#shes coooll
pieflavoredartz · 4 months
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( cliccckkk for better quailtyyyy ^^)
happy first edit of the year, miss jolyne “icon” cujoh 💚💚
(21’ vers n og im the cuttt)
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micahdoesmusic · 9 months
I wonder if when Jay Ferin was a little girl she wanted to be a navy soldier like her big sister. I wonder if her father wanted her to be one too, to continue their family’s legacy.
I wonder if that ever changed, if when she lost her sister she wanted to join the navy to take down those pirates that killed her, or alternatively she took the warning of Ava’s death as a call not to follow her footsteps. I wonder if her joining the navy was the last thing her father wanted anymore.
I wonder how long it took for Jay to notice the Navy’s faults. I wonder when she and Kira promised to change it from the inside.
I wonder if Kira looked up to Ava too, if she was almost their third sister when they were younger. I wonder if when Ava died, Kira could see Jay changing. I wonder if they talked as much as they would have as little girls leading up to Jay joining Chip.
I wonder if Kira training to be a Captain put distance between them, if Jay was afraid she’d lose her too. I wonder if they fought about the good of the navy, Kira believing they could change while Jay slowly lost faith in them.
I wonder if Jay has the heart to resent the Navy even now, even knowing they may be responsible for Ava’s death despite all she’s been told. Maybe she regrets not becoming a captain like Kira, instead having to justify her new life to her own family.
I wonder if Jay wishes she’d stayed with her mother to be there for her as her health declined. I wonder if she considered leaving Chip and Gillion once she found out, even now she’s tied to her crew.
I wonder if Jay had left with the Navy (like Condi considered leading her to do), if she would’ve joined them. If she would’ve fought beside Kira and her father and crossed paths with Gillion and Chip again. I wonder if she’d be unable to pick sides again, or if she’d be so stuck in place she couldn’t go back.
I wonder if Ava ever snuck off to meet Lizzie in Featherbrook, if Jay might’ve noticed a slight giddiness as she disappeared to a quieter side of the island.
I wonder if Jay hates Lizzie or not now, if she’s upset with her for not telling her about her relationship with her sister, but also Ava for not telling her about Lizzie. I wonder if she hates her for loving her sister and keeping her away from home longer.
Jay is such a cool underrated character I need to THINK ABOUT HER MORE!!!
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theaviaryavians · 4 months
The Aviary System!!!!!!!!!
We are The Avians, part of the Aviary system!
We are 21 years old, demi and aego, idk my feels about romance
Nadia: The person writing this post! Nadia!!!!!! My pronouns are she/her, and I like bunnies and boxes and stuff!!!!!!
Zaki: Haii!!!!!!!!!! I'm Zaki, and I am a silly Boygirl/Girlboy who loves to be silly and likes being called a good girl/boy/boid :3333333. Pronouns are She/He/they.
Mi: I don't really front often, I'm just here to protect the others and be a guardian. That's it. Pronouns are anything, I don't care what you refer me by.
Valerie: So likeeee, Valerie here writing this, yeah i just recently found myself, and this whole existing thing is coooll. Pronouns are She/It/They
Martha: Hello there! Its me Martha!!!! Hello!!!!!! Existing!!!!!! idk pronouns she/her maybe they
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yourdarlingness · 8 months
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minmos · 1 year
for the horror asks: 13, 18, 24! :3c
ty for the ask!! ^_^
13. a movie you related to or felt strongly drawn to the most
honestly Perfect blue ... i still cry every time i watch it. idk if i can really put into words like How i relate/what it means to me but i feel it
18. a character you really love
i hope we can include video game characters in this because.. Heather Fucking Mason from silent hill 3!!! i think shes so cool and fun. she really is my all time favorite horror protag. she has so much personality, it's really fun.
24. a movie you find visually stunning/compelling etc
hereditary's cinematography with the dollhouse shit is fucking crazy. it's 1 of those things that's subtle enough that i didn't notice on first watch but now.. every time i see it im like. THATS SO COOOLL!!!
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xler0 · 1 year
opinion on dorami?
she's coooll i really love the occasional change when dorami got charged with taking care of Nobita. In fact, the chapters with her are mostly my favorites. Her way of solving problems are less chaotic and feminine, and I'm more drawn towards that however in the doraemon special comics, with the other seven doraemons, she's somehow a bit bitchy (?) towards her boyfriend, although honestly i would just chalk it as the writer wanting dora the kid to have a stormy, tsundere-ish, relationship with his gf.
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tenshindon · 3 years
GOD launch is so fucking cool
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honestlyitsjustsam · 4 years
also jill valentine im free this friday..
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macjaket · 3 years
I watched ‘knock knock knocking on hooty’s door’ so here are my fav morments/prhases
Spoilers for the owl house s2 ep 8
Lilith’s letter to Hooty - 😭
“Ill never make my way into Amity’s heart”
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King dancing
Ki-king has powers?!?!?
“I think its time for ME, to haunt YOU”
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Young Lilith!!!!
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Eda’s dad?!?!?
“I think we should see other people” - nooooo, but on the other hand this makes it canon that they have dated
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So cute
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She looks sooo coooll
“Maybe you could tell me how to ask out a cotton candy haired goddess”
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“Us? Dating? thats stupid? Right?”
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Owl mom to the rescue
“Not as okay as you”
“I have no idea what my future holds but it would be so cool if you were in it” - LUMITY!!!
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They are so cute
“Luz’s gf” - they said it?!? They said it in canon?!?
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thecryptidwizard · 3 years
I wanna hear anything you have to say about your plants 🥺 I love hearing other plant people ramble about them
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They grow so much and get to such enormous sizes, and they can climb trees!!! I really wish I lived somewhere warmer so I could see it for myself but a trellis is all my lil' self can do!! 😭
Lemme show y'all which ones I've got so far!
The Lemon Lime Philodendron!!
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This is a cutting I purchased from Etsy about 2 months ago, and it's finally starting to take off!! I've spotted at least 3 new leaf nubs!!
And this is my Burle Marx Philodendron!! I got this beauty at Etsy as well, one month ago!!
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See those long pointy stems? Those are new leaves!! I can't wait till they finally unfurl 😭😭
And the last one I have is a Brazil Philodendron!
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I got her off Etsy (again,,,, literally the only place I get plants ahdshshbs) and she's constantly popping out new leaves!!
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Philodendrons grow so fast and they're so easy to take care of, and fun to propagate!!
I'm definitely gonna look for different varieties, right now I'm expecting a Congo Rojo and a Golden Goddess !!
Thank you for letting me ramble a bit!! Feel free to ask me more about my plants whenever!! 🥺🥺🥺
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Omg Yae!!! Yes! I'm pulling for her too, I havent played 2.1 yet but I think I saw a short clip of her laughing on twitter which I beleive is from a cutscene and I fell in love aaaaa 🥺 I will have to spend some of my albedo funds tho but I will get em BOTH (plus Thoma bc need someone to clean the Serenitea)
she’s so coooLL! I think I’m identifying a trend in characters that I like - serious, straightforward, back-of-the-scenes planning, incredible !! Oh and Albedo is another character I won’t pass up this time. I already have a space for him in my teapot, I willll get the chief alchemist! PLEAASE
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kiilonova · 3 years
do the series thing with build please
heyyyy this is super late but its in my inbox so im answering it   
❤ Favorite Male: gentoku. im sorry. ❤ Favorite Female: MISORAAAA queen in a very literal sense. also the closest we got to a green rider AND HER SMASH WAS SO COOOLL ❤ Favorite Pairing: kazugen. im not sorry ❤ Least Favorite Character: nanba. they did a real good job making me hate that old man ❤ who’s most like me: gentoku. im sorry. ❤ most attractive: banjo.... the only thing hotter than a bi man explaining things to me is explaining things to a bi man who has no idea what im talking about ❤ three more characters that I like: SAWAAAAA her arc is so cool and shes so badass and shes always dressed so well. sento bc i love it when the main rider has amnesia/psychosis. utsumi bc him taking evolt’s snake dick essentially saved earth
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waterjuiice · 3 years
also i had a dance to river by bishop briggs a couple years ago and i haven’t stopped listening to her since. she’s really good!!!!
omg omg that’s so coooll wow
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bi-bobbysoxxers · 4 years
Heyy y'all! I was tagged by @meiyanaalexia Thanks for the tag, fam!
Rules: List ten of your fave female characters from your ten fave fandoms and then tag 10 other ppl!
This list is by no means comprehensive or a ranked list, as i think all my fave characters are equally bad betches, in their own right xD alright let's get to it!
-Tamari and Lady Tsunade (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
Tamari's one of the more cool, levelheaded female side characters in naruto and idk, she's very much Gaara and Kankuro's rock, and idk, i like that. I view her as a very strong female character, and i think she carries a lot of badass masculine energy. Plus she's a badass fighter as well. (((And she's hot but that's beside the point lol))) I like Lady Tsunade a lot, but i admit, i wasnt a fan of her at first. But now that I'm seeing her character unfold in Shippuden, I like her a lot. I like the concept that she's kiind of a grouchy, reluctant leader of the leaf village, cause that makes her seem like a very reliable leader, in a way. I think she's hella underrated as a strong character, tbh. Plus i like that she's a healing ninja, cause it seems so opposite to her outward personality. The more i watch naruto the more i'm really liking more of their female characters, tbh.
Tamari: "Sharpen your karma at sunset."
Tsunade: "People become stronger because they have things they cannot forget. That's what you call growth."
-Lucy and Kiyoko (Bungou Stray Dogs)
oh wow, uh, not gonna lie, i really like this anime more for most of the male characters, but Lucy and Kiyoko have alswas been in my faves list. I didnt really understand Lucy's character in season one but as the plot thickens, so does her issues with wanting to morally become a better person, but still being fairly new to learning to become selfless. I think a lot of people can relate to her because she can be fairly emotionally erratic, and she struggles with the whole "forgiveness thing." But later on you see that all she really wanted was a true family and friends that value her. And i think that's something we all want, deep down. Also, her powers are highly unnderrated and badass and i love how she is slowly becoming a protector for ppl like Atsushi, which really shows her growth as a character.
I also put Kiyoko on this list because i think she is equally as good of a female character as Lucy is, but for dif reasons. I loveeee the whole concept of "initially bad" characters soon wanting to become good. There's a simplicity in her character that i think models Atsushi's in a way, i mean they're both damaged, but both yearn to do good and make a comeback with the chances they've been given in life. If Lucy was a Tarot Card she would be the Fool. I also love how steadfast she is in her newfound family and how much she believes in everyone in the ADA now. It's very wholesome and pure :3 also i love her and Atsushi's relationship, it kinda reminds me of me and my BFF's ride or die relationship, lol.
Lucy: "Make sure you survive...Then come back for me. I'll be waiting."
Kiyoko: "I saw a bright world. I cannot go back to a time when I didn't know such a thing existed."
-Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Ugh, there's so many things about this character that I have always loved and adored. Her character design, her quiet whimsical weirdness. Her determined loyalty to the people that accept her. Her lovely simple wisdom, at times. Like Harry said, Luna is just "...coooll." She kinda reminds me of me when I was a teenager but way cooler lol.
Luna: "My mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us, in the end."
-Lara Croft (Tomb Raider movies and videogames)
Laura is....a simple character by design. If anything, the plotlines and video game design of the Tomb Raider franchise are way more intricate. And yeah...there's her misogynistic character design (Note: the impossibly snatched waist and bOoBiEs in earlier games.)
BUT. I still stan her for a multitude of reasons. Growing up, there were may more princess characters than female warrior characters and ya know, I'm really glad I was exposed to Lara Croft movies and the Tomb Raider: Legend video games as a kid. I think Laura taught me that you can definitely embrace your feminine side and still be a badass and follow your dreams. Even now, after me finally figuring out i'm not cis, i know, that she's still an icon for most kids out there. And for me too. She was a symbol of bravery, intelligence, as well as still being a character of emotional depth, grieving the loss of her parents while vowing to continue to do what she loved, which is exploring. Cultural and moral problems with her character aside, i still find both her and her stories very inspirational, both as a bigender queer person, and as a designer.
Laura Quotes: "The line between our myths and truth is fragile and blurry."
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
-Scorpia (She-Ra)
Oh wow, i could go on for days about how much i love thus character. If you're queer or fun in any capacity you've probably watched the final season fo She-Ra by now and spoilers aside, i just love the journey this character went on from start to finish. Scorpia is so genuine and nice, and sometimes that puts her in situations where she has to make hard decisions. And idk, those decisions just made that character so much better for me. On a lighter note, Scorpia is great queer rep, especially for butch lesbians, lesbians, trans ppl, androg ppl, and gender nonconforming ppl. She's always said things that have resonated with me as a queer person and aside from that, she's a very excitable and fun character. She just excudes so much curiosity and joy that you really can't help but like her, lol.
Scorpia: "I am brave, strong, loyal, and i give great hugs!"
-Sypha (Castlevania)
Altho I personally don't view Sypha as a cis woman, (I see her as nonbinary or agender), I think the way characters treat her in the show is indicative that in that period, they view her as a woman. So i figured I could put her on this list as well lol. Anyways, uhhh wow, Sypha is great, there's so much I love about her that it's hard to put into words. I love that she regards herself as a "scholar" of magic, but still views herself as a heretic, I just find it pretty funny and very sexy of her lol. Aside from that, I think Sypha is a great character who always seeks out logic where there usually ends up being none. I love her cheeky remarks to both Alucard and Trevor, and I love her can-do attitude. At the end of the day, she's one of those characters you love just for her great energy she carries for herself within the show. There's really no rhyme or reason to her, she just, is. She subverts many female mage character tropes as well, being a natural badass. Also her god jokes are so damn funny.
Sypha: "See?? God hates me!?
-Aunt Sarah (Derry Girls)
Okay first of all, if you havent seen Derry girls, pleaseeee watch it, holy shit it's the funniest show i've seen in a longass time. Second of all, my friend and I are still going thru the show, but Ajnt Sarah has started to become one of my favorite characters. She's one of those very aloof characters that you kinda ignore at first but then her character just has these amazing one liners and she really grows on you. Also she is very caring about her family and she's cute as hell???? I'm sorry but like her aesthetic is just on fuckin point, like??? Go off babe?? Anyways yeah she's cute.
No quotes for her since that might ruin some of the better punchlines if you end up watching the show lol.
-Marga (Cable Girls)
Yeah, if you want a really good 1920's drama that focuses on women, go give Cable Girls a try! It is very poetic in its direction lol. Anyways, Marga is one of the "new girls" at the beginning of the show and she is just, so earnest, and genuine, and pure. And I love her. She's very nice to the other girls working and she's got some great one liners. She's that timid, cute character that slowy comes out of her shell throughout the show lol.
-Kiki and Sheeta (Studio Ghibli)
I loveee Studio Ghibli films, and one of my two fave films of Miyazaki are Kiki's Delivery Service and my ultimate fave, Castle in the Sky. I adore Kiki as a character because she is your quintessential cute witch, and her journey with finding and grasping her full powers are very relevant to me, and my journey with upholding my creativity as a designer. As well as being a great movie with a great lessom for all artists, Kiki is a very passionate and genuine character, who's resilency has inspired me in hard times. I love her relationship that she has with other ppl as nd creatures, especially with her cat Gigi. She's cute, i love her lots.
Sheeta, I love for different reasons. Sheeta is one of those rare instances where a quiet protagonist, really works. I love her calm and humble, yet powerful energy surrounding her. I love her background, and how there has always beem magic inside of her, even if she's not a practicing witch. She is so very humble and a very introspective character. There's not a lot of female protagonists quite like her. Plus she's adorable as well, lol.
-Aunt Hilda, Zelda, Prudence, and Lilith (CHAOS)
I'm not gonna get into super specifics since i love all these characters equally, but I will say that all these characters absolutely MADE this series for me. I personally found Sabrina's character very annoying and slightly egotistical (i mean she's allowed to be i suppose,lol) but these characters were just so much fun!
I love Aunt Hilda for her soft personality and great revenge comebacks. I love Prudence for her aesthetic, character design, and amazing characrer development throughout the series. I love Lilith, for being both a BAMF and. MILF, lolz. And finally, i absolutely adore Zelda's character, for being so poised, calculating, blunt, and yet so very badass and loveable xD I love everything about her character, tbh.
There's so many good quotes from each character, so just watch the show, lol.
Andddd i think that's it! Sorry this was super long, I wanted to state my reasoms for why these characters were on the list, lol. Hope you liked some of my character analysis, feel free to screech with me about shows anytime lol. I'd love more good show recs!
You def don't have to go as hard as I did on this but I tag:
@heathen-beast @iquotetheravennevermore @sweet-communist @gardiewithyou @sawayakakuns @shortlady72 @thatonegirluniverse @thatlowkeyhipster @letting-and-living @beauxxxtifullies @catastrafey
Anyone else can participate if they feel like it! Have fun lol. Let's love our great women characters lol.
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zeldasayer · 4 years
Not that this matters: My first reaction to you being disabled. 1. That outfit is fire.. wait. Ooooooh coooll 2. ...god glitched and was just like :this one is too perfect, the world isnt ready yet.: he tried to make her less perfect and here you are still fucking perfect and the world still unworthy. 3. I bet she get half off manicures and gives 100% accurate high fives. 4. One arm and she still gets crazy dick. So jelly. You are amazing, incredible and a role model :) love you girlie.
I feel like i have to edit my previous ask. You have always been my role model. You are kind, sweet, open, funny, understanding, sexy and all of the above. You aren't my role model because you're disabled and still do "normal" things. You are my role model because of who you are, what you bring to the table as person and a beautiful spirit. You are impressive as hell and i wish there were more people like you.
Ok so first of all you are absolutely right — idk how you two hand people afford getting your nails done because I would not be doing this if I did hahaha. Thank you so much my love. 💖
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ener-chi · 4 years
My practice has always been kind of like a game of hot and cold. If I’m supposed to be focusing on something, my energy will be drained and I will feel like shit for everything that I do except for the thing that I am supposed to do. For example, when I get the urge to do readings, I do them for a while. But when the Universe wants me to move on and do something else, suddenly doing readings takes up a lot of energy, and is almost painful for me to do them, and this continues until I move on. This is how my practice is guided, from doing readings, spirit work, energy work, or if I even need a break.
So why do I bring this up? Well... if I’m being honest... I’ve kind of fallen off the wagon for a while, in terms of my practice and my Path. I’m not really sure what happened, but ever since February... things just haven’t really been the same. I’ve been like, distracted. Sure, I’ve done some things in my practice off and on, but... something has been pulling me away from it. 
And I’ve been urged to go back. I feel like shit, and my energy is low, and I don’t feel good mentally, until I come back to my practice. But for some reason I keep leaving, falling off again, drifting away... and each time, I feel worse and worse. 
Well. I think last night I finally got the message. I need to focus on my Path. This is what I need to do. I need to stop being so distracted, and choose to practice again.
I did some stretches, and I felt my body pulling me towards my meditation cushion, which I haven’t touched in months. I did some Qigong for the first time in a long time, which I hate to admit, but it’s true. Throughout the session, I literally felt my energy moving, clearing, and getting unstuck, and my body was reacting physically in different ways; my nose got stuffed up and then started draining; my body itself suddenly got very hot and I started to sweat, even though my room is cold; I had sensations throughout my arms as I felt the energy move down it.
I decided to do a reading with my Kuan-Yin oracle deck, which again, I haven’t used in months. The moment I held them in my hands, I felt our energy connect, and it felt really good. Like... I felt energy coming out of the deck and into me, and it felt like it was telling me that it missed me. I did a reading for myself, and as always, it resonated. 
Now... everything is so weird?? Like... you know when you go on a vacation, for like a couple of weeks, and when you come back home, you’re home, but it feels so weird? Like it’s the same place you’ve been in before, but it’s different somehow. That’s how I feel now... with everything... my energy is doing some really weird things... 
Anyways, that’s why I haven’t really been super active with my blog. I’m not sure why, but things have been off for me for a while now. But... hopefully this is things finally turning around, and getting back into it. 
In other news... last night I had my first experience with Deities/Gods!
It was in a dream. The dream is super hazy to me; but in the dream, I was talking to a Deity, and I think I was working with them too. I don’t remember which God it was, but I do remember that they were female; a goddess. It felt like I was talking to another spirit, but they were much larger physically, and very powerful energetically. She was cool and collected and casual, but her power was immense and she knew it. 
I’ve always been agnostic as to my beliefs on Deities/The Gods; I have some theories pertaining to them, but ultimately I’ve never had any experiences directly with them, so I literally did not have enough of anything to have any beliefs about them; hence the agnosticism. Now, I still don’t have enough to constitute a belief, but if I continue seeing this Goddess... who knows. Honestly, I’m down. If they want to keep communicating with me, I’m open to it.
This evening I spoke with an exchange student from China, and besides other school stuff, I asked him many, many questions about Chinese Medicine, and its’ prevalence in China. It’s very interesting; I learned a lot, about how things are run. I was always curious how much Western Medicine they used in hospitals and stuff, because Western Medicine does have some advantages. It turns out that they use Chinese Medicine for the most part; it’s much more prevalent than I thought it was. I asked which they used for a broken ankle, and he said “Oh, Chinese Medicine, definitely” which was a big surprise. He then went and showed me this like bandage/patch that, assuming it isn’t a really bad break, they put on the ankle, which heals them in a couple of weeks. The patch has a salve on it with Chinese herbs. SUPER COOOLL holy shit I had no idea that they did that. Anyways, apparently for most things they offer herbs, which I am glad that I am going to be studying herbs when I go to school for it.
Alright, that’s it for now. I’m quite tired; I have a lot of sleeping to do tonight. I hope that everyone sleeps well.
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