#shia phobia
lambheartedgirl · 5 months
my most shameful secret is that i have a genuine phobia of that shia labeouf cannibal song and if u play it to me i will cry. it's just so atmospheric
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bat-tool · 4 years
Please Reblog & Spread.
It’s appalling how many people are turning a blind eye towards an ongoing Shia Genocide. Nobody is talking about the brutality & extremism against shi'as in Pakistan. There are certain groups in the county, with the intention of beheading Shias. Wahabis justify their actions by claiming that Shias are not Muslim. and the Government just deny that those actions are crimes. or totally ignore the fact that shias are being killed/threatened/imprisoned solely for their beliefs, letting terrorist organizations operate freely and persecuting minorities.
Shias have been persecuted, fought & killed since Rasulallah's ﷺ death.
-Sipah Sahaba & Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan are chanting Kafir Kafir Shia Kafir on all over the roads
-Imam Bargah Imamia at Lines Area under attack by the same goons, some pelting on Bargah reported
-They started a riot against Shias, basically because Ziyarat Ashura was recited in a public shia gathering on speakers.
-The riot in the name of "Azmat-e-Sahaba march" was led by extremists of the county. (Muneeb-ur-rehman and Khadim rizvi). in which they chanted "Long live Yazeed". "Long live Muwaiyah".
-They are attacking shia mosques. (Imam bargah)
-Two shias Syed irtiza and Syed Jan have been brutally martyred in Kohat.
-The whole city echoed with the chants of Kafir Kafir Shia Kafir.
-State arrested Bilal Farooqi who is one of the rare journalists covering sectarian violence/orgs.
-4-year-old Fazal Abbas of Kamoke Pakistan had to get per-arrest bail after Police charged him and five others for allegedly hosting an "illegal Majlis" and "promoting sectarianism."
-Over a dozen Shias & Shias Ulemas have been arrested in the past few weeks on fake blasphemy charges of insulting companions of the Prophet(PBUH)!
If this is not step by step towards another #ShiaGenocide then what it is? RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR US. PLEASE RAISE YOUR VOICE.
If you can raise awareness towards other very important movements then it shouldn’t be that difficult to shed light on an entire sect being persecuted against.
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losing-meow · 3 years
also from all the binging I've done I feel so disgusting I've been looking up how to purge, like, I know the theory, but I'm also sooooo scared of vomiting, borderline if not actual phobia and it's a constant back and forth between my mind going "try purging ! Just do it!" (insert the Shia lebouf meme here) and my phobia going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" at the thought of it.
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nonbinaryresource · 5 years
I really want to buy a binder but I'm feeling a lot of guilt and internalised phobia?
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[two gifs. The first gif is Shia LaBeouf before a fiery background hunching over in a muscle-kind of pose shouting “DO IT”. The next is a slightly shifting blue background with different colored blue text that reads “Do it for yourself”]
Bite the bullet and just do it. If the binder helps, that should hopefully start alleviating your guilt.
If it helps, remember that even cis people own binders, from butches to cosplayers. Anyone is allowed to bind. You don’t have to pass some test to be licensed to bind. You want to bind and have the ability to do so, so bind. Do what you want and buy the binder and stay safe!
If you’re having trouble, imagine me sitting near you or holding your hand as you order the binder, encouraging you to go through with the order.
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freedomtotalk · 5 years
What does Apostate Prophet, a former Muslim, think of the hijab? Does his opinion matter as much as that of Ben Affleck, even though he’s not a Christian multi-millionaire movie star?
What about the opinion of women whose lives were ruined by Islamic Jihadist laws that use women as targets, do their opinions matter? 
“Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story“
Are dark-skinned women allowed to protest against their own oppression? Are THEY Islamophobic too? If they have developed a fear of being persecuted by misogynists that oppress them, is it fair to call their justified fear an irrational fear, i.e. a phobia? 
“Sarah Haider is a former Shia Muslim.  Today, she is an atheist, humanist and activist.“
What about gay men, are they allowed to protest against Islam’s homophobic persecution?
“"Ask A Muslim" Wrecks Me with Proof of Allah“
What about white American men, who hail from white Muslim families and speak on behalf of the female relatives who were brutalized by Islam’s violence? Is a son allowed to speak in defense of his mother, his sister, his aunt? Or is choosing your mom over Islam a phobia as well?
The Glazov Gang interview with Bosch Fawstin (Cartoonist, Creator of “Pigman”).
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I listen to the victims.
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Answer 21
Answer 21, tag 21 people you would like to know better
Tagged by: @plasticdodecagon​ Thanks for the tag! ^_^
1) Nickname/s:
Uhh I had a couple in high school but hey were the Worst so they can stay in the dusty distant past
I do have a friend that calls me Chich. That one’s good.
2) Zodiac Sign:
3) Height:
4) Hogwarts House:
5) Last thing I googled:
Selected phobia
I was trying to figure out if my fear of being eaten (thank you Jurassic Park) had a nifty Greek phobia name?
Actually now the last thing I googled was the etymology of “phobia” because I couldn’t remember if it was Latin or Greek but apparently it was in both? 
6) Favourite musicians:
My answer to questions like this is usually either “it varies” or a list that just keeps growing so it feel like genres will be easier
So primarily folk (especially Irish trad) and rock/metal (especially post-hardcore)
7) Song stuck in my head:
Non-Stop from the Hamilton soundtrack
8) Following now:
9) Followers:
10) Do I get asks?
11) Amount of sleep:
Mmm usually somewhere in the area of 6-7 hours, to my eternal despair lol. The goal’s always 8 though
12) Lucky number:
I don’t think I have one? My luck is historically pretty not good, not gonna lie
13) What I’m wearing:
pj/sweatpants and a tank top
14) Dream job:
Novelist TTuTT
15) Dream trip:
Oh man, so many places lol. I do very much want to go back to Ireland though
16) Favourite food:
Hmm I am a sucker for a good pizza
17) Instruments:
18) Languages:
Native English, conversational Spanish (on a good day, heh), I studied Mandarin Chinese for a couple of years in college
I’ve dabbled in a couple others on Duolingo, and now Duolingo thinks I’m more fluent in German than Spanish but that is definitely 100% not true lol
19) Favourite songs:
Mmm I get a real kick out of the Shia Labeouf song?
There’s also II Kara by Wanima at the moment, and Mo Ghile Mear by the University College Dublin choir 
20) Random fact:
I do D&D and I sew and every so often I’ll get back into archery
21) Aesthetic:
Uhh a lot of stacks of books probably. At least that’s what my room looks like. Also my brother’s old room
Also I would like my aesthetic to have like mist-fringed mountains/hills. And probably like some brocade and a dragon or something, I dunno, fantasy things
Tagging: @cukibola @lone-rhapsodist
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I wanted to do this meme for Fe since he needs a bit more of an introduction in a way~
Screenie by @wardenofmyheart
Full Name: Warden Constable Steward Felrielen “Fe” of Ferelden
Gender/Sexuality: Non-binary/Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him/His!
Ethnicity/Species: Dalish Elf/City Elf
Birthplace & Birthdate: The Val Royeaux alienage in 9:06 Dragon. His mother died in childbirth and his father died of pneumonia when he was seven.
Guilty Pleasures: Bashing a training dummy to bits, fancy wine from Orlais, ignoring paperwork, reading cheesy plays/novels from Orlais.
Phobias/Fears: Chevaliers and burning buildings. He saw a lot of violence in the alienage growing up and was deeply angered/upset by the burning of the Alienage.
What they would be famous for: Being The Warden Constable of Vigil’s Keep and Ferelden, along with the Arl of Amaranthine. Also as an accomplished Senior Warden of the Grey Wardens. Later, he’d be known as the Herald of Andraste and Inquisitor to the Second Inquisition
What they would get arrested for: Murder, fraud, thievery, hiding an apostate. Activities he did in his youth.
OC you ship them with: My friend @mistressmage​‘s character Shia’Lavael, a fellow elf he met in the Denerim Alienage when he was sixteen. He later fled with her and her parents to the Dalish after her magic manifested. The two were later married and had a daughter, Da’Vunin. But he became estranged from her and their daughter when he joined the Wardens. He hasn't seen her in many years.
OC most likely to murder them: Ooooo Shia would like to murder him for dozens of reasons, all valid. He did leave, didn't tell her where he went and didn't come back for starters.
Fave Movie/Book genre: He enjoys reading about history and other dense topics of the like. He is a voracious reader and during Inquisition he took to collecting all sorts of history books. The ease of which he could find books from vast distances is incredible to him. Before while in the Wardens he could get varieties of book, but they were often at great costs and he didn’t have the budget.
Least fave movie/book genre: He doesn’t really have a genre he hates.
Talents/Powers: He’s on the cusp of magical abilities and they flare at times with the power in the mark. It isn’t enough to really cast spells, but he can create orbs of fire, lighting and ice if he concentrates. Beyond that, he is a Reaver and a Warden, so he’s got potent/dangerous blood. The more bloodied he gets in a fight, the more worse off his enemies are.
Why someone might love them: He is a Warden and Wardens are wonderful, but beyond that he's very level headed and in control of situations. He is quite tall (6 foot even) and even then it feels as if he takes up more room. He’s like a stoic, reassuring presence that is also very deadly with a sword and shield. He is quiet, but very well spoken.
Why someone might hate them: He is an elf with a great deal of power and nothing but himself to keep that power in check. He does have his advisors and confidants, but he is left to the choices he deems are correct ones to make. He is above reproach in many settings. To have that much power as a elf is cause for hatred in many people, especially since he looks to be dalish. He can also be smug about his abilities as a warrior.
How they change: He grows more as a leader--even beyond his days as Warden Constable--to where he is one of the greatest leaders both in military and in diplomatic strength. There’s no denying that with the evidence of his work in Ferelden after the Warden Commander left and in saving Orlais. But, he also grows much more tired. It wasn’t as if he was disillusioned by the world before, but he kept the lot of it to himself. With everything going on, it’s hard to keep that inside. He grows much more cynical. He also grows more afraid of his inevitable death. He’s been a warden for ten years and he doesn’t know how much longer he has before he has to leave everything behind. 
Why you love them: I love Fe because I’ve wanted a character who is much more level headed than Darva or Dimitri and is more mature in the way he conducts himself. Fe fits well into that and I love thinking of ways he would approach situations that would be more mature/diplomatic. I’ve also wanted a warden character for a long while too and he’s perfect. Plus, his face is just super cute and I love him.
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lalka-laski · 3 years
1.  who is the biggest womanizer you know?: I won't name names but someone specific came to mind
2. do you tend to get attached to people you hook up with?: Well I'm in a serious relationship now but when I was in the hook-up scene yeah, I'd usually fall hard and fast.
3. would you ever have a threesome? I have before. I know Glenn would never be into it though (and honestly I wouldn't either) so those days are long gone.
4. what was the last party you attended that had a dj, and were they a good dj?: My cousin's birthday a few years ago
5. is there anyone who’s bothering you lately?: No one in particular
6. do you know anyone named amy?: Mhm
7.  who is the most attractive person you know?: Glennie, of course.
8. when did you last feel the most free?: This is an interesting question that I'm not sure how to answer 9.  is there anyone who likes (or liked) you and had a really hard time getting over you?: Yes. Some people I worry who NEVER will...
9.  is there anyone who likes (or liked) you and had a really hard time getting over you?:
10. do you think you could last six months without cheating if your significant other went away on a trip?: Um, of course. I don't have eyes for anyone but Glenn and all my loyalty is invested in him.
11. what’s your most missed memory? Anything involving Nora. Literally anything, any day, any event. Damn.
12. who is one friend you usually run to when you have a problem?: It depends on the nature of the problem
13. do you know anyone who is part native american?: Yep
14. what’s your favorite color combination?: Pastel pink & dusty blue
15. where were you on 11th september?: I was in 4th grade, coloring a picture and not giving a damn. I clearly didn't grasp the severity of it (and I wouldn't till years later).
16. do you drink?: Yesssss
17. did you ever love someone and feel like it was wrong?: Yes. But now the love I feel for Glenn is the most "right" and natural thing in the world.
18. the last time you felt like just disappearing?: Last week was a rough one for me. I'm happy to say things are much better now though.
19. did you see that movie disturbia? what did you think of it?: The Shia Labeouf one? Yeah, I remember seeing that in theatres and I liked it.
20. what’s your favorite bug?: I'm kinda partial to spiders. I just think they're cool! Maybe it's because I feel bad that so many people have phobias surrounding them?
21. what’s the longest amount of time you liked/loved somebody for? Uhhh
22. is there anyone who likes to make you feel inferior?: I do a great job of that on my own, I don't need anyone's help.
23. what song makes you cry?: Every song ever?
24. do you like rock or rap music better?: Rock
25. what’s the nearest body of water to you?: A creek down the street
26. do you go to cemeteries a lot?: I like exploring them now and then.
27. when was the last time it snowed where you live?: A couple months ago
28.  if you could watch someone change, would you?: What kind of question...
29. do you like or hate the snow?: I quite enjoy it and couldn't imagine living somewhere without snow
30. ever known someone with an eating disorder?: Hello
31. is there someone you’ll never forget?: Um, plenty of people.
32. have you ever had a white christmas?: Mhm
33. ever stayed in a hotel room over night?: Yeah
34. who was the last person to lie to you?: Myself?
35.  do you usually ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to be independent?: I'm never afraid to ask for help. There's so much I'd never be able to do without some assistance or guidance.
36. last thing you lusted after?: I was watching Glenn undress and I just couldn't resist
37. last time you tripped over something?: Daily
38. what’s something you want to do but aren’t sure of yet?: Driving? Maybe?
39. worst relationship you ever had?: Let's not even go there
40. favorite song to dance to?: Lately it's been anything by Selena
41. ever been to new york city?: Mhm, once
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superhalfrussian · 5 years
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11/7/19 - Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: Islam generates terrorism. Could it be that elite traditionalist Shia soldiers represent no threat to Orthodox Christians? A Hezbollah fighter respectfully picks up an image of the Mother of God from the ruins of a church destroyed by US-backed Takfiris. Recent events in Syria were also very telling: when the lotus seeds AngloZionist Empire unleashed its aggression against Syria and the “good terrorists” of al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/ISIS/etc. embarked in a wholesale program of massacres and atrocities, everybody ran for their lives, including all the non-Takfiri Muslims.  Then, when the plans of the Axis of Kindness (USA, KSA, Israel) were foiled by the combined actions of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, something interesting happened: the Latin Christians left, whereas the Orthodox Christians stayed (source).  Keep in mind that Syria is not an Islamic state, yet the prospects of a Muslim majority was frightening enough for the Latins to flee even though the Orthodox felt comfortable staying.  What do these Orthodox Christians know? Could it be that elite traditionalist Shia soldiers represent no threat to Orthodox Christians? In fact, there is some truth to that too.  But I would re-phrase it as: the AngloZionists in their hatred for anything Russian, including Soviet Russian, identified a rather small and previously obscure branch of Islam in Saudi Arabia which they decided to unleash against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan.  From the first day, these Takfiris were federated by the US and financed by the House of Saud.  The latter, in its fear of being overthrown by the Takfiris, decided to appease them by internationally supporting their terrorism (that is all Takfiris have to offer, their leaders are not respected scholars, to put it mildly).   Since that time, the Takfiris have been the “boots on the ground” used by the West against all its enemies: Serbia, Russia first, but then also secular (Syria) or anti-Takfiri Muslim states (Iran). So it is not “Islam” which generates terrorism: it is western (AngloZionist) imperialism. https://www.unz.com/tsaker/deconstructing-islamophobia/
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/deconstructing-islamophobia/
Deconstructing Islamophobia
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[this article was written for the Unz Review]
Introduction: a short survey of the cuckoo’s nest
My initial idea was to begin with a definition of “Islamophobia” but after looking around for various definitions, I decided to use my own, very primitive definition.  I will define Islamophobia as the belief that Islam (the religion) and/or Muslims (the adherents to this religion) represent some kind of more or less coherent whole which is a threat to the West.  These are two distinct arguments rolled up into one: the first part claims that Islam (the religion) represents some kind of threat to the West while the second part claims that the people who embrace Islam (Muslims) also represent some kind of threat to the West.  Furthermore, this argument makes two crucial assumptions:
there is such thing out there as a (conceptually sufficient) unitary Islam
there are such people with (conceptually sufficient) common characteristics due to their adherence to Islam
Next, let’s summarize the “evidence” typically presented in support of this thesis:
The god of Islam is not the same god as the God of Christianity
The Muslim world was created by the sword
The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was an evil person
Islam is incompatible with western democracy and represents a threat to what are referred to as “values” in the modern day West
Muslims have treated Christians horribly in many different historical instances
Muslims often turn to terrorism and commit atrocities
Islam is socially regressive and seeks to impose medieval values on a modern world
There are more such as these, but these, I believe, are the main ones.
What is crucial here is to point out that this evidence relies both on theological arguments (#1 #4 #7), and historical arguments (#2 #3 #5 #6).
Finally, there is a most interesting phenomenon which, for the time being, we shall note, but only discuss later: the legacy corporate Ziomedia on one hand denounces Islamophobia as a form of “racism” but yet, at the same time, the very same circles which denounce Islamophobia are also the ones which oppose all manifestations of real traditional Islam.  This strongly suggests that the study of this apparent paradox can, if carefully analyzed, yield some most interesting results, but more about that later.
Of course, all of the above is sort of a “bird’s eye” view of Islamophobia in the West.  Once we go down to the average Joe Sixpack level, all of the above is fused into one “forceful” slogan as this one:
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This kind of crude fearmongering is targeted at the folks who don’t realize that the USA is not “America” and who, therefore, probably don’t have the foggiest notion of what Sharia law is or how it is adjudicated by Islamic courts.
[I have lived in the USA for a total of 22 years and have observed something very interesting: there is a unique mix of ignorance and fear which, in the USA, is perceived as “patriotic”.  A good example of this kind of “patriotism through ignorance” is in the famous song “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning” by Alan Jackson which includes the following words: “I watch CNN but I’m not sure I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran, but I know Jesus and I talk to God“.  Truth be told, the same song also asked in reference to 9/11 “Did you burst out with pride for the red, white and blue?“.  Why exactly the massacre of 9/11 should elicit patriotic pride is explained as follows “And the heroes who died just doin’ what they do?“.  Thus when the “United American Committee” declares that Sharia law is a threat to “America” the folks raised in this culture of fear and patriotism immediately “get it”.  David Rovics hilariously described this mindset in his song “Evening News” where he says: “Evil men are plotting, to blow up Washington, DC, ’cause they don’t like freedom and democracy, they’re fans of the Dark Ages, they are all around, they’re marching from the desert sands, and coming to your town“.  I have had the fortune of visiting all the continents of our planet (except Oceania) and I can vouch that this blend of fear+patriotic fervor is something uniquely, well, not “American” but “USAnian”.]
Having quickly surveyed the Islamophobic mental scenery, we can now turn to a logical analysis of the so-called arguments of the Islamophobes.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: a unitary Islam
Let’s take the arguments one by one beginning with the argument of a unitary Islam.
Most of us are at least vaguely aware that there are different Islamic movements/schools/traditions in different countries.  We have heard of Shias and Sunni, some have also heard about Alawites or Sufism.  Some will even go so far as remembering that Muslim countries can be at war with each other, and that some Muslims (the Takfiris) only dream about killing as many other Muslims (who, obviously, don’t share the exact same beliefs) and that, in fact, movements like al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc have murdered other Muslims in huge numbers.  So the empirical evidence strongly suggest that this notion of a Muslim or Islamic unity is factually simply wrong.
Furthermore, we need to ask the obvious question: what *is* Islam?
Now, contrary to the hallucinations of some especially dull individuals, I am not a Muslim.  So what follows is my own, possibly mistaken, understanding of what “core Islam” is.  It is the acceptance of the following formula “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God” or “lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llā“.  Note that “Allah” is not a name, it is the word “God” and “rasul” can be translated as “prophet”.  There are also the so-called Five Pillars of Islam:
The Shahada or profession of faith “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God“
The Salat or a specific set of daily prayers
The Zakat or alms giving
The Sawm or fasting
The Hadjj or pilgrimage to Mecca
That’s it!  A person who fully embraces these five pillars is considered a Muslim.  Or at least, so it would appear.  The reality is, of course, much more complex.  For the time being, I will just note that in this “core Islam” there is absolutely nothing, nothing at all, which could serve as evidence for any of the Islamophobic theories.  Yes, yes, I know, I can already hear the Islamophobes’ objections:  you are ignoring all the bad stuff in the Quran, you are ignoring all the bad stuff about spreading Islam by the sword, you are ignoring all the bad things Muhammad did in his life, you are ignoring the many local traditions and all the normative examples of the tradition (Sunnah and it’s Hadiths).  Yeah, except you can’t have it both ways.  You can’t say:
Islam is inherently evil/dangerous  AND
use local/idiosyncratic beliefs and actions to prove your point!
If Islam by itself is dangerous, then it has to be dangerous everywhere it shows up, irrespective of the region, people, time in history or anything else.
If we say that sometimes Islam is dangerous and sometimes it is not, then what we need to look into is not the core elements of the Islamic faith, but instead we need to identify those circumstances in which Islam was not a threat to anybody and those circumstances when Islam was a threat to others.
Furthermore, if your argument is really based on the thesis that Islam is evil always and everywhere, then to prove it wrong all I need to do is find one, just ONE, example where Muslims and non-Muslims have lived in peace together for some period of time.
[Sidebar: while I was working on my Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies I had the fortune of having the possibility to take a couple of courses outside my field of specialization and I decided to take the most “exotic” course I could find in SAIS‘ curriculum and I chose a course on Sharia law.  This was an excellent decision which I never regretted.  Not only was the course fascinating, I had the chance of writing a term paper on the topic “The comparative status of Orthodox Christians in history under Muslim and Latin rule“.  My first, and extremely predictable, finding was that treatment of Orthodox Christians by Muslim rulers ranged from absolutely horrible and even genocidal to very peaceful and kind.  Considering the long time period considered (14 centuries) and the immense geographical realm covered (our entire planet from Morocco to Indonesia and from Russia to South Africa), this is hardly surprising.  The core beliefs of Islam might be simple, but humans are immensely complicated beings who always end up either adding a local tradition or, at least, defending one specific interpretation of Islam.  My second finding was much more shocking: on average the status of Orthodox Christians under the Papacy was much worse than under Muslim rule.  Again, I am not comparing the status of Orthodox Serbs under Ottoman rule with the status of Orthodox Christians in modern Italy.  These are extreme examples.  But I do claim that there is sort of a conceptual linear regression which strongly suggests to us that there is a predictive (linear) model which can be used to make predictions and that the most obvious lesson of history is that the absolute worst thing which can happen to Orthodox Christians is to fall under their so-called “Christian brothers” of the West.  A few exceptions here and there do not significantly affect this model.  I encourage everybody to take the time to really study the different types of Muslim rulers in history, if only to appreciate how much diversity you will find].
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: the “Muslim god” vs the “Christian God”
This is just about the silliest anti-Muslim argument I have ever heard and it come from folks inhabiting the far left side of a Bell Curve.  It goes something like this:
We, Christians, have our true God as God, whereas the Muslims have Allah, which is not the God of the Christians.  Thus, we worship different gods.
Of course, the existence of various gods or one, single, God does not depend on who believes in Him or who worships Him.  If we can agree on the notion that God is He Who created all of Creation, and if we agree that both Christians (all denominations) and Muslims (all schools) believe that they are worshiping that God then, since there is only one real/existing God, we do worship the same God simply because there are not “other” gods.
I wonder what those who say that “Muslims worship another god” think when they read the following words of Saint Paul to the Athenian pagans: “For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you” (Acts 17:23).   What Saint Paul told them is that they ignorantly worship a god whom, in spite of that ignorant worship, Saint Paul declared to them.  I submit that “ignorant worship” is not an insult, but a diagnosis of heterodoxy, and that such an “ignorant worship” can nonetheless be sincere.
The issue is not WHOM we worship, but HOW we worship (in terms of both praxis and doxa).
And yes, here the differences between Christians and Muslims are huge indeed.
In my 2013 article “Russia and Islam, part eight: working together, a basic “how-to”” I discussed the immense importance of these differences and how we ought to deal with them.  I wrote:
The highest most sacred dogmatic formulation of Christianity is the so-called “Credo” or “Symbol of Faith” (full text here; more info here).  Literally every letter down to the smallest ‘i‘ of this text is, from the Christian point of view, the most sacred and perfect dogmatic formulation, backed by the full authority of the two Ecumenical Councils which proclaimed it and all the subsequent Councils which upheld it.  In simple terms – the Symbol of Faith is absolutely non-negotiable, non-re-definable, non-re-interpretable, you cannot take anything away from it, and you cannot add anything to it.  You can either accept it as is, in toto, or reject it.
The fact is that Muslims would have many problems with this text, but one part in particular is absolutely unacceptable to any Muslim:
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made
This part clearly and unambiguously affirms that Jesus-Christ was not only the Son of God but actually God Himself. This is expressed by the English formulation “of one essence with the Father” (ὁμοούσιον τῷ Πατρί in Greek with the key term homousios meaning “consubstantial”). This is *THE* core belief of Christianity: that Jesus was the the anthropos, the God-Man or God incarnate.  This belief is categorically unacceptable to Islam which says that Christ was a prophet and by essence a ‘normal’ human being.
For Islam, the very definition of what it is to be a Muslim is found in the so-called “Shahada” or testimony/witness.  This is the famous statement by which a Muslim attests and proclaims that “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”.  One can often also hear this phrased as “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is His prophet”.
Now without even going into the issue of whether Christians can agree or not that “Allah” is the appropriate name for God (some do, some don’t – this is really irrelevant here), it’s the second part which is crucial here: Christianity does not recognize Muhammad as a prophet at all.  In fact, technically speaking, Christianity would most likely classify Muhammad as a heretic (if only because of his rejection of the “Symbol of Faith”).  Saint John of Damascus even called him a ‘false prophet’.   Simply put: there is no way a Christian can accept the “Shahada” without giving up his Christianity just as there is no way for a Muslim to accept the “Symbol of Faith” without giving up his Islam.
So why bother?
Would it not make much more sense to accept that there are fundamental and irreconcilable differences between Christianity and Islam and simply give up all that useless quest for points of theological agreement?  Who cares if we agree on the secondary if we categorically disagree on the primary?  I am all in favor of Christians studying Islam and for Muslims studying Christianity (in fact, I urge them both to do so!), and I think that it is important that the faithful of these religions talk to each other and explain their points of view as long as this is not presented as some kind of quest for a common theological stance.  Differences should be studied and explained, not obfuscated, minimized or overlooked.
Bottom line is this: it is PRECISELY because Islam and Christianity are completely incompatible theologically (and even mutually exclusive!) that there is no natural enmity between these two religions unless, of course, some Christian or Muslim decides that he has to use force to promote this religion.  And let’s be honest, taken as a whole Christianity’s record on forced conversions and assorted atrocities is at least as bad as Islam’s, or even worse.  Of course, if we remove the Papacy from the overall Christian record, things looks better.  If then we also remove the kind of imperialism Reformed countries engaged in, it looks even better.  But even Orthodox rulers have, on occasion, resorted to forceful conversions and mass murder of others.
And here, just as in Islam, we notice that Christians also did not always spread their faith by love and compassion, especially once Christian rulers came to power in powerful empires or nations.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: Islam was spread by the sword
In reality the “Islam spread by the sword” is a total canard, at least when we hear it from folks who defend “democracy” but who stubbornly refuse to concede that 1) most democracies came to power by means of violent revolutions and that 2) just a look at a newspaper today (at least a non-western newspaper) will tell you that democracy is STILL spread by the sword.  As for the USA as country, it was built on by far the biggest bloodbath in history.  If anything, Sharia law and Islam could teach a great deal to the country which:
spends more on aggression than the rest of the world combined
has the highest percentage of people incarcerated (and most of these for non-violent crimes)
whose entire economy is based on the military-industrial complex
and who is engaged in more simultaneous wars of choice than any other country in history
So “Sharia Law Threatens America” is a lie.  And this is the truth:
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Was Islam really spread by the sword?
Maybe.  But anybody making that claim better make darn sure that his/her religion, country or ideology has a much better record.  If not, then this is pure hypocrisy!
Finally, I will also note that Christ said “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence” (John 18:36).  In contrast, the Prophet of Islam established the first Islamic state in Medina.  So when we compare Muhammad’s actions to Christ, a better comparison should be with the various Christian rulers (including Byzantine ones) and we will soon find out that the Christian Roman Empire also used the sword on many occasions.
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: the Prophet of Islam was a bad man
You must have all sorts of stories about how the Prophet Muhammad did things we would disapprove of.  I won’t list them here simply because the list of grievances is a little different in each case.  I actually researched some of these accusations (about marrying young girls, or sentencing people to death for example) and in each case, there is a very solid Muslim defense of these incidents which is almost always ignored and which provides a crucial context to, at least, the better understanding of the incident discussed.
Since I am not a historian or a biographer of the Prophet Muhammad I don’t have any personal opinion on these accusations other than stating the obvious: I am not a Muslim and I don’t have to decide whether Muhammad was a sinful man or a infallible person (that is a purely theological argument).  I will simply say that this ad hominem is only relevant to the degree that some Muslims would consider each action of their prophet as normative and not historical.  Furthermore, even if they would consider each action of their prophet as normative, we need to recall here that we are dealing with a prophet, not a God-Man, and that therefore the comparison ought not to be made with Christ, whom Christians believe to be 100% sinless, but with a Christian prophet, say Moses, whom no real Christian will ever declare sinless or infallible.  As for the Quran, let’s not compare it to just the New Testament but to all the books of the Bible taken together, including those who were eventually re-interpreted by the new religion of (some) Jews after the fall of Jerusalem: rabbinical/Phariseic Talmudism which found plenty of passages in its (deliberately falsified) “Masoretic” text of the Old Testament “Tanakh” (please see here if you don’t know what falsification I am referring to).
Finally, NO religious text worth anything is self-explanatory or “explains itself” by means of comparing passages.  This is also why all major religions have a large corpus of texts which explain, interpret, expand upon and otherwise give the (deceptively simple looking) text its real, profound, meaning. Furthermore, most major religions also have a rich oral tradition which also sheds light on written religious documents.  Whatever may be the case, simply declaring that “Islam is a threat” because we don’t approve of the actions of the founder of Islam is simply silly.  The next accusation is much more material:
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions:Islam is incompatible with democracy
That is by far the most interesting argument and one which many Muslims would agree with!  Of course, it all depends on what you mean by “democracy”.  Let me immediately concede that if by “democracy” you mean this:
Then, indeed, Islam is incompatible with modern western democracy.  But so is (real) Christianity!
So the so-called “West” has to decide what its core values are.  If Conchita Wurst is an embodiment of “democracy” then Islam and Christianity are both equally incompatible with it.  Orthodox Christianity, for sure, has not caved in to the homo-lobby in the same way most western Christian denominations have.
But if by “democracy” we don’t mean “gay pride” parades but rather true pluralism, true people-power, and the real sovereignty of the people, then what I call “core Islam” is not threat to democracy at all.  None.  However, there is also no doubt about two truisms:
Some Muslim states are profoundly reactionary and freedom crushing
Traditional Islam is incompatible with many modern “western values”
Still, it is also very easy to counter these truism with the following replies
Some Muslim states are pluralistic, progressive and defend the oppressed (Muslim or not)
Traditional Christianity is incompatible with modern “western values”
Again, Iran is, in my opinion, the perfect illustration of a pluralistic (truly diverse!), progressive and freedom defending Muslim state.  I simply don’t have the time and place to go into a detailed discussion of the polity of Iran (I might have to do that in a future article), and for the time being I will point you to the hyper-pro-Zionist Wikipedia article (which nobody will suspect of being pro-Muslim or pro-Iranian) about the “Politics of Iran” which will show you two things: Iran is an “Islamic Republic” meaning that it is a republic, yes, but one which has Islam as its supreme law.  There is absolutely nothing inherently less democratic about a Islamic republic which has a religion as its supreme law than a atheistic/secular republic which has a constitution as its supreme law.  In fact, some countries don’t even have a constitution (the UK and Israel come to mind).   As for the Iranian polity, it has a very interesting system of checks and balances which a lot of countries would do well to emulate (Russia for starters).
As for modern “western values”, they are completely incompatible with Christianity (the real, original, unadulterated thing) even if they are very compatible with modern western (pseudo-) Christian denominations.
So, now the question becomes: is there something profoundly incompatible between the real, traditional, Islam and the real, traditional, Christianity? I am not talking about purely theological differences here, but social and political consequences which flow from theological differences.  Two immediately come to my mind (but there are more, of course):
The death penalty, especially for apostasy
Specific customs (dress code, ban on alcohol, separation of genders in various settings, etc.)
The first one, this is really a non-issue because while traditional, Patristic, Christianity has a general, shall we say, “inclination” against the death penalty, this has not always been the case in all Orthodox countries.  So while we can say that by and large Orthodox Christians are typically not supporters of the death penalty, this is not a theological imperative or any kind of dogma.  In fact, modern Russia has implemented a moratorium on the death penalty (to join the Council of Europe – hardly a moral or ethical reason) but most of the Russian population favor its re-introduction.  Note that Muslims in Russia are apparently living their lives in freedom and overall happiness and when they voice grievances (often legitimate ones), they don’t have “reintroduce the death penalty” as a top priority demand.
The simple truth is that each country has to decide for itself whether it was the use the death penalty or not.  Once a majority of voters have made that decision, members of each religion will have to accept that decision as a fact of law which can be criticized, but not one which can be overturned by any minority.
As for religious tribunals, they can be easily converted by the local legislature into a “mediation firm” which can settle conflicts, but only if both sides agree to recognize it’s authority.  So if two Muslims want their dispute to be settled by an Islamic Court, the latter can simply act as a mediator as long as its decision does not violate any local or national laws.  Hardly something non-Muslims (who could always refuse to recognize the Islamic Court) need to consider a “threat” to their rights or lifestyles.
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An “Islamic Matrioshka”?!
As for the social customs, here it is really a no-brainer: apply Islamic rules to those who chose to be Muslims and let the other people live their lives as they chose to.  You know, “live and let live”.  Besides, in terms of dress code and gender differentiation, traditional Islam and traditional Christianity are very close.
Check out this typical Russian doll, and look at what she is wearing: this was the traditional Russian dress for women for centuries and this is still what Orthodox women (at least those who still follow ancient Christian customs) wear in Church.
Furthermore, if you go into a Latin parish in southern Europe or Latin America, you will often find women covering their heads, not only in church, but also during the day.  The simple truth is that these clothes are not only modest and beautiful, they are also very comfortable and practical.
The thing which Islamophobes always miss is that they take examples of laws and rules passed by some Muslim states and assume that this is how all Muslim states will always act.  But this is simply false.  Let’s take the example of Hezbollah (that name means “party of God”, by the way) in Lebanon which has clearly stated on many occasions that it has no intention of transforming Lebanon into a Shia-only state.  Not only did Hezbollah say that many times, but they acted on it and they always have had a policy of collaboration with truly patriotic Christians (of any denomination).  Even in today’s resistance (moqawama) there are Christians who are not members of Hezbollah as a party (and why would they when this is clearly and officially a Muslim party and not a Christian one?!), but they are part of the military resistance.
[Sidebar: by the way, the first female suicide bomber in Lebanon was not a Muslim.  She was a 18 year old from an Orthodox family who joined Syrian Social Nationalist Party and blew herself up in her car on an Israeli checkpoint (inside Lebanon, thus a legitimate target under international law!), killing two Israeli invaders and injuring another twelve.  Her name was Sana’a Mehaidli]
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A Hezbollah fighter respectfully picks up an image of the Mother of God from the ruins of a church destroyed by US-backed Takfiris
Recent events in Syria were also very telling: when the AngloZionist Empire unleashed its aggression against Syria and the “good terrorists” of al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/ISIS/etc. embarked in a wholesale program of massacres and atrocities, everybody ran for their lives, including all the non-Takfiri Muslims.  Then, when the plans of the Axis of Kindness (USA, KSA, Israel) were foiled by the combined actions of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, something interesting happened: the Latin Christians left, whereas the Orthodox Christians stayed (source).  Keep in mind that Syria is *not* an Islamic state, yet the prospects of a Muslim majority was frightening enough for the Latins to flee even though the Orthodox felt comfortable staying.  What do these Orthodox Christians know?
Could it be that elite traditionalist Shia soldiers represent no threat to Orthodox Christians?
Deconstructing the phobia’s assumptions: Islam generates terrorism
In fact, there is some truth to that too.  But I would re-phrase it as: the AngloZionists in their hatred for anything Russian, including Soviet Russian, identified a rather small and previously obscure branch of Islam in Saudi Arabia which they decided to unleash against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan.  From the first day, these Takfiris were federated by the USA and financed by the House of Saud.  The latter, in its fear of being overthrown by the Takfiris, decided to appease them by internationally supporting their terrorism (that is all Takfiris have to offer, their leaders are not respected scholars, to put it mildly).  Since that time, the Takfiris have been the “boots on the ground” used by the West against all its enemies: Serbia, Russia first, but then also secular (Syria) or anti-Takfiri Muslim states (Iran).
So it is not “Islam” which generates terrorism: it is western (AngloZionist) imperialism.
The US and Israel are, by a wide margin, the biggest sponsors of terrorism (just as the West was always by far the biggest source of imperialism in history) and while they want to blame “Islam” for most terrorist attacks, the truth is that behind every such “Muslim” attack we find a western “deep state” agents acting, from the GIA in Algeria, to al-Qaeda in Iraq to al-Nusra in Syria to, most crucially, 9/11 in New York.  These were all events created and executed by semi-literate Takfiri patsies who were run by agents of the western deep states.
As far as I know, all modern terrorist groups are, in reality, “operated by remote control” by state actors who alone can provide the training, know-how, finances, logistical support, etc needed by the terrorists.
And here is an interesting fact: the two countries which have done the most to crush Takfiri terrorism are Russia and Iran.  But the collective West is still categorically refusing to work with these countries to crush the terrorism these western states claim to be fighting.
So, do you really believe that the West is fighting terrorism?
If yes, I got a few bridges to sell all over the planet.
Conclusion: cui bono? the so-called “liberals”
There are many more demonstratively false assumptions which are made by the AngloZionist propaganda machine.  I have only listed a few.  Now we can look to the apparent paradox in which we see the western “liberals” both denouncing Islamophobia and, at the same time, repeating all the worst cliches about Islam.  In this category, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton are the most egregious examples of this hypocrisy because while pretending to be friends of Muslims, they got more Muslims killed than anybody else.  For western liberals, Islam is a perfect pretext to, on one hand, cater to minorities (ethnic or religious) while pretending to be extremely tolerant of others.  Western liberals use Islam in the West, as a way to force the locals to give up their traditions and values.  You could say that western liberals “love” Islam just like they “love” LGBTQIAPK+ “pride” parades: simply and only as a tool to crush the (still resisting) majority of the people in the West who have not been terminally brainwashed by the AngloZionist legacy corporate propaganda machine.
Conclusion: cui bono? the so-called “conservatives”
Western conservatism is dead.  It died killed by two main causes: the abject failure of National-Socialism (which was an Anglo plan to defeat the USSR) and by its total lack of steadfastness of the western conservatives who abandoned pretty much any and all principles they were supposed to stand for.  Before the 1990s, the conservative movements of the West were close to fizzling out into nothingness, but then the Neocons (for their own, separate, reasons) began pushing the “Islamic threat” canard and most conservatives jumped on it in the hope of using it to regain some relevance.  Some of these conservatives even jumped on the “Christian revival in Russia” theory (which is not quite a canard, but which is also nothing like what the Alt-Righters imagine it to be) to try to revive their own, long dead, version of “Christianity”.  These are desperate attempts to find a source of power and relevance outside a conservative movement which is basically dead.  Sadly, what took the place of the real conservative movement in the West is the abomination known as “National Zionism” (which I discussed here) and whose ideological cornerstone is a rabid, hysterical, Islamophobia.
Conclusion: cui bono? the US deep state
That one is easy and obvious: the US deep state needs the “Islamic threat” canard for two reasons: to unleash against its enemies and to terrify the people of the USA so that they accept the wholesale destruction of previously sacred civil rights.  This is so obvious that there is nothing to add here.  I will only add that I am convinced that the US deep state is also supporting both the Alt-Right phenomenon and the various “stings” against so-called “domestic terrorists” (only only Muslims, by the way).  What the Neocons and their deep-state need above all is chaos and crises which they used to shape the US political landscape.
Finally, the real conclusion: rate the source!  always rate the source…
Whom did we identify as the prime sources of Islamophobia?  The liberals who want to seize power on behalf of a coalition of minorities, conservatives who have long ditched truly conservative values and deep state agents who want to terrify US Americans and kill the enemies of the AngloZionist Empire.
I submit to you that these folks are most definitely not your friends.  In fact, they are your real enemy and, unlike various terrorists abroad who are thousands of miles away from the USA, these real enemies are not only here, they are already in power and rule over you!  And they are using Islam just like a matador uses a red cape: to distract you from the real threat: National Zionism.  This is true in the US as it is true in the EU.
Most westerners are now conditioned to react with fear and horror when they hear “Allahu Akbar”.  This is very predictable since most of what is shown in the western media is Takfiris screaming “Allahu Akbar” before cutting the throats of their victims (or rejoicing at the suffering/death of “infidels”).
Yet in the Donbass, the local Orthodox Christians knew that wherever that slogan (which simply means “God is greater” or “God is the greatest”) was heard the Ukronazis are on the run.  And now we see Russia sending mostly Muslim units to Syria to protect not only Muslims, but everybody who needs protection.
Having a sizable Muslim minority in Russia, far from being any kind of threat, as turned to be a huge advantage for Russia in her competition against the AngloZionist Empire.
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Chechens in Novorussia
There are, by the way, also Chechens fighting on the other side in this conflict: the very same Takfiris who were crushed and expelled from Chechnia by the joint efforts of the Chechen people and the Russian armed forces.  So, again, we have Muslims on both sides, the Takfiris now happily united with the Nazis and the traditionalist Muslims of Kadyrov protecting the people of Novorussia.
That is one, amongst many more, nuances which the Islamophobic propaganda always carefully chooses to ignore.
Should you?
The Saker
0 notes
damnzigers-blog · 7 years
an old percy jackson OC fic for the anon who wanted to read it. (Warning, I wrote this when I was 16 maybe so it’s not the level of writing I am at now)
The Ring of Gyges by Carly McCloud, daughter of Hermes
Until now, I always thought the angel and devil speaking in your mind was make-believe. I’m not saying little Carly’s’ were standing on my shoulders, one in a skin-tight red suit and holding a pitchfork and the other in a dress with a little harp. In fact, I probably would’ve preferred that. What I got instead were two snakes arguing in my mind.
           My phobia of snakes aside, I was pissed because they were sent from my father, Hermes. One day I woke up, and heard them whispering – at first thinking I had actually got schizophrenia or something. But of course it was good ol’ Martha and George. The thing is: they would not go away. Martha kept trying to explain that Hermes wanted me to do something while George kept asking me every other second for a rat.
           “How are you speaking to me, anyway?” I had asked.
           “Let’s just say some snake magic,” Martha said quickly, “We just need to make sure you get to where you need to go – without telling anyone.”
           “Where do I need to go?” I asked.
           There was some whispering inside my head. I slammed my head against a pillar in the dining pavilion. I had been given some weird looks from my siblings when I was muttering to myself as we walked to breakfast. I decided to excuse myself after pinching a hash brown.
           “Hermes says you just need to follow our directions. We can’t tell you in case you tell someone else. Please, sweetie, can you just-”
           “Is Hermes there? I’d like to speak with him.”
           The two snakes started making up excuses – which he was busy with deliveries and meetings and there was a really pretty girl he had spotted on a business trip. After getting a really detailed explanation on what my father and this girl did, I told them that if I did what they asked, they had to leave my mind for good. But I would do it in my own time. I figured if I waited it out long enough, they’d leave eventually and move on to some other Hermes camper, and I wouldn’t have to do anything. Sadly it did not work.
           On the lead-up to this miraculous adventure I would supposably have, George and Martha’s voice followed me everywhere I went. During battle training I got a bunch of bullshit advice from George – who kept telling me to use laser mode and shoot Lilly in the face, with Martha reminding him I did not have my father’s caduceus. I got some weird looks from Holiday when she saw me telling George to shut up really loudly during campfire and then the snakes decided they had a sense of humour and played saxophone music in my head when I was making out with Mikhail.
           But finally they made me crack. The two reptiles managed to slither in my dreams and play some kind of weird mash-up of a 90’s show intro, images flashing across my mind of dark caves and Shia Lebeouf yelling ‘Just do it!’ over and over again. I found myself waking up at 5-ish in the morning, on the floor of the Hermes cabin, writhing in pain, gasping for air as I pushed up from the ground in a press up manner, choking.
           “You ready now?” George’s voice asked innocently. I felt like reaching into my mind and strangling him, but I collapsed on the floor. The two snakes encouraged me to my feet, and I dragged my feet over to my dresser, retrieving my armour. I suited up, grabbing things the snakes requested me to. I stashed knives and my boomerang into my belt, pulled the hood of my cloak over my head and grabbed my backpack before stepping out of the Hermes Cabin.
           Despite it being summer, the morning air nipped at my skin. “You happy now?” I asked the two snakes while wrapping my left wrist with bandage.
           “Head to the forest.” Martha was not wasting time. I decided against reminding them that Chiron specifically stated that no campers were to go into the forest alone. I was sure I could handle myself, and heck – I was kind of curious about what they had in store for me. And I didn’t want Shia Lebeouf in my dreams again.
           I crossed over from the cabins towards the outline of trees. The snakes ordered me to head deeper into the forest. The further I got, the thicker the undergrowth and trees got. I was beginning to regret ordering a cloak with my armour each time it snagged a branch or something. Despite me being a total mess and stumbling around like a zombie, still half-asleep and grumbling about how stupid this was – the forest was pretty peaceful. Usually it was loud with large monsters crawling around or Ares campers charging at you with large weapons. But at that moment, I actually felt like curling up under a tree and spending a few hours there.
   The snakes kept ordered me to go left, right, left, left – no your other left! Right, right, oops, I meant left, go back again. Sorry… hey don’t use that language, Carly. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Go left again.
   “You want me to go in there?” I questioned my reptilian tormentors when I came to the entrance of my destination. I was staring down a dark hole, slightly hidden by thick grass. It had a small dirt mound around the sides, much like ant hills. I wondered if I could do the five-year old thing and push all the dirt in and leave when no one was looking, but by the looks of it, that hole was pretty deep.
   “It’s really important, trust me Carly,” Martha said.
   “I’m gonna tell you right here, right now that I don’t,” I snapped, gesturing to the hole, “You want me to go down in a dark hole at 5 in the morning? This is starting to sound like a shitty horror movie plot. Where are the cameras?”
   “We promise nothing will happen to you. You just need to retrieve something in the hole. We’re 60% sure there is nothing down there to kill you.”
   I was about to say I didn’t like the sound of those statistics, but I heard a snap behind me. I whipped around, my cloak brushing up against the brushes and making a loud rattling sound. My eyes scanned the area, but I didn’t find anything too shady. It turned out to be just some satyr dawdling around in the woods with a large cup of coffee. I wasn’t too keen to find out what would happen if he saw me. I wasn’t very high on the ‘good citizens’ list in the eyes of satyrs.
   “60 percent sure, right?” I asked the snakes.
   “65 can be persuaded,” George offered.
   I took a deep breath and looked back into the hole. I decided not to think twice about it as I jump into the pitch black darkness.
   . . .
   The hole was tight. Don’t take that the wrong way.
   It was a long way down too. The dirt turned into mud as I sped down the small slope, and was launched into and underground cavern. I rolled onto my back after grimacing in pain for a second. Blinking away a few tears, I noticed that the cave ceiling was glowing. When I finally got to my feet, I inspected closer and realised embedded into the dirt walls were numerous of celestial bronze items. The hue of the glow wasn’t all that bright, but I managed to make out the size of the cavern, and a tunnel leading off into the distance.
   “Where am I?” I asked the snakes.
   “The camp has tunnels underneath them, you know. Some connect up to the labyrinth – however part of that has collapsed, so you have a good chance of not wandering into there. Another part leads onto the mines the Hephaestus cabin built. The myrmekes tunnelled down here and have huge hordes of treasure left behind after being hunted by the Ares and Apollo cabin,” Martha explained. “That’s where your father wants you to go.”
   “To the myrmekes?”
   “To the treasure.”
   “How big is this horde of treasure?” I asked casually, setting down the small tunnel. I had no idea where I was going, of course, but I guessed if there was only on way to go, that was the right way to go. I had liked the sound of treasure. I’m not as big as a fan of antiques as some of the other Hermes campers, but I knew quality stuff when I saw it. I could almost imagine the mounds of gold drachmas and jewellery stacked upon each other. It would have to be worth a lot.
   “You can take as much as you like, but Hermes only wants something specific,” Martha said softly. I came to a three way intersection and stopped.
   “Well, where now?” I asked, feeling defeated.
   “The way that’s brightest,” Martha replied, “Go right.”
   The tunnels were becoming wider now, however I stuck to one side, and made sure my shoulder brushed against the wall. I wasn’t sure how that would help me if I came across some kind of booby trap, but it felt better than walking straight through the middle. “Is the caduceus losing power or something?” I asked, following Martha’s orders.
   “No. Why?” George’s voice was muffled, as if he was talking with his mouth full. I wondered how he was doing that, seeing as the snakes communicated telepathically all the time. I wasn’t really up for debating how the universe worked in regards to how snakes could talk, and left it alone.
    “I just figured if Hermes wanted me to find him something, it would be powerful. Perhaps a new weapon or something.”
   “Trust me, the caduceus is just as powerful as Zeus lightning rod. We got cell-phone mode. Ever see a stick of lightning with the ability to play Flappy Bird? No – didn’t think so.”
   I walked around the maze of dirt for what seemed like ages. I had no real perception of time down there, so I was counting on my ability to do math. If my calculations were correct (which they most likely weren’t) I had an hour or so to find this treasure and get out of the maze, back to the cabin and ready for breakfast if I didn’t want to get into deep trouble from both Chiron and my boyfriend for being in the forest by myself.
   “Are you sure you know the right way?” I asked the snakes for the hundredth time as I turned another corner which looked exactly the same as the last one. The snakes claimed they knew exactly what was going on, but I doubted it. The tunnels weren’t just horizontal, with me having to go right and left a bunch of times. I had to climb up some slopes, and slide down a few. I was starting to low-key worry about how I was going to get out of this mess. The air in the tunnels was becoming quite thin and hard to breathe as it got hotter.
   I wiped my forehead and came to a slope down. I slid down into another cavern. This one was much bigger and brighter than the first one I came across. The view was breathtaking. Piles upon piles of golden coins, jewellery, goblets and gems sparkled. Amongst the coins and jewels, perfectly crafted weapons laid – some even so beautiful, it looked like Hephaestus himself had forged them. I thought I was going to cry over the sheer beauty, but I didn’t have time for it. I was on a hunt.
   I opened my bag and scraped in as much treasure as I could. The drachmas were invited, but so were the jewellery and gems. I ended up putting a few necklaces around my neck and large diamond rings on my fingers. My bling game was so strong, I looked like I had come straight from the set of a rap music video. I knew my bag was going to be a bitch to carry out of the tunnels, but I filled it up as much as I could.
   Just as I felt I was done, something caught my eye.  
   How it caught my eye, I don’t know. It was just a celestial gold ring sitting on top of a wooden box. But it glinted all deadly like. As I approached it and went to pick the ring up, I knew in the pit of my stomach that this had to be what I was sent for. I felt warm in my hand, and as I clutched it tightly in my palm I felt the sense of a job well done. My small quest was completed – I could go.
   “Okay, which way back?” I asked the snakes.
   There was no answer.
   . . .
   “Guys, seriously.” I heard my voice wobble. I hate to say that I was scared, but I was. They had promised that if I had did what they asked, they would leave me alone. They did just that – I found the stupid ring, and then they pissed off. I really hate snakes.
   I hadn’t noticed at that moment that I wasn’t the only one in the room. Creeping out of the darkness was a giant ant mess that came from Greek mythology respectively. It was only a small one – and by small I mean it wasn’t the size of a car. It was the size of a motorbike, and trust me, that’s a good thing when it comes to fighting monsters. Always find a silver lining.
   I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed at the Ares and Apollo campers. They had boasted a week ago that they had cleared the myrmekes out of the forests. This one couldn’t have respawned in that amount of time.
   I felt the need to grab a knife or my boomerang out of my belt, but I knew this monster’s hide was too strong for that. I would have to break it open, or have better lighting so I could see the weaker points if I wanted to do some target practice. I grabbed a sword from the treasure pile and backed towards the tunnel the led up.
   The myrmekes hissed – if ant can do that – and raised its pincers in the air, ready to spit acid at me. I dodged out of the way of the largest blob of acid, a few droplets managed to catch onto my arm and armour. The armour was fine, but my skin was not. I could feel it beginning to burn and scab up in a matter of seconds.
   I twisted around and brought the blade down on the ant’s back, cracking open the tough hide. I knew it had to be more on the sword’s part than mine when it came to breaking that shell. I large shard of the hide cut into my forearm on impact. Blood slipped down my arm, off my elbow and dripped onto my armour and jeans, but that was least of my worries.
   The ant reared back in anger, nearly toppling over. I took this chance to bolt for the tunnel exit. I grappled up the dirt slope, struggling to climb up due the weight of the backpack I was carrying. I started to panic as I heard the myrmekes start to climb up as well. A large ant foot pinned my cloak down. I was a goner for sure.
   I heard the ant spray once more, this time catching on my backpack. As the acid ate away at the material, the coins and other treasures poured out the holes. The weight eased off my back and I scrambled out of the hole and into the large tunnel. I took a chance to look back as I was scrambling to my feet to see the ant slip as the coins and jewels poured down the slope.
   Then I ran.
   I was making random turns and guessing my way through the maze. I could still feel the ring clenched tightly in my hand. As I began to slow down, I slipped it onto an already bejewelled finger.
   The sound of Martha’s voice made me stop in my tracks at a screeching halt and tumble towards the ground. “What?” I asked weakly, wiping my face with my hand. As Martha and George started apologising – saying they had disconnected because either the tunnel was too deep or they had hit some bad service, I noticed I could not see my hands, or my arms. Or any part of my body really.
   “Shut up,” I told the snakes, to which the immediately stopped talking. I felt for my left hand, and touched the smooth band. Slowly, I pulled it off, and slowly I watching my body fade back. The ring made people turn invisible. I had a feeling I knew where this was going from a movie Mikhail had made me watch – with hobbits and one creepy bald creature.
   “The Ring of Gyges,” Martha sighed in relief, “You might have heard it from Plato. It belongs to the king of Lydia, and somehow, like everything Greek, wound up in America. Your father wanted you to have it.”
   “It’s always good to have a back-up plan when hunting for treasure. Your father has become more into all the ancient artefacts now that people are uncovering all these old relics.”
   “What?”        "He likes treasure hunting."
   . . .
   Martha and George finally left my head for good once I was out of the tunnels and the forest and headed towards the kitchens. I was so hungry that I didn’t care how I looked at that point.
   Mik was waiting out the front. I guess he was worried when he saw I wasn’t with all my siblings going up to breakfast. He looked like he was going to faint when he saw me rock up to the dining pavilion still in my armour. I don’t know why he would look that way – armour and people covered in dirt and blood was a normal sight at Camp Half-Blood. Perhaps it was because I had no make-up on, or my hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and I had clumps of dirt and twigs sticking out. Or maybe it was because I was still wearing all my bling and he was wondering what kind of stuff he could make with it if he could melt it all down.
   Chiron came out to meet me with the look of disappointment I knew all too well.
   “It’s not my blood,” I promised him and Mikhail.
   “And the jewellery, Miss McCloud?”
   “Not mine either, but I was given special permission to go get it from Hermes. You know, god of thieves and all,” I said with my best innocent look. I began to back away from centaur, “So you know, if you expel me, he might not be happy about that and up the price on envelope stamps.”
   Either Chiron wasn’t bothered to deal with me or really was worried about stamp prices, because he let me go back to the Hermes Cabin to get changed. I ignored my stomach growling for food as I shrugged into cleaner clothes. I had noticed the letter on my pillow, which was signed with my name on it in beautiful cursive handwriting that I guessed was my father’s. It took me a full minute to decide if I wanted to open it or not.
   I thought you could use a hobby.
   -          Hermes.
   That was all he had written, but the note from him wasn’t all that was tucked inside the envelope. Numerous of pages with pictures of ancient artefacts circled in pen and accompanied with maps filled my bunk. Some of these treasures were marked to be in other countries – Egypt, Rome, Greece, Russia, Iran – they were everywhere.
   I wasn’t sure why he had chosen me to go all Indiana Jones. Maybe it was the mutual fear of snakes I had with the fictional character. But he wanted me to go hunting. Not for monsters, like most demigods had to, but for treasure.
   I found some kind of rock and roll awesomeness that he had chosen me out of all my siblings. But was I up for the task? I do like treasure.
   A few weeks later I left a note for all my friends: You will find me in the land of the – you know what, fuck this shit. I’m in Egypt, I’ll send a postcard if I can.
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shiapolux · 8 years
Polux of Sparta (Currently: Shia)
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Polux always worked very hard to not out-shine Castor, because he knew his brother would be the one inheriting the throne and he didn’t want people comparing them just because he was naturally stronger being the son of a god. That’s the main reason Castor’s star was way shinier in ancient times and why he is usually born the second twin with a much calmer personality.
Being a rightful inhabitant of the Underworld when he is dead, he can roam around as much as he likes. That’s why he has a tendency to come back when he is alive and feeling distressed, because by now is a much more familiar enviroment than the outside world that usually has changed greatly each time he reincarnates. He just forgets he doesn’t have the same appearence (and even gender) when is reincarnated.
Training (Mostly boxing or sword training, he is not as good a rider as Castor, but he likes horses)
Swimming (After the incident with the Argos he is like a fish)
Castor (Lyud in this encarnation)
Helen and Clytemnestra
His parents
Hector after hearing of him from Helen
All the gods he is somewhat related to in the myths (Athena who is a protector of heroes, Ares who is the main god in Sparta, Hermes who is said to be the protector of the Gemini sign, Poseidon that blessed him and Castor, Hades that allowed him and Castor to be together despite him not being able to die like a regular human, etc)
Anyone he knew on his first life, their reincarnations and his current reincarnation’s family.
Any regular inhabitant of the Underworld
Not being able to protect Castor, or to share his inmortality with him. Not being able to save him in each of their reincarnations despite him being supposedly more powerful.
Not being there for Helen when the war broke throught. He thinks he could have convinced the kings to let her be, or that he could have been a mediator during the war, or something. He is specially remorseful since he ‘chose’ to die following Castor and he could have helped her, even if he didn’t know about the war until after way later.
That one day Castor simply won’t reincarnate again or will be thrown into Tartarus for a crime and he will never be able to met his twin again.
That one day his mixed loyalties will blow in his face and he won’t be able to do a thing.
TAGGED: @wyvernrhadamanthyswalden​ {thanks <3} TAG TEN PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME THING : @phefireankaa​ @foxfirae​ @eltejedordementiras​ @thegodspawn​ @howling-undead​ @seasymphonie​ @poseidonisms
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stoned-to-blitz · 5 years
Get To Know Me Yourself, Coward!
Meaning Behind My URL: Im usually stoned and my title is “The Blitz” so…. ;)
A Picture: You shits have already seen me sksksksksk
Tattoos: Several, got vine work of my own design, couple symbols.
Tattoos I Want: TBD
Last Time I Cried: Uhhhh, when I realized the Entity fixed my shit (sorta) and I felt “pain” for the first time. Shits Lit AF, 10/10 abuse regenerative powers daily.
Piercings: Two lobes, both ears, industrial, plus orbital helix and helix. Right nostril, one bridge,  two on the outer ends of each eyebrow.
Piercings I Want: Thinking about getting my nips re pierced, but i’m pretty sure Mikey would rip’em out again. On second thought, I’m absolutely doing it….
Favorite Band: Eh, prolly MSI
Biggest Turn Ons: Violence and Possession
Biggest Turn Offs: Bitchiness
Top 5….?: Songs In No Particular Order- 1. Blitzkrieg Pop (Ramones)   2. Bang, Bang (Nancy Sinatra)    3. Bad Reputation (Joan Jett)    4. American Idiot (Greed Day)     5. Actual Cannibal Shia LeBeouf (Rob Cantor)
Age: 20
Perfect Date: Scary Movies, junk food, and rough sex.
Life Goal:
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Movie: Halloween/Black Christmas
Fact About My Life: I had CIP before getting snatched up by the fog.
Phobia: Eh, none really.
Height: 5’3
Virgin? Not Anymore ;}}}
Shoe Size: 10
Sexual Orientation: Gay AF
Do I Smoke, Drink, Take Drugs?       Just weed, I don’t fuck with anything else.
Someone I Miss: My best friend Aurie, though im pretty sure she doesn’t miss the near death experiences I brought with me.
What’s One Thing You Regret?        Not Killing a particular guy sooner.
First Celebrity You Think Of When Someone Says Attractive:     Jason Momoa
Favorite Ice Cream:  Mint Chip plz
One Insecurity: Weight
What my last text says: “WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!”
Do I Have Nudes?     You know it.
Have I Ever Painted My Room?     Nope, wish I had.
Have I Ever Kissed A Man?     Vigorously
Have I Ever Slept Naked?      Usually
Have I Ever Danced In Front Of A Mirror?      No comment
Have I Ever Had A Crush?       Sorta
Have I Ever Been Dumped?       Nope, but I’ve dumped bros before.
Have I Ever Stolen Money From A Friend?      Not a friend.
Have I Ever Hopped In A Car With Strangers?     Uber???
Have I Ever Been In A Physical Fight?    -_-
Have I Ever Snuck Out?    Not in the real world, but it’s kinda a necessity here.
Have I Ever Had Unrequited Feelings?     Maybe, I’m a dork so I never said shit any way.
Have I Ever Been Arrested?    Nope, they tried tho lmao
Have I Ever Made Out With A Stranger?      Does Myers count?
Have I Ever Left The House Without Telling Anyone?      Yup
Have I Ever Had A Crush On My Neighbor?      Currently
Have I Ever Ditched School?      Homeschooled, it was a typical experience.
Have I Seen Someone Die?    Daily
Have I Ever Been On A Plane?     Nah, didn’t really travel.
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nice4tees · 5 years
Reads Books Loves Dogs Stays Home Shirt , Hoodie, V-neck, Sweater
Reads Books Loves Dogs Stays Home Shirt , Hoodie, V-neck, Sweater
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Begin learn by your individual The Quran and the historical past from completely different sources , hook up with actual Muslims who goes to mosques and islamic facilities ( sunni ones) As a result of Islam suffers now from extremetist and media assaults, particularly after 9/11 and Shias extremetist for instance these killing journals.
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oliverelio · 7 years
this sequel thing is gon be like IT because it is 20 or 30 years later with flashbacks played by tim and armand. can't imagine tiny timmy playing a 50 yold in 2 years. so who are the fancast for older oliver and ellio? my friend tells me paul rudd for ellio and paul bettany for oliver
It, as in the clown movie? I haven’t got the first idea of that story haha. My phobia is intense and real and I won’t go near it. 
But you think a sequel will be from an older perspective flashing back to their younger days? I think Luca said he wanted to make the sequel around 2020, when Timothée will be around the same age as Elio in real life (around 25?), and make it the next chapter in his life - this means it would probably be somewhere around the middle of ‘Ghost Spots’ when Elio is in the USA. 
I’m not very good at fancasting because I usually just want my faves to be in everything or to always work with each other... Timothée and Armie with aging prosthetics on?! I have thought about who else could have played these roles (i.e. Shia LaBeouf when we found out that was suggested) but I can’t see anyone else doing it. Thankfully, from what we’ve heard so far, it doesn’t seem like we’ll need older actors to play the parts - we just need Timmy and Armie to be available!
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simplyka-blog · 8 years
Satu hikmah dari sebuah pertemanan baru.
Abrar Quraini. Apa yang terbesit di benak lo ketika lo liat nama ini? Orang arab? Ya. Islam? Ya. Well, dia adalah seorang cewek keturunan Iraq yang sekarang tinggal di USA. Pertama kenal lewat jejaring sosial instagram. Tujuan gue kenal sama abrar atau abi (her nickname) ini cuma pengen biasain buat ngobrol pake bahasa inggris sih, walaupun akhirnya ya ga ngaruh2 amat :v . Dia adalah orang asing ter wellcome yang gue kenal. Baik, cantik, dan setahu gue dia sangat patuh dengan hukum-hukum islam bahkan dia gak pacaran (gak kaya gue yang pernah pacaran :v). Suatu hari, dia cerita dia deket sama seorang cowok dan mungkin suatu hari dia bakal nikah sama cowok ini. Beberapa hari kemudian dia curhat lagi, "gue kayaknya ga bakal dapet restu buat nikah sama cowok ini, karena cowok ini sunni dan gue syiah" nah lho?. Kira2 apa reaksi gue saat itu ketika yg tiap hari gue konsumsi di sini berita tentang syiah itu munafik, kafir dan bukan islam? Gue sempet rasain 'syiah-phobia' pas baca chat dia yang ini. Wtf? Selama ini gue chat sama syiah? Gimana nih, gue bakal ketularan syiah gak ya?. Mindset gue saat itu adalah seakan2 syiah virus yang cuma dengan lo nafas dekat mereka aja lo bisa jadi syiah. Syiah bukan islam!!!!! Jangan pernah deket2 sama syiah!!!!!. Akhirnya karena penasaran, gue tanya perbedaan syiah sunni emang apa?. Ya secara umum perbedaannya cuma siapa khalifah yang mereka anggap ketika nabi Muhammad SAW meninggal. Semua yang gue denger berita tentang syiah disini gue konfirmasi ke abi. Ya dia udah gak kaget. Kalo emang syiah selalu difitnah macem2. Dia cerita pernah pengen cari shia salah di youtube tapi yang dia temuin adalah shia salah versi yang palsu. Someone pretend to be shia and spread fake rumours, she told me. Ada emang berita yang bener tapi dengan cara penyampaian yang buruk. kaya fakta bahwa sholat shia sama sholat sunni (which is sholat orang2 Indonesia) beda. Ga bersedekap. Trus kenapa? Gue telusurin juga gak ada kok ulama yang anggap hal itu sesuatu yang sesat. Masalah syiah menghina abu bakar, umar, usman, gue tanya ke dia, mereka ga menghina mereka hanya ga menganggap kekhalifahan mereka karena menurut shia khalifah setelah nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Ali RA, jadi ini cuma masalah sejarah dan perbedaan perspektif. Gue pernah baca kok thesis anak UIN tentang sistem kepemimpinan dalam islam dan disitu dibahas gimana sistem kepemimpinan imammiyah versi syiah dan note syiah itu ada banyak dari yang moderat sampe yang paling ekstrem. Sama kok kaya sunni. Pernah liat kan orang sunni yang suka ngekafir2in muslim lain semenjak pilkada DKI? :v jadi ga perlu mengeneralisir. Masalah perayaan karbala? Nah ini dia salah satu data yang cara penyampaiannya buruk. Gini deh, yakin semua syiah ngelakuin hal itu? Kalo iya, emang mereka ga cacat skrg? Buktinya banyak aja tuh orang syiah yang anggota tubuh masih utuh. Setelah gue tanya abi, dia bilang " ya they are so stupid, shia isn't perfect" yang ngelakuin itu cuma 1% dari keseluruhan, dan balik lagi syiah ada banyak, yang ngelakuin kemungkinan aliran ekstrem. Sama kaya ISIS yang ngaku2 islam sunni tapi ngelakuin hal membabi buta kaya gitu. Dan banyak lagi fakta yang kalo dicerna pake logika itu ngerontokin brain-wash yang selama ini gue dapet di media. Lo tau gak sih rasanya nyadar selama ini udah di bego-begoin? Udah percaya dengan mudahnya berita-berita dari golongan lo sendiri yang bikin lo membenci suatu golongan. Padahal di Islam ga pernah diajarin membenci. Islam Rahmatan Lil Amin, Rahmat bagi seluruh makhluk. Islam agama yang paling masuk logika, jadi gue ga percaya sama orang yang bilang "belajar agama jgn pake logika" halah!!!. Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan di video kajian beliau bahkan bilang "when ummah stop thinking, the worst things will happen" dan emang bener. Kalo lo cuma percaya pake mata dan telinga dengan gampangnya, maka lo bakal mudah disetir sesuai kepentingan suatu golongan. And i wont be like that, dude. Seriously... Saudi sama Iran lagi panas dan ada kemungkinan PD III bakal kejadian di timur tengah. Udah banyak orang Indonesia di brain wash yang akhirnya mau jadi mujahiddin ke ISIS. Imam syafii bilang di penghujung zaman bakal ada dua macam ulama bukan? Dan antara lo mau pilih ulama yang mana itu balik lagi ke diri lo sendiri. Apa pemahaman lo terhadap islam? Terhadap agama? Dan terhadap tujuan manusia lahir dan turun ke bumi. Pegangan gue saat ini cuma agama akan selalu mengajarkan manusia untuk melakukan kebaikan dan Islam Rahmatan lil Amin. Rahmat bagi seluruh makhluk. Dan kalo dipikir2, heran gak sih sekarang orang islam sibuk perangin saudaranya sendiri? Contoh ISIS, perang di Suriah, perang Yaman vs Saudi. Menarique
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