#shes abt to end this mans whole career
ouraniatm · 2 years
despite getting discharged out the infirmary     a short while ago, and being advised to rest as much as possible ( basically, do not leave your damn bed ), cora was in the mood for video gaming ... and what better way to satiate their need than to sneak in ... well, she guesses her now boyfriend’s room and compete against his maverick skillset? frankly, cora still couldn’t fully comprehend the situation at hand. it’s been a month or so since the STYX “incident”  and her brush with death’s sweet grip, yet her concept of time was beyond messed up. many would be scarred to the point of no hope for salvation, but oh, cora was not many, unfortunate souls which fell to lethe river. maybe there was something to thank her bastard of an “old man”, after all ... but, now’s not the time for dark humored jokes. the hurt was present, yet slowly dispersing the more she sat alongside idia whose cocky smile and tone would’ve irritated her, but now brought a myriad of glee and giddiness. 
such changes felt rapid, yet more than welcome. here she was, believing the elder of two despised her guts for treating him horribly, despite so many issues happening to them both, but this only proved her wrong  -  could she finally stop being strong, just once? maybe she can finally, once and for all, show a smile ... one that was relaxed, joyful and full of overwhelming love for this adorable nerd.
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however, if idia really thought she’d be any nicer just because they finally came clean of the filth piling on both their backs and now pursue a relationship, then he’d be dead wrong. it didn’t take long for cora’s snarky smile to return on her face, hands taking hold of her own controller.   ❛ look at you, getting cocky with your high score ... ~ talk about being ‘fair’, eh? ❜    she pauses to adjust on his bed as comfortably as possible, icy blue eyes looking back at yellows with a hint of coyness.  ❛ wow... i’m in trouble, now. look how scared i am. ❜   the sarcasm couldn’t be more than obvious at this moment, though cora ends up chuckling.   ❛ keep yapping, i’ll just listen and wait until i make you eat all your words ~ ❜   familiar jingles tuned out the screen, which now showed a character and vehicle selection.  ❛ hmmm...wanna use default characters or go for custom? you’re the maverick, here ~ ❜  
@crownshattered​ ... continued from here.
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iateyourparents · 2 months
Not sure if you write for Harry Styles but what if r met h in high school and they were dating but after graduation they parted they ways and yhen few years later she meets him and they start again and she gets to know that some of his songs are abt her?
I love your writing for S&C!!!
Adore you | h.s.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
summary: you run into harry after years of not seeing him.
warnings: use of y/n, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry but english isn’t my first language)
an: so it’s my first time writing for harry but i absolutely adore this man with my whole heart so i gladly wrote this! thank you sm, hope you like it <33
pictures are from pinterest :)
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If someone told you that your ex would end up as a worldwide famous singer, you would believe them in a second.
Harry always had a thing for singing and he was really good at it so when he told you he wanted to audition for xfactor you were all in to support him.
He succeeded, like you knew he would, and was put in a band with four other boys. That was when your ways parted. He started writing songs, making album and had few little gigs to make their band known. And you wanted to focus on school, on your future.
As much as you both wanted to make it and keep your relationship alive, you knew it would be naive to hope for it. He was about to be famous and travel the world and you wanted to study and make a mark with your name in the world of medicine.
So you parted your ways and you haven’t heard of Harry or One Direction for some time, until two years later when they started becoming one of the bigger bands in the music industry.
He achieved it. You always knew he was made to be someone. He deserved to be someone.
He was kind, selfless and practically wore his heart on his sleeve. If someone was a good celebrity material, it was him.
Sometimes, you found yourself following his career, cheering on him and wishing him all the best.
Years were passing, One Direction went on a break that was lasting longer than they promised and all of the boys started to make their own history.
Harry just released his third own album and you couldn’t be happier for him, although you didn’t follow him as much as you used to.
Actually, you practically didn’t follow him at all. All you knew was what you heard on radio on your way from work to home.
You were achieving your goals too. You became a doctor, a good one, known in whole UK. You were young but you already did more than some older doctors.
Your name was well known in medical world and you couldn’t be happier with how your career worked out.
Although, sometimes you wished you chose some other life path.
For example, you wished it right now while looking at two teenagers sitting on a hospital bed. They were glued to themselves and it wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t glued with an actual glue. To make it worse, it was really old glue and it was causing health problems for both of the teenagers and one was about to pass out from all the coughing.
“Alright, we need to make sure that all their organs are okay, Marcus’ father said he saw them eating that glue.” you grimaced “Run all the tests and draw blood from both of them.” you ordered your interns who quickly went to patients.
Few hours later you were finally able to go home and you couldn’t wait to finally take a warm shower and change scrubs to comfortable pajama.
But first, you had to go grocery shopping. You were thinking about going home first to change but you knew if you get to home you wouldn’t be able to get out of bed again.
So now you were in the grocery store looking at all the cereal searching for your favorite ones. You finally noticed them but they were in completely other place. Usually, they were on a second shelf and now they were all the way up on the highest one. One that was too high for you to reach.
But you tried anyway. And you failed.
You heard a deep chuckle behind you and then a male voice “Need any help?”
You turned around with bright smile “Yes, please.”
Man, who looked weirdly familiar to you, reached a cereal cartoon without any struggle and handed it to you with a smile.
“Here.” you took the cartoon while he was looking at your face “Do I know you? You look familiar.” he stated and you searched his face to see something that would give you a clue who he was.
Then it hit you.
“Harry?” the man nodded “Oh my god, you changed so much.”
Man furrowed his brows and suddenly his eyes widened “Y/n?” you nodded with small smile “Oh god, it’s good to see you.” he hugged you.
“Visiting family?” you asked and he nodded “How’s famous life treating you?”
“Good, I just published my newest album.” he looked proud of himself and it was really adorable.
“I heard.” you nodded with a smile “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. Did you hear any songs?” he asked unsure.
“No, sorry. I don’t really have time for music. My life last few days looked like sleep, work, sleep, work, shopping, sleep and work.” you laughed and he smiled with amusement.
“Sounds like you, always so ambitious.” he looked over you “So how’s being a well known surgeon? I heard amazing things about you.”
“It’s… certainly something.” you nodded slowly “I love my work but some things I see… Damn.” you shrugged and he laughed.
“I’m happy you’re good, I thought of you few days ago.” Harry stated and you raised your brow.
“Mr. Famous thought about me? How flattering.” you teased and he chuckled “I have to go home, my bed is calling but we should meet someday when you will be in town.” you offered and he nodded vigorously with a grin.
“I’m staying for a few weeks at my mum’s, we can arrange something. We definitely should catch up. Here, give me your number.” he handed you his phone and you added your contact.
“Well then, see you around Harry. And thanks for your help.” you flashed him with a smile which he returned and you went to a cash station.
Next day you got a text from an unknown number which turned out to be Harry’s number. He asked when you had time to meet.
Finally, you both decided to meet on a Saturday. To make it funnier, Harry offered to meet at the coffee shop that you often visited while being together.
On a Saturday you felt nervous. You didn’t see him for a long time and you weren’t sure how it would turn out, if you even will be able to maintain an interesing conversation without it being awkward.
But here you were, sitting in front of Harry, drinking tea and eating delicious muffins while talking and laughing about old times.
“I never thought that the audition would turn out this well.” he admitted with small smile.
“I knew it would.” you stated “You’re too good to not be noticed, although your hey sister was terrible.” you snickered and he smiled amused.
“I was nervous!” he huffed “If it wasn’t for you I’m not sure if I would actually get on that stage, you were my lucky charm.”
You looked at him with a touched smile “I was cheering for you even when we weren’t talking anymore.” you admitted “I always knew you would be someone important and look at you, you’re saving teenagers’ lives and make great music.”
You could see faint blush on his cheeks and the bashful smile was just cute.
“Well, I guess I wouldn’t be where I’m if not your cheering.” he chuckled “I only regret that our ways parted. I wish we maintained contact. I missed you.”
“I missed you too Harry.” you said hoping you didn’t blush “But at least we’re here now and it feels good.”
“Yeah it does.” he agreed with a smile that made your heart race. You knew that smile, he was sending it your ways on daily basis when you were together. It was this cute smirk with dreamy eyes and it just made you feel weak in knees.
Apparently some things never change, because it made you feel just the same as years ago.
And you’re not sure how it happened but next morning you woke up with Harry’s bare chest as your pillow.
But you weren’t complaining.
“Seriously?” you laughed while making breakfast with Harry. He was talking about the time when he was in One Direction “I always thought that it was just a song about good song.”
“Well, most of ours song had hidden dirty meaning.” he laughed too.
“What about your songs? Any dirty meanings?” you teased and he blushed.
Your morning together turned to spending whole day together.
“You can stay for the night.” you offered when he said he should get going.
“I don’t want to bother you.” he giggled.
“You’re not bothering, I like having you here.” you admitted and you were praying to not blush when he smirked at you.
“Good to know. I will gladly stay if you’re sure.” he said “But let me know if you will be sick of me.”
“That wouldn’t be possible.” you rolled your eyes hitting his chest with your hand which he catched and squeezed in his bigger one “You’re the sweetest person alive, you would have to kill my dog to make me hate you.”
“Sure.” now he rolled his eyes “You have a dog?”
“No.” you pouted “I wish but I’m rarely home and I wouldn’t want to leave a dog alone.” you explained and he nodded in understanding “What about you? Any pets?”
“Not really, I’m also rarely home when touring.” he shrugged.
And somehow this conversation turned into talking about his songs.
“And which ones do you like?” he looked at you with a small smile. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but in last few days his songs were on repeat so you wouldn’t be in dark when he would be talking about his career.
“Hm, I really like Carolina and little freak.” you stated after a moment of thinking. You noticed how Harry moved weirdly after your words “Is there something wrong?” you asked worriedly.
“No no.” he assured you “What do you like about Carolina?” he tilted his head looking curiously at you while still holding your hand.
“I don’t know, I just like it.” you shrugged “Why are you asking?”
“You didn’t notice, did you?” he laughed.
“Notice what?” you smiled with small confusion.
“Carolina, Adore you, Only Angel, Woman?” he furrowed his eyes.
“What about them?”
“God, woman. They are about you.” he huffed with amusement and your eyes widened.
“What?” you were sure you were a blushing mess at the moment.
“Carolina? It’s literally your description, you moved because your grandmother offered you and your parents to, you always had books with you and liked to compare life to books.” he explained “Oh, and you have cousins in Carolina!”
All he said was true and you actually realized it in fact was actually a song about you.
“Why would you wrote about me?” you asked quietly playing with his fingers.
“I was so in love with you. My first ever song that I writed was about you.” he admitted “Only angel. I changed it a bit before releasing it because I was teenager while I wrote and it was a slight disaster but it turned out great.”
“I’m not sure what to say.” you chuckled “Adore you is about me?”
“Yeah, I would go through hell for you.” he stated and you noticed that he didn’t use past tense.
“So am I so kind of inspiration for you?” you teased but he answered completely seriously.
“Yeah, you are big inspiration. Most of my songs have something about you in them even if they aren’t exactly about you.” he admitted bashfully “I was completely head over heels for you. And I think I still adore you.”
And if you were his inspiration for next lovely album that he made as a gift for you for your first anniversary, that’s just a bonus.
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sick and tired of people saying everyone who support bucktommy while disliking buck's previous love interests are misogynistic
sure, that is most likely the case for some, however i am TIRED of people refusing to listen to why some didn't like buck's love interests.
let's take a look at why his love interests have been disliked, other than buddie shippers simply not wanting to see him with anyone else:
abby: i actually don't know lol i quite enjoyed her up until the point where she fucking left him and lead him on for months. i guess some people really hated the age gap but they're both adults so it shouldn't matter
taylor kelly: yikes where do i start. in her first few appearances when she's filming at the station she blatantly exploits bobby's relapse and near-attempt. even let's buck believe she's going to ask them not to air it then fights for it to air. she then returns seemingly out of nowhere because not even fox or the writers gave a fuck abt earthquake girl and they couldn't have buck be single for some reason. she became more likable, i genuinely was starting to enjoy them as friends, but then they're thrown into another forced romance. they also did not bother to try and redeem her after the whole bobby thing. she was selfish from beginning to end and would throw anyone around her under the bus to further her career. (a personal and very petty reason for me is also they literally look like siblings i can't handle it)
earthquake girl: i swear i'm not trying to be cynical but i deadass don't even remember her name that's how much of a non-character she was
tinder date: this should go without explanation she was rude as fuck and actively looking for reasons to dislike buck and make the date unpleasant for both of them
natalia: (that's her name right?) we disliked her for the same reason buck broke up with her !! she had a WEIRD obsession with buck's "death". literally would not shut up about his very traumatic experience. and that was it ! her one (1) personality trait was "she's obsessed with death to an unhealthy extent"
personally, i don't even like tommy that much. him making that joke when buck clearly wasn't ready to come out to eddie was vile. i definitely don't want bucktommy endgame, but it gave us bisexual buck ! let us celebrate some fucking representation. celebrating a queer man finally coming to terms with his sexuality is not a personal attack on women. be so fr.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
since there was already a prompt abt pining can i ask for hcs on how the ffxiv boys (+leofard?) would go about expressing their interest in a particularly dense wol? 😊
We do love a dense motherfuker
Thancred is fucjing suffering over here. He cannot possibly make his intentions any more obvious. The problem is that hes accidentally played himself-- hes spent so long disguising his feelings as jokes, or as ploys on missions, and now you just assume that his flirting and holding your hand and wanting to be in your space all the time is just what the two of you do. He ends up having to go all rose petals and sappy love confession under the moonlight like some kind of storybook love interest. Its so sappy, embarrassing, but its also so, so sweet.
Urianger is, unfortunately, painfully Sharlyan about the whole thing. He gives you nice paper, expensive ink, masterwork tools, intricate glasswear for your alchemy lab. Practical, highquality armor. A delicately embroidered handkerchief. He thinks hes being overly forward with his affections, you think hes just being a really good friend, yshtola would rather drown herself than watch the rest of this soap opera play out.
Literally what else does G'raha need to do to prove his devotion to you??? The man unwound time and unraveled space just to be by your side. He was practically your sugardaddy your entire time on the First. He almost, almost thought you were flirting back with him when you brought him food from the Last Stand, and then Alphinaud and alisae and krile trotted in behind you and it took every ounce of his Exarch discipline not to retreat with his tail between his legs. Pls this man is suffering.
Estinien literally can not. Look me in the eyes. This stinky dragoon has spent a good half his life behind an armet. He is a horrible mix of country bumpkin, career soldier, aymeric's half-assed attempts to pound courtly decorum into estiniens dumb empty head, and Nidhoggs instincts. He wants to cook you food, drag you into a corner and kiss you silly, send you flowers, and bring you something he killed with his bare hands. He ends up doing all four. Not necessarily in that order.
Aymeric is dying. You are going to be the death of him. He has gone through great pains to discover your favorite flower and have them always displayed in your room. He has written you letters full of poetry. He has showered you with gifts. He has invited you to dine with him. At this point the other nobles are asking whether its going to be a spring or summer wedding, and he doesnt know how to explain how you are still woefully oblivious bc he cant explain it himself.
Haurchefant gave you a LITERAL DOWRY. He handed you the reins to an extremely expensive war-trained black de chocobo in front of everyone whos ever mattered to him and also half of ishgard, and then he had to stand there dying internally while you praised him for being a "good friend". There are bets not on whether hes going to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his room to. Ahem. Prove his devotions. But rather on how long it will take him to break.
Sidurgu. Barely has memories of the Orl traditions around courtship. His mother had often regaled him with stories of how she had courted his father. Food, presense and friendship, proofs of skill. And yes, it frustrates him that you seem to brush off his attempts, but. Well. It took almost five years for his mother and father to get together, from the way they told it. Hes learned a lot for your sake, and for rielles. He can learn patience too.
Leofard is a pirate. He doesnt dance around the bush, he strikes when the metal is hot and takes what he wants. It works well with garlean airships and the odd unfortunate merchant. Not. So much with you. One, because your consent and emotions are important to him. Two, because you are so. Fucking. Dense. He steals silks and jewels and fancy foods for you, spends time with you, saved your life from diabolos, told you his sad life story. Hes one step from throwing himself at you like some fainting dame, and its embarrassing.
(Hes not gonns stop tho)
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Hello! I love all your fics abt Hotchniss family, pregnant Emily and daddy Hotch. But I’m curious how In your world they end up together???? If you up to it you may consider it as a promt and if you don’t want to write it its okay. Love your works👀🫶
Thank you so much!!
Here's a little (ok it's long I got carried away as usual) getting together fic for you!
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The One You Reached For
She’d never believed in fate, had never allowed herself to, but in the soft moments at the end of a long day when she sat with Aaron in his living room, a glass of wine in hand as Jack slept just down the hall, she let herself wonder if maybe everything she had endured had led her to him. 
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: Mentions of injury/blood, Canon typical violence
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“I spoke to Jack this morning,” Aaron says, as they climb out of the SUV, closing the door before they start walking towards the home of the witness they had come to interview, “He asked if you’d like to come to the movies with us this weekend.”
Emily smiles, “Asked, or insisted?” 
Aaron chuckles, a glint of something she can’t place in his eyes, “Insisted,” he concedes, “Apparently it won’t be as fun without you.” 
She bites the inside of her cheek to stifle her smile, knowing that their friendship these days was based on a fine balance between what they were like at work and outside of work, even if no one else was around to watch. 
Ever since she’d come home Aaron had stayed close to her, keeping an eye on how she was doing that, if it was anyone else, would annoy her. Instead of feeling stifled, like she was being judged, she appreciated it, keeping her promise of talking to him when she had bad days. It turned from coffee to lunch, to dinner, to whole weekends spent with the Hotchners, sometimes even falling asleep on their couch instead of heading home to sleep. She’d wake up with a blanket over her and Jack snuggled up against her with Aaron watching from nearby. He always had a soft look on his face as he offered her coffee and told her that next time she’d have to take his bed and let him sleep on the couch, something she never let him do. 
She’d fallen in love with him slowly, bit by bit until it became such a part of her she couldn’t remember a before and after or pinpoint when it had happened. She’d never believed in fate, because if she did it would mean fate was nothing other than cruel. It had taken her father away, leaving her with a mother who always prioritised her career, leading her to do the same in her 20s, in turn, that had put her with Ian, the man who would eventually kill her just when she finally felt like she’d found a home for the first time in her life. 
She’d never believed in fate, had never allowed herself to, but in the soft moments at the end of a long day when she sat with Aaron in his living room, a glass of wine in hand as Jack slept just down the hall, she let herself wonder if maybe everything she had endured had led her to him. 
Those were the moments when she considered telling him how she felt, closing the small gap between them and kissing him, tipping their relationship from friendship into more, but she always shook it off. She let herself bask in the fantasy for a few seconds before she came back to reality. Aaron’s friendship had become one of the main cornerstones of her life and she didn’t want to risk it for anything, knowing she’d rather have him like she did than not at all. Sometimes she wondered if he felt the same way, his smile lingering a second too long when he looked at her or watched her help Jack with his homework, a faraway look in his eyes she could not allow herself to believe was him hoping for the same thing she was. 
She’d lost too much in her life to lose him too. 
“Well,” she replies, acting like she’s thinking about it, as if she didn’t already know there is nowhere else she’d rather be, “As long as we’re home by the weekend I am all yours.” She internally winces at her choice of words, shaking her head at herself before she carries on, acting as if she hadn’t spoken as they step onto the porch of the witness, “So, want to play good cop, bad cop?”
He smirks at her and she groans, furious at herself that he was able to do this to her, that he turned her into the nervous teenage girl she hadn’t been for decades, “Which one do you want to be?” 
She knows it isn’t flirting, that he’s just being nice, and she smiles as she knocks on the door, “Why don’t we just see how it plays out?” The door opens as she knocks and they both look at each other, their brows furrowing, “That’s weird.” 
“Mr Hodgins,” Aaron calls through as they step into the house, “It’s Agent Hotchner, we spoke on the phone.” 
There is no response and they look at each other, silently agreeing they’ll search the house. She’s only just stepped foot in the garage, her hand hovering over her gun, when she sees a barrel pointing in her face. She reaches for her gun by reflex, cursing herself for not doing so sooner, still so sure that this was just a normal gathering of a statement until mere seconds ago. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Mr Hodgins says, using the gun he’s pointing at her to direct her further into the garage, “You’re not alone?” 
She shakes her head, her hands up by her head, “No, my colleague is here too,” she says, painfully aware that Aaron will find them, her concern for him overriding her concern for herself.
Hodgins shakes his head and keeps the gun trained on her, “I should have known you would come,” he says, more to himself than her as he devolves in front of her, “I should have known.” 
It clicks into place even though their profile was still not entirely complete. Hodgins had been seen at the most recent crime scene but the local cops had marked him as a loner but harmless. 
“You’re the killer,” she says, looking at the gun she thinks is likely the murder weapon. All they knew about it so far was the size of the bullet. She watches as his eyes go wider, his grip on the gun even tighter, “We can talk about this,” she offers, “We can figure it all out if you just lower your gun.”
“No,” he shouts, stepping closer to her, “You’ll arrest me.” 
“She said, lower the gun.”
She looks over at the same time as Hodgins, her heart seizing in her chest as she sees Aaron standing in the doorway, his gun trained on the man pointing one at her. 
“You lower yours,” he insists, his finger moving to the trigger, “Or I’ll shoot her.” 
She watches as Aaron’s jaw tightens, the only outward sign of stress, and she swallows thickly, wondering how the hell they were only talking about going to the movies just a few minutes ago. 
One of the guns is fired, the sound loud in the enclosed space. It happens quickly. So quickly that the first time she’s really aware Aaron has pushed her out of the way is pain spreading through her wrist as she hits the ground, an automatic reflex making her put her hand out to stop herself. She narrowly avoids hitting her head, time slowing down around her as she hears another shot, and she groans, wincing as she tries to flex her wrist, pain burning up her arm. 
She looks up and sees Hodgins laying on the floor, blood pooling under him from where Aaron had shot him. She sighs, grateful that it was all over as quickly as it had begun. She puts her hand on the floor to push herself up out of habit, wincing as her wrist hurts. 
“Damn it, Aaron,” she complains, “I think you sprained my…” she drifts off as she looks at him, her eyes going wide as he pulls his hand away from his abdomen, bright red blood pouring out from underneath, staining his shirt and the concrete floor beneath them. 
She felt like she was underwater, her senses dull as she stares at the waiting room floor, repeatedly counting the tiny square tiles instead of paying attention to everything around her. 
Derek had pulled her away from Aaron when he arrived at the same time as the paramedics, his grip firm, something she couldn’t escape from no matter how much she fought him, as he hauled her up off of the floor. One of the paramedics had taken pity on her, allowing her to travel in the ambulance with Aaron based on an assumption she was his girlfriend. It was only when they were halfway to the hospital, her eyes fixed on Aaron’s pale face, that she realised she hadn’t corrected him. 
She tells herself it's because this will make it easier at the hospital, that she’ll be able to stay close to him, not because even in these circumstances the thought of being his girlfriend makes her stomach flip. 
When they arrive Dave makes her get her wrist checked out, saying that Aaron would never forgive him if he didn’t make sure she was seen by a doctor. He goes as far as sitting with her as the doctor confirms she’s suffered a sprain before he cleans the graze from the floor on her palm and puts a compression bandage on her wrist. 
The doctor had tried to make her take a painkiller, which Dave had tried to convince her to do too, but she resisted. She’d survived far worse than a sprained wrist, the pain she could handle, a drop in the ocean compared to what Ian had done to her. It was also something she could focus on. The throbbing in her wrist and the tight compression bandage she’d been given easier to hone in on, to think about as time ticked by slowly, each second a lifetime as they waited to hear an update on Aaron’s surgery.
She’d survived worse than this, but she wouldn’t survive losing him. 
She jumps slightly as JJ reaches out for her, a gentle squeeze of her good arm bringing her back to the room, her senses so sharp her head pounds, forcing her to hide a wince. 
“Sorry,” Emily says, clearing her throat as she looks at her friend, well aware from her expression and the rest of the teams, that they had likely been trying to get her attention for a while, “I’m okay.” 
JJ smiles softly at her, “No you aren’t.” 
Emily sighs, looking back at the floor, all too aware that if she looked at any of them for too long that she might cry and she didn’t want to do that. Anticipatory grief filling her lungs, her body preparing herself to mourn things that both had and hadn’t happened in a way that she didn’t want to feel. 
He was going to be ok, he had to be. 
“It’s ok, Em,” she says, cutting off her protest, “We know how close you and Hotch have become recently.” 
A sound Emily can’t place, either a laugh or a sob, lodges in her chest. It aches, hurts in a way that has her rubbing her sternum, “Just before we went in he asked if I wanted to go see this movie with him and Jack this weekend,” she shakes her head, “Apparently, he refuses to go without me.” 
JJ smiles and squeezes her arm again, “Jack loves you.” 
“I love him too,” Emily replies, having to press her lips in a line to stop the bottom one from quivering, the thought of the young boy finding out his father is hurt enough to tip her over the edge, “More than I thought possible.” 
She always tried to ignore the parallels between Aaron and Ian, how, on the surface of it, they were both single fathers. How she’d fallen in love with both of their kids. She died for Declan, and she knows without question she’d do the same for Jack, that she’d take whatever the world tried to throw at her as long as he was safe and loved. 
She would do the same for Aaron too, her love for him deeper than she thought it ever would be. When she looked back she knew she had loved him for much longer than she could admit even to herself, emotions she could never have named before Paris, through willful ignorance or denial she wasn’t sure, overwhelming her whenever she was around him. 
“I don’t understand why Aaron…,” she says outloud, her words escaping without her meaning them too, “Why did he push me out of the way and put himself in danger like that?” It’s rhetorical, and she doesn’t expect a response, well aware of Aaron’s saviour complex, but Dave huffs what sounds like a laugh, drawing her attention beyond JJ for the first time since she’d walked into the waiting room, “What’s so funny, Dave?”
Dave sighs, leaning forward to look at her, his elbows on his knees, “I mean this in the nicest way possible, Bella, but considering you’re the smartest person I know except for the boy genius here,” he says softly, nodding towards Spencer who was sitting next to him, “You’re being a real idiota.”
“Rossi, lay off her man, now isn’t the time-”
Dave carries on as if Derek hadn’t interrupted him, “Lo ha fatto perché è innamorato di te,” he says, no malice in his voice as he stares right at her, “And we’re all fed up watching the two of you dance around it.” 
She stares at him for a moment before she clears her throat, looking back and forth between all of her friends, every single one of them avoiding eye contact, “All of you?” 
There’s a beat of silence and she watches as they all look at each other before Derek blows out a breath, “Princess, the only people who don’t know that you and Hotch are in love with each other are you and Hotch,” he says, confirming what Dave had said to her even though he couldn’t speak Italian. It makes her wonder how often this was something they all spoke about when she wasn’t around, “Even Reid figured it out.” 
Emily turns to look at Spencer, who looked a little like he was a rabbit caught in headlights, his eyes wide as she looks at him expectantly. He clears his throat and looks at the floor before he begins speaking. 
“Your pupils dilate whenever you look at Hotch and his voice deepens roughly half an octave when he speaks either to you or about you,” he says, clearly uncomfortable, “Those indicators combined with your behavioural changes and the amount of time you spend with each other outside of work leads to only one conclusion.” 
She stutters, any response she may have caught in her chest as she tries to make sense of everything they had told her. She looks at JJ who was still sitting next to her, her endless kindness written all over her face. 
“Pen was actually convinced at one point that you were together but just keeping it a secret,” she says, hiding a smile, “She even tracked your credit cards at one point to try and find evidence.”
Despite the circumstances, despite where she is and the fact she still has Aaron’s blood dried into her shirt sleeve, Emily chokes on a laugh, covering her mouth to try to capture the sound. 
“She did what?” She says, her hand shaking a little as she drags it down her face. 
“What we’re saying,” Dave says, drawing her attention back over to him, “Is you should actually do something about the fact you love each other,” he smirks, a glint in his eyes that she loved and hated in equal measure, “Before one of you idiots actually gets killed trying to prove it.”
She’s with him when he wakes up.
She isn’t sure if it’s sympathy or the not-so-subtle way she flashed her gun and her badge that makes the nurse let her stay past visiting hours, but Emily is grateful either way. She sits in the chair next to his bed watching him intently, everything their friends had said to her in the waiting room floating around her head. 
Emily had spent so long convincing herself he didn’t love her back that at first, she found it hard to believe, sure that they were all somehow wrong, but the more time that passes, the longer she watches his face as he sleeps, she realises they are right. Because she would have done the same thing if their roles were reversed. It doesn’t make her feel any better, her heart aching at the thought of him sacrificing himself for her, but it feels like the final bit of the puzzle slipping into place. 
She watches as he wakes up, his eyebrows furrowing as he fights off the medication in his system. She stands and sits on the edge of his bed, her hand twitching to link her fingers with his. He’d woken up a couple of times already, in pain and confused as he looked around the room, and she’d not been able to do anything but comfort him until he fell back asleep. 
“Aaron?” She says quietly, feeling relief unfurl in her chest when his eyes open. She smiles when he looks at her, a sure sign he was actually awake and lucid this time, “Hi.” 
“Hi,” he replies, his voice raspy, “Are you ok?” 
She laughs, unable to stop it as she shakes her head, “You’re the one who got shot, Aaron,” she says, her voice a little harsher than she intends, all of the fear she’d forced down making itself known, “I’m fine.” 
“Your wrist,” he says, looking at her arm and the bright white bandage on it, “I hurt you.” 
She blows out a breath, “Because you pushed me out of the way of a bullet,” she says, finally giving up on stopping herself from touching him and placing her hand over his, “Why did you do that?” 
Even though she knows the answer she wants to hear what he has to say, if he’ll try and cover it up. Their eyes meet and she feels breathless at the intense way he’s looking at her, a fire in his eyes she has only seen a handful of times.
“I’d do anything to make sure you don’t get hurt.” 
She clenches her teeth, her hold on his hand increasing, and she knows it isn’t fair, knows that he doesn’t owe this to her, especially now, but she needs to hear it from him. She almost missed out on ever hearing it at all. 
“But why?” She demands, her gaze unrelenting.
“I already buried you once-”
They fall into silence and for the first time in forever it’s awkward and she hates it, a thickness in the air around them that hadn’t existed since those early days when he didn’t trust her and she didn’t like him. 
“You know why,” he says eventually, his voice soft, “You know why,” he repeats, looking at her in a way she had only ever seen him look at his son.
It feels like a relief and a weight at the same time. The knowledge that she could finally have this, have him, in the way she wanted a privilege and a curse. 
Now, she’d have so much more to lose. 
She shifts closer, her hand pausing just before she touches his face and she pushes some hair that had flopped onto his forehead back to where it belongs, “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
He smiles at her, “Why didn’t you?”
She focuses on adjusting the cannula delivering him oxygen, finding it easier to fuss over him than look at him as she exposes her heart in a way she doesn’t think she ever has before. 
“I was scared,” she says, her eyes flicking to his before she looks at their joint hands, “I didn’t want to lose you.” 
“You never could.” 
She looks at him, his eyes as sure as his words, and she smiles. She leans in and stops when her face is mere inches from his, his breath skipping over her skin. She cups his cheek and presses her lips to his, sighing as he responds. It wasn’t the passionate kiss she’d always expected it would be, something she knew he wasn’t physically up to at this moment, but it was soft, full of love, and achingly them.
She pulls back when he groans in pain, and she looks at him, her eyebrows furrowed and he shakes his head.
“I’m ok,” he assures her, smiling when she rests her forehead against him. 
“We have a lot to talk about,” she says, sitting up just enough to look at him, “When you’re better.” 
He nods, encouraging her in for one more kiss before she sits up, his hand sandwiched between both of hers, her bandage scratching at his skin. 
“Can I start by confessing something now?” He asks, and she nods, curiosity getting the better of her, “Jack didn’t say anything about going to the movies this weekend.” 
She frowns, “What do you mean?” 
He looks a little sheepish and clears his throat before he continues, “I lied, I was actually planning on taking you out on a date just the two of us.” Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open, no words escaping as she looks at him in shock, “I was worried if you knew that is what I was actually planning you’d say no.” 
“You…you were going to take me out?” She asks, squeezing his hand a little tighter, and he nods. 
“If I’d known all it would take was getting shot I would have done it months ago.” 
She glares at him, her eyes narrowed at his poor attempt at a joke, “Not funny,” she shakes her head as she thinks about the day she’d had, and she groans.
“What’s wrong, is it your wrist?” 
“You know what the worst thing about all of this is?” She asks, waiting for him to shake his head in response, “It means that Italian sbalzo was right. We are idiots.” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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jewishregulus · 3 months
hold on because your thing with alecto carrow & the carrow twins……… you really did something there
listen okay i could go so crazy about them . i have so much lore trapped away in my brain . but i am going to summarize so fast and quick bc they drive me crazy….
general info abt both of them : they r born in japan bc the carrow family moves there post grindlewald and their mom dies and when she dies they move back to the england but they r poor af after everything so pureblood society looks down on them for being traitors. cue them fighting the entire wizaridng war to be given respect and seen as a genuine member of the sacred 28 and using intimidation and violence to do so… a if i cannot be better than them i will be so much worse moment . their dad is normal and loves them very much they just choose to be evil like that. their mom was a sweet angel also and everyday i cry over her even tho i invented her to be dead . whatever
alecto has a weird misandrist complex in which she hates men but is also performing for them all the time , a man hating lesbian who also can’t escape using the patriarchy to validate her skills and ambition. she loves spiders bc they are matriarchal . she bases her worth off of how well she appeals to others and has so her whole life to the point she barely has a sense of self . she wants to kiss lily evans on the mouth and she worships her like an absolute angel it’s serious and vicious . the few scraps of herself she has left are all about knowledge. she is obsessed w language and translation and tries to learn literally any language she can ever . despite this she still can’t give herself a voice . she wants barty crouch jr dead for the crime of being a man and a degenerate which like fair of her . evan n reg r chill tho bc game respects game . i think if she got the chance to explore Life she’d actually choose to become a teacher like voldemort Made her become , but she would be actually pretty good tbh. her and barty regularly brawl in the teachers lounge. alecto kicks his ass. in the modern college au in my head they are regrettably roommates and each conversation they have sets gay lesbian solidarity back 15 years . alecto is studying classics and women’s studies as a minor …. ik feminism is a big part of her character but chat do not reduce her to this u don’t get it … she has a deep connection to lady macbeth and the movie the handmaids tale . here is her vibe :
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and amycus is his mothers son who does whatever alecto wants him to bc he just wants to be by her side. they are so aggressively co dependent . he is obsessed w magical plants and herbology and his favorite thing in the world is a magical venus flytrap he keeps in his dorm that evan keeps putting random drops of blood into the mouth of . his dream career would probably be using magical plants to make new medicines n poisons n such . hogwarts resident weed dealer . therefore he n barty r actually chill . he just misses his mom like so much 😭 he is consistently in morning over the life he could have had . he’s pretty good friends w everyone he’s not like a loner but he is lonely deep in his chest…… of course bc alecto is his sister #feministwomenloveamycuscarrow . every carrow is linked to an insect in my head and amycus is a praying mantis . …. he has the same capability for cruelty like he also is on the field w alecto during the war but like he’d rather be gardening :/. modern college au he’s probably studying biology and is the rlly menacing president of the gardening club. and u think this means he is secretly sweet but he’s literally evil. him n reg have a crazy friendship going in in which they do the craziest romantic shit but it is completely platonic. i’m talking like candle lit dinners . in my head he has a weird situationship w rabastan (who is another story….) but also i have a *whispers* oc….. who in the fic i have planned for them in my head (which i will never write) he ends up w and his name is maxx <3 but i will never talk abt ocs on here . i have some shame. amycus would follow alecto to hell if she asked (he just wishes she would stop going the- *car runs me over*)
here’s amycus vibes
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i have so much more i could say abt them . there is so much in my head they have such a deep and complex story … i will take any excuse to yap abt them . anyways they are both gay and one day i will write the alectolily sugar mommy au in which lily is the sugar mommy bc she’s a super famous author n alecto works at an antique book store doing translation n repair <3333 and it’s completely accidental lily keeps paying to borrow these super old books and eventually she just pays for alecto to come over and help her research and then one thing leads to another . and alecto is guffawed when she realizes. amycus. thinks it his hilarious. i think her and lily would have an academic rivals to loves thing going on in canon and in like Any school setting but also just in general. they could be 5 years into their relationship and still competing to be the smartest . i think there is rosekiller alectolily double date hilarity potential. also have a lot of thoughts abt them paralleling to the rosier twins but what do i know … i will leave that to the masters ….
anyways that was my yapping . hope someone felt enthralled .
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kimmkitsuragi · 10 months
The Fame (2008) by Lady Gaga - my commentary edition
because i truly am insufferable like this and want to talk about her music (also one mutual said i should do it so ❤ if u see this, this one's thanks to u bestie)
i will probably do this for her other albums as well ✌
general comments: first of all this album is THAT GIRL. every song is still so relevant, both in terms of sound and lyrics. you would think okay ive listened to [a song from this album] 9283755 times it was way overplayed. and yeah but umm actually no! no matter how many times, it will still be slaying. pop perfection in the literal sense. and she did all that with her DEBUT ALBUM. legend energy. and!! it's insane that this album had SO MANY literal hits like so many of these songs were so popular and all over the radio. it was at the time where they didnt really understand gaga but they were still all over her. energy. (i dont think the general public ever understood her to this day but u get what i mean)
JUST DANCE - a classic!!!! the redone tagline that started it all... makes me think i really want these two working together again. anyway, having this as your studio debut is actually insane if u ask me. no matter how many times i will listen, don't think i will get bored. the bridge is too good actually, can we bring back actual bridges in pop songs???? please and thank u
LOVEGAME - oh man how to even begin this one. i can't believe this one was playing everywhere for years!! "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" is actually one of the most iconic lines in late 2000s music lmao. truly a signature sound for this era btw.
PAPARAZZI - that girl forever and ever. this will have to be considered together with its vma performance, because it just HAS to. the song itself is crazy, the celebrity worship and the downsides of fame. love that concept love the execution. but then she had to go ahead and have that performance too!!!! truly game changing and life changing as well. the way NO ONE was prepared for it. no one even understood in that room. she was one step ahead even from such an early time in her career. this one truly makes u understand that she's not just another popstar thank u very much.
POKER FACE - the first insanely popular hit. like yes the songs up until this one was Successful and popular. but this one?? honey there was no escape from this one. my first exposure to gaga as well <3 i was like 9 lmao. (it's also insane how it's going 4/4 in terms of the songs being actual hits lol) anyway did you know she says "fu fu fu fuck her face" in the chorus? now u know! sneaky and very strong gaga energy for this lmao. ALSO i love the live performances of this song because she makes it so fun all the time. mixing it up and all that. the dance is fun too! i dont know how to actually comment further because like what else can i say this is poker face.
EH, EH - this is the odd one out of the album right. it's so cute and bubblegum-ish compared to the rest of the album. and i like her!! a lot!! it's giving a little bit of retro too. when i think abt it this might be the odd one out of her whole career probably lmao. she's versatile, and keeps doing different things all the time. but this kinda cute-ish song is very rare for her. as i said i like it but now i wonder how the selection of this song went lol. this is also kinda reminding of her pre-debut stuff in some ways??? but it's been some time i might be wrong too. anyway, interesting and fun song imo
BEAUTIFUL DIRTY RICH - oh my it's so hard to pick my fave song from any album but like this may be IT. the cuntiness of this oneeee it's clear to me that this is kinda the direction that her music ended up turning after this album. in terms of the vibes and cheekiness and as i said, the cunt levels. there's also some jazz influence (? i may be using a wrong genre name here but U GET IT) even if it's minimal like cmon this song is SO GAGA. it's so her. it's so fun. this one deserved so much more popularity if u ask me. im eating up the delivery each time also
THE FAME - ooh baby the guitar in this she's a rock starrr <3 this is the most direct one in terms of the album's general theme and messages (i mean duh. the name lol). i like how the verses and chorus kinda have different vibes. verses being more guitar driven, and the chorus being more bubbly and poppy. it's fun, but nothing so mindblowing tbh but i still like it!
MONEY HONEY - okay cunt is back. we love it. the pre-chorus is SO delicious and then how it transforms to the chorus is even MORE delicious. this one would be so high in my ranking of the album you dont even know (if i could actually have a real final ranking lol). love how she's embracing the famous rich bitch vibe so much here. KI KI KISSES!!
STARSTRUCK - one of the more underrated tracks in my experience. honestly i love this one so much. feel like it's another lowkey unusual song from her, but she has the vibe down so well, the genre doesn't even matter. it feels so natural. the tasteful autotune sooo late 2000s man i feel that. the features work well too imo! this is all "jewels and drugs" wished it was tbh (we will get into it more in the artpop post tho, havent actually listened to that song in sooo long so i may be wrong once again lol)
BOYS BOYS BOYS - i always think "oh this one yeah ok whatever" but then im always having so much fun with it?? like i will have fun with it, but still not care a lot abt it tbh. it's a pretty straightforward pop track and doesnt really feel like a gaga-exclusive something to me. but i still enjoy it! love the little nod to just dance btw lol
PAPER GANGSTA - a piano hip hop influenced track <3 always love this vibe. still tho, kinda another unusual gaga song imo. out of all the hip hop influenced songs from her, this might be one of my faves. it's also more lowkey than the others. and that bar is not so high tbh lmao. so yeah i like it, nothing too special tho
BROWN EYES - okayyy believe it or not this is one of my most played songs from the album probably. i love gaga balladsssssss!!!! serve the VOCALS. give me everything. i love this one so much so much. also that guitar part in this like im listeningggg <3 this feels like some kind of a prequel to speechless, which is probably my fave gaga ballad ever. ough dont know what to say. this is the most vocals she showed in this album, and i know that this is Nothing compared to her full potential and talent. but!!! still so impressive for me. i just find her voice so (insert every positive adjective here) umm and also on top of that, comforting. so. yeah great great song imo
I LIKE IT ROUGH - futuristic vibes here we gooo i like this one a lot. this is also very signature gaga sound for her future career i feel like. especially the verses, but the chorus too to some extent. also one of the biggest earworms of the album for me
SUMMERBOY - okay this is also a somewhat cute-ish song but this one feels less cute for some reason. it feels more... naughty?? lol maybe that's why i dont find it too out of ordinary for her. but it kinda is when i think abt it! really reminiscent of her older stuff as i said (iirc) for "eh eh" too. but also love the rock influence too! maybe that's why i dont find it too out of the ordinary lmao. anyway this is really such a vibe it makes me so happy and silly i love it
DISCO HEAVEN - this one is probably the one i listen to the least from this album tbh. it's fun! but it doesnt feel that special for me. i love the instrumentals a lot now that i think abt it. but couldve used a stronger closer for the album maybe!! also never paid attention to how this album has so many spelling moments lmao truly 2000s vibes
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Since I did a prediction earlier today, time to update!!
OKAY NO HiATUS WHAT NOOOOO! honestly having looked at the time during the livestream, i genuinely was questioning how they were gonna wrap this up by ep 12 like last time and started to wonder if this chapter will be longer as we spent this whole epsiode in david's extended mask off moment. as much as im sad abt the hiatus i am glad this is extended BECAUSE WE DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THE ACTUAL CRIME SCENE OR A DEBATE SCRUM tho ughhh noo this hiatus might kill meeee
OKAY DAVID OMG bro lost it AHHHHH i really wanted to believe that david had a good/moral reason for all this but to know he did all this secret maliciously?!!? ik he's not killer for sure so i do wonder how he's gonna be used in next chapters cuz as hot as he lowkey is rn and i do love his biting sarcasm, he's gonna be geninuely such a bitchy force to deal with in future chapters. to have this man constantly causing trouble for no other reason than fun and never trustworthy, i have to wonder if there's any hope left for him. i really hope that his arc actually has him improve cuz u know, poetic irony and all that jazz. Since now we know he doesn't believe what he says, i truly hope drdt takes the time to prove him wrong cuz i really dont want a grimdark killing game proving david (and in some ways, teruko) right. and also, idk why people are surprised david would lie abt being arei's killer and want to get himself killed rn. Bro literally now has lost his career and his public image is ruined. He doesn't have a life anymore for him to go back to. He already mentions how he hates everyone there, so I see zero reason why he wouldn't lie to drag everyone down with him
ACE SLAYS ONCE AGAIN! BRO POPPING OFF WITH THE TRUTH YESSSS AND CALLING OUT PEOPLE'S HYPOCRISY FOR NOT GOING AFTER DAVID WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! Also j saying that she doubts ace's testimony just cuz she thinks he cant be quiet makes me sadddd
ALSO NICO AND CHARLES!!!! I love that nico comes back in clutch to help actually point out david's suspiciousness. His bluntness is always needed, especially with cutting through david's bs. ALSO CHARLES YESS IM GLAD HE IS NOW GONNA BE CRITICAL TO THIS CASE!!! I like that drdt takes advantage of its video format as normally to have a character interject like that in a mainline dr game would be bad since it's interupting gameplay and taking control out of player's hands. But it works here since we're not actually playing and shows teruko and charles backing each other up and shows people actually getting involved!!!
To the actual crime ... uh i dont know ... clearly this crime is so complicated that we need a TRIAL 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO lmaoo. i mentioned before but charles's comment of "fucking up" at the end seems to strongly imply the time of the murder, and thus everyone's testimonies for that time, are now irrelevant. Since arei was alive in the evening last night (ace does claim 7:30, but i do agree with david that ace might have just said that to back up his point rather than it being true) the death happened the prior night or early that morning. it puts into the question the note, calling for 7:30 but it could be 7:30 am before the motive reveal. however, unless it was something like a trap, such a time is so tight i find it hard to believe. maybe i'll do a post later doing a fully theory as i lose my mind during this hiatus (praying for it be under 6 months)
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
people are claiming that grooming can simply be an imbalance of power aka rich famous white man and his fan (regardless of age), hence it was grooming even if amanda lied or didn't lie about her age (bc she kept changing the story).
this irks me mainly bc, by this logic, if you have a big platform you're automatically only allowed to befriend and talk to people with similar status/jobs as you, and under no circumstance interact with your fans=community (which automatically goes against everything dream's been preaching since he started content creation bc he wants to interact with his community. this is why i was so shocked when ppl claimed it was inappropriate of dream to respond to insta messages etc).
in any case, if this whole thing does end up in court, it most probably will be for defamation, not whatever amanda is trying to claim, so it's automatically a losing battle on her side (bc again, as you said, there's too little evidence of grooming/online (sexual) herrassment to prove anything, assuming these are things you'd file reports abt. idk how US laws work).
so yeah, even if you're neutral and waiting for the court case, idk what exactly you're waiting for.
This is what I mean the harm to victims is unimaginable because grooming is a word that has a meaning and it’s not whatever you want.
Power imbalances is something every relationship has. Who’s older who’s younger. Who’s richer. Who’s had more education. Who has the high paying job the more prestigious job. Is someone white and someone not? Is someone Christian vs another religion? Who has an influential family? Who’s famous? Who’s mentally ill? Who’s the man who’s the woman? Anyone got a criminal past? Work together well Who’s higher up in line?
All of those things can be leveraged as power in one way or another. It’s not inherently an imbalance to be in a relationship like that. Unless it’s something like a boss and employee. Which in that case say my father quit so he could date my mom who was his manager at the time. These things don’t make a relationship evil or bad. It’s about how that power is used.
and yes if Amanda went to the police I fear she would be laughed out of the station because she doesn’t Have any proof. From what I understand the FBI wouldn’t even be likely to investigate this themselves for cyber crime because they just wouldn’t see it as worth their energy. No court would even want to take this to trial
At most there will be a defamation trial to decide if Amanda meant to ruin Dream’s career or not. they could Easily try the mentally ill confused and manipulated by those around her route she said explicitly it was the people around her who convinced her of these things and she didn’t think them before. So it’s all a situation where I think no one should be commenting this much because well like none of it has anything to do with us
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ziracona · 1 year
Thinkin abt The Long Halloween film, (& spoilers for it), and remembered someone once complaining they made Gilda’s character bad in the film adaptation of The Long Halloween and a whole ‘she’s just evil because she can’t have kids anymore’ trope and like??? I have to kick in a door and say HUH??? What movie did you see?? Like the character is hella different from the comic yes, but 1, not necessarily in a bad way, a 2, that’s not her motive??? At all?? Like she’s not happy about that, but she’s not ever a ‘im inhuman now I can’t bear kids…’ The woman wants revenge because she experienced an insane trauma, and a betrayal, and the justice system is so broken that even as a lawyer herself, doing everything right, it left her empty and broken and abandoned too.
If anything, she’s just a strong foil for Harvey. She is never like ‘I can’t bear kids so now I must kill’— she’s like ‘I was in love and engaged to the man of my dreams and pregnant with our child, starting my career and family and unbelievably happy, and then his mafia father said ‘no’ to the union and child, and he just…abandoned me. For the family. I fought it, and he didn’t. He didn’t stay, he didn’t protect me, he didn’t love me. He didn’t even try. He let them cut my child out and kill it in front of me while I went kicking and screaming and fighting under the blade 8 months pregnant in a gang nonconsensual abortion, and left me literally hollowed out and alone to ‘recover’ from that, and nothing changed for anyone but me. I died that day, and no one faced ANY consequence. Not even guilt. I lost my ability to do my job, I lost my future, my hope, my ambition, my kid, my plans, my personality, my desire, my emotions, my being. I walked around as a shell. And when the justice system failed me, I found a lawyer who cared and was gunning for that mafia family, and married him, gave him more reason, but even he and Batman and the whole police force weren’t enough to stop them, so I decided to do it myself. I killed them, one holiday at a time, until everyone I wanted dead was fucking dead, and I got my justice.”
That’s an incredibly understandable, well done motive. What she did to Harvey specifically is fucked as hell, but she’s not a badly written lady. I love her comment about Harvey at the end that “We were so similar. Just. What was inside him hadn’t been ripped out yet.” Because she knows (and literally says) how broken and hollow what happened to her made her, and she can tell that what’s happened to him by the end of the story has done the same thing. She’s an incredibly cold and brutal character, but the bitch is well written.
​Like, she’s an excellent tragic film noir parallel for Harvey in the film. They go through almost the same trajectory. She is a hopeful young lawyer who believes in Justice who is betrayed and broken by the Roman’s people, and turns to extreme violence outside the system to get her justice when the ‘right way’ fails her. Harvey is literally the exact same thing, and scarred the exact same way, and changes to violence because of it. They both even say the very iconic ‘It had to be done’ close to the end of the film, in their last major scenes. Not echoing each other—neither hears the other. They just felt the same. The deep tragedy of the narrative is that in her search for justice, Gilda did to Harvey what was done to her—an utter betrayal and abandonment by beloved spouse. And he does not do to her what Alberto did. He takes the fall for her, even after the things she’s done, to him, because he loves her. The narrative repeats, the cycle of pain repeats, with the Roman at the heart of it, but with slight aberration because of the people involved this time. And if that ain’t film noir.
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i have a kind of plot??? idea?? thought up about a ride the cyclone hunger games au, because i wanted angst and have been thinking abt the hunger games recently.
in the idea its the 25th hunger games, also known as the first quarter quell and the one where they vote the contestants in, because i think it would be a cool addition as it makes it a lot sadder. there could be a lot of bitterness about that
the main six get voted in from their districts, and end up in the hunger games. i don't have any solid districts in mind, but currently ocean is from one of the districts, maybe one ortwo, bcs her song is abt her being better and so she. should live which in my mind links to the careers and how the upper districts have a better relationship w the capitol other than three n look down on the other districts. mischa is from district eleven or nine bcs im p sure ukraine exports a lot of grain. noel is district twelve bcs i think he'd hate it, and it fits the whole let me. out this place is so stale and numbing, all dull and smokey and suffocating. ricky is from district three so i have a way to make it make sense that they have an aac. penny is from district ten because its the livestock district (livestock? lamb? get it? i'll stop now). and constance is from district eight bcs idk why not, or nine bcs grain makes bread and her family runs a bakery.
i will not lie i can only see karnak as the interviewer. sure hed work as a mentor but i keep seeing him as caesar (i think thats the interbiewers name). he has a flashy purple suit and a purple interview get up.
i have a few costume ideas but they r very basic and not that good tbh. pls keep in mind i have no sense of fashion
penny has a fluffy coat and white dress for the lamb imagery, it could fade into red to symbolise slaughter or smthn. red accents
noel's designer focuses heavily on smoke and he comes out in this dress type thing that looks like it leaves a trail of smoke when it flows. he def has a pipe as well.
rickys designer goes absolutely ham and creates an outfit worthy of the space age bachelor man. wires and funky colours and everything. very out there
ocean is dressed all smart and presentable, very put together. since i havent got a solid district i dont have many ideas
dont have many ideas for constance or mischa tbh
mischa's whole angle with the public is that he's strong and has motive to win in talia, so he has a fighting chance and more motive than the rest. ocean is portrayed as cocky and intelligent, and she will win because shes determined and won't let herself lose. penny is mysterious and odd, she stands out and makes an impression. constance is nice and charismatic and they use that to make the audience attached so they want her to win, and public approval is everything in the games. ricky is smart and crafty and his mentor tells him to lean heavily into that bcs ppl will write him off bcs hes disabled (in the au they let him keep his crutches which plays with canon a bit but i justify that with the capitol want things to be interesting and so at least try to keep the contestants alive. let them keep their crutches capitol pls). noel is interesting and they focus more on his ability to draw the audience rather than his ability in the arena, and his whole want to die tragically and want for things to be interesting is used to try and resonate with the capitol as a kind of "keep him alive he wont be boring promise pls dont kill him". idrc about the other tributes so they could be ocs or contestants from the book idk. theyre just sorta there.
i dont have many solid progression ideas, but basically one branch is nischa team up because i do in fact ship them. they talk briefly before the contest and sorta confront eachother in the arena but dont kill eachother, maybe one tells the others about poison berries or some other type of knowledge or they just see eachother and agree on a team up, and they go about in the arena trying to survive and defend themselves against the rest of the tributes. many injuries and bonding moments later and they make it fairly far. but since this was an au made with angst in mind at least one of the two dies, and the other gets all guilty about it. it can be. this big dramatic thing and if we're going the romantic route it could be they confess their love right on the brink of death and the other just has to deal with that finishing the games. sat grieving a love they can never explore or see through because the other died in their arms.
ngl this whole idea came about because i imagined nischa in the arena and noel dying and having this whole angsty moment in his death where he makes mischa promise to win and get back to talia. or he was like dying from an injurt and mischa refused to just leave and tried to drag him and there was angst about how noel truly didnt think he was ever gonna win anyway and how hes glad he met mischa and got to have at least some good before he died.
also ive thought of multiple conversations where they talk about why they want to go back and mischa obviously wants to go back for talia and his mother (in this au shes not dead yet but she is dying) but noel doesnt rlly see anything for himself and just sorta wants to die interesting. also their mentors were definitely screaming at eachother to just stab the other when they sleep or smthn.
doesnt rlly link to the past paragraph but i like to think noel got his hands on some old books about france and paris somehow and thats how monique came about. hes very careful abt mentioning this in the arena bcs they can and will murder his mother for that im p sure books from before are forbidden in panem oops.
theres so many angst oppourtunities as well. you could go down so many routes. fear from almost dying. guilt from killing someone. physical pain. anguish. the shock catching up to the contestants. the realisation theyre about to die. because theres no way in hell any of the choir was genuinely ready to kill someone or watch someone die. so much angst.
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
waitok. rottmnt headcanons GO.
autism + ocd (hes just like me for realsies)
trans/nb, bisexual (he/they/it prns)
hes YOUNGER THAN LEO (by 5 minutes. he figured it out w science stuff idk)
likes baking bc its like chemistry but you can eat ur experiments it w/out dying (usually)
stress baker
knows asl and a little bit of japanese (from splinter)
back/posture issues (worse after the kraang bc of shell damage)
chronic back pain...bones of an 80 yr old
agender + aroace (uses any pronouns but mostly he/she. none gender left boy is how he describes it)
has a deep interest in psychology and would pursue a career as a therapist if it wasnt for the whole. turtle thing
looks up to leo and thinks hes sooo cool until she turns like 12 and realizes oh hes kinda lame actually. still his idol though bc hes funny
besties w sunita ^_^ bc i said so. new sister acquired
likes watching raph knit
chronic pain after the kraang, as well as tremors
adhd + autism
needs glasses like donnie but thinks they make him look like a nerd so he never wears them..hed rather be blind (until he eventually gets contacts that is)
is actually a nerd, just in denial
trans + gay (he/him)
the WORST flirter ever. so bad at it. absolutely abysmal. he gets zero bitches
is afraid of cold, dark spaces after the whole Kraang Fiasco
saw gram gram in the prison dimension for a bit b4 being rescued <3
knows the most languages (english, asl, spanish, japanese)
likes boxing
cried for an hour when casey jr accidentally called him dad
anxiety + ocd
trans + biromantic asexual (he/they)
loves knitting <3 he makes his brothers and april new sweaters every year
stress knitter. it helps him calm down. after the kraang incident he knit so much that he ended up w 3 piles of scarves, blankets, sweaters and other various items. april donated some bc there were just So Many
watches donnie bake a lot and vehemently denies eating the raw dough (even when donnie catches him)
sometimes sees gram gram in his dreams
rly good at dancing actually
sleeps w a mountain of teddy bears. cries if he accidentally knocks one off the bed
adhd + anxiety
nb lesbian (she/they)
TWO GIRLFRIENDS (cassandra + sunita)
has a cat named mona lisa :] shes a calico and frequently hides in aprils backpack to sneak into the lair. donnies her second fav
has Eldest Sister Syndrome
literally the only hamato who actually knows how to take care of herself. frequently reminds her brothers to do that as well
HUGE gossip. w donnie specifically. she'll come over after work and shit talk customers/shitty co workers and he'll just listen and occasionally suggest manslaughter
lied abt being 18 to get a crane license </3
helps the brothers w their post kraang issues
trans lesbian (she/her)
casey jrs biological mom despite saying she found him in the trash
named him after the greatest warrior she knows. herself
raphs bestie! he scruffs her like a cat when she gets too violent.
theyre vigilante buds! shes commited murder before
bit so many kraang zombies. claimed they tasted like bubblegum (they did not)
slightly feral, maybe rabid
actually scarily intelligent, she's just. a little insane
cried when she met casey jr. shes so proud of him
casey jr
So Much Trauma. All Of It. anxiety + ocd + autism
trans + questioning (no time for teen romance in the apocalypse, he/him)
once he gets more comfy w the turtles and family he stops w the sensei or master and starts calling them uncles ^_^ (leo is dad, casey + april + sunita r mom, draxum + splinter are grandpa and big mama is nana)
so many parental figures, watched them all die
the worst fashion sense known to man. its so bad its embarassing
very smart bc he was taught by future donnie, ended up just going to college immediately despite being like, ~15/16
very proud of his stubble :]
loves hockey! plays it w his moms
showers everyday once he figures out what showers actually are
cant sleep alone, if he wakes up alone he freaks out rly bad
good at cooking! not amazing, but good! was mostly joking about eating rats (thinks its funny)
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plantfeed · 7 months
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welcome to marina, JUDE DEMPSEY ( cis man, he/him) ! they are a TWENTY-FIVE year old who has lived on the island for TWO MONTHS. word on the street is they’re currently living in TOWER HILL and works as a FREELANCE VIDEOGRAPHER / LOCATION SCOUT ON FILM & TV SETS. everyone also says they look a lot like ARON PIPER. what do you think? — NORA, 27, she/her, GMT.
here is the pinterest for jude. here’s a jude musings tag. this vine radiates jude energy.  so does this.  this video is very jude. u can find everythin i have abt him under the cut. 
as a warning this is the most british character i've ever played so a lot of this will probably be largely unintelligible to anyone outside the gulf stream bt thats ok im used to ppl not understanding a word im saying xx
NAME:   jude dempsey. AGE:   twenty-five. GENDER & PRONOUNS:    cis man, he/him. OCCUPATION:  says he’s an early-career filmmaker and he has done a few music videos but mostly he just creates videography content for ladbible and vice’s social media. also a location scout on film n tv sets.  ARCHETYPES: the anarchist. the cheeky chappy. the going-nowhere-fast. the aimless. the hostile. the charity case. the juvenile delinquent. ZODIAC: saggitarius sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising. HEIGHT:  6′1 with hair, 6′0 without RESIDENCY: tower hill. previously rochdale, greater manchester. occasionally london. came to marina to work on a film a few months back n when the job ended he jst ended up staying. TATTOOS: covered in them. for a few years when he was in high school, his sister aoife was thinking about becoming a tattoo artist and he was her walking canvas. after seeing how some of jude’s tats turned out, she decided against them, but they’re all super special to him. FACECLAIM:   arón piper.
POSITIVE TRAITS.   spirited ,  rambunctious ,  witty , well - intentioned ( most of the time ),  passionate , decisive , physically affectionate ,  a loyal friend , assertive .
NEGATIVE TRAITS.   foolhardy ,  grumpy ,  paradoxical ,  rude , stupid ,  jealous , obsessive , struggles to admit when he’s wrong ,  over confident ( and for what ? )  lacks the ability to self-reflect .
LIKES.  banter ,  tk maxx ,  footie with the lads ,  spending all day in spoons ,   cheap lager , cat-calling workmen as a power play ,  saying  ‘ oh, crumbs ’  when shit goes down ,  playing fifa on xbox ,  hoodies that say ‘ supreme ’  and  ‘ anti - social social club ’ ,  the beastie boys ,  break - dancing ,  knowing the guy in the corner - shop and his whole family by name ,   knock - off adidas ,  pitt bull terriers ,  energy drinks ,  M.I.L.Fs ,  shooting hoops after school with a crate full of tinnies , absolutely dousing himself in CK one before a big night on the town ,  bingeing the real housewives ,  having a block list as long as your arm ,  taylor swift , saying  “ that’s your girlfriend ”  to his mates about the weirdest looking people you see on the street ,  walking into a club with a fit bird on your arm knowing that you’ll probably get sucked off in the loos ,  making his one night stand a full english ,  sleight of hand magic tricks , always being covered in scabs , paddington 2 , making the spotify playlist for pre-drinks , doing the duck face or biting his tongue in selfies . 
blood stains on a cigarette rizzla, a jovial whistle as you tend to a full english breakfast ( eggs served sunny-side up ), jamming screwdrivers into the tag around your ankle to sneak out of the house to boiler room dj sets, a stick-and-poke tattoo spelling ‘ACAB’ across your knuckles that you got at a house party while tripping on ket,  a ‘no ball games’ sign used as one goal post & a tracksuit jumper used as the other one, rugby socks and porno mags stuffed beneath a single bed still laundered with spiderman bed sheets.
character references.
Ronan (The Raven Cycle), Daniel Dessario (Freaks & Geeks), Lip Gallagher (Shameless), Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet), Connell (Normal People), Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games), Eggsy (Kingsman), whatever Channing Tatum’s character is called (Step Up), Kurtan (This Country), Pete Davidson’s character in Bodies, Bodies, Bodies.
bullet point summary of jude
tw drugs and a life of crime
jude is peak dark fruits twitter, massive “u fooking wot mate???” football hooligan britpop love island lad, appears quite jack-the-lad, but also just massive softie once you chisel your way passed the six layers of reinforced concrete barrier beneath his adidas shell suit
self-declared ‘bad boy’ who mums can’t help but love and sadly yes in the past he has fucked a girlfriend’s mum :/
massive dark fruits brit pop, crossbody bum bag, novelty sunglasses geezer. marcus rashford fanboy. probably has a slit in his eyebrow and has definitely shaved go faster racing stripes into his hair before.
b4 coming 2 marina he was bopping about between london and manchester bcos he works freelance as a location scout n a runner on film sets. he does videography stuff for magazines frm time to time too. came to marina bcos a film was shooting there, ended up staying. i think we'll go w that.
has always had strong women in his life so loves it when a girl could kick his ass. loves his mum so much, has 2 sisters he adores, n thinks his dad's a p.o.s, n is like. u know what. women are really excellent. maybe i shd return their tinder messages
bt then finds it hard to commit bcos,...... theres so many opportunities doesn't wnna shut himself off location wise job wise relationship wise. but usually he’s quite good at communicating that and not being a total dick to women
having said that he is a bit of a bastard if im honest but is fully aware of it and his new years resolution would be to not leave girls on red even if it’s just a ‘haha’
worms have 4 hearts but no one to love cos their gross. that’s jude. he’s a mattress on the floor no bedframe guy :/
impulsive guy who jumps from thing to thing (parkour).
he actually does do parkour tho n as a kid on house arrest he used to make stupid youtube videos of him doing parkour and him breakdancing in his garden. hate it here
literally cant stop stealing things. may or may not include other ppls partners.
white boy who thinks he can rap. always rolling ciggies in the smoking area of the local dive bar that plays arctic monkeys and stone roses and has a stupid tiny hat that all those skateboarders wear and always has a chain around his neck and loads of rings and is tryna chat up the barmaid so he can stay after they close and fuck her from behind while she counts whats in the tills :/
tells ppl he rides a motorbike but its..... a fucking vespa..... get the fuck out of here w ur gay yearning n silenzio bruno.....
'straight' white guy with massive homoerotic struggles for his mates but its just boys being boys. lads being lads. mate what are you being weird about it for. 
if he had longer to grown and evolve i wld probs want him to overcome his toxic masculine internalised homophobia n be with a guy bt alas. we cant have everything.
his usual type is someone fun loving and carefree whos here for a good time and not for a long time bt thats bcos he avoids commitment and has a deep-rooted fear of not being enough. 
jude's quite a passionate and obsessive person which is why he usually tries to keep romance and sex separate with sex as a very casual no feelings, we're not friends, kinda thing bcos i think he can just become completely possessed by some1 n willing to do anything fr them n frankly..... it scares him.
despite putting out such a fuckboy persona he actually wants someone to find him worthy of love and be willing 2 put in the time.
the last rp i played him in was a love island rp. he fingered someone on his first day then cheated on them like 2 days later (bt technically they weren't even coupled up n the initial fingering was kind of cheating) and ended up proposing to his new gf in the finale. went in there for the jet-2 holiday and money to buy his mum a house n then fell head over dick in love and was super intense the whole way through bt kinda funny. not decided if im keeping love island in his backstory bt probably wont as its in mimi's and this island isn't big enough for two ex love island contestants
loves to dance. loves 100 gecs and king gizzard and the lizard wizard bt very into hip hop and 00s grime too. can still breakdance a bit. george sampson from britain’s got talent was his hero in secondary school
background / bio stuff
—  twenty-five. cis-male. he / him. bisexual bt in denial. has a million different piercings and tattoos and broken so many bones. he was originally based on the tarot card the fool (which represents spontaneity, impulsivity, new beginnings, improvising, leaps of faith or lack of direction, poor judgement, chaos and stupidity depending on which way up it is). i have a full bio for him but i wrote it when i was like 14 and frankly its embarrassing so ur just getting bullet points (n tbh they are long as fuck…. so…..) xx 
— born in rochdale, raised in manchester. his family ran the market stool that sells knock-off adidas trainers fake rollex watches (u kno the one. or is this just a british thing?) so he worked on that quite a lot as a kid, this little 10 year old boy in a bucket hat and a tracksuit shouting from his market stool. all of his childhood birthday parties were at the local boozer so the parents could get pissed while the kids ran around throwing pool balls at each other. 
— there wasn’t much stability in his childhood. they were constantly being chucked out of whatever flat they were renting. one of his goals for coming on love island is to win a lot of money so he can buy his mum a house bcos he’s fed up of seeing her live in absolute shitholes.
—  he was in and out the care system as well as juvenile detention a lot as a kid for petty crimes like larcency, public indecency, trespassing, graffiti. his mum was the most non-maternal mum ever and basically ran their home like an oliver twist workhouse bt he still loved her. came from a family of miscreants who were often in trouble with the law and as a result social services got involved and he was tossed about different foster families like a hot potato but he kept running back to his mum (mama's boy).
— this is really sad but i think a lot of the reason why he committed petty crimes was because when he was in the juvenile detention centre there was structure, and people checking in on him to make sure he hadn’t vanished, and he got regular meals, and he was kind of lacking those things at home…. the fridge was always empty, no one cared if he was in his room or out on the streets causing trouble…. in juvie he got a sense of family as fucked up as that sounds….. it’s also where he learned to fight 
— very working class roots, proud of this fact, and fucking hates the rich. is the type to grafiti a house in the posh neighbourhoods and cut their telephone wires with pliers because why not, they can just get their butler to fix it.  people at school would call his family  “ne’er-do-wells”, and as a result he spent most of his youth causing havoc on the streets because it was the only kind of identity he knew so he might as well live up to it. his brothers worked at the fun fairs and carnivals in the summer months. jude used to rollerblade around and steal candy flosses from the pier and rig the slot machines so that they’d spill out loads of coins for him. the archetypal lock-picking chaotic neutral rogue type.
 — constantly undermines his own intelligence and doesn’t really trust that he’s actually clever, despite the fact that he could have done well in school if he’d tried (and wasn’t constantly having to parent his younger siblings because as soon as the older ones reached 16 they were out of that house and into the world). he knows that people will see him and just assume he’s a dumb idiot so he’s kind of in a place where he makes people think that before they can even assume it, because that way he feels in control. is constantly saying he can’t read but in fact!! he can read. it just takes him a bit longer cos the words move around on the page he’s got dyslexia 
— never finished school. got a bus to london at sixteen years old with a skateboard, his best mate, a jar full of pennies and a digital camera. they couch surfed for ages and were in a lot of dodgy situations until jude got pretty involved in the industrial skate scene. then they just slept on sk8rbois sofas and in their dirty basements for a while until they had enough money to rent a flat. also super into parkour. when he wasn’t freerunning himself he took videos of the others n he built up a small following on youtube.
—  now works as a freelance photographer / content creator for VICE and other online journals. involved in a lot of zines. it’s a lot of effort and not much money so he also works as a runner on tv sets when ever tv or film shoots locally. he also does bar shifts here and there when he’s had a massive piss up and spent £100 buying shots and needs to get some money in before pay day. basically a jack-of-all-trades with 5 different jobs that he swaps like interchangeable hats and doesn’t correctly fill out his tax returns for.
— has been hopping around place to place since he left school at 16. doesn’t really consider anywhere home, but rather the feeling of cracking the top off an ice cold bottle of beer and slapping ur mates on the thighs. he would go back home to his parents house but honestly his dad is never there and his mum is p much a liability and always drunk and even tho he loves her loads the hero pedestal he put her on as a kid is kinda gone now and he just cant be bothered to deal with it any more, plus all his siblings have moved out now. 
— despite being lacking in maturity, jude’s kind of like, a caring if somewhat grumpy father figure. because his parents were never really around and him n his siblings had to look out for each other, he likes to make sure everyone’s eaten, and is always the first to offer up his bed or sofa if someone needs a place to stay. he climbs trees to help injured birds and has a rescue staffie with three legs, as well as two stray cats he’s loosely adopted because they always seemed hungry, and now he’s called them smokey n bandit. he likes animals more than people. 
— very physically fit. wants to run fast so he can overtake the bourgeoise when the zombies come. sporty soft jock himbo type and was always better with his body than he was with words. he’s learned to say more by not speaking. loves basketball. loves football n rugby. loves being in the gym mostly so he can watch hot gymshark influencer girls do their squats.
— was massively into parkour as a kid. now a freerunner and freelance photographer. is one of those guys u see nowadays on instagram who climb to the top of a really high building in their fuckin sneakers to do an ig story of new york from like, 100ft up and get paid by vice to do it. he started doing shit like that when he was like 15 because UNILAD or s/t saw one of his instagram videos of him up this building taking shots on his go-pro n were like hey we can use this
 — relationship wise, he tends to pine after one person for ages and fuck a load of people to get over them and not really treat the people very well who he fucks along the way in his process of coping with someone not wanting him back. can get a bit obsessive. a bit intense. a typical scorpio moon that way. if he’s all-in on you he’s loyal as fuck but it takes a lot for him to go all in. enjoys the will-they-won’t they and the thrill of the chase more than he enjoys being in a relationship.
— kind of an amalgamation of daniel dessario and nick andopolis in freaks and geeks. obsessed with dad rock and can play electric guitar but is pretty bad at it. is that one friend who’s always like “tame impala are so much better than the stone roses man. talking heads were the fucking bomb, you weren’t there, you don’t know david byrne like i do” etc etc pop culture references. also really into dad rock and fuckin loves parquet courts.
— chews the inside of his cheek when he’s nervous or irritated. it’s a tick he’s had since youth, almost a way of biting his tongue. it used to give him terrible mouth ulcers. he’s also heavily avoidant when it comes to dealing with anything not chill n usually runs from it or gets blackout drunk. he definitely uses binge drinking as a coping mechanism.
— can be difficult to talk to and finds communicating what he actually feels hard at times like usually it'll come out as a different emotion. ppl in prev rps have said he's autistic bt idk if he is i dnt wanna diagnose without knowing enough.
— though his blood can easily boil, he’s not quick to resort to violence. he prefers to either run from it or clumsily attempt being a peacemaker. he’ll only usually end up fighting accidentally, literally that tommy shelby gif like STOP FIGHTING NO FUCKING FIGHTING and two seconds later he’s throwing a punch.
— but apart from that, he’s pretty solid. may appear to be a ‘lads lad’ but is actually a fucking sweetheart. some character inspos are connell from normal people, daniel dessario, eggsy from kingsman, soren from the dragon prince, lip from shameless, dionysus god of wine and ecstasy, channing tatum’s character in step up and sokka in A:TLA.
 — an angry boi but also a soft boi beneath the angry boi. has a heart of gold deep down but was always getting dragged into dodgy shit as a kid because he came from a rough family and never learned any better. reminds me a lot of fezco in euphoria because he’s dumb and rough around the edges bt he’s also well-intentioned and cld be a decent person but is v much a victim of his circumstances. like yeah he’s physically assaulted several police officers and committed a heinous amount of vandalism and shoplifts something almost every time he enters a shop but he’s trying every day to be better  🥺👉👈 .
— fellow filmmakers who maybe also worked on the film he came here to shoot and hooked him up with another job in the area. he's now freelancing doing videography so anyone who needs video work done or advertisements hit me up.
— also considering making him a school janitor if he runs out of work n he would just jump onto the trollies and wheel about until he ends up spilling floor gel everywhere
— someone teach him to surf because we don't have any beaches or water at all for that matter in england
— sexy toxic evil flings. only been here 2 months so sadly cant do ex girlfriend or childhood sweetheart or best friends at school but cld have hooked up w ppl in the first week and ghosted thinking he'd only be there a little while but now he's got a flat and quite likes the island and isn't in a hurry to leave because all thats waiting for him back home is heartbreak.
— actually his sister aoife married an american and had a baby with him and moved away from home so MAYBE actually his sister and his sisters partner live in marina and that's why he's stayed here longer n cld be a way for him to kno ppl. so ppl cld know his sister or her partner maybe. they are very very earthy airy fairy campfire songs reiki healing spiritual retreat in the woods type ppl (nothin like jude) n probs run breathwork classes etc. maybe i make a wanted connection
— honestly brotps. i want so many brotps, if ur character is lad behaviour at all, then hook me up they could be best mates. alternatively they could just really see too much of themselves in each other and not get on spicy.
— skate gang he does parkour, freerunning and skateboarding so would hang around parks where they have shit he can jump off
— anything and everything. honestly please bombard me with messages, i’m in the discord (nora / plantfeed), or you can im me, i’m slow to message but once we get the ball rolling i promise it’ll be a hoot ok pce and love x
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moriartyluver · 8 months
fl is so really for those thoughts about Liam icl. If I slept with a man that fine I’d never stop thinking about it 😭 The way Jack was treating her like a daughter in law 🤭🤭
liam choking on the tea in the bonus 💀 I love how you didn’t use the usuals gender stereotypes of a virgin woman with a man who’s fucked half the female population. I think it makes a lot of sense for Liam and fls dynamic too (+ I livvvveee for subby liam 😩)
The band au 🤭 I’m so excited for more chapters omg
the way I called it Are you mine? Had me SCREAMING
i love AM and the references were just too good. Most fics never get pop culture references good but I think you did amazing. I’m gonna binge pistols today solely because of the sex pistols reference and also so I can theorise on what will happen.
the band is so cool too 😭 (name) is actually the embodiment of arabella and Brooklyn baby. She isn’t a rockstar’s gf she is a ROCKSTAR GF and she is hilarious. If she was a real artist I’d absolutely adore her and go to every concert fr
The bit about her parents was so sad but really well written at the same time 😕 like you can tell they care about her and want her to have a good career but they still obviously were in the wrong, especially her father not owning up to his mistake. It reminded me of Lane’s mother in Gilmore girls finding all of Lane’s stuff and kicking her out (please don’t do that to y/n my heart wouldn’t be able to take it)
omg that bit about her meeting liam 😭 it was too too funny. Bro was probably star struck but I love how they’re similar even though you’d expect them to be complete opposites
I’ve been rambling too much now but I’m really proud of you for how well you seem to be managing both writing and college too.
-🦢 anon (aka ur biggest fan)
Liams perspective may be coming soon 👀
It’s so hard to write his perspective tho icl. Like what is bro thinking.
Also yes u have no idea how much I hate opening up an mtp fic and then all of a sudden it’s just casual misogyny and gender roles EVERYWHERE like Ik it was normal at the time but surely liam of all people wouldn’t be contributing to it??
The mtp band au is everything to me rn. It’s my baby. I think of it all the time. I just loooove how creative I can be with it
I was actually so tempted to call the fic ‘arabella’ but it felt wrong and restricting because it’s a whole ass name of that makes sense?? I didn’t want people to click on it and think it was gonna be about an oc or something I might add a few arabella references tho 🤭
I was low-key inspired by Lane’s backstory. Like the bit about her trying to find herself except she won’t end up with a Zack because I hated that mf
Also thank you sm 🫶🏼 it really means a lot. It’s pretty tough doing updates but I still want to interact with people on tumblr if that makes sense but I also have to prioritise college too 😕
And dw I don’t mind rambles. Please feel free to send almost anything to my inbox, I really don’t mind <3
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troglobite · 1 year
shitty prof i had in grad school who clearly hated me for being queer and disabled like from the jump (she hated me before i even met her--i spoke w the guy who ended up being my adviser on the phone, and he said he enthusiastically showed my application to her, so i think she hated me from that moment)
she told me abt the production y'all are gushing abt on here
the one of midsummer night's dream where titania and oberon switch narrative places. makes it queer and fun and interesting.
she told me abt that
and then said
"but what does that matter if the ppl watching it haven't read the original and don't know that it's been switched"
and at the time i'm sitting there like oh an interesting question
now i'm here on the other side like
oh it matters bc either ppl walk away thinking that the queerness was explicit in the original and then have an interesting journey ahead of them finding out that it wasn't in that way, but might've been in another way--
or they just see a play they really like and get to see some fun queerness, and understand the words in the play differently, through the lens and themes that the director and dramaturg wanted them to see it through.
like there is no way in which someone who hasn't read the original is at a loss for having only seen a swapped or queered production of shakespeare without context.
like just say you're a bigot and go, you fucking shithead.
god i fucking hate her.
i don't spend energy on it but i just saw another gif set from this thing and i got thinking abt it again.
also she said that she saw a bunch of teenage girls who went to see the taming of the shrew, she assumed bc of 10 things i hate about you, and she was like, yikes i wonder what they thought after seeing how violent and awful it was
and i'm like
okay again why do you hate teenage girls
why do you think they were stupid and clueless, that they hadn't read ANYTHING abt the production (often there are WARNINGS for violence and effects included in the production--god knows there was when i saw julius caesar)
why do you pity them
and like are you implicitly saying we shouldn't fucking adapt from older works to make fun new things that strip away the parts that aren't helpful to the story, or that don't fit in our modern context??? like what are you saying?
the taming of the shrew is one of shakespeare's early plays and yeah it feels kind of irredeemable. it's not v good. the language isn't as advanced, the plot and characters are like genuinely fucked up. and i read it w my adviser, but we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time on it--and i'd actually really relish the opportunity to do so.
i'd like to more fully explore the misogyny within it. given the v much not misogynistic takes and themes in shakespeare's later plays, i'd like to explore that more. why/how does he change? is there something still subversive in this deeply fucked up, not v masterful, work? (like the way that i think 'as you like it' is a satire of the comedic form at the time, &it was one of the last comedies he ever wrote) or is it an example of him finding his voice and establishing his career by writing what was popular and expected at the time? OR did he genuinely think this shit was funny and cool? can we ever know? does it matter as much as what we do w it now and what it can teach us abt this time and place in history?
and like you can't tell me that a modern production of it doesn't do the same thing, and that those "poor stupid teenage girls" didn't also walk away with a different understanding.
and also, why does it matter if ppl come away from a shakespeare play w the "wrong" impression of it or him?
my autism brain is barking like a dog on a chain at ppl having Incorrect Information and Impressions, but that's me. i can also just let it lie, let it be, and it's fine.
bc genuinely, what is the harm???
idfk man
i really hate her.
i had a woman in my cohort who was selected as her TA (even though i asked for the position 🙃 it was all remote at that time so i could've 🙃) who came to me and was like
okay i'm not a shakespeare person (THIS WAS FOR A SHAKESPEARE CLASS--I ASKED TO BE THE TA FOR THIS--SHE DID NOT CHOOSE ME okay i'm done) can you help me argue against some shit that she's saying in class bc it seems super shitty?
and i was like yep don't mind me
so i gave her tons of resources and info and interpretations of the texts.
for some reason, in ALLLLLLLL of the text of hamlet, his LONGEST play, this woman (the prof) was focused on ONE LINE. in which hamlet, in a fit of angst and depression and grief, says that he would rather be the mutines in the bilboes, or makes a reference or slavery or some such shit.
and she was OBSESSED with it, and somehow came out the other side saying that the instance referenced here "wasn't that bad" or something.
and it's like. no. bro. he is literally saying, emotionally, that he feels as bad as mutines in the bilboes or enslaved ppl on a ship and like--THAT is what you need to unpack. not that he says "oh they're better off than me" bc they had like tiny lil freedoms given to them. but that they were treated reprehensibly, and in a fit of emotional torment this literal prince compares himself to him. in a theatrical and poetic sense, yeah, you're trying to drive a point home--but why not unpack THAT CHOICE??? i mean. whatever.
anyway so this poor woman in my cohort--a woman of color whose focus in her phd was examining, iirc, immigrant narratives & orientalism in like 19th c. lit? or something? something like that--had to cope w this fucking horrid woman for the whole semester, using what i had given her to help educate students BETTER.
it's just a genuine mess and i am still upset abt it. not as viscerally as i was two years ago when it happened. i'm not shaking w fury rn. which i was at the time.
i'm just still thinking abt it bc something reminded me, and it's one of those things that you just feel the need to Talk About sometimes. and no one really likes me talking abt shakespeare [stares at unmasking autism and shifts in discomfort] so i'm just doing it here. bc i'm thinking abt it and i'm tired and recovering from a REALLY bad flareup of whatever autoimmune thing i have. it's still kind of lingering, but it is getting better, i think.
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cleverpaws · 13 days
YOURESO RIGHT ABT KIANBECKY I AM SO unwell about them and the fact that they both went down music careers, and Kian missed her the entire 30 yrs ... and Becky sighed up for a shitty label and the fact BUGBECKY STOLE KIANS LIFE!! thoughts are going no where but j love them so bad couple t4t tragedy4traedgy to me..
RIGHT... RIGHTTTT.... like i dont understand the lack of attention on them theyre so crazy. the general lack of focus on becky specifically is so insane also bc what do u mean becky got shipped off to like catholic school but kian promised they would meet up in hollywood but somewhere along the way SOMETHING happened and she never showed up?????? what the fuck do you mean she just forgot why would she forget that. what had to happen to her for her to forget. did she get bugged around then ??????or was it just like normal human trauma bullshit??????? what the FUCK happened
also kian was just waiting for her that whole time man i dont even KNOW where my mind would go if i was kian stone probably couch surfing in LA waiting for my awesome rockstar gf to show up and play music with me and she never did. i wonder what he thought happened to her (he probably just assumed she'd moved on from him instead of considering anything else bc he hates himself) (except she did and that literally is what happened) (probably) (bad ending)
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