#she’s gotten to when they get the badges as gifts but luckily I don’t think she connected it at all
captainswan618 · 5 months
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she just got to "YOU FOUND HER?" and it’s so funny to me that she UNKNOWINGLY made two connected predictions
(for context I have a sticker of Lup on my water bottle. all I’ve said is that she’s from TAZ Balance and it's a spoiler to say any more, and I think the lack of canon appearances for Taako and Lup really saved my ass there lmao)
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couchpotatoaniki · 3 years
Gentleman (A Valentine’s Special)
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A mysterious stranger ends up at your door, looking for a place to stay. But is he who he says he is? More importantly, what is he doing to you?
Pairing: Special Agent!Jungkook x Famer! Fem!Reader Genre: Greek God AU, 1950s AU, fluff, minor angst, suggestive, suspense Warnings: Creepy behaviour, slight yandere behaviour, coercion (?), implied smoking Word count: 5k+
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14th February 1955 Britain Ten Years After World War II
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“Hey! Come back here!”
Your yelling could be heard throughout the massive coop as you chased one of your rebellious chickens. The hen clucked back at you, running away--talons ready to fight--as her wings beat the air with such vigour, some feathers came off her body.
Clutching your knees and holding the side of your waist tightly, you paused where you stood to catch your breath. Intense pain began to subside slowly, but you thought it would be better if you do not push yourself, seeing as though toady’s activities were more taxing than usual.
Making eye contact with the devilish chicken, you glared hard at her. “You may... have won the battle, Leslie... but you will not... win the war.” Stretching your back, you began to walk out of the coop--but you turned around to give one last warning. “I’ll get you one day.”
She clucked in response, as if the bird was taunting you. You decided not to go further and left, making sure to lock the coop well so she didn’t escape.
Looked up at the setting sun to see that it was almost six-ish, meaning that your own dinner was about to start... right after you feed the rest off the animals.
Thankfully, you saved the best for last. You own pet--a Scotch Collie with kind eyes and fuzzy fur. She was actually your parents’ parting gift before they had to leave for the war. Called her Pepper because she always made Papa sneeze badly, from his terrible allergy.
She barked, running in a circle in anticipation for her meal. You never really understood why dogs were o excited to eat the same food for the rest of their lives--especially now that you had begun to appreciate different foods after rationing for years.
That’s why you were thoughtful enough to try and at least mix things up, feeding Pepper diverse foods with flavour since your farm definitely had the facilities to do so.
Leaving your dog outside in her doghouse so she could play for a bot after her food, you went inside to start making your own dinner with almost every ingredient grown at the farm.
Chicken tetrazzini, Mama’s recipe.
Best part about it, was that it had made enough for a midnight snack too, as well as covering for tomorrow’s lunch and dinner. After all, it was made for four people.
Everything was set--the food on the table, plate and cutlery set out, even went one step further and put some fresh flowers in the clear glass vase. Huff escaped past your lips as you sat down, finally feeling the stresses of the day melting away.
Apparently someone else had a different plan, since when you were just about to take a bite of the meal you had spend almost two hours cooking, a knock on the door had interrupted.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake! What can a woman do to get some peace?!”
Another knock beckoned her, hast in its rhythm, begging for attention.
“Alright, alright,” you signed, chair screeching against the hard wood of the floor and you pushed away and stood up.
Was a short walk from the table to the door, but it felt long now that your body had gotten a taste of relaxation before it had to move again. Obviously, you would be grumpy. Who comes this late in the evening anyway?
Opening the oak door, it revealed a dashing young man, around your age, in an expensive-looking black suit with a matching hat and beige trench coat, small leather suitcase in his hand.
Almost blended in with inky night sky, a full moon already high in the sky.
His expression was blank as he held up a badge--an officer’s badge. Golden surface sparkled under the soft lightbulb, displaying letters that spelt ‘National Crime Agency’.
‘Straightforward,’ was the first impression you got.
The ring on his left hand, which he used to hold the badge up, did not go unnoticed either. Gold with diamonds sewn into the thick metallic band.
‘Filthy rich,’ was the second impression.
His hair was ebony, silky and smooth--as was his skin, by the look of it. To say he was handsome was an understatement, not like you paid much attention to such trivial matters.
“I am Special Agent Jeon Jungkook,” he introduced, voice deep and soothing. Took you off-guard, for a reason you did not know, but your tiredness took over.
“Usually, you'd greet a person with ‘hello’.” Jungkook grunted under his breath--now just as annoyed as you were, from your brazenness, but was about to comply until you sucked in the air through your teeth, making your chest rise and fall. “What can I help you with today, Agent?”
Glancing inside your abode without seeing too rude, he glided his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “I need to stay here for the night.”
The sudden request frim the stranger took you by surprise. “Pardon?”
He clicked the muscle in his mouth and sighed, “you heard me, Ma’am.”
“Why can’t you just stay somewhere else?”
“Because, when you’re out here in the countryside, you don’t find many places to stay nearby. The only only inn around here told me to stay here since they were full.”
You suppose it made sense--the nearest inn was usually swamped with tourists passing by, not to mention the owner was your brother’s brother-in-law. Seeing someone as important as a special agent, well it would be common sense for him to send the important an to you.
A notice would’ve been nice, however.
“Okay then.”
Sliding to the side, you let your home become subjected to a stranger who had an air about him you couldn’t shake off. Each step of his as he glided behind you gave you a heavy feeling.
Like every single time his polished obsidian shoes collided with the wooden floor, her heart pounded along side it.
Something was wrong about him; it was a feeling you couldn’t shake off. Even your soul was sending off warnings that this man was not who he claimed to be--not entirely. 
He was perfect... too perfect.
Though his personality was horrible and manners, close to non-existent, he held himself with confidence and elegance. Even spoke in a way that had her knees quaking ever so slightly--
You scolded yourself mentally. No. This was not okay. Jungkook is a married man so having such scandalous thoughts were wrong.
But you had never felt anything close to this for a man you had just met. Naturally, you suspected him.
Luckily, your brother worked in the same place--the National Crime Agency. Could check if he is who he says he is.
“Would you like something to eat? You look famished.”
He paused in the middle of the living room, dropping his suitcase in the corner after taking his hat off. Nodded slightly, his onyx hair bouncing ever so gently. “Where’s the master of the house?” he inquired as you made your way to the dining table in the kitchen.
Jungkook sat patiently at the foot rather than the head, kind enough to assume that it was a taken spot that was not for him. Despite the fact that you had faced inequality all your life, you were still irked by this question. “I’m the master of the house.”
You opened one of your cabinets and took out another ceramic plate that matched your own. As you put in some food for him, he continued his questioning. “So you own this whole farm?” Curtly, you nodded. “But what about your parents?”
“Mama and Papa died in the war,” you causally dropped as you set his place like a good host. Despite your delivery, the event was in no means trivial.
You could still remember the day Hoseok came knocking on your door with a grey, ashen face. The day your older brother had to tell his little sister that their parents were never going to come back home like they promised.
The only reason he could even deliver the news himself was because he worked at the NCA HQ in London for his ‘excellent skills’ and ‘brilliant mind’. That was the reason he was not drafted. That was the reason you were left in charge of the farm.
Not that you hated it, no; you loved these animals you grew up with, the sense of home and of childhood. Familiarity.
Mama and Papa were part of that warmth that made it bearable to run the place and when they had turned cold, you cried up a storm. Damaged your health to the point Hoseok and his wife had to nurse you back to health for a month and help around.
“Sorry, ma’am,” Jungkook mumbled, snapping you out of the trance you were in. “If I may be so bold as to ask...how? I understand your father would have been conscripted, but your mother...?”
“Mama was a nurse out in the battlefield.” Thinking about it made you chuckled a little, a small scoff laced within it. “Stayed together throughout the war and died together. Always  said they loved each other too much to live without the other. Looks like God made that wish come true...or the Germans. Whatever one you believe has more power.”
He too laughed at your little venomous comment, very much amused by the way his smile grew and eyes crinkled at the corners. “Germans are still somewhat powerful, and so is God... or Gods and Goddesses, depending on beliefs.” Elbows on the table with one hand enveloping the other, Jungkook rested his chin on his knuckles and cocked a brow. “So which one applies to you?”
You let out a long exhale, you returned to you seat to take that much needed bite while you thought on it. “I... The Germans aren’t all bad. A lot of them were brainwashed or threatened.” You toyed with the food on your plate, finding that you were not feeling all that hungry anymore.
“As for ‘God’... Well, I gave up that belief a long time ago,” you whispered, painfully taking in another morsel. anything to full you mouth with anything other than bitter words that burned your throat.
“And ‘Gods and Goddesses’?”
“I’d be open to the idea, though I’m not very fond of it either from my studies of them,” you mused. “Religion just isn’t my thing. Hasn’t been for a long time.”
Humming, Jungkook took a sip of his water. Failed to notice that he was already halfway done with his dinner. “And your husband?”
“Never had one,” you answered nonchalantly, like it was normal for a 25 year-old woman to be single and living in a household all by herself, working too.
This would have been a shocker to the agent had he not known about your status. You were a woman with much potential, who could have anyone in the world if you wished. Even him.
Especially him.
Only him.
“So, why are you here?” You figured it was a good idea actually ask the man why he was staying in your house in the first place. 
But Jungkook was not biting. “Classified.”
He bit his lower, plump lip softly, the simple action having your mind run around. Exploring the idea of a touch from the pair against your skin, having your own lip to be between your teeth instead.
You shook the thought the moment you realised it had entered in your mind. He’s married, he’s married, he’s married.
Breaking the intense eye contact you had, you quickly excused yourself, needing to check who this person was. Never had you felt an attraction to someone you never met and that itself had set off alarms in your head.
You trudged up the creaky stairs to your bedroom, where the rotary dial telephone was out of Jungkook’s earshot. Once you put in the number, you had the earphone pressed against your skin, fingers tightening around the red handle.
“Come on... pick up,” you muttered. Your payers heard by the click that was followed by the high-pitched voice of your sister-in-law.
“Hi, Elise? It’s Y/N.” Your volume was still kept relatively low, despite no one being around you.
The voice at the other end sounded very pleased to hear from you. “Y/N! It’s been so long! How are you?”
“Good, good. What about you and the little baby bump?”
“Both of us are as fine as dandelions in spring!”
“That’s wonderful!” Your eyes sifted momentarily to the door. “Listen, I’d love to continue chatting, but I need to speak to Hoseok. Urgently.”
“Oh! Okay, let me catch him!”
“Thank you, you angel.”
As Elise went to retrieve her husband, you couldn’t help but think about your wonderful friendship with her. How perfect she was for Hoseok and vice versa. Unfortunately a forbidden thought--’forbidden’ by your standards--creeped in.
What if you yourself had found such perfect love?
What if it was with Jungkook?
The weird sound in your head was not familiar or normal. Beyond odd. The mere idea of being with a married stranger sent shivers down your spine. Ones you did not like.
Something was awry.
“Y/N?” your brother’s joyous voice spoke from the other end. “I miss you!”
“I miss you too, Hobi,” you giggle a little, forgetting your worries momentarily. Between your tiring day and his busy one, time for themselves was rare, nevermind calls.
This felt like a wonderful opportunity to talk to him, one you had to sadly decline due to a more pressing matter that you believed was sat at your dining table downstairs.
“So, Hoseok, I need to ask you something.”
“Do you know anyone called ‘Jeon Jungkook’ where you work?”
Silence overtook the line for a few seconds. “Yeah... Cold but kind. Massive flirt, though. Wears a ring but isn’t officially married to anyone. In fact, no one’s ever heard him talk about a significant other... weird.”
For some odd reason, happiness began to swell in you chest upon hearing that. No matter how hard you tried to push it down, it was still there.
“N-Nothing. Just... he showed up at the house. Wanted to check in to see if he was telling the truth.”
“Did he not show you his badge?”
“He did, but I wanted to double check.”
A soft hum could be heard, then the tone of your brother’s voice became much more serious. “Quick question. Why is he at the house?”
“Wouldn’t you and I both like to know... but a part of it is that apparently John’s inn is full.”
“...Alrighty, then. Was there anything else?”
“N-No...” you trailed off, eyes shifting to the door. She could feel a presence on the other side, listening in. Must have been Jungkook, though you certainly would have heard him coming up the creaky staircase. “Call you later.”
“O-Okay, b--”
You immediately ended the call, focus narrowed on the strong wood as you crept towards it, careful not to make any noise. Fingers wrapped around the doorknob, blood rushing from the adrenaline coursing through your veins, heart pounding. Swinging it open, the hinges squeaked from the sudden movement.
Empty stretch of corridor.
When you returned back downstairs to the dining room--stairs creaks as they normally did--you found Jungkook sat in the same position you felt him in, plate empty.
“You should really fix those stairs,” he smiled, having your heart somersaulting in your chest. “Don’t sound very safe.” Running his tongue over his lips, which was of no help to your current condition, he stood to place his plate in the sink. “May you show me to my room?”
You moved to grab his suitcase, ready to bring it upstairs, until his hand reached out quicker, grabbing it. How did he move so quickly? More importantly, why was he so close?
And that scent of his, strong, like bourbon, but a citrusy hint to it. Faint scent of cigarettes on his breath that brushed against the nape of your neck.
It feels warm.
Tumbling away, you sucked in a sharp breath, too aware of the dangerous proximity. Jungkook simply chuckled at your reaction as he lifted the suitcase, muscles popping beneath the fine material of his blazer.
You could not help but notice it, nor could you help but imagine seeing it without the cloth in the way. Even toyed with the image of that very arm holding you up as the pair of you did unspeakable things. Things that--if others found out--would have your respectable position within society lie in tatters.
“What’s happening?” you whispered to yourself, trying to get a grip, yet Jungkook managed to catch it.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing,” you waved off, subtly narrowing your eyes onto him with suspicion. You kept silent after that, walking up the stairs with him following shortly behind you. Under the weight of both of you, the stairs did, in fact, groan loudly, showing that there really was no way he could have come upstairs without you hearing.
What if you were hearing things? What if you were going mad?
The two of you stopped at the end of the corridor, the window behind you letting the moonlight in. Jungkook did not mention it, but the soft glow illuminating your figure made you appear like an angel.
You were his angel.
You opened the door to your right, letting him see inside. Quaint, nice décor, homely. “This is your room. Sorry if it’s a little dusty, I haven’t had a guest in a long, long time. This door opposite is the powder room.” You pointed down the hallway, to the door at the end. “My bedroom’s over there. Don’t be afraid to knock if you need anything.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Corners of your lips quirking for no reason, you remarked, “name’s Y/N.”
“Okay then, Miss Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning...”
Nodding, you watched as he took his suitcase inside. Eyes locked onto each other, only breaking when the door finally separated the two of you.
You looked out the window, shoving both hands in your back pockets as you looked out the window. Harsh winds and dark clouds rolling in fast.
Rain looked likely... and heavy.
“I should probably get Pepper inside.”
What you did not know, was that Jungkook heard you, was looking out into the same scenery as you, then down to the dog house, fenced up with a fuzzy dog inside.
You turned around and walked downstairs, old boards still whining under every step you took with your brown boots.  Opening the back door, you were met with a surprise; Pepper was already waiting in front of it.
You never forgot to lock the fence around the dog house, not when a person had tried to steal her shortly during the war.
Regardless, you moved back to let the dog in. “Sorry, girl.”
You pet her fur, a little cold from the vast wisps of air travelling at a faster rate than usual. Shut the door, then beckoned Pepper to follow upstairs, not like she needed to be told twice, since the eager animal sprinted tot he second floor, all the way to Jungkook’s room and started barking aggressively.
“Pepper, you can’t...” you trailed off mid-sentence when seeing your dog’s behaviour. Crouched--ready to pounce, ears bent and pointed down, two perfect rows of sharp teeth in a snarl. This was beyond the norm; she was usually very friendly.
The brass doorknob twisted slowly and retreated.
An unpleased Jungkook stood in front of her with dishevelled hair and in a plain black shirt paired with plaid pocketed pants, scowling.
You had to admit, he was exceptionally... good-looking in his night-wear. All you wanted to do in that moment was to run your finger through his dark locks, wanting to feel him beneath the tips of your fingers. Finally, you got to see his veiny arms in the short-sleeved top and faintly see this well-built torso under the tight fabric.
Snapped out of it when you saw how Pepper heeled in submission as she whimpered once she saw his annoyed face. Made Jungkook grin and stroke the fur atop her head, going down on one knee. “Good dog...”
Never had you seen such a drastic change in the behaviour of Pepper, and you actually began to worry.
As if hearing your thoughts, Jungkook looked back to you once he stood up. “I’m good at making things like me.”
With a final smile, he shut the door and you took that as the que to retire for the night yourself. Tail wagging, your Scotch Collie happily trailed behind you and settled at the foot of your bed.
You locked the door, double checking that it was secure since, at the end of the day, there was still a stranger staying under the same roof as you. No matter how attracted you were, you could not ignore that fact.
Nothing sat well with you, your mind running wild as you tied your hair into a braid and changed into your nightgown. Was a little showy, but it was fine since no one would come in, not to mention that it was comfortable too.
All of a sudden, a headache formed. Felt like your brain was being torn into two, but the pain spread to your heart as well.
Why is it so warm?
Stumbling, you sat down on your bed and gulped down the glass of water that was on your bedside table. A bit of water dribbled down the corner of your mouth from how hastily you drank it, but it did not help the extreme discomfort you were in.
Heart almost jumped out of your chest from the phone’s loud ‘ttttrrring’ out of nowhere. “Hello?” you said, trying not to make the panting audible.
“It’s me, Y/N,” Hoseok said. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“N-No. I was just about to hit the hay,” you whispered into the earphone, not wanting Jungkook to hear through the walls, no matter how thick they were. “What happened?”
Eyes darted around the room, suddenly more paranoid than called for.
“I thought it was a little weird that Jungkook went to the farm instead of finding another place to stay.”
“He said he couldn’t.”
“I know, but something felt... off.”
You could feel it again, that presence behind the door returned. Pepper got up, couching as she had done earlier and growling at the door. There was someone there. It was not just your imagination. “So? What did you do?”
“I called John and asked him if he met someone from the NCA. He said he didn’t.” You gulped, now feeling the presence behind you, in front of you, all around you. “Then I asked him if he had any rooms available.”
“Apparently he did. A few, actually. Been vacant for weeks now. not peak travelling time because of the storm that’s hitting tonight, and front he look of outside, it’s here. So what I want you to do, is I want you to be very damn careful around him.”
“I thought he was your friend.” You still had difficulty trying to process it, especially from how you were feeling, but you tried your best to pay heed to your brother’s words.
“He's a colleague and besides, he lied. I can’t get there for two days since the storm’s really bad. Be wary of him and everything he does until then. He tries anything, you leave immediately and go to the inn.”
“Is he really that dangerous?”
So you had to spend two days with a man you barely knew, a man whose intentions you did not know. “Okay,” you breathed, starting to get a little light-headed. “Than y--”
In an instant, you stopped talking. You could not hear any growls anymore. You shifted your line of sight to the door, only to find your furry companion gone.
You felt a pressure on your shoulder.
A hand.
No one was in front of her, so they must have been behind her.
“I’ll... I’ll have to call you later.”
“Be safe, okay?”
“Okay. Bye--”
Another hand pried the earphone away for your frozen body and ended the call within a second. Warm, cigarette-scented breath fanned over your exposed neck, triggering goosebumps to erupt all over.
One large hand rubbed up your arm, while the other squeezed the side of your waist. The touch felt familiar despite the fact you had never been touched like this before.
A name came rolling off your tongue so naturally, as you tried to supress an unholy sound. “J-Jungkook...”
“Call me Eros, my love. That’s my real name.”
Confusion and pleasure twisted your face, his lips hovering over the crook of your neck, over the one spot that gave you the most... feeling. He knew it just like that, like he knew your body better than you did.
“Wh-What?” Took all the strength you could muster not to slur your words.
Clearly, it failed.
Your body had detached itself from your hazy mind with nothing commanding it but Jungkook, your neck stretching to the side to grant him better access.
“It’s true.” His head lowered further in, the soft skin of his lips doing wonders. “I’m Eros.”
You tried so hard not to make a noise, your breathing heavy heavy to try an stabilise your palpitating heart. Thighs pressed together for some friction to ease the burning need in your lower body.
“My Psyche... my beautiful Psyche...”
You snapped up, trying to gain control over yourself once more. Turned to face him while he sat on your bed, licking his lips as his eyes racked over your figure, once again basking in the glowing moonlight that entered through your window.
“Did you wear that for me, my love?”
Your face turned as red as a tomato as you tried to cover yourself from his preying stare.
But why did you like the attention?
“No, I didn’t,” you cleared your throat, relaxing your muscles as you recalled Eros and Psyche’s story from your personal studies of mythology.
Seeing as how strange the entire evening was, how nothing was as it was meant to be, you certainly had believed it. Especially when the pain had began to subside only when Jungkook was touching you.
“Wait, I though you had a child; that you were married to Psyche.”
“First of all,” he got of the bed, “that never stopped a God or Goddess. Secondly, what the humans teach is wrong. I never had a child.”
He began taking slow steps towards you, like you were his prey.
“Thirdly, what the humans didn’t tell you, is that when Mother--Aphrodite--granted immortality to Psyche, she only gave it to her soul. The ability to be reborn.” Jungkook looked saddened by it, though the feeling momentarily flickered through his eyes, it was gone just as quick. “Now that I have finally found you, my love, I will grant your body immortality too. So you can stay with me. Forever.”
By now, there was no such thing as personal space, your bodies so close that there was no room left to breathe. Not like this man--or God, technically--had granted you ‘breath’ from the moment you laid eyes on him.
His hand slithered with no shame up the side of your hips, your waist, your chest, and around the back of your neck.
“I know you want to, my love.”
Your mind went blank, numb to everything but his words and his warmth.
“I know you can’t think when you’re with me like this.”
Your eyes fluttered closed, bringing down your defences with Hoseok’s words long discarded.
“I’ve always had this affect on you, you know? From centuries ago to even now.” Jungkook’s lips hovered over the lobe of your ear, soft air very gently stroking the skin as his tongue lightly caressed the skin to make you shiver.
Chuckled to himself as he saw how responsive your body was.
His face moved to the front, to see your heavy-lidded expression, eyes clouded with lust.
Hair dropping over his forehead, bundled-up stands casting a shadow over one eye with the over glimmering under the moonlight that peeked through the raining clouds which pattered against the window.
“Do you love me?”
What little bit was left of your conscious tried to say ‘no’. Tried to protest, that you were your own person and not his long-lost love. But something inside you kept silent.
Jaw tightening, flexing ever so slightly under the soft beam, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. Movement against each other was so familiar, like you had done it before. But you had not, not with him or anyone else, for that matter. His tongue against you own was like a dance you knew from your heart.
Jungkook broke away--too quickly, in her opinion.
“Tell me. Do you love me?”
The only thing that came out of your mouth that second was, “yes.”
Your eyes were glazed over, like you were now an empty shell, yet not empty in any way whatsoever. Brainwashed, yet full of free will.
“I love you.”
Jungkook grinned at you, holding tightly onto your waist to make sure you were not dream. “I love you too.”
He stepped backwards, taking you with him. Just before he reached the bed, he sup you around so that you were the one walking backwards. The mattress hit against the back of your knees, making you fall; your arms tangled around him brought him down with you.
Faces an inch apart, Jungkook dug something out of his pyjama pocket.
A gold ring with small diamonds encrusted onto the thin band in a beautiful and intricate way. The matching pair  to the one wrapped around his ring finger.
Jungkook slipped it on you, and it fit so well, like it was mean to be there.
“There. Now you’re almost complete. We just need to do one last thing, my love.”
With that, he kissed you much more roughly, hungrily, than before as he slipped of the straps of your nightgown.
Pepper, still quiet and hidden in the other room, watched the rain hammer hard and fast against the glass of the windows for the rest of the night.
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annsparksthegmr · 4 years
Pokemon Black Nuzlocke - Part 1
Hey! Wanted to try something different because quarantine is boring and since where I am, lock down is happening again, I thought about doing something I thought I’d never do: why not attempt a Nuzlocke of one of my favorite Pokemon games? Sounds crazy, I know. But I could at the very least put the game down in between sessions. And I thought by doing one, it would be interesting - and I kind of wanted to work on a Pokemon OC idea based on that run.
One I hope to get to drawing soon enough. But for right now, it is Nuzlocke time. (I should be finished Shield, but honestly I’ve gotten too bored and disappointed with that game to even finish the main story.)
So if you’re interested in reading the little notes I have regarding this Pokemon Black Nuzlocke, you can read more below. And if you don’t, that’s fine too!
So with all that being said, I'll try and keep things in bullet points since I’m not entirely sure how to format this. But I’m going with Nuzlocke Rules as follows:
I can only catch 1 Pokemon each route that is my first encounter. If it faints, I can’t have any other Pokemon from the route. (Gift Pokemon also do count as an encounter if given in a specific area. Such as the one before the first Gym counts as my Dream Yard encounter.)
However, I am involving a dupes clause in case I encounter the same Pokemon back to back on routes. So I can’t have two Lillipups but I will allow myself to capture a Purrloin and Liepard if they are on separate routes as encounters. But if the Purrloin has evolved to a Liepard by the time I encounter the wild Liepard, I can use Dupes clause to not capture it. (I hope to not have to use this rule. But I just don’t want a team full of the exact same Pokemon when I have to face the champion.)
If a Pokemon faints, I can not use them again since they are considered dead.
All Pokemon on my team must be nicknamed. No exception.
Shiny Clause is here in place by some random odds a Shiny Pokemon appears. I’ll catch it, but I won’t use it.
As challenging as it would be to play without items, I will only restrict myself from using the battle enhancing items such as X Speed.
Any additional ones shall be added if I feel like things are getting too easy.
Now to the actually notes regarding the beginning of this Nuzlocke.
Current name of my character is Avi. It is a placeholder name for the time being. But I like how it could be a nickname.
Starter Pokemon is Snivy. !!!Female!!! Nickname shall henceforth be Queen. (Could have probably gone Fire or Water Starter, but I am bias toward most Grass Starters.)
Route 1 encounter is a female Lillipup. Nicknamed Puppy.
Fought N and Queen was brought into yellow health. Switched out to Puppy for the easy victory. Kind of forgot N just decides to challenge you out of nowhere, but thankfully I was healed for the battle beforehand.
Route 2 encounter is a female Purrloin. Nicknamed Ghost Girl - Yugioh Vrains reference. Later, I came to regret the name choice.
Ghost Girl nearly died to a critic hit from a Level 4 Patrat. Survived on 1 hp.
In Striaton City fighting Cheren at the school. He manages to burn Ghost Girl and reduce her to 2 HP. Still alive as Puppy finished off the Tepig. Puppy also finished off Purrloin and defeated Cheren.
Dreamyard Patrat also brought Ghost Girl to red yet again. Purrloin seemed nice but appears to be a liability.
In the Dreamyard, I took the Panpour to help out against the upcoming first Gym battle. Despite the fact I doubted to use it in the long run, I decided to name him Fountain
Striaton Gym is primarily a Fountain and Puppy show in the battles. Got the first badge after beating Chili without any losses.
Fennel comes to bug me about Dream Mist and stuff while my Pokemon are still injured. So I healed everyone up before heading there. Bianca just watched as a Munna got hit by some Team Plasma members before one of them decided to come and hit me. Hit me as if battling me. Which i quickly defeated one no problem. Then the other met the same fate.
Thankfully a Musharna stepped in while Bianca was too scared to do anything. Fennel also got her Dream Mist which I will probably have no use of considering the fact everyone has moved onto the Pokemon Switch games and forgot Fennel even existed.
Also Fennel prevented me from leaving town so I got to hear about the useless feature I’ll never fully get to use. And I doubt to hear from her again.
I decided to visit the little daycare center instead of getting a new encounter right away. Just because I wanted to level up primarily Puppy and Queen. Because Ghost Girl and Fountain were not going to be big party members in the long run. At least I do not think so.
But on Route 3, Cheren challenged me after I beat up twin girls. And I wasn’t entirely confident about the fight. Though I did have Pokemon around the same level as Tepig, I was starting to realize how much I did not remember regarding levels of opponents of this game. And how I might need to prepare for upcoming Gyms and battles. 
Though luckily, Fountain and Puppy managed to carry me to victory. Then Team Plasma decided to steal a young girl’s Pokemon and I have to go with Cheren to fix it while Bianca comforts the young girl. Which, both of us proceeded to wipe the floor with the Grunts no problem. Plus it did help in the double battle they decided to keep biting Tepig, leaving Queen to get off a Growth before using Vine Whip to knock them both out.
I did decide to get my encounter in the caves once Team Plasma left and found a Roggenrola. It was female - which usually it was hard for me to get female Pokemon whenever I played. So I tried catching it, since even though I could not fully evolve it to its final form, I didn’t think it was a truly bad Pokemon to pick up. So Pebbles joined the team! Never used a Roggenrola but I kind of hope if she survives it will make the fourth Gym battle easier.
Now before I went grinding up Pebbles to catch up and everyone to a similar level, I needed to get my Route 3 encounter. Though I had completely forgotten the Blitzle trainer existed, so when I switched in Pebbles she nearly died. I kind of forgot that right now, those defenses suck. And it might have also been a crit. That or Shockwave. And out of everything for my runs, I fear the random crits knocking out my Pokemon. Second is me suddenly being under leveled or not prepared for a battle.
So I wanted to try my luck in the dark grass for a double encounter to increase my odds of finding a more unique encounter. But I got a Blitz, who was a male and I caught him in a Heal Ball. His name is now Zigzagzop because funny reference. And he was holding a Cheri berry for some reason. Nice.
This route was also when I realized I could have gotten a Pidove, but at the very least using them to level up Zigzagzop would be nice.
And here is where I’m going to be ending any story progression and solely focus and trying to get everyone up to Level 15 who is on my primary team. Because I did look up there is a Trainer Battle with N where he’s around Level 13. Though me being dumb did not realize I had Queen attack a Patrat twice with Vine whip and it was about to unleash its powered up attack. Luckily I had Pebbles who had Sturdy tank the hit and then switch back to take it out. 
But I am considering maybe leveling everyone up to around 18-19 to prepare for the Lenora battle. Mainly because I know she is going to be a challenge as none of my team knows any fighting type moves. That and I recall her Watchhog using Retaliate giving me lots of problems when I was younger.
I have no real plans besides trying to either tank out things with Pebbles or pray I can easily knock out Watchog. Not sure if there are any tips or tricks regarding how to beat that in terms of Nuzlockes. But next time I update everyone, I should have beaten Lenora with hopefully no deaths, but considering the situations… I got a feeling I’m going to mess up and get some deaths. And I got a strong feeling it may involve Ghost Girl considering the amount of times she has nearly died already. Or if I screw up Pebbbles’ Sturdy.
Team Recap:
Queen - Female Snivy (Lvl 14)
Puppy - Female Lillipup (Lvl 14)
Ghost Girl - Female Purrloin (Lvl 11)
Fountain - Male Sampour (Lvl 12)
Pebbles - Female Roggnerola (Lvl 11)
Zigzagzop - Male Blitzle (Lvl 12)
Deaths: 0
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uncreativeurlname · 4 years
Knight in White Armour (Pt1)
Acelaine Cantrelle (a.k.a MC) receives a package from the human world and inside it was her knight uniform as well as her trusty sword. Ecstatic by it, she decides to show them off to everyone and tell them a little bit about herself.
+ MC resides in the Purgatory Hall instead of the Hall of Lamentation! + No romantic ships in this one-shot! It's all platonic with a side of friendly flirting. + It's been a while since I played Obey Me so there may be a lot of inaccurate information so I'm sorry! + Not a lot of over-sexualisation since I'm not used to the hardcore fics in the fandom, haha!
"... What is this?"
 Acelaine Cantrelle asked herself while drying her wet ombre hair with a towel. She looked at the parcel which sat on top of her bed suspiciously. It was weird. She definitely did not remember a package being there before she stepped into the bathroom. She walked towards it, hoping there was an address and luckily, there was. She sat on the bed and read the address that was on the brown wrapping of the package.
 Her forest green eyes widened when she recognised the address. As a matter of fact, she knew the address like she knew the back of her hand.
 She was about to open the package out of pure excitement when she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
 "Acelaine, it's time for dinner!" Luke's voice was what she heard from the other side of the door. "... Um, are you already dressed? I would like to come in now." She could imagine the young angel blushing when he said that.
 Acelaine chuckled softly and stood up from her bed. Guess she had to open that parcel of hers after dinner. She opened the door and saw Luke's looking up at her. She was definitely taller than him. Hell, she was just as tall as Lucifer. The poor angel had to crane his neck in order to look directly at her.
 "Thanks for telling me, Luke," she said before patting his head.
 Luke blushed by the sudden physical contact but did not say anything about. "Simeon and Solomon are already at the dining table so let's get going."
 "Lead the way!"
 They went to the dining room and saw both Simeon and Solomon already seated in their respective seats. They were also wearing their nightly attire, something Acelaine was still not used to after seeing their usual getup.
 Judging by the food on the table, it was most definitely not Solomon who cooked it all. she let out a soft sigh.
 "The food looks amazing," she commented, causing the little angel beside her to puff out his chest.
 "Well of course! After all, I am the best cook in this dorm," he exclaimed. Simeon covered up his mouth to stop himself from chuckling while Solomon looked at Luke amusedly.
 They began digging into the food in front of them after Acelaine and Luke sat next to each other and prayed for a short while.
 "Ace, what's inside that package?" Solomon asked as he took a sip of his tea.
 "Oh, you've seen it?"
 "I was the one who put it inside your room."
 "Ah." Acelaine dabbed a handkerchief on her mouth. She was not feeling so hungry anyway. "Solo, it's rude to enter a lady's room without her permission."
 "That is true," Simeon interrupted. Acelaine could not help but smile when the dark-skinned angel tried to pull the cardigan closer to his body to prevent any skin from showing. It was weird since he always had his shoulders and the sides of his torso exposed during the daytime.
 "Is that so? My apologies, then." Solomon bowed his head.
 "Eh, I'm not mad so don't worry about it," Acelaine said while waving her hand. "Anyway, that package's came from the Valleroy mansion."
 Luke looked up from his food and cocked his head in confusion. "Valleroy mansion?"
 Simeon and Solomon were also intrigued by this.
 Acelaine leaned on the back on her chair. "Well, the Cantrelle family, also known as my family, has been serving under the Valleroys as knights for over a century. I have to take care of the family's heir for a few months until I got transported here," she explained briefly. "... Ah, I forgot that I never told anyone about that fact ever since we came to the Devildom."
 "Knights? Acelaine, you're a knight?" Luke asked. His eyes sparkled brightly in admiration when she nodded her head before he realised something. "Wait, don't knights usually have to go through dangerous situations?! Did you get hurt as a knight? Did you get stabbed by a sword? Did you almost lost your head because you disobeyed some orders? Did you-"
 "Luke, please calm down," Simeon said with his soothing voice while patting the anxious boy's shoulders. He looked up at the ombre-haired girl and smiled reassuringly. "... Well, have you ever gotten hurt during your duties as a knight, Acelaine?"
 Now, how was she going to answer that question without making Luke even more worried? She had most definitely gotten hurt during duels against some unimportant people she had completely forgotten. Hell, she almost lost her whole arm while trying to protect the Valleroy family's heir from an attempted assassination.
 "I... plead the fifth."
 Simeon and Luke just looked at her in confusion whereas Solomon just laughed. "Guess that question will remain unsolved," he said jokingly.
 "I still didn't open the package yet," Acelaine spoke up. "After washing the dishes, do you guys want to hang out in my room for a bit to see what's inside? I'm a bit curious as well."
 Two angels and a human sorcerer agreed to her invitation, as long as they promised to help out with washing the dishes with her.
 After washing the dishes, the four occupants of the Purgatory Hall went to the Acelaine's bedroom. Luke and Simeon sat on the firm bed while Solomon sat on the spinning desk chair. He spun around for a little while to entertain himself for a moment when Acelaine tried to find a pair of scissors from inside her desk drawer.
 "I wonder what's inside this package...," Simeon muttered. The package was pretty big. "Acelaine, do you have a good guess on what's inside of it?"
 "I don't know. Snacks from the human world?" Acelaine guessed. She finally found the scissors she had been looking for and pulled it out from the drawer it was in. "What do you think, Solo?"
 Solomon tapped his chin, deep in thought. He shrugged his shoulders after that and smiled. "Beats me. I'm guessing that whatever's inside the package is important to you since it did come from the human world. Ah, by the way, before I dropped it on your bed it was at the front door of the hall and when I saw the word 'France' on it, I had a feeling that it was delivered to you."
 "Well, thanks for helping," Acelaine said. She looked at the package and took a deep breath. Who knows? Its contents might be some poisonous gas that would only affect humans and not celestial beings.
 With shaky hands, she ripped the brown wrapping of the package with the scissors. She had to be careful with it. The contents might also be something incredibly important and damaging it would terrify her.
 There was now a brown suitcase sitting on the bed after she threw out its brown wrapping paper into the trash can.
 "It's... a suitcase," Luke finally spoke up after a few seconds of silence.
 Solomon stood up from the seat and walked towards Acelaine. He rested his arm on her shoulder and leaned forward. Since the handsome white-haired man was her closest friend ever since they met on their first day at RAD, she didn't mind much. As a matter of fact, she enjoyed his company the most in this world filled with demons. "Can you try opening it? It doesn't have a combination to it, right?"
 Solomon was correct as always. There was no combination to the suitcase, making it easy for anyone to open it.
 "Let's see..." Acelaine unzipped the suitcase and opened it wide. She had low expectations on what would be inside the suitcase since it came from the Valleroy mansion, even though she was one of the best knights they had in years. As a person who worked under someone, one should never expect a generous gift from your boss without doing much.
 She froze in place when she recognised the familiar badges that were inside a special case. She ran her fingers over it. She looked through the other contents of the suitcase. Leather belts, an aiguillette, a white jacket with blue trimmings, white paints with the same coloured trimmings on its sides and a pair of black leather boots.
 "No way...," Acelaine she muttered. The Valleroy family could not... how did they even know that she was here? The Devildom?
 "Simeon looked at the insides of the suitcase. He looked up at her. "I'm guessing that these belong to you?"
 Without saying much, Acelaine pulled out the white jacket from the suitcase with sparkling eyes. She wished she had a mannequin inside her bedroom. She would love to see a mannequin wearing her uniform when she used to serve to Valleroys. Well, she was still working under them. She just considered the exchange program as a year-long break.
 "You look happy," Solomon said amusedly. Judging by his knowing expression, he already figured out what exactly was inside the suitcase. He took out the pair of boots and put them on the floor. "Since you're a knight, is this your official uniform?"
 "Wait, seriously?" Luke's mouth was gaping as he slowly took out the leather belts. "Are these worn on your waist, Acelaine?" he asked innocently.
 "No. They're worn on the torso."
 Acelaine really wished she could showcase the full getup for them to see. She wanted to wear it so badly but she didn't want to change in front of them. "Solo, can you please steal a mannequin from Asmodeus' closet? I know he has countless of them to showcase his outfits and I'm sure he won't mind me borrowing one, right?"
 Solomon laughed at her request. Acelaine was not the type to be easily excited about something so seeing how enthusiastic she was in front of him was definitely amusing. "Of course. I also think Asmo would not care if he has one less mannequin in his closet."
 With the snap of his fingers, a naked mannequin appeared in front of them.
 Acelaine clapped her hands with glee. "Luke, Simeon, would you like to help me out with this?"
 Both angels knew what she was asking for so they naturally agreed. They would help her out with anything she asked for, after all. As long as it was not related to murder or identity theft.
 They helped her by putting the pants and the jacket on the mannequin first before they went to the finer details. The leather belt was slung over the torso area. The aiguillette was attached from the right shoulder to the right side of the jacket's chest pocket. The badges were then pinned onto the left side of the white jacket with the helpful instructions from Acelaine. Solomon picked up the boots from the floor and put it down back again, underneath the mannequin's bottomless region.
 Simeon noticed another piece of clothing from the suitcase and took it out. It was a white-coloured long jacket. The insides of the jacket was a beautiful night blue. There was a small emblem which belonged to the Valleroy family embroidered above the breast pocket of the jacket.
 "Ah, I almost forgot that I used to wear this whenever there's a party to attend to," the girl said as she took the jacket away from Simeon's hands. Of course, she thanked the angel first. She then just put the jacket on the shoulders. "I used to wear the jacket like this all the time," was her explanation.
 The four of them took a step back to appreciate what was in front of them.
 "I have to say Acelaine. The Valleroy family has some good taste in uniform," Solomon complimented. He imagined what Acelaine looked like while wearing the outfit, performing her knightly duties. "Are these badges gifted to you for your past accomplishments as a knight? There are quite a lot."
 Acelaine scratched her head in embarrassment. "Yeah, but they're nothing compared to the number of badges my brothers have," she responded.
 "Will you ever consider wearing this outside?" Simeon asked while rubbing his chin. Even he had to admit that the uniform was way better than the uniforms he had seen in both the Devildom and the Celestial Realm. "I'm sure you'll stand out more if you wear them."
 Luke tilted his head, his eyes still focused on the full outfit. It was as if something was missing, making the uniform look incomplete to him. "Acelaine, as a knight, don't you have your own sword?" he finally asked.
 He was right. Acelaine had a sword while working under the Valleroys. It seemed that the weapon, as well as the holster belt she always wore with her uniform, were missing.
 Her shoulders dropped. She still had a smile on her face, though it was strained. "Ah, no wonder why the uniform feels incomplete. My sword's not here." She straightened her back and scratched the back of her head. "But then again, I'm sure postal services don't allow long weapons to be delivered here."
 "That's sad. I was looking forward to seeing you swing a sword around the streets of Devildom," Solomon asked half-jokingly. Acelaine knew that some part of him really wanted to see that.
 Simeon patted the human's girl's head. Since she was as tall as Lucifer, the dark-skinned angel had to go on his tippy-toes. "Don't be sad, Acelaine. Even without the sword, your uniform looks absolutely breathtaking."
 "Thanks, Simeon." He really was a perfect angel, as well as a great friend.
 Luke looked at the alarm clock on Acelaine's wooden study desk. His eyebrows perked up. "How long have we been dressing the mannequin for?! It's past curfew for me!"
 Even though daylight does not exist in the Devildom, the concept of daytime and nighttime still existed. And it was time for both angels and both humans to go to bed. After all, they had to go to RAD the following day and none had no intentions of sleeping in any of their classes. They strived to be exemplary exchange students.
 Acelaine yawned and stretched her arms upward. There was the sound of spine cracking, which startled Luke and Simeon. "I guess this is good night then. Thank you guys, by the way. For helping me out with my uniform."
 Simeon smiled. "You're very welcome." He then held hands with Luke. "Good night, Acelaine. Remember, you're on breakfast duty tomorrow."
 "Good night, Acelaine," Luke waved his hand at her before both him and Simeon walked out of her bedroom.
 She was now left alone with Solomon.
 "You're not going back to your room, Solo?" Acelaine asked him.
 "Are you bothered by my presence?"
 "Then no. I would love to listen to some stories about you did as a knight who worked under a powerful family such as the Valleroys."
 Acelaine rolled her eyes. Of course, he would know that the Valleroys were a respectable family, especially in the magical department. The family was full of talented sorcerers and magicians so obviously Solomon would be interested.
 "I'll tell you more about them tomorrow. Now leave. I'm exhausted..."
 "You promise me?" Solomon extended out his pinky finger, smiling softly at her.
 Acelaine sighed before she pinky promised with him. What were they? Children?
 "Now run back to your bed before I chase you out of my room." Acelaine didn't mean to sound so threatening but since she was talking to Solomon, she didn't care much. Friends were supposed to be desensitized by those sort of not-so-serious threats.
 Solomon just laughed and walked out of her room. "Good night, Ace," he said before he finally went back to his own room.
 Acelaine Cantrelle was now all alone inside her bedroom.
 She looked at her uniform. When was the last time she had worn it? Oh, right. The last time she wore the uniform was a few days before she was suddenly sent to the Devildom. On the day she was sent to the Devildom, it was her day off from her knightly duties.
 "Ah, if only I have my sword with me when I got sent here!" Acelaine whined to herself before jumping onto her bed. She landed on the mattress on her back and looked at the ceiling. "I could show off my swordsmanship in front of everyone!"
 Suddenly, her D.D.D. vibrated. It was on the nightstand beside the bed so she had to stretch her arms to get it. Once she looked at the caller's id, her heart almost stopped. She quickly sat upright.
 Why was Diavolo calling her this late?
 Since it was rude to decline a member of the royal family in the Devildom, she accepted the call and put the D.D.D. next to her ear. "Diavolo, this is rare. You never call me this late. Don't tell me you're going to gush about how good Lucifer looked during the school assembly earlier..."
 There was a loud laugh on the other side of the call. She smiled tiredly. Yep. That was definitely Diavolo's laugh.
 "Good evening to you too, Miss Acelaine." Diavolo's voice was loud and clear. "No, I did not call you for that reason. I was wondering if you already received that package of yours."
 "Oh? You knew about the package?"
 "I was the one who allowed the package to be sent to the Purgatory Hall. We don't usually allow packages from the human world and the Celestial World but since I like you, I'll let this one slide.
 Oh, the benefits of befriending a demon prince.
 "I'm in front of your dorm, by the way. I personally wanted to give another package that's for you," Diavolo continued.
 "Wait, you're here?" Acelaine almost stumbled to the floor when she jumped off of her bed so quickly. "Can you please wait for a bit? I'm trying to wear my bunny slippers."
 Another laugh on the opposite side of the call. "I can wait." She could imagine the demon prince wiping a tear away from laughing too much.
 Acelaine rushed down the halls and rushed down the stairs. She tied her hair into a messy ponytail since her bangs bothered her greatly. Perhaps it was a good time for a haircut. When she finally arrived at the front door, she was panting slightly. She opened the door and unsurprisingly, Diavolo was standing before her, still wearing his red RAD uniform (does he have any other outfits?).
 "Special delivery for a Miss Acelaine Cantrelle?" Diavolo flashed his signature smile at the unimpressed human girl.
 "... Yes, that's me."
 Diavolo handed her a long package. Like the previous one, it was wrapped in brown wrapping paper. "This is for you. Would you like to open it? I'm sure you'll be happy with what you got in here."
 She stared at the package. It was long enough to fit...
 Her eyes widened and she immediately shredded the wrapping paper into pieces.
 Diavolo looked at her with keen interest. "By the wat, what was inside the fist parcel?" he asked.
 "Oh, it's just a uniform I always wear whenever I work as a knight," she answered.
 "Oh my, you used to work as a knight?" Of course, it was Diavolo's first time hearing this new information. She had never talked about it to a lot of people.
 Acelaine's mouth was gaping when she looked at the item before her. It looked exactly what she remembered the last time she had seen it. It seemed to be polished by some professionals since she was able to see her reflection on the blade. Grabbing onto its holder, she lifted the item up.
 Her sword.
 Inside the package was also the sword's scabbard and the leather sword belt.
 Now, her official uniform was complete.
 Diavolo whistled. "That's a nice sword," he commented.
 "Thanks," was all she was able to say.
 "... You said that you just received your knight uniform?"
 "That's right... I wish I could show off how I wore it with this sword, to be honest," Acelaine chuckled nervously while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "People always say that I look like a royal guard whenever I wear my uniform."
 Diavolo ran his fingers through his reddish-brown hair. He seemed to be in deep thought. "If you want to show off your profession in the human world, then would you like to wear your full attire tomorrow at RAD?"
 Acelaine thought he was joking but this was Diavolo for goodness sake. He still had his usual smile on his face. He was serious about it.
 Acelaine glanced around before picking up the scabbard and sword belt from the floor. "Diavolo, are you serious? Wouldn't that be against the academy's rules to wear anything else other than the standard uniform?"
 "Miss Acelaine, I'm the prince of the Devildom as well as the president of RAD's student council," Diavolo said rather proudly.
 "... Yeah, sometimes I forget about that for some reason," she mumbled under her breath. Hopefully, Davolo did not hear that.
 Diavolo gave the human girl a thumbs up. "Don't worry much about the rules. I'll let it slide tomorrow so it's best if you have fun showing off that uniform of yours. Oh! And don't forget about your sword."
 "Diavolo, it seems to me that you're way more excited than I am in revealing my knight uniform to the students of RAD," Acelaine said. She may not look like it, but she was amused by the demon prince's enthusiasm.
 Diavolo couldn't help but flash a toothy grin. "That's because you're my favourite human! Of course, I'll be excited about what you'll look like wearing a uniform that is not part of RAD's school regulations."
 Acelaine leaned on the doorway. "... I guess I'll have to style my hair the way I usually styled it whenever I'm in uniform," she muttered.
 Eventually, it was time for Diavolo to leave. Barbatos had been bombarding his D.D.D. with missed calls and unread text messages. Acelaine said goodbye and good night to the sulking demon prince of the Devildom and closed the front door. Smiling to herself while staring at the sword in her left hand, she walked back to her bedroom.
 Guess she had to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow.
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This is how I imagine Acelaine’s knight uniform looks like!
Hello! This is my first time writing fanfiction on Tumblr. Nice to meet you! SInce I’m a fan of Obey Me, I thought it would be fun to write some fanfiction about it! I hope you enjoy the first chapter and I hope you guys will look forward to future updates on it!
I’m more active on Wattpad and I also posted the same chapter on there. Here’s the link to it!: https://www.wattpad.com/story/238136264-knight-in-white-armour-obey-me-short-fic
  Thank you so much for reading!
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saccharineseas · 6 years
Reylo coffee shop AU (part 1)
Prompt by: @reylovingit (thaNK YOU for the inspiration 💕 I hope you like it!)
“AU in which Ben is a pilot and Rey is a barista at the airport”.
This was going to be some sort of short one shot, but more parts are coming FOR SURE. Stay tuned folks xx
Head pilot of Skywalker Airlines, Ben Solo, had been smiling the whole flight. It was something his co-pilot, Poe Dameron, had gotten used to after a year sharing the control cabin, and he loved to tease him about it.
“What might this place have, this specific destination, that you’re always so happy to get here?” he asked Ben, making him smile even bigger.
“Stop it, would you? I know you’re willing to embarrass me in front of her, I know it’s your favorite thing to do, but fuck off,” he told Poe. The co-pilot let out an honest laugh; their relationship was like that, pretty much bickering all day like siblings.
“No, my friend, you do that well enough yourself,” Poe said, with a hand on Ben’s shoulder, right before leaving the control cabin to go talk to the staff.
Finally alone, Ben took a minute to think. About her, mostly. Rey. Just the thought of her name made his heart go crazy inside his chest. He knew that it was due to not seeing her very often, since he didn’t always get that route, but luckily for him, she was always there, at the airport coffee shop. She was always incredibly busy, but somehow never failed to find a moment to smile at him and even chat a little. Of course, she was like that with everyone, it was part of her personality, and Ben knew it (despite Poe insisting on the heart eyes she supposedly gave Ben every single time).
Ben tapped his index finger on the dice hanging from a small hook on the ceiling of the cabin; a gift from his father, a now retired aviation pilot. They were supposed to give him luck. Maybe this time they would.
He got out of the control booth and proceeded to see out the last passengers to leave the plane, and eventually left with Poe to rest for a while at the airport. And see Rey, of course.
The coffee shop was quite big, and the amount of people waiting in line to be attended was overwhelming. Ben’s heart fell to his feet when he saw a new face behind the bar; a brown young man, looking a bit lost and stressed out, with a badge on his shirt that read “Finn”.
Maybe she had quit. He had lost his chance. The probabilities of ever seeing her again were… low.
He was about to tell Poe that he would have coffee from the machine, his mouth was already open, but before anything came out, he saw her little bun perking up from behind the counter. He smiled.
Poe noticed, and patted him on the back before approaching the reserved place for the flight crew; Ben always sat at the counter to talk to Rey.
He walked towards the bar, and when her eyes met his, both of them smiled.
“Ben! It’s nice to see you again so soon. How was your flight?” she asked him, while preparing the flight crew’s orders, as they always asked for the same things and she had a great memory.
“Pretty good, no turbulences at all. You changed your hair,” he pointed out, as she handed him his black coffee. She usually wore three buns, but now it was just one, the rest of her hair falling loosely down her shoulders. Her cheeks turned the cutest shade of pink, and Ben felt a nice warm feeling on his stomach.
“Yes, I… Hey, have you met Finn? He’s my new favorite person in the world, since he’s here to help me during the busy hours. Just to make sure I don’t hang myself in the storage room,” she joked, and Ben smiled, offering his hand to the new employee. “This is Ben Solo, the best pilot in Skywalker Airlines and our best customer”, she added.
Now it was Ben’s time to blush, while shaking hands with Finn. “Nice to meet you, buddy. And everything she said is a lie, of course.”
“Yeah, right,” said Rey, still smiling while she served a blueberry muffin to a young girl on her tiptoes.
“She’s literally some sort of droid, I’ve been close to fainting at least three times and our shift is far from over,” Finn said, clearly overwhelmed by the amount of work they had.
“Less complaining and more baking scones, pretty eyes. Try not to overcook them this time,” she told him, and Ben felt self conscious all of a sudden. What did Rey think about his eyes?
It was a while before Rey spoke to Ben again; the coffee shop was almost empty now, and Finn was in charge of filling the dishwasher.
“So, you’re going home? Wherever home is, since you’ve never told me where you’re from. I assume…” she said, narrowing her eyes and taking the opportunity to examine his face without blushing, “New York?” she guessed.
“Actually, it’s San Diego. But close enough,” Ben joked.
“Oh! That’s awesome, I’m actually from London but I moved here, to L.A., about two years ago. It’s nice, but quite lonely sometimes”.
“Yeah, I feel that too. I’m hardly ever alone, and yet sometimes… I don’t know.”
“Well, let me tell you, you have a pretty awesome crew. You’re not alone.”
“Neither are you,” he said, “Finn seems like quite a decent guy.”
“Yeah, he is. Still needs some training though, but I’m a good teacher. Anyway, Poe told me you guys are done flying till February… I hope you come visit sometime,” Rey said, her eyes fixed on Ben’s empty cup.
“Of course! I’ll definitely come, I…” while speaking, Ben’s eyes found Poe, making weird gestures towards Rey from his table. Ben took a deep breath. “I have a better idea. Why don’t we exchange numbers and go get a coffee one of these days? One that you don’t have to make, of course, even if it’s the best I’ve ever had.”
Rey’s smile lit up her face.
“Sure, I would love that,” she said, nodding.
Ben left the coffee shop with a napkin on his pocket, and the warmest feeling on the left side of his chest.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
ok, I need to get this post written and get to sleep because I’m way tired. Today of course was another awesome day, to finish off three awesome days of the weekend. My alarm went off at 7:30, 15 minutes to get out the door since I was gonna do my make up in the car, then 15 minutes to walk to Jess’ place at 8 (it doesn’t usually take that long, but I try to budget in extra time incase I run into some complications). Got there, got in the car and headed off to HVFF. This convention center is off by O’Hare, which is pretty much in the northwest corner of Chicago, so a bit of a drive even for those of us who live on the north side as we do. But we got there in pretty good time then tried to figure out will call to get our tickets. I had a VIP badge because I bought it on sale for super cheap sometime last summer, even though it was a two day badge and I only ended up using one day because I wanted to be at C2E2 with Caity yesterday, lol. So I got whisked off to a special VIP line because we got into the show floor a full hour and a half before the general admission people. So I got in and looked around, there were a few celebrities out but not all that many, and not many of the vendors were open yet, so I decided to venture over to the “Walker Stalker” side of the con, which is a whole Walking Dead con basically, Chicago is apparently the only city that does HVFF and walker stalker together, but it was basically an entirely different space with its own vendors and celebrities. I was going over there because one of the celebrities they had who’s apparently on the walking dead is Sarah Wayne Callies, also known as Sara from Prison Break. She was the only celebrity on my list that Jess didn’t want to also meet, so I figured I’d get her done while I was alone. We had to wait a little bit, I struck up a pleasant conversation with the woman in line behind me who had also not watched any of the walking dead and was getting this autograph for a family member, so it was nice to know I wasn’t the only person who felt soooooo out of place there, lol. literally have not ever watched an episode and I’m not terribly interested in doing so, but Prison Break, so here I was. Once she came out the line started moving pretty quickly, so I got up there pretty soon. She was super lovely, I told her I had mixed feelings about a possible season 6 because I just wanted the writers to let them have their happy ending they got at the end of season 5 and not make their lives more miserable, which she thought was very valid lol. She said it wasn’t confirmed yet (apparently “Dom talks like it’s alright a done deal when it’s not even written”) but they should know soon. So that was a nice pleasant interaction. After that Jess had gotten in with the general admission people, so we went to hit up Emma Dumont from the gifted. I’m not going to share too many details of the interaction because part of it involves a surprise for a friend, and even though I don’t think she’s on tumblr I don’t want to risk her somehow finding out and ruining the surprise. But basically Emma Dumont is the COOLEST. Like, I obviously adore Caity and think she's awesome, but like, for someone who’s not my favorite I think she had the best fan interactions of any celebrities I’ve meet so far. She was so chill, she spent so much time talking to every person on line, and at one point wanted to edit the sign stating her autograph schedule because it said she was supposed to take a break and she didn’t want to, so she crossed it out and just wrote “NO BREAKS” across it and it was so so funny. She was such a delight, and the surprise portion of the interaction went over SO well, I had no idea how she was gonna react, but it was legit the best case possible, so I was very thrilled with that. After that we decided to go to Franz table and chat with him, he didn’t have much of a line so we got up there pretty quickly. I had him sign my legends poster, which now has his, Brandon’s, Caity’s and Dom’s autographs on it. When I was talking to him I was saying how sad I was when they wrote Jax off and that I really didn’t like how they did it, with all the press surrounding Victor Garber leaving and then he was written off without so much as a warning, and he was like “yeah, you’re not alone in thinking that” haha but I told him I was very much looking forward to seeing him return in the finale tomorrow. After him we went over to Katrina’s table, she hadn’t come out yet so we waited for a little bit until she came out. We decided to split a selfie, and then each get polaroids with her because they’re doing the adorable little polaroid pictures for $10. We also wanted to talk to her about our idea for the photo op later in the day, because the actual photo op is so rushed there’s really not much time to explain something like that. So we brought up the appropriate meme and showed it to her, and she was totally in for it and thought it was great, so I was happy about that. After that we took a break for lunch for a bit, then wandered around the vendors and artists until about 1:30, then got in line for Emily Bett Rickards, since she was coming back at 2 to start signing, her general admission line was crazy long, but luckily there were only two people in front of us in the VIP line. Jess wanted to meet her because she wanted to get her Felicity funko pop signed for her brother. She took until like, 2:15 to come out, but we got to see her pretty quickly. She was very sweet, and I’m not at all insulting anything about how she acted, but you could kind of tell she had had some bad experiences with fans doing really awful things and just how that can make someone have a lot of hesitance about this stuff. Her board of prices for stuff also stated *no hugs please* at the bottom, which just tells me how bad previous interactions had gone that she would now need to post that. Apparently this was one of the first times she was even doing selfies. So I felt bad for her over all of that, but she was lovely and sweet and I have no complains about her behavior. After that we went to the bathroom so Jess could change back into her Ava cosplay for the photo op. We stopped at one of the booths and I got a green shirt that says “star city archery club” because why not. We then went to the booth that had some wigs on display and asked about a blonde one, because we wanted the photo op to be easily identifiable to people. I did manage to find a blonde wig that I was actually alright with how it looked, so that was a win. It doesn’t really look like Sara’s current white canary hair, but it actually looks a lot like her season 2 of Arrow Canary wig, so that works. Then we went over to the photo op area and ran into some bitch Jess hates which we had to act civil towards and make awkward small talk, but I mostly just stared her down the whole time, lol. Once we made it into the photo op area we got called in pretty quickly, we showed Katrina the meme again so she would know exactly what to do (it’s the distracted boyfriend other girl meme if you didn’t see me reblog it earlier) so we got into those poses and oh man, it came out so awesome, I loved it. Jess snapped a photo of the print out, not even the digital copy, and posted it on twitter and it now has like, 700 likes lol so my mentions have been blowing up all day about that, which is cool. After that we ran back to Katrina’s booth just because we wanted to show her how it turned out, and she loved it and hugged both of us and was just generally very sweet. We were more or less ready to go at that point, but Elodie Yung’s table was pretty much empty, so we kinda worked our way in there and were just like “I don’t have any money left but I wanted to say I love you and you’re awesome as Elektra” and she was very sweet. After that we headed out, walked over to the parking garage and then through that to where there are some attached restaurants, because apparently if you eat at one of the restaurants they’ll validate your parking. So we went to a cute little place where we had a nice meal, Jess had the biggest plate of nachos I’ve ever seen, so she wasn’t quite able to finish all of it, lol. After that we headed home, she dropped me off and I just took the costume off, got into comfy clothes, and sat down to binge some tv. I watched the episode of Riverdale that was first on the list of episodes I’d missed, and I was really like.....I don’t find this very interesting, which is kind of a shame because Madelaine Petsch was at the con today and I did get to see her from a small distance. Oh well. At 7:30 I turned on Brooklyn 99, which was excellent of course, then started to finally start Rise, which I watched the first 3 episodes of, and I have to say I really like it so far. I know it’s supposed to be based on true events, but the Glee parallels are like, REALLY obvious, the teacher is completely Schuester 2.0, they recruit the football player, the threatening football coach, and just stuff like that. but it was definitely excellently cast, Auli’i is incredible of course, and the girl they cast as Gwen, when she did the “soft” version of purple summer, I was seriously getting chills- like the depths they went to to cast that character is nuts, and they did it very, very well. So I’m looking forward to watching more of that. And yeah, then I got in the shower and got ready for bed and here I am, did I mention I’m TIRED?? So I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight dolls. Happy start of your week.
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travelsofablonde · 5 years
A Home, A Home, A Home!
I'm not sure what day of the week it is... you kind of lose track of that here (at least we in the group do). I think it's Saturday. We've been in country about a week. But this weekend was really really special for me because we're finally in Scotland!
We hopped a train from Chester to Edinburgh at around 9 in the morning and the ride was around 3 1/2 hours. It was a relatively smooth ride and we only had one connection. The first day it was really warm out and we walked from the hostel (The Baxter just across from our train station at Waverley) all the way up to just before Edinburgh Castle at the top of the Royal Mile. Then we walked all the way down it to Hollyrood Castle. Let me tell ya'll... that walk is TOUGH. It's all up hill and your feet will be throbbing by the end. But I did and it was worth it! All along the mile are souvenir shops and whiney shops and a ton of cashmere shops.
When you finally run into Hollyrood you don't immediately know it's the palace. But once you walk through the gates under the words "Queens Rooms" it becomes apparent. It's a large palace with beautiful gardens and the ruins of an old abbey attached. And it's just at the base of Arthur's Seat, a large but beautiful crag outcropping.
The exhibit inside the palace was great but a bit crowded and there was almost no air flow except for the stale stuffy air in the rooms as the windows were barely even cracked and the amount of people made it impossible to cool down. We also weren't allowed to take photos inside so i'm afraid I only have outdoor photos for everyone. However the photos I got of the Abbey ruins are AMAZING!
After Hollyrood we went to dinner at a place called Poncho Villa's (literally Spaniards cooking Mexican food) but it was free (the uni covered it) so of course we weren't going to turn it down and it ended up being DELICIOUS! If you're even in Scotland and missing Texas I recommend it! It's not quite Tex-Mex but it actually comes close and the strawberry margarita is to die for!
That night was quiet and I slept like a baby in my 6 bed room with I shared with several girls from my program. We had to sleep with the window open since there's no A/C (literally almost no places in the UK have it) but the weather here is very cool and mostly rainy so it was a very comfy temperature all night long.
We woke up around 7:30 to free breakfast and tea and got ready to catch the train to Dundee! It was only about an hour/hour and a half train ride but it was pleasant and the country side was mesmerizing. I don't know how to convey to everyone how verdant and green it is here or how breathtaking the views are. My photos just can't capture the beauty. It's something you have to come here to see for yourself.
Once we arrived in Dundee we walked (literally) across the street into the V&A Design Museum. The V and A stand for Victoria and Albert, as in Queen Victoria and her consort Albert. It's got a very interesting and modern design, kind of looks like a ship at port. And the interior is brand new (opened last year I believe) and sleek. There's 1 permanent exhibit which we viewed, and a temporary one (it cost extra) which I chose not to see as it was on video game design and didn't pertain to our trip or my paper. It was a very small museum (literally 2 1/2 exhibits on 1 floor and a cafe and gift shop on another) and didn't take us long to get through and we were quickly released to explore Dundee, find lunch, or head back to Edinburgh on our own if we so chose.
I teamed up with a group of girls and we walked into Dundee in search of proper pub food. We ended up a quaint little place called Bank Bar and I ordered Mince and Tatties. It's almost like a meat stew on a plate with mashed potatoes, peas, and carrot and potato slices on the side. It was REALLY good! It had a lot of flavor but it wasn't overbearing and it really hit the spot after I only had a light breakfast of bran flakes and tea. After lunch myself and my friends Hannah Ricks and Hannah Baker decided to walk further into Dundee to view some historic churches we had seen on the train ride in. Unfortunately the churches were closed so we settled for photos on the outside. I also got some great candid photos of the locals who were more than happy to let me snap a few. Eventually we made our way back to the train station and caught a train back. The ride was great and we ended up chatting with some locals who recommended new places and experiences we needed to try before leaving Scotland in a few days.
Once back in Edinburgh we headed to the hostel to handle some business and nap. I had to strip my bed and search it for bed bugs because one of the girls in my room woke up with mysterious red welts that continued to spread throughout the day. Luckily it's not bed bugs. We're fairly certain it's either an allergic reaction to something (we've loaded her up on meds) OR midges (annoying bugs than can bite you and just fly around... like nats or chiggers). Either way she got a new room and we got fresh bedding just to be safe (our mattresses are encased in plastic mattress pads and treated after every stay). I took a nap, it was great, I wish I had gotten to sleep longer!
BUT I made myself get up and not waste the rest of the daylight (literally impossible to do, it's not dark here till nearly 11). Most of the group was going to go with Dr. Mann to hike up Arthur's Seat (super big rock outcropping that's literally a straight up vertical hike/climb) but I decided not too because swollen, sore, blistered feet and asthma. Also my professor speed walks on his magical calves of speed. We've also taken to referring to him as young Henry VIII due to his physical endurance and his commanding presence and his just plain arrogance (but it's still cool). I was originally going to meet up with my friends Kyla, Rayanna, and Desmond but ended up not doing that because we honestly all keep forgetting to check our phones and messages! Instead I grabbed my camera and backpack and walked to and up the Royal Mile alone. It was really calming and pleasant. Everyone was very nice when I spoke to them and I took some great photos. I also perused the shops a bit and it was during this that the best part of the day happened. In a tiny, hole in the wall souvenir shop I found the badge to my families' Scottish Clan, Clan Hume (also called Clan Home). The title of this blog is the clan motto. The reason this was so awesome is because I've searched for something like this before and NEVER was I able to find it. But I found it today! Of course I bought it, I couldn't just leave it there! However, finding this prompted me to do something else I've been considering acting on for a while. I decided to find a scarf or a shawl or a tartan with my clans colors on it. This was a bit more difficult as there are HUNDREDS of clans in Scotland and stores don't carry every single clans colors in store. After going to 5 different shops I stumbled into a Kilt-Maker's shop and there, behind the counter, was this older gentleman in a bright red kilt and vest with a smile on his face. Somehow I knew it was going to be the one, and it was! I showed him our colors and he asked if I was looking for clan Hume and when I said yes he pulled out a fabric swatch book. This book was one of four and had swatches of fabric for EVERY SINGLE CLAN COLOR IN SCOTLAND WITH THEIR NAMES ATTACHED! He pointed out the colors to me, confirmed they were correct and asked what I would like to have made! After discussing pricing I settled on a scarf which he assured me would take two weeks and that he would have it shipped to me at my dorms in Chester! So not only did I find our clan badge, but I also found something with our colors that I can always wear! It's worth mentioning that I also found our clans war time badge but it was 50 pounds and I didn't buy that. I walked around a bit more after that but not for long. I was hungry and the skies looked like rain so I headed back to the hostel to see if anyone wanted dinner. This is where the second best part of the day comes in!
I met up with my friend Desmond and we went in search of a nearby pub for dinner. In my opinion pubs are the best places to eat in the UK. They range from cheap to expensive and usually have local and American-esque food, I'm always in search of the local. We ended up at an off the beaten path place called The Conan Doyle. If you're ever in Edinburgh you must come here. It's not the cheapest nor the most expensive place, more middle of the road as far as price goes, but the food and drinks are FANTASTIC! It's themed around Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his Sherlock Holmes writings. It's got a great upbeat atmosphere but also has dine in only seating separate from the bar area if you so choose. We didn't, we sat by the bar, and I'm so glad we did! Across the aisle from us was a loud and rowdy table that just kept adding more and more people and on one side of the table were 3 women singing at the top of their lungs! They sang everything from Queen to Carry Underwood and when they realized I wasn't just filming them but singing along they demanded I sing with them! It was so much fun! We traded off choosing songs and before long I was known as 'Texas' and there were a great many demands from the group "Texas, lead us in a song!" "Texas do you know the words to this?!" "Texas give us a jig!". I wish I could remember their names, and if any of you somehow magically find this blog please know you were the most incredible group of people and so kind and so fun and you made my night! I hope you do come to visit in Texas, we would love to have you! We got videos and photos of course but before long it was time to head back. The walk was uneventful... except for the already drunk and half dressed people at 8:30 at night (all hilarious and good natured, some missing pants). I've been assured this is perfectly normal in Scotland and Ireland. We even ran into some bachelor/ette parties who were good fun!
Now I'm back at the hostel, in the common room, wrapped in a scottish shawl typing to all of you lovelies! The windows are open and the breezes is flowing in and I'm listening to the bustling street below. It's so lovely here. I never want to leave. Tomorrow we go to Sterling then we get 3 days on our own! I've made plans! You'll hear all about them soon enough ;)
I know I'm not blogging with any regularity....but it's really hard to do with our schedule here and there's not always wifi or a plug for my computer! Just know I'm always thinking of stories to tell you all and that I will get them all on here at some point! They may not be in order but at least they'll be recorded! I have some surprises in store for everyone... and I hope you like them all... can't give everything away in the blog yet though ;)
I miss you all.. and I love love love it here. This is going to be my home one day. I know it the way I know the suns going to rise. From the moment I watched the train cross the border I knew this was right. And each time I have a moment the way I did in a tiny out of the souvenir shop that no one goes into .. I know it even more.
Thank you all for reading my rambling trip updates! Don't forget to check out my donation site. I really do need help with bills while I'm gone. As great as this trip is I would really like a place to come home too when it's over! haha Please feel free to share the blog with others. I promise to make it prettier or more interesting. I'm still working on the photos issue but so far no luck.
Cheers loves!
P.S.- We have a hostel mascot! His name is Bertie! He lets me scratch him for several minutes every morning! 
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