#shes got no fixed design as of yet but i like this outfit on her
calllynx · 5 months
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This was meant to be a warmup sketch but then I remembered how much I love adornment
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
more of bakugou x support course reader!
after you’d fixed his gauntlets, he realized just how much you’d improved them as he was training in class one day, noticing how they’re able to withstand his blasts as if nothing had happened, and noticing that you etched the word dynamight onto the rim of the silver at the bottom of the grenade shaped gauntlet.
he found himself in the support course work room once again, looking aroundbto see if he could find you to, well, somewhat thank you and ask if you had any other recommendations to add to his costume.
his shoes hit the floor as he was able to fully see the room during the day, watching as the students shuffled around and didn’t just casually cater to someone standing in their doorway, they were too engrossed in their own projects.
he grabbed one’s shoulder as they tried to speed by him, almost dropping the poor boy as his items fell on the floor.
“where’s extra #1?” he asked, his eyes squinting at the boy who just wanted to grab his things and go.
“who?” the boy squeaked.
“extra #1!” he whisper shouted as the confusion on the boy’s face never faltered.
“l/n.” he finally gave up, realizing the boy wasn’t gonna understand what he meant.
“oh! she’s currently over at mirko’s agency! she designs support gear for her y’know! she’s so talented.” the boy gushed as bakugou swore he saw a slight blush on his cheeks before pushing him forward and letting him go, walking out the door.
he normally wouldn’t do this. but oh man did he really need that support gear today! the boy was walking around town looking for the number 5 hero’s agency, even stopping some people on patrol to ask!
he was outside the doors, watching with anticipation as he looked inside, watching power loader scold you, a sheepish smile on your face.
bakugou opened the doors, a soft music playing in the background as he caught the end of your conversation with the teacher.
“and get your grades up or i’m taking your keys to the lab!”
you put a hand behind your neck as you looked towards who had just walked in the door, a look of confusion on your face as you spotted the blonde hero in training.
you had grease on your face and dirt covering your arms up to your elbows, and yet he didn’t find himself completely repulsed, just fascinated.
“bakugou? what’re you doing here?” you spoke, a large screw in your hand as you waved him over.
“i, uh, i need your help with something.”
you nodded.
“d’ya have anymore recommendations for me? like to add onto my hero outfit? i liked the way you messed with my gauntlets.
“you came all the way over here to ask me that?” your tone was questioning, and your face wasn’t having any of it.
“listen! i’ve got a mission soon and if you do have anything to add i want it on by then! got it, extra?!” he got defensive quick.
“are you forgetful or do you just like to piss me off?”
he was stubborn, you were stubborn.
the perfect match for one another!
“tch. y’know what i don’t even know why i bothered coming out here! clearly you’re just an egotistical asshole.” he turned around.
“fine! then go! i’m not exactly asking to design your support gear anyway! bitch.” you said with pride, although you whispered the last part.
as the door jingled, signaling his exit, you could hear footsteps approaching from behind you.
“well well well, seems like we’ve found someone with enough spunk to finally match yours!” mirko clapped, announcing that out loud to everyone who was sitting in the lobby.
“tch. he wishes.”
“i dunno, the way you were talking to each other, i’d say there’s some romantic tension there, aren’t i right akari?” she turned to her assistant who nodded.
the next day bakugou showed up to the lab, just sitting there waiting to be acknowledged, although you blatantly ignored him the whole time he was there, going on with your day while people from his class walked in and were instantly assisted, even deku.
he would sit there and wait. and that’s all he’d do. day after day for a whole week before you finally begun to notice him sitting there.
“alright i can’t focus with you huffing and puffing in the corner over there!” you dropped your tools, clanking against one another as they hit your workspace.
“i don’t want to help you. but you’ve got persistence. i’ll give you that.” you said as you grabbed some things from a drawer, shoving them into his chest.
“what’s this?”
“a mix of different things. smaller compact grenades that pack a bigger punch than your other ones, these are ear plugs that’ll allow you to hear without damaging your hearing further, this is a roll of tape. for you to shut up.” you gave a chesire grin at the last one.
surprisingly, he chuckled. he didn’t think he’d ever find someone who… “matched his freak,” as mina would describe it.
he also found himself liking the feeling of sitting there and watching you in your element, so much that he begun to come in after classes just to chat with you while you worked.
you weren’t as bad as he thought, he wasn’t as bad as you thought.
you could get used to this.
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓓𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 & 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
jenna x g!poc
summary: jenna and jah going to the obstetrician. jah asking stupid questions.
warnings: jah being a comedian, mature language, partial smut
a/n: tumblr didn’t save the first draft 😭…anyway enjoy the chapter and a Jenna edit 🤭. also I’m not a medical professional. I tried to look up the actual terminology and stuff to be semi-accurate but I started to lose interest 😂 - 4.3k words
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MAY 2023
You and Jenna were currently on FaceTime, she was in her last fitting for her Met Gala outfit. She was bored waiting for the designer to come and make potential adjustments. So she called you to entertain her someway. She regrets calling you now.
You were doing your due diligence as a baby mama and friend to watch Jenna’s work. You started with The Babysitter: Killer Queen. It was alright in your opinion, you gave it a 7/10. Next, you watched The Fallout. It made you tear up and you applauded Jenna on her work. You considered it her best character.
Then, you watched both Scream movies and now you’re watching X. She tried to get you to not watch the movie by not even telling you about it. You had to look up her filmography to find out about it.
“You’re so lucky I have my headphones in” Jenna rolled her eyes.
“Nah you ain’t tell me this movie like that. I was jumpscared with so much ass and titties and now I gotta see you have sex with Mr. Day N’ Nite. Insane” You stated.
“I told you not to watch it. Actually I specifically remember withholding the information” Jenna said.
“Hm. They did you dirty by pairing you with that white man though” You shrugged and ate a fistful of popcorn.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled.
Your eyes slowly drifted away from the movie to the phone screen. Jenna was preoccupied fixing the nail polish on her nails. She was doing something so simple yet captivating. You couldn’t take your eyes off her. The feelings you felt for her was starting to scare you.
“So, Nancy helped me book an appointment with the obstetrician not far from you” Jenna spoke bringing you out your thoughts.
“You did it for here? Why not back in your hometown, you know to be closer with your family” You questioned.
“It was the best one and…I always wanted to live in New York. I also want to be far away as possible from my mother when I tell her that I’m pregnant” Jenna smiled.
You laughed taking in the information, “When’s the appointment?”
“Tomorrow morning, 9am” Jenna replied.
“I’ll be there” You playfully salute to her. You turn your attention back to the movie. It was now on the part where the white man get killed by the old lady brutally.
“Speaking of families, how exactly are you going to tell yours?” Jenna asked.
“I’ll just call my brother and tell him. Now, for my mom, I’m gonna need a police riot shield” You huffed.
"You and I are in the same boat. I'm praying for you more though" Jenna said.
Your head snapped toward her, "Nah, don't say that."
Jenna chuckled at the expression on your face. The door behind her opened and the designer walks in. "I have to go. I'll call you later" Jenna said.
"Okay...wait you don't get your back broken like a glow stick anymore in this movie right?" You jokingly asked.
Instead of a verbal response, you got the sound of the FaceTime call ending. You laughed out loud and placed your phone on the charger and turned back to the movie.
Meanwhile with Jenna, she rolled her eyes secretly amused as she hung up on you. It was starting to get hard for her to ignore the growing feelings she had for you. She stalked your Instagram, staring at each photo for at least 10 minutes. She stayed up late last night and watch all your YouTube videos.
“Okay, since you’re not showing yet. The dress still fits perfectly but we will loosen it up around the waist just touch” Thom complimented.
Jenna looked at herself in the mirror, “I feel good in it. It feels good, I’m really happy with it” Jenna smiled.
Thom and Jenna continued discussing the dress some more before Thom had to leave to another client. He bid Jenna a bye and congratulations and left the building. Now, it was just Enrique, Nancy, Hudson, and Big L in the room.
A phone alert has Jenna snapping her head to her phone but unfortunately it was not her phone that made the sound. Enrique snorts at Jenna’s actions. An embarrassed blushed appears on her face.
“Shut up Enrique” Jenna mumbled.
“I’ve never seen like this before. It’s adorable” Enrique chuckled.
“It’s just hormones” Jenna lied.
“Yeah no it’s not. You know it’s okay to like her right. I mean the both of you kinda skipped a couple of steps but it’s good to backtrack” Enrique joked.
Jenna playfully punched his shoulder which made him laugh. Nancy let out a little giggle at the home. Hudson just grumbled something incoherent to himself.
“What does she look like anyway? I wanna see if your baby is going to be ugly or not” Enrique said.
Jenna rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. She went to Instagram and went to your profile.
“This is the most recent photo” Jenna said.
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liked by jennaortega, davis, and 12,683 people
bronxshiesty no bite marks no scratches and no hickeys
“Oh my….she got a brother?” Enrique asked.
Jenna laughed, “She does actually but he lives in Barbados.”
“I always wanted to go to Barbados. When’s my vacation?” He joked.
Jenna just shook her head while laughing. She carefully took off the dress and Enrique hung it up on the mannequin.
“You know it still hasn’t fully hit me that you’re about to become an actual mother. Shit is wild” Enrique commented.
“You and me both. I downloaded this pregnancy app and currently my baby is the size of a large strawberry” Jenna smiled and placed her hand on her stomach.
“Ain’t all strawberries large though?” Nancy questioned.
“I guess not” Jenna shrugged and sat down in a chair. Her stomach growled loudly.
“Get used to that. You’re gonna wanna eat twice more than usual.” Nancy said.
A text message alert can heard throughout the room. Jenna picked up her phone.
NYC 🩵: yo u got anything else to do today?
Hollywood 🤰🏻: no I’m free for the rest of the day
Hollywood 🤰🏻: why?
NYC 🩵: I want to see you
Jenna’s heart fluttered at the message. She bit her lip and smirked.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: what are we gonna do?
Jenna watched as the text bubbles appear and then disappeared. It happened a few more times before the text bubbles stayed.
NYC 🩵: i mean…whatever you wanna do shawty. I’m down with whatever 😁
“Let me guess, it’s her” Enrique smirked and tried to peek at Jenna’s phone she turned away. “Ohh not y’all sending spicy messages”.
“We’re not sending spicy messages. She just said she wants to see me” Jenna smiled.
“See you as in watching movies or see you as in Neighbors know my name?” Enrique joked.
Suddenly, a loud slam can be heard throughout the room. Everyone looked confused at the sudden sound and disappearance of Hudson. But shrugged it off.
Hollywood 🤰🏻: I’m hungry
NYC 🩵: what u want
Hollywood 🤰🏻: seafood
NYC 🩵: u like seafood boils? I know a banging spot that I can get
Hollywood 🤰🏻: absolutely
NYC 🩵: bet 🫡
“You’re all finished for the day Jenna. Go spend it with your baby momma” Nancy said.
“Thanks guys” Jenna said and grabbed her things. She hugged Enrique and Nancy before walking to the door.
“Don’t get pregnant…oh wait” Enrique joked.
Jenna stuck up her middle finger and Enrique and Nancy’s laugh can be heard as she left the room.
45 minutes later, Jenna finally arrived at your apartment. She texted you that you were here. A couple of minutes later, you came down in a gray tank top, gray shorts, and your slides.
“Yo Hollywood” You greeted and helped her out of the SUV. Jenna smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist. It was unexpected but you wrapped your free arm around her back and hugged her tight.
Jenna looked up you with a certain spark in her eyes. You noticed but decided to look away from her.
“Big L, I got you a boil too. You ain’t allergic to seafood right?” You asked.
“Nah I’m not. Appreciate it though” Big L said appreciative and took the bag of food. You nodded in response.
The two of you then head into the apartment complex. You lived on the 6th floor of the building, the nicest floor out the entire building. When you applied for the place, the landlord tried to stick you in a moldy and roaches infested apartment but one of the neighbors put you on game and helped you get this one.
“Welcome to mi casa” You said as you walked into your apartment. It was two bedroom and one bathroom. Their was music softly playing throughout the apartment from your speaker on the counter.
Jenna looked around the thankfully, clean apartment.
“Not bad” Jenna playfully shrugged.
“Yeah it’s not the high rise, plants in the windows, Hollywood type of apartment but it’s something” You chuckled.
Jenna giggled and sat down at the dining table with the food.
“I didn’t get yours with sauce on it. I got it on the side, it’s a Cajun style sauce and it’s a little spicy. I looked up if pregnant woman can eat spicy stuff, they said it was safe but might cause heartburn or indigestion so I also got a lemon garlic sauce too just in case.” You ranted.
Jenna looked at you with admiration in her eyes, “Thank you. I like spicy stuff so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
You smiled and the two of you engaged in a light conversation as you ate. You took the sausages from her bag and you gave her your corn. You also helped her with cracking the crab legs open and showing her how to get the meat in one piece.
You and Jenna finish your food and clean up before sitting on the couch. You sat in the middle while she sat at the end with her back against the armrest and her feet in your lap.
“Are you wishing for a boy or girl?” Jenna asked.
“I’m wishing for a healthy baby. I genuinely don’t care if it’s a boy or girl” You shrugged.
“Good answer. I want a girl though” Jenna said.
“That’s surprising. Most mothers want boys” You said.
“Girls are more fun in my opinion. But either way I’m going to love our child regardless of gender” Jenna stated.
She then sat up, scooted closer, and looked at the number tattoo on your wrist. “What’s this mean?”
“It’s my angel number. 555. It’s means change. Changes are coming and that I shouldn’t be worry or scared just have trust in the process” You explained.
“What about this one?” Jenna said as she pointed to another tattoo. This one was a small writing.
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. It was my second ever tattoo. Believe it or not I was a shy kid before my junior year. I used to let people walk over me and bully me and take me for advantage. That was until the last day of sophomore year, I was on the yearbook committee and I had a really good idea but I was too scared and one of the other students stole it and took credit for it. My yearbook teacher pulled me aside one day and told me she knew I was the one that came with the idea. She told me, “you’re never going to get what you want if you never speak up. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes because you never know who could be listening”. It’s a quote that stuck with me ever since” You explained.
“You had a great teacher” Jenna commented.
“Yeah, she reached out to me a couple of months ago and told me she loved my videos. It was wholesome” You smiled. Your hand start to rub her thigh unconsciously. “What about you? You got any ink?” You asked.
“Nope. I want one though. Maybe for my first one I’ll get our baby’s name behind my ear” Jenna answered. You nodded in response and continued rubbing her thigh. Your eyes kept looking down to her soft lips.
You wanted to feel them on yours, it’s been a minute since you felt any intimacy. You were longing for her soft touch.
Jenna’s eyes traveled down to your hand. She was starting to grow hot. Her hormones making it very difficult to keep in check.
“Jah?” Jenna called out.
“Hmm?” You hummed in response.
“Kiss me” Jenna demanded softly.
You leaned in and connected your lips to hers. Jenna immediately deepened the kiss as soon as she could. She climbed into your lap and her hands were placed on your cheeks. You placed your hands on hips. The kiss was starting to get sloppy and eager.
Jenna pulled away and took off her top leaving her in her navy blue bra. Her lips then latched onto your neck.
“You know…we should…talk about our relationship” You struggled to get out due to the pleasure.
Jenna placed butterfly kisses on your neck until her lips found your pulse. She then began to suck on the area. Your hands gripped her waist tighter and a small hiss escaped your lips. She smirked against you, happy that she found your sweet spot. She continued sucking until she felt satisfied with the hickey she left on your skin.
Your lips connect once more, your tongues clash and you slide your right hand up her back. Your fingers find her bra strap and with one hand you undo it. You help her pull it off your body. This time your lips leaves hers and attach them to her sweet spot. A sigh of pleasure leaves her lips and her hand gets tangled in your hair.
Your left hand grabs onto her slightly larger breast and begins to massage them.
Thank god for this pregnancy.
Your fingers rolling and pleasurably tugging at her hardened nub. The hand in your hair start to scratch at your scalp which felt really good. You take your attention away from her hickey littered neck.
Yikes, her make up person is going to have a field day with that.
Your lips clamp around her nub. Your tongue swipe over it a few times before sucking on it.
“Oh my god” Jenna moaned softly.
You let your teeth graze over it just a tad bit before switching your attention to the other breast. While you were giving her breasts attention, Jenna slipped down a little to sit on your knees before her hand found it’s way into your sweatpants. Her warm hand quickly found their prize. The long and girthy beast that was growing in your pants.
You pull away from her breasts and look into her lust filled eyes. You lifted your hips and pushed your sweatpants along with your underwear off your hips. Jenna got up from your legs and pushed the rest of it off your legs. She got on her knees in front of you.
Her small hand wrapped around your third leg. It jerked in her hand at her touch which she smirked at. She placed small kisses up and down your shaft until she got to the tip. Her tongue circled around it, her eyes never leaving yours. You lick your lips as she takes you into her mouth.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your head fell back against the cushions and your right hand tangle themselves in her hair.
One hand at the base of your shaft and the other rested on your thigh. Jenna started to bob her head up and down. Her muffled moans sending vibrations against your member which made you hiss.
“Damn girl” You hissed and licked your lips. You pushed her head down farther. You were deep in her throat, tears were pooling in her eyes. Jenna then took you fully in her mouth, her nose was touching your pelvic area. Your eyes slightly widened, you can feel her uvula grazing across you. She stayed there for a second, flexing her throat until it got hard to breathe and she pulled you out of her mouth. Her hand continuing to pump your length.
Once she got her breath back, she swallowed you while again. You grabbed a fistful of her hair and helped her bob her head up and down at a fast pace.
You were close, the knot in your stomach started to tighten.
“Fuck Jenna” You moaned.
Her nails dug into your thigh, enjoying the way your tip abused the back of her throat. You start to pant as you got closer and closer. Before you knew it, you halted her head before you felt your length twitch as it emptied into her mouth.
You relaxed into the couch, sweat glistening on your face. Jenna milked you for every last drop before she pulled you out of her mouth. She showed you the thick substance in her mouth before closing it and swallowing.
“Me gusta esa mierda extraña (I like that freaky shit)” You spoke.
“You know even though it’s sexy. It’s not fair when you speak Spanish knowing I have no clue what you’re saying” Jenna pouted.
“Chupa para chuparte fraude (Sucks to suck you fraud)” You shrugged with a chuckle.
Jenna sucks her teeth before standing up. She goes to walk away but you grab her hand.
“I’m joking. I’ll teach you Spanish if you want me too” You said. She stood in front of you. You pulled her down and interlocked your lips again. This kiss you guys took it slow, building the mood again, even though it technically never left. You pulled her pants down her legs until she kicked them off somewhere.
You stood up and hoisted Jenna up. She wrapped her legs around your waist. You walked until her back made contact with the wall in your bedroom. Your fingers pulled her underwear to the side and you ran your middle finger through her folds.
Damn, she was mad wet. She got that WAP.
Your middle finger massaged her clit. A whine left her lips as you flicked her clit and her hand gripped the back of your neck.
“Jah…” She moaned.
Unbeknownst to you, she was close to the edge. Usually, she lasts a lot longer than this. You barely touched her and she was already close to the edge. This pregnancy was making everything heightened.
You pull her from the wall and lay her on the bed. You were on your knees to the side of you, you took her underwear off before you slipped your middle and ring finger inside her.
“Fuck!” Jenna gasped.
Your long fingers worked their magic, quickly finding the rough spongy spot inside her. A loud moan ripped through her as she arched her back. Her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“I’m…about to cu-” Jenna choked on her words as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. She stilled with her back arched to sky and eyes squeezed shut. There was a pool under her and your hand was soaked to the max.
You were slightly surprised at how fast she came. You didn’t complain though.
“Holy shit, that was intense” Jenna swallowed harshly. She relaxed her body on your bed, her chest was still rising and falling rapidly.
“I’m good at what I do” You smirked.
Exhaustion creeped in and Jenna struggled to keep her eyes open.
“No way I just fingered you to sleep” You laughed.
“Shut up” Jenna mumbled sleepily.
You chuckled as you grabbed some boxers from your drawer and pulled them on. You grab an old T-shirt from your drawer.
“Here put this on” You said and handed her the T-shirt. Jenna lazily put it on while you changed the blanket on your bed. Jenna crawled into your soft queen sized bed and curled up in your blanket.
You locked up your place and put the blanket and her clothes in the wash. Before going back to your room to see Jenna fast asleep. You climbed in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt Jenna scoot closer to you. You turned your head towards her to see her grabbing your hand. You placed your hand in hers and she placed it on her stomach. You turned your body to her, spooning her. She relaxed into your hold and fell back asleep. You soon followed with a big smile on your face.
It was the next morning, you and Jenna were currently at the obstetrician's office waiting for the doctor to return to do the physical exam. The two of you got to know Dr. Nightngale better and vice versa. Her daughter was a fan of Jenna's which didn't bother or surprise the girl.
When it came down to asking questions about the other parent, Dr. Nightingale was stunned to learn that you were. Questions were thrown at you, which didn't bother you. You were used to people asking questions about being intersex. You were asked questions about it from the minute you could speak full sentences.
When you were younger, you used to go into full details but they got boring real quick. So you opted to tell people a quick summary. Which was 'I was an experiment from Area 51. My father was a spy that fell in love with an alien'. Most people didn't find it funny.
“What to expect when expecting?” You read aloud. It was a pamphlet that you picked up from the front desk. All morning you were reading up on anything related to pregnancy. You wanted to at least have a little bit of knowledge of what’s happening. Plus, it was kinda interesting learning about everything.
“Holy shit” You gasped as you were instantly hit with the sight of a stretched-out vagina…not the kind of stretched you want.
You look at the pamphlet with a disgusted look and then over to Jenna. The girl looking at you with an amused expression.
“I’m so sorry” You apologize to the girl.
A knock on the door was heard and Dr. Nightingale came in.
“Alright, Ms. Ortega and Ms. Jimenez are you guys ready to see your little bundle of joy," Dr. Nightingale asked.
Jenna was laid back in the exam chair with a sheet covering her breasts. Her slightly protruding belly was out in the open. You got up to stand next Jenna and also see the screen. You felt a shaking hand grab yours.
"You okay?" You asked the shaking girl.
"I'm nervous. I'm finally realizing how real this is" Jenna gulped.
"It's normal to be nervous. But I'm right here." You reassured the girl. She gave you a smile and a quick squeeze of your hand. Dr. Nightingale smiled at the interaction between the two of you. She put the gel on the medical instrument.
"Okay, this is going to be cold." Dr. Nightingale warned. She put the instrument on Jenna's belly, who flinched slightly at the sudden coldness of the gel. She moved the instrument around a little before a little body appears on the screen. The room was then filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"Oh my god" Jenna gasped at the screen. Her eyes started to fill up with tears at the sight. You, on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at the screen. You had a huge smile on your face.
"Your baby has a strong heartbeat. You are about 11 weeks pregnant. 2 months almost 3 if you like to go by months. Judging by the date of conception, you are due to give birth on November 28. But there's also a possibility that you could give birth in December" Dr. Nightingale said. She starts to take pictures of the baby.
“A Sagittarius baby…oh lord” Jenna joked.
“Better than a Scorpio” You shrugged.
Dr. Nightingale continued the exam. Everything coming up clear for both the baby and Jenna which you were happy about.
“When are we able to know the gender?” Jenna asked.
“By 14 weeks but I like to do it around 19-20 week mark so it can be accurate” Dr. Nightingale asked.
“What about sex?” You impulsively asked.
“Jah” Jenna sighed and rolled her eyes.
“What? It’s a smart question to ask” You defended.
Dr. Nightingale laughed, “One of the most common questions we get. Sex is completely fine to continue doing. It’s actually beneficial, it can ease discomfort or pain, great for physical health, and a good partner bonding experience. But I would highly recommend still using condoms because STI/STDs are still a thing.”
You smirked and nodded at the response. Jenna just smack your arm as she rolled her eyes.
“Any more questions?” Dr. Nightingale asked.
The both of you shook your heads no.
“Okay, well that is it for today. I’ll see you guys next month. Congratulations to you both” The older woman smiled and left the room. You helped Jenna wipe the gel off her stomach and she puts her shirt back on.
“You know…last night I said something to you. We were kind of busy so I don’t know if you heard me” You said.
“What did you say?” Jenna asked.
“I said we should talk about this. You know…us” You gestured to the two of you.
“What’s there to talk about? We’re just two people who had sex and are now having a baby together.” Jenna shrugged.
You furrowed your face, “Is that how you see us? Just two people having a baby?”
“Not just two complete strangers. Like friends” Jenna said. She watched you as you stared at her with no emotion on your face.
“Friends” You muttered and nodded.
Not gonna lie, the statement hurt you. You didn’t want to be just friends with her. You wanted to be more. You liked her and you thought she liked you too but you guess wrong. You respected her decision though despite the mental pain it brought you.
Just friends…
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu
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gaybananabread · 5 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Perfection is Relative ˖ ݁݁ 𖥔.
~Soooo I’m in my rewatch-comfort-shows era, and Helluva Boss is next. I can’t wait for the newest episode, so I’m trying to get the insanity out with this. For anyone who happens to read this, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Moxxie
Ler: Millie
Summary: Moxxie is second-guessing himself and stressing out about his appearance. Millie notices and decides to lovingly remind her husband what the word “perfect” truly means in this life.
Warnings: spoilers for Helluva Boss and fluffy couple romance (few kisses)! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Moxxie had always had confidence issues. Be it moral dilemmas, other’s perceptions or just general life itself, he would second-guess himself and shy away. However, there was one thing he could always trust himself to nail: his presentations.
Whenever Blitz had a performance-based job, Moxxie put his best hoof forward and found a rare spark of assurance and self-confidence. His outfits were on point, any makeup was flawless, and he got into the metaphorical zone. Nobody could ruin that for him, or so he thought.
At the summer camp, Moxxie had spent a good few hours designing his persona and the look of it. He was actually pretty proud of it. That was, until those teenage girls and everyone else at the camp insulted his appearance and disregarded his existence.
Millie and him had already discussed how it made him feel, and while he was incredibly happy for and proud of his wife, he couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. It bled into his everyday planning, making him critique every little detail about himself. Like that morning, where he’d spent half an hour adjusting his bowtie position.
“Maybe a bit lower to point the focus…” Moxxie mumbled to himself, loosening his bowtie once again. He’d left the bedroom door open, too focused on the mirror to notice. He didn’t even notice as his wife peeked in, nor he did he catch her small, knowing sigh.
“Honey…what’re you doing?” Millie came up behind him, resting her hands on his waist. She’d noticed his extra self-consciousness lately, but she hoped it was something he’d work out. It was apparently deeper than that, though, so she was at the ready with support and a - hopefully - helpful conversation.
“Adjusting my bow. It’s not really symmetrical, and I want it to send a certain message about me.” His words were a bit rushed, giving his wife a peek into the swirling storm of his mind. She wasn’t happy with what she saw.
“You really don’t need to worry, Mox. You look amazin’ already.” Millie gently grabbed his chin, turned him and kissed him. He sighed at the affection, pulling away after a second. Moxxie felt bad about kissing her; he wasn’t good enough yet. Millie deserved the world, and he couldn’t help but feel inadequate.
“If you say so, Mills. Just let me fix up a few more things.” Moxxie tugged at his collar, adjusting the bow and tugging his hair into place.
Now, Millie could’ve just left her husband to finish getting ready. However, doing so would’ve meant letting him think he needed any of the extra glitz and ritz he was putting forth. He was handsome and wonderful enough as-is; she was determined to get that through to him.
With a suppressed smirk, the female imp grabbed his chin once again, her tail snaking around his waist. Moxxie was oblivious to her true plot, just suspecting she wanted attention. “Millie, just gimme one seco- EEP!”
He cut himself off with a squeak as Millie’s claws skittered across his neck. Down below, the pointy tip of her tail was dragging along his side. The smirk was no longer suppressed, her adorable tooth gap showing in the playful grin.
“Mihihillie! Whahat are youhu dohohohoing?!” Moxxie squirmed and wriggled, trying to slip away from his wife. Millie wrapped her free arm around his waist, securing him while adding more wiggling fingers to his stomach.
“Gettin’ you outta your head, Mox. You got too much judgmental crud about yourself up there.” Millie placed a fluttery kiss behind his ear, making him squeak once again. Her fingers were still going at it, dragging the pointed claws along his belly and neck while her tail teased his side.
Moxxie instinctively folded like a lawn chair, his giggles squeaky and scratchy. His wife’s arm was the only thing keeping him from dropping to the floor.
“Mihihills! I cahahan’t- KYAAhahaha!” The sharpshooter kicked his hooves, each impact making a small clack against their wooden floor. Millie couldn’t help but coo at this.
“Aww, there we go, sugar~” She purred, chuckling against the warm skin of his neck. His careful bowtie placement was all messy now, skewed and crooked from Millie’s evil affection. She was hoping to get him all nice and messy before she stopped. He needed to see how amazing he was at his least dolled-up.
While his giggles were certainly music to her ears, she was looking for something with a bit more gusto. Millie wanted to really make him laugh.
Quickly spinning her husband around, she pushed him down onto their bed and grabbed his thighs. Moxxie’s eyes went as wide as saucers, but before he could say a word, her claws were wiggling into his sensitive skin.
“NAHAHAHO! MIHIHILIHIE PLEHEHEASE!” Moxxie’s precious giggles quickly rocketed up to loud, screeching cackles as Millie targeted his worst spot. He thrashed on the bed, ruining his hair and untucking his shirt in the process. She was quick to take advantage of that, slipping her tail underneath the fabric to tease his stomach once again.
“O-OHOHO MY SAHAHATAN!” Small tears of mirth gathered in the corners of his eyes, his cheeks stained a deeper, purple-ish red. The blush was adorable to Millie, though his tears showed she had gone far enough. She stilled her fingers, kissing his smiling lips.
“Ihihihi… oho cruhuhums…” Moxxie took a few deep, giggly breaths as he tried to regain his composure. That attack had come out of nowhere, but he didn’t exactly hate it. “Whahat was thahat for?”
“I already told ya, hon. You’re bein’ too hard on yourself.” Millie rolled off him, lying down beside her husband. He sighed, shaking his head.
“I juhust…I dunno, Millie. It’s just not enough. I need to be perfect.” She brushed a bit of his unruly hair back in place, humming. “I think you look pretty damn perfect right now, Mox. You’re only perfect when you’re you.”
Moxxie felt himself tear up at that. Millie was just…so herself. He thought she was perfect, so…maybe she was right. Leaning forward, he kissed her lovingly, his tail wrapping around hers.
Millie smiled into the soft embrace, cupping his face with one hand as the other held him close. He was so adorable just then: rosy cheeks, loving eyes, messy hair and love-drunk eyes. She could gaze at him for eternity and never tire of his most natural beauty.
“Uhum…what were we getting ready for again?” Moxxie asked as he pulled away, finally remembering that they had planned on going somewhere. It did kind of spoil the moment, but he genuinely couldn't remember.
“Well, I think…Blitz called us in? Somethin’ about a pop-up client.” Millie sighed, knowing that their boss was probably ready to kill them for not being there yet. She didn't regret a damn thing, of course; Moxxie was more important than work.
“Shit…you wanna get ready together?” Moxxie shrugged, offering the small moment. Millie looked him over one last time, taking in her perfectly amazing mess of a husband before nodding.
“Sounds good, Mox. But no spendin’ forever on silly things, got it?” She booped his nose for emphasis, wiggling a few sneaky fingers on his side. Moxxie giggled and jerked away, playfully glaring at her.
“Gohot it,” he agreed, sticking his tongue out with a smirk. Millie rolled her eyes before hopping off the bed as well, joining him by the mirror.
Moxxie looked into the reflective glass, seeing himself in near complete disarray. But, with Millie’s smiling figure by his side, loving every bit of him unconditionally, he couldn't help but like what he saw just that much more.
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dokidokitsuna · 4 months
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Beast Jacket | Glass Diamond
I drew this to celebrate that I FINALLY FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT of the NeverFell Projects’ first installment. The script is 20 pages long, and I haven’t even added the design breaks yet…is this shaping up to be my first hour-long video…??
In any case, it’s still just a first draft, and it will definitely need some more work before I even start recording it. After I have a nice long break to reset the ol’ brain, of course. ^^
So these designs are successors to these two from before: Adam basically just went shopping for a more protective coat (which he wears on top of his previous outfit) and new shoes. Cinder, on the other hand, jumped into a totally new look as usual. ^^ I love that she’s the Barbie of the RWBY universe, and I’m more than happy to feed the stereotype by giving her lots of different designs~. 
This is my answer to her V7 outfit, where she loses the reds in her design as the ‘flame goes out’. Unlike the V7 outfit, however, this design's symbolism is intentional, as Cinder puts this on when she’s at her lowest point. I like to imagine she was meditating over the direction of her life while she crafted all that glass armor…
Anyway, speaking of direction-- just so I don’t forget (and as a small preview of what I’m working on~) here’s some things I hope to improve with my next draft of this proto-story:
1] Emphasizing reciprocity As in, Adam helps Cinder develop AND Cinder helps Adam develop; it’s supposed to be a two way street. Unfortunately, I think the tail end of the story kinda paints Adam as the ‘savior’ in this relationship…and his lingering superiority complex does not help. ^^;
It may be because he goes through a whole arc over the course of the story, while Cinder just starts hers in the last act, but I think if I just add a bit more introspection on Adam’s part, I can probably fix this. I mean, despite having a more stable sense of self that he can rely on, Adam is clearly the weaker half of this partnership-- he gets beaten up twice in a row while Cinder just keeps coming back stronger despite her suffering. Add to that the fact that Cinder can read him like a book and does so constantly, and there’s no reason Adam has to come off as her superior if I’m actually doing my job as a writer. ^^;;
2] Cinder’s turning point I’m afraid that she might have fallen into the classic writing pitfall of “having a bunch of bad things happen to her and then suddenly changing her mind”...y’know, without a clear line of reasoning that takes her from “this is painful but necessary” to “this isn’t okay anymore”. It’s the difference between a character simply running away from something scary (like any animal can do…) vs. actually developing as a person.
There is a final conversation at the end of the story that I was supposed to use to make this clear, but I think I got too caught up in making it ‘realistic’ and establishing Adam and Cinder’s future dynamic. Which was admittedly very fun, but at the same time there’s probably a reason why it feels like a lightweight conclusion to a heavyweight story, and I’ll have to correct that eventually. :T
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bloodreddemons · 1 month
All Hazbin Hotel Fashion Ranked w/Roasting | (imo)
(Pilot to Present)
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#20 Valentino | He literally looks like he smells of alcohol, smoke, and piss. How tf has Velvette not fixed him yet?!?! This gawdy wannabe gimp getup is NOT OK... He just strolls around naked under that Santa Claus/Zebra printed Nightmare....🤡 (I like his glasses tho imma rob him)
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#19 Adam | Dude be fucking having that moo moo dress ON. I find it hilarious that his army is dripped out more than he is. I mean his final battle moo moo dress was a bit better than the original but he really just walks around like a certain Ice King from one of my fav Cartoon Network shows lmfaooooo. ✝️
#18 Carmilla Carmine | Lackluster. I wasn't really wowed by either two of her looks all that much I guess. There's just absolutely no color I kinda wish they incorporated maybe more purple or something in her. Carmilla also got some BIG ass hands. Idk her design just kinda throws me off. It reminds me of something abstract.
#17 Vox | I really like his coat and just the overall palette of that electric blue situation but his shirt low-key is giving me Freddy Krueger tease lol. As well as Pyrocynical and that dude from the show "Villainous". I hope in Season 2 Vox serves us more looks and variety. He's not bad, he just obviously doesn't compare to others.
#16 Katie Killjoy | She got only like one outfit but man does it EAT. A bit cliche for a reporter but it's just still too cunty to turn down. The pearls, the cut, the makeup, fucking slay I guess. Miss Bryce Tankthrust still serving in hell is a MUST. 📣
#15 Lute | Ngl I was just shocked how pretty Lute was. That fucking face card and you hide it under a MASK?!?! Her eyelashes/eyes and that bob is just chef's *kiss* honestly and I actually really do think the angel uniforms are pretty hot as well. You just can't go wrong with a thigh high BOOT. Girls really get it done. 💯 (Keep the mask OFF!!!)
#14 Mimzy | I hate Mimzy with a passion but I can't deny flapper dresses are beautiful. Mimzy you absolutely devoured and the body is bodying Cheers, you're timeless lol. 🥂
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#13 Husk | Please don't hate me guys. I love Husk and all, but ever since Alastor stole his soul he also stole his swag. Man's hasn't worn a fucking shirt since that day lmao. 🤣🤣 Like where DID his suit go??? I would be depressed and wasted too if I was him. I don't hate his design or outfit, I just think it's a bit too simple compared to the other main characters. His personality and Keith David 100% make up for it tho. ♠️
#12 Rosie | Just like Mimzy but like, tripled lmao. Just timeless beauty that never dies. Mary Poppins WHO???? My favorite is honestly probably her hat, that thing is like the crown jewel. Color palette is also kinda satisfying, I stan the pink and mauve. 🌷
#11 Emily | She's like a breath of fresh air from all the red and pink tones. The baby and periwinkle blue is so beautiful and so are her features. Them big ass eyes, the freckles, & whimsical hair. I liked her dress too. Big W's for Em. 💙
#10 Niffty | Cutieeeee. I really like her redesign compared to the old one. 1950's style of fashion is also still very appealing to me as well. The pink dress she was wearing was so fucking adorable I almost had a stroke just to see it in person. She's also weirdly gorgeous covered in angel blood. 💄
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#9 Charlie Morningstar | Ngl...a lil disappointed in our girl. As the main character....to have so many just similar looking outfits with not much variety is kinda the most unsatisfying thing ever. It often feels like her fanart and photos that we rarely ever see contain better outfits than the ones that repeatedly appear in the show. However there's nothing really wrong with her final design I just sometimes really miss the old one from the pilot. I think her rounder features and the lighter pink suited her better. Final battle outfit was her best look so far tho in my opinion. 💋
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#8 Sir Pentious | Sir Pentious style sorta never changed, he's still rocking that snake do-rag and that suit top that's striped just like everybody else's. 😮‍💨 I really wish they would've made Pentious' suit a floral pattern. I know stripes might have been popular in the 1800s but floral was very popular too and it'd be something different that'd still completely match his Era. I love his steam punk style and his other creative looks but his HEAVEN outfit was just the best. Saint Pentious > Sinner Pentious!! 🤍
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#7 Velvette | Thank LUCI they changed and upgraded this girl bro. She was lowkey a hot fucking mess in my opinion before. Man did she come out SWINGING. Not just with looks but also personality I was floored. She's literally the Queen of hairdos and assembling, not many people can pull off that many patterns. Unique and trendy with the energy to back it up. Velvette you'll always be famous!! ❤
#6 Lucifer Morningstar | 6.6.6!!! Very few outfits but I never seen a moment where this man did not serve!! He's always got that fire ass coat on and he gives you the hatsssss. They're stylish while also telling you exactly who he is. It's like regal as fuck while also kinda simple. You don't have to think too much while ogling to just know that he's a dapper ass cHaD. ❤️‍🔥🍎
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#5 Cherri Bomb | Loved all of Cherri's outfits. She fucking devoured and blown away over half the competition. She is Kesha vibes. Mama is Avril Lavigne vibesss. She just gives it to you with her punk rock, y2k, fashion. (I know she's supposed to 80s Era but still lol..) Always loved her base look but the final battle outfit and the one from the addict music video were amazing. 🍒
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#4 Vaggie | Vaggie the fucking queen you areeee. Talk about versatility. She can really pull off a lot. I noticed that she experiments with her hair a lot like Velvette and I LOVE THAT. The fucking bob?!? High ponytail?!?! Great bangs and great length?!?! Vaggie teach me your wayssss. I always liked her bow and a lot of her outfits. Most of them are sexy without trying too hard. I don't think I can even pick a favorite but I'd probably go with final battle outfit and also her angel gown because that is just too cute lol. 💅🏼
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#3 Alastor | As soon as Alastor popped up on scene he was fucking slaying. Literally definition of "pink is cute but red is sexy". He got those sharp ass acrylics ON and his coat is fabulousy spooky lmfao. He also went from being bed bug red to....even more red and sharper (because that was some how possible) lol. Red and black is always an amazing combo and his deer-like appearance is kinda appealing even tho it's a demon lol. I'd venture to even say he's probably the most fashionable Overlord. He's just eye catching and has that AURA. Maybe it's because he's an ancient relic with very peculiar cLaSs but it's really working for him. Keep going you psycho I will see you in hell lmao. (Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka called 🍓💀)
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#2 Angel Dust | FUCKING KING SHIT. He just serves every time without fail. He has a whole wardrobe and they all fucking bang. The clothes are sexy, the makeup is sexy, the AURA is sexy. AND IT SHOULDN'T BE TRIFLED WITH!!! It's really sad because he spends so much time to "get pretty" for pieces of shit, but it doesn't take away Angel's talent to pull of so many gorgeous and hot things. Angel will always be a standout icon and I bet Heaven will look SO good on him. 💗
#1 Lilith (Probably lol) | We barely seen her, but I just KNOW she'd devour. Point. Blank. Period. lmfao. 👑♀️
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kit-foley · 1 year
Nancy Drew Games are 50% off on Steam right now so here are some shitty descriptions of the games for newbies or partners (not in order, also spoilers)
Secrets can kill: dickface high schooler was pushed down a flight of stairs, find out who did it
The Silent Spy: Nancy has mommy issues and cosplays as a spy in Scotland
Sea of Darkness: all of the characters have trauma around a ship. featuring the only canonically queer character.
Deadly Device: tech bro gets electrocuted, who did it oh noooo. Feat: women in stem
Midnight in Salem: Glitch-wise, this is the fandom-equivalent of the first release of FNAF Security Breach but doesn’t nearly slay as hard and they didn’t patch any of the bugs. Haven’t played it but the fandom is 50/50 on it, maybe 80/20 against
Shattered Medallion: off brand amazing race goes wrong, feat. A recurring character who you’re supposed to know
Alibi in Ashes: Nancy didn’t commit arson (this time) so who the fuck did? See also, “I can commit major theft and prod you about your dead mom, but I draw the line at arson.”
The Captive Curse: monster and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus lederhosen.
Shadow at the Waters Edge: ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus kawaii
Ghost of Thornton hall; ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus southern people.
The Final Scene: nancys friend who we’ve never met gets kidnapped. Plus magic tricks/Houdini. Plus old man.
The Haunted Carousel: Dead mom plus the most annoying daughter you’ll ever encounter and her emotional support robot. Also you’re supposed to fix a theme park
Danger by Design: Parisian fashion designer with anger issues and also might deny that nazis happened during wwii
Curse of blackmoor manor: British girl says oh no my stepmom is turning into a werewolf
Warnings at Waverly Academy; the trailer for this one said something like “I hang out with teenage girls in this one, it could be my scariest case yet”, basically be prepared to do other students homework. Also immaculate dark academia/fall vibes tho
Phantom of Venice: white boy of the month shows you his seven hour tesserae slideshow and you single-handedly bring down a crime ring while wearing stupid outfits
Trail of the Twister: someone is sabotaging a storm chasing team but Nancy cares more about asking the local general store owner about his dead wife
Secret of the Old Clock: It’s magically 1930 again, this game feels so far off brand from pretty much all of the other ones imo but the music goes HARD and there’s def some homoerotic tensions between a dead old man and his live-in psychic
Legend of the Crystal Skull: make a curio shop owner sneeze, collect glass eyeballs, watch a Gerard Way look-alike cry, and maybe get buried alive
Haunting of Castle Malloy: banshees and letterpress and a pub that conveniently only serves juice. Terrible Irish accents. Try to find a missing groom for a wedding but also enjoy a walking sim that walked so Stardew Valley could run
Creature of Kapu Cave: get stuck in a tourist trap resort by a guy who calls himself Big Island Mike, then get stuck in a forest with an entomologist who makes you do her work for her, then get stuck in a research facility with an angry white guy who makes you do his work and then falls asleep. Music slaps but no idea what the plot of the game is supposed to be. Also do a “freaky friday” style switch with the Hardy Boys every time you call them on your cell phone.
Last train to Blue Moon canyon: picture Paris Hilton inviting you on a train and then she goes missing. Also on the train with you: the worst police detective, Zak Bagans impersonator, and Colleen Hoover-vibes.
White Wolf of Icicle Creek: “I fired. And I missed. I missed again. I got sad. I had a popsicle.”
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 7 days
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It’s that time of year again!!!
The amount of times Ibis crashed on me ;~; (still sorting out the storage issues—at a slug’s pace, ‘cause other things be preoccupying my mind), but it was worth it!! I’m very much proud, very much pleased, with how it came out this year if I do say so myself! Ahhh, all that struggling with and “refinding” my art style this year was not for naught!!
I think of my previous years, 2021 is my favorite, but it’s officially been replaced now 😌 I feel so content rn (please don’t let this be a short moodlet, eheh)
That said, I do think I prefer last year’s hands. They were also a pain this time—primarily Yukiko’s right hand…
Anywho, previous versions (+ “base-color” version + a close-up ‘cause why not) under the cut (after some more rambling, eheh):
I was really struggling to start this—I restarted it 3 times essentially—so I’m also really happy with how it came out in that regard. As such (plus the crashes), I’m a wee bit late this year, but only by a few days; I really don’t mind it for once, haha.
I noticed I was going in a certain direction over the years with Yukiko’s hairstyle and the light source, and not the one I intended. Realized that this year, so I fixed those trends:
Tried to make the light source more behind and adjusted it’s position to match with the scene in my head more (though, if I really wanted to be truthful to that, she’d be in one of the other ballgowns I designed for her since she wears this specific one for her first meeting with Gakushuu in this AU, whereas the idea for this scene is supposed to be from when they’re much more familiar with each other later on. But, uh, I like this dress wayyy too much, so let’s just ignore that, haha). I was actually thinking of finally implementing a proper bg this year—even sketched it (mainly for perspective, though)—but I really wanted to just get this done, haha, but also… I didn’t want to deal with more crashes… Perhaps next year… but don’t quote me on that, haha.
As for the hair, the strands that bunch up the rest of Yukiko’s hair—I noticed I was placing them too low. How I imagine her hairstyle to be is that they eventually connect up to her bun (I should definitely sketch a back view concept of this design, mainly so I don’t forget stuff like these, eheh, and to visualize just what in the world is going on… but that’s something distant future me will worry about… if she remembers, of course ^^;). But they’re also supposed the same length as the rest of her hair, so… yeah… I thought this would make her hair less fluffier, which would’ve saddened me, haha, but it didn’t! That said, I have a feeling I’ll possibly make it less voluminous next year… Seems a bit too thick… but idk. I like drawing thick hair, haha.
Oh, also, if you’ll notice: I decided to simplify her underskirt design last year, and… yeah, no, I reverted that change, haha.
Mannn, I am in such a mood to draw more “A Brothers’ Quarrel” stuff/AC Kingdom AU stuff in general (like designing some proper outfits for Gakushuu and Karma finally (they’re the main characters, and Yukiko only appears for a specific part of the AU, yet who do I draw the most…? XD), drawing her horse, Camellia, drawing her in her other dresses, finally getting around to drawing her ladies-in-waiting designs in that other Kingdom AU (just how long ago did I post the traditional sketches of them? Yikes…), etc, etc), but I’ve got too much stuff to get finished before the end of the year. I really need to pick up the pace, eheh.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for a scenario where Spider-Noir meets the reader who is a Barbie? I LOVED THE NEW BARBIE MOVIE and wanted to know how Spider-Noir would get along with a Barbie reader. I think they would make a nice couple, they are the total Barbenheimer.
You can have them meet in the events of the first movie by making reader Barbie as spider-woman or by having them meet in the spider-noir dimension. As you like, but I would like to emphasize the great color contrast between the dark palette of Noir with the colorful pinks of the Barbie reader.
Crystal ✨💞
HI AGAIN !!! OMG YES PLEASEEEE my barbie brainrot refuses to go and so does my atsv brain rot so...... i hope you like this :DDD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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pretty in pink, great in gray
"oh, and before anything else, there's someone who's running fashionably late. sorry fellas, she had to fix up her makeup and hair, it's a very important priority of hers, as you can see." noir told the others as they looked at him in confusion. soon, their spider senses all turned on as they sensed yet another one of their kind in the room. "oh, well hello, cuties!" exclaimed a cheery voice from above as they heard the faint clacking of stilettos on the ceiling, pretty pink and glittery ones, in fact. they looked up and saw, hanging from the ceiling, a spider woman dressed in hot and light pink. she waved to them, with the others awkwardly waving back at her confused.
the spider woman from above shot out a pretty pink web from her pink webshooter and swung down after doing a somersault in the air and landing on her feet, with one in front of the other as they pointed outwardly in the opposite directions, a bright smile on her face still as she looked at everyone; all of which were thoroughly impressed by her acrobatic capabilities. "can you please adopt me?" gwen whispered underneath her breath as she looked at the woman in front of them intently. the spider woman giggled and walked forward to extend her hand to them all.
"spider barbie, at your service! it's so lovely to meet you all, and you, dear... of course, i will adopt you! would you like to live in my dream house or would you like me to arrange for the construction women back in barbieland to design a house of your choosing?" she asked gwen as gwen held on to miles from both sheer excitement and thoroughly getting weirded out. "did she just say she was barbie, or..." "pretty sure she said she was barbie." miles replied in a manner that showed he was just as stunned as gwen was.
noir moved to the front of their little group and shook barbie's hand first. "nice to meet you, barbie. i'm parker, peter benjamin parker, not to be confused with this guy." noir said as he pointed his thumb at peter b, who folded his arms and shrugged. barbie smiled widely at the monochromatic man as she held his hand tightly and shook it back. "and nice to meet you, peter!" she responded as she noted how dark peter's whole get up was. "i must say, i love the shades you've got going on here. i was considering making a darker outfit for myself, but pink feels more natural for me. i love how you look by the way, it's so... mysterious." she said as peter chuckled and scratched a little at the side of his head. dare he say miss barbara here was flustering him a little with her charisma and cheeriness.
"why, thank you, barbie. i love the abundance of... pink in your costume. very striking, and very powerful, i must say." he said with a slight smile underneath his mask as barbie's smile widened. she thanked peter, and the two went on and on about each other's costumes and quirks that came with them. they were hitting it off so fast, surprisingly. the group was actually questioning if what they were seeing was reality; because even though all of them are quite weird already as mutant spider people (and animal) a real, live, talking and walking barbie was also a mutant spider woman and was getting along well with the dark, brooding, and mysterious version of peter parker?
"so... care to maybe visit my dream house sometime, peter?" barbie offered noir, to which he felt a little flushed in the face at the prospect of visiting the beautiful woman's plastic home. "i... i'd be delighted to, my dear." he responded, to which barbie clasped her hands together in delight. soon, she wrapped her arms around noir, who tensed up a little at the abruptness of the situation, but loved every second of it. "this has got to be the craziest sight i've ever seen in my life." peter b said in tired disbelief as gwen and miles held themselves back from begging barbie to show them more of her pastel pink moves, and with peni and ham teasing them from behind about this new little couple they have in the group. well, not quite couple yet; barbie can be barbie without her ken, or peter--but she can be her own spider barbie with a spider man. it's not spider barbie with her spider man, it's spider barbie and spider man.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @k4tsu3 @maxoloqy @fictarian
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skerban · 10 months
Silence of Voices
𖤐 Peeta Mellark x Reader
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You sat at your designated seat in the compartment, awaiting for everyone else to dig in before taking a bite of your own food.
It was just a safety precaution, you thought.
You gave a glance at your mentor, your eyes narrowing as he gladly took bites put of his rich food, as the other two watched without moving.
You managed to hear your mentor say something about passing the marmalade to him, but you watched as Katniss Everdeen, plunged a knife right between his fingers. The sound made everyone look at her with tension.
You gave a small smirk as you watched the scene, you thought he deserved it.
You heard a familiar high pitched voice come from behind Katniss, “That is mahogany!” She screeched out.
You turned your eyes back to your plate, staring.
“Do you really want to know how to survive?” Your mentor finally spoke again, or at least you think.
You perked up and looked at him, somewhat hoping he would actually give advice.
“You get people to like you.” He said sternly, staring at Katniss with a serious look.
You let out a small groan, rolling your eyes, before glaring at him.
“That’s the advice you have to give? Getting people to like us is like asking someone who ain’t got nothing in his pocket for change!”
He looked at you with a smirk, “Any item you receive can make a difference in your chance of survival. You only get extra materials from sponsors.” He continued to spread that disgusting sauce on the food in his plate.
“Getting sponsors is simple. You get them to like you.”
“Oh wow, almost as if I somehow knew that.” You scoffed and shook your head, and looked at him with your eyes looking at him through your lashes, a death stare it was.
He only watched you with unamused eyes, “Well its not working out for you.” He smiled before turning his attention back to his food.
You shook your head and looked away, leaning back in your chair, not bothering to involve yourself in the conversation now.
Your eyes found the window, now seeing the crowds of people from the capitol. The sight made your eyes widen at how many people there were, and a variety of styles greeted you.
You heard Peeta mumble something before getting out of his chair to look through the window behind you, you looked at him, and watched as the boy waved at the crowds with a bright smile.
You scoffed as you all were escorted out of the compartment, making your way to with all of the contestants.
They put you onto a metal table and started to change things about your body, waxing, or fixing things up with your hair. Perhaps it was to look presentable to the crowd.
After what felt like hours, they put you into a room, alone and lying on the metal stand. You stared at the ceiling, waiting in silence.
You closed your eyes slowly before you heard the metal door, to the room, begin to creak open.
Your eyes snapped open as your weakly turned your head to the person who walked in, yet you could only scoff at the person you saw.
“I haven’t seen you since that day, (reader).”
You sat up and leaned your head back, “Never thought a family reunion would happen when I might die.” You spat out before glaring at the fancy dressed woman.
She only smiled and walked closer to you, “Now, that’s no way to talk to your mother.” She said sweetly, her smile fake as the flame in her heart.
You only looked away before you sighed, “So you’re my stylist.” You stated the obvious as she nodded and looked you up and down.
“Don’t make me look like a fool for your entertainment.” You hissed out and glared at her while pointing at her.
She only chuckled, looking at you as if you were a joke. You hated her guts, after she left for the capitol so she didn’t have to be reaped again, but that thought made you sick.
You both conversed for a bit before she finally began to help you into your own outfit. You wore an outfit that made you look confident and independent, yet it still showed your feminine side. Your hair stayed down, styled neatly with a feathered pin holding your bangs up. You wore a black leather suit, with a tail skirt that was faded into black and red, to match the fire and coal from your district.
You couldn’t complain on your mother’s design choice, but it wasn’t at all what you were expecting. You would never say to her face that it looked nice.
You looked at her once more before she turned her back and began walking to where all of the other tributes were, including Katniss and Peeta.
You watched her pause before speaking, “I won’t be able to escort you out, but enjoy your time while it lasts, (reader).”
You scoffed and crossed your arms, “Shouldn’t you be hoping I survive at least?” She made the flame in you burn even faster, your temper rising.
She didn’t say anything but motioned you to continue walking. You ignored her but kept walking, finally seeing the other tributes and your own from your district. You grit your teeth in silence as you walked into the direction of Katniss and Peeta, seeing another stylist with them.
He was talking with them, but was interrupted by the gate opening and carriages started moving. You watched as they stood on theirs so confidently while you smirked and stopped, finally behind them.
“Got any space for one more?”
They both looked down at you and gave you a small grin before they motioned you to stand with them. You took one step before you ended up sitting at the edge of the small platform. The other two looking at you, their smiles fading, in a form of disappointment.
You weren’t going to become allies that easily. Especially when you were here to get your fate over with already instead of waiting it out and dying a slow death.
You could only wait for what is to happen.
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i changed some of the dialogue that the characters say just so im not copying word for word from the book/movie so sorry if its a bit weird ^^; I ALSO APOLOGIZE FOR POSTING LATE school is getting in the way.
Taglist: @orangepeetals, @mymadokamagica, @l4venderia, @ilovetoomanymen, @imobssesedwithtoomanysheet, @love-golden-hour
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blamin8r · 1 year
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These are my personal designs/references for SMG4 because of how much I draw fan art for it. You can tell which ones are my absolute favorites to draw based on how much I’ve changed them basically. It’s organized by Recolors, The Girls, Non-Human, and Excess (sorry Kaizo)
Mario: I gave him stitches on his outfit because of how often he explodes and gets hurt (Luigi fixes his clothes since that’s less expensive than constantly replacing them), and those dark marks on his face from when Zero grabbed him and did that weird crap during the 10 year anniversary video. I also gave him a star pin on his overalls too.
SMG4: There’s so much. I made him shorter, changed his body type, gave him darker skin, scars from when he was possessed by the TV Adware dude (and other various scars), eyebags, a jacket, IV on his gloves, and the arrow from the USBs. He also has the arrow on the back of his jacket, but I haven’t drawn his back view before with this design so that’s never been visible in my art yet.
SMG3: I made him even shorter than SMG4, gave him longer hair, matching scars to SMG4, darker skin, a cape, black gloves, platformer boots, the USB arrow, and I changed his body type. The back of his cape has the same skull design that’s on his hat and boots too.
Luigi: I didn’t change too much to him, just his shirt, a flower pin, and some scars. Also he’s round like Mario but not the “skinny brother” because I don’t personally believe in that. (Though whenever he takes off his shirt he immediately becomes a buff man because SMG4 logic)
X: This one was fun. He already has dark skin on his recolor self, so I also went ahead and gave him curly hair, a beard, eye bags, a beanie, hoodie, changed his height, and gave him a cool weird eye thing because why not. He and FM also have similar eye colorings to 3 and 4
FM: He’s the only recolor I decided to make not chubby but instead kinda fit since he’s a police officer. I also gave him a police styled hat, badge, different shirt and gloves, longer hair, a bunch of scars, piercings, and steel toed boots. He looks pretty cool :D
Minion: Parts of her design I did out of pure spite. Her body type matches SMG4’s but she’s a bit shorter, an overalls skirt thing, matching hat, pink gloves, some long socks, and I kept her mustache but just made it smaller. Why? Well, I haven’t headcanoned SMG4 as trans (unlike what a lot of my friends and mutual have done), but I did do that for Minion, because in my mind, she basically has SMG4’s exact body type, including the reproductive organs. But she’s still a woman. And I also believe that women (cis and trans) shouldn’t have to feel shame for having facial hair or body hair, so I kept that there, again, out of spite for people who really feminize her body in a stereotypical way in their personal designs for her.
Meggy: I’m not an extremist for Inkling Meggy or anything, I do like her as a human, but I’m still not sure why they chose to make her a human and not just a squid that’s not Nintendo styled. So instead I just gave her some other squid attributes, like the typical tentacle hair thing, but also some fins on her arms and legs. Her skin is a little darker and she has freckles now. I made her outfit more black and orange themed because I personally hate the dull whites and browns on her outfit. To reference two of her other outfits, I had her keep her college jacket tied around her waist, and her glasses on her shirt since I feel she probably needs them for reading still. I also gave her more sports styled clothes like her shorts and the knee pads. And I removed her goggles because I despise drawing them, she has too much accessories on her head and that one section is so annoying to draw. Lastly, I made her a bit muscular because there’s no way every single one of the girls has the exact same body type.
Tari: Her design just got updated when I was in the middle of working on this, and it’s really good so I only changed her body type by making her chubby and added a gradient to her hair.
Saiko: Her outfit is cool minus the colors, so I gave her a more pink and black theme for her outfit colors. I also made her more muscular and gave her some scars since she’s known as the more violent one in SMG4 who carries that massive ass hammer just casually.
Melony: I looked up where watermelons came from, and they came from Africa apparently, so I made her black (also because all the human characters are white/light skinned so I changed that) and I think it makes sense with her hair too because of the thingies that come down over her ears. It also makes the pointy things behind her hood make sense too. I changed her body to have more body fat and gave her some stretch marks and cellulite to go with it. I like her hoodie, but you can’t tell me that’s all she has on, so I also gave her some shorts, since she gets sexualized so much.. She also has shoes too, those socks would be so nasty otherwise. Her diety form is gonna have actual armour because that makes more sense than just a different colored hoodie.
Belle: I changed nothing about her, not because I don’t like her or think her design is perfect or anything, (she’s great and I miss her ;-;), but I actually chose to keep her as is just because people who look like her and have her body type still exist, they’re just not the only one or the main one. Humans vary a lot.
Karen: I didn’t change much, but since she’s a single mother, I made her body look a little more like a middle aged woman, and gave her a sweater her kids made for her too that she wears proudly.
Shroomy: I know there are multiple characters that are technically naked, but I felt that Shroomy should at least have a Boy Scouts outfit on, he lives in a world with Toads which do have clothes so it didn’t feel right to have just the badge thing over him
Bob, Rob, Boopkins, and Jub Jub: I kept them as is because there’s not much to their appearances anyway, minus a few rips and tears for Bob’s outfit.
SMG2: I made his body a little more proportional so that his head was at least not larger than the rest of his whole fucking body, and I gave him some excess scars since he and SMG1 have been around for the longest, and have probably been through a lot together. I also gave him sleeves, shoes, glasses, and matching gloves that all the SMGs now have. His antenna thing is also thicker because I don’t wanna make it too thin.
SMG1: His body is also more proportional, but that’s mainly because I didn’t like making his torso long. I also gave him clothes to match 2 a little more but darker. He’s got excess scars as well, and his gloves are opposite to 2’s similar to how I made 3 and 4’s gloves opposite of each other. He’s also got glasses like 2, and they match their head shapes.
Kaizo: I fucking love Kaizo, he looks so damn cool to me, so I kept his outfit the same, just changed up his body. He’s more muscular and has more demonic features (pointed pupils and ears, tail, more sharp teeth, forked tongue, claw-like nails), as well as a bunch of scars everywhere on his body. Plus more body hair, and based on a Kaizo design I saw elsewhere (I forgot who made it) but I made the ends of his hair dyed red because it looks cool. And piercings.
Swag and Chris: I love these two, but I couldn’t think of how to change Swag and Chris besides making them a buff and old. (To me, they’re at least in their 30’s or 40’s). I do believe in dilf Chris tho, so make whatever assumptions you want from that.
Whimpu: I actually really don’t like Whimpu, mainly for his personality, but also because of the Waifu Factory episode, it just really made me uncomfortable with how objectified and dehumanized the anime girls were in it, and he was a big part of that. Still, I wanted to change him a bit since his design is a little plain. He’s still plain, but a bit less. I added acne, buttons on the tie, and a shirt pocket with a pen in it.
Steve: I hate how I end up drawing Steve, but I didn’t want him to look too human in a normal way, because a part of his charm is being this weird block dude. So he just looks like a more blocky human with dirty clothes, a lot of scars, and a beard.
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violetlunette · 1 year
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You guys ever have an image that just didn’t want to turn out no matter what you did, but you were stubborn and were like; fuck it, I’m finishing this even if it's the worse piece ever? This is it for me. I think the final product is passible though a bit busy (and one of a kind as I used to do many different brushes, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remember them all). I tried to make the lines look like the image was done with an ink pen. Anyhow, this is my first version of Overblotted Silver.
Silver’s armor is based on Aurora’s blue outfit. His colors are from Aurora when she was hypnotized by Maleficent. He’s supposed to be slumped over and look hollow, like an empty shell without hope, as he’s lost everything he once fought for. This is partly inspired by old Prince Phillip when Maleficent promises to let him go after a hundred years. I wanted to be able to show Silver without the ink stains but messed up my layering and it was too late to fix it when I noticed. This was my first time drawing a horse, and I just couldn’t find the reference I needed so winged it and this is the result. The horse’s hair is based on Sleeping Beauty and was supposed to be thorny, but drawing the thorns was annoying, so I gave up.
The Phantom is based on none other than Sleeping Beauty with a spinning wheel always turning behind her. Her dress is supposed to be like a mist or a cloud, which I got close enough. I like how the head turned out with the ink spilling out. That said, I’m not sure if I’ll use her in future versions as I want to focus on the “sword of truth and righteousness part of him.” (He is supposed to be twisted from Philip's sword, after all.) But I mostly like how she turned out, though I’m kicking myself for missing the torso designs.
The background is concept art of Maleficent's castle because I haven't learned to draw backgrounds yet. Nothing to say there except--Disclaimer, I do not own that part but the rest is all mine. Except for the shield. That too was edited in.
Anyway, I hope ya’ll like it. I’m curious how others imagine over-blot Silver and his Phantom.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
quick fix, medics doves have a bird bath with those really small rubber ducks that are like 1 inch tall. it’s a variety of different little ducks from germany tho, like souvenirs.
scout and medic watch the doves splash in the water occasionally while medic tells scout about how he got each duck.
That’s adorable 🥺
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
A bucket of warm water is poured into a custom birdbath made of stone. Said water is the filtered kind from the fridge. Tap is too harsh on the feathers, as Medic would say. Several rubber duckies, half the size of Scout’s thumb, are placed into the water. Each one unique with either a cute design or an outfit. Scout then removes his bandages, tucking the rolled fabric into his pockets.
“Here come the birdies! Archimedes, no slapping.” Medic warns his eldest bird as a small flock arrive to the bath. Thankfully, the dove keeps his wings to himself as they dip their feet into the water. Scout chuckles, carefully making a pool of water with his hands and going under Socrates’ wings. Lord knows he needs an extra hand in that spot.
Medic joins in, carefully working the dried blood out of their white feathers. The doves not being cradled take a moment to play with the ducks. Tiny beaks push and toss the rubber playmates while feathers ruffle in the water. Scout laughs, watching a tiger patterned duck be thrown out of the bath entirely.
“Cleopatra! We do not throw our toys.” A chide from her father that she doesn’t like. Cleo ruffles, turning away from the man when he puts it back into the bath.
“Where’d you even get that?” Scout picks up the tiger duck to admire it. Black stripes contrast the orange body and white stomach. For a tiny toy, it was definitely detailed. Now, Scout takes the time to look over all of the ducks. A puppy, a witch, and a doctor float alongside the doves. Scout looks to his boyfriend and asks how he came to have such an arrangement.
“I’m glad you asked! I got Dr. Quack when I graduated medical school. It was my nickname actually, teehee!” Medic giggles at the fond memory of his college days. They were so long ago, yet he clearly recalls the strange looks his colleagues gave when he squealed at the reproductive section of the lecture. Always a go-to subject for him.
“The witch was when I got chased out of my hometown for trying to reanimate my favorite singer. Its tradition to leave one at the doorstep as warning.” The poor thing just kept screaming until he whacked it over the head with a piece of wood. In hindsight, she was known for her vocal range. Medic just thought she would be happy to have come back! Instead, he got terrified screeches that alerted the Bürgermeister, who proceeded to arrange a pitchfork wielding mob.
“The puppy I’ve had since I was boy. I won him in a raffle at a dog show.” Money well spent in his opinion. Little Ludwig proudly marched to claim his prize, winning ticket in hand. The duck came with paw shaped chocolate as well, which he promptly ate as they announced the best in show. Such a fun day with his parents.
“Awesome stories, babe.” Scout places his hands on Medic’s shoulders so they can kiss. Just as their lips are about to meet, a loud splash and coo sounds. Lo and behold, Archimedes was wing slapping his siblings! He deeply coos, feathers puffed with his wing landing on an angry Cleopatra.
“Archimedes! Time out!” Medic takes his naughty birdie out of the bath while Scout comforts Cleo. She curls up in his hands, fighting to recover from her brother’s violence. In reality, she’s completely fine. Her feathers are straight and wings unscathed. Ever the dramatic dove.
When Medic returns, he resumes their interrupted kiss. The rest of the doves are left to air dry along the rafters while Archimedes sits in the time out cage. He puffs himself, cooing with anger every time Medic walks by.
I love mediscout sm -H
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arcane-essence · 1 year
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I made a simple reference sheet for Rythian and Zoeya through the Blackrock Chronicles!
Zoey actually used a lot of skins through the series, but they were mostly just changes in accessories so I just picked one per season.
Mostly compliant to the actual skins from the series, but with some liberties taken.
Sadly, no Teep. Maybe someday.
Thank you @yogurtyogitup for your post, I don't know what I'd have done without it LOL
Design notes that line up with the numbers on the pic are under the cut because they got long.
the only thing I actually added to Rythian's Adventure outfit was changing out some black pauldrons (?) his skin had for a mantle in the same colour as his trousers. Everything else I just tweaked, or left out altogether (certain bits on the legs I literally could not figure out, for example) his cloak pins are dark matter. it's a flex.
I think the yellow bit on Zoeya's scarf was meant to be some kind of ring clip, but for the life of me I could not manage to draw that so I replaced it with a mushroom badge.
I decided tassel scarf ends looked good and added visual interest.
Embroidered mushroom on the pocket =)
I think if anyone has a collection of fun socks, it's Zoeya. These ones are directly based off a pair from Accessorize - just google 'mushroom socks' on images and they should pop up.
another pop of colour, this time a simple rainbow =) ‎‎
I meant this to be an archery brace but now that I'm thinking about it I think it's on the wrong arm, oops. I just wanted asymmetry!
he dyed his boots while he was in his edgy period lmao
mushroom pocket is now a bit patchy looking - implication is, she took it off while in the mushroom rebel base and sewed it back on after leaving
star socks! I think Zoeya started leaning towards socks with purple in them during and after the mushroom rebels arc.
sealant on the rainbow was scratched off a bit at some point so the paint is patchy. She probably intended to fix it up at some point, but was always too busy. ‎‎‎‎
I… didn't want to draw sleeves so I gave his coat a cape instead. Sorry.
the eyes follow him no matter where the scarf flaps
he got new boots this time! ignore how similar the style is.
Fun to design but a pain to draw. Like all hands, really.
almost forgot to add this thing so it looks a bit bland
skin asymmetry wasn't a thing yet when this series was coming out, so as a result Zoey's Blackrock Rising skin had two cyber arms. Cool, but apparently not canon - only one of Zoeya's arms was lost. So on the other arm, I put a wrist mounted computer, because it's awesome.
patch in the scarf, and it's shorter since it looks like it's knotted behind her on the skin rather than just loose down. Neat!
new mushroom embroidery for new trousers! Four different types to foreshadow the Twilight Forest arc.
these boots were fun to colour and I unironically want boots that look like this irl.
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
I'm redesigning the cs wedding and no one can stop me
This is literally a royal wedding, the canon wedding was just not enough, we deserved more. There should have been a wedding EPISODE
Also in my design they get to have their entire wedding AND wedding night and Fiona lets them have it because I said so. No curse immediately after, no lives endangered until at least the morning after
First base is Emma's outfit. I didn't like her dress and I didn't like her hair
First of all she gets this dress
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It's really pretty, it's not traditional (aka plain white), the sleeves have kinda swan vibes, she would feel so so pretty in this dress like she should
Next her hair. Emma has BEAUTIFUL hair and yet they felt the need to hide it all away in what was basically the Dark Swan bun during the wedding and for WHY
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THIS HAIR. Her hair is still down and flowy and showing off how beautiful it is but the front of her hair won't distract from the dress as it's pulled back in the braid
Second base is Killian's outfit. I actually had no beef with his outfit because it was very suited to him but I just wanna change a couple details to match my theme
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Third base is guest list. The cs wedding consisted entirely of extras for the sake of the song and that pisses me off. Here's a list of who wasn't there but should have been, feel free to add anyone I missed or critique my decisions
Killian's crew. He doesn't have alot of people that aren't Emma's family but he does have them, and he spent 200 years with them. They're his friends and they should be at his wedding
Belle (forgive me if she was there and I missed her)
Liam II (he's literally Killian's only remaining family, please god let him go to the wedding)
Also I think Granny was there but she definitely is in my design and she pinches Killian and Emma's cheeks because I said so
Home plate is venue. Y'all know what's about to go down
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I love Henry but dude! Shut your mouth! Killian's one and only venue suggestion got shot down immediately because of a stupid excuse. And it would have plenty of room for everyone if they didn't feel the need to perform a musical number mid wedding (I love the song so so much and I love the musical episode but the song was the entire wedding and I hate that)
They could decorate it all nice, they could put roses and ribbons everywhere, Emma could get ready in the captain's quarters
It could've been so much more magical than they made it so I fixed it and made it magical you're welcome✨️✨️
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gritsandbrits · 9 months
Fixing Jackpot Pt. 1
I'm no stranger to dealing with Marvel's nonsense especially when it comes to their insistence that PeterMJ isn't real. Currently she's having her superhero arc but like a lot of fans, I'm not meshing with this storyline. And for someone who's supposed to be a fashionista her choice of outfit is messier than an x men family tree! So with my amateur design skills I took it upon myself to see if I can break her out of her faux pas. But first let's dive deeper into my issues with this marvelous disaster!
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Comparing the original cover to greyscale, everything kinda contrasts but it isn't enough. If I were to see this far away I would mistake it for a giant grey blob. The big ass cards on her thighs causes unnecessary distraction and too on the nose. The outlines around the cards, the gauntlets and tie and angle on her chest AND the goggles, makes her costume look incoherent and dated. Also her sleeves are grey yet the top half of her chest is white, there's like five main colors fighting for dominance.
So what did I do?
First thing I did was change the color. Since MJ already has long bright red hair, it made sense to add cool colors to balance it out. I went with purple for its association with magic, graceful qualities, and wealth. These contexts are especially ironic when you take her backstory into account. I also changed the sleeves to better match with the top.
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For the second variant I added gold to contrast with the purple and to further emphasize the fortune aspect. It makes the goggles stand out more too. Oh yeah I colored over those rectangles so you're focused on her face.
Here's another variant. Blue is also commonly associated with magic, and it matches the blue on Peter's suit.
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Again cool colors compliments her hair, and they're almost at equal areas so they're balanced as all things should be. I noticed the blue matches the numbers too. This rich shade pops out pretty well from thr background. The palette leans towards the trope "Primary Color Champion."
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This green variant is based on Alana Jobson, the original Jackpot. Ugh greyscale is NOT on my side! 🙄🙄🙄
Out of curiousity I sketched up long boots with gold trim at the top, round to contrast the sharp symbols as well as to match the shape of her gauntlet. Now comparing to greyscale again, she pops out more against the background.
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It's not perfect but at least I got the point across.
Overall, absolutely nobody asked for this story. I won't even entertain the idea of reading it. But I love fashion and MJ as a character. She deserved better. Next time I'll see if I can draw a new costume from scratch. Any critiques are welcomed, I love to hear y'all thoughts on this!
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