#ships between kids and adults kind of content
hyperfixatedfandomer · 9 months
Anyway guys I noticed this individual is making rounds in ppl’s notes, commenting on avatar posts, and just to let you know:
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They’re a RAGING white supremacist and homophobe. Do not engage with them, do not humour them, DONT TALK TO THEM. Block them on sight.
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sien-ten · 22 days
Hear me out: DamiAnya is the most important ship in SpyXFamily.
There's not so many canon ships in anime that wasn't at some point problematic or started some kind of discussion. The most popular and iconic ones are controversial at least to good chunk of their own fandom.
But DamiAnya is wholesome. While TwiYor and other adult ships are trying to come true while unpacking all of emotional baggage these characters have, kids have it simple. Their objectives are clear: I want my family to be proud, their reactions to each other are honest and new. It's pure, it's intriguing, it makes people draw and write so much good fan-content.
And the more chapters we get, the more we see that Endo-sensei is just incredible at writing chemistry between characters, not kya dokidoki shoujo romance and not "girl-crushing-on-shounen-mc" trope. This madman shows how people connect, how they change their minds, how they stay oblivious or discover feelings.
I understand that it's too soon to say that, but as far as I can see they might give us the most charming and believable love story in mainstream manga of all time.
And I'm so damn excited about it.
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akenya · 1 year
Rizzoli and Isles is actually a show about a Queerplatonic Relationship.
Okay hear me out.
So, I always have shipped Rizzles. There are many MANY ways in which these are queer coded characters with a heavy romantic subtext, that a lot of the time honestly bleeds into the maintext. A lot of the actions and dialogue that we would typically interpret as romantic, especially between a hetero pairing, certainly works for this show. 
But I did a re-watch of the show recently, and while I still ship them romantically, I actually think what is being portrayed between them is something else. They are DEFINITELY more than friends; I mean they are life partners in every sense of the word. But the kind of dynamic that is CANONICALLY portrayed between Maura and Jane, is in fact, a Queerplatonic Relationship.
So here’s a working definition of the term for those who aren’t familiar with it: 
Queerplatonic relationships and queerplatonic partnerships are committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature. They may differ from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms, similar to a conventional romantic relationship
I have actually experienced something like this, (and yes I’m going to get a bit anecdotally personal here; I’ll try not to be too long winded, but it’s relevant, I promise lol): 
I had an (unspoken) kind of relationship like this with my best friend in my early/mid 20s. We have been best friends since I was 11, but something definitely shifted when we became adults, and I have to say, I ended up, quite unexpectedly, being deeply in love with my best friend...platonically. I didn’t want to date her. I didn’t want to sleep with her. But, I was totally devoted to her and we were each other’s person for years. We were each other’s assumed plus one for everything, we regularly did dinner dates, we gave each other super sentimental cards and specialized gifts on birthdays, we also regularly did domestic shit together like grocery shopping, errands, chores, house projects; you name it, we had it/did it. I mean we were even each other’s phone background for a while lmao. We never lived together, but we had keys to each other’s places. 
Now a lot of this shit can happen and does happen in standard friendships (maybe not the phone background thing; that was super gay ngl hahaha), but the thing that made this different was the level of assumed partnership going on between us. And the...energy. We would stare deeply into each other’s eyes. We had that magnetic kind of magic with each other, like no matter where the other is in the room, we find our way back to each other. And people literally perceived us as a couple. Hell, my other friends teased us about it. 
Any of this sound familiar?
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Oh and I DO find her to be attractive and even sexy. And we flirted (still do lolol) a LOT. 
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But I didn’t ever really.....actually want to have sex with her. Not that I would’ve even necessarily been opposed to it, because we were so close, but it just, wasn’t ever a desire for me.
This was interesting to experience, because I do identify as a lesbian, I have been romantically attracted to people, sexually attracted to people, and the two, as society expects, do usually go hand in hand for me. But with her, I honestly could’ve seen forever; like being exactly as we were, as life partners, I could’ve even seen myself raising kids with her, and I would have been TOTALLY, GENUINELY content with it, ‘cause my relationship with her filled me up in a way nothing else has. This was confusing as all hell to me for a long time, because I didn’t have a name for this until recently when I learned about the concept of Queerplatonic Relationships which again supersede friendship and often are life partnerships, but aren’t inherently romantic or sexual, even though they are quite deep. I actually think QPRs speak to that “limitless” “otherwise undefinable” kind of relationship dynamic. 
Sooo - and I promise I’m wrapping my story up - when my bff met her current boyfriend, which is her first super serious adult relationship, I didn’t quite experience jealousy, I mean I always envisioned a romantic partnership for her, and I still want that for me! Buuuut...my feelings were complicated because it’s like...I had to mourn what I lost, as our dynamic inherently changed, and the fact that I wasn’t her person anymore. Weird thing to process indeed. Also *ahem* SOUND FAMILIAR?
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Without getting too carried away here (oh who am I kidding, I already have 😂) for comparison’s sake, I actually went through a crazy ass heartbreak with someone, also while I was in my mid 20s; someone to whom I WAS romantically, sexually, spiritually, connected and attracted. I mean I was IN LOVE with this woman and she broke my heart by not fully reciprocating my feelings and not wanting to be with me. I thought I was gonna die when we stopped talking. Hell, it’s been years and I still think about her. 
But if you were to ask me who the true love. of. my. life. has been so far...I’d pick my best friend! 
The funny thing is I think a LOT of women end up in these kinds of dynamics, ESPECIALLY queer women, maybe even more so queer women who form super close relationships to “straight” women (gotta put str8 in quotes ‘cause...this shit is inherently queer even though it’s not romantic/sexual). You all know what I’m talking about; You’d do anything for each other, there’s chemistry, connection, and care, yet it doesn’t quite fit into any box you try to give it. People read you as a couple. You know this about yourselves, and you just...accept it. Because what you have is actually beyond any label. You know?
Anyway, I think there’s actually something cool and radical about this and I know that queer people want and deserve romantic and sexual representation, but I think this IS an accurate kind of representation that happens all the time that isn’t appropriately covered or discussed in media.
In hindsight, I think that’s what really hooked me on R&I. I mean, I started watching ‘cause I thought they were lesbians, and I kept watching ‘cause I thought it would be canon! And yeah, I still think about what could’ve been with them: fanfiction is good for that. But why do I still watch the actual show? Well...I LIVED it. 
Now: do I think that Maura and Jane often tip the scales a lil’ TOOOOO far in the explicitly gay direction on this show? Oh hell yes! Do I think you can interpret them as two people who are madly in love, romantically, with each other, yet are too scared to do anything about it? Oh hell yes! Like I said I do ship Rizzles. BUT, if I’m honest about what is FULLY, CANONICALLY being portrayed, no subtext, ALL maintext: It’s 10000% a QPR. 
So no: Maura Isles and Jane Rizzoli are certainly not JUST friends. They aren’t just colleagues, although their work relationship is just as powerful and awe inspiring as their personal one. They aren’t really like sisters, although they can quarrel like siblings at times. They aren’t truly romantic, although they are essentially life partners. They aren’t in a sexual relationship with each other; not that it couldn’t go there, but I also see how it wouldn’t need to go there, and how that doesn’t diminish the bond at all. They have something that I recognize -and something I think perhaps many of us recognize too- something beyond definition, because at the core of it they are true-blue soulmates who share a kind of unconditional love that is rarely found in ANY kind of relationship. If there is a definition that comes close to summing this kind of thing up: Queerplatonic Relationship is the answer!
Idk just felt like sharing this. Thanks for reading 🤓
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pansyfemme · 11 days
pleeeeaase drop the lord on the messy bobs burgers fandom of old 😭
LOL it was. pretty typical fandom drama stuff. okay so i was around the youngest in the fandom, age 13. there were a few other teens, but they were like 15-17, but most of the fandom was adults. I had a few friends, had a decent following and was part of a few discords. there was a lot of shipping stuff that was iffy, but there was like. a considerable divide in the fandom between people who thought that tina belcher and jimmy jr were a good couple and people who didn’t. i didn’t, because like. the show makes it pretty clear its a thirteen year old romance and he does not treat her with much respect or care, but he’s 13. so i was like. annoyed because a lot of the fandom were like. super super intense shippers of those two and i was like.. the joke is that they’re 13 and she has a crush on a guy who treats her like shit. thats the joke. so that was essentially. the seed that started it all. because eventually, the divide became more aparent. a major shipper was in her thirties, and writing. erotica of these two 13 year olds from bobs burgers. so i, being 13, for some reason, decided to become outspoken about this. and yeah i get why, it felt weird for me as a 13 year old to share a space with an adult who would write erotica with characters my exact age, so i became kind of. a hater. pretty publically. and then people started doubling down. so like. as ships go, that was not a ‘problematic’ one. the nsfw part is kinda dodgy but. it was two kids the same age who date in canon. what wasn’t was logan/louise. for context, that is a character who is anywhere from 15-18 and a 9 year old girl. and in the episode they interact the most is considered like. an extremely stressful and traumatic time for louise, like he’s a complete bully. so this was kind of a niche ship, but then as the tina/jimmy jr discourse tensions raised, it became.. more mainstream, and i was. very public about my discomfort towards this. and i started getting a lot, and i mean, a lot, of anon hate. so it was. uncomfortable and the only people in the fandom i knew i either wasn’t very close with or were adults, so i didn’t realy have anyone i could feel comfortable with. the final straw was a single person. they made waves within the community with a ship that involved a 65+ year old man and a 9 year old. and while they were the only person who shipped this. a few people backed up their right to do so and then like i was like. okay im out.
while like. idk i dont really get into proship discourse anymore. i think you can gather that as a kid in a space that was pretty billed as ‘friendly’ to young teens, who wasn’t seeking out nsfw content or anything, why seeing characters my age or younger being sexualized was.. uncomfortable. i felt like i didn’t have anyone to talk to. while like i get its an ‘adult cartoon’ but like. i was a kid and i enjoyed this thing and i realized that i wasn’t at an age where i could be in that fandom and be treated with respect. i think it’s wrong that adults chose to send me hate, i think they could have just moved on, but small fandoms are small fandoms, yknow.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Unpopular Hobie takes/opinions
Him and Gwen actually have pretty good romantic chemistry and if it were up to me they would've been canon instead of Ghostflower with Miles having moved on from Gwen romantically and Gwen thinking of him purely platonically from the get-go
But also,they work just as well as found siblings and NOT parent-child because even with the interpretation of adult Hobie,he has Dad Friend vibes,not Actual Dad ones.The one thing i would change about romantic Ghostpunk also is making Gwen a half white afrolatina since Hobie would be poc4poc for obvious reasons
The trope of him being a popular target of thirst on Earth 138 thanks to being in a band is honestly kind of stupid because yes he's objetively handsome as fuck(/platonic)but also he's also a black person living in 1970s England.Speaking from the experience of a biracial homecountry raised afrolatino who grew up with the white side of his family only and went to predominantly white/nonblack poc schools,he definitely gets a lot of comments on his apperance but not positive ones and the best he'll get from most is a backhanded compliment
He dosen't listen to indie music but he loves indie games since part of anti-capitalism is supporting small bussiness and creators
Him and Noir wouldn't be all that close-Obviously they'd like eachother because Noir's based but i can't see him ever being into him romantically,even disregarding that he looks exactly like Peter B which would make dating him So Fucking Weird
He hates being theythemed-No shade to people who headcanon him with any pronouns or do actual respectful nonbinary rep with him but i find the idea that Hobs being nonbinary means he'd use only they/them to be just reinventing the gender binary as a genderqueer person who largely perfers he/him even if he's got they/them in his pronouns set too
He's jamaican(Honestly not entierly sure if this is in unpopular but i looked for content and found only a small amount of posts)
Related to the above,i fucking HATE the weed jokes because oh yeah,of course the jamaican guy is a stoner hahaha NOT you guys aren't funny
His favorite color is pink and that's why he turns pink when he's happiest(Around Miles because babyboy is CRUSHING and around Mayday because again,Dad Friend so obviously he loves babies)
He's not really a sexual person including his humor and tbh i find very creepy how often he's assumed to be based off his flirtations because y'all,Gwen's a MINOR and SO IS MILES and the crop top is to be gnc,stop making it weird,this is a kids movie!Plus that's not even getting into black male stereotypes
I don't like the idea of him and Miles G or Pavitr together because no hate Chaipunk shippers because i truly do think it's a good ship but all the feminization of Pavitr has ruined it for me and it's not helped by me not seeing anything between them in the movie and just casually shipping them and i think it's better if our Miles gets a Hobie and Miles G gets a Ganke seeing as our Miles was robbed of his thanks to the Mcu so it's equal.Also Prowlerpunk shippers are always so fucking goofy,STOP drawing Hobie without his beautiful black features other than his melanin
Him and Jessica have a mother-son relathionship that parallels Miles and Peter B's,including that Hobie has an actual mom but diffinerating in that he actually views her as a parental figure(while Miles sees Peter B as his older brother)-Purely headcanon based but that little interaction between them at the end screamed that they're close so she knows his attitude
Margo is one of his best friend's because obviously she is,i don't even need to explain why and Margobie/Siblings!Punk Byte both have way more of a basis than Noirpunk
His counterpart in Batman crossovers should be Stephanie Brown or Duke Thomas,not Jason Todd because they share some similarities but Stephanie and Duke are almost exactly like him(Including names regarding him and Stephanie and i've even nicknamed her Stephie so there's that)
And also,he's a Percy Jackson and Katara kinnie
Rio and Jefferson would actually fucking love him because guess what,it's stupid and transparently antiblack to automatically assume a black couple would see a black boy who's unbelivably sweet-looking but brand him as a thug who's out to abuse their child just because he's alt and isn't a fence sitter about oppression-In fact,they'd tease Miles about someone as dorky as them pulling someone as cool as Hobie and there should be gags about them loving Gwen as a person but being SO relieved he's not actually dating a white girl
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yellowocaballero · 4 months
DIMILETH! DIMILETH!! DIMILETH!!!!!!! *claps enthusiastically*
There's a serious dearth of good Dimileth content, I think. A pretty high % is E and those kind of feel like dressed up xreader fics in generic aus, tbh. Considering how Byleth's entire character arc is about her growing out of being your self-insert and actualizing as a full person, I can't really get behind them. I think uh there's a truly excessive number of ways to write them badly, out of character, or both.
I've talked SEVERAL times about how I dislike those mommy gf/bf dynamics, especially in H/C. There's always a whumpee to project on, who normally has anxiety or depression and has panic attacks, and a perfect partner who provides therapy and hugs and the comfort. In real life it would be remarkably unhealthy. People are usually better about this in M/F dynamics, but it's unhealthy straight or gay. Where Dimileth comes in is: a) it is extremely easy to fall into this trap, because of how people relate to Dimitri and Byleth and Dimitri's canon relationship, and b) it is uniquely bad, because it is very similar to their teacher/student dynamic. And you want them to grow out of that. You do. For obvious reasons.
What I love about Byleth is that she is kind and nurturing, despite everything. She's so empathic, understanding, supportive, and kind towards Dimitri. I love the story of an emotionless person choosing kindness - somebody who made the conscious decision to turn away from a live of endless violence and death and choose family and love. I don't want to erase that just bc it's surface level mommy gf.
For me, what I decided on is to just flip those tables. You have to completely reconfigure that dynamic into one between two adults and equals. And I think it eventually ended up as - Byleth provided unconditional support, love, and caring to these kids, and now that she's Achieved Sadness it's her turn to receive that. You have to love to have love returned. During their little roleplay scene, Byleth experiences a wonderful feeling of safety and understanding and care. She provided that for Dimitri, and Dimitri provided that for her. She had to be the adult for a long time, on many levels she is still being expected to be the adult, but now that she's speedrunning emotional puberty she has somebody to help her through that (Narratively, it's a good balance for Dimitri himself too - as somebody who received care for a while, I do want to show that he's still an adult who's capable of providing that to others).
Whew. Normally romantic ships are uhhh not the point in anything I write, but in this fic the Dimileth encapsulates the point. Obviously in Phase 1 there was a lot of set-up for it, and equally obviously Byleth did not even passingly think of him romantically or sexually (like would she have even be capable???), but in a story about teenagers becoming adults and a girl finding humanity I think a sweet way to capture that is the insanity of somebody's first teenage love. Thanks for reading!
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honey-dandelion · 5 months
Hello everyone !! My name is AD, 19 and my pronouns are she/her!! I am a multi muse, filipino roleplayer/writer!!
I am quite new to the rp community in tumblr so please understand that I'm inexperienced. This blog is mostly to find more reigen rp partners who can giggle and ramble with me about Ron Weasley!
Currently, i am into Harry Potter!! I’d like to preface and say I do NOT support anything JK Rowling has said (as I am bi myself) and any transphobic statements she’s made is something I will never agree with.
My current hyperfixation character as of the moment is actually Ron Weasley! He’s my favorite character by far and I can go on and on about rambling towards him :3 though he doesn’t have to be my main actually! Im looking for any Ron role players :D as long as I get to write ships or just in general, sweet stories about him.
I have a few set of rules i would also like to make as a seperate post but as of right now, i will be writing them here so please take the time to read them in case you ever want to write or just simply chat with me about anything!!
* Main muses are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy! I can also do the Weasley family and can even do Ron as well if preferred!
* usually write on discord and prefer to have a server for all the rps. I draw, write and speed out ideas a LOT btw so please be warned. I'm a rambler and I really love Ron a lot and want to interact with people who love it or just generally love Ron as much as I do!
* I am a big romance shipper but I also love writing platonic relationships between characters! Like family found dynamics and such. I am also a rare shipper kind of gal- like shipping Draco and Ron sometimes LOL
* I write mostly romance for aged up/adult characters
* I can word vomit and write long replies a lot- it's how I usually write so please don't feel pressured to write the same length as me!!
* Via discord rp; PLEASE tell me if I write something that ever makes you uncomfortable- I can edit it out and such, I don't mind as long as everyone feels safe.
* I'm really biased with Ron. I can be ooc with him a bit so please do not attack me if you have any problems with my mischaracterization of him. I am only here to have fun and write, to indulge myself with people. I don’t mind ooc
* I have school and responsibilities from my parents so if I don't answer, I'm probs asleep, working or @ college
* Lasty; Dont be shy with interacting with me! I am always happy to make mutuals and friends around here! I would love to answer any questions- either in character or just questions you would want to know about me!! So please dont be shy :D
• I usually just write doms/tops and I can get pretty hardcore with smut writing — please tell me if there is any kinks or stuff in smut you don't want to read! I also like dark topics but absolutely no adult/kid. That shit is not allowed in my rp blog. I'm very into some dark content and such but if that's not your cup of tea, please avoid the " DARK TOPIC // " tag.
• I only write nsfw of adult characters and ocs; cant do erp via me. I will only do them via discord as I am way too shy to write them publicly. PLEASE NOTE THOUGH that i will not just write on a whim. I will be able to make headcanons and such but i need to get to know you and feel comfortable enough to write it. I do write suggestive content here and there so my tags here will be " NSFW // " in case you ever want to avoid it.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
(warning: this is... long. i had to put post dividers on this to make it readable. i would have put a read more but i can't in an ask, sorry.)
i think the most puzzling thing of all about this drama is that like.... i've been doing this forever. i've been posting keefe/fintan stuff (not regularly, but still!) since at least feb 2022 on the dolentsnows account. hell, i KNOW i've even talked about tam/linh specifically before then, though i can't remember if it was public or not.
and there was no problem! people just blocked each other and filtered and it was fine!
i'm frankly just. SO confused as to why that post of all things is what set it off. like guys. what.
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also, re: "it normalizes pedophilia/incest/abuse/whatever" my posts get like ten notes max, most of those being likes from my dear mutuals who dont necessarily love the stuff i do but still wanna show they support me anyway.
if you'd just think for a minute, i think it's pretty easy to see that no one's gonna be converted into a sex freak any time soon.
and the fact that people are calling me a pedophile for... *checks notes* writing about characters that are the same age as i am or older in relationships with adults is. something. especially considering that:
in all the ACTUAL content i've made, excluding ONE post about alvar being keefe's gay awakening, the characters have been over the legal age in france (my country), so even the "it's illegal" argument falls apart.
why do you immediately assume i'm imagining myself to be the adult here? you don't know what's going on in my life. you don't know my reasons for doing what i do. i started shipping those kinds of ships ever since i was a pretty young kid, and i don't have to explain myself to anyone. (note: i am not a victim of csa, just want to make that clear. i've got other shit going on. but also you guys don't actually care about survivors and it's obvious.)
and fun fact: incest is legal in france as well, as long as it's between two consenting adults. i have decided, right now, effective immediately, that linh and tam are both over 18 in those drawings. since it's legal it means there's no problem right?
all this to say, let's just drop the whole "legal = moral, illegal = immoral" train of thought right here.
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i do have one thing to apologize for, though: i didn't properly tag the first post. that has since been rectified and i've added community labels for good measure. i have and will apologize again for that mistake because it was entirely on me. i'm genuinely sorry to the people who saw that with no warning and i won't make that mistake again going forward.
but i also know that there are people who clicked on some of my posts even after i added the community labels and then complained (in my ask box, no less!) and to those i say: just read the tags, guys. they're still visible even with the community labels hiding the post.
sorry for the angry tone, but i am kind of miffed about all this. mostly that it turned into such a big deal when it really didn't have to be.
to conclude: stay strong out there guys, hopefully modern fandom will develop basic internet skills one day.
No worries about the length or tone, you're good.
I believe the reason that one post sparked issue is because, I don't know if you're aware, there's actually been a pretty significant surge in new fans in the past few months following info about Unraveled.
So while you have been here and posting your stuff for a while, for a good chunk of the currently active people, I think that was their first time seeing you. And also possibly one of their first times seeing art/ships like that up close, since keeper tends to be a first/earlier fandom.
Hence the stronger reaction. Though I don't think it's fair to blanket statement say they don't care about survivors. That's the sort of strawmanning/ad hominem talk that leads to shutting down/self-defense that doesn't get us anywhere. We can all rise above logicial fallacies <3
But anyway, the worst seems to have passed, unless we all feel like regressing for some reason :)
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
im the anon who sent to you the proship thing and i was not talking about exploring dark themes or simple age gaps. proshipping means shipping problematic pairings and even if it's just fiction is disgusting. i've seen people always sexualizing itachi when he was 13yo or shipping him with kisame or kakashi at age and they're grown ass adults.. this is disgusting, itachi was just a teen. now, people who ship itachi with his brother sasuke is another disgusting thing.. like they're blood brothers and the age gap between them is not okay either. kisame and itachi.. nothing problematic with this ship, if you ship them where itachi is an adult and not a minor. personally, i loathe this ship because kisame is too ugly for me, idk how anyone can ever ship that tbh. the proshipping in itachi's fandom is rampant and it's disgusting, honestly. that's all. that's what i was talking about.
Okay, I have something for you.
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You're allowed to be uncomfortable and disgusted with the pro-shipping content. I'm not a fan of incest, age gaps, and other things you mentioned either and share your feelings for these things. I don't like kids being sexualized and being paired with adults. But it's my opinion. I will avoid it as best as I can. However. Others don't owe me anything. And I don't want to criticize people for doing something they're not forcing me to like. Wanting people to do or not do things we approve/don't approve of isn't the most mature way to be in any fandom.
Naruto fandom is vast and diverse People will have all kinds of opinions, whether we like them or not. Instead of worrying about what others are doing, it's better to have a small group of friends you can share your love for the characters with. Once hyperfixation fades it will stop bothering you, too. You can filter the tags, block people, and interact more with the people whose opinions match with yours.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
The teenage fandom puritanism really confuses me. To be honest I don't know what to think. For the most part, the antis I've come across aren't sex repulsed, or sex negative or anything like that, they're just extremely, extremely uncomfortable with people older than them making explicit content of characters they like. These are often characters in their late teens (17/18/19) that the teenage antis identify with.
They feel like they're still kids and minors and fragile so they project this onto their blorbos and demonize anyone basically over 20, and the outrage seems to get worse the older one gets, making explicit fan content of them.
The antis I know reblog, create, post about sexually explicit writing and fanart themselves and they give a pass to anyone 18 or under making such content but as soon as your age ticks over that magical year, it's over.
A tiny part of me can kind of see it from the point of view of a young person who's grown up in a society where hysterical reactions to everything are normal and encouraged and where pedophile is the absolute worst thing you can call someone...It seems like to their minds any adult creating fictional sexy content of a 'teen character' must be acting on some vile real life impulse to harass and abuse real life teenagers because clearly there's no separation between fiction and reality /s.
So knowing they've grown up in that sort of environment I kind of get why they'd be so scared and distrustful of any adult having fun with fictional characters but it also still blows my mind.
I remember devouring as much smutty fiction as I could when I was in high school, some of which was about teenage or young adult characters, all of which were published books written by adults, and never once did it cross my mind 'This person must be writing this story because they're getting their sick jollies imagining kids having sex' (because antis conveniently refer to anyone under 18 as a kid, as if a 17 year old was the mental and emotional equivalent of a 7 year old. They conveniently forget that adolescence exists.) Actually, the authors didn't really enter my mind at all because I'd be too busy getting lost in the story, imagining it was me the sexy times were happening to and having a very good time.
I always thought these people can write these stories because they were that age once, they know what it was like. I've always thought of writing like this, that you write because you know what it was like, not because you necessarily want to be there right now.
So this terrible fear the young antis have of adults creating written or visual content of fictional young adults having sex or thinking about sex or craving sex is kind of wild and alien to me.
I think it's something they won't understand themselves until they hit mid-20s, 30s, 40s themselves, that when adults make that sort of explicit content it's not because they are horny for teens in real life and making fiction is just some sort of cheap cope, but because they're having fun reimagining their own youth or because now that they're removed from those turbulent teenage years they can look back with fondness, or horror, and can write about that period of life with more clarity and nuance. Or maybe, just maybe, they just think the characters are roaring good fun and are trying to create some content that will bring something entertaining, meaningful and just blimmin' good to read to that same audience that wants them pilloried.
Who knows. I'm just an old person who has no business having any erotic thoughts about nothing and anything I say can be discarded ^.^
You give them massively too much credit.
They are emotional children who have trouble sharing their blorbos with others and who are Big Mad some older person is a better writer and/or ships their blorbo in a more interesting ship and gets way more attention for doing so.
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
The enemies to lovers trope has been distorted way to much, practically anything is considered enemies to lovers when in fact is not enemies to lovers
Can I be real real right now? The idea that "enemies to lovers must have an equal power balance between the lovers" is uh... not real. I've been a fan of enemies to lovers since I was a fan of anything. I've watched more movies and shows than I can even begin to count. I've read more romance novels (and non-romance novels!) featuring EtL than I care to admit. I've consumed it in so many genres, so many eras of production. In kids' media, in YA, in content for adults. Long-form, short-form. Open door, close door, whatever. With or without an HEA.
While an equal power balance may be a thing that YOU as an individual (not you, anon, the general you lol) want out of EtL--and that is okay! I endorse people finding their joy, and honestly, if You've Got Mail is EtL for YOU, whatever, I can't see that but chase your bliss--this has never been a universal requirement of EtL. It just isn't lol. In many forms of media, EtL gets DARK and always has! And that's okay.
I see that the rhetoric has shifted to the idea that if the power balance is not equal, one party is oppressed and the other is the oppressor, and like... I don't think a power imbalance inherently equals this (because there is a lot of territory you can cover between "are not on an equal playing field" and "one is oppressing the other") but sometimes, yeah. That is the case.
And I don't think you're a bad person or that it's inherently wrong to enjoy that dynamic.
I say this because I read historical romance, and if you want to get super real about it, on a basic level essentially any m/f historical romance ship in any form of media is oppressor/oppressed because men have historically oppressed women. (I mean. Men still oppress women. But I'm talking about "the heroines in historical romance novels usually do not have significant legal rights" here.) Whether or not the characters are enemies to lovers, the hero is legally an oppressor on some level. Unless, MAYBE, he's completely broke and lower class and she is rich and upper class; but even then, once they're married? In most of these settings, he has the ability to acquire and use her funds and control her bodily and legally.
I feel.... that is.... kind of the point.
Because while there are many reasons why people get into these imbalanced power dynamics, I believe that many consumers (and I'm definitely thinking of historical romance readers who love a horrible alpha, like ME) enjoy seeing the person with more power broken down. (Would recommend Fated Mates's episode on the Alpha hero, by the way, it has a great discussion of this.) We want to see them lose the power, bend the knee, become powerless and at the mercy--emotionally, physically, or both--of the other party.
Is that not the appeal of the grovel, often? Seeing the person who should have done better and had the power to do better and didn't completely shattered and begging for forgiveness?
And look dude, there are a lot of things I absolutely will not mess with. I'm never going to be down with, say, the type of dynamic you'll see in a movie like Palm Trees in the Snow. But that's kind of the point. Not all of these things are the same.
Some things are absolutely not okay, and I would side-eye people who are into them. But I don't think you can look at like... a very BROAD concept and go "if you do it in this very broad way that covers a million angles, you are bad" without missing a lot of nuance.
I also feel like a lot of this often comes down to some people actually just disliking certain ships and using these qualifiers to make people who ship those things look bad, and that's just not my game anymore lol. I mean, I try not to do that anymore.
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Hi! Thank you for all your recommendations thus far! Have you ever come across solo journalling games with a vibe/story hook of “i am trying to reunite with someone important but life keeps throwing obstacles my way”? Kind of like a record of all those times you came ~so-so close~ to finally being together but losing each other in the crowd
THEME: Solo Reunification
Hello, I hope these games fall somewhat within the realm of what you're looking for!
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All We Love We Leave Behind, by World Champ Games Co.
All We Love We Leave Behind(AWLWLB) is a single-player RPG of letter writing focusing on abandonment, isolation, and the passing of time. 
Players play the part of a person left behind by someone with a supposed greater purpose (an adventurer in a fantasy realm, a detective left for an important case in the big city, an exploratory space vessel). You will write a series of letters to the loved one who has left you, using a standard deck of playing cards to randomize events in your life and the emotional content of your writings. 
This game is interesting in that you are not out on adventurer, but rather missing someone who is. While your character is attempting to maintain a connection with someone who is far away, the game is more focused on your own character’s growth. Who they are at the end of the game should be different from who they are at the beginning.
I Have Gone This Far, by Max Kämmerer. 
You have been a fraud all your life, or so you thought. Telling people about demons and devils, warning them, selling them worthless wards and trinkets. Little did you know, you were right all along. Demons do exist and one has possessed your charge, who lives with you since their parents died. One night, when you were working on some new trinkets filled with mosses and bark, your charge came down the stairs, an empty look on their face. Their eyes turned violet and you could no longer move.
“I have gone this far” is a game about seeing how far you are willing to go to protect someone you love. It is about isolation, desperation and guilt.
You play a soothsayer, a charlatan, a trickster that has been preying on the fears of people for years now. You sell trinkets and read cards and tea leaves. You never believed in what you sold people. Now you do. It is on you to free your charge from possession or even banish the demon entirely.
What I find really interesting about this game is that technically, the person you're trying to re-unite with is still right there - but their soul is held prisoner. This is very much in theme with a horror game or a tragedy, so consider what kinds of things you're willing to explore before you pick this game up.
The Empty-Nester, by Ghotib.
This is a solo letter-writing RPG inspired by ghostbox and written for #DeadLettersJam; you draw cards from the Hearts suit of a deck of playing cards and answer the prompts. You are a Parent writing to their absent Child.
This is another game about attempting to keep in communication with someone you love, explicitly an adult child. Their reason for leaving could be anything from a job in another city to joining a cult - how seriously you want to play this is up to you. You’ll draw cards from the suite of hearts to answer prompts, and journal the kinds of letters you’re writing to your kid. This game can be tender, somber, or anything in between.
Transmission for Them, by Eryk Sawicki.
Six years have passed since your lover left Earth.
Six years you’ve spent on a ship in the quiet of Space, trying to find them.
You sit at the edges of the Universe, reserves low, watching life go on. With no way home, all you can do is send your last transmission…
Transmission for Them is a solo journaling game about reflecting on your odyssey across the stars, the people you met, the places you went, the obstacles you faced and, of course: the reason you went, them.
This is a game that occurs after the adventure has already happened, with prompts you write answered in the past tense. The game is more of an exploration of the relationship you had with the person you’re looking for, a retrospective look at your life together. However, the reminiscence includes the endeavours you took to find them again, so I think it matches this theme pretty well.
All Our Yesterdays, by Hilary B. Bisenieks.
All Our Yesterdays is a solo journaling game about traveling back in time so that someone doesn’t have to die alone.
Through the game’s four acts, you will chronicle your trip back in time and explore how your decision to travel back affects you and others.
This is an interesting journey for your character, because you know the person you are travelling to is going to die. It is not guaranteed that you will get to them in time, but the most important thing in this game is your relationship, and you’ll get to explore that no matter what the ending looks like. You’ll spend the game drawing cards from a deck and answering questions from an oracle, with each suit representing a different phase of your journey.
Daddy Issues, by Nikola R. Petrov.
Have you heard the story of the father who "went for cigarettes" and never came back? You play as that guy.
Don't get me wrong, you have nothing but the best of intentions! All you need to do is get a pack of cigarettes and come back home—but that's easier said than done!
The city is full of dangers, fat pigeons, criminals, and... werewolves?
DADDY ISSUES is a printable RPG released during Zine Month 2022. It is a highly thematic solo game that combines dark humor, procedurally-generated narrative, and light management elements.
This is the most action-packed game on this list, with various dangers that you’ll have to fight or outsmart in order to get home. Your obstacles will be generated via roll-tables, and success or failure depends on the results of rolling 2d6. If you want something that’s a bit cheesy and less on the serious side, I recommend this game.
Necromance, by Eliot Silvarian.
A solo game about a witch trying to bring back their dead lover through necromancy.
Your lover died a tragic death. But you’ve been studying necromancy, so you know it doesn’t have to be permanent. In fact, you know a lot of helpful resources for the ritual can be found throughout the very forest you live in, if you’re willing to brave the dangers at night. As you traverse the forest through the cards you lay out, you weave the story of you and your lover while trying to bring them back.
Use a deck of playing cards to navigate the arduous process of bringing your dead lover back to life. On top of answering prompts, you’ll also need to keep track of resources and energy if you want to have a hope of completing your task, and the cards you draw will either drain or replenish your stock. If you like the idea of crossing boundaries to be with the one you love, I recommend Necromance.
Honorable Mention
Bring Home the Babe, by Cloven Pine Games.
You are an older sibling entering the fey realm to steal back a baby before your parents find out what happened. It’s a two-player game, but it hits the theme right on the nose.
Games I've recommended in the past
Untitled Moth Game, by S.Kaya J.
Follow Me Down, by Joie Martin.
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Bobby/Romeo, you’ve probably talked about them before but I don’t remember
Oooh so i actually really like this. And, like, in a way I dont ship it - I don't make or consume fan content for it - but I really like what Vecchio and Orlando did with it. I think it's a strong storyline.
Because I'm petty and my brain is weird, I'm gonna format this by responding to objections:
A) The age thing/is this problematic?
So, Romeo was time displaced teen!Bobby's boyfriend. Canonically, when they sent the teens back to the past, they wiped their memories with one exception - bobby was allowed to retain his memories of being out as a teen, as a treat. I believe the intention here was just to make it a little less depressing, but it opened a possibility that Vecchio noticed. Present-day bobby does remember dating Romeo - he now has an adolescent crush on a character who is actually a viable romantic interest.
Romeo was late teens when we first saw him. Vecchio's comic takes place "nebulous sliding timeline" years later, but in the real world was about 7 years afterwards. On top of this, Vecchio added a line where Romeo says he was caught up in some time travel shenanigans of his own, and has aged an additional 10 years. This puts him in his 30s, the same vague age as Bobby.
Some people object to this on principle. The trope of rapidly aging a character to make them sexually viable is absolutely a thing in comics (think Layla Miller and Magik and how they both jarringly oscillate between being young children and sexualised young women. Or even think about Synch and Talon, and how they wrote an in universe reason for him to physically age, because they thought it would seem weird if he was still physically a teenager - which is bad writing but I concede it's less viscerally creepy than the magik and Layla stuff). The objection is basically that the aging up of an underage character to make them a viable love interest is creepy and weird - and I do pretty much agree with that.
Like, if someone wanted to age up an existing kid character like Gabby just to put her romantically with an adult, I would be right there with you saying that this is fucked up. So, yes, point granted.
However, not only would Romeo have been well into his 20s even without that 10 year boost, more importantly this is not an example of a pre-existing dude just being plucked out of his life and warped into a love interest role for bobby. He's a character who literally only exists to be a love interest for bobby. On top of that, weird time travel hijinks were always on the table with this. And I think that does change the situation. It's not "let's take this kid and age him up", it's "this couple transcends spacetime."
Idk maybe I could have explained that better, but the way I see it, this is a trope that you should watch out for, this particular case is not really a problem.
B) Wait, you're saying Romeo is more of a plot device than a character? Isn't that bad?
Yes, he kind of is, and no it isn't bad.
So, all good characters are plot devices. Ok, yeah in big unending serialised things like comic books and soap operas, characters do start to exist independently of story writing. But, in terms of actually writing a story, the characters are what they bring to the story. That can be in a very utilitarian plot way, or in a more loose thematic way, or, hell, comic relief. Characters are their purpose in the story. They can be more than that, but a well-written character can be identifiable by their narrative/aesthetic purpose in a given work.
*gets down off of soapbox*
Romeo's main purpose is to be a love interest for Bobby, and specifically to be a love-interest with empathy powers for Mr Emotional Repression. He is someone for Bobby to feel things with, to be vulnerable with. He's there to open bobby up (in the first place with teen!bobby) and to be the person he lets in (metaphorically). This is what Vecchio is doing; Bobby initially responds to emotional anguish by running and reverting, then eventually reaches catharsis by breaking down in front of Romeo.
With Orlando, Romeo is there to very literally facilitate the plot, but also to once again reveal Bobby's vulnerabilities, this time in a less positive way. Through Romeo we see Bobby's weaknesses, both in his powers at the time and his psychological failings.
This is good. This is fun. This is why I like romantic storylines in my comc books. I like how they can be used to tell us things about the characters, I like how they can heighten the emotional stakes, and drive conflict and resolution. It's good.
C) Bobby should be with a pre-existing character
My biggest bobby ship is with St. John so idk if I have a leg to stand on here. But one of the things I kept seeing when people were complaining about Romeo coming back was "bobby should be with Hank" and "Bobby should be with Warren" and like... erm... no?
Specifically, it was always phrased as "bobby should be given a new permanent, endgame love interest" which I think is the problem. Shipping is so often about assigning two people to each other forever and ever, but that's not necessarily a thing that canon ever needs to be conerned about in comic book world. And certainly not something it needs to bother with all of the time.
What I wanted was a romantic storyline for Bobby, and I got that. Yes, you could write a storyline with a pre-existing character (e.g. st. john) but you can have a dedicated love-interest guy instead. The important thing is that you actually write it. So, fundamentally I don't think either Hank or Warren would ever actually be considered as love interests for Bobby by editorial, but even if they were, the thing you would need to do is actually write that narrative, and it's not currently there at all imo.
I just find this so silly and weird. Let bobby date some rando it's fine. What matters is whether the story is compelling in its own right.
D) Isn't this a step backwards?
One objection to the writing that I've seen is that by dating his teenage boyfriend, Bobby is basically regressing. This is a step backwards for him, and is bad for that reason.
I agree and disagree. Yes it's a regression, and also I'm kind of into it.
What I mean is that Orlando actually introduces a lot of codependency between Romeo and Bobby. Bobby is literally reliant on Romeo to physically exist, and Romeo is physically stuck somewhere he cannot survive without him. So, like, that's messed up. Also they argue, Bobby is still closed off, uncomfortable with how vulnerable he is. Romeo is kinda clingy, but how else could he possibly act in this situation.
It is deliciously fucked up. And it's using a superhero/sci-fi premise to exaggerate an emotional conflict, to paint the internal into the external. We love to see it.
Orlando didn't really dive into it, beyond having mild conflict between them at times. But I dunno I like drama. I was excited for their to be drama. And if this storyline gets revisited at some point, I kinda hope they lean into it.
E) Monogamy Reigns
This isn't a response to any specific thing I've seen but more a vibe that's floating about. I already mentioned that when people ship, they so often favour this idea of one true endgame pairing, and monogamy is usually the norm. Hell, even polyshipping is usually an ot3, with a set limited number of partners.
Bobby and Romeo's relationship is open, like many relationships between gay men are. They are melodramatically romantic, and they are open. I love this.
We have wiccan and hulkling for cutesy wholesome gays. We have Jean-Paul and Kyle for marriage and monogamy. It's important, to me personally, to also have queer men who don't operate that way. Open relationships are very commonplace for queer men and to me there is something implicitly homophobic about seeing these relationships as less. Hell, I am a very monogamous person myself and I still feel very strongly about this.
I think people have a tendency to not understand what Vecchio and Orlando were trying to show here, and sometimes to take the romance less seriously because of it (oh, it's just a casual thing) and, no, that's not it.
So, yeah, I like it. This was a lot of words to say I like the pairing.
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phoenixwrites · 10 months
What’s the slander squad?
The Stalk Squad are a few people—possibly even just one person—who are currently combing through my blog (which has been up and active since 2011) hunting for problematic things I’ve said to prove I’m an evil person and that my blog is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. There is a post currently going around the ST fandom that is worthy of quite the eyeroll if you know me at all. It’s a big mix of out of context caps from my blog and straight up lies, such as:
“Phoenix wrote a fic about 11-year-old Erica and 20-year-old Eddie!” Didn’t happen. I ship Erica with Dustin and Eddie with Chrissy. No one else.
“Okay, well Phoenix SUPPORTS fics about 11-year-old-Erica and 20-year-old Eddie” Nope. (I am vehemently against censorship, which means supporting dead doves and dead dove writers, so if you think I’m going to point at another writer who writes disturbing content so y’all can harass them? Forget it.)
“Phoenix AGES UP Erica to write smut about her!” Never wrote smut about Erica. Have written her at ages 16, with a crush on Dustin, and as an adult with two kids. Again. With Dustin.
“SHE REC’D A FIC ABOUT ERICA AND EDDIE” I rec’d a fic featuring adult Erica and adult Eddie that several friends of mine, who are more polyamorous with their Eddie ships than I am, really enjoyed. I haven’t read this fic. Because I like Hellcheer and Dusterica.
“She has a fic about 16-year-old Chrissy and adult Eddie” yep, I sure do. They ain’t real, friends. (Really enjoying a fic about Anna, from Grace Van Dien’s film Roost and Michael, Joseph Quinn’s character in Hoard and can I just say I love that Hellcheer is following in its parent Rumbelle’s footsteps in trying out Anyelle? Anyway, quite the disturbing age difference between Anna and Michael, and it is deliciously creepy, and guess what, no one is getting hurt because THEY AIN’T REAL.) (Yes, I have just decided Rumbelle is the parent of Hellcheer. The Rumbelle pipeline is REAL.)
“She rec’d a dead dove fic about Chrissy and Eddie” An anon linked me this fic to which I responded with a vague eyeball emoji. (I clicked on the fic, read the tags, decided they would be triggering for me, and did this wild thing called exiting out of a fic and moving on with my life.) Because you can do that. You can look at a fic and go “gross” or “this gives me the ick” or “wow this is violently triggering to me, sure glad the author utilized trigger warnings and tags to forewarn me about the content, thank you author, peace out”.
“She weaponizes her trauma as a CSA victim” I am literally just existing. I don’t send anons, I don’t send hate, I mainly just stay on my feed and answer asks that I get sent or occasionally explore the Hellcheer tag. I have been open about being a CSA victim, which makes the P*%$ accusations particularly galling. I would hazard a guess that creating a post to “callout” someone in an attempt to encourage others to harass, bully, and doxx someone else would be far more in the realm of “weaponizing trauma” than me stating I am a CSA victim and I am very against censorship of any kind, whether it’s Ron DeSantis banning books or teenagers whingeing about AO3 content they can easily filter out but are too used to being spoonfed algorithmic content.
“She ate the pretend fake baby of one writer and Eddie Munson!” Actually this is true, I did eat that baby, it was delicious sautéed in butter.
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heroicintention · 7 months
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nobody is a villain in their own story. George R.R. Martin.
#heroicintention — independent selective multimuse blog. medium activity. 18+ only. written by puff (she/her 25+). mutuals only.
dark & questionable themes present. please read rules before following.
site. memes. starter calls.
Mobile Rules.
18+ Only. I am over 25, and I will only write with people over 18. If I believe I am speaking with someone below legal age, I will cut off contact immediately.
21+ Shipping. I am so sorry to anyone under 21, but I am more comfortable writing ships / more intimate relationships with those over the age of 21. I’m still happy to write with anyone over 18 in a general manner, but I just don’t want to write that, you know?
No Bigotry. I know I write some HELLA problematic kids, but ooc we do not take any of the phobias. Just leave. (I didn’t think I needed to say this specifically but I do not support JKR. I like the sandbox, I am attached to the characters, I think she’s a bigoted bitch.)
Following. I will probably only follow blogs I see myself having fandoms in common && I will have read your rules. I am happy to write with OCs as well, but I am mainly on tumblr to explore more dynamics in the fandoms I love . I will not follow those who are critical of what others are writing in their own spaces. I can respect having boundaries. I do not respect calling people names or hammering down on people for their interest in fictional topics.
Ending Contact / Blocking. The block button is a friend and I advise we all get to know her.
If we are mutuals and you unfollow for any reason other than inactivity please hard block me. I do not mind and I will not dig into it. I mainly do not want to cause discomfort because my forgetful ass follows you again. Moreover, I don’t want to be under the impression we’re still mutuals. I’ve gotten chewed out for it before and I’m way too sensitive for this world.
If I unfollow from inactivity or just no interaction, I'll probably soft block. I just prefer to do so.
If I’ve blocked you and we’ve never interacted? I just don’t see us meshing and/or something in your rules made me decide my blog may not be for you. No one is perfect for everyone.
If I am made to feel uncomfortable for any reason, I will cut off communication and block. The block button is a friend. We love her.
Triggers. This blog can and probably will contain dark, questionable, and possibly problematic themes. I will tag things as appropriately as I can. I will not tag things out of fanon thought (i.e. ‘they’re like brothers’ does not equal incest. All ship art / ship threads will have tags. Block them or block me. Again, I don’t mind. I don’t have many triggers, but will not be writing the following:
Any terminal illness au threads or any thread that has terminal illness romanticized.
Any romance / sexual relationship between a minor and an adult. All my muses partaking in a relationship WILL be 18+, though more likely 21+.
Anything regarding scat or vomit.
On Shipping.
Do not force ships on me. I will not force ships on you. I don’t mean don’t approach me and ask— I mean don’t have your muse automatically talk about having an intimate relationship with mine without discussion. My muses USUALLY need to work up to ships and I most likely will NOT instantly ship unless we’ve discussed it because in canon characters are married or DEEPLY involved.
Some of my muses may NEVER be truly interested in a relationship despite having feelings for someone. I apologize for that, but I really love complicated dynamics and sometimes a muse can't accept love.
Also— please do not take me talking about a certain ship and/or writing fic or drabble about a certain ship as me trying to pressure you into it! I post a lot of Negan/Rick content, for example, but my Negan is not open to shipping and my Rick is not easy to romance! I love all kinds of dynamics.
Length. I’m not a stickler for matching length by any means, but PLEASE give me something to work with, even if it is continued from a meme. I will most likely not reply to one-liners.
Writing Multiples. I am open to playing multiple characters within a thread (NPCs included).
Characterization. My characterization of my characters is my own. Do not force your headcanons for my character on me. Several of my characters are canon-divergent.
Characterization continued. I know some of my characters are popular. I know some of my bios are long. But please at least read the snippet of “about characterization” before we thread or ask me and I will gladly tell you. I will bring it to your attention if something has been misinterpreted.
Literate. My job includes copy editing... so I don't want to write with a mass of errors. I expect my writing partners to be literate-- though of course errors happen and I'm perfectly understanding!
God Modding. Do not godmod. Do not assume things of my characters. Do not try to control the actions of my muses— NPCs I am happy to share 'custody' of. Exceptions are made for small things that help more the story forward.
Drama. I REALLY didn’t think I needed to add this. Do not, under any circumstances, involve me in your drama. Do not take our mutual status as a reason to bring me into your battles. I do not want details, I don’t want information, I will block you. Unless someone is harming REAL MINORS or doxxing people? I do not want to know your beef.
Mobile Muse List. all bios found on google site as written.
Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Alec Lightwood (The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Books Based)
Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Ariana Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Bella Swan (Twilight) shut up i know
Beth Greene (The Walking Dead)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Carl Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Constanta Tepes (Dowry of Blood)
Gabby Kinney (Marvel Comics)
Gwen Poole (Marvel Comics)
Harley Keener (Marvel Cinematic Universe + Comics)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
Jillian Moriarty (BBC Sherlock Original Character)
Jim Moriarty (BBC Shelock)
Kamala Khan (Marvel Cinematic Universe + Comics)
Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia)
Leah Clearwater (Twilight)
Lizzie Samuels (The Walking Dead)
Negan Smith (The Walking Dead) closed to shipping.
Oboro Shirakumo (My Hero Academia)
Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)
Petunia Evans (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Steve Rogers (Marvel Comics + Cinematic Universe)
Snorkmaiden (Moomins)
Walden Macnair (Harry Potter) single ship.
Will Byers (Stranger Things)
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minafeu · 1 month
Hi! I’m a day or two late but I wanted to give my opinion RE: shipping Tubbo. I did my best to make sure I don’t sound mean/critical but I apologize if I do come across that way.
I think the most important thing for any sort of shipping and something that’s kind of been in place since the dawn of shipping but especially in early mcyt shipping (as someone who was there!) was to keep it AWAY from creators. If that meant using unique tags, keeping it on sites they’re not on, etc. that’s how it’s done. Not that it didn’t happen once in awhile but generally it was considered extremely rude to ask a creator’s boundaries about this sort of thing up until relatively recently, as it meant they were being forced to discuss something they may not even want to be thinking about. The blending of community and creator and so many young creators (many of whom were IN fandom spaces!) have kind of colored that a bit and made it a bit murky, but that used to be the general consensus. However, Tubbo has seemed to relax a bit about some of the shipping now that he’s an adult seeking his own relationships and not a kid, and sort of implied he scrolls past if he sees it. I’m sure a proper tubbling could provide more links of what he prefers, though.
On the age gap thing, while it CAN be a red flag, there are plenty of healthy, wonderfully functional relationships between 20 and 30 years olds. NOT TO SAY THATS ALWAYS THE CASE! There are plenty who use that age gap to leverage power over the other party. However, two consenting adults who have a lot in common or have built a trusting relationship can result in a perfectly healthy, functional relationship. I understand the caution, I really do, and that caution is good! But trust that relationships come in all shapes and sizes and are just as messy as other parts of life.
Again, just my thoughts and you’re free to disagree with my points. You’re also totally free to block the Tubbo shipping tags, and filter it from your ao3 search. I also hope I don’t sound rude or critical, and if I do I’m really sorry. Have a great day!
Thank you for your explanation and I just checked tubbos boundaries and he has expressed discomfort with shipping outside of what he has made personally canon along with not enjoying nsfw/shipping fanfiction. He hasn't expressly state that he doesn't want it to happen as he knows people will write it either way but he is uncomfortable with it.
Also, the whole age gap thing stems from my parents having a 6 year age gap and it being entirely awful for both of them. I understand it can be good but 30 year olds and 20 year olds are in differnt parts of their lives and that disconnect can make it hard to have a good relationship with someone. Along with people who write age gaps can sometimes write age gaps weirdly(or I may just have trauma from being an aphmau fan haha)
I can't simply block the tubbo shipping tag on tumblr(where I look at most content) as it'll still show up because people can sometimes slip stuff like that in sub consciously and not tag it.
Again, thank you for writing that all you didnt sound rude or critical it was very kind and understanding and simply an explanation. I just am mainly concerned with the heavy shipping that seems to happen in this fandom and the disregard for the basic decency of not just shipping everyone with everyone especially when the banter is typically seen within their other friendships and outside canon interactions(I forgot to mention in my last post how it was typical for sbi to flirt just like tubbo with others and it just seems as a tubbling for a few years now that its what he does when hes comfortable with someone.)
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