#ship: the nightingale and the dragonborn
seraphfighter · 4 months
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Tagged by @totentnz to do this picrew (i promise I've seen everyone else's asks/tags I just haven't had the spoons for them yet)
Johnny & Val (obv. had to do them)
Rowan & Tira (these two are the original ship for me, my friend and i's Skyrim ocs that have now been in my brain for more than 10 years)
Ember Hawke & Fenris (angry bird girl and angry elf)
Kaidan Alenko & Jade Shepard (post-war, hence her scars)
I don't have the spoons to tag anyone so if you see this, knock yourself out 🫡
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stargazeraldroth · 3 months
Skyrimverse: Character Summaries
It's been a while since I've posted actual content. I don't know if this would qualify as actual content, but it's... something. I'm a big fan of Skyrim and started playing it again recently, and it made me remember that I do have an AU for it. Yippeeeeeee.
The only reason Ink is a woman in this AU is because he needs to be a Daughter of Coldharbour for the plot.
Frisk: A native Nord of Skyrim who was born in the city of Helgen. They are believed to be the Last Dragonborn, destined to slay the fearsome Alduin and put an end to the threat posed by dragons. They are the Thane of Whiterun and a disciple of the Greybeards, and they live in Breezehome within Whiterun's main city.
Blue: A native Nord of Skyrim who was born in Riften. He was one of the soldiers of Whiterun before being assigned as Frisk's housecarl, and follows the Dragonborn everywhere unless otherwise dismissed.
Cross: A Nord who was born and raised in Skyrim. He was enlisted in the Imperial Legion during the Great War, but withdrew from the army following the signing of the White-Gold Concordat due to physical and psychological trauma. After receiving treatment at the Temple of the Divines, he became a traveling mercenary and did odd jobs until he came to Whiterun, which is where he was introduced to the Companions. After rising in their ranks, he became a member of the inner circle and was given lycanthropy, eventually becoming the Harbinger of the Companions as well. He resides in the living quarters of Jorrvaskr with the other Companions.
Nightmare: A powerful Altmer mage who hails from the Summerset Isles. As one of the sons of a powerful and noble family, he has a significant amount of inheritance; the reasons for his presence in Skyrim and his enrollment in the College of Winterhold are unknown to everyone except for those in his family. He became the Arch-Mage of the College following the previous one's demise, has slain the Dragon Priest known as Morokei, and recovered both the Eye of Magnus and the Staff of Magnus. He is known to have connections to both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild.
Dream: An Altmer who hails from the Summerset Isles. Following his arrival in Skyrim, he and his twin went their separate ways, and Dream became involved with the Thieves Guild in Riften. Through his connections with the Guild and the Black-Briars, his was able to become a Thane of Riften, and purchased the Honeyside estate for himself. He leads a double-life in Riften, balancing his identity as a nobleman and a Master thief. Following the former leader's betrayal, Dream became the new Guildmaster, and he is also a devoted Nightingale of Nocturnal. He struggles with alcoholism and a Skooma addiction, and he has several encounters with Cross.
Killer: A Dunmer who fled from the mainland of Morrowind to the island of Solstheim. During his youth, he and his mother lived with one of his uncles who made unwanted advances towards her, so he killed him. As a result of his murder, Killer had to flee Solstheim, being a stowaway on a ship to Windhelm. He eventually found himself in trouble with the Dark Brotherhood due to accidentally killing one of their targets, but was officially recruited to the group of assassins, and was appointed as the Night Mother's Listener. He resides in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary just outside of Dawnstar, and holds the responsibility of conveying the Night Mother's words and heeding her orders.
Dust: A Khajiit who was originally part of a traveling caravan, serving as one of the guards for the merchants. During one of their travels, they were ambushed by a group of bandits, and Dust just barely survived the attack. When he went to the Jarl for help, he was turned away, leading him to resort to handling it on his own. The Dark Brotherhood noticed his sheer bloodlust and knack for killing, and he was recruited to the faction, becoming one of the upper members.
Horror: An Orc who originally lived in Largashbur, an Orc stronghold located southwest of Lake Honrich. It is generally unknown how he was recruited to the Dark Brotherhood and he himself doesn't fully remember, since it was so long ago. During one of his missions in Markarth, he came into contact with the Coven of Namira, and became a cannibal. He was given the Ring of Namira by the Daedric Prince herself, and has a tendency to take bites out of his victims. He spared a young Bosmer named Aliza, who he took back to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and has been raising ever since.
Ink: An ancient, pure-blood vampire. She is known as one of the "Daughters of Coldharbour" and plays a crucial role in an ancient prophecy that foretells the eternal shrouding of the Sun. She was sealed away by her own mother to protect her from her father's madness, remaining in Dimhollow Crypt from the mid-late Second Era until she was found by Error. Ink has a very strained relationship with her parents and while she doesn't regret the power her vampirism has given her, she regrets how it tore her family apart. She is married to Error.
Error: A Redguard who accepted vampirisin from Clan Volkihar. He was originally a member of the Vigilants of Stendarr, having been taken in by the faction after his mother was killed, but he was never invested in their beliefs or ideals. Instead, he was fascinated by stories of Daedra and the Daedric Princes, habits that worried his fellow Vigilants. After the attack on the Hall of the Vigilant, Error was directed to the newly reformed Dawnguard, and was temporarily enlisted. During his mission to Dimhollow Crypt, he met Ink and escorted her back to Castle Volkihar, where he was offered the power of the vampire lord as payment for bringing her home. He accepted. Later, after thwarting the ancient prophecy and killing Ink's father, Error took over as the leader of Clan Volkihar and is actively seeking to destroy the Dawnguard. He is married to Ink.
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nightingaletrash · 6 years
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juleteon · 2 years
How about 12 and 13 for both of your dragonborns 👀
Oh, this turned out to be a long one! So, all of it under the cut below! Featuring answeres for both Ayner (Almter Vampire) and Soot (Khajiit)
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12. What is your Dragonborn's occupation, be it current or otherwise?
Ayner — Ayner is currently the Thieves' Guild Master and a Nightingale, after bringing The Eye of the Falmer to the guild's possession and being given the title - he has spent his months leading various heists and cleverly catching useful information to keep the flow of jobs flowing through for his fellow members. He genuinely cares for those in the cistern, he's well-acquainted with the harsh reality of having to survive in the harsh ungiving world. Most of his past was spent in various shenanigans and variety of crime, though he never fought himself of a leader before the Guild. Leaving Summerset Isles at an age far too young to be sneaking on a Merchant's ship to escape into a new life, he had experienced enough to grow both vary of others, and particularly skilled at sharpening his speechcraft a well as his weapon. [ Not going to write here too much of his background to not spoil what I'm crafting over in secret AKA fleshing out a proper story for this rascal elf of mine ]
Soot — Soot is a very nonchalant Dragonborn, being the unexpected Khajjiti hero to have slain Alduin and defeated Miirak, he remains very deeply true to his quiet and kept-to-himself nature. Traveling Skyrim as the accidentally made Arch-Mage and The Listener, he embraced the various titles and callings he had collected throughout his journey, and tries to escape for the remaining places of peace he might find for himself. He believes deeply that most of his adventure was a coincidence of being in a place in the wrong, or right time, and is overwhelmed by the weight of value and meaning the locals of Skyrim have landed on top of his broad, feline shoulders. He doesn't fully understand what a Dragonborn means to the Nords, neither to the Imperials, and he refuses to take part or any role to progress either's expectations of his. He's a big cat, and he has grown to like Skyrim's vastness and wilderness, even grown a thicker fur to keep himself warm under the sets of armor - so he lets the interpretations of his tale run wild without his input or commentary. He much prefers to stay by Serana's side and find any excuse to travel so she doesn't remain at the Dawnguard's fort on her own. He has grown to like Cicero's company as well, and will quite literally pick up the murderous jester "on a walk outdoors" when Nazir begs him to free the Brotherhood from his pestering. 13. Does your Dragonborn have any hobbies? Are they particularly attached to any of them?
Ayner — He adores jewelry, and he's not shy about it. He's a firm believer that rings, trinkets and pendants is a craftsmanship that gives a better purpose and use to metals and stone than a cold weapon. He collects gems, jewels and very keen of anything shiny and reflective, it holds a sentiment to him to have something he finds so beautiful in his hands in contrast to a very rough and often brutal world he had known. A reminder that despite all, people can create beautiful, meaningful things, and despite their differences, can all agree to appreciate the shine of a refined ruby.
Soot — In his travels across the lands, he was surprised to find a fishery in Riften, of all places. He has grown a liking to the pace of the activity of fishing. He always holds a few folded maps marking good fishing spots across Skyrim in his travels, and always has a fishing rod on his horses' inventory no matter how close or far he travels. At first, he would eat them raw from the hook - but, after gaining the company of his followers, put the effort into more considerate way of serving the caught prizes into well-cooked meals. Despite his sense of taste being far inferior to those of his familiar Men and Mer, he really tries to learn to not under or over salt his meals so they could all enjoy it together.
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Trinkets, 41: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
A small looking glass which plays tricks on the eyes. Glancing through it provides normal magnification, but one might see a spire of gold in the shape of a sunlit mountain, or a musical box and floating notes in a cloud, or a laughing rabbit in the shapes of the stars.
A mask crafted from thin cast iron covers the entirety of the head. The face itself is made of brass and shaped into the face of a hideous snarling creature.
A rabbit felt wide brimmed, high crown fedora with a band around it. It looks dusty with age.
A one gallon cask filled with inky black whisky. Thicker than most scotch whiskeys, it has a black tone that glows golden when the light hits it. The whisky has a penetrating woody taste, and does not light a fire in the belly; it goes down smooth and cold.
A small black metal box that fits under the arm. It has 20 colored pieces of glass arranged in a spiral pattern on one side. With the switch of a lever and the twist of a few knobs on the back , the glass pulse with glowing light at different rates, immediately drawing the eye to their pattern. An noncombatant viewer can lulled into a slight state of relaxation and well-being, being momentarily distracted by the pattern. A bearer can use this as a relaxation tool or as a hypnosis aid.
A piece of crimson coral carved into the shape of a shark.
A pair of earrings, made of wrought silver and ivory. The design appears to be two sinuous female forms, touching at the hands, which are extended above their heads (This is where the clasp is) and the feet.
A conch pearl the size of the thumb's first joint, of a deep and brilliant blood-scarlet hue.
A silk robe, dyed blood red with extremely long sleeves that hang past the hands, down to the knees. The outside is plain, but the inside reveals a subtle motif woven with orange threads: a nightingale swallowing a fox.  Small, jingly bells hang from the hem.
A brass chalice with chilling imagery of demons and tormented humans.
A fleshy ball the size of a large man’s fist. Dozens of tiny mouths appear, disappear and reappear at strange intervals, each one constantly groaning and muttering unintelligible words.
A large, brightly colored, decorative tin containing a well preserved fruitcake. The sweet bread is studded with dried fruits, nuts and strongly flavored with brandy which adds both to taste and shelf life. The loaf is so dense and nutritious that a single slice can be substituted as a full meal. The sealed tin can be used as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large conch shell that, when put to the ear, makes the wielder hear the sounds of the ocean. If the bearer closes his eyes while doing so, he will see visions of infinite horizons and calming ocean waves.
A raw, unprocessed chunk of tourmaline that catches the and reflects different colors as it moves. It protrudes out of a base of stone and is flecked with dust and dirt.
A whistle made from deer antler with a silver mouthpiece. Its single mid-range tone is strong and audible at a long distance.
A bizarre, intricately painted miniature sculpture, made of a lightweight material; neither wood nor stone. The figurine bears an uncanny resemblance to a member of the party.
A translucent pearl with a coral blue shimmer.
A set of glass playing cards in a brass case. Each card has a set of symbols and numerals unknown to scholars and the learned.
A flask with an unknown liquid. It cannot be poured out unless it is standing upright (In which case nothing happens since gravity). The flask is very sturdy and in inscription reads; “Those that drink smart and slow will drink this drink made long ago.’’
An envelope stuffed with cheap woodcut prints of men in various states of undress.
A tattered, oft-folded letter on which are written a mother’s pleas for her daughter to stop her dangerous adventuring and come home while they both still live.
A turquoise courtier’s uniform adorned with the stylized symbol of a dagger poised above a cup just above the bearer’s heart. Crow’s feathers dangle from the epaulettes.
A dented tin bucket filed with human teeth. Hundreds of them. Teeth of all shapes and sizes, from white, through all the shades of yellow, to brown. Teeth with bloody roots and with shreds of flesh attached.
A delicate silver bracelet, fashioned into the appearance of a spider, it's legs hugging the arm.
A silver charm bracelet with small kitsunes holding up different types of gemstones as if presenting a gift.
A sequined squid skin belt pouch.
An ivory scroll case with silk bands and silver plated caps.
A gold coin of strange design, one one side of the coin are two crossed-swords and on the other a bulbous eye that appears to blink occasionally.
A marble bust of a vainglorious adventurer.
An oddly detailed drawing of a pack of wolves chasing a small cloaked child. The numbers six, one, and two are arranged in a equilateral triangle pattern with the six being on the point above the wolves. Strange symbols are on the corners of the page.
A petrified pixie that would make a cute paperweight.
A lizardfolk statuette made from petrified wood and snakebone in the shape of a scaly hand emerging from water holding an axe.
An ancient scrimshaw with a well carved boat labelled, “The Mourning Hag.”
A finely tanned, soft leather pouch filled with thirty-six small, polished hematite tiles about 2 cm across, inscribed with non-magical glyphs on both sides. Some of the tiles have different glyphs on opposing sides. The pouch has a leather drawstring.
A small sapphire hairpin carved into the shape of an ocean wave.
A large oil painting of some otherworldly sea where creatures who are octopoid from the neck down but with human heads float in bliss.
A bar of lavender colored soap that when used, makes things dirtier instead of cleaner.
A mundane looking flat rock has been washed smooth by eons of swift rapids flowing over it. It still drips as if recently removed from the river that created it.
A copper pot with dragon head handle.
A large wooden box of dozens small painted lead figurines depicting knights, wizards, beasts, and dragons.
A simple silver ewer etched with a floral pattern.
A pouch of dried kelp filled with razor-sharp mollusk shells broken into pieces and tied together to act as an area denial weapon. The shells functions as caltrops in every respect.
A quartz statuette of a pegasus taking flight.
An old, straw-filled ragdoll with a patch above its heart. It is always comfortably warm to the touch.  
A glossy black hunting horn, chased with runes and knotwork of silver.
A well-loved teddy bear missing one of its button eyes. An observer who looks at feels a strong urge to comfort the bear, wanting to repair it. Yet for some reason they wish to repair it with an actual fresh humanoid eye.
A squat hematite idol with blue quartz eyes.
Pocket Watch of The Far Realm: A blued steel pocket watch with a silver chain that always tells the accurate time of the entire plane of the far realm. The far realm is a place beyond space and time. The pocket watches hands move fast and sporadically, sometimes even gaining a third and fourth hand. It is completely useless at telling the time on the material plane.
A dark soapstone sculpture of a large crouching cat.
A barely legible prayer written on leather, dotted with stains. It reads “May vengeance steady your hand with righteous anger. In this den of thieves, murderers, and monsters, there is but one answer, one god, and her name is written in blood.”
A large silk flag for a fallen kingdom.
A knotted gland consisting of a cancerous mass of gnarled tissues. The tissue thumps with an irregular cadence, as if two  hearts are intertwined in this tangled clump. The longer it's held, the more clear if becomes that a multitude is contained within one's own flesh.
A bronze brooch of an maple leaf.
A featureless steel cube with one open side. Light does not penetrate the open side and an overwhelming sense of power emanates from within.
A crystal that projects starry patterns when placed before a light.
A gold plated compass with cracked crystal in a small teak box carved with waves.
An obsidian tablet the width and height of a human hand upon which when viewed under the night sky tiny green and blue dots appear to move.
A large glass jug, stoppered tightly. Inside appears to be a diorama of a small forested island with a port town. If left undisturbed for a time, observers may notice that the water surrounding the island seems to move, and the trees wave. At night, tiny flickering lights can be seen in the town.
A perfectly fresh pineapple that has somehow resisted the ravages of time.
A sturdy cloth backpack made of high quality cotton, adorned with exotic feathers and pretty cross stitches.
A wand made from a rare elm with grains of sand sprinkled across its handle.
A bronze ashtray of a sleeping dragon.
A gold rimmed monocle with light rope of gold and clip. The glass of the monocle is smudged and cloudy but resists all attempts at cleaning.
A tear stained map of the local cemetery with an “X” marking a specific grave.
A hairpin with head shaped like a spider and set with red agate.
A crystalline hand-sized scorpion figurine that is so full of cracks and occlusions that it looks as if it could fall apart at any minute.
A portrait of an unsmiling woman painted on a poplar panel.
A human skull goblet with silver base.
A one gallon cask of Eye of Medusa, a paralyzing mix of grain alcohol, lime juice, simple syrup, and poppy flowers. This drink numbs the tongue before leaving you feeling like solid stone.
A slate tablet on which is carved a prophecy by a famed oracle.
A small knife forged from a unique metal alloy created by a fallen star.
The mostly straight bones of a humanoid bound with rough twine to make a macabre sort of ladder, rolled into a bundle.
A boar tusk scroll case encircled with silver bands.
A gilded puzzle box decorated with a asymmetrical geometric pattern.
A flat, round gray stone ring the size of a coin worn smooth by water and time with an attached tag reading "Shieldmeet 1120 DR, is this the key?"
A clay tablet with the answers to the favorite riddles of a certain guardian sphinx.
A tall brass rod is etched with an abstract circular design that seems to be devoid of any pattern.
A small glass sphere the size of a fist is astoundingly heavy, and appears to be mostly full of a thick golden liquid. It weighs ten pounds and has no visible opening or markings on it.
An odd contraption comprised of a small crystal orb set within a thick metal semi-sphere, covering most of the orb, and is about six inches across.
A pouch made of rough toad skin.
A small bottle of eyes-burning-from-the-smell-alone wretchedly spicy but delicious hot sauce (Which will cause vomiting and incapacitate the non-spice tolerant).
A well made bracelet of silver chain with small silver heart charms hanging off each link. A single one of these charms is carved from a rose zircon, which gives off a small amount of heat.
A wand made of a line of conjoined tiny rodent skulls with emerald eyes that makes it a grisly site to behold.
A wooden flute made of red wood with etchings of leaves around part of its base
An oddly shaped curved wand with elven writing carved within. When held at nighttime it helps its owner sleep peacefully to the sounds of nature.
A bone case containing black votive candles that burn with a green flame and can only be quenched by blood, not water.
An ode to Genial Jack, the Godwhale, who swims the Sixty Seas with the city of Jackburg on His back and in His belly. Scribbled on the back is a mysterious phrase: “The tongues of the dead wag at midnight.”
A pink stone sculpture of an ear which grows warm when it hears false flattery.
A beautifully carved wooden prosthetic arm fitted for a small humanoid, etched with tiny runes in ancient High Goblin, a language now all but forgotten along with the proud culture that produced it, who some say were forerunners of goblins and gnomes alike.
A small pouch containing a handful of moss crusted with what looks like dried blood. The blood was in fact taken from a patricide, the moss from a hangman’s tree; the combination makes this quite a valuable reagent to the right buyers.
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silvanils · 4 years
Give me a character!! Vilkas, Ulfric, Alistair, and Solas (I tried to think of some you don't have paired with any of your OCs 😂)
GIVE ME A CHARACTER; and I’ll break their ass down:
Vilkas was the hardest one to do this for, LOL! I hope you enjoy my thoughts on these guys, though~
I also made the decision to not include the “unpopular opinions” part simply because I don’t pay enough attention to fandom as a whole to know what counts as “popular” vs. “unpopular.”
How I feel about this character: He’s smart, definitely one of the main strategists of the current set of Companions. He loves his brother more than anything and it shows in a lot of small ways. I wish they had more moments together. I also find it a bit amusing, since Aril romances Farkas, that the first official Companions quest involves having to prove your worth by fighting Vilkas.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I am actually drawing a blank here. Aril honed in on Farkas SO HARD, Vilkas has always just been ‘the other brother.” Hm... I think his romance partner would need to be someone who can put up with his jabs, someone that doesn’t back down, someone witty... but also sweet. I think Vilkas likes sweet, kind gestures in private. Aril is a bit too public about his sweetness and affections for Vilkas. LOL. I realize I avoided the question, though. Maybe one of the other companions, like Ria?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Vilkas and Farkas, of course! They stick together, no matter what. He also (eventually) opens up to Aril and they get along really well, too.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Mostly just that he had a MORE prominent role. He, Farkas, and Aela should’ve been the “Nightingales” of the Companions, except each of them has different views on the Beast Blood. (I think Vilkas would be the first to want to follow Kodlak’s example, because he’s always questioned the wisdom of using such power. Farkas is neutral about it - happy either way, but he’ll take whatever path his brother does. And Aela won’t budge from her choice to keep it.) 
How I feel about this character: I’ve always thought he was interesting, some of his lines really hit me. There’s a tired, melancholic air around him that I relate to, and... I think he’s caught up in a web he never wanted to be part of. “I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing.” Ow.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ALL? In that case, I’ll admit, Casien’s way up there at this point. I also ship him and Legate Rikke to some degree, I feel like they had SOME kind of history and it MIGHT have been romantic. I don’t think Ulfric falls in love often or easily. (Probably on the grey-asexual spectrum somewhere.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Galmar, of course! Possibly Ralof, too. They’re all good friends.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Mm... so this kind of falls under stuff I wish were in Skyrim in general, but I wish more stuff about how elves and other races are being treated would come up, especially if you are PLAYING as someone who isn’t a Nord. He should’ve at least had some kind of comment if the Dragonborn who shows up at his door is an elf or Imperial or anything ELSE unexpected.
How I feel about this character: He’s... so... good. I adore him. He’s smart and clever, looks for the bright side, and tries to make everyone else feel better even when he probably needs someone to give him a pep talk, too.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lyanna Cousland, Zevran, Leliana, Morrigan... I also think Dirk Tabris had a one-sided crush on him. I really love Alistair/Warden in general, though. ^-^ (The Leliana and Morrigan ships are a bit conditional, and Zevran... I think is a crush on Alistair’s part, but Zevran knows and teases him because of it. Alistair maybe doesn’t realize it’s a crush until later and he’s like “Oh. I see. Okay. That makes more sense, now.”)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duncan came to mind first, but... I might actually say Zevran, even though I also listed him in the previous area. They make for an odd pair of friends, but they complement each other well. I also actually adore how much Teagan cares for him and vice-versa. (At least, from what we see of them together in DA2.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He deserves to know the truth about his mom. Tangentially related, I really REALLY wish King Alistair had a bigger role in Inquisition... and he should have been able to interact with Morrigan and Kieran, too, especially if Kieran’s his child. It just seems strange to have put all that in there and then do NOTHING with it.
How I feel about this character: I didn’t expect to like him, but I do. I know I use the word “interesting” a lot but Solas REALLY IS. I’ve always been fascinated by ageless/immortal characters, and myths, and characters that long for a past they can’t go back to...
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Passion, Felassan, Varlas, Ash Lavellan (one-sided, more of a crush)... I like him with Lavellans in general, but I do wish there were more fics and art featuring male Lavellans.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: A non-romanced Inquisitor, I suppose? It seems like out of ALL his friends in the Inquisition, it is the Inquisitor alone that can say “I won’t give up on you” whether they’re together or not. Ash is definitely such an Inquisitor.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish the conversation about vallaslin happened with EVERY Lavellan Inquisitor, regardless of romance or gender, and every Lavellan was given the choice of keeping them or letting Solas take them. It seems like a really important bit of info to ONLY give to a romanced Lavellan.
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thesunlovesmuses · 4 years
One Word (An Introduction)
Prompt: Describe each character in the works with just one word
Author’s Note: So i’m using this prompt as a sort of introduction to my characters for my short stories just in case anyone get’s confused as to who the characters used in the prompts are, or if anyone's interested in learning a bit more about them past the short stories. Unfortunately, I’m not great at drawing, so I hope the description of them will do them justice. It’ll mostly consist of My main fantasy groups. But if I feel the need to write a random piece about different characters, I’ll include them below as well. But without further ado... Here we go!
The Mylanthia Series (Main Series):
Main Characters
Katiana Pensworth (An adventurer and storyteller who’s village gets burned down at a young age and gets taken in by a wizard and his partner. Now she wishes to make her own way in the word, making her own stories and maybe finding out where her biological family is now and who attacked her village) - Peacemaker
Izax Salisca (A royal wizard and teacher at the Fabalan Academy, who takes Katiana in after her home is eradicated. He taught Katiana all he knows about basic magics and how to defend one’s self on the road.) - Practical
Azra Bhaskera (A part time singer at the Cloven Cart Tavern in Serden Village and Izax’s Partner. He taught Katiana all he knows about storytelling and acting diplomatically in a confrontation) - Pacifist
Luka Harrington (Katiana’s Adoptive brother, who was also taken in by Izax after his parents died, who happened to be the old royal wizards of the kingdom.) - Intelligent
Mylanthia’s Gods
Eerina (Goddess of Beginnings, Life, Safe childbirth & Peace) - Loving
Mophy (God of the Sun, the Day, the Sky & Mountains) - Thrill-Seeker
Kisala (Goddess of Spring, Scholars, Knowledge & Nature) - Wise
Ilmari (God of Storms, Oceans, Wild Nature & Fertility) - Irritated
Aezir (Goddess of Literature, Stories, Music & Performers) - Flirter
Amion (God of the Night, Dreams, Summer & Magic) - Imaginative
Rosdia (Goddess of Love, Marriage, Happiness & The Moon) - Silent
Hendorr (God of Commerce, Fortune, Merchants & Luck) - Frivolous 
Rasulla (Goddess of Fire, Forges, Autumn & Deserts) - Bold
Iktar (God of War, Strategy, Wisdom & Perseverance) - Cold-Hearted
Zelara (Goddess of Winter, Ice, Family & the Hearth) - Motherly
Odum (God of Endings, Death, Glory & Remembrance) - Respectful
Mylanthia’s Royalty
Lawrence Farbridge (The current King of the Kingdom of Lenoa, who walks a fine line between party animal and tactical genius) - Boisterous 
Esmerelda Farbridge (The old Queen of the Kingdom of Lenoa and Ridge’s old lover, who sadly died in the war against the Angurian Empire) - Benevolent 
Pablo Coppermore (The King’s Royal Advisor, who spends most of his time trying to keep total war from breaking out between Ridge and Andreas.) - Overworked
Leonides Angura (The Emperor of the Angurian Empire, who only thinks of the survival of his kingdom, no matter wat the effect on the others he’s supposed to be in an alliance with.) - Vengeful
Lynn Angura (The Deceased Empress of the Angurian Empire , who died after giving birth to her son.) - Angelic
Dillon Angura (The heir of  the Angurian Empire, who doesn’t agree with his father’s methods at all.)  - Meek
Parvati El-Hassam (The duchess of Al-Bascriya, and puppet to her advisor and older sister.) - Exploitable
Zena El-Hassam (Parvati’s older sister and her advisor, who manipulates her in order to enact laws that benefit her and her lifestyle.) - Tyrant
The Fabalan Academy Arc
Iris Al-Hajjar (A knight student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who only wounded up there through an accident involving uncontrolled magic.) - Tomboy
Luka Harrington (A magic student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and Professor Izax’s Assistant.) - Intelligent
Holly Willingham (A messenger student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who caused the accident that made her and Iris come here.) - Butterfingered
Asriel Talasen (A knight Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who originated from the Nation of Al-Bascriya and is the #1 fencer in the academy) - Charismatic
Finnigan Fenrir (A senior magic Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who’s said t be the best magic user of his generation.) - Untouchable
Dillon Angura (A magic Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and the Prince of the Empire of Angura, who fled to get away from his tyrannical father.) - Meek
Izax Salisca (The Magic Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and the Royal Wizard for the king) - Practical
Diamond Jack (The Message Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, the royal jester and a spy for the king) - Deceiving
Zula Flintward (The Knight Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and well known mercenary across all of Lenoa)  - Apathetic
Midelia (The Fairy Queen and Ruler of the Fae, who holds the barrier between the mortal and fae worlds) - Alluring
The Rebellion Arc
Allister Sutton (One of the leaders of the rebellion and Lucien’s best friend. Fighting for his home so everything can go back to normal.) - Determined
Lucien Ingleton (One of the leaders of the rebellion and Lucien’s best friend. He was also the next in line to be mayor of Serden. Fighting so everyone exiled can live in peace again) - Sorrowful
Simon Ingleton (Lucien’s little brother who likes to talk big and had a fondness for explosives and spells) - Hyper
Tobias Creede (Simon’s best friend who abandoned his home so he can camp in the woods with his best friend.) - Caring
Comet (A villager bitten by a werewolf and hunted down, as the new mayor believed he would turn and kill them all.) - Sharp
Clarissa Nightingale (A friend of Lucien’s and Allisters and the daughter of the town’s cartographer. Doesn’t trust outsiders easily.) - Protective
Eenix (The new Mayor of Serden Village, determined to completely obliterate the vision the Ingleton’s had and turn it into a solely profit based community.) - Power-Hungry
The Mylos Village Arc
Ridge Astaril (A demigod and wizard who tries his hardest to squirm out of tasks the king gives him to do, so he can work on his ascension instead.) - Ambitious
Mikhail Belleville (Head Priest of Mylos Village, who’s family moved in as soon as Miles’s moved away) - Conniving
Samuel Belleville (The son of the Head Priest, who despite the kind nature on first looks, has a strange and sinister air about him.) - Deceiving
The Roaming Angels (The best guild members in their classes)
Felicity Mayweather (A Human Bard who is welcome in the Borealis court of the fae after being abandoned there, and explores the world to bring stories back to them) - Diplomatic
Kosmeros (A Tiefling Warlock and university student who had his voice stolen after making a pact with the Prince of Frost, and now roams the world looking for a way to break the pact.) - Graceful
Blaze (A Fire Genasi Artificer who searches the world looking for rare materials and rumours of a thief stealing other artificer’s projects, wishing to put a stop to the thief before making his own Magnum Opus.) - Perfectionist
Caspien Aquilus (A Triton Monk who fled from his home under the sea with his cousin to protect soome ancients texts of their god from a mercenary who will do anything to take it from him to her client.) - Soothing
Gareth Mordecai Faolan (A Shifter Bloodhunter who’s family got killed in a bandit raid, and now uses all the cons and ticks he knows to get by and find information on the head of the bandits, so he can kill him himself.) - Trickster
Scora Criashi (An Aarokocra Ranger on a mission for the princess to disband an underground crime ring and black market.) - Attentive
Irisa Nemli (A blind Aasimar Sorcerer who literally fell from the sky to come to the mortal world, in order to find a way to control her wild magic she was cursed with.) - Scatter-brained
Keiji (A Tabaxi Rogue, born an orphan, who steals to fund the orphanage he grew up in, and who’s currently on the run from a mafia group in the capital.) - Explicit
Sidra (A Half-Orc Druid who wants to destroy the artefacts stolen from a temple in the swamp her tribe guards, so no-one can raise the monster named Iblis again) - Feral
Arlayna Doncaster (A Half-Elf Wizard who ran away from home and is on the run after her family didn’t accept her loving a member of a rival house; Safira) - Proper 
Bradir Azzanurth (A Dragonborn who became a Paladin after his dad died protecting others. Taken under the wings of his dad’s friends, he now roams the land helping everyone he meets and aspires to be just like his dad.) -Rambunctious
Fengryra Brenfyx (A Firbolg Cleric who was raised by her grandma with three other apprentices, who’s looking for a way to stop the Twilight Forest from dying and turning to ash) - Welcoming
Kruznek Honeydew (A Dwarf Fighter who left his wife and kids after his entire battalion died in a fight against a pack of Orcs and Kobolds, on a journey to find himself and get rid of the guilt he feels) - Inhospitable
Rhodelia Shiendroth (A Centaur Barbarian who was sold as a child to a gladiator house. She escaped the house along with three other gladiators and now works as a mercenary.) - Fearless
One Shot Characters:
Zephyr’s Rising (Sky Island Fantasy, based off of a book in the main series)
Zephyr Redgrove (A sky pirate who stole a ship in order to explore the archipelago) - Cocky
Petra Halton (A villager and flutist who’s parents went missing during an exploration, who wants to see if she can find them after finding her mum’s diary.) - Timid
Abbi Krivanek (Zephyr’s friend and Navigator, who’s joined his ship to make sure he doesn’t kill himself while exploring the World) - Cautious
Almac Vegner (Pirate and Treasure hunter who Zephyr hired in order to find all the best spots and to help fish treasure from out of the cloud sea.) - Charlatan 
Orion Bizeron (Animal Tracker and adopted younger brother of Tamari, who’s helping Zephyr find a rainbow coloured Phoenix). - Thoughtful
Tamari Bizeron (A cloud ray rider who adopted Orion when she found him on the street. Went with Orion to hunt down a phoenix and now acts as the ship’s gunner.) - Outgoing
Esien Perisey (A friend of Petra’s who runs the library in town, who has agreed to help Zephyr only to make sure Petra stays safe. Also the only person who can cook onboard the ship.) - Sarcastic
Ferdinand Everton (The Assistant to the council members of the Cardinal Council, who has been sent to stay aboard the S.S. Cloud Ray to keep an eye on the crew for the council) - Stubborn
Galatea Sauroak (Head of The Cardinal Council and in charge of dolling out punishments to pirates) - Reliable
Jett Palinsky (A member of The Cardinal Council, who is also the number one Cloud Ray Surfer in the Archipelago.) - Heart-Throb
Jasper Denholm (A member of The Cardinal Council who is stuck in the traditionalist ways and believes all pirates should be hung.) - Cold-Hearted
Aamina Al-Jabour (A member of The Cardinal Council who gives all of her work to other people to do so she can do what she wants instead) - Lazy
S0-L4R-1S (Space Adventure)
Kai Rutherford (The Face of the operations and Captain of the S0-L4R-1S, delivering goods and people for any faction in space, as long as they have enough coin to do so.) - Laid-Back
Erinne Briggs (The Ship’s onboard engineer and the only one in the galaxy who knows how to fix such an old and outdated ship.) - Spunky
Atul Kusari (The Onboard Weapon’s Expert who keeps pirate’s off of their back when trying to deliver goods to people.) - Eager
Rymond Heisenburg (The Navigator onboard and Zarinah’s Fiancée. The only one allowed to choose which jobs the crew goes on... ever since the accident.) - Composed
Zarinah Heisenburg (Rymond’s Fiancée who helps to create disguises for the rest of the crew when they have to do something dodgy.) - Ditzy
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yivohn · 5 years
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STATS :  ship prompts / always accepting!
@nxthero sent a courier :       Val x Brynjolf 
It was late in Riften, the soft moonglow of Secunda and Masser washing over the golden city, painting it hues of dimly lit orange and purple. Its streets still populated with late night beggars and guardsmen, even darkly leathered thieves prowling in the shadows that were cast by rustic buildings of cobblestone. Patrons still filtered out from the Bee And Barb, ambling slowly back to their homes with cautious eyes on the look out for greedy, reaching, thieving fingers.
Beneath the earth too slumbered the City of Thieves, guildmates retiring for the night after downing their last bottle of mead. Stories were exchanged and games already played— now, it was time to rest, and gradually a peaceful silence came over the Cistern.
But as thieves began to settle for the night, the Guild’s Master was feeling restless. 
Brynjolf had only just pulled himself away from Mercer’s— no, from his desk, papers scattered every which way. Leadership of the guild was as complicated as he thought it would be with the influx of business and literal luck; there were a dozen different letters to sign off on for every hold, and it was up to him to make sure everything went off without a hitch. The responsibility had yet to grow on him, though he was becoming used to it.
What was hard to adjust to though was the notable absence at his side. He had Karliah, sure, but it wasn’t quite the same— not that he could seem to get that woman to leave the Nightingale Hall for any longer than an hour at a time. He understood, though; she preferred the peace and quiet that the Guild was no longer beginning to offer. Indeed, the Cistern and the Flagon only seemed busier by the day. But even so— the seat at the head of the table was oddly lonely. Especially without her.
Without Val. 
No matter how busy the Guild was nowadays, it seemed almost quiet without her. Delvin would agree with him, of that he was sure  —— Valvossa was, truly, one of a kind. Her skill was unmatched, her luck uncanny— and he'd never known such a disaster of a person in all his life. Keeping her in check had kept his hands full until the mantle of Guildmaster was passed onto him.
He wondered where she was now, and who was keeping her in check this time.
As he stepped through the halls leading to his room — it was a personal room, now; that also took some getting used to — his hands lifted, nimble fingers beginning to unbutton blackened leathers. Brynjolf's eyes were unfocused, mind elsewhere as he moved, so distracted he hardly noticed the figure that was already waiting for him, in a re-locked room, unassuming.
As he drew closer, though, the view sharpened, and he quickly realized he was laying eyes upon the very subject of his thoughts. Yes, oddly enough, it was her, standing there in his room. So odd was it that he hesitated, rubbing at the bridge of his nose before the hand dropped. 
It was her. Valvossa, the woman he had scarcely seen since she began her journey as the Dragonborn — something that in itself was a hard concept for him to grasp — and it had been weeks, months.. 
“ Val? ”  He spoke almost warily, as if sure he was speaking to a figment of his imagination rather than a real person.
But she was there. She stood not in the heavy armor that had become so typical of her, but rather in a simple leather and chitin outfit, the sort she normally donned before visiting Raven Rock. Brynjolf wondered if that was where she came from, but before he could ask, she spoke aloud;
“ Brynjolf… ”  Her voice had a distinct warble to it, the tone she normally took before she started to cry— something he wasn't unfamiliar to. Equally as familiar to him, Valvossa brought her hands up and wrung them in a nervous, upset gesture.   “ Brynjolf, I-- I'm sorry for not visiting, I just… ”
Brynjolf's hands dropped from his leathers, his jack half unbuttoned. He approached her, closer until they were but a few steps apart.
“ Slow down, lass. I understand, you know that. ...What's wrong? ”
Valvossa took a shallow inhale, and looked up at him through eyes that glimmered with tears. There was a pang in his chest, the same he always felt when he listened to her cry. But this had nothing to do with lycanthropy— he didn't know why, but he knew it. She took a slow, shuddering breath.
“ I-I released a monster.. from a stone in Raven Rock. And my father— he— ” Valvossa cut off, voice hitching as a hand fluttered to her mouth, shaking as she spoke, voice wavering, “ Brynjolf, he's dead. It's m-my fault. He's dead. ”
He never knew the man personally. But he knew enough about him through Val to hesitate in shock; there was perhaps nobody closer to her than her own father. The way she talked about that man sometimes made him almost envious that he had such a relationship with his own. Tervaryn Llervuin was Val’s rock in everything, and with him gone... Brynjolf could feel his expression slacken in shock, but his normally silver tongue dried in his mouth. What was there to say? Very little, but--
“Val... I’m so sorry.” He stepped closer to her, and extended his arms.
It was all the invitation she needed before throwing herself into them, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging onto him with a hug so tight he couldn’t help but wheeze. It loosened gradually, though, and the dunmer buried her face against his chest — which was bare, he noticed with a pang of sheepishness. Whatever the case, she didn’t seem to care, content and burying herself within his hold, grasping onto him as if he were her lifeline. 
And for the moment, he might as well have been. For the time being, he was her light in the abyss. 
He wanted to tell her a dozen things, then. It’s not your fault. I know you try to save everybody. It’s just how you are. He wanted to speak, but it was all he could do but to hold her in silence as her shoulders began to shudder with shallow, quiet sobs.
They stood that way until she lapsed back into silence, and when she finally spoke again, her voice was still thick with emotion, but quiet and raspy;
“ Stay with me. ”
Brynjolf angled his head, and buried his nose into a tangled mane of brunette. 
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pixiedurango · 5 years
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I know I’m late to the party (well actually its my third playthrough but the first two had been before my tumblr)  and I have no idea who of my followers and mutuals is also still into the game, but I’ll give it a try.
tumblr, meet Urzun’Ghal Khasandar
Orcish Dhovakiin, Stormcloak, Nightingale and Leader of the Rifton Thieves Guild, Alphawolf of the Whiterun Companions but currently being a Vampire to get shit done and running Volkihar Castle. Head of the Dark Brother(Sister-)hood and Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold. Mother of two adopted badass little girls who rather play with Daedric daggers than with dolls. Master Merchant of Skyrim who’s known to make her housecarls her shop attendants 24/7 selling all the worthless crap she brings from her travels. Owner of several estates and thane-ships across the country and just recently builder of houses in the wild. Best friend with Serana the snarky Vampire and Mjoll the Lioness from Rifton who are her favorite companions and best friends. 
Super sneaky archer and wielder of two deadly daggers or one overpowered sword. Occasionally fire and ice mage.  Notorious for getting her horses been slain in no time and being the worst at pickpocketing but the best at lockpicking. Shit at Alchemy, can barely cook, too which in her eyes is like... the same fucking thing. Will stop sneaking through a draugr filled dungeon just to mine some iron and let her team mate do the fighting while going around looting the shit out of every corpse, urn and chest. Just likes... the shinies™.One of her ancestors might have been a goblin. Or a dragon, HAHA!!!!! Always on the verge of carrying too much around for this reason. @sephiratales (maybe this is of any interest to you and maybe you want to ad your own Dragonborn Kali with a few words and pics and then tag some people to do the same)
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eeveevie · 6 years
Good morning kiss for any ship
from this list
Brynjolf x f!Dragonborn (Fiona)
498 words | Ao3
Brynjolf snored when he was asleep. This was usually whyFiona awoke before him in the mornings. It wasn’t that it was loud, but the wayhe held her while they were sleeping—his breath fanning against her ear andacross her neck—it was distracting in a way that typically roused her fromslumber. That morning was not unlike any other. She fluttered her eyes open,squinting slightly at the sunlight that was pouring in from the nearby window.It was confusing at first, forgetting they were not home in Riften, but ratherfar West in Falkreath.
Fiona slowly turned around in his embrace, hesitating whenhe grumbled incoherently before continuing to softly snore. She almost laughedout, finding it endearing. Their relationship,at least the formal aspect of it was allowing her to learn a variety of newtraits about the man. Some were mundane—he was allergic to lavender and likedto cross-stitch, while others were more intimate. After all that time spent dancingaround each other, it was nice to know there was still so much to learn.
Facing him, she smiled, gently reaching up to brush to lose auburnhairs from his face. Fiona traced a few of her fingers down his cheek, admiringthe cut of his chin and the stubble that had grown over the length of theirtrip. It was likely he wouldn’t trim it down until they returned—not that sheminded at all. She ghosted over his mouth, sighing at just how peaceful it wasfor them in that moment. His breathing steadied, lips twitching slightly at hertouch. She gingerly pressing a kiss where her fingers had been.
“Hmm…” he hummed. “Morning.”
Fiona grinned. “Good morning.”
Brynjolf’s arms tightened around her, his face nuzzlingagainst hers as he stretched his legs against hers under the furs. He kissedalong her temple, causing her to squirm as his stubble tickled across her skin.He continued for a few moments more before pulling away just enough for theirnoses to be touching.
“What time do you think it is, lass?”
Fiona craned her neck to try and glance out the window oncemore. “It’s still daylight. We might make it to Hjallmarch by nightfall.”
“Don’t suppose you have a house there too?” he asked in ateasing manner.
Fiona rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Brynjolf advanced on her, flipping her beneath him with ease.She yelped in surprise, quickly melting into delight as he kissed her, his bodyrelaxing against hers as she embraced him. Still, she laughed as he broke awayto leave a trail of kisses down her neck towards her collar and chest.
“What about our job?” she asked. “We’ll lose daylight if we…we…”
She lost her train of thought the more Brynjolf’s mouth movedacross her skin.
“We’re Nightingales,” he mumbled. “We travel better at night.”
It wasn’t the best explanation, but Fiona didn’t need abetter one. Not now, at least.
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foxfacegaming · 5 years
Skyrim Mod List
Generated by Mod Organizer for SSE, so it’s backwards!  \o/
In addition to the following, I am also using SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB
+SKSEMod +FNISPatch +Fossil Mining - with Legacy support +Zerofrost Mythical Armors and Dragon +Sulfuras, The Reclaimed Hand SE - Johnskyrim +Become a Bard +00 - Normal Version +Squirrels Companions and Wild SE +Garm the Husky Companion SE +Nether's Follower Framework +Meeko Reborn SE +CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions +Lyra Follower SE +Alethea the Barbarian Follower SE +Hoth +Dx's Follower - Freston Family (Male Follower) +Relationship Dialogue Overhaul +QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium +Bijin +Tempered Skins for Females +Tempered Skins for Males - Dressed Version +Apachii Divine Elegance Store +The Scarlett - A Buildable Ship (SE) +QQ SSE +Qaxe's Windcaller Tower for SSE +Qaxe's Winterhold Rebuild for SSE +Routa - Stormcloak and Warrior cabin +Sweet as Honeyside +Breezehome +Honeyside TNF - By Goatk +Stunning Statues of Skyrim +Castle Volkihar HD 2k +RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition +College of Winterhold HD +Immersive College of Winterhold +High Hrothgar HD +luxor's Sky HD +luxor's Weathered HD Road Signs +Markarth HD +Ships HD +Soul Cairn HD 2k +Windhelm HD +White Phial Replacer SE +JS Dragon Claws SE +Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks SE +Astral Aspect - 4K Standing Stones +CC's Fort Dawnguard Reborn +Dragonbone Mastery - Weapons Retexture +CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE - 2K - 6.3 +Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons [SSE] +Dawn of the Dawnguard Armor +HD Lava for Dawnguard +CC's HQ Alduins Wall +PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition +Raven Rock HD +RUGNAROK - Special Edition +Ruins Clutter Improved +RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE - Special Edition +Patch - Holidays-9074-patch +LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE +LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer +Holidays +Gemling Queen Jewelry SE +Elemental Dragons And Deadly Dragons (PATCH) +Deadly Dragons +Sovngarde HD +Whiterun HD +Riften HD +Solitude HD +Dawn of Skyrim (Director's Cut) SE +Chappers Demonic Alduin Mashup +Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE Patches +Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE +Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack (SE) +Better Dialogue Controls +Better MessageBox Controls +Cutting Room Floor +Dead NPC Body Cleaner Remover +Elemental Dragons Special Edition +Embers HD +Deathbell HD - All-New Textures (2K-1K) +Forgotten Retex Project +Footprints +Gildergreen Regrown +Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux SE +Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE +Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul +Lanterns of Skyrim SE +Main Font Replacement SSE +Ren's HD Shrines by Rengel +RUSTIC DEATH HOUND and GARGOYLE - Special Edition +Small Cursors +SSIRT v4.1 +Wet and Cold +Alternate Start - Live Another Life +[GR] Inari tails HDT SMP SE +AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer +Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE +hdtSSEPhysics 1 5 73 +hdtSSEFramework 1 5 73 +XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended +RaceMenu +UIExtensions +Cathedral Weathers and Seasons +Lightweight Grass Overhaul - Landscapes - Terrain LOD - Cathedral Concept +Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE +Obsidian Weathers for Vigilant +Obsidian Weathers and Seasons +Centered Sheathed 3rd Person Camera +Static Mesh Improvement Mod +Ultimate Deadly Encounters +Bought Mods +VIGILANT SE +Helgen Reborn +Falskaar +Cloaks of Skyrim SSE +Artifacts of Skyrim +Aetherium Armor and Weapons Compilation by lautasantenni +Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE +Skyrims Unique Treasures +ElSopa - Animated Celtic Icons For SkyUI SE +SkyUI +Thane Weapons Reborn +CONAN Hyborian Age SE +The Wheels of Lull +SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius +PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions +Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice +Skyrim 2019 +Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch *DLC: Dawnguard *DLC: Dragonborn *DLC: HearthFires
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soulstealer1987 · 6 years
Since you asked... Gallus? :D And also Brynjolf? :)
First up, Gallus!
How I feel about this character
Okay, so, I love Karliah, and initially I started liking Gallus solely because I wanted Karliah to be happy, but… then I started writing a fanfiction where Gallus legitimately comes back from the dead and honestly, I wish there was more canon material on him. I ship him with Karliah far too much and also… I liked the idea of Mercer not even succeeding in killing Gallus. Yes, I know I’m petty.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Karliah, Karliah, and did I mention Karliah? I ship these two far too much, and while I could see some hateshipping between Gallus and Mercer…
My non-romantic OTP for this character
If we’re talking about canon, I’d say Gallus and Enthir. The two were friends at the very least and honestly, I’d love to see a fic where someone actually writes out their meeting. I’d see it going something like this…
Enthir: who are you and what are you doing with my research notes *readying destruction magic*
Gallus: reading them, they’re actually pretty interesting. it might be worth trying a weaker soul gem for the enchantment, though. as great as black soul gems are, they’re kind of hard to find and maybe a bit of overkill.
Enthir: …ok but who are you
Gallus: name’s Gallus and bye. *jumps out the window*
And then they were friends and it was great. But seriously, the bromance there must have been amazing. (And I might get to actually explore it some in Ziist Grozein~!)
My unpopular opinion about this character
Um… I’m honestly not sure. Well, I don’t actually know if this is unpopular or not, but hear me out…
Gallus knew exactly what Mercer was planning. Well, maybe not exactly exactly, but he knew that meeting Mercer at Snow Veil Sanctum would most likely end in his death. Now, I hear you asking, if Gallus knew what was coming, why did he just walk into a trap? Why didn’t he at least try and set things up so the Guild would know what happened?
It was established that Gallus and Mercer knew each other before Gallus and Karliah did, and that they were close friends at least. It’s entirely possible that while Gallus knew how this would end, he wanted to believe that some part of the Mercer he used to know was still in there.
I’m pretty sure that it’s written somewhere that Gallus knew (or at least suspected) Karliah was going to follow them. So, chances were he was hoping she’d be able to bring news back to the Guild of what happened.
What he didn’t plan on was the Guild trusting Mercer over Karliah.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Honestly, to know this one you only need to take a look at Ziist Grozein. For those of you who don’t know, Ziist Grozein is a fic where I brought Gallus back from the dead as the Dragonborn… with a catch.
As it happens, it’s really, really fun to write a character with amnesia.
But seriously, I wish we’d just gotten more information on Gallus than what other characters thought of him and a five minute conversation with his ghost. It would certainly make Ziist Grozein easier if I didn’t have to make assumption after assumption about his character. Oh well.
And now… Brynjolf! (aka my fictional crush that endlessly infuriates me)
How I feel about this character
So… well, it’s pretty complicated, actually. I love Brynjolf, his voice makes me fangirl (and makes my dad walking by tease me about how this is why I’m single) but I am endlessly annoyed by his “sorry lass, I’ve got important things to do, we’ll speak another time” line.
I would get a mod to fix that, except that I play on PS4 and the only mod to fix that (a follower/marriage mod) makes him completely silent. Like, the subtitles are there but he doesn’t say anything. So I just opted to stay with regular Skyrim for now.
Okay, but honestly, if I was in Skyrim I would join the Thieves Guild in a heartbeat for a whole lot of reasons, not least of which is Brynjolf.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
*cough* me *cough* although I tend to ship anyone’s Thieves Guild OCs that they pair up with Brynjolf with him.
I also ship him with my OC Lora… even if both of them are idiots I swear to god Akatosh
My non-romantic OTP for this character
He and Karliah are good friends - post Thieves Guild questline, of course, when they’re both Nightingales. But yeah, they’ve got each other’s backs.
Will I read something that ships them romantically? Possibly, if it’s well-written. I’ll read just about anything if it’s well-written and I have the free time, as long as it’s not exclusively smut. (I tend to skip over the smut if it’s in an otherwise smut-free fanfiction.)
I mean, if the author can make that work, good on them! I’ll just stick to my Galliah and my endless screaming at Brynjolf for always having important things to do.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Brynjolf should have been the one to kill Mercer, or Karliah. (Actually Karliah should have gotten to do the deed, but either one of them had a lot more reason to do it than me. I was just pissed off that Mercer tried to kill me and nearly succeeded.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
*cough* no more important things to do *cough*
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coolbeesbro · 6 years
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Recently I decided to take a gap year in college after a disaster ending to my sophomore year (mainly dealing with poor diet leading to anemia, still recovering from surgery, and being on and off new medication for OCD) so now I have time between jobs to work on refining my work into the direction I want to go with it!
Your name is Karkat Vantas, the newest leader of the Thieves Guild, appointed Nightingale, and Khaijit/Dunmer half-breed. Though you are not a legal citizen of Skyrim, reigning from the poverty stricken town of Raven Rock located at the main shipping port of Solstheim; you are very much immersed in the politics of Skyrim. Now you find yourself completely stripped of everything from your armor and weapons, to your books, keys, and potions. Replacing that with a pair of tattered prison cloths and a set of handcuffs.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15264192/chapters/35406693
I’ve taken back up writing again! I’m working on a Homestuck/Skyrim fic and was excited to draw up some stuff to go with it! 
In my head Karkat would be a Khajjit/Dunnmer hybrid and thus dubbed a reject, who gains respect from others only after being discovered as Dragonborn. It’s gonna be a slow burn johnkat fic.
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the-videodame · 6 years
thank you @watercolourcommunism for the idea! little do you know the prompt was to fuel my skyrim addiction kjhdsffg
also posted to my Ao3 account!
a real short read, under the cut!
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Summary: Signe sent Teldryn off to collect firewood and kindling, but instead he comes back with bad news.
"Okay, whoa, slow down- what about the Spriggan?" Signe asked for what felt like the 20th time, her follower still out of breath from his frantic running to try and find the woman. Teldryn really was getting too old for this.
The Dunmer stood, hunched over with his hands on his knees to hold himself up as he catches his breath. Finally, he removes his helm to gain easier access to the air.
"I was out...gathering wood, for the campfire...and I tried to take some from a dead tree...and ended up pissing off some Spriggans....now they're out there-" He motions over the land to their side, "- running amok and terrorizing everything, since I ran off far enough."
Letting out a deep sigh, Signe runs her hands along her face, taking the information in. Spriggans weren't the worse things they've delt with, certianlly beats fighting dragons and even dealing with midnight drunks. But they had been traveling since late last night, and all Signe wanted to do was build a fire and go to sleep, so that in the morning they would make the last few miles to Windhelm and board the ship back to Solsthiem. But it seems like her day isn't over quite yet, no matter how low the sun got.
After taking her moment, she lets her hands fall and looks back down at him, "They're running around the hot springs, right? Outside of Windhelm?"
Teldryn nodded, finally gaining most of his breath back, and placing the helm back on his head.
"Then lets go get them. The sonner we deal with this, the sooner we can sleep. Besides, if we do then we don't run the risk of waking up to those damn bugs they always seem to have," The Nord woman declares, picking up her Nightingale bow and her arrows, along with two short swords in case she were to run out of arrows.
As she does this, she continues to speak to Teldryn, "You know the drill: You take them on up front and I shoot from a distance, if I run out of arrows I'll be there to help you up close," explains the Dragonborn, already making her way to the wet lands of the hot springs, a bit too annoyed to really wait for Teldryn to be ready.
Oh well, they can kiss and make up after a good nights rest.
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
Into Oblivion, part 1 (a long tale by Talviel)
[Welcome to my magnum opus! This is a massive project that took me a hell of a long time to write, so for those of you who enjoy reading my work or like long stories, there is plenty for you to devour! Thanks for reading, and as always I appreciate your feedback!]
Sundas, 2nd of Last Seed, 4E 208. I was back in Whiterun after years away, catching up with old friends as I made my way back east to Riften. However, one afternoon as I was shopping for ingredients in the Plains District, a courier bounded up to me, handing me a crumpled roll of parchment. I tipped him and went back to The Bannered Mare to read it, curious as to what it contained. Unrolling it, the parchment bore no content except the sigil of the Nightingales, with the word “Raven Rock” scrawled messily underneath. The mark of Nocturnal. I looked at my shortsword, the Nightingale blade, lying in its scabbard on the table next to me. My gut wrenched with the thought of any harm coming to Brynjolf or Karliah, my fellow Nightingales, and what could be happening on Solstheim that demanded such a cryptic message. I had sworn that my Guild days were over, and yet I had taken the oath to Nocturnal. This was something I could not ignore. Deciding that if I had to go all the way to Raven Rock with no explanation, I would make it worth my while and finally convinced Geldis Sadri to teach me how to make his famous sujamma after many persuasive letters. Upon my triumph, I reluctantly left Skyrim and set off on the long journey back east.
Since my first visit to Solstheim in the year 202, Raven Rock had really transformed from being a sleepy village to a booming ebony mining town, with miners from all over Tamriel coming over hoping to strike it rich. When I stepped off the boat, the first thing I did was to stop by Glover Mallory’s forge to say hello and sharpen my sword and kitchen knives. Glover was surprised to see me, but as usual complained about how his brother Delvin in Riften never bothered to come over instead. “This has nothing to do with the Guild, Glover, you know I haven’t been with them in years! Besides, you know Delvin always complains he doesn’t have the stomach for the ship ride over.” I said as he got to work on my knives, trying not to think about the Guild business I was definitely involved in for the love of the Nightingales.
The next stop was my slightly neglected house, Severin Manor, that I had acquired through a long and complicated series of events involving House Severin that I won’t mention here. I had hired a live-in housekeeper to look after the place and give a local a roof over their head, but I visited only when I happened to be in the area, which is rarely. Still, the manor was well kept and tidy, and the fireplaces were lit for my arrival. My housekeeper, Felayn, greeted me warmly, asking if he could assist with my luggage or anything else. I declined, having never gotten used to anyone doing anything for me, despite my growing fame through Tamriel.
After settling in, I decided it was time to peruse the marketplace before heading over to see Geldis. The mining boom had brought in a colourful array of folk, including Redguards selling exotic spices, fabrics, and weapons, to Argonians with medicinal herbs from Black Marsh and Khajiits with their usual hodge-podge of items found during their travels. It was a far cry from the single alchemy shop, general store, and ash yam stall from when I had first set foot in Raven Rock. Sellers called out, advertising their wares. I bought an abundance of ash yams and spices, and treated myself to a new scarf. Happy with my purchases, I turned to head towards the Retching Netch, only to feel a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around quickly, reaching for my knife.
“Easy, lass. Was hoping for a warmer welcome but that’s my fault for startling you.” Said a familiar red-headed man dressed in Thieves Guild armour. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Brynjolf? What on earth are you doing here?” I exclaimed. “You never leave Riften!” It was only then I noticed his eyes were darting around nervously. “Got a quieter place we can talk, lass? Here probably isn’t the best.” “Of course,” I said, and we headed back to Severin Manor in silence.
“Are you hungry? I can make us some ash yam casserole.” I offered. Brynjolf set down his weapons and satchel, settling wearily into a chair. “Aye, that sounds good, lass. It was a bumpy journey from Windhelm to here so I could do with a bit of rest before getting down to business.” “You had me intrigued at ‘business’. What’s this all about, Brynjolf?” I asked, putting on my apron and setting out my ingredients and kitchen equipment.
“Well, first of all, you’re no longer with the Guild, so I shouldn’t be telling you any of this, but I trust you lass, and could probably do with some help.” He began. “The first thing was to convince Glover to come back to the Guild and help establish a new branch over here in Solstheim, since the mine is open again and there’s gold for the taking. He may be hard to sway, but Delvin gave me a letter to pass to him that just might change his mind. No idea what it says, and I don’t really care as long as it brings Glover back into the fold.”
“And what else aren’t you telling me?” I asked, dicing up the ash yams. “Ah lass, we’ve got a big job on our hands. Real big. You’ll never believe it, but the High King sent us an emissary for the job. As soon as he opened his mouth, nobody wanted anything to do with it. Even our little Vex said no, that’s how dangerous it is. The pay is so big we can’t afford to say no though, and nobody says no to the High King in the first place.” He rubbed his face, looking worried. “So that left just me. And now you, I guess.”
I stopped chopping. “What makes you think I’m going to help with Guild business? And did you know I’d be here?” Now I was suspicious.
“No lass, I didn’t. I was just as surprised to see you in the market as you were to see me. Talk about good fortune, I guess. I know you’d rather not have anything to do with Guild business, but you did help out the last time in Riften so-”
“Brynjolf,” I interrupted him, “that was picking a few pockets for the thrill of it. Whatever you’re about to say sounds dangerous, and for fuck’s sake, I’m a chef. I’m no longer a Nightingale, or the Dragonborn, or whatever else I was back then. I just want to live a quiet life with as little drama as possible.” I mentioned nothing of the message I had received in Whiterun, knowing now that it was sent by Karliah and suspicious of what her intentions were.
Brynjolf looked despondent. “Please lass, I’m begging you.” He said quietly. “If this were anything else I’d go alone, but even with a whole army I wouldn’t be able to guarantee we’d get out alive. You’re probably the best fighter I know. Just hear me out, please.”
“I’m listening.” I said, leaning against the kitchen bench with my arms folded. “The High King got word that a gate of Oblivion has opened for the first time in over 200 years, here on Soltsheim. And he wants me to go in and retrieve the great sigil stone from within. But I can’t do it alone.” He explained, growing paler by the second.
“That’s not possible. Neither a gate of Oblivion or a sigil stone have been seen since the time of Martin Septim. Are we talking the Deadlands? Mehrunes Dagon? The bloody Amulet of Kings or a bloody Septim Emperor that we don’t have? This is insane. This is a death trap, Brynjolf, why on earth did you agree to this? This is a job for the Fighter’s Guild, or the Dark Brotherhood, or…someone else. Why the Thieves Guild? Why us?”
“The High King thought it best to ask us since he wants us to filch every bit of treasure we can find beyond that gate. It’s the job for a thief, and no one else. And in return he’s promised us three million septims and a guarantee that the Guild will be protected and immune to any criminal repercussions within Skyrim, no questions asked, for a minimum of eight generations. I couldn’t turn it down, lass, you’ve got to understand. Please, help me. You can help yourself to whatever we plunder and I can promise you at least a quarter of the gold the High King promised us.”
“Brynjolf, did I ever tell you that you’re completely insane? First the Eye of the Falmer and now this?” I spluttered. But my mind was ticking. Almost a million gold and valuable objects we may never see again in our lifetime stirred the thief within me. I would never have to work again, could build a mansion outside of Riften for my parents and I to live in, and settle down happily ever after.
“I know, lass. But you’ve got some of that insanity in you too. Don’t forget, you’re a Nightingale and always will be, whether you like it or not. You took the oath. So as a fellow Nightingale, I’m asking you in the name of Nocturnal, please, just this once, help me. Please.” He walked over to the counter next to me and opened a bottle of Alto wine, taking a large swig.
“Brynjolf, if I didn’t love you, I’d tell you to get out of my house right this instant. But as a fellow Nightingale, I accept this quest. I will follow you into Oblivion.” I said after a minute’s silence. Brynjolf paused with the bottle halfway to his lips, looking stunned.
“You…you will?” He stuttered, looking more relieved than I’d ever seen him in the many years I’d known him. “Lass…I don’t know what to say, but I promise you it’ll be worth your while. It’ll be an adventure, just like the old days, eh?”
“Yeah, except in the old days we wouldn’t be faced with dremora and clannfears and Talos knows what else is in the Deadlands, if these rumours are true.” I muttered. “Pass me that goddamn wine. We have dinner, then we rest, and we plan our attack tomorrow.”
“Agreed. I can’t say it enough, but thank you, lass. I know I’m asking too much, but thank you.” He moved closer, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me on the forehead.
“Don’t play me like that, Brynjolf.” I muttered, swiping away the tears that had suddenly welled up in my eyes. “Now you can do me a favour and chop the blasted onions. Thinly sliced, if you please.”
End of part 1
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friendlyunclej · 7 years
From Scarab to Sand Lord
     Like every other Half-Elf, I wasn’t born in Serhya. I came over on a damn boat as their only cabin boy. My mother tried to receive safe passage for me and her after our home became too dangerous for us to stay in. The asshole High Elf Quartermaster killed her and tossed her overboard while I was looking over a book she told me to read. Before I could look up, he had me in shackles and tossed me in a jail cell in the brig. When the ship’s Dwarven captain came back, he didn’t enjoy the Quartermaster’s company and attitude anymore so he smashed his head to pieces against my cell door. He unshackled me and had me working to pay for my passage from Tyriok to Zealor. Honestly, it was probably the best thing to happen to me.      It was about a three month trip across the Solemn Sea. Within the first week, I had my first taste of rum. By the end of the first month, I out drank everybody on the ship while the captain pat me on the back with a proud laugh. By the end of the second month, the captain made me his First Mate, but it didn’t change anything important. Once the third month came to an end and the dock was in sight, the captain offered to make me the new Quartermaster, despite me only being eleven years old at that point. I probably would have said yes if I hadn’t seen how beautiful the women were in Serhya.      Seeing my interest in the soft bodies which always seemed to be on display in Zealor, the captain took me to his brother, who ran a pretty decent brothel at the time. He dropped me off with him and I went through the same thing I did on the boat. When I wasn’t working, I was travelling the streets of Zealor, surrounded by so much color and life that I couldn’t help but be in awe from it. Each day I was there, something new came from nowhere it seemed like. What I loved the most was that I never felt alone, despite having no real family. At least, I felt like I didn’t have any real family until a few days after my fifteenth birthday when I met a red-headed smooth talker named Ronan who was about half my age and double as confident. He was part of a nomad tribe so he wasn’t always around, but, when he was, we’d turn the entire city into a playground. My ass got in more trouble than I ever thought I would be able to get into with Ronan around, and we both had huge smiles on our faces whenever we did. I was even sent to travel with his family a few times to transport goods between the city and some neighboring villages or trading posts. We were practically brothers by the time he told me about his tribe’s “Nightingale Trial” for something called “The Solovey”. It almost broke my heart when he told me that he might not live through it and that I shouldn’t come looking for him if it turns out that way. I didn’t see him for a good number of years because of it.      During those years he was gone, I became owner of the brothel once the old man passed away. Before you get any ideas, he officially signed it over to me in his will. His son was pissed that his father felt like I had been more of a son than he had, so he ran his own brothel out of spite. Believe it or not, I was about nineteen at the time and I still hadn’t been with anyone. In a few years, I turned the brothel into the greatest sin bin in Zealor history and I never partook in my own merchandise. It wasn’t until my boy, Ronan, came back that I mustered up the courage for some strange.
The Old Serhyan Adage
     There’s an old saying in Serhya; “There is nothing we do which we don’t want to.” I heard that for the first time during the first year as the brothel’s owner. A female Dragonborn who came to me, wanting to be part of my house, told me that when I asked why she would leave a comfortable home in the marshlands to pleasure the highest bidder in Zealor almost every night. I had her working the next night and caught a smile on her face that grew wider with each client. When my brother, Ronan, came back and let all of my workers know that I still hadn’t got laid, I shouldn’t have been surprised when she was the most eager to show me a good time. I’ll be honest, I never saw myself getting with a Dragonborn, but I got to say that that was the best damn night of my life. Well...maybe a very close second.      After a little over six long years, I had my brother back. Despite being older, stronger, missing an eye and carrying a massive hammer which should have broke his back in two, it was still the same Ronan as before. He told me that he was in some sort of magical coma that somehow kept his body alive, well, and healthy. So healthy, in fact, that he wanted to make up for as much lost time as possible. His jaw dropped when he heard about my rise to fame as the brothel’s new owner and I was more than happy to help my boy out. Unfortunately, I forgot to tell him about the importance of pulling out.      For almost an entire week, he went from girl to girl in my house, tasting everything I had available. I told all of my workers not to ask for payment, and they were more than happy with not getting paid. Laying with the wielder of the Solovey was more than enough payment for all of them. The fact that he was more handsome than half the guys in the city helped pay for it as well. However, he always paid up front, despite many insisting that he didn’t need to. Just from that, he gained the respect of my entire house quicker than snake venom. Unfortunately, one of them decided that she wanted the fame of mothering the child of the Solovey’s wielder instead of just laying with him for a single night. It’s been nine years since Najka was born and none of us know if she’s actually Ronan’s or not. Ronan would give up the world for her either way.      After giving birth to Najka, Selise, her mother, decided to keep her from him for about a year or so. As a whore in a brothel, she knew she didn’t want to raise her in a place like this, so she told Ronan about her and he jumped at the chance of being a father. He raised her as best as any father could for almost a decade. I had the great honor of being her “Uncle Pho” and godfather. Whenever he had business in town, I’d turn my house into a sort of a daycare for her. She didn’t fully grasp what was actually happening here until she got older anyway. She just thought that everyone liked to wrestle and scream with each other for no reason.      When she turned nine, Ronan did something I would have never expected. We were walking around Zealor together when he told me his plans.
     “Wait, you’re leaving?” I asked, dumbfounded.
     With a sigh, Ronan responded, “Yup, grabbing a boat to Kalldor in a few minutes. I have to. There’s something I need to do and I can’t bring her along.”
     I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, “Well, I’ll check in on her whenever she comes to the city. I got work on my Oasis soon, which is near your tribe’s walking pattern so I could join them for a mile or two. She ain’t staying in the house, though.”
     “I know,” he stated, “I already told her about everything. Well, everything I felt she needed to hear, at least.”
     “What should I do if she asks about when you’ll be back?” I asked, worried about what she’d want to do.
     “I bought a pair of Sending Stones and I’m leaving one with her,” he told me, still staring at the docks, “If she ever gets too lonely, she can send me a message on that.”
     I chuckled a bit before saying, “Look at you, Ro! Pining for that ‘Responsible Father’ title, I see!”
     He chuckled before taking a deep breath. He continued, “Pho, I know you got other plans, but-”
     “Say no more,” I interrupted, “I’ll keep track of her as if she was the most precious emerald in Serhya.”
     “She is, Pho,” he responded, sternly, “She is.”
     I glanced over and saw him with a look serious enough to make a war general back down. I smirked a bit, seeing my best friend more responsible and concerned than I ever thought he was capable of.
     I put him in a headlock as I teased him, saying, “Hey, you get any more serious, I’m going to have to tell the girls at the brothel to hide their smiles whenever you come around.”
     Cracking up, he responded with, “You better tell the guys, too. I pretended to flirt with a Half-Orc and I swear he blushed at me.”
     Putting up my fingers, I playfully said, “ ‘Pretended?’ I could’ve sworn you were serious with half the guys in my house! Even me, that one time.”
     “Who said that I wasn’t?” he said with a straight voice.
     I released his head as we both erupted into laughter. We laughed so hard that my eyes started to water. I wiped away a tear as I said, “You stay safe, you hear me? I’d rather not cross the Solemn Sea to collect your handsome corpse, ‘Nightingale’.”
     “You have some courage while I’m gone, alright?” he spouted back, stone faced.
     I nervously chuckled as I asked, “Courage with what?”
     “With that Halfling woman you fast-tracked up the ladder,” he said with full confidence. “She joined your house less than a few months ago and you already have her pined as your replacement while you start that...uh...”
     “Oasis,” I reminded him.
     “Oasis! That’s what it was,” he shot back at me, “But, seriously, I gave you a niece. I’d like to have one as well, brother.”
     “Pfft! Me and that Haifling? Whaaaaaaat? Nothing’s happening there,” I shakily retorted.
     “You truly are a shit liar, Pho,” he said, laughing a bit.
     I paused and looked down at my hands for a second. I sighed as I said, “Yeah, you always could see through my bullshit, Ro. Unfortunately, what ain’t bullshit is that ship of yours that’s taking off in about ten minutes.”
     We both stood up and took a deep breath before drawing each other in for a hug.
     He whispered to me, “Thanks for being my brother.”
     I whispered back, “Thanks for not dying to that thing on your back.”
     I slapped him on the back of his neck as I said, “Now, move, fool! The ship’s dropping its sails.”
     He rushed off and caught the ship just before the wind carried it off, shaking hands with a purple-skinned Tiefling. Najka, who had been searching for us for a little bit, caught up and dashed right past me. She ran all the way to the end of the dock and almost fell off into the water as she waved goodbye to her father. I walked her back and asked about where she got a stuffed doll of an odd-looking mastiff that seemed to be wrinkly with a slightly squished face. She told me that some old lady said that it’s a special breed of dog which hasn’t been seen in decades. We continued to talk about it until I returned her to her grandparents.
     It’s been a few months since Ronan left for Kalldor and life’s been pretty good. My Oasis is damn near ready to be home to a sizable village’s worth of people. I kept its name simple because I wanted it to be known not just as an oasis, but as “The Oasis”. Damn near all of Serhya lives under a government that chooses its highest according to wealth. As the previous owner of the greatest brothel in Zealor history, I had become a Lord of the Sands and I felt the need to make my own town since Zealor’s technically ruled by a kid. I should have told Zita that before leaving her the brothel.      I made the right move placing my Halfling girl in charge of the brothel. She’s made more money keeping everyone happy, healthy, and safe than she ever did telling guys to either get it up or shut up when some clients only wanted a shoulder to cry on. I visit her whenever I return to the city. I check in on the brothel and she always finds a way to make me stay an extra night or two.      Najka’s been happy and Selise is starting to try to develop a relationship with her, now that she’s a barmaid instead of a member of my house. Najka wants to see her dad again and she always asks if I’ve seen him when I check in on her. She seems to always get sadder when I tell her that I haven’t. I always change the subject to keep her spirits high, and she told me that she met “Auntie” when she and her grandfather went to the brothel asking for me once. She said that she was sweet to her and that it was fun talking to someone the same height as her. I smiled wider than I thought when I heard that.      The only thing that worries me is that there seems to be some scary reports coming from all across Serhya. I’ve heard some travelers speak of a monster in the bogs on the west coast that spit acid. Others have talked about seeing activity at ruins we all thought were uninhabited for years. The worse I’ve heard of is the pyramids. Of all the awful legends I’ve heard of in regards to the history of Serhya, the absolute worst have been surrounded the pyramids. I’m sure it’s nothing, but paranoia stems from caution according to my old ship captain and, right now, I’m more paranoid than a Drow running from the Underdark.      Even if some issues do come, it doesn’t matter too much. I’m not the same Scarab that crawled off of a ship. I’m a Sand Lord now and I’ll be damned if anyone’s taking that from me. The only thing that does matter is if I can keep my family from being caught in the crossfire.
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