#shiro is a mess
Keith doesn’t leave his apartment a lot.
Despite all of Shiro’s urging, Keith tends to stay home. His apartment is really nice, once he gets over the occasional mouse and entirely broken heating. Plus, the water is mostly potable, so it’s all good.
Look. It’s $500 a month.
But, y’know. Every once in a while Keith actually can’t study over the sounds of his neighbours having extremely loud and largely disturbing sex — why on Earth would cheetos ever be mentioned in regards to anyone’s hole is something Keith wish remained a mystery to him — so he makes his way down to the campus library. It’s admittedly kind of nice down there. He’s currently sitting at a table that’s decently clean, and the wifi connection is certainly better than it is at home. He’s actually able to get some stuff done —
Keith jumps out of his skin as the hottie a couple seats in front of him slams his hands on the table. Hottie whips his head up, catching Keith’s eye. His hair is wildly curly, sticking up off his head so intensely that it almost defies gravity. His eyes are big and brown and a little crazed. His expression can only be described as ‘intense’, or perhaps ‘unstable’.
“You,” he snarls.
Keith points at himself with wide eyes.
“Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken,” Hottie says, still staring at Keith with the same crazed intensity.
“Please don’t hurt me,” Keith squeaks. Hottie may be one of the most attractive people he has ever seen, but Keith has learned his lesson about pretty people. They tend to be the most dangerous and likely to maim (looking at you, Allura).
Hottie stalks towards Keith’s table, deliberately placing his hands on the surface and leaning very, very close.
“Have you ever heard,” he says again, voice very low, “of a mountain chicken.”
“No,” Keith says, because he hasn’t and he’s a little (a lot) intimidated.
And attracted.
There’s admittedly a lot of attraction there.
Suddenly the crazed air shifts from Hottie’s face, but the intensity remains.
“Whaddaya think it looks like?”
He sounds almost curious. Almost.
Keith blinks. “Like a really big chicken?”
The crazed looks is back as soon as it left.
“That’s what I thought, but it’s this mother fucker!” Hottie yells, reaching over to grab his laptop and slam it in front of Keith. It’s open to a picture of a strange little frog.
Keith squints at the picture.
“…Huh,” he says, because that is strange, and he can kind of understand why Hottie is going a little nutty about it.
“Exactly,” Hottie says emphatically. “Fuckin’ taxonomists.”
Keith raises an amused eyebrow. “You sound like you have beef with taxonomists. I’ve never known anyone who has a personally problem with them before.”
“Okay, listen,” Hottie says, pulling out a chair and sitting down properly. “They’re really bad at their jobs. All of ‘em. Why are watermelons berries? No. That’s bullshit. And you know who’s fault it is? Taxonomists.”
Keith bursts out laughing. “I see,” he manages between wheezes.
Hottie sniffs. “I’m allowing your laughter because you’re stupid hot.”
“Are you.”
“Mhm. Also, because I couldn’t stop you if I wanted to. I’m about three seconds away from passing out.”
Hottie says it pleasantly, but not in the way that sounds like he’s joking, which sobers Keith up quickly.
“Wait, what —”
The words don’t even leave his mouth before Hottie’s eyes roll back into his head and his forehead smacks the table.
“Thank you, again,” the man says.
Keith shoots him a small smile. “It’s really not a problem.”
The man — who Keith has learnt is named Hunk, and is the best friend of the aforementioned Hottie, who’s name is apparently Lance — sighs. “It kind of is. He’s — I would like to say that this is not a regular occurrence. But he’s fuckin’ allergic to a proper sleep schedule. And peanuts. But the sleeping thing is a bigger issue. He’s given himself four concussions because he’s passed out mid-sentence and brained himself on a random surface hard enough to make an impact on his thick fucking skull.”
Hunk is clearly exasperated, and annoyed, but his words are so fond that Keith can’t help the smile that pulls across his face. He sounds just like Shiro, after Keith has managed to land himself squarely into one of his many Shenanigans. Loving and also five seconds away from throttling you.
It’s nice.
“You his brother?”
Hunk snorts, readjusting Lance’s floppy arm over his shoulder. Keith does the same, hefting him up — he’s surprisingly heavy for someone who’s about as thick as a toothbrush, but what does Keith know — and keeping on in the direction of the off-campus apartments. (The decently nice ones, that you can only afford with at least two roommates and a part-time job. Keith knows. He checked.)
“Nah, not really. I mean, I’m basically his brother in that he’s the annoyance who’s been latched on to my person for the last several years and who I love too much to murder, but you know. He has enough siblings without me thrown into the mix. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” Keith says. “You remind me of me and my brother, is all. He’s also the one who’s usually dragging my dumb ass to safety.”
Laughing, Hunk digs his key out of his pocket, opening up the door.
“I see.”
He struggles for a moment, trying to both keep Lance from falling — who is firmly unconscious, although Hunk has assured him that he’s not injured and it’s just been six days since he last slept and he’s just kind of Like This — and get the door open.
Keith isn’t sure how to help, so he just kind of stands there awkwardly, still holding half of Lance’s weight.
“Thank you,” Hunk says, once Lance has been transferred to his arms and he’s standing just inside the doors to their apartment complex. “I appreciate your help.”
“No problem.”
Keith forces himself to take a step back, shoving the random wistfulness deep down in his gut.
He’s not lonely. He’s not.
(He does kind of miss his brother, though. Ugh.)
“I’ll see you around, Keith.”
“Yeah. You, too.”
Keith stands there for a full ten seconds after Hunk turns around and heads down the hallway, and then he shakes himself, blushing, before speedwalking back to his own shitty apartment.
God, he needs a fucking hobby.
“What do you mean, I can’t get eight shots of espresso? It’s not like it’ll kill me. You need 76 shots to kill you. I checked.”
“Sir…it’s company policy. I’m not allowed to put more than eight shots in one cup. Sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologise. It’s not your fault. Hm.” The man — who is he kidding, Keith recognised Lance as soon as he saw that poofy hair in the Starbucks line, as embarrassing as it is — rocks back on his heels, tapping a finger to his chin. “Can I order two drinks, with eight shots each?”
Jesus Christ.
The barista blinks at him. “I mean, I guess so. I think you’re going to die, but that’s not my problem, I guess.”
Lance laughs, and the sound is so bright and musical that it actually makes Keith sigh.
Like, out loud.
Jesus fucking Christ.
“That works! Let’s do that.”
“…If you’re sure. That’ll be $7.29.”
Lance pays, then heads over to the other end of the counter, humming as he waits. As soon as his eyes land on Keith, they narrow.
“Hey, wait a minute. I know you. Obviously. I would never forget a face so flawlessly beautiful. Why do I know you?”
Keith goes so red he can actually feel his heart pounding through the capillaries under his skin, which is humiliating.
Lance giggles, which makes the blush worse.
Oh, God, Keith is losing any and all game he possesses by the minute. Fuck, isn’t he usually good at this? He usually is! He’s usually a pretty decent flirt! What the fuck!
“Oh!” Lance says, snapping his fingers. “You’re the hot guy from the library! The one who called Hunk when I passed out! Keith, right?”
Keith can only nod. Holy shit, the force of those brown doe eyes at full intensity on his face is going to fry his brain.
He clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. I’m Keith. You — obviously, you knew that.” Keith resists the urge to slam his head through the nearest wall.
Lance giggles again. Keith wonders if the fuckin’ sweat is actually dripping from his palms, or it just feels like it is.
“You’re cute. You should take me on a date. I have class until five, room A112 in the biology building. Pick me up, and we’ll go to dinner?”
Keith can only nod. Frantically. So quickly his hair escapes from his ponytail and smacks him in the face.
“Great,” Lance says, grinning. He grabs Keith hand — Keith offers absolutely no resistance and only prays that his palms aren’t actually as disgusting as he thinks they are — and takes out a pen, scrawling down a number and then drawing a big heart around it.
Lord above, Lance is the cutest boy Keith has ever seen in his entire life. He’s going to explode.
“That’s my number,” Lance says, and he’s still holding onto Keith’s forearm.
His fingers are freezing, and that’s the only rational thought Keith’s brain manages to form.
“2 coffees with more caffeine than I’ve ever seen one person consume?” the barista calls. She looks at them warily.
“Coming!” Lance chirps, and Keith mourns the loss of those cold fingers on his skin as Lance steps over to grab his coffee.
(Well. ‘Coffee’.)
Lance skips to the doors, pausing to smile and wiggle his fingers in a wave. “I’ll see you after class, okay, Keith?”
“See you,” Keith says, and his voice cracks so many times that the barista winces on his behalf.
Lance grins wider, then disappears out the door.
“That was the most romcom shit I’ve ever seen,” the barista informs him bluntly, and Keith can only nod.
Keith is buzzing out of his skin, he thinks.
So he does what he always does when he’s feeling Big Boy Feelings™️.
He bothers his brother.
to: takashit
shiro oh my god it’s almost five his class is almost done what do i do.
to: takashit
what if he was joking? it didn’t seem like a joke. but what if?
to: takashit
fuck, what if i screw it up? what if i’m a lame loser who says lame loser things? oh my god i’m so nervous
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
to: takashit
🥺🥺🥺 worst brother ever
to: takashit
🥺🥺 you don’t love me. you don’t care about me or my anxiety 💔
Keith can actually hear his brother’s guilt complex acting up through the phone.
It’s hilarious.
to: keith kardashian
the worst part about that is i know you’re manipulating me.
to: takashit
😔 😔
to: takashit
⬆️ my face rn as i realise my brother whom i look up to and adore wishes he left me on the street corner where i was standing 😔😔😔
to: keith kardashian
i should have, you little motherfucker.
There’s a solid minute of angry typing before Shiro continues.
to: keith kardashian
fuck you. call me.
Keith does. Shiro picks up immediately.
“You are a rat bastard,” he growls.
Keith pretends to sniffle, fully fighting back a laugh.
“I just thought you promised to always be there for me,” he says, as pitifully as he can manage.
Shiro makes a vague screaming noise.
“Fuck! Fine. Fuck. Tell me why you’re nervous.”
“It’s a cute boy with a lot of confidence and social grace, Shiro! Fucking obviously I’m nervous!”
“Didn’t y’all meet because he yelled at you about taxonomists and then brained himself on a library table when he passed out from sleep deprivation?”
“That doesn’t sound very socially graceful to me.”
“Okay, fair, but he asked me out this morning like it was the smoothest thing ever. I blushed so hard I thought my heart was going to explode. I swear to God my voice cracked at least twelve times.”
Shiro sniggers. “It does that all the time, so no big thing there.”
“Fuck off,” Keith says, scowling, because hey. Being the shithead is Keith’s job.
“Anyway, you big nerd,” Shiro continues, “you’re going to be fine. In five minutes this ridiculously confident cute boy is going to waltz out of class and then you two are going to go on what’s probably the cringiest date of all time, but he will be charmed by your earnest nature and geek tendencies, and then you’ll get married and adopt every dog in the world. Okay?”
Honestly, yeah. Okay. That did make him feel better.
But Keith is the younger brother, and as such is contractually obligated to be a pain in the ass, so.
“Yeah, yeah. At least I didn’t trip and, in a desperate attempt to not land face-first on the pavement, pants my future husband.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Shiro says venomously, as is par for the course when Keith brings up his and Adam’s disastrous first meeting.
Keith smirks to himself.
“My bad.”
“Ugh. You’re so annoying. Do you feel better now, you stupid dweeb?”
Keith started feeling better the second he started pestering Shiro, but he supposes he can be grateful for a change.
“Yeah. I guess your dorky pep talk helped. I can’t do any worse than you did, anyway.”
“I’m hanging up and blocking your number. Goodbye.”
Keith snickers as the call drops. It’s 4:59, and Lance still has another minute of class.
to: takashit
you didn’t say u love me :(((
to: takashit
u just hung up without any care in the world :((
to: takashit
i’m telling adam he’s my new favourite brother now
to: takashit
adam would never hang up without saying i love you
to: keith kardashian
oh my GOD
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
fine. fuck.
to: keith kardashian
i love you, you booger. tell me how your stupid date goes.
to: takashit
Keith puts his phone away, grinning, and the second he does, the door to room A112 pushes open and students start spilling out. He waits, scanning everyone as they pass, but there’s no sign of Lance until the very last person walks out.
He beams when he sees Keith leaning on the wall.
“Keith! Hi!”
Keith grins back.
“Hi, Lance.”
“Ready to go on a date?” Lance says, strolling up and tangling his free hand in Keith’s, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
It might be.
“Yeah. I’m excited, really.”
“Awesome! Did you pick a place?”
Keith was a little stressed about that, to be real, because he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to pick somewhere or if Lance already had something picked.
The he remembered he had Hunk’s number “in case my dumbass best friend passed out in your vicinity again, because neither of us can afford an ambulance in this economy”, so he texted him in what could not be technically called a panic.
Maybe a light anxiety.
Hunk had sent back several laughing emojis, and then told him to take Lance for an ice cream dinner and then to the park on campus for him to get very excited about beetles.
“I figured I’d take you to Coran’s ice cream parlour,” Keith says. “You seem like an ice cream guy.”
Lance lights up, and then narrows his eyes in playful suspicion. “You asked Hunk, huh?”
Keith shrugs, cheeks warming. “I’ll be honest with you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the library incident, and you’re so pretty you kind of make my brain go mushy. I panicked.”
Shockingly, that makes Lance’s jaw drop. He’s quiet for several moments, before his ears go read and he looks away.
Holy shit. Did Keith make Lance all blushy?
“Point to Keith,” Lance says eventually.
Keith laughs, scratching the back of his neck with one hand. The other is still firmly clamped in Lance’s. “Didn’t know it was a competition.”
Lance winks. “Everything’s a competition with me.”
Ice cream is fun. Keith shouldn’t be eating it, not really, and there will be Consequences with his digestive system later, but he’s not afraid of hell and mint chip is delicious.
“You are eating frozen toothpaste.”
“I can only assume that you’ve never tried mint chip or you’ve never brushed your teeth, Lance, because mint chip does not taste like toothpaste. It’s delicious. Besides, you are having cotton candy. That’s essentially frozen blue food colouring! Besides, what flavour is cotton candy even supposed to be? Like, what does cotton candy taste like?”
Turns out that Keith had no reason to be nervous. He and Lance just… click. And, besides, Lance thinks Keith is funny when he’s not trying, which is excellent.
They go to the park, just as Hunk suggested, after they finish their ice cream. They spend the whole time just chatting, talking about nothing and everything, interspersed with Lance’s regular mini-lectures whenever he spots something particularly cool. Which is a lot of things, because Lance seems to be endlessly fascinated with the world at large.
It’s adorable. And also enlightening. Did you know one tree can be home to over 2.3 million life forms at one time? Keith didn’t. That’s dope as hell.
“…and oh, hey, an incipient hornet nest! Cool! Did you know wasp larvae can spin silk?”
Keith did not know that. He is also not fond of wasps, nor has he ever felt any sort of inclination to be near them. But he is becoming increasingly fond of Lance. Also, Lance seems to be some sort of animal whisperer. They’d been swarmed by yellowjackets outside of the ice cream parlour, but before Keith could even panic Lance had stood very still and said “no” in a firm, calm voice, and they all flew away immediately.
It did make Lance hotter, truly.
“I did not,” Keith says magnanimously, peering over Lance’s shoulder to look at the nest. Luckily, it’s empty. “That is pretty cool, though.”
Lance turns back to him and grins; a big, beaming smile that makes him glow.
God, he’s beautiful.
Keith can’t stop staring at him.
“You should kiss me,” Lance says bluntly, after a moment of them just softly looking at each other.
Keith blinks. “Okay.”
He lets go of Lance’s hand, reaching over to cup his face. He stays there for a moment, gently cradling Lance’s face in his arms, stroking his thumbs over sharp cheekbones, cataloguing the splash of freckles on his nose and the curve of his cupid’s bow.
Lance reaches up, after a few seconds, sliding careful fingers across the skin of Keith’s neck to tangle in his hair. He doesn’t pull, just — holds it, carefully.
“You going to kiss me now?”
Keith swallows. “I’m nervous. I don’t want to mess it up.”
Lance’s eyes flutter shut, and he sighs. “You don’t need to be. I want — I really want you to kiss me. I like you.”
“I like you too.”
And that’s all it takes. The ‘okay’, breathy and quick and soft and maybe a little nervous, too, like for all his straightforward brazenness Lance is a little scared of messing this up as well.
He leans forward, faster than he thought he would, and presses his lips to Lance’s. The air is warm but Lance’s lips are still chilly from the ice cream, and his cheeks are hot beneath Keith’s hands, blushing. His lips curve into a smile that’s pressed firmly to Keith’s mirroring grin and he sighs again, a little, a happy sound, and tilts his head so their mouths fit together even better. And then his fingers are tracing little circles at the back of Keith’s neck and he makes a little humming noise on the back of his throat and Keith leans the tiniest little bit closer.
It’s good. It’s great.
It’s everything, really, and Keith doesn’t want it to end.
“You’re a good kisser,” Lance mumbles, not moving away even an inch.
“I like kissing you,” Keith says, pressing just as close.
Keith doesn’t remember why he was nervous.
to: keith kardashian
how did it go????
to: takashit
i beat your mess by a mile
to: keith kardashian
low bar, boogerbrain. also, shut up.
to: takashit
no :)
to: takashit
but it went REALLY well. we went for ice cream and then walked around the park for hours and then we kissed and he is so fucking cute, shiro. oh my god. seriously.
to: keith kardashian
good, kiddo. really. are y’all gonna go out again?
to: takashit
to: takashit
tomorrow night actually
to: keith kardashian
that’s awesome! i have a really good feeling about you guys.
to: takashit
to: takashit
me too :)
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Shiro from Voltron for the character ask game
To spare my poor followers' dashboards a massive wall of text, my answers will be found behind the cut. Let's regroup there, shall we?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love Shiro because he demonstrates so perfectly that a person's trauma does not have to define them. No matter what kind of Hell they've been subjected to, they always have the option to remain gentle, compassionate, and kind. Even when they're afraid. Even when they believe themselves to be "broken", or monstrous because of what they had to do to survive.
One can rise above attempts to break them, and be so much more than the people who mistreated them tried to force them to be.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His personality. Even when he isn't being everything that epitomizes a true hero- brave, selfless, strong-willed, empathetic, always looking after others and willing to risk his life for them at the drop of a hat- he's so much fun to watch. From his moments of tired, resigned irritation and bemusement with others' antics,
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to his quiet fascination with Altean technology and concepts, like water pouches and their time measurement system,
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to the moments where he's just a great big dorky sweetheart.
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People who think he's "boring" because he's a workaholic soldier who isn't as inclined to shenanigans and over the top reactions as his younger comrades aren't paying attention. He's an extremely dynamic, multi-faceted character just begging to be explored by someone who loves him and all of his depth and multitudes.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How he's handled by the team of inept showrunners who helmed this messy disaster of a cartoon.
He has no real support system, something I can only imagine is due to him being the commanding officer to a group of teenagers he can't truly confide in, and the intention to have him fill a Doomed Mentor role, despite him being inadvertently written as The Chosen One. His biological family is virtually non-existent. The only other proper adult he could look to for advice is the designated comic relief. There were opportunities for him to be taken in by the Holts, given their mutual fondness for each other, or even Allura and Coran. Allura and Shiro seemed to have developed an even stronger bond (offscreen, of course) after she saved his life.
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(I have a theory that Allura's quintessence alchemy altered Shiro's DNA, which is why his new arm could only be safely powered by the Balmeran crystal from Allura's tiara, and the Atlas, similarly powered by Altean magic, responds to Shiro and Shiro alone, establishing a mental link with him the same way Allura had with the Castle of Lions. But, that's for another unhinged essay.)
And, when Coran confronts Iverson about strapping Shiro to a table in the pilot, he refers to Shiro as "our Shiro".
But, neither of these avenues were ever explored, as Shiro was "retired" and relegated to side-character status, leaving him isolated from everyone, including his best friend who loveshim.
The ableism surrounding his disability is disgusting. He's a forced amputee twice over. He spends most of an entire season standing mute on the sidelines without a right arm, and there's absolutely no acknowledgement of his missing limb, that his best friend is the reason why it's gone, or inquiries into how being rendered effectively "useless" after coming back from the dead is affecting Shiro's already poor mental health.
(Does Shiro sleep? Does he have pajamas he can even change into, or is he supposed to wear the Black Paladin armor the entire trip back to Earth? Is he able to shower with that stump, or does it pose an electrocution hazard if it comes into contact with water? Is there anything available for him to do so he isn't standing silently around, losing his mind?)
His best friend's mother tells him to stay out of a fight, and he meekly accepts the order, never making another attempt to be anything other than a helpless bystander until he's been outfitted with a new arm that he, once again, has no say in the design of. An arm that is bulky and over-sized, impractical, likely extremely uncomfortable, and sickeningly mirrors his abuser's.
The same abuser who filled his head with taunts about his previous prosthetic being the "strongest part" of him, and the same abuser who tortured him and is implied to have raped him.
An ally tells him that he would be stronger with "two robotic arms", almost mocking the fact that Shiro's right arm was deliberately taken from him to be replaced by a weapon. And, this is never called out or questioned.
A punch that he lands on his abuser with his organic fist only incites a mocking sneer before Shiro is flung across the body of the ship that they're fighting on like a ragdoll.
After being made to feel washed-up and old at twenty-six, Shiro participates in an arm-wrestling tournament that he wins-- using the ill-proportioned prosthetic modeled after his abuser's.
I don't know if there was no one on the staff who was aware of the vile implications in this handling of a disabled character, but when one considers the similar grotesque handling of intense trauma and passive suicidal ideation... It doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture of the ideas and beliefs that went into the writing on this show.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This is so silly and indulgent, but... What immediately comes to mind is, instead of him dying in the second season's finale and spending four entire seasons helplessly roaming and languishing on the Astral Plane, I would have him magically transported to the beach episode of a slice of life anime.
He would get to play volleyball with and be fawned over by a bunch of pretty, shirtless men with glistening, sun-kissed skin. As he deserves. ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
"Lazarus Drug", by Meg Washington. Longtime followers of my silly little blog might be aware of my love for Bluey, which is how I was introduced to this gorgeous piece of music. It was used to masterful effect in the twenty-eight minute special episode, The Sign.
When I was struggling to come up with a title for my Shiro-centric character study/fix-it fic, "Lazarus Drug" proved to be a lifesaver.
"And when I hear you calling, Like you were always there, I rise until I'm hanging in the Middle of the air
And when I hear you calling, I split like I'm a snake With golden light like fingers And, then I start to break
Into a billion pieces Oh, I shatter into constellations Like I've never been more here Like I completely disappear
I'm nothingness, but shining And everywhere at once I'm everything and everyone Who is or ever was."
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
Less than stellar mental health as a result of trauma.
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There are so many jaw-droppingly stunning and breathtaking pieces of Shiro fan art out there. I also greatly appreciate fanfics, meta, and analyses that take all of his trauma and his disability, and how they would realistically impact his daily life, into account.
Christening him "The Unkillable Gay", and "Gay God", is also pretty darned fantastic.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Dark Shiro, Shiro-bashing (usually in tandem with Allura-bashing), sidelining him due to ageism, ignoring his canon sexuality to give Keith reason to angst over Shiro not accepting him in K/L fics, minimizing Shiro's role in Keith's life to focus on their preferred ship, having Shiro adopt or be biologically related to Keith, especially if Adam is co-parenting and Keith has more of a bond with him than Shiro (it's pretty obvious why certain shippers do this), depicting him as high-libido and sexually aggressive/an Alpha/dominant/top, even more so when he gets off on being called "daddy", expressing a belief that he should have stayed dead in service of Keith's character, treating him and his clone as the same person... Just to name a few.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I don't see why not.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I'd love to think that we could be. But, realistically, I'd be too nervous to ever approach him and strike up a conversation. >////<'
11. Would you date this character?
Though he is undeniably gorgeous, we are romantically incompatible, I'm afraid.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Shiro moved to the United States with his grandfather in late childhood, between the ages of eight and ten. That's why he speaks perfect English with no trace of an accent.
13. What’s an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Classic Hollywood pilot aesthetic; aviation jacket with (faux) fur lining, patches on the sleeve, and a tight t-shirt or tank top underneath, sometimes with aviator sunglasses folded over the collar or worn over his eyes, military dog tags around his neck, the sort of clingy, curve-flattering pants that he canonically favors, and knee-high combat boots. Scarf is optional.
I also love a soft formal look on him. Crisp dress shirt and tie with a vest over top, perfectly tailored slacks, and shiny black loafers.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
I'm going to go with Shiro/Keith, though I very much have a fondness for Shiro/Hunk, as well.
Keith's devotion to Shiro is exactly the level of devotion that Shiro deserves, though Keith could stand to tone the intensity of it down just a tad. His willingness to throw his life away for Shiro would be a massive source of anxiety for Shiro, and something they'd have to discuss, among many other topics, before entering a serious romantic relationship.
And, Hunk is such a sweetheart, he'd spoil and pamper Shiro in all of the best ways. When he's of legal consenting age, of course.
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
Romantic Shiro/Pidge, and Shiro/Sendak. An adult gay man and a female child, and a trauma survivor and his personal tormentor is a great big "no thanks" for me.
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with?
Shiro/Lance, and Shiro/Matt. I prefer Shiro and Matt as friends, and overexposure to Lance thanks to a hyper-zealous fanbase has done a fairly good job of putting me off of him. Which sucks, because I genuinely like him just fine in the show, itself. I don't mind either ship, and have read fic for them. They're just not prospects for Shiro that I ever seriously entertain.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I love Shiro and Pidge's relationship in the early episodes. The way he is so gentle, encouraging, and protective with her, basically becoming a second older brother, and how she comes to trust and rely on him as a confidante, enough that she personally seeks him out to tell him that she plans to leave the team to search for her father and brother, knowing he will understand, stole my heart almost immediately, and stole it hard.
It's incredibly disheartening that, after his resurrection, we only get tidbits and table scraps of that relationship.
Why did Shiro start riding with her in the Green Lion on the journey back to Earth? Who knows? The writers certainly weren't going to tell us, because Shiro was so thoroughly a side-character, by that point, he and Pidge- if I'm recalling correctly- only talked to each other onscreen one time.
Never forget what they took from us.
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(Also ignore that they forgot to draw Shiro's scar.)
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like?
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No offense to Mr. Set-Dressing, but there is nothing that points to these characters having any sort of even platonic relationship, let alone the kind of chemistry that would lead to a marriage a few years down the line. They never address each other by name, or at all, when they're not exchanging commands in the heat of battle. "Curtis" has more personal interaction with Acxa. And, I swear Shiro only looks away from the console on the Atlas's bridge to physically acknowledge this man once.
The animators certainly did poor "Curtis" no favors, either, by making him look like a sad, pathetic older man who couldn't lift or dip his strapping younger groom on their wedding day.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I adore the idea of Shiro and Allura as best friends, and would have loved to have seen some genuine interaction between the Real Shiro and Matt, after Shiro attacked Matt to save his life. Alas...
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
I've only very recently started writing for Shiro, and don't see myself doing much more than the aforementioned character study/fix-it fic. That said, I love getting into his head to really flesh him out, his psychology, his illness, his failed relationship, his experience in captivity, and using the members of his found family as conduits for him to realize just how special and good to his core he truly is. Like what should have happened in canon.
I don't like writing about him suffering, but part of recovering from trauma is processing it. And, processing often involves reliving the traumatic event as you walk a trusted friend, loved one, or mental health professional through it in the hopes that they will then offer you the greatly needed comfort and support and skills to cope that you didn't have, at the time it occurred.
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like?
I love in-character portrayals of Shiro in Hurt/Comfort settings that address the sheer magnitude of his trauma, and emphasize how unfailingly brave, strong, compassionate, and altruistic in spite of it all that he has always been and always will be.
I'm not a fan of him being treated like he's "oblivious", or "emotionally constipated" for not immediately acting on an Anguished Declaration of Love that Keith gave to "Kuron", and prefaced with, "You're my brother".
And, I've covered before, in detail, how much it irks and baffles me when Lance fans give Lance traits distinct and exclusive to Shiro in an effort to try to turn him into Shiro, instead of accepting him as he is.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Tough call, since there are so many, but, I do think this one is the winner:
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I love that, despite his strong jaw, his features are so gentle and soft, and the silver hair truly lends him an ethereal quality. That arm is ghastly, but it doesn't detract from just how pretty Shiro is, and how much that Admiral coat flatters him.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I don't participate in the fandom at all, but I've carried a torch for Leonardo from the 2003 incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles since the show was still actively airing and in production. There are so many similarities between Shiro and 2003 Leo that one could almost say there's a specific type of character that I'm drawn to like gravity hurtling a ship into a planet with a crash-landing imminent and the projected number of casualties astronomical.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
My first impression of Shiro, when I watched the pilot and second episode back in 2016, was that he was my favorite character of the lot. I was drawn to him for all of the reasons stated above. But, once I became aware of the online fandom drama, I backed off, only watching three more episodes (A Little Adventure and Lions' Pride I and II) in 2018 for Shiro/Keith shipping reasons before becoming a lurker on the peripheral, exploring fanmade content without engaging with the show, itself. It wasn't until earlier this year that I finally grit my teeth, braced myself, and committed to watching at least the seasons where the Real Shiro is featured in full.
I both immensely regret that decision for the sheer levels of frustration, fury, and deeply-rooted sadness at all of the wasted potential that I opened myself up to, and don't regret it at all. Because, I sincerely love Shiro and wish with all of my heart that he, and especially Allura and Coran and even Hunk, were handled by infinitely better writers in an infinitely better show.
Thank you so very, very much for asking! ❤
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bleh1bleh2 · 4 months
I am going crazy over the Teen Beach Movie au that is in my brain right now
Lance (brady) and Keith (mac) having an Argument about Keiths plan to leave without telling Lance. Keith trying to surf the Huge Wave the day of the flight and Lance going to save him when it gets dangerous.
They get into the movie and Allura (tanner) is there. Movie plot says that she is going to fall in love with Romelle (lela), but Falling For You happens and klance messes it up, so sad. Its a fun and silly time.
I think Zarkon and Honerva should be the evil duo in the Lighthouse. I am flip flopping about where to put Coran, bc I think he would love the surfer lifestyle but also i think him owning Big Mommas would be very good. Butchy could probably be Lotor, but I am not 100% sold on that one. So sorry to the rest of the vld cast, i have no clue where they would be
I just think the Mac and Brady argument in the beginning (and technically throughout the movie) could be changed to be more klance-esque which would be really fun
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takethispotion · 1 year
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I've rewatched Howl's Moving Castle after years and fell in love with Hauru againnn! I took my kalimba out and tried to remember how to play the main theme song <3 I need to play more, it's so cute and fun...
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mckinlily · 11 months
One of my favorite things about writing Shiro is I can always, always make him kind.
He’s not perfect or flawless, but if I need him to be gentle, he will be. If he needs to be patient, compassionate, soft, anything, I can always write him that way.
What’s more is his kindness is not weak. If he needs to be brave enough to say “I love you”. To say “I’m sorry.” To put aside his own anger or hurt or pride to help someone else. To take a hard look at himself and decide he needs to change—He will do that.
If he has to brutally fight someone to protect the innocent, he’ll do that too.
Shiro’s kindness is not always the same what is nice. More often than not, it requires an incredible amount of determination and bravery to be possible. But he will always find that strength when he has to.
Don’t get me wrong, I love me some deeply flawed, messed up, mean characters. Variety is good in your diet.
But there’s also something so unique and refreshing about Shiro. He’s fierce enough to fight god and gentle enough to soothe a child. He has the confidence to lead the scared and the weak, but none of the ego to domineer over them. He cares and he tries and he tries, and even at his worst, he’s still kind.
I just—I just really love Takashi Shirogane, ok?
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discordiansamba · 7 months
Pidge and Matt always buy the opposite version of whatever Pokemon game that comes out. Lance used to play when he was a kid, but lost interest when he was an adult. Hunk just buys the merch of any really cute Pokemon he sees, he doesn't actually know anything about them. Shiro knows more about it than you'd think, purely because Matt infodumps at him every time a new game comes out.
Keith knows what Pokemon is. He doesn't play it, but he knows what it is.
This does not stop him from calling it "the Pokemons" whenever Pidge is within earshot. He knows what he's doing.
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vickyt-mv · 6 months
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the formation of hydrangea guild (colorized!) 💠✨
(this is an etrian odyssey AU of some preexisting OCs)
i kind of want to do short comics of each guild member's motivation for joining suki...shika's reason is pretty straightforward (hopelessly in love with suki lmao) but shiro's reasoning is probably more complicated...i'd also love to make a comic introducing the 5th member of the guild! 💠🩵
this comic was mostly just an excuse to draw satoshi getting put through the wringer (as usual). i've been enjoying drawing satoshi lately... he's like a sleeper agent OC to me 🫣
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im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
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*buddy voice* hey guys do you ever remember something embarassing you did years ago and get a strong violent urge to brutally smash your past self's stupid idiot head into the nearest wall and punt him into the ground while screaming about all the things you he did wrong. and then stab him, y'know for good measure.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
What kind of parents do you think mikorei, sarumi, izuseri, and kuroshiro would be to their respective children?
Mikorei are absolutely the couple where one parent is very strict and careful and has a whole educational plan set up for their kid and the other is like sure eat paste whatever it’s fine. Like you know Munakata would be such an involved parent, he babyproofs the house to a ridiculous degree the moment they bring the kid home and he studies up on nutrition and what music the kid should listen to in order to help grow their mind, the whole thing. Meanwhile whenever he leaves Mikoto to watch the kid while Munakata is at work the child starts like climbing on bookshelves and Mikoto’s just like ‘try not to break anything’ (because then Munakata would yell at him), Mikoto is a very hands off parent. Though even then of course Mikoto is protective in his own way, like can you imagine if someone tried to bully their kid and suddenly found themselves face to face with the Red Monster. Mikoto is also the one who gets Munakata to tone it down as needed, especially as their kid gets older and starts to chafe a bit at the extreme doting Mikoto is the one to remind Munakata that kids need some level of independence.
Sarumi, Yata is the eager and excited parent and Fushimi is the really cautious one who has no idea what he’s doing constantly and worries that he’s screwing something up. Actually in this case at least when the kid is young I wonder if Yata would have to be the one administering any discipline, since Fushimi would obviously be the one to take it harder if the kid gets upset about it (can you imagine the first time their kid says ‘I hate you,’ Yata’s upset but realizes this is a thing kids do while Fushimi is quietly having a spiral and Yata has to reassure him that no, this isn’t like when you said you hate your dad, your dad deserved hating). I think Fushimi might be an unexpectedly gentle parent just because he knows what shitty parents are like and he doesn’t want to be that way. Yata meanwhile is also super involved, I see him being really excited by every milestone and bragging about how cool their kid is. 
Izuseri are proper normal parents, though hopefully their kid likes anko (imagine Kusanagi’s face the first time their kid asks for a glass of milk with anko). I think they’d be good with splitting duties parental-wise, like some days Kusanagi takes the kid to the bar and some days Awashima takes the kid to work for Uncle Munakata to have a playdate with. Awashima I could see as the slightly stricter parent, I bet it’s hard for the kid to lie to her because she’ll just stare at them until they tell the truth. Kusanagi is the looser parent but only until the kid does something really bad and then they’re in trouble, like for Awashima and Kusanagi’s kid Mom is scary but when Dad is mad he’s even scarier. Otherwise the two of them are very supportive of their kid though and do their best to let the kid grow up healthy and well adjusted.
Kuroshiro are definitely another one of the couples where one is strict and the other is like hey do you wanna do a science. Kuroh I could see being a very involved housewife, he absolutely will not let their kid grow up without any life skills and is probably dedicated to raising the child as Master Ichigen raised him (Shiro is fine with this but please wait until the kid can walk before you teach them to fly a helicopter). Shiro is somewhat looser as a parent, I can just imagine Kuroh like coming home to their apartment to find Shiro, Neko and the kid all happily fingerpainting on the walls with no regard to who will be cleaning that up. I feel like Shiro would be sort of excited to have a kid though, just with everything he’s been through and now he has a family and even a little kid, like it really hits him here how his time is moving again and he doesn’t mind that at all, he can’t wait to watch his kid grow happy and strong.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
oh the urge to make a voltron spiderverse au.
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how will keith react when lance eventually shows up in a cowboy hat, flanked by a shiro doppleganger and also his child who he didnt even know existed? thats gonna be one hell of a conversation lmao....... UNLESS kid goes apeshit and kicks him in the face before anyone can start explaining anything. thats a real possibility in this situation i think
Oh it is definately the latter just this-
And everyone else is like, What The Fuck?!? And Kuron is running in and dragging Lance with him and is like "Sorry! Sorry! We did talk to her about this. Though to be fair this was funny though, amirite hahaha 😅😅😅?" Which gets even more What The FUCK??? Cause Shiro? Shiro Not Shiro? Second Shiro? Cowboy Shiro? What is goin-LANCE?!?!? IS THAT YOU???
And things going to be so fucking awkward after this, cause apparently Keith has A DAUGHTER(!!!!!!!!!!!!) with a partner whom he ghosted(😒😒) and tried to tell him about it but couldnt REACH HIM(!!) And Shiro has a CLONE(!!!!!!!!!) And apparently the Galran were CLONING SHIRO(!!!!!!!!!!!!) ALSO LANCE IS STILL ALIVE(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and didnt want to see any of them(🥺😡🥺😡🥺😡🥺) [Also why are all of them cowboys????)
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v-tired-queer · 10 months
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Not shown are their matching internal monologs of "Holy fuck holy fuck h o l y FUCK she's so cute shit shit shit--"
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kismetconstellations · 3 months
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i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) x.
#Takashi Shirogane#Shiro#You're nothingness but shining and everywhere at once.#Allura#The Silver-Haired Princess and Her Silver-Haired Paladin.#Voltron: Legendary Defender#Mine.#I have so many many many thoughts regarding these two.#How both of them were directly victimized by the Galra Empire#and Zarkon#himself#and find themselves in positions of leadership at the forefront of an intergalactic war despite the fact that Allura is a teenaged genocide#survivor who still misses her father and Shiro is a deeply scarred and traumatized pilot-turned-gladiator-against-his-will and neither one#of them have had the space or time to process either of these things.#How differently they handle the immense grief the Galra have caused them.#And that even though they find themselves diametrically opposed to each other's beliefs concerning Ulaz and the Blades they still trust#one another implicitly.#That Shiro looks so much like Alfor it's actually crazy.#How Allura unknowingly made Shiro relive the trauma of losing his crew when she allowed herself to be captured because they're both#inherently self-sacrificing and all-too willing to martyr themselves for the sake of others.#Allura carrying Shiro's essence inside of her before magically transferring it into the clone's body#and how it not only bleached Shiro's hair but is implied to have altered his DNA given his later interactions with the Balmeran crystals#used to power his arm and the Atlas.#That the new arm was Allura's idea and she willingly sacrificed a piece of her heritage for it and for Shiro.#The way they play off of each other when given a moment of levity and all of the potential that was wasted because the writing on this show#is an unbelievably frustrating mess.#In a perfect world where the notorious Season Eight doesn't exist or was competently handled#Shiro is part of Allura's bridal party and the godfather of her and Lance's children.#And he never attempts to dye or change his hair because he loves having a reminder of everything that Allura has done for him and their#importance to and connection with each other readily apparent every time he sees himself in the mirror.
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anonyhun · 1 year
Yo, if anyone has an archive of any/most of the sonic illustrations from twitter I would be extremely grateful if I could see it. I refuse to make a twitter and the recent thing of " oh you want to make an account? " is genuinely pissing me off.
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yeonban · 1 year
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
I saw that 🐠 anon.
Go to sleep.
I'm pretty sure they're in class rn 😭😭 We can threaten to fix their sleep schedule when they're home again XDD
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