#internalized exorsexism
nappingpaperclip · 3 months
y’all we r not beating exorsexism and misogyny by calling every transmasc that pisses u off a ‘theyfab.’ Idc if they are annoying or have dumbass opinions, literally using someone’s agab as an insult is wrong and treating transmascs as annoying little afabs is deeply misogynistic and transphobic. What happened to just calling people fucking idiots
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satyrradio · 4 months
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day 20283737 of waiting for y'all to realize that maybe we should be going after the ppl that want us dead instead of. yk. each other
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tomboy-brainwasher · 8 months
Do I have the “wrong” hobbies for my Gender?
If I had a nicked for every time a transfem told me “I love fashion and costuming, but I don’t think I’m cut out for it”, or a transmasc assumed they would personally be “incapable” of woodworking, leatherworking, etc (unrelated to any disability) I’d have a lot of fucking nickels!!
There’s more than a few polls and studies out there connecting childhood games and toys with job-outcome. 
"men tend to describe technology as a toy, while women tend to describe technology as a tool" [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13691180701409960] “Overall, mothers’ and fathers’ behaviors were better predictors of children’s gender-role attitudes than parents’ ideology.” [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11199-015-0539-0] Based on polling, under “What Influences Dream Careers” look at it and tell me how many transfems weren’t given craft supplies or fashion barbies as gifts and how many transmascs were scolded away from engineering and hot wheelz.
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 Everyone starts out a little messy and confused about how to perform a new skill. Rarely is someone ‘already good’, just take joy in discovering a new skill.
Never worry about whether you’re “not the right person” for a hobby.
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transmaverique · 5 months
gonna be honest I see anyone talking about this "my gender is more complicated than yours" shit as someone who genuinely cannot comprehend that other people that don't share certain traits with them can still in fact have rich interior lives. as an agender trans woman who uses she/her I've never had anyone say it to me who wasn't (usually unknowingly) transmisogynistic
see but im not talking about "rich interior lives" and the assumption that i am is exactly what im talking about. i am talking about the actual physical way that reality treats and percieves me in comparison to the way it treats and percieves you. saying my gender is "more complex" means to me that i am physically incapable of existing in a strictly binary world and that there is no thing i can pass as bc "binary man" and "binary woman" are both incorrect for me. and the Cisiety in question does not allow androgyny to exist - it is exclusively the timeframe people have to decide whether they think you are a cisman or a ciswoman, or a failure and a freak. i dont subscribe to that "binary privilege" shit, thats not how privilege works. but there are differences in the ways both you and i can navigate this strictly binary Cisiety!!! and those differences deserve to be named, imo
like. again. i dont have to comfort you about your own internal sense of gender before youll listen to me about my experiences in the real world as genderqueer. as a different sort of transsexual than you.
(and bc i Know what binary ppl love to say: i know not everyone is 'capable of passing'. what i am talking about specifically is the difference between being unable to pass as a cis woman or a cis man vs being unable to pass bc what i am does not exist AT ALL in a binary society, and both of those things are incorrect ans unattainable.)
(anyways if that language is too imperfect for you thats like fine but. its just confusing to me, i dont get why its hard to understand what we are talking about here. our experiences w our nonbinary genders are completely different! why do i have to discuss them like theyre the same?)
#do you consider yourself transfem first or agender first on an internal level?#do you feel like you are predominantly treated as a trans woman in your day to day? does that hurt the part of you that is agender?#< not trying to grill u or anything im genuinely curious#ive had similar convos w my transmasc and transfem nonbinary friends as well as like. my gnc binary trans friends#i am just curious bc. like i said 'binary' isnt a bad thing to be and frankly since u identify urself as agender ur not really the target a#dience here anyways?#the idea that theres no such thing as a binary trans person just#fundamentally misunderstands the extremely broad swathe of nonbinary experiences and treatments#my passing transmasc enby friends dont particularly feel touched by transphobia unless theyre clocked or unless our areas laws changed#but some DO feel like they r effected by exorsexism on a day to day by being assumed to be binary men and having the other parts of their i#entities erased#while others are completely comfortable being percieved as strictly men and moving through life strictly as men#which is sounds like. i would guess youd have a similar position since u exclusively use she/her?#like.. it sounds to me like your 'rich interior life' doesnt really have an outward effect on the way people percieve and treat you and the#way you react to it which is very different from my experience#binary doesnt mean your gender is 'simple' it just means that you are comfortable within a binary system even of you dont personally identi#y with it. and maybe this is a case of 'political identity vs personal identity'??#and all of this is FINE its just. literally every time i talk about my own unique positioning my transandrogyny or whatever gives me#people crawl out of the woodwork to tell me my experiences are not actually unique#do u see what my issue is? my own trans experiences are erased bc other people 'disagree' with . what. my perspective as an 'unaligned' enb#? when its like. literally none of us are gonna have the same needs or experiences as trans people#and if 'binary' works to show that you are fine and comfortable being percieved exclusively as a woman#and 'nonbinary' works to show i am not#i dont really see what the issue w using the word 'binary' is#like i said. its not a slur. its not a bad thing to be.#and tbh i think this insistence that 'unaligned' nonbinary ppls perspectives arent actually unique to binary or 'aligned' nonbinary ppls is#directly contributing to like. lateral bigotry coming from said 'unaligned' enbies. like if u put urself in my shoes for a second and u gre#up being constantly told you were either a cis invader who didnt actually have any trans experiences and that only people who want to 'full#transition' were REAL transsexuals then. youd be kinda jaded too right? and im sure you ARE kinda jaded lol.#anyways. sorry for rambling at you i dont have any more tags left lol
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lena-kelley-oiar · 22 days
Was I really born like this, or did I become this way at some point? Did something make me this way? Am I just broken? No- That's stupid, I know I'm broken, but is that why I'm...like this?
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Something abt it/its pronouns really makes ppl lose the ability to think huh
Oh they make you uncomfortable? Well no you're not saying that your comfort is more important than other people's pronouns, you're just... not gonna use them. It's fine if you use something else instead, right?
Oh you don't want to assume they're being used in a dehumanizing way, really, you're just checking? Dang I guess there were no context clues at all that could have told you that it's much more likely that that's simply its pronouns. You just had to be certain, it's not like you're actually accusing somebody of dehumanizing another person.
Well no you're not interrogating it on its pronouns, you're just checking that this isn't internalized transphobia / exorsexism / misogyny / ..., gotta make sure this was an informed decision, right? And who's better qualified to decide whether it chose those pronouns for a good reason than you, after all?
And that's the nice options.
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quark-nova · 2 years
i'm just exhausted. every time i try to join a queer space, i have no idea if i'll have to preemptively "apologize" for my amab enby identity and my assumed privilege, or if it's an actual safe space for me and doing this will ironically get me kicked out. and like. i can't win. i can't guess if "safe space" extends to those who are seen as "too cis" or not, i can't guess how much they assume all amab enbies to be cis male-adjacent, i have no idea how i should act to even be able to stay there. and i get kicked either for being too deep into internalized exorsexism, or in the opposite for advocating/defending my identity and my right to exist too much and "making it all about agab". sometimes even both at the same time. i can't win, and now i just hate myself even more
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this-is-exorsexism · 6 months
I’m bigender, male and female, and AFAB. I’ve been chased out of transmasc groups for having she/her pronouns in my bio alongside he/him and told to stop invading trans spaces. I’ve been called Cis+ in nonbinary spaces and told I “don’t count” because I absolutely loathe being referred to as they/them and don’t care to present androgynous. The only spaces where I’m really welcomed based on my gender is in women’s spaces, and that’s only because I look like a cis woman most of the time; if I mention being bigender I’ll get comments like “girl why are you here then 😐” and “I’ve heard of internalized misogyny but this is something else!” if I’m not just outright kicked out first. So ultimately I’m not welcome in cis spaces, trans spaces, OR nonbinary spaces, so that’s lots of fun! /s
this is exorsexism.
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qweerhet · 7 months
i've been experiencing something really unfortunate lately where i will encounter posts about transmisogyny that i agree with at face value, and generally are well-articulated and considered--but i don't know if they're using "transmisogyny" as code for "talking about exorsexism and binarism, or being a genderqueer person." there's a cohort of popular transfeminist bloggers who do this, there's a growing realm of transfeminist discussion and theory that sets its terms and frameworks internally in this way. the cues one can pick up on to try to figure this out without, like, going through some rando's blog, are too subtle to rely on, they'll end up pinging people who are just clumsy with their words, or unfamiliar with tumblr and tumblr transfeminism, or don't know about this phenomenon and happen to use language that those in this phenomenon use, or whatever.
it feels like... back when acecourse was really picking up, and there would be well-thought-out posts about homophobia, particularly intracommunity homophobia and the lesbian experience. and they'd hold a ton of water on the surface, and get passed around because what they were saying was quite true and a genuinely good analysis. but they were using "homophobia" to mean "talking about aphobia, or being an ace/aro person." and that fundamentally changes the analysis and makes it actively homophobic.
like. similarly, for a lot of this discussion, if the term "transmisogyny" is being used in this way, the analysis itself becomes actively transmisogynistic. if your secret definition of transmisogyny includes "discussing exorsexism," well, it's completely and fundamentally impossible to extricate exorsexism from transmisogyny, so your post goes from "considered analysis" to "active aggression against a cohort of people experiencing transmisogyny" with that context.
anyway, it's been really frustrating over the past few months in particular. i feel like something has shifted--maybe some blogs reached critical popular mass and shifted the overall discussion, maybe some new friend groups formed and established new ideological blocs? not plugged into the scene enough to know, to be honest. but it's making me extremely anxious, as someone who. you know. experiences transmisogyny and would love to continue to have language to discuss it. would love to not be on edge in discussions i should be 100% comfortable in.
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nothorses · 7 months
Hey this is vaguely related to the conversations you were having and I hope you’re ok with me dropping it in your asks. But when I came out as FTM I felt like I was forced to try and fit into this patriarchal idea of cis manhood by others. Like I couldn’t just be a person with a wide array of interests and desires if I wanted to be a man. Even by like, trans allies and other trans people.
I often see even other trans men using toxic masculinity but trying to be “positive” about it like “you aren’t a man unless you are comfortable in femininity or engage in politics this way” or even “do [blank] for these other marginalized communities” boiled down to “repent for being a gender traitor” IMO.
I feel like this sort of thing is tied to this like “binary vs non-binary” in a tangible way. I’m just not sure and I could be wrong and I’m curious about your thoughts. It’s been on my mind for weeks, these kinds of patterns in trans spaces and discussions and I personally have no conjunctive answer.
I think I understand what you're getting at, and I have definitely noticed this kind of thing in my own experiences and relationship to gender. I identified as nonbinary for as long as I did because I legitimately felt pressured to; I was surrounded by people who felt, and implied, and stressed, that masculinity and manhood were bad things & it was somehow morally superior to be nonbinary instead. I was afraid of being, or being seen as, aggressive and dangerous and morally reprehensible, and identifying as nonbinary felt like the Better Thing To Do.
This isn't, like, unique; Baeddels openly believed that this was the better way to go, and/or that nonbinary people were just Secret Trans Men pretending to be "non-men" in order to "avoid accountability":
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Which kind of reinforces the myth that Being Nonbinary Is Morally Superior in and of itself: "trans men are just pretending to be nonbinary because it would make them Better People, but we all know that they can't really be nonbinary" is not actually challenging this assumption that being further from manhood would be morally superior. though denying the fact that nonbinary people can exist at all is still incredibly, disgustingly exorsexist.
this line of thinking didn't just come from this one specific strain of radical transfeminism. radfem ideology as a whole is, imo, more like a pink coat of paint on regular-ass cisheteropatriarchy. I think the ways in which radtransfeminism understand trans men and nonbinary people are incredibly indicative of this; trans womanhood has been sort of half-unpacked, but there are still so many deep anxieties around trans men and (some) nonbinary folks "betraying womanhood" and "infiltrating women's spaces", "mutilating" our bodies, etc.
I mean, it's internalized transphobia. my grandma wants to call me "grey" instead of "greyson" for the same reason that my trans ally lesbian peer wants to use "they/them" pronouns for me instead of "he/him": it obfuscates my connection to manhood, and in many ways, my defiance of the gender binary they're comfortable with. it makes my gender identity sort of "uncertain", and positions me a little closer to womanhood. it's more comfortable for them.
when I did identify as nonbinary and use "they/them", I was consistently misgendered as "female". again, I was being nudged back toward womanhood and the identity that was more palatable for others (including some trans people!). I was being nudged back towards the gender binary.
there is clearly also a trend here of nudging nonbinary people back into the binary in the "other" direction: again, the above example of Baeddels insisting that nonbinary people who were AFAB are "actually" trans men. Truscum often believe the same of dysphoric nonbinary people. Baeddels tended to believe that nonbinary people who were AMAB were "actually" trans women in denial, too. Exorsexism is a hell of a drug.
But yeah, I think you're right; I think the common thread between all branches of transphobia is a desire to protect the gender binary, and I think that necessarily problematizes any idea of a socio-politically "binary" trans person.
It's important to understand how exorsexism is unique beyond that, too; there are still differences between the experiences of trans people who do identify exclusively as one "binary" gender, and trans people who don't. I just think the categories are less perfect and binary (lol) than folks tend to think of them.
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Back in 2017, when I came out as a demiboy, I decided to say that I was "some flavor of nonbinary" because I was too afraid to adhere to this new gender label. I thought that all the work put into passing as a man and being seen as someone very binarily masculine would all be for nothing. I thought maybe I'd seem like a faker, or that I only wanted to come out as nonbinary because I wanted to feel more special. There was a lot of internal exorsexism that I needed to work on, but I eventually became a very loud and proud demiboy (which was a few years before discovering my bigender identity.)
Shout out to all the demigender folks, to those who really are "some flavor of [nonspecific] nonbinary, to those who are still deciding on a label, to those who are very sure of their label, and to those who are still in the process of figuring out what fits best. Shout out to people who don't feel like they fit in with other nonbinary people and shout out to people who can't figure out how to fit in with binarity. Shout out to people who reject the idea of a binary, whose identities fall so far outside of the binary that there isn't a name for it. And shout out to those who have some kind of connection to the binary.
I'm happy to have you here! - Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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eldorr · 1 year
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With symbol (left), Without symbol (right)
Cosmicqueer is a Queer Stance where one is highly opinionated, aka me. Similar to Critinclus and other such terms. I just wanted a term for my beliefs because I saw some stuff that REALLY annoyed me the other night so here we are.
Cosmisqueer is PRO:
Non-traumagenic systems (aka systems of any kind)
Any "contradictory" or complicated queer identity (within reason, such as Turigirls and Lesboys, Cis Nonbinary Woman/Men, Gaybians, Tulipians, AMAB Transmascs, AFAB Transfems, etc.)
Split Attraction Model, such as Mspec Gay, Mspec Lesbian, Alloaro, Alloace, Alloallo Apl, etc. (Essentially inclusive of any non-rose attraction terms such as Alterous, Queerplatonic, Exteramo, Familial, etc., provided one's form of attraction with those is non-normative.)
Aldernic and Altersex
Terms to describe complicated forms of oppression, such as Exorsexism, Treimisia, and Transandromisia. Cosmisqueer also stands to uplift discussions on general transmisia, transmisogyny, homomisia, amisia, etc. (I personally prefer to use the suffix of misia over phobia.)
Neurodivergent, Race, Nonhuman, etc. exclusive genders/orientations/terms
Nonhumans, Otherkin, Alterhumans, etc.
Reclamation of slurs
Informed Self diagnosis
Objectum, Conceptum
Polyamory, Non-partnering, any non monoamory identity.
Any non-normative being describing oneself as Queer. (Within reason, should only be done if it's an aspect that defines one's identity a decent amount imo.)
Comsicqueer does NOT support:
Radqueer or other similar queer stances
Transid/TransX (Diaracial, Transage, Transabled, etc.)
Pro-Contact or any not anti-contact stance for non-consensual paraphilias (The big 3, and others)
Terms related to the big 3, non-consensual paras, highly dubious concepts. (Minus MAD flags, depending on the nuance of the subject at hand.)
Pro-ship ideology, non-critical fiction stances.
Pro-Incest, Pro-S/H, Pro-ED.
Emojis I'd associate with Cosmicqueer are: ✨☄️🌈. (Sparkles, Comet, Rainbow.)
I already pretty much ID with a couple queer stances, I just wanted a stance where one's Queer, and feels the word Queer can apply to any non-normative identity relating to gender, orientation, presentation, etc. while feeling Queer is inherently connected to the kink community, and can apply to nonhumans, plurals/systems, non-monoamorous beings, etc. as long as their internal identity affects their external expression in any shape and form, being visibly or socially "non-normative." (Within reason, hence the exclusion of actual harmful identities, actions, stances, etc.)
Essentially using the old definition of Queer to cover "strange" and "odd" identity, and blurring the boundaries between the old use of the word Queer, and the current use of it. Essentially I dislike people reducing Queer to just gender identity and sexual orientation, when Queer has always covered much more than that.
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intersexcat-tboy · 6 months
Call me Whiskers or whatever idrc. This blog focuses on raising awareness, sharing personal experiences, and connecting with others in the intersex and ATM theory community. I love doing in depth research onto topics, esp writing intersex educational essays. I tend to be very verbose as I'm hyperlexic but I'm also dyslexic and dyscalculic so it's a struggle.
Most everything goes onto queue, tho sometimes some things skip the wait.
I use hy/hym, e/ey, kit/fae and oneself pronouns
Schrodigender's catboy. Call me a catboy or don't call me a boy at all. [PT: Call me a catboy or don't call me a boy at all]. I use it as an omninoun (link). I may occasionally use masc language for myself but I do not actually identify with manhood. I'm not a man or a woman. Prefer not to be gendered or sexed at all by others. Neutroix tfemneumasc. Hard femme.
DNI/beware of dog:
Basic DNI of any type of bigoted -phobe or -ist (racist, ableist, homophobe, transphobes [inclu exclus/transmeds and transmisogynists], inter+exorsexist (inclu transX/transID ["transitioning to intersex/black/harmful/etc"] etc), if you use "misandrodorks" / "theyfab", or otherwise DON'T believe there's any type of oppression specifically faced by (or disproportionately affects) transmascs, or if you are a self ID'd baeddel, radfem, febfem, rad/LSD/basedqueer. As well as if you follow/reblog heavily from Plaidos (a known transphobe) or strawberry-crocodile (transphobic intersexist strawman factory). Furthermore, do not interact if you a supporter the Israel government and their actions or believe rape jokes are funny
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Well what about [XYZ]?
Individuals with BIID where their dysphoria is centered around the physical body rather than "not being disabled" are perfectly fine and welcomed here. I do not mind those with alters who understand that their body does not hold the responsibilities of enduring oppressions their marginalized alter would face, and thus will not be fully capable of understanding oppression regarding that minority, who do not describe their discomfort as being "transrace", and uplift voices of the minorities rather than speaking over ("I have a black/transmasc alter so I get to decide what's bigoted" 👎)
More about me:
I am not sure if I have been subjected to the violence of IGM, but I was mistransitioned via hormones, and have physical trauma from the application and assault. I am now re-entransitioning. I grew up as a trans girl and now I'm undoing some of it. I'm definitely not TME, but don't consider myself TMA as binaries (especially ones based on birth assignment "privilege") do not reflect my intersex experience, nor is bigotry based solely on internal identity, but rather influenced by how you are perceived.
I'm really weird abt compliments and tend to get overwhelmed. If it's describing me 👎 Beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, stunning. It's not a compliment to me. If it's describing my things (writing, outfit) then it's fine ig but pretty thin ice. 👍 Dashing, handsome, striking are preferred if you feel so inclined.
I'm autistic, part of a small system, and am disabled with CAH-X. I use mobility aids daily and struggle to get anywhere without them. Cripplepunk and radinclu
Some posts:
Examining Sax's .018% claim (link)
Tags I'll use often:
#purrspectives for posts I've written or heavily added to. May occasionally contain others posts if I completely agree w them and have no better way to convey
#actually intersex / #actually autistic
#intersex issues / #transmasc issues / #trans issues
#intercommunity discourse / #trans discourse
#trans infighting / #queer infighting
#queer solidarity / #trans solidarity
#intersex history / #transmasc history / #trans history / #queer history
#ableism / #exorsexism / #intersexism / #trans intersexism for posts regarding intersexism from perisex trans people
#intersex theory / #trans theory
#intersex erasure / #transmasc erasure
#antitransmasculinity / #anti transmasculinity / #transandrophobia / #transandromisia
#disability justice
#trans intersex / #transintersex
#system stuff
#trans tag / #trans / #trans positivity
#autistic tag
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velvetvexations · 1 month
I feel the confusuon about attraction labeling. Like Im grey ace (and aro so this is p much all about bodies) which definitely complicates things but I have a preference for men? Ish? Masculine people? I guess? But gender is way more complex than that? And it feels like all the existing sexuality labels assume binary genderedness from one or both participants except mspec labels but that doesn't really apply to me because I am generally not attracted to women. I also have a preference towards dicks (tdicks included tho) but not really those (knowingly) attached to women same as I'm not into cis women? And it's hard to convey that? There's no word that isn't just "gay" or a micro label but it's hard to use a micro label effectively and gay has all these other implications about myself and still has implications about the gender of the other person. There's people who say terms like gay and lesbian are nonbinary inclusive but it just feels like a rebinarization of nonbinary people? Like I'm sometimes into feminine people who aren't women, generally who have more testosterone based bodies, but it feels like there's not really a way to label that that doesn't fall into bioessentialism, exorsexism, or transphobia?? Like it could be internalized bias somewhere in there but it's just a descriptive expression of my experiences? I don't control what I find attractive? But I usually just end up saying queer cause "people with testosterone who aren't women" is just weird but idk if something that rebinarizes me And possibly the person I'm attracted to doesn't feel much better? The language that exists is just extremely binary, and attempts to include enbies just end up putting us back into man alligned or woman alligned half the time (like the lesbian nonmen loving nonmen label has other issues but also just collapses all nonbinary identities into a term that is overarchingly for women which, as a generally not alligned but farther from womanhood enbie? Kind of sucks) and language that attempts to do things by femme/masc expression also doesn't necessarily encompass everyone's experiences? I have no idea what the alternative/solution could be but it still sucks that these binaries still seem to dominate our understandings of gender and sexuality and people who don't fit into these categories basically have to be mspec or allign themselves somehow with men or women to have widely understood labels
it's all so very exhausting, especially since I'm so pedantic and care so very much about the words I'm using even when it's way less important much less something like this that "matters"
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hi!! here's a proposal for the honeybee transfem flag by us, specifically with input from our afab transfem little alter delilah who immediately fell in love with the honeybee transfem term. it's based on the "typical" transfem/transmasc/transneu flag but the middle colors are kind of sort of inverted and changed to oppose the stereotypes and binary imposed by the original ones.
the yellow is both for the opposing of the sex and gender binary imposed by the common definitions of the term transfem, and the experience of being transfem; freedom of identity, expression, and joy in your identity, the 'honey' part of it. the internal pinks are inverted to represent unity of all honeybee transfem identities, the strong pink for "typically" feminine honeybee transfems, the lighter for other variants of the identity, like gnc honeybee transfems, and the middle whiteish-pinkish stripe for nonbinary and neutral presenting honeybee transfems and also unity in all honeybee transfem identities regardless of what they may be, peace in the term and existence despite exorsexism, bioessentialism, transphobia, & interphobia
sorry if this was word-salad-y or anything we're schizospec and probably dysphasic and have trouble with words
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-ramlethal of the gcsys sending in for delilah because shes too tiny to do so but wants to partake in her community
thats so pretty!! i had an idea to possibly make the flag go a little more together if thats okay, but i love it!! i love making flags hdjdbbd
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fanby-fckry · 21 days
Random vent: (If this is rebloggable, it’s a glitch/me forgetting to turn reblogs off; please don’t reblog)
Content Warning: Transphobia, exorsexism, queer infighting
Transmascs who don’t believe in transandrophobia confuse me. Like, have you never experienced it? How have you never experienced it?
I guess some of them are just too white? I know it’s definitely worse for trans men/mascs of color, especially Black trans men/mascs, because antiblackness already hits Black men super hard, and adding transphobia on top of that just intensifies it.
But like, I’m white and I’ve had experiences with transandrophobia? I would say that maybe this is a ‘coming out in 2014 USA, just 1 year after we decided it was time to try and catch up to the rest of the world on trans healthcare’ thing, but this whole theyfab bullshit is pretty transandrophobic.
(Don’t come for me on that. I survived Tumblr’s 2010’s tucute vs transmed discourse. Like 90% of ‘transtrender’ stereotypes were about AFAB nonbinary people being feminine/having boobs/not binding, along with the non-dysphoric/semi-dysphoric thing, and “weird” genders/pronouns. There was a very strange, sometimes vaguely sexual focus on our boobs. I did not run a tucute blog just for people to rebrand this bullshit and act like it’s not transphobic/transandrophobic/exorsexist.)
Also, speaking of exorsexism, intersex people get left in the dust in transmasc vs transfemme infighting, and they deserve better. Perisex trans people stfu and acknowledge that the sex binary is just as much a social construct as the gender binary, listen to intersex people, and accept nuance challenge.
Anyways, just in case people genuinely cannot recognize transandrophobia, here are some of my experiences:
I cannot research my own medical condition without being misgendered, because it involves having a uterus
I cannot find an OBGYN to help me treat said medical condition that doesn’t misgender me; most have “women” in the practice name, and I spend time educating my fucking doctor about trans & nonbinary identities, just to still get misgendered. Because I’d rather not have my uterus make me literally psychotic roughly once a month, I grin and bear it.
The aforementioned transtrender/theyfab stuff
People assuming that being transmasc is just a symptom of “internalized misogyny” or “being fed up with how patriarchal society treats women” (I mean, I am fed up with the patriarchy, but I’m still fucking trans)
Not being taken seriously because I take birth control and not T (Again: medical condition! PMDD is already understudied because of medical misogyny, and I haven’t seen anything but a single instance of anecdotal evidence regarding the effectiveness of T as treatment. There’s no guarantee that T will stop my periods, and even if it does, some people still PMS or get cramps on T after losing periods, and PMDD is PMS on crack, with cramps so bad they set off my abdominal migraines!)
There is a very specific brand of transmasc infantilization that I’ve been subject to (I know transfemmes are infantilized too, but people often come at us both from different angles, and it’s ok to acknowledge that; transmisogyny and transandrophobia can exist at the same time and even overlap somewhat without us invalidating each other’s experiences)
My cis ex-bf often weaponized transandrophobia and exorsexism, along with against me, claiming it was “difficult” to be with someone who was nonbinary, that he was being oh-so patient and kind to me by not dumping me after I came out, and implying that nobody else would want me because I wasn’t a girl anymore (joke’s on him: I’m t4t now, motherfucker)
My trans fiancé and I are called lesbians on the regular. Even if we explain it, some people will argue, as if we don’t have the agency to define our own genders and relationship. And if they don’t, usually the best I can hope for irl is to get his gender recognized because he passes better, and have people think we’re a straight couple.
And that’s just me, personally. I don’t have the intersecting marginalizations that trans men/mascs of color and intersex trans men/mascs do. I haven’t been straight up denied medical care like some trans men/mascs. I haven’t been arrested for possession of legally acquired T like some trans men/mascs. I’ve never been harassed or assaulted for being transmasc like some people have. (I’ve been harassed for being trans, but that was actually general transphobia and exorsexism; it wasn’t targeting my transmasculinity, but the fact that I was trans/nonbinary at all.)
Like, if you’re transmasc and you’ve never experienced any of that, good for you, I guess? But that doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t out here in the trenches.
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