#she was just afraid before that regeneration would mean losing the person she loves
master-missysversion · 6 months
I love what we got with the master trying to be the doctor in potd but I will admit I wouldve liked to see not even so much the interactions between Yaz and whittaker!master (though they would be amazing im sure), but the interactions between Dhawan!doctor and yaz
From Yaz's perspective. I want to see the distrust and disbelief, then wariness and an uneasy acceptance, trust but in an ever so cautious way. Then that moment where she just Knows. This is her doctor.
From the doctors side, I want to see desperation and fear that she's losing yaz. I want to see a tiny careful bit of hope, and then utter relief when Yaz finally sees its her
I just know they would be adorable together too
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Do you ever think about the difference between River's and Clara's trust in the Doctor? The polar opposites they are? I know I've made the joke before that Clara would expect a sunset to admire her back. But it's more than that.
On the one hand we have River's
And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you, the Doctor is not stupid enough, or sentimental enough, and he is certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me!
And then on the other hand there's Clara's
I don't know [where the Doctor is]. But I know where he will be. Where he will always be. If the Doctor is still the Doctor, he will have my back. (Clara reaches behind her.) I'm right, aren't I? Go on. Please, please, go on, say I'm right.
(I mean, there is some slight hesitation on Clara's side but honestly only because the Doctor has just regenerated. If she was talking about 11, that last part would look differently.)
You notice something? They are saying almost exactly the opposite thing.
And neither of them are wrong. Both are just direct consequences of how the Doctor treats them, of how they act vis-a-vis them.
River is used to them failing her, leaving her, pushing her away. She has also seen the Doctor at their lowest when they fail other people, forget them and she has literally studied their behaviour at uni. Plus, she is an independent time traveller. You bet (and the eu will tell you) she has been in numerous situations where there was no Doctor whatsoever to save her and she had to do it on her own. And then there is the whole guilt thing that flows both ways. With the Doctor ruining her childhood and her killing him several times. And then giving her lives to save them.
Clara has seen them at their worst, too, or at least she will. But she is used to being above that. She is used to being the ONE, the main focus of the Doctor's attention. She does not really remember the times they couldn't save her, and anyway, that was not 'her', not really. She only travels with the Doctor, she is used to them always being around and being fixated on her. Plus, you know, the whole showing off to her, flirting with her, wearing a face she would like. Also, she has only recently understood that she doesn't know the Doctor that well and she needs the reassurance here that they still ARE focused on her.
And that behaviour of the Doctor again is just a direct action of how the Doctor - who is doomed to lose everyone they love, who hates goodbyes - meets River and Clara:
River, the woman who dies on their first encounter. Who he has already lost. Whose death is already hurting and will hurt more and more the closer they let her towards their hearts.
Clara, the woman who lived. Who died again and again but came back to them anyway, the woman who gave him hope when the Ponds were gone because maybe this was one person he did not have to lose.
Also, and that is interesting about the scenes, too: River is a diamond and Clara has blown in on a leaf. They are both afraid here, but it's different. River is more angry, and a little smug, because she already knows a way out. Clara is terrified. Like, she is doing amazing here, don't get me wrong, but she is basically at wits end and think she will die.
And that can also be seen in how the Doctor treats them.
They trust River to handle herself. Even when they don't trust HER, they always let her do the dangerous stuff. Not the suicidal one, if they can help it, but they have seen her jump down skyscrapers; they'll let her storm into danger and expect her to be fine. (Also because they already know this is not when she dies. And honestly, we as the audience tend to do the same, I never worried much about River's safety, much more about her mental health.)
And Clara is fully human. Whenever they can, they try to keep her out of danger, do the dangerous stuff themselves; just like they do with most companions.
It is absolutely no surprise to me how differently the Doctor behaves towards them and how differently they know them in consequence. Is it fair to either of them? No. But in my mind it makes perfect sense.
It also obviously has something to do with the fact that Clara considers herself a goddess, basically and River knows she's a goddess but also believes it's the goddess of chaos and despotism.
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dickgrcyscns · 3 years
Play Pretend
Play Pretend, Steve Rogers. Based off of the prompt “Go on then, tell me you don’t love me”. 
Summary: In which you had been hiding your feelings for a super soldier for quite a while, and he was getting tired of waiting to hear you say you liked him. 
Set During: AU
Word Count: 1813 words
Gif used not mine!
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“Morning everyone,” You came into the compounds kitchen with a smile, taking a seat on one of the breakfast bars stools. Steve placed a cup of coffee in front of you, smiling back. That was his way of greeting you in the morning. And every time you looked back up to him with a shy smile, a warmth spreading across the apples of your cheeks. 
“Morning Y/n,” Tony took a sip of his coffee, taking a glance between both you and Steve.
“Morning Tony,” a smile rested on your lips, taking a sip of the coffee Steve had given you. “How’s the suit redesigning going?”
“It’s tedious,” Tony smiled. “But it’s coming along pretty well. How’s working in the lab with Banner?”
“We’re working on this really cool biochemical theory right now, I’m interested in seeing how it’s going to play out but I have a good feeling about it! Otherwise it’s just a lot of paperwork and making sure all of the files are in their correct places. Which reminds me,” you pointed at Steve, “it’s about time for your bloodwork again.”
“Again?” Steve let his head fall back, the mug of coffee he had been carrying up to his lips long forgotten.
“Well, we have to make sure you’re well, Cap,” you laughed lightly, sipping on the coffee. See you had only joined the Avengers at first because of your background in medicine, but then you kind of accidentally showed them that you have powers that allow you to either kill or regenerate cells in an instant. You kind of, maybe, became a full member after that. But when it came down to the basic lab work and doctorly things, you were always happy to do them. You loved everything around that type of work. Getting to draw blood and analyze it, trying to see if anything had changed. It was like a mystery waiting to be solved and you loved that. 
“She’s right icicle,” Tony quipped. “Can’t have you dying on us Cap. Especially Y/n here.”
You felt your cheeks go warm when Tony nudged your shoulder, your eyes rolling as a laugh fell from Steve’s lips. See, it would have been funnier if Tony wasn't telling the truth. Steve had become such a big person in your life, you had almost no idea what you would do if he left. A part of your heart was owned by him and he didn't even know that. “Geez,” you muttered, “thanks Tony.”
“Anytime,” Tony winked back in response. “I’ll be in the lab, you two don’t mess up my kitchen, okay?”
“Tony!” Your cheeks flushed, giving the billionaire wide eyes before he walked out of the room with a smirk rested on his lips. A huff pushed past your lips as you turned towards Steve, trying to reconcile the situation. “I’ll uh, I’ll be down in my lab if you need me at all. We can do the bloodwork tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve nodded, setting his mug down onto the counter as you got up to walk away. You pulled your hand up to your lips, nervously biting at your fingernail. The thought of Steve knowing — of Steve finding out how you feel freaked you out. Now, listen, you had a lot of things going for you but subtlety was not one of them. But Steve had never said anything and that was enough to calm your nerves. You didn’t want to lose him — you couldn’t afford to lose him. That’s why you had never told him how you felt. You had gotten so used to playing pretend, part of you began to believe you enjoyed it. That hiding a secret was fun to you. 
Settling into your lab, you let out a short sigh. Your lab was a place you were never afraid to be in, pulling off your coat and placing your hair into a ponytail effectively pulling it from falling in front of your face. A smile rested on your lips, a pen tapping on the papers you had just began to fill out. Your favorite song played lightly in the background, only adding to the smile on your face. Mumbling the lyrics to the song, head nodding along, you continued to analyze your past labs and samples while taking notes. This was the place that you had all of the control, something you couldn’t quite say you had in the normal day-to-day life as an Avenger. So many things were left in the air; how would a mission end, would you end up having to heal people that had become your family or would you end up using your powers to harm people in ways you tried not to think about?
But when it was just you, in your lab, you knew how things would go. You knew the songs that would play and you could almost guess how the labs would come back. Out in the field, you were working on pure adrenaline, in your lab, you were working on caffeine and intelligence. You got to sit back and think about things, not having to worry about the time it would take or what could be lurking around the corner. Your friends had noticed it as well, Natasha and Wanda loved to sit in the lab with you. Something along the lines of you having better conversations when you were in the lab. Every now and then, one of the Avengers would come running in with a small cut they got during training (or even in Bucky’s case, the one time he was trying to cut an onion and cut his hand, you didn’t ask any questions as to how a former assassin cut himself with a knife) asking you to heal it. And you would do it with no questions asked. 
That’s the exact reason as to why you rolled your eyes at the knock on the doorframe of the lab, looking over to see who it was standing there. Steve smiled over to you, raising an eyebrow as a way to ask if it was okay to come inside with you. You nodded, putting your pen down when he closed the door behind him. “Everything okay Steve?”
“Hmmm?” He looked over to you, rubbing his hands together. “Oh, yeah, everything’s okay. I just figured that you could take the blood sample today? I have training tomorrow for most of the day.”
“Of course,” you smiled, standing up to grab what you needed to draw his blood. “Have anything you want to talk about? Most of the team uses this time to ramble on about their issues.”
“That’s got to be a lot to deal with,” Steve’s brows furrowed together. 
You waved him off, “I enjoy it. Everyone needs a person to vent to, might as well use this time to ramble on about something, you know? It’s nothing we haven’t heard before or expected, either. A lot of the times they’l rant about the missions and things that went wrong. Bucky will complain about something Sam did or vice versa, it’s great when they’re both in here at the same time.” The words continued to run from your lips as you grabbed the supplies you needed. Steve’s laughter filled the silence once you stopped rambling. 
“What about you, doll? Do you take this time to rant about anything?”
“I’m more of a listener,” you shrugged. 
“So am I,” Steve raised a brow. “I’m not backing down from my spot either, so it looks like you’re just going to have to talk.”
Eyes rolling, you began to draw Steve’s blood. “What is it you want to hear about?”
“Anything,” Steve looked like he had a quick thought before a mischievous smile made its way to his face, “your love life maybe? Out of everyone on the team, you always keep quiet when people talk about their escapades.”
“If I’m remembering correctly, so did you,” you promptly added in.
“We’re not talking about me,” Steve muttered, pink dusted across his cheeks. “But for your information, I’m not seeing anyone.”
“I’m not either,” you felt your cheeks warm up. “Yeah, that’s about it for my love life there Steve. Nothing too fun.”
His hand went up to brush against your cheek, “You know, Tony’s comment earlier had me thinking.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“Are you in love with me?” Steve’s question caught you off guard, making you stand still in the middle of the room. A small vile of his blood rested in your hand, that was the only reason you kept a grip on the situation. Putting the vile down on the counter next to you, you turned back to look at Steve with wide eyes. His lips had been pushed upwards into a smile, “Go on then, tell me you don’t love me.”
Those words came out just as you opened your mouth, about to say something about how you weren’t in love with him. It closed wordlessly, your tongue resting between your teeth, blinking a few times. To be completely fair, you were normally much more relaxed in your lab. You figured that’s why Steve brought it up while he was in there. But you couldn't help your heart that quickly began to beat, the sound ringing in your ears as fear took over your sense. No matter what you said in that moment, your little charade was up. You couldn’t hide behind a mask of not being in love with Steve Rogers. Not when he knew. You could tell. The smile on his face, the look in his eyes. There was no escaping it. 
“God I hate Tony.”
“I don’t,” Steve muttered. “I wouldn’t have figured it out if it wasn’t for him. And it makes it a bit easier when you realize the girl you have feelings for, feels the same way about you.”
You blinked a few times, did he just say what you thought he did? “So, you mean, I’m confused.”
“I love you,” Steve placed a gentle hand on your cheek, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Always have, Doll.”
“I,” you muttered, “I love you too.” He pulled his lips off of your forehead, your head leaning onto the hand he had pressed against your cheek. You glanced down to his lips and back up to his gaze. 
“Y/n,” you nodded in response to him calling out your name. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yeah,” a smile formed on your face as he pulled your face closer to his. Your lips melded together, it was full of longing. The two of you had been so in love with each other, yet never acting on it. In that moment, you felt it all hit you. All at once. 
Maybe playing pretend was a stupid move after all. Sometimes, you just have to trust that leap of faith. 
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slutforbuck · 3 years
Traveling Soldier Part 2-- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
“Mr. Stark? I was told you needed to see me.” Howard glanced up from his papers to see you standing in the doorway of his office. “Yes! I want you to meet our candidate for Project Rebirth.” Howard jumped to his feet with an excited look on his face. You looked to your feet, knowing exactly who the singular candidate was. You knew when Steve never came back from the Expo that he had finally gotten what he wanted. You followed Howard to the lab where Dr. Erskine, Steve, and Peggy Carter were waiting. Steve’s eyes grew wide when he saw you walk in. “What are you doing here? I thought you were a secretary y/n!!” Howard, Peggy, and Dr. Erskine looked between the two of you confused. “I am Mr. Stark’s assistant, Steve. I hope you understand what you have gotten yourself into.” Howard stepped forward, “How exactly do you know each other?” You smiled, “Steve is my brother. You’ve chosen a great candidate Dr. Erskine. He’s one of the bravest men I know.” You walked away and began getting everything set up to start the process.
“Are you ready?” Steve nodded. “Take off your shirt, your tie, and your hat.” You stood behind the booth with Howard as Dr. Erskine led Steve to the chamber. You knew how painful this process would be for Steve, and you felt a pit begin to grow in your stomach. “Levels at 100%.” You looked down, not knowing if you would be able to watch the process. “That’s fifty percent. Sixty. Seventy.” You heard Steven begin to scream, and tears began to stream down your face. Peggy screamed for them to shut it down. You were barely able to hear Steve telling them to continue through your sobs and Peggy yelling for them to shut it down. Suddenly everything stopped. “The son of a bitch did it.” You looked at the chamber, and saw a huge man step out. Peggy stepped towards him, “How do you feel?” “Taller.” You smiled, “You look taller.” Before you knew what was happening, Howard pushed you under the booth. There was a loud explosion, and you saw Dr. Erskine fall to the ground. You crawled towards him and grabbed his hand. Steve knelt beside you, checking over you and the doctor. Dr. Erskine pointed at Steve’s chest, and you felt him go still. Steve looked at you, and you whispered, “Go. Be careful.” He nodded, then jumped and ran out the door.
“Mr. Stark are you okay?” You had finally calmed down, and were able to stand. “I’m fine y/n, where is..” Howard trailed off as he saw Dr. Erskine on the floor. “Oh no..” You walked to the booth and gathered Howard and the doctor’s notes. “I will put these in your office, and make the call for Dr. Erskine. Is there anything else you need Mr. Stark?” Howard rubbed his forehead, “No..no we can regroup tomorrow. Go home and get some rest, be here early tomorrow.” You nodded then walked out. As soon as you made it to Howard’s office, you fell against the wall. Tears streamed down your face as you realized that it was a very real possibility that you could lose your brother and your best friend. After what had just happened here at home, where it was supposed to be safe, made your worries all the more real. You hailed a cab, and rushed inside. You had a letter from Bucky waiting in your bag that you had been waiting to open.
He told you as much as he could about how things were, and asked about how things had been at home. You smiled sadly, and debated on whether to tell him what happened. You began writing, recounting as many details as you could. You told him what happened with Steve, and then about the explosion. You didn’t want to worry him, and reassured him that you were fine. The next few weeks of work with Howard was trying to recreate the serum. When Dr. Erskine died, the serum formula died with him. Letters between you and Bucky were frequent, and they helped you make it through the day. Bucky began to worry about you working with Howard, feeling that it was putting you in danger. You smiled down at the letter as you wrote back that he shouldn’t be allowed to have all the fun, and with he and Steve gone, you had to do something stupid to feel normal. One day after leaving the lab, you checked your mail and found a letter from Bucky. You hurried inside excited to read it. Your face turned from happy to worried as you neared the end of the letter. He had mentioned a mission that the 107th was about to leave for. As you read the last two lines of his letter, tears began to form. “When it’s getting rough over here, I think of that night at the Expo. I close my eyes, and I’m home. I see your eyes, and feel your arms around me. Don't worry doll, but I won’t be able to write for a while. I love you y/n.” Your eyes shut tightly to try to stop the waterfall of tears that began to stream down your face. You whispered, hoping that your quiet voice would carry to him, “Be careful Buck. I love you.”
“Y/n on the plane. Now.” “Mr. Stark what’s happening?” Howard pulled you to the plane, not stopping to explain. As he dragged you onto the plane, you saw Peggy and Steve. “What is going on?” Peggy pulled you to the side, “The 107th has been taken. Steve plans on getting them back. Mr. Stark needed you here in case anything happened.” “Th..the..the 107th?” You could barely hear your own voice as you looked to Steve. “We are going to find him.” His eyes showed confidence, his voice didn’t waver. You slumped down into a seat, holding back your tears.
You waited anxiously in the camp, hoping and praying that the men would come back safe. “Look who it is!” You jerked your head up to hear cheering, and saw Steve and Bucky leading the group of returning men. Steve looked at Bucky and nodded in your direction as he walked towards Peggy. You had never seen a man run as fast as Bucky did towards you. He grabbed you around the waist and his lips crashed against yours. Your tears began to mix with the mud on his face, and you struggled to catch your breath. “Why are you here? You shouldn’t be here. I can’t have you getting hurt here, you won’t recover from it.” Bucky pulled back and wiped the tears from your eyes with a worried look on his face. “I came with Agent Carter and Mr. Stark. I was told I was needed, and I went where I was told.” You kept your arms around his neck, afraid that if you let go he would disappear. “I’ve missed you so much y/n. I thought we were going to die, and all I could think about what that I promised you that I would come home safe. I can’t break that promise.” “Y/n, we have to go,” Howard rested his hand on your shoulder, “I’m sorry.” You looked at Bucky with tears steadily falling. “Buck…I love you so much James Barnes. You stay safe, and I will see you when you get home. Promise me that you’ll come back safe.” “I promise, y/n. I love you.” Bucky whispered the last words in your ear as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, and then another soft kiss to your forehead. As you followed Howard to the plane, you kept your hand in Bucky’s until your fingers were too far apart to reach.
You followed Peggy through the streets of London. “Peggy where are we going?” “You’ll see.” You stopped in front of a small destroyed bar. “Before we go in y/n, I want to say I’m sorry for what has happened. I am here if you ever need anything.” You looked at her, trying to read her expression as you followed her through the rubble. “Steve?” You whispered to Peggy, becoming more confused. “Dr. Erskine said that… the serum wouldn’t just effect my muscles, it would effect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means um…I can’t get drunk. Did you know that?” Peggy gave him a sad smile, “Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought it could be one of the side effects. It wasn’t your fault.” You spoke up, “What wasn’t his fault?” Steve stopped pouring and turned to look at you. “Why did you bring her here? It’s dangerous.” “She doesn’t know Steve. She needs to know, and I don't think that Howard or I are the right people to break the news to her.” You looked between them, beginning to realize what Peggy was sorry for, and what Steve believed was his fault. Your heart fell to your feet. “No. He’s fine.” Tears began to well in your eyes, your throat began to burn, and you felt the urge to scream. “He promised Steve! He swore that he would come home safe!!!” You fell to the floor, unable to support your weight. Steve slid down next to you, “I tried..I couldn’t…he just….” Peggy looked to the both of you sadly, “You did everything you could. Did you believe in your friend? Did you respect him? Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you were worth it.” You leaned onto your brother’s shoulder, “What happened?” You tried wiping the tears away, but the more you wiped away, the more seemed to appear. “He fell..from a train..above a ravine..I tried y/n. I tried to save him..Just a few more inches, and I would have had him. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Sobs racked your body, you tried to reassure your brother that he had done everything he could to help Bucky, but all you could do was cry. Steve seemed to understand what you were thinking and wrapped you in a tight hug. “I’m goin’ after Schmidt. I’m not gonna stop until all of HYDRA is dead or captured.”
You stood in the control tower with Peggy, waiting to hear something, anything. “Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?” Peggy grabbed the radio, “Steve, is that you? Are you alright?” “Peggy! Schmidt’s dead.” “What about the plane?” “That’s a little bit tougher to explain” “Give me your coordinates, I’ll find you a safe landing site.” “There’s not going to be a safe landing. But I can try and force it down.” “I’ll get Howard on the line, he’ll know what to do.” You looked at Peggy, “There won’t be time. Peggy, he’s going to try to crash it and sacrifice himself. I…I can’t listen to this. I love you Steve.” You slid down the wall of the control tower, blocking out Peggy trying to talk Steve out of it. The next thing you know, Peggy is on the floor with you, sobs racking her body. You held each other as you cried, not sure what to do without him.
*a month later*
“Y/n, you know I have been working on recreating Dr. Erskine’s serum formula. I think I finally cracked the code. Do you think we could find a candidate that would be willing to test it?” You glanced up from the files you were working on, “Why not me Mr. Stark?” Howard stopped in his tracks. “Absolutely not.” You stood in front of him, “And why not? I know the risks, I know what can happen. Howard I have nothing to lose.” He looked at you shocked. “You’re serious. Are you sure you want to do this?” You smiled, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
Howard got you in the chamber, “Are you still sure you want to do this? You can still back out.” You rolled your eyes. “I am positive. I told you, I have nothing to lose now. Promise me that you won’t stop. No matter how much I scream, you make this happen Howard. Don’t forget to take notes for me.” You smiled at him, hoping to reassure his doubts. He made his way to the booth and began increasing power. The pain you felt was excruciating, and you felt like you were about to die. After what felt like hours, the chamber opened. You stumbled out, and Howard jumped to catch you. “Are you okay? You don’t look different.” You smiled at him, “Let’s go test this. Give me every test you gave Steve.”
After all of your testing had been completed, Howard grinned staring at his notes. “This is amazing. Just. Amazing! We did it. We finally cracked his formula, and look at you! No-one will even know!”
“Our new base of operations! Camp Lehigh.” You looked around, “Mr. Stark, this is an army base.” “Exactly,” Peggy began to explain, “It’s a wonderful disguise. No-one will ever suspect a thing.” For a couple of years things went smoothly at the SHEILD base. “Y/n, I have something to show you. Follow me please.” You followed Howard to a hidden elevator that took you below the office. As you stepped out into the room, you were confused by what you saw. “This is where we are housing everything for Project Rebirth. It is the most hidden place we could find. HYDRA is still after the serum formula, we had to find a way to make sure they don't get their hands on it.” You looked at Howard, knowing there was something he wasn't telling you, “They want to experiment on me don't they?” Howard nodded his head, unable to look at you. “So what are we doing about it?” “I..Well, I’ve come up with a new technology. Since your body has been altered by the serum, it is possible that your blood won’t freeze, and you’ll be able to stay alive, but asleep.” You looked at Howard questioningly, “What are you going to do, stick me in a freezer?” Howard, again, looked away. “In a manner of speaking. It’s called cryostasis. Basically it will freeze you, without killing you. When things die down and it is safe for you again, we can get you out.” “It’s safe?” “Of course.” You looked at Howard, a little skeptical. “Okay then, I have nothing to lose. Let’s do this.” The last thing you see is Howard closing the door.
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Here's a challenge for ya, 📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂, there should be at least 100 there for ya, have fun 😊- 🦀 anon
Mammon was an accomplished soldier in the Celestial Realm
Belphie used to be a little Lucifer Mini-Me when he was a young Angel
Lucifer would sing his siblings to sleep, Before
He didn’t tell his brothers about Lilith because he didn’t want them to interfere with her new life. It was hard enough for him not to.
Diavolo’s older brother, Beleth, has a scar covering the left side of his face from where Dia ground him into the dirt to try and get him to yield.
Their formal fight for the crown lasted three days.
Diavolo’s younger brother, Amaymon, is Asmo’s sugar daddy.
Diavolo’s Mom is also still alive, she has her own estate in another part of the Devildom. She can suplex him.
Lucifer will absently neaten up his brother’s clothes for them while he’s lecturing them.
Lucifer has fed demons and unruly Witches to Cerberus before.
Mammon has never had a partner in any sense of the word.
Satan was ‘born’ as a baby.
Asmo used to dress Satan up in little outfits when he was small.
Satan can repeat almost everything he’s read verbatim.
Lucifer has to double check that he knows where all of his brothers are before he can rest at night, unless he passes out.
All the brothers wore their hair long as angels. Lucifer’s the only one who’s never grown it back out since their fall.
It took Lucifer around six hundred years to develop proper feelings for Diavolo.
Lucifer is deathly afraid of Diavolo’s father.
Barbatos is possibly--not counting Diavolo--Lucifer’s only friend.
The Sport Beel plays is a type of Wrestling mixed with MMA and Capture the Flag. It’s played topless.
Lucifer will occasionally ask Levi to explain the plot of an anime or game to him if he wants to zone out for a while. He’s listening, but because following what Levi is talking about takes a lot of concentration, it’s almost like meditating.
Lucifer’s hair got its white / gray streaks when they lost Lilith.
Lucifer actually does have some wrinkles, he just hides them most of the time.
No matter how hard he tries, Lucifer just can’t get good at video games.
Lucifer will write out bits of sheet music when he’s bored.
Lucifer has more demon markings on his body than just the diamond on his forehead.
Lucifer’s hands are very scarred, mostly from dealing with small child Satan.
Beel’s sport is unnamed because in Infernal, it literally just is called “The Sport” since there’s only one.
Almost all of the siblings have physically torn an opponent to shreds and or consumed them. Asmo and Mammon are notable exceptions.
Satan went through a phase where he spoke solely in riddles.
Levi was hardcore into theater before animation became more of a thing. he still has a lot of opinions about it.
Belphie spent most of their early fallen years either half asleep, or completely asleep.
Beel is incapable of chewing gum or sucking on a jaw breaker properly. He impulsively swallows whatever goes in his mouth.
Lucifer has been summoned to the human world successfully only twice in his existence. He killed both summoners for the audacity.
The entire garden around the house of lamentation was of Lucifer’s design.
Mammon has the best control over his shape-shifting--able to stay in a false form for longer, and able to retain his humanoid form despite high emotions.
The brothers are, quite literally, Devildom Celebrities.
Diavolo has never kept a pet before.
Lucifer is ambidextrous, but prefers his left hand.
Mammon is left handed.
Gluttony demons tithe to Lord Beelzebub on his birthday in the form of whatever food they fixate on.
The first angel Lucifer killed after his fall was one he didn’t actually recognize.
The first angel Mammon killed was one of his friends from the Celestial Guard.
Lucifer will never forgive the other Archangels for turning their back on him.
Lucifer has only ever had two partners in any sense of the term in his entire life.
Beel used to be the smallest, before he hit his growth spurt and overshot all of them.
Lucifer swears almost exclusively in celestial, when he’s pissed off enough to actually swear.
Satan doesn’t really have any of Lucifer’s memories, but he retained the emotions based around them. It’s confusing.
Lucifer can cook just fine, but he can’t bake to save his life.
The Longest Lucifer has stayed awake without any rest was about a month. It wasn’t pretty.
Half of the time Lucifer says something funny it’s unintentional.
Most of the Devildom’s current infrastructure was pioneered by Diavolo’s father.
King Diavolo’s real name is Ba’al.
Lucifer can play basically any instrument that’s been invented, apart from electronic only ones.
Levi’s skill in painting could put any of the great masters to shame.
Lucifer isn’t a fan of a poultry, ironically.
The fact that they can get Belphie to wear his complicated RAD uniform everyday while being the Cardinal Sin of Sloth is a point towards how well Belphie controls his sin.
Being a shutin used to be cool and mysterious-- Levi mourns that social shift often.
Lucifer considers Levi the easiest brother to handle because he doesn’t really leave his room.
Mammon, while definitely being guilty of lots of grifts and get rich quick schemes, actually has at least five jobs on top of his stipend for being a Sin.
Lucifer has been trying to figure out how to kill those three witches for causing him problems by proxy, but he hasn’t figured out a legal way to justify it yet.
Amaymon is Diavolo’s youngest sibling. Lucifer can’t stand him.
Flower arranging is one of Asmo’s hobbies.
Asmo also has the best eye for interior design aesthetics, even if he uses them to make a room look... Like That.
For Centuries Lucifer couldn’t even begin to talk about his interests without Diavolo flooding him with related gifts. He’s gotten better about it since.
Lucifer and Diavolo’s relationship was purely physical at first.
Beel often uses the fact that his brothers think he’s stupid for his own gain. Most of the time it’s to get more food, but whatever works works.
Lucifer is completely fire proof now as a demon, inside and out.
He has nightmares of fire, though.
In one of the battles of the Celestial war, The Archangel Michael did his Signature “Step on Lucifer’s face/head trick” And Lucifer nearly took his leg off for it.
All demons can both purr and growl.
Lucifer’s back is heavily scarred from his fall and Satan’s creation both.
Mammon physically regenerates the fastest, and Belphie the slowest.
Levi, due to Envy’s ability to constantly and unintentionally buff the demons around him, is always helping his brothers in some small way whether he means to or not.
Beel still has specific nightmares of Lilith’s death, and will often crawl into Belphie’s bed to hold him after.
Satan never knew Lilith, but he’s emotionally attached to her because of the vague memories he inherited from Lucifer.
Asmo’s hair, if he grew it out, would be loosely curly.
All Lust type demons are Incubi / Succubi / Concubi.
Wrath type demons are the ones who cause classic hauntings.
All sleep paralysis demons are Sloth demons, though.
Pride type demons are the most prone to possessing humans in power, despite Lucifer having never possessed a human before.
Barbatos is actually a little bit older than Diavolo, but not by much.
Luke is basically Michael’s son.
Simeon is the younger brother of the Archangel Jophiel (the Angel of Beauty).
Asmo, if given the chance to defect back to the Celestial Realm, would seriously consider it.
Mammon acts like a fool, but isn’t one himself.
Belphie and Beel aren’t quite telepathic, but they always know where the other is, or if they’re in trouble.
The Cardinal sin of Wrath traditionally writes all of the punitive legislation in the devildom, so Satan is the one who writes out what crime gets what punishment.
The Devildom’s economy has never flourished so much before Mammon became the sin of Greed.
A good 60% of the work Lucifer does is paperwork that should actually be handled by one of his brothers.
Asmo’s painted his nails with his own venom before, and then used it to kill people who piss him off.
The only person Lucifer can accept losing to is Diavolo.
Lucifer isn’t a functional person until around 2 hours after he’s woken up. Luckily he tends to get up around 4:30a.m. / 5a.m. so when normal people have to interact with him, he’s mostly aware.
Mammon likes to over-saturate his foods with toppings and sauces, which is why Beel can’t stand his cooking.
Asmo likes the taste of straight vodka.
Lucifer once slapped another demon’s head clean off when they spoke back to him while he was addressing Diavolo’s court.
Lucifer and Diavolo’s first real “Date” was in the Royal Garden.
Any part of an Archdemon is worth a small fortune, as they’re rather potent spell ingredients.
If you talk shit about Mammon near a Greed type demon they WILL beat your ass.
Diavolo loved Lucifer on sight. Or, well, he loved the look of him.
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dehducer · 3 years
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FULL  NAME: Pieck Finger MEANING.  though i coudn’t find too much, a few things i managed to find was ‘pieck’ is of polish origin, though i couldn’t find much of a solid definition. Finger - of german origin.  meing one with a peculiar or unusual finger; one who came from a place using this word in some transferred sense. NICKNAME(S):  Cartman, cart. piku.  GENDER:  cis-female,    she/her &/or they.  ETHNICITY:  Liberian Eldian.  HEIGHT:   155cm, 5′1. AGE:  25  (  DOB: August 5th  ) ZODIAC:  Leo SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:  English (marleyean dialect) 
HAIR  COLOUR:  black EYE  COLOUR: grey to silver with blue relfects in the correct lighting/when paired against an oceanic background.  SKIN  TONE:  light skin colour, burns easily but also has the capacity to tan afterwards.  BODY  TYPE:  small, petite. light definition of a muscular tone however it can disappear after month being in titan form.  VOICE:  soft. sounds like what velvet would be if it was an audible substance. her voice sits high in her throat, the tone not quite high but not low, either. it’s a pleasant middle ground. however, she has the capability for it be velvet dragged across gravel. something grating about it when pieck is called into action. pieck can drop her voice by octaves when needed to (this is evident when she interrogates eren). not to mention the mixed near demonic sound of her voice when she speaks through the cart titan.  DOMINANT  HAND.  ambidextrous.  POSTURE:  horrible. in her youth, it was impeccable - shoulders always set straight and her spine followed it’s natural curve to a perfect T. but as age & exhaustion riddle her body from the exasperation & wear the cart titan has on her body, pieck is rarely seen with proper posture. her shoulders slump, head carries forward and her vertebrae have slightly compacted, making her shorter than she used to be, too.  SCARS:  this has become negated since inheriting her titan. few minor scars remain along her hands mostly from cooking meals for herself (and bertholdt on occasion) during her youth. however most of those have faded.  TATTOOS:  none MOST  NOTICEABLE  FEATURE(S): eyes. despite her always sleepy look - even before the toll of the cart titan consumed her body, pieck’s eyes always had this tiredness to them. slightly sunken & half lidded. they glisten silver in the night & are often rather expressive whatever emotion she’s portraying on her face. 
PLACE  OF  BIRTH:  Liberio, Marley.  HOMETOWN:  Liberio, Marley.  MANNER  OF  BIRTH:  natural & uncomplicated.  FIRST  WORDS:  dad. SIBLINGS:  none.  PARENTS:  Jakub Finger Father (alive),  Ariel Finger Mother (deceased)  PARENT  INVOLVEMENT: despite having no real memories of her mother, pieck still to this day finds little things around her family home that brings her comfort. not to mention the stories pieck forced her father to tell her about her mother while she was growing up. pieck has her mother’s clothes in her cupboard, though she seldom ever wears them. along with some hair clips, a tea set & some photos however, there is little else to remember her by. just that her father loved her mother more than what pieck would ever understand. pieck’s father, however, is the single most important person in her life. he is the reason pieck ever decided to enter the program in the first place. she cherishes every moment she gets when she returns home to liberio to visit him, spending as much time as possible with him (whether that’s in or out of hospital). pieck always comes down with bouts of anxiety whenever she is tasked with long missions away, afraid that she would come back to the news of her father’s passing.  while she was growing up, jakub would read encyclopedias to her since they were too poor to afford actual bedtime stories. he’d make up his own stories about the contents of those books. she vouches that to her incredible intelligence. 
OCCUPATION: warrior/titan shifter. CURRENT RESIDENCE:  liberio.  CLOSE  FRIENDS:  marcel and porco galliard, bertholdt huber, annie leonheart, reiner braun & zeke jeager. though after the events of the series, mostly anyone who survives.  RELATIONSHIP  STATUS:  single FINANCIAL  STATUS: very unfortunate. has had to beg for money in her youth to pay off her dad’s medical bills. even now as a warrior, things are still incredibly tight for pieck when her dad needs to be admitted.  DRIVER’S  LICENSE:  none, but she is the cart titan so she is a car i suppose. CRIMINAL  RECORD: none withstanding.  VICES:  blocking out/ignoring her own emotions. smoking. 
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION:  bisexual  ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION:  demiromantic.  PREFERRED  EMOTIONAL  ROLE:  pieck excels at being an empath & emotional rock for those she loves. while she is incredibly independent and doesn’t need anyone, she does love being there for others.  PREFERRED  SEXUAL  ROLE:  switch, prefers to usually let other’s take control though she is no stranger to dominance herself.  LOVE  LANGUAGE:  touch & quality time.  LIBIDO:  high, though is suppressed during missions. RELATIONSHIP  TENDENCIES:  while pieck has the capacity to be a hopeless romantic if given the correct setting - she is rarely that. pieck is all about small touches, soft tender moments. small things such as reading together, letting her rest on her significant other’s chest while she is exhausted. due to her independence however, she can occasionally come across as stubborn - thinking she can do anything and everything on her own. 
THEME  SONG:  "violent” - carolesdaughter HOBBIES  TO  PASS  TIME: knitting, reading, she has tried painting on occasion but has never found an immense sense of joy over it.  MENTAL  ILLNESSES:  anxiety (induced during long missions in the cart). dissociation tendencies  - mostly during her youth but has followed her into her mature age self.  PHYSICAL  ILLNESSES.  permanent exhaustion resulting in physical stress to her body. though the titan regeneration typically heals all wounds, it has yet to heal her body after the toll the cart titan takes. it has even resulted in her forgetting how to work on several occasions.  LEFT  OR  RIGHT  BRAINED:  left-brained PHOBIAS:  failure, fear of losing her father  SELF  CONFIDENCE  LEVEL: medium to high - she knows she is intelligent & good at what she does, however still (behind closed doors) doubts herself from time to time. 
TAGGED BY: no one i yoinked this shit clean from the dash and i encourage everyone to do so 
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saskaykun · 4 years
Taka’s members’ bond with Sasuke. (For Taka team’s stans, this one’s for you.)
I don't think there's any point in introducing the Taka team again.
But as today's point is to prove the link as a point of complementarity with Sasuke. I'm going to take a look at the personal lives of each of them. 
Ps: sorry for the typos, english is not my mother tongue.
We are going to start with Suigetsu, like Sasuke, Suigetsu had a big brother, pretty strong and skilled because Mangetsu was the only one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist to master the 7 swords of Kiri. Suigetsu's dream was to become as strong as his big brother to enter the 7 swordsmen assassins club, whom he admired a lot, but Mangetsu died rather prematurely while protecting his little brother Suigetsu. Suigetsu trained hard to barely match half of his big brother's sword skills. He also comes from a known clan from the village of Kiri, the clan Hozūki, and owns a Kekkei Genkai, which allows him to liquefy his body from flesh to water. Pretty handy for a swordsman, isn't it?  No blade can pierce his body. That's also why Orochimaru was interested in him and kept him prisoner in his laboratories for so many years. Doesn't that remind you of Sasuke? The story of the big brother to be surpassed in abilities, even though he was so admired by the little one? Sasuke had to kill Itachi because he had to avenge his clan, Suigetsu had to become much better than Mangetsu because he promised him before Mangetsu died, that he would take back the title of "Kijin no Sairai" - "the second coming of the demon" (as far as my translation is concerned), so he got it into his head to collect all the swords from Kiri village, in order to take back his brother's inheritance. It's rather cute when you think about it. Suigetsu, in spite of appearances, is not a deeply evil person even if he spent most of his life training to become an assassin. Of all the times he made fun of Karin for her feelings towards Sasuke and Karin hit him, he never twisted back once. Suigetsu doesn't have a family anymore, like Sasuke, he's the last survivor of his clan. Moreover, I wanted to add that Suigetsu, sometimes appears like a coward but is actually very competent, and he is certainly a better swordsman than Sasuke. At the same age, (at 16 years old) Suigetsu had already done 2 - D rank missions, 33 - C rank missions - 40 - B rank missions, 13 - A rank missions and finally 4 - S rank missions originally reserved for jônin, can he be considered as such?
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What do we know about Karin?
At first, not much is said, except that she is a very competent sensory ninja, that Sasuke, with Suigetsu came personally to look for. He chose her, among many other competent ninjas. He acknowledged her as the best in her field. That's a canon fact. 
Another true thing, Sasuke, who came personally to pick her up, confessed that he needed her to reach his goal.
"I need you, Karin", really happened. 
He wasn't forced to do it, on the contrary, Suigetsu, who wasn't a big fan of Karin, spent his time dissuading Sasuke from going to pick her up and take her on the team, but Sasuke insisted.
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They saved each other's lives several times. Karin healed him with her "Heal Bite" and he during their fight against Killer Bee, awakened a new power from his Mangekyō Sharingan: Kagutsuchi. He was able to extinguish the flames of the Amaterasu that had touched Karin. His face, scared of losing his teammate, proves how much Sasuke cares about his Taka teammates but especially about Karin. After I will not go on betting that he cares about her, romantically or just friendly because that's not the point and nothing in the manga proves that he did it romantically or kindly, I just want to emphasize this point: he was willing to die, and put Juugo's and Suigetsu's lives in danger in order to save Karin.
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We learn a little more about Karin, during the Edotensei scene with Itachi and Sasuke against Kabuto. Kabuto then talks about Taka team members and reveals to Sasuke that Karin is indeed part of the Uzumaki clan, like Naruto, and that's why she has a huge chakra cluster. She regenerates quickly her own wounds but she can help others to regenerate and heal themselves by sharing her chakra, by biting her because it's the fastest way: in fact, the injured person drinks Karin's chakra and regenerates herself/himself in a few moments.
Besides the fact that Karin was used by Sasuke to locate Itachi through her powerful chakra and to warn him of his possible enemies, and of course to heal him in case he would be seriously wounded, she is not an exceptional ninja in combat, she must even very often be saved either by Sasuke or by Suigetsu. Sasuke knew that very well. He was never shocked that Karin might be a weight for them in their adventures. He chose her by himself, nobody forced Karin to be there and decided to protect her.
The scene where Sasuke "sacrifices" Karin to kill Danzō is totally a scene to be taken with extenuating circumstances. Sasuke finally being in front of the person who ruined his life, who ordered the massacre of the Uchiha clan, he couldn't do otherwise, he was forced by all means to kill him. Karin being in his field of action because she wanted to help him, was also pierced by Sasuke's chidori blade. Don't forget though, that he didn't really sacrifice her because she didn't die, since he didn't aim at Karin's vital points.
I still want to thank Sakura for helping Karin with her medical ninjutsu, she is still part of Karin's healing process, without Sakura's intervention, she might have had a hard time healing this time.
I also wanted to point out, on the scene following Karin's famous "sacrifice":
Karin thus finds herself on the ground, dying slowly, Obito then proposes to Sasuke to finish her off, properly because she knows too much about their plan. Sasuke doesn't even take the time to answer him. During this scene, Sasuke takes an exceptional time to load his chidori, giving Team 7 time to arrive on the scene, another proof that deep down he really didn't want to kill her. It is finally on Sakura that Sasuke decides to use his chidori, and not on Karin. Karin then dissuades him... but Sakura is really not far from being killed this time by Sasuke.
This scene is powerful, but it shows the total disinterest of Team 7 in the eyes of Sasuke, at least the disinterest he has in Sakura's life. Sakura being a burden, and considering her as the enemy, had to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was also never afraid to confront Kakashi. The only one for which he has doubts, a certain apprehension that he tries indirectly to hide, remains definitely for Naruto, but again, he does not hesitate to threaten him if Naruto still chases after him.
To finish with Karin, she is part of the Uzumaki clan, one of the oldest clans in the Shinobi world, and derived from the Senju clan, there are not many members of the clan left, at least to our knowledge except Karin, Naruto and Nagato. At the end of the war, only Karin and Naruto remain. She shares this fact with Sasuke. She also had lost her entire family during the previous war, her mother was used for medical purposes, literally having her chakra sucked until her death. She became an orphan at a very young age, left to live on her own, abused by others until she met Orochimaru. She has no one left.When she meets Sasuke, she falls in love with him for his beauty, he is pretty handsome, but as a sensory ninja, she found that he has a beautiful and attractive chakra, she realized right away that Sasuke is not as bad as he pretends to be. She took a close interest in him, and I think the interest was mutual.
Jūgo, is certainly the only member where we are poorly with information about him.
Jūgo is a deeply kind and loving boy but is possessed by a heavy weight that overwhelms him: the cursed seal. He is the first holder of the cursed seal, it is with his DNA that Orochimaru started his experiments. The poor man, being unable to control his murderous impulses, preferred to die rather than to leave his cell when Sasuke, Suigetsu and Karin came to get him. Sasuke promised to hold him, Jūgo, usually not confident, agrees to come with them because Kimimaro had acknowledged Sasuke. Jūgo, in addition to his incredible physical strength when possessed by the cursed seal, is able to communicate with the birds. Sasuke uses Jūgo through this ability so that his birds can locate the Akatsukis' hideout and that he can create a map from the information transmitted by these birds. Also, Jūgo is an orphan, and since Kimimaro died, he was literally alone in the world. He has no known family, and his affiliation to a particular clan is unknown. Another peculiarity that Sasuke shares with his teammates.
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I consider Jūgo as Sasuke/Suigetsu/Karin’s big brother. He took care of them. There also is a scene where he puts Sasuke in his futon after having treated him and bandaged him, because Sasuke had fallen asleep sitting, from exhaustion.
This boy is soooooo cute and gentle. His bipolar side contrasts enormously. His murderous personality with his soft and wise side.
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                 Well, Sasuke's plan was perfect and well thought out.
 To answer the question I was asked, "What do they do as Team Taka, besides help Sasuke enter into darkness?"
I, for one, don't hold Team Taka members responsible for Sasuke's entry into the darkness. Far from it. Sasuke was motivated by his hatred for killing Itachi, and after the final battle with his brother, motivated by revenge for those who led to his downfall. Don't get me wrong, I always feel that when it comes to Sasuke, the people who interact with him are responsible for his actions. No, Sasuke most certainly suffers from PTSD, living in unresolved grief since the death of his family, in hatred and constant pain, doesn't need anyone to think for him. He's an intelligent boy, he knows his purpose, he knows he would sacrifice himself to restore honor to those he has lost. His goal was just that. I sincerely think that deep down Sasuke wanted to change the Shinobi world, build new foundations, and achieve peace, so that what he experienced would never happen again, but it was a kind of pipe dream because he really thought he would die in his next confrontation with Naruto. He expected no less.
It really pisses me off that people think that Sasuke is acting according to the actions of others. I don't remember hearing Suigetsu, Karin or Jugo suggest a plan of action to kill someone or do something. He was the leader of this team. The others were acting on his behalf and not the other way around. He was the one who came to find them, he was the one who surrounded himself with these shinobis to help him achieve his goal. You let yourself be influenced by Naruto “talk no jutsu” in Gaiden who dares to tell the Taka team to mind their own business when he himself spent years to mind Sasuke's business, without even understanding the reason for his actions.
Gaiden makes the Taka team look like the villains who helped Sasuke carry out the actions of his hatred, but look closer, they did nothing so exceptional except help him find Itachi and obey Akatsuki's orders to attack Killer B.
It even seems to me that the Taka team were, in the end, the only ones who listened sincerely to Sasuke, to meet his expectations, to try to understand him. 
A non-canon fact unfortunately, in a novel about Sasuke, after Itachi's death, Sasuke makes a kind of pilgrimage to learn more about his brother, during his Akatsuki period, and then meets two brothers, who were preparing drops for Itachi's eyes, and they make him think about him and Itachi when they were kids. ... I'm going to skip over the real story of this novel, although it's very well written for a non-canon novel, and we find Sasuke on his scene, by the sea, where he desperately lets go of all his pain in a torrent of tears, and decides to rename Hebi team into Taka team.
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Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo were present during one of the worst moments of Sasuke's life: Itachi's death and thus the mourning of his older brother.
In spite of Itachi's terrible actions and choices to raise Sasuke's power, Sasuke still considers him as his beloved older brother who sacrificed himself for a village that never gave them the chance to live, properly...
Again, as I already said in another post, I truly think that all the people close to Sasuke tried to control his choices and his life, without asking his opinion.
Itachi made it clear that he tried to trace Sasuke's life from his childhood to what he became and finally disappointed to have failed... but what the hell did he expect?
Naruto, who absolutely wants Sasuke to go back to Konoha, but why? He knew very well that the people in Konoha would bully him for his actions, when he was already bullied enough to be an Uchiha in Konoha. So Naruto claims to know what's best for Sasuke. What?!
Sakura... is Sakura.
Kakashi and Jiraya tried to dissuade Sakura and Naruto from desperately pursuing a guy who clearly wanted to get the hell out of this village: Sasuke is not worth it.
Decidedly, Sasuke doesn't get much grace from people. Between those who think he's a sulky, who always makes moods because he has some problems in his life and those who judge him without knowing a second of his existence and his journey, he's really badly surrounded.
The Taka team is the only one that hasn't gone into the details and is following Sasuke, even before he decides to explain to them the reasons for this gathering.
I like their complicity. I like their dynamics. They help each other.
Team Taka is the one that Sasuke chose on his own, Team 7 is the one that was imposed on him. Don't forget that.
At least, I didn’t even use your post, but thank you again @justsasuke​ ! It was kind of you :)
                Ps: I found this pic very cute. They are all awesome. 
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Dreamer File 01
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x reader
Warning: angst
More warning: English is not my native language and I suck at it but I wanted to write for DW so here it is. My name is (YN) (LN) and I'm a traveler in time and space. I met the Doctor on his tenth incarnation. He picked me up alongside Rose. I have been with him for so long. He is a wonderful man so of course I ended up catching feeling for him. But he only have eyes for Rose.
Rose has the advantage because she has been with him the longer and I have to admit that she is a wonderful person but she is possessive of the Doctor. I'm the third wheel in this. They laughed and joked around and I didn't feel included. At least, the Doctor didn't kick me out because I do love to travel with them.
When Rose is gone trapped in the other world, his love for Rose is so great he even burn out a sun just to say goodbye. How can I ever compete with her? No chance.
The Doctor wanted to drop me home despite my protest. He said if I stay with him, I will ended up like Rose.
Before he could though, Donna appeared on board of the Tardis and we ended up having to sort her out.
He invited Donna to come with us but she refused. I felt hurt that the Doctor invited her when he said he want to drop me off. Did he got tired of me? That is so unfair.
Thankfully the Doctor no longer insisted that I go home. We eventually met Martha and she became a fellow traveler.
I could tell that Martha is smitten with the Doctor. I warned her that the Doctor is still hung up on Rose.
The Doctor didn't treat me and Martha very well. We endured it but one day I just snapped.
"I know you are still hurting over Rose but Martha and I deserve better than your treatment so far. Doctor, we love traveling with you and I know we can't replace Rose. She has a special position in your hearts. But I would appreciate it if you stop comparing us with her."
The Doctor is silent and I thought he will be mad at me. But he told me he didn't mean to make us feel like that and promise to do better.
And then the Family of Blood happened. Martha and I ended up having to care for a human Doctor. We worked as servants at the military school where John Smith will be a teacher.
He fell in love with Nurse Redfern. I can't help feeling bitter about it. Why am I never the one? I could drive myself crazy thinking about it so I don't. I pushed my feeling down. I am lucky that Martha is with me. I don't think I could bear it alone.
When John Smith turned back as the Doctor, I am glad to leave that time period behind.
I think my relationship with the Doctor improve a little during the time we got marooned on the year 1960. We have a moment together under a starry sky on top of a building after I finished my work. I also bonded some more with Martha since we both have to work hard to support the Doctor.
Then things with Jack and the Master happened. It was the worst time of my life. My father was taken on board the Valiant by the Master as hostage.
For some reason, the Doctor send Martha off to do whatever he told her to do. He didn't ask me to go with her and so I stayed and wonder if he think so little of me that I can't do whatever it was he tasked Martha to do. Maybe I really am useless.
During my time aboard the Valiant, between the mental and physical abuse from the Master, my father got a heart attack and died. I cried so hard that day. I didn't even get to bury his body. The Master ordered the soldiers to throw his body off the ship. I wanted to kill him but Martha's family stopped me before I did a stupid thing.
I cried and begged the Doctor to fix it. I knew that was selfish of me to ask that of the helpless Doctor but I was out of my mind with grief.
Then Martha came back and the paradox machine got destroyed. The Doctor returned to his former self and able to neutralize the Master.
Everything got a reset. The world had forgotten about what happened. The year that never was. Except for the lot on board of the Valiant. I didn't get my father back. I hated the Master with my whole life. I picked up the gun, wanting to kill him but the Doctor stopped me.
The Master is dead, shot by his dutiful wife. I only felt bad for the Doctor for losing the only other Time Lord but I'm also relieved because if he is alive and the Doctor take him on board of the Tardis, I don't think I could cope.
Martha decided to leave us. I couldn't leave the Doctor. The man with the sad eyes, how could I? Also it was easy because I no longer have any family now my father is gone.
I don't even want to sort my life anymore. I want to stay with the Doctor for as long as I could. Martha warned how unhealthy my choice was.
"Don't waste your life for someone who didn't appreciates you..." She said. "But maybe...you still have hope with him. I saw how he look at you. But be careful, don't let yourself be second best for someone, not even him."
But the thing is I will always be second best compare to Rose. And yet I can't bring myself to leave him. Not brave enough, not strong enough.
After she left, it was only the Doctor and I. We didn't talk much except during adventures. There were times when I caught him looking at me but he never said a word.
When Donna joined us, I felt so grateful because she made the mood more lively.
Donna knew of my feeling for the Doctor and often pushed me to be with the Doctor even after I told her that he still in love with Rose.
Of course, I had to experience almost dying of poison before I decided to confess to him.
"I love you, Doctor. I know you didn't feel the same and that's all right." I lied. "But I just want you to know how much you are loved and that this is not your fault. I choose this. I choose you."
But then, he managed to cure me and thing become awkward between us. Donna who heard my confession, pushed me to have a talk with him.
"No way. Just pretend that it didn't happen. He doesn't feel the same. I don't want to be a  nuisance. What if he drop me home and never come back because of this?" I ranted at Donna.
I don't know what Donna said to him but the Doctor ended up cornering me for a talk. Thankfully, he didn't kick me out as I feared. He made sure I knew that he care for me. He didn't exactly rejected me and he is being confusing when he kissed me in the forehead.
Donna pushed the both of us to have a date night together and to my surprise, he didn't turn away the idea. Of course, having a sort of date night with tour on Midnight, didn't end well when the Doctor almost killed by the passengers and I'm helpless to stop it.
Then Rose come back. I missed her but I resented her for coming back. The Doctor forgot about me and it's all about her.
Donna and Jack comforted me. Jack knew of my feeling for the Doctor during the year that never was. He sympathized with my situation because he also knew that the Doctor is all about Rose.
Martha is right, I should have left. But I can't.
The Daleks forced the Tardis into their ship and then Donna got trapped on the Tardis, presumed to be dead.
Rose took the Doctor's hand to comfort her and once again I was left behind. My heart hurts.
Next thing I knew there are two Doctor. A metacrisis,the Doctor said.
After we saved the world, Martha approached me and she give me a hug. I hugged her back.
"Remember what I said." She said before she said goodbye to the Doctor and left the Tardis.
I sat in the corner alone watching the others interact with each other. There were only Donna, Rose, Jackie and the metacrisis doctor left. The Doctor was outside saying goodbye to Martha, Jack and Mickey.
"Are you okay?"
I jumped in surprise when I saw the metacrisis doctor stand before me.
"I'm okay." I forced a smile.
"Why are you sitting alone?"
"I hates goodbye."
"Me too."
I wonder if I should ask him about his feeling for me. He still technically is the Doctor. But I'm a coward, too afraid of the answer.
The Doctor entered the Tardis and proclaimed their next destination, Bad Wolf Bay.
I was confused why he did that. Rose is staying, isn't she?
I observed the conversation between the Doctor, Rose and the metacrisis from the Tardis doorway.
I heard Rose proclaimed loudly about what she said last and what the Doctor intended to say during their last meeting.
And then I saw Rose kissing the metacrisis.
The Doctor and Donna got inside the Tardis and we left them behind.
"Doctor..." I called out. I stopped, unsure if I should mention Rose again. Will it really be okay to leave Rose again? Didn't he love her so much?
Donna pulled me aside and told me about how Rose and metacrisis will get to stay and grow old together.
I felt like a dose of cold water being poured over my head. Of course, the Doctor is immortal and I am not. How could we ever work out? How could he stand to have me? I will die someday and he will move on from me. He gave Rose the greatest gift he could ever give. But where that left me?
I didn't get the chance to break down because of what happened next to Donna.
The Doctor erased her memory of us and dropped her home.
We are alone again, only the two of us again.
"I'm not going anywhere." I blurted suddenly which surprise the Doctor and the smile he gave me next made me pushes down all my insecurities aside temporarily.
I hugged him tight and he hugged me back.
I was scared and worried about the future but I keep being in denial about it and continue to run away with the Doctor.
The Doctor has become somewhat affectionate with me. He didn't say he love me but he would look at me with that warm grin that I loved. Almost look like the grin he shared when he was with Rose. Almost. It did make me hoping that he finally see me.
I think the Doctor is sad but he wouldn't tell me why. He seemed to be running from something. It wasn't until later that I learned about how he is going to die and regenerate into a new man.
The Master is alive and took over the world in creepy way. Every last human on Earth turned into his clone.
Of course, the Doctor saved the day. But at a cost, to save Donna's grandfather, he sacrificed himself and now he is dying.
He went to his farewell tour while I remained at the Tardis.
When he returned on board, I knew he is about to drop me off for my own safety.
"I'm not going anywhere. Don't you dare say goodbye to me or I will hate you forever!" I yelled stubbornly.
He sighed at my stubbornness. "You always stay with me even after I hurt you. Why?"
"You know why."
He nodded with a sad smile. "It's time..." He whispered as he started to glow.
I watched in tears. "Doctor..."
"I don't want to go..." He whispered.
And then he changed into a new man right before my eyes.
I didn't get a look at him because the Tardis is crashing.
I woke up on the floor near the swimming pool. There was blood on my face. I think I got bumped my head pretty hard.
There was a strange man in front of me, fussing over me.
"Let me take a look at you. Oooh, you look like you might have concussion. That’s no good."
He smiled at me. "Hello again."
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carmenlire · 4 years
Show and Tell
read on ao3
Alec hums a little to himself as he opens the front door. Wincing a little as he bends over to untie his shoes-- ruefully, he reflects that he’s not as young as he once was-- he shrugs out of his coat and makes his way into the loft.
It’s quiet, which shouldn’t be surprising, but Alec pauses in the living room as a dreadful little chill curls around his spine like smoke, seems to give a little tug in warning.
Magnus had told Alec that he’d be gone until late. By all accounts, that’s still the case.
Still, Alec cautiously walks through their home. Most of him is rolling its eyes at his dramatics but Alec had learned early and well never to dismiss what his husband calls his sixth sense. It’s a matter of fact that it’s saved his hide more times than he’s comfortable admitting-- trouble seems to cling to Alec, and by association Magnus.
It’s been ages since it’s fired up like this, though, and Alec swallows hard as he pauses at the hallway that branches into Magnus’s study and their bedroom. Magnus’s study door is open and as Alec peers inside, his shoulders lose a bit of their tension at the way absolutely nothing looks remiss. To Alec eternal bemusement, he’d fallen in love with a bit of a mad scientist, but all of Magnus’s potions-- as Alec likes to think of them-- look put away with nothing in danger of exploding or setting their loft ablaze.
Which, yes, has happened at least a dozen times since they moved in together all those years ago.
The dread tempers into something stronger that sinks its teeth into him as he focuses on their bedroom door that’s firmly shut in a stark contrast to the way the always leave it open when it’s unoccupied.
He can’t hear anything from the room but that doesn’t stop Alec from hesitating, hand hovering in the air as he braces himself.
With a deep breath, Alec wraps a hand around the door knob and swings it open to reveal a sight that has him almost sagging in relief before everything comes crashing to a halt and distantly, Alec wonders if this is what a heart attack feels like.
“What the fuck is this,” Alec chokes out and he watches through seeming tunnel vision as one of the people in his bed freezes.
Catarina whips her head over her shoulder and her eyes widen with fear. It would almost be comical if not for the way a vise seems to be tightening around Alec’s neck. He tries to breathe in and, in the utter stillness, it sounds like a gasp.
A wretched, desperate bid for oxygen. A plea for everything to go back just a few seconds, before Alec’s world came crashing down around his ears.
Because while Catarina sits at the edge of the bed, her hand still holding Magnus’s, Magnus is deathly still and--
And as Alec’s gaze sears into his husband, the man he’d know anywhere, it feels like he’s looking at a photograph of a time long passed.
Because there his husband lays but he looks thirty years younger. He looks like he did the first time they met on a college campus forty seven years ago. He looks like he did during their first date when they’d went to a shitty diner because it was all Alec could afford his freshman year. He looks the same as he did on their wedding day as he’d promised Alec all sorts of things like till death do us part.
Yeah, Alec thinks. He loves that face. He’d know that face anywhere because he still sees it in his dreams, as an aching overlay to the Magnus he’s spent a lifetime with, the one who this morning had more than a little silver in his hair, whose dashing good looks have become emphasized with wrinkles around expressive eyes and a body that had grown softer in old age.
Catarina stands up and raises her hands in a beseeching gesture. Alec tears his eyes from his husband to Magnus’s best friend.
“Now, Alec, it’s not what you think. Why don’t we--”
“It’s not what I think? What the fuck, Cat? It’s not what I think,” he spits out and suddenly the confusion and clawing panic gives way to undiluted anger. “What the hell is it then? What possible explanation could there be for the way my husband, who just turned sixty eight fucking years old last month looks like, like he hasn’t aged since the day he turned thirty? Is this a prank? Is this just you two wanting to give me heart failure for a laugh?”
Alec fairly chokes out the questions, can’t quite squash out the hope the lingers in the undertone of his demand. The very small part of his mind that’s retained its rationality wonders if he’s really contemplating the fact that his husband just-- what? Can change his appearance in such a way? Nothing makes sense but Alec can’t think of anything at all to explain the way Magnus looks right now.
It’s then that Magnus lets out a pained groan and Alec watches as Catarina immediately turns back around and soothes him for a moment before taking a vial and tipping it up to Magnus’s mouth.
“What’s wrong with him?”
Catarina doesn’t look at him as she replies, “He was supposed to have a meeting with a potential partner this afternoon. He’d been looking for a war-- colleague who shared his interests in the properties of a certain herb and its ability to act as a sort of cell regenerator. That colleague betrayed him and when Magnus showed up at the designated location, they ambushed him. Took all of his notes and his supply of the herb and left him for dead. Luckily, he was able to call me and I was able to stabilize him and bring him home.”
Glaring into nothing as he takes in the summary of events, Alec pushes everything to the background as he nears the bed and asks, “Shouldn’t we take him to a hospital?”
He looks up just in time to see Catarina spare him a single, pitying look. “Oh, Alec, that’s never an option.”
Sitting down on the edge of the bed next to Cat, Alec focuses on his husband. He raises a hand and gently runs his fingers through Magnus’s hair and loses himself for long moments just looking at the love of his life, the one person he prides himself on knowing better than anyone.
“What is this, Catarina?”
From his periphery, he sees Cat still for a split second as her mouth settles into a firm line. Her voice is just as soft as his and more than apologetic when she only offers, “It’s not my place to tell you, Alec. I can’t begin to understand what’s going through your head right now but I can’t tell you what this is.”
She looks up to meet his eyes and Alec stops breathing at the sorrow in her eyes and the blinding sympathy. “All I can tell you is that Magnus was injured so deeply that his energy stores were utterly depleted and he is unable to control his appearance right now. This is his true body, Alec.” She pauses a moment to let that sink in before continuing. “I just want you to keep an open mind and remember that whatever Magnus did, he’s always done it with you and your relationship in mind.”
Her gaze pierces his and Alec nods once before turning back to his husband. “What can I do?”
Catarina sighs before standing and stretching her hands over her head. “There’s nothing else to be done. His body has to recover now. He’ll probably sleep the rest of the day and most of the next few. But don’t worry, he’ll be back to his old self before you know it.”
Alec’s lips turn up at his old self and he wonders what-- who-- that even is anymore.
Nothing makes sense, nothing but Alec’s hand in Magnus’s and Alec clings onto that feeling as he watches his husband rest as his mind races at possibility and awe, all of it overshadowed with a pervasive sense of betrayal.
A few days later and, true to Catarina’s words, everything is back to normal.
Alec scoffs to himself. What the fuck does that even mean anymore.
He leans against the doorjamb of their ensuite as he watches Magnus shave. Magnus doesn’t remember Alec seeing him at his worst. Last night, Alec had watched, stunned, as a glamour seemed to ripple over his husband’s body. As far as he knew, Magnus had still been sleeping but his body had changed, becoming the body Alec had grown with over the years. The hair had faded into a deep silver and his jawline had softened, the backs of his hands developing the faintest spots of age.
And now it’s the next morning and as Alec watches the man before him act as though everything’s fine-- he’d woken up telling Alec that he’d been sleeping off a flu of all things-- something ugly rears itself in Alec’s chest and he finds himself unable to hold back.
“I’ve been at your bedside for three days, Magnus.”
Humming in acknowledgement, Magnus looks up and meets his eyes in the mirror. His smile is warm and guileless. Alec wonders how his husband can look at him and lie so goddamn easily, through his fucking teeth, without batting an eye.
“I’m sure it wasn’t a pretty sight, Alexander. Thank you for taking care of me.”
Alec doesn’t reply and Magnus seems content to let the silence settle.
Waiting until his husband finishes shaving and is patting his face dry, Alec finally clears his throat. Without waiting for a response, he asks, in a voice that’s soft as silk, “Isn’t it a lot of work?”
“Whatever are you talking about, darling?”
Alec smiles at the question, at the way Magnus’s tone make it so obvious that he’s humoring him. His smile shifts into something sharper. “Sorry, babe. Isn’t it a lot of work lying to me every goddamn minute of every goddamn day?”
Magnus freezes for a moment so small he almost misses it, before he turns around to face Alec properly. He sees the stirrings of annoyance and confusion in brown eyes he knows as well as his own and can’t help but cast his mind back over the past three days-- to every time Magnus would wake up for a few minutes at a time as Alec forced one of the healing potions Cat left behind into him.
To every time Magnus would open hazy gold eyes with slit pupils.
“I’m afraid you’ve lost me, Alec,” Magnus says slowly. “What are you talking about?”
Alec leans his head against the door jamb and allows his eyes to close for a brief moment. He knows the moment the words leave his mouth that everything will change between them but he has to know. Most of him supposes that things changed the minute he entered the loft that afternoon.
Taking a shuddering breath, Alec straightens but keeps his arms crossed over his chest as he meets Magnus’s concerned stare.
“I’ve always thought you had the prettiest eyes,” Alec starts softly and he watches the banked pleasure Magnus tries to tamp down before he finishes, “But I think I might just like when they’re gold more.”
It’s startling, how quickly Magnus pales. Alec watches, unmoving, as his husband sways, as he swallows hard. “What do you mean, Alexander,” he asks hoarsely, desperation casting a bitter edge on the words.
And Alec, well he can’t stop the mocking laugh that escapes him. He shakes his head and it’s at both of them. “Jesus Christ, babe, you just don’t stop, do you? What do I mean,” he repeats on a breath. “You didn’t have the flu, Magnus.”
Alec doesn’t phrase it as a question and thankfully, thank God, Magnus doesn’t deny it. He doesn’t do anything. He just stares at Alec like he doesn’t know who he is.
Alec can relate.
“I came home from work to find you and Cat in our bedroom. You were passed out and she was holding your hand. Magnus you were--” and here, Alec’s voice breaks and he chokes on his next words because it still doesn’t seem real no matter how often he replays it. “Magnus, you looked young enough to be my son. Christ, you looked so young, the same as the day we met. Like-- like you should be in college and not married to a man planning his retirement at the end of the year--”
Magnus finally seems to unfreeze and he all but throws himself at Alec, resting his hands on just beneath his jaw and trying to capture his gaze. “Alec, Alexander, darling, I know what you think you saw but--”
“No,” Alec snaps and he watches as Magnus flinches back at his harsh tone. “Don’t, Magnus. Don’t you dare fucking lie to my face again. I swear to God that if you lie to me one more time, I’ll walk out of this apartment and never look back.”
Magnus chokes on a desperate inhale and Alec thinks, if he listened for it, that he could feel his heart breaking in the way his husband seems to be collapsing in on himself.
A part of him wants to comfort Magnus. A bigger part wants answers.
Magnus’s lips part and it takes him a moment to get the words out. “What did Catarina tell you?”
“She said it wasn’t her place to tell me anything.”
Nodding as he processes that, Magnus looks up and Alec bites his tongue hard enough to taste copper at the way different eyes stare back at him.
“I love you, Alexander. I need you to know that before I say anything else. I have built this life with you because I can’t imagine it without you.”
“I love you, too,” Alec echoes gently and he sees the way Magnus’s shoulders droop, just a little in relief.
Tilting his head down, Magnus takes Alec’s hands and focuses on the gleaming gold of his wedding ring.
“I’m older than you, darling.” Before Alec can agree, can easily reply that Magnus is three years older, his husband is continuing, “I told you I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia and immigrated to The States for college.”
Magnus takes a harsh breath and lifts his head to look at Alec dead in the eye. “I was actually born in Batavia, of the Dutch East Indies, several centuries ago. I moved to America before the first World War.”
The entire loft seems to still at the bombshell. Alec takes several moments to fit this new information into everything he knows about the man before him. While it’s fantastical and downright insane to believe Magnus without so much as a single follow-up question, Alec can’t help but think that it fits. It’s like a missing puzzle piece has all of a sudden appeared and slotted itself into place.
“Change back,” Alec mutters through numb lips. At Magnus’s confused look, he says, “I want to see what you really look like.”
Magnus swallows hard but he steps back, looking away as with a wave of his hand, he changes and looks at once so different yet still so familiar that it has tears stinging Alec’s eyes.
“As you have no doubt become aware, I do not age. I am-- I am immortal, Alec.”
Narrowing his eyes, Alec studies Magnus. A thought strikes him and has nausea building in his throat. “You’re immortal. That means you will never die.”
All Magnus offers is a single, painstaking nod in confirmation.
Bile rises to Alec’s throat and a stray tear spills over, his brain working faster than he can process, already reaching the inevitable conclusion before he’s quite ready to bear it.
“You will never die. But I will.”
It looks like it takes everything Magnus has to simply nod, once more, without looking at Alec.
“What the fuck, Magnus?”
Magnus recoils at the pure venom in Alec’s tone, but Alec doesn’t give him a chance to respond before he’s taking a step back, away from his husband who he’s staring at like he just grew another goddamn head.
“You’ve spent the past fifty years with me and to me, that’s my life. I’ve spent my life with you. But to you, it’s just-- what? A pit stop? After I’d die, you what? Just leave on your merry way and forget about me? Was I nothing but a passing diversion?”
“Alexander, how could you think that? I have spent the past decades madly in love with you. I’ve built a life with you-- we’ve built our life together. I have never, not for one moment, taken the fact that you want to spend your forever with me lightly. I can’t imagine my life without you, darling.”
“Well, you’ll have to, won’t you?” Alec knows he’s being harsh but there’s a voice in his head positively sneering at him for being played the fool. He can’t understand why Magnus has played house with him all these years-- would go to the pains of hiding his true self from Alec all this time-- unless he was bored and had decided Alec was a nice enough distraction in his seemingly endless life. “I’m in my sixties, Magnus. Let’s be realistic here. We don’t have that much time left. Optimistically, I’m hoping for another twenty years but shit happens. Your little masquerade has an expiration date.”
“Don’t you think I know that,” Magnus fairly snarls. “You don’t think I am aware of every single second passing through my hands like grains of sand?” He laughs caustically. “I know the tragedy of our situation more than you will ever comprehend, Alec. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about how this will end.”
“Why would you lie to me, Magnus? Why not just tell me?” There’s an acrid edge to his words and Alec is inundated with doubt. All of his thoughts circle round and round in his head and they all inevitably perch on one particular branch.
Magnus has never been completely honest with him when Alec has shown him every conceivable side of himself. Magnus has never trusted Alec like Alec trusts him and that is, without a doubt, the most bitter pill Alec has ever swallowed.
He practically strangles himself forcing it down.
Magnus laughs and it sounds like grief. “You don’t think I know how much this is to handle? I never wanted you to know that I’m-- that I’m not like you. I never wanted to put the pain of my existence on your shoulders. You made the decision to spend your life with me and there isn’t a world where I don’t honor that.”
“But that’s the thing, isn’t it, babe? I have given you all of myself and you-- well. A part of me is starting to think you’ve only ever given me what was convenient.”
Magnus’s face leeches of all color and his mouth is already open on a protest when Alec raises a single hand up to stop whatever torrent of words was about to fall between them like so much lead.
Alec takes a single step back. And then he takes another. “You didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth. I feel like I don’t even know you.”
“Alexander, please--”
“No, Magnus.” Alec swallows hard and forces steel into his voice so that it doesn’t crack, doesn’t shatter like the heart he can barely feel beating in his chest. “I need time to think.”
He turns around to leave but Magnus’s words stop him. They’re weak, a plea that Alec’s never heard from his husband. “I don’t want you to leave, Alec.”
Alec looks over his shoulder and meets gold eyes wavering with tears. It feels like he carves his own goddamn heart from beneath his ribs as he says, “And I don’t want to stay.”
He turns back around and leaves Magnus in their loft, surrounded by all their things that mark a life together. Alec’s given Magnus everything and in return, he can’t help but think he’s gotten a mountain of deception and a life that feels uncomfortably close to a charade.
Alec wonders if any of it was ever real, if it’s possible that anything can be salvaged from the biggest heartbreak of his life.
He wanders through the city, stacking up a lifetime together against a betrayal that deadens his gut and wonders what will tip the scales back in their favor.
No matter how hard he thinks, Alec can't find the answer.
He supposes only time will tell and hopes, desperately, that they don't run out before they can find a way back to each other.
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inherbookishhead · 4 years
tell me a story, about the day Tentoo finds out about little Trouble.
So, here I am in the middle of revising my final draft of one of the angstiest chapters for my fic where those two are still trying to get it together when I get this ask into my inbox. What do I do? I personally - nothing, but my mind starts thinking about Little Trouble at least 3 or 4 stories before she might even be mentioned (if I ever get to that). And there goes my angsty mood :D
So here it is, dear Nonny, quite a quick off the top of my head story about THE day (okay, technically it spans over 2 days but still!)
The Day Tentoo Finds Out about Little Trouble.
Just like all life-changing days for the Doctor, this one began with the conversation about bananas. 
Their TARDIS landed on a lovely little yellow planet called H’voc that was currently sending a distress call to the whole galaxy. 
“H’vocians are a very authentic tribe,” the Doctor started explaining as they walked through the forest towards the source of the signal. “They live in harmony with nature and are extremely open to any guest that comes in but only if that guest bears a gift. In most cases, though, it ends up badly for them since whoever gives them anything shiny usually does nothing but trick them for resources, which, as you might expect, are plenty here. Typical. Although I love being able to come here again, I was sort of banned from H’voc for centuries back in our universe.”
Rose’s eyebrows shot in surprise. “What did you do?”
“Well, I didn’t know I had to make a gift, so when I met their tribe leader, I gave the only thing I had at hand - a banana, a very precious gift if you ask me.” He sighed and scrunched his face.  “How was I to know they were allergic to it? Long story short: they really didn’t like it. One might say, the incident caused complete havoc among them.” He gave her a goofy smile.
Rose laughed at him at first, then got really serious. 
“God, I’d kill for a banana right now. Why did you have to go and bring it up?” she complained, making her way through the branches. The Doctor regarded her with expression half-surprised, half-amused. 
“Finally, you developed a taste, Rose Tyler. It only took me, what, ten years? A decade of hard work and at last you appreciate bananas the way they deserve to be appreciated. I must say I’m really proud of myself, you were quite a lost case,” said the Doctor. 
The forest started thinning and judging by the voices coming from that direction, they were nearing the settlement. 
“Have you got a spare, though?” Rose asked.
“No, we ran out of them yesterday. I planned to come by Berzunian Market right after we deal with this. They have the best bananas in the whole galaxy, Rose. And they come in all colours.”
“I don’t care about the colour, I can literally feel the taste in my mouth. I need it now,” her eyes squinted at him in suspicion. “You always have a spare.”
“Not today,” he countered. 
Rose didn’t believe him for a second, and in the next moment, her hand was in his pocket, stumbling upon a gramophone, a pack of Venusian playing cards and a little woollen penguin toy which was the Doctor’s Christmas present from Tony a couple of years ago.  No bananas. She extracted her hand in defeat. 
“You are useless,” Rose said in a mocked frustration and pointed a finger at him, slowly walking backwards. Her disappointment didn’t last long, though, her face split in a huge smile and she almost tripped over the root of a tree she didn’t see from behind. Only Rose could call him useless and still make it sound like the biggest compliment, the Doctor thought. He still wondered how she managed to... glow so brightly that it made him forget everything else around existed. 
Their little bubble popped as they heard a loud shriek nearby. The Doctor and Rose immediately ran to the village to discover that half of the settlement was completely destroyed leaving very upset H’vocians to pick up the shambles of their tents. Being Mulder and Scully that they were, Rose and the Doctor volunteered to help. At first, the Doctor gave the mandatory present: the old gramophone Rose found earlier in his transdimensional pockets, then H’vocians told them about the ‘people from the sky’ raiding their settlements for little neon pearls called Hvaras that were exceptionally valuable on the black market.   
By the evening they all gathered near the bonfire where the women and children of the tribe were singing their tribal song of protection. It caused Rose an uncontrollable amount of tears and she made sure to give a heartfelt hug to everyone singing after they’d finished. She concluded her round of hugging back in the Doctor’s arms and after he asked her if she was okay she burst into tears again. Well, the song was rather nice, he’d give them that but to be as touched as Rose was right now was too much even by her standards. That was when the first H’vocian congratulated him. On what, though, he had no idea. 
The next morning started with lots of loud noises and another attack from the ‘people from the sky’. Rose got out of their tent first and before the Doctor could react, she got hit by a blast from the ‘others’. He could distinctly see the little sharp stones clawing their way into her body. The Doctor pulled out his sonic and fought off the attackers by interfering with their ships. When he eventually managed to get to Rose, however, she didn’t have a single scratch.  
As they later found out, the ‘others’ were different this time: the pearls of this planet seemed to have risen in price which made half of the happy-go-lucky raiders terrorise the tribe every other day. The Doctor gave it a thought and offered H’vocians a cloaking system that would simply hide them from the marauders and offer peace they craved for. While he was programming the devices over the Hvocian settlement, he couldn’t figure why the shield was getting half transparent. As usually, he dumped his whole thought process on Rose, who helped him put the little devices in place. 
“Have you tried turning setting 322 all the way up?” she asked him after some time. “H’voc’s atmosphere is three per cent thinner which means you need to strengthen the density of the deflector particles.”
“Oh yeah?” asked the Doctor. He didn’t know whether to feel alarmed, shocked or surprised. Rose always looked at the details. And she was brilliant at her domestic approach. But this, he thought, this was a whole new level of impressive. The Doctor did as she suggested. It worked.
The farewell with the tribe was very heartwarming. H’vocians made them the honorary members of their circle and presented them with a silver pin and a bronze door handle, which was a gesture of extreme trust. Five more H’vocians, including the leader of the tribe, placed a hand on the Doctor’s chest and wholeheartedly congratulated him. On what though, he still didn’t know.
The Doctor and Rose returned to their TARDIS and oh how much better it was to finally lie on a proper bed. It was. Until it wasn’t. The Doctor woke up in the middle of the night. 
He felt a ping. 
A telepathic ping. 
A telepathic ping coming from Rose. 
A telepathic ping coming from Rose that wasn’t Rose.
He shot up and turned to the sleeping form of his wife. His mind was reeling: a sudden craving for a banana, the overemotional response, the miraculous healing, the boost of intelligence… It couldn’t be. Could it?
The Doctor carefully placed his hand over Rose’s stomach: there it was, almost undetectable, yet firm and persistent. A beating of two little hearts, so familiar he could still feel it in his own chest. And the bond. That tiny wave of telepathic connection that found its way to him. She was reaching out. She. The Doctor smiled. He opened his mind and let her in and oh, how good, how whole it felt. There were some things you knew you’d been truly missing only when you got to experience them again, he thought. 
It was scary and thrilling and exciting. Nine hundred years of running through the universe, losing his first family, his children, his Susan. Centuries of attachments and heartbreaks and yet … here he was, in the parallel universe, on his last regeneration, levelled down by the human DNA, having a second chance at the family and life he had wanted. He’d never felt more alive than now. 
The Doctor’s mind calculated thousands of little variations of the features the little one would inherit. He hoped their daughter would have her mother’s smile and, well, everything because all good things would certainly come from Rose. And maybe his hair. Year, his hair would be nice.  
“Rose? Rose!” the Doctor whispered.
“Isleein” Rose groaned and turned her back to him.
He shook her shoulder again. 
“Oh God, remind me again why I picked such a restless ball of energy of a man,” Rose said rolling on her back and opening her eyes. “What is it?” she said cupping his jaw with her hand and studying his face. 
“Well, I’m afraid soon you will have to deal with two of those,” he shrugged his shoulders.
She gave him a look at that, then laughed sleepily, “You decided to sprout yourself from another limb?��� 
As always, Rose just rolled with his conversations no matter how strange they got.
“Well, Rose Tyler, it’s more like you are doing all the sprouting this time,” he replied. 
“What do you mean?” she sat up facing him, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. 
They stared at each other for another moment and Rose grew more concerned with every second passing. 
“You are pregnant, Rose,” he said, failing to suppress his utmost joy and nervous excitement.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“I can feel it,” he said and tapped his finger on his temple, “right here”.
Her breath hitched and she covered her mouth with the hand. “Oh my God,” tears started rolling down her cheeks. She then pressed her hand down to her belly and gave a watery smile. “Are we having a little timelord over here?”
The Doctor laughed nervously, “it’s a little time lady I believe. Is that alright?” 
He felt like every nerve in his body was tingling, like he was going to combust of infinite love and deadly fear, cry and laugh at the same time, jump from happiness and fall down in shock. 
“Of course it is, you-” she didn’t get to finish because he gathered her in the tightest of embraces until her nose was smashed against his neck while her chest was heaving with happy laughter. 
“Doctor,” she said after some time when they both calmed down.
“Hm?” he asked and felt her grin against his shoulder. 
“We are not calling her Alonso.”
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Abby Cable reunites with the Swamp Thing, after he had sent her away in a rage weeks before. Despite having yelled at her about it the last time they met, he allows her now to call him Alec. Prior to this, after his revelation about his true identity of not being Alec fundamentally, he feels that he should not be referred to as such. She had been afraid that he hated her, and that she would lose her good friend, but they embrace, as good friends as ever.
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Later, she and her husband Matt go for a drive, and he announces that he has three surprises for her. After some playful teasing, he reveals that he has made a down payment on an enormous mansion. As he gives her a tour, she is overwhelmed by how great it looks. However, in the bedroom, she catches a faint odour of burning insects, but it fades.
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He takes her for a second surprise, showing that he's found a job at Blackriver Recorporations under a man named Eric Loveday. Inside, she has visions of Matt's coworkers as disgusting, decaying corpses, but a moment later, they appear normal. She doesn't mention what she saw to Matt, nor does she ask what "recorporations" means. Instead, she asks what the third surprise is. Matt opts to save that one for later.
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She was happy to go back to the mansion, and was pleased (albeit somewhat suspicious) of the change in Matt's personality. They went to the bedroom, and made love. Afterwards, she went to the library to look up books on autism for her job. In the psychology section, she discovered a book about one of Matt's coworkers suggesting that she was a murderer. She returned home, and read it frantically, discovering that the woman called Sally Parks had killed 15 people for no reason at all, and was finally shot dead by police 22 years ago.
Abby recalls that Matt had been different since the strange events at Elysium Lawns, her workplace. In fact, he had been acting strangely since they were last in West Virginia. Suddenly, she realizes what the significance of Matt's job is, and who he really is. She understands, finally, that for months she has been married to her uncle, Anton Arcane.
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After this disturbing revelation, Abby tries to burn her clothes, and uses up all of the soap trying to wash a horrible stink from herself. Finally, she turns to a steel brush used to scrape potatoes, and uses it on her own skin, eventually passing out from pain and blood loss after 20 minutes.
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She wakes naked in the kitchen, and searches for her clothes, trying to get out before Matt returns. Unfortunately, he discovers her, and along with all of his 'coworkers'. They drop their facade when Anton Arcane mutters to her, “Just say uncle,” as he grips her by her hair.
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Anton Arcane, having possessed the body of Matthew Cable uses his new found reality-warping powers to incite acts of evil and violence all over Louisiana. After thinking on all of the carnage he's causing, his thoughts return to his niece Abigail, who he is holding captive.
Arcane explains to her how his soul was hurled into the region of “bodiless men” after his death in combat with the Swamp Thing. He fought free of that plane, and began his plan to inhabit Matt's body. He explains that Matt was not free of corruption, squandering his reality-warping powers by attempting to satisfy his own insatiable lust. Arcane had then incited a young autistic boy named Paul's late parents to summon the Monkey King, thus luring Abby and Swamp Thing away, and leading Matt Cable into his fateful accident. After the accident, he had easily taken the opportunity to possess Matthew, with the dying man's consent. Finally, he declares to Abby that he is Arcane, as hands drag her down through the floor.
In outer space, the Monitor is notified by his assistant Harbinger to the strange happenings in Louisiana. Rather than intervene, they simply observe. At Arkham Asylum, Jason Woodrue screams in a deranged state about something coming out of the bayou. In his own cell, the Joker has stopped laughing.
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In the swamp, Swamp Thing is confused by a sudden snowfall. Suddenly, Arcane attacks. It doesn't take Swamp Thing long to realize that his old adversary has returned. Arcane mocks him, baiting him by stating that he has Abigail. Lured by Arcane to his mansion, Swamp Thing enters and then emerges with Abigail's lifeless body, demanding to know how long she has been dead.
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Possessing the body of Matthew Cable, Anton Arcane reveals to Swamp Thing that he has not only killed his friend Abby Cable, but he has also sent her guiltless soul to Hell. He chases Swamp Thing with a plague of abominations, but he is lured back to the swamp by his prey.
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From outer space, the events in Louisiana are being observed by Harbinger and The Monitor. Despite Harbinger's concern about the dramatic levels of supernatural activity going on there, The Monitor refuses to intervene. He is, however, unable to tear his eyes away from his viewer.
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Arcane believes that his power gives him control over the swamps, but it is there that Swamp Thing reveals to his foe the new power he has gained from communion with the world of flora. Arcane is taken aback, unaware of the fact that Alec Holland and the Swamp Thing were never one and the same. Swamp Things' elemental power is able to hurt Arcane, and weaken his hold over his host's body to the point that he is forced into an internal struggle with Matthew Cable's consciousness.
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Matt wrests some of Arcane's control away, and decides that after what happened to Abby, he would give up the extension that his life was given in order to send Arcane to Hell. Arcane's soul is condemned to Hell, leaving only Matthew's battered and broken body - the wounds from his car accident returned to him. He admits to Swamp Thing that it was his own weakness that allowed Arcane to kill Abby.
Swamp Thing suggests that Matthew could use his reality-warping powers to heal himself. Matthew doesn't want to live, however, and instead, decides to help bring Abby back to life. Though he is weary, Matthew is able to regenerate his wife's cells, making her blood flow, her heart beat, and her lungs breathe, but he fails to return her soul before dying. Swamp Thing then gathers Abby into his arms and walks further into the swamp, leaving Matthew's body to be found by police.
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Following the death of Anton Arcane, Swamp Thing is left with the living but soulless body of his friend Abby Cable. Knowing that her soul has been condemned to hell, he swears that he would follow her if he could. Suddenly, he realizes that he may be able to do just that, by casting his consciousness into The Green.
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He traverses The Green, and finds himself tempted to simply let himself be lost within it. Fortunately, he regains his drive, and moves beyond The Green, and beyond life itself, into a new plane. He finds himself in a strange place, which seems to be empty and constantly changing. A woman appears, wondering where she is, and looking for her son. Before he can say anything, the boy appears, and leads his mother into a bright light, leaving Swamp Thing alone.
Moments later, a voice catches his attention. It is the voice of Boston Brand, also known as Deadman. He explains that Swamp Thing has found his way to the Region of the Just Dead, a place where those who have just died end up before passing on. Swamp Thing inquires after Abby's soul, and Deadman admits that having died the day before, it is likely she has already passed on into the lights.
Deadman can go no further, but they are suddenly startled by the appearance of the Phantom Stranger. The Stranger leads Swamp Thing through the light to a green place that seems like paradise. He explains that it is an aspect of Heaven, one of an infinite number. This aspect belongs, as it turns out, to Alec Holland. Alec thanks Swamp Thing for finally burying his body, and allowing him to pass on to Heaven. He lives there with his wife Linda, and they are discussing reincarnation. Alec invites Swamp Thing to meet Linda, but he declines.
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Having explored the two nicer options, the Stranger and Swamp Thing are left with no choice by to go to Hell, and seek out Abby. Before they can gain entry, however, they must ask permission from The Spectre. The Spectre refuses permission, claiming that Abby's consignment to Hell is by the decree of God. The Phantom stranger argues that if she was unjustly condemned, then Hell has no reason. Contrarily, the Spectre responds that being able to return from death would similarly render life meaningless. The Stranger shrewdly asks what that means for Jim Corrigan - the man whose body the Spectre currently inhabits. Bested, the Spectre lets them pass.
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At the gates of Hell, the Phantom Stranger states that he cannot enter with Swamp Thing. Fortunately, Etrigan appears, and offers his help since the Swamp Thing helped him defeat the Monkey King. However, he requires a fee: a flower that the Phantom Stranger plucked from the western slope of Heaven. The payment made, Etrigan leads Swamp Thing into hell.
As they wander through hell, they encounter some demons who are using General Sunderland as a slave. When he recognizes Swamp Thing as the one who killed him, the demons rip out his tongue to keep him quiet. Realizing that these demons will be of no help to them, Etrigan leads Swamp Thing deeper.
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Next, they encounter Anton Arcane, condemned to have the eggs of insects hatching inside of him for eternity. He mocks Swamp Thing's attempt to retrieve Abby, warning that he won't want her once he sees her. Before Swamp Thing leaves, Arcane demands to know how many years he has been in hell. When Swamp Thing responds that it has only been one day, Arcane screams in horror.
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Finally, Swamp Thing and Etrigan discover Abby's soul being tormented by a group of demons. Angrily, he attacks them, pushing them aside. The demons become angry, and Swamp Thing is forced to grab Abby and run. Desperately, Etrigan tries to open an escape route out of Hell, while they evade the demons' attacks. However, Arcane bites into Swamp Thing's ankle, gripping with his jaws. He complains that without Abby's soul still in hell, his revenge is moot, and he suffers without any satisfaction. With time running out, Etrigan loosens Arcane's grip with a kick and sends Abby and Swamp Thing through the exit.
Back in the swamp, Abby awakens with no memory of what happened to her. She is puzzled to see that Swamp Thing is crying.
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Sophisticated horror. That is honest advertisement.
Alan Moore was known around this time for his revisionism of whatever was broken. It is strange that he ended up “fixing” Swamp Thing, as it wasn’t really broken (wasn’t a best-seller either). But with this, he made comic-book history.
But he is not alone, as usual, Moore is paired with amazing artists that put something of their own in the art. You can see it all over, culture and pop-culture references, shadows and reflections that tell a different story, sad gazes. This story has all of that.
There are a lot of horrible (in a good way) moments, and a lot of sad ones as well. The sequence where Swamp Thing meets Alec Holland and sees Linda in the distance. There are no thought balloons here, but it is evident that Swamp Thing still has false memories of loving her.
Moore pretty much closed most of the loose ends he received, showing the final fate of the villains souls. Poor Arcane thought he was fighting Alec Holland, that was a great moment.
I couldn’t recommend this story enough. There are many collected editions, but you can also find digital copies on Comixology (I would wait for a bundle sale around the time the tv show comes out).
I give this story a score of 10
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sapphictrash92 · 5 years
Yaz secretly writes poetry about Thirteen. 
Yasmin Khan was nineteen years old and for the first time in her life she’d fallen in love, she’d never felt ashamed for not being particularly interested in anyone, she knew it would take someone really special to make her that vulnerable. She needed someone that could challenge her, that could handle her being headstrong, and that could understand her drive to want to make a difference and get out of Sheffield. She was prepared to wait until she was older to find that person, but then the Doctor quite literally crashed into her life, giving her everything she needed and more. It amused Yaz that it had taken an alien to make her fall, but you couldn’t really get any more special than that. The other woman didn’t know, no she was much too afraid to admit her feelings, fearing that she’d lose her best friend and bring an end to their incredible adventures. Instead she pined in secret, scribbling line after line of poetry about her in a journal she constantly moved around her room on the Tardis so it was never in view. 
she gifted me a new life an entire universe of possibility beautiful worlds rich with history vast landscapes lush and green sandy and sunny darkness illuminated by starlight  yet nothing shines as bright as her
Yaz smiled as she read it back, tucking her journal in her pillowcase, smoothing her hair and checking her reflection in the mirror before going to join the others at the console. Off on another adventure they went, in the meantime the Tardis decided to take things into her own hands. It was obvious to her and basically everyone but the two women themselves that they both felt the same way, which was why Yaz’s journal now lay on the Doctor’s purple sofa she’d recently Kerblam’d for her room. 
The team arrived back to the Tardis absolutely beat, the three humans barely managed the walk to their rooms. They needed a lot more rest than the Doctor, but she was happy to go to her room, kick off her boots and lounge on her comfy new sofa. She hung up her coat, left her boots by the door, and threw herself down on her purple purchase. 
“What the?” She said to herself, feeling something underneath her. 
She reached underneath and pulled out the journal, she looked at it puzzled, she didn’t remember leaving something there. She shrugged her shoulders and opened it, putting a cushion behind her head to read. Pages upon pages of poetry, some of the most beautiful words she’d ever read. They started more vague, speaking of friendship, but as she continued reading they grew into descriptions of romantic feelings. She read until she reached the last entry, her eyes widening as it suddenly dawned on her that she was reading about herself, she was the subject! The question was, who was the author? She flipped through the remaining blank pages and at the back, she found her answer, a photograph of Yaz with her family stuck to the inside. 
Her hearts picked up speed in her chest, she hurriedly flipped back to the start of the journal, reading and re-reading every precious word. Yaz wrote about me, Yaz has feelings for me, my Yaz. But how did her-
“This was you wasn’t it” She accused aloud, the Tardis whirring lowly in reply. 
She scrunched up her face, feeling conflicted. She was happy she now knew Yaz returned her feelings, but journals were private, especially when they contained beautiful secret poetry! 
“Ugh! You shouldn’t have done this, put it back!” She ordered, expecting it to suddenly disappear from her hands. Nothing happened, no disappearing, no whirring. She pouted in exasperation, putting the journal over her face. 
What do I do? Sneak it back into her room while she’s asleep? Play dumb? Tell her I feel the same way?
The Tardis whirred in agreement with the last option.
“No one asked you! Meddling machine” She huffed. 
She spent the rest of the night re-reading the words and coming up with a plan, by the time Graham knocked on her door to ask her if she was hungry she had one. She pulled him into her room, quickly shutting the door. 
“Graham I need your help, the Tardis decided to meddle and I ended up accidentally reading Yaz’s secret poetry about me. I need you or Ryan to put it back, if I get her out of the Tardis can you do that for me? I’ll say we’re gonna go pick up breakfast for all of us, whatever you want” She babbled, Graham not even phased, smiled and nodded.
“Of course, Doc, but you will tell her how you feel won’t you? Cancer and losing Grace just drove home how short life is, not so short for you but, you get what I mean.”
“You’re right, I’m definitely gonna tell her. Thanks, Graham.” 
“Go get her, Doc” He winked, she smiled shyly. 
He left with the journal, leaving a suddenly nervous Doctor to change into her burgundy shirt, coat, and boots. Brushing her hair until she was happy where every strand lay, she took a deep breath and made her way to Yaz’s room, tentatively knocking. 
“Yaz? You up for coming to get breakfast with me?” 
“‘Course! Lemme just fix my hair”
Hands in her pockets she made her way to the control room, planning in her head what she was going to say. So lost in her thoughts she didn’t hear Yaz approaching. 
“Ready to go?” Yaz asked, Thirteen jumped a little.
“Yep! I’m hungry, need fried egg sandwiches. Let’s go!” 
She hurried out of the Tardis doors with Yaz close behind her.
“Did you sleep at all last night?”
“Me? No, no. I was reading po- Poe, Edgar Allan Poe. Strange fellow, but friendly enough. Very talented man.” Thirteen babbled, shoving her hands in her pockets as they walked to one of the cafes they frequented when back. 
“Right. Is there anyone you haven’t met?” Yaz teased. 
“Yes! I hadn’t met Rosa Parks until I did with you lot” She replied, sticking her tongue out at her crush. 
Crush, right. Okay, I can do this. I’ve done amazing things, I can tell Yaz I want to be more than friends. 
Lost in her thoughts again as they crossed a road she missed the car suddenly speeding around the corner, she turned toward the sound of the beeping and felt herself being quickly pulled onto the pavement. Yaz looked so worried she immediately felt guilty for the watery look in her eyes.
“Doctor, are you okay?!” 
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Thanks to you. Sorry, I was in my own little world.”
Yaz looked her over, making sure the car hadn’t manage to clip her, but she was fine, other than the wounded puppy dog expression on her face. 
“Something’s up, you don’t seem yourself. Wanna talk about it?” 
Thirteen bit her lip and nodded, gesturing for her to sit on the nearby bench. Yaz sat down, immediately turning her body to face her as she sunk down beside her. She could see she was nervous about something, bouncing her leg and twiddling her thumbs. 
“Hey” Yaz said softly, reaching over to take her hand. “Talk to me, you know you can tell me anythin’“ 
She sighed, looking down at their hands and exhaling slowly. 
“I know it’s just.. Remember when you told me that I’m the best person you’ve ever met”
“Of course I do!” Yaz smiled fondly, nudging her slightly. “It’s the truth.”
“Well, I didn’t say it back and I should’ve. I’ve known so many people, Yaz, so many species and races throughout the galaxies, but when I’m with you... I feel more human than I have in a long time.” 
The weight of the words resonated with Yaz, she felt her heart beating away and hoped that her hand wasn’t as clammy as it felt as the woman squeezed it.
“I know you’re a regenerating timelord, but you’ve always just been human to me. An extraordinary one with an extra heart and a home outside of Earth, but a human, a really good one.”
Thirteen smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek that Yaz couldn’t gently wipe away fast enough. She held the younger woman’s hand against her cheek, closing her eyes. 
“I want to be more than your friend, Yaz” She whispered, eyes opening to see the surprise on her face. 
“Wh- You- Can you say that again?”
She chuckled, shuffling until their legs touched and leaning close to her ear.
“I’ve fallen for you, Yaz. I tried not to, I tried to fight it, I don’t want to fight it.”
“I- You- Wow” She gasped, giving her brain a minute to catch up. The Doctor sat patiently waiting, still holding her hand. 
“I don’t wanna fight it either” Yaz told her, shaking her head. “I didn’t say anything ‘cuz I didn’t want to lose you or this amazin’ life you’ve given us.”
“You chose it, Yaz. You and Ryan and Graham, that night you came back to the Tardis and told me you wanted more time with me.. it made me so happy, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.”
“We weren’t either, when you asked us to be sure.. that was the surest I’ve ever felt, besides being sure that I’m in love with you.”
The Doctor knew it, she’d read many words expressing it, but hearing her say it took the air from her lungs. They grinned at each other, their eyes twinkling, their gaze falling to each other’s lips. 
“How do you feel about public displays of affection?” Thirteen murmured, tucking a strand of dark hair behind the girl’s ear, relishing the way she leaned in to her touch. 
“Well I don’t see anyone around, do you?” Yaz cheekily quirked an eyebrow, hand grabbing on to one of the Doctor’s suspenders closing the small gap left  between their lips. Soft lips, warm and inviting, happily becoming acquainted with the other’s. Smiling, so much smiling. Savouring the moment, not wanting it to end quite yet. 
“Oi!” A familiar voice said, moving toward them. 
They sheepishly turned around to see Ryan, who was now smirking at them.
“It’s about time! I’m happy for ya, but me and Grandad were waiting for our fried egg sandwiches!” 
Yaz shook her head at him, Thirteen laughed. Those two and food. 
“Honestly you two act like I starve ya! I’m sorry your breakfast is late, but I was distracted for a bit. You do realize there’s a stocked kitchen on the Tardis though right?” 
Ryan rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, but there’s no eggs!”
“Fair enough” Thirteen agreed. 
“Sorry Ry, we had some talking to do”
“With your tongues?” 
Yaz narrowed her eyes at him, his shit-eating grin melting away.
“Hey! There was no tongue involved, we’re on the street.”
“If you say so, now can we please get breakfast before my stomach eats itself?”
“You’re such a drama queen” Yaz sighed as she stood up, pulling the Doctor up with her. 
“I’m a growing lad” Ryan smiled. “Need my energy for fighting our enemies init”
“Can’t fault his logic there” Thirteen shrugged, draping her arm around Yaz’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s feed them so we can actually do other things today”
“Like?” Yaz inquired, heart fluttering as she saw the mischievous look on the Doctor’s face. 
“My room after breakfast” She whispered, though apparently not well enough as Ryan groaned.
“Doc you need to work on your whispering” He shook his head, kicking at stones in his path.
“Will bacon on your sandwiches make up for the trauma?” 
He pondered this.
“Well y’know I AM really hungry...”
“Oh for god’s sake” Yaz grumbled. “Tell you what, run the rest of the way to the café in under a minute and I’ll get you and your Grandad a full fry up”
Ryan didn’t need to hear any more, he took off running and they watched him disappear around the corner.
“You know it’s way closer than a minute away” Thirteen said, tilting her head curiously.
“Uh huh” Yaz smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist. 
“Yasmin Khan” She tutted in faux dismay, already leaning down.
“Shut up and kiss me before he comes back to get us.”
Falling from the Tardis into Sheffield, brilliant.
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chaniters · 5 years
Hey man, I love your fics! Can I have an AU one where sidestep (any gender is fine) falls during Heartbreak, and is in the process of being taken by the Farm. Then, Ortega and Steel arrive and are horrified. The Farm casually tells them the truth of Sidestep and expect them to let them take Sidestep... but cue protective!Ortega and Steel reacting otherwise. Steel or Ortega POV or third person will be great!
Warning this one is a bit dark. Medical and physical mistreatment. Thoughts of self-harm too. What would you do to protect a friend?
Also, I used third person Ortega’s POV for the first part… then Sidestep’s POV for the second. I do kind of like how this one turned out though!
Give them what they want, and they’ll come
“SIDESTEP!” He yelled down, extending his hand.. but it was too late. He fell. And Ricardo had to watch him fall.
The sound he made as he hit the asphalt.
He is dead.
NO! He must surely mishear. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad fall…
He turned towards the figure behind him. Covered in cables and medical devices. It glared at him.
He was the cause. Ricardo walked towards him. The man extended his hands at him… and Ricardo felt a soft tingling at the base of his toes. Nothing else happened.
The villain seemed perplexed. Too bad. Ricardo slammed his fist into his face. Once. Twice. Thrice.
Ortega could have killed him. But he had to check on Sidestep. Steel was by the door.
“Keep that freak unconscious! And call an ambulance!” he uttered going down the stairs as fast as he could.
To his surprise, there was an ambulance outside the building already.
They were lifting Sidestep from the ground.
Ortega rushed to them
“Is.. he … alright?” All that running and he was now afraid to ask.
A doctor turned to him. “He’s still alive… but barely. We need to take him quickly. Set up the ambulance guys!” she ordered the nurses.
Then she turned back to Ortega and asked: “Did you catch him?”
Ortega’s eye narrowed. “You mean the crazy psychic upstairs? I thought no one knew what it was”
The doctor seemed unphased. “Pointless secrecy. I’m sick of it. So many dead because idiots don’t like playing ball. Anyways, It wasn’t my call. Did you catch him or not? If you didn’t then we’re all in trouble”
Steel came down carrying the unconscious man
“That… would be him” Ortega pointed out.
“DOC! We have a problem.”
The doctor rushed to Sidestep, Ortega following closely.
“Look!” the nurse said. he had cut off part of Sidestep’s suit. Strange orange tattoos covered his skin underneath.
“Well shit.” The doctor concluded. “Call another ambulance. And someone gives that freak a double dose of sedation.”
“But he’s extra sensitive … we could..”
“Look kid” the doctor stepped up to the nurse’s face. “I care shit if he dies ok? Heads are going to roll for this and it won’t be ours. I wish I know whose. But the one thing I know is he’s not gonna wake up and start killing us all while we’re driving and minding our own business. DO AS I SAY!” The nurse finally complied.
Then she went on to give first aid to Sidestep. They cut more of his suit, and the tattoos proved to be everywhere.
Intubation came after, and they started loading him on the first ambulance
“Doc… what’s the problem you mentioned with him? What do those tattoos ..”
“You know what they mean”
“No, I don’t!”
“He’s special directive property. We’ll be taking him back to their premises.”
“Special Directive? He worked with us! He’s a vigilante. He’s been living on the streets. I know him personally… He couldn’t be…”
“A Regene?” The doctor smiled bitterly.
“Don’t you call him that!” Ortega was furious.
“Look… I wish I could tell you this has never happened before but… ”
Steel approached them, he was overhearing everything with a shocked expression.
“… sentient re-genes escape. Happens more often than they want to admit.  It’s what they do. It’s very hard to keep a prison strong enough to stop powered people. Especially with the skills, they teach them.”
“… no way” Steel finally spoke, “You mean he… lied all this time?”
“Of course he lied. The directive has agents all across the country. If he was found out, he’d be imprisoned again”
“What’s… going to happen to him?”
“He’ll be taken back. They don’t live pleasant lives. But at least they’ll be able to fix him. No normal hospital could claim that. At best he wouldn’t walk again in a normal clinic. Back at the directive? He’ll probably be good as new.”
“Will we… ever see him again?” Steel asked hesitantly
The doctor just shook her head. “It ain’t happening. They’ll lock him up for this. Probably forever.”
“Than you’re not taking him!” Ortega stood up putting a hand on the stretcher.
The doctor put a hand over his arm.
“Think about what you’re doing. If you take him to a normal hospital, he’s probably going to die. Normal people don’t recover from falls like these. And even if he survives, he could end up wanting to be dead”
Ortega hesitated
“I … can’t… I…” he was really confused now.
“What’s so special about this one? Do you know what could happen if you mess into the Special Directive’s programs? If it wasn’t me on duty they would have just taken him and told you he was dead. There are monsters in that place.”
Ortega’s gaze fell upon Sidestep as he breathed heavily through the tube the pain of losing a loved one visible in his face.
“Oh. I see” the doctor nodded. “Fine… look… I can’t promise anything but… here’s my number.” She gave me him a card  "Call me tonight. There might… be a way.“
It’s your awake time.
And obediently, you do wake up.
Still restrained to the medical bed. One more day of recovery.
Treatments continue. Broken bones mending. Muscles being reattached. Dermis regeneration. Nerve reconnection.  No anesthesia of course. You have to constantly tell them about your pain level. Generally around 7 on the 1-10 scale.
You liked it when the Japanese doctor used to treat you. He keeps you at a comfortable 3. And even chit-chatted with you… You liked practicing your Japanese.
But now there are only new doctors each day. They generally string you all the way to 8 or 9.
Still, they do want for you to get better.
They want you to be strong, before your punishment.
Which you know is coming.
They will not take what you did lightly. But there hasn’t been even a hint of what’s to come.
You know it will hurt horribly, but you doubt it can match what Heartbreak did to you.
The psychiatrists have been filling you with drugs to stop the self-harming obsession on top of the Hypno-therapy.
But you just want to be gone.
And on top of that, you miss your friends.
You just woke up and you’re already in tears remembering about them. Ricardo. Themmie. But of course, he’s dead now… Because you weren’t strong.. or fast enough. 
Sentinel. You liked hanging around the old man, even if he thought you were a bit of a nuisance. 
Even Chen. You’d give your right arm for having him berate or throw some negative feedback onto you right now.
THat’s all you do.
Lights go up. You wake up.
You eat. Ring the nurses when you have to use the bathroom. Get tied up and escorted there.
Re-hab. Intense rehab.
Be tased when you don’t cooperate. Some days be tased for fun.
Get back on your bed restraints.
Stay still. Receive treatment.
Watch whatever stupid show they put on your tv.
Try to mind-control the Japanese doctor to make him choke you to death through the mental dampener. That too was part of your routine.
Until it worked of course. But they stopped him. And he never came back after that. You only have the marks on your neck to remember him by.
Such a nice guy. You wish he had managed to choke you all the way tough.  
Finally, your sleeping time comes and lights go out.
And there you cry yourself to sleep.
And the nightmares come to keep you company.
Rinse. Repeat.
Maybe that’s your punishment? A few years of this?
You don’t understand the point. They say you are valuable, but everyone can see you’re broken.
Mind’s not right if it wants to go against its own body.
When will they call it quits?
Nothing you do discourages them.
It just makes you mad. And tired. So tired.
The metal gates open.
“Listen up Doll.” Jerry. Your handler. You wonder why they assigned you one when you’re not even allowed to move much.
He has handled you a lot though. Mostly his fist to your face when you talk back.
The new doctors like it when he does it. Put you in your place.  Even if it means they have to fix you again.
“Yes… s… sir” you answer in a suitably obedient tone.
You can’t help it. Your mind wants to talk back to him. To destroy him. To show him you’re in control.
But your body… is just terrified of him. It doesn’t want to anger him. And you can’t blame it. Pablov had it right. You never want to challenge him again…
“Today’s a special day,” he speaks while lighting a cigarette next to the no-smoking sign. He inhales. He knows you’d kill for a smoke.
“It’s my last time visiting you piece of filth in here. You’re getting a new handler.”
You try to hide your relief. New handler? Can’t be worse than him.
“So. I bring you a present. To remember me by”
He smiles showing his teeth.
Oh. Of course.  A memento.
And he slaps you. And again. And again. And again. He doesn’t really hold back.
HE finally rubs his hand.
You are so fucked up… you are actually grateful that he didn’t take things further. The realization brings a new layer of sadness.
“Phew… I think that’ll suffice. I’m told the new guy is modded” He chuckles “So do try not to piss him off, or he’ll probably break your bones. In fact. I hope you do piss him off”
And he leaves.
The day goes on. A nurse cleans the blood from your face.
They adjust the dampener once his left eye starts twitching. Foiled again.
Still, no distraction is good enough to stop thinking about that.
New handler. Maybe, someone, you can manipulate?
Probably not.
It’ll likely be a psycho. Things usually go for the worst at the farm.
You go through rehab. Treatments. Hypnotherapy. Drugs. Tv. Eating. The opposite of eating. And the day is finally over. Even the nightmares feel like an interruption.
Wake time. Lights on.
Your handler will come in and tell you what your day’s going to be about.
The Metal doors open. One of the assistant directors enters.
“Good morning” he speaks. Directors always pretend mornings are good. Even assistant ones.
“I’m here to introduce your new handler. We expect you will be more cooperative with this one.” He smiles. You know this is going to be bad. He walks back. The room is dimly lit, all you can see if his teeth. Sharp teeth. Or is that your imagination?
The director is gone. Another man enters.  
He wears the usual farm uniform. He looks strong. And tall. He is modded like Jerry said.
You sigh and close your eyes. He’ll probably punish you for that. But he could punish you for looking at him too. You know you’re going to have it rough either way.
A hand … on your arm.
You flinch, trying to shut your eyes as strong as you can. He’s going to punish you now. You feel it. He presses his hand on your skin giving you goosebumps. Fuck… will he get it over with already?
“Cyrus?” He calls.
What? No one has said the name you choose since you got here. Why would he…? Is this some sort of joke?
You open your eyes.
Ortega is tearing up, gently holding your hand. Wearing the handler’s uniform.
“You’re going to be alright… You hear me..? From now on… it’s all going to be… alright”
“Well done!” the assistant director congratulated the Doctor. “Recruiting Charge on the spot was genius!”
“I was just looking after our investment.” The Doctor smiled. “I had a problem and a cure right next to each other!”
“Charge will be a good addition to the staff… once we get past his scruples.” I think… the Director added looking as they embraced and cried together through the false mirror.
“He has shown some promise and passed every test so far. He finished his training in record time too… I think as long as we let him have a nice time as the new handler of his doll-friend, he’ll be willing to do whatever we need to the other dolls. And immune to mental assaults as well. That is just SO helpful in this environment. Also, the doll will comply because it knows what we can do to Charge.”
“I know right?” The director was thrilled. “This is just too perfect”
Another day at the farm went by.
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes (4/5 - An “Adventures In Unexpected Places” Story)
And here is the last of the old chapters for this story!
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes - After being sent to the worst school in the whole of England, Amy meets up with the man whose fault it is that she’s there, and things go vastly more differently than anyone expected.
The rest of the school year came and passed in the blink of an eye, it seemed. Even knowing that the life she was living now wasn’t the life she was supposed to live, and knowing one day it might suddenly be different, she continued on. The Doctor increased his visits to once a week, and then twice a week, always bringing Rory along. Rory had taken it better than she had, once the Doctor told him they were still together in the other life. That seemed to be enough for him.
Soon it was summer and she was saying good-bye to St. Trinian’s for a summer in Leadworth. Mels hadn’t wanted to leave, because the schemes she made with Fast Harry were coming to fruition, and as she said, she didn’t want him to muck anything up while she was gone. It was with some reluctance that she left, but she threatened Fast Harry with bodily harm before she left. Apparently he was very scared of a thirteen-year-old girl, because he swore he’d keep everything in tip-top shape.
“It’s been an interesting year, hasn’t it?” Mels asked as they were on the bus on their way back to Leadworth.
“Yeah, it has,” Amy said with a nod. Mels didn’t know about the other timeline, or the changes the Doctor planned on making. She just hoped that she had more time because really, she did enjoy this life. “It’s going to be boring going back to Leadworth.”
“But Rory’s there. That’s got to make you happy, having the chance to see him every day for three months,” Mels teased, bumping her shoulder into Amy’s. “And besides, it’s not like your Aunt’s changed her mind. She’s gotten used to you not being there. Come next term, it’s back to St. Trinian’s for us.”
“I hope so.” Mels got a good look at her face and kept quiet for most of the ride back, which suited Amy just fine. They got off the bus in Leadworth to see Rory waiting for them. He greeted Amy with a kiss, which made her smile, and he said the adults were waiting at Mels’ home for dinner. When Amy asked about Aunt Sharon, he said he didn’t know, and that Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair probably did. Since Mels only lived a few blocks from the bus stop the three of them walked there, Rory being a gentleman and carrying both their backs, one on his back and one on his bike.
They made it to Mels home and her parents greeted them warmly, inviting Rory to stay for dinner as well. They said nothing about Aunt Sharon, and as the meal wore down Amy began to get impatient. Finally, as everyone was finishing desert, she spoke up. “When can I go home?” she asked.
“You aunt had to go out of town,” Mr. Sinclair said after a moment. “She’s in America for the next three weeks. She asked us to keep an eye on you for her.”
Amy couldn’t believe it. Her aunt had bought the bus ticket home. Surely she had remembered her niece was coming back? “I can’t believe she’s not here,” she said glumly.
“You know, Amy can stay at the place by herself, Mum, Dad,” Mels said. “If she gets scared she can just come over here. Please? She’s been gone from home since break and all she wants to do is sleep in her own bed tonight.”
The two adults looked at each other from across the table. “I suppose she won’t mind. But call us when you get there, and come over frequently,” Mr. Sinclair said.
Amy beamed at him. “Thank you.” She pushed her chair back from the table, and Rory did the same. They said their good-byes to Mels and her family and then made their way off towards Amy’s house. “I can’t believe she’s not here,” she said with a sigh when they were halfway to her home.
“She hasn’t spent a lot of time here since the spring,” Rory said. “I told you that.”
“I know, but to not be here when I got home? It’s further proof she doesn’t care about me.” She took another step forward before she realized Rory wasn’t following. She turned to look at him, and he reached over for her hand. “What?” she asked, holding it tightly.
“She’s looking to move away. I heard my parents talking about it one night a few weeks back. She wants to go to London, and keep you at the school the whole year round, and during the summer…I don’t know.”
“Leave Leadworth? Leave our home?” she said, surprised. Then she scowled. “Course she would. It’s a stupid town with stupid people and it’s all just a reminder of how much I made her life miserable.”
“I was going to try and talk my parents into letting you stay with us for the summer, and I know as soon as Mels finds out she’ll try and do the same. You’ll still get to see me. I mean, there’s the Doctor, right? I see you more than I’d ever thought I would now.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” she said with a sigh. She took another step towards her home and this time he followed, still holding her hand with the hand he wasn’t using to guide his bike. “We should run away, just the three of us. We could make it out there.”
“Maybe the Doctor will take us now?” Rory suggested.
Amy beamed at him, then leaned over and kissed him. “That’s brilliant, Rory. Camilla gave me the number to call him. When we get to my place we’ll call him and we’ll ask him to take us away.” She let go of his hand and ran the rest of the way to her house, Rory keeping up as best he could. When they got to her home she took the key out of her pocket and let herself in, and dashed to the phone in the kitchen.
“Hopefully he picks up,” Rory said as he got to her, putting her duffel bag on the floor.
“Yeah, hopefully.”” She let it ring once, twice, three times, then four, and it went to a machine. “Doctor, Aunt Sharon isn’t in Leadworth and I’m home and she’s planning on moving away and Rory and I want to travel with you all the time, if it’s all right. We don’t want to stay where we’re at. So please, come pick us up and take us with you, all right?” She hung up and looked at him. “I guess now we wait. How late can you stay over?”
“Till ten, maybe.”
“Hopefully he’ll be here by then.” And then they heard the familiar vworp-vworp-vworp that signaled the Doctor’s arrival. The two of them dashed outside and saw the TARDIS parked next to the swing set, and by the time they got to it the door was thrown open. “Doctor!” Amy called out as they came into the console room.
“Amelia, Rory, good to see you,” he said with a grin.
“Doctor, please, let us travel with you all the time,” Amelia leaded as she threw her arms around his waist. “Please?” She heard another person clear their throat, and she pulled away from the Doctor to see a woman with frizzy blonde hair standing near the console. “Who are you?” she asked.
“I’m River Song,” she said with a warm smile. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Rory looked from the Doctor to River and back to the Doctor. “Is that your girlfriend?”
The Doctor smiled slightly. “So she says,” he said with a nod. “Wife, actually. Timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff. In that other future you two have, she gets me to marry her. We still consider each other husband and wife.”
“Oh,” Amy said, looking at River closely. “You don’t look like I’d thought you would look.”
“And just how did you think I would look?”
“Younger, like him,” Amy said, and the Doctor chuckled at that.
“I don’t look that old, do I?” River asked, though she still had a slight smile on her face. “I should probably leave the three of you alone anyway. I believe you all have some things to talk about.” She came up to the Doctor and kissed his cheek. “Remember what I told you, sweetie, and be gentle.”
“Yes dear,” he said. She took a step back, pressed a few buttons on the device on her wrist, and then she was gone.
“What’s she talking about?” Amy asked.
“Well, my enemies are springing their trap a bit earlier than planned,” he said. “The Pandorica is lying in wait for me underneath Stonehenge. I started opening it, and then I left. River’s going off to check.”
“But then I die, and you have to wait two thousand years for me to get better,” Amy said.
“Well, the TARDIS isn’t exploding today, so I expect it won’t go quite according to their plans. But…it means I may not come back. We’ll see. I had planned on coming to see the both of you tonight anyway, and then I got your call. But I’m afraid I can’t take you with me. It’s too dangerous right now.”
“I understand,” Amy said with a sigh in a slightly bitter tone. “You’re going to leave me too. I see how it is. Everyone leaves.”
“Amelia,” he said quietly, placing both hands on her shoulders. She looked at his chest until he put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “We’re doing this for you, River and I. If it went the way it was supposed to before, you would lose this life but you’d have your parents back. I know how much you love this life, and I’m trying to help you keep it. You were able to bring me back the last time. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that this time.”
“Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
“I want to tell you both something,” he replied. “River is more than just my wife. She’s a good friend, not just to me, but to both of you. In fact, it’s because of her that the two of you are together.”
“But it was Mels that got us together,” Rory said with a frown. “She’s the one who told Amy that I liked her, the first day they were at St. Trinian’s.”
“Exactly,” the Doctor said.
“So…Mels is River?” Amy said.
He nodded. “Yes.”
“How is that possible?” she asked.
“River, and by extension Mels, is special. She’s human, but she has Time Lord DNA. It means she can regenerate, just as I had done when you first met me, Amelia. And she has a very particular reason for making sure the two of you get together and stay together. You see, she’s your daughter, in the other timeline. She is in this one as well, but things go differently here. She’s kidnapped by different people, for one, and she’s not raised as a weapon here. But she needs to make sure the two of you stay together long enough to have her.”
“How come she’s part Time Lord?” Rory asked.
The Doctor blushed slightly. “When the two of you are old enough, you have your…first time…aboard the TARDIS, while it’s in flight.” Amy and Rory looked at each other and made a slight face. Kissing was one thing; that was something else altogether. “You get to raise her for a few years, but then she’s kidnapped and you lose her. Meanwhile she regenerates in the past and she makes her way to Leadworth to be your friend and get you together. Then she’ll regenerate later into River and she comes into my life again.”
“That’s all so confusing. It’s making my head hurt,” Amy said, rubbing her temples slightly.
“I know. But she wanted me to tell you so that you know no matter what, you two keep hold of one another. And we’re hoping that if we spring this trap now I can get out of it easily enough, and then we can continue our adventures so you two can…you know…when you’re older.”
“That makes sense,” Rory said slowly, nodding. “Kind of.”
“So I can’t take you away now, and you two don’t travel with me full time for a few years yet. But no matter what, even if this fails, you two don’t lose each other. You have the kind of love that comes along once a century. Nothing can break that bond.”
“Oh,” Amy said.
“And now I need to go.” He offered Rory his hand, which Rory shook, and then he hugged Amelia tightly. “Hopefully it will all work out. I’ll try and come back as soon as possible, all right? If not…know that I care deeply about the both of you.” He let Amy go, and then he guided them out of the TARDIS. Amy and Rory waved as he shut the door, then watched as the TARDIS dematerialized and they were alone.
“I want it all to work out,” Rory said, holding her hand tightly.
“Yeah, me too,” she replied, squeezing it back. “Come on. If you can stay till ten, maybe we can watch some movies or something and relax. He’ll do fine. I have faith in him.”
“Yeah, I do too,” he said, giving her a smile. She smiled back and they went back inside the house. At least they would have each other, no matter what. That was something.
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mortaljortlebortles · 2 years
It isn’t morning I know
It isn’t the morning I know.
It is very afternoon so sorry.
 Yaz knows very complex science and knows it better than Dan despite only knowing the Dr 2 or 3 years longer. She only knows how to get across her love through actions and hope because she is flipping terrified due to the homophobia and general anxiety she feels.
She can’t lose the Dr and she knows that the TARDIS is a huge part of the Dr’s life and that mechanics and poetry, and geography are her special interests. So she has amassed a lot of information she didn’t have before on these topics and doesn’t ask for a different beach because she knows the fear the Dr feels and that an neutral ( as a beach can be) environment in which she is comfortable and in control will help her be honest( also she doesn’t want to hurt her Dr even if she is mental struggling to and the Dr’s struggles aren’t yet all known to her)
Do you ever think that the Dr is very anticonflict because of her recent loss of Bill(guilt over Grace compounding this) but also because of the Time War. Capaldi was more anti conflict than Smith because of Christmas and the loss of River and Clara making him even more scared. This Dr is the most scared and we could say that this is because she is a femme but we could also say its because she lost everybody last time, even her enemy and lover in Missy. She also loses her memory which could be repression as the others didn’t struggle as much in this area of regeneration.
Yaz and the Dr are also both unable to talk about their trauma and the emotions they feel directly because of the world around them, my family refuses to acknowledge my sister was mentally ill now even though it lasted 2 years changed everything, it’s not all over and there are things we do and say which are because of her struggles and therefore I don’t talk to my family about my problems ever. Yaz trying to “do something stupid” is commemorated but they can’t talk about it out right and the Dr has been alone and rejected so often that if she shares her story she is afraid it will upset the person she is telling. This leads to them speaking in riddles but not having enough hope and belief they are loved to extract the meaning which results in the other getting confused and not trying and the one telling their truth feeling invalid in their feelings and speaking even more in code.
Dan is allowed to be a hero and villain – he has every right to ask Yaz if she is Gay and validate her because it builds her up and he would be allowed to do the same to the Dr but does he do it. I would say not really and the not telling Yaz if he suggested anything was a little accidentally mean cause Yaz is very anxious not to be rejected.
The Dr always looks at Yaz first when speaking -it is  just cute
I think Izzy Flint did bully Yaz for being Gay in fact I think there was a Giant little ones/perks  like relationship between Yaz and Izzy but I think Izzy might have got aggressive or even S/A her and that lead to Yaz hating herself and her identity.
Being Neurodiverse I also don’t do speaking literally because there are all the senses and feelings that belong in a sentence and I don’t know how to tell the emotions without a metaphor because else Neurotypical people won’t know the magnitude of the emotion- also sometimes I see the worst or am over dramatic or the sarcasm I am doing doesn’t get understood and then people shout at me.
 Is being unidentified by Lez watch damaging ?
It could be if you’re a real life human as it makes you sound undecided, like you have avoided the box and that’s weird or makes it another category- I think a blank box is better.  
 Tanya and Quill have a moment where they save the other and Quill’s baby and life being saved looked like Ying Ki and Madam Ching’s vibes in the big fight.
0 notes
Regenerate Nine Month: Just a call away
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 27/?.
Pairings: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler.
Synopsis: "She was endlessly falling into that hell hole that had sucked her in as if she was nothing but a speck of dust."
A/N: Ninth month of the year means month of the Ninth Doctor and so I've decided to repost all the one-shots I've written about the him, whether they are DW verse or not to celebrate this fantastic Doctor.
“A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really cares.” - Debi Mazar.
She was endlessly falling into that hell hole that had sucked her in as if she was nothing but a speck of dust. A blood-curling scream was still resounding into her mind. Or was it something else? Maybe the roaring of her quick fall that never ended. Maybe something else. She couldn’t tell. She couldn’t anything actually. She was losing her mind. Last thing she remembered was holding on to a lever and letting go. And now she was just falling. Falling among the Daleks and Cybermen. Falling in the nothingness. She had been a woman once, she thought. She wasn’t sure. Everything was so meaningless there. She was just losing herself. Her being was slowly being ripped to pieces cell by cell. Rose Tyler, the once young and beautiful woman full of life, was being disintegrated by the Void and turned to nothing but dust.
The voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Had she heard it for real or was she simply hallucinating? She was so tired. She was tempted to let go and allow the Void to take her completely, to erase her from time and from space definitely. But something was keeping her from totally giving up. She couldn’t quite tell what. Something was telling her that she had to hold on, that she wouldn’t be there forever. And if there was any damage on her, she would be fixed. Hopefully.
I’m coming to get you.
The voice echoed in that infinite hole as if there were walls that made the sounds rebounding and endlessly repeating themselves. The Northern accent struck her: she knew the voice. A spark of hope burst into what was left of her. Hearing that voice gave her a new reason to hold on, to fight, to believe that her hell was coming to an end. She didn’t believe any second that the voice was just an echo of what she wanted to hear from the person she wanted to hear it. The Doctor was an amazing man, and there was a clear difference between the man in leather jacket she had once known and the man in pinstriped suit and converses. The first one would never have let her fall into the Void. He would have ripped all of time and space just to keep her safe when the other was just wandering around and leaving her alone and getting her into troubles. She loved him, but she often missed the kind of rude Doctor whose Northern accent always soothed her whenever she was feeling bad.
I could save the world but lose you.
How many times had she remembered those words? How many times had she been struck by the solemnity with which he was telling them? How comforting the words sounded? She was clinging to them right now not to lose herself in the nothingness she was continually falling into. How much time had she spent there? Not enough to have lost her mind. Not enough to have forgotten the man with piercing blue eyes. Not enough to have forgotten the smell of time and leather on him. Not enough to have stopped loving him.
Follow my voice, Rose.
He was guiding her to a better place, but the fall suddenly became stunning. The speed increased and only his voice talking to her as if he was just by her side was preventing her from panicking. The Void was opened again. The sound of the wind sucking in everyone who had ever crossed the line between the universe was deafening. She stretched out her fingers and imagined holding his hand. She imagined his long and thin fingers intertwined themselves with hers. She imagined him holding her hand as she was falling harder to meet her end. The suspension in time and space was over. She was gonna be in peace, finally.
You could come with me.
Anytime, my Doctor, she thought before she brutally hit the hard ground. Her ears were ringing and it took her some time to realise she wasn’t falling anymore, that she wasn’t in the Void anymore. It was closed again and she wasn’t falling. Better than that, she felt two strong arms wrapping into a tight and protective embrace. She smelled the scent of leather and time, the familiar scent of home. I’m so glad I’ve found you. She let out a shaky sigh of relief when she heard the Northern voice tickling her ear, when the words made their way to her tired brain. And the time she realised she didn’t have to be afraid anymore, she was slipping into the darkness of her unconscious, too tired to hold on anymore.
  She didn’t know how much time she stayed out. All she knew was she wasn’t in the Void anymore. She felt safe and home and complete again. Her body and mind were finally in peace. And she felt his presence around her. In her mind. He was watching over her and comforting her when she was panicking. It reminded her of that night after she lost her father for the second time. When he had come to her room that night and held her tight. When he had talked softly to her until she calmed down and fell asleep in his arms. He hadn’t used any Time Lord trick. Just his voice was enough.
She loved the texture of his voice. She loved how it changed depending on who he was talking to. He could either be angry, rude or sarcastic. But to her, he was always sweet, funny and comforting. His voice could get so low and be so melodious to her ears, and his accent always made her shiver. She was always charmed whenever he was talking to her and to her only. She could only relax when she heard his voice. She could listen to it for hours.
  “Remember when I’ve told you I was the only one left? I’ve never forgotten the words you said to me after that.”
  There’s me. That’s the words she had told him. The words that he had kept in his hearts until his regeneration. Until he woke up in that parallel universe. Totally human, with all his memories. He had known in his guts he would have to do something great at some point, and that day had come: he had had to save Rose Tyler again. She had been stuck in the Void for years and had clung to life thanks to the remaining power of the Wolf. The Wolf who had howled so loud in his golden bubble that the distress call reached the only person able to hear it. The only person who had held its power for a few minutes. And the now human Doctor had travelled across the world to find the breach, worked just as hard to bring Rose Tyler back to life. Challenge accepted. Mission achieved.
  Months after that, Rose still was having nightmares of being stuck in the Void, of feeling herself being ripped to pieces, body and mind, but the sound of his voice always soothed her and made her feel safer than ever…
Chronicles of a better man © | 2016 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next shot:
He was silent. Terribly silent, and that was concerning her. She didn’t know if he was mad at her, or what was going on in his mind. She hated that. She hated not knowing. But it was her fault of course. She had done a mistake and once again, he had been there to get her out of that tricky situation. Unharmed for once. He seemed to always be there for her whenever she needed it. She had never expected to have a man like him in her life. She was so used to men using her and throwing her away like a simple tissue when they were done. That’s how her life had been for so many years. From the first day she had met Maxence, the day he had saved her life for the first time from her abusive boyfriend, to the moment she had met him again. The moment he had convinced her to leave that life behind her and to count on him to build herself a new life. And she had screwed it all up.
Buy me a coffee?
Chronicles of a better man © | 2016 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next shot:
He was silent. Terribly silent, and that was concerning her. She didn’t know if he was mad at her, or what was going on in his mind. She hated that. She hated not knowing. But it was her fault of course. She had done a mistake and once again, he had been there to get her out of that tricky situation. Unharmed for once. He seemed to always be there for her whenever she needed it. She had never expected to have a man like him in her life. She was so used to men using her and throwing her away like a simple tissue when they were done. That’s how her life had been for so many years. From the first day she had met Maxence, the day he had saved her life for the first time from her abusive boyfriend, to the moment she had met him again. The moment he had convinced her to leave that life behind her and to count on him to build herself a new life. And she had screwed it all up.
Buy me a coffee?
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