#shifting from omnivore to plant based
plant-shift · 4 months
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I just portioned out the latest batch of beans. Much better now that I'm prepped for it! Especially since the one jar with not much will work perfectly for lunch tomorrow. I only have to put the three tall jars in the freezer. It's much easier to store things when you have storage actually prepped!
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Ruggie, Trey: More and More
TWST once again picks the most INCRIMINATING villain shots to display in the picture frames 😭 I am BEGGING the museum curator to do better/j
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A lion cub, a warthog, and a meerkat.
It was an odd trio, a group of animals that, under normal circumstances, would never be together. Certainly not like this—not grinning, snuggling up with each other. Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore. Sharing the lives they had, joined in heart and in song.
No worries for the rest of their days.
Ruggie snickered behind one hand. Man, ain't that the dream?
"They've got nice smiles."
The hyena's ears perked. His eyes shifted to a Heartslabyul student gazing upon the same painting. Tall, built well, in glasses.
"Come again?"
"Their teeth," Trey clarified, pointing. "You see? They have different shapes based on their diet. Warthogs mainly eat vegetables, so they have strong, flat molars for crushing plants. But lions are carnivores, so their teeth are sharper for slicing through meat. And meerkats--"
"Okay, I get it already! Now quit it, you sound almost as creepy as Rook." Ruggie groaned. "Can't believe you take one look at this and your first thought is what's in their mouths."
"You don't?" The joke fell flat, and Trey let it go "How about you? What's your first thought when you look at this? If I'm remembering correctly, this painting is based on a story from your country. Does it have significance to you?"
"Eh, it’s some story about a warthog and a meerkat coming together to raise a lost cub they found."
"Really." Trey's eyebrows raised. "How did they manage to feed a baby lion? They probably need a lot of protein, and I don't think a warthog and a meerkat could hunt enough for it."
"Nah, they figured something out." He pinched his thumb and index finger together, peering through the small gap between them and right at the vice dorm leader. "Bugs."
"Bugs?!" Trey startled.
"Yup, there's plenty of 'm and they're packed full of protein for a growing young prince.”
“Did I not mention it before? Turns out that the lion cub was a missing prince, and they had no idea. When the prince was all grown up, he returned to claim his kingdom with the warthog and the meerkat. The animals were able to get over their differences and live together in harmony. It all started with bugs—that’s pretty resourceful, isn’t it?”
"I didn’t think there would be a twist that wild from a story that started with eating bugs. We sometimes eat flowers in the Queendom, but usually as a garnish or for a snack, not for a whole meal. Is it a cultural difference...?"
Ruggie shrugged. "Sometimes you don't have much of a choice in what you eat. If life hands you lemons when you're starving, are you going to turn it down? 'Course not."
I can't afford that kind of luxury.
"Well, when you put it like that..." Trey gave a light laugh. "You're going to make me hungry too."
"I'd kill for a big roast pork right about now. Fat, sweet, and juicy, the meat so tender if falls off the bone once ya sink your teeth into it..." Ruggie drooled at the thought. "Yeah, if you just shoved an apple into the warthog's mouth, glaze it with honey, and slow cook it over a fire, I bet it'd be real tasty."
"It sounds like you’ve always got food on your mind.” Trey folded his arms, lips tugging back into a lopsided smirk. “Kinda gruesome when you talk about the prep work like that though.”
“We wouldn’t have any food if we didn’t hunt and gather. ‘S how the circle of life works.”
His gaze slanted toward the painting of the happy trio. A unification, food shared from the same platter—it sparked some desperate hope in him.
A world where kings and hyenas can be friends… Heh, maybe I’m asking for too much.
But he was greedy like that. Seeking more and more, his hunger never fully satisfied.
Ruggie shook his head, letting dirty blonde locks fall across his face. “Maybe it’s news to you, but beastmen don’t exactly see eye to eye with other beastmen. That’s why it’s practically a miracle that those three get along. It’s a tale they tell us in the Sunset Savanna to remind us of what we could be, united under one true kingdom. It’s just that: a story.”
“It’s a nice story,” Trey said simply. “And it would be even nicer if it came true.”
It would.
“It’ll be a looong time before that happens. It’s about as real as my dreams of a roast pork dinner.”
Ruggie sighed as he drew his arms up, hands resting behind his head. He reclined back in that lazy, devil-may-care pose.
Trey watched him, his mustard yellow eyes shifting slightly. “… Are you baiting me to offer to make you some?”
“What?” The hyena feigned shock. “Me, trying to get my hands on free grub? Nooooo, I’d never!”
Trey stared at him indignantly. “You’re not being very subtle there…”
Ruggie showed his teeth. “Was I supposed to be?”
“Maybe you’d have better luck getting a formal invite from Riddle first. I don’t usually prepare whole hams for a single guest either—it’s usually a group meal, so you’d have to share.”
“Tch. Whatever, can’t blame a hyena for testing out a shortcut, can you?”
“Ahahah… I’m slightly concerned that you’d even attempt to have an entire pig to yourself. Your appetite must be legendary.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
More and more—he wanted it all. Gluttony, a sin to the common man. To him, a desire for something greater than this.
He saw it now, a kingdom built upon the jagged cliffs. His kind and other scorned creatures. creeping out from the darkness and into the moonlight. They all looked to the one that stood far above them, the one that would lead them to that shining future.
Someday, it will come.
Ruggie spun, his back presented to the painting. A spotlight upon the trio, and the shadows closing in on his own face.
Even so, his smile was as big and as bright as ever.
“Nishishishishi! Don’t worry so much, Trey-kun~ Just be happy—hakuna matata!”
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spiritproductionsart · 7 months
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"Just a quick sketch, he said..."
Some concept art for the Perytons in my [Spectral Wings] book series! They're one of the rarer species in the series, but they have their own lore:
A Note on Peryton, by Aesara Windwing:
Peryton are large, omnivorous cervid fauna under a similar classification as centaurs. Unlike their half-shift brethren (ala centaurs, fauns, etc), Peryton are capable of taking both a beast (fera) and humanoid (fauna) form at will, just like other singular species fauna.
Peryton live in two distinct regions, the northern cliffs of the Razorback mountains, and the tropical rainforests of the southern continent. Northern Peryton are often found with earthy-toned palettes, resembling birds of prey. Peryton from northern colonies have diets consisting of fish, grains, and root plants (ala potatoes).
Southern Peryton have brilliant feathers similar to tropical birds, and tend to have a more herbivorous diet consisting of fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
Northern Peryton are archetypally larger, closer in size to equines - meanwhile Southern Peryton are smaller and resemble their cervid counterparts. Both species are covered in coats of feathers, and have bird-like talons on either their front or rear legs.
It is theorized that Peryton were created from a combination of Pegasi and Deer fauna during the war of the gods many years ago. Peryton are notable warriors thanks to their avian features, and make up for their lower numbers via shear ferocity.
Similar to true birds, Peryton are one of the few species that display sexual dimorphism. However, unlike the deer, who have a social hierarchy based on sex characteristics & gender expression - Peryton show no such distinction.
Leadership, military service, courting, and household responsibilities are instead determined on an individual basis - placing Peryton alongside the likes of bears, horses, and kirin in terms of general societal behavior.
Peryton generally keep to themselves, but most will display friendly or at least cordial behavior towards strangers. They allow monitored travel through their territories so as not to risk the accidental disturbance of homes or families. They are most closely allied with the Equine Nation and the Kingdom of Falloway.
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nitewrighter · 6 months
For the writer ask game :D
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
Already answered this, but short answer, it was A Song of Ice and Fire. I kind of stumbled in from writing meta that got increasingly emotional to just straight up writing what I wanted to happen in the next book.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Hm. Suddenly very acutely aware of how much I overshare on here. Uh... I love plant-based food and vegan cooking but I'm also an omnivore. I do think we as a society need to make a significant shift over to plant-based eating and I do think it's actually *easier* than a lot of us think, but unfortunately most of the people leading the charge in our pop culture are either classist, condescending, insane, a grifter, or some combination of the four. And there needs to be significant changes to industrial farming (and a move away from industrial farming) if this kind of mass dietary change is going to have any impact. ...that's not very personal, is it. Anyway, I'm very passionate about chickpeas.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Just got back from a little caving trip with my partner. :) We also visited Crater Lake but that's like... buried under 8 feet of snow right now, haha.
I've been doing children's storytime at the library! Before I start I like to put a little music on. It turns out little kids LOVE the Stardew Valley soundtrack.
Got some eclipse glasses for the eclipse today!!!
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gay-artificer · 1 year
Sorry if this is too out of nowhere but ive been thinking about how most of the normal slugcats arent really carnivorous outside of eating eggs and certain insects, exept for like gourmand (minimally) or saint (cannot digest any meat wether by design or evolution) and of course artificer and hunter. This makes me kinda theorize that yknow, slugcats arent normally carnivorous, and only gain the ability to eat meat through artificial means (exept for gourman they just do that i guess).
It also makes me theorize that maybe the reason why the two are able to do that is that they have some really corrosive acids/substances in their stomachs, for Arti those being in the form of garbage wastes microorganisms that make them explosive in general.
As for Hunter, well, maybe the reason they turn into the rot is because of the fact that they have the rot in their stomach if that makes sence? Like maybe they were made to have/grow some early stage rot growths in their intestines to be able to digest things they normally couldn't, or parts of their insides were given some rot genome, but wether intentionally or not, that system becomes unstable fast since it can become cancerous with the rot overtaking the body after some time.
My guess is that they're highly adaptable omnivores and lean towards various levels of severity based on environmental factors- It should be noted that insects and eggs are carnivorous food sources as much as meat is, its just a more accessible source. (And if you've ever seen the teeth on insectivores you would not doubt them. Look at the chompers on a shrew. A crickets worse nightmare) In fact if you look at the bulk of the basic slugcats diet pre-downpour its actually mostly small invertebrates- blue fruit is actually insect pupae, making the only vegetative parts of their diet bubble fruit, popcorn plants, slime molds. (Downpour added dandelion peaches, lilypucks, gooieduck (another mold), and glow weed. Its worth noting that many of these are added not just for world variety but to add items into the environment as tools- such as gooieducks not just being a substantial food source but providing a counter to wormgrass) (In this sense even saint can stomach some meat, as they can eat the blue fruit pupae and bug eggs) So thus the question is why pushes a slugcat to seek meat. It could be simply that its high energy payoff- most of the meat-eating slugcats get less energy (food pips) from eating small prey sources like batflies or blue fruit, so they turn to hunting larger prey. You have the higher energy cost of being an active hunter offset by payoff of actually being successful. It could also be that some slugcats simply lack the physiology (strong enough teeth, jaw strength) to tear into corpses and can only effective use small prey, even if they could eat meat successfully as scavengers. Tough hides can actually be a huge problem for scavenging animals if something else hasn't exposed the softer parts of the body, and this is why the first things lost on a corpse tends to be accessible and easy to take things like eyes, things like ravens need something with actual teeth to break the skin.
Buuuuut personally I think its a developmental shift- We see something like it in amphibian species. Its actually really neat stuff- basically, for a lot larval amphibians like tadpoles or salamanders they're naturally herbivorous and feed mostly on algae. However these young are generally limited in how much they can disperse until adults, which means competition for food can be very intense. As a result, in this developmental stage some will turn to predation- or to cannibalism. They grow larger then their vegetarian siblings, and in some species will grow larger jaws or new sets of teeth. They actually see this even behavior in species that are strict carnivores- some of the young are carnivorous but hunt unrelated prey, others specifically engage in cannibalism. Depending on what type of prey they target, the actually animal develops differently. Since we have the slugpups as a basis- who follow a diet pattern in line with Survivor and Monk, that can be assumed to be the 'basic' diet. But some individuals (likely ones in high stress, or low food environments) develop more intense predatory behaviors and physiology in adolescence. Genes can be environmentally flexible (polyphenism and epigenetics) and 'turn on and off' under certain cues, so for iterators it would probably be fairly easy to 'force' a specific type of slugcat.
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seogoogle1 · 5 months
Embracing Veganism: Exploring the Comprehensive Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Lifestyle
Introduction In recent years, the shift towards plant-based diets has gained considerable traction, with Vegan Health Benefits emerging as a prominent lifestyle choice. Beyond its ethical and environmental implications, veganism is increasingly recognized for its numerous health benefits. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to promoting overall well-being, adopting a plant-based diet holds immense potential for enhancing human health. In this article, we delve into the compelling health advantages of veganism, backed by scientific evidence and expert insights.
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Nutrient-Rich Diet
One of the primary misconceptions surrounding veganism is the assumption of nutritional deficiencies. However, when appropriately planned, a Vegan Health Benefits diet can provide all the essential nutrients required for optimal health. Plant-based foods are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, offering a diverse array of nutrients that contribute to overall well-being. Key nutrients abundant in plant-based foods include fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and folate.
Heart Health
A plant-based diet has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Research indicates that individuals following vegan diets have lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body mass index (BMI) compared to omnivores. Furthermore, the absence of dietary cholesterol and saturated fats in plant-based foods helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.
Cancer Prevention
Plant-based diets are associated with a lower incidence of certain cancers, including colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer. Phytochemicals found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation—key factors contributing to cancer development. Additionally, the high fiber content of plant-based diets promotes regular bowel movements and eliminates carcinogens from the body, further reducing cancer risk.
Weight Management
Obesity is a significant global health concern associated with various chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Adopting a vegan diet can aid in weight management due to its low calorie density and high fiber content. Plant-based foods are typically lower in calories and saturated fats while being rich in fiber, promoting satiety and reducing overall calorie intake. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of vegan diets in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Diabetes Control
Type 2 diabetes, characterized by insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, is a growing health epidemic worldwide. Plant-based diets have shown promise in managing and even reversing type 2 diabetes. By emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, vegan diets help improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of diabetic complications. Additionally, the high fiber content of plant-based foods aids in controlling blood glucose levels and managing weight, both crucial factors in diabetes management.
Digestive Health
A well-planned vegan diet can promote digestive health by providing an abundance of fiber, which is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Fiber also serves as a prebiotic, nourishing beneficial gut bacteria and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. Furthermore, plant-based diets are typically lower in inflammatory foods such as red meat and processed foods, which can exacerbate digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Improved Longevity
Research suggests that adhering to a plant-based diet may extend lifespan and improve overall longevity. The consumption of plant-based foods rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients helps protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, two key drivers of aging and age-related diseases. Additionally, the reduced risk of chronic diseases associated with veganism, such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers, contributes to a longer and healthier lifespan.
The evidence supporting the health benefits of Vegan Health Benefits continues to grow, highlighting the potential of plant-based diets in promoting overall health and well-being. From reducing the risk of chronic diseases to supporting weight management and digestive health, adopting a vegan lifestyle offers a multitude of advantages backed by scientific research. As more individuals recognize the transformative impact of plant-based eating on health, the movement towards veganism is likely to accelerate, paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable future.
Website: https://cruelty.farm/
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Hello, I’ve have question regarding the anatomical differences between a necrontyr and a human. How similar are the two species internally? If I remember correctly in a previous post you mentioned that a necrontyrs possesses additional olfactory receptors beneath their eyes. How many other organs or features does a necrontyr possesses that a human does not?
The anatomical differences between Nehetari and Peter Turbo would be pretty drastic due to Mr. Turbo being a primarch, a gene-forged Demi-god, and thus would be filled with all kinds of weird gobbledygook organs of functions unknown.
Hello, this is the Mun here:
Necrontyr internals are not as different from a human's as you may think (almost startlingly similar). They were warm-blooded creatures that produced milk to feed offspring that they gave birth to live. They had a mouth and digestive tract similar to humans, a complete circulatory system, a hormone-based reproductive system, an advanced nervous system centered around a brain, a calcium based skeletal structure... ...you get the idea.
However, this is where the similarities start to divert. As you know, their homeworld was what the modern day Imperium would have classified as a Death World. Like if Catachan, Krieg, and Baal all got together and had an even more radiation blasted, moistureless baby. Much of the Necrontyr anatomy was shaped by their homeworld and the fauna (and scarce flora) that inhabited it.
For example - Necrontyr blood contains a natural antifreeze and temperature-regulating compound that prevents them from freezing to death, even in sub-zero desert nights (they sort of half-freeze then thaw out in the morning). It also helps prevent overheating during the day. This is essential because they do not have sweat glands (water is too precious); instead of sweating they pant sort of like dogs do on Earth, or if it's really hot they can go into a low-activity state where their body slows down to produce less heat.
Another survival trait of the Necrontyr is in their vocal folds: they are capable of a much broader range of sound production than humans. Nehetari herself can mimick just about any sound she hears, from the sound of a bolter report to the tiny, near-inaudible sounds that come from the waves of energy traveling through deep space. It is believed this evolved during the ancient days of their race, when being able to mimick the sound of an oncoming rockslide or a bigger, angrier sand strider was one of the only things that could save you from becoming something's meal.
On the topic of meals, the Necrontyr digestive system is designed to process large amounts of meat and fat quickly. This, paired with their naturally razor-sharp teeth, seem to suggest that the ancestors of the Necrontyr were originally carnivores, which slowly turned omnivorous over time. Meat was more plentiful than edible plant life on their homeworld (lots and lots of insects). The reason why Nehetari hates sweet food is partly caused by this naturally low-carb diet - the Necrontyr body can quickly become overwhelmed when too much sugar enters their bloodstream, as they cannot regulate it properly.
And lastly (for now at least): it's not an internal trait per-se, but it's not an apparent one either. Necrontyr feet can grip almost was well as their hands do, but what's more, they actually change their shape instinctively (or intentionally, if they so chose) depending on what surface they're standing on. From the top, and when standing on a hard, flat surface, the Necrontyr foot looks almost identical to a human's save for stubby claws instead nails. However, from the bottom, Necrontyr feet look almost like that of a gecko. Those many folds can shift, unfold, and re-arrange themselves. When standing on a soft and unsteady surface like sand, the sole of the foot spreads out and becomes more flexible, making movement easier and more stable. When standing on a rocky or uneven surface, they grip it with their toes, and the folds form a sort of dry-adhesion bond to the surface, allowing them to better cling on. They can't walk up 90-degree or perfectly flat surfaces, but they are absolutely stellar climbers. (It was a good thing Necrontyr got so used to being on flat surfaces as they became more advanced. Else, they would have spent the first thousand years or so as Necrons constantly falling off shit. The pads did not accompany them into their metal bodies).
I have many other headcanons for Necrontyr specific biology, but these are my favorites so far.
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brostateexam · 1 year
The mob has reached the vestibule. It’s 5 pm on a Thursday and the staff of Superiority Burger waits with  palpable tension, a battalion line bracing for assault. There is always a New York restaurant of the moment, but there’s something in the air here, something more than lingering post-Covid hunger FOMO, or the fact that this is the first intoxicatingly warm night of spring, the cherry and crabapple trees in bloom across the street in Tompkins Square Park, and Avenue A doing a surprising impression of Bourbon Street. There’s the usual animal kingdom of trend-chasers lined up outside the new restaurant, in the space that previously housed the legendary Ukrainian diner Odessa Restaurant: the bullies, the beseechers, the selfie-takers. But it’s hard not to detect an extra vibe. Call it an April-appropriate mixture of memory and desire. 
Brooks Headley dons his trademark paper soda-jerk hat over close-cropped white hair. He’s no stranger to running the kind of restaurants that people want, or need, to get into—not least Superiority Burger’s  original incarnation. That was the tiny storefront, barely two-and-a-half blocks away, he opened in 2015—with all of six seats (they had fold-down desk-like tables) and six menu items, all vegetarian. It was an instant sensation; Eater sent in three critics on the first day. No doubt Headley’s bio helped: The D.C.-area-born hardcore-punk drummer for bands like Born Against and Universal Order of Armageddon, who became the executive pastry chef at the four-star Italian restaurant Del Posto, won a James Beard Foundation Award, and then abandoned those lofty heights to sling veggie burgers. 
Almost immediately after opening, SB’s tight focus gave way to a frenetic and inventive rotation of specials, all executed in impossibly tiny facilities. “We outgrew that space on day two,” Headley says. It was big enough to attract a cult following though, and a kind of rag-tag community, from the East Village and beyond, who made a ritual of trucking the paper food boats containing Headley’s latest creations over to Tompkins Square Park to eat. Notably this fan-base seemed to include nearly as many omnivores as vegetarians, presaging a nationwide shift toward plant-based fast food and “vegetable-forward” dining. Here was vegetarianism—even veganism, if you could forego the Del Posto-level gelatos—served without sanctimony or sacrifice. It is at least in part due to Headley’s groundwork that the hottest opening in New York being vegetarian is no longer its first, second, or third most notable feature. 
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ashwetu · 5 days
Global Plant-Based Protein Market: A Surge Driven by Health, Sustainability, and Innovation
The market for plant-based proteins is experiencing unprecedented growth, signaling a transformative shift in consumer preferences and the food industry.
The global market for plant-based proteins has seen a remarkable expansion in recent years, driven by increasing consumer demand for health-conscious, protein-rich diets and a growing focus on sustainability. With consumers becoming more aware of the environmental and health impacts of traditional diets, the plant-based protein sector is positioned for continued innovation and investment. According to projections by Meticulous Research, the market is expected to reach $26.45 billion by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4% from 2024 to 2031.
This press release highlights the key forces behind the meteoric rise of plant-based proteins and explores the potential of this sector to pave the way for a sustainable future.
Download Complete Sample PDF Copy Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5031
Health and Wellness Trends Fueling Growth
The shift towards healthier lifestyles is now a global movement, with consumers seeking long-term health solutions, particularly as life expectancy rises. Over the past decade, changes in diet and lifestyle, influenced by industrialization and globalization, have had a profound impact on global health. As consumers become more health-conscious, concerns over cholesterol, saturated fats, and other risks associated with animal-based proteins have driven demand for plant-based alternatives.
Plant-based proteins, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, have become a go-to option for those seeking to improve their overall well-being. Fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike are embracing these products, viewing them as cleaner, more sustainable sources of nutrition that align with the broader wellness movement.
The Rising Demand for Protein-Rich Diets
As global populations grow and food security becomes a pressing issue, the demand for protein is expected to double by 2050, according to the FAO-UN. With traditional protein sources such as meat requiring significant resources, plant-based proteins offer a more sustainable solution to meeting the world’s protein needs.
In addition to addressing environmental concerns, protein-rich diets play a crucial role in maintaining overall health, supporting muscle growth, repairing tissues, and strengthening the immune system. Increasing awareness of the negative health effects of red meat, such as heart disease, has spurred many consumers to reduce or eliminate animal proteins from their diets. This shift has been a key driver behind the global increase in production and consumption of plant-based proteins.
Check complete table of contents with list of table and figures:  https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/plant-based-protein-market-5031
Innovation Shaping the Future of Plant-Based Products
Innovation continues to drive the plant-based protein market forward, with companies investing in research and development to create alternatives that closely mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of traditional meat products. This wave of technological advancement has expanded the market, attracting not only vegans and vegetarians but also flexitarians and omnivores seeking to reduce their meat intake.
This trend is supported by substantial investments from venture capital firms and traditional food companies. These investments are enabling companies to improve production processes, diversify product offerings, and deliver high-quality, plant-based protein products that appeal to a wide range of consumers.
Increasing Consumer Shift Toward Plant-Based Diets
The growing popularity of plant-based diets, including vegetarianism and veganism, has also been a major catalyst in the plant-based protein market’s expansion. By 2021, an estimated 8% of the global population identified as vegetarian, with veganism also on the rise due to increased awareness of the environmental, ethical, and health benefits of plant-based diets.
Consumers are increasingly turning to veganism not only to reduce their risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer but also to minimize their environmental footprint. As consumers seek out foods that align with their health and ethical values, the demand for plant-based proteins such as pea protein, soy protein, and flaxseeds continues to grow.
Request  Sample PDF Copy Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/request-sample-report/cp_id=5031
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, well-planned plant-based diets are nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits throughout all stages of life, from pregnancy and infancy to older adulthood and even for athletes. This increasing shift toward plant-based diets is expected to generate significant growth opportunities for companies operating in the plant-based protein market.
Conclusion: A Transformative Shift Toward Sustainability
The rise of plant-based proteins represents a fundamental shift in how consumers approach nutrition and sustainability. With their proven health benefits, reduced environmental impact, and ethical advantages, plant-based proteins are rapidly transitioning from niche products to mainstream dietary staples.
As consumers continue to prioritize sustainable, nutritious, and ethical food options, the plant-based protein sector stands poised to play a crucial role in shaping a healthier, more sustainable future.
Contact Us: Meticulous Market Research Pvt. Ltd. 1267 Willis St, Ste 200 Redding, California, 96001, U.S. USA: +1-646-781-8004 Europe : +44-203-868-8738 APAC: +91 744-7780008 Email- [email protected] Visit Our Website: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/ Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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esthermalll · 9 days
From Plant to Protein: The Clean Choice for a Healthier You
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As the world increasingly turns toward plant-based nutrition, vegan protein powders have become a staple for those who value both health and sustainability. Whether you're an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply someone trying to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, vitality powder offers a convenient way to meet daily protein needs without compromising on ethics or quality. Among the rising stars in this space is Label The Earth, a brand available through the online platform Esther Mall. This eco-conscious brand represents a shift in the way consumers view nutrition—one where sustainability, health, and taste go hand in hand.
The Rise of Vegan Protein Powder
Historically, protein powders have been dominated by whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry. But as more people become aware of the environmental and ethical impacts of animal-based products, the demand for plant-based alternatives has soared. Vegan protein powder has evolved from niche health food stores into mainstream supermarket shelves and online marketplaces, appealing to vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike. Brands like Label The Earth are now at the forefront of this movement, offering protein powders that align with environmentally friendly values while delivering high-quality nutrition.
The Nutritional Powerhouse in Vegan Protein Powder
One of the most significant misconceptions about plant-based diets is the notion that they lack sufficient protein. In reality, vegan protein powders like those from Label The Earth are formulated to provide all essential amino acids, making them a complete source of protein. Derived from sources such as peas, hemp, brown rice, and pumpkin seeds, these powders are packed with a range of nutrients beyond protein, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are naturally free from cholesterol, low in fat, and often easier to digest than dairy-based counterparts, making them an ideal option for those with dietary sensitivities or preferences.
The protein content in these powders typically ranges from 15 to 25 grams per serving, a comparable level to whey protein. This makes vegan protein powder suitable for muscle recovery, weight management, and overall health maintenance. Additionally, the inclusion of superfoods and natural sweeteners in many formulations ensures that users are not only getting a protein boost but also a variety of micronutrients that support optimal health.
The Environmental and Ethical Edge
A key reason behind the growing popularity of vegan protein powder is its minimal environmental impact compared to animal-based protein. The production of vegan protein requires fewer resources, including water and land, and generates significantly less greenhouse gas emissions. For environmentally conscious consumers, this is a crucial factor when deciding what to add to their diets. Label The Earth amplifies this by sourcing ingredients from sustainable farms and utilizing eco-friendly packaging, making their products as gentle on the planet as they are on your body.
Moreover, the ethical considerations behind vegan protein powders are hard to ignore. Traditional protein sources like meat and dairy are often linked to practices that involve animal cruelty and exploitation. By opting for a plant-based alternative, consumers can enjoy their post-workout shake without contributing to the negative aspects of factory farming. Label The Earth stands out by ensuring that every aspect of their production—from sourcing ingredients to packaging—is in line with cruelty-free and ethical standards.
How Label The Earth Stands Out in a Competitive Market
In a crowded marketplace, Label The Earth distinguishes itself with a commitment to transparency and quality. Each product is carefully crafted to ensure the highest levels of purity and potency. Their protein powders contain no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives—just clean, whole-food ingredients. The brand's emphasis on minimalism extends to their ingredient list, which is short and simple, focusing on potent plant-based proteins that are easily absorbed and utilized by the body.
Their range includes various flavors and protein blends, catering to diverse palates and dietary needs. Whether you're looking for a simple unflavored option to blend into your morning smoothie or a decadent chocolate-flavored shake for post-workout recovery, Label The Earth has you covered. Each product is designed with versatility in mind, allowing you to incorporate it into meals, shakes, or even baked goods without sacrificing taste or texture.
The Taste Test: How Vegan Protein Stacks Up
Taste has long been a sticking point for many when considering vegan protein powders. While early formulations of plant-based proteins were often criticized for their gritty texture or earthy aftertaste, advances in food science and flavor technology have led to significant improvements. Label The Earth's protein powders are a prime example of how far these products have come. With flavors like vanilla bean, cacao, and berry fusion, the brand offers a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.
The use of natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit ensures that the powders remain low in sugar while still delivering a pleasant taste. In contrast to many whey proteins that rely on artificial additives to mask undesirable flavors, Label The Earth keeps it simple and delicious. This makes their powders not only enjoyable to drink but also highly versatile for adding to a variety of recipes—from protein pancakes to energy bars.
The Health Benefits of Vegan Protein
Incorporating vegan protein powder into your diet offers a range of health benefits beyond just muscle building and recovery. The high fiber content of many plant-based proteins helps with digestion and promotes feelings of fullness, which can assist with weight management. Additionally, vegan protein powders are often lower in saturated fat and free from cholesterol, making them heart-healthy options for those looking to reduce their intake of animal products.
For individuals with food allergies or intolerances, vegan protein powder provides a hypoallergenic alternative to whey, which is derived from dairy. The absence of common allergens like lactose, gluten, and soy in many formulations ensures that those with dietary restrictions can still meet their protein goals without adverse reactions.
Why Choose Label The Earth?
Choosing a vegan protein powder is about more than just meeting your nutritional needs; it's a lifestyle choice that reflects a commitment to personal health and the health of the planet. With Label The Earth, you're not just buying a product—you're supporting a company that prioritizes sustainability, ethical sourcing, and transparency. Their products embody the principles of clean, green nutrition, providing consumers with an option that aligns with both their health goals and their values.
Moreover, the brand’s attention to detail—from ingredient selection to packaging—ensures that every purchase contributes to a larger movement toward more sustainable consumption. For those looking to make a positive impact with their purchasing power, Label The Earth offers an excellent starting point.
Conclusion: The Future of Vegan Protein
As more consumers become aware of the environmental and health benefits of plant-based eating, the demand for vegan protein powder will continue to grow. Brands like Label The Earth are leading the charge, offering innovative, high-quality products that cater to a wide range of dietary needs and preferences. By choosing a vegan protein powder, you’re not only fueling your body with clean, nutrient-dense ingredients but also supporting a more sustainable, ethical future.
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plant-shift · 4 months
I have a new job and I am loving it
As much as I do enjoy teaching, I don't do it over the summer. So, I needed to find a summer job. I think I might have found a second job period. It's at the Fresh Thyme that's about a five-minute walk from home (depending on traffic). Not only does it get me out of the house and away from all the snacky foods, but it is also really getting me off my butt!
I'm stocking the grocery part of the store. That means a lot of lifting and putting things away and moving. I am really liking making money while I'm getting exercise. One perk is getting an employee discount where I do most of my grocery shopping!
But that's also part of why I applied to work there. It's a great place to go shopping and it turns out it is an equally great place to work. It's so nice and calm and chill, and I know where a lot of things already are. And I'm learning more about where other things are and what all the store carries.
Also, they are happy to work with my teaching schedule when the school year starts up again. I am not mad at having more income. Especially since I can kind of zone out an hyperfocus on work, which gives my brain a rest. Yeah, I come home sore and stiff, but I'm not mentally drained. It's really nice.
All of that is to say that I'm hoping to post more expeditions into plant-based foods now that I'm surrounded by options during the week!
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blackcubenexus · 13 days
Desert Sand Drake
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Scientific Name: Draconis Aetherus Arenicola Common Name: Desert Sand Drake Habitat: Arid deserts, ancient ruins, vast dunes Lifespan: 400-600 years Size: Large (ranging from 12 to 18 feet long) Diet: Omnivorous (primarily scavenger, but capable of hunting) Notable Features: Vestigial wings, copper-colored scales, long frilled sides, whip-like tail
Physical Characteristics:
Scales and Coloration: Desert Sand Drakes are distinguished by their copper-colored scales, which shimmer under the desert sun, blending with the sandy landscape. Their scales provide natural camouflage, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their environment. The scales are tough, providing natural armor, but are also remarkably smooth, aiding in their ability to navigate the sandy terrain.
Face and Frills: One of the most striking features of the Desert Sand Drake is its frilled face. These drakes have large, fan-like frills that extend from the sides of their face, serving multiple purposes: heat regulation, communication through displays, and enhancing their imposing presence. The frills, while delicate in appearance, are reinforced by hardened cartilage and scale ridges.
Horns and Spines: Their off-white grooved horns curve back elegantly from their heads, growing longer with age. These horns are made from a durable bone-like substance, used for self-defense and displays of dominance. A row of spines runs from the top of their heads, down their necks, backs, and all the way to the tips of their long tails. The spines taper in size but remain sharp and serve as an additional defense mechanism.
Wings: The Desert Sand Drake is known for its vestigial wings, which are non-functional for flight. These wings appear more like decorative fans, often used in courtship displays or as part of intimidation tactics. Some drakes do not develop wings at all, but those that do wear them as a sign of genetic lineage, connecting them to their ancient, more flight-capable ancestors.
Tail: Their long, whip-like tails are another unique feature. The tail is both powerful and flexible, ending in a spiked tip that can be used as a weapon. The spikes running down the tail echo those along their spine, creating a cohesive and intimidating appearance.
Legs and Feet: Adapted to the shifting sands of the desert, Desert Sand Drakes have broad, muscular legs. Their feet are padded to prevent sinking in soft sand, and their claws are sharp enough to dig into firmer ground when necessary. This allows them to traverse the dunes effortlessly and hunt down prey with ease.
Behavior and Social Structure:
Solitary or Nomadic: Desert Sand Drakes are predominantly solitary creatures, though some form small, nomadic groups, usually family units. They are territorial and prefer wide-ranging expanses of desert to call their own. It’s rare to see more than one drake in a specific region unless they are related by blood or have formed an alliance based on mutual survival.
Heat Regulation: The desert environment can be unforgiving, and the Sand Drakes have evolved to thrive in extreme heat. Their frills and spines act as heat regulators, allowing them to disperse excess warmth. In times of extreme heat, they burrow into the sand or find shelter beneath ancient ruins to escape the sun’s intensity.
Diet and Hunting: Though Desert Sand Drakes are omnivores, they primarily scavenge, feeding on carcasses of large desert creatures, or hunting smaller prey when necessary. Their long tails and sharp claws make them effective hunters, though they prefer to conserve energy and avoid unnecessary combat. When food is scarce, they can survive off desert plants, absorbing moisture from the succulents they consume.
Arcane Affinity: Many Desert Sand Drakes have an affinity for arcane arts, particularly magic associated with sand, wind, and illusion. This magical connection allows them to manipulate the desert environment, creating sandstorms, mirages, or even shifting the sands beneath their enemies to trap them. Drakes who develop arcane abilities are highly respected in their society and are seen as guardians of ancient desert secrets.
Communication: Desert Sand Drakes communicate through a combination of body language, vocalizations (ranging from low rumbles to high-pitched screeches), and color displays on their frills. These displays serve various purposes, from attracting mates to warding off rivals. Some drakes, especially those raised around humanoid civilizations, can learn to understand and even speak basic forms of common languages.
Habitat and Environment:
Desert Sand Drakes are native to vast desert expanses that are often littered with ancient ruins, long forgotten by humanoid civilizations. These drakes make their homes in underground burrows or seek shelter among the crumbling remains of old temples and stone fortresses. The hot, arid climate of the desert is their natural habitat, where temperatures can soar during the day and plummet at night.
Burrowing and Denning: While they do not dig deep burrows, these drakes often hollow out shallow pits in the sand where they rest and conserve energy during the hottest part of the day. Their ability to burrow also serves as a method of ambush, hiding beneath the sand to spring up at unsuspecting prey.
Interactions with Other Species: Although they are generally solitary, Desert Sand Drakes have been known to form alliances with certain humanoid races, especially those that reside in desert regions. Some tribes and civilizations consider the Sand Drakes sacred protectors of the desert and offer them tributes in exchange for their protection. Others view them as dangerous predators to be avoided or hunted.
Reproduction and Lifespan:
Eggs and Incubation: Desert Sand Drakes lay hard-shelled eggs that are buried in deep sand to incubate. The heat from the desert sun provides the necessary warmth for the eggs to develop, though the mother will often return to check on the clutch. Hatchlings are born with a full set of scales and small, soft spikes, which harden as they grow.
Lifespan: These drakes have a long lifespan, often living between 400 and 600 years. As they age, their scales grow darker and more burnished, reflecting the countless suns they've seen in their time.
Reputation in Solara:
Sacred Guardians: Certain tribes within Solara revere the drakes, believing them to be descendants of desert gods or protectors of the land. These tribes often leave offerings near ancient ruins where drakes are known to dwell.
Elusive Wanderers: To some, the Desert Sand Drakes are mere legends, having only been spotted from a distance. Their camouflage abilities and careful movements often make them difficult to track or encounter unless they wish it.
Arcane Protectors: Some Solaran mages and scholars believe that the drakes guard arcane secrets left behind in the ruins they roam, which could unlock ancient knowledge if they could only earn a drake’s trust.
Game Master’s Notes:
When using a Desert Sand Drake like Sa as an encounter, consider the following:
Non-Aggressive Role: Drakes do not attack on sight. They may observe adventurers or even offer assistance if approached with respect or reverence.
Ruins as the Setting: If players are exploring ruins in Solara, a drake may act as a guardian of the location, only attacking if players attempt to steal or deface ancient relics.
Magical Puzzles: Players could be tasked with earning the drake's favor by solving magical puzzles or uncovering desert mysteries, with the drake aiding them once trust is gained.
Potential Ally: A drake, such as Sa, could become a powerful and loyal ally for players, offering knowledge of the desert or help in magical tasks.
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loudtravelerlight · 2 months
Embracing the Vegan Diet: A Path to Health, Sustainability, and Compassion
The vegan diet has surged in popularity over recent years, attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds seeking improved health, environmental sustainability, and a more compassionate lifestyle. Adopting a vegan diet means eliminating all animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey, and focusing on plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. This dietary choice, once considered niche, is now a mainstream movement with profound implications for personal well-being and the planet. This article explores the benefits, challenges, and practical tips for transitioning to a vegan diet.
Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet
One of the most compelling reasons to adopt a vegan diet is its potential health benefits. Numerous studies have shown that a well-planned vegan diet can contribute to better overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Cardiovascular Health: A vegan diet is typically lower in saturated fats and cholesterol, which are prevalent in animal products. Instead, it is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats from sources like nuts and avocados. This combination can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
Weight Management: Many people find that they lose weight more easily on a vegan diet. Plant-based foods tend to be lower in calories and higher in fiber, which can promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake. Studies have shown that vegans often have lower body mass indexes (BMIs) compared to their omnivorous counterparts.
Diabetes Prevention and Management: The high fiber content in a vegan diet helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for preventing and managing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, plant-based diets are associated with improved insulin sensitivity.
Cancer Risk Reduction: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can protect against various types of cancer. The avoidance of processed meats and red meats, which have been linked to certain cancers, further reduces risk.
Improved Digestion: The high fiber content in a vegan diet supports a healthy digestive system, preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. It also fosters a diverse and balanced gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health.
Environmental Impact
Beyond personal health, the vegan diet offers significant environmental benefits. The production of plant-based foods generally requires fewer resources and generates less pollution compared to animal agriculture.
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, including methane and carbon dioxide. Shifting to a vegan diet can significantly lower one's carbon footprint, helping to mitigate climate change.
Conservation of Water: Raising animals for food requires vast amounts of water for drinking, cleaning, and growing feed crops. By contrast, plant-based foods are much more water-efficient. Adopting a vegan diet can save thousands of gallons of water annually.
Land Use and Deforestation: Animal agriculture is a leading cause of deforestation, as forests are cleared to make way for grazing land and feed crop production. This leads to habitat loss and a decline in biodiversity. Plant-based diets require less land, allowing more natural habitats to be preserved.
Reduction of Pollution: Animal farming generates significant waste, which can contaminate soil and water bodies. This pollution can harm local ecosystems and communities. Plant-based agriculture tends to produce less waste and has a lower environmental impact.
Ethical Considerations
For many, the decision to adopt a vegan diet is driven by ethical considerations related to animal welfare. Factory farming practices often involve cramped, inhumane conditions for animals, as well as painful procedures and early slaughter. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, individuals can take a stand against animal cruelty and promote more humane treatment of all living beings.
Challenges of a Vegan Diet
While the benefits of a vegan diet are substantial, it is important to acknowledge the challenges that some individuals may face when transitioning to this way of eating.
Nutritional Considerations: It is essential to plan a vegan diet carefully to ensure that all nutritional needs are met. Key nutrients to pay attention to include protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. Supplementation or fortified foods may be necessary to avoid deficiencies.
Social and Cultural Factors: Food is deeply intertwined with culture and social interactions. Adopting a vegan diet can sometimes lead to challenges in social settings, such as family gatherings or dining out. However, with the growing popularity of veganism, more restaurants and social circles are becoming accommodating.
Accessibility and Cost: While fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are often affordable, some specialty vegan products can be expensive. Additionally, access to fresh produce may be limited in certain areas. Learning to prepare meals from basic ingredients and seeking out budget-friendly options can help overcome these barriers.
Practical Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Diet
Successfully adopting a vegan diet requires thoughtful planning and a positive mindset. Here are some practical tips to ease the transition:
Educate Yourself: Learn about vegan nutrition, recipes, and the ethical and environmental reasons behind veganism. Books, documentaries, and reputable websites can be valuable resources.
Start Slowly: Transitioning to a vegan diet doesn't have to happen overnight. Begin by incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet and gradually reducing animal products.
Explore New Foods: Discover the wide variety of plant-based foods available. Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds to find what you enjoy.
Plan Your Meals: Meal planning can help ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients and avoid the temptation of non-vegan options. Prepare meals in advance and keep healthy snacks on hand.
Find Support: Join vegan communities, both online and offline, to share experiences, recipes, and tips. Having a support system can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable.
Be Kind to Yourself: Changing your diet is a significant lifestyle shift, and it's okay to make mistakes or experience setbacks. Focus on progress, not perfection, and celebrate your successes.
Embracing a vegan diet can lead to numerous health benefits, contribute to environmental sustainability, and align with ethical values. While there are challenges to overcome, the rewards are substantial. By educating yourself, planning carefully, and seeking support, you can make a successful transition to a vegan lifestyle. Whether motivated by health, the environment, or compassion for animals, choosing a vegan diet is a powerful step toward a better future for yourself and the planet.
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noosesurroundsme · 3 months
I'm really tired of being the trainer at work for all these lazy hires. I really wish they'd find people who don't spend all day absorbing tiktoks or calling people constantly. I'm tired of having 4-5 orders in my hand while they're busy goofing off. I sometimes wish I was a smoker so I could take 5-10 minute breaks every hour.
I also really hate men who try to argue with me and when I tell them or ask them to stop because it's not a productive conversation or argument, they still find the need to keep going. We're on day 5 of this new hire and I had to tell him 5 or 6 times to go away from me and stop talking because the argument is not going anywhere. He then went outside for 10 minutes to talk on the phone while I did the paperwork (that he's supposed to be watching me do so he can close on his own, but I was also irritated so I was happy to not talk to him for that time), then he came back and tried to start the argument with me again. All over his drawer being over 15¢ that was probably left by someone who didn't want their change, which he said didn't happen. I don't believe that either because for my purchase he kept trying to talk me out of taking my 9¢ in change so who's to say it wasn't from someone.
The drawers were all counted to exactly $100 this morning so it had to come from somewhere, yet it's my fault because I made him use another coworkers drawer (that didn't do any sales all day, except for the one new hire did over there). I only did this to keep the money with whoever did the sales and we had a $100 bill from his sale and not enough $20's to break it so I had to spend cash to bring the drawer over $100. It makes more sense to keep the money with him since it was his sale. My manager would do the same thing.
I really hate fucking men who just want to argue for the sake of arguing, even if it just goes in circles. It's not the only time today he kept arguing with me. He looked at his time card and told me it was wrong. He thought it was short. He works 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. He should have 50 hours (or close to) by the end of his shift Friday night. It was completely correct but the he was looking at the wrong amounts the whole time. He was looking at the two week pay period which had already added the 4th's paid holiday hours. It's just dumb, time wasting arguments. I could spend my time better doing something else, and if he just thought through things before asking he'd see how it actually is but doesn't give it a chance. He assumes he's right before I get a word in and talks over me just for him to realize minutes later he is wrong.
He's also another meat foodie and asked me "how can I eat just vegetables" since he just assumes that being a vegetarian I must only eat vegetables. Humans by nature are more like omnivores. Except for Native Tribes, Europeans who migrated to North America initially ate more plant based meals. It wasn't until coming here were people had to hunt and kill for food did people here eat more meat. My homemade Vegan Chili (or vegetarian if I put feta on it) is all plant based. It's so much richer in flavor than it's meat based counter part. Every single person who's tried it has loved it and said it's so much better than if it had meat in it. There's more to food than murdered animals, but I don't try to force that onto other people, the least they could do is learn a little instead of trying to argue with me about all I eat is carrots and lettuce and veggies have no protein as if meat is the only way to get it.
Idk maybe I'm an intellectual person and live in facts. I don't like being wrong. I will accept it if I am and try to learn the thing I was wrong about instead of uselessly arguing the incorrect point.
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gkworkhard · 5 months
Dive into the Vegan Food Revolution: Easy Recipes for Beginners!
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Hey there, foodies! Today, we're diving into the vibrant and flavorful world of vegan food. Whether you're a seasoned vegan, a curious omnivore, or just someone looking to add more plant-based meals to your diet, you're in for a treat. So, let's grab our forks and embark on a delicious journey through the world of vegan cuisine.
First things first, let's talk about the rise of veganism. In recent years, there's been a noticeable shift towards plant-based eating, driven by concerns about health, animal welfare, and the environment. As a result, vegan food has moved beyond just salads and tofu, evolving into a diverse and exciting culinary landscape.
Now, you might be wondering: what exactly is vegan food  ? Well, it's more than just fruits and veggies, my friends. Vegan cuisine encompasses a wide range of dishes, from hearty stews and burgers to decadent desserts and beyond. And the best part? Vegan food is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients, making it a win-win for your taste buds and your health.
One of the things that makes vegan food so exciting is the creativity that goes into each dish. Without the use of animal products, chefs and home cooks alike are forced to think outside the box, resulting in innovative and mouthwatering creations. From plant-based cheeses to meatless "meat" made from mushrooms and jackfruit, the possibilities are endless.
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But it's not just about taste; there are also numerous health benefits associated with a plant-based diet. Studies have shown that veganism can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Plus, with a focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, vegan diets are naturally high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Let's not forget about the environmental impact of veganism. By opting for plant-based meals, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and lessen the strain on natural resources. From conserving water to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, every plant-based meal we enjoy is a step towards a more sustainable future for our planet.
In conclusion, vegan food isn't just a trend; it's a delicious and nutritious way of eating that's here to stay. Whether you're passionate about animal welfare, concerned about your health, or simply love the taste of plant-based cuisine, there's something for everyone in the world of vegan food. So, why not expand your culinary horizons and give veganism a try? Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite meal!
Shop online : https://shop.villamarket.com/catalog/Frozen%20Food/Vegan%20&%20Vegetarian/All 
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Some ooc facts about my fav bug creature, Moff!
~ If they don't have music to listen to while doing something, they have trouble focusing.
~ They were born in a tree as a caterpillar and their "puberty" was basically just going into a 3 year cocoon.
~ Their parents were not present as moth creatures constantly move to continue producing members of their species.
~ Despite them both being bugs, Moff does not get along with Pest.
~ Moff is naturally attracted to light, yet has bad eyesight (despite having 4 eyes).
~ They have a collection of cool lamps they find.
~ They are extremely agile at parkour, and even know the whole Silly Emporium obby by heart to the point they could do it blindfolded.
(Bit of angst for ya)
~ After they left the tree they were born in, they were practically homeless until they could eventually get a house.
~ Due to this, they are overly used to money being tight, despite the fact that the combined income of them and their partners is more than enough.
~ They used to have wings, large, fluffy, and off-white with black spots. However their first time going through the "WALL OF" level, they got caught in the conveyor obstacle and thus ripped off.
~ However, they are working on building a new, functioning pair.
~ They get confused when people are concerned about their childhood, as the way they grew up is considered normal for their species.
~ They regularly forget to eat, and due to only remembering to when they're done working, they regularly stop at the Red Ball to get fries to munch on.
(Alr no more angst)
~ Despite Gregoriah being the most known partner of them, they actually have two other partners, and they are in a polyamorous relationship. The two (my friend @th3-l0c0l-l0v3r's oc's) are Valin and Stanley.
~ Their species is mainly carnivorous but biologically are omnivores, as they ate leaves as a caterpillar and they still eat plant foods to this day.
~ They especially enjoy culturally diverse foods.
~ They have a concerningly high spice tolerance. One time, Mark gave them $50 to eat a ghost pepper, and they did it without flinching and with little reaction.
~ As a caterpillar they used to have 4 arms. They still have multiple arms, in fact more (like 8 of them), but the most they keep out nowadays is 4.
~ Sometimes when they run, they shift to running on all fours to run faster.
~ They are quite snappy when first met.
~ As people look past their anger and get to know them, they are much nicer, and even a little silly at times.
~ They find guitars cool, and want to get a guitar one day to learn it.
~ Their music taste is quite mixed, but is kept in one large playlist on their music player. One of their favorite songs is Hell Is Forever, and they seem to really like any song that has guitar in it in some way.
~ Their froggy coin purse was a gift from Gregoriah, and they protect it with their life.
~ They make squeaking noises, the tone changing depending on mood.
~ Them and Emerson know each other on a first name basis due to them stopping by the Red Ball Diner after work to eat.
~ Their voice claim is Technoblade. (I will do a voice claims video for oc's at some point)
~ (Based on my hc!) Despite WALL OF being the reason they no longer have their wings, they're now on good terms w Mach. In fact, when around each other, they almost have a sibling-like bond.
~ Due to this, they also know Albine on a first-name-basis. Sometimes when Mach is busy, Albine will go around with them.
~ They had to cut their hair one time because one weekend working at the Silly Emporium, they got a shit ton of chewed gum stuck in their hair after diving in to clean the ball pit.
~ Despite their usual grumpiness, they are careful to not snap at Spud! or Pilby.
~ They have a weird sense of sorts for other traumatized people.
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