#she's unbeatable
deanscasanova · 1 year
two episodes into s2 and ofmd has officially reached 4th place in total number of cries this year, overtaking both 'the raven cycle' and 'work' (a tough one to beat!)
next target is 'animals' for 3rd place, which I truly don't think will be a problem at this rate
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ryllen · 9 months
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litrallytyrus · 5 months
troy is the gayest mf in the world omg the way he got so mad at the girl he was trying to date bc she thought abed was too weird to be romantically attracted to HOW IS THAT A REAL PLOT!!!!!!! HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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depravedangelbaby · 9 months
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♡ enjoy these oldies with my girl ♡
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
Okay but a thought of mine given new rise by the animated intro after having it niggle at the back of my mind for months now are Ludinus and Otohan as villains and who’s going to be standing as the final big bad at the end of the campaign, the way Vecna and Lucien did for c1 and c2.
Because the obvious answer is Ludinus. He’s the instigator, the leader of the cult, a villain in the making for 2 whole campaigns and over a thousand years (not to mention the one who's actually interacted with the party outside of fights). But Otohan is the one standing center stage of the villain line-up in the opening. She’s the one shown actively fighting the party. And, more importantly (as narrative matters more than barely glimpsed easter eggs), she's the one tied to the history and setting of Marquet, who has actual stakes in the people there and has fought for (and against) them before in the Apex War (while the place Ludinus called home was torn down centuries ago, leaving him caring for seemingly nothing but his ultimate goal since). She’s the one who’s actually Ruidusborn, and she’s tied to the Luxon as well with her strange magic. And despite all this, she’s mostly passed under the radar so far, given very little developments or motives or history or even personality. She’s little more than a cool aesthetic and a handful of threats.
And here’s my thought: maybe that’s on purpose. Ludinus, in his great arrogance, has placed himself as the greatest threat, and he’s being treated as such by the Hells. But is he? He steals immortality, appropriates the very concept of being Ruidusborn while holding a secret resentment for lacking the very powers it grants. He barely knows what he’s doing, and certainly not what he's about to unleash. And is there anything more satisfying than seeing a deeply arrogant and hubristic villain taken down by his own folly in underestimating those around him? So what if, as the final fight edges closer, the person actually holding the powers Ludinus pretends to steps up out of the shadows she placed herself in, keeping her motives to herself, barely remarked upon by Ludinus or the Hells or the audience, and personally cuts him down and takes her place as THE exalted Ruidusborn?
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pyrrhicprose · 1 year
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Hey guys so I was rewatching OPLA and uh.
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They really carried that well theme through huh?
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kenway · 2 years
i love that backstories are presented within the medical/promotion file framework because we get wonderful little gems of insight about certain characters via snarky notes jotted in the margins by other characters observing them. like:
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fromtheseventhhell · 4 months
I can't believe "there's no Arya, a character everyone's going to love" is something that came directly from George's mouth, I really love being an Arya stan
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sneez · 2 months
mr sneez u deserve a fuck ass mustache
I DO!!!!!!!!
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seleneprince · 3 days
Persea is basically just like canon Percy in terms of personality and hobbies, except she does roller derby instead of basketball
Trust me, that makes a difference.
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whocanbelieve · 1 month
Book Review: Gewnpool volumes 1 and 2
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Reccomend: 8/10
Yes if you like comics, marvel, female superheroes, and thinking about extras/world building. Also Squirrel Girl and Miles Morales.
Plot: 10/10
Loved it, classic superhero plots but not too formulaic or predictable.
Creativity: 8/10
Love the concept of Gwen being from our world, as well as the way they explain it and the other characters' backstory and arc.
Art: 9/10
Gorgeous, especially love the pink text boxes as a nice touch.
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Okay, I know the answer to this is most likely "no", but I'm still curious, so: Have you ever killed anyone, Keeper? This can include characters from AUs, those without AUs, humans such as myself, and the creators of the very AUs you watch over.
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But wait ! There is more...
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This happened long ago...
Let's hope she doesn't have to fight any more than that one time !
Artist note :
You asked a very good question anon
No, Keeper never actually killed, she doesn't get out of her space even, how could she ? That is against everything she stands for after all. But she still can hurt others... although she never wishes to
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spacedlexi · 1 year
skybound collectively unshitting their pants after acquiring the full rights to clementine, the coolest character in their own franchise
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novembermorgon · 2 months
Might I offer House Mullendore and House Webber too for anyone who wants to make a Helaena oc with connections to insects.
personally I had this crack ship thought of making a goth girl Webber oc for Hel so they can collect spiders and be historically remembered as gal pals who may or may not have kissed. on the other hand house Mellendore had like a specific stating that there was a Lord Mullendore ruling during the dance and they're sworn to Oldtown so it's a bonus for world building + I just love butterflies and think oc could have the most stunning butterfly themed fashion tastes!
I was to torn between which to pick I just ended up abandoning both thoughts 😔
nodding along with this . take notes homosexuals!
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menlove · 4 months
like jesus christ. he loved her so much he spent billions of years reliving the same days over and over and over just to get the smallest tiniest most miniscule chance of seeing her again or at least getting revenge. I'm going to be fucking sick.
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