#she's his guardian angel lmao
akumadayo777 · 2 years
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it's gremlin hours
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🌾 tate langdon boyfriend headcanons 🌾
tate langdon x reader
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💜 oh lord, buckle up guys, you're in for a wild one
🧡 he definitely fell first and 100% harder and you can't tell me otherwise
💜 we all know how tate is, he's very clingy and he's very very possessive of what's his. and that's how he views you, you're his and nobody else's
🧡 would definitely stay hidden at first, just so he could watch you for a bit. at this point, there's nothing about you that tate doesn't know
💜 when you finally meet, tate swears he could die all over again and he'd die happy
🧡 tate would definitely act more innocent than he actually is. this boy knows how to cry on command and he will use it to his advantage, don't think just because he loves you that he wouldn't
💜 if anything, he does it because he loves you and he can't have you leave him like violet did
🧡 i hope you like nirvana, because tate will not listen to something that you like if he doesn't enjoy it. he's not very good at that
💜 tate always needs to be touching you. all the time. whether it's an arm around you or holding hands, this boy craves physical touch and to be the centre of your attention
🧡will probably try his best to get your friends to stop hanging around you so he can have you all to himself. will deliberately scare them to stop them from coming to the house
💜 would also certainly lie about ever doing such a thing were you to confront him about it
🧡 tate wouldn't ever want you to ever leave the house., if he had his way that is. would hate it if you chose to spend time with other people
💜 like what did they have that he didn't?
🧡 he would 100% be the type that watches you even when you're asleep. or anytime, really.
💜 would definitely want you to commit suicide, so that you can be with him forever. you of course find this idea insane and don't think he actually means it
🧡 he does. he's 100% serious
💜 i can imagine that tate gives really good hugs though. the warm, bear hugs that you never want to leave because they make you feel so secure and safe
🧡 is very big on comforting you after a bad day. he'll listen to your rants, let you cry in your arms, whatever you need him for and he'll do it
💜 let's be honest though, it's probably just another way he gains your trust so that you won't ever think of leaving him
🧡 feels extremely guilty if he ever hurt you in any way, or upset you
💜would probably just disappear for a few days because he can't face the fact that he's hurt you. but obviously he comes back because the boy can't help himself
🧡 tate is your ride or die. he would die for you all over again if you asked him to and alternatively would kill for you if that's what you required
💜 makes silly little handmade gifts for you. tate can't leave the house so he has time to be creative
🧡 it's even better if it's raining outside when he makes them, it sets a nice vibe
💜 loves, loves halloween. the two of you would carve pumpkins together and sit for hours in your room telling ghost stories and drinking apple cider
🧡 if tate had his own way, you'd never meet his mother
💜you do eventually and she probably hates you lmao, but do we really care let's be real here
🧡 tate is the kind of boyfriend that would make a playlist for you as a present
💜 he'd try his hardest to make sure you don't find out about his past. which lasted about 2 months max because you're not stupid
🧡 violet, vivien and moira would try and protect you at all costs. they're like your three guardian angels, whether they decide to show themselves to you or not
💜 i imagine you'd actually get on with violet really well
🧡 this could go one of two ways with tate. he'd love it, both girls he'd loved were getting along, makes his life easier. or, he'd hate it. hate that you choose to spend time with the girl that broke his heart
💜 isn't really big on nicknames tbh, he thinks your name is the most beautiful word he knows, and so he wouldn't dream of calling you anything else
🧡 tate is 100% the little spoon, don't fight me on this
💜 absolutely lives for your affection. he thrives best on it
🧡 would be sweet but low-key toxic, so solid 6/10
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
That König moodboard is making me want a fic where a 21 year old baby!König pursues a mid-thirties depressive (like me). It just sounds like a good time.
SADFSD I would inhale this fic...
Horny age gap thoughts under the cut 🫠🧍‍♀️(I upped our baby boy to being 25 lmao I'm weak)
It’s just so attractive when a woman knows what she wants. The tired stare when he tells her he’s 25 but he’s already a captain only makes him want to prove his worth more! She looks at him like, “Excuse me but what do you bring to the table” and he could make a list for her; truly, he could! He’s so eager to please and show that he’s a man; look, he makes more money than you, too. He provides for his Mama, so don’t you even think he wouldn’t provide for you...
And why would you want a man your age when there’s a more virile option available? He has at least twenty erections per day, he’s far more fertile if you’re looking for someone to breed–uh, he means, if you’d like to have babies one day… Come on, isn’t he the perfect option for you in every way?
You’re always breathless when he leaves for work, and silently thank your guardian angels that you’re still intact… You’ve told him a hundred times he doesn’t need to prove anything to you with his dick, but he does so anyway, and you barely get enough sleep whenever he’s on leave. So eagerly he wants to show you “his new tricks”... Truly, your pussy sighs from relief whenever this crazy young man marches out the door.
And what the hell are you supposed to do with all these gift cards he sends you? Does he even listen to you when you tell him you prefer experiences over material things? Ok, he hurries to say on the phone: you can pick a vacation spot for you two. Bali, Caribbean or Cape Horn? Svalbard? No?
You like it when a man is enthusiastic and commits, but this is a bit too much… And your pantry is wrecked after his visits, frankly you feel like he’s still a boy growing up from how much he eats... Your friends call you a cradle robber affectionately, even if you scream at them that he’s 25, not 15.
Can’t a girl enjoy some hot sex here, huh??
If only he was only after sex as well, but he’s not, kneeling in front of you when you’ve only just woken up and trying to have breakfast… You almost choke on your bowl of latte when this horny puppy is suddenly at your feet, holding up a diamond ring with a wide, heart-melting smile.
It’s not even the proposal or the rock that bothers you the most: how the hell can you say no to that lost-now-found dog stare??
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lovelyney · 1 year
CHARACTERS: candace, collei, dehya, layla, nilou
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: none! ♡♡
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Your girlfriend, guardian and bodyguard combined into one 😭 We all know she’s known for her mom-like attitude. . . Well, that applies to you too !!
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She isn’t necessarily protective or possessive over you, because she knows you’re well capable o handling yourself, dangerous situation or not. She just likes to keep an eye on whoever you’re chatting too make sure they don’t try anything.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: A lot of the kids in Aura Village see you two as their older siblings or their parents !! She thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: She likes to tease that you two are the parents of Cyno, Alhaitham, and Dehya, LMAO. Cause you are, lowkey. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Doesn’t take too kindly to people abusing you, physically or verbally.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Her trust in you is unwavering, so she doesn’t get jealous very often if at all. However, she’ll always willing to step in if some desperate idiot won’t leave you alone.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: If she sees you getting shy because of her, she will use that to her advantage and tease you ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Calls you “honey/hon,” “darling,” “(my) love,” and “qamari.” (Which is “my moon” in arabic!)
❝Hm? Ah, welcome back, darling. . . You’re back from your commissions awfully early; I haven’t even finished lunch yet. . . Oh dear, what’s with the cloudy expression? Has something happened? Sit down, my love, you’ve exhausted yourself enough for the day. . . I’ll brew you some rose tea and you can tell me what you wish. Does that sound good?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Always gives you a gentle yet stern lecture whenever you get yourself injured; she can’t find it in her to remain upset with you ‹/3
𖠵𝟏𝟎: One of the most loveliest people you can go to if you’re feeling upset in any way. She offers the best advice and will always let you rest in her arms.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Always gives you a forehead kiss before seeing you off somewhere (:
𖠵𝟏𝟐: If she overhears someone raising their voice at you in aggression, she’ll walk over and give them a death glare almost immediately shutting them up.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Always priorities your safety and well-being. For example, if she sees you’re working yourself into a panic when you’re talking with someone, she’ll excuse the two of you and take somewhere quieter and calm you down.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Arguments are incredibly rare between the two of you; she’s very patient and always tries to see your view of things.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: On the nights you’re more overworked/stressed, she’ll hum you quietly to sleep.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Quite the romantic! she loves to keep you on your toes, hehe.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: It took quite some time for Tighnari to convince her to confess to you ): She was scared and insecure because of her lack of experience ‹/3
when you two did start dating, Tighnari gave you a very stern glare as a warning. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She was a little scared of initiating affection because of her Eleazar. However, with the amount of patience and kindness you showed her, she warmed up overtime !! ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟑: (↑) And afterwards, she absolutely loves showing and giving you affection !! Her love language isn’t exactly touch, but she still loves giving you small actions of love !! (:
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Her love language is definitely gift giving !! She loves to craft and/or make you things !! Whether that be stuffed animals, clothes, food, etc. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Tighnari likes to ask if you can tag along with her on some of the more tedious expeditions because he trusts you to take care of her.
pushing aside his first initial protectiveness, Tighnari also saw to it that he took you under his wing as well. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟔: (↑) Despite lacking a romantic relationship himself, he gives her relatively genuine advice when it comes to you !! He can tell how serious she is about you and vice versa ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟕: “Love/lovebug,” “sweetheart,” and “(my) sunshine.”
❝Good morning, lovebug! I hope you slept okay! Um, I know you’ve been struggling to eat recently so—so I made you some breakfast! I remember you telling me how much you loved my cooking when we first met, s—so please, eat up! I’ll even make you more if you’d like!❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Writes about you to Amber !1! You can’t hear or see her, but the outrider is fangirling all the way over in Monstandt, LMAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Really wants you to take you on a vacation to Monstandt so that you can meet all her friends there !! )): ‹33
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Gets really bad panic attacks whenever you get yourself seriously injured 😭 Tighnari has to calm her down when they’re taking care of you.
she will stay by your side to the moment you’re in there to the point you exit )):
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Flower-picking and picnics are two common occurrences when it comes to the two of you !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: (↑) One of her favorite things to do is braid together flower crowns with you !! She always makes sure hers as the prettiest flowers so it matches your beauty ‹3
𖠵𝟏𝟑: She loves resting with you because it puts her mind to ease but she’s always too shy to ask if you can sleep with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Always tries to bring you back the prettiest flowers from her expeditions. If not flowers, than something among the lines of a pretty rock or jewel she came across on.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Is trying to actively work on her confidence so she doesn’t hesitant when showing you affection !! )):
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Mom girlfriend #02 ‼️‼️🫶
𖠵𝟎𝟐: A little similar to Candace, she’s a tad bit more on the protective side, though. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟑: (↑) Don’t let that distract you from the fact that she only wants the best for you !! She always tells you how much you mean to her and how devastated she’d be if something happened to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Always makes sure you’re well protected whenever you go out (especially if she’s not with you) because of her line of work; she hates that you have a target on your back because of her.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: As I mentioned, she’s protective. So, if she sees someone actively hurting or making you uncomfortable, she wastes no time stepping in and setting things straight.
would go to extreme lengths to protect you !! even if you protest against it, she sets a goal for herself, that, as your girlfriend, she has to protect you no matter the cost😡😡
𖠵𝟎𝟔: A lot of people are surprised to see her actively showing you PDA in public because they thought she’d be too “cutthroat” for it; boy, were they wrong. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Likes to have a hand on you one way or another whenever you’re sitting together. On your leg, waist, arm, etc. . . It’s just her way of showing you that she’s with you no matter what’s said.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Baby/babe,” “dear,” “(little) lamb,” and “(my) warrior.”
❝Ah, welcome back, little lamb. Woah! There’s practically steam blowing out of your ears. . . Sit down, babe take a deep breath, will you? What happened? Some guy hasn’t been leaving you alone lately? Really. . . Lamb, do you remember the last place you saw him? I can guarantee he won’t ever lay a finger on you ever again.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You are one of things that calm her down almost instantly.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Your smile is one the things she lives to protect !1!1!1 She absolutely hates seeing you upset over something or someone.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: If it’s because of an argument you two had or something she’s said, she’s already thinking of a way to make things right when she walks away.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: When she protected Dunyunzard, she always liked to talk about you to her !! The girl was absolutely thrilled to meet you when she did.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Takes you out on the most adventurous dates !! It’s almost never boring when you’re with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: She once overheard someone say that she dated you for the mora and she had to physically hold herself back from beating the hell out of them.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: If you’re doing some kind of training with her she’ll stop the second she recognizes you getting exhausted. She hates seeing you overworked.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: (↑) And if you’re traveling with her and she sees you starting to drag your feet, she’ll immediately pick you up and won’t take no for an answer.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Talks about you to others like a proud mom.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: When she first introduced you to the guys, a few of them actually ogled and attempted to flirt with you. She found it nothing short of amusing.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She has the sleep schedule of a struggling college student, so good luck trying to get her to sleep ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Nobody really knows how you two got together ?? They think you’re really cute together, nonetheless. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟑: You’re really the only one that can successfully drag her bed; she can’t resist your cuddles, especially when she’s sleepy. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟒: If you notice her research is piling up, you’ll offer to help her out with what you can; she’ll always gratefully accept ‹3
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She’s somehow always thinking of you. . . If she sees something that reminds you of her, she’ll be like: “oh. . . (NAME) would love something like this.”
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She always gets so flustered whenever someone brings up your relationship because she isn’t used to social interaction. save her pls 💔💔
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Calls you “starlight/star,” “moonlight/moon,” and “lovely.”
❝Starlight? Um, are—are you by chance busy at the moment? I—I can come back later if you aren’t! Nono! It’s. . . it’s not because I need your assistance. It’s just. . . I was wondering if you’d like to visit the new cafe that opened? I—I know we haven’t had much time for dates lately be. . . because of work, and I. . . I feel really bad.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: You can tell when she’s really getting tired because she starts clinging to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: More than once she’s fallen asleep while cuddling you. your body warmth isn’t something she can resist easily.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: When she finds herself slipping, she thinks of you to get herself through !!
𖠵𝟏𝟏: She doesn’t get jealous, but she’ll always cling to you more if someone won’t leave you alone.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Whines whenever you leave to get up before her ☹️
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Let’s say you leave her little cute posted notes to encourage her with her work; she keeps literally all of them.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: I imagine Nilou being one of sweetest people in all of Sumeru, and that’s definitely amped if you’re dating her.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: You’re support for her when she’s dancing is one of the things she keeps dear to her heart. Knowing you’re supporting her, she feels like she can dance the night away. (Dah da dah da let’s dance the night away.💃)
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Her eyes will light up like stars if you were to ever ask her to teach you how to dance.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Returning to the mention of being supportive, she’s also incredibly supportive of your endeavors. That is if it doesn’t include you injuring yourself or putting yourself in harm’s way. . .
𖠵𝟎𝟓: A golden retriever girlfriend !! She loves any kind of affection you give her and welcomes it no matter the place.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: “Darling,” “flower,” “my love,” “light of my life” and “lotus.”
❝My love! I just found out some exciting news! The Zubayr Theater is holding a ballroom dance in honor of their anniversary! Would you please do the honors of accompanying me to it? ❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: A lot of people in the theater like to joke that you two act like parents to the smaller kids.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “I dedicate this dance to my wonderful lover, (NAME)!”
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You two are talked about a lot within gossiping girls because they wish they had a relationship likes you.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Bringing her small snacks and drinks during her rehearsals so she doesn’t overexert herself.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: This might not as a surprise, but she loves dancing with you !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Since she’s normally a peacemaker, she hates fighting with you with a passion.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: (↑) She also hates seeing you upset and/or said. It shatters her heart into a million pieces and she’ll do all she can to make you feel you better.
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FLORIST’S NOTE: OK OK! AFTER 1394394 YEARS, I FINALLY DID MY GIRLIE POPS <//3 now, i’m going to add Kaveh to the Sumeru boys and then i’ll get to work on the fontaine chars <33 i’d like to mention that college has started for me and i have work, so forgive me for the slow updates.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Can u pls write for Charlie with a fem!child!reader that has the same curse as Kenny from South Park? Like, she dies, stays in hell for a few hours, or a day and then is back to being alive and fine until she dies again and the cycle repeats over and over again. Maybe the reader has black wings and a broken halo too? I just love the fallen angel trope lmao
i love this! i just know im gonna enjoy writing this lmao. thank you for the ask!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— the curse within
charlie morningstar x female! child! reader with kennys curse (platonic)
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in the bustling realm of hell, where lost souls wandered and demons roamed, stood a peculiar establishment known as the happy hotel. high above, among the towering structures, was a sanctuary run by the ambitious and compassionate princess of hell, charlie morningstar.
one fateful day, as charlie went about her duties, a mysterious presence stirred within the hotel. the doors swung open to reveal you, a young girl with ebony wings spread wide and a broken halo perched atop your head. your eyes held a mix of curiosity and weariness, as if you had seen more than your tender age should allow.
charlie's heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with the fallen angel before her.
a bright smile lit up charlie's face as she spotted you.
"well, hello there! what brings you to the happy hotel?" she asked, her voice resonating with warmth and kindness.
you hesitated for a moment
but something about charlie's presence put you at ease
"i… i'm trapped in this never-ending cycle. i die, i come to hell or heaven, and then i'm alive again… only to die once more."
charlie's eyes widened in surprise, her expression filled with both concern and curiosity.
"i've never heard of this before... how long has this been happening to you?"
you shrugged, a sense of resignation weighing heavily upon your shoulders.
"i've lost track of time. it feels like an eternity."
charlie's compassionate nature took over as she reached out to you, offering a comforting gesture.
"you're not alone here, you know. maybe we can find a way to break this cycle together?"
you stared at charlie in disbelief, a flicker of hope igniting within your shattered heart.
could it be true? could there truly be a chance for escape from this never-ending nightmare?
as your journey with charlie progressed, you found yourself encountering the other members of the happy hotel, each with their own unique quirks and stories.
first, you met vaggie, charlie's loyal and fiery girlfriend.
vaggies fiery and piercing gaze matched her strong-willed personality. initially skeptical of your presence, she soon softened as she witnessed your struggle firsthand. vaggie became a protective figure, watching over you like a guardian, always ready to jump into action when danger loomed.
then there was angel dust, a sassy and flamboyant spider demon who dazzled with his extravagant outfits and sharp wit.
despite his rough exterior, angel dust possessed a hidden vulnerability that mirrored your own. he understood the pain of being trapped in cycles and offered a sympathetic ear whenever you needed to vent your frustrations.
next, you met the charming and enigmatic radio demon, alastor.
his refined demeanor and charismatic smile concealed a darker nature. alastor was fascinated by your curse, viewing it as a unique opportunity for entertainment. though cautious of his true intentions, you couldn't deny the intrigue he held, and you engaged in many thought-provoking conversations about the nature of your predicament.
additionally, there was husk, a grumpy and world-weary feline demon who served as the hotel's bartender.
husk had seen it all and had a devil-may-care attitude to match. despite his cynical outlook, he showed surprising empathy and became an unexpected source of comfort during your moments of despair.
last but not least, you encountered niffty, a hyperactive and obsessive-compulsive demon with an affinity for cleanliness.
niffty's vibrant personality and boundless energy brought a sense of lightness to the hotel.
one day, everyone was chilling in the lounge.
however, there was a noticeable absence among them — you, the young fallen angel with the cursed cycle of life and death.
charlie's brow furrowed with worry as she glanced around the room.
"has anyone seen y/n? it's been a while since we last saw her."
vaggie leaned against the armrest of the couch, concern etched on her face.
"she vanished again, remember? it's that cursed cycle of hers. she'll be back eventually... like always"
alastor leaned back in his chair, a sly smile creeping onto his face.
"ah, the unpredictability of y/n's curse. it's quite amusing, don't you think? never a dull moment."
angel dust twirled a lock of his hair, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
"you know, i bet she's off causing mischief somewhere. probably enjoying her time on earth while we're stuck down here forever."
husk stayed silent.
niffty bounced up and down with excitement, her hands clasped together.
"maybe she found a new bakery or a cute little tea shop up there! i can't wait to hear about her adventures when she's back!"
despite the attempts to lighten the mood, charlie's worry remained evident. she fiddled with her bowtie, her voice filled with genuine concern.
"i know y/n disappears like all the time, but it still bothers me. she's been gone for a while now. what if she's being careful now? making sure she'll be there for a while?"
a sudden gust of wind swept through the room, causing papers to flutter and candles to flicker. the familiar sensation of magic tingled in the air, alerting everyone to a presence.
and just like that, you reappeared in the center of the lounge, your black wings outstretched and your broken halo slightly askew. the room fell silent as all eyes turned to you, a mixture of relief and curiosity washing over their faces.
angel dust smirked, his voice laced with teasing.
"looks like someone couldn't resist our charming company, huh? i wonder what your friends think.."
charlie's eyes widened with relief and worry. she rushed to your side, embracing you tightly.
"y/n! oh, thank lucifer you're back. i was so worried. how long were you gone this time?"
you smiled at her, the warmth of her presence soothing your soul. "i don't know, i got hit by a car though."
charlie's grip tightened, her voice filled with concern.
"i can't imagine what it's like for you, going through that over and over again. it must be... tough."
you nodded, your gaze meeting hers.
"it's definitely hard, but knowing i have a place to come back to makes it bearable."
charlie held your hand, her thumb gently caressing your knuckles.
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sukinapan · 23 days
teenage edgy atheist me would be SO mad at me being into religious symbols and concepts now lmao
i've been thinking a lot about how religion affected me deeply despite my family never being particularly insistent on it... like most people in my circles, i grew up as watered-down catholic. nobody was going to church or reading the bible, but we'd go to people's babies' baptisms, I'd chant a guardian angel prayer my grandma taught me every night, and despite my school being secular, we had an optional "religion" (catholic) period in elementary which most of our parents signed us up for.
i've heard horror stories from people who went to actually religious schools, run by nuns or priests, but this was different. my impression is that the school system never took this religion class too seriously, so there wasn't really a specific curriculum to be followed. the teachers would rotate constantly, and there was 0 consistency to the kind of activities we did. we'd dance and sing songs and play games, and then a teacher would pull a written test out of nowhere. the result being i was never properly explained the basics of it.
i was born catholic by default so i had to somehow know what a sin was already (the word sin in spanish sounds almost like "fish": pecado and pescado, so i spent YEARS believing "sinner" was some sort of fisherman metaphor), i never understood what use jesus's death had or why pilatus "washed his hands". i knew adam and eve were not supposed to be taken as real but then why was the rest of the bible? i was immersed into this strange lore that i couldn't make sense of and nobody was interested in explaining it in detail.
the only devout person i knew was my grandma. she was never the hateful discourse type nor did she go around spouting lore that would help me understand. like many women she was just very devoted to a benevolent god and to the virgin mary as a mother figure (i remember a prayer saying "mary, mother of god" and i was confused af since hadn't god created her?).
i'm not entirely sure where my fear came from. i remember my mom just once or twice mentioning god, she was probably just annoyed at me, and said god was going to punish me for whatever i was doing. and i took that SO seriously. i'd also always assumed hell was some sort of temporary place where you just had to repent for a while. i mentioned it once in the car and my dad calmly clarified that no, hell was forever. i was devastated. i became convinced that i was somehow evil and used to picture a scene in my mind where a cartoonish devil would appear in my room at night to take me to hell with him.
i eventually grew out of this, thankfully. we had our first communion ritual through the school, i realized it made 0 sense to me and became an edgelord atheist at 11, to my poor grandma's dismay. but i think the fear and the guilt and this idea of being constantly watched and judged still traumatized me a little. years after i'd stopped believing, i continued to whisper "sorry" to the air after doing something wrong.
but my whole point with this, i guess, is that i've found a new appreciation for my experience with religion. i still have a poor opinion of most it, but there's many elements i'm starting to enjoy thinking about. especially the ones pertaining to latin american syncretism, like the focus on the mother figure amidst absent fathers (i guess you could say god is latam's absent father too), loved ones becoming angels that stay around and look out for you, or miracles sprouting from tragedy. i'm also very tormented by death and it's somehow so comforting to make art about it. i really look forward to continue using these elements in the future🧸ྀི໒꒱⋆
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ponytailzuko · 1 month
my miraculous "enemies" au
i wanted to post something to give context to art i post so here it is! i think you can consider this my "miraculous rewrite" if you want to call it that...? but its just me wanting everyone trying to steal each others miraculous. that's literally it. i love drama. details under the cut:
The Premise:
When Fu was a child training with the Order, they left him to guard a Miracle Box for as long as possible without food or water. Eventually, Fu got curious - he opened the box and a beautiful array of animals spilled out. Tikki and Plagg act like the angel and devil on Fu's shoulder: Plagg, along with many of the other kwamis, urge Fu to use his Miraculous to transform in order to get food from the kitchens. Tikki warns him otherwise, but Fu transforms with the Peacock and the Black Cat, and the destructive power of his emotions go on a rampage, destroying the Order.
In the destruction, Fu loses most of the miraculous and the grimoire. They're scattered all across the world, falling into different people's hands. Tikki vows to help Fu rectify his mistake of trusting Plagg and help recover the lost miraculous.
What Does This Change?
Miraculouses and grimoire pages are spread around the world, so magic is pretty commonplace. Superheroes and supervillains have existed in Paris before "canon."
Adrien finds the Black Cat independently from the Guardian. He makes a deal with Plagg - freedom for freedom. Plagg gives Adrien powers that allow Adrien to get out of the house, and Adrien lets Plagg do whatever otherwise - no commands, unlike his past holders.
Hints of the Black Cat hit the news and Fu sees it. Fu is out of shape, and the Black Cat holder looks young. Tikki goes out to choose a new holder - Marinette. Marinette is mostly the same in this; she uses the Ladybug for stopping supervillains, but this time she doesn't have a partner.
The Black Cat has a terrible reputation... After all, Plagg was locked up in the Miracle Box and never used for a reason. Ever since its been out, people have used it for horrific purposes. Fu and TIkki are sure that Chat Noir must be up to something. If he's not, then it'd still be safer to keep Plagg in the box. Marinette, with no experience, takes their advice to heart.
Instead, she and CN are 'frenemies.' They end up working together to defeat supervillains, but before Ladybug gets the chance to take his Miraculous, something always goes wrong!
Chat Noir is unaware that Ladybug is working for the Guardian. He assumes she also gained her miraculous independently and he wants to be friends! He's never made friends before, though... why do his attempts keep going so poorly!?
When Chat Noir does figure out what Ladybug is trying to do, it turns into a competition on who can steal one another's Miraculous first. Plagg is adamant to never be put back in the box again.
When Chat Noir is first spotted in Paris, Hawkmoth doesn't reveal himself at all. Instead, he akumatizes people to try and lure CN (+LB) out and assess them. LB + CN are both unaware that the supervillains they put behind bars are actually akumatized. He tries to pit them against each other until the two accidentally break an object and discover an akuma. Oops :/
Eventually, after discovering Hawkmoth's existence, Ladybug and Chat Noir make a "truce" to work together to defeat him before getting back to their business (trying to take each other's miraculous lmao).
i have so many little things in this au and a bunch of doodles that i'll finish one day, but that's the general gist. later on, other characters get miraculous (also independently) which you know... it adds to it. writing isn't my personal forte and this is too much for more than the occasional comic from me. so i might write an outline for how i'd write the full thing at some point. (shrug)
TLDR: Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Hawkmoth all want each other's miraculous and team up and break up in different combos until eventually Ladybug and Chat Noir team up like in canon.
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Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 2]
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Even though Y/N felt slightly guilty about the eventful night with Noah, she can't help but follow him to his room that night.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, mentions of previous sexual events, swearing, alcohol consumption, oral sex (male receiving), (pls let me know if i forgot something <3), metric system (if that counts as a warning lmao, i'm european i don’t know anything about feet and inches)
A/N: Soooo, here is part 2... I dont even know what to say except that i was absolutely flabberghasted with your reactions to part 1. Thank you all so much! For those who want to know, I listened to Miracle on repeat while writing this ;) I'm always open for suggestions! Pls let me know if you liked this chapter. Enjoy!
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When you woke up the next morning your head almost immediately started spinning. For the first few seconds you thought that maybe everything that had happened last night was just a dream but when you didn't feel any different after staring at the ceiling of your room for quite some time, you let out a frightened sigh.
Noah and you really hooked up last night. Noah really ate you out while watching your favorite movie. Noah and you really got intimate while your brother was celebrating his thirtieth birthday not even twenty meters away from you.
"Fuck..." you mumbled to yourself before you grabbed your phone to look what time it was. 10:23 AM. You didn't even sleep that long.
Slowly you got out of your bed and looked at yourself through the mirror that was hanging next to the dresser on the wall. The longer you looked the more guilt crept into your veins. You couldn't believe what happened. Even though you enjoyed every second of it, you couldn't wrap your head around how to go on from now on.
Would Noah and you continue as before? Were you now officially more than friends? Could you even go back from this? You had absolutely no idea...
After debating what to do, you decided to just go with the flow and went downstairs to be met with the mess the birthday party left behind. There were a lot of empty cups laying around and you felt the stickiness beneath your feet on the floor, causing you to shiver in disgust before tip toeing to a bar stool in the kitchen area to avoid as much floor contact as possible.
You weren't the first one to be awake since Jolly was sitting at said kitchen counter, eating a piece of Nick's birthday cake and mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.
"Good morning" you greeted him before grabbing a piece of cake for yourself.
"Are you okay?" You immediately tensed up and looked at Jolly who gave you a concerned glance. Is he talking about last night? Is he talking about why Noah and you just disappeared into thin air?
"I-… Uh… I threw up yesterday and Noah noticed I was gone and than he tried to make me feel a bit better." Tried to make me feel a bit better? Are you kidding me, Y/N, why don’t you just directly tell him Noah went down on you?
"Actually… just wanted to know why you looked so disgusted walking towards me." he began "But I’m glad you feel better now."
Internally you were this close to slamming your head repeatedly on the kitchen counter but on the outside you just forced a small smile onto your face "The floor is sticky. That’s why I looked so distraught." - "Thank god, I thought you decided you hated my face now."
"Jolly, you have long blown out hair and tattoos, if anything I would say I saw my fucking guardian angel." you joke and hug your friend from the said, who couldn’t help but gift you with the biggest smile you seen from him all week.
Right after you let go of Jolly, you heard steps behind you and were shortly met with Nick and Noah joining you in the kitchen.
"Good thing you took care of Y/N last night." Jolly spoke and making Noah and you stop in your tracks, while Nick just looked confused.
"Uh… Yeah… Thanks for taking care of me… Because you know… I threw up." You stumble not even daring to look your brother and his best friend in the eyes. "Oh right, yeah. She was totally wasted. She wasn’t even able to form clear sentences while we watched Spirited Away."
You immediately covered your cheeks since you noticed they were getting pretty warm while he grinned at you mischievously. He wasn’t wrong about you not being able to form clear sentences but for other reasons than Nick and Jolly thought.
"You really threw up? Holy! I always thought you could tolerate more alcohol than me, (Y/N/N)." - "Maybe, but yesterday was way different… Believe me."
You gave your brother an apologetic smile before quickly glancing at Noah who smirked a little while taking a sip from his water bottle. If he wouldn't have been so fucking pretty while doing that you would have slapped him in the face.
After Folio and Bryan had also found their way downstairs you began to clean the house.
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About two hours later you all found yourselves laying on the couch while One Piece was playing in the background but no one seemed to pay closer attention to it since everyone still dealt with the hangover from yesterday running through their systems.
You were scrolling through Instagram when you let your mind wonder. You looked to your right and your gaze instantly landed on Noah. The last two hours everything seemed normal. You chatted as normal, he even helped you again to put the 'Happy Birthday' sign down. It seemed like nothing had ever happened between you and you didn't know if you liked that or not.
For you, even thinking about yesterday made you blush and you started to feel that weird feeling in your stomach but it seemed like Noah wasn't even bothered in the slightest by his previous actions.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Folio threw a pillow into your face. "What?" you asked aggressively, throwing the pillow back to him, while the others chuckled. "What were you thinking about, Y/N?" Jolly asked teasingly but you just rolled your eyes. "What do you want, Folio?" - "I was asking if you wanted Pizza or Chinese Take Out for dinner?" Noah would be nice. You cleared your throat. "Fried Rice sounds really nice actually."
After the food was ordered, Nick threw a blanket over your lap, being the caring big brother he was. Before you could even process what was happening, Noah was also slipping under the blanket your brother just gave you.
"Would you all be down to do a small second celebration for Nick since we all got split up so bad yesterday?" Jolly asked and not even an hour later you were all sitting in a circle around the couch table and were playing stupid party games while eating your food.
"Oh! I know something. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong number." Folio stated and your brother and Bryan drank a sip from their beers. "Two each other?" Noah joked and everyone laughed at that. "That would have been intentional." Bryan smirked and winked at your brother who blew him a kiss before they laughed again.
"Never have I ever had dirty thoughts about a friend." Noah, Bryan, Jolly and you drank a sip. You could nearly feel Noah's gaze burn into you but you decided to not return it to avoid any suspicion.
"Never have I ever dumped someone over text." Noah and Nick drank a sip. "They learned that from each other" you joked and made the others chuckle a little.
"Never have I ever kissed or hooked up with a friends sibling or a siblings friend." Nick said and looked into the round. You also let your gaze wander over the others, but no one raised their drink to their lips except Noah and you.
Bryan howled teasingly while Jolly pointed at you two while smirking. You realised how your cheeks grew a lot hotter but before Noah or you could say anything, Folio came to your rescue without even knowing it. "Come on, guys. Everyone and their mothers know that Noah and Y/N were making out at that one party when they were seventeen. You know... They were drunk as hell, I think Davis was even filming it and even Nick knows that." Your brother began to nod. "I mean, it wasn’t the nicest thing to be woken up with Davis showing his phone under my nose but…" He chuckled awkwardly.
Meanwhile you took a deep breath and looked at Noah who smirked knowingly. Yes, you made out at that party but no one til this day knew that this was the day you lost your virginity to your brother’s best friend. Also no one knew that this little thing didn’t seem to be a one time thing.
Jolly seeing how nervous you got just went on with asking questions. Your mind still wandered through events happening almost ten years ago when you noticed a hand coming to rest on your thigh and than slighty squeezing it. You immediately tensed up and looked almost unnoticeable to your right. Noah wasn't even looking at you, seemingly paying close attention to the conversation your friends were having.
Slowly but surely his hand made its way up your thigh while drawing small circles on it. Were you hallucinating?
You took a big sip out of your beer when his hand landed on your clothed core and he suddenly started massaging you threw your panties. You immediately placed your beer bottle on the table before pulling the blanket closer to you and looking at Noah. His gaze was still on his friends and nothing on his face made it even slightly clear that he was almost fingering you under the blanket.
What was this supposed to become? Something made you mad about this. You knew this was wrong. You knew you needed to talk this out before anyone would get hurt. And than suddenly an idea popped into your head. If he wanted to play games, you sure as hell could take part in it.
Your hand started wandering as well and landed on his left thigh. Even though he tried his best not to look nervous, him suddenly biting his lip gave it right away.
The other boys were still full on discussing something about a video game when your hand landed right between his legs. He took a deep breath which made you grin while you slightly stroked him through his sweatpants.
His movements on you came to a hold, him being too surprised by your action and trying to contain himself, when your hand slipped through the waistband of his pants.
You gave him only a few strokes before he cleared this throat and started to shift, making you remove your hand from him. Guilt crept up your neck when Noah excused himself from the group, saying he was tired.
You looked at him while he stood up and adjusted his clothes. You shot him an apologetic glance when he started walking towards the stairs but you weren’t met with the emotion you thought you would.
Noah signaled you to come after him.
Does that mean-…? Does he want to-…?
Approximately five minutes after Noah you also wished the boys a good night before making your way upstairs and firstly going into the bathroom. You looked at yourself through the mirror and started to think about what was going to happen when you would enter Noah's bedroom.
You weren’t able to form a single straight thought in your head so you just splashed a few drops of water on your face in an attempt to cool you down at least a little before quietly making your way to Noah's room.
You again paused while looking at the door, feeling your heart race so fast you weren’t quite sure if you just had a heart attack. Your mouth went dry when you quietly knocked on the door.
Everything seemed to go a bit slower when you heard him shuffle and than open the door for you, staring directly into your eyes. You didn't even know what to say when you made your way into his room and you definitely didn't know how to go back from this when he closed the door and you slightly pushed him against it.
"What are we doing?" Noah asked quietly while bringing his hands up to your face while your arms wrapped around his torso. "I don't know, Noah. You tell me" You whisper, goose bumps forming on your arms when you noticed you could feel his breath on your face.
"Fuck... I just can't stop." he whispered before kissing you hard. A slight moan escaped your mouth.
Without thinking twice you worked your way to get him out of his pants, before he helped you out of your shirt. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and walked to his bed, while you kissed, your tongues fighting for dominance.
You signaled him to lay down to which he obeyed before he pulled you with him, but you swore to yourself that this time was payback. You helped him out of his shirt, before instantly attacking his neck with kisses. His hands found their way to your hair while he quietly whimpered under you.
"You don't even know what you do to me, Y/N." Noah almost cried out while you kissed your way down to his waistband.
"Than tell me." you demanded while slowly pulling his underwear down to expose his cock. You heard him quietly swear while grabbing the sheets under him. For a moment you were surprised you had this effect on him, before you continued your mission.
"Tell me, Noah." you whisper while taking him in your hand. "Tell me what I do to you." You pressed a kiss to his tip, causing him to buckle his hips up.
"Every time I see you, I want you all to myself." he let out under his breath before you took him into your mouth. "I just can't stop thinking about you."
If you didn't know any better, you would say butterflies filled your stomach because of his statement. You took him as deep as you can while his hips started to move in your favor. One of his hands tangled in your hair and the mix of him quietly cursing out your name and holding you in place while you pleassured him sparked a fire in your core.
"Fuck, Y/N." he curses, careful not to be to loud, "I'm so fucking close..." A moan escaped his mouth and he cupped your cheek with his other hand while you were going up and down his shaft in a steady tempo. "Can I-... Can I cum in your mouth?"
Almost moaning at his request, you nodded and hummed around him. When Noah released into your mouth with a groan it sent shivers down your spine. He slightly twitched as you worked him through his high, hands letting go of your face before pulling you up to his face while you swallow.
"I-..." He started but than there was a knock on the door that let you both freeze in your place.
With widened eyes you stared at each other before you heard the voice of non other than your brother at the other side of the door. "Noah, are you still awake? Can I come in?"
Before you could even think you rolled yourself off of and under this bed, while he dressed himself as fast as he could. "One second." He almost cried out before stumbling to the door and throwing your shirt under the bed in the process, that you quickly pull to yourself before holding your breath.
You felt like you were a fucking teenager hiding from the parents of your person of interest in an attempt to not get embarrassed.
So when Nick came into Noah's room, wanting to talk about something tour related you couldn't help but feel like this all was just some confusing fucking dream.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Hello my lovely fandom :) I hope you are doing well. I can't believe we are at the first half of the finale it's unreal. For only having 10 episodes they've really made them count I will have to say. The writing has been so good this season. Killing me softly but so good. Can only imagine had we had a full season what they could've done. But tis not good to dwell on that ha Let us get started.
6x09 The Squeeze
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Ugh poor Tim already breaking my heart 5 seconds into this. It's how he’s looking at the crime scene that gets me. Eric conveys so much with just a look. Always blown away by him. His look is saying so much as he looks on at the chaos. He is processing so much in this moment. Bless Grey showing up to break him out of it. Loving the hat btw Wade. Rocking it good sir. Tim letting him know immediately about his suspicions about Dr. London. Grey telling him to be careful with such accusations.
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I love Grey protecting Tim with this friggin Detective Pearson putz. Coming in way too hot. No one I would rather have there to have his back though. Well other than Lucy. But Grey is the the right one to have there in this moment. Always protects his people. Hate this guy already. Wanting to crush Tim to advance his career. Just looks like such a weasel. *grumble.*
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John was not ready the rant Lucy sent his way when he asked if she was ok. His face lmao Our girl has a lot of feelings ok? Lucy says she’s good. But you’re not my friend. That rant proving she is anything but ok. Sounds like she is trying to convince herself more than anything else. She is lost in life and where she really is emotionally right now. This scene is proof of that. I know people feel she is being isolated this year. I think the writers are doing this intentionally. I don't see it as bad writing which I've seen mentioned. I don't agree. Because it's very in character IMO. Feel like its setting something up as well. Also she is also the one isolating herself.
Even before Tim broke them up she was doing this. Look at her behavior the entire season. Especially after the exam. Handling everything on her own. Making rash decisions without input from anyone. Not even Tim. Hello Jeff Budney ...Just like Tim isn't open with anyone but Lucy she is the same way. Other than Tim she isn't very open with people about deep personal things. About what's affecting her. So this fits. She even shut Tim out of that situation in 6x04 in her decision making. Not since Jackson has anyone really made it in other than Tim. So this is pretty in character for her to isolate. People may feel it's more Tim but he's not the only one.
His is just showcased far more. Her's has been on display this entire season. Lucy and Tim are scarily alike in this way. She is a control freak and like Tim in the way she shuts people out. How she wants to handle it herself. I mean they have the same fatal flaw. It's why their communication became the problem it did. As much as Tim has growth to do so does our girl. That explosion of emotion just shows how very not ok Lucy is. I'm sure come summer or mid summer with the extended hiatus I might have a more fleshed out analysis of her. But she definitely isn't ok that much i can confidently say now.
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I adore Angela calling Lucy to give her a heads up. Always looking out for both of them. Guardian Angel that woman. Friggin Nolan in the back asking what’s happening? She’s kinda busy John so hush. That concerned wifey voice is instantly present on the phone with Lopez. Her turning away from them both once it's about Tim.
This quickly became a personal phone call. Her reaction when she hears this. Oh my lord Closing her eyes. Taking in the severity of the situation. You know her immediate reaction was how he was. How was he feeling? Did he need her? The worry settling in and multiplying quickly.
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The wifey vibe is continued when Tim calls John to be his union rep. Ugh killing me how worried she is for him. Concern seeping out of her in this moment. Despite everything that's her person and she still loves him so much. Her first instinct is to be there for him. My heart. Lucy asking Nolan how he sounded? Her tone bleeding worry.
Reason she asks is because Lucy can pull everything she needs to know from that alone. Knows him so well. Her innate need to be there for him. Regardless of all that has happened between them. Melissa killing it with the concern in her voice when asking how he sounded. *heart clutch* You can FEEL her worry.
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Tim is so anxious waiting for Nolan. I wanna hug him. Jumps up minute he gets there. Telling him they’re gonna hang this around his neck. That now that Mad Dog is dead their scape goat is gone. Idk I would trust John alone for this. But Tim doesn’t have a lot of options right now.... I will say John proves me wrong later in this ep but my first thought was not 'Nolan should spearhead this.'
But look at Tim reaching out for help. Doing this so differently than how he handled Ray. I’m so proud of him. Taking a totally different approach on this one. Not isolating himself and reaching out for help through proper channels this time. Yeah Dr London sucks for being dirty but Tim has had some growth due to it. I couldn't be prouder of him if I tried. I really hope we continue his therapy journey in S7.
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I hate this scene so very much. It was killing me to watch it unfold. She’s using his sessions against him and I wanna cry. It makes me sick tbh. And not even real info about his sessions either. It’s clear she doesn’t wanna be doing this though. Doesn't excuse her but you can see it's not something she is excited to be doing. Her conscience slowly eating at her. What do they have on her? I'm so curious.
This schmuck coming at Grey I wanna deck him. The look on Wade's face you can tell he does too. The amount of blatant aggression and disrespect making his blood boil. Telling Grey he favors his friendships over the city. Was making my Italian temper flare up so very much. Coming at Tim SO hard it was like he wanted to be found out. Bias little shit.
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I love the minute Angela hears about Tim's admin leave she calls Wes. Angela saying he better give her a heads up if they're charging him. That she’s standing by Tim a 1,000 percent. Calling him family. Getting all misty over here. Angela loves him so much. He's very lucky to have someone so amazing in his corner. Love me some Angela Lopez. Loyal to a fault. Just like me fiercely protects and defends who she loves. Coming at her own husband to defend him. Adore this woman.
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Can I just say I adore Lucy seeking him out. Not only that but making sure she has a private moment with him by pulling that stop button. Telling him she is still mad at him. That this doesn’t change anything. (and yet it changes everything IMO) Tim is so confused because the last thing he expected was this hug. Or her empathy at all. Hell when I saw the promo last week I wasn't either. It's the way he just MELTS into her like butter. His whole body relaxes. You can see the anxiety just drain out of him. Clinging to her like a life raft. Emotionally she is in this moment. Holding her as close as he physically can. He is so grateful for this moment to hold her again.
You can tell this is the first time in a long time he's felt whole. Felt peace of any kind just by being in her arms. This hug is so beautiful you guys. I'm tearing up just writing about it. The way she envelops him so completely. Such raw emotion in her voice asking if he’s ok? His answer makes me wanna cry. ‘I am now.’ Reminiscent of 5x21 when he said the same thing. He wasn’t ok till he heard her voice. The same thing remains the same here. He wasn't ok till he was holding her again. My damn heart. I love how she tightens her hold on him when he says this line.
Like she also can't get close enough to him either. They're just clinging to each other for dear life. This hug gave me so much hope. You can see how in love they both still are with one another. I mean my goodness the way she straightens his collar afterwards and touches his arm lovingly. Reminds me of the lint picking moment from 5x12. Still doing wifey things and can’t even help it. That wifey energy coming off her in waves. It's automatic when they part. Just seems so natural. After being apart physically since 6x06 .They easily fall right back into it. So damn nice to see. Feels like I'm breathing for the first time since 6x06 ended. I'm dying in the best way everyone.
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Lucy then re-opens the elevator and they share some VERY loaded looks before she departs. I’m not crying you are.... God I love Tim and Angela’s friendship so much. She is willing do whatever for her bestie. She also is wanting so badly to be tagged in for this. To protect him in any way she can.
Tim seems confident in his play even if Angela doesn’t. Letting her know he's handling this one differently than Ray. Do love her saying different isn't her haha God he's lucky to have all these amazing women in his corner. I adore their friendship so very much. I need more of it in S7 writers I just do.
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Really loving Lucy going UC for Harper and Lopez for this case. I think this is part of that setting something up I mentioned earlier. Lucy breaking my heart with the detective comment though. *sad sigh* But classic Lucy to have 8 covers ready to go. God I love her. The most Lucy Chen thing ever to have that many on deck. Not only that she's been growing them for months.
I love this human so very much it's insane. It's no wonder Tim is so damn gone for her. She is the cutest most prepared little nerd and I adore her for it. The look between Lopez and Harper is too damn funny. Tim would not be surprised by this info at all LOL Also her alter ego hitting close to home right now. 'A little lost in life....'
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Really enjoyed this shot of Lucy and the nanny debriefing her before we head into the scene. This guy gives me the creeeeeeps. It's no wonder she didn't want to go back into that house. That dude looks like a sociopath. She can handle herself but good lord I hate her being near him. Dude has dead eyes too. The wife looks like she is a prisoner.... The whole scene made me uneasy and nervous for Lucy to be there.
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Never thought I would say this....But I’m impressed with Nolan and how he’s handling this situation. That's right you actually read that. LOL You're not crazy. Or seeing things. He’s doing Tim some serious justice right now. Rattling all the cages of the potential dirty cops she’s seeing just by being here. Confronting her like this to see if it bears any fruit for them.
Having Smitty stakeout her office because he knows it'll make her uneasy and easy way to log who comes. Has Nell pulling data for him with police fails for last 6 months from dispatch. Also yay return of Nell. Love her. Honestly first episode in a long time I enjoyed his character. So well done John you pulled off quite the miracle here.
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Love Grey in this scene. Hell in this episode really. Papa bear ready to devour anyone threatening his kids at it's finest. This scene was cathartic to watch after this putz had been stomping around. Acting like he owns the damn place. Smearing Tim's name all over the place in the process. Threatening Grey in his tirade. Wade's final straw is him coming after Nolan/Celina.
You can watch Pearson visibly shrink when Wade is done tearing him a new one. Doesn't say a damn word after he tells him to stay in his Iane. You tell 'em Wade. I was cheering him on this entire scene. Was a huge tell for Nolan and Celina as well. Nolan's tactic working very well. Outing him as dirty cop because of his outburst to them working Mad Dog's place plus confront Blair.
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This scene makes me VERY nervous for Lucy. She did a really good job listening in till the damn toy. I mean she caught it before it hit floor. Unfortunately the friggin thing goes off with it's song. Giving away not only her position but her potentially her cover. Because he finds it on the ground and has a menacing look on his face. Dude gives me the actual creeps. Well done to the actor cause he makes me wicked uncomfortable.
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I don’t like the idea of Lucy going back into that house. Like at all. Extra backup or not. I think her cover is blown and sending her back is like sending her into the Lion's den. She is very competent and can handle herself. That doesn't mean sending her back in isn't extremely high risk. Especially with Monica buzzing around now. We'll see how that shakes out next ep. Kinda hoping it produces some Feral Tim if it goes sideways while she's in there. A girl can dream right?
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Prepare yourself. I was once again was very impressed with Nolan in this episode. He did a really good job leading Celina and doing what Tim asked. Was smart about his moves. Bringing Smitty and Nell into it and getting the info he needed. Shaking trees and getting fruit from it. Using everything around him properly even Smitty LOL She's got some balls on her asking for complete immunity and a new life. Also Idk Nolan can promise any of these things.....But it'll be interesting see how the second half of this unfolds.
Now Eric had mentioned in an interview post 6x06 about communication for them in the finale. So I'm excited to see what that'll mean. Will they have a real convo? Idk but i'm excited about it. All I want is them to be in a better spot before S7. I never expected things to magically come back together by seasons end. It shouldn't be that way. Also the season too short for that.
The SL deserved time to breathe and develop a bit. My hope is we will be on our way to reconciliation by end of finale. That hug was a damn good start to that goal. As usual thank you to ALL that like, comment or reblog these. Truly mean that every single one means so much to me. Excited to see how this season ends.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Harper and Lopez proving what a bad ass duo they were through out the ep. I need more of this in s7 writers. These two woman are dynamos and I need more of it.
Can’t say I didn’t Miss Tim the rest of the ep but damn was it good. I love when they do ensemble cast stuff flexing what a good cast we have as a whole.
Wes standing up to that heavy was impressive and pretty attractive. He’s grown a lot as a character was nice to see.
Loved the ladies nailing that crooked detective. Amazing. Grey getting to put HIM on admin leave. Suck it you schmuck.
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vee-isaweirdartist · 1 month
Well I'm struggling HARD with Sonic's and Tail's design, so here @saku0115 , the design's I've got so far!! I hope these are to everyone's liking<33
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And now, into some
✨ Fun facts ✨
Amy specialized in future telling in the romantic sphere! and usually carries a version of her Piko piko hammer that has been turned into a magic staff! Still keeping the utility of a hammer once she turns it, and gives out free holy smahes<3
Knuckles IS a king, but pretty similar to Sonic, he hates being called one. That requires to much power, political power (the worse on his opinion..) so he prefers to leave the royal attires passed down from his family back home, and protect the Angel Island kingdom! He likes way more being called a guardian by his people, and likes to hang out a lot in the city of his own, since people always treats him as just a friend, and not some kind of all powerful king.
Ah, my baby, Shadow.. He was a Loner made artificially, how may you ask? Eggman decided to use his very great knowledge of dark arts and unregulated chaos energy to cast a special loner, all to take down King Sonic: a half mobian, half Oni. Sadly for him, he didn't get to choose what kind of Oni landed on his vessel.. and so, a protector and warrior was born Even if Robotnik tried to manipulate him into killing the blue royalty, it was to no avail, no matter the universe, Sonic and Shadow end up getting together for good after some punches get thrown<3
And that's what I have, back to brain rotting over Espilver lmao
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queenofallimagines · 1 year
oh good gods pls your luciferian hcs made me YELL they’re so good lmao i was side eyeing my altar and space for lucifer the WHOLE TIME
do you think you could do a part two? and if possible, nsfw? if not thats more than okay!! thank you and i hope you’re doing so good!!!
Absolutely 🕷anon! AND LMAO YEAH I COULD FEEL HIM SIDE EYEING ME ACROSS THE ROOM AS I WROTE THESESGSHSJS asking the old man “why are you like this” whenever lucifer in game does something corny😭 ik he’s sick of me
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- Okay so since part 1 was when you arrived this will be more about day to day life in the next term
- Right off the bat I’m imagining minor petty spats that the other brothers are like…. Wtf is going on here
- Like y’all have been glaring across the table at one another for 30 mins and haven’t spoken a word
- WAY more picky w offerings lmao
- Is literally going to be super extra about it for no reason other than to bother you
- For example! When you give an offering to oshun( African orisha they’re like the HR in the heaven department just above the angel hierarchy) you have to eat a little first bc she was poisoned once so it’s like to show you’re in good faith
- Lucifer will ask you to do that w food you don’t like
- “Eat some”
- “I got this for you-“
- “And I want you to taste some😌”
- “….. do I really I have to???”
- “Are you telling me what to do w MY offering🤨”
- A lot of people ( white peoples I fear😔) be talking about he only accepts blood offerings and you have to sell your soul or whatever and stuff but literally this man will be giddy over a red candle w gold glitter
- Write all your assignments in sparky pen so when he looks at them he can’t hold back a smile
- As a joke you leave crystals associated with him in his coat pockets but he will never take them out
- Congratulations you played ya self
- You doing the stuff you do for him out of habit will fluster him if you say it
- “Why are you waking up so early to get ready?”
- “Hm? For Lucifer”
- “No im not gunna drink this tea it’s an offering🙄”
- Please don’t tell his brothers he will lock himself in his office💀
- Whenever you google “what can I do for Lucifer” 9/10 the first thing will be taking care of yourself
- So when your self caring w asmo and you go “oh I do this bc Lucifer likes it”
- The house will expose in chaos
- Mammon demanding you tell him your card numbers “for him” LMAO
- They’re all super jealous
- Gotta tell em its nothing personal he’s just always been there for you
- Whew if he reached out to YOU?
- The silence in the house REAL LOUD😭
- Belphegor waking up and going “ik you fucking lying!!!”
- You’re all confused like???
- “…..you said Lucifer… reached out to YOU?”
- “??????yeah????”
- “As in… he ASKED you to work with him?”
- “Yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about his name and he showed up on my door one day”
- Lmao belphie and mammon are the LOUDEST FR
- lmao he’s sitting there red faced clenching his fist like
- “Listen I can explain”
- He cannot explain😭
- Can’t even say he did it on a whim
- “He really picked me up like a wet cat lmao”
- “Mc I am literally begging you to shut the FUCK up”
- Oh maaaaan diavolo will get a Kick out of this!!
- Solomon is very salty
- “But I can’t get a pact😒😒”
- He’s literally going to double down and bother him more
- “Lucifer you never told me you were taking on disciples🥺”
- “I didn’t think it was that important lord diavolo simply to pass the time”
- Simeon is laughing but internally having the feels bc he’s like 🥹 “even after all this time you still choose to be a guardian angel”
- Will tell you embarrassing stories about him he is now super close to you
- “Lucifer being the lords favorite was also the best one at singing👀 he loved music”
- That’s tru btw lmao Lucifer was like one of the angels who liked singing the most thats what makes humans and angels so alike- love for music and dancing-
- Call him your morning star and he MELTS
- Back to why were really here😌
- Call him that during sex or when you first wake up and he’s on cloud nine
- He’s literally he rises in the morning for a reason!!
- He will deadass purpose bc imagine riding him as the sun stars peaking over the horizon
- He’s under you moaning looking up at you w the most glazed over love struck eyes
- The sun filtering through the window and hitting him juuuuuuuust right
- That it looks like he has a halo again
- Breathlessly calling your name as you grind down on him
- He barely manages to get out that he’s close before you caress some of his hair out of his face
- “Cum for me then my Morningstar”
- Time freezes for like 16 seconds and his eyes are getting teary
- He hugs you close as he starts rutting his hips into you harder
- Will cum and keep going until he’s about to pass out
- Holding you like a lifeline
- When you can finally breathe and think straight he pulls you in for a kiss
- Literally stealing your breath away
- Will say I love you in the most honest voice ever while smiling at you with teary eyes
- probably won’t stop touching you all day might as well just spend it in bed
-is embarrassed by body worship calling it now
- be HE can do that but if YOU sink to your knees behind his desk and hold eye contact he’s getting nervous
-“just showing my devout gratitude💕”
- embarrassed how fast he finishes
- if you keep doing to overstimulate him he’s putty in your hands
- this man is very soft he will crack at the slightest sign of domestic romance
- bring him coffee when he wakes up?
- he’s already selected a wedding venue
- I always thought it would be cute if he gave you his ring
- You swing by the celestial realm and it’s crickets and you’re like ??? Fuck is y’all starring at??🤨
- Simeon hums and says that nobody expected lucifer to get married much less to a human. How he was never one to put anything above his responsibilities
- Excuse me?
- “You’re wearing the right of light,yes? He doesn’t just give that to anyone dear. You two are bonded for life now🥰”
- “HELLO????”
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sycamorelibrary754 · 10 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 5: Just One Kiss
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Summary: Even in your worst moment, your compassion and kindness make it easy for Wanda to open up to you in a way she never has with anyone. 
Warnings: Mentions of past trauma, hospital.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: This chapter just about did me in lmao. Hope you enjoy!
Guardian Angel Masterlist
You found yourself gazing intently at Wanda, her question lingering between you. The combination of the heavy dose of pain medication coursing through your veins and her palpable unease made it challenging for you to muster a coherent response. Your mind felt hazy and disconnected, as if you were floating in a foggy dream. Meanwhile, Wanda's eyes bored into yours, awaiting a reply that didn't seem to be coming anytime soon.
“You know what? This isn’t necessary. We shouldn’t be talking about this right now.  You need to rest. I should—"
"Wanda, stop, please," you uttered with a raspy voice as you tried to sit up, ignoring the pain. "Look at me," you said, trying to catch her gaze. The redhead closed her eyes momentarily before finally meeting your eyes. "What are you talking about?"
Fury’s words echoed in her mind.
“Do you know what I went through to keep Westview classified?”
This was a side of Wanda you hadn't seen before in the short time you had known her. The usually confident and bubbly woman could not speak, and it pained you to see her like that. Her anxiety was evident, so you took the initiative to speak first.
“You were blipped,” you said slowly
"Yes," she replied softly.
“The Battle for Earth,” you started cautiously. “You fought, I remember.”
"I did," she said while wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.
“You see, I was right! You’re a hero. The world owes you everything.” 
“No, I’m not Y/N. You don’t know everything; no one outside of this building does. I’m not who you think I am,” lip trembling.
It was at that moment you finally saw the suffering flowing through her. The pain that stood as witness to all she had kept hidden and everything she was struggling to tell you.
“The Mind Stone connected Vision and me, but it was more than a mere connection. " She hesitated with a shaky breath. The vision was everything to me. He sacrificed himself for a chance to stop Thanos, and the burden of his sacrifice rested upon me," her voice somber. "That sacrifice meant I had to..." she bit her shaky lip, "I'm sorry.
"It's okay, I'm right here," you whispered.
“I had to destroy the Mind Stone. I was forced to take the life of the only one I ever loved,” she felt her throat start to close as tears welled up in her eyes. “I killed him. I didn’t have a choice.”
"Oh, Wanda," your eyes sparkling with unshed tears.
“Nothing worked. Thanos was just too powerful," she said, her voice trembling. "After the dust settled, I returned to retrieve his remains, only to find out that SWORD had taken his body into custody. When I saw him, he had already been... dismantled.”
That wasn't your fault," you said, trying to reason with her. "You did everything you could.”
As she spoke, her voice trembled with emotion. Her eyes were fixed on the ground as if lost in thought. "Vision and I had everything planned out. We were going to start a new life together in Westview. I remember finding the deed to the property after the battle was over. But when I saw what they had done to him, I was overwhelmed with shock and confusion. I didn't know what to do or where to go. It was like my whole world had been turned upside down. So I just got in the car and drove. For hours and hours, I drove without any destination in mind. When I finally stopped, I realized that I had somehow ended up in Westview. It was as if fate had brought me there, to this quiet little town where I could try to start over and forget the pain of the past."
You reached for her, tilting her chin so her eyes met yours again. "The grief was overwhelming," her voice cracked. "I didn't know what was happening and lost control." The dam finally broke, and tears gushed down her ashen cheeks. "It brought him back to me in some form. It blessed me with the boys." She wiped her eyes, but the tears came anyway. "But I hurt so many people, Y/N," the shame tearing her apart. "I trapped them in my grief.
“No, you’re here now,” you reminded her gently. 
“I was able to put an end to it when I realized the pain I had caused, but nothing can take away what I did, Y/N,” shaking her head. “I don’t deserve to be here.”
A deep sense of disbelief filled your heart as you gazed at the woman before you. Here was someone who had shown you immense compassion and kindness, yet her pain was as profound as the raging storm outside your window. The darkness of her sorrow seemed to envelop everything in its path, leaving you feeling helpless and lost.
“Don’t you dare say that, Wanda,” your breathing a bit labored. “I see so much good and love in you. I knew it from the moment you looked me in the eyes in that cafe, and I saw it the day you walked into my shop. The way you talk about Billy and Tommy. You are a good person.”
You placed your hand against her cheek. The slight movement pulled at the IV buried in your skin, but you didn't care. You softly caressed her face with the pad of your thumb and said, "I may not understand all that you've been through, but I do know that a world without Wanda Maximoff is not a world I want to live in."
Wanda’s walls had come crashing down, but what you found behind them was beautiful. The collection of unshed tears made her green eyes dazzle like emeralds. You leaned in and before you realized what you were doing she met you halfway. Your lips met ever so softly, like a bird’s wings riding the wind. You kissed her slowly, deeply, purposefully, intent on cherishing every last bit of her. She could feel the warmth of your soft cheeks radiate over hers. The pace of your heart rate monitor quickened as adrenaline coursed through you. 
As she pulled away, Wanda stumbled over her words, "I'm sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have..."
"No, Wanda. It's okay," you say, trying your best to reassure her.
“No, it isn’t, you’re so vulnerable. For God’s sake, Y/N, you almost died today! I don’t know what got into me,” rising from her chair. “I should go; they’ll be expecting me in the debrief. I’ll come back later,” she said unconvincingly.
"Uh, sure," you mutter, attempting to mask your disappointment.
Without another word, Wanda hurriedly left the room, leaving you with the faint sensation of her lips on yours and your thoughts.
Wanda had changed into the clothes that Sam had brought her and walked into the conference room to find the debriefing already in progress. She took her seat next to Natasha at the table, while Cap was discussing various aspects of their response to the accident. Suddenly, Nat nudged Wanda under the table to get her attention.
“How’s y/n?” she mumbled.
"Her condition is stable. She woke up while I was with her," Wanda whispered.
“Good.” Nat replied.
“Wanda," Steve's voice interrupted, breaking the silence. "I had a chance to speak with Helen earlier, and she mentioned your friend. We're all happy to hear that everything turned out okay.
"Oh, thank you. I am, too," she said while biting her lower lip.
Yelena observed the entire exchange from the other end of the table, reading the witch's body language. "I hope we get to meet her," she said with a smile.
“Maybe,” the redhead considered. “Once she’s out of the woods.” 
Wanda texted Darcy after the meeting, letting her know she would be home in an hour. As she reached the door, an arm suddenly appeared and blocked her exit.
“What happened?” Natasha asked.
Wanda looked at her curiously. “What do you mean?”
“With Y/N,” Nat said. “I saw you out there today and see it in your eyes right now.” 
“Are you ever not watching me?” Wanda asked sarcastically; turning around and walking back toward her chair. 
“Would it surprise you if I said no,” Nat smirked, hands in the pockets of her hoodie.
“Not really,” lifting herself to sit on the conference table with a sigh, “ Y/N and I kissed.” 
Nat raised an eyebrow and asked, "And how does that make you feel?”
“Are you my therapist now?” Wanda asked, tying her hair up in a messy bun with the hair tie on her wrist. 
“To be honest, we could both use one,” she said, meeting the witch's gaze.
“We were both so vulnerable. She almost died; I was sobbing over Vision and Westview; I don’t know what came over me. She was so compassionate and understanding; I don’t know,” Wanda trailed off.
“It's okay to have feelings for her. It would be best if you talked to her,” Nat said.
“I’m not sure if I can go back up there,” her eyes avoiding the widow.
“You can, and you will. I’ll go with you if you want me to,” her hands on Wanda’s shoulders.
As you lay in your Med Bay room, you gradually begin to feel the effects of the pain medication administered by Helen and Banner start to subside. A sharp twinge of pain shoots through your body, causing you to let out a groan. You reach out for the call button, knowing that you need to alert the medical staff of your discomfort. The room around you is quiet, save for the beeping of the machines monitoring your vital signs. You take a deep breath and press the button, hoping that help will arrive soon.
"Ms. Y/L/N, are you alright?" the nurse asked, reassuringly smiling.
I'm really starting to hurt. Is there any chance I could get some more pain medication?” You asked.
"Sure, it's almost time for your next oral dose, about 15 minutes from now," she said, making adjustments to your morphine drip.
“So, Claire," you said after glancing at her name tag, "I assume this isn’t a place where you encounter a lot of civilians, am I right?”
“No, you’re the first one,” she helped you sit up and adjusted your pillows.
As you lay back down, grimacing, trying to adjust your sling and broken leg, "Well, I feel special then."
“You should! It’s not every day that group gets to see what happens after they save someone. I think it’s good for them,” she winked.
A soft knock catches your attention. You turn to see Wanda peeking into your room. You tried to play it cool, but you couldn't help how your face lit up at the sight of her.
"Hey, I told you I'd be back. How are you feeling?" Walking in with another redhead in tow.
“I've been better," you said, smirking as you fidgeted with your oxygen cannula. "Listen, about what happened earlier...
"We don't need to talk about that right now, Y/N. You need to rest," Wanda said as she sat beside you. The second red-headed woman stood beside her. "This is Natasha Romanoff," she introduced, trying to change the subject.
After gently shaking your hand, Nat said, "It's nice to formally meet you this time."
"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you the other day. I was busy being tackled," you said, smirking at Wanda.
Wanda blushed. Even on your worst day, you were exceptionally charming.
“Don’t worry about it. Truthfully, it’s great when we aren’t recognized,” Nat said. “I just wanted to come up and see how you were doing. The team was really worried about you.”
“I'm doing okay, all things considered," you said, sighing deeply. "I honestly feel lucky to be alive... Dr. Cho told me how bad off I was when you brought me in, Wanda. I didn't get a chance to say it before, but thank you," your voice shook, "Thank you for saving me," you said while wiping away a tear that was threatening to fall from your eye with your good hand.
The witch held your hand tightly, "We weren't going to let you die out there."
Nataha’s heart melted at the interaction. If she wasn’t sure before, she was now. Maximoff had it bad.
Helen softly entered the room with her tablet and said, "Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
“Not at all,” still holding on to Wanda’s hand. 
“I just wanted to check your stitches before Claire changes your bandages in a few minutes.”
“Oh, we can step out,” Nat offered. 
“No, it’s okay,” you reassured. “You’ve already seen me at my worst. Besides, I like the company.”
Helen carefully inspected your stitches, ensuring everything was healing correctly, while Wanda gently held your hand. 
“Everything looks good,” Helen said. “I also wanted to talk to you about your recovery. We couldn’t reach your parents with the numbers from your phone. Is there anyone else we can contact for you?”
"Figures," you muttered quietly.
The unexpected response from you caught Wanda off guard. As a curious person, the redhead had been wondering about your background and was eager to learn more about your past. However, she decided to wait until your condition had improved before approaching the topic and made a mental note to ask you about your family at a later time.
You thought for a moment. “Try my friend Harper Reynolds. She's the assistant manager at the Candy Bar," you suggested. Then it hit you like a ton of bricks. "Oh shit, she's probably freaking out because I never made it to work," you said, running your hand over your face in frustration.
“We will call her. You will be here for a couple more weeks, and after that, you will require full-time care and physical therapy,” Helen explained.
“How are you going to manage on your own?” Wanda asked. 
“I’ll figure something out,” doing your best to reassure her.
She spoke softly, "Y/N, I visited your apartment. You live alone on the third floor."
“You can stay here,” Natasha interrupted.
“What?” Turning to the Black Widow.
“She’s right,” Wanda said. “My old bedroom in the compound living quarters is empty. You can’t be by yourself right now. Plus, Helen will be able to monitor your recovery more closely if you’re in the building.”
You were surprised by the suggestion. No, you couldn't stay here. You weren't excited about managing your recovery alone, but you never accepted help easily.
Wanda could see the gears turning in your head and didn’t wait for a response, “It’s settled then, she’ll stay here. We’ll send the guys to pick up your stuff.”
“Okay, I guess I’m staying here then,” you concurred.
“Yeah, like you had a choice,” Nat joked.
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pinkrifle · 11 months
Hello ml!<3 i was wondering if you could do yandere team stan and craig x reader platonic please! Like they see reader as a little sister!^^
hi lovely! i do not take SP requests anymore buttttf this seems really easy, so i should be able to do this !
saying this rn i’m so sorry if this is short #_# <\3 i’m sorry if i missed a character or two aswell!
only team stan right now as i can’t really think of much to do for team craig, sorry once more! D:
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Stan Marsh -
a little careful not to bring you around his friends too much.. especially cartman AND COVERS UR EARS EVERYTIME ONE OF THEM SAYS A DIRTY JOKE LOL (no matter how old you are!1!1!)
would 100% go off on anyone who tries to mess with you (and Kyle would probably join him too) , ya don’t F with family, folks!
trades his lunch or snacks at lunch to give them to you!! loves seeing the look on your face when you get a snack size pack of skittles. Even if it’s super small your face always lightens up and he just laughs and feels very proud of himself after
he makes sure shelly isn’t too mean to you, let’s her rip on him instead if she gets a little aggressive with you (she wouldn’t really go that far dw <3)
Eric Cartman -
(don’t worry he always does something in return after. begrudgingly and hesitantly.) (he just feels bad)
brings you on all of his little dangerous adventures but makes sure you stay safe all the time,, if you get hurt EVER he’s SOOO dramatic. begging for a hospital!
if any of his friends (aka rest of team stan) dare to say anything to you (they don’t cuz they don’t care) he will 100% be dramatic ALLO OVER AGAIN, threatens to beat up his friends (he can’t rlly) and is nice to you for the rest of the day!!
steals cute stuff from other classmates and brings them to you, steals snacks from people and brings them to you!! probably stole some snacks from stan that he planned to give to his own little sibling
Kenny McCormick -
tones down his dirty jokes when with you, and also does not let you around his friends LMAO
loves hanging out with you, karen, and kevin! at first he was really hesitant on stuart and carol having you (like with karen) but loved you so much after your born!!
protects u FOR LIFE. is basically also your guardian angel when he’s in his mysterion costume! when your in the foster home thing(?) he’s visiting you like crazy and bringing you treats aswell. makes sure you never get beaten up in the basement by the parents
loves whenever you show him something you like. Anime? cartoons? etc? your not cringe to him at all! he likes weird shit too, trust. Watches and plays everything you show him <3
a video game MASTER! having any trouble with a boss fight? he’s got it. Cant find an item? he already has it and is gonna trade it to you!!
Kyle Broflovski -
takes care of you and Ike RELIGIOUSLY. love you two both to death!
plays dolls/action digs with you even if your in middle school or whatever (in the event he’s in HS or whatever) , he doesn’t want his little siblings to ever grow up! brings a tear to his eye.
every Hanukkah he makes sure you get the best presents and NEVER lets your presents break, always has them in pristine condition ! hates seeing you sad , it affects him more than he’d like to admit.. he also gives you his hat to wear when your a little down!
bakes and cooks with you, he’s pretty okay at cooking but if your bad it’s no problem! he’s willing to teach you the 3 dishes he knows how to make LMAO. If your better than him at cooking? EVEN BETTER, teach him! but he’ll be a little embarassed to learn stuff from his little sibling
having trouble with homework? he’s on it! he won’t let you cheat on anything, but he’ll help you and guide you to the right answer.
Never let’s people talk shit about you or make fun of you, he will fr fight his friends if they dare to do that.
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heya! thanks for requesting, i haven’t been really willing to write lately but this got me off my booty!!! i really should open my tf2 and scp foundation reqs.
sorry again i couldn’t do team craig! i hope these were good enough, feel free to request this again some time if i’m ever active again! <3
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miralyk · 7 months
love the drawings you've been making for desmond and alex, what's ghosts in the machine? first i see them crawling out of your screen and now everyone's angels devils or monsters, i don't know if i'm missing something!
ah man, think it's time to try to summarize everything and apologize LMAO;; ty for asking though, i should've made things less confusing! this will be a Pretty lengthy post for irl context/backstory and "actual au" info so be ready if you want to read everything!
(for starters, the title's just a pun on the philosophical phrase "ghost in the machine" interpreted Literally and taking inspiration from clay in ac revelations, since he Was a ghost in a machine and jokingly called "my guardian angel" by des, haha)
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the short version: basically, "ghosts in the machine" is what i've called the au(?) where i just doodle silly "artist talking to her art muse(s)" stuff like these kinds of comics instead w me,, the ""art muse"" is whatever i'm hyperfixated on (currently desmond, the assassin brotherhood as a whole, and alex/prototype lmao):
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the Full LONG version: when replaying prototype and ac awhile back, i also posted fanart on LOFTER (china’s local version of tumblr) and made a mainlander mutual/friend who drew fanart too, like her oc w the assassins in an animal shapeshifter 刺客信条乙女向 (assassin’s creed otome) au! as i’m vietnamese-american and she’s chinese, we use translators and send pictures/doodles to talk about the games and our days, and when i was replaying prototype, she started ac2 too and sent me this as commentary:
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from there, whenever we’d text or send pics/art, it became a running joke of sorts to also include our ""game companions"" like that fanfiction thing of “author’s note where the author and fictional characters comment on the situation and/or talk to each other”, and my doodles also became us or our computers being accompanied by them LMAO;; that’s pretty much the origin and setting of the particular doodles; just the daily shenanigans and art struggles of an artist (me and her) talking to their art muses (characters from special interests) haunting them and their computers
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as for the "supernatural" aspects, at some point desmond and alex got drawn an as angel and devil because i’ve had ridiculous “protected by a guardian angel” luck lately like surviving a car crash unharmed, they’re my favorites and associated with me, the motifs match the duo, etc, it's not really that deep and/or for a "Lore Reason";;
likewise, the brotherhood got drawn as ghosts to emphasize the “we/our computers are haunted by them” joke more, along with how my friend and i are both asian and used to like ghosts and ancestral worship casually being a part of our lives already LMAO (ig in the context of the au then, they’re basically desmond’s ancestral spirits disney-mulan-style that freeload off of his vietnamese protectee (me) for both spiritual veneration or "worship" like staying relevant in this modern age via fanart)
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for example, i'm also considering drawing like altair, ezio, connor, and edward as the vietnamese four holy beasts just to play around, things like that! there's no special lore reason aside from just personal thoughts and "oh that'd be fun to draw", they just thematically fit well being four prominent “legends” and being desmond's ancestors, etc,, haha
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at the end of the day, "ghosts in the machine" are just silly shenanigans of me drawing what's on my mind, from who/what i'm hyperfixated on (aka impromptu art muses for me), any thoughts/frustrations i have w daily life or drawing stuff,, and "hm this sounds cool, i could draw this design or Cool Thing" stuff. it's not really an au persay (plus i still really cringe and feel self-consciously wary about the embarrassing self-insert aspect of all this, help lmao), it’s just,, just silly personal scribblings that are kind of sharing an inside joke to everyone now, but i'm happy to know people still humor these silly drawings and are curious if there's more to it, thank you!
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
Hey, are your orders open? if so could you do headcanons of the yugioh characters reacting to s/o who has an obsession with the mystical elf card?
Nah cuz I had to search up the card cuz I forgot what it was 💀💀 also I was using a different fanfic site and just saw it so I kinda rushed to get dis done lmao 😭
Yu-gi-oh boys reacting to their S/o having an obsession w/ the mystical elf card
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Yugi Muto
He honestly didn’t notice-
I mean he picked up on how constant you used it and talked about it but at the same time he does that to a lot of cards in his deck so didn’t think anything of it
He’ll listen to what you’re saying always though
Doesn’t matter how many times you have been talking about this card, he’s gonna act like it’s his first time hearing about it from you
He got you a keychain that had the mystical elf on it because he knew you would like it but he didn’t know you would like it that much
You were basically jumping with joy on this
He was too-
As long as your happy he’s happy
He listens to you repeat the same story over and over and over again about using the Mystical elf card and doesn’t get tired of it ever
“Ok so like I was battling this one dude who was all about offense and guess what?!?”
“You have to guess Yugi!”
“Uhh, let’s see here… you used a spell card?”
“No! I got the mystical elf; she protected me and she helped me not lose…”
“Oh wow.”
“She really is my guardian angel. She must have sent you down as a gift for me.”
“She really is spectacular… and you know who else is?”
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Yami Yugi
He’s always listening
He loves to hear you go on and on about her; it doesn’t matter if it’s 1am or 4pm, he’s always interested in what your saying
He got you a rare mystical elf card for your birthday and you burst out in tears
He’s definitely in love with you and while he doesn’t tell you he shows it in multiple ways
Lots of people get upset when you repeat a story but he’s the exact opposite
He gets happy knowing you’re so happy that you forgot that you already told him this
Yami always says that you only hot headed when it comes to the mystical elf
The amount of times he cleaned you up after getting in literal fights all because of that card
So when he gets hated on you just say their ‘insecure’ but when it’s about the mystical elf you’ll get in a fight?!
Starting to sound like you love the card over him
“Ok! So the other day I was heading to the grocery story and these imbeciles where talking about how ‘ThE mYsTiCaL eLf Is StUpId’ blah blah blah and I walked over to them and started a fight!”
“Well maybe next time don’t go up to them.”
“It’s their fault! They threw the first punch!”
“I know but I don’t want you to get hurt… sometimes you have to let things go.”
“No I just want you to be safe and not die from some weak kids that have nothing better to do then fight random people.”
“Tell me, how did you first ‘fall in love’ with the mystical elf card?”
“You should know better than anyone how you can fall in love with your cards pharaoh.”
“I know but I love hearing your stories.”
“Is it because you love me, Yami?”
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Joey Wheeler
He understand completely because he’s the same way towards his Red-Eyes Black Dragon
If you are hot headed and get into lots of fights about it then you’re even more alike
You and him are constantly venting about the amount of people that don’t appreciate these cards
Neither one of you are talking about anything else except this stuff
That’s all of your conversations every single day
What’s his favorite color? Don’t know you never asked him that. You’re always talking to him yet you never asked him what his favorite color is? Correct.
My bro is poor af and so are you so both of you have little to no merch
Unless it’s Christmas or your birthday you ain’t getting shit
Sorry not sorry
He’ll try to draw you the mystical elf but it turns out looking like a blob with leaves on it
You guys are always talking about which one is better
Neither one of you win the argument though
If you are a little violent and use that as a way to make people like your favorite card then expect him to be cheering you on… from a safe distance
You might be able to fight but he sure as hell can’t
“Go baby! You can do this!”
“Why don’t you come over here and help me why don’t ya!?”
“Didn’t you say you were independent!? Why do you be needin’ me!”
“2 is better than 1!”
“So?? Since when did you care!”
“Since now! Your over there tryin’ to act slick by leaning against that wall like you’re the one that is beating up these people meanwhile I’m over here working my ass off!”
“I’m not just ‘lEaNiNg AgAiNsT tHe WaLl’ I’m cheering you on too!”
“Yeah from 30ft away! Joey get your ass over here and help!”
“They’ll win!”
“You know they said that they found the Red-eyes Black Dragon useless.”
“Count me in!”
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Seto Kaiba
Bro definitely acts like he doesn’t care
And it’s true-
Bro could not give a single f whether or no you like a card or not
I mean he definitely doesn’t constantly buy you things related to the Mystical elf
It doesn’t matter how expensive it is
If it looks nice then it’s yours
In Kaiba corp he has a whole room dedicated to the merch that he bought you and you couldn’t fit it in your house
He be buying so much it’s as if he’s the one in love with her
He’s not obsessed with her though, he’s obsessed with you
Not that he would ever tell you that
Not to mention the stuff that Mokuba gets for you
Dating Seto is like a two in one package
You get a boyfriend and a loving younger brother
Seto will subtly tell Mokuba what you would like and Mokuba will make/draw it for you
Sweetest boy alive oh my Lordy
Seto acts like he’s annoyed by your rants but honestly he doesn’t really care
He actually loves them
You usually sit in a spiny chair while he sits in his office chair, working, and you just talk about your day
And the mystical elf card of course
He will always tell you when you repeated a story
“Ok so the other day I was out, just walking around you know? Then all of a sudden I saw this guy in the alleyway and- ”
“You told me this already.”
“Oh right! Well there was also this time where I was at the mall and-”
“I was with you.”
“Oh. Well how about this one time where these two guys were trying to gang up on me because I ‘insulted their favorite cards’ by saying that mine was better-”
“You pressed the alert button on your watch that day and my guards took care of that.”
“Oh haha! I forgot!”
“I can tell. Why don’t you tell Mokuba about your day? He was asking how you were today. I’m sure he would enjoy seeing you.”
“Ok I will! I have a couple things to give him anyways! Bye Seto!”
“Be a little more quiet will you, please.”
“Oh sorry.”
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askdarklogan · 4 months
Story clues I left on the original Amino! Explanation edition lmao.
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-theres more to the Mindscape than the Sides and their rooms
Originally I was going to call it The Rift as a reference to original character(s) I was going to use in the au (for anyone who noticed the mentions of “she” or “her”, it was in reference to them), but now I’ve started calling it the Outskirts. These characters were meant to be guardians of the Mindscape as a whole, and Mania mentioned that he was somewhere where the “people here won’t be happy to see me”, which was in the Outskirts where the Guardians (they’re called Angels sometimes) basically live.
-there's a reason Janus isn't wearing his hat and cape
In the au I wanted to implement a headcannon I had that Janus could not only silence the other sides but basically hypnotize and mind control others, but in the au he’s insecure about it so it’s why he wears gloves. His cape and hat to my personal interpretation was that they represented him covering himself and being walled off, not willing to let others see his more vulnerable parts. It plays on how I think he disguises himself as the others bc he believes it’s the only way he’ll ever be listened to. With Patton though, they’d gone through some traumatizing shit (more on that later) and through that experience they decided to promise to eachother to not hide themselves or keep secrets, and to seal the promise Janus gave Patton his hat and cape.
-the darkness of each Side's hair means something
It’s meant mostly to represent how “dark” a character is, which is why Logan’s hair darkens and lightens depending on how corrupted he it. It’s based around the fact that I draw characters like Patton with lighter hair and Remus with black hair.
-notice the way Logan's hair keeps changing (yes, it's intentional)
Another signification of how corrupt and gone Logan is. When his hair is dark, limp and covering his eyes that’s when he’s most corrupted, and when it’s brown and upright he’s less corrupted.
-and yeah, the fact that the vines are blue does tie in with Patton
Major lore dump here: Patton and Mania were once one entity, but split.
In the au Patton was once a simpler concept, living in the Outskirts with others like him (ex Sleep, bc he was gonna be in this au and be Janus’ annoying confidant), and that was when he was known as Virtue. Virtue would however leave the Outskirts and go on to become Morality, getting the name Patton (because complicated concepts become Sides, and therefore are unique enough to have names.)
Vice, however, was left in the void, virtually formless. Stewing in its bitterness, it became a shadowy force of nature that could only take the forms of others, only capable of being a heightened version of something that already exists. That’s why it refers to itself as all the sides, because it can encompass an aspect of all of them. Mania would then go on to seek revenge on its other half, Patton.
-Roman's wearing his sash around his neck
When Logan turned “dark” he attacked Roman, attempting to choke him out, and the incident left Roman with scars and bruises on his neck that won’t seem to go away. He’s incredibly ashamed of his neck, so he used his sash as a scarf to cover it.
-this isn't their first time dealing with Mania like this
In the original idea I had for this au it centered on Patton being possessed by Mania, and the time he tried to in secret handle Mania himself. In the original story Patton tried keep everyone safe but it was getting worst by the day, until eventually all hell broke loose and Mania took full control. Janus (who was in a secret relationship with him) managed to get Mania/ Patton away from the others and used his powers on Patton, lying to make Patton's emotions override Mania. A part of this story can be read in this post.
-there's a reason the others aside from Patton and Janus don't seem to remember Mania
In the beginning of the post linked previously, there’s a little scene of Patton and Janus talking about what they should do. This takes place in the aftermath of Patton’s possession. Another headcannon I had in terms of the powers the sides have (ex Janus’ hypnotism, Virgil’s spider sense that I never got to introduce lol) is that Logan has the ability to erase memories, given he is the mind after all. They go to Logan and ask for him to erase the memory of Mania from the others and it worked (except Remus, because he can’t be bound by the powers of logic, but he’s under the assumption that everyone else knows so he doesn’t bring it up).
So yeah! This au has a lot of details that can be pretty subtle, and theres alot of intentional details I added with vague hints to the larger story in the ask blog, because sadly I learned my way of writing from Scott Cawthon and I trust my audience too much 😭😂
I again encourage anyone curious about the story to ask! I’m still in the process of trying to re-remember everything and gather stuff I made for this au so I’ll try to update for the people that have suddenly arrived lmao. I’ve honestly been considering making a discord server bc that’s my main form of social media hah.
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