#shego era happening
louisianimal · 7 months
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legendary-guest · 3 months
There are a lot of ideas out there as to what Dr. Drakken and Shego get-up to post-Graduation. From remaining in traditional villainy, turning good, laying low and going corporate to a life of domestic bliss.
Well, what about... Dr. Drakken becoming a teen pop sensation? Becoming hero of the world has reinvigorated public interest in his hip-hop debut on American Starmaker. It becomes a huge hit! Ridiculous views on the Internet, the song is being played on the radio, in malls, it's everywhere! A record label reaches out to him - they want an album. He's the biggest thing since the Oh Boyz. Pardon from the UN, a medal, acknowledgement of his genius and now his artistic prowess is being recognised, too?! He's a real Renaissance man (he pronounces the 'c' as a 'k')! Like, what's-his-name - Leonardo Decaprio! How can he say no, Shego? Like everything he does, this is not without consequence. The song's popularity serves as Junior's villainous breakdown - he is seething with jealousy, with fury. Shego's old, out-of-shape, so-pale-he's-blue boss, with a face that not even the world's most prestigious plastic surgeons can save - not to mention that nasty scar! And his hair! His awful, terrible - what is that - a mullet? The 80s called, they want their biggest mistake in hairstyle history back where it can stay dead and buried. It even looks like he cuts it himself! Senior. Sr. can see what's happening, and he can't believe it. Is this it? Has his son found his villainous purpose? His raison d'etre? He can hardly keep his composure, he's about to cry tears of joy, of villainous joy!
O, and how poetic, Senior Sr. goes on as Junior - paces, o, he's pacing like he's actually thinking - no, plotting, scheming! - to have it be that his teacher's former student rises up against her employer! Well, it doesn't quite roll off the tongue and it's a bit of a convoluted trope, but it will have to do. It's the modern era, after all, things change.
This moment is immortalised with a Polaroid picture - it's blurry, but it will have to do, since Junior is so focused. Besides, it gives an air of uncertainty, of mysticism, of - and Junior interrupts with a well-timed chastising exclamation of "Father!" Junior ropes in Bonnie, he must, for he will surely need some moral support and a beautiful partner in this caper. She agrees once he assures her there will be custom outfits for them to wear, only the very latest, and most expensive, in fashion today. Dr. D's debut album is called Blue Period. A very special thanks to @gogofordrakgo for volleying ideas with me, having him get a record deal and for having Dr. D pronounce the 'c' as a 'k' in Renaissance man.
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selfox · 1 month
Here by my continuation of live reaction to fic Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra from chapter Pride and Falls to chapter Locked In.
I'll admit that I'm already at Ungrateful Ark. I kinda gulped the Villains resort in one go, I was so immersed into it ^^' so I'd need more time to well... To structure overall thoughts
Fails and Pride
This awkwardness… guys, please just *talk*. Nature gave you mouths and brains. At least some shared braincells.
I love how slowly those two moved closer to one another during Worst Villain Fails. Mortification over their own mishaps, marvelous and the best way to bond once again Xd
OMG DRAKKEN THAT NO NO 🤣🤣🤣 DREW, YOU'RE AWFUL OTL OH this frazzled my game. Oh god. I HATE THAT JOKE 🤣🤣🤣
*several minutes later*
OK, I think I'm alive.
........ You're nutty, my guy
Ok moving on.
Nah, Dr D its a cool song!
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure those were from the gauntlets alone, my guy.
........ I've seen the illustration of this moment and I still think that either Carmen Sandiego needs to wear that coat more often or Drakken needs to take of his top part more... *sips tea*
This... Idk why but Drakken interacting with Wegos and Mego is giving me such a dose of serotonin. Especially them getting along. And yes, that slang is awful. Teach them, D!
Poor Shego. All nerves, awkwardness and overthinking. But he was just talking about Wegos.
YAAAY they are back!
Seriously (>:( Eddie, curse you ), I wish that we got an actual episode of how those two solved their issues during after whole Mad dogs and Aliens
.... And there was only one bed 🤣
“What if I wake up spooning her...” daaaw
I am laughing so hard at Shego's turmoil
Ok I'm laughing more at how she feels offended over pillow wall.
Yes, he was concerned over spooning, Shego.
Why is this Spongebob and Squidward moment with that wall?
He admitted it! Hallelujah!
Hehe time to share stories
.... You know with this sleepover and them being like little girls and how previously Shego helped him with make up....... I think I know what a perfect meme to use in my next drawing
;-; babies, I knew I just *knew* I'll get all soft on the babies in the baby era. THANK YOU JASPER YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE ;-;
OTL yeah...... That was not casual at allll OTL
She called him Drew ;-;
OTL oh yeah ough. Ough. Ouch.
Hello foil to Kim ouch. I am to this day still wish someone could say that to Kim.
OTL here it is “the image”
OTL welp, it was sweet but so bitter sweet ;-;
Aww grandma boy ;-; I wanna hear more about grandma Prudence ;-; and bby Drewbie and bby Eddie. This family
🤣 make it exciting, make it dangerous... make it sexy
... Chad? He and Shego are awful at naming things.
Please, not a bite of 87.... Well 2002 actually xhhxx
HOW DOES??????? He is either so unlucky or lucky as fuck
Them are precious beans.
OTL shego you really have to be careful with your wording cggvhv
Yes dr d you are her best hus... Friends and much closer than Junior
Locked in
One of the chilliest chapters and it is nice to get one after all that happened even if I know that retreat arch has its own thing going.
Heh, those two are such accidentally prone dorks
More reactions to come. And hopefully more thoughts this time
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alicepooryorick · 1 year
birds of prey for the ask game
or batman if you’d rather :)
I'm going to be honest, I've yet to really look that far into Birds of Prey so... Yeah I don't think I can have any opinions beyond "heck yeah, they're cool"
So for batfam.
Fave male character is probably Jason. He's such an interesting character when you put him in juxtaposition with the rest of the family. I feel like he has more that could be used but I still love Jason.
Favorite female character: Barbara or Cass. It changes daily I just love the two girlies that are (or should be I should say) on par with Bruce. Obviously Babs is different from him skill wise. But I love these two. Oh, and Carrie Kelly. But fuck Frank Miller.
Least favorite character: I genuinely don't understand the Joker's appeal post silver age. Not as the main villain at least. If he only showed up on occasion maybe. But with the frequency he appears... No.
Prettiest character: honestly Jason. Like, from an objective point of view I can't blame anyone for thirsting over him.
Funniest character: Alfred being one of the most dangerous people in both the batfamily and the world cracks me up constantly.
Favorite season: Batman the Animated Series. I can't lie, if the characterisation isn't as Kevin Conroy intended; I don't like the characterisation typically.
Favorite episode: Growing Pains from The New Animated Series. It introduced Annie who I honestly think should have been a recurring character. (writing a fic where she is 🙃)
Favorite romantic ship: Cassandra X Steph. Even as a QPR there's no way those two aren't together for life.
Favorite family ship: Jason and Babs in the modern era. I love that Jason cares so much about her opinion even after everything he's gone through. That she's still his older sister. I love it.
Favorite friendship: Superman and Batman being besties and basically brothers is so beautiful. I love that those two are friends to the point of family. The fact that Bruce's child took on a kryptonian name to continue krypton's legacy with Clark's permission is just AUGHHHH
Worst ship: anything batcest. I don't care what it is. DickBabs counts here for me. It feels to insest-y, I get that it's technically not. But Babs constantly acts as the older cousin.
Overhyped ship: SuperBat. I get the appeal, but I just generally see them as a brotherly bond. Especially when they look almost identical.
Underhyped Ship: I don't really have any? I mean I do think there's a world where Harley and ore-oracle Babs have a Kim Shego thing happening, which like. Could continue when Babs is leading various teams that Harley is in. But like, Harley is taken by ivy and they're so cute.
Unpopular opinion: buy one get two free. Killing Joke is a red flag if it's your favorite. It's not even good. The only good thing it did was allow another author to make Babs into oracle.
Silver age was a great period for Batman just because it allowed the varied cast of kooks we know and love today. As well as giving us a template for Batdad.
Tim Drake is just whatever. Idk. He's a self important rich kid who's traits as a Robin are better done in other Robins. (*cough cough* Carrie Kelly *Cough cough*)
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exocean · 3 years
changbin's stylings in god's menu stages or his stylings in domino stages ? :0
oh... :(( okay well as much as i am obsessed with domino bin for very obvious very valid and very good reasons. i do think god's menu wins this since there are just more looks to talk about and he really just.. ahhh he looked amazing he really was idk.. so powerful and cool in all of the looks <33
make me choose; kpop edition
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leejungchans · 3 years
— juliet’s hair through the eras.
aka i finally stopped being too lazy to make this and also i’m losing track of juliet’s different hair colours so this is also a reminder for me 🤠🤠🤠
note: 99% of these aren’t juliet’s face claim hwjsjw this is just to give you guys an idea of what her hair looked like!!
as for in between comebacks, she will either keep the hair colour from the last comeback or dye it back to her natural hair colour (dark brown) if the break was longer!!
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— debut era (pirate king/treasure era);
all throughout her trainee days juliet kept her natural hair colour, so for her debut she wanted to change it up but at the same time not have it be too different ahjshwjs 🤡
the end result turned out to be a slightly lighter brown with blonde highlights
one of her favourite styles to this day!! she likes it especially when it’s curled like in the photo on the right!!
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— hala hala/say my name era;
she said chop chop bitch ✂️
her hair was dyed to black and cut to around chin-length
this was a pretty sudden decision ie. the boys didn’t know about it until after she got back from the salon
her hair gradually grew into a long bob throughout promotions which she also loved!!
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— wave era;
two hair colours for this era!!
she started with a golden blonde which she liked but then atiny started to joke about it looking like spaghetti 💀
so for revenge juliet dyed it to a light, ashy brown mid-promotions like lmao sIKE who’s the spaghetti now 🤠🤠🤠
another very sudden decision; one day she was blonde and the next day she showed up on stage as a brunette and everyone was like wtf when did that happen????
a lot of atinys thought the brown was spray-on dye but it wasn’t (she dipped like half of her hair in water during a vlive to prove it and sat through the rest of it with sopping wet hair 🤙)
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— wonderland era;
haha turns out the brown didn’t last long at all bc juliet went back to blonde for this era!! 🤡
compared to the blonde from the beginning of wave era, this one was a lot paler so it looked more like white than blonde
she liked it but she really felt the hair damage during this era can we get a big yikes in here 💀
it had to be maintained all throughout promotions so she had to keep bleaching it and touching up the roots to make sure it stayed whitish-blonde
one night during practice she was extra emotional from exhaustion and sleep deprivation, so when she accidentally pulled a small clump of her very damaged, very brittle hair out she started crying which scared the boys bc ??? what happened ??????
jongho, very concerned: is everything okay??? who do i need to beat up??????
juliet, holding out the hair for them to see while crying: HHHHHjonghoimgonnabebaldwhatdoidoHHHHHHHHHH
it wasn’t that much hair but she was very tired at the moment oKAY 💀
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— answer era;
so yeah after that crying incident she went back to dark hair right at the beginning of december 2019 so her hair could take a break 🤡🤡
she also got those wispy bangs which she really loved!!
sometimes her hair stylist would part her bangs down the middle just for some variety!!
kept the dark hair all throughout answer era; she felt it got a bit boring but she wanted to let her hair rest so she wasn’t complaining too much 💀
overall, nothing too special to note during this era but her hair looked a lot healthier and also more luscious!! i mean it was also thanks to hair extensions but shhhh
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— inception/thanxx era;
another one of her favourite hairstyles!!
juliet kept the dark hair but this time she added green highlights!!
she loved it bc it was simple but still had some ✨Spice✨ to it
this hairstyle also made her feel a little like shego from kim possible so she definitely wasn’t complaining 🤩🤩
at first only the pieces framing her face were dyed green but towards the later stages of promotion she added more highlights!! (not really shown in the above collage)
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— fireworks era;
definitely juliet’s brightest/most unconventional (?) hair colour since debut
but she loved it!! after having mostly dark hair for a year she was ready to sacrifice her scalp to the hair gods again!! 🤠🙏
in the mv and during early promotions the purple was brighter and more saturated
but as promotions went on it started fading to a more muted shade which she also liked!!
the purple lasted until early april before she went blonde again (a similar shade of blonde from wave era)
she’s bringing the spaghetti back yessir yessir yessir gracias 😋🍝
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a/n: writing this made me think of a few things 🤠 1) yeonjun pulling out a clump of his hair mid-interview (?) which inspired that bit about juliet crying when she yanked out her hair 2) just how damaged is rosé’s hair???? 😭😭😭 she’s been blonde since 2019 is her hair okay?????? 3) wanting to dye my own hair kinda like the first one with the blonde highlights 🤠
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bcbdrums · 4 years
The Cocoro of Rococo
My answer to Drakgo prompt #3.  I cheated a little on the prompt.  Oh well!
Title is from a quote from a novel by Noval Takemoto.
This fic is rated M!  Mature content alert!!!
FFn link --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13654523/1/The-Cocoro-of-Rococo
"At last, Shego!"
The green-skinned villainess looked up from her magazine with a grimace. She'd been hoping this one would blow up in his face before the "at last" rant.
"My modifications to the trans-dimensional vortex inducer are complete! We can now travel into a cable TV program and steal the fictional technology and bring it back into the real world!" Drakken cried, raising his fists triumphantly.
Shego closed her magazine with a sigh and uncrossed her legs as she tossed it aside. She recognized his single-minded determination as well as she recognized her own disdain for plans that relied on experimental technology. But there would be no dissuading him.
"And you can take objects out of a TV show, how?" she asked as she approached him where he was grinning over the cables connecting his device.
"With this!" Drakken said, holding up a separate small device that looked to Shego's eye, like an old dustbuster. "My new matter re-organizer will enable us to bring back whatever we want! And I have my sights set on the technology from Space Passage. Weapons...travel...medicine...revolutionized!"
"Uh-huh... And how do you know it won't come back as stage props?"
Drakken's fierce grin was unshakeable, and he only tutted at her as they both moved to stand in front of the larger device. "Oh ye of little faith! This plan is fool-proof!"
Shego gave him a look. For the first time his expression faltered, but only slightly.
"Well...what's wrong with the plan?" he asked seriously, staring at her.
"Other than it being untested and you don't know if your new device will work? What about last time when we just bounced around to different shows?"
"I have solved that problem as well!" Drakken said, his grin returning in full. He picked up the TV remote and pointed it at the television brought to the lab, turning it on. "I discovered that the problem before was simply that there wasn't any program running when we went into the TV. Now, as long as we choose our program beforehand, we'll stay in one show!"
Shego couldn't help but smirk at his enthusiasm as he flipped the channels until finding Space Passage. The plan was untried and absurd to the highest degree. Removing all the water from the Great Lakes was a better idea in her opinion, simply because there was less personal risk. But after four years, she knew there was no changing his mind...
"All right, Jack Paar," Shego said, sidling up to him and setting her hand on his shoulder as he stared at the flashing images on the screen. He glanced at her with a raised brow, the reference going over his head. She only grinned. "So what are we stealing first? We can't come back with everything on the first try. And won't the characters fight back?"
"They won't need to," a familiar voice from somewhere above spoke. Both Drakken and Shego whirled around to see Kim Possible crouched in an upper window of the lair. "Because you're not activating that device."
"Kim Possible!?" Drakken gasped.
Kim shot her grappler into the opposite wall where it anchored, and in a flash she was zip-lining down the cable straight toward them, followed by her side-kick-turned-boyfriend and his pet rodent on their own zip-lines.
"Are you really surprised?" Shego asked, giving Drakken a sideways glance as she ignited her hands and began firing at the intruders.
Kim leapt off the zip-line and headed straight toward Shego, leg cocked and ready to kick. The villainess's resulting distraction meant she only heard Drakken's annoyed grunt as Ron Stoppable crashed into him, sending the two of them sprawling.
"Aren't you supposed to be away at college?" Shego said through a grunt as she shook off the pain from the adult teen's attack.
"Not when Drakken is stealing the pan-dimensional vortex inducer. For the third time."
Shego kicked out fiercely before lunging forward with her glowing hands, swinging punches that caused the red-haired heroine to hop back and away.
"Can't you just get on with your own life and stop messing with ours?" Shego responded with a grunt when Kim was far enough away that she could take a breath.
"When the two of you are still plotting world domination? As if!" Kim retorted, lunging forward and throwing a double kick combo that Shego had to back-handspring to avoid.
"Who says we're trying to take over the world?" Shego grunted as she fired a blast of distraction before leaping forward with another kick.
Kim grabbed Shego's ankle and yanked in an uncharacteristic act of violence. The green woman gasped and fell forward, almost crashing into the teen before hitting her back hard in the chest with glowing hands as she fell, causing the red-head to let go.
Both women stumbled for a moment as they regained their balance, turning with looks of menace. But their combat was halted by a frantic shout from Ron.
"No, no, no, Kim help!" he wailed.
Shego looked at where Drakken and Ron, in a tangle of limbs, had bumped into the device Drakken had built to connect the trans-dimensional vortex inducer to the television. The device was active and the beam had begun to surround the pair.
The naked mole-rat was at their feet, hopping and squealing in anxiety. Shego gasped as the creature hopped directly onto the fallen TV remote and watched as the channel changed...and Drakken's and Ron's forms wobbled and then were sucked into the portal that appeared in front of the screen, soon followed by the mole-rat that had unwittingly changed their plans.
Shego snarled and ran past Kim, grabbing Drakken's matter re-organizer and jumping directly into the portal. If the teen followed or not, she didn't care. And as she felt herself begin the tingling transformation into whatever form of matter they were inside the TV, she hoped that Drakken's plan also included a way back out of the world of cable...
Drakken felt a bump as his rear impacted something hard, and then he opened his eyes. He was sitting on a polished floor of some sort of stone tiling. He blinked and lifted his eyes to the rest of his surroundings. He was in a broad hallway, and both walls where white and adorned in intricate filigree and what appeared to be murals painted directly onto the wall. Every five feet or so was a small statue on a pedestal, and as he continued his survey he found the ceiling was decorated with even more filigree and intricate moulding. Paintings covered the entire ceiling, and a distance down the hall hung a candelabra chandelier that provided the only dim lighting.
Drakken pushed himself off the ground and then gasped as he took in his own clothing. He wore a heavy dark blue coat that was embroidered all the way down the front and the hem. It was so long it was practically a cape, and it had massive, broad sleeves that folded over up to his elbows, also with the ornate, gold embroidery. Beneath the coat was a waistcoat of the same blue, but a lighter material, and a black shirt with some sort of ruffly yet silken black cravat at his throat.
His pants were the same rich dark blue, but they were extremely tight, such to the point that he was glad the waistcoat fell down far below his belt. The pants also stopped at the knee, where black stockings were pinned up beneath them and he wore black heeled shoes that were clearly from a bygone era. The entire ensemble was from a bygone era.
His hair, thankfully, was largely unchanged. Though when he rain his hand back over it the pieces he usually let stick up freely in the front had been slicked down. He hoped it wouldn't be too hard to clean when they got back.
"Shego?" he called loudly. His voice echoed down the hall with its rich, tiled floor until it evaporated into silence. He sighed and began walking, to his right, because it happened to be the direction he was mostly facing.
"This isn't Space Passage..."
Shego grumbled to herself as she picked her way down the stone hall. She had kicked off her pink heeled shoes after the first five minutes of trying to navigate the maze, so the echo of their clopping was gone. Now the only sound was the rustling of a skirt so massive she was sure she must be wearing two or three dresses at once.
The gown was dark green, the fabric heavy, thick, and shiny, and it fell in more tiered layers than she cared to count. It was a full skirt with some sort of support structure beneath it, but that was little help in allowing her to travel easily for the bulk of the gown. Each tier of the skirt was lined with large, pink roses made of another fabric and sewn on, complete with vines and leaves connecting them. Up the front of the bodice was a pink lacing that was almost hidden for the massive ruffles that fell from the large pink bow at the center of her cleavage. The tight green sleeves that fell to her elbow were likewise adorned with massive pink bows and lace that fell to her forearms, tickling her bare skin. The neckline of the gown was far lower than anything she had ever worn, and it was also broad and ever so slightly off the shoulder. It was also lined in the soft, pink roses.
Her hair, thankfully, seemed to have avoided a full transformation into whatever historical program the rodent had unwittingly sent them to. The strands framing her face were pulled back with a pink ribbon, tied in a large bow high at the back of her head. Her hair had been curled into large ringlets, but was so heavy that it couldn't maintain its shape and was already cascading down her back in twisted black waves. Within the waves were woven more pink ribbons, with real roses affixed to them that perfumed the air around her head with a sweet smell that was mildly distracting. Shego was glad that keeping her hair back was at least one thing she didn't have to worry about as she tried to navigate the confusing program.
As she continued down the broad hallway, she tripped on one of her skirts and nearly fell. She snarled and ignited her hands with the intent to just burn the heavy layers away, but stopped as the soft echo of footfalls began to approach. Shego held her glowing hands up and away from her skirts and froze. If the approaching person was Kim Possible or the side-kick...she'd show them exactly what she thought of their interference. And she'd need a good shot, due to the restricting clothing.
Just because Drakken had outsourced the pan-dimensional vortex inducer and they were going to use it steal fictional future technology of world-altering importance...didn't mean they were using it for world domination. In fact, the plan was to patent and sell all the technology and retire in luxury. It was a different way of ruling the world...but really, rule it they would. Legally. They were even planning to return the outsourced tech. That device would mean nothing, after all, once their future tech was out there.
As luck would have it, it wasn't red or blond hair that rounded the corner, but black. Drakken startled slightly at the sight of her, but then sighed in relief. He opened his mouth to speak, but then his breath caught. Shego raised an eyebrow as he stared at her, slack-jawed.
"What?" she asked as she let her glow go out, slowly dropping her hands to rest over her skirts and shifting her weight to one foot.
"You look...you look..." Drakken stammered.
Shego glanced down at her dress again, nervously pulling a lock of hair complete with woven roses over her shoulder. All she had really noticed before was the inconvenience, but, the design was nice enough for whatever historical period they were stuck in. And the dark green and pink did look nice against her skin.
She looked up at Drakken and really looked at his attire for the first time. His coat, while not tailored at the waist, was so long that it fairly flowed like a cape from his broad shoulders where it was perfectly cut. Her eyes moved from the hem of the coat up his legs, where the pants were so tight they may as well have been painted on. Her brow furrowed in annoyance when her gaze reached the hem of the waistcoat, which fell almost to the middle of his thighs.
She looked up at his face again, which was coloring dark with a blush. He lifted a hand and tugged at his collar and cleared his throat. Shego suddenly found her heart racing, and her hands began anxiously fiddling with the ends of her hair.
Drakken looked around suddenly, his head turning in every direction, until he spotted a door in the wall just behind and across from him. It was easy to miss, as it was decorated with the same elegance and intricacy as the rest of the walls. He crossed to it, pushed the door in and stuck his head inside, and then looked back out.
"Come on," he said, extending a hand to her.
Shego blinked and nervously stepped forward. Why was she nervous? He was grinning with anxious excitement when she set her hand in his, and she peered around him into the room and observed the centuries-old furniture.
"It's just an old bedroom— Whoa!" she said as Drakken pulled her quickly into the room, closing the door behind them.
Kim held her pink and yellow Rococo skirts high as she traipsed through the halls, looking for any sign of Ron or Drakken and Shego. Her dress had been unfortunately damaged in her fight with the castle guards upon her arrival in what was obviously the movie The Swordsman Three, and she was wondering why she hadn't yet jumped to a new channel. Since she hadn't, the likelihood was that the others were trapped in the same movie, but she had yet to find them.
Just then, a familiar voice sounded from behind a wall somewhere to her left. But the voice was uncharacteristically giggling. Kim frowned and followed the sound until she reached a door. She was about to kick it in and continue the fight that Drakken's device had interrupted, when she heard said man whine.
"Shegooo," the mad scientist said, sounding annoyed and impatient to Kim's ear. And Shego's giggling continued from within the room.
Kim weighed her options for a moment, until finally she scoffed at herself and cautiously turned the doorknob, making no sound as she pushed the door in ever-so slightly and peered into the candlelit room.
Shego was standing at the foot of a four-poster canopy bed in an elaborate green and pink Rococo gown and holding a pink fan in her hand, fanning her face with it as she giggled at something on the other side of the room. Kim watched as she cleared her throat and tried to calm down from whatever had amused her.
"Fine, fine, I'm okay," she said through her giggling.
"Nrgh... Shego, if you don't—" Drakken said from somewhere in the room Kim couldn't see.
"No, I've got it. Gimme a sec."
Kim watched then as Shego schooled her features with effort, until gone was the flushed expression of laughter. Instead her eyes became dark, almost fearful, but danced with excitement. She straightened up and stuck out her chest a bit as she brought the fan lower, drawing attention to her very exposed bosom.
"Oh, but my lord," Shego said in a surprisingly convincing tone of worry, though she also didn't sound entirely opposed to whatever question she was responding to. "Such things are forbidden!"
Drakken's voice came from somewhere out of sight, dark and commanding. "I am a very powerful man. I can get you anything you desire. As long as...my desires are also fulfilled."
Shego closed the fan and dropped it behind her on the bed. The corner of her mouth quirked upward, but she visibly bit the inside of her cheek to stop it. "And if...my desire is half your wealth?"
Kim's heart was pounding and she was about to close the door when Drakken stepped into view. His grin was wicked and his posture confident as he slowly approached Shego.
"That could be arranged. But it would depend on...how well you perform for me in...various tasks."
Shego's chest heaved as he got closer. "And...which task shall I perform first?"
"Unlace your bodice."
Kim closed the door as silently as she could and then ran back down the hall. She tripped over her skirt and fell just before reaching the corner, and once on the ground she simply gathered up her dress and leaned back against the wall, trying to calm her shaking.
That...was not what she had thought Drakken and Shego were going to use the pan-dimensional vortex inducer for.
"I tell ya, buddy," Ron said to Rufus, perched on his shoulder, "I have never had more love for boxer shorts than I do today."
The naked mole-rat concurred with a nod as Ron walked the maze of halls in his red and black musketeer's attire, a sword at his side that he had to keep one hand on to keep the scabbard from dragging the floor. When they rounded the corner Ron stopped short as he saw Kim sitting at the opposite end of the hallway, her arms wrapped around her drawn-up knees with her rather tattered skirts surrounding her. She had her head leaned back against the wall and looked very upset.
"Kim!" Ron cried as he ran toward her.
"Shh!" Kim hissed urgently, struggling to her feet and waving him to stop with her hands.
Ron stopped short as he assessed her and tried to make sense of her words. "Are you hurt? Where are Drakken and Shego?"
"No, I'm fine. They're in there," Kim said, pointing to the door Ron had stopped next to. "But— Ron, no!"
Ron was already turning the knob and pushed the door in without a thought. His eyes widened as Rufus let out an alarmed squeal from his shoulder.
A large bed. And on it, dark green skirts and pink stocking-clad knees surrounding a pale blue butt that was thrusting up and down, with tight, dark blue pants pulled down to mid-thigh.
"Ohhh hohohoho no, Kim!" Ron shouted.
He caught a glimpse of green breasts, a terrified green face, and a blue face that seemed to be all mouth as it screamed something at him. He closed his eyes as he turned away rapidly.
"Kim! My eyes, I can't see!" Ron cried, running toward her with his hands in the air as he flailed in panic, eyes tightly closed.
"Ron! I told you not to open the door!"
Green glowing blasts came at them in rapid succession through the door, intermixed with feral feminine shrieks and incoherent masculine shouting that may or may not have contained real words. Ron felt Kim grab his hand as they ran down the hallway, around the corner, and didn't stop until Kim tripped over her skirts and they were forced to pause.
"Kim! Kim! I saw...I saw—"
"I...don't really want to hear it Ron," Kim said. She was painfully sympathetic but also very afraid of what Ron might say.
Ron dropped his head onto Kim's shoulder while Rufus sat almost camouflaged on Kim's pink skirt, scrubbing at his eyes.
"Guess they weren't plotting world domination this time after all," Kim finally sighed.
They sat for a long moment catching their breath, occasionally looking at each other and grimacing. But Ron suddenly remembered something.
"KP... How are we gonna get back? Wade's on that family vacation."
Kim's eyes widened. She thought for a moment and finally frowned in agony.
"I guess...there's only one thing we can do."
A long while later, Drakken unlocked the bedroom door and poked his face cautiously through the small crack he'd made. He peered to the left and right down the empty halls as he tied his hair back with a dark blue ribbon.
"Is the coast clear?" Shego asked, still attempting to tie up her bodice.
Drakken was about to answer when he saw a small piece of paper folded on the ground right in front of the door. He frowned and picked it up.
"What's that?" Shego asked.
Drakken unfolded the paper and read the note aloud.
"We're sorry we walked in on you. We promise never to speak of this again, but we need your help to get home. We're exploring the castle. Come find us when you're done."
"When we're done?" Shego snarled, hurling her pink ribbon down in frustration.
Drakken turned back to look at her, and the furrow in his brow suddenly faded into something thoughtful and a bit devious.
"What?" Shego asked, leaning back on her hands with a sigh.
"They said, 'when we're done'..." he answered, waving the note in the air.
"Yeah, so?"
Drakken's cheeks colored and he cleared his throat, his gaze falling pointedly to her half-covered chest.
Shego's jaw worked silently in shock for a moment, but then she smirked. "It would serve them right, having to wait longer."
Drakken grinned and tossed the note to the ground, closing and locking the door.
"So what does my lord wish on this fine evening?" Shego asked.
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curemoonliite · 5 years
Premiere Nebula Fun Facts!
I was planning on writing a character profile for Io tonight, but since I’m feeling a little under the weather, I’ll just give you a few Premiere Nebula fun facts about each character. So, here goes!
Valka: Probably my oldest character ever, to the point where she’s almost more of an imaginary friend than a disposable character. Underneath her serious and deeply traumatized mentor-like nature, she has quite the snarky side, and often exchanges quips with her adoptive sister, Io. She was an Ixi (goat-like species) when I first came up with her on Neopets, so sometimes I imagine AUs of her as a satyr or werewolf (since her backstory mirrors a werewolf myth). The nickname Io gives her, Valvi, originally made a ton more sense when she was on Neo, because she married a certain Neopets sports player character with “vi” in his last name, so it was like a J.Lo thing. Now it’s just a play off how many athletes have similar-sounding nicknames AKA I liked the name too much.
Omega: She was originally conceived as an emotionless girl type, which I later repurposed into Koto. The beginnings of her current personality were sparked by me rereading Harry Potter and wanting to create a nervous hero who later becomes strong, like Neville Longbottom. She kinda took the main character position from Valka after that. Outside of sports, she’s great with all sorts of art, especially painting and jewelry-making. Has light brown hair with rainbow tips, which a ton of people think are lame, but she finds them really cool.
Xue: Basically the magical girl mom friend taken to its logical conclusion AKA the sort who uses empathic powers to pester you into fessing up your issues. Annoying at times, but also a great leader who helps Valka out a lot. Loves vintage, lace, and all things cute, while still being the most educated of the group (she’d probably paint her therapy office in wall-to-wall pastels). High physical strength, fairly low magical strength.
Xing: Xue’s sister, who was captured by the Firebrands many years before the story’s beginning. Also likes vintage fashion, but is more into the ‘80s and ‘90s scene than her sister. Was a local singer in the Square before capture, who specialized in disco and rock music. My image of her is based off black disco queens like Donna Summer, and I just know she listened to her stuff a ton as a kid. (She also really likes Motown—she even modeled her hairstyle off Diana Ross.) Basically, someone who seems stuck in the past, but really wants to change the future. High magical strength, weak constitution, gets sick a ton.
Koto: Her race was pretty uncertain after I changed her from a Neopet to a person, but someone I really value and who really values my ideas is Filipina, so I made Koto of that descent to honor her. Clones have fascinated me since I was a child, and a science fiction book I read about them had a clone who could play the piano even though his counterpart couldn’t—so I decided to make Koto learn to play violin in secret. She seems like dumb muscle, but Star Corporations realized the importance of educating her, so she’s quite smart. I often have writing discussions with my boyfriend, and since she hasn’t come in the story much yet, he often calls her “Shego” (since both are mook types with green themes). Since Koto is usually a rule-following type who mostly rebels when her friends are in danger, I jokingly call these situations “Captain America moments.”
Stelle: My favorite character to write tends to switch between her and Valka. Her color scheme (green+silver+black) is probably my favorite. She often switches between a comedic mood and a more depressive mood, which is seriously making me consider giving her ADHD or bipolar. Due to her whole “dark past as a brainwashed assassin” thing, she has “Bucky Barnes moments” to match Koto. (I swear, I didn’t watch any of the Marvel movies until their characters were finalized! It’s just a coincidence, albeit one that might draw Stucky shippers to my story.) Has always been 100% gay in my imaginings of her (it took Koto a little longer).
Io: By far, the most fun character to write. The teen character who curses a ton and secretly has plenty of hidden depths. Will probably be an indie movie director when she grows up. She’s actually the Manufacturer’s daughter, which I love because hero/villain’s daughter relationships are typically romantic rather than sisterly (like her and Valka). Watches a ton of old movies, as well as movies from our era. Would probably love/relate to all the “troubled relationship with father” characters, and I can especially see her liking Gamora and Todoroki in a modern AU. (Despite my lack of father issues, I have similar tastes in that regard.)
Kaine: Originally just a villain to be killed, is now a Chaotic Neutral turned Chaotic Good character. A lot of this change was based on a Precure season in which a chara’s dark clone was killed, which made me realize I really didn’t want this to happen to Kaine. Was also originally a Yandere, but was changed to just a flirty character who falls in love easily (because I’m not huge on that trope anymore). One of the rare sniper-type Actresses I have planned. A 30-something adult who never got out of her goth phase, and whose magical girl form is pure Gothic Lolita. (Hers is one of my faves for this exact reason.)
Phea: The newest Nebula gal—I’ve only had her in my head for a year or so. Most of her concept was based on my love for model-themed magical girls and the (actually useful) celebrity activist trope. Since she has long ombre teal hair and is a plus-size model, the plus-size modeling community on Tumblr gave me a ton of inspiration for her looks. Only goes by her stage name—even I don’t know what her real name is yet! Her Actress name, Nymphea, happens to be both a flower (water lily) and a Pokémon (the Japanese name for Sylveon); the former was intended and the later was a happy accident. She was Valka’s old college roommate, and the two were quite close (Phea personally fantasizes about an “oh my god, they were roommates” scenario with Valka, but hasn’t confessed yet.) Loves photography and dogs—the bigger and fluffier the better! (The “Phea has a huge dog” headcanon is a joke born from the fact that many celebrities have tiny ones—Phea, on the other hand, would have a Saint Bernard and still give her a cutesy celebrity dog name like Rosetta.)
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