia made me do an international license when we didn't see each other. So you're safe driving with me." She reassured, putting her now blonde hair behind her ears.
"I think i like this passenger prince business." He expressed, already making himself in the seat, pushing it back and relaxing.
"Let me search up a bakery and we'll be on our way." Nadia started the car up and was geeked by the roar of the car.
And on their way they were. Blasting Beyoncé as Lewis suggested they go to a vegan bakery in Malibu, the two sang both old and new songs during the drive. Barely through her hip hop playlist, she found parking in front of the surprisingly popular bakery.
"Now you know I don't play about Beyoncé. I did not expect this place to be busy right now." Nadia pointed out, fixing the sunglasses on her head. "You'd be shocked at the amount of vegan people in Malibu alone. If you want, I can go in by myself and get the treats." He offered, unbuckling his seatbelt and holding his phone in his hand.
"We're going in together, I do not look this cute to sit in the car." She flipped her hair, dramatically exiting the car, making him laugh quite loud at her antics. Holding his hand out, Lewis connected his with Nadia's, feeling a chill when he felt her ring touch his skin. He led the way into the bakery, the sweet smell of the treats was a bit of a treat in itself.
Gasping at the baked goods on display, she didn't hesitate to greet and place an order, mouth salivating at the sight of the treats. Once Lewis also made his order, Nadia brought out her card to pay, wanting to test that it actually worked and it definitely did.
Enjoying the chocolate doughnuts in the bakery, the two laughed at the whole ordeal of the phone call this morning. "I've never had a good relationship with this new headmaster at all. She has been on my case since she joined two years ago." Nadia informed, drinking a bit of her pink lemonade.
"The courage of just saying no is so endearing to hear. Can't believe she wanted to sack you in the middle of a term. Again, the courage is so cool, Nads." He complimented her and he watched as her shoulders started to rise as a way of blushing.
"Thanks, pookie bear. Means a lot. So where to from here?" She asked, ignoring his gaze on her the whole time.
"We've got lunch with friends of mine, then home time." He said so calmly, not noticing Nadia's eyes widening at the information.
"I'm not dressed for lunch with your friends, Lew! Could've warned a girl first." She stressed, looking down at her outfit. "Wanted you to be comfortable the whole day hence I didn't tell you our plans today." He showed his full smile, wanting so badly to laugh at her facial expression.
"You are so lucky you're sitting across me right now or else I would've bitten you." She rolled her eyes at his giggles. 
Within a matter of time, the Mercedes suv entered through the high black gates of their destination with a press of a button on the intercom outside. Nadia drove in the driveway quite slowly, unfamiliar with her surroundings as she saw a cars parked in the courtyard. The sound of the waves crashing could be heard when stepping out of the car.
"Damn your friend's got bank." She commented, opening the backseat door to get her purse. "And by the sea too? I just know it's a different world here." She added, closing her door and locked the car when she saw Lewis walk closer to her with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, Bey and Jay wanted serenity next to the sea." He said, looking back at Nadia who was frozen in her tracks.
"Did you just fucking say Bey and Jay?!" She whisper yelled as she pulled Lewis closer to her. He nodded with the same expression he had from before. "Are you fucking crazy? I can't meet Beyoncé, Lewis! I'm not ready!" Nadia's stress levels were sky high as she held onto his arm tighter, standing by the car.
"Wanted to tell you earlier but when you started playing her music in the car, just knew I had to surprise you." He smiled. "Look, if it makes it any better, she's excited to meet you as well." Lewis told her and if her eyes couldn't get any wider, she looked behind her husband's broad arm to see the woman of the hour walk towards them.
"There you two are! We were scared y'all weren't coming no more!" The happy southern voice rang through the courtyard and Nadia was scared shitless. "My goodness, Lewis! She's a beauty. Hi, I'm Beyoncé." The woman introduced herself to Nadia and she quickly snapped out of it once she realised her favourite artist was speaking directly to her.
"Hello, I'm Nadia." She managed to speak up as Beyoncé extended her hand out to shake hers. Surprisingly enough, Nadia's hands weren't sweaty neither did she stutter over her words like she thought she would. The woman went on to greet Lewis with a side hug then invited them inside.
"It was so lovely meeting you guys, a full circle moment on my end." Nadia smiled, holding onto her purse and onto Rumi's hand, the little girl so interested in everything that has to do with Nadia. "No, it was our pleasure to host you guys. My God, a couple I never saw coming. Y'all welcome back here anytime." Beyoncé said, the group of 4 walking towards the front door and into the courtyard once again.
"We'll definitely take you up on that offer, thank you for inviting us into your lovely home. Better get home before it gets too dark." Nadia replied, leaning into the hug between her and Bey whilst looking at the sunset over the horizon.
"We'll catch y'all in Paris." Jay Z smiled with a toothpick in his mouth. He dapped Lewis up as everyone said their goodbyes after a successful lunch. Now sitting in the passenger seat, Nadia held her head in her hands as he swiftly drove out the long driveway.
"I just met Beyoncé, I don't think you understand the damage you just did." She turned to Lewis, who kept the same smile as before. "And that is?" "I'm never going to stop talking about it."
"I'm glad you're happy. Saw an opportunity and I ran for it." He voiced, patting her thigh before putting his hand back on the steering wheel. "Remind me to give you the biggest hug when we get home." She smiled, becoming comfortable in the seat, not knowing how much Lewis' heart raced after hearing her refer to the house as home.
"Stay still! I need my vision to come to life." Nadia ordered, holding his face in her hands. There were two different earrings on his ears and she was trying to decide which better suited the outfit. "Okay, wear the first pair then go to the mirror and tell me what you think." She requested, standing back to let him look at his outfit.
"Oh this is really good. Ooh, this outfit is good." He admired his outfit in the mirror, impressed by her styling and how she kept it simple yet so him.
"Glad you love it. Let me go get changed so that we won't be late." She rushed, almost running out of his room to hers, luckily her hair and makeup was done. Nadia quickly put on her outfit and made sure to take pictures in the big mirror in the closet.
Soothing over her top, she then places her sunglasses on her head and spritz her perfume for the last time before stepping out the room. At the same time, Lewis stepped out of his room and glanced at her outfit before doing a double take.
Everything sat so perfectly, the outfit had really simple colours that weren’t too loud but her silhouette accentuated it all. Both outfits complimented each other greatly whilst showing their own style individually. “Wow.” He blurted out, hoping that she didn’t hear that.
“Damn I did good.” She muttered to herself as she looked at him as well, very proud of her styling.
“You ready to go?” Lewis asked, finally focusing on her face and fidgeting with his rings. “Yeah, yeah.” She said in a light voice, carefully walking towards the stairs then feeling his hand slip into hers to help her downstairs.
“Remember, this isn’t real,Nadia.”
“Remember, this isn’t real, Lewis.”
nadiahamilton • 15 min ago “great day to be a lakers fan”
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dividers by: @cafekitsune
nadia’s faceclaim: @/unclewaffles on ig!
all pictures are from ig and pinterest!
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @tispys-blog @userlando @lorarri @thisismeracing @thatsdemko @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @roseseraj @vsfavs @goldenalbon @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @yeea-nah @nichmeddar @gg-trini @lifeless-firefly @vellicora @takeoffz-tookoff9876 @serpenttines-writes
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229 notes · View notes
ellecdc · 4 months
hello loveeee 🩷
can i request cbbh universe jily take harry to diagon alley and shop for school supplies before he goes off to hogwarts for the first time 🥹 i cant stop thinking of their reactions when harry gets matched with a wand (+ jily getting emo remembering their first time at ollivanders too 🥲) and james hyping his boy up as they get him his broom 🥹
this is totally not me tryna heal from canon trauma ha ha…
I fucking loved this - thank you for requesting! May we all heal from the trauma that was the canon HP universe.
CBBH James Potter x Lily Evans Potter // Sirius black x Vixen
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The boys were practically vibrating with excitement as the group of six made their way to Diagon Alley. And by boys, Lily meant Draco, Harry, Sirius, and James.
“Okay, so we’ve got to go to Ollivander’s for your wands, Flourish and Blott’s for your books, Madame Malkin’s for your robes, and the Apothecary for potions ingredients. We’ll also stop to get you your own cauldrons...” Lily read from her list methodically.
“And we’ll go to the Pet Emporium and then we’ll get you brooms!” James cheered like a kid at Christmas. Lily wanted to chide him, but she was (nearly) just as excited as her husband and son.
“Okay,” Y/N said as she patiently patted her husband’s shoulder, urging him away from his best friend (and thus, a source of trouble). “why don’t you go with your mum and dad Harry, and Sirius and I will take Draco.”
“Wait.” Sirius barked dramatically. “Can we do the fun parts together?” 
“It’s all fun, Pad’s.” She chided.
Sirius grumbled but continued. “I mean the brooms and the pets. I bought my godson’s first broom – I’d like to buy him his first school broom too.” He stated with pride.
“And I’ve always wanted to carry on the tradition with my godson!” James said excitedly.
Draco laughed. “Aren’t mum and dad technically my godparents already?”
This earned him a gentle pat up the back of the head from Sirius. “Don’t talk back to your godfather.”
“Yes sir.” Draco said good humouredly and shared a fond eyeroll with Harry. 
“Okay. Why don’t we complete our checklists and then meet at Florean’s for ice cream before we do the fun stuff.” Lily relented.
Sirius and James cheered while Draco and Harry shared a high-five. 
“Onwards!” James declared. 
It was very important to Lily to get this experience with Harry, as well as for Draco to get this experience with Sirius and Y/N. 
Draco already lost the opportunity to experience this with his birth parents; he deserved this chance to make happy memories with his parents like Lily and James did at his age.
And she couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that had the war gone differently, she may have never gotten the chance to do this with her son. 
Remus and Regulus agreed to spend the day with Jasmine (Potter), Aurora (Black), Posie (Potter), Lyra (Black), and Leo & Stella (Black) at home for both sets of parents while they were off with the boys. Regulus grumbled and complained but also showed up to the playroom with an astronomical amount of craft supplies, while Remus was out-and-out giddy at the prospect of spending the day with his nieces and youngest nephew. 
Lily and James decided to let Harry choose which order they did their shopping in.
They began by getting him a cauldron and his potions supplies. James moaned and groaned the entire time, muttering about “Slytherin’s this” and “Snivellus that”, but Harry (the good lad he is) just assured his dad he wanted to get the boring bits out of the way first.
Then they went to get his books, which Lily was most excited about though James continued to whine. 
“Next year we should let Uncle Moony bring you to get your books, he’d be in heaven.” James said.
“Okay but only if mum can come too!” Lily called from somewhere else deep within the store. 
After they left the shop, Lily started trying to redistribute the bags so that they weighed roughly an even amount as they got heavy. She suddenly realised her son and husband were laughing at her. 
“What?” She spat in faux irritation.
“It’s like you forget you’re a witch.” James said as he looked at his wife’s confused face with unconditional love. 
James quickly cast a weightless charm on the shopping bags and shrunk them down to fit inside Lily’s tote bag.
“There ya go, love.” He said with a smack of a kiss on her cheek.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the heat moving to her cheeks. Some habits were hard to break, she supposed. 
They then continued to Madame Malkin’s to purchase Harry some uniform robes. They bumped into Sirius, Y/N, and Draco whilst they were there, and James and Sirius spent the entire time pretending to be strangers to one another exchanging pleasantries.
“Ah, nice to meet you, good sir. First time?” Sirius asked in a deep register.
“Yes, yes. This is my first born, Harold Jameson Potter the Seventh. And you?” James responded in like.
“Naw, this ain’t ma first rodeo.” Sirius said, transitioning to a (terrible) Southern American accent. 
“Yippee ki-yay.” James returned.
The boys were giggling from their platforms as they were being fitted, causing Mrs. Malkin to shush them as Harry received a stray pin to the shoulder. 
Finally, the part everyone had been most excited about, was Ollivander’s. Lily couldn’t help but remember her poor muggle parent’s – dragging a petulant Petunia behind them – trying to be supportive of Lily even though they had no idea what anything meant.
When a witch or wizard get their wand – the hope is that the wand will remain with them throughout their life. The wand chooses it’s wix, and throughout the user’s life, they learn from the wand and the wand learns from them. 
A wand is nearly synonymous with a marriage: perhaps more. 
Lily chose James and James chose Lily – but both could function without the other. If they fell out of love tomorrow, they’d both find ways to move on.
But Lily’s relationship with her wand is her longest relationship of her entire life, and without it – she would feel naked. The wand provides her with protection, strength, knowledge, and power. Without it, she’s just a girl.
And today, she gets to watch her son as he finds the wand that will provide him protection, strength, knowledge, and power throughout his whole life. She felt her sinuses sting as the bell rung above the door.
“You okay, love?” James whispered into her ear as Harry eyed the rows and rows of boxes lining every wall.
Lily didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded and offered him a watery smile.
“Oh, my flower.” James said as he rubbed his wife’s back, but Lily didn’t miss the wetness of his own voice. She knew he was probably thinking about coming here with Effie and Monty at Harry’s age (and his near doppelgänger) to choose his own wand. His parents would have understood the significance of finding his first wand - how momentous this moment would be – just as Lily and James did now. 
“My, my, do we have another firs- oh!” Mr. Ollivander started as he poked his head out from the back room, interrupted by the scene in front him.
“Why...it can’t be...but, wow!” He cheered as he came around the register. 
“Introduce yourself, Haz.” Lily encouraged her son.
“I’m Harry P-”
“Potter, yes." Ollivander completed for Harry. "Of James Fleamont Potter who was matched with an 11-inch mahogany wand with a dragon heartstring around this time about twenty years ago. And Fleamont Hari Potter some thirty-eight years before that. My...”
“I never forget a customer, you see.” He clarified when Harry turned to his parents somewhat concernedly at this stranger’s familiarity.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Ollivander.” Lily said with a smile.
“Ah, and you, Miss Evan’s, or, Mrs. Potter, I suppose.” 
Without further ado, Ollivander started pulling boxes from the stacks, trying Harry on for size.
The first one nearly singed everyone’s eyebrows off and was quickly returned to its box.
“Temperamental, that was is. Hm,” Ollivander said mostly to himself as he carried on.
The second set off the sprinkler system above them and got sent back to its home as well.
Finally, a wand was handed to Harry (the wand) from the stack. An 11-inch holly wand with a phoenix feather core. Harry picked it up, and (quite beautiful, in Lily’s opinion) fireworks sprouted from its tip.
“An odd combination of wood and core – I’ve not seen many like it myself.” Ollivander admitted.
“Well, Haz is a bit of an odd guy.” James said as he ruffled his son’s hair.
“Dad!” Harry screeched as the two began to roughhouse.
“Okay, oi, this store is not big enough. Boys!” Lily reprimanded.
The trio finished up their shopping and headed towards Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream parlour. Sirius, Y/N, and Draco were already seated, which Sirius was very smug about.
“Must be hard being second best at everything, Potter.” He called out to James. This resulted in James leaping over the barrier of the parlour’s patio seating area and landing on Sirius. Y/N had her face in her hands and Draco was (unsuccessfully) trying to smother his laughter. 
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Lily grumbled as she shot an auguamenti at the two boys men.
The two men shot apart like cats in an alleyway after someone threw something at them for howling in the middle of the night. 
“Go get your wives and sons ice cream.” Lily barked at them.
“Yes ma’am.” Sirius and James responded, each bringing their first two finger to their forehead and offering a salute before walking marching inside. 
After their quick treat, where Draco and Harry compared their wands and showed each other all that they had bought, they carried on to the ‘fun stuff’. 
“Have you thought at all about what kind of pet you’d like, Draco?” Y/N asked the boy.
Draco appeared to consider something before a blush permeated his cheekbones. 
“I think...I think I’d like a cat; like my mum had.” He admitted quietly.
Sirius offered a sad but delighted sigh at his son and Y/N pulled him into an embrace.
Narcissa Malfoy attended her first year with the company of a regal white long-haired half kneazle. That cat (monstrosity, if you asked Sirius) was her most prized possession for years to come after that. 
“That sounds like a beautiful choice, my love.” Y/N offered as they made their way to Magical Menagerie. 
There was a pure white long-haired kneazle cross available that Sirius was positive Draco would beeline for. 
However, surprising everyone, Draco found a small tortoiseshell kitten with a missing eye. “This one!” He proclaimed.
And so, it was.
He named her Larissa – after one of Neptune’s moons, and in the same vein as his mum’s name Narcissa.
Harry insisted on getting an owl so he could “race them with his new broom.” He landed on a beautiful snowy owl with piercing yellow eyes. Lily found her a little off-putting; “no owl should look like they know so much” she had said.
To name her, Harry decided to flip open to a random page of one of his textbooks. Harry named her Hedwig, which he found on page 158 in Bathilda Bagshot’s book “A History of Magic”.
Y/N and Lily found a bench near Broomstix and watched as the four boys walked (skipped) into the store, speaking over top of one another in their excitement. 
“God we’re so lucky.” Y/N said quietly.
Lily felt like her heart was a well that was just overflowing with love.
“We really are.” She agreed. 
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allysunny · 5 months
Can you do little stories and scenarios of Bruce and a female reader. Her and Bruce have been together since birth, living in the Wayne manor (both of them had their parents unalived at the opera… yk how that goes). She’s this girl who’s constantly annoyed with Bruce 🙄 and Bruce is head over heels for her and would literally do anything and die for her in a heartbeat. She would too, it would just take a little more effort for her to be okay with dying for him🙄. (This is going to get very specific, hold on) They’ve been hooking up for years and Bruce always wants something more but the reader is always like 🙄🥱 “no Bruce”. Anyway, PLEASE WORK YOUR MAGIC🙏🙏 SO SPECIFIC I KNOW LMFAOOOO BUT PLEASE I HOPE YOU SEE THE VISION I HAVE ❤️🖤🙏🙌✨♾️💍🥹🌳🌴🎉
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Secretive Stares | Bale!Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
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Words: 2.7k words
Warnings: Suggestive themes, implied friends with benefits, Bruce Wayne is one whipped guy, mentions of period and period pains, sort of angst? If you squint, really. If I let something out, please let me know!
A/N: Hey everyone! Happy New Year, first and foremost! I hope your holidays have been pleasant and you guys have had an amazing time!!
So, I just wanted to start by saying that I did not see the vision. I'm so, so, sorry. This was a very fun request, but I clearly did not see your vision, or I'd have written more, and something better. These type of relationships are not really my cup of tea, but I tried my best to step out of my comfort zone and give you what you deserved! I apologize if it did not live up to your expectations. I really did try my best and I hope you appreciate it!
Second of all, I'd just like to remind everyone that my requests are now open! I write for Bale!Bruce (duh), Nanami Kento and Miguel O'Hara. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to write other characters.
That's it! Again, thank you so much for the request, and I really hope you enjoy it!
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You grew up with Bruce Wayne, which meant your childhood was anything but normal.
Mostly because not all kids grew up with the title of Gotham’s Prince and Princess. Most kids are normal, spending their time in classes, running around, completely carefree.
But not you two. You couldn’t afford to be careless and carefree. Having your parents shot that night at the opera made you two grow up quite quickly and become little adults rather than children. Alfred loved you both and your personalities of course, and he encouraged you to seek out the childhood he thought you deserved. In between classes and lessons from private tutors, he would try to get you to play outside, to create your own worlds and have fun. All he wanted was for the children he would raise as his own to be happy and unburdened.
And to be fair, he did achieve that, somehow.
You two grew up to be as thick as thieves, two birds of a feather. Wherever you were, Bruce was quick to follow, feeling more comfortable in your company. Alfred would try to convince him to spend some time on his own and make his own friends, but to no avail. He could see Bruce had a little schoolboy crush on you, and it always made him chuckle.
You didn’t seem to reciprocate his feelings (but to be fair, you were quite young to know what those were), but always treated him like a close friend.
While you two attended Princeton, everyone was far too scared to treat Bruce like a real person. They’d treat you normally – after all, you integrated so well in the student life, making friends and picking up hobbies and clubs like it was no big deal. Even if it was something quiet and calm like the journalism club, you were always surrounded by people (who may or may not be as quiet as you).
Bruce, however, was alone most of the time. He tried making friends, truly, but it was hard. He couldn’t find someone he trusted as much as you, so he found himself having lunch by himself or studying alone at his dorm. People would treat him like he was made of glass, too nervous to call out any mistakes he might’ve made or even ask for help. But not you – you saw right through him and never felt the need to coddle him like everyone else.
“Can you please just focus?” You mumbled, pointing to the notebook in front of you. You had been trying to explain your Literature assignment to him, but he not only did not feel like it, but was also too distracted by you. Had you always looked this pretty? Clearly, but you seemed to radiate with something Bruce couldn’t quite pinpoint. Perhaps it was the frustration of not being able to teach him that made your eyes sparkle a bit more.
“Bruce, I swear to Gotham that if you do not listen to me, I’ll –“
“How about we stop for today, huh?” he asked, taking the pencil you were holding from your hands and putting it aside. “I think we’ve studied hard enough. We deserve some rest.”
“Yeah, I have been studying hard. You’ve been distracted the whole time and haven’t even thought about the topic for your essay. Seriously Bruce, how you’re a top student, I’ll never know.” You huffed. “The answer to your question is no, by the way.” You leaned over to get the pencil from him and shook your head. Now, where were we?"
Bruce just groaned and silently went back to work. He got an A+ on that assignment.
He’s always tried to be your knight in shining armour, no matter how many times you’ve told him you can handle yourself just fine. Any minor inconvenience will set his “Batman mode” off, and he’ll just feel the need to help you. There’s a spider in the kitchen? Worry not, Bruce Wayne is taking care of it (even though you had just rushed into his office to grab a sheet of paper so you could safely place it outside). Your car’s oil needs changing? Don’t panic, Bruce is doing the changing himself (even though you already had an appointment with the mechanic and knew what the problem was). The door to the guest room you usually stay in is locked? No big deal, because Bruce is going to do his best to jam it open (even if you were already doing it with a pair of bobby pins).
It annoys you to hell and back whenever Bruce tries to do things for you. You like his gestures, sure, when they don’t implicate you’re either a baby or unable to complete the simplest of tasks.
But Bruce would do anything for you. Literally everyone in Gotham knows that. He will drive to your apartment at 3am to deliver a tin of cookies and some sodas in case you were feeling down, would take you all the way to Paris in one afternoon just because you mentioned how pretty the Eiffel Tower must be as the sun sets, bought an entire chain of restaurants simply because the one you wanted to go to was full. He was completely whipped. If you asked him to take a bullet for you, he’d do it in a heartbeat. He would lay his life before you if it meant you would be happy.
You reciprocated. Sometimes, and not as easily as him. But still, it was something. Your comments were rather ambiguous. Sometimes you’d tell him straight up, others you’d weave the little mind games that he so much loved to play into.
One time, you were lying on your bed, internally dying as your period got the best of you. You were curled up with a bunch of blankets, waiting for your painkillers to have its intended effect, when you heard the door of your apartment being open. Bruce and Alfred were the only ones with a spare key, and you doubted the butler would want anything from you right now.
There was a gentle knock on your door. Not any kind of knock, his knock. Your secret knock from when the two of you were children had stood the test of time, and he still used it after all these years.
You were far too exhausted to see him. Your whole body was screaming out in pain, and you didn’t really feel like talking to your childhood best friend. No, all you wanted to do was cry your eyes out while your uterus did whatever the hell it did.
“Go away!” you yelled, rolling on your bed, and pressing your hands against your stomach, in an attempt to soothe the pain.
“Is everything okay in there?” Bruce sounded concerned, and part of you felt bad for wanting him to go away – after all, he came all the way over to your place just to check on you. Pressing the heels of your hands against your eyes, you groaned out, “Just leave! I’ll be fine, just go away!”
Ignoring your command, Bruce slowly opened the door to your bedroom, head peeking inside.
“I told you to go away!” You yelled, throwing a pillow in his direction, and failing miserably.
“Yes, and I decided to ignore you. I brought you something.” He walked inside, taking the time to pick the pillow up and place it next to you, before handing you the plastic bag he was holding.
Reluctantly, you peered inside, and your eyes widened.
Your favourite snacks. All of them, inside this small plastic bag. Bruce knew you better than you knew yourself and had gotten you everything you loved to munch on when you were feeling down, as well as a few of your favourite beverages.
“How – how did you?” you stuttered.
“Lucky guess. I thought either heartbreak or period, and there was a high chance it was either of them, so I stopped by the supermarket. Was I correct?”
You were already halfway through your favourite chocolate bar, nodding at him. “The latter.”
Bruce grimaced and sat at the end of your bed, looking at you.
You tried not to look at him, into those pretty brown eyes of his.
“You’re whipped, Bruce Wayne. This is something only a creep would do. I don’t show up and you come over with sweets?” you chuckle, before finally meeting his gaze. After a while you looked at the bag in front of you. It had been a very sweet gesture. And no matter how “whipped” he might seem, he’d pretty much just saved you from a day of moping around in endless pain and discomfort. “Thanks,” you said quietly. “I really appreciate these.”
Bruce only nodded and stood up.
“Where are you going?” you asked, finishing your chocolate bar.
“I don’t want to prolong my stay more than what’s necessary. Don’t want to annoy you too bad today.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged, looking at your sheets.
“If you want to, you can stay.”
You shrugged again.
“Eating all of this will probably make me super sick. I need someone to clean up my vomit.”
He chuckled, nodded, and sat back down.
In reality, you just wanted his company.
Whenever you’re lazing around in the Manor, you often find yourself putting on some of Bruce’s clothes. His hoodies, which are way comfier than yours and reach your knees, his dress shirts when it’s warmer outside, even his favourite slippers. You reason with him that “everything that’s his is ten times more comfortable”. At first, he tried to fight you and banter back tenfold, but after a while, he just gave up. You did look great in his clothes. Bruce found himself catching glimpses of your bare legs or your thighs peeking out of his shirts, and wished you’d walk around like this more often.
In fact, he wished you’d stay forever. After all, whatever is his, was yours. He’d told you that plenty of times before. You, however, had brushed him off plenty of times, but clearly not enough to deter him.
You’d been hooking up for years now.
It had started out one cozy November night. You’d been watching a movie on his huge TV screen, sitting side by side, keeping a respectful distance from each other. Suddenly, it got far too cold for that, so you fetched a blanket and laid it on top of the two of you. And next thing you knew, you were on top of his bed, hands tangled up in his dark locks of hair as he pressed kisses down your body.
The next morning, Bruce had held you close to his chest, relishing on how perfectly your body slotted against his. His hands were tracing patterns on the skin of your arms. His mind was going a thousand miles. Finally, he had you. Finally, you were his. He couldn’t resist placing kisses on your shoulder, and you stirred awake.
“Good morning,” he mumbled against your skin.
It took a while for you to respond. You yawned a few times, before looking around his bedroom. Your gaze settled on him, and your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Last night’s events came to you. Oh. Right.
“Morning,” you replied, yawning right after. Slowly, you untangled yourself from his grip, and sat up, looking around for your clothes, or at least something you could cover yourself with. You found his shirt on the floor, and quickly leaned over to get it and put it on.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asked, using his arm to prop his head up.
“Fine. You?” you replied, brushing a few strands of hair from your face.
“I couldn’t be better.”
You offered him a small smile and stood up, looking for your clothes, or a pair of pants.
“What’s the hurry?” he asked once again, brows furrowing. Were you leaving?
“I’m getting something to eat. I’m starving, Bruce.” Chuckling, you found your pants and put them on as well. Bruce sat up on his bed and his eyes roamed over your figure, now hidden by clothes. He’d liked the view much better when you were bare before him.
“Aren’t we going to talk?”
You stopped, turning to him.
“Yeah. About last night. About us.”
You let out a small chuckle.
When you looked at him, you found Bruce looking at you with a serious expression.
“Wait. You’re – you’re serious about this?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s not like I’ve ever hid how I felt about you. But you’ve never told me how you felt.”
You stood there, staring at him. You didn’t know what to say. And what could you? Bruce was a good friend. Your closest friend, ever since the two of you were children. And there was no denying it, he was extremely good-looking, and last night you’d been attracted to him. Who wouldn’t? But you didn’t like him. At least not like that.
It was Bruce. He was your friend. The guy you tutored back in your Princeton days, who couldn’t concentrate on his homework for more than five minutes and somehow got stellar grades. Who pretended to be an eccentric billionaire for the sake of Gotham (or so he said).
“I’m sorry Bruce, I – I don’t feel that way about you.” The words came out, firm and strong. You had no doubts on your mind about how you felt. “I’m sorry if last night led you to believe otherwise.”
He stared at you, and it was like he could feel the pieces of his heart breaking bit by bit.
“But hey – we’re still friends. Right? You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Nothing needs to change.” You offered him a smile and he tried to give you one back, but it didn’t really reach his eyes.
“Sure. Nothing needs to change.”
You two thought that’d be the end of it, but it wasn’t.
For years, you slept together, tearing each other’s clothes at night, and awkwardly scrambling for them the next morning. You saw it as mere lust and physical attraction. You two were good friends who occasionally slept together. It was good. It felt good. But that was it.
Bruce, on the other hand, saw things differently. He thought it meant he had a chance. He thought that every time you decided to sleep with him, it meant you were one step closer to falling for him, to admitting how you felt.
Every morning he woke up with you in his arms, he’d try his luck. Brushing his fingers on your skin, ghosting his lips over the love marks and bites he’d left the night prior, he’d whisper to you.
“Would it be so bad for us to be together?” He’d sense you tensing under him, and then you were sighing and breaking free from his hold. He’d chastise himself mentally for scaring you away again, and that’s when you replied. You always gave him the same reply, looking him dead in the eye. “No, Bruce.”
And Bruce would lie back down as you hurried to get dressed and grab something to eat. His mind told him it was a terrible idea to keep sleeping with you, to allow you to toy with him like this when you had no feelings for him at all.
And although Bruce Wayne was always a very logical man, when it came to you, he was irrational, and always listened to his heart.
And his heart told him that someday, somehow, someway, you’d see the light. Someday, you’d finally understand how much emotion and love his kisses and caresses conveyed. Someday, you would listen to the unspoken words that hung in the air whenever he dropped to capture your lips with his own.
And even if you didn’t, he convinced himself that he was okay with it all, if only it meant he got to wake up next to you.
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys liked it! It's not my best work I would say, but I gave it my all, as always! I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead!
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lvckyyz · 3 months
parental relationship with Philotes? she's not that well known but I feel like she would be very motherly and caring and try to spend time with her kids when she can, even though she probably has a lot
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godly parents VIII (final part)
the gods’ relationship with their children
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philotes who hated seeing her kids being alone so she pretended to be their age to be friends with her own children
philotes who used to worry a lot when her kids still hadn’t gotten to camp half blood
philotes who loves hugging her kids when she visit them
philotes who claimed her children almost immediately after they arrived to the camp because she wanted them to call her “mom”
philotes who gets extremely excited when the demigods come to visit the olympus because she want to meet all her kids friends and spend time with her children
philotes who acts like a real teenage girl when her kids tell her they like someone
philotes who visits the camp and plan parties for her children when it’s their birthday
philotes who always spend christmas in the camp with her kids that don’t leave the camp at the end of summer
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hera who loves walking around the olympus with her demigods children because it makes zeus mad
hera who made hephaestus build something to protect her kids from zeus
hera who loved when one of her kids from chb called ares their brother and he was just furious about it
hera who usually doesn’t show any affection for her children but learned how to cook their favorite meal and send it to the camp in secret
hera who once found out that some aphrodite’s kids were bothering cabin 2 and went to the camp herself to threat them
hera who let her kids try on some of her crowns when they visit the olympus
hera who will punish anyone who dares to break her kids’ heart
hera who visits camp half-blood at least once a month to keep up with her kids’ life and always end up saying things like “go straight to what matters, how’s your dating life?”
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thanatos who was worried that his kids would be scared of him if he visits them in the camp
thanatos who used to ask for his brother, hypnos, to visit his children for him and make sure they’re okay
thanatos who went to the underworld to talk to hades but ended up getting scolded by persephone for not visiting his kids
thanatos who cried when his children hugged him for the first time
thanatos who gifted his kids with silver necklaces that they could use to call him if they needed to
thanatos who refuses to take his kids souls to the underworld and always gives them more chances to live
thanatos who got in an argument with hypnos and morpheus because some of his kids were suffering from insomnia and nightmares
thanatos who spends almost a month asking hades for a day off because he wanted to spend his kids’ birthday with them in the camp
⤷ author’s note:
FINALLY we got to the end of this series, pls don’t ask me to do more of theses, i’m so tired of them🥹 no one asked for thanatos but since i did his cabin’s hcs i though it would be nice to have him on this part, also there was someone who asked for amphritrite (and i thought it was aphrodite😭) but i couldn’t come up with anything for her so i’m sorry..
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kirislovelygf · 10 months
tsireya x fem!sully!reader pls pls pls?? 🥹🥹 y/n is lo’ak’s twin and she likes tsireya a lot but she thinks tsireya likes lo’ak so she starts skipping lessons to avoid her, only to find out she was wrong the whole time because one day after training lo’ak storms into the marui pod all mad and when y/n asks what’s wrong he’s like “i told tsireya i like her but she turned me down because she likes you” but y/n just doesn’t believe him until the next day tsireya comes up to her and asks to talk in private and you can make it up from there!! 🤍🤍
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sunsetz (tsireya x omaticayan fem! reader)
contents: confessions, crushing, hugs, lumity reference at the end, lo’ak and y/n are twins, good ole wlw happiness.
wrd count: 1.8k
a/n: ty to whoever submitted this prompt and i’m so so so sorry it took so long!! i feel so bad! i hope this makes up for it. enjoy! :)
when y/n’s family arrived here in awa’atlu, it took her a while to adjust. but she eventually became happy here.
after the war, and neteyam’s recovery, she was already growing closer with the reef kids.
especially tsireya. y/n had fallen hard for her.
tsireya was kind, graceful, smart, generous, and beautiful. y/n could think of hundreds of terms to describe her.
everyone knew about her painfully obvious crush except for her twin lo’ak and tsireya.
only because they were too focused on each other.
to tsireya, she thinks she found a new best friend.
to lo’ak? a crush as big as y/n’s.
the only thing that was stopping y/n from asking her out was because of her twin.
she thought they were obsessed with each other from looking at how much time they spend together when they’re in a group.
she had mistook tsireya’s friendship with lo’ak as a crush and was afraid that if she tried anything, she’d humiliate herself.
or ruin the friendship with tsireya and then her relationship with her best friend from birth.
for the past couple weeks, the kids have been taking underwater hunting lessons with tsireya, au’nung, and rotxo, but y/n’s been skipping them.
her crush was stronger than ever and she couldn’t go through another lesson where lo’ak was flirting with the girl she loved.
today was the third lesson she skipped.
she was sitting on the edge of her family’s marui while looking down at the water, one knee propped up to hold her head.
neytiri was behind her organizing her things, or sharpening a knife, something that y/n couldn’t really care less about.
“why aren’t you out there?” neytiri asks her.
“you should be learning how to hunt.”
“i have a headache. i don’t feel like swimming right now.” y/n responded in a low tone.
“hmph. next week, i better see you out there with everyone else.” neytiri said.
“yes, mama.” y/n muttered. neytiri sighs looking at her daughter's sad demeanor and decides to leave her alone.
“uhm.. i need to gather some fruits for later. i’ll be back before eclipse. your father should be back soon, so you won't be alone for long.” she said as she stood up.
“okay, mama. see you later.” y/n mutters. she turns slightly to smile at her but quickly looks back at the water.
neytiri watched her for a moment before grabbing her basket and leaving the marui.
a little while later, jake comes back from a meeting with tonowari and they sit together, organizing some of his tools.
“whoa, can i have this one?” she asked her father while holding up a knife that was made from sea glass.
“what’s wrong with the one you have?” he asks.
“nothing, i just want this one.” she shrugs. he chuckles and nods, “fine, keep it.”
she smiles and gets up to put it away in her corner of the marui.
“hey, dad. where’s y/n?” lo’ak said from the other side of the marui.
“uh, she’s in her room.” jake answered.
y/n gets up and watches as lo’ak storms into her corner, throwing the divider that acted as a door aside.
“hey! what’s your problem? i coulda been naked.” she grumbled.
“but you’re not. sit down, we gotta talk.” he said quickly.
she rolls her eyes but they both sit down together.
“what?” she asks.
“why have you been avoiding tsireya?” he asks.
her mouth suddenly went dry. could he know? he must be mad with how he entered her room. “uh..”
he rolls his eyes. “just tell me. i probably already know the answer.”
“i.. wh- uh, why do you think i’ve been avoiding her?” she asks hesitantly.
“because you like her. no, not even. you love her.” he said bluntly.
“bro, what the hell are you talking about? you don’t know that.”
neteyam was walking past the room and heard her ask when he said, “how could anyone NOT know that?”
“go away, ‘teyam!”
“bro, go away!” the twins yelled. they rolled their eyes at neteyam’s snickering and didn’t continue until they heard his footsteps walk away from the room.
“look, i went to tsireya earlier because i had a crush on her too. i decided i was gonna tell her today, so i did.” he admitted.
y/n’s expression softened with sadness. “oh..”
“but she told me she didn’t like me. because she’s already in love with you.”
“what? no, she isn’t-“
“come on, would i lie to you? i’m serious, she’s crazy about you.” he said in an irritated tone.
“okay.. and you’re mad at me cause she likes me and not you?” she asked him hesitantly.
he scoffed. “no! dude, i’m mad because you’ve been a bitch about it and you haven’t spoken to her in weeks! she thinks you hate her.”
“i haven’t been mean to her-“
“no, dummy. bitch like wimpy, scaredy cat, a pussy. but you’ve been mean to her too, so that applies too.” he nodded. y/n glared at her brother before he continued.
“i tried my best to convince her you don’t hate her but she still thinks you and her have a zero chance of happening. so you have to let her know you’re obsessed with her.” he poked her knee and she swatted his hand.
“i’m not obsessed with her, lo’ak. i swear, if you told her i am-“
he chuckled. “i didn’t. i didn’t even know you liked her until today. i was too focused on tsireya to notice.” he shrugs.
y/n sighs and her hands drag down her face with she groaned in frustration.
“look, i know we fight a lot and stuff. but you’re my best friend.” lo’ak started softly.
y/n looks up at him. lo’ak looks down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers and not making eye contact.
“i care about you. i guess if tsireya doesn’t wanna be with me, i’d rather her be happy with you. cause i know you’ll treat each other right.” he continued, slightly stumbling over a few words.
y/n looks up at her brother and smiled. “thanks, lo’ak.” she holds his hands that were folded together. he unfolds them and holds hers in his one hand.
y/n sighs. “okay. i’ll tell her..”
“yes! good.”
“no! go, now! like, now, now! come on.” he grabs her wrist and picks her up from the floor but y/n stops him.
“no, lo’ak!”
he looks back at her. “what? if you ignore her any longer, she’s gonna lose interest.”
“it’s almost eclipse, anyways. dad’s not gonna let us out.” she told him, literally reaching for any excuse.
it was just a coincidence that the eclipse was in a couple minutes.
“oh.” he mumbled. “yeah, that’s a problem.” they stand by the entrance of the room and figure out what to do.
“okay. tomorrow, we will find some flowers, make a bouquet, you’ll go to her dad-“
“her dad?! why would i go to him? he’s gonna stab me with his big-ass spear!” y/n said.
“not if you’re nice. and then you’ll be all like ‘i’d like to take your daughter out on a date.’ and he’ll be like ‘oh my god, you’re so sweet, of course.’ and then ronal-“
“hell. no. ronal will literally make sure i never see my family again.” she says, shaking her head.
“don’t be dramatic.” lo’ak laughs and suddenly, they hear voices in the main room of the marui.
y/n and lo’ak quickly shut up to hear who it was.
“i was wondering if i could talk to y/n for a moment. it’s important.”
y/n and lo’ak look at each other with wide eyes and started whispering to each other.
“what the hell do i do?”
“go out there!”
“no, i look like a mess! you go and ask what she wants and then-”
“oh my- just go!” he shoved y/n out of her own room and her heart was beating what felt like a million times per minute.
“y/n. your friend, tsireya’s here to see you.” jake called out.
“coming!” she responded, her voice cracking.
she could hear lo’ak’s quiet laugh from her room and rolled her eyes.
she meets up with tsireya and they agree to take a walk. jake asked her to be back not too late since eclipse was soon.
the girls walked away from the village, down the beach, just talking about bland topics, avoiding the topic they actually needed to be discussing.
“uhm.. so i wanted to ask you something.” tsireya said. she stood to face y/n.
“okay.” y/n says worriedly.
“so.. i was speaking to lo’ak earlier and i was asking him about you.”
“i can’t help but think you don’t like me. or you hate me. i haven’t seen you in weeks and every time i try to look for you, you’re busy with something else.”
y/n suddenly realized how shitty that was of her and felt a wave of embarrassment.
her hands covered her face as she chuckled lightly. “oh, god- i’m sorry. i’m so sorry, no wonder you think i hate you.”
tsireya gently takes her hands away from her face with a soft smile. “so, you don’t hate me?”
“no, of course not. i could never hate you. you’re so amazing and nice and pretty. i mean, i’ve liked you since we got here and you showed me around the village and you were just super nice.”
“you think i’m pretty?” tsireya interrupted. hints of pink flooded her cheeks.
“uh.. yeah.” y/n said quietly.
tsireya blushed even harder and looked down.
“i really thought you despised me and the whole time you just..” she laughs out softly.
“i’m really sorry, tsireya. i actually really like you. you’re the kindest and more generous and considerate girl i’ve ever met and uh..”
tsireya watches y/n’s expression, waiting to hear her ask the question she’s been waiting for ever since y/n arrived.
“i uhm.. will-“
“will you go out with me?” tsireya interrupted.
she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth as she watched y/n’s face. she was ready to ask tsireya already.
y/n sighs out before tsireya laughs out.
“i’m sorry!”
“i was so ready to say it! ugh, tsireya…”
“i’m sorry! i’m sorry, i’ll let you say it..” tsireya smiled.
y/n chuckled lightly. “tsireya.. will you go out with me?”
tsireya squeals in excitement before hugging y/n, throwing her arms around her neck.
y/n laughs out and spins her around, holding her tight in her arms.
she puts her down, her hands still on tsireya’s waist. tsireya had her hands on the back of y/n’s neck and they were inches apart from each other.
they would have kissed and had a nice, happy, sapphic ending, but the author is single and sad and will not be made jealous of by two fictional characters.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Marvel VS DC
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Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x MCU Actress!Reader
summary: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from Y/n and Henry’s relationship
Warnings: implications of smut?nothing but fluff really
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Welcome To The Fae Station: Full Masterlist💫
Library of Henry Cavill: Full Henry Masterlist
@/legend47fr: Did anyone see Henry and Y/n's instagram stories😭😭 They had a superhero themed gender reveal, all the DC men represented boys and the Marvel women represented girls. Too cute.
@/7littlebunnies: I heard from a secret source that Henry purposely visited Y/n at set nearly everyday just to see her in her suit☠️ mans had the hots for her even in costume
@/letmeliveplease: I don’t care what anyone says, I want Henry and Y/n to adopt me. Henry literally spends his days doting on her while she sits and bakes him treats🥹 I need to be there
@/marvelsuperstar: Just saw Henry Cavill taking Y/n stationary shopping, anyone know why?
↳ @/lozardeggs: In an interview Y/n said she wanted to go back to school to get her PHD in History, THIS MAN IS JUST SO FREAKIN SUPPORTIVE OF HER
@/nowyouseeme3: I love how at every one of Henry's premieres, Y/n has made it her duty to cosplay as a DC character despite her contract with marvel. She slays it everytime. ↳ @/blowuphorse: don’t forget that Henry said it leads to him having a “cardio” workout every time😭
@/Y/nhasmyheart: Never letting anyone forget about the time Henry and Y/n were on the beach and the paps got a pic of Henry touching up on Y/n's body. ↳ @/rainbowsandflowers: Okay but can we blame him? the girl’s a goddess on Earth
@/iamnotgroot: Henry and Y/n's son is so cute🥰 According to Y/n he copies Henry alla time, such as when asking for a kiss, but because he has a lisp it comes out adorably
↳ @/leonotaquarius: forget that. Imagine the Henry Cavill asking you for kisses even though you’re married
@/Evanstan: in the background of Chris Evans' party vid, why is my focus on the Cavill couple making out in the background
↳ @/buckszer: Y/n said so herself that Henry has the drive of an 18 year old hornball, IF THAT GIVES YOU ANY ANSWERS
↳@/Evanstan: yeah no wonder they have like 4 kids already and they’ve been together like 6 years 😭
@/Hartystsyles: Let’s just remember that 10 years ago in an interview, Y/n said her major celeb crush was Henry, WHAT MANIFESTING METHODS DOES MISS GIRL USE?!
↳ @/lemonsmoothie: No clue honey, but I jus remember her havin no hope because they have an 8 year age gap AND SHE WAS 22 AT THE TIME, she works her magic for real
↳ @/theojameslove: Just know that on their first date, Henry said he knew he was gonna marry her and went to go buy a ring
@/33overloax: My brother works at a bar, and apparently he saw Henry there for a bachelor party. This man’s wearing a tshirt with Y/n's face on it and it said “IM HAPPILY MARRIED THANK YOU”
↳ @/officialY/nCavill: You best believe I did that, have you seen my man😭 I ain’t taking any chances
@/francaiswho: During filming Henry can’t wear his wedding ring during scenes, so he got it tattooed onto his ring finger just to prove his devotion 🥲
@/fleabagmonkeyface: Saw The Cavill couple and their baby at the zoo, the baby had a Marvel tshirt but a DC hat☠️ I overheard a few of their convos with their baby and I near started sobbing because of how cute it was. They call him bambi 😭
@/onyourleft: Kill me. A friend of mine saw Y/n modelling clothes for Henry once she got our of the changing rooms, and he would whistle and cheer for her every time she twirled
@/brownbobstyle: Remember when Y/n was mobbed by crazy fans and Henry near started a fist fight for her, THEN WENT ON ALL HIS SOCIALS TO CALL OUT BY NAME ALL THE PAPARAZZI THAT DID NOTHING TO HELP. Love that man
@/fishiesfornemo: Bringing us back to that time of twitter when Y/n was pregnant and posted about how she made Henry sleep on the couch because he said she was overreacting. Next morning she woke up to a whole buffet for breakfast as an apology😭 Henry then posted that he never said that and it was just smthn that happened in one of Y/n'a dreams
@/HenryCavill: Can someone tell me how do I get my sleeping wife with a grip like a gorilla, off me in the morning. it’s been three hours. i’m hungry
↳ @officialY/nCavill: Fine then, no cuddles for you. Ever.
↳ @/HenryCavill: Now hold on there honey, I never said that. You know I love your cuddles♥️
↳ @/Cavillfan1: LOOOL HENRY GOT TOLD 😭😭
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mountymase · 1 year
invisible string - part four
“Tell me everything about her. Everything I missed”
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pairing: reader x mason mount summary: It’s been you and your daughter until life decides to prank you by putting her dad back into your life. The only problem is that he doesn’t know he’s her dad.
warnings: fluff, angst, a bit of swearing, mentions of childbirth author: pls do not ask when part five is coming 🫠🥹🥲 thank you for all the support, though! I love each and all of you. word count: 5.328k
“How do you think the girls will react when we tell them?” Jaz questioned, sipping her chamomile tea.
“Knowing Lily, she’ll be over the moon.” You watched Jaz sigh deeply, a wide smile spread across her lips. She knew the answer but you could tell she needed some sort of reassurance. “I’m an only child, so besides school and ballet, she spends most of her time with adults. With my dad, especially. It’ll be great for her.”
“Knowing Lily, she’ll be over the moon.” You watched Jaz sigh deeply, a wide smile spread across her lips. She knew the answer but you could tell she needed some sort of reassurance. “I’m an only child, so besides school and ballet, she spends most of her time with adults. With my dad, especially. It’ll be great for her.”
“It’s the same for Sum. My sister lives in Australia with her husband and two kids, and it’ll be great for Summer to have a cousin she can see anytime she wants.”
Cousins. It still made you catch your breath how fast this was going although only Jaz, Sam and your friend Willow knew the truth. Perhaps fast was good and you wouldn’t feel like being tortured trying to figure out the best moment to drop the truth.
Jaz ordered another slice of chocolate cake for herself and asked for an extra fork so she’d share it with you, although you made it clear you tried to keep a strict diet since you gave birth to Lily, with your schedule sometimes being too tight to hit the gym every day. You enjoyed this bond you were building, you could see Jasmine slowly becoming someone you could trust with your eyes closed and, afterall, she was your daughter’s aunt. There was so much to build around this, so much trust and, eventually, love - but you could see it, clear as the day. You could see her becoming one of your best friends and also someone Lily could count on.
“He’s coming home from Dubai tonight, you know.” Resting both hands on her bump, Jaz carefully watched your reaction to the news. “And he wants to surprise Summer by picking her up after ballet tomorrow, so…”
“I don’t want him to see us yet.” You swallowed the knot that formed on your throat, taking a sip of your strawberry tea hoping its warmth would comfort you. Jasmine nodded, knowing where you were coming from. 
“Make up something and don’t bring Lily, and show up for lunch at my place on Saturday. Mase usually goes there in the afternoons.”
“Saturday afternoon, then?” Lowering your gaze, you rubbed your eyes with your palms and before you could rest your hand on the table again, Jaz reached out to hold it.
“You’ll be fine. Sam can take the girls out, I’ll be around, but you have to tell him.” She squeezed your hand and you just nodded. “We should go now.”
Driving in London wasn’t your favourite thing to do unless there was music on and you had Lily giggling at your terrible singing skills - you took an alternative and longer way home so the music wouldn’t be the only sound that was making you happy. You watched through the rearview how Lily moved her shoulders up and down to the beat, making funny faces to herself, thinking you weren’t watching at all when there was really nothing you enjoyed more than seeing how your daughter could enjoy herself. When you finally arrived home, Lily ran off to her room and went back holding her towel and unicorn robe on each hand, knowing that’d be enough for you to know she wanted a bubble bath.
“You know what I was thinking, Lils?” You asked, massaging her head as you breathed in the lovely smell of baby shampoo. Lily kept her eyes closed but softly hummed a ‘hmm’. “Girls day tomorrow. I’m missing spending time with my favourite girl.”
“School, mummy.” Loving how responsible she was for a girl her age, you kissed her wet cheek before you started to rinse her hair.
“I know, sweetheart, don’t worry about that. Focus on the fun.”
And she did. 
Lily woke up first the next day, snuggled under the duvet with you and you two stayed there, eyes closed, for at least an hour. By how peaceful her breathing was, you could tell she took a nap even if all the little girl wanted was to enjoy the day as much as she could. The plan was not leaving the flat and just staying in, watching Disney and Pixar films, cooking her the most delicious spag bol just so you’d see those chubby cheeks stained with red sauce, baking her chocolate chip biscuits and cuddling on the sofa all day. Only when you were watching Moana and Lily started yawning from waking up too early, and she snuggled in your arms hiding her face against your chest, was that you realised it was the last day of just Lily and mummy. A new person was about to walk into your lives and turn it upside down but the truth was that Mason should’ve always been part of it.
On her last birthday, once everyone left, Lily confessed that her birthday wish was having her daddy with her. Then, on Christmas, she asked again, hoping he’d come. You knew she’d be happy and Lily never worried you, she was too wise for a girl her age. 
What got you wondering for hours was what kind of dad he’d be? With such an inconsistent and busy schedule, would he be there for her? Would he love and accept her?
Would he take her away from you?
Pulling her closer as you noticed that Lily was now peacefully sleeping, you paused the film and closed your eyes as the softness of her dark brown hair touched your face. You had your arms around her, protecting her as you’ve been doing since you found out she was growing inside you. No one would ever take that kid from you and you hoped Mason wouldn’t dream of trying because you weren’t up for a fight that everyone would end up losing. You just wanted him to be the dad she needed so much, something your dad would never be able to because it wasn’t the same. You only woke up again when Lily started to move in your arms and tiny hands cupped your jaw as she kissed your entire face.
“Sleepy mummy.” Lily kissed your eyelids, the tip of your nose and softly squeezed your cheeks. “I’m hungry.”
“Spag bol?”
You watched her jump on the sofa and perfectly land on the floor before running and spinning around the flat, happily nodding to your suggestion. It was funny, but it wasn't unusual for you seeing her so happy and so full of energy. With your hair up in a messy bun, you made your way to the kitchen with Lily on your feet - she raised both arms so you could lift her and put her on the chair next to the counter. She patiently waited for some fruits that you perfectly cut in small cubes, it was usually her pre lunch snack. You giggled at the ‘mhmm yummy’ she hummed and, watching her as you prepared the sauce, you thought what her reaction would be. Not only towards Mason, but mostly towards you even if this wasn’t about you.
Would she hate you? Would she stop talking to you?
Would she want to leave and stay with her dad?
For a moment, you wanted to take your daughter and run away. That same feeling of you feeling suffocated creeping in again, pulling you out of that comfort zone you’ve been in for the past four years of yours and Lily’s life. Things would be different now and you could only hope it was for the better because that’s what Lily could bring into people’s lives - nothing but good things.
“Is it yummy, kid?” You had a smile curling the sides of your lips as you watched her devour her spaghetti, some red sauce stains on her cheeks, making Lily the most adorable sight you’ve seen in the longest time. She cheerfully nodded at you, blowing a kiss.
“So much, mummy. Thank you!” With your index finger, you poked her dimple and pulled away a string of dark brown hair, putting it behind her ear.
“Should we go for a bubble bath and then have dessert?” Wiggling her chubby legs, Lily nodded and clapped her hands once she finished her meal, and then raised one of her hands so you could give her a high five - which you obviously did, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for that girl.
For the rest of the day, it was just you having the most fun. You two baked and had the chocolate chip biscuits - she asked to keep some for Summer, which you agreed - and watching NatGeo, one of her favourite things to do, but you couldn’t fully focus on whatever the man on the TV said about the african elephants daily routine because your mind was somewhere else. On someone else, actually.
You were going to see Mason for the first time since you tried to tell him about Lily and that definitely opened some old wounds, it brought the hurt back even if that was also one of the happiest days of your life. You remembered how having Lily’s dad around, it didn’t matter who he was, would’ve made such a huge difference during your pregnancy… how it would’ve made such a huge difference each day since she was born. Yes, you should’ve insisted, maybe - but he should’ve let you talk. Mason was also to blame for Lily not having her dad around, and you knew there were bigger chances of it all turning into a situation where you’d point your fingers at each other, finding someone to blame, instead of just being there for her. That’s why you went to bed repeating to yourself that you wouldn’t let it happen, that you’d be there for Lily even if, someday, she pushed you away.
And again, Mason Mount was there to haunt you in your dreams. 
When you woke up the next day, earlier than you should have when you took your phone to check the time, you noticed there were a few texts from Willow wishing you the best of luck today and that she’d be there for whatever you needed, that Lily couldn’t have a better mum - one that always fought so hard to see her happy even if it meant pushing your own happiness away.
You didn’t want to wake up your daughter so you stayed there, in bed, as if the ceiling was the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe you could decide on something to wear? Deep down, you wanted to look good and show him you’ve been just fine all these years - as if he’d even care. Silly.
You decided to text Jaz.
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You were in silence for a few seconds when you answered the call, the two of you hearing each other’s breath, trying to let today’s events sink in and allowing it to become a reality rather than your daily meetings for tea over the week. It was real now, you were only a few hours away from telling Mason that he had a daughter and Jasmine was pretty much your partner in crime. It still overwhelmed you the fact she was on your side and, not once, pointed a finger at you and your decisions - you knew it came from the fact she was a mum too.
Finally, she told you how things went with Mason the day before. Jaz said she had to tell him a lie, asking him to come over again in the afternoon and spend the day with Summer because Sam would be out with the boys and she was too tired to spend the day alone. You thanked her, multiple times, making sure she’d forever know how grateful you were for all the support and you got a sniff in return, with Jaz blaming mostly the pregnancy hormones for feeling emotional. You said your goodbyes when you heard Lily’s voice calling you from the electronic babysitter.
“Good morning, peanut.” You said with a smile, watching her stretching up her arms and legs with a groan, puffy eyes and messy hair making your heart melt. “Hungry?”
“Mhmm. Can I have pancakes, mummy?”
“Absolutely, love.” Sitting on her bed, you cradled Lily in your arms, lips brushing her forehead. “You’re spending the day with Summer and her daddy today.”
Still sleepy, she reacted to the news with a little leg wiggle and gave you the tightest morning hug. 
As you prepared her breakfast, you were still on the ‘this is the last time I’m doing this where it’s just us’ roll from the day before. After today, you hoped Mason would make her pancakes too, you hoped the three of you could have breakfast together and make up for the lost time where Lily didn’t have parents and just a mum, instead. You knew that it didn’t matter how invested you were, how hard you tried to be the best mum in the world, a girl growing up without a dad was wrong and your own father couldn’t be the father figure she needed, even if he was a great one it wasn’t his place.
You bathed her, brushed her hair and let her go pick an outfit to spend her day with her bestie and, possibly, meet her daddy. You always let Lily pick whatever she wanted to wear after reading in a book that it helped children to be more independent and creative, although you knew that was just Lily’s personality.
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to eat anything,” You confessed, watching Jaz place the salad bowl on the counter, gesturing you to take it to the table. “But thank you for cooking, anyway.”
Anticipating you wouldn’t behave normally, Sam was kind enough to take the girls out earlier than planned and promised to feed them with healthy stuff for lunch so the afternoon would be all about whatever they wanted. He texted Jaz some photos of Summer and Lily in the backseat of his car, making the funniest faces while they were stuck in traffic. 
“I didn’t do much, to be honest.” Jaz shrugged, a soft giggle parting her lips. “Grilling some chicken is nothing.”
“It’s more than anything I’d be able to do now. How are you so calm, Jaz?”
Jasmine shook her head. “I’m not but I’m trying my best, for her.” She pointed at her bump and you felt bad for putting a pregnant woman under so much stress. “I know my brother, Y/n. It’ll be a shock at first but once he gets used to the idea… he’ll be the best dad Lily could ask for.”
You could only hope she was right. While you had lunch, your mind went back to Mason again, but this time it wasn’t what kind of dad he’d be to Lily, but more what you could expect he’d be to you too. First, you wondered if he’d recognise you, how he’d treat you first and how he’d treat you after. Memories of that night flooded your mind, the way he touched you still very much alive, making you shiver. His smile, his raspy voice praising you, his lips on your skin… all those memories were two sides of the same coin. They were great, but also a torture. 
There was never a denial coming from you that you didn’t fall hard for him the following month, while the possibility of becoming parents hung above your heads. You fell even harder once Lily became a reality and, unfortunately, a lot more although he shoved you off without letting you tell him about her existence. Then, convincing yourself that Mason would never be part of your life, you put him and all that love inside an imaginary box and locked it all there. You forced yourself to turn him into something small that would never affect your life and now you had to open that box again, ignoring the fact that there was a big chance all that love was still there. 
“I think he’s here, earlier than expected.” Jaz groaned when the noise of a car parking outside filled the room, looking at your untouched food with a sad look. “I know it’s cold outside, but go breathe in some cold air to clear your head.”
You just nodded, quickly getting up and just ignoring everything else as your eyes now burned with hot tears that’d roll down your cheeks soon or later. Feeling your chest clench, you hugged yourself when the cold air welcomed you. You swallowed the lump on your throat, blinking repeatedly, not wanting to cry now but when you heard Mason’s voice and laugh greeting his sister you broke down. Not sure if your body was shaking from the cold or the anxiety that washed over you, you hugged yourself even tighter finally realising that this was it, the moment it wasn’t just you and Lily anymore and this third person who  had every right to be part of her life would bring many others with him.
Breathe in, breathe out. Wipe your tears, stop shaking.
You repeated it as a mantra walking back inside, feeling more relaxed when the warmth and the smell of lavender engulfed you in what felt like a safety bubble, and feeling safe was what you needed now.
“She’s upstairs.” You gasped when you heard his voice coming from the kitchen, your only instinct was to follow it until you could see him sitting on the stool, arms supporting his body on the counter. Mason smiled when he watched you coming closer. “I’m her brother, Mason.” He stretched his arm, waiting for you to shake his hand but it quickly dropped to the side of his body. His big brown eyes narrowed at you as you chewed the inside of your cheek. “I know you.”
You nodded, a long and deep sigh parting your lips. “Hello, Mason. It’s been a while.”
“Miss champagne.” Mason shook his head apparently not believing it was you, the nickname taking you back to a night where things were just.. simple, and fun. Surprisingly, he stood up and walked towards you with arms wide open, then he simply hugged you. As if he hadn’t been an idiot the last time you had contact. “It’s lovely to see you again. How do you know my sister?”
“Our daughters take ballet class together.” You pulled away from him, intoxicated by his warmth and cologne, and he just frowned at you. 
“You have a daughter?” The fact, somehow, seemed to amuse him. His eyes widened, a big smile spread across his lips. “Oh, I think I met her on FaceTime! Lily, isn’t?” 
Hearing her name coming from his lips felt like the most beautiful and poetic stab straight into your heart. You simply nodded, not being able to say anything else. Not being able to form a simple sentence, let alone tell him that Lily was his too. Still, the silence that fell between you wasn’t entirely awkward, nor uncomfortable. You noticed that as he watched you, Mason had a soft smile on his lips.
“What is it?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think about you sometimes.”
“Do tell me more about it.” You scoffed, thinking how outrageous that was but with part of you also swooning at his confession. Your attitude made a soft flush spread across his cheeks.
Yes, you should feel ashamed. Idiot.
“Declan often talks about that night and I thought about trying to find you, multiple times. To apologise for ghost-“
“You never let me tell what I had to tell.” You interrupted him, watching Mason raise an eyebrow. “That day I went to your place. You just… you were the most polite idiot on the planet. I wasn’t there because I wanted to be friends with you.”
“Oh? Do you still have something to tell me or is it too late?” His eyebrows now frowned in confusion, ironically waiting for you to finish. 
You just sighed, his words slowly making your blood boil under your skin. If he behaved like this for the rest of your lives, it was going to be tough. “I went there to tell you about her, Mason.”
“About her…?”
“You went to my place to tell me about Lily?” If Mason was a cartoon, there’d be some smoke hanging above his head as his brain tried to put your words together and finally realise what exactly you meant.
“Why else would her second name be Maisie other than you being her dad, Mason?”
Mason gasped, both hands firmly holding the counter as he forced himself to stand up. His jaw dropped, his brown eyes were wide open and his cheeks flushed hard. You watched as he started breathing heavier, his chest quickly moving up and down as he tried to catch a breath and calm his nerves. He was a dad. 
He wasn’t sure what to say, how to react, but the feeling that clenched his chest and made him want to vomit once he realised he missed years of that girl’s life, it hit him like a punch on his throat, stomach and every other place it’d make him feel that way.
“Y-you went there,” He took a long, deep breath. “To tell me that you were p-pregnant?” 
There was nothing left to say, unless he asked, but Mason was in silence for a few minutes and, this time, it bothered you. Still, you tried to focus on the fact that even if this whole situation was difficult, you felt lighter after telling him. You watched him open his mouth to say something, but each time he stopped and looked away, and you could see he was hurt. Mason sniffed a few times, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
“Are you also telling me I’ve missed years of her life, Y/n?” That was a slap on your face. Lowering your gaze, not really able to look at him, you just nodded. “You should’ve insisted.”
“And you should’ve noticed how miserable I was on that day, when you politely shoved me off.”
“I-I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“That’s not the point, Mason. From that day, it doesn’t matter how hurt I was or am, nothing really matters except for the fact that for some stupid reason, I’m only here today because life decided it’d be fun for your niece to go to the same ballet studio as my daugh-“ You sighed. “Our daughter.”
“You’d never tell me if it wasn’t for that, then?” He asked, apparently shocked.
“It was enough for me to be rejected, I don’t want Lily to go through the same.”
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say this, because you clearly don’t know me, but I would never reject my kid.”
Deep down, you wanted to smile. That was what you needed to listen, that he wouldn’t reject Lily, because in the end it was all about her. Instead, you just nodded, a sigh of relief parting your lips without you even noticing. You were both in silence again, your minds working on something to say that wouldn’t end up in a heated argument because there was no point now - it’d be a massive waste of time.
“Would you-hmm…” You cleared your throat, taking your phone from the back pocket of your jeans as Mason watched you, curiosity sparkling in his eyes. “See pictures of her? There’s videos too.”
Mason frowned, but was quick to nod and mumble several yeses as he rubbed his palms on his hoodie, clearly trying to control his emotions. You were closer to each other again, sitting on the stool. You thought it’d be a good idea to just start from the beginning, same way you did with Jaz - it worked, and you could only hope it’d have the same result with Mason. 
Opening that same gallery you had only pictures of Lily, you could swear the sides of his lips were curled into the softest smile before you opened the first picture. You, the tiniest bump, in front of the mirror and looking absolutely miserable. You thought of telling how the pregnancy was, not really sure if he’d want to know, and the only idea you had to interact with Mason was giving him your phone so he could see for himself and feel comfortable to ask you whatever he wanted as you were just sitting there, feeling like you could cry any minute.
When he finally opened a picture of what you remembered as the 8th month of your pregnancy, Mason spent a few minutes just staring at it.
“Did she move a lot?” He asked, eyes glued to the picture. Mason softly brushed his thumb over it, as if he wanted to touch your bump and you had to blink multiple times or tears would roll down your cheeks at this point.
“Mhmm,” You mumbled, sniffing. Mason looked at you, moving closer when he noticed your eyes sparkling with tears. Then, in his own way of trying to comfort you, he held your pinky with his. You gulped. “She kicked a lot, right on my ribs, and so hard I had to catch my breath.”
His giggle was mostly repeated gasps, as if it somehow Lily’s kicking abilities amused him. Or made him proud. Not for kicking you, obviously… but for having a strong kick.
Then, Mason opened a video of you in the front seat of your dad’s car, clearly in pain, your mum and Willow in the back with the latter filming the whole thing - you held your bump with both hands, still smiling through the pain and, occasionally, reached for your dad’s hands. ‘Lily is ready to take over the world, everyone!’ Willow said, and the video ended with you screaming as the next contraction hit. You laughed at the memory.
“I’m sorry.” Mason simply said, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “For causing you so much physical pain.”
“Don’t be silly.” You softly elbowed his rib, getting a short nod from him.
You watched him blush a little when the next pictures were mostly you inside the birthing pool. Mason thought that, despite looking exhausted and clearly in pain, you looked absolutely beautiful. But part of him couldn’t ignore how hurt he felt once he realised how much he wanted to be there, to watch his daughter make her first appearance.
His daughter.
This time, it was Mason who sniffed. Not letting your hand go, he dropped your phone on the counter and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, took the longest breath and took your phone again. And this time, it was you who rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb.
For the next hour, you watched him open every single video and every single photo of the Lilian Maisie gallery on your phone. There were photos there that not even you remembered existed, and you thought it was particularly emotional when you caught him pressing the heart button on a few of them. You’d make sure to send him those as soon as you could, deep down knowing he’d definitely like it.
The last photo of the gallery was one taken on her fourth birthday party at your parent’s cottage in Cotswolds, Lily had her arms over the table, supporting her body, and those big brown eyes sparkled with happiness for seeing her family there celebrating her. Mason took his own phone from his pocket and opened a picture of himself, placing your phones next to one another so you two could compare.
“Well, fuck-” You breathed. “I knew she looked a lot like you, but-”
His laugh interrupted you and it was him now, elbowing your rib. “She’s perfect.”
You nodded, a long sigh parting your lips and, then, a soft smile curling the sides of it. 
“Lily is incredible, Mason. Whenever you feel ready to meet her, you’ll see how easy it is to fall in love with that tiny human, whatever kind of love you’re capable of giving her now.”
“I liked the sound of her laugh when I FaceTimed Summer and she was there.”
“It’s the sound of true happiness.”
“Tell me everything about her, Y/n. Everything I missed.”
“Gosh, Mason…” There he was again, rubbing the back of your hand, his pinky playing with yours. Such an intimate gesture, as it should be, because you both shared a life. Someone who would need both of you for as long as you’d live. “I don’t even know where to begin. But according to Jaz, she’s all you. Lily is just… happy. All the time, she has the most beautiful smile on her face and this endless energy I hardly can keep up with.”
“Sounds like me, yeah.” Mason lowered his gaze, focused on his finger playing with yours. “I wish you had insisted, Y/n.”
“I wanted to. I wanted to punch you and make you listen, but your reaction hurt me so much and those first few weeks were so hard, Mason.” You sniffed, finally feeling a single tear rolling down your cheek. “I don’t even know how I got there, I felt so weak all the time. That minimum effort of going to your place and those emotions cost me four days at the hospital.”
“I don’t know exactly how we are going to do this, but I hope you let me be part of her life.”
“Of course I let you, Mason. You don’t even have to ask. You’re all she’s been wishing for, ever since she noticed there was someone missing.”
When he was about to answer, clearly moved by the fact she missed having him in her life, Jaz walked into the kitchen with her face all red and puffy eyes from crying. He let go of your hand with a groan and it felt like the loss of contact made part of you feel empty.
“I obviously overheard the whole thing but I’m just here to say that Sam is back with the girls, they should be here any minute.”
“This is not how I want to meet her.” He turned to look at you, grabbed your phone again and added his number back on your contacts. “Text me your address and I’ll be there tonight so it can be just us.”
Not knowing what to say, you nodded, and Mason kissed Jaz’s cheeks and whispered her a ‘thank you’ before disappearing upstairs. Before Jaz could say something, you heard the front door open and the two girls rush into the house, loud laughs filling every room, warming your heart. But you also felt your head spinning with things happening so quickly.
“Muuummyyyy!” You heard Lily’s voice call you, and your first instinct was to smile, even before she showed up with arms wide open ready to hug you. It felt like after telling Mason, she looked even more like him - Lily’s whole energy screamed Mason.
“Hello, my baby,” You cooed, arms tightly wrapped around her small figure as Lily cupped your face with her hands and kissed your cheek. “Mummy’s got a surprise for you tonight. Shall we go home?”
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forasgaard · 1 year
Can you please write about Neteyam watching the reader with Tuk? How the reader protects Tuk and does her hair and make necklaces together. 🥹 Neteyam can’t get enough of it either
From Afar
warnings: fluff words: 871
Part 2
Part 3
It was early afternoon, the sun shone through the ferns and leafs of the jungle and warmed his skin. The oldest Sully kid changed his position and put a hand under his head. Neteyam had laid there for hours now, resting under a tree on the glade at the Sullys hut. He had no training today, he was awake the whole night, flying night patrol with his father. Jake and Neytiri were gone to the humans to talk about some news and the kids stayed home. They got visited by Spider and Y/N, two human kids from Jake's old friends. They both had no Avatars but they grew up with the Na'vi so it was normal seeing them around the village.
Lo'ak and Spider were somewhere loitering in the jungle and the girls stayed home. They talked about something and their noises made him even more sleepy. It was a calming atmosphere, a sign that everything was alright. And it was alright. Especially, when Y/N was there. Neteyam appreciated her presence. She was clever and funny and had a calming energy. They often spend time together, sometimes even alone. He smiled when he remembered her first flight with an Ikran. She was so afraid and clinged onto him. To admit, he grew really fond of her. Every time, he heard her laugh, his heart skipped a beat. He had never felt that before with another person and he had told Lo'ak about it.
Which was a huge mistake. Lo'ak made fun of him. Of course, he was happy for his brother but he just couldn't stop making weird grimaces behind Y/Ns back at him, when she was not looking. And then he told his Dad, asking for advice. Jake smiled widely and took his oldest son into a tight embrace. He told him to find out if Y/N liked him as well and then maybe tell her what he felt. But that was the biggest problem. Neteyam was usually a brave one but somehow she made his knees go weak and made his heart sped up. And we was so confused by that! He told himself to tell her when the time was right.
And now this afternoon, it definitely wasn't. He could hear her chuckle about something Kiri said. Nete moved his head and opened his eyes. They sat in the soft grass. All three of them. Kiri made some necklaces for Y/N, she was really talented in that area. Y/N always admired her necklaces and bracelets. In front of Y/N sat his little sister Tuk. She sat silently, without moving, but Nete could see how exited she was. Y/N was braiding her hair.
Tuk was Y/Ns biggest fan. She always wanted to do something with the human girl and for her, she was like her sister.
Y/Ns slender fingers moved fast through Tuk's dark hair, creating a masterpiece of braids. Neteyam couldn't suppress a smile. Y/N had so much fun.
And Eywa, she was beautiful! The sun made her hair shimmer and threw lights onto her skin. He always thought human skin looked weird but Y/Ns looked beautiful. He had recognised that many times now and every time, he felt heat rushing through his veins.
He watched her hands move with grace, her lips curling with concentration.
He wished she would braid his hair as well. And she was so soft! He accidentally (not) touched her skin last day and it felt so nice. He just wanted to touch every inch of her body. Wait - What was he thinking!?
Neteyam let out a small sigh. He caught himself daydreaming again. It happened more and more often these days. Especially when Y/N was visiting. The way she played with Tuk and took care of her was just so cute. He just wanted to watch them for eternity.
But the peace didn't last long. Lo'ak and Spider came back sooner than expected. Made turned the peaceful atmosphere into a chaotic one. Nete rolled his eyes.
"Hey Bro! Wakey wakey!" The younger brother poked into Nete's face.
"Argh Lo'ak stop it!" He tried to slap Lo'aks hand but his brother was faster.
"Leave me alone, I'm tired!"
"Tired huh?", Lo'ak grinned. His eyes followed Spider who sat down next to the girls. Y/N was still braiding Tuk's hair.
"You didn't seem tired watching her!", Lo'ak chuckled.
"You Skxawng!", Neteyam pushed Lo'aks head away. "Am I right?", he asked and smirked at the older one. "Have you told her yet?"
"Noo", Neteyam rolled his eyes.
"Hm", Lo'ak turned his head to Y/N and both boys watched her for a while. "She really likes Tuk.", Lo'ak murmured.
"And she is beautiful. I mean, for a human." Lo'ak raised his arms in defense. "I didn't know you had an affinity for the sky people" He ducked away under Neteyam's hand "but you should already tell her."
Neteyam groaned. "I can't."
"Ohh. Is the brave hunter too scared to talk to a little 'evenge (girl)?"
"Shut up!"
Lo'ak laughed and stood up. "Whatever. But think about my words.", with that he joined the others. Neteyam sighed. He had to tell her. And he would. But for now, it was enough to watch her.
Read all my stories here
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tamara1234sky · 3 months
My SVU rant
I’ve been watching SVU for about two years now. It’s been like therapy for me❤️‍🩹. I watched the older season as well.
For Season 25 to be so legendary, it’s soooo boring. The only episode I loved was episode 4 with Chief McGrath and his daughter.
The fandom don’t know what they want. They want character development but little to no screen time for said character.
The way they got rid of the female characters was extremely uncalled for.
Bring back GRACE MUNCY
Bring back KAT TAMIN
I didn’t like Rollins until season 21 but I 100% agree with movement, Kelli deserved better. But that is not Molly’s fault. Molly is was not an executive producer of SVU.
I love Grace Muncy and she was written off way too soon. Her outfits and her sneakers are TDF. She is not perfect, but neither was the old squad but they were given time to grow into the great characters they are now. I am glad her and churlish made up at the end of 24x17. I loved the Churlish and Muncy duo investigating in 24x21.
Veluncy could have been the best ship in SVU:
- they are both single
- They don’t have any baggage in their lives (unlike Bensler- being stuck with Kathy and the Stabler kids AND Rollisi (i don’t like this ship) but Rollins dating/hooking up the wrong men, dissing Carisi for years and having 2 baby daddies before giving Carisi a chance
- They spend a lot of off-duty hours together
- get along really well and care for each other
- They have the cutest banter
- They are loyal to each other
- They obviously ride hard for each other
- Velasco telling her she is his only real friend
Tonie Churlish irritated me at first, but she had potential. I could have seen her in ADA position ( maybe 2nd chair to ADA carisi) because she was genuinely interested in the law aspect, when talking with benson and carisi, in 24x16. I think the writers should have created a scene as to why she recorded Velasco- she clearly saw corruption while working in Bronx SVU so maybe that is why her guard is up to spotting something shady with cops.
I miss Kat Tamin everyday. I love her husky voice and her personality. I adore the way she stands up for women’s rights and truly strives to seek justice for women.
Another thing- Why is sykes getting more screen time than Detective Velasco, especially when he is in the main cast? Can at least get a scene where Velasco talk about how much he misses his ‘only real friend’ AKA GRACE MUNCY
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buggybambi · 5 months
she would definitely make one of those first day of school powerpoint's and on her family slide it would be a picture of her and the bears crew🥹 and then a picture of her and carmen “And this is my boyfriend Bear”
oh she would! i just imagine it being like:
"so friends, i wanted us to get to know each other. we're gonna be spending quite a bit of time together and i got to meet so many of you but i thought you haven't gotten to meet me yet. so, i wanted to start by.." you'd click on the small remote controlling your projector.
".. introducing my family! these are my parents, some of my best friends and my boyfriend, bear! and you see all these people here?" you wait for all the tiny heads to nod. "these are all of bear's friends. he's a chef, who knows what that is?" you ask, calling on one of the kids.
"its someone who makes food!" one of the kids would answer. you nod, smiling. "you are exactly right! bear owns a restaraunt where he and all of his friends make a lot of yummy food. they're some of my bestest friends. do you guys have any best friends?" from there the kids just know him as "bear". all the photos on your desk of him, they like to point out as bear. they'd even draw him bear photos :sob:
IMAGINE HIM SURPRISING HER AT THE SCHOOL, STOP. he'd stand in the doorway, patiently waiting for you to have a second as you're helping the kids with some kind of arts and crafts project. "ms. y/l/n, bear's here!" one of the kids would yell, as you turn, smiling.
he couldn't be prouder to be your bear!! he's so honored that all the kids know him, and he's happy to answer any of the questions the kids might have. like if they've got questions about being a chef or what he cooks and why, he'd answer with like: "it's kind of hard, like learning to tie your shoes. you learn for a really long time but you get it eventually." "i cook a lot of things but i like to think i'm really good at my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." "i don't know why. i just really like cooking, i guess. and people like when i cook, so i do it for them."
the kids are also very nosey (as kids tend to be) and would ask why he's dating you. "well, don't tell her," he'd lean in closer. "but i think she's really pretty."
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jaehyunnie77 · 1 year
omg hi! Saw that your requests were open hehe yay 🥳 could I request for a secret bf jaehyun x y/n one where they went for a Christmas party and y/n stands under a mistletoe without knowing and her guy friend starts a convo with her below it causing their friends to point it out and make them kiss, so instead, she kisses him on the cheek, making jaehyun jealous and pouty 🥹
Hope it makes sense hahaha! You can switch it up in your way too 🥰❤️ Love your stories so so much ✨
pairing: Jaehyun x f. reader
genre: pure fluff - like the purest i think i've ever written
word count: 2.1k
a/n: i got busy during the holidays, but here's a late christmas fic upon requested. thank you so much anon for sending this in. i hope you enjoy it :)
“I promise it’s going to be really quick babe. One hour max and then we can go home, order take out, and watch movies.” You tell your boyfriend as you adjust his tie.
“I just don’t see the point of why we have to be here when it’s freezing and Christmas is in a couple of days.” He says.
You look up after being satisfy with his tie and see a cute pout on his lips. He may be a twenty-five year old adult, but sometimes he can be a kid. Especially right now when he looks so adorable with his pout.
“Hey look at me.” you tell him as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands mindlessly finding your waist and holding you close. “It’s going to be quick Jae and right after you’ll have me for the entire week.”
At that, his pout turns into a smirk and into a big smile. Like you’ve said, he can be a kid sometimes. “That sounds good honestly.” He leans forward and captures your lips together. If you didn’t have this Christmas party to attend to, you’d kiss him all night.
You pull away from him reluctantly, “We’re going to be late.”
He sighs deeply, “Okay. Just remember that I’m doing this for you. I’m guessing nobody has zero idea we’re together, so you go in first and I’ll follow soon after.” You smile at him before giving him another kiss.
“See you soon cutie.” You tease before heading in.
Your Christmas work parties are usually fun, especially when there’s alcohol and you get to see how fun your colleagues are. Usually, you’d enjoy your night out, mingle with everybody, and do small talk, but this year, all you want to do is go home with Jaehyun and spend time with him.
You both work at the same company and have been dating for six months. Of course, you would have to talk to HR about your relationship at one point, but you both like knowing that no one knows you two are together. Why? Well, let’s just say you both didn’t like each other at the very beginning. Yeah, how cliché right?
It all started a year and a half ago when Jaehyun was a new employee and your first interaction wasn’t the happiest one. You pulled an all-nighter the night before and haven’t had your morning coffee. As you walk into the kitchen, your brain automatically was filled with giddiness knowing you’re about to have your fuel for the day. There was a man using the coffee machine and you didn’t think much of it, let alone care who it was.
You stood next to him as you grab your cup and sugar pack and that’s when you heard a loud noise and a ‘fuck’ next to you. You look up to see the coffee machine smoking and you knew you were going to have a horrible day all because of this jerk.
“What the hell happened!?”
“I don’t know. I was just trying to put my brew in there and it just started acting weird and not doing anything so I just pushed all of these buttons and bam.”
“Ugh you idiot. If you don’t know how to work a coffee machine, go to Starbucks next time!” you say angrily.
“Are you questioning my intelligence on how to work a coffee machine?” the man looks at you angrily.
You stand a little straighter, “Yes I am because if you knew how to work this, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.
He squints his eyes before retaliating back, “Well maybe you should start being nice to people you don’t know or better yet, how about you make yourself a cup of coffee before coming into work and spoiling everyone’s day.”
Your jaw fell open because never in your life has anyone talked to you like that or have a comeback as he did. You were at a complete lost for words until he turned around to walk back out the kitchen.
“Yeah, well it still doesn’t fix the problem you created by not knowing how to work this thing.”
All the man could do was laugh at you before waving you off and exiting.
Just who the hell does he think he is?
Since that day, you made your own coffee at home before coming into work. Little did you know, he always saw you with coffee in your hand and notices how your smile captures your beauty. Sure, you were probably having an off day that first encounter, but he still couldn’t help that you somehow took his words into consideration by bringing your own coffee into work.
You’ve seen him around a couple of times, but never interacted with him until you both had an assignment together.
“Oh look who it is. The coffee machine breaker.”
“Good morning to you too Cruella.”
You make a face at him, “Trust me I don’t want to work on this assignment with you either.”
Jaehyun eyes you before playfully saying, “Who says I didn’t want to work with you?”
Surprise, you look at him to see his eyes twinkling and a smirk on his lips. Once again, you’re at a lost for words and don’t bother saying anything back. Instead, you focus on your laptop in front of you putting random ideas on Word.
Jaehyun sees the affect he has on you and couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Cute.
Who knew that assignment would change the interjectory of your outlook on Jaehyun. You ended up spending your long days at work with him figuring and coming up with ways for this assignment and on days off, you both somehow manage to meet up and talk about things you had in common.
After said assignment project was finished, you both found yourselves spending more time together. You no longer were annoyed by him or called him ‘the coffee machine breaker’, but instead, you called him by his name or his nickname Jae. Eventually things fell into place soon after.
What can you say? The universe does work in mysterious ways.
As you grab a flute of champagne by the bar, you turn around to see your boyfriend walking through the door. Even if it has been six months you’ve been dating or see him walk around for almost two years, he still takes your breath away.  The man knows how to capture everyone’s attention by his gaze and his well mannerism. Not to mention how hot he looks in his black and white suite.
I really can’t believe this man is my man.
As the party continues on, you manage to talk to a few colleagues and steal glances at Jaehyun from afar. It came to the point where you were almost playing a game of hide and seek.
“Wow. Look at you. Who knew you could dress up nicely.” Josh, your friend and ass kisser tells you.
“Everyone has their secrets. You clean up pretty nicely as well.”
“Thanks! Oh by the way, I just want to tell you that I think you’re an amazing person to look up to.”
“How many have you had to drink?” you chuckle. “But thank you for the kind words. If you’ll excuse me I –“
“Oh my god! Mistletoe! Y/N and Josh are under the mistletoe!” Someone on your right yells excitedly.
You see everyone near turn towards you as you look up and sure enough there is a mistletoe above you and Josh.
“Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.” Your colleagues chant in unison.
You shake your head from pure embarrassment, but also trying to find Jaehyun to somehow tell him it isn’t what it looked like. You finally see him in the back, his gaze intently on yours with an expression you haven’t seen before.
“Just one kiss.” Your coworker Joy says.
You look back to Josh who’s hoping more than anything you’d kiss him. Without wanting unwanted attention on you, you kiss Josh on the cheek. “There. Done.”
“No, that’s not –“
“Technically, that was a kiss. It doesn’t mean we have to kiss on the lips and we are not like that.” You explain yourself. Your eyes search for Jaehyun once again only to see him pouting and heading outside the balcony.
You follow him right out, not caring anymore about what took place or the people around you. The only focus you had in mind was your boyfriend. Once outside, Jaehyun was overlooking the city and even when he stands with his back facing you, he’s still handsome. You walk towards him until you’re standing beside him and taking in the city night lights.
“There’s people around Y/N.” his tone is cold with a hint of frustration.
“Please Jae, it’s not what you think. I didn’t even know there would be a mistletoe, let alone be under one.”
“Do you know that he likes you? I heard him talking about you one day and telling everyone he was going to shoot his shot with you because he thinks you feel the same way.”
“Are you jealous?” the more he talked the more you couldn’t help but smile.
“I bet he made sure to stop under that mistletoe just so he could get a kiss from you.” he sneers.
“You know I don’t feel the same way he does. I only have feelings for you.” you step closer to him until you could feel his warmth embracing you.
Jaehyun exhales frustratingly, “I just wish it was me under that mistletoe.” He says quietly.
You look at your boyfriend and want more than anything for that to also be him. An idea pops into your head and you know what you have to do. It was either now or never.
“Come with me.” You take out your hand for him to hold.
“Where are we going?”
“On an adventure.” You smile up at him with round eyes.
How could he say no to that face and to you. He takes your hand and follows your lead back into the Christmas party. Once inside, you still don’t let his hand go even if he tried to let go of yours. All that did was make you hold onto him tighter.
You found a mistletoe and walked over to it and stopped underneath it. Jaehyun has zero idea what’s going on until he looks at his surroundings and finally up to see the mistletoe.
“Y/N –“
“Y/N and Jaehyun are under the mistletoe.” You hear someone whispering loudly to someone and soon enough the entire room has their eyes on you both.
“There’s people watching.” He says nervously.
“Let them. I don’t want to be here with no one else but you. I don’t care what people say as long as I have you by my side and I don’t want to hide us forever because I’m in love with you. Only you Jaehyun.”
At your confession he smiles widely and you couldn’t help but smile wider if that’s possible. You crane your neck up as he bends down to meet you halfway as your lips meet each other. You’ve had many kisses with Jaehyun, but this kiss is the first kiss to seal how you truly felt for one another and to show everyone that you love each other. His hands cradle the side of your face before one goes to your back as he dips you down. You yelp in surprise as the room gets louder from all the clapping and celebration.
He takes you back up and you’re left winded. The smile on his face is the only thing you see and the only one that matters.
“You’re crazy but I love you Y/N.” he pecks your lips.
“And I love you coffee machine breaker.” At that you both laugh at how far you’ve come.
“How about we get out of here and go watch movies?”
“Please. My feet has been killing me for the last hour.”
“Babe, that’s literally the time the party started.” He giggles.
“Yeah, I know. I don’t want to be here, I just want to be with you.”
“God you’re so cute. Let’s go.”
At that, you both left the party hand in hand and no longer hiding your relationship. Starting tonight, you get to show the world who makes you the happiest person on the planet.
Also … you may or may not be already planning for many more kisses underneath the mistletoe with the love of your life Jeong Jaehyun.
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