#she’s like 13 years old that is still a tiny child
blaithnne · 11 months
I will never understand how some people are SO aggressively against the mere concept of the teenaged Hilda we see at the end of MK when she’s had what a minute of screentime? And we know nothing about season 3?
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prettypei · 10 months
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plot: you discover their childhood photos; fluff! crack!
reader: gn! Reader
pairings: childe, diluc, kazuha, ayato
warnings: some spoilers for story quests? kinda, pre-Snezhnaya
(a/n): was flippin thru the family album when I got the idea and I 4got childe's sister's name LMAO
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✰CHILDE is surprised when he hears giggling in the attic. He's visiting his old home in Snezhnaya and he invited you along with him and now he realizes there might be... a little ghost girl up there? Not quite sure. So he's relieved when he finds out it's just you and his sister, although he scared you both awfully with a baseball bat in his hand when he came up. It turned out that you were...looking at his family album? He sits down next to the both of you, looking though them too. "Hey, remember when dad used to take us fishing?" Childe asked, smiling at his sister. "Oh yeah!" She giggles, "We failed a lot, didn't we? We only came home with two fish!" Childe chuckles. "Yeah, and the look on mom's face when we tried gutting the fish ourselves." All of a sudden, he hears a howl of laughter coming from...you? "What's so funny?" He scoots over and...oh. He slams the book shut and screeches:" OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY! EVERYONE HEAD DOWN!!" You're still snickering to yourself as you head down the stairs and manage to gasp weakly:" Y-you never told me you fell in the river when you were young!"
✰DILUC thinks the tavern is especially loud today, but he dismisses it. It's probably due to Kaeya's outgoing personality and your chaotic brain. However, he pauses when he sees Kaeya passing...pictures around the bar? He's a little confused at why everyone thinks it's so hilarious. He sees a knight giggling at the picture in her hand, and he snatches it out of hers and looks at it himself. His eyes widen in embarrassment as he realizes what it is: it's an old picture of him and Kaeya playing in the mud, his clothes stained as he smiled a toothy and boyish grin at the camera. You walk over to him and wave the picture in front of his face. "Oh? What's this? Bartender and serious Diluc-" "Give that back." He snaps, taking the photo from you, his face flushing a deep shade of red. "You looked so cute in them though..." You tilt your head. "What happened?" "Ha ha, very funny." Diluc rolls his eyes. "But you were cute when you were a kid babe, that I gotta say." You grin as you pinch his cheek in a playful manner. He rolls his eyes once again, but he can't hide the tiny smile that's forming on his lips.
✰KAZUHA's trying out a new melody on his leaf when he saw something flutter past him. He snatches it just in time, examining the photo. He smiles when he realizes it's a picture of him when he was a kid, barely over 10, holding his first sword. "Kaz! Did you see- oh, it's in your hand." "Indeed it is." He chuckles as he hands it to you. "Why do you have this, (name)?" "Oh, I was checking out the library in your home and I found this! I'm really sorry it almost blew away..." "At least I caught it. Did you know this was the first sword I held?" Your eyes widen in awe. "Really? But you look so young in this!" "I was, I was probably about 13 years old." "Thirteen!" Your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull. "Yeah" he chuckles. "I was pretty young, wasn't I?"
✰AYATO hears a knocking on the door to this room and opens it, and he’s overjoyed when it’s you and not another merchant trying to scam him once again. “(name), darling what brings you here?” “Uh-uh-nothing.” You fail to hide the photos behind your back and ayato asks: “what are those, dear?” You sigh and confess: “Ayaka gave me these. These were childhood photos of you…I was just curious, I swear! I was going to return them to her today but…” you gesture helplessly at him. He chuckles and says “give me those.” You hand them to him and he examines them. Most of them were pictures of his achievements over the years: “winner of sword beginner competition”, “most likely to succeed”….but there was a picture of his family. He smiles at it and smiles at you. You hang your head in shame. “That’s your mom and dad isn’t it? I’m sorry that they’re gone.” He pulls your hand inside as he says “I have you as my family now, (name).”
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Feels Like We’re Oceans Apart ( I. )
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Ao’nung x Sully!reader x Sully!family
IN WHICH Ao’nung was dared to date the eldest Sully daughter with vitiligo, while Jake and Neytiri face the hells of parenthood with a child that’s different from others.
WC: 6k
Warnings: bullying, violence, misunderstandings, Jake and Neytiri trying their bests ok.
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You were born different, just like your little siblings Lo’ak and Kiri. Though their only peculiar features were their five fingers and hairy eyebrows, given their human genes. You were a little more than that, a little more than what the na’vi could handle. They had no issues welcoming a five-fingered baby into their clan, mainly because they were ruled by one. 
It was a whole different story when Neytiri had announced the birth of an oddly coloured baby. Presented under the curious eyes of the clan, they watched as Jake held a tiny baby clutched to his chest. Your skin was initially dark blue just like theirs, but it was the strangely arranged white spots on your body that troubled them. 
It was nothing like what they had seen before, and so their minds could only jump to conclusions. They weren’t familiar yet foreign to the existence of albino na’vis, but accusing Neytiri of being unfaithful to her mate was far-fetched. Mo’at and Neytiri were scared to death once you were born, face to face with a spotted baby. They both feared that you were born with some incurable diseases, which was not too far from the truth.
At least on this planet. Jake took his time to reassure his crying mate, telling Neytiri that it was not necessarily normal, but you weren’t dying. A trip to the human’s lab and a long series of explanations from Norm had reassured the both of them even more. Vitiligo was what the scientists at the lab had diagnosed you with. For them, upon visual inspection it was obvious of what you were suffering from. 
“Stop moving, you little-“ the 13 year old Neteyam tried to restrain himself from cursing at you as you struggled in his arms. You were about a year younger than Neteyam, and his arms were still lanky and thinner than imaginable at the time, so holding you back was definitely harder than he could’ve imagined. 
You were relentless, aggressive almost as you fought the invading urge to bite your way out of his embrace. But no, you couldn’t. Not again, not when your father stood a few metres in front of you as he stared you down with those unruly eyes of his. He looked at you as though you were some sort of stranger for a second, his eyes filling with an unfamiliar look before snapping out of it definitively. It was like Jake finally realised that it was his own daughter that was standing before him, and his ears dropped at the thought. 
Blood dripped from his aching ear, the sounds of liquid plopping against the floor went unmissed by your heightened hearing. The two puncture holes in your father’s ears were the magnet of attention in the room, all eyes set on his injury like it was the most interesting sight of all year. All before he brought a hand up to rub the dribbling blood away, making his wound more visible before another bead of fresh blood covered the holes once more.  
Neytiri simply stood beside her husband, little care towards his injury for the moment as she stared at her distressed daughter. You looked so out of it, and none of them could understand why. She felt Jake move away from his current spot, their shoulders brushing as the contact brought her back from her thinking. Neytiri watched as Jake walked towards you, inevitably calming you down slightly as he kneeled before Neteyam and you.
Your older brother almost dropped to his knees and started praying to the Great-Mother for the rest, his arms loosening around you just a little. The room was quiet enough for you to properly hear the shuffling of your smaller siblings, cluttered together at this side of your tent. 
You felt your father’s hand come to lay upon your hair, caressing your hair lovingly in an attempt at soothing your nerves. Though you shied away from his touch at first, you allowed him to keep his hand there. 
“You wanna tell me why you did that.” Jake tried again, his left ear fluttering involuntarily as he referred to his new injury. Never would he have thought that today was the day where he’d get physically assaulted by his own daughter, but parenthood is all about surprises. 
His free hand came to rest on Neteyam’s shoulders, still being able to reach it from his kneeling position. Your father pushed your brother gently away from you, freeing you from his light embrace. Under his upclose stare, you couldn’t help but fiddle with your fingers like a little kid after getting caught sneaking candy. Your eyes bounced around the whole room, not once meeting his own. 
You remained silent as you knew that he didn’t specifically want to talk about his injury, but rather why you had done it. It was all a blur of emotions, a rush of feelings that your father had interrupted. To him you were acting like a brat, but it was so much more than that to you. More of a realistic realisation than a childish tantrum. 
Earlier this day, you had been spending time with a certain boy in the clan during an excursion. His name was Rangya, born a soft boy at heart in contrast to his stern father. He was nice and unlike the other kids in the clan, and you found peace in his presence. Eventually one thing led to the other, and the both of you strayed further away from your youth adventuring group.
It was dangerous out here for 2 kids of your age to be wandering around alone, and it didn’t take long for the group leaders to notice your disappearance. It was to your bad luck and stupidity that your father was a warrior, not even to mention the olo’eyktan, so it was his duty to go on the lookout for the both of you. His heart picked up the pace once he had heard your name coming out of the distressed woman’s name, who she was supposed to be keeping an eye on your class.
Surely Jake would give her a good talk later about it, but for now his own daughter and some kid were alone in the ruthless forest. Truth to be told, your adoration towards the boy ran a little further than a stupid childhood crush. No, instead you admired Rangya for his many traits at such a young age. He was undeniably the smartest and nicest person that you had ever met in the Omaticaya clan, and letting go of that could only be a fool’s mistake. 
Though as time strayed and the sun cleared behind the moon, you failed to realise the way that the world was getting darker around you. Instead your new goal was to examine every single plant that surrounded the both of you, your hand clasped tightly into the young boy’s as he reassured you that it was only for your protection. 
Now Jake was just there at the wrong time to catch an image of the wrong thing. It wasn’t like your hand in Rangya’s could be interpreted as anything else, or the fact that your faces were a little too close for comfort. It wasn’t that he was mad at you or the poor boy. Daughters had stupid, young boyfriends that father’s were opposed to, that’s how it usually went. At least that’s what he had thought that your relationship was labelled as. Matter of fact he had not even been visibly upset at you, but when he had demanded that you leave the boy and return back home, you knew that it was the end of it. 
That once you arrived back home, your father would tell you that you had to cut off whatever dumb relationship that there was between Rangya and you. And so you did whatever you could to make the moment last, struggled, kicked and argued with your dad to put you back down as he had picked you up after you had refused to walk back home with him. 
Jake’s eyebrows furrowed with frustration as you reacted in such a way. You’ve always been a calm kid, just like your big brother Neteyam. Though he had always thanked the Great-Mother that you were unlike his youngest son, because Eywa knew how much of a menacing duo you both would be. Now it confused him to no end as you kicked and cried in his arms, desperation thick in your voice as you begged for him to put you down. 
Though he denied you of that right, instead dragging your breaking down frame back to your family tent. Chaos striked before Jake could even reach Bob, his loyal ikran. The sudden throbbing of his ear had caught him totally off guard, a hand unravelling from where he was currently holding you to hold onto his aching ear. It had not one single moment come to his mind that the perpetrator could’ve been you, but a single look at you had sold you out. 
The crimson liquid that ran down the swell of your fangs was a dead giveaway, and the blood that covered Jake’s hand as he pulled it back down was like more evidence. If he hadn’t been angry at you before because of your bratty behaviour, then he sure as hell was now. He was livid, ears flung back painfully as it pressed onto his new injury. The top of his lips were pulled back in some sort of angry expression that he was trying to keep in. 
You would’ve been lying if you said that you weren’t scared shitless on the way back home. The way that your father’s nostrils were flaring, and the fact that he refused to look at you once until you reached your family tent. 
The recollection of earlier memories and the overwhelming feeling of your dad unknowingly pressuring you was too much. Too much for your little mind and frail heart to manage, for you had always been fragile at heart. Just like your mother, you had no fear in expressing your feelings physically rather than verbally. 
Jake can’t help the frustrated sigh that leaves his mouth as he watches your ears fill up with tears, unable to tell him anything that he wishes to hear. He dipped his head all the way down to his chest as his hand dropped from your hair, exhaling once too quickly to regain his senses. You missed it as quickly as it came, the comforting feeling of your father’s touch. Your fingers were intertwined together as you fiddled anxiously with them, afraid once more of what your father thought of you. 
“Fine, cmon lets just go and get checked up with grandma okay?” he asks rhetorically as he stands up, dusting his clean knees as a stress habit. He walked all the way towards the tent’s doors, barely having time to step a foot outside before his wife’s booming voice rang through his ears. 
“Ma Jake, please just calm down for a second! You’re moving too fast and we can’t just leave Tuk here with them, they’re just kids!” Neytiri gritted her teeth as she scolded her husband, his eyebrows furrowed further than he thought they could as he listened to her. She bent down before you to pick you up into her arms, wrapping your arms tightly around her neck as she hoisted you up alongside herself.
What she was saying was true, Jake was truly going overboard and leaving their 5 year old daughter with their other young children was not all the most responsible. Although they all knew that Neteyam was more than able to take care of his family, they wished not to burden him anymore. He was spent from the hectic day of events that he had spent, and it was not fair to bear him of more responsibilities that were not his to care for. 
But Jake was spent as well, he’s had a rough day and the churn of events that he had thought would be a nice and relaxing night with his family had truly roughed him up even more. 
“Maybe we wouldn’t have to if we didn’t have to take such intense care of that child of yours!” he points a finger towards your mother accusingly, asif you were only her child. Asif it hadn’t taken the both of them to conceive you, like you weren’t his daughter. Though as quick as the words are to leave his mouth, he regrets them. He regrets the way Neytiri falls silent under his traitorous words, or the way you try to hide further into her neck in fear of catching a glimpse at your father’s angry expression. 
He sighs again, and your ears cling further to your head at the sound of it. Jake’s expression falls at your body language, ear laid back, tail flat in between your legs and the undeniable sounds of your hushed sobbing. It breaks his heart that you cry because of him, that he had allowed such words to escape him. He’s scared you had mistaken his sigh as a sign of disappointment, and he’s much more scared of the death glare that his wife was giving him.
Though he didn't meet her eyes yet out of fear, he brought a hand back onto your head. As awkward as he always was while expressing himself, it doesn’t even feel like he’s able to mutter any sort of apology to you at the moment, and you feel your heart ache at the fact. 
“Watch your mouth.” Neytiri grits out at Jake, teeth firmly grinding together as she speaks. She spoke out every syllable with a pricised articulation so he could hear every single one of her words right. She was angry, undeniably at her husband but now was no time to dwell on things. The faster that they would get ready to leave, the faster that Mo’at could get you checked up and you could all return back home to a good night's sleep. 
The days after your little unexplained temper tantrum had been unexpectedly quiet for you. Unlike your ongoing personality around your parents, and your usual loudmouth that just loved to talk back to your dad, you were as silent as a rock. Your father had not even gotten to apologise yet, because Eywa knew how awkward he would be added to the fact that you refused to speak to any of them. 
It was obvious that you were avoiding them just as you were avoiding the other kids in the clan. You complained each time that your mom forced you to leave the tent, and that was about the only time where you’d be audible. Neytiri was overwhelmed with the undying fear that she played a part in sending you into some sort of mutism. She cried to your father at night, when they were supposed to be enjoying their night between lovers as they laid under the stars. 
She just couldn’t shake the worries away, no matter how much time passed. Until one day she brought up to Jake what she had overheard about you. She had dragged Jake outside of their tent, watching you from the corners of her eyes as you played with your handcrafted dolls. It worried Jake that Neytiri looked so on edge, asif she had heartbreaking news to deliver to him. And that was exactly that. 
It didn’t take long for your mother to catch onto what the other kids in the clan were saying about you. Her ears pinning tightly against her skull as she heard the nasty nickname coming out of a child’s mouth, one that was designated for you. Not to add to the fact that their parents already thought you were the spawn of the devil himself, confused as to why Eywa had blessed you with life. It broke her heart to pieces because she couldn’t do anything about it, no matter how much she reprimanded those kids and their parents, no matter how many times she scolded them. Kids will be kids, and you’d always be the ‘ugliest girl in the clan’. 
No amount of herbal paste would change your disorder and no amount of grovelling would erase what those kids had said about you. Though in Neytiri’s eyes, she’s always believed you were as beautiful as the sun. As every mother thinks of her children, she thought that you were blessed by Eywa with an utter beauty. But not everyone had eyes like your mother, they were cursed with the blindness of judgement. Neytiri would never fail to remind you of how good you looked in her eyes, that you were born special for a reason. That other kids picked on you because they were basic, and you were unique. 
She poured tears as she spoke the same words as those kids to your father, wondering how anyone could be so heartless to her daughter. How anyone had the guts to talk down the child that she had carried for so many months, and birthed under the protection of the Great-Mother. How parents could allow their kids to speak ill of you in such a way, she’d never understand. 
Jake connected the dots in his head, thinking that maybe that’s why you had acted the way that you had on that day. Maybe because you were ‘the ugliest girl in the clan’ or maybe it was because Rangya didn’t think so of you. He didn’t believe that you were what those kids had nicknamed you as, and Jake had selfishly ripped that away from you. 
Though he believed that he was in the right, because no child of 12 years needed a boyfriend anyway. He should’ve just let you be, maybe then you would’ve realised so on your own. You would notice that the only reason why you wanted to be with that boy was because he didn’t treat you like the others. But now it was too late for that, and your father had stripped you from the potential future that awaited you with this boy. 
He let out a grunt of disappointment, moreso towards him than towards the guilty children. He couldn’t help his gaze from flickering from his sobbing mate that he was hugging tightly against his chest, and back towards your innocent frame that was still playing inside of the tent. Kiri was now next to you, brugudly so as her eyerolls said. 
She held one of your wooden dolls in one of her hands, moving it comically as she played around with yours. There was a glint of something else behind those annoyed eyes of hers, some sort of hidden glee. Perhaps not because she was playing with those stupid toys of yours, definitely not that. Maybe it was because she was the first one that you had slightly opened to ever since the incident, and Kiri felt pride in the fact that it was her. 
She was happy to know that you felt safe enough in her presence that you didn’t completely close yourself off whenever you were near her. 
Not long after Jake’s little outburst and a long trip to grandma Mo’at’s tent, she felt disappointment seeping deep within her heart once she couldn’t find anything physically wrong with you. There was nothing wrong in your system that drove you to act in such a way, and it annoyed her to no end that she could not do anything to help her first granddaughter. 
A trip to Norm’s lab was what had been recommended to Neytiri from Jake, and after a long time of overthinking it, she declared that there was no other way. Human technology was definitely more advanced than whatever the na’vi had, and maybe they’d have an answer for what Jake and Neytiri were silently looking for. 
Norm had said that he was no therapist, but it was obvious that the teasing and bullying of kids had affected you in worse ways than they would have imagined. 
And all the while you tried to ignore their sympathetic gazes as Norm explained these things to them. You didn’t want your parents to feel this way for you, you didn’t want to feel this way anymore. You didn’t like becoming an emotional wreck everytime that some stupid kid that you didn’t know made a comment about your different skin. 
Eventually, you grew to accept that the teasing would never cease as long as your vitiligo was part of you. And you also came to terms that your disorder would always be part of you, so what was the point of grieving over something that you couldn’t help? Therefor, you just grew away from it, accepting that maybe this was how you had to live your life. That you'd never experience that wholehearted love that your parents shared.
In the long run, your father and you had managed to come to good terms again. After months of longing silence, you were the first one that had made a move, pleading for his forgiveness because of how you had acted on that day. Though Jake was quick to stop you, putting aside his lack of confidence in the comforting domain as he held you tightly into his arms, apologising on his side. 
Now you stood at 17, arguments and disputes between your father and you now long forgotten. Your vitiligo was still very much there and visible upon your smooth skin, not that you had expected it to lessen in the few years that had passed anyway. You were slightly happier now, despite the kid’s teasing still being present and active, you tried to pay them less attention. 
It didn’t escape you that you were still ‘the ugliest girl in the clan’, but you’d pretend like it didn’t affect you for as long as you had to stay in this clan. You didn’t want for more trouble to rise in your home, so you played it off as though the words didn’t  affect you. When in reality, there were nights where you stayed up to watch the stars all up by yourself, your mind elsewhere as the soothing sound of the river flow calmed your nerves. You’d imagine a potential future with someone that loved you for what you were, with a couple of kids and a big home that would welcome you at the end of the day. 
A future where you’d have someone to kiss and call you pretty at your wake, but they were all just dreams after all. Some alternate reality that your mind had made up to deal with everything that was going on in your life and you had no other option than to just accept that fact. 
Upon dismounting your Ikran on the warm beach of Awa’atlu, you could already sense that your family’s presence wasn’t fancied. Your feet had not even had time to brush against the fine grains of sand before thousands of eyes were already turned towards you. Though being the people that you were, it was hard to feel uncomfortable under so many weary stares. However, something about some new sets of eyes ogling you all for the first time felt unsettling.
You stood straight between your two brothers, your rider’s mask still on your face as you tried to keep your posture up to prove that you feared them not.  A quick look around was enough to tell you that this place was beautiful, even though you hadn’t even visited the best parts of it yet. Though it was not home, it would do for now if it meant that staying here kept your family safe. 
The clan leaders were unaccepting at first, well at least Ronal was. It was clear that she didn’t want any of you here, and by her fierce stare, you were no exception. Her eyes visibly widened as she rounded your family, finally falling upon your frame. Her eyes explored your body with no shame, excluded of all crudeness. There was some sort of curiosity and disgust that swirled muddled up in her eyes as she examined you from head to toe. 
Ronal grabbed onto your forearm roughly, shoving you in front of your huddled family group so the whole clan could see you. You couldn’t help but lower your head to your chest in an attempt to hide from their sickening gazes, but their sounds of opposition fell loud to your ears. She pointed out your discoloured patches to the people as though it wasn’t visible upon first look. It made you feel little, the fact that it was people that didn’t even know you, judging you for how you looked. Judging you for the white patches of skin that covered your entire body like an art piece, but to them you were not worthy of that title. 
You could hear the growl of your mother in between all, and the one that Ronal sent her back in hostility. 
An intense feeling of dread was swirling through your chest, what if your family wasn’t given uturu because of you? What would happen then, would you be forced to look for another option of a temporary home? Or was this the only one you could afford from now? Never ending questions ran through your mind as you felt the soft touch of your mother’s hand upon your wrist, slowly pulling you back towards her as Ronal retook her place besides her mate. 
You couldn’t even look your mother in the face after that, too afraid and ashamed of what the Olo’eyktan’s judgement could be because of you. Though you missed the pitiful glances that your family had casted upon you, Tonowari had seemed to have compassion for your family, one that Ronal did not share but had to live within. 
Soon enough, Tonowari had introduced you to his entire family, and a friend of theirs that looked like the sweetest boy that you’ve ever met. He had a mop of curly hair sitting atop of his head, complimenting him well. 
Tsireya was the nicest, a literal guardian angel sent by Eywa herself to watch over your family. Her eyes held no judgement and her words were genuine, so you felt more than comfortable whenever you were with her. It didn’t escape you and your big brother that Lo’ak had already developed a crush on the girl, she was charming and heavenly, you couldn’t really blame him. 
But when an angel’s near, the devil strays not far behind, and he himself was Ao’nung. It was already bad enough sharing the same age and air as this absolute menace, given that he was just like his mother had made everything 10 times worse. He hated your family based on the minimal interaction that you had in those few minutes of introductions. To say that he had some sort of special hatred towards Lo’ak, Kiri and you was an understatement.
He seemed to loathe you even more based on the  fact that his father had picked him to train you, given that you need to adjust to the Metkayina ways. 
Despite everything, the first week in Awa’atlu was literal hell. It was hard to adapt no matter how much you all tried, and the rude eyes of the Metkayina followed you around like a bunch of predators. You were sick and tired of the attention, you just couldn’t escape it. It didn’t matter if it was here or back in the Omaticaya clan, you just wished that you could be invisible to the people.
Now that you’ve hit the 3 weeks mark, too much has happened for you to even recall properly. The amount of fights between Lo’ak and Ao’nung that Neteyam and you had to break apart was uncountable, and facing your father at the end of the day was something that you dreaded more than anything. Added to your mother’s constant nagging at you to stay low, because she feared of how the people would treat you if you did one wrong thing in their eyes. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t fear for her other kids’ safety as well, especially in a clan that she knew little about, with people that didn’t necessarily like you all. She was a little more wary about you, because if you had been treated badly in your previous clan, who knew what this one had in stock for you. She wasn’t blind to the constant staring each time that you’d leave the marui alongside her, she just didn’t like thinking about it. 
Neytiri prays every night for the Great-Mother to lift some burdens off your shoulders. To let you rest at night without having to worry about what other people are saying behind your back, to let you feel normal for just one night. Because she knew that no matter her words, there would always be a longing in your heart to be like them, like everyone else. 
“Do you think this one looks better?” Neytiri snaps her head towards you, watching as you hold a weaved top tightly to your chest. Stretched out across your bust like you were trying to show what it looked like without actually wearing it. Neytiri’s eyes moved towards a second pair that you held loosely by the fingers, before shrugging and choosing the one that was currently sprawled out across your torso. 
You took the unused one, throwing it towards your sister that was looking for a pair of her own. The top hit Kiri in her face, woven beads clanging against her forehead as your attack took her off guard. Quickly recovering, your mother watched with a sigh as the now-angry Kiri tried throwing it back on you, only to miss completely as you laughed hysterically. 
Kiri didn’t seem to have taken your little melee really joyfully, instead she looked like she was ready to murder you. Your laughter died out as you grabbed the top from its discarded position on the floor, walking now calmly towards your little sister. Neytiri couldn’t help the smile that grew upon her face as she watched you open the closed palms of your angry sister, delicately placing your piece of clothing into her hands as you said something to her. 
She knew how close Kiri and you were. She was different just as you were, even if she wasn’t covered with what looked like a bunch of stains. No, instead she was a ‘four fingered freak’ just like you were, quoted by the infamous Ao’nung himself. You both had eyebrows like your father, and Kiri’s biological mother. You were about in the same age category, with you being slightly older. So you both understood and trusted one like no other, and Neytiri knew that behind that grumpy personality of hers, Kiri loved you more than she would ever admit. 
“Mom? You okay?” The sound of her youngest daughter brought Neytiri out of her thinking again, shaking her head as she walked towards Tuk. Later that night there was a big feast that everyone was expected to be present to, and your family was no exception. Though your father was happy to be included, your mother still felt out of place, a little forced. 
A group of unruly teenage boys sat in front of a huge bonfire. It sizzled and popped, threatening to burn those who came too near as the wind blew it closer to them. The sound of raucous laughter resounded around the entire zone, but the night was busy and the area was booming with loud voices that engulfed their own. 
Ao’nung sat spaced out between his friends, his legs crossed out before him, a plate of half eaten fish in his hands. He was too busy laughing at whatever joke his friends would crack at every few minutes to even focus on getting his dinner finished. 
From the corner of his eyes, Ao’nung could make out a faint blur of your frame. You were sitting with your family, who they were sitting with…his? Ao’nung’s eyes grew in size as he fully turned his torso around to confirm whatever he had just seen. He watched you sit besides his sister, the both of you talking about something he couldn’t quite make up from afar. You were laughing with Tsireya too, you looked so happy. 
“Aye, brother!” Ao’nung turned his torso back towards his friends, slightly embarrassed of getting caught looking in your direction. Though the smug look on their faces was not what he had expected once he had turned back, and the roll of his eyes was what they had received. He looked back at his plate, raising a piece of fish up in his hands as he brought it to his mouth to eat. He nodded at the boy, signalling  for him to continue his sentence. 
“Aren't ya the one that’s been getting close to that Sully girl?” he nodded his head towards something past Ao’nung’s shoulders, and the boy froze as the laughter picked up again. This time it was louder, more genuine as they all turned their eyes towards you and your family. The boy only shrugged his shoulders at the accusations, nothing he could deny as they had seen it with their own eyes. 
He snarled at his friends once he heard them snigger in return, shutting them up all at once. Way to piss his mood up at the end of a good night, what a bunch of morons. 
“How about a challenge to finish this night right, huh?” Ao’nung ears picked up at the sound of it, visibly raising and turning out towards wherever the voice had came from. He picked his head up, now interested in some good play. Ao’nung had always been known for his big ego and competitive personality, a challenge was not something that he was about to let his friends win. He was going to beat them, no matter what it was. 
His friends exchanged mischievous glances, bumping shoulders together like a bunch of kids as they giggled. Ao’nung couldn’t tell if it was from the one glass of dandelion wine that they had downed earlier or from their sheer stupidity. Nevertheless, they recovered from their childish antics before the boy brushes the dust off of his knees. 
“How about you date that girl for a whole month!” The boy yelled out, a little too loud as a few heads from nearby families turned towards them. Ao’nung’s eyes widened at the demand, not even needing to ask for precisation to know who his friend was talking about. His face contorted in a swift act of disgust before his expression fell again, shaking his head as a ‘no’. 
The noise picked up again as a series of ‘boo’s and ‘awe’s resounded from their group, attracting attention once more. You were unaware of what was currently happening behind your back, instead focusing on hitting your brother’s shoulders playfully as you noticed the longing looks that he would send to Tsireya. 
“What i’m i even getting from this anyways?” Ao’nung quite didn't understand the whole point of this challenge, why would he even participate if he was the only one playing, it was no fun. 
“We haven’t decided yet but…,” he said, outstretching his hand out towards Ao’nung as he spoke. He hesitated before his group of friends, pondering on where really this whole thing would lead him to. It wasn’t like he had feelings for you yet anyways, so there was little to consider when it came to your side of things. “don’t tell me you’re scared of a little challenge?” 
“Looks like she’s already making buddy-buddy with your family,” the booming voice of another boy sent everyone into laughter again as the whole group turned to catch a glimpse of you. “Cmon, look at your future wife!” 
“You don't trust me bro? And here i thought that we were friends.'' The said boy crossed both arms over the area where his heart was, mocking offence as he stared straight into Ao’nung’s similar aqua eyes. There was a sliver of mischief still swirling through his iris, but the boy just shrugged it off. It wasn’t like Ao’nung was altruistic either, he was infamously known for his little shenanigans. 
Though when Ao’nung’s palmed hand met his friend’s under the eyes of Eywa, the dare was sealed and his mind was racing. Surely he didn’t care much about your feelings, he didn’t even seem to appreciate you as a person for that fact. But something about this sounded so, oh so wrong as he released his and his friend’s intertwined hands. But he had done it now, vowed before his group to fulfil his dare, and Ao’nung was never one to back down.
this is very fast paced and badly made because i had absolutely no time to write but i tried getting something out for yall🙁
tags: @youcantseem3 @timotheechalametishot @holysaladapricothero
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hey so i saw the despicable me 4 trailer and i have a very specific beef with it that's making me insane
so, like, disclaimer, i havent watched any of the minion cinematic universe movies since despicable me 2 came out... holy fuck eleven years ago, jesus christ. but anyway i'm probably gonna get minute details wrong but like hold with me a second
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so idr when despicable me 2 takes place in regards to the first film. from what i remember, agnes was having issues with not having a conventional nuclear family for mother's day so this implies it's the first mother's day that the girls have had in gru's household. i'm pretty sure that the first movie took place during the summer-ish, and iirc the second movie is also summer (fitting with my "roughly may" estimate) so we'll say like eight-ish months have passed since the first film. no big deal, right?
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so then at the end of the film gru and kristen wiig get married but the timecard states that it's "147 dates later." i doubt they went on a date every single day leading up to the wedding but if we're assuming the date list also covers the engagement and wedding prep period, that's at the VERY VERY least one-hundred and forty-seven days after the events of the film. so with the timeskip at the beginning, that puts us at well over a year since the first film, thirteen months minimum
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okay so the third film from my research doesn't state how long it takes after the wedding. so again, let's be generous and say that it's not too long after. i'm pretty sure the film itself takes place over a couple of days so we'll ignore its place in the continuity for now. that brings us to movie number four, which just got a trailer and just revealed a new player in the game
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so gru and kristen wiig have a new biological child. this kid is old enough to move and emote, which puts him at 7-12 months old if he's able to crawl. let's again be generous and say it's seven months. assuming that human reproduction works the same as it does in our universe, and again being generous as hell and assuming that lucy may have been pregnant through the third film or right after the wedding, we have to add nine months to all this. so from the first film, we have ~8 month timeskip, then a 147-day minimum timeskip, then let's say 16 months to get to the baby being able to crawl. again, this is absolute bare minimum, and we still get to a conclusion of it's been roughly 29 months since the first film, or 2.5 years.
so okay. two-and-a-half years since the first film.
so then why the everloving fuck are the girls the same. fucking. AGE??
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how have these motherfuckers not aged a fucking day??? they haven't grown a goddamn inch. it should have been, again, 2.5 years minimum, more likely 3-4 years if we're being realistic.
and to double check my work, i went on the despicable me wiki and found that they also put movie 4 at a three-year timeskip from the first movie, specifically putting margo at 10 in the first movie and 13 in the fourth, edith at 8-11, and agnes at 5-8; their main source is margo being stated to be 12 in the third movie, and her sisters' relative ages being provided by tweet, so even then this is, again, bare minimum on timeskip. and not only have these motherfuckers not changed style one fucking time, but they haven't changed height, weight, anything. agnes have hit eight years old and is the same height as the tiny-ass fucking minions. agnes's hat still fits. margo should be in high school and she looks the same as she did three goddamn years ago
what kind of motherfucking witchcraft is the gru family using to keep themselves young??? they said gru stopped being evil but are we sure there isn't some vampire blood rituals happening in the minion basement
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make them a new character model. please god
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kakushino · 6 months
Being a papa is not that bad
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Platonic relationship - Giyuu and his daughter
The girl wraps him around her little fingers and never lets go.
Tags: hurt/(comfort), fluff, pregnancy mention, Giyuu being a girl-dad, 3rd person POV (F!Reader as background character), Giyuu being whipped (OOC because he's with his kid c'mon) Word count: 1,4k
AN: So the age of consent in Japan was 13 til recently (it's 16 now), which is super weird, but I had to check before I wrote this to fit the KNY timeline. This is set in Taisho era so everything is legal, tyvm. Shamisen is a japanese string instrument.
Now have a hurty fluff.
Written for Girl dads collab of @suyacho
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Having a child before Muzan was dealt with was not in his cards, at least that's what he had thought… until a tryst with one of the kakushi happened and he was to become a father. It was humiliating - his lack of control - and the guilt he felt towards the kakushi for ruining her for any other future was great, weighing him down more than the mantle of a Pillar.
He hadn’t wanted to marry so young either, but shame would have destroyed him, his shame would have destroyed her - he thought - so he married her on a white January day, her belly round and full with his child- his child!
It was born a week after his eighteenth birthday. He wasn’t there for it. He wasn’t anywhere in the prefecture the Butterfly mansion was in either; he was on the other end of Japan taking care of a demon, while another future ghost to haunt him was being born. 
Giyuu arrived back at the Water estate at the end of March, his wife sleeping beside the baby on a futon. He had only wanted to check if his wife hadn’t burned the house in his absence but the sight struck a cord in him, like a shamisen being plucked by Fate's fingers, playing him to its pleasure and none his own.
The baby was… cute; hair midnight black, tiny hand clinging to its mother’s hand, a picture of perfect innocence that reminded him of the reason why he fought so hard, why he hunted demons for living.
This. All of this.
His eyes focused on his wife; it was still strange to refer to anyone as his. Her eyes had deep bruises under them, indicating a severe lack of sleep, her hair disheveled, and sleeping yukata askew. One of her breasts had a wet spot on it - she must be dripping milk, he realized. 
Giyuu had likely not seen her in a less put-together state and yet, she was pretty. His lips pressed together as he mulled over that thought, silently slipping from the room to bathe and sleep as well. 
They would talk in the morning, he decided.
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Giyuu left three days later.
He didn’t get to speak to his wife, because the moment he stepped in to hold his baby for the first time, she gave a sigh of relief and fell asleep right away - sitting up, leaning on one of the columns holding up the roof. How could he wake her, when she was so obviously clinging to the last fraying strands of her sanity? 
He took a seat beside her and stared at his child - his child.
Kocho had left him a message, somehow knowing Giyuu would have no social graces nor time to speak to his wife. It read:
Congratulations, Tomioka-san. Your baby girl was born healthy, and the name picked for her is Shizuku. Treat her well. - Kocho Shinobu
Tomioka Shizuku.
He would treasure her above himself.
Though he promised himself that, Giyuu remained mostly absent from Shizuku’s early life, working overtime to keep his prefecture as demon-free as he could; he even set up a nightly patrol near his residence with Ubuyashiki to keep his flesh and blood safe. 
The times he came home, he spent every waking moment with his child - playing with her, teaching her to call him papa, to say her own name. He drew pictures with her, helped her take her first steps, took her to town on 'adventures'. He was dutiful; no matter the task, if it involved his Shizuku, his child, he would do it.
As she grew up, now nearly three years old, he often took her to the garden, training but making in fun for her - so far, Shizuku liked it the most when he did pushups and she ‘braided’ his hair while sitting on his back. She also loved to watch him practice swordsmanship, absolutely captivated by his movements with the bokken, little mouth hanging open as she sat in the shade of a tree. After his katas, which often earned him an applause for his 'performance', he had a ‘tea party’ under the same tree with her, telling her stories - embellished, of course - about his demon slaying, how he learned total concentration breathing, and other such tales from his life - all wrapped in a fairy tale way. 
Giyuu thought Shizuku took them as just stories.
He was getting ready to leave - Ubuyashiki had called a Hashira meeting - when he reached for his haori only to find it gone. Frantic, his thoughts went to his wife - did she put it in the laundry? Only, checking the 'dirty' basket, it wasn’t there; checking the line of clothing hanging outside, it wasn’t there.
Where is it?!
A panicked search inside of his estate yielded nothing. He couldn’t even ask his wife because she was in the town - he was set to leave when she returned so there could always be someone in the house for Shizu-
Where was she? Nowhere inside. The garden? 
Giyuu swiftly made his way to the place he spent most of the time with his daughter. 
Sure enough, Shizuku was there, his haori dwarfing her frame as she tried to replicate his meditation exercises. Relief flooded his chest, a smile overtaking his face as he stepped closer to her. 
“I believe you have something of mine, Shizu-chan,” he said, crouching in front of her, not making any move to take his clothing back. 
The little girl quickly reached behind her for the bokken - which she also stole, he noted - and leaped at him with a mighty battle cry. “I’m the great Wa’er Pillar, demon! It’s you who stole som’thing from me!” 
Acting startled, Giyuu put his everything into making the landing soft for her as he ‘tumbled’ backwards, ‘crying’ out dramatically, “Oh nooo- this foe is too strong for one as puny as I! This must be my end!” His uniform was probably dusty now, but he could shake it out later. 
“Ahahaha! Fear me - and die!” Shizuku had let go of the bokken during their ‘fight’ so she used her tiny fists to beat his chest, laughing and squealing in joy at having bested the ‘demon’. 
Seeing her smile made his departure all the more bittersweet. 
Any day he could die, but this joy would guide him in the moments he breathed.
Giyuu sat up, laying her onto his thighs and tickling her neck, a soft smile still playing on his lips at her adorable face, so much like his own. Blue eyes the same share, black hair in two small braids he had done for her that morning - his daughter. 
“Now that the demon is slayed, the mighty Water Pillar needs to go on to do his job, my little clam. So I will be confiscating the haori you’re wearing,” he told her, tugging the garment off her body easily as it was so big on her, leaving her pouting.
“Do you really need to go?” Her pout was not making it any easier.
Nevertheless, he remained patient and gentle. “I’ll be back soon, so don't worry, Shizu-chan.” Giyuu picked her up with one arm, throwing the haori over his shoulder with his other hand, and carried her to the engawa. Shizuku sat dutifully and let him dust her off. “Besides, you have your mother here.”
He took off his jacket and shook out the dirt, nearly missing her whisper. “But mama is not papa.”
Giyuu put everything together on himself - her soft sniffles nearly clogging his throat with heartbreak - and crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Shizu-chan, do you know what papa is?” 
She nodded, “A pillar.” Tears glistened on her face. 
“Yes, but papa is also brave.” What a big fat lie. “And do you know what Shizu-chan is?”
He squeezed her hands briefly. “You’re just like papa - a brave warrior. I need you to be brave for me, Shizu-chan. I need you to protect our home while I’m gone. Can you do that for me?”
She wiped her face with one of her sleeves and nodded. “I’ll be like papa and protec’ mama.”
“That’s my girl. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Having a child before Muzan was dealt with was not in his cards, he used to think, but perhaps, being a father was not all that bad.
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dividers by the amazing @benkeibear
network: @enchantedforest-network
Part 2 will be focused on Giyuu's relationship with his wife (the mother) when? idk
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Rekindle - Flufftober 2
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Summary: Thor and you meet again.
Pairing: Chubby!Thor Odinson x Exgirlfriend!Reader
Square 13 filled for @avengersbingo (expired): Reunited
Square 15 filled for @marvelfluffbingo (expired): old flame
Square 6 filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo: Free Space
Warnings: Thor has low self-esteem, fluff, a tiny hint of naughtiness, mentions of past breakup, a hint of harassment towards chubby Thor
Rating: Mature
Trope: Reunion
Words: 1029
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The wind blows a little harder today, but you still smile.
Fall finally arrived, and you are giddy like a child to collect leaves and visit the pumpkin patch.
The world changed once again. The world order was restored.  People came back, and everyone got a second chance.
Even if you are not the lucky one who got her true love back, you’re happy for the others having the chance to love each other again.
“Another one, please,” you dip your head as a familiar voice catches your attention. It comes from one of the seats outside your favorite bakery. “It’s delicious, ma’am.”
You step closer, eyes glued to the man ordering another slice of pumpkin pie. “Thor?” You blink a few times. He’s still as handsome as you remember, but he’s got a belly now.
A thick blonde beard frames his face, and he’s got long dreadlock-style blonde hair. He looks different, but his eyes are the same.
“It’s really you!” you smile widely and hug Thor before he can react. “It’s good to see you. How have you been?”
“Y/N?” He gasps as you won’t let go of him. “I-I’m good. Uh-I try to get in shape again and find a place where I belong.”
“Whoa, a lot is going on in your life.” You let go of Thor and smile at him. “I heard what happened to Asgard. I’m so sorry, Thor.”
“It’s…we found a new place. We’re about to build a new home for the survivors,” Thor drops his eyes to his belly. “I’m not the man you used to know, huh?”
“Why are you saying this?” You sit on the free chair at his table. “Did you change so much? I can still see the kind man I met five years ago.”
“You’re too kind to speak the truth. Look at me, dove. I’m fat and useless,” he sighs deeply. “I just can’t find a reason to…” Thor shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You didn’t bother me at all, Thor,” you reach out to touch his hand. “We all have ups and downs. You’ve lost so much. No one could endure such pain without losing hope. But I know you are strong enough to overcome all of this.”
“I lost more than hope,” he sheepishly admits. “There is nothing worth living for any longer. Most of my days I spend at the café, eating more food to fill the emptiness inside of me.”
“Thor, in front of me still sits the man sweeping me off of my feet,” you squeeze his hand. “If you want to have a slice of pie, I can keep you company. I wanted to have some tea and pumpkin pie too before I go to the pumpkin patch.”
“Pumpkin patch?” Thor’s eyes sparkle.
He remembers how you invited him to go to a pumpkin patch before your relationship fell apart. Thor had to leave to help Asgard and didn’t return for almost a year.
Jane Foster came back into the picture, and before he knew it, you broke up. You didn’t want to share his heart with another woman or spend years apart from the man you love.
“YES! They got the best pumpkins, or so I heard. I want to find the perfect pumpkins to decorate my store and home,” you hastily explain. “You know how I get when it comes to decoration.”
“I remember,” he flashes you a smile, making his cheeks dimple. Thor places one hand on his belly, sighing once again. He’s not the good-looking man you dated years ago in his opinion.
You smile at Thor as the waitress places the plate with the pie in front of him. She looks Thor up and down, judging him for ordering another slice of pie by dropping her eyes on his belly. The woman shakes her head before turning her attention toward someone yelling at her.
“I…you recognized me,” he whispers to not catch the waitress’s attention. “People these days don’t do this often.”
“Why wouldn’t I recognize you, Thor?” You frown deeply. “You’re still my Thor. Of course, I recognized you, dummy.” You grin.
“Y/N, you don’t have to pretend. I know how I look,” Thor mumbles. He dares not to meet your eyes; afraid he’ll see what he sees in most women's eyes these days. Rejection and disgust.
“Thor, you should know me better,” you get up from your chair to cup his face to look Thor deep in the eyes. “I always admired and loved the man you are, not how you looked. He’s still there, I can see him in your eyes. You lost your way for a moment, but you will find your footing and get back on your feet. And I like me a cozy belly to…”
“…to what?” He furrows his brows when you dip your head to whisper something far from innocent in his ear while you run your hand over his belly. Thor gulps hard, suddenly feeling hungry for something else than pie. “Oh—”
“If you are free, you could join me to choose the pumpkins for decoration and pie, and later, we can go for a walk and collect a few colorful leaves.”
“I’d like that,” Thor watches you sit back down, a content smile on his face. “How many pumpkins do you need?”
“Enough for two,” you return his smile, feeling your heart flutter when Thor grabs your hand to hold it like he used to do.
Maybe this is the chance you have been waiting for.
Thor is back in your life, and you’d be damned if you let him walk out on you ever again. You’ll give him something that he’s longing for.
A home and someone who’ll love him unconditionally…
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Tags in reblog.
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newtonsheffield · 5 months
Kate saying, "You see why I’m the woman I am today." made me think that Mary was probably so frustrated with her as a kid, for being too much like her, but now she's so proud of it. Lol
Mary did occasionally get frustrated with Kate as a child and as a teenager and occasionally now, honestly.
It’s a difficult thing to raise a child who’s so obviously good at something. So sure of, not only what she wants, but knows she’s good enough to do it as well. She has the grit, she has the determination, Mary grew up playing tennis as well and Kate 13 years old and probably a better player than she ever was. She’s proud of the young woman her and her husband are raising, that’s true, and honestly she probably never could have predicted the handsome man standing behind the tiny girl to get her autograph would turn out to be as important in her life as he became. But fuck it’s hard sometimes to have your own determination stare back at you from the eyes of two young girls. Mary’s honestly starting to feel much more sympathetic towards her own mother. Even looking at Anthony Bridgerton quietly closing the door of her daughter’s hotel room she’s forced back nearly twenty years to Tharman doing the exact same thing.
“Anthony, good morning.”
He flushed, ducking his head and clearing his throat, “Mrs Sharma, good morning.”
“Do I need to be concerned about you?”
Anthony blinked at her, his eyes wide, “I’m… not trying to… distract her from anything.”
Mary rolled her eyes at him. “I know what the perception of me must be, Anthony. That I pushed her, that I’m still pushing her. I don’t care if she wins or loses, I don’t. What I care about is my child, so I’m going to ask you again: Do I need to be worried about you?”
He swallowed, “No, Ma’am.”
Mary smiled, “Excellent. Go out the back, please. There are some photographers out the front.”
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Arlecchino’s story quest just revealed how old Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet are. (Spoiler kinda)
Tl;Dr: late 20s
“I wish Genshin would give us solid numbers for character ages!” Sometimes they do. And those numbers give us ages of other characters too, if you pay attention. And yeah, I know the Genshin community doesn’t like to read, but you don’t even have to do much reading for this.
And let me preface this. When you go through this much work to “justify” characters being adults some people will say it’s just “an excuse to sexualize minors”. No. This isn’t even about that.
This is about me being absolutely sick and tired with the teenagers with careers trope.
First of all, what we know:
Childe is the YOUNGEST of the Fatui Harbingers.
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Childe woke up the whale when he was 14 years old, and that was 20 years ago. He is 34 years old.
Arlecchino became the Knave at 17 years old.
The Hearth siblings came to the house within a few months of Arlecchino gaining control.
Lyney and Lynette met a magician named Caesar who over 10 days, helped them hone their stage magic skills
Caesar died 10 years ago.
Toddlers can’t do street magic.
Honestly the last couple of points aren’t even needed, but they’re helpful to solidify this number. You’ll see.
Let’s do some basic Arlecchino math first.
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Again, she’s canonically older than 34, but if you want her and the siblings to be as young as absolutely possible, we can start there. (Maybe she’s a few months older than Childe. Idk)
Absolute bare minimum, Arlecchino has been the knave, and the siblings have been in the house for 17 years.
And quite frankly, I don’t think the “kids” were embryos when they joined.
But now that we have a minimum, let’s get a maximum to cover our bases. I’m going to use the serial disappearances as a marker here, because given what we know about her she would definitely look into that sort of thing. So she can’t be much older than 37.
So, when did the siblings join the house?
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First of all, let’s get a few facts from earlier involved. Cesar died 10 years ago. That means he died while they had already been in the house for 7-10 years (depending on Arlecchino’s age.)
And a widely overlooked fact that personally I think needs to be taken into account more often, is that TODDLERS CANT DO STREET MAGIC.
But I get it, this is an anime game. And for some crazy reason some fans are convinced that characters should be as young as they can possibly be.
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So let’s be just, the most generous that I could possibly be here and say those kids right there are 6 years old (anime 6 year olds don’t act like real 6 year olds so I’ll give you that), and it’s been an EVENTFUL couple of months worth of mastering street magic, trauma, and joining the House of the Hearth.
6+7=13 13+10=23
So the absolute bare minimum you are being silly at this point age for the siblings is 23, and depending on how old you think Arlecchino is, up to 26.
Personally, I feel like Freminet can help us out here, but we’ll have to apply just a teensy tiny bit of real world logic if we want to get anywhere. So,
How old was Freminet when he was sent to the house?
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Freminet was very close with his mother, he was incredibly skilled at fixing and building things, to the point where he would help bring in money for the family for a few years before he was dropped off at the house with the old Knave where he’d notice other children with depression who he’d seen kill themselves.
Now I ask you, does that sound like a toddler? If you’re going to look me in my eyes and try saying he was sent to the house at 5 or 6, when the earliest of memories are being DEVELOPED, you’re not just silly, you are high. There’s really only so much disbelief I can suspend here.
Let’s be generous and say he was 8 years old. You can still have your over developed anime 6 year old, but at least it gives a few years for him to have been tinkering and making happy little memories before the trauma.
Again, using the youngest possible Arlecchino age,
So baby brother Freminet is bare minimum 25 years old.
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In conclusion, let’s use those concrete numbers here to make an age range for the House of Hearth siblings. (I could absolutely give you my personal head canon timeline, yes. Will I? Maybe if you ask nice. But this is about cold hard numbers)
You’re absolutely fucking kidding yourself here ages: 22 for Freminet and 23 for the twins.
Low end: 25 for Freminet and 26 for the twins.
Reasonable maximum (the oldest I think they could be in the flashback is 13) 32 for Freminet and 33 for the twins!!
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adreamfromnevermore · 1 month
Watched Dead Boy Detectives recently and read some of the comics, putting some thoughts here to get them into words. Minor speculation for the future if we get a second season (which'll be under a cut)
In the comics the boys are younger, somewhere around 12 or 13 I think and their deaths are a little different. The first major plot is actually focused entirely on the school, I like the shift from that and the way they took the cases in the show a lot actually. Although having them meet Crystal in boarding school would've been funny.
I think aging them up was actually the better option, especially if we want more than one season. Actually having them be as young as they were in the comics would've made it so they had to recast every few seasons since dead boys don't exactly age. I think it also allowed for a wider audience, having two main characters as 13 year olds would've been a little young for a lot of viewers to take the show seriously and to tie in with the Sandman show.
I'm really interested to see where they go from here, if they've decided not to use the school at all and how they handle Crystal and her parents. In the show so far we've only really seen the one glimpse of them but they have a bit more depth (like a tiny bit) in the comics and I do wonder if we'll see anything like that or if they'll be just as absent if we get a season 2. A few of the separate big bads they deal with in the comics come from the school, I'm leaning towards that being mostly left behind because of what we saw with Simon, in the comics he was definitely not someone who was ever going to be redeemed or make peace.
I'm putting the rest under a read more for season 2 spec that some people might not want to see (primarily a bit about Niko and where she might be)
So, my first thought is the Neitherlands. Idk how much it shows up in Sandman comics because I haven't gotten to those and is pretty big plot wise in the 2014 DBD run.
The Neitherlands is where a few different characters are trapped, namely 2 friends of Crystals, Hana and Rosa. In the original comics Rosa is taken as a child while with Crystal on a rollercoaster and Hana is sacrificed so her body can be stolen by a demon. Neither of them are exactly what happens to Niko but we don't really know what that charm did and I'm willing to entertain the idea because of it's connection to Tragic Mike.
Now, the thing that made me think of this at all is the most striking feature of the Neitherlands, snow made of bone. In the comics it appears without color, but the main defining feature from the beginning is snow made of bone. I could be entirely off base, but in the comics they are able to rescue and return people from the Neitherlands.
The question about that, is that in the comics the bodies are still alive. Rosa in a coma and Hana possessed by a demon. If Niko is in the Neitherlands while her body has died what does that mean for her return?
(other slight connection between the Neitherlands is that slightly more walrussy Tragic Mike has a direct path in his shop that allows him to go to the Neitherlands. Direct path as in like, him drowning for a while I think, but it works for him. And he did give Niko the lucky charm)
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! /Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! /Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here ! / Part 17 Here! / Part 18 Here! / Part 19 Here! / Part 20 here! / Part 21 Here! / Part 22 Here! / Part 23 Here! <This is Part 24!>
And a reminder that my book interest check is still open to run a campaign for the physical version of waking up in pjo, please make sure answer it if you're interested!
A/N :Okay, I think you've been waiting for this one! Hopefully it’ll take my mind of the fact that we were all simping for a person that takes the cringeat nudes
* This is bad
* This is really, really bad
* You watch Ares — Kronos now— in full possession of his body, two inky black voids staring back at you, mouth quirked up in a sadistic grin.
* Your hand tightens around your scepter, eyes flicking to Annabeth, Percy and Grover
* ‘Right now the priority is protecting the children.’
* You tap the ground twice, concentrating on space and time itself wrapping around you ementating a force field, you watch the familiar purple hue begin to take shape, electricity whirring, but before it can reach its crescendo, Kronos waves it’s hand and immediately the field disappears.
* ‘What?’
* “You dare use my own powers against me child?”
* Of course, Kronos was the titan of space and time, your powers won’t work on him.
* And your despair…is nothing compared to what he’s endured, to be cut into tiny pieces at the hands of your own children.
* ‘Hades.’
* But before you can kneel you’re pushed into the ocean, off of your home turf, and ankle deep into unfamiliar land.
* “And there will be no hitting the ground thrice, this is between you and I godling.” He hisses, roaming over you with a keen eye. “You’re just a godling, but I can smell it—the powers of fertility course through your veins.” He licks his lip, as if he’s already imagining devouring you whole.
* ‘What can I do in this situation? Annabeth? No, she’s only got that knife, Grover? No, he only has tin cans and they’re all gone anyway, Percy—‘
* Yes, Percy is the right option. He has a good weapon, and he’s talented too, the sea is his home turf and in the original he beat Ares.
* ‘But even so he’s no match for Kronos.’
* He’s only a twelve year old boy, he needs more time to develop into a hero.
* ‘But I can give him power.’
* A fertility god can grant someone the right to tap into their power, a near limitless supply. You could give that to Percy-
* “Why should you sacrifice yourself for someone else?” A voice whispers in your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts.
* Goosebumps rise down your spine and along your arms.
* “And why should you run from battle?” Another voice calls, you recognize this voice.
* ‘It’s Persephone's voice.’
* “Look at him child, look how he trembles. He needs you, to stay in that body, he’s still not strong enough to inhabit a god’s body while his soul is in Tartarus.” She whispers.
* And sure enough, Kronos is heaving, he has a cocky expression on his face, but you can see the strain across his face.
* ‘He can’t keep this up for much longer.’
* “Descendant of the gods, close your eyes and borrow our power.”
* ‘Well I’m screwed either way.’
* You close your eyes, and for a moment there’s total darkness, and then all at once four eyes open in front of you.
* Green. Purple. Gold. Pink. And Red.
* Staring at you as if appraising you on a pedestal, and then there’s a sound.
* It feels like the howl of wind, the sound of a box unlocking, and the sound of a bird chirping.
* You open your eyes, your body encased in a blue sheen.
* “Aren’t you tired of bending to the will of the gods little godling?”
* ‘I��m tired of you disrupting my sleep for three years.’
* You feel flowers grow out of your skin, encasing your arm, but it doesn’t hurt.
* “Don’t you want your revenge—“
* You raise your hand, the ground beneath him automatically raising as well, as large as any cliff.
* “—you could join me—“
* ‘First he was going to swallow me whole, and now it’s that I can join him huh?’
* You swipe your hand to the side, opening dozens of portals, a bright blue light leaves your scepter traveling through the portals and striking Kronos.
* “—we could rule Olympus together—‘
* ‘The jerk is still talking.’
* You twirl your scepter, transforming it into a bow and arrow.
* “—you will regret this!”
* “Shut the hell up!” The words leave your mouth like a siren’s screech, ichor curling out of his ear as he winces.
* You aim your arrow for his heart and shoot.
* The arrow becomes engulfed in blue light, like a blazing inferno, like—
* ‘It looks like hell fire.’
* There’s a scream and you avert your eyes as Kronos reveals his true form, when he’s gone Ares is left behind.
* Simultaneously whatever power you felt rush into your veins is now gone, leaving a very sore, fourteen year old behind.
* You wade through the water, holding a bleeding and fatigued Ares in your arms.
* “Wh-where am I?” A cough rips through him and you shush him.
* “It’s fine, I’m here now.” Golden light emanates from your hands, and you watch his wounds begin to close.
* “Well who would have thought.” He mumbles to himself.
* “So are you free later tonight?”
* “I’m fourteen you freak.” He gives you a toothy grin.
* “Give me a call in ten years then?”
* Before you can ask if he can get the hell out of here and to Olympus he’s gone in a crack of thunder. Disintegrated to dust before reorganizing into golden light.
* That looks familiar.
* You turn to them, to the two shocked children and the satyr who are staring at you with slack jaws.
* They want answers.
* ‘Well damn, me too. What the hell was that?’
* Before you can organize a single thought, you’re surrounded by policeman.
* ‘Well shit.’
A/N: And that was the soft end of the second arc, I hope you guys liked it! There's a few more parts until the hard end, and I think I have a few more spots on the tag list for anyone interested!
And a reminder that my book interest check is still open to run a campaign for the physical version of waking up in pjo, please make sure answer it if you're interested!
Tag list :
@holybatflapexpert @atomicsoph @fadingunknowncoffee @hopeworldsupremacy @padsfirewhisky @magical-dreamland @kookiedesi @kiritokunuwu @bleepmorp @flickeringlizard @luckyzipperscissorsbat @jessiegerl @undecided-as-always @officiallydarkgeek
@marsbars09 @yizhoutv @alicesolengg @luxaryllis-primaryacc @time-shardz @cryinghotmess @crow-with-a-hoodie @the-nerdy-fangirl @crackedpumpkin @geekyandgay98
@lazydreamers @agentsofblinks @justsomestuffiguessman @elodietea @mxacegrey @angelic-simp @astrial @babypink224221 @weaponb33 @redactedhimbo @heart-charming  @psychomanias @aliinunderland
@karnellius @lunavixia @cerberus-the-cutie @bes2005 @girlcrafter408 @loser-keiji
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silenzahra · 14 days
A little bit about myself ✨
Hey there! I thought I could maybe go and share a bit about myself so you can get to know me a bit better 🥰
I'm Zahra, I'm from Spain and I go by she/her. I'm a demisexual cis woman and I'm on my thirties. I'm an only child and my birthday's on September 29th. I'm Libra! ♎ If you're curious, you can see my face here!
I'm a grown adult with responsibilities, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the things I used to love as a kid. I love keeping my inner child alive, for instance, collecting lots of plushies or rewatching the movies of my childhood while eating candies, especially chocolate 🍫😋
My hobbies include: reading, gaming, listening to music, hanging out with friends, journaling, watching shows and movies (when I have the time), and more importantly: writing! Actually, I have an AO3 account, you can read my Mario fics here if you're interested! Also, I used to draw in the past, but it's something I stopped doing for... many reasons 😅
I love the rain! It's my favorite weather, since it invites to stay in and read or write, wrapped up in a blanket while drinking hot chocolate (my favorite drink) ☕ Besides, I'm an introverted person, so this is literally the best plan for me 🤭 Also, I have to say I'm way too sensitive to the sunlight, and believe me, the sun is veeeeery bright in Spain, especially during spring and summer 😅 It really hurts my eyes and makes me keep the windows closed, so a rainy day is true heaven for me 😌🌧
As you can guess because of this, my favorite season is autumn! 🍂 Which goes from September-December where I live. Those are my three favorite months in the year, and they also happen to include my favorite holiday: Halloween! 🎃👻
I love doggies! 😍 I've grown up always surrounded by doggies (my mom LOVES them), and I'm the kind of person who will greet every single doggie I see on the street (and I feel so BLESSED when they allow me to pet them! 🥹). I currently have three beautiful boys that I adore 🥰 Their names are Tango, Baloo and Mauri, and you can see them here if you're curious!
I LOVE Disney. I grew up watching Disney movies and my faves are the ones from the 90s (Aladdin, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast...), being The Lion King my top 1 favorite Disney movie EVER. Still, I also love others like Tangled (my second favorite), The Emperor's New Groove and Wall-E. Other films that I love are, to name a few: Despicable me, The Road to El Dorado, Howl's Moving Castle, Stardust, La la land, Les Miserables, The Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice (2005), and many of the old Barbie movies. My favorite one, however, could be none other than The Super Mario Brothers Movie ❤️💚✨
I'm a bookworm! 📚 Some of my favorite books are The Shadowhunters Chronicles, the Six of Crows duology, The Lunar Chronicles, 1984, the All of us Villains duology, Matilda, Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, The book thief and Jane Austen's novels, specifically Pride and Prejudice, my most favorite book ever 😍 I also have many favorite Spanish authors, being Victoria Álvarez and Belén Martínez the ones I love the most.
I have celiac disease, which means I can't try absolutely anything that contains gluten, even if it's a tiny amount 🙅‍♀️ A simple crumb of bread can make me very sick, lack energy, ruin my stomach... So I have to be very careful when it comes to eating. I need to have my own plates, cutlery and utensils that have not been in contact with anything that could contain gluten, and when I eat out I always have to ask so I don't risk getting sick. It's very burdensome, and sometimes I'm also embarrassed to have to explain it, but in the end, it's for my health 🤷‍♀️
I've been writing since I can remember, and there are three things that made me start doing so when I was 13. The first one was a book, The valley of the wolves, written by Spain's most famous young fantasy writer, Laura Gallego, whom I used to read a lot. Actually, it was thanks to this book that I wrote my first fanfic ever, even if back then I didn't even know what a fanfic was 🤭 The second one was the show Lost, to which I was SO hooked! And last but not least, Superstar Saga, the first RPG I ever played, also made me wanna go and write, and, again, it was a fic 🤭
This was all a bit personal and I hope it helped you all to get to know me a bit better! 🥰 Now I'd like to focus a bit more on videogames and how important they are to me, as they (as well as the Mario movie) are the main reasons why I joined Tumblr last year! ✨
The Super Mario games mean the world to me. I grew up playing Super Mario Land 2, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World... But the ones that truly left a mark on me were Superstar Saga and Luigi's Mansion. The first, because it made me see Mario and Luigi as endearing characters for the first time, and I fell for both their personalities and their lovely brotherly bond 🥹 And the second, because it made me fall even harder for Luigi and see more of his true courage and determination 💪 And also, I LOVE haunted mansions and dark stories! 😁🤩
As for the more recent games, my favorite ones are, in no particular order, Super Mario Odyssey (so amazing! 🤩), Luigi's Mansion 3 (how I LOVE this one! 😍), and Princess Peach Showtime! (she's our queen 👑). And, well, I'm adding Mario & Luigi: Dream Team even if it's not recent, but that game was also very important and special to me and also made me write lots of fics back in the day. I love it dearly! 🥹
Another videogames that I love are: Spyro (mainly the first three games for PS1 and Adventure for GBA), Animal Crossing, Miitopia, Fantasy Life, Banjo-Kazooie, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda (The Minish Cap 💚) and farming games like Stardew Valley, Story of Seasons and Disney Dreamlight Valley.
I started playing videogames thanks to my cousin! He's a bit older than me, and I remember seeing him playing games like Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie when I was a little girl. Sometimes he would let me play with him, especially Mario Kart 64, and I caught the fever, so at age 7, my mom, although reluctantly, agreed to give me a Game Boy with Super Mario Land 2. And so I continued playing to this day! 🥰
I have Nintendo Switch Online, and I'd be MORE than happy to play with any of you any time we can! So please, feel free to add me as I'd LOVE to also be friends with you on our consoles! 💖 Here's my code: SW-5740-0647-1220. Send in those friend requests!!! 😁😁😁
This is it! 🥰 I had so much fun writing these! I really hope they helped you learn a bit more about me, and of course, I'll be more than happy to see if we have some of these things in common! Feel free to share your thoughts, and again, let's be friends on our Nintendos!!! 😁😁😁
If you read everything: thank you so much! I love you all so much 💖💖💖
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Is Spider human body dying? If that’s the case then mama Neytrir and the rest of the fam would then feel like getting the boy an avatar is there only option to save him. And when it’s finally made they befo wouldn’t wast time to get him into the avatar body. But image when he wakes up and he’s just really out of it( he’s kinda just a little bit drunk at first). While everyone is crying for joy and Neytiri just takes him into her arms while Jake holds his hands while moving his hair out of his face, while everyone else is just either crying for joy for just partying.
meanwhile Spiders just like: o m g IM BLUE AND TALL.
(I apologize in advance, I got really technical and drawn out, cause autism or something, lol)
spiders body was left too weak and damaged after such a traumatic injury (they tend to use bigger guns with bigger bullets on the na'vi, so it was a lot for such a tiny body), the amount of blood loss, and the after effects of such an injury (infection, organ function complications, etc.). there was little chance he would wake up and his body, more specifically his mind, didn't take well to being in a coma. some people can 'fade' as a result of being in a coma, and more specifically, being locked in an unconscious body out of their control. this can cause both mental and physical shutdown, which would be devastating to watch, as little can be done for it besides putting him on more and more forms of life support. (don't mind me, I hyperfixated on medicine for years, I know too much)
so the rush to make spider an avatar would be kinda hectic because they're trying to beat the ever-ticking countdown before spider has shut down past the point that he could be placed into an avatar safely, let alone, pass through the eye of Eywa. aside from getting eh actual materials to make an avatar, there's the grow time itself; assuming it takes 3-5 years (they say 3 years ship time 5 years earth time, I'm not physics smart, I don't know what that means) to grow an avatar to around 20ish years old, it would take 2 or 3 to grow one around spider's age. that's 2 or 3 year they barely have, let alone the time to gether materials.
so to say that the sully's are an emotional wreck is an understatement. neytiri has to face that fact this could all be for nothing. the danger her family pus themselves through, raiding the RDA, moving materials, tracking labs and transits; the time, effort, and supplies taken from the scientists that still remained on their side; the stress she was putting herself and her kids through. it could all be for nothing, she may still lose her child, her baby.
jake, and subsequently neteyam and lo'ak putting themselves through hell on raids, all while stressing about their child. having to pick between being out in the field or being home; being in the field gives them a better chance of bring home the materials they need, but they have to give up what might be the last little bit of time they have with their son/brother. stay home, and they guarantee his demise. no father nor brother should ever have to make that choice.
kiri and tuk have to watch both their brother and mother fade away, withering. they know that if he does die, they won't just be losing him, they'll be losing her as well.
all in all, its a rough time, for all of them. years knowing spider is stuck just beyond a hazy wall out of their reach, knowing that they might have been too late from the start, watching all the little moving parts come together and praying that it all ends well.
and finally, by the grace of Eywa, the avatar is complete; its young, they didn't want to risk pushing spider any farther, so its only 13/14ish but its more then enough for them, and they assume spider won't be too miffed about it.
the transfer was stressful, his brain activity was good, but max and norm are not the best when it comes to whispering, so they all get a nice loud and clear message that there's still a chance for it all to go wrong in a split second. they watch with bitten lips and trembling hands grasping to one another (they use the avatar pods the first time round, cause y'know, taking a person in a coma, underwater, to use the spirit tree... not the best idea, especially when you don't know exactly what's gonna happen). but as soon as the machine starts going and no one's voice gets particularly anxious as they bark instructions and information at one another, it feels like the weight it lifting off their shoulders, and when the sounds stop and the na'vi body on the other side of the glass window starts shifting its like they can all breath again, they have their boy back, their baby.
then its only a matter of keeping neytiri back long enough for the science pukes to do what they need to, which is completely unsuccessful. then theirs a chorus of moaning and groaning from the kids as neytiri and jake are allowed to be with spider as he wakes up and they're not ("it's just a safety concern" max, probably. "well you can stick your 'safety concern' up my a-" tuk, probably, she's a big girl now).
its definitly a lot on spider, he's been stuck in his own head for like, 4 or 5 years, now he's in a whole new, blue, body. he comes into the world hearing his mother's cries and feeling his dads hands practically holding him together. its nice, even if he has no idea what's happening.
neytiri pets at his hair and lets her fingers run over his features, kissing his forehead and holding onto his hand as he started to weakly wiggle his fingers; reminding jake of his first time waking up. jake was too busy feeling his sons unaided breath going in and out of his chest where his palm rested, feeling a heart beating stronger than it had in years, watching his eyes flutter as he adjusted to the light. such little things felt like blessings.
eventually spiders able to figure everything out enough to just let a breathy little "oh shit" out, earning a laugh from his dad. he hears his mom smack him, laughs a little himself, he missed this. then that hits him, it must have been a long time since... since he almost died, his family's probably been waiting on him for a while, his mama's been waiting for him.
he's clumsy like a newborn baby, but he turns to where he's pretty sure his mom is sitting, curling into her as she wraps him in her arms. she missed this, feeling him move under her arms, not lying against her still and lifeless. this was nice, this was good, this was right.
and after a while of laying against his mama he hears movement, and talking, so much talking. he's barely even awake but he knows that all his siblings have gathered around him. his dad's attempt to fend them from smothering him fail; he's got tuk in his lap, kiri wrapped around his shoulders, both of his brothers were close by, lo'ak at the end of the bed, neteyam at the head with his hand in spider's hair.
he feels loved and it feels fucking fantastic, he's been getting bits and pieces of his family's affections over eywa only knows how long, so to be touched and loved on and talked to, it feels great. he soaked it all up, letting it bring him fully into his body.
as his sight and hearing clear up he finally gets a good look at his family; neteyam is all grown up and a carbon copy of their mama, lo'ak looked just like jake too, tuk was almost all grown up, he missed so much of her childhood, and kiri looked like grace, full of piss and vinegar yet so beautiful, one with the great mother and nature and him, his heart. his siblings had changed so much, in all fairness he had too, but he felt like he had been robbed of so much, they had been robbed of him.
he looked to his parents, the white strands in his mother's hair, tattling on the stress she was trying to hide with her bright smiles. jakes eyes were tired, his face held more lines in it, and his shoulders sagged.
they'd been through enough, him, his family, his people, so he was going to take this new body and new chance at life with stride and pray that eywa would be good to them.
"I'm fucking blue motherfuckers," he announced, finally pulling himself up to sit, getting his brothers all riled up and a tired shake of the head from kiri.
"yeah your fucking blue, now relax before you upset norm and max, mama might kill them if they try and take away visitation rights." kiri scolds, gently of course.
he mocked a yeah yeah, attempting to flick his tail at her, with no avail.
"hey dad, is this what it felt like when you first used your avatar? all mushy and weird." he turns to look at jake, completely and blissfully unaware of the bomb he's about to drop on jake.
"yeah kiddo, but you break it in a bit and it feels normal," he looked... happy, but sad.
oh, fuck... thats the first time jake had heard him say that since that day.
"wanna take it for a spin kid? with your mama's permission of course..." his eyes anxiously scanned his mates face, clearly trying to distract both of them from the mental trip they just went on.
he felt his mom wrap around him tighter, hissing a bit before relenting, "10 minutes jake, or so help me," the threat rumbled low in her core, she would have her baby returned to her in 10 minutes or the only person who could protect jake was Eywa herself.
"got it, come on kid, up on your feet," jake ordered in that stupid fake military voice he'd used since they were kids, holding out a hand, pulling spider to his brand new feet with ease.
his siblings jumped up to follow, kiri and tuk dragging their mother along, and for the first time ever, he went outside and breathed the air of his people without a mask or pain, he could trot along with his siblings, and his senses were razor sharp.
his mother stayed close, keeping a hand in his hair, guiding him with her tail as if he truly was a newborn. her smiles was worth it though, bright and relieved as she watched her children and mate finally finding peace. his siblings dancing around him, lo'ak and tuk in particular while neteyam and kiri watch on feigning disappointment.
he could get used to this, he will get used to this.
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ryttu3k · 15 days
Speculating on Astarion and Elvish names, based on this fantastic post by @snailpaste.
So, we know a few things. We know that elves take new names when they reach (cultural) adulthood, at about a hundred years old - a name that's chosen by and representative of them, rather than the name given by their parents. Astarion died at 39, well short of that 100-year mark, and the name 'Astarion' is the one written on his grave. Presumably, this means it was his given/child name, and he's never changed it.
The post linked above goes into a bunch of different components (in Quenya, granted, although we don't have a full D&D Elvish lexicon so Quenya is probably one of the closest options we have), and possible combinations and meanings. One fairly 'standard' meaning for Astarion is 'loyal/faithful son', from 'astar' meaning 'loyalty/faith' and '-ion' being a suffix meaning 'son of'. Let's go with 'loyal/faithful son' as his initial name, given to him by his parents.
Switching tracks somewhat - there's an early-2000s anime series called Haibane Renmei, which does some very interesting things with names. The characters wake up from cocoons with no memories save for a dream, and are named from the content of this dream; the protagonist is named 'Rakka' after her dream of falling. Later on, characters may get the opportunity to earn their true name, which is spoken the same but has different kanji; Rakka's true name means 'connected nut', a nut that has a fused shell, to show the bonds she's made with others.
There's also a darker side. The deuteragonist, Reki, is named 'pebble' after her dream of walking down a pebbled path; she later interprets her true name as 'run over', and almost gives in to her despair and depression. It's only later that she's given her real true name, 'stepping stone', indicating that this is just another step on her way forward, and is able to start healing.
(It's an absolutely beautiful anime, and short at only 13 episodes, but fair warning, it deals heavily with depression and suicide.)
So, how does this relate back to Astarion? Well, with all these interesting meanings, what if Elvish worked a similar way? Same sound, but different meaning, based on tiny differences of pronunciation or stress, or the way it's written in Espruar, or something like that? I can see Astarion, initially named 'loyal/faithful son', being forcefully renamed by Cazador - 'Astar + -ion' becoming 'Ast[o] + ar- + -ion', the components meaning (respectively) 'dust', a prefix for a royal title, and 'son of'. Son of the King of Dust, or 'Prince of Dust', a deliberately cruel reframing to show Astarion that for all his attempts at airs and graces, he's still just nothing. Prince of Dust. His early life is gone, he's the Loyal Son no more. He's just... dust. As he forgets his early, mortal life, the name Cazador has given him defines his entire existence.
More hopefully, however, this could change again, post-Cazador. He's free now. It's a rebirth, as much as becoming an adult in elven culture is; it's a good opportunity to take an adult name. Astarion has used his name for over two hundred years, far longer than elves normally would keep their child name for, and I can see him wanting to keep something of his past while also moving on; he could reframe the name again, and find a new aspiration in it as well.
'Astar + -ion' -> 'Ast[o] + ar- + -ion' -> 'Ast(ar) + -ion'; he returns to the Loyal/Faithful Son, but this time adds in 'ar' as a noun, overlapping the 'Astar' part. (Essentially, 'Ast(ar)ion' or 'Astarion'.) Now, it can be translated as 'Loyal/Faithful Son of the Sun/Day/Warmth'; it's an adult name that he's chosen, and promise to himself - that he'll find a way to walk in the sun again.
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angelynmoon · 11 months
-hello from the void
Eldritch Steve
Part 13
Karen Wheeler is not Stupid, though at times she certainly feels like it. She certainly feels it on her fifth Anniversy, just after Nancy was born and she waited up all night for her husband, Nancy at a babysitters and the fancy dinner she made going cold as the candles she lit burned themselves out. Ted had been gone three days, a surprise business trip he had forgotten to tell her about. He hadn't acknowledged their Anniversery either.
But Karen is far from stupid, she may have gotten only a Mrs. Degree from her college experience but she'd had gotten there with high grades and two classes left for her degree in nursing.
So, she notices when Mrs. Harrington suddenly has a son only a year older than her Nancy, she notices there is only a passing resemblance between them and none with Mr. Harrington.
At first she thinks, and is not the only one, that Mrs Harrington, had an Affair for a child her husband couldn't provide, at one point she even considered that Mrs Harrington bought the boy to raise him.
And then Nancy brought him home and Karen knows. She's not stupid, not unobservant. She learns very quickly after that first introduction that Steve Harrington is not human, at least not any more than Wayne Munson is. They are alike in that Karen realises.
But while Wayne's time in their world hardened him to humanity except for his nephew, Steve's Softened him. There is a gentleness to Steve that Karen's instincts tell her do not belong, instincts that tell her to flee, take her daughters and son and run and pray that Steve does not give chase.
Her observations, however, tell her that Steve will die before harm comes to her children and for better or worse she has decided to trust what she can see over what she feels. Even if eventually Steve harms Nancy or Mike she knows that he won't hurt Holly, he'll protect her before all others, in a way Karen believes that Steve considers Holly his own child. She knows this in her heart, has prepared that if anything should happen to her Holly will go to Steve over Ted, over Nancy, over her entire family.
Steve gets Holly, Karen made sure of that. Steve might be some kind of monster but he has a soft spot for children, her Holly especially even after Nancy chose Jonathan.
Karen knows Steve Harrington is a monster, just like Wayne Munson is.
But she knows he won't harm her children.
Karen Wheeler is not Stupid, she can't help trusting Steve to keep her children safe, she knows he won't fail.
A/n: still not adding more peopleto tag list but keeping the old one
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
A Mother's Touch
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem Reader
Summary: When Natasha is away on a mission and the 13-year-old daughter you share with her breaks her leg while at school, you’re left trying your best to comfort her until Natasha returns.  
Fluff | 1.9K | Nat & Reader have a child together |
Key Words: Y/D/N (Your daughter’s name)
AC: Like I said before, I have a real soft spot for Domestic life Natasha, I hope you all enjoy this. 
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“Hello?” you spoke answering the contact that read “Y/D/N’s school”.
“Hello Mrs Romanoff?” a voice replied. 
“Yes, this is Y/n Romanoff” you answered assuring the other line who you were, sometimes, if not most they would call you Natasha unsure who was on the other end. 
“Hi Y/n” you heard the woman smile, “I just wanted to call to let you know there was an accident at school today. Y/D/N has fallen down a flight of stairs. We’re called the emergency services; she’s broken her leg” 
“Oh my god! I’ll be there right away!” you replied shooting up from your desk at the compound. Your job was filing all the paper work the team had after debriefing and managing other expenses the compound had, making sure the fridge and cupboard where stocked with the teams favourite snacks, making sure the place was clean and kept up to maintenance. 
“Please Mrs Romanoff, we ask that you meet her at the hospital” 
“Uhm.. yeah okay, that’s fine. Is she okay? How is she?” you blabbered off as your motherly worry kicked in. 
“She’s asking for her mother but other than that she seems okay”
Ah yes, it was no secret to anybody that your daughter was definitely a mommy’s girl from the moment she was born. Natasha almost missed the birth due to the Quinjet breaking down mid-way home from a mission but just like she always did, she made it. The second Natasha laid eyes on the tiny little girl, her world changed once more, her favourite change in life. You watched Natasha hold the human you grew for 9 months, boucing her slightly around the hospital room whenever she started to whine and cry and when you were discharged home, Natasha’s new mission was to make sure you did as little lifting as possible. You gave her the greatest gift she could ever ask for and this was her way of showing you how much she loved the two of you. 
She took the first couple of years off from being an Avenger, she didn’t want to miss the ‘firsts’ her first roll over to her chubby baby stomach, her first smile, her first giggle, her first words and steps and she made sure she was available to be there for her on her first days. Whenever Y/D/N hurt herself whether that be from running too fast and falling over, falling off her bike or stubbing her little toe on the corner of the coffee table leg, she always wanted her momma. 
Even though it was very clear who your daughter’s favourite was, you still had a connecting with her just as strong. Whenever Natasha was away on missions, you were there to give her the extra love and attention Y/D/N missed when Nat was gone. You read her countless bedtime stories when she was younger, took her to the park and got her a big scoop of ice cream when she was extra good. As she got older, she would offer to do course around the house so you didn’t have to do it. Sometimes she’d come home from school before you were home from work, hating that you would be working an hour or two later than normal, you’d come home to her trying to make dinner for the two of you. Although your favourite sound was coming home to the laugher and mischief coming from the kitchen when Nat was home. 
“Please tell her I’ll be meet her there and that I will try and through to her mother” you said before hanging up the phone. 
Your worry on a hike as calling Natasha failed twice, cursing to yourself out of pure worry before her voice finally picked up. 
“Hi detka, is everything okay? I was in the shower” her voice calm half your worries already. 
“How long do you have left on the mission?” you asked in a worried tone.
“We’ll be home tomorrow night before dinner. Honey what’s wrong? You sound worried” Natasha said, picking up on your tone. 
“It’s Y/D/N, she’s broken her leg at school. I’m about to go meet her at the hospital, she’s asking for you” you explained quickly. 
“Detka, breath. It’s okay. Is she okay?”
You took a deep breathe in before exhaling. “That’s my girl” she said before you answered. 
“The school says she’s okay but she’s asking for you” you paused and chuckled to yourself, “like always” you said in a playful tone. 
“tell my baby that momma will be back as fast as she can, okay? Call me when you get the hospital. Remember honey, breath, it’s a broken bone, it would’ve been worse” 
Natasha always had a way with words and knew exact what to say whenever your worries and stress would get the better of you.
“I’ve gotta go love but I’ll have my phone on me, okay?” she added. 
“Keep me posted, I love you”
“I love you too” you replied as you searched for your car keys. 
“Hey” Nat spoke in a calming tone again, “I love you” she said once more. You knew what she was doing and smiled to yourself once you noticed, you took a second to relax once again. 
“I love you too” 
“That’s my baby” she cooed, “I’ll see you in a minute” she spoke before hanging up the phone. 
You arrived at the hospital just as they were wheeling Y/D/N into her room. 
“Mom!” she called as she saw you at the reception desk near her room. The nurse gave you the okay to follow through. 
“Hi baby” you rushed to her aid, placing a kiss on her forehead, brushing the hair out of face. “Did you call momma?” she asked straight away, causing you to smile. “I did, she said to tell you that momma will be back as soon as she can” you kept rubbing your hand over her head softly. 
“Mrs Romanoff?” a doctor interrupted, you turned to the older man and nodded with a smile. “I’m Doctor Ross” he reached his hand out to shake yours, as you did. “We just took her for an X-Ray, she’s as a complete fracture to her Tibia bone” he explained calmly.
With a nod as you took in the information, “Will there be a need for any surgery?” you asked. 
“No” the Doctor smiled, “We’ll just put a cast on her for 12 weeks after that she’ll need to do some physiotherapy for a few weeks and she’ll good as new after that” 
“And pain killers?”
“We’ll get something for the pain that she can take over the first 2-3 weeks” 
“Thank you” you smiled to him. 
“You’re welcome, a nurse should be in shortly to apply the cast” he said before leaving the room. 
You turned to your daughter who looked tired and in pain. Like her mother, she hid it very well from others but not from you. She was trying to distract herself by watching the cartoons that played on the tv from the wall in front of her. You smiled softly to her before calling Natasha again. “Here honey” you said softly, handing her the phone.
“Hello?” she said unsure who was on the phone. 
“Somebody told me my baby girl is in hospital” 
“Momma!” her face lit up, “are you on your way home yet?” she asked with hope. 
“Not yet pumpkin, I’ll be home tomorrow night, I promise” 
“Okay Momma” you watched your daughters face drop with hurt. 
“How’s your leg?” 
“I’m getting a cast and the doctor says I’ll have it on for 12 weeks!” 
You sat in the chair next to your daughter’s bed as she explained what happened to Nat. You weren’t surprised this was caused by your daughter and her need to rush from A to B. 
“You’ve gotta start slowing down my love” you heard Natasha’s voice travel through the phone. 
The nurse came in shortly after, ending the call between your wife and daughter short. Once the cast was put on and the nurses and Doctor were happy with it, they discharged Y/D/N, giving you the painkillers, she might need along with some documents for the school to allow her a few weeks off school to let the right leg heal. 
“Mom, can we have pizza tonight please?” your daughter asked from the backseat of the car. “You can have whatever you like, within reason” you smiled to her through the review mirror. She smiled widely before placing her headphones in. 
Later that night, Y/D/N was upstairs in her room watching her favourite movies while you tidied up the mess from dinner downstairs. You were in your own world, placing the leftover pizza slices on a plate to wrap up and put in the fridge. Hovering over the sink to wash the dishes you felt warm arms wrap around your waist. “Hi honey” Natasha’s voice said softly against your skin before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You smiled, leaning into her hold. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow night” you said. 
“I spoke to Tony and he was cool with me coming home early” she said, spinning you around to face her. “How’s my worry pot?” she asked with a smirk. “I handled myself every well thank you” you chuckled. Nat pecked your lips softly. “and how’s our baby girl?” she asked. 
“Waiting for her momma to come home” you replied.
“Well, I’m sure she can wait a few more moments” Nat smirked before kissing you properly. 
“Mom!! Can you please get me a drink?” you heard your daughter call. Nat chuckled, “okay maybe not” she said slowly releasing you from her hold. You grabbed a clean glass and walked to the fridge before Nat stopped you. “Let me” she said, taking the glass from your hands. “OG?” she asked, opening the fridge. You nodded. 
You watched as Natasha pour the juice into the glass before making her way upstairs. 
“Momma!!” you heard Y/D/N say with excitement. You smiled to yourself before returning to the dishes. 
You didn’t see Natasha again until you were in bed reading your book. “She’s asleep” Natasha spoke, clothing the door to your shared bedroom. “How is she truly?” you asked, closing your book. “She cried and took some painkillers but she’s strong, she’ll be okay” Nat replied, sitting on the end of the bed. “Well she is your daughter after all” you smiled, “thank you Nat” you added before she could say anything. “For what love?” 
“For coming home sooner. She felt that cry in, she tried to tell me she wasn’t in any pain. You know, she’s just like you in so many ways. How you come home hurt and bruised and think I don’t see how sore you are. She really needed you and that’s okay, I’m just really happy you came home early” 
Natasha took her socks off and unzipped her jacket, throwing them into the wash hamper. “I was more worried about you than I was her, you know that right?” Natasha spoke before looking into your eyes. You frowned, “But I wasn’t hurt” you said, confused. 
“Because you’re the one who keeps us safe, you doing everything for us and when one gets knocked down you worry more than you should. To call you my wife and the mother to our child is a blessing but to me, you really are my hero” she smiled, kissing your forehead. You blushed and were left without words. “Go shower, you smell” you winked to her as she entered the bathroom. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova |
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crawlspacefics · 4 months
The perspective of Makoami as parents is still something I absolutely adore, so that leads me to ask. What kind of mother do you think Ami would be when paired with Mako?
Who's the 'fun' mom? Who's the mom Miki would be more likely to show a failed grade? Or the mom who would reinforce more etiquette? Or watch a TV show with him?
I'd just love to hear more about them, you don't have to answer those questions to a tea.
Love your stuff as always 💖
Thank you.
Thank you for asking! I always like to talk about my girls and how I see their lives playing out. 😁
I think Ami and Makoto have a really good balance as parents. Makoto takes the stricter role, but just because I think she'd choose to be a stay-at-home parent so she's with him the most. Plus, she's going to wind up with a 7-year-old, a toddler, and an infant. She needs a schedule and some order just to keep her sanity! 🤣 But where Makoto teaches Miki how to bake or tend a garden, Ami teaches him why it works like that. Makoto teaches him to block when he takes a swing, Ami teaches him the physics behind the moves. Makoto keeps the homework schedule, but Ami helps answer the hard questions. Ami may even bring in the whiteboard (one for each kid as they get old enough to write) so they can leave messages for each other like she did with her mom.
Ami is definitely the more lenient parent in this scenario. I think it would come partly from her feeling some guilt for being away so much with work, and partly from her never wanting Miki to feel like the odd child out after the other two (who are biologically related to Ami and look A LOT like her mom's side of the family) come along. So when Makoto is making him eat all his vegetables, Ami is secretly passing him pieces of chocolate under the table. Ami probably also has a really hard time letting the timer run when he's in time-out. Miki's eyes may be blue, but he looks like a tiny Makoto and when he pouts at her... he just has her totally wrapped around his pinky finger. Makoto teases her about this. LOL. In Miki's early years, reading time is probably Ami's textbooks. But when he gets a little older, she's going to teach him the absolute joy of reading a novel in a bubble bath. They go used book shopping together so if he drops them in the water, he doesn't feel as bad about it.
Makoto isn't all rules and vegetables, though! She's always going to be a bit nervous when she doesn't have her eyes on Miki, but she isn't a helicopter parent. She teaches him to be independent while watching from just enough distance that she can easily intervene. She makes sure the kids wash their feet and stick to bedtime, but she also gets down on the floor and pretends to be the monster so they can play Sailor Senshi in the costumes she made for them. When Miki asks how his baby brother got there, Makoto happily hands him off to Ami so she can pull out "the book" and stumble 😳 through the biology lessons. But the second he turns 13, Makoto pulls out the box of condoms and the cucumber for the practical lessons, because while she will NEVER use the word mistake where Miki is concerned, she wants him to be better prepared than she was.
But don't forget the others! There's a bit of communal raising of children going on here. Miki wants to know how to talk to a girl? He contemplates Uncle Haruka but quickly realizes Aunt Minako is the best source. First time he's embarrassed by a bad grade? Aunt Usagi, because she makes him feel better and then drags him home to Ami and just lays it out like it's no big deal. Not like that one time Usagi got a 22 on her math test, and if Ami could help her fix that enough to pass entrance exams, she can fix Miki's 63 no problem! He wants to go to the anime convention with his friends? Go see Aunt Rei for the latest fandom cosplay trends! She'll hook him and his friends up with the best group cosplay ideas and make sure they have exactly what they need for autographs.
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