#shes the cause of a lot of my internal insecurities
thunderc1an · 2 years
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tldr: for christmas my mom got me blanket with stolen warriors fanart
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
Hi gorgeous a fic request idea it's my first time requesting so sorry if I'm doing it wrong! What about reader being insecure about herself and worrying she's not smart or hot enough for Eddie and it's just Eddie being confused bc how could she think that wen he's the town freak?? and then reassuring her and just lots of fluff
Ah, this is so relatable! I know I need Eddie to reassure me. Also, the only way to request wrong is by being rude and you most definitely were not 💕
Words: 1.2k
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You’re not sure what caused the recent feeling of inadequacy, but you just can’t shake it. The last few weeks it feels like a storm has been rolling in bit by bit, always adding something new to the pile of things you already dislike about yourself. The little things that have always irked you in the back of your mind steadily keep making their way forward, pushing and shoving like there’s a clearance sale on your happiness and they want first dibs. 
It doesn’t matter that your grades are holding steady because you answered a question wrong in class today when the teacher called on you. You’re such an idiot. There’s a new pimple growing in like a second head near your lips. You’re so gross. The weather be damned, your hair is going to look a wreck rain or shine. You’re such a mess. The clothes the other girls wear are flattering and beautiful, making yours look like dirty dish rags in comparison. You’re such a loser. 
Despite trying your damnedest to hide how you’re feeling from the world, your boyfriend knows you too well for that. Eddie notices the way you lose focus, your attention drifting somewhere else—internally, he’s afraid. 
Your latest zone out is while the two of you are sitting on his couch, watching a movie. A part that you’ve laughed at a million times before comes on and Eddie can tell your brain hasn’t even registered what’s on screen. He keeps stealing glances at you from the corner of his eye, growing more concerned each time. Eventually, he can’t take it anymore. 
“Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Hmm?” You’re broken out of your stupor and meet Eddie’s gaze with glassy eyes.
“What’s going on?” he asks, concern etched deep into his brow.
“What do you mean?” You know your attempt at playing dumb won’t work either—on top of everything else, you’re a shit actress too. 
“You’ve seemed sad lately. Kind of…distant,” Eddie says, taking care to choose his words carefully. He doesn’t want you to feel as if he’s interrogating you but wants to convey his genuine worry and concern.  
Shame floods your body as you realize Eddie has noticed your change lately. Just another thing for you to feel bad about. You shift awkwardly, moving out from under Eddie’s arm, where you were nestled comfortably. 
“N-Nothing’s wrong.”
Eddie gives you a disbelieving look. You can’t blame him; that was some pretty shitty bluffing.
“Sweetheart,” he starts, “you think I don’t know you well enough to tell when something’s wrong? When you’re lying?”
“You do,” you admit, voice low and soft. 
It’s a mutual instinct, though, as you can read Eddie just as well. The sadness in his eyes cracks your heart in two, knowing you’re what’s causing it. 
“Talk to me,” Eddie says, taking one of your hands. He holds your hand in both of his and gently massages it. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t know,” you say with a shrug, trying to avoid his eyes. “I just feel…off lately.”
“How so?”
Embarrassment grows inside of you, blooming like a flower—or maybe a weed. It’s hard for you to bring yourself to tell Eddie the truth–it just makes you feel even more pathetic than you already are. There’s no use trying to keep it from him any longer, though. 
“Like I’m not…enough.”
“Enough? Enough of what?” Eddie’s brow furrows in confusion as he keeps rubbing his thumbs along the back of your hands. 
“Well, enough for you,” you admit as you feel your cheeks burn with the humiliation that the truth brings.
“Me?” Eddie’s eyebrows pinch together, and he shakes his head. “I don’t understand.”
You breathe out a defeated sigh that breaks Eddie’s heart and take your hand from his grasp. 
“I see all the other girls,” you say, anger creeping into your tone. Not anger at Eddie or at the other girls; anger at yourself for being so inferior. “They’re so pretty and smart and I can’t help but wonder why you want to be with me.”
Every word you say confuses and shocks Eddie even further.
“You…huh?” Eddie says, mind not able to comprehend what’s going on. In his mind, there is not a single dimension or alternate reality where you aren’t enough for him. It’s simply not possible. 
“I’m not hot enough for you,” you say with a sniffle and a shrug. “Or smart enough. Or nice enough, or funny enough—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Eddie says, waving his hands in front of him. “You’re not serious, are you?”
The look on your face and the tears about to spill from your eyes when you look at him tell him that you are, though. Eddie can’t help but let out a breathy chuckle and shake his head.
Your brow furrows at his laughter and a tear escapes your eye and makes its way down your cheek. Panic flashes in Eddie’s eyes when he sees your reaction and he’s quick to remedy the situation. 
“Oh, no, no!” he says. His hands come up to cup your face and his thumb wipes away your rogue tear. “I don’t think it’s funny. Well, in a way I kind of do. You think you’re not enough for me? Sweetheart, you really have no idea how amazing you are, do you?” When your only reply is another sniffle, Eddie sighs. “I don’t understand how you could think that,” he says. “You do know you’re dating the town freak, right?”
“But you’re not,” you insist defiantly. 
“And you’re not all those mean things you think about yourself.” He lets his hands fall down to your lap and takes your smaller ones in his. “Babe, you’re so insanely hot I can’t even believe you noticed me.”
Eddie chuckles and squeezes your hands. “And aren’t you the one always helping me with homework? Don’t I always get better grades when you help me?”
Eddie sighs and leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. You’re both quiet for a few moments. Eddie lets his eyes slip closed for a second before looking at you once again.  
“I hate that you’ve been feeling so down about yourself. I wish you saw yourself like I do. You’d see that you’re the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world. Who is smart, who is kind, who is funny, who is everything she tells herself she’s not.” He leans in and presses a soft, sweet kiss against your lips. “I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world,” he tells you.
“I love you, too,” you reply in a whisper, tear tracks staining your cheeks. 
“Now, look at me,” Eddie says. He sits up straight and looks you in the eye.
“I am,” you say in a small voice.
“Am I lying?”
You know him so well, know when he’s telling even the slightest fib. But there’s no sign of that in Eddie’s eyes nor on his face at all. 
“No,” you admit.
“Come here,” Eddie says with a sigh, opening his arms for you.
Immediately you fall into them and nuzzle your face against his shirt. It’s your safe place; everything is always better when your head is on Eddie’s chest.
“Promise you’ll tell me when you have these thoughts, yeah?” he asks and presses a kiss to the top of your head. “And I’ll remind you that they’re not true. That you’re my gorgeous, brilliant girl. Promise me?”
“I promise,” you say, tilting your head up to look him in the eye.
He kisses your lips a few times, punctuating the message of his words. 
“You're my favorite,” he whispers against your mouth as you part. 
“Favorite what?”
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kiwiikato · 2 months
Ken sato brainrot is real and im here for that, i saw that request are open, and i want to make one if thats okay? Bassically hcs o of kenji with a high school friend reader that is a very shy/meek person, they where inseparable as kids and kenji was always very protective of reader, even in their high school years when reader started dating a very cuestionable guy that ended up being a cheater with her toxic ex best friend(that send her a lot of hatefull texts and calls with threats and slut shaming comments bc she wanted to date her boyfriend), due this reader moved on to japan when she and kenji where teenagers and they keep contact by texts and zoom calls.
When kenji comes to japan is determinate to make reader officially his girl, it can include headcanons of them as a couple!
If this is to much you are free to not do this request! I dont wanna bother you
this is my first time doing a headcannon ever so i hope you like this! <3 it was honestly really fun writing! thank you for waiting! sorry if it’s not what you expect but i hope you still enjoy >:3
kenji sato headcannons!
kenji who was excited to find out that you lived in japan when he moved back
kenji who couldn’t help but want to protect you the same way he did before you left the states
kenji who watches you keep to yourself, scared of attachments
kenji who feels bad for you, knowing the hate you experienced for trusting someone
kenji who invites you to watch movies with him just to be closer with you
kenji who goes along with you wanting to go to the park to be more childlike
kenji who ends up growing a plush collection cause of your gifts
kenji who finally admits to himself that he wants to love you after seeing the way you smile at him
kenji who ends up daydreaming about all the cute stuff you’d do together if you were his
kenji who is absolutely surprised when you silently confess to him while sitting in silence
kenji who ends up panicking internally since he wanted to confess to you
kenji who gives you a peck and runs out of the house
kenji whose gone for about fifteen minutes, only to burst through the door with your favorite flowers, balloons, and a plushie of your favorite animal
kenji who panics seeing you slightly sad since you thought he ran away from you, not for you
kenji who quickly pulls you into his arms and comforts you while rubbing your back
kenji who confesses his feelings, telling you every moment he found himself admiring you since you were children
kenji couple headcannons!
kenji who hums you to sleep every night while your head lays on his chest
kenji who gets you a bouquet of flowers every two weeks, or till the recent one he got you starts to wilt
kenji who absolutely spoils you with compliments
kenji who gives the best reassurance while holding you, making sure to ease every insecure thought
kenji who kisses your whole body while saying why he loves each part
kenji who loves the way you cook food, always asking for more
kenji who introduces you to his dad, absolutely proud of being with you
kenji who calls you pet names like sweet thing, pretty girl, or baby
kenji who comforts you that he’s not going nowhere and that you’re safe and will never be hurt again
kenji who one day, with your permission, pulls you into a kiss on tv only to flip off the camera and say “fuck you _____” to your ex bf and best friend for the way they hurt you
kenji who loves posting you on his private instagram, usually taking about two hours just to perfect each post
kenji who loves taking photos of you sleeping since you look so peaceful
kenji who loves assaulting your face and lips with kisses and nibbles
kenji who loves taking showers with you and says “it’s to save water” even though his hands never let go of you, making you both waste more water
kenji who begged you to move in with him for a while hour cause he swears he “can’t live without you”
kenji who can’t wait to marry and have a family with you
kenji who loves you for you, no matter what
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
placing my hands out placatingly, asking everyone to please be cool and not reignite og!elias burnt out gifted kid discourse. okay? okay. I think this is setting up some more sam and gwen parallels. from mag 193, we know that elias bouchard (original flavor) was told from a young age that he was smart but lazy, he was squandering his advantages, and he was wrong to envy other children because they were meaningless and he was better. he seemed to internalize this to some extent, because by the time he was in his early twenties he had no friends and no family and no real life, just the certainty that he was destined to deserve better.
I think it is reasonable to assume that gwen received similar messaging during her childhood, as she seems to be treating the OIAR the same way elias treated artefact storage (as a stepping stone job to a bigger career waiting for her up the ladder), and she takes a lot of offence when she feels disrespected. from magp 03, we know she's reticent to tell her friends that she's still working this same job, especially because the friend's party she was going to was to celebrate making partner at a law firm.
from this episode, we know that sam was declared "gifted" as a child and his parents rigorously enrolled him in every program they could find, and it started going down hill when the magnus institute rejected him (did they reject him outright or was he there for a bit and then kicked out? what he said to celia doesn't quite fit his earlier statements, but moving on). he has a lot of pent up and fixated feelings about not being chosen by them, he didn't get into oxford, he just missed the highest grades, and he's reticent to tell his parents that he's working this job, especially because he used to be at a law firm.
we know the bouchards are a wealthy and influential family, and as sam speaks with a south asian accent I think it's safe to assume that his family immigrated. of course, there's a massive amount of variation in the socioeconomic statuses of south asian immigrant families in the UK, and I don't know enough about how british gifted kids programs work to know if sam having been in a bunch of them would imply anything about his parents' disposable income, but nonetheless I still think their different backgrounds potentially say a lot about how they handle these feelings of not meeting the high standards that were expected of / promised to them. gwen is fighting to be on the same level of social status and power as her peers, and sam probably felt like he was he had opportunities for upward mobility in this brand new place but kept failing them. it's causing both of them to be very active characters, they are the two people pushing the story forward the most by far, but the ways in which they are active diverge greatly.
gwen, until recently, had felt like she was unfairly stagnating, like she was "not most people" and was cut out for better, and being constantly barred from climbing the ladder made her both resentful of lena and extremely paranoid / insecure about her own worth. now that she's starting to crack it into the "real work," it's obviously taking a great toll on her, but she doesn't want to back out, she wants to prove herself and take what's rightfully hers and not show herself to be unfit for real power. her actions appear to be guided by an ethos that her life hasn't been wasted yet, she still has time to make good, she just needs to ignore that weakness masquerading as a conscience, please god don't let her fail.
sam feels like he's made mistake after mistake after mistake and led himself to his own desperate state where he only just managed to avoid destitution because his ex was kind enough to hook him up with an emergency job that is actively destroying his physical and emotional health, and he has pinned all this frustration on trying to figure out what the magnus institute was all about and why it didn't choose him. like gwen, great things were expected of him, but unlike her he doesn't seem to still be striving for them, that dried up when he had a breakdown at his last job. now he just wants to figure it out and make sense of it, as if solving the mystery will let him fix it and undo all that time and un-waste his promised potential. his actions seem to be guided by an ethos that, even though he's already screwed everything right up, solving the ghosts that haunt his life will some how lessen their burden and maybe, just maybe, give him closure on the Flaw That Doomed Him and allow him to move past it without dragging it still forward.
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gonetoforks · 5 months
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Introducing; Yuichi Usagi-Cuddles!
There’s a slight typo in his basic character bio, (first, grey image) other than “yuich,” his family in America lives in the part of the hidden city under Jersey. He lives in Jersey. He’s a Jersian. So in terms of leosagi, it’s gonna be an enemies-to-lovers comedy-of-errors muahahahaha!!
More (a LOT more) info about him as his own guy under the cutoff :D ⬇️
Basically; He’s a silly guy! I feel like his kinda buffoonish, embarrassing personality in canon is simultaneously PERFECT for Rise’s writing style & grievously underrated in fanon depictions. So he’s this clownish type of character, haha.
Okay, time to go hyperfixation mode.
Adhd & his stubborn attitude;
He has ADHD! Executive function issues makes it hard for him to start tasks & manage himself, so he relies on his teams (the Mad Dogs when he’s training & the Rise equivalent to his canon friend group on his own time) to not only instruct him, but also hold him accountable & keep him on task. He’s body-doubling without even realizing it.
Although, he resents the things he does to accommodate his disability. He doesn’t notice that doing the things he does genuinely helps or why so he thinks he’s using them as a crutch because of incompetence. Every time he gets stubborn and ignores the things he needs to do, he crashes and burns. When he was new in town with no teacher & no friends who liked martial arts, he became a huge sad sack until the kraang invasion.
His character arc is about being able to rely on other people & accommodations. That relying on a bit more help than other people doesn’t make you incompetent, choosing to seek out the support you need so you can do your best is the true mature thing to do. I was inspired by canon Yuichi’s struggles with paying attention and Rise’s themes of cooperation. (& also my own experience with adhd and learning with executive function issues & junk)
Relationships w/ the turtles;
The Mad Dogs agree to let him like, intern with them? So he can see what it’s like to be a vigilante, they offer him advice and they occasionally go on low to mid-tier missions with his help. They take him on cause they think more heroes and allies out there, the less work they have to do haha. Also, one of the writers mentioned a season 3 would have them adjusting to being ~official heroes,~ I think this would be them trying to be “real.”
He’s closest friends with Mikey out of the whole group! (Adhd solidarity) Then it goes Donnie -> Raph -> and finally Leo (for now muahaha)
I tried to give Leosagi an interesting dynamic with constructing his character like this; They have similar insecurities from drawing self-worth from technical capabilities that they can develop past together, but Leo is clever and calculating about it vs Yuichi being rash and impulsive. So like smart x stupid but they’re the same actually.
His Family in Jersey;
He speaks english fluently because he’s visited his American family frequently his whole life, they’re very close. He has an accent though since he mainly speaks Japanese.
I haven’t fleshed out this concept enough, but I think members of his jersey/Cuddles half of the family would be spoofs of characters from the original yojimbo comics, implied to be reincarnations? Except Miyamoto ofc. (i’ll explain later..)
Reusing the ninja orphans plotline from the original show, his family utilizes their cute appearances to run an orphanage too. They wonder why this Chizu lady is constantly showing up with unhoused children, but they’re just grateful they’re safe now.
Everyone in his family HATES Mrs. Cuddles, they all think she’s in prison and are happy about it. She might’ve given him that scratch on his face.
He is gay.
Thank you for your time.
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mapoeggplant · 2 months
skip to loafer chapter 62 analysis // spoilers
skip to loafer reiterated its message of "i love you as a person" in a soft and fun chapter. and with that, takamatu-sensei prepares us for a new arc that promises to be full of unforgettable moments.
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(since the translation is still very fresh, i'll try to focus more on using the raws not to spoil anyone. i hope you understand that!!)
honestly, i find light chapters like this the hardest to analyze on their own, especially ones like chapter 62 that brings back several loose ends in order to tie up another knot before continuing the journey. so, instead of analyzing the chapter itself, i'm going to bring back some old debates and fit them into this new phase of each character.
even though friendship was the main point of the chapter, in my opinion mika also deserves her own spotlight since, in one way or another, she basically served as a bond between the two groups.
in the case of the boys, her name is brought up when shima reveals that he invited her to his travel group, without much thought of the consequences. this causes a certain amount of anger in mukai, who was the person who witnessed very closely mika's reactions before and after the confession (and even later, when she was talking to nao by the beach). however, he’s also one of shima’s oldest friends, so he knows exactly what he been through, which is te exactly reason why he acts impulsively. 
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it's as if he were between two different oceans, not knowing which way to go, since both are too turbulent for him to navigate. it's hard for mukai to completely side with his friend, since mika's feelings are still very vivid to him, but he knows all the difficulties that shima went through regarding her own internal terrors, that’s why he holds himself back to not curse him or anything. what he ends up choosing is the safest rote, which is to scold him with an open heart, making sure to show that what he did was wrong. in the end, he won’t explain it to shima the exact reason why he’s mad because he knows he doesn’t have the rights to speak for mika, that’s why the message gets a little confusing for shima, who’s still learning and growing (and honestly, the reacting of stop to understand where mukai was coming from is actually a big step for him, which i appreciate). 
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in the case of the girls, mika is also the only one who, up until now, knows about the events before and after the confession. she can see the sincerity and kindness behind shima, who continues to respect and see her as a friend, but it's hard not to assume a protective position when the new person to be affected by the same feelings is mitsumi, someone who she became so important to her. and that's where her growth as a character is slowly revealed.
mika has always created her own barrier and has had difficulty opening up to the girls. and that didn’t start recently, since she have been dealing with her insecurities for as long as she can remember. mika spend most of her childhood alone and had a hard time to make friends when she started her teenage years, which led her to have a very abrupt start when she met mitsumi, yuzu and makoto. for her, it has always been very difficult to see herself in a group of friends and to be comfortable with herself to the point of expressing her mind clearly. 
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as the story go by, we can see how comfortable mika is now with the girls, but old habits are hard to erase. even with all her conversations with nao and the peace she feels around her friends, there are still a lot to be unfold and a lot to grow. 
however, for her to grow, she needs to keep trying. and that’s when she choses to shine in this chapter: she finally manages to open up to mitsumi and reveal the secret that corrupts her so much. 
ever since mitsumi confessed the relationship she and shima had, mika has been struggling with indecision about whether to open up or keep the event forever as a bad memory from the past. it's hard for her, since she doesn't want to lose mitsumi's friendship or the other girls', but she also needs to accept what happened in order to finally say goodbye to them. it's not that she doesn't have her feelings cleared up inside her or that they still have a chance to blossom again. what really hits her is the fact that she's hiding something she considers important from her best friends, which might results in a awkward situation later on. 
the moment mika admits out loud that mitsumi is much more important in her life than any past crush, mika is finally saying goodbye to this weight she's carried for so long and can finally start another chapter in her life. now, she no longer has anything hidden or needs to walk on eggshells — the love she embraced and the love she receives are enough for her to stand tall. 
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the development of skip to loafer's friendships is indeed something that needs to be celebrated. throughout the narrative, we are constantly reminded that the story itself is built on the idea that love doesn't need to be romantic to be true, it just needs to be felt. loving someone is accepting their flaws and understanding their scars, like mukai and shima; loving someone is being vulnerable, like mika and mitsumi; loving someone is going out together to buy clothes for a trip they've been waiting for.
it's beautiful to see how the girls care about mitsumi and her feelings, but still root for her happiness and are excited for her. it's beautiful to see how they're always together in difficult times, whether they're big or small (or even medium, like what's the right outfit to wear on a date. that's very important for a teenage girl). 
and for shima and mitsumi, it’s cute to see how shy they are around each other and how they are allowed to slowly understand their feelings. the narrative doesn’t force them to anything at any point or rushes them to a resolution, what it does is explore the nuances and difficulties of dealing with your first ever romantic love, specially when you were never allowed to explore your own feelings in the first place (like shima), and the fear of losing a best friend that you cares so much (like mitsumi feels). 
i don’t think this is the calm before the storm, but i do believe takamatsu-sensei is getting us ready for what’s coming next. i do believe this will be a very decisive arc for a lot of characters, but it will also birth many more plots for us to explore.
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thank you so much for reading 💛 don't forget to support the author if you can and also thank the translation group!!
and if you're interested, i wrote a while ago an analysis about skip to loafer's "i love you as a person" message. just click here to find it!
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ukiyowi · 1 year
Note: These are my observations if it doesn't resonate scroll xx
Masterlist || Tip 🍯
𐂲 I've recently noticed, whatever sign your mars is in and whichever body part that sign rules, can often result in getting accidentally hurt or random in that part. (Example, Mars in gemini = getting hurt on arms/hands, in Capricorn = scalp/knees/teeth, in Aries = head/sometimes cheekbones, etc)
𐂲 One thing I've noticed about Virgo risings is how much they underestimate themselves, they also usually have trouble with anxiety and overthinking
𐂲 Mystic rectangles give a lot of balance to a person but it can also come with multiple internal hardships and conflicts (in forms of insomnia or mental illnesses) and they often need external help to reach their full potential
𐂲 Pluto - Neptune hard aspects especially squares bring into consideration the back and forth between transformation versus illusion, what I mean by that is they have trouble distinguishing patterns in their cycles and may think they're imagining changes rather than believing that it's real (I hope this makes sense I've been trying to word it for the past 5 mins)
𐂲 I know we talk a lot about Leo Risings having great hair but imo Pisces rising have such luscious hair, like they have sm volume and shine to them?? They also look like a waterfall, just flowing, it's so pretty <//3
𐂲 Saturn in 4th/5th/11th house can overshare on the internet about everything going on with their lives
𐂲 Pluto in 6th house feel powerful only when they're working, so they never stop and even when they feel burnt out, they feel their sense of self and self worth is only tied to what they can give, therefore they may face guilt when they try to rest.
𐂲 This is simply a personal observation/theory but I have noticed that people who have a lot of degrees that are higher in number like 20+ often feel more comfortable with people older than them especially if those degrees sit in Pluto or Saturn
𐂲 I've noticed Aries mercuries also have very heavy footsteps, you can hear the thump 😭
𐂲 12th house Pluto are their own best friend and worst enemy, they may enable bad habits for others and justify the same for themselves, HOWEVER once the natives know how to harness the power of Pluto and understand it better, they can be really influential because a lot of people may be subconsciously attracted to the power they possess.
𐂲 Can we talk about Leo risings and how good their self concept is? Like... Please teach me tysm
𐂲 LIBRA PLACEMENTS IN GENERAL HAVE SUCH A HARD TIME WITH HEALTHY BOUNDARIES I'LL CRY- I have a friend with Libra venus and she can never say no to someone especially if she starts liking them :// and it's so hard to see ppl just take advantage of her, I also have friends and relatives with Libra in the big 3 and not only are they complete givers, they also have such a hard time taking, they feel guilty.
✓✓✓ Going to be mean to some of my placements/aspects now
𐂲 Venus conjunct Mars are so fucking clingy but ALSO so flighty🤨🤨choose ??? Do you want to be in this relationship (platonic/romantic) or do you not, stop being so hot and cold (it may help if I tell you both of these are in gemini for me)
𐂲 Chiron - moon placements have mommy issues or wounds related to their mothers/maternal figures in their lives
𐂲 Jupiter virgos can be such doormats at times, just because you want to help people doesn't mean you keep emptying your cup to fill others'.
𐂲 Mercury in 1st have their self worth TIED to their intelligence, like stop flaunting your knowledge, low-key looks insecure.
𐂲 Jupiter opposition Uranus has such rebel without a cause energy, what are you going to "rebel" against now, please sit down for a second
𐂲 Mars Square Ascendant, people with this aspect are always ready to fight, feel like everything is a personal attack, and are terrible at being alone
✓✓✓ Back to your regularly scheduled programme
𐂲 Something I've wanted to say to each stellium I've met so far:
𐂲 Aries: You have a lot of life in you, hand some over🤲🤲🤲, seriously though you guys look at everything with such wonder and curiosity, you're also kinda impatient but that's fine with me :")
𐂲 Sagittarius: You're so cool, I want to be like you, introspective, self aware, your humour is a little concerning at times but you teach me so much all the time, you're the guide I've always wished for
𐂲 Leo: You're a born entertainer and at times I can be a bit envious because of how bright you shine, leaving me in the shadows, but I love you and your love for life regardless, you're a star
𐂲 Gemini: You are so stealthy in everything you do, sometimes you slip through the cracks, a trickster (affectionate), I love how you can be mischievous one second and completely serious the next
𐂲 2nd house: You're just so understanding and make me feel like home, it's like you are home personified, very warm and comforting, also so abundant in everything it's crazy
𐂲 8th house: Stop making me talk about my feelings I'll cry >:(( no but seriously, you guys have something about you that just makes people face what they're avoiding, and you are so good at empathising with them.
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hellonerf · 1 month
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this post is going to be my depository for the caname yandere notes i wrote a while ago and im finally posting. below this line is it. if you want you can just ignore the walls of text for this image of ame as miyuki from you and me and her or read through it for my yandere caname braindead details
straightforwardly, they'd be different in approach. dumb in their own ways 🤤 loosely using yandere here okay i know the meaning has changed a lot okay(snoreee)
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for a yandere cana, in context to caname. a mumbling withdrawn yandere… just a general big fan of how it can come off as shyness. well i personally love a really messy sadled-by-internal-conflict kind of yandere… i think there’d be a weird type of shame there. always has the feeling that he’s afraid to be perceived. a weird overlap… with his ame-related frustrations “he won’t even look at me… (seethe)” and “ohhhmygod he CAN’T look at me (shaking)”. like he feels in the right but feels afraid simultaneously. and he knows so much about ame but ame doesn’t reciprocate such effort? unfair…(grits teeth).
he can confidently say he knows everything about ame, and then mumble about how ame barely knows anything about him. i want to him to rage internally about that that it bubbles up (>_>) entitlement and yandereness kind of go together anyways. she’s glaring at her with such intensity and she won’t even turn around to notice… can't she at least have this... she rarely gets anything for herself... at least this... i like any case of someone being yandere for ame where they take on a kind of caretaker role. he’s so stupid he can’t do anything he doesn’t know what’s good for him etc… (happy)(happy anytime ame loses control in some way)(ties him to cana like a balloon). loveee the idea of cana hitting him or something and then doting on him right afterwards like he didn’t cause it. HOW’d you get such an INJURY…… so irresponsible 🤦‍♂️
another thing is cana is more comfortable with femininity than ame. this is factual and ame i’d imagine to be tenser about it. i don’t know what this means guys. anyways i think his feelings build up into a climax more... turned into action! whatever it is he does to ame
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a yandere ame is harder for me to put into words. because i okay. i like her a lot. i think he’d be so rage jealous upset internally, but also so much so that he can’t keep it in (i don’t think his control on how much of his emotions leak out is very good, i don’t think he has a good enough lid on it) so he’ll come off very spiteful, controlling, accusatory. she’s keeping track of where you go where she can’t see you. she doesn’t believe what she can’t see. ame’s high and fragile ego i think… deep down he can be insecure and paranoid. it’s frustrating for him to feel unsure at all. especially if it contradicts what he believes he heard. and it’s an insult that someones even making him feel so unsure. she’s like stomping her foot… wants her full attention at all times… she won’t and can’t let you get away with fooling around.
in a caname nationverse… i think there’d then already be a lot of interactions ame would consider “the ultimate betrayal” lol… similar in cana that he’d want reciprocation for the attention given, but i think he’d be 10x more blatant in the rage and entitlement. it'd cause more lashing out to the perceived betrayal i think. he's stuck between wanting affection and being so mad that he's not getting it already. demanding of cana's time loyalty and reciprocation... yandere that seethes that the one they love isn't as crazy about them lol... paired with all this… complexes about doing things “right”. communicating “right”. i think ame doesn’t really have a natural intuition in communication, relying on imitating social customs while not understanding them fully. so it'd be even more upsetting to him that he's "done it right" and he still doesn't get what he wants.
and also with that i think he’d be lacking in self awareness so hard… gets into antics… thennn i think he's more explosive in this, feels a white hot jealous rage and acts based on that, but its easy to forget outside of those moments.
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in these descriptions i think cana's works prior to dating... if dating ever starts at all lol i think he thinks of it less like a romance endeavor and more like a... well he's already always right next to him! its been building up for forever... for ame's i think these only really get prominent with something "established". he already demands your time but if cana like specifically promised something, or he had some epiphany, that'd cause all these wants to be much more visible. i feel like he tends to need a catalyst for some feelings to come to the forefront
the switching pronouns is cause saying all this im imagining them yandere girl-like no matter what because i have personal feud with male yandere
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undefined number of favourite #mafin scenes [the miscommunication]
This is my kind of conflict. The kind of romantic conflict that is built out of a couple’s inherit differences and the growing pains that causes as they are transformed from two people into a unit. And this is why this couple works for me. Because even if you scaled back on the melodrama, on the evil family, the super serious business, the brain tumours and the absolute terror that is illegal homosexuality in the fifties - Marta and Fina are written in a way where they have their own internal conflict engine that drive the story between them. You don’t need to bring in an outside element to put pressure on the relationship for it to develop. All you need to do is give them a tickle and let that internal engine heat up and transform them.
Fina’s temperament can best be likened to a sugar strung child running around with a stick of dynamite in one hand and a lit match in the other. Marta whose upbringing has punished every display of emotion wears her feelings so tightly wound around her heart that we’ve been shown how it even cuts off the flow of air to her lungs. Similarly Fina probably hasn’t met an impulse she hasn’t immediately struck up a conversation with. Marta on the other hand probably spends a lot of time considering the implications of giving in to the reflex of closing your mouth when you put your head into water. To call them different is a little bit of an understatement. That said, we have seen both of them end up in unfortunate situations and left suffering when they leave these traits unchecked and follow them to the ends of their respective spectrums. This fight is such a great example of this. Of both of them getting too far into their respective corners that the passion between them gets tangled up and they become self-destructive. Let's recap a little.
Instead of talking to Fina about what she feels, what she fears, Marta previous to this scene walked away and tried to process everything on her own. Then she comes back and presents a logical answer, a solution. Fina on the other hand is a person who speaks her mind immediately and without a filter. So when Marta doesn’t do the same, when she can’t see her develop and follow her emotions in the conversation before her she lets her temper and insecurities get the best of her and assumes all of the worst things.
It’s a miscommunication between them mostly due to the fact that they use very different ways of—well - communicating. One of them goes away and compiles an extensive list of all the pros and cons and then “presents her case” whereas the other instinctively dumps it on the bed like fresh laundry and assumes you’ll sort through it together. I don’t for a second doubt that these two characters love each other, but that still doesn’t mean their relationship isn’t newborn. They are still learning to understand the other, learning how the other communicates, show emotion. And in the process they are also learning to allow the other’s characteristics make them a better person by reigning in their own idiosyncrasies, preventing them from going to the extremes of their own behaviour. If Fina can take a couple of notes from Marta’s book on self-control and if Marta can learn a little from Fina about how to allow your emotions to be spoken and displayed - well both of them are going to benefit from it. On personal levels as well as a couple.
I love that we are seeing this journey. One small step at a time, with setbacks and all. They’re not each other’s miracle cure, but you follow the transformation as it plays out in front of you and it makes sense. All of it is also very entertaining and it’s my favourite kind of romantic conflict, the kind that is internal but results in lasting personal growth.
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writtingsomestuff · 10 months
imagine for musiala where you work as a physio for bayern, and jamal has a crush on her and all the guys tease him about it
🩷🩷 love you
OMG you're so sweet!!!! 🩷 love you too! I'm very sorry for being late. I've been busy this past month with my job and college.
More than just a crush - Jamal Musiala
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Jamal Musiala x fem!reader Warnings: none ig
Jamal was not very expressive with his emotions, he was rather shy and introverted. He was not very communicative about his feelings or thoughts, but these last few days his teammates, and even his coach, observed how often he visited the physio. The new physio, who was the new intern at Bayern Munich. This was one of the greatest opportunities that were ever offered to her; it is true that it made her feel insecure at the beginning as she was going to directly treat professional football players, and that scared her, but after she met them and saw how close they made her feel, she started to feel more comfortable.
Jamal shyly knocked at her door, “come in” he heard her beautiful voice and he blushed. Jamal cursed himself as he did not want her to notice how red he was.
“Hi” he said quietly, and made his way into the room
“Jamal?” She gave him a small smile as she approached the bed where he was going to sit soon, “What happened this time?” She asked with her eyebrow raised, trying not to laugh as she knew that nothing happened to him
“My left foot” Jamal simply said as he pointed at his right foot
“Right or left?” She asked again
Jamal quickly changed his hand to indicate his left as he heavily blushed, even more, “Left, left”
“Alright, I think a soft message will do – you can sit down” She said as she observed the player sitting down on the massage table “How did you get hurt this time?” The same question was asked every time he entered the room, however, their conversations progressed. No one could deny the attraction between both of them, not even them. The players, the whole staff and even the coach could sense it; it was so obvious.
“Müller stepped on my foot,” He said as he started to undo his shoes. She knew he was lying, little did he know that she watched the training and nothing like that happened. She started to watch them after Jamal caught her attention only three days after starting to work. “I tried to wait a bit but still hurts”
“Oh, really?” She asked with a small smirk that intimidated the footballer, he was ready to lay down but remained sat. She crossed her arms and approached him, Jamal felt his stomach drop and his knees tremble; she was too close. He could see her deep (y/c) eyes, her soft skin he wished he could caress, her cute nose and her unique lips. He closed his eyes and let her famous perfume dominate him. She took all her courage together and for the first time in her life, she shoot her shot. “And, when did that happen?” She whispered as she got closer to the man in front of her, “during the small match, or the running session at the beginning?” Jamal looked at her surprised, she watched the training session.
“No… I mean…” He started to say, but nothing came out. “Is just that-” He tried again but nothing, she raised her eyebrows still waiting for a valid excuse. She held her smirk until the situation in front of her caused her to laugh; all that false confidence soon left her body.
Jamal was confused and embarrassed, he could not understand if she was laughing at him or at the situation. 
“I am joking Jamal, I just find funny the excuses you come with to come here” She told him with her normal tone, “You could have just asked, you know?”
“Yeah… I just did not want to bother you.” He said shyly, “I like you a lot. You are so nice and kind with everyone, you are so soft, and also incredibly beautiful. You make me feel nervous when you are around and I feel like I am not worthy of asking you for even a date -” He was interrupted by a pair of soft lips on him, Jamal was in shock but soon continued with the kiss
“A date tonight?” She asked once they separated, and he nodded. “At 9pm it is” She smiled softly. Jamal kissed her cheek softly before he said goodbye and left the room. Without his shoes.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Japanese QL Corner
It's a quieter week as a few shows have just wrapped and the next wave hasn't started yet, but there is still Japanese ql airing, including what is shaping up to be an all time fav. Both of these current airing shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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This show is so good, and so mature in exactly the way I hoped. And I don't mean mature as in explicit--there is sex in this show but it's not some wild heat level. It's mature in that it's a story about characters who know themselves, know what they want, and draw boundaries. Both Iwanaga and Miyata are going down as favorite characters for me; I especially love that Miyata is a more knowing and self aware spin on a really well known bl archetype (think Rain from LITA but if he actually knew exactly why he was reacting the way he was to Payu and was mad about it instead of just overwhelmed and confused). This week we got a lot deeper into his teenage hurt over Iwanaga and now have a firm understanding of why he's alternately giving into and resisting this attraction. I am looking forward to Iwanga figuring out how to repair the damage he caused and earn his trust back.
My Strawberry Film
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This was easily my favorite episode so far of this meandering little show. Every week I am left wondering what exactly this drama is trying to say and be; it certainly doesn't feel like a bl. We have spent the vast majority of our time on doomed het romance while Ryo quietly pines for his oblivious friend in the background. But this week we finally got to know Minami outside of Hikaru's narrow gaze, and I like her a lot. Her scene with Ryo where they discussed their romantic woes and established each other as a safe zone was very sweet, and showed how perceptive she is about all these dynamics happening around her. I was discussing with @bengiyo whether the show is going for an aromantic read with her, and I'm not sure. I see the makings of it, but the presentation of her feelings on romance feels a bit muddled. I loved her calling Hikaru out on being self-centered and having absolutely no patience for his petty jealousy. Hikaru thinks he likes her, but he doesn't actually know her (or his own best friend). I liked the final scene between Ryo and Hikaru as well, and the terrible angst of Ryo's confession that he immediately took back. The way the lights and audio from oncoming traffic played over his face in that scene was a really fantastic way to communicate both a moment of clarity and a moment of fear in the aftermath. I'm curious to see where this show takes the ending; a romantic conclusion for the two boys would not feel genuine to me at this point, but I could see them leaving us on a note of burgeoning curiosity and hope.
Bonus: No Touching At All
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I recently watched this 2014 jbl on @twig-tea's recommendation, and I really loved it (I have already watched it twice and will definitely be doing so again). This is a classic office romance between a young gay man, Shima, and his "straight" boss, Toga. It's a simple story but well executed, and the film has a strong sense of place that I really loved. Shima and Toga have a fairly instantaneous attraction, and Toga is the kind of laidback character who simply never gave much thought to his sexuality and doesn't care about the fact that Shima is a man; he likes who he likes. Shima, however, is carrying a lot of internalized homophobia and trauma from closeted men messing him around in the past, and has a hard time believing in Toga's sincerity. I really love the way this conflict plays out in the story, and I especially love the way Toga talks to Shima. He's a no bullshit kind of guy and he tries his best to reassure Shima, but he's not a pushover, either. Ultimately Shima has to work through his own insecurities and make the choice to be brave to make the relationship work. The ending of this one is amazing and left me feeling very confident in this couple, and I can't recommend it highly enough. It's the grey for this one, unfortunately, but if you have trouble finding it in HQ let me know and I'll point you (don't watch it on YT, the version on there is potato quality).
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24hlevi · 2 months
Hiya I love finding blogs who write for sbg!
Can I request Tyler Hernandez X taller male reader? Reader is always touching Tyler in one way or another and it annoys Tyler to no end. Sorry idk if that's enough info or not 😭
thank you so much for requesting this!! i love tyler so much he is my beloved fr hes mlm IN MY MIND!!!
tyler hernandez (sbg) x male!reader
summary: being tyler's taller bf who is extremely affectionate
warnings/tags: language, internalized homophobia (?), established relationship
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• being taller than tyler had some perks, like being able to rest your arm on his head to which he swats your arm away so fast people thought he hated you rather than you two were dating
• tyler is not a very touchy guy in general and he doesn't particularly enjoy a whole lot of PDA, but he can't seem to get genuinely irritated whenever you do touch him
• it annoys him, yes, but it isn't a true irritation unlike if someone (aiden.) tried to do it to him, this is actually what had taylor second guessing tyler's feelings for you, cause she knows if anyone else tried that they would get their shit rocked
• then taylor confronts him on these feelings and he's like "ohmygod what??? no???" and then the next day comes around and your arm is wrapped around his shoulder, he has a scowl on his face but isn't doing anything as the gang stares like 🤨
• tbh tyler probably sees height as a dominant attribute, and he doesn't like feeling like he isn't the dominant one in a relationship being shorter than you, but all you have to do is reassure him a little bit and he'll sulk like a wet cat and just mumble and "okay"
• but tbh it probably also depends on how much taller you are compared to him. idk any of their canon heights but if you're over a few inches he would be borderline insecure about it, but again just reassure him and he'll be okay
• now, tyler may not like affection or PDA in public or at school, he is clinging onto it desperately when you two are alone or at his house, he is literally clinging to you and won't let go
• however he still insists on being the big spoon despite being shorter than you, that or he just lays on his back and lets you cuddle into his side which he always denies he enjoys but he loves it on the inside
• the thing with tyler and PDA in public is that he's a little concerned about how people would react to your relationship. being on the baseball team, he doesn't want being with you to affect either of your after school activities, so he asks you in the beginning to keep it to a minimum
• if you're upset by this, do let him know! he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, he just wants to be sure that nothing happens to you two, even though he would kick anyones ass that tried anything. letting him know of this, he realizes maybe he's just afraid and needs to let go of that, so he does! for you! what a lover boy
• after this talk, tyler would be much more open to PDA in public or at school, but his games/practices are off limits because he needs to "focus" even if he ends up fucking up cause he was too busy paying attention to you on the stands, but he will take a good luck kiss beforehand and one after especially if they win
• that being said, he still always looks like -_- whenever you're touching him around others especially the gang because aiden will always say something and you have to hold tyler back from beating him up
• if you two fall asleep near the others they are all definitely taking pictures of you two to use as blackmail for tyler mainly, and aiden will probably draw on his face and then have to run off when he wakes up
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glazesunflower · 1 year
may i ask for some dating headcannons with focalors the hydro archon? :3
Dating Furina/Focalors Headcanons
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Characters: Furina/Focalors x GN!Reader.
Warnings: None that apply!
Notes: I was waiting to play the first Fontaine Archon Quest to get a grasp of her character before writing this. I have to say, I absolutely love this gremlin and bratty Archon. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. (The last ones are my favorite <3)
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Furina is flamboyant, imprudent and she lives for the thrill of the drama and the validation of those around her, so you’ll have to be very understanding and patient with her and the fair amount of mishaps that she will surely cause. So be prepared!
She doesn’t really voice it, she’s too proud for that, but she absolutely loves the way you’ve become her anchor, helping to balance out her impulsive nature with your calm and understanding demeanor. When she's on the brink of making a hasty decision, you're there to gently guide her, reminding her to consider all perspectives and consequences before acting. And she takes your advice to heart, be proud of that!
She struggles internally a lot with the pressure of her public image. Of course, she doesn’t say this directly to you, but you can see how it affects her, and so you write for her heartfelt letters whenever she's facing a tough situation. She doesn’t really make much of a fuss about them, but internally your words of encouragement and reminders of her strengths become her source of comfort, and she rereads them many more times than she’s willing to admit. She even has a special box where she keeps them all. But don’t ask her about it!
But it’s not all sappy stuff, your relationship with her is very adventurous and fun! Furina absolutely loves a good thrill and an outstanding performance in everything she does, so you’re of course expected to tag along in all of her endeavors. Whether it's exploring a new case that’s just taken place, trying out quirky local restaurants, or taking impromptu road trips through Fontaine, you both find joy in the thrill of the new things you try together!
Furina absolutely thrives on positive attention and affirmation. She is always very touched by your heartfelt compliments and words of encouragement (she probably won’t say it, mind you, but she would engrave your words in her mind to always come back to them). Express your admiration for her skills, charisma, and unique qualities and Furina will glow, feeling appreciated and loved. Keep them coming, she can’t get enough!
After some time of her being with you, Furina will slowly (and I mean, very slowly) feel comfortable enough with letting her guard down around you. And that is no easy feat! She’s constantly thinking that she will be judged by whatever she says wrong, so you should feel immensely lucky that she’s willing to trust you with her innermost turmoils! (Her words.) In time, you create a safe space where she can express her insecurities without fear of judgment, because you’re kind like that and you love her. You encourage Furina to have a ton of heartfelt conversations, and slowly you help her understand that she doesn't have to be perfect to be loved. It’s still a work in progress, but she’ll get there.
Furina is a sucker for gifts. After all, what better way for others to express their admiration for her, right? But the ones she loves the most are yours, of course. The gifts and tokens of your affection hold special meanings, since you picked them out knowing she’d like them. Like a charm to remind her of her resilience or a piece of art that reflects her flamboyant personality and you thought, “Oh, this reminds me of her!”. Keep doing that. She can’t get enough of it.
Knowing how much she loves and treasures positive attention, you organize surprise events or gatherings to celebrate Furina’s accomplishments, no matter how small they are. She doesn’t make a big deal out of it (She deserves all the praise and attention, after all!), but you see the brightest smile dancing on her lips the whole day, and that’s how you see how much she values these moments. These thoughtful gestures show Furina that you genuinely appreciate her efforts and want to support her in all aspects of her life. She will try even harder this time, if only for you to praise her more.
Your relationship with her is also full of laughter. You tease each other constantly, at all times, sharing inside jokes, and find humor in the quirks of everyday life together. Furina knows you have an ability to make her smile even in challenging times and she silently appreciates you so much for her. Still, you tease her too much. And she is the embodiment of the divine, she can’t have you teasing her in public!
With the passing of the time by your side (and I mean, at a very slow pace!), Furina starts to overcome her need for constant validation from others. She slowly becomes more confident in her abilities in the court and outside of it, and she learns to embrace her imperfections (her impulsivity, childlike temper, the constant bravado and drama, the list goes on!), understanding that you love her for who she truly is. Really, how could you not? She’s impressive and heavenly! It’s only natural you’re head over heels and completely in love with her! (She’s working on her arrogance, too).
Furina loves the spotlight more than anything else in the world (well, she only likes you more, and that’s saying something!), so sometimes you plan extravagant date nights that cater to her love for the spotlight. Whether it's a private outdoor performance under the stars or a playful evening of reenacting dramatic scenes from her favorite plays, you keep the excitement alive for her. And she thrives in every minute of it.
When it comes to physical touch, Furina is by far not used to it at the very beginning, so she’s fairly unsure when it comes to it. But she’s quick to realize that your gentle pats on her back, walking around with linked arms, or even a reassuring touch on her shoulder during moments of stress in the courtroom make her feel so much better instantly! Is this some kind of heavenly magic? 
Furina quickly starts to associate your touch with positive emotions. Holding hands with you during a thrilling adventure or wrapping an arm around your waist while watching a dramatic play becomes something she really, really likes doing. 
And when you introduce cuddling to her, Furina finds a whole new world to explore and enjoy. Whether it's lounging on your couch or stargazing, Furina wants to be in your arms at all times, if she has any say in the matter! Let her nuzzle into your neck and stay there for a while, she feels the safest she’s ever felt.
Furina enjoys your touch very much. She does not enjoy, however, how you playfully tease her with light touches, tickles, and gentle bumps! She’s the embodiment of justice, you can’t just have her wiggling and choking on laughter beneath you, how unsightly! (She absolutely loves it).
Furina has associated your touch with comfort and safety, so don’t be surprised when she comes to you after an especially hard day. Yes, she messed up in the courtroom today, but you’ll let her rest against you, won’t you? Your hugs and embraces become her safe haven. Sometimes she will open up and admit what happened that day. Others, she simply wants to enjoy your arms holding her tight in silence. In either case, she deeply appreciates you being there for her. She won’t voice it, of course, but you’ll know in the way she presses her forehead closer to you and the angle of your neck.
She also finds that physical touch is very useful! She starts using her own touch on you as a way to express her emotions. A soft kiss on your cheek in the morning, a warm hug after a long day, or even a surprise tackle or an affectionate nudge as you tease each other becomes her way of saying "I care about you" without needing dramatic and flamboyant words. How practical! She will keep showering you with her divine affection for many more years to come!
Having Furina as a significant other is no easy feat, it takes a lot of courage, determination, and most of all, a big amount of patience and understanding. Still, she is the most vibrant and colorful part of your life, so you wouldn’t have it any other way. With her, you become her partner in both the thrilling moments and the challenges of her life. Your love and support help her navigate her insecurities and embrace her true self, helping to nurture a romance that's passionate and tender and all the beautiful things in between.
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
You can check more of my writing on (this link!). Thank you!
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limabean42 · 2 months
can i get some relationship hcs for sadness and/or disgust please? i havent seen anyone make anything for them yet and i love them both dearly. thanks. big fan of your work so far btw!
Sadness and Disgust relationship headcanons
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Yeee I’m excited! This is my first request with more than one character included! You guys can always request headcanons for more than one character. Just keep in mind though that because multiple characters are being written for each character’s headcanons will be shorter compared to if it was just one character! Hope you enjoy! Also if you requested recently your request probably won’t be filled until a couple weeks from now. I have a lot to go through and I try to write every other day :)
• Sadness would’ve never thought she’d be in a relationship
• She honestly felt like she wasn’t worthy of being loved by anyone
• If she liked you a lot and couldn’t shake the feeling she’d confess to you but would anticipate rejection
• If you confessed first she’d be genuinely surprised
• “Really? You like me?” She would say
• Nonetheless you two would start dating
• Sadness would be a timid lover at first
• She wouldn’t be adventurous or make the first move at anything just in case you weren’t into it
• However, if you are the type to make the first move and do, she would gain courage to do so as well
• Gets shy with PDA but still accepts it
• If you’re not physically near each other in the control room she waves at you from across the room a lot
• You think it’s cute
• You go on mini dates around headquarters and read books together
• Gets shy when you two kiss
• Likes cuddling with you
• Prefers if you’re the big spoon because she likes to feel protected
• Once you two have been dating for a while she says I love you regularly
• Probably wouldn’t say it first though
• She gets tired easily and when she does she drags you to the bed to come cuddle with her
• You comfort her whenever she cries, even if it’s over trivial things like Riley dropping an ice cream cone
• If she’s crying about something more serious you hold her tighter and give her kisses on the head to help her get through it and talk about it
• She sometimes gets insecure and in her head about you being too good for her
• You can tell when she does because her mood change is easy to detect
• You always comfort and reassure her
• You two don’t really argue
•If she’s upset at you she’s usually sad, hardly ever gets mad or starts arguments
• Just starts crying
• This can be an issue for you sometimes but that’s a topic for another day
• Her primary love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
• Often needs verbal reassurance from you but also loves to be near you in general. Spending time together while chatting
• Overall a very sweet and laidback girlfriend
• Disgust was surprised when she discovered that she had romantic feelings for someone other than Lance to be honest
• She was a bit grossed out at first
• Cause like, why would she all of a sudden develop a crush on someone she lived with?
• She was in denial for a while, whenever she thought of being in a relationship with you she’d almost barf at the idea of her not hating it
• Eventually she would be forced to come to terms with these feelings
• She wouldn’t confess though, you’d have to do that part
• When you do she considers it for a few minutes then sighs defeatedly, admitting the feelings are mutual
• “Fine, whatever. We can date but if you do anything weird I’m breaking up with you.” She’d say in her usual sassy tone
• She’s hesitant at first to do coupley stuff with you. Cringes internally at it
• Eventually though, she more than warms up to it
• She starts craving physical touch and compliments from you
• Falls in love with you without realizing it
• The more time she spends with you the stronger her feelings grow
• She rarely ever gets grossed out by anything you do, just admires you all day from afar
•Doesn’t say anything about it though unless she’s feeling romantic
• Very protective over you
• Will always make sure you’re safe
• If anyone tries to cross you she’s always on your side backing you up, no matter if you’re right or wrong
• She completely turns into your number one fan
• Starts complimenting you on your appearance and giving you soft pecks on the cheek
• Doesn’t mind PDA. Likes kissing you in front of the others
• Loves holding your hand
• You two also go on mini dates around headquarters
• She gets really into planning them and likes having dates frequently
• Her primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch
• She also likes receiving gifts though, especially if it’s something lavish like jewelry or perfume
• Loves getting compliments from you and giving them
• Also likes having you touching her at all times in some way, it makes her feel more secure
• She loves cuddling you at night in whatever position you want
• Doesn’t get insecure or jealous often because she knows she’s that girl
• If you give her a reason to be jealous or insecure though, oh boy will she be mad and hurt
• Overall a very loving girlfriend if you keep her happy conistently
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crumbledcastle28 · 1 year
Joel Miller: Lies in the Dark
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (afab; she/her)
Summary: Joel realizes two things 1). He's an absolute dick 2). You love him anyway.
Excerpt: "Y/N," he whispered, with enough southern drawl to make you realize how much you had missed that baritone. It warmed you, slithering up your spine so fast it made you dizzy. "How...how do I fix this?"
You looked up at him, at his dark eyes and tanned skin, and said, "return the favor."
It wasn't even five seconds before he had you over his shoulder, down to your living room, and tossed onto the couch. You bounced as you landed, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
Warnings: SMUTTT, oral fem!receiving, Joel eats, reader gets a bit insecure for a second, angst, fear of relationships, kissing, the l word, pretty much just fluffy smut.
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: This is technically a part two to Talking Body, but if you would like to read this on its own, you absolutely can do so. Thank you for all the love and requests for a part two. It means a lot to me.
A/N 2: I was also inspired by this song by tove lo for this part, and talking body also by tove lo for the first part of this duology as well :)
p.s. I know absolutely nothing about guns, so if you don't actually have to cock (?) a shot gun, just ignore that detail haha.
Pedro Masterlist
If you would like to leave a like, comment, ask, or reblog, it would be much appreciated <3
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Joel knew he should not have grinned when the bodies hit the iced-over hill, nor should he have widened that grin when the all-too-familiar sound of the crunch of an infected's skull under his boot echoed across the canyon.
But he needed this. He needed to ruin something, mutilate it, end it.
And yet, even with a dozen bodies in his wake as he road back home, he still could not get the look on your face out of his head, out of his dreams.
Thinking causing more damage would gut you out of him, he brought his horse back to the Jackson stables, gave her an apple and a back rub, and immediately headed home to his axe. He set up his wood accurately, and with one swing, he brought the axe down, cleaving the stump in two.
I've got you, just relax.
Not enough. He brought down his axe over another.
I want to touch you, Joel. More of you.
And another.
All of you.
And another.
I don't want anything from you.
He stripped off his jacket, and chopped another.
I know what you are, Joel. I know who you are.
His shirt went next, leaving him bare, not caring about the single-digit temperature. He chopped another, grunting as he did.
That's why I'm on my knees.
He practically shouted as he chopped another, his knees wobbling, his swing slightly off.
Hi handsome.
He missed his target with another shout, and let the axe slip out of his hands, thoroughly chucking it across the yard. He breathed heavily, his breaths coming out in grunts. He shut his eyes, unable to look down at his hands without feeling the skin on your face, or the softness of your hair between his fingers.
"Keep the whiskey," he whispered to himself, his voice dripping in anger. "Keep the fuckin' whiskey."
That's what he had said to you. The woman who had wiped his tears and stared his mistakes straight on, never once faulting. That's what he had said to you after you let him come down your throat, giving him what had to have been one of the best nights in his life.
"Keep the whiskey," he whispered again, and let his knees finally give out, kneeling in the snow in only his jeans.
What had he done?
Every night for a week, you waited for him as you always had, and every night, you had gotten your heart punctured by his knife.
He wasn't coming back, you knew it as you watched him leave your house with the taste of him still on your tongue, but you still waited. Beer on your coffee table, blankets on your couch, hope in your heart.
You sighed and took a sip of your beer, internally beating yourself to a pulp. You didn't use to be like this, a proponent of second chances, a forgiving soul. You would clutch onto the ways people hurt you and seer them into your scull, never forgetting the exact ways they made you sting.
But with Joel, things had been different, because he was the exact same way. A distrustful, angry, haunted man, who just wanted someone to talk to without the risk of them holding anything over his head. Without needing anything from him. And that's exactly what you needed too. You thought you just needed each other, not anything from each other, and that's why you were still waiting for him.
You thought he needed you, even if he didn't want you, and some fucked up piece of an unaddressed wound inside of you thought that was enough.
You thought he needed you.
You stood from your seat as you checked your watch, realizing how late it had gotten, and finished off your drink. You stretched as you stood, promising yourself that this was the last night of this pathetic moping. It had been seven days since you had heard even a scuff of his boots, and even if he did need you, he obviously didn't need you as much as you thought.
You deserve better than this, you told yourself, even if you didn't believe it.
You wiped your now watering eyes as you walked to your kitchen to throw out the empty bottle, your mind roaring with insults and abuses towards your very core, and let the bottle fall on top of the dozen others.
You thought he needed you.
You headed back to your living room to fold up your blankets, unable to touch the beer you had left for him, when a crunch of snow came through your window.
You barely noticed it, until another matched it, and another, and another. They were rushed, frantic, like the body attached to them was sprinting.
Your own body froze. If an infected had made it this far into Jackson, you were fucked. Everyone was fucked.
Your body went on autopilot, ignoring the tears now dripping down the center of your throat. You grabbed the shotgun by your front door and cocked it, preparing yourself.
If there was one now, more would be on the way.
The steps slowed down as they reached your door, and pants loud enough to breech through the wood hit your ears. Your stance stayed strong.
Until the two-one-one knock echoed, your throat lodged, and your hands began to shake.
"It's open," you said, cursing your crackling voice, but still aiming your gun.
If this was who you thought it was, maybe opening fire would hurt less.
The hinges of the doorframe squeaked; the wood creaked as the door slowly opened, and those same brown eyes you had been falling asleep to met your own.
Another tear dripped down your cheek, and as his eyes widened at the weapon in your hand, his hands went above his head.
But your gazes remained locked.
After a few beats of him catching his breath, you lowered your gun, letting your arms fall slack in defeat. His hands remained above his head as you let it fall to the floor.
His knife had officially ripped you open.
"Y/N," he finally whispered, his hands still above his head, your eyes still leaking.
"What?" you responded harshly.
He swallowed, lowered his arms, and sucked in a shaky breath before saying, "I'm such a dick."
A few beats of silence passed before you fully processed what he had said; the tone in which he said it, the glowing emotions in his eyes, his hands previously up in surrender, his panting breaths from his sprint over to you, and the disheveled look of him.
You couldn’t help it. You laughed.
Joel Miller was fucking scared.
"Yeah, Joel," you said as you laughed, more tears leaking from your eyes, "you are a dick."
He smiled, almost in disbelief, but still managed to smile big enough to show his teeth.
Maybe you were weak, maybe you were stupid, maybe you deserved for him to leave you again, because he hurt you. He hurt you for seven days straight, practically gutted you from the inside out and left your organs on a clothesline to dry...
... but you forgave him anyway. Right in that moment. Because he knew he was wrong, and he ran to you in the middle of the night to show that to you.
And above all, you forgave him because you were scared too.
You could tell he was catching on to your train of thought as he stepped in the door and shut it, locking it behind him. You swallowed as he turned to you, smelling a mix of frost and smoke emulating off of him, and he took one step closer to you.
"Y/N," he whispered, with enough southern drawl to make you realize how much you had missed that baritone. It warmed you, slithering up your spine so fast it made you dizzy. "How...how do I fix this?"
You looked up at him, at his dark eyes and tanned skin, and said, "return the favor."
It wasn't even five seconds before he had you over his shoulder, down to your living room, and tossed onto the couch. You bounced as you landed, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
He quickly laid down on his back, filing up the remainder of the couch, and sighed contently. He made himself comfortable before laying his head down flat on the cushions and patting his shoulders.
"Take a seat," he said cockily, and your mouth fell open.
"You're -" you began, suddenly unable to speak, "you're serious?"
"So fuckin' serious," he replied, "you don't think I just had dreams of you pleasin' me, do ya darlin'?"
Maybe you were the one dreaming.
Before you had the chance to wake up, you quickly stood and started unzipping your jeans, dispensing them to the floor. Your socks and underwear quickly followed. Joel admired you as you did so, resting his hands behind his head.
"Enjoying yourself?"
"It ain't even funny."
You pulled off your left sock, leaving you completely bare from the waist down, and walked to him. You threw your right leg over his waist and sat on his crotch, making him grown.
"No shoes on the furniture," you said, pushing his feet of the grey cushions, "watch your boots, Miller."
"You're right," he said breathlessly, obviously trying to hide how affected he was by the feeling of your warmth on his buldge, "now come 'ere."
You took in a shaky breath as you crawled up his body, the realization of what was about to happen slowly beginning to hit you. You made it halfway up when he halted you, holding your face in his hands.
"We can stop," he said, "now, ten minutes from now, never. You're in control, just let me know."
You nodded, his irises revealing only honestly, and you swallowed. "I'm ready."
He grinned and sat back, ready for you too.
You finished your climb and held onto both the armrest and the back of the couch, hovering over his mouth. His hot breaths on your pulsing core nearly made you whine and your thighs shake, but you remained firm.
"Joel, are you sure you want to -"
He didn't hesitate to pull you down, put your entire body weight on his mouth, and kiss and lick you like it was his final night alive.
It may as well have been yours with how quickly you began to unravel.
He kept his hands on your thighs as he gorged, keeping you so close to him you had no choice but to feel every taste bud on his tongue, puff of breath, and follicle of his scruff scrape upon you in the perfect mix of pleasure and pain.
It was nirvana, Zion, Elysium, whatever fucking afterlife you wanted to believe in, all of it was between your thighs.
He started slow, kissing and licking, but soon found your hole, and kissed you there, then nudged your clit, and kissed you there, then around your thighs, squeezing your ass, and over and over and over again he would repeat the process.
You couldn't help the mewling noises coming from your mouth, and the sweat dripping down your back.
You were on fire.
Through the roaring in your head, you could make out that Joel eventually started saying words, maybe even sentences. You could only make out fragments.
"I'm - sorry - scared - you - fuck - taste - heaven - dreamed - scared - so scared -"
"I know Joel," you groaned, beginning to rock forward into his tongue, riding it. "I know you were, it's - shit - it's okay."
"No," he replied, and you tugged him back into your core by his hair, still rubbing down, caring his tongue into you. "Gonna - never gonna leave - leave again."
You smiled, sweat plastered across your upper lip, hair frizzing, eyes blown wide, "okay."
And he somehow ate you out harder.
It was becoming too much - his tongue around your hole, his nose against your clit, his fucking fingers squeezing down on your thighs, the noises of it all. You finally gathered enough strength to tilt your head down, only to be met with the sight that undid you.
Joel's face plastered with you - only you - and his eyes firmly locked on your face, while his tongue and mouth swirled around the most intimate part of you.
And it was with that last look that you couldn't help it - you came, hard, gripping onto his hair so tight it had to have hurt him.
But he took it anyway, and never slowed down.
You may have come again. You didn't know. All you knew was that he was relentless, a man starved, and through your whines and cries, you finally mustered up the words, "That's good. I'm done."
He could have gone longer, much longer, and maybe one night he would, but not tonight. He simply licked you clean and kissed your core goodbye, it was so sensitive you flinched and groaned one last time, and lifted you back down to sit on his waist.
You expected him to pull away, sit you on the couch, maybe offer to get you a drink, but he didn't.
His mouth wasn't done yet.
He set you down comfortably before attaching his still soaked mouth and facial hair to your pulse point, and your eyes shut immediately, tears of pleasure finally making their escape.
"Joel," you whined, "that - feels really good."
He hummed and sucked harder, likely leaving a hickey or two, but you only pulled him closer. He smelled of sweat and cinnamon, his warmth and his weight wrapped around you immersing you in nothing but comfort.
His mouth on your neck was bliss, but the feeling of him surrounding you was euphoria. He had comforted you with his words plenty of times, but having it from his body was almost impossible to bare. Something that had been uncontrollable and unpredictable in you finally settled, and you let it.
You wondered if it was your love for him.
After making his way to the other side of your neck, Joel began to move his fingers underneath your shirt. Not enough to meet anymore skin than just underneath your belly button, but enough to give you chills.
You knew what he wanted.
"Go ahead," you whispered, pulling his head away from your collarbone, "but only if I see you too."
With one look at him you could see that his mouth was red and swollen, his hair was frizzed, and his eyes were even darker than the last time you had seen him this way. You weren't even sure he understood what you said he looked so drunk off your body, but he nodded eventually. You ran your thumb across his cheek.
It's just me, the motion said, don't be afraid.
You didn't think it worked, but he removed his shirt anyway, and you removed your own.
You were met with a body of scars and moles, scabs and skin, and countless stories. You recalled them all from previous nights of talking- the scar across his chest from the first infected he killed, a scab forming on the right side of his torso from last week's new horse that bucked him off, and a bruise on his forearm. It was a dark shade of purple, meaning it was new.
You traced it, "what's this from?"
His eyes stayed glued to your torso. "I gotta - gotta bit carried away splittin' wood earlier."
You looked into his eyes and giggled, "Is that the yell I heard?"
He scoffed, still scanning your body with his eyes, "Probably."
You continued to laugh and brought your finger up his forearm to his bicep, rubbing your fingers over the pronounced muscle, and continued over his collarbone. You then brought your hand over the expanse of his chest, enjoying how your hand spread as wide as it could go was still no match for the expanse of it, before tracing down his stomach, finally able to feel the soft happy trail you had been drooling over in your sleep. His abdomen tightened as you felt all the way down, and all the way back up.
Your eyes were so soaked with him that you hadn't even noticed his hands beginning to run down your own body, suddenly making you sweat. His fingers went up your back and over your shoulders, his calloused palms against your soft skin sending shivers down your spine, before delicately running them over your breasts, treating them like they were prone to pop.
"You can touch me," you said sweetly, and he felt you up faster, thoroughly, and completely. He had to have touched every inch of you, and you let him.
After a few moments of memorizing his skin and internally recalling the stories each speck of it told, you looked back up at him, only to find a different look on his face. One of longing, yet present.
Like he wanted more from you, right now.
He brought his right hand behind your neck and his left up to your cheek to frame your face. Your eyes shut and your vocal cords hummed at the feeling of his hands, having done so much damage, sliding over the skin of your neck and face like that of a priceless jewel.
Your eyes fluttered back open to find his mouth inching closer to yours, enough for his breath to fan over your lips. His eyebrows were raised in question, waiting for you to pull away or stop him, but you only smiled, and pulled him the rest of the way into the kiss.
You remembered how you felt when he begged you with his eyes for this seven days ago, and now, with his lips meeting your own, you wondered why you ever had a shred of doubt in the first place, because if you thought Joel could give head well, it was nothing compared to the way he kissed.
He moved you with his mouth, painting and sketching upon you with his tongue like an artist with their brush. He didn't start slow, he moved with a fever, tilting your head back slightly to gain as much access as he could, maintaining his grip on your face the entire time. It was indescribable how much you were saying to each other through glides over tongues and bites on lips. The darkness surrounding you held no more lies, no more fear. Only this, only you.
You nipped at his lip a little harder after one particularly good stroke of his tongue inside your mouth, causing him to pull away from you and smile before bringing you back in for more, and you knew that image of him so rawfully joyful would never leave you.
You kissed and felt each other for some time, so long the street lights of Jackson had long since gone out, and with one last firm kiss to your lips, Joel pulled away, a trail of split connecting the two of you. It was symbolic, you thought, of how little your bodies wanted to separate. It was like your lips were holding on, not wanting it to end either.
You both smiled at the feeling.
He set his forehead against yours with a satisfied sigh and ran his palms up and down your back, causing you to hum once more. He pressed kisses around your lips and cheeks, ending on your hairline.
You'd have to ask him about his symptoms of oral fixation later.
He pressed his forehead against your own once more and breathed deeply, basking in the silence. You basked in it as well, closing your eyes. You were tempted to let yourself fall into slumber in his arms when his gruff voice suddenly filled the air.
"I think I love you."
Your eyes immediately opened, connecting with his, and you noticed the tears beginning to dribble down into his beard. Your eyes instantly filled at the sight of his own filled ones, and you wiped them away with your thumb, feeling no fear as you replied.
"I think I love you too."
Maybe you did need each other after all.
Tag list: (please let me know if you would like to be added!)
@leahkenobi​  @untitledarea​ @avengersfan25 @lexloon​ @aninnai​ @darling-murdock​  @daphne-turner​ @ellesvoid @morks-watermelon @notmyideia @farintonorth @axshadows @biggestsimponhere @thepascalofus @paleidiot @projectionistwrites
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hwnglx · 2 months
did jk and sana ever date?
jungkook + sana
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they date? hie, kioc yes, they did. however, there was a struggle of finding the necessary balance between both their careers and the emotional connection they had. this seemed to have happened during a time in which they both were at a very significant point in their careers, like a peak of some sort, so there was this dilemma of.. how do i make sure i nurture this connection i truly care about, without neglecting the importance of my work. there could've been several times where that caused a conflict between the two.
the hierophant for this question keeps rubbing me the wrong way though. it really doesn't read as romantic in this case (or rarely at all tbh). there's almost this vibe of; the connection we have, as sweet as it is, feels like it doesn't align with what we should be doing right now. i keep hearing external voices and opinions also playing an important factor in making them question their relationship.
how does jungkook feel towards sana? 7op, knop, 8oc, queop&acosw, cha, 9osw
oh boy. when i tell you, he definitely liked her a lot. see, jungkook is the type to feel with his head. (makes sense with that sun conjunct mercury in virgo) he's someone more practical who tends to internalize his feelings and really overthink every detail in his relationships. especially when he was younger, and this definitely happened when he was much more immature, there was this desperate thought of always wanting to do everything right in his romantic connections, which made him overly cautious and hesitant, being unable to open up and express his emotions in a clear manner. he was just in his head all the time. the knight of pentacles is effective and committed, but quite slow in his approach. very nice if you want more of a slow burn in love, however this clashed with sana's desires in this connection.
he didn't bring much passion into the relationship because he was worried to mess things up or turn her off. especially because he adored her, really put her on a pedestal. he thought sana was someone very nurturing, who put a lot of importance into taking care of the people she cherishes, huge potential to be an amazing wife and mother. he also saw her as a person who's witty and smart, but also very driven and determined in her goals, especially financially. i keep getting this feeling jungkook had a bit of an inferiority complex, like i just see him feeling kinda small next to her. i can tell he might hold on to some grudges and resentment to this day. he truly doesn't like the way things ended.
how does sana feel towards jungkook? paow, 4ow, 4oc, kiop, stre
not the awkward page of wands coming out immediately. honestly, sana saw him as a bit of a lost child. (i really can't express it in any other words, i just keep hearing manchild) although i can see them having a playful bond that was exciting and fun at first, she thought his insecurities stood in the way of them forming a stable and happy bond. she wanted a mature and headstrong guy, who knows exactly what he wants and brings fire into the relationship, yet instead dealt with a boyfriend who was very interested, but often walked on eggshells and tried too hard to please her.. like a yes-man. always saying the right thing at the right time, doing everything exactly the way she wants. (very venus in libra) for some people that can get boring after some time. like please disagree with me for once! she has her venus in sag and 🔥 venus' often desire drama in love. they can't stand when things get too boring and stale.
she definitely did like him and i can tell she truly cared (and cares) about him still but i can't lie, i don't see much of an emotional connection on her part. it was a young and cute but more dissatisfying relationship for her.
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