#she's a terrible flyer
natasharswifey · 19 days
Happy birthday, by the way 🎂
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: After a few months of dating, you realise you don't know when Nat's birthday is. She isn't interested in celebrating, and when you ask, she refuses to tell you. But you are very determined.
A/N: This is just a little fluff, also my first x reader fic. Love reading em so I thought I'd give it a go :3. Also I find it hard to read Y/N as my name so I'm using [...] instead!
Tags: Just fluff <3
"Oh, come on, why won't you just admit it?"
"Because I can't deal with you inviting half of the United States to the tower for a party."
Natasha raises a brow at you. "Oh really? And what about he time you put flyers around about Wanda's party?"
"She was turning 21!"
She gives you a 'really?' look and you know you aren't getting anything out of her. It just didn't make any sense, birthdays were the one day a year where it was all about you. Well that's everyday if you're Tony Stark, but for well functioning members of society it should count as the best day of the year.
"I will not be disclosing that information until I can trust you not to make a huge deal."
"What if I pinky promise?"
"You always overdo it, detka, it's just how you are." She plants a small kiss on your forehead and leaves you on the couch to begin plotting.
"And then she said 'you always overdo it', give me a break!"
Wanda looks up from the pot she's stirring and chuckles, "I didn't know half the people the showed up at the tower on my 21st, [.....]"
"I knew I should've gone to Tony, he would get this."
"I don't think asking the most flamboyant Avenger would be very helpful in this situation."
"I think you should just leave it, she'll probably tell you eventually." She gently taps a bit of salt into the pot.
"You didn't even hear me out!"
"I can read minds. It's a terrible idea."
"Firstly, reading Nat's mind to figure out her birthday is literally a flawless plan, and secondly, you're good reading my mind and not hers?"
"Natasha already set her boundaries with me, and plus I don't feel like getting my ass kicked for aiding and abetting."
"Thanks a lot Wands."
"Any time."
If Wanda wasn't going to cooperate then you were simply going to have to enlist the help of a certain blonde assassin.
You hear Lucky and Fanny barking hysterically after you ring the doorbell, followed by fast paced footsteps and a small "One minute" from the other side of the door.
Usually a simple question would only warrant a text or phone call, but for some reason Yelena NEVER answers her phone. Unless it's from Kate of course, you're half convinced that she has a special ringtone and notification for her.
It's none other than the archer that answers the door, "Hey, [.....]! I didn't know you were coming over."
"I've actually dropped in unannounced, but I won't stay too long." You reassure her. Kate has a habit of forgetting things, including scheduled hang outs and honestly everything else that isn't attached to her body.
"Come on in!" She steps out of the way and shuts the door behind both of you.
You're immediately greeted by the two large dogs, fighting over your attention in a confusion of wagging tails and paws. Kate tries to get them under control and ultimately fails until they're distracted by Yelena calling them.
"That's totally not fair, they only listen to you." Kate complains and Yelena laughs.
"Because they love me more."
"Lies and deception!" Kate is soon distracted by the golden retriever pulling at her sleeve and gives Yelena a smug look before pouring all of her attention to him.
"Hey, Yelena."
"Hello, [......]. To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Uh, I actually had a quick question. When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"Ah. I do not know."
"What?? But you're sisters!"
She shrugs, "She does not want me to know. Birthdays are not really Natasha’s thing, surely you must know that."
"Yeah, I know, it just doesn't make any sense."
"That's Natasha for you."
You sigh in defeat and sit down on one of the armchairs, your lap immediately occupied by Fanny who still wholeheartedly believes she's the size of a puppy.
"Well, there is someone else you could ask."
Your ears perk up, "Who?"
Ah. Melina. It wouldn't be fair to say that she hated you, but it also would be lying to say that she was fond of you. Perhaps you could ask Alexei instead.
"Hello? Can you hear me?" You ask over the phone to your future father in law.
"HELLO? ARE YOU THERE, [......]?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
"No, no, Alexei there's really no need."
You hear the sound of footsteps and Melina scolding Alexei for always forgetting to turn up the volume before she picks up the phone.
"Ah, hello Melina."
"[........]. Do you need something?"
"When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"December third. Is that all?"
"But- that's today."
"I'm aware."
"Well, thank yo-" The phone cuts off before you finish your sentence and you're left with about two hours to plan a surprise party for a spy.
"I did it, Wanda!"
"Only took you half the day."
"Okay, hater, I need you to help me surprise her."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"One hundered percent." You reply confidently. For most of the day you'd been discouraged, but now it was time for you to trust your gut.
Soon enough you've formed a team of Kate, Yelena and Wanda gathered in one of the common rooms of the tower.
"Alright, Wanda you can be in charge of snacks, Kate you can do decorations, and Yelena you can find us the cake."
"No it may not have profanities on it."
The blonde sighs but jumps into action with the other two. Now all you have to do is buy them some time.
You greet Natasha at the tower's entrance with a huge smile plastered on your face.
"Hi, Nat!"
"Hey, [.......]. How was your day?"
"A little hectic. Wanna go for a walk?"
"I would love to but I need to sleep for at least ten hours straight."
You step in front of Natasha as she starts to head inside, "Wait- Uh, did you know walking actually improves energy levels?"
Natasha raises an eyebrow, "What's up with you?"
"For some strange reason I do not believe that." She holds you in place by your shoulders and steps around you, but you take her arm and try to steer her to the kitchen, your plans are foiled by Lucky and Fanny who bound up to Natasha happily.
"What are Yelena and Kate's kids doing here? Seriously, what is going on?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She stares you down for a few seconds before suddenly moving towards your shared quarters and only speeds up once she realises you're trying to stop her.
The red head clears the stairs in a few seconds and opens the door, only to be met with pitch black. When she steps through and flicks on the light Wanda, Yelena and Kate jump out from behind the couch and yell "Surprise!".
The look on her face is priceless when she turns to you, "How- when did you-"
"I have my ways."
Natasha pulls you into a tight hug and you hug her back even tighter when you feel a small damp patch forming on your shoulder.
"Okay, now make a wish!" Yelena says excitedly, the three of you are crowded around the table where the birthday girl sits in front of her cake.
"Alright, alright." She closes her eyes and blows out the candles, which prompts a cheer from everyone in the room.
The five of you all squish onto the couch to watch a movie and eat snacks and cake, with Natasha curled into your side.
"So, did I 'overdo' it?" You ask playfully.
You hear her chuckle, "It was perfect."
Tysm for readinggg, If you liked it I have more stuff in my masterlist :)). Reqs are open!!
Also, if you saw the unfinished version of this when I posted it by accident, no you did not.
@l0nelyish 👁👁
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vidavalor · 1 year
The Blitz, Part 3 Theory: The clues that suggest what it might be about & how it's affected what's come after it
I rewatched 2.04/The Blitz, Part 2 last night and a moment stood out to me that made me think I have an idea of what might happen in the flashback we all seem to have collectively agreed is almost certainly in S3-- The Blitz, Part 3.
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When Crowley & Aziraphale are in the magic shop and Glozier is there in the background, the camera jumps to a pretty significant reaction shot for Glozier when Aziraphale tells Crowley that he has a Derringer hidden in a hollowed-out book in the bookshop. I think everyone sees that bit as important-- it's a literal Chekhov's gun sitting out there for the future story, after all-- but I was thinking about why it matters that one of the Zombie Nazis overheard this when they're... ya know... zombies. Their methods of murder tend to be a little more direct, yeah? lol What do they need a gun for when they eat people to death? But then it hit me why it will matter that Glozier heard this... it's not about the Zombie Nazis, exactly. It's about Furfur.
When we leave Furfur in 1941, he's just been embarrassed in front of The Dark Council by Aziraphale, who has swapped out the picture of him and Crowley for a flyer for the Ladies of Camelot, right? They literally laugh in Furfur's face. Furfur's entire plot in 1941 is about how he's been stuck in processing for millennia and he's trying to get out of it-- about how he's jealous of Crowley and the few others who get to go to Earth. He's dealt slight after slight after slight during this night in 1941. He fails to get proof against Crowley, who doesn't even remember him. He gets shamed and embarrassed in front of the higher-ups and his peers. His fledging... whatever it is exactly lol... with Shax-- who is the closest thing he has to a friend-- is damaged as she's gone out on a limb for him and he hasn't delivered. Most terrible, he's sure he's never going to get out of his miserable eternity of grunt work. He's *very, very, very* unhappy and boxed into a corner, right? So what does Furfur want, now that he's stuck in Hell forever and all of it is laughing at him?
Revenge. He wants revenge.
In the short term, he also wants someone to scream at, so he goes back up to Earth and finds the Zombie Nazis, who are roaming around London eating people. They can't go very quickly so they haven't gotten far and aren't hard to find lol. Furfur knows it's not exactly their fault that he was tricked by the angel as, technically, they completed the tasks they were given, but he's furious and he needs to vent it, so he starts yelling that he's going to revoke their zombie-life-on-earth clauses. (Even *the Nazi zombies* get to be on Earth and Furfur does not? Yeah, he's not going to be able to handle that...)
The Zombie Nazis, understandably after seeing that video he showed them in Part 2, start freaking out because they don't want that whole fly fate for all of eternity and they don't know how to reach anyone beyond Furfur so they'll do anything to keep Furfur from taking out his humiliation on them. Upon hearing that this is all about how Aziraphale tricked Furfur and got him humiliated by Hell, the Zombie Nazis start desperately suggesting that it's not too late! They can help Furfur still get Crowley and Aziraphale! Even if Hell thinks Furfur is a joke and won't listen to him about the angel and demon being involved, they can still help Furfur get revenge!
They bring Furfur to outside the bookshop to find Crowley and Aziraphale because that's where the Zombie Nazis say they saw them together earlier & they know Aziraphale lives there. Furfur's in a rage because through a side window, he's observing Crowley and Aziraphale drinking wine together by candlelight in what is the "I know you'd come through for me" scene from Part 2-- and Aziraphale even has the photo Furfur took of them earlier in his hand. (Insert here more of the recurring gag about Harmony lip-reading as now he's also looking through the window and probably gets a line like "he is saying it again! 'banana fish go-RILL-ah...'").
So Furfur is in a fur-furious rage here and is ready to murder these two but... there's just one *slight* problem...
He's a demon.
He can't get into the bookshop.
Aziraphale would have to invite him in and he's certainly not going to after their meeting earlier. But! This is when Furfur and the Nazis realize that there is someone in their group who *can* get in the bookshop...
....our fave fascist, Fraulein Greta Klauschmidt.
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As "Rose", Greta recruited Aziraphale-- entering his bookshop when she was a human, invited in by Aziraphale. She can still get into the bookshop. (It's also a parallel to Shax tricking Aziraphale into letting her into The Bentley in S2.)
Once Furfur and the Nazis realize this, the question then becomes: okay, so if Greta can get into the shop, how is she then going to kill Aziraphale and Crowley? (*Especially* Aziraphale, whom Furfur really, really, really loathes at this point lol.)
This is when we go back to the scene that triggered this meta, which is that this is when Glozier then volunteers the information he overheard in the magic shop-- that there's a Chekhov's gun in the bookshop.
The Derringer works as a weapon here to do that because, as Furfur himself pointed out during the magic show earlier, if Crowley had shot Aziraphale in the face, it wouldn't just be paperwork but it might not be possible for them to "put him back together again"-- indicating that there are some things that can happen to angels and demons that are irreversible and can effectively kill them, more or less-- and a gunshot to the head is one of them.
(I'm also realizing as I'm writing this that that Glozier's *ear* falling off in the magic shop is another nod to him having *heard* important information and so far, we've only seen half of what he heard pay off-- the time and location of Aziraphale's performance in the West End. We're still awaiting pay off of the gun bit.)
My bet is that Aziraphale's Derringer in a hollowed out book is something he actually *showed "Rose" like the cinnamon roll idiot that he is* lol... so once Glozier brings it up, Greta remembers and she knows what book it's in and exactly where it is in the shop.
So Furfur still cannot get in but Greta can get in... which means Greta is now the most powerful character here. If Furfur wants Aziraphale dead, Greta can make that happen... *if* they cut a deal. What kind of deal? Well, the only thing Greta is going to want that she thinks that Furfur could give her is to not be a zombie, right? To be alive again? Reverse the clause in the paperwork and give her her life back. Whether or not Furfur can actually do this (and I'm not sure if he can or not, really, but I'd wager probably not), Furfur tells Greta that he can and she and the other Nazis believe him.
The plan is that the four of them go to the bookshop, where Furfur activates a miracle blocker card for a few hours surrounding the shop in an effort to limit Crowley and Aziraphale's powers and give the Zombie Nazis the advantage. Once the miracle blocker is in place, Greta goes inside while Harmony and Glozier make noise outside, in an effort to separate Crowley and Aziraphale to make it easier to kill them by attempting to lure one of them outside. Greta is to kill the one that stays inside the bookshop while Harmony and Glozier are supposed to kill the one that goes outside. (This will not happen according to plan at all, whatsoever, but it does seem like the most likely plan these four characters could form where they all have a role in it.)
So because Greta is the only one who can get inside, she has go to into the bookshop and be the one who can kill, most likely in their mind, Aziraphale. She'll still be a staggering zombie when the extremely bright Furfur sends her in there to obtain and fire a gun at a pair of supernatural beings lol but she manages to sneak in the back door without Crowley and Aziraphale really hearing the breaking & entering... or whatever noises the other two are making outside... as Crowley and Aziraphale are a little busy gazing at one another.
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It would actually be a really funny, very Good Omens-y gag IMHO, if Greta is colossally unsubtle in entering the other side of the shop from where Crowley & Aziraphale are and is banging into stuff while Harmony and Glozier keep coming up with more and more insane noises outside... but Crowley and Aziraphale are too busy making heart eyes at one another to care or do anything about it. A very "did you... hear that?"/"oh, must be the war, let's go back to gazing" type of attitude with a steadily increasing series of sounds that are harder and harder to dismiss but they are trying, ok? lol. (This would also parallel Aziraphale ignoring the demons outside for as long as he could during The Ball in S2, until the bookshop begins literally breaking around them.)
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So while we watch scenes of Furfur and The Zombie Nazis Hatch A Plot, the relationship tension between Crowley & Aziraphale is building as much as the plot tension. They intercut Furfur & the Nazis scenes with Crowley & Aziraphale having quiet, romantic, candlelit glasses of wine after their very intense and illuminating evening together. Each time we go back to Crowley & Aziraphale... they seem to be getting increasingly cozier. They sit a little closer, they get a little looser around one another. Crowley's glasses might come off. We get the sense that this is all Going Somewhere and it's somewhere they've never let themselves go before but after the events of Blitz 1 & 2 tonight? It's becoming increasingly clear to them that they will. There's virtual certainty that if *nothing else happens* to these two tonight and they're just left alone for once, they're at least going to kiss and what we're watching is them slowly enjoying the path there and them enjoying silently knowing that they're going to.
At some point, we hop from the Nazis back over to Aziraphale asking Crowley if he'd like a little music... Aziraphale might even have something *modern* kicking around, he's excited to tell Crowley (like he might have been totally not at all fantasizing about this exact Crowley-dashing-in-his-suit-with-a-glass-of-wine-smoldering-in-the-bookshop scenario when he bought this record from Maggie's grandfather recently lol)... and he goes over to the gramophone to put it on and now we've got Crowley and Aziraphale with candlelight and wine and music and they're each just taking step after slow little step that slowly acknowledges the romance at play here. Aziraphale's record is probably Glenn Miller. We know he likes big band and The Bentley played him "Moonlight Serenade" in S2 and Glenn Miller also recorded "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square", so it's one record where "Moonlight" could play and then, eventually, so too could "Nightingale" without Aziraphale getting up and moving away from Crowley... and you better believe that when we get to "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" playing that Crowley and Aziraphale are a literal breath away from kissing.
It'd be completely perfect to them, right? Very romantic. They're there together, alone, they've survived the Nazis and Mrs. H and threats of Hell and have spent the night gazing at one another and now they're here and it's quiet and there's candlelight and it's the familiar, comforting bookshop that is home for both of them... the same place, ironically, that they will drink wine together and make eyes at one another *for decades* after this night-- without Aziraphale putting on The Song, of course-- and you know they will think about 1941 every. single. time. while never actually recreating it.
(It's also why, when they're both wasted in the bookshop in S1's "Eleven Years Ago", Crowley is rambling on about bananas and gorillas and bouillabaisse/fish stew-- ya know, "banana fish gorilla..."-- and they're both so drunk and thinking about how they're almost out of time... and so they're both thinking of 1941 and wind up making those hilarious kissy faces at one another because they both obviously still want to actually kiss some 80 years after the night they almost did. Crowley also calls Aziraphale "baby" in the middle of his ramble. He might have called Aziraphale that in 1941, when they weren't drunk and were on their way to kissing. He also might have just wanted to, so it turned up in "Eleven Years Later" and might come up again later on in the present of S3, whenever they inevitably get to finally have a decent, uninterrupted, not painful kiss.)
Back in 1941, as we flip between Furfur/The Nazis and our heroes, maybe Crowley's even gotten comfortable enough to lose the glasses (though he can leave them on if he still has the hat on when they go to kiss so that he can take the hat off like a gentleman to kiss Aziraphale *swoon* and actually that's how Aziraphale died everyone surprise twist he's been dead since 1941 an a ghost this whole time lol)... and there's romantic big band on the record player and there was magic in the air and angels were dining at the Ritz when a nightingale sang in Bahhhrrrrk. Leeeeee. Square... and they're *almost* there, right? They're basically kissing. There is no way for either of them to ever legitimately pretend that was not was going to happen (even if they will try in the future lol) as their lips were a millimeter away and both of them want it and just like this and it's been six thousand years of pining and so, of course, that is when...
...Greta zombie-crashes into the room with Aziraphale's once-hidden Derringer aimed at them.
(Aziraphale's probably furiously muttering "oh good Lord" under his breath with a very different tone than in 1793 lol. That is his attitude, at least, if not the dialogue.)
So then they have to try to protect one another right and it's mild chaos for a moment as like Crowley starts looking out the window at Furfur and the rest of the Zombie Nazi Trio (paralleling his demons-outside-the-bookshop paranoia in S2) and realizes they were the noise while Greta is all "pity you both must die" again with a little smirk and Aziraphale is trying to calm her down and reason with her while also subtly trying to get close enough to get the gun and she probably fires but she's a zombie so she misses lol and he's like glancing over for Crowley and Crowley seems to disappear for a moment while Aziraphale stalls Greta and just when we think where the hell did Crowley go?! Aziraphale is about to be shot in the face!...
...Greta is shot in the face instead.
By Crowley.
With The Bullet Catcher.
And the bullet that was in Aziraphale's teeth a couple of hours ago.
Crowley has not so much has blown the fluff off a dandelion since he arrived on Earth six thousand years ago but you interrupt his first kiss with the angel and you. are. dead, you Nazi bitch...
I don't have a theory as to what happens after this beyond that we already know that Furfur is in Requisitions in the present now so he's going places lol. Also worth mentioning that Crowley or Aziraphale (I'd lean towards Crowley) could get shot by Greta's wild aim when they are trying to protect one another but it would be more of a graze that one could write a hundred h/c fics over than anything worth actually worrying about lol. It could be something like Crowley gets nicked but goes down as dramatically as he does in the paintball scene in S1 and Aziraphale is horrified but also fighting for his own life so he winds up focused on Greta and neither of them see Crowley slip away to come back with The Bullet Catcher... something like that. I'm just pretty sure that the fact that there are really *two* Chekhov's guns in the bookshop and that Greta is the only 1941 antagonist who can get inside it maths out to Crowley-- shooting her with The Bullet Catcher.
I'm not sure what happens to Harmony and Glozier. Aziraphale says in S1 that he's never killed anything so he can't kill anyone here and while I'm fine with Crowley mowing down Nazis with every Chekhov's gun left in the plot lol, I don't know that that's what happened or if, honestly, the two of them and Furfur just see Greta die through the window and run off. Maybe Aziraphale miracles the Nazis to Siberia. Who knows. But the main gist of it, I think, is that Crowley kills Greta when the Zombie Nazis and Furfur try to exact revenge on Crowley & Aziraphale and, in doing so, interrupt what would have been their first kiss and it's while "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is on in the background so that every time the song comes up in the future, it's a reference to this near-kiss in 1941, adding layers to scenes from Soho 1967 to the end of S1 to the end of S2, etc...
Kind of makes Crowley desperately kissing Aziraphale in the middle of the bookshop while a vengeful Heaven, this time, is trying to separate them, even more aldkjlkfjlewje, yeah?
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I'd also like to just throw in here that it's actually possible that all of this is the same but they *did* kiss... that they were kissing when Greta burst in. Part of me really wants that to be the case. That maybe they did get to have this kiss, if only because even if only a tenth of what I've said above is anywhere close to right, it's still pretty romantic and it would be nice if they got to have that, especially then, even if it was ultimately interrupted. It's Soho 1967, though, that convinced me that they came *very* close but ultimately didn't (and honestly, the only way they don't in 1941 if they get that close is if they're interrupted and an armed Zombie Nazi crashing through the bookshop feels about right lol.) It's this bit from Aziraphale to me that says they almost kissed but didn't:
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The picnic was likely Crowley's 1827 date in Edinburgh. The Gabriel statue was there for amusement but you know Crowley had a picnic set up nearby. (It's not that weird-- people used to picnic in graveyards in the 1800s & the only time Crowley & Aziraphale would be able to together would be under the cover of darkness.) Then, they ran into Elspeth and the night took a turn. (Elspeth was also digging up bodies from graves, which is a parallel to zombies, hooking 1827 to 1941.) Dining at the Ritz-- literally going to The Ritz and eating together, which they do twice in S1-- is something Aziraphale would literally like to go do as a date as but it's also code in the 1967 scene for "perhaps, one day, we could finish 1941." He's telling Crowley in 1967 that he would still very much like to kiss him one day.
The near-kiss in 1941 would then also be what gives Aziraphale the motivation to eventually give Crowley the holy water in 1967. Back in 1863, Aziraphale didn't totally see that Crowley wanted holy water to protect them. By 1941, when they're staring at the corpse of a once-Zombie Nazi on the floor of the bookshop that Crowley just killed with the gun that's in his hands, it's a different sort of proof. 1941 becomes the era of 'here is proof that Crowley will literally kill to protect Aziraphale' and maybe it freaks Aziraphale out a little (as well as also turning him on a lot lol). Maybe that's why they spend the next years after that until the '60s together but not really together. Maybe that's why they don't have another chance at the kiss after 1941-- why they don't just try again-- because Aziraphale slows down a bit after it, afraid that Crowley could get hurt and that this is too dangerous, but he also understands now that Crowley is in love with him and when he hears in 1967 that Crowley is going after Holy Water, Aziraphale just gives him some, as a way of saying that he knows they're in love but this is impossible and they need to not pursue this in a way that will get them killed because he can't lose him.
A near-kiss in 1941 adds layers to 1967 Soho by adding an additional meaning of 'physical intimacy' to "dining at the Ritz". It adds even more weight to the end of S2 and the kiss and the "no nightingales" through to the Tori Amos angsty cover of "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" in The Bentley. There are other scenes (the end of S1 and others) that it touches as well, if indirectly, but maybe my favorite is this scene, which has already been given extra layers of meaning since The Blitz, Part 2 and The Bullet Catcher plot but lol now add in the idea that the rest of the story is that Crowley and Aziraphale were going to kiss and they were interrupted in the moment, shot at with at least one of them probably getting nicked, and then Crowley killed someone with The Bullet Catcher and tell me it doesn't make this already amazing sequence even more amazing:
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theostrophywife · 11 months
kiss with a fist | chapter six.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: w.i.t.c.h. - devon cole
author's note: some cute soft fluff cause i'm in a tender mood.
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In all your years at Hogwarts, you could count the amount of times you’ve attended a quidditch game on one hand and you wouldn't even need to utilize all of your fingers. Needless to say, you weren’t really into the rowdiness and belligerence of sporting events, but a bargain was a bargain. You were just glad to have Luna with you. Even if it meant enduring Pansy Parkinson’s presence. 
“Be nice,” Luna warned as you approached the stands. 
“I won’t bite if she doesn’t,” you murmured back. 
Luna nodded, knowing that it was the closest thing to an agreement she was ever going to get out of you. Despite your surliness, your friend seemed to brighten the minute she spotted Pansy. In a sea of blue and gold, the dark haired witch was the only one clad in green and silver. Your housemates kept exchanging wary glances at the Slytherin in their midst, but they were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. 
You watched quietly as Pansy and Luna exchanged pleasantries. While your friend was generally a bubbly person, she seemed extra giddy as she spoke. There was something about the way that she softened that convinced you to ease up on the scowls. It must have been contagious, because Pansy actually smiled and it wasn’t a derisive sneer or a smug smirk, but a genuine smile. You didn’t even know the witch was capable of it. 
Finally, she seemed to take stock of your presence. The dark haired girl jutted her chin out proudly, her aristocratic features schooled into forced neutrality. It occurred to you that Pansy probably received a similar warning to attempt decency. 
“Y/N,” she said. 
“Pansy,” you replied. 
The two of you eyed each other. Sizing up your opponent. The eagle versus the snake, claws against teeth. The staredown was purely psychological warfare. 
You squinted. Hurt her and I’ll maim you. 
The silent warning didn’t seem to offend Pansy. Instead, she gave a subtle nod of her chin and made way for you and Luna to sit. You settled in, trying not to peer down at the drop. Heights had never really been your thing. 
Pansy observed you curiously as Luna patted your arm. “Y/N’s not a big fan of heights.” 
“Oh?” Parkinson asked. 
“I generally prefer solid ground. It reduces the chances of me falling and breaking my neck.” The corner of Pansy’s mouth quirked. “What about you, Parkinson? Are you keen on flying?” 
“A bit.” 
Luna brightened. “She’s being modest. Pansy here is a very talented flyer. She’s got an Abraxan named Circe.”
“The most powerful witch to ever live,” you noted. “She used to turn men into swine.” 
“A lost art, really.” 
You smirked. “The classic femme fatale. A personification of the dangers of femininity. They always paint powerful women in a terrible light, don’t they?” 
“Perhaps it makes the men feel better about their own inadequacies.” 
“We’re always making men feel better about their inadequacies,” you answered thoughtfully. “Convenient that the myths fail to mention that Circe was one of the first pharmakis. Modern magic would not be what it is without her extensive knowledge of herbs and plants and yet she’s rarely credited in any potions books we read.”
Pansy nodded, eyeing you in amusement. “I can see why Nott has taken a liking to you.” 
You turned to Luna who immediately shook her head. Pansy laughed. “Don’t worry, Lovegood didn’t tell me a thing. She didn’t have to. Theodore never stops talking about you, you know.” 
There was no hiding the flush that crept up to your cheeks. “We’re both vying for the top spot in Slughorn’s class. I assume he has a lot to say about his competition.” 
“It’s more than that,” Pansy said. “I’ve known Theodore since birth and I’ve never seen him put this much effort into anything. He’s always been naturally talented at potions, given his mum’s background, but you challenge him. For the first time in a long time, he’s found someone who’s actually up to par. I, for one, enjoy watching you put him in his place.” 
You smiled. “I quite enjoy it too.” 
Luna looked at you, then at Pansy before a huge grin graced her lips. It was obvious that she was pleased at the sight of her best friend and her…potential more-than-friend getting along.
The game started not long after. Your comprehension of the rules were rudimentary at best, but Luna made sure to explain as best as she could. From what you gathered, there were four positions: seeker, beater, chaser, and keeper. The chasers attempted to score as many goals as they could by throwing the quaffle through the posts, which the keepers guarded. The beaters used the bludgers to disrupt the other players. The seeker, on the other hand, needed to catch the golden snitch. All while floating on a broom hundreds of feet in the air. 
This match, Pansy explained, had been anticipated to be the most brutal of the season. The enmity between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins translated very clearly on the field. While there had always been a divide of support between the other houses, you could tell that the majority of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff stands were cheering for the Gryffindors. 
You wondered how that made the Slytherins feel. Three houses against one. After the war, Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic droned on and on about the importance of unity and reconciliation. Professor Slughorn even delivered a speech during your first potions class, but the disparity between words and actions were painfully obvious. 
The rest of the school still mistrusted the Slytherins. If any of them cared, you wouldn’t have been able to tell. Especially not as they played. The quidditch team was deadly. You watched as green and silver robes whizzed past, familiar names sprawled on the jerseys. Malfoy, Zabini, Riddle, Berkshire, Warrington, Rosier, and Nott. 
Theo winked as he flew past your portion of the stands. You rolled your eyes, but held your breath as he careened towards one of the goal posts. Ron Weasley stood guard, squinting suspiciously at Theo. The flash of the quaffle was too fast for your eyes to follow, but it sliced the air all the same, slipping through an opening above Ron’s shoulder. The redhead cursed as Theo gave him a mocking bow. 
Pansy was the lone witch in your section to cheer for the Slytherins. Luna joined her in solidarity when the crowd grew quiet. Suspicious glances were cast in your direction, which you rebuffed with a menacing glare. They all found something else to look at rather quickly. 
Displeasure rippled over the crowd as the Slytherins kept scoring. Theo was an unstoppable force. Warrington and Riddle flanked him at each side, throwing bludgers at anyone who attempted to thwart his efforts. The other two chasers, Berkshire and Zabini, circled around them in an aerial formation that confused the opposing team. The Gryffindors grew increasingly frustrated when Evangeline Rosier kept rebuffing their attempts to score. 
Both teams played well, but the Slytherins were ruthless, tactical, and efficient. They used the opposing team’s weaknesses against them. The Gryffindors tended to be over reactive and Theo used it to his advantage. He baited them into making rash plays, which left openings for him and the other chasers to exploit. 
By the end of the game, it was Berkshire who scored the winning goal. The discrepancy between the cheers and booing was insurmountable, but Pansy didn’t seem to care. She cheered for the team louder than anyone. As the win was formally announced, you heard murmurs coming from below you. 
“Stupid Death Eater bitch.” 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Pansy tense. Luna’s mouth hung agape as she wheeled around to identify the foul mouthed culprit. You were quicker. 
“What did you just say?” you asked in a deathly quiet voice.
The conversations around you stopped as you faced Romilda Vane. The smug faced witch crossed her arms, her scarlet and gold scarf billowing in the wind as she looked up at the three of you. 
“You heard me,” Romilda said in a haughty voice. “Her father was one of the Dark Lord’s staunchest supporters. As were the Malfoys and Notts. Not to mention Riddle. How he was allowed back at school is a mystery to me. They should all be in Azkaban.” 
Your ears began to ring. The crowd parted as you descended the bleachers, bringing you face to face with Romilda. “I wasn’t aware that you’d recently earned a place in the Wizengamot. For all your prattling, you’d think you were the Chief Warlock.” 
She cowered under your glare, but doubled down as she looked towards her friends. “I’m only saying what everyone else is thinking. As far as I’m concerned, the Slytherins should be punished for their crimes.” 
“I hardly think you’re speaking from any moral high ground, Romilda. Didn’t you try to dose Potter with Amortentia in sixth year?”
Romilda reddened as she sputtered nonsense. The students around you snickered, but all you could hear was the rush of blood in your ears. You clenched your fists so tightly that your nails dug painfully into your palms. If you hadn’t, you might’ve punched that stupid smirk right off of her face. 
But you knew that physical violence was not the answer. There were far more strategic ways to land a blow and you were an expert in this type of warfare. 
“I suppose Harry’s lucky that your potion making is about as incompetent as your critical thinking skills. Now move before I make you.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing getting tangled up with all those snakes. They’ll sink their teeth into your back the second you turn it.” 
“One of them is worth ten of you. At least the Slytherins fought to defend the castle instead of running off like a coward. They may have teeth, but at least they know how to use them. You’re all roar and no bite.” 
“You’re a bitch, Y/N.” 
You reared back, baring your teeth. “Oh you have no idea, Vane. But I’d be glad to demonstrate.” 
Romilda held her ground. For a split second, you weighed the consequences of harming a fellow student versus the satisfaction of pummeling Romilda to the ground. Luckily for the idiotic Gryffindor, Luna gently gripped you by the elbow. 
“It’s not worth it, Y/N.” 
You looked at your friend who wore an expression of concern. Beside her, Pansy didn’t say a word. She was utterly silent, almost resigned like she encountered this treatment on a daily basis. We all pay the price, Theo had said. 
Without another word, you nodded and bulldozed through Romilda as you exited the stands. It was only when the three of you reached the ground when you finally realized that you were shaking from anger. 
“Are you alright, Pans?” Luna asked, clasping Parkinson’s hand. 
Pansy shrugged. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, Luna. If I let the opinion of an airheaded twat affect my day, I’d never have a good one again.” 
“Are you sure—” Luna fretted. 
Pansy smiled gently and squeezed her hand in assurance. “Truly, I’m alright. The only thing upsetting me at the moment is that I’ve left my scarf up there running from those hags. Would you mind getting it for me, Lu?” 
Your friend still looked worried, but she nodded and made the trek back up. You and Pansy stood in silence, watching as the last of the crowd trickled out of the stands. 
“Vane had no right to say that,” you said. It came out harsher than you expected. 
“At least she had the gall to say it to my face,” Parkinson stated with a shrug. “I don’t know if that makes her brave or stupid.” 
“Gryffindors often have trouble making the distinction.” 
The dark haired witch laughed. “You didn’t have to do that, you know. As moronic as she is, Vane is right. She was only voicing the opinion of the masses."
“But you fought in the final battle. I saw you rallying the others against the Death Eaters. Romilda wasn’t even there. She didn’t even fight.”
Pansy sighed. “A lot of good that did. I had to watch my friends duel against their own parents and yet this entire school still mistrusts us. I suppose I can’t blame them. The majority of the Dark Lord’s followers were produced by our house.”
“Not all Slytherins are bad. The world isn’t so black and white,” you said adamantly. “Most of us operate in the gray areas, whether we admit it or not. The only difference is that you lot don’t try to hide it.” 
“Yes, but a snake is a snake. Even when we shed our skin, they still see deception when they look at us.” 
“And you’re willing to just accept that?” 
Parkinson gave you a pointed look. What choice did she have? What choice did any of them have? 
After a beat of silence, you cleared your throat. “Are you sure you’re alright? Luna’s worried.” 
“I assure you, being villainized isn’t anything new to me. I suppose that’s why I named my horse after Circe," Pansy mused thoughtfully. "It’s better for them to believe that I’m some sort of evil sorceress than to realize that I am more shackled by my circumstances than I could ever be at Azkaban. My family name is a collar around my neck, waiting to choke me at any moment, but they’re so blinded by their own misconceptions that all they see are my teeth. I prefer it that way.”
“Oderint dum metuant.”
"Let them hate, as long as they fear." A faint smile bloomed on Pansy’s lips. "That’s awfully Slytherin of you to say. Are you sure you’re in the right house, Y/N?”
You chuckled. A beat of silence followed as understanding passed between you. Perhaps you had more in common with Pansy Parkinson than you thought. 
When Luna returned, the two of them tried to convince you to join them at the common room party, but you declined. You weren’t really in the mood to be around people. 
“You two go ahead. I’ll catch up later.” 
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As the sun set over the school grounds, you found yourself at the Black Lake. Dusk tinged the horizon with pink and purple and the fluffy white clouds hung low enough to kiss the dark water. You settled at the end of the dock and dipped your toes into the lake, watching as the motion made ripples across the surface. Maybe it was unwise to linger here given that the lake was home to the merpeople and the giant squid, but they would be far in the depths and you were honestly too knackered to care. 
Sighing, you pulled out a silver flask from your robes. You had initially brought it for the after party, but it would’ve been a shame to let the firewhisky go to waste. 
“Illegal contraband?” A familiar voice teased just as the wood gave way beside you. Theo bumped his shoulder against yours as he sat. “I didn’t know you had it in you, Y/N.”
“Yeah, well maybe your idiotic tendencies are rubbing off on me.” 
“I’d like to rub more than just my tendencies on you.” 
You rolled your eyes and handed him the flask. “Just fucking drink, Theodore.” 
He grinned before taking a swig. You chuckled at the face he made from the burn of the Ogden’s. “That is straight up liquor," Theo remarked through his coughing fit. "You're out of control, diavolina. Should I be concerned?”
“We’re celebrating,” you said. “At least you should be. That was quite a win out there. I didn’t expect you to be so….efficient.” 
“Careful, Y/N. That was almost a compliment.” 
You shrugged. “To be fair, I haven’t been to a game in years. You could’ve been absolutely rubbish and I’d still think it was a feat that you managed to stay seated on that broom.” 
“Well, it is a pretty important component of quidditch. Did you at least attempt to enjoy yourself?” 
“It was a brutal game. There’s a lot more strategy and planning that goes into quidditch than I initially thought. It’s like chess, but you’re allowed to hit people. I had a blast.” 
Theo chuckled. “I should’ve known you’d get a kick out of all that violence.” 
Warmth spread through your body as you took another swig. “Shouldn’t you be celebrating your win at the party?” 
His fingers brushed yours as you handed the flask back to him. “I’m where I want to be.” 
This time, you weren’t sure if it was the firewhisky or Theo’s presence making you flush. The two of you kept drinking in silence as you peered up at the sky. Back home in London, you never would’ve been able to see the stars this clearly. They glittered in the night sky like tiny diamonds etched through the darkness. 
“I heard about what happened earlier,” Theo said after a moment. 
You weren’t surprised. Word traveled fast around this school. “Luna told you?” 
“No. Pansy did.” He shifted, turning over to look at you. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you did too. “You did a good thing, Y/N. You stood up for Pansy. I can’t thank you enough.” 
“I was only doing what anyone else would’ve done.” 
“No. You weren’t.” Theo set the flask down. “No one else would’ve come to her defense. Pansy, she’s the strongest one out of all of us. Draco, Mattheo, and I, we can always resort to punches when we’re insulted, but Pansy doesn’t have that option. She just has to sit there and take it. It means a lot that someone spoke up for her.”
“I did the bare minimum.”
“It still meant a lot.” 
“There’s no need to thank me for—”
Theo sighed in exasperation. “For Salazar’s sake, will you just take my gratitude without arguing?”
You bit back a smile. “Fine. I acknowledge your gratitude.” 
You downed the rest of the flask as Theo lit a cigarette. The flame from that curious Zippo flickered in the darkness as smoke filled the air.
“So,” Theo started, taking a deep inhale. “Are you ready for the slug club dinner next week? I’m not even invited to the bloody thing and yet I still know every detail thanks to McLaggen’s incessant prattling. What a twat.” 
“Cormac is kind of a twat, isn’t he?” you asked, giggling as the alcohol started taking its effect. “I heard that he kisses like a fork tongued lizard.” 
Theo’s eyes flashed. “You better not know that firsthand.” 
You wrinkled your nose. “I wouldn’t go near McLaggen’s mouth with a ten foot broom.” 
“Good. I can rest easy that you won’t be replacing me with a reptilian snogger.”
“You can rest easy either way. I’m not going to that dinner.” 
Theo paused, the cigarette hanging haphazardly from between his lips. “What do you mean you’re not going?” 
“It’s a pretty straightforward sentence, Nott. I will not be attending Professor Slughorn’s ridiculous dinner.” 
“You have to go,” he declared firmly. 
“I’m confused. Do you want me to snog the lizard or not?” 
Theo frowned. “Do not snog McLaggen unless you want me to turn him into an actual reptile.” He exhaled and smoke curled around his lips. “You can’t miss that dinner.”
“I have no interest in attending.” 
He stared at you, his gaze fixed with determination. “Is this about what Slughorn said the other day?” 
You picked at your fingers, avoiding his eyes. “It’s probably going to be boring, anyways. Just a pissing contest for us to compare our grades and achievements like we’re puppets on a string.” 
“You should still go.” 
“Why?” you asked, a bit irritated that Theo was pushing for this so hard. You would’ve thought that he of all people would understand your choice. “Why would I subject myself to be part of something that judges people based on prejudice rather than merit?”
Theo’s expression softened. “Because it’ll raise your chances of joining the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers. That’s your dream, isn’t it?”
You reeled back in surprise. “How do you know about that?” 
He rolled his eyes. “You only talk about it a thousand times a day.” Theo raised his brow in challenge. “Slughorn’s one of the most influential members. If you go to the dinner, it might solidify a formal invitation.” 
Theo was right. You didn’t want him to be, but he was right. Under any other circumstance, you would’ve sabotaged and plotted and schemed for a way in. This was an opportunity to distinguish yourself from your fellow classmates, so why were you hesitating?
You knew why. You were looking right at him.
“I’ll drag you there myself if I have to,” Theo declared. 
You sighed. There was no way he was going to let this go. “Fine, I’ll think about it.” 
Theo smiled triumphantly. You kicked at the water, sending a wave across the still lake. “You know, if Slughorn knew that you were a Marchesi, he’d probably fall all over himself to recruit you. Hell, anyone would. You’re practically guaranteed a place at the Society, too.”
Theo shrugged nonchalantly. “Where would the fun be in that?” 
“I’m serious, Nott. It could open up doors for you.”
He sighed. “That’s exactly why I’ve kept the knowledge to myself. I’m tired of everyone judging me based on my family, good or bad. I want to accomplish something that’s solely mine. Not Nott, not Marchesi. Just Theo.”
“That’s uncharacteristically noble of you.”
“I told you, I’m not just a pretty face. I’m also rich, witty, intelligent, athletic, etc. Honestly, the list goes on and on.”
You snorted. “Just don’t expect humble to be part of that little myriad, Theo.”
Theo paused. The moment of silence swelled between you like an errant wave. Then, a huge smile broke out on his face. 
“What?” you asked. 
“You called me Theo.”
“Well, that is your name. Has quidditch concussed you so severely that you’ve forgotten?
He responded with an eye roll. “I’m perfectly lucid, thank you very much. Well, besides the firewhisky. I’m a little bit sloshed from that, but not sloshed enough to not notice you call me by my actual name. Not Theodore, not Nott, not twat, not oh god—”
“I get it, Theo.”
His grin grew wider. “There it is again. Theo.”
“It’s just a name, nothing special.”
“It is when you’re the one saying it.” 
“Oh, shut up.”
The satisfied smirk on his face refused to budge even as the sky grew darker. The two of you sprawled out on the dock, staring up at the sky and enjoying the comfortable silence. Theo toyed with his lighter, rubbing his thumb over the spark wheel, which caused the flame to flicker on and off.
You stared at the lighter, vision blurring from the alcohol. “Why do you have that thing?”
“I told you, Mattheo’s a little thief.” 
“No, I mean I know the reason. But I just can’t figure out why.” 
Theo scrunched his brows in confusion. “Are you sure you’re not the one concussed?” 
“Would a concussed person be able to do this?”
You propped yourself up on your elbows and slightly flipped to the side. The action made your hair come loose. 
“What in Merlin’s name am I supposed to be looking at right now?” 
“I’m obviously doing a cartwheel,” you deadpanned. “Aren’t I?” 
Theo chuckled. “You are one drunk witch, Y/N.” 
“M’not drunk.” He raised a brow. “Fine, maybe I’m a tiny bit bevved, but you’re the one avoiding my question.”
“Sorry,” Theo said rather unapologetically. “I’m a bit distracted at the moment.” 
“By what?” 
“Your hair,” he murmured softly. Theo reached out and toyed with a loose strand, twisting a long lock between his fingers. He swallowed thickly, his voice lower and huskier than it was a minute ago. “You should wear it down more often.” 
“It’s a hassle.” 
He swept it over your shoulder, knuckles brushing your cheek. “It’s beautiful.” 
Your cheeks warmed. Whether from the alcohol or his touch, you couldn’t differentiate. “Stop deflecting, Nott.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Relentless witch. Can’t you see I’m trying to have a moment here?” 
You gave him a pointed look. Theo sighed before handing over his lighter. Up close, you could see that the silver was worn and dented. It looked much older than you initially thought. To your surprise, Theo silently waved his wand and the lighter transformed into a heart shaped locket. 
“When my nonna gave me the grimoire, it came with this. It was Alessandra’s old locket. She treasured it more than the grimoire itself.” 
“What’s so special about it?” 
“Open it.” 
Your fingers stilled. “Are you sure?”
“Don’t get shy now, diavolina. You wanted to know and now I’m telling you.” 
You hesitated for a moment before curiosity got the best of you. The locket popped open easily. Inside was a picture of a dark haired woman standing next to a man with watercolor eyes and thick brown curls. The couple looked at each other with love and adoration in their eyes. 
“That’s Alessandra, obviously. The man was Damiano, her closest friend, the mad scientist of the village, and the cleverest muggle she’d ever met. He helped author the grimoire.” 
“I never knew that Alessandra had help with her inventions.” 
Theo nodded. “As my family intended. They didn’t approve of her relationship with Damiano, but she didn’t care. They fell madly in love and eventually married.” 
“How is it possible that no one knew about him?”
“Damiano was born with a unique illness that was incurable even with magic. Alessandra poured years of her life into finding a cure, but in the end he succumbed to it. She passed away only a year after him. My nonna said that she died of a broken heart.” Theo took the chain and traced his fingers over the picture. “They left behind two young children who were eventually raised by Alessandra’s parents. Their son and daughter grew up not knowing who their father was. The Marchesis did everything in their power to keep the knowledge to themselves. They didn’t want anyone to know that their great bloodline was tainted by a muggle.” 
Theo bowed his head in shame. He avoided your gaze, choosing to look out at the Black Lake instead. “There it is. The secret that my family has guarded for centuries. The sad part is that some of them still hold those bigoted beliefs, so when people assume the worst of me, I can’t blame them. The Marchesis, the Notts, either way you look at it, there’s bad blood coursing through my veins.” 
“That’s not true, Theo,” you said softly. “You know I don’t think that of you, right?” 
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Everyone else does.” 
“Well, I don’t,” you said firmly. “You said it earlier. Family isn’t all that a person amounts to. When I look at you, I don’t see a Nott or a Marchesi. I just see Theo.” 
“I don’t deserve that,” he whispered. The saddest part was that you were sure he meant it. “My great great great grandmother fell in love with a muggle and how did my family repay her for it? They blotted him out of existence.” 
The starlight caressed his forlorn expression with its silver glow, painting a heartbreaking depiction of Theo that you had never seen before. It reminded you of that day in the potions lab when he was talking about his mother. There was such an openness and vulnerability in him then that was present now as well and you realized why he looked at you the way he did that day. 
Theo hadn’t been waiting for you to give him an out. He wanted—no, he needed a friend and you had been too scared to step up then, but you weren’t now. You could be that for him. You wanted to be that for him. A friend. 
Without second guessing yourself, you reached out in the space between you and grabbed hold of his hand. Theo stared at your intertwined fingers in surprise. 
“The love between Damiano and Alessandra lives on,” you said with a small smile. “In their children and their children’s children. In…you.” 
Those watercolor eyes, the very same ones that you had grown so familiar with shone with emotion. Unlike the day in the lab, Theo didn’t put up his mask of cockiness and arrogance and you realized with a start that you didn’t want him to. 
He smiled and squeezed your hand gently. “Yes, I suppose I inherited Damiano’s affinity for cruel, brilliant witches.”
"Affinity is putting it lightly," you said teasingly. "Admit it. You're obsessed with me, Nott."
You blinked as Theo hovered over you. The weight of his body pressed against yours ignited a flame of fiendfyre in your core. He dipped his head down, his curls tickling your nose. "No, not Nott. Not Theodore. Try that again, diavolina."
You wriggled underneath him, but Theo held your hips in place. He brushed his lips against yours and smirked when you tried to kiss him. His low rumble of laughter sent shivers down your spine. "Say it. Say my name again."
"If I say it, will you stop being a tease?"
Theo kissed your neck and laughed when you pouted in response. "Only one way to find out."
"I'll knee you in the crotch if you do that again, Theo."
He grinned. "There's a good girl," Theo said rather suggestively. You fought the urge to squirm at his words. He peppered kisses along your neck, your jaw, and your cheeks while you burst into a fit of drunken giggles. "For the record, I am obsessed with you, but I think you're a little bit obsessed with me too."
"You wish, Theo."
"You're going to be the death of me," he said huskily as he unbuttoned your cardigan. Theo's eyes were full of mischief as he dipped between your breasts, sucking on your flesh and leaving marks in his wake. "But I'm willing to die a happy man, Y/N."
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exercise-of-trust · 1 month
everyone clap and cheer for my beautiful daughter who has every disease 🥰 her name is þerindë because her wheel is made out of an embroidery hoop; she is entirely handmade and boy howdy does it show
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a whole bunch of things have stopped working since i took that video last night and i'm not sure how much more wherewithal i have to keep messing with her, but i did manage to spin about two feet of something before then! so i'm showing her off a bit now, and if i can figure out what-all i fucked up maybe you'll see more of her in the future. some process and progress photos under the cut (not a tutorial. do not do this. i cannot sufficiently stress how bad of an idea this was and is*)
(*if you are going to do this and have questions not answered here i am always happy to answer them, inbox and dms are open etc, but like. i would strongly advise against it)
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here's the hoop! it's about a foot across, with a groove carved out with a speedball. this ended up being way too shallow (who'd'a'thunk) so the final version is a lot deeper than what you're seeing here. the paint stirrers are held in with straight pins because i was worried regular nails would just crack the hoop lmao. my girl is so deeply and profoundly scuffed <3
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the flyer is made from three cedar shingles glued together because i didn't have a solid piece of wood large enough. astonishingly nothing broke while i was sawing out the rough shape and it whittled down pretty nicely! the hooks are scrap 2mm copper wire, the orfice is a couple inches of plastic drinking straw, and the pulley wheel is also hand-carved, which is why it looks like a fucked-up oreo and has the weird hitch at the top of the spin that you probably saw in the video 🙃 frankly i am astonished it works as well as it does
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the wheel frame is. man. the axle supports haven't broken yet but frankly it's a miracle they're still in place with how much strain they're under every time. the original base was that weird little bit of paint stirrer, which (shocker) did not work out in the long run; it's been replaced by an offcut from the frame and is significantly more sturdy now. it's surprisingly level, though, and turns pretty smoothly all things considered!
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the frame was a nightmare start to finish; i've never done any serious woodworking before in my life and the whole thing was just kind of slapped together without a plan or any sort of concrete measurement. it wobbles so fucking bad and every few hours i have to push a couple of the parts back together where the nails are sort of drifting out of the wood. you may observe a weird post sticking out the left side of the mother-of-all; that is supposed to be for scotch tensioning. does it actually do that? sort of! the belt is a length of cotton crochet thread that is, after much fiddling, just the right size to not slip out more than once every three minutes.
treadling was another pain to figure out and i think i probably made it way more complicated than it needed to be. it still doesn't work very well and i can't tell if that's something i can fix hardware-wise or if i just have to suck it up and practice a lot more. turns out feet are not as coordinated as hands! i would say "now i know for next time!" but frankly i am never doing this again. you couldn't pay me. speaking of which, i did the math and at my current pre-tax hourly salary i could've bought two brand-new ashford travelers with the number of hours i spent building my awful rickety daughter. at the end of the day, do i love her? immensely. is she "good"? by no stretch of the imagination.
anyway. this was a terrible use of my time <3 but i do finally feel confident enough in all the parts of a spinning wheel and what they're for that i can brave the dangers of facebook marketplace's "spinning wheel" category without getting too badly scammed! which is pretty valuable in its own right, i guess.
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reaper2187 · 3 months
Jade west x masc female reader
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The sky above Hollywood Arts was a perfect blue, its clarity interrupted only by the occasional wispy cloud drifting lazily by. The iconic school of performing arts buzzed with its usual electric energy, a tapestry of creativity and ambition woven together by the eclectic student body.
Y/N walked through the main entrance, her combat boots thudding softly against the polished floor. She adjusted her leather jacket, glancing around the hallway filled with colorful lockers and bulletin boards plastered with show announcements and club flyers. Her short hair was artfully tousled, and her strong, confident stride drew a few curious looks from her classmates. But Y/N was used to it. She knew her butch style stood out in a sea of trendy fashionistas and aspiring stars, and she embraced it.
Her eyes scanned the hall for a familiar face. She spotted her friends by the lockers, deep in conversation. But it wasn’t them she was looking for. It was Jade West. The girl with the raven hair and piercing eyes who had a way of making Y/N's heart race and her palms sweat.
Y/N found Jade by her locker, her usual scowl in place as she fiddled with the combination lock. Jade's dark, enigmatic aura was what had drawn Y/N to her in the first place. There was something magnetic about her intensity, her refusal to conform to anyone's expectations.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N walked over, trying to ignore the fluttering in her stomach. "Hey, Jade."
Jade looked up, her expression shifting from annoyance to mild curiosity. "Y/N. What's up?"
"Not much. Just wanted to see if you’re free after school. I was thinking we could hang out."
Jade raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Hang out? With you?"
Y/N chuckled, used to Jade's sharp tongue. "Yeah, with me. Unless you’ve got better plans."
Jade closed her locker with a metallic clang. "Actually, I don’t. What did you have in mind?"
"I thought we could head over to Nozu, maybe grab some sushi and chill for a bit. Then, if you're up for it, there's this indie band playing at the Black Box later. They’re pretty good."
Jade's eyes lit up slightly at the mention of the Black Box, a small, underground venue known for showcasing raw, edgy talent. "That doesn’t sound terrible."
Y/N grinned. "Glad to hear it. Meet you by the front entrance after class?"
Jade gave a curt nod. "Sure. See you then."
The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and rehearsals. Y/N found it hard to concentrate, her thoughts constantly drifting back to her upcoming date—if she could call it that—with Jade. When the final bell rang, she grabbed her backpack and headed to the front entrance, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves.
Jade was already there, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She looked effortlessly cool in her signature black attire, her hair falling in perfect waves around her shoulders.
"Ready to go?" Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Ready," Jade replied, pushing off the wall and falling into step beside Y/N as they walked towards Y/N's motorcycle.
"You okay with riding this?" Y/N asked, patting the sleek, black bike.
Jade's eyes gleamed with interest. "Definitely."
Y/N handed Jade a spare helmet and mounted the bike, feeling a thrill of adrenaline as Jade climbed on behind her. Jade's arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, sending a warm shiver down her spine.
They sped through the streets of Hollywood, the wind whipping past them as they made their way to Nozu. The ride was exhilarating, a perfect start to their evening together. When they arrived, they found a quiet corner booth and ordered a variety of sushi rolls, the conversation flowing surprisingly easily.
Y/N found herself laughing at Jade's dry wit and sharp observations, and Jade seemed to relax, her usual defensive demeanor softening. As they finished their meal, Jade leaned back in her seat, a rare smile playing on her lips.
"Not bad, Y/N. Not bad at all."
Y/N chuckled. "Glad you approve. Ready for the next part of our adventure?"
Jade's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Lead the way."
They made their way to the Black Box, the small venue already buzzing with energy. The dim lighting and graffiti-covered walls gave the place an edgy, underground vibe. Y/N led Jade to a spot near the stage, the close proximity to the performers adding to the thrill.
The band started their set, their raw, powerful music filling the space. Y/N glanced at Jade, who was completely absorbed in the music, her eyes closed and a content smile on her face. Seeing Jade so at ease made Y/N's heart swell with affection.
As the night wore on, the music grew louder, the crowd more animated. Y/N felt a rush of happiness being there with Jade, sharing something they both loved. When the final song ended and the applause died down, Y/N turned to Jade, her voice almost lost in the cacophony of departing concert-goers.
"So, what did you think?"
Jade opened her eyes, her gaze locking onto Y/N's. "I think tonight was… amazing. Thanks for inviting me."
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Anytime, Jade. Anytime."
They left the venue and headed back to Y/N's bike, the night air cool against their skin. As they rode back towards Hollywood Arts, Y/N felt a sense of contentment she hadn't felt in a long time. She parked the bike and turned to Jade, who was removing her helmet.
"Hey, Jade?"
"Would you want to do this again sometime?"
Jade smirked, her eyes softening. "I'd like that."
Y/N's heart soared as she watched Jade walk away, her confident stride as captivating as ever. She knew their relationship wouldn't be easy—Jade was complicated, fierce, and often difficult. But Y/N was ready for the challenge. Because underneath all that, she saw the real Jade: passionate, loyal, and capable of great love.
And Y/N was determined to be the one Jade let in.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 month
remedial goodness
is a never ending font of potentially disastrous lesson plans.
here’s one way it could go:
“Welcome!” Fairy Godmother says brightly. “Good afternoon, class.” 
“I said, good afternoon, class!” 
Stony silence. Noncompliant silence, even. 
They’re villains, not heroes. They’re not going to beg for approval. 
Finally, she clues in to the fact that they’re not going to respond to her perky overture. A little late, but the potential for learning is boundless at Auradon Prep. Or so the flyers that Carlos has been collecting say. 
Fairy Godmother claps her hands together, like they’re a bunch of babies, and they need a visual cue as well as the verbal ones they’ve been ignoring. “Ah, here in Auradon it is polite to respond when one is being greeted! You say, ‘Good afternoon, Fairy Godmother.’” 
She nods into the resulting silence, like she’s imparting valuable knowledge and then agreeing on their behalf, not talking to herself like every other teacher who’s started right in on the lecture regardless of how many delinquent princes and princesses are blatantly not listening. 
Or maybe Mal’s just projecting, and she’s been the only one ignoring her teachers all day. 
Whatever. It amounts to the same thing, which is that Auradon teachers are a bunch of pompous try-hards. And teenagers here are the same as teenagers back home, which is to say, they’re all terrible people in their own special, unique, beautiful ways. 
“Good afternoon, Fairy Godmother!” Evie chirps after a moment. 
“Oh. Thank you, Genevieve.” Fairy Godmother says, in a small sort of voice. The sort that’s a precursor to the guilt trip, where the adults sit you down and tell you how much they care about your future and how they want you to do your wickedest work for them, because if they don’t see your worst, how will they ever be able to trust you with eviler tasks in the future? “We’ll work on it.” 
Evie flashes her a smile. “It’s just Evie, actually. Genevieve is what my mom calls me.”
Fairy Godmother winks at them.  Like she’s their friend. 
“Alright, just Evie. A lady is never just anything, you know. When Cinderella called me up on that fateful night, all covered in ashes, she was still a princess. She just didn’t know it yet.”
“Of course, Fairy Godmother.” Evie says sweetly. 
“Never undervalue yourself, girls. After all, here at Auradon Prep, we made goodness even better!” 
She beams. 
Mal chances a look at the boys. Jay is spinning a pencil around his fingers like it’s a knife, and Carlos is staring directly ahead at Fairy Godmother, face completely blank. 
Evie’s pocket mirror is already out on the desk. 
Yeah, they’re gonna have a great class period. 
Fairy Godmother lets her words hang for a moment, and then claps her hands again. “Er. We’re here today to teach you about goodness, so you can start on the path to a better life here in Auradon!” 
“Better living through pastel uniforms,” Mal snarks under her breath to Evie. 
FG’s head shoots up. “What was that, dearest?” 
Fairy hearing. Right. 
“I said, I can’t wait to start learning. I’m just so excited to hear all about the goodness lessons that you have set up for us!” Mal says, pushing all the false cheer she can manage into her voice. It’s a lot. She’s had plenty of practice skirting the line between lying and just manipulating the truth, and her tone of voice doesn’t count as lying. It’s the actual words that matter. “I just love learning!” 
“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, dear one.  Now, I have some textbooks I’ve placed just up here for you. If you would each take one of these, we’re going to start with a little quiz, and then if we have time left over, we’ll jump right in at chapter one!” 
Mal should pay attention. She has a textbook in front of her, passed along by Evie, who got up to grab the whole stack of them to pass out, because she’s a teacher’s pet even in princess-land. She’s got a pencil in her hand, because she’s not stupid, and after a whole day of this shit she’s picked up on the idea that she’s supposed to sit quietly and pretend to take notes in class, 
She’s even got paper in front of her, but every time she puts the pencil to the paper, she just– 
Her brain skitters away from the shape of it. 
She wants the wand. 
She needs it. 
The wand is their ticket out, and now that she’s seen the accursed thing in person, her fingers  are itching just thinking about it. Her mother’s spellbook is one thing, but the wand–
Mal flexes her fingers around the slim weight of her pencil, which is too thin, too sharp, not magical, not heavy and buzzing with the weight of the power inside it. She needs that wand. She’s never needed anything as much as she needs the wand, and her whole body feels strange and fizzy with the feeling. 
The spellbook is fine. It’s  magic too, but it’s old. Worn out. Her mother’s captivity under the barrier has drained the magic out of it, and besides that, Mal’s young. She needs the power of the wand, not a moldy old book. Wands are the tool of the modern magic user. She can practically taste the magic, the buzzing, humming warmth of last night flowing through her again, a little bit sharp, making her mouth water like the canned pineapple they’d saved back home until they could heat it up on their purloined bunsen burner until the syrup went sticky-sweet and the fruit burst hot and sharp on their tongues. 
Fairy Godmother’s magic tastes special. Like nothing Mal’s ever had before. 
She needs it. 
Somebody stomps on her foot. 
Shit. Okay. Magic cravings later, class now. She’s got this shit. 
“I said, does anyone know what to do if you find a bottle of poison!” Fairy Godmother says, with the tone of somebody who’s been repeating herself for a while. She sounds a lot like the younger teachers at Dragon Hall, the minor villains who teach things like mis-spelling and wicked grammar. Sort of impatient, and on the verge of shouting at them about it. 
Just like home. 
Mal scans the board, and immediately identifies the answer Fairy Godmother is fishing for. She doesn’t– 
She doesn’t even want to know what her crew has been doing while she’s been zoned out. 
“C, turn it over to the proper authorities.” Mal says, without raising her hand.  It’s not like they don’t understand the laws governing Auradon, it’s more that the laws are always boring and usually archaic too, and it’s way more fun to ignore them. Being truly evil isn’t about not understanding how to be good, it’s about understanding, and choosing the wrong path on purpose. 
“Correct,” Fairy Godmother says, beaming at Mal. She can’t risk a look at the boy’s desk, not while FG is looking right at her, but if answering one stupid question gets her this kind of praise, Mal cannot fucking imagine what they’ve been doing while she’s been spaced out. Stabbing each other with pencils again, probably. They’re going to get an infection from it, and she’s going to laugh at them both. “Very good, dear. You have quite a bit of promise. Now, in this day and age it’s not very likely that folks will leave their poisons out in the open anymore, not with the advent of digital media. Ignorance is the poison of the mind, after all. If you see someone spreading misinformation on the internet, what should you do to help stop the problem?” 
“Kill them.” Evie chirps. “Cut the problem off at the source, right?” 
Fairy Godmother’s sappy-sweet smile slides right back off her face. “Oh. No, dear. We don’t kill people.” 
“Oh,” Evie echoes, saccharine-sweet, just like Fairy Godmother. “I see. I just think it would be best if we stop the problem right away. Before the information reaches anybody else.”
“And you can. Look, here.” She taps the board, which ripples into a screen. There’s a royal media post pulled up, from an account called RoyalAuradonAcademyUnofficial, which reads– 
‘The sky is green,” Evie reads aloud. “The sun is purple, and the enchanted lake is made of strawberry jell-o.” 
“On royal media, there is a button just here–” she taps the board. “For reporting misinformation. That’s what we do to stop it from spreading. We tell an adult.”
Fairy Godmother beams out at them, confident in the perfection of her lesson plan. Surely, this will teach the awful villain kids how to behave responsibly. Surely, they won’t take this opportunity as inspiration to, oh, set up royal media accounts dedicated to posting an automated feed of bullshit information to anybody unlucky enough to accept their buddy request. 
It’s like she’s never met a teenager before. 
Jay raises a fist. “What’s a jell-o?” 
“It’s ground cow’s foot. You can suspend hot dogs inside it,” Evie says helpfully. “I’ve never heard of strawberry jello before, though. It’s probably an Auradon thing.” 
“You’re an Auradon thing.” 
“I don’t think I’d look very pretty suspended in jell-o, actually. My hair wouldn’t set properly. Although I suppose if the whole lake is made of it, maybe it’s a magical thing, and I should be open-minded about giving it a try.” Evie finishes, beaming. “That’s what goodness is about, I think. Staying open minded.” 
“Ah, dear ones–” 
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takusan-no-ai · 8 days
Green Cop
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PAIRING: Zhu x Male Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: Zhu and (Y/N) meet at a gardening club, but he isn’t aware that she is an officer.
There was nothing like a day off spent in town, the sun shining down and the air fresher than daisies. Zhu stretched after having a small cup of coffee. Lumina square had recently opened up a new hangout near N.E.P.S.; a gardeners club to be exact.
Zhu looked at the flyer in her hand. “I finally have a nice place to visit on my days off and interact with likeminded folks,” she said to no one in particular.
“Because my genius level of skill and knowledge in gardening frustrates you for all the hard work you put into it?” Qingyi asked, suddenly appearing behind Zhu. The woman nearly fell out of her seat in shock.
“What? No! I really do appreciate your insights Qingyi. It’s just that I’ve been wanting to talk to others just as passionate about gardening as I am. I don’t want to waste this opportunity.” She stood up with her head held high in determination. “I will make a friend!”
Finally arriving at the small gardeners club, Zhu was met with a terrible realization; everyone around was a bunch of introverts! They all kept to their own small patches of dirt, only doing the bare minimum of communication. Zhu looked around nervously, not knowing what to do.
“Excuse me?” A young man said while walking up to her. He smiled, the sun shimmering behind him, creating a divine portrait before her. Zhu quickly composed herself and smiled back. “My name’s (Y/N). I know the atmosphere can make even the most social butterfly camouflage into the background. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.” Zhu introduced herself, blushing softly.
“Thank you. I’d actually like to see what can grow in this soil and pick a plot for myself.” (Y/N) nodded at Zhu’s request and showed her the ropes of the gardeners club. Days were spent together. Meeting up, talking about plants, maintaining the greenery, and shooing away destructive critters.
Before she even knew it, Zhu was looking forward to seeing (Y/N) on the weekends. Her coworkers could tell she had something to look forward to, with how she’d doll herself up for what was a simple checkup on her tomatoes at the club.
Sadly, she had to work overtime on the weekend, which meant she would be late to watering her plants; and she took note of a raccoon that had been eyeing her tomatoes recently.
Sighing, she picked up her phone. “Hey (Y/N)? Can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure thing Garden Goddess. What’s up?”
Zhu had to hold back a chuckle,“Garden Goddess? Thats new. But anyways, I’m running behind with my work and don’t want my tomatoes to get unhealthy or eaten. Can you check on them for me please? I’m almost done here so just a quick update is all I need.” She could hear him humming on the other end of the phone, as well as an engine starting.
“Sure thing. I’ll wait for you.” Zhu nearly dropped her coffee mug.
“There’s really no need for the hassle–,” and just like that he’d hung up. Moments later she received a text, only containing a laughing emoji. She huffed and puffed her cheeks, blushing from his light teasing.
“I really don’t want him to see me so underdressed…huh?” Where did that thought come from? Zhu had no idea. But her beating heart and reddened face only encouraged her to work faster. Sadly, that didn’t last too long, as it had began to rain shortly after she had finished her call.
Finally! She finished work and rushed to the club, not even grabbing an umbrella or changing on the way out. Thankfully, it was close by. Zhu made it and looked around, spotting (Y/N) sitting on the bench, her tomatoes covered up safely, and him holding his umbrella above a small family of raccoons who were shivering cold.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing? You’ll get sick!” She scolded him. (Y/N) looked at her with a large smile, only for his eyes to widen in confusion.
“I didn’t know you were a cosplayer Zhu. So that’s your profession? It suits a beauty like you.” He said with a smile. On one hand Zhu wanted to blush and correct him. On the other, much larger hand however, she needed to take him and the raccoons somewhere safer.
She led him towards N.E.P.S, and placed the family of raccoons into a box after drying them off and feeding them some complimentary fruit. With everything taken cared of, she sat back and finally relaxed.
“So…you’re not a cosplayer?” He asked. Zhu perked up, realizing she had one last loose end to fix.
“Ha. No, I’m officer Zhu Yuan. And…I wanted to know if…you were free next Saturday?” She asked, growing progressively more embarrassed.
(Y/N) smiled and clutched her hand. “I can’t deny an officer, now can I?”
- Fin
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Hi, can I lose Aaron Hotchner with his daughter who does theater, the reader was going to debut in a play as Juliet
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Aaron Hotchner X Teen Daughter Reader
Thank you for over 500 followers!!
Hey its been a while since I wrote one of these terribly sorry, It's tje summer holidays now so I will work on them more.
Request: Hi, can I lose Aaron Hotchner with his daughter who does theater, the reader was going to debut in a play as Juliet
Third person pov...
Y/N Hotchner was in her highschool Theatre group, she was sit on the stage absently listening to what her drama teacher was talking about, the 15 year old had been in the theatre club since she started highschool.
As she sits her teacher talks talking. "The play we are doing this years class is Romeo and Juliet" He tells the group of Female and Male students, they all gasp and start taking to one another whsipers filled the air.
Their Drama teacher chuckles at how excited they all sound before clapping to get their attention again. "Alright Alright! Settle down students" once it was quiet the teacher began talking again.
"Now I have already thought about parts, For Juliet I have chosen..." the H/C teen was half listening to her teacher half not as she swung her legs.
"Y/N Hotchner"
Y/N jumps in surprise and snaps her head over to her teacher and sees the rest of her club watching her, she looks around nervously. "Y/N you shall be Juliet" her E/C eyes widened at that.
The teens jaw drops in shock. "..huh?" She muttered completely shocked the hall silent before everyone starts clapping for her, Y/N quickly stands up from the stage and stands next to her Drama teacher.
'Juliet huh' she thought to herself as her teachers calls out the other parts for the play.
An hour later the teen is leaving school, the script for the play in hand her speaking parts underlined. "Juliet huh.." she muttered to herself before leaving the school grounds and making her way to her Dads work.
She gets through security and the reception desk relatively quick before walking to the elevators and pressing the floor for the BAU.
As she waits she glances down at the script reading over her lines, once the doors open she walks out again still reading the script and into tje bullpen of the BAU.
The door swung open, and Y/N entered the office, vibrant and unaffected by her father’s heavy workload. She was dressed in a simple black ensemble, her hair cascading in soft waves. At fifteen, she had grown into a confident young woman, and she wore that confidence like a second skin.
“Dad! Are you busy?” she asked, glancing at Emily before returning her focus to Hotch.
“Not at all. You came at the right time,” he said, his voice shifting into the gentle timbre he reserved for her. “Your entrance is always welcome.”
Y/N’s face broke into a wide smile as she crossed the room to hug her father tightly, warmth radiating between them. “I’m glad! I have something really exciting to tell you!”
“Okay, let’s hear it,” Hotch urged, though he already sensed what was to come.
“I’m going to debut as Juliet in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ next month!” Her excitement bubbled over, lacing each word with passion. “I wanted to invite you and the team to come see it.”
Hotch felt his heart swell at the sight of her enthusiasm. “That’s wonderful, Y/N! I’m so proud of you,” he said, more convinced than ever that she would shine on stage. But his pragmatism chipped away at those feelings; the BAU often came first, not leaving much room for personal endeavors.
“What’s the time?” he asked, noting the delicate balance he needed to maintain between work and family.
“It’s Sunday at seven! Please say you’ll come!” She looked at him, her deep brown eyes sparkling with hope.
“I’ll be there,” he promised honestly. “And I’ll let the team know. I’m sure they’d love to support you too.”
Y/N grinned. “Thanks, Dad! You’re the best!” Triumphantly, she slid a flyer for the play across his desk, where pink and lavender roses entwined around cursive letters announcing the performance.
As he watched her leave, a swell of warmth filled his chest. Emily stood nearby, watching both father and daughter with a wistful expression.
“Y/N is remarkable,” she said, patting Hotch’s shoulder. “You really should be proud.”
“I am,” Hotch replied, a rare vulnerability surfacing. “She makes it easy.”
Later that afternoon, the team gathered in Hotch’s office for the customary briefing. The scent of freshly baked coffee lingered in the air, fueling their energy as they prepared for yet another case to dissect. JJ, Reid, and Rossi filed in, each of them taking their usual spots around the room.
“Hey, Hotch,” JJ began, her smile brightening the room. “What’s the latest on the case?”
Before he could reply, he caught the wave of nerves unfolding in the pit of his stomach. “Actually, before we dive into the details, I have something else to share,” he interjected, causing the team to perk up with curiosity. “My daughter, Y/N, is making her debut as Juliet in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ on next month on Sunday, I’d like it if you all came to support her.”
Surprisingly, the room erupted into a chorus of enthusiastic agreement.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it!” JJ declared, her eyes dancing with excitement.
“I’ve always wanted to see her act!” Reid chimed in, adjusting his glasses, the gears in his mind clearly already turning with thoughts of Shakespearean analysis.
“Count me in too,” Rossi added, a smile playing on his lips. “The kid’s got talent. It runs in the family, I bet.”
Hotch’s heart warmed. It was moments like these that reminded him the BAU was more than just a job; they were a collective family bound together by loyalty and support, just like him and Y/N.
As the evening wore on, they dove into the intricacies of their latest case, but even amidst the discussions of serial behavior and profiling, Aaron found his thoughts returning to Y/N. His heart swelled with pride at the thought of her in that iconic gown, delivering lines that had stood the test of time.
At precisely seven o’clock on Sunday night a month later, the theater buzzed with excitement. The faint sound of chatter flitted through the air as Hotch and his team took their seats in the front row. The theater itself was a labyrinth of richly decorated walls and elegant velvet curtains that framed the stage.
When the lights dimmed, and the chatter gave way to an anticipative silence, Hotch felt a pang of nervousness in his stomach. He glanced at his colleagues, who were whispering about the anticipated performances.
Then it happened. The lights came up, illuminating the stage, and Y/N appeared in her maiden role, a delicate visage of youthful passion and raw talent. With every line she delivered, Hotch could see the embodiment of countless hours spent rehearsing in the family living room, her voice lilting and vibrant, each syllable dripping with emotion.
The performance flowed seamlessly as she danced across the stage, her essence intertwining with the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. Each tragic moment hung heavy in the air, and Hotch’s heart raced with pride.
When the final curtain fell, the applause resonated like a heart beating, filling the theater with affirmation—for Y/N and for the team who had gathered to support her. The lights brightened, and as Y/N took her bow, her gaze locked with her father’s.
He gives his daughter a huge proud smile and blew her a kiss which she returned a wide happy grin on her young face as she bowed to tje audience, a successful performance for her and her class.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Requests are still open!
Word count: 1330
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22 for the drabble ask with Starscream!
22: you, from their perspective.
I sort of bent the prompt a little and wrote the moment his perspective of her changed. For context our human is a pilot, and Starscream has agreed to reluctantly cooperate with the Autobots (season 2 ish) even though he refuses to join them. This didn’t turn out 100% the way I wanted it to, all the more motivation to get better at writing so I can re-do it in the future.
Thank you for asking!
Words: 850
“You know, it’s nice to finally have another flyer on the team.”
“Right.” Starscream stretched his limbs, his wings twitching from how good it felt to just spread out. He couldn’t remember how long it had been since his last flight. He met the human standing next to the cliff edge, feeling the warm desert air flow around them from all directions.
“And who might your first flyer be?” He asked with a smirk, skeptical.
“Um, myself?”
A deep, rumbling laugh sounded beside the pilot.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You, you’re not a flyer.” He replied, an air of superiority about him. This human, a flyer? What a ridiculous concept. Humans weren’t even created to fly, let alone fly to the degree of a seeker. Whereas he was engineered to aerodynamic perfection. How could they ever be the same?
“I don’t expect you to possibly understand the true meaning of flight.” He replied dismissively.
“Listen, I get it. Here you are, flying since the day you were created, with a body quite literally tailored to the sky. And all of a sudden this small, fragile creature without even wings to call her own says you two are the same? I’d be unimpressed too.”
He looked down at her with one raised eyebrow, not expecting the genuine reply. She didn’t sound angry, she didn’t even sound offended. The human pilot sat down, remaining a safe distance away from the edge and crossing her legs.
“Let me put it this way. When you were left without your T-cog, unable to fly…How did it make you feel?”
Starscream sat down as well, his legs dangling off the cliff. Wings drooped down ever so slowly on his back. It was obvious she’d hit a sensitive spot.
“Restrained. With an indescribable sense of longing.” He replied without missing a beat, gazing off into the distance.
“And every time I looked up at the sky…”
A pause. A tiny crack in his voice.
“You felt the crushing weight of knowing you could never reach it.” She completed, her tone soft yet containing a hint of sorrow. His stabilisers shot up, and he suddenly turned his head to look at her.
“That’s how I feel all the time. Look at me. No dancing between the clouds for me. No heat of the sun on my frame, no wind tugging at my stabilisers, and certainly no gentle droplets of rain on my wings.” The human sighed, her voice faltering.
“That’s just the way it is.”
He felt pity. He almost even felt a little guilty. Starscream raised a servo, placing his talons on her shoulder as gently as possible. He felt sorry for her. He could hear the longing in her voice. The passion and love she couldn’t help but feel, despite knowing it only made things worse for her.
“I’m sorry.”
Perhaps he had misjudged her. True, she was a small and fragile little thing, but he had to admit the fact that she was still striving for the sky, even though her own body was against this idea, made her admirable in her own way. The human was startled for a split second at the touch, before relaxing and placing her own hand over his servo, her fingers caressing his digits and her head leaning into his touch.
“It’s alright.”
The human looked up, and Starscream leaned down to her level.
“No,” he repeated, “it’s not alright. It’s terrible! How do you even deal with it?” He had already spent a few months unable to fly, but he couldn’t imagine doing it for an entire lifetime. He would’ve gone insane.
She was touched by the outburst. It made her feel seen, made her struggle feel so much more real.
“Well… I try to fly as often as I can, get as close as I can, but it’s not what I want. It’s not the same as having my own wings to fly with, being able to feel and control every little thing. You know?”
“Of course not…” he nodded, contemplating. “It could never be the same.”
It made more sense now, why she had been so eager to assist him all this time, why she’d volunteered to be his partner. She’d seen him going through the same thing she was, but unlike her, his situation could be helped.
For that help, he was silently grateful. And then, Starscream did something unexpected.
“If you’d like…” he averted his gaze, fiddling with his talons as he spoke. “I will allow you to fly me on our way back to base.” He offered, trying to sound as nonchalant, as disinterested as possible.
“Thank you.”
He flinched at the sudden feeling of something warm and soft wrap around his digits. He collected himself, answering quickly.
“Yes, yes, don’t get used to it. I just don’t enjoy seeing you all sappy and miserable.” He waved her away with a servo, still avoiding eye contact.
As humiliating as his current predicament was, he had to admit it was nice to have another flyer on the team. Even such a squishy one.
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amusingmusie · 5 months
I know it's not going to happen but what do you think a child between Nel & Alastor would be like? Personality wise or appearance
History Repeats Itself
This is goddamn ridiculous.
Heels click against shiny vinyl flooring as Nel tears off down the hallway, speeding past flyers promoting honors ceremonies and painted murals of happy children. Pushing open door after door and stomping hard enough to make her knees shake, she does nothing to hide her rage over such a bullshit situation. Her fingers twitch with the need for a goddamned cigarette, but she doesn’t trust herself to not light this private school aflame with it. Oh no, she’s not chancing that, not when she’d ruin the career she fought to earn and the schooling she pays out the ass for in one fell swoop. 
Her warpath only halts when she reaches a thick wooden door simply labeled as Dean’s Office. It’s becoming increasingly familiar as of late. With a barely contained growl, she knocks the door open, steps into the room, and prepares for battle.
“She is evil!”
“That’s a strong word. I prefer the term strong-willed instead.”
“Shut it! You’re a malignant tumor on this school!!!”
“Wow, that was a good one. You’re improving your vocabulary, congratulations!”
“You know, anything you say can be held against you in court, I’d mind your words if I were you.”
Nel watches a teenage girl hiss and spit pure venom with all the rage of a feral creature. Her dark eyes are blazing with unfiltered fury, something Nel herself recognizes all too well. There’s no need to ask what has her raging- oh no, Nel is aware of the issue, she sure fucking knows exactly who is responsible for this mess. 
Turning on her heels, Nel stares down the little shit sitting primly in a chair by the flabbergasted dean. Not a curly hair is out of her place on her head, with each chocolate strand pinned neatly back with a stylish bow. Quickly, she gives a small pat to her immaculate bumper bang like she’s brushing away some invisible dust that could possibly disrupt her picture-perfect image. 
She’s a doll with smooth caramel skin and large hazel eyes. 
She’s adorable with pearly white teeth and freckles dotted across her cheeks. 
She’s precious with her long, poofy skirt and long, poofy hair.
She’s perfect.
Except, her mother knows better. Oh, does she ever know better. 
“Sweet Christ,” Nel sighs with something that isn’t quite disappointment, but certainly isn’t glee. Nobody has breathed a word of what events called her down to the private school, again, but she’s certain that her spawn is somehow responsible because she is always responsible when chaos occurs. “Evie. What in the hell is going on here?”
“Momma, there you are!” Bouncing out of her seat, Evie skips over to her mother without a care in the world. She doesn’t bat an eye at her classmate glaring daggers at her or the dean blinking in exasperation since she’s too busy sidling up to her revered birth-giver. “Listen, this is all a big, silly mix-up. I’m completely innocent-”
“It was Roxxy who dumped the paint on her own bag to frame me-”
“Because why would I ever do such a terrible thing?” Looking for backup, she moves her gaze to the dean, who simply nods his head in slight agreement. “I would never jeopardize my perfect record with the threat of a conduct mark, and for what? To upset my good friend Roxxane with a ridiculous prank?”
“We are not friends!” the other teen growls, her skin turning an intense shade of crimson from the wrath boiling in her bones.
“You’re right, we’re best friends! Thank you for reminding me,” Evie chirps, her toothy smile growing wider.
Nel swats away unfortunate flashbacks that threaten to overtake the moment. 
“Okay, kid, put a pin in it. Just, God, come on, we’re leaving, now. Go.” Once her daughter departs from the room with a final wave to her so-called friend, Nel stares at the dean. “Stop calling me for this bullshit. I pay this school too goddamn much money to run up here each time there’s an issue with these two- next time, deal with it.”
The door slams shut behind her, and she marches on. 
Leather pumps and leather oxfords click together in time down the hallway. 
“What on God’s green earth possessed you to do that?” Nel scoffs, not pausing her march to freedom for a moment. It hardly matters since her kid already has at least an inch on her, because of course she does, her legs are more than long enough to keep up with the redhead’s shorter stomps. “Dumping paint on someone’s bag? Shit, did you just forget any home training I gave you?”
“Momma!” Evie gasps in offense, her round eyes going wide. “You don’t believe in my innocence?”
“Okay, fair enough.” Just like that, the act drops and she shrugs, clicking her shiny saddle shoes on the floor. “But I didn’t do it for fun. Well, maybe I did, but she also deserved it.”
“You cannot continue to terrorize that girl. This is the third time that there’s been an incident in the past five weeks. Every time you get yourself into a mess, I gotta hightail it up here to drag you home, and that’s time I lose with my clients, and that’s money I lose to spend on you. You think it reflects positively on me when I’m unable to run my firm because I’m wrangling my daughter?”
“I know, but-“
“Genevieve Marie Sheridan-“
“You don’t understand!”
“Then enlighten me.” 
“She’s terrible!” Uncharacteristic irritation crosses over Evie’s sharp facial features, contorting them into a disgruntled expression eerily similar to the one worn by the ginger walking next to her. “I’m telling you, I have never met someone so absolutely dull and unpleasant in all my life! Sure, I’ve only been alive for fourteen years, but I’ve had a worldly fourteen years!”
“Oh, really now?”
“Momma, forget the details! What I’m trying to explain to you is that she is awful, so I’m attempting to help her become less awful with some harmless fun.”
A familiar feeling creeps along Nel’s skin. It’s a distant feeling, one she hasn’t felt in nearly fifteen years, but it’s one she can never forget, not ever. It’ll haunt her til the day she dies, and long after that too. 
Cold realization begins to dawn on her.
“...What makes this girl so bad?”
“What doesn’t?” the teen snips, rolling her eyes. “She always has to argue with me or oppose me, she can never just listen to anything I say! I don’t understand. Everyone else loves me- as they should, I’m amazing.”
“But not her! Never her. She’s been against me since we moved here, what, seven years ago? All because everyone adores me due to my benevolent nature and because she’s an envious ball of rage with no friends.”
“And I always think of how repulsive she is, especially at the worst times! Did you know that I dreamed of her nasty little face the other night? She’s a true nightmare at this point. I can’t escape her even in my sleep.”
“I bet.”
“So, in conclusion, she is my number one enemy, and I will destroy her.” Evie raises her upturned nose into the air with a slight huff. “In completely legal ways, of course. Such as kindness. And a few ink bombs too.”
There it is. 
Pausing at the front of the school, Nel faces the little turd fully, her initial anger fading. Hell, she can never stay mad at the kid for long; that’s her baby, no matter how tall she grows or how ruthless she becomes. 
When Evie returns her mother’s softening gaze with a kind one of her own, Nel swallows down an old sadness that’s taken root inside of her. It’s been there for years, always hovering like a ghost in the background, always lingering no matter how long she ignores it. But, its presence isn’t so heavy with her kid here, even if she wears a dead man’s face and speaks in his same chipper tone. 
It would be just like Alastor to have a child so eerily like himself. He could never quit the game; he’d always leave some version of himself behind to plague Nel. 
Fitting. He always had to have the last laugh.
“You know, I know a thing or two about having an enemy.”
“Oh, like the DA?”
“No, not that son of a bitch, though he’s worthless,” she grumbles. “No, I had someone else I swore to destroy a long time ago.”
“Well, did you?” she asks, and Nel gives her a strained, tired smile. 
“Yes and no. That’s a story for another day. For now, all I’ll tell you is that you need to be careful, and that maybe you should spend some time using that big brain to decide what you really think of this nemesis of yours.”
“Well, I hate her. I don't need to think about that.”
Nel rolls her eyes. “No doubt, but hate can sometimes…ah, fuck it, I’ll save it.” With a shake of her head, she waves away her words. “You’ll figure it out, baby. Now come on, we’re getting the hell out of here. Goddamn ridiculous school.”
“Yes ma’am!” Evie skips along happily next to Nel, contagious cheer radiating off of her. “We need to go anyway. I’d like to be at least down the block before the dye bomb I placed in Roxxy’s locker detonates.”
“...The what?”
There’s a distant pop, and then a muffled scream from deep inside of the school building.
Evie blinks innocently, and then Nel sighs. 
History always repeats itself. 
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leilani-lily · 7 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 1)
... So this idea for an Alastor x reader (kinda?) story popped in my brain, and has refused to leave me no matter how hard I try.
Have I written fanfiction recently? Hell no.
Do I even know how to write for an AroAce character? No but I'm gonna do my damndest to represent him properly (and also relying on outer sources so I'm not offending anyone).
Do I feel like a complete fool for being sucked back into the fanfiction world and re-entering with a freakin Hazbin Hotel fic? ABSOOOO-FREAKIN-LUTELY.
But here we are. The writing gods have spoken. And they have declared that I write this story out so my poor brain can focus on other things like work.
Figured I'd share so it's just not on my computer all lonely. Will be a slow burn so fair warning. Let's be real, the deer boi needs love. But not overly romantic love. Just, someone he ends up really caring about and becoming his favourite.
SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. The hotel is looking to hire a chef to prepare meals for the staff/guests. Somehow you're hired and you begin your new life. And somehow end up becoming close to a certain Radio Demon. Word Count: 1.8 K
Chapter 1 under the cut. Enjoy I guess? ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
Ok, deep breaths y/n. Remember to smile.
You felt your lips curl up into a strained grin as if to fight off the nerves in your chest, your grip tightening on the flyer in your fist. This could go either two ways. One, you get the job and are able to live a life of somewhat normality. Or two, you get hung from the tippy top of the building by your own intestines. With your legs chopped off. And one of your arms sticking out of your ass.
Gotta love Hell and it’s creative subjects.
You shake your head out of those terrible thoughts, surely it wouldn’t be that bad?? When you saw the original broadcast on the 666 News, you couldn’t stop thinking how nice the Princess of Hell actually was. And building an entire hotel to help her subjects reform into something better was, perhaps a little optimistic in your opinion, but it made you admire her gumption and her love for her subjects.
So later when you found the flyer in search of a chef at the very same establishment the princess was hoping to fill… well, it somehow managed to get you all the way here. Standing at the doorsteps of the very lonely looking hotel on the hill. 
You had to admit it wasn’t the look you had imagined, but hey, this was Hell. You had seen worse. And everyone has to start somewhere. Including yourself, arm still poised ready to knock yet not yet making the motion.
You felt so stupid, you had been standing here for almost 10 minutes now just trying to get the courage to enter the damn building. You sigh to yourself and shake out the jitters. Alright, let’s just do this. Once again, you smile, puff out your chest and raise your arm high in the air, ready to strike with a newfound courage.
“Well folks, looks like the little lady is finally ready to take the leap! Will she follow through with her actions? Or will she choke and back out of the fight? Let’s tune in and find out~”
You felt your heart nearly leap out of your chest as you whip your head around to look behind you. A tall demon clad in red and ruby eyes stood behind you, a wickedly wide grin filling his face as he points what appears to be a microphone in your direction. You stare at it dumbly, then make eye contact with him again. He remains poised, half lidded eyes seeming to hold a sparkle of impish joy. His eyes flicker from you, to your raised arm, and back to you. After a embarrassingly long time of connecting the dots, you finally extend your arm closer to the door, never breaking focus on the demon behind you (you can't help but notice he raises his microphone even closer to you), and give the door a good solid knock.
“AND SHE’S DONE IT FOLKS, what a display!!” He pulls the microphone back to himself, as you continue to stare dumbfounded “The form, the elegance, it could almost make a grown Imp cry. Let's give her a hand people.” He begins to clap as a roar of applause plays from… somewhere.
You couldn’t tell if this guy was being sarcastic or genuine, but the whole absurdity of it all, plus the bundle of nerves you were feeling earlier, seemed to bubble up inside of you and you couldn't help a little snort escape. The red demon’s grin widened as he ceases his clapping, stepping closer to you as you continue to giggle.
“Ahhh now isn’t that better. A much nicer smile than the one you were faking earlier. Besides, there’s no need to be so shy my dear. This hotel is always happy to accept wayward demons looking for reformation!”
Upon hearing his words, you turn to face him and put your hands up “Oh nono, I’m not here to-”
“Ohoho~! and what’s this you have here?” Before you can finish your sentence, the tall demon ripped the flyer out of your hand and inspected it quickly, before turning back to you. His half-lidded gaze was now round with surprise, his grin becoming even wider (which you didn’t even think was possible).
“So THAT explains the nerves from before! And here I was just thinking you were a timid little thing. But a business woman! Now that I can admire.” He smiles at you almost impressed and leans in closer, your noses almost touching.
“Tell me my dear, can you make a good jambalaya? Or perhaps a hearty gumbo with cornbread on the side~?”
You were so flustered with the speed of everything happening (plus the close proximity of this demon you had just met certainly didn’t help). All you could manage was a jumbled “Uhh, well yes I-!”
“WONDERFULLLL~!" He straightens up again and you sigh with relief. “I’ll be sure to test you on such skills. But for now we should-”
The front doors of the hotel suddenly burst open and a short gray female stands before you, with long silvery hair and an eyepatch. She looks at you for a moment, before turning her gaze at the red demon and giving him a scowl.
“Alastor, what the HELL took you so long, you should’ve been back ages ago. And quit creeping out new potential clients.” Her gaze adverts back to you, expression softening ever so slightly, “Seriously, if he’s bothering you-” “Oh Vaggie my dear, no need to be so hostile. I was simply going over business with our newest chef!” he brings his long fingers up behind your shoulder and pulls you in close against his chest, making you yelp a moment before regaining composure. You could sense this so-called 'Vaggie' demon tense, eyes flickering between the two of you. You felt as if your brain was sputtering to catch up with the current conversation (he WORKS here??!)  before finally realizing what he had just called you. You sneak a look at him, and he gives you a quick wink before focusing back on the female before him. 
“Now be a doll and have Nifty tidy up one of the rooms, preferably one of a reasonable size and close to the kitchen. And call upon Charlie as well, she’ll DEFINITELY want to meet our newest addition!”
The female in front of you shot a glare at Alastor (you quickly noted these two did not seem to get along), but then flicked her gaze back at you. After a moment, she sighed and turned back into the building as she followed the male demon’s orders. You couldn’t help but notice how Alastor’s grip on you tightened ever so slightly as a chuckle escaped his lips, static humming ever so louder in amusement. He himself began to walk into the hotel, guiding you along with him.
"Now then. We’ll have to introduce you to everyone, as well as get you to fill in the proper paperwork, give you a proper tour of the place and-!”
“Wait wait,” you stop walking, causing him to halt. You notice a slight twitch in his eye and his hand squeezes you for a moment. He doesn’t like to be interrupted, duly noted. You take a breath.
“Sorry, uh for interrupting” That seemed to please him. “But does this mean… I got the job?? You don’t need a resume or a test or…?”
Alastor let out a guffaw of amusement “Why of course my dear! As long as you remain true to your word of being able to cook a good New Orleans dish, that’s all the proof I’ll need! There hasn’t been many a demon coming here interested in the job, so I say your timing couldn’t be more perfect!”
Well that was the easiest damn interview you’ve ever done. You felt yourself exhale a sigh of relief as you smile up to the tall demon. 
“Wow, that’s… that’s amazing, thank you so much.” He gave you a half lidded smirk, clearly enjoying being praised “So… does this make you my boss, Mr…?” 
You heard the sound of a record screech as his eyes widened in surprise. Hand finally leaving your shoulder and placing it on his own chest he began to laugh heartilly, a laugh track playing in the background. You stood there confused for a moment before he finally responded.
“Ohhh my goodness me, my mother would be rolling in her grave if she ever heard about this. How rude of me to be so forward without properly introducing myself!” One minute he was standing right beside you, and then the next he had sunken like a shadow into the floor, only to appear in front of you a few steps ahead. With grace and suave you didn’t realize he possessed, he gave a small hand flourish before bowing in front of you.
“I am Alastor, also known as the Radio Demon. I happen to be the Hotel’s Facility Manager, but you’ll find Miss Morningstar is the real ringleader around here,” You notice the corner of his lip twitch at that last remark, but you pay no mind to it. “If you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me.” You smile and dip yourself in your own little curtsy as he straightens up.
“My name is y/n, and I’ll be sure to do my best to serve you and this hotel, sir.” Alastor seemed to hum with approval as he looks down at you. “I guess I just have one more question for you, if that’s alright.” 
“Why of course dear y/n, whatever would it be?”
“Well, I uh…” You feel yourself becoming flustered at the question, and the radio demon seemed to notice. Cocking a head to the side, he takes a step forward, opening his arms into a friendly gesture.
“Come now dearest, you can ask me anything! If we’re going to be working together, we have to be honest with each other~” You look up at him and sigh, knowing he was right. With a gulp you straighten your back and wear a serious expression.
“How long did you see me standing by the door?” 
Alastors face didn’t waver, it was hard to tell what was going on in his mind. Then his smile grew into what looked like an amused, smug expression before answering.
“The whole time.”
You groaned and felt your head slap against your hand, making Alastor burst into laughter yet again at your expense. He was there watching the entire time?? Satan’s Ass you felt like such an idiot. Was he waiting for you to move so he could get in the building?? The more you thought about it the more you wanted to sink into the floor and die, for a 2nd time. The radio demon wiped a stray tear from his eye.
“Ohhhh y/n, what a riot you are. I can already tell that this is going to be fun~”
First chapter hoorayyy ♡〜٩( ˃▿˂ )۶〜♡ Not sure how often I'll be updating, hopefully soon as I'm currently inspired. Thanks for reading thus far!FIRST (You're here!) PREVIOUS (Doesn't exist ( • ᴗ - ) ✧) NEXT
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What kind of interaction would the hunting dogs have with Teen Reader
You don't need blood to be a family
Self-Aware! Platonic! Hunting Dogs x GN! Teen! Reader
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Description: You have a new family and real home. You also start attending new school. And some people have questions about your family. Thankfully, you have people who can protect you.
Found family. Flags cameo.
Warning: OOC. PTA meeting. Some of the parents are terrible. Two people don't believe in Found family. I used random names will to choose on 'official' guardian for Reader. Reader were an orphan. Rude comments about Reader. Some very rude words in the Bonus part. English is my second language.
A/N: I have already made post about Hunting Dogs and Adult!Reader. Hunting Dogs interactions with Teen!Reader will mostly stay the same. They still will be incredibly protective over Reader and will try to become a group of elite bodyguards for Teen! Reader. The only difference I can point, is that Fukuchi won't be so openly hostile to Teen! Reader at first (and in case of Child! Reader he won't be hostile at all).
It all started one spring evening.
You were sitting in the school hall, waiting for PTA meeting to end.
You visibly frowned. PTA meetings for your family became really stressful since your first month in a new school.
Not because of your grades or behavior, no. Because of some parents.
Even back in their world, BSD Cast decide to adopt you. So, after getting in real world and obtaining necessary documents, BSD Cast adopted you for real. Well, by documents, you were adopted by Natsume. But, in reality, you have ten fathers (Natsume, Fukuzawa, Mori, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Oda, Fitzgerald, Hawthorne, Dostoevsky, Fukuchi), three mothers (Yosano, Kouyou, Mitchel), three grandfathers (Hirotsu, Taneda, Melville) and a bunch of siblings, uncles and aunts.
You weren't related by blood, but you were family.
Unfortunately, not everyone could accept it.
When all of you moved in a new house, you started to attend new school. And new school means new people, new teachers and PTA.
In this school, PTA meetings were held weekly.
First PTA meeting were held in a week after you start attending new school.
Natsume attended the first PTA meeting. Everything went well.
Fukuzawa attended the second PTA meeting. Some people didn't like the fact you have two fathers. But no one listen to them.
Verlaine attended the third PTA meeting. Parents started questioning, why you have three fathers
Yosano attended the forth PTA meeting. Parents were glad, to finally see a mother. Unfortunately, the meeting was focused on vaccination in schools. And, of course, there were some anti-vax parents. They tried to give flyers about the harm of vaccinations. To Yosano. Yosano was calm, and her voice was sweet as honey. With few words, she told parents what they can do with these flyers, where they can shove them and was wondering, how their kids are still alive.
Anti-vax parents still terrified of meeting Yosano again.
The next seven meetings were attended by Hawthorne, Mitchell, Mori, Kouyou, Fukuzawa, Oda and Fitzgerald. Parents became more and more confused about how many fathers and mothers you have.
But after one PTA meeting, parents have even more questions.
The meeting was ready to begin. Most of the parents were glad, that none of your fathers or mothers arrived.
Their happiness were short-lived.
Right before the meeting started, someone knocked on the door and opened it.
"We are sorry for been late. It's the PTA meeting, right? [Y/N] told us correct classroom?"
Parents were ready to see another man who will introduce himself as your father.
They didn't expect, that five males will come inside. One of them were carrying an IV pole, second had a scar over his eyes, third was wearing tinted glasses, forth had black streaks in his hair, the fifth one has a beauty mark under his left eye.
At that time, everyone who has attended even one PTA meeting, learned to despise them. People, who haven't attended them, were slightly curious. So, when chance arise, Flags volunteered to attend PTA meeting. Unfortunately, Flags couldn't decide, which one of them will go, so they decide, that they will go together.
One of the mothers, Ms. Greenhill, frowned. She and her family were really vocal about how terrible your family were. Because you had multiple fathers and mothers.
"Let me guess, you are also [Y/N]'s fathers?"
Lippmann shook his head.
"No, we are their uncles."
Ms. Greenhill raised her hand. Her voice was shaking.
"Just... How many relatives do [Y/N] have?!"
Piano Man was the one who answered.
"Sixty seven. Including fathers, mothers, grandfathers, uncles, ants and siblings"
The rest of the meeting went well. Because parents were too shocked to say something rude.
Ever since that day, your school life became tense.
Your classmates were constantly asking about your family.
Some thought that it was cool to have a big family. Others thought that you are all sick.
You ignored them. You loved your family. And this is more important than others people opinions.
On PTA meetings, other parents try to get a rise out of BSD Cast, but they didn't succeed.
You just continue attending school.
BSD Cast continue attending PTA meetings.
Today was Hunting Dogs' turn. Today's meeting were hold earlier than usual, so Fukuchi offered you to wait for them, so you six can grab a dinner later.
Classroom door opened. Patents were leaving class. The meeting was over. You noticed a familiar mop of red rust hair. Soon your older brother Tachihara was standing near you. He ruffled your hair.
"Hey, [Y/N], ready to go grab some food?"
You close your eyes in bliss.
"Yup. I am so hungry, I could eat a horse."
Tachihara chuckled.
"Me too, kiddo. After listening to this people," Tachihara cast a quick glance at parents detection. "I need to eat something good to improve my mood."
You tilt your head.
"Did they say something that crossed the line?"
Instead of Tachihara, Uncle Jouno answered you. He gives you a sideways hug.
"Nothing too different from other times. 'You are a bad influence', 'why [Y/N] have so many fathers and mothers?'. Their normal yapping." Jouno start whispering, so only you and Tachihara can hear him. "And here I thought that we are supposed to be dogs and do all the yapping on meetings."
You three laugh. Other parents glared at you, but they didn't say anything. They were a little bit nervous because of Hunting Dogs. Despite not wearing their uniform and not having their swords, Fukuchi, Teruko, Tetchou, Jouno and Tachihara do look scary enough.
Aunt Teruko joined you three. She was glaring at The Jacksons. You remembered, that they were as vocal against you as The Greenhills. Moreover, once, they tried to harass Kenji. They called him an idiot from a dirty village. Thankfully for them, Kenji wasn't resentful. You noticed, that Uncle Tetchou was also glaring at Jacksons, while discussing something with Dad Fukuchi.
Teruko squinted for the last time and looked at you.
"[Y/N], you know, I kind of disappointed in you."
After noticing your confused face, Teruko quickly added.
"You have good grades. You do your homework. You don't pick up fights! You don't let me be a strict aunt! I wanted to be a strict aunt from time to time."
You huff and grinned. You opened your arms, inviting Teruko to hug you.
"Well, sorry, Aunt Teruko, can't help it. But, I hope you don't want to be and Aunt who pays for hugs. I will hug you for free."
Teruko grins playfully and crushed you in a hug.
"This one is acceptable."
Then you heard some arguing. All of you turned around.
Fukuchi was arguing with Mr. And Ms. Greenhills. Tetchou was slowly backing away, closer to you.
Some parents remained. They thought that they will see an interesting show.
Meanwhile, Fukuchi was growling.
"Will you stop harassing my kid and family, you two? We aren't bothering anyone! We are a simple family!"
Mr. Greenhill spits.
"You aren't a normal family! You are a bunch of unrelated people who made our kids think that having multiple partners is fine! That having a family bond with people that aren't related to you are fine!"
You whisper. Only Hunting Dogs heard you.
"Well… technically, consensual polygamy or polyandry are fine... And adoption existed for a long time."
Teruko reassuringly squeezed your hand.
Fukuchi hissed.
"Listen here, [Y/N] are our kid. I am their father. Fukuzawa is also their father. So as Mori, Verlaine, Rimbaud and Natsume. All of us are their family. We don't need blood to love them and wanting the best for them! So stop been a..."
Mr. Greenhill got furious.
"I will say what I want about you and the little bastards you have adopted!"
Ms. Greenhill looked at you with disgust.
"I am pretty sure that this rat will end in the slums with such an unnatural family."
The hall became quiet. Fukuchi breath in and out. He looked at you and nodded.
Tetchou immediately picked you up and put you on his back. Like he wants to give you a piggyback ride.
Jouno covered your ears.
Tachihara covered your eyes.
Teruko stand closer to Fukuchi.
Tetchou start moving with you on his back. He, Tachihara and Jouno were moving in the same speed, so your ears and eyes won't be stay uncovered.
You didn't see, how Fukuchi opened his mouth.
Tachihara and Jouno finally let go of your eyes and ears only when you were two blocks away from school.
Tetchou still carried you on his back. He looked up.
"Are you okay, [Y/N]?"
You nodded.
"Mhm. It wasn't the worst thing someone called me."
Tetchou smiles. He starts walking faster.
"Well, let's go and grab this dinner. Captain and Teruko-san will join us later."
You smile and looked back.
"You know... Today, the school library holds reading hours for pre-schoolers."
Jouno raised an eyebrow.
You nervously giggled
"I think, they haven't finished yet. And kids heard everything Dad Fukuchi were saying right now."
The silence could be cut with a knife.
Tachihara, Jouno and Tetchou start walking faster.
Together, four of you said.
"Problems of tomorrow us"
"Captain Fukuchi, can you, please, explain, where did a bunch of toddlers learned the words 'slum-trawling strumpet' and 'syphilitic eunuch' and why is school blaming you and Teruko?"
"Chef Taneda... It's a very long story..."
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tearsaura · 4 months
Until the end and beyond // Bodhi Durran x reader
A/N: Based on this request. I tried my best, I hope you like it!
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Angst, obvious Ironflame/ Fourth wing spoilers, possible grammar mistakes (it will be the death of me :()
Picture is from pinterest: torysacrux
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Jealousy was an ugly feeling. But it became even uglier when it was over something so nonchalant.
Y/N knew the marked riders wouldn't be thrilled with her even before she signed up to become a rider. It would have been odd if they weren't at least a little biased towards her, considering she was King Tauri's niece.
She never resented them for their hostility towards her and was understanding. She would’ve probably hated herself too.
One morning though, she ran into Bodhi Durran. Verbatim. She had forgotten her books in her room and was racing back after breakfast to get to class on time when she bumped into Bodhi, his hand shooting out to keep her from falling.
Of course, she knew him before that, his beauty always mesmerizing her, and when he smiled, she melted.
From there, history wrote itself: they became friendly with each other, then friends, and by the end of their first year, they finally became a couple.
She couldn't force his friends to like her. However, it still hurt. They were Bodhi's family and although he was quick to shut down Imogen's or Xaden's snarky comments, he was powerless to do anything when he wasn’t there to witness them.
Violet's arrival didn't make things any better. Y/N knew the others were friendlier to Violet because Xaden's life depended on hers, but she couldn't suppress the jealousy: it was unbearable to see how easy they talked to her when her mother had done just as horrible things as her uncle had done. She envied Violet and felt terrible about it.
''My muscles have been aching all day,'' Violet grumbled as she massaged her left arm. ''You should tell Imogen to ease up on the training.'' Rhiannon replied. The students, both riders and flyers, stood outside the house, all waiting for their respective professors.
She was in the second wing at Basgiath College, but since few of her wing had come with her to Aretia, they were spread out and she ended up in the fourth wing, at least that way she was always close to Bodhi.
However, she earned angry looks not solely by the marked ones now, but by the fliers too.
''You should look out for lavender and make an oil out of it. Rubbing Lavender oil on the sore muscles can help relieve the pain.'' Y/N said in a timid voice and gave her a shy smile.
,,Oh god! I completely forgot about that. Thanks!'' Y/N was about to say something back when Imogen approached them. She grabbed both Rhiannon and Violet and pulled them away by the arms. ''We have work to do''.
That evening, she layed with Bodhi as usual, her head resting on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. He ran a hand through her hair and breathed kisses on her head consistently.
"How was your day, darling?" he whispered. ''Like any other, the best part of my day is when I'm with you.'' She replied, which made him grin. ''Coincidentally, that’s the best part of my day too.'' ''Hm…That is a weird coincidence.’’
He tickled her side and broke into a grin once again when he heard her giggle. He could be having the worst day of his life, but the sound of her laughter would make it a good one. ''Did my friends act like immature little children today?'' he finally asked, and Y/n shrugged. ''I didn't really see them today,'' she answered, and Bodhi nodded thoughtfully. He left it at that and decided for now not to call her out on her obvious lie.
The straw that broke the camels back came about two weeks later.
Y/N had just packed a lavender oil mixture in a small bottle and set off in search of Violet. Her feelings of guilt over the jealousy gnawed at her and she decided to help the girl. She spotted Violets distinctive brown and silver hair in the great hall, where she stood by Xaden, Imogen, Garrick and Bodhi. The latter smiled when he spotted her and held out his arm to her.
"There you are, my dear. I missed you.'' she grinned and let him pull her in his arms and he pressed a kiss to her temple. Y/N didn't miss Imogen's eyeroll ''What do you have there?'' ''Lavender oil. Violet? For your sore muscles.'' She said, holding out the small bottle to the younger girl. ''Oh, thank you! You're a savior-'' Before Viole could reach for the bottle, Xaden knocked it out of her hand.
"Xaden!" "What are you doing?" Bodhi and Violet both exclaimed at the same time, one angrier than the other. ''Don't trust her! Who knows what's in there!'' he hissed, and Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes. They would never change their mind on her, no matter what she did, they would only see her as an enemy. Never an acquaintance and certainly not a friend. She disentangled herself from Bodhi's arms and gave him a forced smile. ''I'll see you later.'' she pressed another kiss to his cheek and with that, she left without waiting for a reply.
''She made me a lavender oil for my aching muscles! "And that doesn't seem strange to you? ''Why should it when I told her myself that I've been having problems lately?'' 'I've been telling you; you can't trust her!''
"What are you implying?" Bodhi interrupted him in a calm voice as he turned back to his cousin. ''You know what I think of her. So you know what I meant, too''
"Are you being serious right now?" Bodhi asked with a humourless laugh. 'I'm sick and tired of you treating her like this. She has never done anything to you and has always treated you with respect, even though none of you deserved it. You should know how shitty it is when people treat you badly because of your family. We all welcomed Violet with open arms when she was General Sorrengail's daughter and not Xaden's girlfriend, but you couldn't do the same for my girlfriend? I love that woman more than anything and I couldn't even protect her from you. I failed as a boyfriend in every way. It's a bloody miracle she didn't break up with me until now! And to be honest I would not blame her if she did: She has every right to,'' Bodhi's voice broke and he turned his head to the side. The last thing he wanted to do was cry in front of those assholes. Xaden paused, Imogen sought Bodhi's gaze, and Garrick stared at the floor. Guilt crept through all three of them, one more than the other. "Honestly I can’t stand to see any of you right now. I'm very disappointed in you guys.''
Was she such a monster? Did they think she had so much hatred that she would deliberately poison someone?
Violet stood outside her room door shortly after the incident and begged her to let her in, apologizing repeatedly, but Y/N pretended not to hear her. Violet had given up and shortly after that, Bodhi arrived, whom she also left standing there.
The embarrassment was running too deep, and the thought that she had put Bodhi in such an awkward situation with his family time and time again made her sick.
Bodhi, being the understanding and wonderful person he was, left too, understanding that she needed to be alone.
When the knock came for the third time, hours later, Y/N was still holding the pillow to her face to stifle her sobs.
"I know you're in there, open up, I want to talk to you." Y/N froze when she recognized Imogen's voice. She still hesitated and swore she heard a sigh from the other side of the door.
''I'm not here to insult you any more than I’ve already done. I'll be nice, I promise.'' Y/N thought about it for a moment, but then decided to go for it. What else did she have to lose that she hadn't already gambled away?
Without worrying about her swollen eyes and red nose, she pulled open the door and stared at Imogen. "Are you going to let me in?’’ she wordlessly stepped aside and gestured for her to come in and closed the door.
Y/N sat back on her bed and looked at Imogen expectantly. The pink-haired rider sat down next to her.
"No matter what I say, it won't make up for the way we've treated you for the past two years, but I'll say it anyway: I'm sorry." She said, looking at Y/N. Even though she would never admit it to anyone, her heart broke at the sight of her shaken form.
''Why the change of heart?"
"Realization. We made Bodhi's life difficult; we made it difficult for you and that only because you guys fell in love. It's no excuse but pretty much all the rest of us follow Xaden's way of thinking. We owe everything to him, and his intuition has rarely let him down. If he sees an enemy in someone, it's usually true.''
'Not all of you follow his way of thinking,' Y/N replied, glancing at Imogen, who gave her a sad smile.
''Liam was a great exception in every way possible. None of us will ever live up to him.''
''I expected even before I started at the quadrant that we wouldn't necessarily be the best of friends. I totally understood where you guys were coming from, but it's one thing to avoid a stranger and another to make your best friend's life a living hell because he fell in love with the wrong person. I don't care how you treated me, but I will never forget what you did to Bodhi. Just as I will never forgive myself for being the cause of his suffering.'' Fresh tears sprang to her eyes and Imogen placed a hesitant hand on hers.
I have never seen Bodhi as happy as he is with you. We all have a long way to go to make it up to you. I'm not good at this emotional stuff, but I want the people who are important to me to survive. And you are now one of those people, which is why I'm expecting you for training tomorrow morning before breakfast. You can never work enough on your fitness and physical strength.'' ''Only if I can give you a crash course on medicinal and toxic plants afterward. I don't want a repeat of the lavender oil incident.'' Y/N countered, and Imogen snorted out a laugh. ''No, you should be bland I can’t actually start to like you! Otherwise, I'll feel even worse than I already do.''
''You're forgiven. I want to put this behind me and concentrate on what's in front of us. My only condition for my forgiveness is that you apologize to Bodhi, too.''
''First thing in the morning-'' Imogen was interrupted by a knock on the door. The girls both looked at each other puzzled, and Y/N went quietly to open the door, only to reveal Bodhi standing behind it. His hair was tousled, he was already in his pyjamas and he had a hopeful look on his face.
"Can we talk? '' ''Yes, yes of course come in.'' When Bodhi stepped into the room and caught sight of Imogen, he raised his eyebrows prompting.
''I came with a white flag and will leave you two alone. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Imogen asked, heading for the door. ''Well-rested and ready to go. Have Good night.'' ''You too.'' With that, she left, and Bodhi and Y/N were alone in the room. He turned to his girlfriend curiously: ''What was this about?''
''She asked for forgiveness.'' Bodhi couldn't help the grin that spread across his face and Y/N swore she was falling in love all over again.
"Really?" she nodded and swallowed.
''Bodhi, I'm sorry I didn't open the door for you earlier...'' ''Hey, it's all right, you don't have to apologize. You needed time for yourself, and I totally understand that. If anyone must apologize, it's me.''
"I love you and I can see what their behaviour did to you, and I should have done much more about it. I should have stood up for you more. I failed and I am so incredibly sorry...''
'Bodhi, I would never blame you for that. Don't say that you can't even think that, I love you. I'm sorry that our relationship has put you in such a position with your friends in the first place.'' She murmured and Bodhi closed the distance between them with two steps, taking her face in both hands.
'I've never had doubts about our relationship. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and ever will. I thank every god that there is and heaven for you and not a day goes by that my love for you doesn't grow. I want to spend my life with you and never be a day without you.''
''I don't want that either.''
''Good, because I'll be yours for as long as you want me.''
''I want you until the end and beyond that.''
'Until the end and beyond it is then.''
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slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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Home Is Not A Place
Coriolanus wishes he was at home right now.
He wishes he was showered, in fresh, clean pajamas in bed with the love is his life wrapped up in his arms.
He’s not.
But he��s sure to be the talk of the town in the morning. He can’t imagine what people must be thinking about him as he walks the dark Capitol streets, still in his work clothes.
He scans the alleyway, looking for something, anything really. He finds nothing.
He sighs and cards his fingers through his golden curls. They’ve been looking for hours and still haven’t found her. Still, he persists and cups his hands around his mouth once again, “Petunia!”
He listens for a meow, a hiss, something. For once, he misses that cat.
He’d come home from work exhausted only to find his girlfriend in tears. Soarynn had torn their apartment apart looking for her beloved cat Petunia and couldn’t find her. Coriolanus assured her that the spoiled feline couldn’t have gotten out. They lived on the twelfth floor for goodness sake and Petunia was not that adventurous.
Besides, it’s not like she could open the front doors.
But then Soarynn reminded him of the movers that had come today, to bring in their new dining room table and that they must have left the doors wide open, giving Petunia the perfect chance to escape.
Why she would want to escape a life of luxury was beyond him but women were often complicated creatures who gave no explanation for their actions and that seemed to apply to the cat as well.
They called all their friends, asking them to keep a look out for Petunia, they asked all their neighbors if she had snuck into their homes, they went down to the Peacekeeper station and put in a report, and they even put up flyers offering a hefty reward for Petunia’s safe return.
In a way, Coriolanus hoped that one of the movers had taken her, tried to pass her off as a new gift for their wives. That way he could beat the ever loving shit out of whatever fool took the cat. He almost felt bad for whoever took Petunia, she could be terribly mean and annoying when she wanted to be so they were in for a nasty surprise.
Coriolanus looks across the street and watches his girlfriend crouch down in front of another bush, checking to make sure Petunia hasn’t gotten stuck. Soarynn is a complete and utter mess without Petunia and for his sake, he hopes they find her.
Soarynn had been inconsolable when he found her in their apartment. “I’m the worst pet owner in the entire world,” she’d cried to him. “What if she’s hurt? Or scared? Or dead?”
Coriolanus silently prayed that Petunia wasn’t a victim of a car accident or someone’s unruly dog who liked to chase cats. She wasn’t the smartest cat and she definitely lacked the essential street smarts that other cats possessed.
“Darling,” he calls, “let’s go check over here.” He waits for Soarynn to cross the empty street. She’s bundled up in one of her heaviest coats due to it being the dead of winter. He can see his breath in the air as he lets out a deep sigh when he sees how heartbroken her face is. “We’re never going to find her Coryo,” Soarynn whispers, immediately seeking him out for comfort which he gladly gives her.
Coriolanus wraps her up in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head, “She’s going to be okay Soarynn. We’ll find her. Petunia is going to turn up, I’m sure she’s worried about you more than you’re worried about her.”
As annoying as that cat can be, she’s been a loyal and loving companion to Soarynn. The two have been inseparable since the day he brought Petunia home. Coriolanus knows that Petunia must miss Soarynn just as much as Soarynn misses her.
He glances down at his wristwatch and sees that it’s nearly midnight. He’s exhausted and Soarynn can’t be doing much better than he is considering that she’s spent a majority of her day crying. If she had her way, they’d spend the entire night searching for Petunia but they need to rest, go home and shower.
“Soarynn,” he says quietly, “I think it might be time to fold in the tents. Go home.”
Soarynn pulls away from his warm embrace and shakes her head, her eyes are full of tears, “There’s no home to go to if Petunia isn’t there,” she tells him, “home isn’t a place. It’s where everyone you love is and Petunia is still out there.”
Coriolanus can’t help but admire his girlfriend’s persistence. Soarynn has never been a quitter and she’s helplessly devoted to anything and everyone she loves. Including the cat.
Coriolanus sighs, he won’t win this argument, he already knows that. He also knows that Soarynn won’t sleep a wink tonight and will probably sneak back out once he falls asleep to keep looking for Petunia.
And he can’t have that. He’s already got one of his girls alone on the Capitol streets, he can’t afford to have the other one out here alone as well.
So, he nods. “Alright. We’ll keep looking. Why don’t we check the park?”
꧁ ꧂
“Petunia? Where are you darling?”
Coriolanus feels his heart break a little more when he hears the tremble in his girlfriend’s voice. He knows she’s trying to be strong, put on a brave face but Petunia is quite literally the only family that they have. With both their of parents gone, the two of them have been alone for a majority of their lives.
Coriolanus used to think he’d be alone forever, or worse, get stuck in a loveless marriage. But then he met her. Soarynn completely flipped his life upside down. She made him be a better man, made him want to be a better man. The old Coriolanus would never be caught dead roaming the Capitol streets at night looking for a cat but here he was.
He lets out a low whistle, one Petunia always seems to respond to. He thought the park might have some luck considering the vast amount of trees it has. Petunia is quite fond of climbing on the furniture at home as has even attempted to climb him.
If he were a cat, he’d come to the park.
He glances around the park but doesn’t see any signs of the white feline. It’s just trees, benches and statues. He looks back over at Soarynn who’s now looking inside of trash cans. “I’m going to look over here darling,” he calls, “please be careful.”
Knowing Soarynn, she’d happily risk her life to get Petunia home safely but Coriolanus can’t risk that. Risk losing her. He already fears that he’s going to lose a part of her if they don’t even find Petunia.
He’s beginning to wonder what Soarynn will be like when Petunia passes away. He shudders at the thought and begins walking towards one of the large statues on the park. It consists of three men on horseback, the one in the center is holding the flag of Panem. Lots of people take pictures in front of the statue considering how impressive it is.
He looks around for any signs of Petunia. A tuft of fur, some outrageous attitude. Anything really.
He approaches the statue and allows himself a moment to admire it. He’s grateful that he chose to wear a thicker coat tonight. It’s burgundy and has done a wonderful job at keeping him warm. Is Petunia cold right now? He’s worried about that cat, even though it pains him to admit it, he’s worried about her.
He slowly walks around the statue, his eyes trained on the pavement when out of the corner of his eye he sees a pink ribbon. He’s quick to snatch it off the ground and inspect it. He wants to tell himself that it could’ve belonged to a child who lost it earlier today but he just knows that it’s Petunias.
Soarynn has always been so fond of trying pretty bows around Petunia’s neck. The cat is close. He just knows it.
“Petunia! Petunia where are you?!” He yells, suddenly fresh full of energy. She’s somewhere in this park, he just doesn’t know where. “Come on Petunia, let’s go home!” Coriolanus is beginning to wish they brought some cat food or one of her favorite toys. But Soarynn is more than enough of a motivator for the cat.
He turns to walk down another pathway when he hears the faintest sound to his left. It sounded like a meow. He looks to his left but all he sees is a rather large oak tree. He slowly walks towards it, he doesn’t want to scare Petunia off if she’s hiding behind it. Once he reaches the tree he walks around the large trunk but there’s no sign of Petunia.
But she’s close.
Then he hears it again. A meow.
Coriolanus slowly looks up into the large tree and through the interwoven branches he sees her. Petunia. Sitting on a branch, with matted fur and a rather inconvenienced look on her face as if this is all his fault. “Oh, you little diva,” he whispers, going to grab the nearest branch.
She won’t climb down on her own, he knows that much. Petunia is as spoiled as they come and now that she knows she’s been found by the correct people, she’s not going to go out of her way to be rescued. Coriolanus hasn’t ever climbed a tree before but today will be the start of his tree climbing days.
“Feel free to meet me halfway,” he calls out to the cat who watches as he pulls himself up onto a branch. He can hear the sound of Soarynn’s heels clicking on the pavement, “Coryo? Coryo where are you?” He lets out a groan as he climbs further up, the ground suddenly looks so far away but there’s no turning back now.
“I’m in the tree,” he says, “I found her.” He hears Soarynn gasp and a second later she’s at the base of the tree, “Oh, Petunia!” Petunia lets out a sad little cry when she’s sees Soarynn and Coriolanus is worried she might try to jump. She’s standing on her branch now, looking down at Soarynn. She looks like she wants to jump. She really wants to jump.
Coriolanus swears under his breath and begins to climb faster, hoping to reach the cat before she leaps off the tree. “Stay there Petunia,” Soarynn calls, “Coryo is coming to get you.” Petunia yowls in frustration and leaps down to a lower beach, nearly sending Coriolanus into cardiac arrest.
“Soarynn you have to stop talking to her,” he grits out, “or she’s going to jump and this cat won’t land on her feet.” He’s almost there but then there’s the issue of getting back down. A bridge he can cross later.
Finally, he’s within grabbing distance of the cat and he all but snatches her off the branch. Petunia surprisingly rubs her head against his chest which must mean she’s been quite lonely is she’s so happy to see him of all people. “Let’s get you home,” he whispers, holding her tight to his chest as he begins to climb back down.
It’s treacherous work trying to get back down, especially with Petunia posing the constant threat of scratching his eyes out but she seems to understand the gravity of the situation and behaves.
Once they hit the ground, Coriolanus is ready for a drink. Alcoholic to be specific. Soarynn is immediately on top of him, grabbing Petunia from his hold. “Oh, my darling, my angel, my baby. Oh, are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Oh, you must’ve been so frightened my sweet angel, baby.”
Coriolanus is somewhat butthurt that she’s talking to the cat and not him but he’s also just happy that they found Petunia alive and unscathed for the most part. He watches at the two reunite, Soarynn has fresh tears streaming down her face and Petunia is purring up a storm, licking said tears off of her face.
It’s a sweet sight to witness.
“She’ll need a bath,” he says, chuckling when Petunia hisses at him. It seems she no longer is happy to see him. Soarynn presses kiss to her head, “Oh, be nice to him Petunia. He saved your life just now.” Coriolanus gives her a smug look now that he’s been deemed the hero of the situation. “Why don’t we head home and continue this reunion there?” He suggests, all too eager to lay down and sleep.
Soarynn nods and holds Petunia tighter to her chest, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
꧁ ꧂
It’s an all too pleasant and familiar sight to watch Soarynn brush Petunia’s fur. She’s already bathed her and tied a new ribbon around her neck. Even though it’s three in the morning, Coriolanus finds himself smiling at how his girlfriend interacts with her cat. “You were so brave,” she says softly, “you knew we’d come find you. But you can’t ever run away like that again darling. You’re an inside cat.” She most certainly is. Coriolanus would pay good money to watch Petunia attempt to hunt.
Once Soarynn deems Petunia properly cleaned and Petunia decides that she’s gotten enough attention and treats, they all finally curl up under the covers. Normally, Coriolanus isn’t too fond of Petunia sleeping with them. She has her own bed to sleep in but he can’t deny her a chance to cuddle with Soarynn, not after the day she’s had.
“Thank you for finding her,” Soarynn mumbles, nuzzling her face in his neck. Coriolanus presses a soft kiss to her head, “You’re very welcome my darling.”
Soarynn was right about one thing. Coriolanus has slept in this bed for well over a decade and it’s been just him. But with Soarynn and Petunia safely in his hold, it feels more like home than it ever has before.
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mayandjuly1811 · 10 months
It's crazy how some people criticize Luz for being a bad friend for befriending Amity but no one says the same things when Willow befriends Hunter. 
In Season 1, Amity verbally bullies Willow in only two episodes: S1ep3 (I was a teenage Abomination) and S1ep6 (Hooty's Moving Hassle). Ever since episode 6, there aren't any episodes in which Amity verbally bullies Willow anymore. And Luz befriends Amity since s1e12 (Adventures in the Elements). Amity hasn't apologized to Willow at that time, but at least she stops her bullying.
“Luz is a terrible friend for being close to her friend's ex bully.” Then by that logic, isn't Willow a terrible one for befriending Hunter, the one that hurt her friends more?. Willow knows that the Golden Guard works for Belos, who almost petrified Eda. And as a close friend to Luz, Willow also knows how Hunter attacked Eda, Luz and King in Separate Tides and how he attacked and threatened Amity in Eclipse Lake. Moreover, Hunter also lets the Scouts kidnap and lock Willow's flyer derby team up.
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Even though Hunter stops Darius from kidnapping the flyer derby team, he is still a threat. Why? Hunter was still the Golden Guard who is extremely loyal to Belos before "Labyrinth Runner". He hasn't proved that he's not a threat and an ally. Yet, Willow still befriends him and texts him after he kidnapped her and her flyer derby team as well as hurting her other friends. Strangely, no one says anything about that. 
The hypocrisy makes me annoyed since it has something to do with misogyny and Huntlow favoritism over Lumity 
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puhpandas · 7 months
GGY Week Day 2: Comfort
Gregory has to deal with his injury from trapping the mimic and everything else that comes with the experience after dealing with GGY and the Pizzaplex. His injury also took away one of his only escapes. Hurray.
Gregory didnt even get to finish his long, drawn out miserable groan before Vanessa opens the door to his room and comes inside.
He's still doing it when she shuts the door behind her and makes her way to his bed. He doesn't look away from his phone, which he's holding in his lap, even when she approaches.
She wordlessly ducks her head to look at what's on his screen, and when she gets a look at it, that's finally when he finishes.
He frowns, miserably looking at his phone screen. "The Soccer team seems to be having a great time without me."
It had been an impulsive decision one day at school (after he managed to get enrolled again) to join the team after he'd seen a flyer. It had made so much sense at the time. Gregory loved running, (and was very fast for his age), was good at kicking, although for the wrong reasons, and was very tired of being stuck inside with plenty of opportunities to remember everything terrible that's ever happened to him with no breaks.
Ness had been proud of him, that he'd taken a leap like that. Gregory knows how much Vanessa struggles with social interaction after Vanny. Gregory... he was afraid to join the team at first, not because of social anxiety, but for a completely different reason. Rab kept entering his mind, because the last time he made friends...
He... he had been tired of sitting around being nothing but afraid, though. So he did it anyway, and ignored all anxiety digging a hole in his stomach about Rab to try and prove himself wrong.
And it worked. He loved soccer, was great for his team, at least his teammates thought so, and was great with the other kids.
Besides school itself, it's one of the only things he has that gets him out. Out of everything. The house, his head, his funk... Its something important to him. It's a hobby that doesn't have an ulterior motive, like robotics does. He does that because hes good at it, likes it just fine, but also because Freddy needs a guy good with robots to give him the scheduled maintenance he needs to stay functional, and Gregory would sooner jump off the catwalks in Monty Golf than leave Freddy without that.
But soccer... he doesnt have an adult reason to be there. Its fun. He has friends there after so long of having none out of fear and a way to put all of his skills he learned for the wrong reasons to good use. He feels normal there. Like everything with Rab and Tony and Ellis and his parents can be pushed to the back of his mind to just. Have fun. Be a kid.
And now, he's stuck in bed.
It's a little harder to see with how the sunlight from his open blinds glares on his screen, but he gets it clear as day. The team sent him a Snap just to update him on how they're doing while Gregory is away. It's a picture of them on the field, uniforms dirty and cheeks scraped and smiles on their faces. He can feel the adrenaline and good kind of exhaustion through the screen, having experienced it.
Vanessa doesnt respond for a second, just nodding grimly and patting him on the leg. "Sorry to hear that." She says, all formal like she does. Then, "Would some ice cream make you feel better?"
Normally, he'd light up, but he hasnt felt it like that in a while. He nods anyway, a small smile on his face. "Of course."
She goes to the kitchen to make them some. While shes gone, he keeps staring at the picture, feeling the will to get back on the field so strongly but unable to.
When she comes back, it's with two big bowls of ice cream, one scoop for her, and three for Gregory. She knows him well. He takes it from her, once again not looking away from his phone.
She sits next to him on his double bed (one that Vanessa for some reason already had on hand in his room that looked like it hadn't been touched in years) and makes herself comfortable. He leans his head against the wall, his hair brushing up against stray peeling corners of drawings he has hung up.
He sighs through his nose, taking a bite of ice cream and looking through his friends Snap stories. It's all different pictures and point of views of happy faces and the soccer game.
Vanessa hums, looking over his shoulder and working away at her own ice cream. She swallows, then, "Hows your leg?"
Gregory frowns, looking at it. "Fine." He says, but he knows he should give Vanessa a better answer. "Okay, its... its healing good. I try to keep still, but it's hard. Especially because its itching all the time."
"...It doesn't hurt?" Vanessa asks after a second. Gregory can hear the worry in her tone, even though shes trying to hide it. He doesnt blame her. They'd both had worries about its severity when it had still been fresh.
An image of the bloody mess the wound had first been when he got it flashes in his mind, and he shoves it down just as quick. "No." He tells her honestly. "I mean. Besides the sore part... it seems fine."
Vanessa deflates ever so slightly next to him. He knows its relief; Its been this way for the past multiple weeks. Probably months by now. She smiles, although her eyes still look tired, and reaches over to lightly ruffle his hair. "That's good." She says. "Means you'll be able to get back to the field pretty soon."
He nods, but his heart must've not been in it, because then Vanessa is scrutinizing him. He keeps looking at his phone, sighing again. His brows furrow, and every time he sees that picture of the whole team, any will he has to get back on the field with his friends is snuffed out as quick as it comes. It's like he has a flame he's desperately kindling to keep alive, and then someone comes over and dumps a bucket of water on it. Its upsetting.
"How are you doing?" She then asks, nudging him.
Gregory jolts slightly, finally putting his phone down. He stares into his bowl of melting ice cream. "Um..."
He trails off, and Vanessa picks it back up. "Would you want to get back on the field if you could right now?"
Gregory gets taken off guard, gaping at Vanessa for a moment. She hit the nail right on the head. He shouldn't be suprised, at this point. She knows him better than himself, and same with him to her.
He sighs. "...No."
Gregory isnt looking at Vanessa, but can hear her spoon scraping against her bowl. "Why not?"
Gregory doesn't respond right away, just thinking about everything. "It--" He cuts himself off. "I... I'm not feeling it."
Vanessa doesn't respond, so Gregory keeps going. "What happened... it was really bad." He says. "Even if I didn't have this stupid injury, I dont think I'd just be able to..."
"To keep going with life like nothing happened?" Vanessa finishes for him. "I get it, Gregory. Okay? It was just like that for me when I was first freed."
A small bit of pride swells inside Gregory at hearing Vanessa able to talk about it so easily. She doesnt even stutter anymore. It's still not as easy for him. He looks over at her. "It was?"
She nods. "You and Freddy had time to adjust and process. But I..." She trails off, looking like shes remembering every bit. "I just had to keep going so I could make us money. I had to go back to work pretty quickly, and I just... wasnt ready for a routine yet."
Gregory frowns, fidgeting with the strap of his watch. "That sucks."
Vanessa nods. "Yeah." She agrees. "What you went through, Gregory... it's not just something you can brush past."
Gregory sighs through his nose, resignation souring his insides. Against his will, he feels his eyes burn. He thought he was done with this whole getting traumatized and healing stuff. He just wants it to be over. "...I know."
"What I mean is that it's okay to take some time." Vanessa tells him, setting a hand on his arm. "You may not want to, but forcing yourself is even worse than taking time away." She says. "Processing something enough to move past it takes time."
Gregory nods wordlessly, remembering going through regaining his memories on top of dealing with the Pizzaplex. It was awful. He'd just managed to get himself to reconsider hobbies he'd barely remembered having before everything Rab came rushing back, and then he hadn't wanted to anymore, having a whole new can of worms to deal with. A worse one.
He furrows his brows, his shoulders drooping. He doesn't want to do that again. Everything was going so good. He thought they'd finally moved past it.
And then that thing had to rear its ugly head, and Gregory had to use himself as bait just to trap it in a dark hole in the basement.
His leg twitches involuntarily, and he winces at how bad it really is. He forgets it, sometimes. How even though its healing, there'd been worries of lasting damage. How Gregory had just made friends and used his talents of running and fighting to his advantage to join a sport (which eased his worried of falling out of practice as well) and that could have been fully ripped away if his leg decided to heal wrong. (He wouldnt be able to run away anymore.)
How it wasnt an easy wound to explain to the hospital. How it had been made by an eight foot tall monster with big claws and a grudge against him who'd managed to reach a bit too far into a vent a bit too long, too long for Gregory to make it out. How it'd been all his worst nightmares and the cause of everything horrible that's ever happened to him and his family in one big package with a pretty bow and it had bored into him with its red eyes and its limbs had been too long and it'd gotten ahold of his leg and dug its claws into his flesh and ripped and he was sure he was going to die--
He snaps out of it, just barely managing to realize he was spiraling before it happened. He breaths slowly, realizing it had started to get erratic. He fidgets with his watch strap, keeping his gaze away from Vanessa.
Vanessa saw. She clearly did, or she wouldn't be looking at him all worried like she is right now. She doesnt need to say anything. He knows that what just happened alone is proof that he needs to take time off to process. No matter how miserable it makes him that this is happening again when he'd just wanted to finally move on--
His body jerks, and to his horror, he can feel his throat close up and his eyes burn. He frowns deeply, trying to wipe at his face before any tears can fall. It's stupid. It's all stupid.
But before he can shove it completely down, Vanessa puts hers and his bowl onto his nightstand, and shifts her body. "None of that." She tells him, soft as silk. Before he can react, shes carefully gathering him in her arms in a hug.
Gregory tries really hard to not let that be the water that breaks the dam. He stubbornly, even though he doesnt move away from the hug, tries to keep the tears from spilling.
But eventually, it comes out.
He cries silently; that's always how it's been, but not motionlessly. His shoulders shake and jerk as tears slip past his eyelashes, and he hugs Vanessa back.
"I know it sucks." Vanessa tells him, not trying to baby him or shush him, because she knows he hates that. "That you have to keep going through this stuff over and over--" Her own voice gets choked up, and he can hear her swallow. "And I'm-- I'm sorry. But you cant let it get to you."
Gregory sniffs, nodding against her chest. He gets what she means. He cant let it get to him, as in he cant let that thing win. He cant let it ruin all that hes built for himself-- they've built for themselves because it's hard. It was hard before. It was really, really hard. Knowing that he killed all those people. That his parents are dead and his whole life was destroyed and his friend that he'd had to watch bond with not-him got killed thinking he was betrayed.
But he got past it. He got better and healed and was able to code without curling up into a ball and hyperventilating, and draw the nightmares he had to process them. It had taken time, but he was better.
He snakes an arm back to wipe at his eyes. This? Compared to Rab? This is nothing. That thing with its glowing eyes and its claws and its tunnel deep gashes in his leg that almost ruined something great in his life is nothing--
Okay, so maybe it isnt nothing. But its nothing he cant handle. Hes nothing if not stubborn, and he isnt going to let that thing take away something else. Scars or not.
"Thanks." Gregory mumbles into Vanessa's shirt. "I needed that."
"You'll get back onto the field someday." Vanessa tells him, a hand in his hair. "And your friends are gonna dogpile you when you return and you'll be able to run and score as many goals as you want."
Gregory nods, squeezing her tighter. "I'll just have to make tons of robots in robotics for now."
Vanessa chuckles, ruffling his hair. "Yeah, kid." She says. "Go on and pick up a fourth talent while you're at it, dont you."
The tears stop falling, and the tracks dry on his cheeks as he pushes against the hug, shoving at Vanessa playfully. "Its not my fault you're talentless. Don't be jealous."
She pushes back at him, careful of his healing lower half, a grin on her face. "Says the boy currently under the blanket I hand sewed for him."
Gregory laughs, shoving and pulling and pushing at Vanessa, and her back. He may not feel one hundred percent right now, but who knows how fast itll take him to heal. Theres nothing saying he wont be ready by the time his leg heals. Maybe he'll reach a new record.
Almost taking no effort, he shoves down the reminder of high scores and records being associated with Rab immediately. Even quicker, he moves past it.
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