#shipping is meh in general
lillianforest22 · 1 year
This is a more light hearted rant about how I play link as aro ace wich is why I don’t understand totk shippers getting in tussle over yona and Sidon because of their chosen ships.
I play link they way I live so I don’t care for romance or sex and just think everyone is pretty
Link and Sidon best bros. He’s charming and most definitely feel queer in some way but because of how I play it like bromance all the way.
What you mean you have a fiancé that cool bro but I’ve never even heard of her and your saying you’ve know her sence childhood little sketch my dude but good in you
Zelda and link they probably thought about it. Like when you no somebody really well you look at them and go “you know we could date if we wanted” and then you both shrug cause who needs labels when you are fine and comfortable with what you’ve got. They are best friends and both dint feel any need to put a different label on it.
I don’t get shipping and I find it funny watching the fandom try to burn itself out with its ships. Normally I just shit and watch till the smoke clears and enjoy a nice calm fandom
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
Bibros love to call anyone who disagrees with them about anything ✨delusionsal destiel shippers ✨ while they pompously throw around what are at best tenuously supported takes about the brothers bond but what are often just outright WRONG takes. I just had to read someone say Dean would wrap Cas’s own intestines around his neck and choke him to death to save Sam. Babygirl that isn’t the canon source material it’s your jerkoff fantasy stop demanding all of us collectively treat your kink as reality.
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i-really-like-phrogs · 7 months
Finally found my Apple Pencil yesterday! No new art worth writing home about, but I did make some chicken-scratchy thumbnails.
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elisedonut · 18 days
Me saying i like nearly all Percy ships while pointedly not making eye contact with Pansy and Hermione who are glaring at me like I'm a liar from the corner of the room
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orange-artblog · 25 days
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im soo normal about them i totally didnt spend 5 hours making 200 canvas of them
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original painting i used for inspo :3
(lux originally by jakei95 / moonstone by me)
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isindismay · 3 months
Kinda sorta promised myself I’d stop writing random trantjean fics and concentrate on my WIPs but I found the perfect song to vividly imagine an AMV of them to and there’s a danger it might turn into a fic.
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snailfen · 2 years
ok i did not realize that nine billion people ship five pebbles and seven red suns i thought it was like a few outliars. hello why are there so many of you????
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elipsi · 8 months
i saw poor things last night! not sure if i liked it, it didn't really stick the landing
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pacificgasandelectric · 10 months
hanging out in this server i'm in is wild to me bc it's a generally very. wholesome place. and there Are dedicated channels for nsfw and there's a Single "dark nsfw" channel that pretty much only hosts stuff like "what if it was TECHNICALLY dubcon but nobody involved was actually forced into doing anything they felt genuinely uncomfortable with" and i'm over here like. what if a character restrained and lobotomized their captive, who was horrified the whole time. what if i invent an abortifacient herb so one character can induce a miscarriage on another in secret, and then accuse them of "not caring about their baby enough" to not lose it. what if there was adoptive incest On Top Of the blood-relative incest. what if i invented ways to violate autonomy using magic or technology that you literally can't do in real life. would that be cool or what
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barbaracleboy · 1 year
For a while I’ve had the idea that, in Swapped Fables, Neo and Fuff would be taking each other’s place (with Fuff showing his meeker side whilst studying stuff and Neo being excited with Wasp Tech and happily using things like the Ultimax Tank) but you know what? While writing Omega’s Assault, I’ve come to realize that Dr. H.B. would actually fit better as a counterpart to Fuff: I can totally see H.B. happily taking the opportunity to make war machines and stuff like that, acting surprisingly good as a general. I bet she’d even put up a decent fight while out of her Ultimax Tank equivalent (A souped up Heavy Drone B-33, perhaps?).
Meanwhile, Fuff would take H.B.’s role in investigating the weird magic guy when he enters (in this case, Hoaxe), but I can imagine it going a little more smoothly than in canon: while Canon H.B. made Canon Leif very uncomfortable during their meeting, I can see Swapped Fuff and Swapped Hoaxe interacting more amicably. If Swapped Team Snakemouth do fight a Wasp Tank, it likely wouldn’t be Ultimax driving it (I’m thinking of just some Wasp being mind-controlled to attack them with it since Swapped Leif does still have the crown and can likely still control Wasps with it. He’d just prefer using Bee Technology because he hates Bugs that much).
Of course, this leaves out Neo, but I just had the idea of swapping him with Aria? I dunno, switching a religious girl and a science boy sounds kinda fun, and I bet it’d even lead to a couple fun changes: perhaps Aria fights back against the Wasps at the start of Chapter 2, while Neo needs a lot more help from Venus in the fight against him? 
(As is often the case, many of these ideas are spitballing and may not end up being really considered for the AU. Whatever info here I do want to keep will likely be added into the descriptions of whatever related drawings I make if I get around to them.)
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dashflashy-arts · 2 years
Tech and rev are going to end me
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taptrial2 · 1 year
finn please stop being heterosexual
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reivenesque · 1 year
Alina was much more interesting as a character in the first quarter of season one, back when she was a cartographer. She became such a boring, generic lead character by the end.
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
OBX Season 3: John B & Big John
So, I have so many thoughts on OBX Season 3 that I’m just going to break down my thoughts into separate posts with different themes otherwise the post would be a mile long.
On the whole, I loved what they did this season with Big John & John B. As a premise, from the first 2 seasons here are some things about my OBX thoughts: John B is my least favorite character and I was skeptical about the revival of Big John as a character (I thought it cheapened some of the first 2 seasons).
However, I think the choice to bring back John as a pseudo-antagonist and foil for Ward was very smart. It really gave narrative payoff to John B’s introduction to his father in the first season- that his father wasn’t just a father, but a friend, and maybe not the greatest dad ever, but that John B was so devastated when he was gone.
This loss made John B so fearful of losing Big John again that he couldn’t oppose Big John’s wishes- he couldn’t tell Sarah or the Pogues the truth, he aided his father after Big John murdered two people unnecessarily, all with this dissociated look on his face. I think it was the most compelling arc I’ve seen for John B. You could see the struggle as he faced the truth of what his father was, knew his father wouldn’t save him from the bullet if it risked the gold, but still, despite it all could not bear the thought of losing his father again.
The biggest gripe I had with the over-arcing Big John narrative is how both his and Ward’s story ends as somewhat of a pseudo-redemption? That despite all their faults they end up sacrificing for their kids and do the right thing in the end. But would they? Based on what the show has built up about them, it feels like no. That said, if I interpret more in a lens of grey morality and that neither Big John nor Ward could be mistaken for good people, but ultimately did care for their children, it reads better. I guess my struggle is more with authorial intent than anything- like did the writers understand how bad Big John really sucked? But ultimately that matters little and the final product is what I care about, and I’m quite happy with the final product.
With the offing of Ward & Big John, I’m excited to see Sarah & John B’s family mainly come back to being the Pogues and hopefully more group Pogue scenes in the future rather than so much focus on Sarah and the Camerons and John B and his father.
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Dialogue that never happened
"So you love Brave ? Who are your favorite characters ?"
First, Merida ! She is flawed and spoiled but means well and it fits her age, and she has a nice evolution that makes her better and understand others better all while making sure she is heard and respected, she is relatable in a lot of aspects, super talented and badass in archery,she is fun, funny and adventururous, I love her accent and her HAIR WOW SO GORGEOUS THE ANIMATION HASNT AGED ONE BIT, she is beautiful and I am pretty sure I had a crush when I was the same age as her without knowing it was one yet since I didn't know I was bi
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"Great, and who else ?"
Oh lol I love MacIntosh, he is fun, hilarious, a jerk but with good within and morals, all with great hair and a funny design overall
"Oh yeah Young MacIntosh is a fan favorite thanks to Once Upon A Time in which he is Lord-"
No you didn't get it. I love the REAL Lord MacIntosh
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felassan · 4 months
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David Gaider on Twitter: "Exciting! Some (completely uninformed) thoughts: A closer alignment with Mass Effect's style was inevitable, I suppose, but means both teams in Edmonton are working from the same premise. Which likely means good things for gameplay, I suppose. It probably also means a more action-y style where you control your PC but don't directly control your two chosen companions. You maybe do "shouts" to direct them in a very general sense. Which I'm less enthused about, personally, but... meh, I guess we'll see. Insofar as the new name goes it's fine, I guess, if the intent is to put less focus on Solas? Which maybe it is. So long as fans don't settle on DAVG as the acronym it's all good. The writing team will knock it out of the park, regardless. That much, at least, is guaranteed. :)" [source, two, three] --- DG: "Patrick and Sheryl remain, yeah, and both Mary and Luke still participated prior to the layoff. So DAV isn't going to hurt, insofar as its writing goes. The old gang was mostly all still assembled." [source] --- DG: "I earnestly believe that Patrick would rather die horribly than not write party banter. It is literally the most fun you can have as a Bio writer." [source] --- Twitter user: "The banters are some of my favourite moments in Dragon Age. So I hope so. I've seen fans saying we'll get less banter due to only have two companions in your team but I don't think that'll be the case." DG: "Less *variety* of banter while out running around, sure. Less *interaction* with the 7 companions? Well, that depends on what happens at your home base. If ME is the template, there was no shortage of companion interactions on the ship." [source] --- DG: "In my experience, EA always favored Mass Effect's style and believed it's inherently more marketable - actual sales numbers of DA or any other more traditional RPG be damned, honestly." [source]
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