#shes not tragic by any means
shadow0-1 · 1 year
I mean i looove Valeria, i think she's portrayed nicely as a woman in a world dominated by men BUT what i don't get is how it goes over someone's head to call her a tragic hero instead of villain?? Aus and all that are fine, I'd do that too but she's literally murdering people in las almas to send a "message"??? She's a friggin drug crime lord that has possibly done god knows what to her city and beyond just because she acknowledged to herself her way is better.
And now she's going to fight fire with fire with Alejandro. C'mon like villains can be evil and they can still be great characters, no need to goodify them smh , sorry for a wee rant
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It's true and you should fucking say it
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haunted-xander · 26 days
One thing I really love about Marcille is that despite her deep fear of outliving her loved ones, she never, never let's it get in the way of her making bonds and getting close to people. She loves deeply and strongly and she doesn't try to supress that! She embraces it wholeheartedly! Her friends are so important to her and she's not ashamed or scared of it!
Actually, out of all the characters, I'd say Marcille is one of the ones who care the most about bonds of friendship. She's angry at Namari for leaving after Falin got eaten and holds that grudge up until Namari helps defeat the Undine (and therefore having 'proven' herself). She's shocked and upset when Chilchuck explains his policy of payment and that he's not really here bc of friendship. She puts a lot of focus on the party being a Group Of Friends rather than a team of hired hands dedicated to the specific role(s) they are paid for. Which of course makes sense since she joined the party to begin with because of her friend! To her, the party has always been 'Falin and her brothers' friend group' rather than a hired party. (A little reminder: Marcille was the most recent member when the story starts. She never met the previous members who left so the team of Laios, Falin, Chilchuck, Namari and 'Shuro' is what she's always known it as.)
When she becomes dungeon lord, the thing that manages to snap her out of the Winged Lions grasp is the earnest care and love her party is showing her. Literally 'power of friendship'ed their way through the Lions hold and gave her her clarity of mind back.
And!!!! At the end of the feast right before they're about to attempt to revive Falin again, she says!!! this!!!!
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She's ready to accept that Falin might not come back, even after everything. The entire story she's been running away from death, from having to outlive her loved ones (in this case: Falin). But here she is, ready to let her stay dead if this last attempt doesn't work.
And it's not giving up. It's realizing that she did all she could, and that it's okay. Because she still got to meet and be friends with Falin. That time with her might be just a speck in the length of life Marcille will have to live still, but it still happened and that's what matters.
It's not about escaping death; it's about cherising the moments before it.
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tomurakii · 2 months
I kind of hate all the comparisons between kipperlily and like. Those fuckass "affirmative action fucks me over I wish I was [minority] so it would be easier" people because none of that. Is what she said. She said the bad kids already had more experience with adventuring before they got to augefort and it meant they had an advantage. Which is true. Yeah Riz was lower-class but his mum was a COP. Riz, Kristen and Fig had parents who were heroes (Sandra-Lynn is an active ranger, Kristen's parents are paladins, Sklonda is a rogue), Adaine's family was super rich and politically influential, Fabian had both. Gorgug's the only one who wasn't actively at an advantage [IN THE CONTEXT OF HAVING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HEROISM] and she didn't have shit to say about him. Kipperlily was the first person in her family to try heroism, the bad kids are largely legacy admissions.
Additionally to the people comparing it to the "anti-affirmative action" crowd: do you know what affirmative action is. The bad kids didn't receive special consideration on their admissions to aguefort or scholarships or additional financial support or extended assessment times or anything. How could she be mad about affirmative action if none of these people received affirmative action. What they DID have was knowledge about their classes that started much earlier than high school, which is what Kipperlily said in her file that she thought grading should be adjusted for because she did not have that.
To me it's less like affirmative action and more like augefort is like an IQ test. They pretend that it's fair and objective, but you can be taught how to do those things from a younger age, and if your parents took the time to teach you pattern recognition and shit then you'll do better on an IQ test than someone who wasn't trained for it and everyone will act like that makes you innately smarter when it doesn't. It just means someone taught you how to do that earlier.
Barring Gorgug, every one of the bad kids had access to information about heroism and their class at a younger age than Kipperlily did, which primed them for success in their classes. Every one of them got additional information about mysteries from their families (and even direct battle-tactics training from Bill), Riz especially with getting classified info out of his mum. Kipperlily does not have hero relatives. She's the first in her family line to attend a hero school. She knew nothing about it before her first day, meanwhile Kristen was already the chosen of Helio, Adaine had already been attending the best wizard school in the country, Fabian had already spent his whole life training with his father, and Riz was already involved in solving mysteries using info and tactics he got from his parents.
They aren't necessarily "privileged" (except Fabian and Adaine), but Kipperlily didn't say they were, she said that in the specific context of attending a hero school they had a prior-knowledge advantage. Saying they didn't is like comparing the grades of a kid who's academic career started with preschool with a kid who didn't attend until middle school and acting like one of them wasn't better prepared.
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moeblob · 1 year
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My boys! (Mr. Svarog I really adore you but idk how to draw robots I'm so sorry)
Trailblazer like "look at this guy! he's half a unit!" and Dan Heng just unimpressed with that being enough to add to the count.
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
what are your thoughts on Madoka and Sayaka's relationship? I always thought it was underrated for how complex and tragic it is.
Madoka and Sayaka's relationship function similarly to that of a knight and a princess, so both their friendship or couple pairing are interesting to me. It seems to be intentional that Sayaka was crafted with a knight motif in mind to click with Madoka's vulnerability. The tragedy is that Sayaka was way too young and inexperienced to be shouldering such expectations in a friendship. Taking up the role of a protector at every turn because she wanted to protect everyone has always been a contributing factor to how fast Sayaka burned out.
Contrarily, Madoka's struggle with her own helplessness throughout the show was also part of the reason why Sayaka said a lot of terrible thing to her, but deeply regretted her actions to the point where she succumbed to Witching out away from Madoka. Madoka, at least in this "final" timeline, was not there to see her own childhood best friend change into something else. To, in a way, "die", and be reborn as the same monster that all magical girls were hunting after in a frenzy. Homura was right that Sayaka brings Madoka grief — it seems that in almost timeline, since Sayaka becomes a Witch as long as she becomes a magical girl unlike Mami or Kyoko, Sayaka is a consistent source of Madoka's grief. Whenever Madoka becomes a magical girl, then, her aspirations are based on Sayaka's sacrifice and ideals, except Madoka actually has the power to "save everyone". I believe Madoka loved Sayaka as Sayaka may not have been an "effective" magical girl, but she was the one who was willing to sacrifice her soul for her ideals, regardless of how naïve they were. To Madoka, who was so ensnared by her sense of uselessness, Sayaka was the closest thing to an idol or a star for the courage required to be a magical girl. Sayaka's desire to make the world a safer and justified place for people was so inspiring to Madoka that even when Madoka becomes Kriemhild Gretchen, the Witch's whole gimmick is "creating heaven on earth, a Witch content only if there is no more grief in existence". A prospect deeply held onto by Madoka that even Gretchen embodies it.
It's probably why Madoka's wish to save all magical girls would definitely sound equally impossible to he audience and the incubators, but Madoka herself says, "If someone says it's wrong to hope, I will tell them that they're wrong every time." Sayaka was often called foolish for her ideals and hopes, and Madoka was the only other person aside from Kyoko who understands Sayaka's struggles so much that she outright tells people that Sayaka was never wrong — this is how Madoka protects Sayaka. Madoka would never want anyone to say any of the magical girls' wishes were wrong or foolish. It was how Sayaka also found her peace at the end of the show: to be understood and not viewed as an object that would eventually be replaced in the cycle of magical girls and Witches.
Madoka and Sayaka eventually learned how to protect each other. Sayaka doesn't need to suffer from her own overbearing expectations anymore, and Madoka can finally be something even more to protect her angel: A God.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
i do love canon amy & rory but god, does some part of me wish they really had gone with the idea of the doctor picking up a child as a companion (and then later, that child’s best friend with a huge crush on her.) with the rest of the season really not changing at all, except now it’s amelia pond with an angel in her head killing her and lost alone in the woods. it’s little rory who dies and is forgotten and becomes a toy soldier. if this is going to be a fairy tale, then let it be one. children have never been safe in fairy tales.
#it wouldn’t have to change any of the actual plot of the season. except MAYBE amy’s choice but even then i think amy’s choice would be the#one episode where they should be adults. if only for the half where they live in a village in that dream.#because that’s the kind of future that children would dream up. they live in a little cottage and nothing ever goes wrong and their best#friend visits them all the time even though they’ve grown up.#they aren’t actually adults there just children with an idea of what they should be as adults and acting accordingly#and it would still end the same way.#but idk its just. rory’s 2000 years waiting for amy inside the pandorica is already tragic. yes.#now imagine its a kid. a kid in a little roman soldier helmet who will never grow up. who will not leave his best friend.#he loves her and she’s more important than the whole universe and that sort of love is supposed to MEAN something in a fairy tale!#its supposed to melt the ice out of hearts and transform people from stone.#and what that love means here. is that he will have to wait 2000 years. a child and a box.#little rory and the amelia who followed the doctor’s letters to the pandorica. and she doesn’t recognize him again.#and amelia in the pandorica… 2000 years a child trapped in a small box waiting to be rescued.#s5 is already fucked for them but it could be worse. it could be so much worse.#and it would make the doctor choosing to take her place in the pandorica to save the universe later even better.#because who else but the doctor would put the fate of the universe on the shoulders of two children and realize much too late what a#monstrous thing he’d done. and still have to hope. have to hope. that amelia would remember him fondly enough to bring him back to reality.#the logistics of all of this would have been a pain lmao. child labor laws in acting and all that.#BUT. hypothetically. it would have slapped.#doctor who#amy pond#rory williams#<- also this entire time ive been referring to him in my head as rory pond so much that i fuckin. forgot his actual last name.#and then like if you want them to be adults in s6 or whatever you can just timeskip to them getting married and still have amelia remember#the doctor there. it would work. it would.#amelia pond au
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swashbucklery · 9 months
I know I am never going to be a Star Wars Fandom Person and that I am not reacting to Ahsoka the way the rest of the internet is reacting because that was, without a doubt, the funniest dumbest gay thing I've ever seen??? HER STORMTROOPER FRIENDS LEFT
AND THEN RAN AWAY ON A WOLF (yes it's a howler i know it's a howler shh) TO BE SAD IN THE MOORS ALONE FOREVER(????)
NO ONE GIVE HER A HUG THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE, I need to see her carve BAYLAN SUX into the side of a spaceship with her lightsaber. I need to see her dramatically tearing up as she learns that Evil Doesn't Pay I want her to listen to Space Evanescence alone in her room in the dark I need her to go to the Space Hot Topic and spend too much money on nail polish that DEFINITELY DOESN'T MAKE HER THINK OF SABINE this is critical to my enjoyment of Star Wars.
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starrysharks · 9 months
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zeno's ultimate pokemiku tierlist ⁉️(it's all his opinion and he loves them all regardless⁉️)
#like arrfgggdiakaktmcksmsama this was literally all for me like they knew what they were doing#i love character design i love pokemon i love miku. and then you put ALL THREE TOGETHER....#i will explain some of my choices here#poison miku is just too good but also i am a big sucker for freaky scientists with constant “worry” eyebrows#her design is just so out there and crazy (this is about the shoes. some understand the greatness of the shoes and some dont. and thats ok.)#every other miku in peak i think establishes their theme exeptionally well especially ghost bug and fighting#for ghost i already love spooky and gloomy looking characters and that miku delivers tenfold (of course shes designed by the GOAT take)#esp with the mix of ghostly and electronic/digital regarding the glitchy parts n the 01 hologram#she looks like shell invade my computer and give it a virus if i dont send the chainmail about her tragic file corruption to 10 friends#(in the best way possible)#for bug miku the big dress is a huge plus but also i just think shes adorable nuff said#for fighting - i love a delinquent character and she fits that really well. the half coat thing is a big highlight for me#also the leek theme is absolutely iconic#for the ones i didnt like as much - i honestly just think the koraidon one is a leeeeetle bit boring#dont get me wrong. it has really cool aspects like the hair and the koraidon like cape but idk#it feels like theres a lot going on but not that much at the same time? its still a really nice design tho esp the hair color#for the ones in yellow tier - i just dont like the color palletes very much . theyre still really nice designs esp fire miku#but all in all these are genuinely all amazing designs and i dont want to be too critical or mean to any of them esp seeing im not a pro#but this was really fun to see unfold!!! cant wait until the songs start dropping#in the topic of miku as well - hey muse dash where's my miku on the switch version....#please dont make us wait too long 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
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starbuck · 2 years
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“Martha... How do you stop- How do you stop it?” “You don’t.”
Martha from Ravenous (1999) ~ requested by anonymous
#ravenous 1999#REQUESTED OVER A YEAR AGO I SHOULD ADD#i am SO very sorry that this took so long#i wasn't in a ravenous mood when you sent the request and then various Unforeseen Life Circumstances got in my way#and then i procrastinated on getting the blu ray for a bit#but - if it's any consolation - this is a MUCH higher-quality set than you would have gotten if i had made it right away#i'm remaking all my old sets with the blu ray footage - i'm OBSESSED#and it's soooooooooo much easier to work with than the black sa.ils blu rays thank GOODNESS#so lots and lots more goodies to come!#but i wanted to start with this one because i've been meaning to do it for SO long and life just kept getting in the way#i love Martha SO much - i def would have done a set for her eventually request or not#truly i am keeping it together until Cleaves' coat and the purple stole... then i just lose it#like. she loses everyone she loves to imperialist violence and then is forced to leave her home for her own survival#it's so awful#i'm so glad she survives - but it's still absolutely a tragedy (both for her and in general)#kudos to Antonia for insisting on the inclusion of the final shot of her walking out though... it's such a powerful image#in a tragic sense of her being forced off her land with literally only the clothes on her back#and in a hopeful sense that she DOES escape and live on... she isn't devoured by the system#it's just A Lot#i'm have a few more Martha sets planned that i'm really excited about as well!#one of her and Cleaves (in which i will shamelessly reuse a few of these gifs)#and one of... well... You Will See! :))))))))))))))))))))#stay tuned!!
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rotisseries · 6 months
"she met a pinecone's fate" was hysterical the first time around and it's still funny but the longer I think about it the more unsure I actually am about the line
#it just feels so. callous. or like. it doesn't FEEL callous cause it's not portrayed that way and you laugh and I'm still laughing#but like. it's callous that is a callous thing to say and it's not like percy doesn't have dickishness to spare#but on this specific thing? really? he's not like that#like. this is after being told the full story so he knows what happened to thalia#and his response to effectively hearing about how this girl died for her friends and not just any friends but the people he's with rn#is “she met a pinecone's fate” a like. dismissive joke about what happened to her#like in the books percy empathizes with thalia's situation he feels for her it's tragic it's a somber moment😭😭#she was a demigod more powerful than the others she was hunted even more than they usually are (percy relates)#and she died for her friends (definitely something percy relates to and would value lol)#and on TOP OF THAT. to say this in front of grover and annabeth? who clearly loved her a lot??#like. percy doesn't like annabeth atp but he doesn’t hate her enough to be crossing those sorts of lines??#and GROVER. is literally his best friend. can you not figure that thalia's death probably weighs on him#oh wait I just remembered at that point in the episode he doesn't know grover was with them lol sorry ignore that bit#anyway. like I get it it's funny and they have a lightly antagonistic relationship in ttc so it's funny!!#like haha he's ALREADY getting his digs in!!#but. idk. feels a bit mean :/#pjo#pjo tv#dropping episode 3 thoughts mere hours before episode 4 lmao#I'm not gonna be able to watch 4 tonight though lol
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jamessunderlandgf · 29 days
🖊 + ⚔🩸faustina🩸⚔
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FAUSTINA was gifted her name by his holiness escribar. she was an orphan and didn’t have one, so he gave her the name faustina, which means “fortunate”— which. is ironic. because she certainly is not fortunate. he thought so as a sick joke, of course.
how fortunate for her to have been found and given purpose, praise the miracle, etc etc but she is NOT living laughing or loving cs she’s in a constant state of having to prove herself and not once has it worked in her favor. the single time that it does is when she’s DYING.
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sheryl-lee · 1 year
yellowjackets rant time :)
people whining that natalie’s death was “shitty writing” makes me want to bang my head against the wall. like are you seriously shocked that the show about tragedy and murder has tragedy and murder in it. are you seriously shocked that the show about fucked up people has fucked up people in it.
#same with people who hate van and lottie and tai and shauna and misty and ben and whoever the fuck else for being 'bad people'#'i can't root for these characters!!!!' like lmao way to miss the point of the entire show janet#they're all traumatized people (many of whom experienced that trauma as CHILDREN) and have done awful things and will do awful things again#INCLUDING nat like im sorry you believed that she was the moral compass when the show never explicitly told you that#she's just as fucked up as the rest of them. and thats what makes her interesting#that's also what makes her death compelling and. sorry. WELL WRITTEN#it's tragic and cruel and preventable. and that is the point.#sometimes characters die in media. lmao. and sometimes it isn't well executed#but this was. and it has been set up for a long time if you go back and watch the prior episodes#i understand disliking the finale or the season or whatever. not mad about that.#what i am mad about is equating a personal opinion as an irrefutable fact and proof that the writing is shitty#and sending literal death threats to the writers and creators of a show that have put a lot of work into it#like at the end of the day it's a tv show for entertainment. and you can and should be able to love a character#while ALSO understanding when said character's death is emotionally necessary in a story.#i love nat. but i also understand that her death fits the story. that doesn't make it bad writing by any means#okay im done now#sameera.txt#yellowjackets#yellowjackets spoilers
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
why does everyone have the worst fucking trauma bestowed to anyone ever, like creator, what did they ever do to you?
DF: The only thing the sillies have done to me is deciding to get into my brain and living inside it, rent free, consuming my every single thought and everything I know.
If I cannot escape the sillies, then the sillies sure as hell won't be able to escape me.
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orchideae · 6 months
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When I approach Yelan (or anyone else I've written), I don't just look directly at her character, but I also look at her surroundings. Both the ones that she knows by some semblance of necessity, but also those that she chooses. Like here, I talked about the Chasm, and what being 'okay' with existing down there needs to mean for a character, because it's not normal. Someone's surroundings, room, or home say a lot bout who they are and what their mindset, or specifically, their perspective is of the world. And sometimes, I think it says more about people than even the characters realize.
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This brings me to the topic of the city of Fontaine. Now, I personally think it's rather obvious that a lot of the nation takes from historical France, and so when looking at it, I think it really adds to remember its monarchy, the view that the 'common folk' had of it, and its inevitable demise to non-existence today in terms of importance as a result. So my first question is, who constructed or decided on its layout? Was it Furina, Neuvillette, Egeria? Whoever it was, there's a lot that can be said about their view of the world and their placement in it when you look at locations of buildings. Look at where Palais Mermonia, its governing body, is located within the city; it sits at a rather astounding elevation in comparison to, well, everything and everyone else in the city. This frequently represents the concept of 'distance' between groups in one way or another, and seeing the consistency in other nations, this is something that is rather intriguing to me, especially keeping Fontaine's characters in mind (and considering this is the nation of 'justice'). Mondstadt has everything almost entirely uniform, with arguably the church on the highest level (but it isn't greatly elevated in comparison to all else), but it's joined with the plaza and statue which are a common gathering site for all people in the city. Liyue had the gods and adepti visibly living among the humans back in the days of the Guili Assembly for reasons of 'integration' (my apologies to numerous from our dear Guizhong!) The fact that numerous adepti now live far outside of the harbor is a different matter entirely, and the one who seems to function within a semblance of separation of sorts is Ningguang with the Jade Chamber (but I'm not one to speak on behalf of her character as I don't bear the knowledge). Inazuma also has the Tenshukaku at a higher elevation in comparison to the rest of Inazuma City. Sumeru is interesting, but ultimately Nahida was kept at the very peak of the city, far out of reach of humanity— but that's exactly the common denominator that has my interest, the distance between the 'governing body' and humanity for one reason or another.
But Fontaine really takes separation to a different level in my opinion (and again, think of this when you think of the person having designed the whole city), not only because of the above which I'll elaborate more on in a moment, but also its separation from the outside world. Now, this is interesting to think about if you keep in mind that it was perhaps done in eventual protection of the city's inhabitants in terms of the prophecy (which means that this would have been constructed anywhere during or after Egeria's reign), but then why is only Palais Mermonia far above the water's reach? If the walls surrounding the city were ever breached during said prophecy, all its inhabitants are pretty much immediately caught in the flood and would drown, which tells me nothing positive of the city's 'architect' or whoever signed off on the designs. But if not done for the prophecy, then why? Stand in the middle of the Court of Fontaine and really look around you, the only sights you really have of the outside world are the sky, and it's obstructed by a fair bit of the waterways and gardens that hang overhead, which you can only properly enjoy when you take the ages long elevator to the upper level where the palace is located (which, credit due, seems freely accessible to everyone in present-time). But if you don't venture up, how much of the outside world do you get to see? It feels very secluded, very much under lock and key. On some level (and this is one of the many reasons why I think that the Meropide is so excessively important in Fontaine and it's likely why we spent so much time there; it's all to show the ever, ever important contrast and nuance between this 'autonomous nation within Fontaine' and, well, 'Fontaine'), it almost feels like a prison, regardless of how pretty it may look or come across (and despite not 'lacking rights'). And considering how people in the Meropide speak of not always wanting to return back to the 'overworld' following their sentence, I think that there's definitely quite a bit of truth in that. But again, stand there and look around for yourself.
Now to return to the original topic, but keeping the last one in mind as well, look at one other thing that I'm unsure how many have really kept an eye on: the massive effect Palais Mermonia's level has on the rest of the area (inside and outside of its walls). Have you ever walked through the city of Fontaine at any given time of day or night, north to south, east to west, clockwise or counter-clockwise circling through it; have you ever seen how it overshadows an immense part of the streets below it either entirely on its own (which to me signifies a very domineering presence), or together with those outer walls that surround the city? I know how I've spoken thoroughly with people before about how much I enjoy Fontaine and how dark it is in its storytelling, but despite how gorgeous this region with its water- and landscapes are; its city bears quite a heavy weight to me. I don't know who designed it, or ordered it to be constructed in this way, but nothing about the city itself truly, rationally, shows a healthy perspective versus its citizens.
Me: /continues on to ramble in tags because I'm me and I'm a nuisance with always more to say than I know how to coherently put into these posts.
#[ meta. ] the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you?#[ i love how i'm writing a liyue-based character and here i am rambling about fontaine. ]#[ listen my little french heart just ached at this. i've been sitting on it for so long and have been wanting to talk about it. ]#[ but every time i hear 'fontaine is so pretty' -- i agree. i truly do. and the city has become my new 'hub' away from liyue harbor... ]#[ which says a ton in itself. ]#[ so trust me when i say i enjoy it and find it gorgeous. but i don't have any real kind words to spare on who designed it. ]#[ and i don't mean that in an insulting/bad kind of way but more so in the sense of-- whichever god likely designed this-- ]#[ how much worth was placed where; you know? ]#[ this is why i find the gods and all of their differing views so inherently interesting. ]#[ but then i also sit here longer and think more of the meropide. ]#[ and how THAT is supposed to be the prison. hmmmm. and yet /that/ is the place many seem to not want to leave anymore. ]#[ the place that is run and made better by the person whose tragic case was entirely missed and neglected by the authorities. ]#[ ah yes; the meropide. aka meropis-- the retelling (was it a parody? i believe so) of plato's story of atlantis. ]#[ which was sunk by the gods as punishment to its people for leading lives they deigned morally unjust and petty and /greedy/. ]#[ ah yes. the references never end. ]#[ granted we know how the meropide came to be-- so if egeria was in charge of that. chances are she likely was for fontaine as well. ]#[ well-- ]#[ well. ]#[ yep. i have more to say but i'm struggling to find my words-- so here we are for now! ]
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alto-tenure · 1 year
the girl in the tower
Flora Reinhold never left the tower. The writers wouldn’t let her.
I’m not writing this essay to say Flora does not have agency. In fact, she actually has a lot of it. Layton offers her the choice to come with him; it is up to her whether to lay St. Mystere to rest; and she is never forced to come along on the adventures, it is always her decision. Even before she’s left St. Mystere and left behind being the Golden Apple, she’s around haunting the narrative -- it’s not as though she had no choice while being trapped in the tower.
The Rapunzel archetype tends to be imprisoned. Flora was not being forced to stay in the village. She could have physically left. It was emotional attachment and a sense of obligation that imprisons her, which can be just as much a force as a person. And, of course, Flora had to be there, for the sake of the plot. They frame Flora leaving the village as Layton giving her freedom, but she’s not free.
The tower was destroyed. She was supposed to no longer be the girl in the tower; there wasn’t even a tower for her to return to.
The thing about girls in towers is that their agency is constantly called into question by the people that built the towers and the others around them. Still, it was Rapunzel’s choice to let her hair down for the prince, and it was Flora’s choice to leave with Layton and Luke.
So who built the tower?
Bruno may have built St. Mystere’s tower, but the writers are the reason Flora was even in the tower in the first place. And even though they destroyed it, they never really let her leave.
Despite all the examples at the beginning of this that demonstrate Flora’s agency, Flora’s ability to fend for herself is constantly questioned by Layton and Luke -- the narrator and the protagonist.
This isn’t the main problem, however. It’s that the narrative proves them right for questioning it by kidnapping Flora. Not once, but twice. The writers acknowledge that Flora is abandoned, that it is wrong for them to abandon her just because they think she’s less capable.
But they won’t let her leave the tower they’ve built. Diabolical Box treats Flora’s rescue as a secondhand thought rather than a mission objective, but Unwound Future actively makes rescuing Flora the priority. She is stuck in the tower again, and so she must be saved.
You can take the girl from the tower, but you cannot take the tower from the girl. Flora is constrained by her role in the narratives the writers constructed. The adventures were designed for Layton and Luke, after all. They let her break free for a bit where it fits -- they need her on the train, they need her in Future London, they need her to foreshadow her own presence in the tower. They need her to have some freedom, but only as far as it goes to serve the plot. They need someone in the party for Don Paolo to imitate so he can get to Folsense; they need someone expendable for Clive to take.
Flora is the girl in the tower; she is made to be imprisoned. She was supposed to be free of it, but the writers never freed her from the tower. She will always be the Golden Apple, the Mysterious Girl, the Rapunzel looking for someone that will save her in the eyes of the story. Her purpose in the narrative is not as a third investigator to the Layton and Luke dynamic. Her purpose in the narrative of Diabolical Box and Unwound Future is just as it was in Curious Village; to be imprisoned and then set free by Layton and Luke.
She is never given a chance to exist beyond that.
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dreampearls · 1 year
never forget that colleis one of the few playable characters who have canonically Killed before and not just one person either itbwas multiple
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