#shes doesnt talk to me and the one time she did she had the AUDACITY to ask me to drive her to the train station at 6:30 in the morning
puniyo · 9 months
Thoughts about ep 6:
(All image credits go to weibo)
*I greatly enjoyed the second couple, short and hilarious for a good intermission between the heavy drama that is coming.
*Someone give P'Yai the award for BEST wingman, brother, cupid, genuine pure-hearted retriever.
*Let's appreciate for a second how beautiful Tharn is in traditional costumes (and long hair! Damn I will gladly go to hell for long hair)
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*On the same line, Tharn in a black suit? I almost can't finish writing this because I just keep staring at him. (And that mole under his eye... really enchanting as per Billy's words)
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*I appreciate that the female characters in the story are not potential love rivals but Dao is annoying the wits out of me. Besides showing at the wrong time when Tharn and Phaya are talking, she had the audacity to ask the grandma to convince Phaya to change jobs?? No, no, no, if there is one thing I hate is people dictating what jobs we can do or not.
*Chalotorn is manipulative but damn I love the character. He elevates the love triangle to a higher level and makes the plot more intriguing. For those who expected Tharn and Phaya to be lovey dovey, sorry that's not going to happen to soon. The boys are still in the courting phase and after learning that Tharn's past lover has died, I can totally understand why he refuses to let himself openly love Phaya (because his heart already loves him). Tharn is not worried that he will get hurt, he is worried that Phaya will get hurt, but doesnt know how to communicate that. Phaya, on the other hand, openly loves but is too impulsive to wait to peel down the walls around Tharn. And Slow Motion? He just simply knows how to manipulate and push the buttons to keep the boys away. At this point, I wouldn't mind a flashback or a dream sequence about Tharn and Chalotorn, so that Tharn can finally accept that he truly loves Phaya and for Phaya to be consumed by jealousy, hehe.
*For those saying that Tharn is stupid and shouldn't have punched Phaya, did we all remember that Phaya also slapped him and it was all because of the lack of proper communication and making too many assumptions? Chalotorn spoke with Phaya when Tharn was on the restroom while this time he purposeful locked Tharn inside the car when speaking with Phaya. The boys are both unaware of the context and in the heat of the moment, your brain will use the quickest strategy - fight.
*Let's finish this post with a longing Tharn. Because I just love him too much and Babe is my newest obsession.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 3
trigger warning: reference to verbal/mental domestic abuse
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Waiting In The Wings
Being in love was not something Daryl Dixon enjoyed. For the longest time, he denied the mere possibility of it, he never thought that somebody like him would experience such a thing. But when you arrived in his life, blinding in the most beautiful way, you changed everything. It was like Daryl’s world stopped, because it realised that it’s whole purpose was to revolve around you.
It was all the way back in Atlanta, he was out on a hunt when you arrived at the camp, and by the time he came back you’d already introduced yourself to everyone. As soon as you saw him, you walked over to him with the brightest smile he’d ever seen, and held out your hand.
“Hi! Im (Y/N), you must be Daryl! Rick told me all about you!” You were so cheerful, so genuinely happy to meet him, he couldnt believe it.
The scoff that passed Daryl’s lips was automatic, but unintentional, and the same can be said for the words that followed. “He tell ya t’ come talk to me too?”
You laughed, you genuinely laughed, as though you thought Daryl had been joking and not verbalising his own insecurities. “No, silly! I wanted to meet you myself, it’s only right, you’re part of the group and we’re new here, so-“
Daryl frowned at you. “We?”
You nodded. “Yeah, me and-“
A gruff voice shouted your name from within a tent, and you jumped, your smile falling as you turned to look at the man clambering into view behind you.
Daryl was angry, he couldnt help it, nor could he understand it. Such a pure joy had survived in you, but that man had the audacity to steal it whenever he made an appearance. That anger stayed with Daryl, but somehow it didnt keep you away. You chose to sit with him to eat whenever he wasnt away on a hunt, you made conversation with him wherever you could. He couldnt fathom it.
By the time the group found the farm, you’d managed to break through some of Daryl’s hard exterior. He allowed himself to enjoy your company, to actually have decent conversations with you that werent almost completely one sided from you. Whenever you were with Daryl, he made you laugh harder than anyone else, you never lit up quite like you did when he was around. The rest of the group noticed, of course, but they wouldnt dare interfere. And just like Daryl, they knew the asshole that was your boyfriend.
More times than Daryl could count, he’d found you sobbing silently, all by yourself in various places across the farm, in the dead of night. And every single time, he’d sit with you, wrap an arm around you, and wait. Sometimes, you wouldnt say anything, just cry it out, thank him, and go. But sometimes, you would tell him what had happened, what that fucker had done to make you cry this time. Daryl tried his absolute best not to be insensitive, not to tell you to “just leave him”, because he knew you too well, he knew that wouldnt get through to you. So he just listened, and comforted in the best way he knew how: protective silence.
The mornings after nights like that were always a little awkward, because you would walk up to Daryl like everything was fine, and he wouldnt be able to just play along.
“He doesnt hit me or anything, it’s fine.” You told him once while the two of you ate breakfast at his camp, a safe distance away from everyone else.
Daryl turned to look at you and you avoided his eyes, knowing you wouldnt like whatever he was about to say, because you knew it would be true. “Don’ downplay it, y’know it aint right. Hittin’ ya would just make it more obvious.”
But Daryl knew you too well. No matter how many times that asshole screamed in your face, threatened to leave you, called you every unholy thing under the sun...you couldnt leave him. You’d explained it to Daryl once before, completely by accident. You’d casually brought up how disconnected you felt to the world before, to who you were before all of this, and that your boyfriend felt like your one last living connection to both. It wasnt in Daryl’s heart to agree, but he understood. If you lost that last connection, you thought you’d lose everything, every trace of the person you were and the life you had, everything else you’d lost would go with him. Daryl didnt have that, but he didnt need to, because he had you as his best friend. It didnt matter that he didnt know you before, because he was head over heels with who you’d become.
Naturally, your boyfriend and Daryl did not get along. While Daryl’s disliking to him was justified, your boyfriend despised Daryl simply because he made you happy, and took you away from him, the man you were supposed to love. Time and time again, Daryl would see him yell in your face and you would cower away, but anytime your boyfriend tried to get at Daryl, you would lose it. He couldnt believe the first time he saw you give that fucker a piece of your mind.
“This piece of shit redneck aint got nothin’ on me, I could take him out in a heartbeat, and I will if I see him near you again!” Your boyfriend threatened, and Daryl took a step forward, ready to stand in front of you and defend himself, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Leave him the hell out of this! In fact, leave his name out of your mouth entirely, because if I hear you say shit like that again I’ll spin your fucking jaw.” You seethed, before storming past your boyfriend, deliberately slamming into his shoulder as you pulled Daryl away, leaving both men stunned.
It was an altercation just like that one which resulted in you and your boyfriend being separated when the farm fell. He’d found you and Daryl laughing together in a secluded part of the farm, and got so mad he stormed off into the wilderness. Nobody bothered to follow him, and you didnt see him again until you saw walkers tear his stomach open and pull his intestines out right in front of you.
Daryl had just been racing towards you on his bike to rescue you, but when he followed your eyes and witnessed that, then saw you start to go into hysterics before you fainted in the middle of the field, it was all or nothing. He jumped off his bike and ran to you, shoving walkers left and right to keep them away as he swung you up in his arms and ran with you back to his bike. He rode to the highway with Carol, while you laid unconscious between his body and the bike to keep you from falling.
That gorgeous smile, his favourite laugh in the world. They became distant memories. Daryl used to be able to make you smile and laugh more than anyone else, he could barely manage to bring them back most days. Even finding the prison didnt pull you out of the deep abyss you’d lost yourself in.
Daryl shares a cell with you in the prison now. Every single night, without fail, he hears you in the bunk above him, waiting until you believe he’s asleep before you let yourself break into a thousand pieces, sobbing as quietly as you can into your pillow until you pass out. Daryl has tried talking to you about it, but you just shrug it off, apologising lamely for potentially keeping him awake but never saying more than that. These days, you cant even make it out of your cell. Your only movement is travelling from your top bunk to Daryl’s bottom bunk once he’s no longer in it, because Hershel comes to check on you everyday and it’s much easier for him to talk to you when you’re in the bottom bunk. By no means is Hershel particularly trained in aiding this kind of thing, but he’s the wisest person in the prison, the most trusted one to deal with your fragile state, apart from Daryl. Other people come to visit you too, Rick drops by every once in a while, Beth and Maggie too. Daryl even brought Judith in to see you once, and you burst into tears at the sight of her, it was just too much for you.
Anytime Hershel goes to see you, Daryl waits down the corridor for Hershel to walk by, and tries to get him to give him an update on how you’re doing, or what you’ve said. Daryl is your best friend, there are some things you just cant tell him because it’ll hurt him to hear you’re in so much pain.
“How’s she doin’?” Daryl asks the moment Hershel rounds the corner. Hershel used to jump at the sight of Daryl waiting for him, but now he’s used to it.
He sighs. “It’s private, I will tell you no more than the fact that she doesnt want to end her life.”
That is music to Daryl’s ears, and he doesnt pester Hershel anymore, letting the wise man pass him by.
Hope is restored in Daryl then, and he forms a plan. It’s a very vague plan, but still a plan. Before now, he didnt know if there was any way for him to help, or if it was even possible, but hearing even the tiniest ray of a positive sign from Hershel gave Daryl the determination to try anything. He was already eating every meal with you because he knew even if you didnt feel like eating, you’d get hungry watching him eat and wouldnt be able to resist. But Daryl starts doing more. Every single day, he brings you a flower. Just one, everyday. Once he’s picked every flower within the fences, he goes beyond the fences everyday to bring back a single flower for you, not that he’d ever tell you that he potentially risks his life for that. The smile on your face, however small, is genuine whenever he brings you one, a smile so small that other people probably wouldnt even notice it, but Daryl does, and that alone makes it absolutely worth it.
His own smile lingers on his face as he patrols the fence, hours after giving you your daily flower and seeing a glimmer of you returning to yourself. The sun is setting, and Daryl’s just returning back to the prison doors when he sees something that stops him dead in his tracks. You, walking outside, squinting in the light and shielding your eyes. Daryl sprints up to you.
“Hey there sunshine! What’re you doin’ up?” His voice is soft with you, it always has been, but lately it’s been even softer because he knows how fragile you are.
You smile at him then, not quite your beaming bright smile, but almost. “Felt like it was time to get some air.”
Hershel’s standing behind you, smiling away like he knows something, because he does.
That night, you dont cry yourself to sleep.
Daryl waits until he hears soft snores before he allows himself to fall asleep, but your crying wakes him. You may not have cried yourself to sleep, but you started crying in your sleep.
Daryl stands up from his bunk and gently shakes you awake.
“Hey, hey, (Y/N), wake up, yer alright.”
Once your eyes open and you realise where you are, you shakily climb down the ladder and Daryl picks you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style.
“C’mere sweet girl, ‘s alright, yer alright, I’ve gotcha.”
He sits back in his bunk, letting you lie between his legs with your head on his chest, he plays with your hair and draws patterns on your arm to calm you down. It takes maybe fifteen minutes for your tears to stop, but he waits, and they do.
“It isnt grief that’s doing this.” You say suddenly, finding your voice.
“What?” Daryl asks, beyond confused by such a simple confession. Not once had he considered that you were dealing with anything else, he’d seen other people grieve, he saw what happened to his dad as a result of grief. The catalyst of this was the death of your boyfriend, how could it possibly be anything else?
“It’s guilt.” You say, only leaving Daryl with more questions.
“What d’ya mean?” He speaks into the dark, willing to wait forever if that’s what it takes for you to find the words you need. Much to Daryl’s surprise, though, it seems that you’ve been spending all this time in the prison finding the words, because you start speaking them right away.
“Seeing him die, it hurt, it made me feel like I’d lost something, but it didnt feel like I’d lost someone I loved. I didnt love him in the end, I couldnt. He was the last connection I had to the world before, but he was a dick, I knew that, and I was stupid to stay with him for the sake of nostalgia.” You shake your head, clearly disappointed in yourself, but Daryl is still confused as to why. “It isnt so bad because he definitely didnt love me either.” You say, reciting a truth you knew to be real, one that you’d recited to yourself time and time again while coming to terms with all of this.
“Then what are ya feelin’ so guilty about?”
Daryl questions, wondering if now that he knows it isnt grief at the root of this, whether there’s more he can do to help.
You take a deep breath. “I fell out of love with him long before finding your group, and it was only when I did that I realised, because I fell in love with someone else. Every single day, I knew it was there, but I ignored it, pushed it away. Seeing him die made me realise that I’d wasted so much time on him, if the one I loved had died in his place that night...” You shake your head frantically, wiping your eyes with balled fists before resting back against Daryl’s chest. “I should’ve admitted my feelings, to myself and to him. I feel guilty for not ending things with him, for not letting myself move on with someone who was so much better for me, for forcing that person to sit and watch me pretend to love someone else. And now I feel even worse, because while I’ve been stuck like this, the guy I’ve been scared to adore has been taking care of me.” You admit, and without needing to explicitly say it, the penny has dropped right in Daryl’s lap, where you lay nestled and nervous, awaiting his response as you awkwardly stare off into the dark.
After a few minutes of silence, Daryl speaks up. “‘m guessin’ yer not talkin’ about Hershel?”
You chuckle at that, your first laugh in what feels like an eternity, and Daryl’s heart sings. Shaking your head again, you snuggle back into Daryl, neither of you needing to say anything else. Soon enough, you both fall into the most peaceful sleeps you’ve ever had.
Daryl doesnt make a move on you, it isnt the right time, he knows that. Regardless of what you’ve said tonight, you need to heal, you need to be completely in the right mind before you make a decision like that. And he’ll wait. Even if he’s been head over heels in love with you since day one, he has all the patience in the world when it comes to you.
You also know that you need to heal, and you give yourself the time to do just that. After that night, the two of you stay close friends, but there’s a little something hiding behind shy smiles and small glances. It doesnt go further than that for a while, because it doesnt need to.
Until one day, when the two of you are out on a run. Daryl’s noticed that you’ve become yourself again. The you that previously only appeared in front of him, she’s now everywhere, in front of everyone, all the time. And he isnt jealous, because the rest of the world deserves to see the beautiful person he always knew you were. Before, if you werent with Daryl you were with your boyfriend, but now you talk to everyone without fear, without worry, and with so much joy.
He sees it as you’re humming and dancing to yourself as you walk in front of him, completely in your own world.
You smile and point up at the sky “Look! That cloud looks like an arrow! We should follow it.”
And then you’re sprinting off in that direction, making Daryl laugh as he runs after you. When you get a certain distance, you stop with your back to him.
“This is it.” You state, nodding to yourself.
“This is what?” Daryl questions, having no idea what you’re referring to in any capacity.
“Where the arrow was leading us.” You explain, still not turning around.
“Where are we?” Daryl asks, looking around to try and find anything worth coming to this specific part of the forest for.
You slowly turn around, that beaming bright smile plastered in your face, with rosy cheeks framing it on either side. You are the most beautiful person he’s ever known.
“I was thinking the destination of our first kiss, if you want it to be.” You suggest shyly, somehow managing to hold Daryl’s gaze.
Your own smile draws his out, and he strides over to you, hesitating just before he gets to you, causing you to grab the collar of his vest and pull him down to your lips. Daryl is so careful with you, he always has been, but his kisses show you an entire new plain of his adoration for you. His hands meet at the small of your back, pulling you closer as you tug at his hair, your lips forming words that would make angels blush. And you should know, because when you break apart, both of you are blushing, too.
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away-ward · 1 year
this michaelrika kaibanks just ruined everything for me. especially considering banks is my favorite character and i only continued with the series so i could get crumbs of her(which didn happen thanks to pd always favouring rika and thrusting her into situations where she is not needed). honestly, that bonus scene does not sound like banks AT ALL. her worrying about how her how "family" doesnt love her enough after 10 damn years made me want to break something especially since pd made it out like they all adore and love Rika while making banks feel like she was not part of the inner circle. moreover if emory would have become good friends with any one in that weird-ass grp it would have been with banks but NO pd has to make it all about rika..in a bonus scene... about Banks. idk why no one is talking abt that. and this is so against the found family theme pd set up in the books.
kai kai kai what do i even say abt this guy. past kai was such a gem. like i will fight anyone who says otherwise. him and banks were SO DAMN CUTE but the present one.. not so much. in the bonus scene banks asks rika did she go around walking knowing that she could have had kai again and again if banks didnt come into the picture. i think kai WOULD HAVE had rika again if he hadnt found banks and i cant just ignore it no matter how much i try. also why is kai ALWAYS going "rika this rika that" even after he found banks. ik everything and every character in the dn universe is about rika coz pd created them but it is just disturbing kai is like this even though he knows that makes banks uncomfortable.
i was so excited when pd said she was gonna write a bonus scene for dn but MY GOD I WISH I DIDNT READ WHATEVER THE HELL THAT WAS IN HER FACEBOOK. and to think this might be the last kai banks scene we ever get... makes me wanna cry. they deserve so much more. there might be more bonus scenes in that universe but it sure as hell wont be abt kaibanks knowing pd (i mean she did them dirty in their own book making the main focus damon and rika)
ohhh i almost forget about the conclave scene where kai knows about rikas situation before michael. i mean wtf is this even. and when banks get upset rika had the audacity to feel betrayed. after everything kai said to banks in hideaway abt how she is the one he looks for every morning, this scene in conclave just ruined that closure. AND we didnt get to see kai and banks talk about it. of course we didnt because they are just side characters in this series right.
in my opinion, pd should rewrite the bonus and quit making Kai so 'rika-centric' and actually concentrate on how HIS OWN wife feels.
ik this is a lot kai banks but this is years of pent-up frustration over how my best girl and kai were done dirty.
and i feel like i would have liked rika so much more if pd didnt shove her down our throats like that throughout the series
pt 2 of the ask:
by the same person who wrote the kai banks rant will you ever write a fanfic on kai banks coz i have searched the internet and i couldn't find one story abt them. which is really sad since they are the only other couple who made sense apart from will and emmy. and abt my previous rant kai ONLY belongs with banks and we all know it. i mean they belong with each other no one can say otherwise. kai might have been attracted to rika but he will choose banks no matter what so that is why it is frustrating when he is made out to be like he cares abt rika as more than just a friend and more than he should.  what is your thoughts on all this
Honestly, I think you hit the nail on the head why this doesn’t sit right with a lot of us.
One, the time period. I could possibly buy this if it were set within the original series. Maybe before NF or very soon after. But ten years later makes Banks seem very insecure and childish. She’s just been living for ten years thinking that her husband is secretly lusting over what is perceivable her best friend. Or at least her closest female friendship. That doesn’t feel like Banks to me. My understanding of Banks character is that she would have addressed any issue much sooner.
And two, this was supposed to be about Banks. But what we have is Banks making Rika feel better. First, confronting her over the young girl and reminding Rika that she has nothing to feel shamed over. Then, realizing how Rika feels, confirming those feelings. And in a way, Banks realizing that her feelings around Rika were not insecurities but were in fact attraction, is about Banks. But it’s still really about how amazing Rika is, and everyone agrees.
No one is immune to Rika Fane is the point of the scene. But it's the same message we've been getting since Corrupt.
It’s frustrating because it doesn’t give found/chosen family vibes. It’s all about Rika.
And now I feel like this about her:
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kai kai kai what do i even say abt this guy. past kai was such a gem. like i will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Okay, okay. I’ll keep my fighting words to myself...
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But anyway, Kai alone frustrates me (which is super disappointing because from other’s POVs, he’s delightful and interesting). Banks makes him better. I love the two of them together. The fact that he’s given any room for Banks to develop feelings of doubt about him and Rika is so odd. There’s no argument for it.
the conclave scene where kai knows about rikas situation before michael. i mean wtf is this even. and when banks get upset rika had the audacity to feel betrayed.
See, Rika confiding in Kai didn’t bother me, because it made sense to me that she’d confide in him. At this point, Kai is one of her closest friends and I (maybe erroneously) thought of Kai as the most reasonable and comforting of the group, which is something Rika needed. It’s the jealousy and the doubt about their relationship that comes after that ruined it for me. Either Rika and Kai can be friends and nothing else, or they can’t. And PD is really pushing this “they can’t” idea with every update and bonus they post. Which is so weird.
Do you think we could challenge PD to write a couple-centric scene where none of the other couples show up, if only for us to get quality couple content?
ik this is a lot kai banks but this is years of pent-up frustration over how  my best girl and kai were done dirty.
Hey, I get it. I’m here for some kaibanks conversation. As much as Kai in the series frustrates me, Kaibanks in my head sit in the same boat as Willemmy, which is that they are cute and deserve better.
And didn’t feel like didn’t would have liked rika so much more if pd didn’t shove her down our throats like that throughout the series
Very true.
will you ever write a fanfic on kai banks coz i have searched the internet and i couldn't find one story abt them. which is really sad since they are the only other couple who made sense apart from will and emmy.
It's not that I don’t want to, but I haven’t been able to wrap my head around Kai and Banks as characters. This scene helped with Banks a little, but now Kai is harder to understand. I know there were some oneshots over on Wattpad if you have access. If I were to ever break from Willemmy, Kaibanks would probably be the next one I'm inclinded towards, though. Sorry I can’t promise anything.
kai ONLY belongs with banks and we all know it. i mean they belong with each other no one can say otherwise. kai might have been attracted to rika but he will choose banks no matter what so that is why it is frustrating when he is made out to be like he cares abt rika as more than just a friend and more than he should. 
I completely agree. I think with the way the family is set up, there would be nothing wrong with Kai thinking Rika or any of the other girls are attractive, but it should be clear that he doesn’t have the same bond/connection/relationship to them as he does with Banks. I still think back to Michael openly declaring that Rika was everything to him, and it’s strange that none of the other guys have similar moments where they remove any doubt that they want no one else.
Like, I don’t think Michael wants Banks. Or Winter. Or Em. He wants Rika and Rika’s happiness. He might think Banks is hot, but that’s probably as far as it goes.
That’s Banks. Kai’s wife, Damon’s sister. Pain in his neck.
If somebody gave Kai an ounce of that energy towards Rika, we’d have a completely different vibe.
I'm not sure what can be done to protect our sanity. I, for one, usually hate to ignore canon, but sometimes it's just... not worth acknowledging in favor of your own HC.
That might be the case here.
Let me know your kaibanks HC if you're up for it. Anyway, have a great day. Hope you forget all about the bonus scene soon!
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heystephen · 6 months
hey ebd anon! to be honest i knew she was wacky from the first day i met her because she started yelling (at the top of her lungs) in an attempt to win a dumb argument
i was weirded out for a hot minute there until i realized she has narcissistic traits much like my dad does, and she's very similar to my grandma (dad's mom) too.
just as an example, my grandma made me swear i would never share this info with anyone until i die: she sat me down one day and told me my other grandma (mom's mom) is a whore. mind you both of these women were in their 70s at the time. but yeah apparently she was a whore because she started dating for a brief period in her 50s after becoming a widow. my best friend's boyfriend tragically passed away last year, and this woman had the audacity to tell me she wanted to set up my friend with someone not even a month after the funeral because "she's young, she's not gonna be alone forever". this is a woman who went to book a church and priest for me to get married on a date that works for her. then somehow found the phone number and called my mil and told her "the church is handled" so i got a call - while on vacation and not in the process of planning a wedding btw - from my mil who said "handle your grandmother" and hung up on me. i had no idea what had been happening, or even that the two knew each other because the families hadn't met yet. and i was on vacation. out of the country. this woman booked a church with just my name?! like am i marrying myself or something?! nope, she just wanted it to be that date because she heard her other son might be in town that day too.
anyway, given the similar traits she shares with my mil, they have sort of become very close friends since i got married. no one knows what they talk about, but they're on the phone for hours and both lie about who they've been talking with (i've caught them in these lies myself). my mil is very chatty especially after a drink or two (it's an issue) so she spills most things to my sister in law, except anything to do with my grandma. then my sil shares all the gossip with me, which is how i learned the woman thinks im a witch out to get her. i have noticed my mil has picked up some language patterns from my grandma, and some beliefs too, which is how i know they're very close these days. aside from the comments ive heard from my mil about my grandma (moms mom) being a whore (that sounds familiar doesnt it?) and then also my cousin because she dared to wear something tight that looks good on her. yeah.
meanwhile, my "whore" grandma and cousin are women i actually really look up to because they're incredibly strong. hell, my grandma was the first person to teach me about feminism when i was in elementary. she was having coffee while i was visiting her and she told me i should never feel afraid of the partner i choose in life and that we should both be equal in both similarities and in differences. it was her simple way of saying the ideal relationship is when both parties respect each other even in arguments and disagreements. and my cousin left the country at 18, as soon as she could get a passport, so she could make a better life for herself than what she had in her hometown. she found a job, accommodation and lived through god knows what (i know small bits) to make it out of this country.
anyway, my mil is convinced her sister in law is a witch and a whore and she's told me all about her. allegedly, she's seen the witchcraft books this woman owns. my first thought upon hearing that was "how did you ever find them oh innocent soul that can do no wrong without snooping" and then i learned she went snooping. so i know she's gone through my shit in the last few months we've been living together but i got nothing to offer so 🤷🏻‍♀️. oh and the witchcraft books turned out to be some eastern healing books. she told me this herself going off about "this eye" and "special points on the body" and whatever else is in books like that im not too familiar.
sorry for the long ask scout, i tried to summarize as much as possible, and now im sending loving bites to both you and ebd anon <3
.... maybe the bites are witchcraft 😂😂😂
there is So much lore to unpack from all of this i feel like im going to be ruminating on this for days
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the way I have never once in my life liked Maeve I hate her so much, every season she’s just gets worse and worse! first she treats everyone like garbage especially did Jackson, then the whole Isaac thing even ruby by kissing otis like 3s after they ended it,so much sh*t I forgot
And now this season they way she always thinks she’s all that the smartest greatest kindest person, she really thought that internship was hers just like that then started crying and left school when she didn’t get it and she wasn’t the smartest there bc she always has to be #1
don’t even get me started on how she always gatekeepes everything everyone, Otis from Eric bc she always needs someone the fact she had Otis Aimee just waiting for hours until she was ready how she’s always expecting them Otis to do everything and be there for in drop of hat
fcvk what anyone around Otis (his mom Eric) needs only her needs matter, her problems are biggest in world she just has to have everything everyone for herself even Isaac imagine saying to her bestie u cant date/like a guy she didn’t even like and was only using to get over Otis
like what age is she 5, don’t even get me started on how she acted over Otis sleeping at rubys like she didn’t kiss him 3s after they ended it(fcvk Otis for that too) an then theres her literally having Otis for herself for a whole week without carrying for his future or his life
and now she has the audacity to talk to ruby like that and be so rude about Otis mum for inviting her for dinner, she’s so fcvking annoying why did she come back to ruin everything for everyone every time she’s on screen I wanna claw my eyes out her obnoxious rude wannabe mean
girl a88, still shocked over how she thought she was gonna get that internship over the guy she’s friends with in Wallace, now she just stalks Otis and follows him around like a puppy bc she cousins hack it and she wasn’t the best smartest at that school,who does she think she is
how is she so annoying obnoxious rude mean cruel even and still gets away with it plays on everyone feelings, is super fake and Otis becomes a whole new person when she is around like he don’t know anyone else exist like his family or friends his whole world is just Maeve thx to
Her making it that way! I’m so done I can’t believe I’m saying but thank god it’s the last season bc I couldn’t handle seeing her again ever I genuinely never dislike any character this much but my god do I hate her and yes hate is strong word but that’s exactly it haven’t hated
a character since Elena Stefan Caroline, Mary sue character who think they are the main character and the whole world revolves around them and everyone should drop everything and everyone for them and be there exists breathe just for them god I hate characters like that and now
Her, haven’t hated a character this much since 10s so for me to hate Maeve like this she has to be so awful for me to even dislike a female character she has to be the devil himself yet I hate Maeve that much not saying she would have d worded instead of her mom but exactly that
Even in🇺🇸she was so annoying obnoxious meh, ever since she said that I like complex female characters I’ve just rolled my eyed at her like who doesnt like a character like that in the mf 21th century u arent special😎for saying that having the same exact feeling as the rest of us
not only was it the most cringiest sh*t ever like it genuinely made me wanna throw up and I couldnt even look at her for that whole s1 but the way she was so proud of herself for saying that, She really acts like she’s this feminist baddie but uses that feminism to her own agenda
acts like she’s the only one with problems trauma like the rest has this perfect easy happy life she makes me so sick to my stomach, she’s so T.S it makes me 🤮 probably why I can’t stand her bc I can’t stand Taylor either! both using yt feminism for their own benefit/agenda!
sorry what exactly made her problem her dh*t bigger and more important then everyone else the way she acts like everyone in the universe has to be there for her and do everything for her, as if she’s the center of the world even then her way or it’s all wrong and she acts up cries?
2 more eps and I’m never seeing her again thank god for that! Can’t believe my hatred her is stronger then my love for the whole show the characters I love so deeply and dearly that I want it gone forever if it means I ain’t never need to see her or hear her speak ever again!
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mrkis · 2 years
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WHEN I TELL YOU I THREW MY PHONE AWAY SCREAMING AT THIS 😭😭😭 I knew it was a moment of realization to him. I just knew it.
The whole chapter pulled on my heartstrings and I felt for him, the ptsd from his past relationship, the being cautious of letting anyone in - I get that. 🥺 Honesly, I can see the growth in his relationship with mc, and I love it. Also, the fact that he wants to speak to her and clear shit up, but thats just easier said than done, especially when both of them have trouble speaking out their minds and hearts. Especially, considering how complicated their relationship is because they feel like they are crossing boundaries when they aren't.
Eunbin... that selfish, egotistical, manipulative bitch .... 🙃 I swear to god she is the most unreasonable person ever. I had a friend like her. Constantly making herself the victim of her own decisions, and feeling like its all justified because she felt like it was alright. Honestly, how the hell did she think its okay to leave and that they are fine after having a fight then some stupid make up sex without discussing it with him further??? Jesus thats so selfish and self-rightous behavior 😤😤🫥 He blocked her ass and she still thinks they are fine??? What in the actual fuck?? How is that even an option?? I hate Eunbin with every part of me even more with each next scene ... 🙃🙃 And I bet my ass she would feel like everything is okay after this talk they had and she hugged him ..🤦‍♀️ the audacity tho, he clearly doesnt even want to be around her and she goes ahead and hugs him??? BITCH NO. Step away and get your nasty hands off of him. 🙂 I guess him letting her hug him makes her think she can win him over and they are "fine" now ...jesus... I want to blame Jaemin, for letting her think that, but a part of me realizes he is also very affected and its all happening too fast for his liking. I just hope he is okay after mc leaves him in chapter 5 cause this must be some bad ass trauma. And I hope they finally get to talk it out properly eventually in be it pt3 or chapter 7. But they NEED to talk, like asap.
And to end this on a happy note - JENO BEST BOY ❤️ I swear to god he is everything, the support and understanding - immaculate 🥹🙏❤️ Now if he can get mc and Jaemin to be truthful to each other and clink their heads together so they can finally act normal and SPEAK, I would just kiss him all over. ❤️
THANK YOU CAS, FOR ANOTHER GREAT CHAPTER 😭❤️ I would totally say I cant wait for the next part but ofc take all the time you need but just know I will cry when it drops. 😭❤️ I love twlg so much. Its literally my comfort story which is weird cause it makes my emotions go into overdrive with all the stuff happening but it is. 🥺❤️
the line is one of my favourite lines :> i'm kinda proud of that one! i'm happy that it gave you that type of reaction.. i love it. jaemin is very cautious! i'm happy you mentioned that! he only lets certain people into his personal space, even though he's got a group of friends surrounding him. it was always jeno that was the only one that could come close to him and burst that personal bubble, letting jaemin show his truth feelings and emotions... but that appreciation scene just shows how far him and mc have come and how open (ish lol) he is with her :(
they still need to learn how to have a proper conversation... but i'm lowkey loving how they avoid it because angst <3 annoyance <3 confusion <3
eunbin is...... a tricky character for sure. but she's so fun to write and i'm enjoying including her in more scenes (very excited for pt.3 because there's so much eunbin) she is, however, definitely the type that is able to get what she wants all the time because she has that sweet face and sweet personality that everyone adores. she can come across as very selfish and oblivious which, yet again, i love LMAO. her bringing the angst is just everything. angst is what i like best.
but ah..... i can't wait for you to see how jaemin reacts when he realises mc had left him. it's almost like deja vu.... but yeah! jeno is literally the best. he's so comforting and understanding, he's literally the bestest friend. i want him.
thank you for enjoying twlg and thank you for all the compliments :( i'm very very very grateful
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moonlessstarchild · 3 months
my dad seldom talked about the past. never really. i wonder ed why that was. i knew almost nothing about him. and the things i do know. well. they are things i have had picked up from random quick mentions from him and from people from his past. they are more so a deductions. i dont know. i thought that was part of the dad lore. he has some crazy things. locked in a room in him. i wondered why. a few days ago a lady he reffers to me as my aunt (he is an only child) called. he was with rellatives. i dont know whos. maybe theirs shared. they were reminicing about the old days. and she had called my dad. he talked on speaker with her. when she greeted him in the warmest, most dearest way. in that sweet teasing voice. me and my mom looked at eachother almost in shock. regretably, i confess to thinking the voice belonged to a lover of his. past or present. i really was confused. i thought, the audacity of the man. like. that was happening in front of my mom. i know he wasnt the best back then. but still. anywhat. she tried to talk to him. but he straight up told her something along the lines of that the past is in the past and there were no need to bring it to today. and that was just so like him.
this other time. he like slipped up in a conversation with the neighbours cross the street. and that's how i learned we were cousins. i played with the lady's daughter when we were kids. i kindda babysat her almost. i was no more that 12 back then. we had long gotten estranged. i was 23 when i learned we were related. i went back in the house and told my mom. she confirmed. i tried to ask her about our roots. my roots. she than told me some stuff i never new. my dad walk in on than. asked what we were talking about. we told him. he rased his voice like he does. not angry. and said that one side were junk and the other were even worse. all bad loser people that i had nothing to know about. i felt like he wanted to say that they didnt deserve me knowing about them. as if he wanted me to protect me.
i wondered why he was like that. and my mom isnt far from that either. but at the very least i know some of her story. mainly because of house ownership battles and from her rambling to me when i was little and times were hard. she rambled to me because only i was there. maybe she thought i would not remember. i was that small. or she was just so stress ed she didnt even think. i cant know for sure.
now. today. i think i finaly understood why he is like that. my dad. and my mom too. i really am their daughter. i fell him in me more than my mom. weird. and scary. it often scares me. but. i hadnt talked about my past. to friends or anyone really. in a long time. very long time. so long that i rearly though about it myself. today i did talk. briefly. for a few minutes. but it was enough. i felt weird. i regreted it. not that it was much i said or intensity. nothing like that. maybe the people. the things i had. the people that no longer speak with. you know how past is. nostalgia. shitty bastard.
i know now. why he almost hides his past. runs from it really. i am not ready to articulate it. i cant. not know at least. but i felt it. i might start doing it too.
day after day a daughter become more and more like her father. what was once a mere resemblence is now a very good copy. one day maybe she will become a full replica. that is the curse of the dauther. half of her is the things her father was to her mother. the other part is the mother her father hated.
a daughter loves her dad. her mother teaches her to hate the man he is. but here's the thing. a little girl cannot draw the line between the dad and the husband, the man. she only knows her daddy. and unknowingly her mother teaches her not the hate men or the man and husband. but to despice her dad for all he is and is not. all he kad done and had not. he did or did not do.
and her father does the same. he doesnt understand that when he talks down to her mom. or raises his hand. his voice. when he talks shot about other women. in front of her. with her. he teaches her to be mean to herself. and in the hopes of him approving of her. in her desire for his love. she falls in a life of hating her mom for not being the woman she think she should have been. and she despises herself. kills the woman in herself. for maybe her daddy will love her then
you would be scared of the parts in you that are your father's too. and petrified when you start to realise you are a perfect copy of him. you shall never escaped him for he is not in you. you are becoming him. and cant stop it. one day you will be him. and your mom cant help you. she wants away from him. therefore. she wants away from you for you are so much like him. your dad will approve of you. shower you with warm words. but only when you are the best of him. not when you are your mom. no. not then. he wants away from the woman he broke too
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rabbid-rabbitt · 6 months
i think what my ex did to me is beyomd fucking me over
were both survivors of similar things, except im free and they were still stuck with their family. we knew each other for around 6 months and started dating because one of my parts fell in love with theirs, we fell quickly and many of our alters ended up dating each other passionately but most importantly my system head genuinely trusted them, she wanted to see them free and to spend our kives together. we created a planfor them to leave their abusive family and fly over to us where we would get married so they could legally settle here. my whole family knew about this and were willing to welcome them into our home, my stepdad, mum and i were going to get uo at 4am and drive 2 hours to the airport to pick them up. ny parents who have no obligation to this internet stranger who they have never met, were willing to pick them uo and welcome them into our familt because they saw how much i loved them and MY MUM EVEN SAID WE COULD END UP MOVING OUT SOON!! me moving out was something that was never mentioned before because i cant live alone and she doesnt trust others to take for me. but anyway me and my other partner (who they knew about and were friendly with) and his partner (also now my partner) spent a lot of time and emergy creating an escape plan with all of our knowledge of these groups and general safety information. my system spent hours and stayed up past exhaustion comforting our ex and giving them our whole heart in hopes they will escape and we would be able to live our lives together, we had plans to financially support them until they could legally get a job which would've been rlly hard on our situation but we were willing to do anything to get our FIANCE! YES WE WERE ENGAGED!!!! to safetyn happiness, we found them a therapist which they would aee when they came here so they could start deprogramming properly.
but on the day they were to escape, some things went wrong but we actually managed to them sorted and the airport staff themselves helped them get a direct flight here rather than a layover when they missed their first flight, we had plans to fix everything that went wrong and me and my other partner were by their side the whole time, i was shaking and on the verge of an anxiety attack irl while they were at the airport but after they got their new ticket they stopped responding. they were gone. obviously i thought i would never see them again because yk these groups work that way, fucking hell being shot point blank at an airport would be so much less embarrassing than what they actually did. i was so unwell that night my partner had ti comfort me and stayed up until i went to sleep because he was afraid id kill myself.
while i was asleep my ex talked to my other partner and a mutual friend where they apologised FOR DISAPPOINTING THEM! but when we finally got talking they had to be TOLD to apologise to me for them to actually do it then not even 24 hours after they hurt me so badly (which they coupdnt even explain btw) they asked if i would still marry them and then called my system head being angry at them a punishment over something beyond their control. they called their father to pick them up. they didnt share the fact they had a previous escape attempt that didnt work. they didnt follow the plan we worked tirelessly on and perfected. And had the audacity to be angry at our system head for being rightfully betrayed. they kept guilt tripping and acting like they were the victim until they just straight up ignored us for days, knowing that was an extreme trigger. which lead to a suicide attempt that we had an ambulance come for because my mum was too terrified to drive us to the hospital. now i did lash out at them, but they also said repeatedly to tell them how i feel and called rightful anger a punishment, im not proud of lashing out n i did apologise for it which more than they ever did for fucking us over so badly. in fact several ppl told me that i wasnt mean enough, that i handled it so well for how badly they fucked me over. during pur final talk where i demanded closure, it took them being ASKED by a mutual friend (in the chat to keep things civil) to give a half assed apology. like how are you that bad of a person you cant even apologise for fucking over your fiance who you dreamed of spendimg your life with..
anyway im out of the severe depressie episode they caused me because i had my meds upped but our system head has not recovered and in fact has changed anlot since we last properly saw her shes locked herself away and doesnt trust anyone anymore
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ridermatsu · 1 year
venting tiiime
i am so fucking pissed off night now. i know im barely here nowadays but this is the only place i know no one irl follows me so i need to vent.
Context: brother got married almost 2 years ago. they have an 80-lbs golden doodle puppy (1-2 years old) and had a baby in late June.
we were supposed to visit my brother in halifax (5 hrs away) this weekend coming up. then last night, mom gets a text from SIL asking us to take Murphy (their dog) until Thanksgiving. So, about a month.
Now WE have a dog. Her name is Cookie. she's a 13-year-old lhasapoo with a meat allergy. We love her, she's in pretty good health but we know she probably has another good year or two. Cookie can tolerate Murphy (they have before, we kept him for a week during Fiona and she was OK), but obviously we don't want to put too much stress on her.
So my mom says "im really sorry, but we can't take Murphy for a month". inb4 anyone asks, the in-laws can't take him because they have an elderly golden retriever who hates Murphy, so he can't stay with them for a month.
this morning, mom got a text from my brother. he said that his wife is really stressed out, with the baby and the dog, and that "company probably isn't good for this weekend". whihc translates to: "my wife is mad you wont take Murphy for a month so she doesnt want you to come sorry"
i am going. fucking insane. the absolute gall and audacity of this bitch. i dont hate SIL. but she infuriates me to my core. the entitlement.
after a small "break" they took when dating (which she blamed on my mom making naughty jokes about kitchens and rooster decorations), my parents have been walking on eggshells around her. IVE been walking on eggshells around her. we have been trying to compromise and make peace. but BY GOD is it hard to do that when you have someone who expects everything to go her way all the time.
i get she just had a baby. fuck, she even told my brother that she's been snapping at the dog for simply existing in her presence because of her postpartum rage. but my GOD as much as i love murphy they should NOT have gottwn him if they knew they were planning a baby. this wasnt an accidental baby!!! this was PLANNED!!!! and they were still like "you know what we should do? get a puppy that will grow to 80 pounds!!!"
but im not just upset with her. im upset with my brother too. because he ALSO walks on eggshells around her, he lets her walk all over him like a fucking doormat all the time. my brother loves dogs, but i dont think he realized how huge the responsibilty of raising a dog was. he also loves his son. that's his lil baby boy, of course he loves him!!! but he doesnt know how to say no to her, or talk to her. obv i dont know about their private life but from the lil glimpses ive gotten, it doesnt seem good. do i think he wanted to tell my mom not to come up this weekend because SIL is in a bad mood because we wont bend over backwards for her? no. did he still do it instead of having the important conversations about what to do about their situation? yeah. he did.
as much as it pains me to think about, i think they should rehome Murphy to someone who has the time and patience to train him and raise him well. my brother has patience but no time, and SIL has neither with a baby on her hands (and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if she just got a dog to make him happy without thinking about the consequences). because literally none of this is Murphy's fault! hes jsut a puppy! an overgrown, dumb and loveable puppy!!! i would take him in a heartbeat if i could!!! but i cant!!! because i have an elderly dog and i live with my paretns!!!!
this is not a good quality of life for him. Murphy deserves better.
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ilovethecolorpink · 5 years
college is just *goes fucking insane*
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Wat if katsuki actually had a s/o that loved Key word LOVED him but.....
Then when he started getting to aggressive and starts hitting her she suddenly stops all the love and affection. And that makes katsuki so confused and angry bc he like 'wtf why did they stop huggin and kissin me when I get home from my matches'. Then his darling becomes very depressed is and cooped up in her room all the time. So when katsuki friends come over they wonder where y/n is.
Tw:abuse, implied dubcon, depression
“Babe, you’re home!” You rush over to the door when you head it unlocking, arms outstretched already or embrace his wounds.
But when the door swings open you’re met with a scowling Bakugo who shoves you aside so hard you fall to the floor.
He grumbles and throws his bags down, kicking mud off his shoes onto the carpet as he glares at you.
“This place is a pigsty. Why the fuck didn’t you clean?”
You laugh nervously and raise an eyebrow. “Uhh, ‘cause I was out all day too? I just got home an hour ago and I was tired. What’s with you? Why’re you in such a bad mood?”
Katsuki’s eyes widen until they’re the size of dinner plates. His nostrils flare and his fists resume the same position as they do in the ring.
“You talkin’ back to me now?”
“What? No, you literally just asked-“
The sound of him backhanding your cheek reverberates around the apartment, and you hold your face in shock.
It’s not so much the pain of him striking you that hurts, it’s the fact that this has been happening for a while now that aches the most. Nothing you do-no smiles, no amount of love you showed him in, no sobs or pleads-sways him.
You love him, it’s true.
But it’s hard to love him when he looks at you like that.
“Get the fuck up. And clean all this shit up, the next time I come home to this filth I’ll make the clean the floors with your tongue.”
He grabs you by your hair and throws you face-first onto the tile area, taking his own sweet time to turn around and walk to your shared room.
After you clean for hours until the place is spotless, you retreat to bed.
He’s on his phone typing away with a slight crease in his eyebrows, but he looks up at you as you walk in.
“Hey. You done?” He has the audacity to ask in a gentle voice.
You don’t look at him as you begin changing your clothes in the restroom and close the door behind you.
His frown deepens at that. You’ve never shied away from being vulnerable and naked with him.
To test his doubt, when you walk back into the room with your head still down, he leans forward as you sit down on the mattress, your back turned to him.
You shut off the lights in silence as he reaches a hand out and curls it around your shoulders.
“C’mere, ‘wanna feel you.” He mumbles in his raspy sleepy voice.
But to his utter confusion, you gently brush his hand off and continue your journey to tuck yourself in bed.
With your back still facing him.
“I’m tired Katsuki. Not in the mood.”
His hand is still suspended in midair, his facial features still frozen in his initial shock as he’s left in a pitch black room which is suddenly overcome with a freezing cold creeping up his spine.
He’s too wounded, too shocked and shot from his ego to be irate.
You’ve never said no to cuddling at night. Never. So what was wrong now?
You were taking his anger so well for a while, what the hell was the matter with you?
But he doesn’t touch you again that night. He barely sleeps a wink to your usually comforting sound of soft snores and little mumbles in your sleep talk.
In the morning his lack of sleep gets the betterment of his temper, and he lashes out of you again in the shower.
You’re washing your hair when you feel a cool breeze against your bare body. You open your eyes and see Katsuki standing in front of you outside the glass door to your shower.
You feign an eye roll and merely grab the handle trying to close it shut.
He doesnt even let it budge. He just snarls down at your intruding hand and yanks the door back even further, pulling you along with the force.
You yelp and slip on the floor, falling unceremoniously at his feet.
The look on his face is frankly terrifying, much worse than yesterday’s. Bakugo slowly steps in along with your quickly reversing body and closes the door behind him, trapping you inside with him.
“Why’d you try to close it on me.”
It’s not a question, it’s a demand.
“I’m sorry.”
“Then get up and touch me.”
He’s towering over your cornered form, his fists dangerously swinging next to your head.
Your limbs don’t move though. Your heart thuds slowly, your love ebbing away from him with its slow rhythm.
You already know how this is going to turn out, but you try anyways.
“Please Bakugo, I’m really not in the mood right now.”
“Oh, so it’s Bakugo now, huh?”
Your body disassociates so you don’t feel it as much, but unfortunately your hands still flinch above your head in instinct.
“If you’re-thud-sorry, then you’ll fucking-crack-touch me you-smack-ungrateful bitch.”
Your cries are loud, but not loud enough to drown his roaring out, not enough to mute the sound of his hands cracking above your shaking body.
He leaves the shower unfulfilled in his heart and in his dick.
His mind is in shambles.
This is the longest you’ve wanted space from him, he could understand an hour but half a day?
He has a rude awakening when “half a day” becomes a couple more days, then a week, and then it’s half a month since you’ve willingly kissed his battle scars and loved him with your whole being.
He says willingly because otherwise you eat his hits up like you’re just another fighter in the ring when he gets angry at your apathy. The only restraining factor that differentiates you and the men he puts in coffins is his desperation for you to come back.
To no avail though. If you’re not keeling over on the ground or pinned underneath him and molding your anatomy to the shape of his fists, then you’re still as a corpse on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and wishing you were anywhere else but here.
Bakugo doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know what to feel.
Rage is consumed by paranoia, paranoia is swallowed whole by depression, depression is swept away by panicked desperation.
His hair starts falling out, his punches grow weaker and he comes home with more and more bruises every day to match the ones littering across your body.
One might wonder whose the real fighter-him or you.
And so one day when he can’t stand it anymore, can’t stand the silence and tension that’s so palpable you could taste the iron in the air, he invited his friends over.
He need the distractions. He needs happiness, a word that doesn’t seem worthy of his pathetic being.
He’s more pathetic than your unmoving body.
“Heyyy man!” Sero and Denki exclaim in obnoxious unison and throw their arms around Bakugo’s shoulders. All three of them barrel through his half-opened doorway and practically topple him over.
The air of excitement is so foreign to him, but oh so welcoming.
“Hey,” he grunts back awkwardly.
“You’ve never really invited us over without Y/N dragging you by the ear for it. How is she by the way? Haven’t heard of her in a while.” Kirishima nudges his shoulder.
But before he can open his mouth Denki cuts in. “You knock her up yet? You sly bastard, no wonder you’re hiding her from us. The gigs over Y/N, show us that beautiful belly!” He cups his hands around his mouth and the quip slashes through the air and infests Katsuki’s heart. It’s a mockery, a cruel reminder of what he cannot have.
When their friend doesn’t answer and merely walks off, the boys behind him awkwardly look at each other.
Usually he’d explode at them or at least chase them around the room.
And usually you would come out to greet them.
Katsuki was wrong.
You weren’t different from him anymore.
Because when he accepts that not even his friends can release his stone cold heart from its catatonic confines, he’s never felt more in sync with you than he has now.
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oops-supercorptrash · 3 years
when kara gets back and lena quietly celebrates before slipping out the door when no ones looking. She books a flight—somewhere, anywhere, she doesnt really care. Just not here. It’s first class, of course, she may have lost access to l-corp’s private fleet but she didn’t lose her hatred of flying (unless its in kara’s arms).
The plan lands late in London. Lena stays overnight in a hotel overlooking the Thames and the London Eye, jet lag making her stay up all night sipping tea and watching the city lights flicker over the water and the dew slowly forming on the light posts and handrails. She tries not to think about what she left behind, about the lack of notifications on her phone. No one noticed she was gone, no one thought to check up on her. Without L-Corp, her phone was painfully devoid of emails, calls, and updates. She didnt miss the monotony of board rooms and kissing ass to men she didnt want or need, but to feel needed, to feel wanted was a longing that was so deeply rooted in her chest that it felt like she couldn’t breathe.
But it’s better this way. National City has its hero back. L-Corp is under the control of her demonic brother, but Lena doesn’t worry about him anymore. She knows Kara will protect the city and the world from whatever lex has planned. National City has nothing for her except a graveyard reminder of her sins. Sins she has to stop trying to atone for.
Maybe she’ll move to switzerland. It’s a nice, neutral country. No one will recognize her there. She can work at the large hadron collider or start her own tech company from scratch, just like she and jack had always planned. She could do real good get a fresh start away from her family. She had thought metropolis to national city was enough, but she was wrong. A luthor couldn’t share her home with a kryptonian after all.
at dawn lena falls asleep, tea mostly empty on the table beside her window seat. an immeasurable amount of time passes before a soft knock on the door wakes her. Half asleep, she uncurls herself from the ball she had rolled into to get comfortable in the too small chair. The knock comes again.
“god, im coming!” lena snaps at whoever has the audacity to wake her up at such an hour.
she half stomps to the door and flings it open. “i thought i told reception to—“
theres kara. at her door. at the door of her hotel room in london.
kara holds out a white cardboard box. “theyre fresh.”
lena stares at the box of what smells like scones like kara’s just handed her a bomb. kara herself looks like shes about to jump out of her own skin, fingers trembling as they grip the side of the box, hair in tangles like she didnt even bother to brush it when she changed out of the supersuit.
“you found me.” lena states.
“you left.” kara retorts.
lena takes the box of scones from kara’s still outstretched hands. “come in.” lena moves out of the doorway to allow kara to step inside. lena feels her own hands tremble; her body is alive with electricity, like just being around kara is making her synapses short circuit.
“why did you leave?” kara asks at the same time lena says “how did you find me?”
the both stop, each awkwardly gesturing the other to start talking. when they interrupt each other again, lena huffs a laugh and gestures for kara to finish.
“why did you leave?” kara asks, a sadness in her voice lena cant quite name.
“we both know i had to.” lena replies quietly.
“did someone say something?”
“dont patronize me by assuming that my actions depend on the opinions of other’s.” lena scoffs. “dont you see, kara? im not like you. im not like you or alex or brainy or nia. you all, you’re good. you make the right decisions. you save lives and dont hesitate to put others first. kara, i was ready to sacrifice national city—hell, the world— to get you back. If alex hadnt taken the tracking device from me...i dont think i would’ve made the decision to let you go.”
“lena.” kara stepped closer to her, taking one of lena’s hands gently in her own. “i know how it feels.”
“do you?”
“when we made that lead diffuser device to save the world from the daxamites. i made the choice to send mon-el away. i chose to poison the atmosphere and make this planet uninhabitable for him.”
“i dont understand. thats just you making the right choice again.”
kara chuckles softly, fidgeting with lena’s fingers as she stares down at their enjoined hands. “dont you remember? when edge put you on that plane with those chemicals to poison the water supply. i couldn’t let you go. i was fully prepared to let national city’s water be contaminated as the cost of saving you.”
“kara...” lena whispers, and kara looks up and meets her eyes.
“i need you to understand, lena.” kara cups lena’s jaw gently, so gently and pulls her in until their foreheads are touching. “if i was asked to sacrifice the world or you, i wouldnt choose to save the world. i would sacrifice anything, but not you. never you.”
lena feels a tear running down her cheek but makes no move to stop it.
“come back to national city.” kara pleads, voice barely above a whisper. “come back to me.”
lena reaches up and grips the hand that is still holding her cheek like a lifeline.
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clawsnoir · 2 years
anyone who criticizes selina in batman 2022 i tune out because i know for a fact that their knowledge of her doesnt extend past the animated movies or pfeiffer. this is the most comic accurate selina we got - this is the miller/brubaker selina, defender and champion of the east end. what they want is the sex kitten girlboss with the quippy retorts who meows in her catsuit. im sorry but i like my selina with substance and grit and an actual function in the story aside from eye candy
'im sorry but i like my selina with substance and grit and an actual function in the story aside from eye candy'
i've said this several times before but so many people approach catwoman as a character with these preconceived notions of her they picked up from batman returns or b:tas which are both outliers in terms of characterization and basically everything else.
honestly matt reeves did his reading - we didn't just get brubaker/miller selina although it's clear they were the primary influence. we also got a little bit of newell, some moench, some loeb.
the newell influence is especially important...the focus on selina's rage, equal to or even surpassing bruce's own. that burning inside her at the audacity of the world to keep on spinning when everything has been taken from her...so so good. that's my baby.
you really did hit the nail on the head with your assessment of these so called catwoman 'fans' though. they only like selina for the aesthetic of the catsuit and the jewelry and the slutty sex kitten image, nevermind that selina has only consensually slept with 5 people that we know of in 80 years of being a character and is so loyal romantically that she has only ever been in love with one (1) person, lmao.
I saw a tweet with over 50k likes talking about how they wished selina had been 'meaner' to bruce in the batman and that more than anything convinced me that these people don't actually like or care about her. nevermind the fact that this came from a white person so I know damn well they just wanted to see some sassy black girl clapbacks 🙃
we may not be as loud in terms of numbers or online presence, but I hope matt reeves knows the dedicated catwoman stans appreciate the weight and importance he gave selina in the narrative 💞
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romaisamaria · 4 years
This interaction right here will ALWAYS rub me off. I'm sorry, I dont care who you like or hate, but this interaction right here, I swear in real life if someone crossed my personal space, touched my clothes and my hair and talked over me as if I wasnt there at all, I will be throwing hands. The fact that Nesta was so calm about it and didnt lose her shit is fucking amazing. And people saying Nesta was "rude" because of her answer. Are you out of you fucking mind? In my opinion, Nesta was way too polite.
“Where did that dress come from?” Mor said, red gown flowing behind her as she breezed toward Nesta. My sister drew up short, shoulders tensing, readying to— But Mor was already there, fingering the heavy blue fabric, surveying every stitch. “I want one,” she pouted
“He gets all the credit for clothes,” Mor said, examining the fabric of Nesta’s skirt while my sister monitored like a hawk, “and he never tells me where he finds them.
Cassian, however, didn’t smile, every pore of him seemingly fixed on Nesta and Mor. On what my sister would do. Mor only examined the silver combs in Nesta’s hair. “It’s a good thing we’re not the same size—or else I might be tempted to steal that dress.” “Likely right off her,” Cassian muttered. Mor’s answering smirk wasn’t reassuring.
But Nesta’s face remained blank. Cold. She looked Mor up and down—noting the dress that exposed much of her midriff, back, and chest, then the flowing skirts with sheer panels that revealed glimpses of her legs. Scandalous, by human fashions. “Fortunately for you,” Nesta said flatly, “I don’t return the sentiment.”
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Mor blinked, but confided to me with a wince, “I think we’re going to need a lot more wine.”
EXCUSE MEEEEE!!!!?? But what the fuck did you expect!??
Nesta shows up for dinner for the first time since she was taken to Velaris. And Mor goes straight up to her and doesnt even attempt to talk with Nesta, or to engage her in a conversation. Just literally goes and starts touching her dress and her hair without permission.
No "Hi Nesta, glad you came out of your room for once and joined us. Would you like a drink? Nice dress by the way. Do you mind if I feel the fabric?" Or any other fucking polite bullshit.
But no, she just went ahead and stepped into this woman personal space and then had the audacity to feel hurt because she didnt interact as she expected. Fuck off honestly.
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inquisitor - Ezra Bridger
Requested: yes, by the beautiful @raganbridger! Sorry for the wait, it's finally here!
Warnings: angst, dark side!reader, confusion, mentions of bad injuries/blood, betrayal
A/N: You asked for le angst, so here it is! I've had this idea for a long while and this request was the motivation I needed to start. LOTS of alternative endings were written, this was mostly the reason it took so long.
Pronouns of reader: she/her
*ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! I make mistakes just like everybody else 😉*
-"oh, good, you're awake"
You sit and inhale sharply, focusing back on the real world, startled at the strange voice.
Well, not so strange per se. You knew who was talking to you. What was strange was why he was talking to you.
Before you can adjust your vision to the unfamiliar environment, the memories from hours earlier instantly come flooding back.
Malachor. The place where jedi go to die.
An easy kill for you and your inquisitor colleagues.
That's what they had said on the ship, at least. You, on the other hand, knew better than to underestimate how slippery those jedi could be - especially if they fought side by side, like they always did.
You remember cornering the younger one during the fight. His skill was minimal compared to yours, which would give you an advantage against his master if he were to die first.
The boy and his friends go after the sith holocron. There had been a blinding light when it was placed at the altar.
And also, the jedi knight who was blinded by your former master, Maul.
Not only had the cursed man left you for dead years before, he had come back from hiding to haunt you and join forces with your other enemies.
But you were an inquisitor. You wouldn't - you couldn't let him get the best of you, not this time.
You feel a light hand pressing your forehead and recoil in fear, reaching for your lightsaber, only to feel it was not there.
-"whoah, woah, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you" - it was the padawan you'd been fighting before - Ezra Bridger. He had placed you and his master inside a cave in a planet you were not familiar with when you'd escaped Malachor.
You'd escapd Malachor? But how?
You couldn't have, unless he'd carried you back to his ship.
-"hey, hey, it's alright."
-"what do you want, jedi?" - you wince in pain again.
-"a thank you would be nice, actually. I did just save your life"
-"a foolish mistake. One you will pay for with yours"
You reach out for your lightsaber, but can't feel it anywhere close. Scouring with the force for its presence, you quickly realize he must have hidden it outside the place.
-"Nope, absolutely not" - just as quickly, he slaps your outstreched hand - "I may be an idiot, but i'm not stupid. Your lightsaber's not here, it's caused enough damage already."
You rub the hand he pushed away, more shocked at his actions than anything. How DARE he?
-"Then what do you want from me, if not revenge? Why treat my wounds if not to finish the battle we started?"
-"Listen, I'm not sure if it's the adrnaline or something, but you're in no condition to fight anyone any time soon"
-"You underestimete me, Jedi. Even in these conditions you would be no match for me."
-"Like I wasn't a match for you at the sith temple?"
At the mention of the event, images of the fight start to come back.
Back at the sanctuary, you drew him away from the fight, knowing his strengh lied with his allies. Only, you hadn't imagined your former master to join his side - not until you'd seen the holocron in Ezra's hands, at least. You'd warned him: "he will use it and throw you away. Like he did to me". Needless to say, he didn't listen.
Your vision starts to lose focus at the intensity of your anger and you groan in pain, not able to sit anymore. Driven by instinct, the padawan holds your side so you won't fall completely, pressing your abdomen and making you hiss in pain.
-"ah, looks like I was right. You're conscious, but not healed" - you feel yourself be adjusted back on the ground, too weak to fight him.
-"where are we? Why did you save my life?"
He hesitates, eyes studying you, like you might attack him any second and he still knew it.
-"not so sure" - he finally answers - "maybe because now you owe me one?"
-"Did you hit your head or something?" You scoff - "Make no mistake, I WILL kill you when the opportunity rises!"
-"And that is why your lightsaber privileges have been revoked for now."
You lock eyes, studying him like he had you. It made no sense- you'd followed his group to the sith temple, tried to kill him several times, called for the man who had murdered his strongest ally, Ahsoak Tano. Why was he helping you?
With a shiver, you realize he's still holding your side, not as firmly as before but still providing support for your back. Inhaling sharply, you graze his hand and he lets go instantly, realizing how close the two of you had gotten.
Standing up just as quickly, he brushes a strand of unruly hair our of his forehead, while you you clean your throat, diverting your attention to the exit of the cave. The rain pours on the large trees outside, but you can't make out much except for the fact that you're in a forest planet (maybe a moon?) and his ship is in less than ideal conditions to get out of it.
-"here" - Ezra kneels down with two bacta patches and a piece of fabric from a medical kit -"i felt your back was pretty sore, but didn't want to take off your shirt while you were out. Your cuts need cleaning."
You hesitantly take the items, using the rocks behind you as support to lean your body on. He stands up, hands on hips, and chuckles when you sniff the gel, suspicious.
With the small bit of privacy he gives you by turning around to check on his master, you fumble with your shirt, deciding to take it off in order to see better.
-"Need some help over there?" - he asks, hearing you grunt in frustration at not being able to reach some spots
-"Not from you, thank you very much"
-"Oh, so she CAN say thank you! That's a welcome change"
You throw the rag at his direction, irritated out of your mind. Who does he think he is??
He must sense the harmless ball of soaked fabric coming his way, turning around to catch it mid-air. Now that he's turned, you see a glimpse of amusement in his eyes at your rage, giving you the answer you needed as to why he went through the trouble of saving you; it was merely to see you suffer and laugh at your expense, apparently.
His expression quickly changed when he saw your bruised torso, however.
- "who did this to you?" - he whispers, and you look down at you look down at your sore ~ well, everything~, covered only by a wrap in the bust area.
-"As you said, jedi. I may be better than you, but you still gave me a decent challenge"
"No. I didn't even hit you there." - his serious reaction to your injuries had caught you off guard, you had to admit. - "those are old and deep, you shouldn't even be able to walk!"
-"I'm not, remember?" - you motion at your debilitated situation, unable to even sit down or cross your legs properly -"But i will be, soon. And then it's over for you"
-"you know what? I think if you wanted to, you would have killed me by now." - he shoots back and you're impressed at his audacity once again.
But he had a point. Why hadn't you attacked him yet?
Sure, you had no lightsaber or phisical conditions to stand, but your force abilities were still as strong as ever. You were vulnerable, but so was he, and you weren't kidding when you said you could deal with him even at your worse.
-"you know what? " - you cross your arms. He was playing with fire now - "maybe I might"
-"and why haven't you?"
-"because I wouldn't enjoy it as much." - you snap back venomously - "I want to see you suffer before I bring you to Lord Vader"
His expression darkens at the mention of Ahsoka's murderer. His whole body stiffens as he balls his wrists and clearly struggles to control his anger at the recent loss. For a moment, you fear you've gone too far, but reprimand yourself for worrying about his feelings over yours. You're not supposed to be anything more than indifferent to the weak and ruthless to those who dare oppose you.
-"Yeah, no matter what you do, you're still imperial scum"
You're not prepared for those words to affect you so much. You're supposed to have a response, but nothing coherent seems to come out of your mouth, so you settle for an an uncomfortable silence.
It doesn't last for long, however, as his comlink goes off. It's his droid, asking - no, demanding - that he go help him with repairs on the ship. He hesitates, looking at you and contemplating how bad it would be to leave you unnatended in the company of his defenseless master.
-"Dont worry."- You reassure him. -"I won't make his situation worse. Maul is the worse you can get, and I refuse to step that low"
You can see he doesnt like it, but leaves for a few moments before returning with what must be the droid that talked to him before. It was a C1 series unit with an orange top and a bratty atitude, you could tell that much by just seeing him interact with the jedi.
-"Chopper will stay here, just in case"
-"I understand. It's fine."
-"I wasn't asking if you were fine with it. Behave" - you can't be sure if his command is directed at you or the droid, but you weren't about to ask.
The coldness he now had to his voice was understandable - you had worked to get him to that emotional state - ,but you felt hurt at the change. The droid didn't do much to help you think clearly about what just happened, and by the look of it, your frustration would only grow bigger in the many hours it would still take to repair the ship to a normal flying condition.
'He thinks i'm imperial scum, huh?' - you think as you scour a pile of your belongings with the force, not too far away inside the cave.
Bad news, your lightsaber really wasn't there.
Good news, your wrist comm was.
'i'll show him imperial scum'
With a plan forming in mind, all you had to do now was be patient and wait for the right time. There's no exchange of words between the two of you when he gets back, which makes time fly by before he's betrayed by exaution and finally gives in to sleep. You take care of the droid easily after that.
Activating the tracking beacon, you start to leave the cave, but not before noticing the boy's lightsaber beside him. It was a bold move, he could easily wake up if you took it, but you knew that if he woke up to see you gone you'd need it to compensate for your injuries.
You were still on opposing sides, after all.
You knew there had to be an imperial ship near the planet, and they would pick up your signal in an instant when you called. Wallking to a less dense area of the forest, away from the crash site, you're proven right when, in a matter of minutes, a shuttle tripulated by four troopers and a senior lieutenant meet you on the ground.
-"and what of the jedi?" - the higher ranking woman asks when you finish your brief description of the events that led you there.
Well, not all events. You'd left out the part where Bridger had helped you recover.
You could just tell them to take the two jedi for excecution. You were supposed to do it, in fact.
-"it's just me. And the younger one's lightsaber" - you finally answer, not exactly knowing why you'd deliberately just saved them.
She nods curtly and escorts you back to the ship without a second glance. It was a good story so far, but you would have to work on it if your superiors were to believe it.
-"Wait- " - you start, second-guessing your motives for not giving away their location. One of the troopers turns to you expectantly.
-"yes, sir?"
You hesitate for a moment, ready to do what you'd beeen taught to do your whle life. Kill the jedi.
Kill the jedi.
A tingling crept up your sides, where the padawan had touched earlier to give you support. You try to betray the gut feeling pressing you to do your duty as an inquisitor, but it's stronger than you. Something is forcing your better judgement to be leaving your natural enemies alive.
-"nothing." - the tingle goes away as soon as it had come, leaving an unusual feeling of relief. - "Thought i'd sensed something. Let's leave"
'Perhaps it's for the best'. - you think as the shuttle's door closes. After all, you did owe him one for saving your life - whatever his reason was for doing so.
That was what you told yourself as you boarded the ship, at least. Now, the next time you saw him, there would be nothing to stop you from finishing him and his friends for good.
Hope you like it? I gave him a 'hands on hips' moment in honour of your videos for a more personalized touch hahahaha
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Always But Not Forever
Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
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Summary : During the interrogation of a mole, Tom learns something
A/n : I want to write something for the holidays but i dont do fluff (unless its requested) so here’s a angsty mob!au instead
Warnings : Torchere, blood, violence, cursing, illusion do death, fluff if you squint (dont worry it doesnt last long), mention of injuries, mention of manipulation, implied death?
Word Count : 1.7k
“You know, I almost admire the audacity you must’ve had to pull off something like this,” Tom chuckled, rolling up the sleeves of his white button up, “To betray us, to betray me,”
The pads of his fingers passed over the array of equipment laid out on the table in front of him, teasing the handles of guns, knives and other various torchere devices. Usually, he would just grab his trusty blade from the holder on his belt, slicing the person's throat to watch them bleed out on the chair, coughing and pleading for their life.
But this was a special occasion, one he wanted to drag on for as long as possible. He wanted to hear her screams fill the room, echoing its way around the warehouse. He wanted the floor to be soaked in her blood, dripping from her skin. He wanted to watch her life drain from her eyes slowly and painfully.
But first, he needed to get answers.
“So,” he said slowly, “Are you going to tell me why? Or do I have to force out out of you,”
The woman only chuckled, her eyes hooded as she stared him straight in the eye, “I think we both know the answer to that Tommy,”
“Don’t fucking call me that,” he growled, striding up and grabbing her throat with enough force to lean the chair back, not caring if it were to fall and break on the hard, concrete floor.
“Aww, what’s wrong?” she fake pouted, “I thought you loved the name? Or is it only reserved for your whore of a wife,”
“You really want to die don’t you,” Tom chuckled darkly, bending down to look her directly in the eyes, face inches apart, “You’re on thin fucking ice,”
“And I want to shatter it,” she sneered, leaning her own face forward as much as she could with the restraints tied around her, “Just like I did your best pals heart,”
Tom felt his chest tighten at the mention of Harrison. He would never blame the blond for what happened, because despite the guilt he held, he knew that it wasn't his fault. He blamed himself for getting his friend in the hospital on his deathbed. Well maybe not that drastic, Harrison was a hard fucker to get rid of, he knew that no matter what he would hang on  but it felt like he had already lost him.
He couldn't get the images out of his head, the flashes of red, screams pounding in his ear. But the sight of her standing above his best friend, gun in hand, ready to fire. The thought alone made his go feral.
And he hated that, he hated that she knew how to get under his skin so easily. After getting so close, to not just him but his close family, his friends, to you. He could already picture the hurt that would spread across your face when he would tell you. You both valued close bonds with people, building that relationship to something reliable, something worth trusting.
So when that trust was broken, all hell broke loose.
“I’m sure you’ll do just a fine job at that,” he muttered, standing back straight up, “And the moment you do I’ll put a bullet between your eyes,”
“Oh we both know you couldn't do that Tommy,” she smirked, “Not when I have so much valuable information that you so desperately need,”
Tom chuckled, picking up a syringe filled with a light blue liquid. His fingers flicked the cover before taking it fully off, revealing the needle to the open air, “Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he turned back around to face her, his face void of emotion, “Gag her,”
Him and his men had spent the next, god knows how long trying countless methods and tactics they always used to get people like her to talk. But nothing worked, even after repeatedly taking out the gag, waiting for the answers they had been searching for, she didn't budge.
She stayed completely stoic.
Tom tried his best to keep calm, unbuttoning the top of his shirt when his breath became restraint with the added pressure to around his neck
“It wouldn't matter anyways,” she sniffed, finally calming down while spitting out a wad of blood from her mouth, “I’ve already gotten what I wanted,”
“What the fuck is that suppose too mean,” Tom said exasperatedly.
“It means-,” she interrupted herself while trying to stop the sick laughter threatening to erupt from her throat, “I never thought you cared so much about me Tommy, to spend so long with me when-,” she tilted her head to the side, “You have a wife at home don’t you?”
Tom felt his heart stop, “What did you do?”
“Might want to check that little wifey of yours Tommy,” she cackled, blood splattering from her mouth, staining the collar of her shirt and the floor in front of her, “Who knows how much time she might have left!”
“WHAT! The fuck! Did you do!” He screamed, clutching her bloody shirt in his fists, not caring if some of the liquid transferred to his already red hands.
“You left me alone, with Y/n, for months,” she giggled, “What do you think I did?”
“If you hurt her-,”
“You’ve already done your worst to me Holland,” the grin settling on her face became unsettling, “Now it’s my turn to watch you suffer,”
Tom didn't want to question her further. He didn't want his temper to take over the little control he tried to maintain over his mind. With a short gruff he pulled away from the woman, walking over to one of his men stationed by the door of the warehouse.
“Break her legs and take her to the hut, prepare the call and get Dr brown on the phone and tell Sam to get to Y/n as soon as possible,” he whispered under his breath, “Take me back home to my wife,”
“Good Girl,” you yawned, lazily scratching the top of Tessa’s head. It had been a chill day for you in the mansion, lounging around in your husband's clothes while you decorated your section of the building, preparing for the holidays. Tom insisted on getting decorators, knowing how clumsy you were, he didn't want you to hurt yourself. At least that’s the excuse he told you, you knew it was because he didn't want you doing any work on your holidays. 
Nevertheless, you were proud of the work you’ve done, the lights strung along your bedroom walls illuminating the room, making your placement by the window feel more cozy than usual. And with the addition of the cutest dog and a mug of ginger tea, staring out into the snowy garden never felt more calming. The only thing that would make this better is to be cuddled with your personal teddy bear, but your prayers were answered when he called unexpectedly.
“Hi Tommy,” you answered sweetly, gulping down a good bit of the tea,“What’s wrong? I thought you were busy with work?”
“Y/n?” Tom said seriously, a hard edge to his voice you never heard when he talked directly to you, “Y/n, you need to listen to me right now, okay?”
“Okay,” you sat up, throwing your blanket off your lap, “Okay, yeah,” you learnt not to question things like these with Tom’s line of work.
“Where are you right now?” you could hear the click of his shoes hitting the floor in the background, the sound of the vehicle's engines vroomed to life.
“I’m in our bedroom, with Tessa,” you answered quickly, squinting your eyes when you watched her body bounce away when your hand retracted from her fur, “Well just me now,” 
“You’re going to need to go to the medic bay, Doctor Brown will be there and he’ll explain everything,” a car door slammed shut, “Sam is coming to escort you, just,” he let out a deep breath, “Are you alright?”
You melted at the crack in his voice, clearing your throat before answering him, “I’m fine Tommy, never felt better,”
“Are you sure love?” he whispered, his voice losing its harsh tone, falling back to the soft, breathy one you grow to love.
“I’m-,” you moved away from the phone, coughing into your sleeve, “Sorry, uh, yeah I’m fine Tom,”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re okay to me,”
“I-,” you coughed again, this time more violently that the last, “It’s just a cough, probably from that food truck we went out to last night,” you forced a chuckle, trying to keep the air as light hearted as possible.
“A cough? When did this start,” Tom said urgently.
“Uh, this morning i think?” you sniffled, shuffling around to find a tissue box for your sudden runny nose, “I’m sure it’s just a bug Tommy,”
“Y/n, Is Sam there yet?”
“I didn’t hear him no,” your coughing continued, “Do you want me to go outside to check?”
“No, no, stay until he comes, I don’t want you going by yourself,”
Tom’s words began to blur when you took note of the red sploshing your white hoodie. You ran to the bathroom, cursing at the blood trailing from your nose, staining the bottom half of your face.
Your raging coughs continued, splattering droplets across the marble counter
“Love? Are you still there?” Tom said panicked, “Sam said he’s moving as quick as he can,”
“Tommy,” you whimpered, your hand clutching your chest in pain, “I-,” you braced yourself against the counter, feeling weaker and weaker, “Tommy, I don’t-,”you grabbed at your closing throat, “I don’t feel so good,” 
“Love? Y/n?” Tom said frantically, “Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, Sam is almost there, I’m so close to our house, hang in there okay?” he debated his next words, “You’ve been poisoned okay? You’ve been poisoned and if you get the help in time you will get better, just,” his voice hitched, “Please don’t go,”
Your throat burned as your breath started to become short, hiccupy wheezes. Blood began to drip from your nose and mouth onto the tiled floor. You could feel your chest tighten, your heart physically hurting until you couldn't take in any longer.
“Tom-my?” you managed to let out before collapsing on the floor, the shouts of your name echoing in the back of your ear before blackness covered your eyesight, followed by a bright, white light.
Permanent TagList : @jadegill​ @joyleenl​ @sarcastic-sunset-7​
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