#she’s making me baked potatoes so it’s hard to be mad
ctrsara · 2 years
Post-Surgery Sleepover
Read on AO3
After Pepper has emergency surgery, Happy and Rhodey are having a hard time getting Tony to take care of himself, so they call in the big guns.
@Comfortember 2022 prompts #3 - Warm Food, #6 - Exhaustion, and #17 - Falling Asleep on Someone and Using Irondad Prompt #40 from @idk-bruh-20, idea from @bayzadas
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Happy Hogan and Colonel James Rhodes met Peter Parker, who was wiping at the lingering dampness in his hair, at the hospital room door. Thankfully, the suit Tony had made him was fairly water-tight. 
“Hey, kid. Thanks for coming. How’s the weather out there?” They were having an unseasonably cold thunderstorm that evening.
“Getting colder, but not too bad, he said with a slight shiver. I made good time. How is she?” Peter’s face was worried, as it  probably had been since he’d gotten Happy’s text a few hours before school got out that day. Happy almost hadn’t remembered to tell Peter he couldn’t pick him up for the internship today, since Pepper was having an emergency appendectomy. The kid had asked if he could do anything to help, and Happy had told him no. Later that night he’d changed his mind, though, and had texted Peter again.
Hey kid, if you’re not busy, maybe you could come to the hospital? We could use your help after all. Just whenever.
Peter had, of course, dropped whatever he was doing, and had arrived thirty minutes later, at nearly 10 PM.
“Pepper’s going to be fine,” Happy assured him. “The surgery went well, and she’s recovering. They’ve got her on some strong stuff, and she’ll probably be out the rest of the night, they said.”
Peter nodded in obvious relief. “So, what can I help with then?” he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. 
Happy nodded at the window in the hospital suite’s door. “You see that guy in there?” Peter looked through to see Tony sitting on the couch, apparently working on some project. He looked a little tired and stressed, but otherwise okay. 
Rhodey picked up the narrative. “He slept about an hour last night, since Pepper’s appendix started doing its thing shortly after midnight, and he got maybe four the night before. Plus, no one has had any luck getting him to eat anything all day, but he’s had enough caffeine to power a whole floor of interns. We thought he’d settle down and eat and sleep after she came through the surgery okay, but no such luck. Can you help us with him?”
Peter looked startled. “Me? What can I do?”
“Well,” said Happy, turning to the table behind him to grab a big styrofoam container, “You can start by getting him to eat. I just got this baked potato soup and some rolls from the cafe across the street.”
“Wouldn’t Colonel Rhodes have better luck?” Peter asked hesitantly, turning to his mentor’s best friend. “You can usually get him to do stuff.”
“I cut off his coffee two hours ago,” Rhodey said, “so he’s mad at me.”
Peter appeared to mull it over, holding the hot container of soup in his hands. “Wow, it smells so good,” he said, inhaling as he brought the container closer to his face. He tilted his head to the side.
“Do you think you could find me a couple of bowls and spoons?” Peter asked the two men.
Happy rushed off to make that happen. Any idea the kid had, he would try. He tried not to show it, but he was mildly frantic with worry about his boss. The man hadn’t slept even as much as he normally did this week, and his stress over Pepper’s pain and eventual surgery had him in a weird headspace. He had no idea how they were going to get the man to sleep tonight, but he needed it desperately. 
It was hard enough to get him to sleep at the Tower or the Compound when anyone was hurt or otherwise under care. Here at a “normal” (but very fancy) hospital, it seemed a hopeless attempt, even though Happy had asked for a twin-sized rollaway bed to join Pepper’s in her recovery suite. But getting Tony into that bed sounded impossible. Happy sighed. Food first.
“Here,” he said a few minutes later, brandishing the paper bowls and disposable spoons at the teenage superhero like they were weapons he was taking into a battle with particularly bad odds. Which, they kind of were.
“Okay,” Peter said, grabbing the bag of rolls, too. “I’m ready.”
Rhodey opened the door. Tony looked up with a poisonous glare. “Tones, the kid’s here to see you. Be nicer to him than you’ve been to us, okay?” He ushered Peter through the door. Happy was relieved that he left it ajar. He wanted to make sure they could hear. Tony would regret it later if things got out of hand and he yelled at the kid. It was kind of like kicking an overeager puppy, and Tony was usually pretty soft with the boy, but Happy wanted to be able to interfere if needed.
“Pete? What are you doing here?” Tony sounded surprised and a bit nonplussed. “You shouldn’t be out in this weather. Did you swing here?” he asked in mild alarm.
“Hey, Mr. Stark. I really wanted to see you, and see that Ms. Pepper was okay, so Happy finally told me it was okay to come.” Man, the kid ignored the last question and lied like a pro when he was trying to help someone else, apparently.
“Hey, I hadn’t had dinner yet though, and I thought you might be hungry, too, so I grabbed us some soup and these amazing-looking rolls on my way in. Want some?” He sounded completely sincere in his story. 
“Since when can Mr. I’m-a-superhero-but-I’m-also-like-ten” lie so smoothly?” whispered Rhodey incredulously. Happy just shrugged and shook his head in amazement. “I dunno. But I’m gonna be keeping my eye on him,” he said with a chuckle.
“Thanks kid, but I’m not hungry,” Tony replied distractedly. Looking through the window, they could see Peter ignore Tony’s refusal, and carefully pour soup into the two bowls, tearing off a couple rolls to go with each one. He arranged them on the little coffee table in front of the couch Tony had set up his work all over.
“Please, Tony? Don’t make me eat alone.” Happy couldn’t see Peter’s face, but the look he was probably giving Tony was one that had never failed yet. It was the main reason Happy had asked him to come here tonight, despite the rough weather outside, and despite Tony’s possible displeasure at Happy involving him.
Tony sighed in annoyance. “Fine, gimme.”
Peter moved sideways so Happy could see the happy grin on the boy’s face as he carefully handed Tony the bowl of soup, and set the rolls at his side. The kid dropped onto the floor on the other side of the table, sitting with his legs crossed to start eating his soup.
“Pete, hold on. Don’t sit on the floor.” Tony sounded more exasperated and resigned than annoyed or angry now, and he moved his tablet and piles of notes into an untidy stack and set them on the table, clearing a spot on the couch next to him, which the boy happily took.
Happy and Rhodey watched in awe (well, observed through sneaky glances here and there) as the kid got Tony to eat two full bowls of soup. Peter refilled both their bowls when they were empty, despite the mild glare his mentor shot at him while chewing on a roll. When Tony wasn’t looking, Rhodey whispered Peter’s name and set two bottles of water inside the cracked door. The sneaky little punk soon found a good excuse for those as well, and managed to get Tony to drink most of a bottle.
When the engineer acted like he was going to get back to work, Peter asked about watching a movie instead. Tony declined, starting to bring up designs on his Starkpad. Then the real sorcery happened.
“So, I’ll bet you were pretty scared when Ms. Pepper had to come in, huh?”
Tony froze, looking up from his notes in palpable discomfort.
Peter kept his gaze elsewhere. “When my Uncle Ben had to have his gallbladder out, it was super scary, and I hated thinking about what might happen during the surgery. I mean, usually everything is fine, but things happen, you know?” 
“Yeah, Pete,” Tony said quietly. “It’s scary. I’m glad she’s going to be okay.”
Tony abruptly started putting his papers away, then set them all down on the floor. “What do you want to watch, kid?” Tony asked gruffly, laying his head back in defeat. Apparently, the only thing Tony Stark hated worse than not working himself to distraction when he was stressed, was being forced to confront and talk about his feelings.
Peter grabbed at the olive branch quickly, clicking the tv on and rapidly scrolling through the options. “Hey, can we watch ‘The Martian?’ We never finished it, and it’s right in the middle, it looks like.”
“Are you serious? We stopped because it was so slow, kid. It barely kept your attention before.”
“Well, I want to finish it now. Is that okay, or do you want to pick?”
“Fine,” Tony grumbled.
Thirty minutes later Rhodey and Happy snuck quietly into the hospital suite, looking in amazement at Tony, who was fast asleep. He had his arm behind his intern, his head resting partially on his own shoulder and partially against Peter’s head. The boy greeted them with a soft smile. 
“Hey. I did it. Now what?”
“Uh…” Happy hadn’t though the plan past this point because he didn’t think it would get to this point. “Um, any chance we can get him into that bed? He nodded towards the twin-sized rollaway. 
Peter quirked an eyebrow, looking between the sleeping hero at his side and at the bed. “Can you bring it over here by the couch? Maybe move this table? I think I could slide him onto it without waking him if we don’t have to move him very far.”
Rhodey and Happy hurried to comply, pulling the top sheet and blanket completely down and out of the way. The overpowered teenager did manage to tilt and slide his mentor until he could roll him gently onto the bed, and they all held their breath to see if the slightly jostling would wake him. It didn’t. 
Peter stood up and stretched, ducking into the en suite bathroom briefly before returning. 
“I think we should move the bed over in this corner, as far away from Pepper’s as we can. People will probably come in a few times tonight, and we don’t want to risk waking Tony unless Pepper is awake,” Rhodey was explaining to Happy.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” The two men began to slowly move the bed further into the second part of the L-shaped hospital room, but at the last minute, Rhodey tripped over a cord, causing him to push the bed into the wall with a loud, abrupt thunk .
Immediately Tony stirred, groaning a little, and moving his hand around on the other side of the bed, obviously unsure where he was. Happy was certain his face reflected the horror on Rhodey and Peter’s.
Peter, moving just a little too fast to be normal, toed off his tennis shoes and slipped up on the bed next to Tony, rolling in close to him. “Shhh. I’m right here,” he murmured. “Go back to sleep.”
And, surprisingly, Tony did. But not before turning to wrap his arm around Peter’s warm form and burying his nose in the top of the kid’s hair. Rhodey backed up rapidly, a hand over his mouth to avoid exclaiming, and Happy was biting back laughter hard at the wide-eyed look on the teen’s face. He was so surprised, and so unsure what had just happened. It didn’t look like there was any chance of Tony giving him up and staying asleep though. 
Peter glared mildly at Happy. “Pretty sure you owe me for this,” he muttered in a whisper. “And you’d better text my aunt.”
Happy nodded enthusiastically. Anything the kid wanted. Seriously. Peter sighed and shifted carefully so he was laying a little less flat, and Rhodey shoved a pillow behind his back for support in response to the pointed look the kid gave him and then the pillow. Then Peter tucked his head a little more securely under Tony’s, sighed softly in what might have been contentment, and closed his eyes. 
“FRIDAY, play some white noise please,” Peter said quietly. Surprisingly, Tony’s phone responded from the couch, doing just that. That was smart thinking. Maybe it would help keep Tony from being disturbed by any hospital personnel that needed to come in.
Early the next morning, Pepper was back asleep when Happy woke up on the couch, where he’d been taking his turn for some shut-eye. Pepper had woken briefly in the night when they came in to take her vitals and check her meds, but after a look across the room at her sleeping husband and his life-size teddy bear, and a quickly whispered explanation, she had forbidden them from waking him. Rhodey was reading in the recliner in Pepper’s part of the room. And Tony was… oh. Tony was awake, too, and looked completely bewildered. The curly-headed teen was snuggled into his side, but still passed out.
“What in the world happened here?” Tony whispered incredulously, half raised on an elbow. Peter stirred, and with a quick glance at the still-dark sky outside, and at Pepper sleeping peacefully, he laid back down, shushing the teen quietly. Peter stopped moving. 
Tony turned his head to stare skeptically at his forehead of security, and Happy was pretty sure he was going to hear about his part in this ambush. But his boss had eaten and slept all night, so he really didn’t care. What was he going to do? Fire him?
Happy felt a particular kind of satisfaction about ten minutes later when he noticed that Tony had fallen back asleep with his arm slung over the sleeping teenager. It was shaping up to be a very good day.
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translucent-at-best · 7 months
Have I done one of these since I moved? ...I don't think so. I'm going to have to do another one of these breaking down the roommate mess I've been dealing with, but that'll be for another day. I've been "it is what it is"-ing the situation for the past week or so though.
One month and 3 more days until I head home for the holidays. I can't wait.
There have been a few situations lately that have left me feeling unsafe out here and the need to be around my family, their love, and familiar surroundings is real.
If I've unfollowed you recently, it's nothing personal. You just had one too many nekkid white folks up and down my dashboard and I just couldn't do it no more.
The lack of good, hood Chinese spots in LA blows me more and more the longer I live here.
I remember when a three-day weekend used to be enough to recharge me to deal with them people and them kids. I don't know if I should blame my period or how over this job I am at this point, but three days just wasn't cutting it this time, so I played hookie today. And still don't wanna go in tomorrow smh.
I'm hosting Friendsgiving next week and although I'm a little nervous about it, I'm more excited than anything. I'm in charge of making parmesan-crusted chicken, mashed potatoes, and sausage dressing. This is my first Thanksgiving in... at least a decade where I won't be making cookies and I'm not mad at it. Mostly because I'll be baking them like crazy for orders during the holidays.
I've never received any apartment-warming gifts from anyone. Not for my old place or this new one. But times is hard for everybody and the holidays are coming up. I do wonder who'd donate or buy me something if I posted the Cashapp/Venmo/Zelle though.
We can all agree that Black people's penises are not cocks, right? They are to be referred to as dicks, correct? We're all on the same page with that???
A man who got loud with me and my friends during brunch yesterday ended up being kicked out of the restaurant and, once in the parking lot, slammed his baby mother's head off a car. A man who went on a homophobic rant and was screaming and yelling horrible things 18 inches away from my face. I know how this sounds, but I'm simultaneously so sorry it was her and so glad it wasn't me.
They arrested him before he left the premises. I hope she packs up her and her baby's shit and leaves him before he gets out.
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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The return of Sugar Belle EDIT: DANG IT! it’s Hard to Say Anything.
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We’re with the Cutie Mark Crusaders who found a bunch of disguises when they happen to notice that Big Mac is delivering a bunch of apples to Starlight’s old village… Again. Curious, they decide to stowaway on the Apple Cart to find out the deal. Turns out, it seems both Big Mac and Sugar Belle have a thing for each other, but neither of them took that first step. So when the girls confront Big Mac about it, He admits it, but also admits he’s afraid to take that first step.
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It also doesn’t help that another pony named Feather Bang is interested. So Big Mac, being desperate, decides to ask for the advice of three little girls who have not been in a serious relationship and are taking their ideas out of a fairy tale book.  Surely this will work. But since the meat and potatoes are the failed attempts at wooing Sugar Belle, let’s talk about three specific things…
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First, they referenced Hearts and Hooves Day a lot. They sank the ship with Big Mac and Cheerilee. Big Mac is still mad at them about the love potion and DEMANDED no potions. While others may think it’s unnecessary, the important thing to me… Second, Feather Bang is someone I presume is based on Justin Bever. While I have not seen a lot of him (the only song I really listened to was Beauty and the Beat), based on the parodies I’ve seen he connects a lot of dots.
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Finally, I’m not a fan of the songs. This is a cringe comedy I am not enjoying. But because I usually tuned them out of memory, I never realized that “Be My Lightning Bliss” was a parody of one of the songs here. It really shows how context can change how a song works out. Like the FNF Song “Deathmatch” when I hear it gives me Undertale “Hopes and Dreams” vibes but was really for the final stand of Daddy Dearest against the Corruption that took over Boyfriend.
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With Sugar Belle mad at both of them, Big Mac realizes that Sugar Belle isn’t a fantasy Princess, she’s a real pony with real needs. Like a bigger display case. So with Scootaloo distracting Sugar Belle, the Apples work on the new Display Case as Sweetie is on Lookout. Luckily Scootaloo did her job long enough so they could complete it. She looks like she really appreciates it. Like REALLY appreciates it.
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Big Mac Apologizes and the Crusaders leave because this is a TV-Y series and it honestly looks like they’re going for an HBO show. And this relationship will be revisited again and again until we get wedding bells. It ends with Feather Bang asking for advice from the Crusaders because he’s all show and no substance. It ends with them agreeing to help him connect to these three groupies. Should be an easy slam dunk.
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But this story continues in the 2018 Gameloft Hearts and Hooves Day Limited Story. Feather Bang is ready to take their advice, but he wants to know who they are on the inside so the girls go to them to find out what they’re made of… First we meet Swoony Fanfilly, the Unicorn of the trio. Thing is, she's also thinking about why she likes Feather Bang. Luckily for her Blaze the Wonderbolt arrived to help her sort out her feelings. And while Swoony claims to be happy being single right now, I'm betting she's now eying a certain Wonderbolt.
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Enraptured Fanfilly, the Earth Pony, was wondering how Sugar Belle got his attention before her. Even if he got him now, she still wonders why not before. So she thinks it's because of the baking Sugar Belle did. So Apple Bloom's quest is to get a baked good from Sugar Belle so Enraptured can stop being enraptured by wondering. Sugar Belle's shop is being built and Big Mac is there as well. Since they needed bits, Apple Bloom helps by getting some more. She gets an Apple Cinnamon-bun pie but despite trying it, Enraptured feels worse since it just makes her feel more down on herself. And then Blaze shows up again to pep talk Enraptured out of her funk. She was so busy being jealous of Sugar Belle, she forgot her own talent for mummenschanz puppetry.
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And if any of you know your basic pattern recognition, you probably know what’s going to happen with Giddy Fanfilly, the Pegasi of the trio. Scootaloo finds her in the windmill practicing dancing. She's terrible but the music is catchy. She always loved his slick moves, but she did ballet, what more can I say. So Scootaloo tries to help give Giddy some new dance moves that are modern. But while she got the DJ and the outfit, Scootaloo realizes she's not an expert at modern dancing either. And 3... 2... 1... BLAZE shows up willing to teach her about Jazz-Funk and Poppin'. But she still fails and is sad she can't relate to Feather Bang. Another Blaze pep talk later she's all in on ballet that Feather Bang is out of the picture.
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The girls report back to him about what they found out. To sum it up, one did it because she wanted to support her friends, another was crazy jealous until talked into appreciating her own talents, the third one thought she needed to change but was told that differences are what makes things work and all three of them were talked to by a Wonderbolt named Blaze. Hearing all these options and having a patented Cutie Mark Crusaders Hearts and Hooves Day Card, Feather Bang makes his choice: Blaze. He asks her to be his special somepony and she accepts. Yay, mega happy ending!
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Overall, while the episode is great for setting up Big/Belle, I do like the addition Gameloft made more. Made those three fillies more than just Gaston’s duplicates. And no cringe comedy. Click here for the original review.
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monkberryfields · 6 months
hi mads, srs again!! sorry for dropping off the face of the earth! finals..... happened and then i lost all sense of time for a week 🙃 how did your finals go?? i hope your potato famine paper wasn't too unmanageable and that it was interesting to write. i ended up writing 7000 words for an original nature writing project bc i had wayyyy more to say than i anticipated lol. the music history thing is super cool too!! that's definitely been the most interesting part as i've gotten into classic rock: how music evolved over time, what influences changed the styles of music, and how artists influenced one another. in mike nesmith's autobiography, there's a bit about how jimi hendrix singlehandedly changed the entire rock scene and basically shook everything up the way the beatles had back in '63, and mike recalls a dinner at a restaurant where john lennon came rushing in out of breath and super late for the meal because he had been in a club watching hendrix perform and had recorded the performance and proceeded to play it in the restaurant bc it was so life-changing. it's so wild that there's these singular moments where things can change so suddenly, and people can remember decades later the moment they first heard the new style and how it made them feel.
do you have any fun plans now that you're on break? any fun traditions? i'm excited for a lot of the christmas baking! i've already made some gingerbread cuneiform tablets for my mom (she's a history teacher lol) so now i'm getting ready to do some real christmas cookies, maybe bake some small loaves of bread, and recreate some pastries that i used to love getting when i studied abroad! we're trying to go low-effort for christmas meals this year, so the desserts are really the only things that are going to be fancy lol.
travelling back to 60s london would be so much fun!! and your concert choices are a+, i saw stop making sense at the movie theater recently and it totally blew my mind, it would be amazing to be part of that crowd just having fun!!
i hope you're having a relaxing break so far and take some time for self-care!! christmas is just a few days away, so i hope you're having fun and feeling festive! 🎄🎆🎁☃
much love!!! -🦋
Hello Secret Santa! No worries!! I was hoping your finals went well and that you're alright!!
My finals went great! My professor was very impressed with the potato famine paper so it made me feel accomplished. Also, 7000 words is no joke!! That's awesome! We did our fair share of writing this semester, and we need to give ourselves a pat on the back for our hard work. What were some cool things about your nature writing project that you're proud of?
Yes!! That's the reason why I love classic rock so much is that it really did create the ways we listen to music today! Also, I love Jimi Hendrix so much. I think he was a true innovator. And I've never heard that story before between Mike and John about Jimi. I wonder if it correlates with the anecdote from Paul who went to see Jimi Hendrix days after Sgt. Pepper's was released and Jimi had learned to play it. I like how all these bands' and artists' histories sort of intertwine with each other. Super fascinating!!
Right now I have mainly been trying to watch the videos in my YouTube watch later playlist because I had over 300 videos (I know, I know...). I also am trying to read some books during the break because I know I will not be able to read them once the semester starts back up again. I'll also be trying to write a bit of my Master's thesis during the break which I'm nervous about.
My family isn't the type for traditions, but we do cook a huge Italian dinner for Christmas Eve. I've also baked up a storm with a lot of premade cookie dough. One Christmas, I would like to try and bake everything from scratch because I know I can bake, I just don't have much time to. Also, the cuneiform gingerbread tablets sound so cool!! I bet that was fun to do. I haven't baked bread in a while, but I feel like I should get back into it. I know how to make the big Italian bread loaves, but I really want to try to make sourdough. I just need a starter. Desserts are always fun to get fancy with. I baked some nice pies for Thanksgiving this year that were pretty fancy! What are some of your favorite desserts to bake? Also, where did you study abroad?? I've always wanted to do that, but the pandemic happened unfortunately.
My wishes are the same to you! Everyone deserves a relaxing break and time to themselves to practice self-care. I definitely have, and it's been great! I'm trying to get in the festive mood and I hope you're having a great time with your family this holiday!! :)) Is there anything you're anticipating gift-wise?
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omiscurls · 3 years
I love your writing and how much you’re able to bring out the true personalities of each character!! I was wondering if you could do Kaeya, Xiao, Diluc, Zhongli, and Childe celebrating y/n’s bday. (My birthday was a couple of days ago but I didn’t receive any greetings from my genshin team for some reason... 😔)
happy birthday
a/n: SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! as for your problem, have you tried looking in character>voiceover>voicelines? the wishes should appear there, i dont know what happened if they don't
plot: celebrating the reader's birthday
contains: kaeya, diluc, tartaglia, xiao, zhongli
warnings: brief mentions of alcohol, otherwise pure fluff
a surprise party
to be completely honest, kaeya barely cares about his own birthday enough to even remember the date
and obviously he does remember yours, how could he not, but- he's just not used to celebrating, you know?
so watch him know very well your birthday is coming up, with a mindset like: "okay, you've got time, you'll figure something great out, it's gonna be amazing"
and the day or two before he realizes, he indeed wants to do something great and amazing, but he completely ran out of time
fortunately, who cares about reservations when your brother's a bar owner, right?
he figures out that if he waits till sunset with the party he still has an entire day he can spend of preparing everything he needs
so as you sleep peacefully, he sneaks out of the room at the break of dawn, ready to work his ass off
he doesn't want you feeling bad, after all, right?
the thing is, you do start to feel a bit bad, as an entire morning goes by, and not only is kaeya nowhere in sight, literally nobody is! you walk through the streets of mondstadt, looking for any familiar face to spend the time with, but the city seems awfully empty of your friends. you end up having fun at diona's cat's tail, her complaining about everyone, and you, surprisingly, joining in, but it still doesn't replace the companion of your friends.
you go over your day as per usual, and decide to bake yourself a cake, since you think that'll cheer you up. you run out of flour, though, so it's necessary to go over to the store and stock up on some. right as you cross the city's main square, you run into diluc.
"oh, sorry, haven't seen you" you say, not even lifting up your face to look at who's chest did you bump on, until he grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
"someone looks dejected" he says, and you almost want to punch him for not realizing why. instead of doing that, however pleasing it sounds, you just shrug your shoulders. "come on, you look like you could use a special drink of mine"
and with that, he pulls you towards angel's share, letting you complain about your day, though you don't explicitly say it's your birthday, still mad he didn't remember that on his own.
"so he completely ditched you without a word?" he acts surprised and offended "that's so awful-" he continues, opening the door before you.
just as he opens it, and you hear the word "awful" you see the bar as if for the first time. flowery garlands are up beneath the ceiling, the tables are arranged differently and covered with colorful, pastel table cloths, music is playing. the backdoor is opened and you see the outside of the building decorated in a similar manner, candles and fairy lights spread all over the place.
the sun is slowly setting over the buildings visible through the back door, and the atmosphere inside borders on magical, but to top that all off-
"happy birthday!" you hear a lot of voices shout, and your eyes widen at the sight of all those who you hold dear present. you can't help but smile, seeing all of them cheer, grinning from ear to ear.
"i-" you look over at diluc "how'd you pull this off?"
you swear you saw him crack a soft smile before admitting that he in fact, didn't. you're about to ask who did, then, but you're interrupted by a silvery voice, coming from behind you.
"i did" the voice says, a hand moving to cover your eyes "wanna guess who?" you hear a whisper inches away from your ear, shaking from surprise.
affection swells in your chest as you quietly say "kaeya", your smile growing fondler, knowing that aside from all your friends, he's here too, and as a mastermind, at that.
"hope you don't hold leaving you by yourself for a couple of hours against me" he continues, arms sneaking around your waist, chin rested on your shoulder "d'ya like it?"
emotion gets the better of you, and you don't know what to say, so choose only to nod eagerly.
"a lot" you finally whisper, much to kaeya's satisfaction.
"happy birthday, then" he says, suddenly pulling away from you, as to exclaim loudly "attention everyone!!" he takes a fork to ring on his glass "i hereby declare, that the next round's on me!"
cheers fill the room, along with one "yea right" and another "like we'd believe that" before the owner of the bar speaks up as well.
"as much as i'd like to see that" diluc settles "today's drinks are on the house."
a magical evening
so he’s a fan of planning
not a diehard fan, but a fan nonetheless 
it’s just, he would rather have things planned ahead than wake up a day before and not know what to do (like a kaeya) like an idiot.
so you bet he has already calculated how much time he has left the moment you told him the date of your birthday.
unlike kaeya, he prefers to be working alone, but also likes to keep his plans a surprise. he himself hates surprises, but has to admit, doing one for someone else is quite the fun 
he stays quiet about your birthday coming up until the very last moment, and if you want to ask him if he wants to do anything with you that day, he says he already has something in mind, you know, nonchalantly. as if he hadn’t been thinking about it for archons know how long 
he’ll wake up before you just to wish you a happy birthday the moment you wake up, and he might be unusually affectionate for a bit, but don’t even bother asking what he has planned out - he won’t tell, not even if you beg. 
diluc wanted to kick you out of the house all day. “oh, there’s shopping to be done” “oh, this lady wanted to talk to you”, or “you know, come to think of it, didn’t jean say she had something she’d wanted to show you for your birthday?” every lame excuse in the book, he has used it. 
you decide to finally grant him what he so obviously wanted, and leave, choosing to walk all around the city, and even outside the gates, you make it quite a trip, not knowing when to come back. 
you smile upon thinking about how secretive he tried to be, but how even he, the mighty descendant of one of the noble families of mondstadt, a man as collected and stoic as can be, couldn’t contain his excitement. you saw all his little side smiles and the way he bit his lip a little after settling today’s rough plans with you, he was so happy, you’re satisfied just by seeing that, sometimes forgetting the real reason for why he was actively plotting something. 
you walk and walk, and then walk some more, but your legs start to hurt, and you’re growing hungry, so you decide to finally get back home. 
when you approach the winery, you can see the lights in the ballroom are lit up from a mile away. your heart can’t help but flip with excitement, since diluc hates using the room, hates throwing parties, and would much rather just forget it exists. 
it’s a beautiful venue though, looks like something out of a fairytale, and you always tell him how much you love it. it’s no surprised he decided to use it, but you can’t wait to see it anyway. 
as you get closer to the building, it becomes more and more apparent that the ballroom isn’t the only place that got upgraded to a five star level for one night and one night only. the building looks amazing, and the gates are open all the way, as if there was a party to be thrown and guests to arrive any time soon. 
but as you’re welcomed into the mansion, there’s no one else in the hall, other than a dressed up diluc, his hair in a high pony, just how you always said you liked it, wearing a suit you hadn’t seen on him since... well, you don’t even recall. 
“well, if it isn’t my honorary guest” he announces with an official tone, almost making you a bit flustered. 
“what’s all this? am i not, i don’t know, underdressed?” you giggle nervously, and he approaches you, a tiny little black box in his hand. 
“you could wear a potato sack and shine brighter than all the stars together” he says softly, showing you the little box. “and as tradition orders, happy birthday.”
you carefully open the box, a simple, silver necklace resting on the little cushion inside. you take it out, and watch the ornament, but can’t for the life of you figure out what it is. 
“you see” diluc provides an explanation “it’s a common thing to do to gift someone jewellery as a gift, and almost as common to have necklaces with your star constellation. that is, the allignment the stars were in the moment you were born. but i decided, that i wanted to give you one with the alignment that shone on the sky on the happiest day of my life. well, according to mona it did.” 
you stay silent for a second, astonished with the present, before asking 
“and that is?”
“the day we met.”
how to surprise your lover 101
when i tell you this boy knew EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING from the moment he first thought of it
now. he loves celebrating, anything, really, the atmosphere of a party is almost magnetic to him
he grew up thinking every person deserves to have an amazing day once a year, only about themselves, so it’s very obvious to him that he IS doing something, and it needs to be huge
now, in a family as big as his, it was hard to keep things a secret, so he developed a whole plan on how to avoid having you finding out what he was planning
and that is: by having you know
it’s really getting annoying, how everybody keeps walking up to you, for a good week now, and asking if you’re excited for the big party childe’s throwing. the first time you hear it, you almost immediately run to confront him about it, since you explicitly said that a party, a big one, at that, is the last thing you want.
he obviously says that it’s nothing, and you needn’t worry about that. not that you trust his words, obviously, but you let it go, partly because you know how attached he is to the idea of a huge celebration, and partly because arguing with someone as stubborn can really be tiring.
so you settle, and fake a smile for every conversation with the alleged “guests” for your alleged party, thinking you’ll just suffer through it and then just do something with your childe the next day, having yourself plan it.
the wait is stressful, and when you finally see tartaglia walk through your bedroom door, dressed up really nicely, with a soft ribbon to tie on your eyes, so you wouldn’t see anything before it’s “time”, you almost want to ditch him, but that would be too rude.
complying begrudgingly, you let him guide you through the city, feeling the cold evening air hit your skin, wondering where did he set up this party of his, since you don’t hear anything.
oh god, is everyone gonna jump out of hiding yelling “happy birthday”? please, not that, at least not that.
when he finally unties the material covering your eyes, you see nothing but a wooden platform at the end of the harbor, with a blanket set up, some really nice-smelling food and what appears to be champagne laying on it. the sun is setting slowly behind the mountains in the distance, the only sound you hear being waves crushing on the rocks.
you can’t help but gasp.
“but” you turn around to face childe with a questioning look “what about the party?”
“what party?” he looks surprised “i never said anything about any party” he adds with a knowing smirk.
as you analyze your surroundings, he watches you with a soft smile.
“come on, don’t be so shocked now” he finally says “i know you better than to plan you something you’d hate. i’m not THAT much of an asshole”
his giggle sounds almost too good in the beautiful scenery around you, and you can’t help but let your eyes water for a little while, before rapidly blinking the tears back.
“is this more similar to what you’ve dreamed of?” he asks.
“yeah” you whisper “yes, it is”
“well, that’s the only thing that matters. shall we?” his hand points to the blanket, and you nod, smiling.
this may or may not be inspired by that one episode of Brooklyn 9-9
trying something new
birthdays? what’s that
you mean to tell him he has lived two thousand years of his life without realizing the day it was brought to him should be celebrated?
yup, no, you can explain it all you want, he still doesn’t get the idea. he just finds it to be way too trivial, okay?
what gets to him, though, is that there’s a custom of doing something meaningful for the person celebrating their birthday, to make them feel important
well, you should’ve led with that, that he can do!
he would never just go and straight up ask for help if he needed any. so don’t be surprised if you hear yet more new stories about the yaksha that allegedly lives near wangshu inn sneaking into the kitchen, or watching through the glass.
he spends HOURS waiting for the chef to finally prepare the dish he hopes for, and once he does, he follows every step very carefully. and then again. and again. and one more time, up until he feels he can do it himself.
when he finally gets to enter said kitchen, it’s already way past midnight, and everything is dark, barely visible. he manages to find his way around, though, preparing all the ingredients, and starting to mix them the same way the chef did.
turns out it’s not as easy as it looks, for example, he didn’t measure how long this thing is supposed to be cooked, or on what temperature, so the process gets a little messy at one point. he might even have to start over. like, twice, tops.
it’s already nearing dusk when he finishes, taking the fruit of his works with him.
as per usual, you wait for him on the roof, and as per usual you don’t realize he’s right behind you until he speaks up.
“happy birthday” he says out of the blue, causing you to jump up in shock.
“oh my, xiao, you scared me! again!” you laugh.
“it’s today, isn’t it?” he continues, as if he didn’t hear you. when he sees you nod, he awkwardly shows you the package he held behind his back, watching closely as you open it with a questioning look.
inside, there’s a carefully wrapped serving of almond tofu, it could use a little bit of touch ups, but it still looks and smells delicious nonetheless.
“did you do this yourself?” you turn around to face him, smiling in disbelief
“mhm” he gets a little flustered, and decides not to tell you about his little kitchen adventure. “is it… is it good?” he asks, and you smile even more fondly.
“why don’t you come over here and taste it with me?”
one can never go wrong with a classic
zhongli knows every single tradition there is to know.
so you don’t have to even tell him anything - he knows. he might not know what to do with his knowledge, but he does know what would make you happy
this man is a gentleman who believes that some moves to make someone swoon never get old
he even got a free day from work just for the occasion, or he may just think he told hu tao that he wants it? either way, he’s not there. not like his boss isn’t used to it.
right as the clock strikes 5 pm, you hear a knocking on your door. checking how you look one last time, you smile to the reflection in the mirror, and walk over to answer.
as you open said door, you find yourself dumbfounded at the sight of a completely soaked zhongli, rain pouring heavily behind his back. his hair sticks to his face, and all the layers of his suit seem drenched to their very core, but a smile you see so rarely paints his face, as he presents you with a bouquet of flowers.
and my oh my, just how huge is it! he barely even manages to hold it in hand, and the flower crowns hide his entire chest and half his face when he places them in front of you.
“i believe this is for you” he says gently “are you ready to go?”
you can’t even find the right words, as you size the bouquet up, taking it from him with a quiet “thank you so much” before taking it back to the house, already in search of the right vase to put them in.
“may i come in and dry myself up a bit?” he asks, still from the doorstep, and you laugh before granting him the permission.
when the both of you are ready to go, you meet in the hallway, both smiling softly at the other, a bit awkwardly, as the beginning of every meeting is.
“you look even better than usually” he finally says, pride rising in his chest at how your grin widens.
“same goes for you, mr zhongli” you answer just as cheekily, waiting for what he’s gonna say next.
“well, thank you, but i don’t think today’s about me now, is it?” he counters with a bit of a side eye. “shall we go?” he points to the open door, and the both of you leave, you grabbing his arm to fit under one umbrella.
“may i ask where’re we going?”
you can’t miss the way his smile turns prideful and confident as he says:
“i” he accentuates “am taking you out to dinner”
he might feel a bit offended by how sarcastically you gasp at the revelation, but it’s okay. as long as he gets to see you laugh, it’s okay.
daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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holographicang3l · 3 years
My hot take on the Evangelion 3.0+1.0 movie
-40 mins of shinji crying, trying to get over the trauma seeing Kaworus head explode and splatter across the window is relatable.
- Mari confused the fuck out of me. Her existence didn't make much sense but ok. Too much boob shots, too much fan service.
- Asukas story was good. Liked that she's also a Type series like Rei. Too much fanserves. They put a shit ton of detail on her naked body. I hated it.
- the Angel concept of Asuka was cool though it was predictable.
- So little of Ritsuko and Misato. Little to no personality.
- Kaji probably controlled Mark 6 to cut off Liliths head to stop the impact. (theory / headcanon / could have been kaworu as well but damn)
- hated that everyone was blaming shinji even tho he saved everyone at the same time. Ungreatful people, trying to blame a kid for ALLL the mess is pretty messed up.
- Kaworu and Asukas soul piloting Eva 13 lmao (I assume at least that's the case)
- I was laughing so ugly about the animation fo 3d Rei. Didn't give me the creeps, I was just making fun of it.
- some scenes are quiet awkwardly cut.
-I HATED the 3d fight between Eva 13 and Eva 1. It felt unfinished and unpolished.
- I did like the trueman show style of backdrop in the fight, where Eva 01 slammed through the scene wall.
- funny headless mannequin flying hand in hand 3d style. Looked ugly af but I can see the artistics in it.
- Weird but, the voice of Fuyutsuki sounded off, as if it was wrongly recorded. Maybe it was just me.
- "The key of Nebukadnezar ITS FULL CYCLE BOYS" urgh.
- Shinji putting the fucking dss choker on like the Chad he is.
- finally got in the fucking robot. What a huge Chad.
-crying kaworu was nice. Made him more human.
- didn't see it as if Shinji thinks Kaworu as his father figure, Idk how people can interpret that shit. They just come off as similar. Just because I see someone similar to a family member doesn't mean that I see them as a father or mother figure yall just interpret what you want to.
- Timeloop theory confirmed, we did it boys, depression is no more.
- it felt like a shit ton of things got cut off due to the awkward pacing, dialouge and some scenes.
- Ryo-chan I can't fucking-
- Commander Nagisa ✨ It was all an elaborate plan. Kaworu probably developed the Anti L- barrier thing or at least helped. (headcanon)
- Kaji was like father to me (probably kaworu somehow)
- melon farmer Kaworu confirmed
- Adult shinji, bantering with Mari.
-don't like the boob thing tho.
- hated the fan service. Loaded like a baked potato.
-Rei was fucking cute
- I would die for her.
- Fuck gendou
-I will not sympathies with a fucking egomaniac.
- dude fucked humanity bcs he couldn't accept the death of his wife.
- super obsessed.
-what a moron. I swear.
- Gendo hugging Shinji was cute tho.
- can't accept his apology tho, still asshole, can go rot in hell.
- All parents are assholes in Eva except Touji and Hikari.
-Tsubume and Rei fucking cute I swear.
- Kensuke is the ultimate winner, he looks handsome. Would fuck
- Rei and the farmer woman were cute, I want more content.
- End scene was stupid.
- the ending in general was good tho.
- felt bitter sweet but also satisfying.
- One LAST kiss slaps
- What if?: orchestra, piano slapped my soul into the Anti universe and now I'm sitting on the Golgatha object, ready to find Kaworu.
- I wanted them to be all happy.
-hopefully they are.
- Mari and Shinji probably endgame
- probably just friends tho, I mean come on.
-kawoshinners are crying.
- Kaworu going to super hell (predicted, it's all full cycle kids, go home)
- Maria Iskariot?! I mean what (yeah I know what the innuation is here but still)
- Asuka is a clone, guess Langley was the Original but died and the Shikinami series was deployed Idk, I'm not anno.
- Fucking technoblabble and pseudo-philosophy
- my brain melted trying to understand half of the bs that was spoken about
- I like Ryoji Kaji Jr. He's cute. I want 500 fanfics of him being a cute gardener and being best friends with kaworu (please im in pain help me)
- Parallels between Gendou and Ritsuko shooting at each other *chefs kiss*
- the detail in the scenery was just amazing.
- I'm a headless wandering Eva (no thoughts head empty)
- I missed the mass production Eva's (way cooler though I really liked the skull Eva's as well)
- give me a 14 years before prequel or give me death (probably gonna die before it comes out)
- I swear I was so sad when doppelganger Rei busted into Fanta, best development of Rei ngl
- I can not stop my anger with Gendou I swear.
-I don't care how he's written Gendo/ Gendou/Gendoh, all versions are assholes
- That L barrier thing in Asukas eye was the most painful thing to watch. Body gore Asuka as always.
- "I'll come and get you Shinji" SHUT UP
- The self insert story was funny tho ngl
- That hair flip was fabulous
- KaWoRu AnD rEi aRe StAnDinG in ClOsE pRoXiMiTy ThEy mUsT bE tOgEtHeR (what the fuck, can't people have normal friends from the other gender? )
- ShInJi aNd MaRi hElD hAnDs ThEy mUsT bE tOgEThEr (what the fuck, can't friends of the other gender hold hands? Does that mean I'm dating my best friend for holding his hand?! MAKE SENSE PEOPLE)
- UwU Asushin is Canon UwU (In the past maybe, was a huge cockblock from anno here, go cry in a corner and read your top rated evageek hentai manga of Asuka x Shinji Jesus christ (don't slaughter me) )
- God is dead after the stunt Gendou pulled and Kawoshin is (no) more (lmao no but yes but no, don't slaughter me)
- UNIT8 be like: "you're talking mad shit for someone being in consuming range" and proceeds to eat all the units (vore is strong in this one)
- Eva 13 and Eva 1 hugging (and penetrating) best shit I've seen
- Maris scream for Asuka was painful. It ripped my heart in pieces.
- Angel Unit2 was too short. I want more of that.
-That tiny Kaworu in the background while Angel Asuka absorbs Shikinami (I don't know fam, the movie is confusing)
- I read somewhere that Headless kaworu corpse playing the piano in the entry plug was cut off from the script and Im not sure if that is true but I would have LOVED TO SEE IT
- Eva 3.0+1.0 was annos huge middle finger to all of Evangelion and I love it.
- tells us to grow up and stop hyperfocusing at the characters proceeds to make them as sexual as possible lmfaooo
- That Lance of WILLE thing looks like something out of Darling in the FRANXX series and I laughed so hard.
- there you are YUI?!
- Mom was in me (I want to die)
- Gonna use plot device shit to make a Lance out of a spine (damn shinji obtained a backbone to defeat his deadbeat father, I would have never seen this coming *irony*)
- Gotta defeat your dad with the power of friendship TALKING (like any human being does)
- Anno says byebye (proceeds to think of 14 years past prequel, it makes money so I guess)
- Anno says grow up, proceeds to slap the fans in the face that you should stop using escapism as a coping mechanism in a world that makes you feel miserable and being in constant pressure to uphold a stupid image and start to live even though you're forced to work as much as possible with makes living hard af (I dotn know if you understand what I was trying to tell with this but if you do *Finger guns*)
- Give me the uncut version in a year or I riot
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blackindiaink · 3 years
Okey the first time raelle sees scylla in a dress. We need to have this!! Please
Hope that this does the trick!
Rarely did they have occasion to dress up so when Beltane came around again Raelle, Tally, and Abigail decided to do it up right this time. Of course, Raelle dragged Scylla into the plan because how could she not. There was a sense of reluctance given Scylla’s history with the holiday but she put that aside for Raelle.
Tally was all for it but Abigal was still wary around Scylla so when they all went shopping for their clothes, Scylla opted to stay behind saying she already had something to wear. Raelle appreciated that Scylla got it, she needed time to be with her sisters. That thoughtfulness was one thing that drew her back to Scylla so quickly after their break.
Maybe once all the dust had settled Scylla could open up a little more to Tally and Abigail and that would go a long way to making her part of the group. Tally had already started talking to Scylla more, asking her questions about her life, and generally being as welcoming as Tally ever was to anyone.
The standoff between Abigail and Scylla was more to do with their total opposite outlooks and personalities, though they had more in common than either would like to admit. Scylla had none of the baked in arrogance that came from a life in the realm of High Atlantic witchery but she did have a confidence level that belied her humble beginnings.
However, that confidence could be shaken and there were times when she felt so broken that Abigail could get to her. For her part, Abigail knew she had to tone it down a bit if she didn't want to piss Raelle off anymore. As much as it irked her, Scylla looked to be a permanent part of their world, and she could admit that the girl wasn't all bad. She was powerful, which was both threatening and comforting. She also knew that Scylla would die for Raelle any day of the week, that kind of dedication to her friend didn't go unappreciated, even if it was quietly.
The mall was crowded with people again. There had been a time when it went empty after that Spree attack. It still shook Raelle that the one responsible for that was the love of her life but she knew that it was more complicated than that. Scylla herself was a complex person that had taken a journey just like everyone else.
That's why Raelle took into account the contribution that trauma and pain had given to those early decisions of Scylla's. She was different now, deeply regretted hurting those people, and tried to make amends in whatever ways she could.
It was probably another reason Scylla didn't choose to come to the mall. Even as they walked through the main lobby area, Raelle could see the news footage in her mind. It was all grainy and hard to see since it was security footage taken from cameras inside the mall itself but that made it all the more gruesome.
She pressed those thoughts to the back of her mind as Tally cheerfully recounted the story of the one and only time her school on the compound had taken a class trip to a mall in Sacramento to learn about the dangers of free market capitalism.
“So, it totally backfired because I ended up spending my entire savings on getting my ears pierced and buying bags of candy. My mom was so mad. She made me work potato peeling duty in the communal kitchen for a month,” Tally finished.
“Potato peeling duty, huh? Sounds like you guys got wild on the compound,” Abigail joked.
“Oh, well… we did have square dances that got pretty crazy. Sometimes we’d spike the punch,” Tally shrugged, looking as cool as possible.
“Tal, you definitely knew how to wild out,” Raelle teased.
They walked along the storefronts, chatting and looking in windows until they arrived at the store Abigail wanted to shop at. Martingale’s was one of those high end boutiques that didn’t even bother putting price tags on their merchandise because you had to be that rich to buy anything there.
Raelle stopped just inside the door, looking around in dismay at all the very swanky dresses. The place had such a rich bitch vibe that she could hardly make herself follow Abigail and Tally through the racks of clothing. It was the kind of place that couldn’t ever exist in the Cession and she wasn’t mad about it.
Tally bounced up to a red dress just inside the door and took it in her hands, holding it up to her body.
“How much is this?” She asked the clerk that lurked nearby.
“Five thousand,” the woman said, looking down her nose at them all.
“Dollars?” Tally’s face fell. “That’s… a lot.”
The clerk, who’s name tag read Taryn, squinted at Tally and took the dress out of her hands but Abigail was there in a flash, snatching the dress up and handing it back to Tally.
“My treat,” she said, staring down Taryn.” Abigail glared at the woman, piercing her with a dark stare. “You can put everything on my family’s account. I’m Abigail Bellweather.”
Taryn’s face blanched and she stepped back, putting a hand to her chest.
“I’m so sorry Miss Bellweather. Of course! Would you like anything while you shop? Refreshments?” Taryn asked.
“No, that’ll be all,” Abigail dismissed her.
Taryn bowed her head and scurried away.
“I can’t accept this,” Tally tried.
“No way. You’re getting that dress. It’ll look amazing on you and you’re my sister so have to look hot as hell tonight,” Abigail argued.
“Well, okay,” Tally acquiesced
When she walked back toward the mirror in the corner of the boutique, Raelle came forward to stand next to Abigail.
“That was kind of awesome,” Raelle commented.
“Yeah, well gotta use my clout for something good sometimes, right?” Abigail replied.
Raelle patted her shoulder and then bumped it with her own.
“You just made Tally’s day,” she said.
“Hey, don’t think you’re getting out of here without buying something too so you better start looking at that rack of bomb ass suits over there,” Abigail pointed out.
Raelle shook her head and rolled her eyes, knowing there was no arguing with Abigail now.
Back at the Fort they all went their separate ways. Since war had concluded they’d promised not to abandon their duty entirely. At least, not yet. Scylla had even grudgingly agreed to come back in the capacity of advisor on all things off canon. She still had to wear the uniform at times, which didn’t make Raelle sad. That, in turn, made Scylla feel a little better about it.
As long as it turned Raelle on to see her in their BDU, she’d grudgingly go along with the idea. She was still of the mind that it was a symbol of their centuries of enslavement. That would never change. However, as a condition of her pardon, it wasn’t so bad. Part of the reprieve agreement had been contingent on her service, a fact that chafed at her independent soul.
She reminded herself daily that she was with Raelle and that was all that mattered now. That thought immediately softened her anger and pushed all the ill will towards the Army to the back of her consciousness. That’s all it took. Her remorse wasn’t apparent to all and her acceptance back into the fold was limited to those who knew her and those like Tally who had open hearts.
Still, she had to go to the Beltane celebrations. It was required and Raelle would be disappointed not to go together. She had an idea that it would erase the disaster of their first Beltane together. She’d sent Raelle off with her unit to shop without her, knowing that it was best she didn’t set foot in that mall.
It wasn’t that she wouldn’t face what she’d done. She was still of divided mind about the reasoning and morality of doing it. It was hard to give up the idea that people should pay for what had been done to witches but she knew now that it wasn’t fair to visit that on innocents. The children hurt the most, knowing that some of them could have been witches and not known it.
She sighed and moved to the closet in the small apartment she and Raelle shared. It was still in the barracks block but this one was built for handfasted couples, which they weren’t officially but might as well be. Sometimes Scylla wondered if Raelle was about to ask her the question but it hadn’t happened yet. Something she was both relieved and saddened by now.
She’d saved the dress she’d worn when they saved Tiffany from the Camarilla and it would do for the purpose of Beltane. She wasn’t one to attach negative associations on inanimate things. The dress was beautiful and perfect for the occasion. That, and she knew Raelle would like to see her in it.
This would be the first time Raelle had actually seen her in anything besides uniform or casual civilian clothing so she was looking forward to experiencing her the reaction. She smiled as she looked in the mirror, glad that she’d banished Raelle from getting dressed with her. It had worked out since Tally insisted that the unit had to get ready together this time since they’d missed out on that the last Beltane when Raelle was late.
They were meeting soon so she’d already showered and done her hair and makeup. There was only the dress left now. She took a garment bag out of their tiny closet and laid it down on the bed, bending over to unzip it in the front. Raelle never bothered to look through her clothes so Scylla knew she’d never seen it.
When she took the dress out, she caught a whiff of the cleaning detergents they’d used when she had it cleaned. It was a peaceful scent, something that calmed her as she slipped the dress on, pulling it up and buttoning the neck in the back. She didn’t need any more adornment but she couldn’t help adding a little gold necklace to match her earrings.
She checked herself in the mirror, straightening the torso of the dress and slipping her feet into the strappy sandals she had chosen. She bent over to pull the back straps over her heels and then took one last look in the mirror before taking a deep breath and going to leave the apartment.
Raelle left Tally and Abigail at a table in the middle of the festivities to go meet Scylla. If they saw them greet one another it would just be another reason to tease her and she didn’t need another thing to feel nervous about. It didn’t make sense though. She had no good reason to feel this way. She’d set eyes on Scylla so many times and there were always intense feelings there but she was never this jittery. This was special for some reason. Their first real Beltane. Maybe that was the difference.
She brushed some lint off of her suit jacket and squared her shoulders, turning to look around her. There had been no sign of Scylla yet so she was getting anxious. Maybe she changed her mind for some reason or something happened. That paranoia left over from the war still clung to the edges of her mind. She shuffled her feet and looked down at the ground, smiling when she saw that she was close to a few small mushrooms sprouting out from the base of the tree trunk next to her. It reminded her of the night Scylla showed her the death cap. That was when it really started for her, falling in love.
“What are you smiling about?”
The voice startled her and her head shot up at the familiar sound. Scylla stood in front of her, one eyebrow raised and that sexy half smirk on her face.
“I was thinking about you, beautiful,” Raelle said, an answering smile spreading across her countenance.
“As you should be,” Scylla flirted.
Raelle’s eyes roamed Scylla’s body, taking in the soft beauty before her. Scylla was always stunning. She could literally wear a potato sack and Raelle would still be mesmerized by her. The dress fit perfectly and the flowy cap sleeves showed off some of the freckles on her arms that Raelle loved to kiss. She knew every part of Scylla’s body better than she knew her own and seeing her in this different kind of way only confirmed that she was right to be nervous.
“You look stupidly amazing and I can’t…” Raelle trailed off, shaking her head.
Scylla came closer, putting her hands up to grip the lapels of Raelle’s suit jacket.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” Scylla said, rescuing her from having to come up with more words.
Raelle’s breath caught as soon as she was close and touching her. Even though there were two layers of fabric between Scylla’s hand and her body, she felt it like it was skin on skin. Scylla leaned close, bringing her lips within inches of Raelle’s.
“You’re staring,” she whispered, teasing Raelle by causing an incidental brush of their lips together.
“Apparently, you didn’t see yourself before you came here because I feel like staring is the least of what I’m doing,” Raelle countered.
Her eyes narrowed in that cute way they did when she was grinning too big to keep them fully open.
“Ah, so you’d rather me take the dress off then?” Scylla asked.
She suppressed a laugh by pinching her lips together and then biting the bottom one.
“Not fair,” Raelle started and then she swallowed the lump in her throat. “You look so good but if we were home I could be showing you just how much I love your dress.”
“Hmm, I’m not opposed to that. You know, if it’s something you’d like to show me,” Scylla replied.
She leaned back, tugging at Raelle’s lapels again but the distance wasn’t happening. Raelle followed her, pressing their lips together in a hard kiss. Scylla softened immediately, her arms sliding up to Raelle’s shoulders and around to the back of her neck.
She let out a little moan when Raelle pushed her way into Scylla’s mouth, ending any tangible thoughts she might have. Raelle pushed her back into the tree, hands wandering over the fabric of Scylla’s dress like this was an inspection.
Abigail’s shout startled them both and they slowly forced themselves to part. Raelle groaned, unwilling to come down from the high Scylla always gave her.
“You can go have lots of sex later. Get your asses over here and party with us,” Tally added.
“Ugh, I guess we should at least make an appearance,” Raelle said.
Scylla nodded and used her hands to push Raelle off her body, using the space to fix her hair and dress.
“Just promise me the lots of sex part will actually happen later,” Scylla requested.
Raelle put her hands on the sides of Scylla’s arms and looked her in the eyes.
“Oh, it will. There’s no way we’re not celebrating Beltane in all the best ways, Scyl, “ she promised.
They smiled at one another, Raelle dropping one of her hands down to entwine their fingers.
“Good, now let’s go watch Tally get drunk and flirt with everyone,” Scylla said.
Raelle laughed and tugged on her hand, leading them off in the direction of their friends.
“Tally can’t help herself. All the hot girls and guys roaming around in formal attire,” Raelle commented.
“Mmhmm,” Scylla confirmed.
When they joined the festivities they were soon blessed with the very sight that Scylla first predicted, which was only enhanced by the hilarity of Abigail teasing Tally about all her conquests. It wasn’t so bad to be out with everyone after all. The night was young and right now, it was satisfying to just be together among the other witches celebrating the coming of summer and the fertility of the goddess.
Raelle leaned into Scylla’s space, sliding an arm around her back and leaning so their heads touched. They could celebrate alone later, the type of holy rites that would last well into the morning and leave them both breathless. Summer would certainly come and so would they.
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yaneyanedaze · 3 years
Our Goddess In Love and War
Yandere! Royal! Pillarmen x Reader
Summary: Reader-Darling is a girl that lives in a village close to the kingdom ruled by the three kings: Esidisi, Whamuu and Kars. She doesn’t see what everyone else sees in them, and keeps away, but one day, she’ll catch their eyes, and they won’t ever leave her.
Warnings: smut later on in this chapter, yandere behavior, obsession, possessiveness, death, mentions of torture, jealously, Kars puts his foot down with disrespectful maids, reader-chan tries to leave because of threats.
A/n: I apologize for how long this took, But i’m glad to be back writing my big series! I hope you guys enjoy this long awaited chapter update!
(Unrelated but i was listening to Montero by Lil Nas X while writing this, and It was giving me Mad Kars vibes lol but I’m gonna put my playlist for this story at the bottom)
I sighed and plopped down onto my comfy bed and slipped out of the dress and heels, I didn’t care about my hair, I’d just get up and wash in the morning. I snuggled into my pillow, at first I didn’t want to do any of this, but now I can’t help but feel  some type of attraction to the male. I mean he’s going to officially be my husband in a few days, but I still couldn’t shake this feeling that something was wrong..
….And something bad was gonna happen….
(First Pov)
I was nervous.
I was dressed in a wonderful purple dress, a slit along the side, matching golden heels on my feet. Several maids were running around my room, preparing everything for me. My hair was styled and had many pieces of golden jewelry dangling off my body, I smiled at myself in the mirror. 
“I can’t believe this is happening…” 
A few giggles were heard around me, one maid with blonde hair and baby blue eyes smiled at me. Her name is Liza, she was the maid in charge of making sure that I was perfect for events like this. She was the only other person in charge of my dress besides Stella. Liza speaks up as she places the finishing touches on me,
“Oh Believe it My Queen, We can tell how much his majesty loves you, so we are happy!” She says, giving me a twirl as the other maids clapped. I nod smiling along with the women before a rapid knock was heard at the door. All of us turned towards the door and let out a sigh as it was only Stella at the door. Stella gives a sheepish smile as she walks in.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but his majesty is asking for his Queen.” She says. Liza and the other maids nod, picking up the end of my dress, I began walking out the door with the girls following close behind me.
As we walked down the hallways, they were decorated with (f/c) flowers, gold and various other precious metals aligned the hall we walked down. I could hear the hustle and bustle of the people outside, nervousness creeping right back up on me. I took a deep breath as two guards opened the door revealing me to the outside world. 
Many cheers were heard, so many people were screaming and yelling. I winced at the bright light, a deep chuckle came from behind me, arms wrapping around my waist. I tensed up a bit, only earning a laugh. “My love there is no need to be afraid, it is just me..” 
I sigh and relax a bit, Kars felt strangely warm and comfortable, i felt his hands move down to my hips as he moves us both forward.
We stood on top of the stairs, both of us waving to the crowd, I giggle at some of the kids that I met in the village yelling to me and holding up signs that said. ‘We are best friends with the Queen’. Kars stepped away from me slightly, and I let out a soft whine before I knew it, I blushed, quite embarrassed but Kars just chuckled again.
“Save your whines for tonight my love, Because I’ll have you saying and thinking nothing but my name.” He whispered in my ear before stepping away to get the crown.
My face went completely red as I tried to regain my composure, I walked down the stairs to greet some of the townspeople. Smiling as a group of kids handed me a pretty bouquet of flowers, “Why thank you all.”
 “Your welcome Miss (y/n)!”  “Will we be able to visit you in the castle?” “Is the king nice?” “Are you gonna have kids of your own?” I laughed at the many questions they asked before getting taken away and scolded lightly by their parents.
“(y/n)!!” “Oh my baby you look wonderful!”
I looked up and had a half smile, My mother and sister walked up to me, both of them with tears in their eyes. I rolled my eyes but took both of them into my arms, allowing some tears down my face. Though I still held some anger towards my mom for just giving me up, but I couldn’t help myself, I was glad to have her in my arms.
“My love, Please come up here, It is time.”
I stand up and turn to walk back up, seeing Kars with the same beautiful crown that I saw when I first arrives, the jewel dangling beautifully from it. A smile graced my lips as I stood right infront Kars, I felt a feeling of Joy in my body, the fear that I had when I first came was slowly going away. Kars returned the look as he turned to face the crowd.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, We are gathered here today to celebrate the arrival of my Beautiful, Wonderful and Lovely Queen.” Kars started, I nod along, watching his every movement, He was beautiful, an absolute masterpiece. I still wondered what he would want with a half baked potato like me. I was pulled out of my trance by a weight on my head, realizing he had placed the crown on top of my head. He looked down at me with a look that I’ve never seen before on him, Care, Love, like he genuinely loved me. He then turned back to the crowd pulling me close to him.
“I do hope that you all will continue to watch over us, and grow alongside us.” He spoke before placing a hand underneath my chin. He lifts it slightly before leaning down to capture my lips in a soft, loving kiss, I was shocked, but only for a bit. I soon wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in to deepen the kiss. This must’ve surprised him because he pulled away slightly and whispered. “Oh you little minx~ Just wait until we get behind closed doors..” He placed another quick kiss on my lips before backing away and waving to the cheering crowd. He placed a hand on my lower back as I raised my hand to wave as well, seeing many of the crowd was moved to tears.
I guess seeing one of their own go from literally rags to riches is enough to get anyone crying.
Kars led me back inside, humming to himself softly, his hand firmly placed on my hip. “Kars..may I ask a question?” I ask, making the male let out a soft laugh. “My love, You just did.. But go ahead” He teased, making me puff out my cheeks in tiny annoyance. I sighed and went ahead with asking my question. “Um..Is it okay if my Mom and Sister come and live with us?”
Kars stopped walking, I thought it was because of what I said, but sighed with relief when he was just opening his room, well our room door. He ushered me inside and closed the door behind him. “Of course they can, My Darling…” He started, locking the door, pulling it to make sure it was secured. “But that’s not what I’m worried about right now.” He purrs, a sultry undertone in his voice. I could feel another blush coming on, I went to sit on the bed and just flopped on my back. I let out a groan of satisfaction as to how soft his bed was, making Kars let out a low growl, one that sent shivers down my spine.
“You do not know how hard it was for me to not take you where we stood.”
I let out a squeak as the male was now on top of me, I didn’t notice that he had moved from his place by the door. He placed his face in the crook of my neck as he kept me pinned down, strong hands holding mine against the bed. He let out another low growl as he continued. “It took everything in me to not take you in front of the crowd, Letting them all know that you belong to me now.” He finished, placing kisses on the side of my neck. I could only let out a sigh of content as his kisses moved lower. I watched as he hovered over my chest, which was still covered by the fabric of the dress. He sat up and smirked, I looked at him confused before in one movement he ripped the dress. Going up from the slit until it reached my chest, he then removed the torn fabric from my body, chuckling at my reaction to the coldness of the room.
“I’ll buy you another one, my love, but right now, I need you more than ever.” He said, he then lifted my legs up onto his shoulder, earning another noise of shock from me. He let out another groan of annoyance before ripping my panties from my body. I shuddered at the new cold, but before I could comment, I let out a loud moan. Kars smirked before giving another long teasing lick “Don’t worry about me tonight. It’s all about you Darling, but after tonight, I will not hold back.” He says before he started to tongue fuck me. A completely new feeling that already having me seeing stars and it did not help that Kars was unrelenting either.
He pulled back a bit licking the slick that was left on his lips off before rubbing two fingers against my folds. He looked at me as if asking for permission, and when I gave him a soft nod he smirked once more, slowly pushing two of his fingers into me. He groaned at the sounds that I was making, he picked up the pace quickly, barely giving me anytime to adjust.
“K-kars..” I moaned out, my hands gripping the smooth silk sheets below me. He hummed in response, glancing back over to me. “Hmm? What is it, my love?” He asked teasingly as he increased the speed of his digits, I squirmed underneath him as I struggled to find the words to say. “D-don’t..” I managed to moan, feeling a knot building up, I was close and he seemed to know it. “Say it my love, I know you are enjoying this so much, the way you are clenching around just my fingers. It makes me wonder how you’ll take my cock~” My body automatically reacted to his teasing words, my hips bucking against his fingers, his pace brutal now. “D-don’t hold back..” I couldn’t even believe what I was saying just now. I’ve only had sex once before and it was clumsly to say the least, so for me to practically beg the King not to hold back was surprising.
He must’ve been surprised too because began chuckling before full on laughing, he removed his fingers causing me to let out a whine. 
“My Darling woman, are you sure?” He asked as he stood up off of the bed. I nodded, my head cloudy, still whining from feeling empty. Kars quietly removed his bottoms, kicking them somewhere off to the side of the room, he pull me by my legs to the end of the bed.
I looked at his face, and a different expression was there. Lust. Eyes clouded over as he looked over my body. He teasingly pressed himself up against my folds and I gasped. Looking down this man was probably 9.5 inches with about a 1.5 girth, ‘How in the hell is that supposed to fit in me?!’ I thought.
Kars chuckled at the expression on my face. “I know, i know my love, I’m going to take my time so you can get adjusted.” He says, slowly guiding himself inside me. Just from his head, I already felt like he wouldn’t fit, but as he slowly inched more and more inside, he stretched me out wonderfully. Once he was fully inside of me, he gave a slow experimental thrust, pulling almost all the way out before snapping his hips back. I cried out in pain and pleasure, he set a slow pace, everytime, he snapped his hips in just the right way to hit that spot. The pain was fading fast, and I wanted more than this slow pace he had.
“Kars..Please just fuck me…”
My words must’ve made him snap, soon after those words left my lips he began thrusting at a more violent and fast pace, making me cry out in pleasure. His name was falling off my lips like a mantra, He was hitting just the right spot everytime. I managed to look up at him, his eyes were half open, jaw locked as he let some groans and grunts. One thrust had me seeing stars, I did not care how loud i was being at this point and I’m pretty sure any servant that walked by could hear.
One of Kars hands slowly snaked its was up to my neck and gave it a slight squeeze. “Tell me who’s fucking you this good, Tell me darling.” He growled out. I moaned out his name loud, practically screaming it at this point. He smirked “Louder. I want them to know who you belong to (y/n)”
“You Kars!”
I cried out feeling that familiar knot unraveling, I could feel myself clenching around his cock, making him curse and growl.
 “That’s it..That’s it..You’re mine, No one else's..”
 He moans out, feeling his thrust start to get sloppy until that came to a complete halt and he was spilling his seed into me. He stayed in place until he finished before slowly pulling out. He moved to lay beside me and pull me into his chest. I turned to give him a kiss but he just held me in place. “Shh..My Love, You’re tired..Let's just rest, Tomorrow you can relax all day and I’ll have someone come check in on you.” He mumbled, running his hand through my hair, I hummed in response, feeling sleep starting to creep up on me.
“I love you Kars..” I mutter, feeling my eyes getting heavy, I hear him chuckle and place a kiss on my forehead. 
“I love you too My Darling~...”
When I awoke,it was still dark outside.
I was dressed in a nightgown and Kars was gone, I yawned softly and got up out of bed. I nearly fell because the feeling in my legs was barely there, I blushed remembering the activities. I slowly made my way to the door only to have someone else open the door. 
“Ah Good Hello Stell-”
“Don’t you Hello me you whore.”
I was taken back by her words and angry expression. “Excuse me?” I was confused. She let out a yell of frustration. “It’s your fault! You are the reason I am not Queen! A common bitch like you!” She barked. I was hurt, I thought of Stella as a nice woman, but now she’s showing a totally different side of herself. I moved to push past her and head out the door but her words made me stop.
“Hell You’re just gonna be like the other girl before you!”
I stopped and turned to face her. “Say what?” She laughed at me before crossing her arms. “You thought you were picked out because they thought you were interesting? No, It’s because you look like Kar’s previous wife. He killed her. He only wants someone who is powerful enough to use the stone thats on the crown.” She saunters her way over to my crown and holds it in her hands. “You’re just going to be another dead body.”
I stood horrified, Mom told me that the previous Queen had died of illness, not that she was killed by Kars. “No..No He wouldn’t do that to me. He loves me.” Stella lets out another loud laugh before looking at me with a deadpan look. “He told me that too. He told me he loves me and that I’m special. I was going to be queen if it wasn’t for you.” She growled, marching forward, “So why don’t you do me a favor and run away. Run far from here..So that My King, no my Husband would have to dirty his hand with more blood” She said.
 I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I ran out of the room, hearing her evil cackles from the room.
I went up to several maids and butlers to ask where Kars and the other kings were, but even they would not talk to me. I could feel even more tears run down my face as I ran through the halls, I burst open a door feeling the coldness of the outside and run down the stairs.
 At the bottom of the stairs stood Kars himself talking to a guard. I turned to take another way around the castle, an exit that I saw earlier when I first arrived. It was cold,I was freezing, but I couldn’t not bring myself to look Kars in the face anymore. What if I was just another body? What if he’ll ditch me and get another woman? Hell, if Stella said was true, was he just using me?
So many thoughts were running through my head, I didn’t even notice that I had bumped into someone. “I’m s-sorry..”
“My Queen, what are you doing out?” It was Esidisi, I gasped and began crying even more as I dropped to my knees. “He doesn’t love me Esi! He..He is..Just using me..” I cried out, my cries loud and echoing off the outside walls. Multiple footsteps could be heard running up to us.”My Darling?” I hear Kars call out, I continue to cry, I should have known that royalty like him wouldn’t love a commoner like me. I might as well give up the crown and just go home.
I could feel someone pick me up and hold me bridal style in their arms. “Esidisi. What is she doing out here?” “I don’t know, She ran into me crying about how you do not truly love her and you are using her.” I heard Kars suck in breath and hold me even tighter. “Who said this to you?” He asked me. I shook my head and kept crying, he shushed me and carried me back inside.
He holds me in his arms continuously telling me how much he loved me and to not listen to those rumors. When he entered the main ballroom where most maids were cleaning. “Excuse me. Who in the world told my Queen that I don’t love her?” he barked. I wiped my eyes, watching as each and everyone of the servants who gave me the cold shoulder. Kars sucked his teeth before moving to carry me like i was a child so he could have a free hand. He gripped one maid by her hair, making her let out an ear piercing scream. “I said tell me.”
“AH One of the Head maids your majesty!! She started spreading rumors, but Stella tried to stop her but she kept going.” I rolled my eyes knowing this fully to be a lie. Kars threw her across the room with his brute strength. “Oh you’ll receive a proper punishment soon. But now I have to deal with my Queen.” He said coldly, moving back to holding me with two arms. I lay my head comfortable on Kars shoulder, my cheeks stained with tears as I ended up falling back asleep in his arms.
“My Queen, don’t you worry..I will find out who did this to you..who lied on my name and made you feel unworthy of my love.”
To say he was pissed was an understatement. Kars had laid (y/n) back in their shared bed, he then charged in the servant quarters scaring all of them.
Those servants wished that they would have spoken up, or comforted the queen in that moment, they suffered severe beatings, threats and some of them were even sent to the dungeon. 
All while Stella Listened and laughed.
“One step closer...Just one step closer.”
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 
My playlist for this entire story is 
Montero By Lil Nas X
Alejandro and Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
Streets By Doja Cat
Paparazzi: Kim Dracula
What songs does this story make you think of?
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 9:
∂σиg ѕι¢нєиg
23 days of NCT masterlist.
taglist: @notbeforelong @curieouscapt @unknown5tar @whathamelon @silent-potato @ajhdr @mrcarbonatedmilk
warnings: just some angst and winwin being a lil toxic.
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“You look so handsome.” You murmured, cupping his cheeks to kiss the whole expanse of his face. “You’re gonna be amazing out there.”
“See you at the after-party?”
“Yup. Have fun, I love you.”
“Y-yeah, see you.” It was useless to deny the sting of pain in your chest at his response, but you were already used to it. Having only heard him say ‘I love you’ once, on your first anniversary.
As expected, he killed it on stage. His group won various awards, Kun gracefully receiving them all. The after-party was full of other artists, some of which you'd already met.
“Sicheng!” You ran towards your boyfriend, encircling him in a bone-crushing hug. You were taken aback by his hands pushing you slightly.
You simply shrugged, as if he hadn't just rejected you.
“You did amazing, congratulations.” Keeping a certain distance, you smiled.
“Thank you.” His lips curved into a sincere grin.
“Y/n, you’re here!” Lucas came out of nowhere, almost tackling you as he swung you between his muscular arms. “We miss you, how come you never come by the dorms anymore? Is it because you and Sicheng live together now?”
“I haven't had much time, but I promise to drop by soon. I'll bake some cookies for you.”
Unknown to you, Sicheng watched the scene unfold with a deep frown, hands clenched into fists. Kun noticed the change in his friend’s expression.
“You should talk to her.” He suggested, knowing it was very unlikely for him to open up about his true feelings.
“I don't want to be a burden to her.”
The night advanced smoothly, you socializing with every single human being in the room while Sicheng chugged down beer after beer. An unknown man, whom he assumed was a manager of one of the numerous bands attending, suddenly approached you. It was clear you were uncomfortable with his constant flirting, but still, you politely turned him down.
“I’m sorry, I have a boyfriend.” Just as you were about to leave, his hand closed around your wrists, pulling your body closer to his.
“Well, I don't see him anywhere near us.” Couldn't he get a hint? You were clearly trying to get away from him.
“Let go of my hand, please.” But the man only tightened his grip, a cocky smirk forming in his lips.
“I love it when they play hard to get.”
Sicheng had had enough, but before he could stop whatever that man was trying to do, Lucas interfered, pushing the male away from you.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing? She already said no.” The man smoothed the wrinkles in his black suit, narrowing his eyes as he walked closer to your friend.
“Are you her boyfriend?”
“Listen, you little piece of shit-” A hand stopped him from punching the other man, Sicheng’s harsh voice scolding him.
“People are watching, Yukhei.” Though he wanted to punch that man just as much as Lucas, his jealousy took over. “I’m sorry, he's just drunk.” He apologized to the man that had basically harrassed you.
You looked at him with incredulous eyes, tears of frustration threatening to escape the corners of your eyes. It all happened too fast, you grabbed your belongings and basically ran out of the building. Sicheng chased after you to no avail, you'd already left in a taxi.
“What is wrong with you? That man grabbed your girlfriend without her consent.” Lucas’s hand fisted his friend’s shirt, jaw clenching with anger.
“Mind your own fucking business.”
That was the last thing he said before calling a cab, wanting to get home to you as soon as possible. He knew you were mad, and he couldn't blame you. It was all his fault, if only he could demonstrate his feeling as easily as you did that little scene would've never happened.
The moment he stepped into your cozy apartment, he heard sobs from your shared bedroom.
“Y/n?” You quickly wiped your tears, pulling the covers right above your head. He felt his heart shattering. “Baby?” He never called you that.
There was no response from you. Was this what you always felt? That sensation of a thousand needles stabbing your heart.
“Talk to me.” He laid down beside you, hesitantly placing his hand above your covered arm. “I made a mistake.”
Silence. Not even when he pulled you into a tight hug did you speak.
“I love you, y/n. So damn much that I don't think I can even put it into words.” Saying those three words wasn't as hard as he thought it'd be. “I was jealous of Lucas, jealous that he could hug you so easily, that he made you instantly smile after I hurt you.”
Again, no response.
“There’s no excuse for not having stopped that bastard from touching you, let alone for apologizing to him.” His long fingers traced patterns above the comforter. “I know I'm not the easiest person to be with, but I do love you. You're my little sunshine while I'm a rainy cloud.” There was a shift under the covers before you pulled them down, a big smile making your swollen eyes smaller.
“I love you too, Sicheng.”
“Aren’t you mad at me?” You shook your head, pecking his pretty lips.
“I was, but now that you've opened up to me, everything’s alright.” You snuggled between his arms, his heartbeat slightly increasing at your warmth. “Will you tell me that you love me more often?”
“I’ll try.” He honestly answered, hand holding the back of your head.
“At least once every day.”
“But that's too much!”
“Sicheng...” You whined, pouting slightly.
“Ugh, fine.” He faked annoyance while embracing your body. Having you between his arms felt right, like you'd always belonged there. “Can I request something in return?”
“Keep loving me no matter how hard it is.” It was a selfish request, of course, he knew it, but when it came to you, he didn't mind being selfish as long as you kept by his side. “I’ll try harder to be better for you, but it'll take time. So don't lose your faith in me, alright?”
“I...love you.”
“I love you more, Sicheng.”
‘No, you don't.’ He mentally added, silently promising to himself that one day he'd be able to say those words out loud.
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skellebonez · 3 years
I’m not going to write out the ENTIRE TikTok so just. Watch an enjoy the madness that is B Dylan Hollis. It will make this fill so much more entertaining.
Don’t you dare.
Had it not been even a few weeks ago things would be almost completely on their normal “regular day with no special plans” schedule. Wake up, work, hang out with Pigsy and Tang, get Mei to have some fun, run off to Mount Huaguo for training with Sun Wukong, make sure the immortal Monkey King is taking care of himself, go home and sleep (a few gaps between each in case he needed to chuck a water bottle or granola bar at any of his friends and make sure they weren’t overworking themselves and if he came across anyone who needed his special brand of, as Macaque once called it, “aggressive self care affection”).
But no. Oh no. This was not a few weeks ago.
This was now, not even a month after the Lunar New Year Festival. Not even a month after he was finally introduced to the rest of Spider Queen’s family- plus one not so accidental addition who had decided it would be a fantastic idea to experiment on himself for funsies and “oops all spiders”.
Said addition stood, or rather half stood and half reclined on the mechnical legs protruding from his back, diligently typing away at his computer. The same computer he hadn’t stepped away from except to take a shower earlier in the day.
17 hours ago.
“Syntax,” MK said with the most gentle warning tone he could muster... which, to anyone unfamiliar with MK would sound like he spoke the human turned spider demon’s name like a threat. “Please tell me you have eaten more than a single calorie bar today.”
“I have eaten more than a single calorie bar today,” the scientist assured with a barely thrown over his shoulder smile in the younger man’s direction.
“Ok g-”
“I ate 2.”
The proud look on Syntax's face, as if he had figured out the loophole to end all loopholes, was a stark contrast to MK's expression of angry horror.
"You can't just eat TWO CALORIE BARS, Syntax!" He shouted, grabbing the scientist by his lab coat sleeve before starting to drag him out of the laboratory. If anyone was there to witness this they would find this feat impressive given how Syntax dug his mechanical legs into the floor in protest.
"I have survived on these so far and I will conti-"
"Survived, yeah, as a human," MK noted as he realized the other was simply allowing him to lead him along without a fight in the least. "But you're a spider demon... cyborg... guy now, you need more sustenance than that. And you needed more before!"
"3 bars?"
The moment Syntax shrunk back in reaction to MK’s yelling the Monkie Kid took his chance and gripped the scientist’s sides and tossed the man over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before breaking out into a sprint down the halls of Spider Queen’s lair.
“Don’t you dare!” Syntax yelped, attempting to free his arms or move his spider legs but gave up on the later and instead retracted them out of fear he might accidentally harm his captor. “I have work to finish, young man!”
“You can’t finish if you die of malnutrition, I’m teaching you how to cook!”
As they ran toward the entrance they passed Spider Queen who, upon realizing what was happening, gave them a calm wave and a smile.
“Make sure to have him back in time for you to get home before dark, MK!”
Syntax eventually gave in. After all, despite his new enhancements he was still no match for the sheer strength of the Monkey King himself in the hands of a very determined young man with a hard line stance on self care.
And somehow this man decided he should be deposited in... his kitchen.
In front of a phone set up like... a camera.
“Hold that thought!” MK said, positioning Syntax just out of sight as he grabbed a cook book and hit record. “A bean PIE from the 1920s! Today we’re doing something different-” he reached over and grabbed Syntax’s arm, pulling him into frame without even a single change in his expression. “Today I have an assistant because SOMEONE doesn’t know how to EAT NUTRITION and needs more Vitamin B.”
As he let go of the scientist’s arm he turned to him, face as serious as a miscalculated formula when a project was due in 1 hour.
“OK, you’re the science dude. Let me tell you something from experience,” MK grabbed the cook book, holding it up. “Cooking IS science. And this science insists that BEANS can be made into a PIE which I think is bullshit and I am going to prove on camera. Until you learn how to eat things that aren’t instant bars, you are going to join me on my cooking science experiments. Understood?”
Truth me told, Syntax didn’t see the appeal in cooking. It was far too much hassle for something as basic as nutritional supplements you could acquire from far easier means that did not involve making a mess you had to clean up later... but...
The idea that cooking could be a science... that he had never considered before. And MK seemed to be pretty well convinced that he was correct in this assertion. This was part of why Syntax had, for a while now, considered reaching out to him with an offer of becoming his assistant. His tenacity and determination was something that was a great asset in the field of scientific discovery after all! And well...
If making a weird pie could get him into the young man’s good graces...
“Where do we start?”
MK held up a bowl of beans to the camera. “Now these took a long bath last night-” he turned to Syntax. “-I’ll splice in some footage from earlier here later-TIME TO COOK EM!”
“The pot,” Syntax noted, pointing to the pot on MK’s stove that had begun to over boil.
“AAGH!” MK yelped, sliding over from where he was grabbing his mixer. “BEAN REBELLION!”
“Eggie,” MK chuckled out, cracking an egg into the mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
“How many eggs does it call for?” Syntax asked, trying to make sense out of the madness he was being witness to.
“How many? I don’t know, it just says EGGS.” MK gestured to the cookbook before them as if it has just insulted Pigsy himself to MK’s face.
“FORE!” MK yelled, closing his eyes and turning on the blender as Syntax held a frying pan in front of himself in preparation for disaster.
And disaster came... just not in the way either expected, as the blender sputtered and just.... stopped.
“... did you just kill my blender?” MK turned the knob on it, shaking it and tapping it gently. “HELLO?”
He shook it harder, twisting and turning the knob on the front wildly before he broke down into laughter. “THE BEANS KILLED MY BLENDER.” MK crossed his arms on the counter, laying his head down on them as he devolved into equally amused and annoyed cackles. “This has never happened before, how the hell!?”
“Well...” Syntax looked around, finding an induction blender sitting half buried on the opposite side of the counter. “Will this work?”
Finally. After waiting for the pie to bake. It was done.
A piece sat on a plate before both men, looking both intimidating and somehow delectable at the same time. But both were well away this concoction was primarily sugar, cinnamon, and BEANS. They looked at each other for a moment before nodding, each taking a fork full of the pit before shoving it into their mouths expecting the worst.
MK looked at Syntax as they chewed. Then the camera. Then he started to laugh through his bite as Syntax’s face went on a journey from “this tastes good” to “HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS TASTE GOOD”.
“Nothing makes sense anymore,” he moaned, gesturing to the pie slice before him as he began to laugh in disbelief.
“WHY ARE YOU GOOD?” Syntax asked, shaking his plate slightly. “You have a bag of BEANS in you!”
MK laughed harder, needing to put his plate on the counter as he needed to hold his sides from the pain of trying not to laugh louder than he was.
“This is like if tomato soup made a cake that tasted like chocolate!”
“I-It!” MK wheezed, holding up one hand to get the scientist’s attention. “It has!”
“Yes? Oh, that’s fine dear! Yes, as long as he has somewhere to sleep and I know where he is- ... yes, we would love to try some when you escort him home tomorrow! Thank you, take care now,” Spider Queen said, smiling as she hung up the cell phone that Pigsy and Tang had no kindly helped her acquire.
“So, uh...” Huntsman asked, rubbing the back of his neck in concern and confusion. “What’s up?”
“Syntax will be spending the evening with MK!” She announced, smiling wide. “He’s taken up an interest in baking, apparently. Something about needing to unlock the secrets of tomato soup and beans.”
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echotzzz · 3 years
Elriel connection in powers & abilities + N&C
The only people that have used Truth- Teller
“This is Truth-Teller,” he told her softly. “I won’t be using it today—so I want you to.”
“It has never failed me once,” the shadowsinger said, the midday sun devoured by the dark blade. “Some people say it is magic and will always strike true.” He gently took her hand and pressed the hilt of the legendary blade into it. “It will serve you well.”
Azriel lends his truth teller to Elain in which she use it to make the killing blow towards the Hybern King.
Anything, I begged the Cauldron. Anything—
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
Feyre literally begged and bargain with the Cauldron to save Nessian and in returns the Cauldron send Elain and not only that, together with the shadow and truth teller.
Is it coincedence that the one time Feyre pray for the Cauldron, Elain was the one who came. Is it coincidence that, in order to kill the Hybern King, Elain was equipt with truth teller and the shadows for it to happen?? Is it coincidence that this scene were remain mysterious and never mention again?? like everyone suddenly forgot it actually happen. Like the Cauldron set things up for it to happen according to the fate🤔
Nuala & Cerridwen
“Why do you think they’re now whispering in Azriel’s ear that I’m in here?” “I thought they answered to Rhys.” “They answer to both, but they were trained by Azriel first.”
N&C were trained by Azriel and they report to him. They have loyalty towards Azriel and not to mention that they are half wraith, shadow manipulator and can travel through wall and stone.
Who knows Azriel also had train others as it was mentioned that he have spies and sourcer from different courts.
Elain stood between Nuala and Cerridwen at the long worktable. All three of them covered in flour. Some sort of doughy mess on the surface before them.
Nuala swallowed hard. “The lady said she was hungry, so we went to make her something. But—she said she wanted to learn how, so …” Hands wreathed in shadows lifted in a helpless gesture, flour drifting off them like veils of snow. “We’re making bread.”
Breathed in the smell of the bread Nuala and Cerridwen had baked that morning with Elain.
We know Elain was in depression after she was turned. N&C were the ones that made Elain slowy started to do and learn something new which is baking
Baking is the one thing that were in common between Elain, Nuala and Cerridwen. They have the same interest and form a frienship from it. This remind me of something
Feyre, Mor & Amren= Wine
Nesta, Emerie & Gwyn= smut books
Elain, Nuala & Cerridwen= baking
Elain’s voice was colder than usual. I glanced at Nuala and Cerridwen, the latter giving me a shake of her head as if to say, Not a good day for her.
They understand Elain moods. They stop Feyre from asking Elain more questions.
“Nuala and Cerridwen were up hours earlier.”Especially for what they’d done for my sister. The companionship, the purpose, the small sense of normalcy in that kitchen. She’d bought them those cozy, fuzzy blankets from the weaver, one raspberry pink and the other lilac.
Elain gift the twin blankets with the colour that associated with her the most, pink and lilac. N&C are her companion during the hard times and in a way help Elain went through it. Other than the Ic, N&C are her new found family just like how Emerie and Gwyn for Nesta
Elain from head to toe, wondering if she’d been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends.
Elain called N&C FRIENDS periodttt👏 And they were also the people that were suspected gives Elain stealth lessons. N&C already are spies trained by Azriel. It is fitting that they practise together with Elain. From what i could see
Feyre, Mor & Amren= Political minded
Nesta, Emerie & Gwyn= warriors
Elain, Nuala & Cerridwen= Spies
Can you see the vision?? Sjm wants her girls to have girlfriends with same interest and specialty for their growth arc. Elain definitely become stronger mentally and physically after spending time with N&C.
Stealthy: movement that is quiet and careful in order not to be seen or heard
I wondered if Rhys’s spymaster often got his information through stone-cold manners as much as stealth and shadows.
Azriel is much connected to stealth as it is the important element for him to master as a spy.
Elain from head to toe, wondering if she’d been taking lessons in stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends.
Nesta who rarely come to the house, upon seeing Elain came quietly automaticaly assume that this was something she learned from either Azriel or N&C. This indicates that Elain does spend time with Azriel quite often that even other people would assume Elain being stealthy is the product of those time togather.
Secret keeping
Feyre smiled. “Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping.”
Again people relating Elain behaviour with Azriel. The fact that Feyre said this to Azriel made it more obvious to readers that sjm want them to know that if Elain has a new thing going on with her, Azriel is the cause or someone that can relate to.
Now i’m not gonna explain this the long way because there were already amazing post discuss about it. But i just want to highlight that the shadows in some scenes have the same reaction towards Elriel.
Azriel stepped out of a shadow. “What is that,” he hissed.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck
First of all, why does the shadow help Elain if they ‘afraid or hate’ her?? Second of all, how the hell does Elain could actually stepped out of the shadows?? What ability that she possessed that allow her to do so?AND SO FAR, AZRIEL AND ELAIN WERE THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT STEPPED OUT OF A SHADOW!! why sjm never explain abt it? Simple she’ll do it in Elriel’s book.
Azriel said coolly, “I don’t need to resort to threats.” The shadows coiled around him, snakes ready to strike.
Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike.
Some people said that the shadows do so as the reaction for Azriel because he is angry towards Nesta. Why does he angry with Nesta?? Because Nesta hurts Elain’s feeling. Why does Azriel bothered if Elain’s feeling got hurt?? Because he care for her. Because he could feel Elain’s sorrow and wish for it to be gone. Because he could feel it through the mating bond and it effect him so much, his shadow ready to strike to any threats that come to his mate.
or maybe, the shadows indeed protect Elain as they were with Azriel. who knows🤷🏼‍♀️
Some other scene that scream Elain x Shadows
“Don’t,” Elain said flatly, starting once more into a walk, veils of steam drifting past her shoulders from the roasted rosemary potatoes in her hands, as if they were Azriel’s shadows. “She won’t listen.”
“What now?” Elain mused, at last answering my question from moments ago as her attention drifted to the windows facing the sunny street. That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel’s shadows across the room.
Concept of power
It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. The male who heard things others could not … Perhaps he, too, had suffered as Elain had before he understood what gift he possessed.
“shadowsingers are rare—coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things others can’t.”
Her face was wan, her lips bloodless. But they moved—barely—as she said, “I can see so very far now. All the way to the sea.”
Azriel could hear things other people cannot
Elain could see things other people cannot
Together they could be the eyes and the ears for the night court
Hear and see things people can’t + stealthy+ secretive = SPY COUPLE🤩
Azriel understood Elain as he have experienced such power that is rare and people sometimes see them as ‘freaks’ by being different. Azriel’s father threw him into the illyrian camp and the Ic think Elain’s gone mad.
Notice that the shadowsinging and seer abilities are refer as ‘gift’. Those powers were not born with but were given to them when they are in need and because of that made them stronger.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: Things you do as a tradition with Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki before they have a game!
Genre: Fluff ✨
A/N: Thank you guys so much for continuing to read my stuff and reblogging it! It means the world to me! You guys are free to send requests if you’re reading this! Love you guys & KITHES ❤️
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• Listen when you became a first year manager you didn’t think you’d end up dating a player
• You were a hard working manager and did everything you could for the team from baking them good luck cookies to helping them practice anytime
• Now as a third year - you are a pro at everything you do! And your boyfriend loves seeing you invested in what he’s doing all while doing what you want too
• You still have to keep Kageyama from arguing with Hinata - and Yams will most likely freak out a little
“Kageyama- time out!”
“Hinata you too!”
• Ah yeah you and Yams were a power team in the end, One that Hinata and Kageyama would never try against
• Kageyama will always find a way to help you and show that he supports you, it’s his way of showing he cares
“Y/n do you need help?”
“No she doesn’t she has me.”
• He got a little jealous if anyone helped you because he says it’s his job
“Tobio-Kun, I got it you can get back to practice.”
“But y/n-“
“I promise I got it.”
• He will listen - especially because he always wants to play better.
• and he does! But he believes it’s because of your good luck tradition
• that being you two holding a volleyball together and him pressing his forehead against yours, taking in a deep breath before kissing your forehead and getting on that court!
“Get a room.”
“Nice one Tsukki!”
• He’s on full game mode on the court because he knows you’ll always be there watching him
• You definitely get really into the game, while your boyfriend sticks to death glares you stomp around like a mad woman freaking out - YUP HE WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!
• During time outs - if he’s getting frustrated you hold him while everyone talks through a plan it definitely calms him down so everyone lets it happen without a word
• When they take a win though he would most definitely be on his way to give you a smooch 😳
• and you would also text a picture of the boys to their senpai’d once the game is over
Daichi, Suga, Asahi: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• The 2nd years definitely watch their games too you would know because Noya and Tanaka make kissy noises at you and Kageyama all the time
• You two end off the night by talking about the other teams and their plays while walking to his house to spend the night getting a good rest
“So you think he’s cutest setter?”
“I only said he made ONE good set!”
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• You have been his friend since middle school!
• You never knew much about volleyball but listened when he spoke about it just to help him out and because he was cute
“Wait hold the ball like this y/n! See perfect!”
• From THAT hand contact you literally were glowing as red as a neon sign
• You two did start dating in your first year though when you ran into him in the hallway because he was running late to practice he wasn’t he just wanted to beat Kageyama
• When him and Kageyama got into a heated argument - you were there to help him practice and let’s just say your setting to him in the past payed off in the end!
• you had to pry Hinata off of Kageyama when they fought and calm him down - it was one of the only times you saw him angry
• But when things were back to normal you would watch the boys bicker endlessly back and forth - you always decided against getting caught between that so you and yachi were bff’s and ignored it unless it got out of hand
• You go to all of his games and he’s beaming with happiness!
• you also go with him to try to calm him down when he has to “go to the bathroom” but he’s actually nervous
• you almost peed your pants when Ushijima toward over both of you
“Suga he looked like he could kill me!”
• Yeah Suga had to save both you and Hinata when you would get scared of the creepers in the bathroom
• Before his games you like to help him prepare by making him work on receives until you go to the stands
• And after every point he makes sure your watching and you always are! Your standing on your seat with a fist in the air cheering.
“I need one of those.”
“One of what Noya senpai?”
“A girlfriend. 😔”
• After every winning game you’d wait for Hinata while his bouncing around and he hugs you until you can’t breathe
• Post game tradition is to get ice cream together and talk about how well he did!
You praising him always makes him so soft he’ll literally turn so red
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• You were a photographer and he met you when he was practicing alone one night and you were taking pictures of random things
• You asked if you could take some pictures of him and he was shy but said yes
• You often went to their games to get some pictures for your school and for memories
• You definitely have an ugly picture of Ukai only you and the team know of
• Don’t leave your camera unattended because you will find Tanaka, Noya and Hinata vlogs after
Tanaka: Welcome back to our channel!
Noya: I wanna hold it!
*Hinata making a 😗✌🏼 face before Noya is fumbling with the camera and shows him doing a rolling thunder*
Yamaguchi: Hey! Is that y/n’s camera!”
*the oh shits and no’s before the video ends*
• Yams takes your camera and takes pictures of you when you don’t notice
“I look like a potato!”
“You’re my potato! ❤️”
• You also have a bunch of pictures of Him and Tsukki after games when you three get dinner together
“I don’t wanna be a third wheel!”
“You won’t y/n!”
• Yes your boyfriend loves his best friend more and his best friend is snarky abt it
“Nice one Tsukki.”
• yeah the boy looked at you smirking
• it was just fun and games though, Tsukki appreciates you for caring abt Yams
• your pregame ritual is you spend as much time as you can hugging Yamaguchi - and you whispering sweet things to him
• When he steps on the court, he turns a little red hearing you scream like a mad woman
Your friends: Y/N can you calm down-
• You scream 10x’s louder as the ref gives you a dirty look
• When he feels particularly upset with himself you’re always there to reassure him that he works hard and he does everything is his power
• you also know you have to give him time but he’ll come around and you’ll give him the praise he needs
“Y/n, Daichi said he appreciates your cheering but not to anger the refs this time.”
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�� You guys started dating after you met in your first year class
• You two sat in the back and one day you noticed the boy was miserable and not wearing his usual headphones so you offered him your backup pair - he gladly accepted
• You had both became fast friends and then lovers in no time
• You guys spent lunch with Yamaguchi and spoke about anything
• Tsukishima went away for practice camp and talked to you about everything and how Yams went off on him to which you respond:
“As he should 😗”
• You talked him out of bad moods if he had a rough day after practice - and just held his hand while you two listened to music while walking home
• Kageyama and Hinata were nice to you so you took a liking in them unlike your boyfriend
“Tsukki don’t be such a mean tutor!”
“But y/n-“
• Yeah he got jealous when you helped Kageyama figure out a problem on his worksheet so he was even more stern on Kageyama sorry Kags 😔
• He DOES NOT let you go to his games
• His pregame tradition with you is usually a song recommendation, more specifically a song that reminds you of him - he just waits for you to add it to you two’s playlist
• and he texts you after he listens to it 🥺
Tsukki: why’d you add the Jurassic Park theme song?
Y/n: it reminded me of you 😳😉☺️👉🏽👈🏽
• You also make him a bento to eat because you know he forgets to eat sometimes especially on game days
• Now it’s your time to shine! You throw on a glasses hat and hoodie and make your way to his game
• He notices you right away. How? Because that’s his hoodie dummy ❤️
“Yes? I mean... am not y/n I uh-.”
• you were a bad liar especially when it involved lying to your boyfriend
• But you didn’t understand why he didn’t want you to see him play because when you did you had sparkles in your eyes just watching him
• Tanaka definitely elbows him to make him see your starry eyes .... he turned really red
• He takes you home and you two spend the rest of your time sleeping and having a breakfast date the next morning while you chat about all the things going through you two’s heads
• and he finally allows you to go to games!
“Y/n you got here so late-“
• Yeah you were standing there in one of his jerseys and face paint ❤️
• you weren’t aloud to go anymore-
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corie-the-writer · 3 years
Ignite - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 Kelly and Chloe had spent majority of their time in bed that day until Hank had came knocking on the door, letting them know that he had made dinner. Chloe had tried to get him to go away by shushing him, but the low growl of his voice reminding her that she was eating for two caused Kelly to chuckle with his eyes closed, agreeing with her father and then kissed her forehead. Chloe had crawled out of the bed and then moved to help Kelly up from the bed even though he had protested. He had commented that he had to pee but he refused to let her help him into the bathroom. Since the fracture in his knee wasn't too severe, he had gotten away with being able to wear a brace for four to six weeks. The firefighter had went to the restroom and then headed out of the bathroom to head into the kitchen as he wobbled down the hallway. "Shouldn't you be using a crutch?" Chloe commented as she looked to the man who was using the wall for support. "It's fine Chlo..." Kelly grumbled lightly, "It's not that bad, just hard to adjust to." "Whatever you say, but if you fall, I'm not lifting you up." Chloe joked playfully. "I'll be fine." Kelly made his way towards the kitchen table and plopped down letting out a breath causing Chloe to giggle. "For a firefighter..." Chloe began to joke but Kelly playfully glared at her. "Shut it." Chloe had looked to the plates that were already laid out on the table for their meal to see a large steak, baked potato and salad, and her mouth began to water with how hungry she had been. Chloe didn't even bother speaking as she cut into the meat and began to eat. "My god, this would be amazing if I could drink a beer." Chloe commented, seeing both Hank and Kelly's eyes on her, "I am obviously not going to drink." Chloe added with a dramatic eye roll, causing Kelly to shake his head with a small laugh as he continued to eat. The sound of a knock on the door caused everyone to freeze for a moment since it was going on eight o'clock in the evening. Hank looked to his daughter, "Stay here." Hank ordered while Kelly stay up a little straighter. Chloe had finished the food that was in her mouth before pushing her plate away when the sound of the front door opened. Chloe listened quietly to see if her father was speaking and heard the familiar sound of her partner, Adam Ruzek. "It's just Adam." Chloe moved to stand up from the table just as Hank and Adam walked into the kitchen, and she had sat back down and grabbed her plate to finish. Adam sat down at the kitchen table and Hank grabbed another round of beers for the men. Hank sat down and reached for the files that Adam had laid on the table. Chloe reached for one but Kelly had stopped her, "Finish eating first." Kelly commented knowing that once she had started to look at the files she would forget about her food. "So what did you find out so far?" Chloe questioned to her partner as she focused on her food. "Well we checked every building around your apartment." Adam explained, "It took some time but we were able to track down the make of a car. It's a beat up old honda." Adam explained, "It was parked near the alley by your apartment. We decided to check the street cameras from the location of the fire, it was parked a block down." Adam explained, "The only thing is there are two names on the title of the car. Matthew Decker and Bryan Decker." "Photos?" Chloe finished off her food, pushing the plate away and reaching for the file and began to look at both men, seeing that they were twins but one Matthew had blonde hair while Bryan had brown, "Do you recognize either of these guys?" Chloe questioned pushing the file to Kelly who was nursing his beer. Kelly looked over the file trying to see if he had noticed either man or if anything had stuck out to him. Kelly had read the report at least a dozen times, something was sticking out to him but he couldn't place it. "Babe?" Chloe furrowed her eyebrows as Kelly stared at the file in front of him while Hank and Adam had went over the second file that Ruzek had brought in. "There was a fire at their childhood home." Kelly explained, "Their father was really pissed off, wouldn't leave the house so we had to drag him out." Kelly added, "I don't remember either guy being there though." "Did anyone get injured?" Hank questioned and watched the firefighter shake his head no, "Okay, so let's run their names through the database, see if there is any record behind their names." Hank stated. Chloe had gotten up from the table to grab her work laptop and headed back to the table. The Detective had ran the first twin's name, Bryan while Adam ran Matthew's name. "Bryan is married with two small children, works for a real estate agency up north in Chicago. No record outside of a couple of speeding tickets and seatbelt violations." Chloe explained reading the laptop screen. "Matthew has a rap sheet..." Ruzek commented after Chloe had finished reading on his brother, "Mostly drugs, a couple of hit and runs..." "Wait..." Kelly furrowed his eyebrows, "What sort of car did you say it was?" Kelly questioned. "It's a 1993 Honda Accord." Hank commented, "Why?" "Do you have a photo of the car?" Kelly questioned and watched as Adam gave a nod and pulled the photo out, sliding it to Severide, "We responded to a call a few months ago, the front end was practically demolished. I remember having to help the guy out of the car, he was high as a kite, he had a passenger that overdosed." Kelly explained, "He was trying to help the chick but I had pulled him out of the car so Brett and Foster could try to revive her, but it was just too late." Kelly explained. "Do you remember if he said anything to you?" Hank questioned. Kelly shook his head no, "I know that we had to do a report because of the death, I can call Matt and have him find the report for it." Kelly answered, "You think he's targeting Chloe because of me?" Kelly found himself questioning. "Anything is possible right now." Hank stated, "Especially if he's on drugs." Chloe watched as Kelly's shoulders slumped, "Hey, we don't really know if he's involved or not." Chloe tried to ease the tension is Kelly, "And it's not like you could have known, there was nothing you could have done." Chloe added reaching to squeeze his thigh under the table. "Kelly can you get ahold of Matt and have him bring the report in tomorrow?" Hank questioned, "Ruzek, I want you to start asking around about Matthew." Hank stated and grabbed ahold of the files. Chloe watched as her partner gave a nod, and then moved to stand up from the table after finishing off his beer, "On it boss." Ruzek stated, "Chlo, we'll talk soon, okay?" Adam suggested and the dark haired woman nodded her head, and she moved to put the plates in the sink to wash. "I got it." Hank commented as he approached her, "Go take it easy." Hank added. Chloe rolled her eyes, "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I am incapable of doing dishes." Chloe commented. "No, but the doctor said that you needed to take it easy for a couple of weeks." Hank pointed out, and Chloe nearly growled but stormed out of the kitchen with Kelly slowly following her. . . Kelly had laid on the bed while Chloe had disappeared into the shower to try to wind down. He had been thankful that he had showered at the hospital so he wasn't too worried about showering for the night. He felt like all of this was his fault. If it weren't for him then Chloe and their unborn child would not be in harms way. He almost hated himself for putting them in this sort of situation. Laying in the large bed, Kelly knew that Netflix was playing but he wasn't paying attention to what was on the screen. His eyes would occasionally glanced towards the opened bathroom door, seeing the woman standing in the steamy hot shower. It didn't help that he wanted to join her but couldn't. He was growing frustrated from everything, plus the pain of his injuries. The Lieutenant closed his eyes trying to clear his mind. He had focused on his breathing instead of the thoughts racing around in his mind. "Baby..." Kelly felt the bed dip and fluttered his eyes open to see that Chloe was out of the shower, dressed in a pair of panties and one of his fire t-shirts she had stolen from him, "You want to talk about it?" Chloe questioned to him. Kelly looked to her as she sat indian style on the mattress facing him, his arm stretching out to spread his hand across her thigh, "I don't even know where to start." Kelly found himself sighing, "You're pregnant and there is someone out there stalking you." Kelly began, "I can't help but to feel like it's my fault. Finding out someone is pregnant is suppose to be a happy time, and we have to stay in your father's house and hide out." Kelly continued, "Then I can't even actually do anything to protect you, because if I weren't injured I'd be out there hunting this piece of shit down." "Kell..." Chloe smiled softly, "It is a happy time. I mean granted, we didn't plan for this pregnancy to happen, but I believe that it happened for a reason. As much as I want to question why everything is happening the way it is, I can't." Chloe explained, "I would drive myself mad if I did that, the only thing I can do is be thankful that the baby is okay, I'm okay and you're okay. That's what I focus on." "But aren't you worried?" Kelly questioned, watching as the woman nodded her head. "Of course I'm worried." Chloe let out a laugh, "I'm extremely creeped out, but as I said, I choose to focus on the three of us being okay." Chloe stated, "We are safe in this house, and I know that Hank and the team will stop at nothing to make sure whoever is causing this shit storm is caught." Kelly gave a nod in understanding, "You're right." Kelly stated, "I need to just be grateful that we are all okay." Kelly rubbed his hand along her thigh, "What are you wanting? A boy or a girl?" Kelly questioned looking to the dark haired woman. "I hadn't really even thought about it yet." Chloe explained, "But I almost want a little girl. Train her to be a detective." Chloe teased and watched as Kelly shook his head no. "Let's agree that our child has a simple job, like a teacher, or librarian." Kelly joked as Chloe moved to lay against him. "As much as I would love that, this baby is going to be a cop or firefighter. It's in their bloodline." Chloe chuckled causing Kelly to groan, "Let's not worry about that just yet, we have quite a while until we get to that point." "You're right." Kelly joked, "I wouldn't mind having a boy though. If bean is a girl, god forbid she looks anything like you cause I'm gonna be in a world of trouble." Kelly added. As Chloe and Kelly laid in the bed talking about what their unborn child would look like, who they would act like more between them, the sound of a cell phone chiming interrupting them. Chloe had reached over Kelly to the night stand to check their phones and noticed that her screen was lighting up. Unknown. "It's him..." Chloe answered, "He's calling..." Chloe added quickly, grabbing the phone and rushing off the bed to her father. "Answer it..." Voight instructed. Chloe felt her stomach turn for a moment, her hand trembling as Kelly hobbled into the living room just as she answered the phone. "Hello?" 'Detective...it's so good to hear your voice...' "Why don't you tell me your name instead of leaving me guessing." Chloe suggested, as Kelly sat down on the couch, watching her intently. 'Soon enough Chloe, soon enough. If you want to know who I am, why don't you come meet me?' "That sounds great. Why don't you meet me at the station?" Chloe questioned causing the man to chuckle. 'Detective, don't play games. You wouldn't want anything to happen to you or that abomination you're carrying, now would you?' Kelly nearly lost his shit when he heard him speak of their child and went to move from the couch but Hank had stopped him. Hank had kept his hand on his un-injured shoulder. "You are obviously trying to get my attention, so tell me why." Chloe stated not entertaining his comment about the baby, "You have my attention, so say what you need to say." Chloe instructed cooly. '"I thought I would take you away from him since he took her away from me but then I saw you...you're so much better for me than she ever was. I see the angel that you are, being drown by his darkness. I can save you...I wasn't able to save her, but I know that I can save you." Chloe furrowed her eyebrows looking to her father, "Did you set my apartment on fire?" Chloe questioned. "It was suppose to be him in there, not you." "And why would you send all those photos of me and..." Chloe began but got cut off by the suspects voice. "Don't you dare say his name!" "Look Matthew, this needs to end before someone gets hurt." Chloe stated, "If you turn yourself in we can make a deal. I can meet you at the station, but if one of my team members find you, the deal is off the table." Chloe added, "Let's make this easy, okay?" "You'll meet me?" "I will meet you at the station, no where else." "Do you think I'm stupid Chloe?!" Chloe looked to her father who mouthed, 'Ruzek tracked his call' her body instantly relaxing at the news, knowing that the team was going to get this creep behind bars where he belonged. Chloe knew that it was just a matter of time for the team to bust down his door, and found herself zoning out as he began to rant about how Kelly was tainting her mind, that he wasn't as stupid as she thought. "CHICAGO PD!" Chloe heard the sound through the phone and found herself crying as she ended the call, never had felt that huge sense of relief. Kelly instantly pushing himself up off the couch and rushing to her as she fell to her knees.
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(Day 2 of the Fundy Week hosted by @fundyfiles)
L’Manberg was, indeed, a small country.
It extended from the shore until the lake, and in between the two tall towers built for the war. The main district was protected in between walls and it was where the residents mostly lived in, but some buildings could be seen outside of the blackstone perimeter, finally safe enough to start a life, and even some commerce, like a bakery.
Niki was making the dinner with Fundy’s and Tubbo’s help while Tommy, Jack and Wilbur were decorating the house where the current president lived. A cold breeze passed through the windows, Tubbo rushing to close it.
“Thanks, Tubbo.” Niki smiled, taking a cake out of the oven.
“No problem, I won’t let a stupid wind ruin our night.” Tubbo was giggly, and Fundy was bouncing around while decorating everything. It was a special day, after all.
First Christmas after L’Manberg’s independence.
The three spent their afternoon shouting and helping each other with seasoning, decorations, baking, cooking, and Christmas songs. They had fights with flour and stole the cookies as soon as they were out of the oven. Niki had her hair tied up trying to escape the same fate as Fundy’s tail or Tubbo’s ears, not having that much luck.
“Okay, you little gremlins-.”
“Little??” Fundy interrupted, quickly swallowing a cookie. “I am at least a foot taller than you.”
“Yeah, but as long as you act like toddlers, you are little.” She shoved a ball of paper in his direction, not actually mad.
“You are just pissed we ate the cookies and you did not.” Tubbo smirked, eating some of the spare icing left on a pan.
Niki rolled her eyes, shutting the talk by giving each of them something to hold, just as a pot full of cookies and an entire cake.
“Less talking, more working. Start to walk, boys.” She said, giggling with their annoyed expressions.
“And I thought we were free…” Tubbo mumbled, receiving a little pat over his head.
The house was not the biggest, but it was well decorated with Christmas lights and other decorations. The van was in the garage, still kinda torn up after the war. Of course the house was more comfortable and spacious, but Fundy still missed how cozy that van was to him.
The door was abruptly open, Tommy looking annoyed somehow.
“Why did you guys take this long??”
“Fundy and Tubbo ate almost all the cookies, I had to make more!” Niki defended herself while entering, leaving the bickering to Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy.
“Niki! It looks great!” Wilbur complimented her, helping to put the cake on the table in between some other foods they had ordered so it wouldn’t be too much work for them.
“Thanks, Will! The house looks great as well!” She pointed, looking at the big Christmas tree at the corner of the living room.
“These two were so hard to control.” Wilbur vented, watching as Jack ran to join the fight happening at the entrance.
“Tubbo and Fundy have such quick hands.” She exasperated, chuckling a little. “The cookies were gone after a second.”
Wilbur opened his mouth to respond, but the boys came into the dinning room still fully fighting, Fundy having to stay on his tiptoes to stop Tommy from snatching the cookie pot from his hands while Tubbo ran away from Jack, the cake already having patches of missing icing.
“Tommy, stop trying to steal the cookies!” “You are going to fall with the fucking cake, Tubbo!!”
Wilbur took care of the cookies and Niki got the cake, Tubbo slipping and making Jack fall on him while Tommy was ready to punch Fundy, who was ready to bite a bitch. Niki tried to stop the conflict, getting gently pushed by Tommy and immediately taking Fundy’s side, cornering Tommy.
Wilbur watched that mess and laughed, sitting down and sipping a glass of wine. Jack and Tubbo now were the peacemakers, trying to calm down his son, Niki and Tommy. Wilbur felt his heart warm as he watched their shenanigans, clapping to get their attention as soon it all calmed down.
“Sit down to eat, I have presents for you guys later!”
And, just like that, all his kids rushed and sat on the table.
One dinner and 3 different fights later, everyone was sitting on the sofa.
Fundy had his head laid on Niki’s lap, who was caressing his hair. Tubbo, Tommy and Jack were pilled on each other, clearly comfortable and happy to be there.
“Okay, here it is.”
Wilbur distributed the gift in between them, who looked at it with a slightly confused gratitude.
“A pin!” Fundy was the one to talk, actually happy as soon as he understood what it was. “A Christmas tree pin! I love those.” He smiled, and Niki showed her pin as well.
“Ha, losers, we got patches.” Tommy mocked, showing the three reindeer patches the group got.
Fundy would start another meaningless fight, but he was happy. He had his dad with a guitar on his lap, ready to sing some songs, and he had the rest of his family happily humming the tunes. He held the pin close, starting to sing the song as well and closing his eyes.
Fundy opened his eyes, smiling weakly to the white fox that was sitting on his lap.
“You liked that one? My dad used to sing it to me.”
His little cottage didn’t have any decorations, and his food was baked potatoes and berries he collected from the woods. Fundy sighed, remembering the last time he had his family together with him.
“Merry Christmas, guys…” He whispered, softly rubbing his thumb against the Christmas tree pin.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
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Warning(s): female reader, mentions of anxiety, slow burn (I think), 17K word count, self-indulgence, Vivi’s Vil brain rot with no plot,  not proofread
Summary: There was this monster inside your head. It went by the name of Anxiety. To you, it was, and always be, more so of a parasite you couldn’t live with, but you also couldn’t live without. It looked after you in the strangest of times. For the most part, it was a hindrance, cluttering your mind with dark and bitter thoughts, assuming the worst in people you’ve never met before, jumping to conclusions, and crying over the smallest things. It made you extremely aware of yourself and others, for better or for worse. That was Anxiety, the monster in your head. The exact moment in time when it nestled instead into your mind is unknown to this day, festering in the back of your mind. Then there was Vil Schoenheit, your lover, your soulmate, and most importantly, your pillar of support who cheered you on in his own way. He taught you how to tame Anxiety. But alas, a monster will always be a monster.
A/N: It’s my birthdayyyyyy~ so I made a very, very, very self-indulgent fic for myself. While I did write it as a reader insert, it pertains to my mental health, particularly my anxiety, and there may be aspects of it that you may not understand. That is okay. I wanted some feels with Vil on my birthday because I have a case of Malleus syndrome;;;
A/N²: To clear things up, the reader in this fic is female. She is not Yuu (I usually write the reader as Yuu and yes, I’m aware they can be two separate entities). She likes to scrapbook, bake, and wear lolita clothing. She also attends NRC though her dorm is left pretty open-ended. However, it might not make sense if you’re in Pomefiore. This might not work if your birthday is in March either. I’m sorry asdfghjkl;
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not a fanfic that romanticizes mental illnesses. A significant other cannot solve everything. They shouldn’t solve everything. They aren’t meant to fix you; they’re there to bring out the best in you and be by your side when you need them to be. By no means, is it their job to help your completely overcome your mental illnesses. It’s a common trope in fanfiction and gives off mixed signals to me. This self-indulgent fanfic of mine is not meant to give anyone false hope. It is simply a love story that I always wanted to experience. Think of it as my own anxiety story. The only thing real about this is some events like the presentation meltdown though my partner eventually turned into my middle school bully so I just replaced him with Vil because Vil>>>>>>
[ Present Day, Vil’s Bedroom ]
You flinched. You looked up. Vil had flicked your forehead. His eyes were filled with worry, brows creased and his lips strung in a frown.
“Fairest, is something on your mind?” he asked.
“No. Not at all.”
“Hold still for a minute. This lip tint is watery,” he said in a stern tone, tilting your chin upwards
He lined your lips in red and handed you a small mirror.
“Beautiful, my love.”
You stared at your expression. Vil was right. You were beautiful, all dolled up in this getup. You were prettier than usual, that’s for sure. However, the look isn’t for you or your hollow eyes. He snapped his fingers.
“Fairest,” he paused, sitting down on his bed, patting the space next to him, “Come here.”
You obliged.
“Now, talk to me. Don’t deny it. Something is on your mind. You’ve been zoning out all day. If you need a break just say so.”
“No, no, it’s not that. I was just thinking…”
“Yes. About the past and whatnot. Trivial things! No matter,” you dismissed, leaning onto his shoulder.
Vil crossed his legs, “How could I help you if you give me such a vague answer?”
Had he truly forgotten your special day, the only day you were willing to break out of your shell and be showered in compliments and praise without feeling like an alien? While you didn’t have a cake to share and you were certain that he wouldn’t want to eat it either, you expected he would remember the date as your lover of seven months now. So far, he only asked you to drop by his room for makeup practice as he just landed a part-time job as a makeup artist. Not that you minded of course. He made you feel beautiful, one of the many reasons you loved him.
“I don’t think it’s something you can help me with. I was thinking about middle school and—”
“Don’t waste your time with those fools.”
“I told you it was trivial.”
You nuzzled against his shoulders.
“It’s been hard lately, you know? I’ve been overthinking again. About silly things. Group projects, you know? Presentations too. Ah, there was this one person who told me to shut up because of a misunderstanding and everyone laughed and I felt— But you mustn’t hurt them!”
You clutched his arm. His posture had stiffened. He gave you a blank expression though his eyes told the whole story.
“I felt a little out of place. Things were going fine until they showed up. It’s not their fault, don’t worry. I was excited to talk to them, but it ended up going downhill. I felt like I was overstepping my boundaries. It was embarrassing,” you continued.
“I know you don’t like it when I say this but it’s not as bad as you think it is. Know that you made progress compared to your pot– first year self,” Vil said, squeeze your hand, “If you want help with your presentations, then I’m here for you— as always.”
Straightforward as always. He never tolerated things he deems piffling, but you were glad he didn’t pity you, not one bit.
“I’m sorry for bothering—”
He placed the tip of his index finger on your nose.
“What do we say instead of apologizing for something we cannot control?”
“T-Thank you.”
“Go on now.”
“...for listening to me.”
“My pleasure, Fairest.”
His finger shifted as he cupped your cheek with one hand, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He must’ve forgotten your birthday, but you mustn’t going to ruin the mood. You watched his back as he gathered his makeup brushes. Vil was a busy man though that was something you were used to as his lover.
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[ Two Years Prior, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Are you just going to sit there while everyone picks their partners, little potato?”
You flinched at the sudden comment. Potato? You had a name. Did you do something to be labeled in such a way? Moreover, what was the Vil Schoenheit doing standing in front of your desk? You prayed for the conversation to be brief. Part of you also prayed for him to ask to be partners.
“What are you staring at? Answer.”
You shook your head. This was bad. You were staring at him for too long. While you were dying from embarrassment, you let your gaze linger for a little longer. He was gorgeous. You loved how his blonde hair transitioned into a pale lavender, complimenting his violet eyes, eye makeup, and fair complexion.
Vil snapped his fingers before your field of vision.
“I know you aren’t mute. Answer.”
“Probably…” you said.
���Hah? That won’t do, potato. I’ll be your partner then.”
“I said, ‘I’ll be your partner’. Now, move over.  We’re in direct sunlight here and it won’t do any good for our skin if we sit there everyday for so long even if we are indoors.”
You nodded, sliding one seat over. He sat down next to you, arms and legs crossed. He seems mad, concerned with something, something else. His body language didn't match his facial expressions though he wasn’t hard to read. 
“Why me?”
You bit your lip, cringing at your own inquiry.
“You seem responsible enough to be my partner for this project,” he said, propping his head on his elbow, turning to face the blackboard.
What did he mean by that? Sure, you were responsible, but were you worth noting of? You were decent, not the best but not the worse either. Failing a class meant coming the topic of conversation when a teacher asks you to stay after class for a brief checkup or tutoring sessions. Excelling in a class meant being called out on your exemplary work by teachers. Anxiety was not equipped for either circumstances therefore it tried to help you maintain your grades discreetly. But Vil noticed, indicating that you were overachieving. Perhaps you should purposefully miss a few questions on the next quiz. You got a perfect score last time. It wouldn’t hurt. However, you were partnered with Vil, someone who strived for perfection, someone who stood out against a crowd. The phrase goes “...like a sore thumb”, but Vil stood out like a well polished and manicured appendage. He was beautiful, so beautiful that one had to stop for a moment to admire his beauty.
That was Vil, your partner. You could feel heavy stares in your direction. They were directed at Vil, but you couldn’t help feeling nervous. You fiddled with the ends of your hair, fixating your eyes onto your textbook.
You flinched when Vil pushed your back lightly. You shot him a widened stare, opening your mouth to ask him why he touched you. He placed a finger on your lips.
“Bad posture isn’t good for you. Straighten up and pay attention.”
Heat rose to your face as you adjusted your posture. 
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[ Library ]
“Mind telling me what this is, potato?” Vil said, throwing a stack of papers onto the table.
Your shoulders tensed. You set your textbook down, avoiding eye contact.
“It’s our project.”
“No. It’s your project.”
“I wrote your name on it too so don’t worry about it. I don’t mind sharing the credit.”
“It’s not about the credit. It’s about the integrity. I dropped by Crewel’s office hours today with a question about this project and he told me that we had already turned it in. Fortunately for you, I’m good at improvising so we’re off the hook. I got our project back so we can work on it together.  Scoot over so we can get started. I’m assuming you also did the slideshow, but I–”
As usual, you complied to his demands, allowing him to sit next to you. He was a bit too close for comfort. Your peers could manage with this proximity so you probably could too if you took deep breaths every now and then. 
“We only have a day left, you know.”
“I know.”
“So why bother?”
Vil clicked his tongue, throwing his French braid over his shoulder as he slid the stool closer to the desk, “I bother because we’re a team.”
He paused, pondering, “I don’t like things being handed to me either.”
“That’s gold especially since this is coming from someone who’s always too busy to even reply to my texts,” you replied.
As soon as those words left your mouth, you bit your tongue. Was that too much? Should you have just listened to him? Kept quite? How will he react? Will he shame you on social media? Spread rumors? Tell Crewel?
“Listen here, potato. I work various part-time jobs and I run a club. I apologize for my poor time management, but I am here now. You, on the other hand, have only sent me one text pertaining to scheduling and this assignment during the three weeks we had to do it. We are both at fault, got that?”
“Yes,” you murmured, pulling out your laptop.
“Wonderful. You won’t have to rewrite everything. Just subtracting here and adding some words there for smoother transitions. It’ll sound better.”
You bit your lip. You were hoping that because you made the entire presentation, Vil would take up the speaking part out of guilt. Unfortunately for you, he was too self-righteous to give in. He can’t be persuaded either. His eyes were glued onto his own laptop, typing the evening away.
You’ll have to make due.
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[ Presentation Day, Alchemy Classroom ]
From the brief time you’ve interacted with him, you knew that Vil was meant to be in the spotlight. He shined brightly, you could feel his charisma even from the back from the classroom. His performance was worthy of a standing ovation. You could never compete with him, let alone get through a single presentation. You had made it through all of your slides, but every time Vil spoke, you felt out of place. Your hands were shaking and you were on the brink of tears. Your peers must think you were incompetent. Their intense stares were unbearable. Did they pity you? Or Vil?
“It’s your turn,” Vil whispered.
You refused. His hand twitched as he grabbed your shoulders. This exchange was awkward enough yet your silent plea for help didn’t reach him.
“Go, potato.”
He enunciated his words, “It’s. Your. Turn”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
“You couldn’t possibly understand,” you cried.
Vil’s expression softened. He reached for you and you braced yourself yet it never came. He huffed and proceeded with the rest of the slides.
Ah… crying in the first semester as a first year in high school? Because of a presentation overwhelming you? Wonderful. You’ll never be able to live that down. Should you transfer to RSA then? No, that won’t do. They had mandatory choir classes or so you heard. Maybe an ordinary high school from your hometown then? But what if the headmaster disapproved?
You meekly walked up to Crewel, “I’m going to the infirmary.”
Your instructor only nodded with reluctance. Dissatisfaction was written across his face, but turning down a frantic student in tears for an unknown reason would be frowned upon. You heard him mutter something about the puppies this year being too sheltered. You gave Vil a second glance before heading out. He brushed you off and continued with the deliverable. 
You were hopeless.
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[ Infirmary ]
You pulled the covers closer to your face, hiding behind your hair. He was there. Why?
“(y/n),” he said.
You inched away from him. He finally called you by your name. Not by “potato”. Why were you a potato in the first place? Was it because you were beneath dirt? Were you that ugly to be beneath him?
“Are you just going to stay here forever? Curfew is soon. You should hurry and get to the mirror chamber.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same, potato.”
 You were beneath him. The tears won’t stop falling. You were trembling.
“What did I do this time?” he sighed.
His voice was firm. He must’ve been irritated by today’s stunt.
���Nothing. Nothing at all. Just leave me alone... please.”
The blanket shrouded your eyes. How pathetic. How could you let him of all people see you in such a miserable state? You’ve only seen his social media profile once or twice. Was he the type to post and gossip about others?
The mattress sank as Vil sat down. You hugged your sides.
“Fine then. Be a stubborn potato.”
“... You honestly did nothing wrong. I’m the problem. I can’t function as a human being. I can’t talk to people. I can’t- Well, I can but it’s...”
“What is there to be scared of? Follow that trick where you pretend everyone is potato.”
Is that where the potato shtick came from? How reassuring. His tone was unchanging in pitch. Was he trying to comfort or criticize you?
“It's more complicated than just being shy. It’s tiring. I don’t have a clear mind. I worry too much. I spend my days in fear. I don’t really know how to explain it.”
Vil pulled the covers off your small figure. You turned to him in a haze.
“I believe the term is ‘anxiety’, potato,” he said.
“Y-Yeah. Was it obvious? It probably was. Pretty silly now that I think about it, but anyways curfew–”
“Did you think I was stuck in some era where I don’t even acknowledge mental health? And would look down on you because you have anxiety? Please. Give me more credit than that. I’m not close-minded. You’re still a person and you have feelings. So you have anxiety. What of it? Certainly no less of a person.”
Oh how your heart fluttered.
“Get up. You can stay at the Pomefiore dorms tonight. I should get you cleaned up. I can’t stand the sight of those red and puffy eyes…. Cheer up a bit, will you?”
He held out his hand. Was this his way of apologizing? It wasn’t his fault you crumbled in the first place so why? What did he want? Did he want to help you out to boost his reputation?
“Why are you helping me?”
“You clearly need help don’t you?”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Yes or no, potato.”
“I can’t burden you more than I have,” you shook your head.
“I talked it over with Crewel. You’re fine.”
“I suppose I’m not excused either.”
You shrugged off the blankets and took Vil’s hand.
“No, you are. He seemed to be under the impression that you were actually ill,” he said, tapping his finger against his cheek.
“Leave it for now. We can discuss this over tea. After we clean you up though.”
“Do you pity me?”
What if you sounded desperate? What if you sounded needy? Was that needy? Would he change his mind? 
You clamped a hand over your mouth. Vil squinted at you as if he was trying to inspect a stain on a fine textile. He proceeded to grab your cheeks, squeezing them. He exercised his authority.
“I. Do. Not. Remember that. I don’t stoop that low. Good grief.”
“Then... what’s the price?” you cried.
“Excuse me?”
“Your time is valuable, isn’t it? You’re clearly busy. Why are you wasting your precious time on me? Shouldn’t you be compensated for the time I’ve wasted?”
“Yes, my time is valuable, but we can talk about compensation another time.”
He let his hand go, leaving you to gasp in sheer terror. So forceful… he scared you. What did he want from you?
“You coming, (y/n)?”
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[ Pomefiore Dormitory, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Hold still. After you cleanse your skin with this superfruit cleanser, you have to apply this fir extract to exfoliate. It’ll sting, and it’s even worse when you get it in your eye, so be careful. Try not to move too much, potato.”
Vil dabbed the cotton ball on your face meticulously. You felt like a celebrity with your own hair and makeup team.
“There. All done,” he beamed.
He spun the chair around so you faced the vanity mirror.
“Beautiful. One hundred points for you.”
You gripped the hem of his shirt. He shouldn’t say things like that and expect you not to combust. What’s more was that this attire was incredibly lewd. What if someone came in and got the wrong idea? What if they spread rumors? You were wearing nothing but his shirt after all. It was long enough to reach your knees, but it was his shirt regardless.
“What do you think, potato?”
“It’s nice, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“It’s not for me?”
“Well, I think it does,” he said.
You patted your cheeks. Soft. Oh dear, you were soft.
“Ah, ah. Don’t touch,” he scolded, prying your hands away.
Goodness you were hopeless.
“Eh? Stop crying. No! Don’t rub your eyes either. Let me get you some tissues.”
Annoyance was etched into his speech, but his actions betrayed his words. He never left your side; he wiped your tears with his own thumbs. You held his wrists tenderly. His touch was like a thousand butterfly kisses.
“I’m sorry. I just… Annoying… Nobody… I’m not.. You…”
He sighed, “Don’t apologize for your feelings. You’re not that annoying as you think. Instead, why don’t you try saying thank you?”
“Thank you?”
“Yes, something like ‘thank you for listening to me’. That shouldn’t be hard for you now, is it?”
“Thank you… for not being annoyed with me.”
Vil palmed his face, “Not that bad. We’ll work on it. Twenty points for you.”
You sniffled and broke out into a small fit of laughter. He smiled too, standing up straight. He towered over you. He was a giant. You watched his back as he approached his bed, fluffing up the pillows.  His heels clicked and clacked against the flooring. He was still in his school uniform. When was he going to sleep? Didn’t he say he wanted you to stay here? People would really get the wrong idea now. You tugged at his sleeves. Vil turned to you, waiting for you to speak.
“I’ll be going now.”
He grabbed your wrist, “Stay.”
You pulled away from him.
“No, not like that. I’m not going to do anything to you, potato. You really have to stop associating me with other potatoes. I meant stay for some tea. Of course, if you really feel uncomfortable then you’re free to go, but at least let me walk you back.”
“I’ll stay,” you said.
“Wonderful. Give me a moment to fix the bedding. The tea should be ready by then.”
When did he prepare the tea? When you were bathing? When you were changing into his pajamas?
“Vil, if I do stay the night, where will I be sleeping?“
“We have one spare room left over since one student never showed up to the ceremony so you can sleep there.”
You sighed, shoulders at ease.
“Did you honestly think I would let you sleep here? No, potato, I need my beauty rest.”
“No, not at all.”
“You are terrible at lying.”
“I’m not dirty minded I promise!”
“Did I say you were?” he smirked.
Vil had a frisky side to him… how unexpected. Nevertheless, you were relieved. You had insomnia already. If you had to sleep next to Vil… you would never see the dawn again.
“Potato, your tea.”
You jumped.
“Careful! It’s hot and these pajamas are made of silk. I dare you to stain them,” Vil scolded.
You nodded. He handed you a tea cup. 
“I was hoping to talk some things over with you, but it’s getting late. You can take this to the spare room down the hall and relax. Self-care time if you will. Here’s a bag for you to put your dirty clothes in. You can drop it off in the morning to the ghosts for laundry. When you get the chance to change, return the top to me. Capeesh?”
“Capeesh...” you mumbled, turning to the door, fumbling with the tea cup.
“(y/n),” he said.
“Don’t disturb my beauty sleep.”
“Got it.”
“You didn’t let me finish, potato. You can disturb me if you need help with anything else regarding your anxiety. I won’t do things on your behalf, but I’m there to hold your hand. Just not during my beauty sleep, okay?”
Vil was not lying when he said he wouldn’t treat you any less of a human. Even if there was a monster in your head, Vil treated you like he would anyone.  Perhaps he wasn’t so bad. But how could he say such things with a straight face? It sounded like something out of a fairy tale. 
No, no, (y/n). You mustn’t catch feelings for someone this quickly. If anything, you were in love with the idea of him, his kindness, how he helped you out and cared for you. But was it even kindness?
Even if these feelings weren’t spawned from the idea of loving him, Vil would never return them. He seemed to be the type to be into someone independent. Or at least someone who was not broken. 
Mainly the former, it would seem. He didn’t pack your clothes even though he was the one who demanded that you strip, plunging you into a rose petal and lavender sprig bath. Admittedly, it was relaxing. He said something about lavender having a calming effect earlier. You smelt nice too. 
Maybe for today, you could be comfortable in your own skin. Just this once. You smelt really nice.
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[ Four Weeks Later, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Alright, puppies. We have another lab project. The details are in the packet. You are to concoct a potion using the ingredients we learned about this unit. Any potion is fine, but Amortentia is forbidden– as usual. This project will be due in two weeks. You will present your findings to the class in small groups. You can choose your partners. You were good puppies for the last few weeks so I’ll let you choose this time. Do not disappoint me,” Crewel said, cracking his whip.
You watched as the class swarmed into a chaotic mass. Students laughed and embraced one another. You scanned the crowd, looking for someone as unfortunate as you, someone without a partner.
“(y/n). Would you like to be partners?”
Oh. Vil. After all this time, you were baffled by the fact that he continued to interact with you after your meltdown weeks ago. What’s more is that he even followed you back on Magicam. He engaged in conversations with you, asking to check answers with you despite passing tests with flying colors just as you did. You never minded per se. Vil always had something to say. He wasn’t talkative, but he was captivating and civil with a hint of sarcasm. He had a lot to critique. Moreover, you two were from different worlds. Whenever he shared stories about his life, from modeling to troublesome classmates, you felt like a child with a new toy. You were immersed, zoned out of your surroundings, your focus on that one, single thing. In turn, you shared your own anecdotes, anxiety struggles and small victories— to which he celebrated with you through small, almost satirized, cheers and affirmations. 
You were comfortable around him. Anxiety kept you from advancing your acquaintanceship to a friendship, but you were more than happy with sharing homework answers and making small talk. Vil most likely wanted to work with you because, as he said so before, you were reliable. Or was it responsible? Whatever the word was,  you were useful to him. You were noticed in the best way possible. A twisted way to put it, but that’s simply how you felt.
Vil was not what Anxiety said he was and that was more than good enough for you.
“Sure,” you said.
“Wonderful,” he smiled.
You slid over as he took a seat next to you. Away from the sun, just as he liked it. You remembered your first encounter well.
“We’re presenting in small groups this time so you don’t have to worry that much about it,” he paused before continuing, “We can practice. When are you available?”
“Any time, really, I don’t have any clubs.. Or part-time jobs.”
“How does this Friday sound then? I’ll ask my manager to clear my schedule for that day.”
“You don’t have to clear your schedule. I can manage even if you come back late… Just don’t come to me the day before the deadline?”
Were you being too bold with this request?
“Friday then,” Vil said, flipping through the packet, “What type of potion do you want to make?”
“You can choose. I’m not really sure.”
“No, you are sure. You keep staring at that one page. I know you’ve read everything the moment it was handed to you. You certainly weren’t zoning out either.”
If there was anything worth noting about Vil over the short time that you’ve known him, it was that he was observant. Profoundly observant. Perhaps even more than you.
Vil clicked his tongue: “Spit it out, potato. I won’t judge you. I don’t have much of a preference either. We can compromise if we don’t agree.”
“Amortentia,” you winced.
“Now, that we can’t do,” he waved, “Didn’t you hear the professor say?”
“I did, but the structure of this potion is so intricate. I want to try.”
“Aphrodisiacs are prohibited. We can’t do it.”
“I know. I can dream though.”
“Do you have a boy in mind, potato?”
“It’s not like that,” you huffed.
If only he knew. You were head over heels for him– or rather the idea of him, someone who accepted you wholly without ever wanting to tame the monster inside your head. You weren’t sure if you loved Vil for who he was or what he did for you as a classmate. Do mere classmates have afternoon tea in each other’s dorms? Did they engage in small talk frequently?
Vil chuckled, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, potato.”
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[ Friday, Library ]
“You’re late, (y/n),” Vil said, leaning against the door frame.
“I hope you weren’t planning on skipping out.”
“No, sir.”
“Sir? I’m not that old, you potato.”
You weren’t fond of the session already. While you enjoyed talking to Vil, his strict attitude was oftentimes a trigger for Anxiety. Vil made it rage, rattling against the cage that encasing your heart. It didn’t fancy that. Neither did you.
“Come sit,” he walked over to the desk.
His braid swayed back and forth. You followed him in suit, taking a seat. Vil reached for your shoulders and the small of your back. You yelped.
“Posture is the first step to confidence. If you shrink, you’ll portray your nervousness in the most obvious way possible. Feet flat on the ground and shoulders back.”
You felt exposed, flustered, but not to Vil’s touch. You felt vulnerable to a nonexistent crowd. 
Vil stood up and took a seat before you, staring at you intently.
“Now, deep breath. Scan the crowd and focus on a point behind them, away from their eyes, but still in their direction. Remember to look around occasionally so it’s not obvious that you’re staring at the back of the room. You don’t have to make direct eye contact.”
You nodded sheepishly and obeyed. It wasn’t difficult. You could stare into his eyes forever. You hoped it wouldn’t be too awkward if you kept your gaze fixed on his.
“Shall we begin?”
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[  Two Weeks Later, Alchemy Classroom ]
“Hold still, potato,” Vil hissed.
He held your jaw steadily as he applied a glossy red lip tint onto your lips. In a classroom. In public. How many people were staring at you two? What did they think? Did they think you were his plaything?
“I don’t see the point in dressing up.”
“Please. Lip tint and a few touch ups isn’t ‘dressing up’. Plus, you’ll feel more confident if you look confident. Own it, my friend.”
Friend? You were his friend? You could feel your cheeks getting rosy. At the same time, you felt a surge of adrenaline. Was it confidence? You were on cloud nine, feeling unstoppable. If he said so, then Vil would be your first friend at Night Raven College outside of your dorm. 
But… what if he didn’t mean it?
No, no. he meant it. There was no need for Vil to lie. For him, lying was pointless. It was a waste of time; he preferred to get straight to the point even if it might be harsh on someone’s feelings. You’d learn to accept that his words come from honest intentions.
Crewel blew his whistle, signaling start time. Students flocked to their not-so-small groups. Vil had volunteered for the both of you to go first despite your protests, saying that it would be best to go first so you would not overthink and compare your presentation to others. 
“I’m Vil Schoenheiit.”
He squeezed your thigh. The gesture was of chaste intentions, you were sure. Your leg was the only place he could touch in hindsight. Or so you assumed. Regardless, it set your insides on fire, but it made his presence known— as if to say “I’m here, don’t worry.”
Your breath hitched: “And I’m (y/n) (l/n).”
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[ One Day Later, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Potato, what are you doing here? It’s the weekend.”
You hugged your sides. He was sweating. You’ve never seen Vil in anything but his school uniform, Pomefiore’s dorm uniform, and pajamas. There he was… standing right before you in a stormy gray tank top. While he was wearing pajama bottoms, the look was foreign to you. What should you say? You never knew he worked out.  Were those weights heavy? Is he training for a certain role?
“I have something for you: a small thank you gift for yesterday,” you said, brushing past your thoughts.
“Oh? You don’t have to thank me. I wanted a good grade too so don’t think too highly of me… Simply improving is enough.”
You shook your head, “I insist. I want to do something for you too. I would feel guilty if it were any other way.”
Vil rested his palm on your head. You looked up at him attentively. The height difference between the both of you was immense. Compared to Vil, you were a dwarf.
“What is it that you want to show me?” he sighed.
You jumped with excitement, handing him a small container. He took them.
“What’s this?”
“Open them.”
“Alright, alright. Such a demanding potato…”
You watched him gingerly pop off the lid to reveal your culinary creation. Your eyes wandered back to his violet orbs.
“Potato, what is this?”
Did he honestly not know or did he think you were jesting?
“They’re oatmeal raisin cookies. I made them myself. It’s all organic ingredients, I promise. There’s apples in it too. I know you watch your diet, but I think it would be okay if you ate just one. At least?”
You scratched the back of your neck while Vil stared at them in bewilderment.
“Just one.”
His furrowed eyebrows softened as he took a bite, “Not bad, potato.”
He placed it back in the container and closed the lid. Your heart sank. Was it just for show? Were they bad?
“Don’t take it personally. They are delicious. I don’t eat too many sweets though. I… also have a meeting with my producers after this. So perhaps later, my dear.”
“Oh alright.”
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[ Someday– Your Birthday, Alchemy Classroom ]
You weren’t sure what kind of strings were pulled or if this class had free seating, but Vil gradually sat closer and closer to you. Now, his seat was next to you. He said that it was because he could not stand the other potatoes near his old seat and that he’d much rather sit with a friend who helped him stay on task– which in turn made your heart melt.
Answers weren’t the only things you two shared now. You often brought snacks to share with him. You brought healthy ones like apple crisps and celery sticks for accommodate the diet of your classmate. He only consumed workout smoothies in the morning. He would drink one before he went for a run with no post-workout smoothies to make up for the calories he burnt. For someone who claims to life a healthy lifestyle, Vil was oftentimes too busy to keep up with it. He rose when the sun kissed the tips of the hills. Granted, he could have risen earlier so he could consume his post-workout meal, but his work trails later in the night. Sleep was important to him. Between balancing his beauty sleep and fitness regime, he frequently came to Alchemy with his hair still wet from a morning shower, his eyes caked with concelaer, and an empty stomach.
The first time you offered him something to munch on and regain the calories burnt, he declined. But as these days became more frequent, Vil caved.  
He slumped against his desk– a rare sight from the Pomefiore student.
“You should stop pushing yourself,” you said, taking out a container.
He shook his head.
“A break would be nice once in a while, Vil.”
He rolled his eyes, slipping off his gloves to take off the lid. God, he was so stubborn. He was going to burn out one day.
“I don’t mind sharing food with you, but you should pace yourself. Take a day off”
He shook his head again. Why though? Did his schedule not allow him to? Vil worked late sometimes, but was it worth it?
“Do you have anything aside from these cookies?”
You inhaled sharply, closing the lid and shoving it in your bag. They might have crumbled, but you didn’t want him to know. 
“Unfortunately, no sorry,” you sighed, clutching your bag’s handle.
“Fine then. I’ll just eat one then.”
“Why not? “
“It’s not healthy for you.”
Vil lunged for your bag. His stomach growled. You did your best to stifle a giggle. 
“You just said it was alright to take a break,” he said.
“You can’t have them.”
“How come?”
“They’re for me…” you whispered.
“Come again?”
“These are mine.”
He hummed, clearly not buying into your excuse. Perhaps excuse was not the right word because they were for you. They were self-indulgent treats that you made for yourself around this time of year. They were self-indulgent with a miserable origin. 
At this point, he was gripping your wrist. Since when was VIl this forceful? He never crossed any boundaries. He was never nosy. Was he concerned? Or did the madness of hunger consume him?
He was akin to a stray kitten. You were the one to offer him food in the first place. There were two cookies. One wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine. Just one. Please don’t eat the other though. I’d like to eat one on my birthday.”
“Birthday? Potat–”
You put your hand over his mouth on impulse. He was going to throw a fit with you for placing your “breeding ground for bacteria”  on his face, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Don’t tell anyone,” you pleaded, “But, yes, today is my birthday.”
Crewel’s footsteps echoed through the room, “Silence, puppies!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Vil hissed under his breath.
“I’m not big on birthdays. The attention is too much– plus, rarely anyone celebrates with me.”
“You honestly remind me of that one miserable Diasomnia first year from the class next door.”
The conversation was left at that.
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[ A Few Hours Later, Courtyard ]
Where did he come from? How did he find you? Class had ended a few minutes ago. What’s more is that you only saw him every other day due to the Alchemy schedules. It was the only class you had with him. You never saw him outside of class, aside from rare encounters in the cafeteria. You ate in the library to avoid people so that was partly your fault too.
“Come with me.”
“I won’t take no for an answer. You are the birthday girl, after all.”
He struck his signature pose, one hand on his hip and the other pointed, barely touching his cheek. When did he develop this again?
Wait. What did he just say?
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[ Pomefiore Dormitory, Vil’s Bedroom ]
“Here. This is an anxiety journal. Think of it as a diary to write your thoughts down in case you don’t have anyone to talk to”
“Vil, I can't take this,” you said, pushing the notebook away.
“I insist.”
“You said you didn’t celebrate. And that others didn’t celebrate either, no?”
“If you don’t put yourself out there and let people know, then how are others going to celebrate? And then you go mope around and eat cookies all by yourself in the library with the ghosts?”
Was he watching you? You were sure that there was no one there when the ghosts sang you happy birthday.
“I never said I was moping. I don’t care if I’m all alone. I don’t mind at all. I’m perfectly okay with that. I don’t need to be acknowledged or receive any gifts of pity so please just leave it at that…. I appreciate the gesture though.”
He leered. You took a step back. Was he angry? Why? This doesn’t concernto him. Why was he getting angry?
“I care. So take it.”
You caved, taking the journal. It was similar to the Pomefiore dorm leader’s grimoire: leather bound, decorated in gold decals in floral patterns and peacock feathers. It was pretty. You were a fool. A sensitive and broken fool. You were crying over a notebook, a gift put together at the last minute with tender loving care by a classmate you barely knew. It had been a long time since you felt this happy, this acknowledged.
Vil grimaced, “Oh stop crying already. I told you that I was here for you.”
He embraced you. It was awkward, but wholesome. You never hugged him before. He was warm. Perhaps a little bony for it to be of any comfort, but that was most likely due to the position you two were him. His head pats were stiff. It was ill at ease, but endearing.
Vil was your friend. Though not the closest, you treasured his actions. You weren’t sure how he put up with you. Or why even, but all you were concerned in at this moment was that he cared. It would be lovely to not assume the worst in people for once.
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[ Present Day, Vil’s Bedroom ]
What would Vil surprise with you this year? He hasn’t mentioned anything yet.
The makeover was nice, but you weren’t big on makeovers. Did you get to keep this dress? It was embellished with lace and frills– fancy. It was white, pink and floral like the Heartslabyul croquet court. You felt pretty albeit out of your own skin. Vil hummed a soft song whilst cleaning his makeup brushes.
Would that be all?  It was your first birthday as a couple. Were you ungrateful if you asked if there was anything else? His schedule was tight. What would he say if you mentioned that today was your birthday? What would he say if you asked if he had forgotten? Would you sound narcissistic? 
Would he say the same thing he said to you when you were second years?
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[ One Year Ago, Someday– Your Birthday, Hallway ]
You were so excited to see him again. You couldn’t stop yourself from running up to him.
“I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you? Congratulations. It’s a bit late though. How’s being Pomefiore’s new dorm leader treating you?”
He brushed his hair off his shoulders. Ah... a new hairstyle. He was wearing the barette you made for his birthday. You missed the French braid, but you felt that he was more relaxed when he let his hair down (literally).
“Rook. Guide the baby potatoes back to our dorm. Give us a moment,” Vil said to the person he was walking with.
Rook, you assumed. He was bizarre with his exaggerated features and hat. You were certain that the accessory violated campus dress codes. Needless to say, he was beautiful in his own way– just like any Pomefiore student.
“Oui, Roi du Poison. I shall leave you with ta chérie~” he breathed, prancing away with the first years.
“Ta what now?”
“Don’t mind him,” Vil said, “I am doing well, thank you, (y/n).”
No “potato” this time? Not even once? You hadn’t seen him since your second year started, only keeping up with his life through Magicam and story replies. Sometimes, he messaged you to check up on you or ask to compare answers for Alchemy and Potions. You packed snacks for him though that routine eventually ceased as Vil began taking better care of himself, opting only to run when he had the time.
You missed those days, but his well being was more important than your own selfish feelings. You had grown fond of that nickname since he used it so often. It was a term of endearment. It saddened you that he called others potatoes as well.
“Happy birthday by the way,” Vil said.
“Oh! You remember?”
“There you go again. I don’t have the memory of a goldfish– of course I remember. Though I don’t have a gift for you this time around.”
Did you offend him? Did you sound needy? You weren’t asking for any presents. Did it come off that way?
“I don’t need anything so it’s fine.”
Or rather, you didn't expect anything.
“Good grief. It’s your birthday. Chin up. Have the attention on yourself for one day. It’s your day after all. Anyhow,I would love to chit chat more, but my schedule is tight. I cannot dilly dal–”
You reached for his hand, “W-Would you like to hang out at a café sometime then?”
You cut him off. Was that too abrupt? Rude? Uncalled for? You should have let him leave even if you did miss being around him, being friends with him.
“You don’t have to. I was just thinking that maybe we could spend some time together and catch up. We haven’t seen each other in person too much. I’m not comfortable with too much attention either so yours is more than enough.”
God, what were you saying? That was cringe-worthy. You prayed that he would decline your impulsive proposal.
“I don’t see why not. Very well then, (y/n). Text me the details so I can adjust my schedule accordingly.”
Wait. He agreed? Was he pitying you? No, no. Stop doubting him. Vil was your friend. He must’ve missed being around you too.
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[ One Month Later, Cafe Rosé ]
When he said he was busy, he meant it. A month had passed since your birthday and just now were you able to meet up.
You sat in the café idly. He watched you consume your third plate of strawberry shortcake. You glanced at him then at your growing pile of dishes. He squinted. Should you stop?
Did he read your mind?
“No, I’m not a mind reader.”
“But you did it again.”
“Your expressions are easy to read. Do yourself a favor and don’t feel bad if you  enjoy something and I don’t. Someone who makes you feel bad for getting excited about something– something harmless, something you enjoy, is the worst kind of person. Enjoy your cake, birthday girl. Don’t let me, or anyone for that matter, stop you.”
Vil sipped his hand-pressed superfruit smoothie vehemently.
That was oddly inspiring despite having relevance to your self-esteem and cake. Funnily enough, you did feel better about yourself.
“Excuse me? May I get three more slices of this cake? And another teapot, please?” you called out to a server impulsively.
What on earth were you doing? Was that rude? Did she find you demanding?
“Anything else?”
“That’ll be all for now.”
You turned from the waitress, bringing your attention back to Vil. You cocked your head to the side: “What?”
“Consume cake in moderation, you potato.”
There it was. You’ve been waiting all semester to be called a potato. Pomefiore first years have expressed a strong dislike for the nickname. You, on the other hand, treasured it. Time and memories were built into that nickname.
“It’s fine. I’m paying anyway so don’t worry.”
“You are not paying on your birthday.”
“It’s not my birthday though.”
“We’re here for a belated celebration.”
“So an unbirthday?”
“No, no. Don’t bring the Queen of Hearts’s rules and gimmicks into this,” Vil waved his hand.
He set his smoothie down, The ice shifted, echoing throughout the café.
“I want to pay. I wanted to go here in the first place.”
“Think of this as my belated birthday present for you, atonement for not getting you anything or talking as much we’d like.”
“Vil, I don’t require anything from you. You’re busy. You don’t have to talk to me everyday. I think I would combust if you did. My social battery would drain.”
“That’s reassuring.”
The waitress cleared her throat. Vil nodded, sliding his glass to the further end of the table. She placed the cake slices in a neat triangle before setting the teapot down in the center. Then she followed up with the teacups–one for you, one for Vil. He raised an eyebrow at you. Your server gave a polite bow and dismissed herself.
“Eat one slice. Then I’ll let you pay,” you beamed, sliding him the plate.
He glared at the confection, “Alright.”
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[ March, Pomefiore Dormitory Hallway ]
“Bonjour, bonjour! What brings you to our humble dorm?”
Rook was his name right?
“Hello, Rook. I was hoping–”
He scared the living daylight out of you. Where did he come from? Why was nobody else around? You spun your heel and scanned the hall. It was empty.
“Echanté, mademoiselle! Let me guess!”
You yelped, falling backwards. Where did he come from? He was behind you a moment ago. His eyes widened as he lunged for you, hooking his arm around your waist, catching you before you made contact with the ground.
“Careful, careful, little fawn,” he chuckled.
He set you straight then pointed at you. His gloved index finger barely touched the bridge of your nose. This man, Rook, was sending your nerves in a downward spiral. 
He smiled at you, resuming like nothing ever happened: “Let me guess– you’re looking for your darling Roi du Poison?”
“Darling… Roi du Poison? Who? Vil?”
“No, he’s not.. we’re not. We’re just friends. I’m looking for him though bec–”
“Are you here for compensation?”
Rook set Anxiety loose. With a few words, he sent shivers down your spine. Compensation. Would your friendship end the moment you fulfilled his request? It had always been in the back of your mind. The thought of Vil using you to make him feel better about himself shatters you into a million pieces. The thought of owing Vil something for helping you, for being your friend, was heart-wrenching. Was it pity after all this time? Was it so wrong to want to hang out at yet another café? You looked forward to those every month– ever since your unbirthday date. Was your relationship that superficial?
No, it wasn’t a date. You wanted it to be, but it was not a date. You never quite shook off those romantic feelings you felt when you saw a different side to him. Beneath the surface of the poised, strict and sometimes narcissistic prefect, Vil was extremely hard working, passionate, and observant. He was the greatest friend you could ever ask for. You can’t say that he was your best friend, but he was close. If he didn’t feel the same, then that was okay with you. You weren’t even sure if it was love. You’ve had this debate with Anxiety before. It kept telling you that you were in love with the idea of him fixing you. That was not love.
You shook your head. Vil genuinely was your friend. If those feelings were not returned, then you would still be friends.  He told you time and time again that you should never feel sorry for the way you feel. If so, then would it be alright to tell him one day? And feel terrible about it later?
“He’s here, isn’t he?” you asked.
“Rook, (y/n),” a voice from the end of the half coughed.
Pomefiore’s vice dorm leader crossed his arms and gave you a smug smile. Vil. He was decked out in a trench coat and a black turtleneck. Stylish as always, but his hoarse voice told a different story. You rushed to Vil’s side.
“Vil, are you alright?,” you tugged his sleeves, “Your eyes are so puffy. Have you been crying? You’re burning up too. You should rest. Go back to bed this instant. Our café rendezvous can wait.”
He staggered: “No. I want to go with you. I finally have the time.. to see you… I have to make it count...”
“No, Vil. You have a fever. You need to rest,” you said, sliding his arm over your shoulders, ready to haul him back to his quarters.
Rook hummed a bird’s song.
“Would you mind helping?”
The height difference between you and Vil was awkward. His legs are dragged across the floor in a languid manner. One could imagine how uncomfortable that was.
“Non non, little fawn! My hands are dirty. Roi du Poison wouldn’t allow me to taint his beauty with such bacteria. Désolé!”
“Can you at least get the door then?”
“Will do, milady,” he bowed before complying to your request.
He held the door for you as you dragged Vil to his bed. You gasped as Vil’s limbs tighten around your neck.
“Would you mind getting the sheets too? Pull them out so I can tuck him in?”
Rook hummed in response. You plopped Vil onto the mattress. Your companion’s eyes widened, hands thrown in the air.
“Mademoiselle! Careful! Roi du Poison is fragile like a flower’s first bloom.”
“He’ll be fine don’t worry. Now if you could–”
Where did he go? You blinked for one minute and the vice prefect was gone.  You shook your head in dismay, turning to Vil and tucked him in bed. He looked so peaceful. His eyes were so distraught and dull before. Did he overwork himself to the point of tears? His room was a mess– shreds of fabric and crumpled balls of paper were discarded on the floor. You could hear his breathing as you made way to his desk.
What’s this? A script? And a sewing machine? What was he making? His sketches were stunning. Was this a side project of his? Was he too busy with films to continue with it? But why were his eyes so puffy?
Whatever the case was, it wasn’t your place to pry. Your fingers trailed off over the sketchbook as you made your way to his bathroom. You didn’t know where he kept the medicine or what kind he used, but it was worth a try to look around.
You opened the cabinet and your face fell. At a glance, he didn’t have anything aside from comesetics. There were a few bottles of potions, but you couldn’t make out the labels. It was best not to guess and check. The least you could do was place a wet on his head to cool down the fever. You peered over the bathroom’s door frame.
He wouldn’t mind. He was breathing heavily. You’ll face the consequences later if it violated his beauty regime. Hurriedly, you grabbed a small towel off the shelf, rinsing it in cold water in the sink. You squeezed off the excess and rushed to Vil, cursing at intervals where the water dripped onto whatever expensive material the flooring was made of. Was it expensive? You couldn’t tell. You placed it on his head gingerly. 
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned down and kissed his cheek.
Holy… what did you just do? You were taking advantage of him when he was out cold. If he was awake what would he say? Why did you do that? Why did that make your heart flutter?
“F-Feel better, Vil. I’ll be going now. Tell me when you wake up,” you sighed, patting your cheeks down.
You were a fool for initiating such an intimate act while someone was sleeping. You were also talking to said someone as if they were listening. It was best to excuse yourself now. Though maybe a little note would be helpful for when he wakes up. Your sleeves dipped. Your eyes went to the source of motion: Vil.
“Fairest… can you stay?”
You were at a loss for words. Vil called you “Fairest”– as if your other nickname didn’t exist. His face was flushed from the heat and his eyes were red and teary. What to do? What to do? What to do?
Vil tugged at your sleeves and pulled you onto the bed. Your mind went blank. You were on top of him, preventing yourself from crushing him with your weight, hands pinned on each side of his head.
He pulled you onto him, then turned to the side, causing you to face each other. The blankets were ruffled, wrapping you two into a contorted position. The towel slipped off his face. You scrambled out of bed. Vil lunged for you, pulling you back in.
“I said stay,” he pouted.
“I know, I was just getting out of bed to get back in. Wait that doesn’t make sense?”
“It does,” he said, lifting the sheets so you could climb in,
You yelped as he pulled you into his chest, “Vil? What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see you today.”
“I’m here.”
“I wanted to go on another date with you.”
Date? Does he think it was a date too? Every single one? Great Seven, have mercy…
“You should rest. We can hang out here if you want.”
Your hold on his waist tightened. You inhaled the faint scent of his cologne. Perhaps to him, this was a fever dream. Stil, all love takes patience– if what you both felt was love, that is.
“Thank you for staying , (y/n).”
“...Do you want to talk about it? Usually you’re the one listening to me, but I’m here for you too. ”
Vil buried his head into your shoulders, “Nothing much. Just overworked. Stress came to me in the form of sickness, unfortunately. How inconvenient.”
He clicked his tongue while you giggled. Even if bedridden, Vil’s mind was as proactive as ever.
“Were you crying?”
“You don’t have to answer.”
How do you comfort someone? You’ve always been the one comforted, especially from Vil. Were you gaining more from the relationship than Vil did? You wanted him to cheer up though...
“No, no. It’s fine. It’s better to get it off my chest while you’re still here.”
What did he mean by that? You weren’t leaving. Why would you? How could you?
“Do you think I’m more than my appearance?”
He was shaking. Vil was shaking. What could have possibly happened from the last time you saw him? Was he alright?
“Why do you want my opinion? We both know you’re more than a pretty face.”
“Answer the question.”
“Alright, alright. I do think you have a pretty face. You’re gorgeous, very handsome… but you’re also hardworking, diligent, strong-willed, driven, intelligent, observant and more words that I can’t think of to describe how I feel about you. Oh and a great alchemist and friend I might add. Vil, you’re pretty. You’re beautiful. Inside and out.”
Your heart hurt. Calling him your friend didn’t sit right with you. He threw his head back in a fit of laughter.
“Did I ramble too much?”
“No, not at all. I feel much better so thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better then. Whatever happened, I hope you know that it doesn’t define you. If you feel like it does, then remember that I’m your biggest fan.”
Ah, too cheesy. You’ve gotten too comfortable around Vil to think about Anxiety or your verbal filter. When you were with him, words flowed as freely as time.
“I’ll… keep that in mind.”
He didn’t say anything much about it. Was that not weird for him? Did you offer the solace he was looking for? He merely pulled away from your embrace. You thanked the heavens that his eyes were closed. If he made eye contact with you while you two were still sharing the same bed, you might as well ascend to the afterlife.
“Why do you ask though?”
“Oh I just had a miserable case of self-doubt is all. My manager kept taking roles that type-casted me as beautiful as the main character. I know I’m worth more than my looks- I want to be more than my looks-  but so far the industry has told me otherwise… but thank you, (y/n).”
He stayed like that for a while, inhaling and exhaling softly. Was he sleeping? How much time had passed?
“Vil. I have a question for you. You don’t have to answer if you’re not up to it. I know you have a lot on your mind right...” you said, breaking the silence.
“Will I be able to see you again after I compensate for the time I’ve wasted?”
“You don’t waste time. You don’t have to compensate for anything. I’m glad you’re here with me. If anything, I wasted your time.”
“But you said that we could talk about compensation later. It’s been over a year, Vil,” you whimpered.
“What do you mean by compensation?” he asked firmly, opening his eyes.
You choked on your own words. This was a bad idea. It might even offend him. Would if offend him? You wanted to know.
“Our first presentation. My anxiety attack. The infirmary. You helped me. I asked why then you said there was a price and we could talk about it later. But that conversation never came up. Why is that? Why did you come to the infirmary that night? Why did you take me in? Why am I here? Why do you still talk to me?”
You couldn’t stop yourself from spewing all of the questions you had for these past months. You needed to know. You needed your heart to shatter.
He sighed, “Good grief, (y/n). You remember all of that still? It’s not as bad as you think.”
He was offended.
“Please don’t say that.”
He inhaled sharply. 
“My apologies, potato. I didn’t mean it like that. But to answer your question, I felt guilty especially since I was the one who forced you onto the podium and made you redo the presentation because I couldn’t manage my first major acting role and my academics at the same time. I am sorry that you had to suffer the consequences.”
Vil turned onto his back. He brought his forearm to cover his eyes. Was he embarrassed? Ashamed? Did it hurt his pride? 
“I didn’t think of it like that. I’m sorry that I ruined our project because I couldn’t manage to improvise.”
“You shouldn’t apologize for that.”
“You shouldn’t either. Your feelings are just as valid as mine. Even if you don’t have anxiety, you still can feel anxious and overwhelmed.”
“And the compensation?”
“You needn’t worry about that. My time is valuable indeed but you’re not a waste of my time at all. You’re worthwhile.”
“You shouldn’t say things like that,” you muttered.
“What would have been the compensation?”
Vil turned to face you, rustling the sheets, “Are you that curious, Fairest?”
“Hm, yes it suits you now more than ever. Close your eyes for a moment. This should be quick.”
You obliged, closing your eyes. Vil wouldn’t do something terrible to you would he? He gripped your shoulders and pushed you flat on your back. You felt him shift his leg so he could straddle you. You instinctively cursed yourself in a ball.
“You can relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You loosened your muscles, trying hard not to burst into a fit of nervous laughter. You were scared.
“How was your day?”
“Well, it was—mmmphhh!”
Vil had told you to keep your eyes closed, but how could you? Not when he was kissing you. You had waited for this moment. You fantasized about it, daydreaming, pining for him on the daily. You never saw it coming. Did he return your feelings? After all this time? You mewled as he bit your bottom lip. You were hot, feverish just like your beloved prefect. Was he alright? He was flushed, coughing as you pushed him away.
“My time has been compensated,” he smirked.
His expression quickly changed, “Hey! Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? That was too bold wasn’t it… Goodness (y/n)...”
You cupped his cheeks.
“Not at all. I’m just so happy that you feel the same.”
“Feel the same?”
You faltered. Was he toying with you? No, he wouldn’t…
“I-I like you a lot, you know. I don’t know of a time I didn’t. You’re so confident and I adore you for that. I love how you’re always there for me, how you always listen to me, and how you lean on me too. I love how you include me and see me no less than anyone else. I love you so much that my heart hurts,” you paused and moved your hands to clutch your chest, “But if it isn’t love then I suppose that’s fine too. I think I might be in love with the idea of you. It might be a little presumptuous here, spouting nonsense to you, but I don’t want to be just friends. Even if I am broken, I want to make you happy so please accept my feelings-!”
Cheesy. Too cheesy! You’re oversharing, (y/n). Stop. It. Death suddenly seemed like a viable option. You loved him so much that you must die. Yes, that was the only way.
Vil kissed you. This time, it was more of a peck.
“This whole time… you… I love you too, Fairest. I accept you and your feelings.  Thank you for being so patient with me,” he kissed the trail of tears running down your cheeks, “You already make me so happy. I love your innocence, your beauty—inside and out as you would say. I admire your strength to help others despite being in a world of your own. I love your selflessness and... your adorable reactions to situations that make you anxious. Please, tug at my sleeves some more.”
You pouted at the last bit. Vil was observant. You’ve come to learn that the hard way. The trait never withered.
He continued: “I will be in your care from now on.”
Ah. He was crying. Smiling too. What a sappy mess of emotions you two were, sobbing in each other’s arms over a mutual confession.
He flicked your forehead, “And don’t you dare call yourself broken. You are not below me and I am not above you. We’re in this together. I love you and you love me and you better love yourself too. You hear me, potato?”
“Yes, but–”
“Did I stutter?”
You pressed your forehead against his, “Will do, Vil.”
He lowered his weight onto you, nuzzling into your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck and combed through his champagne gold locks. You were sniffling. You were relieved that he loved you the way you loved him. You were relieved that you didn’t fall in love with potential. He loved you for you and you loved him the same. What if you weren’t good enough for? No, no, he said he felt the same. Stop overthinking, (y/n). 
You were drained after all this worrying. Being plagued by thoughts assuming the worst about him and the worst case scenarios concerning your confession consumed your mind. There was not a single day where your head was clear.
You were exhausted. So, so, so tired. Tired of thinking. Tired of Anxiety. Sleep seemed nice right now especially with Vil laying on top of you. The monster inside your head had gone dormant. All there was the thought of Vil being by your side, loving you and Anxiety all the same.
Your consciousness faded.
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[ April, Someday– Vil’s Birthday, Pomefiore Dormitory Hallway ]
“Vil. Vil!!!”  you squealed, tackling your lover from behind.
He staggered on his toes, but recovered swiftly. He was tall. The stilettos made him taller. You were up to his shoulders, giggling, slipping under the long sleeves of the Pomefiore dorm uniform.
“Au revoir, Roi du Poison. Mademoiselle (y/n),” Rook chuckled and excused himself.
Vil gave Rook a look of disdain yet the vice prefect skipped along the halls, paying no mind to the daggers coming his way. Your beloved turned to you and smiled.
“Happy birthday~”
“You’re frisky today.”
“I’m excited.”
“I can see that. Thank you,” he pats your head.
“Are you busy?”
“I’m finishing up something. You’re welcome to wait in my room. Might I tell you that you look beautiful today? Red lipstick suits you.”
You followed him into his quarters, seating yourself on the bed, fiddling with the ends of your hair. He called you beautiful. You were giddy over something trivial. It was normal for one to call their significant other beautiful. In truth, he was the fairest, not you. You never minded. You loved watching him flourish in the spotlight.
You watched him undo his bun, letting his hair fall loose. The ends were curled, bouncing on his shoulders. He stepped into the bathroom to shed the dorm uniform off, opting for a black suit with faint floral patterns. Your eyes widened, coming to terms with the fact that he wore no dress shirt underneath the suit.
“You’re eighteen now, Vil,” you mused.
“What of it?”
“Oh nothing. I was just thinking.”
He hummed in response, “Is that so?”
“It feels like yesterday when we were both- what? Fifteen? Nevermind that. It’s silly. Would you like to see your gift now?”
“How does after the party sound?” he asked, lining his eyes with a thick eyeliner.
A thin smirk creeped up on his lips.
The look was similar to the standard ceremonial robes makeup. His silver chain-like earrings, leather choker and red heels threw off the professional look. Vil was striking. From what he told you, his producers had invited him to a party celebrating the release of a film he starred in. It was conveniently on his birthday. He spent the last few weeks convincing you to go with him. 
You gave in, but the thought of attending a social gathering with people you had never met before worried you. Vil reassured you that he would remain by your side at all times. You agreed on the spot, putting on a brave face for his sake. He promised to spend time with you afterwards. Just you and him. He even agreed to eat cake.
“I’m okay with that.”
“Thank you. I know you’re excited, but I want to save all the birthday related things for after.”
He set his makeup down and handed you a container of gel, climbing onto the bed while you got on your knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You never let me do your hair.”
“Think of it as a reward for coming along with me.”
“I told you that you didn’t have to worry about that,” you said, letting go of your embrace and popping off the container’s lid.
“I’m thankful, but don’t push yourself for me.”
“I won’t, don’t worry. Besides, I want to. You’re going to be busy after today. I want to spend as much time as possible with you today.”
He smiled and helped you push his hair back. Dipping your fingers into the cool aquamarine substance, you combed through your lover’s hair, bringing his bangs back. When you finished, he turned around to kiss you. He caught you off guard, but you leaned into the kiss instantly. It wasn’t passionate nor was it chaste. It was somewhere in between as to not smear your lipstick. You reached for his hair to deepen it, but he grabbed your wrists. Right. You had forgotten. 
“Later,” he whispered.
Your cheeks were dusted with a rosy tint. Later? As quickly as he pulled away from you, Vil slid off the bed. He passed by his mirror, patting down his suit and hair. Then, he extended his hand to you, “Shall we go?”
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[ Land of Pyroxene, Venue’s Rose Gardens ]
Vil said it was a small social gathering. A small party. The amount of people was fair to his description, but the setting was overwhelming. It was sophisticated. There were fae servers and ice sculptures. You were surprised to learn that the soirée was held in his homeland. You were expecting a carriage yet he simply led you to the mirror chamber where the headmaster bid him farewell.
And here you are. You were in a rose garden differed from Heartslabyul’s greatly as the roses were as white as snow. They grew on pickets and hung over your heads like grape vines. It was scenic, ethereal, like something out of a fairytale. There was also a castle in the distance, adding to the regality of the venue. 
“Vil! Oh thank goodness you’re here. I almost thought you were going to leave me to fend against all of these actors wanting to know more about you,” a stout woman said, scrambling towards him, “Oh? Is this your– ohhhhh–”
“Adella, this is (y/n). Fairest, this is Adella, my manager.”
Vil paused, cueing you for an introduction. He glanced at you.
“Chin up, dear,” he wrapped an arm around your waist, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Breathe. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Adella was Vil’s manager. Like he said, she’s nothing to be afraid of.
“P-Pleasure to meet you,” you extended your hand out.
She took it with a death grip. Sheer willpower prevented you from wincing. 
“No, no, the pleasure is mine. Vil has told me so much about you. And my, he calls you ‘Fairest’ how adorable~”
“What has he told you?”
You heard his breath hitch. Vil’s arm slithered back to his side. Was that too much? You were curious, but what if that made him uncomfortable? You should apologize later. 
“Nothing much. I didn’t even know what you looked like even! His pet name for you suits you so well. Oh! I do know that he frequently asks about his schedule because he said that he wants to spend time with the s–”
“That’s enough now, Adella,” Vil said, crossing his arms and putting his weight on one foot.
Shoot. He was displeased. 
“Yes, yes, sorry. Shall we go greet your colleagues? You are free to mingle afterwards. I know that there was this one actor who was practically begging me to see you. You weren't here yet though so what could I do? Fufufu~”
“Are you coming, (y/n)?” Vil asked, turning his head to see you trailing behind.
You halted and pointed to the dessert table, “You can go on ahead.”
He nodded and followed his manager to the east side of the garden. You made your way to your own destination. While you wanted to go with Vil, meeting Adella set your nerves ablaze and drained all the social energy you had. Plus, you felt out of place when you stood next to Vil.
Compared to him, you could never pull off silver earrings. A pair of red heels simply looked better on him than they ever would on you. Then there was Adella who was also gorgeous with her messy bun and nude lipstick. She wasn’t a public figure yet you felt small around her presence. She exuded a lovable aura that drew people around her.  If you had to meet more people who were meant for the spotlight, celebrities no less, you could never manage through the night. If you avoided strangers, you should be fine. There were cake pops amongst other treats at the table. You were going to have a ball of a time.
You plucked the confection off its stand, examining it thoroughly. It was as luxurious as the party’s decor. The dessert resembled the poison apple the Beautiful Queen from the stories you were told as a child. Gold foil acted as the poison while a red coating of candy melts acted as the skin of the apple. You bit the top off. It was a vanilla sponge cake. Odd for an extravagant event like this as you assumed the flavors would be bolder. Maybe it was the kind expensive vanilla. Were they all the same flavor? You plucked another one from the stand, biting into it. Oh this one was red velvet with a cream cheese filling. Were there other flavors?
“My, my, you sure like the cake pops, don’t you?” a voice cooed.
You turned your head to meet the owner of that sweet voice. He had hair as black as ebony and skin as white as snow. His eyes were a warm chocolate brown. He wore a yellow jumpsuit with a red ribbon which was complemented by a black beret. He strained a smile at you.
“You needn’t look at me like a deer in headlights. It’s okay I like cake pops too,” he laughed.
“Who are you?”
“Eh? You don’t know who I am?”
You shook your head. He blinked twice. 
“I’m Neige LeBlanche, lead actor of the film. But, say, since you don’t know who I am, I’m assuming you’re someone’s plus one? You seem kind of young though...”
He took a cake pop from the stand, peeling off the gold foil.
“I’m Vil’s plus one.”
“Vil? I would have never guessed. I thought he said he wasn’t bringing someone. He didn’t seem like he wanted to either...” he mumbled something and paused, “As expected of my senior! Say, what are you to him?”
You pulled the ends of your hair, “I-I’m his girlfriend.”
“Is that so? He never mentioned having a girlfriend. I always thought he was going to end up–”
“We started dating a few weeks ago.”
“Oh my, that’s–”
“I have to go so if you’ll excuse me, Neige. It’s been nice meeting you. Congrats on the film,” you waved.
“No, no, the pleasure is mine, (y/n). I’m glad I got to meet Vil’s girlfriend. You were so sweet! I hope we can talk some more in the future! Oh I know–You should follow me on MagiCam! We can talk there,” he exclaimed, clasping his hands around yours.
He was so bubbly… You didn’t know how to handle him. Was this interaction not awkward to him at all? Your cheeks flushed as you excused yourself. You held your head down low and avoided eye contact with everyone you crossed paths with. Where you were headed to was a mystery, even to you. Anywhere was fine. Anywhere secluded. Anywhere without people, but close enough to trace your footsteps back to the rose gardens should anything arise.
Of course, that was the ideal scenario. In your situation, nothing was ideal per se. You were lost. You had trudged forward whilst looking at the ground, not getting a good look of your surroundings at all. It was hard to tell where you were. If you had known better, you would say that you were in a children’s book. The rose bushes towered high above your head and the castle was closer than it was before. In the center of it all was a gazebo adorned with intricate floral details. There was also a well to the side of the structure. You made your way to the gazebo and sat down on the bench, gazing upon the beauty of the raven sky. It glittered like a thousand fireflies.
You sighed, “The moon is beautiful tonight.”
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[ Some Ungodly Hour, Venue’s Rose Garden ]
“You’re awake now?”
Vil? What was he doing here? The moon was high in the sky. It was late. You were resting your head on his lap. You sat upright in an abrupt motion.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“Ruining the party by running off and falling asleep, wasting your time when you could have been talking to someone more important–”
Vil put a finger to your lips: “I was getting exhausted of people commenting on my looks anyway. You did worry me by running off though. To think that I had to ask Neige of all people too.”
That last part about Neige. Did he not like his co-star? He ran his hand through his hair while you adjusted yourself into a more comfortable position. You opted to lean your head on his shoulder. Vil reciprocated by placing his head on top of yours, nuzzling it.
“The party is still ongoing so don’t worry,” he said, “Though you could have told me where you were.”
You exhaled. Thank goodness. It would have been embarrassing if it ended.
“Sorry about that.”
“Was it that exhausting for you? I told you not to push yourself for my sake. It makes neither of us happy.”
“At first, no, I wasn’t. I was a bit nervous around your manager but then Neige threw me off for a bit–”
“Neige? What did he say to you?”
“Nothing. He just asked what I was to you and I wasn’t prepared for that.”
“We’re leaving.”
“What? Why?”
Your stomach growled. You looked down at the ground. Suddenly the grass below your feet was the most interesting thing in the world. He took your hand firmly. His grip was different. He held you as if he was about to lose you.
“I had talked to everyone I needed to talk to. I’m done for the day and so are you. I would like to celebrate my birthday now with my dearly beloved if she would please.”
It wasn’t a request. It was a demand. There was no room for apologies.
You rose from the bench, grimacing at the soreness and took his hand, following him to the mirror.
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[ Midnight, Vil’s Bedroom ]
Was he mad? He said he wasn’t. But then why was he handling you so roughly? Vil pulled you into the bathroom. He turned the faucet on, drawing water into the bathtub. He grabbed a bottle of bubble bath product and rose petals. He emptied the contents and discarded the containers onto the cool tiles. They rattled and echoed. Vil turned to his cabinets, searching for something. Strands of his loosely gelled hair swayed back and forth as he sifted through his cosmetics. He muttered gibberish as he found makeup wipes. Pulling you towards him, he began to wipe the gunk off your face. His motions were rigid, frantic, like he was wiping at a stubborn speck on a mirror. He turned you around and undid your dress’s zipper. The process was akin to a kitten’s first yawn. Slow, drawling yet somehow winsome. The act was intimate. Vil manhandling you was a first. It spawned many mixed motions. The positives outweigh the negatives, but was he alright? His eyes were ready to cry. They were glossy to the rim. When the zipper reached the end of its path, he pushed you aside and tended to his own face with a new wipe.
“Strip and get into the tub,” he instructed.
Strip? That was off-putting, especially from him. He didn’t want to have birthday sex did he? Or would he leave when he was done with his makeup? It had to be the latter. You held your sides, preventing the dress from slipping down your shoulders. But what if he did? What if he wanted to let out his frustrations on you? Was that it? He said he was more worried than upset, but his actions betrayed his words. He was tense. He could burst at any moment. Vil, as he was now, was a time bomb, ticking away. You feared he might break.
Vil snapped his fingers before you. You flinched. As you regain focus into the real world, you come to the sight of your lover in the tub, hair wet and his body leaning against the edge. His clothes were hanging on the laundry hamper. You looked away, excusing yourself under your breath. A tug on the hem of your dress stopped you in your tracks. He had broken. His eyes were red and puffy though no tears trailed down his fair complexion. You knelt down beside the tub, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Could you stay?”
“In the tub?”
“Only if you want to.”
Why is it that he could always see through you? Was your discomfort obvious? No, no, he was merely attentive. Then again, you were equally observant to everyone, especially towards Vil. Your darling was an open book, an easy read– the merit being that his words rarely matched his actions. He was a novel full of metaphors, eloquent tones and arbitrary words. Underneath the complications, he was as simple as the next composition. He was as insecure as any other person, if not more. To read Vil Schoenheit, you mustn't analyze his speech. Words fail in this case. You had to look for the little things: his weight shifting on one leg, his shoulders tensing, his eyebrows furrowing for a brief moment, his shortness of breath, his eyes.
In this very moment in time, Vil needed you. He said there was no obligation, but the small frown on his lips told you otherwise. He was aware of your own boundaries, but at times like these, when he needed you most, your instinct to reach for him, to hold him, triumphed over your murky thoughts. There was mutual trust between you and Vil, two profoundly regardful people. One was observant because he had a keen eye for details and all things beautiful. The other was observant because she was wary of the opinions of others.
Vil turned away from you as you let your dress and undergarments fall to the ground. His eyes were closed when you climbed into the tub.
“You never have to push yourself for my sake, Fairest,” Vil said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your back closer to his chest.
“I don’t mind if it’s for you. I will tell you when I can’t do something, I promise.”
“You better,” he sighed.
You turned around and cupped his cheeks, “What about you? Are you alright? You’ve been so stiff ever since we left.”
You scooped some soap suds onto his hair, lathering and combing though his silky locks while you waited for him to formulate the right words.
“Fairest, do you think I am more than my appearance?”
You stopped mid-caress and nodded. His looks were always a touchy subject. Vil had a severe case of type-casting, a situation where he was only casted for roles with “beautiful” as the main attribute of the character. At first, he was content with them, but as time went on, he felt defined by his appearance. His hard work was futile in an industry that valued beauty over effort. Comments such as “you only got to where you are now because of your face” was a stab in the heart for Vil. He often sought out you or Rook for comfort. It came to the point where Vil frequently declined callbacks.
He continued, “No matter how much I talked to others about my role in the film or attempted to make more connections to those in the industry, they would always comment on my ensemble first. Sometimes they comment on how I look and nothing more.”
“So you feel invalidated for your efforts?”
“Yes, I feel like none of the work I put into getting where I am now. I feel like all I had to do was look pretty and everything will be handed to me… just like Neige. I want to be as pretty as him. I want to be as popular as him. I want to be recognized for my skills and get casted for the best roles. Not superficial ones. I want… I want....”
You embraced him as he choked on his own words.
“This is hypocritical since it’s coming from me, but you should never compare yourself or your efforts or progress to anyone else. You are enough as you are, at your own pace.”
His arms engulfed you. He kissed you, intertwining his tongue with yours.
“I’m sorry,” Vil said, pulling away. 
“I’m sorry too.”
“What did I tell you about saying sorry for something that’s out of your control?”
“But you’re apologizing too,” you laughed.
He snorted.
“But I do feel guilty for leaving you alone though. Maybe I could have said something for your sake. I feel even worse since it was your birthday.”
“We’re both pathetic in that regard.”
You scooped water onto Vil’s head. He did the same for you. You looked him into the eyes before averting your gaze. They were as intense as ever.
“I accept your apology though. In turn, you should accept mine.”
“I can’t. Sorry, Vil. You told me that I should never apologize for how I feel. Neither should you.”
“But I don’t have anxi–”
“You don’t have to have anxiety or anything to have a bad mental health day. You don’t have to have anxiety or anything to feel insecure or worthless. Those feelings are valid for anyone”
“You do have a point there,” Vil said as he tousled his hair.
“I have something for you. It may not be your birthday anymore,” you glanced at the clock, “but we haven’t slept yet so in my mind the day isn’t over yet.”
“What kind of logic is that?”
“Does it still feel like a ninth of April to you?”
“Yes, but technically it’s not.”
“Think of it as a feeling then,” you said and climbed out of the tub.
Vil assisted you in the process and got towels for you both. He languidly dried your hair.  His touch was soft like a ghost’s embosom. You could barely feel his touch. Then, he waltzed over to his dresser and gave you one of his silk pajama tops. While he was getting dressed, you grabbed your gift for him, sitting on the edge of the mattress waiting for him.
Shortly after, he plopped down on the bed. The pillows bounced on impact. You held the gift bag over his chest. He looked up at you then at the bag. Sitting up, he opened it.
Your lover tore through the tissue paper, revealing a small box wrapped in brown wrapping paper, red ribbon and twine. His eyes sparkled like a child on Christmas Day.
He read the present tag aloud: “‘To my darling: Vil Schoenheit. Happy birthday.’”
He undid the bow, careful not to ruin the label. He found the edges of the wrapping paper and picked off the tape piece by piece and discarded it on the ground. It fell with grace. Vil lifted the lid of the box.
“A book?”
“Open it.”
Granted, you were more nervous than he was. Would he like it? Today was not his day. You hoped to make him feel better. If he didn’t like it in the slightest, you wouldn’t know how to feel. You wanted to see him smile. It was his birthday. He did not deserve to feel insecure because of soirée guests. He did not deserve to feel so small when he was your world. In fact, he deserved the world for all that he was. He worked too hard not to. His efforts deserved to be paid off. Perhaps not every day, but for his birthday, he should have. It was his day.
Vil obliged, turning to the title page.
“Eighteen things I love about you,” he read.
You leaned over his shoulder.
“Did you honestly write an essay about your love for me?”
“No,” you said, burying your head into the crook of his neck, “Just look.”
“I jest, Fairest.”
Vil licked his finger and turned the page.
“Ah. A scrapbook? Let’s see… ‘Number one: I love how—”
You put a hand over his mouth, “It’s embarrassing if you read it out loud.”
“I think it’s endearing. Besides, I live for your flushed face.”
You whined and he let out a laugh.
“I’ll spare you. I’ll only read the first one aloud.”
“That’s fair,” you mumbled.
“I hope it is. Anyhow… ‘Number one: I love how you carry yourself with utmost respect. I love how you know your worth. I love how angry you are when you are undermined– because you know you are worth more than what the current situation offers. Your confidence is contagious as it inspires me to acknowledge my own worth, to be bolder and seek opportunities that are on par to my own capabilities.’”
He paused.
“What?” you asked.
“I like how you included a photo of us as freshman potatoes,” he said, running his fingers over the image as if he was wiping away dust.
“You always were always like a star to me, ever since we first met. It was hard to start off this scrapbook without referencing that.”
You twirled the ends of your hair.
“I’m glad that you see me in such a way.”
His voice was so soft, inaudible even.
No response. He flipped the book to page two. Then to page three and so forth. He was still. His chest did not rise and fall each breath. He didn’t even blink. He stopped at the last page. It read: “I love you. You as a whole– the person you present to the crowd and the person you present to a select few. I love you for every flaw and insecurity. I love and accept you in the same way you love and accept me and more. I promise to love you forevermore– no shunning, no judging, just staying by your side and watching you grow into a person I fall in love with more and more every day.”
He pushed you down onto the bed and kissed you, dropping the book onto the ground.
A sense of déjà vu washed over you.
He was vulnerable. He knew, you knew. His lips were quivering and his eyes were glossy. But did he like it? You tried so hard not to say that you liked him because of his looks. That was a touchy subject for him. Did that last one come off as too cheesy? You were told you were quite sappy on top of having an ability with words but still…
“What are you doing writing a bunch of wedding vows, you sweet potato?” Vil muttered as he cuddled you.
“I didn’t mean for it to come off like that. We’re barely a month into this relationship so that’s out of the question. I’m pretty sure we’re still in our honeymoon phase too. But that’s how I feel right now. So… What if I wrote a bunch of wedding vows to you? What of it?”
You could feel heat rising to your cheeks. Hopefully, he didn’t find your sudden confession cringe-worthy.
“I never said it was bad... I feel the same.”
He let the last part of his sentence trail off into silence.
“Do you feel better now?”
Was that out of place? Did that kill the mood? What if you soured his mood?
“Much better, thank you. I appreciate it and… I love you too. I know I don’t say it a lot, but I think you know that already.”
“I do.”
He peppered your face with kisses. Some were on your lips, Others were on your cheeks and forehead and occasionally trailed down your jawline.
“I also have something else for you,” you spoke up, pushing him off of you so you could grab another bag that you left by the foot of his bed.
“You spoil me, Fairest.”
“It’s not much. Just a cake I made for you.”
“A whole cake?”
“A cupcake, I mean. I know you’re not one for sweets.”
“And you left it in my room with no refrigeration.”
You pointed to the ice pack. He nodded. You pulled out a cake box, propping it open on Vil’s hands and told him to hold still. You placed a candle in the center and lit with a little spark of fire magic.
“Make a wish~”
“What am I? Twelve?”
“You have to make a wish.”
“Fine,” he said as he blew out the taper, “I wish to be with you for as long as possible.”
“You can’t say your wish out loud. It won’t come true!”
“Do you have any intention of separating from me?”
“I don’t see why my wish won’t come true then,” Vil said as he cut the cupcake in half, handing you a piece.
“I guess you’re right about that.”
“Careful. If you get crumbs on my bed, you’re sleeping in the spare room.”
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[ Present Day, Pomefiore Hallway ]
One moment he was dolling you up, the next he was wrapping a blindfold around your eyes and led you down the hallway to god knows where. You were still walking straight so you only assumed that you were still in the Pomefiore dormitories. Unless you walked through a mirror. Or maybe you simply had a terrible sense of direction. Whatever the case was, it did not change the fact that you were trembling.
“Vil. Where are you taking me?”
He exhaled. You could hear his chest heave.
“Darling, are you scared?”
Like how you could read him like an open book, he knew you like the back of his hand. You nodded and you felt him undo the blindfold. He held the ribbon in his hand and yours in the other. You looked into his eyes for comfort. He was wearing a single French braid. It was nostalgic. It was like you were first years again. He wasn’t wearing a school uniform, but it was enough to stir up fond memories. Instead, Vil wore a casual ensemble with a kimono-esque silhouette. He wore a white dress shirt with a pair of shapeless, high-waisted black dress pants. A cardigan with an ornate pattern accentuated the look, He wasn’t wearing the barrette you made him for his sixteenth birthday either, but you felt nostalgic regardless.
“I still need you to close your eyes for me though,” he said, putting the hand with the ribbon over your eyes, “I know you’re scared, but please hold on for a little longer.”
You nodded and closed your eyes. You felt his hand leaving your face, but the other was holding yours tightly, guiding you to your destination.
“Fairest, are your eyes actually closed?” Vil asked, breaking the silence.
You had been walking for a few minutes now. Where was he taking you?
“Vil, do you know what today is?”
No response.
“Vil… You’re scaring me.”
“We’re almost there, don't worry.”
Would it hurt to trust him for a little bit? You trailed behind him aimlessly. Your steps lagged behind his.
“You ready?” he asked, cupping his lanky fingers over your eyes.
You nodded. Whatever could it be? Lacking sight made Anxiety rattle against your skull. Was Vil going to push you off a cliff? Send you to your doom? No, no, no. He wouldn’t. That was too extreme, (y/n). Calm down.
He lifted his fingers off of your eyes, whispering a faint “happy birthday” to you. You gasped. Pomefiore lounge decorated with streamers and balloons– color coordinated to match both the dorm’s interior as well as your favorite colors. Rose petals were sprinkled on the ground. You heard Vil step away from you. You jumped as you heard something pop and turned around to find the source. Before you could react, a swarm of confetti went your way followed by a loud “surprise!”
You blinked twice, pulling bits of paper out of your hair..  You stepped forward and spun your heel. Were you dreaming?
“Hey, are you crying? I forbid you from crying. Your mascara is going to smear. Stop touching your face,” Vil scolded, running to your side, whipping out a handkerchief to pat your tears dry.
He had no confetti on his person. He was pristine.
“Vil… it’s wonderful. Thank you. I’m so glad you didn’t forget.”
“How could I forget? You must give me more credit, Fairest. I may not have the time to be with you every day, but I’m not cruel as to forgot your birthday,” he huffed, pulling you into a hug.
He was right. He could have never forgotten. Was he mad that you doubted him? He didn’t seem irritated. It wasn’t like him to forget such an important date. You’ll give him credit for being a good actor; he fooled you well. He ignored you for almost two weeks. Whenever you brought up your birthday, he brushed over it and changed the subject. You were on edge the entire time. A weight was lifted off your chest.
“I know you’re not one for parties, but I figured I’d go all out for a small group of people you are comfortable with. You’re seventeen now. Rejoice, my dear.”
You pecked his lips, “This is fine. Thank you so much.”
“Cute~ Hashtag: Vil-Did-Not-Forget. Hashtag: (y/n)’s-Growth Record. Hashtag: (y/n)-And-Vil-Forever. Hashtag: Birthday. And posted! Happy birthday, (y/n)-chan~”
“Ah. Thank you, Cay-kun.”
“Did you have to do that?” your lover asked, hands on his hip.
“It’s fine, Vil.”
He nodded. You hoped he wouldn’t bicker too much with Leona as the upperclassman was lounging a bit too close to the throne for [Vil’s] comfort. You sighed as he went to the refreshments table.
“You’ve grown for much,” Cater said with crocodile tears, hugging you.
“I’m still the same height.”
“I didn’t mean that, silly.”
“What did you mean then?”
“Nothing, much. You just look happier. Anyways, here’s your present. Continue to blossom, m’kay?”
You took the gift: “Alright?”
“Cater. Mind your manners. You’re being rude. According to the–,” a voice called.
“I don’t think I am, right, (y/n)? Tell Riddle for me~” he pouted.
His eyes widened as the complexion of Heartslabyul’s prefect grew as red as his hair. 
“Hey now. Let’s not fight,” Trey, the vice prefect, hurried over to pat Riddle’s back.
You sighed, “There’s nothing to worry about, Riddle.”
You could have sworn you saw a vein deflate on his forehead as he mumbled something about the rules. He handed you a bouquet of roses.
“Happy birthday, (y/n).”
“Let’s take a Heartslabyul selfie to celebrate! Say cheese!”
No one said cheese. The flash flickered before your eyes as you held the flowers close to your nose. Riddle’s eyebrows were scrunched together. He was socially awkward in that aspect.
“Hashtag: Heartsla…”
Cater’s words faded. Since when have you been comfortable taking pictures with him. It was nice. You felt pretty today. Was it because Vil dolled you up to a T? You hugged the bouquet closer to your chest as you walked towards the refreshments table.
“Oi. Herbivore. Watch the tail,” an all too familiar voice groaned.
“Good afternoon to you too, Leona.”
“Here’s your present.”
He handed you a small box and he waved you goodbye. Was he not going to stay? You watched his back get smaller and smaller as he walked out of the Pomefiore Lounge. He wasn’t big on parties either. That was alright.
You continued the refreshments, stopping occasionally and accumulating presents here and there, engaging in idle chatter. Soon, your arms were full of trinkets and parcels. You panted as you set the gifts onto a spare table.
“You’re quite the attraction,” Vil said, sipping on a glass of apple cider.
“I don’t really think I’m–”
“Own it for a day, will you? You look absolutely divine.”
“Thank you, Vil.”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “My pleasure, Fairest.”
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ren1327 · 3 years
Sweater Weather Ch.8
Hi guys!
So exciting news. Sweater Weather is almost complete at this point to where I will try to post the latest chapters Wednesdays and Sundays. I'm really jazzed that I'm going to wrap this project up and excited to get started on new ones.
As always, thanks for being so patient and I cant wait to bring you guys more content this autumn season!
Ben woke up with Kenji’s face in his stomach, his body folded over him as he rest on a pillow laid over the larger man’s back.
The sun was just peeking through the trees and he heard a whine, Bumpy scratching at the front door.
“Kenji.” Ben called.
Kenji groaned.
“Kenji, Bumpy needs to go for a walk.” Ben said.
“Kenji, we slept in the living room, come on.”
“I got her, Ben!” Carmen said and walked in the room, dressed in a cute set of rainbow snow boots and a matching jacket. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. You guys should take a power nap on the bed to straighten out your spines.”
“Thank you, Carmen.” Kenji said, voice muffled in Ben’s sternum.
Ben chuckled and pet the back of his head before lightly smacking it. “Come on.”
Kenji slapped his thigh back a little too hard.
“Ow! That hurt!” Ben huffed.
“I can kiss it better.” Kenji hummed.
“…you can reach more in bed.” Ben murmured and Kenji slid back and sat up.
“I’m up.” Kenji said and Ben laughed, pushing him back so he could hobble to their bedroom, pulling back the quilts and comforters and sliding in, Kenji not wasting a moment joining him.
Ben blushed and pulled him close, kissing his forehead as the larger man sighed softly. Kenji snuggled into the smaller man’s chest and Ben hugged him best he could.
“This is nice.” Kenji hummed and Ben chuckled.
He closed his eyes and for a moment, imagined dry grassland or manicured shrubbery around buildings in San Antonio.
He would wake up like this every morning. Maybe with Kenji curled around him, he curled around Kenji, back to back or to one of Kenji’s rare starfish moments. Ben would most likely wake up first and get coffee going, then whine for Kenji to cook something. They’d eat together, go to work, maybe shower or go grocery shopping together, Bumpy next to them on her leash.
Domestic and happy.
He didn’t think it was possible.
Some part of him felt he didn’t deserve it.
And a smaller part of him wanted to grab and hold on to the image of he and Kenji walking hand and hand into a building where people were laughing and hanging out, waving good morning to them and a wall of smiling families who they had helped near the door.
He felt Kenji’s breathing deepen and felt him relax into sleep, his fingers massaging his scalp through the black locks.
…could they get married and start a family too?
He blushed and hugged Kenji closer.
With both hands, he held on to the image tight.
He could be happy.
Ben woke to the smell of French toast, bacon and hazelnut coffee.
He blinked awake, noticing a large pillow in his arms instead of the firstborn Kon heir.
“Morning, Sleepybutt.” Kenji said as he walked in with a tray.
“Afternoon.” Ben said, glancing at the clock.
“Not noon yet.” Kenji said, holding the plate out. “And bacon is an all-day thing.”
“This is turkey bacon.” Ben said.
“Cause too much grease gives you heart burn.” Kenji said. “I listened to you complain on the phone with Sammy the other night.”
“I love you.” Ben sighed and took the plate, then froze.
Kenji was blushing and staring at him.
“I-I mean…”
“Yeah!” Kenji shouted. “I get it. Um, I forgot…cream! For the coffee!”
Kenji quickly escaped the room, leaving Ben to blush down at the food, hoping things couldn’t get more awkward.
Things got more awkward.
Ben and Kenji were walking to the lighthouse, hands brushing, but not touching after a tense brunch.
Carmen once again kept Bumpy close, Kenji asking Ben if he wanted to explore the old light house.
Trudging up the gravel path, they made it to the tall structure, Kenji opening the door for Ben.
“I thought this needs a lighthouse keeper.” Ben said.
“Owen checks on it every other night, but it’s fully on a timer and the diagnostics are sent to us if anything looks suspicious.” Kenji said.
“So…your lighthouse is on a timer?”
“Pretty much.” Kenji said. “Buuuut…”
He pulled Ben close and smiled.
“More privacy.” Kenji said and kissed Ben’s cold nose.
Ben scoffed and pushed him away, then started up the stairs, Kenji right behind him as they both raced to the top, Kenji winning with his longer legs. The smaller man panted and Kenji opened the door, the very breath leaving Ben as he walked out and saw over the lake.
“Oh…” He whispered and stared out over the water and snow.
Kenji came up behind him, hugging him around the waist. “What a view.”
Ben nodded.
They stood in silence for a moment, Kenji laying his cheek on the top of Ben’s head.
“You’d leave this for San Antonio?”
“I’d leave it for you and we’d visit together.”
“Kenji…” Ben turned. “I don’t want to be your reason for doing things.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not Brooklynn.”
Kenji gasped softly. “I…I won’t lie, I swear!”
“And you will improve yourself for yourself too.” Ben said. “Not go along with whatever I say so we avoid conflicts. Real couples fight, Kenji.”
“I…What if we fight too much or I mess up, or we never figure it out?”
“Look at us now, Kenji.” Ben said, taking his hands. “Look how much we’ve figured out already.”
The shorter man closed his eyes.
“We don’t love each other, maybe we won’t really, or maybe…maybe we’ll be happy together forever.” Ben said. “But don’t treat me as all or nothing just yet. Don’t use me as a prop. When we go to the ball, just be my boyfriend and nothing else.”
“So…real boyfriend instead of fake boyfriend?”
Ben leaned forward and kissed his nose. “Exactly that.”
Kenji chuckled and pulled Ben close.
They both looked down to see Owen and Carmen at the bottom of the lighthouse, looking up at the two.
“We’re leaving tonight!” Owen yelled. “So get packing!”
Kenji sighed and rested his forehead on Ben’s.
“Rain check?”
“Yeah.” Ben said and they waved down before going to the stairs.
Ben smiled as they were loaded into a van, Carmen sitting in the back with Bumpy as Ben and Kenji took the middle seats, holding hands and snuggled up together as Owen drove them to Seattle from the large boathouse they had docked the yacht in.
“So, how’s everything?” The bodyguard/assistant asked.
“Great.” Kenji said, leaning his head on Ben’s.
“They finally got together.” Carmen called.
“What?!” Kenji yelled. “You knew too?!”
“I’m your on-site bodyguard for a reason, kid.” Owen said with a smile.
Ben chuckled and looked up at Kenji. The taller man sighed and settled back into their cuddle, Bumpy jumping over the seats to lay in Ben’s lap as Carmen put on her headphones and started playing her switch.
“Hey.” He said softly and Ben looked up, eyes hooded with content.
“Wanna go for a walk after dinner?” Kenji asked.
“Dinner with your parents?” Ben asked with a smile.
“The restaurant is in the hotel. We can go out for an hour or two with Bumpy to a café or the Space Needle or the Great Wheel…”
“I think it might be a little too late for all that. But maybe a café after I tell your parents I want to extend my stay?” Ben asked.
Kenji grinned and hugged Ben close.
“Aw.” Owen cooed and Kenji kicked the back of his seat.
Ben and Kenji were placed in a room together, Bumpy having a plush pet bed next to theirs.
Kenji was laying on his back as Ben changed from his dinner clothes into something more casual.
Dinner had been amazing, Kosei and Candy looking well rested despite the constant planning and rechecking of the ball’s supplies and preparation.
“Ben.” Candy had said over dessert. “You, Carmen and I should go shopping tomorrow morning.”
“Mom…” Kenji whined.
“Oh, right. I forgot Ben probably will want to go back…” She murmured.
“Actually.” Ben said. “Carmen was telling me about New Years and…”
He blushed, Kenji smirking and taking his hand.
“We were wondering if we could stay past New Years.” Kenji finished.
“Of course!” Kosei said with a wide smile, surprising his family and Ben from his outburst.
Candy clapped her hands.
“The we are definitely doing that shopping trip!” She said. “Sorry, Baby.”
“It’s cool.” Kenji said. “Bumpy and I will just hang out with Dad.”
Kosei nodded.
Dinner went on, and now they were going to go on their walk, Bumpy zooming around in circles in her little green vest and booties.
“Ready?” He asked Kenji.
Kenji lifted his legs and swung them down, using the momentum to stand, doing a little jump.
“Yeah.” He said and pocketed their room key.
He took Ben’s hand, who lifted Bumpy in his other hand, her leash around his wrist.
“Let’s go.” He said.
Kenji led his boyfriend to the elevator, then down to the lobby where they were greeted by a few front desk employees and the doorman.
Ben put Bumpy down, who immediately sniffed at the plant beds and started tugging Ben along.
Kenji laughed and wrapped an arm around Ben’s waist as they walked.
“It’s so bright!” Ben said with a smile, looking at the lights and neon.
“Is it what you thought it would be?” Kenji asked. “Or better?”
Ben smiled at Kenji. “Way better.”
They sat on a bench, an awning keeping snow off it as Bumpy sniffed around and they stared at the lights. Kenji took Ben’s hand.
“Ben, would your Mom…Would she have liked me?”
Ben blinked and thought. “I think she would have.”
“What was she like?”
“Never mad. Like I never saw her mad. I saw her frustrated and stressed but she never snapped at me.” He said. “She had long dirty blond hair and it wasn’t soft, but it always smelled good. When she cut it, I kind of missed watching her brush it. But she said her arms felt heavy all the time and I would do it for her. I remember she would hum or sing every time she cooked. She made a baked potato soup that would warm you from the inside out. Dave can make it close but…There was something about hers.”
Ben sniffed and smiled.
“Everything she touched seemed so much better. It was like she only knew how to be nice and positive. Like your mom actually. I bet they would have been best friends. I bet maybe your mom’s food would have made her stronger. Carmen would be another baby and she would love Bumpy and…who am I kidding, Kenji, she would love you just for being my friend, let alone boyfriend.”
Kenji hugged Ben close.
“She sounds amazing.” He said and Ben sniffed.
“I miss her so much. I never…I never really…”
“My Mom and Carmen celebrate this holiday in October. Um, it’s a couple days to remember those who moved on. We have an altar at our main house. Could I uh…even if we don’t stay together…could I add her picture? So we remember her?”
“You’d do that?” Ben asked. “To remember a woman you never met?”
“No. I think I’ve met her.” Kenji said and cupped Ben’s cheek. “She sounds a bit like you.”
Ben chucked wetly and smiled, kissing Kenji softly. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being you. I like you, Kenji Kon.” Ben said, getting up and holding out his hand.
Kenji smiled and took it.
“I like you too, Ben Pincus.”
He checked Bumpy and they started off again, hand in hand.
“So this café a favorite of yours?” Ben asked when he saw the shop at the edge of a plaza full of people talking and drinking coffee as a band played jazz in a covered outdoor stage in the middle.
“You know I—”
“Kenji?” A voice called and Ben felt his boyfriend freeze beside him as he looked towards their left.
A slender woman with pink hair and green eyes stood there with an older couple.
“Go on, I’ll just be a minute.” She told them and both men nodded and walked ahead towards the hotel, hand in hand.
Kenji gulped as one openly glared at him as they passed.
“Hi.” He said to her, Ben realizing who the girl was.
“Hi, Kenji.” She said, raising her chin. “Been a while.”
“How have you been, Brooklynn?”
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