#she was a hoot
divinari · 9 days
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Athena :>
(design by @irunaki!!)
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boltlightning · 14 days
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i have confidence in sunshine / i have confidence in rain! THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965)
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [4/4] families -> the mccalls
I've never told Scott to run and hide, and I'm not going to start now. Melissa, he was dead in your arms once before, and you had to bring him back yourself. What if this is the one fight he doesn't come back from?
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kyameraghost · 1 month
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I don't know if you heard me......I SAID......
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tsunael · 4 months
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wolcred week |  1. 'the first.'
They all knew it was coming. Either their brightest star would claim the last of the Light, or the Light would claim her.
What were they to do but careen to their inevitable deaths? He had sacrificed one lamb for another, and now a third was to be laid upon the butcher's block. How many must die so that another might live?
He would not forget the sight of the woman before him, holding her outstretched hands aloft as the curtain of Light parted one last time to reveal the night sky in all her glory. Menphina smiled down in a smirk of a crescent for their efforts, and just as she had appeared, was the curtain drawn once again.
He didn’t need an aetherometer to see that Tsuna was suffused– the aether was thick, cloying enough to be seen. The ewer of her body failed to contain it, finally splitting at the seams for a means of escape.
Their ascian friend dealt the final blow. The Exarch, in his well-meaning duplicity, left for dead. And then Tsuna slumped to the ground, just as lifeless.
He ought to be angry– furious– for Urianger’s joint deception, for his own empty hands, or for the cards Sister Fate had dealt them time and time again, but the queer feeling roiling within him was not one of anger, but of fear. He stood there, powerless, shaking to his core whilst the twins rushed to Tsuna’s aid alongside Ryne.
Even Minfilia could not wholly extinguish the Light– she could only freeze it in time– and as Ryne sank to her knees beside the supine woman in hopes of doing the same, he could only watch in abject horror.
“Give her room,” he barked, though the twins were undeserving of his ire as he approached. They still took a collective step back.
Brilliant white blood readily trickled from Tsuna’s nose, and by way of her laboured breathing it was evident that she was being torn apart by a force of which a layman could not hope to see. Something within Tsuna was stirring, whether it was brought about by her own will, or by Ryne’s suppression, he couldn’t know.
It began first in her hands as they twitched and grasped for purchase, then her spine as it coiled. Her eyes snapped open, hungry and searching, as she lunged for the Oracle’s throat in hopes of supping upon the wellspring.
Thancred fell to his knees, wrestling the woman onto her back as an inhuman screech tore from her throat. “Don't stop!”  he cried out, harsh with concerted effort. There was an unnatural strength burgeoning within her tiny frame that even as a man grown he struggled to contend with, and if Ryne did not finish the ritual, it would swallow them whole.
Ryne was shaken, but nothing if not determined. The power flowed through her once more, and Tsuna’s struggles came to a head. She thrashed upon the ground against his weight, spitting blood, and gnashing teeth. She would bite her tongue if it kept up-- he could barely hold her steady long enough for Ryne to work in her magicks. 
“In our lifetime, please!” 
"I'm trying!" "Ryne made a frustrated growl of effort as a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. The very aether about them seemed to compress, tangible enough that even he could feel it become leaden as it coalesced.
Tsuna cried out one last time, waning to a whine as she pushed wildly against his arms, seizing. Her legs writhed as if a sudden, great pain knifed through her. And then all was silent. 
Ryne immediately flagged, catching herself on the marble. Her power had all but been exhausted whilst he held the aftermath limp in his arms. Y’shtola and Urianger had begun to crowd about, to inquire, to plan, to move, but all he could do was hold the small woman in his arms, and pray to the Twelve, unseen, that the Light did not break through once again whilst their last bastion was too weak to hold.
“Ryne,” he called, softly, intently. Apology was writ together in his tone. “Are you all right?”
She nodded, though he knew she waned, looking close to tears from it all.
He swallowed thickly, realising he shared in the sentiment. 
Adjusting Tsuna’s body in his arms, he felt just how cold she had grown. They needed a chirurgeon's assistance, and to get off this Godsforsaken rock, but more than that they needed a miracle. His hands would not stop trembling.
“Ryne, you know that I would not deign to ask a favour of you.” He breathed for a long moment, hanging his head low in penance. “Gods–” He swore. “You have to help her. I– We can’t lose her to this.”
Ryne stared back at him, having caught her breath, eyes wide, and glassy. She was searching him for something he couldn't know.
She opened her mouth, before aborting the question. Finally, she pursed her lips, looking uneasy in a way that only managed to make him feel worse. 
“I’ll do what I can,” she whispered, and he had no choice but to believe.
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flo-n-flon · 12 days
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I'm having trouble drawing lately but I had a mighty need to doodle Faile Bashere: Lady. Hunter of the Horn. Falcon
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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Alexia Khadime and Lucy St. Louis in Wicked on the West End. 📸 Matt Crockett and Mark Senior for WhatsOnStage.
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kaijuno · 2 months
Dude I’ve been on tumblr since 2011. I’ve been doxed, sent death threats, left for the wolves by staff during Post+ (don’t worry they paid me) and I’ve even had a fat person hate thread about me on 4chan, which I actually loved because it gave me excuses to post more selfies… you cannot bother me anymore. Like at all 🤷🏻‍♀️ give a shit machine broke
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opal-owl-flight · 4 months
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Getting this memcake after a level that made me lose my goddamn marbles felt like a personal attack
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golbrocklovely · 2 months
would yall like to hear something funny my mom said yesterday?
i was talking to her about snc and how they will probably be coming out with another movie this year, and how the closest cinemark is a while a way from us, right?
i think she was zoning out bc she thought i was talking about some other thing, and then she ended saying "wait you're talking about those guys you like? what's their names... sherman and kirby?"
the cackle i let out when she said that... it brought literally tears to my eyes.
yes mom, i meant sherman and kirby. exactly lmao
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
Her caption says she had so much rage her whole life knowing the women in her cult were being mistreated but just not understanding why, until she got internet access and it was all downhill from there. Which I can relate to so hard, I think all the time about what I would've been like of it weren't for literally being radicalized by this site in particular. I was also an angry kid and it's scary to think about where that anger would've gone if I hadn't learned to understand it and process it.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Tim’s done a great job of introducing Marisol says Ryan - yes he saw how bad her acting was and gave her as little screen time as possible while still having her there 🤭🤭🤭
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babe-heffron · 20 days
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It’s like a zoo here
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genderfeel · 5 months
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